#anyone- business relationships only yknow ....
bluestation · 2 years
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if mayor hadn't been lonely (30!iceburg meets 26!paulie au)
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oscill4te · 8 months
tag vent bc grosss (vent about ex tw)
#filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler tag#sooooooooooooooo#snapchat will give you notifications if a contact has a snap account.. and i think my ex just made one#he is 43 and very tech illiterate (for lack of better word) like. hes just not that good with technology#so seeing him on there grosses me out either he is still a p*rn addict & paying for exclusive snaps or he is gr**ming somebody#i feel dysregulated and very grossed out atm. idk what hes doing on there its not my business but beinf reminded of him makes me wanna kms#being with him was the most shameful thing ive ever done in my life and therapy doesnt help nothing helps#only blindly numbing myself with distractions helps and avoiding the town he lives in completely#i feel so ashamed about everything. being with someone like that really changes you as a person and i hate reminders that it was real#my osdd compartmentalizes me so well that i feel so disconnected from something that didnt even end a year ago.. like a dream#like none of it was real yknow i hate reminders that hes real my roommate sees him at their job often#and always avoids mentioning it to me bc they know how it will make me feel#i will never go back btw. sometimes you learn something about someone that makes you feel so sick that going back will never be an option#and that is traumatizing to have had a relationship and feelings for someone who at their core is a disgusting subhuman person#he was also a “john” i think and that makes me feel even more sick... it is so sick he is so sick#i dont know why i tolerated everything i don't know why i was so stupid i was just so desp for a father figure and he knew that#and he had the guise of just wantinf to be my mentor and a friend to me when i had just lost my connection with my family and had nobody#after that relationship i don't fall for anyones tricks anymore. i have very strong bounce now. it just sucks that#i had to endure a year of someone like that to build those skills. i also traded off my ability to trust people or be vulnerable#and my parents funnily know nothing about it. thats what is so funny to me. it makes me wanna cry sometimes#he was very obsessive scary person getting voicemails still terrifies me to this day lol he would spam me with them#looking back its kinda pathetic to he in your 40s wanting to control someone on their 20s every move#i get kindnof homicidal about it sometimes (jjst sayingbif he died the world would be a better place ♡ one less predator)
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myunghology · 2 years
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✧ poly relationship with genshin characters.
— ✦ gender neutral reader, headcanons, fluff/crack. [ a/n ; the things i do for fame. sighs . I'M JOKING HAPPY 400 GUYS <33 ] requests ; closed.
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— ✦ # 1. xiao + aether
you are the most protected person in teyvat. okay no not really— but.. they both ARE really protective over you. you keep telling them that you can 'handle yourself.' they know it's true, but they can't help but always check up on you. especially because they've lost some important people that were close to them.. yknow..?
but let's not get too focused on that! put that aside. let's talk about their love languages! xiao and aether both share the same thoughts on quality time. especially because they're both so busy. with two boyfriends who are always busy— one being an adeptus and one being an errand boy.
therefore— they always try to find ways to spend quality time with you. what do you mean rumors go around that the traveler and adeptus xiao didn't do anything or even help anyone today? what have they been doing..? spending time with you? maybe...
let's talk about aether! aethers love languages are, quality time and gift giving. he's always out and going to different places now a days. so of course he brings souvenirs once he goes back home. and of course you keep them somewhere safe. even if it's a plant of some sort. he even brought you a ring. xiao too, of course!
and xiao.. definitely quality time and words of affirmation. he loves being told sweet things, he needs reassurance too from you and aether! maybe a bit of acts of service too. just call his name and he'll be there! sometimes you and aether team up to mess up with your grumpy boyfriend. <3
— ✦ #2. zhongli + childe
okay, for sure, ur the most protected person in teyvat. these two are super strong! but let's kick that away again. you are either the most spoiled individual here, or ur the one spoiling them. with affection or/and... money.
that was pretty short, but anyway. unlike those two up there ^ they know you can fight and defend yourself, at least zhongli knows, childe just fights for you if he's there. let him do everything... for now.
let's move on to love languages! of course we have gift giving for childe, spoils you every way possible, doesn't stop even when you tell him too, he thinks you and zhongli deserve it! just tell him if you want anything, he'll search for it once he's out on missions! another one is quality time too... like aether, childe is pretty busy too. therefore— he cherishes the time you guys have.
now zhongli.. acts of service! just ask him to help you and he will, applies with childe, too! don't be shy. unlike those three, his love language is also physical touch. holding hands, etc. all in all, you're in pretty good hands.
— ✦ #3. cyno + tighnari
i have a lot in mind for them HAHA. first of all, they don't look like it, but they tease you a lot. second of all— how did you get in this relationship? collei questions that often too. how did you get those two on a chokehold? seeing that you're in a relationship with these two, you're probably close to collei as well. besides that, these two are really protective. probably different in their own ways too. tighnari scolds you but in reality, he's just looking out for you and he's just worried, cyno on the other hand asks if you're okay, the only thing they have in common with this is they both are passive aggressive with it.
okay, enough about that, let's talk about their love languages! they're both biased to quality time, of course, they're both super busy. especially cyno, being a so called 'lord' by some people isn't easy, yknow. they both have to tutor collei, too. ‘nari does most of it though. sometimes you come with him, try not to distract collei though! you'll get a scolding.
the only negative about your relationship is that these two put a lot of pressure on you, just ignore them for a day and they'll apologize ;). it only happens once a year don't worry hahah, they really feel bad, just elbow them in the chest too they'll shut the fuck up lol,, i still have a lot of ideas but ill save that for another work, ps. cyno please put ur grippers away.
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©miihai ; would some1 famous like this
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vrisrezis · 2 years
The worst thing abt being with certain characters ? Write ur favs ! Bnha preferably
Bakugou is very jealous and not in the funny cute way. Sure, it’s funny and cute the first couple times but after awhile it becomes repetitive. It’s often, and it can be exhausting. You may feel like he doesn’t trust you as well because of it, in reality he’s just scared of losing you but he can’t confront it properly.
Kirishima tries so hard to do everything for the both of you. It’s sweet how considerate and selfless he can be, but you just wish he would let you shoulder his burdens like how he shoulders yours. He’s your rock, (literally) but on a whole other level and he won’t ever let you return the favor. It sometimes feels like he doesn’t trust you. Maybe one day he will open up, since being honest is manly.
Kaminari doesn’t listen and he forgets a lot of things. He tries to listen, he really does. But he just can’t sometimes. Whether it be because he’s too busy admiring how attractive you are or because what you’re talking about is too goddamn boring, he can’t focus on the words coming out of your mouth. He may forget important things that he didn’t mean to forget and it comes across as him just not caring. He cares so much but he’s extremely forgetful, unfortunately.
Todoroki is perfect. The worst thing about being with him isn’t even him, it’s his father. Even after he redeemed himself, he’s very hard on you. He believes his son deserves only the best, the strongest. You have to deal with his father constantly, it’s extremely tiresome and the worst part is you have to keep it to yourself.
Dabi lies, a lot. Even when he starts being himself and becomes open and vulnerable, that takes a very long time and he has a terrible habit of lying to you. If you’re not a villain alongside him, you have no idea about his double life. Even if you are? He doesn’t tell you what he’s up to while he’s gone. He truly means well, behind the mask is a soft and caring man, in his own way. But through and through he’s a liar. Even you don’t know his true identity for the longest time.
Shigaraki… where do I even begin? He’s exhausting to deal with, he’s childish to a fault. When you argue he expects you to apologize and he doesn’t ever think he did anything wrong. He’s extremely insensitive, and it takes a huge fuckup for him to realize he did something wrong and even then is too embarrassed to apologize. When he’s mad he’s not against yelling at you and saying he’ll kill you (even though he doesn’t mean it). Through and through you’re dating a man child.
Toga is pretty perfect in a relationship, if you ignore the fact she’s crazy. She’s very obsessive and jealous, and would definitely kill anyone that she felt showed any romantic interest in you, even if you two were friends. Makes her sound like a yandere but.. yknow.. I guess she kinda is? Her obsessive nature makes her overbearing to be with at times and it can feel isolating.
Hawks is swarmed by fans constantly, and many fans can be flirtatious. He tries to make sure the public eye likes him, so he often flirts back so there’s no hard feelings. You know he doesn’t like those people at all, but it can still be frustrating to see him flirt with random people. On top of this, he probably keeps your relationship a secret. He does it to protect you, but you can’t help but feel like this relationship isn’t important to him.
Sero is practically perfect, however when he’s feeling a particular emotion he assumes things. If he were to get jealous, it’s rare, but when he is he assumes you don’t like him anymore. When he’s sad he assumes you think he’s a pathetic failure, and etc. once you talk to him about it though, he tries to understand that it’s just in his head. It’s hard not to act upon these feelings though.
Mina is just .. a bit much at times. She constantly wants to go out and will not understand you if you just wanna stay home and chill out for once. Mina likes to be out and about, so you will find she lacks the understanding of just wanting to relax. But honestly is that really that bad compared to the others.
Jirou is not the most open and vulnerable, as it’s very hard for her to be. She will open up if needed but you have to coax her into opening up. She won’t voice her affections, and tries her hardest to remain stoic despite the blush on her cheeks. It may feel like she doesn’t trust you at times, because she’s very open with momo. However, she just had a hard time because she likes you so much.
Ochako gets very insecure, which isn’t a bad thing or anything until you consider the fact that she gets insecure over very small things. She gets insecure if you don’t call her certain pet names that day or something else pretty small and she thinks the worst possible thing and tries to avoid you.
Momo doesn’t do it on purpose, but she may make you feel guilty since she constantly wants to do things for you and constantly wants to buy you things as well. She absolutely refuses to let you do things for her at all, it’s only cause she loves you though, of course. But sometimes she makes you feel like she’s infantilizing you.
Monoma is just exhausting in general, but you kinda know what you signed up for when you started dating him. Due to his inferiority complex, he gets jealous very often. He tries not to resort to his.. usual self.. especially since he tries to act different when you’re around but sometimes he can’t help but gossip and shit talk people he’s jealous of, even if they’re close to you. It just gets exhausting to constantly hear about people you’re close to.
Shinsou is pretty much the perfect boyfriend so honestly the worst thing about dating him would probably be what people say about him and his quirk. It can be upsetting hearing people think of your boyfriend as a villain or somebody will villain potential, especially when you know him to be different and much more kind than what meets the surface.
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gothic-daydreamer · 1 year
Larissa Weems x Fem!Wife!OC
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Summary: A few months into your well-hidden relationship, caution is thrown to the wind.
Warnings: slight Angst.
Larissa and I had been dating for three months already. God, it felt like only days.
So far we'd kept it professional in public, outside of her office or either of our apartments within the school. None of the other staff knew, Larissa wanted to wait until the 5 month mark before she told anyone in the Academy. I understood that, she wanted to protect her image in her workplace.
For her, the faculty's opinions were more important given she was of a much higher station than I was. Still, I wished I could kiss her openly without hesitation, but I understand and respect her boundaries.
A student stood in front of me at my desk, I glanced away from them and scanned around for my assistant, Silvie. I suppose she was busy, or on her smoke break. I looked back to the student "how can I help you, dear?" I gave them a professional smile.
They tapped their fingers together nervously, head lowered in a subservient way "I- I uh... I'm looking for a book" I leaned back in my desk chair, softening my expression and attempting to put less pressure on them "what kind of book?"
"a uh- a fantasy book. Yknow, the kind with magic and- and dragons!" Their eyes seemed to shine at the mention of dragons, and I chuckled in amusement "I'm guessing you're a fan of dragons, then?" I brushed off my flared leg trousers as I stood up, this timid little 13 year old looked up at me like I was the most imposing person they'd ever seen as I stood over them. I couldn't help but hold back a smile, Larissa would make this child look like an ant at her feet.
"y-yes. They're so powerful, and free!" The little student exclaimed, making me laugh lightly. I moved my glasses to sit atop my braided auburn hair, pulling my cream coloured cardigan around me as I shivered against the cold drafts of the library.
"well then, let's find you a dragon book sweetheart" I resisted the urge to tousle their hair like I used to do to my nieces and nephews back home, and merely stepped around them to begin the journey through the bookshelves that towered above us. This library was like a maze, it took me forever to get a handle on my way around it, but after a few weeks I didn't need a guide anymore.
I'd been at the boarding school for outcasts for about a year and a half by then, moving from the UK with my ex-fiance to begin working at the academy. We were so in love then, everything I'd seen in life told me that this was love. How little I knew. This place showed me that life could be anything I wanted, anything I made it to be. It also showed me what love, attraction, beauty really was. It was where I met Larissa.
The student followed at my side, I caught them glimpsing up at me every few seconds, most likely to see what I was planning. If I'm being honest, this anxious little kid reminded me of myself a little. I clung to Larissa's side in crowds, and needed her reassurance for my social fears. Yes, I thought with a hidden smile, this kid is familiar.
"what's your name, darling?" I asked absentmindedly as I began rifling through a shelf I knew well, mostly because I was a fan of historical fantasy myself.
"Styx" I turned away from the bookshelf, an audible excited gasp had Stix looking a little apprehensive "like the River Styx? In the Underworld?" I sounded like an over-eager kid begging for desert, I would have cringed if i wasn't so intrigued. The newly teenage child nodded.
"that's a lovely name! With a great history behind it too" I had turned back to the bookshelf by this point, but I didn't miss the sheepish smile on Styx's face. They appeared a lot more relaxed now, I was glad.
"I'm Miss Edwards, but you can call me Cecile if your going to be coming by often" I winked at the student cheekily as I attempted to make them more comfortable. it seemed to work, as Styx muffled a giggle behind their palm. I continued rifling through the books.
I came across the series entitled 'Eragon' and paused, tapping my index finger against the spine of the first book. I turned my head to Styx "how do you feel about a series of books? I promise this is a very good one" I held out the first book, letting them run their eyes over the blurb on the back.
There were a few moments of silence as I carefully assessed their reaction, their face was blank at first, until they looked up at me with an eager and excited grin. I smiled back at them, my shoulders relaxing, glad to see they liked my suggestion.
"can I borrow this first one? Please" I chuckled lightly, now leaning a little against the bookshelf
"of course you can, sweetheart. Just-" I cut myself off as a look of anxiety and awe came across their face, I raised an eyebrow "what's wrong?" Styx had their eyes fixed behind me, looking like a deer in headlights.
A hand laid on my shoulder. I glanced down at it and saw the familiar cream coloured glove of my secret-lover "Hello, Miss Edwards. Sorry to interrupt but I need a word in private" her voice was low, my legs nearly buckled beneath me at the sound of Larissa's sultry tones.
I turned my head to Larissa, looking up at her as I smiled. She had the sweetest, yet most professional look on her face "oh, yes. Of course La- uhm, Principal Weems" I quickly corrected myself at her eyebrow raise, stumbling a little. I resisted the urge to place my hand atop hers.
Turning back to Styx, who looked between us with a mixture of discomfort and curiosity, I tried to keep the excitement from my voice "I hope you enjoy your book, sweetie. Pop by if you need anything!" With that, they smiled and scampered off to another part of the large library.
Larissa now commanded my full attention.
"what can I help you with, Principal Weems?" I didn't mean for her title to come out quite as sultry as it did, but my voice still purred as I looked up at her. I noticed Larissa seemed taken aback by my tone, until her eyes became amused and her lips quirked up into a grin.
She glanced around, making sure no one was within earshot. Finding no one, Larissa leaned down to me so that I'd hear her deep voice whisper "you can help me by being a good girl and coming where no one can see us" I stared up at her, wide eyed. Larissa was never usually this daring in public.
The shock I felt was nearly doubled when Larissa reached out, placing her hand on my waist and pulling me with her. We were now behind a bookshelf, shielded from view from the rest of the library. I looked up at her, seeing her devious smile "you're full of surprises, aren't you?"
Larissa hummed in response, rubbing her thumb over the curve of my waist. I found myself leaning into her touch, enjoying her affection. The slightly older woman leaned down towards me, a deliciously seductive smile on her face as she met my lips in a soft kiss.
It started off slowly, innocently enough. Her hands on my waist, mine cupping her face and stroking her soft skin. Larissa's lips brushed over mine with a gentleness I'd seldom encountered before. Safe to say, kissing women was much more enjoyable than kissing men.
Larissa gently pressed me back into the wooden shelf behind us, slipping her hands under my cardigan and feeling her way up the curves of my body. Running down over my hips, my stomach fluttered as she firmly held them to the bookshelf and pressed her body close against mine, continuing to hungrily explore my waiting mouth as if she was waiting her whole life to do it.
A little moan slipped out as she suddenly grabbed my ass with one hand, leaning her other one above my head and keeping me trapped. As if I'd ever want to escape her hold though, death by a thousand kisses sounded like heaven. I kissed her impatiently, yearning for more of her touch.
Larissa engulfed my senses. All I could feel was her body on mine, smell her scent of lavender and freshly pressed paper, hear her little gasps as we broke for barely a second to catch our breath. I felt her warm breath ghosting over my lips as she pulled only a little bit away, her lustful eyes looking from my eyes to my lips and back again.
I whimpered as she stopped me from kissing her again, a sly smile on her lips as she pressed me even harder into the bookshelf. Larissa knew the close contact was driving me crazy, her hand traced playfully across any exposed skin she could find and dug in her nails to make me whine.
"stop being cruel, Larissa" i sounded absolutely pathetic, staring up at her pleadingly as she put all weight into the arm leaning just above my head and brought herself closer to me. The hand that had explored my body now tilted my chin up so that her lips could trace across my jaw.
"cruel? What's cruel is you avoiding me, sweetheart. I've missed you" I gulped as she continued laying strategic kisses to my neck, Larissa smirking a little at my barely restrained moans. She knew my sensitive spots already and made sure to target them.
"S-Someone- Someone could see- Ah-" Larissa sucked my pulsepoint as I tried to speak, humming in satisfaction at my inability to talk coherently. I found myself grasping onto her dress blaser with white knuckles as I tried to keep quiet. But with great luck Larissa decided to devour my lips in a kiss once again.
Her mouth was urgent on mine, exploring me as our tongues danced together heatedly. My moans were muffled by her lips, thank god. I'd die if anyone caught us like this. I breathed rapidly through my nose, my hands still clenching her blaser tightly.
I was red faced when Larissa finally pulled away, panting and flushed with dilated pupils. Larissa grinned down at me, pulling away and wiping her smeared lipstick in an attempt to clean it up. I stayed where I was, pressed back into the fictional-crime section of the library.
Larissa straightened herself up, fixing one of her gloves as she absentmindedly glanced back to me "good to know everything is in order, Miss Edwards. You'd best get back to work"
I didn't move, not trusting my weak knees not to crumble. Larissa raised an eyebrow "y-yes Principal Weems, right away" she smiled, showing her pearly white teeth
"good. Come along" my trembling legs carried me past her, walking a few steps in front as we made our way back to the front desk. Students didn't pay us any mind, although some troublemakers quietened down as Larissa passed by them. I could still feel my burning red face, and hoped people wouldn't notice.
After the long descent down the steps of the library we came to the front desk, where Silvie was filing away paperwork. I rushed to get to my desk but bristled slightly to attention as a light touch graced my butt as Larissa made her way to the door, turning her head to shoot me a subtle little wink as my cheeks turned pink again.
"Continue the good work, Miss Edwards, Miss Davis" Larissa nodded to Silvie, who did the same in return, before she slipped out of the large oak doors and into the hallway outside. I smiled nervously at Silvie.
I cleared my throat "have I missed anything?" Sitting down at my desk, Silvie looked back to me.
"No, but you might want to borrow this" Silvie held out a little tube of makeup, which on closer inspection turned out to be concealer.
"Why?" I raised an eyebrow at her, leaning on my desk and unknowingly exposing my collarbones and a tiny bit more.
Silvie smirked a little, scanning her eyes across my face as if debating being honest with her boss. She clearly saw my impatience, and decided to speak her mind.
"well, your neck is covered with hickeys. I'm guessing Principal Weems would be pretty embarrassed for your secret to be blown"
My whole body burned with humiliation, my eyes were wide with shock. Silvie looked like she was holding back her laughter and if it was any other situation I'd be furious at her for it.
Instead, I just snatched the concealer from her outstretched hand and stormed off, my face red from both anger and embarrassment as I heard her laugher behind me.
Sorry if it's a little rushed, I've been busy getting prepared for a holiday.
Hope you guys enjoyed!
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dansdimple1 · 4 months
rewatching wad and yknow the part in the orange carpet where they’re talking about Dan onlyphans and he starts talking about how people make a business out of only showing a little at a time, he joked like “toe reveal after two years” and basically the strategy of making people go feral by just giving them a bit of what they want only at a time
Did anyone feel like he wasn’t necessarily only talking about onlyphans and he was talking about reusing the strategy he uses w his and Phil’s relationship to maintain an audience like this lmao
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n7punk · 8 months
"Roses & Thorns" Fic Notes
Roses & Thorns is finally done! It really slowed down there at the end as my life got busy, but I had a lot of fun with it. No playlist this time since I was mostly listening to random stuff as I felt like it.
Epilogue Life:
Catra moves to Bright Moon so Adora can keep cheerleading, which she does professionally until her mid-thirties before switching to cheer coaching for middle schoolers. As mentioned in the epilogue, they get married two years after the show. One day they looked at how much of the tapestry they had done and were both suddenly like, oh, I’m ready to be married. Within a few months they had everything thrown together for the wedding. Someone working with their wedding planner leaked news of their wedding to the press, which is what led DT to digging around and finding their date, but aside from a few tabloid stories like Former Bachelorette Couple Tie the Knot and a carefully curated Instagram post on Catra’s page, the public doesn’t learn much about it. They mostly get added as a statistic to the show’s wikipedia page as a successful relationship that made it to marriage and is still together. Catra slowly transitions into more all-encompassing graphic design work until she follows through on her speculation from Fantasy Suites and starts working with a charity dedicated to providing equipment to hybrid children and schools. She still does other work on the side sometimes, but she’s happy with the direction her career has gone, and she keeps up a sparse public Instagram to make some posts promoting her work — pre- and post-charity shift — and to flaunt the life and relationship that she really can’t believe she has now. Adora’s old Instagram is still up and public but she abandoned it and only uses a private one now because she really just wanted to leave the show behind. Adora and Catra go down as an odd and rare case in the franchise. The show never risks casting an ex again even though it would certainly go closer to the way they intended the next time. The casting directors insist that they knew the love story could work if given the right encouragement and that’s why they brought Catra in. Adora and Catra are always brought up in discussions of odd or adorable Bachelor couples, especially after they get married. They were also, yknow, the only queer couple to come from the show until Melendy’s season, so that made them stand out a lot too. Adora’s seasons did end up being as positive when it comes to representation as something like that can be and she’s proud of what she managed and what came of it in the end.
Chapter 1: Opening Ceremony
⦁ I was, like, really nervous to do this fic. I didn’t want to step on any toes but I really loved the idea so after sitting on it for a few months I decided fuck it, I’ll start writing it just to see if I like it. Once I realized it was definitely going to be a whole fic, I went poking around for socials and found petty_labelle’s permission statement and was like oh thank god XD Obviously some tropes don’t require credit to anyone (celebrity AUs, there was only one bed, etc), but this was a case of direct inspiration no matter how wildly different the fics were once you pass the word “bachelorette,” so I’m really glad they were down for it.
⦁ Speaking of, having to type bachelorette so many times might just have driven me insane. I hate spelling that word.
⦁ Usually the bachelor/ette is cast from the one of the fan favorites of the last season. So whatever girl the bachelor didn’t pick would become the next bachelorette, etc (it isn’t always that clear cut; sometimes it’s a girl that got sent home sooner or a girl from a season further back). In this case, there was an open casting call because none of the contestants from previous seasons who they knew/thought were sapphic were willing to either come back or come out, which is how Adora ended up on the show as a nobody to the franchise but a strong contender thanks to her prominent cheerleading career (and being hot. Let’s be honest it’s a third charisma, a third being willing to play ball, and a third being hot).
⦁ Finding out this show usually films in just 6-9 weeks was less surprising than it should have been but still insane. I thought it was three months since most seasons are 10-13 episodes (I think) (and also the fic that set this off was literally called 12 weeks) but I looked it up and. Nope. So I gave Adora like 7-8 weeks in the middle range. That shorter time range actually worked better for the fic, it’s just an insane premise for the real show. 90 Day Fiancee has more realistic expectations! Come on!
⦁ Okay, I know the women pull up to the mansion in a limo, but for some reason while writing it I thought it was all in different limos which doesn’t even make sense. Anyway, after I verified that I edited the language around it to make it more clear they were coming from the same car.
⦁ I also think the host is usually there to greet the women too, but it doesn’t matter how those greetings normally go in this case, because it was a unique moment and Hope was going to be there regardless so she could partially guide it.
⦁ I also have no idea if someone’s ex coming on the show has any precedent, but I’m saying for Etheria it’s a first.
⦁ “-a dashing magicat’s body” Listen, Glimmer is aware that Catra is hot.
⦁ When Glimmer asks “how could you not tell us” she isn’t meaning in a hurt “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me” way but in a “how did you hold that in?” kind of way.
⦁ Canned phrases I know from this show are “Can I steal you away?” (to get one-on-one time), “Here for the wrong/right reasons” (when someone is ‘suspected’ to only be there to get famous rather than get married), “I want to focus on us” (focusing on your relationship with the bachelor/ette instead of all the other contestants and drama getting in the way), and then something like “Trust the process” (you know, cult mindset cutting out questioning the establishment and contrived doctrines).
Chapter 2: Here of the Wrong Reasons
⦁ That first night at the cocktail party I imagine as being a lot like Princess Prom, with Adora trying to focus on getting to know all these new women and figure out who she has the best chances with but she keeps getting distracted by glimpses of Catra through the crowd. The other contestants didn’t know what to make of it, but the ones that overheard Catra was Adora’s ex told others until it spread through the crowd. The consensus among the women at first was this was a TV thing and they probably didn’t have to actually worry about Catra too much. That slowly changed.
⦁ Damn near every season DT goes undercover at the first cocktail party. One of the lead’s brothers did this as a bartender once and I think it would be an interesting way to gather a bit more info to further their storylines. Because of this, Adora barely saw them on the first night.
⦁ I went back and forth on how I was going to handle the other contestants: if they were going to be the other princesses, or largely a blank mass, or a more detailed cast of originals. I ended up somewhere between those last two. I also considered having the other characters from the show working on set, but when the idea for a watch party came to me (because I really wanted to show what people at home were seeing here and there), that cemented where the other characters would be and left me with OCs for the other women.
⦁ Names came from… All over. I hate coming up with them, so I did the lazy thing and scrolled through the characters list on Wiki Grayskull (I know, fuck Fandom [company], I’m sorry). Elmora is a minor character in the OG series. Veena was Grayskull’s queen in the He-man reboot I saw 5 minutes of in 2002. Serenia is a folk hero in the reboot (and the name of the constellation that helped them locate Darla). Swen is the (fake, but presumably real somewhere else given DTs impersonation tendencies) piano player from the Enchanted Grotto. Faith is a recurring Random OC Name in my fics and also just ironic. Melendy Britt was the VA for OG Adora and Catra. That one is honestly an homage since she voiced like a fourth of the women in the OG series.
⦁ Originally the fic was supposed to roll straight from the first chapter into the confrontation night, but that pacing seemed too sudden and I wanted to explore more of the TV side. Also, Adora needed a horse riding date and there wasn’t one anywhere in the other plans so I put it in here.
⦁ When the horse riding date idea came up I had to be like “wait… could Tali do this?” and that’s when I found out that prosthetic arms have come a lot farther than they were the last time I looked into them. Tali can absolutely go horse riding.
⦁ For years after the show, Adora will joke that being on it was worth it just for the horseback riding day, even when she’s literally holding hands with her wife.
⦁ Storm is the actual name of Catra’s horse in… the toys at least? I’m not actually sure if that made it on-screen in the filmation version but it’s from the OG canon regardless.
⦁ Catra did not intend to sabotage the horse date. At first. She was mad at Adora for bringing her somewhere she knew Catra would be scared, but said fear meant she fully intended to spend the entire date refusing to play ball. That lasted until she saw Adora and Serenia kissing, and especially how excited Adora looked, realizing that if she wasn’t going to play along Adora might turn to someone who was.
⦁ The horse debacle got cut so it looked like Swift Wind just bucked for no reason and it gave Tali and Adora a cute moment together. They could have made it into a whole thing, but once Catra won, they cut the interviews implying anything happened there. The other girls never really knew if anything happened, but the crew definitely did. They caught a little bit of it on camera (although not well), they goaded even more of it, and one of the staff retrieved the crop afterwards as the smoking gun.
⦁ The first group date of the week (horse riding) was mostly people Adora wanted to connect with, the second was production’s orchestration (the softball date that didn’t make it into the fic because Catra wasn’t on it), and then Erika got a one-on-one “because she hadn’t had time with Adora yet” (actually because she and Lauren were making out the night before and Catra was onto them, but only had a hunch, so she could look all jealous and spurned on camera when Erika got picked). Adora also gave Lauren a rose because 1) production told her she should and 2) she actually did want the resulting one-on-one time with Lauren to sus her out.
⦁ Glimmer eating popcorn with chopsticks was actually in chapter one but I was worried people were gonna call it stereotyping or something when I know people who do it IRL, and then I talked to them and they said it’s the superior method so I just stuck it in anyway. I eat popcorn with a spoon sometimes for the same reason, but chopsticks really are better if you can use them, my hands just shake too much to be reliable.
⦁ Melendy was one of the last girls to arrive at the mansion because production didn’t want to muddy the waters for Catra’s arrival. Catra assured them she and Adora were very serious for a long time before it broke bad and Adora would remember her immediately, but they wanted to get that moment of instant shock from Adora with her hopefully not even thinking about Catra’s existence and suddenly being faced with her. If Catra was telling the truth about how important they were to each other, even the sight of another magicat might have put her on Adora’s mind.
⦁ Melendy was supposed to be a potential rival, but in a less orchestrated way than Lauren where she was playing out a storyline at production’s direction. Melendy was an actual potential relationship they thought might stand a chance with Adora, and in that case Catra would have really hated her and it would have been great drama, but Catra could tell from the beginning that while Melendy would be sticking around for a while, she wasn’t exciting or challenging enough for Adora. Which is good, because production was absolutely right about the kind of rivalry they would have had and it would have made Catra look a lot worse than getting defensive over someone “cheating” on Adora.
⦁ I kind of assume bedroom locks are a no-go on reality shows in general because, well, what if they lock the camera out from some drama? But they’re also renting places like the mansion and it seems like those houses would Have Locks and they wouldn’t install different doorknobs just for the show. Idk, but I am saying that if they don’t usually have them they gave Catra and Lauren rooms with locks so they don’t actually kill each other. (Although, conversely, they put Catra and Melendy in the same room partially to up their drama — and partially so they only had to worry about one room that could accommodate magicats).
⦁ I’m not actually sure on the use of mic packs vs boom mics on reality TV. I know there’s pool/beach/bikini dates on the Bachelor though, which by necessity require a boom mic since you can’t put a mic pack on a bikini without pulling it off, so I’m leaning towards them usually using a boom unless a mic pack is required. Initially I had them using mic packs and throwing them out the window, but I decided that was just a little unnecessary.
⦁ I mentioned the window both because of that and as a hint towards how Catra saw Faith getting up to some business.
⦁ Catra looks uncomfortable not because she’s telling the truth, but because she’s finally confronting the fact that she doesn’t want Adora to send her home.
Chapter 3: Can I Steal You Away?
⦁ This and chapter 2 were supposed to be one as I said, but then it got reeeeeeally long, and cutting to the watch party meant reshowing — from the TV perspective — some stuff that had already happened, so it seemed a good place to cut them and use that as a “recap.”
⦁ The “we need to talk” was actually a dub-over that Adora recorded later and they just modified to sound muffled but still understandable. They kind of just barely picked up the “no cameras” part but the rest of the conversation was murmuring at best. Part of how Adora kept from getting in (much) trouble was giving them the voice over and just generally complying with all the fall out that came from it like interviews and reshoots.
⦁ The shots of Catra pacing were in fact reshoots, but that did happen, it was just behind a locked door first.
⦁ Catra was up in the room for close to an hour, only coming down when she thought she might be in danger of missing their chance to talk (or at least making it seem natural). She spent that time having a small crisis over how much she didn’t want Adora to stop chasing after her, even if she was doing it with suspicion.
⦁ I actually have no clue where the bachelor/ette stays when the girls are at the mansion, so I just kind of went, eh, guest house? I know they’re not allowed in the main house without a camera, but it seems like a hotel would be pretty far.
⦁ “I’m not an ***hole who can’t see my ex happy,” that is exactly what Catra told herself she was the whole time, but if she can lie to herself she certainly can lie to the camera.
⦁ The rose reshoot cut from the real footage at the moment Adora went off screen, then to the new footage of her walking up to the vase and selecting a rose, then to real but carefully cropped footage of Catra’s reaction so you can’t see the flower she’s really accepting, and then to a further back reshoot of Catra holding the rose as Adora redelivers her line. They used the initial audio and reactions where they could.
⦁ Melendy was nesting because she was anxious after the Very Weird night. There was also a part of her that said “well, if Adora and Catra patch things up, then I’m out” because she was used to things like this only “needing” one token magicat, but obviously Adora doesn’t feel like that. They did look a little similar in human eyes (IDK if the description of Melendy ended up staying in the fic, but: brown coat, dark brown hair, two yellow eyes, no stripes) so Melendy thought it might also be weird to Adora from that angle if she did end up rejecting Catra.
Chapter 4: Right Choices
⦁ I found out that strip dodgeball exists on the Bachelorette and went, yeah, so I can use that. People didn’t refuse to answer often so “Bare Your Soul” never got too racy, but some clothes did come off.
⦁ Tali just calls Jewel “queer” because he is gay, even though what he realized back in middle school was actually that he was trans. She wasn’t going to say that on television, though, because he wouldn’t want her to. He didn’t mind people knowing he was generally queer, though.
⦁ Glimmer’s comment about Veena not posting proves that she did follow Veena before that happened, because otherwise she would have no idea. She actually followed all of them from the moment she knew the casting but tried to resist the urge to do too much digging on them since the show had already wrapped shooting and her research could just end up taunting her with knowing someone is super wrong for Adora that she then had to watch go all the way to final three. And well… that still ended up happening in a way.
⦁ They did cut the exchange about how the show was crazy, but they did use Catra’s “I’m only here for you” audio for some promos which some eagle-eyed fans noticed was never actually in the show. I’m sure that’s not uncommon though.
⦁ Hope didn’t question Adora’s request for two reasons: 1) Adora actually asked to do it on camera rather than trying to sneak down for whatever it was, 2) if she stopped Adora to ask questions, Adora might think about what she was doing, and having someone in an emotional fugue state usually makes for better TV. Everybody could tell the vibes died as soon as Sylvia implied that she didn’t want to date a cheerleader so it was obvious that Adora was questioning something when she called her up.
⦁ I learned a lot about the show listening to that recap podcast (which covered a few seasons of the Bachelor, the Bachelorette, and Bachelor in Paradise until… that summer), but it’s also been years since I’ve listened to it/it was canceled. I based most of the pacing for women getting eliminated and when hometowns and shit would happen off of the episode summaries for recent seasons I found online. I wasn’t worried about doing it exactly since this is Etheria and it varies between season (see: Clare running off with “her future husband” in episode four), but I didn’t want to do something wildly wrong either.
⦁ My general (not set in stone) idea for the show’s timing was week one was obviously introductions, week two was horseback riding, football, and Erika’s one-on-one, week three had the confrontation with Catra, week four had the coming out date (amongst others), week five had the Sylvia drama and cheerleading date, week six was the two-on-one, and week seven was hometowns. Week eight was fantasy suites, the women tell all happens (I don’t see a lot of people saying they like the wo/men tell all specials. There’s a reason I mostly left it out of the fic. It’s a boring rehash), and then week ten was the long-ass finale. I’ll be honest: the coming out and cheerleading date were supposed to be the same week but I think you’re not supposed to give the same person two dates in one episode. Showing that transitioning perspective from the viewership angle was important, though, so the whole Sylvia thing and an extra week got added in for it.
⦁ Melendy was actually still sharing a room with Catra during the night visit, they just kicked her out before Adora got there and no one brought it up until Adora was leaving and noticed the second bed.
⦁ No one says anything after Adora says she was letting the other girls sleep because she was admitted that Catra was staying without realizing. Now, this was incredibly obvious, but Catra still needed to process it.
⦁ Adora stayed awhile just cuddling and murmuring a bit to each other, but eventually she started feeling really tired and reluctantly left Catra’s arms for her own room.
⦁ Adora sent home Serenia, Elmora, Swen (mostly cut character, but she was supposed to be the main butch rep that season that Adora still kept when there was little chemistry was, again: representation!), & a rando I guess. I didn’t want to introduce twenty women’s names to keep track of, so I tried to come up with enough to have variety in the date composition without bogging things down or getting confusing. You can tell which ones you’re supposed to remember by the fact you could recognize their names going in lmao.
Chapter 5: The Dragon Slayer
⦁ Chapters four and five were also supposed to be one chapter, so I’m really following in 12 weeks’ footsteps with the two-part chapters LOL
⦁ Production was fine with Adora letting a bunch of girls go at once because it was dramatic and she was explicitly doing it to focus on the girls she felt better about (she had actually hung onto girls a bit more than they expected until then), but they couldn’t let both of Catra’s rivals go at once because then there would have been no conclusion to that plot at all and it would have felt really weird from a TV perspective, so they put their foot down on Faith.
⦁ The reason they planned for Catra and Melendy originally, though, was that they did expect Faith to be gone already. Adora cut so many girls at once they had to pick their battles, so they decided to keep the biggest villain rather than worry about the rest of it. If Catra and Faith went on a date together, it would have been fireworks, but at that point it would have been obvious who was going home. Catra and Melendy, on the other hand, would be two girls who were final four material, so people Actually Invested In Adora’s relationships would have been highly invested in the date.
⦁ Originally, Adora went into this chapter with Serenia still on her roster too (she stuck by the rules and let her keep her rose) and Catra, unaware of what had happened between them, included her on the list of girls she gave Adora, in the same category as Melendy. Adora then worried about Catra giving her four names, implying she was ready for Adora to send her home, but Adora couldn’t help offering a rose to Catra anyway, and she was obviously happy to accept. This whole exchange still happens, just with a little less weight since Catra going to hometowns was obvious with only four non-cheaters left. However, last chapter got more dramatic in exchange with Adora taking her rose back from Serenia and seeming to invest in Catra emotionally instead, and I just thought it made more sense for Catra to intend to go through hometowns to really get her message out there before going home.
⦁ Lou (the vineyard owner) is named after Lou Scheimer, a VA for a lot of the male characters on the original She-ra, namely Swift Wind and Light Hope (who was like a sentient beam of light. Listen, just go with it).
⦁ Catra’s allergic to grapes in this because I randomly give her cat allergies when I feel like it and I recently remembered cats and dogs are Kind of allergic to grapes where sometimes One is okay and other times even that is toxic so it’s best to not. Absolutely make sure they never get a hold of a second one, though, and in general you should protect grapes from them.
⦁ Okay, in general, I think the girls are responsible for their own wardrobes, but I do think production probably intervenes here and there, and in Catra’s case she kept wearing suits and the like. For this specific date, DT dropped a hint that she should show up in something ravishing, so Catra borrowed a dress Melendy was saving for Fantasy Suites because she wanted to make it harder to mic her so she could try to get some whispers to Adora. Since they were dropping back home first, Melendy could swap for something new and didn’t mind the loan knowing exactly what Catra was going up against since she told her the night before and Melendy was also mad at Faith for it.
⦁ The “losing focus” comment was both a play on the canned phrase previously mentioned and a reference just for me and my friend.
⦁ Production, in general, was trying to get the clout of a queer season while changing as little as possible, which is a bad call for several reasons, but part of that meant making sure all the women were conventionally attractive and dressed in the way viewers had come to expect. They had all of Three butches on the season, Catra qualifying as one of the soft butches who put her foot down and wore a suit or similar in almost every episode. Adora didn’t mind wearing a dress most of the time even if it wasn’t her usual, but she also insisted on wearing pants sometimes as part of her representation thing (and also just being authentically herself).
⦁ Okay, so villains on the show often end up with a “nemesis” (or just a self-appointed good guy) who eventually warns the lead about their bad behavior. This is the dragon slayer: they don’t win, but they provide a character role and help the lead with things that they wouldn’t know otherwise because production certainly isn’t telling them. This season plays the jealous ex angle at first (for its own drama as they originally intended, and to try to make Catra’s behavior “understandable” once she turns over a new leaf) but as her feud with Lauren grows, Catra starts to seem like the dragon slayer, especially once Adora goes to her for advice on what to do with the other girls. People read that one of two ways: the way the watch party did, or the “oh, they’re not feeling the romance coming back so Adora is going to her for advice like you would with a friend.” This date coming up seems to reinforce the dragon-slayer narrative, but it’s the rare case where telling on someone works out. It helps that what she was telling on wasn’t just something like a hunch about someone wanting to get famous.
⦁ “All this because Catra got horny” Mermista you should see the stuff that happened in other universes because of that. This is nothing.
⦁ I did googling on the spelling of mic as a verb and mostly I got a lot of people with loud — incorrect — opinions. And by incorrect opinions, I mean people saying “it should be this, ‘mic’d’ is stupid,” which is completely missing the point. Language and spelling is not about what “should” be, mic is the accepted term used in the industry. Niche words like this come up all the time and it’s the people who invent those words and use them day in and day out that decide what those words mean and how they’re spelled, not loudmouths on Reddit. Because of all that though, I couldn’t find a consensus. I had to phrase it as “mic’d” though because that’s what the industry says. The people filming wouldn’t have phrased it another way (another suggestion from people on forums online) so I had to find a way to spell it. Consensus seemed to be either mic’d or miked, but the latter does Not look right, so I ended up settling on mic’d.
Chapter 6: Hometowns
⦁ Adora and Teela really had a more kinda “big sister” relationship, but they were both only children and Adora had no concept of family, not to mention they were on a show all about finding romance, so they were kind blinded to it. On the hometown date, they didn’t really talk that much about marriage despite production prompting them around it because they were kind of subconsciously blocking that and also having so much fun together they didn’t question it. Adora wanted to spend time with Teela and thought she was super cool, Teela had a lot of fun and wanted to show Adora all the cool things she experienced and open her up to a new lifestyle she was clearly enamored with, and no one questioned that further because they were getting the gushing confessionals they wanted. Teela’s parents saw such a small cross-section of them they just saw them having fun together and didn’t second-guess it.
⦁ By the time of Catra’s hometown, production had figured out that Catra was going to be final two (even though Adora hadn’t). Adora hadn’t even fully processed that Catra was going to Fantasy Suites with her since Melendy got cut. Production knew they really had to humanize her, which had been a slow shift in narrative behind the scenes the more it became clear Adora was actually giving Catra a chance now, but this was when the scramble happened. They were lining up their editors and ready to get Catra anything she needed for her hometown, even if it ended up untraditional. This was their mold-breaking season, after all, and even though they followed the formula pretty well for most of it, there were some big moments, and this ended up being one of them.
⦁ I’m like 99% sure volunteer dates have been done on the show before when the star was an activist or something but I can’t think of any examples so I can’t back that up. Either way, it’s definitely not common, but it was Catra trying to get a positive message out there, like she talks about in her Fantasy Suite.
⦁ Adora weird texts were because she needed Glimmer to at least be open to being in Catra’s corner considering the bombshell they were going to get later.
⦁ Usually hometowns are for sussing out 1) if someone is being real with you because what their families are like and what they say around them tells you a lot, 2) if they’re ready for marriage (it seems like every season there’s someone in the family who tells the lead their child/sibling/nibling/etc isn’t ready for marriage or doesn’t seem like themselves around them), and 3) if you’re really in love. Sometimes people do get left dramatically mid-hometown (like the one in season 19 where the bachelorette realized she wasn’t ready to meet his family when she got there and left him on the street to VISIT THEM ALONE comes to mind oh my god. Like she wasn’t wrong to not lead him on but that sucks. I found out about this after writing the Melendy shit btw lmao) but usually someone is only cut at the end.
⦁ I didn’t include Tali’s hometown, even though it could have included some good angst, because 1) I really wanted to end on that line about disappearing into the trees, 2) all the internal debate Adora had during it was just a Less Aware™️ version of the angst from the Final Rose chapter so it felt repetitive. I know that made it “more obvious” who Adora was going to choose but… if you didn’t know that from chapter one I can’t help you.
Chapter 7: Fantasy Suites
⦁ The conversation during the watch party speculating about the order the show was using for the girls is kind of the prelude to them picking up the subtext in chapter 9.
⦁ The mentions of their final dinner tie into a cut scene I might post separately, but then I came up with new context which is my actual in-universe explanation: their first date didn’t involve dinner. However, there was a family restaurant the football team would go to for victory dinners sometimes, dragging some of the cheerleaders along, and of course wherever Adora went Catra did too, so they had eaten there before, just never on their own.
⦁ It wasn’t until I was editing this scene that I realized you might not know what the date cards are if you hadn’t watched the show but like. I was too lazy to add an explainer lmao. I’ll do it here though: basically the host (or the lead) gives out date cards every week with a little ~teaser title~ on it and the list of names for the people going on in (for instance “Bare Your Soul”). Kinda punny/foreshadowing names like that come up. For Fantasy Suites, it’s basically a card inviting them to go up to the Fantasy Suite together.
⦁ I was picturing a specific hotel in Thailand for their resort, but I don’t know what this hotel is or when or how I saw it. I remember seeing video touring the whole thing at some point though. Anyway it quite literally backed onto the forest with monkeys running all over and stuff. I don’t know what the technical difference between forest and jungle is but my brain says if there’s monkeys and a bazillion percent humidity it’s probably a jungle.
Chapter 8: Interlude
⦁ The reason Light Hope is the host and not DT is two-fold: 1) I cast Hope for the host/producer role because of her manipulative role in canon, before my brain caught up with the fact that hey, this is reality TV, why isn’t DT here? And 2) the in-canon reason is DT needs to manage all these story lines, which means they are the one that needs to be available off camera at all times to prod someone at just the right moment or manage things to create dramatic moments, and they have more opportunity for that if they aren’t the one hosting. I did consider having them be the host of just the Wo/Men Tell All special, but tbh Adora would have accidentally blurted out spoilers if DT was around to goad them so it had to go this way lmao.
⦁ I watched a bunch of Bachelor/ette anouncements on YouTube (again, having never seen the show, recaps usually sum it up as “[the host] announces [x] is our new Bachelor/ette”) and wow there is no consistency to them. Almost every single one was a little different and set up differently, but a common model was “Your new bachelor/ette, [x]” followed by applause as they walk out in evening wear, so I went with that but added in a bit like the contestants normally do when coming out of the limo because that felt fitting both with the franchise and with the fact that this was Adora’s introduction to the franchise. In the announcements I saw, not once did they use a last name because everybody watching already new who “Joey” or whoever was from watching the season, but again, Adora was brand new to the franchise, so a full name and bit made sense for her.
⦁ Deena was one of my “potential names” that I didn’t end up using/needing, but it was some… IDK, Twiglet or NPC or something in the original. The real reason I picked it is because I has used “Dee” as a random generic background character name before (for those curious: it was in OTOS’s sequel, BYLM).
⦁ I know the show has discussed stuff that happened on Instagram and shit repeatedly so I decided they would probably be willing to acknowledge things that happened “off camera” if they were important and alluded to in the show like the cheating.
⦁ A lot of people were speculating on who the “other two” on the camping trip were but the real reason it was a four-bed cabin is I’ve never seen a three bed cabin XD The ones at the park near me are all four-bed in the sense they all have two bunk beds lol. It were just Adora, Teela, and Catra.
Chapter 9:
⦁ I don’t remember if I ever said this in the fic at this point, but Catra has short hair in this one because she gave herself a dyke cut after coming out to rub it into Weaver’s face.
⦁ Adora was picking up on the vibes and griping about it, but Catra said she wasn’t bothered and then climbed in Adora’s lap to “distract her.” And yeah she was too distracted for Glimmer’s next text lol.
Chapter 10:
⦁ There was voice over as Adora went through the ropes and their meanings both explaining some details on what they meant (since the concept is familiar, but in a mostly abstract way, to mainstream audiences). The narration talked about how important the tradition was to Catra and how Adora could never take her this far and not look over the meanings. It made it kind of ambiguous whether she was legitimately considering the ropes or just showcasing this thing that was important to her once-best friend.
⦁ Adora looks at the camera after Hope mentions keeping Melendy because she’s thinking about Melendy (potentially, she would totally understand if she wasn’t) watching along at home and what she would want to say to her that she didn’t get to before.
⦁ Hope’s “sometimes you follow your heart” line is 100% canned and something she regularly regurgitates from a script when the moment calls for it. In this moment, however, the follow-up was a quiet disapproval for picking Catra. Hope was never going to directly interfere with Adora’s final choice — it seemed obvious that Adora had to decide independently or the relationship was going to blow up fast and make them look worse than Adora picking the “wrong” option for their preferred narrative — but she still didn’t want Adora to pick Catra, so she has occasionally let slip something to that effect in private conversations off camera. Usually not to Adora, but Adora has long figured out what production actually wanted out of the season.
⦁ The camera suddenly cut to Adora and Tali after Tali mentioned Catra because Hope twitched from someone spoiling her show (even if like, come on, everyone knew Adora was going to ask Catra Something and Catra would say yes). There quietly controlling her inner rage was something Adora could detect after working with her for so long, which is also why Adora was giggly (well, that and relief). That’s also why Hope was so aggressive jumping back into the conversation, because she was trying to take control of it again.
⦁ Adora looked more serious/neutral because she had her whole speech prepared about the things they needed to work on and the fact this was, in essence, conditional, so she was gearing herself up for that and didn’t want Catra to think that she was ignoring everything she had planned to do.
Chapter 11:
⦁ I went back and forth on Catra’s phrasing following the “Rebuild with me?” because Catra’s response doesn’t work as well from Glimmer’s perspective, but it’s so important for her to respond like that because it’s Adora saying “Rebuild and try with me” and Catra saying “Yes, I want to change” so I kept it.
⦁ Adora told Catra about the whole ropes debacle that night and Catra was both annoyed — at production, and sy how much the delay made her worry — and found it funny. After Catra pulled her into the limo following the proposal, they went back to the hotel, packed up, and Catra joined her in her suite again that night before they had to fly back home at 4AM. They did some catching up and making out but mostly they just held each other and were Done.
⦁ Okay so they haven’t told their therapist how the show ended, it’s just incredibly obvious. They’ve told her they can’t legally tell her anything that happened until after the corresponding episode has aired, but then they’re going to therapy to build a healthy relationship together and work through past obstacles like Catra’s jealousy and Adora leaving her behind and expecting Catra to follow her along — especially since that’s kind of still happening, only for better reasons now and when they can both be more mature about it — so it’s kind of really obvious what the end result was lmao. Their therapist watched two episodes for context but with how heavily edited it is, it wasn’t actually that helpful.
⦁ I never brought up their jobs because… they weren’t working for months lmao, but Adora works for Angella as he day job so she could get the time off and at the start of the fic Catra is a graphic — and website, to some degree — designer primarily working for Entrapta’s robotics business, though she does work on the side for other clients.
⦁ Glimmer’s ambush wasn’t actually coordinated, Perfuma just saw it happening at a volume that seemed calm and quietly assisted letting it play out. She wants them all to have healthy relationships now, but she wants to protect her friend too.
⦁ This final chapter took so long despite being written before I even posted chapter 9 because I knew something was missing from it but I’m so busy I’m kind of creatively stalled out so I couldn’t really pinpoint what vibe was off. It turned out to be a rehaul of the confrontation and adding in the party scene to have a bit more closure on that angle since it felt like Glimmer accepted it too quick for her. It allowed circling around on the marriage aspect before the final scene too. It ended up making this the longest chapter of the fic though.
⦁ Melendy… deserves a break. She left Adora’s season knowing she had to focus on her own happiness and getting to a good place with her family. After her parents drove Adora away, she had a fight with them about them preferring to ruin her happiness over it coming from something they didn’t approve of. Things were really tense with them for a while but they started trying to work on being more open so Melendy would be comfortable sharing her life with them even if it didn’t go how they wanted. When Melendy had a few awkward dates that didn’t work out and then eventually decided to go on the show again, they were hopeful that they wouldn’t have to confront any of it further since she was going on a man’s season. Obviously that didn’t work out, and it was upon meeting the bachelor and him being a lot less concerned with things like Melendy’s ear positioning that made them face themselves a bit more given how parallel the situation was to how they met Adora. Melendy sat them down and had a really long talk before her season about how she was going to have guys and girls on it and they had to be prepared to meet and support both in the finale or be prepared not to be there at all. They tried to open themselves up to it more. Melendy was really excited about being the bachelorette and having one last shot at happiness. Despite being near all the manufacturing of the show twice now, she believed in the love story still, and she was the kind of person who liked structure around dating. It was easy back when she was in school, but once it was down to meeting random strangers out in the world and on dating apps, she struggled with it a lot more, so she really thought the show could bring her happiness if she gave it one last chance as the lead. It did, btw. Her final three were Duke, one of the fighting girls, and another girl who was kind of a surprise to her but things suddenly started to heat up with her near the end. Duke pulled an Idiot and basically eliminated himself when one of the producers talked him into going to her after their Fantasy Suite and telling her on camera that he wasn’t comfortable with her sleeping with the other girls. Melendy was seriously considering him and might have been willing to decide on him and make that concession if he brought it up in the privacy of the Fantasy Suite, preferably before they had sex so she could really consider the whole picture without a fucking camera on her. It felt manipulative — probably because he was manipulated into doing it when a producer caught him stewing over the upcoming dates — so she told him she wasn’t making that promise and they parted ways really tensely. He basically knew he was going home when the next girl stayed the night with Melendy. There wasn’t any dramatic early exit, which gave him and some of the viewers hope, but it was an eventuality when she gave the roses to the other two girls. Her parents were disappointed, but they’d prepared themselves for this situation and were a lot more open than they had been with Adora. They ended up endorsing the surprise contestant — half because she seemed really sweet, and half because she was a magicat — and Melendy was thrilled to make that decision with her parents’ support. She wanted to be proposed to, so the girls went with it, and though Melendy personally would have been happy either way, the surprise girl passed her parents’ final test when she brought ropes rather than the ring the other girl picked out (which, to be fair, she did knowing Melendy was okay with it since she was unsure about the rope thing in general and asked Melendy about it). They have a much more whirlwind married in nine months kind of relationship the producors are really looking for, but luckily it worked out for them too.
Original Outline:
This fic was originally a lot shorter. Basically, I had a few big moments and then not more plan of what (if anything) would go in between. The original idea was the limo entrance, cocktail party confrontation, the coming out Bare Your Soul date, a later addition of the vineyard date, Catra’s hometown, and then Catra’s fantasy suite, the ropes, and the proposal.
Originally, it was a lot more ambiguous how Catra was feeling about Adora until the Fantasy SUite. She was a lot cooler to her throughout it and they didn’t get stuff like the soft moment late at night in Bright Moon that they ended up with. In the original outline, Catra’s plan was a bit more manipulative, with her original (conscious) idea being to try to make sure Adora got her heartbroken however she could, even if that meant luring her in again and breaking her heart at the end herself. That lasted about five seconds, and as I thought about the idea I realized that wasn’t really how I was picturing the intent or function of Catra’s plan, but it did mean I lost the line of “The plan was to break your heart on national television.” I did my best to get something close because I loved that line.
Catra was also supposed to be a lot more cagey after the reveal because she held onto her plan for longer and thus had a harder time sorting out the actual feelings she buried beneath it, so she couldn’t say what she did for the show and what she did for her plan or when she stopped trying to hurt Adora, but when the plan softened, so did the fallout from it too. The show was then supposed to roll right into the ring/rope selection with Adora’s time with the final girl specifically not shown but its absence making it clear she didn’t make up her mind regardless of what happened in the Fantasy Suite, but it needed more fleshing out by the time I reached there in the story, especially since I knew who the other girl was at that point. The fic was supposed to basically end with the proposal, but I couldn’t have stopped there once I reached it and it wouldn’t have been the right call anyway lol.
I might have more meta coming for this (see: cut scene mentioned above) but aside from that I’ve got some ideas competing and a low creative pool at the moment so I’m not sure which fic will be next. I’ve got some fun ideas and some specific ass weird ones.
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temmtamm · 2 years
HiHi! I was wondering if you could do some yandere Leo hcs when you get the chance? I’ve been on a rotmnt spree recently and Leo has really been my favorite so far! Sending lots of love your way dear!! (/platonic)
(Asks open and appreciated)
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At first, he isn't all that jealous. His slight narcissistic tendencies along with his trust for you made him think that everything was all well and that you would never do anything with anyone else.
He only started to get more noticeably irritable or clingy around your friends when you skipped out on missions or cancelled plans in favor of hanging out with your friends.
Whenever you did anything like that, Leo was sure to keep an eye on you either by stalking or begging Donnie to borrow his wrist watch for access to New York's camera systems (While conveniently leaving out the reasons he needed them).
He is more on the protective side than anything, automatically assuming anyone who isn't April or his brothers are wanting to use you, date you, or ruin you twos relationship.
He tends to just suddenly pop up out of nowhere when you're alone or even when your busy thanks to his portals. he just has to make sure no ones with you when they shouldn't be, yknow??
It's not that he doesn't trust you, it's that he doesn't trust THEM. People these days don't know how to back off when someone isn't theirs.
Most likely of the four brothers to threaten anyone who has interest in you, platonic or romanticm Don't think that they're empty threats either.
Similar to Donnie, he likes to remind you how he's the world's greatest ninja or how heroic he is so that way you praise/pay attention to him.
You are most definitely never allowed to see him in action though, he will do anything in his power to keep you away from the dangerous parts of his life for fear that you'll get hurt.
He sometimes gets in over his head and his thoughts eat away at him, convincing himself that you'll get hurt somehow or leave him. When in these episodes, it's best to stay by his side and hold him, telling him that you'd never do whatever his mind is telling him.
He is most likely self aware of how wrong these obsessive and protective tendencies are, but it's like a shield he built up for the people he loved after all that happened to him and his brothers. he'd never want you to go through what Raph or anyone else had, even if that means isolating you from the dangers of the world.
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Thanks for reading ♥︎
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soup-du-silence · 2 months
Taico tagged me too apparently but I didnt get a notif for that??? ok
Last Song: The DJ is Cryng for Help. Excited to be the oldest bitch at the AJR concert this summer.........again lol. Love/hate relationship with the new album but they put on a good show
Favourite Colour: red! I need to re-dye the red in my hair I am considering this a reminder.
Currently watching: We've been on youtube lockdown pretty much ever since Vanguard debuted, but with the boys in japan for holofes/their upcoming 3D debuts, their schedules have been inconsistent. Alisa's a very hardcore Betellion meaning if Bettel's streaming she has him playing on at least two screens simultaneously and is active in chat, and Im a very normal Hakkito meaning I usually get through like 65% of Hakka's streams, eventually, if I have time. We'll throw on Shinri or Altare if we're caught up or there's nothing else happening. I made the mistake of introducing Alisa to HBomberguy and she's been filling the gaps with her 500th rewatch of the Plagiarism or Pathologic vids while the stars are busy. But also we're watching Dungeon Meshi! Izutsumi soon!!!!!
At this precise moment in time Alisa's watching the new JapanEat upload. (We love this guy)
Sweet/Savoury/Spicy: Spicyyyyyyy I love spicy Im a terrible cook and i only know how to season with cayenne. i dont know when exactly i started equating "flavor" with "pain" but it is what it is. I'm kind of reaching the stage in my life where I need to be more careful about what I put in my gut because sometimes just too much pepperoni will fuck me up for 24 hours but also what if I ignored my aging body and didn't do that?
Relationship status: I've been with Alisa for 15 years! We met in the Meet the Robinsons fandom on livejournal/deviant art
Current Obsession: Four years late to the party Twisted Wonderland finally got its hooks into me! (Add me on EN: ZyEdsarR) I'm very mentally unwell about Scarabia. None of the fanfic on AO3 is scratching the itch so I'm spending too much money importing doujin. It's great but it takes a month to get like eight books and oops one of them is just a straight up fanfic and im sure its banger but I can't google translate my way through 60 pages of japanese text, one of them is solid porn which, yknow, cool, but it was probably something I was in the mood for when I placed the order a month ago and now I want story, and I have to sit down at my desk with good light to translate with my phone camera when what i CRAVE is to lie in bed on my side reading fic on my phone until 2 am. I'm dying, squirtle. (Anyone got good fic recs? there is WAY too much fic for pickings to be as slim as I feel like they are)
Last thing I googled:
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none of these recipes look like the amazing shit they gave us at Falafel King so wish me luck
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yersina · 2 years
I’ve seen a lot of idol!joongdok aus floating around but what if: sctir idol au.
Shj who’s finally back from military service and is very confused by why there’s so much aegyo and cutesy fanservice and ending fairies. (Think like, that compilation of suju and highlight running away from the camera) And then by chance during a variety talk show thing he gets paired w a younger idol, hyj. And of COURSE they have chemistry, it’s them. Duh. And like, for hyj it’s mildly antagonistic; he only talks this much when he’s feeling ticked off. But shj? Shj is absolutely fucking delighted by all of this, and it 100% shows on camera. Shj manages to talk hyj into doing multiple types of aegyo even tho he hates it, and hyj, by some feat of magic and superhuman strength gets a few finger hearts out of shj. The hosts hardly have to do any work at all.
So naturally, both of their fanbases are going crazy over this, and even more naturally their companies are stoked too bc it’s free publicity, so their managers sit them down individually and are like “hey you’re gonna hang out w this dude bc it’s good for your image and your sales, and I don’t care if you hate his guts, sell it to the internet.” And so they do, as you are wont to when your livelihood depends on it. They start hanging out outside of filming, going to cafes and posting selfies on ig and all that good fanservice stuff. Hyj gives up on the “grr I hate you” shtick pretty quickly, especially when shj consistently offers to pay when they go out together, and in his mind he’s like ‘well yknow if I had to be stuck with anyone as a pseudo-coworker business partner type of person, shj’s not like… the worst option’. Even after the initial craze dies down and it becomes pretty well-established that they’re friends, he still willingly hangs out w shj and they get dinner together and go to events (“go to events,” I say. They go on dates. ““““Friend”””” dates) and stuff. This is his first real idol friend. He thinks it’s nice.
(Meanwhile shj is like. Ready to get down on one knee. I neeeeeed him to be the pining one in this relationship. Hyj does not know an emotion if it smacked him in the face. Hyh gets it from him. At some point hyj goes on vlive and shj is there and spends the entire time not very subtly asking for a kiss. Hyj’s fans are in the comments dying. Hyj does not notice any of this.)
[edit: this is now a fic]
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vacantgodling · 6 months
hi hi hi i would like to know about.... piper/keevan, piper/saith, saith/keevan, and the final boss.... saith/keevan/piper
(basically just talk to me as much as u want about the dynamics with those three)
these three i do be rotating in my brain a LOT. (also tagging @void-botanist cuz you mentioned in your ask wanting to hear about some of the saith stuff! so this is some of it lmaoo)
so for general context for the three of them:
PIPER is an orphan (heavy asterisks but that's backstory and plot relevant stuff LOL) who grew up in the city of kingsburrow. she decided that she would make a name for herself and decided to join guilds (with zero formal training mind you) and epically failed her guild exam the first time she tried to take it. this is when she meets SIR KEEVAN (who is a full-fledged knight) and SAITH (keevan's protégé and a page) who are in easthollow (the guild city where the guild exams take place) on some business. the two of them end up extending their stay and devote a year to actually teaching piper a LOT of things from better combat techniques to lathsburian history, the works. and the three of them get close!! so without further ado.... all the ships:
and the rest under the cut cuz this is finna be LONG
PIPER / KEEVAN (status: canon... ish)
so this ship is technically THE canon one of the bunch. technically the beginning of tcol starts with these three and its very very evident that keevan and piper have the hots for each other they're flirting out the GATE. however, keevan has a particular sort of "reputation": as a strong, kind, charismatic and dashingly handsome knight so so many people are chasing after his affections and swooning over him at every step, but piper doesn't want to be just another damsel to him, she wants to stand on equal ground to him, and she doesn't feel like she'll be able to do that until she becomes a knight of her own merit. keevan really admires piper's reckless passion and drive (though he sometimes worries because she is Very Reckless LMAO), and she's not like anyone else he's ever talked to. she doesn't view him as Sir Keevan the knight in shining armor or the respected officer or an object. she views him as keevan, a man she respects but just a man, and one that she wants him to be able to rely on her just as much as she'll rely on him. whenever the two of them are together its kind of like no one else exists (saith lowkey ends up third wheeling HARD a lot of the time, rip poor baby). a lot of their teases come from keevan flirting with piper and piper playfully rejecting his advances, but both of them know she's into it lol. she gets super pissed whenever people flirt with him esp in front of her and she's not shy about making a big deal about it LOL. though obvs people will remind her that they "aren't together" but tbh they're basically together.
however... they never do actually make their relationship official..... for reasons.......
PIPER / SAITH (status: canonically one sided)
piper and saith are best friends tbh. both of them are studying under keevan (though saith has more formal training than piper), the two of them tend to bicker playfully, saith is the voice of reason and steers piper away from yknow. violence when its not necessary. he acts like he's exasperated with her but really piper makes him laugh. piper loves being around saith because she loves teasing him and she's on his level so she feels comfortable going to him for advice and spars with him the most often to test her skills (and saith never goes easy on her lol). but the only "wrench" in this is saith develops a crush on her... pretty quickly. but because he's close to both her and to keevan, he keeps it to himself for like. so long. he's content to watch the two of them be happy and tries to avoid getting sad or upset about it because at the end of the day he loves both of them, they're the most important people to him. and even though pipes and keevan never get together, saith never tries to shoot his shot out of respect for both of them, he can't bring himself to. as far as he's aware and hopes, he never wants piper to know how he feels about her. and thankfully for him, she's not the most observant.
SAITH / KEEVAN (status: crackship)
its the teacher/student boss/subordinate relationship to me ok like its just kinda Hot. saith and keevan have known each other for at least 7 years, and saith has been training under keevan as a knight for a good while. saith feels like he'll never measure up to keevan because even though keevan works hard everything seems so effortless to him?? he can clear dozens of enemies or foes with a single sword strike, he's the perfect noble and everyone relies on him... and saith is just the seventh son of his family. no one expects anything out of him and he has a hard time believing in this "potential" that keevan keeps talking about that he sees in him. meanwhile, before saith keevan never took on a protege. he admires how saith is extremely humble and because of that he's very teachable. he doesn't have "natural talent" he's just a hard worker and that's better. plus, because a lot of knights do tend to be nobles (or end up staying in low positions if they're not of high birth) saith being a down to earth person is really refreshing. a lot of people don't realize that keevan is constantly putting on a performance for people. yes, he is charismatic and dependable and charming, but people Expect it of him and he never has a break to... not have to do that if that makes sense. saith is someone who he feels like he doesn't have to put on that much of a performance for, and eventually gets to a point where yes keevan is saith's senior, but they're close friends. he tells saith more of how he feels than anyone else. and i think that closeness could've very very easily sparked something More tm if saith wasn't so "i'm not much" energy didn't exist lol.
SAITH / KEEVAN / PIPER (status: crackship aka perfect world ot3)
REALISTICALLY THE THREE OF THEM WOULD BE A REALLY GOOD THROUPLE FOR A LOT OF REASONS. saith is the voice of reason and the milder one between keevan's optimism and piper's recklessness. keevan has people he can be himself around and who he depends on without feeling like he can't ever be real with them. piper has people who value and understand her and appreciate her strength and want to grow with her. THEY WOULD'VE ALL BEEN SO GOOD TOGETHER BUT FUCKING.... ALAS......
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✨101 writing prompts✨
So here I have written up 101 dialogue and scenario prompts for you to choose from! I hope I didn’t accidentally write doubles. But feel free to request for me to write using these or your own! As of right now:
Requests: open for business!
I’m mostly just writing for Christian Cage and Adam Copeland but don’t let that deter you from requesting other wrestlers, especially within AEW! I’ll do my best! If you use any for your writing, I only ask that you credit me ☺️ happy writing! 🩵
1 - “you know I love you, right?”
2 - “try and get some sleep baby”
3 - “is that really necessary?”
4 - “just…five more minutes”
5 - “okay but if we leave now, we can avoid all that traffic and…why are you staring at me like that?”
6 - “absolutely not. Put that back”
7 - “when was the last time we danced together?”
8 - “no, I didn’t want to wake you. You looked so peaceful!”
9 - “what do you think, does it look good on me?”
10 - “don’t you even think about walking through that door”
11 - “so this whole time you didn’t actually care about me?”
12 - “I can’t believe you’d think to hurt me like this. After everything we’d been through together”
13 - “no, no I’m not ready for it to end yet. Not like this”
14 - “please. Please don’t leave me. I need you”
15 - “I’m so scared…of you”
16 - “you have to understand, punching people or things is terrifying for me”
17 - “why can’t you understand that I don’t love you anymore?”
18 - “no, you lost me when you decided to kiss him/her”
19 - “we’re done. Get the fuck out of my house”
20 - “I wish I’d never met you”
21 - “I just…I feel like I wasted the last two years of my life”
22 - “why am I the last to hear about how you’re not in love with me anymore?”
23 - “fine, you want him/her so bad? Then go! I’m not going to wait for you anymore”
24 - “why should I wait for you to decide if you want to be my boy/girlfriend again?”
25 - “clearly this relationship was one sided this whole time, huh”
26 - “I was an idiot for thinking you could love me”
27 - “no. I don’t love you anymore”
28 - “he/she treats me better than you ever did”
29 - “every time I try to talk to you about this, you fucking walk off!”
30 - “come here, let me brush your hair”
31 - “you’re really warm…you sure you’re doing okay?”
32 - “why didn’t you tell me?”
33 - “come here, baby”
34 - “shh it’s okay, I’m here now”
35 - “it’s going to be okay. I’m going to help you but I need you to stay still”
36 - “would it help if I held your hand?”
37 - “they said what to you?”
38 - “show me where it hurts…oh honey, that’s bad. You need to see a doctor, I think that’s beyond what I can do to help”
39 - “why are you shaking? Are you cold?”
40 - “if it ever gets bad again, can you promise you’ll tell me? I don’t want you to go through this alone”
41 - “come to the bathroom. I’ll help you shower”
42 - “there we go. Let it all out”
43 - “I know taking medicine sucks but you have to take it if you want to get better”
44 - “I wish I could take the pain away for you”
45 - “do you need a massage? You look tense…”
46 - “no, I’m okay. It’s just cold”
47 - “please don’t worry about me”
48 - “it just gets hard sometimes yknow? And there really isn’t much anyone can do to make it better”
49 - “maybe not…but can I try at least make it more comfortable for you?”
50 - “please…I can’t breathe. It’s too much”
51 - “will you hold me?”
52 - “I know I’m not who you want to see right now but I’m desperate. Please. Stay with me”
53 - “I just need to know if there’s still a part of you that loves me…that misses what we had”
54 - “I fucked up…bad”
55 - “stay behind me okay? Everything will be alright”
56 - “why are your eyes red? Were you crying?”
57 - “do you remember when we first met?”
58 - “how much sugar are you putting in that?!”
59 - “if I lay back down with you, I’m never getting back up”
60 - “why don’t you like the nickname ‘princess/prince’? Is schnookums better?” - “absolutely not you cringe-“
61 - “I swear I’m not ticklish…stop looking at me like that, I’m not!”
62 - getting caught singing/dancing
63 - seeing you/them get hurt
64 - reacting to you/them on your/their period
65 - reacting to a panic attack
66 - having to do grocery shopping together
67 - reacting to you falling asleep on them
68 - rescuing you from a potentially dangerous situation
69 - having your first time in bed with each other
70 - how they are during a video/board/card game
71 - helping you/them feel better when you/they feel insecure about your/their body
72 - your first kiss
73 - how you first met (please request if you want a specific scenario!)
74 - taking care of each other after an event/match
75 - reacting to walking in on you/them crying
76 - reacting to walking in on you/them getting changed
77 - them standing up for you against someone/vice versa
78 - having to break up
79 - making up again
80 - realising you’re in love with each other
81 - meeting for the first time
82 - a small argument
83 - a big argument
84 - seeing them with children (your own or others)
85 - helping you with your makeup
86 - doing their makeup
87 - winding down after a long day together
88 - having a date night (you choose the type of date)
89 - dealing with long distance
90 - playfully teasing/irritating each other (if you so chose, could lead into an argument!)
91 - looking after each other when one is sick
92 - watching a movie and cheering up the other person when their sad during a death/sad moment
93 - reacting to you/them getting pregnant
94 - watching them bond with baby you-two
95 - showering/bathing together (can lead into smut)
96 - dealing with a traumatic event
97 - baking/cooking together
98 - teasing them (smut version)
99 - reconnecting after a long period away from each other
100 - double date
101 - breakup/getting back together sex
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mythvoiced · 5 months
-. MORE HEADCANONS for Hyun Celebrity Verse
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The BRAINROT I have for this verse, gosh... (rat bastard character for this verse also coming up~ Lynnie, I WILL give you that bastard, MARK MY WORDS!)
Her first ventures into acting where actually classic MV cameos that models seem to do here and there; especially when she was first rising to fame, so early twenties, she'd be featured in that classic 'look at how cool this artist is he can get models~', eye candy and the likes way; the older she'd get, the likelier she'd be to feature as the actual love interest rather than a meatbag (and choose who to work with)
I like to think that she featured with artists like Ra.in yknow~ or people she'd actually enjoy, like Crush, Gray, or as a mate in Ta.eyeon videos maybe (if that's even a thing)
At one point her cameos became less 'oh a model' and more 'is that Ji Hyun?! OMG~'
YOU KNOW WHAT what if she's the voice at the beginning of Jessi's Spirit Animal, you know the one, that'd be so much fun what the fuck, she'd love Jessi (on that note, fluent in English queen~?)
She's not even that much into fashion, as I feel I've kind of established relatively well, the only fashion designer she can actually get behind is Kang Ae-ri ( @stillresolved ) because other than THAT'S HER BESTIE Hyun also feels like Ae-ri is one of the few people left in the business who actually has something to say, something to show, a passion for her craft, and not the performative kind where you call yourself eccentric to get away with being a douchebag, no, Ae-ri actually gives a shit, and Hyun respects that
Even though she's a clothing hanger (her words), when it comes to endorsing brands outside the fashion industry, Hyun likes perfume deals the most: she's a big fan of scents and the likes, she actually likes 'selling' perfumes she'd wear on herself
On the other end of the spectrum: skin-care products, she fucking hates that industry, oversaturated with scammers and bullshit
ONTO THE DEFAMATION LAWSUIT lmao I think I'm settling on a designer being the cause of her trouble: he publicly painted as an abuser who mistreats everyone around her, especially the crew and anyone easily painted as an underdog, this designer is someone Hyun has had issues with for years; she's kept herself relatively close-lipped and they simply had a very tense work-place relationship until Hyun's incoming departure from the fashion industry has prompted her to put him in his goddamn place for his mistreatment and abuse of the women especially who work for him; long story short, he did not like that and turned it around and against her
Hyun's mother is Old Money, Hyun's father owns a cruises company, Hyun's older sister is a former Olympic bronze medalist and now activist, a lot of people assume that's how she got into modelling in the first place, money nepotism, WRONG! She's never seen a cent of her mother's money for most of her life, Hyun's father kind of forgets he has children, Hyun's sister is dealing with her own shit and doesn't have a good reputation for being an LGBTQ+ rights activist anyway, so Hyun was....... scouted~ Like those classic kpop scouting stories you hear, you know
She was also offered to become a trainee, yknow, for the visuals only but she refused, it wouldn't have been for her, she's got no pronounced musical talent and even just thinking about learning choreos fatigued her (she also doesn't like dancing tbh)
In terms of how public Boram and her are, I'll have to talk to Alex about it, but prior to this relationship, she's been OF COURSE target of all sorts of dating rumours
Once she was approached about potentially dating a popular 2nd gen kpop idol and she laughed in their face... she had a public appearance & interview ban for weeks after that
I have to incorporate foxes into this verse as well, of course, so what if an upcoming potential role of hers was that of a gumiho 👀
Funniest about this is... Hyun is a good actor; translating the masking and trickster nature of a gumiho into this verse, it just makes sense, we could easily make her as good as P.ar.k Gy.u-yo.un.g herself
And she would actually like it, she doesn't know it yet BUT I DO, Hyun would love acting, she'd abandon the fashion industry as main gig real fucking fast
We need to cast her in something with Se.o In.-G.uk (NOBODY TOLD ME HE'S IN SOMETHING WITH PARK SO-D.AM RN, GOSH DARN IT)
While she avoids public appearances unless super necessary for whatever reason (such as the one Bellamy ( @usuhan ) is offering her 👀), she's likelier to attend if they're charity events... but she's a little picky there, too
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torchsart · 2 years
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hehe addison hcs time :3 proobably not a good time 4 posting but oh well
i wanted them to be inspired by the ones we see in game, but not meant to Be them yknow? like vc is based on the orange that sells you the spamnequin but isnt that specific orange addison. also i decided too late that these ones are related somehow
i have a few general species hcs coming soon And eyes open portraits with that one template! anyway transcriptions under the cut:
1st pic: Bee (Breakfast) - He/they 6'0/183 cm
Real name Breakfast, goes by Bee
Hair is dyed
Freakishly tall for an Addison
Oldest & most successful
Runs a fashion company & models occasionally
Tends to baby others, likes to feel needed/useful
Drama queen, up to date on all the latest rumors and gossip
Snoops in everyone's love lives & personal relationships
"NTA divorce"
Tends to make assumptions abt others, is wrong all the time
Sucks at targeted ads
Pushy and stubborn both in sales & in life
Secretly insecure, easily jealous
Unhealthy coping mechanisms, bottles it all up, says they're ok
Uses Customer Service Mode to pretend he's fine
Was the inciting incident that pushed Spam away, consumed with regret over it
Can't bring himself to talk about Spamton
2nd pic: VC - He/they 5'5/170 cm
Second oldest, quite successful
Seamster and tailor as a legit job
Scams ppl on the side for fun, talks his way out of being at fault
Actively trying to look as shady as possible
Fast talker, often refuses to repeat themself
Swears uncensored at & in front of clients
Thrives on ppl impulse buying & has no return policy whatsoever
Deceptive marketing
Casual in everything he does, can come off as uncaring at times
Only still in business thanks to intervention from Breakfast
Generally pretty close with Bee, banters with him a lot
Teased Spam the most in his Addison days but offered him a job as a model for their designs
Cut Spam off right after Bee at his insistence. Feels guilty abt abandoning him so fast
Pretends they're not worried
Used to not talking abt Spamton, but will crack easily out of guilt
3rd pic: Spamton - He/him 3'5/108 cm
Middle child, not at all successful
Trying to do a bit of everything until he finds something that works
Markets to Lightners through emails
Dyes his hair white to fit in more
Unusually short for an Addison
Nearsighted & needs his glasses to read at a distance
Vocal glitch present to a lesser extent, sometimes helpful but mostly a nuisance
Quiet at work, can't project his voice very well due to lack of confidence
Has big dreams and lots of hope anyway
Shadowed under each of the others to get some experience and learn what works for them
Tried to copy their methods to no avail
Rejects jobs from siblings out of worry of being a nepotism hire
VC taught him how to con ppl, but Spam refuses to even try it bc he has Morals
Really looks up to Bee, seeks advice from them often
Interested in Taz's artistic endeavors! Loves watching him make things & helps pack orders sometimes
Adores the Lightner concept of cars, wishes they existed in Cyber City
4th pic: Cookie (Clicker) - They/them 5'5/170 cm
Real name Clicker, goes by Cookie
Hair gradient is a natural variation
Second youngest, surprisingly successful
Head of marketing for a fairly popular shoe store
Their absurd ideas end up working really well for some reason
Tends to space out & go on autopilot
Sweetheart with no backbone, falls to pressure easily
Often overcorrects for their mistakes in the worst ways
Bites, chews, and eats clothes
Trying to piece together what "sex" is without anyone knowing they don't know
Everyone knows but plays along
Bottles up their feelings like Bee, feels guilty abt being too late to the mansion
Toxic positivity mindset for themself, doesn't use Customer Service Mode though
Didn't tell anyone abt the garbage noise til post-NEO
Among the last to lose contact with Spamton, on decent terms
5th pic: Taz - He/him 5'5/170 cm
Youngest, actually not that successful
Very polite and doesn't push hard for sales at all
Makes fan merch for various media, usually his own favorites but caters to what's popular for the sake of actually making sales
Favors stickers and keychains
Generally calm and laid back but easily excitable
Gets loud without meaning to & apologizes for it frequently
Can be surprisingly snarky if he wants to but only directs it at Bee since they dish it out the most
His politeness has limits! May get passive-aggressive with clients if he feels the need to
The only one trying to process everything in a healthy way
Drifted from Breakfast after an argument where he held them accountable for pushing Spam away & told him he can't pretend Spam doesn't exist
Didn't want to apologize at first but did after seeing how much it hurt Bee
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fiixer · 10 months
is there any kind of job you won't take?
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" Y'know, most people don't ask stuff like that unless they want something reeeally weird."
That was generally how it worked, in his experience.  Either a potential client was going to ask for something bizarre, or they were too nosy for their own good, perhaps as a poor attempt at small talk to get a chummy vibe going with him.  Jordi has had a few of both in his time, the latter of which never worked, but he had to admit the attempts were adorable.  "I'm good with weird and all.  Cash is cash, I usually don't care how I have to get it, but believe it or not,  I do have standards - I know, it shocked the hell outta me, too, but there it is.   So, yeah, there's a few jobs I won't take - but, I also won't let anyone else take them, either."
What that means will come in time.
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"Kids. I don't deal with shit involving kids.  And I don't mean like, holding a kid for ransom, scaring the hell out of them…that kind of thing is alright.  Not my favorite, but it pays, so I can't complain.  No, no, no, when I say 'involving kids', I mean putting them on the business end of my .45.  And before anyone starts spewing bullshit like who would do that - " For that, his voice climbs a derisive octave or two, only to drop back to normal in barely a breath. " - people do.  Not a lot of people, but people.  I've had one."
It's one he doesn't think of often anymore, now that so many years had passed.  Thus far, it had been one of a mere handful that he'd refused, and one of two he'd turned down because – well, he'd rather not get into the reasons why he'd shot them down.  Introspection sucks, he'd not here for that mess.  Oh, no, instead he's thinking an explanation is in order here.  A man like himself doesn't say no to paying work without good reason, after all.  So, guess what?  It's story time.
"I don't think I was in Chicago a year when this guy contacts me.  Says he wants to get back at his ex-wife.  They split the year before, she got their kid, she was seeing another guy and I dunno, some other bullshit, I stopped listening by that point.  I just remember thinking This is why I don't do the relationship crap.  It gets messy way too quick and then you end up with freak shows like that nutsack who can't leave shit alone.   Just thinking about it gives me a headache…" Trailing off, he comes to a pause.  A breath, and then a tense, albeit distant,  "Where the hell was I…?"
Chicago, relationships…divorced creep.  Ex wife, job refused because -
"- oh, yeah.  So, anyway, we meet, he tells me he wants to 'teach her not to fuck with him', but he doesn't want her dead, because everyone points fingers at the ex when stuff like that happens.  He just wanted her fucked up.  Not physically, 'cuz that would heal too quick and, again, everyone always thinks it's the ex.  He wanted to fuck with her head, permanently, and how'd he wanna do it?  By hiring me.  Not to mess with her or scare her or whatever- that'd be fine, I'd done it a thousand times before.  Nah, this asshole wanted me to take out the five-year-old she had custody of.  Yknow, really hit her where it hurts."
In theory, Jordi's previously mentioned tactics - ransom, threats, etc. - usually worked just fine, and probably would have in that instance, too.  Most parents would lose their minds over that kind of stuff, but a client wants what a client wants.  His part in the deal was to listen and do what he's paid to, no questions asked or input placed.
"I said I'd take it.  Told him to pay me upfront and then, when the job was done, I'd clean the mess and he'd never have to see me again, and y'know what?  He did.  Transferred it over, didn't even question it, and after he did, I was about to head out to get the job done, but before I could, the craziest shit happened.  I stood up, went to leave, and the next thing I know, there's a bullet right in the middle of his forehead - fuckin' dead center.  The second one wasn't too far off, either; think it was like…in his eye or something, I dunno, hard to remember now, but I do remember, with all of his blood flying around, some of it ended up on my jacket.  My brand new Patagonia, can you believe it?! "
The audacity of some people. Even as a corpse, the guy was a dick, which could have almost been respectable if Jordi wasn't on the receiving end of things.
He really liked that coat, too...
"So, I popped the fucker a third time, went home to change, and took myself out to a nice dinner on the lakefront.  I got my money, and no one was around to claim I didn't get the job done - which actually reminds me, you breathe a word of this to anyone, just know, I got three bullets on me just for you, got it?  Cool, cool.  But, uh..yeah, that was that."
That one felt good.  If pressed, Jordi couldn't put a finger on exactly what made that particular request much different than the countless others he'd handled; maybe it was just because it was a kid involved, maybe he'd started going soft a little sooner than he'd noticed.  Whatever the case, it was a hard limit on his end.  What should have been a meeting like any other had left a hollow pit in his stomach the whole time the guy talked, after he'd revealed intentions and explained exactly what he wanted Jordi to do.  Such a pathetic waste of space, that one, drawing a target on someone who couldn't fight back...
As far as he's concerned, he fulfilled a contract, albeit an unspoken one, for saving some random woman he'd never meet the hassle of her ex-husband's existence, and spared a kid the trouble of being caught in the middle of that whole disaster. Look at him - making the world a better place, one well-placed bullet at a time.
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"Moral of the story is, a job like that?  Nope, won't take it, and anyone who comes to me with shit like that it's gonna end up like ol' what's-his-face…I can't remember it now, it's been a while.  So far, that one's been the only time I've been asked to off a kid, but if I know anything about people, it's that someone, somewhere out there, is just fucked up enough to want it, too."
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bluiex · 1 year
I'm so glad others brought up Bigb being part of the polycule. I had the thought when it was brought up that Mumbo didn't love Bigb he loved Grian and Scar. But I forgot to drop the idea And someone else brought it up bless you So imagine, DL starts. Grian and Scar find out they are soulmates, and Scar notices how he looks at Bigb. Scar liked Bigb, ever since he stole his cookie in 3rd Life. He was a nice guy, easy on the eyes. And he just always had such a nice personality too But feeling Grian's feelings toward Bigb. Scar starts getting Very interested in Bigb too. Feelings start coming quick for Scar, and Bigb is very nice to the Jellie pandas too. And that really helps his feelings So, Grian and Scar hatch the secret soulmate thing together. Grian would get close to Bigb, but he also talks up Scar too. Sure they are "secret" soulmates but only really secret from Ren if we are being honest here Bigb flusters knowing that both Grian and Scar have a thing for him. Grian was one thing but Scar? Bigb realizes he has feelings for Grian first. But he finds his feelings for Scar when he's hanging out with him and the Jellie pandas, helping feed them. Scar gives him a hug smile that makes his heart just flutter. And then Scar laughs, this loud joyous happy laugh when one the Jellie pandas bump inot him knocking him into Bigb who catches him. And that laugh just does something to him, he feels so warm and happy, realizing he'd love to hear that laugh more He falls and he falls so hard for Grian and Scar. Seeing them both in a new light he didn't ever expect. And if he smiles everytime he thinks of them. Well thats his business I feel like if they are dating Cub and Mumbo too. They wait until the series is over and has Bigb over so they can all talk and make sure they are okay with Scar and Grian dating Bigb. Which goes over well and all things are talked out. Mumbo knows Bigb so he knows how he is. Cub I feel like is more the type to vet Bigb cause he doesn't want his partners hurt But he learns quickly that Bigb is not the type that would purposely hurt anyone and agrees. Even if Mumbo and Cub don't date him they just earned another friend, a good friend at that And honestly if people don't want Ren left behind, we've had Scarian and Ren before so honestly they have more than enough love to them to give so yknow just grow the polycule -@spacecatdet
At this point it is just polyhermits with other mc ppl /pos
No but like this is perfect. They both begin "courting" BigB during DL and by the end of it they successfully got him into their relationship and back home to Cub and Mumbo to talk further <3
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