#anyway! im projecting again. on both of them at the same time oh wow boys
there is a longing that lies very deep in my bones for platonic bkdk
just… hear me out okay.
bakugou getting his complete shit wrecked with guilt and shame and self-hatred once he finally can comprehend just how big of a piece of shit he was. every atom that makes him up BURNS w determination to be better, do better. he will make it up to midoroya even if it kills him (it would be what he deserves anyway if it did). everything just starts kinda falling in around him bc his whole perception of the world is changing and he’s just. he just has to deal. and he will; its the least he can do after everything he’s done.
midoriya, on the other hand, being allowed to be upset for fucking once. hes safe and okay now and bakugou doesnt hold anymore power over him, so hes allowed to seethe and grieve the childhood he didnt get to have. he gets to hate bakugou for the first time in his life, and he DOES -- very intensely, at that. he has real friends now and he knows what real love is and he gets. to. be. furious. so he is. he indulges the feeling of fire in his veins and he learns to not be afraid to scream out of frustration, especially if that frustration is because of bakugou.
eventually, though, the flames start to flicker out after months of tears and tongue lashings and ignoring each other when one isn’t a sobbing mess apologizing and the other isn’t burning alive with hateful words and a hurt heart.
from there, theyre both left in ashes from the fire that only the most passionate emotions can bring about; midoriya from hate, bakugou from self-loathing. both got their healthy dose (or maybe overdoses) of feeling what they needed to feel. so they hesitantly try to rise from those ashes together.
its hard work, trying to build something from soot, and theyre both absolutely filthy at the end of every single day, but they manage. and slowly, they construct something...functional. not good, not yet, but it’s getting there.
it’s gentle, what they build. it will fall if pressed against too harshly, but they make sure the cornerstones are strong since the support beams can’t be.
bakugou can’t give midoriya his childhood back, but he can help give him a better future. midoriya can’t give bakugou forgiveness, but he can help him to become the person he wants to be.
just...eventually they do make it somewhere. they do become friends, for real, even if they’ll never be as close as midoriya is with iida, uraraka, and todoroki; as close as bakugou is with kirishima. but theyre able to add to what they built, make it stronger.
finally the childhood friends would actually become friends.
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jaesahiluvr · 3 years
Barista Boy
Genre : fluff to angst kind of trope 🤨
pairing :yoshi x reader
Summary: surprise;))
warnings : lil bit of cursing , misspelled words and wrong grammars 💔
a/n: okay look guys , i was really skeptical in posting this but fuck ittt ik it kinda sucks but hopefully you’ll love it 😭 i recommend to listen to ur angst playlist at the last part hehehehe enjoy luvs <33 you can also ask for requests hihi i’ll try my best if i can!
It was around 8pm when me and my friends decided to go to the café that was near my apartment to finish our work. We arrived and looked for a seat to sit on. I asked my friends their orders since I was always the one ordering for them. I got their orders and went to the counter. When I got there , there was this tall , handsome guy and he had a cute eye smile “ Hi maam! Welcome to Café Prince! What can I get for you today?” I was dozing off for a second admiring his face then he asked me again. “Oh right. Three iced americanos please.” I said shyly realizing i was staring at his face for too long “ Great! Order coming right up.”
I thanked him and left and went back to my friends. “Wow okay guys , that barista boy was hella cute.” I uttered. my friends: shocked “ Wow finally y/n after five fucking years” they cheered. “Dude chill , I don’t like him like that. He was just cute.” I denied “OH COME ON WE KNOW YOU! Don’t worry girl I know who he is” my friend said while smirking at me “He’s Yoshinori , he goes to the same school as us and he’s just a year older.” Interesting. I never saw him at our school though. But I didn’t really care , our orders came and we worked in silence trying not to breakdown on how hard our project was.
Two hours passed by and my friends had to leave because of curfew. Well I stayed since my apartment was just nearby and I lived alone. I was finishing my work and suddenly I heard a voice. “Too busy huh” the boy said “Well yeah , I have few more days to finish this up lol” I scratched the back of my neck “Oh okay , well anyway just wanted to let you know that we’re closing in 15 mins.” He announced “Oh right sorry , I’ll better get going now. Thanks!” I waved him a small goodbye and left.
Next morning ☕️
RING RING RING. My alarm clock yelling at me. “Oh god what time is it” me panicking. “Holy shit! Fuck im late.” I quickly got up washed my face and brushed my teeth , gathered my stuff and ran to my car. Me frustrated. Great ofcourse it’s traffic my profffesor is gonna yell at me again for sure. When I got there I ran as fast I could until I bumped into someone. “Ouch omg I am so sorr-“ stopping throughout my words I saw Yoshi trying to help me up. “Oh hey y/n , it’s you” he said. “So sorry but I have to go already I’m running late” I ran before he could say anything else.
“Late again Ms. L/N” my professor looking at me disappointedly “Make sure this is the last time l/n.” she said “Yes maam , I’m sorry” my classmates all looking at me. I went to take my seat while trying to catch up at the lesson. But I suddenly remembered what happened awhile ago. Wait. How did he know my name? I never told him. Weird but I shrugged it off and continued to listen to the lesson.
Once it was over I went to the library with my friends chatting and eating while trying to finish our unfinished works. I wanted to take a break so I went around the library and I happened to see Yoshi again. “ Hey y/n , what are you looking for?” he greeted me with a small smile on his face. That smile.
“Wait how do you know my name?” I questioned him. “Oh sorry if that came off as creepy , we’re actually in the same art club! I happened to see your name and face on the members lists” No way. I looked horrible in that picture that was like taken 2 years ago ugh.
“Oh really , I’m new so i didn’t know you we’re in the art club!”
“You must be so talented though!” He complimented me. That honestly gave me intense butterflies in my stomach. “Oh nahh , you must be!” We both chuckled. “Well , see you in art class later!” I said and left.
“Where were you?” my friends asking me. “Oh me i-I was just roaming around” I didn’t wanna tell them I saw Yoshi again because they will for sure tease me the whole day.
We left and went back to class. Finally it was art class time. I was pretty excited to see him again. So I hurriedly went to the Art Room. There I saw him sitting down doodling something. When he noticed I was there he picked a seat beside me and asked me a bunch of questions. Wow he’s talkative. To me. Only. Because I noticed that he was quiet when someone else asks him a question or tries to start a conversation with him. Weird but whatever. After listening and sketching I didn’t realize I fell asleep.
What I didn’t noticed was Yoshi secretly admiring and drawing my sleeping face. “she’s cute” he muttered. I was woken up by Yoshi telling me that the class was over. “oh crap I fell asleep?” “Yeah and you were snoring really loud” he jokingly said chuckling “Hey! I don’t snore” I gently smacked his shoulder making him laugh. We left and before I could say goodbye he asked me if we could hangout soon. That was surprising , but he seems like a pretty cool dude and we both like the same things so I agreed. I waved him a goodbye and went home.
The next day there was no school so I texted Yoshi that we could meet up today. I got his number when we were chatting at art class. He agreed and we met up at the café where he worked at. “Hey you look great!” he complimented but I was literally was just wearing a black sweatpants and an oversized shirt. “Thanks! you too.” we went inside the café to drink some coffee and asked him where he wanted to go. “Oh I know this place where we could ride bikes , eat streetfoods and stargaze” He said excitedly “Oh wow that sounds fun!” his words making me excited too. After talking for about 15 minutes we decided to go. He offered to use his car and we finally went. I couldn’t help but look at him while he’s driving. He looked so good. I smiled to myself making him glance at me. “Are you okay?” He asked “Oh yeah I’m fine.” Looking at the window biting my lower lip.
When we finally arrived , the view was so pretty. First we rented bikes and rode it around the place. It was so fun. We were laughing and talking and I swear I won’t ever forget this night. We grabbed some food after and sat down on the grass. Star gazing. That felt more like a date. Out of nowhere he said something that made me go insane. “You’re so beautiful , you know?” Oh my god. “What?” I couln’t say anything and was just looking around “ Oh uh nevermind” he tried changing the topic and we continued to talk. But obvy that didn’t help me forget what he said because I clearly heard it. But anyway , we both had a great time. Then we went home. “Thanks for hanging out with me y/n. I had a great time.” He said “Ofcourse! Me too , take care.” I hopped of his car. “Wanna hangout again ?” He nervously asked “Ofcourse!” I said “Great , I’ll see you again. Goodnight y/n.” I smiled and said goodnight.
When I got to my room , I washed up and changed clothes. I couldn’t help but smile and jump around like an idiot about what just happened today. Did he seriously called me beautiful? The dinosaurs in my stomach wildinnn. But anyway , I posted pics of us on my Instagram stories and Yoshi and me we’re mutuals so obviously he would see it too. What I didn’t see coming was my friends going insane in replying to my stories.
@sahiclouds : finallyyy our y/n datingg 😛😛
@user847563683: omggggg
@hachichan: Y/NNN I knew it !!! 😠😠
@nariluvsu: you whoreeeeee finallyyyyy 😬
I replied to their crazy replies and suddenly Yoshi replied aswell.
@yoshinori_ : had fun with you too , pretty
OH MY FUCKING GODDODKDJHSEKGFWGFWG. I was going insane as soon as I saw his reply , thinking what to reply I thought about a reply that took me about 15 minutes.
@yncafee : that’s great , pretty boy <3
UH HELLO I had to come up with something that can make him go crazy too! After that he didn’t replied. As about I was going to sleep my phone dinged.
@yoshinori_ : u drive me crazy
Boom. Y/n Dead. Cause of death : user @yoshinori_ !! I didn’t know how to respond anymore so I ignored it and tried my best to sleep. I looked like I was a crazy girl inlove. After smiling about all that I finally drifted to sleep.
The next day , same things happened. We meetup after school and go to our daily hangout places. That happened for about 2 weeks. Then I saw Yoshi at the library and I asked where we’re gonna go later to hangout. “Oh sorry I’m gonna be busy the whole entire week so don’t wait for me after school” then he left. But I did what he said. I noticed he was more like distancing himself away from me. Everytime I try and talk to him during free time he avoids me and just leave. I don’t know what the fuck happened but everything was so sudden. I constantly think about what I did wrong or where I went wrong? But nothing , I was pretty sure I never went wrong in anything. We were both happy together. He still ignored me the whole week then the next week again.
I didn’t understand so I tried to call him like what I always did. He still didn’t picked up my calls or answered any of my messages so I went to the spot where we usually meet up. The café. I went out and went to the café. When I got there , I stopped. There I saw Yoshi with another girl on the spot where we usually meetup and talk. My mind was blank. I can’t help but tear up.
I quickly ran back to my apartment and cried so hard. So that was the reason. He was distancing himself from me because he was already meeting up with some different girl. I was mad. Furious. How could he? Does this look like some stupid game to him? My emotions we’re mixed up. I felt sad. I felt mad. I felt betrayed. I told my friends about this and they were trying their best to calm me down. I kept crying every night. Everytime theres’s school I tried my best to avoid seeing him. Every art class , I sit at the back of the class and sometimes I see him looking back at me.
A few weeks later he called me and this time he said he wanted to meet up. Wow the audacity. But nonetheless I agreed because I had a lot to say too. I got ready and went to the café. When I got there he was outside. I approached him slowly. I even mentally prepared myself for this.
“Hey..” He said lowering his head
“ You ghosted me for weeks and all you could say is hey? What the fuck happened to us Yoshi?” I exclaimed
“I don’t want to see you again y/n.” He said that like it was nothing
“What was that all for then? I thought we had something special? Did you even took me seriously? Or Do you think I look like some stupid toy to you?” I cried
“I’m already in a relationship , I can’t keep seeing you anymore y/n” he lied
Then just that. He left me crying and confused. After five years , the same shit happened again. My tears mixing with the droplets of rain. What we didn’t see was we were both breaking down on separate roads in the rain.
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fbfh · 4 years
“forever” paxton hall-yoshida x reader
genre: fluffy romance + mutual pining (not too slowburn tho lol)
word count: 3.4k
au: none?? jock x theatre nerd ig
pairing: Paxton x broadway baby!reader 
requested: yes !! i hope u like it uwu
warnings: one hell one motherfucking and i think that’s it for swearing?? um brief self deprecating/talking bad abt urself from paxton (bby boy needs a self love boost), reader and paxton are home alone together for a little while but nothing bad happens, uh,,, i think that’s it
summary: when Eleanor can’t run lines with you, she sends over a very attractive, mutually pining substitute.
reccomended songs: “Seventeen” - Tuck everlasting OBC, “The Kiss” -The Princess Diaries score
a/n: i’m p sure i kept the reader p gender neutral but there’s implied slightly long hair, and you play the lead (a girl named winnie) in ur schools production of tuck everlasting but like it’s theatre so anyone can play anyone lol,, this took so got dam long bc i’m fucking s o f t for jock x artist and it just sorta happened lol aLsO,, not super thoroughly edited so there might be a typo or two?? im tired lol
requests r open <3
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You had only ever seen two athletes present during rehearsals. Once when Madeline (who at the time was playing Penny in your production of Hairspray) was dating a guy from the soccer team. The other was when the star of the basketball team had come in to give your choreographer pointers for the basketball scenes during High School Musical. 
Until now.
You had run onstage part of the way through “Live Like This”, which wasn’t out of the ordinary since so much progress had been made on the costumes. You were still tying the ribbon on your pinafore as you jumped into the song, but when your eyes met a face in the usually empty auditorium, you faltered. You almost sang the wrong verse, but recovered quickly, continuing with the blocking. What felt like a moment later, the number was almost done and you were nearing the end of your counterpoint with Mae Tuck - played by Eleanor, of course. Who could be better for the part? You held out the last note, trying to stay in character despite all the distractions in the back of your mind. You had to talk to Eleanor when the director called for 10; she’d started telling you how Devi was being weird recently. Also, what the Hadestown was Paxton Hall-Yoshida doing chilling in the auditorium? You shoved all that away, focusing on staying in character until the director called for a break. 
‘I want to go to the fair. I want to go so badly! I just need a change, need to get out of this house for a little while. I never do anything, so this can’t be asking for too much, right?’ 
You projected all that into your everything - face, voice, mannerisms, energy.
Everyone froze.
The director wrote a few things on his paper, sighed, and underlined something several times. 
“Okay, good job! I need to revise some of the blocking, then we’ll do notes, so take ten.” Your sudden nerves had definitely made you pitchy, you knew that would be one of your notes for sure. 
A chorus of “Thank you ten”s erupted, and you immediately ran to Eleanor, telling the others good job as you passed. 
You leaned in and started speaking to her, quietly.
“Okay you need to finish telling me about Devi, and that other news you’re being so cryptic about! Also, what’s up with Fierro over there?” you nodded towards Paxton hoping he wouldn’t see, and you noticed Fab is sitting near him. You realized they’re probably waiting for Eleanor and/or Devi. That must be it, he’s been hanging out with them lately, right? Eleanor gasped.
“You’re right! Paxton is such a Fierro!”
You cringed inwardly a little bit as her voice carried through the auditorium, mixing with the others. Your eyes darted over to him for a fraction of a second. Oh god. He was looking at you. Or in your general direction at least. Lena, the costumer, walked around the set gingerly, following you around and getting you out of your dress incredibly carefully as you and Eleanor walked off stage. 
“No! Well, yes- but no. What’s he doing here? Jocks never come here during rehearsals. I saw Fab too, are you guys and Devi getting dinner or something?” You said, entering the auditorium, and stepping out of the dress. You grabbed sweatpants and a silky, floral kimono jacket from your bag to throw over your leotard and tights. She waved back at Fab before sitting down in the front. You both grabbed your fans and dramatically flicked them open in sync. Your wrists fluttered, cooling both of you off.  A knowing, and slightly mischievous, look came on her face. 
“Devi and Fab and I are. Paxton must be here for something… else.” she shrugged, nodding towards Paxton. You looked over again. He was staring at you. You did a double take and tried to hold back your smile. 
“Wh- I do not know to what you are referring.” 
“To what I am referring is the blush on his cheeks.”
You barely held back a nervous, bubbling laugh.
“He is not blushing! Why would he be blushing!”
“I don’t know,” She shrugged, “Just like how I don’t know that he’s been loitering in the halls outside the music room during your last three solo music rehearsals.”
You struggled for an answer. Before you could form one, you were interrupted.
“Okay, okay what is the best Lin Manuel Miranda musical? Because Kathryn thinks it’s Hamilton-” 
“-But I think it’s In the Heights! It’s an underrated jewel!” Jonah interjected, still wearing his Jesse Tuck hat. 
You considered for a moment.
“I mean, they’re too different to compare. In the Heights has the same energy as Rent - showcasing what goes on in ordinary people’s lives, and how love ties us all together,” he nodded in agreement, “But Hamilton is on a way larger scale, almost Les Mis meets Fun Home vibes. But in terms of personal preference…” Eleanor scoffed at your answer, and Jonah went back to debate further with Kathryn.
“Anyway,” you turned back to Eleanor to ask her what the hell she meant by Paxton Hall-Yoshida was blushing. But before you could-
“Eleanor, we need you to try on your blue dress again,” Lena was already pulling her away, “I had the empire waist in the right place but half the pins fell out, and it’s just...” And she was whisked away before you could finish the thought. You just had time to help Holly get out her wig pins and drink some lemon water before notes. Eleanor still wasn’t back, so you made sure to write down hers for her. It was pretty standard; be quiet backstage, go over your lines, don’t touch props that aren’t yours, don’t eat in costume, and a couple blocking changes you made note of. After your end of rehearsal warm downs and huddle, everyone left relatively quickly. You ducked into the bathroom to freshen up a little. Sometimes it was hard coming down from such intense energy after rehearsal. You mentally ran through your to do list. You needed to get some more tea, write that essay when you got home, go over your notes- You gasped, cutting off your own train of thought. You ran out of the bathroom to look for Eleanor, still clutching her notes in hand. 
Your voice still echoed in Paxton’s ears. He wished he had a whole album of you singing. Your voice made him want to ruin his spotify algorithm by listening to nothing else. You had looked at him a couple times, and his heart had almost stopped. He didn’t know eye contact could be so intense. It’s probably just cause you’re like, the only person in the audience. Where else is she supposed to look? He deflated a little. He heard his name and looked over to you and Eleanor talking together. Hopefully it was about him. Hopefully it was good. He checked his phone, trying to look busy. When he glanced up to see if you were looking, you were gone. He started to look around for you when he saw Eleanor waving at Fab, and sure enough, you were next to her. What he didn’t expect was you dropping your dress to the ground. Time slowed down (and his heart sped up) as you stretched a little, and pulled out sweatpants from your bag.
 You had on what looked like a bathing suit on underneath, and a few other people had done the same, but he knew that image would be in his memory, probably forever. His heart was beating in his ears and he knew he must be blushing.
“You okay, Paxton?” Fab asked, a seat or two away. Oh god, he didn’t want people asking why he blushed every time he looked at you! He muttered something about needing to make a call and headed for the doors. Don’t look back at her, don’t look back at her… His eyes involuntarily darted in your direction right before he left. You had on a flowy translucent jacket, your hair thrown back supermodel style as you fanned yourself to cool down. He needed to cool down too. Maybe a cold shower, a really cold shower.
You managed to find Eleanor just before she left. Two girls were with her, you had seen Fab once, and you’d heard a lot about Devi, but had never been introduced. 
You gave Eleanor her notes, and she hugged you.
“You’re a lifesaver!” 
“Of course, I-”
“Uh, who’s this?” you looked over, and the shorter girl - Devi, based on what you’d heard about her -  was giving you a weird look. You introduced yourself. 
“Nice to meet you. How do you know Eleanor?” said the taller girl - definitely Fab.
“Oh,” you smiled, “she’s my almost mother in law. And my arch rival,” you counted on your fingers, “my sister, my niece, my lover, my husband, and…” you trailed off, trying to think of the other dynamics your characters had had in past shows.
“Your co-conspirator.” 
“Right,” you laughed. Devi and Fab looked at you two.
“We’re in the musical together.” you clarified. You were about to part ways when you called to Eleanor, “Hey, we’re still on for running lines tomorrow night?” 
“Uh… Sounds good!” she walked away quickly, speaking to Devi and Fab in hushed tones. Something was definitely up. That was typical Eleanor Scheming behavior. 
That night, you almost couldn’t sleep. This wasn’t the normal post rehearsal can’t sleep. In fact, Tuck Everlasting was the last thing on your mind as you readjusted your pillows and snuggled into your duvet. You stared at the neon blue stars projected and swirling on your ceiling. You sighed. Again. Your brain was a 24/7 livestream of Paxton Hall-Yoshida to relax/study to. You saw him again, his face in the dimly lit auditorium, Adonis in a sea of faded seats. If you hadn’t been sure before, you knew now that red was definitely his color. You rolled onto your side. Your heart picked up speed as a thought crossed your mind. You could almost see Paxton now, kneeling next to you, his fingertips brushing your cheek. The piano underscore to “Seventeen” ran through your mind. You could imagine him saying “Wait with me, we could share the world…” so vividly it almost hurt. He leaned in, and… 
You let out a loud sigh and rolled over again. Your heart was fully saturated. That’s more than enough pining for tonight. 
He was a little surprised when Eleanor just walked up to him at lunch the next day. Most people were too intimidated to approach him out of the blue. 
“I have a plan.”
“Uh, I don’t know what you-”
“Cut the crap, I know you like her.” 
His face blanched. Well, yeah of course he did. Who wouldn’t? He was going to ask Eleanor if there was something he could do to win you over, just not here, not now. Not where everyone could watch and jeer and rib him for it. Just like they were doing now. 
“Woah, dude, who is it?” Trent asked. He fumbled for words. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He hadn’t kept his crush a secret because he was embarrased of you, he’d kept it a secret because his dumbass friends wouldn’t get you. Hell, he barely got you. You were so deep, and emotive, and artistic... 
“Bro, if you like her as much as it seems like you do,” Trent continued, “you gotta win her over.” He was a little shocked at the agreement murmuring through his group of friends. He didn’t know how to respond. Trent turned to Eleanor.
“What’s the plan, drama mama?”
“First of all,” she said, an almost humorously dangerous look on her face, “never call me that again. Second,” she shoved some papers into Paxton’s hands, “meet me in the music room immediately after school.” She started back for her table. Trent looked back over to Paxton. 
“You gotta do it, dude. We’ll cover for you at swim.” 
The rest of his friends agreed. He was pleasantly surprised at how supportive they were being. 
“Yeah, I guess... we’ve got a plan.”
The next day went by pretty smoothly. No rehearsal was scheduled since they were finishing construction for some of the sets, but everyone was instructed to do a couple read throughs of the script, focusing on scenes they’re still forgetting, to make sure everyone’s off book. You stopped by 7 Eleven to get a blue slurpee (for homework) and a couple coconut waters (for run throughs). You texted Eleanor on your way to the slurpee machine. 
okay so do you like the mango coconut water or the pineapple one?? It’s the mango one right?? i always forget lmao
sent at 4:16 pm
btw I don’t have that much homework so you can probs come by around 5:30 if you’re ready by then
sent at 4:16 pm
Bae Tuck
OMFG!! I totally forgot about running lines tonight, I can’t make it! :( but I’ll send someone over to help you out. :)
sent at 4:17 pm
You squinted at your screen. That was weird. Eleanor never used colon parentheses smilies. Like, ever. She always used emojis, and usually way more than two per text. 
yeah np, are u good? ♡
sent at 4:17 pm
Bae Tuck
Yes :)
sent at 4:18 pm
Bae Tuck
Also get the passionfruit one 🥥🍠 👀
sent at 4:18
that’s,,, el that’s a sweet potato,,
sent at 4:19 pm
Bae Tuck
Close enough 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
sent at 4:19pm
...Okay? That was definitely weird. You shook it off and headed for the counter to pay. You stopped half way there, and turned back to swap the mango for passionfruit. 
Not long after you had finished your homework and tidied up your room a little, the doorbell rang. You exited the kitchen, drinks in hand, and opened the door. Your heart caught in your throat. Paxton Hall-Yoshida was standing outside. And you were pretty sure he looked nervous. You both just stood there for a second. No one breathed, no one spoke. 
“Uh, hi, do you want to…” you backed up, motioning for him to come inside. 
“Yeah, thanks,” he said, entering the doorway. Paxton motherfucking Hall-Yoshida was in your living room. You held out a hand to him.
“Coconut water?” he took the box, looked at the label, and smiled. 
“Yeah, thanks,” he said again, this time a faint, yet unmistakable note of joy in his voice. He took a sip. He smiled.
“Passionfruit’s my favorite.” You silently thanked Eleanor, who you knew must have planned all this. Most of the evening was a blur, and you thanked god your family wasn’t home right now. You went upstairs, texted Eleanor asking what the actual fuck, made some surprisingly comfortable small talk, then filled him in on how to run lines. 
“Do you think playing the soundtrack would help you… get into character?” he asked. 
“I would probably just end up singing the whole thing,” You laughed and tried to ignore the butterflies in your chest. The main scene you struggled with was before “Seventeen”. It was harder to get into Winnie’s head because you had no romantic feelings for Jonah, and you always just made each other laugh. You had started with a few easier scenes of Winnie and Jesse, like the fair, and the dialogue before “Top of the World”. 
“That was really good,” he said, and you felt the sincerity of his words. 
“Thanks…” you smiled and took a sip of coconut water, hoping you weren’t blushing too hard. 
“So what next?” he asked. 
“Probably the scene before ‘Seventeen’,” you said, giving him the page and scene number, “it’s one of the hardest ones for me. I guess I just can’t connect to Jonah the way Winnie does.” 
“Huh,” he said, skimming the page. When you looked up at him, he had something between a smile and a smirk playing at his lips. You made yourself look away before you got too distracted. You refused to think about the fact that you were sitting across from Paxton Hall-Yoshida on your bed, in your room, like you were… close with each other. His eyes skimmed the script, finding the dialogue. He glanced up at you and nodded, indicating he found his place. You began.
“I was so afraid you wouldn’t get away,” you said, jumping into character.
“I may be 102, but I can still outrun anyone,” a smile played at his lips. You smiled, then let your face fall.
“I’m so sorry, I-I tried to warn you-”
“No, no,” he interjected almost seamlessly, “It’s okay, it’s… refreshing having someone look after me who isn’t my mom.” His eyes flickered between your face and the page. You smiled with him for a second, then let distress cloud your face.
“Jesse… that man came by my house today. He heard the music box, he knows about you-”
“I know he knows…” 
You continued on with the scene and he trailed off when he came to the sheet music for the song Seventeen. You took in a breath to start the dialogue in the middle of the song, but before you could…
“Six years from now you will turn seventeen,
Turn seventeen,
The same age as me,
Six years from now,
Go to the spring,
Go to the spring and drink…”
He was singing to you. He was looking at you and singing to you. His eyes only flickered down to the page to confirm the lyrics. He was nervous, you could tell. But through his hesitance, the emotion in his voice was sincere. Your heart was beating faster. You didn’t even notice your pulse was ringing in your ears, you were too focused on Paxton. 
“I'll wait for you till you turn seventeen,
Turn seventeen,
The same age as me,
Six years from now,
Go to the spring,
Go to the spring and drink…” Your hand rose to cover your mouth. He hesitated, and you remembered your dialogue.
“Uh, wh-what if I… forget where the spring is?” He reached out and took your free hand in his. Your pulse was off the charts. “I’ll go get you some water. Just… remember to keep it somewhere safe. Somewhere no one will find it.” You got the feeling he wasn’t just talking about the water. You knew he had never really been in a serious relationship before, and it clicked suddenly - if he learned an entire song to duet with you, just how much he must like you. You exhaled a breathy laugh, unsure how to process the sudden euphoria you felt. 
“You make the world sound so… exciting. I just want to drink the water right now!”
“Uh, no. You have to wait.” you both smiled, anticipating the upcoming joke.
“Why?” you ask, “What’s the difference?” You held your breath as he tried not to laugh through the delivery of the punchline. 
“Believe me,” he rubbed his thumb over your hand, “there’s a difference.” You both chuckled, and he continued singing. You were so focused on him, so… touched that he would do all this for you. 
“Winnie, wait with me,
And we could be married,
Winnie, wait with me,
And we'll share the world,
Winnie, you can stop time,
And live like this,
“I could live like this forever,” you echoed.
“Live like this...” you sang in tandem.
“What do you say, Winnie? Do you want to…” he broke character suddenly, and asked, his eyes boring into yours, “Do you want to go out some time?” 
He could see the adorable smile blooming on your face, even from behind your hand. You nodded.
“Yes, I-I would love that,” and you began to sing the last line in the song, “Forever-” 
But before you finished holding out the note, his lips were on yours. His mouth moved slowly, intentionally, against yours. You followed his lead, flustered. He leaned further forward, his palm caressing your cheek. It was everything you imagined it would be, and you had quite the imagination. Your head was angled up and your hands rested themselves on his back, one tracing little shapes. Your shoulders were pressed against each other and neither of you could think. He was so warm. He tasted like coconut and passion fruit, and a distant part of your mind silently thanked Eleanor again. 
You really could live like this forever.
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Quarantine Series: Burnt Out
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Y/N has to work from home during Quarantine, but when she gets extremely busy it’s up to Tom to find a way to help her relax .
A/N: This is my second attempt at this piece. Last time I created this it was super long but it got deleted 😩
Check the Rest: Burnt Out | A New Look | Secret Cuts & Kisses | Breaking Friendships |The Birthday Week | Movie Night | Silence is Golden?|
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All Y/N ever wanted was an opportunity to work from home. Then again, who wouldn't want that opportunity? All she could think about was how nice it’d be to work in the comfort of her own home, not have to dress up in business professional clothing, and most importantly be surrounded by the people she cared for the most. But as the saying goes, “Be careful for what you wish for.”
When a global pandemic decided to take over 2020, Y/N certainly got her wish. Her company was forced to work from home until further notice, but what she didn’t expect was the amount of work she would be given. Y/N was pulled from project to project with deadlines thin as paper, and was expected to pick up the extra work of those that were no longer with the company. There was no time to catch a breath, and there certainly was no time to spend with her beloved boyfriend, Tom. This only made Y/N more depressed and made the Holland boys only more concerned.
“Mate, you got to get her to take a break. She’s gonna overdo it.” Harrison commented to his best friend, as they watched Y/N type away like a zombie from the kitchen.
“You think I don’t know that?!” Tom responded with a defeated sigh. “Every time I ask her, she always brushes it off and claims shes fine. Don't get me wrong, Im proud of her and admire her work ethic, but damn its sucking the life out of her.”
Both Harrison and Tom continued to observe Y/N with a cup of tea on hand, wondering how long it would take before she snapped. Tom hated seeing her like this. To him this wasn’t fair. It’s not fair that her 8 hour shift now became a 15 hr shift. Its not fair that she had to work 3 weekends straight, and it certainly wasn’t fair that her company took precious time away to be together. It was hard enough already that he couldn’t spend time with Y/N like a normal boyfriend would because of filming. Now, that he has the opportunity to make up for the lost time, it’s taken away.
“What if you surprised her?” Harrison quipped.
Tom looked up at his best friend with curious eyes. It took a few minutes to sink in, until the brightest idea figuratively smacked him in the face. “Yeah...yeah!” he responded, a smile forming “And I think I know exactly how to do it.”
As Tom was working through the thought process of his brilliant plan, his younger brother entered the kitchen, looking for his usual afternoon snack. “Hey, does anyone know where —. Oh no...” Harry groaned as he looked up at Tom and Harry. “Whatever it is that you two are planning...Leave me out of it.”
“Come on, mate. You dont even know what were planning.” Harrison defended
“Believe me, I know enough and any plan that involves you in it, is likely to fail 99.9% of the time.” Harry opened up his bag of crisps as he continued to list out the other 99 possible reason why they should have left Y/N alone like she wanted. “Cmon guys, you know how she gets. When she doesnt want to be bothered, she doesnt want to be bothered.”
“You’re right Harry, but she’s so stressed, she’s homesick, and one day she’s going to overdo it. Id be a shit boyfriend, if I let it happen.” Tom reasoned. “Look, Im not trying to do anything crazy here. I just want to give her that sense of comfort and see her relax.”
Harry looked at his brother and then at Harrison, both displaying their best puppy dog eyes, in hopes that he’ll join in. “The face doesnt work on me...but I’ll help for Y/N’s sake.”
Meanwhile, Y/N continued her work in the living room, her eyes firmly glued to the computer screen. After being dragged into the kitchen and the Holland plan, Tuwaine slowly made his way to Y/N. “Hey Y/N.” he happily greeted. “I think it’s time for you get some fresh air, don’t you think?”
Y/N looked up, her glasses slightly shifting forward down her nose. “You know theres this thing called being stuck in Quaratine right?” she responded, continuing to code her project.
“I think the real question is do you really want to work here when there’s just nothing but CONSTANT NOISE !” Tuwaine yelled out, hoping the others would catch on.
“What?!” Tom yelled back. It took him some time to realize what Tuwaine meant by his statement. “Oh...Right!” Quickly, Tom grabbed whatever pot or pan he could grab his hands on and dropped them on the counter. Harrison and Harry gave Tom the strangest look. “What? I gave him some noise?”, he shrugged.
“See?” Tuwaine smiled back at Y/N. “You wouldnt want to distract that working brain of yours with all this going on, right?” Y/N furrowed her eyebrows as Tuwaine as she looked at him and the closed off kitchen. Did they think she was born yesterday? Of course she knew they were up to something. None of the boys were subtle enough to keep everything hush hush.
Y/N shook her head and decided to just go with it. The faster she complied, the faster they’d leave her alone, which only meant more time to finish her work. Tuwaine helped carry her laptop, mouse, and charger to the porch as he led her outside. “See, arent you glad your outside, breathing in fresh air with no distractions?”, Tuwaine spoke out.
Y/N took her time to admire the view. “Wow”, she whispered under her breath. Y/N couldnt remember the last time she set foot outdoors. Seeing the sunlight hit the flower beds, the gentle breeze rustle through the grass; it was beautiful. Of course, the moment was short lived with a simple ding, which only multiplied by the second.
Y/N dripped her head back, trying to rub out the frustration from her face. “Yes, well it was fun while it lasted. Duty calls.”
“Im sure they wouldnt mind if you just took five minutes for yourself at least.” Tuwaine commented, feeling bad about the amount of work he saw popping up on your screen.
“Yeah well that’s Corporate for you. Doesnt matter if you’re 500 km away or if a virus is hurting the population. If you’re not working, you’re useless.” Y/N shrugs. It wasn’t like her company was completely evil, this was just how business worked.
“I know Y/N, and we all see that you care deeply about your work but we’re all so worried about you too. We want you to be mentally okay as well. I know Tom is worried about you the most...He misses you, you know.”
Y/N’s heart dropped the second she heard him say it. She knew that all of this was gonna take some time away from Tom, but she hadn’t realized how much he would be missing her, even though they’re living under the same roof. “Yeah I miss him too, more than anyone will know. Believe me.” Y/N pondered for a moment as she stared at the work in front of her. Perhaps five minutes couldn’t hurt. “Maybe I will take that break after all.”
“Really?”, Tuwaine was surprised she had agreed so quickly, and at the same time he panicked. Tom and the others were not ready for Y/N’s surprise yet. “On second thought, Im wrong. You should keep going and try to finish up that project of yours or else you’ll never be done.”
“Excuse me?” Y/N asked as she tried to close her laptop. “You just spent a whole half hour trying to convince me to stop working, and now you want me to go back and work?”
“Yeah..I mean what do I know, right?” He laughed nervously. Tuwaine looked back at the door, for some sort of signal. Come on man it’s not like your preparing a break for the Queen of England.
“Listen Tuwaine, if I go back there and you boys break anything in that house...I swear— I’ll”
“Y/N!” Tom interjected as he stepped out to the porch. He wrapped his arms behind her waist, giving her a gently kiss on the top of her head. “How’s work, my pretty girl?” He looked back at Tuwaine and mouthed a thank you to him as he left the love birds alone.
Y/N turned around to face Tom, taking in his features and running her hands at the nape of his neck. “Busy, but what else is new? I’ve been missing you a whole lot”
“Me too, darling. Anyway, Im really hoping you can take a break from all this because I’ve got something special for you.”
“Oh no, babe. You know you didnt have to anything for me. Really Im fine..I-“
“I wanted to. In fact the boys wanted in on it too. So this is really from all of us, if you think about it.” Tom grabbed Y/N’s hand as he led her back in to house. “Come.”
As they both enetered the house hand in hand, Tom led Y/N into the kitchen, where the rest of the boys waited with diner burgers in hand and warm homemade chocolate chip cookies on the side of table. What seemed like a simple meal was a cure for any bad day..at least for Y/N it was. It represented a sense of home for her, while being far from Jersey. Even though she hadnt realized it, Tom and the boys knew she needed it. “Wow” Y/N breathed “I...I dont know what to say.”
“Dont say, just eat” Harrison laughed. “In all honesty this was Tom’s idea. We just wanted to make sure you had the support you need.”
“Yeah you deserve this, so please enjoy it.” Harry added. With that, everyone dug in and bonded over a family dinner, sharing laughs and stories. Tom leaned toward Y/N whispering in her ear, “I have a few more surprises after this.”
The next few surprises did not disappointment. He set up a nice warm bath for the two of them to relax and enjoy each others compny. A few subtle kisses, laughter, and silence was shared between the two. Y/N leaned back into Tom’s chest, feeling the water gently flow back and forth. Breathing in and out, she had forgotten how good this felt. Being close to Tom, was a different experience, one that no one could ever do justice. This was what she really needed.
After the bath, Tom led her into their shared bedroom. For a moment, Y/N stopped him as she pulled his head down to hers, giving him the kiss he rightfully deserved. Her lips crashed with his, his hands gently holding the sides of her tiny face. He picked her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist and situated themselves on the bed. Reluctantly, they both pulled away, catching their breath. Their foreheads touching and noses gently rubbing the others. “I love you. I love you more than you could possibly know.” Y/N whispered to him
“And I love you. I just want to give you the world because you deserve it all. My hardworking pretty girl.” Of course all good things must come to an end.
After a great well spent break was shared between Y/N and Tom, she was back on the work grind. Only this time she was working in their room as Tom was reading a script for his next upcoming project. The more Y/N coded, the sleepier she was getting. It onyl took a few minutes before she started leaning into Tom and her eyes started to flutter. Her breaths became slower and she was out like a light.
Tom turned to look at Y/N, smiling to see the sight of her finally at peace. He removed her glasses and set them by her table side. Tom made sure to clock her out of work abd checked to see if her work was saved. Just as he was about to turn off her laptop, another message popped up. “Great”, he muttered, rolling his eyes at the fact her team is still working at this hour. He couldnt help but read it though. Just how badly did they need her anyway?
We all know how hard you’re working and going above and beyond to get these projects out the door. For that, we thank you! On behalf of the company we’d like you all to take a day off on us!
Tom smiled, relieved that shell finally get some time for herself. Feeling triumphant, he shut off her laptop and set it aside. Crawling back into the bed and covering themselves under the blanket. His arms wrapped her waist once again. “Goodnight, my love. Im so proud of you.” he whispered.
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tinyhwng · 5 years
all at once
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request? yes (anon)
pairing: idol!bang chan x reader
t/w: none 
genre: fluff + very slight angst
word count: 2,913 (got a little carried away)
a/n: okkkkkk i’ve been out of this game for sooo long so im sorry if this isn’t the best but i tried! anyways, ending this was a little challenging but i hope it still ties everything nicely :) enjoy! 
summary: seeing you again, he realized that somehow, the feelings he tried to escape once seemed to have returned slowly, but all at once and you failed to realize that their latest song was all about what he felt for you.
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Last week, you had met a producer for a project and you had set up another meeting date to discuss future plans about your music. He kindly offered to meet up at his studio and you had no reason to decline which resulted in you meeting his eight other friends that you now so dearly felt attached to. But out of all of them, the one you bonded the most was Chan. He felt similar yet different. He talked about the deepest things and let himself bring comfort to your terrible days. You vented about the exhausting amount of stress that slowly tore through your resilient willpower to make it through as an artist. He comforted you through the days that made you regret where you were today and helped you bring out the emotions you kept all to yourself. He was someone that mattered a lot to you. A best friend anyone would be so lucky to have.
But things started going south.
You noticed the lack of attention he gave you and you thought that maybe, he was just busy and you tried to understand that. Yet as things went on, his lack of time became even more obvious. He would go out of his way to avoid you, not attend the meetings that involved you and from then, you saw him less and less. You tried calling him but the only response you would receive is his voice telling you to leave a voicemail. You asked the other boys if something had been bothering Chan but all the answer they could give you was that he was "busy". Bullshit. You didn't know what you had done wrong and that was enough to anger you. You wanted to apologize but he wouldn't even face you. 
Nothing seemed right. If he was going through something, you wondered why he wouldn't even bother telling you. It wasn't until you bumped into him at a nearby coffee shop that you finally had a chance to talk to him.
"Chan!" You called out for the boy.
Almost jumping, he turned around to face you. His face almost mortified. "H-Hey."
"Can we talk?" You peeked under his hat, his eyes barely visible to you. "Please?"
You both sit at a table as the atmosphere filled with tension grew. 
"What are you working on?" Your eyes glance at his laptop which he's been typing on ever since you had gotten there.
"Producing stuff." He answered, quickly but softly.
"Oh, for who?" You were beating around the bush, feeling slightly terrified of what he may say if you ask him what's been bothering you.
"No one yet. Just for future references." 
His eyes freeze at the screen.
"Are you mad at me?"
His eyes quickly shoot back at you, confused at first but realized that you might've felt that way with the way he's been acting around you. "What? No"
"Then why are you ignoring me?"
"I'm not ignoring yo-"
"Stop it. Stop lying." You look down, frustrated that none of your answers were answered. "It's been weeks Chan. We wouldn't have talked if I never bumped into you here."
"I'm just busy Y/N." His voice became softer, wanting to comfort you. He knew you felt frustrated but he did too.
"Could've you at least have told me that? So then maybe I wouldn't be spending days and nights thinking of what I did so wrong that you don't even bother to look for me." Your voice trembled. It wasn't the first time he'd seen you this vulnerable but it was definitely the first time that he was the reason you looked like that. 
‘’I know, and I'm sorry. I-I really should've told you but with all the stress... I- don't know. I lost track y/n" You could hear the sincerity from his voice and although you were supposed to be mad at him at that moment, you couldn't help acknowledge his words. "And y/n, I really wasn't mad at you. I promise. It's just-
"Just what?" 
"Nothing. I don't think it's the right time to tell you that right now."
"Why would it not be the right time? Are you leaving or something?"
"No- it's not that. I'll tell you soon, I promise."
You nod at his response, not knowing what to expect but somehow, his words eased you that truly, there was nothing to be worried about. You felt relieved that you now know that you had done nothing wrong.
The two of you parted ways shortly after he received a call from his manager. It was a short meeting but it meant a lot and very much answered the questions you've been wondering about.
A week after your last meeting, you decided to visit the studio to visit the boys. It was a spare time in your schedule so you decided to surprise them. You entered the studio and immediately counted the heads where you noticed that one of them was missing. "Hi, guys." You greeted, lifting the box of chicken with both of your hands that you brought. They immediately ran to you, with incoherent thank yous and we missed yous.
"Where's Chan?" Your eyes continued to wander the room, wondering if he was somewhere you had just missed. 
“Not here." the youngest said with Chicken occupying his mouth. "Why?"
"Well, I just thought he'd be with you guys."
"Studio. His studio." Jisung ran up to you, with chicken in his hands and offered it. "Eat with us, y/n."
You nicely declined as you had eaten prior to coming there. "Where's the studio?"
"Down the hall, to the left" Seungmin responded. "He's been there for hours so I don't think he'll mind company."
"Thank you." You made your way out of the room, with a cup of hot chocolate for Chan and a cup of coffee for yourself. You soon made it down the hall, facing your left as you inhaled in before knocking.
The door slowly creaked open with barefaced Chan staring back at you. "Ahh--- Y/N what the heck." His face looked flustered, his ears quickly turning red as you giggled your way in.
"Let me in Chan, please." You cautiously laughed, not wanting to spill the drinks you had been holding.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming... I look terrible right now." 
"You literally look the same but go off."
"Ouch." Chan teased, his hands still covering half his face.
"No- I mean you look good still." You blurted out. "Anyways- How's it going?"
You and Chan exchange greetings and he lets you listen to bits of the songs he's been working on.
"Wow Chan, it sounds so good."  You stare at his computer in awe. You pulled out a chair and sat beside him as you began skimming through his other songs. "Ugh, why are you talented. This isn't fair." You muttered, with your eyes fixed on the screen.
You weren't looking but Chan was too distracted to even respond to what you were saying. His eyes fixed on you as you listened to the songs he's worked so hard on. He loved it when people listened to the things he created but somehow, it was different with you. The look you have that just got his heart beating faster than usual. The way you compliment his skills like he was the only one capable of doing it. Anything you did just felt so special to him and lately, you were the one that had been going through his mind as he produced songs. Butterflies were definitely an understatement.
As you skimmed through his neverending folder of songs he's never put out, you stumbled upon one called the moon behind the stars. You played it, not knowing what it was. As the melody played, your heart eased into it. Somehow, you wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. It was so beautifully made that you had lost track of where you were but something was missing. The lyrics.
"Chan, wheres the lyrics for this one. It's too good to not have one." You asked, turning your attention towards him.
"There isn't any-" A slight panic in his tone made you even more curious. "It's unfinished."
"It was created almost two years ago though. Something like this should be out there Chan, I'm telling you. It's beautiful."
"I know but it doesn't really fit into any of our album themes yet." He scratched his head.
"Why not?"
"It's a love song, y/n."
"Oh-" Your face looked back to the computer in shock, repeating the song again. "What is it about though?"
"It's cheesy-" he replied, cupping his own cheeks as he whined.
"Oh please. Cheesy is literally MY genre." You laughed.
He sighed, "okay then." You made yourself comfortable as you stared at him, waiting for him to tell you all about it. "Well first, the title "the moon behind the stars" means two things. First, it illustrates how a person is too scared to admit that they're in love but still wants to have a good front towards the other person they're trying to distance themselves from, thus, "the moon behind the stars. Second, it's about the moon representing the one you have feelings for. Even with all the stars, shining and being pretty, somehow, it's always the moon that catches your eye. Almost like, 'there's plenty of fish in the sea but you're the only one I see.' and it has a melodic piece because even though you see them all the time, it's almost impossible to actually be with them. The space between the world and the moon represents the other person's fear and anxiety towards losing the other person. I say it's a love song but it could pretty much pass as a sad song at this point." Chan giggled. "Well- that's kind of all I have for that."
You listened, wonderstruck and speechless at his explanation. "H-How did you even come up with this? All this time I thought you were just an angsty teen who wants to overthrow the government but I guess I'm wrong."
He loudly laughed. "I don't know either."
‘’Unless... it's through experience." You teased, pinching his sides.
"Wha- no. It's not like that. I was just messing around, really." He explained but with the most unconvincing tone.
You definitely didn't buy it. "Who was it Channie. Tell me."
Channie... it had been a while since you had called him that. He's been trying to stay away from you so he could sort his feelings out. He wanted to get over you, fearing that maybe wanting you more than as a friend could put your friendship at risk. But as soon as you muttered his nickname Channie again, his feelings for you came back, slowly and all at once. It hit him as he saw you giggle as you teased him. He sat there with a rapidly beating heart, admitting that maybe, his feelings were never gone. He looked away, feeling his mouth dry out. The love of his life was in front of him and fear was the only thing that kept him from telling you so. He shyly stuffed himself behind his hands, knowing he had been blushing the whole time.
"Chan- are you okay?" You stopped yourself in the middle of laughing with a concerned look in your face. You placed a hand on his back, not knowing why he was suddenly like that.
"I'm okay." He said behind his hands. His voice was soft, but you could tell he was smiling.
"Are you shy? Did me asking who it was made you that shy?" You teased. "They must've been special, Chris."
His heart was about to explode. You calling him Chris was probably his greatest weakness and although he hears that a lot, hearing it from you made it sound so special. If you could just say it once more, he would definitely combust.
"Chan your ears are red, oh my god. Are you okay?" 
He sat upright, collecting himself after almost losing himself. "Yes, I'm okay." He smiled, breathing heavily. 
"I'm surprised you never told her about this." You muttered, repeating the song once more. "Probably would've loved it."
"I doubt that."
"What do you mean? Every girl I know that trained under this building during that time had the biggest crush on you."
"Yeah, right." He turned to you. "Did you?"
"Of course. I told you, Chan. Every single girl did."
His face froze at your upfront answer. Stuttering as he tried to go back to the conversation.
"Are you that surprised that I liked you? I thought it was pretty obvious back then."
"So you didn't think of anything when I was always using the same studio you guys were using? Are you kidding?" You laughed.
"I literally came to your busking event when I had an evaluation half an hour after that." Tears were almost coming out of your eyes as you laughed out loud.
"Oh my god, y/n"
“I know. I was pathetic."
"This whole time... I thought you liked Hyunjin."
"What the fuck- Chris are you kidding? Please say sike."
"I'm not. I literally thought-"
“Hyunjin's my family friend oh my god. He's literally like a cousin to me."
Chan covered his open mouth with his hand, shocked at what he was hearing. ”Oh my god, y/n"
"You're stupid." You teased, slapping his arm. "I did so much and you didn't even notice shit. This is peak embarrassing, Chan."
"I- I'm sorry." he teased.
"The hot chocolate I brought after the JYP stage, the-"
"The hot chocolate? Didn't you give everybody one."
You facepalmed at his response. "I- I gave everybody a cup of coffee dumbass. I knew you didn't like coffee so I specifically ordered hot chocolate just for you."
He went speechless, feeling bad that he looked over your effort back then.
You sighed, "whatever, it's okay. It's over now." 
Suddenly, Chan wanted to confess something. "Actually, y/n."
"That song," he pointed at his computer. "It's about you."
You stared at him for a while, not comprehending his words. "Sorry?"
"It's about you. You're the moon behind the stars."
"Huh?" You hurriedly repeated the song. 
Chan shyly muttered but it was too incoherent for you to understand, "Sorry can you say that again."
"I- It's actually finished," he confessed. "But it's context is different but I kept the melody and everything."
"What- how?"
He took the mouse from your hand and searched through his folder. Neverending Story.
"Here it is." 
"Wait- Chan. This is released though?"
"Yeah, I know. It's uhh, about you." he voice was soft, almost too quiet to hear.
"It's finally admitting my feelings and that however things might turn between us, I won't ever let go as a person that deeply cares for you and that however long I might have to wait, it's okay because, in the end, my feelings for you just don't ever seem to go away." 
You stuttered in response, not knowing how to take this all in. You've liked him then and you've always felt the same since. 
"Chan- this is beautiful. I don't know what to say."
"It's okay. You don't have to."
"Is this why you have been ignoring me?"
"Kind of. I put out this song with everything I've always wanted to tell you and it was really hard to face you. I know you didn't feel the same but I wanted to at least tell you what I've felt. I was wondering that maybe putting out this song and ignoring for you a bit would make everything go away and let me accept how things are between us now but I realized that somehow, my feelings never left. Every time I'd see you, my heart beats a special type of way and always makes me think that maybe, the moon might not be that impossible to reach." 
You could see him tremble as he explained everything to you. You reach out, holding his hand. "Thank you, Chris. This song is beautiful and so is the message. I'm sorry if I made you think that I would never reciprocate your feelings-"
"y/n, you don't have to-"
You cut him off. "The truth is that, after all this time, I really do still like you. More than before, and I feared that I would get in the way of your dreams. I wanted to be your support still which is why I stayed behind all this time. You have been there through my worst and my successful times. You made me the artist that I am today and you let me stay as the person I am around you. Chris, I don't know where this will take us but I hope you know I still really do like you a lot."
Chan took hold of your hand and sobbed as he held them close. "Thank you, y/n. Thank you so much."
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 4 years
For the cheer up blurb event can we have the reader and Zendaya being besties who go to the park or beach to have some fun and laugh a lot please
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A/N: awww, I’m getting so many cute requests from you guys 🥺🥰 they all warm my little heart and I’m so happy to write them all 😌 also, friendship with zendaya? ANYTIME PLEASE! 😤😭 enjoy this one, dear and stay safe 💖
‘Stay safe, Cheer up’ blurb event
“Oh my, I needed that coffee.”
You giggle as you watch your friend Zendaya drink her latte with pure delight written on her face. You wait for your tea to cool a bit, the sound of the waves in the background relaxing you after an intense week. Drinking hot beverages with your best friend in front of the ocean is clearly what you needed after long time of being apart.
“Anyway, how’s work going for you?” asks Zendaya, her hair swinging to the morning breeze.
“Oh it’s amazing!” you reply excitedly, “I’ve been quite busy ever since I started, but the people are really nice! Also I can’t believe they trusted me so quickly to send me here by myself for a project!”
“At least, we could finally meet again. And in LA, please! Man, I missed that baby face of yours...” Zendaya chuckles while trying to pinch your cheek.
“Oh, stop it you movie star!”
Both of you now laugh together. You always supported Zendaya in everything she stared doing, since day one on her premise career. And now, here she is starring in already two Marvel movies and being the main character of the best series at the moment. And still staying the same she’s always been. You couldn’t be more proud of her. And Zendaya being the caring girl she is, she obviously gives as good as she gets for you.
“Since we've finally reunited” Zendaya begins, putting her now empty cup next to her left foot, “we have to celebrate a bit before our lives as working ladies catch us again!”
“Okay calm dow, I see where this is going-”
“Oh come on, (Y/N)! You’re in LA so it’s now or never, dammit!”
You listen to her, rolling your eyes and covering your face with you tea cup.
“Plus, I’d like you to meet Tom and Jacob. They’re still here for a few weeks, I’m guessing, with some of their friends or whatever, so that would be super cool to be all together.”
“Wait what? You want me to meet real actors, and your actual co-stars?!” you exclaim, not too confident about all this.
“Of course, why not? You’ll see, they’re super chill and cool, a bit stupid sometimes but still nice guys” Zendaya reassures you, her hand patting your shoulder gently.
You exhale loudly. You could never say no to her because you know you could trust her, anytime. The sun slowly starts to warm your face with its rays, soothing you instantly.
“Alright girl, just because it’s you” you finally accept before proceeding, “but no wild partying in some hype nightclub or what-”
“Oh don’t worry (Y/N), it will be at my house for sure. ‘m not trusting Tom and his weird party-animal’s tastes in clubbing and never will anyway...”
Again you can’t stop but laugh at her usual outspokenness that you love so much. Zendaya soon follows you in your giggles. Some passengers and joggers begin to arrive at the beach you are sitting at, Los Angels slowly waking up  and ready to start a new sunny day.
“So, fancy some sightseeing, shopping and lunch? My treat” says Zendaya while standing up, brushing off some sand on her shorts.
“I agree with the sightseeing, but you’re not spending a single dollar on me. I’m the one treating you for lunch, and no “but” accepted!” you retort determined, taking Zendaya’s empty cup and yours as you stand and go to throw them away.
“Wow, being bossy, missy! Careful, you’re gonna seduce lots of boys like that!”
Playfully, Zendaya bumps her hip into yours as she surpasses you, still waiting for you to catch her up.
“Oh stop it!”
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kirimono · 4 years
bnha secret identity au
a while back (like over a year ago) some friends and i were talking about a bnha au where theyre more classic Teen Superheroes With Secret Identities. that chatlog is under the cut.
lmfao yeah
bakugous identity would only be secret for like 5 minutes
Someone: Idk ingenium is kinda shit
thats. reayyly funny to contemplate actually
exactly like the end of iron man
Bakugo emerging from a nearby dumpster: ye totally but you know whos the fucking coolest LORD EXPLOSION MURDE
In secred id au everyone knows bakugos id
not even bc he bragged about it or anything hes just his own #1 fan
also he cant hide his hair
holy fuck
god hed just be. dead inside
oh god, oh man, okay this might be dilly but
everyone in secret id au knows bakugo is lord explosion murder
)drmatic pause, lifts finger for effect)
except kirishima
who  is so fucking cursed
oh nooooooooo
Kirishima to his jock pal Uravity: I dunno like I like both of them so much like, I can't figure out which one to like, ask to punch me??
god unfortch
ochako is trying very hard to figure out how to tell him
Kirishima: it's impossible to choose between them
man bakugou is like . barely even disguised in his costume
and kirishima still has no clue
yeah thats the best part
Kirishima: I love them both equally but for different reasons
spiff this is the worst
i love it
god. i want to see the HIJINKS
same. god
bonus points if Bakugo honestly believes he has most people fooled
kirishima accidentally schedules a study date with bakugou at the same time red riot has a training session with king of explodokills
i dont know how this happens. i could see kirishima doing it but i feel like bakugou keeps better track of his schedule than that but
i mean bakugou is also under the curse's thrall
wait so does bakugou know kirishima is red riot
did he get........... Flustered
its funnier if no i think
he got flustered
i feel like bakugou knows like no one's secret identities because he just doesnt fucking care
thats good
@ jane
oh no i like that much better
he doesn't even fucking know
kirishima might be the only exception tho just bc of how obnoxious he is in and out of costume
the only one he knows is deku and he hates that he knows it
wow yeah
hes constantly trying to unknow it
wheich is really funny because, again, theres not even a DISGUISE COMPONENT to kirishimas costume
okay i feel like in a real secret id au they would put SOME more efffort,
maybe he has a mask
i Guess so
but thats not as funy
what if bakugo thinks tetsu tetsu is red riot
but the abs are still Exposed
holy fuck
bc he can't be assed to tell the hard boys apart
bakugou finally figures it out when he finally sees kirishima shirtless when theyre at the gym
i think the concept of 'its a secret identity au but that just means they slap a tiny domino mask on but it somehow works' is great. but so is the concept of 'they have their canon costumes with no fuckgin disguise components whatsoever but none of them know ANYWAY'
also concept tho: kirishima's superhero costume is his old emo makeup
he just starts yelling at kirishima immediately and kirishima is just like "keep it DOWN we're in a PUBLIC GYM!!!! its supposed to be a secret!!!!! :("
holy shit vera
i love this
okay but what if bakugo is like "if kirishima is red riot then he obviously figured out my secret identity way before all this"
i love ex-emogoth kirishima
"How did he outsmart me, how did he figure it out"
god what if bakugou assumes like. kirishima was doing study dates & stuff with him BECAUSE of his secret identity
ghhh OD
im dying of thks
this is so ooo oo good
kirishima: fuck now that bakugo knows im red riot what if he sees me flirting with lord explosion murder and gets pissed
he stops flirting with lord explosion murder so much and bakugous like
god. yeah
bakugou: hes playing me like a fool again(edited)
i mean we're assuming bakugou noticed the flirting in the first place
kirishima, meanwhile a 100% genuine no playing about it fool ass fool
fuck, since bakugo thinks all interraction is rivalry
maybe he thinks like, kirishima  no longer considers him an opponent or something??
oh. my god
yah its something like that
"you think youre too good for me now huh"
so his pride is hurt, and also the deep subconscious tender part of him thats gay is hurt too
he cant quite articulate his actual feelings hes just like
Kirishima: (stops flirting)
Bakugo: I don't know what this is but i know how i feel about it: furious beyond articulation
god i just thought about tsuyu for a second and im fdjkfdjfd
shes just a frog
in both civilian and superhero forms. but its liek. no one thinks its weird
yeah sometimes youre just a frog, nbd
doesnt necessarily have anything to do with you being Popular Hero Froppy, nope
sometimes 2 people are just frogs and that doesn't mean anything
maybe people assume tsuyu got into being a frog bc she likes Froppy
just unrelatedly, frogs
yeah! exactly
oh my god spiff
and shes like (internally flustered) KERO
maybe its just like how there are, horse girls and dolphin girls in ever high school
are you implying horse girls and dolphin girls are literally part horse & part dolphin in the bnha universe
Is there are reason for them not to be
like, assuming the teachers/adults are open abt their secret identities at the school
they're like "we've seen everyone out of hero mode except all might.... does he not have a civilian life"
Deku: (sweating)
all might is extra secretive bc he's so like...."Gotta Be The Symbol Of Peace!!! No one can know i am a real human EVER!!!!!!"
Student sees Greeblin Might like: "Oh are u that zombie hero"
yes but also in my head its that, they expect civilian all might to be buff
theres no extremely fucking unbelieably buff guy roaming the halls or in the teachers lounge or in town or anything
yeah but even before his injury maybe he was like,
projected a super-super image like superman, like ~im not a civilian when im not heoring i live in My Special Secret Lair~ or soemthing
god now im thinking about the logistics of this and its SO FUNNY that like every superhero in the entire town is at taht school. either as a teacher or as a student
what if its not even a hero school
its just a regular ass school but everyone just HAPPENS to go there
oh yeah like superman being like 'oh yeah i live in the fortress of solitude at the north pole'
yeah yeha
oh my god
All Might: I live in a fortress of solitude in the alps and no once can see it with eyes
all-might trying to live his civilian life pre-injury when he was always buff is so funny then tho
people keep asking him if he's all might and he's like no! look my hair doesnt stick up!
All Might, ten minutes later: (buying milk at the local grocery  and fucking up the self checkout)
oh my god... secret buff all might is so good
its the superman glasses type effect
'that cant be all might hes not smiling real big'
thats the extent of all mights acting skills
maybe he gets a giant tshirt that says "pessimism" so no one can possibly identify him as a civillian
"bad mood" t shirt
i feel like he does a bunch of comics-type secret identity stuff to cover up his civilian id but its all super flimsy
like, obviously fake glasses, a shirt like that
maybe a fake mustache
and it all works
the glasses dont even have lenses theyre just a frame
he gets a mustache like mics bc he thinks its Cool
its not even a blonde mustache. its like brown and OBVIOUSLY doesnt match his hair
everyone just assumes he dyes it
he bought non-prescription glasses but one of the lenses got knocked out but he keeps wearing them
they have One Lens
i love him
what if the mustache is attached to the glasses like groucho style
(i thought for a second about nighteye being one of the first outside the One For All lineage to know all might's civilian id and . augh)
god i was like 'ok i have to think about todoroki now' but now i have feelings and im lie k. Put It Back :arrow_lower_left: dot jpeg
augh jane
phantom of the opera shit
thats todoroki's hero disguise
there's a fake nose on the glasses too and it barely fits overhis actual nose
actually hes just covered half in ice
oh nevermind i remembered his caonn hero costume is like
so thats fine
a plumber suit
a plumber
post sports arc
what if thats his civilian job
and he just doesnt change clothesx
what civilian job does all might have
maybe he pretends to be gran torino's home health aid
if eel like he Didnt Have One until meeting izuku. true to canon
i was like "office job" but then realized i was literally just thinking of mr incredible at the beginning of the incredibles
at which point he became an absolutely awful teacher
o h noooo
god,,,m wow
what does he ever teach if its not a hero school
he gives GREAT inspirational speeches tho
hujks FUK
what if they don't even have a sports team
so theres no games to give relevant inspirational speeches at
so hes just like, doing them at random
when he sees an in
just at the beginning of each class
or whenever The Mood Strikes
question: is class 1b at the same school or are they Rival Schools
fuck,,, both are so good
imagine Rival School Student Monoma sneaking into their school to ~infiltrate~
i like rival schools
because monoma like, steals their mascot
and kendo brings it back
dragging him over to apologise
but also i love the idea of him trying to infiltrate his own fucking school
the concept of 'rival schools but aslo they dont have sports teams' is SOOO good
mathletes competitions get REAL intense
just because A1 got the better homeroom classroom
and he wants it
oh my god intense matheletes
science olympiad. band and choir competions.
ok whats the funniest sport to have if you can only have One Sport at ur school
fall sport: ultimate frisbee
winter sport: fencing (? probably there is a funnier sport but ive got nostalgia)
spring sport: ultimate frisbee again
winter sport: ultimate frisbee... on ice
fencing is too dignified is my concern
i love this concept
eyah exactly spiff
maybe winter sport was like curling
but no one liked it so they turned it into ice ultimate frisbee
altho like. one time my friend spilled gatorade on the mesh of his mask and had to fence with gatorade on it and couldnt see shit
and won the bout
dignity is relativw
wow, amazing,
ok no
todoroki.... being really disappointed
that curling isnt a thing anymore
his bitterness drives his ice frisbee prowess
yeah not even using powers hes ujust like You Have To Understand The Ice
the best thing about this is bakugo is so competitive that he'd join every sports even if it sucked just to win
I Understand The Ice. and just not understanding why everone doesnt think curling is the best
so bakugo is essentially Forced to play frisbee
yeah. god
im crying.... ice understanding hand crusher
i think hed be legit way into ultimate frisbee but fuckign hate ice frisbee but
play it anyway
he and todoroki were like the only people on the curling team and bakugou was AWFUL at it and HATED todoroki for it
wow thats some real shit there
im crying  this is so good
actually i would add iida to the curling team
he also likes Understanding The Ice
and its a lot of speed and velocity and such considerations
which is actually relevant for his power
mmmm true
hey does iida just wear bigass pants to hide his engine legs
was Iowa's bro also on the curling team....he joins cause he was Inspired and Wants To Live Up To Him
like all the time, in v=civilian form
maybe so.
does he wear leg warmers in the summer
but then the curling team gets cut off before iida can win The Big  Trophy and :(
i feel like long skirt is more practical for this
oh noo
honestly yeah
i love bnha: shittiest sports anime ever au
hey is present mic supposed to be secret identity in this au too
bc i honestly cant see that
definitely not
I feel like he's one of those like, celebrity heroes
besides the overall distinctiveness
he just, could not shut up about it, on his public radio show so,
yeah exactly.
plus like. it only gets the show BETTER ratings so why hide it
what if hes married to  Aizawa but Aizawa made him choose between being maried to civilian guy Aizawa or Eraserhead
what if hes a celebrity hero with a radio show. and then has a civilian identity as an english teacher
bc Aizawa's identity is mega secret
god aizawa would hate all the attention either way
I feel like he doesn't even want eraserhead to be a super well known hero
i mean thats just real in canon
Aizawa, sick of the attention, tells Mic to fake his death at the hands of like a villain
"it will be good for ur show ratings"
he canonically does hate publicity and does not want to be known by anyone
"no one bothers the dead"
or maybe the relationship is still secret but they can't ever go out anywhere bc Mic gets so easilly recognized
Mic has so much fun pretending to be dramatically mourning his dead civilian husband
egjbvjjgb kon k
Re: mic mourning his dead civilian husband
hes like,
Aizawa is just glaring Murder at him
What if present mics so bad at acting that people think he murdered his fake dead husband
holy fuck
now im like. ideeply want to see the many subplots that are jsut 'iida has to deal with the time conflict between mathletics and curling'
what if thru some hilarious misunderstanding all might applied to be the gym teacher but it turned out he was accidentally applying to be the masthletics coach
its shenanigans because he tries to do both of them at the same time because hes like 'i have superspeed itll be fine' its Not Fine
"I thought you meant you needed a Male Athletics Coach??? M Athletics"
he doesnt know shit about math so his only coaching contribution is like Pep Talks
all might giving INSPIRING PEP TALKS
to the mathletes
which end up being coached by. iida
iida ends up stepping up as like, Team Captain Who Actually Can THelp People Train  Math
momo is in charge of the science olympiad
and also the science bowl
theres only 1 sport but there's Many different Nerd-Offs
yea exactly
its really funny bc its the opposite of canon where everyone is jocks even if theyre nerds
everyone is nerds even if theyre joks....
finally balance
kaminari tries to start some kind of Movie Club as an excuse to just slack off and watch movies during club time
but then the nerds invade it and it turns into a big Trivia Game thing and kaminari just puts his head in his hands
He Tried
the one jock-exclusive
and kirishima  i think
yeah,,,, god kirishima
cursed boy
pats him
i love him so much'
i love him also....
remember how bakugou joined all the sports teams just bc he could. kirishima joins all the sports teams independently bc its manly
and then bakugou assumes he's like, trying to compete with him
ooooh my god
kirishima tries to bond w bakugou abt not being good at curling and bakuogu is like hOw Dare You
'man how is todoroki sO good at this i dont get it'
god rip kirishima
Too Cursed To Live
the best thing is that when bakugo is like "ill destroy you, ill punch ur face" kirishima is just like "fyes uck me UP bro"
he 100% knows what hes getting into
i really like the idea of bakugou bein g like ill fuck you AND todoroki up. about curling
when he cant like
skate yet
hes still holding on to the bar at the edge of the rink
ok i just looked it up and curling does not actually use skates
talking about how hes going to be indispuitable number one curler
while lying on his face having fallen down
hey guys. guys. guys does a villain attack the ice rink
and somehow it means they have to cooperate and learn a leson about teamwork
and skating pysics
but it doesnt SUPER work but it works a little bit
god they have to ~work together~ but also not let any of the others see their powers
fcfuki tho they dont know its them so like king explodokill is like 'maybe now i have a mmodicum of respect. for red riot. maybe. a tiny bit' but is still like KIRISHIMA MADE FUN OF ME ABOUT SKATING THO AND I HATE IT
ohhhhh thast good also fdjfdjkdfjk
maybe they have to work together to get to the locker room but wont say why (its bc their costumes r there)
but then the final fight is as hero guys?
oo that makes sense that's good
none of them even like, stops to think about the Coincidence chdmxm
except Maybe todoroki
and even he only does like way after the fact
fuck i just rmembered izukus hero name and am having a fucking freakout
bakugou is fucking. haunted by it
does he know izuku's secret id when he picks it or does he find out later
like . when izuku picks the name "deku" does bakugou know yet or no
i guess this question makes less sense in this au
cause like how could he be a hero if he doesnt have a hero name yet
i think maybe its
izuku introduces himself as the hero deku for the first time and thats when bakugou realizes that that new hero whos been running around........ is . izuku
and obvsly Flips the Fuck Out
i think. u kno the flash onto bakugou and urarakas faces
i think id want to keep that
but with the added 'oh shit thats izuku'
context from the au
for uraraka too?
like is she Also just finding out
maybe not actually
yeah idk depends how deep the hijinx run lol. how long izuku was determined to Not Tell Anyone About Hero Shit
feel like it could be A Long While cause he'd feel like he'd have to be secretive For All Might
yeahhh exactly...
altho if superheroes are a big thing but secret identities are a bigger thing it might be Less secretive
bc like. theres no inherent connection between 'a new superhero appears' and 'all might'
but I feel like izuku would be nervous anyway
yeah for sure
and he's v strategic & thoughtful so I feel like he'd Understand The Importance Of Secret Identity and be like "no one ever!!!!"
yeahh That rings true for me ithink
i was just like 'if 'quirkless izuku' and 'hero deku' arent inherently connected bc Every Civilian Secret Identity Is Quirkless then its not as big a deal
yeah also fair
so are quirks way rarer in this au?
but ur right that all might def has the No One Can Know Im Human thing
and izuku would also probably
i dont know if quirks are Rarer or if theyre just hilariously secret even tho literally most of the population has one
and many of them are very visible
what if like. quirklessness is rare but everyone's civilian id is still quirkless
and everyone just. d oesnt notice
tsuyu: yeah im quirkless. kero.
also like. Basically everyone who's quirkless is actually a hero in disguise
but no one puts the dots together
just had the thought 'i really like bnha superhero au' and fuckgin died
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fromzerotoeuphoria · 4 years
me watching Free!: Take Your Marks!
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(reposted from  original blog, Aug 2, 2020)
I can’t believe it’s pretty much been a week since I watched the Timeless Medley films 1 and 2, and now I’m finally watching Film 3: Take Your Marks.
I’m super excited but also a lil anxious because my RinHaru fangirl-heart needs to be FED and I know I will implode out of frustration if I don’t get any quality RinHaru content.
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Yes, I know it’s an addiction, but at this point I really don’t care ✌🏾😎
Anyways, I’ll be live-journaling my thoughts while watching this again. Honestly, the only reason I do this is because I actually love going back and re-experiencing my initial reactions. Again, addicted.
Plus I really wish I had better journaled my thoughts while watching Season 1, but who knew I was gonna be snatched by the throat and dragged down deep into the murky depths of this anime. Well, ya live and ya learn.
Disclaimer: this is literally just the random thoughts that came to me while watching the film live, so it’s neither coherent nor is it a proper review; I was too caught up in watching the movie, screeching into my hands every time Rin Matsuoka came on screen, and finally coming to grips within myself to the fact that I actually was in love with this beautiful red-haired sharkboy.
Well, without further ado, let’s get into it.
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Free! Take Your Marks
• Episode 1 • 2:23 AM | Rin’s been on screen for like 45 seconds and already he’s making me smile like an idiot UGHHH. Even just a minute in, it seems like flickers if his elementary school-self are shining through in the way he readily agrees to help the Iwatobi gang with their video project. He’s so willing and happy to help, it’s like I’m watching Little Rin  😭😭😭💖
2:32 AM | Aww why does Haru not like Kisumi?? :((( I like him! Even in middle school, Kisumi was so chill and kind and just an overall nice kid. Aww, come on Haru! 🥺
Seriously why the heck is he making me all giddy like this >_A LOT to handle and I’m over here melting at 3 o’clock in the morning. 🥴
(I’m really crushing on Rin Matsuoka WHATTHEHECK)
2:50 AM | Honestly though Makoto is so sweet and I actually love his and Rin’s friendship too, I wish we got to see more of it. I’m so happy for Makoto and his dream, babie you’re gonna do so well as a coach! 🥺💙
2:53 AM | OMG IT JUST HIT ME! I BET I KNOW WHO THE OLD SWIM COACH WHOSE APARTMENT HARU IS TAKING OVER IS!!! Omg it’s totally that guy friend Starting Days, the quiet nice student coach who had the eye surgery. I forget his name but I’m certain it’s him!
SEE WHAT DID I TELL YOU the old tenant is the Haru and Mako’s middle school student teacher swim coach!! XD (still forget his name tho)
• Episode 2 • 3:02 AM | Oh good GRACIOUS, Rin with a ponytail though T_T
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3:20 AM | So Ikuya’s older brother from Starting Days is at the same hot spring as the Samezeka gang and now he’s talking to Sousuke (who’s totally growing on me more and more) and eeeek I’m actually really looking forward to interactions! Also…dang he and Sousuke are like…really attractive. Could they be the best looking guys on the show??? 👀
• Episode 3 • 3:32 AM | Am I going to take this moment to point how Rin and Haru are both sitting up front in the car??? WHY YES I WILL TAKE THIS MOMENT TO POINT OUT HOW BOTHRIN AND HARU ARE SITTING UP FRONT IN THE CAR (as opposed to any other pairing just sayin 😌) 
Okay but the way the camera zoomed in on Haru’s face when Rin was leaving and Nagisa told him to make sure he visits them *cue rinharu fangirling*
• Episode 4 • 4:00 AM | This boy I swear. 
Rin is freaking CRYING at a cheesy sad romance movie I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIMMMM.
Also ilowkey think I may love Ikuya too, lil babie 🥺 I hope he’s not a jerk in Season 3 and doesn’t become annoying with the whole Haru-drama, because he’s a lil cinnamon roll and I wanna love & protecc.
4:10 AM | okay sorry but not sorry to be that person but like RIN OMG!! 😍😩 The way he’s totally being such a knightly older brother to Gou—even though he’s under the wrong impression that Gou is dating Momo—is so cute and sweet and wow, I literally love him. I’m over here dying at the way he’s all concerned about Gou and how he accepted the duel with Momo over her and just, UGH THIS ANIME BOY THO
4:19 AM | I’m actually about to VOMIT OMG, this has all gotten hilariously out of hand and now Haru thinks Rin is quitting swimming and he’s having an intense heart to heart with Rin, telling Rin how HE’S the reason Haru was able to move towards the future and UGH THIS RINHARU MOMENT IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING OMG I’M DYING AND RESURRECTINGGG 😭
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(gifs by @sapphiresflame​)
Okay literally Haru is shouting out Rin’s name when Rin dove into the water during their relay, and the look of awe on Haru’s face when Rin dove in over his head is EVERYTHINGGG MY RINHARU HEART IS THRIVING Y'ALL
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(gifs by @sapphiresflame​)
*cries in RinHaru*
4:31 AM | THE WAY IM JUST AJSNSJSNSSKKBCUEHDH this episode was so sweet and hilarious and IMINLOVEWITHRIN and just wonderful! This was my fav episode out of the film, it was just so sweet and everyone came together to give Rin a going away party. Seeing Samezeka and Iwatobi both having fun together was so touching, and it was Fun who brought them all together. Really goes to show how special Rin is to everyone; Coach Sasube even was looking on at Rin interacting with everyone and had flashbacks of Lil Rin laughing and having fun with other back then. Rin really leaves a mark on everyone he comes across, and I adore him for it. I actually want to be like that to be like Rin in that way. Wow. I love these boys and I love Rin’s friendship with all the people in his life and I LOVE RIN MATSUOKA.
Now time to finally move onto Season 3! I want to so badly do it right now, but it’s really late on a Sunday and it really sucks trying to document my thoughts on the same device that I’m watching the anime :P But I will definitely be starting it soon, no procrastinating like I’ve done with AOT and Haikyuu, PROMISE!
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gyeomork · 5 years
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(jackson wang x reader) 
genre: fluff, light smut, college au
warnings: sexual content, mild cursing
word count: 3.8k
a/n: i don’t capitalize my letters in this so if that bothers you, i’m sorry :( also italicized words mean they’re speaking english. also i lol don’t know what im talking about with all that “reading people” shit i just took a wyld guess but i hope you enjoy anyway ^3^
i enter my first class of the year, psychology 3. i take a seat, not really paying attention to who i sat next to. i take my laptop out of my backpack, place it on the table, flip it open and get ready to take notes. it was a new school year and i was not about to slack anymore. sophomore year was a complete shit show and i could not afford that this year, literally. i was skipping class like it was an olympic sport but guess what? tuition still had to be paid. i open up google docs and title the new document ‘19/8/19 notes, assignments & hw ’. the professor begins to speak and my full attention is now on her.
an hour passes and the class was wrapping up. “ok class the homework is for you all to make a powerpoint presentation on the person sitting next to you. you must analyze them as a person, describe their character traits and so on and so forth. think of it as an ice breaker activity and a way to make a new friend. more instructions will be posted online. i count 24 of you so i expect 24 emails on friday 23/8/19. presentations will be the following monday, if there are any questions feel free to email me. class dismissed.” i close my laptop and reach for my bag when i hear a deep familiar voice next to me say “hey! how’s it going?” i look to my right and see jackson, jackson wang. god not again. this man was handsome to say the very very least and a heart throb. i should know because i had him in psych 2 last year. we would almost always end up having to do a project together and almost always turn it in 2 minutes before it was due. it’s not like we were the best of friends and every time we met up we didn’t do work, it was just that we never really did meet up. every time he would text and ask i would be too scared to be in the same place as him because of how intimidated he made me feel. when we did meet up it was the night before so i absolutely had to go, for the sake of his grade. we wouldn’t talk much but when we did he was, for the most part, really nice. “hi.. jackson. it’s going.. good” i say quietly. “oh, that’s good. well if you’re free right now we could go get coffee to jumpstart this little project” god he had the cutest smile on his face. “oh yeah sure just let me get packed up” i said trying to avoid his gaze like the black plague.
after to fumbling with my belongings under the immense pressure his eyes were putting me under, we were finally able to leave. on the walk to the cafe, jackson sparks up conversation. “so, y/n, last year we never really talked much and i was a little let down because you actually seemed really cool. so i’m glad i get to do this project with you. i wanna get to know you” he looks over to me and grins widely. i return a small smile back. “where are you from?” he asked sounding genuinely curious. “the states” i mentally curse at myself for giving such a short, dry answer but he hums anyway. “i’m from china but i came here for a change, you know” “yup” i curse at myself again. a small silence passes, extra emphasis on small. “since you’re from the states do you-“ “speak english? yes” we both chuckle and god he was adorable. “oh cool so we could have our own semi-secret language” i give him a ‘you’re ridiculous’ look and we chuckle again. “so did you teach yourself english or did you go to an international school?” finally! i’m making semi-decent conversation. “international but i did do some studying on my own. so what about you? how did you learn hangul?” “ i loved watching and still do love watching dramas so one day i just got really annoyed with having to read the subtitles and just started teaching myself. i never really expected myself to get proficient at it, it just happened. then i thought i should put some use to it more than just dramas so i came here” wow the way i just rambled on just then. “ so how do you like it here?” he continues with the questions. “at first it was kind of hard to get used to because i went from using english every day and using hangul sometimes to using hangul every day and english sometimes” jackson nods in understanding. “ and then there are slang words that you need to learn and sayings and really understand the culture” he adds on. “ yes! exactly” regret of being so intimidated of him last year now fills me. he’s so easy to talk to. ugh am i stupid?
we reach the cafe and he opens the door for me “let me get that for you” “kam-sa-hap-nee-da!” i said in the most american accent i could do and he lets out an actual laugh that ascends me to the heavens. we both join the medium sized line. “you can just tell me what you want so you can go have a seat and i’ll bring it to you” this man is an angel. “iced americano, venti sized please and thank you” i say with a close-mouthed smile. “coming right up” he reciprocates the same smile. i make my way to a small booth in the corner by the window. i take out a small notepad and jot down things i’ve noticed about jackson. eventually, i get lost in thinking about how sweet he is and how easy he is to talk to and how his laugh is opposite of his deep voice and how his smile makes him look like a baby and then how he turns all hot again and oh my god i have a crush on jackson. like a cue, jackson comes and sets his and my coffee down and takes a seat across from me “thank you so much” “no problem” we both take a sip in unison. “analyzing me already?” he asks grabbing my notepad. all i had written was ‘really good energy’. really y/n? what the hell is that supposed to mean? he makes a ‘not bad’ face and sets my notepad back in front of me. i keep sipping and look out the window. “ok, ok” i could see him trying to hold in a snicker in the corner of my eye. i whip my neck to look and him and ask swiftly “what? why ‘ok ok’? what?”. “hm? nothing” he replies, still trying to hold in that laugh. “wah~ making fun of me already. at least i have something written down” he raises his eyebrows at me. “i have plenty of stuff written down in my head” “oh really?” i say in disbelief. “yes!” “ok. then prove it” i sit back and cross my arms. “just in the last 10 minutes, the things i’ve noticed ok. ready?” i just nod. “shy; when you laughed or smiled you didn’t show teeth. closed off; you chose the booth furthest away from other people. passive; you did nothing when i snatched your notepad. trusting; you trusted me with your drink and that i didn’t do anything to it. physical traits; well put together, pretty-“ i felt my face heat up and i had to stop him. “alright, alright you proved your point.” i waved him off and he laughs. “you asked for it” he says, laughter still in his voice. “i asked for you to prove yourself not show off” i say fake sulkily and extra pouty. he laughs even louder and makes a few heads turn. “ok jackson! people are looking.” i whisper shout and smile at him fully this time. “oh! you’re smiling” he points “you’re not shy around me anymore!” “ok you have to teach me how to read people like that” i rest my hand on my chin and my elbow on the table. “well, for starters, we could go back to the ‘getting to know you’ questions. so, when’s your birthday?”
after hours of talking, we had to leave simply because the cafe was closing. jackson looks at his watch and widens his eyes. “it’s 22:58 (10:58 pm). oh my god. do you have class tomorrow? i’m so sorry for keeping you out so late, i’ll walk you home. where do you live? oh my god i’m really so sorry” he apologized profusely. “no” i say flatly. “n-no?” he furrowed his eyebrows. “i don’t have class tomorrow it’s fine” i let out breathy laugh. “do you?” i raise my brows at him. “no” he sighs out in relief. “alright come on. let me walk you home” i barely take two steps when i stop and drop my head into my hands. “my.. RA. it’s past curfew. i’m dead” i say defeated. “oh my friend i can stay with- she has class tomorrow and she’s probably sleeping” i say gaining hope and losing it instantly. “i guess i’ll just take the warning, it’s only one” i start dragging my feet i the direction of my dorm. “you could.. stay the night with me. my RA isn’t as strict with the rules”. was that nervousness i heard in his voice? jackson? the same jackson that told me stories of him being bold and fearless? jackson? wang? never. “i don’t want to be a burden-“ i wave him off. “ you won’t be” he insists. i look into his eyes and really sink deep into those two chocolate pools. all that is visible is purity and good intentions; i trust him. “ok” i smile. “thank you” “no problem”
we get to his dorm and as he is unlocking the door he informs me that his 3 other roommates won’t be there until late that night so we’re safe from the teasing. he opens the door and lets me in first. it’s dark until jackson comes in and turns on the kitchen light. he sits around the island and i join him. i take this time to look around. right across from the kitchen was the living room that was in good shape for 3 boys, diagonal of the living room was the laundry room that was neat too, there was a walkway from the front door in between the laundry room and the kitchen leading to the living room, and one long hallway/walkway passing in between the living room and the kitchen continuing both ways to god knows where. there was also a sliding door in the living room leading to the balcony. “you must be hungry. do you want me to cook or is takeout ok?” come to think of it i haven’t eaten since lunch.  i was so absorbed in jackson that i didn’t even realize how hungry i am. “yeah, takeout is fine” “is pizza ok?” he says pulling out his phone. “oh pizza is more than ok” i say, starting to get excited “ok miss pizza what would you like on it?” “pepperoni please~” “alright.. and the pizza is on it’s way” he hops off the chair with ‘hmph’. he walks over to me and holds his hand out to help me down. “thank you” i take his hand and get off the chair. “come on i’ll give you everything you need”. he leads me to his room at the end of the short hallway without letting go of my hand. he turns on fairy lights that aren’t too bright but are enough to make everything visible. he turns to the left to his walk-in closet to retrieve me a hoodie and some sweatpants. he tells me that when i go in the bathroom there should be an extra toothbrush behind the mirror. i say thank you for the 100th time today and go to sit on his bed to wait for him. “i can put something on if you want” he come and sits next to me on the bed. “mm..” i think about all the shows that i need to catch up on and finally choose one. “can you put on ‘he is psychometric’?” “ohh yes! what episode are you on?�� he gets excited. “the last one and it’s so good, i just never have time to watch” “me either” he puts it on the tv and the pizza arrives. “that was quick” i say shocked because my pizza takes at least an hour to come. “yeah the place is right down the block; convenient” he comes back to the room with pizza and shuts the door.
we finish ‘he is psychometric’ and both of the pizzas. “i’m gonna go change” i take jackson’s clothes to the bathroom. i change into the comfy clothes that smells like him and brush my teeth. i pull my hair into a bun that i ruled ok for jackson to see and leave the bathroom. “oh you look good in my clothes but don’t go stealing it now” he says like he’s my father and gives me a stern look. i giggle and say “ok” sarcastically. he goes in the bathroom to change as well. i pull my notepad and pencil out my bag and sit in front of what seems to be his work desk. i write more analyzations and now have to flip the page thanks to jackson teaching me how to properly read people. i’m on a roll until jackson presses his hands on my shoulders and yells “boo!” “oh my god!” i jump and turn around in the swivel chair. “i’m sorry i had to” he laughs at me hysterically. “yah~ don’t do that! stop laughing!” i smack him on the shoulder repeatedly. “ok ok, yah!” he grabs hold of my wrists and is now inches away from my face; staring into my eyes. “i-i’m tired. where can i sleep?” i had to break the growing silence. jackson lets go and backs away “you can sleep on my bed, i’ll set up on the couch” he said walking towards the door. “no” i command, stopping him in his tracks. “ when the guys get home they’re going to ask why you’re on the couch and from the stories you’ve told me, you’re not a good liar” he turns back around but still doesn’t move. “you’re right” he says grinning. “well get on the bed so that when i turn off the lights you won’t trip and break your neck” “alright, no need to reference that traumatic story ok, that was a very scary experience” i say getting on the bed. “i’m just saying if you had a night light-“ “ok! jackson! good night!”
i was on the edge of sleep when i felt a heavy arm fall around my waist and a warm body touching all of my back side. steady breathing was blowing on the baby hairs on the back of my neck. he was sleeping. i suddenly started to feel uncomfortable in the position i was in and couldn’t take it anymore. while adjusting and re-adjusting my lower half, i inevitably brush up against jackson’s area. he didn’t respond so i assumed he just didn’t feel it so i continued on the quest to getting comfortable, all the while rubbing against him with my ass. suddenly jackson grips my hip. “you better stop playing with me” he growls lowly into my ear, ultimately ruining my new underwear i got from victoria secret on sale but i couldn’t possibly be mad at him. the ache in my core was way too strong to ignore so i reply as seductively as i could “who said i was playing?” while pushing up against him. he groans and i feel him grow beneath me. he attaches his lips to my neck and sucks and nips and licks away. he finds my spot at the base of my neck and i let out a low moan. when he feels as of though he’s left a satisfactory mark, he licks and kisses the spot. he turns me to face him and wastes no time in connecting his lips to mine. passion begins to fill the room as he climbs on top of me. the hands that are on my waist start travelling under his hoodie i had on. his warm hands on my bare skin was setting me on fire. one of his legs that was positioned between my legs started to rub against my core. i moan loudly into his mouth and he doesn’t miss his chance to stick his tongue in my mouth. i break the kiss to catch my breath and jackson moves back to my neck to leave more marks. i was lost in my own pleasure when i come to my senses. “jackson” i breathe out. he removes his lips from my neck for a brief moment “yes baby”. “what about the guys?” “fuck the guys” he tugs at the bottom of his hoodie and he looks up at me asking for permission. i nod and he removes the hoodie swiftly as he begins kissing his way down my body.
i wake up the next morning with the comforter covering more than half of my face so the sunlight seeping through the window didn’t bother me too much. i was initially startled about where i was but i soon remembered. then i remember the events of the night before. i turn around to see the beautiful man that shared the events of the night before with me. the light highlighting his features perfectly. from his fluffy, messy hair to his soft, plump lips. i move to brush away the hair that was in his face and move down to caress his cheek. how did this even happen? and how did it happen so quickly? i guess it’s the jackson effect. he flutters his eyes open and when he sees me, he immediately gives the softest smile. he pulls me closer in his arms and whispers “good morning princess”. i hum and say good morning back. “how’d you sleep?” he kisses my forehead. “really good” i take a deep breath, inhaling his intoxicating natural scent. we stay like that for a while until we realize that we have to leave before the guys wake up and tease us. or the extreme awkwardness considering the fact that we may or may not have gotten a noise complaint. jackson gives me fresh clothes to leave in and i freshen up, doing most but not all of my morning routine due to the shortage of time. i grab my bag and exit the room with him. we’re walking down the hallway when i forget my notepad on his work desk and go back for it. on the way back to him i hear voices coming from the living room, i stay out of sight to eavesdrop. “jackson i swear to god you should do my- no our homework for the next week” one voice says, putting emphasis on ‘our’. “i shut my door, turn my music on my speaker up all the way, and even covered my ears with 2 pillows but could still fucking hear you two. jackson i swear to god if you don’t warn us next time” another voice says and lets out a deep sigh. “you guys i’m sorry i really didn’t plan-“ another voice cuts him off . “no you’re not sorry, you’re gonna be sorry when your ass is doing my physics homework for the next week” “i don’t even know how to do physics” “well you better figure it out” i couldn’t hear anymore of this, i had to save him. i walk out into the living room “um.. g-good morning” i wave awkwardly. damn! this is exactly what i wanted to avoid. they all look up at me with wide eyes “good morning” they say all out of sync. jackson stands next to me and holds my hand “this is my girlfriend, y/n” my heart drops, comes back up, does some somersaults, and skips numerous beats. “y/n this is jinyoung, jaebeom, and mark”. i give a small closed-mouth smile. “well, this was fun but y/n and i have places to be” he looks down at me and smiles “let’s go” jackson starts walking to the door and drags me along. i look back and wave goodbye and so do they, still looking baffled. jackson locks the door and we start walking down the hallway. ”i could tell you were uncomfortable so i had to get you out of there” he says with a hint of urgency in his voice and i laugh. “thank you but were we really that loud?” i ask putting emphasis on ‘that’. “i don’t know but what i do know is that i’m that good” i roll my eyes at him “yeah ok”. “so ‘girlfriend’ huh?” he looks down and scratches the back of his neck. “y-yea” his ears turn red. “you haven’t even taken me out on a date yet.” i scoff in fake disbelief. “i was hoping that i could go on a date today and then i could confess to you but i guess i got a little ahead of myself” “you think?” we chuckled. “confession? how long did you like me?” “ever since i had to do that first project with you in psych 2. whenever i’d ask to meet up and you said you couldn’t it always made me think you didn’t like me. and when we did you were kind of standoffish so i gave up. until you sat next to me yesterday” he smiles thinking about it. “i’m sorry that i made you think that i was just so intimidated by you and your good looks and what not.” “good looks?” he raises his eyebrow at me. “take the compliment or i’ll take it back” “oh no thank you thank you”
we leave his dorm building to the parking lot and his car. “i changed up our schedule for today a little bit.” he unlocks the doors and we get in. “what did you change?” he starts the car so the hot air doesn’t literally suffocate us. “after we visit your dorm we have to go to the mall”. he takes my hand and intertwined our fingers. “the mall? why?” i look over at him and furrow my eyebrows. he looks at me and smirks “to get you back that cute little underwear i tore off you last night” brings my hand to his lips and kisses it.
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jaaebear · 6 years
pairing: lee jeno x reader
set out: bulleted scenario , supernatural
warnings: none
authors note: doing this with @alienjisung aND IM SO EXCITED. HAVE 10 DAYS TO FINISH THIS. LET’S GET ITTT
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so here we go
ever chosen a class because it��s an easy grade? yeah, you have because you did this semester.
everybody was telling you that dance was an easy A and nobody could fail unless you never went to class. 
and you, you were having trouble with math so you decided ‘let’s take dance! that way if i fail math, i’ll still get an A and keep my score up!’
that was way too enthusiastic 
anywhooo, everybody had failed to mention the infamous duo group project during the semester
and your luck, you were paired up with the smiley boy who strived for the best in dance.
lee jeno
not that you had any problem, you had never spoken to the boy but it was rumors.
he was a boy with the most bright smile in the school but you were told if you didn’t put in enough work in a group assignment, he would end you. 
not that you knew how. 
anyway, it’s halfway through the semester and jeno and you are in the middle part of your written part of the project.
you’re both sitting in the library exchanging small talk about the paper.
flash forward an hour and you are getting ready to leave.
you volunteered to talk home the loose leaflets of paper this week.
putting them in your bag, one slices the length of your finger, creating a small opening 
“y/n- your finger...” jeno’s eyes are trained on your finger, his warm eyes flash a hue of red but it’s gone before you can make sure it’s there. his voice is heavy and you squint your eyes at him.
“It’s fine, just a small cu-” but you’re cut short when jeno grabs your your finger and places it between his lips. 
he’s literally sucking the blood. this is some twilight shit-
and you’re like tf jeno?! but not really. 
“are you a- uh...” you don’t even know what your asking but after watching the whole twilight saga, you think you know a lil something something about vampires
jeno, now, sees no point in hiding his second life  so he just stares at you mumbling a “maybe”
and your brain is like “mAYBE what does MAYBE MEAN”
and when you don’t answer he’s like “i done fucked up man” but instead he asks you “are you gonna run away?”
and you’re like “uh, no... should i?”
and jeno panics so he snaps his head towards you and is like “ no no no”
so you’re like “okay, see you next tuesday?”
and jeno nods, “tuesday.”
so you leave the library in a flash because your mind is SO confused and jeno just sits down in a chair with your blood still on his tongue. and all he can do is mumble “shit.”
so for the next couple of weeks, you and jeno were in the library every tuesday and every tuesday was a repeat of the past week.
“so y/n”
“no jeno, you’re not getting any more of my blood, for gods sake”
“That’s not fair!” he whines
“you know what’s not fair? having the living life sucked out of me”
and then he pouts
so when yall are getting ready to leave, jeno asks “tuesday?’
and for the first time, you’re like “i can’t, i have another project with jiyoung”
and jeno is pISSED
“don’t do it”
and you’re like “mccuse me?” but not really. in reality you’re like “huh”
“don’t do the project”
AND YOU’RE AN INDEPENDENT PERSON WHO GOES “ha, who are you to decide that”
and jeno walks towards you frowning “but you’re my tutor, y/n”
“i’m not anyone’s person, cut the bullshit jeno” and now, for the last hour, the tension between you two in unbreakable
when you meet up with jiyoung next week, you’re awfully tired and you don’t know why.
“are you okay, y/n”
“yeah i’m fine jeno-”
“im sorry y/n but i’m not jeno.”
“oh my god i’m so sorry jiyoung.” 
after your hour with jiyoung, you accidentally stumbled into jeno.  
“I’m so sorry...”
“y/n, it’s okay. it’s been weeks since we last worked on the project, do you have time now?” and you nod
you guys sit in an empty classroom, working on the project, laughing and teasing like nothing had changed. 
“y/n i really don’t like you tutoring that guy”
“not this again...”
“i’m being serious y/n! out of everybody just not him!”
“why not?!”
you had walked over to lean across the wall now, not caring to be near jeno but after you said that, he stood up and in a flash, his arms were on either side of your head, closing you in.
“because, you’re mine.”
his eyes flashed a dark red and fear only just started to close in on you.  “no... i’m not?”
it came out as a question. 
jeno’s fingers lifts your chin up towards the roof, him towering over you. “really now?”
“wait what are you doing?”
his lips ghosted over your cheek, then jaw bone, slowly hovering over your neck. 
your nails dig into your thigh, not feeling anything due to fear. you know what he’s doing, or planning to do, when you hear a sharp inhale of air.
“please don’t do this. stop it, jeno, please”
 when each second passes, your knees grow weak, wondering what he’ll do next.
it’s the sharp graze of your neck that snaps you out of whatever dizzy trance you’re in , pushing him away.
“what the fuck jeno?!” the red from his eyes disappear and his body visibly shakes.
“i don’t remember agreeing that you had some vampire claim on me!” 
“no, that’s not it. y/n-!”
“not now jeno. don’t talk to me.”
it’s been days since you’ve last seen jeno so you decided to focus your attention on your project with jiyoung. 
everything’s peachy until jiyoung brings up jeno.
“he’s pretty attached to you y’know?”
“shut up jiyoung, you don’t even know hi-”
then everything come crashing down in realisation 
and jiyoung notices it.
‘whoops it seems like i’ve been exposed”
you try to scout away from jiyoung but he grabs your wrist
“you’re scared. I’m the same as that boy! why are you scared?!”
“because, jiyoung, you’re not that boy.”
you make a move to stand up before being slammed onto the wall behind you, jiyoung’s red eyes coming face to face with you. 
“you know, y/n, i so happened to catch a little smell of your blood once and oh my, it’s infuriating. rare.”
“we all love rare things, now let me go.”
“no can do love.” his hand grasps your jaw, forcing it to one side, letting your neck be explored. shit bitch is gonna die
his mouth nuzzled into your neck, tongue swiping across a patch of skin, giggling against it. you whimper when you feel a sharp graze across your neck and they sink down on your neck, a cold sensation dripping down onto your shirt.
and you try to summon the only person you know. “jeno...”
like magic, jiyoung is ripped away from you, your body dropping to the floor as you look up to see jeno standing there, chest heaving up and down.
“bad timing, jeno, i was just having my fun.” jiyoung smirks towards the boy. 
“don’t touch them!” jeno shouts.
“wow what irony jeno.”
at this jeno’s posture slumps, his eyes wondering towards you. 
it doesn’t stop jeno running towards jiyoung. you covered your eyes, only hearing the sounds of glass breaking and tables and chairs being moved. 
you didn’t uncover your eyes until someone lifted you up carrying you. “are you okay y/n? i’m so sorry, i’m so sorry.” you learned the voice to be jeno. “it’s okay, i’ve got you.”
when he puts you down, you meet his eyes first the first time today. his eyes travel down towards your neck and you cover it with your hand
jeno looks away, licking his lips. “go home y/n” 
and with that, he speeds away. 
it had been two weeks since that day
jeno didn’t come to school and niether did jiyoung but you didn’t care about him 
one night when you sitting at your desk you noticed a flash across your window
scared, you poked your head outside the window to see a figure sitting on the ledge of your roof
“you got time? wanna go somewhere?”
ten minutes later jeno and you are running up the side of a sky scraper builiding.
“lee jeno this is not what i was thinking!”
when you reached the top all you could do i try to breathe, that had hit the wind out of you. “fuck you.”
after a minute or two of no talking, you turn to jeno
“thank you, for saving me.”
“if you really wanted to that me-”
“okay, go for it”
“what? y/n i was asking to drink your blood?!”
“i know”
now jeno is like tf?! this bitch cray
“did that little shit get any of your blood?”
“no jeno, it’s fine.”
“ha, okay, i’ll do the honours of being first”
jeno’s hand rises from his side, brushing your hair from your neck as you move your head so your neck is more exposed
jeno smiles, his hand sliding across your waist as he places a small peck on your shoulder
his hand rises to cup your cheek tenderly, stroking it.
“make sure to tell me if it hurts”
his mouth rests on your neck, waiting for you to nod in reassurance 
you gasp loudly and tighten your hold on jeno’s bicep when he settles his sharp teeth impale your neck but continues when you dont say anything
jeno’s arm tightens around your waist when he tastes the first drop of blood. the action doesn’t go unnoticed by you as you grow dizzy from lack of blood. your breathing increases and it feels like a long time before he moves away
“oh god...” he groans, arching his head back
“shut up!”
he lets out a laugh before settling into a smile, eyes still on you
“what? is there still blood on my neck?”
“no it’s nothing...” 
he leans forward hand returning to cup your cheek
“it’s just...”
he shuts the gap, lips soft on yours, his eyes slowly shut and you do the same, both of your hands lift up, one on his neck and the other resting on your cheek.
when you part, your eyes open slowly to see jeno still close to you, his eyes still closed.
“jeno, next time you do that, make sure you kiss me before almost killing me!”
“wait did you just invite me to do that again?!”
“i mean, there’s always the future”
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taexyoongs · 6 years
Comfort Food
ASK by @givemehoroscopes​:  hey hello hi could I request a tae scenario where it's yoongi's birthday the boys throw a big party and as being close friends with them Y/N is invited. And theeen, she gets very drunk because she has realised that she has feelings for tae and can't cope with it normally;) and then tae is being very soft like his usual self and takes care of her, and Y/N confesses to him and then can't remember anything in the morning THANK YOU I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD DAY <3
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader (ft. bff Jungkook)
Genre: fratboy!bts
Length: 6.3K
Authors Note (Admin Taenox): READ ON COMPUTER, LOOKS WEIRD ON PHONES !! I’m sorry it took so long and I hope you like it <3 ALSO: This might look weird on my phone since I’m formatting on my laptop. And my writing style can be confusing so in case you don’t know: italics mean internal thoughts of whoever’s POV the scene is in. Quotations is normal speaking.
“What did you just say to me?”
“Cancel all of your plans and be at the frat house by 8.”
“I swear to god, Kim Taehyung, if you think I’m going to spend my birthday throwing up in a toilet, you’re wrong.”
“Come on, hyung. You know you enjoy every second of it. You’re always a grouch about it before, but when you show up, you’re the life of the party.”
“No. I hate those parties.”
“Tell that to all the girls you grind on when you’re drunk.”
“Fuck you, Kim Taehyung.”
“I’m good, but I’m sure the girls would take the offer.”
Hoseok stepped in.
“Hobi, save me from this madman.”
“Yeah, dumbass, he clearly isn’t being convinced,” chimed in Jimin.
Jin whacked Jimin with his sleeve. “Don’t call Tae a dumbass, dumbass.”
“Okay, I have to step in as the leader here and clear things up,” said Namjoon. “Tae is, in fact, sometimes, occasionally, a dumbass.”
Jin whacked Namjoon with his sleeve. “Then you’re a dumbass too. Leader, pshh. I’m the oldest one here, You all better listen to me or else…”
“You’ll beat us up?” added in Jungkook, while flexing.
“Don’t get cocky on me. I can still beat you in a fight.”
“Hey Yoongi hyung,” said Jimin softly. “I think you’re really cool and smart and amazing and-”
“You damn well KNOW you enjoy those parties too,” repeated Taehyung.
“We even invite the girls.”
“OKAY. EVERYONE SHUT UP. I’ll go! You better bring me a trillion gifts and a lot of alcohol.”
Yoongi looked up at the other six. A small surprised moment of silence ensued.
Then madness.
And that’s how the night began.
There are a great number of distinctions between a frat party and every other party. Frat parties have way too many people for way too little space, while regular parties have an average amount of people for an average amount of space. Frat parties have copious, even outrageous amounts of alcohol, while every other party has just enough. Everyone knows that whoever chugs the most from the keg is obviously far superior to the mere lightweights. And most importantly, unlike every other party, frat parties were where mistakes are made.
And this frat party was no different. Booze was in every hand and music was blasting in every corner of the medium sized frat house. When you entered through the front doors, you could feel the temperature go up by several degrees. You scanned the room. On your right was the crazy dance pit full of writhing bodies. As expected, Min Yoongi, along with Jin, Jimin, Joon and Hoseok, was right in the middle, having the time of his life. On your left was a large table of food and beer. And straight ahead was the kitchen. Your eyes drifted over the pit again. Gosh why did it have to be so dark in there? “Hey. Hobi…. Hobi!”
He can’t hear me. Guess I’ll have to go in there myself. Ugh.
You started to make you way through the crowd of sweaty drunk people.
Why do people enjoy this? I mean, there has to be a reason why people get drunk right? Alcohol tastes like crap, so it can’t be that they enjoy the taste. To get away from some emotion then. To get so drunk that they become emotionless and let their bodies go to the sway of the music? It’s better to feel the emotions and get over them slowly but surely right? Right?
You were next to Hobi now.
Your arm reached out and poked his shoulder.
“Where’s Jungkook?”
You started to push your way out of the crowd. “Watch out!” “Sorry!” “Excuse me.”
After picking up some punch off of the 2% of the table that was not alcohol, you turned your feet towards the kitchen.
Wait. What if Taehyung’s in there? He’s always with Kook.
I should go touch up my makeup.
You started to make your way to the bathroom when you collided with someone.
“I’m sorry,” you both said at the same time.
“Oh. Yah! It’s you! Hobi said you were in the kitchen?”
“Yeah I was but I came out to find you. You were supposed to be here an hour ago! You didn’t respond to any of your texts. I was worried about you.”
“Ah, shit. Sorry Kook, I was finishing up that stupid group project. That dumb bitch Amy didn’t do her part. Did I make you worry about noooonnnnaaaa?”
“Blech, you disgust me y/n. Anyways, we have to talk about the thing.”
“What thing?”
“Are you dumb?”
“Goddamn it, y/n.”
Jungkook brought his voice down to a whisper.
“The Tae Thing.”
“Oh. That. Hahah we can just pretend I never texted you that it’s fine I know you and him are best friends and that would be weird and I totally get it and”
“You’re doing it again.”
“Talking too much because you’re nervous.”
“I’m that obvious am I?”
“WOW. What a supportive friend. I’m so thankful to have someone like you by my side.”
“Pshh, you don’t have to thank me y/n.”
“It was sarcasm, idiot.”
“But for real. This is probably weird for you. He’s also one of your best friends.”
“Dude, are you kidding me? That would be fucking amazing. My two best friends start dating. They always force me to third wheel with them. Then they feel bad for me since I’m always third wheeling for them, so they set me up with a smoking hot babe for a double date. You see? I’ve thought this through.”
“You’re a crackhead. Anyways I’m going to the bathroom, I’ll be right back.”
“Oh okay, I’ll get Tae. Don’t worry, I’ll act natural. I know nothing about this.”
“Hahaha okay, you better. Bye, I’ll be back soon.”
You turned away from Jungkook and headed to the bathrooms.
You made sure to lock the door behind you.
So no frisky couples can kick me out of here.
Looking at yourself in the mirror could go one of three ways. Sometimes you thought you looked like a sultry, hot goddess. Other times, you thought you looked like Gollum. And for the most part, like today, you usually just thought you were average.
Your fingers skirted down to the hem of your black bodycon dress,  tugged up, then folded.
Heck. If I don’t feel hot yet, might as well be a little more revealing.
Now your knee length dress was a party dress. Giving your hair a little ruffle, you checked yourself out.
You reached into your wallet and took out a tube of your favorite lipstick shade.
Haha, I knew this would come in handy. Self confidence here I come.
No one would have expected your favorite color was a classic bright red. It didn’t suit your personality at all. You weren’t a party girl. Frankly, no matter how much you wanted to pretend you were that hot girl at the party that all the girls were jealous of and all the guys drooled over, you knew that wasn’t you. You were the girl that worked too hard. The girl that studied a lot and wore hoodies all the time and took care of other party girls. You were the nice one, not the desirable one. But bright red made you feel like you were on top of the world, like you were a badass career woman who could take names and kick ass.
Stepping back, you gave yourself one last look through. Ruffled hair, smudged eyeliner, red lips, your little black dress, and strappy shoes.
It’s showtime.
You unlocked the door and strutted out of that bathroom with all of your confidence that immediately melted away the second you saw Kim Taehyung.
Your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat when you saw him. He was, quite frankly, ethereal. But unlike those other attractive guys, he wasn’t cocky. He didn’t expect anything from anyone. In fact, he was almost exactly the opposite, never talking about himself at all. Instead, he took care of everyone around him in his own special little way, joking around, flashing boxy smiles, and being serious when he needed to.
“Wahh, y/n you look great today, doesn’t she hyung,” quipped Jungkook excitedly, slapping Taehyung’s back.
Oh my god, Jeon Jungkook why would you ever say that?
“Oh hey Taehyung! How’s it going?”
Shit, I should’ve just said hi. Or what’s up? Or-
“I’m amazing y/n. And Jungkook’s right. You look pretty.”
There your heart went skipping beats again. You felt a slight blush come up onto your face.
“Ah haha thank you. It's hot here, let’s go get some cold punch or something. I’m out”
“Yeah let’s go get some drinks and get on the dance floor. We aren’t at a party to be wallflowers. Look at Yoongi over there.”
You and Tae both turned your heads to where he was pointing.
“Sure looks like he’s enjoying himself,” you said.
“Yeah, seriously,” agreed Taehyung. “You have no idea how much we had to bribe him to come to his own birthday party.”
Jungkook put his arm around your shoulders. “Well are you two done being jealous of Yoongi’s abilities yet? Cuz I’m thirsty.”
You looked over. “You’re always thirsty, Jungkook.”
“Ha ha very funny y/n. Lets just go.”
Jungkook grabbed you with one hand and Taehyung with the other and dragged both of you behind him.
You gave Tae a helpless look and shrugged. He smiled back.
Agh that cute boxy smile. Why am I like this?
“Hey, I’ll be back guys one second. I want to go put this clutch away so we can all go dance! Go hang with the other guys.  I’ll be back in a minute or two.”
“Okay y/n! Come back fast!”
You hurried of the door and sat down on the sidewalk. A crescent moon hovered above your head.
You look so pretty glowing like that. I wish I could look like you. Why do I even like him? I wish these feelings would go away already. I’m too tired of debating on if I should confess or not. This is too hard.
The door creaked behind you.
“Aha, I knew you weren’t putting away your purse.”
“Jungkook. It’s too overwhelming.”
“Well, you see, that’s how you know it’s real y/n. I promise today will be a good night for you okay? I think you should just be more confident and love yourself more.
“But I’m like not nearly as attractive or cool as Tae is and like not on his level at all.”
I’m saying this objectively, not as your friend: you are freaking beautiful. Not like those girls all over Yoongi, Joon, and Hope right now. You’re beautiful in the most real way. Outside and inside. Just remember that and get back in there, my gawd, you’re wasting precious time sitting out here being existential.”
“Well, I was just going to say thank you for the pep talk but huh, you had to ruin it at the end didn’t you?”
“See. I made you laugh. I win.”
“Goddamnit. OKAY.”
You stood up.
You started to open the door. “Wait y/n. Go put away your purse clutch thingy. That’s what you said you were going to do. It’d be weird if you went in there with it.”
“Oh shit, you’re right. Thanks Kook.”
“Where’d Jungkook go, Taehyung?”
“He said he went to the bathroom, but I think he went to chase after y/n.”
“Y/n? I told her to come join us! Where’d she go?”
“I would but for some reason I feel like she’s avoiding me and Kook knows what’s up. I’ll go ask him later. I hope she’s okay.”
“I’m sure she’s okay. Now look I don’t have time for petty girl drama. The hyungs are about to perform live. I need you to dance like a crazy hypeman with me.”
“If it’s Ddaeng, then you know I’m in Jimin.
“Ayy let’s go.”
Entering back into the now hot and heavy atmosphere in the living room, you couldn’t help but nod your head along to the beat of the music. “Damn, they’re killing it. You sure this is just a hobby?” “I know right,” yelled back Jungkook over the music. “They’re insanely good. I keep telling them to find a company.”
“Wait Jungkook. I need a drink.”
“A real drink to make me brave. I’m going to tell him. Like an alcoholic drink.”
“I mean I’ve liked him for like a year now. Might as well get rejected and let go.”
“What do you mean? You don’t drink alcohol. Is this real? You’re finally going to get laid tonight. YES!”
“EW. Jungkook, hell no. The point is, I’m too emotionally exhausted for this chasing game anymore. I’m just going to say it. And whatever happens will happen.”
“Shut up he’s going to say yes and I’m so excited! Let’s go get drunk!”
“Yes please. My nerves are going to jump out of my skin and run away at this point.”
Jungkook led you to the drinks. “Okay, there’s vodka, whiskey, or tequila. All three will do the job and get you some liquid courage, aka get you very drunk. Whiskey tastes the best in my opinion. Or you could go for the beer which is abit more light and you’ll still be sane the whole night.”
“What’s going to get me so drunk I won’t remember anything tomorrow? In case he rejects me, I’d rather never know it happened.”
“Here you are.”
Jungkook slid a shot glass towards you.
“What’s this one?”
“The vodka. Here I’ll take a few shots with you so you don’t feel alone. Ready?”
You picked up the tiny glass cup. It was slightly strange that something this small had the power to do so much good and bad. Mostly bad. You had never really heard a story that started with “So I got really drunk” that ended with “and we all lived happily ever after”.
Well, here goes nothing.
“3...2...1… GO!”
It burned more than you thought it would. You coughed.
“Why would people drink this stuff? It tastes like poison.”
“The same reason you’re drinking it right now. To get drunk.”
I guess that makes sense.  
After a few shots, Jungkook stopped drinking.
“Hey, y/n. I feel woozy let’s s-stop. I think this is enough to feel brave.”
“What? Are you a lightweight or something? No! I need more.”
After a “few” more shots, Jungkook stopped you.
“Yah, are you crazy? You’re going to get alcohol poisoning and die if you keep going at this rate. Look at your face.”
You looked at your reflection in the glass.
Your face was turning bright red, just like your lipstick.
“That’s okay, I like red. And I don’t feel drunk. I’m pretty sure I’m sober. Whoa, I’m so cool. A heavyweight. A HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. Aren’t I cool Jungkook, Jungkookie, Kookie-pie?”
“Yep, you’re drunk.”
“No, I’m nooooottt. I’m soberrrr.”
“Who do you like y/n?”
“Kim Taehyung,” you replied without hesitating.
“And you’re going to confess to him today, before the night ends okay?”
“And you’re not going to throw up on him, or embarrass yourself.”
“Okay. You can do this.”
“I can doooo th-this!”
Your hand started to grab another shot glass.
“Oh my god, y/n. Stop drinking. You’re going to end up being blackout drunk and forget to confess.”
“But I’m still scared.”
“Y/n. Stop. Listen to me. I’ve gotten drunk plenty of times. Getting drunk will make you braver sure. But after a certain point, you’re going to lose yourself. So no more drinking! After all, alcohol isn’t comfort food!”
You deliberated that for a moment.
“I mean, I can’t really think right now, so I’m just going to listen to you. What next, Drinking Master Kook?”
“Next, we go get your man.”
Looking for Taehyung and the others, Jungkook easily weaved through the crowd that had seemingly doubled since 10 minutes ago. Following behind him, you tried to not bump into the tipsy girls with glasses that were sure to spill. Eventually, after a few minutes of blindly stumbling through the dark, you and Kook found them.
“Look who finally decided to show up,” yelled Hoseok.
“Y/n, it took you that long to put away your purse? Jungkook, jesus! That was one long bathroom break.”
Shit, he knows something’s up. Well, duh, to be honest. What did I expect? We’ve been gone for nearly an hour now.
“Sorry Tae, me and y/n just got some drinks to be more loose and carefree. She’s had a long day with project mates fucking her over”
“It’s fine, just help me with these hyungs. They’re drunk out of their minds.”
“I’m th-the leader. Don’t tell me what to do”
Namjoon hiccupped and pouted.
“I can do whatever I want.”
“See what I’m dealing with here?”
“Shit, sorry Tae. Look! I’ll make it up to you. I’ll call an Uber and take them home. You and y/n stay. I’ll take care of it.”
Oh my gosh he’s leaving us alone on purpose, isn’t he?
He’s totally leaving us alone on purpose.
Jungkook was the only one that knew that Taehyung liked y/n. No one else. Not even the hyungs. It’s not like Jungkook was the best secret keeper. But he was Taehyung's best friend.
“Yeah, okay. Make sure the hyungs get home safely. Sorry, Jungkookie. And thank you!
I should use this opportunity and tell her today. What if she says no though? Oh my gosh, why didn’t I think this through before I told Jungkook to invite her. Shit. Fuck. What am I gonna do?
He shook his head.
No, let’s just do it. Be brave and just go for it. Yes. I’m going to ask her today.
I’m going to ask y/n to be my girlfriend.
It had been a few minutes since Jungkook had left with the rest of the group. This was the time where things usually started to get awkward for you. But not tonight. Tonight, you were on top of the world. Or maybe you were just too drunk to feel mundane emotions such as awkwardness. Either way, tonight would be a turning point. You would either be insanely happy from now on or be insanely sad for a little while. You would get over it in the end of the day. Heck, anything could happen to you right now. But you would be okay. Because right now you were happy. You were almost euphoric moving your body to the rhythm with Taehyung. And that, in itself, was enough for you.
As the night went on, you and Taehyung started to get touchy. A playful pat on the shoulders. A flirty smile here and there. When the perfect sentimental songs came on, Taehyung could really handle it anymore.
“Will you dance with me y/n?”
You couldn’t believe it when you heard it. THE Kim Taehyung that all the preppy college girls lusted over, THE Kim Taehyung that all the guys wanted to be friends with purely to get girls to hang out with them, THE Kim Taehyung had just asked you to dance with him.
Have I died? Am I a ghost getting whatever I want in heaven?
“Oh. Okay.”
And together you danced the night away until he kissed you and you dated and lived happily ever after.
Atleast that’s what you dreamed of while your hand was in his. It’s what you were thinking about when his hand slowly drifted down from your shoulders and slipped around your waist, pulling you closer, until you were flush against his body. A blush crept up your neck as you looked into his eyes.
They were looking right back at you. “You’re turning red.”
You quickly looked away and put your head into his chest.  
“I’m drunk.”
“Yes, y/n. I know.”
“If I didn’t know better I’d think you were being affected by me. Am I affecting you y/n?”
You stayed quiet.
His right hand drifted back up your body to lift our chin up, forcing you to make eye contact with him again.
“Am I affecting you yet?”
“No,” you whispered.
“You’re a but stubborn, aren’t you y/n? That’s okay.”
He leaned his head in until it was a few centimeters away from you. “I like stubborn. How about now?”
It took everything you had to shake your head back and forth.
“That’s okay y/n. Both you and I know that I am.”
And then he was kissing you.
A hundred thoughts went through your mind in that instant.
Wow. His lips are soft. So soft. And they taste like alcohol. If I drank a mango smoothie, would my lips taste like mango? I should drink honey lemon tea next time. Will there be a next time? Does this mean he likes me? Oh my god, was I so drunk that I kissed him? Am I throwing myself on him? WAIT. HOLY SHIT. KIM TAEHYUNG IS KISSING ME.
It hit you.
The man you sneaked looks at for the past year was kissing you.
Your breath hitched in your throat.
Wait. N-no!
You coughed into the kiss while trying and failing to recoil back as quickly as possible.
“Oh my god, s-sorry,” you sputtered. “I just… wasn’t expecting that.”
You turned around. “Oh. Uhhh..”
Taehyung’s eyes were wide open. The little corner of his lips was slightly turned up.
Shit. He’s laughing at me. This has gotta be the most embarrassing moment of my entire 24 years of living. I have to go rant about this to Jungkook later.
“Um, I need to leave. Sorry!” You turned back around and you ran out of that room as fast as you could. One foot in front of the other, you bounded all the way to your car.
You took out your phone and called Jungkook.
“JUNGKOOK! OH MY GOD. Please pick me up I’ll explain later.”
“Y/n, what happened? Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine. But holy crap, Taehyung kissed me.”
“Well, did you tell him?”
“That you like him? I mean clearly he likes you!”
“Well… no there’s more to the story. Can you just come pick me up? I’m drunk.”
“I would. But I can’t right now. These hyungs are still drunk off their ass and acting like monkeys in the dorm.”
“They’re crazy right now y/n. Take a cab! Come over, we can talk about it.”
“But Tae lives in your dorm.”
“Yeah. But I have my own room. You can stay over.”
“I don’t know.”
“Y/n, come on,” he whined. “I’ve missed you. You’re always studying. Come over.”
“Fine. I’ll get a cab. Ughhh kill me. As if this could get any worse.”
“I’m sure it’s all going to be okay. We should celebrate! He kissed you! YAY! BE HAPPY Y/N.”
“OKAY! I’m leaving. Bye!” “Bye!”
Silence took over. The streetlight cast a dim glow on the vacant road. A sigh escaped you.
I guess he’s right. I mean. This is what I was hoping for right?
Your mind flashed back to the incident.
But I really fucked it up this time. Didn’t you, y/n? I wonder if he knew that I was an amateur.
You shook your head in frustration.
Hey, I gotta look at the positives though. Frankly, this day couldn’t get any more embarrassing. Wait...
Footsteps broke the silence.
“Y/n, oh my gosh. Here you are. I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
Drops of sweat rolled down Taehyung’s forehead. His sleeve wiped his face as he bend down with his arm on his knee. After panting for a few seconds while you stared at him in shock, he rose up. “You’re drunk. I’m not. And cabs don’t run at this time.”
“Ah, Jungkook will pick me up! Don’t worry!”
“I already called him. He said you were going to come over to our frat.”
He smiled.
“It’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it. I promise, I’m not a horrible person who’ll hate you now. If you’re thinking something along those lines, you should forget it. I… I still have a lot to say to you. But for now, I’ll give you a ride. I didn’t drunk any alcohol.”
“Ah, that’s okay! I’ll just walk to my dorm room! I’ll talk to Jungkook tomorrow.”
You started to turn around when you felt his hand clasp around yours.
His eyes were a drug.
They were warm and beckoning.
They were safe and comfortable.
They were…
You turned around to face him.
“So where’s your car?”
“Goddamnit Jin. Is this payback for that one time I gave you acrylic stands of myself?”
“I know how to spell stand. S T A N D. Stand. P I Z Z A. Pizza. P A S T A. Pasta. I’m smart!”
“You’re a dumbass, Jin.”
“Shut up, Jungkook. I’m not the one who got a 3 on my english exam. Did you like your gift Yoongs? Yoongi? Y to the G?”
“Of course not! Here I am expecting Gucci thermal underwear and you get me your acrylic stands. I can get those for free. I’m in the same band as you idiot.”
“You could have at least pretended to like it. I would have done that. Why are you so mean to meeee?”
“Oh, stop pouting Jin. I’ll save it as a good memory of our collective dumbassery. Anyways, Jimin, it’s your turn. What did you get your beloved hyung?”
“Um… I don’t know if you’ll like it or not. But I’m giving you my heart.”
“Huh? I think you mean thermal Gucci underwear.”
“Sorry, I’m poor.”
“Hmmmmm… well. Your heart shall have to do. I accept. Thank you Park Jimin.”
“wHat THe FucK, YoONgs?”
“Why does HE get a free pass? Atleast I actually gave you something!”
“On. Namjoon, it’s yo- Oh hi Taehyung!”
“Oh hi Taehyung! Y/n, you’re here too! Come. Join us! Have a seat.”
You could feel Jungkook staring at you. You felt a blush starting to climb up your neck.
“Hey, you must be drunk,” shouted Namjoon. “You’re beet red like the rest of us. What are you y/n? A lightweight? I’m a heavyweight! Let’s fight. SHOTS!”
“Y/n need’s rest right now,” butted in Jungkook. “As your best friend, I declare you to go up to my room and sleep. I’ll take the couch don’t worry! Tae go in there first and make sure it isn’t like dirty or anything.”
He looked over at you and winked.
Wow, I’m going to beat this kid up later.
“Oh. Uh, yeah. One sec y/n. Let me give Yoongi his birthday present. Then I’ll get Jungkook’s. You can go up to my room for a few minutes. It’s two down from Jungkook's to the right. I’ll call you down!”
“Okay. Thanks Tae.”
“My pleasure.”
You walked past the red plastic cups, up the stairs, and around very passed out Hobi to Jungkook’s room.
Two to the right. Ah.
After a few seconds of blindly staring, you opened the door.
The lamp cloaked the room in a muted purple. Polaroids littered the wall directly in front of you: pictures of the boys, landscapes, old stores, parties, anything and everything one could think of. Some had words written on the blank space at the bottom. Other’s were empty. Cute thumbtacks pinned galaxy themed letter paper in the empty space. A few movie posters were placed on the other walls, along with beautiful paintings that you couldn’t quite decipher. A bookshelf, a bed, a desk space and a rug made the the room feel whole.
So this is Kim Taehyung's room.  
It was a visual representation of his mind. And it was absolutely beautiful.
Your fingers trailed across the pictures as you looked around his room until you got to the window. The sill had something etched on it with what probably was a knife. Upon closer inspection, you could see what it said:                                     
                               Dreams grow here. 
What a pretty thought.
Outside the window, a part of the roof jutted out, substituting as a makeshift terrace. You could see a green beanbag out there among a few other belongings.
I wonder what else is out there in Taehyung’s dream world.
Without thinking, your fingers grasped the bottom of the window pane and pulled. A gust of wind billowed the curtains. The breeze felt nice on your face.
He isn’t here yet, and it’s probably going to take him a while to clean Jungkook’s room. That kid is messy as fuck. I’m burning up in here and I’ll get back in a minute or two. So it’s fine. Yup. It’s fine.
You had hoisted one foot out and then ducked your head under the window to the other side when you heard the dorm door creak open.
Making his way out of Jungkook’s room, Taehyung headed down the hallway two doors down, making sure to stop and check his hair on the mirror hanging off of Jin’s door.
“I can’t believe I’m actually using this stupid thing,” Tae muttered to himself. His mind went back to when Jin bought this. “What? I need to be able to see my beauty everytime I walk into my room, so I can fall in love with myself more!” Taehyung giggled softly.
That hyung..
Now Taehyung stood in front of his own door.
Should I knock or something? Is that what I’m supposed to do? But what if she’s sleeping and I wake her up. I did take a while..
Deciding to just go in, he pushed open the door.
There, directly ahead of him, was y/n. She was halfway out of the window, with her back arched and her already short dress hiked up, exposing her upper thighs .
Taehyung bit his lip, feeling his face go on fire.
“Oh shit! Hi Taehyung! Hold on.”
Y/n turned her back, maneuvering herself so she could see Tae.
From his angle, Taehyung could see all of y/n’s curves on her petite frame. He had been pretty exhausted after the party and dealing with the boys, but he definitely wasn’t tired anymore.
“Can we go out here for a second? It’s kind of hot inside.”
Taehyung cleared his throat.
“S-sure. Yeah.”
Taehyung slipped out after y/n.
“I don’t really bring people up here much. It’s like my place to think. Clear my mind, ya know?”
“Yeah, I get that. I wish I had a place like this. It’s gorgeous out here.”
“Sit here”
Taehyung sat on the beanbag next to y/n and let the sound of wind take over as you both stared up at the stars.
“I have drinks in the mini fridge, if you want.”
“Yeah! What do you want? I have beer, tea, and soda.”
“I’ll take some beer, please.”
I’m going to need the bravery.
“Are you sure? You were pretty drunk before.”
You smiled and rolled your eyes. “That car ride was so awkward that I became sober.”
“It’s not my fault my radio doesn’t work okay?”
You both laughed.
“So about before-”
“Can you let me get drunk before we talk about it? I have a lot I want to say too.”
“Yeah, I’ll drink with you. Cheers.”
The wind took over again as you downed the bottle.
“Joon was right. You’re a lightweight.”
“Hey! I was already half drunk before before okay? So this doesn’t count. Actually nothing I say from here on out counts if  you don’t want it to.”
A rush of anxiousness flipped your stomach. You took a deep breath.
“I like you! I know you have girls that look like models who like you and I know you probably don’t like me back, and I know my world’s going to end when you reject me but I couldn’t hold i-”
“I like you too.”
“-t back any more and what?”
“I like you too.”
“Y/n. Come on! I kissed you for a reason. What did you think that was?”
“A drunk accidental makeout session that you would regret tomorrow.”
“Y/n. I’ve liked you ever since we started hanging out with Kook together. I thought he already told you since you guys are best friends.”
Euphoria was the closest thing to what you felt. Euphoria, along with a constant feeling of wanting to throw up, of course.
“Wait. He didn’t tell me. Wait did he tell you that I liked you?”
“That little shit,” both of you exclaimed together.
“Damn. Who knew he was such a good secret keeper?”
“He could have told us before though,” grumbled Taehyung, pouting. “I could have done this sooner.”
“Done wha-”
Suddenly, you were interrupted my his lips crashing onto yours. Your eyes opened wide for a second, but fluttered shut as his hands cupped the nape of your neck. “You….” You relaxed your body as his lips became more gentle. Leaning forward, Taehyung pressed his body against yours, deepening the kiss. “...are so….” His hands went down to your wrists. Before you knew it, he had you pinned down under him. His eyes roamed all over you hungrily. “...fucking gorgeous….”
For a quick moment, his face softened. “You’re art. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
“Just kiss me, you idiot.”
You lifted your lips up to his.
He broke it.
“Climb back through that window.”
“Huh?” “Go to the damn bed y/n.”
“Has anyone told you that you that you’re really hot when you’re horny?”
“Hahah look who’s getting confident.”
“Listen about that first kiss, I was really unprepared and like-”
“Do I look like I care about the first kiss right now y/n?”
You put one of your legs through the window. You heard a moan behind you.
You turned around. “What?”
“Oh my fucking god, I need you right now.”
“Well then, I’m going to take my time.”
Taehyung groaned. “Why are you doing this to me?”
You felt a knot start to form in your stomach.
Hurrying through the window, you took off your heels and fell backwards onto the bed.
Taehyung scrambled through the window, never taking his gaze off of you.
“You’re finally mine.”
Sunlight filtered through the curtains, covering you in a white haze. Feeling groggy, you carefully opened your eyes. Your head was pounding.
God, I must have a lot to drink yesterday night.
Lifting your head up, you rapidly blinked.
This isn’t my room. Oh wait. Bunny poster. It’s Kooks. Phew.
“Wakey wakey, sunshine!”
“Jungkook! Oh god bless. For a second, I got scared I hooked up with someone or something.”
Jungkook smiled. “Nothing of the sort. You just stayed over in my room.”
“Is she awake yet?”
Taehyung peeked into the room as you lifted the covers above your head. “What the heck is he doing here? Pretend I’m asleep,” you whispered to Jungkook.
“I can hear you y/n. And what do you mean what am I doing here? Don’t you remember?”
“Fuck. I knew I shouldn’t have drunk alcohol. What did I do now? Wait, let me think for a second. The last thing I remember is….”
“Joon was right. You’re a lightweight.” 
“I like you too.” 
“That little shit!”
You looked over to Jungkook, with your mouth agape. “You lied to me.”
Jungkook laughed. “I told you you’d end up sleeping with him.”
“Oh my god, Tae get out of here.”
“Not a chance, y/n.”
“Jungkook, my god. You were playing both of us, I swear to god.”
“Hey hey hey. I’m the one that got you guys together okay? If I hadn’t left you two alone, you’d have never done it. Gosh, both of you were always whining so much about how much you liked each other.”
You blushed. Taehyung scratched the back of his neck. “Yah, maknae. Don’t forget. I’m older than you.”
“Anyways, now it’s your turn. Set me up on a blind date with one of your hot friends. Thank you! Oh, also, breakfast is ready. Everyone in this frat is a drunk mess other than me and hyung. I’m going to leave you two alone now. Have a heart to heart or do whatever you want, but please, for god’s sakes, don’t fuck on my bed.”
“JUNGKOOK,” you and Taehyung both shouted at the same time.
“Get out of here, you punk,” said Tae, jokingly swatting at him.
The door clicked shut behind him.
“How are you, y/n? You feel okay?”
“What do you think?”
“I bought you some aspirin and water.”
You laughed. “Thank you.”
You looked at each other for a few seconds. “You don’t-”
“Will you-”
“Hahah, you can go first,” Taehyung said.
“You don’t regret last night? Everything that happened?”
A bright smile lit up your face. “Your turn.”
“Y/n. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
“Say yes,” came a muffled response from out of the door.
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3inghao · 7 years
crush anon here and AHHHHH I DONT KNOW WHATS GOING ON bc i feel like out of all of us we have the weirdest (?) relationship bc we dont even have each other on social media or each others numbers and like again im still not in their group chat?? only me and my other suitemate (the other asian girl) arent in the group chat??? which is like,, really weird bc they mention it a lot but theyve never made any moves to add (1/15)
us to the group chat and like thats not really something you can just like,, ask to join,,, and so they all hang out and grab meals together or whatever and idk i guess its just bc they dont have as much schoolwork i guess?? and my roommate and him are both film majors so they have similar classes and i guess i just havent had that many opportunities to hang out otherwise?? but like ive only seen him once since drunk (2/15)
night and it was yesterday and it was because he was downstairs in the dance room of our hall taking pictures of three of the girls from our friend group for his hw and after theywere done they just came up toour room and hung out and like ,, i wanted to talk to him more but then my friend started swiping through her tinder and so he started to swipe through his and then my roommate and her started doing the matches (3/15)
on tinder for him and it was like,, they were judging the girls as they went by like ‘oh shes cute’ or ‘oh my god shes so weird’ and it was mostly them but i felt really uncomfortable bc they were all like attractive girls and i was like ahh,,, i guess theres me the potato ,, and like i dont want my friends to know i like him either bc 1. theyd all think its like the worst idea in the world bc everyone knows how much of a player he is (4/15)
2. i still dont know if my roommates into him and 3. i still dont really know him super well and it would just be so weird for the friend group?? dating within the friend group would be a terrrrrrible idea too,,, and like im so confused about what to do but one thing i do know is that i will never tell the friend group at least until i get closer to them and him.. and even so i dont think he likes me,, although i do think hes intrigued by me,, (5/15)
if that makes any kind of sense at all… i know hes actively trying to hook up/date other girls bc of the whole tinder incident and also the other guy friend in our friend group (went to hs with x) told us that he was trying to get with this british girl he met in an elevator bc she was super pretty (and again when i say super pretty i mean it bc the girls they were swiping left on tinder were all so pretty too ????) but yeah i just felt my (6/15)
stomach drop when i heard that bc i knew what kind of guy he was even before i had a crush on him but i cant help but feel so terrible whenever stuff like that happens.. and yet at the same time i feel like our dynamic is different anyways?? like idk if this makes sense but you know when you can just feel like theres something more to your relationship with a person?? like idk this might just be me projecting my delusional (7/15)
hopes and desires onto this interpretation but i can sense like we are both trying to feel each other out, and that we dont really know how to act around each other, and i feel like im so crazy and i must be imagining it but every time we make eye contact it always feels just a tiny bit longer than normal or with other people??? you know????? im honestly going insane thinking about this,, and every time we were together (8/15)
before drunk night i would shut myself down around him like i tried to avoid eye contact or engaging in conversation bc i was so scared of letting myself fall for him but it happened anyways and now im still scared but im trying to put myself out there and engage with him but then things happen like the tinder thing and i just shut right back down yesterday and pretended like i was really focused on my schoolwork or my (9/15)
readings and ahhh i really dont know whats going on anymore i still have so much hw to do on top of that and i dont see him often bc he doesnt live in the same hall as me, im not in the group chat, and im not the same major as him so essentially we only hang out on the weekends or occasionally on the weekdays if he comes over to our dorms bc my suitemates invite him or whatever ahhhhhh i cant stop thinking about it (10/15)
and i just keep oscillating back and forth from thinking that somethings finally gonna happen and that theres a crazy spark there to thinking that theres absolutely zero interest from his end and that he would never like me and that i would never want to be with a guy like that anyways and ahhhhh i know i just have to wait it out and continue to work on it (at least being his friend) but at the same time i feel like i should just drop the (11/15)
whole thing and pretend like that drunk night never happened and just treat him with polite distance and act like my opinion of him is 100% just neutral guy that im kinda friends with and has had some good times with but i also know nothing will ever happen unless im trying from my end and actively showing interest in him but again it would be so weird bc i cant flirt with him bc my friends would 1000000% be able to tell and i (12/15)
know its still too early ahhhh my head is spinning im literally going insane AHHHHHHHHHHH sorry and literally just as im writing this my roommate is facetiming her friend and was telling her a story and she referred to our group as ‘our friend group and also two other people who live with us’ MEANING she doesnt consider me and the other girl to be part of the friend group and i knew that deep down i really wasnt but i (13/15)
hang out with these guys a lot and i try my best to be supportive but not too clingy and idk what im doing wrong??? why do people not want to be my friend??? i?????????? im sorry for being so depressing but this is legit what i feel !!! and ahh i just kinda want to distance myself away from these people and get my own friend group but at the same time i dont bc i love these people but the thing is i dont know/i dont think (14/15)
they love me !!!!! wowie wow wow anyways that was my entire fucking rant about life in general and im sorry if im burdening you but i hope this message finds you well
AHHHHHHH CRUSH ANON IM SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS I’m starting to feel better now I was at a real low place the past two weeks and just feeling bleh but i’m getting some help and i’ll be fine :))) but since it’s been so long WHAT ELSE HAS HAPPENED i don’t think you need to give up on your feelings for him and i don’t think you need to give up on the friend group, they’ve probs just been more tight-knit for longer so it’ll just take time before you’re fully part of the group, if that’s what u want. Don’t stress about the boy tho!!!! if it’s meant to happen it will ya know, you can’t force something. Maybe try just being friends with him first and maybe go from there?? ahhh i feel so bad at giving advice lolollll i hope i’m helpful or can just be some that can lend an ear to you to rant
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s0ftkwan · 7 years
friends to lovers - jeonghan
word count:    831 words
you’re madly, deeply, crazy in love with jeonghan relatable
how could anyone not be though?? like he’s caring and considerate and cUTE and funny  
i can list so much more things,, honestly yoon jeonghan is ruining my life
he also has the voice of an angel too
a bird flew into his window once and broke its wing
jeonghan took care of it for weeks and sang to it every night,,, like,,, boi
can i be that bird
you realized you liked him when you and him were at one of your favorite bands’ concert
things got a bit crazy after the concert because the group went back on stage for an encore but you and jeonghan both had exams the next day so you kinda had to make your way out amidst all the hype
jeonghan held your hand while you tried to maneuver through the crowd
he’s calling out to you above all the noise to ask if you’re okay but honestly
all you could focus on was how comfortable you felt while holding his hand
your relationship with jeonghan was full of casual skinship like hugs and leaning on each others shoulders n stuff
but my God this was so different
his hand was so firm and warm at the same time and it just felt so right in yours askajsaksdf
and you knew that you liked him when you didn't want to let that hand go
this boy is so perfect but there is one problem
you’re his best friend
ok it doesn't seem that big of a problem but this boy
he’s highkey a savage and isn’t afraid to completely shut down people he doesn't like
in a group project he was partnered up with a girl who had a crush on him
that girl was constantly harassing you though just bc you were jeonghan’s best friend
when she suggested one of her ideas for a final project he just gave her the shadiest smirk
“idk doesn't that sound a bit… trashy” and he goes on and on about how her idea sucks basically
when you found out about this ofc you were elated that jeonghan in a way defended you but you were also kinda intimidated like
wow ok my best friend/crush/love of my life can actually be this savage
basically you decided to keep your crush a secret bc you’re just scared of the rejection
lol that doesn't stop you from fantasizing about your non-existent relationship though
fantasize about whatever you want you lil nasties
you can’t help it ok
you’re perfect for each other and it’s killing you that all of these great fantasies could just come true if you just suck it up and confess
but you still can’t do it
so your fantasies stay fantasies oh well
one night you’re in the midst of imagining a perfect date between you and jeonghan when suddenly the boy himself is calling you
you pick up the phone so quickly like your life depended on it
“hey, are you busy?”
‘yes excuse you jeonghan i was in the middle of an ice-skating date with imaginary jeonghan rude much’
“oh nope i’m never busy lol what’s up?”
he called because he needed help with chemistry homework
you’re explaining and asking him questions and every time he gets the answer wrong you would dramatically pretend to be super annoyed
in reality you’re like it’s ok bb you’re trying your best
anyways, it’s like 1 in the morning when he decides to hang up
“thank you sosososososo much i don’t know what i’d do without you tbh”
you’re already half asleep so you don't even think about a decent reply
“yeah ok see you tomorrow i love you”
jeonghan didn't hang up but there was silence on his end of the phone
you take a good minute to actually think about what you said and you’re like
well frick
you’re trying to mumble out a pathetic excuse like “oooOOO lol what am i saying i meant to say that i um i—”
“i love you too”
and that's all he says before he hangs up
you’re like ok maybe he meant it in a completely platonic and friendly way y’know
he calls you back again and he’s like “oh shoot sorry i didn't mean to hang up I just got super nervous,,,well ok here’s the thing,, um,, i’ve been in love with you for like the past year and it’s killing me inside bc damn you’re so perfect and I just want you to be mine but I felt that for the past few months you’ve been lowkey avoiding me n all so I was like jeonghan stop crushing on them they’re not interested—”
“jeonghan you’re rambling”
he apologizes and you promise you’d talk to him tomorrow so you hang up first
you don't hang up w/o saying I love you to each other like 193485345735 times tho
the end
that was unexpectedly super long im sorry; i also didn't know how to end this because if I didn't end it like this, this probably would have been like 2k words or something so yes
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sh-lan · 6 years
i’m always late for these now but oh well
i can’t believe i’m making an ebay account happy new year LOL
Third day of the new year!
Went to hangout with ryan and leighton. They wanted to try marugame udon so!!! Also i saw adam but didnt say hi, oops. In any case. We were like hey let’s do something like walk around! But it rained a little so we bought some cuties from trader joe’s and ended up at ryan’s house and basically sat in his kotatsu for 4 hours then i came home. I also finally know how it feels like when the manga says that your legs get tangled inside the kotatsu. And when you literally cannot get out of it. Plus the feeling of losing the ability to walk because ya gurl tried to stand up after crawling out of the kotatsu and just fell back down What a day LOL
my brain in general has forgotten how it feels like to study …oh dear
Mommy helped me dye my hair yesterday! It’s lighter than i thought but it was the gray ochre color from palty! And it smells like grape hichews Facetimed vania & yuri today and they noticed the color! And then facetiming with dad and he also noticed LIKE WOW I DIDNT REALIZE PEOPLE COULD TELL? <3
I want a lot of cute phone case but idk what and where to get EDIT: i am still having this problem
I just saw the golden year of the dog items from starbucks korea AND I WANT EDIT: also want the starbucks x pantone planner fml EDIT EDIT: did not end up buying anything good job deborah lan
i was right muster merch colors ARE BEAUTIFUL
The muster merch fmu EDIT: clearly i was overwhelmed with the colors because there were two separate drafts in a row lol
The company insists on having two references….
And now they said they chillin with a peer reference SO I PHONED A FRIEND (aka vania) bless her soul
jan 10th l i f e u p d a t e got the first job offer of my life!! (well official full time offer lol) and so it looks like i’m going to portland? :O
Wow i joined a GO for muster merch New year new me and goodbye money 탕진잼 탕진잼 탕진잼
Wow im glad i submitted the form to get muster merch because THEY ARE SO CUTE AND PRETTY. Okay but i really want PCs so i sincerely hope bighit has some sense and ship PC sets abroad when you order multiple other items Also didnt realize the lenticular key rings would be a hot item but seriously they are so much more adorable than i thought?? Jk’s key ring is so cute i cri EDIT: just found out about no acrylic stand )))): EDIT EDIT: didn’t get squat because ARMYs jump all over everything any time anything is released...
finding housing is hard and i can’t believe that i actually see an appeal to living in downtown…
fmu because bt21 getting released online BUT I REALLY SHOULDN’T BUY but also i finally got my package from jen! ugh omg the bag charms are so cute i don’t know whether to actually use them or keep them in their boxes ;__; and she included some mediheal masks! finally also sent vania her tata as a thank you gift~
deokrim stickers are too cute ima buy two sets
And ugh wow i cant believe i chanced upon cornpeu shop reopening im ded Vania and i didnt catch the timing for bt21 and now i’m still dumping money on bts things HAHA EDIT: not even 15 min after writing this, i bought the stuff from cornpeu lel (which couldve been used to buy the cushion so idk man) time to go preorder for deokrim maybe?
Wow my left hand hurts like shit did i really break it playing superstar bts like mom said? No way right
Ahhhh got my muster merch in the mail today and it’s so niceeee *^* Ima stick that washi tape like everywhere LOL
I hurt myself four different times today smh
In portland for the weekend! I deadass ate two packets of honey roasted peanuts on the plane ride over because i didnt realize i was so hungry and now i’m just waiting for the pimples to cOME ;__;
I walked into a stationery store in portland and just. FOUND MY PEACE. jk but i bought some stickers i been looking at online blesssss
No. Tax. Anywhere. (So far)
I had coke last night after my flight and i legit didnt feel tired until 3:30am oops
Omfg i cant believe someone was selling the trust issues photobook by snowpeach in the luce in altis project for $15 last night WOW LIKE THE FEW DAYS I DONT CHECK SHIT, THERE’S ALL KINDS OF SHIT I WANT. $15 is so cheap ;___;
went to portland with alice to check out apartments!!! woot. lots of fun going around/looking at the city. landed on thursday night and waited at the airport for alice and ate mcdonalds/watched the office haha friday: alice had work all day ): so i went out to meet up with yuri and leslie who happened to be out in portland too! walked to the alberta arts district to eat with them at pok pok noi. just walked around afterwards exploring in the rain before getting back home to eat dinner with alice at like 8…lol we went to bamboo sushi in sw and alice treated me to omakase as a congrats on getting my new yob!! woot also did some walking around in the neighborhood - will likely spend quite a bit of time in the powell city of books! saturday: the day we actually went out to see properties! grabbed some blue star donuts and headed into nw district - looked at some apartments and then grabbed lunch at this cute italian place that i will most likely frequent. started talking to alice about stuff and being weak, i cried and then we got free hazelnut ice cream…LOL. it was really good sunday: since we toured places that i actually liked yesterday, we basically just decided to walk around different areas. waterfront park, pioneer square…we spent a while in nordstrom rack and sephora looking for stuff for alice! lol. then dinner again at bamboo sushi and dessert at salt & straw :> monday morning: waking up early to get to the airport for alice’s flight. bought more donuts at the airport for mom! then i sat at the airport watching the office and eating until the airplane ride where i got a whole row to myself~
and that was my portland trip shortened LOL. but~ excited about the new city, definitely excited about the donuts!
Furniture shopping is hard Moving is hard Everythinf comes down to money S M H
Got approved for my apartment today!! #excited
legit on phone calls for an hour getting stuff down and ready. now to wait on emails so i can get to the next step to sign my lease!
It’s been hot in sf like ??? In other news, i put coconut oil in ma hair - let’s see how it feels tomorrow! :O EDIT: idk, it didn’t feel different?
Omg feb 5th: suddenly a day where i can play hard mode on ssbts wow what a day
I just saw the new bts game where you get to “live chat” the boys as the user becomes the manager and takes care of the bois I am literally gonna die All armys gonna die Why do they do this to us …BECAUSE THEY KNOW WE’LL NEVER BE THEIR MANAGERS
Today i threw away my first lip tint because it looked funky funks and was like dying Good bye you were good to me - onto more an new lip tints! On another note. The balenciaga cap is $350??!?!
Being fat today and ordered three desserts with han at creations. And then went to the beach because pokemon but ended up star-gazing and it was niceee
Just came across its it ice creams on IG and since it’s been so hot (cause like spring came early or something??) i want it!! Also, it’s like the only time i ever consume oatmeal raisin cookies (unless they just oatmeal - in which case, delicious) But omg i didnt know strawberry is an OG flavor? Althought mint reigns supreme. But. GREEN TEA??
A BUMBLEBEE FLEW INTO MY HOUSE THE OTHER DAY AND I WAS ALONE AND COULDNT HELP also raided mewtwo yesterday!! Woot. Surprisingly got the gym bonus after much hardwork but dayum caught with only one ball LOL
Ever since that one time on the airplane with the weird ass headache/tension above my left eyebrow….i got like two headaches in a week that were like that. Also in between those, my right ear hurts and honestly…am i broken somewhere cause lel Body please get better
Lmao so last time i put on a screen protector, i cracked it in two days cause i dropped it. And i just put on a new one last week and lo and behold, it hath cracked again but this time, in my purse. I’m so ????? Smh
Landed in portland once again with han for move in!! Woke up super early…. Just went to target/tj maxx to buy stuff. Smh should’ve bought a swiffer and gotten it sent here ): Got a shower rug! THE SOFT SQUISHY ONE. But failed in the shower curtain department cause it’s too short… Makeshift bed with blankets and bed sheets lol…we shall await the mattress coming in tomorrow~ Do have quite a bit of stuff to buy in general…): Anyways. Had a burrito for dinner and like ?!! Aluminum foil gave me an aluminum cut so…ow No internets yet - good thing han downloaded some movies!
My cuticles are dying because my hands are dry and wow this is terribad
Went and bought a shitton of strawberry chocolates for 50% off at cvs MUAHAHA
Went to macy’s (or we’ve been going often since it’s going out of business so things are going on sale) and got the seiko watch i was kinda eyeing last time. ONLY TO FIND OUT (forgot to check on amazon) that it was 38 dollahs cheaper ;__; but. EHHH it’s all good. Seems like the one on amazon has strap problems being too smol so…like, it’s totally chill
February 19th
My first day of work!! Went in earlies and had onboarding for about two hours with amother new hire. Then i returned to my room where i met my coworker and my manager! Both of whom are in the same room and we each have a desk. (Ima have to request a standing desk :O) anywayss. Got a company laptop - thank god it’s not bulky. And then i’ve got two monitors on my desk too! #bless
Then jlw went through more ux stuff with me and i also went to a stand up meeting. Like. Those are real man. Then went to company lunch! Where new hires introduce themselves and i realize that i have never used a dishwasher before and everyone was shookt lol.
Afterwards, i went to a sprint meeting AND BOIIIII PLANNING POKER DOE??? Lololol. I have to say i did not understand a single thing that was going on. Took about an hour and a half…
Anyways. went back in where jlw continued where she left off and then finally let me read some onboarding stuff on my own before she headed out at 4 and then me, leaving swiftly at 4 as well LOL
SO that was my first day! Trying to get everything in order - i hope that everything goes great and that i learn lots and lots! :> although…windows computer already killing me, no wonder people use mouses instead of the trackpad. Also…gotta learn Axure + in depth photoshop so…WOOT WOOT
Oh and we also have a huge snack cabinet i might just become a potato
Light snowfall is so pleasant :>
Bucketlist checklist:
Eat alone - check! First lunch break :> (exciting!)
Watch a movie by myself - check! Love, Simon
Second day - drank too much coffee while i’m still weak against caffeine. It’s 1:26am. HNNNGH
i got really bored at work today because even though it’s week 2 now, i was done with my shit at like 2pm so i just started looking at axure tutorials for another however long until 4:30 LOL side note: might actually do my post-its idea thing then i realize that i didn’t bring any post-its over to portland… also i cracked my screen again today because i slammed it on the counter while trying to save it from falling so did i really save it….
bought rice and shin ramen on amazon lel
Gonna try out my post it idea in the office tomorrow. Hope it goes well 🤞
2/28/17 First ever happy hour but also goodbye party for kyle - also like the first time i talked to him since the one and a half week i been there (minus when we introduced ourselves) but sads cause he was kinda a squish and everyone seemed to have a chill time working with him :/ oh well
ALSO THE FIRST DAY THAT YA GURL GOT PAID $$$ (which is just directly going to rent - oh the woe of getting paid bi-monthly LOL)
Wow i did a great job sticking on my phone screen protector! #yes EDIT: no i didnt. It’s blocking the camera slightly on top smh
Ya gurl cut her finger on a tape measure lmfaooo
Alice came two weekends in a row to help me buy and build stuff and daymn. That was some hard work and tbh i only built a shelf and a bed LOOOOL I think ima go for the sofa + table rather than the desk. I think it might work! Also went to ashun market. Good weekend :>
I went bowling today!! It was an engineering celebration so i thought - why not, let’s be social for a little bit. And it turned out to be fun~ we had some fuds and i played two rounds. And I got a strike in one of the rounds! Woot woot. Anyways. It was enjoyable, not as awkward as i had envisioned. Also i was able to successfully catch the bus home so that was great :>
I think i’m reverting back to my eating habits because there are ENDLESS SNACKS IN THE OFFICE. Oh dear
Really actually thinking about that dicon photobook because the pictures are so nice :<
ALSO FINALLY FCKIN DISCOVERED ELECTRICITY CHARGE ON KWH DIFFERS ON A MONTH TO MONTH BASIS in addition to usage. Wow the things you discover and uncover as you adult
Also city of portland why do you have a base charge of $11???????
Ahhh xfinity wifi was too good to be true Apparently only 5 devices could connect to it at one time. So i guess i gotta shop for internets now…LOL EDIT: NAWP. ALL GOOD. THAT WAS FOR HOME HOTSPOT. WOOT
Lmao my manager went to ucsd when marshall was still called third im
In other news. It looks like my one on one anxiety wont dissipate soon. Esp since last week, the vp of engineering just sent me a calendar invite for a one on one and i literally got stressed out for a straight 30 min before i said yes to the invite and could slowly go back to focusing on work lol…. EDIT: it ended up being around 15 minutes and i did not really enjoy it at all
We are bulletproof pt 2 came on today while i was walking and i still cannot believe that the first lines still got me smiling like a fckin idiot
Ok so i finally talked to this girl at work (who i think is really pretty omfg) the other day and she’d been curling her hair recently and as we were walking out of the bathroom i was like I REALLY LIKE YOUR HAIR And then she said my hair is so straight and healthy - “do you straighten it? It’s really pretty” and i’m just over here crying on the inside because it looks like hay and only happened to be really straight that day for god knows what reason. SO BASICALLY THE STARS ALIGNED JUST SO WE COULD HAVE THIS CONVERSATION Also she said she recently bought a curler that just “does it for you” and gurl i need that because idk how to DO ANYTHING TO MY HAIR UGH
I woke up with the blankets already nicely proportioned off the sides of my bed - so i just crawled out without making my bed today lool
Thought i could handle watching burn the stage but i saw the screenshot of jungkook lying down and it already broke my heart Need to be secluded with some tissues ;__;
A two day trip to see The Rose in seattle or a five day trip in san diego… 🤔🤔🤔
last day of march went to lunch with my coworkers for the first time and i actually enjoyed it! it was fun :> glad that my coworker actually dropped by the office to invite us to lunch~
good friday today because:
lunch was good
really honestly did nothing because we were troubleshooting visual studio
also basically did nothing because double sprint planning and retro LOL
but no joke, on the ride to the airport, i got carsick and i honestly didn’t even know that was possible but if you think about it, i basically haven’t been on any kind of transportation for at least a month… also my uber driver is like some viet gangsta or something that gets pulled into the room every time he tries to go to canada O_O LOL
Deadass trying to save money but The rose concert in seattle, want to make an sd trip, want the 2k18 asia trip But also bts comeback sometime during the first half of the year and SUDDENLY WANNA ONE IS GOING TO HAVE A WORLD TOUR??? Dammit dude DAMMIT
My heart dies a little every time my coworker comes by and invites me to lunch with everyone *ugly sobs* Dies a little in a good way - just for clarification LOL
Mom dyed my hair for me! And it was darker than i thought BUT GREAT. Curiously enough, after two washes…it’s already lightening?? NO PLEASE STAY DARK. PLEASE. EDIT: lol i realized there was another “mother dyed my hair” somewhere on top lel. just for clarification - nobody else dyes my hair including myself cause i am incapable lOL
omfg i just saw the we bare bears x spao collab AND THEN FOUND THE ADVENTURE TIME X SPAO CLOTHES, SO CUTE!!! the jake and bmo hoodie )):
didn’t realize that i missed them so much ;__; we thought we would all die with the black hair but actually they just killed us with softness good thing they didn’t come out with foreheads lOL
okay lol basically that’s it because nothing happens in my life although i realze that i video recorded a lot of experiences and they’re all just video files sitting on my phone and that’s why maybe i haven’t been writing any everyday things down :O will i ever edit them? unclear
in any case - planning lots of fun things for the months to come hopefully!
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