#anyway I'm just throwing something around you don't need to take this seriously
alonelystargazer · 4 months
Okay I know I said that the possibility that Gojo coming back alive is unlikely and it's just Sukuna hallucinating him, but what if he did come back? And if so, how did it happen?
I'm gonna try my best to give an explanation but don't take this too seriously.
One possibility I can think of is that Gojo made a binding vow with himself to come back to life in exchange for giving up one of his eyes, meaning he wouldn't be able to use his Six Eyes anymore.
Six Eyes gives Gojo the ability to precisely see the flow of cursed energy and cursed techniques, and enhances the use of the Limitless technique. But leaving the Six Eyes uncovered for too long will exhaust the user (in this case, Gojo), so that's why he keeps his eyes covered most of the time, and only reveals them when he activates his technique or domain.
Binding bows are associated with the imagery of chains, as we can see in season 1 when Sukuna is making a binding vow with Yuji.
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The music video for the song Avant by Eve has JJK imagery and references since it was used as a promo video for something I don't remember. Anyway, in one scene, there are a pair of intense, soul-piercing eyes that we (the audience) have come to associate with Gojo.
The beginning of this scene shows "Gojo's eyes" with chains above them, the same imagery used in a binding vow.
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In the next shot, one of the eyes is blacked out.
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So, if we go with the idea that these are Gojo's eyes, and the chains indicate a binding vow, then that could mean Gojo made a binding vow with himself to give up one of his eyes in exchange for his revival, but rendering the Six Eyes useless, which in turn makes the Limitless technique useless.
If Gojo was able to learn and use RCT when Toji killed him and brought himself back to life, then there's a slight possibility he could have done something similar when he fight against Sukuna.
But because he was focusing on healing himself with RCT, which he used at maximum CE output, maybe he knew that he wouldn't have enough CE left to recover his CT so he imposed that BV on himself in case he got killed.
I'm not gonna take credit for deciphering the images in the music video. I saw someone tweet that months ago when this video was released but I can't remember who it was. All I've done here it try to tie it back to the possible Gojo comeback from the recent chapter 260.
This is a really big stretch but I just wanted to provide a possible explanation for Gojo coming back alive.
Also, I apologize if I got any details wrong or I missed something, so please let me know!
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oneforthemunny · 4 months
what about mafia!eddie and reader going through a rough patch and all they do is fight and kitten tells him that they should take a break and i'll leave the rest up to you....
oof ok let's 180 back to angst. buckle up angsty babes!
"Maybe," Your voice trembled, sucking in a shaky breath. "Maybe I should go stay with my parents... for a while."
Eddie's head whipped around, eyes wide with something you couldn't quite detect, a new look teetering between anger and something worse. It made your spine tingle with chills, icy and fearful.
"What?" Eddie's voice was soft, much quieter than the raised tone from before.
"I-I think," You tried to still your voice, throat raw and aching from the back and forth screaming match of the night. "I think I- we need to be apart for a while." You whispered, refusing to meet his gaze, looking at the couch behind him instead.
"Why?" Eddie barked, teeth gritting and baring in fury, heart pounding with a fear he hadn't felt in a long time.
"Eddie," You sighed, shaking your head at him. "Seriously? All we do is fight." A fresh wave of tears rolled over you, nose burning.
"That's not-"
"-Eddie," You stopped him, gaze meeting his. You could see it now, could see that the foreign look was fear. Your heart sank, taking a shuddering breath to calm yourself. "We're just... We can't stop fighting."
Eddie stilled, frozen across from you. "I'm tired of fighting." You admitted softly, shoulders slumping in defeat.
Days, weeks of bickering- back and forth until your voices were raw, doors slamming, then retreating back with careful apologies, only to repeat the cycle over and over. You were dizzy from it, from trying to get him to see, to understand your point. He was so stubborn.
What started as a what if silly conversation, turned into a bickering, fueled into a full blown fight that seemed never ending.
"You'd be a good dad. You're so good with the boys." You hummed, leaning against his chest.
"Yeah? You'll never know." Eddie scoffed casually.
You frowned, pushing up to look at him. "What?"
Eddie blinked. "C'mon, you know I can't have kids. Not doin' this job. Won't do it to some poor kid."
"But I'll never know?" Your lips pursed. "That's a pretty shitty thing to say to me. Pretty bold." You pushed off of him, out of his hold.
Eddie huffed, running a hand down his face. "Where're you- Seriously? We've talked about this, have we not?"
"Yeah, we have." You huffed, cheeks burning. "But saying I'll never know- do you not see how that's a little rude?"
"What?" Eddie threw his hands up. "You won't. Not with me, anyways."
You gawked at him, surprised, furious, hurt. "You're such a fuckin' asshole. I can't believe you." You snapped, stomping off.
That was the first night. Both of you stubbornly coming for the other, agitation building over and over and over, piling on top of previous fury until you'd finally burst. Leaving you standing here, where you are now, defeated and ready to throw the towel in, too tired to fight.
"I-I- Baby, if this is about the kids thing, look, I told you-"
Your sigh cut Eddie off. "It's not about that." You ran a hand down your face. "I can't- I can't keep trying to explain my side of things when you aren't listen. You won't listen."
"Then what? What is it?" Eddie's franticness turned to angry urgency. "Just say what you mean! Say it!"
You didn't flinch at his anger, at his outburst. Your lip wobbled, taking a deep breath in. "I've said it." You muttered. "I can't- I won't be in a relationship that's one sided." Eddie felt sick at your words.
"I understand that you don't want certain things, and I respect that, I do. But I've changed a lot of things in my life for you, because I love you." You continued, tears brimming your vision. "All I'm asking is for a little change in return. Not with the kids thing-" You cut him off before he could start, sensing what he was going to say.
"But there's two of us in this relationship." You look at him. "I just wish you could try to see my side of things sometimes."
"I do-" Eddie spat in defense.
"-When I'm agreeing with you, you do." You snapped back. "But when it's something you disagree with, you shut me down, dismiss it because what you say is law-"
"-It is not-"
"-And I'm tired of it." You look at him pleadingly. "I think we both need some time apart to figure out what we want. What we do from here."
Eddie felt tears burn, threatening to fall. "I know what I want." He gritted through clenched teeth. "I want you. I've always wanted you. I don't need time to figure out because it's not changing."
You nodded slowly. "I know you do." You whispered. "But this is what I'm talking about. That's what you want."
Eddie felt sick, heart sinking lower and lower into the pit in his stomach. "I need time apart." The room was silent, your voice cutting through. "I need to figure it out."
"Are you- You're breaking up with me?" Eddie sounded petulant, voice crackingly pathetic that he hadn't been since he was a teenager.
Your shoulder shuddered, exhaling shakily. "I didn't say that." You shook your head. "I-I don't want to, that's not what this is. I just... I need to be able to think. We both do."
Eddie blinked, vision bleary with tears that fell. "Alright," He nodded, ignoring the ache in his chest, heart splitting in two. "If that's what you want."
Watching you drive off, slow down the road, Eddie ignored the screaming in his head to run after you. To pull you out of the car, demand you come back, bring you back himself. This is what I'm talking about, your voice played in a painful loop in his mind.
You called him like you said you would, hours later when you got to your parent's house. A quiet, quick phone call. His heart still swelled, lifting when you muttered a fast, "love you" before hanging up.
Sitting in the stillness of the empty house, Eddie had never felt so lonely in his entire life. It was horrifying, thinking that his future could be like this- a life without you in it. Eddie decided right then and there, he'd do whatever he needed to make sure that wasn't his reality.
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luimagines · 1 month
Doggo request 2: Isekai Reader who had brought their BIG boy dog? Like the ones that are almost as big as bears. I forgot the breed name.
Your wish is my command. Let's make it a Tiberian Mastiff. :D
Content under the cut!
"Ok, Hudson. Easy boy." You gently held the leash of the behemoth you called your baby.
The dog was the runt of the litter, but ended up growing into one of the biggest dogs on the planet. That's what you tell yourself anyway. In your heart and in his, he is just a little guy who wants hugs and kisses and for someone to throw the ball.
"it's going to kill us." The one you were told to call 'The Traveler' all but threw himself backwards when you brought your dog close to them.
Granted, most people tend to get a bit nervous when your dog steps onto the scene, but that's generally because he's huge, not because they're actually afraid of him. Still, you suppose you should have seen this coming.
"No, he's not. He's a sweetheart. Come pet him."
"No thank you."
"I'll do it!" The Rancher stepped forward with a bright smile on his face. You admired his instant bravery. It was a nice change of pace. He walked right up to the two of you, seemingly knowing his way around the creature.
Hudson sniffed his hand and his pants, letting the young man scratch his mane and his muzzle. You knew the procedure by now. It was impressive that Hudson hadn't barked yet. Maybe he was sniffing the fur pelt the man was wearing.
"He's a gorgeous creature. What did you say he was again?"
"He's a Tiberian Mastif, bred to hunt and guard against bears." You say proudly. Husdon had proved to be invaluable where you lived. He took his guarding duty very seriously and hadn't let you down since.
"I'm sorry, bears?" The boy with massive facial scarring seemed to light at the idea. "He's that strong?"
"I mean... I don't have bears where I live but he certainly scares off the coyotes and wolves."
"Wolves?" The youngest asks, hesitantly coming closer. He sneaks a pet onto Hudson's side.
"Someone better keep an eye on Wolfie then." The oldest with the scar over his eye, looks out into the distance.
"Wolfie?" You ask in question.
"A local wolf that seems to follow us where ever we go." The boy with pink hair speaks up. You really need to remember their names better. Didn't his start with an L? "Your dog wouldn't attack him, would he?"
"Oh, he might." You frown. "That would be a problem."
"I doubt it." The Rancher shrugs. "The wolf knows his way around. I'm sure he can take care of himself."
"Ok, well I don't want a wolf attacking my dog either." You put your hands on your hips. "That's a fight tot the death. Hudson won't give up easily."
"Wolfie knows better." The shortest- The Blacksmith, you remind yourself- tells you with another shrug of his shoulders. "Besides, you have all of us with you. We'll get between the two of them should anything happen."
You doubt that. This kid is small enough to ride your dog like a horse. "I wouldn't recommend it but I'll keep that in mind."
He seems to read your mind for a split second because he bites his lip as if he's thought of something that could get him trouble. "...Do you think he'll let me ride him?"
"Not a chance."
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houseofhyde · 27 days
thinking abt aemond falling in love w blind!reader.
pairing. aemond x fem!reader warnings. no use of y/n, enemies to friends to lovers, ableism, so much fluff, a little bit of smut, angst (who said that). no mention of the reader's physical description. wrote in one sitting, no edit, we die like real men. wordcount. 3.1k (this was meant to be a short silly drabble) hyde's input. couldn't get this out my mind so, naturally, i'm making it your problem too now. enjoy, muah x disclaimer ! i'm not visually impaired but i do have several family members who are, to different degrees, and i've tried to stay true to what i remember them describing it like to me. the reader in this is completely blind, however, and that is something i do not have any experience in. please, if you feel anything about my portrayal is wrong or offensive, kindly let me know and i will happily fix it <3
the first time you meet is a few days after the events on driftmark.
with his new disability, the septa encourages alicent to change his usual lessons alongside his siblings for ones held with a couple of other impaired children of highborn status living in the keep.
aemond, of course, protests.
nearly kicking and screaming.
yells at his mother that he doesn't want to be thrown in a box with all the other "broken toys".
he ends up going anyway, dragged there by a handful of guards.
sulks throughout the whole first week, sitting alone in a corner.
and he would've continued to do that forever, if you didn't invade his space.
aka sit down next to him and offer him a book.
"go away," he says, the pout on his lips pointing lower to the ground.
"i don't want to," you refute.
"i won't tell you again, go. away."
"who are you to tell me anything?"
it leaves him speechless, because,
who is he? seriously?!
he thinks you have to be some sort of idiot to not recognise your prince
the following days go the same as the first
you sit near him and hold out a book
he tells you to go away
sometimes you listen
(not without first making it clear that you're moving because you want to, not because he told you to)
other days you don't
you just sit there next to him
staring blankly ahead
not even attempting to open the book that sits in your lap
one day, when he's feeling particularly short on patience
(he had his first sparring lesson with ser criston since losing his eye and it went awfully, each hit and stumble he took to the ground made worse by the echo of aegon's laughter ringing out throughout the whole courtyard)
he asks why you never read that book
"are you an idiot, or something? can't you read? is that why you're here?"
despite how smart he is for his age, he seems to not see the irony in him judging you for being part of an impaired group, as if he isn't also right there with you
such introspection would require acceptance of his loss first, and aemond just isn't ready for that.
"i can't read," you confirm
"because you're slow"
"then why?"
"i can't see the pages," it's the first time he notices that you're not looking at him. you're trying, face turned and eyes pointed in his direction, but you're staring past his shoulder, "i can't see anything."
he feels guilty,
and the sickest twist of comfort.
because he understands
or at least he tells himself he does
because he can't see anything either - out of his missing socket, that is.
the other eye can see perfectly clearly how you don't even flinch as you speak about your disability
and that's when the jealousy takes over.
"then what good is it carrying around that stupid book?"
he says it because he wants to be mean.
so mean that you run away and leave him alone to sulk forever more.
but you just sit there, shrug your shoulders and shift the book around in your palm,
"i like to feel the weight of it in my hand. plus, you never know when you're going to need throw it at someone"
he bites his tongue before he can ask how you can hope to hit a target you can't even see.
the hostility remains
for months, years.
but you sit near him,
he stops telling you to go away,
you still offer the book out to him.
he learns your name.
not because he wants to
but because the septa calls it out one day in the classroom
and you're the one that answers to it.
the first time he sees you outside the study room, you're all alone, none of your father's guards around you,
and that's what really makes him stop in his tracks.
"what kind of lord leaves his daughter to wander blindly around the keep?" he almost says with his usual disgust,
until he notices that you don't have your book
and you're crying.
despite his own discomfort, aemond tells himself he has to comfort you.
because he's thirteen, almost a man.
and what kind of respectable man leaves a girl to cry all by herself?
he wipes your tears with the sleeves of his doublet, waits patiently until your breathing slows, then he speaks,
"what happened?"
"it's you," you say it softly, almost like you can't believe he's the one comforting you.
"it's me. now tell me what happened?"
"nothing," you tell him at first,
until he demands the full truth in the name of his father, king viserys targaryen.
"i overheard my mother speaking to my father about me. i didn't mean to! i just wanted to show them how i memorised the path from my chambers to theirs, without an escort. i wanted to prove that i can be useful, and good, and not a burden. i heard them through the crack in their door. she wants him to send me away to join the silent sisters. she says i can't see, so i may as well not speak either. but my father won't listen. he says i'm his daughter, and that he will not send me away. he loves me too much, i worry he'll hate me for it one day."
that familiar guilty feeling creeps in,
the one he's felt lingering on his skin since the day you told him of your visual impairment.
he's suddenly so aware of the fact he can see you,
and your tear-stained face,
and the shades of blue in your dress.
"where is your book?" he asks.
"i dropped it, whilst running through the halls. i just wanted to stop hearing them, i didn't want... i didn't mean to cause any mess, i'm sorry."
in an act that surprises even him, aemond takes your hand in his
and pulls you both to your feet.
he slowly leads you along familiar hallways, turning corners he's turned a million times.
"where are we going?"
"trust me."
you know he's taken you to the library the minute he opens the doors, a whiff of old books hitting your senses.
he guides you to a book shelf, puts your hand up to touch the exposed spines
and tells you to move forward.
"stop when you feel it's right."
you stop after four steps.
your fingers grazing over a book titled Matters Of The Heart: a Compilation of Fictitious Stories on Love and Beauty.
he pulls it out the shelf,
guides you both over to a bench,
open the dust covered book,
and reads to you.
the following day, when your father's guards guides you down next to aemond in the study room
and you hold your book out to him
he takes it,
shuffles a little closer to you,
and softly recites the words off their pages.
from that day forward, you become an infamous pair in the keep.
the one-eyed prince and the sightless girl,
never one without the other.
aemond becomes your shadow, always two steps ahead or behind you.
you pick out books in the library
and he reads them to you both.
he brings you down to the courtyard
and watches how you flinch each time the clack of wooden swords rings out.
it drives him to be better,
learn to see more in his opponents than even two eyes would allow,
just so he can watch how the smile stretches across your face each time he tells you he won.
you grow so close that one day, the king invites your family to join the royals for supper.
aemond tries not to care that you end up sitting so far away from him at the table.
at least he can look down it and spot you seated at your father's side, he tells himself.
when dinner ends and music starts to play,
aemond ceases the chance to sneak away from his seat and steal the empty one by your side, both your parents having stood to speak with the king.
he brushes two fingers along the back of your hand,
a private, tactile language only you two can speak,
one that tells you it's him, without him even having to say a word.
"prince aemond," you say, and he instantly hates hearing you address him so formally. "you look handsome this evening"
"and how would you know that?" there's no hint of the malice, the mockery he once used to speak to you with, back when he was angry little boy and you were a stubborn girl.
now he's a man of fifteen years and anger is far from something he feels next to you.
he watches you shrug and the smile that he likes best - cheeky, playful - slips onto your lips
"my mother won't stop bringing it up. dashing, she said."
"is that so?"
"mhmm. but she also says my father should offer me to your father and have us both wed, what with our cripple-like qualities making us unsuited for any other lord or lady, so, really, what does she know? for all i know, you're the most hideous thing to walk the keep and i should feel blessed that i can't see you."
"imagine how i feel. i still have to see you."
"oh, the horrors! well then, my all-mighty seeing knight-in-eye-patch, would you lend me your sight one moment and tell me."
"tell you what?"
"do i have anything in my teeth?" you bite back your laughter as you open your mouth and put your pearly-whites out on display for him.
he doesn't even care if the sight is unlady-like
or if anyone else at the table has noticed.
he's too busy laughing along with you and telling lies of how a massive piece of veg is stuck between your upper front teeth.
aegon is as aegon has alaways been,
a thorn in aemond's side,
and he makes no exceptions when it comes to you.
he can't help but laugh at you both
mouth stained with wine as he saunters up and leans his face down between you both.
"isn't it amazing how, between you both, there's only one eye that actually works?"
aemond bites his tongue, like he always does when it comes to his brother.
you, however, aren't quieted so easily.
"oh, so amazing! do you know what's even more amazing? how the stench of you always announces your arrival."
it's the first time aemond feels it.
that flutter in his chest.
and once it starts, it doesn't seem to want to stop,
he seeks you out most hours of the day
and thinks of you when he's not with you.
when he notices the bruises that litter your arms
from bumping into corners and walking into walls
he has a cane made for you, to help you more safely make your way through the keep.
it's the greatest gift he can give you: the freedom to walk your own path.
one day, as he's telling you about the recent flight he took upon vhagar, you ask him what the sky looks like.
"well, it's blue"
you blink at him, wait for the ball to drop.
"but you wouldn't know what that means"
he tries to think of something else, a different way to describe the vastness of the sky
"have you ever ridden upon a horse?"
you nod your head
"have you ever ridden fast upon a horse?"
you nod again.
"that feeling, when you're gripping at the reigns, and the horse's hooves beat against the ground like a drum, and the wind takes no mercy on your hair, and, for a moment, there's this... warmth of possibility, anticipation, right here" he guides your hand to rest atop your chest, on the side that your heart rests. "that you can leap and beat any obstacle in your way, and for a moment the world is open, and vast, and limitless. that is what the sky looks like, the perfect place to race upon horseback."
"except you're on a dragon."
"well, yes, but find me a horse that has wings and i promise to take you riding up in the sky one day."
you ask him to describe more things, more often.
the forest.
the iron throne.
the sea.
each book he reads you.
till one day you ask, "what do you look like?"
he tries his best.
he tells you about his signature targaryen hair,
and helps guide your hand up to touch it.
he tells you about his pointed nose,
and guides your pointer finer up to drag itself down the length of it.
he tells you about his jawline,
and lets you feel that part of him too.
"and your eye?" you ask.
he doesn't say anything
but he does peal off his eyepatch
and guide your hand up to run down the length of his scar.
"what does it look like?"
"that's funny, because it just feels like skin. is all skin gross?"
"no but this skin... it's damaged."
"i feel something. it's hard," you murmur, as your nail traces over the curve of the gemstone that fills his socket.
"it's a sapphire."
"a sapphire?"
"yes. it's like a precious, shiny, smooth, blue rock."
"what about the other eye, the one that's still there?"
"what about it?"
"what does it look like? what colour is it? eyes have colours, don't they?"
"they do," he says, gazing into the hypnotising shade of your own, "it's blue."
"the sky, the sea, your eyes. i think blue might be my favourite colour."
he falls asleep that night with a smile on his face
his heart relieved that you never asked him to put into words what you look like,
because there simply aren't enough words known to man,
be it in the common tongue
or high valyrian,
to describe how beautiful you are.
he tells you as much, when you do eventually ask.
in the fallout of storm's end, soaked to the bone and regretful,
it's you who his legs carry him to
your chambers, to be exact
it doesn't even cross his mind to care that his knocking at your door awakens you
he doesn't care, loses all ability to do so when he collapses into your arms
"i made a mistake," he tells you, when you ask what's wrong
"that's okay, mistakes help us learn better."
not this one, he thinks
you're so gentle with him
and your skin is so warm against his cold
that he can't help himself
his lips find yours.
his hands find your hips.
his breath gets lost somewhere between you both.
but that's okay,
you're all the air he's ever needed.
he feels selfish, when he guides you over to your bed.
and he knows he should tell you what's happened,
what's changed.
he knows he shouldn't be touching you with hands that are stained by blood.
but he's desperate,
and he's breathless,
and he's so frighteningly in love with you.
"please, aemond," it's you who begs for more.
it's you who tugs on the leather of his jerkin.
it's you who pulls at the cotton of his shirt.
it's you who he gets undressed for.
you both wind up naked upon your sheets,
limb tangled with limb.
"i wish i could see you," you tell him. "but i don't need to see you to know you're beautiful, aemond. i feel it, in everything you do for me."
so he lets his own eye shut.
decides he doesn't need to see you either,
not like this, his skin tainted with the smell of the rain, and his dragon, and the velaryon boy's scream.
and the truth is, he wants to take you like this.
he wants to be cruel, and damn you to a life by his side.
but he looks at you,
naked beneath him,
lips swollen with his kisses,
the shine of your own arousal peaking out from that space between your thighs,
and all he sees is the girl he read stories to.
the girl who swooned and awed over every cheesy line about a knight,
and all his knightly honour,
loving his lady in the way that's deemed right by the gods and the lords.
and aemond just can't bring himself to defile your honour,
not like this.
so even as you whine,
and moan,
and offer up your maidenhead on a platter of your unapologetic beauty,
the prince just continues to edge at both your own pleasures,
hips grinding back and forth,
lips tangling with your own,
voice whispering nos, and we can't do thats, and not yets.
"tomorrow," he promises, the spill of his pre-seed smearing along your pelvis with each stuttered thrust of his hardened cock against your soft skin, "i'm going to ask your father for your hand."
"but, how?" you sound so pretty, he can't help himself and lets his eye reopen, searing the haunting image of you naked and pliant beneath him into his mind's eye.. "your mother... she said you flew to offer your hand to one of the baratheon girls."
"what i promised lord baratheon was a targaryen prince, and i intend to keep that promise," he speaks with so much conviction, skipping over the events of his nephew, and his dagger, and his joyride in the sky. "daeron is a boy of sixteen, he can have her. but i, i will belong to you."
the will to leave you, maidenhead still intact, somehow finds its way into his heart
he doesn't fail to leave you sated, however,
his finger dancing along the pretty pearl that has you whining his name and losing your mind upon the mattress.
he keeps his word,
wakes not with the urgent need to discuss last night's war-inciting events with his mother
but with the burning desire to find your father and win his approval
he doesn't find him in his quarter of the keep.
or in the training yard.
or in his seat at the small council.
what he does find is his fear stricken mother,
his stoic grandfather,
his giggling brother.
"aemond, what have you done?"
he doesn't answer
they already know what he done,
the whole realm likely knows, his half-sister too.
so he asks what he really cares about,
asks where your father is.
"he's gone," his mother answers.
"after he heard about your business with lucerys," aegon continues. "the traitor's taken his family to dragonstone and bent the knee to our bastard-bearing cunt of a sister."
so yeah that's what i'm thinking about.
anyway, goodnight <33
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Who would fight a girl vs who would never???
This would highly depend on the timeline but I think it's generally like this
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Takemichi- 100% would never dare to hit a girl, he was outraged when Yuzuha got hit and when Emma got hurt.
Mikey- ok this one is a hard one since he said he never would and technically we never do see him lay hands on a girl. But he does threaten Senju at one point and it's implied he either hit her or hit someone who knocked into her during the final fight. Is there a middle section he can be put in?
Draken- would definitely never throw hands with a girl, sees it as being a pointless thing to do (he's also seen first hand how argumentative the girls he lives with can get and wants no part in that).
Baji- Seen people argue both ways on this one but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't throw hands with a girl. His mother would kill him. (Aside from sparring at the dojo).
Chifuyu- He'd prefer to just get beat up by a girl rather then throw hands.
Mitsuya- never ever ever, not in a million years.
Hakkai- would panic and run away if this situation ever came up.
Pah- would not hit a girl, might be a bit rude to one maybe even threaten one if she didn't back off but wouldn't actually fight a girl.
Peh- no way, he looked so upset the one time he accidentally made yasuda cry so would never want to do anything to make a girl cry on purpose. 
Smiley- honestly a little torn on this one, his love of fighting and murder is very big but not sure he'd actually fight a girl. I think maybe he would but only if the girl started it and she seemed strong enough to challenge him.
Angry- he doesn't even wanna fight the guys!
Mucho- would fight a girl but only if izana or mikey told him to or she knew something about traitors.
Sanzu- would also fight a girl, literally doesn't care.
Kisaki- he's not much of a fighter but we've seen that he's 100% willing to fatally wound girls so he definitely would.
Hanma- would fight a girl but wouldn't take it seriously, feel like he'd treat it more like a game. Teasing and letting the girl get some punches in, giving her hope before he takes her down, watching the hope fade and seeing how she reacts. Doesn't go picking fights with girls though, just waits for them to challenge him.
Kazutora- would not fight a girl, he seemed outraged to find toman had been targeting girls in that one future.
Koko- would not fight a girl, he definitely seems to think girls need protecting (his comments to hakkai) so I don't think he'd want to hurt a girl.
Inui- he said it himself, he would fight a girl.
Taiju- again we have pretty clear evidence that he definitely would hit a girl.
Izana- would fight a girl if they were strong enough or got in his way, otherwise wouldn't be interested.
Kakucho- would not fight a girl, he seems to be against girls being hurt in general.
Mochi- would also not fight a girl, he seems to have some kind of moral code when fighting so probably wouldn't fight a girl? Might though if they were very strong.
Shion- wouldn't fight a girl cause he sees it as being beneath him. "This fight wouldn't be fair for you against me!"
Ran- would not fight a girl, mainly because he thinks it would damage the Haitani brother's reputation to be seen fighting girls. 
Rindou- Same as Ran but for the added reason that it would be a bit awkward for him to pin a girl down.
South- again canon evidence that he would throw hands with a girl. I feel like he doesn't care about gender just how strong a person is.
Benkei- would not hit a girl, I feel like he'd feel so guilty about it with how big he is so would never. (Aside from friendly spars with Senju where he doesn't go all out anyway)
Wakasa- also wouldn't fight a girl, sees no reason to, would likely just evade a girl if one ever tried to fight him (aside from spars with Senju).
Shinichiro- ohhh definitely wouldn't, he'd probably try hitting on her or trying to talk her around instead. Doesn't see any reason to hurt a girl and is most likely the one to teach Mikey that. 
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"i wanna Be Cool, but only if you want me to."
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"want to impress you"
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synopsis// everyone knows that basketball is the way to someone's heart.
pairing// satoru gojo x gn!reader
word count// 3.8k
contents// college au, basketball au, mutual unknown pining?, friends to lovers?, gojo is a loser, obligatory this is for you and misses
notes// lu wanted a basketball au so lu gets a basketball au. also obviously inspired by the basketball scene in jjk s2 anywho this is just kinda short n goofy :p also inspired by the song i wanna be cool by super whatevr. also i have no idea how basketball works and only ever played for fun so ermmm if anything is wrong bring that up with the universe !
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Shoko unwillingly finds herself sitting on a random bench in the boys locker room, her arms crossed as she glares at the two boys in front of her.
“Why did you guys drag me in here?”
Geto speaks up first: “In my defense, this is all on Satoru, and I have no part in this.”
“You still dragged me in here, did you not?”
“Then you took part in it.”
Gojo smiles as he smacks Geto on the back. “Exactly! You’re my accomplice.”
Shoko rolls her eyes. “Again, why did you guys drag me in here?”
“A presentation!”
“A presentation I have nothing to do with,” Geto chimes in as he takes a seat beside Shoko.
She briefly raises her eyebrow at Geto before directing it toward Gojo. “A presentation?” 
“I don’t see a projector or anything worth presenting here,” she says, looking around the room unamused.
“A presentation minus the actual presenting part...”
“So you dragged me in here just to talk to me?”
Geto leans in and whispers, “He actually wants to ask you something.”
Gojo stomps his foot like he’s about to throw a tantrum. “Geto shut up!”
“Can you just hurry up, Gojo?" She asks impatiently. “It reeks of axe body spray in here; I think it might actually kill me.”
He ignores her dramatics because, honestly, she’s not wrong. “You're coming to our game tonight, right?”
“I mean, yeah? Who isn't? It's the biggest game of the season.”
Geto adds, “That's what I said!”
“Do you know if Y/N is going?”
“Is that what you seriously dragged me in here for? Why didn't you just ask Y/N themself? You guys are friends, are you not?”
“Well yeah!” Gojo mumbles sheepishly, “But when I asked, they said maybe...”
“That means no,” Geto says quickly through a cough, as if trying to cover it up.
Gojo hears anyway and outstretches his arms toward Geto as if trying to draw attention toward him. “Exactly!” He then brings his hands in front of his face in a praying motion and begs, “Shoko, please!”
“Oh my fucking god, I don't know why you don't just ask them out already.”
“That's what I'm trying to do! But in order to do that, I kinda need them to go to tonight's game.”
Shoko glares at Gojo for what feels like forever, and Gojo glares back like they’ve suddenly entered a staring contest, and it’s Shoko who breaks eye contact first.
She sighs and pushes the hair out of her face as she mumbles, “God, you're lucky I'm tired of both of you pining after each other.”
“Thank you, Shoko!” he beams. “Also here.”
Shoko takes whatever Gojo is handing her and holds it up, her eyes slightly wide as she inspects it. “…Is this your jersey?”
He nods, fully confident within himself now that Shoko has agreed to drag you to the game, but tilts his head at her because he has no idea why she’s confused. “Yeah, I want them to wear it?” 
“You make me sick to my stomach, fine.”
“Shoko, do you wanna wear my jersey?” Geto suddenly asks.
She stares at him blankly, as if to ask if he really asked her that, knowing damn well she does not like him like that and she has a girlfriend, though after a few moments he finally gets the hint.
“Oh my god, not like that; I just want someone supporting me too.”
She sighs in relief, “Oh, thank god, don’t scare me like that, but yeah, fine, I’ll wear it.”
“Wait, what the hell?” Gojo exclaims, drawing Shoko’s and Geto’s attention back to him. “Shoko, would you have worn mine if I asked?”
“What?! Why the hell not?”
“I like Geto more than I like you.”
He glares at her and quickly points out, “You're lying; if that was true, you wouldn't be helping me!”
Shoko simply shrugs and mumbles a small “bye” before getting up and leaving.
Geto stands up and takes his place next to Gojo, softly patting his back as he whispers, “Dare I say this ends our lifelong debate on who's superior?”
Gojo shrugs his hand off of him and speaks harshly through clenched teeth, “Shut. Your. Mouth.”
“Why would I want to go watch a bunch of sweaty men fight over balls?” You mumble offhandedly, focusing your attention on netflix playing on your phone rather than on her.
“Ok, Y/N, first of all, there's only one ball, and second of all, did you forget Gojo is on the basketball team?”
You quickly turn off your phone and sit up, clasping your hands together in your lap. “….Have I ever mentioned that basketball is actually my favorite sport?”
“Jesus Christ,” she mutters under her breath, pinching her nose bridge. “You're so obvious; why haven't you told him yet?”
“Are you insane? Gojo is hot, and on the basketball team, do you know how many people he already has crushing on him? I'm literally just another name on that list.”
“Sure,” she nods, “But the difference is that you're his friend too; you have more of a chance than anyone else.”
You sigh and frown at her. “Doubt.”
Shoko shakes her head, knowing that you two could spend all day here in your dorm debating whether you have a chance or not, but that’s not what she’s here for, so she’ll let you believe what you want, knowing that (hopefully) Gojo pulling whatever it is he wants to pull will prove you wrong.
“Whatever, put this on,” she says, throwing the jersey at you.
You catch it, your mouth slightly agape as you stare at it curiously. “…Isn't this?”
She shrugs. “I don’t know, is it?”
“Can you just trust me?”
“I'm literally just gonna look like another one of his groupies," you say, disdain and disappointment lacing your words as your eyes dart back and forth between her and the jersey.
She smiles, and it’s off-putting because it’s not her normal smile; no, you know, this is the smile she only wears when she’s about to drop a bomb on you. “Difference is that that's his actual jersey.”
You freeze.
“I’ll save you a seat. Bye,” she says as she walks out of your dorm.
The slam of your door restarts your heart, and suddenly it and your mind are racing at 100 miles per hour, and the only thing you can do is word vomit despite the fact that Shoko is gone.
“What do you mean by that?! What do you mean this is his actual jersey?!” You run and fling open your door to yell out into the hallway, “Get back here!?” 
Shoko is a good bit away at this point, but she still hears you call out for her and acknowledges that with a wave, yet she still keeps walking away, and you're stuck in your doorway with your chest heaving. You look back down at the jersey in your hands.
Holy shit.
Not only is this a jersey with Gojo’s number on it, but it’s his jersey. How did Shoko even get this? Did she just take it without him knowing? Too many thoughts are in your head, but there’s only one that keeps overlapping the others, there’s only one that’s consistent, only one that electrifies every neuron in your body:
Holy shit, this is Gojo’s jersey.
Fuck the questions and fuck the answers you know you won’t get; the only thing that matters to you right now is that you have and are about to wear Gojo’s jersey. You have to be dreaming; really, that’s the only logical answer, but holy fuck, if you’re dreaming, you do not plan on waking up anytime soon—or ever.
The two teams quickly start filling up the court and taking up their respective spaces as they warm up, but Gojo, being Gojo, isn't doing that. Instead, he’s standing on the sidelines, looking in at the crowd of people starting to take their seats for the game, and his heart is racing as he searches the crowd for you, and it drops when he inevitably doesn’t find you, but he’s not discouraged, not yet at least, because the game hasn’t officially even started yet, so there’s still time for you to show up.
There’s still time.
He has to keep reminding himself that the whole time he’s warming up—now that he’s actually being forced to, though it’s a half-assed warm-up—he and his coach don’t even know whether what he’s doing could be considered a warm-up in the first place. The game is about to start any second now when Geto approaches Gojo.
Gojo’s head drops as he reluctantly shakes it.
Geto hums and searches the stands for you, but when he doesn't find you either, he tries to find the next best person, Shoko, and it's quite easy to find her considering she’s wearing Geto's jersey.
She looks down from the bleachers and sees Geto staring at her as he gestures toward Gojo, and she knows he's trying to ask where you are, but in all honesty, she has no idea either. She shrugs, and even from as high up as she is, she can hear Geto groan before grabbing Gojo by the shoulders and forcing him to look at him.
“I'm sure they’ll come, dude.”
Gojo blankly stares at Geto, an eyebrow raised skeptically, as if to say, really? but before he can verbally reply, their coach comes over and removes Geto’s hand from Gojo’s shoulder to place his own hand there.
“I don't know what's going on with you, but whatever it is, fix it.”
Geto and Gojo tense up at his tone, full of nothing but pure determination. This isn't him asking; this is him demanding that Gojo get his shit together.
“This is the biggest game yet, and I'm not gonna let you and some petty college drama get in the way of that. You're our best player. Act like it.”
Gojo can only nod. His mouth suddenly feels dry, and it's like his throat is closing, but he tries to will the feeling away. Though his reaction is enough for his coach, who starts walking off.
Geto stares up at Gojo with his eyebrows knit, concern lacing his voice, “Gojo...”
Gojo shakes his head and takes a deep breath before flashing Geto his signature smile. “I'm fine, Geto; cmon, we got a basketball game to win.”
To be totally honest, the reason you were running so late to the game was because you were mentally shitting your pants the entire time you were getting ready. For a good chunk of time, you just sat on your bed with the jersey laid out in front of you, staring at it. Just staring at it, that's all. Because yes, even though you said fuck the questions and fuck the answers, you very much could not do that, not when too many questions and unknown answers were flooding your brain like a dam had cracked. You think you probably would've stayed like that all day and night, missing the game entirely, if not for Shoko spam calling your phone.
“Don't 'what' me, where the fuck are you?” She snaps through the phone.
“Uh, getting ready?”
“Y/N, the game started twenty minutes ago.”
“Oh shit,” you say, hopping off your bed and quickly grabbing the jersey.
“Yeah, oh shit! Get your ass down here!”
You don't bother saying goodbye; instead, you quickly hang up, throw the jersey on as fast as you can, and bolt out the door. The halls are empty as you race through them, and you're not surprised; everyone is already at the game—everyone but you—and you speed up your pace just a smidge more. God, you're an idiot, missing the best game of the season—okay, you don't actually care about that. God, you're an idiot, missing seeing Gojo and maybe getting answers on how Shoko obtained his jersey—that's better.
You get to the gym in record time, slightly surprised at how quickly you got there, but you ignore that as you try to catch your breath before walking in and try to prepare yourself for the amount of noise that will assault your ears when you do. You can already hear how loud it is; the walls not doing very much at all to muffle the yells of people. You walk in and wince slightly at the noise as you look around for Shoko. She immediately finds you and waves her hand in the air for you to find, as does Utahime, who's sitting next to her. You smile and quickly make your way toward them, apologizing to the people you pushed through to get to them in the first place. You take your seat next to Shoko with a sigh.
“What did I miss?” you ask, leaning forward slightly just so you can look at both Utahime and Shoko.
Utahime has a small grimace on her face, and Shoko merely motions toward the scoreboard, and the minute you look, your jaw drops. Gojo’s team was losing. No. Losing isn't even the right word here; they were getting absolutely destroyed. They had zero points—none at all. You look back toward the two girls in disbelief.
“What the fuck?”
“Gojo is literally sucking so much ass that it's throwing everyone else off,” Utahime says with a shrug before glancing down at your clothes. “Are you wearing his jersey?”
You clear your throat awkwardly and look away, ignoring the smirk on Shoko's face.
“So, uh, do we know why Gojo’s sucking ass?” You ask after a brief moment of silence.
“Nope,” Utahime responds with a shake of her head.
“I do,” Shoko says nonchalantly.
Your head snaps back toward her. “What? Why?”
“Yeah, you didn't tell me either!”
Shoko rolls her eyes and ignores both of you as she loudly calls out to Gojo, who, by some grace of god, hears her over the hundreds of other people yelling for him. Gojo’s eyes immediately find hers, and he watches how she subtly jerks her head to the side, and like some angel descended from the heavens, like a god showing itself in a moment of dire, he looks and finds you sitting there in his jersey, and he can't help the smile on his face, can't help how just your presence lit a fire underneath him, can't help how just seeing you gave him his pep back in his step.
Gojo finds Geto’s eyes on the court and nods determinedly. They are winning this game, whether it's the last thing Gojo does. He's not going to look like a fool in front of you. So that's exactly what Gojo does. Once the second period starts, Gojo steals back the ball with a new sudden ease, and by halftime, he’s gotten the team caught up to the other one, starting the third period with a tie.
“How the hell did he do that? I thought you guys said he sucked!”
“Aw man, I was rooting for the other team,” Utahime says, frowning, and you have to resist the urge to chew her out in defense of Gojo.
Shoko shrugs. “He was till you know…”
You stare at her blankly. “No, I don't know, actually. Care to enlighten me?”
“No, I do not,” she says before turning to Utahime. “And don't worry, they're only tied; there's still a chance the other team will win.”
Utahime cheerfully hums as she rests her head on Shoko’s shoulder. “You’re right!”
“Don't encourage her to root for the other team?!” 
Utahime sticks her tongue out at you, and before any of you can say anything else, a loud buzzer rings across the gym, indicating a point was made, and to your delight, it was for Gojo’s team. For the rest of the third period, it was just buzzer after buzzer as Gojo’s team took back their rightful place on the scoreboard, completely smashing the other team into the ground, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell in your chest. Watching Gojo in his element was doing detrimental things to your crush on him, only making it worse, but you can't even seem to care. Shoko looks over to you and laughs.
“I can practically see the hearts in your eyes.”
You scoff. “Shut up!”
Down on the court, they had just started their last two-minute break between third and fourth period, with the coaches gathering their respective teams into a huddle.
“Alright guys,” Gojo’s coach began, “Keep your heads in the game; we’re taking this victory home, got it?”
All the boys nod hurriedly, and the coach leaves them to do what they need to before the last period starts, but Gojo doesn’t let them get far.
“Whatever fucking happens, I'm getting that last score, got it?”
Everyone on the team exchanges uneasy glances, and Geto rolls his eyes and sighs before apologizing for Gojo.
“He just has a plan and wants to do something, guys.”
The boys nodded, seemingly satisfied with that answer.
“If you guys mess this up for me, I swear to god, I will make you wish you were never born,” Gojo says with his usual smile, but in this case, all his smile does is make him seem feral.
Geto slaps Gojo across the back of his head and huffs, “He doesn’t mean that, don't worry.”
“Oh, I fucking mean it.”
“Gojo, shut the fuck up.”
Before anyone else can say anything, the timer goes off, and into the last minutes of the game they go. As the game goes on, everyone is on the edge of their seat, even if deep down they know who will win. You and Utahime are no exception to this, but apparently Shoko is.
“Why the fuck are you guys on the edge of your seats? It's obvious we’re gonna win.”
You go to glare at her but can’t even hold your stare long enough because you're so enthralled by the game. “Still, it's so nervewracking!”
Utahime laughs. “I'm only on the edge of my seat because I want the other team to win.”
“Why are you such a hater, dude?” you ask defensively.
Utahime doesn’t mind; she knows all too well about your little crush on Gojo, so she doesn’t take offense to your tone. “When it comes to Gojo, I'm always a hater.”
You finally find it in you to glare at her. “I hope Shoko breaks up with you.”
She rolls her eyes and glares back. “Oh, haha, you're so mature.”
You say nothing but stick your tongue out at her childishly, and she does the same, to which Shoko groans and rolls her eyes before grabbing both of your heads and turning them to face the game.
“You can fight after the game; there's only a few seconds left.”
Gojo glances at the time and realizes it’s now or never. He finds that Geto has the ball and calls out for him. Geto, on the other hand, hesitates to pass him the ball, with a look on his face asking if he really wants to do this, and Gojo can only nod. How could he not want to do this? This is the only thing he can do; it's not like he knows how to ask someone out the normal way, so this will do; it has to. Gojo tries to control his breathing as he makes his way to the hoop, the ball dribbling in tune with his heartbeat, and nothing matters to him in that moment except you and scoring—his surroundings completely drowning out. Everyone holds their breath waiting for him to shoot, and right before he does, his eyes lock onto yours.
“This is for you, Y/N!” He yells out as he shoots, and…
And he misses.
And there's no chance for him to redeem himself because the minute the ball hits the ground, the buzzer goes off, indicating the end of the game, and everyone seemingly ignores whatever the fuck he just did and erupts into an uproar at the fact that they won regardless of Gojo’s miss.
Shoko slaps a hand over her mouth, attempting and failing to hold in her laughter. “Did he just fucking miss?”
Utahime is hunched over, her head between her knees, laughing. “Oh my fucking god, he's an idiot!”
You blink, not moving, not saying anything, but with how hard Shoko is laughing and Utahime leaning against her as she laughs as well, Shoko ends up bumping into you, and she instantly grows quiet, her head snapping toward you.
“Oh, why are you still here?”
"Why aren’t you down there?” she asks, pointing down to the court.
“Am… Am I supposed to be?”
“Uh duh!” Utahime speaks up, peeking out from behind Shoko. “He made that shot for you! Well, he missed that shot for you.”
“Oh,” you say blankly. “Oh. Oh shit.”
You stood up abruptly, and with how fast you went down the bleachers, you almost tripped once you made it onto the ground. You quickly catch yourself, and the moment you look up to find Gojo, he’s already standing right in front of you.
“You're-you're wearing my jersey,” he says breathlessly, but not in a I-can’t-breathe way, more in a holy-shit-my-crush-is-actually-wearing-my-jersey way.
You swallow thickly and nod. Your gaze flickers down to the jersey before going back to his face. “I am.” 
“You are.” 
“What was that Gojo?”
He seems to grimace at your question. “Ah, well, you see, I was actually gonna say if I make this, you owe me a date, but that’s a really long sentence to shout, and what if I didn’t make it? That would’ve been so embarrassing.”
You laugh under your breath. “Gojo, you didn’t make it regardless.”
He frowns. “Don’t remind me.”
You smile and push a strand of hair stuck to his forehead out of the way, watching how he blushes furiously at your touch, and it makes your heart swoon. Who knew the confident number-one basketball player could crumble so readily under your touch?
“You know, I’m still more than happy to owe you a date.”
He smirks as he pulls you closer toward him by your waist and coos, “Yeah?"
“Yeah… But get the hell off of me, Gojo; you’re sweaty and you stink,” you grumble as you push against his chest, trying to free yourself.
Gojo ignores you and pulls you in closer (if even possible), his body engulfing yours as he rubs his face against yours, making sure his sweat rubs off on you too.
You struggle against his hold. “Gojo gross!” 
“Sorry, I can't hear you over the people. What are you saying? Hug you closer?”
“Gojo, don’t you dare.”
You hear him chuckle before rubbing up against you again, and you groan but stop resisting, which he hums happily at before starting to pull away. You watch how his face abruptly twists into feigned disgust.
"Ew, Y/N, get the hell off of me; you’re sweaty and you stink,” he mocks as he pushes you out of his hold.
“I hate you.”
“If you hated me, you wouldn’t be going on a date with me,” he singsongily says.
“Yeah, not anymore,” you mumble with a wry smile as you start walking away.
“Hey, wait, Y/N, come back!”
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starvity · 1 year
heyy! you can totally ignore this is ur not comfy but i’m sick (and delusional) rn so how would zb1 react to reader having a nose bleed when they’re hiding their sickness 🫶
anyways i love all your work so farrr <33
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— ☆ zb1 reacting to you getting a nose bleed
gn!reader x zb1 (ot9)
genre: slight angst, fluff // warnings: BLOOD obviously, arguments/yelling, tears uhuh. reader is sick and tired...
author’s note: get well soon anon :(( i am once again writing angst today what is happening!!! thank you for requesting though hehe and let me call jebewon real quick and tell them to take care of you!!! (★ω★)/ [requested♡]
ੈ✩‧₊˚ jiwoong
he would totally panic but only internally. in reality, he will try to act composed to take care of you and your nose bleed. will get you some tissues and a warm towel to wipe the blood stains off your nose. once he made sure the nose bleed had stopped, his panic mode will comeback and he's going to ask you thousands of questions!! if you tell him that it's not the first time that it has happened this week he will obviously lecture you and force you to cuddle with him until you get better. "didn't i tell you to stay in bed?" jiwoong asks. "i'm just going to open the door, calm down." you chuckle, trying to get behind your boyfriend who was standing in front of the door, blocking it. a sudden smile breaks the serious look on his face. he lifts you up and throws you on the bed. "i'll be your legs for this week so stay here, will you?"
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hao
very confused when you were casually talking on the couch and he notices the blood dripping from your nose. probably like :O for a few seconds before you kindly ask him to get you some tissues. trips and bumps into furniture a few times on his way to the bathroom because he's confused and panicked. however, when you tell him you've been kinda sick but you were hiding it from him, prepare yourself to get yelled at lmao. of course, not to the point to make you cry but i see him just screaming some incoherent sentences (definitely curses in chinese under his breath lol) about how you need to take your health seriously. in the end, he will softly kiss you and make a promise to never hide anything from the other again :]
ੈ✩‧₊˚ hanbin
leader mode activated!!!! as soon as he noticed your nose was bleeding, he tells you not to panic as he gets a tissue from his bag. he softly places it on your face and explains to you what's happening. you might think he's the calmest one but his eyes can't lie!! he's looking at you with such a concerned face when you tell him your health hasn't been the best lately. you chuckle, letting him know that he doesn't need to worry. he sighs and takes your hands in his, asking you to please tell him when you're sick so he can help you with chores, work, etc. throughout the week, when you get up to cook, clean or even go out instead of resting, he will call your name sternly and point to the bed with a small nod, indicating you to go lie down before he does it himself.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ matthew
super confused n°2. when he notices you rushing to the bathroom from your desk, he doesn't really question it. but when he goes to wash his hands and sees the blood-stained tissues in the trashcan, he knew something wasn't right. matthew comes up from behind you, who was super focused writing on your laptop, and wraps his arms around your torso. he starts pressing some kisses along your jawline, suggesting you to take a break. when you don't seem to move at his words, he turns your chair around and cups your cheeks with his hands. upon seeing the tired look on your face, he asks if you've been sick lately. when you tell him you were but didn't want to tell him, he takes you in his arms and carries you to the bed. you end up talking a bit (mainly matthew ranting about how much he loves you and how you should take care of yourself) before falling asleep.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ taerae
takes it extremely seriously. your nose starts bleeding again and you sigh, grabbing another tissue. the box was almost empty with the amount of times it had happened this week. you reassure taerae that you were used to it as his eyes widen. he cannot believe you've been hiding the fact that you were sick from him and worse, that you lied; saying you were fine whenever he asked you how you were doing. i wouldn't even be surprised if a small argument occured because i feel like taerae would base his relationships on trust and you hiding something from him will definitely hurt him a little. probably gives you the silent treatment for 3 hours (cause he's just dramatic like that) before coming back to your shared room to check up on you. when he discovers that you still haven't taken a break he throws a blanket on your face and drags you to the bed (on the floor, if he has to). wouldn't talk for a good 20 minutes before sighing and telling you to never hide anything from him again. he also apologizes for the small fight and kisses your face over and over again <3
ੈ✩‧₊˚ ricky
like every friday, ricky was taking you on a date. you had fallen sick at the beginning of the week and you kinda wish you could’ve staid home today. but since it was the only day you two could really hang out, you didn't want to cancel your plans. you were sitting on the bed, waiting for ricky who takes forever to get ready. your head starts spinning so you briefly close your eyes in hope that the feeling will go away. you hear him softly call your name, asking your opinion on which tie would suit him better. and you know how they get nose bleeds when they see someone attractive in anime? well today, ricky thought that it could also happen in real life. he starts to laugh, saying how your body can't handle his charm, in a teasing voice. when you tell him it's because you've been sick though, his smile drops immediately. he can't really hide the embarrassing blush on his ears as he apologizes for this bad "joke" (he was completely serious). "then let's stay inside today, yeah?" he suggests, opening his arms for a hug.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gyuvin
another dramatic one omg... i also see him being kinda terrified of blood so he will probably throw you some tissues from a distance, his face turned away from you and his eyes shut. you can't help but laugh at his behaviour while he screams that it's not something to joke about and that he will call his mom to drop you off at the hospital. "i've just been feeling kinda sick, don't worry about it", you confess but he suddenly grabs your face, shaking it slightly "why didn't you tell me!?", he screams. gyuvin abruptly stops his action, his face growing dark again when he thinks about the possibility of another nose bleed happening from shaking you like this. later, you end up watching a movie together, finally allowing yourself to rest. you can't help but giggle every 5 minutes when you turn your head just to see gyuvin staring at you with big eyes "are you REALLY sure you're okay??". please kiss him and tell him you're alright for the nth time today because my man is STRESSED.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ gunwook
see, gunwook is super attentive so i don't think it would be so easy to hide the fact that you were sick. you noticed how he would check up on you more often, and how he would offer to do the chores for you (even though he would always whine when he had to do them). when you kept telling him that you were alright, he tried to appear less concerned but so many questions were still running at the back of his mind. his assumptions were finally revealed to be true as a drop of blood lands on your sheet while you were studying together. you try to hide your face from him, quickly grabbing a tissue to clean the blood. "let me see." he cups your cheeks, obliging you to look at him. you had never seen him so serious and if you were being honest, the unusual frown on his face was scaring you a little. you spoke first, admitting that you've been sick and apologizing for not letting him know. gunwook shushes you with a peck on your forehead as he sees your eyes water. you spend the entire night talking about your concerns, holding and comforting each other. <3
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yujin
doesn't really make it a big deal. or at least that's how it looks like. yujin has been observing how hard you've working and how you would look a bit more tired than usual. you would reply late to his texts, ignore his calls because you were "sleeping", tell him that you can't meet up because you're busy...again... he was once again having trouble falling asleep tonight as many thoughts were clouding his mind. he had even asked his mom and his friends about how to bring the subject up with you. looking at the time on the clock, he gets up and decides to walk to your house, not knowing if you would even be awake to let him in. you open the door, a tissue stuffed into your nostril and awkwardly greet yujin. he stares at you blankly before letting himself in and closing the door behind him. without a word, he hugs you "you're stupid", his voice sounds weak. you apologize, rubbing his back as you hear his sobs, he must have been so worried to see you like this. "promise me to never overwork yourself again when you're sick", he pulls away and dries his tears. "i promise", you murmurs and interlocks pinkies.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Haii!~ How are you? Good I hope! I absolutely LOVE your stuff and I'm crying tears of happiness just to see your requests open :D I had an idea and after I read your fic "For tuna" I knew you were the one for it. I was wondering how Leona would react if his Tsum went and got something for his s/o. I can imagine it'd be chaotic lmao ANYWAY! Take your time answering and take care of yourself! And thanks a lot for your amazing work 🥹✨️
Tsum Leona
A/N: pov, your cat woke you up at two, and you couldn't fall back asleep, so you wrote this 😂 anyway, hope you enjoy this!
"When interacting with someone from a different nation, you must act with diplomacy and gentleness until such time as you know their customs."
That's how he'd been raised…but did that apply when the someone was clearly yourself from a different dimension?
Two seconds. That's how long he'd taken his eyes off his dreaded tsum to tell Ruggie that Jack's tsum was too loud. He had assumed that the lazy thing would continue to sleep where he left it.
Then he turned around and it was gone. With a groan, he and Ruggie began to search the places he himself would be: his room, the greenhouse, the tree in courtyard, the spell drive pitch. Nothing.
And it was then that Ruggie suggested where the insufferable creature would most definitely be.
Storming off to Ramshackle, angry that this idea hadn't come to him first, he grabbed your doorknob and turned it, since you had an open door policy. But this time the door was locked.
He fucking knew it.
He gripped the knob and busted the door down with his shoulder, thoroughly startling you, and the tsum whom you had been petting on your lap.
How dare he?
That was his pillow!
Your jaw was on the ground and you stuttered, trying to collect your thoughts.
"Spit it out, herbivore!"
The tsum smiled at him smugly.
"You're not a stuffed toy?"
"Why does everyone think-no! I'm not a stuffed toy!"
"I just assumed, since we have a lot of lab accidents-"
"I don't have lab accidents. Also, the portal opened right over your house! How did you not know?"
He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Seriously, how are you not dead yet? It doesn't matter, why are you petting him so lovingly?"
You looked down at the tsum, then back at Leona. Back and forth. Then you held up your wrist, displaying a shimmering silver band, with an L engraved on it, that he'd bought for you for your next date.
"You rat, you stole that from me!" 
He launched at the tsum but it was too fast, and he ended up kabedoning you on the couch. But there was no time to look at your cute flustered face, he had to tear that tsum to shreds.
It bounced out of his reach again, and he quickly followed. He crouched down, wiggled his tail to calibrate, and was about to pounce when your hand on his shoulder startled him.
"Leo, relax!" 
"The runt is moving in on my herbivore! With my gifts, no less!"
You wrapped your arms around him and nuzzled into his hair.
"I never thought I'd actually have to verbalize this, but I'm not in love with a stuffed toy."
"You thought you were when you thought it was me."
"Key word being I thought it was you. Not some stuffed toy. Which, again, is something I never thought I'd have to explain."
The tsum decided to nuzzle it's way back into your lap. Leona grabbed it and was about to throw it when-
"Leo! I'm not entirely sure what's happening, but isn't it highly probable that if there's a stuffed version of you somewhere out there, then there's probably a stuffed me?"
You picked up the tsum, and held it in front of his face.
"And I bet the little kitty cat misses his herbivore."
The tsum jumped up and down happily, as if to indicate that you were correct. Sometimes he hated how incisive  you could be, because it meant he had to be sympathetic to a stuffed toy that was nuzzling against his lover's neck. 
He growled lowly, before picking up the tsum and walking towards your busted door.
"I get what you're saying. I really do. But I need to make sure I'm close to the school so that when Crowley can send this rat home I can punt him through the portal. You get it," he said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. He didn't give you the chance to respond as he sprinted back to Savannaclaw.
Tag list- @shytastemakerthing @leonia0 @eccedentesiast-sapphic @leoll
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kritischetheologie · 6 months
Advice for a 26 year old? Apart from the normal.
oh jeez. oh gosh. I just turned 30 and my god if I could undo 90% of the decisions I made between 24 and 29... anyway here's some advice that I do think is generally applicable and isn't just me talking to my younger self. and also a little bit of me talking to my younger self.
At some point between 22 and 30, you will find that hangovers are instantly 3x worse than before. The only silver lining on this fact is that having to cut yourself off earlier in the night is cheaper. But mostly this is one of those aging things you just need to accept.
2. You need to find a form of physical activity that works with the body and the lifestyle you currently have. I don't care if you played [insert sport here] in college. If you're only able to play it once a week, you will injure yourself trying to perform at the same level you did previously. The people I know who have the worst relationships with their bodies are the ones who get stuck in the cycle of pushing themselves too hard, getting injured, having to take time off, lather rinse repeat. Find ways to move your body that make you feel like you inhabit it fully, that make you proud of what you can do now, that get your mind engaged, that expose you to the goofy experience of being bad at something new... let go of whatever came before and live in the now.
3. If your reproductive system came with ovaries, a uterus, etc: for the next decade of your life, everyone is going to have opinions on what you do with it, and these opinions are going to be self-contradictory. knowledge is power. learn about your hormonal cycle, so you can know what's going on in the body you inhabit. I highly recommend tracking your cycles-- there's a million apps that will do it, pick the one whose UI makes you want to throw up the least. This is important no matter what you want to do with your reproductive system. Learning to recognize the signs of where you are in your cycle, the effect of different hormones on your mood, etc. can help you predict and adjust for the way you fluctuate throughout the month. Tracking your cycles can also help you catch hormonal irregularities, issues like PCOS, etc. Find an ob-gyn you can be honest with about what you want to do with your body. get pap smears--I'm constantly amazed how many of my friends get regular STI testing but always forget about pap smears (cervical cancer is no joke).
4. second of all (this is a subset of #3, but tumblr doesn't let me do sub points): when it comes to the question of whether and how to reproduce, you have to decide what is important to you and be willing to defend it. maybe you know you want like six kids, you know you never want kids. maybe you're queer, and you aren't going to be doing it the old-fashioned way, and you know you really want to gestate a child, or really don't. maybe you feel strongly about passing on your genes, or about not. I would encourage you to think seriously and capaciously about reproductive options. by this I mean: don't just sit around waiting to someday wake up knowing. treat the question as an invitation to explore. think about all the ways that people build families. meet people who have fostered, who have adopted, who have had children alone by choice (or not by choice). look at the people around you, and the trade-offs they have made, and decide which lives look the best to you. pay attention to the people whose lives make you go "shit, I didn't realize you were allowed to do that," or "how do they get away with that?" or even, "who do they think they are, doing that?" I think we have an overly negative view of envy as an emotion. it can point you towards what you really want. and if there's things you want to accomplish before you reproduce, career-wise, or in terms of personal growth, or just a whole bucket list of shit you want to do, get started checking things off that list, and also don't be afraid to add more.
5. this one was also originally part of 3 but it also gets its own block because tumblr keeps trying to cut me off and it's super important anyway: you have so much more time to do everything than our culture wants you to think. you have time to change your mind about what you want, even. but you don't have time to drift on the cloud of vague ideas you internalized from your parents and the walt disney corporation. that's not me saying not to get straight married and do it the old-fashioned way, or not to become a doctor because your family wanted you to, or whatever. that's me saying that even if you're going to do that, you get to--you have to--decide what that relationship, or that career, looks like. you get as much say in building that life as anyone else. in both your personal and your professional life, you have time to pivot, to start over, but if the prospect of being 29 when you finish a three year pivot horrifies you, you need to realize that starting it at 32 will be even worse. that post about how "it takes three years" "the time's gonna pass anyway" is so fucking true. I'm still learning this one.
6. Making friends as an adult is as hard as everybody says it is. You have to be the one who does the ask. You will feel like the one doing the ask more often. Do it anyway. A corollary: if you were ever very, very close with someone, and you've drifted apart due to time and space, there is no amount of time and space that will make them not glad to hear from you if you reach out. don't think that if you haven't spoken to someone in a year you're not allowed to again. you don't even need an excuse. you can literally just hit them up like "hey, i'm sorry it's been so long since we've talked. i'd love to catch up-- i miss you! let me know when you're free for a phone call." and it will work. everyone is as lonely as you. people are so grateful to be asked. but also, everyone isn't going to be your best friend. if you can go to an event, or join a thing, or work in a place, and come out with one true friend, and keep adding one true friend everywhere you go, you'll have a whole bunch by the time you hit 30.
7. there is no correct amount of maturity for your late 20s. some of your friends are going to hit what feels like their 30s early-- doing all the conventional bourgeois success markers, the marriages and the houses and the babies. some of your friends are going to keep partying like they're still in college. I wish this was the part where I told you there was a secret third thing (the secret third thing is doing both, at the same time, and it's maybe the worst of all). for the next five years of your life, I need you to just stop thinking about your "developmental milestones." facebook and instagram and your parents' friends are going to make this hard for you. remind yourself that you're not a toddler. there's nothing you're supposed to be able to do at this age. there's nowhere you're supposed to be at this age. this realization can be really hard to handle, especially for people who got validated earlier in life for doing things early. it's impossible to read above grade level once you're out of high school. that freedom is hard. i'm not being condescending, it's genuinely fucking hard.
8. the conclusion of #7 is a subset of this: the great tradeoff of adulthood is that you get agency, but you have to take responsibility. if you find yourself in a situation where it feels like you have responsibility but no agency-- where you're constantly being blamed, but never get to call the shots, for example-- get the fuck out. whether that's a relationship, a job, whatever it is. if you find yourself exercising agency but not taking responsibility, sit with yourself and learn how to own your choices. you can't only have one.
9. if you aren't sure what you're doing with your career, you could do a hell of a lot worse than just trying to be whoever it is you wanted to be when you were 10. or at least, asking yourself what it was you liked about that thing, and figuring out a way to do it. if you aren't sure what to do with your career, get a job that pays your bills, and find fulfillment in the things you do in your free time, instead, for a while.
10. the thing I regret most about my late 20s is how much of it I spent in the waiting room of my own life. assuming that I would be leaving a place I lived, so not investing myself in making friends there. assuming that eventually, things would either get better, or worse, in a relationship, so I would be able to tell whether it was working or not. you have to sit down every fucking day (ok, not literally every day, but like... many of them)... and think about the life you want to have someday, and then you have to do one concrete thing to make that real in the moment. every day. and if you have some vision of where you want to end up eventually, but you're miserable every single day of the path toward that thing, I need you to consider seriously that achieving that goal will not make it worthwhile. I'm not saying to blow everything off and sit on the beach every day, but fuck, man. I spent, like, 26 to 29 hanging on white knuckled to a life that I thought was setting me up to be where I wanted to be when I was literally, like, 60, and eventually I just said you know what? I've got 30 fucking years to get somewhere good at 60, and I'm miserable right now. don't hold your present self hostage to the future.
11. get a cool fucking jacket and make it your entire personality. or a big pair of boots. or a haircut, or a tattoo. you might feel like a poser, at first, but you have to do it anyway. actually, that's a general rule: trying to be the person you want to be will always feel like being a poser at first. do it anyway. that's how it becomes real.
12. it's genuinely offensive how often the solution to what feels like the world ending is drinking a half-liter of water and having a snack.
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angel-in-shibari · 4 months
older stronger abusive sadistic cellmate gf:
"if you scream, they're just gonna send you to Ad Seg for your 'protection'. so don't even bother, dumbass"
"hey dumbass, you still didn't pay me back for the coffee I gave you yesterday. you better pay up now. I don't care if your commissary account is empty. I guess you'll just hafta pay me back... another way~"
"oh yeah? what're the guards gonna do? I ain't scared of them. I can pin you against the wall and they won't give a shit"
"showering by yourself? how do you know someone won't try to shank you in the bathroom? no, you need my protection. of course I'm getting naked. we're taking a shower together, baby girl."
"nope. you don't get the top bunk. or the bottom bunk either. you sleep on the floor. I don't care if it's freezing cold concrete. bitches like you don't deserve to sleep on a bed"
"shhhhh don't yell, dumbass. I stole a guard's handcuffs. don't worry, you're fine. I just cuffed you to my bunk. awww, poor baby. don't cry. just go back to sleep. lemme play with you a bit longer"
"so you get out in a few weeks? damn. I still have 40 months left. that sucks. I bet you're gonna miss me. or... here's a thought. what if you stayed here longer? you'd want that, wouldn't you baby girl? of course you would. you'd do anything I say. right? yeah, that's what I thought. so go ahead and punch that guard over there right in her dumb face. because I told you to, that's why! don't you wanna stay with me? then do what I fucking told you to! I don't care if you think you're throwing away your life by staying here. I've seen the way you worship me. I know how obsessed you are with me. trust me, I'm way better than any one else on the outside. who would even want you anyway? an ex-con, a criminal, a dyke, a complete fucking pushover. are you seriously gonna let everyone walk all over you for the rest of your life? or are you going to do what I tell you to?"
"wow, I can't believe you actually did that! and you got 5 years added to your sentence? that's hilarious! yeah, so funny thing... I actually lied about my own sentence. I didn't have 40 months left. I actually only have four. hey, but it's okay. after I'm gone, I'm sure you'll get another cool cellmate. hopefully someone who won't try and kill you the first chance they get. what.... you love me? jeez, when did you get all sentimental all of a sudden? hey, it's not my fault! I didn't think you'd actually do it. I was just playing around. it's your own fault for believing me. haven't you learned by now, baby girl? you can't let people push you around and tell you what to do. it doesn't matter if it's cops, your boss, or even people you think you love. you're such a dumbass. and to think you were originally in here for just 14 months because of a stupid drug possession charge. you really threw away your life because you wanted to be with me? that's so fucking pathetic."
"oh stop fucking crying, dumbass. it's not the end of the world. hey, maybe when you get out in five years, we can meet up and get coffee or something? okay, that's enough. now you're just making me feel bad. I told you already, it's your own fault. okay, you know what? I know Officer Smith. I can probably bribe her to drop the charge and get your original release date back. but only if you do something for me. strip. I said 'strip', dumbass. yes, get naked, right here right now. I don't care if anyone sees us. now on your knees. aww that's just adorable. look at you. no, shut up. puppies don't talk. they bark. so bark for me puppy. I said bark! awww that's perfect. you're nothing but a dog. you're just my prison bitch, are you? awww, so pathetic. you'd do anything I tell you to. take my pants off. that's right. good girl. underwear too. nope, stop. don't use your hands. use your teeth. awww, good puppy. so good at obeying me. eat me out. you heard me. what, did you seriously think you were just gonna stare at me? you're such a fucking dumbass. if you're asking me for a favor, you need to give me something first. you've been in prison for almost 14 months. how do you not know this already? fucking dumbass. eat me out, now. oh, god.... that's so good. you've got a killer tongue, puppy. you feel so fucking good. isn't this embarrassing? just the thought that anyone could look into our cell, and see you naked and on your knees, eating me out like the pathetic little bitch you are? isn't that just so fucking hot? oh, fuck! don't stop! keep going, bitch! stop fucking struggling! I don't care if you can't breathe! you'll breathe once I cum! keep going! don't stop! don't stop! don't... fuck! holy fuck! wow... okay.... just....... wow......... good girl. good puppy. you did such a good job. get up on the bunk. come snuggle with me, puppy. you did so good. you're such a good little puppy for me. thank you. you were amazing. okay, fine... I'll talk to Officer Smith, and get her to reduce your sentence. on one condition. once you get out, you better wait for me. you hear me? I got four months left, and I don't want any other dykes tryna take you from me, ya hear? you're mine. no one else's.
wow okay this started out as a dumb meme thing but ended up becoming a whole fucking story. okay then... lmao. I might fix this up and post it as a script to GWA or something. anyway, hope you liked this lmao!
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yelenasdiary · 10 months
I love sibling focs!! Maybe it’s the only child in me that feels the comfort in these anyways….
Can you do a reader x Kelly Foster one where we are her younger sister -but in our teens- and she wants us to starts helping out around the zoo with the animals but we’re not the biggest fan of it and would rather spend the day with our friends instead. If somehow or someway you can add in some angst that would be amazing but ends with fluff
I’m not the greatest at sending in ideas but something along this would be cool but feel free to change it up if you want!!
Arguments & Ugly Trees
Pairing: Kelly Foster x Younger Sibling! Reader
Summary: Kelly struggles to get you to help more around the zoo, especially around the holidays. 
Warnings: Angst/Comfort, No Warnings | 1K
AC: Been so long since I wrote for Kelly! Enjoy x
Holiday Special Masterlist
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"Come on! Get up!" Your older sister, Kelly, repeats herself as you feel the heavy blow from her throwing a throw pillow at you. "Go away!" You mumbled, your eyes barely opened wide enough to look at the time but a faint 5 told you it was way too early for you to be awake. 
"You promised you'd help today, let's go! There's a lot to do before opening" Kelly reminds you. Of course you made the promise unintentionally just to get her off your back so you could hang out at the mall with your friends. Growing up on a zoo had its perks, as a child you loved it and grew close to the animals but as you grew older and into your teens, the zoo lost interest for you. Kelly knew this would happen eventually, she just wished she had a little more time before your teenage hormones kicked in and suddenly you couldn't stand to be around her anymore. 
"Kelly! Go away!" You snapped once your older sister pulled the covers off you, exposing you to the coldness of an early morning. You heard her loudly sigh with disappointment before the loud slam of your door closing added to her anger. Within a few short seconds you were asleep once again while your sister picked up your slack around the zoo. 
By 10am you were up, dressed and waiting on the porch of the small cottage you shared with Kelly. You had plans to meet your friends in town at 10:30 for the day, well you did. 
"You might want to text your Uber and cancel" you heard Kelly's voice as she came walking up the path. 
"Why would I do that? I have plans" you frowned. 
"You haven't heard? There's a snowstorm coming. Everything is closed, you would've known sooner if you were up when I asked" she stopped in front of you, her hands on her hips as you rolled your eyes. "Go get changed into something a little more work friendly, it's all hands on deck. We've gotta make sure the animals are secure before the storm hits" she adds. 
"Seriously?! This is bullshit!" You grumbled as you turned on your heels and stormed into the house to change. A sigh left Kelly's lips as she mentally prepared herself for the attitude, she knew you'd be giving her. 
Fixing fence after fence with a loud sigh and yet another eye roll, Kelly couldn't take it anymore. 
"What is your problem?" She snapped, throwing the hammer to the ground. "What? I'm doing what you asked!" You turned to her with a frown. 
"I don't know what to do with you anymore, you're never happy to do anything around here and honestly, sometimes I think you even hate looking at me and I'm sorry that living on a zoo is so problematic for you but give me a god damn break for once! All the eye rolls, the sighs, the grumbles, it's getting old!" Your sister went on. Her sudden outburst took you by surprise, even reminding you as to why you began to lose interest in the zoo. 
"I'm doing my best with what we have here! A little thank you doesn't hurt!" She went on, bringing your attention back to the argument. "J-just go back home, I don't need your help" 
You could see the hurt in her eyes as she let them fall to the hammer on the ground, maybe you were being a selfish little brat and forgot just how much Kelly does for you but she also forgot something along the years. 
"You care more about this zoo than me" you replied in a soft tone. Kelly instantly looked back at you, "why would you say that?" She asked. "Because it's true, you forgot that in your sister, not some other zoo hand that you can boss around. We never get time together anymore and when we did try to make plans, you bailed because something more important came up" you explained with honesty, letting all your built up emotions pour out. "Christmas is literally like two weeks way and we still haven't even put up the tree, it's just sitting in the living room in a box…Christmas used to be our thi-"
Your words were cut short as Kelly pulled you into her arms the moment she saw the tears pooling at your eyes. "Shhh, I know" she whispered as you wrapped your arms around her. She held you until your tears came to a stop, you pulled away and wiped your wet cheeks on the sleeve of your jacket. "Can we make a new rule?" Kelly asked, her hands still on your forearms. 
"I need to help out more, I know" you replied. 
"No" she shook her head, "promise me you'll talk to me instead of letting things bottle up like this? I'm not a mind reader you know" she added. You chuckled at her joke and nodded, "only if you promise to we can finally put the tree up" you raised a brow at her playfully. 
"Let's get this job done and we'll call it a day, go inside and out the tree up" she smiled softly. 
"It looks terrible!" You chucked before taking a much-needed sip of your hot chocolate as you watched Kelly put the star on top of the Christmas tree. The tree looked like a mess, fairy lights still slightly tangled up, the two of you too unbothered to make everything perfect. 
"I think it's" Kelly paused as she stood back and took in the sight of the tree, "unique" she added chewing her bottom lip. "Let's just remember to turn the lights off before we go to bed, the last thing we need is the house burning down" she joked as she took a seat beside you on the sofa, reaching for her hot chocolate from the coffee table. 
"So, tell me, should I be worried your dating yet?" She asked after sipping her drink. You playfully slapped her arm, "between you, school and the zoo, what makes you think I have time?" 
Kelly smiled at you before resting her head on your shoulder while the two of you admired the ugly Christmas tree. "It'll always be just us kiddo, against everything" she spoke softly to assure you that you never lost your sister. Sometimes things go unsaid and you made a promise to yourself to never let distance grow between you both ever again.
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
Mk, so, how about Liu, and any other characters of your choice with an S/O who has selective-mutism, but one day they just randomly decide to say something, but it’s in a completely different language. Idk where I got the idea from.
a/n: i saw liu's name and i couldn't restrain myself. i'm monolingual so i had to use various translation sites so if these are incorrect then i am so sorry. nd i opted to just have the reader randomly say 'i love you' because that seemed like an easy phrase to not butcher. except for liu. with what i wrote, i did have to give a full phrase other than 'i love you' and i put it through multiple translation sites so uhm fingers crossed that it's accurate uhm if you speak danish and it isn't then first off i am so sorry and second off can you please tell me what the actual translation is anyways this is a long note sorry fdhjfh hope you enjoy!!
with a selectively mute s/o that speaks in a different language.
includes: homicidal liu, the doll maker, nurse ann, and clockwork.
warnings: gn reader, it's honestly mostly just sappy, liu downplays a stab wound but that's really it.
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Liu doesn't really think about your selective mutism. You'll talk to him whenever you're comfortable, and if that's never then that's fine with him. All he cares about is your comfort.
Besides, if you ask him, he does enough talking for the both of you. At least... he thinks he talks a lot. It definitely feels like it. And who knows, he probably just teaches you morse code so you two can communicate like that.
And little did either of you know, today was the day you'd speak to him for the first time. And not for good reason, sadly. You see, Liu... isn't necessarily a careful person when it comes to his own safety.
So he may or may not have gotten hurt. But it's not like it's a life-threatening injury or anything like that! Besides, he's taught himself how to treat minor wounds like this. Really, it isn't that big of a deal.
You think otherwise, because, uh, he was fucking stabbed. Who the hell considers a stab wound a 'minor' injury?!
So when you saw him cleaning and stitching up a stab wound, this obviously led to some bickering between the two of you. Liu is telling you that he's okay, while you're aggressively telling him via morse code that he's been stabbed and that he needs to get professional medical attention. But Liu was fine. He's gone through way worse than this, so you really don't have to worry.
But him saying that just leads to you throwing up your hands in frustration as you say, "Dammit, kan du ikke se, at jeg er bekymret, fordi jeg elsker dig?!"
And... well... Liu doesn't really know what you just said but he feels really bad knowing that this is what made you speak to him for the first time.
He'll sigh and apologize for not taking his injuries seriously, and he promises to get professional help rather than just treating it himself. He... is legally classified as dead, so he can't go to a hospital but... I mean... he knows a guy who was studying medicine. And a very suspicious doctor.
Vine's native tongue is Russian, so more often than not he'll mutter to himself in his mother tongue rather than any other language.
He doesn't really care if you speak or not, mostly because he feels more comfortable in the silence. He's not the best at holding conversations.
He was busy making a doll with non-human parts this time around. And you were roaming around his little workshop, inspecting all his half-finished projects and sketches of future dolls he planned on making.
Vine trusts you to be around his work, so he's not worried about you accidentally making a mess or breaking anything but he does find himself feeling a little nervous.
Dollmaking is his passion, it's something he loves doing. And he loves you as well and values your opinion more than anyone else's. What if you think he's not doing a good job? What if you think he could make something better?
You've never given him the impression that you dislike dolls or find his creations and passion to be 'childish' but it's still a thought that lingers in his mind nonetheless. Thoughts like this constantly plague his mind.
But when he glances away from the doll he's working on to see you gently straightening out the dress of another one that's on display, a small smile gracing your lips as you admire his creation...
"Я тебя люблю." The words just sorta slipped out of his mouth, and it took him a moment before he went to repeat what he said in English but you spoke before he could even open his mouth.
"Я тебя тоже люблю." And oh. That's the first time he's ever heard you speak, he thinks.
She too is selectively mute, though she doesn't speak because it physically hurts to more often than not, and also... she sees no real reason to talk, to be honest.
You two probably communicate via sign language or writing, though she'll quietly whisper to you if she has to.
Ann doesn't care if you talk or not. She gets it, even if you two have vastly different reasons for your selective mutism.
She's not going to have that big a reaction when you do talk, though she will tilt her head to the side a bit when you speak in an entirely different language.
It'll probably happen while the two of you are spending time together in silence, Ann doing her own thing while you're sitting nearby.
She was caught up in her own little task, mind empty. She was vaguely aware of your gaze on her, but she only really came back to reality when she heard you sigh and softly murmur to yourself.
"Ich liebe dich."
She blinks, taking a moment to process your words. She... doesn't understand German, but the way you softly spoke the words, and the way you were looking at her with such fondness... well, she had a vague idea of what you said.
And very quietly, she whispers back, "Love you too."
Natalie seems like the type of person who wants to learn a new language, and even begins starting to, but her motivation for it just evaporates two days after starting and she stops trying to learn. And it's just a cycle that rinses, washes, and repeats itself.
Anyways, she overthinks a lot and needs constant reassurance more than she would like, so at the beginning of your relationship, communication was probably a little rocky.
But you guys manage to come up with other ways to communicate rather than vocally.
She'll catch herself wondering what your voice sounds like, and she'll sometimes wonder if you'll ever feel comfortable enough around her to speak but she doesn't push you to talk.
She understands, trust me.
But she's definitely surprised when you wake her up from her nap just to look her in the eye and bluntly say, "Anh yêu em." and you don't even give her a chance to process it before you walk away.
She's just baffled and confused. What the hell did you just say to her? You just spoke. What the hell did you say? Is she dreaming? She feels awake. She's definitely awake.
Natalie has to dig around for her phone to try and search for the translation of what you said, and it takes her a few tries before she finally manages to type it out correctly. She definitely buries her face in a pillow when she reads the translation. And she ends up falling back asleep.
It's only when she wakes up again that she'll go and find you. She'll wrap her arms around your waist and rest her forehead on your shoulder before placing a gentle kiss there and tiredly murmuring, "I love you too."
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lemon-boy-stan · 2 years
smutmas day two - haechan - comfort sex
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"Haechan, hi." you sniffed softly, looking away, ashamed that you had even come here in the first place. But your mum had yelled at you to get out of the house and you couldn't think of anywhere else to go.
"Hey, hi," said Donghyuck, in a hoodie and sweats, a headset around his neck. You must have interrupted his game. You felt even worse now. "Hi..." you mumbled. "Um, I'm just gonna go home. You look busy." but he rushed to you at the door, taking your bag. "I'm not busy," he shook his head, "I was just playing a game. You wanna stay over?" he put his hand on your back, guiding you inside the house.
"Mum and dad are on a work trip," he said, "do you want dinner?" placing your bag on the floor as you took a seat on his bed. You sniffled, shaking your head. "No," you mumbled, "sorry for coming so unexpectedley." and Donghyuck shrugged, "no, don't worry about it. You're my best friend. Hang on, the guys are yelling at me." he put his headset back on and went over to his desk, "yeah, yeah, shut up! I'm logging off anyway. Seriously, I already got you through the first level. Mark can take over now, okay?"
He clicked away on the keyboard before shutting the screen off and wheeling back around, getting up. He put his headset on the desk hastily, "what happened?" and you looked down at your hands, ashamed again as he sat down next to you.
"My mum..." you whispered, "my mum kicked me out again. It was dark and my phone was was nearly dead. I'm sorry," you cried softly, "I didn't mean to interrupt your game, Haechannie."
"I hate your fucking mum," he growled. "Don't cry. It's okay, don't cry. You can stay as long as you want, okay? You know my parents like you." you sniffled, "I don't wanna bother you, Hyuck." he shook his head, "you're not bothering me." your lip trembled. He lifted up your chin with his thumb, "listen to me. You don't bother me. You never bother me." You sniffed, nodding at this. "Thanks," you mumbled, feeling weird now, insecure that you had been crying in front of him... again.
"It's okay to cry," he said softly, and you hated the fact that he was so good at mind-reading. He was pretty. Really, fucking pretty. Drop-dead gorgeous. So gorgeous, in fact, that you needed him to: "kiss me," you blurted out. Haechan blinked, "huh? What?" brain still in best-friend mode, his concern for you trumping his boner-making crush on you. "Kiss me," you said again, "please, Haechannie. Need you to kiss me, now. Need Haechannie to kiss me -" tears still dribbling from your eyes.
"Fuck," he grunted loudly, "fuck, you want me to kiss you?" grabbing your hip and pulling you close to him, placing his lips roughly on yours. "You want Haechannie to kiss you on his bed?" he mumbled into your lips as you squeaked, "yes! Yes, please, Haechannie, kiss me on Haechannie's please bed! Please." fuck, he loved how dumb you were for him.
"Mmmm," he mumbled, "your lips taste so good. Want Hyuck to touch you, baby? Want Hyuckie to ruin our friendship?" and you squealed even more at this, "yes, Hyuckie, please ruin baby and Hyuckie's friendship please please," words bubbling from your mouth happily.
"Mm, okay, okay," he murmured, lips grazing softly across your neck, "but what would baby's mum say about it? You know she doesn't like me." something in your glazened eyes froze at the mention of your mother. "I'm sorry," Donghyuck mumbled, "shouldn't have brought her up. Wanna stop?"
The freeze was gone and you shook your head, "no-no-no, Hyuckie don't stop please." lip trembling. "Okay," he whispered softly, kissing your lips again. "Okay, I won't stop; I promise." even though your hands were already throwing off his cotton shirt, he stopped at the lining of the pastel button-down nightie you had on.
"Can I?" he half-whispered. You arched your back, "Hyuck, please." and he nodded, carefully lifting it off your head before letting out a short gasp because you didn't wear a bra under your pajamas because and you were fucking beautiful. "Fuck," he mumbled, "you're so fucking pretty."
And you giggled at this, "but Hyuckie is prettier." and and he shook his head, "aw, shucks, no I'm not." pulling down the silky pink shorts. He snickered at your undies, "you don't even like Pokemon." and you scowled, "Markie got them for me as a joke."
Haechan scowled, "well, even though they're cute, I don't like them. Always been jealous of Mark." he scoffed, taking them off. "Mm, much better," he smiled at you. You giggled, "Hyuckie's turn!" hands latching on to the band of his sweatpants.
He leant down kissed you as took off the the and you grey pants, and he twitched as your fingers pulled down his boxers. "Mmm," you bubbled sleepily, "Haechannie is big." he smirked at this, "do you think it's gonna fit?" but all you did was nod eagerly.
"Please, Hyuck," you mumbled, "want your cock please." and he groaned at this, "fuck," and and couldn't help but sliding in simply at your words. You let out a scream, "Haechan!" and he bent down to to kiss you lazily.
"Mm, feel so fucking good," he mumbled as you let out a choked sob of pleasure, "so fucking perfect, waited so long for this, fuck." moaning loudly as he thrust in and out of you, hips snapping. You grabbed on to him, "Haechan, feel so good Haechan please." and he nodded, "mmph, yeah, I know." adjusting your body, sucking lightly on your neck. "Hyuckie," you bubbled, "big, big Hyuckie!" crying softly. "So good," your lip trembled. "Shit - ah - want me to stop?" he grunted.
You cried out in distress, "nonono please Hyuck don't stop please don't stop!" and he cursed, "yeah, okay, I won't stop. "Didn't know how bad you wanted Hyuck to use you, hmm?" he chuckled softly even though he meant it as a compliment. "Yes," you moaned softly as Donghyuck hit your G-spot, "yes, want Hyuckie to use me so bad, don't care, will be his cumdump, just want Hyuck to use baby like a fleshlight please."
And Haechan snapped. "What'd you just say?" he growled softly. "Say it again," he whispered. "Said, said "want Hyuckie to use baby like a fleshlight. Baby will be such a good fleshlight please Hyuck, please Haechannie - Haechan!" and you screamed his name shrilly as he pounded into you harder than he ever had before.
"Why are you so dirty?" he whimpered, "you were my my cute and innocent best friend!" he complained loudly as he thrust his cock deeper into your cunt. "Now I've fucking ruined you," he moaned either in misery or lust as he released his load messily inside you and your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you threw it back, back, "Haechan." gripping the sheets, cumming around his cock.
"I love you," he confessed finally, as he pulled out and took a hot dishcloth, "I hope you know that. And that that you have never bothered me a single waking moment of our lives. And that I hate your mum. But I kind of thank her, because if not I'd probably never have gotten the chance to tell you I love you." and he smiled as your eyes teared up again, "I love you too. I'm sorry." but he shook his head, leaning down to kiss you. "Don't be."
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6okuto · 2 years
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gn!reader | sugawara, atsumu
warnings: reader gets angry + frustrated, swearing, a bit ooc. oops. don't think about it
note: reminder to communicate w the people around u always + my reqs r open again ^___^ meow!
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life’s been hard lately. your work’s piling up, and it’s stressing you out so you avoid it, landing you in a seemingly endless cycle of unproductive worry. it’s to the point that you’re getting more easily agitated, and you’ve been trying to avoid making anyone victim to your sour mood.
but suga’s taken notice—of course he has, considering he hasn't seen you in 6 hours. and he refuses to let it deter him from taking care of you, even after reading your text that says “i’m gonna be working so please don’t come in !! thank u.” he gets some of your favourite snacks along with some sliced fruit and water, and heads to your desk.
you tense up at the knock on your door, but take a deep breath before saying he can come in. “hey. i know you said you’d be working, but i thought i’d bring you some food at least.”
knowing he means well, you thank him quietly and expect him to leave after. but he lingers beside you. “you doing okay?”
“yeah, i’m fine,” you answer quickly, already feeling that unwarranted annoyance you’ve been trying to stop. “you sure? i know you have a lot to do, and i don’t want you to overwork yourself.”
“yes, i’m fine, koshi.” you try to breathe and unclench your jaw. your boyfriend frowns and takes your response as exhaustion rather than annoyance, and tries again. “okay, just…know that it’s good to take breaks or ask for help, it'll be okay. i haven't seen you all day, you know?”
“can you stop?” your voice is cold enough to make him freeze, and something caves in his chest. “this isn’t—it isn’t okay.”
“okay, okay, hey, i'm sorry. i just,” he starts slowly, frowning. “i wanted you to know it’ll get better eventually.”
“okay, well, when you say that every time i’m upset it kind of loses its effect. i know it’s going to get better, but not right now with you here, so i’d appreciate it if you could just leave me alone,” you finally snap.
koshi stares at you in silence, breaking it after a few seconds to call your name as his voice wavers a little. "i know you didn't mean to talk to me like that."
"you don't know that." with your back still to him you repeat yourself with a huff, “seriously, koshi, just leave. you aren’t helping, i’m just…fucking annoyed. i don't want you here.”
“i...okay.” suga’s voice comes out softer than he intended, and he clears his throat. “okay, i’m sorry.” you glance over at the sound of him sniffling, and watch as he scratches the corner of his eye while making his way to the door. it twists something your gut, and an ugly, guilty feeling overwhelms you.
you sit with it, wishing it would swallow you whole. but after a few minutes pass you finally stand up to go find your boyfriend. it doesn’t take long—he’s sitting on the couch with a throw blanket, scrolling on his phone. suga looks up at the sound of your footsteps and quickly looks back down, but not before you see his teary eyes accompanied by a red nose.
“koshi?” he doesn't respond, but you know he's listening. “i’m…i’m sorry.” you want to continue, but wait for some kind of reaction. “that was mean of you,” he says plainly.
you frown. “i know, i'm sorry, i—” taking a breath, you step toward him. “i shouldn’t have lashed out at you. i’m sorry. i get angry when i’m stressed which is why i was trying to stay alone. i didn’t want to hurt you, and i did anyways when you were just trying to help.”
“and i’m not trying to make an excuse, i'm in the wrong. i know it’s a problem and i’m really, really trying to work on it, i promise. but i’m sorry i hurt you today. you didn't—you'd never deserve that."
you're met once again with silence, but don't let it bother you. you continue, "you don't have to accept my apology, of course, but i wanted you to know. and if you need time alone, i can go to the library for the day."
koshi turns off his phone (he hadn't even been scrolling while you spoke) and gets up slowly, finally looking at you. "thank you. i'm sorry, too, for what it's worth. and i accept your apology." he smiles genuinely this time, though it's small. "and i already know how you can make me feel better."
he looks at you with determination, and you're almost expecting him to ask for something embarrassing. but all he does is walk over and reach for you, pulling you into a gentle hug. "finally take a break with me?"
whenever one of you is more busy than the other, it can be expected the busy person is atsumu. you face it with love—picking up on a couple of chores, messaging him throughout the day, getting his favourite foods for the evenings you have together.
so when it’s your turn to be busy, atsumu sees it as an opportunity to repay your love ten-fold.
and he manages it well for the most part! he does the laundry and cleans up around your desk. he even picks out some outfits for you to choose from tomorrow, writing a sticky note that says "i have good taste right?? don't forget the necklace!!!"
it’s when he’s faced with cooking one of your favourite meals—the one from your childhood he knows you haven’t had in ages—that he starts struggling. he texts his brother and opens a website on his phone, but at some point while he’s working on something else, the food on the stove starts to burn. enough to get the smoke alarm going—all right before you come home.
and coming home from a day full of inconveniences, shitty people, and stress, to a house that smells like smoke isn’t the welcome you expected or needed. your heartbeat quickens as you rush to the kitchen where you see your boyfriend frantically putting out a fire. “‘tsumu? what the hell?”
atsumu panics even more at your voice. and as he turns to face you, his arm hits his ingredients onto the floor. “fuck—hi, baby. sorry, i, uh—” “atsumu, jesus christ—”
working together, you both manage to take out the fire and turn off the alarm. the kitchen’s a wreck to witness at the end. all that’s left is standing in silence at the mess on the floor and counter.
you don’t know whether you want to cry or yell at the sight, completely overwhelmed by everything that’s been happening. “what were you doing?” you ask breathily. atsumu nervously laughs and hesitates, “i…uh, was trying to cook dinner for you.”
“well that really turned out well,” you say sarcastically. he winces both at your tone and the way your hands drag over your face. “why would you—are you—oh my god. seriously, atsumu, i can’t handle this right now.”
“i’m sorry, baby—” “we just put out a fire, atsumu!” your volume raises to a near-yell. “what if something happened and it spread, or you hurt yourself, or something worse? why weren’t you paying attention to the stove? and now we’ll have to clean this up and get new shit, and,” you stop to close your eyes and finally let yourself breathe. you mutter a curse and try to regain any semblance of composure.
but your eyes shoot open at the sound of a quiet sniffle beside you. there’s a beat of silence while you process it. you soften your voice to call him, “‘tsumu?”
atsumu sniffles again and blinks quickly, trying to force back the tears in his eyes. it doesn’t work, and your heart breaks when he pulls the sleeve of his sweater to wipe them away. “i just wanted to make your favourite to surprise you. i know you’ve been working hard lately, ‘nd i wanted to do what you always do for me and,” he laughs at himself self-deprecatingly, “i fucked up really bad this time, huh? i’m sorry. i’ll clean it all up. you should go rest.”
he moves quickly to start stacking up the bowls and utensils, but his movements feel heavy, and his hands seem to shake whenever he reaches for something near you. you stand and watch, and he says nothing.
“‘tsumu.” you reach for his hands to stop him, and he looks at you for the first time since you came in. “hey, i’m sorry. i’m sorry, i was being mean.”
your boyfriend pouts at you, lips wavering, but he continues to say nothing, and you’re prompted to continue. “i had a bad day and i took it out on you. i was just…i was stressed and worried. i shouldn’t have yelled the way i did. i really appreciate you trying to cook for me, and taking care of things while i’m out. i know it isn't easy. i’m so sorry, ‘tsum,” you apologize again.
atsumu gets his hands out of your grasp so he can wipe his face one more time. you give him a minute to he offers you a smile. “it’s okay. thank you for, uh, apologizing. and i’m sorry i almost set our kitchen on fire, i knew i shoulda kept ‘samu on the phone.” you snort and he laughs, the sound lifting your mood exponentially.
you open your arms out for a hug which atsumu accepts happily, the both of you holding the other tightly. “we can always try again later together. i’m sure with the both of us we can handle one dish,” you promise.
your fingers run through his hair and he relaxes, nodding in agreement. his breath is warm against the crook of your neck when he asks, “d’you think we could just order takeout tonight, then?”
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yellowhollyhock · 7 months
because I'm the shield
I was trying to write a little scene between rise Raph and Mikey since his overprotectiveness is something they've argued about. But that's turning out slower than I expected and will have to be for another time--maybe will fit a different prompt when it's done, who knows.
I've been rewatching some of 2003 season 4 and having feelings about shield Raph.
Fight scenes do show a lot of him throwing himself between his brothers and physical harm. But season 4, with the family relationships strained, highlights something else, which is Raph shielding his brothers from Master Splinter and each other. Especially Leo.
I learned from the tmnt fandom that sai is meant to defend against sword. And that's so fitting for these two.
Raph defending his brothers from Master Splinter mostly looks like being the loudest and most openly rebellious to draw attention away from (honestly mostly Leo and Donnie) blatantly doing what they're not supposed to do (like traveling to an alternate dimension without telling anyone or fighting the Foot alone. Seriously they call him and Mikey the impulsive ones??). And Splinter isn't a danger to the turtles, he is very loving in 03, but his opinion matters to them and Raph makes himself the squeaky wheel so the others can stay squeaky clean.
But about Leo. Two things going on season 4: Raph is (trying to) protect Leo from his own inner thoughts, verbally replying to his anxieties with positives or neutrals; and Raph is on guard to keep Leo off Don and Mikey's case.
I just watched Aliens Among Us and found it especially sweet when they're all on the roof to watch the President how Raph and Leo interact. Leo is upset with Don and Mikey for fooling around, and says out loud that by even coming to watch they 'may as well ask to be dissected.' (Because it's gonna be a Bishop episode so Leo obviously has to foreshadow that. They just had Bad Day, they will not watch as the various enemies their memories pulled from do in fact torment them.) Anyway, it's the way he keeps a pretty calm, almost lighthearted tone while he talks Leo down from his catastraphizing, drawing attention away from his other brothers who were getting yelled at in the process. And this is just an example of how Raph acts this season.
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side note, I adore how these two specifically could be talking about their favorite flavor of potato chips and look like they're plotting a murder. This is a picture of Raph getting as close as he can to physically beating up Leo's inner demons.
Another small moment in this episode that I loved: Raph grabbing Leo by the shoulder with, "Whoa, where are you going? Don't you think we need a plan?" and Leo's plan is 'take out every alien we see.' This is not a Leo at the top of his game, in spite of what he told Splinter last episode about 'doing whatever it takes to protect this family.' Raph knows it. He and Leo have different strengths and different approaches, but he knows a healthy Leo would be analyzing the situation, briefing them all on what they should most likely be prepared for and what information they lack that everyone should keep an eye out for. Leo is an analyst, that's one of his greatest strengths. And he's not doing that.
it's literally like 'hey bro are you okay? you've barely picked apart the enemy's battle strategy or lurked in the shadows.' Leo isn't doing the things he loves and Raph notices.
Also speaking of Bad Day. Here's a picture of Raph telling Donny it's not his fault.
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Again he looks like he's plotting murder but he is actually speaking in the softest sweetest voice to his stressed out little brother. This is a turtle who just watched his best friends get blown up by people who were looking for him and his family.
That is all ❤️
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
when you want his attention but don't want to say it out loud
Wonwoo x Reader // note: OC is on her period. @glowonu @nothingbutadeadesceane you shouldn't have encouraged me </3
Wonwoo is, quite frankly, dense.
He's getting better though. It's been a learning curve for him and you've gone through quite a lot of fights to get him where he's at.
Not that it's entirely his fault.
Wonwoo tends to be quiet and you understand that it's a part of him. You love him anyway. But there are times when it'd get frustrating if he's constantly quiet even when he's having a hard time while you just want to be there for him.
You don't want him to change for you, but this relationship isn't going to work if he keeps his way of holding things in and never letting you in on his problems.
After one too many fights, you learned that throwing a tantrum would only make Wonwoo more quiet. So one time, you retorted on doing the same thing: keeping to yourself even if it's clear you're having a hard time and brushed it off when Wonwoo asked.
That's when he started getting it.
And now here he is, wondering what you're trying to say as you whine and wrap yourself in your blanket, cursing your uterus for the monthly predicament you're currently in.
"You okay?" He asks just for the sake of it, biting his lip to block a laugh at your glare.
"Do I look okay?"
"Anything I can do to help you feel better?"
That's what you love about him: he's direct and he doesn't waste time when he's confused. But sometimes you also wish he'd just take a hint and coddle you without you spelling things out for him.
Seriously, you're squirming on your shared bed hugging yourself and it's still not clear that you want him to hold you? Haven't you been doing this each month for the past two years you've been dating?
So you let out more whining noises, none of the things coming out of your mouth are actual words, much to his amusement.
He sits by the bed and huffs your name, his palm caresses your head as he asks once again if there's anything you want him to do.
Honestly, he knows you probably want to cuddle or something. As much as he's dense, Wonwoo is also smart. Had you wanted to be left alone, you wouldn't be whining and pouting at him like you're doing right now.
Still, he's in one of his playful mood and you seem to be more adorable today, for some reason.
"Wonwoooooo." You cry for his name, your frown deepens when he simply chuckles with a hum.
"I don't know what you want me to do." You narrow your eyes at the mock confusion in his tone complete with that familiar twinkle in his eyes. "You have to tell me, Flower. I'm a little dense, remember?"
You glare as he uses the words you told him so many longs ago against you, and it's when you huff and turn the other way around to put on a show of being annoyed that Wonwoo relents with a laugh.
The way you elbow him as soon as he slips under the blanket behind you is almost calculated, but you still melt into his embrace and relish in the way his chest vibrates when he laughs at your sorry attempt to hurt him.
"Why are you still embarrassed to ask for a cuddle?" His lips tickle your neck as he whispers, making you squirm a little before you turn around to face him.
"Shut up."
"I thought you said I need to talk more?"
"I take that back. You're annoying. Shut up."
There's nowhere he'd rather be, alright.
"Should I leave you alone then?" He threatens emptily, knowing well enough there's nowhere he'd rather be than here.
You whine again, burying your face into his chest and tighten your arm that's draped over his waist.
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