#anyway enjoy some cutie pies
1d1195 · 11 months
Zipper Extra V
Read the rest of Zipper here
@jhughesangel (I hope this is you, I think you changed your Username on me since the last time I posted about these cutie pies) I hope you like this, I think you're probably my #1 Zipper fan so it's most important to me that you enjoy it specifically💕
This part is based on this ask from my amazing 🐱-anon, but I lowkey struggled as usual so it turned into Harry being whiny again but I gave her a full blown sob-fest. So hopefully I got it a little right--maybe a little more than normal anyway.
~4.7k words
Warnings: fluff, angst. Maybe a little bit of 18+ stuff but don't blink or you'll miss it.
(Maybe listen to Lover for some ambiance if you feel like it.)
He should have asked her out the moment he met her. They should have been one of those couples that had known since grade school they were destined for each other. It shouldn’t have taken Harry twenty years to come to his senses.
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“Are you sure you want to be with Harry?”
It happened while they were at dinner with friends. Her friend Sarah had been wary of their relationship essentially since it started. Harry wasn’t supposed to hear their conversation, he was seated a few seats across and down from the pair of them. It was a hushed whisper and honestly, he had to strain to hear anyway while the guys in the group chatted about something else. Another pair of ladies were off getting drinks at the bar. Leaving Sarah and his angel to chat.
“What?” She nearly laughed. It was a joke, surely, that one of her best friends would say such a thing. Of course, she was sure. In fact, she wasn’t sure of much else in her life. Christmas was on the twenty-fifth, Australia was wider than the moon, nine times four was thirty-six, and she was in love with Harry. It was a fact of life.
But whatever the guys were talking about was irrelevant. Harry was focused so very hard on hearing every word of her conversation—especially when he heard the beginning of it. “I just worry you’re settling,” Sarah whispered. “You don’t have to, you know. You shouldn’t.”
“I really love Harry,” she affirmed. That made Harry feel marginally better.
“But he was an asshole,” Sarah reminded her. “Like...for a really long time,” what hurt more than them talking about this while Harry was in earshot...even if they thought he wasn’t paying attention was that Sarah was right.
“But was he?” She smirked like it was a joke. Surely it was a joke. Sarah loved Harry. She loved Harry. They had a rough start. A different start than most love stories. But it didn’t mean that he didn’t love her any less than if they had a normal approach to their romance. Harry worshipped her now. He wished he always did. He would probably regret it for the rest of his life.
“Babe, he should have kissed the ground you walked on for the entire time you knew him. Yes. He was an asshole.”
“He is not an asshole,” she said softly. Bless her gentle heart for defending him. Harry wanted to kiss her and thank her for being so kind even though she was wrong. Sarah was completely correct. He should have kissed the ground she walked on all the time. For as long as he knew her. He should have asked her out the moment he met her. They should have been one of those couples that had known since grade school they were destined for each other. It shouldn’t have taken Harry twenty years to come to his senses.
“Look, I love Harry,” Sarah said. At least she knew that much. “I just...don’t want your heart to get broken because Harry’s already showed exactly who he is.”
Harry knew that he had a lot to make up for still. But she always reassured him that it wasn’t necessary. It wouldn’t stop him from trying to fix the years of heartache he caused. Harry still thought about the sound of her perfect voice cracking when she asked him why he didn’t like her. Back when he was feeding her Chinese food because he was so worried about her health and how sick she looked from working herself so hard.
Maybe it would never be enough. But Harry wouldn’t let her slip away. Not after wasting all the time of their childhoods, teens, and early adulthood. Harry would never stop proving that this was good, they were meant to be. It was why she instilled confidence in Harry when he seemed like the shittiest boyfriend in the world: forgetting her birthday, giving her the silent treatment when he was frustrated, or when he accidentally ruined her white T-shirt with one of his blue socks. She felt—no, knew—that they were meant to be.
So why wasn’t she telling Sarah exactly that? The pause in their conversation was deafening. Even over the laughter of their friends. Sarah was sipping her drink. Like she was grateful she got through to her. Harry waited anxiously for her to say something.
But she never did.
Sarah didn’t bring it up again or press further. It was all Harry could think about. He wanted an answer. He wanted to know why she paused. Why wasn’t she defending him? Was she...agreeing? The other ladies returned from getting more drinks and the conversation looped back into everyone chatting away.
But Harry felt terrible. She seemed to notice almost instantly. Of course, she did. She always noticed the change in Harry’s demeanor. Always worried about him. She was perfect. Perfect, perfect, perfect.
Without fanfare, she got up to change seats to get closer to him; people shifted silently allowing her space. She perched gently on one of his legs, leaned forward, gently kissed his cheek. “You okay, baby?” She asked quietly, nosing at his ear.
No. Not at all. “M’fine,” he grabbed her hand and wrapped his fingers between hers. It didn’t make sense that she would suddenly feel like Sarah was right. Their fingers fit together perfectly. It was fate. They were...perfectly...imperfect.
“Wanna leave so we can go make out?” She asked with a smile.
It was hard to be frustrated when she was adorable. He wished that he had gotten his act together years ago. “Yes, please, kitten.” She pecked his cheek again.
The ride home was quiet. She didn’t pay much mind to it because she got a little sleepy after having wine. Harry took the time to think about how terrible he was as a boyfriend. What her silence meant. Was he making this a bigger deal than needed? He should have asked right then.
But they arrived home and made out for a significant amount of time before falling asleep. Harry had his hands in her hair and his lips devoured hers. His tongue searching for the answer to a question he didn’t ask out loud.
His hands slid down her body and back under her shirt. It made him moan against her lips while she kissed him. An involuntary shiver coursed through her body as he touched her. She dreamed of Harry like this more often than she cared to admit. More so when they started working together. Ever more so when they started being friends. She dreamed of Harry’s voice in her ear whispering to her while he kissed her, touched her, slid into her, and made her whimper, begging silently for a euphoric release. “S’matter, kitten?” His lips touched the curve of her ear making her turn to mush in his hands. “Y’worked up?”
She shook her head. “Just...really happy,” she whispered back. He smiled into her skin. He forgot about Sarah’s question. Forgot about how she didn’t say anything to defend him. It wasn’t the time to worry about it. Right now, he wanted to focus on her beautiful body, her soft lips, and just having her in his arms where he felt she belonged most.
Harry’s cologne made her dizzy, made her feel so safe and warm. She didn’t think about what Sarah said. It wasn’t a thought in her mind. Harry wasn’t her settling. He was worth the wait. No matter how painful it was at times. He was hers now; that’s all that mattered. Even at his worst, he was just a bit grumpier than she would have liked.
If not being friends for so long of their lives and not being a couple for just as long—if that brought her to him now, then it was well worth it. She would redo it over and over again and not change one thing. Harry was perfectly... imperfect. Their life just got stuck for a minute. Like when a zipper gets caught on something. They had to clear up the issue and start over from the spot it stuck. But they fit together... perfectly. Snug together zipped to the top. This is where she was meant to be. She wasn’t settling. Not even a little.
Harry was unbelievably nice following the night out. She wasn’t complaining in the slightest. It was just a little different. Not quite out of character, but the behavior usually followed a missed date or something that irritated her slightly.
He had to have gotten up an extra hour earlier to bring her coffee and walk with her to work. He held her hand and massaged his thumb on the back of her hand. During lunch she spoke rapidly about her cases, the book she was reading, a new recipe she found and wanted to try. He nodded eagerly at everything. Harry hardly spoke as she filled their lunch hour with just her voice.
But the way he gazed at her made her feel so warm and fuzzy. He had this smile that made half his face quirk up at an angle that made him look like an angel. She loved him so much it made her stomach twist. “What?” She asked wiping her hand across her face. “Do I have something on my face?” He chuckled, shaking his head. Silently, he walked around his desk, pulled her to her feet, wrapped his arm around her waist, cupped her hand in his, and began to slowly sway to the music playing from his phone. Her heart felt like it wasn’t whole up until that point but suddenly it felt like all the pieces snapped together. She looked up at him curiously, a laugh falling out of her mouth as she did. “What is this, Harry?”
He shrugged. “Jus’... I love you, a lot,” he murmured into her ear, pressing a kiss on her temple.
“Enough to dance in the middle of a lunch break?”
“Especially,” he nodded firmly. As if it was obvious, as if it was the only thing that made sense. If this was what everyone did when they worked.
She tried to remember if she had forgotten his birthday. Or their anniversary. But nothing popped into her mind. They were in work clothes, uncomfortable shoes, and her hair was tied up, so it was out of her face. It wasn’t her best look. It wasn’t necessarily what she would consider a good time to dance. But Harry never ceased to amaze her with how romantic he could be.
“Harry Styles, I love you so extremely, much,” she whispered. The sigh that left him sounded relieved, but she didn’t think much of it. She was happy to be in Harry’s arms in the middle of work and dancing like it was the most natural and normal thing in the world.
Even if it wasn’t, she thought it was because of him.
But just a few days later Harry practically ignored her. They were watching a movie together and Harry was more engrossed in his phone than the characters on screen.
She blinked in surprise. “Um... are you mad?” He shook his head, but it felt like the opposite. Frowning, she turned her attention back to the movie. Maybe it was work. There was no way he could be mad at her over something. Nothing came to mind. “Upset?” She asked without looking at him.
“Everything is fine, love.”
She reached out for his hand, he held it lightly, brought it to his lips, and then dropped it back to the couch. Maybe she was reading into it. But dancing in the office in the middle of the week couldn’t have meant nothing and it certainly couldn’t have reverted to this standoffish tone and behavior in a matter of days. Harry scrolled through his phone again silently. “Are you sure—”
“Kitten. M’fine.”
The frown on her lips and between her eyebrows deepened. She was sad that Harry was upset. Even if he wasn’t admitting it. But more so she was worried that it was something she did. Sometimes she had to piece it together because of the knack Harry had for not telling her when something bothered him.
After a few moments of silence, a few moments longer of him ignoring her, he put his phone back on the coffee table. Carefully he pulled her into his lap, so she straddled his waist and he smiled at her like he did right before they danced together. “I adore you,” he murmured bringing her mouth down to his.
She forgot any worry she had when he did that.
It was impossible not to notice that Harry was still acting...weird. Since they started dating, he had always been more loving toward her, of course. Especially compared to the decades he wasn’t dating her. But this week...he was nearly attached to her hip. It was like he was nervous to leave her alone or move from her side. Maybe it was something in the air; they were approaching their second anniversary. Maybe Harry was trying to actively remember it this year. It wasn’t his fault—not really. He forgot her birthday again...and their first anniversary. But he warned her from the very beginning that it would happen. She didn’t mind. He always made it up to her and it wasn’t like he...meant to forget it. He set reminders and everything, but he kept managing to be busy.
Perhaps he was starting with the romance before he forgot it so it would lessen the blow.
But then he switched to that off-putting behavior like when they were watching a movie. It switched so rapidly back and forth. Hour by hour. It was like she had two different boyfriends.
After dinner, Harry was in his silent phase again. He was nearly ignoring her. She hated it. “Um...I’m gonna head home, baby. Do you need anything?” She asked.
“No, thank you, kitten.”
He didn’t even try to stop her. Didn’t worry about her Ubering across town alone. Nothing. It was completely different than the guy that begged her to stay the night—that he would wake her and dress her while she slept all in the name of snuggling with her until the morning. Sighing, she rubbed a hand over her face, grabbed her bag and kissed Harry on the cheek as she left him on the couch.
Certainly, she would have remembered if she did something to upset him. She tried to remember every interaction over the beginning of the week when his weird behavior started. As she got into her Uber her phone rang, alerting her that Harry was calling.
“I booked us a weekend getaway,” he murmured.
Blinking at the window, she bit the inside of her lip. “Oh?”
There was a smile in his voice. “Booked us all kinds of pampering, kitten,” he said excitedly.
Oh, he was the most confusing man she had ever met.
Their dinner was eaten in silence. Right after they watched another movie without really watching because Harry was busy melting her into the couch cushions with his lips and hands. Harry started clearing his own dish and silverware before she finished eating.
It was enough. She got out of her seat, leaving the plate on the table and followed Harry to the kitchen. He kept his back to her, so she had a moment to look at his cozy frame, draped in a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. It made her dizzy to be around him when he looked so cozy. It made her sad she had to bring up something that might upset them both.
But she needed to be an adult. They needed to talk. “Harry, what has been up with you? You’ve been practically suffocating for half the week, and now you’ve all but...stopped talking to me. We’ve talked about this; you have to tell me when things bother you. We can’t use the silent treatment.”
Harry hated the way she said “we”. He hated it because she meant it so kindly—they were a partnership. They would get through it together no matter what it was. Even though everything she said was all on Harry.
But she didn’t tell him what she was thinking either. That much was made clear by her conversation with Sarah. Maybe she resented Harry more than he thought. More than she let on. Maybe that was her issue. But Harry didn’t want her to have an issue. He wanted her to be her—she was perfect. Truly. But sometimes Harry thought she didn’t push back. Maybe if she did when they were younger, things would be different. They would have gotten together sooner. At best, that was joint blame. But at worst, of course, that was Harry and his unapproachable nature the entire time he knew her.
But Harry didn’t speak.
“Is this just...some... trick? So you don’t forget our anniversary? I already told you I don’t care—”
“Jesus Christ, that too,” he muttered to himself and ran a hand through his hair. Just another thing that he was bad at. Another reason she was just settling for less than she deserved. She watched his head fall lower. His shoulders slumping forward. He needed to do something about the important dates.
She sighed, feeling exasperated by his reluctance to tell her what was wrong. “Harry, I’m trying to help, but—”
“Why didn’t you defend me?” He asked. His voice cracked as he spoke.
The sound of distress in his voice made her stomach violently ache. She had never heard Harry so sad before. It was heartbreaking. “What are you talking about, Harry?” She tilted her head and the annoyance in her voice was gone. Harry was clearly upset, and that broke her.
“Sarah said y’settled,” his voice was so sullen. Sad. The poor thing. He was leaning against the sink, facing away from her. Harry was tall and fit. His shoulders were broad, and she never felt as safe walking down the street at night as she did when Harry was beside her.
Right now, he looked so small and broken. His tall frame shrank under the weight of whatever he was feeling. But she didn’t even know what he was talking about; what did he mean about Sarah? “What... when did Sarah say that?”
“When we were out with everybody,” he mumbled. “Last weekend. Y’jus’... sat there,” he couldn’t face her. Because of course Sarah was right. Harry didn’t deserve her. She was too good.
“Baby,” she whispered softly and touched his back. She felt him stiffen beneath her touch. She frowned. “I don’t know—”
She was going to make him say it. She was going to make him say the very words that plagued him since the dinner conversation he overheard. This was worse than just thinking about it all week. This was punishment for everything he had ever forgotten. Every moment of those twenty something years accumulated into this one moment of absolute anguish—and he had to say it out loud with his own words. “Sarah said y’settled for me. And... that y’shouldn’t be with me.”
There was a flurry of activity in her brain trying to place what he was talking about.
“Harry,” she tried to keep her voice quiet and soft. She didn’t want to say he was ridiculous because it was so obvious, he was upset, and she didn’t want to minimize that feeling. Harry had a lot of emotions for someone who rarely expressed how he was feeling (except for grumpy—he was good at that one). “Baby, please look at me,” she whispered.
“No,” he muttered grumpily.
She sighed. “Baby, please,” she pleaded softly wrapping her arms around his waist. “S’okay,” she promised. “We’re fine.”
“We’re not fine,” he sounded so broken. Her heart thudded in her chest. This felt bad.
“Harry,” she tried again. He tried to push her away. It felt so awful. It was like... an ending. Her heart was breaking. “Harry, stop,” the tears sprung to her eyes. “Please,” she begged but her voice made this shaky cracking sound so loud and so sharply Harry thought she broke a bone—it was the only thing that could sound so sad like that. Harry nearly forgot why he wasn’t looking at her. He spun so fast to face her. He examined her for injury quickly scanning her from head to toe.
“Kitten?” He asked. She sniffled and Harry frowned, pulling her toward him and kissing the top of her head. “S’matter, love?” He whispered. As if he hadn’t just broken her heart.
“I should have defended you,” she croaked. She should have. Even if she didn’t remember the conversation now. Harry was sad. It made her sad. This was so bad. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Harry. I don’t... Sarah was just looking out for me... I don’t know—” she hiccupped.
“Kitten, s’okay,” he murmured comfortingly, rubbing his hand up and down her back soothingly.
“You’re gonna break up with me, aren’t you?” She asked.
His mouth dropped open releasing a surprised gasp. “Baby, of course not. No,” he squeezed her tightly. “I may be an idiot, but m’not stupid,” he kissed her forehead, his lips lingering on her forehead for a long period of time.
“Why wouldn’t you look at me? You said we weren’t fine,” she continued to snivel and ruin Harry’s shirt. His cologne was so comforting it was hard to remember why she was sad. Maybe that was his plan. She would forget that they were having an adult conversation. That it would lull her gently and he could break up with her.
“Kitten,” he sighed and brought his hands to her face. “I love you with m’entire being.”
“But...” she sniffled finishing his thought.
“Y’don’t think you’re settling? Sarah was right... I was so mean t’you... and I should have worshipped—”
She sniveled more. “I don’t care about that.”
“Please stop crying, love. You’re breaking m’heart.”
“I think you want to break up,” she repeated, her voice shaking with every word.
“Angel, m’never letting y’go,” he promised. “It took me a while...but m’never gonna lose you. Not ever,” he brushed his thumbs below her eyes swiping away the tears that had fallen. “Baby,” he murmured. “I jus’... I feel like m’going t’be groveling forever and I should...but s’hard. I want t’be the best for you.”
“But you don’t need to grovel. You are the best.”
“I don’t think y’believe that...s’why y’didn’t answer Sarah,” he smirked sadly. Like he knew her own thoughts better than herself.
“Harry,” she whined. “That’s not true.”
Harry kissed her forehead. “I’ve loved you for s’long… I was too stupid t’realize it.”
“You said you weren’t breaking up with me!” The silence was deafening. The sound of her tears and sniffles were the only thing that could be heard. “Baby,” her voice cracked again.
“I think you should break up with me.” The sobs that left her at that moment were so loud. So full of anguish, it broke Harry’s heart. “Kitten,” he whispered. “S’okay.”
“I hate Sarah.”
“No, y’don’t, angel. Not at all,” he murmured. “She’s your best friend. She loves you. She wants what’s best for you.”
“You are what’s best for me.” He didn’t say anything in response. Why didn’t she just defend him last weekend? Why did Harry overhear? “You’re just gonna give up?”
“No love, of course not. Jus’ told you m’never letting you go.”
“So why are you—”
“Kitten, y’need t’know you’re a queen,” he returned his hands to her face a rubbed away the tears again and pressed a kiss to the center of her forehead. It felt like the pressure of his lips was seeping right through her skull and easing all the tension in her brain. “You deserve so much more than me.”
“I don’t want it,” she sniveled. “Please stop telling me what I need,” she whimpered. Harry didn’t speak. She tried again. “Were you mad...all week?”
“Not at you, m’love. At myself. Y’did nothing wrong. Y’jus’...brought it t’my attention. I wanted you t’defend me...but I... I didn’t really do anything worthy of defending myself,” he shrugged. After a few moments he spoke again after contemplating the week. “I guess I was pretty mad with myself,” he admitted. He wanted her to defend him. But she couldn’t. Subconsciously or not. There was no reason to defend him and his shitty performance as a person growing up in her life. Forgetting her birthday, their anniversary, or just...anything. His grand gestures didn’t matter. She was an angel in every meaning of the word. His perfect angel. It was infuriating. But she just...didn’t have it in her to tell her best friend that Harry was worth it. It made him mad. It wasn’t fair, it didn’t make sense, but it made him mad, nonetheless.
She frowned, the tears slipping over his thumbs faster than he could push them out of the way. She felt helpless. It was her fault it was like this. It was her fault that Harry wanted her to break up with him. It made her sick to her stomach. “I don’t want to. Please don’t make me,” she sniffed again. Harry had never seen anything as sad as the tears in her eyes. “You make me whole, Harry,” she cried still, and Harry felt like he was really making this worse than he wanted it to be. He just wanted her to be sure. She deserved every bit of happiness life had to offer... and part of Harry thought that might not be him.
“Hmm?” He smirked sadly. That piqued his interest though. “How’s that, baby?”
She inhaled shakily and Harry saw the tears start to settle. She swallowed trying to regulate her breathing so she could speak quietly. “When you danced with me at work,”
“Oh?” He asked.
“That was the most…romantic thing I’ve ever experienced,” she looked at him through her wet lashes. Harry thought that even when she was sad, she was the most gorgeous thing he had ever laid eyes on. It pained him to think he was ever anything but sweet to her. That he didn’t cherish every moment with her like he wouldn’t get another.
Smiling, he wrapped his arm around her waist and cupped her hand in his again. “Yeah?” He asked, starting to sway just as he had the other day. It felt just like it did in that moment. Her heart seemed to stop and start at the exact same moment. She wished with everything in her that she had fought Harry and told him that he was an idiot back when they were younger. Not because she was mad—just that she wanted more romantic moments like this. All the pieces of her heart snapped together. Her cheek smushed against his chest listening to his heartbeat. “Like this?” He whispered.
She nodded silently. “You’re the most confusing man I’ve ever met.”
He chuckled. It was a warm, gentle feeling and made every nerve in her body feel like it was melting. “M’sorry, baby,” he kissed the top of her head.
“I don’t want anyone but you,” she whispered. “You bought me all those flowers, all the getaways, the way you get medicine for me when I don’t even know I need it. You always check to make sure I ate lunch. And when I fall asleep on the couch you always take the hair elastic off my wrist,” she reminded him. “I’m sorry. You are so worthy of being defended.”
Harry chuckled quietly, his breath getting lost in her hair and warming the top of her head. “Then s’enough for me,” he twirled her beneath his arm, wrapped her back into his embrace and dipped her to kiss her so sweetly she thought her heart would totally give out. She wasn’t sure she would ever get over the electric feeling of kissing him. She hoped she never did. “M’sorry I didn’t tell y’what I was feeling. I won’t bring it up again. If y’want me, I won’t question it.”
She pressed her face back into his shirt and clung to him like she would somehow fall out of his hold. “You never need to. I love you so much,” her voice was firm.
“Good,” he nodded. They danced quietly for a few moments in total silence. Her breathing evened out. He kissed her hair again. “In case I haven’t said it in a while and it wasn’t completely obvious...I love you so very much too, kitten.”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lolyouallsuck @buckybarnessimpp @st-ev-ie @lovrave @harrysxcarolina
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johnsbleu · 3 years
Hold My Hand: John Wick x Reader Chapter 120
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warnings: none! hmh masterlist A/N: I’m sorry about my tagging lately. I don’t know what’s going on with it. Tumblr is being wack, of course. So, I’m sorry if you’re not being tagged or if you’re getting the notification weeks later. It’s just tumblr being tumblr, i guess.
It’s a beautiful day today, and you’re sitting in a lawn chair and watching John as he trims the hedges around the patio. John bought some new plants to compliment the gorgeous tulips, and he also got some new mulch for the garden. You were helping him plant some flowers in pots, but you stopped to take a little break since your back hurts.
The yard has always been gorgeous and well tended to, but since you’ve moved in, John has dismissed the lawn company. He always said he didn’t have the time and energy to do the yard work himself since he was usually helping Helen when she was sick, and when he moved back home after everything happened, he hired them again. Now that you live here and love working in the yard, he’s dismissed them again. The yard is large and would take forever to mow, but you surprised John with a riding lawn mower earlier this month, and you love to make fun of him when you see him riding around the yard on it.
“It’s so beautiful today,” you say, tilting your head back in the sun, then you look at John as he nods his head. You smile when you see a little bit of dirt on his forehead from where he’s tried to wipe away the sweat, and you get up to walk over to him. You kneel down and use your thumb to wipe away the dirt, then you smile at him, “I’ll go get you something to drink.”
John smiles, “Thanks, peach.”
You stand up to walk inside, then you look back at John as he digs a hole for the next plant. You open the door and head to the kitchen to pour some water into a cup for John, and you wince a little when you feel a pain in your stomach. Pushing it aside, you head back outside to John, then you sit down and take a sip of his water before you hand it to him.
“You okay?” he asks as he sits down next to you, and you nod. “Are you sure?”
“Just had a little pain in my stomach,” you say, then you look up at John, “I’m okay.”
John looks at you in concern, “Do we need to go to the hospital? We can go right now.”
“It was just a cramp, baby. Probably just some gas or something. I’m okay.” you reach over and cup his face in your hands, then you kiss him, “I love my protective husband.”
“I love my wife.” he whispers, then he leans over to kiss you again, “If we need to go to the hospital, just let me know.”
You nod your head as you sit back in your chair, then you take the water from John and drink the rest. You place your hand on your belly and smile when John leans down to kiss it, then you watch as he walks back over to finish planting the rest of the flowers.
Closing your eyes, you tilt your head back in the sun and smile to yourself. You’re so happy that the weather has been so nice lately, and there hasn’t been a day this week where you haven’t spent most of it outside.
John looks over his shoulder when he hears a car coming up the driveway, then he stands up, “That’s Jerry -- the guy to fix the pool.”
“We’re swimming tonight.” you say, and John nods as he walks over to greet Jerry. You put your hand up to block the sun as they walk past, then you smile when John winks at you.
Groaning a little, you get up from the chair and walk through the house to the backyard, and you smile when you see John standing near the pool as he talks with Jerry. You smile as you lean over the railing on the patio and look at John, then you look around the backyard, taking in the gorgeous view of colorful flowers and even John’s sweet little garden that he’s so proud of.
“I would say you can probably swim by tonight. Should be good by 5, just gotta let it cycle for a few hours.” Jerry says, and John looks over at you and smiles. “I can leave you a little test kit so you can test the water.”
“So, is the filter just broken or something? We use this pool all year round, but we only noticed how green it had gotten last week.” John says, letting out a small laugh, “My wife wanted to swim the other night, and we came out to find it like this.”
Jerry nods, “Every now and again, parts break on these things.”
“Well, good thing there’s guys like you around to fix it,” you say, and Jerry lets out a small laugh.
“Sorry it took us so long to get out here. Busy time of the year.” Jerry says, then he excuses himself so he can get his tools from his truck.
John walks over to you with his hands in his pockets, then he stands in front of you and smiles when you lean over the railing to kiss him several times. He takes his hands out of his pockets to pull himself up closer to you, and you laugh against his lips when he crawls over the railing to hug you.
“The stairs are right there.”
“I was being romantic, peach.” he laughs, then he smothers your face with kisses. “Mm, mm, mm!”
You lean back and smile at John, “You’re laying it on thick today.”
“I always do.”
“Yeah, true.” you laugh as you hug him, then you look over his shoulder when Jerry comes back into the backyard. “I think I’m gonna go lay down for a bit.”
John nods as he rubs your back, “If you feel that pain again, let me know. I’ll rush up to get you and we can leave.”
“I will, dad.” you smile as he laughs, then you lean up to kiss him before you walk over to the door.
“Hey,” John calls out and you look over your shoulder at him, “I love you more than anything.”
You let out a small laugh as you look at him smiling proudly since he really is being over the top affectionate today, “I love you too.”
Mill Neck always has great festivals every season, and you’re super excited to be able to actually go to the summer festival this year. The town square is packed with craft booths and food trucks, and John is practically eating everything in sight. He smiles as he walks over to you with a gyro, then he holds it up so you can take a bite.
“My goodness, look at you!” your mom smiles as she walks over, then she pushes past you and reaches out to hug John as you laugh, “So handsome!”
You playfully roll your eyes when your mom looks at you, “Sure, I’m just lugging around a baby, but let’s all comment on how handsome John is.”
“I’m teasing! You look beautiful, sweetheart.” your mom smiles, then she kisses your cheek, “I see John is already eating his way through the festival.”
John nods with his mouth full, then he hands his lemonade to you, which you decline since it’ll give you heartburn, “I’ve been working in the yard all morning. Worked up an appetite.”
“We got the yard all done, so we’re ready for our pool party tonight!” you smile as you look over your mom’s shoulder at Jimmy and Tess, then you lean down and lift up Finn, kissing his cheek over and over as he giggles, “Oh, got a little ketchup with that one.”
Tess holds up the last of her corndog for Finn, and he leans over so she can hold him, “We still on for our pool party?”
“Of course.” John nods, then he cracks up a bottle of water, “Gonna eat my weight in festival food first though.”
You laugh as you look at him, “I sure would love some mini donuts.”
“Then I’ll go get you some.” John smiles, handing the bottle of water to you before he walks away with Jimmy and your dad.
“How’s he holdin’ up?” your mom asks, and you laugh. “Still feeling nervous?”
You nod, “We both are. It’s getting so much closer, and we’re really starting to realize that it won’t just be us anymore. I had a little bit of a cry about it last night if I’m being honest -- still feel a little sad actually.”
“Why’s that?”
Shrugging your shoulders, you walk with your mom through the festival, “John and I have only been together for almost two years, so I think there’s this part of me that just feels like…I don’t know, I feel like it’s stupid, so I don’t want to say it.”
“I always taught you to talk about your feelings, didn’t I?” she says, and you nod your head. “So, talk about them.”
“There’s this part of me that worries that once the baby is here, John will just want to me fuck off or something.” you admit, then you let out a small laugh, “I know how stupid it sounds, trust me, but it’s just the way I’m feeling.”
Your mom wraps her arm around your shoulder and smiles at you, “It’s your feelings, so they’re not stupid.”
“I never realized how selfish I am when it comes to John until now. I don’t want to share him with anyone else. Of course I’m beyond excited to see him as a dad, and I’d never regret having this baby. I already love her to bits, and I’d do anything in this world for her. I just…don’t want John to stop caring about me. I don’t want to lose my best friend.” you look down as you grow sad, but you hear John’s laugh and it causes you to look up at him tossing Finn in the air. A smile spreads across your face when you see John kissing Finn’s cheek, and you give him a small wave when he looks over at you.
“I don’t think you’re selfish, sweetheart. It’ll be a change, it always is when you bring a new member into the house, but…” your mom looks over at John, then she looks back at you with tears in her eyes as you laugh, “I don’t think you ever need to worry about that man not caring about you. I know I’ve told you time and time again, but he is absolutely crazy about you. He still tells me how lucky he is to have you. Hell, he just told me the other night how happy he is to have found you. He just says these things, mind you. He’ll just randomly mention how lucky he is.”
You laugh as you wipe away the tear on your cheek, “He’s corny.”
“He’s in love.” your mom says, reaching over to cup your face, “And I think having this baby is only making him fall even harder for you.”
You smile as you continue walking with your mom, and you watch John as he playfully runs away from Finn chasing him. You look over your shoulder as he runs past, then you laugh when you hear him sneaking up behind you.
“I probably shouldn’t scare you,” he laughs, wrapping his arms around your waist, “Might accidentally push the baby out if I do.”
You laugh as you tilt your head back to look at him, “I’m not that far along.”
“You okay? I saw you talking to your mom.” he whispers in your ear, then he kisses your temple, “I’m always here if you need someone to talk to, though I’m sure you don’t always want to just talk to your husband.”
Tilting your head back, you smile at him, “You’re not just my husband, babe. You’re my best friend.”
The two of you start to laugh loudly since it was fairly corny, and you playfully shove John’s shoulder. His corniness is really rubbing off on you and he knows it.
“It’s true!” you laugh when he walks back over to you and reaches for your hand. “You are my best friend, you know?”
“You’re mine.” he smiles, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand. “You’re okay?”
You nod as you look up at John, “I am, just being a silly pregnant woman!”
“Well,” John laughs as he nods, then he smiles at you, “I love you.”
“I love you.” you smile, tilting your head back to get another kiss from him.
After the festival, there’s going to be fireworks, but since that isn’t happening until dusk, you’re having a little pool party with your family. The front lawn will have a perfect view of the fireworks since they’re set off right across the lake, so you’re all just hanging around until then.
Finn is wading around the pool in a little floatie with Jimmy and Tess, and your mom and dad are sitting on the patio furniture watching everyone and chatting.
John is sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet in the water, and you place your hand on his shoulder to help as you sit down next to him. He looks over at you and smiles when he sees you wearing a black swimsuit, and you immediately rest back on your hands when he leans over to kiss your bump.
“Just obsessed.” you laugh, and John nods his head. “I get it. I am too.”
John laughs, then he hops in the pool and stands between your legs, leaning closer to your belly so he can kiss it, “Hey, bug. I hope you’re okay in there.”
“I think she’s pretty good! She ate some good food today, and she’s going to have an amazing smoothie in a bit.” you say, cocking up your eyebrow as John laughs. “I mean, you’ve made them for months now, you can’t just stop.”
“Very true.” John says, then he flinches and puts his hands up when water is splashed at him. He turns around and smiles when Finn giggles and kicks his legs, and John disappears under the water so he can pop out and scare Finn.
You smile when Finn squeals loudly and kicks his legs, and you slip into the pool to help take some pressure off your spine. You float on your back as you look up at the sky to see a few clouds still lingering, then you smile when you feel John putting his arms under you so he can hold you.
“How’s your back?”
“Doesn’t hurt so much right now since I’m in the pool, but I wouldn’t push you away if you wanted to help hold my belly later.”
John nods as he sways you back and forth in the water, “Of course.”
You tilt your head back to get your hair wet, then you look up at John and laugh when you see him staring at your boobs, “My boobs are really popping today.”
“I sure don’t mind,” he laughs, then he leans down to kiss you before walking around the pool with you in his arms.
Laughter is filling the backyard as Jimmy and Tess splash one another, and you smile when you look over at your dad holding your mom’s hand and talking to John. You look up at John for a moment before you get down so you can swim with Finn, then you look over at John again as he leans over the side of the pool to continue talking to your parents.
Your heart always bursts with happiness when you see how well John gets along with your parents. It’s really sweet how John cares about them. Of course he cares about you, but he genuinely just loves your family as well and you know how much it means to him that they’ve really accepted him. The fact that he feels comfortable enough to take his shirt off and allow people to see his scars is huge, and it means a lot to you that no one even bats an eye. They all just love him.
John was always worried that your dad wouldn’t like him since usually dads are so tough on their son-in-laws, but Dan loves John and Jimmy, and they all hang out quite a bit. They have cute little golf days, and you always tease John -- lovingly -- about his two best friends.
Dan has thrown his back out recently since he’s getting older, and John has been going over every couple days to help out around their house. Your mom won’t allow anyone to touch the garden, but she hates mowing, so John and Jimmy have been taking turns doing it so far. On top of John just liking your parents, you know there’s a little part of him that thinks of them as his own parents, which you absolutely love since you know your parents love him. He really just wants to take care of them, and it melts your heart.
“Hey,” John smiles as he swims back over to you, “I think I’m gonna get out soon. Start some smoothies for everyone. Wanna join?”
You nod your head as you smile, then you make sure Finn is back with Jimmy before you get out of the pool. Reaching up for John’s hand, you smile at him and take the towel he’s offering you and laugh when you wrap it around yourself.
“I think I need a bigger towel.” you laugh, looking at the towel just barely wrapped around your body.
“Sweetheart,” your mom furrows her brow and leans closer, “You have something on your left side…”
You scrunch your eyebrows and look at your legs and stomach, then you look at your mom when she gestures to your chest.
“Oh!” you turn to the side and move your arm, “I got it last year. It’s a ‘J’ for John! I know, I know, a tattoo is permanent.”
“I wasn’t going to say that.” your mom smiles, then she gestures to John, “John needs to get something for you now!”
John laughs, “I’m planning on it. We said we’d get something after the baby is born. I already have an idea for what I want for my peach though.”
“My face. Just right across his chest.” you say, placing your hand on John’s chest, “Maybe a couple face tattoos as well.”
John scoffs and playfully rolls his eyes, “Yeah, right.”
You give John a little wink as you look at him, then you laugh as you look at your mom before heading to the house. John holds your hand to help you get up the steps so you don’t slip, then he holds the door open for you. You smile at John when you look over at him, then you bite your lip and blush when he looks at you.
“Mrs. Wick, are you checking me out?”
“Why, yes I am!” you smile proudly, then you walk with him upstairs, “You look so…fit lately.”
John scoffs, “Hardly. I’ve been stuffing my face all week.”
You smirk as you look at him, then you playfully shrug, “You certainly have.”
“And I like it that way,” he smiles, leaning over to kiss you. “Might have to have a little peach tonight.”
“Absolutely.” you smile as you walk over to your closet, then you quickly change into some clean clothes. You head into the bathroom and tie your hair up for now since you’ll shower later before bed, then you smile at John when he stands next to you to fix his shirt.
John stands behind you and places his hands on your stomach, then he looks at you through the mirror, “Ready?”
You lean back against John’s chest and watch as he positions his hands under your belly, then he gently lifts your stomach up to help relieve some pressure on your spine and pelvis. You lean your head against his chest and close your eyes as a smile spreads across your face, and you feel John pressing a kiss to your head.
“Does that feel good?” he asks, and you nod your head. “Let me know when you’re ready for me to let go.”
“Definitely not yet.” you laugh, and John chuckles softly. You open your eyes to look at John through the mirror, then you laugh tearfully, “How the fuck did I get so lucky?”
John kisses your cheek before he looks at you, “How did I?”
After a few moments of holding your gaze, John kisses your cheek again, then he gently lowers your belly back down. You exhale when you move from in front of John, and you turn around to hug him.
“You have no idea how much relief that gives me.”
“Just here to help.” he whispers, then he reaches for your hand when you start to walk away, “Are you okay?”
You take a deep breath and nod, “Just--”
“Being a silly pregnant woman,” he says, cocking up his eyebrow, “You already tried that on me earlier.”
“Nothing gets past you, Wick.”
John lets out a small laugh, “Just let me know what I can do.”
“We’ll talk later. We always do.”
“You’re not mad at me, are you?”
You walk over to John and cup his face, “Of course not!”
John leans down to kiss you several times, then he takes your hand and walks with you back downstairs. He walks over to the fridge to get out everything he’ll need for smoothies, and you grab a few extra towels for Jimmy and Tess. You hand one over to Jimmy as he walks into the house, then he puts his shoes on.
“I gotta get Finn’s headphones for the fireworks. I’ll be back.” he says, then he stops when he sees John with the blender, “You makin’ smoothies for everyone?”
John laughs as he nods, “Yeah.”
“Hell yeah!” Jimmy pumps his fist, then he quickly leaves the house.
You laugh as you look over at John, “My husband, the smoothie maker.”
“How the hell does one fall asleep during fireworks?” John laughs as he stands next to the bed and lifts up the blankets to get in, then he sits down, “I know he’s a baby, but that was amazing.”
You smile as you lean against the wall, “It was so cute seeing him crawl over to you and just falling asleep in your lap. Made my heart melt.”
“He’s a cute kid.” John says, and you nod before you start to brush your teeth.
You mumble with your toothbrush in your mouth as John raises his eyebrows and laughs, then you roll your eyes and put your finger up before you walk into the bathroom to spit out the toothpaste. You wipe your mouth off and pull your wet hair up into a bun, then you head back into the bedroom.
“I said that he always looks so cute when he scrunches up his nose when he laughs like Tess.” you say as you walk over to the bed, “Tess always scrunches up her nose when she talks and laughs, and I think it’s cute that Finn does it. He looks so much like Jimmy sometimes, so I love when I see Tess in him.”
“I see Tess in him,” John says, and you look over at him, “When he’s bawling his brains out or when he’s being naughty.”
You playfully shove John’s shoulder, “Be nice.”
“I’m kidding, of course. Finn’s a great kid.” John inhales deeply and looks over at you as you get yourself comfortable by stuffing pillows around you to support your belly, and he smiles when you look up at him, “You comfortable?”
“I am,” you laugh as you nod, “For once. I just wanna crash.”
John smiles as he leans down to kiss you several times, then he holds your gaze, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” you whisper to him, then you lean up to kiss him again before you close your eyes and wrap your right arm around his waist.
“I’m gonna watch some TV, okay?” he says, and you nod your head as your eyes slowly flutter shut.
It only started raining about 15 minutes ago, so you assume John will be home soon. He went over to your parents’ house to mow for them, but now that it’s raining he’ll probably be home soon.
You grab a blanket off the couch as you walk past, then you head to the back patio so you can enjoy the rain. You smile at Bleu when you walk past him, and he hops up and follows you outside. He plops down on the deck and lays near the loveseat, then he perks his head up when he hears the garage door opening.
��Oh, your dad is home.” you say, and Bleu gets up and whimpers as he looks through the patio door, his tail wagging faster when he hears the front door open. You look over your shoulder into the kitchen window and watch as John walks in, and you perk up when you see flowers in his hand.
John sets the flowers down on the counter and rubs his hand over his beard, then he furrows his brow and walks into the living room. You peek through the window and watch him walk past the kitchen, then he stands in the doorway and looks around. A flash a lightning lights up the house for a quick moment, and John immediately looks over at the kitchen window and smiles when you wave at him. He waves back at you as he walks out onto the patio, then he laughs and pets Bleu for a moment.
“Knew you’d be out here as soon as I saw the lightning. Scoot over, lemme hold you.” John smiles as he sits down next to you, then he wraps his arm around you to pull you closer, “Gimme a kiss.”
You laugh quietly as you lean up to kiss John, cupping his face in your hand, “I love how you always say ‘gimme a kiss’, it’s so cute.”
“Keep kissing me!” he says against your lips, and you laugh even harder, “I missed my peach.”
“You were gone for three hours.”
John leans back and nods, “I know, I didn’t think I’d be gone for so long.”
You scoff quietly, “Three hours is not a long time, John.”
“I think so,” he pouts as he leans down to kiss you again. “Way too long. Hate being away from you.”
A smile tugs at your lips as you look up at John, “Really?”
“Of course. I’d rather be with you than anyone else.” he pulls you closer to him and kisses the top of your head, “You’re my girl.”
You lean your head against John’s shoulder as you look out at the rain falling in the backyard, and you smile to yourself when John kisses the top of your head over and over. He inhales the smell of your shampoo as he leans his head against yours, then he rubs your arm to warm you up.
“How long have you been out here?”
“Literally 30 seconds before you got here.” you laugh, then you look up at him, “How’s dad doing?”
John nods, “Good. He told me that he wants to be able to mow his own lawn, so he did mow the front. Your mom cheered him on, it was sweet.”
“I’m sure it’s hard for him to just suddenly not be able to do things. He’s taken care of his own lawn and ours since my mom met him.” you say as you shrug, “I’m sure next year when you’re an old man, you’ll be the same.”
“Oh, don’t even start with old man jokes!” John laughs, then he holds your gaze when you cock up your eyebrow. He tickles your stomach as you laugh loudly, then he leans down and tickles the crook of your neck with his beard. “You think I’m old?”
You laugh as you grab John’s wrists and push his hands away to keep him from tickling you, “No! Of course not! You’re my hunky hot husband, who literally has not aged a day since I met him. Seriously! You look exactly the same! No grays in your beard or hair, no wrinkles. Tell me your secret!”
“Happiness,” he whispers, and you playfully gag as you cross your eyes. “It’s true, peach.”
The rain is still coming down as you sit in John’s arms, and there’s a strike of lightning that’s so bright it lights up the entire backyard. Thunder rumbles a few moments later causing Bleu to sit by the door to be let inside.
“You want inside?” John asks, then he gets up and opens the door for Bleu before he sits back down. He groans a little as he sits back down, then he props his feet up on the table and looks over at you, “Can you believe it’s been a year since we were in Italy?”
“Oh my god,” you look over at him and gasp, “That’s true! One year ago, wow. One year since you scared the shit out of me. Twice, might I add!”
John lets out a small laugh, then he looks over at you, “I’m still so sorry about that. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for you, seeing me like that.”
“Yeah,” you nod as you look at him, then you shrug, “I was just so worried about you. I finally met this amazing man who was everything I wanted, and I was scared I was going to lose him.”
“I wasn’t dying, peach.”
You roll your eyes playfully, “I know that, Wick. I think…there was always this part of me that thought after it happened, you’d get this…urge to go back to that life. Like maybe our life wasn’t enough since you got a taste of that other world again.”
John nods his head as he turns to face you, then he smiles and reaches for your hand, waiting for you to continue.
“But I think that night really changed it for me. I saw the way you looked at me when I saw you -- I saw your heart break.” you look over at him and shrug, “I think that was the moment I realized that you were truly ready to leave it all behind.”
“I’m still not even sure why I took the job there.” John admits, playing with your fingers, “Guess I just…thought it was what I was meant to do. At the beginning, it was really hard to turn off that switch, you know? But I think a lot changed for you and I after Italy. We finally decided on getting married that fall, you decided to come off your birth control, we wanted to start a family. I think Italy was exactly what we needed. Just the two of us away from all distractions. It was exactly what I needed as well because I realized that I just wanted to be with you. I didn’t care about that old life that I had.”
You smile softly as you look at him, “You don’t miss it?”
“Not at all.” John shakes his head as he looks out at the rain, “My life with you is so important and special to me, you know this. Putting myself at risk all the time isn’t worth it anymore.”
“It never was, Jonathan.”
John chuckles, “Agree to disagree. But I have a baby on the way with my favorite person in the world, a person who I couldn’t imagine my life without now, and I think that’s what is the most important thing now.”
You never got to have your conversation with John last night since you fell asleep and John has been gone for most of the day, so you figure you might as well have it now.
“You ready to talk now?” John asks, and you look up at him and smile. “Did I read your mind?”
“You always do,” you laugh, then you inhale deeply, “Obviously I’m beyond excited to start this new chapter with you, to be parents! I feel so lucky that I get to do it alongside you. We both have a lot of the same values, and I know we’ll both put her above anything.”
John reaches over and cups your face, “Just say what you’re feeling, mouse.”
You take a deep breath and sigh as you look at him, “I’m selfish because I still just want you to myself. It won’t be long now until we’ll have another person under the roof, and I feel so selfish because I’m going to miss the times when it was just us. I’m gonna miss having you to myself. We haven’t been together for that long, so it sucks that now I have to share you. I just want you to myself forever.”
“Do you really think I don’t feel that way too?” he asks, and you shrug as you nod. “I feel the exact same way. I love having you to myself, but I know I’m going to have to share you soon. I actually have been afraid to tell you about it, but I talked to Jimmy about it.”
John nods as he laughs, “Yeah, and he said he felt the same way too when they first had Finn. He said he felt a little jealous about not having time with just Tess, then he felt guilty about it because he thought that meant he didn’t love Finn, which we both know he absolutely does. Think about their relationship. They’ve never really had any time to just themselves since she got pregnant right after they got together.”
“That’s true, I shouldn’t complain.”
“Baby, that’s not what I’m saying,” John whispers, and you bite your cheek as you look up at him, “I feel the same way as you, and I know that she’s going to need you more than she needs me, that’s just a fact. I’ll miss when we could just do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted, but I also don’t want a baby to hold us back from doing things. I want us to still go out and have fun, and that’s not something that should ever change just because we have a baby.”
You nod as you look at him, “We can have date nights.”
“Absolutely! Your mom wanted to be here so she could be near her daughters and her grandchildren, you know that she’d be more than happy to take the baby for us so we could have a date night. I absolutely love taking you out on dates and showering you with love, and I don’t plan on stopping.”
You shrug, “I just don’t want…ugh, never mind, it sounds so stupid.”
John smiles softly as you look at him, “You know that I am absolutely crazy about you. You are the most important person in my life, and you always will be. Every morning I wake up and think to myself how fucking lucky I am to have you. You know my past, you know what I’ve done, and when I told you, you didn’t bat an eye. Do you know how lucky I am to have that, to have someone truly accept me and love me?”
“I just love you a lot,” you laugh tearfully as you wipe away your tears, “I don’t want us to lose what we have.”
“You can’t lose something this special,” John smiles, and you lean up to kiss him, “I made a promise to you that I would do everything in my power to make you happy and to show you every day how important you are to me, and I don’t plan on breaking that promise. It’ll be different with a baby, but I’m still going to be just as crazy about you. I love you more than anything, I really do.”
“I love you too, Wick.”
John smiles as he kisses you, then he leans back and laughs, “Anyone would be crazy about you, and I’d be an idiot to not be in love with you. I would be a massive idiot to fuck up what we have as well, especially since this is something so rare. I’m always going to be crazy about you -- in fact, I’m even more crazy about you now.”
You cup John’s face as you lean up to kiss him, then you rest your forehead against his and close your eyes,”I’m sorry I’ve been so crazy.”
“You haven’t been.” John whispers against your forehead, “This is so new to us, of course we’re going to be having some different emotions and feelings about things. But what’s important is you coming to me so we can talk through it. I don’t want that to change.”
Letting out a small laugh, you lean back and smile at him, “How are you always so level-headed?”
“One of us has to be,” he jokes as you laugh, then he rubs his thumb over your cheek, “Is there anything else bothering you?”
You shake your head as you smile at him, “Nope.”
“Okay, well, if you think of something later on, don’t ever hesitate to talk to me. I’m your husband, it’s what I’m here for.”
“I love you,” you scoot closer to John, then you raise your eyebrows and smile at him, “I know you’ve purposefully avoided talking to Bug…”
John laughs, “I didn’t want you to think I don’t care about you, so I wanted to talk to you first and make sure that you were feeling better.”
“But now…”
John laughs as he pulls the blanket off of you and kisses your belly, “Now I gotta talk to our baby girl.”
You smile as you watch John whispering softly to your belly, and you rub his back as he leans down and kisses your stomach over and over.
“Is she sleeping? Usually she’s kicking when she-- never mind,” John laughs when he sees your stomach move, “There she is. Hi, baby.”
“She was stomping on my bladder earlier today for about 15 minutes when I was trying to lay down, so I never got to take a nap.”
John chuckles as he sits up, still keeping his hand on your stomach, “Well, how rude of her.”
“She’s probably kicking now because she’s hungry.” you say as a smile spreads across your face, and John lets out a small laugh. “I was waiting for you to get home so we could go get something.”
“What are you in the mood for?” John asks as he gets up and reaches for your hands, and you shrug and gesture to him, “Oh, you’re in the mood for me? Mrs. Wick…”
You laugh as you playfully shove his shoulder, “What are you in the mood for?”
“Well, now that I know you want me…” he teases, then he laughs as he leans down to kiss you, “I’m in the mood for anything. It’s up to you, peach.”
“I kind of want pancakes.” you say, and John nods, “But not your pancakes.”
John scoffs as he backs away, “Ouch!”
“I really want pancakes from the cafe, which is perfect because you can get a burger!”
“That does sound good.” John nods, then he wraps his arms around you and kisses you several times, “You don’t like my pancakes anymore?”
You laugh as you look at him, “I love your pancakes, but you gotta admit, the cafe makes amazing pancakes.”
“They do.” John nods, then he pecks you again before he walks over to the door to open it.
Wrapping the blanket around you, you walk into the kitchen and smile when you see the flowers on the counter, “What are these for?”
“Oh, I ran to the store and grabbed a few things for your parents and I saw these beautiful flowers, so I got them for you.” he says, and you smile at him as he leans down to get a vase under the sink. He fills it with water and starts to laugh when he realizes you’re just staring at him, “I bought your mom some flowers too, and I’ve bought you flowers before, this isn’t new.”
“I know!” you laugh as you walk over to help him put the flowers in the vase, “It’s just sweet.”
John wraps his left arm around your waist and kisses your forehead, “You’re very cute, you know that? Still get butterflies coming home to you.”
“Stop! You’re gonna make me cry again.” you laugh, then you huff when your eyes fill with tears.
“Best thing that’s ever happened to me.” John whispers as he moves closer, “Waking up next to you every morning is indescribable.”
You put your hands over his mouth and laugh, “Stop it, Wick! I’m already a mess! I’m gonna make you cry one of these days, though I’m not as romantic as you.”
“Yes, you are,” John laughs, and you roll your eyes as he wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead, “I love you. If you ever feel like I’m slacking, just let me know.”
You scoff as you move out of John’s arms, “You slacking on being a good husband? Highly unlikely.”
“You’ll let me know?”
Looking back at John, you shake your head for a moment, then you nod, “Of course, but I know it won’t happen.”
“If it did, it certainly wouldn’t be intentional.” he says, and you smile at him.
You hold his gaze as you walk back over to him, and you reach for his hand and press a warm kiss to the palm of it. You place it on your cheek as you look up at him, then you close your eyes and smile, leaning into the warmth of his hand.
John shakes his head when you look at him, then he smiles, “You’re trying to get me to cry?”
“Maybe…” you say softly, then you laugh when John cups your face in his hands and kisses your forehead. You take his left hand and look down as you press it to your belly, then you laugh quietly. You tilt your head back as you hold his gaze, and you smile when John blinks a few times. You perk up and smile when you see his eyes growing glassy, and he lets go of you and turns around to hide from you. “Oh, my god! It worked!”
Keeping his back to you, John lets out a small laugh, “I’m not crying. Something flew into my eyes.”
“Oh, yeah, both of them?” you scoff, then you walk over to him and smile when he faces you, “You got a little teary eyed, don’t lie.”
“I did,” he laughs, and you raise your eyebrows in curiosity, “I genuinely didn’t mean for it to happen.”
You throw your hands up in victory as John laughs, then you dance in place, “I did it! I did it!”
John chuckles as he pulls you back to him, then he hugs you tight as you wrap your arms around his waist, “Can’t tell you how happy I am to have met you.”
“Oh, no, we’re not doing this again.” you laugh as you push yourself out of his arms, but he tightens his grip on you and smiles. “I’ve cried enough tonight.”
John hugs you tight in his arms as the two of you share a sweet kiss, then he kisses your cheek several times before burying his face in the crook of your neck. You hug him tight in your arms when he lifts you up to sit on the counter, then he kisses your nose before he walks over to the freezer.
“I ate all the ice cream last night.” you say, looking over your shoulder as he opens the freezer. “I woke up at like 2 and came down to eat it.”
“Without me?” John laughs, and you let out a small laugh as you nod. He walks over to you and helps you off the counter, then he kisses your forehead, “I made my girl cry a few too many times, so I think you deserve some ice cream.”
You nod, then you shrug, “They were happy tears though.”
“Oh, so you don’t want ice cream? Okay.” John jokes, letting go of your hand as he walks into the living room, and you run after him as you grab his hand.
“Hey! I still want some ice cream!”
John grabs his keys off the table and smiles when you look at him, “God, you’re so cute today. Come here!”
You laugh as John pulls you closer to him so he can kiss you, and you hug him tight around his waist. You tilt your head back to catch your breath for a moment, then you kiss him again and smile when he shakes his head.
“How the hell are you my wife? My wife?” he asks, and you playfully shrug, “So damn lucky.”
“What is going on with you today?”
John chuckles, “I don’t know. I think being around your parents made me…realize that that’ll be us someday. Your mom cheering on your dad, just like you cheer for me. Your dad is so in love with your mom, just like I am with you. It was nice.”
“They’re pretty cute.”
“They are,” John nods before leaning down to leave a sweet kiss on your lips, “I’ll tone it down for now, but just know that when we get home, it’s gonna get cranked up to ten.”
You laugh, “Oh, this isn’t ten?”
“You know this isn’t ten.” he laughs, and you smile as you look up at him.
“Hey,” you smile as you get to the bottom of the stairs, then you walk over and sit down when John pats the stool next to him. You lean over to see the book he’s working on, then you set your phone aside and prop your head up on your fist, “I love this cover, baby. It looks great.”
John takes a deep breath and nods as he sits back, “Yeah, it’s been fun to work on. A bit tedious with the gold flakes on the spine, but it’s a good one.”
You reach over to carefully move the book so you can see the gold on the spine, then you gasp, “This is gorgeous. They’re gonna love this.”
“Thank you. Got quite a few books done for clients. Some live not far from here, I thought you could ride along when I drop them off.” he says, and you nod your head and smile. John pats your thigh, then he leans over to kiss you, “How was lunch with Amanda? Kid-free?”
“Nope, Harper tagged along, but it was good!” you lean back and rub your belly, “Baby Wick is very happy because she got some amazing chicken -- a chicken salad. I ate like shit this morning so I figured I should eat a salad for lunch.”
John chuckles, “Balance.”
“Balance, yes. Balance because I…” you grimace as you look at John, “I so badly am craving a cheeseburger. I feel like these days all I can think about is food.”
“Hey, you and me both, and I’m not even pregnant.” John laughs, then he leans down to kiss your belly. “I’m glad you had a good lunch, baby.”
“Have you been outside today?”
John shakes his head and looks over, “No, I haven’t. Is it hot?”
“It’s like 100 degrees out,” you say as you grab your phone and look at the temperature, “Okay, not really, but it is like 80 something and there’s no breeze.”
“Wow, you must be dying.” he laughs as he gestures to your belly.
Nodding your head, you exhale loudly, “I’m certainly not thriving. Tess called me while I was out and wondered if she could come over and swim. I said yeah and told her I’d text her when I was home.”
“She knows that she can just come over and let herself in, right? I don’t mind. She even has a key to our front door. No sense in having a pool if we can’t share it with our family.”
“I told her that, but I don’t think she believes me when I say that you’re okay with her just coming over and using the pool without your permission.” you smile as John looks over at you and laughs, “As if anyone needs your permission. I’m the boss of this house.”
John leans over and kisses you several times, then he pats your cheek, “Yes, you are, baby. Hey, have you checked out the tank lately?”
“Ooh, I have not.” you get up from the stool and walk over to look at the fish tank, then you kneel down a little and look at all the bright colored fish swimming around. You grab the fish food and sprinkle a few flakes in, then you look at John to see him watching you, “They look good.”
“Yeah, I think we should get some more. How many do we have in there?”
You purse your lips and bend over to look in the tank, “Uh, I’ve counted 6.”
“Yeah, we definitely need some more.” he says, and you walk back over to sit next to him, “Maybe get some this weekend.”
John turns back to continue working on his book, then he glances up and smiles when he realizes you’re watching him. He gently brushes away the remaining gold flakes on the book and smiles as he looks at it, then he looks back at you again.
“Sorry,” you laugh as you shake your head, “I just love watching you work. I forget how…calming it is.”
“I don’t mind.” he smiles, then he leans over to kiss your cheek.
You watch John for a few more minutes as he finishes up the gold on the book, then you smile when he presses his stamp to the inside of the book. It’s always been one of your favorite parts, and you’re unsure as to why. It’s just really cute.
“Do you remember the other day when you were making me cry over everything?” you ask, and John laughs as he looks up at you.
“And you were trying to get me to cry, yes, I remember.”
You smile and grab your phone, “Well, when you were at work yesterday, I thought to myself ‘why don’t you vocalize more to John how much he means to you?’ So, I opened up my notes on my phone to write everything that came to mind. We both know that you’re good with words. You’ve always been honest with me and always told me that I make you so happy--”
“You do that too.” John says, furrowing his brow, “Baby, I know how much you love me. You tell me every day.”
“But I feel like I don’t say it enough.” you hold his gaze and smile, “I want to start being more open and vocal about it, saying cute things like you say to me. You deserve it. You deserve to hear it.”
John puts his utensils down and turns to face you, “Okay…”
“Look, you and I are number one when it comes to having our deep conversations and talking about how important we are to one another, and I love that. I truly think it’s what keeps us close.” you nod, then you laugh, “But when I opened my notes yesterday to write something to you. I noticed a note that I had written. We met in September; I wrote this about a month after we met. I didn’t even remember that I wrote it, and I hadn’t read it since I wrote it. Until yesterday.”
John sits up a little as a smile grows on his face, “Oh, I’m intrigued.”
“Keep in mind, I didn’t know everything at this point. You and I hadn’t even told each other that we loved each other yet.” you laugh, and John widens his eyes jokingly. “Yeah. Also keep in mind, I am not a poet. You wanna hear it?”
“I do. I absolutely do.”
You take a deep breath as you look down at your phone and unlock it, then you smile when John places his hand on your knee. You exhale nervously and prepare to read the note to John, and you let out a small laugh over how corny it is.
“I hung out with John again today. He’s incredible. I can’t quite put my finger on it and I can’t quite read him yet, but I like him. I like him a lot. When I’m with him, I feel…different. It’s a feeling that I’ve never felt before, it’s butterflies in my stomach from just a little glance or the softest touch, it’s my cheeks burning red when he smiles at me, it’s feeling my heart bursting in my chest when I hear his laugh. It’s…terrifying. I cannot breathe until I’m with him, and I’m quickly realizing how important this man is becoming to me. I want this feeling to last forever, and I have a feeling it will.” you look up at John and laugh when you see his eyes glassy with tears, then you look back to read it again, “I’m terrified and excited all at once, and I already know…that he is absolutely the man I am going to marry.”
John smiles when you set your phone aside, and you shrug bashfully as you hold his gaze. He leans forward and cups your face in his hands, then he shakes his head before he kisses you repeatedly.
“You wrote that about me after knowing me for a month?” he laughs, nodding his head, “Soulmates.”
“Soulmates.” you smile as you nod, then you kiss him again. “After reading that, I decided to have another little moment when I just write what comes to my head, so I gave it another go.”
John immediately nods his head and smiles, “I’d love to hear it.”
You grab your phone again, then you look up at John, “I feel like so many times we focus on whether or not I’m happy and whether I know that I’m loved, and sometimes we overlook you and whether or not you’re happy and know that you’re loved. It’s something I really need to work on, because you should always know how much I love you and how much I appreciate you and how happy you make me. Making you happy is all I truly care about, so if sometimes I don’t do a great job, just know that it’s not intentional. Just like I know you would never intentionally slack on being a good husband. We’re so lucky to have one another, and the flame that we have is never gonna fizzle out because we constantly-- sorry.”
John reaches over for a tissue and hands it to you so you can wipe away the tears on your face, and he smiles when you look up at him. He places his hands on your thighs and smiles, just waiting for you to keep going.
“The flame that we have, this love that we have, it’s never gonna fizzle out because you and I are constantly doing things to keep it lit. We’re lucky that both of us want to put in the work and both of us want to be with one another and make one another happy. Jonathan Charles Wick, you are my absolute best friend in the world, and I am so fucking lucky that I get to wake up and be loved by you, but I am even luckier because I get to wake up every day and love you.”
“Wow,” John laughs as he sits up, then he reaches over for a tissue, “Yeah, you got me.”
You smile proudly, “Yes!”
“Can I see?” he asks as he takes your phone, and you smile when he looks up at you, “It’s gone…”
Shrugging bashfully, you tap your temple and smile, “Maybe it just came off the top of my head.”
John wraps his arms around you to pull you close to his chest, then he kisses your cheek repeatedly before he sighs contently with you in his arms.
“Was all of it off the top of your head?”
You nod, then you shake your head, “Well, not the first thing I read. That really was in my notes. Along with a grocery list where I wrote that I needed condoms, which is weird since we’ve never used condoms, so the grocery list must have been before we slept together for the first time.”
John smooths your hair away from your face as he kisses you, then he smiles, “See what I mean? I am so damn lucky to have you.”
“We’re lucky to have each other.”
Nodding his head, John leans forward and presses a kiss to your lips, then he smiles softly, “No doubt about that.”
taglist: @aragornswife | @angie-20000 | @youusunshineyoutemptress | @sanctuarygirl | @n0ffitar | @purrrple-cat | @callmeglenncoco | @ficsnroses @that-one-writer | @tnu-ree | @midnightwhirlpool | @star017​
36 notes · View notes
absolutebl · 3 years
This Week In BL
May 2021 Part 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Second Chance Ep 6 fin - Chris & Jeno were TOO CUTE we got ALL the tropes: parental passing on the torch of care (a rare one), hair drying, hair touching, the prom with everyone was in adorable suits (Tang Yi approves), GOOD kisses, confessions galore, boop (+ bonus pool boop), tumblr now thinks they’re lesbians (new trope I’ve just decided on), claiming, rooftop assignation. Conclusion? This is one of the best BL pulps I’ve seen in a really long time. We are PLEASED! 
Y-Destiny Ep 7 - a pretty classic take on the “reformed player/rake” romance trope plus a ton of BL visuals like back hug, messy eater, rooftop assignation, and pillow clutch (a Cheewin signature). Cheewin sure knows his tropes (he should, he started a lot of them and his YYY Special is nothing but a trope parody pastiche, it’s Absolute BL before Absolute BL and A LOT weirder). 
Lovely Writer Ep 11 - The casting closet has come to play. I really like that LW is taking the industry and fans to task. It’s hard to watch sometimes, but it SHOULD be a little squirmy and uncomfortable. This was an excellent Episode 11 and we all suffered for it. I hope they can resolve it well in the finale. They’ve done great work so far, I trust them. 
Close Friend Ep 3: (Willing or Not) - sports kinda romance, it was cute because MaxNat are cute together, but it reminded me a lot of their arc in Why R U, which is to say, short and somewhat forgettable. 
Fish Upon The Sky Ep 5 - am I over this? I think I might be over it. Not into the punching down humor in terms of femme or Sikhs, I don’t like Pi, and found myself fast-forwarding through most of this ep. Mostly I only watch when Mork is on screen. I wanna know why Mork likes Pi so much, but that’s all I’m interested in. Tons of tropes but I’m not even motivated to screen cap, which is saying something. Look, the characters pretty much lack motivation and so I’m losing sympathy. 
Nitiman Ep 1 - oh I like it. This is the standard Thai BL delicious trash I know and love. 2 Moons university setting pastiche, check! Engineering students = gay, check! Instant hate vrs instant love, check! Seme vrs tsundere uke, check! Plus the side dishes are tasty. I’m disposed to be pleased, especially as Fish is disappointing. Sadly they insisted on singing, but you can’t have everything. 
Love Area Ep 1 - I’m not holding this post just for one BL that I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find tomorrow, so I’ll let you know how it is next week. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (Korea) Ep 7-8 fin - so flipping cute, their little smiles, just GAH. Bit of a dead fish kiss but I don’t care because I loved this tiny show full of soft bois and no one saying anything directly (except our man with the poetry, I hope he finds his true love). Adorable. 
Papa & Daddy (Taiwan) Ep 3 - HOW IS THIS SHOW SO WHOLESOME? This is possibly the cutest thing on air right now (and I don’t actually like children). Just GAH! The actual Taipei pride footage. I didn’t even mind all the product placement (I happen to like that bubbly myself). It’s just so cute. Everyone should be watching this. It will make you feel so good and happy. Not gonna lie, this ep is ALL about queer found family and I might have ugly cried over the teddy bear at the end - in a good way.  *** Quick note because I think it’s super important: in 2020 Taiwan Pride was called March for the World. Why? Because Taiwan managed to control C19 better than any other country, they were the only country able to hold pride safely, so they did it for all of us. I don’t feel like they got enough recognition for this. 
Word of Honor (China) Ep 34-36 fin - In the end, WoH turned out to be a morality tale about the superiority of agrarian society over semi-nomadic tribes combined with a message about enduring love profoundly undermined by Chinese censorship. It’s like this amazing meal. I ate my fill, and enjoyed every bite, but had a bit too much, and now I have heart burn. Am I upset about the ending? Sure am. Good for them for manipulating my emotions! Was this a great drama? Yes. Did I expect this from China? Sure did. Do i feel betrayed anyway? Sure do. I guess these things are going to have to coexist in my psyche. Along with heart burn. Here have the actual-not-really-epilogue-ending. It's wafer thin.  I’m putting this one to bed. I feel like I’ve said my piece and I want to move on from 36 courses of pretty men in pretty robes full of pretty innuendoes and deadly peanuts. I’ll miss the big fuck off white fan, tho. 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 5 - still very much enjoying it, the secret identity lies are beginning to unravel, tension is increasing. I don’t see how they can resolve this in just one episode tho, so this series might go longer than 6 episodes (rare for Vietnam). 
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 8 - I demand Boxiang & Zhigang (repping for the healthy LTR and marriage equality) show up in every HIStory installment henceforth. This was a cute ep, lots of good communication & tropes. Still not sure how I feel about the stepbrothers, but can’t complain about their chemistry (waves at TharnType). Speaking of, how awesome that Yongjie caught the man he always wanted, that man is a SUPER bossy bottom, and Yongjie is like ...
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Crazy rumor that Singto has a new BL in the works (totally unsubstantiated). It’s Still Just Us (frankly, the biggest strike against this being true is how grammatically correct the title is). 
Vietnam is messing with our heads and hearts by putting the leads from Nation’s Brother and Most Peaceful Place together into a delightful little love triangle of... something or other. Honestly, I’ve no idea what this is. The actors playing around? A new series? An advertisement? What? 
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Breaking News
Mandee (of Why R U fame) dropped a “mini intro” for something that they’re calling Bed Friend series. HI BEER! But I thought these two (James & Net) were the side dishes for Middle Love AKA Middleman's Love. I am so confused. (Get your titles together Thailand, no one wants you going down the Taiwanese rabbit hole, mm’kay?) 
Taiwan would call it: Middleman’s Middle Love: Bed Friend. 
Top Secret Together got a full trailer with subs. I’m kinda over ensemble pulp pieces (like Close Friend, Bothers, Y-Destiny) but the presence of Newyear makes this one I’m still going to watch. It starts this Friday on Line TV. 
Cutie Pie the series got a teaser (fundraising trailer). Arranged marriage, home/office set, Thai BL staring Zee? Sign me tf up! I am so excited, I hope they can make this happen. Deets here. (Thanks @heretherebedork for the tip.) 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons.
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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225 notes · View notes
13uswntimagines · 4 years
She Might be a Forward, but You’re a Keeper (Emily Sonnett x Reader)
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Request: Emily x reader where r doesn’t have the best reputation and is sorta known for being a troublemaker but once Emily comes into the picture everything changes. Livin’ The Dream by Morgan Wallen is what made this pop into head.
Author’s Note: Firstly, Firerfly and i thank the one voter so much for voting for this fic. Secondly this almost didn’t happen because my dumbass deleted from the doc just seconds after we had finished it. Thank you to @literaryhedgehog​ for saving it. 
“You have to do it Sonnett,” Lindsey said sternly, taking a sip of her drink and ignoring Emily’s puppy eyes. She wasn’t going to feel bad about this. It was only fair, since she was the one who got them caught. 
“Yeah,” Rose added, crossing her arms. “consider it your punishment for not following through on our prank on Pino.” Meghan had been pissed, and the lecture they had gotten did not seem to fit the crime, especially since they had been stopped. All they wanted to do was start an itsy bitsy prank war. Where was the harm in that?
“Oh come on.” Emily whined, glancing back and forth between the two girls and the woman standing on the other side of the room. “She would have murdered me if I let you put blue dye in her shampoo,” Emily said, her bottom lip trembling. 
“And now Y/n might kill you so we’re even,” Lindsey shrugged, fighting a smile. Whatever way this ended, it would be entertaining for her. 
Some might think that that it was a gross overstatement, but it wasn’t. You had a reputation. A terrifying history of explosions on the pitch, and a complete lack of approachability off of it. You didn’t give a shit what anyone thought, Alex and Kelley being the only exception, but you had known them forever so it didn’t count. 
You didn’t have many friends (contrary to what the public though), but you were viciously loyal to the people you actually let get close to you. 
The youngins had been warned that you did whatever (and whoever) you wanted and they should steer clear. You wouldn’t mess with them as long as they didn’t mess with you. 
The problem was that the blond defender was smitten from the first moment she saw you this season. When she had first joined the team you had just been another veteran and the excitement of joining the national team had overshadowed everything else. But then you transferred to Washington during Club season and she started noticing you everywhere.  Partially because you were everywhere- weaving around the field and her vision, at team events and now here at camp, and… she might have been caughts staring once or twice. Maybe Emily had tripped over her own feet a few times because she accidentally got distracted by the sight of you pouring water over your head after a hot practice, who's to say. Either way,  her two meddling best friends knew about her little crush and had decided to use it as blackmail. 
“I hate you guys,”  Emily said, downing half her drink for liquid courage. 
Lindsey rolled her eyes and shoved the defenders shoulder. “No you don’t,” 
“You better get your ass over there before she starts flirting with another girl,” Rose said with a disinterested wave of her hand, motioning towards the dejected Brunette walking away from you. There was a parade of women all night, and it seemed none of them were having any luck. 
Your eyes followed the woman as she left, but your face didn’t betray any emotions, appearing completely uncaring to anyone who happened to glance in your direction. 
Emily nodded. It was now or never she supposed. 
You took an uninterested sip of you beer, swirling your finger around the glass when you set it back down on the bar. You had never exactly found team bar nights fun. It felt like thousands of people would come up and talk to you (and call you by name) and expect you to instantly be their friend. 
You didn’t need anymore friends. 
You took another sip of your flat beer, making a mental note to chastise Alex later for her terrible bar choice, and stared listlessly at the football (American style) game on the tv. 
“Hey, wanna hear a joke about paper?” You turned slowly to look at the speaker. You squinted at the blond defender, tilting your head to the side, not letting your surprise that a youngin actually had the balls to talk to you off the pitch show on your face. 
She scratched the back of her head grinning impishly at you. “Never mind, it’s tearable.”
You raised your eyebrow at the woman, you lips ticking up slightly at her adorable fidgeting. 
That seemed to give her confidence, as she set her drink down and slid into the unaccompanied stool next to you. 
“Why didn’t the vampire attack Taylor Swift? She had bad blood.” 
You suppressed your snort at the terrible joke, hiding it behind a sip of your bad beer. 
“It’s more fun if you actually let me respond before you hit me with the punchline,” You smirked, thoroughly entertained by the pink starting to bloom on the defenders cheeks. 
“Oh, my bad.” Emily said, making an embarrassed face. “Sorry, I often tell dad jokes- most of the time he laughs!’
This time you did snort, the smile you were holding back finally cracking across your lips. 
“Just most of the time? Sounds to me like you need to get a better one,”
“Is that a challenge I hear?” Emily said, a wicked gleam in her eye. A terrible joke competition was right up her alley.
“Not at all. I could never compete with someone with your… particular skill set. You should be a magician because you just make girls disappear,” You wiggled your fingers, mimicking a magical motion. 
“Ouch,” Emily said, holding back giggles. 
“You could let me ice that burn as consolation,” You shrugged, also holding in a giggle. 
“Nah, I just need to wait a little for it to warm back up. You know what the hottest time of day is?”
“No, what?”
“Two- flirty!”
You cackled loudly, nearly throwing your head back. 
“Is the Ice Queen actually smiling?” Kelley asked, sliding into the booth beside Alex, passing a disgustingly fruity drink to her girlfriend. 
“It appears so,” Alex nodded, pushing the stupid mini unbrella out of her way to take a sip. 
Her eyes followed your laughing form, taking in how your eyes lit up, and the way you leaned closer to the blond defender. It wasn’t your typically cocky posture when you talked to girls, you seemed much more unguarded. 
“Who knew Junior had it in her. I never thought she’d work up the courage,” Kelley smirked over the edge of her drink. Emily’s crush on you wasn’t a secret (to the two of them at least), but they never dreamed Emily would actually make a move. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Y/n look at anyone like that.” Alex started thoughtfully. “Well maybe-”
“We don’t speak her name Alex,” Kelley interrupted with a glare. They didn’t talk about your previous relationship. It had nearly ruined you completely. 
Rose and Lindsey joined Alex and Kelley where they were standing, all four trying to hide the fact that they were staring at you and Emily together. 
“You enjoying the show too?” Rose said, shaking her head slightly as she watched. What the heck could you two be talking about? For a few seconds she saw you talk animatedly then - in unison with Emily - double over in laughter. 
“You know something about this that we don’t?” Alex asked, glancing at the two younger players. 
Rose and Lindsey exchanged a look. “Sonnett’s only over there because we made her,” Lindey said. 
“Told her we’d rat her out to Vlatko for the snack incident last camp,” Rose shrugged. Revenge was best served with blackmail. 
“I didn’t know she had a soft side,” Lindsey said after a few minutes. 
“Only a few people actually get to see it,” Kelley shrugged. You were guarded but not heartless. It just took a special touch to break that cast iron shell. 
“Okay, okay. So I know a guy who's great at soccer but is super untidy.”
“You do?” You asked, biting your lip. You weren’t sure why you were suddenly nervous. 
“Yeah, he’s just a Messi guy!” Emily said, already laughing on the last word. 
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “I think these are just getting worse,” 
“Oh come on, you were the one who told the one about a frog liking hoppy beer,” Emily said, rolling her eyes. “I think that one was objectively worse.”
“Whatever you say cutie pie,” you said, leaning forward on your hand. You weren’t usually this interested in conversation. You were more of an… in and out kinda girl. But there was something about Emily that intrigued you. That pulled you in and made you want to know more about her than just her bedroom preferences. 
“Pie sounds so good right now,” Emily said sighing deeply. “I don’t even have a joke to go with that, I just like pie. Although I think I read one at some point for Pi day, I could google it…” 
“I don’t know any jokes either, but I do know a place pretty close to here if you wanted to ditch these losers,” You offered, picking idly at your napkin. 
“Losers? I didn’t know the men’s team was here!” Emily smirked. You didn’t know if she was blowing you off, or just completely missed what you were implying. 
“See that one was actually a good one. Those idiots wouldn’t know how to score if they were shooting at the broadside of a barn,” You shook your head. Half of the women’s team midfield had better finishing stats than all the men’s forwards. They were terrible. 
“Oh come on. They’re not that bad. At least 9% of them are keepers,” Emily laughed. “Well that’s their position anyway. But yes, I would love to go get some pie with you. Just don’t tell Dawn I broke my diet.” 
“No promises Princess,” You said standing, and holding out your hand to the woman. You kissed the back of her hand when she laced her fingers with yours, earning yourself another giggle. 
It made your heart flutter, and you just wanted more. 
“You sure you’re okay missing the end of the party?” Emily said hopefully, scanning as if to make sure no one would waylay you on your way out the door. The last thing she wanted was to get stopped by one of your parade of brunettes. 
“Better than okay. The word happiness might start with an H, but mine starts with U.” 
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ramuoto · 4 years
if anything good came out of 2020, it’s my discovery of manhwas. 
well, it’s not like i’ve never read a single manhwa in the past 15+ years but tbh, the ratio of manhwa:manga i consume on a weekly basis has jumped exponentially this year. previously it was like 1:99 and now it’s like 90:10 LMAO. 
so, just to remind myself that the world is still full of good things, i had to make this list. which i will probably edit in the future, if i can be bothered to. :) 
anyhow, this list was not made in any particular order, just whichever came into mind. it’s loooong so be prepared! (I’ve read way more titles than mentioned but just included the ones worth checking out)
for whoever stumbles across this list, i hope some of these resonate with you and i hope they make you as happy as they made me. 
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pic credits: https://geekculture.co/geeks-guide-to-transmigration-novels-avoid-death-at-all-costs/
1. Ebony
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Bahahah omg he looks evil there! But our dearest archduke is hardly that aww. Soz, I just ripped off the covers of the manhwa cos I can’t find a panel I liked more than another. I mean, this manhwa is a GEM. I can’t even begin to describe this because everything about it blew me away. This is not something you read when you are craving for fluff, or just wanna have something brainless after a hard day at work or if you just wanna have some eye candy lol. This is something you pick up on a weekend, when you have time, because you need those hours to digest, appreciate, clutch your chest, tear a little because you find yourself falling in love with these characters. It doesn’t have any of that cliche isekai, romance, revenge themes going on. It has a solid plot, backed by incredible characters, beautifully woven by the authors and artist with incredible pacing that keeps you on your toes and keeps you looking forward to the next chapter. Maybe I would have been happier if I found it after it was completed lol. HAVE I CONVINCED YOU ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU WANNA READ IT?! like, idk, just go. JUST GO READ IT GDI. 
p.s. it says there romance but naaaaaaah, dont go in with that expectation. :) this story is so much more than that. 
2. Bring the love
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This...this!!! THIS MANHWA NEEDS MORE LOVE. If you need a lot of fluff, a little, ok maybe quite a bit of sadness and tragedy, sweet sweet romance, cutie pies, please, look no further!!! Again, pacing, character development are so important to me and this manhwa aces it. I love the 2 MCs very much. And the side characters too. :)
3.  A Stepmother's Märchen
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When I first read this, i fucking cried. like please don’t ask me why. it’s not like its an absolute tragedy but I was just rooting for the MC so much and I really want for everything to go her way. That’s how much I adore this MC!!! I LOVE HER. I LOVE HER MORE THAN YOU DO NORA! HAHAHHA. okay soz. I need to keep this spoiler-free.
Anyhoo, there is nothing typical about this time travel plot. Sure, she goes back to try to undo the stuff that went wrong but phew, she certainly changed things so much everything that comes her way have made it so her previous experiences can hardly help aaaaaaand that’s what makes it fun! I sometimes wish the pacing could be a little more consistent, and there could be more characters I could love a little more wholeheartedly (so i wont have to be in so much despair when i read this sometimes lol) but omg the art, isn’t it pretty?! I’ve re-read this soooooo many times but the art blows me away all the time. And have I already mentioned how much I love her?! I LOVE YOU SHULI! AND I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY!
4.  Lady Baby
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I literally LOL-ed when I saw this cover. WHO THE HELL ARE THEY. WHAT LADY BABY?! ehehehe. okay anyway, uhm, this is already incredibly popular. im not sure if i need to elaborate but yes, it’s adorbs!!! i dont think i like the MC as much as i love her family lol. and everyone else who adores her. im looking forward to when they get older. :) actually not really. please stay cute for as long as yall can! but yeah, i do wish the plot can move a lil faster. i want to see more character development in the other kids too COME ON! 
5.  Death Is the Only Ending for the Villainess
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am i allowed to reveal how shallow i am rn? like the previous choices were all like ‘wow-deep-plot’, ‘wow-character-development’ and this one i just included cos of AESTHETICS ALONE?! the novel covers are breathtaking!!! the manhwa art is amazing as well. and the harem is great! LOL. as for plot... uhm... it’s alright. it’s pretty engaging and i quite like the MC, she’s smart and independent and i love how she views them all antagonistically at all times HAHAHHA. her past is kinda... weird though and i do wish they’d stop referencing it. cos... girl why do you wanna go back to reality!!! stay here! it’s way more exciting! 
i love the whole isekai/reincarnate/transmigration theme and this is honestly one of the better, not-so-cliche or cheesy ones HA.
6.  Beware of the Villainess!
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do you already see the whole villainess theme?! am i suppose to start feeling embarrassed about my choices?! NO! cos this one is AWESOME!
again, another wildly popular title. for good reasons. it’s hilarious, our MC is as real and candid as it gets and LOOK AT THAT BLUE HAIRED BEAUTY. DO YOU SEE HIM?! IMPLANT HIM INTO YOUR MEMORY NOW!
it’s highly entertaining and breaks all isekai-reincarnation-villainess plot stereotypes. definitely one of the titles i look forward to every week.
7.  Who Made Me a Princess
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what? why did i choose this?
BECAUSE OF CLAUDE OF COURSE. ahahaha. okay aside from the amaaaaaaazing art and the beautiful people, the plot is not too bad. a little extreme at times but it’s interesting enough to keep me going. it’s currently on hiatus though and i was highly annoyed by how the first season ended. (YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED? NOTHING.)
i hope the plot can move faster in the next season! and that our dearest MC athanasia can you know, finally be a little more useful... like omg just tell lucas already!!! and tbh girl, no matter which guy you choose, i approve. :D 
8.  The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud
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i featured this before, mostly out of frustration HAHAHA. do you see why i chose this cover?! yeah, i support this (unpopular) pairing okay! the other one is doomed!!! no matter what the author is trying to do now!! I DONT SUPPORT IT!!! lol.
anyway, i had to feature this cos the art is unique! and the story is great. :) and i looooooove listening to the ost while i read it. it starts out kinda slow but as the pace picks up, you won’t be able to stop. and you find yourself conflicted at various points. it did win an award for a reason. 
no matter what, i still think dowun is best for her okay. it’s dowun or nothing. he’s devoted to her, we all know that! he just needs to ditch that annoying female guard!!! ok yknw what, maybe nothing is better. :/ *cries*
9.  Solo Leveling
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why do i even bother? this manhwa is popular enough. 
the art is great. the MC is great. i use him and his gang as my wallpaper. 
im just not sure i like how this season’s plot is progressing. :/ but i guess it brings us nearer to solving the mystery in the first leg of the manhwa. i just enjoyed the whole part of him leveling up and now that he isn’t really leveling up anymore... idk. am i hoping for more plot shit like bleach (oh wow now u quincy?)... idk man. anywho, no regrets starting on this series and marathon-ing it to death. 
cross fingers the plot picks up and doesnt get too complicated for its own good.
10.  The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
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okay, tbh, by the time i reached 10, i still have like 15 other series i was considering LMAO. i even considered lengthening this top 10 to top 15. but that would just be more of me and my nonsense. so... why did i choose this?
COS I LOVE THE 2 MCs!!! they’re adorable. the plot is again, kinda far-fetched at times (i literally laugh my head off at some parts) but it’s isekai-reincarnation okay! anything is possible in whatever magical crap country you end up in! lol. and i like how straightforward it is... in the sense there’s no 2nd lead. like okay i mean they are there but we all know they have no chance. oops. sorry!
and cos i can’t give up on the other titles i have, imma just list them down, without pictures... cos im tired. HA. 
11. Doctor Elise 
Kudos to the huge improvement in art style lmao. The good... lovable MCs, engaging plot. The bad... sometimes lengthy, incredulous medical moments (i work in the medical field so i... idk. sometimes this borders on iryu LMAO and i need to remind myself this is romance) otherwise, this is a highly highly entertaining read.
12.  Seduce the Villain's Father
This is another of my ‘father-love’ whims. MC is adorable and ML is handsome. enough said.
13.  The Villainess Lives Twice
This is like a lesser version of Ebony and Bring the Love combined HAHAHA. The plot and premise is great and it’s awesome to marathon! I don’t find myself loving the MC as much as I should but the ML is a darling! I just find her a little toooooooo gloomy. Like come on girl, be more spunky! 
14.  The Stereotypical Life of a Reincarnated Lady
I dont know why I like this so much HAHAHAHA. It hardly has a plot. I just find the MC and ML amusing i guess lol. 
15.  I'm Stanning the Prince
Sometimes I wonder if I should be ranking this higher but I kinda feel this manhwa is trying to achieve too much with an underpowered MC. I love her... but I just don’t like how she’s just a pawn of everyone else and I dont know how she can change this situation of hers. It’s cute though. the MC and ML.  and the ML reminds me so much of american/jap Mackenyu. 
16.  The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass
I HAD TO. the art is so pretty! but girl, dont use the hour glass so much! you look a little too old! i would appreciate it if MC stops basing too much of her moves on the “past” tho like idk you are gonna sound unoriginal soooooon like develop your own thoughts soon okay? <3
17. Inso's Law
ANOTHER ONE. omg. im a lil on the fence regarding this but i like MC too much. and her harem LOL. i dont see where the plot is going either but i just hope for a happy end... ):
18.  Why Are You Doing This, Duke?
HAHAHA. this is sooooo sooooooo cute, i would have ranked it top 15 if it wasnt licensed by tapas tho cos they are a joke. WHY NOT TAPPY GDI. 
19.  Miss Not-So Sidekick
Uh-oh. Is this a top-20 list now? anyway, the MC for this series is GOLD. im not liking where it’s currently heading tho thus the lower ranking.
20.  IRIS - Lady with a Smartphone
omg IVE NEGLECTED THIS FOR TOO LONG. lemme go buy more chapters hahahaha. it’s a tad too lengthy... otherwise i like the MC and yummy ML!
still not enough?
Special Mentions - Okay, these will be unranked cos I don’t think these are that good but probably still worth a read.
I've Become the Villainous Empress of a Novel - this is new, im looking forward to how it progresses wheeeee.
Lady to Queen - It’s a ruthless manhwa. There was a point i started reading all sorts of sadistic content (i was running out of content i swear) and this was one of the better ones. I appreciate the MC very much. the plot now is a little weird and im a bit wary of the MC’s sister... hopefully the ML can be more useful. he’s pitiful though. but dude come on, dont rely on the wrong gal.
Goodbye, In-law - I’m not sure if i like the current progress buuuuuuut MC and ML are cute so who cares.
The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - plot is still engaging. MC and ML are cute. i dont know where the plot is heading towards though. 
A Falling Cohabitation - this is interesting and fun but a lil lengthy.
Light and Shadow - the sequel is out!!! i highly enjoyed this entire series!!! i would have probably ranked it a lil higher if i did this post earlier but too many series have overtaken this in my heart lol.
This Girl Is a Little Wild - is the hiatus ending yet? i would add it back to top 20 if it came back LOL. it’s highly entertaining tho. ML is adorable.
The Duchess With an Empty Soul  - pretty nice. MC and ML are a little boring. i think it can end soon. LMAO.
A Capable Maid - it’s amusing how she gets her powers for all sorts of situations lol. the prince is creepy tbh. and im secretly rooting for the other king hehe.
Beware of the Brothers! - it’s cute and heart-wrenching at the same time! not too sure im digging the latest plot development but okay... i’ll take it. they’re all cuties.
Living as the Tyrant's Older Sister - hehehe. it’s cute. duke is kinda silly but the latest chapter made me squeal!!!
The Evil Lady's Hero  - idk where the plot is going but MC and ML are adorable!!!
The Dragon Next Door - HAHAHA. it’s hilarious.
The Youngest Princess - she’s growing uppppp noooooooooooo
Virtues of the Villainess - ginger is hilarious. i dont see where the plot is going tho... and cant say i like the ML yet. i dont even get to see him much, hello?!
The Justice of Villainous Woman - pretty wholesome... i like the MC! (the ML is fine. no one else to contend with so...) can u end already?! lol.
Amina of the Lamp - hey, what happened to this? it’s pretty inconsistent but i do like the MC and ML... and the art...
The Villain's Savior - this is some sadistic shit. i reserve it for when i feel sadistic. i pretty much wanna see MC happy but idk if she’s making the right choices. :/
I Don't Want to Be Empress! - HAHAHAHA uhm it’s getting interesting. i just want ML to step up more... 
La dolce vita di Adelaide - I FINISHED THIS! and it’s wholesome, feel-good and cute. some parts felt a lil extra but ah whatever.
The Black Haired Princess - plot. move. faster!!! otherwise the MC and ML are pretty cute.
The Abandoned Empress - im a lil on the fence but i know how popular this series is. it started out HORRIBLE. i hated the ML so much. and then i found the green hair boy creepy. like MC, you need better taste in boys. it’s certainly getting more interesting now though. so please, continue to make my money’s worth!!!
Lucia - i. am. not. guilty. of. anything. *smut warning* anyway go read the novel. it’s better. hehehe.
What's Wrong with Secretary Kim - i do not need to elaborate any further. 
Past loves 
I created this section just to remind myself, that what i could like one day, i could hate the next LOL.
The Monster Duchess and Contract Princess - I know this is wildly popular. but i lost interest in it once she grew up. i dont think she’s particularly lovable. soz.
Survive as the Hero's Wife - another popular choice. I find the plot kinda boring now. MC and ML are cute though. 
Sincerely: I Became a Duke's Maid - another popular one. again, boring plot. like cant it end yet? oh you mean we need to wait for the real female lead to show up? dont need luh.
I Am a Child of This House - wow. the plot is shit now. and i do not support the MC and her guard. soz. she’s OVERPOWERED tbh. 
This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage - idk what happened but my enthusiasm for this died.
Charlotte and Her 5 Disciples - i don’t get it. i dont get their obsession for her. 
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sherbetgreeceuh · 4 years
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These were some mlp next gen designs. They were more of a what if kind of thing. I didn’t actually ship any of these characters, I mainly just wanted to design some next gen characters, some of them were paired together purely for the aesthetic purpose. There’s two different ones for Fluttershy just cause I wanted to design some for her and Discord and the other one I just some nurse pony that I liked the color scheme of. So all of these can be considered AUs separate from each other. The orange one is Starlight and Sunburst’s daughter. And the last two were Rainbow Dash and Soren that I did way before all the other ones.
I’ll just add the description of them from my Deviantart
1: I decided to pair Twilight with Star Tracker for this because I think their color schemes looks nice together. The oldest is an alicorn but he has trouble learning and controlling his magic. He is quiet and is stressed out a lot. He feels like he has a lot to live up to because of who his mom is. He is worried he will disappoint everyone. He is smart but doesn't like to learn and study. He doesn't like to be in crowds, and is a bit shy. His cutie mark is a moon and stars. The youngest loves to read and study science, her eyesight is bad because she spends so much time reading. She loves books as much as her mom. She wants to be a great hero like her mom, and is a bit jealous of her brother because he's an alicorn and she's not. Her magic is not as powerful as an alicorn but is a bit stronger than a regular unicorn. She has a secret love of comic books, and wants to be a superhero. Her cutie mark is a sun.
2: I paired Rarity with the spa pony guy for this just because I like his design. And Rarity does go to the spa a lot, so I can say that's where she met him. I don't really care too much about shipping. I just really wanted to design some next gen kids, I will probably do some for the other main six too. I'm going to be pairing them based on what colors look good together not by who I ship them with. So this isn't about shipping, I just like to design ponies. I won't be pairing any of the main six together or put them with other mares because it wouldn't be possible for them to have kids. I know some people design kids for mare couples anyways, but I'm just going to pair them with a stallion instead. So, yeah, this is just for fun, don't take who I pair them with too seriously. I also didn't pair her with Spike for this, because it just seems wrong. I really don't like the ship at all because I'm pretty sure Rarity is an adult and Spike is a child. He is referred to as a baby dragon. I don't have names for the kids, I'm terrible at naming. The youngest has a grumpy personality. She spent way to much time around Opalescence growing up and the cat's personality rubbed off on her a bit. She is sarcastic and likes to think she's smart. She doesn't have many friends because she is not very pleasant to be around. But she will eventually make some friends and her personality will change for the better because of them. The oldest is very dramatic and kinda smug. He likes to be the center of attention. He likes acting and has stared in many plays. He acts confident but is actually a bit insecure. He likes to star in plays that will entertain other ponies and make them happy. His cutie mark is a shining gemstone. 
3:  I decided to Rainbow Dash with Thunderlane for this because I thought a rainbow mane with a black coat would look cool. The oldest has a pretty chill personality. She loves to fly through clouds and watch sunsets. She's cheerful and loves to have fun. Her cutie mark is a heart shaped cloud. The other two are twins. The girl with the blue coat is older by a bit. I gave her the color scheme of Rainbow Dash Destroyer of Pies, because I thought it would be funny and it looks cool. Her cutie mark is a flying cloud and rainbow lightning bolt. She has sort of an extreme personality, she likes to go fast and is a bit of a dare devil. She wants to be as cool as her mom. She wants to be able to do a sonic rainboom but is frustrated because she hasn't been able to. The youngest acts a lot like his twin sister, and most ponies think they have the same personality, but he mostly just tries to be like her because he looks up to her and she is his best friend. He likes to spend time relaxing and reading. He enjoys racing for fun but doesn't really care if he wins or not. His cutie mark is a rainbow tornado. The twins find out later that they can make a sonic rainboom if they fly fast together.
  4:  Next gen Pinkie Pie kids I designed for fun. I decided to pair her with Party Favor for this just because they look nice together. For the kids I wanted to be reverse of Pinkie's family, with three kids more like Pinkie and one like her sisters. I don't have names for any of them. The youngest likes to fix hair, she did Pinkie's hair for this pic. She is kind of a creepy kid. Often appears out of nowhere. She doesn't say much, but when she does it's always something weird. Her coat color is similar to Pinkie's mother's. The second youngest has a kazoo cutie mark. He likes to sing, dance, pretend, and KAZOO! His personality is basically that kazoo kid, www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRpdIr… He eventually starts a Kazoo cult. The purple one has a gloomy personality, she takes after Pinkie Pie's family, she likes rocks. She is interested in the magical properties of rocks and gemstones. Her cutie mark is a gemstone and sparkles. She studies magic and rocks. When she was younger her Aunt Maud was teaching her about rocks and mentioned that with the right stone one could rule all of Equestria, she has secretly been trying to find the right stone. For her colors I just combined, Pinkie's and Party Favor's, I usually don't like to do that because the colors end up not looking anything like the parent's or family member's, but here the colors looked similar to Maud or other members of Pinkie's family so I used them. The haven't really come up with much of a personality for the oldest, I guess he likes to party. His cutie mark is a slice of pie. 5:  Fluttershy and Nurse Pony. I don't have a name for her son, the daughter's name is Blossom. I just chose the stallion sort of randomly, I thought their colors looked nice together I might make a different alternate universe Fluttershy family with her and Discord. Blossom is a cheerful pony, she loves nature, and loves to grow flowers and plants. Her cutie mark is a flower blossom. She likes to grow flowers that attract animals. I haven't really thought up much more for her personality. The foal is a bit shy, he has trouble speaking to other ponies. He is kind of secretive and spends a lot of time alone. His cutie mark is three ghosts because he is often invisible to others because of his shy personality and because he secretly practices necromancy. 
6:   Applejack. I literally just chose this stallion to pair with her because I think the colors look nice together. I have no idea what his name is, I don't think he even has one. This isn't about shipping, I just wanted to design some next gen kids, so I chose the stallion based on the colors. I don't have names for either of the kids. The youngest wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. She loves the animals on her mom's farm and wants to be able to care for them when they are sick or injured. She is calm most of the time and very patient. The older one's cutie mark is an apple, orange, and grapes. She wants to grow and sell lots of different fruits. She is also interested in tree grafting, she wants to be able to graft different fruit trees together. (I'm going to say it's possible to make a tree with more than one type of fruit in mlp because magic) 7: Big Mac.  I haven't come up with cutie marks for the younger two. The oldest has sort of a tomboyish personality. She loves the outdoors, animals, and running through mud puddles. Her cutie mark is an pie and an apple slice. She is good a making desserts with apples. The middle child, is calm and doesn't talk much. She is not shy, she just doesn't like to say much. She prefers to listen to what others have to say. The youngest has a personality similar to his mother Sugar Belle, he's very sweet and likes to help others. He loves helping his mother cook desserts. I used the color of Granny Smith's coat for the youngest, and the color of Big Mac's father and Apple Bloom for the oldest. The oldest one has the same color eyes as Big Mac's mother.
8: They didn’t have descriptions
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sweetlilpaulie · 4 years
Like father, Like son.
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Paul X Reader
Request for Paul meeting The Parents. Yikes. Let’s see how this goes.
Warnings: Language
Enjoy, my cuties
“(y/n), help! Please!” 
You turned to the cute Beatle.
“Paul, I understand the whole ‘dress to impress’, but that doesn’t mean you have to keep bugging me about what tie you should wear.”
You turned back to the mirror and continued applying mascara.
“(y/n)...” Paul desperately pleaded, but you chose to ignore him. He looked frantically between the navy and the red one.  He decided finally that he didn’t want to risk it, and chose the plain black one instead.
His hands were so shaky, they repeatedly messed up the knot he had done thousands of times. 
You were done getting ready and noticed your lover’s plight. 
“Aw, poor darling is so nervous he can’t even fix up his own tie.” you teased.
Pouting, he handed the fabric to you. “Go, on. I can’t do it.”
Smirking, you tied it up for him. “Paul, you need to relax. My parents aren’t going to massacre you and drink your blood. They are normal people, and I’m sure they’ll love you!”
He smiled lightly at your words, but still fidgeted the entire ride to your home.
Then, you were at the door.
He was breathing heavily.
You glanced up at him. 
He looked down at you.
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it assuringly. 
You knocked on the door.
It sprung open instantly.
There stood your mother and father.
“Mum, Dad!” you hugged them tightly.
“This is my boyfriend, Paul McCartney.”
Your mother smiled kindly, and shook his hand
“Hello, Paul.”
“Ello, Mrs. (y/l/n).”
Your father shook his hand firmly.
“Good strong handshake, says a lot about a man.” he nodded in approval.
“Well, come in!” mother welcomed you both into the house.
Still holding his hand, you pulled gently, coaxing him inside.
“Please, sit.” Mrs. (y/l/n) gestured for you both to have a seat.
“Dinner should be in soon. I’ll get you some refreshments.”
“Oh, mother, don’t worry about that! Paul brought wine.” you emphasized that it was his idea.
“Oh, how thoughtful of you dear, thank you!” 
He handed her the wine, grinning. “Oh, it was no problem.”
She left with the drink and you and Paul sat on the sofa across from your father who was relaxing and smoking a pipe. 
“So, how did you two meet?”
You glanced at each other. 
You had been expecting the question, and knew he wouldn't approve of the truth. 
So you twisted it a little.
Hey, you weren’t lying! You just left a few things out.
“Well, Paul was doing a concert and I happened to be in the front row. Said he noticed me, and wanted to talk to me after. We went for drinks and he gave me his number.” Along with a nice shag you thought, but you kept that bit to yourself.
“That’s how we started going steady.”
He nodded and continued at his pipe.
Mother came back into the room. “(y/n), would you mind...?”
“Of course mother!” you stood up and followed her. You glanced back at a terrified Paul, and your inquisitive father. He had started asking another question, but you left before you could hear it.
“You know were the plates are.”
You nodded, and started to set the table. 
“So, how long have you been dating Paul?”
“About a year and four months.”
“Hmmm. Not your longest relationship.” she hummed mostly to herself. 
You frowned.
“I’m a lot more mature than I was four years ago, mother. This man means the world to me. And he feels the same.”
She said nothing after that, just checked up on the roasting chicken in the oven.
Once you had set the table and mum had placed the food on it, you called in the boys. 
Putting out his pipe, Mr. (y/l/n) walked into the dining room followed by a pale faced Paul.
“Darling, are you alright?” you whispered to him.
He swallowed, but then nodded, looking at you. 
You sat across from your mother, sitting next to Paul and your father.
Just before you and Paul were going to dig in, your father cleared his throat. 
“We like to say a prayer of thanks before we eat.”
You raised my eyebrow. Since when had your parents become religious?
But, you bowed your heads in reverence anyway as father prayed for the meal.
You dug in.
The rotisserie chicken was succulent, along with the mince pies and Yorkshire pudding.
“Thank you so much Mrs. (y/l/n), the dinner was excellent.” Paul complimented.
Your mum blushed and muttered a thank you.
“One last question for you Mr. McCartney.”
Paul swallowed.
“How much do you love my daughter?”
He relaxed. 
Looking you straight in the eye he replied “More than anything else in the world.”
He turned back to your father, confidence in his eyes for the first time tonight “I love your daughter, and I always will. I hope one day, I will be able to deserve her.”
All of your eyes widened.
“Paul, what are you saying..?”  you breathed.
He bit his lip.
“Well, this wasn’t really the way I wanted to ask you but...” he went down on one knee. “(Y/n) (y/l/n), Will you marry me?”
Your mouth stood agape, along with your parents’.
“Please say yes.”
You grinned “Of course I will, you wanker!”
“(y/n), language!” your mother scolded, but smiling ear to ear, tears in her eyes.
“I guess now would be the time I would ask you for a blessing?” Paul held you close.
Your father made no movement. It was impossible to try and read his face in this moment.
Then he smiled. 
“I can see you love her. I give you my blessing. Your a good man Paul.”
Paul grinned “Thank you! This means so much to me!” he goes to give him a hug. Your father shoved him away. 
“The affection is not necessary.” 
“Can’t I at least play a song?”
“Oh, we’d love to hear you play!” you mother exclaimed. Your father nodded in agreement.
“Go on, then.”
Paul sat at the piano and began to play.
“Wise men say, 
Only fools rush in, 
but I can’t help,
falling in love with you.”
Hope you enjoyed!
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imjeralee · 4 years
Comfort in Despair: Chapter 5 - Life as a Researcher
Leon x F!Reader
Disclaimer: Do not own Pokemon
Galar is rich in folklore and tales of the supernatural.
As a Pokemon Researcher who specialises in ghost types, this is a great opportunity for you to investigate and learn more about the paranormal.
Along the way, you meet Leon (in the most awkward way possible) who becomes embroiled in your adventures.
^ Basically this story is about ghosts :/
Rating: General/Teen
Note: This is an accurate picture of me when I was writing this particular chapter
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Warnings: Don’t read this fic at night
Life as a Researcher
[The coldest recorded body temperature a person has ever survived is 56.7 degrees F (13.2 degrees C)]
You're on your way to Wedgehurst with a small group of five middle-aged ladies who have followed you to the train station and into the carriage. Gengar doesn't appear to particularly enjoy coming out during day nor does he like to be around crowds so he decides to stay hidden in your shadow.
You've become a Pied Piper of Hamelin of some sort as the women trail after you eagerly and you take up one entire row. You sit in the middle, flanked by two housewives and three standing in front of you. They are friendly enough but they fire questions about you, your profession and how you can help them.
You answer them to your best ability and the most they get out of you is that you're a qualified Researcher. You're not officially aligned with the police but you know the Chief Inspector, Chris Graves.
They ask you how you know him and you're reluctant to tell them everything so all you say is that you have crossed paths with Graves when you were back in Kalos and now he has transferred to Galar for his work and voila, you have a contact in the force who can help you should you ever get wrapped up in cases such as these.
Usually it's the other way round, though.
You have worked with the police before and although they're under the impression that you're kooky and your methods are unorthodox, Graves doesn't mind if you step in at any point though he occasionally warns you that there are fine lines not to be crossed.
You tell the women that three people have also disappeared near the Giant's Seat.
You didn't realise there were more until today.
If you didn't pass Wyndon police station, you wouldn't have known.
The total of missing people is now eight. The first missing person is a gym challenger called Maisy who has been missing for three months. The second is a gym challenger called James, missing for one month and the third is another male gym challenger. No bodies have been found.
When the train slowly chugs into Wedgehurst, you leave the station and plough down the path with the ladies following you, avoiding the Wooloos that litter the streets. The townsfolk, intimidated by your large group, automatically make way for you. You meander towards your house and once you're at the door, it's unlocked and you enter to see Sonia and Magnolia seated down in the kitchen, fixing breakfast for themselves.
Upon your return, Sonia and Magnolia rise from their chairs and Cutiefly and Polteageist are ecstatic to see you, zooming towards your direction. Cutiefly burrows itself into your hair and Polteageist hugs your head whilst Sonia envelopes you in a warm and tight embrace, followed by Magnolia. Every morning, they do this whenever you return home. You believe they are deathly afraid that one day, you will not return.
However, once they spot the crowd outside waiting to enter the establishment, the sight forces their jaws to drop.
Magnolia and Sonia are stunned to see their home suddenly filled with so many people so you quickly explain that they are your new clients and you ask Magnolia for permission, hoping she doesn't mind that you have brought so many random people to her home. She informs you she is fine with this as long as you keep the noise to a minimum and avoid using the fine china.
You promise and remove your coat, kick your boots off and carefully drop your bags and Leon poster on the ground.
And you are so tired that you could fall asleep right here and now because you've pulled an all-nighter but you need to hear the ladies out.
Magnolia leaves you to it and departs for the research lab so you are on your own. You guide the group to the conservatory where you hold most client meetings and let the ladies sit whilst you stand to write notes. You ask if anyone wants some tea and everyone lift their hands up. Polteageist turns away with his arms crossed, refusing to make tea for them. He doesn't like serving tea to strangers anyway.
Luckily for you, Sonia steps in to assist and comes waltzing in with a tray of cookies and hot beverages after a few minutes, with little Yamper balancing a small tray of his own over his head. The ladies coo and fawn over the puppy pokemon.
You're exhausted, eyelids drooping, but you fight hard to stay awake and listen to everyone's testimony, one by one. Normally you would've preferred a one to one session but group sessions work too.
You flip open your journal to take down notes, asking for the date of the disappearance, time, location and any other crucial information and detail no matter how small. You also ask them if the missing sons have been acting strange prior their disappearance but all the answers are no. They also tell you the missing Rotom phones have also mysteriously disappeared and the GPS doesn't show where they are.
Occasionally, the women lose track to discuss amongst themselves and so you have to snap them out of it and focus on providing accurate testimony.
Eventually, you finish after three or four hours and you're really struggling to stay awake.
Please bring my son back alive, that's what they say before they leave and you promise that you would find them alive.
Sonia escorts the women out and returns to the conservatory only to see that you have fallen asleep, sprawled over the sofa with your journal lying open on your lap. She smiles and grabs a blanket from the cupboard which she uses for occasions like these and drapes it over you. Yamper barks but she puts a finger to her lips and they quietly leave the conservatory.
Hours later, you wake up with a start only to discover that it is now nine o'clock.
Rubbing your eyes, you look around; the curtains of the conservatory are drawn and it's eerily silent. You sit up and the journal threatens to fall off your lap but you quickly grab it before it drops to the floor. Stretching, you peel the blanket off you, glance around the empty conservatory before you emit an impossibly loud groan. Cutiefly and Polteageist are in the room and when you get up, they head over to your side.
"Hey guys," you mutter groggily, as they look up at you before quickly nuzzling your cheeks affectionately. "Arceus, I'm so tired...I'm gonna take a shower..."
Suddenly, Gengar appears from your shadow and Cutie and Poltea both look alarmed at your new companion.
You quickly introduce your pokemon to Gengar and your pokemon curiously float over to inspect the shadow pokemon. Cutiefly leaves the sanctity of your hair after a few minutes of reassurance and circles Gengar for a while before returning to sit on your shoulder. Poltea inches closer to Gengar and it appears they are communicating. You watch as the two ghosts make brief exchange before Gengar looks at you with a sad expression.
You ask Polteageist if he has just told Gengar about Rosie and he nods and returns to your side, choosing to hug your head whilst Gengar looks at you sympathetically.
You tell Gengar that if he can help in any way, it would be greatly appreciated and that you would love to study him but you have a new case to work on so maybe another time.
Yawning, you slide off the couch, head for the stairs whilst the Pokemon stay downstairs and you enter the bathroom to shower, peeling off your clothes and dropping them into the laundry basket to be washed later. As you shower and wash your hair, you briefly think about Leon, thinking about his soulful eyes and long eyelashes, and you wonder what he may be doing right now. He must be training in the Wild Area somewhere. You didn't even check if you had received any messages from him.
When you're squeaky clean, you return to your room to get dressed and you see that Sonia has put your bag and all your Leon merchandise next to your bed; you pick the poster up and unfurl it.
Leon's grinning face appears and you let your eyes wander over his form with a smile and Gengar manifests from your shadow on the wall; he floats in the air and circles Leon's poster then points to him.
"Yeah, that's the guy who was with us back in your house. He's the Champion of Galar."
Gengar grins and points to you then at Leon once more, puts his hands where his hips should be and wiggles his hips back and forth, smacks his mouth, imitating and making kissing noises in the air.
"Oh, shush," you say with a smile, "It'll never happen. He's got plenty of girls pining after him anyway."
As you roll the poster properly and let it stand beside your desk, the sound of the bedroom door opening captures your attention and you throw a glance over your shoulder to see Sonia hopping into the room. "Hey, you're - Ah! What's a Gengar doing here?"
"Hey Sonnie," you say, "He's my new partner pokemon. He's from the haunted mansion and he wants to help me."
"Oh, that's lovely," Sonia replies with a smile, and you watch as they both greet each other briefly before Gengar drifts out of your window and towards the roof. Sonia moves to sit on the edge of her bed leisurely, crossing one leg over the other and casually gestures to your bag with the boxed Leon action figurine. "By the way, why did you buy so much Leon merchandise all of a sudden?"
"I met him last night, Sonnie."
Shocked, she sits up properly, leaning forwards in her seat, "You did? That's amazing! He was really keen to meet you but you were always asleep during the day. I'm so glad that you've finally met!"
You nod, mentally berating yourself that all this time, Leon was wanting to meet you but never got the chance.
"What do you think of him?"
You are too shy to tell her any further details such as Leon holding you and whatnot so your response is a mere half-hearted shrug, "He's really nice."
Sonia cheerfully twirls a strand of curly hair between her fingers, "We don't talk much since he became Champion and he's really busy nowadays, but before all that, he used to always come over to the house."
"Your haunted house client called earlier too. He said he'll pop by tomorrow at eight pm if that's okay."
"Yes, that's brilliant. Thanks, Sonnie."
"No problem! How did it go anyway?"
"It was fine," you reply, before you proceed to explain, bringing her up to speed about the events of the haunted house and the conclusion though you omit the details revolving you and Leon; you do not tell her that you stayed with Leon for the rest of the night and the majority of the morning.
You ask her how her day was but she says she helped Magnolia in the lab for the entire day. With a sigh, she wonders when her big break will be.
"And what's this new case you're working on?" she asks next. She's moved to sprawl over her bed on her stomach, looking at her phone.
"Missing people."
There is a brief silence and Sonia slowly puts down her phone, turning to you with an expression of worry. "Ah...I understand, are you sure about this one?"
"Yeah, I am. And I better get a move on. So little time, so much to do."
"Why don't you take a break for the time being?"
"Can't. I need to do this. The police are working on it but it wouldn't hurt if I try to help too."
She lets out a heavy sigh, shaking her head helplessly whilst you muster a weak smile at her and leave the bedroom. She tells you there is dinner left for you in the fridge.
Magnolia appears to be asleep as you tiptoe past her room. You haven't spent enough time talking to Magnolia because your schedules don't match. You're asleep during the day and she goes to sleep at nine, or on some random occasions, seven or eight if she's extremely tired. You both conveniently miss each other a lot.
You spot Yamper chewing on a poketoy near the stairs and as you pass him, you stroke his head and ears and he emits a cheerful bark.
Driven by hunger, you head into the kitchen, grab the leftovers from the fridge and heat them up in the microwave. It's leftover pie, veggies and mash and whilst it's cooking, you brew yourself a cup of Komala coffee for that extra oomph because you believe it'll be another long night. Once the food is ready, you sink into the sofa in the lounge with your late dinner and journal.
The food is piping hot so you balance the plate over the empty seat beside you and check your phone absent-mindedly, checking for any updates. Your blog's latest entry has been quite popular and you're relieved to see that positive comments has overtaken the troll comment left behind by the anonymous user.
However, you haven't received any texts from Leon since you replied to his message this morning.
Your face falls.
You were hoping you would've received at least one reply. Maybe a short message asking to see what else you were up to or maybe something as simple as a 'okay' would've sufficed. To make matters worse, your reply is marked as 'read'.
You try not to think too much about it. Instead, you think about your next plan of action.
Wracked with physical exhaustion, you've not had enough sleep nor have you had sufficient time to think or work out your next plan of action but you can't afford to sit around and do nothing. Peeling yourself off the sofa, you lay out your notes over the couch, picking up your plate of food and munching on some pie before you take a sip of your coffee.
Your Pokemon arrive to see what you're up to and everyone looks at your notes. Your messy handwriting, random arrows, prompt and other small blurbs circled in pen dominate the papers.
The coffee is working its magic in your system and you discover that the lounge isn't a suitable place to gather your thoughts and conduct research, so you quickly finish your meal and collect your notes together once more. You hastily rush to the door to put on your new coat and sink your feet into your worn boots.
Leaving the house with your pokemon, you balance your notes in your arms and you're still holding your mug of coffee for some reason which you didn't realise but no matter, you make your way to the Pokemon Research Lab as quickly as possible.
You fumble with your set of keys once you arrive and when you have unlocked it, you push it open with your back since your arms are full and head inside, pressing on the light-switch using your elbow.
The lights slowly flicker on one at a time, with one light in particular fluttering limply in the corner. The lab is closed at night but Magnolia has granted you permission to peruse it despite being after hours.
Outside, the sounds of raindrops battering the side of the building makes its presence known and you breathe a sigh of relief, knowing if you had left it a second later, you would've been caught in the rain.
You breeze past the seating area and the bookshelves whilst your pokemon linger near Magnolia's work desk which is chock full of documents and pokemon books. A small desk in the corner near the stairs is your destination and you put your coffee and notes down on the surface before you rearrange them in chronological order.
This is your workspace.
Although it's small, it serves it's purpose well and it's currently and unfortunately covered in a thin layer of dust since you hardly had time to carry out desk-based work most of the time.
Your whiteboard stands next to a large potted plant and you grab the handle, slowly easing it out. It is covered with plenty of sticky notes and random photos of ghost Pokemon and symbols. Gengar watches as you flip it to the other side to reveal a detailed map of the Wild Area stuck down with magnets.
It is accompanied with three photos, one of a young girl and two young boys underlined with 'Missing Person #1: Maisy', 'Missing Person #2: James' and 'Missing Person #3 Ed' and a brief outline of the circumstances of their disappearance in short bullet points.
Gengar, Cutiefly and Polteageist watch as you stand in front of the board and grab a black washable marker from the stationary tub, pulling off the lid.
It's time to start and the coffee is kicking in.
"Let's update our board," you say aloud, and you're awfully jittery so you grab your wooden paddleball from your cupboard that comes with a red ball on a string and begin whacking the ball repeatedly over the wood at the same time, "There are now a total of eight missing individuals. Let's start with the new missing folk."
You take the league card of a boy called 'Scottie' from your pile of notes and stick it on the space beside 'Ed', using a magnet to keep it pinned on the board.
"...Missing person four, Scottie: sixteen years old. Gym challenger. Last seen by a Watt Trader at night near the Giant's Seat...Watt Trader said the boy appeared to be running away from something. Mr Watt Trader assumed it was a wild pokemon and didn't come forward immediately. Missing for eight days."
You hastily scribble bullet points on the whiteboard.
"Missing person number five, Frank. Gym challenger, twenty one years old. Last seen wandering the Giant's Seat at night by a group of female travellers, asking to accompany them because he said he was being followed for the past few days. He didn't tell them who or what it was. Appeared to have seen something or someone behind the group and proceeded to run off. Has not been seen since and has been missing for five days."
You stick Frank's league card beside Scottie's.
"Missing person number six, Simon. Gym challenger, twenty years old. No witnesses, but a pokemon breeder found his intact backpack and the rest of his belongings at an empty campsite near the Giant's Seat."
Gengar, Cutie and Poltea watch as you stick Simon's card on the board next.
"Missing person number seven, Ben. Gym challenger, eighteen years old. Last seen camping on the outskirts of the Giant's Seat with his girlfriend. They fell asleep together in the tent. When his girlfriend woke up the next day, the tent was open and he was missing and he hasn't been seen since. His belongings were left intact. Missing for four days."
You're onto the recent victim now.
"Missing person eight. Owen. Gym challenger, twenty. An eyewitness saw him talking to a girl with blue hair in a white dress, possibly a friend or girlfriend. Missing for two days."
You finish sticking up the league cards and photos of the missing individuals. Using the notes provided, you also use red pins to stick on the map. You realise all the pins are scattered randomly around the Giant's Seat area. Once you are finished, you take a step backwards to inspect the whiteboard.
The whiteboard is running out of space.
"What's the connection?" you mutter as you begin pacing up and down with your paddleball. The pokemon watch you keenly as you grab your coffee, taking numerous sips, "Let's summarise briefly."
You turn to Cutiefly, Polteageist and Gengar and they stare at you expectantly.
"All victims are male except one. They're all gym challengers. They're between the ages sixteen to twenty one. Some of them appeared frightened. Some of them even left behind all their possessions. Their Rotom phones have not been found and their GPS location disappeared. They also disappeared at night."
You eventually decide that the way several victims disappeared sounds fishy.
"A guy goes missing from his campsite, leaving his belongings behind. A guy with his girlfriend goes missing from their camp during the night but leaves his stuff behind. And another victim was seen talking to a girl with blue hair in a white dress."
You tilt your head to the side and rub your temples again.
"What pokemon are known to reside in the Giant's Seat? Stufful, Bronzor, Lombre, Machoke, Machop, Nuzleaf...Wooper, Palpitoad, Snover, Snorunt, Munna, Duskull, Electrike, Ghastly, Natu, Mudbray, Growlithe, Vulpix. None of these pokemon should be capable of kidnapping humans or attacking humans, nor do they have any reason to."
You frown and grunt under your breath.
"I need to make a phonecall," you mutter, before you move to your desk, pull your seat out and plop yourself down.
You call Wyndon Police Department, asking for Chief Inspector Chris Graves. You get through after clearing some security measures and stating your identity and occupation. Luckily, Graves is still in the office. Though he's reluctant to give you too much information, you ask him about the testimony and everything checks out: the witnesses, the travellers, the girlfriend, the Watt Trader, the Pokemon breeder.
The only individual the police can't locate or identify is the girl in the white dress with blue hair. No-one has come forth with any information on this.
You also ask about the weather when the people went missing. So far, it's random...ranging from clear skies, rain, thunder and lightning. Then you ask about Maisy, the first missing victim, and what the weather was like when she went missing. It was a snowstorm, apparently.
You thank the Chief and hang up.
This new piece of information seems to have narrowed some things down.
Maisy went missing during a snowstorm and the rest of the victims since her disappearance have been male.
"Could it be...?" you murmur, shooting up in your seat and making a beeline for the board. The unknown girl is actually a big clue. You grab a red marker and circle 'Girl with Blue Hair and White Dress' before you yell, "Rotom!"
Summoned, your phone flies off the desk and into the air, grinning. "Yezzz?"
"Can you get Jace on the line?"
"Zzzure," Rotom replies, before he quickly changes to phone mode and you see he is dialling your friend for you until it gets picked up and the little screen of your phone shows Jace, presumably in his room and working at his desk, tampering on your radio with his Joltik helping him whilst an Eelektross and Heliolisk jump on his bed in the background.
He's wearing a pair of goggles with enlarged lens, blinking at you with magnified eyes, "Hi duckie, what's up?"
"Jace, can you pop over to the lab right now? Bring some of your thermals if you can."
He lifts his goggles up, letting them rest atop his messy hair, "Uh...why? What's going on?"
"It's for an investigation."
"...Oh, uh. Alright, sure, give me thirty minutes to get everything."
You're grateful Jace doesn't ask you too many questions and that he doesn't mind heading over to Wedgehurst at night but then again, he's used to your awkward requests and he's used to being called at random times during the night too.
"Thanks!" you reply, and Jace hangs up.
He arrives in twenty minutes; you wait for him on the plush sofa with your wooden paddleball, repeatedly whacking the ball against the wood until the door to the lab creaks open and you sit up in your seat.
"Geez...The weather is like a Thundurus..." mutters a disgruntled male’s voice.
You look up. "Jace?"
"Hi, chuck," he replies, grinning widely at you as you leap off the sofa to stand. Despite the umbrella, he's partially drenched, his damp blonde hair framing the sides of his face. His Joltik sits on his left shoulder, holding a large leaf over itself.
"Thanks for coming over," you say as he dumps the brolly into the bucket by the door and Joltik discards the leaf it was using as an umbrella.
He greets Poltea and Cutie as they hover over to greet him, giving them affectionate pats on the head whilst you greet Joltik. "No problem. And I got the clothes you wanted. What're you working on?" he asks, handing you a plastic bag which should contain the various thermals you had requested.
"I'm working on the missing person case."
"Can I have a look?"
"Sure." you say, and you both head to the whiteboard and stand side by side.
Jace scrutinises the board whilst you pull out a male's hooded sweater, a heavily insulated technical jacket, a pair of thermal socks and gloves. "So all these young lads are missing. They disappear at night, they're all gym challengers and no bodies have been found?"
"Well, whoever it is that is nabbing them, they like boys."
"That sounded extremely creepy but you're right, and I have a hunch."
"Let's hear it then."
"It's a Froslass."
"A Froslass?"
"Yeah. She's known to kidnap young men and use them as decorations."
"Fuckin' hell!" Jace cries out, "But she lives in snowy mountains, don't she? And she's not native to Galar."
"Yeah, but there's the occasional freak snowstorm in the Wild Area and check this out, the first known person who disappeared in the Giant's Seat is a female and she went missing during a snowstorm. Isn't it weird that no bodies have been found, even though it's been days... a month even? It's because she's kept them frozen in her lair somewhere in the Giant's Seat. It wasn't obvious until I found out there were new victims today and they're all male."
Jace shivers. "...Or maybe it's a serial killer or a crazy cannibalistic family who's kidnapping young men?"
"Or it could be a Froslass."
"Or it could be Macro Cosmos. Someone could be trying to sabotage the gym challenge," Jace says, "They're a powerful company but they can also be awfully dodgy, if you know what I mean. I heard matches are sometimes rigged so they can rake in more cash from the bookies."
"That's a good point but that's awfully risky and why would they want to do that anyway?"
Jace shrugs. "I dunno. You really think it's a Froslass?"
"If it's a Froslass, why hasn't anyone seen or found one yet? I'm pretty sure someone would've seen one wandering around the Wild Area by now."
You gesture to the words 'Girl with Blue Hair and White Dress'. "Because she can appear under the guise of a young woman. A lost or hurt young woman, maybe. That's how she's been nabbing folk at night."
"What about their Pokemon?"
"She probably froze them too."
Jace makes a weak noise from the back of his throat before he glances at all the photos of the missing people. "Do you think they're dead?"
"...Froslass likes to freeze people and take them to her lair, so...if that didn't kill them on the spot, then Hypothermia will."
"Do you really have to work on this case?" he grimaces loudly and you nod, "I-I don't have a good feeling about this..."
"Even if it isn't Froslass, it doesn't make a difference to my plan."
"Which is what?"
"I'm going to the Giant's Seat. I'm going to pretend to be a boy and I'm going to be bait."
"That is a terrible plan."
"I didn't say it was going to be a good plan."
"Then I'll do it. I'll be the bait."
"There is no way in hell I'm gonna endanger you, Jace."
"I have Joltik to protect me. Isn't that right, little buddy?"
Joltik nods and trills loudly but you shake your head, "Jace, you're mad. What about your job?"
"I'm a Ball Guy for Pete's sake. Not much of a career nor is there much going on there anyway, and it's fine, as long as we finish by the end of the night and we come home before dawn, I'm good."
"Are you...are you serious?"
"Jace, you are MENTAL!"
He chuckles weakly.
Remembering how Leon should be still in the Wild Area somewhere, you can't help but worry. "I told Leon to stay away from the Giant's Seat, but I'm really worried about him now."
Jace grins and pinches at your cheek. "Oh, does little duckie have a crush on Galar's unbeatable Champion?" he coos with a wide smile.
You swat his hand away. "N-no, I'm just really worried about him, that's all," you check your watch as Jace's grin merely widens. It's almost eleven. "Wherever he is, I hope he's safe and staying away from the Giant's Seat."
Meanwhile, somewhere in the Wild Area, Leon sneezes.
Someone must be talking about him, or thinking about him.
That's what his mum told him anyway. She is superstitious and traditional like the majority of people in Galar, and she worries about a lot of things. She's worried that Rose is working him to the bone, she's worried that he isn't eating enough or staying hydrated enough and she's always wanted him to come home more often than he does.
Leon has never had a girlfriend although the attention he receives from girls is simply astronomical and so are the amount of love letters that gets sent to their home on a daily basis. His mum hopes that he will meet a nice girl who he can bring home one day. She does not want her son to end up hurt and taken advantage of.
Leon chuckles, wondering how his mum will react if she finds out that he had in fact camped with a girl all night. No doubt, his mum would be dying to know who this girl is and who her parents are.
He doesn't disclose to his parents that he's already devised a sort of test to determine if a girl is 'the one' or not and it's to do with Charizard. Call him old-fashioned, but the girl must get along with his pokemon and Charizard doesn't let anyone except Leon and Hop ride his back.
Therefore, if Charizard lets a girl ride on his back, he will know she's a special one.
He recalls how you got on quite well with his pokemon and ponders to himself. You're the first girl he's come across in the Wild Area and to be frank, he can't quite get you out of his head.
You've intrigued him.
Earlier on in the day and he received your message and tried to respond but unfortunately he hasn't had any luck getting any reception in the new area he's moved to.
Instead, he focuses in skimming through your blog.
The main page shows a photo of yourself with Gengar and the brief outline you had written of the haunted mansion. It occurs to Leon that he didn't take a photo with you. Maybe next time, he thinks. Leon scrolls through and reads some of your other articles before he comes across the page with your testimonials.
One of the testimonials is from a young man called 'Jace', who wrote that you had helped him when he saw his poor Joltik levitating off the floor and being flung against the wall by an unseen force for three nights in a row. He didn't know who to go to so called the police but they treated him with skepticism and believed it was simply a trick of the eye which prompted Jace to seek further help.
"She was the only one who believed me," Jace wrote, "And yes, it was a ghost. My grandma's ghost who, bless her dearly departed soul, despised my bug pokemon before her untimely passing."
He also states that you are a great listener and demonstrated strong compassion.
Leon reads the other testimonials and finds himself smiling when he sees the positive feedback you have received from random people who have all said the same thing: you are a great listener, empathetic and most importantly, you believed them when no-one else would.
Another person has written: "She knows her shit, don't question her."
Moving on, Leon reads your 'About Me' page.
You're originally from Kalos. You have researched ghost pokemon for five years give or take. You have an innate gift for sensing evil, to see and hear what most cannot. With these, you aim to discover and learn more about the paranormal and supernatural phenomena which most people cannot explain. Ghost pokemon fascinate you because they are living proof that ghosts exist, and they appear to exist in two planes: the spirit world and the world of the living. They can also act as mediums or guides to the afterlife. This is what your research is all about.
Leon reads all this whilst eating his dinner. It's great reading material.
He's had a full day of training with Charizard and now they're camping again, making dinner to fill their hungry stomachs. He remembers that you had warned him not to go near the Giant's Seat so he hasn't wandered around too much but they've decided to camp for the night and he's not quite sure what this location is.
Charizard tastes the soup and decides there's not enough flavour so he nudges Leon's bag open and rifles through, sifting out a little packet of salt. Leon notices immediately and stops his friend.
"Wait, Charizard," Leon says, "This was a gift, remember?"
With the bag of salt in his claw, Charizard rolls his eyes and snorts. It's salt. Salt, for Pidove's sake. And it's the only salt they have. The soup would taste a bit better if they sprinkled a teeny tiny pinch of salt, but Leon takes the packet of salt out his claws and returns it to the bag.
"Let's use some Chesto berries," Leon replies, grabbing some of the little blue berries out instead and Charizard snorts in disagreement since Chesto berries are more likely to make the soup taste blander.
He's about to toss them in when he hears a rather faint and fragile wail of "Help!".
And he promptly looks up.
"What was that?"
Charizard looks up from his bowl. He didn't hear it.
"Help!" the voice cries again.
It sounds quite close.
Leon gets up to stand, placing his bowl down on the ground. "Did you hear that, Charizard? Someone's in trouble!" the Champion immediately leaves camp, attempting to locate the source.
Charizard bumbles after him, not entirely keen in leaving behind the nice and warm, toasty campfire he created.
Leon returns onto the path, trying to pinpoint where the pleas are coming from and he completely passes the faded wooden sign that says 'Giant's Seat: 5 mins' without realising. Charizard follows his friend, using his tail to act as a light and they head closer and closer towards the source of the voice. Leon shivers slightly, realising the temperature has rapidly dropped all of a sudden and the cries for help has dissolved into mournful, female sobbing.
However, up ahead on the path lies a girl with blue hair in a white dress, her bare legs covered in dirt and blood. She also has no shoes.
Leon arrives first and steps forwards; she looks up at him with her light blue, crystal-like eyes. He drops by her side on one knee, throwing a glance to her leg. "Miss, are you okay?"
"Help me, please. I'm cold and alone."
"Can you stand?"
"Help me, please. I'm cold and alone."
Maybe she is traumatised. Leon loops her arm around his shoulder and immediately notices that she is icy to touch. The frigidness of this girl's hand could be mistaken for a corpse. As he hesitates, the girl looks at him curiously before she places her cold hand on his cheek, pulling him closer to her face.
Leon grows uncomfortable at once as she appears to scan his features, "Um...excuse me, miss, what are you-"
Charizard arrives and the girl turns, appearing to have been caught by surprise. Her eyes widen in a split second before she lets out a hysterical shriek, pushes Leon away and sprays him with a gust of icy wind from her mouth. From her hands, a glowing ball of light materialises from thin-air which she flings towards Charizard's direction.
The flame pokemon is unable to avoid and becomes disoriented immediately, having caught the attack head-first.
His vision is swimming and he's seeing spots. Confused, he roars, turning left and right blindly. His brain has decided not to function properly. He hears Leon yelling for him. The sounds of a girl screaming assaults his ears. He doesn't know what to do.
"Charizard, use flamethrower!"
Flamethrower? Okay.
Charizard unleashes a huge barrage of flames towards a dark figure in front of him which he assumes is his target.
Much to his surprise, Charizard yelps when he feels his own flames lashing at his body. Being a fire-type, it doesn't bother him but he has hurt himself in his confusion.
Charizard looks left and right again but where is Leon? Where is his best friend? As the world spins senselessly around him, Charizard flaps his wings and attempts to fly into the air before he abruptly crashes into a tree trunk. He topples over and lands on his back, roaring wildly and his vision and mind gradually clears up, the effect of the Confuse Ray finally wearing off.
Charizard sits up, clutching his aching, pounding head. How long was he confused?
It's still night-time.
He is alone.
Charizard growls and huffs, glancing around the empty woods but he is alone; Leon is nowhere to be seen. He cannot see hair nor hide of his friend anywhere.
What about the girl?
What was she?
A ghost?
He tries his hardest to suss out where Leon may have disappeared off to but to his dismay, he cannot find any footprints, cannot pick up his scent, nothing. He returns to camp but Leon is not present either.
Emitting a bellow of despair, Charizard takes off to the skies as fast as he can. He leaves the Wild Area, remembering the exact spot where the incidence occurred and heads for the closest town which is Wedgehurst. It lies straight up ahead. Maybe he should've gone to find Chairman Rose or maybe even Raihan, but you're actually the first person he thought of and so he perseveres in his journey, hoping it's the right thing to do.
Landing in front of Magnolia's house with a loud 'thump', he marches up and pounds on the door with his curled claw. Charizard is relieved when you open the door; you're the only person who's awake at this hour anyway. Sonia and Magnolia are fast asleep.
"Charizard?" you utter in surprise.
He nods his head and snorts and huffs loudly, hoping you can understand him.
You glance around curiously then say, "Where's Leon?"
The pokemon growls loudly with anger and frustration at himself before he lowers his head with shame and guilt, because he has lost his friend. His eyes begin to grow wet because he is worried and ashamed.
You know something is wrong immediately. "It's alright, calm down. Let's go find him, okay?" you step towards him and pat him on the head affectionately as Charizard continues to bellow with grief and hide his head under his claws, "It's okay."
Charizard whines and looks at you, then nudges his head further under your palm. You rub his leathery horns and give him a gentle rub behind his ears.
"What's wrong?" says a new voice, and Charizard sees a young man with blonde hair appearing behind you.
"Jace, this is Leon's Charizard. Something must've happened to Leon," you reply, before you quickly rush inside the house and re-emerge dressed in the warm, insulted coat, hoodie and gloves, "Let's go, Charizard. Where did you lose Leon? Can you take me there?"
Charizard nods vigorously and bites on your sleeve as you pull your bag over your shoulder, tugging you forwards impatiently, inviting you to climb onto his back.
"I'll go too!" Jace yells, but the moment you climb onto Charizard's awaiting back and he immediately soars into the sky. Jace is left on his own. "...Oh. Maybe not then."
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leidensygdom · 4 years
1, 2, 12, 13, 26!
OKAY SO I’m gonna try to focus on the campaign  I’m running myself (Gharmyra) because I’ve had so much RP over all these years and so on I wouldn’t ever stop talking otherwise. It’s gonna be a good way to talk a bit more on what has had Syg been invested into for the past half year!
1. A favorite character you have played.
I think that out of all the NPCs in the campaign I’m running, I’m enjoying Vest the most. He’s an old character of mine (Vor’kalth/Veth’shal, as he’s gone through many names in-character) who I really enjoyed back in the day but couldn’t RP since forever. While working on the campaign’s prep, one of the players mentioned he’d be multiclassing to warlock, and it was both a great way to introduce watchers early on (since Vest, as an undead, is a watcher) and getting to use him again. And I’m really glad I did that, because he’s been hella enjoyable and was probably a much better choice than a possibly edgy-brooding-patron instead.
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
oh god this one is just too hard to answer I hate playing favorites with other people’s characters. But p much if I’ve RPed with you I love ur character xoxo
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
OH god so we have a few--
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There’s a running joke over Yu’Yden, that cutie up above, being the BBEG. To the point we have an exclusive channel in which I keep track of the times he’s been called evil. So far, he’s been called evil 44 times
Another one of them is bacteria. It came up on accident, I think it was @eine-krone​‘s character (Hákarl) who mentioned it, and then we realized “shit, this is an industrial setting, bacterias aren’t a thing”. So canonically his... character, who’s an artificer, has invented a soap that kills bacteria. Except nobody knows what are they. Just a marketing thing.
Hákarl’s character also scores very bad in medicine, to the point he often gets crit-fails. As he put it, “he’s a machine-doctor, not a human-doctor”. Most times he checks for someone’s health, it leads to an “inconclusive analysis” on knowing if the person is either dead or alive. He’s currently writing a report on another party member’s defunction, despite how she’s alive. And well. And talking and so on
The monk eats about anything. Including magic items. Specially magic items. Anytime we come in contact with something edible-looking or just... shiny, he rolls a wisdom save to determine if he’ll eat it or not. This is getting problematic, since he once ate a puzzle piece, and he went through a room filled with poisonous pies and ate a couple of them (and he didn’t eat the rest because the party was examining those). One of the things he ate sometimes whispers him stuff. (and for the record, the character’s a human. A regular human)
The roguelock just never sleeps okay. Being a kalashtar, she should be able to have nice sleep, since she literally cannot have nightmares per se, but- She just doesn’t. This is also dice-rolled, and she rarely, rarely scores anything over 10. And if she does, seeing her feeling okay usually scares the rest of the party
Actually, she just has awful luck. Like, she defies all statics overall. A grand majority of her rolls are below 10, or even below 5. She has a +9 bonus to perception, but rest assured, she’ll never score more than 15 on it.
In the same manner, Vest (the roguelock’s patron) can use his own cantrips to do stuff, as long as it’s for comical purpose and not actually interfering with battles or the plot. He will use these for nefarious reasons. Or to steal shinies. Specially to steal shinies. 
There’s a cutie pink tiefling NPC, Isolde, who can be summoned at any point by holding chocolate. No matter what. She’s also effectively inmortal as far as we know.
One of the players has this sheet where he keeps track of all the incognitos, questions and theories about the plot. It’s two-sided, and he filled one side already. And I think the only item they have solved for now was because I officially confirmed “no, there are no aliens either”
I wanna mention Eine did a whole mind map to keep track of the plot too. It’s complicated
13. Introduce your current party.
Ok so lemme introduce my player’s characters!!
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This cheerful guy here is Glar, the human monk. He was sold by his family to a thieves’ gang to settle down a debt, and was raised rough. The thieves’ gang kinda disbanded after the two guys in charge got in a big fight, and he’s been trying to figure out his life ever since. Chaotic to hell and beyond, often the comic relief of the group.
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This guy here is Hákarl (Cousin Hákarl, legally), a dwarf-goliath artificer and @eine-krone​ ‘s character. Dwarf goliath means he has the proportions of a dwarf but the height of a goliath, and everything about him is pure cryptid fuel. He owns a business which invents all sort of weird gadgets: Everyday items made into weapons, soap, plushies, etc. In his backstory, he... Split his soul in half and put the other half in a warforged as his bachelor’s thesis. Except all the nice things about himself were in that side of the soul. So, the warforged (Ténn) is a sweet cinnamon roll, while Hákarl is certainly cursed. He also wants to destroy Gharda (one of the nations) and commit deicide.
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And this one is Laestis Luvali, the rogue-warlock kalashtar. She’s baby, really. Born in the first caste (akin to nobles in this setting), she’s has been realizing her peers are actually pretty awful. Her and her family have now cut ties with the first caste and have moved with The Chain, the rebel ludite group that’s actively fighting against them. She’s a kalashtar because of the sword, a family relic passed down generations that their ancestor fetched from a war from a millenia ago, which... turned out to be sort of cursed. It has a watcher within, one of these crystal-undead beings. Vest, her patron, has been trying to reach the Luvali forever to maybe get himself out of there, and Laestis has been the first one to answer the call. And their friendship gives me life tbh
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters.
oh gods i have so many i want to show them but HUH stuff I’ve done-
I really enjoyed when I introduced them to the first (enemy) watcher they had to deal with, Nilodus, and what happened after. 
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It was just ominous as heck, and it was the point in which the players realized what kinda stuff were they facing. At the same time, I enjoyed a lot when one of the villains they had been facing (Uth’gaeel) transformed into some big crystal eldritch horror, with an animated battlemap and everything. The boss fights have been overall very fun, and I’m doing my best to homebrew them and make them interesting!! I have one planned I want to s c r e a m about. Overall I just have a lot of plans--
Anyways, thanks a lot for asking! And damn that was a long post
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reverse rant
(Yup, it’s that time again...)
There’s no use pretending that the JSE community isn’t going a little sideways at the moment, at least here on Tumblr anyway, and I’m not presumptuous enough to assume that me adding my thoughts to the proverbial dumpster fire will solve anything. But I’ve sat by and watched the flames get higher for a few weeks now, and I think it’s high time I get this off my chest.
The “tea” blog is a flawed idea, yes. We can all acknowledge this. Anyone can go and anonymously spread misinformation or fear, and that’s not helpful. But a lot of the anons on the blog are also just concerned members of the fandom who don’t feel safe to speak out otherwise, and that’s scary, guys. People in our community can’t or won’t speak up because of the PMA Police jumping down their throats about “spreading negativity” when really, we do need a chance to clear the air. That blog’s existence is proof enough of that.
So allow me to be honest: I haven’t felt connected to the community really since Sean’s break last year. The things that I loved most about the Tumblr side of the community was the theorizing and the inside jokes and, yes, the positivity. It seemed like this community, among others, stood out as one that stuck together and encouraged one another. But recently? There’s been nothing to theorize about (Ego content, gaming content, or otherwise). The inside “jokes” have gone on too long and many weren’t even that funny to begin with. And the most depressing of all? Friends of mine have been harassed because they shared their honest feelings about Sean’s changes to the channel. Others don’t feel comfortable voicing their opinions at all. All because of this forced mentality that if we pretend everything is fine, eventually it will be. But that’s only going to put more and more strain on things.
Let people feel how they feel. That’s the main idea behind PMA. Feel distant from the community. Feel sad to see the channel change. Feel a little wary if you want to. But don’t resort to going anonymously on a blog that has said they don’t really care about this community. Speak to friends and fellow members. Get those things off your chest to someone you trust and acknowledge them. It’s okay to feel those things. Maybe they’re just temporary. Every community goes through lulls. There have been times where I’ve felt distant from many communities I’ve been a part of, but 9 times out of 10, I’ve come back around to them later on. The same may be the case now.
Or they may be a permanent issue for you, and that’s okay, too. People change and move on. If this community isn’t a place you want to be anymore, it’s not the end of the world. I know that many of us are emotionally attached to the channel and the community, myself included, and it’s hard to entertain the idea that this change might alienate us from something we’ve loved for so long. But there’s always more out there to discover, and you are free and welcome to explore it, no matter what others say. Don’t let them guilt you for leaving.
And if you want to stay, spread real positivity. Spread real kindness. Don’t elbow for attention and validation by being “the most positive” or “the most devoted.” That’s a cult, my friends. Cult-fandoms sicken me. There is no room for new people. There is no room for open discussion. And there is no room for an actual community. Make no mistake, I am not saying we’re already there. But if we keep traveling down this road of jealousy and finger-pointing and censoring, people are going to leave and never come back and the best days will be far, far behind us. And I don’t want to see that happen.
Instead, just be genuine. That’s something I think our community is lacking right now: genuineness. Be honest and allow others to be honest as well. Decide to stay because you want to, or allow yourself to step back if you need to. Personally, I’m taking a step back. I’m going to allow some time to pass to see if my interest returns. I’m not going to follow as many JSE blogs as closely. I’m not going to watch videos unless I really want to. I will continue writing the Egos because I do genuinely enjoy that, and my slice of the community here around my blog is still a ray of sunshine in my life. The people I have here are why I’m still posting at all, and I want to keep posting for them. And I’m not going to feel bad about it. This is how I choose to enjoy something that is made for enjoyment. And it’s okay.
For anyone who wants to talk, get some things off your chest or whatever, my DM’s are always open. I promise that this blog is and always will be a safe space for you guys, and I thank you all for being so kind and so fun. I really do love this little corner of the community we have here, and I want to keep it together. That’s why I say these things, not to start drama but to clear the air. And that’s all I’ve got!
Stay gold, cutie pies.
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fairymango · 6 years
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[Translations Masterpost]
Asahi SSR Story Welcome White Paper of Youth Translation
Disclaimer: I am not fluent in Japanese, so take these translations with a grain of salt. Some lines may be inaccurate; please let me know if you spot any mistakes. The characters in this card story are their School Caste GIGS event AU selves where they're inexplicably American; all their names are in katakana to indicate this.
Story 1:
*: Asahi is referring to the girls as the meat's garnish....
Story 2:
Misato: Asahi, recently you've become pretty stoic. You seem to have been practicing. Have you been doing push ups on your bed? Asahi: If it's about sleeping with whatever woman, I found that it's more fun just to practice. Misato: Oi oi, have you gone insane? Are you saying that it's more fun to roll around with some sweaty guy? Asahi: Aah, I'm fine, I'm being serious. What I'm looking for is more than steak, a hot girl. Asahi: If I have to continue eating potatoes, I'm going to become a vegetarian! Asahi, Misato: (In English) HAHAHAHAHA!! Misato: Yes yes, like I said earlier, no matter how hungry I become, I won't give up on my girlfriend. Asahi: Eh..... Shelly: Hi, Misato. I'm glad you came by Eden to play Misato: Aah, Shelly. My sweetheart Asahi: Oi oi, oi oi what's this! Isn't this an incredibly hot babe that makes you feel drunk from a glance Misato: Thank you, Asahi. Let's cheers with some Coke. Shelly: Asahi, I heard you had a thing for meat. This meat pie is on us, please enjoy. Asahi: Heh, meat pie huh. Recently I haven't heard much from the steak idiots. Thanks, I'm digging in.
Story 3:
Asahi: OhmyGod..... This is....this meat pie is.... Misato: Asahi? Asahi: Shelly, this meat pie is honestly the best! Asahi: The pie's crispy exterior, with an overflowing hot, spicy meat filling  inside! What the.... what..... Shelly: Hehe, I'll introduce you to the person who made this pie Mint: Hi, Asahi Asahi: ----! H-hi Mint: I'm Mint, nice to meet you. You liked the meat pie I made? Asahi: Aah, I was really excited to have had such a delicious meat pie for the first time Asahi: Also.... You are a hot cutie pie above that of this meat pie. Mint: Cutie pie you say... hehe, are you flirting with me? Asahi: Aah, I'm flirting. Mint, do you like BBQ? Mint: Is there an American that doesn't like BBQ? Asahi: Haha, it's as you say! Want to come to my place after? Mint: Eh, alright. You want to have cutie pie for dessert. Please do, depending on your skill. Asahi: Leave it to me. I'm better at baking than daddy.* - Asahi and Mint leave - Misato: Apparently, Asahi has also met his fated partner Shelly: ......... *Daddy: The katakana reads daddy and... I'm going to guess it's probably Master, the owner of Eden?? Otherwise I’m not sure????
Story 4:
Asahi: Here, it's done. Everyone eat lots! Football Team: (In English) YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! Shelly:  Just, what's going on? Mint: The football team that Asahi leads is having a celebration party for winning the tournament! Asahi: Our victory was of course thanks to Mint's meat pies. I could get stronger, as if I ate Popeye's spinach.* Mint: Both my meat pies and I are yours, darling Shelly: .......... --- Shelly: You're pretty skilled, Mint. Mint: Eh, it's all thanks to Shelly's advice. I'm grateful, really Mint: But, who was the one that really baked that meat pie? Shelly: It was Master. Isn't it reassuring for hygiene when he doesn't have any hair to worry about? By the way.... Shelly: That guy, is it tough at night? Mint: .....That's..... Shelly: Mint.... What's wrong? It can't be that guy.... he looks like that but he's actually HENTAI? Mint: Eh, in a sense. He..... on top of the bed..... Mint: ALL HE DOES IS SLEEP AFTER DOING PUSHUPS!! --- Misato: What the.... Asahi, did you tell Shelly that you only slept with that woman!? Asahi: What did Shelly mean? Anyways, when I say I want to sleep, I just mean I want to sleep. Asahi: I mean, what is there to do on top of a bed other than sleep? Misato: What...... - Flash of light - ???: ......From now on, I'll also be retuning.... Though I did not find..... The things, that this voice reach will...... ???: Then, if you were to wake up....
*: Popeye's spinach: In most media featuring Popeye it is used as a last-minute device where the hero eats a can of spinach, giving him greater strength to overcome danger. **: ??? is KT, the alien? Kyo from School Caste GIGs. He speaks completely in katakana.
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choking-on-tae · 7 years
Dog cafe
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Pairing: Jimin x reader 
Word count: 2.5k
Summary: “You come here so often that you know all the people who work there, however, you've never seen this boy before. He can't be that much older than you. Plus he's rather cute. Really cute even. You've never seen him here before, which means he must be new.” 
Genre: FLUFF  
Author’s note: I’ve posted this story on wattpad before but with Hoseok instead of Jimin. So if it seems familiar that’s why. Thought it fit better with Jiminie. x   
It's Saturday again, which means dog cafe day! You and your friend made it your weekly trip. You're both doing totally different things in life so you don't see each other very often. Your friend's life is a lot more hectic than yours is but she still decided to meet you every Saturday afternoon at the cafe. You really thank her a lot for that, that even though she has a super busy schedule she still makes time for you. You've been best friends since you were 4, and still are really close. Of course both of you met different people and made some other friends too but your friendship never really changed. You're still like her younger sister, and that will never change.
You're not a very social person, so you really value your friendship a lot. She's like a sister to you too, so you always make time for her when she asks. You're in college, so you're pretty busy with that too but you're currently just done with your exams and you don't have any until next semester. So you can chill out a bit, which is exactly what you need. Some relaxation. You arrive at the cafe and walk through the doors, the bell announcing a new costumer. As soon as you're in you're instantly greeted by some of the cute dogs. You put your bag on the floor as you pet a cute golden retriever, who was trying to get you to sit down so it could lay on your lap.
"Hello cutie."
It barks at you before running off again. You chuckle as you quickly pick your bag up again and make your way to a table where a French bulldog pug waiting for you. You've always wanted a dog, but your mother would never let you have one. She always told you how you'd eventually stop taking care of it and that she'd have to do everything for it in the end. When you were a little girl this made you really upset, because you really, really wanted a dog when you were 10. As you got older, you realized that having a dog is a lot of work and effort. You really have to be able to take care of it, feed it, give it attention, walk it. But since you're in college you don't have that time. 
So you come here every week, to give all the puppies that are here a lot of love. Your friend isn't here yet, so you take a seat at your regular table. You've been coming here for the past year. It was your friend who mentioned the cafe and you've been coming here ever since. You come here so often that you know all the people who work there, however, you've never seen this boy before. He can't be that much older than you. Plus he's rather cute. Really cute even. You've never seen him here before, which means he must be new.
His dark hair makes his caramel skin really pop. He's truly beautiful, handsome and exactly your type. He's behind the showcase with delicious tarts and pies. They almost look as delicious as he does. Wait what? Okay focus, don't droll over him now. You don't even know his name. For all you know he could be a total jerk. Right that moment the manager starts talking to him, which causes him to smile brightly. Oh my goodness. If smiles could melt hearts, that just happened.
"Y/N-ah! How long have you been here?" Your friend's voice snaps you out of your thoughts. You look up and see her taking a seat in front of you, giving you a sweet smile.
"I haven't been here for so long. So don't worry."
You tell her as you turn your attention back to the boy behind the counter. He really is adorable.
"Have you ordered yet?" She asks as she grabs her wallet.
You say, too busy staring at the cute boy. Your friend notices and smirks wickedly.
"Ah too busy staring at the new guy over there?" You snap out of your thoughts and feel a blush creep up on your cheeks.
"He's so cute Y/F/N."
She chuckles at your words before making her way to the counter and ordering your regular things. The boy starts placing your order with that beaming smile of his. You've never felt like this before. He seems so wonderful, so nice to just be around. C'mon you haven't even talked to the guy yet. Jeez get yourself together! You shake the thoughts out of your head as your friend comes back to the table, with a smug smirk on her face.
"Oh no what did you do?" You ask, absolutely terrified of the answer.
"I talked to him, his name is Park Jimin and he works here since Wednesday. That's why you haven't seen him around yet. He's not much older than you are and he loves puppies. That's why he works here. Seems like he's perfect for you." She tells you as she takes a quick photo for her Instagram.
"Ya, Y/F/N! I don't even know him! He could be a total jerk for all I know!" She sighs deeply as she rests her face on her palm.
"Y/N, you've been so busy with school lately, live a little too!"
You let her words sink in for a moment before the guy, who's name is Jimin, apparently, brings you your order.
"Here you go. Enjoy." He says with a beaming smile.
Your friend is right. You've been so busy with college and work that you haven't done anything fun withing the past months. You don't even remember the last time you went out or went to a party. When did it get this bad? You ask yourself as you take a sip of your cappuccino. Your friend is right, you should live a little instead of always being busy with school and such. Your eyes go back to the cute boy behind the counter, who's helping a costumer. He's so cute! It wouldn't hurt to talk to him, right? As if your friend can read your mind, she gives you a nod of approval.
"Go ahead." She whispers.
As soon as you've finished your cappuccino you get up and check to see where Jimin is. Okay he's still behind the counter. Plus there's no costumers so he technically should have time to talk. What's there to lose anyways? It's just your favorite cafe where you come every week and fuck that would suck if this goes wrong. Damn it. But you gotta live from time to time too, and your friend is right so it's worth the risk. As you slowly make your way to the counter you feel your heart starting to race. Jeez you just met the guy, calm down heart. You think as you feel your whole body starting to shake. Okay you can't talk to him like this, calm down a little first. You take a deep breath as you mentally prepare yourself. It's just talking, nothing scary. You say as you try to calm yourself down.  
Once you think you're doing okay you step in front of the counter, Jimin's eyes immediately finding yours.
"Can I help you?" He asks, his voice coming out a bit shakier than he intended to.
"Yes, I was wondering when your shift is over, and if you maybe wanted to grab a coffee together?" An amused grin spreads on his face as he turns off the coffee machine.
"Are you asking me out, Y/N?" Your eyes grow wide as he mentions your name.
"How do you know my name?"
You're pretty sure your eyes are ready to pop out at this point. He bites on his bottom lip before he answers you. "You've never noticed me before?"
You shake your head 'no' as you try to remember where you could've possibly ever seen him. "We take the same classes. At least almost all of them. When I first walked in I instantly noticed you, and this is gonna sound crazy but I really like you. So one time I was talking to your friend Chloe and she told me that you come here every Saturday. She told me that they were looking for employees so I applied and got the job. I suddenly realize how creepy this must sound. Damn I'm sorry. You must probably think I'm some kind of psychopath-"
You interrupt his ranting. Your cheeks are now a bright shade of pink. You've never met anyone who put this much effort into getting your attention.
"Yes?" He asks, seeming absolutely terrified for what you're about to say.
"You really wanted to get to know me that badly?" You ask him, full of amazement and confusion at the same time. Truth is you've never had this before so you don't really know how to deal with it. He gives you a soft nod, as all his confidence seems to have disappeared all of a sudden. He glances at the clock and starts to take of his apron.
"My shift is over now.. I'm sorry." He says as he folds his apron and grabs his coat, getting ready to leave.
"Wait! Don't you want to get to know me?" You ask, completely confused as to why he wants to leave so badly.
"Y/N, you don't have to be nice to me. I know you don't like me so you don't have to pretend to-
"Jimin, I do like you, otherwise I wouldn't ask you to drink coffee with me."
"Are you sure?" He asks as he starts taking of his coat again.
"Yes! Now c'mon!" You say as you grab his arm, dragging him to the table you and your friend are sitting. She gives you two an amused look as she puts her phone away. "Ah look at you two. Shall I give you two some alone time?"
"You really don't have to-" Jimin starts, but Y/F/N interrupts him.
"No I insist!" She grabs her purse and gets up, giving you space to sit down.
"Have fun you two! Y/N, I'll text you." She waves as she walks out of the cafe.
"Was she in the plot too?" You ask Jimin as he sits down. "Euhmm.. yeah.. she was."
"How much effort did you put into getting to know me?" You ask as you relax in your seat.
"A lot, and I know it sounds crazy and I'm sorry."
"Jimin wait, I actually think it's really sweet that you put so much effort into trying to get to know me. If you must know, I actually couldn't keep my eyes off of you." You confess, your cheeks turning a dark shade of pink.
"Really?" He asks as his cheeks turn the same shade of pink as yours.
"Yes, you can ask Y/F/N, she totally noticed and teased me for it." You tell him as you glance at the time on the clock. It's a little past 4, maybe he has somewhere to go?
"Jimin,I'd like to get to know you better. So maybe we can like go out on a real date?" You ask nervously, absolutely terrified for the answer. However, he gives you the brightest smile you've ever seen in your life and nods excitedly.
"Yes! That sounds amazing! Can you like meet up Tuesday after class? We've the same classes anyways so maybe we can do something fun after school?"
"That sounds lovely." You tell him, as he places his hand over your own. Finally gaining his confidence back he leans over the table to press a kiss against your cheek.
"Great, I can't wait." He says as he gets up.
"Euhm Jimin! Can I have your number?" You ask him as you nervously play with your fingers.
"Of course you can babe." Your eyes grow wide at his words as the blush creeps back again.
"Aish you're so cute jagiya." You hand him your phone as he quickly types his number in your contacts list. He hands you your phone back and gives you a wink.
"Call me."
Before he walks out of the cafe. You smile brightly to yourself as you save his number to your contacts.
"Babe? Dozed of again?"
You snap out of your thoughts as you move your eyes from the ring on your finger to Jimin, who's been staring at you this entire time.
"Yeah, sorry I just thought of how we met 4 years ago." He gently takes his hand in yours as he moves his thumb over the engagement ring he got you.
"You remember?" His eyes twinkle at the memory of how he first met you. How embarrassed he was when he confessed to you because we was sure you didn't like him, and how his heart fluttered when you told him you wanted to go on a date with him.
"Of course I remember, silly."
You say as you both take a seat on the couch. Jimin proposed to you yesterday, and it was the most amazing moment of your life. He's taken you to Paris, how classic. But he knows you and knows that you love romantic gestures, so he thought Paris would be the perfect place to propose. He took you out for dinner that day, to the fanciest and most beautiful restaurant you had ever been to in your entire life. Jimin never fails to amaze you, and he did that too this time. After dinner, you two went for a romantic walk through the streets of Paris. Instead of proposing in front of the Eiffel tower, he decided to settle for something else. You went to this park, that had the most beautiful tries and lanterns. It almost looked as if you were in a fairy tale.
There weren't that many people around, which made both of you feel a lot more comfortable. You were just walking around, hand in hand, talking about the most random things when he suddenly popped the big question. Well actually, he stopped both of you and knelt down on his knees. You were too shocked to form proper words but still managed to bring out a 'yes'. You thought you had seen the brightest smile when you asked him to go on a date, but you were wrong. This was the brightest smile you had ever seen on his handsome face. And here you are now, engaged to the most amazing person you've ever met in your entire life, and you can't wait to marry him.
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sunkissis · 6 years
Before arriving in France I had a long list of places to travel and things to see. Antz, Liv and I all agreed that one of them was seeing the Les Machines de l’île in Nantes.  I purchased annual SNCF passes because they were on mega sale (they are usually €75 each but I got them for €29!) These passes give us discounts on train fares for trips on the weekends and a special child fare. We plan to take so many train trips, I think it’s a bargain. So I’m sure you have never heard of Les Machines de l’île or le Grand Élephant so watch this clip to see what I’m talking about.
We have watched several videos about these magical creatures so I booked a train trip to Nantes to surprise the kid a week before her birthday!
The train ride to Nantes was our longest to date. Just over 4 hours but we sat in a Club Four which is a set of four chairs facing each other with a table. This configuration is rare to book so we really enjoyed it. We departed from Gare Austerlitz.
  We did everything you could during the ride. We played video games on our phones, ate snacks, napped, read books, colored in Liv’s coloring book and played an intense game of Uno. I taught Liv how to play the card game Speed (my favorite game when I was in high school). We arrived after noon and it took awhile to figure out how to get to the part of town where the machines were. I would think it is such a popular attraction, the tram would take us directly there. However, we took the tram for about 20 minutes and had to walk over a long bridge and then we found the site.
We were shocked to be sitting next to this cutie on the tram! Our cat Lola would never sit so obediently let alone let us put a harness on her.
We walked past the Château des ducs de Bretagne but it was closed and there was a protest happening nearby.
During the long walk across the bridge I was wondering if we would end up having to climb that ladder to get to the Le Carrousel Mondes des Marins. It’s hidden in plain sight!
We had no idea what this gentleman was selling when we first saw him riding past. I was hoping for some cotton candy but it turned out to be marshmallow squares in very unique flavors.
It’s hard to describe the Marine Worlds Carousel. It’s part steampunk, part nautical. There are three levels. The lower (Ocean floor) levels don’t have a floor, so you board via a moveable gangplank which Liv and I felt too apprehensive to ride. So we climbed to the top. I was so bewildered by the sea creatures I kept forgetting to take pictures.
As you can see it’s a very surreal experience. I was explaining to Liv how the characters reminded me of the films of Terry Gilliam. The only one she has seen is Doctor Parnassus but she got the idea.
When we reached the top, we were happy to find a floor and the raddest set of creatures. Each one has a moving element that you control like a marionette. Some by steering and some by pedals or pumps. It was very cool but also odd. I couldn’t capture the entire carousel in photos due to the sheer size of it. I loved the music they were playing too. It reminded me of one of my favorite singers Tom Waits.
Next we walked over to the mechanical elephant. I was surprised to see a sign saying that the elephant ride was sold out. It was close to 1pm, and they weren’t due to close until 7pm that evening. When I found someone who spoke English she said they had to close early due to thunderstorms. Bummer! So we took some photos and marveled at the giant wooden elephant. The gracefulness in it’s movement and agility was remarkable. I wish we could have experienced riding it but seeing it up close was rad.
I’m so glad I brought my wide lens for my camera because our iPhones couldn’t fit it in one frame in photos. Antz took this video with his iPhone X.
Liv and Antz went inside the Gallery and Liv was chosen to steer the giant Ant!
She loved it! We had lunch at the restaurant on the site. It was just about to close so the menu was limited. I got the last Cesar salad they had and Antz and Liv had a chicken sandwich.
The last thing we did was check out the smaller carousel. This one was similar to the large one and the creatures were interactive too. Absolutely enchanting.
The elephant returned from his walk and Liv got a surprise!
She dried off with an ice cream cone and we browsed the gift shop. I bought Liv a Nantes souviner gold coin for her collection and I bought a coffee table book about the Royal Deluxe Company. It was heavy in my backpack but I knew they didn’t have it on Amazon and it’s such a beautiful photography book, I couldn’t pass it up. I hope to one day see them perform in person since I have watched every single youtube video of their amazing giant puppets. The work they do is incredible but they don’t announce their shows until a few days in advance so it’s hard to catch them.
After spending the entire afternoon at Les Machines de l’île, we decided to take the tram back to the train station a little early because Antz had a headache and Liv was tired. To our surprise when we arrived at the tram, it was closed by the local police for some unknown reason. I tried to order an Uber but the app wasn’t working (no wifi) so we had to walk over an hour back to the train station.
Lucky for us we left early or we would have arrived there late. We sat patiently waiting for our train arrival. Poor Antz headache got so bad we had to go to the pharmacy and buy him some medication. Just when our train was 15 minutes from boarding we saw this on the train schedule display.
I asked Liv what retard meant in French and she said LATE! It took forever to find an English speaking staff person and they told me that due to lightening striking the train tracks, all trains going to Paris were delayed for an indeterminate amount of time. So we ended up stranded at the train station for FOUR HOURS! The staff brought out little snack boxes and bottled water for everyone but it felt like the apocalypse. People were grabbing the boxes like a riot and Antz headache was worsening. Liv didn’t feel great either and it was too hot to wait inside the station so we sat outside at the tracks which meant we couldn’t hear any updates. The announcements were all in French anyway. We started to panic and worry that we would have to book a hotel for overnight. Then finally around the time we were scheduled to arrive back in Paris, we saw everyone getting up and heading towards the tracks downstairs. We pushed through like cartoon super heros and jumped on the train and sat at the first club four seats we saw. Since all the trains to Paris were late, the staff didn’t check our tickets and we didn’t bother to find our original seats. An English speaking couple sat down across from us and told us we were in their seats but I guess I gave the guy a look like Reagan from the Exorcist and he nicely said, No worries, we’ll sit here. The train ride was supposed to be 4 hours but they put the pedal to the metal and got us into Paris by 1 am. I have never seen more exhausted and frustrated people from all over the world collectively sleep like we did. We were all happy to be out of Nantes.
I scheduled an Uber before the train stopped in Paris before all the rush but I still got hit was double the fare surcharge. Merde! I told our French friends about enduring this trip and they laughed and said Welcome to France!
So despite being disappointed about the elephant ride and the long train delay, we had a good time. I didn’t think the town of Nantes was particularly awesome. As Antz put it, if you seen one town in France you’ve seen them all.
Tant pis!
Day trip to Nantes, France Before arriving in France I had a long list of places to travel and things to see.
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When their s/o pulls them in for an unexpected kiss
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It’s honestly hard to say with Mark.  I feel like he’s a little more brazen than some of the other guys simply because he’s American and didn’t grow up in the more polite culture of Korea, but even with that said, he’s still a shy little bub.  If it’s early on in the relationship, I feel like he will be more shy about intimate moments like that.  His face will go red and he’ll probably let out one of those ridiculously cute nervous giggles.  However, if we’re talking later in the relationship, BOI!  He’s a Virgo.  He’s Cheeky.  He’s teasing.  He’s going to make you squirm before he’s done with you.  I think it would depend on where and when this is happening.  If out in public, he’ll kiss you back, but not linger (I feel like he’s more conscious of how others perceive him).  Now, if it’s at home, you can expect things to heat up pretty quickly, whether it be a steamy make-out or something a little more energy exerting.  Either way, I think Mark is a toss up kind of guy.  “Baby, you should know better than to surprise me like that.” (do I really need to even say ‘wink wink’?)
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I don’t know what it is about this man that I just think he’s a fluffy, flustered puppy.  Like he seems the type to be more gruff and tough, but he’s not.  Okay?  Whoever is blessed with the chance to be this one’s significant other will learn quite quickly that he’s a giant push over.  He loves to love and loves to be loved.  Lots of blushing, lots of stuttering, lots of unintended aegyo.  Of course, he does have a more ‘serious’ side for when he’s hot and bothered, but you have to get there first or he has to already have the bedroom on his mind.  I don’t know, I guess when I think of Jaebum I just envision cheese.  Like he’s so cheese-y!  Horrible dad jokes, puns that only make sense to him, and dirty, dirty mind that he shares with LITERALLY NO ONE EVER.  Fluff, flustered, puppy?  Yes.  Daddy material? Also yes.  He ain’t even my bias, ladies and gents!  I know one when I see one, I’m just sayin’!  Anyway, even if he leans more towards the Tsundere side of his personality after you surprise kiss him, don’t be alarmed or discouraged.  This guy LOVES when you kiss him, especially when he doesn’t see it coming.  Also, am I the only one who envisions hot, steamy, make up session?  Like you’re both arguing and suddenly BAM you’ve smashed your lips together and the rest is history?  I can’t be the only one!  
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I’m going to be completely honest with you.  You didn’t start this.  We both know it, alright?  There’s no shame in that.  This guy has already initiated the ‘Random Kisses War’!  He thinks your flustered reaction is just the cutest damn thing on the planet! Likewise, about the only time you CAN make him flustered is when you kiss him out of the blue!  It’s a competition between the two of you for sure!  He started it and you are determined to finish it.  The kisses will probably range from light butterfly pecks to hot open mouthed kisses.  I mean, this is Jinyoung we’re talking about.  Those pillows he calls lips are pretty much begging to be kissed.  I AM JUST SAYING!  Anyhoo!  Back to the topic at hand!  His reaction would range depending on the type of kiss and why the kiss has happened.  I mean, yes, they are surprises but let’s be honest, him pouting after a fight?  Very kissable!  I feel like in a situation like that, he would try to stay angry at you, but would ultimately fail.  How do you stay mad at someone who’s being so freakin cute?!  If it’s a ‘I just wanted to kiss you because I love you’ kind of surprise, then he’ll give you that beautiful crescent eyed smile of his.  Honestly, is this a competition to see who can surprise the other person more, or just a ploy to see his facial reactions?  “Yah!  Jagi, why are you making it so hard to stay mad at you?  It’s not fair!”
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OMG!  This poor puppy would just melt into the ground!  He’d giggle, squawk, laugh hysterically, maybe have a mental breakdown, all while he holds his blushing cheeks.  Jackson is a goober.  We all know it.  He’s a precious, sweet, gentle soul and he loves when you surprise him in any way.  You giving him kisses is his second favorite thing!  I say second favorite because this guy is a snuggler.  He loves to encase you in his arms and cuddle.  If you kiss him by surprise DURING a snuggle session, he’d be over the moon!  Honestly, though, Jackson would crave your kisses.  They make everything better.  Had a bad day? Kiss.  Not feeling well? Kiss.  Frustrated with something? Kiss.  Sad about something? Kiss.  Need a pick me up? Kiss.  Like imagine this scenario: you’ve come to their practice session to cheer them on.  They’ve been at it for a few hours now and they all look so exhausted.  They take a quick five-minute break, in which Jackson crawls over to where you are sitting so he can drop his sweaty head in your soft lap.  You gently dab at the sweat on his forehead and face with a towel before asking him if he’s okay.  He says he is, but he just needs to lay there for a few moments.  He might whine about having to get up and practice more and just UGH!  So you drop your head and plop a sweet kiss on his lips, telling him he can do it.  Most likely, this boy is going to leap to his feet with a happy shout!  “AHHH!! LET’S GO!  LET’S DO THIS!” *boys eye him oddly* “Just a few more minutes, Jackson” “NO! WE CAN DO THIS! MY JAGI SAID SO!”
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Sweet, blushing baby.  He’d be so flustered!  So shy!  He’d be so happy and yet so, so, so very embarrassed.  Not in a bad way, though.  Like he wants to be able to kiss you the way you do him.  He wants to be able to just drop unexpected kisses on your lips or cheeks or forehead.  He hasn’t told you yet, but he’s slowly building up the courage to do so.  Youngjae’s a fluffball.  Just the cutest of cutie pies!  Please, for the love of god, do not underestimate this angel faced baby.  He’s fluffy alright, but he’s also got a side that could make antis swoon.  The surprise kiss is such a turn on.  It’s part of the reason he gets so flustered.  He finds your little display of dominance so very hot.  If the both of you are in public he’ll likely pull away red faced and stuttering, but don’t for a second think he’s forgotten!  This guy is going to get you back one way or the other.  I can’t say it won’t be enjoyable, though, but don’t push him too much!  This one is a Virgo through and through and he’ll tease you till you cry.  He looks so innocent, just like Mark, but do not be fooled!  He’s a devious master in disguise.  Even if he doesn’t get you back right away, he’ll keep a running tally in his head.  Payback will be a bitch.
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Screaming child.  Just an absolute screaming child.  Your kisses give him energy, which the other members sometimes don’t appreciate cuz we all know how crazy Bam can get.  But even still, they think it’s cute.  Bam is a lot like Jackson in the sense that he craves to be kisses and that your kisses can shoo away any grey clouds that might be looming over his precious little head.  I feel like there are two modes to Bam: the cutie pie excitable child and the sexy hello there young man.  Most of the time you get the first one, but he IS a young man, which means he’s going to have some dirty thoughts at some point.  Like some of the other guys, these surprise kisses could (and probably do) lead to hot and heavy wink-wonk time.  Don’t underestimate this dude.  If he’s in the mood, you will likely be unable to escape him.  Once he has something in mind, he usually acts on it.  So say you drop that sweet, loving peck on his lips.  You better move quickly, because once those arms anchor around you, there’s no escape.  I mean, he’s not my bias but like I’m blind, that boy has some….eh, we’ll call it charisma, yeah?  There’s definitely a dangerous pull to Bam, like a bee to the flower.  If nothing else, planting surprise kisses on him will be quite entertaining.
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Yugyeom is a lot like Mark in my mind.  I feel like he can be super shy and reserved when out in public or with other people around, but the second that door closes you’re going to pay for those surprise kisses.  Yugyeom gets flustered easily, no doubt.  He’s still quite young and is for the most part still learning about himself and the world at large.  Even still, he is a young man and as such has those lovely rated R thoughts (even though those of us who see him as wee bab try to deny it).  His reaction to being pulled into a kiss could go a few ways.  Either he turns into a tomato and proceeds to whine in happy embarrassment; he kisses you back softly and warns that you’re in for it when you have a moment to yourselves, or he’s just going to dive right on in.  I feel like he’d be a lot like Youngjae here simply because I think something like this would turn him on.  Whether you are older or younger than him, he finds this action to be hella sexy, if not a little adorable.  I don’t know, I can’t put my finger per say on whether or not he’s a dom or sub, but perhaps a little of both, thus the reason why it turns him on.  Yugyeom would enjoy the attention if nothing else.
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lifewithparanormal · 7 years
Promises and afterlife, a new PI fanfic/oneshot
Resume: Life goes on, people change, and futures are planned, follow a grandmother wanting the good of her family as she gets serious about the future of all she’ve went through
This time, this fanfic is not on fanfiction.net, I put it on the life with loopy/phantom investigators forum, because I saw that the forum allowed me to do some layout experiments I couldn’t do on fanfiction.net, more spacing between the narration and dialogues for example.
Now, warning this story is dark. It’s not something completly tragic and edgy, but for the startup subject it was kinda hard to do something out-of-bonkers and funny, and anyways, we all know PI went dark at some point. 
Hope you enjoy it anyways!
P.S: One of the scenes is an hommage to one of @cutie-tabootie‘s headcanons she shared with me, it kinda inspired me for the initial subject of my story, so guess which one it is.
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“Hi, everyone!!”
Kibum greets the viewer cheerfully. As he promised his follower ten minutes ago, to close the day he decided to go live and say hi for a few minutes before he went to bed.
“Hello, guys. Who’s ready for SMTown concert tomorrow?” And as usual, the comments section is full of hearts and acclamation mark, “I’m in a good mood today so we can talk until I feel sleepy.”
“Your room looks extraordinary messy today.”
Kibum caught one of the comments and he sulked right away.
“You are really detail. How can you see in a very small screen?”
“Did Comme Des and Garcons make scene again?”
“My babies are being good boys lately. Comme Des! Garcons! Up up here!”
Two cute dogs bounce toward him with all their might. They place themselves pleasantly in front of Kibum so it looks like he’s surrounded by balls of wool.
“Oh my gosh! They’re so cute!!”
“Comme Des! Garcons!”
“Cutie pies! I want to squish them so bad!”
“I know right?”
Kibum taps each their head and place his head between them, kissing on their each side.
“The old lady living next door is also becoming ecstatic whenev–“
“Bummie! Can you come here for a second?!”
He rolled his eyes, feeling annoyed with the interruption, “I’m doing live here! Can’t you see?!”
“It’s Onew!!”
“Lee Jinki! Jinki oppa!!”
Kibum back to his phone again and scrolled down the comments just to find Jinki’s name all over his face reflection. Simple smile adorn his face, smugly fascinated by the ability of their fans recognizing the voice of his boyfriend.
“We got company, guys. The famous Lee Jinki, the honey voice of SHINee is finally here fulfilled your questions all this time of his whereabouts.”
“What is he doing here?”
“We just had dinner and since tomorrow we’re going to the airport early in the morning I just told him to stay the night. You guys love it, right?”
Like a psychic he knows exactly what will be their answer. While their fans are going crazy he adjusts his position lying down more comfortably.
“Old man, come here.”
“I’m busy.”
“Come hereee..”
“I’m not done packing Kibum-ah.”
“If you go here I will help you to pick the outfit for tomorrow.”
Within second Jinki jumped to the bed joining his boyfriend and kiss Kibum’s temple before waving to the screen, “Hello, everyone!”
Jinki flashed them his bright smile then stay behind Kibum, support himself with his forearm, hiding his face with the nape of Kibum’s neck.
“They cannot see you if you’re there!” Kibum turned his head to Jinki but the latter just smiles and shakes his head, “It’s Kim Kibum featuring mysterious eyes. Welcome to the show!”
“Both of you are so cute!!”
“This is a perfect family!”
“Your boys are matched so well with both of you!”
“I will take screenshot of this!!”
“Kibum-ah, I like this comment,” Jinki peeks at the back and pointed to one certain words that excites him.
“Can you kiss Kibum for once?”
“Hahahahaha!! Seriously?!”
Both of them just cracked and laugh in unison, making the fans around the world who watching it squeal upon the overload cuteness.
“So can you?”
“Only if the fans allow me.”
With the pink tinted cheeks, Kibum acts like he’s whispering to the viewers, “Guys, one of you asked Jinki to kiss me and he said he will if you guys let him do. Should we give him permission?”
“Please please!!”
“You can kiss him anytime anywhere!!”
“This is what I’m waiting fooooorrr!!”
Jinki saw it and he sat himself properly behind Kibum and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. Kibum looks pleased but then put his finger on his lips.
“You’ll never let me win, won’t you?”
Jinki felt betrayed on Kibum who shakes his head playfully, but complies anyway. He placed quick soft kiss on Kibum’s bow lips, doesn’t even care that thousand eyes watching them through the internet.
“Why are both of you so adorable?!”
“What a lovely sight!!”
“I’m so lucky isn’t it?”
Kibum back to his Instagram and said whatever came into his mind, answering some questions, making faces, and laughing wholeheartedly sometimes. Meanwhile Jinki lied onto his back next to him, took Garcons and placed the black poodle on his belly and played with him.
“Old Man, my back is very itchy.”
“Can you scratch it?”
“Here?” Jinki scratch him with his left hand while keep playing with Garcons with the other hand.
“No, not there. It’s so annoying..”
Jinki put Garcons down next to Comme Des and slipped his hand under Kibum’s pajama. He scratches the pristine skin slowly as if his hand can break him easily. The tingling feeling he feels is always surprise him whenever he touched Kibum’s skin, even after so long being in a relationship with him. Somehow, it makes him addicted and blessed at the same time.
“Like this?”
“So much better.”
Ten minutes passed and Kibum still enjoys the way Jinki scratched him.
“Everyone, let me tell you something. This is a secret.”
“What is it?!”
“TELL ME!!!!!”
“Are you guys getting comeback?!”
“Comeback is it?!”
“Hahaha, no, I will tell you about the comeback later. This is more important right now,” he fixes his bangs a bit, using the front camera as his mirror, “You know Lee Jinki? SHINee leader who has an angelic smile? He scratches the best in the world.”
Jinki can’t help but burst into huge laughter. He popped his head from the back, kissed Kibum shoulder before facing Kibum’s screen with the dorky adorable serious face.
“Everyone, in this house we raise three puppies. And this one is the most spoiled one.”
Now it’s Kibum’s turn to laugh. He turned his head and pecked Jinki’s nose.
“You’re the one who spoil me.”
“I know. And I’m really proud of that.”
I am back from summer holiday! And my house feels like giant oven, I am melting right away when I entered my room :(( anyway, this is a request from a sweet anon. Hope you guys like it! Send me asks, prompts, whatever, because I’m bored as hell and the uni will start again on September! See you around!! XOXO
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