#anyway i hope y'all enjoy this
savventeen · 2 years
mr. sandman, bring me a dream
pairing: woozi x gn!reader rating: T (for one f-bomb lol) wc: 0.8k warnings: unhealthy sleeping/working habits, vague mentions of mental health issues, mentions of self-esteem issues, confessions tags: is this considered angst??, emotional h/c??, i honestly don't know how to categorize this, it's not fluff but it's still soft?? i think???, idolverse summary: jihoon overworks himself (again) and gets secretly cuddled by reader (i don't know how to summarize this either i'm sorry) a/n: this was originally a namgi drabble i wrote for the prompt 'things you said when you thought i was asleep'
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A weight dipping down on the bed behind him drags Jihoon into a reluctant semi-consciousness.
He's vaguely aware of the fact that he's not entirely sure how he ended up here. The last thing he remembers is chugging his third (fourth? fifth?) diet coke slash redbull combo and pulling up the track that's been driving him insane for the last thirty-six hours, and then... nothing.
If he were anyone else, he would probably be concerned about the apparent lost time. But this isn't the first time he's woken up in bed after passing out at the studio. Both he and Soonyoung are no strangers to being forcefully dragged home by worried members finding them having worked themselves half to death.
Though "woken up" is a very generous term in this instance. He's still mostly in dreamland, and he's tempted to let himself tilt all the way back into the warm and comfortable darkness, but something keeps him from drifting off completely.
Whoever's behind him sighs, long and heavy. It's the kind of sound someone's lungs make when they're filled with a helpless kind of worry — the kind that doesn't come with an easy fix and so it steadily rises inside them, a slow and murky flood.
If Jihoon were more awake, he'd be worried. And he is worried, but his body and mind are still so exhausted that it's taking every ounce of willpower to hold onto his thin sliver of consciousness.
It's quiet for a while, long enough that Jihoon wonders if the person behind him fell asleep. And then — there's a touch so gentle that he thinks he's imagining it at first. Furtive fingers trace barely-there patterns into the base of his neck, and then they slowly trail up to curl in the ends of his hair.
Something within Jihoon both warms and freezes at the touch.
It's not that the touch is unwanted. In fact, the touch is very much wanted, craved even. But— but. The part of him that's always so angry and sad and confused, the shadow that lives inside him and begs him to sabotage every good thing — it is so very good at convincing him that he doesn't deserve that kind of softness. That his edges have become too sharp, too jagged.
While the shadow sleeps, Jihoon lets himself soak up the feeling like a sponge.
The fingers leave after a few moments, only to be replaced by a warm hand curled around his sheet-covered shoulder. A thumb moves back and forth across the fabric, a comforting metronome that almost sends Jihoon back into a peaceful slumber. But then the thumb pauses, and he thinks he hears whoever's behind him whisper fuck it, and then someone's nose is tucked up against his back between his shoulder blades and an arm is wrapped over his waist and tucked up near his chest.
Suddenly, maddeningly, Jihoon finds himself being held.
And it's nice. So nice. He can't remember the last time he let himself be held like this, let himself be cradled without overthinking every square inch of touch.
The person sighs again, the weight of the world fanning out across Jihoon's back in a warm breath that seeps through the thin layers of fabric and directly into his skin.
"I wish you'd let us love you, Jihoonie."
The voice is a murmur, barely audible in the silence of the bedroom, but Jihoon hears it. He hears it and knows it and he realizes — it's you.
Then the words process in his sleep-addled mind, and his heart aches. It whispers, I don't think I know how.
"I wish... I wish you'd let me love you. Let me take care of you." The words keep tumbling near-silent out of your mouth, a secret only barely given breath. "And not just when you're asleep. You—" You hug Jihoon tighter against your chest, and Jihoon's never felt so conflictingly filled and hollowed out, exhaustion swirling everything up inside him. "If you aren't going to take care of yourself, love yourself, then you have to let us do it for you."
I don't think I know how, Jihoon thinks again, helplessly. The melancholy in your voice hurts him, but he's held onto consciousness too long already, and he feels himself slipping back under, his thoughts falling away like sand between his fingers.
"I love you so much, Jihoonie." A vow, one you must think is swallowed by the silence for no one else to hear.
Jihoon hears.
"Please let me."
Before sleep is able to completely overtake him, he clings to one last thought. I think I want to learn how to let you.
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damianito · 10 months
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Collective meow
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caffichai · 1 month
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More art for Coldshot's Called Shot by my friend @fishing-lesbian-catgirl! If you like spicy content, go give it a read!
The final piece, at least for now! Somehow I did these in reverse chronological order, but I guess it worked out in the end
Hey, if you're here, check this out!
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finemealprompt · 2 months
DP x DC Prompt #42
Billy's pretty pleased with his ability to keep his secret identity a secret from the League. The only ones who might know are Batman and his crew, but that was to be expected.
So, he's a little surprised when he spots a new hero who has joined Justice League: Dark who looks a lot like his cousin. Like, a lot a lot. Give him black hair and blue eyes, and that's Danny ... Oh holy shit Phantom's Danny! When did Danny become a ghost?
Billy hopes Danny won't tattletale to his mom. That'd be a nightmare.
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shevr · 22 days
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good news : i might try to draw some more again this month bad news? : its mostly from trying to 10+ years later join the Equestria Daily NATG so its really just gonna be horses. might not share it all
also as mentioned this is drawn after the very very good picture from this post
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blamemma · 3 months
daniel ricciardo and max verstappen on 7news melbourne discussing how max travels with 11 padel boards, how they have great chemistry, and max declaring we should "keep on making babies".
(if used, please credit, it took me a long time to chop and stitch this together x)
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max13l · 27 days
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The Max Picture™ but I took some creative liberties (adding a whole Daniel).
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archonghoul · 2 months
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Another piece featuring Kight/NightKiller is up on p4t/r3/0n >:3 This one was for the 2023 Kinktober prompt; Teratophilia, sooo heads up, Nightmare is less of a skeleton, and more a wall of flesh, tentacles and eyes in this one haha 🖤💗💦
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codacheetah · 2 months
Siffrin is the Ruler of Everything (ISAT edit - fullgame spoilers, including optional achievements and twohats)
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sleepy-moons · 8 months
gojo constantly tells you he'd die for you. at the start of your relationship, you would kind of roll your eyes at the comment. he's so dramatic, you'd think to yourself, though you'd appreciate the sentiment nonetheless. but as time went on, and as your relationship blossomed, you began to feel a pang in your heart every time he said it.
an ache so deep in your spirit, that you could cry whenever he'd go on a mission. because you knew, that while he was fighting for a better society, for the eradication of curses and corruption, there was a large part of him that was fighting solely for you. for your safety. and if that meant he had to die for that to happen, so be it.
i don't want you to die for me. words you never thought you'd have to say to the love of your life. you want to spend the rest of your life with this man. why must he insist on showing his love in death?
he'd always give you a little smile when you'd say that, because he knows tears will be following soon after.
i know. there wasn't much more to be said after that. just a mutual understanding that a devastating heartbreak is lingering somewhere down the line, inevitable. he just hopes that in his next life, he gets to spend more time with you.
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mulletmitsuya · 2 months
Toman Captains + BajiFuyuTora Groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mentions of substances, mentions of PTSD
Desc: Baji tries to make a polycule work with some heavy convincing
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Baji: alr guys, i'm gonna ask Fuyu and Tora out on a date at the same time
Mitsuya: that's not gonna work
Draken: don't they hate each other? just pick one
Baji: no i'm in love with the both of them so i'm gonna ask both of them out
Baji: also they actually have feelings for each other but haven't realized it yet
Draken: you're pushing it
Smiley: first of all, Kazutora likes women
Baji: no, he has feelings for me but he hasn't realized it yet
Smiley: alright man
Mikey: Baji, your chances are better with Chifuyu. sort that out first because you're gonna ruin the entire friendgroup dynamic with this shit😟
Baji: we're not a friendgroup, we're lovers
Mikey: i'm talking about us, dipshit
Baji: who
Mikey: everyone who isn't Chifuyu and Kazutora??
Baji: idgaf
Mikey: ayt
Pah: weren't we your treasures or smth 🧐?
Baji: i've moved on to bigger things
Baji: smaller twinks
Baji: you get me?
Smiley: Chifuyu's short but he's not a twink.
Smiley: now Kazutora, we can call a twink
Smiley: you guys are using this word wrong
Mikey: it's it just a skinny guy?
Smiley: "a gay or effeminate man, or a young man, regarded as an object of homosexual desire, usually a bottom. they are attractive and slim in appearance."
Draken: this is just Mitsuya
Mikey: 🧐
Mitsuya: ?
Smiley: that is correct but i didn't wanna say anything cause that twink got hands🤷‍♂️
Mikey: now that i think about it, Mitsuya used to be kinda built. not buff but not skinny. fuck happened
Pah: Draken died
Pah: "died"
Baji: so he stopped eating? lame
Mitsuya: do you guys get how mourning works
Draken: well i'm good now so let's get this grub 🗣
Draken: sorry for making you sad, brother
Draken: it's my mission to bulk you up again
Mitsuya: i'm fine👍
Mikey: no one dying is going to get in between me and a meal😭🙏
Mikey: skill issue on Mitsuya's part
Smiley: skill issue is when your friend dies and you go into a depression so deep that you can't even eat anymore
Mikey: that's what i'm saying❗
Smiley: leave it up to Draken to get shot 3 times in the chest and just walk it off
Smiley: that was kinda hard tho
Draken: thanks👍
Draken: it hurt really bad
Draken: i think it traumatized me
Draken: i can't go to amusement parts now. or listen to fireworks cause i'll start hallucinating shit that happened from that night. weird
Mitsuya: ...that's called ptsd
Baji: yeah man you have ptsd
Draken: what's ptsd
Baji: GOT EM
Draken: i wish your suicide attempt worked you mentally challenged, wanna be werewolf, loreal shampoo ad looking ass bitch
Baji: BANG BANG BANG💣💥💣💥💣💥
Mikey: DUDE💀
Baji: do you guys get it
Baji: it's the gunshots
Baji: because he has PTSD
Baji: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Draken: do you remember how you killed Shinichiro
Baji: 😐
Mikey: GUYS💀
Draken: i'm sorry Mikey
Draken: but
Draken: Baji do you remember when you were screaming his name and watched him bleed to death
Smiley: ☠️
Draken: the skull represent Shinichiro, who you killed
Baji: anyway
Baji: back to my kittens
Baji: before Draken decided to take shit too far😒
Draken: when you go low I'll go lower
Baji: cause you were almost 6 feet under???
Draken: where you put Shinichiro??
Mikey: Ken-chin he's gonna kill himself again😔
Draken: that is exactly the point
Baji: anyway
Baji: back to the topic at hand 😐
Baji: i'm doing it tonight
Mitsuya: ahem
Mitsuya: do you know how awkward it's gonna be when Kazutora rejects you? we don't wanna have to deal with that
Baji: he won't reject me
Mikey: your delusional
Baji: can you guys name a situation in which things didn't work out for me?
Baji: no you can't
Mitsuya: 1) Bloody Halloween??
Draken: 2) Your grades🤨?
Mikey: 3) Not making your mom cry🤔?
Baji: ...
Baji: those don't count
Smiley: it's so hard trying to talk to stupid people
Smiley: he doesn't use logic at all
Draken: Baji don't fucking ask them out
Mikey: ask Chifuyu!!! that f slur is obsessed with you😍
Draken: don't say that word😐
Mikey: i literally didn't say it😭
Mitsuya: Baji please just think for literally one second
Baji: too late cause i just texted them
Mitsuya: omfg
Mikey: you fool😞
Mikey: what did you say??
Baji: i went to our groupchat
Baji: "yo let's cut the bullshit. i'm in love with the both of you so why don't we all date and love each other in a relationship with all three of us and shit"
Baji: i sent that
Smiley: you're very... direct
Smiley: i'll give you that
Smiley: Kazutora's gonna say no
Draken: obviously
Baji: bet
Baji's kittens:
Kazutora: Chifuyu can you please change the fucking groupchat name
Kazutora: i know you and Baji do kinky shit together but i am NOT anybody's kitten
Chifuyu: but Baji-san changed it and i can't change it back if he doesn't want me to
Chifuyu: and Baji-san and i do not do "kinky shit"
Chifuyu: we don't have a sexual relationship😐
Kazutora: you have free will mothefucker!! you don't need his fucking permission
Kazutora: is he your dom or something😭
Kazutora: why are so obsessed with him jesus
Kazutora: you guys are gay af
Chifuyu: just because i don't stab my friends doesn't mean i'm gay
Chifuyu: i just respect him a lot cause he's cool 😒
Chifuyu: nothing you'd know about
Chifuyu: you psychopath
Kazutora: you slobber on his dick all day
Kazutora: "Baji-san!!! What a cool kick!! Can you teach me😁?"
Kazutora: you might as well just ask him to put it in
Chifuyu: shut the fuck up all you've ever known are the prison walls that enclosed you
Kazutora: NOT ANYMORE😁
Baji: ladies, ladies
Baji: there's enough to go around 😏
Baji: ew. alright i'm never using that emoji again what the fuck
Baji: no
Kazutora: you and Chifuyu can do your pet play somewhere else please leave me out of it 🙏
Baji: nuh uh
Baji: you're a tiger
Baji: tigers are cats
Baji: so you're a kitten
Baji: done deal
Kazutora: i'm an adult tiger not a kitten😐
Baji: i'm the alpha and you and Chifuyu are my omega's
Kazutora: what the fuck does that mean????
Chifuyu: haha Baji-san😂
Kazutora: i've never seen someone ride someone else's meat so hard before holy shit
Chifuyu: if you don't understand what respect is, just say that 🙄
Baji: don't lie Chifuyu
Baji: you're in love with me
Baji: you are too Kazutora
Kazutora: 🤨
Baji: yo let's cut the bullshit. i'm in love with the both of you so why don't we all date and love each other in a relationship with all three of us and shit
Baji: you guys are in love with each other too just by the way
Kazutora: what
Kazutora: that's not how anything works
Chifuyu: Baji-san i ask again is this a prank 🤣🤣🤣
Kazutora: it has to be cause i'm not a boy kisser like you mfs
Baji: Kazutora be fr. you just got out of prison, you're clinically insane, you're on parole, people feel unsettled by your presence, you have an ankle bracelet, you belong to the state, you have mommy AND daddy issues, you've killed someone
Kazutora: damn
Kazutora: you didn't have to list it like that
Baji: all i'm saying is that i'm your best option because i don't care about all of this and i'll take care of you for the rest of your life even tho you're crazy
Baji: cause i love you (gayly)
Baji: you could even stab me again
Chifuyu: NO
Baji: Chifuyu shut the up i'll get to you babe
Chifuyu: yes Baji-san
Kazutora: "yes daddy😩😍"
Kazutora: what the fuck dude you could least try to hide it 💀
Baji: can u focus
Kazutora: oh right
Kazutora: what about gay sex tho
Baji: i'll teach you
Kazutora: but you have a dick
Baji: uhhhh
Baji: fine you can use yours
Baji: nah nevermind i'm not a bottom
Baji: fuck you
Kazutora: i didn't even say anything
Kazutora: but whatever ig
Kazutora: i'm not gonna be with Chifuyu tho😐
Baji: you are
Kazutora: 😒
Baji: Chifuyu we've been in love for years so i know you'll say yes. just needed to convince Tora babygirl
Chifuyu: but is this a prank tho🤣🤣
Baji: no
Baji: you are my boyfriend now
Baji: both of you come over
Kazutora: ughhhhhhhhhhhhh
Kazutora: fine
Chifuyu: are the both of you pranking me🤣😂
Baji: just come over you fucking idiot
Baji: that was too mean
Baji: please come over you fucking idiot❤
Baji: they said yes and we're all about to have sex now
Mikey: you're just gonna lie Baji
Draken: should i get beers? you can cry if you want i won't even laugh at you
Draken: i promise
Mikey: you're just gonna lie Ken-chin
Mitsuya: what did they actually say
Baji: they're coming over? and we're about to make love? are you guys dumb 🤨
Baji: it worked out how i said it would
Smiley: Draken gets the beers i'll get the cigarettes
Smiley: Baji we tried to tell you
Draken: don't piss me off cause you know i don't smoke
Draken: you're gonna influence Angry into an early grave
Draken: do you want your brother to have lung cancer
Smiley: chill
Smiley: Angry tried a cigarette and almost died
Smiley: so you don't have to worry about that
Smiley: fine i'll bring weed instead
Mitsuya: where are you getting drugs😐
Smiley: my plug, duh 😁
Mikey: can i have a weed as well please
Smiley: idk man what if your dark impulses come out or something
Mikey: my therapist said that only happens with specific triggers so it's fine
Mikey: plus i have a shock collar in case that happens
Draken: i don't think that's normal 🤨
Baji: you guys are pissing me off
Mikey: dude it's fine we can comfort you even tho we told you so
Draken: i'm gonna be the better man and forgive you since you've just been rejected
Baji: yk what idgaf
Baji: i'ma just nut in my kittens
Baji: bye losers
Baji: no one does it like i do
Mikey: poor thing🙁
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unrealwasteland · 4 months
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— Madeline Miller
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emblazonet · 5 months
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Some smol Morrowind TR landscape sketches (top is Andothren)
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finemealprompt · 1 month
DP x DC Prompt #56
Clark Kent was in the locker room, the last one to finish getting ready for the football game against Smallville's rival: Amity Park.
That's when a dark haired teen came sprinting in, looking around wildly before meeting Clark's eyes.
"Hide me!"
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sant-riley · 1 year
[Ghost x fem!reader blurb]
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this is for the girlies who can't drive for shit and don't have their license <3 it's me. I'm girly.
Notes: Extremely short, about 400-500 words, She/her pronouns aren't used but he does call you girl. Use of the nickname "Runt." No established relationship. Lmk if I missed anything!
"You know I can drive right?" You murmured, looking up from your phone as you sat on the passenger side.
Ghost was rubbing his nose bridge, sighing heavily at the traffic on the road.
He was slouched back in his seat, legs spread wide in his seat as his eyes closed forcibly. It was a treat to see him in civilian clothing, a real one.
A small part of you hummed with contentment knowing you were one of the very few to get to see him like this often.
You two were the off base for a week-long break, choosing to spend it together as you both usually did. It was too much hassle to head back home on your end and Ghost enjoyed your company.
It wasn't rare to see the pair of you get back to base together and return as well. You had worried about what the others could say but that was quickly silenced when Ghost shot a glance at you with a look of "I don't give a fuck." which silenced your worries.
Snapping out of your running thoughts, You swore you could hear the creak of his neck twisting towards you, Simon's eyes snapping open and looking at you incredulously.
"What? No." He turned his head back to the road, inching the truck closer to the light. You could see his eyes roll too.
"You don't look like you want to, so let me." Rolling your eyes in return, moving to undo your seatbelt so you could do a quick swap as the light was red.
"Runt, no." A big hand covered your hand, pushing your own away, leaving as soon as it was there.
"And why not?" You raise an eyebrow, narrowing your eyes.
"For starters, you're a shit driver in the states, can't imagine you driving here in Manchester." He stated it was a fact. He shrugged like y'all were talking about the weather. Fucker.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean-" You stuttered, huffing as he doubted you. He wasn't wrong but did he have to fucking phrase it like that?
Ghost couldn't help the smirk growing on his face at your pout, letting out a low chuckle.
"It means what it means, runt. Second of all, it's not your job." He poked fun at you, licking his lips under his mask as he focused his eyes back on the road.
"What the fuck does that mean, 'my job?' Don't tell me you're playing stereotypes on me."
You grumbled, crossing your arms as you stared out the window, watching the people on the sidewalks.
"No, don't be stupid." He should be offended, to think you'd say that but to be fair, he couldn't blame you.
"Okay so tell me!" The whine left your lips, staring at his side profile, puffing your chest as you tried to get him to meet your eyes with his own.
"Pretty girls don't drive, simple as that."
His huge hand patted your thigh, sending a shiver down your spine as you felt the blood rush to your face.
All he could do was snicker as he stepped on the gas pedal, his hand warming your skin as he drove.
@devilsfoodcake22 @simon-rileys-princess
@stupid-ninja @milkmily
@lune-la-chanson @tamayakii
@teacupcollector @perilous-pasta @ihatethisappsomuchitpains
@marsbar127xx @baddump
@xncasi @king-cookiex
@palomaxaxaxa @amatchasky @wolfyland07 @diejager
@hailstrum18 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @mzfandom @solarslushee @areislol
@cluelessyasmin @sesshomaruwaifu @chaos-unchecked @kalamataolivesssss @arunasmisfortune @tbrfic
@117s-girl @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore @sparrowwithaquill @justtiredandvibing
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viperwhispered · 3 months
Guess what? I've got more Jamil x reader for y'all. You can also find this on ao3. No warnings, just 866 words of kinda fluffy(?) caretaking stuff with gender-neutral reader.
At this point, you know Jamil’s schedule almost as well as he does. So, when you have the chance, you head to Scarabia’s kitchen, hoping to spend some time with Jamil while he and the other students prepare dinner. 
However, when you enter, it takes you but a moment to notice Jamil’s uncharacteristic fumbling and the tired look in his eyes. The way Jamil’s chopping the vegetables has you worried about him cutting himself with that knife he’s usually so adept with, and it seems it’s only force of habit that’s keeping him on track.
You frown, and when your eyes meet Jamil’s, you can already see him put his guard up.
So he knows what state he is in, huh? And still, here he is.
It seems Jamil is reading your thoughts, all of him telling you drop it before any words are even said.
At least he still lets you lean in and give a quick kiss to his cheek in greeting.
“Hello love. Do you still have a lot on your agenda for today?” you ask, keeping your tone low for at least some semblance of privacy in the busy kitchen.
“Nothing I can’t handle,” is the response you get.
Of course.
It takes a little more pestering before Jamil actually answers your question. Your lips purse. That list is far too long to your liking.
You take a moment to think, juggling your own plans and to-do list against the urgency of the things Jamil mentioned.
“Will Kalim be eating from that?” you ask, pointing at the food Jamil is preparing.
“Alright, I won’t be touching that one, then. I’ve gotta do a few things but I’ll be back when you’re done here.”
“Don’t,” Jamil says with a glare, clearly aware of what you’re thinking.
Yet even his disapproving look doesn’t have the usual weight behind it.
“Yes. I will,” you say firmly, even as your heart curls inwards with another bout of concern.
Really, when did he get so tired?
And how did you not notice it earlier?
You leave the kitchen before Jamil can protest further, hurrying through the dorm corridors to find Kalim.
Soon you have an enthusiastic – and concerned – supporter for your plans. You have Kalim point out a few reliable Scarabia students to help with a few of the most urgent matters Jamil mentioned – cleaning up the common areas, delivering some paperwork to Crowley, preparing some dorm-wide notices – while you see to Kalim getting his school supplies in order for the following day. You even recruit a couple of third years to help Kalim with his homework.
You’ll see to the rest tomorrow – after all, you do also have a boyfriend to look after.
Your conversation over dinner can hardly be called anything else than an argument – despite Kalim’s best attempts at acting as a moderating force between you two. It is very tempting to ask Kalim to tell Jamil to take the rest of the day off – it’s not like Jamil would be willing to openly disobey a direct order. Still, you really don’t need to remind Jamil of his position on top of everything else that you’re already doing more or less against his wishes.
Eventually, however, Jamil’s had a square meal, the most urgent things on his to-do list are being taken care of, and you’ve managed to drag him to his bed.
“I really wish you wouldn’t push yourself so hard,” you murmur, your arms wrapped tightly around Jamil. You’re telling yourself you really do just want to cuddle, to offer some respite to Jamil. Still, there might also be a part of you worried that if you were to let go, he’d just jump up and get back to working himself to the bone.
Yet, for all his protestations, just the fact that you’ve gotten Jamil to lay down with you speaks volumes of his current exhaustion.
“I can’t just leave my duties, albi. You know this.”
“Making yourself too indispensable, is what you’re doing,” you protest.
Oh, you know it’s not so simple. Not with his background, not with all the expectations and assumptions.
But sometimes you really wish it would be.
Jamil merely scoffs in response to your words.
Still, it is undeniable that he is slowly beginning to relax in your arms, slowly bringing his head closer to yours. His eyes are starting to flutter, too.
“I will still need to help Kalim with his homework, at the very least.”
You wonder who he is trying to convince more, you or himself.
“Amin and Khalil are helping him. They’re basically top of their classes, aren’t they? I’m sure they’ve got it.”
Still, Jamil frowns.
You sigh. He really is not letting go, is he?
“Do you want me to go supervise?” you ask.
And leave you, unsaid yet hanging there right after your words.
“Don’t,” Jamil eventually says, the word barely more than a breath.
It seems he has accepted his fate.
You softly caress Jamil’s hair, listening to his softening breathing.
And when you wake up, wholly unaware of having been lulled to sleep in the first place, it’s to the lightest of touches from Jamil’s fingers.
Tagging @diodellet @twstgo @crystallizsch @jamilvapologist @jamilsimpno69 as per request If you'd like to be tagged for any future works, let me know!
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