#danny and billy are cousins
finemealprompt · 5 months
DP x DC Prompt #42
Billy's pretty pleased with his ability to keep his secret identity a secret from the League. The only ones who might know are Batman and his crew, but that was to be expected.
So, he's a little surprised when he spots a new hero who has joined Justice League: Dark who looks a lot like his cousin. Like, a lot a lot. Give him black hair and blue eyes, and that's Danny ... Oh holy shit Phantom's Danny! When did Danny become a ghost?
Billy hopes Danny won't tattletale to his mom. That'd be a nightmare.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 284
“Oh little storm,” the being cooed, hands that are both large enough to crush the world yet small enough to hold his face gently running through his hair. He was being held by lightning, by stars and space and everything in between, cradling his form like he was something oh-so precious. “A surprise to be sure,” the being crooned, purred, rumbled, cracked, some noise of the depths of space mixed with something indescribable. “A surprise, but a welcome one.” 
Billy had never felt so small, yet so loved, like the world itself was holding him against its heart as the whispers of the gods bled away in something akin to awe. The being smiled, distant storms letting loose and ending droughts, even more distant stars bursting into being. “A little marvel of existence,” they hummed, hissed, cooed, whistled, hair- or strands of galaxies- melding into the abyss around them. 
“A surprise son. A child of the Cosmos. Yes.” He was held so gently, space itself dancing and flickering around him, suns pressing hundreds of freckled kisses against his head. “Welcome home, little storm. Welcome home, my son.”  
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goldengirlgalaxy · 2 years
Some alien royalty comes to Earth to claim Captain Marvel as their husband for his power. He manages to get out if it by proclaiming that he's already engaged to the Princess of the Infinite Realms, Princess Danielle "Ellie" Phantom.
Extra: Billy is still hiding the fact that he's actually still a child from the rest of the League. Ellie is roughly his civilian age, so when the League asks to meet her, hijinks ensue as Ellie has to keep up the appearance of being far older than she actually is, both physically and mentally.
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I need some wonderful author out there to write a crossover with Danny the Ghost king, Harry the Master of Death, Percy the champion and savior of the Greek Pantheon, and Billy the Champion of Magic
Please, some kind soul out in the ether….. heed my plea and do something with these four chaotic and stupidly powerful black haired, lighted eyes boys
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widthtomjones · 2 years
was listening to billy joel earlier and realised how well half a mile away fits cousin danny from goncharov. he's only in the criminal element because he's 'gotta keep the family satisfied' but he would rather be drinking wine downtown with his cheap junk radio on, and if he'd have been able to make his choices for the benefit of himself, he literally wouldn't have been shot. i love katya as well but danny is the most underappreciated character
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Editing as I post more :))
This is not in any order, just randomly listed
Dani is Dicks older sister
Tim x Danny Coffee Shop AU
Danny, Dani, and Dan joined different hero groups (check reblogs lol)
Dan get reincarnated as Bruce Wayne
Trans!Danny is Steph’s daughter
Dani x Damian Collage Professor AU
Dani as the eldest Wayne/Bat
Older brother Danyal AU
Dani joins the JL + more kids for Bruce
Tucker and Duke are cousins
Demon Twins AU with a twist
Team Phantom tries to kill the Joker
Dani x Damian + deaged Danny in Gotham
Sam Manson? More like Sam Wayne
Liminal Damian Wayne
“Immortal’ Dani joins the JL
Dani joins the LOA willingly
Haunted Forest grows around Amity Part 1
Haunted Forest AU Part 2
Halfas can’t use their powers while human AU idea
Team Phantom gets deaged and adopted by separate batboys
Deaged Dani in Arkham asylum
Dani x Dami soulmark AU
Government Coverup
Sam Manson Demon Twins AU
Dani is Bruce’s never before mentioned eldest child
Secret Ghost Royalty Dani Wayne
Damian and Dani stranded in Quarantined Amity Park
- Part 1
Combat-Trained Casper High in Gotham
Dani x Dami Bitter Soulmates AU
Dani x Dami Plane Crash AU
Dani x Dami Anon Singer AU
Dani adopts Billy Batson
Dani joins the Teen Titans
Danny x Duke Missing Person AU(??)
Dani is working in Ethiopia and saves Jason
Dani is Damian’s ‘sister’ and ‘magic’ trainer (check reblogs)
Demon Twins with ‘civilian Danny’
Batman Beyond w/ immortal Dani
They used to be…
Dani x Dami- henchman x boss AU, academic rivals AU, vigilante x antihero AU + Love Hexagon
Dead Serious w/ deaged Dani
Damian and Paulina are twins w/ Dead Serious
Dani joins the x-men
Ghost King Danny vs Thanos
Damian in Camp Jupiter
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The Knife in You Brings Out the Life in Me - Danny Johnson x Reader
Prologue ~
Y/n was never close with her cousin Billy and hadn’t seen him in years, but when he shows up at her roadside home, running from the law and with a Stu on his arm, she figures it’s best to let him stay. He wouldn’t.. gut her? Right? Best not take any chances! The real kicker, however, is when their inspiration - the real and original Ghostface - shows up. She has less faith he’ll let her live if she isn’t careful.
"How could this happen? Am I dreaming again? Her body's not moving I'm assuming she's dead"
- The Greatest Story Ever Told, Ice Nine Kills
"Fuck, Billy! What'd we do now?" Stu stressed, knife in hand, gesturing wildly.
"Well... our face is on every news station, too many people around here know who we are." Like Stu, Billy still wore his shitty dollar store Ghostface costume, albeit their masks were tossed off to the side. Both were covered in blood, Billy slightly more so, and Billy was trying to keep his cool while Stu made every effort to panic.
"Ok, so.. we need to lie low?"
"Exactly. I have a rich cousin who doesn't live far from here, but still pretty out of the way. She's a recluse, we won't be bothered there... assuming she'll take us in."
After pulling off their first couple murders scot free, Billy and Stu decided they couldn't let the thrill go. Of course it was going to bite them in the ass eventually, but how were they supposed to know karma is a cold hearted bitch? Welp! They sure do now...
Their latest victim managed to get away, and while she didn't see their faces, she was damn sure she knew the killers. The two slash happy teens had taken a hit at another one of their classmates who they weren't too fond of, and they got cocky. Gave a hint hint, wink wink, at who they were behind the masks to scare the poor victim into thinking she was going to get her guts spilled by the guys who sit across the classroom to her in chemistry. It's all part of the thrill!
Except this time the bitch got away and ran to the police.
Stu was quiet for a moment before another thought occurred to him. "What about... you know who..? How will he find us if we drop off the map?"
"For all we know Danny's watching us right now! He's probably laughing about us fucking up.. he'll find us or he won't, that's up to him. Right now we need to get out of dodge."
Danny Johnson. The original Ghostface. Billy and Stu thought they were funny copycatting such a famous psycho. He was their role model of sorts.
Things changed when good ol' Jed Olsen started being pally with Billy and Stu, though. He was older. Sort of came out of nowhere. Knew things he shouldn't have known.
At first the pair were worried he knew what they were up to and just needed confirmation before going to the police, but Jed seemed to find it more funny than anything. He had this energy about him that made them cautious.
One night they were getting ready to start stalking another future victim (Miss run-away-and-blab-to-the-police funnily enough) when they got a phone call.
"Do you like scary movies?" The familiar staticky voice had spoken. "Who am I kidding? Of course you do! Why else would you both be starring in one? The question is... are you really the predators? Or are you actually... the prey?" The line had gone dead a moment later.
But when they shared a slightly concerned glance and decided to continue to leave for their midnight hobby, they opened the door to see a matching - though much more pristine mask  - staring back at them.
The Ghostface at the door didn't wear a cheap, scraggly, dollar store Halloween costume like Billy and Stu. He wore thick, black, sturdy material with straps and combat boots. Ohhh fuuuuuck... this guy is serious.
Danny gave them a good scare and let them fear for their lives for a while. Danny's a better killer than them. More experienced. More ruthless, and far more premeditated. But despite planning on killing them at first (they stole his entire thing, they couldn't get away with it, Danny had been planning this for a while) in the moment, he saw potential in them. Also they were a good laugh.
From then on, Danny took them under his wing and turned up when he felt like it to guide them in stalking and nurture their talent for murder.
Danny wasn't typically the kind of guy to help out other killers, especially ones who steal his likeness, but these guys had the same raw psychopathy that Danny sees in himself. And also, what the hell, he gets bored, they buy him free meals, they treat him like a god, what's not love!
And so Billy and Stu met their hero and dedicated their time to someday be as great as him. (Danny knew they'd never live up to him, he can always kill 'em when they get boring).
But now they've fucked up. Their victim got away. Danny's laughing and hiding in a bush somewhere vowing to never let them live it down. And Billy and Stu are hitching a ride to Billy's cousins place, hoping y/n will look past the blood and murder and let them crash for a little while.
A/N: ok this is the prologue for my new fic! Now I know I've written fuck all in a long time, and I apologise to anyone who's been waiting on updates to my other fics if you've read any, but I've got to go where the inspiration takes me!
I hope you enjoyed this little intro and please leave a comment if you have any ideas!
Have a great day/night,
~ trick-or-fucking-treat
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It takes a mob part 3
Part one 
“This place is a dump Bill.”
“Hey! Excuse me if I wasn’t expecting company!”
Bill grimaced as he pushed a couple takeout boxes of the kitchen island. Renting alone was difficult enough; maybe he hasn’t swept or scrubbed in a while. He’s been busy, sue him!
The kid didn’t seem to mind, he was too busy chewing on a rabbit ear to complain.
Ken grimaced as he bounced the squirt,
“Forget company Bill, you got an entire war in your kitchen.”
“It you’re going to complain so much about it then lend a hand?”
“Oh no man, you forget. I’m holding Danny, this is an important job! Can’t have him crawling around here and picking up diseases. This is much more important than being your busboy.”
Bill raised a brow, watching as Marv snuck up behind Ken and scooping up the kid with a chuckle.
“Oh yeah? Looks like you’ve been relieved. Hop to it bus boy.”
“Didn’t want Danny to pick up your garbage attitude.”
Bill held back a groan as the two dumbasses started a game of keep away with the boy.
He was tired. What was supposed to be a quick beer on a night off has turned into a four am game of house.
The chaos paused when a whimper broke into the air.
“Look what you did Marv!”
“Me!? Ken you didn’t have to-“
The kid was fully bawling his eyes out and the two jackasses where too wrapped in their pissing match to notice.
Grabbing the boy from the two of them, Bill leveled the with a glare as he gently bounced the kid on his hip.
“He ain’t a toy you bozos! Be glad you didn’t drop him and crack his head open!”
Not breaking his glare Bill made his way to his couch and lowered himself to the cousins with a weary sigh,
“I’m cashing in the IOU’s. You two idiots get to clean the apartment.”
Bill raised his unoccupied hand at Ken’s sputtering,
“I’m not fucking finished numb nuts. You two are goin’ to clean and think about what you did. The tyke is barely old enough to raise his head! I don’t care if he’s a meta or not. The only reason he’s here and not at the Wayne foundation is because it’s safer with us than in the goddam system! The second that changes I’m not afraid to pack him up and take him there myself. Am I clear?”
Ken let out an annoyed “yes sir.”
Marv for his part looked properly chastised.
“Alright, now get.”
Letting out another sigh, Bill turned his attention to Danny.
“Let it out kid, just let it out.”
With a little bounce Bill brought his feet up and tried to get himself comfortable leaning against the arm rest.
‘The kid has a set of healthy lungs at least...’
“I’m really sorry you got to deal with a couple lugs like us. If it makes you feel any better, Kenny’s 19 and Marv has only handled older youngin’s before. There’s a learning curve.”
Bringing the squirming tot to his chest Bill began to run his palm up and down his back, mildly marveling at how much he could cover in one small swipe.
“Truth is, I’m probably no better. At least those two have excuses. If I fuck up don’t hold back on old Billy alright? Lord knows I can get my head up my ass at times.”
Danny let out a little hiccup as his crying petered out. Glancing down, Bill switched to rubbing a small circle with his thumb as the baby’s eyes began to droop.
‘Huh.. I thought his eyes were blue?’
Bill gave a mental shrug. It probably had something to do with his meta-abilities. God forbid if he drew the line in the sand over an eye color change.
The kid was fighting to stay awake; it was kind of adorable watching him try to keep his eyes open.
That being said a sleeping baby was easier to deal with than awake one.
‘Ok, think Bill, think. What would old man do?’
Glancing around, he made a face.
‘They won’t hear me over their own swearing...’
Clearing his throat, Bill hummed as he tried to recall some old words.
“Go to sleep you littl’ baby.. Go to sleep you littl’ baby. Your mama’s gone away and your daddy’s goin’ to stay.. Didn’t leave nobody but the baby..”
Bill kept humming as he tried to recall the next verse.
He hadn’t heard the song since he was a tyke himself, sue him.
He could almost feel the moment when the little man lost the war with sleep.
“Honey on a rock and sugar don’t stop.. gotta bring a bottle to the baby..”
Bill was pretty sure he got that lyric wrong, what Danzo didn’t know couldn’t hurt him.
Bill kept humming as he listened to the sound of Gotham outside. The early bird would be just starting their commute by now.
Actually, why weren’t the numbskulls making any noise? If they think he was going to accept any half ass cleaning for two favors than they had quite a bitching to look forward to.
‘Not right now.’ Bill felt his humming slow down, ‘can’t risk waking the kid,’
He was aware he was joining Danny in Dreamland at this point; the fact of the matter is he been up for almost 24 hours and is supposed to go in tonight anyways.
He deserved some sleep after all this shit.
Gently laying his arm over Danny, he let his body relax as the first rays of dawn entered the apartment.
@reinluna,@confused-moose-child,@mimilikey,@emeraudesfateandfandoms, @dolfay, @boredomfarie, @aconitewolfsbane, @withoutcontxt, @onyxlightdragon, @satanicrutialspecialist, @phoenixdemonqueen, @vixen-uchiha, @skulld3mort-1fan, @bytheoldwillowtree, @illusionwolfwriter24r8, @thewondersoflebanon, @vipower001, @autumnwulf, @alice-hazelwood, @fisticuffsatapplebees, @f4nd0m-fun, @markus209, @latheevening226 @255940g, @dolfay, @basilf1res, @jotaroslooseeyebrowhair, @skirter01, @magnificence12, @bun-fish, @ascetic-orange @thegatorsgoose @sunflowershine03 @ladythugs @firegirl108 @glitchedchaos @rangerhorsetug, @freakofyournature, @mimilikey, @crazycatgirl420
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stealingyourbones · 10 months
Short DPXDC Prompts Masterlist #951-1000
951. Dani HoH Barista 952. Wes is Harley Quinn's Cousin 953. Lancer's Student: Harley Quinn 954. Billy Finds Thermos 955. Dani meets Catwoman 956. Lancer's Class in Central City 957. Wes Gets Superpowers from Pipeline 958. Sam uses Wonder Woman Bracers 959. Better Call Dan 960. Dan Bargains with Captain Cold (FAV PROMPT) 961. Jimmy Olsen's Roommate: Dash 962. Val Works for CPS 963. Barry meets Dani (resurrection) 964. Paulina Museum Curator 965. Diana & Lancer Friends 966. Diana & Tucker Friends 967. Danny Needs Shazam's Help 968. Dash JL Mechanic 969. Clockwork & Wally Angst 970. Danny Sees Speedsters in Portals 971. Diana Finds Danny 972. Danny Chews out Superboy 973. Constantine Meets Johnny 13 974. GL Read CW Sticky Note 975. TimKonDanny Mermaid AU 976. Task Force X Stalks Skulker 977. Dani & Secret 978. Star & Paulina Gotham Roomates 979. Harley Meets Sam 980. Paulina Calls Alfred 981. Johnny/Kitty Work for GCPD 982. Dash & Steph Motorcycle Mechanic AU 983. Consultant Danny 984. Maddie Demands Batman Finds Her Son 985. Maddie Defeats LoA 986. Jack Worked For Wayne 987. Tucker GCPD Detective 988. Dan is Flash Rogues's Friend 989. Danny Overshadows Batman 990. Danny is a Substitute Teacher 991. Shop Teacher AU 992. Danny Joins Vásquez Family 993. Jazz & Harley. Psychologist AU 994. Sam Works For Daily Planet 995. Teen Titans Sleepover at Danny's House 996. Damian's Twin Possesses Danny 997. Dick & Danny Magic Phone AU 998. Central City Baker AU 999. Fentons Hunt Solomon Grundy 1000. Balls.
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companion-showdown · 1 year
Hottest Companion Nominations are Now Open!
You can nominate any character in the Whoniverse, human, alien, robot, it does not matter, the only rule is that they should pass the Harkness test (human intelligence or greater, able to communicate using language, sexually mature for their species)
Current Nominations:
Roberts!Master from MASTER!
Classic Who Characters:
Erato (The Creature from the Pit)
Allison Williams (Remembrance of the Daleks)
Rachel Jensen (Remembrance of the Daleks)
Sara Kingdom
Alternate Universe!Liz
Ramón Salamander
Osgood (no this isn't the new who one)
The Rani
Queen Thalira (The Curse of Pleadon)
Carol (the Sensorites)
Penley (the Ice Warriors)
Isobel (the Invasion)
Kelly (Seeds of Death)
New Who Characters:
Dalek Sec
Tasha Lem
2000s Sarah-Jane (70s Sarah-Jane will be the automatically qualifying Sarah)
Kate Stewart
Jenny Flint
Shakespeare (this is the most recognisable place he appears in Doctor Who)
Danny Pink
Jake (Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel)
Jenny (The Doctor's Daughter)
Jethro (Midnight)
Lady Christina de Souza (Planet of the Dead)
Gwen Cooper
Tallulah (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Lynda (Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways)
Liz 10 (The Beast Below)
Frank (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Heather (The Pilot)
Sally Sparrow (Blink)
Madam de Pompadour
Miss Evangelista (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Ada Lovelace
Billy Shipton (Blink)
Lorna Bucket
Stacy Campbell (Partners in Crime)
Anita (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Girl who was the sex gas
Frobisher (Torchwood)
EU Characters:
Fey Truscott-Sade
Hebe Harrison
Tom Campbell (Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150AD)
Valarie Lockwood
Irving Braxiatel
War Queen!Romana
Sibling Different
Chris Cwej (first incarnation)
Father Kreiner
Chris Cwej (second incarnation)
Chris Cwej (third incarnation)
Chris Cwej (V Cwej)
Dalek Prime Strategist (Time Lord Victorious)
The Graak (Destiny of the Doctors)
Sheila (Señor 105's companion)
Carmen Yeh (Companion of the Sixth Doctor in a charity anthology and latter companion of Compassion in Book of the War. Also implied to be a companion of the Eighth Doctor as well)
Scarlette (eight doctors wife)
Nivet (Compassions first companion)
Cousin Eliza (Cousin Justine's companion aka the Grandfather Paradox (who has a slim chance of being the Doctor so that backs it up)
Sally Armstrong (the Master’s companion (the master might also part of the Doctor depending on the source, or at the very least a reincarnation of the same person)
Patience (the Others wife or the first doctors wife or the infinity doctors wife, depends on source)
Daisy Weston the companion of the Robert Banks Stewart Doctor
Alison Cheney
The City of the Saved
Laura Tobin
The War King
Penelope Gate
Captain Scarlet
Doctor Fawn
The Mysterons
Colonel White
Steve Zodiac
Venus (Fireball XL5)
Captain Black
Jane Fonda!Iris Wildthyme
Claudia Marwood
Lauren Anderson
Other polls about the running of this tournament:
splitting up men and women for as long as numbers allow
including or excluding companions it is very difficult or impossible to read as adults (all their actors are adults)
Nominations will be open for 24 hours, closing around 13:30 BST (UTC + 1), 03/09
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musicforants · 9 months
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Happy new year! Here’s my favorite albums & songs in of 2023. Click here to listen to my full Best Songs playlist* (100+ tracks) via Spotify or Apple Music.
Sufjan Stevens - Javelin
The National - First Two Pages of Frankenstein / Laugh Track
Lana Del Rey - Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd
boygenius - The Record
Yo La Tengo - This Stupid World
JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown - Scaring the Hoes
Caroline Rose - The Art of Forgetting
Blur - The Ballad of Darren
Ratboys - The Window
Blondshell - s/t
Youth Lagoon - Heaven is a Junkyard
Caroline Polachek - Desire, I Want To Turn Into You
The Mountain Goats - Jenny From Thebes
Jeff Rosenstock - Hellmode
Wilco - Cousin
Jessie Ware - That! Feels Good!
Slowdive - everything is alive
Indigo De Souza - All of this will end
Wednesday - Rat Saw God
Romy - Mid Air
DJ Sabrina the Teenage DJ - Destiny
Billy Woods & Kenny Sagan - Maps
The Japanese House - In the end it always does
Yves Tumor - Praise a Lord who chews but which does not consume
The Clientele - I Am Not There Anymore
Roison Murphy - Hit Parade
Bully - Lucky For You
M83 - Fantasy
Jess Williamson - Time Ain’t Hospitable
Sofia Kourtesis - Madres
Sufjan Stevens - Shit Talk
Lana Del Rey - A&W
The National - Tropic Morning News
Feist - Borrow Trouble
Blondshell - Joiner
Blur - The Narcissist
boygenius - Not Strong Enough
MGMT - Mother Nature
Wednesday - Chosen To Deserve
Yo La Tengo - Aselestine
Caroline Rose - Miami
Ratboys - The Window
Roison Murphy - The Universe
Oneohtrix Point Never - A Barely Lit Path
Indigo De Souza - Younger & Dumber
Jeff Rosenstock - 3 Summers
Caroline Polachek - Blood & Butter
Sun June - Get Enough
Yard Act - The Trench Coat Museum
DJ Sabrina The Teenage DJ – Honey
Girl Scout - Weirdo
JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown - Lean Beef Patty
Sofia Kourtesis - Madres
Overmono - Good Lies
Bully - Days Move Slow
Youth Lagoon - Idaho Alien
Katy Kirby - Cubic Zirconia
Andy Shauf - Halloween Store
Romy - She's On My Mind
M83 - Oceans Niagara
Yves Tumor - Echolalia
Big Thief - Vampire Empire
Olivia Rodrigo - get him back!
Fever Ray - Kandy
Jessie Ware - Begin Again
The Japanese House - Boyhood
Kelela - Contact
Jess Williamson - Hunter
Mitski - My Love Mine All Mine
billy woods & Kenny Segal - Soft Landing
Tennis - Let's Make a Mistake Tonight
Slowdive - shanty
Beirut - Hadsel
NewJeans - Super Shy
The Clientele - Blue Over Blue
Nation of Language - Sole Obsession
ANOHNI - This Must Change
The Last Dinner Party - Nothing Matters
Slaughter Beach, Dog - Engine
The Beatles - Now and Then
Link to full 100+ track playlist on Spotify / Apple Music
*playlist subject to change
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3thansl4ndry · 1 year
Could I request oneshot where reader is stuck on the ladder instead of Anika and reader is mindy and Chad's cousin and reader is 13-15 years old and came to visit them during the ghostface stuff
motion sickness
pairing - platonic!Mindy Meeks-Martin x Meeks!Reader, platonic Chad Meeks-Martin x Meeks!Reader
summary - Chad and Mindy's younger cousin has an unforgettable halloween weekend in new york.
cw - violence, some angst, my shitty writing??
word count - 1k
a/n - okay, let me explain, scream two? didn't happen. the reader is Randy's daughter born years after the events of the second movie. Also again, I don't know if i love or hate this - let me know your thoughts!
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Prior to tonight, you had been excited to spend the Halloween weekend in New York with your older cousins Chad and Mindy. You had spent the previous months begging your dad to be able to spend it with them since they had moved to the city, and Randy, being a pushover for his little girl, let you. Now, however, you wanted to be at home, watching some horror movie with your dad, laughing as he yelled at the oblivious characters in the film - it felt like now, you were living in your own, personal horror movie.
You knew about what had happened in Westerboro all those years before, the initial murders, Stu Macher and Billy Loomis' killing spree rocked the entire town, inspiring an entire film series, which your dad hated, he claimed that there were too many of them and he lost their effect - Randy also hated that he was a character in them, he never let you watch them, especially the one that depicted the attempt on his life. You never asked your dad about what had happened, you knew that he was perfectly happy with his new life, despite being a divorced single father, he wouldn't have had it any other way.
Which is why he made Chad and Mindy swear to take the best possible care of you - their oath now broken as you stood in your cousin's friends apartment, their friend, Quinn's dead body thrown into you. Before anyone could react, the masked figure who had thrown the girls body into you moved towards you, deflecting Mindy off with a slash to her arm, her friend Anika going to her side as she fell to the floor. Chad, convinced that Mindy would be able to protect you, grabbed his girlfriend, Tara's hand and ran out of the apartment. You held your hands out in front of you in a feeble attempt to defend yourself from the masked killer, but your attempts did nothing to stop them, and you screamed as they plunged their knife into your stomach, twisting the knife and dragging it up your torso. Sam, acting quickly, smashed a vase over the figures head, causing them to grunt and fall to the floor, and with it taking the knife out from your stomach. Mindy gently grabbed you, helping you into Quinn's room, where the 3 girls barricaded both the bathroom and the entrance to the room.
"Mindy, I don't feel good," You called out to your older cousin, who's heart dropped as she took in the extent of your injuries. "It hurts." You sobbed. Mindy sat on the bed beside you, trying to distract you as the ghostface banged on the door to try and get in - This wasn't fair, you were just a kid, and here you were, fighting for your life.
"I know, you're gonna be okay, I promise," She assured you, her tone soft yet firm.  "We'll get out of here and we can call your dad to come and pick you up, yeah?" You tearfully nodded, you just wanted your dad now. You and Mindy looked up as Sam stood at the window, yelling across the building with her boyfriend Danny, who put a ladder across the two buildings. "Y/N needs to go first." Mindy demanded, both Sam and Anika nodding in agreement.
"No, I-I'll just slow everyone down, you go first," You argued, your eyes filling with more tears as you saw the look on Mindy's face. "Please, I'll be fine." You tried to reason with her, but you knew that no one had much time to debate, the set of drawers pushed against the door was giving way, and the killer was going to get through. Mindy hugged you tightly before making her way across, Sam and Anika already having made their way across to Sam's boyfriend's building.
"When we're all over, you get your ass over those ladders as fast as you can, okay? No fucking around," She told you. You nodded in response and watched as she made her way across the ladder and to the other building, where Sam and Anika awaited her. Ignoring the searing pain coming from your stomach, you got out of Quinn's room and onto the ladder. The pain, however started to become too much for you, you also, made the critical mistake of looking down, your heart dropping at the height you found yourself out.
"I can't do it," You sobbed, shaking your head. Looking behind you, Mindy noticed that ghostface had gotten through their makeshift barricade, and now stood at the windowsill.
"No, Y/N come on! You can, come on!" She yelled, trying to encourage you to move the last couple crawl steps to the end. You were so close. "Please, Y/N!" Apparently, Mindy's all but gentle encouragement pushed you on, and you started to make the last, but albeit painful movements towards the end. The figure behind you, though, had other ideas, stabbing their knife, which still had your blood on it into the windowsill, placing both of their hands onto the edge of the ladder. Noticing that everyone had gone silent, you started to panic.
"What? Wh-what's wrong?"
"Y/N move! Come on!" Everyone started yelling at you, just as the figure started to shake the ladder, trying to throw you off of it. No. You weren't going to die. You wanted to see your dad again. Focusing on your movement, and your movement only, you got to the end of the ladder.
Just as you were thrown from the ladder.
Luckily for you, Sam's boyfriend, Danny, acted fast, and grabbed your hand. You screamed, your shoulder dislocating when he grabbed you. The girl's helped to pull you up into his apartment, and you fell into Mindy, who held you as you cried, she didn't care that you were bleeding onto her clothes, you were safe, but she knew your dad would be mad at her. But then again, she had helped to save your life.
If this gave her anything other than more trauma and nightmares, it was bragging rights over Chad when it came to who your favourite cousin was.
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blackfairy312 · 2 months
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sicme ronin gets to talk about komi/herself all the time i thibk i should talk about Leiven 😁 (these are all old drawings . i redesigned Leiven again yesterday so expect to see them eventually)
Leiven Sanchez is my Dead by Daylight OC/self insert who i ship with mainly Danny Johnson Ghostface . i have also put Leiven in other universes specifically Slasher related ones . originally they're from the Five Nights at Freddy's universe but they never interacted with the Afton Story , (Leiven is distant cousins with another OC of ours, Charlotte Bishop, the protagonist of VOID, which is where most of Komi's lore is from 😁 nice full circle there).
Leiven is 24 years old, Greek/Hispanic, gender queer and use they/them. they are autistic and bugs are their special interest (specifically moths). before being taken into the Entity's realm they had e pet tarantula that i cannot remember rhe name of .
i self projected a lot of myself into Leiven but that was like four years ago and i write them a lot differently than i used to now.
i also ship them with Corey Cunningham (Halloween Ends) because im insane
yes thats billy lenz in one of the pictures this was during the phase where mt billy fictive kept being a narcissist and asked me to draw him all the time
OH YEAH AND the ship name being Danny and Leiven is called Ghostbug !!
their name is a reference to a very obscure thriller movie that pyrocynical once did a video on wondee if tou can guess
Yes, Leiven and Komi know each other.
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444namesplus · 4 months
all character names used in the song of ice and fire pile
addam addison adrack adrian aegon aegor aelyx aemma aemon aemond aenar aenys aerea aerion aeron aeryn aerys aethan aethelmure aggo agnes ahai aladale aladore alan alannys alaric alarra alayaya alayne albar albett albin alchemist alekyne alerie alester alfyn alicent all allar alleras alliser allyria alton alvyn alyce alyn alys alysanne alyssa amarei amerei amory amos and andar andrey andrik andros androw anguy annara antario anya archer archon's ardrian aregelle areo argella arianne arlan armen armond aron arra arrana arrec arryk arryn arsa arstan arthur artos arwood arwyn arya arys asha ashara ashford aubrey aurane aurion axell ayrmidon azor b baelish baelon baelor balaq balerion ball balman balon banefort bar baratheon barbara barber barbrey barneby barra barre barristan barthogan bass bastards beesbury bella bellanora bellegere bellena bellonara belly ben benard benedict benfred benfrey benifer benjen benjicot bennard bennarion bennifer benton beren berena beric bernarr beron bertrand bess beth bethany bettley bharbo big billy biter black blackbar blackberry blackfyre blackshield blacktyde blackwood blade blood bloody blount blue boarkiller boisterous bolton boremund boros bors borys botley bowen boy bracken bran branda brandon brax braxton breaker brella brienne brightstone bronn broome brother brother brune brus bryan bryce bryen brynden bryndon buckler bullock bulwer bump burley burton byan byrch byron bywater c cadwyl cafferen caleotte calla captain captain's cargyll caron cassana cassel cassella caswell category catelyn catspaw cayn cedric celtigar cerelle cerenna cerissa cersei cerwyn ceryse character characters characters charlton chataya chayle chett chiggen children clarent clayton clegane clement cleos cletus cleyton clifton clydas cockshaw codd cohollo coldhands colemon colin colmar commander commander's connington corbray corlys corne correy coryanne costayne courtesan cousin cox craghorn
crake crakehall crane cregan cregard creighton cressen creylen crow culiper cuy cynthea cyrelle cyrenna d daario dacey dacks daegon daella daemion daemon daenerys daenora daenys daeron daeryssa dagmer dagon dale dalt dalton damion damon danny danos danwell dareon daring darke darklyn darlessa darnold darry daryn daughter daughter daven davos daxos dayne deana deceased deem delena demonlover denyo denys desmera desmond devan deziel dick dickon dobber donal dondarrion donel donella donnel donnis donnor dontos doran doreah dormund dorna dornishman dragons drogo drumm drunkard dryn duckfield duncan dunstable dunstan duram durran durrandon durwald dusk duskendale dusky dustin duur dyanna dykk dywen e ebrose eddara eddard eddison edgar edgerran edmund edmure edmyn edric edwell edwyle edwyn edyth eerl egen elaena elder eldred eleyna elia elinda elinor ella ellard ellaria ellyn elmar elmo elric elwood elyas elyn elys elysar emberlei emma emmett emmon emmond emory endrew erena erenford erich ermesande erren erryk essie estermont estren ethan euron ever eye eyed f falena falyse farman farring farwynd father fenn fergon flatnose flement fletcher flint florent florian florys flowers folk follard fool foote for forel fork forley foss fossoway fox franklyn free frenken frey from g gael gaemon gage galbart gardener gared gareth garibald garlan garrison garse garth gaunt gawen gendry genna gerald geremy gerion germund gerold gerrick gevin gilbert gilliane gilly gilly's glendon glover godry gold goodbrook goodbrother goode goren gormon gormond gorold gower graceford gran grance greatjon green greenbeard greenfield greenhand gregor grell grenn grey greydon greyiron greyjoy griffith grover groves guard guncer gwayne gwenys gwin gwynesse gylbert gyldayn gyles gysella h h'ghar haegon haereg haggo haggon hagon haigh hairy hake hal halder hali halleck hallis hallyne halys hammer hardy hardyng hareth harlan harlaw harlon harma harmen harmond harmund harrag harras harren harrion harrold harron harry harwin harwyn harys hawick hayford heddle helman hendry henly herndon hero herrock heward hibald high hightower hill hilmar historical hoare hoarfrost hoat hobb hobber hobert hodor hogg hoke hollard holly hop horas horgan horn
hornwood horpe horse horton horys hosman hosteen hostella hoster hot hotah hotho howard howland hubard hubert hugh hugo hullen humble humfrey hunter huntsman husband illifer illyrio ilyn imry irri iv ix j jacaerys jacelyn jack jacks jaehaerys jafer jaime jalabhar jammos janei janna janos jaqen jared jaremy jason jasper jast jax jayne jennis jenny jenye jeor jeren jeyne jhiqui jhogo jirelle joanna jocasta jocelyn joffrey johanna john jojen jommo jon jonah jonnel jonos jonothor jonquil jorah joron jorquen jory joseran joseth joss josua joy joyeuse jurene justin justman jyck k kaeth kandaq karlon karstark karyl kedge kegs kella kenning kermit kettleblack kevan kezmya kindly king king kings kingsblood kingsblood's kingsguard knight knights kurleket kyndall kyra l lad laenor lake lambert lancel langward lanna lannister larence lark larys last laswell leana leathers leek lefford lelia lem lemoncloak lenwood leo leobald leona leonella leonette leslyn lester lew lewyn lewys lharys lia lianna lickspittle lily locke lodos lollys lomys long longbough longleaf longthorpe longwaters lonmouth lonnel loraq loras lorch lord lord loren lorence lorent loreon lorimar lorimer loron lorra lothar lothor lucamore lucas luceon lucifer lucimore lucinda lucion luthor luwin lyanna lyarra lydden lyle lyman lymond lyn lynara lynora lyonce lyonel lysa lythene m mace mad maege maegelle maegon maegor maekar maelor maelys maester maia maid maldon malegorn malleon mallery mallister mallor man mance manderly mandon manfred manfrey manfryd manly marbrand
margaery margaret marghaz margot mariah marillion maris mariya mark marla marlon marna maron marq marqelo marsella marsh martell martyn maryam masha maslyn massey matarys mathis matthar mattheus matthew maz meadows medgar medrick medwick meera megga meha melantha melara meldred melesa melessa melisandre melissa mellario melony melwyn merianne meribald merlon merlyn mern merrell merrett merryweather mervyn meryn mikken milk mina minisa mirri mo mohor mollander mollen monarchs moon moore mooton mopatis mord mordane moreo morgan morgarth morgon mormont moro morrec morrigen morros mors morya moryn mott mounts mullendore mullin mully munda murenmure musgood mya mycah mychel myles myr myranda myrcella myre myriame myrielle mysaria n naerys naggle naharis nan narha night's norbert norcross norjen norman normund norne norren norrey norridge norvos notch noye nute nymeria o o' oak oakenshield oakheart oarsman obara oberyn of old olene olenna ollidar olymer olyvar olyver omer ondrew orbert orkwood ormond ormund orryn orton orys osbert oscar osfryd osha osmund osney osric oswald oswell oswyck oswyn othell otherys othgar otho othor ottyn owen oznak p paege pahl palehair patchface pate pater patrek paul paxter payne peake penny pennytree penrose perceon peremore perianne perkin perra perriane perwyn petyr philip pie piper plummer podrick polliver poole porther pov praed pree prentys prester preston prince
princes promised prudence prunella pryor puckens pyat pycelle pyg pyke pypar q qalen qarl qarlton qhored qhorin qhorwyn qorgyle qotho quaithe quaro queen quellon quenten quentin quenton quentyn quincy qyburn qyle r ragged rakharo ralf rambton ramsay randyll rast raven ravos raya rayder raylon raymont raymun raymund raynald raynard reach red redbeard redfort redpool redwyne reed reference regenard regis regnar renfred renly rennifer reynard reyne reysen rhae rhaegal rhaegar rhaegel rhaella rhaelle rhaenyra rhalla rhea rhogoro ricasso richard rickard rickon rivers rob robar robard robb robert robett robin robyn roderick rodrik rodwell roger rogers rognar rohanne roland rolder rollam rolland rolley rolly rolph romny ronel ronnal ronnel roone roose roote rorge roryn rosamund rosby rose rosey roslin rowan roxton roy royce rufus rupert rus russell ruttiger ryam rycherd ryella ryger ryk rykker rylene ryman rymolf rymond ryswell s saan sabitha salladhor sallei saltcliffe samantha samgood samwell sand sandor sansa santagar sara saranella sargon sarra sarsfield sarya satin sawane scales scarb seastar seaworth sebaston selmond selmy selwyn selyse senelle septon serena serra serry serwyn sevenstreams shadrich shae shaena shagwell sharp she shella shepherd shett shiera shierle shireen shirei shortear shrike shrykos sigfry sigfryd sigorn simon sister sisterton skahaz skinchangers sloane slynt small smallwood smike smiling snow son son soulless sour sparr spicer spotted squire stackspear stafford
stallion stannis stark starvling staunton steffarion steffon stevron stillwood stiv stokeworth stone stonehouse stonetree storm stout strickland strong suggs sumner sunglass surly swann sweet swyft sybell sylas sylvenna sylwa symond syrio t taena tagaros talbert tall talla tallhart tally tanda tanner tarbeck targaryen tarle tarly tarth tawney templeton teora ternesio terys tess that the the theo theodore theomore theon thoren thorne thoros three timeon timotty tion titus tobho todder todric togarion tollett tom tomard tommen torghen torgon torrhen torwyn torwynd tower towers toyne trant tree tregar tristifer triston trystane tully tumitis turnberry turnip tyana tybolt tyene tygett tyler tyrek tyrell tyrion tyrion's tysane tysha tyta tytos tywald tywin u ulf uller umber umfred umma urragon urras urrathon urrigon urron urswyck uther utherydes uthor utt v vaegon vaellyn valaena valerion valiant vance varamyr vardis vargo varly varys vayon velaryon veron vickon victaria victarion victor vikary vines visenya viserra viserys volmark vorian vortimer votyris w waif walda walder walderan waldon walgrave wallace wallen walter walton waltyr walys was waters watt waymar wayn waynwood weaver webber weeper wendamyr wendel westerlands westerling westling wex whalen whent white whittlestick who wick wife wildling will willamen willas willem william willis willow wind wineseller winterfell wode wolves woman woodcock woolfield world woth wulfgar wull wyl wylde wylis wylla wyman wynafrei wynafryd wynch wynton wythers x xaro xho xhoan y yandry yarwyck yew ygon ygritte yohn yorbert yoren yorko youngest yronwood ysabel ysilla z zo zollo
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tawneybel · 1 year
Female Cartoon Characters Who Get Possessed
Note: Or infested. Animation, comics, etc. Be free to suggest more. Male list. Female live-action list. Male live-action list.
Frightwig from Ben 10 (“Ghosfreaked out”)
Gwen Tennyson from Ben 10 (“Ghosfreaked out”)
Anya Alstreim from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2
Sissi Delmas from Code Lyoko (“Contact,” “Cousins Once Removed”)
Tamiya Diop from Code Lyoko (“Music to Soothe the Savage Beast”)
Aelita Hopper from Code Lyoko (“Double Trouble,” “The Pretender,” “The Secret”)
nurse from Code Lyoko (“Contact”)
Yolanda Perraudin from Code Lyoko (“Tip-Top Shape”)
Milly Solovieff from Code Lyoko (“Music to Soothe the Savage Beast”)
Sophie from Code Lyoko (“Music to Soothe the Savage Beast”)
various from Code Lyoko (“Lyoko Minus One”)
Muriel Bagge from Courage the Cowardly Dog (“The Demon in the Mattress”)
Sam Manson from Danny Phantom (“Urban Jungle”)
Paulina from Danny Phantom (“Lucky in Love,” “Public Enemies,” “What You Want”)
various from Danny Phantom (“Urban Jungle”)
Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls (“The Inconveniencing”)
Mandy from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy (“Get out of My Head!”)
woman possessed by mummy’s ghost from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy (“Get out of My Head!”)
Ami Onuki from HiHi Puffy AmiYumi (“Ami Goes Bad”)
Wonder Woman from Justice League Unlimited (“Dead Reckoning”)
Jody Irwin from The Life and Times of Juniper Lee (“It Takes a Pillage”)
Ophelia Ramirez from The Life and Times of Juniper Lee (“It Takes a Pillage”)
Katie from Martin Mystery (“The Curse of the Necklace”)
Diana Lombard from Martin Mystery (“The Body-Swapper,” “Haunting of the Blackwater,” “Return of the Djini”)
M.O.M. from Martin Mystery (“Beast from within”)
Jenny Wakeman from My Life As a Teenage Robot (“Pest Control,” “The Return of the Raggedy Android”)
Lorna from Over the Garden Wall (“The Ringing of the Bell”)
Hotaru Tomoe from Sailor Moon S
Clover from Totally Spies! (“It’s How You Play the Game”)
Mira from Totally Spies! (“It’s How You Play the Game”)
Maria Kurenai from Vampire Knight
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bluejaysandblackbats · 2 months
into the silent land
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Willis Todd is arrested before he can cheat Two-Face and be murdered in this AU. He regains custody of his twelve-year-old son, Jason, and they rebuild their relationship. Can Willis make up for his mistakes, or is he doomed to repeat history?
(The title comes from a line in the poem, Remember, by Christina Rossetti).
Chapters: 6/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Willis Todd, Original Character(s), Faye "Ma" Gunn
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Divergent AU, Father-Son Relationship, Good Parent Willis Todd, Willis Todd Redemption, Mentioned Sheila Haywood
Chapter Six: A Tale of Two Cousins
Pete drove Willis to the post office after he finished cooking, and Willis sat in the car, wringing his hands. “Are you alright?” Pete asked. 
“No, but I’ll get there. How’s Lissy?” Willis questioned in reply. Their exchange softened Willis. 
“Melissa’s alright. She’s got the kids. Do you remember Melissa’s oldest?” Pete questioned. 
Willis chuckled. “Yeah. I drove Melissa to the hospital with no license when she went into labor. I was scared to death… And her husband was out of town, so she made me stay with her. Twenty-six hours… Man, oh man that was terrifying,” Willis replied, “You know, Melissa was the only person other than you that ever cared about me. The time I stayed with her were some of the happiest years of my life. Melissa, Danny, and Au—.”
“She’s Amber now,” Pete whispered. 
“Oh, Amber. How’s she doin’?” Willis corrected himself.
“She’s good. Amber’s into art and books now. She uh—. She’s been asking about you a lot,” Pete replied as he stopped at the light.
Willis looked up. “Are we headed to see Lissy?” Willis questioned. 
“Not if you don’t want to. I just wanna spend some time with you,” Pete replied.
“I could… I could handle seeing Melissa today,” Willis whispered. 
Willis sat in the car while Pete went to the door. He looked away, frightened of what his sister would think. He chewed his bottom lip, fidgeting with his jacket. He heard footsteps in the snow and frantic knocking on the window. He turned to see a rapidly greying blonde woman with tears streaming down her smiling face. Willis half-smiled, opening the car door. He barely had time to step out before she embraced him. “Billy, how are you? You’ve still got a baby face,” Melissa whispered as she held his face. “Wow. I can’t—. I’m glad you’re here. What are you doing here?” 
“ I can’t come and see my sister? Lissy, Dad said you were worried about me… Do you—? Do you want to have dinner at my place sometime this week?” Willis whispered. She embraced him again. Willis wrapped his arms around her, smiling uncontrollably. He hadn’t seen her since he met Sheila. Melissa pinched his cheek. 
“Of course, I do. You’re here. Come in. Come in,” Melissa urged him. She dragged him toward the house, and Willis froze up. 
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to enter, he was afraid of what he’d see if he did. “Melissa, I—. Lissy, can we sit outside for a second?” Willis whispered. “Here, I don’t want you to get cold.” He took off his jacket and draped it over her. 
“Come on. You know me. I never get cold,” Willis half-joked. She pulled his hat over his ears. “I have a son now… Did Dad tell you that?” 
“He didn’t. Maybe he wanted you to tell me. How old is he?” Melissa gently asked as she took Willis’ hand and looked at his tattoos. It was a tender gesture on her behalf. She was always careful with Willis, treating him like a fragile little boy. 
He didn’t mind. “My kid’s twelve… He’ll be thirteen in August,” Willis answered, “You had any kids after Amber? Dad told me about her. She’s writing now. That’s pretty cool. I’ll have to look into it. Amber Vreeland the artist. I know you’ve gotta be proud of her.” 
“She wanted to write about you. I didn’t know what to tell her. I wasn’t sure if you’d be okay with that,” Melissa confessed, “And yeah… After Danny died, I spiraled for a little while, but I had a few other kids. I had twins in ninety-one. Gabriel and Gavin. Gabriel’s in culinary school in Los Angeles, and Gavin’s in modeling. They’re roommates. Then, I had Olivia in nineteen-two, Sarah in ninety-four, and Dillon in ninety-seven. Amber and Dillon are at home still. Dillon’s in junior high. He’s in seventh grade. Olivia’s in school for computers and Sarah’s a ballerina at the Metropolis School of Arts.” 
“Sounds like you’ve got some pretty good kids. What junior high does Dillon go to?” Willis asked. 
Melissa answered, and Willis bellowed. “No way… Are you serious? I was getting ready to pick him up,” Melissa laughed, “Dillon doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s a little shy. His best friend is a nice boy, though.” 
“That’s alright… My son’s a little quiet, too. One of his teachers lives in my building. Ms. Cobb—.” 
“Dillon has Ms. Cobb! Are you going to the parent-teacher night?” Melissa interrupted. Willis nodded. They smiled at each other, and Willis turned away. “Why didn’t you come back to visit, Billy?” 
“Aww, Lissy—.” 
“I thought you were dead. I haven’t seen you in fourteen years,” Melissa chastised him. He rubbed his neck. “Are you doing okay at least?”
“I’m in AA and therapy. I’m staying out of trouble, and I—. Look at me, I sound like a kid—.” 
“No, you sound good. I’m proud of you. Did you leave because of what I said to you?” Melissa questioned. Willis ran a hand over his face. He didn’t want to cry in front of her. 
“Melissa, I don’t wanna talk about that. I don’t wanna—.”
“I shouldn’t have pushed you—.”
“Did you tell anyone?” Willis interrupted. She shook her head. “But you told Danny?” 
“I didn’t… I couldn’t. Did you leave because you were scared I’d tell someone?” Melissa asked. She rubbed Willis’ back. “Come inside, Billy… It’s cold.” 
Willis lay his head on her shoulder. “I thought you wouldn’t want me around anymore… And then I looked at Amber, and I thought about what would happen if she turned out like me,” Willis whispered. Melissa frowned. The front door swung open. 
“Uncle Billy?” a young woman’s voice whispered. 
Willis turned around and looked at the tall blonde with brown eyes and tattoos. “Amber?” Willis asked. 
“Pappy Pete told you?” Amber questioned in reply. Willis nodded. “Well… Are you gonna give me a hug, or what?”
Willis laughed as he stood up and opened his arms. They hugged and when he pulled away, he squeezed her nose between his knuckles. “How’s it going, Chunks?” Willis grinned. She had the same gap he did. “I can’t believe you’re grown up… Did your mom ever tell you that I cut the cord when you were born?” 
“She told me you passed out after you did it,” Amber laughed, “You don’t look forty to me. I thought you’d look older.”
“Thanks, Chunks. Do you remember me at all?” Willis questioned. 
“Uncle Billy… Of course, I remember you. I couldn’t sleep without you in the house,” Amber smiled.
“I know. When you were a baby, your parents used to sneak in my room and put you on my chest, so they could get some rest. They used to say your favorite sound—.” 
“Was your heartbeat… I know. I um—. I wanted to write about you. A collection of poems and short stories,” Amber interrupted. Willis’ smile faded. 
“Do you live in town?” Amber asked. 
“I do… I live a few blocks from Restyffe Junior High,” Willis replied. 
“Dillon goes there. Mom, did you tell him about Dillon?” Amber asked. Melissa nodded, sweetly smiling at her eldest daughter. 
Willis waited by the front gate as the kids poured out. Jason trudged along, half-exhausted before he caught a glimpse of Willis. He ran at full speed, and Willis caught him and swung him around. “I’ve got a few surprises for you, Kiddo,” Willis grinned. 
A boy with big glasses and green eyes stopped beside Willis and smiled at Jason. “Hey, Jason. I was in the counselor’s office … Do you have a partner for the math quiz on Friday?” the boy asked. 
“Nuh uh. We can be partners if you want,” Jason answered. “Dad, this is Dillon Weiss. Dillon, this is my dad.” 
“Dillon, is your mom’s name Melissa?” Willis asked as he set Jason down. 
Dillon scrunched his nose up to adjust his glasses. “Uh-huh. Jason knows my mom. There she is, right there,” Dillon pointed to his mom and waved. Melissa walked over. 
“Hi, Dilly. Do you know who this is?” Melissa whispered. 
“This is Jason’s dad—.”
“Jason’s your son?” Melissa asked. 
“Small world,” Willis chuckled. Jason and Dillon exchanged looks. “You two kids are cousins. Melissa’s my big sister. We have the same dad.”
Jason and Dillon lit up. “Cool,” they grinned. 
“We’ve got a lot of catching up to do, Billy,” Melissa chuckled as she took her son’s backpack.
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