#anyway i needed to complain i just hate how its always 'makeup OR have perfect skin thru 10000s dollars'
weedlovingweed · 1 year
i am watching a video about how the 'clean girl'/'natural beauty' 'trends' are still like classist because they are based in genetics and like. Procedures and Surgery and like sure but also.
idk it seems like people talk about it in a either/or way, where you either have to wear makeup to cover flaws or do skin care/dermatologist/surgery/etc to Fix flaws but also... you don't? have to do any of it. it literally doesn't matter... if you wash yr face and moisturize regularly & use sunscreen if you're going out you are giving you face the things it needs to be healthy (not 'perfect' or like. 'trendy' which why are we trying to be. who cares... look like you and be an individual...)
it's just stupid to me (which i admit i really don't care what other people think and i just accept my appearance as it is without need for enhancements, at least not skin cosmetics)... i know as a gnc lesbian i have less like. tie to feeling like i need to fit Feminine Gender Roles but it doesn't make sense that people can NOT just see themselves as people/animals/living beings with bodies for function rather than exclusively as like aesthetic objects
the video is specifically comparing the full glam insta baddie mid 2010s look to the clean girl type thing now and i haven't really worn makeup regularly since 2014 but still... like just because it became more affordable for women to get concealers and etc to cover their Disgusting Blemished Faces doesn't make that somehow better than people not clogging their pores and being encouraged to only use skin care products. societally and because of capitalism people popular media/culture will NEVER be fully accepting of peoples' natural bodies because how will they sell you anything? they need to toe the line between 'loving and accepting yourself as you are' and 'buuuut you need this product to REALLY love yourself/take care of your skin/make you look better/etc etc'. so just be yourself and do only what is necessary for HEALTH not for some nebulous 'beauty' that will absolutely change in like 5-10 years. esp people who think that getting cosmetic surgery or fillers will make them fit the standard.
you are going to be left behind when the standard changes. you are either going to look 'so 2023' in 10 years or you will have to get more surgery to fit the new standards. wouldn't you rather be able to laugh and smile and cry and enjoy the vastness of feeling, expression, etc instead of numbing your face and losing your ability to really express yourself?
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gay-face · 2 years
Alright, I never do this but this needs to be talked about, i need a long rant. There are some people who are harshly judging the new Wednesday show (as to be expected with anything new) but it's getting to the point where it's a little frustrating. This is Tim Burtons re-imagining and NEW interpretation of the family and that's great! We can't keep sticking with the same thing over and over and over, it gets tiring BUT we can still have the same charm to the original formula.
There are people complaining that they turned into "psychopaths" and "murderers", " they would never hurt anyone or their own family!". Firstly, in the original comics: they have body bags labeled with different names stored somewhere in their house, pugsley and Wednesday are constantly threatening to kill each other even morticia told Wednesday to get back at him by poisoning him, they told the baby sitter to watch her back because the children would definitely find ways to harm her, pugsley creates torture devices AND created his own hazard signs to probably cause chaos and get others killed (the stop sign scene in the 90s movie), morticia even asks to borrow cyanide for god knows what. It's the fact people are saying the 90s movies are bad examples of their characters when they were pretty much spot on! Pugsley is also offered a cigar occasionally like come on. And the show from the 60s? Well that's different for its own reasons and you can't compare them to each other but they still had their dark humored jokes.
Oh and "Wednesday never smiles THAT'S NOT THE WEDNESDAY WE KNOW" she is drawn almost all the time smiling in the comics and smiles a few times in the movies because of her devious and creepy nature..she also enjoys stories being told to her, picnics playing with dolls and is also a ballerina in the 60s show, so don't say she's always this menacing evil child. There's so many contradictions with people's arguments like they can't make up their minds because they don't even know!
"The casting is terrible, gomez is ugly and fat, morticia looks nothing like morticia, and jenna is too old to be playing a child"...the casting is PERFECT. Gomez actually looks like himself from the comics and is nothing to be compared to raul julia..unfortunately he's gone now but someone else has to play gomez now. A character can't always be played by the same actor. Morticia doesn't always have to be a tall thin pale woman with her face plastered with makeup, and jenna ortega is young enough to play the part. She's literally 19. That's why she was picked in the first place and because she's a good actor? Like that's just how casting and acting works? We also don't even know how old she is in the show.
Do you people have any idea how many older actors have played younger characters? Tobey Maguire was 27 playing an 18 year old peter parker, Olivia Newton John played a 17 year old girl when she was 29...Jason Earles played a 16 year old when he was 29 like HELLO??? Most of your favorite characters who are young are played by people who are older than that. Anyway, The Addams family will always be the addams family, they love each other and will threaten anyone who messes with their family.
They are still the same silly and quirky 🤪 family that we've always known. I adored the show, loved the movies, and enjoyed the animated movies so I'm very excited for this one. What are you expecting? It's Tim Burton, it's going to be twisted, dark, weird and funny!
Change is good some times so please don't judge too harshly before even watching it. You can have your own opinions of course! But don't bash and hate something when you don't know anything about it.
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
You Know Just What I Need.
Head of Security!Reader x Bucky Barnes AU.
Run-through: Freshly out of uni, Bucky Barnes comes back to live in his family home. Given he’s the only son of a billionaire, he needs security around at all times. And his dad puts you in charge of his son’s safety until he comes home from a business trip. You intend on doing your job as perfectly as always, but what you didn’t know it that Bucky is a spoilt brat who is only interested in pestering you and making your life a living hell… until eventually you are left with no other choice but to teach him a lesson in order for him to learn how to behave.
Themes: spoilt brat!Bucky, smut, fluff, slight dom!reader,
a/n: I was re-reading my bodyguard!stucky au the other day and I thought, what if the roles were reversed…? Enjoy!
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“He’s here.”
One of the guards spoke through the comms, signaling you that Bucky Barnes was here. You were in the monitor room upstairs, watching over all the live footage of security cameras placed around the Barnes’ property. You observed the one at the gate and watched how the expensive car made its way through the gates.
He’s here.
You walked out of the room and made your way downstairs, on your way to meet your boss’ only son. You were the head of security, working for Mr. Barnes. You led an entire team who helped you in directing the rest of the staff employed by Barnes. Whenever your boss was away – which was always – every decision regarding the properties and companies went through you first.
Security processes, new policies, and most financial decisions, legal or illegal transactions – basically everything needed your seal of approval when the boss was away. You and Mr. Barnes had a comfortable bond since day one, he trusted you immensely, which is why you had been handed over the responsibility of taking care of his son, Bucky, until the latter’s father comes back from a business trip.
Basically the son was your responsibility for the coming weeks. Rumor had it that the young man was a nightmare; the complete opposite of his father. Since your job allowed it, you stalked him on his many social media platforms as soon as you received the phone call from your boss, just to get an insight of what you were getting into. You spent hours scrolling through the many pictures Bucky posts all the time. And so far, you gathered that he was; a brat, a party animal, spends his father’s money like it’s no one’s business on expensive cars and clothing. He enjoyed the finer things in life.
Oh well, you thought to yourself, this one is going to be quite a handful. Besides, rich kids hate security anyways.
 You got downstairs and found some of the guards standing at the foyer, you joined them and they all gave you courteous nods. You noticed how they all stopped slouching as soon as you approached them, they stood straight. You smirked a little. Your job did require you to be somewhat intimidating and controlling, but you liked it. You quite enjoyed the power which came along the job.
In less than a minute, he finally walked through the doors; the one and only – Bucky. He entered the house with a gait which radiated arrogance. You refrained from rolling your eyes at him and his almost visible cockiness. But, you expected no less.
Dressed in all black, leather jacket and boots; you had to admit he was an attractive young man.
“Well, well, there’s nothing better than coming home after 5 years and being welcomed by a group of guards!” he sassed, looking at the guys. And you saw how he did a double take when he saw you. He did that thing that most men do when they see you for the first time; stare.
Perfect hair, minimal makeup, bold red lip, high heels for the aesthetics and wearing a tailored black suit with a white button down shirt – you looked great and you knew it. So you let him stare, just like you let all of them stare. Only not many men approached you, most of them were intimidated.
But Bucky wasn’t one of those, no. Bucky was shameless, and cocky and confident. He walked right up to you, eyed you up and down and smirked.
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes! What’s your name, beautiful?” he asked, surprising you a little. But surprising the rest of the guards even more. They all turned their heads in sync to look at the exchange between you and Bucky. Because no one ever dared to talk to you like that before.
You smirked and tilted your head up just a little, looked Bucky right in the eyes. “Y/N. Head of security. My team and I were appointed by your father to keep you away from trouble until he gets back home. Because you’re unable to do so on your own despite being a grown man.” You answered with a straight face and nothing but sarcasm lacing your words.
Bucky was a little taken aback, usually women melt under his stare – but not you. He heard a chuckle or two come from the group of guards who stood nearby and he felt a little, just a little intimidated. But he liked that. You were fiery, and he was digging it. “Anything else, Mr. Barnes?” you asked again, breaking his little reverie.
He shook his head. “No.” he still had that damn smirk on his face.
You faked smiled at him. “Very well then, Wilson will show you to your room. He and Quill will be your bodyguards for the days to come.” You briefly explained, and pointed to Sam and Peter.
Bucky spared them a dirty look and by the time he looked back at you, you began walking away. “Hey, wait!” he called out after you. You stopped and turned around, refraining from rolling your eyes again. Bucky smirked, and walked over to you again.
“Why can’t you be my bodyguard? You seem badass enough for that. Besides, we could really have a lot of fun together you and I.” he finished with a wink.
You flashed him another faint, fake smile. “Mr. Barnes, you should know that I have a lot more important things that require my attention. My team needs me to help run your father’s company while he’s away. I can’t possibly do that and babysit you at the same time.” You leaned in just a little and whispered the last sentence just so the guys won’t hear you.
Bucky chuckled as you stared at him for another second before turning around, leaving him behind again. And oh did he enjoy watching you walk away. He had never had any woman be so uninterested in him before. So this was very new to him. And he was intrigued.
 Like you said, his two bodyguards showed him to his room where he spent the rest of the day. He thought of you, shamelessly, while he showered. Self-abusing himself under the warm water as he thought of your bold personality, and those irresistible eyes of yours… and your red lips, and your body… and the way you carried yourself, confidence and power surrounding you. He had only met you hours ago, but he wanted you. Bad.
He made a mental note to pester you and annoy you until you finally give in. because he was Bucky Barnes, whatever he wanted he got. And right now there was nothing more he wanted than you. Bucky didn’t know exactly where or how this would go, but one thing he knew for sure – he had to have you.
The next two days were absolutely terrible. Actually, the days were fine; it’s Bucky who made them terrible.
It started out when your boss called you, asking you if you could stay under the same roof as his son. For the latter’s safety and well-being, because there was no one else he trusted around his son more than you. Not having the heart to say no to the old man, you agreed.
Bucky was excited when he heard this decision made by his father. And suddenly, all of his shirts went missing. He paraded around with just his sweatpants on, purposely entering and leaving the room which you were in several times just to get your attention.
Sure it was annoying, but you couldn’t complain much; he was fit. Now you knew why he had so many girls around him all the time on all of his social media posts. The guy was hot!
He annoyed you even more by constantly flirting with you, without hesitation. Or he would do this thing where he would purposely walk by you, and make sure his body brushes against yours each time. But you worked for his dad so there was nothing you could do or say. However no matter what he did, he was never disrespectful.
He even tried to have your number, to which you denied at first. Then he thought he blackmailed you by saying what if he gets in trouble one day and how he should have it just in case. And you rolled your eyes and gave him your number just so he would shut up.
But he didn’t.
Given you had to live with him, you settled in one of the many guest bedrooms. You chose the one on the ground floor, trying to be as far away from Bucky’s room as possible. But still, he annoyed you all through the night by texting you incessantly. And it was always cheesy texts which made you question how is he a 25 year old adult;
‘I can’t sleep. Come cuddle me?’
‘I know you’re awake. Are you possibly thinking about me? ;)’
‘I would sleep better with you here with me yk’
‘I’m all alone… in my bed… thinking of you… with my hand wrapped around my big… Bible because I pray to God that one of these days you respond to my messages jfc’
 You would never respond to any of his messages. You would just laugh and turn your phone on silent each night before going to bed.
It’s alright, you told yourself, I can keep him safe and ignore him at the same time, right?
A few days later, Bucky received an invite to a prestigious party being held in the city by one of his father’s closest friend and long-time business ally. And given his dad wasn’t here, Bucky was the one who would have to go in his place, he couldn’t possibly miss it.
But there was a problem – Bucky needed a date.
 “Absolutely not.” You denied him right when he came into the study room, where you were dealing with paperwork, asking you to be his date for the party tomorrow.
He sighed dramatically. “Why not? If you go as my date, you could keep an eye on me as well.” He approached you by the book shelf and stood a little too close. He leaned in and whispered, “Because I tend to misbehave a lot.” He breathed in your ear in his deep, velvety voice.
And you felt a tingle dance down your spine when he whispered in your ear, but you convinced yourself it was nothing.
You thought over it. His dad had specifically asked not to let him go anywhere on his own. Plus, you wouldn’t trust him on his own. Lately even Sam and Peter had been complaining that he could be unmanageable.
“Fine.” You agreed on going as his date to the party.
The lavish party was being held at an equally grand mansion.
You should have known it was a bad idea to come here as Bucky’s date. Because not only was he absolutely shameless and flirty, and annoying but this spoilt brat also took the liberty to tell everyone that you were his girlfriend before you could stop him or correct him.  
And soon, you two became the talk of the room; he noticed that the men gave him envious glares while you noticed that the ladies gave you envious glares.
“We look great together.” He whispered in your ear and proceeded to lean down and kiss your cheek and pulled you closer while the two of you were slow dancing, after he begged you to. And you had to keep fake smiling as you looked up at him with nothing but annoyance in your eyes.
You kept your hands around his shoulders while he smirked and placed one of his hand right on your butt. “Come on, admit it.” He said, full of cockiness.
You gently moved his hand from your ass to the side of your leg, where your thigh holster was, with a handgun in it. His smirk disappeared for a few moments as he felt the gun through your stunning evening gown and you smirked this time, looking up at him.
Just for show, you leaned in to kiss his cheek as well. “Try that again and I’ll shoot you and make it seem like an accident.” You whispered in his ear and pulled away to fake smile at him.
Bucky chuckled. “Can’t tell if you threatened me or turned me on even more, babe.” He whispered, winking at you and you rolled your eyes at him.
 You left the dimmed dance floor as soon as the song ended. And you went to grab your clutch and went to get a drink at the bar. You sipped on it lazily, then noticed that Bucky wasn’t by your side yet; annoying you like he had been all night. You turned around, expecting to find him near you somewhere. But you didn’t see him.
You panicked for a moment. But then your phone rang in your clutch. You answered it immediately once you saw that it was Bucky.
“Where the hell are you?” you whisper-yelled through the phone.
He chuckled. “Aww, miss me already? Can’t even leave you for a few minutes? Jesus, you’re so obsessed with me.” He sounded just as cocky as ever. And even though you couldn’t see him, you knew he had that damn smirk on his face right now.
You sighed, less worried now that you knew he was alright. “Bucky, where are you?” you asked, your tone serious.
“We have a problem.” He answered.
“Well I do, but you’ll have to fix it. It’s bad.” He spoke again.
You sighed again. “Everyone here already thinks I’m dating you. What could be worse?”
He fake gasped over the phone. “Wow that hurt. Okay but seriously, I spilled my drink all over my shirt. I have another set of clothes in the car. I need your help, please.”
“Where are you?” you asked, clearly annoyed but you had no other choice but to help him.
“Upstairs’ library.”
You ended the call in his face and sighed again. You swallowed the rest of your champagne and asked one of the guards who came with you to go get Bucky’s clothes. You managed to hide from the crowd and get to him in less than a few minutes.
And there he was, standing in the middle of the spacious library. Shirtless, hands in his pockets. And with his signature smirk on.
“That was quick.” He sounded amazed, “Can’t away from me for long, can you babe?” he tilted his head to the side and gave you one of his famous smirks.
You rolled your eyes at him and handed him the shirt and tie on a hanger. “Seriously, get dressed.” You wouldn’t lie, you did check him for a few seconds because sure he was an annoyance, but he had a body to die for. Abs, Adonis belt, a sinful trail of hair starting from his lower stomach all the way down to-
“Take your time. I’m not going anywhere, stare all you want.” He sounded cocky once he caught you checking him out. He leaned in closer, “I’m all yours.”
You sighed again, crossing your arms over your chest. “Oh please. I don’t have time for young, immature boys.” You gave him another one of your fake smiles and turned around to leave. But he stopped you again.
You turned back around to face him as he finished buttoning up his shirt. “What?” you sounded like you were done with him.
He didn’t say anything, he just lifted the tie up to your face and gave you another idiotic but somewhat adorable grin.
Of course, you should’ve known he couldn’t tie his own tie. You wouldn’t even be surprised if he didn’t know how to knot his own shoelaces. You grabbed the black tie and walked up to him, throwing it around his neck and stepped up closer to tie it into a perfect knot. He stared at you the whole time.
“You’re really pretty, you know that?” he pointed out, with a big smile on his pretty face.
You glared at him, then looked back down to focus on getting the knot right. And he spoke up again, “I said, you’re really pretty y-,”
You cut him off. “I heard you the first time. I’m seven years older than you, so quit it.” you clarified, thinking the age gap would be a turn off for him. But it was quite the contrary.
He smirked when he heard that you were older. “That’s hot.” He commented, and honestly you expected no less from him. You glared at him again and he casually wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him. So close that his lips almost touched yours.
You tried ignoring how your heart fluttered.
“I have a gun on me right now, I suggest you behave before I do something we both regret.” You spoke monotonously, as always and he just smirked.
“I get all tingly when you threaten me like that, babe.” He was incessant.
You abruptly tightened the tie way too much on purpose and his eyes widened for a second as he struggled to breathe for a moment. You pulled his face closer to yours by tugging on the tie. “Enough.” You whispered, looking him dead in the eyes and making it just a little uncomfortable for him to breathe.
You let go of him after a few seconds and walked away without another word said. And once again, he didn’t shut up when he should have. “You look even better when you’re walking away!” he called out after you and it took you all your willpower not to turn around and punch his perfect, chiseled face.
As you expected, Bucky didn’t give up trying to annoy you. Even days after the party, he wouldn’t stop following you around and annoying you at all times. But you had to put up with it, because you knew that the closer he is to you, the better you can watch over him. But oh God was he annoying.
He lazily walked over to the couch where you were sat at in the living room one afternoon. You were replying to some emails for work, and filling in Bucky’s dad at the same time. Of course, through text you made it seem like his son was perfect and well-behaved, when in reality… well, not so.
Bucky sighed dramatically, trying to get your attention but you purposely didn’t want to give him the satisfaction so you kept typing. He groaned and plopped down right next to you on the couch, and you didn’t have to turn your head to look at him to know that he was shirtless again, with that damn smirk on his pretty face.
“I’m bored.” He complained, whining like a child and he was sat so close to you that he was almost leaning on you. He casually placed his hand on your knee and you immediately slapped his hand away.
“Bucky, I’m working.” You said, using your ‘don’t disturb me’ voice. But he didn’t care. He never cared.
“But I’m bored.” He whined again, and took the liberty to just shut your laptop while you were clearly in the middle of some serious work. You didn’t want to waste energy on telling him off so you just closed your eyes, calmed yourself down and turned to face him finally.
He grinned like he won something. “Okay. What do you want?” you asked, keeping a polite face on so as not to give him one of your famous resting bitch faces.
He smirked. “You.” he answered with a wink and you rolled your eyes at him. And he quickly mumbled an apology that he didn’t mean and sat up straight. “Okay, let’s go out. I need to buy some stuff.”
You stared at him with a straight face, and sighed; agreeing. “Fine.” You stand up and walk towards your temporary bedroom.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“I need to change.” You replied, without turning around.
He smirked to himself. “You don’t need to look extra pretty for me. I already like you quite a lot.” He didn’t get a reply this time, not even a glare. He just heard you sigh really loudly and slam the door of the bedroom shut really loudly. He chuckled to himself.
 He waited for you at the stairs by the front door. And he had his sunglasses on so you didn’t see the way his eyes widened when he saw you step outside in another outfit; a bit more casual than your usual suits.
Black, long-sleeved turtle neck with a grey colored pleated tennis skirt. You looked… hot.
“Staring is rude.” You sasses once you noticed he was indeed eyeing you up and down.
He smirked as you walked past him and got down the stairs, making your way to the car which was waiting for the two of you.
“Didn’t take you to be a skirt kinda girl. You’re more like a sexy suits and guns kinda girl. I mean, I love it.” he took the liberty to comment on your style.
You stopped right before you got into the driver’s seat and faced him with another fake smile. “Yeah well, it’s practical. You can’t see the handgun in my thigh holster, can you?” you smirked and got into the car.
Bucky took a few seconds to process everything. As if your appearance and you being out of his league wasn’t torture enough, now he had the image of you with a thigh holster permanently in his brain. And oh was that doing things to him. He didn’t even know he liked older, badass women until now.
Now, he was crushing on you harder than he intended to.
He was just as audacious and flirty in the car as always. He said he wanted to shop so you took him to the chic and expensive part of the city; where the rich kids usually go to spend mommy and daddy’s money.
Sam and Peter were in the car as well. Because Bucky was unpredictable, and you could always use more security guards around him given he was an absolute man-child. And to annoy you even further, as you walked beside him from store to store, he held your hand in his.
You would always let go of his hand, but he’d reach out to grab it again tighter each time and at some point you gave up and let him hold your hand. Again, you couldn’t have him wander off on his own so the closer he was to you, the better. Sam and Peter followed you two, trying to blend in as much as possible.
Bucky kept carelessly buying everything that fit his aesthetic; shoes, watches, jackets and everything else he didn’t bother checking the price tags of. And while he was being a difficult client, trying on everything and making a mess, you just stood there on your phone – occasionally looking at him and rolling your eyes at how extra he was.
“Do you really need that many shoes and watches?” you complained, stepping out of yet another store and already making your way to the other one. You were getting tired, and you weren’t a women who quite like shopping in general, so Bucky was just too much.
“Hey, don’t judge. I have a rep to maintain, besides I…” Bucky kept talking as you entered the next very expensive looking boutique, your hand still in his but you zoned out completely as you caught the stare of another pair of familiar blue eyes right upon stepping into the building.
You were somewhat surprised upon seeing him so unexpectedly. But then again, it wasn’t too surprising because he was a man with expensive taste as well. You lingered around Bucky while he looked around, but all your attention was on Steve – who stared at you. Or maybe he was staring at Bucky more.
Eventually, Bucky grabbed a ton of clothes and went on try them; leaving you behind. Sam and Peter were right outside in the car, but that meant that you were alone inside the spacious store and there was nowhere for you to go as Steve began walking towards you. For a second you debated stepping out and joining Sam and Peter in the car while you waited for Bucky, but it was too late, Steve was too close by the time you thought of it.
You panicked, but you had perfected the calm and composed face so you put that on as he got closer and closer. You knew there was no way you could avoid him now.
“Y/N, hey.” He greeted you with a smile.
You returned him a fake one. “Steve, hello.” You kept your voice steady and monotonous, not letting your irritation and uncomfortableness show.
He stepped closer like he was an old friend, invading your personal space like it was nothing. Then again, he never cared much about you. “How come you’re here? You don’t even like shopping.” He pointed out, surprising you with how he still remembered that little detail about you.
You maintained the fake smile on your face and crossed your arms over your chest out of habit. “Yeah well, people change Steve.”
He chuckled dryly. “Is it that boy you came with? Did he bring about that change?” he asked, clearly jealous and bitter – like he always was.
You smirked. “That’s none of your business.” You were still calm but you could see it in his eyes; his anger slowly building up.
He scoffed. “What, you’re dating young boys now? He looks too young for you, seriously Y/N.” Steve commented, rudely and stepped closer to you – forcing you to take a small step backwards. “You need a man to take care of you, remember that.” he whispered, reaching out to twirl a lock of your with his fingers.
You didn’t know what to say to him, but luckily you heard Bucky’s voice speak up behind Steve.
 Bucky stepped out of the changing room with the piles of expensive jackets and sweaters he intended to buy and he stepped out with a grin, excited to see you roll your eyes at him. He enjoyed annoying you for some weird reasons. But his smiled morphed into a frown the moment he saw another man standing too close to you.
Bucky dumped all the clothes on the couch nearby and stared at the guy. Slightly long hair, facial hair, dressed in a sharp suit; the good looking bastard was talking to you, and Bucky didn’t like it. He approached the two of you, eavesdropping like it’s no one’s business.
“…You need a man to take care of you, remember that.” the guy said, while toying with a lock of your hair.
The audacity, Bucky thought to himself, I haven’t even touched her hair yet.
“She doesn’t need anybody. Now back the fuck away from my girl.” Bucky said out loud, not bothering about whether the workers heard or not. They probably did given they were most likely eavesdropping just like he was.
The guy turned around to face him. Bucky was ready to throw punches but the guy didn’t initiate anything so he kept his calm as well. But on the inside he was raging. He wondered why he was so bothered by some other man talking to you. Maybe, he liked you a lot more than he thought.
The guy scoffed and walked away without another word said, probably choosing not to make a scene. Once he left, Bucky looked at you with worry in his eyes.
“Are you okay?” he asked, stepping closer to you. And surprisingly, unlike Steve’s proximity, you didn’t mind Bucky’s.
You nodded and refused to look him in the eyes. He understood and grabbed your hand and walked out of the building and into the car.
After an exchange of drivers, all of you made your way home. You were quiet, as always, focusing on the road. But Bucky was quiet as well, which was weird. You wanted to comment on it, but you decided not to. It wasn’t uncomfortable anyways.
A few minutes later, he spoke up.
“That was Rogers, wasn’t it? Dad’s business rival?” he asked, referring to Steve.
You nodded.
“Do you… Is he… how do you… I mean, he’s-,” Bucky struggled to find the right way to ask you about how you know Steve like that. So you cut off his rambling and answered the question he truly had.
“He’s my ex.” You said.
And then the silence was back for a few minutes. Sam and Peter pretended not to be in the car.
Bucky spoke up again, “May I ask why you broke up? It’s none of my-,”
You cut him off and answered again. You had nothing to hide, besides, Bucky sort of saved you back there. “He wanted me to quit my job, and stay at home and have his children. But I wanted to work and settle down later in life so… yeah.” you simplified it as much as you could for him.
He nodded slowly, before scoffing loudly. “Well what an ass! He doesn’t deserve you. Anyone worth being with you would be so fucking proud of what a badass woman you are. And how well you do your job and manage all of this all on your own. I mean, you’re beautiful as hell too and I-,”
You cut him off again, with a genuine smile and shaking your head at him. “Alright, alright enough buttering me up. What do you want?” you asked, smirking.
He gasped dramatically. “What? No, I meant what I said. You’re beautiful and amazing and badass.” He truly meant it. He hadn’t realized he admired you so much. He had never felt like this, so to lighten up the mood he added, “But since you’re asking, can I please go out with my friends tonight, alone?” as expected, he asked with an adorable face.
The kind you have problem saying no to. But you absolutely had to.
“No. Your dad strictly said no parties, no clubbing, no coming home drunk. You’re not in uni anymore, Bucky. When you’re dad gets back, you will join the business and someday, you’ll take over. You need to start acting responsible.” you repeated his dad’s words to him and he almost whined like the spoilt brat he is.
“But it’s not a party.” He argued. “I won’t get drunk.”
You turned to look at him briefly. “What is it then?”
“It’s a thing.” He replied. This man was seriously a 5 year old child.
“What thing?” you asked in your serious voice and he sulked.
“Just a thing.” He said, looking down at his lap. Just looking at him would tell you that he hadn’t heard ‘no’ a lot in his life.
“No. And stop sulking, you’re twenty five years old. Act like it.” you announced your final decision that he’s not allowed to leave the house alone. Definitely not for a party.
And you expected him to listen and not make things more difficult for you. But you should’ve known that Bucky wasn’t one to behave.
You woke up around 2 a.m. to countless messages, missed calls and emails. Your phone kept going off non-stop so you decided to check it. Some of the other members of the teams kept sending you screenshots of paparazzi pics of Bucky at some illegal car race taking place in the outskirts of the city.
And you were confused for a minute, because hours ago he said he was going to bed. You grabbed your phone tightly in your hand and jumped out of your bed, and ran upstairs. Your rapid footsteps on the stairs seemed to have caught Sam and Peter’s attention as well because they happened to be right behind you when you rushed into Bucky’s empty room.
He wasn’t here. He must’ve snuck out to go to a freaking car race!
“Why didn’t the alarm go off?” you turned to face the two guards and they looked at you sheepishly. Oh this was bad.
“He must’ve turned it off before leaving.” Peter answered, just as worried as you were. All of your jobs could be at stake here. But of course, the spoilt brat didn’t care about any of that.
“I don’t care what it takes but find him. And bring him home. I need to make a few calls and have these pictures taken down before his father finds out. Go, now!” you raised your voice a little and Sam and Peter rushed out of the room. And a few seconds later you heard two cars leaving the property.
Meanwhile, you were worried sick and angry and scared. You grabbed your phone and proceeded to disturb a lot of people who could help you take these pictures down before Mr. Barnes finds out.
You also made a mental note to have a talk with Bucky when he does eventually come back home. You would try not to lose your temper, but it seems like he needs to be given a lecture about all the things he’s not allowed to do. Disabling the alarm and sneaking out for example.
You promised you would keep your calm. And that you would talk to him without losing your temper. But the minute he walked into the house, at around 6 a.m., accompanied by Sam and Peter who somehow managed to find him at some beach and dragged him out of a party and now brought him home.
You saw the smirk on his clearly somewhat drunk face and your anger took over.
“Hi beautiful.” He said, smirking and then pointed to both guards, “You sent a search party, looks like you missed me.” He sassed.
And you couldn’t control yourself anymore. Your anger could be seen on your face as you marched towards him rapidly, and out of nowhere grabbed him by the collar threateningly. You were livid. And Sam and Peter chose to stay out of this one because oh boy, you weren’t one to mess with when you were angry.
“When the hell will you fucking learn, huh?” you yelled in his face.
He was still sobering up thanks to the coffee Sam got him but even he knew that he had messed up this time by the look on your face. He was surprised at how physical you were. Part of him knew it was wrong but he couldn’t help but feel a rush either. He was torn between scared of what your anger will entail, but also being turned on a little.
“Where the fuck have you been? Your dad specifically asked for you not to go out on your own because he has not been seeing eye-to-eye with a lot of people lately! And there is a lot more people than you think out there who could be after you just to hurt you and mess with your dad!” you yelled and Bucky was surprised.
He didn’t know this. Neither did Sam and Peter or the rest of the guys. Mr. Barnes trusted you immensely, so he told you some of his dark secrets. This was one of them, which is why he was so strict regarding the rules Bucky had to follow now that he was back home. And this revelation shocked everyone in the room.
You tugged on his collar a little more, and his body jerked forward a little and he was surprised at how physically strong you were. But he still didn’t say a word. “Do you know how many phone calls I had to make to take those pictures down and make sure your dad doesn’t find out? But you don’t care, do you?”
Bucky felt a pang of guilt at your words.
“You don’t care about anyone else but you! You are a spoilt, selfish brat! I know you’re not used to it, but at least try, damn it! Try and care about your dad’s reputation, about our jobs which involves taking care of your ungrateful, stuck up ass!”
He had never felt so guilty before, nor had anyone ever dared to point out his mistakes so vividly like you did just now. And you weren’t wrong, Bucky never cared about the consequences of his actions. Let alone about how his reckless habits could affect someone else.
“Disabling the alarm and sneaking out, look I don’t know who the fuck you think you are Bucky, but you sure as hell aren’t a kid anymore! Fucking act like an adult!” you yelled again.
He hadn’t thought, before sneaking out, that if anything bad does happen; you might lose your job. Not just you, but all the guards and everyone else in your team. And now he was ashamed.
With one last tug, you let go of his collar and panted, trying to control your breathing and anger. You stepped away and pressed the top of the bridge of your nose; already feeling a headache forming due to all the stress. You ran a hand over your face, sighing in relief that he was home but also in annoyance at how childish and careless he could be.
“Now go shower, get some sleep and sober up.” You looked up into his ocean blue eyes which showed nothing but guilt and shame, as they should. “And for fuck’s sake, stop making my life a living hell.” You spat bitterly and turned around to walk away.
You still had a lot to do and take care of today, and this day began with a rough start and you didn’t even get a good night of sleep. And it was barely even 7 a.m. yet, to say you were cranky would be an understatement.
You had extra work to do today, given Bucky’s previous rebellious actions. Along with the usual work load you had, which made today extra hectic and your mood was off as well. Your team had dealt with the paparazzi situation wonderfully. Mr. Barnes didn’t know a thing. But that didn’t mean that you were on speaking terms with Bucky.
You saw him less than usual throughout the day. Once in the kitchen, where you were making coffee and he dropped by to try and talk to you but he saw the look on your face and turned back around without saying a word. Then another time when you were in the living room, and he walked by without saying a word. The tension between the two of you was real.
He felt so guilty that it seemed like it was eating him alive. Plus, he hated how your mood was shitty all because of him. He wanted to apologize, but couldn’t. He didn’t know how to, because he never had to. But he knew he should. Because he messed up big time, driven by his arrogance and recklessness.
He hated how you were mad at him. He realized that these past weeks, the highlights of his days has been getting your attention and watch you roll your eyes at him, and replying to his sarcasm with even more sarcasm. Now his day just seemed dry and empty, and he wanted so badly to make things right.
You weren’t exactly ecstatic after yelling at him like that either. Usually your days consisted of shaking your head at Bucky’s silly messages and replying to none of them, or trying so hard not to laugh at his terrible jokes, and allowing him to hold your hand in his whenever you were out. You wouldn’t lie, you did miss his harmless mischief.
But he had to be told off. He was getting way out of hand.
You turned in for the night earlier than usual, and right when you got out of the shower someone knocked on your bedroom door. Forgetting that you were in your bathrobe, you rushed to open the door thinking it might be one of the guards coming to tell you that Bucky had run off again.
But you were somewhat surprised when you found Bucky himself standing on the other side, scratching the back of his neck nervously. You didn’t say anything, you let him feel the awkward silence, and he deserved it. But then it got way too quiet so you spoke up.
“Don’t you own a shirt?” you asked, leaning against the door frame and eyeing his perfect body. He was shirtless again, what’s new.
Bucky tried so hard not to look at your cleavage, but he failed miserably. “I do. I just thought that if I look hot enough, you’d maybe forgive me quicker.” He voiced out his inner thoughts shamelessly.
You sighed. Guess he’ll never grow up, huh?
“Is this how you apologize after almost fucking up all of our lives and jeopardizing my job?” you asked, sarcastically in a monotonous tone for extra effect.
He sighed and looked down. Bad idea because now he got a good view of your legs peeking through the slit of the robe. He was once again, torn – debating between begging for your forgiveness or just say ‘fuck it’ and lean in for that kiss he’s been desperate for since he saw you.
He went with the latter.
Bucky barely gave you time to process anything as he gently pushed you inside the room, shut the door behind him, wrapped his arms around you and pulled your body closer to his as he placed his mouth on yours.
You were surprised, and you knew it was wrong, but you didn’t hate it. He kissed you feverishly, with ardor and passion and everything else he felt for you. He poured it all out through the kiss. Like he was coaxing you into forgiving him.
Bucky’s mouth moved perfectly with yours, his arms tightened their grip around your waist and your hands slid into his hair. You tugged on it gently as he started walking the two of you backwards, towards the bed.
He laid you down on the mattress and climbed on top of you, still not breaking the kiss. And you had to admit, he was a great kisser. He nibbled on your lower lip before pushing his tongue past your lips; gently stroking the top of your mouth while his hand slowly undid the knot at the front of your robe. Once it loosened enough, he reached out to grab your left breast; squeezing it and making you whine under him.
He smirked through the kiss. He had been waiting for this for way too long and now he finally had you. Bucky further unwrapped the robe from around your body and toyed with your breasts while he kissed you deeply. And when one of his hands started slowly making its way down your body and between your legs, that’s when you pulled away from the kiss and stared into his eyes; breathless from his kiss.
Bucky panicked. What if you pushed him off now? Or worse, what if he had angered you even more?
But instead, you smirked and pushed him down; flipping the two of you around so that now you straddled him. You settled comfortably around his waist, your robe barely covering your body but neither one of you cared. Bucky looked up at you with nothing but adoration and lust.
You leaned down to gently brush your lips with his. His hands immediately rubbed up and down your sides lovingly. “You put me in a lot of trouble today, you know that?” you whispered, your lips brushing with his ever so gently with each word and his heart raced.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” he mumbled, reaching up to try and press his lips to yours, but you pulled away really quickly.
“Sorry doesn’t make it better.” you spoke sternly. “You’re still a spoilt brat.”
Bucky smirked and supported his upper body up on his elbows, with you still straddling his waist; your core pressing down on his crotch. “And what are you gonna do about it?” he sassed and tried to ignore how fast his heart was beating as you reached out to slowly traced his mouth with your finger.
He bit his lip as your finger slowly trailed down his face, along his neck and down till his abs; so slowly that you could feel his muscles tensing underneath your touch. You smirked when you noticed the effect you have on him, and how he couldn’t help but stare at your almost naked body.
“You need to learn how to do as you’re told sometimes.” You trailed your fingertips back up his body, making him squirm just a little and you grabbed his jaw and forced him to look you in the eyes. “Understood? Or do you need to be taught?” your tone sounded a lot more stern that you intended.
Bucky was pleasantly surprised. He nodded rapidly, trying to hide his smirk as the look on your face let him know that he was in for a ride. “Think I need to be taught.” He whispered, looking into your eyes to find lust, and hunger – same as his.
You smiled at his answer. Of course he did. “Very well then.” And without another word said, you grabbed both his hands and pulled them away from your body and pinned both of his wrists above his head, down on the pillows. “Keep them there.” You ordered.
But as usual, he didn’t have the habit of listening so he moved his hands back on you, pulling you closer and caressing your skin. He just needed to touch you. But you were running out of patience. You grabbed both his hands and pinned them above his head again. “I said, keep them there.” You said slowly, in a strict voice.
He smirked at first, but upon seeing that you were reaching for the black tie on your bedside table, his smile faded but he felt all tingly and his body throbbed in anticipation.
You grabbed the tie you had carelessly thrown there a day or two ago and carefully tied his wrists together. The cool, silky fabric against his skin made his heart skip a beat. You then secured his wrists to the part metal part wooden headboard. Your breasts were right in his face as you did so but he didn’t mind it.
Once done, you straightened your back to get a good look at him; beneath you, tied up and lips parted as he awaited what’s next. You smirked at how he gave you his famous puppy dog eyes. But no matter what, he wasn’t getting out of this so easily this time.
Oh no, you were planning on messing with him and toying with him until he can’t physically take it. And that’s exactly what you did.
You took off his sweatpants, and underwear then finally your robe. And as you did, his cock erected even more; standing proud and tall. Bucky’s face was flushed, and you could tell he was flustered and hot and bothered already – and you had barely touched him yet.
“Think you can always have your way, don’t you?” your voice barely above a whisper as you settle on his right thigh. You bit your lip the minute you felt his warm, smooth skin press against your wet core. You rolled your hips gently against his thigh and you felt the familiar tingle dance down your spine.
Bucky watched you ride his thigh slowly; lips parted, his cock beginning to throb and leak. He knew then that this was going to be a long, hard night for him.
You pressed both your palms against his toned abdomen, carefully avoiding touching him right where he needed you as you worked to get yourself off by humping his thigh. You were leaving behind a damp patch on his skin and he bit his lip as he watched you; breasts bouncing gently, lips parted, softly gasping as you made yourself cum.
He watched how your soft moans got louder and how you humped his thigh faster, getting higher… and higher… you tilted your head back, purposely putting up a show just for him. He groaned when you whined wantonly, and he gently lifted his thigh – pressing further into your clit. He felt your wetness smearing all over his skin and he hopelessly wanted a taste.
Bucky’s cock was leaking embarrassingly by the time you came undone above him, leaving him still hard and throbbing.  
“Please…” he murmured as he watched you come down from your high. He was desperate, and hungry and he just wanted you wrapped around him. He needed to feel you, and your warmth.
You smirked as you slowed down and finally came to a stop, still straddling his thigh. “Please..” you mocked him, chuckling. “You’ve always had things handed to you on a platter. You’ve never known patience, or how to ask nicely, have you?” you smirked again, leaning in to trace his lips with your tongue. “Well you will today.”
You gave him a brief kiss before finally wrapping your hand around his cock. He almost whimpered as he closed his eyes and relished your touch. He felt thick and hard, and big. You lazily stroked his length, up and down. Your thumb rubbed his tip slowly, making him groan as you kissed your way down his neck. You kissed his skin feverishly; leaving your marks behind as you bit and sucked on Bucky’s skin around the base of his throat; making him shudder in pleasure and moan sinfully.
You pulled away after a while to look at him. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and with his lips parted and occasional moans escaping his open mouth; completely under your mercy. You smirked at how pre cum started dripping down his cock, and you knew that he was getting more and more desperate by how he kept murmuring please…please…please.
“Come on now, ask nicely.” You teased, knowing damn well you wouldn’t let him cum so easily.
Bucky groaned and opened his eyes to look at you. His eyes were darker, his gaze more intense and he tried to thrust his cock into your hand but then gave up because each time he did, you would just let go of his length. So he just let you toy with him however you liked, he took whatever you gave him.
“Please… please make me cum.” He whispered, voice strained and weak.
You chuckled as you felt him twitch in your grasp. “No.” you simply said and released him, leaving him right on the edge. He was still hard and throbbing and desperate. You leaned down to kiss him on his hip bones, gently kisses on each side and you heard him groan and squirm.
You smirked and kissed your way up his body. Eventually making your way up his body so you were straddling his face. Your hips wrapped around his head as he looked up at you. None of you minded the intimate position, he was just happy to finally touch you again. Bucky looked up at you with hunger in his eyes. And you smirked as you lowered your wet core to his mouth.
Bucky wasted no time, his mouth latched onto your clit and his tongue took in whatever you gave him. He worked his mouth at your entrance like his life depended on it. Sucking and licking and shoving his tongue past your wet folds, he ate you out like there’s no tomorrow, occasionally moving his head side to side.
You moaned out loud, throwing your head back as one of your hands held the head board for support and the other tangled in Bucky’s hair. His tongue worked wonders against your sensitive clit, making you feel all tingly and warm as you dripped all over his mouth.
“You taste so good…” he murmured against your wet folds and you very gently rolled your hips against his face, smearing your arousal all over his lips and chin; he licked a hot, thick stripe from your entrance up to your clit, with his teeth grazing it until he had you moaning loudly against him.
Your hips bucked against his face as he licked each and every drop of what you gave him. He closed his eyes and hummed loudly at your taste, making you whine and for a moment, you forgot that you weren’t supposed to be giving him the satisfaction. He was just that good and skilled with his tongue. Bucky adored the sounds you made above him. He even forgot that he was himself, throbbing with need. He was just hell bent on making you cum all over his tongue.
He had been fantasizing about this, about having your thighs wrapped around his head and to taste you and make you cum all over his tongue. And you soon realized that you were letting him have his way, so you pulled away quickly.
Bucky’s eyes shot open, “No please… I want more,” he complained, whining as you moved away from his face and kissed your way down his body again. And he was giving you the puppy dog eyes again. You almost gave in but you weren’t entirely done with him yet.
He whimpered as you slowly kissed your way down his body again; down his neck, across his bare chest and all the way to his thick, erected cock. Without any warning, you took him into your mouth, all of him. And he moaned out loud, mindlessly. You placed your mouth on his tip; your tongue slowly circling his tip.
You bobbed your head around his tip; taking him in inch by inch until he hit the back of your throat. You kept your eyes on his perfect face as you sucked on his cock. He closed his eyes momentarily, lips parted and gasping as he tilted his head back. He looked handsome, completely at your mercy.
The gasps and moans which escaped his lips as he squirmed made you smirk. It only made you want to tease him even more, and keep him on the edge. His breathy moans, his soft gasps and the way he whimpered at your touch – it made you feel even more powerful than usual. He moaned and panted; murmuring your name over and over again, begging you to speed up already and make him cum. Bucky relished the warmth of your mouth wrapped around him, perfect like he had dreamt of so often.
He twitched against your tongue and you tasted some of his pre cum. You slowed down, not wanting to grant him the satisfaction just yet. You took him out of your mouth; licking his cock from bottom to top while your hands toyed with his balls. Bucky moaned, his voice cracking; making him sound weak and desperate.
He swore under his breath as you dragged your tongue over the slit on this tip very lazily. You chuckled as he tried thrusting his hips up, hoping that you would stop messing with him already. Your ability of bringing him right to the edge and mercilessly keeping him there for as long as you wished to was driving him insane.
 Bucky lost all self-control the moment you sank down on him, your wet warmth wrapping all around him; making him swear under his breath and groan. You lean in and caress his face, looking him deep in his ocean blue eyes while you rocked your hips against his. He was quite a sight; all muscular and strong, and handsome but tied to your bed at your mercy. You chuckled and leaned in to bite his lip, tugging on it as you pulled away, surely making him lose his mind. 
You moved against him perfectly, your walls gripping him tightly and making him get louder and louder each time. Just when you felt him twitch inside you, you lifted your hips up and pulled him out of you and watched him whine and smirked at his helplessness. 
“Come on, ask nicely.” You teased. “Beg.” You said more sternly, whispering against his mouth; lips hovering above his parted ones. You leaned in to kiss his open mouth carelessly. And in that moment, he was ready to do anything for you, to please you.
“Y/n… please...” His voice was low, barely even a whisper. But you heard it. His desperation was quite clear. And he was so sensitive, from all that teasing, that once you started riding him again; he began to thrust his hips up trying to match your movements. But you messed with him even then, you slowed down your pace whenever he got too excited, and you sped up when he least expected it.
At some point, he was nothing but a sweaty, moaning mess under you; messy hair, swollen lips, and a throbbing cock. But you wanted more, you wanted to hear him whine some more, you wanted to hear how desperate he could get. You messed with him for as long as you could, and Bucky got loud, very loud; growling as you teased him, and whining your name whenever you kept him on the edge for too long. You alternated between having him in your mouth and riding his cock, and there was nothing else he could focus on in that moment. 
Just you. Only you. He was yours; yours to toy with and tease, yours to use as you pleased.
You eventually gave in; seeing he was physically worn out. And you fucked his brains out, making him cum in no time. Your walls clenched around him; gripping him and milking him perfectly. He was completely at your mercy, begging you to slow down when you kept riding his sensitive, throbbing cock even after he came. His heart raced, he was breathing hard and fast after you were done with him. You kissed his chest, murmuring how good he was.
“Now, will you finally learn how to behave and do as you’re told?” you gripped his jaw gently, and looked deep into his eyes while you spoke. His hands were still tied, and sore and they were itching to just reach out and touch you. 
Bucky nodded frantically. You smiled.
He stayed in your bed long after you two were done. He was clinging to you like a koala bear to a tree, shamelessly using your bare chest as a pillow. Your hand ran lazily into his hair and you smiled at how warm he felt. Sure, he was a tall and muscular man but he snuggled up to you like a child. You could feel his warm puffs of air hit your skin each steadily. You thought he was asleep but then he spoke up.
“Are you awake?” he asked, voice groggy and strained; deep.
“No.” you answered and waited for his reaction. And a few seconds later he lifted his head up to glare at you. You giggled at the face he made. After giving you a dirty glare, he got back to using your breasts as a pillow.
“Will you go out with me?” he spoke up again, asking you out.
“That’s not appropriate. I’m your dad’s employee.” you were starting to feel the day’s fatigue take over you slowly. You yawned right after speaking.
“Yeah? And what about what just happened? Is that appropriate?” he asked.
You sighed. “Go to sleep Bucky.” Truth is, you didn’t know what this was. But you wouldn’t lie, despite being annoying, it was hard not to love him.
He didn’t say anything. He pulled you closer and got on top of you, pinning you down on the bed this time. “Do you not like me?” he asked.
“I do! Get off, you’re heavy!” you giggled as he put all of his body weight on you.
“Then take responsibility for your actions. You stole my heart and now I’m in love with you.” he spoke in a matter-of-fact tone which made you laugh. “Look I’m hot and cute, it’s hard being both. I am smart,” he was listing and as soon as he said smart, you raised an eyebrow at him, questioningly. “I have a university degree to prove it, okay?” he resumed listing his qualities. “I’ll keep you away from crazy exes, and I will get you a puppy if you w-,”
You cut him off with a kiss. He sure was adorable. “Okay, okay stop.” You mumbled against his lips. “Your dad’s gonna kill me if we date.” You groaned thinking about what would happen if Mr. Barnes finds out.
Bucky kissed you deeply, then pulled away to look at you. “No he won’t. Dad likes you. Even if he tries to, I’ll protect you. I’m very strong as you can see.” He mumbled, pushing his face into the crook of your neck and making you giggle given you were ticklish.
“A big baby is what you are.” You corrected him. He chuckled.
“Please just give me a chance. I really, really like you.” he said, sincerely.
You gave it a thought. You liked him too. “Okay.” You said. He pulled away and smiled down at you. “I like you too.” You spoke again and Bucky leaned in to kiss you again.
Little did you know that giving him a chance would end up being the best decision you ever made…
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melismaticmadness · 4 years
Owen Joyner Imagine 
Y/n has been dating Owen for a little over a month, and he’s invited her over for the first night in his new, empty apartment. 
3700 Words
Warnings: Contains Smut (18+), language 
Hope you enjoy!
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Oklahoma City is nothing like LA, I don’t know what possessed Owen to buy a place here when his parents' house is 25 minutes away. Most of his time is spent in LA anyway, but he’s Owen and he wants home to be Oklahoma.
We haven’t been together long but it was nice that he invited me over for the first night in his apartment, sitting on the floor unpacking the last few boxes with some trashy tv on and drinks. What could be better? It’s always nice to just be with him - no matter how boring we are.
As I jumped into my too-tight jeans and put on the button-up crop top I planned to wear, I was a little nervous for tonight. He’s taking a huge step in life, and I’m stuck. My acting career isn’t taking off, college is sucking the life out of me, and I hate my job. Now wasn’t the time to worry about my life though, so I put a little makeup on and turned the music up.
Owen picked me up around 6pm and we stopped to grab burgers for dinner. Eventually, we started making the drive through the city to his apartment. It was so weird knowing that when he’s going home now he’s going home to an empty place. He could do whatever he wanted now, he was finally free. Girls could come and go and no one would know. Girls who are not me could come and go...not that I think he would ever do that. Owen is well known though. He could have any girl he wanted, so I’m sure the temptation has been there. Especially since I won’t put out, not yet. We talked about it and I just have to feel like the moment is right. It’s a big deal for a girl to have sex for the first time.
The apartment is so nice. It somehow feels warm and industrial at the same time. All the paintings he ordered are resting on the wall by the big window, and his tv is of course set up already. Owen takes me by the hand and leads me to his room, abandoning our food on the living room floor.
“Cute. A mattress on the floor, O” I snickered.
“Shut the hell up. I ordered my bed too late and it won't be here for another three days. My mom made me take the mattress from my room at home until it’s here since I wanted to move out now.”
“In a hurry to get out?”
“You have no idea…” he smirked. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”
“Owen, you better get used to starving because you still can’t cook.”
“Maybe one day you can teach me.”
Burgers were great as usual, and we put The Music Man on at Owen’s request. He must have just tossed things from his house into random boxes on his way out. I started unpacking and found two hats, a drum pad, hangers, dress pants, and salt and pepper shakers.
I started roasting him for his packing skills and before I knew it he was using the pile of hats as a weapon and was attacking me with them.
“Never lover boy. You’re going down,” and with that, I found a wooden spoon and started whacking the hats away and eventually swatting him with it.
“I tap out. I TAP OUT!” he yelled in between laughs. I was pinned underneath him on the hardwood floor still playfully hitting him on the butt with my weapon of choice.  
“Ha! You’re no match for me.”
“I think I can win in other ways..” he said, lowering his lips to mine.
I slowly put my arms around his neck and pulled him to lay on top of me. As I was running my hands from the back of his neck down his shoulders, he slid his leg up ever so slightly in between mine. He had gotten so strong in quarantine, not that he wasn’t before, but I could tell he was working out more to keep himself busy. I wasn’t complaining about it though. It felt nice to be held in strong arms.
It felt like we were making out on the floor for hours and we finally came up for some air. It was getting hard laying on the hardwood with this 5’10 blonde on top of me, but I knew he wouldn’t make a move because of our conversation a few weeks ago about me not being ready. That could change now.
“O, since you don’t have a couch yet...can we like to switch or something? You’re cute and all but the floor isn’t.”
“I think my floor is sexy,” he whispered. “Wanna go to my room?”
“Lead the way..”
We were hardly up off the floor before Owen picked me up and carried me to his room and tossed me on the bed. This time our kiss was different. My hands wandered up and down the sides of his body as his tongue traced the depths of my mouth. I returned his edginess by running my hands under his shirt and pressing him closer to me. My hands came around the front to feel the edges of his bare chest and waist. Ungluing my mouth from his for a moment for a gasp of air, I tugged his shirt up.
“You sure?”
“Mmhmm. Take the damn shirt off.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He removed the shirt in one quick motion and I propped myself up on my elbows to get a good view. As he tossed the shirt off to the side we both were sitting up and I was grazing my hands over his arms.
“Enjoying the view?” he asked.
Instead of responding, I inched forward and kissed right above his waistband and traveled all the way up to his lips leaving kisses as I went. He let out a strangled breath as I made the journey and stopped me before I planted my last kiss on his lips.
“You’re gonna have to calm down a little if you don’t want me to have a situation to take care of…”
“Who said I didn’t want to help you take care of it…” His eyes were looking down at me and straight through me.
“I was- Y/n, you don’t have to - I was just kidding,” he said running his hands through his hair and looking away from me.
I had to prove that I was okay with taking things up a notch, so I grabbed his hips and started massaging him over his pants. Owen grabbed my face and kissed me, sucking all the air out of me as I kept kneading his hips and thighs. Slowly my hand moved to palm his dick through his pants.
I could feel his chest tense up and he sat up a little straighter.
“I think it’s time I lose some clothing too.. What do you think?”
Before even answering he was reaching for the buttons on the front of my shirt.
He was struggling with so many buttons. I knew they were too small for him to get so I stopped what I was doing and had to pull the shirt over my head.
Owen immediately told me I was gorgeous and I could tell he was trying to look me in the eyes versus at my boobs.
“You can touch me, ya know..” I whispered, almost as if I was scared of someone hearing me, but no one would. We were finally alone. It was just us at this moment. No thought of parents or siblings coming home. No worry about roommates hearing, or puppies crying from outside the door to kill the mood. This was it. I was ready. Tonight, I am going to christen this apartment with him.
Owen’s hands were shaking ever so slightly as he rubbed my arms and made his way to my chest. He placed a kiss right where my cleavage met and I could’ve died. His hands were huge and looking at my breasts in them made me worry that he had seen bigger.
He was kissing my collarbones and tracing every inch of exposed skin with his tongue. He slowly laid me down and said, “You’re perfect. This is perfect. We can stop, just tell me-” His voice was so low and raspy, but I cut him off with a kiss before he could keep talking.
Owen continued licking and petting my boobs, so I decided to be daring. I was dragging my fingers down his abs when I hit the little trail that led into his pants. Instead of reversing my course like I did before, this time my hand wandered lower into his boxers.
Gently, my hand explored the warm skin and curly hair before grabbing hold of his dick and giving it a squeeze.
“Woah,” he grunted, “Can't do that, you’re gonna kill me.”
“I’m still winning then, see?” I said teasingly.
“Do you trust me?”
“Yeah, O. Why?”
“Let me try something. Tell me to stop if you need me to.” He said planting a kiss on my lips after I nodded.
He readjusted himself in his pants and then started attending to me. Sliding my bra straps off my shoulders he lifted me up and reached behind me to unhook it. My breath caught in my throat when I felt the clasp fall open. He pulled it away and I reacted by covering myself up.
“It’s just me. Are you ok?”
“Yeah, just go slow.” Now I was shaking. I want this, but I’m still scared.
“I won’t do anything without asking.” He’s being such a gentleman and I was the one teasing him first.
He pulled my arms down and took a nipple in his mouth. He twirled his tongue around and sucked while playing with the other. My stomach was flopping around and the feeling of butterflies was traveling down between my legs. Owen started giving my other nipple attention with his mouth as his hand traveled down my torso.
His hand stopped when he hit the button of my jeans and just started playing with it. He looked up at me with his green eyes asking if he should keep going.
I took his hand and shoved it into my pants. He was definitely surprised but he found the top of my folds while still staying over my thong.
“Babe, your jeans are too tight my hand is losing circulation in there.” He said pulling his hand out.
“I can fix that,” and off my pants went.
Now we were both doing this dance in our underwear of making out and dipping our fingers into uncharted territory.
Owen suddenly pulled me to the edge of his bed and was kneeling on the floor, nudging my legs open.
“What are you-“
“You still trust me right?”
“Owen, I-
“Do you want me to stop?”
“...No. But I haven’t done anything yet-“
“Let me keep going then you can help me with my… situation,” he smirked. “Close your eyes. Relax.”
I did as I was told and felt Owen reach for the elastic waistband of my thong and pull it down. Oh my god. My cunt was throbbing at this point. I was dying for him to touch me again, but he was teasing me.
His hands started massaging my feet and up my calves and legs. He got to my thighs and kept his hands low. Then I felt him lay next to me on the bed as his lips met mine and his hands rubbed my stomach and fingers inched back down to my cunt.
His dick was pressed against the outside of my body and I could tell he was rock solid. How he was still in his pants, I will never know.
“Y/n, do you want me to stop?” I shook my head no and his finger gently parted my folds. I was holding his shoulder so tight, partly because of nerves and partly because I had never felt this way before.
“Have you touched yourself before? Like we talked about...” He whispered as his finger slid past my clit agonizingly slow.
“Yes,” I gasped, “just a few times.”
“What do you think about?”
I couldn’t answer him. My mind was racing and my heart was beating too fast.
“What do you think about when you touch yourself, y/n?” This time he asked through gritted teeth.
“You...I think about you…”
“Show me how you did it”
“No!” He took his hand out from between my legs, grabbed my hand, and led it down my body to the place he just left.
“Show me.” Owen sat up and slid back to the floor to watch what I was doing.
I lightly dipped one finger down to my vagina and back up to my nub. I started alternating between rubbing circles around my clit and the opening of my vagina. My legs were still moderately closed so Owen wasn’t happy with his view.
He pushed my knees apart and now my pink folds were on display.
“Keep your eyes closed, y/n.”
Owen used one hand to spread my lips wide open and the other to trace my wetness up to my clit. With his thumb, he applied pressure and moved in circles painfully slowly over my most sensitive spot.
Soon his hand left my clit and started poking my entrance ever so slightly. The next thing I knew, his tongue was on my clit picking up the pace and his finger was two knuckles deep inside me.  
His tongue was working even faster now and I was so wet I could feel it dripping down to my ass cheeks.
Suddenly, there was a lot of pressure down there and I opened my eyes to see him two fingers deep in my pussy and his nose hurried in my folds. I was panting and he was giggling at the noises I was making because of him.
His hand never stopped moving but he looked up at me and said, “You’re unbelievably tight. Have you touched yourself like this?”
Truth be told, nothing had ever been inside me until now. Not even a tampon. I never had a reason to use one.
Inside of me, his fingers curled and hit a spot that made me jump.
“You still good?” He asked, stopping everything.
“Don’t stop,” I panted, “please, faster...harder.” I was squirming now with his hand stationary inside me.
“What exactly do you want me to do for you?”
“Keep touching me god, Owen. Lick me again.”
With that, he was pumping his fingers harder and faster than ever and his tongue was flicking my clit. I started feeling like I was hyperventilating and like I was going to pee. The butterflies and pressure building inside of me were intense but the moans coming out of my mouth told Owen he was doing a great job.
“Owen, I’m gonna pee! O, I’m gonna-“ He took his mouth away and replaced it with his hands to watch me finish for the first time. He continued to pump his two fingers and started rolling my clit between his thumb and index finger with his other hand. I was lifting my hips to meet his hand and he was trying to push me back down to the bed. My whole body was starting to spasm and I was a little scared. I was losing control of my body and had no idea what was happening. His hands were like magic. Owen spread my legs even wider and continued his rhythm. His fingers curled into me even further and it sent shockwaves through my body and I was lost in a frenzy. To his surprise and mine, I squirted all over his hands. He didn’t stop pumping and circling my clit until I was squeezing my legs together and pushing his hands away. Owen kissed me as I came down from my high and I caught my breath.
“Oh my god. Owen, I’m so sorry. I- I didn’t know I would pee. Oh my god.”
“Babe, you didn’t pee. That’s just what happens when you get off really well. It’s all good; no worries.”
“I never felt that way before. I felt like I never wanted you to stop but I also felt like I was exploding”
“Well, I don’t have to stop,” he said laughing and fake spreading my knees again.
“Hey, lover boy it’s your turn,” I said pushing him to the bed now.
“Wait, you don’t have-“ I was too quick. I already had his pants down by his knees and was fighting to get them off. After some help from Owen, and him removing his boxers, we were both completely naked together for the first time. He was much bigger than I anticipated with my hand down his pants. That was not going to fit inside me. There was just no way. He could barely get two fingers in me.
I looked him up and down and was taking it all in when he just blurted out, “Take a picture. It’ll last longer.”
“Maybe next time, blondie,” I said as I traced through his neatly trimmed hair and all the way down his length to his tip. He closed his eyes and shivered, so I stuck the tip in my mouth.
His eyes opened and bulged out of his head at the sudden sucking I was doing. My tongue swirled around his most sensitive part as my hands played with him at the base and his balls.
Owen tucked my hair behind my ear as I looked up at him. I slid more of his member into my mouth taking almost all of it without gagging. As I slid back to the tip, I let my teeth drag just a bit.
“Jesus Christ, y/n. You gotta go easy on me or I won’t last long.”
With a pop, I released him from my mouth and his dick was flushed and the veins were purple. Twitching as I slowly pumped it with my hands, his dick was releasing a tiny bit of clear liquid. I used my hands to spread it all over him which made my job even easier.
I had an idea, so now it was his turn to trust me.
“O, help me. I need you inside me.”
“Are you sure?” He was breathing heavy and I knew he didn’t want to stop, but would if I asked him to. I wanted this though.
“Yes. Tell me what to do.”
“No, let me take care of you.”
He flipped us over and began rubbing me again while kissing my neck.
“I love you. You know that?” Owen said in between kisses.
“I love you too.”
“Let me just- fuck!”
“What? What’s wrong?” I was startled by how mad he suddenly got.
“I don’t have anything. We can’t.”
“I have an IUD. It’s ok.”
“You wanna- No. Let me go run and see if I have something in my wallet. It’s your first time I don’t want you to worry.”
“Owen, I want to feel all of you since it’s my first time,” I said reaching down and grabbing his dick and lining it up with my heat.
“Babe, it might hurt. I’m so sorry, I’ll stop if you need me to.”
“Just do it, I’ll be ok.” With that, he pushed himself right up to my entrance and I already could tell this wasn’t going to work.
“It’s not gonna fit, Owen. Oh god.”
“Hey, relax. I know you’re nervous but it really won’t fit if you’re not relaxed.” He laughed.
“I’m gonna kiss you as I go in, okay? You can still tell me to stop.”
He went in for the kiss and slowly pushed the tip inside me. It was uncomfortable but bearable.
“It’s going to get worse before it gets better, I think. I’m going to keep going.” He was holding his breath at this point as he slid about three inches further inside of me. He didn’t want to rush me but he wanted to fuck my brains out at the same time.
He hit something inside of me and I yelled.
“Ah! Stop! Wait!”
“Okay, Okay. Do you want me to stay or pull out?”
“Stay, stay...okay. Just do it fast.”
He pressed his forehead to mine and broke the barrier. I grit my teeth and cursed, and tried to close my legs. He held me close and wiped a tear as it escaped. We didn’t move for a solid minute as I waited for my vagina to get used to his size.
“Move. You can move.” I whispered.
He gave a little grunt in response and started pumping in and out of me slowly.
After a few minutes of Owen going painfully slow, he lifted my knees up higher and started going faster. I grabbed his butt and started pressing him into me.
“Harder. Please.”
He listened and started pounding me. I didn’t know anything could feel this good.
“Babe, I’m close.” He panted.
“I think I am too.” At that point, he picked up the pace again. Now I was bucking my hips up to meet his thrusts. I could feel him throbbing inside of me trying to hold back. I clenched my muscles a little and heard him let out a high pitched little yell.
I pulled his chain and we were pressed chest to chest, covered in sweat, and fucking like bunnies.
“Do you want me to pull out?”
“Then I won’t last much longer,” he slid a hand between us and started rubbing my clit as fast as he was pounding me.
“Me neither.” I spread my legs wider and he finally hit the spot.
My walls tightened and as soon as they did I felt him release inside of me. His moans were intoxicating and I came undone.
“O, O, I’m cumming. Don’t stop.”
He did a few more hard strokes and we both were too sensitive to keep going.
Owen pulled out after a few minutes and I missed him inside me. We were naked, facing each other after being as close as two people could be.
“Thank you for that,” I said.
“Glad to be of service,” he joked.
“I’m gonna go grab things to clean up. Be right back.”
“Mm ‘kay,” I responded, almost drifting to sleep.
“Fuck me.” I heard Owen say from the bathroom.
“What’s wrong, hun?”
“I forgot to buy toilet paper..”
“Guess that means we both need a shower..”
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letsperaltiago · 3 years
somewhere only we know
This is my entry for the B99 Summer 2021 Fic Exchange and it's for lovely Johanna aka. @amyscascadingtabs <3 I picked the prompt: "Jake and Amy going on a babymoon and enjoying some time together before everything changes for good."
It's very simple and just pure good, happy parents to be-vibes so yeah :) I initially wanted to add smut but didn't have the time to write it :(( If you feel like it's something you'd like, then feel free to lemme know! I can always add a chapter two heh. Anyways, enjoy!!
Rating: G
Words: 2.7k
Read here or on Ao3
“Jake, this is… amazing.”
This seems to be all Amy can come up with as the hotel room presents itself before her. Better or bigger words seem to be lacking from her otherwise excellent vocabulary but she blames it on the fact that she’s been carrying a tiny human for the past 35 weeks - not that she’s complaining. It’s been hard, both physically and mentally, and there are a few more weeks to go but by the end of it all, she’ll be holding her little baby boy. 
She’s tired and every inch of her body swollen and/or sore, but more importantly she’s eager and excited. Jake is too, if not even more than her, and this has resulted in the current scene: their babymoon. 
“You like it?” 
The way Jake asks her, eyes shining with innocent expectation and voice laced with childish excitement has her imagining just how their little boy will turn out to be. She can’t hold back her smile. This man will walk to the end of the earth to make her happy, essentially already has during this pregnancy, and the babymoon is just as much for him as it is for her. 
She turns on her heels to face him, showing him the bright smile that’s plastered on her makeup-free face which has gained some freckles during her pregnancy. 
“You could’ve planned a trip to a dumpster and I would still love it.”
Hands cupping his scruffy cheeks she pulls him in for a short but tender kiss that even so many years later, after thousands of kisses, has his toes curl in excitement. She truly would’ve stayed anywhere as long as Jake was with her. Although she does appreciate the fact that she’s standing in a beautiful lakeview suite at the LakeHouse Inn. 
“Should we reassess how much we refer to dumpsters and other gross locations when we declare our love for each other?” 
She chuckles at his comment, lips resonating against the corner of his grin. 
“Should we?” She slowly slides her hands to the back of her neck, entangling her fingers to keep her latched onto him even as she pulls away to flash him a pretend contemplative expression.  
Eyebrows cocked in playfulness, they share an indicative look in silence, only for them to break it in unison. “Nahh.”
“Right? It’s what makes us us.” Jake pulls her in by the hips which are carrying their son. 
Everything about Amy reminds him of their little miracle and makes him feel all tingly and excited. One look at her, one touch, and he forgets about the rest of the world and its crappiness. He has Amy and together with the tiny human in her belly, she is his entire universe. 
She closes the gap between them (as much as she can with the full-blown balloon shape of her stomach). 
“So,” she mumbles against his lips, “what are your plans for us?” 
Sadly, the 3-hour drive from home didn’t do wonders for her heavily pregnant body and even though she won’t admit it out loud, she hopes her husband’s plans for tonight will demand the bare minimum of her. She feels his lips and body withdraw, prompting her eyes open however the mischievous smile that meets her has a dimmed anxious feeling creeping over her - he does remember she’s 35 weeks pregnant, right? 
“I know that look, Peralta.” Her voice is distrustful, and after 7 years together she should know better than giving in to his teasing, but her suspicious air only fuels his fire and desire to mess with her. 
“In honor of my incredible and always so organized wife, there’s a tightknit schedule waiting for us.”
Tightknit schedule? Amy would usually be beaming at these words but right then and there, swollen legs, hungry and feeling everything but hot and fit after the drive, she aches to fall back onto the bed and sleep for days. It’s huge, king-sized, with crispy white sheets and the fluffy pillows are definitely calling her name. Although, the fact that Jake has everything planned out for their last vacation together, just the two of them, does pull on some heartstrings. He loves her so much and she loves him so much too. So much that she (almost) doesn’t turn a hair when he proudly starts listing their schedule for the evening and following day. 
“So right now it’s 4 PM which means unpacking-time. At 6 we have a dinner reservation at this cute little restaurant in a little town nearby so we’ll need to leave at approximately 5.45. At 8 there’s a showing of Die Hard at the local movie theater, which I thought we could attend?”
Okay, maybe her left eye flinches at this but very discreetly (or so she chooses to believe). 
“Then tomorrow there’s breakfast at 7, which is perfect because we have canoeing on the lake at 8.30...” 
She zones out after this. Hormones, tiredness, the fact that she can’t feel her feet- there are a thousand reasons but Amy can feel the most is tears prickling, threatening to spill. Not because she doesn’t appreciate her husband’s efforts and grand gestures, all for her, but because she can’t stand the thought of doing any of these sweet things he’s planned for them. She can’t cry though. He’s going to think something is actually wrong.
However far gone she was, the sound of Jake’s voice pulls her back in and there’s a confusing mixture of mischief and pure adoration shining from these famous deep brown eyes. Why is he almost smiling when she’s having a tiny meltdown?
“Are you crying?”
“No?” she scoffs although she’s proven wrong upon touching her cheek where her fingers are met by a thin wet streak. “I’m just,” she clears her throat in hopes of avoiding a strained voice, “so overwhelmed by happiness and everything you’ve planned for us. It all sounds… great.”
Silence dawns upon them as Amy’s fake smile tries to convince him. On his part, Jake is biting his lip in an attempt to hold back a laugh, but his wife’s panicked look and teary eyes have him failing to last and after a couple of seconds he breaks the quietness. 
“Honey, I’m messing with you,” he chuckles and quickly pulls her back in for a tight hug, as tight as the belly allows, pecking the top of her head. “I know you love a good schedule but the only plans I have for us are: staying in bed, ordering room service, and watching tv.”
“Oh, thank God.”
The moan of relief flies out of her before she can even consider how it must sound to Jake, a great deal of embarrassment hitting her upon realization. She just made it sound like she wouldn’t appreciate her husband’s effort to make this weekend of theirs the best. 
“Jake, I’m so sorry! I didn’t-”
She pulls back to look him in the eyes, ready to offer a sincere apology for her blunt exclamation. She never gets to. Instead, she’s met with a huge grin and her husband looking everything but mad or hurt. Almost as if he knew. He knew how she’d react. He wanted her to react.
“You sly sneak! You knew you’d freak me out!” 
Only her husband can trick her like this, and, on one hand, it’s very endearing... Jake Peralta is more than just a good cop; he’s excellent. Brilliant and bold, maybe even too much sometimes, although he usually gets away with it. Usually, she’s always on his heels and she hates to admit it, but her mommy brain and restless hormones are making it much harder, if not impossible, to keep up with his always upbeat pace. 
“Of course I knew, babe.”
No matter how hard she tries, she can’t even find it within herself to be genuinely annoyed with him. He’s pulled her back into his arms and is looking at her with that mischievous smile that can both infuriate and enchant her. Tonight it’s a little bit of both although mostly the latter, she has to admit and the last bit of annoyance melts away the second he leans in, offering her a soft kiss that lets reminds her of the fact that he’s the best thing in the whole damn world. 
“I love you,” she manages to mumble against his lips before he can pull too far back, her swollen fingers cradling his jaw to emphasize her words. It tampers with any kind of reasoning and her ability to remain miffed. 
“I love you too...” her husband mumbles back against her lips. 
Pulling away isn’t an option, he’s too addicted and he enjoys feeling the air coming from her nose when she chuckles. “How much?”
“At the very least enough to not make my heavily pregnant wife canoe around a lake.” 
“Peanut and I appreciate that very much.”
Although after all these months there’s a comfort and familiarity in being able to rub her belly and know her son is in there, safe and sound, knowing he soon enough will be out here in the real world with them has butterflies fluttering in her chest. Jake’s hand joining hers in stroking her belly only causes the number of butterflies to multiply, explode all over again, and her hormones are making her question whether she wants to cry or laugh - or perhaps do both. After such a long wait, from the second they decided to start trying, there’s no blaming her impatience. There’s so much to expect and patience has never been her strongest asset. Only when it comes to Jake and their son. She’s impatient to see, hear and feel it all. The life and adventure she’s created with the man she loves the most seems scarily close yet torturously far away. 
With no reason to leave in sight, Amy finds herself bundled up in a hotel bed sent from heaven, wearing nothing but panties and her favorite nursing bra. Jake is on an errand run to grab her the creme cheese-filled pierogis and Arroz con Leche their son and she are very much craving. Although she does prefer her abuela’s homemade version of the latter, even a pregnant Amy can come to terms with the fact that there are limits to Jake’s super husband-powers. He can and will get her almost anything as long as physically possible - or within a radius of 20 miles which Abuela Dolores at this given time for good reasons isn’t. 
Amy had insisted on the hotel’s room service menu being more than fine, but her husband knows her all too well and could tell she wasn’t content with the ravioli and créme brulée she’d originally settled for. Before she could even begin to protest his offer to run out and get it for her, her husband had pulled on a pair of jogging pants and a hoodie, grabbed his keys, and left her behind with a peck to the top of her head and a promise to be back in not too long. 
In all honesty, the ravioli and creme brulée would’ve been fine, and she would’ve preferred Jake to be here to cuddle her. Nonetheless, there’s no denying how loved and important Jake makes her feel. Especially when he suddenly walks in the door, multiple plastic bags hanging on his arms and car keys dangling from his mouth. The view is hilarious, to say the very least, and she wonders: how did she ever get so very lucky? 
Perhaps she will never know the answer to this. Luckily when you’re cuddled up in a soft hotel bed eating pierogis, fries, grapes, and Arroz con Leche with the love of your life, it doesn’t really matter how you got there. Being too busy talking, eating, and making out, the documentary about the history of paper Amy’s been dying to watch is mostly just background noise. 
“Can you believe we’re having a baby?”
Her husband’s mouth is filled with fries and before she can even think of answering his question, she has to reach over to wipe ketchup from the corner of his mouth. 
“Yes… but also no. In a good way.”
It’s true. She always knew she wanted kids but wanting is one thing; actually outliving it still seems surreal to her, even as she runs her hands around the curve of the skin encapsulating their very own little human being. What makes it so much more surreal is the fact that Jake Peralta is the father. Jake Peralta, the guy who she 6 years ago could only pine for. Now she’s lying in bed with him, watching him smile at her with those soft, brown eyes and warm rosy lips that she not so secretly hopes their son will inherit. He swiftly wipes oil and salt off his fingers before reaching over to place his hands on top of her belly. Placing hers on top of his happens like a newfound reflex of hers. His hand is warm and feels like home.
“This is probably the last getaway we’ll have, yanno, just the two of us.”  
His soft voice has her looking up from their joined hands on her belly to see him looking directly at her with glistening eyes, the blue light from the television casting a blue hue on the side of his head. He looks so handsome, pensive, so perfect and she can’t come to terms with the fact that he’s her’s and she his, and together they’ve created new life.
“Yeah. More likely than not.” 
“How do you feel about that? Are you scared? You know- of giving birth and how life will be after that?”
A few beats of silence go by, only the dull sound of the tv filling the otherwise silent room. His hand never slips out of from beneath hers. Does this question maybe reflect some worries of his? 
“Not scared, per se...”
She quickly makes sure that there’s no food in-between them before scooting in closer to him. Her hand slips off of his only to slide up his arm, all the way up to cup his face. There’s close to no room between them. Her thumb dances across his cheekbone. 
“... Excited, maybe a bit anxious, but I know it’ll be alright and so very worth it in the end. And yeah, our life nd dynamic might have to change a bit but it’ll always be us. But I’m not scared,” This seems to put a damper on his running mind. “And you know why?”
“Because I have the world’s best baby daddy.”
As hoped a wide smile lights up his face, pure unadulterated joy so obviously present in this little moment of theirs. Worries seem irrelevant and non-existing. 
“Are you worried, babe?” 
She sees his smile fade a bit but not enough to genuinely worry her. Just like everyone, he has his thoughts and worries. With care comes worries. He wants to do his best, she knows. 
“Maybe a bit, you know? Like not genuinely worried like I would’ve been a few years ago, but just… averagely worried.” 
“That’s okay,” she comforts, her thumb still tracing smooth lines on his cheek. “It’s normal. It just means you care and want to do good, which is all I can really ask of you.” 
“I do care. A lot. So so much,” he chuckles shyly. 
“Which is also why you’re going to be fine, I will be fine and everything will be fine.” 
She doesn’t give him the time to agree nor protest but instead leans in to place a long, tender kiss on his lips, inviting him to join in on the moment.  It’s just a simple kiss, soft, like the one they had a Shaw’s after agreeing to stop trying (which eventually lead to more trying, but that’s beside the point). With every breath, they take the kiss grows deeper, longer. It’s as if their bodies are aware of the fact that this will be the last time they get to do this without a child to get home to; without the responsibility of being a parent. All at once, it’s frightening but also, more than anything, exciting. Their lives might be on the verge of changing forever. Although lying there in bed together, feeling the soft touch of their spouse, it feels like they’ve never changed and never will. They’re always going to be Jake and Amy. 
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hockeyboysiguess · 4 years
impatient | m. tkachuk
a/n: a little bit of pining, a lot a bit of other things. this was super fun to write even if it killed me a little to do. 
warnings: smut, swearing, alcohol, and more smut
(this is a new and optional (no pressure but I think it will add to your experience reading my fics) thing I’m starting where all of my fics now come with a recommended wine pairing to drink while you read. full disclosure, I know absolutely nothing about wine and don’t intend to learn a damn thing about it while doing this. i order by the color and price per glass. these recommendations are based off how I feel and nothing else)
wine pairing recommendation: pink moscato, because we’re all basic bitches for matty tkachuk and pink moscato is the basic bitch wine. you know you like it. don’t lie.
word count: 5.3K
“Fuck, Matty,” you breathed out between moans as your fingers threaded deeper into the mess of curls between your thighs. 
“Oh, like that?”
His hot breath fanned out across your hot, sensitive core and you groaned at the sensation. Matthew leaned in closer to you, his broad shoulders pushing your legs further apart. He still stopped short of putting his mouth on you. 
“Matthew, please,” you whined, your body stiffening as you tried to grind your hips down to get more contact. 
“Patience,” he kissed the inside of your thigh, a few inches from exactly where you wanted his mouth, “is a virtue, honey.” 
“I fucking hate you,” you complained, but it came out empty. 
“Mm, that’s hot,” was all he said before his tongue finally touched your clit and you couldn’t help but let out an embarrassingly loud moan.
Your body decided that moment you finally felt the tension start to unfold was the perfect moment to wake you up from a dream you haven’t asked for, but decided to enjoy anyway.
“Oh, fuck me,” you groaned as you pulled the covers up over your face. “He’s everywhere.”
You stumbled slowly out of bed to the bathroom. Your inability to be patient meant you washed your face with water that was verging on ice cold, which luckily today came in handy and helped you cool you off from your dream. Matthew had found his way into a lot of your thoughts when you were by yourself. He was becoming absolutely unavoidable.
“Good morning!” your long-time roommate and self-identified best friend Kayla sang as you entered the kitchen.
You have her your customary grunt in reply. One of the biggest issues in your friendship with Kayla was that she was a literal ray of sunshine presenting as a human being. She was a blindingly bright, cheery, peppy morning person who wore her heart on her sleeve and believed that everything would be better with a sprinkle of sugar and a little more love. You couldn’t understand how a person older than eight could possibly have the personality Kayla did, but she’d made it this far into life like this, so this was how she was.
“I made you a smoothie bowl. It’s in the fridge next to your coffee that’s chilling so it can be iced coffee,” Kayla informed you, sounding more like she was meant to sing to birds so they would assist her in baking a cake than that she made you, a woman arguably resembling a river troll right now more than a person, a smoothie bowl and coffee.
You grabbed the bowl eagerly, needed something to try to get your mind from replying the self-created imagine of Matty’s shoulders and curly head between your thighs. You sighed as you took your seat at the breakfast bar next to Kayla. You dug in instantly. It was one of Kayla’s better ones.
“Is good, K,” you mumbled around the berries in your mouth.
“Thank ya,” she replied with a bright smile.
“K,” you wiped the corners of your mouth before you turned to her, “can I tell you something if you promise not to tell anyone else?”
“Of course!”
Kayla was lying and you knew it. Loose lips might sink ships, but your friendship was too strong to sink despite Kayla’s knack for spilling all the beans she knew as soon as she was pushed in the slightest of ways. But, you needed to get this off your chest.
“I had a sex dream about Matthew Tkachuk,” you said bluntly.
Kayla’s spoon paused on its journey to her mouth before it dropped back into the bowl aggressively. Little purple droplets of smoothie sprayed across counter due to her sudden movement. Her mouth dropped open as she processed what you said.
“It was like, almost a sex dream, I guess,” you sighed. “He was about to eat me out and his shoulders, god the shoulders and the curls, and it was just, it was so hot and I have no idea what this means.”
“If I start singing that nursery rhyme about you two sitting in a tree kissing are you going to throw your coffee at me?” Kayla was already wincing back in her seat with her hands protectively in front of her face before she finished her sentence. “This cream sweatshirt doesn’t deserve it even if I do for saying that.” 
You rolled your eyes at her and turned your attention back to your quickly thinning breakfast. 
“Do you maybe like him, like him?” she asked hesitantly. 
“He’s super annoying, Kayla,” you reminded her, “and I doubt he’s even into me in the slightly.” 
“He’s totally into you and I know you’re into him. Annoying and a big ego is your type. He’s annoying to you because he’s constantly pulling your metaphorical pig tails.” 
You rolled your eyes again, wondering if maybe they were going to get stuck up there that your mom had always threatened when you were little, before replying with, “This isn’t elementary school, K. Even if I did have a little crush, he’s not that type of guy and I’m not his type. ”
She shrugged and put her hands up, telling you that her opinion was her opinion and you could like take it or leave it. 
“I just told you what I think, that’s all,” she said. “I also think we need to dress you up extra hot for the bar tonight and you better shave, just in case, you know.”
As the first shot of tequila burned down your throat later that night, you were starting to regret telling Kayla. She’d already had three drinks and around four was when the secrets started spilling out and Matthew was bound to show up any minute. The team had lost tonight, but they were still coming out to celebrate someone’s birthday. 
“That shirt makes your boobs look amazing!” The last word was sung, entirely unsurprising with your best friend. “Thank god you let me do your makeup tonight too. He’s not going to be able to take his eyes off you.” 
“K,” you sighed as you sat the empty shot glass down on the bar, “he’s not exactly a buy-you-roses, take-you-home-to-his-momma, remember-your-anniversary, kind of guy. Pretty sure, if I wanted to, this would be a one and done sort of thing.” 
Kayla shook her head after taking another shot that you couldn’t identify the origin of since you didn’t have another. Oh great, four deep. 
“I’m telling you, babe. He’s into you. Like, he’s actually into you,” Kayla told you.
“Who’s into you?” 
As if on cue, with an actual tug of your ponytail, Matthew was by your side with his classic, every present cocky smile and mop of curly hair, grabbing your attention even though you didn’t want to give it to him. 
“No one,” you told him. “You’re just in time to pay for my next drink though.” 
“You’re the worst person I know,” Matthew told you with a sigh. “You just talk to me for my money, don’t you?” 
“Well, it certainly couldn’t be because of your personality,” you chirped back.
His credit card still hit the bar a few seconds later though, a wide smile on his face. He slid tight up next you, one of his hands gently resting on your back as he threw some cash on the bar along with his card to catch a bartender’s attention. His hand pressed against your back was warm and strong and you wanted to lean into it, into him. You resisted, your body stiffening as you resisted the urge to collapse into him. 
“Oh, sorry,” Matthew mumbled as he took his hand away.
“Oh, you’re good! You can keep it there if you want.” 
You’d said it a little too quickly and with a little too much pep for you, but luckily the volume of the bar covered it. Matthew just nodded and let his hand gently rest on your back again, his fingers drumming against you, as he ordered his and apparently your next drink. 
“Don’t I get to order myself?” you asked him as you tilted your head back to allow for eye contact. 
“When you’re paying,” Matthew chuckled before giving your ponytail another quick tug. “So, how’s work? Pretty sure you know how mine went today, so distract me with yours, please.” 
You just started to make small talk about your work and his when your drinks arrived. Matthew was already being pulled away from you the second his beer touched his hand. 
“Find me in a few!” he shouted over the noise as he was led off to the dance floor. 
You definitely didn’t like you if he left that quickly, but you tried to focus on your drink instead of him. You couldn’t figure out what he’d ordered you by the taste. It was strong, but still tasted good, which was about all that actually mattered. You shrugged it off and headed over to mingle among the team and your other friends, mystery drink in hand and thoughts of Matthew in your head. 
By the time your ass was back on your barstool, you weren’t sure how much time had passed, but you’d had three of Matthew’s mystery drinks and you were feeling them. Still, even at your worst, you weren’t Kayla who had already been yelled three separate times by security for climbing on a chair, a table, and the bar. She could not hold her alcohol even if you paid her a million dollars to do it. 
“Jesus, I’m amazed they haven’t kicked her out yet. I see we’re being boring over here though instead of fun like Kayla.”
Matthew. Of course he’d find you the second you decided to take a little breather. You rolled your eyes at him and he laughed lightly. You knew he was teasing. He was always teasing you, always chirping you. You took the last sip of your drink and began the internal debate on if you could handle one more or not.
“Look, Chucky Cheese, not all girl are table dancing types,” you sighed, settling on the idea that one more would probably more likely than not be one too many. 
Matthew slid his stool closer to you as he waved the nearest bartender down to close out his tab, apparently deciding he was also done for the night along with you.  The scent of his cologne was engulfing you in a way that made the rest of the world around you slowly start to disappear. 
“I’m not into table dancing types,” he informed you as he intercepted your tab before you could glance at how much he was shelling out for you tonight. “More into the roommates of the table dancing types. Especially,” he slid the clipboard with the bill to the opposite edge of the bar as his eyes turned back to lock with yours, “when I have it on good authority that table dancing girl’s roommate is into me.” 
If you’d still been drinking, you would’ve choked on it with that statement. 
“What?” was all you managed to get out in response.
Matthew chuckled a little and nodded softly, as if he’d been expecting that very response. He pivoted on his stool to face you. Slowly and steadily, Matthew leaned in closer to you. Even sitting, he towered over you and it made your breath hitch in your throat. Him leaning into you like this enveloped you in the feeling of him and the smell of his cologne. His lips came to rest just next to the shell of your ear, accidentally grazing it for a moment. If you weren’t already sitting, your knees would’ve buckled. 
“Kayla is a little too drunk to keep your dreams a secret. She said something about how my shoulders would look between your thighs? Could’ve heard that wrong though.” Matthew said softly to you. “It’s okay. I’m happy to make your dreams come true tonight.” 
He paused for a second and you weren’t sure if you had breathed the entire time he’d spoke. He took a deep breath before continuing. 
“That is, if you’re interested.” 
Loose lips sink ships, but maybe, just maybe, Kayla’s loose lips were about to make something float for the first time in her life. 
“Don’t worry so much,” he whispered against your ear as he sensed your nerves, his lips ghosting across your sensitive skin as he spoke, “I want you so fucking bad right now.”
He pulled back, settling onto his stool again with practiced ease, and your heart started racing in your chest. You could barely hear the crowd over your heart beating in your ears. You had to think of something to say and you didn’t have a lot of time to do. Your brain was racing, not landing on any thought in particular long enough for it to take hold. Matthew knew he had you exactly where he wanted and his confidence was turning you on in a way that you hated that you loved. He leaned in closer to you, his smirk still strong as he came closer to you, his mouth inches from yours. You wanted to throw him off guard, wipe that cocky smirk right off his face, so you said the first thing that came to mind. 
“You’ve got to buy me dinner first, Tkachuk.”
You didn’t know what part of your brain found those words. You didn’t know why they’d come out of your mouth. You didn’t even know how truly interested you were. The last one was a lie to yourself, but those words were a 50/50 gamble. Maybe he wanted to fuck you and take you to dinner. Maybe he just wanted one night to get over a tough division loss tonight. You had no evidence other than Kayla’s pigtail pulling theory to support the idea that maybe he might not just be looking for a one night stand and Kayla was so often wrong.
“Hmm, any chance I can cash in on dessert tonight and take you to dinner tomorrow?” The smirk was replaced with a soft smile, a smile that made you want to fall right into his broad chest and never leave. “Because I’m not exactly super patient here and I know you’re going to look absolutely killer in a tight dress at the stupidly expensive restaurant I’m going to take you to tomorrow night, but you’d also look so fucking good in my bed right now.”
"Is that so?” you asked him, stealing his smirk from earlier. “How nice is this restaurant?”
“Not as nice as I’m going to make you feel in a few minutes if you let me.” 
You pressed your mouth against his as your way of answering. Matthew’s hands were on your waist, pulling you off your stool and into him as he took over, his mouth working aggressively against yours. Your hands clasped together behind his neck, securing you against him. Matthew was the one to pull back, surprising you. He released one hand from your waist to pull his phone out of his pocket and open up Uber on his phone. 
“Unless that didn’t mean what I think it meant, I’m taking you home, woman,” Matthew said as he ordered the car.
“What ever do you think it could mean?” you countered in the lightest, brightest sarcastic voice you could find. 
“Don’t tease me like that,” Matthew smirked, his face inches from yours now that his phone was secured in his pocket again. His forehead dipped down to press against yours. “You want this, right?”
“I’m just in this for the idea that the stupidly expensive restaurant has lobster,” you teased him again.
He shook his head softly and let out a soft breath before kissing you again in a way that told you that you were about to be in for a hell of a night. The Uber to his place was a blur for you due to alcohol and anxiety. You wanted Matthew. You knew for certain he wanted you too. That didn’t mean doubt and insecurities weren’t trying to worm your way in and ruin this for you. Matthew’s arm around your shoulders pulled you back to the present. He was pressing you tight against him in the elevator ride up to his apartment. 
“Stop with the mind racing thing you do. I can see the hamsters running up there,” Matthew laughed, his head falling back against the elevator to rest as he looked at you. “You’re not going to have to dream about this anymore. You get the real thing and I’m buying you dinner. You’ve come out on top here, even though you’re not actually going to be on top tonight.”
“Keep chirping me and see if I won’t turn around right now,” you replied as the elevator doors opened. 
“Your prerogative,” Matthew shrugged and he pulled his keys out with his free hand, “but I think taking your right hand over me is a poor choice for you.”
“Aw, you think I don’t own a vibrator.” Matthew’s hand stumbled as he tried to put the key into the lock, probably something to do with what you’d just said.  “Cute of you.” 
“Own anything else I might want to know about?” he asked you curiously as he pushed open his door after successfully wrangling his key. 
“All in due time, Tkachuk,” you said with a pat of his broad chest as you breezed past him into his apartment. 
Matthew breathed out a long sigh. It turned slowly into a chuckle towards the end as he shut the door, his mind jumping forward to when you’d hopefully let him see whatever you were alluding to that was in the back of your top drawer. You didn’t make it far into Matthew’s apartment before his large hands grabbed your hips and spun you to face him, his mouth crushing against yours moments later. Your hands grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt and started to pull it up. 
“Whoa, whoa, easy there, tiger,” Matthew laughed against your mouth while letting his hands take over and pull his shirt up. “We just got here.” 
“If you’re in a slow and steady mood, I’d rather go home to my vibrator.” 
Matthew pulled back from your mouth, still laughing as he tossed his shirt to the floor. He didn’t answer you, instead choosing to attach his mouth to your neck, nipping at the thin skin there as your hands found purchase on his bare chest. His teeth grazed across the skin over your collarbone as he worked his way down and your nails slid down his chest, leaving red lines down his pale skin. 
“Jesus, fuck,” Matthew groaned out as your actions, his voice only deepening due to the sensation. 
His hands on your hips gripped hard, the tips of his fingers pressing into the exposed skin where your shirt had rode up. Matthew slowly guided you backwards until you felt the back of your knees hit the edge of a couch cushion. Matthew left a searing kiss on your lips before he gave you a shove so you fell back on the couch. 
“Clothes, off,” Matthew told you as he unbuckled his belt. 
“You think-”
“I am in charge. Don’t even,” he laughed softly as he yanked his belt from the belt loops in his jeans and dropped it to the floor. “You’re still very dressed by the way.”
You huffed and stuck your tongue out at him, only making him laugh harder, but you listened to him nonetheless, tossing your clothes to the floor along with his. Matthew stopped with just his boxers left, and you followed his lead. His light eyes were darker as he took in the sight of you in just your bra and panties. Kayla had insisted you wear the one matching set you owned tonight and you made a mental note to thank her tomorrow. Matthew’s tongue darted out to lick across his bottom lip. 
“Man, that’s a good look for you.” Matthew paused as he climbed over you, holding up his large frame over yours on the couch on his hands pressed into the cushions next to your head. He lowered his mouth to the swell of your breast, biting gently into the soft skin there. He mumbled against your skin, “Don’t wear clothes anymore.”
“I think I need to, to go to work,” you muttered, your mind far more occupied with what Matthew’s mouth was doing at the moment than speaking. 
His hands were coasting up and down your skin, over your thighs, across your stomach. He was touching every part of you and your body was coming alive under his touch. You opened your mouth to add something, but Matthew had used that same moment as his opportunity to pull one of the lace cups of your bra aside and quickly take your now exposed nipple into his mouth. Your open mouth turned into a loud moan as his tongue rolled across the sensitive nub smoothly. You were already almost seeing stars when he gingerly took it between his teeth for a moment. 
The bra which had previously been something he appreciated, was now in his way, so it ended up on the floor with the rest of your clothes. Matthew groaned at the site of you without it. He’d decided that naked was your best look, before he’d even gotten you completely naked. You could feel his eyes drinking you in and you would have felt self conscious if not for the fact that Matthew shifted over you, pressing his hardness against your thigh in a desperate attempt for friction. 
“Why didn’t we,” Matthew took your other nipple into his mouth mid sentence, letting one of his hands finally stop moving across your skin, to pinch your other nipple between his fingers. He repeated his actions from the other side, tongue rolling your nipple softly before taking it between his teeth. His fingers pinched the other roughly as he did this, making your whine underneath him. He finally finished after releasing your nipple with a soft pop, “do this sooner?” 
“I don’t know, but I really need you to touch me,” you whined, your hands flying to his shoulders to push him down.
He didn’t budge. After all, he was a professional athlete with the strength and weight to match the job title. He relented though without much effort on your part, after throwing you a teasing grin, and pulled your panties down your legs with two fingers hooked into each side. He sank onto the couch between your thighs. You gasped as you could feel his hot breath on your wet slit. Matthew looked at you, taking in everything that was in front of him. 
“You,” he pressed a kiss to the left side of your inner thigh, “are,” he kissed the opposite side, “so,” he kissed higher up on the left side, closer to where you wanted him, “fucking,” he kissed the opposite side at the same distance from your slit. His mouth moved closer, hovering an inch above your core and he added, “Sexy,” before pressing his tongue between your folds and licking in one firm line up to your clit. 
Your eyes rolled back in your head at the contact and your hips bucked up toward his mouth to try and get more contact. One of Matthew’s hands came down low on your stomach and pushed you flat back onto the couch. 
“Easy, easy,” he soft softly, giving your clit a gentle, chaste kiss. “I’ve got you.” 
You let out a deep breath as you tried to get your body back under your control. Your control held until Matthew’s tongue started to circle your clit for the first time. He was pulling moans from your throat that you didn’t know you made as he worked your clit slowly and steadily. Matthew was brash and bold and fast on the ice, but he was steady here, taking his time. You were his guide as he let the noises he was causing you to make guide him. 
You took notice when he flatted his tongue against your clit and looked up at you, his blue eyes locking with yours for a moment. He slowly and purposefully applied more pressure on your clit before shaking his head back and forth, dragging his tongue across your clit firmly. Your eyes slammed shut and your hands flexed into his curls at the sensation. 
“Matthew, fuck,” you managed to break out, your voice cracking between the words. “Holy fuck.” 
“Easy, baby. Easy,” Matthew reminded you softly before returning to you. 
He ran his tongue down your slit again, dipping it ever so slightly into you, making you squirm and whine, before returning his attention to your clit. He started moving his tongue faster, sliding left to right against the sensitive bundle of nerves as he could hear the noises you were matching shift and build. You were becoming more restless under him as your orgasm starting building, desperate to feel that release. Matthew was impatient to get you into his bed, or onto his couch, earlier but he was so very patient now, milking you slowly and gently, making sure to savor every taste of you he was getting, making sure you were enjoying yourself. 
“Matthew, more, please,” you begging softly, tugged his curls to try to push him more into your core. 
He listened, suddenly taking his clit into your mouth and sucking softly on it. You were seeing stars by the time he released it, his tongue moving in quick circles over it. You were so distracted that you didn’t noticed his hand move from your stomach until you felt two of his fingers slide into you. The new feeling pulled you over the edge almost instantly. Matthew’s fingers pumped in and out of you as his tongue continued his movement on your clit to bring you through your orgasm.
“Oh, my, god,” you breathed out, your chest heaving, as Matthew slowly pulled back from you. 
“I don’t think god had anything to do with that actually,” he joked in reply, throwing you a wink that made you remember exactly the kind of guy he really was.
You were about to throw that back in his face, until he slid the two fingers that had been in you into his mouth, sucking them clean in front of you. Your mouth was slack as you watched him, drinking in the sight in front of you. 
“Dessert was fucking delicious by the way,” he told you after releasing his now clean fingers. 
He pushed up off the couch and disappeared down the hallway. You heard a drawer open in what you assumed was his bedroom and shut quickly after. You were still catching your breath by the time he was back, foil packet in hand. 
“Yes?” he asked, lifting the condom up slightly to you as his way of checking with you. 
“Please,” you simply replied. 
Your dream hadn’t even gone as what he’d just finished, but you can’t say you hadn’t imagined this before. You desperately wanted to know what it felt like to have him inside you. Matthew nodded in response before dropping his boxers to the floor, quickly ripping open the foil packet and rolling the condom down his hard shaft. He sighed happily as he looked you over, stroking himself a few times. 
“Hands and knees,” he told you as he crossed the room to you. 
You obliged, flipping over onto your knees, bracing your arms on the back of the couch for more leverage. You felt Matthew sink onto the couch behind you before one of his large hands gripped your ass roughly, squeezing it. He gave the now reddened skin a soft tap before his hand slid to your hip to steady himself as he lined up with you. You both moaned as he slowly slid into it, your wetness allowing for him to enter you in one smooth motion until his hips were pressed against your ass. 
“Jesus, shit,” Matthew mumbled before taking a deep breath. “You feel so fucking good. Christ, woman.” 
“You going to lose it or are you actually going to be able to-”
You didn’t get to finish that sentence as Matthew pulled almost all of the way out before roughly slamming his hips forward until they met your ass again. You gasped at the sudden and now unrelenting movement as Matthew moved at a rough, fast pace, thrusting in and out of you quickly. You gripped the back of the couch and began to push off from the couch slightly, meeting his thrusts with small movements of your own, making him curse between his teeth at how deep he was inside of you each time.  
One of Matthew’s hands was digging into the skin of your hip, steadying him to you and his other was on your shoulder, fingers slowly sliding over from the back of your shoulder to the front, inching ever so slightly toward your neck. You knew what he wanted, but wouldn’t ask for this time around, but you could offer it. You steadied yourself with one forearm on the back of the couch before sliding your free hand up to grab his. His rhythm flattered a little until he realized what you were doing, and then he almost fell apart far too early. You gently guided his fingers until they were wrapped around your throat. 
“Tell me if it’s too much,” he spat out between thrusts.
You nodded and he slowly and steadily applied pressure to your throat, the side of his hand from his index finger to his thumb pressing in just the right spot to restrict your breathing, but not cut it off dangerously. You started moaning louder with the added sensation and Matthew’s thrusts were becoming sloppy. You knew he wanted to last longer, but he got caught off guard by your assertiveness in the best way possible and wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer.
“Fuck, fuck,” Matthew mumbled before his breathing hitched in his throat. 
He groaned, his hand squeezing down hard on your throat, as his thrusts started to slow as he came down from his high. He collapsed down onto your back when he was finished, releasing your throat so he could wrap his arms around your stomach and give you a quick squeeze. Matthew pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder before slowly pulling out of you. You sighed as you flipped over so you were sitting up on the couch, giving your knees a break. 
Matthew climbed off the couch and headed back down the hallway, returning a few moments later with a damp washcloth for you. You were surprised by the gestured, but grateful for it nonetheless. 
“I meant it,” Matthew told you as he dropped down on the couch next to you, a water bottle in hand.
You gave him a curious look, trying to figure out what he was referring to in that moment. He took a swig from the bottle before answering.
“Taking you out tomorrow,” he continued when he saw your confusion. He passed you the bottle, before continuing, “I meant it.”
"I didn’t think you weren’t,” you replied with a shrug before popping open the bottle to take a few swigs, grateful for the cool water since you’d both managed to work up a sweat during that.
“Good,” he nodded, curls bouncing with his movement. 
The moment was sweet, too sweet for how the rest of the evening had gone. The teasing tone that covered not only the evening, but your friendship with Matthew needed to return. Matthew was also too sure of himself to miss the opportunity at his feet. 
“So, did I live up the dream?” he asked you, a cocky grin on his face that matched his tone. “Actually, I know I was better. But how much better was I?” 
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not-poignant · 4 years
From a media studies perspective, why do you think ending mainstream shows "badly" (i.e. not necessarily sadly, but in a way that's inconsistent with the show's own canon events and characterization) has become so popular? It seems so counter intuitive to actively court bad press
Honestly, there are so many reasons television shows end badly. I don’t know if you’re talking about a certain show (/stares at Supernatural), but I can definitely illustrate some of the reasons TV series end badly:
In the case of long series:
* It went on too long because the show creators were pressured because of money and they just didn’t care anymore. This is the biggest reason long-running shows end badly (anything long running is anything beyond four seasons, imho). Shows often tend to caricature themselves after a time.
Often folks involved will lose sight of their original mission statement. In many of these cases, the best people in the writer’s room and the best directors/cinematographers move onto fresh new shows (they get bored, they can leverage their work experience on a well-known show getting repeated season renewals, they can leave) and that often leaves the more mediocre talent who might not be able to leverage their experience. New staff often can’t be assed properly reading through the series bible for sometimes upwards of 100+ episodes (which will have even more canon behind them), so they retcon.
Actors become tired of the same role and start performing with less verve (they can tell when a show is getting less interesting and they are also hit when the writing isn’t as good). Like you can tell when actors are just done. And like...writers LEAVE. The show becomes driven by inertia, and in a worst case scenario, boredom, bitterness, and lack of interest, leaving a show to limp to its finish line.
* Viewership and money for the studio means that show creators are roped into working on a show they actually wanted to complete at season 2 or 3. They continue, but their ideas are no longer fresh and they become resentful.
* This sometimes also happens to shows that are ‘on the bubble’ and write an official season finale to wrap up the series, only to get renewed and have to do another season finale that often doesn’t measure up to the first one. I’m pretty sure Parks and Recreation suffered from this, but Mike Schur is pretty good at pulling things back from the brink. But he was also incredibly done with that show when he finished it. This has also happened to Elementary (which also managed to pull back with some dignity after doing like at least one or two ‘series end’ finales only to get another one or two seasons). But it’s notably let down shows in the past. Living ‘on the bubble’ is incredibly stressful for series creators and writers who have to kind of be constantly expected to end their show at any point, which stifles new ideas, but must also have an entire new season ready to go in case they get renewed. 
* If something’s really long-running and iconic, no matter what you do, the ending will be criticised because you can’t satisfy everyone, and the legacy of the series is that it ‘went on forever’ - the point at which it ended is the point at which everyone becomes unhappy. * I know I’ve said money, but also, sometimes the cast creators are really aware that the financial livelihoods of the caterers, cameracrew, actors, makeup artists etc. are dependent on each new season. Sometimes it’s hard to stop a show for ‘creative reasons’ (i.e. because it would make a better show) when you know that’s stopping the incomes for everyone except maybe the actors who will get syndication money. Sometimes you keep going because you care more about your crew, than you care about a perfect story, and you just hope you’ll keep telling a good one.
* In the case of things like Supernatural, like, chances are high the writers and creators just never actually cared about their fanbase and cynically queerbaited for money. Now that the show’s over, they don’t need to care about money (from that show) or bad press in the same way anymore. Like, it’s syndicated, it’s going to make royalties for those actors etc. forever. Bad press isn’t going to really hurt a show that’s no longer running, there will always be people willing to drop hundreds of dollars on an expensive collective box-set, no matter how loudly fandom’s complaining. Remember, fandom in many cases is not actually the majority of paying viewership.
(My roommate also added here - he did film and journalism; it’s how we met! - that like, people remember the good seasons, and they will often buy a show for the good seasons. I’m thinking of like, the fact that I own Buffy and Angel and even NCIS and Scrubs even though many of those shows got categorically pretty fucking bad as they went on).
In the case of short, prematurely finished series:
* Netflix’s ‘two seasons’ policy. If a show isn’t driving new viewership at season 2 like it did in season 1, even if it’s critically acclaimed. It gets dumped on a season finale that leaves every storyline open and is extremely unsatisfying. This is why so many great Netflix shows end after 2/3 years. It’s literally written into their policy. This is a hateful fucking policy, but anyway.
Your statement ‘it seems counter-intuitive to actively court bad press’ actually doesn’t really apply here at all for also a few reasons:
* A show can sail on bad press, honestly. We are taught in film that like, 100 bad reviews is better than no reviews. If everyone in fandom is shouting to the high heavens about how terrible a show is, you can bet that people who haven’t watched SPN in years actually went and watched how shitty that finale was either for the lolz, the horror, or like, curiosity’s sake. And, sadly, for everyone saying ‘omg the homophobia’ there will be bigots who are like ‘YAY A SHOW FOR ME.’ But that’s just while a show is running.
* Some shows deliberately court bad press for this reason, actually. Like yes, bad press can be damaging, but this tends to be true at the beginning of a series. It honestly no longer matters at all once the series if over. I wish it did. But the makers of a long-running show just do not care about you or anyone else who is unhappy, they’re probably popping champagne that it’s over. That sounds terrible, but like, it’s hard to kind of overstate how tired, bitter and resentful people yoked to creative properties can be once they’re over it (it’s one of the reasons I’ve stopped writing Gwyn and Augus as main canon characters - because I don’t want to become bitter, tired and resentful). It’s one of the biggest reasons why it’s best to end a show early, while it’s fresh, and everyone’s still enjoying themselves.
* A show that has done a bad finale, is no longer really interested in the press at all. It doesn’t matter anymore. It’s not going to cause their show to be cancelled, it’s not going to stop royalties from syndication, it’s not going to end anyone’s career (sometimes sadly), and like, it’s literally irrelevant. People screaming about a finale they hate are screaming to the wind, the people who made the show don’t care. (In the case of a long-running show, they really don’t, they are probably very tired, and looking forward to new projects). At this point, the bad press is like, a blip on the radar, they can always go look at all the good press they got for like 10-15 years beforehand.
And finally, at the end of the day, it’s a job. And for many people, it is just a job. And some jobs you do well, and some jobs you do poorly. For folks in fandom, it might briefly be ‘their life’ but like, for some of those scriptwriters/directors/actors etc., it’s just they turn up, they get paid, and sometimes they actually hate their job just like someone might hate their job in retail. A scriptwriter’s gotta get paid y’know, they gotta put food on the table, they will take a job for a show they hate, just to get that bread. And that becomes more and more true, the more a show goes on, the more everyone starts to get tired because all the stories are told and they’re being forced to keep working.
That’s life, I’m afraid.
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1kook · 5 years
Jeon Jeongguk x (F) Reader
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summary⥗“Lose the top, or lose the right to present yourself in any low back gown for the next three months.” He truly knew the way to your heart. tags⥗richboy!jk, -3 knowledge of how vacations work, domestic love!!!, outdoor sex, unprotected sex, fingering, jk’s white ass cheeks mention wc⥗5.9k u ever randomly get inspired for the first time in 2 months and write a whole fic in one night anyway enjoy
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There were many perks to dating the heir of your city’s top conglomerate, the endless showering of gifts being one of them, but your favorite thing about your boyfriend wasn’t his overflowing pockets or his secure future, but the lovesick look in his eyes when you told him how much you loved him.
Jeongguk was an enigma.
He was born to be the stereotypical rich boy that authors of teen fiction could only dream of, his looks suitable for magazine covers and his brains destined for top-notch universities. His bloodline was carefully crafted by generations before him, every marriage carefully planned and executed with the ultimate goal to preserve their place in society as apex predators. In fact, Jeongguk’s entire life had been one big script his family had carefully pushed him along, from the fencing classes he took to the hiring of the nation’s best nannies to care for him, all subtle enough for him to not complain but demanding enough that he knew what was going on.
The only thing they hadn’t planned in Jeongguk’s life was him meeting you.
They had never planned for him to meet some middle-class girl, who was definitely not an heiress to any particular company or celebrity of any level, just some random girl he had accidentally bumped into leaving a charity event at the local community park. They hadn’t planned for his long, gangly arms to knock your phone out of your hand, or send it tumbling into the lake as you both watched on in horror. It was only after the quiet plop of water registered in both your ears that you had whirled on him, half of you in shock and the other in fury.
Jeongguk was, as previously stated, handed everything on a silver platter. His parents hardly bothered with teaching him how to do things. He barely understood how to work a washing machine, because all of that was done for him by other people. At the moment, he didn’t have to bother with taking an entrance exam to the best university this side of the country because he knew his parents would pay for the entire thing out of pocket. He especially didn’t ever have to worry about what to do when random girls scolded him in public sight, because frankly, it would never happen.
Yet here he was, completely startled as you told him to watch where he was going, and to learn how to apologize to people when you’ve done something wrong. He’d never had someone of a lower status than him treat him so aggressively before, and when you pause to catch your breath all he can stumble out is that he’ll replace your phone, he’ll even buy you the best model, what was your number so his people could reach out to you again?
The last sentence has you groaning in frustration, as you pointed furiously towards the lake, because how on earth was he supposed to contact you when your phone was 20 feet below surface level?!
After another fifteen minutes of you continuing your verbal rampage against him, the entirety of it which he’d spent fending off his security guard and his assistant (both who’d been appalled that he’d willingly let this peasant swear and curse at him) as he stared at you in awe.
When you finally calmed down and he’d offered to take you to the Starbucks across the street to figure out the details of your phone replacement, he’s surprised to find out your normal disposition is nothing like the one you’d first shown him. In fact, you’re rather sheepish and embarrassed at the coffee shop, albeit still a little upset with him for trashing your phone.
After you’ve finished nailing out the little details of your phone replacement, which included you hesitantly giving him your address, he leaves right away. He’s sad to leave so soon, having become completely enthralled with your entire being in the thirty minutes he’s come to know you, that he finds himself hopelessly staring out of the backseat of the Benz as he travels back to his upscale apartment in the heart of the city. He hopes you don’t forget him so soon.
To say you’re surprised to see a package on your doorstep the next morning is an understatement. You remember every online purchase you make, and if memory serves you right, you hadn’t made one in the past month to warrant its arrival today. After glancing down both ends of your hall, you tug the mystery package inside.
In hindsight you probably should have been more cautious of the entire situation, but part of you was extremely curious to see what brought this surprise on. After tugging the tape off and shuffling through the packing peanuts you’re met with a sleek box for the hottest and most expensive phone right now, a pink bow carefully tied around to secure a note.
One of our guard’s fished around the lake for the phone I misplaced and managed to retrieve the memory card. I hope you won’t mind the new contact I added.
Jeon Jeongguk
And thus was the start of your love story.
You’re wondering if Jeongguk’s sudden idea was truly a spur of the moment epiphany or another ploy for him to get out of going to the ball his father had planned at the end of this month. You’ve come to learn in the last two years that despite his perfect boy aura, he was quite the impulsive shithead. Eitherway, you know he would have invited you to wherever he was going, and if he hadn’t, his mother would have shipped you a gown from her favorite designer and asked you to drag him there.
As it stands, it’s not a fancy ball you’re preparing for this time around, but a luxurious spring break in the Bahamas, away from school and family and anything to ruin your mood for the next week. You’d just finished your midterms when he bursts into your dorm room, demanding you pack your bags, baby, we’re going to the beach! Evidently, it was not the local beach you were going to. No, the ‘beach’ Jeongguk had referred to was one he conveniently forgot to mention was an entire plane ride away. It wasn’t until he returned later that same day to usher you off to the airport that he realizes how sorely under packed you are.
So now here you were, frantically cramming a week’s worth of cute, summer-y clothes into the only suitcase you own, running back and forth from your closet to the suitcase to the desk where you kept all your beauty products and shower essentials, while your boyfriend ate one of your granola bars on your bed.
“You better not get any crumbs on the bed, you know I hate finding them later,” you scold, not even bothering to look at him as you stuff all your makeup into a small bag.
Jeongguk snorts. “You won’t even be sleeping here for a week, babe,” he says, voice calm and relaxed in the way only someone who’s already done packing can be. The only consolation to your current state was that Jeongguk had booked his family’s private jet, so you really couldn’t be late to a flight only the two of you would be on.
You turn around with a hand on your hip, giving him the same unimpressed look you always do when he’s being unreasonable. “I’m sure the mice you’re attracting will keep it warm for me.” He rolls his eyes, finishing off his snack and then making a big show of patting down your creaky mattress to rid it of any granola crumbs.
He’s settled back into the bed when he speaks again. “Take the orange crop top you bought from Forever 21 last month, it makes your boobs looks amazing.”
You tuck your socks and undergarments against the suitcase’s inner pocket. “Oh right, ‘cause that’s a priority right now.” You don’t wanna tell him it’s already folded against your other clothes because you, too, think it makes your boobs look amazing.
You hear the rustling of the bed sheets once more, before you see his long legs come to a rest around you, arms wrapping around your waist to watch you ruffle through the clothing you already have. “Not my fault my girl’s got a nice set on her.”
“Oh my god, shut up,” you beg, reaching over to your pile of haphazardly thrown shorts and skirts to fold some more into your luggage. You’re careful of not moving far enough away that his arms would dislodge from their embrace. “We could have been halfway to the Bahamas right now if someone bothered to plan things ahead of time and not last minute as a means to get out of a charity ball.”
Jeongguk groans, letting his head fall forward to rest against your back, his soft breath leaving your back warm through your t-shirt. “Can’t a guy just steal his girlfriend away to the Bahamas for a week to avoid the overwhelming stress of life, and maybe choke on some exotic shrimp while she chokes on his di—”
“Get off of me, you pervert!”
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The second you step foot on the archipelago that is the gem of the resort world, it’s about seven thousand degrees hotter than it was back home, and the sweat on the back of your neck can attest to that. The jet ride here had been pretty fun, it being your first experience flying private, but also flying in general. Jeongguk had kept you entertained both on the take off and landing, lips kissing down every inch of your neck with a promise for more later.
Well, it was later now, and the need to be sated was still present, something you’re not quite sure your boyfriend was aware of. Jeongguk was like that. Forgetful as fuck. The only reason he ever got anything done was because he had that assistant of his practically glued to his hip at every moment of the day, breathing down his neck every task he needed to complete. If it was up to Jeongguk, and Jeongguk alone, things would get done at a very slow pace.
But you were nothing like your boyfriend, and you suppose it’s why you two go together so well. While he put things to the side, you needed everything to be done right away and fast. Which is why you find yourself pulling him away from the scuba diving kiosk in an effort to check into your high-end cottage away from all the tourist hub.
“Babeee,” he whines, almost forgetting his luggage for the nth time, not used to actually having to haul his things by himself. “We could have seen the reef! You know, where all the fish are at? Where Nemo lives.”
“Uh huh, that’s nice,” you say, finding the driver Jeongguk’s assistant (bless his uptight, perfectionist ass) had booked for your arrival. “But we need to check in first and make sure our rental is all good.”
He seems miffed about the fact people actually have to do that, and had it not been his status as a trust-fund baby funding this entire trip, you would have liked to sock him right in the nose. But he’s your boyfriend and you’re used to his somewhat clueless ways by now, so you let it go.
You don’t know what you expected his assistant to rent out for you guys, but it certainly wasn’t the swanky beach house your driver pulls up to. It’s carefully secluded from the other houses around it, a high hedge-turned-fence surrounding the private yard. It hides a decent sized pool, a few lawn-chairs, and a hot tub from the public beach down below. The house itself is marvelous, complete with multiple bedrooms, two baths, and the most luxurious kitchen you’ve ever seen in a beach house.
“Oh,” you say upon stepping out of the car, mouth agape as you take in the sight of your accommodation for the next few days.
A pair of hands snake around your waist before carefully coming to rest above your navel. Jeongguk presses a gentle kiss to your temple, murmuring, “all for you, princess.” The waves crashing against the beach below are miniscule compared to the sudden blossoming of warmth in your chest.
“Shut up,” you shyly whine, turning around to envelope him in your arms. Your need for him and his body fades at the breathtaking sight behind you, and you find yourself forgetting about it completely as you venture around the house.
It’s the same day when you decide to go out into the yard and tan for a bit. Jeongguk had went in for a nap, a little tired from keeping you entertained on the long flight, because he’d stayed awake even when you fell asleep just in case you woke up scared. You don’t try to discourage him, watching him snuggle into the king mattress as you shuffle around for your bikini.
You’re absentmindedly applying another layer of sunscreen to your face, sunglasses pushed onto the top of your head. You’re completely enveloped by thoughts of your boyfriend, of how he could have easily ran off to the Bahamas alone (he went to Moscow last November on a trip to ‘find himself’), but he’d elected to whisk you off with him.
You tuck your AirPods—another gift from him—into your ears before finally settling into the comfort of a lounge chair, the sun’s rays beating down on you full force. It feels wonderful being away from everything you know with the comfort of returning. You’d always dreamt of visiting such places as a teenager, the presence of a lover or not, but now you truly got to live out those fantasies with Jeongguk.
He was a dream.
It’s about thirty minutes into your session when you register the sound of the sliding door, and you crack one eye open to see your refreshed boyfriend wandering into the backyard in a pair of swimming trunks and a goofy look on his face. “Oh, pardon me, I didn’t know such women came to the public pool,” he smirks.
You roll your eyes, not that he sees through the shades protecting you. “Don’t you dare try to roleplay with me, weirdo.”
He cackles, before somersaulting into the pool, and you find yourself squealing at the splash he makes. He disappears for a second under the water, but then pops back up at the ledge closest to you. “Come on, don’t be a pussy. Play along and maybe we’ll go to the spa tomorrow morning,” he offers.
“Fine.” You decide to join him, but not because the spa.
Jeongguk laughs at your petulant tone of voice, before sprawling out to float across the surface of the pool. “Great, so here’s what I was thinking. Me, the rich middle-aged husband coming here strictly for business. And you, the shy darling relaxing by the pool with her girlfriends who are all pushing her to go talk to me.”
“Sounds perfect, except for the part where I’m actually the sly minx coming here to scam a rich college boy out of his money, luring him into the most pleasurable sex he’s ever had, before ghosting him for all eternity and leaving him forever waiting for someone like me to come into his life again,” you propose.
Jeongguk blinks. “Wow, that sounded so realistic. You’re either really good at this, or… I should be worried,” he playfully accuses, before throwing over a gesture that says im watching you. You laugh.
“Just keep swimming, rich boy.”
He does as you tell him, playing in the water as you tune back into the music drifting into your ears. You’re about done tanning the front side of your body, and flip over to make sure your backside catches the rays as well. You set your sunglasses off to the side, and when you look back for them they’re adorning Jeongguk’s silly face as he doggy paddles around the donut floaty he found.
“Untie your top, dumby. Unless you want those ugly tan lines,” Jeongguk calls out in that brash tone of his. You flip him the bird, before sitting up in a very Ariel-esque pose to glance around your private yard.
As if sensing your hesitation, Jeongguk paddles over to your side, leveling you with an unimpressed look. “These bushes are as tall as a door, and there’s no one around for the next half mile, babe. Lose the top, or lose the right to present yourself in any low back gown for the next three months.”
He truly knew the way to your heart.
You untie the knots at your back and your neck, carefully laying back down to get that perfect tan Jeongguk was talking about. Admittedly, you do feel a bit better knowing you won’t return home with noticeable tan lines, and that much is enough to have your topless self blissfully relaxing.
Your soundtrack is the playlist you had collected on the plane ride, occasionally joined by the splashing Jeongguk makes as he moves around the pool, and before you know it, your timer is ringing to let you know it’s time to flip over again. This time, you’re less hesitant about shedding your top, breasts bare to the sky as you throw the top over your eyes (guess where your sunglasses still where).
You hear a wolf whistle from the other side of the yard, and catch sight of Jeongguk sitting at the edge of the pool. His skin is glistening from the water, the sun enveloping him in its warmth. He’d been outside for a shorter time than you but somehow he’d accumulated a darker color faster. The sun loved him like no other. He’s pushing himself to his feet when he catches your gaze, mischievous smirk twisting his features as he rounds the pool.
“Didn’t know this was a nude beach,” he says, and you curse your body for the way it reacts to the sight of his messy hair and tone abdomen. Your nipples harden embarrassingly and you can’t even hide them.
“Tired already?” You muse instead, hoping he doesn’t comment on the state of your breasts. “Tired after a plane ride, tired after swimming. Didn’t know I was dating an old man.”
“Har har,” he says in a monotone voice, and you can’t help the curl of a smile at beating him at his own playful ways. He stops in front of you, and your expression is knocked clean off when the water droplets clinging to his body fall onto your warm skin.
“Jeongguk!” You whine, pushing him away with your foot in a valiant effort to save yourself from the cold water. If anything, your actions end up bringing your demise as he catches your ankle in his hand.
“Ah ah, princess,” he tuts, bending your leg upward only to place his knee where it once was. He ducks down to tower over you, your continuous squealing only bringing an evil smile to his face. “What did we say about tan lines?”
You push him away, groaning in defeat as his hair drips even more water onto your skin. “I took the top off, what now?”
He glances down, and for a moment, you’re confused as to what he sees that you don’t. You're only met with the sight of your yellow bikini bottom preserving the last of your dignity.
You scoff. “You’re kidding.”
Much to your chagrin, he’s not.
“You’re on one of the nicest islands in the world, staying in a private home with fences tall enough to stop Bigfoot from looking in, and you’re gonna tan with your bikini bottoms on? You’re ridiculous.”
You shove his shoulder, before resigning yourself to getting soaked by him as he shuffles around to squish you under his weight. “You’re ridiculous for thinking I’d be outside without any clothes on!”
He snorts against your shoulder, long arms moving around until he has one somewhat curled beneath you. “Nah. You are.”
“Don’t start with me, Jeon.”
He shifts again to look you in the eye. “Come on, ___. You’re really gonna get tan lines when you could avoid them?”
You roll yours eyes. “You couldn’t get me to go outside completely naked for a million bucks, baby.” The beginning of a grin curls around his lips. “Don’t even think about it.”
This brings a laugh out of him, before he’s laying back down to kiss your neck. “You’re silly.” All you can really hope for now is that him laying on top of you won’t give you an even worse tan line.
Just when you think he’s given up on his quest to have you completely naked outside, you feel the slightest tug on the tie holding your bikini in place, slapping your hand down on his as if he were a pesky fly. “Fine!” He huffs, rolling off you to jump back into the water. “I hope everyone sees your uneven tan.”
“No one would see a tan line on my coochie, Jeon,” you remind him, flinching when he decides to cannonball into the water right beside you, sprinkling you in another round of water pellets.
He emerges from the clear water a moment later, paddling to the ledge beside you to flick more water your way. “I will,” he retorts. “When I got you bent over tomorrow morning.”
You don’t hesitate to fling your bikini top his way, the yellow fabric smacking him across the face. “In that case, you should take those shorts off, because I certainly don’t wanna have to look at your pasty thighs.”
“You love my milky thighs,” he hums, traversing the length of the pool for his donut floaty again.
Your tiny quarrel ends there, Jeongguk soon becoming too immersed in competing against himself in a breath-holding contest to bother you any longer. He’s adorable like this, cheeks puffed out like Mrs. Puff every time his head pops out of the water, that you almost forget to flip over when your timer rings again.
It’s in the midst of your repositioning that you dare take a peak beneath your bottoms. Much to your disdain, there is a growing disparity between the skin beneath your swimsuit and the skin around it. Nothing too bad, but if you were to lay out as long as you planned, it’d become embarrassingly noticeable. Your breasts had been saved from any differences thanks to Jeongguk’s early warning, and you begin wondering if shedding your bottoms would inflate his already huge ego.
No matter, you discreetly unknot the ties securing your bottoms, hoping he won’t notice from across the yard as you carefully slip them off.
You make quick work of laying on your stomach again, your ass finally catching some rays after being covered for so long. You won’t lie, there’s an unexpected wave of comfort that comes with being bare outside, your entire body wonderfully enveloped by the sun’s beaming rays. You snuggle into the lounge chair’s cushions as you nearly reach nirvana.
Your blissful state is ruined not even ten minutes later when the sound of Jeongguk’s heavy splashing comes closer and closer. It’s not until you hear the splat of his wet feet against the pavement that you realize you’re in trouble.
There’s a playful smack against your ass, and you yelp in surprise. “Jeon!” You whine, instantly sitting up on your forearms to narrow your eyes at him. He’s flashing you that playful grin of his as he plops down beside you, not even having to ask you to move over because you do so subconsciously
“Knew you’d give in eventually,” he sighs, leaning back on his palms as he tries to catch his breath. You decide to give up on your dreams of having a peaceful tanning session, turning around to face your glistening boyfriend.
“What do you want for lunch?” You ask instead, running a hand through the hair at the nape of your neck, rolling your shoulders around to get some movement back into them. He shrugs, slithering his way up the cushions to squish himself beside you. It’s a tight fit, but he makes it easier by throwing your leg over his middle.
“Probably some good food in the little village a mile from here. Could probably walk there too.” You hum in agreement, snuggling into his side. You’ve long since gotten over the coldness of his skin, cheek pressed against his chest. He’s got a hand on your lower back, partially to hold you close but also to stop you from rolling off the chair.
Right as your snoozing off, so wonderfully warm beneath the sun and comfortable in your birthday suit, you feel a pair of fingers brush against the backside of your thigh, and then ghost over your exposed pussy.
“You’re despicable,” you murmur, tweaking his nipple between your fingers. Jeongguk snickers, shifting you around so you’re mostly on top of him now, your awakened core pressed against his thigh.
“C’mon, princess,” he goads, running a pair of moist fingers along your thigh again, trying to carefully coax you into doing what he wants. Most things, you now realize, tend to go Jeongguk’s way regardless of other factors. “No one’ll hear us out here.”
“But what if someone does,” you point out, always the voice of reason when it comes to Jeongguk’s ideas. “We could get in trouble, Guk. I don’t know…”
“In trouble for what?” Is his smart rebuttal, shuffling beneath you so you can finally feel the swollen cock hiding beneath his swimming trunks. “Enjoying ourselves in our own home? Oh, the terror.” Upon seeing the uncertainty that still clings to your features, he drops the somewhat cocky attitude to press a kiss to your nose. “It’s all good, princess,” he soothes, ducking down to caress the side of your face with his cherried lips. “If anything, I’ll just bribe our way out of any trouble.”
“Ugh,” you groan, melting into him as you finally give in. “I hate when you say that.”
Jeongguk snuffles a laugh against your jaw, maneuvering the two of you around until you’re laid flat against the cushion with him hovering over you. “When I say what?” He teases. “That my wallet is as fat as my cock?”
You roll your eyes, untying the knot he’d done at the front of his shorts. “Get that fat cock of yours out before I change my mind.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he complies, setting one foot on the floor to push his shorts down, until you’re met with the sight of his stark thighs. You cackle, and his arrogant smirk is wiped off as he glances down at his two-toned legs.
“What happened to getting the perfect tan?” You sneer, tapping a finger against his muscled thighs. “Don’t tell me your ass is this white, too.”
He huffs in annoyance, before reclaiming his spot between your legs again, tugging you down until your cores are pressed together. “Shut up.” You do as he says, words catching in your throat at the feeling of his engorged cock brushing against your wet folds.
His slips a hand down to languidly toy with your folds, his fingers slightly pruny from all the time he spent in the water. It feels a little weird, but any complaints you may have had are wiped away when he nudges your bud with the tip of his pointer finger. You gasp, fingers digging into his shoulders at the sudden stimulation against your core. “Ohh,” you sigh, eyes rolling backwards.
“Feel good?” He checks, eyes trained on your expressions, lips unconsciously puckering to kiss you, even with your writhing beneath him. You let out a high-pitched mewl, much to your embarrassment, cheeks flushed warm from the sun and his ministrations. You nod belatedly.
He lets his wandering hands carry on, carefully travelling across the entirety of your folds. He knows your body like no other, so familiar with the dips and curves, that it’s impossible for him to not immediately locate your g-spot upon plunging his fingers inside you. “G-Guk!” you cry out, hands falling to grip at his biceps.
He presses a kiss to your throat. “That’s it, baby, lemme hear you,” he murmurs, and subtly presses his cock to the inside of your thigh. “Looked so delicious out here,” he sighs, and it’s as if he’s talking to himself. “Wanted to fuck your pretty little pussy from the second I stepped outside.”
Your back arches beneath him at a particular scissor of his fingers, another whine caught in your throat. “Want you so bad,” you whimper, reaching a hand up to tangle in his dark locks. You use the leverage to pull his lips towards yours, meeting in a frantic crash that has you whining against him even more.
His tongue slips past your lips, subduing yours when you try the same on him, and you almost choke on the excess saliva pooling in your mouth. Right before you can, he pulls back in favor of trapping your lower lip between his teeth. Your eyes flutter open, and you meet his own dark gaze.
“Ready?” He huffs, pulling his fingers out from within you. They’re shiny with your slick, almost as wet as they’d been when he was swimming earlier. You nod, dazed from all the pleasure he was giving you, that you can’t do more but spread your legs for him. He leans back on his knees, lining himself up with your hole.
You’d long since eliminated condoms from your relationship with Jeongguk, your trust in each other overwhelmingly so. Besides, you were still on the pill, and Plan B existed, so you never really worried about slipping up and accidentally getting yourself pregnant. Although there were times when he’d go overboard, stuffing you with his cum until you feel bloated, you’d never gotten pregnant before, so you wouldn’t begin to worry now.
Just the idea of feeling him in his entirety has you salivating, needy hands reaching out to grasp any part of him you can reach. Jeongguk snickers at your desperate ways, knotting his fingers with yours before pressing them to the cushion beneath you, the other gripping onto your thigh to keep your legs spread.
The second his tip pushes through the initial tightness, your mouth drops open, indecipherable noises escaping you. “J-Jeon,” you cry, chest heaving at the sudden intrusion.
“Relax for me, princess,” he huffs, just as out of it as you. Your body feels like it’s ascended, Jeongguk’s cock slowly pushing in further with each breath you take. It doesn’t take much longer for him to completely bottom out, the warm skin of his thighs pressing against you.
You’re like a fish out of water, mouth opening and closing as your body slowly assimilates to the feeling of being so absolutely full. It’s not until Jeongguk subtly shifts his weight onto his other leg that you give him the green light to start fucking you.
You moan, the first few thrusts hitting against every sweet spot inside you. “God, you’re so fucking big,” you heave, clenching around him just to feel the drag of his cock against your walls.
Jeongguk chuckles through his own pants, the fingers entwined with yours becoming impossibly tighter. “You’re too good for me,” he sighs, hauling your thigh further up his forearm until its resting in the crease of his elbow. The positioning allows his strokes to go deeper. You cry out, squirming beneath him with each thrust he gives.
“Oh fuck,” you cry wantonly when he plunges deeper into you, the water that decorated his skin long having been replaced by the sweat clinging to him. Your eyes flutter shut and you’re left only listening to the sounds of you, Jeongguk, and the ocean waves beneath you. “I love you,” you whimper.
Jeongguk grunts, ducking down to kiss you again, his hips not once slowing down. “Love you too, princess,” he murmurs. “Fuck, I don’t deserve you,” he groans, puncuating his statement with a brutal thrust of his cock into you. “Gonna buy you that pretty Valentino bag when we get back, I promise,” he adds, picking up his pace.
You whine, “You don’t have to, Jeon, I—”
He cuts you off, “and that silver Audi you liked at the car show last winter,” he rambles on, seemingly clueless to your protest. “A-And maybe that Louis Vuttion coat that brings out the color in your eyes—”
“I saw the same one at H&M,” you interrupt, swiveling your hips upwards to meet his thrusts. He chokes out a laugh.
“Shut up and just let me spoil you,” he groans, and then seemingly forgets what else he was planning on buying you as he focuses his complete attention on helping you reach your orgasm.
With his focus solely on that, you find the burning feeling in your lower abdomen grow tenfold, voice becoming more annoying with each moan and whine you give. “That’s it, baby,” he encourages, his thrusts sending tingles up and down your spine. He peppers kisses down your chest, each touch leaving your skin scorching.
Time seems to slow when the coil in your stomach finally snaps, an embarrassingly loud moan leaving your lips as your body spasms beneath him. “Oh, Jeongguk,” you sigh, falling limp on the lounge chair as he continues chasing his high.
He pulls out soon enough, giving his cock a few tugs before he’s spurting his come across your lower abdomen, leaning back to admire his masterpiece. He’s panting afterwards, and the backyard feels eerily quiet as you both just gaze at each other with goofy smiles on your faces.
The romantic aura is ruined when he feels the need to say, “hey, maybe now my ass won’t be so white.”
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“Fuck, you look sexy,” he murmurs when the instructor finally turns around, leaving Jeongguk to gawk at your body in the tight wetsuit provided. “Gonna fuck you so good tonight.”
“Shut up,” you blush, trying to stop your eyes from violating your boyfriend’s disgustingly gorgeous body in the matching wetsuit he wears. “We’ll get kicked out of the group, Guk.”
He rolls his eyes. “I could have rented the whole place out for us, but someone thought scuba diving with the other corny tourists would be fun.”
You flick his forehead. “You don’t have to buy out every building we go to,” you remind him, memories of this morning’s completely empty breakfast bar flickering to attention. “Besides, I wouldn’t have let you fuck me tonight anyway.”
He scoffs at your claim. “Please, you would have begged me, ___.”
You hit him with the wide end of your swimming fin, then have to apologize to the instructor for your horseplay, much to Jeongguk’s amusement. You narrow your eyes at him, following the rest of the group out onto the boardwalk leading to the boat. “Find me a Nemo, and we’ll do it in the beach cabana.”
Jeongguk’s lips twists into the most devious smirk you’ve ever seen, and he smacks your ass as he runs ahead of you. You yelp, just as he turns to face you just as he nears the group. “Has anyone seen my son?”
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ghost-in-the-hella · 4 years
I hope it's cool for me to drop another one, you just write them so well. Z: “Zip me up?” PriceMarsh
Absolutely! Prepare for a near-lethal dose of pricemarsh fluff.
CW for referenced homophobia and implied internalized homophobia. Also references to Rachel’s death because I can’t not at least mention that.
There’s no reason for Chloe to feel so nervous. It’s only prom. She’s never been one of those girls who considers their high school prom to be a pinnacle of her life to be surpassed only by her eventual and inevitable wedding day. Before she and Kate started dating, Chloe would’ve laughed at the idea of even going to prom. She was way too cool for all that mainstream, cliche high school shit even before she dropped out.
But here she is, sitting in the cab of her truck in the parking lot for the girls’ dorms, sweating through her tuxedo shirt as she tries to work up the nerve to go meet her prom date. Nervous. She and Kate have been official for a few good months now, but they’ve never done anything this, well, official. Chloe bought a corsage and everything. She’s wearing her dad’s old powder blue tuxedo from his prom, taken off mothballs for the occasion (lucky for her he was a total beanpole when he was in high school; Joyce barely had to take it in at all). It’s fucking go time.
She flicks her lighter a few times to steady her nerves. God, she wants a cigarette. But she knows Kate hates the smell even though she tries not to complain, and she wants tonight to be perfect. Not for herself, of course - she’s still too much of a hardass punk to care about going to prom, much less about having it be some kind of magical experience - but for Kate. Because Kate cares about going to prom, and Kate deserves a perfect night. She deserves, at the very least, a prom date who doesn’t smell (and taste) like an ashtray. If Kate’s going to risk outing herself to her family with prom photos of her with an obvious lesbian on her arm, well, Chloe’s going to be the best goddamn arm candy she can be.
She tosses her lighter into the glove box and switches off her stereo, silencing the pump up mix she’d been playing to get psyched. She takes a deep breath to ground herself. Okay. Okay. Now it’s go time.
She grabs her tuxedo jacket off the passenger side of the bench seat and slings it on as she opens the door and hops out into the parking lot. She pulls out her phone and texts Kate. 
Me: im here
Me: u ready to wreck shit up w ur hella hot prom date?
Kate: Almost :)
Kate: I need your help with something. Can you come up?
Chloe suppresses the instinct to shout NO EMOJI and restricts herself to a polite: sure
She checks herself out one last time in her side mirror. Her hair’s freshly dyed and combed to a silky sheen, every strand perfectly in place. She’s got a tasteful amount of eyeliner on, like any good pirate, and it makes the blue of her eyes pop. The tux looks surprisingly good for something that’s been packed up in the attic for longer than she’s been alive, and it accents her hair and her eyes both. 
“Your father would be so happy for you. I wish he could’ve seen you.”
Chloe swallows down the sudden lump in her throat. She already sobbed her eyes out enough when Joyce was helping her get ready; she’s not picking up her prom date with raccoon eyes if she cries her eyeliner into a mess (again). She adjusts her lapels (what was it with the late seventies and ridiculous lapels?!) and her blue butterfly boutonniere and strides toward the dorms. 
There are several people standing outside, copping a last smoke before prom. Victoria Chase is one of them, flanked by two girls Chloe only vaguely recognizes. She’s pretty sure the bottle blonde smoked her out once at a Vortex party after she’d lost track of Rachel, but she’s not sure they ever exchanged names. Victoria flicks some ash off her cigarette as Chloe nears, but she pointedly avoids Chloe’s gaze rather than engaging her. So, still kind of an ice queen but maybe she’s learned a modicum of civility in the wake of the absolute clusterfuck that was last semester, between her best friend getting arrested along with her favorite teacher for a gross assortment of sex crimes. And murder.
Chloe’s stomach twists violently at the memory. Fuck, last fall was a shitshow. She’s pretty sure she wouldn’t have survived learning about Rachel’s murder (officially “death by misadventure” because the Prescotts have lawyers out their ass, but Chloe’s nobody’s fool) without Kate’s shoulder to cry on. Chloe still doesn’t believe in god, but if she did she’d say that Kate’s been an absolute godsend.
Chloe spares the girls by the door a quiet nod in greeting as she passes, and two out of three return it (fuck you very much, too, Unnamed Brunette Sidekick). She climbs the stairs to the second floor and hustles to Kate’s door. Her whiteboard is blank today, so Chloe takes a moment to draw a cartoon heart on it before she knocks.
“The one and only,” she replies.
“It’s open; can you let yourself in? Alice is being a handful.”
“Ooh, bunny shenanigans!” Chloe opens the door and slips into the room, closing the door swiftly behind her in case Alice is in danger of escaping. Alice’s cage is, indeed, empty, and the bunny is nowhere in sight. What Chloe can see, however, is about half of Kate poking out from beneath her bed. She shouldn’t laugh. She really shouldn’t. She does anyway. Kate’s legs just look so formal as they stick out from beneath her bed at awkward angles, politely wrapped in dark tights and the jumble of what is clearly a very pretty dress that deserves better than to be mangled and coated in dust before it can even get its moment in the spotlight.
Kate giggles, so at least she’s aware of the ridiculousness of the situation and probably isn’t mad at Chloe. “She just will not go back in her cage! Can you help?” Kate flails out a hand in Chloe’s general direction.
Chloe crouches next to the bed and takes Kate’s hand, helping to slide her out from under it. “Hey, bun-bun,” she calls softly to the bunny beneath Kate’s bed. “Your favorite person is here! Come say hello!”
Kate gasps in mock offense and swats Chloe’s arm. “Her second favorite person, thank you!”
Alice hops tentatively out from under the bed and wiggles her perfect little nose at Chloe. “Ah-ha!” Chloe reaches down and gently picks her up. “Got you, you little rascal. Were you making life difficult for your momma?” She gives Alice a nuzzle.
“She’s been such a naughty bunny tonight,” Kate sighs. “I can’t tell you how many times she tried to nibble my dress. And poor Alyssa! Alice got half her corsage before either of us figured out what was happening.”
“Aww, I missed Alyssa?”
“Sorry; she had to finish her own makeup. She did mine, too. Is it too much? I haven’t gotten a chance to check.”
Chloe looks over at Kate and nearly topples over onto her ass, bunny and all. Kate looks beautiful, but that’s nothing unusual; she always looks beautiful. The subtle makeup that Alyssa’s used on her sets off her natural beauty perfectly, understated but lovely as always. Her hair’s in a braid with loose tendrils framing her face, which is a style Chloe’s never seen on her before and definitely could get used to seeing. And her dress is… Well. It’s a lovely dress; Chloe’s no great authority on dresses - she hasn’t worn one willingly since she was about four - but she can tell that much. It’s definitely picked up some dust here and there from Kate’s adventure under her bed, but it’s still obviously a nice dress. Tasteful, of course, or at least it would be if it were zipped in the back.
Which it definitely isn’t. 
On anyone else, it would still be a modest look. But on Kate… This is by far the most of her that Chloe’s seen in months of dating. Kate’s very much a “take it slow” kind of person, and even though historically Chloe’s tended to be more of a “take it as soon and as often as I can get it” kind of person she respects Kate’s boundaries and is happy to let her girlfriend set the pace. So getting an eyeful of Kate’s naked collarbones, the round curve of an exposed shoulder, the suggestion of a bared back is basically the Kate Marsh equivalent of a nip slip.
“Oh, no, is it too much? I asked her not to do anything too excessive…”
“No, no, makeup’s fine. Great, even. You look… amazing.” Chloe wobbles onto her feet and holds out a hand to help Kate up. She presses a kiss into Alice’s soft fur and walks her over to her open cage. “Okay, cage time for bunnies. No more mischief tonight.” She tucks Alice inside and locks the cage door behind her.
“You’re so good with her,” Kate says, wrapping her arms around Chloe’s waist from behind. Normally she’d burrow her face into Chloe’s back, but she restrains herself and Chloe appreciates the effort to preserve the integrity of her suit even as she misses the contact. “This is the best behaved she’s been all night.”
“What can I say? You’re her mom; of course she’s going to rebel. Me, I’m more like the cool aunt.”
“Hmm. Cool step-mom, maybe.”
Chloe’s face warms with blush. She reaches down to place her hands over Kate’s and gives them an affectionate squeeze. “You, uh, you almost ready to go, babe?”
“Almost.” Kate pulls back and Chloe turns around to face her. It’s a struggle, but she keeps her eyes fixed on Kate’s face even as they long to trace the delicate, graceful line of her clavicles. Then Kate turns her back to Chloe, glancing back at her over her shoulder with a soft smile. “Zip me up?”
Chloe blinks stupidly for several seconds before she answers with a silent nod. Her mouth is too dry to speak human words. She has to close her eyes and collect herself for a moment when Kate turns her head away again, waiting patiently for her assistance. Her hands are actually shaking as she reaches for Kate, which is stupid. She’s literally stripped women before. She’s just helping one put more clothes on. Her hands shouldn’t be shaking over that.
She tenderly sweeps Kate’s braid aside with one hand, draping it forward over her shoulder to keep it clear of the zipper. Her fingertip barely skirts against the bared skin of Kate’s back, but she can feel her warmth like a brand. Chloe takes a deep breath in and blows it out slowly to steady herself as she reaches for Kate’s zipper pull. It’s only when she sees Kate squirm slightly that she realizes she’s released her breath directly against Kate’s exposed back. She freezes.
“It’s okay,” Kate says when she feels Chloe tense up. 
Chloe tries to force herself to relax. She attempts to ease the zipper up and it catches within the first inch. Tentatively, she reaches to brace one hand against Kate’s hip for leverage. The zipper slides free and Chloe delicately zips up the back of Kate’s dress. It traces the elegant line of her spine up toward the perfect points of her shoulder blades (Chloe notes two small birthmarks on Kate’s left just above her bra and suppresses the urge to lean down and kiss each in turn). 
Chloe reaches around to gently guide Kate’s braid back to its rightful place when she’s done. She leans in boldly to press a kiss to Kate’s (still bare) shoulder, pausing millimeters away to give Kate time to signal her yes or no. Kate gives a small but unambiguous nod and Chloe kisses her shoulder firmly. Kate reaches her other arm across to tangle fingers in Chloe’s hair, holding her there gently for a moment.
Kate gives a contented sigh when Chloe pulls back, slipping her fingers free from Chloe’s blue locks. “Sorry if I messed up your hair.”
“Worth it,” Chloe tells her with a grin. She steals a quick moment to check her hair in Kate’s mirror, prompting a knowing giggle from her girlfriend. The damage is minimal; definitely worth it. She tidies it with a few quick sweeps of her hands. 
Kate steps into the frame and slips an arm around Chloe’s waist. Chloe reciprocates with an arm around Kate’s shoulders. “What do you think?” Kate asks. “Prom Queens?”
Chloe wrinkles her nose. “I’ll be happy as long as they don’t dump pig’s blood on us. Anyway, I think someone would have to stuff the ballot box pretty hard for me to get elected anything at Blackwell after I dropped out.”
“A year after you left to pursue other options,” Kate corrects her. “Now that you’ve got your GED, I don’t think you technically count as a dropout.”
“Aww, but it’s my whole identity,” Chloe teases. She dips her head to drop a light kiss to the top of Kate’s head as Kate scowls playfully.
“Guess you’ll have to develop a new one, then.” She squeezes Chloe’s hip hard enough to shut her up. “You look really good in that tuxedo. I can’t wait to show you off.”
Chloe raises her eyebrows. “Yeah? Not still worried about what people are gonna say when they see our prom pictures?”
“I’m still concerned,” Kate says thoughtfully. “But I’m more excited. I never thought I’d get to have this.” She turns to look at Chloe, and there’s so much warmth in her eyes that Chloe feels a sudden threatening prickle of tears in her own. “My mother and aunt fed me so many… bitter thoughts about what being gay might mean. All the things I’d never get to do or have because I didn’t think that gay people were allowed them. I never thought I’d get to love someone so much. I never thought I’d get to be loved in return. I never thought I’d get to just be a normal, happy girl on prom night, getting ready with her prom date to go and dance with her friends and have fun like anybody else. But look at me. Look at us!” She turns back to the mirror, leaning into Chloe’s arm. “We’re doing this. I’m going to the prom with my girlfriend, and we look amazing together, and we’re going to pose for stupid pictures and dance until our feet hurt and celebrate with our friends, and at the end of the night you’re going to walk me back to my room and kiss me goodnight because I won’t have to worry about my lipstick anymore and it’s all going to be perfect. And even if it isn’t perfect, it’s going to be ours.”
Chloe feels like she’s going to shake apart she’s so close to crying, eyeliner be damned. “H-hey, Katie?”
“Mm?” Kate turns to look at her sweetly, and god how did Chloe get so lucky to end up with this incredible girl.
“How much do you really care about the lipstick thing? Because I really want to kiss you right now.”
A dimpled smile breaks out across Kate’s face and Kate goes up on tiptoes, touching Chloe’s face lightly as she tilts up her face to kiss her. Chloe does her best to kiss her back like a normal person and not like a drowning woman. “Not as much as I care about you,” Kate answers when they pull apart again. She wipes a stray tear from Chloe’s cheek. “Are you okay?”
“I’m so fucking okay. I might be the most okay I’ve ever been in my whole stupid life.” Chloe plants another kiss on Kate’s forehead. She’s about to start leading Kate to the door when she realizes she’s forgotten something important. She fumbles the corsage out of the inner pocket of her dad’s jacket and presents it to Kate. “Come on, let’s finish getting you suited up so we can light up the fucking dance floor and give all the haters the middle finger. The metaphorical middle finger,” she amends when Kate starts to open her mouth. “Not gonna get myself thrown out of your prom; don’t worry.”
Kate holds out her wrist and Chloe has to bend to slide the corsage into place. There’s a surreal moment when she’s holding Kate’s perfect hand in hers and gently guiding the corsage into place, practically down on one knee to get the proper angle, where she wonders if this is what it might feel like to propose. She can see it so clearly in her mind’s eye: getting down on one knee, probably wearing this same tuxedo because that way it’s like her dad would get to be there, still holding Kate’s hand, still looking up into her beautiful and shining eyes as she gazes down at her with more love than any human heart could hold, Gramma Price’s ring resized to fit Kate’s finger…
Chloe wobbles, suddenly lightheaded, and Kate reaches out to steady her the way she always does. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Kate asks again, brow furrowing slightly with concern.
Chloe presses a reverent kiss to Kate’s knuckles and rises back to her feet. “I’m good,” she says, trying not to sound as dazed as she feels. “I’m great. I’m fucking amazing. You’re amazing. We’re amazing. Let’s go show all of Blackwell how fucking amazing we are.” 
Kate nods, grinning. “Yes, please.” She holds out her hand and Chloe takes it. Before they can make it all the way to the door, Chloe’s phone buzzes in her pocket. With an exaggerated sigh, she pauses to check it.
Mom: Chloe Elizabeth Price, don’t you dare forget to send me pictures!
Kate reads over her shoulder. “Maybe we should show your mom how amazing we are first?”
Chloe grumbles and rolls her eyes but obligingly opens up the photo ap on her phone. As annoying as Joyce can be (seriously, wtf with the Mom ESP?!), Chloe knows that Kate relishes this kind of maternal approval and that she’s never going to get it from her own mother. Joyce has her faults - fucking hell does she have her faults - but even Chloe has to admit that she’s been pretty awesome with Kate. She’s all but adopted her, honestly.
Chloe holds up her phone and lets Kate nestle under her arm. A perfect fit as always.
“Say ‘prom night!’” Kate says, grinning giddily.
“Prom night!” Chloe says without taking her eyes off of Kate, and she takes the picture.
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tetrakys10 · 4 years
Sweet Elite episode 9
It’s Halloween at Arlington academy, and we get a nice, lighthearted episode to make up for all the angst we went through lately. Long post below the cut.
The episode starts during preparations for the official Arlington Halloween party, you have a chance to ask someone to help you with putting up some decorations. Our favourite senior shows up to explain that this person will be the one we spend most time with during the episode. Whatever LI you chose, you have a chance to get to know them better and raise your infinity meter.
The following day we notice Ellie, Tayler and Tegan acting strange, we have a choice to follow them or not, not sure what happens if you chicken out, but if you go ahead you find out that they are building a robotic Arlingtonator to scare Tadashi on Halloween.
Afterwards, scholar suddenly remembers that they don’t have a costume yet and it’s very late for last minute shopping, so they end up buying a simple witch hat online. I don’t know if this changes between male and female scholar, but my two girls look really really cute.
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(The one on the left is Tetrakys who is romancing Axel, the one on the right is Nyx who is on Tegan’s route.)
Then we go back to class, science class specifically, and realise that we don’t understand what the teacher is talking about and we need help. Luckily, depending on the person you chose to spend time with, someone will come to your help and organise a study group where your chosen crush will also be present.
Now, allow me to digress for a moment.
I don’t like when my scholar proves to be less capable than the others, she is a scholarship student, she should be smarter. While on Tegan’s route this part only slightly annoyed me but I soon got over it, on Axel’s route it was worse. Because, firstly, Tetrakys is in the science department, so not undertanding the science lecture and needing help is more serious and I would completely freak out. Second, the person who came to her rescue was... Claire. FREAKING CLAIRE. I hate Claire. Ok... I don’t hate hate her, but she really got on my bad side for multiple reasons:
1) The first time I played I was trying to pursue Tadashy, I didn’t know that, when the meter is the same, you get the illustration of the first person in aphabetical order. Which was... Claire.
2) Scholar was amazing during the department competition, she did a great interview, came up with the best idea and saved the day when things went downhill, and she ended up third place behind effing Claire who, of all things, was spending her time MANUALLY COPYING her notes for her classmates instead of scanning them.
3) When we were all helping Tadashi and people where looking for someone to help him write his speech I thought that it was finally our moment since our contribution that far had been to just buy computer parts online... and instead... they picked Claire! For the sole reason that apparently everyone loves her...??? We nailed the interview in episode 4!
And now, Claire again saves the day coming to our rescue using her superior intellect to explain the lecture for us...
It’s clear we will never be best friends.
Anyway, moving aside from my dislike of a 2D fictional character, we at least end up spending a bit more time with our crush, and even see some teasing from the other characters pointing out how that person was excited to have us in the study group.
Following this, we are asked to join a meeting with all the LIs except Tadashi, where Ellie explains that they have been organising a secret party and we are going to trick Tadashi to join it. One group is going to attend the official Arlington party and get Tadashi away with an excuse, another will stay at the dorm and prepare things. Scholar is always part of the kidnapping party.
While going back to the dorms we assist at a conversation between Karolina and Neha talking about an important fashion show that is going to happen soon at Arlington, a hint to the next plot I guess, probably Neha and/or Karolina’s arc.
Then it’s finally time for the party. We wear our hat (first illustration) and go to the gym. Once there we manage to take Tadashi away saying that we saw the Arlingtonator luriking in the dorms corridors, Tadashi believes us because Alistar is there too. We see Tadashi trying to put a brave face and not show how freaked out he actually is, we take him to the dorms and at the right time the Arlingtonator appears, scaring the crap out of him. Everyone laughs and the real party can finally start. They put Tadashi in a Pikachu onsie and crazy makeup
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he is a good sport and lets people do whatever they want to him (he must be really greatful for the help everyone gave him during his whole ordeal). This is where we get the second illustration depending on the group we chose to spend time with.
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Then we are told (but we don’t see it) that more time goes by chatting, playing, doing tarots, and finally telling scary stories. We see only the last bit of it before we hear some noises from the corridor, it’s the custodians who are making rounds. Time to end the party and rush back to our room. Before we can close the door someone burges into the room right behind us. We wait in the dark for the custodians to go away and then we find out that it’s the LI we chose to spend time at the beginning of the episode. There’s a cute scene between the two, then they leave and the episode ends.
What I liked
I liked the episode in general, I think we needed something lighthearted and fun, and there were lots of funny moments there. I loved how everyone ganged up on Tadashi because he is the perfect sacrificial lamb 🤭🤭🤭 but you could tell they were also doing it for him, to make him have fun and distract him after everything he had gone through, and he appreciated it. That’s real friendship.
I also liked that it feels like the company really listens to their players’ feedback and takes it into account. There were two main problems that I had found in the past few episodes: the fact that we were spending very little time with our LI, not advancing the relationship, and the fact that we were forced to spend time with all 10 of them equally, again reducing the amount of time with the characters we really want to focus on. This time they made up for both, by chosing our crush at the beginning we were able to spend more time with them and with just a few selected other characters. No one is forgotten, we eventually meet and talk to everyone, but it doesn’t feel like the time is equally shared and the game feels more focused and with a proper direction.
Another thing I really liked were the costumes. They were so damn on point. For everyone. They really capture the essence of the characters and I love when a game is able to stay true to its characters’ personalities even with the little things. And they all looked so damn good. Alistair as a firefighter?? HELLO MISTER! Raquel as a cheeky pirate, Ellie as a deadly Alice and... Axel 😍 Axel was some kind of modernised version of the Phantom of the Opera (I think) and HELLO??? This is one of my big bias, he looked so good 😍 I have only one complain: he took the mask off too soon 😭 he should’ve worn it the whole time 😭 I don’t care that it was too hot, it was hot in other ways too if you know what I mean...
One last thing I’d like to add is that I think the art was really pretty. I am totally useless when it comes to art, but to my ignorant eyes it looks like the artist is making lots of progress.
What I didn’t like
There’s only one thing, actually, and this is probably just a matter of personal taste. I thought that the writing lacked heat when it came to the romantic parts. I think that it was pretty good with comic and fluffy moments, but there was little passion. And I know this is a game aimed at a young audience so that’s why I said that maybe the problem is me, maybe I’ve just outgrown this type of games, but I also think that you don’t have to go all bang bang to describe heat between characters. Scholars says multiple times that she feels attraction towards the LI, and I read it but I didn’t feel it. I’m happy that I waited to play Axel’s route before making up my mind, because that’s actually better. And yes, Axel is more forward than Tegan, so there’s that, but it also felt like Axel’s romantic moments were more developped than Tegan’s as if the writer was more interested in him, if it makes any sense. However, even with Axel, I think they could’ve pushed more.
This is the first time in a long while that I’m in the mood to rewrite the scene of a game the way I have it in my head, maybe this will help me get out of my writing slump.
Anyway, all in all, I’m pretty happy. Looking forward to episode 10!
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softlyjiminie · 5 years
call him | j.j.k [ ii ]
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⇢ paring(s): jeon jungkook x reader, park jimin x reader.
⇢ word count: 3.5K.
⇢ rating: 18+, mature.
⇢ genre: angst, smut, fwb!au, college!au.
⇢ summary: jimin is yours, you are jimin’s but what does jungkook make of that?
⇢ warning(s):  please read! heavy smut, cumplay, fingering, oral ( female and male recieving ), light choking, spanking, exhibitionism, master/sir kink, daddy kink, sub!reader, dom!jimin, male mastrubation, breeding kink kind of, marking, heavy degrading, swearing, unprotected sex ( wear protection please. ), ex-friends with benefits.
⇢ author’s note(s): friends! i think its been a month or two since I last posted but ive been getting ready for uni! so ive decided to try and post fanfics at least once or twice a month, anyways here's a long awaited continuation of my first smut, call him. ( update: this fic has been updated and edited as of 2020 )
⇢ parts: ( one ) ( here! ) ( final )
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“friends with benefits, huh?” were the first words park jimin had spoken to you after the phone call. you’d taken his number from jungkook’s phone that night and went home almost straight away to call him for real, spending the early hours of friday morning blabbering about everything and nothing. 
jimin had wanted to take you out the very next day, asking you to meet him outside of the campus coffee shop that evening. you’d arrived early of course, spying him working a shift through the window, which made you smile. jimin had always seemed like a quiet, shy boy and working at the coffee shop had suited him well. what you hadn’t expected was that very same, rather soft, looking boy to step out in some tight fitting black skinny jeans and a layered shirt after changing out of his uniform. 
“wha-wha-? huh?” you asked more so to yourself than to him. he smiled, looking down at his feet as he shifted a hand through his rose tinted hair, rocking on his tip toes. 
“your thing with jeon, thought we’d talk it out first before it causes bumps in our relationship, yano?” jimin shrugged, looking you in the eye this time. You must’ve looked quite flustered, since he was smirking at you cheekily.
you nodded a long with him, scuffing your boot as you shoved your sweaty fingers into your pockets to conceal them. “of course, i ended things with him...we’re cool now,” you had hummed as jimin begun to walk with you, at the time you hadn’t known where you were going but that didn’t matter. “it’s just you and i now...i guess?” 
jimin then smirked, throwing his arm around your shoulders. “i guess it is.” 
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                                                     “mmph park jimin!” you gasp, fingers curling in his lavender sky locks so hard you swore you could smell the bleach in his roots. he smirks devilishly against your inner thigh, biting a solid seven more hickies either side before delving back into your flower to get a taste of its sweet nectar. he was like a bee, a fool of a creature following the honey duct to its alluring centre, drinking in every sound you made. “jimin!” 
his glinting eyes blink up at you from over your hips, tongue lapping at your precious gem as he did so. “good morning princess, sleep well?” he teases, dancing his fingers along your naked thigh to push them further apart. the man himself had been lying on his stomach between your legs when you woke up and now he was sliding two digits over your hot centre. “so wet...”
“minnie, min...minmin baby, please... i have a lecture soon.” you whine, thrashing about a bit when jimin held your hips down slightly. he only grunts in response, slipping his tongue over your sweet lips before thumbing your clit.
 “how long have we got?” 
“ten minutes to shower, five to dress and if i skip makeup...ah! oh my god you brat, just let me cum!” 
you growl at jimin, who wastes no more time in devouring you fully, on a mission to get you to your high. you cant help but squeal when he the plunges the two fingers past your entrance without warning, mewling as he curls them into a hook shape to stimulate that special spot. his tongue lapped loops around your bundle of nerves in a sloppy cycle and the combined movements make you call out his name as your release crashes over you in record time, after shocks of bliss pooling through your veins. 
“what a perfect start to the day, i don’t think i even need to make breakfast.” jimin hummed, as he helps you up, the remains of your previous orgasm painting his chin. you roll your eyes at him as you stand with shaky legs, but your boyfriend being ever the gentleman guides you to your feet and spanks your ass when you make a move for the bathroom. “perfect view too.” 
“park jimin, you’re insatiable.” you remind him, before slinking off into the shower to quickly prepare yourself for the lectures ahead. the spring haired boy only grins again, having no classes until later. 
“and you love me for it!” 
you flip him the middle finger.
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the walk to your lecture is pretty quick despite the quiver in your legs and you believe you can make it within fifteen minutes of starting. your thoughts trickle off into the last six months, in which you had spent with jimin.
after ending things with jungkook, you found yourself falling quickly for the boy with lilac hair, his crescent moon eyes and soft smile effortlessly drawing you in. jimin was sweet and caring, had a tender heart and was everything you could have ever needed. jimin had never pressured you, waited until you were ready for anything (especially being intimate.) and was overall the first boyfriend you’d felt happy with. spending time with jimin made you realise that you didn’t have many friends outside of jungkook, even your ex-roommate didn’t like you that much. your boyfriend had introduced you to his little circle of people, and you’d really grown into yourself.
sliding into the lecture hall, you took your seat midway through the rows, making sure you had a good enough view of the front. you pulled out your computer to start up your notes, noticing the sticky note jimin had left you on its top. 
‘lunch at noon? my treat, my sweet <3’ 
you giggled at the message, tucking it into  your notebook and shoot jimin a quick text to let him know where your class was. it soon started up, causing everyone else to resume their seats and take out their belongings. you looked down, only for a moment to shove your phone into your pocket when a familiar scent filled your nostrils. the smell of fresh leather and a soft fruits, you shifted uncomfortably instantly recognising the person instantly. 
“YN!” a voice to your right called, the owner beaming down at you as they sat. your shoulders relaxed slightly as you met their gaze, offering a smile of your own. 
“morning yoongi, you seem chipper today.” you chuckled as you noted the large coffee the man had gathered along his belongings. whilst yoongi was majoring in sound technology, he had decided to take a semester of psychology to boost his appeal to employers and also have something to fall back on just in case. “what’s in your coffee?” 
he grinned at you, handing you the cup for you to take a sip. you grimaced after with a shake of your head. “vodka.” 
“you’re annoying.” 
yoongi only smiled a gummy smile in response, mischief sparking in his eyes much like his best friend, jimin. the rest of the class passed easily, notes being taken and ideas being shared. although, the end had come to a halt as your professor handed out your midterm assignments. 
a partner project. 
and of course, your partner had to be... “jeon jungkook and YN LN, your assignment is to be based on plasticity and recovery of brain function. i have high expectations of you ms LN.”
you nod sheepishly at your professor, turning to face jungkook shortly after, unsure of how to approach the situation. “we should probably meet up to make arrangements for this.” he mutters when you finally make eye contact, his dark hair is much longer and curlier than you remember as it falls just under his brow bone. his face is fuller which shows he’s been eating well, but there’s a slightly more grown look to him. older. “are you free for lunch?” 
you shake your head. “no, i have plans.” 
“i see,” jungkook nods, catching his bottom lip between his teeth as he eyes you up and down and you shift uncomfortably under his gaze. that was something he always did when he wanted you, and whilst it’d turn you on before, it now made you feel gross and dirty, only jimin had that heated effect on you now. “i’ll text you then?” 
“sure, i can give you my number?” you answer his question with your own, a guilty throb in your chest when a disappointed look crosses his face. 
“i never deleted it.” jungkook sighs, standing abruptly to leave the lecture hall. there was nothing keeping him behind since those who were paired were allowed to go. you bit your lip, flustered at his cold and awkward behaviour. you wondered if he knew about yourself and jimin, he must’ve if neither of you had reached out to one another. truth be told you had blocked jungkook’s number after you began to date jimin, just to make sure the two relationships never overlapped. he’d never texted you though.
you pack up the rest of your things without bothering to wait for yoongi, a tired frown slipping over your face before you catch jimin outside your class room. a bright smile grew on his lips as he noticed you, the friends he had with him turning to face you as well. you couldn’t help but skip into his arms, throwing your own around his neck as he hoisted you up by the waist.
“afternoon, princess.” he smirked against your ear, pressing a kiss to the spot under there. “how was your lecture?” 
you chose to pout, nuzzling into him instead. “terrible, i hated every second of it.” you complained into his skin as he rubbed your back, soothingly. 
jimin frowned as he pulled away from you ever so slightly, taking a quick glance over your features before locking his gaze on you. “and why’s that?” 
you shook your head right as yoongi crawled out from the depths of the lecture hall, a tired and bored expression painted on his face whilst he shrugged his back pack over one shoulder. 
“she’s upset because he got paired with that jungkook kid on her latest psych project, i think he’s in our class for some extra credit.” he answered in a nonchalant tone, moving over to swing his arm around his boyfriend seokjin. that was quite a sight to see, since the blonde male was much shorter than the other. jimin’s other friends; namjoon and taehyung only rolled their eyes at the shorter’s antics.
jimin frowned as he let his lips brush your forehead, holding you close as if you were to slip away. “if he bothers you, baby...” your boyfriend started, a possessive tone flickering in his voice as he held you. “you let me know right away, yeah?” 
you nodded, blinking in his grasp as he lead you off to lunch. “right away.” 
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taehyung had chosen a local noodle bar owned by a small old lady and her husband for lunch. it was a little ways from the university campus, but your small group of friends liked to think of it as your smaller hideout. only a handful of students knew about it.
you had shuffled over to the counter to pick up some extra napkins, your boyfriend being a particularly messy eater. the girl behind the counter had actually been the granddaughter of the old couple, who’d come over from the states to connect with her roots. you remained chatting away with her for a while when her gaze shifted over to a customer waiting beside you. 
“i’ll have your order to go out in a moment, sir.” she bid politely with a nod, smiling at the customer as she slid off to the kitchen.
“no worries,” jungkook mumbled, to your surprise. you hadn’t been expecting to find him here, especially with the exclusiveness of this place. “so this is where you came instead of planning for our project.”
you frowned, chewing on your bottom lip as your feet remained rooted in place. the boy had a lazy smirk that would have made your heart flutter if it weren’t for the fact that you were utterly in love with your lavender haired boyfriend tucked away in the bathroom. “are you following me?” you blurted out, not even thinking. you internally cringed as you watched a sour expression fall over the taller boy’s face. another slip up.
“we came here during freshman year,” jungkook furrowed his brows with a quiet voice. “y’know, when we were still friends.”
you flinched, eyes scrunching shut. “jungkook-“ 
he waved a hand as the girl came back with a plastic bag of warm food, the smell instantly telling you it was his favourite spicy noodles. “if you’re here alone, i’d really like to talk about how we can split the project up so we can start it sooner.” 
you blinked, mind reeling at the change of subject and how easily he could mask up his hurt. you shrugged.  
“well actually, im not alone right now but-“
“but she’s with me, her boyfriend, park jimin.” your boyfriend hummed, a hint of hostility in his tone as he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. jungkook only eyed the latter male up and down with an unimpressed look, but his deep doe eyes only told you how hurt he was. because you’d been best friends up until this point, the last six months being spent in jimin’s arms instead of his. “did you need anything, kook?” 
“no, i was just leaving.” the younger seethed back and glanced down at jimin, being half a head taller. you felt his eyes waver over you as jungkook moved to brush past you. 
jimin growled, seemingly not liking the way that the younger was looking at you, opting the grab him by the wrist, much to your surprise. “watch yourself around my girlfriend, alright jeon? 
the younger nodded, pulling his arm from your boyfriend’s grip before shooting you a glare that sent a slight pang to your heart. as soon as he was gone you felt jimin ease up beside you, his whisky orbs fluttering over your face to check if you were alright.
“you okay baby?” he hummed, standing before you to brush hair back from your face. you nodded in response, pushing the napkins into jimin’s chest with a small frown as he held you. “if he bothers you again, make sure to tell me, i’ll take care of it.” 
you sighed, ignoring the flash of guilt that struck you when looking at jungkook walk away. before all this he had been your best friend, and you’d let him slip away from you. “thank you minnie, i love you.” 
the lavender haired boy kissed your cheeks gently, smiling at you as he pulled away. his brightness distracting you from the hurt in your heart. “and i adore you, baby.” 
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the following week you’d arranged to meet up with jungkook in the library, a series of texts and awkward encounters had gotten you there. now you sat alone in your favourite corner, nose buried deep into a book on stem cells for brain recovery. the brightness of the world seemed to disappear as a pair of hands covered your eyes.
“guess who?” jungkook mumbled, his warm breath tickling at the nape of your neck, causing the hairs their to stand on end. your body jolted in response, memories of your earlier times together flashing like light bulbs in your mind. and the dark haired boy seemed to tune in with that, signified with a deep chuckle. 
he slid down into the seat beside you, allowing you to stutter out a greeting as he pulled out his books. a silence settles between you as you start to read more, taking a few notes here and there with scribbles of how to present the information. humming, you turn to jungkook ready to explain an idea, before jumping when you notice how close he is. 
“hey princess,” the boy slurs, his doe eyes sparkling brightly as he looked over at you. you shifted a little away from him, smelling the alcohol from his breath. “you’re so cute.”
you frowned. “jungkook...are you drunk?” 
he blinked with a big smile, leaning over you a bit more and invading your personal space. “needed something to take the edge off before i came here,” the boy mumbled, twirling a finger in your hair “didn’t know if your boyfie with the stick up his ass would be here or not...”
“just get some work done, kook.” you frowned at jungkook, who became increasingly affectionate yet insulting of your boyfriend, the alcohol in his system making him more honest. at some point you’d managed to get him into some work but it wasn’t long until he was bothering you again. 
“YN-ie, you smell so good...” the boy mumbled, throwing his head into the crook of your neck. you felt your body freeze at the closeness, an intimate position that would have once made you flustered to no end. times of heated rendezvous in the backs of study rooms sparking in your mind. jungkook’s lips were inches away from your sweet spot, ghosting along the scopes of your neck with faded familiarity. 
“missed having you this close, baby.” 
you held your breath and mentally cursed yourself for letting jungkook get so close, letting your guard down. with a bitten lip, you pried the boy away from your frame, only to be caught off guard when he gripped your wrist and tugged you into him. “kook, you’re drunk...” you tried to reason with him, alarm bells ringing in your head as you tried to tug away from him once again. “please let’s just work yeah?” 
he chuckled, low and deep as he locked his dark eyes with yours and sent a shiver down your spine. “you were always trying to resist me, kitten, bet the only thing holding you back now is your prissy little boyfriend-“
the sound cracks through the silence of the library and a flurry of shocked gasps followed through with it. holding your hand close to your chest, you looked over at jungkook who stared back at you with equal shock. his own hand cupped his reddened cheek, his mouth slightly agape. 
your bottom lip wobbled as you quickly gathered your things, humiliated at the thought of even hurting jungkook despite what he had said about your boyfriend. blinking away your tears, you stepped back with your bag and shook your head with a whisper. “i’ll finish this in my own...just stay away from me...”
and with that you fled from the scene.
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“uh huh, yeah, i think she just got home, alright...later!”
you stumbled through the door of your apartment, exhausted, deciding to march away your tears before you got home to jimin. you watched him approach you as you dumped your belongings onto the table to finish off your project. he wraps his arm around your waist from behind and kisses the back of your neck once near. 
“hey beautiful, project go well?” jimin sighed into your skin as he clung to you, letting you work slightly (but not without kissing that spot near where jungkook had touched you earlier.). you shrugged in response, shivering as you remembered the rest of the day. “seokjin hyung wants to know if you wanna go out tonight, a new bar just opened up and-“ 
you spun quickly in jimin’s arms, praying that he couldn’t read your face like he always did. you’d already had enough gone wrong today. “minnie, i have a quite a bit left to do tonight so could you give me a few hours?” you shrugged his hands off your waist, instantly missing his touch that masked the feel of jungkook’s from earlier. “just, not tonight.” 
your boyfriend frowned, keeping one hand on your waist and the other sifting through his coloured locks. it wasn’t like you to brush him away like that, nor reject a night out with some of your best friends. nonetheless, jimin released you fully and allowed you to slide into your seat and type away. he took a glance over your shoulder to peek at your notes, noticing that not even half the work had been done despite knowing your plans to split the load with your partner. 
he frowned deeper. “what did jungkook do?” your typing paused as an icy chill moved over your body, your boyfriend instantly detecting the change in attitude.
“baby, you know you can’t lie to me.” jimin said sternly, irritation seeping into his tone. you flinched ever so slightly before jimin engulfed you in a soft hug, instantly regretting it. you knew he wasn’t mad at you, but instead what had happened to you. “did that kid hurt you? did he bail on you? did he...touch you?” 
“he was drunk and barely did any work and-“ you whimpered tiredly as jimin held you closer, wanting nothing more to wash jungkook off of you and bask in your boyfriend. “he touched me...and he started insulting you and i-“ you could barely finished, curling into your boyfriend, who only tried to control his angry demeanour. you knew he was pissed and wanted nothing more than to destroy your old friend but all you wanted was for him to take your mind off things. “please just make me forget...” 
you watched with innocent eyes as a dark cloud stormed through jimin, his lips parted as he wet them with his tongue. “what did you say?” 
you felt yourself keen into a submissive stance, falling into the game yourself and jimin played. the slightest of things making him click, ready to move his piece across the board. you let your gaze lock with his, the dullness of submission creeping into your eyes. 
“please make me forget, sir.” 
jimin chuckled lowly, ghosting his finger tips over your supple cheeks and tilting your jaw to make you look up at him. “are you ordering me around, angel?” he hummed, tilting his own head to the side to get a better look at you. “the little attention whore, telling me...what to do? after you let that filthy boy put his hands on you?” 
his words were harsh but spoken with a soft tone and a delicate touch that trickled down to your throat before gripping it lightly and forcing you to stand. jimin backed you into the nearest wall, other hand caging you in. “i’m not your daddy or your jungkook little one, you don’t get to order me around.” 
“yes sir,” you whispered, a small moan starring in the back of your throat. jimin only smirked, releasing your throat as he kissed you lazily. tongues playing togetherness a heated dance. 
excitement tugged at your heartstrings as you bit at his lips, heat pooling between your legs. you wanted nothing more than for jimin to claim you and make you forget everything about jungkook. you only wanted jimin. the man himself let his hot mouth move sloppily from your lips, ascending down your jaw and to your neck. teeth nipping at the sensitive skin where he could show you off as his. 
“i’ll mark you right here, so everyone knows who you belong to, baby.” he hummed, tracing his tongue over each mark before he hauled you over his shoulder and head for your shared bedroom.
placing you down gently, jimin shrugged off his shirt to reveal his toned dancers body from his minor classes, he kissed you once with adoring eyes before kissing a trail down your clothed stomach. “what to do with you, what would help you forget baby?” 
whining as jimin pushed your hips down to stop you from rutting into him. he pushed up your shirt, ghosting his fingertips over your exposed skin. “fingers...hands...” you couldn’t make up your mind as jimin flipped you over, landing on his back with ease. 
“how about face?” he mumbled, pushing your hips over his face to the point where your thighs rested either side of his head. with a tentative touch he pushed your panties to the side, hot tongue drawing a stripe along the length of your heat. wetness gushed from within, causing your boyfriend over moan into your slickness. “your pretty little pussy tastes so good.”
you gripped his hair as your hips moved on their own accord, rutting against jimin’s tongue slipped and slid inside you and over your clit. whining, loudly you pressed your head on the head of your shared bed, loving the feeling of jimin’s hands forcing you forward over his eager mouth. you felt him hesitate at the vibration of your phone from your discarded pants, but your moans urged him on.
“minnie...” you sighed into the air, tossing your head back and ignoring the vibrations again. a harsh slap to your ass, caused you to fall forward on the bed frame. “uh-oh my god!” 
jimin pulled himself from drawing patterns over your clit with his tongue to remind you. “you address me as your fucking master or sir, babygirl, don’t forget your fucking place.” he reprimanded with a pinch to your ass. your phone beeped again. with an impatient growl, jimin yanked your phone from your clothes after pushing you face first over his knees, your head in his lap and your ass in his face. a lazy finger made its way past your entrance with practised ease, your dripping arousal allowing jimin to slide in better. 
you gasped out, breath heavy as he slowly pounded your crying hole with one finger, curling it slightly. like you had been trained to do, you pawed at jimin’s growing erection as you whined. almost begging for permission to touch him. your boyfriend looked down at you with a stoic face as he held your phone with his other hand, dark eyes granting you permission to pull down his clothes and get at his solid length. 
“it’s jungkook.” he stated, adding another finger to the mix, curling and brushing at the spot that made your thighs quiver and essence drip down your legs. “he says he’s sorry, how cute. he wants to make it up to you. wants to see you right now.” jimin’s tone was even and straight, nothing compared to the wobbly whines of ‘please’ and ‘master’. “if only he knew how  beautifully pathetic you looked right now babydoll, drooling over master’s cock.” 
you couldn’t help but whine at the mix of degradation and praise, rolling your hips back into his hand as you  dribbled over his lap, using the slick of your hand to tug at his length. the lavender haired boy chuckled, holding out your phone to unlock before typing away. “maybe he’d like to see...” 
grasping jimin’s, now bare legs, you moaned as he pumped his fingers within your heated core. the simple suggestion had you fluttering around the man’s digits, the thought of jungkook seeing how pathetic you were for jimin and not him. a click of the camera behind you had you pausing, hesitant eyes catching with jimin’s. “you don’t mind if i send him a little something, darling, is that okay?” he asked with a soft tone, returning to your fluffy and bright smiled boyfriend. you only nodded, wiggling your hips as a sign for him to continue. “of course you wouldn’t, dirty girl.” 
instead of granting you such satisfaction, jimin pulled his fingers from your slick heat, smacking them down on your ass cheek heavily as to elicit the long and almost pornographic moan from between your parted lips. “turn around for me doll, i wanna see your pretty face.” jimin mumbled, helping you rotate to sit in his lap once more, bare length brushing up against your overstimulated bundle of nerves. you quivered in your position, letting jimin send off the text to jungkook’s contact. the lavender haired boy set the phone down, locking his dark eyes with yours as he pushed his slick fingers between your lips. “suck.”
you wasted no time cleaning off his fingers, tasting yourself in on your tongue. “tastes good, master.” you simpered, smiling as jimin cooed praises at your work. his other hand traced small patterns down your skin, darting across the small of your back and igniting a fire within. your belly filled with butterflies when jimin pawed at your hips, gently pulling you back and forth against his hardening girth. “feels good too...”
the smirk on your boyfriend’s face had you rutting back against him, jaw running slack as jimin guided you. small gasps escaped his lips as your paces increased, the air between you heating up as your lips met in passionate kisses. tongues swirled as hips moved and lips smacked and moans were made. you couldn’t help but be a little bold as jimin threw his head back, lips trailing down to make your possessive mark on his neck, biting down hard. he was yours and you were ready for him to make you his. 
“we got a text back baby...” jimin moaned as you sucked on his sweet spot, you loved it when he was vocal instead of growling and huffing. he tugged you away slightly, letting you lick over his newfound bruise  to show you the message. 
‘YN..., what’re you doing-?’ 
the text read, but you were too far gone to think of a response an orgasm building up just from rutting against your boyfriend. puffs of air left your lips and jimin chuckled darkly, hinting at you to use your words. “w-what...oh m-what should i say master?” 
thumbing your clit for a second, jimin shifted himself to position his length at your entrance, his cock lubricated with the endless wetness from your heat. whimpering, you eased yourself down onto him with fingers tangled in the wet of his hair from where he had started to sweat. “can i take another picture baby?” jimin mumbled, hands hips settling on your hips as you both adjusted. you only nodded, resting your head on his shoulder to catch your breath. “i need words YN.”
“yes, yes you can.” you agreed  breathlessly, the feeling of being so full sending you into a mindless state. jimin kissed your cheek as he pushed you to sit up, snapping a picture of where your bodies met and sending it off to jungkook.
“good girl.” your boyfriend chuckled, thrusting up into you experimentally, loving how you whines and gripped onto him tighter. 
meanwhile, jungkook could feel himself hardening in the basketball shorts he’d thrown on, the fabric becoming too tight for him to breathe comfortably. his eyes whisked over the text over and over again, thumbs hovering over the keyboard whilst he looked over the image. YN, his YN, back arched perfectly with her mouth open in what would’ve been a soft whimper. he could almost imagine the sound, the feel of her squeezing around his thick length and not his.. not jimin’s. 
‘she’s doing so good for her master, sitting on his cock like a good little slut.’
“fuck.” the boy whispered, carding a hand through his curling locks as he bit his lip. his hand begun to dance down his bare chest to the waistband of his shorts as he thought up a reply. before he knew it, the small dots indicating typing had popped up, a second message coming through.
‘can’t think of a reply? such a shame, i wanted to play daddy.’
the male felt his hips buck up into his hand involuntarily at the pet name, his desire for YN growing at an increasing rate. he wondered if she still felt the same, wet and pulsating around his cock. jungkook moaned slightly, finally allowing himself to lightly fist his length with the precum dripping from its tip. 
clouded by lust he did the unthinkable, only hoping he wasn’t overstepping the boundaries. 
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the phone rang loudly as jimin gripped your hips, thrusting up wildly with dark eyes as you matched his pace. mouths wide out open with heavy breaths and the sounds of skin slapping on skin resonating throughout the room. 
you paid no mind whilst jimin’s hand left your hip to fiddle with the device, focusing on the tight knot that was building in your core. you’d buried your face in jimin’s neck not too long ago, enjoying the feeling marking him as yours. your boyfriend tapped your back slightly, signifying for you to lean back and bounce your hips in tune with his. “isn’t she gorgeous?” jimin chuckled, and you faltered.
“fuck, she’s so fucking beautiful...” 
you heard jungkook’s voice emanating from the screen, suddenly aware of what was happening. a facetime call. your boyfriend must of sensed your hesitance, shielding your frame from the camera’s view before kissing you sweetly, eyes asking for permission to continue. you nodded your head, it was nothing you couldn’t handle. jimin smiled brightly, slowly bringing the camera back to you as you regained your composition and pace. all you had to do was please him. 
jimin blinked up at you tenderly, grinning at how beautiful his girl was all for him. knowing that jungkook could only watch and never touch what was his. “why don’t you tell daddy thank you, since he praised you so nicely.” 
you heard yourself and jungkook groan slightly in unison and it pleased you to know how much of an affect you still hand on him. it made you feel powerful. “thank you daddy...” you whined as jimin latched onto one of your nipples to give the latter boy a show and you felt your ego inflate when jungkook let out a soft whimper in response. “are you touching yourself daddy?” 
you managed between breathy moans, jimin making a canvas of your chest and neck as his lips smirked against your skin. his girl, ever the tease. 
“yes baby, fuck...all for you.” jungkook moaned at the view, leaning back to show his large hand wrapped around his pulsing cock, the head burning a bright red with excitement. your centre tingled around your boyfriend’s own length at the image, a lewd noise coming from where you both met as more of your slick gushed out. 
“i bet you’d like it if she was the one pleasuring you, kook,” your boyfriend mumbled, handing you the phone so that he popped into view. reminding jungkook of his presence. “her mouth, her hands...her cute little pussy.” 
you moaned with each word, the knot in your stomach becoming tighter and tighter, knowing it would spur both men on. “god, please minnie...more!” 
the lavender haired male growled lowly, spanking your ass twice as he rutted into you fast and hard. “that’s master to you.” 
“spank her again, please.” jungkook demanded over the phone, causing jimin to work himself harder against you, the head of his cock hitting that spot that made you collapse on top of him. his palm smacked down against your left cheek again, and then your right with slightly less force. you slumped against him as he used your throbbing, soaking hole, drooling onto his shoulder as his length drilled into you, almost splitting you into two. “fuck that’s it, what a brainless slut.” 
you whimpered, pulling jimin’s hair and scratching at his back so hard you almost broke skin. you could see on the phone, that you were so desperately holding, that jungkook was nearing his high, his hips stuttering as he drove his girth up into his fist. slick sounds of his wet length poured from the phone as you watched with a salivating mouth. “m-master...kook’s gonna cum...” you barely managed, clinging to jimin for dear life as he took you how he wanted. 
“you gonna cum for her kook? cum all over your hand like a horny teenager just for her?” jimin teased. the younger only nodded, too far gone to even control the grunts and moans of your name. “would you cum on her face? let her clean it off with her tongue like the filthy baby she is?”
“shit, YN...feels so fucking good...wanna cum in your pretty little hole...fuck princess.” the raven haired boy whispered, squeezing his length as if it was you clenching around him. you moaned along with him, just to send him over the edge when jimin suddenly pushed you down onto your back, pulling out of you slightly and grabbing the phone from your grip. 
he gently teased your entrance with the head of his cock, not quite slipping in, and not quite pulling out. he flipped the camera to show jungkook your worn out and frazzled state. messy hair and puffy lips. watery eyes and sweaty skin. to jungkook, you looked absolutely beautiful. just like how you did on the days where he’d spend hours ravishing your body. the days when you were his. 
“you see her, jungkook,” jimin mumbled, gently thrusting into you as you sighed. his pace was much slower than before and from over the phone you could see the softness in his eyes. “you see my beautiful YN, she’s mine and no matter what you do, she’ll always be mine. mine to kiss, mine to love, mine to fuck. her heart? it belongs to me. this pussy?” jimin rolled his hips into yours slowly, allowing you to feel every inch of him, letting him fill you up to the brim and feel him all the way in your fingertips. “mine. and i want you to remember, after this, she’ll always be thinking of me, moaning for me, cumming for me. it’ll be me. not you. remember that.” 
and with that, your boyfriend cut off the video call, throwing the phone elsewhere on the bed as he collapsed on top of you. your let your legs wrap around his waist as he took you deeper, sensual longing thrusts taking you closer and closer to unraveling the knot. “you’re mine baby, always mine.” he grunted, hips snapping against yours as your fingers tangled into his sweaty locks. 
“im always yours, no one else’s minnie.” you gasped back, throwing your head back for him to kiss at your neck sloppily. he continued on, both of you meeting in a messy dance of lips and limbs, jimin never slowing down as his thrusts lost their rhythm. 
he pressed his face further into your neck after kissing you sweetly, fingers trailing between your bodies to thumb at your clit. “i love you so much, YN, please...cum with me.” 
you locked your gaze with him, eyes full of love and adoration. feeling him twitch within your tight walls, you nodded softly, brushing the hair from his eyes. “i love you even more.” 
jimin pressed his lips to yours, tongue swiping at their entrance to dance with your own as the first few spirts of his seed filled you. the tangled mess of knots in your stomach finally unwinded as your sweetness released onto his cock. white flashed behind your eyes and all you could see was him, feel was him and love was him. nothing and no one could compare to the way jimin made you feel, your juices mixing together as jimin gently thrust into you, mumbling nothing but sweet praises as he kissed you over and over. 
you lay tangled together for a moment or so before your boyfriend pulled his softening cock from the mess between your thighs and rolled off of you, you were left without his warm for only a second before he pulled you into his arms to spoon you. 
you blinked at him, lacing your pinkies as you rested in his embrace. “hi.” you smiled. 
“hi baby,” he grinned back, kissing your nose gently. “are you alright? i didn’t hurt you did i? was i okay?” 
you hushed jimin with a squeeze of his pinky, nearing him as close as you could in his already tight hold. you kissed his cheek before taking it into your palm and rubbing it softly, heart swelling at how he leaned into your touch. “you were amazing, more than okay...perfect, you’re always so good to me, jiminie.” you reassured him. “i love you so much.” 
“you’re always perfect for me...” he added, placing a hand over yours as he gazed at you lovingly. “im sorry for bringing jungkook into this i...i don’t know what came over me.” 
you chuckled slightly, pressing a kiss to one of the many bruises that littered his neck. jimin was always shy after sex, and truth be told it was one of the many things you loved about him. he was always tender with you. even when adding jungkook to the mix he made sure that you were okay with it every step of the way, that was why you were so comfortable going through with it. 
“jimin, my love, i didn’t mind at all, you made me feel so good and loved i didn’t even notice him and besides, he won’t tell anyone, especially after you blue-balled him.” you explained with a smile, nuzzling into your boyfriend not a moment later. jimin giggled in response, kissing your hair as he nodded along with you. 
“well i didn’t want him to see how pretty my baby looks when she cums for me!” the boy whined in a childlike manner, pink lips jutting out in a pout as he hid his face in your neck to hide his blush. you only rolled your eyes in response, heart swelling with love for your boy. you stayed cuddling for a while longer before jimin decided to run you both a hot bath to clean up. 
you spent the night giggling away, with stolen kisses and take out food on the couch, not a care in the world and not a doubt in your mind. you loved park jimin, you were in love with him and nothing could change that. 
not even jeon jungkook, you’d hoped. 
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bunnis-babes · 5 years
Hellooo ok so idk if you write for oikawa but if you do can I please have some hcs of being with him? Like what’s it’s like I.e, how you got together, first kiss, first T I M E 😳, moving in with each other, getting engaged, getting married, having kids, it’s ok if not and that’s too much I just thought it was a cute idea
Oikawa and Life with his Lover.
U h m. HELLO???? Of course I want to write this its the perfect time to redeem myself from the atrocity that is my Oikawa relationship head cannons. They fucking suck, and I’m going to use this as a chance to kind of re-write them. Reader is female team captain for reasons.’ Also, this is gonna be long as fuck…
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👽Oikawa. The king of the court. The pretty-boy-heartthrob of Seiijoh. The bane of Iwaizumi’s existence. And incredibly, incredibly single.
👽And it’s not as if he doesn’t understand why he’s single, its always the same reason: Volleyball.
👽He dedicates his life to volleyball, its one of the most important things in the world to him, but not a single one of his previous girlfriends understood that or cared at all.
👽There was also the fact that he was incredibly closed off emotionally, not really feeling any sort of a connection with them, other than a mutual pretty face.
👽It left him sad and almost empty most of the time, wanting a relationship that’s deeper than physical attraction, someone who he can open up to and will understand him and his love for volleyball.
👽Then he meets the new girls captain at Seijoh.
👽At first he doesn’t really pay her any mind, she’s not really his “type”. Though he doesn’t even know what his type is.
👽There was no denying how beautiful she was, even without makeup she glowed - even more so on the court. She lit up the room when she walked in, and all eyes including his were drawn to her. Her personality is what really got him, though.
👽She was scrappy and boyish, not afraid to speak her mind and lead her team proudly. She never let people put her down, and took pride in her skills and talents - never letting anyone step on her. He’d never been all that attracted to the free souls at the school - not until her however.
👽He wasn’t immediately in love with her, actually just intrigued by her - kind of like with Hinata and Kageyama. He’ll vehemently deny any attraction to her, but wether he knew it or not, he did feel something for her. He wanted to know her more.
👽The problem was: how did he get to know her?
👽She knew about his reputation, and she knew better than to let herself get pulled in by him and his little lies. It almost had him wishing he’d never acted like that in the first place.
👽So he devises a plan to get to know her, under the ruse of some extra practice. Captain to captain! (Which he kind of wanted to do anyway - so win-win!)
👽Who is she to deny a little extra time on the court, so of course she accepts. However, she makes it very clear she is not going to take any flirting or advances from him, because she isn’t down to fuck with a playboy.
👽So they start practicing every other day together. It’s kind of tense and awkward at the beginning, despite how easily their conversation flows together. She doesn’t trust him, and he doesn’t know how to feel about her yet so its just a weird mess of trying to figure things out.
👽A few months of this and eventually the awkward tension resides and they are able to practice relatively peacefully. They even joke around with each other, and talk to each other in passing - yet Oikawa still wants more.
👽He becomes more active in searching her out in crowded hallways, sometimes stopping by her at lunch to say hello and set up another time for extra practice. Which he doesn’t need to do.
👽She doesn’t mind, enjoying talking Oikawa as he does make for really good company. But she notices he’s different from when they practice alone - his smile is forced and his words are laced with fake happiness.
👽It’s annoying as hell, and she’s fed up with it after a while. So obviously being the outspoken person she is, she immediately confronts him about it, which upsets him and starts a fight that gets blown way out of proportion.
👽And just like that, all that relationship building Oikawa worked for was thrown down the drain - all because he couldn’t swallow his pride.
👽He acts like things are fine - like he isn’t fucking bothered by the fact she’s smiling with other guys, and acting like that thought meant nothing to her. It hurts, but he keeps smiling.
👽The only person who notices his forced smile is - of course - his team. More specifically, the only person who does anything about it is Iwaizumi, who’s very fed up with this relationship drama bullshit.
👽At first Oikawa acts like its nothing, it doesn’t bother him Iwa-chan, why are you so worried. But this is Iwaizumi, and he’s not here to take any of Oikawa’s dumb deflecting, so he isn’t stopping until he gets it out of him. (Though he already knows what’s up, he just wants him to admit it.)
👽So once he finally, finally, gets it out of his dumb mouth Iwaizumi just tells him to talk to her. Like its the best option and “You’re an idiot for not doing it already.” Is all he says. And that’s all it takes for it to finally get through to Oikawa.
👽Finally he gets to a point where they’re alone and he can talk to her… but she won’t listen to him at all. So he sets his pride aside, and begs her to just meet him after school and talk over some extra practice, like old times. She isn’t sure about it, but something about his big brown eyes pleading with her makes her weak enough to accept.
👽They meet up after school that same day and its tense, both parties quiet as the stood across from each other on the court. Oikawa is the first to speak up and apologize for not being more open with her - then she chimes in after a few seconds of thinking with her own apologies. They both insist that they were in the wrong, and it eventually fades from a tense argument to a laughing fit between the pair about how stupid they both felt.
👽Things go back to relative normalcy after this, both of them talking to each other freely and hanging out with each other - but now Oikawa is more open with her before, during, and after school… Just when they thought things were fine, Oikawa’s feelings just had to come into play. Making it so hard for him to be around her without thinking about how cute she was - or how much he just wanted to hug her and tell her everything he feels about her.
👽He thought that if he just supressed these feelings and ignored them things would be fine. She didn’t show any interest in him, so sucking it up and remaining friends was his best option - or so he thought.
👽Little did he know that: yes, she did in fact return his feelings, and she was planning on confessing to him after school after practices.
👽So as their practice started nothing seemed off, but he noticed that the closer it got to them leaving, the more nervous she got. He assumed the worst, thinking maybe a ruthless suitor or some creep was trying to come after her - and tells her he is so ready to kiss anyones ass to keep her safe. He’s already grabbing her things and getting ready to walk her home when she stops him.
👽”Oikawa, no one is… there’s nobody trying to come after me… I was just nervous to tell you that I like you… a lot.”
👽It takes his brain a second to catch up, but boy when it does his heart is doing backflips in his chest. His smile is so wide and genuine, and his eyes are sparkling happily.
👽He can’t stop himself from picking her up and swinging her around, shamelessly shouting out his own feelings. There was no one around to hear anyway, so why should he care about how loud he was being?
👽Thats the start of Oikawa’s life long relationship with his darling girlfriend. One he cherished and loved more than anything else in the world, and he thanked whatever higher power there was everyday for giving her to him to love and care for.
👽Their first kiss was equally as unplanned, and just as sweet as their confession.
👽It was an impulsive decision on both of their parts, as they were just relaxing together on Oikawa’s couch, cuddling while watching Disney movies and occasionally talking about anything that came to mind.
👽They were watching Snow White when it happened, nearing the end where the kiss scene was coming up. Oikawa started complaining about ‘how unrealistic is this’ and ’thats not how you actually kiss’
👽To which she challenged him to show her what a real kiss was to him - and Oikawa was never a man to step down from a challenge, especially not one like this.
👽With a confident smirk he tilts his head to the side and kisses her deeply, chuckling a little at her squeak of surprise - she was so cute and innocent.
👽When he pulls away she’s red and staring slack jawed at him, not able to collect herself fast enough before he spoke up again. “I’ve been waiting to do that for forever.” Which earns him a little smack on his shoulder as she finally recovers.
👽He’s all cocky and confident until she grumbles about him stealing her first kiss, and suddenly he’s apologizing for ruining her first kiss for a stupid joke - which obviously isn’t true, but she’s not going to not use this perfect blackmail just handed to her. Uses it against him all the time (as a joke, she would never actually hold it against him)
👽For the most part their relationship was great, having the normal ups and downs, but it was never anything that would make them hate each other. It was by far the longest relationship Oikawa ever had, lasting through high school and past college and through his demanding volleyball career as an adult.
👽She moved around with him and came to all his games, supporting him from the side while pursuing her own career side by side with him. The two were practically inseparable - scratch that - they were inseparable and neither of them could imagine a life without the other
👽Thats why Oikawa took a small vacation, deciding it was finally time for alone time with his beautiful girlfriend - and time for him to pop a very special question.
👽It’s just a simple little getaway, he rents out a beach house and they stay out on the beach for a week. He takes her out to dinner every night, and they wander around the city just doing whatever they want wherever they want however they want without a worry in the world.
👽It’s when they’re walking along the beach - stereotypical romantic sunset while the hold hands as water splashes over their feet occasionally - that he finally makes his move.
👽He stops her from walking and tells her to close her eyes, which she does with minor reluctance. He fumbles around in his pocket to grabs the velvet box holding the… admittedly overly expensive ring inside. What can he say, she deserves nothing but the best from him.
👽He gets down on one knee, a wide hopeful smile that reaches past his eyes.
👽”Okay open them…”
“No way.”
“Yes, would you-“
“No no, wait wait wait!”
👽That wasn’t he reaction he was expecting, he was expecting her to throw herself into his arms or cry or shout out a yes… but not this. It kind of hurt, but he waited patiently as he watched her fumble with something in her jacket pocket before pulling out a velvet box and getting down on one kn- Holy shit no way.
👽He can’t help but laugh at the situation with them, what a stupid coincidence to happen. He knew they were in sync, but this was a little ridiculous.
👽”So… is that a yes?”
“Yes, now shut up and kiss me.”
👽Both of them decide to have two weddings, a big and extravagant one so they can show off how much they love each other to friends and colleagues that they don’t consider close, but do want to invite. This one comes second, and is purely just to be showy and big like Oikawa has always imagined his wedding would be.
👽The first wedding - the real wedding - is back in Japan with old and new friends who the pair would consider family. It’s considerably smaller, taking place at his wife’s parents house - which isn’t all that small in and of itself but its not as extravagant.
👽He cries when she walks down the isle both times - more so the first time. They picked out the second wedding dress together, but when he sees her in the one she picked out for herself he sobs like and idiot. (Iwaizumi has to literally slap him out of it he’s such a mess)
👽Matsunn and Makki are the men of honor, much to Oikawa’s chagrin. The three of them have been planning this since high school, they weren’t going to back out now.
👽Overall the wedding is by far the most memorable part of Oikawa’s life - marrying the one he loves more than anything in the world in front of the people he grew up with, who mean everything to him. It’s the most emotional he’d ever felt - well until he was told he was going to be a father.
👽When his wife said told him she was pregnant he called literally everyone on his contact list to tell them the news. Iwaizumi is the first to find out and is going to be the Godfather.
“I’m going to be a father, Iwa-chan!”
“Oikawa it’s like three AM over here, shut up.”
👽He’s a mess during the whole pregnancy, worrying about her so much. Like, he doesn’t want her to do anything, and will be at her beck and call; anything she wants she gets, even if its four in the morning.
👽”Toru, would you get me some ice-cream?”
“You at it all last night, but I’ll go to the store right now okay, just rest up babe.”
👽Protective too, like he’s super cautious about who’s around her and who’s touching her when and where. If someone is touching her, he’s watching them like a hawk - no way is he letting anyone hurt his wife and baby, not if he can help it.
👽Also very wary of health risks, checks into everything a million times over to be safe.
👽Actually has his wife worried for him because of all this, but he just assures her he’s never been better.
👽Talks to her tummy anytime she lets him, sometimes he even sings to it because he’s so soft for her and his baby.
👽When the baby is actually delivered he’s so anxious, worried about both of their wellbeing. He just wants them to be okay, and while he knows his wife is one of the strongest women out there, he has no clue what could possibly go wrong.
👽Luckily, nothing goes wrong and he’s brought in to see his child and wife.
👽First thing he does is rush over to his wife’s side and make sure she was okay, and despite how tired and sweaty she was he swore she’s never looked more beautiful holding their baby against her chest.
👽And his baby, god she is just the most adorable child he’d ever seen. He could immediately tell she was going to stress the hell out of him, and he couldn’t have been happier.
👽Just looking at his wife and daughter made him happy that he listened to Iwaizumi all those years ago, made him happy he sucked up his pride and chose this beautiful woman to spend his life with.
A/N: Man, I talk a lot. I decided to exclude the nsfw, because it didn’t really fit the feel of the fluff - hope that’s not a big deal. I hope that the drop in writing quality wasn’t, like, noticeable until I pointed it out rn. I’m doing so much I’m so sorry - I’m just trying not to make a whole bunch of empty promises again! I’m trying to be more healthy in my writing, and just working on things as I go between school and other things. (Also I didn’t edit this so :p)
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13-reasons-ideas · 5 years
Hey🌸 your blog is my fave I love all the Monty love! Could u do #21 from Drabble Challenge: 1-150 “he’s a bad kisser” I kinda had this idea where she’s excited and getting ready for a date with this guy from school that’s she’s had a crush on, turns out he’s not as great as she thought and calls Monty (her best friend) and vents to him about everything & he’s secretly happy cause he’s always liked her ... let’s just say he shows her what a good kiss feels like😉
A/N: I am so sorry this took so long. I had a hard time figuring out the date, because its been... at least 5 years since I went on an actual first date. I hope you like this. I combined a couple of asks because they asked for basically the same thing. I also suck at titles. I hope you like it! 
Bad Date? 
t finally happened. Dillion finally asked me out. Tonight was the night of our first date. I cannot tell you how long I’ve had a crush on him, probably since the seventh grade at least. The first and only person I wanted to tell about my excitement was nowhere to be found. I checked my watch quickly and saw that it was 3:25. Monty would be heading into the locker room to change for baseball practice. If I run there, I could probably catch him. As I looked up from my watch, I caught sight of everyone’s favourite jock. “Jeff. Hey Atkins!” I called out to him. He turned around and saw me.
“Hey flapjack, what’s up?” He asked, using the nickname the boys had given me back in fourth grade, when I snuck them all in on a Saturday morning and made pancakes while we watched cartoons.
“Have you seen Monty?” I asked, trying to contain my excitement.
“No, but I can grab him from the locker room for you if you need. Is everything okay?” He asked, mild concern etching his face.
“Yeah. No everything’s great. Would you mind? I’d go in myself but… I don’t need to see that.” I was trying not to bounce at this point. He nodded and motioned for me to follow him. As I waited for him to send Monty out, I heard the boys yelling and generally being idiots.
“Hey de la Cruz, your girl needs to talk to you. I’d hurry before she gives herself an aneurysm or something. She seems pretty eager about whatever it is.” Jeff called through the room. I heard the guys give Monty a playful hard time about it, but they knew that there was nothing romantic between us. Monty popped out of the room and I couldn’t help the brief look to his chiseled abdomen. I said nothing romantic, not that I didn’t appreciate that my best friend is hot.
“What’s up Hailey? Jeff seemed concerned. Are you okay?” He rattled off quickly.
“I’m good Monty. Actually, I’m better than good. I’m great. You’ll never guess what happened?” I sang, beginning to bounce on my heels. He watched me with an amused expression.
“Your parents bought you a new used Civic?” He asked, jokingly. I made a face and rolled my eyes.
“No you goof. Dillion asked me out.” I exclaimed excitedly. He smiled and laughed at my overly excited demeanor.
“That’s great. Need me to come over after practice? It’ll probably get cut short because of the rain.” He offered.
“Sure. He’s not picking me up until 7 so you’ll have time.” He nodded and before he could say anything, Bryce stuck his head out the door.
“Hate to break up the love fest or whatever this is, but we have to go practice Monty.”
“I’m coming. Just a second. I’ll text you when we are done and head over.” Monty said before leaning down and giving me a tight hug.
Monty was right. Practice ended at 4:15, a mere forty-five minutes after it began, so he was currently watching me pull out every item of clothing in my closet. “This one?” I asked, holding up a red sweater. He thought for a moment before shaking his head.  I shook my head and groaned, “I have nothing to wear.” I sank down on the bed beside him and covered my face “I should just cancel. You’ve said no to everything and I can’t very well go naked, can I?”
He chuckled and muttered “I mean, you could. I don’t think Dillion will complain.” I gasped scandalously, grabbed my pillow, and whacked him playfully with it. “Hey! Violence!”
“Oh please. You’re going to tell me about how violence is bad? Coach said if you screw up your full ride hand in another fight, he will skin you.”
Monty laughed heartily and tapped my knee a few times, “okay fine. Come on, get up. We need to find you some clothes to wear Missy.” I groaned again and went back to my closet. “What about that shirt with the flowers and girly shit on it? That’s cute.” I considered it for a moment before shrugging the suggested top on. I turned around and showed him and he gave me a quick thumbs up. Knowing that he isn’t exactly the most fashion forward person known to man-he wears a different variation of the same shirt everyday- I grabbed a pair of 501’s and pulled them on.
As I tackled my hair and makeup, Monty and I caught up for a while. We had both been busy with school and our own activities, so this was the most uninterrupted time we had alone together recently. “So, any big plans for the evening?” I asked casually.
“Not really. Dad is out of town visiting family or whatever, so I’ll probably just have a chill night at home with my mom. She’s trying some new chicken thing tonight, so hopefully I don’t get sick. Remember the slow cooker ‘pork’?”
“You mean the pulled mush? Of course I remember. I still can’t eat pork chops.”
Monty barked out a laugh and shuddered. The sound of a car pulling in the driveway pulled us from our revere. “Oh crap. He’s here. Montgomery, what do I do?”
“Relax. It’ll be fine. Grab a jacket and I’ll go with you to answer the door.”
I took a deep breath and went with Monty to answer the door. He stood next to me, suspiciously close behind me. Dillion knocked a few raps before I opened it. He looked me up and down, taking me in, and smiled smoothly, “Hey Hailey. You look very pretty tonight.” He looked to Monty and his smile faltered for a brief second, “de la Cruz.”
“Sanders.” Monty replied, more coolly than I expected him to.
Finally finding my voice after taking in his blue Billy Reid Henley and tailored jeans, I replied shakily. “Hey Dillion. Thanks, you look good too. You ready?” Thanks? Really? Get it together.
“I’m ready if you are.” He replied, helping me into my coat.
I blushed slightly but caught Monty roll his eyes. What crawled up his ass? Turning to him I addressed Monty and gave him a quick hug, “Feel free to stay as long as you want. Just make sure you set the alarm before you go. I’ll call you tonight.”
In the shiny black BMW on the way to Rosie’s, Dillion was a perfect gentleman. He let me pick the music and we chatted casually, more of his attention understandably on the road than on me. That would be a hell of a first date. When we arrived, he opened my door and helped me out of the car. He even gave me his arm as we walked in. This is great.
When we were seated, things started to change. In the car, his divided attention could be explained away with driving. When sitting across from each other at dinner on the other hand, it was a little harder to explain. He was polite to the waitress at the door at least. When we sat down there was a period of awkward silence. The people around us chatted freely while we just sat. Dillion plucked a piece of thread from his sleeve and I inspected the hem of my top. Finally, the waitress arrived. “Good evening, my name’s Riley, what can I get for you?”
“A chocolate-“
“A cherry-“ we started together.
“Sorry. You first.” Dillion acquiesced with a wave of his hand, as though he was doing me a favour. I smiled at him before ordering.
“May I get a cherry chocolate shake please?”
“Sure thing. Yourself?” Riley replied, marking my order on her well used notepad.
“May I get a chocolate shake please Riley?” Dillion asked, giving her a flirty smirk. Seriously? I’m sitting right here. I pretended not to notice and after another moment or two we were able to start a conversation of sorts.
“So Hailey, you’re quite a hard girl to track down. It took me weeks to track you down in our little town to ask you out.” Dillion started suavely.
I blushed before deciding to play coy, “I’m a busy girl Dillion, lots going on, you know?”
“Yeah, I noticed.” He chuckled. “Most of my issue was getting you away from your friends, so I could ask you privately.”
“Well, you could of asked to talk privately. They wouldn’t have minded.” I was growing confused and concerned with his comments.
“Your bodyguard would have been okay with it?” He asked before muttering under his breath, “sure.”
I was taken aback by his comment about Monty but after considering it for a moment, let it slide. If it were me in his place, I probably would be scared shitless too. Before I could think of a response, Riley arrived with our milkshakes. “Here you go guys. What can I getcha?” I motioned to Dillion to order first.
“I’ll get a bacon cheeseburger.”
“And I’ll have a club sandwich with a soup please.”
“Comin’ right up.”
After she left to put our orders in, in an attempt to salvage the conversation, I decided to ask Dillion about himself. “Tell me about yourself? We’ve never really talked about non-school related things.”
He immediately perked up and grinned, “well, where do I start? Oh, I know. My hobbies consist of being awesome and being a badass. To preface, my friends and I are idiots when we get together.” I felt my eyes widen slightly before smoothing my face. “This one night, Marshall, a few of our buddies, and I ‘borrowed’ his dad’s truck and took it for a spin in Mr. Johnston’s field.”
“Oh, coo-” I started.
“He has no cameras. Probably not the smartest idea on his part. Anyway, Jacob-he goes to Hillcrest, private school boy- cracked a beer in the box as Marshall had the brilliant idea to floor it. Beer went everywhere. All over Jacob, the back window, the box, and the field. I opened my beer before getting in the truck.”
“Ah, of course.” I nodded along, trying to fain interest.
“A few beers in, we decided to switch drivers. I took charge and did a few doughnuts, no big deal. By the end of the night the field was messed up. Would show you pictures, but we weren’t dumb enough to take them. Not illegal if you don’t get caught, am I right?”
“I-I guess?”
“I’m right. But enough about me, how was the bio test last week?”
“It was okay, some of the questions were dumb. The vitamin K question gave me some trouble.”
“Oh yeah, totally. I barely got a C- on it. How’d you do?” he bragged, as though it was an accomplishment. Fuck this guy is annoying.
I blinked before answering dryly, “I got an A- that had to be adjusted to an A because the scantron machine screwed up.” Dillion blinked at me clearly at a loss for words and thankfully, Riley came with our food. Bless her and her timing.
We ate our food quietly, or at least, more quietly than before. Dillion was still regaling me with stories of his shenanigans and ‘not illegal because we didn’t get caught’ antics with his friends. I was counting down the bites until I would be done my sandwich and we could leave. After we had finished and gotten the bill, he pulled out his wallet before I had time to even think about grabbing my purse. Huh. He’s paying without discussion. Maybe he’s trying to make up for talking my ear off. He offered me his hand to help me up and, after helping me into my jacket again, held it as we walked back to the car. Maybe he’s just awkward on dates. Maybe I’m judging him too harshly.
The ride back to my place was quiet, thankfully. I tried to keep a smile on my face, even though I wanted to do nothing more than make my feelings known. Just have to get to the house. Then I can be done with this. Drama class is coming in really handy now. As we pulled up to my house and parked, Dillion cut the engine and undid his seatbelt. I plastered a big smile on my face and once again, tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. At least he’s walking me to the door. That’s a plus, right? He came around and opened my door for me, pulling me from my thoughts. Taking my hand, he led me to the door and we stood on the step for a moment looking into each other’s eyes. He is very pretty. “I had a really great time tonight Hailey.” Dillion said. He brushed a strand of hair that fell back behind my ear. “And I know I said it already, but you look beautiful tonight.”
My eyes softened as I again, thought of how sweet and charming he could be. My smile became less forced and I relaxed. I didn’t want to lie to him, so I just nodded, playing it off as being shy. Under the soft light of my front porch and the spotlight of the full moon, he leaned in slightly. I let out a quiet breath when his hand fell naturally on my hip, to pull me closer. This is it. He’s going to kiss me. He closed his eyes and I closed mine. My hands rested comfortably on his shoulders and I felt his lips touch mine and it felt… wet. Not ‘used a gel lip balm wet’. Not ‘just had a drink and there’s liquid left on my lips’ wet. It was saliva. Oh. My. God. He pulled me closer still and I could swear I felt… god no. teeth. This is terrible. Trying not to pull away too quickly, I managed to smoothly detach myself from him. I cleared my throat and tried to make it look like I was catching my breath. “W-wow.” I stuttered. I stepped away and tried to keep my expression relaxed. I turned and backed against the door, reaching for the handle. Dillion smiled at me again before checking his watch.
“It’s getting late, I should probably head home. I had fun tonight.”
“Uh, yeah. Me too. Drive safe. See you at school.” I said, blinking a few times to confirm I was in fact, awake and this wasn’t some alternate universe or nightmare.
I turned to unlock the door and he was driving away before I was even had my key in the lock. Leaning back against the door I tried to catch my breath and digest what a disaster tonight had turned into. I grabbed a blanket and curled up on the couch to call Montgomery. He picked up on the second ring. “Hey Hales. How’d it go?”
“Uuuuuggggghhhhhh.” I groaned in response.
“That bad? What happened?” his voice took on a concerned tone.
“Where do I begin? Let’s see. The drive over was nice. But when we got to the restaurant everything changed. He was polite to the waitress which is good. But he just… talked the whole time. About himself. I barely got a word in edgewise. And he was so arrogant.”
“Ouch, that bites. I’m sorry Hailey.”
“That’s not even the worst part. There’s more. So, he was an arrogant prick at dinner and I think I said a total of twenty words the whole time. When we got back to my place, he walked me to the door.”
“As he should have.” Monty interjected.
“I mean yes. It was what happened after we got to the door that’s the problem.”
“I’m listening.”
“He kissed me.” I groaned.
“Did you want him to kiss you?” His voice had an edge to it I didn’t like.
“Yeah I guess? I really didn’t think that it could be that bad. It’s not like he kissed me when I told him no or anything, so chill.”
“Oh. Well that’s good. How bad could it have been Hales?”
“He’s a bad kisser.”
“Define bad exactly?”
“It was wet Monty. To be more specific it felt wet, sloppy, and when he pulled me closer, toothy. And it’s not like he has an overbite and can’t help the teeth, at least then you can’t really blame the guy.” I heard Monty stifle a laugh on the other end of the line. “Go ahead, you can laugh.” He burst out laughing and I couldn’t help but laugh along.
“I-I’m so-sorry. I shouldn’t-” he choked out between laughs. Pausing to catch his breath he continued, “I shouldn’t laugh. That’s really not good.”
“Not good? Monty its bad. Worse than just bad. It’s very bad.”
Monty sighed after another moment. “I’m sorry you had such a shit date. Your mom still in Vermont?”
“Yeah, she’ll be back Saturday. Why?”
“I tell you what. I’ll come over and try to make up for the horrible evening you had to endure. I’m free the rest of the night so I can stay over. You, me, popcorn, two-liter Dr. Pepper, and a movie. You in?”
“Throw in Mike & Ikes and Hot Tamales and you’ve got yourself a deal. I’ll make the popcorn this time though. I for one don’t like snacking on charcoal.”
Monty chuckled, “It was ONE time. You drive a hard bargain but sure. You’re still not a fuckin’ child though.”
“Yeah yeah, you love me. I’ll see you in a bit.”
“You know it.” He said and I could hear the smile in his voice before he hung up.
I knew he would have to stop at Blue Spot for the Dr. Pepper at this time of night so I could hold off on the popcorn for now. I decided to get out of the uncomfortable clothes I wore on my date and put on something more homely. I quickly changed into one of Monty’s old gym shirts I stole from his drawer and a pair of bike shorts. The shirt was so big on me it hit me mid-thigh. I took off my makeup and brushed my hair out before heading down to put the popcorn on the stove and pick out a movie.
I was just taking the popcorn off the burner when Monty knocked on the door. “One second!” I called. I ran to open the door and Monty stood with his arms full. He looked alluring in the moonlight. The light pulling the flecks of gold in his hazel eyes out. I welcomed him inside and he placed our various snacks and drinks on the coffee table while I grabbed the popcorn. When I reached for the bowl, his shirt rode up and I felt his eyes on my ass. Oh boys. “Enjoying the view?” I flirted playfully. He coughed, caught off guard by my comment and tried to recover.
“Nah, I’m admiring my shirt. I wondered where it disappeared to. Looks good on you though.” he flirted back.
“Uh-huh. Here, come get the butter and cups. I’ve got the popcorn.” I sauntered back to the couch and pulled the blanket over my legs. Monty took his usual spot beside me and I cuddled close to him as I got comfortable. Holding the popcorn in my lap, I grabbed the remote and hit play on Christopher Robin. We settled in for a quiet evening.
By the time we got halfway through the movie, the pop had been half finished, the candy was more on the floor and couch than in our mouths, and the popcorn had been long forgotten. I had spent most of the movie thinking about the failure of the date I had and watching Monty’s facial expressions at the film, even though we had seen it many times before. I thought about feelings I had either ignored or pushed away and about comments the two of us had shared that could be construed as something more than simply two friends joking around. I sat up suddenly, startling Monty slightly.
“Hey Monty?” I asked shyly.
“Yeah Hailey?” he asked, still mostly focused on the movie.
“Do… is… what’s happening here?”
“Uh… we are watching a movie?” His attention turning to me.
“No. Well, technically yes. But that’s not what I mean.”
“I’m not following.”
I sighed, grabbed the remote and pressed pause, and continued even though every fibre of my being was telling me not to, that I had to be reading everything wrong. “It’s just, when I told you about Dillion at school you seemed really detached. And you said no to literally every option when I was asking about clothes. It wasn’t until I looked upset about cancelling that you made a suggestion. And then when he picked me up, you were really quiet and cold towards him. And I get that the date was a literal burning shit pile, but you seemed almost… glad that it went badly. Like you were happy we wouldn’t be going on another date.”
“I… uh.” He was at a loss for words.
“I’ve heard Scott and Jeff talk. I’ve heard the other guys comment on stuff we say to each other. I just...” I was being to lose my nerve. “Actually you know what? Just... just forget it. Forget I said anything. I’m going to go get a glass of water.” I stood up and started to walk to the kitchen. I could hear Monty stand up and walk towards me but I refused to turn around. I felt his hand grab my arm gently and turn me around.
“Hmm?” I still couldn’t look at him.
“You’re right.”
“I’m right? About what?”
“I was happy your date went bad. Not that you were upset or that you didn’t enjoy yourself. I was happy that there wouldn’t be a second date. That I wouldn’t have to...”
“Have to what? Share me?” I turned to look at him now. “I wouldn’t stop being your friend if I had a boyfriend Monty.”
“Well I would hope not. Who else would keep me in check Hales? Scotty could try but it’s not like he could hold me back. And he doesn’t seem like type to hug another dude unless someone died or some shit. And Bryce, well who knows what he’d do.” He paused to take a breath, as though he was gathering some of that tiger courage the boys always talk about. “But that’s not the point. I don’t want to have to watch you be with someone else. Someone who isn’t....”
“Isn’t what Montgomery?” I asked, not daring to breathe too much. This couldn’t be real. I have to have fallen asleep. He looked at me and all the things I had ignored or pushed away came to the forefront of my mind. The way the dim kitchen light illuminated his face and caught the freckles faintly scattered across his face, made him look almost angelic. He’s going to kiss me.
“Someone that isn’t me.” He said before he pulled me in, placed his hand on my hip, leaned in, and kissed me in one quick smooth motion. For the second time that night, my hands found themselves resting against firm shoulders, more confidently this time. This time though, it wasn’t wet, or sloppy, and there were no teeth. When he pulled me closer, he ran his tongue along my bottom lip, asking permission for entrance. When I granted it, he wrapped his strong arms around my waist and lifted me onto the counter so I could wrap my arms around his neck more easily. When we pulled away, I smiled and then I had a thought. “So…”
“Does this mean I get to keep the shirt?” I asked cheekily.
Monty laughed wholeheartedly. “Yeah, yeah I guess it does. I was serious, it looks better on you than me.” He helped me down and we walked back to the couch holding hands.
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nureyevv · 5 years
This job was supposed to be easy. That’s why Buddy had put him out in the field in the first place, right? He wasn’t as experienced as Jet in these things, but they’d said it’d be good practice for when the real work began. They just needed some cushion creds-- it was the perfect opportunity to acclimate him to the life of crime.
It was the exact sort of thing Juno would have normally refused to take part in. He wouldn't steal just to steal, certainly not from innocent people, but it just so happened their mark today was a double decker asshole. The Diamond Dame Casino, just off Saturn, was notorious for attracting the worst kind of people. Juno had never been fond of casinos anyway. He couldn't understand how someone could make a living off of other people’s addictions and still sleep soundly at night. The Diamond Dame was a whole different brand of nasty, though. It was a known location among criminals to make dirty deals without risk of being caught, and at the head of it all was a man by the name of Dallas Olson. He’d inherited the business from his father and had been inadvertently running the place into the ground ever since.
See, the issue with raising a kid around some of the worst spenders this side of Venus was that, more often than not, they don’t shape up to be the best with money. Olson’s bank account said he was in debt to just about every person he’d ever met, and a man like Olson met a lot of dangerous people. Normally, a guy like that would be a thief’s jackpot-- no pun intended. The only issue was that, 90% of the time Olson didn’t even know when he would be making out checks. Most days he tried to put it off until someone pulled a knife on him and he was forced to find some creds then and there. No robber worth his name (or lack thereof) would take a job with that kind of uncertainty.
At least, that was what Nureyev-- or Glass-- had told Juno when he asked why Olson had yet to be robbed blind.
They would have passed Olson by, too, if it wasn’t for the tip Buddy got. It was incredibly vague; all it told them was that Olson was making a repayment today. They didn’t know who he was repaying, how much he owed, or when it would happen. Juno had almost deemed it a lost cause when Vespa had spoke up: “They’re just giving us money at this point, Bud.”
Apparently, when you had a spaceship with four master criminals, a hacker that couldn’t be beat, and an ex-detective, nothing was impossible.
So, they set the stage. Vespa, Rita, and Jet would stay on the ship. Jet would be at the wheel, waiting for one of two orders: get us the fuck out of here or open fire. Rita would handle the tech-- get them into The Diamond Dame’s security system. Vespa would be in charge of monitoring the live footage, watching out for possible threats and keeping the operation in line. Buddy and Pe-- Rex were out in the casino, stationed by each of the exits. When they got word of who it was they’d be robbing, they’d be the ones doing the dirty work.
That was where Juno came in. His role was simple enough: figure out who it was that was walking out with their paycheck.
At least, it sounded simple enough. Then he actually got to the casino, with all its flashing lights and chiming slot machines. Juno could hardly think straight as it was, and there were so many people, more than he’d ever imagined. Being observant, picking one oddity out of a crowd, that was supposed to be his whole thing. He had to at least be decent at it if he was able to make a living off it for all those years, and yet… he had a bad feeling about this.
He couldn’t focus, and if he couldn’t focus there was no way he’d be able to pull this off. Still, he couldn’t tell the rest of them why he was so distracted because his big distraction was one of them. Whatever name he called him, Peter Nureyev, Rex Glass, or tonight’s specialty, Orion Krum, he couldn’t push that man from his mind. They hadn’t talked since their first encounter in the martian desert, not really. Every time Juno tried to catch him alone, to explain or apologize, or something, Nureyev always slipped away in the way only he could. It was obvious he didn’t want anything to do with Juno.
Juno didn’t blame him for it either. He left, and Nureyev moved on, even if Juno couldn’t say the same for himself. Just watch the crowd, Steel.
From his spot at one of the slot machines he examined a few groups. There was one gaggle of wealthy looking women who were far too drunk to be there on official business. Juno crossed them off a mental suspect list. He caught sight of one suspicious looking man dressed in a particularly showy black gown and for a moment he thought he might be onto something.
A moment later another man arrived in a similar sneaking fashion and Juno was right back to square one. The only thing those two were guilty of was an affair. His eyes continued to trace the crowds until he caught sight of that face again.
Stars, that face.
Peter didn’t look like himself tonight. His usual warm colors had been replaced with a deep blue, suit, speckled with silver like the night sky. He wore none of his signature makeup or jewelry, but his expression said he didn’t need it when he had a face like that. He looked like the kind of man that, if Juno had spotted him back on Mars, he would have avoided at all costs: arrogant, rich, and cold.
And, simultaneously, he looked like an undercover thief Juno really wanted to take back to his room after all of this was through.
He shook the thought from his mind almost as soon as it entered. He needed to move. Maybe a new vantage point would show him something he couldn’t see from here, or at least block out someone he very much could--
As he stood up from his machine he only narrowly avoided walking straight into someone. Juno stumbled backwards a few steps and was just about to apologize when he saw the man in front of him. He recognized that blonde hair and pointed nose from Vespa’s lectures. Dallas Olson.
He was young, Juno might have even said handsome if he didn’t dim in comparison to another nearby face. “Apologies, madame,” he said in a thick accent Juno couldn’t quite place, “I didn't mean to startle you.”
Juno inhaled deeply and tried to remember who he was. Tonight, his name was Renee Bruner, a lady with too much free time and enough creds on hand to find plenty of ways to entertain himself. The dress Buddy had provided him made him look the part, long and tight fit, made of a brilliant magenta silk, but he still had to sound like Renee, too.
“No harm done,” he said with a breezy, somewhat bored smile. “You know how it is after you’ve had a few.”
Olson nodded in agreement and extended a hand out to him. Internally, Juno’s stomach dropped. He’d hoped this encounter would be short and sweet. “It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. My names Dallas Olson. I’m the owner of this establishment.”
Juno took his hand and shook it. “Renee. It’s quite the place you got here.”
“Aw, you’re too kind,” he replied with fake humility. “This may seem a bit odd, but I was wondering if you might do me a favor?”
Juno felt the hair on his arms prickle. “I suppose it depends on the request.”
Olson smiled gingerly. “But of course,” he answered with a slick kind of charm Juno only liked on one man. “My hope was that, if you agreed, you could introduce me to that gentleman behind you.”
Juno didn’t need to look to see who Olson was gesturing at. He looked anyway. Sure enough, Nureyev stood there, pretending to be properly entertained. The tenseness in his jaw said he knew he was being watched.
Juno didn’t know how Olson had managed to put together that they knew each other. They’d been so careful, coming in separate entrances and staying away from one another. Had they received bad intel? Was Olson on to them? Should they call a quits now--
“You… do know one another, yes?” asked Olson, and Juno was relieved to hear the doubt in his voice. So he didn’t know anything for sure. They could work with that. “I simply assumed with the way you have been looking at him that you were acquainted. I like to associate myself with all my new guests, and I had not seen your faces before…”
Dammit, he chided himself. He’d given himself away. If he’d been obvious enough that Olson had spotted him then he was sure Nureyev already knew too. Couldn’t he go two seconds without making a fool of himself?
Something about this situation definitely stunk. Olson wanted to talk to them for a reason, and Juno knew it wasn’t just good business practice. He was nervous, that much Juno could tell by the perspiration in their handshake, but he didn’t know why. At least, not yet.
It was time to change his approach. It’d be more suspicious to flat out deny knowing Peter now, and besides, trying to find their mark without a lead wasn’t going anywhere.
“No, no, you’re right. That’s my husband,” he said and braced himself.
“Steel,” he heard Vespa’s voice in his ear, “this is not the plan.”
Near by, Nureyev had heard the exact same conversation. He would just have to make it part of the plan.
Juno smiled and ignored her, keeping his attention on Olson. “I’ll bring you over now, just let me grab my bag.”
“Of course,” nodded Olson.
Juno moved to the side of the machine he’d been sitting at and grabbed a purple purse. Quiet enough Olson wouldn’t hear it, Juno muttered, “Just play along, alright?”
Gesturing at Olson to follow, Juno led him over to Nureyev as Vespa complained. If Peter was caught off guard he didn’t show it. Juno knew this was a role he could play. It was familiar for both of them, and a bit nostalgic. The only thing Juno had severely underestimated was how much it would hurt to pretend to be his again.
“Hello, love,” said Juno a bit awkwardly. He was learning he really hated undercover work. “I want to introduce you to the owner, Mr. Olson.”
Peter, unlike Juno, never let his disguise falter. It amazed Juno, but then again, maybe that was just what twenty years of practice looked like. His eyes were still ice cold, but he quickly adapted to the new information. He slid an arm around Juno’s waist and pulled him close, eyes still glued to Olson. It was protective but not loving. In other words, it was completely in character.
Juno hoped he didn’t notice how he shivered at his touch and seemed to flourish in the safety of Nureyev’s torso. It still felt so natural.
“Orion Krum. I hope my wife hasn’t caused too much trouble,” said Nureyev.
For a reason Juno couldn’t understand, Olson seemed to get more pale the longer he looked at them. “Not at all!” he said with unconvincing enthusiasm, “I had asked him to introduce us. I must say, though, he seems much happier now that he’s with you. His expression earlier was quite distressed.”
What was his game? If he didn’t know who they were, why was he so invested in them? Juno was trying to put the pieces together. They were missing something but he didn’t know what. Olson was scared, but of what? The answer tugged at the back of his mind and Juno tried to pull it free. He almost had it when Nureyev spoke and broke his concentration.
For the first time in the night, Peter, or rather Orion, was looking at him. There was something in his eyes, though, something that hadn’t been there earlier and made Juno’s heart do a somersault. There was something coy about that look that wasn’t like the character he was playing tonight. Peter Nureyev was peaking through. “Is that true? Were you feeling left out?” Then, noticing his error he added a cool: “then don’t wander off next time.”
That smugness… It felt like being teased by the Peter who loved him, all those months ago. Juno was caught off guard. “I, uh, Nur--”
Before he could say something that couldn’t be unsaid, Peter cut him off. Before Juno knew it Peter’s lips were on his and anything he was planning to say was forgotten. It was effective, that’s for sure. A one hit KO that was over almost as soon as it began.
Peter pulled away. It was barely a peck on the lips, just enough to fluster Juno while not being too uncalled for. Afterwards he turned his attention back to their new friend while Juno was left properly flustered. “Well then. We’ve met, my wife has been returned. Now we’ll be on our way, unless you had some further plan for my time.”
The prickly facade was back. Peter Nureyev had been shoved back inside, and while Juno had much preferred it to the emotionless creature he was imitating now, Olson looked… chipper. The color was back in his face and his smile was unsettling to say the least. It looked like they’d just fallen into whatever trap Olson had set, but Juno didn’t know how.
Something was about to go very wrong. He turned to Peter and tried to get a warning out before it was too late. “This isn’t right, we have to--”
Suddenly, Juno was ripped away and Peter’s comforting presence was gone. In its place was blaster and Olson’s iron grip.
Oh, thought Juno. This explains a lot.
One arm was up against his throat, keeping him from escaping. The barrel of the blaster was digging into his skull, and he wasn’t planning on risking his brains in a struggle. He was facing Nureyev, whose face Juno couldn’t read: shock, anger, fear? Or maybe nothing at all.
“Juno!” said Vespa’s stern voice in his head.
“Verona,” called Olson at someone Juno couldn’t quite see. “This kind man here will be providing you your payment.”
Nureyev raised an eyebrow in his direction. “And why would I do that?”
The answer was obvious enough, though, at least to Juno. Olson had finally dug himself into a hole he couldn’t climb back out of, but he wasn’t about to give in. He had plenty of unknowing customers with the kind of spending money he needed. Olson was smart enough to find an out and desperate enough to risk it all.
All he had to do was find an unsuspecting soul stupid enough to fall into his trap with something more than money to lose. Leverage. He’d almost done it, too, but their was one big problem. The most expensive thing he or Nureyev had on them was the clothes on their backs. No wonder Juno couldn’t figure out who had the check-- there wasn’t a check to begin with.
“Well, if you’d like to keep your wife’s brain in-tact, I would highly recommend giving Ms. Verona whatever she asks,” drawled Olson. Juno really hoped Peter was as concerned with his safety as Olson thought. Around them, heads turned. A few people looked nervous at the sight of the scene before them, but most just turned a blind eye. Olson let a lot of dirty business slip by unnoticed. It wasn’t difficult to return the favor.
“What makes you think I care about all that?” asked Nureyev with that signature nonchalance. He was playing some kind of angle. That didn’t make it sting any less.
Verona shot Olson a look that said he was supposed to have this under control. Panic flashed over his features but he was quick to compose himself. It seemed like the bullet in Juno’s head wouldn’t be the only shot fired if this deal fell through.
“Don’t play games. It's the money or his life,” growled Olson at Nureyev.
“Glass, Juno,” ordered Vespa, “get out of there!”
Juno thought that was easier said than done when there was a gun to your head. They were at a disadvantage-- even if they might have been able to take Olson and Verona in a fight, any sudden movements and he might end up with a hole in his head. They could try to stall until Buddy arrived, but Juno had no clue where she was or if she’d be able to do anything before Olson lost his patience. They had to act alone.
He looked to Nureyev, equal parts indignant and afraid. To Juno, it was still obvious he was in character. That’s right, he thought, we still have the element of surprise.
Juno didn’t know what his plan was, but he knew Nureyev had one. Nureyev always had a plan. So, without thinking it through, he played along.
“Orion,” he said, voice small, “I’m sorry I wandered off before I won’t do it again-- just, just get me out of here. Please. Just give them what they want.
Nureyev sighed. “Fine. What do you want.”
Verona spoke up now. “Ten thousands creds.”
“You’d have to be a fool to carry that kind of money on you!” Peter protested.
“Then give me the passcode to you fucking bank account, then,” Verona snapped back. She was getting irritated, though not entirely at Nureyev. It seemed she was under the impression Olson had a more reliable way of paying her back.
Peter caught his eyes. Did you see that, they seemed to ask, and of course Juno did. The private eye in him was already putting two and two together. She was the weak link. She was their escape route. “Hurry up, Krum,” said Olson through gritted teeth.
Peter chewed his lip. “I will, but there is a… slight complication.”
“What? What could possibly be the problem now?” demanded Verona.
“I’m a busy man-- I don’t have time to track all my expenses and banking, that’s what having a secretary is for.”
Peter looked at her like it was obvious. “I don’t know my passcode.”
Juno nearly laughed. Their plan was to annoy Verona into snapping, and Peter was damn good at it. The mirth was, unfortunately, short lived.
Verona shook with rage. Juno thought it was entirely possible she might just combust then and there, and for a moment Juno was terrified they’d miscalculated. He couldn’t help but fear that, when she lashed out, she’d go straight for Nureyev’s throat.
The idea of it was enough to make him feel like he was going to be ill.
And then Verona spun on Olson. “Dammit, Olson, you said you had the money and you’re gonna get it for me. No more games.”
“I will, just wait, please, a few moments more,” sputtered Olson. “They have the creds we just have to--”
“We?” She cut in. “I don’t have to do anything, understand? You owe me. I said I was done playing. You either have what you owe me or you don’t. So what’s the answer?”
On cue, Juno heard the distinct click of a blaster’s safety being turned off, and he got the impression it wasn’t set to stun. A large man stood behind Olson in all black, eyes fixed on Verona. One word from her and his target would be dead.
This was their chance. In his fear, Olson’s grip loosened and his aim wavered. Juno took the moment to slip away, over to Nureyev. The two of them had been almost completely forgotten.
Nureyev’s hands were on his shoulders, sturdy and strong. Juno might have even thought protective if he didn’t know better. The taller man tried to lead him away from all of this so they could make their escape. They could disappear before anyone even noticed they were gone, but…
“Drop the gun, Olson,” instructed Verona. The blonde man whimpered, reserved to his fate, and tossed it at the floor where it clattered at their feet. At Juno’s feet.
No one was supposed to die here. Not even double decker assholes.
“Juno,” Nureyev said at his side, tugging at him now. “We need to go before people start shooting--”
Juno was moving before he could even think of the consequences. He dove for the blaster and shifted the dial to stun. Around him he heard voices, Verona yelling orders, Vespa shouting in his ear, Peter, the real Peter’s, fearful “Wait--.” He blocked it all out.
They were all close to him, he should have been able to hit them, but without the THEIA he was never one hundred percent sure. Three shots, just three shots.
Bang. The first beam went straight into the armed man’s chest. He crumpled to the floor.
Bang. The second shot was for Verona, and he only barely hit the mark. Just in time, too. By the way her hand had gone for her pocket she’d been looking to grab a blaster of her own. He made contact with her shoulder, and though she tried to stay conscious she followed her minion to ground.
Juno took a breath before firing for the third and last time. Olson gaped at him. “Wh--”
Bang. He didn't get to finish before Juno blasted him in the gut.
People were starting to panic now. Threats were one thing, but actually shooting to host was another. Before the chaos could close in, Nureyev grabbed his hand and they were running.
They busted through the casino doors, the cool night air hitting them like pool water on a summer day. “Your aim is getting quite good, detective.”
Juno glanced up at Peter and was met with a smile. A genuine one, at that. “Ah, well,” he answered, sheepishly. He hoped the darkness would hide his blush.
“Yea, he’s a fuckin’ natural,” growled Vespa over their earpiece. “It’d be awful nice if he was as skilled at following directions.
“Oh, don’t be honorary,” chided Nureyev. How was it that he could keep up this pace and not be at least a bit winded. “This job would have failed no matter what Juno did. No reason to place blame.”
“But Glass, I’d hardly call it a failure.” The voice speaking them now belonged to Buddy. Juno had almost forgotten she’d been in the casino all together.
“That so?” he asked between strained breaths. “Where did you go during all that? I nearly died!”
“Spare me the dramatics, Juno, you two had it completely under control. I figured if we weren’t going to get our creds from Olson I might as well tamper with the machines a bit. You wouldn’t believe what kind of money people put in those things.”
At his side, Nureyev’s grin widened at the thought of their loot. “Very clever, as always, Ms. Aurinko. I believe I see you now. You’ll have to show us what you picked up when we get there.”
Sure enough, they’d crested a hill and below, at the very bottom of the incline, was the ship. It was only then that Nureyev slowed his pace.
He met Juno’s eyes, lifted a hand to his ear, and shut off his communication device. Juno didn’t know why, exactly, but he repeated the motion anyway.
Nureyev seemed to blend into the night, his skin the only glowing contrast to the deep navy around them. He looked good, but then again, he always looked good.
There was a momentary silence between them, then: “You know, I’d like to believe you meant what you said back there.”
Juno searched his face for hints but found none. He had said a lot of things in the casino, most of them in the hopes of not getting killed. He didn’t have the slightest idea which one Peter was referencing now.
“I’m… not sure I follow.”
The dark haired man nodded, as if he’d expected that. “You said you wouldn’t wander off again, Juno. I hope that’s the truth this time. I hate to admit it, but each time I lose you I find it a bit more difficult to move on.”
The smile was still present on Peter’s face, but it was distant and sad. His gaze was somewhere else entirely. The ice from the evening’s alias had melted away and Juno was left with someone he recognized. Someone he loved.
“Yea… Yea I think I know how you feel,” answered Juno, “but, if it means anything, I think it is. True, I mean. At least, I want it to be.”
They were close now, and there were still a million unsaid things between them. Peter only said one of them, though.
“I suppose I’ll just have to trust you, then.”
And really, Juno couldn’t have imagined anything better than that.
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t0ngue-tech · 5 years
All Yours | Seven
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“’Was I not enough for you…?’
Seolhyun parted her lips but hesitated to say anything. She also dropped her head, possibly trying to get everything in her mind organized.
‘Yoongi, I’m so sorry.’ She said sadly.”
↠fluff, angst, universityAU↞
word count: 4.5k
↠series: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ↞
A/N: yall idk what’s gotten into me. i literally just uploaded a story and here i am with the update of all yours lmao. tbh ive also been working on this chapter for a while so tyj i finished it huhu. enjoy ^-^
“Come on, Yoongi. Just text her.” You stood in front of your mirror and adjusted your hoodie.
From the moment you woke up, had a cup of coffee, took a shower, and changed into an outfit, Yoongi spent the entire time debating if he really wanted to text Seolhyun. You agreed to go with him to see her because it was his stipulation, but he was the one hesitating.
“You know what, maybe I don’t need closure. It’s all good.” Yoongi placed his phone on your nightstand and laid back down.
“Ugh. Yoongs.” You grumbled and strode over to sit beside him. “Sure you may not need closure, but I know deep down you want to talk about your feelings. You don’t deserve to be cheated on—nobody does. Please text her.”
Yoongi glared at you for a few seconds before he softened his eyes. He mumbled something along the lines of I hate it when you’re right and reached for his phone but took a detour to grab your hand first.
“So, you promise you’re going to come with me? You’re not going to flake out?” He kept his eyes on your fingers as you lazily grazed the back of his hand.
Could he get any more adorable?
“I promise.” You replied earnestly. “But I start work at three today, so keep that in mind.”
Yoongi squeezed your hand and locked eyes with you. Never in your life did you ever picture yourself to be in this position. He held your hands before, mainly to guide you around places when you were extremely drunk but nothing like this. Yoongi had a sweet look in his eye with a smile to match and you were so sure you were dreaming. Yoongi was perfect. Why would Seolhyun want to cheat on him in the first place?
“Okay. Now, go to class.” Yoongi lifted your hand and kissed it. Your cheeks flared a bit and you probably failed to hide the disappointment in him not kissing you on your lips instead.
“Fine. But go outside and take a walk,” you gave him your dorm key. “You need some sunlight.”
After listening to Yoongi’s bullshit excuse about how sunlight was never necessary for him in the first place, you left his side to slip on your sneakers.
Why can’t time just fast forward to later? I just want Yoongi and Seolhyun to meet already so it can all be over with and done. How am I supposed to even focus in class?!
Yoongi’s voice broke your thoughts and you stood up from your floor. He scooped you by your waist to press your body against his before stealing a long kiss on your lips. You felt your entire body relax and you clutched onto his nape to support yourself.
“You may have more knowledge about people’s behaviors and shit, but I know you well enough that you were waiting for that, right?” Yoongi said with a smirk after breaking the kiss. Your face bloomed crimson and you playfully shoved him a few inches away from you.
“Bye, Yoongi.” You walked away from him with bliss coursing through you and just before you stepped out of your dorm, you caught the satisfied grin on Yoongi’s face.
I will die in this developmental psychology class, I swear.
Time in your psychology class always ticked on like you had nothing else planned for the day. You jotted down chicken scratch notes, promising yourself to fix them up when you had time later; thank goodness your professor put up the lecture slides at 7pm on the same day of class. You began to mindlessly doodle at the bottom of your paper.
So many things could go wrong later.
Three stick figures were drawn at the bottom; one with a crude drawing of a beanie, one with hair just below its “shoulders”, and one with long hair blacked out with your pen. You drew scribbles of symbols around the drawing of the figure with long hair indicating how pissed off Seolhyun would be if she saw you two together.
Ugh. I can hear her voice now.
“Why did you bring her?”
“Unless you were cheating on me first!”
You scribbled all over the drawing and turned over the page.
The same stick figures were drawn at the top this time and instead of symbols, you drew tears coming from the figure with long hair and hearts around the beanie figure; Seolhyun would be in tears, apologizing and begging Yoongi for forgiveness and he would play right into her and fall in love all over again.
This time, you fiercely scribbled over the drawing.
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Like clockwork, you drew the stick figures. Hearts were drawn around the beanie and medium haired figures while the last one had a giant X covering its face; Seolhyun is completely cut out of the picture and forced to watch how lovey-dovey you and Yoongi were.
This drawing caused your face to heat up a little. There was no way Yoongi would show any affection towards you in front of her because he wasn’t the type to purposely make matters worse.
One last time the figures were drawn back onto your paper and this time, you drew speech bubbles with squiggly lines inside that ended with periods and a few exclamation points. The most likely scenario would be a calm conversation with a few outbursts between Yoongi and Seolhyun. The last thing anyone would want is making a huge scene in front of everyone—
Wait, I don’t even know where they’re meeting!
[10:32] You: hey, where are you two going to have this conversation anyway??????????
Yoongi’s reply came through like lightning.
[10:33] Yoongz: You know the benches outside of the library?
[10:33] Yoongz: There.
Great. We’re going to be in public…
His texts didn’t stop there.
[10:35] Yoongz: I told her to meet me at 11:15 so that you have time to be here before she comes.
[10:35] Yoongz: I’ll be wearing the light brown coat you gave me for my birthday and the blue beanie you hate so much
[10:36] Yoongz: You’ll be able to find me pretty easily.
That damn beanie.
The mental image of Yoongi in the blue beanie made you snicker, but you quickly cleared your throat realizing you were in class laughing to yourself like an idiot.
[10:40] You: okay. i’ll see you then
[10:40] You: fuk that beanie doe omfg.
“So you’re seriously going to be there? With Yoongi and Seolhyun? Possibly arguing in front of you? Right in front of your salad?!”
Walking to the library, you gave Hani a quick call to update her with everything that had happened since you told her about Seolhyun cheating on Yoongi.
“Yes, right in front of my salad.” You laughed. “To be honest, I’m kind of scared. Like why did Yoongi have to say he kissed me! Actually… I don’t know what would be worse, her knowing the truth or his lie.”
“Either way she’s going to raise hell, but if you need me, you call and I’ll come running!”
You smiled softly. Hani was serious in the most endearing way possible.
“I know—” Yoongi’s blue beanie stood out at a table underneath one of the large trees. “Yoongi’s there. I’ll call you later Hani or better yet, I work at three so you can come to the coffee shop anytime after that and I’ll update you on what happens.”
“Okay. Be safe. I love you!”
“I love you, too.”
You took a deep breath and approached Yoongi who had two cups of coffee and two sandwiches sitting in front of him. As much as you hated that damn beanie, he still looked as handsome as ever.
“Hi, Yoongs.” You smiled.
Yoongi instantly smiled at the sight of you. “Hey—no, sit by me.” He reached for your hand to stop you from sitting across from him and tugged you over to sit beside him instead.
The action startled you and almost made you lose your footing, but Yoongi supported you by the waist to let you sit down without injury.
“Th-Thanks.” You stuttered.
“Oh, here you go by the way.” He handed you a paper gift bag that he probably stole from your closet. “You left your work shirt and shoes. There’s also a water bottle in here because you need actual hydration and not just coffee swimming throughout your bloodstream.”
Everything he mentioned was sitting neatly inside the bag and your smile was impossible to hide. You’ve been nervous and jittery about meeting with Seolhyun that you completely forgot about your work clothes. Yoongi was a life saver.
“Thank you, Yoongi.” You breathed.
“Of course. Now eat, you didn’t even have breakfast this morning.”
As you had brunch, you spent the time complaining to Yoongi about how developmental psychology makes you want to jab multiple pens in your eyes. He argued that you say that about every class you have and even flicked your forehead.
“You’re doing great though, so keep on keepin’ on.” Yoongi rubbed the spot he flicked with the pad of his thumb.
You felt the weight of your school work elevate at the touch of his finger. Yoongi had the power to relieve any stress that you had in the palm of his hand and it amazed you. Maybe this was just the effect of you being whipped for him for almost a year. It sounded pathetic, but you enjoyed it nonetheless.
Both you and Yoongi tore your eyes away from each other to find Seolhyun standing at the opposite side of the table with her arms folded across her chest. Her eyebrows were furrowed and daggers shot from her eyes right into your own. The aura that came off of her was no less than intimidating and you felt as if your soul left your body.
“What is she doing here?!” Seolhyun barked as she took a seat.
“I asked her to come so just leave her be.” Yoongi spat.
You silently observed Seolhyun’s outfit; she wore a casual black dress that stopped above mid-thigh and had a deep v-neck line. A cream cardigan hugged her frame and she even made time to put on makeup and curl your hair. If your suspicions were correct, she dressed that way on purpose to use her looks to win back Yoongi somehow. Seolhyun was honestly gorgeous which made you nervous. What if it reeled him back in? 
She cleared her throat again and avoided eye contact with Yoongi. “Thank you for meeting with me.” Her voice grew softer and softer towards the end of her sentence and she fiddled with the ends of her hair. This gave off a vulnerable look, almost “cute”. 
“Okay.” Yoongi said sharply.
The tension in the air was suffocating and all you wanted to do was run away, but Yoongi kept his hand on your knee underneath the table to keep you at bay.
“So? Anything else you need to say?” Yoongi kept the same tone of voice, annoyed. He truly didn’t want to be here.
“Sigh. I’m sorry okay? God, can we just talk without you being mad at me?!” Seolhyun raised her voice a bit.
“Of course I’m mad! How the hell am I supposed to be feeling? You cheated on me!” Yoongi raised his voice as well and you were even more nervous. You three were sitting in public with students walking by and you were praying to God that everyone was just minding their own business.
“Y-You cheated on me too! You—!” She pointed at him. “—kissed her!” Her finger was now on you.
Yoongi furrowed his brows and squeezed your knee. “Alright, fine. I kissed her once and like I said, I knew I had to tell you because I was feeling so fucking guilty about what I did. You were my girlfriend, Seolhyun! I had to be honest with you.”
Seolhyun tightly pursed her lips together, probably stopping herself from saying anything else.
“How…” Yoongi breathed. “How long have you been…”
Your eyes softened at the sight of Yoongi faltering. He didn’t want to say it. You reached beneath the table to hold that had that was on top of your knee. Instantly, you watched his shoulders relax.
“Um…” Seolhyun chewed on her bottom lip and picked at the skin around her nails. “Just-Just once..”
“Don’t you think Yoongi deserves a lot more honesty that?” You boldly questioned. Talking was never part of your agenda, but it’s true, he deserved to know the truth after tearing himself apart from agonizing over his self-worth.
“Excuse me?” Seolhyun stared you down and you couldn’t back down no matter how much you wanted to.
“I–I don’t think you’re telling him the truth.” You tried to sound confident, but your stutter gave it away.
Seolhyun scoffed and crossed her arms. “Who do you think you—”
“She’s right. I don’t think you’re telling me the truth either.” Yoongi interjected. “For Seung Ho to talk to y/n about our situation kind of shows how close you two really are.”
“My thoughts exactly.” You said softly.
Seolhyun aggressively scratched the back of her head. “Ugh. Two months!” She blurted out. “Two-fucking-months! There’s the truth! Happy now?”
Your eyes widened then turned to Yoongi who was looking in Seolhyun’s direction with an empty expression. After remaining quiet for about a minute, a low chuckle pushed past his lips.
“Is that why we’ve been fighting so much lately?” There were hints of both sadness and anger in his tone. “This was why you’ve been so short with me? You would cut our dates short—it was because you would rendezvous with Seung Ho?”
“Y-Yoongi.” You whispered and gently rubbed the back of his hand, trying to calm him down.
“Do you know what the fuck I’ve been going through because of this?! I continuously questioned what I was doing wrong—was I not making you happy anymore? Did I do something to piss you off? Was I not buying you enough flowers on the weekends? Altering my class schedule to match yours wasn’t enough? Skipping class to spend time with you? I talked my friends’ ears off trying to figure out why I didn’t seem important in your eyes anymore…” Yoongi kept his head down and squeezed your hand to the point where his nails could draw blood from your skin. “Was I not enough for you…?”
Seolhyun parted her lips but hesitated to say anything. She also dropped her head, possibly trying to get everything in her mind organized.
“Yoongi, I’m so sorry.” She said sadly.
For the first time in a while, she sounded genuine.
“You were enough for me, but I—I guess… I guess I was being selfish and I wanted more.” Seolhyun lifted her eyes in search of Yoongi’s but he still kept his head down.
“You could’ve told me.” Yoongi choked out. “You could’ve talked to me about how you were feeling and maybe—maybe things could’ve worked out.”
It was your turn to lower your head. This was truly an issue between Yoongi and Seolhyun. There was no reason for you to inject yourself into the conversation anymore.
“Is there any way we could work past this?” Seolhyun asked.
Yoongi finally met her eyes. “No. No way in hell.”
He fumbled with your hand to let go and reached into his pocket to pull out his keyring and wallet. He detached Seolhyun’s dorm key and pulled out a polaroid photo of her from inside his wallet. “Here. I don’t need these anymore.”
Yoongi reached back underneath the table in search of your hand and you stealthy met him halfway.
“Please. Just go, Seolhyun. We’re done here.” Yoongi said firmly.
Seolhyun sat there for a couple seconds and then reached forward to retrieve her belongings. As she stood up from the table, she kept her eyes on Yoongi hoping he would say something else, but he remained silent. Shortly after, Seolhyun took her leave without Yoongi sparing her a single glance.
Even with the hustle and bustle of students walking all over campus, the world had never been so quiet. Yoongi had his head down, face buried in the crook of his elbow while still holding onto your hand. You weren’t sure when was the best time to speak, so you kept quiet waiting for him to break the silence first.
It almost physically hurt staring at Yoongi. He had been bottling up so many painful emotions to the point where it almost consumed him. He didn’t deserve to go through this.
“Y/n?” Yoongi finally spoke, but the rest of his sentence was muffled behind his coat sleeve.
“I-I’m sorry, Yoongi. I can’t really hear you.”
“Thank you for coming with me.” He turned his head and made heavy eye contact with you. “Saying all those things… I don’t think I would've been able to do it on my own, but you being here gave me strength to do so.”
His words caused a noticeable blush to form on your cheeks. He chuckled and sat up straight to tuck a few of your hairs behind your ears.
“I think you have enough time left to get to your next class from here. I’ll walk you.” Yoongi lifted you up by your arm and you almost didn’t want to go to class. All you wanted was to sit around and hold his hand all day. The thought of that made you blush even more and this made Yoongi laugh a little harder. “What’s the matter with you? Come on.”
Unfortunately, Yoongi didn’t hold your hand when he walked you to class. This was probably because it felt too soon to do so in public. It’s not like he and Seolhyun were the campus couple, but people might get the wrong idea if they knew they were dating.
After the whole thing with Yoongi and Seolhyun, it made it even harder for you to concentrate. Now that they were broken up, who knows if Yoongi still had anymore underlying feelings for her. They were together for a year, so there had to be some leftover right? Plus, Yoongi made a comment the other night about how he thought about why you kissed him and that he “figured it out.” This meant a whole new conversation, a whole new reason to be nervous.
Fucking great.
This was a conversation you weren’t looking forward to. You needed to prepare yourself somehow, but it seemed like no matter how much you could mentally prepare yourself, you still wouldn’t be ready. After knowing Yoongi for roughly a little over two years and falling for him like an idiot, never in your life did you imagine him finding out about how you felt about him.
You would be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t even a little happy. You kissed Yoongi, held his hand, and even shared a bed with him with your feelings unknowingly exposed in the air. It made you giddy; butterflies roaming around in your stomach, fighting the urge to smile whenever you thought about him. If only the circumstances were different, life would’ve been near perfect for you.
Class dragged on, notes were written down, doodles were drawn, and next thing you knew, you were tying your work apron around your waist.
“Where’s Yoongi? He didn’t walk you here?” Seokjin asked.
“Nah. His energy gauge was pretty much empty by the time he was done talking with Seolhyun so he decided to just nap for a few hours.”
“Okay, so, what’s the tea?” Seokjin stood near you, eagerly waiting for you to tell him all the juicy details.
You playfully shoved him away and walked over to the espresso machine. “I’m not saying anything until Hani gets here.”
“Aw, come on, y/n. She won’t be here till like five or something!”
You chuckled to yourself and continued to ignore all of Seokjin’s pleads for information.
The moment Hani walked through the coffee shop doors, the first words she shouted was “okay bitch, bring forth the tea!”—this was said with a shop full of students. You were immediately put on the spot, but Hani’s intentions meant well.
You made sure to include all details of the confrontation when you told Seokjin and Hani about it. You also made sure to keep your voice low because you weren’t sure who knew Seolhyun, Yoongi, or even Seung Ho. This wasn’t your story to tell, but both Hani and Seokjin were there from the beginning so it seemed fitting for them to know it all too.
Evening came just as quickly as your shift started. Hani didn’t mean to stay so late, but she got pretty invested in the situation between Seolhyun and Yoongi. Both you and Seokjin did his best to keep all of Hani’s reactions at bay, but you had to admit, it was entertaining. At least she was nice enough to help the coffee shop employees close up.
“Wouldn’t your knight in shining armor show up by now?” Hani joked. 
“You need to relax—oh, bye!” You chuckled and threatened her with a broomstick and waved two of your co-workers who were heading out.
“It’s true, y/n. He’s supposed to waltz in here and be like ‘my lady, I have arrived. Your chariot awaits.’” Seokjin pranced around the room and even bowed and took your hand in his.
“And by ‘chariot’, you mean his legs right? Because the dorms are within walking distance?” You laughed.
“Well, yes, b-but anyways let me finish,” Seokjin cleared his throat. “So your knight in shining armor swoops in—” he went from holding your hand to picking you up bridal style. “—picks you up and saves you from the dungeon aka the coffee shop! And then Yoongi says—”
“Seokjin, what in zakum’s name are you doing?”
At the mention of his name coming from behind him, Seokjin froze in his tracks and turned around to find Yoongi staring at him with a questionable look.
“I—uh—” Seokjin panicked, almost dropping you on the floor but he still managed to place you back on your feet. “Alrighty-roo, well, Hani—babe, shall we take our leave?”
All Hani could do was laugh until her stomach hurt and Seokjin dragged her out of the coffee shop by her hand; she laughed so much that she could barely properly say bye to you and Yoongi.
“Do I even want to know?” Yoongi asked hesitantly.
“No, you really don’t.”
Yoongi helped you flip up the chairs onto the table while you continued to sweep the floor. As you two cleaned up, you proceeded to tell him about your day and apologized for telling Seokjin and Hani what happened in the afternoon. He brushed it off because he also trusted them.
Unlike your busy day, Yoongi spent his entire day eating, sleeping, and watching netflix; he exaggerated that it was a packed schedule. He even mentioned that Seolhyun still tried to call and text him, but he ignored every single attempt.
“You know, I think she dressed up that way today to lure you back to her with her looks.” You confessed.
“Huh. You think so?” Yoongi walked behind the counter where you were wiping around the sink.
You shrugged your shoulders. “Yeah, I mean, it’s been pretty cold lately and she shows up in an outfit that could barely keep her warm. She curled her hair, put on makeup, like why is doing all of that necessary to meet up with you? It seems so—what?”
Yoongi was just staring at you with a smirk plastered on his face. “Were you worried that it was going to work?”
A blush bloomed on your cheeks. “N-No. I just think it was ridiculous, that’s all.”
He stepped closer and stood behind you, placing his hands on the metal countertop to cage you in between his arms.
“You know, you observe others pretty well but from my observations from knowing you, you kind of suck at lying.” Yoongi laughed and you forced a chuckle out. You weren’t going to even deny it.
From the counter, Yoongi lifted his hands to secure them around your waist, hugging you from behind. You made a few attempts to move around to clean the counter properly, but he remained.
“Yoongi, I have to clean.” You chuckled.
“Just—” He briefly let you go to spin you around so he could hug you from the front. “Five minutes. Let’s stay like this for five minutes, please.”
It was such a genuine request, how could you say no?
Yoongi was leaning into you with his face buried in the crook of your neck. You had your arms lazily slung around his shoulders and just listened to his faint breathing. The blonde tips of his hair tickled your nose a bit, so you gently slide your hand across his nape to brush down his hair. He hugged you tighter at your sudden action and sighed.
“You’re really going to touch me like that, y/n?” The teasing tone in his voice was enough to raise your temperature and cause a blush to appear on your cheeks.
“Y-Yoongi!” You tried to push him away, already feeling embarrassed, but he just continued to hold you.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” Yoongi snickered. “It’s fine, keep touching my hair.”
You were still feeling embarrassed because that was the first time Yoongi used that tone of voice with you. Nonetheless, you listened and continued to stroke his hair. Thankfully he didn’t wear that awful beanie.
Yoongi didn’t say another word and every once in a while, he’d caress your back and readjust himself. Small sparks ignited at the simplest touch and for some reason you wanted to laugh. This was everything you wanted but it did confuse you as to how comfortable Yoongi was doing all of this to you. All you did was kiss him once and the next moment he’s acting as if you two were dating for years.
“Okay, I’m recharged. Continue your cleaning.” He emerged from your body and cupped your cheek. Even if you were the one embarrassed, Yoongi still had a hue of pink displayed at the tops of his cheeks.
For the next ten minutes, you swiftly cleaned up the stations and tossed out the garbage in the dumpster out back. Yoongi waited patiently and even gathered all of your things for you from the back room.
“So you’re opening tomorrow?” Yoongi asked whilst helping you adjust your hoodie.
“Sadly, yeah. So we can talk first then I’ll head straight to bed.”
“We can talk tomorrow, it’s fine. You need your rest.”
Yoongi stole another kiss from you, probably to shut you up and it worked; it left you utterly speechless. You had to get used to this somehow.
“Tomorrow.” Yoongi whispered. “For now, let’s go home.”
There was no doubt that Yoongi was referring to your dorm as home since he stayed there the entire day. The idea of him considering your place as “home” gave you butterflies.
Home was a safe sanctuary. Home was a place where someone can easily unravel themselves to be at peace. Home was where the heart was and Yoongi was there with you.
“Yeah.” You blushed. “Let’s go home.”
♡ rae jagi
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etherealellaelf · 5 years
Disney Remakes: they’re not all bad.
I submit that some of the disney live action remakes are, regrettably, a bit off. But not all of them. A lot of them are really good. Here’s why.
-Lion King did really put me off with the lack of expressions. I’m not sure if I have much to say about it, lol I’ll have to see it and let you know. Honestly though I don’t think I can because I love the original Lion King so flipping much, it’s a masterful movie and part of its mastery is the beautiful hand drawn animation and its expressive characters. I can’t think I can watch a bunch of real lions just talking. Who knows? I’ll keep you posted.
-Alice in Wonderland, one of the first of them, had some really good feminist moments. I love the Hatter and Alice’s love for each other, I guess he’s like the only human in Wonderland so it makes sense. But I get some weird ideas because the denizens of Wonderland are supposed to mirror the characters in Alice’s real life, and since the only redhead in Alice’s life is Hamish, that weirdo who asks her to marry him and he’s a total jerk.... and the Hatter is a redhead too.... idk it’s weird. Also it’s weird if he represents her dad because number one he’s dead and number two it’s incest, but the Hatter does say a few things that her dad said at the beginning....hmmm... fishy. However I feel like I can rest assured because this might just be the case of “Johnny Depp came to shoot today in a homemade cosplay and nobody can stop him because he’s just a mad genius”, in which case why do they keep letting him do that??? I don’t mind the hatter’s design, but can you imagine Just Plain Old Johnny Depp In All His Sexy Glory as a mad hatter? It would have been fine. They had to give him a gap between his teeth, CGI enlarged eyes, crazy red hair, white and pink makeup... oh well, whatever, it’s fine. I like how Underland looks a bit more like Narnia than like a Tim Burton land; I honestly don’t know if they gave him complete creative control when it came to the CGI set design. It might’ve been cool to see that.
-Cinderella was wonderful, I thought. I really love how Cinderella and the Prince interacted a lot more, falling in love over a long period of time. In fact, I feel like it was a spiritual remake of Ella Enchanted(which, in my opinion, Disney really botched up because the book was just so amazing), so they did really good in my book. My brother, however, hates that at the end she just twirls in her tower and doesn’t do anything to save herself, when in the original she tried to escape. He thinks it’s really unfeminist and he doesn’t want his daughter to act like that. I agree on that mark, but I’ll let everyone watch it. Also they threw a little bit of the Beauty and the Beast original fairy tale in there when her dad, a merchant, asks what she wants and Cinderella asks for the branch that brushes his arm or whatever; similar to a single rose, when her sisters ask for riches. I also liked the handling of Lady Tremaine; it really humanized her and I felt for her. The stepsisters were silly as per the usual. The King went from a bumbling psychopath(the cartoon) to a very melancholy, concerned father, and I cried at his death scene. Bravo, Kenneth Branagh, bravo.
-I really like all of Beauty and the Beast, although I do think that they made Lumiere & friends a little bit too important in this movie. I needed more moments between Belle and the Beast that were in the animation! Evermore was breathtaking though, let’s be honest. Although let’s be honest, I REALLY REALLY wanted to see a shirtless Dan Stevens emerge from a wall of rose petals because that sounds absolutely magical and super HOT. I’m so mad they had to redo it. Also I like the subtle crush Lefou has on Gaston; I’ve always wondered if he liked him. I do wish that Josh Gad had toned it down with his fabulousness though, because although I love fabulousness I wonder if it was slightly offensive. I really liked Gaston, and I feel like he could have gone a little bigger and with more bravado, could have been from slightly comedic to VERY comedic, but I think that’s alright. He did a great job. And as for everyone complaining about the villagers being really nasty and openly evil towards Belle, I actually liked it. It’s clear in the cartoon that the villagers whisper behind Belle’s back, but I feel like she just has a small smidgeon of an idea that they think she’s weird. In this, they freaking ATTACK her. They’re like ‘We can’t have smart bicc’s in our town! Get out me town!” It is a bit on the nose sometimes but I think it works because it helps Beast and her relate to feeling like outsiders. I do think the Beast knowing how to read kind of gave them something in common as well, but I disliked how he scoffed at her favorite book, Romeo and Juliet. I wish he had been more understanding like, “There’s this poor girl whose library is like, seven books, and amongst those seven books, one of which is probably the freaking bible because they belong to a pastor, her favorite is basically a romance. She’s not well read; I’m going to show her the classics.” Which back then was probably, like, idk, Voltaire? Too soon? Eh I’m not sure when it takes place. I do wish he’d gifted the library to her though, that was a nice gift for her in the previous movie. (Here’s the thing; the Beauty and the Beast cartoon is basically a perfect movie and I don’t think anything can live up to it, but this one was good too. It wasn’t better, but nothing can be better than that movie. Except maybe the Princess Bride or the first Pirates of the Caribbean or the stage production of Phantom of the Opera. No, not even then.)
-Dumbo? I haven’t seen it yet, I’ll have to and update this.
-Okay so Aladdin is really good. I entered the film with the meme cringe in my mind, totally expecting it to look weird and bad, but honestly Will Smith was such a great actor! And I actually freaking cried so many times because number one: the genie was aladdin’s father figure that he never had! He taught him how to date! Number two: the genie got his true love as well, and you see her and their kids at the beginning of the movie! SPOILERS btw. Sorry. Also Number three: they picked Will Smith to play the genie because he’s HITCH of course! The matchmaker extraordinaire! (I just love Will Smith. I wish he would run for president; it wouldn’t be the first time we had an actor in the white house. Just kidding, I don’t want to burden him that way, and there are really smart candidates this year to choose from. I just am urging everyone to go vote, and no more harambe crap!!!!) Also Jasmine had a nice new empowering role in this movie. I just sort of wish Jafar had been more menacing and villainous. But his actor was fine, just a bit soft-spoken.
-Lady and the Tramp- I started it on Disney+, I need to finish it. I’m halfway there. 
-Christopher Robin is a gift; it’s both simple and complex. It has a lot of nice metaphors and I could feel my heart hurting for much of the film. Seriously good aesthetics as well, Director of Photography!!! 
-The Jungle Book is a really good remake! So much excitement, and I could totally see Bill Murray in Baloo. (I think it’s equal in terms of story to the movie Mowgli, although Mowgli had that nasty little surprise at the end, I’m still hurt about it.)(also in comparing, the CGI is similarly good, but Mowgli wanted to do a really ambitious face capture thingy and I’m not sure if it worked,(uncanny) but it was interesting! It was also a lot darker. I think they’re both good.) Ben Kingsley was superb, of course, as Bagheera, as always, and he has a really fatherly voice(I thought Christian Bale did well as Bagheera as well, but he was more of an action figure in that movie, less of a father/teacher figure). And John Favreau, as always, went the extra mile to bring the action, the writing, and the moral through, and made it super good for children at the same time!(the same cannot be said about Mowgli, as there were some violence/action things that go beyond ‘peril’, hence it’s PG-13 rating) My one discrepancy was the voice of Kaa. Scarlet did fine, but I always thought of Kaa as a boy. I think they could have found a slithery voice actor for Kaa. Benedict Cumberbatch did really well as Smaug, hissing and growling, and he could have done well. I also think that Tom Hiddleston could have done a great job; he has a really gentle and pliant voice that can turn menacing in the matter of seconds, and if it’s about the snake being sexy as Scarlet Johanssen(haha what??), I think that Hiddles can bring it.(I’m not quite sure what I’m talking about at this point so I’ll shut up now.) I do feel like Mowgli started shooting way before The Jungle Book was even a glimmer in John Favreau’s eye, and that kind of makes me want to root for Mowgli because I’m sure that different movie houses have people working in both, probably swapping stories with their friends, and I’m sure it wasn’t an exact copy, but I can totally see Bill Murray in Baloo’s face and that can’t be by accident. Just saying. Not calling Disney out or anything, but I’m sure they can take it, they have like a trillion dollars. Anyway. Still a good one.
-Haven’t seen Pete’s Dragon.
-101 Dalmations, I know this shouldn’t count but it just does. I loved watching this as a child. I’m so happy they didn’t make the dogs talk? Haha it usually works when they do, but it gave a lot of room for Doctor House and Mister Weasley to interact. Also Glenn Close is great. I think this movie’s a good example of a career woman who decides to get domesticated and her sista is like, “Girl, you can’t do this! We have to be strong women! You have to come back to work!” But Anita is all, “Girl, respect my decisions! Feminism isn’t forcing your girl to be exactly like you, it’s giving me the respect to make my own decisions. If I want to have a baby with my husband, that’s fine. I want to be a mom!” I feel like the “new” 101 dalmatians remake they’re gonna make, will have a different opinion. Similar to wicked and maleficent, it’s going to humanize Cruella, but I just hope that they’re nice to Anita. She’s such a smol soft bird and if she wants 2 billion dogs and one baby, that’s fine... ugh, that’s gotta be like so much dog poop in her house... anita what are you doing...
-Maleficent. Obviously I love it. I love how those arguing fairies are super incompetent at raising Aurora because they’re too busy fighting, so Maleficent has to swoop in and rescue the princess. I like how Maleficent is a fae and it’s so sad how there’s like this rape metaphor when Stefan cuts off her wings, and that would be reason to curse his baby, especially because they were in love and he betrayed her! Stole her wings! Married someone else! T^T Maleficent, you poor misunderstood fairy! I love her motherly relationship with Aurora. I love that she’s the one who kisses her forehead to wake her up because Philip met her just that day. However, I don’t like how they just shove Philip out of the way, because Sleeping Beauty is honestly so romantic, and I love how they dance together and everything. I also like the raven boi. I ship him and Maleficent so hard and I hope he doesn’t die in the sequel, I haven’t seen it yet.
-So technically the Parent Trap is a remake. It’s awesome. It gave my childhood so much romance and prank ideas. It’s much better than its predecessor, especially because the mom in the old one is, like, urged to look prettier by her butler(wtf?!?! YOu’re FIrEd?!?). I’m so glad we’ve come so far.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. Are the remakes better? In some cases they are. I think Cinderella is better than its predecessor. I think the original Alice is very good, as a nonsense movie, and I feel like the remake is equally good, but they’re different movies with different motives and plots. The original Beauty and the Beast is my favorite and it’s perfect, so the new one isn’t better, but it is really great and I love it, too. Anyway, that’s all.
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