#anyway she's fantastic
fazedlight · 7 months
Cameo had a sale and I couldn't resist! Transcript below the cut. Twitter link is here.
Hi Melissa! Name twins. Thanks so much for requesting this cameo, I hope you had a really happy holiday if you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope it was a really nice one. And thanks for these great questions! When I directed the episode of Supergirl that I directed, on shows like that, you don't typically have too much control over the story or things like that. It was really to make things easier to shoot, you would change something. Or if I had an idea that would tie in with a location that I chose - which, that was something I had control over, which location we used for Lex Luthor's house, we did a whole location scout. So you get to choose those spots, and how it will look on camera. That being said, every decision I made, it was a collaboration with the directory of photography, it was a collaborations with the [Associate Directors], it was a collaboration with costumes and wardrobe and everyone to make sure everything would work on the day we were shooting whatever scene. Also those superhero shows are really complicated to shoot as you can imagine, with the action, the special effects, the stunts. So really, I had control beforehand of very little, but then on the day you have control on what you say to the actors and principle actors on set with where you want to go, but also you're trying to match the tone of the show that's been established, that there's been multiple seasons of. So that's fun! And then after the fact in the editing room, you really get to collaborate 1:1 with the editor to try to make the episode more your own and give it your own voice, even though it lives in this existing world that's been established. I loved it, and it was really great, and we had the best crew, so I worked with really awesome people that I loved!
And with my book, the process of writing with my sister, we kind of came up with the idea together. Jessica is a writer, she's a much better writer than me, we'd kind of come up with ideas together, brainstorm, she'd kinda go, I'd help finesse, we had a fantastic editor. But storywise we really came up with the world and mythology together. And I go by Melissa in life! Actually, everyone on set at Supergirl called me Mel. I think because one of the stunt coordinators, Simon, started calling me Mel, and then all of a sudden I became Mel. Which, never in my life was I ever a Mel, suddenly on Supergirl I was a Mel - I was fine with it! You're awesome too, thanks for the support, thanks for reaching out, I send all my love!
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bixels · 4 months
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Messy Trixie Charleston dance roughs.
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notyourwatermelon · 9 months
I know people have pointed this out before, but my favorite part about Spy x Family is the introduction of Twilight, masterful spy, best man on the force, intelligent, resourceful, never fails a mission, and then we get to enter the mind of this incredible man and half his thought process is just "whats that the plan is going slightly to the left of what I expected? time to Panic" and I think that's beautiful Twilight said "I'll solve this problem and it'll be fine I just have to have anxiety about it first"
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lasagoofs · 1 year
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Hadestown lineup because I was lucky enough to go see it in ny a couple weeks back and I've been listening to the songs on loop ever since
bonus sketches:
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chronicowboy · 6 months
devastated myself with thoughts of arthur, gwen and merlin raising a little girl as heir to the throne. you know gwen would be so excited when she met her, and she'd be such a good mother i literally can't think about it too much or i'll die but she'd teach her how to be kind and compassionate but never ever take anyone's shit. and arthur. well arthur's scared at first because he doesn't really get girls (or that's what he hides behind when actually he's just terrified he doesn't know how to be a father) like morgana could swordfight but she was still what he considered "girly", so what does that mean? but he loves her desperately, she's his pride and joy, so of course he gets the blacksmith to make her a little sword for her tiny hands and starts teaching her how to fight. maybe it ends in silly games half the time because she's just a kid and arthur never really got to be one but it's fun and it's perfect and it's happy. merlin watches from the sidelines fond and proud and so full of love he can barely breathe with it. when she gets a little older arthur starts letting her train with the knights so she can learn different fighting styles and they all let her win when she starts looking tired and they die very dramatic deaths just to make her giggle. and merlin. merlin would quite literally make mountains fall to make that little girl happy. he performs every trick she asks and takes her to meet aithusa at least once a week and maybe even teaches her a spell or two. and arthur watches this from the sidelines so fond and proud and full of love that he aches and he wonders how he ever thought this was evil - how he ever thought merlin wasn't this man who would conjure butterflies with the snap of his fingers just to see a little girl smile. and do you see it? how the power throuple of camelot becomes The parenting unit of all time?
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camellcat · 9 months
lose my mind every time the doctor takes rose's last name in fics. brilliant, amazing, splendid, absolutely perfect.
like, what do you MEAN she'd be the one to change her last name? he doesn't even HAVE a bloody name like us! plus, she's rose tyler. you think he's going to want that to be different? it's the doctor and rose tyler in the tardis (or I suppose whatever they do in pete's world, but that's still the doctor and rose tyler having their new adventure)!!
she's rose tyler and he is whatever-he-wants tyler. end of discussion. the whole pond diabolical should've been clue enough imo
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elderwisp · 2 months
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i'd rot in hell, if you'd just ask me to
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hysteriafossil · 2 months
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guess who finished tlok tonight and immediately had this come to him in a vision!!!!
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inkyclone99 · 2 months
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This was the best ending they could give to us…I started crying so badly
This show means a lot to me. In a way I don’t even understand why. But those characters? Hunter and Omega. They changed me so much. They are so important to me
So, seeing them get a proper happy ending, together, in a dear like in Pabu, just felt…like a dream.
I’m not used to happy endings to stories. This was one I was sure would end with tragedy.
But it didn’t. I wish Tech was still here, with them. Cuz now they are a family actually being able to be one. Without the war…
They got rest and love…
Hunter and Omega, my most beloveds. I love you forever.
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wayward-wren · 4 months
I am thinking about. Jamie and the Second Doctor.
Because out of all the incarnations of the Doctor, Two is arguably the one who uses manipulation and disguises the most. He thrives on using people's intelligence against them, on tricking people, on bluffing and his bluffs working. He has a different disguise every story pretty much and is constantly playing some kind of role.
And then you look at Jamie, and some of Jamie's most front and center traits are his loyalty and his honesty (and protectiveness, but less applicable). Jamie is loyal to a fault and extremely trusting of the Doctor. He's honest and straightforward and deeply caring.
And Jamie is the one who sticks by the Second Doctor for as long as he physically can--and you'd look at those two characters, one who is manipulative and cunning, and one who is loyal to a fault, and you'd think the Doctor would easily be able to take advantage of Jamie, that Jamie would just be a tool for him but he's not, they're on equal footing. Jamie pulls the Doctor down and reminds him what being human is all about.
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glittergoats · 6 months
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edgarallanpoestan · 1 year
roier and jaidens dynamic is like if a teacher put the class clown next to the quiet girl so that shed hopefully mellow him out, but all it did was reveal the quiet girls loud personality. theyre besties i love them
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witchloversupreme · 7 months
If you take a step back and really look at them, Gaius (in ARR, at least) and Edmont are actually pretty interesting foils for each other, because one is a deeply, deeply awful person who is an incredible father, while the other is one of the most moral and kind people on the planet who's given all of his kids massive, incredibly self-destructive complexes.
Like, Gaius genuinely adores all his children, even Livia, despite her incredibly disturbing fixation on him, and is very obviously gutted by the idea that they'd go to war without him to protect them, while Edmont very clearly only cared about Haurchefant, foisting all the First Born Son responsibilities on Artoirel but giving him absolutely none of the respect, and hardly remembering that Emmanellain even exists save to scold him.
Hell, even Haurchefant, even though he was the favorite, didn't get particularly better treatment because of Countess Fortemps (incredibly understandable) hatred of him, which led to Haurche becoming self-destructively self-sacrificing to try and get at least a little of the respect he deserves from his peers, and eventually lead to his death at The Vault.
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ashmp3 · 4 months
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you know i said i am doing no buy february well these just arrived i did NOT fail but i wanted to share my little haul 😌🖤
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infizero-draws · 2 months
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born sexy yesterday
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estellaestella · 2 months
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Here's a possible easter egg for A COMPLETE UNKNOWN. The poster in the background is of Bette Davis' movie NOW, VOYAGER and Bob Dylan's a big enough fan of hers to have written lyrics about her / her film roles a few times. He even has an album called
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