#anyway this got really rambly just uh. thanks to everyone who sticks with me and my bs :’)
marshmellowtea · 2 years
i realized recently that a problem i have in many fandoms i’ve been in is that i oftentimes will pine after the recognition and acceptance of people in the fandom that i thought were cool who most of the time barely knew me or barely had an interest in me, instead of putting my energy into the cool people who i already talked to and are interested in being friends with me
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
@ramblesanddragons made a post about how Bruno would look into the future and see Star Wars and stuff and how he would love the Mars Rover and then I started thinking if he might rant about those things when sick and then this madness happened. It completely got away from me, especially in the end, I'm so sorry. This doubles as a get well soon story for you @ramblesanddragons hope you feel better soon
"Tio Bruno? Everything alright?" 
Mirabel's question, although uttered silently as to not attract too much attention, has - of course - attracted the attention of the entire family. 
'Because they are busybodies, every single one of them,' Mirabel thinks with fond exasperation, conveniently ignoring the fact that she is just as bad. 
Hence, her question. 
But honestly, Bruno looks… bad. Not 'straight out of the walls malnourished'-bad, but bad enough. He does his best to act like everything is fine, but Mirabel sits next to him at the breakfast table and she can see the sheen of sweat on his brow and the red tint to his cheeks. 
Her tio blinks at her owlishly, a vacant look in his eyes. "Huh?" 
"Are you alright?" Mirabel doesn't bother keeping her voice down. The whole family is more or less openly staring by now. 
Bruno blinks some more and then waves his hand dismissively. "Ah sure, sure. Of course. Just a bit of a headache and I stubbed my toe. The force has forsaken me today." 
Mirabel blinks. Bruno owlishly blinks back. 
"The… the what now?" 
Bruno shrugs and tries to put some butter on his knife, but somehow he can't seem to make it stick. "Miercoles. I wish I had a lightsaber right now. Would cut through this butter like… butter. Heh." 
"Luke's lightsaber. I like his color best."
"What are you-?" 
Pepa and Julieta groan and get up from their seats. Julieta gives her brother a quick kiss on the forehead (announcing "yep, a fever" to the gathered crowd) and then hurries to the kitchen to make him some healing soup. Pepa takes the knife out of Bruno's hand and butters his bread for him. 
"Don't worry about it, kids. When your uncle has a fever he sometimes talks about some weird stuff he's seen in the future." 
"It's not weird." Bruno mutters,nibbling his now buttered toast. "It's the war among the stars." He turns to Antonio sitting on his other side and pats his head. "The force is strong in you, young padawan. I can feel it." 
Antonio has no idea what that means, but he beams anyway. "Thanks Tio." 
"Wait wait wait?" Camilo leans forward. "There is gonna be a war among the stars?" 
Pepa tries to shush him, but it's too late. Bruno is already getting to his feet. He wobbles a little but keeps his balance by putting his hand on top of Mirabel's head. The girl is too perplexed to argue. "In a galaxy, far away! It's a period of civil war and the spaceships -" 
"Enough." Pepa snaps. "It's the fever talking. There is no war in space. And I don't think there will be, it's just your uncle talking nonsense. We can't go up to space." 
"We so will. We will be all over the place." Bruno disagrees. He lights up. "Like Opportunity! Opportunity will be up there." He lifts his head to look at the ceiling and to the horror of all but Pepa, who merely sighs, he starts to cry. "Oh Opportunity! Far away from home, but so brave. Oh, such a brave, little rover. You did good. You did really good. Everyone loved you. Will love you. Will have… Will have been lo-... Will have to have love-?" 
"Okay, he's messing up his tenses. That's our cue to get you to bed." Pepa interrupts his confused ramblings. "Tell Juli to bring the soup to his room." 
She takes her brother's arm to lead him away. Dolores gets up and walks up to them. "Do you need help, Mama? Should I cancel my date with Mariano?" 
Bruno stops and takes Dolores' face between his two hands. 
"No! Don't you dare! That's a good himbo you got there. The best. The perfect blend of hunk, jock and decent man. Don't you let him get away, Queen!" 
Pepa looks so done as she pulls him away. "Come on Bruno, there is some nice soup with your name on it waiting for you." 
They disappear around a corner but the kids can still hear some of their conversation. 
"Aw, that sounds fab af. Shut up and take my money, sis!"
"I have no idea what that means, hermanito." 
The kids all stare at each other in various states of bafflement, worry and confusion. 
"What is a himbo?" Dolores breaks the silence. "Is that… Is that something good?" 
"I'm sure it is." Agustin reassures her. "But maybe don't ask what it means either?" 
"Well… once during a fever Bruno told me that the women of the future would consider me a dilf. I asked him what that meant and he wouldn't tell me but then Juli kinda forced him to tell her but then she refused to tell me! But every now and then she will look at me and whisper that word and just… giggle."
Felix pats his shoulder with an understanding air around him and all present get the distinct impression that he has a similar story to tell. 
The grandkids all exchange looks and silently agree, there and then, to never ask. 
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x-atlas-x · 2 years
Okay, um, so the trans Atem fic. Tell me *everything* about it, I want to know so bad—
Pretty please? 🥺👉👈
Of course! Thank you so much for asking, I'm really happy that you're so interested in it/my other projects!! <33 This one got hella long, so I deeply apologize about that :,)
I've barely talked about this project of mine because I chose to publish my Unhealthy series instead, which features trans Yugi and non-binary Atem. I always get self-conscious about posting multiple fics where the characters aren't cis out of sheer fear that nobody will enjoy them (or accuse me of feminizing/sexualizing, which is never the case).
This story revolves around Yugi heading to school, only to discover there's a new student (Atem) there that had moved from Egypt over the summer. Immediately, the both of them get off on the wrong foot, bashing heads and being rude to each other. It's not until Atem walks into Yugi's grandpa's game shop presenting as a male that things start to take a positive turn.
Yugi reassures Atem that he won't share his secret about him being trans, promising to not out him. They exchange numbers and begin talking with each other, getting closer through text messages, phone calls, and sharing most of their school classes.
Atem, unfortunately, has extremely strict parents and he has to keep his secret from them. He has to attend fancy, preppy events for their exhibitions at the museum with a date (who winds up being Kaiba, as they've made a deal to always be each other's date for them).
During one of these events, Atem has a hard time dealing with dysphoria and being referred to with feminine terms/pronouns. He calls Yugi and begs him to get him out of there and, of course, Yugi comes to his rescue, dragging him off to a random park nearby. They start talking and Atem brings up the fact that he needs a date for the next event (Kaiba has something interfering) and Yugi happily agrees to go with him.
Both of them grow closer until the event comes up and one of Atem's enemies shows up - Akefia (aka, TKB, yeah we're using Akefia). He's always held Atem being trans over his head as blackmail, using it for sexual endeavors or else he'd tell Atem's parents. At the event, Atem refuses to give in. Things start to go terribly wrong from there. (At this point, I should clarify that most of the characters are 18 and all in their final year of high school).
Akefia exposes Atem in front of everyone at the event, including his parents. Atem is horrified and ashamed and rushes out of the place, Yugi quick to follow him. Atem comes to the realization that he's going to be kicked out of his own home and Yugi offers to let him stay with him.
The rest becomes Atem getting comfortable enough to come out and openly identify as a boy, starting a relationship with Yugi, and Yugi facing his own problems (because I'm not gonna make Atem have all the problems, we're an equal distribution community here).
I stopped when the story reached December and Christmas time because for some reason, I can't write about Christmas. I don't know why, it's a curse. I've always bounced back and forth, coming back to work on it occasionally, but... Even the notes that I do have for it just aren't helping me out.
The reason why I started this fic was to personally help me when I was unsure whether I identified as trans or not. It was at a time when I finally felt comfortable to start going by a different name (which never happens in this story, but y'know-), coming out to some of my friends about it, and working on openly expressing my identity.
I wrote it during a dark time/period of my life, which is why I've been so hesitant to work on it or post anything of it. I've debated rewriting it, which seems to be the issue with every project I have. I think that's why I tend to stick to shorter projects since I have a difficult time handling bigger ones (that's what she said).
Anyways, I, uh, hope you enjoyed this rambling! You asked for everything and I do indeed deliver >:)
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complete-in-ix · 1 year
Parallel Lines, Intersecting
Rated: T Warning(s):
Description: After mistaking someone else for his dear friend Byounggon one Pride evening, Yonghee makes it his mission to ensure that his new friend's first Pride goes well. As the night goes on, he never would have thought that their friend groups would intersect so deeply—how could he have known that Daehyeon's first love is a classmate of his boyfriend?
(Read on Ao3)
Yonghee checks his phone for the nth time this morning, having already been waiting for half an hour. Where could Byounggon be? His last message was from half an hour ago, just a plain “Blue hair, you can’t miss me”. There’s just one problem…
    “Hyung, when you go to pride, everyone is going to have wild hair colours!” he types into the message bar, though he doesn’t hit send. Byounggon always gets a little nervous around crowds, that homebody. Yonghee had gotten here early anyway, he could afford some patience. He sighs and runs his hair through his freshly dyed purple hair, done with Hyunsuk’s help early in the morning today. Everyone will be so excited to see him, especially Jinyoung! Now, if only they could get here… He scans the crowd again, slower this time.
There, across the street, Yonghee finally spots him. Bright blue hair, plump, pouty lips, and a loose hoodie and sweatpants combo that should be entirely too hot for a Pride parade. Yonghee’s sprinting over before he can really think, too excited to start his day with his friends. 
A little late, the person who is not Lee Byounggon turns around, and he only has time to choke out a startled yelp before Yonghee bowls him over. They go down quickly, and Yonghee can barely move his hands to protect the other man’s head before they’re hitting the ground.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else, are you okay?” Yonghee groans, gingerly untangling himself from this handsome stranger’s body. 
“Yeah, m’just winded… Jeez, you’re strong,” the stranger wheezes. “Didn’t think my first Pride would already get this wild.” The last part is under his breath, meant only for himself, but Yonghee hears it anyway.
“It’s your first Pride?! Oh my god, I’m so sorry, that was—” Yonghee starts to ramble, but the stranger cuts him off before he can finish his apology.
“It’s fine, really! Honestly, this will just make it even more memorable,” he says with a shrug. “I hope you find who you’re looking for. Maybe he deserves to get knocked to the ground?” Yonghee takes a second to scream out his embarrassment into his hands before he can face this stranger again, something he smiles at as Yonghee helps him up. Well, at least someone’s having a decent time.
“He should be here soon, I got here early.” Still unable to meet this stranger’s eyes, Yonghee focuses on brushing himself off. While he does so, he can’t help but notice the other man’s lack of supplies—not even a water bottle. As much as he’d like to vanish off the face of the earth, Yonghee still has to ask. “Are you here with anyone?”
“Uhh, not really. I’m a bit of a loner, so I’m totally lost. I can find my way though,” the man says with a shrug. He seems to be about Yonghee’s age, maybe a little older, but he still worries. He had once been that person, totally lost and unsure of the new people around him, still scared to be rejected even though he was surrounded by kindred spirits. He had been lucky to encounter his friends—and current boyfriend—right around then, and since then had sworn to never let anyone else go through that.
“Are you sure? My friends and I are going to be around all day today, why don’t you stick with us? They won’t mind!” Yonghee gives a reassuring smile when he hesitates, clearly torn on whether or not to accept. “I totally get it if you don’t want to, you don’t have to!”
“Uh, sure, I’ll hang with you guys,” he says after a moment. “Thanks, uhhh…”
“Yonghee. Kim Yonghee. It’s nice to meet you, even if it was uh… Like this.” Yonghee extends a hand to the other man, though he can��t make eye contact in his returning embarrassment.     “It’s totally fine, please don’t worry about it! I'm Jang Daehyeon." Daehyeon shakes Yonghee's hand with a shy smile. "Oh, before I forget, how old are you? I’m twenty-five, I was born in ‘97.” 
“Ah, I still feel bad…" Yonghee mutters under his breath, for his own ears only. "I’m twenty-two, born in 2000, so you’re my hyung. Unless you’d prefer to be called something else?” His heart starts to clench in apprehension. Even in a setting like this, people still tend to get more than a little weird towards him about this question. 
“No, hyung is fine. I haven’t really explored my, uh, gender much, but so far, I’m just a bi man." Daehyeon's shrug is nonchalant, but his gaze is nervous when he makes eye contact with Yonghee again. "I recognize that flag on your cheek, and you called me “hyung”, so…” he trails off, obviously unsure of how to finish that sentence. Yonghee doesn't blame him, he hasn't been on T for long, but still passes so well without it that it would be hard for a stranger to tell which way he's going.     “Yep, I’m a man! I just haven’t been one for as long as you have.” Partly because of their age and partly because Yonghee hadn't figured out the source of that constant off feeling about himself until he was in tenth grade, though he decides against telling Daehyeon that. 
“Still, it doesn't make you any less of one. Was—was that okay to say? I'm really sorry, I get the basics but I'm still new to this, I know I'm out of the loop and it's—” Daehyeon rambles on, completely oblivious to Yonghee's beaming. It's adorable to see, but Yonghee can tell he's actually stressed out, so he takes pity on him. 
"It's okay, hyung, don't worry! I'm actually really happy to hear that, it's really refreshing compared to some of the other things I have to put up with…" His smile drops ever so slightly at the sour memories, but quickly pushes them away. No need to be reminded of that when he's out to be himself with his best friends and have a good time. 
Daehyeon's eyebrows furrow in concern, but before he can say anything, a pair of strong arms wrap around Yonghee's waist and pull him against a broad, toned chest. 
“Making new friends, Yonghee?” 
“Jinyoung!” Yonghee squeals. All his brooding thoughts fly from his brain as soon as he registers the presence of his beloved boyfriend. Overcome with affection, he bumps his head against Jinyoung’s—much like a cat—in lieu of a “proper” greeting. “I did make a friend, he’s hanging out with us today!” There’s a beat of silence that Yonghee hadn’t expected, and he glances back at Daehyeon to see him and Jinyoung staring at each other with similar searching expressions.
“... Did you go to Produce High?” Daehyeon finally asks. The silence finally breaks, but the tension only mounts higher. It’s no secret that Jinyoung was popular in high school, but not all of it was positive. Yonghee hadn’t gone to the same school, so he has no idea what could have been between Daehyeon and Jinyoung.
“Yeah, I did. Do we know each other? I’m Bae Jinyoung.” Jinyoung’s voice sounds casual enough, but Yonghee can feel the way he tenses against him. Still, if Jinyoung doesn't recognize Daehyeon, there can’t be any bad blood between them, right?
“We do! It’s Jang Daehyeon, I was a few grades above you! Wow, I hardly recognize you, you were so shy back then!” Daehyeon exclaims, his face lighting up in recognition.
“Yeah, well, I guess I just learned how to be confident in who I am." Despite his words, Jinyoung still half-hides behind Yonghee, clutching him a little tighter like a teddy bear. "It's nice to see you again, hyung." 
Before the silence can get awkward, three voices sound from not far off, rapidly growing closer. 
“Hyung!!! Wait up!!!”
“Guys, wait, I can’t run that fast!”
Yonghee turns around the best he can with Jinyoung still clinging to him to see the rest of their friend group sprinting over—one lagging behind the other two by a considerable amount.
“Sorry we’re late, Hyunsuk couldn’t decide on an outfit and parking was a nightmare,” Seunghun says, somehow not out of breath despite the obvious distance he’d just crossed at a dead sprint. 
“We’re here though! Let’s get started!” Hyunsuk chirps, excitedly bouncing on his feet as if he were still a child and not a whole six foot man.
“Just hold on a bit, would you?!” Byounggon wheezes. He doubles over as soon as he stumbles to where the rest of them are standing, hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath. “You guys are way too fast for me…” 
Daehyeon shoots Yonghee a pointed glance upon seeing Byounggon and his bright blue hair, which matches his to the exact shade. Yonghee flushes and averts his gaze. 
“I’m sorry, I just got excited!” Yonghee protests.
“If he wasn’t early, I wouldn’t have run into an old friend, anyway,” Jinyoung adds. Yonghee internally sighs in relief, having been drawing a total blank on how to introduce Daehyeon to his friends.
It turns out that there isn’t much introduction needed in the end, saving everyone from any awkwardness. Daehyeon just happens to be good friends with a classmate of Byounggon and Seunghun’s, Seokhwa, who in turn is also dating Hyunsuk’s boyfriend, Junseo. Daehyeon nearly has a heart attack upon learning this, until Hyunsuk clarifies that Junseo is polyamorous, and he’s fully aware of the other man. Along with him, Daehyeon also knows someone named Yoo Yongha. The name doesn’t ring a bell for Yonghee, but Jinyoung recognizes him as the person who has been in love with another classmate of his—the straightest man in Produce High, he had been called—for as long as anyone could remember. Yonghee doesn’t believe in any gods, but he still prays for Yongha. 
In all the excitement of introducing Daehyeon to his friends, Yonghee finds himself slightly pushed aside. Truth be told, he’s more relieved than hurt, considering how the crowds around him were already overstimulating to begin with, and he really didn’t want to run out of energy keeping his silent promise to Daehyeon. He half-hides behind Jinyoung as they start walking in no particular direction, stimming as subtly as he can. He can feel Daehyeon’s eyes on him at a couple points, but pays it no mind. He’ll explain later, if he asks.
“Hold on, is that—”
“No. No way. Yongha!”
Seunghun and Jinyoung’s shouts snap Yonghee out of his thoughts. Following their shouts, he spots a fucking gorgeous punk decked out in spikes, studded leather, and a skirt headed their way. Snake bites flash in their ear-to-ear grin, and as they get closer, Yonghee spots the nonbinary flag painted on their cheek and a he/they pin on their jacket. The man beside them isn’t dressed nearly as flashily as the person Yonghee assumes to be Yongha, but his handsome, bunny-like face and the way his MISBHV shirt defines his chest and arms still draws just as much attention as his company. 
“Daehyeon-hyung! You’ll never believe how this happened!” Yongha gushes, holding up their hand—which is entwined with the man next to him.
“Kim Yohan, at Pride with someone who isn’t a woman? The world must be ending!” Jinyoung crows at the same time. 
“Well, it’s a bit of a long story…” Yohan says, flustered. 
“We’ll be here for a while, we don’t mind listening!” Hyunsuk chirps. His tone is light, but Yonghee would recognize that protective gleam in his—and the rest of his friends’—eyes anywhere. 
“Really? Perfect! We’ll tell you while we head to Twilight!” Yongha chirps, oblivious to the searching glares being directed at their boyfriend. Twilight… The name of that club brings back memories. Or rather, the lack of them… Last time Yonghee went there, he woke up draped across Hyunsuk’s couch with a stranger looking for Junseo. Now that Yonghee thinks of it, that might have been Junseo’s other boyfriend. Judging by the look on Daehyeon’s face, he must have had a similar experience.
“You’re taking him to Twilight on the first night of Pride? Oh Yohan, I hope you know what you’re getting into…” Daehyeon mutters under his breath.
“Of course I do, Twilight is really fun! One of my friends performs there every other week, I go whenever I can to hype him up. I think he’s doing a special today, actually,” Yohan says with a shrug, just as oblivious as Yongha to the shock of Yonghee and his friends. Only Jinyoung shows no sign of surprise, frantically tapping at his phone before showing it to Yohan.
“Does this happen to be him?” 
“You know Donghan-hyung too?!” Yohan exclaims, his eyes lighting up in recognition. Yonghee and Daehyeon share an incredulous look. Just how much do their friend groups overlap?! Yonghee finds himself swept up in yet another web of overlapping conversations, all going entirely too quickly for him to keep up with. The only person who shares his silence is Daehyeon, though unlike Yonghee who simply prefers not to talk at the moment, Daehyeon seems like something is bothering him. He’s somewhat curled into himself, a faraway look in his eyes. 
“You okay, hyung?” Yonghee asks, slowing down just a little so they fall into step together. “If Twilight would be too much, we can go somewhere else.” Daehyeon shakes his head.
“It’s fine, I like it there. I just…” Daehyeon drops his gaze to the table. “Do I still belong here? I mean, the rest of you already had yourselves figured out a long time ago, but I didn’t really embrace myself until a couple months ago, so I’m totally lost on how everything… Works? I-I don’t know, I don’t think I’m making any sense.” 
Yonghee has to take a moment to plan his response. Daehyeon’s worries match his former ones almost exactly, so how would he like to be assured? 
“What are you talking about? Of course you belong here,” Yonghee assures. “I didn’t even discover myself until like, six years ago. Most people like me know who they are since childhood, so I’m really late by comparison. Even then, there’s no such thing as “late” when it comes to accepting yourself.” 
“I know, I just… It took me so long to get here, even after I knew who I was and accepted myself.” Daehyeon shrugs. “I guess I wanted to focus on my “actual” life first, before throwing myself into being all loud and proud like everyone else.” He cringes as soon as the words leave his mouth. “Not that being loud and proud was a bad thing, I just… I don’t know. I guess I thought I wasn’t allowed to do that?” 
Yonghee hums in understanding. “It’s fine, I see where you’re coming from. Still, that doesn’t make you any less deserving of a place here than us. Would you treat Yohan the way you’re treating yourself right now?”
“No, I would never!” Daehyeon exclaims. He continues in a lower voice. “Especially not now that I see how happy he makes Yongha. He’s a good person, I wouldn’t want to exclude him.”
“So why do you think you deserve it?” 
For the first time tonight, Yonghee locks eyes with Daehyeon to prove his point. 
“I… I don’t know. I guess I’m just a little hard on myself, or something…” Daehyeon meekly trails off, a slight blush dusting his cheeks. Cute. 
“That’s understandable. Still, keep that in mind the next time you start thinking that you don’t deserve to be here, because you do!” Yonghee chirps, 
“... Thanks, Yonghee. It really means a lot.”
A cacophony of squeals from Yonghee’s friends ahead of them draws their attention back to the group.
“You’re kidding! You just kissed them just like that?!” Hyunsuk exclaims.
“What else could I have done? It’s Yongha! ” Yohan fires back.
“Hold on, I think we missed a few chapters. How did you two get to that point?” Daehyeon asks, quickening his pace to catch up with the rest. Yonghee hangs back a little, content to just listen from the sidelines while holding Jinyoung’s hand. They’ve reached the line to get into Twilight by now, and thankfully they’re early enough that it isn't too long yet.
“So, as you know I was crushing on him like, forever, right?” Yongha asks. Daehyeon nods, and they continue. “Turns out that as soon as I came out, he started questioning stuff about himself—which is so unbelievable, since I didn’t even know he knew I existed?”
“How could I not know you existed?” Yohan whines, “You were like, the hottest person I had ever seen!”
“Still! Anyway, so we started talking because we have mutual friends, and I was going literally crazy because it’s him , you know?” Yongha gushes. Truth be told, Yonghee has no idea what he’s supposed to know here, but everyone else seems to understand just fine, so he keeps listening.
“I wanted to know more about you! And everything else, since being straight can really shield you from a lot of different perspectives…” Yohan trails off with a nervous laugh.
“Well, that’s fine, I really appreciate that you wanted to learn.” Yongha presses a kiss to Yohan’s cheek, bringing a pretty pink blush to his cheeks. “I think the real key was when I did your makeup before the rave we went to, though.”
Yohan flushes even deeper at Yongha’s words.
“Yeah… By then I was super attracted to them, but also a little confused? I mean, they’re not a man, so it’s not like I was gay ,—not that anything’s wrong with that—but that didn’t make me straight either, so I was just there letting them sit on my lap doing my makeup—”
“You were on his lap?! ” Daehyeon exclaims.
“Anywhere else would have been too far away! Can you blame me for wanting to be close to my crush!” Yongha whines defensively. “Besides, he already knew I liked him by then…” they mutter under their breath.
“Y-Yeah, that too. Anyway, I was trying not to have a crisis since I didn’t want to break their heart, and while this is happening, our friend is like, egging me to just give in and kiss them, which… I mean, yeah both of us wanted me to do it, I just didn’t want to do it without knowing exactly what was going on with us, if that makes sense?” Yongha nods in agreement to Yohan’s words, leaning into his side much like Yonghee is leaning against Jinyoung’s. Yonghee shares a knowing glance with them, and they flash him a smile before continuing Yohan’s train of thought. 
“That’s when I figured he didn’t know that anyone could be attracted to me regardless of sexuality, since…” Yongha gestures to themself and shrugs. “As soon as I told him, he just went in, and now here we are!”
Yonghee’s heart warms at the sight of Daehyeon’s accepting smile.
“I’m really glad you two are happy together, Yongha. I can tell you treat each other well.” Perhaps Yonghee is reading too far into things, but does Daehyeon sound… Bitter? It’s subtle under his genuine happiness for the couple, so perhaps Yonghee could be imagining it. Still, he makes a note to check in on that once they get in.
The rest of the line breezes by within a few minutes, and they’re met with booming music as soon as they enter. Yonghee flinches a little at the sudden spike in volume, but he’s over it just as fast.
“Baby I see why the way I walk, you tryna find something to say~” A sultry voice rings out from the stage ahead of them.
“Oh. My. God.” Daehyeon whimpers from next to Yonghee.
“What, what?” Yonghee asks, craning his neck to see the latest performer. Yohan had mentioned an old friend of his would be performing tonight, and Jinyoung had also recognized him, but his name escapes Yonghee at the moment. Could this be him?
“There’s no way that’s Kim Donghan,” Daehyeon wheezes, blindly grabbing at Yonghee’s shoulder for support. That’s the name!
“Why are you saying it like it’s a bad thing?” Yonghee asks. Then again, Daehyeon could just be in shock and Yonghee could have misread. It’s hard to tell, sometimes.
“I mean, it’s not, but it kind of is. He was my bi awakening!” Daehyeon hisses. The crowd parts a little in front of Yonghee, leaving him a perfect view of the leather-clad man onstage throwing a wink in his and Daehyeon’s direction. 
“Yes, hyung?”
“I’m going to fucking die.”
As if to seal Daehyeon’s doom, Donghan starts strutting over, a sensual line about sugar canes and chains playing on his lips. Yonghee finds himself getting accosted from both sides; Daehyon locking his left arm in a vice grip and Jinyoung repeatedly smacking his right in excitement.
“Save me, Yonghee!” Daehyeon whimpers.
“I’m going to be honest, I don’t know if there’s much I can do!” Yonghee is only half aware of the words leaving his mouth, dazed by the sheer intensity of Donghan’s gaze. He looks at his audience like he’s about to fucking eat them, something that Yonghee never thought he would be so into. Then again, Jinyoung looks at him the same way, when… 
He’s jolted out of his thoughts by Daehyeon bolting off to the bar. 
“Uh—Daehyeon and I will get our first round of drinks first! You guys go ahead and get good seats for us!” Yonghee blusters, barely staying long enough to process Jinyoung’s nod before he’s pushing through the crowd to get to Daehyeon. 
"Hyung, wait up!" Yonghee calls over the music. He all but throws himself into the chair next to Daehyeon who's huddled at the far edge of the bar, staring down at it as if it were suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. "Are you okay?"
"No!" Daehyeon squeaks. "How am I supposed to face the only man I've loved since middle school after I haven't seen him in years and he's like this now?! Did he recognize me? I really hope he didn't recognize me, because if he did then he'll know it took me this long when he's always been like this and I never have and—"
"Whoa, hold on, breathe, breathe!" Yonghee cuts in as Daehyeon starts running out of air. 
He had only managed to pick up about half of Daehyeon’s rambling, but from that, he had picked up most of the same concerns that he once had when he and Jinyoung had first reunited after high school. Yonghee faintly wonders if Daehyeon is himself from another timeline. The bartender slides a glass of water towards them, which Yonghee accepts on Daehyeon’s behalf. 
“Drink up and run that by me again, hyung,” Yonghee murmurs, “slowly this time.”
Daehyeon downs half the glass in a single go, nearly choking on it in the process. 
“So, we went to high school together,” Daehyeon groans. “We weren’t super close, but some of our friends knew each other and we would always be right on the edge of being friends, but not really, if that makes sense?”
"Okay, so you know him,” Yonghee says with a nod. “Judging by how he looked at us, he remembers you, right?" he asks.
"Yeah, and I was really stupid back in middle school and rejected him when he asked me out!" Daehyeon all but wails. "What is he going to think of me showing up like this now?!"
Yonghee blinks down at Daehyeon for a couple moments. It's obvious that a blunt reply won't help this situation at all, but he really has no other idea how to reply. 
"... If it happened in middle school, I highly doubt he remembers that, hyung. Even then, feelings can still change after time!" 
"I rejected him because I said I was straight , Yonghee!” Daehyeon wails. “What is he going to think now that I'm here? What if he thinks I'm just one of those shitty guys who likes to experiment and throw people away?"
"Well, are you?"
"No! He’s the only one I’ve had on my mind!"
“So what’s the problem?!” Yonghee exclaims, incredulous. “The only problem I can think about right now is that he might be taken, which. Well, yeah, okay, that’s a problem, but it wouldn’t be your fault like you’re making it out to be, right?”
Daehyeon muffles his sigh into his glass before chugging the rest. He doesn’t look back up at Yonghee when he sets it down again, staring down into the ice.
“It could be. From what I heard after I graduated, he really liked me. I already broke his heart once, I don’t want it to have been repaired only for me to show up and break it again. That’s why I was a little hesitant to come here when Yohan mentioned him, but honestly…” Yonghee leans in a little closer to hear him better over the music. “I also just really wanted to see him again.”
Yonghee’s heart aches on Daehyeon’s behalf. He remembers exactly how that had felt like.
“I don’t think you’ll believe me, but I was the same, sort of,” he starts, sliding his stool closer so he won’t have to shout. “I’ve loved Jinyoung since middle school, when I was a little girl and he was just coming to terms with being gay. I never told him I liked him back then, partly since I knew it wouldn’t work out and partly because we both moved schools before I had the chance. I was devastated, obviously, but in the time we were apart, I was able to really discover myself properly. He did, too. By the time we got to meet again, he had actually forgotten me. Made things slightly awkward because I was thinking of him through everything, but you know what? That had just made things better for us in the end.” 
Daehyeon gapes at him. “How?!”
Yonghee can’t help but smile at the memory, lightly tracing his fingers along the patterns of the bartop. “If we had stayed in touch with each other between middle school and college, we both would have had more trouble figuring ourselves out. Back in middle school, I was the only girl Jinyoung would have ever considered marrying on the playground, and Jinyoung used to be the kind of boy that I wanted to be as well as just…” Yonghee shrugs. “Wanted in general, I guess. We still would have turned out fine in the end, but we also would have confused each other. Maybe you two have the same thing going on.”
Daehyeon sighs. “I wish it could be that easy. I mean, I’m sure you and Jinyoung didn’t have it easy, but with the way you say it, I just…” He absently swirls his half-melted ice around his glass. “I don’t know. He’s him, and I’m me. Even if he still sees it, I don’t know what he sees in me.”
“Let’s find out, then!” Yonghee chirps. Just then, his phone vibrates with two messages from Jinyoung and one from Yohan. The first from Jinyoung is a list of everything the group wants to drink, and the second is a “You’ve been there for a while. Is everything okay?” that warms his heart. Yohan’s message simply reads “Donghan-hyung’s single and looking for Daehyeon-hyung lol I think he’s going to have a heart attack.”
“Judging by the look on your face, you already have, haven’t you?” Daehyeon asks, an edge of defeat in his tone. Yonghee meets his somber face with a grin.
“Yep! And this will be good!”
A squabble over who pays for the first round and another glass of water for Daehyeon later, Yonghee and Daehyeon finally arrive at their friend’s table with the drinks.
“You’re just in time!” Yohan says to Daehyeon. “Donghan-hyung’s set is almost done!”
“I don’t think I can do this…” Daehyeon mutters under his breath.
“Yes you can! We’ll help you!” Yonghee nudges Jinyoung as he speaks, glancing first at Daehyeon, then at Donghan who’s still onstage. Jinyoung nods in understanding, and leans over to whisper something to Yohan.
“Yohan explained everything while you were gone, are we finally getting you and Donghan-hyung together?” Yongha asks Daehyeon, who freezes like a deer in the headlights.
“Yep!” Yonghee says before Daehyeon can finish flailing for an answer. Right on time, Donghan’s last song ends with a flourish and thunderous cheers from nearly the entire club—however none are as loud as their table. Donghan throws another wink their way and immediately starts making his way over, much to Daehyeon’s dismay.
“Guys, you said you’d help, what do I do, he’s coming this way!” Daehyeon whimpers, half-hiding behind Yonghee. “I don’t want to mess this up!”
“You won’t, just be yourself!” Yongha assures.
“Love conquers all, doesn’t it?” Hyunsuk adds.
“Donghanie-hyung! Look who came to see you!” Yohan calls as soon as Donghan gets close enough. Before Daehyeon can hide, Jinyoung and Seunghun all but drag him up in front of Donghan.
“Uh. Hi, Donghan… It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Daehyeon stammers. In an instant, Donghan’s icy, wolfish eyes squish up with the force of his grin—a stark contrast to the man who was onstage not even a minute ago.
“Daehyeon-hyung! You have no idea how much I’ve missed you!” Donghan gushes, pulling Daehyeon into a hug. “Can we talk? Just the two of us?” he asks as he pulls back. There’s a certain softness behind his tone when he speaks now, one meant only for Daehyeon to hear.
“What, and leave us all behind? That’s mean, hyung, I’ve missed you too!” Jinyoung whines, though his smile shows he means none of it.
“Don’t worry, you can still get a piece of me when I’m done with him!” Donghan says with a teasing grin. Even in the dim club lights, Yonghee can still see Daehyeon flushing red all the way down his neck as he and Donghan head off. He only gives one look back at Yonghee on his way, to which Yonghee flashes him an encouraging thumbs up. The last thing the group see of them before they disappear backstage is Daehyeon reaching out to take Donghan’s hand, and the entire table bursts into cheers.
“Finally!” Jinyoung crows. “What did you tell him? It must have been good to finally get him out of his shell.” 
Yonghee shrugs. “He was just like how I used to be before I met you. I figured he could use some of the advice I learned from everyone else. I just hope it worked.”
The next morning, Yonghee wakes up on an unfamiliar couch, wrapped up in Jinyoung’s arms, to a flurry of half-coherent “thank you” messages from Daehyeon, whose number he doesn’t recall saving. 
“Well. Looks like it did.”
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thesolferino · 4 years
True Calling
⤷ dream x f!reader.
⤷ word count: 3.9k
⤷ requested: yes, by this lovely anon!
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— summary: dream meets his favorite singer on an among us livestream.
“Dude, what could go wrong? Just do it.”
“What could go wrong?! Literally so many things, you ass.” 
Dream heard Sapnap sigh through the mic right into his headphones, the dim grey of his Discord background doing barely anything to illuminate his features as he stared at his open messages blankly.
“First of all, don’t.. speak to me like that, I am doing you a favour by sitting here and listening to you panic about stupid shit. Second of all, nothing big could go wrong. What, you’re a little awkward in the beginning, maybe, and that’s it.” Dream adjusted his headphones a little bit, Sapnap’s rant flowing into his ears but dissipating somewhere halfway to his brain, because, yes, things could go wrong and he can’t be proven otherwise.
“Did you forget that I’m a public figure? And that my fans are insane? I say one wrong thing and it’ll be memed and haunt me in my dreams. Did you forget that SHE’s a public figure? And that this is live? God…” he retorts back, listening to Sapnap helplessly sigh once again in response. He anxiously switches from his Discord to Twitter, then to YouTube, to Twitch and then back to Discord, frantically clicking around. In reality, he knows Sapnap is right, and it’s anxiety whispering into his ear that he’s gonna somehow fuck up, but maybe it’s simply easier to stay and argue with him into the night instead of actually responding to that message.
The stream is still going. Quackity’s voice speaks over Sapnap’s quiet breathing. “Damn, he’s still not responding. Um, let me try Tubbo, maybe?” 
Before he knows it, the opportunity to join the stream is slipping out of his fingers, and Dream isn’t sure if he’s happy about that or not. On one hand, he gets to meet one of his favorite artists whose album he’s played way too many times to count, and on the other, the chances of him embarrassing himself in front of that same artist and a hundred thousand other people are extremely high, and he’s not sure if he likes the odds of that.
“Man, I don’t know. You won’t listen to me, anyway. Don’t join if you don’t want to.” Dream hears the annoyed tinge in Sapnap’s voice, and that’s what pours the last bit of courage into his veins because the best way to do anything in life is to follow Sapnap’s advice after you’ve already irritated him to the point of defeat, and he murmurs a quick “bye” and hangs up before the other can even respond, typing a rapid “Sure, send me the VC link” back to Quackity. 
He hears a delighted exhale coming from his Twitch tab just as Quackity forwards him the link. “Okay, nevermind, we’ve got Dream! He’ll join in a second.” 
With that, he swiftly closes the Twitch tab and with an encouraging sip of water, he finally joins the Discord voice chat with the rest of the players. Your Discord image sticks out like a sore thumb to him despite being a super basic, Googleable picture of you that he’s probably seen a million times by now, and upon seeing it, reality slaps him right over the face and he realises that, oh shit, he actually joined.
“Hey everyone.” Dream speaks into the mic and a mix of excited voices greets him at the same time as he loads up the game. Your icon is missing the green halo. He stares at it, as if you’ll magically speak up if he stares long and hard enough. That, apparently, works.
Pokimane’s “Dream, hi!” seems to set something off in your brain, and you speak again.
“Oh, Dream?” the green halo appears, and Dream resists the urge to say something stupid or bite his hand or anything of the sort when you say his name. “Aren’t you the guy who listens to my music all the time?” you giggle.
Quackity laughs loudly in his usual fashion, and Dream feels his hands go cold as the Among Us loading page pops up. “Wh-huh?” 
“Yeah, you-you listen to my music a lot! Your fans always tag me under that… ‘Dream’s Spotify’ Twitter account, I remember you.” Dream swears his heart is about to jump out of his chest and start bouncing around on the floor because his ribs are way too restrictive for that type of movement, but he tries his best to play it cool and laughs lightheartedly.
“I do! I’m, like, your biggest fan.” he grins, as if you can see him, and you laugh in return.
“Yeah, man, you pay my rent. Thanks.” you say and a couple of people laugh while Dream inputs the code and his character finally pops up, immediately running around like the rest of the group. He runs around your purple character and hears you chuckle as you run around him too, but not for long, because the game starts and everyone mutes themselves. He audibly sighs, because he can afford to, considering he’s not streaming and nobody can hear the amount of courage this whole thing is taking him. 
A notification pops up on his screen - the Dream Team group chat seems to be talking. Must’ve already found some way to make fun of me, he thinks to himself as he huffs out a large breath and runs through cafeteria and weapons to do his tasks in navigation. Corpse is hot on his tail the whole time, and not to say he’s an untrustworthy guy, but Dream isn’t really looking forward to getting killed before even speaking to you properly, so he runs around, trying to find somebody to stick with so Corpse doesn’t shove a knife in his back while he’s doing a task. 
Thankfully, Karl emerges somewhere from the direction of storage right into communications where Dream was going, too. Just as Dream starts finishing download and Corpse and Karl line up behind him, his screen flashes bright red and white and the bold letters “Dead body reported” pop up. Everyone unmutes themselves and his eyes bore into your character, immediately.
“Alright, the body was in top left of the… uh, upper engine. I need everyone’s positions.” Rae immediately spoke.
“I was in electrical, I-I went through cafeteria to the upper engine with Poki, there was nobody there, we did our tasks, went down to lower engine, then Poki left with Toast, and I went to electrical and the body was reported.” Sykkuno said, and Pokimane confirmed with a hum of agreement.
“Dream?” Rae asked, and he spoke up.
“I never even went that way, I went through weapons to nav, and then to communications, and then the body was found. Corpse can vouch for me because he was following me the entire time and I kinda thought he was gonna kill me. And Karl saw me in communications, us three were all together when you… reported the body.” He rambled, trying to defend himself.
“Yeah, it’s true, he was with me the whole time.” Corpse supported.
“Karl, which way did you get to communications?” Toast asked.
“Uh, through storage.” Karl replied quickly.
“That’s funny, ‘cause I was in security, and I could swear I saw you walk past.” Toast said, and a couple of “ooh”s echo through the call.
“That makes no sense because even if I did go that way, I wouldn’t have time to get to communications and start doing my task with Dream and Corpse if I killed Ethan! And Rae, you-you saw me do my task in storage!” Karl loudly defended himself.
“...that… that’s true, yeah.” she said.
“If you ask me, Toast, you’re being real sus for lying about that.” Karl threw it back at Toast, who protested.
“Listen, I didn’t say you killed anybody, I just said I saw someone run past!” he claimed.
“Bretman and Y/N are being real quiet, though.” Corpse points out, and the green halo around your icon lights up once again.
“Oh shit, I didn’t realise I was muted. Sorry, guys.” you laughed. “Um, I was with… Quackity, in… what’s that shit on the right called?”
“O2.” Quackity quickly jumped in.
“Right, O2. I went to… top left, first, and I did my tasks there, and then to weapons and then to O2, and then the body was reported.”
“You were in top left?” Rae repeated.
“And was there anyone with you?”
“Um… no? I was alone, and then I saw Quackity in top right, and then we went to, uh, O2 together.” you said and Corpse sighed loudly.
“That means she could’ve had the time to kill Ethan and run.” Toast points out.
“Hey! I didn’t kill anyone! I don’t even know how this game works…” you whined into the mic and Quackity laughed.
“Yeah, I dunno Y/N, you were dancing real suspiciously around me…” he said, causing you to defend yourself louder.
“Why would I kill anyone?! I don’t even know how to do that, I’m a nice person!”
“I don’t think she did it, guys.” Dream pipes up, tugging at the wire of his headphones absentmindedly.
“Shut up, you simp.” Quackity fires back instantly, making everyone in the call laugh, including Dream.
“Damn right, I’m a Y/N simp. She can do no wrong. I mean, look at that innocent face! She did nothing, I’m-I’m sure.” He argued, making you cover your mouth and giggle.
“Their face is literally the same as everyone’s! We’re all astronauts!” Rae protested, but Dream kept shaking his head.
“No, hers is more innocent.” he said. “Toast, why are you so set on accusing everyone, anyway?”
“Oh, you’re so not attacking Toast right now-”
“Guys, I think we should skip.” Sykkuno pipes up to calm the conversation, and everyone agrees, even though most of them mumble “sus” under their breath as soon as they mute their mics.
Dream’s tiny green astronaut stomps his way over to the left side immediately, changing paths this time and making his way into the Upper Engine, trying to finish his tasks in time and possibly find someone to accompany him so he at least doesn’t have to argue over his alibi. He had four tasks left, two of them in Upper Engine, so after that he was free to roam around wherever his heart desired. Just as he started doing one of them, he watched your purple character step in and run circles around him, earning you a quiet laugh that he didn’t know he uttered until he heard himself do it and silently scolded himself for getting that flustered at something so simple.
The two of you did your tasks together before going down to reactor. Just as Dream started doing one of his tasks, a dead body was reported again and he unmuted himself as Toast immediately started borderline yelling into his headphones. 
“Bretman just killed Sykkuno RIGHT in front of me. I literally watched him do it. He killed Sykkuno in COLD BLOOD.” he confidently claimed and Dream, quite uninterested, grabbed his bottle of water and lightly sipped on it, wiping beads of sweat resting right above his eyebrows with his forearm, blindly looking around the darkness, trying to get his eyes to adjust looking away from the computer screen. His eyes searched for the window - it was open, just enough to let a fresh breeze inside, but it never seemed to do that, letting humid air in with open arms like a welcome guest. Florida is fucking hell, he thinks, gulping down some more water.
“No, I didn’t! I seriously did not, he’s the one who killed him and is trying to frame me now. I swear to God, Toast…” Bretman shouted into his worn mic, trying to argue back. 
“Yeah, to be honest, Bretman, you were silent the whole time when Ethan died.” Rae reasoned, earning quite a lot of “ooh”s and causing little “voted” signs to appear next to Poki, Toast and Karl’s names as Bretman tried his best to fight back.
“I didn’t know I was muted the whole time! You know I’m bad at this! Why would I... you know what, nevermind! Vote me! Vote me! You’ll see when Toast kills you all, I don’t care anymore. I literally saw-”
Dream slumps further into his chair, sure that the foam would have a dent of his body shape imprinted even when he’s long gone from it, and unlocks his phone with a quiet sigh. He opens Discord, and wishes he hadn’t, because Sapnap and George are always on the front lines and ready to make fun of him at any chance possible. He types back a stupid joke, calling them losers, but before he can press send, a Twitter notification pops up on his phone that almost makes his painfully sweaty hands lose grip of the phone. 
“this is so boring” your message reads, from your official Twitter account. Dream blinks a few times, and looks up from his phone to observe his murky, empty room, eyes flashing from the window to the ripped chocolate bar wrapper that somehow made its way onto the floor to a cup of coffee from this afternoon. Did the humid air finally get to him? Hallucinations?
He clicks on the notification - it proves to not be a product of his imagination, after all. Three dots dance around on his screen cheerfully, but they suddenly stop. His ears tune in. Bretman is still defending his honor. Something else must’ve interrupted you. His shaky hands barely hit the right letters.
He takes a handful of screenshots amidst his euphoria, and forwards them to the group chat with no caption besides an emoji sticking its tongue out - he wants to tell them to suck his dick, or something along those lines, but your message remains a priority as he rushes back to the Twitter app to reply.
“Right” he manages to write without a typo. “They’re annoying”
Three dots immediately return to his screen like a happy memory, and he almost can’t believe you’re texting back so fast. George would probably humble him by saying it’s because you have nothing better to do, but what George doesn’t know can’t hurt him, Dream supposes, and clicks on your profile instinctively as he adjusts his headphones on one ear. By the time you finish typing your message, the group decided to vote out Bretman, who ended up not being an imposter.
The three dots disappear as quick as they came, and so does the anticipation that bubbled up in Dream’s throat as he sourly leaves to finish the rest of his tasks. The rest of the game stays as boring as it started, save for the giggles and hushed laughter that came from you at every few jokes he made - of which he made quite a lot, in a desperate attempt to make you laugh, at least a little bit. Of course, Quackity was there every step of the way to accidentally mention how Dream sounded a lot more hype and alive during this game than he does ever, but you win some, you lose some, eh?
In the next game you actually decided to set up proximity chat, so of course Dream followed you around everywhere, hot on your tail at all times - what else is he supposed to do, when the chance presented itself, really?
“Are you imposter?” His character obnoxiously ran circles around you as you did your wires task slowly and unsurely since this stream was your first time playing.
“No, but I wouldn’t tell you even if I was, dummy.” You replied, running around his own character briefly before running up to do the rest of your tasks, watching the green astronaut follow you close behind. 
“Why not?” Dream questioned, eyes following all your movements since he didn’t have anything better to do considering he finished all his tasks. 
“Do you not know how this game works?”
“Yeah, but you’d tell me, right? I wouldn’t… rat you out.” He heard a sigh coming through his headphones in response, and his grin widened just a little, watching your character walk away from him.
“I know you wouldn’t.” you replied. “I’ll tell you if I’m imposter, I guess.”
“You wouldn’t kill me, would you?” Dream spoke into his mic, reaching to fix it and realising the way his hand trembled a little, fully aware he was walking the line between flirty and obnoxious more than usual. He lowered his gaze just to see his keyboard reflect the light of the computer back to him - the sweat from his palms seemed to seep onto the keyboard. He refused to think about the mocking things his best friends would say if they found out how nervous he was just to talk to you. 
“No, of course not! I wouldn’t be able to kill you.” You chirped just as a dead body was discovered and the two of you were torn from the conversation. 
In the next one, his screen flashed an ominous black and red with the word “Impostor” and your purple character stood proudly next to his green one, and he snickered to himself, adjusting his headphones one more time (the more he did it, the more he was convinced it was one of those anxious habits of his).
Shifting in his chair, he started moving and couldn’t believe his eyes when he realised the two of you managed to lock yourselves in a room with Corpse and Sykkuno, accomplishing a double kill in barely the first two minutes of the game. The two of you vented while Dream muttered curses under his breath, breaking out in a sweat wondering if you’re going to get caught or not as you casually hummed to a random tune while faking tasks, hitting the notes in such an effortless way that it made Dream relax and get even more nervous at the same time. It didn’t take too long before the body was found, and you seemed to adapt to the game very quickly, as Dream just sat back most of the time and watched you stretch out a whole essay on why you and Dream could NOT have been imposters. 
“Why would they stick together the whole time? Couldn’t they get at least someone else to vouch for them?” Toast complained. 
“Girl, Dream wants some… alone time with Y/N, obviously.” Bretman said, despite being the one most sus of you in the first place, forcing laughter out of the whole lobby, Dream’s sticking out the most as his mood constantly swayed from finding the whole thing funny to being worried sick if you actually find him weird.
“Exactly! And we’re gonna have our alone time if we want to, thank you very much.” 
Well, Dream thinks, taking a stressed gulp of water from his bottle, at least we cleared that one up.
“I don’t think that sounded the way you wanted it to, Y/N.” Karl pipes up, making Quackity burst into another fit of loud laughter, and you immediately protested.
“It sounded exactly the way I wanted it to! Now, vote Rae or else.” 
When the meeting was over, he ran after you through cafeteria, grin splitting out on his face before he even spoke.
“You’re pretty…” his silence extended as he watched your character stare at his. “...pretty smart.”
You snorted. “Right. You’re pretty…” you extended your silence in return, mocking him. “...too.”
His heart jumps. “You forgot a word there.” he says as you stomp out to storage.
“I said what I said, Dreamy.” 
He swears this can’t be healthy for his blood pressure. In the corner of his eye, Discord notifications pop up like crazy. The boys must be watching your stream. His heart swells with both pride and dread, knowing he’s about to be called something along the lines of pretty Dreamy for the next two months.
“How do you know I’m pretty? You’ve never even seen my face.” Dream replies as heat creeps up like a spirit rising from soil, from the back of his neck, seeping into his ears and cheeks somewhat equally. His eyes dart to the window again. Of course it’s the stupid Florida weather that has him burning up, flustered. Maybe he should open another window.
“Is this an invitation to see it?” you say, a teasing tone clinging off your voice and he can practically hear you smiling. 
“No, I’m just saying! If you want to see it, though, that… that can be arranged.” he bites his lip as a physical attempt of holding back the smile that breaks out as he waits for your response, chest puffing in both nervousness and odd confidence.
“Can it? I mean, I don’t need to see it, I just know already, you have those… pretty boy vibes. But I wouldn’t…” you chuckle. “...be opposed to seeing it, for sure. Don’t count on me not to leak the pictures, though. I want the clout.”
“What do you MEAN you want the clout, you’re Y/N! You don’t need clout from a Minecraft YouTuber!” He argues back, a small wheeze escaping him mid sentence as you giggle and run around, with him following your every move.
“You keep my fucking lights on, man! Whenever your Spotify Twitter account thingy tweets that you’re listening to my stuff, the streams go up! I need your clout.” you say as you run into admin and snap Toast’s neck and run back out casually, as if nothing happened. 
“Yeah, that’s how me listening to your songs on repeat works.” he says and you let out some sort of irritated groan.
“Shut up, smartass.” Just as you say that, somebody seems to find the body and you’re pulled into a meeting, where Rae susses both of you immediately.
“No, because both of you are always together! And someone always spots you walking by the place where the bodies are found! At some point that can’t be a coincidence, right?” she accuses, practically yelling into the mic.
“Of course they’re always together, check- check fuckin’ Twitter! They’re trending on like three different spots already!” Quackity jumps in, loud as always, and the lobby gives off mixed reactions.
“What? We are?” Dream asks, and Quackity confirms with a “yeah, man! Check!” and so he complies, quickly pulling out his phone to check the trending tabs. Sure enough, among the politics and sports, “DREAM Y/N”, “PRETTY BOY” and “DREAM FACE” are crammed, sat at 7th, 14th and 18th place, respectfully. A satisfied grin breaks out on his face. At least they see it, too.
“This has to be the first time Dream has trended for something heterosexual.” Karl points out, earning loud laughter from Quackity and Bretman, less loud on your part.
“Exactly! We’re a power couple! Stay mad!” You shouted, with Dream supporting you in the background, although still shyly adjusting his headphones every few seconds, unable to comprehend that oh, this is actually happening.
Both of you get voted out during the next few minutes, but that really means nothing to Dream - they actually do him quite a favor, because the two of you get to excuse yourselves and he sees those three familiar dots dance on his screen again as he leans back into his chair with a dopey grin, playing with the strings of his sweatpants, waiting for your next and next and next message. 
He opens Discord on his computer to type one last message into the groupchat before turning it off for the night:
Dream (03:14): maybe Minecraft wasn’t my calling after all
Dream (03:14): can’t believe I just met my soulmate on Among Us
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favefandomimagines · 3 years
Oh (e.b.)
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Summary: buck runs into his ex fling, taylor kelly, leaving you to feel like nothing but a second choice
AN: inspired by the winter finale of 911
You were a catch. You were smart, had a good job, beautiful. Guys were lining up to date you and yet the man you wanted to be with didn’t want you.
It seemed to everyone around you that the two of you were meant to be but to Buck, it wasn’t that obvious. He didn’t see how you looked at him, didn’t hear how you talked about him. Clearly, he didn’t know how you felt about him.
So, you stuck it out. You put your feelings on the back burner and just decided to be his friend. If he wanted to be with you, he would.
But you couldn’t ignore the feeling in your chest when he told you he was having dinner with Taylor Kelly.
“We got to talking at that call and then Albert said him and Veronica were having dinner and I just, called and asked if she wanted to come.” Buck explained. “And she said yes?” You asked.
“Yeah, she seemed on board. Maybe this is the universe telling me something.” He said. “The universe? You’ve never believed in that stuff.” You told him. “But this is Buck 3.0. I’m all for a change.” Buck answered. “When is this dinner again?” You asked. “Wednesday at 6.” He said. 
“Oh.” You muttered quietly. Wednesday was your birthday. And it seemed that Buck was caught up in bettering himself and finding someone that he had completely forgotten about you. But you had enough trying to remind him and get him to see that you were right there the whole time. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat as you looked at the mug in your hands. “You okay?” He asked. “Uh, yeah. I think I’m gonna head home. I have a long shift tomorrow.” You said, rising from your seat.
“You just got here.” Buck pointed out. “Buck, I just, I gotta go.” You said in a more stern manner. He looked at you with furrowed eyebrows and watched you leave his apartment.
You let out a large sigh as you got in your car before the tears came.
How were you so unlucky that the guy you were head over heels for, wanted someone else? He wanted someone else so much, he forgot about her birthday. When you were right there through everything? You were there through Abby leaving, Ally breaking up with him, the lawsuit against the department, his parents, everything. And yet you were left on the back burner. 
You always put his feelings above your own, not because you felt like you should. But because you cared about him and if he was happy, you were happy. Though, the more you thought about it, the more you realized that he sometimes didn’t give you that same courtesy. 
Your day was like the day from hell. Everything that could go wrong in your line of work, went completely wrong. To make matters worse, you had lost one of your favorite patients. She had stage 3 leukemia but she never let that change her personality. 
She made going to the hospital after shifts worth while because at least you got to spend time with her. But the cancer was too aggressive for the chemo and she died in her sleep that night. You tried not to let losses get to you but she had been your patient since you started volunteering at the hospital. You were really hoping you’d see her remission but the universe had other plans. 
All you wanted to do was lay on the couch with Buck and just cry. You got in your car and dialed his number, getting a few rings before he picked up. “Hey, you!” He greeted you. “Hey, do you maybe want to come over later? I’ve had the worst day. I lost a patient and-” You started before he cut you off. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I can’t. I have a date tonight, trying to put myself back out there.” He said. “I can come over after.” He added. “No, forget it. It’s fine.” You said. “You sound upset.” Buck said. “I’m fine, Buck. Enjoy your date.” You replied before hanging up the phone. 
Since that evening, you had been avoiding Buck like the plague. On shifts, you wouldn’t talk to him. Sticking to Chimney and Hen like glue to avoid any conversation with Buck. 
You went so far to ask to ride in the ambulance to calls, rather than in the fire engine like usual. It wasn’t odd for you to be in the ambulance because you were an EMT but you usually rode with the rest of the team.
“Does anyone know why Y/N won’t ride with us anymore?” Buck asked his crew. “Are you that dumb?” Hen asked. “Hen,” Bobby started. “It’s because of you, dude.” Eddie answered. “Me? What did I do?” Buck questioned. “Well, you blow her off all the time, completely ignore her feelings and ditch her for dates and you’re so oblivious you can’t see that she’s totally in love with you.” Eddie explained. “When you were hurt in the hospital, she didn’t come to work for days because she didn’t want you the throw a clot. She had to work triple shifts just to make enough to pay her rent because of all the days she missed sitting with you. Did you ever thank her for that?” Bobby added. “Well, no, but-” He started. 
“And when she lost her favorite patient, Emily, did you ask her if she was okay?” Bobby asked. “I-I couldn’t I had a date. And she didn’t say it was Emily.” Buck said, trying to defend yourself. “If you don’t reciprocate her feelings, that’s fine. But she’s your best friend. And as her best friend, you are supposed to be there when she needs you. She shouldn’t have to explain herself.” Bobby concluded. “You also forgot her birthday.” Chimney added as they all got out of the engine. 
The rest of his shift, Buck tried getting you to talk to him. But it was always, ‘I’m busy, Buck’ or ‘Can’t talk, we’re working.’ He’d given up when he tried to stop you after a call and you had given him a look he had never seen before. 
The guilt was eating him alive. He was a terrible friend to you and he thought being with you was a pipe dream. Until Hen and Eddie told him you loved him. But regardless of your feelings for him, you had done so much for him and he didn’t realize it until you were gone. 
That night, Buck went over to Taylor’s to gain more perspective on what he could do to fix what he royally screwed up. 
“I don’t know what to do. She hasn’t talked to me in weeks. We’ve never gone this long without talking.” Buck explained to Taylor.
“Well, you did forget her birthday. And not give it a second thought that she was hurting over the loss of a patient.” She said. “That’s not helping.” He replied. “You asked for my help and I’m being honest. You really hurt her. She almost got evicted because she was so worried about you. The first person she wanted to be with after her friend died was you and you went on a date instead.” Taylor said. “I know. I tried to talk to her but she won’t answer any of my calls or texts. She won’t even look at me anymore.” Buck said. 
“You are so stupid sometimes.” Taylor laughed. “What?” Buck asked. “She has feelings for you. Why else would she get so upset? If she only saw you as a friend, you would be getting screamed at not avoided.” She explained.
“Everyone keeps saying that but there’s no way Y/N has feelings for me. She’s...perfect. Perfect doesn’t fall for damaged goods.” Buck rebutted. “Trust me, she loves you.” Taylor told him. “And do you love her?” She asked. “Of course I do. But being with her seemed like it was too good to happen so I tried to move on. I guess I tried so hard I ended up hurting her anyways.” Buck answered. 
“Then tell her. And do a whole lot of graveling while you’re at it.” Taylor said. 
Buck quickly left the apartment and got into his car driving like a bat out of hell. When he arrived at your apartment, he didn't even bother to park in the parking stall correctly, his main focus was just getting to you.
When he finally reached your door, he knocked on it rather harshly and heard the sound of your urgent footsteps coming to find out who it was.
"Buck? What are you doing here?" You asked. Buck couldn't even find the words to answer because he was more focused on what you were wearing.
You had on a formed fitting red dress, your hair was curled and flowing over your shoulders and you looked beautiful.
"Wh-Why are you dressed like that?" He stammered. "I have a date." You answered. "You have a date? With who?" Buck asked. "Emily's brother. We became close when Emily had chemo and after she died we kept in tough. Why are you here?" You questioned.
"Don't go on the date. Please, for the love of god, don't go on that date. Because I love you, Y/N. I was too stupid to see it until you weren't around anymore. And I was terrible to you. I was supposed to be your best friend and I was so worried about my own life I dnd't even ask you how you were doing and oh my god I missed your birthday." Buck rambled.
"Slow down, Buckley, and talk to me at a normal rate, please." You said.
Buck took a deep breath and looked at you intently. "I'm in love with you. I-I always have but being with you always seemed like a pipe dream because you're perfect. You have always been perfect and you know that I'm not." Buck explained.
"Exactly. I've seen you at your worst and I still love you but even as your best friend you never gave me the time of day. Missing my birthday to go to dinner with Taylor Kelly. Brushing me off after Emily died because you had a date." You laughed bitterly. "I have stood by you no matter what. But god forbid I need you once in a while." You added.
"And I am so sorry, Y/N. You have every right to be upset with me, I'm upset with me. I'm pissed off at myself because I didn't realize what I had until it was too late." Buck replied. "Evan, do you understand the situation you just put me in? I get to go on a date with a great guy, one who actually pays attention and then the man I've been in love with for years, shows up at my doorstep to tell me he loves me back." You started.
Buck's facial expression fell, fearing the worst and anticipating you telling him that you'd moved on and he was too late.
"And I have to call that guy and tell him that I can't make it. Because the person I actually want to be with is right here." You finished.
The light in Buck's eyes returned at your words, looking at you with a gentle smile.
"Really?" He asked. "Yes, really and please don't make me regret it. You've screwed up a lot lately, let's not add us to the list." You said. "So there's an us now?" Buck questioned. "I-If that's okay with you." You stuttered. "It's absolutely okay with me." Buck said with a smile.
"I guess I got all dressed up for nothing." You sighed, letting Buck inside your apartment.
Buck was quiet for a moment as he watched you take your heels off and your earrings, placing them on the table by the door. "Then let's not make it for nothing. Let me take you out on our first official date." He said.
"Besides, I need to see you in that dress more often." He added a smirk on his face. "Alright then, Buckley. Take me on a date. You have a lot to make up for." You smiled, offering him your hand.
Buck took your hand in his, happily, and held you steady as you put your shoes back on. “Trust me, Y/N, it’ll be the best date you’ve ever been on.” He said. 
In the moment, you laughed at his words but after the date had concluded and all was said and done, it had indeed been the best date you have ever been on. 
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
I'm sorry but i'm addicted to our boy Spamton- I have a little unique request here. So this takes place where Spamton just moves in the Queen's mansion, he meets the reader and immediately falls for their kind words and gestures. Weeks pass, and he goes to see them, but catches them talking and hanging out with Swatch.. He gets really jealous to the point of changing his style to match Swatch's
"Oh [y/n]! Have You Met Our Newest Guest?"
"Uh, I don't believe-"
"He's An Interesting Addison Who Made A Big Name For Himself! Ohohoho!" Queen laughed joyously, pausing to sip her glass of battery acid. "I Wonder How He Got So Rich...No Matter. As My Peon, I Order You Greet Him......Whenever It's Convenient For You."
"Sure thing. I'll go now." With a respectful nod, you set off to the mansion's guest chambers to meet this newcomer. You've lived here for a long time--and somewhat reluctantly since Queen decided to make you one of her peons one day. But life was actually pretty good.
It wasn't like you had anything better to do, so if she needed someone to help her with plans that..didn't seem all-that urgent, you'll offer your assistance. She let you stay in the mansion for free and never made you do anything if you weren't feeling up to it.
For a tyrannical ruler she was rather kind.
Yet you didn't wanna take advantage of her hospitality, so you'd just listen to whatever she says. And if she wants you to meet this celebrity as part of her endless lists of requests, then you'll happily oblige. But you were eager too since you've seen his face on TV a lot. It felt like an honor.
After wandering the corridors of deactivated puzzles, Mona Lisa-esque portraits, and meticulously-placed pottery, you finally arrived at the guest rooms. You hummed a small tune as you passed by each one, stopping when you noticed one door was open.
Peeking inside, you saw the Addison still setting up things. A phone was tucked between his shoulder and ear as he moved a box whilst rambling to whoever was on the other end of the line.
"Yea! I promise I won't let you down, okay? Soon I'll be bigger than ever before! I know I'm already a big shot but....haha, yeah, I shouldn't get carried away. Okay. Right..we'll discuss more of this tomorrow. Thanks!"
After hanging up the phone and returning it to the receiver, he finally noticed you and smiled. "Hey, hey! Haven't seen your face around here yet. But surely you know mine, right?"
"Yeah." You smiled, not wanting to shy away from talking with him. "Spamton, right?"
"Everybody's favorite number-one rated salesman!!" He laughed. "It's good you know me..'cuz soon ALL of Cyber World will know my name! It's a pleasure to meet you...?"
"[Y/n]. I'm one of Queen's peons." You shook his hand politely. The energy that radiated from him was so bright. Just as much as his pearly smile was.
Stepping inside, you glanced around at the luxurious furniture. He definitely got the higher-class rooms, with the addition of a large window that showed the neon green meridians that stretched across the night sky. It was certainly a beautiful view to fall asleep to. "Need help unpacking?"
"Oh--sure!!" At first Spamton seemed surprised by your offer, but he nodded. "If you want, be my guest. And while we unpack, I gotta ask you..how's it being Queen's peon?"
Weeks passed, and you've gotten to know Spamton more and more. You realized he was actually a sweet down-to-earth guy all around. Although he was on the phone a lot, he'd make time to hang out with you, so you two became fast friends.
He was truly living the best life. Posters of his car advertisements were littered all over the city, and the Swatchlings attended to his every need. Though one thing was hard to admit, even when it seemed like he had it all:
You were his only friend now that everyone else is intimidated by his status--as they would shy away from conversing with him--and the Addisons, well, abandoned him out of jealousy.
Obviously that made him worry about driving you away, especially when he's on the phone nonstop. But...the fact you've been so kind to him in every word and gesture, treating him like a regular person and not some untouchable celebrity, was quite endearing. Most admired him for his products, not his personality.
Your kindness made him fall for you hard and fast, ever since day one. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea; to let it get in the way of his business.
But what the hell? He was a big shot! He can afford to go a bit bigger and take more risks. Living in this mansion with someone who loved him would be the perfect dream.
There was a much bigger dream that his valued caller insisted he focused on, but that can come later.
So this morning, Spamton set out to find you to address these feelings once and for all. Yet he was rather nervous. Addisons were most confident in selling products, not so much...everything else. But he didn't wanna back down. He kept smiling no matter what.
As he checked inside the color café that he usually frequented, he saw you eating at the table. He noticed you weren't alone but with Swatch, talking and...
Laughing with them?
And just like that, his smile faded much like his hope.
Of course, the head butler had their ways to swoon people. He tried not to think of it as anything more than just their personality. It's just their way to entice returning customers.
That's all...right?
Spamton ducked behind one of the displays, listening in on your conversation to determine if he should proceed or not.
"By the way, we've known each other for a while and..I've always wanted to ask you something.."
"Yes? What is your inquiry?"
He held his breath. This is exactly what he feared. Knowing that you've been here longer, it's obvious you'd be closer to that damn bird-
"Your outfit."
Then he exhaled shakily, relieved. 'What are you getting so worked up for, idiot?' He thought in the back of his mind, but he continued eavesdropping.
"Did the Queen make it or give it to you? It's very stylish and really makes you stand out from the other Swatchlings."
"Ah, in fact I decided this look for myself." Swatch chuckled softly, raising a wing to adjust their glasses. "The tailor did marvelous work with my vision: black suit, tinted glasses. Very fashionable, is it not?"
"It is. I like it a lot."
"Why thank you. I see why our Lady Grace admires you. Just for that compliment, I'll give you a discount on any of our products in the gift shop."
"Should be every day if you ask me." You joked, earning another chuckle from them.
Seeing all of this and the way you two spoke like close friends was a jab in Spamton's heart-shaped object. 'So [y/n] likes people who stand out? Well I can stand out, too..' He thought bitterly as he stormed out of the shop without either of you knowing he was there.
Why should he settle with being a blank-slate Addison like the rest of them? He didn't consider himself one anymore.
Today, he told his valued caller, he was gonna be a whole new person.
It would help him get closer to both of his dreams, but there was only one on his mind now.
Later that night as you were getting ready for bed, you heard a knock at the door. You huffed in annoyance, assuming Queen needed you for something.
She had a knack for disturbing you at ungodly hours. But knowing better than to ignore her, you went to answer the door anyways-
To some strange black-haired guy in a black suit and white turtleneck sweater.
"Hi, um...can I help you?"
"[Y/n]? It's me."
"Yeah!" The salesman laughed, throwing his arms out and making a pose. "Whatdya think of me now?"
Perplexed, you looked him up and down. He ditched the lime-green pants, instead wearing white trousers. And his hair was slicked back. But what was most peculiar about him were his glasses, tinted with pink and yellow lenses.
Had you not known any better, you would've thought Swatch suddenly shrunk and became robotized.
"Cool but..you kinda look like Swatch a little bit. Was that on purpose?" You mused.
"...haha....yeah uh..funny story. Um.." He dropped the act, losing his trademark grin as he wondered how to explain himself and this sudden transformation. You could tell he wanted to talk inside the room, so you let him in and shut the door.
"I don't recall Queen mentioning any costume contest-"
"It's not a costume." He muttered, uncomfortably rubbing his hands together as he looked at you with sadness. "This is who I am now. The new me."
"..huh? You serious?" When he nodded, you frowned slightly. "I'm confused. You don't look like an Addison anymore-"
"That's the point...! I...I don't wanna be associated with them anymore. I decided to stand out, y'know? If you're gonna be a big shot, ya gotta stand out from the crowd!" He forced a laugh that sounded rather glitchy.
You didn't buy it. It wasn't like him to do this out of the blue.
"Spamton, why imitate Swatch of all people? And why out of the blue like this? I mean..I don't mind if you like their style. But I didn't even recognize you until you spoke."
Try as he might, he couldn't make any better excuses. So seeing that he was cornered made him finally admit his jealousy, overhearing your conversation with Swatch while he was browsing--when he really wasn't, but he didn't wanna come off as creepy.
His voice glitched further due to stress, accidentally blurting out some kind of...flirtatious term as he explained how much you meant to him since day one.
You weren't sure if he meant to say "hot single" on purpose. Though you were flattered that such a famous guy like him...actually had a crush on you, an ordinary Darkner who just fetched the Queen's stick wherever she threw it.
You found it hard to believe he thought of you that way..so you kept your own feelings buried. So to see that it's mutual was a relief, and it made you smile.
Spamton, on the other hand, was stressing the hell out. So much so he didn't even see your smile. He just saw himself being stupid the more he rambled on.
It was such a stupid, stupid reason to get insecure--to the point of changing his entire appearance without warning. All because you were friends with a butler who was doing their job???
How selfish can he get when he already had everything he wanted and more?
When he did acknowledge your small smile, he thought you were holding yourself back from laughing. But you had every right to laugh and call him a joke for thinking this will get your attention.
As he finished talking, he could see your smile fade and huffed. He waited for you to tell him how stupid he looks and to go back to being the plain old Addison you met.
Instead of ridiculing him you...hugged him?
At this point you were sitting on the bed together. Of course yours wasn't as massive as his was, but it was big enough for you two to share.
"Spammy, I'm flattered you like me in that way but...you didn't have to do all of this to get my attention. I promise there's nothing going on between Swatch and I. We're just friends. They're not replacing you or anything."
"I know, it's just.." Taking off the glasses, he set them aside before hugging you tightly, head buried in your chest. "I don't wanna lose the only person in this damn place who makes me feel like myself. Who loves me for me, not my success. And...I-I felt like I had to change something about myself to make sure of that."
"Well..you don't need to change anymore. I love you no matter what you look like."
He blinked, his face turning as red as his cheeks.
You could sense his embarrassment from the way he tensed up in your arms and chuckled, patting his hair softly. "Just..don't feel pressured to change for me..or anybody for that matter, okay? Or at least let me know if you're gonna change things up again."
"You don't think..I look stupid or creepy like this?"
"No. Honestly you look pretty handsome. Black hair suits you well."
Hearing those words made him breathe a small sigh of relief. He nodded and hugged you tighter.
His new looks were staying for good.
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ptergwen · 3 years
Hi val! Got a request, it's okay if you don't wanna write it, but can you write about peter telling the reader he's going on a huge mission and he's excited about it but the reader is so worried they end up arguing? But when peter gets back from mission all bruised, the reader is still upset but dresses his wound anyway and it ends up with fluff??
abort mission
Tumblr media
w/c: 2.4k
warnings: mentions of blood, swearing, and angst
a/n: woah woah woah i ended up writing way more than i expected but i loved this request so much :,) i hope you do too
“we’re staying in this, like, super fancy castle while we’re there. it’s gonna be awesome,” peter rambles to you. he takes all the clean shirts in his drawer and throws them into a suitcase.
he’s packing for a mission in europe with the avengers, and you’re here to say goodbye. you’ve been pretty quiet while peter gives you as many details as he’s allowed to. it’s always an honor when the team invites him on. he gets so stoked about it. you’re happy he’s happy and gets to pursue his passion, but you’ve noticed a pattern.
every time peter leaves the country with earth’s mightiest heroes, he comes back in worse condition than the last. it seems like they protect everyone except peter. he’s oblivious to the fact that the end result is always his suffering. he’s just glad to be there. really, he gets nothing in return except scars that never heal, not even a permanent spot on the team. 
so, you’re not thrilled he agreed to go.
“plus, i get to miss two weeks of school.” peter beams, getting onto his knees to zip the suitcase. “feels like a vacation almost.” “you like school, though,” you remind him. you’re sat at the edge of his bed while you watch, rather than help. he hops up again with a shrug. “i like vacations more.” “it’s not a vacation,” you mutter to yourself, then speak up.
“how are you gonna catch up? that’s a lot of missing assignments.” with that same innocent smile, peter walks over to you. he grabs both your hands and laces your fingers together. “i’m a fast learner. besides, ned said he’d help me.” you sigh, looking down at the floor so you don’t have to look at peter. “or, you could. make it into a little study date when i get back,” he suggests while playing with your fingers.
“i don’t even want you to go,” you finally admit and meet his sparkling eyes. nothing could ever dull them. “why not? you’re gonna miss me?” peter teases, pressing a couple of kisses to your palm. “you don’t have to. i’m pretty sure france has wifi.” he wiggles his eyebrows. “oui oui, mademoiselle, eh?” despite yourself, you giggle at his french accent and tug on his hands. he sits down next to you with a chuckle.
“nat has been giving me lessons,” peter explains, you quirking an eyebrow. “she speaks french?” “she speaks a lot of languages, actually. she’s so cool.” peter scoots closer to you and sets his hands on your waist, his voice dropping. “you’d love her.” your face twists up in confusion at the idea.
you don’t have anything against the avengers, obviously. they’re good people. you’re just not the biggest fan of them at the moment, considering the circumstances they’ve put peter under.
“peter, i don’t want you to go,” you repeat more seriously than before. your teeth sink into your lower lip. “and, it’s not because i’ll miss you.” “none taken,” peter jokes, implying there should’ve been a no offense. he then realizes how distressed you look, so he cuts it out. “sorry, sorry. i’m done now. how come?”
you take his hand again and hold it tight. “what if you get hurt?” you ask in the nicest way possible, out of care. “i don’t wanna see you hurting, pete. this mission sounds really... dangerous.” he runs his thumb over the back of your hand, his grin faltering a bit. “it is, but i’m ready for it. i’ll be fine.”
you’re not convinced yet. that line he likes to overuse isn’t enough to do the trick.
his eyes searching for yours, peter brushes a piece of your hair back. “have a little faith in me, babe.” “no, i... i do. i have the most faith in you, peter.” you find yourself frowning as he twirls your locks around his finger. “that’s not the problem.” peter’s voice becomes a whisper. “what is it, then? talk to me.”
you do the opposite because you’re afraid you’ll upset him further, which is the last thing he needs right now. your silence prompts peter to fill it. “would it make you feel better if i say mr. stark is keeping an eye on me?” he’s smiling sheepishly, you scoffing. “oh, like he kept an eye on you in amsterdam?”
the only eye related activity that happened there was peter almost losing one of his. he’d come back with an eyepatch and couldn’t see out of it for over a month. to this day, there’s still a bit of blood in it when you look close enough.
“i already told you, that was my fault,” peter grumbles, turning so he faces forward. “i didn’t listen to him-“ “who gives a shit? he’s the one who put you in that situation!” you blurt out. you’ve been way too patient this whole time, and now you’re reaching your breaking point. “you say that like i didn’t wanna be there.” peter clenches his jaw, still mostly calm.
“either way, mr. stark,” you mock what peter always calls him, “was supposed to keep you safe, and he didn’t. i’m scared it’s gonna happen again.” letting out a noise close to a growl, peter stands up from the bed. “you’re not listening to me, y/n. everything was fine. i just-“ you’re not in the mood to hear him make excuses, so you interrupt.
“do you know any other sixteen year olds who fight literal terrorists on their free time?” you rhetorically ask and get to your own feet. peter tries to walk away from you, only you follow him. “you’re a kid, peter, in case you forgot.” he spins around to give you a nasty look. “do you know any other sixteen year olds who stick to fucking walls?”
your heart starts to race from his sudden outburst. he’s scary when he’s mad, and he almost never gets mad at you. all you can do is blink dumbly. “didn’t think so,” peter spits. “this is what i’m supposed to do, help people. is that so wrong?” his breathing becomes ragged as his anger grows.
“what about you? are you helping yourself?” you speak softly, expecting an answer this time. “you’re not my fucking therapist, y/n,” he deflects the question. “i am your girlfriend, though. i care about you so much, you know that.” eyebrows furrowed in concern, you reach out for peter. he takes a step back. it doesn’t take long for tears to cloud your vision.
“i was excited to share this with you, and i thought you’d be happy for me.” peter balls his hands into fists at his sides. his voice stays low. “instead, you made it all about yourself. you can never let me enjoy team stuff.” you’re speechless, peter nodding as he lets his words sit. “thanks for the support.”
“you’re an asshole,” you laugh out bitterly and wipe under your eyes.
he didn’t mean to make you cry. he was so caught up in himself, he didn’t realize you were.
peter’s whole demeanor changes. “y/n, baby...” he attempts to put a hand on your cheek, but you hit it away. “get off of me. what did i just say?” you sniffle, your tone harsh in contrast. “you’re an asshole, peter.” he changes his mind about feeling bad. you’ve berated him way more than he did you, anyway.
“you should go. i have to be up early,” peter decides, even though he’d said you could stay the night. whatever, you don’t want to anymore. “fine,” you agree shortly. “i’m leaving.” he stands there while you collect your things, shoving them into your bag. you’re going slow enough so he has a chance to stop you. he doesn’t.
you pass by him on your way to his door, sucking in a breath. here’s your official goodbye. “see you later, peter. don’t die.” “mhm, i won’t,” he replies, his tongue poking at his cheek. with one more shared look between you two, you make your grand exit, no doubt informing may of her nephew’s behavior before you’re gone.
peter immediately regrets the way he talked to you, and that you’re leaving things like this. you were only trying to protect him. you’ll never be able to save the city like he does, so this is how you do it. he truly is an asshole for not seeing that.
frustration consuming him, peter kicks over his fully stuffed suitcase, its contents spilling out. he grits his teeth.
you don’t talk to peter the whole two weeks he’s gone except for some are you alive and yes texts. he’d called you quite a few times, and was sent to voicemail for all of them. he gave you the benefit of the doubt because of timezones.
it was actually because you declined, which peter knew deep down was the real reason.
he’s coming home from his mission today. you’re not sure when or if he plans on dropping by. you’re not sure you’d like him to, either. you don’t really get a choice in the end.
there’s a series of knocks at your window, at some ungodly time in the night. you’re all too familiar with this routine. it’s peter.
you slip out from under your covers, a scowl already painting your face as you go to the window. surely enough, peter is perched in front of it, clad in red and black. the suit must be new because you’ve never seen it. you push up the window and step aside so he can get through.
“thanks,” peter mumbles, climbing into your room less gracefully than usual. he’s sort of wobbly when he lands. “yeah,” you dully acknowledge. “how was france?” “uh, good. you know, lots of cheese and all that.” his voice is muffled from his mask, since he hasn’t taken it off yet. that’s odd. “i was talking about the mission, but cool,” you almost laugh back.
“the mission was... fine,” peter clarifies and scratches the back of his neck. he never describes something as simply being ‘fine.’ when the boy talks, he lectures. you’re starting to get worried. “that’s good. at least you didn’t die, right?” you say to lighten the mood. peter awkwardly chuckles. “haha, yeah. thank god for that.”
you hum and walk over to sit on your bed, peter staying where he is. “what time did you get back?” you wonder, a completely harmless question. “um, this morning,” he says in response, raising your suspicions. “why’re you still in the suit, then?” you squint at him. “i like it, by the way.” “thanks, y/n/n. i, uh,” peter trails off, no good explanations coming to mind.
you’re quickly developing a hunch for what what down. you wordlessly get up again, meeting peter by your window. he’s nervous to see what happens next. peter’s shoulders slump when your fingers land on his mask. you carefully lift it, revealing his face to you. his banged up, bloody face.
“surprise.” peter musters up a grin, you tossing the mask at his chest. you’re beyond angry now. it’s not at him, athough it is at his injuries. “please don’t be mad,” he nearly begs, you shaking your head. you go to leave your room for some space. peter’s fingers wrap around your wrist, pulling you back. “i should’ve listened to you, okay? i’m sorry,” he genuinely apologizes.
you still don’t say anything while you look over his beaten body. there’s a gash with stitches in it on his chin, a deep slice across the bridge of his nose, cuts littering his cheeks. he’s even got a busted lip for good measure. this might be the worst condition he’s let you see him in.
“you were right, y/n. i think... i think i’m gonna sit the next one out. it’s too much for me, clearly,” peter continues, fingers sliding down to lock with yours. “you should say you told me so.” “how... how did this happen?” you manage to get out instead. “the bad guy fought me,” he says with the hint of a smirk. “i won, though.”
it’s a relief that he’s handling this so well, even earning a laugh from you. that puts you more at ease.
“this is probably a dumb question, but are you okay?” you brush your thumb over peter’s cheekbone gently, avoiding his scratches. “not really. my face hurts a lot, and flash is gonna tease the hell out of me on monday.” his lips form a line, arms looping around your waist. it’s very much welcomed by you.
“you just spent two weeks trying not to die, and you’re worried about flash?” you snicker and draw a heart on his skin. peter shrugs a shoulder. “he’s so mean to me.” he brings you in closer to him. “besides, this is the normal kid stuff i should be focusing on.” you’re glad he finally came to terms with that. you’ve been saying it for the longest time.
you smile wickedly at him. “exactly. so is all that homework you have to make up.” peter lets out a breathy laugh, you laying your head on his chest. “i missed you,” he tells you quietly. “really wish i could kiss you right now.” “i missed you too, pete. so much,” you murmur into him. your hands settle on his biceps. “and, i forgive you.” “thanks, baby,” peter exhales.
“of course. once your lips are healed,” you pull back from his chest, making a kissing noise. “pucker up, lover- oh my god.” you’re looking up at him with wild eyes. peter gets reasonably startled from it. “what? what’s wrong?” “you... you’re bleeding!” you point at his stitches. he winces, touching the spot. there’s blood, alright.
“crap. do you have a bandaid or something?” peter gives you an apologetic smile. “mr. stark said i should cover them when this happens.” maybe, tony isn’t so bad after all. you nod and take him by his hand. “yeah, in the bathroom. come with me.”
peter sits on the edge of your bathtub while you patch up his chin. he tells you more about the fun parts of his mission, you placing the cinderella bandaid over his gash. you have those from a while ago and also regular ones. however, he preferred the princess design.
“you saw the real mona lisa? like, in person? that’s insane.” you grin, smoothing down peter’s bandaid one last time. “yeah, she’s even prettier up close.” peter returns the smile. “thanks for taking care of me, y/n. i swear i don’t deserve you sometimes.” now pouting at him, you crouch down so you’re at his level. “it’s the other way around, peter.”
“let’s just agree to disagree,” he concludes and tucks a stray hair behind your ear. “i love you, okay?” “i love you, too.” you press a light kiss to his bandaid, getting a giggle from peter.
yeah, it’s going to be hell finding replacements for his lips.
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Fact Check
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Request: I love all Reid don’t get me wrong but there’s just something about early seasons awkward soft and shy Reid that’s just too perfect! I love the idea of the reader always asking later on in the day if he could finish the fact ramble someone cut him off on as they were finding it interesting and him just beaming. Or him being self conscious about being lanky or smth and reader confesses how attracted they are to him and he just smiles so big and confesses right back
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! We love an early season, awkward Reid! This was definitely a heavily (not really) researched fic for me because I had to make sure everything coming from baby Reid’s mouth was nothing less than accurate 😤 Hope it’s cute enough, fluffy enough and everything you ever wanted from this request! Enjoy!!
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!reader
Category: Fluffiest of fluffs
Content warning: None
Word count: 1.7k
It was the second day in a row where everyone was piled with paperwork to complete. You were working vigorously to complete your share by the end of the day. The last thing you wanted to worry about during the weekend was taking home case files to complete them by Monday. You looked around to see if everyone else had the same mindset as you. As you suspected everyone was nose deep in files, except for Dr. Spencer Reid.
As always he had finished early and was just sitting reading one of his many books he brought with him to work. He had his adorable reading glasses on and his long fingers were scrolling down each page as if it was nothing. Sometimes you wished you could read 20,000 words per minute so you could have some leisure time at work.
Your thoughts were interrupted and so was your gaze as you turned to look at Morgan who let out a big, exaggerated groan. You knew how much he hated paperwork out of everyone on the team. He got up and stretched to release some tension from sitting down for several hours.
“I hate paperwork,” he mumbled.
You chuckled. “Join the club.”
“You know, you wouldn’t be piled with paperwork if you didn’t procrastinate so much when it came to doing paperwork, you wouldn’t feel so scared by it,” Spencer said without looking up from his book.
Morgan scoffed. “I’m not scared by it, Reid. I just hate doing them, especially as many as we have.”
“Actually, a lot of the time procrastinators avoid the task at hand because they feel physical pain associated with said task. A great example would be someone who procrastinates tackling a mathematical or scientific equation because just thinking about it hurts them. The parts of our brain which feel pain actually-”
“And it’s time for my coffee break,” Morgan said before leaving his desk.
You looked over at Spencer and saw the excitement of spewing facts about procrastination leave his eyes. He went back to looking down at his book and continued to read. While he was telling Morgan his procrastination fact, you were intrigued. You too struggled with major procrastination.
You truly loved hearing him ramble on about random facts though. You felt more educated about a wide range of topics not even your best college professors could touch on. You always caught him after work to ask for him to finish his fact and he was always glad to tell you the rest. He looked so ecstatic every time you asked and his precious cheeks would turn a little pink. It was as if each time you asked, he didn’t expect you to.
“Psst, hey, Spence,” you whispered.
He looked up at you. “Yes?”
“Does the parietal lobe actually feel pain when we’re scared about something we’ve been procrastinating?” You asked.
“The parietal lobe is quite an expansive part. The centre of the brain controls how a person identifies objects, interpreting touch, understand spatial relationships and feeling pain. Since we have identified what we fear, that part of the brain now associates it with pain automatically. To make ourselves feel comfortable again, we naturally avoid whatever we’re procrastinating,” he explained.
You gawked at him with awe. It was quite entertaining hearing him spit facts out as if he was an audiotape of a textbook. He looked embarrassed again and began to stray his eyes away from yours to avoid your stare. To be fair you shouldn’t be staring at him with such intensity anyway.
“That was very interesting. Thank you for that, Spence,” you said as you looked away from him.
“Any time, Y/N. Glad you like them,” he said.
When he said that you could just hear the smile in his voice. You giggled silently to yourself. You were happy you could make him feel as if he had a sense of belonging when his facts weren’t needed for a case.
“Hey, Y/N. How many case files you got left?” Elle asked.
“About 20,” you said.
“23 if you’re not rounding,” Reid chimed in.
“What the doctor said,” you replied.
Elle chuckled. “Well, since you’re 23 files away from being done, would you be interested in any coffee to speed the process up?”
You let out an exaggerated sigh of relief. “Do I ever.”
“You know coffee can actually stimulate a sense of anxiety, which I don’t think would be handy right now considering you’re almost done,” Reid said.
“Oh, that’s rich coming from you, Dr. Coffee addict. Besides, in your world Y/N is almost done, but in our world she’s going to need a coffee to keep going. How do you take it?” Elle asked as she stood up.
“Two sugars with milk,” you said.
“You should try switching out milk for cream. Cream actually makes coffee stay warm longer because-”
“And I’ll be right back,” she said as she walked away.
You looked over at Spencer who went back to reading again. You were going to ask him to continue, but thought it was best to ask him after you were done your case files. If you neglected them any longer your fear of having your weekend ruined would become a reality. Unlike Morgan, you were ready to kick your fear of doing case files to the curb.
At the end of the day, you packed up your things to leave. You ended up finishing all your casework and could finally look forward to the weekend. You walked out of the bullpen towards the elevator. To your pleasant surprise Spencer was there still.
“Hey, thought you left already,” you said.
He turned his head around to look at you. He had taken his glasses off and you could see his big, hazel eyes clearly. His face was so inviting with his awkward smile and rosy cheeks. You couldn’t understand why anyone would shut down his eager fact spilling with a face like his.
“No, I, uh, decided to stick around a bit,” he said.
“Great. I just wanted to say how right you were when you said cream makes your coffee stay warm longer. My second cup was warmer way longer than my first. Why is that?” You asked.
His awkward smile turned into a beaming one. “Well, it’s because cream thickens coffee, so it slows the process of evaporation. By slowing the initial evaporation process, you avoid losing a lot of heat altogether.”
“Oh my God, I’ve been drinking coffee wrong my whole life?” You rhetorically asked.
“Actually not your entire life because according to American Academy of Pediatrics the proper age for coffee intake is 12 or older with the average intake being between 85 to 100 milligrams per day,” he said.
“It was rhetoric and sarcastic, but that is one fact I did sort of know,” you giggled.
He blushed. “Sorry.”
You pressed the elevator button. “No, it’s fine. I love hearing you tell facts, so I don’t mind.”
You looked at him confused. “Why what?”
“Well, I-I mean, um, no one really asks me to continue a fact,” he said.
“Well, I’m not them. I enjoy learning through you,” you assured him.
The elevator doors opened and you both walked in. You two stood fairly close to each other in an empty elevator. You looked over at Spencer, but he didn’t look at you. He was looking straight ahead, trying his best not to make eye contact with you. His face was even redder than before. You cleared your throat, but he didn’t even move his eyes over to you.
“Are you okay, Spen-”
“Out of curiosity, Y/N, do you actually enjoy talking to me?” He asked as he turned to look at you.
You nodded. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, you just seem as if you’d rather talk to Morgan or Elle over me,” he said.
You chuckled. “Is that your profile of me, doctor? If so, it’s weak. I love nothing more than hearing your facts or informing me of something new in your world of expertise. I really like talking to you.”
He looked at you wide-eyed, almost stunned. You don’t think once in his entire life he felt as if his rambles were appreciated somewhere. You were glad you could let him know that they are and that your ear was always ready for them.
“I wouldn’t expect you to find someone like me great to be around. I ramble, I’m awkward looking and lack a bit in understanding social cues. You’re more uniformed and I just thought you’d like people in your circle to be the same way,” he said.
“Spencer, I have no idea how Gideon even got you into the field with profiling skills like yours. I think you’re amazing mentally and physically. The social cues could use some work, but everything else is darn near perfect,” you said.
A wide smile flashed on his face before he tried to hide it by pressing his lips tightly together. He looked at the floor for a few moments. You had probably broken Dr. Spencer Reid. If he had nothing to say you had messed some wiring up.
He looked back up at you. “I… I think you’re amazing as well in every way possible.”
You giggled. “Is that a fact or a guess?”
He chuckled. “Um, uh, a fact.”
The elevator doors soon opened and you both stepped out. You looked at him as you pulled out your car keys from your purse. He fully embraced his big smile as he still tried to avoid eye contact with you. At least you broke him in one area.
“How about we fact check your fact about me and go get coffee sometime. Only with cream and sugar, of course,” you said.
He looked at you and nodded. “I’d like that.”
“Great, I’ll call you,” you said as you waved him goodbye.
He waved at you as well as you both turned your backs to each other to go your respective ways. You were giddy about your future date with Spencer. Half because you thought he was an amazing individual and wanted to know him on a deeper level. Half because you wanted to know what new facts he could tell you. Either way it was going to be a grand time for both of you.
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lilysdaydreams · 4 years
Boyfriend-girlfriend feelings ~
Pairing: Corpse Husband X Reader
Genre: Fluffy stuff.
Warnings: Um none i think.
Summary: Request where fem!reader has like a husky voice and it’s not like super deep but deep compared to the other female streamers and she joins the lobby w corpse and stuff as a substitute and everyone is supposed about her voice and calls her the girl version of corpse bc she’s faceless too, except her personality isn’t bc she’s super optimistic and stuff. Anyways her and corpse bond and later admit separately on stream that they like the other, then fluff? Thank you!!!!
A/N: This is my first request and I went a bit overboard lol, this is nearly 3000 words so Anon I hope you enjoy lol, but yeah I did my best, I really really really  hope you like it :((
You yawned and took a sip of your bubble tea before turning back to chat.
“Hmmm, what should we do now, everyone? I think I might end stream now, it’s been like nearly 4 hours.” you mumbled glancing at the time.
It was only 10, so it wasn't that late, but you’d been on stream for 4 hours and you needed to finish your essay.
Your phone lit up with a notification and you glanced at it to see that it was from Sean.
Sean: hey wanna play among us? We need one more person.
“Uhhh or maybe not.” you said to everyone, smiling as you saw the chat light up with excitement.
Quickly typing out a “yessss, send me the link.”, you let your viewers know that you were gonna be playing among us and then quickly opened up the game.
Opening up discord, you joined the group and realised the only person you actually knew here was Sean.
“Shit” you said, biting your lip.
“Guysss,” you whined to your viewers. “The only person I know here is Sean. I’m so nervous now.”
The chat blew up with “you can do it!” and “we believe in you!” and other supportive messages.
You smiled seeing all of this. Your community may be small, but they were probably the best ones out there. They were sweet and kind and there was barely any toxicity in the group. You were only a small streamer, doing it as a hobby since you started college. You only knew Sean because he had messaged you himself, inviting you to a game of Phasmophobia because he'd liked your previous videos where you played it. You had been shocked then, barely being able to comprehend that Jackspecticeye decided to Twitter dm you, like what the actual fuck. That had only been a month ago, and you had played again a week ago with him, but your friendship was still new so even though his presence made you a bit comfortable, the anxiety was definitely overpowering it.
“Okay, okay I can do it” you mumbled under your breath trying to hype yourself up.
Quickly joining the call, your ears were filled with the noise of everyone yelling about the previous game. Sean quickly yelled at them to shut up once he noticed you'd joined.
"Everybody, I have our tenth player, this is Y/N, say hi everyone."
Valkyrae was the first one to yell out "Hi" with everyone else chiming in as well, and you had to breathe in deep to stop yourself from fangirling over Valkyrae.
You awkwardly smiled and said "Hey guys, I'm Y/N, Its nice to meet everyone."
There was silence for a second and you narrowed your eyes, wondering if you were muted or something.
"Wait what oh my god, you're Y/N from Y/C/N?" Valkyrae said her voice going quite high.
"Oh, that's where I know you from," said Sykkuno suddenly, leaving you staring shocked at the screen. Sykkuno and Valkyrae knew who you were? What the actual fuck?
"Uhhh," you said eyes flickering between the chat and the screen. "Yeah, that's me, I didn't even think you would know who I was, um oh my god."
"Oh right, now I remember, you did a cover of dreamy night, right?" chimed in Lily, and by this point, you were almost having a panic attack.
"Oh god, you saw that?" you questioned, whispering because you were worried that you were gonna wake up from this dream soon.
"Yeah!" exclaimed Lily, "Your voice is like total opposite of mine, so it was really cool to hear! Your  voice is really nice!"
"Awww, thank you so much, that's so sweet of you to say," you said, wringing your hands, not really sure what to say. What the actual fuck, how were all you favourite streamers here and ALSO knew about you huh? You wondered if this was a dream.
"Yeah what the hell, your voice is so deep." said Poki.
"Right, when you said 'hi', I literally thought it was Corpse for a second," Dave replied, chuckling a bit.
You made yourself take big breaths, trying to make your heart calm down.
"She's not very much like Corpse though" Sean chimed in. "She's very sweet, and gets scared so easily."
You unmuted yourself and gasped exaggeratedly. "Excuse me Sean, but who was it who screamed so much in Phasmophobia and nearly made my ears bleed?
"That game is FUCKING scary okay?" He screamed back, making everyone laugh in the background.
"Hey guys, what did I miss?" a very deep voice came in suddenly, and you realised this was the 'Corpse' they were talking about. You had seen his popularity on Twitter and seen a few clips of him playing but god damn hearing his voice in your ears like that was fucking amazing. You squeaked, thankful you were on mute.
"Holy shit, his voice is deep," you said to the chat, immediately getting responses such as "We know!," and "SIMPPP" as a joke from others.
Giggling you unmuted yourself when Sean introduced you to Corpse, and nervously said "Hey", dragging it out at the end, "Its nice to meet you!"
"Oh yeah!" said Sean as if remembering something. "Y/N is faceless as well, so she kind of is like the  female version of Corpse."
"What?" "Oh my god." "Brooo, thats so cool"
You didn't have time to say anything back as Sean decided to start the game at right that second.
Everyone went quiet and you sighed in relief as "CREWMATE" flashed across your screen. You did not want to be an imposter right now, you wouldn't be able to stomach it.
Quickly hiding your chat, you moved to admin and started humming something to calm your heart down. This had been a crazy 5 minutes for you, and you really needed to calm down. Taking a sip of your drink, you talked to the viewers as you did the card swipe.
"I cant believe Valkyrae - oh I should just call her Rae, right? considering I'm playing with her right now, oh my god, ANYWAYS, I can't believe Rae and Sykkuno know me. Like Lily even saw my cover. Ahhh! I didn't even know she saw it, and now I'm just playing with them, im literally shaking," you rambled to the chat as you went towards electrical to do the tasks there.
You saw Poki there, and you both ran around each other and then you followed her as she started walking to reactor. Suddenly the lights went out, and you gasped as the report button went red, and you quickly pressed it.
"Okay okay," you said before anyone could speak. "Me and Poki met up in electrical, we went to reactor and I was doing the one two three four five six seven eight nine ten task, and she was doing the Simon says and then lights went out and I went off and then suddenly the report button was red. So the kill happened right now."
"Did you see anyone?" asked Toast?
"Nope, I saw no one."
"Well, it couldn't be Sykkuno, because we were both waking to electrical together," said Corpse,
"Yeah it couldn't be Corpse, we were together at the last moment," confirmed Sykkuno.
"I was in weapons," said Rae.
"Navigation." - Dave.
"I was already at Electrical with uh Lily I think," said Sean.
"Yeah, that was me." confirmed Lily.
"Toast where were you?" asked Rae.
"I was just going into navigation."
"Leslie?" you asked, noticing she hadn't spoken up.
"I was in weapons."
"Well one of you is lying." said Corpse softly making everyone laugh.
"Gee, I wonder what this game is about?" Sean replied, teasing him.
"Maybe it's a self report?" questioned Dave.
"No oh my god, it's not me," you said quickly defending yourself. "Poki and I were literally doing our tasks, I swear."
"I don't think it's Y/N, why would she report the body, there was no one around, and she could  have easily just vented somewhere."
"Are we skipping?" Leslie asked.
A chorus of "Yeah" came in so you quickly skipped. Going into weapons you did the shooting task there and then started towards navigation, letting out a gasp as you got killed suddenly.
"ITS SEAN?" You yelled, completely shocked. "How could he kill me like that, I just started playing with them, and he was the one who invited me as well!" you whined, brining the chat back in again.
Opening up the dead chat, you messaged ":(((((" and Poki did the same back. You talked to the chat for a bit, moving around until you got to electrical where Corpse was.
"Guys, it's Corpse, lets follow him," you said, smiling a little.
Just as he was leaving electrical, Toast came in and killed him. You let out a small gasp as he self-reported and pretended that he'd just stumbled onto the body.
"CORPSEEEE" you typed into the dead chat, laughing when Corpse responded with ":((((" just like you had done.
"Whose the other one?" he asked and you quickly typed in "Sean :((("
Corpse: "*GASP, he killed you after inviting you to the game?*"
You: "Ikr!"
Corpse: “that’s so rude, we should stick together next game so we don’t get killed easily."
You: "Yes let’s do that!”
You guys continued talking until the next round started.
"SEAN!" you yelled immediately. "How could you kill me like that, when you were the one who invited me?" you whined.
"Exactly Sean, that was so rude." Corpse chimed in, supporting you.
"Ah, uh, exc -" spluttered Sean, "Please, oh my god, I can't handle the both of you at the same time, it's too intimidating."
Everyone started laughing and you giggled as Corpse accused Sean of avoiding the question.
The next round started and you laughed when you both got double killed five minutes into the game. Seems like your strategy of staying together wasn’t that good.
You played a few more games with everyone, getting imposter with Poki once. Finally, you decided that you really should finish that essay that you had due.
Finishing your fourth game, you let everyone know, pouting when everyone groaned.
"It was really nice to meet you, Y/N" said Rae, "We should definitely play more!"
Everyone chimed in then and you said bye to everyone as you left the lobby. Just as you were leaving the voice call, you heard Corpse say "Bye Y/N" again, but you couldn't reply because you just left.
"Whoops," you mumbled, feeling a bit bad.
You quickly said bye to all the viewers and ended the stream.
Opening discord on your phone, you sent a friend request to Corpse, being shocked when he accepted in a second. Wasn't he playing still?
Typing out the message, you sent it before thinking about it too much.
"Hey, sorry, I heard you say bye at the end, but I left right then. Just wanted to let you know that I wasn't purposely ignoring you or something."
“Ahhh no worries,” he replied.
Then a second later; “I checked out your covers btw, you’re really good.”
“Oh, thank you so much,” you replied typing quickly. “Your songs are great as well. I have to admit they’re a bit too intense for me lol, as I normally only listen to ballads and stuff, but I loved agoraphobic with al my heart :((( literally listened to that non-stop for a week when it came out lol.”
Okay maybe I went a bit overboard, you thought staring at the message.
“Oh Thankyou, that means so much to me. And yeah, I know that not everyone likes this type of music, don’t worry about it. Actually, I was thinking of doing another Lo-fi type of song like Agoraphobic, but I’m still working on it.”
You settled into your chair, continuing on the conversation.
It was an hour later that you realised that you’d just been texting Corpse and not done the essay like you planned to.
“Sorry corpse, gtg,” you messaged, putting a string of crying emojis after.
Putting down your phone, you finally started working on your essay, ignoring the butterflies you’d had in your stomach for the past hour.
You guys kept talking. The next day he asked for your number, saying it’d be easier to text there than discord. You guys messaged for ages. Your conversations never ended because even if one of you had to go, you would just pick up the conversation from where you left. It was by far the easiest friendship you’d ever had, and if you were being completely honest, you’d kind of developed a small crush on him.
A few weeks later, you were streaming among us again, this time with another group. You died quickly in the first game, so you pulled up chat and started asking some questions.
“Corpse?” You asked reading one of the questions. “Ah I don’t know guys, I don’t think Corpse is coming to this game, he’s quite busy with his music and everything, and I don’t think he’s available today.”
“Do you like his music?"
"Yeah, his music is great. It’s sometimes intense for me,” you admitted giggling, “but I do love it. I actually really wanted to cover Agoraphobic or MISS YOU! They’re both my favourites and I’ve been wanting to... hmmm.. maybe I’ll do a poll on Twitter and see which one more people want?”
Suddenly a message caught your eye; “I kind of have a crush on corpse.”
You laughed out loud, saying the username and replying “Yah I think everyone who meets corpse ends up having a crush on him, like how could you not, he’s freaking perfect.”
When everyone started spamming chat though, you realized you might have said too much.
“Anyway guys look, I think Sykkuno might end up voting Rae, and oh he did it,” you laughed as the “defeat” screen came up and Rae started yelling at Sykkuno for not believing her.
The next day, Corpse was waiting as Rae asked people to join the lobby. Answering questions from his chat, he saw one about you and read it out.
“Is Y/N gonna play?”
“Ahhh, I don’t think so guys, I think she has an assignment or something. It’s been a bit since I played with her, it would have been nice to but yah I don’t think she’s available.”
Suddenly all the chat was talking about was you.
“Do you see the clip where she says she likes you?”
“Bhahah I think she has a crush on you lol”
“Did you see that clip?”
Corpse furrowed his eyebrows confused about what clip.
Another comment caught his eye.
“Do you like her?”
“Do I like her? Of course, I like her, it was amazing to meet her, her covers are great, she’s so nice, also she’s like the exact opposite of her voice, it’s so funny." He laughed remembering the photo you'd sent of all your plushies lined on the bed. "Yah no she’s really sweet, we’ve been talking a lot recently, it’s been fun.”
“Omg he actually likes her.”
“Oh don’t make her uncomfortable guys,” Corpse huffed as he saw the comments. “Yah I kinda like her, but y’all are too much” he muttered, before realising exactly what he’d said.
“Wait no, what.” he stuttered, “Um oh look Rae's found some more people.”
When you finally decided to look on your phone, you realised that your Twitter notifications were blowing UP. Quickly going into the app, you clicked on one of the mentions saying “CORPSE X Y/N, ITS REAL I CANT BELIEVE IT.”
Tapping the video underneath it, you listened as Corpse talked about you, blushing when you realised what it sounded like. But...he couldn’t actually have a crush on you... right?
He was probably kidding, you told your beating heart. Probably just wanted to go trending for something. A voice whispered in your mind that Corpse wasn’t like that but you didn’t wanna give yourself hope.
Just then your phone rung, making you jump and stare shocked at the screen when you saw Corpse with a yellow heart next to it. Corpse had never called you before.
Quickly picking up the call before it could go to voicemail, you shakily questioned “Hey corpse?”
“Uh hey,” he said, his voice sounding way too deep. “Sorry I normally wouldn’t call but like, I just got off-stream and saw the Twitter trends and everything. Um, I like - didn’t wanna, um make you uncomfortable with all that so I can tell them to back off if you want?”
“Um..” you said stalling, trying to process everything here. Deciding to oho full in, you just blurted it out, “Do you actually have feelings for me?”
“Like not just friend feelings", you continued, "but like the boyfriend-girlfriend feelings if you get what I mean.”
Immediately after saying that you wanted to slap yourself. Were you in 2nd grade? Like who the hell says boyfriend girlfriend feelings?
“Uhhh, I- I kinda do I guess, I like you but like it’s okay if you don-
“I do," you said cutting him off before he could finish.
“I um, I also like you.”
Should I do a pt 2?
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i-need-air · 4 years
Oh-- I really really -really- liked your wolf hybrid Bakugou and-- if you don't mind, can you do one on Kirishima? Just the general headcanons, if this is too bothersome then you can ignore this once again- thank you
Just general headcanons you say? Okay, I had this written 2k words in before I got this ask and now it's at... ehem, let me take a deep breath for this;
Word count: 3.5k 💀 [of HCs 💀💀💀]
Why do I keep doing this to myself aksdjkd I love Kiri so much, my god! Thanks for the ask!! 💗
[ Masterlist ]
Hybrid!AU Kirishima Eijirou HCs
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× i mentioned him as a dog hybrid and we're sticking with it because it just feels right, yano? anyway!
× you found out about how the new hybrid shelter in your city helped bust a fighting ring
× which was horrifying to think about
× one of your friends explained the process to you and you were definitely interested in helping someone out
× shelters were still underfunded and didn't provide much to help the hybrids adapt to society
× so you found yourself in front of the shelter without a plan
× just a dream and a spare couch that could thankfully convert into a bed
× before you could chicken out you stormed through the doors like a mad person, catching the attention of the guards and the front desk man
× it surprised you how disinterested they were though; were they seriously the people that dismantled a whole illegal fighting ring?
× they called a sweet old lady to accompany you
× when you explained your situation her eyes sparkled, looking you up and down and nodding her head
× she took you through some hallways, showing you around the precinct, questioning you about what type of hybrid you'd want
× to which you honestly didn't know how to respond, like anyone you could help????
× it kinda pissed you off how she spoke about the hybrids like they were pets, suggesting you'd get a kitty or a bunny, since [her words] they were low maintenance
× is this really a good shelter?
× you looked around, finding prison like cells left and right, some with people that looked at you curiously, some covering from your glance
× they were locked in...
× some growling could be heard far away but the woman shook her head at you, disapproving gaze turned to the side as she took you further into the building
× another room, this time cells were bigger, a few occupied, yet covered from you, indiferent and uninterested
× a man was sitting on the edge of the bed, hands in his hair
× "Kirishima, boy, get up to greet someone"
× his red eyes snapped up, whatever he was thinking about slowly forgotten
× he blinked curiously as you hugged your frame, feeling uncomfortable, even ashamed to be there
× but a sweet smile took over his features
× "Hey! I'm Kirishima Eijirou!"
× it's really all it took for you to grow fond of him; he got up and came closer to the entrance of the cell and introduced himself in such easy-going manner you forgot about everything and anything
× he calmed you with his presence, even if it was very disheveled, with old ripped clothes and hair messy, painted red with obvious dark roots showing
× he had a black fluffy tail waving slowly behind him too
× you introduce yourself with his encouragement and mumbled how you wanted to help someone out today
× he just smiled at you, taking you in
× let me tell you something about dog hybrids: they can sense emotions and intentions so Kiri would be a very good judge of character and he really, genuinely took a liking on you
× the problem is how the fuck do you say out loud that you wanted to help him out
× because you sure as hell weren't going to say you'd adopt him; he's not a child? we're talking about a grown ass man here? literally looked like 6'4ft/1.95m?????
× it was so shameful, your gut turned as you cursed society and he sensed it, expression changing, falling a little as he saw you look very out of place
× "Hey, hey, everything's gonna be fine!" he said
× he told YOU that
× instead of YOU telling HIM those words;;; you almost burst into ugly crying, forgetting about everything else, your minuscule problems or shame or whatever and just nodded at him
× "Would you like to come home with me, Kirishima?" you said, ignoring the happy clapping the old lady was doing, watching carefully how his expression, clear as water, switched from easy-going and reassuring to shocked then hopeful
× "I'd like that" he breathed out "—a lot."
× as you went out the lady was telling him it was a shame they separated his group of friends, something about being sent to different shelters, how he had to be a good boy, to behave, yada-yada and seriously;;; he was taking it so lightheartedly, as if he was so used to this behavior or even was thankful for it?
× it was starting to get annoying, specially when they gave you a collar for him, like no fucking thanks, but you'd take care of it later
× since it was very random and unplanned, you were making mental gymnastics to figure out what to get and what to do first, like clothes, food—
× journey home was pleasant as he walked close to you, asking you questions about yourself with a gentle smile on his features
× meanwhile people got out of both your ways because he was intimidating and big and large but his smile screamed sunshine
× all while he never really mentioned anything about himself
× you made a point to ask him if he was hungry, to grab a quick bite at any restaurant you could get at then go buy some clothes and necessities
× you were so casual and this guy was so shocked
× i swear, looks at you blinking stupidly then ✨beams✨
× spoiler alert; big boy was hungry
× it didn't matter honestly, just seeing him eat without a worry [even if everyone at the restaurant was wary of him but got a stink eye from you] was a relief
× since you answered his questions about you, you decided to ask some about him; you were going to be roomies soon so might as well get to know each other
× shocked again
× stops mid-bite when you ask him something and stares wide-eyed
× doesn't answer but you can see he wants to and you're confused??
× "did I—... did I say something wrong?" you'd press, scared you'd spook him away or something
× he just gulps down and looks ashamed
× casually tells you they've been told at the shelter owners don't care about them
× 🙃 say what now bby?
× he kinda starts apologizing because he understands why you wouldn't wanna know and you put your hand on his; kinda mutes him for a second
× "Kirishima, we're gonna live together and hopefully be friends in the process, right? I'd like to know about you, as much as you're willing to tell me"
× [ falls in love right then and there ]
× he's met humans before, many actually—
× even in the short weeks he's been at the shelter he's seen people come and go and none talked to him like you did
× stares with stars in his eyes and chuckles awkwardly, blush on his face
× "You're really nice, [Y/N]" he said before eagerly answering your questions; course, it leaves you confused lmfao but you brush past it
× okay! shopping next, long story short it was very hard to find hybrid clothes for his size so you pick to change human clothes and adjust them for him
× as you again mention this stuff casually he's just awestruck
× when you got home, bags in hand, you were explaining to him how you really didn't have much; you were working to get a promotion soon but for now you had a couch that could open up into a very comfy bed, which he assured you it was enough
× you were lowkey unsure if he fit it because like i mentioned, big boi is big
× he does! so that's a relief but you started considering giving him your bed; you mostly fell asleep on the couch anyway and to be fair, it was really comfortable and you mention it as he looks around
× his head snaps at you, wide eyed, yet does not talk
× so you ramble bc that's something fun to do! "I mean I went to the shelter without a plan and uh, I want you to feel as comfortable as possible and maybe the bed is a better fit and—"
× Kirishima Eijirou sees: 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕
× has never been treated like this, like he's an... equal... something he'll take months to share with you, but we're getting ahead of ourselves
× the thing is this boy will fall pretty hard pretty fast, but will definitely take time to make a move
× bc he is respectful
× so he thanks you for the offer and tells you it's probably the best place he slept in all his life
× can your heart stop breaking for him? i mean it's a good couch but it's no luxury hotel bed???
× [ we need to pause, OP made herself sad ]
× ok, so he's really helpful around the house, and he knows how to cook!
× takes no time to talk about his friends, special his best friend that cooked for everyone at the fighting ring and forced them all to help and that's how he was pretty decent at cooking himself
× wasn't the best though, but followed instructions like a boss
× he lives for your compliments
× literally his tail wiggles with no shame
× seriously;; tell him he did a good job even at the dumbest thing and—
× puffs chest
× wiggle-wiggle
× "Thanks!"
× 🥺💕💞 make him stop, he's so cute
× did i mention he has like floppy black ears? Omg his earsssssssssshnnngggggggggg
× because they move whenever he walks and they're mesmerizing
× and one day that you're observing them for science [not because your heart was like 💘pom-pom💘] you noticed his roots
× remember when your heart broke for him? hah, have some more because as you asked him, he started telling you that he was pushed into dying his hair red for the spectacle, diversity and what-not
× reassured you he grew to love it now, being part of who he is
× also gets a little bit shy when adding he wouldn't want to change the color in hopes of finding his friends someday and for him to be easily recognizable
× you bought him hair dye that same day
× WHICH! apart from gaining extra 🥺💕💞 from him, it created a nice routine between you two!!
× you offered to dye his hair and it was such a great time; he made you laugh, conversation going just as easy whenever you talked, you got to know each other a little bit more and—
× heh
× at the end, after applying all the red hair dye, you massaged his scalp gently
× guess who melts in your hands? yes, giant ass dog-man melts into a puddle under your hands and it's the cutest fucking thing you've ever seen
× I'm serious, he sighs and leans into your gloved hands with zero [0] shame, eyes closed and peaceful expression on his features apart from a small smile
× you tease him and he laughs it off, but promise him you'd give him head scratches when he was finished with the dye, washed off and hair dry
× and you better deliver
× "Don't think I forgot!" he'd say as he'd hop on his make-shift bed in the living room by your side, tail moving from side to side
× as you start playing with his locks, he falls into your lap and starts snoring
× move an inch and he opens his eyes to look at you confused
× puppy eyes questioning you if you're leaving 🥺
× yep, you fall asleep together
× you point out to yourself that those puppy eyes will be the death of you
× he's a touchy guy, okay? since he's been touchy with you from the very start you never questioned it, even read on the internet that many hybrids descended from house pets need physical affection, like hugs, pats, scratches, all the bag, so it wasn't a big deal for you
× except it was a big deal because he's been around for a month and you're already catching feelings and that's bad because you did not bring him there to fall for him but to help him start a new life and—
× oh my god, what if he thought you were one of those people from the horror stories about hybrid adoption that only wanted them for one thing—
× no, no, no, nO, NO.
× anxiety was getting to you as the guilt of catching feelings for him, plus the fact that he was financially dependant on you for the time which would've made it even worse if he found out, PLUS he comes from such a rough life, he definitely needs a break and doesn't need his first human friend in forever to be a piece of;;;
× Kiri catches on this really constant and increasing feeling of anxiety; he starts to send you worried glances but doesn't know how to proceed
× in such a soft voice he asks if you're okay, if something is on your mind
× and since you weren't sharing anything but acted as if everything was alright even when he felt you lied, Kiri started to get worried too
× why were you anxious? why weren't you talking to him about it?
× oh, god, was he a burden? because he felt like one;;; did you want him out? he felt like an extra weight for you and wanted to do something about it but maybe you got sick of him? he felt unmanly...
× the fact that he knew he cared about you as more than just a friend made him even more anxious and it didn't help that whenever he touched you he heard your breath hitch or your heart beating louder; he got his hopes up then down because
× you smelled like people; people he didn't know, people he wanted to know because he needed to know why did you smell like them? were they a treat? were they potential partners? he really did not want to ask bc Kirishima felt like it wasn't his place to know
× as tension grew in the house you decided to gift him a new phone, ready to give him some news that reached your ears
× it seems Kiri himself liked to do sports and mainly jog to keep himself active and he's started to pass by the local dog-park to play with the dogs
× imagine your surprise when a few neighbors asked you if he'd be willing to train their dogs bc he's been teaching them stuff like once a week and the dogs listened
× big time dog whisperer; he says "Sit" to one dog and all dogs in the neighborhood sit too, you get me?
× so you said it would be nice for him to have his own money; not like you didn't help him without care, but you saw his face every time you bought something for him and really felt like he needed some real independence
× he's in ✨awe✨ because you came up with clients already that were very eager for dog training sessions, which he loved??? and suggested hours, wages??????
× and you gave him this new phone to help him with it if he's interested too?
× "Well, the normal price on the internet around the area is—"
× "[Y/N]."
× "Hmm?"
× "You're really amazing, you know that, right?" he'd have his lips curled into a sweet smile
× which makes your heart go crazy and this man notices how you get flustered
× loves it
× get ready for compliments; a lot of compliments just expecting your sweet flustered reactions
× he's slow at realizing your feelings for him because he beats himself down and seems himself as less of a man but tests the waters nonetheless and a d o r e s every time you struggle to thank him for said compliments and don't know how to continue functioning
× catches on and gets his hopes up
× and so you do
× listen, this is hilarious because you're both dumb idiots and want to be respectful towards the other meanwhile he hugs you tighter and for a little bit too long, loving how you melt into him, kisses you on the cheek and sees you get all flustered, looks at you like you're the only one to ever matter until you stop talking, turning everything into a giant mess of silence until you both grin at each other???? I'm getting second-hand embarrassment, just kiss???????
× and it happened with an accidental kiss
× you greeted him as he walked through the door, excited to tell him about your promotion, rambling about the take-out you ordered while he smiled at you
× and it started to be usual for you to greet him with a kiss on the cheek, right? just what normal roomies do, you know [mhmm~]
× he's taking his shoes off and knows the kiss is coming, but just before you press it on his cheek you whisper/squeal "I got the promotion!" to which he turns his head in surprise at you making your lips press together by accident [mhhhmmmmm~~~]
× cue both of you apologizing, looking like a mess
× he's blushing
× you both loved it
× why are you standing so close to each other?
× why did he lick his lips in daze while staring at yours?
× which one of you was leaning in for another kiss?
× it didn't really matter because he's kissing you slowly, taking you into his arms like you were made of porcelain
× glues his body to yours and breathes you in, lips locked, neither believing it was real
× lifts you up in his arms with no difficulty and smiles, both inches separated from another; "Congratulations..." his breath would fan over your face;;;;
× yeah, okay, he takes no time to confess, resulting in a mess of manly words skdjekldj you guys talked that whole night while cuddling and stealing kisses, you on his lap
× [ his nose brushing your neck; he loves your scent omg ]
× it becomes official pretty much instantly and then all your worries wash away
× all the anxiety, all the stress and overthinking, they've all been sorted out in one night and trust me, afterwards this man is pure honesty and loyalty
× he won't hesitate to talk to you about anything and will be such a patient sweetheart with you, listening to every word you say without judgment
× loves cheesy stuff? as in the most cliché stuff seen in movies? that's his shit right there; whenever you two see each other after some time apart [sometimes 5 minutes apart] he'd pick you in his arms and spin you around, then expect you to kiss him
× if you don't, i will skfjdkfk step aside 👀
× skin contact; please, touch him
× if you're not he sends you those famous puppy eyes and we all know they're killer
× sighs, happy to hold you tight against him, engulfing you into his big frame; yeah, you're where you belong, in his arms.
× everyone in the neighborhood loves him; it's ridiculous, seriously, because you find out he helped around all the time when you were at work and gained everyone's love
× makes an instagram account to teach people how to train their dog and becomes an internet sensation, a small celebrity
× also bc he's hot and sometimes posts working out pics
× skdksjs imagine this: makes dinner for both of you, lits up some candles, goes all in, then fucking posts it on ig saying "waiting for my baby to come home #surprise" forgetting you can see it lmfao
× you see the story on your way home and 🥺💞 "ye i love his oblivious ass"
× soft gasps when you tell him after dinner
× has the audacity to be surprised, like babe????
× Kaminari finds him through social media and this baby cries in relief for a good half an hour
× both team up to find all the gang
× guess who talks praises about you all the time? mhm, this guy right here is proud to have you
× and Denki has to deal with it;
× anywho! want to break him for good? tell him you love him for the first time
× but forgets how to speak
× finds his words to say it back after staring at you entranced, grinning like an idiot, taking you in his arms and giving you a bone crushing hug while shaking in place
× he's never felt this loved and adores every second of it
× you're like a drug and he's deep gone, man
× tells you he loves you every single day
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sparring-spirals · 3 years
I can't believe I forgot about Fy'ra Rai!!!!! The guest battle royal with her was a week ago!!!! Anyways, would it by any chance be possible to see the in depth analysis you mentioned in the response to my previous ask? As well as the angstier ones? I want to hear everything. I love cr meta, and you're one of better cr meta writers I've found on this wonderful hellsite.
Oh Fy'ra Rai was exquisite in the battle royale. :'D Anjali's delivery with her is top notch.
Oh! Well first of all- thank you, so much, that's really fucking cool to hear!! :'D Fantastic meta was what actually first drew me into the fandom + made me start following more people, and start posting more. So: You're in luck, there are a Ton of fantastic meta writers for CR, and also I'm really, really honored I'm doing the same for others now. hell yeah.
(At some point I might scribble out a recommendation list of some of my faves, but if you traipse through the #character meta tag here you're bound to find a few you'll like, I'm sure. Seriously talented people abound.)
And uh- listen. If you're sure! Sure! :D Fair warning that since its basically three different half finished posts mashed into one:
1- its long.
2- its even less edited than normal, so flowery as hell, long winded, rambly, potentially misspellings here and there.
There are bits that I've pulled out potentially to write a separate meta on (aka dorian feelz), but this is the gist of it. I labelled it to help break it up a bit!
this gem
wait this concept is funny so im moving it to the top: the exu trio dynamic is just two people affectionately looking at the third with a mix of love and concern and then looking at each other like "can u get a load of this". except in all combinations. thats it.
exu vibes, aka party of few braincell many love
I keep thinking about the EXU party, and the way they really, really, just liked each other. Everyone in the party was- lonely, or newly alone, or missing people. No session 0 pairs, just people missing a sister or feeling isolated or grieving, or running, terrified. And they came together and got blackout drunk and like- their intro is a domestic morning and a pissing contest. The EXU party liked each other so much. Right off the bat. They were terrified and panicking and they were also having a fucking blast, with each other. Doing orange-peel slice smiles. Performing for crowds. Sticking hands into ash-holes. And then I think about them split in two, Opal and Dariax somewhere together (if they were going to leave it to one person to keep her company, best to leave it to Dariax, armed with a sense of optimism like a mallet, as stubborn as it is hopeful). And thinking about the EXU trio, losing any more of themselves? A tripod without one of its legs? They like each other so much. They lean so close on each other. Please, dont rip them apart any further :(
exu vibes but angsty
(Even if they all come back together, their worlds have been so different, their experiences. Even if they all make it out. Even if they're all okay. Which is the way of things, sometimes, but Im also thinking about that first meeting, Opal yelling "FOOOOOOD" and everyone failing to interrogate a "gardener". Itll never be exactly the same, I know, so all we can hope for is everyone being okay enough to fondly remnisce on those times as well.)
(and I keep thinking about Dorian, running and running and unfurling from his shell, learning to lean on his friends, learning to express himself, learning, growing, happy. Having to rip that down. For a little while, he was happy. Safe. Overjoyed. Just a little while. Of course he couldn't have it forever, right?)
(Im really sad about dorian actually but that might need to be its own meta)
dorian and orym, tired dads
Dorian and Orym very much had the "tired team dads" vibe during EXU (they were the only ones who seemed to consistently hold the brain cells), which was already delightful. But there was still a formality there, I think, and they didn't fully trust each other, which is how you end up with them nearly getting into a fight over the crown in early EXU days. But fast forward to C3, with Fearne between them gleefully causing mayhem wherever they go, and its just. There's a sort of settled comfort, that wasn't there before. They've already weathered some Shit with each other, they don't know everything about each other but they get each other, they trust each other, they love each other- all still undercut with a sort of shared, tired amusement. For two characters who are (Relatively) reserved, and guarded, sharing a knowing look over the head of Fearne is- its good! :)
fearne is third leg of tripod and also steals tripod
Not to say that Fearne is just an addendum to the two of them, because oh god no. Fearne would never. Fearne is a fae, and Fearne is Fearne, which means she loves Mayhem and Chaos and Problems, but she loves Dorian and Dariax too. She enjoys teasing them, yes, and giving them mild conniptions, but you also see her giving them healing, getting sad at the prospect of being separated. Fearne collects trinkets, and that means them, too. They're hers, and she's theirs (as much as anyone can Have Fearne), and she loves them.
dorian and dariax, liar and a fool
Oh, and Dorian and Dariax. The more we learn about Dorian the more I love their interactions in EXU. Dorian, running from expectations and shackles, meeting Dariax who would never ask for anything more of you than what you are. Dorian, made of 20 lies stitched together and chock full of anxiety, meeting Dariax, whose worldview is so, so, simple, and honest, who thinks Dorian is cool as hell, who likes Dorian for him. And Dariax, who is used to being underestimated and mocked, being treated kindly and sincerely and with respect from this fancy blue boy. The Double D's (YES they coined this themselves) were just. Agh. Fucking pure. Okay. They both called out for each other by instinct at different points in the campaign and like. Goddammit.
fearne you wanted to bring opal to the ocean
also Fearne liked Opal A Lot. Like. Goddamn. Theres something about that, the way Fearne is untouchable until she very suddenly isn't.
pretty pretty rich kids with the world on their shoulders
Dorian and Opal were like. I feel like its well summed up by the two of them banding together early on and doing a "we'RE NEW IN TOWN AND LOOKING FOR DAGGERS" bit sums it up. I think there's a level of- not wealth, per se, but a little bit of Extreme Younger Sibling vibes coming off both of them. Of things to live up to and endless debts and expectations that they never had control over. I kind of wish Opal were here, now. Ready to get excied about a ball with Dorian. Ready to rip off anyones head that makes him uncomfortable. Silent and understanding about going home, with all the ubwanted eyes and expectations you thought you'd outgrown. God, I really do wish Opal was there- I think she'd get it, maybe better than those present can. I really think she would.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Seeing Red | bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader (part 3)
(part 1) (part 2) 
series summary: bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.  
word count: 3k
chapter warnings: mention of past sexual harassment, very mature karaoke (lol), mention of pornography
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Day 63 and you still hadn’t talked about it.  He’d actually gotten to know you a lot better over the past two months, even almost confessing his feelings for you with that stupid half-asleep storybook thing he’d done way back when, but you still hadn’t talked about the night you saw him looking in the rearview mirror.
Tonight actually reminded him of that night; this time was a premiere, for a movie you hadn’t actually been in but apparently you were supposed to go anyways?  He didn’t get it but he figured he didn’t need to.  As long as you came back alone this time, he’d be happy.
Of course, when he saw you step out to the car to leave for the venue, he was confident that would be impossible— not that you ever looked bad on a red carpet or anything, but wow… this was different.
“It’s not too slutty, is it?” you asked him nervously, spinning around to show him the back.  Don’t look at her ass don’t look at her ass don’t look at her ass—   
“Just slutty enough,” he responded with a gloved thumbs up.
“Perfect,” you smiled, and he opened the door for you to get in the back.  He took a moment to catch his breath before circling around to the driver’s side.
You actually chatted with him on the way, which was a new thing you two had started doing when he drove you.  He looked forward to your talks a lot— especially the ones where you ranted about whatever was on your mind.  You would usually apologize for rambling but he liked it; and, you were cute when you got really worked up about something, even if he thought it was kind of trivial.
As he pulled up to the red carpet, with cameras flashing and the indistinguishable yelling of reporters and fans, you shot him a look as if you didn’t want to go.
“Everything alright?” he asked.
“Oh, yeah,” you shook your head incredulously, “I just… I wish you would’ve come and seen it.”
He recalled a few weeks back when you offered him a ticket to the premiere showing, but he’d insisted on just sticking to what he knew and letting your assistant have the spare ticket.  “I’ll catch it on Netflix,” he dismissed.
“No, I mean, I wish you were coming with me,” you explained.
Was it hot in here, all of a sudden?  Because his cheeks felt warm.  “Uh, you don’t want me in there.  I always fall asleep in theaters anyways.  Just go have fun and I’ll catch you after.”
“Okay,” you nodded with an adorable little smile.
So he waited, wondering if he should’ve taken you up on it all those weeks ago, but decided he probably made the right call.  He would just embarrass you in a place like that, more than likely, and you had enough to deal with already.  He felt more useful waiting in the wings than being in the spotlight, to use a fittingly-timed theater metaphor.
It was a few hours of him killing time in the car, but he got to relax a little more since the event already had pretty good security on its own.  You’d recommended a book called Flowers for Algernon to him, even lending him your copy for the time being, and so he leaned his seat back and picked up where he’d left off from this morning.  Of course, if he had known that you’d be gone long enough for him to finish, and that the ending was going to make him cry, he probably wouldn’t have read it.  WIth his luck, it was inevitable that he’d be all but sobbing when you texted him to pull the car around.
Wiping his tears and hoping his eyes wouldn’t be too red, he tossed the book into the glovebox and started the engine.  You waved cheerily when you saw him from the entrance, and he attempted to navigate through all the other cars pulling up so he could reach you.  Thankfully, you didn’t have a new friend with you this time— or an old friend.  Jealousy crisis averted, for now.
“How was it?” he asked with a smile as you opened the door and slipped in, unable to hide how happy he was to see you.
“The premiere itself was a lot of fun, I got to see some people I hadn’t seen in ages; the movie, though?  Sort of pretentious,” you admitted as you shut the door and he got the car moving again.  “And way too long!  I could watch movies all day, but that doesn’t mean I want to watch a movie all day!”
“Fair enough,” he laughed.
“What did you do?” you asked innocently.
“I finished your book,” he frowned, trying not to think about it so he wouldn’t get emotional again.  
“Ah, I can tell you’re still a little hurt about it,” you smiled mischievously.  “Should’ve warned you about the ending.”
“No, no,” he disagreed, “it’s not a bad ending just because it’s a sad one… it was a good book.”
You’d already been smiling, but your smile undeniably changed as he watched it in the rearview mirror.  Something softer, something more sensitive.  He liked this one better.  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
Just in time to interrupt the moment, you saw something on the passing street outside that caught your attention.
“Ooh, karaoke!” you piped up, pressing your face against the inside of the window excitedly.  “Pull over!”
He chuckled at how easily distracted you were, but did as you’d asked.  He barely found time to slow down to a stop before you were opening the door and running out, flashing your ID to get inside.
He groaned as he realized how completely unsafe it was for you to be in a bar… especially now, when you were at your most recognizable and literally still wearing what you’d had on at the premiere.  Thankfully, he managed to pull the car around and park in the closest spot he could find, jogging to join you inside the bar and hoping you hadn’t already made too much of a scene.  His hopes were dashed the moment he pushed through the door, however.
“Is she perverted like me?  Would she go down on you in a theater?” you sang along with the grungy backing track of Alanis Morrisette’s You Oughta Know; your lips were curled into a faux snarl as you stood on stage with your heels in one hand and the microphone in the other.
Bucky’s head fell into his hands, looking around to see hundreds of bar patrons, nearly all of them with their phones out filming you.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” Bucky mumbled to himself, hoping you would somehow hear it and take his advice.  Instead, you pantomimed sucking a dick with a cute little wink and everyone cheered.  “Jesus fucking Christ.”
“And I’m here, to remind you,” you continued, jumping around wildly; you looked like you were having the time of your life, honestly.  If he wasn’t so worried about you, he would’ve let himself smile seeing you so happy.
During the bridge, you stole someone’s water off their table and poured a bit on your head, slicking your hair back and shivering from the cold.  There was something about the water dripping down your face, starting to soak your clothes and make your skin glisten...
Bucky glanced around to make sure no one was looking at him before subtly adjusting his jeans.
He watched you sing the entire song, making most of the notes and definitely capturing the anger of the original song— if clearly having a lot more fun with it than most would.  The entire bar cheered when you finished, and you took a moment to take some pictures with people and meet a few fans, which he thought was sweet even if his bodyguard instincts forced him to interrupt after a moment.
“Alright, that’s enough,” he guided you away gently.
“Goodnight!” you waved goodbye to someone who was already buried in her phone and posting the photo you’d taken with her.
“Have a good time?” he asked sarcastically as the two of you began to walk out together.
“Would’ve been better if you hadn’t been glaring at me the whole time,” you smirked.
“I wasn’t glaring, I was just… watching.  You have a good voice, you know.”
You seemed surprised by the compliment.  “Oh.  Thanks.”
“And your stage presence is certainly… energetic,” he grinned.  “I bet your little charade is already trending.”
“I checked, and it is,” you giggled, showing him your phone for a moment where Twitter was open and you were the #7 topic in the United States and climbing.  “And the part where I poured that water on myself is pretty gif-able, don’t you think?”
He raised a brow as he held the back door of the bar open as you slipped back on your heels and walked past him.  “Is that why you did it?  For the reaction?”
“I did it cause it was fun,” you corrected.  “You wouldn’t know anything about that.  And the water thing was just practical, I was getting hot in this dress.”
That didn’t seem to be a problem anymore with the way you shivered in the night air as he walked you through the parking lot.  “Want my jacket?” he offered.
“No,” you frowned, but you eyed the leather with a hungry stare.  He chuckled and took it off, draping it over your shoulders anyways.  “How far is the car?” 
“Uh, a block?  Not much parking this time of night,” he explained.
“Ugh, these heels,” you groaned, “they hurt so bad.  I don’t know if I can make it.”  You began to slip them off but he stopped you.
“You can’t go barefoot out here, god knows what’s on the ground,” he shuddered; what if there was broken glass or something?
“Well, I can’t wear these,” you frowned, “and I probably shouldn’t be walking on asphalt in red bottoms anyway…”
He probably should’ve warned you before he scooped you up into his arms, but it was sort of instinct and he kinda forgot to say anything first.  You squealed a little but then went lax in his grip.
“You’re gonna carry me the whole way?” you asked incredulously.
“It’s only a block,” he shrugged, adjusting you in his arms a bit before starting the walk. 
It got quiet after that, the cool night air rustling the trees and blowing through his hair— frankly, he was a little chilly without his jacket, but it looked better on you anyhow.  The drive home was quiet, too, or at least quieter than usual, but it didn’t feel awkward, necessarily.  It didn’t feel like a lull in the conversation; it felt more like the conversation had just changed from verbal to non-verbal.  You both looked around at the city lights surrounding you on the drive, silent because there was nothing that needed to be said.  It wasn’t nervous, or tense, or anxiety-inducing like most of his interactions with you (or with anyone) could be.
It felt like time spent with an old friend.  He hadn’t known you long enough for that to be accurate, but he was happy to think of you as a new friend.  He just hoped you thought the same.
Arriving at the house, he dropped you off at the front and watched you make a mad dash for the stairs and presumably your bedroom, smiling to himself as he parked the car and came in to follow you.  He saw his jacket tossed onto the couch and your expensive shoes discarded right by the door.  Going upstairs and peeking into your room, he saw your limp form flopped onto the bed, your back exposed from the low cut of the dress.
“You’d better not get comfortable, you’ll kill me if I let you fall asleep with all that makeup on,” he frowned, leaning against the doorway.
"I couldn't fall asleep yet, anyways.  I'm wired."
“Any plans to burn off all that energy?” he pressed.
You groaned a little as you sat up, starting to unclasp all the jewelry on your wrists, around your neck, and on your ears.  “It’ll take me a while to get out of all of this— but not as long as it took me to get into it,” you laughed.  “Then I’m thinking TV and beers.”
“Beers?” he questioned, emphasizing the plural.  “You plannin’ to get toasted right before you go to sleep?”
“No, it’s plural because there’s one beer for me and one beer for you,” you explained with the slightest air of condescension, but he couldn’t really think of it as rude since it was an invitation.
“I don’t want to intrude on your chill evening,” he refuted.
“No, really, you’re not intruding!” you insisted, standing up and setting the jewelry on a nightstand before approaching him and turning to face away from him.  “Will you unzip me please?”
He stammered a little.  “I don’t… see a zipper,” he admitted with a weak voice.
“It’s on the side here, see?” you lifted your arm a bit, and pointed to it.  
Reaching out to touch your zipper was reminiscent of that old boardgame Operation: he needed to touch the zipper and only the zipper, cause if he bumped into anything else nearby, he got the feeling he’d get zapped.
His breath caught a bit as he watched more and more of your skin become exposed, the zipper ending up so low that he could just barely see the top of something lacy around your hips— and he had to stop there because anything more could induce cardiac arrest.  
“Thanks!” you piped up happily, slipping away to your closet to do the rest in private.  “Will you get the beers while I take my makeup off?” you requested through the shut door.
“Sure,’ he replied, turning to leave but realizing he should ask first: “Shiner or Pabst?” 
“Don’t patronize me,” you grumbled, and he laughed because it was a stupid question.  Trodding downstairs, he grabbed the Shiners from the fridge, stopping to check his phone only to see that it had started to automatically send him headlines pertaining to you.
‘Touch of Blood’ star gives impromptu karaoke performance at Queens dive bar!
He laughed at the picture of you onstage, even though he thought it was kind of reductive to describe you by a movie you’d been in so long ago when you had so much great new stuff coming out.  Jumping back up the stairs, beers in hand, he found you makeup-free (aside from some leftover mascara and eyeliner that hadn’t really made it all the way off) and in a robe, laying on the bed as you pointed the remote at your TV.  He thought you looked almost more beautiful like this than you did on the red carpet; of course, objectively, everybody looks better when they’ve been painted to the point of perfection, but he liked the domesticity of this.  When you were casual and relaxed like this, he could almost, almost pretend you were his girlfriend or something.  And not, you know, a global superstar and his employer.
“Beer me,” you requested as he sat down next to you, handing you a bottle and trying to ignore the thorough view of your legs he was getting in that robe.
“Anything good on?” he prompted as he watched you scroll through the channels on the guide.
“Uh, not particularly,” you frowned.  
“They’re showing a game,” he pointed out as you passed the sports channels.
“I’d rather watch this pay-per-view porn,” you rolled your eyes.
He cleared his throat but said nothing because he was confident there was no good response to that.
“Hey, I’m in this!” you beamed, changing the channel quickly.  He nearly had a heart attack until he realized you weren’t scrolling through the porn channels anymore.
He recognized the film instantly as the one of yours that he’d seen the most, for one very embarrassing and slightly sinister reason; looking down to the corner, he saw the HBO logo and realized it wasn’t going to be edited.  His palms got a little clammy but he tried not to worry about it too much.
“Oh, this girl was super nice,” you remembered as you pointed to a character on-screen.  “She had a bigger role but most of it got edited out.”
“That must be a bummer,” he imagined.
“Eh, it happens,” you shrugged.  “Beats getting fired, or recast in the sequel.”
“Have you ever been fired during filming?” he pressed, morbidly curious.
“Once,” you nodded.  “We were only a few days into it so they had no trouble finding somebody new and redoing my scenes.  Just think: I could’ve been a Bond girl if I’d slept with that producer.”
“You— what?!” he squawked.  “You got fired because you wouldn’t have sex with a film exec?”
“I got fired because of ‘creative differences,’” you explained with exaggerated air quotes, “and, unrelatedly, those creative differences surfaced the morning after I refused to get down and dirty with the EP.”
“Jesus,” he shook his head, “that’s… I hope you told someone.”
“Yeah, anonymously.  Somebody will care someday, but not yet.  He’s still too profitable, and not enough people have come forward.”
He glanced over at you, admiring your profile as you kept your eyes on the TV and took a sip of your beer.  When you turned your head and looked back at him, he realized he’d been staring a bit too long.
“What?” you asked, quirking your brow a bit. 
“What?” he repeated.
“You’re staring at me,” you frowned.
“Sorry, I was just… sorry,” he shook his head and looked back ahead.  What he found there wasn’t much less embarrassing, though: he knew all too well that this was the scene right before THE scene.  The scene he’d watched over and over until his arousal overpowered his shame.  The scene that he’d used to try to satisfy his crush on you, but it only made it worse.  The scene that had burrowed into his mind and deepened his obsession even as he fought it with everything he had…
You know, that scene.  And he was about to watch it with you.  
Bucky was completely, entirely, and supremely fucked.
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isletakebarzal · 3 years
I Hope I Never Lose You | 1 | Mat Barzal
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a/n: my first mat barzal fic. my first fic since......... sh*wn m*nd*s. Here is the first installment of a new elementary school au. pLz leave feedback it has been so long since i've written and I am so ✨insecure✨
summary: you teach kindergarten and Mat Barzal is a P.E. Coach at Cornelia Street Elementary School. i don't know just give me validation plz
warnings: literally didn't even read it over. just copy-paste-post. mutual pining idiots to lovers?? some jealousy and angst???
WC: 5.6K
I. “then on a Wednesday in a cafe[teria], I watched it begin again”
You take a deep breath as you inspect your appearance in the teacher’s lounge bathroom at Cornelia Street Elementary. Your kindergarteners will be arriving at your classroom in nearly twenty minutes, so you wanted to get one final look in before starting the school day.
“Who’s the guy?” your friend and co-teacher, Molly, startles you as her figure appears behind you in the mirror.
“What do you mean?” You shake your head, sticking your hands under the sink for the automatic faucet to turn on.
Molly laughs, walking up next to you and leaning up against the counter, “You’re dressing up for someone! You never wore high heels until recently, and you check yourself in the mirror like 6 times a day. Who is it?”
You roll your eyes, pulling paper towels out of the dispenser and wiping your hands dry. “Sniff too much elmer’s glue again, Molly?”
You leave the restroom and lounge with Molly trailing closely behind. Turning into your classroom, you stop in the doorway when you find someone standing in the middle of your classroom, causing Molly to bump into your back.
“There you are!” Mat exclaims when he notices you and Molly enter the room. “I’ve been waiting here for, like, 10 minutes. Why do girls take so long in the bathroom together?”
You let out a nervous laugh. Molly stands at your side, glancing from Mat to you and back to Mat. You can tell she’s connecting the dots as the left corner of her smirk.
“Where else would we gossip about you?” Molly teases, snapping your attention away from Mat. You elbow her in her side, whispering her name scoldingly.
Mat rolls his eyes playfully, “Aww, Molls. Writing our initials in a heart on the bathroom wall again?”
You freeze at his comeback. Is he flirting with Molly? You try your best to remain calm. He’s Mat Barzal, he flirts with everyone.
“What are you doing in here anyway, Barzy?” Molly asks as she further enters the room, setting her briefcase on the desk and leaning up against it. She eyes you, as you haven’t taken one step further into the room. “Don’t you have a PE class to teach?”
Mat stiffens at the question, looking from Molly to you. He fumbles to start his response, “I, uh--” he looks to his immediate left and right, searching for an answer. “I needed a pen.”
Molly barks out a laugh, “a pen?” She turns to you, raising her eyebrows with a pointed look. “Did you hear that, Y/n? He needs a pen.”
You don’t respond to Molly, your body moving on autopilot towards your desk. “Here, I have a pen you can borrow!” You grab the first pen you get your hands on from the container on your desk and hold it out to him, trying your best to keep your hand steady.
Mat’s cheeks grow a rosy tint that matches your own. With a smile he takes the pen, finally looking it over. “Are you sure you won’t miss this one?” The smirk returns to his lips.
You furrow your brows, looking down to the pen he’s holding. It’s a purple glitter pen--your favorite pen. You shrug your shoulders, playing it off as no big deal, “Yeah, no worries. Keep it as long as you need.”
You spare a glance at Molly across the room, and you can tell she’s trying her very hardest not to laugh. The daggers you shoot at her with your eyes fail to get her to control her face.
“Thanks, Y/n, I appreciate it,” he says sweetly, giving you his million-dollar smile that makes all the lunch ladies swoon. “I’ll see you at Lunch Duty?”
You nod enthusiastically, “Totally. See you then.”
Mat stalls for a few seconds, shifting back and forth on his two feet before lifting the pen in another silent thank you. You try not to blush as you give a small wave goodbye, and he leaves the room.
Molly finally blows, erupting into laughter. You turn your attention towards her, a confused expression on your face. “What?”
“I guess that answers my question!” Molly exclaims, wiping an escape tear of laughter from her cheek.
You shake your head, placing your hands on your hips, “What question?”
“Which guy you’re dressing up for,” Molly explains as if it’s clear as day. “Seems to me like you’ve both got it bad.”
You blush again--probably for the 50th time in the last 10 minutes. “That’s it,” you huff. “No more glue for you.”
When 12:30 rolls around, Molly takes your class of kindergarteners to the Music Room while you head to the cafeteria for Lunch Duty. There’s nothing glamorous about watching elementary schoolers struggle to open their zebra cakes and milk cartons, but, for some reason, it’s your favorite time of day.
“Miss Y/n!” A voice cheerily calls out to you as you enter the cafeteria, and your gaze instantly lands on the source. That voice could pull you out of a coma. You could pick out that voice in a filled stadium of a Nickelback concert.
Mat waves at you from across the room, pulling out the chair next to him as if to tell you to come sit. You smile and wave back, making your way to him with your lunchbag in hand. It’s your Wednesday ritual to have lunch together, since it’s the only day of the week you are scheduled for Lunch Duty at the same time.
You sit gracefully in the chair next to Mat and set your bag on the table. Mat instantly reaches for it, spinning it one way then another as he searches for the zipper. You grab the lunch bag from his hands and pull it back to your side of the table.
“Excuse you!” You exclaim, playfully.
“Come on, Y/n, I’ve been waiting a week for this!” Mat whines, no better than one of your kindergarteners.
You peek into your bag making sure you have his treat, “Okay, okay.” You reach into the bag and close your fist around the circular fruit that you made sure to pack in your lunch--just like you do every Wednesday.
Mat shoves his hand in the big pocket of his backpack, then looks at you with an eager smile. “Ready? 1...2…” You both bring your hands out of your bags on 3, holding out the respective items for each other.
In the palm of your hand is a Cutie brand clementine, sticker already peeled off. You never really understood why Mat loves these so much, or why he never just buys them for himself, but you’ve been swapping lunch treats since the beginning of the school year.
You were sitting at the lunch table that was angled perpendicular to the student tables in the cafeteria. It was your first Lunch Duty of the year, so you made sure to get in the cafeteria before any of the students came in.
Now that you and Molly were co-teaching this year, you wouldn’t be on Lunch Duty together like you were last year. You didn’t think you should be nervous, being that it’s just Lunch Duty and you already had a year of teaching under your belt, but still, not having the comfort of your best friend around you made you a little more on edge.
No one told you who was going to be on duty with you, so when the new gym P.E. coach, Mat Barzal, strolled into the cafeteria, you stiffened in your seat. You noticed him a bit last year, but it was your first year with your own class of students, and you wanted to focus on being a good teacher rather than good-looking coaches. Mat was new to the school, too, but he seemed to be quick to make friends, talking to anyone around him. Like, anyone.
Like, even a first grader with a hockey AND a superhero obsession that wanted to know which NHL team each superhero would play for. You had eavesdropped on his answers while you were standing near them in the hallway.
(You remember this, because you had to hold yourself back from interjecting when he told the student that Superman would play for the Islanders. He would obviously be a Ranger.)
When he walked into the cafeteria that day, he strolled over to you and sat right down in the chair next to yours, jumping into conversation. You were munching on carrots when you realized that he had yet to pull out any food for lunch.
“Are you hungry?” you blurted out, interrupting whatever thought he was rambling on about while you were...you wouldn’t say staring...more like analyzing.
He deadpanned, “Yeah, but I’ve got some snacks back in the gym. I’m just going to eat them later.”
You shook your head, finding his answer unacceptable. “Here,” you said, looking into your lunch bag for anything to give him. “Do you like clementines?”
A smile spread on Mat’s face, “My mom used to buy them for me and my sister when we were kids. I haven’t had one in forever.”
You handed the fruit to him before he could protest. He accepted it graciously. “I’m Mat, by the way.”
“Y/n,” you told him.
The next week, you made sure to pack a clementine in your bag just in case he didn’t have a lunch again. You tried to hide the disappointment when you walked towards the table and saw that he didn’t actually forget this time.
That is, until you noticed the silver wrapper of a Fruit Roll-Up on the table in front of the empty chair.
“I wasn’t sure what flavor you liked, or if you even like these, but, like, everyone likes these,” Mat explained and you couldn’t hide your blush.
After sitting down next to him, you reached into your bag and pulled out the clementine, sliding it across the tabletop to him. Week after week, this unspoken trade agreement continued, neither one of you having forgotten yet.
You take the Fruit Roll-Up from his hand as he swipes the clementine and starts peeling.
“Oh, it’s the tongue-tattoo one!” You cheer, unrolling the fruit leather from the plastic film. Mat nods enthusiastically, but doesn’t speak, his mouth already full with slices of clementine.
You tear the fruit roll up in half and hold the half with the skull “tattoo” to him.
“No, Y/n, this is our trade. It’s yours,” he pushes your hand back, but you roll your eyes.
“I don’t need the whole roll, and the skull would suit you better,” you persuade him. “Just take it.”
With a smile, Mat takes the half and holds it to the light to find the skull printed in food dye. You hold up your half to tilt the crown “tattoo” to the right angle.
“Okay, ready?” You ask, and Mat nods. “One...two…”
On three, you press the sugary roll to your tongues and hold for a few seconds, making sure it’s long enough for the dye to transfer. You and Mat have done this enough times to know that the sweet spot is around 7 seconds.
Now facing each other in your chairs, you each stick out your tongues to show the other your tattoos. Mat lets out a loud laugh, and can’t help but mirror his reaction. You love this with Mat--getting to goof around with someone and finally laughing again.
Your last relationship ended nearly a year ago, and it left you devastated. You had dated Ryan all through college, and you thought he was going to propose after graduation. Little did you know, he had been applying to medical schools in London, rather than where you were in Seattle. He was never planning forever with you like you were with him.
Needless to say, it’s made you hesitant to start dating again. You don’t trust your instincts with reading people and you definitely don’t trust men.
“Here,” Mat hands his half back to you.
You squish your nose up at him, “Ew, your spit is all over it!”
Mat rolls his eyes playfully and holds the rollup even closer to your face, making you laugh. You try to bat his hand away, but he catches your hand with his free one instead.
“Oh please, it’s just a little slobber. Same as kissing!” He jokes, but the way he’s holding your hand and so easily talking about kissing makes you tense up. You feel like you’re 16 again, developing your very first school-girl crush with the way he’s stirring up dormant butterflies.
You look away, hoping to conceal your now very rosy cheeks, and Mat, thankfully, pretends not to notice. “Fine, mine now,” he shoves the whole rollup in his mouth, and your laughter breaks up the tension in your chest. You fall into easy conversation filled with laughter and banter, and it’s like the room full of rambunctious elementary schoolers doesn’t even exist.
II. “don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw [kickballs] at things that shine”
“Life just makes love look hard, Y/n,” Molly tells you. You came into school this morning looking down bad, and Molly was quick to figure out the root of the issue.
You saw Ryan last night. With a girl. Wearing a ring on her finger. You knew exactly what ring it was too, as his grandmother had showed it to you at Christmas one year and explained that it would be Ryan’s to give to the one he wanted to spend forever with. At the time you could’ve bet your life that his “one” was you.
You mope in your desk chair, “I know. It took him less than a year to meet someone new, fall in love, and commit. Love isn’t hard, but maybe I’m just hard to love.”
Molly gives you a sad look and opens her mouth to respond, but she is cut off by your classroom door opening. Your already glum face contorts into a sour expression when you see who has entered your classroom.
You spare a glance at Molly, who is already glaring at the 4th grade teacher. You try to hold back the chuckle that is bubbling in your throat. Alexa started working at Cornelia Street Elementary at the same time as you and Molly, but unlike you and your co-teacher, you were not fast friends.
Maybe it was her snarky attitude, or the way she told you and Molly to your faces that “kindergarten teachers are glorified babysitters” on the first day you met her. Either way, you and Molly were not fans.
“Hello, ladies!” Alexa screeches in a high-pitched voice.
Molly deadpans, “Whatever you want, the answer is no.”
Alexa’s nose scrunches in distaste, “I don’t want anything, Molls. I’m here to see if you both have signed up for the teacher-student kickball game next Friday.”
Molly winces at the use of her nickname, “Yes, Alexa. If you had just looked at the sign-up Google Sheet, you would’ve seen that both mine and Y/n’s names were already on the list.”
Alexa shrugs, brushing off Molly’s aggressive tone, “Well, good. I hear that Coach Barzal and Coach Beau will be team captains this year.”
Your body has a visceral reaction to hearing ‘Coach Barzal’, like your ears are rejecting the sound of her witch voice speaking his name. Molly flips her gaze in your direction, giving a smirk.
“Yes, Mat told Y/n the other day that he is going to be a team captain,” Molly lies between her teeth. He never told you that, but if there’s one thing Molly knows, it’s how to get under Alexa’s skin.
And she does. Alexa’s face pinches before clearing her throat, “It’s a shame none of us can have him, isn’t it?”
You and Molly mirror each other with confused expressions. “What do you mean?” you question.
“I mean, section 34.12B in the School Handbook,” Alexa replies as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Molly rolls her eyes, “And what is section 34.12B in the School Handbook?”
Alexa’s lips curl smugly, “Section 34 is the Teacher Code of Conduct, silly. And rule 12B clearly states that teachers working in the same school are not allowed to intermingle romantically or, well, otherwise. Any infraction will result in one of the teachers being immediately transferred to another school in the county.”
Your stomach drops, and Molly looks at you with a sorrowful expression.
“Didn’t either of you read the handbook when you started?” Alexa asks condescendingly. In truth, neither you nor Molly read that brick of a handbook. If you remember correctly, you think you ended up using it as a doorstop in your old classroom last year. No clue what happened to it after that.
“Of course we read it,” Molly, again, lies. “We’re just not psycho enough to have it memorized.”
Alexa glares at Molly. “I didn’t memorize it. I just recently refreshed my memory after talking to Coach Barzal the other day. He had asked me to get drinks with him, so I wanted to see what the policy was on dating colleagues.”
You whip your head to Molly, a confused expression on your face. Molly takes your reaction in stride and stands from her seat at her desk.
“This has been so fun, Alexa,” Molly walks towards the 4th grade teacher at the classroom door, who takes the hint and starts backing up. “But we have to prepare for a day of babysitting, so if you don’t mind…”
Molly backs Alexa out of the doorway and shuts the door in her face. She leans back on the door to find you sitting with a sad puppy look on your face.
“I’m sure she was bullshitting like she always does,” Molly tells you.
You sigh and slump into your chair. An airy chuckle escapes Molly’s lips and you flick your eyes to her face, wondering what could possibly be funny.
“What? Why are you laughing?”
Molly shakes her head, muffling more laughs.
“Come on, spit it out.”
“It’s nothing,” Molly starts, a smile growing on her lips. “I just fucking knew it.”
You furrow your brows, “Knew what?”
“Knew you had a thing for Coach Barzal.”
You really don’t want to play kickball, if you’re being honest. You always hated gym class growing up, because you weren’t necessarily skilled in hand-eye coordination. The only reason you signed up for this student-teacher kickball game for the upper grades was for Molly. And...someone else.
Mat and his co-coach, Tito, are standing in the middle of the gym giving instructions to the 4th and 5th grade classes. The rules are simple: kick, run, and no cheap shots. You’re not sure if 4th graders were capable of taking cheap shots, but you realize that this rule might not be directed at them. If you’ve learned anything over the last year or so of teaching, it’s that adults are just really big Big Kids.
Once they finish explaining to the students and teachers how the game will work, Mat announces that it’s time to pick teams. The students are counted off by twos for their teams to make sure no kid feels like they’re being picked last--especially by the teacher--but the teachers are to be specifically chosen by the captains.
Tito, the captain of the A team, scans the crowd of teachers for his first pick. “Mr. Kessler,” Tito picks the 3rd grade teacher first. It’s a great first pick, since David Kessler apparently played sports in college.
Mat looks at the group like he’s searching for someone, and his eyes land on you. The right corner of his lips pulls up into a smirk. Your palms start sweating--either due to the nerves of feeling like you’re back in grade school again, or from the way he is looking at you.
“Mr. Peterson,” Mat’s gaze leaves yours as he picks the 5th grade parapro. Again, you don’t think it’s a bad idea to start setting up the team with the best players before moving on to, well, you.
The two coaches go back and forth until all of the seemingly more athletic teachers are assigned teams. When it’s time for Tito to pick again, his eyes land directly on you. You look to your left, then to your right, then behind you, just to make sure he wasn’t looking through you to someone else. But no one else looked like they were paying enough attention to be the one he was focusing on.
A smirk draws up Tito’s lips as he looks at Mat. Mat rolls his eyes and pushes his shoulder, making Tito teeter a bit. “Just pick, man,” Mat urges, and Tito looks back at you.
“Molly,” Tito chooses, and you release a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
Molly lets out an airy laugh and nudges you with her elbow, “Damn, they’re splitting us up.”
You roll your eyes, but on the inside your stomach flutters at the thought of being chosen by Mat. He glances your way every so often that you think it might be coming, but you try to keep your cool.
“Umm,” Mat starts, like he’s about to think out loud. “I’ll pick…” Mat’s eyes scan the group and he stops on you for a brief moment, but passes you over. “Alexa.”
Your heart drops into your ass.
You look to Molly, hoping that her usual cool and collected demeanor will level you, but she’s speaking lowly to Tito with furrowed brows.
“Y/n, you’re on my team,” Tito calls out next. You make your way towards the rest of the A team, and, despite the voice in your head screaming ‘don’t look at him, don’t look at him’...you look at Mat, gauging his reaction.
He looks completely unbothered. A smile is even gracing his face. It’s not like you thought he was necessarily interested in you, but, fuck, you at least thought he liked you better than Alexa. And now you’re wondering if there was any truth to her comments in your classroom last week.
Once the teams are sorted out, the captains flip a coin to decide who will kick first. Tito calls heads while the coin is in the air, and sure enough the coin lands on heads. Tito calls a huddle while Mat gets his team organized into positions.
“Alright team, listen up,” he starts, clapping his hands once. “We need a strong offensive start.”
The students jump around excitedly as Tito lines them up along the gym wall behind the designated “home plate”. He orders the team with one teacher kicking after every few students.
Molly is in the front of the line with Thomas, an eager 4th grader ready to play. He walks to the plate, backs up a few steps, and waits for Mat to pitch the ball. Mat winds up before releasing the ball in a (relatively) straight line to Thomas.
Thomas runs up to the ball, going for the kick, and….he misses. Tito jogs up to him, squatting to his level. “It’s okay, bud, let’s try again. You can do it, just keep your eye on the ball.”
The little boy nods and steps back up to the plate. Tito nods at Mat who winds up and rolls the ball once more. A little more cautiously this time, Thomas runs for the ball. He swings back his left foot and propels it forward, making contact with the ball and sending it soaring towards Mat.
Mat lets the ball drop in front of him, fumbling around to pick it up while Thomas runs to first base. Once he’s about halfway there, Mat tosses the ball to one of the fifth graders who is guarding the base. Thomas, unsurprisingly, is safe.
A few more students and teachers take turns kicking the ball, and before you know it, there are two students and Molly on base with two outs on the board. You were hoping that you would be able to linger in the back of the line long enough to avoid taking a turn, but Tito calls you up to the plate.
“Okay, Miss Y/n, bring ‘em home!” Tito encourages, and you roll your eyes at him.
“Doubtful,” you respond. Walking up to the plate, you make eye contact with Mat, waiting for him to roll you the ball. He takes a deep breath and raises his eyebrows to you.
“Ready?” He calls out.
You shake your head, “No, but do I have a choice?”
Mat laughs. ‘You got this!” he tells you, and winds up to roll the ball. Maybe he does it on purpose, but when he rolls the ball, it veers off to the left.
“Come on, Barzy, give her something she can work with!” Tito chirps, as Mat jogs to grab the ball from one of the students that picked it up.
Instead of returning to his makeshift pitcher’s mound, Mat strides towards you, catching you off guard.
“What are you doing, Mat?”
“You looked nervous,” he says. “Thought you could use a better pep talk than Beauvis over there.”
“It’s...elementary school kickball,” you say with a laugh.
Mat rolls his eyes, “This is a very serious game, Y/n. There’s a lot at stake.”
The smirk that forms on his lips sends a ripple down your spine. “Like what? A pizza party?” you joke.
Mat pushes your shoulder playfully, and a shout erupts from the sidelines. You both look to where Tito is standing with his arms raised in question. “Quit messing with my teammate, Barzal!” Tito yells.
Mat waves him off. “Keep your eye on the ball, and I’ll roll it slowly. Kick with the inside of your foot to get more distance, and, for the love of God, take off those dumb sandals.”
You look down at the strappy sandals on your feet. “What? They’re cute and comfortable!“
Mat rests a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly. “Cute until you break an ankle. Just trust me and do it, Miss Y/n!”
You roll your eyes and kick your shoes off to the side while Mat backs up to the middle of the gym. You step up to the plate again and Mat winds up his pitch. The ball rolls in a straight line towards you, and you take his advice by kicking the ball from the inside of your foot. It’s a hard kick, too, so the ball soars over towards second base.
“RUN!” Tito yells from the sidelines, urging everyone on base to get moving. The student that was on 3rd base waddles home, scoring a run for your team, while the fielders scramble to get the ball.
There are some mishaps in passing the ball between the 4th and 5th graders in the field, so Molly is able to run home as well as you round first base. You look to Mat to find that he’s yelling at you to run to second, despite being on your opposing team, which coincides with the screams from Tito behind you. Now you're really thankful you took off those sandals.
You take off from first base towards second base, when out of the corner of your eye, you see Alexa grab the ball straight out of a 4th grader’s hands. She winds her arm back and throws the ball right at you, probably as hard as she can by the sting of contact on your left arm.
“Out!” Alexa yells as you slow your pace to a stop. “That’s three!”
The teams start shuffling as they switch from field to kicking and vice versa. You stay in your place, figuring you’ll just linger in the “outfield” anyway, while Molly comes up to you.
“That bitch is a dirty player,” Molly spits, turning to glance at Alexa. “Did you see how she just ripped the ball from a kid? Geez.”
“It’s just the game,” you brush it off, not wanting to seem fazed by how she so obviously was out to get you. You don’t realize Mat walks up to you and Molly until you feel a hand rest on the small of your back.
“Are you okay?” Mat asks, moving his hand to gently brush the red spot on your arm where the ball hit you.
You try not to blush at the contact as you nod and wave him off, “Yeah, yeah, I’m good.”
“Tough play, but it was a great kick,” Mat tries to be encouraging. “Who knew Lex could hustle like that.”
You wince at the nickname and look at Molly, who is sporting a scowl.
“Lex could’ve knocked a kid unconscious if she had missed,” Molly retorts, and Mat clears his throat awkwardly and removes his arm.
He shrugs his shoulders, “Yeah, I guess she could’ve.” There’s a brief pause and you hear Tito in the background positioning his students on the field. “So, Y/n--”
“Mat--I mean, Coach Barzal!” Alexa’s voice rings through the gym, interrupting Mat. “Come over here!”
“I think you should get back to your team, Mat,” you tell him. “Wouldn’t want to keep your star player waiting.”
He frowns at you, but nods, “Yeah, guess so.”
You didn’t mean to sound jealous--you really have no right to be. You weren’t even sure why you were so affected by the idea of Mat and Alexa. It’s not like there is a Mat and Y/n.
Well, maybe you do know why. You watch as Mat jogs over to his team, giving each kid a high five and circling them up for a pep talk. You can hear their laughs and cheers at his words of encouragement, and you smile involuntarily. He is so good with the kids and he really cares about them--you can tell that he puts his heart into what he does.
“Ready, team?” Tito’s voice breaks you out of your thoughts. The rest of your team cheers in response and Tito starts the next inning.
The rest of the game flies by with excitement. You all only make it a few more innings before it’s time for the kickball game to end and everyone to finish out their Friday school day. Tito was overjoyed, to put it lightly, when his A Team won the game, and you could tell he was already taunting Mat with it. Mat, though extremely competitive throughout the game, was a good sport about it in front of his B Team.
Since your and Molly’s class would still be in their Music Class for another 10 minutes or so, you two stayed back in the gym while the 4th and 5th grade teachers got their students together.
“Well, ladies, it was a good game,” Tito says to you and Molly, giving you both high fives. “Sorry you got blitzed, Y/n.”
You let out a laugh, “Thanks Beau, but it wasn’t that bad, was it?”
Tito rubs his hand on the back of his neck, “I don’t know. Alexa went for blood with that hit.”
Molly scoffs, “Alexa is going to taste blood next time she pulls something like that.” You bump Molly with your hip, giving her a pointed look, but Tito just laughs at her comment and falls into conversation with Molly.
You eye the way Molly reacts to making Tito laugh, a wave of something resembling pride or satisfaction washing over her. You haven’t seen her look...giddy like this until watching her talk to Tito. Interesting, you think.
After a few minutes, you decide it’s time to pick up your kids from the Music Room, and you tell Molly she can just catch up with you in the classroom in a bit. You make sure to give her a suggestive smirk, glancing back and forth from her to Tito without him picking up on it. She rolls her eyes and waves her hand at you, gesturing to you to exit.
As you’re walking out of the gym, though, Mat calls out to you, jogging towards you before you can leave.
“Y/n! Wait up a second!”
You turn towards him as he slows down in front of you. “What’s up?”
“Um, where are you headed off to?” He asks, almost like he is stalling.
You furrow your brows, but respond, “Gotta pick up our class from Music.”
Mat nods, “Oh, yeah, for sure. Shouldn’t Molls be with you?”
You glance back at your friend, where she is laughing and twirling a strand of her hair while talking to the young coach. “Nah, I can handle it this time. She’s...preoccupied.”
Mat follows your gaze and lets out a snort, “Tito is so hopeless. He’s been gone for her for so long now.”
“Oh yeah?” You question, thinking maybe this could be a chance to set Molly up with a nice guy. If there’s one thing you’ve learned about Molly, it’s that she usually has terrible taste in men. “How do you know? Has he said something?”
Mat shakes his head, “No, but he doesn’t have to. I mean, guys are so much easier to read than girls. Like, if a guy is interested in a girl? You’ll definitely be able to tell.”
You have to keep your shoulders from slumping. You think back to all the times you’ve interacted with Mat, and you can’t recall one instance of Mat acting the way Tito is with Molly right now.
“Yeah,” you sigh, looking back at the pair. “I guess you’re right.”
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onebizarrekai · 4 years
v3′s art is comically terrible for a professionally distributed game in a series: a compilation
in this not-essay I will list all of the mistakes and problems I have spotted in v3′s art. don’t worry, it’s entirely for fun and I’m doing this on a whim, so please feel free to not take this seriously but also it’s hilarious and embarrassing how ridiculous this is like what happened did they speedrun the whole production or what
see, there are some things you can take as meta like “they made it bad on purpose to allude to the downfall of tv shows that have been on air for much too long” but I have a very strong feeling this is not the case due to the nature of some of these errors
disclaimer, the more I study this art, the more I fear that the artists were underpaid and underslept, so if this is in fact the case, I am so sorry to all of them but also I’m going to make fun of the art anyway
anyway let’s get started!
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if you study this image for longer than 5 seconds, you will see that kaede is the only one fully shaded and keebo is literally just his normal sprite pasted into the image. every other character is just an ordinary ref, hence most of them facing the exact same direction with neutral expressions on their faces. it looks like a bad edit, and is probably one of the worst pieces of art in the game. it kind of gets better from here on, but my roasting will not.
with that out of the way, here’s the problem that officially bothers me the most and clarifies my viewpoint of “this is not meta and an actual lack of company communication”
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this freaking cg, which seems normal at a glance, but some wiseass was like “oh, kaede is a girl, so obviously she’s going to be shorter than the Male Protagonist™” ah, that’s funny. because if you look at the character bios, kaede is, in fact, one inch taller than shuichi and not like 6 inches shorter as she is shown here.
also shuichi’s shoulder is disproportionate and horrendous and he looks vaguely like a jojo character, but I wasn’t even thinking about that until right now.
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thanks guys, 50% of the fandom who has never bothered to check these bios thinks that kaede is like 5′3 (did the developers really put so little thought into her to the point where drawing her correctly in the game didn’t even matter??)
also I would like to point out that, even though this isn’t related to the art itself, yes, a character kaede’s size being only 117 lbs is unfeasible, but this applies to literally every character in danganronpa ever and it’s not new news that it’s unrealistic
update: someone in the tags informed me that in versions of the game that use centimeters, like the japanese version, kaede is actually shorter than shuichi, which just adds another thing to the list of weird decisions the localization team made for no reason. that said, after confirming this, kaede is 167 cm in the original, while shuichi is 171 cm, which are approximately 5′6 and 5′7 respectively, but one inch is still nowhere near as drastic as it is depicted above. (in spite of this, I would rather depict kaede as slightly taller, so I’m probably going to keep doing that.)
the journey continues!
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bro if you want kaede to have shoulder length hair then stick to it to begin with
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you can pretend this is at an angle all you want but they definitely committed the shorter kaede sin a second time
wait a goddamn second.
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no………… it wasn’t kaede who shrank. it was shuichi who got taller
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speaking of which, can we talk about how shady the perspective is in this elevator pic? look at shuichi and kokichi in comparison to kaede. kokichi, who is canonically 7 inches (edit: or 5, if you’re loyal to the original) shorter than kaede, looks taller than kaede. he’s growing too. what steroids are these gays taking
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running into the room, electric boogaloo: I don’t think tsumugi is supposed to be the same height as kokichi
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gonta… gonta you’re lookin a bit like a jojo character there
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I love how kaito’s head looks kind of like it was pasted onto his body. why is he the same size as shuichi? shouldn’t he be high school bully size or something? his torso is teensy
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ah yes, white angie.
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I love this cg but why is shuichi’s right hand so much bigger than his left hand
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I also love how this cg looks like they literally took pictures of trees and pasted them into the background, especially on the left. the shadows are so weird, especially closer to the ceiling, it’s difficult for me to believe they didn’t do exactly that.
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return of Enlarged shuichi
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puberty update: kokichi is now taller than shuichi in spite of shuichi never missing leg day. what crimes will he commit
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I have to mention it, guys. this has to be one of the worst danganronpa cgs. kokichi’s facial proportions look atrocious. look at the way his face sticks out like his jaw is in the wrong place. his scarf is a pasted texture. that’s it. this moment was so iconic but the cg just looks so… so… off. like something is terribly wrong, but you can’t put your finger on it.
you know what? let’s get into that ‘pasted texture’ thing.
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let’s imagine you’re an artist working on a professional game. you’re assigned to draw cgs of kokichi ouma, who has a checkered scarf from hell. sure, it will be terrible to draw, but you only have to draw it once at a time! plus, perspective is pretty important, right? can you be bothered? nah, actually. let’s just copy paste a checkered pattern into the cg, because I’m sure nobody will notice. it’ll blend right in with the other cgs that someone actually put effort into drawing his scarf in, right?
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no. the answer is no and I very much noticed. this genuinely looks terrible and I would understand taking a shortcut like that in fanart or even an indie game but this is a full price pc and console distributed game
(an addition: look at kokichi’s TINY HANDS in that last one)
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meanwhile, they straight up forgot to color in kokichi’s scarf in this cg.
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dude. I forgot about whatever the hell this cg was. anyway look at keebo please just look at him
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lovin kaito’s baby arms
real talk, maybe you could argue that he’s missing muscle because he’s deathly sick, but most of his cgs don’t line up with this, and his arms just look disproportionate to his torso size (granted this is a consistent problem across all danganronpa games and a lot of characters have this weird problem, like hajime, but also kaito is bigger than hajime so I kind of have higher expectations of him) maybe it’s his stupid goatee and the way he reminds me of yasuhiro?? it creates this illusion that he’s older than he is and so I keep expecting him to look more like an adult
oh, also rantaro is missing some of his accessories in that video he made–you know the one–but I don’t wanna go back and screenshot it
also you may have noticed that I’m skipping all of the monokub cgs because I literally do not care about them and I’m not even bothering to check and see if they have artistic mistakes in them
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hey um uh kaito you seem to be missing your neck
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hey guys do you like my pregame fanart
so, that done, the sprites are also pretty terrible at times. they’re not as interesting to go through, however, and downloading the full sprite sets for every character and studying every single one of them will drive me insane, so I’ll just sum some of the ones I noticed up. I made things for kaede and shuichi before deciding I wasn’t going to get into it, so here are these.
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that said, other mistakes include kokichi missing his purple highlights in all of the sprites encompassing a specific pose, stray pixels all over the place on everyone, and everyone also has heavily inconsistent shading, but literally all I think about is how pregame shuichi is unshaded and two of kaede’s pregame sprites have glaring outfit change mistakes in them
anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my ridiculous ramble. in all seriousness, there’s this looming presence of some lack of communication in the development team, like with all the art and design inconsistencies, pieces and sprites that look rushed, stray pixels, and missing basic proportional stuff. these are the kinds of things that you supposedly have to pretty much have in the bag in order to get jobs in professional businesses, so it’s really weird to me that this game suffers from so many of these problems. it’s like they tried to make the art so much more crisp than the other games, but it fell on its face as they realized it was going to take longer to draw everything and they started to rush. it’s weird, because the coloring itself looks normal–it’s just sloppily drawn, and the proportions are a mess once put into the context of perspective. many of the cgs look like they were drawn by different people, and I’m still not over the fact that half of kokichi’s cgs have his scarf pasted in as a texture.
the moral of the story is that if you’re selling a game at full price that also happens to be in a series that has had 3 very good games in it already the stakes should probably be higher than this. v3 has been out for more than 3 years and it’s still $40 (did it cost more than that before? I sure hope not), and the overarching quality of the game is just not as high as the other games. I’m not saying that the other games don’t have any problems with their art at all, they’re just not as glaringly obvious and every artistic choice in those games feels intentional.
regardless, I had a blast roasting the art at 2am, so maybe you got a kick out of all this chaos.
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dragonsareourfuture · 3 years
Death Note/GN!Reader — Pick Up Lines
A quick little scenario in which your Death Note sweetheart uses a terrible pick up line on you! I feel as though these all kinda suck since I write this a while ago but it’s fine. It’s fine.
Staying up late every night and watching security footage was not fairing well for Mello. Dark circles started to form underneath his eyes, and you pointed out that he was turning into L, all he needed was black hair and a haircut. He simply responded “The day I cut my hair short is the day the world ends.”
Usually when Mello got tired he would turn into a grumpy, adorable gremlin but, mixed with the excessive amount of chocolate he consumed due to boredom, he had turned loopy. Matt had relied on his headphones to keep him sane, whereas you were left with no escape from the babbling blond.
Mello rambled on and on about how he was going to beat Near with every fiber of his being, slowly getting sidetracked into a conversation about sheep.
“They’re so fucking fluffy. Standing around, eating grass, taunting me.” The blond mumbled, his head resting on your lap as you stroked his hair, listening with genuine interest.
“Mhmm, how do they taunt you?” you inquired, wanting to know more before your boyfriend fell asleep and you never got to find out why he felt so threatened by white, fluffy animals.
“They just...do  .”
“Well, I’ll always keep you safe from the mean, mean sheep.”
Mello shifted so that he was gazing up at you. He lifted his hand to your face and gently smacked your cheek with his palm, rubbing his tired eyes with the other hand.
“Aw, babe you’re so sweet when you talk like that... You make me melt like chocolate in the summer~ ”
“I do what?”
Before Mello could answer, unconsciousness grasped him and pulled him down into the dimension of sleep. You sighed, disappointed that you wouldn’t get to hear more, yet also relieved that Mello could finally get the sleep that he needed.
“G’night, Mels,” You whispered, brushing his bangs to the side and kissing his forehead, “You make me melt, too.”
Matt’s been acting strangely clingy all day. As soon as you noticed this fact, you immediately figured that it was an anniversary or either one of your birthdays and it had slipped your mind. However, upon further inspection of your phone calendar, today appeared to be nothing special.
You were seated on the couch, watching a bit of television while Matt washed the dishes. You had insisted that you could handle that task yourself, but the goggle-wearing sweetheart had insisted that you relax.
Suddenly you heard the sink turn off and footsteps lead up to the couch. You turned around to see the redhead wrapping his arms around your shoulders from behind.
“Hey, I lost my phone number...can I have yours? ” He asked with a sly smile.
“Matt, you have my number. Is that a pickup line? You know we’re already dating, right? Is my number not working?” You interrogated, grabbing his phone from the coffee table and calling your cell from it to ensure that your phone number still worked.
“No- it’s... you’re supposed to go along with it!”
“Well, come up with a better one next time, dumb ass,” You tossed Matt’s phone back at him, the device landing in his lap. He pouted and shoved it into his jacket pocket, getting up to return to the kitchen.
“You’re no fun.”
The room grew dim and increasingly empty as the hours ran further into the day, eventually turning to night. Despite the signs that you should be on your way home, you stayed with the only detective who thought it appropriate to work into the ungodly hours of the night.
You glanced over at L, back turned to you with his nose practically pressed against the computer screen. You rolled your eyes and switched on the main light of the room, saying, “You’re gonna ruin your eyes reading in the dark like that.”
L did not respond but, at the looks of it, kept on reading the minuscule words on his screen with intent.
“Do you need anything? Water? Maybe some cake?” You asked, giggling at the end of your words for no other reason than the tiredness getting to your brain.
“No, thank you.  I already have you, and you’re sweeter than cake, anyway,” L droned matter of factly, not even tearing his eyes away from the luminescent screen.
“Awww! Oh my god, L!” You squealed, running up to L and enveloping him in a bone-crushing hug.
“Ah...(name), I c-can’t breathe...”
You could practically hear the blood flow to your brain as you spun around in a desk chair at painful hours of the night. The screens that filled the SPK headquarters shone in your eyes, keeping you awake along with the unhealthy amounts of caffeine you had consumed.
Your white haired boyfriend sat crouched on the floor by your feet. The clicking of building blocks rang throughout the otherwise empty room as he stacked them on top of one another, paying no mind to anything else.
You sighed, placing your chin on the palm of your hand and deflating on the spot. No amount of caffeine could keep you here as late as Near always stayed, no matter how much you wanted it to. You hated that he was here alone all the time and, even though he always tried to convince you that he didn’t care, you knew it took a toll on his mental state.
You shifted in your chair, about to heave your body up when Near’s monotonous voice kept you still.
You waited for him to continue, and spoke up when he stayed silent, “What’s up, babe?”
“Do you like LEGO ?” Near inquired. His eyes finally met yours as he twirled a LEGO piece in between his fingers.
“Uh, I guess—“
“Because I want to build a world with you... ”
You froze, wondering if the caffeine was getting to your head or if Near had actually used a pickup line on you — and a goddamn adorable one at that.
A weak smile tugged at your lips. You slid off the office chair and dropped to your knees on the cold tile beside Near, throwing your arms around the boy without another word.
Though he stiffened at first, Near melted under your embrace. He buried his face into your shoulder and wrapped his noodle arms around your torso. You stayed like this for either a minute, or an hour. It was so quiet that you could hear your hearts beating in sync. Everything was so perfect, so loving, so-
Your heart nearly burst from your chest at the sound of a door banging against metal and the rough tone of Rester calling out to you.
Near grumbled and shoved his face into your neck, trying and failing to escape the booming echo of footsteps that approached your little heap on the floor.
“Yeah,” your voice came out ragged and small, but enough for Rester to hear and follow, “right here.”
“You both look exhausted! Come on, let’s get you to sleep.”
When Near barely moved a muscle, you took it upon yourself to pick up his limp body from the floor bridal style and carry him to bed. Though you almost dropped the poor boy more than once, you’d say you did a fairly good job. And, once you were both snuggled up in bed, you got a good nights rest of a solid three hours of sleep. It was the most Near’s gotten in weeks, so you were not complaining.
Though you were already in a relationship with Light, the cheesy lines and swooning from him never ceased. You wouldn’t have to fend him off with a stick but he loved to be all over you even when he already won you over, and you loved that about him.
This was mainly exhibited when you two were alone together, him finding public displays of affection to be childish and overall unnecessary as everyone you hung around with at school respected your relationship quite nicely.
The two of you were strolling on the sidewalk after a headache inducing day of school. His arm was resting lazily over your neck as you walked while all attention was focused on you and you alone. You ranted about the difficulties of the day and, although they were mostly all minor inconveniences, they really got under your skin once all added up.
When you had finished, you huffed and rubbed at your temple.
Breaking the silence that followed, Light blurted,  “How would you like to be the goddess of the new world?  You wouldn’t have to deal with that crap anymore.”
You laughed, reaching up to lace your fingers with the hand that dangled by your shoulder. “Dude, I barely know what taxes are. I don’t think I can handle being a goddess.”
“Aw, that’s a shame,” Light pouted jokingly.
The two of you came to a stop in front of his house, him pulling you flush against him and just staring wistfully (up/down) at you. “Do you want to come in? I’m sure Sayu will be delighted to see you.”
“Oh, I’d love to but I don’t want to intrude—“
“Nonsense. Come on.”
And so, Light guided you into his home, his mother and Sayu cheerfully greeting you at the door and whisking you away into a night of wonderful conversation and a lovely dinner.
You took advantage of the daylight, working nonstop so that you wouldn’t have to stay after hours to get your unfinished work done.
Through your tireless efforts, you failed to notice a pair of familiar eyes glancing back at you every so often. You only noticed a change in your boyfriend’s behavior when he came rolling up to your desk in his wheely chair, resting his chin on his elbows and looking at you expectantly.
“Hey, what’s up, Teddy Bear?” You greeted, barely tearing your eyes from the papers splayed out all across your desk.
Matsuda grinned from ear to ear every time he heard that nickname. It made him feel wanted and loved whenever he was around you. Sometimes, this caused the filter between his brain and his mouth to thin, allowing whatever he’s thinking in that moment to slip out.
“Do you have a map? Because I’m getting lost in your eyes... ” he said dreamily.
Your head shot up in an instant, puzzled by the seemingly random affection, only to see Matsuda covering his lips as a dark blush began to rise on his cheeks and the tips of his ears. “Th-that’s not...I-“
“Honey...” you shook your head and sighed, placing your pen down flat on the desk, “That is the literal worst line ever but it sounds wonderful coming from you.”
“O-oh. Thanks?” He chuckled nervously, massaging the back of his neck as his skin became slick with sweat.
You leaned over the desk and pecked his lips before collecting your paperwork in a neat stack, placing it all carefully in your shoulder bag, careful not to bend any corners. “Why don’t I finish my work in that nice little coffee shop across the street. Join me?”
“Y-yes! I’d love to. It’s getting a little stuffy in here, anyway.”
“Ughhhhh I’m so tired! What a day!” Misa exclaimed, stretching out her arms above her head as she walked over to her folding chair. The white, feathery wings fastened to her back smacked people and equipment as she passed them, but you saw her as nothing but elegant.
Your girlfriend plopped her butt down into the fragile chair, giving Matsuda a scare when it nearly toppled over. With beads of sweat trickling down his forehead, he handed the girl her coffee.
“Aw, thanks, Matsu! And you too, (Name)! I wouldn’t be able to do any of my scenes without you guys cheering me on!”
You chuckled, cheeks turning a dusted shade of pink at Misa’s praise. “Dont give us all the credit, babe. You’re the one giving your all up there.”
Misa twisted in her chair to grab at your hand and intertwine her fingers with yours. “You’re too sweet, honey! Y’know, if it were up to me, you’d be the one wearing these wings!”
“Oh, I don’t know, I couldn’t take your place!” You said, gesturing to the fountain where Misa’s scene had just been filmed.
The blonde giggled and brought your fingers to her lips, giving them a couple kisses before shaking her head. “I meant I’d have you in these wings because you’re an absolute Angel , silly!”
Before you could even begin to respond, Matsuda beat you to it. “Aww my gosh, you guys! Could I be the best man at your wedding?”
“Hmm...” you pretended to ponder while tapping your chin with your index finger. “How do you feel about being the flower boy?”
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