#anyway this post is about me being pissed off at my family and annoyed about ‘cultured’ ppl who don’t even know about radish cakes lol
transboysokka · 10 months
ok like I’m sorry but I DONT get how European/North American people (and I’m only talking about people with the financial means of course, and this also usually extends to people who consider themselves avid travelers) just skip Asia?? because it’s “too far”???? like bitch we have airplanes you can get anywhere in the world in 24 hours or less find a new excuse
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a9saga · 2 years
tbt - day6 - sweet chaos // why the fUCK haven’t i listened to day6 in so many months??? i literally just listened to them for hours and played solitaire today
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No Pain, No Gain | Part 1 | PersonalTrainer!Aemond x fem!reader
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Summary: The personal trainer your roommate Baela recommended to you is rude, condescending but also hot as hell. Series Masterlist.
A/N: shoutout to my personal trainer Alex for rotting my brain. This is my first modern!Aemond fic, so any feedback is genuinely appreciated, I hope you enjoy this, it was an absolute ball to write (and there will be more!)
Also I could not post this without tagging some absolute modern!Aemond QUEENS who inspired me to write this. @valeskafics @oneeyedvisenya @sapphire-writes​ you’re the real ones! Also massive hug to @ewanmitchellcrumbs​ for hyping me up and being a parent to this child she didn't choose to create.
warnings: EVENTUAL SMUT, 18+, sexual tension, binge eating, mentions of breakup, cursing, dickhead Aemond, reader is horny af, English slang (soz), warnings will be added when needed
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To say you were broken-hearted would be a bit of an understatement.
You were angry, annoyed, frustrated, wound up tight and pissed off to the highest degree.
And it showed in how you acted these days as you polished off the salty family-size bag of crisps on your own in 10 minutes flat.
You look over at your phone and sigh when you see it’s already 6 o’clock in the afternoon. Another day sat on the sofa, wallowing in self-pity, eating yourself into oblivion and fairly soon pouring a glass of Baela’s finest white wine (now that it was officially almost evening anyway and it was justified).
Scrolling through instagram was like twisting the dagger that was already in your chest. All that stupid fucking app could show you was ‘ex in the bar with his new girlfriend’, ‘ex in the drive-thru with his new girlfriend’, ‘ex on the beach with his new girlfriend’.
It made you want to throw your phone directly at the wall. But you settled for squeezing the life out of it, imagining it was your ex’s stupid face instead.
The absolute waste of space had broken up with you over text on the night you were supposed to go out on a date. And as if that was not bad enough, not even two weeks had gone by before he’d managed to stick his dick into someone else with a pulse. At the time, you were so angry that you didn’t accuse him of anything, he’d already broken up with you. But you did suspect that this ‘sudden’ relationship he’d gotten into wasn’t as recent as first thought. 
It’s been a month since you found out about the other woman.
And clearly you were coping really well.
Indulging wasn’t something you usually did, but now you feel you deserved it. 
“Hello~” the soft, ringing voice of your roommate Baela was at the door. You half-considered hiding all the packets of various foods you’d managed to stuff down your gob, but Baela had seen worse of you. She’d seen you while you were throwing your guts up after freshers week at university. Nothing was worse than that and you shuddered at the memory.
She walks in, looking more put together than you by a long way, having been hanging out with her sister all day. That’s what you like about Baela, she’s not judgemental, and so when she sees you’ve barely moved an inch she just flashes her usual smile.
“Good day then?” she says with a smirk. You raise your eyebrows in return.
“Apart from seeing him plastered all over instagram I’m great” 
“Got any left?” she asks, extending a greedy hand for a crisp. You offer her the bag with a sigh as she slumps on the sofa next to you. She watches boredly whatever you have on the TV,
"Why don't you just block him?" She asks. And to be fair, she has a point.
But you huff and shove another crisp in your mouth, whining, "Cos I'm a nosy bitch with no boundaries"
Baela sighs, pulling out her own phone and scrolling through her notifications, "As much as I love you y/n, this is pathetic, even for you"
You'd be offended if she wasn't completely right. And you know she's only half joking so you just shrug.
"How was Rhaena?" You ask.
"Yeah fine, usual shit with Dad. Oh I didn't tell you-" she starts.
She has that glint in her eye which spells trouble. She's got gossip and you raise your eyebrows in anticipation.
"Hold that thought, wine first?"
After giggling and waltzing over to the counter to pour two glasses of the finest box wine you could get for under seven English pounds, you hand her one and wait almost too excitedly for her to spill whatever sweet gossip she has.
She sips it, almost like she needs the liquid courage to begin, and she hisses at the sweet, acidic taste.
"God that's foul" 
"It was 2 for 1!" You retort with a laugh, but she is right, it does taste foul, "Stop stalling, tell me tell me tell me" 
She looks at you as if to say bitch, you are not fucking ready.
“Dad’s married Rhaenyra” 
The force of which your jaw drops open is almost comical. You’d guessed for a while that they were at least fucking, but to just elope?!
“I need money, cos I betted on this shit happening!” 
“Oh my gosh, Rhaena was fucking hysterical. Jace and Luke aren’t surprised at all, but Alicent is beside herself in the family group chat, it should honestly be a reality TV show” Baela says scrolling through said group chat. From what you can see without being too nosy, is that there’s a lot of long paragraphs and angry emojis.
“What about Viserys, surely he’s…” you ask, trailing off to sip the pissy wine in your hands.
“Oh no, he’s thrilled. Which pisses Alicent off even more if that’s possible”
“Baela I think your Uncle’s gone insane” you bite your lip to stifle a laugh.
“No fucking kidding”
You slump back onto the sofa, “Holy shit, I am a genius. I knew the whole time” you say, smirking in victory.
“And so humble too” Baela gives a sarcastic grin which you return.
“How do you feel about it?”
Baela shucks her phone onto the coffee table, sighing, “Not bothered, we’re all adults now, so it hardly makes a difference to me. Suppose it’ll get Dad to stop bringing back random women now” she says exasperated, “but Rhaenyra gets the impression we’re all really bothered so she’s invited us all to a retreat for a week. Think she just wants to butter us up for marrying our Dad”
“Oh? Anywhere nice?”
Baela looks over, giving you a wearied look.
“Well that brings me to you”
“Oh god, what” you ask, dropping the tone to emphasise the seriousness of the talk all of a sudden.
Baela fiddles with the remote, in an attempt to appear cute, “Well~ There’s a spare ticket going and you’re my bestest friend. And I would hate to endure a week of watching my Dad eat Rhaenyra’s face off, so come with me please?” she begs.
You sigh, “Baela usually I would love to sponge off you like that but-”
“Pleasepleaseplease~” she begs, “Rhaena’s bringing her boyfriend and we’re basically together!” 
You fake a gagging sound.
“Oh come on, a week on a beach in bikinis,sweltering weather with as many cocktails as you can hold isn’t exactly torture”
You give her an incredulous look, opening your arms to emphasise all the bags of junk food around you, “Do I look beach body ready to you?!”
“Oh fuck off, you’re hot and have an ass that can keep the world fed” 
“I know I am hot, I just don’t feel hot” you stare blankly at the TV, trying to ignore her and stuff another crisp into your mouth.
Baela sighs, “I was just thinking it would be a nice distraction, that’s all” 
“I want to it’s just…” you start, trying to think of the right words, “...I don’t feel my best”
Baela gives you a playful slap on your arm, “Look, forget your ex, he’s dumb as fuck and it’s not solving anything by staying inside with the curtains drawn all day. If you want to feel better, might be worth taking care of yourself a bit, hm?” 
Fuck her, you think, rolling your eyes, she’s right.
You hate how often she’s right. Because she gets that look on her face when she is. Always has done.
“How about that gym membership you’ve not used since February?” she asks,
“Okay firstly, ouch. Secondly, I realised I don’t know the first thing about how to work out in a gym, besides the guys there were…weird”
You shudder at the thought. It was January and so all the new year’s resolution guys were at it in full swing, using the gym as a means to try and pick up girls. And since graduating you find that more often than not the guys who hit on you were students. Maybe it was different now?
Baela pokes her cheek with her tongue, racking her brain.
“One of my cousins is a personal trainer? I could text him to see if he’s happy to take you on. Mates rates” she smiles.
You side-eye her hard. You’ve heard briefly about her cousins. Some of the stories are a bit more…eccentric than others. And even though you’ve never met them, you’ve heard enough stories to satisfy your curiosity. 
“This isn’t the manwhore cousin, right? Because if it is then no” 
She scoffs, “No. Aegon hasn’t set food in a gym since graduating and he only went cos it was free. The personal trainer one is Aemond. He’s a bit…anti-social?” she pulls a face when she says it.
“He’s anti-social and he’s a personal trainer?” you ask, eyebrow raised, “makes so much sense”
Baela scrolls through her contacts, “Yeahhh. Don’t worry though, he’s just grumpy” she explains, “want me to text him?”
Your head falls to the edge of the sofa in a huff. You want to go and on top of that, it might be nice to finally have a break. That and you’d love to shove it in your exes face when he sees you’re on holiday looking your hottest. 
“How long ‘til the holiday?”
Baela grins victoriously, “A month and a bit. He does a month course for stuff like this, I can ask him about it”
What the fuck am I getting myself into, you think briefly.
Fuck it.
The force at which Baela’s nails tap against the screen is almost desperate.
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Baela snorts a laugh at the message and turns her phone to show you the messages.
“He seems lovely” you roll your eyes sarcastically.
“Like I said, he’s just grumpy. He’ll be professional though” she says.
You sigh, crushing the empty bag of crisps in your hands.
“Can’t wait” 
After following him on instagram, you did a bit of shameless stalking. You’d heard a little bit about Aemond from Baela talking about her family, but he seemed the most mysterious out of all of them (save for the youngest whose name she struggled to even remember). 
He had very little photos of himself, mainly progress pictures of other clients he’s helped. And he seems to be pretty successful so far. A girl with a similar body to you managed to get toned on his one-month program and looked hot afterwards, so you had some high hopes that it was possible for you as well. But you did wonder what he looked like. There were only two photos where he was in frame, and he’d been tagged by another person, looking away from the camera.
From what you could see, he was very tall, lithe and slim but built, with silver hair that had been pulled up into a bun. Ah, so he’s a man-bun type of guy. Yikes. 
Unfortunately, the photo showed very little of his face, so you couldn’t be too nosy.
You sent a very brief message, introducing yourself, trying not to cringe at the idea that he might be doing the exact same stalking to your instagram right at this moment. A shiver went up your spine at the thought. 
It’s only when you’re in TKMaxx with Baela, shopping for gym gear the next day, that you finally get a reply from him. 
“What do you think of just wearing a sports bra?” Baela says, eyeing up a black shirt.
You’re too busy staring at the message, “Hm? Oh, I’d just go in gym leggings and a bra yeah. Just got a reply from your mysterious cousin”
Baela hops over, “What’s he said? Nothing bad I hope” she grins.
 You show her the screen.
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Baela raises her eyebrows, “Very formal. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised” she says, seeming surprised that he’s at least cordial.
“It’s very ‘serial-killer-esque’ of him not to have a profile picture” you joke, locking your phone again.
Baela picks out a black gym set. Black leggings with a mesh pocket on the side for your phone and a black sports bra. You nod, “Yeah looks good to me”
“Oh please you’re gonna look hot in this” she smirks, leading you over to the counter to pay.
She rewards you for your efforts by driving you to McDonald's drive-thru. A send off to junk-food so to speak.
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And when Monday rolls around, you nod in the mirror. She was right, it does look hot on you. At least in the safety of your flat where there’s nobody to look at you. In a gym, surrounded by other fit people and a personal trainer you’ve never met? It might feel slightly different.
There’s a faint swirl of anxiety in your gut but you pull your trainers on, grab a hair tie from your nightstand and drive to the gym you’ve agreed to meet at. Luckily it’s your local gym, large and packed to the brim with some good equipment at least. And you briefly wonder what kind of workouts you’ll be doing before pulling into the car park.
You see him as soon as you enter the gym. He’s very tall, slender but muscular and fucking gorgeous. What the fuck, is all you can think when you shamelessly scan him from head to toe. Like the pictures, he has his long silver hair in a bun, with a few pieces having come free and falling around his face. His legs are miles long in the black sweats he’s wearing, as well as the black top that sticks a bit too snugly to his front and shoulders, making your mouth water a bit.
And you can’t help but admire his side profile, how his jaw just so naturally and sharply juts into his chin. How his cheekbones sit so prominently and high on his face, framing his features. His sharp, defined nose. And you can’t see from here because he’s looking down at his phone, but his eyelashes are unnaturally long for a man. It’s just unfair, frankly.
Shaking yourself briefly from the trance you were in, you right yourself and approach him.
He looks up to see you before you even have a chance to open your mouth. Now that he's looking at you face on, you can see the shocking blue of his right eye and the paler, soft hue of the other. Not only that but the angry scar that ran down the side of his face, extending from his forehead to the mid part of his cheek, straight through the eye.
You look at it for a split second, surmising that perhaps he's partially sighted or blind in that eye. But you choose not to say anything and instead smile with an awkward wave.
"Hey, you must be Aemond"
He openly drags his eyes over you, from head to toe, just like you did a moment ago without his knowledge. But now that you're standing right in front of him, in the gym gear that you totally don't feel a bit self conscious in, it feels a bit weird.
He doesn't reply for a moment.
"I'm y/n" you say, forcing a smile to your nervous face.
"Hm" he responds lowly, "Baela's friend" 
You pull an awkward face and nod.
You feel so stupidly small against this absolute giraffe of a man and you daren't step forward any more, for fear of looking even smaller under his judgemental and indifferent gaze.
He sighs and gestures for you to follow him, seeming disinterested as he looks down at his phone. For a brief second you wonder how this guy keeps his clients if he's this rude, but you shake the thought away, not wanting to judge too quickly.
He leads you into one of the consultation rooms, separate from the rest of the gym. He sits on one of the seats, sighing as if he's had the hardest day in the world and taking a swig of water from his bottle.
Sat across from him, you feel a bit small under his gaze. He's quite intimidating, you now find.
"Have you ever worked out before" he asks flatly.
You shrug, "I've tried I guess, but never super seriously" you laugh awkwardly, but he doesn't return it.
He runs his eyes over you again, as if to say yeah I can see that.
"Stand up. Shoes off. We're going to take your weight and measurements" he orders, going to his bag to grab some things.
It's beyond awkward and quiet in the room with him as he idly takes down your weight, height and current eating habits, which you've had to be more honest about than you'd cared to admit.
Standing in the middle of the room, he twirls his measuring tape on his fingers. He measures your upper body first, which isn't too bad until he gets to your bust. You try and look anywhere else in the room while he measures across it, his fingers landing softly at either arm, taking a note of the measurement. You internally scold yourself, he is so much taller and surely must be able to see right down the sports bra. It only serves to make your face heat up with embarrassment.
If that wasn't enough, he gets to your lower body, measuring your hips and then thighs. He gets to his knees to do it and you resist the urge to pull your hands into fists at the proximity of him to your intimate area, separated only by a thin pair of gym leggings and underwear.
He doesn't seem to bother himself with the awkwardness. And every time you look at his face, he seems indifferent, bored even. Even then, his face is unnaturally beautiful, even with the scar.
He must really not like people.
Aemond sighs having taken all his notes.
"We'll do one training session and see how much weight we can do" he instructs. You nod.
"I expect you to be in the gym four times a week, three in the week and once at the weekend. We'll do one session together a week so I can check your progress" 
His tone is so flat, all you can do is nod. He looks at you,
"Got it?" 
Your cheeks heat up, "Um, yeah"
He leads you outside to the actual gym floor which luckily isn't too busy, side-eyeing you massively when you pull your hair up into a ponytail to get it off your neck.
His large form leads you over to where the mats are kept, haphazardly throwing two to the floor.
He doesn't say anything past one or two word commands and it's incredibly difficult to not look in the mirror in front of you to watch him as he stretches. The way he stretches his arms over his head and it lifts the hem of his shirt a little, showing his happy trail, biceps rippling.
And when he does leg stretches, instructing you to do the same, you can't help but stare at how his thighs are basically bulging out from his sweats. It takes all of your strength and will to not look any higher than that towards his hips.
He watches your form as you try and copy him stretching. And your heart almost leaps into your chest when he uses his hand to move your ankle slightly, so that you put pressure on a certain muscle. But he focuses completely, professional.
Fuck, be professional.
All caution is thrown completely to the wind when he gets you on machines. He demonstrates some of them first, starting with the so-called 'easier' ones, like the inner and outer thigh machines that look way too…suggestive.
Of course, he's got it on a ridiculous weight to demonstrate which makes you scoff a bit. And when you get on the inner thigh machine, it locks into place with your legs spread. You thank every god there is that there's no mirror in front of you on this machine.
"You have to start with your legs spread as much as possible" he states simply, pushing the pads against your legs even further. It makes your eyes widen, sinful thoughts pop up in your head. But before they take root you shake them away.
It's ridiculously hard the first few times and he raises an eyebrow.
"Really?" He mocks a bit, the tiniest of smirks on his face "you're only on 14kg" 
"Fuck off" you mutter under your breath. He tuts and changes it to 9kg, bruising your ego a bit. But you finish the set nonetheless.
You think he's a bit of a psycho, because after that little remark he has you on every leg machine available. Making fun every time you have to be on the lowest weight.
After the session, you're aching in places you didn't even know existed and you haven't even rested yet. Knowing full well you'll be achy as fuck tomorrow and even wlrse than right now. The faintest sheen of sweet is visible on your pinkened chest.
"You're weaker than I thought" 
He runs his long fingers through his hair and you want to slap that stupid fucking self-indulgent look off his smug face seeing you all out of puff like this.
"Thanks, means a lot" you say sarcastically, drinking from a water bottle. He raises an eyebrow at the attitude.
"I'll send you your workout plan. If you have any issues do me a favour and don't bother me with them" he retorts.
"Charming" you mutter under your breath once he's gone past you. You watch as he walks away, briefly appreciating his broad shoulders, until the sour taste of his poor behaviour settles in. And you huff, texting Baela immediately.
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You curse every god there is that you drive a manual car, because right now the thought of having your aching leg pressing on the clutch pedal might actually drive you to mass-murder.
This is going to be a long month.
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Taglist: @mrsgrwy @lovelykhaleesiii
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sturnsbella · 9 months
the right person
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matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: matt was right about the guy y/n was talking to being an asshole, but he helps her anyways.
warnings: underage drinking, panic attack and cheating (?)
y/n - pink
matt - blue
madi - red
nick - purple
chris - orange
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marylou is my mom’s best friend since college, because of their friendship, me and the triplets grew up together. they were like family, we always spent holidays together and we met every week. getting older, we just got closer. nick was always my best friend, chris was like a older, annoying, funny and carrying older brother, and matt… he was kinda different?
when we were like 13, i had a crush on him, and everyone knew it, i was really bad at hiding it. he probably didn’t like me back, since he was 15 and probably saw me as a younger sister or something like that. i hated that, he was so weird with me. he acted like we were just friends but when i started to talk to a boy he was super overprotective, almost like he was jealous. i never understood that.
i got over him years ago, but recently he has been kinda flirty with me. i always take it as a joke, but sometimes i don’t know if it really is..
anyways, it doesn’t matter ‘cause i’m talking to somebody else now.
madi, one of the friends we have in common, is throwing a party today, i have 10 minutes until matt, chris and nick come to pick me up. my hair is loose and i did two little braids in the front. i’m wearing a black open backless top, and a tight jeans skirt. my makeup is done, i just apply gloss to finish while admiring myself in the mirror. i take a couple of selfies before laying on my bed and posting it.
matt’s pov
i’m scrolling on instagram waiting for my brothers when i see y/n’s post. she looks really good. i like the picture and comment:
@matthew.sturniolo - “picking you up rn. good pics btw 📸”
it only takes her a few seconds to reply:
@y/n.y/l/n - “ok im waiting. tks 📸”
under my comment a see the comment of the guy she’s talking to:
@evan_williams - “🔥”
i roll my eyes. he’s an asshole and it pisses me off that y/n doesn’t see it. she deserves someone better than him, she is so sweet and kind and i’m not even sure he likes her.
y/n’s pov
i grab my purse while walking to the door when the triplets arrive at my house. i get in the car sitting next to nick.
“hii you’re looking so good y/n/n”
“thank youu” i say smiling.
chris looks at me and smiles
“you really are”
matt glances at me
“yeah you look hot”
i giggle a bit and blush
“shut up”
we listen to music and sing all the way to the party, not talking about anything. we get to the house and we all leave the car.
“y/n/n do you know if evan’s coming?”
“yeah he’ll come. but he won’t stay much tho, he’s grounded or something”
i say as we go to the door. and i notice matt guets quiet when we talk about evan.
i say staring at him.
“what is it?”
“you know he’s an asshole, right?”
i roll my eyes at him, i know he doesn’t like evan but he never likes any guy i talk to, is annoying.
“i’ll go grab a drink, do you guys want anything?”
i go to the kitchen after they all said no. in the kitchen i find madi, we take a few shots and then we go dancing.
mini time skip
me, madi and a bunch of other people are dancing with the loud music playing. i still haven’t seen evan, so i text him.
“heyy, are u still coming?”
he took a few minutes to answer the text
“hey, no i won’t make it sorry”
“oh, okay” i text back. i show my phone to madi.
“it’s okay we don’t need him here, let’s drink”
we go to the kitchen once again, and while i’m making my drink i notice madi’s eyes going wide, i look to where she was looking.
“y/n don’t-“
she says trying to stop me from seeing evan hooking up with another girl on the corner of the room. i’m speechless. i mean, we didn’t have anything too serious but i wasn’t hooking up with any other guys, and he told me he liked me… i turn my head to madi again
“i can’t believe him”
“omg i’m so sorry y/n”
“it’s fine”
it’s not, he was so nice to me, i really liked him. and it all just reminded me from when i caught my ex boyfriend cheating on me with my (ex) best friend. my mind racing as my breath got heavier.
“i’ll be right back”
i go to the bathroom, close the door and lean myself on the sink. i stare at myself in the mirror with my eyes filled with tears. it gets hard to breathe when my tears run down my face. i hear someone knock on the door.
matt opens the door, i look at him crying and trying to breathe. he closes the door behind him and rushes to come try to calm me down.
“y/n it’s okay. you are okay”
i shake my head
“you can get through this, okay?” he says breathing deeply trying to make me follow his breath.
“focus on my breathing”
he wipes my tears, i begin to slow down my breathing and calming down.
“matt” i try to speak
“shh, is okay.” he gives a slight smile trying not to look so nervous to help me. i hug him, trying to stop crying.
“i should’ve listened to you”
“don’t say that, you couldn’t know”
“why does everyone fucking replace me like that?”
“it’ll be okay, y/n/n, you got me”
we stay like that in silence for a while. he lets me go and holds my face, wiping my last tear.
“let’s get out of here before i fucking punch him”
i nod, smiling slightly. i’m kinda embarrassed matt saw me like this. i’m not even that sensitive but i think with the alcohol and all.. it was a just lot.
the drive back was silent. i was sitting on the passenger’s seat, chris didn’t even said anything about it, he understood something had happened.
i notice that matt isn’t driving back to my place.
matt’s pov
“matt where are we going?”
y/n asks me looking confused
“you’re sleeping over at our house today”
she smiles. i wouldn’t let her be alone right now, she’s too drunk, plus with what happened with evan i don’t want her to do anything stupid.
after 10 minutes in the car i notice y/n fell asleep. “she’s cute” i think to myself, hoping chris and nick didn’t notice me blushing over her. when we get to our house, nick and chris go inside letting me with y/n.
i carry her inside the house and to my bedroom, where i place here on my bed. i turn around to pick up a hoodie for her to sleep in, when i turn to her i see she woke up.
“hey” she smiles
“wear this, i’ll be sleeping on chris’s room if you need anything.” i say turning my back at her.
“matty” i look at her waiting for her to speak.
“can you stay here?”
i smile at her question and nod. i go to lay down next to y/n, facing her.
“you’re okay?”
“i will be. i just…” she pauses “i wish someone would really stay. what is wrong with me? why does everyone always leaves?”
“nothing’s wrong with you, y/n. you’re perfect. he was the problem.”
“he wasn’t even the first one to cheat on me”
“you’ll be alright, y/n/n. you’ll find the right person”
“you think so?”
“i’m sure.” i smile and nod. i wrap my arm around y/n’s waist as she lays her head on my chest. i caress her hair until she falls asleep.
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first fic ughhhh how do we feel?
i have ideas for part 2 but idkk..
i hope you guys like it, sorry for any mistakess
- xoxo bella
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iamumbra195 · 4 months
I hate when people talk about Ashler like it’s inconceivable to ship them.
They’ll be like “Oh, they had so much beef, they’re barely even friends.” Genuinely asking here, have you even read the webtoon if you think that?
Tyler had issues with practically everyone at the beginning, hell, most of the kids didn’t even like each other. Ben, Aiden, Ashlyn, and Logan all thought he was a jerk and he was acting like one because he was trying to protect himself and Taylor and the whole situation was stressful as hell. That’s why his character development is so good. Even Ashlyn remarks that he’s being less of a jerk in one chapter and Taylor says that he's begun to see the others as real friends, maybe even family.
They all eventually became allies and then friends, including Ashlyn and Tyler. Sure, they like to throw some sarcastic remarks at each other but that’s just their sense of humour and part of the appeal of their friendship. Same with Aiden and Tyler, they insult each other all the time but the insults that were originally meant to hurt are now used affectionately.
He gave Ashlyn a nickname guys. He gave a jokey nickname to cheer her up because she felt terrible about the fact that she had to leave him behind while he got terribly hurt, while he died. She literally started crying out of guilt and being overwhelmed by the whole situation. She cares about him and he cares about her and the whole gang cares about each other, which is why there are so many ships in the fandom to begin with.
So stop acting like anyone who ships Ashler is stupid and stop saying ‘they’re like siblings’ on every post about them. We know it’s probably not gonna be canon, hell, Red herself said romance isn’t the focus of the webtoon at all.
I don’t even like shipping in general but the TikTok fandom keeps pissing me off. Stop acting like everyone has to ship the same things as you and stop commenting shit like ‘cute edit but I wish it was Aidlyn’ or ‘They’re just friends, they act like siblings’. Like yeah, they’re not canon but you’d have to be blind if you couldn’t see why some people ship it. Stop shitting on people’s ships and let them have their fun, we all know they’re not canon.
Anyway, that’s the end of my rant. Sorry, I keep getting Ashler hate every time I search it up on TikTok. It’s so stupid and annoying, let people ship who they want in peace and stop undermining Ashlyn and Tyler's canon friendship and character development to shit on people’s ships. It’s an insult to the characters and your ability to read between the lines.
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Live, Laugh, Love Ashler.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
Happy birthday!!!!✨✨✨✨✨✨🌻🌷🌻🌻
Please: Gojo Satoru, stressed, "Well don't just stand there, do something" And "They don't deserve you"
Thanks so much 🤍
aww, thank you so much!!!! (Please ignore this is like 3 days late; lifes been weird lmao)
I was really excited to do this one, I hope you like it!
Now Presenting...
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Starring: A very stressed and a little protective, Satoru Gojo
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The room was tense, apprehension and fear so thick in the air that at times it felt like trying to breathe in putty. For Satoru, at least. If you were feeling any of the pressure, you were pretty good about hiding it. Absent-mindedly scrolling through social media on your phone, making a point to pay everyone else in the room no mind. Gojo knew you better than that though. He could see that you didn't stop long enough to read any of the posts, and that your finger tapping was far too frantic to be from annoyance alone. 
Finally, the Elders came in. Everyone rose out of respect and habit, and bowed low as they walked through the room. Satoru tried to catch your eye, but you were making the pointed decision to look at only the floor. His hand reached for yours, something to let you know it would be ok, but before he could make it the elders spoke.
"Rest." Gakuganji grumbled, and everyone returned to their seats. 
"I wonder how it feels to get an undeserved standing ovation every time you enter a room.." Satoru mumbled the anxious joke. For the most part, he got glares and side eyes. But, from you, he got a ghost of a smile. And that was his real goal anyway. 
“Y/n L/n, You stand trial today for using a forbidden curse technique,”  The old man said, utterly uninterested. He was just annoyed that his Monday morning tea was being interrupted. “For your crimes you-”
“Wait, What?” You scoffed, “Some fucking trial, you’re sentencing me already?”
“L/n, your crimes are clear and well documented.” Gakuganji sighed, rubbing his temple with two fingers. Your hands twitched with rage.
“Yes, I’m not arguing that I'm innocent, I’m saying my motivation for doing so should be taken into consideration.” you pointed out. Had you broken an ancient rule placed on your family a millennia ago? Yes, undoubtedly. But did you also save thousands of lives in the process? Without question. The special grade you were fighting was going to take out all of Okinawa, and your ‘forbidden’ cursed technique allowed you to exercise the curse before it even had a chance. You were not a criminal. Which is why your treatment since the incident was making your blood boil.
“Honorable as your intentions may have been, it’s no excuse for breaking a precedent that goes all the way back to the Sengoku era. Your execution will be-”
“Execution?!” you snapped. Were they really so caught up in their goddamn traditions they were going to kill you over this?! Satoru was stunned. He felt trapped in a static coffin as he processed the words. Execution? Execution? He saw you getting more and more impassioned in your argument, further digging your grave and pissing off the geezer. And then he felt your nails dig into his forearm, electrifying him back into the moment as his eyes snapped to your desperate stare.
“Don’t just stand there, do something!” You begged. He shook his head, remembering that he was Satoru fucking Gojo, surely he had some weight he could pull to save your life. He stood,
“An execution?” He said, standing up, “That’s just a little extreme don’t you think?” Gakuganji groaned in frustration, wishing for once he could just make this kid go away.
“No Gojo, I don’t. They-”
“Saved millions of lives, right. I’m well aware of the details, old man, you don’t have to explain.” he smiled, “Really, if anything we should be celebrating them. Instead you cowards want them dead? Are you really that scared of something as small as change?” Yoshinobu slammed his fist on the table before him to try and regain control of the situation. He pointed an accusatory finger at your old friend.
“Silence Gojo, I will have no more of this. My decision is final-”
“Oh, mine is too.” Satoru smiled, “If any of you even think about laying a finger on them, You’re going to have to deal with me.” He said darkly. Gojos' threat hung heavy in the air. He didn’t go into details. He didn’t have to. Everyone's eyes nervously flashed from you, to Satoru, to Yoshinobu. Everyone knew the old man had already lost, the question now was what would happen to you.
“Fine.” the head elder said, finally relenting. “But they are hereby banned from using jujutsu sorcery ever again. Any attempt to do so will result in them being labeled a curse user, and executed on sight.” You bristled at the final verdict, but both you and Satoru knew better than to try and test your luck further. At least you had your life. “We are done here.” Gakuganji siad, dismissing the room. You were the first out, followed closely by Satoru.
The two of you had managed to make it to the garden before the tears started to fall. It only made you angrier with yourself. You hated it, you hated crying, you hated how you couldn’t protect yourself during your trial, you hated that they had taken your sorcery away from you. You hated them. 
“Y/n, no-” Satoru muttered, taking you into his arms and pulling you into his chest. You had talked to him before about random hugging, especially when he saw you were in distress, but you were willing to let it slide this time. This time, his warm arms and familiar scent wrapped you in a blanket of comfort. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting the tears freely fall.
“I know right now it hurts,” He whispered softly, gently petting your hair, “But they’ll be begging you to come back, I know they will.”
“I gave them everything Satoru,” You whimpered, “I gave my life for jujutsu sorcery…”
“I know you did. They don’t deserve you.” Satoru sighed, kissing the top of your head. “And.. I know you probably don’t want to hear this right now, but this might actually be good.”
“How?!” You demanded.
“Because you’re finally free. You can pursue whatever life you want to live without the threat of death constantly looming over you. You’ll never have to endure all of their glares ever again, you can find a place where you’re loved, and cherished, and valued like you deserve to be. You never have to be disrespected again.” He wasn’t wrong, and the thought did bring you some solace. Still, one aspect of jujutsu society tugged at your heart. The one thing you couldn't stand the thought of leaving.
“What about you?”
“What about me?” He laughed. “I’m not going anywhere. No matter what choice you make, I’ll be there. If you’ll let me of course.” You couldn’t help but smile at his promise.
“Of course, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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martellspear · 10 months
— power went out and I ran out of things to think this afternoon;
— this is a anti targaryen restoration post, be warned :)
One of the most surprising things in the entire ASOIAF books is simply HOW did that family manage to be around for over 300 years. I’ve never seen so many individuals being so dense – of course, we have exceptions – but ?? Perhaps that’s what you get for the inbreed, the stupidity gene remains and grows strong and turns into a parasite that eats brains.
Let’s start with the C trio; A united the Seven Kingdoms because he thought unity was the right path to defeat the Long Night, which is great, but then he did NOTHING to actually prepare for it ?? The Wall was built by the Starks. In F&B we see that, Targ after Targ, the prophecy has little impact on how they conduct things; I’d love to say something like: fine, let’s blame it on time and wars (which, they caused) but ?? your ancestors' most important words about saving the place you, and your descendants will, live just do not carry enough crucial significance for them to be carefully passed down to the next generation?
Then, we have R. I will admit that when I first read the books I liked him - and although I still find him an interesting character, I cannot let go of the idea of how obtuse he is (it’s deeper than that in his case but I’m annoyed) -. Since I’m venting, let me just say that it completely baffles me how some still view RL as a love story; that man was OBSESSED with the prophecy, he drastically changed his lifestyle for it, but he’d abandon everything for love? And then… proceed to – likely – hide from his lOvE that her loved ones are dead (his dad killed them) while keeping said person in a place that, regarding both climate and social aspects, is detrimental for her. Furthermore, to defy and insult three powerful Houses because he fell in love with someone he saw a few times?
Yes, love can make people take routes they wouldn’t normally take, but the cost was too high for it not to be “means to an end”.
Coming back to my original thoughts: I believe that Targs are unfit to rule – if you want evidence, you can literally just open F&B, any page will do – and the couple good monarchs that family produced doesn’t make up for all the damage they caused since they sat foot in Westeros. They feel entitled to a land that doesn’t belong to them and are saviors because the Gods said they are ??
It's a funny concept when you contrast it with how the series ended: Cersei on the Throne, Arya defeating the Night King and the two last Targs with awful endings (that’s martelldoo): one dead and the other exiled.
Anyway, I just wanted to vent because the thought of a Targ restoration pissed me off this afternoon – it validates every horrendous thing that happened to those considered “casualties” and puts these people in that obnoxious concept we see in succession: no real person involved. But since “we” have the power to save the world, it was worth it and everything it valid, RIGHT?–
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inseasofgreen · 1 month
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Thank you for tagging me @drchenquill and @tildeathiwillwrite!
Rules: Copy and paste the template, fill it out for one or more of your OC's, then post your OC's and the blank template for others to copy and paste.
I'm a bit torn on who to write so I'll do my default and go with Zemorri. Bastard doesn't deserve it as he's made me scrap 7000 words. But I love him still anyway
Name: Zemorri of Pyros
Nickname: Songbird
Kind of being: Zrato (human but with extra pizzazz in their blood)
Age: Early to mid twenties (still trying to decide everyones age)
Sex: Male
Appearance: a tall lean fighting machine He has long black hair falling to about the middle of his back, copper complexion, dark brown eyes. He's been described often a "pretty" as he favors his moms in her looks. His mom being jaw droppingly beautiful and is the pinnacle of beauty standards in the capital. What can I say, she's hot and as such her children are hot. Also has tattoos on both his forearms/hands which are basically script work in Haivra of prayers and rites. All riders of the crown have some form of them. Though more uniquely he has a huge one on his shoulders that kinda wrap around the back of his neck of script work in Haivra, but also included are a sun in between his shoulders with vertical lines going down his back to depict the suning rays, that meet and kinda mingle with small stars and the a moon on his lower back. the sun being for Zhareem, the god who granted Zrato their blood magic, though the moon is more a call to Indiss, who is stark white dragon that young Zemorri named after a myth involving the moon
Occupation: He's a sworn rider of the crown, as well as the king's champion. So basically a dragon rider who kills people.
Family Members: Zevetta (mom), Orahi (step-father), Khara, Xenari, and Nazari (half sisters)
Pets: His dragon Indiss would be the closest. Though that's way over simplifying it lmao
Best friend: He's got two, Ivemaar and Qhuriex.
Describe his/her room: He has actually had two, but I'll go with the one he usually stays in - if he's even home in the first place. It's a chamber on the upper levels of the Dragon Hall. It's decorated in tapestries depicting various parts of Zrato/Irayo history. There's several drawings done by Zemorri, of dragons, friends, family, some scenery form the city. The furniture is pretty much the basics, a double bed, nightstands, a few trunks and a wardrobe, a large mirror, and a small desk and a bookcase. There's a lot of red and orange in the rugs, drapery, and bedding.
Way of Speaking: He's voice is husky and guttural, the later being pretty typical for the citizens of Vultis. He uses a mix of noble and commoner dialect, not always catching that he's doing it. He also speaks his mother tongue, Vuli, the ancient tongue of Haivra, as well as the common tongue. When speaking the common tongue he's a thick vulti accent.
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): He stands tall, not one to slouch over. He speaks with his hands and can get really into it when he's upset/overly excited. He can be a huge grump, but when he's happy he's a jokester. Often has a shiteating grin too
Items in his/her pockets or backpack or purse: Money and the occasional dagger tucked out of sight. He'll carry his dual swords if he feels the need too.
Hobbies: Drawing, going on joy rides on Iniss, drinking, adventuring and causing havoc
Favorite sports: Hand to hand combat if that counts? or if "keep away" counts, though usually that's to annoy or piss off someone
Talents, abilities, or powers: Ambidextrous, can sing well but doesn't like singing, pretty damn good at drawing. He can sense magic and has blood magic in him granting him the ability to tame/command dragons
Relationships (how he/she is with other people): He's relatively outgoing and friendly, though if he's doesn't like your vibe for whatever reason he'll 100% fake being nice only to talk shit behind your back
Fears: The death of those he loves, Failure, Rejection
Faults: Cocky, Impulsive, and depending on how to you look at it; Disloyal
Good points: Brave, Compassionate (for the most part), wants to make the world a better place. He struggles in doing so due to situations where it's his life, or worse those he loves, vs doing what is commanded of him. Which is often cruel and violent, and targeted at innocent bystanders caught between squabbling nobility.
What he/she wants more than anything else: He wants there to be peace, his loved ones safe, and him being free to do whatever his heart desires, with who he desires.
I'm going to tag @storycraftcafe @goldfinchwrites @sunset-a-story @badscientist and open tag!
Template undercut
Kind of being:
Family Members:
Best friend:
Describe his/her room:
Way of Speaking:
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): 
Items in his/her pockets or backpack or purse:
Favorite sports:
Talents, abilities, or powers:
Relationships (how he/she is with other people):
Good points:
What he/she wants more than anything else:
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dbnightingale24 · 2 years
A Dream Worth Chasing
Part two to ‘You’ve Always Been My Dream’
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Okay, so I’m fucking annoyed because I just spent an hour editing all of this, just so Tumblr could fuck me over. ANYWAY, this is part two to ‘You’ve Always Been My Dream’. Thank you @fuckingbye​ for making such an amazing mood board, but also being an amazing wedding planner, and an amazing friend. I love you so much. Thank you all so much for your patience, there's so much going on right now. Okay, I hope you all enjoy it!!
Word Count: 35,640 (be proud of me please)
Warnings: SMUT (so much), MINORS DNI, Angst, Swearing, Age kink, Family drama, lying, drinking, FLUFF, Arguing, Drinking, Oral (m/ receiving) (f/ receiving), Degrade kink, Daddy kink, Unprotected sex (reader is on birth control but it’s nit mentioned), Anxiety, Lying, Cheating (I guess), and more shit I’m sure I forgot
Song(s) That Inspired This Chapter: Whatever you do, don’t tell anyone
Summary: You and Andy just can’t quit one another, so you’re both done trying. However, your new found love means that you now have friction with your best friend. How the hell are you two supposed to tell Jacob that you’re in love with one another?
I do not give consent/permission for my stories/works to be posted elsewhere. I do not condone this type of behavior, this is for entertainment purposes only.
Part 1
“Why didn’t you answer me?” Laurie asks as she makes her into the bedroom.
“I think it’s pretty obvious that I was sleeping,” Andy scoffs and you hear his feet shuffling around the bedroom.
After quickly making sure you had everything (except the panties Andy ripped off of you because he refuses to give them back), you ran into Jacob’s room just in time. Now, you have the privilege of hearing them going back and forth.
“I called you-”
“Laurie, my phone is downstairs. I don’t feel like going back and forth with you, especially when I’m just waking up, so I’m not fucking going to.”
“You spent the night with her and expect-”
“Her being in the same house as me while sleeping doesn’t mean we fucking spent the night together.”
“You had no problem telling her to stay!”
“Would you have preferred that she drive in that shit and crash into a fucking pole? You saw the same fucking storm I did, it was a shit show! It’s not her fault that Jacob didn’t show up, so leave her alone!”
“She means nothing to me, Laurie. I barely fucking know her, so just drop it!” he snaps.
You know why he’s saying it, but it doesn’t stop it from hurting any less. It doesn’t help that, less than 24 hours ago, you gave yourself to him completely.
You don’t want to be mad, but you’re fucking pissed.
“I don’t mean to start an argument, Andy. I just wasn’t expecting...I did something for us,” Laurie beams.
“I booked us two tickets-”
“Don’t even finish that statement. You know I can’t just randomly take off from work-”
“We used to go on spontaneous trips all the time!”
“Things change and I can’t-”
“Hello!?” Jacob calls from downstairs, reminding you that you need to finish getting dressed.
“Hey bud!” Andy responds and you roll your eyes.
You’ve been awake for all of 20 minutes and you already have a fucking headache.
“Y/N, are you up?” Jacob asks as he knocks on the door to his bedroom, “I’ve-we’ve got news for you!”
“Jesus, are you two pregnant?” you laugh awkwardly as you open the bedroom door.
“No, not yet,” Jacob laughs “we got the place! Took longer than we wanted, but we got the place we wanted!”
“That’s amazing! Jake, I’m so damn happy for you!” you smile as you wrap him in a hug. “You too, Sarah!” you beam as you let go of him and wrap her in a hug just as tight.
As you two break apart, you can tell by the look on her face that she knows something is wrong.
“Hey, what is this I hear about you getting a place?” Andy bellows as he walks out of his bedroom with just his pajama pants on.
Gorgeous asshole.
“Yeah, we got the call last night at around...7? Sarah’s parents knew before you guys,” Jacob laughs as he goes to give Andy a hug.
“I’m so happy for the both of you!”
“Jesus Andy, what the hell happened to your back?” Laurie questions as she lightly traces her hand over his back.
It’s taking all the strength you have to not face palm yourself.
“What do you mean?” Andy asks, avoiding looking at you as if his life depends on it.
“Your back is covered in marks!”
“I mean I used that back scratch thing you got me-”
“If these are the results, never use it again,” she mutters.
“We should all go out to celebrate,” Jacob suggests and it’s obvious he just wants to get the fuck out of the house.
“Oh, I at least need to shower,” you laugh awkwardly as rub you the back of your neck.
“You can shower here!”
“I don’t wanna wear the same clothes two days in a row. How about we do dinner? That gives everyone time to get ready,” you suggest, thinking it’s the best way to end the most cringe worthy conversation you’ve ever had in your life.
“Dinner is actually a great idea! It gives your father and I enough time to set a reservation and everything,” Laurie squeals, and it pisses you off that you’ve done something to make her happy.
“Sushi?” Sarah smiles, noticing your anxious state.
“If we’re not paying, I don’t care,” Jacob laughs as he wraps his arms around her.
“Tonight is on us, I promise,” Laurie laughs as she takes Andy’s hand in hers.
You want to throw up.
“How does six sound?” you ask as you step into your Vans.
“Six is perfect!”
“Six it is,” you smile at everyone “I’m gonna head out!”
You take your time going down the steps, but the minute you’re outside, you’re practically running to your car.
What the fuck?!
How the hell did everything go so wrong so fast? One minute you’re in heaven with the man of your dreams, the next you’re listening to him lie to his wife about how you mean nothing to him.
Fucking alcohol.
The entire drive back to your place, your phone won’t stop buzzing and you know it’s Andy. You know you shouldn’t be mad at him, and you know he didn’t mean it, but that doesn’t stop the stinging those words left. By the time you’re back at your place, your headache has evolved into a migraine. You finally look at your phone and you have eight unread texts from Andy and two from Sarah.
Babydoll: Okay, what the fuck was that about?
Babydoll: I knew it! I fucking knew it! I knew you two were gonna fuck last night!
Y/N: Please don’t say anything to Jake.
Babydoll: What the fuck happened?!
Y/N: Sleepover tonight? I need a minute to fucking decompress because what the fuck?!
Babydoll: WHAT THE FUCK?!
Y/N: Ugh, we’ll talk about it tonight, just...idk, act normal.
Babydoll: I swear to fuck, you two.
Y/N: Imagine how the fuck I feel.
You take a deep breath before getting out of your conversation with Sarah, and tapping on the text conversation between you and Andy.
My Heart: I am so fucking sorry, sweetheart.
My Heart: It hurt me to say it, but you know I didn’t mean it.
My Heart: Nothing has changed. I love you so much and I want nothing more than to be with you. I will be with you, I promise.
My Heart: Honey, please don’t be mad at me. I just fucking panicked.
My Heart: Just call me when you’re home, okay? Or let me know, and I’ll come over.
My Heart: I just don’t want this to be over as quickly as it started.
My Heart: You know you mean the world to me, please don’t take it to heart.
My Heart: I love you.
Y/N: I can’t talk to you right now, Andy.
My Heart: Please, just call me or let me see you. I don’t want our first argument to be about this.
Y/N: Andy, I can’t fucking do this right now.
My Heart: Well, when can you?
Y/N: I don’t fucking know, Andy! I’m not the one who said that you mean nothing to me!
My Heart: Please, even if it’s just for a moment, just let me plead my case in person!
Y/N: I really just can’t fucking do this right now. I need to lay down and I need to think.
My Heart: Please don’t change your mind, sweetheart. There’s so much that you still just don’t know yet.
Y/N: I’ll see you later, Andy.
You plop down on your bed and try to calm your emotions, but you can’t. You really shouldn’t be mad at him, because what else was he supposed to do? If Jacob wasn’t in the picture, you’re more than sure he would’ve been fine with telling Laurie the truth, but the fact of the matter is that you both would never want for Jacob to find out that way.
Still, he didn’t have to say that.
You know he feels terrible and he probably felt guilty right after he said it, but it still hurt. The one person who means the world to you and made you feel like the center of his universe, said out loud that you mean nothing to him. Yeah, it was a lie, but it still hurt like a bitch. In that moment, it felt like he was treating you like everyone else in your life had. Your parents, your so called “friends”, all of the guys you had dated...trauma is a son of a bitch.
As you toss and turn, trying to find some peace of mind and get some rest, your mind can’t stop going over last night. The more you keep trying to tell yourself that it was just sex, the more you know it’s all bullshit. No, it wasn’t traditional love making, but you felt his passion in every thrust. You felt his desire in every kiss, you saw the love in his eyes, and you felt care in his every touch.
Andy wasn’t trying to play you for a fool, and you know that in your heart of hearts, Andy’s love for you is just as genuine as yours is for his. So why can’t you just get the fuck over it? You know he didn’t mean it, so why isn’t it enough to just let it go and pretend you didn’t hear it?
Because he’s everything to you.
Nonetheless, by the time five o’clock rolls around, you’re dragging your feet about getting ready. You take the longest shower you’ve probably ever taken in your life, and you take your time picking out your outfit. Yeah, Andy’s sorry and feels like shit, but you still decide that torturing him all through dinner is your best move. It’s getting closer to summer, so the weather is nice enough that you can dress in something that’ll make him salivate.
You decide on one of your more flirty white crop tops, and your light blue denim jean shorts that hug your ass perfectly. Seeing as you just got a mani and a pedi last week, it’s only fair that you wear your favorite pair of open toed white sandals. Yes, it’s petty and unnecessary, but if he’s going to pretend that you mean nothing to him, why shouldn’t you pretend that he means nothing to you?
It’s childish, but fuck all if you aren’t tired of being made to feel like shit by those who mean the most to you.
You park right next to Laurie’s car when you pull up to the restaurant and fight the urge to key her car when you get out, telling yourself that would be taking it too far and she isn’t worth it.
“I love that shirt!” Sarah beams as you make your way over to the table where everyone is seated.
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Andy looks up at you and almost chokes on his drink.
“I figured I’d finally pull something out of my closet that’s appropriate for the season. The weather is finally nice enough,” you chuckle as you take a seat, “did I miss anything?”
“The waitress took drink orders, so I got you a whiskey neat,” Jake shrugs, not even bothering to look up from his menu.
“You know me so well. So, tell me all about the new place!”
“It’s gorgeous!” Sarah squeals. “It’s a two bedroom, it’s not far from where Jacob is gonna start working after graduation, it’s only 20 minutes from my job, it’s not far from you at all, and it feels like home as soon as you step inside! You’re gonna help us move in, right?”
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss it!”
“You sure you won’t get cold in that shirt?” Laurie asks with a small laugh, but the look in her eyes lets you know that she’s pissed.
“Well, it’s 72 degrees outside, so I think I’ll be okay,” you smile softly.
“Leave her alone, Laurie. She’s a gorgeous young woman, let her take advantage of the nice weather. Especially after that shit show of a storm we had last night.”
Now it was Sarah’s the one chocking on her drink.
“Yeah, what the hell was that? That was insane!” Jacob laughs incredulously, completely oblivious to the tension.
As usual.
“I owe you a new bottle of whiskey,” you laugh, looking down at your menu, realizing that you don’t have a clue as to what you’re gonna eat.
“No, it’s my fault. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s really not a big deal. You didn’t know it was gonna happen. Besides, I had fun,” you smirk, and you see Sarah’s eyes go wide from the corner of your eye.
“What did you get into?” Laurie questions, trying to hide the alarm in her tone.
“Played some of Jacob’s games, watched some movies on TCM, and had small talk with Mr. Barber when I went downstairs to get myself another drink.”
“Oh? What about?”
“What it’s like to be satisfied after living a life where you haven’t been.”
“What are you satisfied about?”
“Work is finally going the way I want it to,” you lie with a pleasant smile, before looking up at Laurie.
“Has anyone been able to figure out what they want? Everything sounds amazing and I love sushi too much,” Sarah laughs awkwardly, and the look on Andy’s face lets you know that he’s trying his best to contain his amused his smirk.
“I’m pretty sure I know what I’m getting. Y/N?” Jacob questions looking over to you.
“Well, I’m definitely gonna have the pork goyza for for my appetizer, but I’m on the fence about what I want as my main course.”
“What are you stuck between?” Andy asks with a smile that makes you weak.
“The spicy salmon maki and the tempura maki.”
“I’m having the same issue,” he chuckles.
“How about I get the spicy salmon, you get the tempura maki, and we’ll split it?”
“Sounds good.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Jacob interrupts “you’re my splitting food buddy!”
“We can still split fried handmade spring rolls.”
“Alright, then you and my dad can split whatever, I don’t care,” he smiles as he closes the menu and you shake your head. “How about you mom?”
“How about me what?” she smiles, finally turning her attention from you to Jacob.
“What are you gonna get?”
“Oh, pad thai. As always,” she shrugs.
As the evening goes on, you truly wonder how Jacob has no clue what’s going on. Laurie glares at you on and off, Andy is doing all he can not to look at you, Sarah is doing her best to pretend she doesn’t have a clue as to why there’s so much tension, you barely look at Andy or Laurie, and then there’s Jacob.
So completely ignorant to everything that’s going on, and you envy him so much. They really weren’t lying when they said that ignorance is bliss. However, this also makes you wonder how the hell you’re gonna tell him about you and Andy.
Is there even anything to tell?
Of course there is. It’s one argument and Andy didn’t even mean it. But still. Can he handle it? Can you handle it? Your heart has never burned for anyone before, and Andy is all you’ve ever wanted and more, but will he still want you once everything comes out? Will he be willing and ready to to handle the shit show that’s bound to take place when Laurie loses her shit? Is he ready to argue with Jacob? Handle Jacob not wanting to talk to him?
Will he still truly love you?
By the time everyone is finished with dinner, you have a migraine.
“Can we get separate checks?” you ask the waitress as she comes to collect the empty plates.
“Oh no! This is on Andy and myself!” Laurie exclaims with a false smile.
The last thing you want is a fucking handout from Laurie Barber.
God, it fucking sucks that they still share a last name.
“No, it’s perfectly fine. This was to celebrate Sarah and Jacob. I’m fine to cover my end,” you smile at her before turning your attention to the waitress, “my drinks and what I ordered can go on a separate bill.”
She only smiles and nods before walking off.
“I feel awful,” Laurie chuckles.
“It’s perfectly fine. I got a raise, so it’s actually affordable.”
“You got a raise?!” Jacob exclaims.
“It’s a recent development.”
“Why do I feel like I never know what’s going on in your life?”
“Because I never know what’s going in my life.”
“Anything else I should know about?” he asks with a small laugh.
Oh Jacob, there’s so much more you need to know.
“I think we’re all caught up,” you lie with a plastic smile as the waitress returns with the checks.
You’ve never been more excited to get out a place so fast.
“Alright, we’re moving the beginning of next month, you sure you’ll be able to help out?” Jacob asks as all of you stand in front of your car.
“I don’t care if I just have to pull a no-call/no-show, I’m going to be there. This is a huge step and I’m more than happy to be there for you!”
“You’re the best friend I could ever ask for,” Jacob smiles as he engulfs you in a tight hug.
You hate keeping all of this a secret from him.
“I’ll text you all of the information later, okay?”
“Sounds good to me,” you smile at him as you force yourself to hold back tears.
You’ve never lied to Jacob, and a lie this big feels like the worst betrayal in the world. But how do you tell him? How do you make him understand?
You get into your car and quickly start it before almost speeding off. The entire drive you’re at war with yourself, because for as terrible as you feel, it’s not enough to make you want to stop. It’s not enough to pull you away from Andy. It’s not enough to convince you that all of this is a bad idea. In fact, you’re not sure if anything is capable of making you feel that way. Andy has been the center of your universe since you two spent that night eating ice cream on the hood of his car, and it’s only grown over time. For as much as you’re terrified of what’s to come, it’s not enough to make you quit on the both of you.
It’s not enough to make you stop loving him.
The second you step foot back inside your apartment, you kick off your shoes and make yourself a drink.Yes, they’re better ways to handle the situation, but you aren’t interested in any of that right now. You just want Andy and you want to be numb.
You’re alone for an hour before you hear, “bitch, open up! We gotta talk!”
You can’t help but giggle as you make your way over to the door and open it, “took you long enough.”
“What the fuck was that?!” Sarah exclaims as she makes her way inside your apartment. “You two are insanely cute, but in front of Laurie?! What the fuck?!”
“I don’t understand what the hell that was either.”
“Okay, lets rewind. What the hell happened last night?” Sarah asks as she makes her own drink.
“Well, when I got there yesterday, I saw Andy’s car but no one answered when I called out, so I assumed I was alone. When I woke up and discovered that not only was I not seeing you and Jacob, but also wouldn’t be able to leave, I put on Jacob’s hoodie, and finished off his whiskey. I wanted to get drunk so I could go to bed, so I went downstairs, without pants, to steal a bottle.”
“Ah shit.”
“And guess who was sitting in the dark, drunk, and watching the Turner Classic Movies channel?”
“Jacob said Mr. Barber’s been into black and white films a lot lately. Wait, why weren’t you wearing pants?”
“I thought I was alone and don’t like sleeping in pants when I’m alone.”
“That’s fair, so what happened?”
“He asked why I came downstairs and I told him that I was gonna grab a glass and a bottle of something to drink, and he told me to grab a glass and have a seat with him.”
“You didn’t think to put on pants?”
“When I said I would, he told me it’s nothing he hasn’t seen before.”
“Come again?!”
You sigh as you get up, going into your bedroom and grabbing the picture  he gifted you on Christmas,
“He came by on Christmas and left this and a key chain gifted in front of my door. When he was back in his car, he called me and we talked for a bit. I sat in my window sill,” you nod over to the window, “and I wasn’t wearing any pants. Nothing had happened at that point.”
“When did you two take this photo? You both look so happy,” she smiles softly.
“We used to go on late night drives together. When he couldn’t sleep, he would pick me up and we’d hangout. Sometimes we’d just drive around and talk, other times we’d get food. That was a selfie I took of us the first time we hung out. We got ice cream at 2am and stayed up till the sun came up. That was the night I realized that I’m in love with him,” you finish in almost a whisper as you tear a little.
“Anyway,” you interrupt as you clear your throat “that’s what he meant. I grabbed a glass and sat down next to him and he vented. Apparently, Laurie had a full blown affair the first time she cheated. The guy would buy her flowers, take her on dates, get them hotel rooms, they fucked quite a lot...it was a whole thing. However, when she came clean to Andy, he forgave her cause he wanted to make it work. Then, a few months ago, maybe a year at this point I’m not too sure, she cheated again because he didn’t answer his phone and she got all pissy. So, that’s why he started yelling about a divorce that night you told me Jacob told you about-”
“Hold the fuck up! She did what?! And she’s treating you like shit?! You and Mr. Barber?! JACOB DOESN’T EVEN KNOW ABOUT THIS BECAUSE BOTH OF YOU ARE WAY NICER THAN SHE DESERVES, BUT SHE’S GONNA GIVE YOU BOTH A HARD TIME?! WHAT THE FUCK?!”
“Yeah, that’s only part of what I’m feeling,” you scoff, finishing off your drink and pouring yourself another. “So, I started to tell him that I was sorry and he told me I had no reason to be sorry. He told me how much he loves me, how much he wants to be with me and he doesn’t understand why we can’t be...when I went to tell me to stop, he told me to get on his lap...I couldn’t have stayed away if I had tried. It doesn’t help that I’ve craved nothing but his touch since the last time we made out-”
“Back the fuck up, you two did what now?!”
“The night I bailed on you guys because I was fed up with my day, I went to a club and Andy was there with his friends, because Laurie wanted him out of the house since I was supposed to be there. He begged me to let him take me home, because he couldn’t stand to see me leave with another man. We got to my place, things were said, he brought me upstairs and as he was about to leave, I grabbed him and kissed him. We made out for all of 5 minutes before he stopped it. He felt bad because I was drunk and he said it felt like he was taking advantage of me.”
“You kissed him!”
“That’s what I said, but he said it didn’t matter. Anyway, last night...we fucked around a little on the sofa, then we went upstairs and into his bedroom and...,” you trail off and a small smile comes to your face at the memory.
“Okay, I know I shouldn’t ask because he’s my boyfriend’s dad, but you gotta tell me,” she giggles and you burst out laughing.
“Not exaggerating, the best I’ve ever had. I swear to God, that man worked my body like a fucking fiddle! He’s not selfish, he’s skilled with every part of his body, he takes his time....last night was a fucking dream, and after...he was so fucking sweet and gentle. He was reassuring and held me so close, like he was afraid I wouldn’t be there in the morning.”
“That’s so fucking sweet,” Sarah smiles, curling her legs up on the sofa.
“It was, then morning came,” you scowled.
“What happened this morning?”
“Well, he woke me up and got me all worked up, and we had just started when Laurie came home. I’ve never gotten of bed so fucking fast in my life. I ran across the hall naked, holding onto Jacob’s hoodie and my bra as if my life depended on it and-”
“What about your panties?!”
“I didn’t get those back,” you chuckle with a smirk.
“I swear to God, you two are meant for each other,” she laughs and you laugh softly with her.
“So, I get to Jacob’s room and start getting dressed fast as fuck, because for whatever reason, I was afraid she’d walk in. Anyway, she gets upstairs and starts laying into Andy about why he didn’t answer his phone, why did he let me stay over, why he’s naked, and she wouldn’t let up. Eventually, Andy got fed up and said that I mean nothing to him and she needs to drop it.”
“I mean, I get why he said it, but he definitely could’ve said something else.”
“My fucking sentiments exactly. I guess tonight he was trying to show me how sorry he truly was, and of course, Jacob was completely oblivious to all of it. I just don’t know.”
“Babe, I know it hurt, but we both know he didn’t mean it.”
“It’s just triggering, because it’s always me that ends up getting hurt. I know Andy isn’t a bad guy, and I know he’d never purposely hurt me, but the fear is still there and hearing him say that...it just triggered all of my insecurities and fears. Will he love me enough to stay if Jacob gets mad about us? Will he stay when Laurie gets mad and turns the town against us? Will he be ashamed when the town turns up their noses up at us? Yeah, he says no, but a lot of people have told me a lot of things,” you sniffle as you dry your eyes.
“Oh sweetie,” Sarah sighs as she moves closer to you and wraps you in a tight hug, “this isn’t anything like those other times. He’s not your parents, he’s not Mr. Fucking Matthews, and he isn’t like any of those other assholes you dated.”
“I just don’t know,” you sob.
“It’s gonna be okay, babe. You’ll see,” she promises gently as she strokes your back.
Sarah’s words roll around in your head as she tries to calm you down, and you know she’s making perfectly good sense, but everything happened so fast today...you just can’t quiet the fear.
As you cry into Sarah’s shoulder, you wonder if the fear will ever pass or if it’ll live loudly inside of you forever.
You wonder if you’ll ever feel like you’re good enough for Andy Barber.
Andy’s P.O.V
“She’s gorgeous, Andy? Really? You didn’t even try and hide the fact that you were flirting with her!” Laurie barks as I take some clothes out of my drawer.
“You believe whatever you want, I truly don’t give a damn.”
“And you said nothing happened last night! I wouldn’t count a fucking conversation as nothing!”
“I suppose I could’ve taken her to a hotel, fucked her all night, come creeping back in early in the morning, then lie to your face about where I’ve been all night!”
“Andy, it’s like you two were on your own little date!”
“I can’t help the fact that you hate her, Laurie. That’s something you need to work out in your own time,” I sigh, fed up with lying.
I don’t want to hide you, or us. I don’t want to say things that’ll hurt you or draw attention to us, I sure as shit don’t wanna sneak around, and I don’t ever want to make you feel less than.
How could I fucking say that?
‘She means nothing to me.’
Of all the fucking things to say, I had to go and say that. You’re good at masking your facial features, but your eyes said it all: my words cut you right to your core. You didn’t even want to talk to me, and I can’t find any fault with that. After so many other people have said one thing and done another, I had to go and sound like another asshole.
Fuck, everything was so perfect, then fucked up almost instantly. Fucked up because of my inability to think fast, which is saying something, cause I’m a fucking lawyer.
“Are you even listening to me, Andy?” Laurie sighs, putting her hands on her hips.
“No. Listen, I don’t feel like doing this tonight, so I’m not going to.”
“Andy, please-”
“Laurie, I’m gonna be out late and I’ll be sleeping on the sofa when I get back. I’m gonna start packing tomorrow. Make this easier for the both of us and just sign the damn papers. I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this with you.”
“There’s still so much more-”
“There’s nothing left for us, Laurie. Do whatever you need to, to deal with that, but you do need to finally accept and deal with it.”
I hear her breakdown and start to cry as I turn to leave, and while I feel bad for being so blunt with her, I don’t know how else to approach this anymore. I’m through with keeping you on the sidelines, and I’m done trying to keep Laurie happy.
You are my main concern now. You are the only one I’m concerned with keeping happy, and I’m ready to do whatever I need to do to prove it to you.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“How have I never heard this album before?” Sarah asks, drink in hand, as she drunkenly dances around to ‘Tony Adams’ by Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros.
“You can’t always be cooler than me,” you tease before getting up, grabbing your cup, and making your way into your kitchen, “do we wanna eat?”
“When don’t we wanna eat?” she laughs.
“That’s a very good point,” you murmur, opening the door and seeing what you have available to you. “How about-”
You’re interrupted by a knock on door.
“Probably Jacob feeling left out,” you giggle to yourself as you open your door. “Oh.”
Andy doesn’t say a word, he just wraps his arms around you, pulls you close, and kisses you like he hasn’t seen you in decades. Your only response is to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him back.
For as hurt as you are, you’ll never turn down a soul stirring kiss from Andy. Whether that’s a good or bad thing, you’re not sure yet, but right now, you just don’t care.
“You’re drunk again,” Andy breathes once you two break apart.
“I told you I have a tendency to drink too much at times,” you mumble, still in a daze from his kiss.
“I don’t like you drinking to solve your problems. Especially when you’re alone.”
“Oh, I’m not alone,” you laugh softly, moving your head to the side so he can see Sarah standing in your living area.
“Hey there, Mr. Barber,” she chuckles.
“Oh...hey, Sarah,” he greets awkwardly and you can’t help but laugh.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go watch YouTube videos in Y/N’s room. You two lovebirds workout whatever is wrong,” she hums before practically running to your bedroom and closing the door behind her.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, you don’t know how much I regretted it as soon as I said it. I didn’t mean a word of it. You mean everything and I’m so sorry I hurt you like that.”
“It’s fine.”
“No it’s not, so don’t pretend that it is. Don’t lie to me.”
“She’s your wife,” you scoff as you let him go.
“Don’t. Don’t act like it’s something I want.”
“She still hasn’t signed. Lets move you out of the doorway, I don’t need anyone seeing me be a man stealing whore,” you mutter, breaking out of his hold and stepping to the side so he can come in.
“Should I just come back when you’re sober?”
“You should come back when you’re divorced.”
“Honey, there’s just so much more you don’t know.”
“Did she sign the papers?”
“Did she sign the fucking papers, Andy?!” you snap, slamming your hand down on the kitchen island.
“I’m trying.”
“I want to be with you! I want to be out in the open with you! Give me the okay and I’ll go back to that house right now and tell her everything! I’ll tell her that I’ve been in love with you since I helped you move into this loft, I’ll tell her that we made love last night, I’ll tell her that I’ve never felt so strongly as for anyone as I do for you! Give me the okay and I’ll do it!”
“You can just do that to Jacob?”
“He’s an adult-”
“He’s your son!”
“He’ll get over it!”
“Why are you here?!”
“Because I love you! I am so in love with you and I...last night, I wasn’t saying a bunch of words to get you into bed. I meant everything-”
“But your first thought to respond with was ‘she means nothing to me’?”
“I panicked!”
“Andy, I love you, but I really don’t have the energy to jerked around-”
“We can do this. It’s messy and it’s fucked up, but we’ll figure out a way to tell Jacob and we’ll be together. I told you, I don’t give a fuck about what anyone in this town has to say and I don’t give a fuck how Laurie feels. I just want you, sweetheart. I told you that you’ve always been my dream and that wasn’t bullshit. You’re a dream worth chasing and I’m gonna chase you until we’re a reality.”
“I love you, Y/N. I’ll do everything in my power to prove to you that this is real.”
“You can’t stay here tonight,” you sniffle, trying to hide your tears, “Sarah’s staying here.”
“I had a feeling,” he laughs “lets do lunch tomorrow?”
“We’ll figure-”
“Y/N, I know you and Sarah are having girl’s night or whatever, but I need to talk to you!” Jacob calls from the other side of your door.
“For fucks sake, is my place just the place to be tonight?!” you mutter furiously as Andy chuckles softly and Sarah runs out of your bedroom.
“Time for us to trade places, bud,” Sarah awkwardly smiles as she ushers Andy into your bedroom.
“Where’s your key?” you question, trying to sound as normal as possible, getting yourself together.
“I don’t know, it was on my nightstand and now it isn’t, can you open up?”
“Babe, give us a second, you’re catching us mid-concert,” Sarah responds with a faux laugh, looking at you with concerned eyes.
You give her a small nod as she draws a deep breath before opening the door.
“Someone’s impatient,” she chuckles as she steps aside, letting him in.
“I don’t mean to be a dick, and I tried to wait, but I just needed to talk about it. Was tonight weird to anyone besides me?”
“Weird how?” you ask while making him a drink.
“My parents were more socially awkward than usual. My dad calling you gorgeous? What the fuck was that?”
“Why was that weird?”
“Don’t start that. You know you looked great, but my dad isn’t like every other old pervert in this town.”
“Your dad isn’t old, Jacob,” you scowl as you grab your glass, pouring yourself a drink.
“I know guys his age are more your style, but to me, he’s old. Plus, he and my mom got into a pretty loud screaming match before he stormed out.”
“What about?”
“I don’t know, I sat out on the porch and drank a beer. I think all of this is starting to take a toll on my him,” he huffs as he takes a seat at the kitchen island, sipping on his drink.
“I’m sure he’s doing his best to sort things out,” you sigh as you sit across from him.
“Should I say something to him?”
“Have you spoken to him at all about how you feel?”
“No. He’s been so calm and collected about all of this, but he went out of his way to hurt my mom tonight and that’s not him at all. I’ll talk to both of them separately.”
“How did he go out of his way to hurt her?”
“The comment about you being gorgeous, you two bonding over fucking food, the little jokes.”
“Why does that mean he went out of his way to hurt her? Andy and I just have a lot in common!”
“Jacob, it’s late and I’ve been drinking. I’m not about to be formal every five seconds, it’s just us three.”
“You don’t think it was a little weird?”
“I mean, I think your dad is hot, so no,” you shrug as Sarah chokes on her drink.
“You know what you don’t need to tell me?”
“You asked.”
“That’s the last thing I need; my dad having a mental fucking breakdown and start dating someone my age.”
“I’ll drop off an application.”
“Please stop,” he groans as he lays his head on the table.
“Well Jacob, what exactly are you expecting him to do? Get divorced and be alone for the rest of his life?”
“No, I just...I’ve been thinking about it a lot these past few days. I want them to divorce, it’ll be best for him, but I don’t...it’s always been the three of us. Whether it was healthy or not, it’s the only family I’ve known, and we’ve been through hell and back. I don’t know if I’ll ever accept either of them having anyone else in their lives, but I want him to be happy. I want them both to be happy,” he finishes with a heavy sigh.
How the hell are you and Andy supposed to tell him now?
“If he settled down with someone younger, would it really be so bad?” you ask timidly, terrified of the answer.
“It wouldn’t be my first or second choice, but it wouldn’t be awful. If he’s truly happy, I won’t care,” he mutters softly with a frustrated sigh, finishing off his drink.
You force yourself to swallow down the lump in your throat. You blink away tears trying to accept that if you pursue a relationship with Andy, it may be the end of your friendship with Jacob.
“Guess we’ll just have to see how it all plays out,” you shrug with a meager smile.
“What should I even start off with?”
“Just tell them how you feel, separately, of course.Yeah, you’re moving out, but they’re still your parents, and it’s taking a toll on you. You can tell it’s taking a toll on them. You need them to get it together.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
He takes a deep breath before rubbing the back of his neck and standing up. You can feel the heaviness he’s trying to ignore, and you’re torn because you don’t want to cause him anymore stress and frustration; but you just love Andy so damn much.
Why does all of this have to be so damn complicated?
“I’ll let you guys get back to your night, keep an eye on her,” Jacob chuckles with a nod towards Sarah, who flips him off in return. “I love you both, talk to you later.”
You start crying the second he’s out the door.
“He’ll come around,” Andy coos softly as he steps out of your room.
“He’s gonna fucking hate me!”
“No, he’s really not,” Sarah tries to reassure you, occupying the seat that Jacob was in. “He’ll throw a hissy fit, probably won’t talk to you for a month or two, and then he’ll apologize and ask to talk it out. He’s emotional, not a complete idiot.”
“You both heard him! He said-”
“He said as long as I’m truly happy, he’ll accept it. Listen to me, honey,” Andy starts, gently pulling you out of your seat and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close. “This isn’t a breakdown or some sort of crisis. I love you. I am so insanely in love with you to the point that it terrifies me because I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I don’t want to fuck this up, I don’t want you to get hurt, and I don’t want you to quit on us. We both did our best to avoid this, but it was pointless because look where we are. I’m so happy when I’m with you, and for once, life makes sense. You are worth everything to me and I will be with you. It won’t be a secret and it’ll work out fine.”
“I’ll deal with Jake, don’t worry about it. I’ll figure out a way to get Laurie to sign those damn papers, and then I’ll tell him-”
“We’re in this together, Andy. We’ll tell him together. If we’re gonna do this, really do this, we should do it together.”
“Are you sure?”
“I can’t leave you to face all the hard shit alone. That’s not how relationships work, well not how a healthy one works. I wanna be all in with you. Even the hard stuff.”
“You two,” Sarah whispers with a grin as her eyes start to water.
“Shut up,” you scoff, drying your own eyes.
“Sarah, I’m sorry you’re in the middle of all this-”
“It’s fine, Mr. Barber. You both deserve a win and I’m happy you two have each other. I’m more than happy to keep my mouth shut until you guys figure it out.”
“Thank you,” Andy smiles with a nod before turning his attention to you. “Are you okay?”
“It’s just going to take some adjusting. All of this is about to get a lot harder before it gets easier and...not every day is going to be amazing. It is what it is, whatever.”
“Don’t make plans next weekend, okay?”
“What? Why not?”
“Just trust me. Please don’t make any plans.”
“Well...okay then.”
“I’m gonna get out of here, I love you, Y/N. I love you so much. Please...don’t change your mind, okay?”
“We’re in it now, so where else is there to go?” you chuckle softly. “I love you too, Andy. Let me know when you’re safe.”
“I always do,” he smiles before kissing your forehead.
He nods towards Sarah before turning and making his way out. Just like that, you feel alone all over again.
“I know I probably shouldn’t be rooting for you two, but you two are just so fucking cute!”
“Sarah,” you scowl and laugh as you get up to make yourself another drink.
“Okay, I gotta ask, what’s the draw? Obviously, it’s not lost on anyone that he’s fucking fine, but what makes him worth...everything?”
“I’m safe with him,” you shrug. “When I’m with Andy, I’m home. My brain never shuts off and it’s always so fucking loud, but with Andy...I’m so calm. Nothing is scary, stressful, or tiring. When I’m with him, I just feel light. Yeah, the one time we had sex was amazing, but it’s so much more than a physical desire. It always has been. We’ve been on so many car rides, had so many conversations, helped each other cope with so much...he just knows me. He gets me, ya know? He’s my home.”
“God, I’m so fucking jealous of you,” she scoffs as she scarfs down her drink.
“What? Why?”
“I want Jacob to feel the same way about me. I want us to have what you and Andy have.”
“Sarah, stop it. You know Jacob is head over heels-”
“I own half his heart, babe,” she smiles softly, getting up and making her way over to the counter to make another drink.
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, come on. You can’t tell me that you don’t know.”
“Sarah, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“Jacob is in love with you.”
“Stop it! That’s horseshit and you know it!”    
“Do you know how many times I’ve tried to talk myself into believing that? It’s infuriating at times, because I know you have no interest in him, but I see it in him. I see it, how he looks at you, the way he always comes to you for council; like he did tonight-”
“Sarah, there is no one on this planet that Jacob loves more than you. Jacob loves me, but he’s not in love with me.”
“You really are as pure they come,” she chuckles softly, shaking her head.
“What are you talking about?”
“Y/N, I don’t blame you or like, hate you. There was a point in time when I abandoned Jacob, and we basically broke up. Then, when you came into his life, you just trusted him completely. You were always there for him.”
“It’s fine,” she smiles sheepishly, trying to ignore her tears, “you don’t want him at all, so why should I be mad?
“Sarah, you’re drunk and-”
“Trust me, I’ve thought about this a lot,” she laughs humorlessly, “this has nothing to do with me drinking.”
“Is this why you want me with Andy so bad?”
“God no,” she scoffs before taking a sip of her drink, “if anything, it’ll make it worse, but you’ll be happy. You’ll be happy and so will Andy. I don’t tell you that you’re my best friend to make you smile, I say it because you really are my best friend. I want you to succeed, I want you to be happy, and I want things to work out in your favor. I’ve seen all the hurt you’ve gone through and I want better for you.”
“Sarah...why do you-”
“Stay with Jacob? Because I love him,” she states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “He’s never going to cheat on me with you and you’d never let him. He’ll get over it at some point.”
“This isn’t fair or right. I’m ruining everyone’s life.”
“You’re not ruining shit. What’s wrong between Andy and Laurie is on her, and there’s nothing wrong between Jake and I. In all honesty, I don’t even think he knows. That’s part of the reason I didn’t want to meet you in high school,” she laughs, taking a long sip of her drink. “I knew he had a thing for you, but we were trying to work things out. We always joked about being the old couple that were once childhood sweethearts. I was terrified of meeting you, because I was terrified of seeing the person who would take him away from me, but then I met you,” she laughs. “It was so evident how much you weren’t into him.You made it so easy to love you and get to know you, and honestly? I get it. The way you describe Andy? That’s how you make everyone else feel. You don’t understand how much of yourself you give to people. Even if it’s just for a moment, you make people feel like they’re safe, like they have a home. It’s not hard at all too see why Andy is so in love with you.”
You’re thoughtful before you speak: “Sarah, can I ask you something?”
“You can ask me anything.”
“What did you and Andy talk about at the Christmas party?”
“I was wondering if you’d ever ask,” she chuckles. “We talked about you and the relationship you two could have. He’s so fucking in love with you. He  said that the only reason he hadn’t made a move was because he wanted you to be as happy as you made him. I told him that he can do that by being with you, but he shook his head. He insisted that you two being together would only complicate your life more, but he wanted nothing more than to be with you. I told him that he’s the piece of your life that’s been missing and he said you’d be happier with someone else, that he didn’t want to weigh you down. So, I asked him why he was willing to suffer if he knew you felt the same way  he did.”
“He said he’d be willing to take on all of the pain and suffering in the world if it meant you’d be happy,” she smiles softly.
“Sarah...you don’t get it. Before I met Andy, I didn’t even feel like I could breathe. Last night, it was all so simple because there was no Laurie and Jacob. No thought of them.We were in our own little world and we were happy. It was peaceful, full of love, happiness, and for once, my life wasn’t a complete shit show. He’s been trying so hard to get her to sign the fucking papers...there were times I completely forgot about Jake. How shitty does that make me? I didn’t think about my own best fucking friend!”
“Babe, you’ve spent the better part of your young adult life looking out for Jake. When it comes to love, you’re allowed to be selfish.”
“Sarah, what the fuck am I gonna do?” you sob as your phone buzzes.
You’re quick to take it out and check, and a smile is instantly painted on your face when you see that it’s Andy.
My Heart: Had to stop to pick up a few things for this weekend, but I’m safe. I love you so much, honey. Counting down the seconds until I can see you again, because I miss the fuck out of you. The day we start living together is gonna be the best fucking day. Please don’t drink too much, okay? We’re gonna figure all this shit out. I love you.
“Sarah, I can’t quit him and I don’t want to.”
“Then don’t,” she smiles at you reassuringly, “fight like hell to make it work.”
As you and Sarah go back to drinking and dancing the night away, one thought is clearer in your mind than it’s ever been: you and Andy are meant to be with one another. By no means will any of it be easy, but you’re more than ready to fight like hell for the love of your life.
You’re more than ready to fight like hell for Andy Barber.
Laurie’s P.O.V.
“Andy, can you stop packing for five fucking minutes?!” I sob as he continues to load his clothes into his duffle bag.
“Laurie, I’ve told you multiple times that I’m done, and you won’t fucking hear it. I don’t know what else to do,” he shrugs, a look of pure indifference on his face.
“You’re the one that cheated. Without saying it out loud, you decided that you don’t want this anymore. You don’t want us. So, I’m moving on. I’ve moved on!”
“Andy, no. You think you’ve moved on, but you’re just-”
“Laurie, I don’t love you. I have no desire to work this out, and I never will again. Please, just let it go and sign the goddamn papers!”
“You just need time,” I sob as he throws up his hands and scowls.
That’s what he used to say to me all the time, and it always worked like a charm; he could always bring me back. However, now? It seems like a lie. I’ve been using the same line for practically a year, and for what? The more I say it, the less he wants me.
Maybe that’s the difference. He was fighting for someone who he truly loved, and somewhere deep inside, I loved him back. Now? I’ve pushed him away so much that he truly is finished with all of this, but now I finally wanna come back.
I finally see what’s worth fighting for.
“Where are you even living now?”
“It doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’m gone for good, and you need to sign the damn papers.”
“You don’t need to be so cold!”
“That seems to be the only way that you’ll respond,” he huffs before closing his bag. “Laurie, at one point, we were lovers and best friends. We have Jacob. I don’t want this to get ugly, so please don’t let it get to that point. He’s moving out, we both know he’s gonna propose to Sarah sooner or later, and you and I both know that we’ve run our course. You can have the house, the cars, you can paint me as the bad guy. I truly don’t care. Please, just let me go.”
“Andy, please, lets just go away-”
“I don’t want to go away!” he finally snaps, causing me to jump just a bit.
Hes never been this way with me.
“Laurie,” he sighs dropping his bag, clearly frustrated and worn out “don’t make me be this guy. The angry husband who has to be an asshole. I don’t want to hurt you, I don’t want to upset you, and I don’t want either of us to hate each other. After all is said and done, I still want us to at least be able to have some sort of healthy relationship. It doesn’t have to be something fueled by hate and anger, it can be amicable. I don’t hate you, Laurie, I just don’t love you anymore,” he sighs before picking up his bag. “Think about it, I’ll see you in a few days.”
As he walks away I can’t help but think back to college. Was this all my fault? He never pursued me, I always wanted him.
He never looked for me, I always looked for him.
“You came!” I beamed as the handsome brunette came walking into my dorm room.
“You made it sound like I’d be missing out on something big if I show up,” he chuckled with a bright smile.
I’d been daydreaming about the smile since I first saw it two weeks ago in the campus library.
“You didn’t bring anyone?” I asked, hopeful that I wasn’t about to make myself look like a complete fool.
“No one to bring. I spend most of my time studying or working. That’s why I decided maybe it would be nice to go to a party. Thanks for invitin’ me.”
“Thanks for showing up,” I replied, and I could tell my cheeks were burning red.
From that day on, I looked for him, I waited for him, and I tried to come up with any reason to talk to him, until he finally asked me out. At first, it was exciting and I was enamored with him. Then, after about five months, I started to get lazy and he took notice. It’s not even that I stopped loving him, but I realized I wanted to be young and experience college as a single woman. Neither of us said a thing about it, but I could tell he knew and that I’d hurt him.
Then I started seeing him hanging around with some girl and it made my blood boil.
He was mine.
So, I showed up at his dorm one day and when he opened the door, I practically pounced on him, and of course he didn’t say no. Of course, my little impulsive act ended up with me pregnant, and he was a saint about it. Why wouldn’t he be?
Andy is the sweetest soul on earth; he always has been.
Everything was perfect for a while. Even with school being as demanding as it was, Andy was a loving and doting father. I wasn’t surprised that he proposed, and I was more than happy to say yes. I wanted nothing more than to devote myself to him forever.
For a while, it was perfect. We had the perfect life. Sure, I looked at other men sometimes, just wondering what it would be like to have the freedom to do whatever I wanted, but I never acted on anything. I had a good life, why mess it up?
Then, Jacob’s trial.
Even after everything that happened; the arguments, the trial, the sleeping in separate rooms...the accident...he still treated me like I was the center of his universe, and loved me unconditionally.
But I felt betrayed.
How could he not tell me about his father? Yeah, it’s his life and he’s allowed his secrets, but I’m his wife! So, after all was said and done, even with him being as amazing as he was, I still cheated. I cheated because I wanted him to feel as betrayed as I did. I seduced his best friend, best man at our wedding, and fucked him in the backseat of our car. It should’ve been quick and dirty, but I fucked up and let it turn into something that it should’ve never been.
It was nice to feel like I was a priority, to feel beautiful, and just get away from the weight that now comes with being a Barber. The flowers, gifts, the sneaking...it all felt new and exciting. I felt young again.
Andy started to notice of how distant I was becoming and offered to take me  on a trip, or pay for me to go on my own trip, and that’s when the guilt set in. I was out being the world’s worst wife, and he was still trying to take care of me. So, I broke off the relationship and came clean to Andy.
He didn’t even say a word, and to be honest, he didn’t need to. The look in his eyes told me everything. I had crushed him and instantly felt terrible. I was so ready for him to demand a divorce, and a small part of me wanted him to, but he just stormed out and spent the rest of the night driving around. Of course, Andy being the amazing man he is, came back in the morning and told me he loved me and wanted to work it out.
That should’ve been enough for me and I should’ve been happy, but of course I wasn’t. I dug my nails in and did my best to make sure that no one would ever be able to steal him from me, including making sure he never met Y/N. Yes I’m the one that made the mess, and it was obvious that she’d done nothing wrong, but still. Enough people talk and word gets around. It was irrational, mean, and dumb, but I wasn’t going to take any chances.
All my hard work and it did nothing.
I messed everything up out of pure fear and jealousy, but it was nowhere near as bad as the last time. I knew it pushed him to his wits end, but it’s something I know we can make our way back from it.
But now? After that dinner for Jacob and Sarah?
God, the way he looked at Y/N that night? Is she the one he’s in love with? No, she can’t be. It’s just not possible. He wouldn’t do that to Jacob, and she’s so damn young. 24? 25? He’d never go for someone her age.
No, whoever has his attention...I can fix it. I can make it right and do better this time. I know it took me forever to realize it, but I truly do love Andy, and I’ll do anything I can to prove that to him.
I can fix this.
Y/N’s P.O.V
“What?!” you snap as you answer your phone, making your way into your loft.
“What did I do? I’m sorry,” Andy starts and you instantly feel bad.
“I didn’t check my phone before I answered. I’m sorry, what’s up?”
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Sweetheart, talk to me.”
“I’m just fucking fed up.”
“With what?”
“With everything!”
“Baby, what happened?”
“Fucking...Andy, I miss you,” you sigh as you sit down on your bed, kicking off your shoes before taking your hair out of a ponytail and laying down.
“I miss you too, honey. Talk to me, what happened?”
“I don’t want to talk about it right now.”
“How can I help?”
“Come over.”
“I can’t, I’m gonna see you tomorrow though.”
“Why not now?”
“You’ll know tomorrow.”
“I need you now.”
“What do you need?”
“For you to make me feel better.”
Andy chuckles before responding,” how can I make you feel better right now?”
“I wanna see you.”
In just a matter of moments your phone is buzzing and you know it’s Andy FaceTiming you.
“Where are you?” he asks, looking over you as much as he can as you unbutton the top two buttons on your blouse.
“I’m home, in bed.”
“Now, how am I supposed to make you feel better if you’re in bed?”
“I think you know, daddy,” you pout as you continue to unbutton your blouse.
“It hasn’t even been a full week, sweetheart,” he chuckles, but his gaze is intense.
“You made me feel so good.”
“Only once and you’re already so desperate?”
“Please come over, daddy.”
“No, but I’ll watch you get yourself off,” he states with an authoritative voice.
And just like that, your pussy is more than desperate for him.
“Lick two fingers then rub your clit.”
“Don’t be a brat. Do what daddy told you to.”
“Fuck,” you sigh, bringing one of your hands to your mouth, licking and sucking two of your fingers, then hiking up your skirt and pushing your panties to the side and playing with your clit. “Daddy,” you moan pathetically.
“What do you want me to do to you?”
“I want...I want you to eat my pussy so bad! It felt so good having your tongue on me!”
“Yeah? What else, baby?”
“Daddy, please just come over. I haven’t seen or felt you all week and I’m going crazy! I miss you so much,” you whine pathetically.
“I feel the same, honey, but if I come over, I won’t leave. Just gotta wait, sweetheart,” he broods as you hear him undo his belt buckle and unzip his pants. “Now, tell daddy what else you want him to do to you.”
“I need to feel your lips on me. I need you to kiss me like you did when you were carrying me up the steps, I need to feel just how much you love me before you’re mean to me!”
“Mean to you how?”
“Make me choke on your fat cock, daddy! Make me take every inch of it, then fuck me like a slut, please!”
“Jesus Y/N,” he growls, “lick your fingers then tell me how you taste,” he demands, voice rough and coarse.
“Mmm, so fucking good!”
“Shit, I can only fucking imagine! Now, be a good girl and start fucking yourself with those fingers, baby. Fuck yourself and cum hard for daddy.”
“Shit, I miss you so much, daddy!”
“I miss you too, baby. Can’t fucking wait...can’t wait to see you and bend you over tomorrow!”
“Jesus daddy!”
“Gonna spread those fucking legs and eat that pussy so good, then I’m gonna taste that ass...fuck!”
“Shit!” you cry out, cumming hard, and almost dropping your phone.
“Fuck, sweetheart!” Andy groans softly as you see bits of his cum landing on a desk.
“Where...where are you, daddy?”
He takes his time, collecting himself and regulating his breathing, before he answers, “at work.”
“It’s alright,” he laughs softly, “no one’s here and the door is closed.”
“You can’t do that, daddy.”
“Well, I can’t exactly do this where I live.”
“You could’ve come over.”
“I told you, sweetheart; if I would’ve come over, I wouldn’t have been able to leave.”
“It’s not like that’s a bad thing,” you sigh, finally meeting his warm and loving gaze.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
“You’ve had an attitude all week, you’ve been distant, and I know you were crying before you answered the phone last night.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I just hate this fucking week.”
“I haven’t seen you, my mother is in one of her rage moods; which is apparently my fault cause I don’t go and see her, my fucking heel broke the other day and I stepped in a fucking puddle, my boss actually fucking put his hand on my upper thigh today-”
“I’m sorry, he did what?”
“It’s fine-”
“It’s not fucking fine!”
“Andy, calm down. It’s fine, I told him it made me uncomfortable and-”
“We’re finding you a new job.”
“You’re sweet,” you chuckle softly, sitting up and taking off your blouse, “I have bills to pay.”
“We’ll live together soon enough, it won’t matter.”
“Yeah okay,” you scoff. “Don’t you have to get home to your wife?”
“Don’t. That’s not fair and you know it.”
“Yeah, that’s not fair,” you mutter, rolling your eyes before getting up.
“Do you fuck her?”
“You know I don’t, I don’t even sleep in the same bed as her!”
“You still live in the same fucking house.”
“Honey, what’s going on?”
“I’m lonely, Andy!” you finally snap as you grab a glass. “It’s been a fucking week and I...I heard you say what you said, I haven’t seen you since, Jacob’s been telling me that he secretly wants you two to work it out, and...what the fuck am I doing?!”
Andy lets out a heavy sigh and it only makes you feel worse. “Do you just wanna break this off now?”
“No,” you sniffle, trying to control your emotions, “I love you. I love you so much, and I just want to be with you, but all of this-”
“It’s not always going to be like this, honey.”
“Andy, are you sure you want this? Are you sure you want me?”
“I’m coming over.”
“No, I’m on way. I’ll see you in a bit, I love you.”
With that, he hung up and you’re left to wonder what the fuck is going on. For as much as Andy wants to be divorced, he isn’t. For as much as Andy loves you, he still isn’t with you completely. For as good of a mam Andy Barber is, he still isn’t only yours.
But God, does he want to be.
Why are you picking a fight with him? Why are you trying to hurt him? It’s more than obvious that he just wants to love and be with you. Hes spent the entire week staying late in his office, listening to you bitch and complain about your week (at least what you were willing to tell him), and he promised constantly that it would get better. He promised that this wouldn’t be how it’ll always go. He promised that you two would be openly together, and he’d have no issue being with you in front of everyone who has something negative to say.
He told you a million times that he loves you and just how much.
However, there’s still fear, worry, and guilt. Fear that he’ll decide you’re not enough and leave, worry that you’ll fuck it up because you’ve never actually been in a good or healthy relationship, and guilt because you’re sneaking around and lying to Jacob. Yes, Andy was unhappy and trying to get out of his marriage before he met you, but he wasn’t fully committed to it until he met you.
What if Jacob thinks that you’re the one who broke up his family? What if he lashes out at you? What if your best friend decides that he wants to walk out of your life for good? Could you really handle that? Would Andy be able to handle his son being that furious? Would he still choose you?
Yeah, he says that he’s all in and wants nothing more than forever with you, but what happens-
The sharp knock on your door pulls you out of your thoughts.
The second you open the door, Andy’s lips are on yours and he’s picking you up. His grip on you is tight as you wrap your legs around him, finally feeling some relief at simply the feel of him.
“Am I sure that I want you? Am I sure that I want us? Honey, I’m never changing my mind,” he whispers, showering soft kisses all along your neck.
“Andy,” you whisper, running your hands through his hair, not caring if anyone sees the two of you.
“You are my whole world now, sweetheart,” he husks as he kicks your door closed. “I desire you. I burn for you. I crave you.”
“Baby please,” you whimper, letting your hands travel down and unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt.
“I want you by my side every second of every day,” he confesses softly, as one hand reaches around and unclasps your bra.
“I...I missed you so much, Andy.”
“I missed you too, baby,” he coos and lays you down, looking you over as he pulls off your bra. “You’re so perfect, sweetheart.”
“You think so, baby?” you moan as you unbutton the rest of his shirt, gripping him tighter with your legs as he takes it off.
“Mhm, I think you were made just for me,” he husks as he unbuckles his belt and unzips his pants. “I think you’re the most perfect woman I’ve ever known and most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
“Then show me, Andy. Take your time and show me,” you beg, unzipping your skirt, right before he pulls it and your panties down.
“I’ll take all night if I have to.”
He dips down and kisses you gently, but there’s an urgency to it, and you instantly know he understands. He knows that this isn’t just about sex; it’s about intimacy and vulnerability. It’s about understanding and honesty.
It’s about trust and love.
“Fuck,” you softly sigh as he thrusts himself inside of you, “I missed you.”
“Finally fucking home, baby,” he groans as he moves slowly and deeper within you.
You cup his face and keep his focus on you, softly stroking the side of it as you try and hold on for the ride. He keeps hitting that spot in you that makes you feel everything all at once, but you’re not ready to reach that euphoric moment. Yeah, it’s only been a week, but Andy was right: you finally feel like you’re home.
“You don’t think I’ve been thinking about you all week? You don’t think I’ve wanted anything more than to be with you?”
“Andy...baby, I just...I needed you here!”
“We’ll be together soon, my love,” he coos as he starts to pick up his pace, “why are you denying me what I want?”
“Want...wanna make it last,” you whine as you arch your back a little, trying to feel as much of him as possible.
“We’ve got all night, baby. Please...give it to me,” he begs earnestly as he rests his head in the crook of your neck. “Let me feel you, I’ve needed it all fucking week!”
“Oh God!”
“I want every part of you, every day, forever, baby!”
“Andy...oh God, Andy YES!” you whimper as you claw at his back. “I can’t...fuck, I can’t...fuck!” you sob as you clench around him.
“The way you squeeze me...honey, you are so perfect!”
“Shit!” you cry out, squirting hard on his cock as you grip him tight.
“So fucking good for me,” he husks as his seed spills into you.
You both stay that way for a moment; lost in each other’s embrace, no sound except each other’s labored breathing, and taking each other in.
This is what you needed. You needed him, his love, and his touch. Sure, you’ve only had his embrace only once before, but all it takes is once. Andy makes you feel everything at once, and it’s something you’ll always need and never tire of. When he loves you like this, kisses you endlessly, and holds you close, you know exactly why you’ll never be able to give him up.
Why you’ll never want to.
“I love you,” he breathes after a moment. “I love you so much, Y/N, and I’m all in. I’m all in for as long as you want me.”
“What if I want you forever?”
“Then I’m in this forever. You’re not gonna scare me off, Laurie isn’t going to scare me into staying, the town can go to hell...I love you. I’m madly in love with you, and nothing’s ever going to change that.”
“Show me.”
“Like I said, baby; we’ve got all night.”
You and Andy spend the next few hours tangled up in your sheets, and getting lost in one another. He doesn’t even bother to answer his phone as it constantly goes off; determined to show you just how in love and dedicated he is to you. Every kiss awakens something in you, every touch sets your skin alight, and every thrust is filled with passion.
Andy is yours just as much you’re his, and no matter how messy things may get, that’s never going to change.
When the both of you finally tire each other out, you both lay back on your bed, and Andy holds you close while you lay your head on his chest.
“You have to go back tonight?” you ask as you make little circles on his chest.
“Unfortunately,” he sighs before kissing the top of your head, “but I promise tomorrow will make you extremely happy.”
“Why can’t you just tell me?”
“Because that’ll ruin the shocked look on your face tomorrow, and I’ve dreaming of seeing it,” he chuckles and you smile to yourself. “We should order dinner.”
“More like we should make dinner.”
“It can’t be that late.”
“Babe, look at my alarm clock. It’s 9:30,” you laugh and Andy chuckles before pressing a soft kiss into your hair.
“Guess I got carried away, I’m sorry.”
“I’m not,” you giggle, “what do you wanna eat?”
“Well, I already had my favorite meal-”
“Andy!” you laugh as you playfully hit his chest.
“So, I’m fine with whatever.”
“Freezer food okay? I haven’t gone grocery shopping yet.”
“Is it stupid that I’m excited about going grocery shopping with you?”
“Why is that something you’re excited about?” you laugh.
“I don’t even know. It feels so normal? I want every experience with you, because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Something as mundane as grocery shopping feels like it would be an adventure with you,” he chuckles. “Maybe I’m just crazy-”
“Andrew Stephen Barber, I am so in love with you. I can’t wait to do everything with you too,” you smile up at him.
“Lets eat something,” he smirks before dipping down and kissing you passionately.
This man is gonna be the death of you. Andy pulls on his boxer briefs as you pull on the AC/DC crew neck he got you, and you both make your way into the kitchen.
“Okay, I have lasagna, hot pockets, anytizers-”
“What do you want?” he asks, wrapping his arms around you as he presses soft kisses along the column of your neck.
“It’s really hard to think when you kiss me like that,” you moan as you lull your head back.
“I’m sure my good girl can think of something,” he presses before lightly licking the side of your neck with the tip of his tongue.
“Daddy...please,” you whimper, getting all worked up again. “We’ve gotta eat.”
“I know what I wanna eat, baby, and it’s nothing that’s in your freezer,” he husks as he hoists you up and places you on the counter top, quickly getting on his knees.
“Let daddy enjoy his favorite meal,” he smirks up at you before pushing the bottom of your crew neck up and licking your clit.
“Daddy, we have to...shit, just like that,” you whimper as grip his hair tight, the feeling of his tongue fucking you while he massages your clit with his thumb driving you insane. “You eat my pussy so good, daddy.”
“My perfect, desperate little girl,” he murmurs before sucking on your clit and sliding two fingers into your weeping cunt.
“Oh...daddy,” you moan as you lull your head back against one of your kitchen cabinets.
Needless to say, you two end up back in bed.
Andy loves you until you’re barely able to stand, telling you just how much he loves you and can’t wait to be with you like he really wants to. As he holds close while you drift off, there’s only one thought that runs through your mind:
Andrew Stephen Barber will never stop being the love of your life.
Andy’s P.O.V
“You’re home late,” Laurie mutters with a slight slur as I make my way into the house.
“This isn’t my home anymore, Laurie,” I sigh, taking off my suit jacket and heading to the kitchen.
“You reek of sex.”
“That’s because I just had sex, Laurie.”
“So, you’re cheating now?”
“Cheating would imply that we have some sort of a functioning marriage, which we don’t,” I scowl as pull a package of bread out of the cabinet.
“So, who is it? Who are you so in love with that you don’t want to try anymore? Is it her?” she asks, folding her arms across her chest, losing her balance a little.
“Her who?”
“Andy, don’t be an asshole. Y/N.”
I want to say yes so fucking bad, but I can’t do that to you. I won’t say anything until you’re ready.
“What is your obsession with her?” I scoff, taking ham and cheese out of the fridge.
“You seem to be in love with her, and Jacob is in love with her-”
“I barely know her and Jacob’s in love with Sarah.”
“Well, who is it?”
“Why on earth would I tell you that? So you can go and harass her?”
“Andy, you used to-”
“Laurie, you cheated on me twice, you treat Jacob like shit-”
“I do not!”
“Yeah, alright,” I scoff, putting my sandwich together, wishing I had taken you up on your lasagna offer.
“She’s so fucking great, but she can’t feed you?”
I open my mouth to tell her that my favorite meal today was that perfect little pussy between your legs, but stop short and just scoff and shake my head instead.
‘That’ll be taking it too far, Andy,’ I think to myself.
“I’ve had a long day and I don’t feel like arguing with you, Laurie. That and you’re drunk, so there’s really no point. I’m going to sleep.”
“When are you telling, Jacob, huh? When are you going to tell him that you’re moving out? That you’re fine with breaking up our family?”
“Laurie, you broke up this family when you purposely drove your truck into a wall, trying to kill our son, and when you spread your legs for my best friend.”
“You know that accident was just that! An accident!”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself to get through the day. Listen, I told you, you can paint me as the bad guy to everyone, you can keep everything, I don’t care. All I want is for you to sign the damn papers. There’s no sense in arguing about this anymore, I’m done. I’ve moved on and I’m happier than I’ve ever been. If you ever truly loved me, if you claim to love me now, then please just sign the damn papers,” I practically beg, feeling a little pain at the tears welling up in her eyes.
I don’t know how else to get through to her.
“Andy, whoever this new woman is that you’re in love with...it’s not going to work out. She’s just gonna hurt you.”
“You say that like you haven’t a thousand times already.”
“I didn’t get it before and I’m sorry. I made mistakes and I know I hurt you, but I can do better now. I will do better!”
“Andy please,” she sobs, slowly making her way over to me, “let me show you how much I’ve changed. Give me a month-”
“Laurie, please don’t make this harder than it already is. I just don’t want this anymore...I don’t want you. I don’t want to hurt you, but I just can’t do this anymore. Please, just let this-”
“You loved me before, I know you can love me again,” she whispers before standing on her tiptoes and kissing me.
Nothing. I feel absolutely nothing. It breaks my heart, because there once was a time when I lived for her kisses, but now? Now, nothing. If I’m being honest, I’m almost repulsed. She’s not the woman I fell in love with, but to be fair, I’m not the man she fell in love with.
I’m not sure if I ever really was.
“Sleep in our room tonight, please,” she pleads softly as she takes a step back.
“I’ll be in the spare room downstairs,” I sigh, looking away as her tears start to fall, “I’ll be gone by the time you wake up. I’m moving the last bit of my stuff, and I’ll do my best not to wake you.”
“Andy, please-”
“Goodnight Laurie.”
I quickly make my way downstairs, throwing out the sandwich I made, no longer having an appetite, before getting undressed and stepping into the shower.
This isn’t how I wanted any of this to go, but I don’t know why I expected any of this to go easy. Once Laurie sinks her claws in and sets her sights on something, she doesn’t give up easily. Still, this shouldn’t be the shit show that it is. It shouldn’t be this hard to get some damn closure and just move on. Laurie and I have run our course and I’m so damn tired of this shit.
Tonight with you? It was perfect, but fuck if I don’t hate myself for making you question everything. Question me. I never wanted to be a person in your life that makes you question whether or not love is real, or if it actually even matters. How could I say something that made you feel so horrible less than 24 hours after you completely gave yourself to me? After you told me you trust me completely?
I want everything and every day with you, forever.
If Jacob end up hating me, then so be it. If Laurie rains down all hell fire on my head, then I’ll just deal with it. Nothing and no one is gonna stop me from being with you. Grocery shopping, picking out furniture for our home, taking trips, coming home to you daily...all of these things and more make my heart burst with excitement and pure love.
It’s not lost on me that people are going to see me with you and think that I’m obsessed with someone who’s younger than me, and I’m not gonna lie and say it doesn’t boost my ego a bit, but it’s so much more than that. You are the most selfless and thoughtful person I’ve ever known. The way you would stick up for Jacob in high school to the point that you would get into fist fights, you would go out of your way to make sure he always felt included, the fact that you got a job to help out with the bills even though it wasn’t on you to fix the damage your father had done, how you took care of your mother after your father abandoned the both of you...
Even now, you’re just taking all of this in stride. Keeping secrets you shouldn’t have to, being so much nicer to Laurie than you should be, keeping Jacob’s feelings in mind, being patient with me while I figure all of this out...you’re so fucking gracious, sweet, and thoughtful. It honestly infuriates me that everyone else just constantly lets you down, over some shit you didn’t even do.
I refuse to be another person that hurts you. I’m gonna stick by you and I’m not leaving your side, come hell or high water, I will be with you and we’ll make it work.
Y/N’s P.O.V
You don’t make much of a fuss about getting out of bed, since you’re a bit sore from your long night with Andy. You’d hoped he’d be good in bed, but you didn’t think he’d be that amazing in bed.
It’s not like you have any complaints. Andy can do whatever he wants to you, and in the end, all you’ll do is thank him and beg for more. No, it’s not necessarily a healthy concept, but there’s comfort in knowing that Andy feels the same way you do. Somehow, the second time around was better than the first.
Probably because you two were both sober this time.
As you roll around in bed, trying to decide if you have the energy to actually start your day, your mind plays over everything Andy said last night; both when he was inside of you and when he wasn’t.
It’s hard not to give into the fear of it all, but how can you not trust him? The way he looks at you, the way he holds you, the way he smiles at you, the way he loves you...it’s all so damn genuine, you know that he means it. He’s not telling you what you want to hear so he can keep getting access to your pussy; it’s obvious that he means every word.
You just have to find the strength to believe everything he’s saying is true.
You’re finally ready to get out of bed when your phone buzzes. The smile that comes to your face almost hurts when you see that it’s Andy. However, you’re completely confused when you open it and see that hes sent you an address.
Y/N: Huh?
My Heart: Meet me here as fast as you can, and bring clothes for the weekend.
Y/N: What’s going on?
My Heart: You’ll see when you get here, so don’t take too long. I love you and I’ll see you soon.
Well, now you’re wide awake and full of energy.
You quickly get out of bed and make your way to your shower, doing your best to ignore all of the anxiety that you feel. They’re not exactly bats in your stomach, but they sure as shit aren’t butterflies. By the time you’re dressed and ready to go , you feel like you’re gonna lose your mind.
Just an address? What the hell does that mean? Yeah, hes talked about you two moving in together all the time, but so soon? When Laurie hasn’t even signed the papers yet?
That’s another thing; how the hell is going to get to her to sign the papers? He’s entirely too kind to actually pressure her into signing the papers, but he’s also fed up with everything. What the hell does he have up his sleeve?
When you finally reach the destination, you’re in pure shock and awe.
What the hell?
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“Andy...what is this?” you question as you get out of the car.
“I’ve officially moved out,” he smiles as he wraps his arms around you and dips down to kiss you.
“Someone could see,” you smile sheepishly as you turn your head away from him.
“Who cares?”
“I told you that I told her I’m in love with someone else, and when she told me I reeked of sex last night, I told her it was because I had sex. I’m not hiding anything from her, because I truly don’t care. No, I haven’t told her that I’m with you, but the second you give me the okay, I’m telling her. I love you, Y/N. I want this. I want us.”
“Andy...,” you start to tear “is this house...?”
“It’s a condo I got for me, but when you’re ready, I would love for it to be ours. There’s no pressure, and we’ll take this at whatever pace you want, but I’m all in,\. I know they’re things you need to figure out on your end, and I’m perfectly fine waiting while you figure it out-”
“How will we tell Jacob?” you interrupt, trying to suppress every emotion you’re feeling as you keep looking over the gorgeous house.
“I was thinking we’d talk about that today,” he smiles at you.
“Is Laurie any closer to signing the papers?”
“I can tell that she’s starting to realize that I’m serious.”
“Andy...are you sure-”
“I love you and I’ve never been more sure of anything. If you don’t want this, I’ll completely understand and I won’t be mad in the slightest, but if you really do want to do this-”
“I know I can’t move in right away, but I’d like to keep some of my stuff here. I’d like to have...I’d like to have my own key,” you almost whisper, trying to convince yourself that all of this actually happening.
“You’re in luck,” he chuckles as he takes a key out from his pocket, “I already had one made for you. This is your home too, sweetheart.”
“I genuinely want everything with you. I love you, Y/N. I love you, I love you, I love you. I will say it every day until you believe it.”
“It’s not that I don’t believe it, Andy, it’s just...this is a lot...it’s everything. I love you so much and I just don’t want to get myself all wrapped up in someone who isn’t-”
“Honey, this is as real as it gets. I love you and want forever with you. That’s never going to change. The moment I laid eyes on you, I was already thinking of ways to see you again. Then, when I helped you move in, seeing just how thoughtful and kind you are...I’ve been in love with you ever since. I know that this is moving kind of fast, but if only you could understand just how deeply and how much I love you...my heart rate speeds up whenever I see you, your smile alone is enough to calm me down and make me come alive at the same time, and your laugh...honey, I could listen to you laugh and talk all day and still want more. I love you, Y/N. I’m madly and truly in love with you,” he finishes with a warm smile as he wipes your tears away.
You don’t know what to say. How can all of this be real? How can he choose you so easily? How is he choosing you at all? And how the hell is he so calm about all of this?
Are you sure you’re awake? Is this actually real?
“This is really happening, it’s not all in your head or some dream,” he chuckles softly as he practically reads your mind.
“Can we go inside and take a look around?” you sniffle after a moment, wiping your eyes.
“Anything you want, honey.”
You don’t mean to gasp when you go inside, but the place is gorgeous and spacious.
How much money does Andy have exactly?
“Now, I had to get some furniture, I didn’t want you coming home to a completely empty house. I figured we’d go shopping for the rest of it together. Out of town, so you don’t have to worry about being seen. I figured we could go tomorrow.”
“Andy, this is gorgeous!”
“Yeah, you really like it?”
“I love it!” you beam, turning around wrapping your arms around him tight. “Give me the full tour,” you smile up at him.
Andy is more than happy to show you around, very clearly excited and happy that you didn’t go running off in the other direction. It all seems so unreal, especially when he shows you the little art studio he set up for you.
“You told me that you loved to paint when you were younger, but had to stop between work and school. I’m obviously not going to push you, but I want you to feel free to start again. Maybe you’ll fall back in love with it, and if you don’t, this will still be your space to do whatever you want in.”
“You didn’t have to do this for me, Andy. Any of it. I just...how can you love me this much?”
“How can I not love you this much?” he chuckles as he wraps an arm around your waist. “Come on, there’s still the upstairs.”
“Somehow I forgot all about the upstairs,” you laugh along with Andy.
“So,” Andy starts as you both start up the stairs, “there are three bedrooms. I’ve started setting up what I think you’ll want to be our room, but just tell me-”
“Say that again,” you smile up at him once you two reach the top step.
“Hmm? Say what?”
“Our room.”
Andy smiles down at you before cupping your face and giving a soul stirring kiss, “our room,”
“I love you, Andy.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
As he shows you each room and leads you down the hallway, you can’t help but wonder why he got a place with three rooms. Yeah, a two bedroom would make sense, a spare room form Jake and Sarah if they ever sleep over, but why three?
“And this is ours,” he smiles at you as he pushes the door open.
It’s amazing how well Andy knows you.
“I know the furniture is a little bland and we can get something else, if you want. There’s a 30 day warranty on everything,” he laughs softly. “I know you prefer then left side, so I set up all my stuff on the right. If you want, I’ll-”
You cut him off by crashing your lips into his and pulling him impossibly closer to you. “You are incredible,” you breathe once you two break apart. “You are so incredible and I am so in love with you.”
“You’re happy?”
“I’m so far past happy, daddy,” you whisper before you start to kiss down his body, “you did really good.”
“Sweetheart, we don’t have to-”
“But I want to, daddy. I really want to,” you plead as you look up at him with your most innocent eyes.
He tries to hide it, but you can see lust and desire in his eyes, and you know he’s about to give you what you want. “Get on the bed,” he demands with a low growl.
“But daddy-”
“You always wanna argue with daddy, and we have to put a stop to that,” he scowls before gripping your hair roughly, “I think that’s exactly what we’re gonna do now.”
“I’m so sorry, daddy,” you whimper, getting more and more desperate for him by the second.
“Oh, you will be, now strip and get on the bed. Don’t make me tell you again.”
And just like that, you’re up on your feet and undressing yourself. Soon enough, you’re naked and in the middle of the bed, waiting for instruction as Andy looks you over.
“Such a gorgeous little girl, but such a dumb little slut. Open those pretty little legs and start playing with your clit.”
All you can do is whine like the bitch in heat that you are as you follow his instructions, trying to hold his burning gaze.
“Daddy,” you moan, closing your eyes and lulling your head back, fighting off a release he hasn’t given you permission for.
“Eyes on me,” he demands hotly, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans.
When you focus your attention back on him, he’s stroking his angry red cock that’s leaking with pre-cum. “Daddy, please let me-”
“You don’t cum until I say so, little slut. You understand me?”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, really such a dumb little girl,” he smirks mischievously, “and to think, I was about to eat that perfect little cunt of yours.”
“Daddy please!”
“Guess I’m just gonna teach you how to obey,” he sighs before taking off his shirt and stepping out of his jeans. “What has daddy told you about begging?”
“No-not to,” you breathe, still trying to hold his intense gaze as you watch him take a seat on the edge of the bed.
“So, why do you keep being a whiny little brat?”
“Just want you so...so bad all the time.”
“Is that so? Well, come and sit on daddy’s lap. We’re gonna have a little talk about why you should be a good little girl,” he coaxes, starting to stroke himself again.
You’re quick to make your way over to him, ready to straddle him, before he stops you.
“You’re gonna face that mirror, so you can see how much better it is when you’re a good girl.”
“You’re just making it harder for yourself. Now, face the mirror, and take daddy’s cock until you learn how to behave.”
How the hell are you supposed to last? You have no idea.
“Oh God, daddy,” you moan as you slide yourself down on his cock, lulling your head back at the way he still pulls you apart.
“Look at yourself in the mirror, sweet girl,” he coos against your neck, licking it lightly.
“I said look!” he snaps before slapping your clit.
“Fuck!” you cry out, looking straight ahead as you start to bounce up and down on his cock.
“That’s a good girl,” he smirks against your neck, “see how your greedy little cunt takes my cock so well?”
All you can do is nod.
“You know daddy doesn’t like it when you don’t use your words,” he scolds before slapping your clit again.
“Fuck daddy! I’m...I-I’m sorry!”
“Now, I’ll ask you again,” he husks as you pick up your pace, “do you see how well your greedy little cunt takes my fat cock so well?”
“Y-yes daddy!”
“All I wanna do is spoil you and make you feel so fucking good,” he groans in a condescending tone, “but you just love to act up. Doesn’t it feel so much better when I don’t have to punish you?”
“Everything you do feels amazing, daddy,” you sob as he starts to massage your tits, pinching your nipples hard.
“Oh, so that’s what it is? My little girl just needs to be treated like a little fucking slut?”
“Daddy please!” you whine, clenching around him, knowing you won’t be able to hold off your release much longer.
“That’s not being a good girl,” he sighs against your neck, slapping your clit again, causing you to yelp; you try and close your legs. “If daddy lets you cum, you’ve gotta watch yourself the whole time. Watch how beautiful you look when you explode for me. You understand?”
“Anything you want! Just please!” you whine, knowing you sound pathetic, but you’re so far beyond blissed out that you don’t fucking care.
“So fucking needy,” he laughs as he starts to massage your clit with two of his fingers, “alright, be a good little whore and cum for daddy.”
In no time at all, you’re screaming out in pleasure, squirting all over his cock and the floor, not feeling an ounce of shame as you see how wrecked you are. Andy’s grip tightens on you, and you’re sure he’s about to cum until he stills you.
“Sweet girl, you made a mess all over my cock,” he chides as you clench around him, knowing he’s going to be just as mean about cleanup.
“I didn’t...I didn’t mean to,” you breathe, trying to come down from your high.
“But you did, and what do good girls do when they make a mess?”
“Clean it up, daddy.”
“Exactly.Get on your knees and clean daddy’s cock.”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, there you go again,” he sighs, slapping your clit again.
He’s going to fucking ruin you.
You slowly stand up, your legs still unstable, but you’re quick to get on your knees in the little puddle you created. A whimper escapes your lips at the sight of Andy’s cock in front of you, happy to finally be able to take it into your mouth. You lick it softly and moan in satisfaction at the taste of yourself on him.
“Take it, sweet girl,” he husks, gripping your hair as he bucks his hips slightly, “take every fucking inch of it.”
You’re quick to get your mouth on him, desperate to make him feel an ounce of the pleasure he’s made you feel. You soon find that just because you’re eager to do something doesn’t mean it’ll get done.
“C’mon sweet girl, I know can take all of it. Relax your throat for me,” he coos, guiding your head down.
It’s not like it hadn’t dawned on you until now that Andy’s cock is the biggest you’ve ever experienced, but you’re still annoyed with yourself for not prepping for it.
“That’s it...fuck, that’s it! Such a good girl,” he groans as you take him more and more.
You both moan in satisfaction when he finally reaches the back of your throat. He starts guiding you slowly, but the second you start whimpering, he’s rough, picking up the pace.
“Fuck, you’re such a good little whore, baby,” he grunts, his grip white knuckling, “wish you could see how well you’re taking daddy’s cock. Fuck!”
When you start gagging, he pulls you off and you whine in protest.
“What did daddy say about being a whiny little brat?”
“I wanna taste you so bad.”
“Another time, sweet girl. For now, get on the bed and on your hands and knees.”
Once again, it takes you a moment to get yourself together, completely blissed out, but determined not to throw in the towel in until he does.
The bed shifts behind you almost instantly, and you whimper when you feel one of Andy’s hands smooth over your ass cheek.
“Daddy!” you scream out when he smacks it hard.
“Are gonna start behaving?”
“Use your words!” he reprimands, slapping your ass harder.
“I’ll be such a good girl, daddy! I promise!” you cry out.
“That’s what I wanna hear,” he praises.
You prepare yourself to feel him thrust inside of you, but are completely caught off guard when you feel his tongue against your folds.
“Holy fuck!”
“Told you, rewards feel so much better than punishments,” he smirks before starting to fuck you with his tongue.
Between the lewd slurping sounds between your legs, and Andy’s groans of approval, you lull your head back and get lost in that blissful state only he can bring you to. You’re right on the edge when Andy replaces his tongue with his fingers, and before you can protest, you feel his tongue licking your asshole, and you arch your back, gripping the sheets to keep yourself upright.
“Y-you make me feel so fucking good! I swear to fuck!”
All Andy does is slap your ass in approval and it makes you clench tighter around his fingers.
Never in a million years did you ever think Andy would or could be this dominant or controlling. The same man who loves late night ice cream drives and is insanely romantic to you: the quiet and shy guy, the loving father. He cuddles you close during movie night while also the same guy who dominates the fuck out of you, making you feel like the dirty little slut you secretly are.
“You ever been fucked in this perfect little hole, sweet girl?” Andy asks, making little circles around your asshole with his finger.
“N-no daddy!”
“At some point this weekend, we should fix that,” he husks before removing his fingers from your weeping cunt, “but for now, I’m gonna use you as my little cum dump.”
“Fuck, please daddy!” you sob as he thrusts himself inside of you.
“Are those pretty little tears for me?” he coos condescendingly, reaching down between your legs and rubbing little circles on your overstimulated clit.
“Never felt so fu...so fucking good!”
“Yeah? Show me just how much by cumming for me right now,” he demands with a throaty grunt as his movements become erratic.
“Fu...fu...FUCK!” you shout with a sob, squirting all over all his cock and the bed.
“Sweet girl,” he growls, dipping down and resting his forehead on your back as he coats your inner walls with his seed. “Such a good fucking girl.”
Andy rides out both your highs before letting you down gently and collapsing next to you. He instantly pulls you close, and you cuddle up against him; feeling loved, full, happy, and content.
“Was I too rough with you?” he asks after a moment, softly making little circles on the small of your back.
“No baby,” you all but mumble, trying to stay awake.
“You promise?”
“I swear.”
“I love you so much, honey.”
“You are my world, Andy. I still can’t believe you did all of this for us. It’s so...I’ve never felt so loved or cared for in my life, and I’m trying to accept that all of this is real, it’s just gonna take a bit. I’m so afraid you’re gonna wake up one day and decide I’m not worth all of this and walk away. Everyone always walks away.”
“Honey, I told you I’m all in and I mean that. This isn’t a phase and I’m not looking to fuck around. I’m in love with you, so fucking in love. That’s not changing.”
Now you’re crying for a completely different reason.
“I’m so happy, Andy. Thank you.”
“Get some rest, sweetheart.”
As you drift off to sleep, feeling safe and secure in Andy’s arms, you slowly feel your fears and insecurities fall away.
Maybe this all can work out.
When you wake up, the sun is setting, the TV is on, and you’re alone in bed. You grab your phone, (ignoring all of your notifications) and see that it’s 5:30.
You would sleep the day away.
You’re slow to get out of bed and make your way over to his drawers, quickly grabbing one of his sweaters since your clothes are still in the car. A smile comes to your as the memories of what took place earlier play in your head.
It wasn’t a dream.
You quietly make your way down the steps, listening for Andy, but when you hear him the backyard, your smile quickly fades.
“Laurie, I’m not having this talk when you’re drunk...Jacob took Sarah away this weekend and when he comes back, he’s moving out. You know that’s why I did it this way...he’s not going to notice anything, he’ll be too busy taking out all of his packed boxes...I’ll tell him when I finish helping him and Sarah move into their new place....I would imagine Y/N is gonna be there, she is their best friend...don’t start that shit again....I’ll tell him about her when we’re both ready...well, we wouldn’t still be married if you’d sign the damn papers, now would we?...God, don’t start with the tears...listen, I’m gonna go. Please don’t call me again, unless it’s to tell me you’ve signed the papers,” he finishes with a frustrated sigh before hanging up and tossing his phone down and taking a seat on one of the lawn chairs.
“I’m guessing she’s not taking the move well,” you practically whisper.
“Hey,” he smiles at you, but his eyes show just how frustrated he is.
“Don’t start, honey. Come here.”
You slowly walk over to him and pulls you down into his lap and holds you close.
“Do not worry about Laurie, I can handle her.”
“You wouldn’t have to if I hadn’t-”
“Stop that, you didn’t do anything.”
“I kissed you.”
“I was in love with you long before that kiss, sweetheart. Besides, I was the one who begged you to let me take you home.”
“You said it yourself; this is gonna get harder before it gets easier. Laurie can cry and complain all she wants to, it’s not going to change anything.”
“What about Jacob?” you mumble, cuddling up and curling in to him.
“That’s up to you. I told you; you set the pace.”
You’re thoughtful before you speak, “after graduation and the proposal. Those are both really special days, and I know that this will ruin it for him,” you softly sigh.
“Babe, he’s gonna get over it.”
“Will he, Andy? Sarah and Laurie are convinced that he’s in love with me-”
“Because he is.”
“Oh, not you too!”
“You can’t tell me that you don’t see it.”
“I don’t because he’s not!”
Andy just sighs and presses kiss to your forehead, “okay, honey.”
“Besides, if that is true, he’s probably never going to talk to me again.”
“He’ll get over it. Yes, he is going to be upset and overreact, but he’ll get over it. You’re his best friend and, at some point, he’ll get over it.”
“Listen, if it’s too much for you-”
“It’s not,” you quickly interject, “you’re worth all of this and more. I just...I have to prepare myself.”
“We’re this together, sweetheart,” he promises, pressing a soft kiss into your hair.
“ ‘Roman Holiday’ was on when I got up.”
“I planned that perfectly,” he laughs softly.
“I think I’d like for us to do that one day. Have our own Roman Holiday.”
“Mhm,” you nod as a small smile comes to your face, “I think it would be a lot of fun. Plus, we’ve never actually been away together, obviously. When I have some more money saved up, we should go. Would you like that?”
“Anything I get to do with you is something I’d love.”
“I love you, Andy.”
“I love you, sweetheart.”
You two spend the rest of evening cooking dinner, planning when to move some of your stuff in, and deciding what time you both wanted to get up to go and look at furniture.
After almost falling asleep in bed, twice, you both decide it’s time to shower and call it a night. It’s the best shower you’ve ever had with another person, because there was nothing sexual about it. You both washed each other, made each other laugh, and at the end; he just holds you tight and kisses the top of your head.
You never knew love could feel this good.
“You’re not wearing your ring,” you yawn as you two settle under the covers and turn out the lights.
“Why should I?”
“You’re still married.”
“As far as I’m concerned, I’m not. I signed the papers and the only person I’m with is you.”
“Andy, people will notice.”
“Good,” is all he says before wrapping his arm around you and pulling you close. “That way, when they see us together, there won’t be anything to question.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, honey. Goodnight.”
You’re almost asleep when you remember, “babe?”
“Why did you get a place with three rooms.”
“Oh,” he comments softly and you feel him stiffen a little. “Well, ya know, for when Jacob and Sarah sleepover.”
“You’re gonna make them sleep in separate rooms?”
“Well, if they want options.”
“What are you not telling me?”
“Just...maybe one day...if you wanted to have a kid or kids with me...we have the space,” he confesses sheepishly.
You turn over in his hold, wide eyed and in complete disbelief, “what?”
“You obviously don’t need to think about it now, or even at all, it was just...just in case it is something you want.”
“You want a family with me?”
“I keep telling you that I want everything with you.”
“Even kids?”
“Marriage, kids, sharing an AARP membership,” he laughs, “all of it.”
“If we have kids, you’ll be like Atticus Finch.”
“Only in the sense that I’ll be an old lawyer. We won’t be poor and their mother won’t be dead.”
“That’s a good way to look at it,” you laugh.
“We’ll talk about it more in the morning. I love you, Y/N,” he smirks before kissing your forehead.
“I love you too, Atticus.”
As you drift into dream land, secure in Andy’s hold, you’re finally certain of at least one thing; this isn’t made up at all.
Its been a constant roller coaster for you and Andy in the following months after he first shows you the condo he got for you both. After helping Jacob and Sarah move into their new place, Andy told him that he had moved out while he was away, and of course Jacob wanted to go and see it instantly.
“Have you seen the my dad’s new place?” Jacob asks you two sit in your apartment two weeks later.
“Why would I have seen it?” you scoffed before you took a sip of your whiskey neat, trying to burn away the guilt.
“I don’t know, I figured he might’ve asked you for help or something. The place has an essence of you,” he chuckled.
“What does that even mean?”
“Like...some of the sheets in the bedroom, some of the kitchenware, the pillows...hell, even some of the paintings he got. I don’t know, it feels very you,” he shrugged as he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.
All of the things you picked out.
“He seems happier though. Maybe this is just what they needed, time apart.”
“I don’t know...maybe there’s a chance they’ll get back together.”
“Is that what you want?”
“I don’t know,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I mean, doesn’t every kid want their parents to work out their shit out?”
“Not when they’re toxic.”
“I don’t know, I guess with us going to look for rings soon, I’m looking for something to believe in. Believe that love lasts and that its real.”
“Stop it. You and Sarah are different.”
“How would you know?”
“I just do. Besides, maybe the person your father finds next will be the one.”
“I don’t wanna think about that,” Jacob scowled and it only made you feel worse.
“So, when are you gonna propose?” you asked before you downed the rest of your drink, trying to think of anything to make yourself feel a little less worse.
“W-why December?”
“One, I just feel crazy right now. Graduation, the new job, adjusting to living with Sarah and paying bills, and all this shit with my parents...it’ll just be too much at once, ya know? Second, I think she’ll really love it if I propose to her at the ‘Festival of Lights’. It’s already the number one thing she looks forward to all year long, so why not propose then?”
“That’s a good point,” you muttered before you downed the rest of your drink.
Jacob spent the next few hours telling you about how torn he is about his parents, how he’s not sure how he’ll handle his parents moving on and his family splitting up, and how he wishes things were like they were before Ben’s murder.
It also didn’t help that Laurie still hadn’t signed the fucking papers.
“Sweetheart, when are you coming home?” Andy asked once you finally answered his call.
“I’m not coming over tonight,” you sobbed, curled up underneath your favorite blanket.
“What’s wrong, baby? What happened?”
“He’s gonna hate me, Andy, He’s never gonna talk to me again,” you cried.
“I’m on my way, sweetheart,” is all he said before hanging up.
Andy was at your place in 10 minutes.
“Sweetheart?” Andy called out, once he entered using the key you had made for him.
“In here,” you croaked out, not even bothering to move.
“Oh honey,” Andy cooed once he made his way into your bedroom. “Do you wanna talk about it?
All you could do was shake your head ‘no’ as you sniffled.
“Then we won’t talk about it,” he agreed as he kicked off his shoes before getting into bed with you, “I’ll just hold you until you feel better,” he cooed as he wrapped his arms around you kissed your forehead.
In moments like those, you were more than happy that you had Andy in your life. He gave you your space, he let you feel what you needed to feel, he never pressured you into telling him what the issue was, and whenever you were ready to tell him, he was patient and understanding.
However, it doesn’t go without saying that you two had your fair share of arguments about the situation you found yourself in.
“Why are you mad at me?!” Andy snapped as the two you got ready for bed.
“I don’t wanna talk about it, Andy.”
“I just had to stand there like a fucking idiot while you all took family pictures!”
“It was his graduation!”
“I should’ve just stayed home.”
“Stop it, Y/N.”
“Don’t you dare catch an attitude with me, Barber! You’re not in my position! You don’t know how this feels!”
“She’s his mother! What do you want me to do?!”
“I’m sleeping in the other room.”
“Can we please work this out? Don’t go to bed angry.”
“Andy, I’m tired and-”
“What do you want me to do? You’ve heard the phone calls, I’ve offered her everything and she still won’t sign the papers. I’ve threatened legal action and she still won’t sign the papers. You want us to go to her right now and tell her about us? Lets go. You wanna call Jacob right now? We can. I love you. I want to be with you. I am with you!”
In that moment, you felt embarrassingly small.
“Can we just get away?” you questioned as you covered your face with your hands. “Lets just go on a trip. It doesn’t have to be some big to-do, but lets just get the fuck out of here for a while. I feel like I’m split in two and since Jacob is dead set on a December proposal, the feeling isn’t going to go away any time soon.”
“We’ll go away soon, sweetheart. I promise,” he sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Please sleep in here tonight.”
“Yeah, fine.”
“I’m just...I’m just tired, Andy. Lets just go to bed,” you muttered as you got into bed.
Andy sighed heavily in response before he got into bed and pulled you close.
“I love you, sweetheart. You set the pace for all of this. I just want to be with you. Only you,” he whispered before he kissed the back of your neck.
It’s very rare that you ever find yourself truly angry with Andy. No, he’s not perfect, but he does his best to be perfect for you. Overall, you both are extremely happy, even with things as fucked up as they are.
Your anger is mainly fueled by your frustration. You know that if you leave it up to Andy, he’ll tell everyone everything in an instant.
However, you’re about to railroad Jacob’s whole life, and he deserves better than you fucking up his ideal proposal. Which is why, when he wanted you to spend your birthday with him and Sarah, you didn’t put up a fuss. You spent your morning and afternoon with them, and you spent your night with Andy; him taking you out to dinner and you finishing the night bouncing up and down on his cock.
When Jacob wanted you to go over to his place to hangout, you went without fuss or complaint. When it came to your home with Andy, you accepted with grace that you couldn’t have pictures of the two of you up, just because Jacob liked to frequent his dad’s place. You constantly talk yourself into accepting how things are, because after Christmas, things are about to change drastically.
“Laurie, what do you want me to do? If Jacob wants her at the propsal, he wants her at the proposal,” Andy sighs, plopping down on the sofa next to you, and wrapping an arm around you. “They’re best friends, Laurie. If you’re gonna be this crazy about it, talk to Jacob. This isn’t my proposal...alright, I’m not getting into this, I’m going. Bye,” he snaps before hanging up. “She won’t be my wife forever, she won’t be my wife forever,” he mutters to himself as he pulls you close.
“I can say that I’m sick and not show up-”
“No,” he instantly cuts you off, “you’re going to be there and she’s going to deal with it. She doesn’t even know we’re together, so it’s just her being paranoid.”
“I don’t want her to keep giving you a hard time.”
“She’s hellbent on always giving me a hard time. Don’t worry about it.”
“Don’t worry about it, honey,” he repeats in a firmer yet gentle tone.
You sigh before straddling him, “how can I make you feel better?”
“It’s not fair when you ask that question and you’re in this position,” he whines.
You dip down and whisper seductively in his ear, “you know I’m yours to use however you want, daddy.”
“Y/N,” he growls, gripping hips tight.
“Take what’s yours, daddy,” you moan, grinding yourself against him.
“Sweet girl,” he husks.
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want you to sit on my face, sweet girl. Ride my face until I’m drowning in cum from that sweet pussy.”
“Oh daddy,” you whimper, picking up your pace.
“Then, I’m gonna abuse both your holes because daddy needs to relieve some stress.”
“I’ve missed having you in my ass, daddy!”
“Yeah, well get ready for a long-”
“Dad!” Jacob calls from the other side of the door, knocking a little aggressively.
“Fuck,” Andy breathes into the crook of your neck.
“I’ll make myself scarce-”
“No no, I’ll think of something to tell him by the time I’m at the front door. Fuck, we’re picking this up the second he leaves.”
“I’m betting on it,” you giggle softly.
You moan as you get off of him, the friction of your panties rubbing against your now extremely sensitive clit only making you more desperate, and Andy’s quick to give you that look.
“I know, daddy: I can’t cum until you say so.”
“There’s a good girl,” he smirks at you before getting up, readjusting his pants, and slowly making his way to the front door.
You quickly turn on the TV (happy that it’s Turner Classic Movies) before heading into the kitchen and making drinks for you and Andy.
“Hey bud, what’s up?”
“I need to talk to you,” Jacob mutters, pushing right past Andy. “Should I propose-”
“Hey Jake,” you smile, popping out from the kitchen and holding a glass out to Andy, which he happily takes.
“What are you doing here?”
“I had a few legal questions for Andy about my parents, because they’ve been driving me crazy. The more I talked about it, the more I got upset, so we turned on Turner Classic Movies, and I just made us some drinks. I figured we’d dive back in soon.”
“You could’ve just come to me, ya know.”
“Are you a lawyer?”
“Don’t be an asshole-”
“Jacob!” Andy snaps.
“You know what I mean,” he rolls his eyes, “you could’ve talked to me.”
“You’ve been so stressed lately, I didn’t want to add on anymore.”
“I wouldn’t have-”
“Yes, you would have. Whenever I bring up how upset my parents make me, you get pissed off and worked up.”
“You don’t tell me anything anymore!”
“It’s one thing, Jake.”
“Jake, you didn’t come here to argue with me, I’ll go-”
“We’ll go into my office, you sit down and calm down,” Andy tells you softly.
You want to say something, but you know there’s no use. As Andy leads Jacob to his office, you resume your seat on the sofa and do your best to focus on the movie on the screen, but now you’re irritated.
For the last few months, when you tell either Sarah or Andy something before you tell him, he catches an attitude. The only thing that you’ve purposely kept a secret from him is your relationship with Andy, and it’s obvious why. Hell, he was pissy with you for being secretive about his birthday until the actual surprise. Even then, he gave you a half-ass apology. You don’t know when he started getting so selfish with you, but you’re really growing tired of it.
Until he starts hating you for being with Andy, Jacob is still your best friend, and you’ve done your best to show him that. By the time both men come out of the office, you can tell that Jacob is more at ease, but it’s also clear (to you at least) that Andy is trying his best to hide his frustration.
“Y/N, you’re gonna be there tomorrow, right?” Jacob asks, standing in the doorway.
“Are you done being a dick?”
“You know I’m sorry-”
“That would be something hard to know since you never fucking said it.”
“I really am sorry, Y/N. I don’t know whats gotten into me lately, but I don’t mean any of it. I’m just frustrated and I took it out on you. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, Jake. Just don’t make a habit of taking your anger out on me, please. I’ll see you tomorrow,” you smile softly.
Jacob just nods before practically running out.
“He should be wearing a jacket,” you mutter as Andy closes the door.
You’re about to ask him what’s going on, when he suddenly throws you over his shoulder, “unbutton your jeans,” is all he said as he starts on his way up the stairs.
Maybe you won’t make it tomorrow.
“Take them off,” he demands, tossing you down on the bed before taking off his shirt and undoing his pants, “and take your fucking shirt and bra off too.”
You want to tell him to calm down and ask him what happened, but you’ve never seen him this angry before, and your hormones are winning the battle.
He lays down next and motions for you to come over, “come take a ride on daddy’s face, sweet girl.”
And just like that, you’re doing any and everything he wants.
You were already expecting Andy to be rough with you, but you didn’t think he’d be as rough as he is. It’s not like you mind or that it hurts, in fact you’ll probably ask him to act like this more often, but pleasure aside: something is wrong.
“Come on, sweet girl, give it to me,” he grunts, fucking you hard from behind, pushing you to your limit for the third time.
“Daddy,” you mindlessly moan, clawing at the sheets that you’re more than sure are ruined.
“This cunt is amazing, sweetheart! You’re being such a good little girl for me!” he praises, slapping your ass hard.
“There she is! The way this pussy clenches me!”
“Fuck! Daddy!” you cry out, squirting on his cock for what feels like the millionth time, as your body gets lost in another mind-numbing orgasm.
“Good girl,” he grunts, coating your inner walls with his desire.
He hovers for a moment, panting above you before he pulls out, and you think he’s finally spent.
“Get on your back, sweet girl,” he husks, pinning you down.
Alright, what the fuck is going on?
“Andy, baby...wait.”
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“Baby, I’m perfect, but you...you aren’t,” you breathe, trying to get your thoughts together, “what’s wrong?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” he mutters before dipping down to kiss you, but you turn your head away just in time. “Sweet girl-”
“No Andy. We can go all night if you want to, just like this, but you gotta talk to me, baby, please. What happened?”
“Andy, this doesn’t work if we don’t talk to each other.”
He lets out an exasperated sigh before collapsing next you on the bed and staring up at the ceiling, “Laurie told Jacob I started seeing someone.”
“I’m sorry, she did what?!”
“He obviously doesn’t know it’s you, but he did have questions about you...us. I obviously lied and he bought it, but it’s only gonna make everything worse in the long run.”
“Did he say anything about it?”
“Well, he wants to meet her,” he scoffs, running one of his frustrated hands through damp his hair, “he’s a little upset because he was holding out hope, but he understands.”
“Do you want to just tell him now?”
“No, because you’re right; him finding out before proposing would ruin everything. Everything is tied into one, sweetheart,” he sighs heavily.
“What are you not telling me, baby?”
“The reason he came over initially...he was having cold feet about proposing to Sarah, because...he figured out that he has feelings for you.”
“Jesus Christ,” you groan into your hands.
You can’t catch a fucking break.
“I asked him if he could see himself having a real future with you if he broke it off with Sarah, and he said no. He said that he isn’t in love, but he didn’t realize just how much he was used to being the only one in your life until he stopped being the only person you spend your time with. He swears it’s just a crush and that he’ll get over it. That’s when he asked if anything was going on between us and I told him that we’re just friends. I know for a fact that this is why Laurie said anything, because she wants her suspicions confirmed. To pull this shit now though? The day before he’s supposed to propose? That’s a fucking low blow, even for her.”
“We’ll just...we’ll deal with it after Christmas, okay baby?”
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to-”
“Hey, we are in this together. This is something we both decided to do and I’m all in. Whatever we have to face, we’ll face it together. Good or bad.”
“You know this means we’re gonna have to be even more discreet, right?”
“Yeah, I know,” you sigh, finally turning on your side to look at him, “but it won’t always be like this,” you smile weakly.
Andy raises himself up on his elbow and looks you over, before cupping your face and giving you one of the most passionate kisses hes ever given you, “I love you.”
“I love you.”
“Ya know, you did say that we can go all night just like we were...”
“We can do whatever you wanna do, daddy,” you smirk as he chuckles before kissing you again.
You both go for another two rounds before deciding that you need it to call it a night. However, neither of you actually goes to sleep. Andy just holds you close while leaning against the headboard, stroking your arm gently, while you lay your head on his chest. Not a word is spoken as you two lookout the window; up at the moon, it’s just a silent understanding that very soon, things are going to become very hectic and chaotic.
“Why aren’t you coming to the ‘Festival of Lights’?!” Sarah whines into the phone and you laugh.
“I have some things I need to take care of.”
“You better not be putting Andy before me.”
“I’m not!” you laugh, coming up to a red light, “Christmas is a week away and I’ve got some last minute things to do.”
“Listen, it’s not my fault they choose the worst time to do this every year. A lot’s been going on.”
“Is everything okay?”
“I mean, yes and no.”
“Uh oh, what happened? What did the Wicked Witch do now?”
“Don’t worry-”
“No no, talk to me. Tell me what’s going on.”
“Laurie told Jacob that Andy has started seeing someone.”
“Shut the fuck up!”
“To make matters worse,” you start as the light turns green and you pull off, “I was over when Jacob came over last night, and of course he asked Andy about it.”
“Oh no.”
“And of course, Andy lied.”
“So, thanks for that, Laurie.”
“Why not just tell him?”
“And ruin his Christmas? No thanks.”
“That’s a fair point. He’s actually so excited this year. Christmas morning with you, lunch with Andy and my parents, then dinner with Laurie. He’s planned the shit out of it,” she laughs softly. “What about you and Andy?”
“He’s coming to get me as soon as you two leave for dinner,” you chuckle.
“Ugh, I’m so happy for you two. You’ve been so much happier these last few months, and the fact that he got a home for you both? Y/N, I’m so damn happy for you.”
“Thanks, babe.”
“Oh, I hear footsteps approaching, we’ll talk about this more later, okay?”
“Sounds good,” you smile as you pull up to the town square, “I love you.”
“I love you,” she beams before hanging up.
As you park your car, you see Laurie standing next to Andy, and you mentally prepare yourself not to punch her face in on site.
“Oh thank God you’re here!” Sarah’s mom laughs, as you get out and open your trunk. “You know how everything is supposed to look and Jacob was a nervous wreck when he was here earlier.”
“He wasn’t that bad,” Laurie laughs following behind her.
“Sorry sorry, things ran a little late at work, but I’m here now and we’ve got...2 hours to get this done! We can-”
“Hour and a half,” Andy interjects with a laugh. “Jacob is a little too excited for Christmas this year, so Sarah wants to show up early.”
“Well...shit, okay then,” you laugh awkwardly. “I guess we should get to work.
As everyone gets to work on setting up the “proposal area”, you can’t help but notice how much Laurie is clinging to Andy, and how much Andy is trying to keep his distance. The whole thing wants to make you scream, but what can you do? What can you say? As far as everyone knows, you and Andy are nothing more than acquaintances.
So, you have no other option but to sit and watch?
An hour into setting up, your phone buzzes and you assume it’s Jacob, but a small smile comes to your face when you read the name on your phone.
My Heart: I know we said we won’t see each other again until Christmas, but I really want to see you tonight.
Y/N: Baby, you know we can’t.
My Heart: Laurie is driving me insane, all I wanna do is kiss you, and I hate sleeping alone.
Y/N: Christmas will be here before you know it, baby. Besides, we’ll find other alternatives while we wait. As for Laurie, I’m ready wring her fucking neck if she puts her hands on you one more time. What the fuck is she even talking about?
My Heart: How excited she is and reminiscing about how we used to talk about this day all the time.
Y/N: Of course she fucking is, because I guarantee you she doesn’t think that Jacob talked to you about what she fucking said.
My Heart: I wanna say something so bad, but this isn’t the fucking time or place, and I’m not gonna argue with her before Christmas.
Y/N: We’ll sort all of this soon. Today isn’t about any of this. Jacob and Sarah have been through a lot and I just want this to be perfect for them.
My Heart: I am so in love with you, did you know that?
Y/N: That’s good to hear, because the feeling is mutual :)
You look up and over at him for just a split second, and see the biggest smile on his face, and a small one comes to yours. God, you can’t to truly be with him. When your phone buzzes again, you know who it is before even checking it.
The Dark Lord: We’re on our way!
“Alright everyone, they’re on their way, so finish up and get to your spots,” you happily announce, tying up your last bow.
Everything is perfect, it’s even snowing, but you’re still annoyed. You completely understand why Laurie and Andy’s hiding spot is together, but it’s painfully clear that Laurie isn’t going down without a fight. Yeah, Andy will turn down all of her advances, but she shouldn’t be trying anything anyway. Whether or not you’re with Andy, he’s made it perfectly clear that he just wants to move on, and she refuses to accept that.
Also, yes, he’s your boyfriend so everyone needs to back off.
However, you can’t focus on that right now. Jacob and Sarah will be arriving any moment, and you’re the one in charge of recording everything.
Thank God you finally hear Sarah’s voice.
“Jacob, c’mon! I wanna do the maze while it’s still snowing!” she calls and you force yourself not to giggle.
“I had to grab something from the car, take a walk with me really quick though.”
“I have a surprise for you,” he laughs softly as he takes her hand and starts to walk towards the spot that’s been set up for them. “Now, I know nothing about this relationship has really been normal or easy, for fucks sake, we started talking because you wanted to tip me off about what Derick said over a murder case,” he shakes his head in disbelief. “Yet, here we are all these years later, still in love and making it work. There’s no one else I can see myself having a future with and there’s no one else I want a future with.”
“I am moody, messy, argumentative, and I always forget to clean the coffee grinds out of the sink, but Sarah...I love you. I have always loved you and I will always love you. So,” he starts as he gets down on one knee and ‘Reflecting Light’ by Sam Phillips starts playing, “will you do me the honor of being my wife?”
Sarah doesn’t hesitate for a second.
“Of course!” she squeals, almost knocking him over with a hug.
Everyone soon erupts into cheers and applause as they come out of their hiding spots, and you finally stop recording.
“You sneaky little bitch!” Sarah exclaims when she sees you. “I love you so much!”
“I love you too,” you laugh as she almost knocks you over.
“You know you’re my maid of honor right?!”
“You sure about that?” you laugh as you two break apart, cocking an eyebrow.
“I’ve never been so sure of anything,” she promises with a nod.
Thank God for loyal friends.
Soon enough, it was time for photos and you do your best to mask the pain you feel when you Laurie hanging all over Andy. You know she’s doing it for show, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. You want so badly to be in those photos and not some secret. You want so badly to just feel like it’s really real.
When she kisses Andy on the cheek, you’re not sure how you’re able to hold yourself back from smacking the shit out of her.
‘This isn’t about you or Andy. Control yourself,’ you tell yourself mentally.
“Y/N, you should get in some of these pictures,” Andy calls, giving you a small smile.
So much for being more discreet.
“What? Why?” Laurie questions, very obviously upset.
“She’s their best friend and has been there for them almost as long as their relationship, She’s practically apart of the family. Besides, she’s also the one came up with the design for all of this and got the decorations.”
“That’s a fair point,” Laurie begrudgingly agrees.
Well. Shit.
You’re about to stand on the other side of Laurie when Andy says, “here, stand between Laurie and I.”
“What? Why?”
“She can’t stand between Jacob and me or between Jacob or Sarah. She obviously stand between Sarah and her parents.”
“But why between us?”
“Why does it matter? It’s not like we’re together anymore.”
“It’s not a big deal, Mr. Barber, I can stand on the other side of-”
“No, that’s okay,” Laurie smiles the best she can, trying and failing to mask her pain, anger, and embarrassment. “You can stand between Andy and I.”
You and Sarah exchange a quick look before you stand between Andy and Laurie, and the smile that comes to your face is genuine. Not only is Andy going out of his way to make sure you’re included, but he’s also taking a stand.
He’s standing up to Laurie.
Yes, Andy’s a good man and you’re more than sure it hurt him to hurt and embarrass her, but it’s not like she didn’t draw first blood. From the look on Laurie’s face, she could tell that he really isn’t coming back.
He isn’t going to and he doesn’t want to.
You can’t stop yourself when he comes over later that night. Yeah, you two agreed to be more discreet, but after the massive display of affection he showed, waiting till Christmas feels a little more impossible.
However, that night was the only slip up you two had. From then until Christmas Eve, it was only texts, phone calls, and FaceTime. The only reason you went home (his place) on Christmas Eve was because he invited Sarah and Jacob over to decorate the Christmas tree, and Jacob invited you.
You both tried to hide how happy you were about doing something so simple together, but the look on Sarah’s let you know that she could see right through it. All she did was offer a small and subtle smile.
As silly as it seems, it was one of the best nights of your life.
You can’t think about that right now, though. You can’t even think about Andy, because you’ll get too excited and Jacob will start asking questions. In a few hours, you’ll be having the best Christmas ever, but for now, you need to focus.
“So, have you met my dad’s new girlfriend?” Jacob asks as you all finish up breakfast.
“Leave her alone, babe,” Sarah coos, collecting the plates and taking them all to your kitchen.
“It’s just a simple question.”
“Why do you think I’ve met her?” you ask sheepishly, quickly grabbing your coffee and taking sip; doing your best to hide your face.
“You two just seem pretty friendly-”
“You saw me at his house once and it was just to ask legal advice. There’s no reason for me to know anything else about his personal life, Jake.”
“Speaking of that, how the hell are you gonna handle Christmas with your parents?”
“In and out for both. I’ll pop in, drop off gifts, and come back here, make dinner, and watch Christmas movies.”
Another lie.
“That sounds lonely, you wanna come with us to have dinner with my mom?”
“Nah, I’m pretty sure she just wants to spend time with you two.”
“Lunch with my dad and Sarah’s family?”
“I have gifts to give,” you laugh humorlessly.
Another fucking lie.
“I just know that Christmas is your favorite and I feel bad about you spending it all alone.”
“It’s really okay, Jake. I’m fine with it. Being alone isn’t so bad. I’ll have ice cream, booze, and my favorite holiday movies. I’ll be fine.”
Lie, lie, lie.
“If you say so,” he sighs as he gets up, “but we gotta get going. We’re meeting my dad at Sarah’s parents’ house, then it’s off to my mother’s. This would be a lot simpler if they could’ve just stayed together,” he grumbles.
Ah, yes. There it is: guilt.
“We’ve had this talk, Jake: it’s for the better.”
“I know, I know, but still.”
“Just do your best to enjoy the day, okay?”
“I guess. I love you and I hope you enjoy your gifts,” he smiles as you both stand up and he engulfs you in a huge hug.
“I love you too, Jake. Merry Christmas.”
“We’ll see you after New Year?” Sarah asks as she makes her way over to you.
“Yeah, lets all do lunch on the 14th. Sound good?”
“It’s perfect,” she smiles as she wraps you in a tight hug. “Enjoy your time with him, you both love each other so much. I left the food you asked for in the fridge and Jake has no idea,” she whispers.
“Thank you, Sarah. For everything. I love you,” you whisper back, hugging her just a little bit tighter, before breaking away.
“I guess we’re off,” she sighs as she makes her way over to Jacob.
“You just gotta get through today then you two are on vacation,” you laugh.
“Thank God.”
The second they’re out the door, you’re pulling out Andy’s gifts and wrapping them. It would’ve been done earlier, but with Andy soaking up every single free moment you have since you two can’t see each other, it wasn’t going to happen.
You both agreed to small gifts, but you knew Andy was bullshitting, so you went a little over your budget (nothing you couldn’t make up with overtime), and got him a couple of pricey gifts you knew he’d love and find useful.
You take your time showering, feeling both anxious and excited about spending an almost normal Christmas Andy. The fact that, soon enough, you two will be able to have a real relationship and not have to hide in the shadows. You’ll live together, shop together, fall asleep together, talk about your days in person, have dinner together...all of it. So many things that are done in private, will finally be able to happen freely in the public.
Soon, you and Andy will finally have the life you’ve both been desperately seeking for over a year.
You decide on dressing in your favorite Christmas leggings and pull on the AC/DC crew neck he’s always happy to see you in. Just as you finish brushing out your hair, your phone buzzes and the butterflies appear all over again.
My Heart: On my way, sweetheart.
The squeal that leaves your mouth even causes you to laugh.
You gather all your groceries for dinner, as well as, gifts and a few more clothes you want to move into your home with Andy, before checking that everything is off and away as it should be. Then, you quickly making your way downstairs to the parking garage and waiting for him.
When he pulls in a few minutes later, you can tell he’s laughing without the window even being open.
“I would’ve come up to get you,” he laughs as you get into his car.
“I was too excited! Merry Christmas!” you beam, wrapping your arms around him and engulfing him in a tight hug.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” he chuckles softly, “you ready to go home?”
The entire time Andy is driving, you sing all of your favorite Christmas songs loud and off key.
And he’s begging you to stop.
“Okay, now I know that for next Christmas, I need to hide all things that provide music,” Andy sighs as you two make your way inside the house.
“You loved every second of it, I don’t care what you say,” you smirk as set up your presents up underneath the tree.
“Yeah yeah, which present do you wanna open-”
“No no, there’s an art to this. For starters, you should be wearing something Christmas-y, not jeans and a sweater.”
“I don’t have anything Christmas-y,” he chuckles and you shake your head.
“I thought you’d say that, that’s why I got you this!”
“I’m not wearing that.”
“Andy, you can’t break Christmas rules.”
“Since when is wearing a ridiculous sweater a Christmas rule?”
“Since you decided you’re in love with me. Now, put this on, along with some sweatpants, and I’ll make the drinks.”
“I’m about to have the longest Christmas ever, aren’t I?”
“You bet your ass, now change,” you giggle as you make your way into the kitchen.
You hear Andy huff before he starts on his way upstairs, and giggle a little as you get to work on the hot chocolates. Once the stove is hot enough, you start mixing everything together before grabbing a few of the appetizers you asked Andy to get out of the freezer, and preheating the oven.
“I’m not coming downstairs,” Andy calls from the top of the stairs.
“Oh, stop it! It’s not the bunny outfit from ‘A Christmas Story’, it’s just an ugly sweater.”
“It’s the ugliest sweater.”
“C’mon, Christmas grump.”
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“I’m not a Christmas grump,” he mumbles as he starts making his down the steps. The second you see him, you burst out laughing and he rolls his eyes. “I’m not wearing this ever again.”
“It’s okay to look ridiculous, babe,” you giggle, “I do it every day.”
“You’ve never looked ridiculous a day in your life,” he smirks as he makes his way over to you, snaking his arms around your waist.
“You’re sweet. How was lunch?”
“How was breakfast?”
“That bad, huh?”
“Sarah’s dad was telling me about all the women he could set me up with and Jacob kept asking me about my new girlfriend.”
“He tried to ask me about your new girlfriend too.”
“I could scream at Laurie.”
“It’s Christmas, babe. Don’t think about it,” you sigh as pour the hot chocolate into two mugs. “We’re gonna have a shit show to deal with after New Year, so lets just enjoy today.”
“Why is the oven on?”
“So I can heat up the appetizers?”
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna start making dinner before we open gifts,” he groans, resting his head in the crook of your neck as you start laughing.
“Babe, it’s late! I should’ve started making dinner a while ago!”
“Who needs dinner?”
“I wanna know what you got me!”
“I didn’t know that I’m in love with a child.”
“According to the town, I am.”
“Fuck you!” you laugh as you feel him smirk against your shoulder. “One gift, Andy.”
“That means you have to open one too.”
“I wanna wait.”
“You’re difficult, you know that?”
“You’re one to talk,” you grin.
“Fine, I’ll wait to open my gift,” he huffs and you can’t stop yourself from giggling. “What’s for dinner tonight?”
“You’ll just have to wait and see.”
“Are you gonna be like this every Christmas?”
“Uh huh,” you smile, pouring Baileys into his hot chocolate then yours, “and you’re gonna love it.”
Andy takes a seat at the kitchen island and starts telling you about the traditions him and his mom had up until she passed away, while you get the appetizers together and put them in the oven. Just as you close the oven door, ‘The Christmas Song’ starts playing and you don’t even notice that he’s standing right behind you.
“I think we should dance, don’t you?”
“You never fail to surprise me,” you laugh softly.
He pulls you close and you two slowly dance to one of your absolute favorite songs, and it feels like a dream.
Being with Andy is a dream come true.
When the song comes to and end, Andy continues to hold you close and rests his head on top of yours.
“I just want to stay in this moment for a minute,” he states softly, “I’ve waited for you for so long, and I’ve loved you...I just want us to stay like this for a moment. We finally got here, babe, and I just want to live in the moment that has made me the happiest I’ve ever been.”
“I love you, Andy.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
You both just stand there and hold each other until the timer goes off on the stove.
You place a soft kiss on his chest before letting go of him and opening the stove, “alright, I made a few different things, because options are always a good thing.”
“That and you’re terrible at making decisions.”
“Both can be true,” you huff before sticking your tongue out at him and he chuckles. “What Christmas movie would you like to watch?”
“I don’t really have a favorite. I guess, ‘The Shop Around The Corner’? That was my mom’s favorite.”
“She had great taste,” you smile at him as you finish set up the plate, before you both head into the living room.
For the first hour, everything is perfect and Andy teases you for being able quote the movie line for line.
However, dreams do have their bumps from time to time.
“Fuck,” you mutter as your phone starts going off.
“What’s wrong?”
“I know who it is and I don’t wanna talk to her.”
“You don’t have to answer, sweetheart.”
“Yeah I do, or she’ll just keep calling,” you mutter, sitting up and grabbing your phone. “Hello?”
“Well, merry Christmas to you too,” your mother laughs and you roll your eyes. “When are you coming over? David and I are waiting.”
“Who the hell is David?”
“My boyfriend.”
“What the hell happened to Eric?”
“Oh, we broke up months ago.”
“Of course you did. Anyway, I told you last night that I’m not coming over.”
“I’m not arguing about this with you again. I don’t want to see you and I don’t wanna see dad. I don’t need either of you ruining my favorite holiday.”
“Y/N, I know we’ve had our differences but this used to be our-”
“Don’t. This was our holiday until you deiced that I don’t matter anymore. I did one Christmas without you both and it was almost near perfect. I think I’ll survive another one just fine without you two.”
“If you don’t see your dad-”
“You ruined it when you decided that I don’t matter. It doesn’t matter if I see him or not, you’ll always talk shit about him, and he’ll always talk shit about you. Now, I’m actually enjoying my day and I’m not about to ruin it by arguing with you. I love you and Merry Christmas,” you finish with an exasperated sigh before hanging up.
You feel your tears coming on and you know you shouldn’t be, but you’re upset with yourself. Why let her get to you? Why let either of them get to you? They chose to make it this way and you’ve made your peace with that, so why are you so worked up now?
“Talk to me, honey. What’s going on?” Andy questions, pausing the movie and pulling you close.
“It’s so fucking stupid,” you sob, wiping your eyes, “I’m ruining everything.”
“Hey, no you aren’t. What’s going on?”
“Christmas was such a big deal when I was child because we didn’t have any money. We made ornaments, stayed up on Christmas Eve to decorate our shitty tree and watch movies, then on Christmas Day my mom would make a big breakfast,” you chuckle softly, sniffling a little. “We’d eat, sing and dance around to Christmas songs, watch more movies, have a small lunch, and we’d get around to presents late in the afternoon. I never cared about them much, because I knew they couldn’t afford a lot. The only thing I cared about was that we were happy. For two days out of the year, we were all really happy and we were happy together.
Then as I got older, and they started arguing more, Christmas became a day for just my mom and I. She knew how much it meant to me and she wanted me to still have that feeling. She wanted me to know that even though things were changing, some things would always stay the same. It was alright for a while, but after the divorce...it just got so nasty. I would split my day with them, which would be an argument on its own, because the both them wanted me for the day. I would spend the morning and evening with her, then finish the day with him. Yeah, they had money at that point so they showered me with gifts, but they would just talk shit about each other to me. The whole spirit and idea of it was ruined. Last year was the first Christmas I spent alone and it was the first time that I loved it again since I was 15. There was no arguing, no feelings of guilt that I could letting one of them down, and no anger. It was me, my TV, ice cream, wine, and a quiet dinner.
Now, I get to spend it with you and I’m so fucking happy, because even without the gifts, this is the best. I have you and I really couldn’t ask for anything else,” you smile at him as more tears start to come.
“Jacob doesn’t understand how lucky he is at times. Even with you and Laurie split up, he still got to see the both of you today. You’re a gentleman, so I know you didn’t say anything awful about Laurie, and for as awful as Laurie is, she knows how much Jacob worships the ground you walk on, so she’s not going to say anything terrible about you. Even if it’s not together, he still gets to see the both of you and enjoy it. He gets to bring Sarah with him and know he won’t be embarrassed or have to apologize for the actions of his parents. My parents fucking hate each other and that’s never going to change, and I know for a fact that if I were to ever bring you on the holidays, it’ll be a shit show.
They’ll spend the whole time just tearing each other down. I’m so fucking mad at them for doing this. For just tearing apart something that meant so much to me. That means something to me. Christmas was such a special time for us and it was everything, and now I’ll never enjoy it with them again. The one thing that would bring us together is now one of the many things that keeps us apart,” you cry.
“Sweetheart,” Andy coos, pulling onto his lap and you lay your head on his shoulder, “that’s not stupid at all. It’s okay to be upset about something that’s upsetting. Your parents have had more than enough time to get their shit together, and the fact that they refuse to is utter bullshit. You told your mother last night that you weren’t coming over, and she still called and tried to act like it was something that hadn’t been discussed. That’s fucked up, and no matter what’s happened over time, she knows how much today means to you. It’s fucked up and it’s selfish. Don’t feel like you’re ruining anything by being rightfully upset, because you’re not.”
“I should start on dinner,” you sniff, wiping your eyes as you go to get up, but Andy’s hold on you is strong.
“Hey, I love you, Y/N,” he tells you as he softly forces your gaze on him with his free hand. “It’s okay to open up to me about your past, you know that.”
“I don’t want you to go away, Andy.”
“I’ve told you I’m not and I mean that, why don’t you trust that?”
“Because you’re too good to be true,” you laugh humorlessly, “I keep waiting for you to go, because all of this is a lot. I’m a lot to deal with.”
“Babe, I got us a home,” he chuckles, “what else do you need me to do? You want me to propose?”
“Listen, I think about it every single day. I want everything with you forever. I’ll propose to and marry you today if that’s what it takes for you to believe me.”
You don’t even think about it; you just cup his face and kiss him passionately. As always, you want to get lost in Andrew Steven Barber and every emotion he makes you feel. Even if it all crashes and burns, everything he makes you feel lets you know that all of this is worth it.
He truly is the love of your life.
“I should start on dinner,” you breathe once you two break apart.
“After the movie?”
“It’s getting late and-”
You’ll never tell him no.
“Right after.”
“Sounds good to me,” he smiles at you before pressing play on the movie.
You two barely watch the movie, because neither of you can keep your hands off of each other, but the second it comes to an end, you’re practically pushing Andy off of you.
“Just a little bit longer,” he begs breathlessly.
“Judging by what I just felt on my inner thigh, we won’t get anything else done tonight,” you laugh.
“I’ll make you so happy tonight, daddy,” you promise in the innocent tone that makes him insanely feral.
“Don’t start,” he warns with a low growl as he gets off of you.
“Punish me for it later,” you wink, getting up and letting up a little yelp when he slaps your ass. “Don’t get ahead of yourself, daddy.”
“I swear to God, you’re gonna ruin me,” he groans and you laugh. “What am I supposed to do while you’re cooking?”
“Watch ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’,” you shrug before walking out of the room, and you hear him scoff.
You start going over everything that you two discussed over in your head as you start on dinner and it feels as if your heart is about to burst open.
Yes, hes told you he wants everything with you multiple times, but the fact that he’s so ready to marry you? It’s not something he said just put you at ease, and you could tell by the look in his eyes.
You know that he’s happy to wait and you’re so happy he’s so patient with you, because the reality of someone genuinely loving and wanting you is something you still aren’t able to able to believe.
However, that’s not something you wanna focus on right now. It’s Christmas and you’ve got a dinner to prepare.
You notice that the water is finally boiling and you frown. You hate this part.
You sigh as you open the fridge and take out the stapled plastic bag. “Sorry buddy, I really don’t wanna do this.”
You take the lobster out of the bag, place it on the cutting board, and look at it. You wanna call Andy in and ask him to kill it, but it’s supposed to be a surprise, so that would defeat the purpose. Sure, you can close your eyes, but knowing you, that’ll more than likely make things worse. Usually, you can get Sarah or Jacob to do it, but that’s obviously not an option right now.
You’ve just got to do it.
You pick up the knife and hold it directly over the lobster’s head, “I’m so sorry!” you exclaim before stabbing it.
You’re quick to remove the rubber bands on its claws and throw it into the pot, before throwing the knife into the sink.
You’re a murderer.
“What’s going on in here?” Andy asks as he makes his way into the kitchen.
“Nothing nothing,” you smile as you quickly cover the lid.
“Who were you apologizing to?” he asks as he cocks an eyebrow.
“What the hell are you making?” he laughs.
“You just wait and see. Now, out of the kitchen!”
“I want a drink,” he says with a coy smile as he makes his way over to the cabinet and grabs a glass.
“Don’t try and get slick with me, Barber,” you laugh.
“I’m not trying anything,” he shrugs as he pours himself a drink, but you see the smile playing on his lips.
“Out of the kitchen.”
“I miss you.”
“You’re nosey.”
“Both can be true.”
“Andy!” you laugh, pushing him playfully.
“I’ll leave you alone...for now,” his tone foreboding as he starts to walk away, “but I’ll be back.”
“Out of the kitchen!” you laugh before sticking your tongue out at him.
From that moment on, Andy won’t give you a moment of peace. He’s either trying to call you out of the kitchen or he pops in to bother you.
“You’re making steak? Now we’re getting somewhere!” he beams as he pops up behind you, causing you to jump.
“You’re honestly the worst person to make dinner for,” you giggle as he wraps his arms around you.
“In my defense, we usually make dinner together.”
“That’s a shitty defense. I’m appalled, District Attorney Barber.”
“I can’t really make a good case when you look this good,” he mumbles against your neck before kissing it. “What was in the pot earlier?”
“Why won’t you tell me?”
“Because dinner is almost ready!”
“Did you make this salad yourself? A homemade chicken ceasar salad?”
“Andrew Steven Barber, go away!”
“How much longer do I have to wait?”
“Keep it up and I’ll send you to bed without supper.”
“You’re mean on Christmas,” he mutters and you laugh. “Jacob’s been calling and texting you.”
“What did he say?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t go through your phone.”
“I don’t care. You know my passcode, just check it and tell me.”
“So, I have permission to leave and come back into the kitchen?”
“I’m going to fight you,” you giggle.
“I just wanna make sure I’m not breaking any rules. I don’t wanna get banished from our home.”
“You are such a pain in the ass,” you chuckle as he leaves the room.
It’s quiet for only a few moments before you hear, “well, it seems like he had an eventful dinner.”
“Uh oh.”
“By the time they arrived, Laurie was drunk and Sarah had to help her finish dinner.”
“Do you want me to read the rest?”
“Might as well.”
“She cried over me moving on and away and said that if I give her another chance, she’ll be better.”
“Jesus, she didn’t say this in front of Sarah, did she?”
“He doesn’t say.”
“What do you want me to say?”
You’re thoughtful before you speak. “Just say, in the middle of making myself dinner, but that sounds like a fucking shit show. My phone was in the other and that’s why I missed your call. I promise to talk to you before you go on vacation, but for the time being, just enjoy the rest of your night with Sarah. I love you.”
“How do you know how to handle him so well?”
“Years of practice, Barber. Now, out of the kitchen.”
“So damn bossy,” he sighs before kissing your cheek. “How much longer?”
“Soon! Now out!” you giggle.
It’s not that you don’t want to talk to Jacob, but for right now, you just want to focus on you and Andy. Thankfully, a few moments later, you hear Andy answer his phone with ‘hey bud’, and you know it’s Jacob.
You’re more than happy for the welcomed distraction as you finish up dinner and start to put everything together on plates.
‘It’s dinner time,’ you mouth to Andy as he paces back and forth while talking on the phone.
“Bud, we’ll talk about all of it when you get back from vacation, okay? I wouldn’t stress too much about it, because your mother is just being...your mother. It’s all gonna be fine, okay? Don’t worry....I love you too, Jake...Merry Christmas to you and Sarah too,” he smiles before hanging up.
“Everything okay?”
“One way or another it will be,” he smiles weakly, “now, show me what’s for dinner.”
“Only if you ask nicely.”
“Please feed me,” he whines and you laugh.
“I guess, come on,” you smile as you make your way back into the kitchen.
“Sweetheart, all of this looks amazing. It smells fantastic!” Andy marvels as he looks over the table.
“I made the sauce that you love for the fettuccine and-”
“Is that lobster in the pasta? Oh no,” he starts laughing, “you had to kill it didn’t you? That’s why you were apologizing?”
“I’m a murderer! I stabbed it in the head!”
“Why didn’t you just put in the pot?” he laughs, wrapping you in a tight hug,
“I was told that it’s more humane to kill it first! I usually get Sarah or Jake to do it, but that obviously wasn’t an option.”
“You could’ve asked me.”
“It was supposed to be a surprise!”
“You really are the sweetest thing,” he chuckles, “I love you.”
“I love you, I hope you enjoy everything.”
“There’s so much food.”
“Leftovers, my friend. Leftovers,” you smirk as you two break apart. “I seasoned the broccoli just the you like, but there’s very little butter because I put a good amount on the lobster.”
“Have you thought about going to cooking school?”
“Don’t suggest anything until you try it,” you laugh as you pour yourself a glass of wine.
Dinner is perfect (according to Andy), and you can’t help but feel a little silly about crying earlier. Yes, your feelings were valid but, for the most part, the day has been everything you’ve ever wanted and more. You’re with the love of your life, you’re both happy, it’s snowing, and you honestly don’t think there’s ever been a time in your life where you’ve felt this content.
This is how it should be.
“It’s finally time to open presents!” Andy yells after he puts away the last of the leftovers, running into the living room.
“You’re giant child,” you laugh, following behind with a bottle of bourbon for him, and you freshly refilled glass of wine.
“I wanna see your face when you open your gifts!”
“You go first, cause you were the one who wanted to open gifts first.”
“How about we both pick a gift?”
“Fine,” you giggle as you sit on the floor next to him.
“Alright, open this one and I’ll open-”
“Why do you get to pick your own gift and I don’t get to pick mine?!”
“Because I bought that gift 7months ago and have been desperate to give it to you since I purchased it.”
“What did you do?”
“Just take it,” he laughs as he passes you the small long box. “I’ll take this one...why is it heavy?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, sipping on your wine.
“We had an agreement-”
“I have a feeling that whatever is in this box breaks our agreement.”
“Just open it!”
“Fuck,” he sighs, putting his drink down before tearing off the paper. “No.”
“You needed it!”
“Andy, your old laptop is shit, and you were never going to get yourself a new one.”
“An Apple?!”
“It’s what you’re used to!”
“It’s too much!”
“Just say ‘thank you’ and give me a kiss.”
“You are something else, ya know that?” he chuckles in disbelief as he leans over and gives you a kiss. “The most selfless person I know.”
“Do you like it?”
“I love it. Now you.”
“I’m afraid.”
“If I had to open yours, you have to open mine.”
“We’re the worst,” you mutter and he laughs. “Andy...jewelry definitely breaks our agreement.”
“After the gift I just opened from you, I don’t wanna hear it.”
“Open it.”
You’re slow to rip of the paper and glance at Andy before opening the box. “Andy...”
“Do you remember the talk we had that night we went for ice cream? The first time we hung out?”
“You didn’t...oh Andy!”
“You said that, after dogs, butterflies make you the happiest. They’re so delicate, but also so strong, and they’re so light but also leave you with a good feeling. A butterfly is something so fleeting, but so everlasting.”
“Andy, this gorgeous, but it’s too much.”
“No it isn’t.”
“A diamond encrusted bracelet of butterflies-”
“Stop, you’re worth it. I know it makes you happy.”
“You didn’t have to-”
“I wanted to. I love you.”
“Andy, this is too much.”
“Do you like it?”
“I love it.’
“Then its not. Put it on, lets see it.”
You’re hesitant at first, but the second it’s on your wrist, there’s a smile painted on your face.
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“It looks great on you.”
“This had to cost-”
“Don’t worry about the cost. I saw it, thought of you, and decided you needed it. I’m not returning it, so just enjoy it.”
“You’re too good to me.”
“I’m not good enough,” he smirks before kissing you.
How is this real life?
As you suspected, all of Andy’s gifts are much more than you two agreed upon, and you feel foolish for not getting him more lavish gifts.
“You didn’t stick to the agreement at all,” you laugh as you open up your last gift from him; a brand new kitchen knife set.
“Listen, you you said your blades were getting dull and-”
“You didn’t have to put yourself into debt to get me new ones! I was gonna buy some soon, anyway!”
“I didn’t put myself into debt and now you don’t have to spend the money. Besides, the new briefcase that has ‘Attiucs Finch’ engraved in it? I don’t wanna hear it.”
“You’re annoying.”
“So are you,” he laughs before kissing your temple.
“Let me take my stuff upstairs and we’ll watch another movie,” you giggle as you get up and grab your bag.
“I’ll clean up while you do that. Do you liken your gifts?”
“I adore them almost as much as In adore you.”
“I really love making you happy.”
“Same here,” you smile before making your way out of the living room.
You get upstairs and take a deep breath as you get yourself ready for your next and final gift. Yeah, you know Andy thinks you’re beautiful, but you’ve never presented yourself to him like this. He’s usually ripping your clothes off or making you strip, but there’s always clothes on your body. And now? You’re going down there in just velvet red ribbon underwear, hoping he thinks you’re sexy as hell.
“You okay up there?” he calls with a small laugh as you put your Santa hat on.
“Yeah, I’m just getting your last gift together,” you respond, making your way down the steps.
“Funny you should say that, because I have...fuck,” he sighs as he looks you over.
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“You’ve been a really good boy this year, daddy.”
“Sweetheart...holy shit.”
“I think you should be rewarded, don’t you?” you innocently ask as you straddle him.
“Because I really think you should,” you moan, grinding your hips against his.
“Santa’s little whore, huh?” he grunts, gripping your hips and starting to move with you.
“I’m whatever you want me to be,” you promise with breathy sigh as he moans. “You like it, daddy? Your cock...it’s so hard! It feels like you do!”
“Jesus, sweet girl!”
“Wanna feel you,” you whimper, raising yourself just a little as you pull his sweatpants down just enough that you see him, stroking him a bit before lightly tracing the tip of his cock with your fingers. You smirk, getting just a bit of pre-cum on your fingers, bringing them to your lips as licking them softly.
“Sweet girl,” he growls with a warning tone.
“Just wanted a taste, daddy...oh fuck!” you mewl as you lower yourself down on his cock. “You fucking fill me so good, daddy!”
“Look at you,” he moans as you start to ride, “you look so beautiful when you take daddy’s fat cock!”
“Daddy’s gonna destroy this perfect little cunt, but you gotta cum for me first.”
“F...fuck, you promise?”
“You’ve been such a good little girl today, it’s only fair that I-”
“Andy!” Laurie yells as she bangs on the door.
Andy’s quickly turns his head, but you force his attention back on you, “focus, daddy,” you coo softly as you pick up your pace.
“Andy!” Laurie calls again, a little louder and longer this time.
“Just focus, you wanna make me cum, don’t you daddy?”
“Fuck,” he groans as you take his hand and place it around your throat.
“You know what I need, daddy,” you whimper, “be a good boy and make me cum, please!”
“Sweet girl,” he grunts as his grip on your neck tightens.
“Andy, please!” Laurie begs pathetically.
“That’s it, daddy! Ri...right there! Oh God!” you mewl as squirt all over his cock.
“Fuck!” he broods as he fills you with his desire.
You both just sit there for a moment, breathing heavy and embracing each other, as Laurie continues banging on the door.
“Hands and knees. On the floor,” he demands hotly, looking up at you with lust filled eyes.
You don’t hesitate at all as Laurie’s banging finally settles down a little.
“Just can’t stop yourself from making a mess, can you?” Andy taunts as he thrusts himself inside you.
“And we just got that sofa, sweet girl.”
“ ‘m so sorry, daddy! Just felt so good! Fuck!”
“ ‘ts okay, baby. You look so fucking pretty under these fucking Christmas lights,” he huffs, slapping your ass hard, “cause you’re daddy’s gift, right?”
“Y...yes!” you sob, feeling your orgasm building up again.
“Andy, please just talk to me!” Laurie begs from the other side of the door.
“Feels too good, daddy! I need to-”
“Tsk tsk tsk, you know you only cum when daddy says so,” he chides, gripping your hair tight.
“Oh my God!”
“Jesus, I always forget how pathetic you get when you’re desperate to cum,” he chuckles darkly before dipping down and biting your neck.
“Daddy please!”
“I want her to hear you,” he husks against the shell of your ear as he starts to massage your clit.
                                                                                                                   “Makeher hear how much you love me.”
“Make her hear how much we love each other, because I love you so fucking much, sweet girl.”
“OH FUCK!” you cry out, squirting hard all over his cock, and you’re more than certain you’ve made a mess on the carpet.
“Such a good little whore,” he praises before pulling out and flipping you on your back.
“I know, sweet girl, I know,” he coos, gripping your hips and adjusting you a little before thrusting himself inside you again. “Daddy’s gonna take such good care of you.”
“You...you always, fuck! You always do,” you sob, pulling at the ends of his sweater. “Wanna see all of you, please!”
“Anything for you, sweet girl.”
If Laurie is still out there you can’t hear her.
Andy quickly discards his sweater before dipping down and pressing soft kisses to your collar bone.
“Oh God, please don’t stop, daddy!”
“You’re so fucking perfect, baby! Everything about you...”
“C’mere,” he broods before pulling you upright with him. “So fucking gorgeous.”
You look down at him as your hair falls in front of your face, taking in every bit of his hard, beautiful body. You’re sure that you’ll never see a more gorgeous man in your life, and you’re also sure that no one will ever make you feel as good.
His hand travels down between your bodies, and his fingers find your most sensitive spot and you know that everything happening tonight is real. He chooses you, he loves you, and he wants you.
He needs you.
“Too full, daddy! Too...oh God!”
“You can take a little bit more, babygirl,” he husks as he starts rubbing your clit faster.
“Daddy...please! I need it!”
“Gonna make you so fucking happy, sweet girl! Never gonna...fuck, never gonna be brokenhearted again!”
“Fuck! I’m gonna...fuck!” you mewl while clawing at his back.
“Jesus, sweet girl! Let go! Let go right now!”
You scream Andy’s name as your orgasm washes over you, clenching around him tighter when you feel his release filling you up.
Neither of you say anything. You just hold on to him tightly, trying to come down from your euphoria as well as trying to stay awake.
“You okay, babe?” he asks after a moment.
“Was I too rough?”
“No daddy.”
His phone buzzes and you whine in protest. “Just rest, sweetheart.”
“You said...you said you have another gift for me,” you breathe as his phone buzzes again. “You may as well answer her.”
“She can wait.”
“Clearly not.”
“Hey, come back to me,” he coos softly. “Don’t get upset over her. Not now, not tonight.”
“She’s just never gonna go away. She’ll always be around.”
“But that has nothing to do with us.”
“Y/N, I love you. Whatever bullshit Laurie is dealing with is just that: her bullshit. It’s just you and me now.”
“You feel that way now-”
“I’ll always feel that way.”
You sigh and rest your forehead against his, “today was perfect. I love you, thank you.”
“I’d do anything for you.”
“What’s my other gift?”
“Oh,” he chuckles, “that. You’re gonna freak out, but don’t.”
“Andy, what did you do?”
“Well, you said you wanted us to go away together.”
“You said wanted us to have our own ‘Roman Holiday’.”
“You didn’t!”
“Before you start yelling, it isn’t as expensive as you think it is and-”
“Andy! I said I would save up money!”
“You wanted it, so I wanted you to have it,” he says simply with a shrug.
You cup his face in your hands and kiss him like you’re afraid he’s about to leave you. His hold on you tightens, he deepens the kiss, and you feel him coming back to life.
“Andy,” you moan, grinding yourself against him as his phone buzzes again. “For fucks sake!”
“I’ll answer her and then I swear I’ll take care of you,” he groans, pulling out of you as you settle yourself underneath the Christmas tree.
Andy’s quickly gets his phone, and you undress yourself, deciding that clothes are no longer necessary for the rest of the night.
“What the fuck?” he mumbles as he starts making his way to the front door.
“What’s wrong?”
“More like, what’s right,” he counters as he opens the door. “There’s no fucking way...”
“Andy, what’s going on?”
“Holy shit!” he exclaims, grabbing something out of the mailbox before closing the door, turning to face you. “She signed the papers.”
“Are you serious? What did she say in the texts? Are you fucking serious?”
“A few choice words about you-”
“I can handle it.”
“Just read it, Andy.”
He sighs before unlocking his phone. “You and that little whore are disgusting, I hope you know that. Also, the whole block can probably hear you two, so that’s a nice gift for everyone on Christmas. I hope whoever the fuck she is that she’s worth all the hell you’re wreaking on our family. I just want you to know that when she walks away, I’ll be ready to take you back. I love you. Merry Christmas.”
“How did she even find our home?”
“Probably Jacob, cause she still doesn’t know that I’m with you.”
“I feel like there’s a catch. Laurie being selfless? It doesn’t add up.”
“Her signature is everywhere it needs to be, sweetheart. It’s finally fucking official,” he smiles at you.
Without giving it another thought, you’re on your feet, running over to him and jumping on him as soon as your arms are around him.
“This is real?”
“As real as it gets, sweetheart.”
“You still want me?”
“Ya know, I think I’ll use the next few hours to show you just how much I still want you. How much I’ll always want you,” he smirks before starting to run up the stairs as you start laughing.
In the back of your mind, you know this isn’t as simple as Laurie is making it seem, but for right now, you don’t care. You belong to Andy completely and he finally belongs to only you. Yes, he’s been telling you how you’re the only one for him, but this is different. It’s so much more. Yeah, you’re one step closer to pure and utter chaos, but you’re also one step closer an actual real relationship that’s truly worth all of the energy and stress you’ve put into it.
Merry Christmas indeed.
“I don’t wanna go back to my loft tomorrow,” you sigh as you rest your head on Andy’s chest, intertwining your fingers with his.
“Then just move in. This your home.”
“I know, but we haven’t told Jacob yet and...it’s gonna be hard, but we need to do it. We need to have that talk with him before we officially do anything.”
“He comes back tomorrow, so lets-”
“I’ve been thinking about that too,” you practically mumble as you make little circles on his chest with your pointer finger.
“Just hear me out. I’m not backing out of anything, or asking for more time. I just don’t want our vacation to be filled with me crying because Jacob hates me.”
“He won’t-”
“Don’t, Andy. Just don’t. He’s going to be furious with the both of us. I don’t want out first trip away together to be clouded by that.”
“Sweetheart, the trip isn’t until May.”
“I know, I know. So, if you still want to tell him when he gets back tomorrow, I’m fine with that.”
“No, you have a point,” he sighs. “He is gonna be furious and you’re gonna be beside yourself, and that’s something I don’t want. Especially during our very first trip together. I just don’t like keeping it from him.”
“Trust me, I feel the same, but the timing wasn’t right. It didn’t help that it took Laurie for-fucking-ever to sign the damn papers,”
“At least she signed them though, and that’s something to smile about,” he reassures you with a gentle squeeze.
“Yeah, you have a point. What did she agree to in the end?”
“She keeps the house, her car, we split our Savings and I keep whatever is in mine, she gets the furniture, and she gets to keep the timeshare we got in California.”
“You have a timeshare?”
“Had a timeshare,” he laughs, but he can sense your uneasiness. “Uh oh, what’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“It’s stupid.”
“Talk to me.”
“There’s just so much...I don’t want you to feel like you have get me things because you have more than me.”
“And it’s not like I think you’re rich or anything, it’s just very obvious that you have more money than me and-”
“Hey, stop,” he chuckles softly. “I don’t buy you things because I think of you as some charity case. I do it because I love you and I love making you happy.”
“I’m just not used to being loved, Andy. I’m not used to being the girl that someone picks.”
“Well, take as much time as you need to get used to it,” he reassures you before kissing the top of your head.
“You really wanna face the world with me when all of this comes out?”
“I wanna face the world with you no matter what.”
“I love you, Andy.”
“I love you, Y/N. I love you more than you’ll ever know,” he whispers before pressing a soft kiss into your hair.
As you both lay in bed, looking up at the moon, you wonder just how well you both will handle the hell that’s about to come your way. You believe in the love that Andy has for you, and you know it’s stronger than anything you’ve ever felt, but the fear is still there, because who the hell ever chooses you? You’re terrified of pushing him away, but you don’t have a fucking clue in hell how to keep him close when it all becomes too much.
God, you really hope you don’t fuck this up.
Jacob’s P.O.V.
“What do you mean you’re going away?” I ask as you continue to pack.
“I just need to get out of here. I feel like I’m gonna lose my fucking my mind,” you huff, slamming a drawer shut.
It’s not like I haven’t noticed the changes in you since Sarah and I got back from vacation, but this just seems drastic.
Then again, your moods have been too.
You’re either extremely happy or severely distant. You either wanna be left alone or are desperate to hangout. You’re not you and for as much as I wanna ask you about it, Sarah keeps telling me that you’ll talk about it when you’re ready, and I know she’s right, but lately it feels like you’re a million miles away and I can’t reel you back in, no matter how hard I try. I hate that.
I hate feeling like it’s no longer me and you against the world.
“It’s just for a few weeks,” you mutter, throwing more close into your suitcase.
“It’s just my dad and now you-”
“What’s going on with your dad?”
“He told me that he got tickets for a vacation last week. Between work and all the shit with my mom, he just needs a break.”
“That makes sense.”
“Y/N, can you please just take a break and tell me what’s going on?”
“We’ll talk when I get back.”
“Jacob, its been a hell of a few months...a hell of a few years. I just need to finally do something for me.”
What aren’t you telling me?
“Y/N, what’s going on with you? I know you say that nothing’s changed between us, but it feels like it has. I don’t feel close to you anymore.”
“You can’t tell me that you haven’t noticed a change in our friendship.”
“Of course there is! Both of our lives are changing! You’re planning a wedding!”
“And what about your life? What’s going on? Please talk to me!”
You’re hesitant before you answer me, “I might be moving when I get back. I don’t know, nothing’s been decided yet.”
“Moving? Where? Why?”
“It’s just time for a change. I feel like I need to uproot and start over. I’m not gonna be far, I’m just-”
“Are you moving in with someone?”
You’re hesitant again. “Why does it matter?”
“Why won’t you tell me?”
“Jake, whether I am or I’m not doesn’t concern you.”
“Why won’t you tell me?”
“Is it my dad?”
“What the...why would you say that?”
“My mom’s been saying-”
“Don’t finish that statement,” you warn before walking over to your dresser and grabbing more clothes.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“We’ll talk about of it when I get back.”
“Why not now?”
“Because I don’t wanna fucking talk about it right now!” you snap, throwing your things down.
I’ve clearly hit some nerve, because you’ve never acted this way with me before.
“I just can’t do this right now. That’s all there is to it. There’s a lot going on that I don’t know how to deal with and I don’t know how to put them into words, so I just don’t feel like doing it now.”
“There was a time when you were okay with telling me everything, and now-”
“How are things with Sarah?’ you counter.
“What do you mean-we’re fine?”
“Then why aren’t off planning a wedding with her?”
“One, everything is on hold till you get back; not my decision, hers. Two, my best friend is icing me out-”
“I’m not icing you out, Jacob!”
“Listen, if you’re just over this friendship, just have the fucking decency to say it, because-”
“Jacob, just stop! Please...stop,” you sob.
Great, now I feel like an asshole.
“When I get back, okay? We’ll talk about everything when I get back, okay?”
“You could always talk to me before-”
“And I know I can now,” you interrupt with a heavy sigh, “I’m just tired of talking and planning right now. I need a break and then I’ll be back to myself.”
I can’t fault you for that. You’ve spent your whole life arguing and planning, it only make sense that you’re fed up.
But still.
“When you get back?”
“I promise, Jake.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Jacob. Just go home and rest, okay?”
Something is off, but there’s no use in pushing. Not when you’re like this.
All I can do is give you a kiss on the cheek before making my way out of your place. I guess I made it our home, which was fucked up on my part.
It’s not like I lied to my dad when I said that my feelings for you aren’t stronger than the love I have for Sarah, it’s just that you’ve always made me feel normal. Being my friend has never been easy, but you’ve never left my side. You’ve always defended me, gotten into actual fights, and have always believed me. Believed in me. Sarah and I separated at one point, and it’s not like I can blame her, but you...you’ve always been there. From the day that we met, you’ve never let my side.
I know that you’ll eventually meet someone and they’ll become the love of your life, and they’ll more than likely be older, but the way that my mother is going on about it being my father...you wouldn’t do that, would you?
I’m your best friend.
However, you didn’t deny it and that has me on edge. You probably haven’t noticed, but I see the way he looks at you, and I know you think he’s insanely attractive (like every other woman in this dumb little town). I can handle you being with someone else, but my dad?
What does he have that I don’t?
“Is everything okay?” Sarah asks as I make my way into our home; bridal magazines everywhere.
“She says so.”
“Baby, I’m sure whatever is going on, she’ll tell you when she gets back.”
“Her and my dad leaving on the same day? Even you have to notice that it’s a bit strange.”
“Plus, every time I ask him about his girlfriend, he changes the subject, which is fucking weird since they’ve been dating for months.”
“Well, what did she say when you asked her?”
“She didn’t confirm it.”
“There ya go.”
“She also didn’t deny it.”
“If there’s anything to tell you, she will.”
“Why are you so calm about this?”
“Because I don’t care,” she scoffs with a shrug.
“Well, why not?!”
“Honey, they’re both adults. If they want to date, just let them, it’s really not a big deal.”
“So, you don’t care that Y/N might be the reason that my dad left my mom?”
“No, because you and I both know that the problems in your parents’ marriage didn’t start with y/n. I think that there’s a bigger issue here.”
“Not that shit again!”
“Jacob, just tell me-”
“I just want you, babe. I only want you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Sarah, you’ve been the one ever since I met you, and that’s not changing any time soon,” I promise with a smile.
It’s not like it’s a lie. Sarah is the only person I want to be with...I just need you to be with anyone but my dad. That’s not asking too much...is it?
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“We have to go to the Mouth of Truth before leave!” you whine as Andy picks you up and carries you into the villa you’ve both been staying at for a week and a half.
“We’re gonna go, I promise,” he laughs, “we’ve got two more days.”
“No, lets just stay here. Here is so much better.”
“I wish we could, sweetheart,” he sighs as his phone goes off. “For fucks sake.”
“Just ignore it.”
“You know I can’t,” he mutters as he sets you down before taking out his phone and answering it. “Hey bud, what’s up?”
For the most part, the vacation has been amazing. The villa Andy got you both is beautiful, you’ve been to almost every place you’ve seen in ‘Roman Holiday’ along with a few places that Andy’s always wanted to visit, the dinners you two have made for each other have perfect, and the sex has been remarkable.
That doesn’t mean it’s been smooth sailing.
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Every day, Jacob calls you and Andy, looking for cracks in either of your stories, Laurie texts him non-stop, and Sarah has told you multiple times that she’s getting tired of Jacob’s obsession over the whole.
If things are this bad, you can’t even begin to imagine how much worse they’ll be when you two get home and tell everyone. However, you’re not home yet, and you’re determined to make the best of the last few days you two have left. You quickly slip into the blue lace lingerie you were saving for the last day of the trip, your skinny black heels, and let your hair done. You do a quick look over in the mirror before making your way downstairs.
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“I’m sure she’ just taking a break from...,” Andy trails off once his eyes land on you, jaw dropping just a little.
Mission accomplished.
“I’m sorry, I got distracted,” he almost stutters as he clears his throat, “I’m sure she’s just taking a break...she is on vacation, Jake.”
“Hang up,” you mouth as you straddle him, starting to undo the button on his jeans.
“You said she seemed pretty stressed and frustrated when she was packing, so I would imagine....she has a lot going on. I’m sure she’ll tell you everything when she gets back...I’ve been working non-stop for 4 years, Jake. I just-” he gasps as you slide yourself down on him, “I-I needed a break. Your mother and I talked about gong away a lot, but....but we never did it.”
“Hang up,” you mouth again as you start to pick your pace, hitting that spot deep within that makes you come alive for him.
“Listen, when...when I get back home, you and I will have a lunch or dinner, and we’ll talk about everything...y-yes...yes, we can go to the diner,” he breathes as he grips your throat tight, “I’ll talk to you later and I’ll be home soon.”
“Daddy please,” you mouth, gripping his shoulders as your climax starts to build. “Need you so much.”
Andy’s eyes go wide as he watches you, memorized by the way you move your hips as you take your bra off, your mouth agape as you try to hold on.
“I gotta...I gotta go, okay? Yes Jacob, we’ll talk soon...I really gotta go...I love you too,” he grunts before finally fucking hanging up.
“Daddy!” you cry out come undone, leaning your forehead against his.
“Now, who told you to be a whore and pull that little stunt, huh?”
“I want all of your attention, daddy. This is our trip, isn’t it?”
“You don’t feel important?” he taunts as he wraps his arms around before getting up, “you don’t think you’re my main focus?”
“No,” you moan, wrapping your legs around him as the feel of him deeper inside of you starts driving you insane as he heads for up the stairs.
“I thought I was doing a good idea of that night after night.”
“Shit,” you moan, grinding yourself against him.
“And every morning when I wake you up by eating this perfect little pussy.”
“I just need...need you! Didn’t feel important,” you whine.
“Let daddy fix that,” he smirks, laying you down on the bed before fucking into you relentlessly. “Let daddy make you feel better!”
“My sweet, sweet girl.”
“Oh my God!”
“You’re so fucking beautiful, baby. God, I never get tired at looking you...at this perfect little body.”
“Fuck, I’m so...so close!”
“Yeah? You gonna be a good girl and cream on daddy’s cock?”
All you can do is nod.
“Use your words,” he growls, slapping your clit.
“Fuck! Yes...YES!” you cry out, gripping the sheets as your body trembles.
“Such a good girl,” he praises as he pulls out, “I want you to tell me how good you taste,” he coos as he slides two fingers inside of you.
“Fuck, daddy!”
“Tell me, baby,” he encourages as he smears your lips with your cum. “Daddy really wants to know.”
“So good,” you moan as you lick your lips.
“Yeah? I think I’ll find out for myself,” he smirks before getting on his knees.
“Fuck, you make...make me feel...shit!” you cry out, gripping his hair as uses three of his fingers fuck you, while he sucks and licks your clit. “So fucking good to me,” you moan.
You prop up yourself using one of your elbows and look down, meeting Andy’s intense gaze on you.
“I...I love you so much, Andy,” you brood, feeling that knot in your core tighten. “I only...only need...you!” you cry out, coating his fingers (and you’re sure his face) with your release.
Andy takes his time cleaning you up, keeping his eyes on you, before slowly peppering you body with the most soft and delicate kisses hes ever given you, as he makes his way up your body.
“Never been this in love with anyone,” he groans he pushes himself inside of you. “Never knew I could be this in love.”
“You are everything to me. I’m gonna love you until...until my dying breath,” his promises as his movements start to become erratic.
Between your juices still glistening on his beard, his words, and the fact that he keeps hitting that spot inside of you that makes your whole body ignite, you feel yourself ready to come apart for the final part.
“Can’t...need to let go!”
“Do it, sweet girl! Give me everything!”
“Andy!” you sob, squirting all over his cock as you dig your nails into his back.
You both just stay there for a moment, living in the moment, and trying to commit to memory how perfect this moment is.
“I’m just tired of hiding, baby,” you breathe after a moment.
“I know sweetheart, I can’t wait to tell Jacob about us.”
“Do you mean that?”
“Sweetheart, it’s not going to be ideal, and I know we’ll have hell to pay, but I just want to be with you. That’s all I care about at this point. Hell or high water, we’ll finally be together for real. I’m in love with you and I want to finally express that the right way. Not just in private.”
“He’s gonna be so hurt, Andy.”
“I know, sweetheart, but he’ll get over it.”
“Can we just ignore our phones for the next few days? The trip is almost over and I don’t wanna deal with anything that’ll make us unhappy until we get back.”
“Sounds good to me, sweet girl. Come here,” he coaxes softly.
You move closer to him and lay your head on his chest, sighing in content as he wraps his arms around you.
There will never be a better feeling than being in Andy’s arms.
“Lets just do it when we get back. We can do dinner at our house and we’ll just...we’ll deal with it,” Andy suggests with a heavy sigh. “Our flight lands at 3:30...it’s time to get it over with. Tell Jacob then tell Laurie.”
“Oh God, Laurie.”
“Yeah, that’ll more than likely go worse than everything with Jacob.”
“What the fuck did we get ourselves into?” you laugh humorlessly.
“Love. We got ourselves into love.”
“You’re damn right we did,” you smile up at him.
For the rest of the trip, you and Andy ignore your phones and just focus on each other. You go site seeing, dancing, make love, watch ‘Roman Holiday’, make dinners, go out to the best restaurants, and just live in the moment. There’s no sense in pretending that going home won’t be chaotic, so you both decide that it’s best to just live in the moment until it’s time to go back.
Until it’s time to deal with the consequences of your actions.
“Andy, are you sure-”
“Honey, I know all of this is scary, but I’m not changing my mind. It’s gonna be rough, it’s gonna suck, but we’ll get through it,” he interrupts as you both lay in bed and stare up at the ceiling.
“I just want you to be sure that you want this. Want us. Want me.”
“I’m never gonna change my mind, sweetheart. I’m all in forever. Are you?”
“You’re the only one for me. Always have been and you always will be.”
“Just don’t forget that we have each other, okay? No matter how chaotic it may seem, you have me and I have you.”
“You don’t forget either.”
“It’s you and me,” he smiles down at you. “It’s me and you until the end.”
As you both lay in bed, trying to calm your nerves about heading back tomorrow, you know that you both have the same question on your mind: how the fuck do we approach this?
“Lets do dinner at the loft,” you suggest, catching yourself as you’re about to fall asleep.
“I think it’ll soften the blow. Us telling him that we’re together and that we’re living together? It’s gonna be too much at once.”
“But you’re moving in-”
“No, I know, but lets just take it one thing at a time. If we tell him we went on vacation together, have been dating for a while, and live together, he’s gonna lose his shit.”
“You’re making a more than good point and that’s annoying.”
“Trust me, I don’t like it either. He knows that I’m moving and I’m sure that he’ll put two and two together once we tell him, but I think the visualization will be too much for him.”
“Alright, we’ll tell him at the loft and you’ll finally move home the next day?”
“I promise.”
“Then we better get some sleep. We have an early flight.”
“Sounds good...I love you, Andy.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
As you both settle into bed, anxiety at an all time high, you hope and pray that telling Jacob won’t be as bad as you think it will be.
Yeah, he’ll be hurt and annoyed, but he’ll hopefully get over it quick...right?
You drift off to sleep with that thought leading and you can only pray to God that you’re right.
Please, just this once, let things not be painful.
“What time are they coming over?” Andy yawns as gets out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, sitting next to you on the sofa.
“One, get dressed,” you laugh, “two, you need a damn nap.”
“I’m fine.”
“You know I can see you, right? That’s bullshit, you need rest.”
“It’ll just fuck up me adjusting to the time change. Lets watch something that’ll keep me awake.”
“Or, you can take a nap and store up your energy.”
“There is never going to be enough sleep in the world for me to tell my son that I’m in love with his best friend.”
“That’s fair.”
“What are you watching?”
“ ‘Chicago’”
“Of course you are,” he laughs as he wraps an arm around you. “What time will they be here?”
“In two hours.”
“Shit, okay.”
“Just take a deep breath, baby. At least we’ll tell him and have it out of the way. Like you said last week, he won’t be angry with you forever.”
“He won’t be angry with you forever, either.”
“I’m not worried about me. I can handle him hating me, I just want you two to be okay.”
“I mean it, Andy. Your relationship with him is more important than mine.”
Andy says nothing. He just cups your face and kisses you passionately, and you let yourself get lost in it.
Lost in him.
It’s not like you two mean to get carried away, but it’s so hard for you two to contain yourselves. Soon enough, the kiss leads to you two making out, making out leads to you straddling him and grinding yourself against him, which leads to you on your knees and blowing him, which is why your clothes and the towel he was wearing are now on the floor and he’s fucking you senseless.
“Oh my God!’ you whimper as Andy picks up his pace as he sits up.
“You take my fucking cock so well, sweet girl!”
“No one has ever been take me as well as you do, not even her,” he grunts and smirks when you clench around him.
You’ll never admit it outloud but you love it when he tells you how much better you are at pleasing than Laurie ever was. Yes, it’s mean petty, and a bit sick, but fuck all if it doesn’t make you feel all that much more special and important to him.
“You got so fucking wet just from sucking daddy’s cock! Should’ve tasted this perfect little pussy before I started fucking it!”
“Oh my...fuck!’
“Got your fucking cream all over my fucking cock! God, wish you could see...shit, you I could stay in this fucking cunt all day!”
“I should film me fucking you, just so you can see just how well this greedy little cunt takes my cock!”
“Please!” you mindlessly beg, with one hand clawing at the bed and the other clawing at his chest.
“Of course my good little whore wants to me film me filling up this pretty little pussy,” he smirks devilishly before slapping your clit.
“I’ll fill this pussy then, while I fuck your ass, you can watch how wrecked you looked while I fucked this sweet little cunt. You want that, sweet girl?”
You’re too blissed out to answer. Andy spits on your on your already soaked and sticky cunt, before starting to massage your clit.
“Can’t...can’t...daddy please!”
“You don’t cum until you answer me,” he husks. “Do you want to record us? Do you wanna watch how well you take daddy’s fat cock while I fuck your perfect little ass?”
“Yes! Yes, I wanna see how well...how I take your cock, daddy! How good I am at pleasing you!”
“Fuck, and the way your perfect tits bounce with every thrust! You’re so fucking perfect, sweet girl! Ya know, daddy thinks he’ll record you soaking the bed,” he chuckles before grabbing his phone off your nightstand.
You two always take it too far.
“Look at the camera, baby. Fuck, those tears! Feel too good sweet girl?” “Yes daddy! I need to...I need to let go!”
“Such a good little whore, keep your eyes on the camera as you cum, sweet-”
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Jacob exclaims as he bursts through the door.
And busted.
“Jacob, get out!” Andy yells, instantly covering you as you cum hard and squirt all over Andy’s cock and the bed.
This is definitely in the top three moments you never want relieve or remember in your life.
“You fucking said-”
“Go wait in the kitchen! Get out!” Andy yells as you bury your face in the crook of his neck in an attempt to hide.
Jacob huffs before slamming your bedroom door shut. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go at all.
“Looks like someone found his key to my place,” you mutter as you fight off your tears.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?”
“Why? Why the fuck did we have to get carried away now?!”
“I’ll go out there and-”
“No, we’ll go together. I just...I need a moment.”
“I’m so fucking sorry, sweetheart.”
“This isn’t on you. You didn’t force me into anything; I wanted you. I always want you. I knew they were coming and I still...fuck!”
“We can do this another-”
“No, he’s already seen...we may as well just deal with this now.”
“Are you sure, sweetheart?”
“I’m all in,” you smile up at him weakly.
Andy cleans you up and the both take your time getting dressed, not sure how the hell you’re going to approach the current situation at hand. You pull on the AC/DC sweatshirt Andy got you and the Boston College sweatpants Jacob got you, while Andy opts to only wear a pair of black sweatpants.
If the situation weren’t what it is, you would drag him back to bed, but there’s obviously no time for that.
“Does anyone want a drink?” you ask as you two finally make your way out of your room.
“I’ll take one,” Sarah mumbles as she leans against the kitchen island.
“We need to talk about-”
“We’re definitely gonna talk about it. Do you want a drink?” you interrupt Jacob as you pull two glasses out of the cabinet.
“You’re acting like-”
“I’m not acting like anything, Jacob. You and I are about to have a talk about how I’ve been dating your father and in love with him for a while. I’m gonna have a fucking drink. How about you? Do you want something that’ll help the sting or do you wanna have this talk completely sober?” you ask, finally turning your attention to him.
He’s thoughtful before he speaks, “yeah, I guess I’ll take that drink.”
“You?” you ask as you turn to Andy.
“Yeah, I think I will, sweetheart.”
You pour the four of you a tall glass of bourbon, before handing them all out and standing at Andy’s side.
“So...lets have it out. Lets talk about...your father and your best friend,” you mutter before taking a sip of your drink. “Lets talk about your father and your best friend being in love.”
taglist:  @maroonsunrise83​, @emerald-evans​, @fuckingbye​,  @whxre4cevans​, @autumnrose40​, @greeneyedblondie44​, @whiskeytangofoxtrot555​, @pono-pura-vida​, @nomadstucky​, @sapphire-rogers​, @jamneuromain​
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im so sorry for being downright annoying but im confined to my apartment since it's 40 degrees where i live and i have nothing to do :((
could you pls do like a headcannon post for your interpretations of the 141? like you said, soap plays drums, ghost prefers solitude to being mean and aggressive, gaz doesnt get caught doing the kind of shit soap gets caught for, etc. i just find your hc so damn interesting and good. AND believable!!
here's some flowers for your kindness!! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Ok! I want to make clear first that these are just my own interpretations/headcanons, for what I'm writing (although I'll try not to mention Riot much), so if someone feels I'm going off-canon, or I don't write them as they should be (whatever that means) just... meh
Ok, so... Gaz, Price, Soap, Ghost and Nikolai because certain someoneeee asked and I can't deny them anything (and he's going to appear in my fic anyway)
Under the cut because it's going to be long. Edited to add after I finished: God it's horribly long
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He gives me elder brother vibes, as in, responsible, overachiever, trying to do the right thing, being the one making way so his younger sibling(s) have it easier
He is nice and respectful to everyone, specially his elders and/or superior officers, but finds it difficult to tolerate shit or incompetence. Still, he is diplomatic enough to hide it (mostly), and will make a good officer in the future, in both Price and Ghost's opinion
He loves cooking and baking, and thrives learning other culture's cuisine. Doesn't mind spicy food, and absolutely gets a laugh out of sneaking some spice in what he cooks to make his friends sweat
Both him and Soap became fast friends. Not only they're close in age, they're both nerds (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons...) and gamers, and play together fighting games like King of Fighters in an old playstation that Price allowed them to have in the common room.
Friends as they are, they absolutely cheat and piss each other off while playing, to the point of swearing to not ever talk to the other again.
They also absolutely prank each other. Salt in their coffee, googly eyes glued to their bedside lamp (Soap had the fright of his life), toothpaste inside the pockets...
He once covered Soap's side of the office in post-its. Took almost the whole night, but Gaz is a dedicated individual
Everyone thinks he is the serious and responsible, but he is just too good to be caught doing shit. But seriously, the worst ideas come from him
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(aaah look at my baby)
PRANKSTER. In capitals.
Younger brother vibes. Like, with three elder sisters. I hc that he has a quite big age gap with his sisters and, although they love each other, they were almost teens when he was a wee boy
Loyal to the bone, will get a bullet for you. Will give you shit if you get it instead covering for him
Friendly with everyone, his love language is touch, patting your back or shoulder, or if it's with a close one, a plain old bear hug. If you're certain someone who he sees as another sister, the bear hug involves swaying and lifting you up
Can't be subtle to safe his life. Can't lie either. You'll know when he's lying because he'll grin so wide that you'll see all his teeth
Learned to play the drums in his teens as a way to channel his energy. In boot camp organized a music group with other privates, Riot included, as a way of bonding and letting out steam. He likes about anything music related, but rock, pop and folk music specially
Looks awesome in a kilt and learned to play the bagpipes when he was a wee lad, but hasn't played one in years
He is way more intelligent that he himself gives credit, and can calculate in seconds the apropriate amount of explosives needed to just demolish what he wants and not a single brick more
That said, he's obsessed with blowing things up. Only things! But if they happen to have ASSHOLES inside, so be it
He is a family man, and tries to speak with his ma as often as he can, but his ma is tiring, man... Always asking when he's getting off the military, when he's settling down, when he's growing out his hair... That mohawk, my son... that's why you're single
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Flirt. Like, for fun. Just because. It works either way, because if you feel flattered, he already has you reeled in. If you get angry, he knows how to push your buttons and persuade you in the correct direction. Correct for him, of course.
He can get anything you want/need. It's his specialty after all. What was that, zólotse? You need [insert whatever you imagine]?. Don't you worry, sólnyshko. You'll have it. What does he want in exchange? Only your smile
Of course, if down the line he happens to need something of you, just a little tiny thing, not really important... you'd be a dear and help him out, right?
He not only is a fixer, but he is a trader. He trades anything, information, documents, intel, weapons, vehicles, favours. He doesn't need notebooks, he has it all in his head. All the debts, paid or unpaid, all the people that owe him something, all the people he owes something, people he can convince to 'help' other people so he can kill two birds with one stone, etc etc
He has that ability that can't be learned, of being able to sway anyone his way just with his words. One look at you and he knows what he needs to say to get you on his side, or to make his bidding. Do you need praise? Threats? A pitiful plea? He sure can act the way you need him to, even if you don't know that you need it
If you are friends though, his help comes with no strings attached. Well, maybe a tiny one. Or two. But completely easy things to do. Promise
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(that's like my favourite gif of Price, he's so damn hot)
He seemingly has endless patience, but only with his subordinates. He has no patience nor tolerance for idiots in the higher ranks, and has no problem speaking up against them
Everyone knows/thinks Gaz is his favourite, but in reality all of the core 141 is his favourite, he chose them after all. He trusts each and any of them with his life, and would die for them without second guesses
He knew Ghost before he was Ghost, and seeing what he became destroys him. He was the one to recommend Simon Riley for the Special team that went after Manuel Roba, so he feels responsible of everything. Simon knows and has assured him many times that he shouldn't feel bad, he couldn't have known.
If he shares a cigar it's because shit's about to go down and there's no way out or against all odds you got out and needs to be celebrated. No in between, you won't get a whiff of them ever unless he's smoking them. Except if you're Simon, he's the only one with whom he shares, and it's not unusual for them to go for drinks alone or just share a drink and a cigar in Price's office from time to time. Sometimes they don't even speak.
Acts way older than he is, he's always been an old soul. That said, the shit he has to go through every day keeping those muppets in line makes him feel like he's three hundred at least
But if someone dares to raise their voice at HIS muppets, that someone better prepare for hell to rain upon them. No one gives shit to his kids except him
He smells bullshit when he's faced with it. Nobody knows how, but he knows.
Protective, obsessive, bossy and gruff, but loyal to his last drop of blood
That's why he's 'dad' to his kids, even if they don't call him that. But all of them go to him when they have doubts, Gaz and Soap even go to him to ask for advice about this or that, or how to...? Even Simon does ask him things from time to time, and it's not unusual for them to just drop by his office for no real reason, just needing dad
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Stern, taciturn, solitary, stoic. Seemingly cold, but he is only guarded. He finds it difficult to trust, even before Roba, due to his childhood.
Stiff upper lip: displays fortitude and stoicism in the face of adversity, or exercises great self-restraint in the expression of emotion
He can be aggressive and mean, it's part of the job, but he takes it with an attitude more like 'Does this need to be done? It needs to be done', and Simon mentally checks out and Ghost takes the wheel, that way he can preserve his sanity and try not to feel like the ones who made him like this... both his father and Roba
He is slow to trust, but if you manage to get through his walls, his loyalty is unwavering. For example, he'd follow Price to hell, only asking 'when are we leaving' if his Captain would ask him to.
He has a soft spot for Gaz and Soap although he doesn't show it, physically or verbally, but with little things. His love language for others, if he even knows what that is or even remembers what it was, is acts of service. Little things like buying them snacks when they run out and haven't had time to go to the store, or taking over their watch turn when he sees them nodding off.
The love language you would have to use with him would have to be maybe quality time at first, even without touching, just spending time together. Having a smoke at midnight behind the mess hall, doing paperwork together in his office or yours, watching films together in the common room. After things progress, it'll evolve into a mix of physical touch (he's so touch starved it's not even funny, and once the dam is broken you won't get rid of him easily) and words of affirmation, but mostly touch.
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aegons-queen-rhaella · 3 months
So, I watched HOTD ep. 1... My thoughts:
My first thoughts about the ep are...it was fine. Just fine.
Getting into specifics: team green, B&C, sex, and some team black dynamics will be talked about. If you want no spoilers, scroll (This was a lengthy post. Sorry).
Team Green was somewhat disappointing and I'm not surprised. The first scene we see of Alicent and Sir Cole is them having oral sex. Why? Why are the even fucking? They shouldn't be doing that cause it makes them look like hypocrites. It makes them lose their values. It undermines their characters in a gross way. The character assassination is heavy in this first ep. The show runners did this on purpose to make them look bad. Honestly think about it, with all the shit that is going on why is now the time to show them having relations that they didn't have in the book? They did this for the sake of getting a sex scene. Disappointing!
The dynamic between Aemond and Sir Cole is one of friendship, maybe father & son dynamic. I like to see it. What I didn't like was hearing Aemond trash his mother and if I remember right, he trashed papa Otto too. I don't believe he would do that. He was fiercely loyal to his family even though he had ambition. I also like how Cole tried to defend Alicent from Aemond's ridicule.
Aegon. I loved him this ep. I love how they showed that he cares for his kids. He took his heir to the council. That is something that old man Vizzy never did with Aegon. I love how they showed how he was trying to be a good, fair, king to his people. He was trying. His humor was nice tension relief when needed. From what we saw of his dynamic with Helaena, it gives very much still a sibling relationship. They didn't want to marry so they don't act like loving spouses to each other, just siblings. I want to see what else TGC will deliver of Aegon throughout the season.
...I have to talk about how this show did Blood and Cheese. I thought they would have stuck to the book more. Them having her say "I have a necklace, a very expensive one" to me down played the terror of this event. She could have said "take me instead but leave my babies be" I was pissed that they cut so much of this horrible event from the show. This was supposed to deeply effect Alicent and Helaena. They were supposed to share this experience. Helaena was acting like this was no big deal and gave up her son quickly. Then she just walked into the room while Alicent is riding Sir Cole (again a pointless scene). I guess it was her being in shock but, damn was there no emotion. It should have been heart breaking to see, instead it was bland. Nothing like the book. They should have just did what GRRM wrote.
Now for team black dynamics. I'm going to keep this short but, us seeing Rhae grieve was good. I'm glad they showed it and it made me feel something for her character.
Jace and Cregan Stark having conversation on the wall was interesting. I'm a bit annoyed that we didn't see their pact and we didn't see Jace at the Vale. We missed out on how Jace was handling his emotions through the rest of his quest.
Rhaenys blowing off funky ass Daemon was great to see. He was trying to command a woman he has no power over. What a clown.
Anyway, let me know how y'all felt about the ep! Enjoy the Aegon gif!
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youremyheaven · 4 months
What you said about punarvasu men is literally my dad💀
He’s a punarvasu moon (I thought he was an ardra moon bc he lacks self discipline with alcohol/spending/food but I think Jupiter suits him more), with revati venus sun and mercury conjunction all within one degree.
As for his ascendant, it can only be from purvaphalguni to anuradha. My main theories are actually those two naks themselves or just leo/scorpio rashi in general because I think he might have pp mars 1H or Jyestha ketu 1H. Also I think he might be UP asc.
He also is very similar in many ways to my brother, who is dhanishta moon, hasta sun, magha asc (my brother is an actual menace but based off his placements I doubt I need to elaborate much further as to why). Anyway lmk what you think👀
But yeah here are some things about my punarvasu dad:
-He does have himbo vibes sometimes and is quite confident in his femininity. For example, growing up he would wear pink sometimes and do sweet things for me, like give me food at school that he’d bought if he just happened to be in the area
-However do not be fooled guys, he is huge misogynist😬 he regularly makes degrading comments towards women who act a certain way (calling them “bimbos”/”barbie”), and whenever someone is driving badly on the road he automatically assumes they’re a woman.
-Literally so rude and disrespectful to everyone except his mother (passed for unknown reasons years ago) and this 90 yr old woman he knows😭 I imagine he’s not rude to his customers at work but that man always has something bad to say! He talks shit about people constantly.
-Has anyone else noticed that punarvasu moons have weird relationships with their mothers? They’re either obsessed or they hate them
- He’s a huge megalomaniac and needs to be in control of us at all times. He needs to have everything a certain way and gets very angry at you if you deviate from it. He often spoils my brother (who is still a child) with the intention of getting him to like him more than my mother. This includes buying him expensive gifts, and when my mother scolds my brother over his bad behaviour, he goes crying to my dad who proceeds to coddle him and act like she’s the bad guy.
My dad has encouraged my brother when he’s been physically abusive or degrading to my mother several times😬
He once told my brother at the airport “I don’t care if you don’t listen to your mother or any of your teachers at school, but you must listen to me. I’m the boss. Ok?” It sounded way more controlling irl but I’m just paraphrasing.
- He’s very into tarot, thelemism and astral projection and gets very preachy about it lol
- He is very disrespectful towards my mothers family (my mother is from an Eastern European 2nd world country) and degrades them for being stupid/unmarried/etc. He has this longstanding beef with my maternal grandma (UBP moon, mula sun, certified girlboss) for being eratic and controlling esp towards my mother growing up (he literally acts the exact same way)
- He is very erratic and gets angry very easily. He’s broken a several things in our house just from his temper tantrums
- Talking about erratic, he is so mean when he’s pissed off you. My brother got in trouble at school when he was ~10 yo once and my dad had a rant at him about how he’s going nowhere in life, he’s going to be a bum, he’s clumsy, etc. He once told me I was tearing the family apart bc I annoyed my brother at the dinner table💀 but we can’t criticise him for this bc it’s “his business”. It’s all just a huge power trip.
-After getting angry at you, he’ll do the whole I’m sorry🥺 act. GIRL GET OUT😂
-Very irresponsible, acts impulsively and expects everyone else to just work around his schedule
- He either has weaponised incompetence or has this one household chore that only he does bc he’s “better” at it than anyone else
Sorry about the trauma dump 🤪 but yeah Jupiter men slander!!! They’re always on this moral high horse until its them
im gonna make a separate post about Jupiter men (lots of slander included, sorry not sorry)
im sorry to hear about your brother's placements 💀🤐
BBG Revati Sun, Punarvasu Moon & either Purvaphalguni or Anuradha Rising??? 😭😭😭HOW DO U AND UR MOM COPEEEE
I'm sorry to hear about your experiences and highkey worried about your brother 😬
Mercurial men are sex addicts and often vvv misogynistic. We've already established how manipulative they can be so I won't repeat that but I wouldn't touch a Mercurial man (unless he was a Jyeshta billionaire 🤪🤭lmfao jk) Jupiter men have always been so unattractive to me, I hate their energy 🤮🤢🤮 even with all the sweet natured kind whatever behaviour, I'm always sus about them. My friend's abusive ex was a Punarvasu Moon and oh lordy lord??? she told him she needed a break from him and he went to her house with their horoscopes matched (kundli Milan tingz for my desis yk what's up) ???? and he asked her strict conservative parents who would never allow her to date, for her hand in marriage??? like that was some power move bc he knew going that route meant robbing her of any choice in the matter. Also fellas, if a girl dumps you NEVER go to her family to propose marriage to her wtf. This guy would often threaten to kill her if she left him as well btw 😬😬
Fortunately for my friend, her parents were like 🤨we need to consult with our family astrologer and their astro guy said that they were a terrible match for each other and that if they got married there is a high chance she would die???? (no shit sherlock) they turned him away but he was still persistent af so they performed some poojas/rituals to get rid of him 😶‍🌫️😌✨💀 and he's been gone since lolziez
Venusian men can be sexually predatory but they usually have low self esteem and based on what you said about his misogyny and thinking of himself as above others (also a result of Jupiter influence) I feel like he's more Saturnian? 🧐 (Anuradha over Purvaphalguni Rising that is)
There is another Vishaka Moon man ik who has very effeminate mannerisms. He's not "in touch with his feminine side" or whatever, he's just a regular Indian man (derogatory) but his body language and mannerisms be giving twink vibes (he's 6'1 atleast with a bulky build and the contrast between the two is amazing to watch) I'm not queershaming or being homophobic 😭😭😭 but many Indian men can be vvv feminine ish and it lowkey creeps me out 😐 sorry but they'll simultaneously hate women, not be woke or liberal in the slightest and act like every straight asshole but with a fruity ✨twist 💀
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fanfic-lover-girl · 10 months
Android 18 Rant (17 was the better Android twin)
So I have been watching clips from the Cell Saga for nostalgia and to overcome my fear of seeing Imperfect Cell's disgusting cockroach face. Anyway, I was comparing the absorption scenes of 17 vs 18 and looked at how 17 was treated in the story versus 18...and I wish 17 was the android that was kept in the Buu saga instead of 18.
I think my feelings can be expressed in 4 main sections.
Fight Scenes
So 17 had more fight scenes to show his mettle compared to 18. 17 fought against the Z fighters, Piccolo and Imperfect Cell. 18 had her one badass fight against Vegeta and then faded away to sit still and look pretty in the background. And her fight against Vegeta is not truly that impressive. The fight sequence between 17 and Piccolo was way more spectacular.
Scenes Leading up to their absorption
I think Cell's absorption of 17 was WAY more horrific. Imperfect Cell gave 17 a bad beatdown and then we saw his entire absorption process from start to horrific end. When Imperfect Cell begins to transform we see 17 literally falling into the void as he becomes part of Cell. With 18, it's horrible how Vegeta let Cell absorb her and it must have been frightening to see Cell walk towards her mockingly with his tail ready. But I think still 17 has the edge over her. Plus 18's absorption seemed to be way more focussed on Krillin than her. Her "death" is less about something horrific happening to her than Krillin losing a possible love interest.
The narrative coddled 18
Why did no one try to kill 18?! Piccolo's goal was to kill 17 to prevent Cell from transforming. But's like after Semi-perfect Cell everyone lost their game. Besides simp Krillin, no one had any motive for sparing her. Why didn't Tien tri-beam her instead of Cell? His attack would be 100% guaranteed then. Why didn't Trunk blast her to bits when Vegeta was being a total dumbass (that scene did Trunks so dirty)? With Krillin, the show probably wants us to think he sees good in her, but why? Because she kissed him ONCE?? How does Krillin know that she did not enjoy a murder spree after she pecked his cheek? It's the height of foolishness that Krillin risked the whole world because he caught feelings. I doubt Krillin would have hesitated as much if it was 17 instead of 18. She was spared because she was a sexy girl. Lowkey sexism. She was just reduced to Krillin's love interest by the end. His own damsel in distress.
...But I will admit that Krillin would have likely spared 17 too given how he accepted 16 later.
18's Dumbfounded Look Post Cell Appearance
What pisses me off about 18 is how stupid she looks and acts when the time gets rough. The girl could not even bother to step in when her brother was being pounded into the ground by Cell. If you don't care enough about your twin to help at least run away. So many times, she stands around looking like a wide-eyed child when she should be escaping. Part of me thinks she had no self-preservation. Why not flee during 16's fight with Imperfect Cell? And then she takes her sweet time while Tien is risking his life to keep her sorry behind safe when he should have just destroyed her. And then she stands around looking like a blonde airhead AGAIN when Vegeta is fighting Cell. Darn woman, do you want to live or not?! You have the advantage of being undetectable with ki sense. What the hell are you doing?! 17 was a total idiot when he chose to not escape as well but at least he went down fighting. I bet 17 would not stand around gaping like a goldfish if the roles were reversed.
Watching Android 18 just makes me annoyed. She had one moment to shine and then faded into obscurity. The only reason she remained relevant is because she became Krillin's wife. Not that her being his wife served any greater purpose beyond making Krillin happy (and I admit that Krillin deserves his happiness). Unlike Chi Chi and Bulma who gave us useful child characters, Krillin's family is literally a waste of space in the Buu saga narrative. On Kami's lookout when she is arguably the strongest fighter there, it's Krillin, like the heroic guy he is, who goes out to protect everyone from Buu. It's a shame how the androids' unlimited energy just never comes up again. I wish Android 17 stuck around. At least he had a more entertaining personality.
These are my opinions and if you feel differently about 17 and 18 you do you. But 18 is just another DBZ female that ended with a sad whimper.
If I had to choose the best or most badass DBZ female, I would go with Videl or Bulma. Or even Chi Chi or Launch! 18 sure as heck does not deserve the title. I am happy for her and Krillin but that's about it.
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 5 months
Hi there, first time interacting with you but I'm an OG hater. I remember when TS started getting popular back when Fearless was new and I was in high school I could not see the appeal and I felt like I was the odd one out for disliking her. The more I saw of her the more annoyed I got. Ever since I became woke to narcissism, so many things made sense to me in retrospect and I finally realized I have been right since the beginning. I guess I just had a narcissism radar back then without really knowing what it was from having an abusive narcissistic family but not knowing it.
Anyway, this isn't directly related to disliking TS but this ask was triggered by you mentioning that TikTok bastardizes ideas and concepts. I saw a post on another anti blog (don't remember which) but it reblogged a Swiftie post that said some people aren't intelligent or thoughtful and that's okay. It irked me because I have been seeing sooooo many people post [blah blah blah Stupid Thing] and ending it with "and that's okay". It also comes off as condescending. I just feel like that is misused therapy language and used to excuse horrible behavior. Idk if anyone can understand but I thought I'd just shout this into the void and look for what comes back. -🌸
good for you for picking up her narcissistic behavior so fast! i’m sorry you faced so much narcissistic abuse but i’m so glad you’re still here.
i was really young when fearless came and wasn’t really cognizant of her until Red, which is when she entered pop (i think). my childhood ex best friend loved fearless and i remember being like “ew” but in retrospect of our friendship, it makes sense she was a swiftie (she loved to call people out, but when she was wrong she would start crying and say she felt ‘so guilty’ for doing that to said person. so centering herself when she was the person who caused harm).
oh i completely agree. i cant go on tiktok because even seeing the reposted stuff on instagram/tumblr pisses me off so much for the reasons you listed above. i call it “nobody did the required readings” for what they’re talking about. and it does feel condescending! it’s usually used to belittle/patronize people right? idk i can’t stand tiktok because of the way so much language is misused to the point where it is the exact opposite of its original meaning/intent. god i hate that app lol
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spock-smokes-weed · 1 year
Okay okay one plot point for my One Piece Sound AU is that Zoro is a kendo instructor, and works at the dojo he grew up going to as a kid. Meaning he still works with his sensei Shimotsuki
What I can piece together with Zoro’s early life (I’m still in early one piece idk anything about that gets added to his backstory later) his parents died before the events of the story, so in my AU im going to take that to mean his parents died in some kind of accident when he was a junior in high school.
Shimotsuki took Zoro under his wing cus their families were close and Shimotsuki knew what it was like to lose family. He gave Zoro a steady job at the dojo, set him up with an apartment, and supported his passion for Kendo past high school.
but shit goes south when Zoro finds out he's pregnant and has to notify his work. So again I'm in early one piece, idk anything really about this Shimotsuki guy or what's in his soul, what I do know is that he's a sexist who told his own daughter she couldn't fulfill her dreams. So I think Zoro telling him that he's pregnant with no plans to get married or mate, he'd get on a moral high horse about it. Idk if it's close to canon but I'm okay with bending the personalities of minor characters for my own stories
Essentially, he tells Zoro he would have to give up his dream of being a competitive Kendo fighter if he goes through with this, and that he wouldn't support Zoro and his "lifestyle" so he fires Zoro from working at the dojo. Pregnancy discrimination is a very real thing, and like small tourists towns aren't exactly known for being supportive of unwed pregnant ppl.
Zoro's side of the story is all about his ambition and masculinity, while he goes through something where he'll be judged and made vulnerable, and I think something like this would be a massive hit to his ego and emotional state. It makes him bottle up more, while also making him lean more on the straw hats and Sanji.
When Sanji learns Zoro is now jobless, he offers to let Zoro live with him. They have a whole posturing match about it until Zoro agrees, but ONLY until he finds another job. The plot, as one says, has thickened.
I would say there are about like two months in between when Zoro finds a new job, and I do have some plot ideas as to what will happen in that time span, but rn the important thing is that he gets a job with Mihawk. Who's a fencing instructor and another strong male omega. Mihawk takes Zoro under his wing and lets him use the fencing space to practice his kendo but also shows him some things in the ways of fencing. I like the idea of Zoro having a strong role model to look up to. Like this male omega who's comfortable in his skin and strength and would never let anyone walk over him. Also, someone who doesn't coddle him just because he's pregnant and doesn't assume he doesn't know his own physical limitations.
this is a sidenote tangent: but it really pisses me off when ppl assume people shouldn't be doing anything physical while pregnant. sure avoid stressers, but if you were incredibly physically active before getting pregnant, it's fine if you keep being that level of active, and decreasing as your pregnancy progresses. exercise is great, and it's not other people's place to tell someone what is too much, it's their body!!!! sure Zoro probably couldn't do all-out kendo matches, but there is probably a lot working out he still does, and I already know he's annoyed by people assuming he's doing something wrong by working out.
anyway post over. goodnight
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
For some reason, Shuttershocky is agreeing with someone who hates the twist that Margaret Nearl was never Infected. I'd ask Shutters about this, but I'm gunshy about being blocked.
First of all, I'm sure that Nearl didn't want to lie to anyone, and she may have even believed the lie herself at first. Then afterwards she feared telling the truth, in case the Chamber of Commerce use heavier-handed methods against her family to maintain the lie.
Second, [Maria Nearl] already hinted about the ruse when people on the street shared the rumor that Nearl's infection was a lie forced on her by the Chamber of Commerce as a desperate final attempt to get rid of her. Plus, Nearl is a launch operator, and her medical records (which would prove or disprove Infection) were never available even to the Doctor. Shining refused to share them, because she knew Nearl's situation. So this 'twist' seems to have been the plan from the beginning, not like the apparent retcon of the Lungmen Slum Genocide.
Dude just respond to Shutters or the OP of that post I don't particularly care to be used as someone else's platform
Anyway I don't necessarily disagree with anything you've said here, but I feel like you're missing the point a bit. The people involved in that post are less concerned with whether it was planned/foreshadowed effectively than they are with whether it was a good choice for the story in the first place. I'm less steamed about it than the people in that reblog chain (my biggest issue with Near Light's ending is actually the way Nearl left Rhodes Island to try to reform her hopelessly corrupt country from within like lmao lol I'm just going to pretend that didn't happen for the sake of my own sanity) but I'm not precisely happy with it either and I truly do get where they're coming from. Up to the reader to decide whether making Nearl not Infected was an appropriate choice to the storyline, I'm not going to pass judgment here, but what matters to me is the execution. I don't care if they've had it planned out from the beginning or if they threw it in at the end as long as they do it well. All that matters to me is the end product.
As for the purging of the slums like that's such a joke to me I'm gonna be real here, either have the balls to let Wei's status as a spineless little pussy who lives on a diet of Yanese boot leather have actual consequences for the people he rules or don't bother with it at all, letting the Rat King save the people of the slums just feels like a copout. Like yeah it pissed the protagonists off but Wei was willing to kill his own people to appease Yan and the narrative still tries to present him as Ch'en's Funny Father Figure it's so annoying
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