#anyway this will end terribly thank you ren
theminecraftbee · 1 month
ren being the one to say “scar is basically a little child, he needs to be entertained” and suggesting the permits be put up in a bet is REALLY FUNNY. ren and scar truly are each other’s narrative foils. only ren truly understands “if the bit is funny enough scar will join”. its only ren that also understands “you can trap people in a bit if you roleplay hard enough at them; if you play a part scar will join, just like me”. it’s only that ren doesn’t understand that scar will win when it’s funniest and ren loses when it’s funniest. all of this is to say: trying to trap scar into a volleyball-based gamble will 100% work scar will see agreeing to do a bet about the terracotta permits is the funniest option and go with it, but given the track record people have with “gambling against scar”, I suspect big t may be biting off more than they can chew,
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sitp-recs · 6 months
HI Liv, when you have time, could you please recommend fanfics that have the dynamic of Draco not knowing how to deal with his feelings for Harry, moving away from him and self-sabotaging due to his traumas and then him and Harry making it work?I went through something like this recently and I think reading something like this will bring me emotional comfort. Thank you anyway. Take care and have a good week.
Hello friend! I hope you’re taking good care of yourself 💗🫂 of course, I personally find these very comforting so hopefully they will work for you. Sending love! Happy holidays xo
Pride by @writcraft (E, 9k)
Harry and Draco form an unlikely friendship after the war. Even as the friendship becomes more, Draco is quick to push Harry away before they become too deeply involved. As Harry fights to save an iconic wizarding pub and gay safe-haven from being closed down, circumstances force Draco to confront his true feelings head on.
What Real Thing? by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (E, 12k)
They don’t cuddle, they don’t talk about their relationship (or lack thereof) and they certainly never fall asleep in each other’s arms.
Thickets, Anonymous (E, 17k)
When Draco returns to the UK after two decades of building his career as an internationally-renowned artist to look after his ailing, estranged father, he crosses paths with his former flame, Harry Potter, in the most unexpected way.
Unfinished Business by cupiscent (E, 20k)
Ten years after the War ends, Harry and Draco still haven't got their act together. But maybe it's not too late.
Better To Burn Than To Fade Away by Ren (E, 23k)
Harry Potter is a legend in the world of broomstick racing. He's won almost every cup, trophy, and bowl – except for the historical London-Nome which has been on hiatus for the past several years. Now the London-Nome is starting again, and Harry will do anything to pull off one last big win.
I Bet That You Look Good on the Dancefloor by birdsofshore (E, 28k)
Harry felt lit up from inside as soon as he entered the bar. There were blokes dancing together, their bodies close to one another, not keeping a wary distance as Harry was always careful to do when he was near another man. God, he wanted this – wanted it so much he could taste it, a metallic tang of heat and desire. He suspected nothing would ever be the same again – especially when he saw who else was in the room.
Make Me a Headline (I Want to Be That Bold) by @dictacontrion (E, 31k)
Draco never expected to see Harry doing that again. Especially with someone else, in a grainy photograph that's landed on his desk one Monday morning.
Potential Gravity by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 32k)
Draco is not good at Cards Against Humanity, but Harry’s not good at being human, so it all works out. Except for the explosions. And Harry’s inability to live when Draco’s not around.
All Roads by @korlaena (M, 36k)
Draco hates his job at the Prophet. He hates it even more when he’s assigned to write an article on Harry Potter, who left the country three years ago after their falling out. Draco doesn’t want to face the truth about himself, but he’s stuck between Harry and his duty, and he’s out of options.
(We'll Call This Fixer-Upper) Home by @phdmama (E, 52k)
Draco Malfoy hasn’t set foot on English soil in ten years. After the war, he fled to America, where he found himself in a community, and healed himself through following his heart into music. He’s now the lead singer and songwriter for an internationally known band, who have come back to headline the Wiltshire Music Festival. But as Draco is about to learn, his past isn’t as far away as he might have believed, and his future may hold more than he ever could have dreamed.
Super Rich Kids by @thusspoketrish (E, 81k)
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
Dwelling on Dreams by @the-sinking-ship (E, 135k)
Draco thought he could avoid Potter for the duration of his brief return to England. He’d stick to his schedule and be back home in Paris, where he belonged, in a few short months. No trouble at all. He had plenty to occupy him, what with the opening of the London branch of his successful apothecary, his innovative research, drinks with Pansy, a backlog of unread potions periodicals.
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betbeton · 2 years
hehehhehehehe hiii!!
not me thinking of another one😍💔👍 anyways, this is another character i also like a lot, i love his design and pretty much everything!! so I’ll get started (:
Can you do various btd & tpof characters with a S/O who has a Mello personality from Death Note??
thank you again my friend!!
Various TPoF & BtD × Mello S/O
18 + Minors DNI
·GN Reader·
· A/N - i did two for each but can write more if you want ·
Tumblr media
⪧ Derek Goffard
You two are a match made in every type of hell
Toxic, Volatile, and over all the worst type of dynamic
He's aggressive and domineering wanting control in every aspect of the word
While you're very similar refusing to bend to his will
It can lead to many, bloody, arguments
think broken plates and knives being thrown over the kitchen table
He threatens to take you on his desert holiday and hunt you down only to rip you apart, but he would probably never do that
no guarantees
You give him back a healthy dose of his own trash behaviour though with threats to end his life while he sleeps
⪧ Celia Lede
She doesn't want it
A mouse that talks back and has a strong personality
Bye-bye baby you wouldn't last a week
Unless you endeared yourself to her before you revealed your headstrong aggressive personality
and if you only directed your disobedience and anger towards people she wants to watch you harm
Then she'll gladly keep you in a cage and make you her little mouse ✨
⪧ Lawrence Oleander
You make him very nervous
He bends to your wants more often than not, but that wouldn't stop little seeds if anger and irritation from budding in his mind
Sure you two would be fine for a time, but he prefers when you are compliant and predictable
So you might lose a limb or four if you keep putting him on edge
In the end though it might be toxic and terrible, but you would probably have to tone down your aggressive and headstrong personality to stay alive with Lawrence and keep all your limbs
⪧ Ren Hana
Sure take the lead and be domineering he doesn't care
If you break him or make him your pet first
Otherwise he would bully and shock you until you're seeing stars or worse
He also isn't above dragging you down to the basement and using tools on you,
he always wanted to see how that nail gun works after all
Like Lawrence it's very thin ice if you don't get the jump on Ren,
but also like Derek even if you are the one leading the relationship it's still toxic and volatile
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tinkkles · 2 years
Bestie whats R*oyl (idk if I got that right I'm sure you know) cause I saw you getting attacked and I can't find what about??? Can you tell me what happened cause I'm so lost.
Reylo is the ship name for rey & kylo ren from the star wars sequel trilogy. Lots of people don't like it bc it's terribly written, and the writers have said they had no cohesive plan for the sequel trilogy so it was very unplanned and disorganized and Kylo spent half the movies literally torturing and emotionally abusing Rey and never really went through a redemption arc or sought her forgiveness at all he just like decided to kill some bad guys and then they kissed and he died. I love media!!
But the people that do like it are the most unhinged, hyperbolic, self-victimizing weirdos on the planet who insist they've done nothing wrong and "Let People Enjoy Things" etc., even though they will rabidly attack anybody who gives valid reasons why the ship sucks, including literal John Boyega and Daisy Ridley, stars of the sequel trilogy. And of course, since it was kind of hinted that John Boyega's character would be Rey's love interest in the first movie and then dropped (because again, unplanned and disorganized), their uhhhh "reactions" to "antis" is often steeped in racism directed at John Boyega's character Finn.
Anyways, one of the destiny writers (who is also the one who writes eris calling drifter "rat" despite knowing at this point that it has a history of being an anti-asian slur) is a self-professed Reylo and was tweeting yesterday about how a Reylo fanfiction that got published as a book is now also getting adapted into a movie in that self-victimizing Reylo way so I, foolishly, got annoyed and invoked the name Reylo in a negative light and it I guess ended up in the Reylo tag somehow despite me not tagging it as such? Thank u tumbly
Here's a good article :
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good-rwbyaus · 2 years
--Thank you for Avistar123 in the FS server for inspiring the hopeful part of this piece. And the rest of the FS server for convincing me to post this mostly incomplete piece. Aha. This is a pretty long one and one I'm proud of. Also Nuts n Dolts.
Premise is that Penny dies during the fight in Atlas, and Ruby uses the power of the Relic of Creation to create a Dream World where Penny lives and there were no Grimm or Wars - just a world where everyone could be happy - an ideal world.
However, as everyone lived their ideal life in the Dream World, time is still ticking in the Real World very slowly. Ruby happily lives in the Dream World with Penny, living a life she could never live. Others live in a similar way. However, Penny could not let Ruby suffer the same fate as herself - wasting her life away and dying for what she knew was just a dream.
She convinces Ruby with difficulty to let go. And with the Relic of Creation, Ruby ends the Dream she created.
The world returns back to the moment where the Dream World was created, Ruby the only one in her team remembering what she did. However, no one could've predicted the side effect. Two days had passed in the real world, and in that time, everyone who died in that span of time simply dropped dead when time reversed.
In the span of two days, a good quarter of civilization was lost.
And it was all her fault.
But she'll make it right. She had to make it right.
-mod lilac
End of the Beginning:
This world which she tried so hard to save had become her waking nightmare. Every night she closed her eyes, she could see the people they’ve lost, their gazes accusing her. They weren’t wrong. This terrible shell of what used to be a beautiful world was her fault. She’s failed everyone. She failed her team. She failed Penny.
“Jinn. How do I fix what I’ve done?” Ruby asked one night, everyone asleep except her.
The genie spoke quietly, her words inaudible to everyone but her in frozen time.
Ruby’s eyes opened in shock at the solution before narrowing in grim determination.
Yang, Weiss, Ren, Oscar, and Emerald all stood at attention. The lost members of Team Remnant were all too evident: Blake, Penny, and Nora. Blake had dropped dead among hundreds of thousands of others throughout the continent while Nora had passed on in her sleep from her injuries. Penny had died even before that during the battle for Atlas, sacrificing herself to save Ruby who had expended too much of her powers to take down the whale.
Most people in the continent thought the sudden deaths that cleared out whole villages was a new type of Grimm that killed invisibly, possibly as punishment for Ruby’s declared exposure of and resistance against Salem. Ruby half-laughed half-cried when she heard the rumors. They were blindly firing accusations, yet they still got the right person anyway.
The real story was even more unbelievable – only remotely plausible due to Salem’s desperate pleas and vicious threats for the Staff of Creation - threats which turned the rest of Remnant against them.
Somehow the staff created an illusory world where everyone’s desires came true, but it came at the expense of the real world, which slowly continued to pass while they were all stuck in the illusion. By the time the illusion ended (Ruby didn’t explain clearly on what caused that), two days had passed before reality had reset to the moment where the Staff was used. Whoever had died in those two days just dropped dead when time reset.
The infirm, the hospitalized, most of Mantle who were exposed to frigid temperatures, a good portion of Vacuo within the desert, nearly all of Vale amidst Grimm just dropped dead. Blake and Nora were also among the victims. Taiyang and the professors in Vale had also died like the rest. The resulting Grimm attacks became all the more worse with the sudden deaths of so many.
“Why would she do that?!” Yang said as she shook her head. She knew the events affected Ruby quite badly – Ruby admitted that she used the Staff of Creation to try and bring back Penny. Ever since the team acquired the power of the Summer Maiden and retrieved the Relic of Destruction, Ruby had been very quiet. A little part of her blamed her for what happened to Blake, but she knew her sister – she knew she didn’t mean for all this to happen.
“She just clocked me in the face, said she was going to make things right, and stole the Relic of Destruction. And then she ran off with her Semblance!”
“Where’s she going to run to?” Ren said carefully. Oscar stiffened visibly. “Oscar?” Weiss questioned. “I told her where the true location of the Vault of the Fall Maiden is... She has the other relics. She has to be going there. ” Oscar whispered.
Cinder sacrificed her humanity for power and freedom. And for what? Now she was at the mercy of the one she hated so much. How could a girl who knew nothing of suffering best her?
She’d been winning.
They’ve been winning due to her prowess and to a lesser degree Neo’s illusions. Even the girl’s everpresent scythe had been mangled into molten slag. She and Neo had wounded Ruby severely, forcing the other girl to flee into the forest. Only she had the ability to keep up with the Huntress’s speed and the determination to make sure that the little brat didn’t get away. They crossed kilometers of distance before it looked like Ruby ran out of steam, collapsing on a flat plateau with her aura spent.
She approached her and gloated, ready to repay the humiliation she’d received from the Huntress a hundred times over.
And then she learned that the Silver Eyes didn’t need Aura to activate.
She had been blasted by silver light, every inch of her body in thunderous agony. Spasming and twitching and burnt black and red, her entire body now refused to move. Her aura has long since been burned away by the girl’s ploy. Even her Maiden powers refused to activate, such was the damage inflicted to her body that she was now at this girl’s mercy.
A young girl who now stood before her with a sword, the Relic of Destruction, in her hands.
She wanted to say something spiteful. A plea. An insult. She can’t accept this!
“I hope you’ll make better decisions the next time around,” the Huntress said.
Was the brat going to spare h-?
The cold steel plunged into her chest.
As soon as Ruby had stepped foot in the Vault of the Fall Maiden, a familiar figure popped up.
It was her, only as a young child, draped in a red cloak while wearing a crown on her head – the Relic of Choice.
“Welcome,” the spirit of the Relic of Choice said with a patient smile on her face. “I see you’re determined to see this through.”
The young child that looked so much like her lifted the crown off her head and placed it into her hand, “There’s not much future left past this point. I hope you can find the ending you seek.”
“Wait, why do you look like me?” Ruby yelled belatedly as the Vault turned dark around her and the figure before her faded into the shadows.
“You’ll know when you see your choice through.”
She’d plotted for centuries, boasted millions of years of experience, commanded an army that could bring the world to ruin…and she still couldn’t beat this wet-behind-the-ears girl who had managed to achieve what she and Ozma failed to obtain – godhood. She couldn’t help but feel indignant at the thought as the girl literally shined with the four Relics revolving around her, donning a white dress more suitable for a grand wedding than a battle.
She couldn’t even think about resisting – such was the difference between a god and a mortal. One that she’s tried and cross, only to be left alone for billions of years as the gods exterminated all, and life tried to evolve to become what it was like before. She couldn’t live like that again.
“Why? We were all happy, Ruby Rose! And you took it all away!” Salem accused as she recalled her four children and the love she found in that wonderful illusory world, “You are not worthy to be a god! You’re no better than the gods that left this world behind!”
“I know,” Ruby said as she wielded the Relic of Destruction in her hand, “I’m the last person who should be a god. I cheated my way into it. Betrayed the trust of my friends to get the Relics and to obtain the final piece.” Her head nudged upwards towards the crown on her head.
“Why couldn’t you have let us all be happy? Even your friends? Your family?” Salem desperately asked, hoping that the girl, now goddess, would see reason. They didn’t need this dead world. Why exist here when happiness was a simple wave away?
“Because she couldn’t bear to see this world – the world she loved so much – be destroyed,” Ruby stared directly at Salem with pain and hollowness, “I wanted to be happy too.”
For a moment, Salem didn’t see a goddess but a young girl pining for the one she lost, a girl who would sacrifice everything for that love. She saw herself in those hollow eyes, back when Ozma saved her from that tower and when Ozma left her through sickness.
Her body tensed in panic as her eyes saw the new deity point the sword at her chest. A dark light suddenly emerged from within her and poured straight into the sword. The dark veins that crossed against her skin receded against her face – the desires for destruction, the whispers inside her head that’ve been present since she dove into the Grimm pool, vanished into nothing, leaving her mind oddly blank and empty for once.
“What did you do?” Salem said shocked, looking at her hands and the faint yellow in her previous white locks. “I can’t get rid of your immortality as I can’t undo another god’s work,” Ruby said as she looked at the sword in her hand, “But for something you’ve done to yourself, I can reverse – and make it persist after I do what I’m about to do.”
The goddess pointed the Relic of Destruction at herself, the tip against the white fabric on her chest.
“What are you-“ Salem rose a hand as if to stop her before she stopped herself. Why did she do that? Wasn’t Ruby her enemy? She couldn’t help but feel something in her chest, a strange feeling she’d forgotten after all the millenia passing alone.
“I thought about it a lot,” Ruby said casually, “What I would erase so that this timeline no longer existed.” The girl said guiltlessly without aggression or hate, “I first thought about you. About how good it would be if you never existed. No more fighting in the dark. No more war guided by a hidden hand."
"But the Grimm will forever exist even without you. But more importantly, by erasing you, I would likely guarantee that she would never come to existence.”
It didn’t take a genius to realize who Ruby was talking about. The robot girl with a soul. It was part of her plot to destroy her, to break the hope of Remnant.
But Ruby only came back stronger and more galvanized, and now the girl was here with the winning hand.
“The answer was simple,” Ruby smiled, “Maybe if Ruby Rose didn’t exist. Perhaps everyone can be happy… even you. Maybe Penny wouldn’t need to sacrifice herself for someone who’s just ruined more lives than saved – someone who’s unworthy of being the Goddess of the Hunt.”
Salem couldn’t quite figure out what to say in response to that, and in a way, she didn’t need to because, without fanfare, Ruby simply said.
“Well, I guess that’s all.”
She plunged the Relic of Destruction into her chest.
The world ended.
Epilogue 1:: Qrow::
Life was going great for Qrow Branwen.
He had finally gotten a handle on his Semblance, had a cute niece and nephew, was the most eligible bachelor in Remnant, and was even slated to become a professor at Beacon. He wanted to go to Patch and tell everyone the great news, except…he didn’t really like going to Patch.
In particular, he didn’t like to visit the Roses/Xiao Longs/Branwens home. It’s not that he didn’t like their company – his niece and nephew were the greatest. Summer always cooked up a storm when he came to visit. He could rib Tai about marrying both his teammates and get in a good old game of bragging going. It was those times that even made being around his sister almost bearable.
But whenever everyone came to greet him... Tai with his brotherly affection, Summer’s sincerity, Rory’s politeness, Yang’s excited babbling, and Raven’s sarcasm...
He couldn’t help but feel there should be something else. Like someone hanging off his arm with more excitability and enthusiasm than everyone in the family combined. Maybe screaming "did ya miss me? did ya miss me?" right in his ear.
That feeling of loss strikes him right in the heart every time.
And he’d have to excuse himself lest everyone see him cry for what seemed like nothing at all.
Epilogue 2: Summer and Salem
It’s been years since she’s been able to think so clearly. The whispers of destruction and nihilism in her head seemed to fade away every so often. She almost didn’t want to destroy Humanity anymore, but she’d been running on momentum for the past couple millions of years, and it’s hard to think of living a life filled with anything else. Perhaps the effects of the Grimm pool weren’t permanent after all; even now, she could feel her connection with the Grimm become more tenuous – weaker.
Taking another dip into the pool would probably solve the issue, but she’d leave that for another time. It’s unusual for her to have such lucidity, and she’d like to enjoy it for on-
She felt a blade slip into the back of her head, followed by a sudden explosion of pain. She didn't even have the chance to scream before she was rent to dust.
She thought no more.
Summer Rose couldn’t quite understand it. Why did the Queen of all Grimm spare her?
She killed Salem. Found an opening and took it. Expended all of her aura for a single attack that would disintegrate her to ash.
And the Grimm’s master reformed from the ash that she had become, screaming in agony and rage all the while. She was sure she was going to die that day. The world around her lit up with hundreds and thousands of brilliantly colored lances, a beautiful power that could only be the magic that Ozpin spoke of.
But Salem didn’t. Just as the lights were about to descend upon her, they disappeared entirely, and Salem just had a strange look on her face, trembling.
In the end, Salem just gave her an angry, frightened? look and fled, leaving her behind.
But why?
She should’ve annihilated that woman. Summer Rose had been a thorn in her side ever since she joined Ozpin’s Circle. The fact she was able to kill her was proof of her threat level.
And she still let her go.
She couldn’t forget that sensation she felt when she charged up her magic, ready to smite that thorn in her side after so long.
A pair of silver eyes staring from on high and the feeling of being locked down by a force that eclipsed her own.
It promised pain.
It promised punishment.
Should she harm a single hair of that woman’s head, it promised suffering beyond anything the likes she could possibly imagine.
It was like being in front of one of the Brothers Grimm again, except even more so.
She let that woman go, and the feeling disappeared like it never even happened.
But she would remember this moment for eternity. …With this newfound clarity she now seems to have, maybe it was time for her to reconsider what she’s been doing with her immortal life.
Epilogue :: Penny – 1 :
There was a girl in her dreams. Sometimes she wore white and carried a bow. Sometimes she wore red and carried a scythe. But somehow Penny knew that she was the same girl.
The girl seemed so familiar like a long lost memory deep within a motor servo, not meant to be there but still there all the same. Sometimes she felt like that she was on the cusp of remembering who this familiar face was, but then the girl would reappear and shake her head, and she would just forget... as if the other girl didn’t want to be remembered or recalled – as if she were content just watching her live her life.
Whenever she saw the other girl, Penny could feel this burning, pulsing feeling inside her chest – something that was more than just pneumatics and electronics. Something that she dared to even call love…because she just knew. She tried using the CCT to figure out who the mysterious girl was, but the closest match was a Summer Rose who was far too old to be a match – and her kids didn’t look like Ruby at all.
Epilogue :: Willow :
It all started from a dream – a vision – where her loving family was estranged. Winter never came home after she went to the Military. Weiss ran away to Vale because staying at the mansion was a nightmare. Whitley turned into a cold, cruel child under the guidance of her husband. And Jacques… the man she loved turned into a monster beyond recognition. Initially she didn’t believe the dream - dismissed it as nervousness from just having her third child and being overly anxious that something was going to go wrong.
Except she continued having dreams. All of them were about Jacques, her loving husband…except he didn’t seem so loving in those. A disdainful sniff about her opinion that she would’ve never noticed if she paid less attention or a roll of his eyes about her complaints that he’s never there for his daughters. Dreams that inevitably came true. And as each one came true, that dream where her family fractures into pieces came to mind - the dream that gave her sleepless nights on her empty bed with no one to comfort her.
It all came to a head when Weiss came back from her recital complaining about her dad not being there once more. When Jacques arrived home, she spoke up to try and convince him to come the next time. And that’s when Jacques dropped his bombshell – that he never loved her, that everything was to get control of the Schnee Dust Company and that he no longer had to hide it anymore. Fear and indignation filled her, but Jacques’s true feelings weren’t as much as a surprise anymore. It felt now like the dreams were preparing her for this moment where she had to choose… take her kids away from the monster her husband would become but have nothing to their name or let her kids grow in wealth but be forced to endure her husband’s abuse.
It’s clear from the dream that she tried the latter.
She won’t fail them now.
“I want a divorce, Jacques.”
“You dare?! I’m the one in control. You are just my trophy!”
She felt the sting on her cheek, the man that used to be her husband had his hand raised with a gloating sensation on his face. As if he felt like she didn’t learn her lesson, he raised his arm to strike her again.
“No!” her youngest daughter tried to step in front of her, but she just pushed her behind her back. She didn’t want Weiss to get hit.
“You dare get in my way?!” Jacques yelled as he tried to kick at Weiss – or tried to.
The scroll in Jacques’s pocket exploded, setting his pants on fire. Screaming, he dropped to the ground and rolled.
Distracted as he was by being on fire, Willow found the nerve to finally say, “We’re leaving, Jacques. Wait to hear from my lawyers.”
Gathering her kids, she left the Schnee Mansion for the last time.
She got that divorce. Other than her family mansion which she sold, she didn’t get anything else – became a small-time programmer for Atlas, which paid enough for a small townhome down at Mantle.
Jacques took the company naturally, but things didn’t work out as he intended. The mines he controlled all over Remnant, which should’ve supplied enough Dust to last for decades, seemed to have dried up entirely, and the Atlasian Government seemed like it was going to take control of the Schne-err… Gele Dust Company any time now because of how badly in the red they are. Meanwhile, her youngest daughter has been having unprecedented success in the music industry, finding inter-Kingdom fame in almost a year's time. Any factor that could go smoothly did go smoothly. Meanwhile, those that plotted against Weiss seemed to inevitably end up in some sort of trouble, whether it’s horrible weather during their concerts or their instruments and technology failing to work or a revealed scandal from an accidentally-on webcam here or there.
What really took the cake was when some people tried kidnapping her daughter and its aftermath. The men who kidnapped Weiss begged to be taken into custody and admitted that it was Jacques who hired them to kidnap her child and “convince” her to tell tales of abuse about her mom so that he could get custody. Though the kidnappers kept mum about what happened to themselves, the severe burns and broken bones that all of them sported as well as the destroyed scrolls spoke a lot about what happened to them.
This combined with her dreams and what happened when Jacques tried to lay a hand on Weiss, Willow was finally convinced.
An angel was protecting her youngest daughter.
Epilogue :: This Will Be The Day:
And silently but surely, time fell upon the moment when the end of one world was decided.
From all over Remnant, certain people lifted their heads startled just as a pair of eyes that had been watching them all this time finally closed.
“Ruby,” said Yang and Blake at the same time, eyes wide. They were about to eat lunch together when the memories of another life were dredged up. A young girl with a scythe, dressed with a red cloak, who fought by their side.
“Sis…” Yang choked out, Blake holding onto her and quietly crying for the one member of team RWBY that never came back with them.
“Ahhhh!” Roman screamed as he nearly fell over from his swivel chair, plotting the next heist. “Little Red? What I became griffon shit?!”
Neo stared at her mentor for a moment, eyes tearing as the memories of a previous world came over her. Her arms opened wide.
“Wait wait! NO HUGS. I HAVE A REPUTATION TO MAINTAIN,” Roman complained before the young girl wrapped his arms around his waist, silently sobbing in his stomach.
“Okay one hug,” he added before he tapped his foot for several seconds with no sign of Neo letting go, “You’re taking too long! ...Okay fine! Hug as long as you want then,” Roman threw up his arms in defeat before awkwardly patting Neo’s head.
“Ruby…” Weiss wiped her red eyes as she stared outside the window and back to the empty composing board. She wrote the composition’s title “Red Like Roses.”
“Ruby,” Cinder snarled before she softened her tone, “Ruby…” She knew what her life was supposed to be like, neglected and tortured by her stepsisters and stepmother, only to be ultimately betrayed by her mentor. But that didn’t happen. The first couple of times the shock necklace was used on her in the Gilded Unicorn, a young redhead hanging out with a young boy and his family – tourists - had immediately turned towards her and literally yanked the shock necklace off her neck. The fact the girl looked worse than she did when getting zapped, with lightning crackling in her hair and eyes, made everyone in the Gilded Unicorn, a place for cultured, high-end folk, to panic about their reputations.
Pretty soon, it was her stepmother and stepsisters heading off to jail, and she was being sponsored by Ren’s family like Nora was with Nora trying to convince her about the wonders of pancakes.
It's been several years since that day.
Ren and Nora quietly whispered “Ruby” as well before staring at Cinder.
“I…I…” Cinder stuttered, not knowing what to say at the ones who were previously her enemies.
Nora smirked, “Pfft! If you haven’t cooked me alive for making the HRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sounds by now, I don’t think we have anything to be afraid of.”
Cinder stared at the other girl who just smirked.
“HRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR” Nora growled out her poor impression of a sloth.
“Ha..shut up!” she couldn’t help the half-laugh half-cry that escaped her lips, punctuating her comment with a pillow toss into Nora’s face. The mirth soon left her as she turned to a pensive Ren who met her gaze and smiled softly.
“What we remember doesn’t matter. We’re different people now,” Ren said with a smile and shrug, “To us, you’re still Cinder - can’t decide on a badass last name after a couple years.”
Cinder snorted with that remark. “And you are still a smartass.”
“OKAY. OKAY GROUP HUG,” Nora screamed as she gathered Ren with one arm and grabbed at Cinder with the other.
“Ruby,” Salem rose her head to the skies. That feeling from before, when she was about to smited with the wrath of a god.
That must’ve been her.
Remnant now has a goddess, a Goddess of the Hunt. She once again glanced at her veinless skin and blonde hair in the waters of the oasis. She’d been exploring the ruins of Vacuo with the expedition she joined, trying to find something new to enjoy. And well…
“Salem, dear! We found it just like you said where it would be. A dedication to one of the Vacuoian kings! We’re relying on you for the translation.”
“Well…It’s nice to be needed, Doctor Oobleck.”
“Please call me Bart,” Bartholomew said before he offered a hand to her, “Maybe we can discuss the translation of the dedication and expand our knowledge…perhaps over a cup of coffee?”
She paused stunned before smiling, taking the offered hand, “It’ll be my pleasure.”
“I love you,” Penny said quietly as she stared into Remnant’s broken moon from the heights of Atlas. That feeling she’s felt, the longing – it was love. A love born from years living with each other in that illusory world.
She’ll find a way to see Ruby.
They’ll meet again one day.
That’s a promise.
Epilogue :: Penny :: Last:
The Atlas project has been decommissioned, the floating city touching land after decades of floating. Some said that the city no longer had the Dust needed to keep it afloat while others said the government found it a horrible waste of resources. Only she knew the truth – that the Relic of Creation was to be repurposed for another project, one that has yet to be decided. Penny could think of a few uses for a Relic, its powers awesome and terrible at the same time, but her heart only could think of one.
She discovered the truth of Ruby’s existence from Salem herself. Or at least the blonde, human-looking version of Salem who was apparently dating one of Beacon’s ex-teachers.
Ironwood had a lot of words to say about that – how Salem couldn’t be trusted, that Doctor Oobleck was crazy for planning to marrying her even after she told him her past. What’s hilarious though was that she spotted Professor Ozpin congratulating Dr. Oobleck on his marriage even though he’s supposed to be the weird reincarnating ex-husband. In any case, Salem had made the process of decommissioning Atlas easier by providing a protective zone with her magic - though Ironwood still blamed her for crimes both past and future.
It pretty much ticked off Salem enough that she finally used the taboo words, “So Ironwood, shot any kids lately?”
Yeah their relationship still needs work. In any case, Salem told her about Ruby and of a way to communicate with her. When she asked why Salem was telling her this, Salem gave her a convincing reason why.
“I owe a lot to Ruby,” she glanced over at a Dr. Oobleck sleeping on his chair, having passed out with a book in hands, with a kind smile, “The least I can do is help you, the one she fought so hard for.”
And now she was holding the Staff of Creation about to let a goddess once again descend onto Remnant.
Not in her entirety, just the part that represented how she was before – her humanity.
Time paused, even the rain outside stopped moving. Everything stopped except for her.
Petals appearing from thin air coalesced into a single figure, adorned with the cloak and clothes she remembered her in last. Her best friend – her love – her wife – suddenly collapsed, and she caught her before she fell. Silver eyes fluttered cautiously before confusion and then panic set hold.
“Penny…” Ruby started to breathe hastily as her wide eyes darted around at the world she sacrificed herself for, “I-can’t-be-here-I’ll-ruin-everything-again-you-have-to-send-me-back-I-can’t.” She trembled and began babbling about her failures in the past. About how she betrayed everyone’s trust to acquire the relics. How she nearly killed everyone with the Relic of Creation. How she got Penny herself killed. How the world worked better without her than with her.
Penny gripped the other girl tightly in a hug, feeling the other girl shake in her grip.
How long had Ruby been holding onto this guilt? This burden?
“It’s okay Ruby. You made things right. I’m here, right?” Penny quietly spoke, “Everyone’s okay. You saved everyone. You, most of all, deserve to live in the world you created.”
“I can’t, Penny. I might ruin everything again,” Ruby glanced at the Staff of Creation before burying her head into her shoulder, “You have to let me go.”
“Do you really want that, Ruby?” Penny quietly replied.
“No, but-“
“Then stay,” Penny pleaded, “I trust you. So please take a chance on yourself.”
“I can’-“
“I promise you that if this world has room for a robot girl, then it definitely has enough room for a goddess,” she said with a playful smirk, “even if she is a bit of a dork.”
Despite herself, Ruby let out a choked laugh amidst her tears, “This dork is your wife!”
“Don’t I know it,” Penny laughed before smiling peacefully and staring into her eyes, “Ruby. I’m looking forward to a future with you...”
“It’s all I ever wanted,” Penny finished.
“…It’s all I ever wanted too,” Ruby quietly replied, silver eyes closing shut before opening again with renewed resolve.
It was hard to say who moved first, but as Ruby lifted with her toes and Penny leaned forward, their lips met softly in a kiss.
A promise that needed no words – a pledge to always be together.
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shera-dnd · 2 years
Damn my first fic in... you know what I'm not gonna think about it. Stressing over that stuff is how I ended up not writing in the first place.
ANYWAYS who wants to see Ruby being the most awkward useless lesbian ever? Bonus points: It's Ruby Branwen from "The Raven's Nest" and it's her first time interacting with cute girls outside her tribe.
Here for anyone who loves Ruby x Weiss x Emerald, whatever their ship name is
Ruby made a mistake.
Not in saving her family.
Not even in abandoning the tribe to follow Yang.
But - somewhere along the line - she’d made a terrible mistake.
“So Yang has a sister?” asked a very pretty girl with green hair.
“Yup,” Weiss - the other pretty girl she helped save - answered.
“Are you sure?” asked a third girl with bright orange hair, “because she doesn’t look like Yang.”
And that’s how Ruby found herself caught between not one, not two, but three beautiful ladies who were all paying close attention to her..
Three girls who all happened to be friends with her older sister, an older sister that was not helping in the slightest! 
In fact, she was just watching and giggling as Ruby threatened to combust into a pile of ashes.
Oh, why didn’t Raven teach her how to deal with situations like these? 
It was all how to maintain weapons, how to set up and dismantle a camp, how to cut a man in half, never how to talk to cute girls .
And right now Ruby really needed to know that.
“Uh, it’s half sister actually,” she corrected, her voice barely more than a squeak.
“Oh, so same mom, but different dads?” the red haired girl questioned.
“Yes. Well… kinda?” Ruby tried, she really tried, “I mean one of my moms is also Yang’s mom, but Yang also has a dad. Technically I was gonna have a dad too, but then mine and Yang’s mutual mom broke up from the polycule, and she didn’t realize she was pregnant, and… uh it’s complicated.”
They all just stared at her for a while, and Ruby worried she had said something wrong. Then the green haired girl broke the silence.
“And here I thought your family was complicated,” she joked, nudging Weiss with her elbow.
“Emerald!” Weiss shouted back, slapping Emerald’s arm.
“What?” Emerald playfully asked, “it’s not like anyone on this team has healthy family relationships. She’s gonna fit right in.”
“There’s Jaune,” the red haired girl offered, “his family sounds pretty nice.”
“And that’s why he’s such a bad huntsman, Nora,” Emerald argued, “everyone knows all the good huntsmen have trauma.”
Ruby couldn’t help but giggle. 
The dark humor reminded her of the nights telling stories around the bonfire. Being a bandit didn’t make for all that many happy stories, but they had all learned to make the most of the sad ones too.
Emerald smiled, “see? The new girl gets me.”
And just like that she was the focus of the conversation again. All eyes were on her and she wondered if it would be too rude to petal burst far far away from this room.
“Aww look at her,” Nora cooed, “she’s all blushy. Isn’t she cute?”
This was a mistake.
“Nora!” Weiss shouted, “don’t embarrass her!”
“Come on, it’s just a little teasing,” Nora giggled, “let me have fun.”
“Can’t you go have fun with Ren and Jaune or something?” Emerald argued, “I think I saw Ren starting to make dinner.”
That managed to get Nora’s attention away from poor Ruby, sending her off to the kitchen to harass her… boyfriend? Partner? 
Ruby wasn’t sure. 
Regardless, she was safe now.
She let out a tired sigh and turned back to face her savior, “thanks for that.”
“Hey, you saved my girlfriend’s life,” Emerald replied with a smile and a wink, “the least I can do is save you from Nora.”
“W-Wait, you two are dating?” Ruby stammered.
Oh no. 
Oh no, this got even more awkward for her.
“What can I say?” Emerald joked, hooking an arm around Weiss’s waist and pulling her close, “I couldn’t help but steal the Schnee family’s most prized possession.”
“You are horrible,” Weiss complained, though she leaned close to her anyways, “besides, I’m no longer the heiress, remember?”
“Hmm,” Emerald hummed, seeming to ponder for a moment, “how old was your brother again?”
“Em, no!” there came another shout from Weiss, before she elbowed Emerald in the stomach.
“Hey, I was joking,” Emerald strained, “you know you’re the most precious thing to me, title or no title.”
“Of course,” Weiss answered, unconvinced.
“I mean it,” Emerald insisted, and to prove her point she planted a kiss on Weiss’s cheek, then another, and another, and a few more just to make sure.
Ruby, who had been silently watching this entire time, just slowly turned her gaze away. Her cheeks burned at the sight, and at the thought of what it would feel like to be in the middle of all those kisses.
“You’re embarrassing her again,” Weiss complained.
Ruby made a little squeak as the attention was brought back to her once more.
“Maybe it’s all part of my plan to steal her too,” Emerald joked, or at least Ruby thought she was joking. 
Not like she’d mind if she was speaking the truth or anything.
“Is that so?” Weiss answered, scratching her chin and thinking for a moment, “I guess she did save my life and Yang’s too, so the least we can do is thank her properly.”
Oh that was it. 
Ruby was not gonna survive Yang’s teammates.
“Alright, alright, spare the girl,” Yang intervened, moving in between the couple and Ruby. 
Thank goodness for sisterly instincts.
“We were just having fun,” Emerald argued.
“Didn’t you tell me I need to loosen up a little?” Weiss added, happy to add to her girlfriend’s mischief.
“I’m glad you’re having fun, but I think we need to set some ground rules here,” Yang insisted, “rule number one, no inducting my little sister into a polycule!”
“What? Why not!?”
And so the three of them turned to face her. Emerald in absolute delight, Weiss in subdued embarrassment, and Yang and utter and total disbelief.
Oh gods. 
She said that out loud. 
Ruby actually said that out loud.
Before anyone could say another word she was gone, swallowed by a cloud of petals, and flung far far away from there.
Ruby had truly made a terrible mistake.
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8054yamato · 5 months
I was thinking about it and maybe I should start posting videos about me just rambling or venting. I can talk about whatever I want, even the most trivial topics, or do whatever I want. If I am, it will probably be around sometime March, maybe later.
Should I invest in a mic? My laptop mic sucks and I know that for a fact. The camera seems decent, but maybe my phone might be better. Then again, I dislike using my phone as a camera because it will start falling. Plus I will not like the angle since I do not have anything to make it stand at a good height. Do I even need to show my face?
That is a good question. Should I show my face? I do not want to because I want to remain anonymous. If my identity gets leaked somehow, I am ghosting everybody, including my family. The ghosting part will already happen by the time I enlist into the army, but if I happen to get leaked, I will probably drop out, enlist, and ghost everybody immediately. Hopefully I am able to get a GED during my service.
I can probably just do torso cam, but that would be hella weird. I do not know. I definitely would like to start speaking my thoughts but without showing my face. If I do these types of videos, I want it raw. No cuts, no edits, just publishing the video exactly how it was recorded. I will still be on Tumblr because there are days where I do not feel like talking at all.
I have been getting into bullet hell type games recently so I might start uploading some gameplay of that too. I am really new and barely play so I will be terrible haha. The first and only Touhou game I played for a little bit was a fan game on Steam because apparently the originals you would need to have so much preparations. I am not about to do all that unless I become a complete slave to it. Anyways, that fan game had a decent soundtrack and looked like a Touhou game. I feel like a big part of Touhou are their music. I listen to some of it even though I have not played the original games. That is how iconic it is.
I recently made a YouTube account to publish the snippet there as well. I am wondering if I should publish my music and blogs/gameplay in the same channel. I just might because I am lazy.
Ren Ashikaga - YouTube
^^^ Click on that if you want to check out my channel.
I want to get into the specifics on what I want to do with my YouTube channel. I want to showcase some hobbies, my notebooks, vent/rant/ramble, act philosophical, choreographies, Touhou gameplay, music, how my day or week went, cool items, and occasional mukbangs. Documenting my life before I either ghost everybody or end up dead would be interesting.
To the few people who somehow went through all my blogs: what are you doing? Thank you though. You got a glimpse of someone else's life from that very person. That is something exceedingly rare. I do not think you will find many online who will consistently blog with detail, but who knows? I hope you learn something from myself. I hope that lesson is to not become like me. I am okay and used to being alone.
Permanently being inside my room is something I have come into terms with. I have not gone to school this entire month of January so far. It is not a good thing though, but I acknowledge the entirety of my situation. Go explore the world outside. I promise you, if you are alone for so long, you do nothing but think.
Many people who live the "chronically online lifestyle" make no money and have to rely on their parents. Not saying that I aspire to be that, matter fact, I am working towards making money online to support my lifestyle. In that realm, you are, statistically, going to be reliant on someone else. When that happens, you will lose all sense of logical reasoning and will end up like the channers and redditors. You will have problems differing from right and wrong.
All the chronically online channers and redditors are fucking losers. They are gross, icky, yucky. They all try to sound smart and they may be educated/smart in certain fields of their interest, but they are far from likable people. They generally do not have proper hygiene, consume energy drinks 24/7, and they live off of someone else's support even though they are 30.
Yesterday, I have seen a few threads of these people openly admitting to being a pedophile, bashing on any positive people they see, and ranting about how their parents do not give them enough support. They even start targeting minors on social media. Makes my blood boil.
Anyways, I just wanted to talk about my plans for social media in the future.
I just Googled the requirements to enlist just now. It says I need to be a high school graduate. I will probably need to homeschool because there is no way I can make up enough credits to be able to graduate. Hopefully it is not too late for homeschooling.
I have rambled on too long. I hope all is well and stay pessimistic. Bye.
0 notes
stitchthesewords · 2 years
Have I already screamed at you on discord? Yes, yes I have. Will that stop me from screaming here, too? No, no it shall not. Anyway. AAAAAAAAAAA??? YOU UPDATED TWO CHAPTERS WHILE I WAS AT WORK AND NOW I GOT TO READ THEM <3
Grian's guilt about killing someone. Haha moral dilemma <3
Grian looking at the sun, rookie mistake honey. It's okay, tho, we all do it once <3 ALSO SHOPPING TRIP SHOPPING TRIP YESSSS "you look terrible in Mumbo's clothes" FAMOUS LAST WORDS OF A FOOL. A FOOL. Also just. Grian running into Scar multiple times. Why do I get the feeling it's a good thing Mumbo wasn't there LMAO
The skirt. <3 That is all.
Scar making the way to his personal spaces the most difficult to reach place as possible, hjfglksdghjkfdkl magic and wings will come in handy lmao-
Mumbo popping in just to find Grian asleep LMAO he doesn't trust the birb </3 yet. Hmm hmmmm-
May I just reiterate that I LOVE that you gave Scar a tree house. A literal tree house. I love it <3 Season 9 references my beloved <3 AND THE VAULT. MUMBO IS BUILDING THE VAULT. HE'S GONNA MOVE INTO THE VAULT AND THEY'RE BOTH GONNA FEEL BETTER BECAUSE HE'LL BE SAFE AND STILL HAVE ACCESS TO SCAR"S TREE I'M-
Ren my beloved. That is all. <3
Hmhmm "hasn't done anything because it hasn't hurt him yet" I wonder if that's foRESHADOWING HUH. Also I didn't mention this before but I love the reference to the king's claims LMAO-
HJFDLKKJFSDJKFSJK the feeding scene, I still LOVE the imagery of that anjflkdsfghjds boYS YOU'RE IN LOVE "too intimate and enticing" Mumbo you are literally two fangs away from kissing Scar's palm you are knEELING in front of him hOLDING HIS HAND and I'm so, they're so hhh <3 and the fact they've done this SO MANY TIMES I'M SO I'm so normal about this I am just. So normal <3 Mildly wrecked but so normal <3
LMAO Mumbo is so worried I love them- I s2g I'm just so hjfjkdjkdf and I FORGOT TO MENTION HOW Scar just changed his desk into a chair for Mumbo and Mumbo didn't even BLINK I am. Hhhh OOOO SCAR rejuvenating his magic I see I see 👀👀
Anyway of course amazing way to end my night thank you so much for writing <3 AND GOOD LUCK ON THE FRIENDS' GIFTSSSS
ASDFGHJK Discord is discord and the tumblr Askbox is in another dimENSION-
I WROTE 5K TODAY I AM - Hnngh its a good thing im taking a break EVEN IF i wanna keep writing
Cant wait to get Grian alone with his thoughts and feelings when he isnt exhausted TBFH that man is going THROUGH IT you dont even KNOW
I want you to know the E N T I R E time I was writing that I kept thinking about Grian getting ditracted by fairy lights in midnight like 'well what is the sun if not a giant, eye damaging fairy light' AND SHOPPING TRIP YES I mightve. maybe. made myself fall in love w my shopping district im. WHERE IS MY HAND TAILORED CLOTHING. Also like. Scar you FOOL! YOU NUMSKULL!!! I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU RUE THE DAY YOU LITTLE ELVEN MAN its fine im fine we're fine asdfghj Also YES bc what is bumping into someone if not an excuse to try to pickpocket them if you're. ya know. a paranoid weirdo like Mumbo.
THE SKIRT MY BELOVED i want that skirt. Academia vibes
Scar accidentally forgetting that hes fucking disabled and just being like "HA WOOOO give me a sec i think im dying *wheezes at the top of the stairs* im so cool and intimidating are you intimidated grian" and Grian is half bent over with just like a thumbs up lmaooooooo
Scar: Okay fine you can show up and check in if it'll make you feel better Mumbo: i will and it can. I didn't need your permission anyway
ASDFGHJK I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE VAULT I NEED TO WATCH MUMBOS VIDEOS SO I CAN FIGURE OUT WTF HE'S ACTUALLY DOING WITH IT AND MORPH IT TO MY NEEDS AND WHIMS And also yeeees the tree is my beloved leave it to scar to build a mega base for a starter and then run off to build disneyland of COURSE i had to sneak it in
Ren <3
HM. HM HM HM. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Also yes I was trying to figure out "how do i put ren's head on this building bc he cant just detach it for funsies rn"
I am so very normal about how Mumbo feeds. I love how Mumbo is like both a Cartoon vampire [cant see his feet because it blends into shadow, he melts away into the night] and like a sexy vampire [literally staring into the eyes of the man he loves while he drinks his blood in a way that's like one step off from me having to mark the story as fucking explicit lmao] and Scar is also just sitting there like "I am Totally Normal About This and have No Feelings Whatsoever" WERE ARE AND WILL BE GAY!!!!! PLEASE!!!! I KNOW I DID THIS TO MYSELF BUT JUST KISS HIM and pull his hair a lil
IMAGINE IF YOU WILL FOR A MOMENT YOU ARE MUMBO! Yesterday you found a strange man inside your completely sealed off vault of important records and documents which, i should mention, includes BOTH of your and scar's equivalent to BIRTH CERTIFICATES AND SOCIAL SECURITY CARDS [we'll get there] and Scar is just like "Seems legit, love a good mystery, im keeping him." And you just have to sit there because hes your BOSS and he BAAAAAAAAAARELY has any power over you but theres JUST THAT SMIDGEN. JUST THE SMIDGEN RIGHT THERE - ALSO YES!!!!!!!!!! SCAR JUST!!!! MOVING HIS HOUSE AROUND! REDECORATING so your vampire can sit down I am already deeply in love w scar's magic and i havent even really DONE anything with it I am so-
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redorich · 3 years
to those who carried on
A fic for @petrichormeraki​ and their Hermit!Tommy AU.
The hermits know Tommy as a quiet young man who is very sad and contemplative. The more time they spend with him (against his will, but they know he needs the company) the more they learn of the little details. His favorite block is cobblestone, he likes building towers, and apparently his favorite woman is the Queen. They don’t ask why he wears a smiley mask even though he never seems happy. They don’t ask why he hides important things in his ender chest. They don’t ask why he wears a shattered compass on a chain about his neck.
(Once, he died in lava and lost his absolute mind. He was so upset about the compass that he didn’t even mention the stack and a half of diamond ore he had on him. Xisuma ended up manually rolling back the server just so Tommy could have it back.)
As time goes on, the tremors in Tommy's hands grow lesser. His dull blond hair seems a bit brighter, his bruises fade quicker, he doesn’t look quite so skinny-- he spends his time serenely building, resource gathering instead of running and fighting. He has a sense of humor under all that trauma, which the hermits unfortunately find out after another massive-scale prank war thought to be instigated by Grian actually turns out to be Tommy's fault.
Tommy starts swearing more. Doc gets the stink eye from Stress for this, but Doc insists he’s never once sworn around the young man. (That’s an absolute lie, but it wasn’t anything Tommy hadn’t heard before. Tommy thinks Doc is remarkably unoriginal in his cursing. He does take note of the German ones, though.)
Inviting Tommy to PvP minigames can be touchy, they learn. He likes to fight, but he fights like an animal with nothing to lose. Grian once chanted, “It stays in the pit!” and everyone present had to spend the next five minutes wrangling Tommy’s soul back into his body from wherever it’d floated off to.
Tommy likes to glide with his elytra. He claims he’s never had one before, but he flies like such a natural that a few people have their doubts. On a dark desert night, with dark blue eyes watching the night sky, he confides to Cub that it reminds him of the way his dad used to fly. He hates rockets, though. He does not confide to Cub that it reminds him of what his brother did to his best friend. He says enough that Cub can guess, though.
Scar gets fed up with Tommy’s creeper holes and makes Tommy help him fix them. At first, Tommy has no clue why Scar is breaking out things like coarse dirt and birch leaves and making the ground all fancy, but he’s not afraid of a little hard work and Scar makes it fun. He learns a lot about terraforming that day, and awkwardly comes back a few days later asking if Scar needs any more help terraforming. Tommy still hasn’t built a real base, not by Hermitcraft standards, but the small hill he’s built his dirt hut near now has a very beautiful, if amateurish, waterfall. He doesn’t tell Scar about this, but Scar finds out anyway. Tommy wakes up one morning to find that someone has left a shulker box in his house. Instead of iron-gripped paranoia, he just feels wonder that someone would give him a gift-- to the hermits, a single shulker box is nothing. To Tommy, it’s everything.
The shulker box contains coarse dirt, birch leaves, and a silk touch shovel.
Tommy helps Xisuma mine a giant hole in the ground near bedrock, because he realizes that he’s never thanked the admin for getting him his compass back. Well, that and the fact that instamining with a haste two beacon and an efficiency five pickaxe is a novelty. Xisuma lets him keep the cobble, since everyone knows it’s Tommy’s favorite block, but also insists he keep some of the other blocks like andesite and diorite. He pats Tommy on the head and tells him to talk to Bdubs about building a house some time. Tommy nods. He's taken aback by how tall Xisuma is, completely contrasting his mild nature. He reminds Tommy of Wilbur, on one of his good days before... Before. Not Ghostbur, though-- the admin is much too alive.
Tommy waits too long, so eventually Bdubs comes to him. The man is silly and outrageous, playing everything for laughs and unexpectedly tender. Bdubs plays up how beautiful he thinks Tommy’s hideous dirt shack is, then offers to help him build a house that’s better. For Tommy, building a house means settling down, accepting that this is his home now. Bdubs doesn’t know this. Tommy builds cobblestone dicks while Bdubs tries to lecture him about depth and block variation. Nothing gets done and Bdubs feels like he might have failed, but come next week Bdubs is flying over the area and sees the dicks are gone; so is the dirt house. In its place is a spruce-and-cobble cottage nestled near the tiny waterfall. Off to the side, he’s made a cozy doghouse for his fox, Theo. Bdubs doesn’t know how close that fox came to being named Fundy.
He spars with False, and she very pointedly does not mention how his stances are uniquely suited to a piglin. There’s only one renowned fighter who’s a piglin, after all. It's Tommy’s story to tell, if he ever does, why he’s seen enough of the legendary Technoblade’s fights to pick up on his stances, yet he’s not experienced enough to know that they don’t suit him. Instead, False gives him different stances suited more for tall, skinny people like the two of them. She’s got blond hair and blue eyes just like him. (Not that she’d know. She’s never seen his eyes, hidden behind his mask as they are.) Every now and then, he imagines her as an older sister, and the one time he says so, she smiles. When Tommy’s at home, looking at his own distorted reflection in his waterfall (he’s improved it since he built it), he muses that their eyes aren’t the same, their hair colors are subtly off. It’s close enough, he thinks.
Stress dies from fall damage and Tommy goes out of his way to pick up her stuff, because the hermits do these things out of the kindness of their hearts. The thought never even crosses their minds to steal. It crosses his mind. He doesn’t do it. Stealing from Stress would be like stealing from Niki.
He shows up at Cleo’s base unannounced and demands to see the “cool shit”. He is appropriately enthused by the giant armor-stand-bugs. She tries teaching him her armor stand magic, but it doesn’t really sink in. It’s okay, she assures him, most people don’t have the knack for it. He does, however, learn that buttons make excellent decorations. He also learns how to braid hair, bribed by ice cream. He is terrible at it, to the point where Joe has to come by to help the two untangle her hair so Tommy can start again. Watching the two bicker over capitalism and six million armor stands and a whole host of other inside jokes he doesn’t get, he thinks he’s starting to understand what friendship is supposed to be like. Joe and Cleo don’t see him clutching his compass. He and Tubbo weren’t too far off from this, given their circumstances. Maybe...
Maybe Tubbo can be forgiven.
Tommy makes minigames of his own, ones that don’t just kill you and steal your stuff. He builds things that are pretty instead of just functional, brews potions with Stress and only calls them drugs once (again, upsetting her is like upsetting Niki. Best not done), and sets up chicken bombs above people’s bases instead of just lavacasting them. (As Grian saw the hundreds of chickens slowly raining down upon his mansion, he got such a peculiar look on his face that Tommy feared he’d fucked up. The shorter, stronger (much stronger oh god why is he so strong despite being so small) man nearly crushed Tommy’s lungs in a hug, proclaiming how proud he was of Tommy. Tommy was proud of himself for not accidentally murdering Grian out of reflex. Was this what healing was like?)
Yes. It is what healing is like. Tommy knows this because that wound gets ripped open again. Tango shows him how to build the most obnoxious redstone-powered noise machine the two can think of. Tango digs a small pit, and asks Tommy to throw down his axe. Suddenly, Tommy’s in Logstedshire again; it’s not Tango asking, it’s Dream. His hands don’t shake when he tosses his axe into the pit, followed by his sword and his armor. It isn't until he’s placed the TNT down that Tango grabs his wrist and asks him what he’s doing. Tommy’s eyes clear enough that he can see past the blond hair and freckles. Tango isn’t green, he’s red. He's shorter than Dream, and his worried eyes are unhidden. Tommy shudders, then tells Tango everything.
Tango has no pity for Tommy, just understanding and sympathy. He doesn’t push Tommy to talk about it, but when Tommy’s done telling his story, Impulse and Zedaph show up. They all pretend that Tommy’s voice isn’t hoarse, that they all didn’t conveniently happen to look away when Tommy took off his mask just long enough to wipe his eyes. The men bake a cake together, fool around with honey blocks, and don’t talk about it.
Tommy knows very little about redstone, considers himself more of a builder and a fighter than an engineer. Still, Mumbo’s living base is inspiring, and Tommy often hangs around the man’s industrial district just to watch Mumbo work. Mumbo knows that Tommy hasn’t purchased a day pass, but it’s nice having someone around to talk to while he works. It’s not like Tommy is stealing anything. (Tommy totally steals from Mumbo’s industrial district storage system. The man’s farms are so efficient that he doesn’t even notice, so Tommy assumes it’s fine. What Mumbo doesn’t know won’t hurt him.)
Lava still isn’t his favorite thing in the world. He stays far away from it, instead of imagining what it would be like to hurtle towards it. Ren doesn’t really notice this, but he does notice that Tommy doesn’t seem to like his mustafarian base. On a spur-of-the-moment whim, Ren whips up some absurd plotline in which he is a lone weary traveller seeking refuge at Tommy’s base from strange alien overlords. The two have fun together, and the young man cracks more absurd jokes about it than the hermits have ever seen him do. When Ren leaves a week later to return to his own base, Tommy keeps being absurd, if a bit more subdued without someone to play off of. He builds a shrine to the “prime log”, which grows more elaborate each day. Beef and xB pretend to be his acolytes, despite having no clue what a “twitch prime” is.
They can’t see his face, but the smile in his voice is a far cry from the despondency he once wore like a heavy cloak. He is so much more animated and alive, full of motivation. He builds an entire island in three days, and hand-delivers an invitation to each and every hermit for his beach party. Everyone shows up, even those with packed schedules (Iskall) and those with introverted tendencies (Etho). Tommy is nearly moved to tears when they show up in groups of twos and threes, as though he hadn’t expected anyone to come. There aren’t enough chairs for everyone, but there is more than enough cake to go around. Tango brings drinks, Impulse brings meat to barbecue, and Zedaph makes an elaborate jump-powered grill. Keralis brings way too much confetti and several handfuls of cheap, obnoxious party noisemakers. Stress brings Tommy a crown made out of alliums. It shines far less than his brother’s gold crown, and it’ll die in a few days, but he wears it all night and keeps it in his ender chest until it withers away.
He spends five days teaching himself to make flower crowns. Even his best attempt is awful, nowhere near as pretty as the crowns Stress makes, but when he gives it to her, she takes off the one she was wearing and wears his until it falls apart.
He dies fighting a creeper on Grian’s behalf, and doesn’t even panic, because he trusts that however many times he dies, no matter how stupid or ignominious or revolutionary or important, Xisuma will always let him respawn.
He spends a grand total of nine diamonds to buy a single plot of land in the shopping district. He builds a cute little bench facing the sunset, with warmly glowing street lights on either side and a small garden. At the end of the bench he places a jukebox, and buys every single disc that Beef’s music shop sells, including Pigstep. He sits on the bench while Mellohi plays and watches the tiny silhouettes of his friends flying in the evening sky. Tommy looks alone on that bench, even if he seems happy, so sometimes other people stop by to sit with him. Scar declares the bench area a public park, since everyone likes it so much, and refunds Tommy his nine diamonds straight from the throne.
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shishu-writes · 4 years
hi! your inarizaki manager headcanons were super cute so i was wondering if I could request headcanons or a scenario idm! of inarizaki maybe accidentally making their smol manager cry? 🥺
𝐈𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐲
Warnings: Language, Atsumu being mean
WC: 1.5k
Genre: Angst if you squint, fluffy ending
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this one! Thank you for the awesome req anon 💞
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It had been a long day for everyone, the summer camp was grueling. The first two days of the week-long camp had been going alright, however the boys had lost a lot more games than they had originally anticipated. They just couldn’t seem to get into the groove of it, and it was putting everybody in a slump.
 The night of the second day of camp really put everyone on edge. Kita had called everyone, including you to the room they had been staying in to talk over why they have been in this slump and maybe find a solution. Opposing views on why the team was lacking during the past few days surfaced and Atsumus pessimistic attitude set something off in Suna, which resulted in the boys arguing.
Osamus bad habit of instigating emerged, which escalated the argument to a point where Kitas yelling would only fuel the argument more, which, in turn, made Aran try to calm Kita down, that then led to the two of them also arguing. Hitoshi had enough and left the room for a walk around the building, not even wanting to risk getting involved. Michinari and Ren sat with you in the corner, in silence, Michinari chose to stay purely for entertainment purposes, and Ren just wanted to sleep. 
As you turned to spark conversation with Ren a loud slap echoed through the room. Quickly your head snapped back to the group of boys. It took a couple of seconds to register what was happening. Everyone stood in silence and shock as Suna held his fist, Atsumu gripping his cheek. 
He glared at Suna before reeling back his arm to throw a punch towards him, Kita quickly grabbed his fist and shoved him against the wall, Aran dragged Suna outside, and Ren quickly scrambled up to follow the two boys. 
“I don’t know what the fuck you two think you’re doing but I will absolutely not hesitate to tell coach and get you both kicked off of this fucking team! We aren’t fucking middle schoolers Atsumu! When we have a problem we talk it out like adults we don’t start throwing fucking punches ESPECIALLY when you two are fucking teammates!” Kita yells, barely taking a breath between words. 
“If this shit continues the rest of camp you are both off the team. And you...we will have words.” Kita hisses, directing his final words at Osamu. Kita exits the room, leaving only The Miyas, you, and Michinari. 
Quietly, you shuffle towards Atsumu, who had slumped himself against the wall, sitting on the floor while cupping his cheek. “A-Atsumu…” you whisper, slowly sitting down in front of him while Osamu stands behind you. Slowly you reach your hand out, “Can I...take a look at your cheek for you..? I should bandage it before it starts bruising..” 
Gently you move to place your hand over his and right as the pads of your fingers touch his hand he slaps it away, scattering onto his feet. “Don’t fucking touch me. Get the fuck away from me..” He hisses at you, glaring down at you from above “I just-” “You just what? You’re only here because no other fucking club wanted you around! You thrive on the attention we give you in exchange for what? You nagging at us all hours of the fucking day? Give me a break, you have to be the most annoying girl I've ever met.” 
It takes him a couple seconds to realize what he said, both him and Osamu are silent. Michinar had been slowly making his way out of the room, the door slightly ajar, but he, too, was now frozen in shock. Tears brimmed the corner of your eyes until they overflowed. 
Quickly you stood up, running out of the half open door to be faced with the rest of the team who seemingly heard the whole thing. Too ashamed to look up at them you ran past, leaving the building. “I'll get her.” Aran spoke up, running in the direction you left while the rest of the team filed back into the room. 
Atsumu stood, dejected, arms hanging by his sides with a look of regret on his face. “I didn't mean it..” He whispers. Kita sighs, running a hand through his hair. “We know that. She's the only person that could truly ever put up with you...but she doesn’t. And you know how she is. She's going to take it to heart, because it's coming from someone she looks up to.” he whispers.
 Atsumu runs his hands over his face, sitting back on the ground. “Let's give her time...Let Aran work his magic.” Hitoshi says lightheartedly, sitting back on his mat.
The next day the team gets a very harsh scolding from their coach, the majority were issued warnings and went on their way. During the first couple hours of practice you were nowhere to be seen. After lunch the coach had called the boys for another meeting back in their room. He sat on the floor, placing his hands on his lap. “Can someone explain to me why Y/n just let me know that after the camp ends she will be resigning from her position?”
Almost immediately everyones heart simultaneously dropped, pure shock riddled with everyone's features. “Sh-she what?” Kita stutters out. “She told me today at lunch that she didn’t feel as though she was the correct person for the job, and that the team needed someone better. She offered me a list of potential new managers, however I feel like this has something to do with the fight that happened last night..” 
The boys all looked at Atsumu and he quickly got up, exiting the room before running to the managers quarters. When he got there he knocked twice, opening it quickly to find you sitting alone on your mat, looking through a list of potential club options. “Y/n!” “A-ah...Atsumu, good afternoon..” you mutter, looking up at him then quickly looking back down. 
“Why are you leaving the club? You know we need you-w-we’d be a mess if you didn’t take care of us like you do..” he stutters. Walking towards you slowly and sitting in front of you on the mat “You guys will be alright, it's not like I do much anyways...I gave a list of some really talented first years to the coach that should be an even better replacement.” “We want you! Y/n I know I said some really...really terrible things but I promise you I didn’t mean a word of it. I was just angry and I had been bottling it all up since we got here and I took it out on you and it wasn't fair. You take such good care of us...You make us each feel cared for and you do everything we ask of you and go above and beyond..You hold us together and.. We will never have a manager that could even compare to you...you’re also...our friend...and i’d hate to see you leave because I was acting like a fucking idiot. Please forgive me.” 
Stifling a sob, you nod. Atsumu wasn't one to show vulnerability to people, you and Osamu were the exception. His words were genuine, and you knew it by the way he looked you in the eyes when he spoke. 
He pulls you in for a tight hug, letting out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. “So you'll stay with the team?” he whispers. “I couldn't just leave my family like that..” you whisper. “If you say some stupid shit like that to Y/n again I wont hesitate to break your nose next time.” A voice speaks up that you immediately identified as Sunas. 
As you looked up, the team was standing at the door, half smiles resting on their lips. “Don't think about leaving us like that again..i'd hate to have those sleepovers at my place monthly if you weren't helping me keep an eye on these idiots.” Kita speaks up, earning a giggle from you. 
You wave the boys over and they all shuffle in, sitting with you. “Let's work really hard the rest of the camp okay? Afterwards I think we need some serious bonding time so I say...Weekend road trip to the beach?” “Fine by me if Kita and Samu drive!” “That was the plan Michinari, you'd kill us halfway there..” “We have to split the Miyas up-” “I call Y/n in my car!” “rock paper scissors over her!” “I'm going in Kita’s car-” “Can we please resume practice now?” the coaches voice calls out through the room, his tone light, a smile adorning his features as you all turn to look at him. 
The team nods, still holding their conversation about seating on the trip down to the beach, and over the next few days they were able to get it back together, surprising the other teams there with the sudden difference in skill. 
You really were the thing that held these boys together.
and they couldn’t ask for a better manager, or a more reliable friend.
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stardustedknuckles · 3 years
that's why you're a fave. thank you so much for that detailed answer. <3. the -maybe i don't connect- thing is the one messing with me because I DO! i love that kind of character but, part of me still rejects it. maybe... the whole "conventionally attractive thin white male protagonist whose feelings take priority" from... well literally every other piece of media... and my relation with *that*. again, thank you so much, and you've given me a lot to think bout <3
Listen I've spent a year in the fandom of a lesbian ship lol. Even the ones who were nicely ambivalent about Caleb as opposed to violently displeased with his existence were very clear that they saw him as some kind of whiny k*lo ren type character. "oh no I did a bad thing and I can never be forgiven, that's my whole personality, please make excuses for me because I'm sad about it."
But that was never Caleb and it drove me fucking bonkers because at the end of the day he was a character fixated on using the time and the skills he had to make life better for the people who gave a shit about him whether he thought he deserved those powers and friends or not. He pushed discussion of his backstory AWAY more often than not and it would've been one thing if people were mad he was refusing to talk but that wasn't it, they were mad when he did. If you try to understand Caleb in a vacuum, you still don't end up with that trope because even independent of the knowledge we had of Liam's belief in Caleb, he was a kind person scraped together from the ashes of a brainwashed and arrogant child. He was used and manipulated to great and terrible effect and the kicker here is that unlike the sad attractive sadboy trope, he ACTUALLY had very little to do with what happened. He was actually one of the few cases where you watch and you see from the outside how his confidence and his youth and his poverty and his love for his country was twisted into a false sense of a greater good and you realize that in so many ways, he was just as controlled as yasha under obann. It's just that his leash was such that you could never prove it wasn't his own idea. Even he believed it. He never got a perspective outside the academy - that was part of how Trent did things. There was no chance for them to learn to do better. And Caleb managed it anyway.
That is a near complete inversion of the sadboy trope to me, and he deserved better treatment than "ew shut up we get it you're male."
And that's before we get into my rant about the two he left behind and how earnest he was about saving them. He didn't even see himself as redeemed or worth saving but the two people dear to him that had kept on being abused and manipulated after - he didn't even fully understand he wasn't at fault and he still knew that THEY deserved better. He mourned them being left behind in that situation and believed in them as fiercely as the Nein believed in him without even fully accepting that belief in him! He didn't need to find himself blameless to take the love others had for him and turn it on Astrid and Eadwulf. He believed in the Nein if not himself.
Completely different. Drove me nuts. Nobody had to like him but at least hate him for the right reasons, you know?
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Jaune’s Father: “If nothing else, be kind. Kindness costs you nothing, sport”
Weiss: *From underneath many blankets, peeking from behind a comforter* I’m truly sorry, Arc. I had meant to assist you in your dust theory paper, but I’m not feeling terribly well.
Jaune: *Scratches head* Hey, no worries Sn- Weiss. Do you need anything? A hot compress?
Weiss: *Is glad she has a comforter for a shield as she blushes in embarrassment* How! *Coughs, in a normal tone of voice* Excuse me. How did you...
Jaune: I have seven sisters, Weiss.
Weiss: *Nods meekly, still embarrassed* A hot compress would be lovely. I feel awful.
Yang: *Blinks* Is that vomit boy?
Blake: *Reading* You could try calling him by his name.
Yang: You could try acknowledging his existence. *Blake glares, feeling a little guilty*
Cardin: *Walking by* He needed a warm compress.
Yang: What for?
Cardin: *Feeling kinda humbled, a bit envious* Nothin’ serious.
Jaune: *Taking box* Thanks Coco, you’re a lot less scary than Poppy said you were.
Coco: *Lowers her shades* Oh, did snookums slander my good name?
Jaune: *Feels his neck get hot* U-uh, no! Just that you were kinda protective of, um, *lifts box, almost drops it and gives Coco a heart attack* this. Sorry. But really, thanks, it’s really nice of you.
Coco: *Clutching her heart, waves him off* Just tell that leggy blonde she owes me some serious cuddling.
Professor Peach: It’s not often I get students actually interested in my hobby.
Jaune: Well, we are all teenagers.
Professor Peach: *Laughs* True enough. Hmm. *Side eyes Jaune* Well, the same can’t be said for you, young man. *Sees Jaune about to protest* I think what you meant to say is you’re all aspiring Huntsmen and Huntresses. Sometimes the future is so bright and shiny to your classmates that they forgot the everyday. It’s quite nice to see that isn’t the case with each of you.
Jaune: *Opens and closes his mouth, shuffles awkwardly*
Professor Peach: *Smiles softly* You have nothing to be embarrassed of, Jaune Arc. Here *carefully hands his request over* exactly as you requested. Have a wonderful day, child.
Jaune: *Nods quickly and walks off*
Professor Peach: And days like today, Rosalie, are why you do this job. *Happily hums as she gets back to work*
Jaune: Okay, look, I’m just asking which--
Beryl: *Sighs dramatically* And I’m telling you, kitten *Ignores Jaune’s protests* that they’re all mondo good.
Julie: Like, Bea-Bea’s right. That one *pointing with a fuchsia nail* is just the sweetest thing in the world, will just have you feeling warm and happy inside after.
Cissy: Plus it has just...mmm. Ouch! *Is swatted by Beryl, playfully* You bitch. Anyways, that one right there is just cute and total *squeals* overload. Can’t go wrong with it, it’s a classic.
Beryl: Then that one is probably the safest bet, because who doesn’t love a puppy?
Jaune: A puppy? *Beryl nods* Well, uh, thanks. And I promise I’ll get them back to you by tomorrow. I’ll also see if Ren’s interested, but, uh, maybe keep your semblances ready?
Cissy: *Raises hand* Uh, I haven’t activated mine yet. I’ve just got Nemesis.
Beryl: *Slings arm around Cissy’s shoulders* Don’t worry, kitten, between My House and Julie’s Spit-Spot, plus our weapons we can handle Valkyrie if she gets in a mood.
Jaune: *Deadpan* She was benchpressing one of the academy’s washing machines the other day. No aura.
Julie: We’re good at running away.
Beryl: *Scandalized* Julie!
Julie: Cute boy or not, no way am I getting my face rocked by that monster.
Jaune: *Shrugs, collecting stuff to leave* Um, I don’t know if it’ll work but maybe fill your bags with syrup. Might work as a distraction if Mt. Nora erupts.
Beryl: *Flatly* Really?
Cissy: *Flips platinum blonde hair* I saw her drinking it right out of the bottle once before Lie stopped her.
Beryl: *Sees Jaune’s gone, giggles* Somehow I think kitten got the better end of the deal. *Speculative* Shame he’s super taken.
Julie: Uh, what? Isn’t-
Beryl: Oh you sweet summer child, never change *Ruffles Julie’s hair*
Julie: Ack! Stop!
Jaune: Thanks headmaster! This is all really great!
Ozpin: *Working at desk* No need to thank me, mister Arc.
Jaune: Uh, yeah I do. You didn’t have to allow me to do this, but you did and it’s really neat of you.
Ozpin: *Smiles* Well then, you’re welcome. Enjoy.
Ruby: You definitely came to the right girl!
Jaune: *Looking at his haul* I’ll say. You’re sure you’re okay with helping? I kinda saw the looks you were giving Crescent Rose back at the forge. *Teasingly* You sure you don’t want some alone time with your baby?
Ruby: *Blushes the color of her cloak* S-shut up! She’ll be fine without me, I was just thinking of trying out some custom dust ammo is all! *Very seriously* I don’t have a problem! You have a problem!
Jaune: Riii-iiight. *Ruby puffs cheeks out, teasingly* Like you don’t have a cookie problem?
Ruby: *Points dramatically, very loud* THAT... *Slumps and sighs* please don’t tell Yang I have a nightly plate of chocolate chip.
Jaune: *Laughs* No problem, Ruby. You know me. How can I turn my back on the girl who actually talked her team into not killing me when I told them I cheated my way into Beacon?
Ruby: Yeah, yeah. So get those babies ready, vomit boy and watch Ruby - I am totally a pro at this and all things wonderful - Rose do her magic!
Jaune: Will do, crater face!
Jaune: *Grins* Thanks Cardin. You know, when you’re not being all racist and pushing people around you’re actually a really nice guy.
Sky: Ooooh. What a compliment. The kindness just gently caresses your face like a butterfly’s wings, huh Cardin?
Cardin: *Scowling* Shut it, Sky. I’m still trying so that’s totally fair.
Jaune: I, uh, didn’t mean it--
Cardin: *Rubbing neck* I know dude, no worries. Got a date with my girl coming up and it’s our anniversary, so it’s just a little extra. And don’t worry about paying me back, this is like the very least I can do for you after everything. *Jaune’s about to protest* Nope. I know we’re cool, but I was a huge douchebag. I mean it.
Jaune: Well thanks. It means a lot. *Leaves*
Russel: *Reading motorcycle magazine* You don’t have a girl, bro.
Cardin: *Frowns* I know.
Dove: You know you don’t have to help him out like that. You’re only hurting yourself.
Cardin: *Wipes face with hands, flops on his bed and stares at the ceiling* Yeah, well, too bad for Cardin fucking Winchester. If Jaune’s happy, I’m happy. I wasn’t joking when I said he deserves better than me. *Rolls on side to stare at wall.*
RDL: *All staring at their leader, all of them sad*
Jaune: *Cheerfully* I’m back!
Weiss: *Very grumpily glaring at Jaune from beneath her covers, only her eyes visible, her voice is acidic* It’s quite fine, Arc. It’s only been two and a half hours. I know you have better things to do, so don’t bother acting like you were looking forward to coming back to deal with me.
Jaune: *Winces* Yeah, sorry. I was getting the hot towel when I kinda realized that you’ve probably been dealing with this all by yourself. *Weiss growls* It’s just, I remembered how you said you and your Dad don’t really talk and your little brother’s a, a snot, I think you called him? *Weiss feels embarrassed, but says nothing while staring at Jaune* Just hold on.
*Weiss does but when he comes back in the room her eyes go wide in shock*
Jaune: I-I just have a lot of sisters. Four older, three younger and they all have different things they like when they’re on their period. Saphron’s just happy if I’ll bring her things and Coral just wants me to leave her alone. Peri always wants cuddles and movies and *blushes as he realizes how much he’s talking* I just thought instead of whatever you usually do, you might want something more? Just to try something new?
Weiss: *Stares at several hot compresses, an expensive looking box of chocolates, a small boquet of blue Glory of the Snow’s, a stack of films, several unhealthy but delicious looking snacks and a stuffed polar bear with a top hat*
Weiss: *Wide eyed, completely taken aback* W-what?
Jaune: I-I-I don’t mean to assume anything, but I’m guessing you didn’t really have anyone who tried to make your period any better?
Weiss: I have a butler, Klein, who would always check in on me but never, well I never thought to ask for more. *Very softly as she stares at the rolling entourage of goodies* It never occurred.
Jaune: Okay, well, um, how about I bring this in?
*Jaune does, Weiss watching as he sets the flowers near her bed with wide eyes and gratefully accepting the compress, bringing it under her comforter and sighing in relief*
Jaune: We’ll have to set it up on your scroll, but I did bring movies to just so you have something fun to do today. There’s a family film with an apparently super cute actor, another that’s a cute animated movie that’s a staple of everybody’s childhood except mine apparently, *Weiss snorts, watching the covers* and one about a puppy finding his way home--
Weiss: *Eyes glued to the case, speaks immediately* That one.
Jaune: You sure, I checked the fam--
Weiss: *Eyes not leaving the box* I’m certain. *Flushes* Please?
Jaune: Sure. Just let me set this up.
*Jaune also hands over the chocolates, which Weiss stares at curiously and much to her delight, brings over the bags of snacks and she clutches the bag of cheesy poofs to her, very much wanting to try them for the first time*
Jaune: Okay, that should do it. So you’ve got your Cheez-E-Poofs, I grabbed a few sodas, juices that I thought you might like *quickly* but I also got water! Um, here. *Hands Weiss the stuffed animal, which she stares at and brings close to her face, loving how cute it is and how soft it is* Oh, Ruby helped me dip some strawberry’s in chocolate if you wanna try them later. There’s normal ones too.
Weiss: *Touched and doesn’t know what to say* I-it’s all so...umm, thank you. You really didn’t have to.
Jaune: *Scratches the back of his head, looks away* No problem, Weiss. I’m used to stuff like this, so...I’ll go. *Looking very embarassed* You’ve probably had enough of me talking you to death, so I’m just gonna go across the hall--
Weiss: *From behind her bear* Stay. *Jaune stares at her, blinking in surprise* You were going to offer, but you...back home the most I ever got were the occasional visits from Klein. But having someone to be there sounds very nice and I’d like if you would. Very much. I certainly won’t eat all of this anyways, so...please?
Jaune: *Nodding rapidly* Sure. Right. Yeah, I just didn’t wanna assume or impose or *watches Weiss’ eyes light up at the cheesy snack she just tried* I’ll sit.
*Jaune sits next to Weiss’ bed and they watch the film, eat snacks and after the movie, Weiss tries the strawberries as the second film starts. When she wakes up after falling asleep, she discovers the mess she’d made of the comforter is cleaned, Jaune had gathered up her snacks and placed them in a box. Her flowers now have a vase and the bear she had placed on his shoulder is on her pillow*
Weiss: *Smiles and hugs bear tightly*
~~A week later~~
Weiss: *Exasperated* Where is he?
Yang: *Balancing a pencil on her nose on her bed, ignoring her homework* Who?
Weiss: *Notices Berry B. Cold on Yang’s stomach and shoots forward like a bullet, snatching him and hugging him to her abdomen* You know who you bum, Jaune!
Yang: *Grinning like the cat who ate the canary* Oh-ho, finally acknowledging him by his first name after all this time, Weiss Cream?
Weiss: *Blushing* Quiet you.
Ruby: Leave her alone, Yang. But, uh, I don’t really know where he is.
Weiss: Nonsense. I may have missed the chance to help him with his paper but at the very least I can at least explain some of the theory to him, give him better than what Beacon’s textbooks offer.
Yang: Oh yeah, sure, sounds fun.
Weiss: *Bristling* E-even if it’s a boring subject, it is useful. *Hugs bear tighter* And he needs all the help he can get and--
Blake: *Walking in* If you’re talking about Jaune, he’s way too busy Weiss.
Weiss: I beg your pardon?
Yang: Yeah, you didn’t know?
Weiss: *Irritated* No Yang, it’s why I asked you in the first place.
Yang: *Flatly* Oh. I thought you were joking. No, I mean it, don’t look at me like that! Seriously, vomit boy’s been busy the last couple days.
Weiss: *Confused* But why?
Yang: *Staring* Seriously? I mean, he got that whole thing together for you.
Weiss: M-me!? Is that...but he said he was used to it! I-I knew he was talking about his sisters, but he said Ruby helped! H-he...
Ruby: Yup, I did, but I didn’t know Jaune was making them so you could have a nice, comfy that-time-of-the-month. I thought he just wanted a strawberry snack! That he’d finally been enlightened. *Sighs*
Yang: And that whole spread wasn’t just free, he went around and traded a lot of favors to get it together.
Weiss: *Gaping* H-he...what? He traded favors, just... *Uncertain, squeezing her bear while looking distressed* You didn’t know? He hasn’t done that with any of you?
Ruby: Nope!
Blake: Gods no.
Yang: Dad’s sweet like that for me when it’s bad-bad, but if Jaune offered I’d definitely turn him down. *Gives Weiss a look*
Ruby: Yeah, and all I need is my Non-Descript Winter Holiday lights and my guns ‘n ammo mags plus my scroll and I’m happy. *Shrugs* I get really crabby so I prefer being alone.
RWY: *Staring at Blake*
Blake: My ex did it for me once. Never again.
Weiss: S-so he did all that, just for me? Because I was miserable?
Yang: *Sighs, flops back on her bed* I don’t know why you’re so surprised. Ask his team. Jaune’s actually a pretty nice guy. He aimed Neptune in your direction back at the dance even though anybody with eyes knew he was kinda bummed the whole night. After you started talking with him after and started sharing, I think he just wanted you to have, y’know, some normal stuff that we all enjoy because our Dad’s aren’t asshats.
Ruby: Yang!
Blake: *Sees Weiss looking at her, looking upset* He’s been Coco’s personal shopper for the last week, he’s been dodging Nora since Ren agreed to a date with each of those girls from Team SNLT because she is pissed, he’s been doing odd jobs for Ozpin all week, he’s been doing a lot of work outside for Peach and I think he’s also been in the laundry rooms a lot. That stuff wasn’t just free. Plus he’s had to do all his usual leader stuff and his homework.
Weiss: *Gapes, hugs her bear and her eyes drift to her box of treats and she purses her lips* B-but...that’s so much, just so I...
Yang: Um, he likes you Weiss. Even if he stepped aside for Neptune, he’s not gonna just poof whatever he feels for you away just because he doesn’t have a chance. Then he sees you feeling like shit, knows just how bad it is because of all his sisters and gets it in his head that you deserve the princess treatment. *Stretches* He offered for Pyrrha once but she just went really red, yelled ‘NO!’ and apparently pushed him through a wall.
Weiss: *Sits on bed with her knees pulled up, hugging her bear while hiding a wobbling lip as she realizes and RBY just sighs*
~~Four days later~~
Yang: *Grins* Called it.
Blake: Yes, because it was such a mystery that this was gonna happen after Weiss had it spelled out for her that Jaune still has it bad for her even if he was trying to get over her. I’ll admit I still don’t understand the way Weiss thinks or why Jaune would put himself through all of that just because Weiss was having a bad period when it was clear at the time she wasn’t even thinking of him that way, but c’mon Yang.
Yang: *Hand out*
Blake: *Rolls her eyes, puts Lien in her hand* Child.
*Meanwhile Weiss stands on her tiptoes, arms around Jaune’s neck and enjoys kissing her boyfriend*
Two things: One, I headcanon Cardin as gay and occasionally having a thing for Jaune if it isn’t entirely obvious. Two, I don’t want my Tumblr to be nothing but crack/lewd. I’d also like some occasional romance/wholesome content. This isn’t the best, but hopefully it’s not quite as bad as I think it is towards the end.
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angelsaxis · 3 years
even if kylo were planned to be redeemed from the start, when you have a trilogy instead of a series time is just not on your side. you can do a lot in a dozen or more episodes that you cannot do in a trilogy. im of the opinion that if they wanted kylo to be redeemed, the redemption should have started from TFA. he's no zuko lol and he never will be, but here's some changes I would make if given the chance (and if for whatever reason I decided to actually go this route rather than the Finn-kills-Kylo plot that's 10x more interesting)
under a cut bc its long as hell but its totally okay to rb and reply if you want!
First, Kylo's younger, close to Rey's age if not exactly her age. Makes it more understandable (a little) that he's making terrible decisions since he's a new adult who's got a lot of power in his hands.
kylo's insecure, idk how many temper tantrums he throws but we should see snoke in his ear more, feeding on his insecurities and pushing him to violence more. clearly he's still got that conflict of light vs dark in him, and the decision to kill his father eats him alive. that guilt is the light. snoke tells him he's weak with it. kylo takes out his frustrations on the people around him.
i barely remember the plot of TFA so I'm gonna say things ~more or less go the same~, but we're going to play on the fact that Kylo Ren and Finn are foils. Now, Kylo's symbol is his right hand--black-gloved and the holder of his lightsaber, a symbol of his turn to the darkside. Throughout the movie will make sure to make it clear that that hand is a sign of violence. Finn and Kylo fight, Finn kicks his ass (is still injured himself tho) but cuts off kylo's right hand. so now his hand and lightsaber are gone--the symbol of his power, obliterated. Finn says some "you can still be good, I know it" type stuff and hottails it out of there with rey and the rest.
Kylo ren, in a panic and seriously injured, climbs into his ship and tries to go back to snoke for Emergency Healing. Snoke's like "you failed me, you're weak, you're no longer my apprentice" and so kick out kylo. Kylo crash lands on some random inhabited planet, near death. first movie ends with finn being healed and ren being pulled out of his ship by the locals.
second movie starts, maybe finn's got mobility issues because he got sliced in the back. id love the idea of him fighting w a ligthsaber and leg braces on. but before I get distracted, kylo ren is unconscious on this backwater planet being tended by locals who have no idea who he is, except that he likes to wear a lot of black.
this is crucial--he needs time away from the heroes to actually start his redemption. idc what anyone says you cant be evil and then go start trying to be friends without learning how to be normal. kylo ren is not normal.
the locals do eventually figure out who he is and its a humbling moment for him, and the first time we see him treat people as people--but in the mean time, when he's not healing he's helping around the village. learning patience and self control and how not to take out his anger on the things around him, which is helped in a literal sense by the fact that he's got one arm anyways so and he's not a lefty, so there's not much he can do.
like i said, locals figure out who he is and are pissed. this is ren's first moment of reckoning. he apologizes but also thanks them for helping him despite how he was a piece of shit for a while (he's completely healed by now but still missing an arm). idk how much forgiveness there is but they make it clear in no uncertain terms that they're obviously not the ones he needs to be apologizing too.
so kylo leaves the planet (idk how i dont think of those things), changes his name, and joins the Resistance (under the fake name obv. lots of people dont actually know what his name is). maybe they've got an informant and so in a mixup, kylo finn rey and poe are all on the same ship. they see each other, finn + co start attacking kylo (naturally) and Finn (not one for killing. rey and poe might be of a different mind) has him on the ground and cornered, lightsaber at his throat, asking "what do you have to say for yourself" or something. and kylo says he's sorry. Finn's force sensitive so he can sense the honesty in it. kylo apologizes to all of them; personalized apologies and how he's changed and how he knows his ways were wrong. he wants to help. he's got a lot of info on the FO.
they still dont really trust him but they bring him back to the resistance. kylo tells as much relevant info as he can, and he gets a new arm, given to him by his new allies. he doesnt try to take control, doesnt take a command position the way finn poe and rey have, etc.
past this point idk how much more I have planned, but that's 80%+ of the redemption. Finn can take down the entire FO while kylo takes down snoke or something (since their pain/trauma stems from those sources anyways). im partial to kylo dying at the end of it all but i know folks dont like that. anyways this is my idea of what a decent redemption arc would look like for Kylo Ren.
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kuroopaisen · 4 years
rascal. (bokuto koutarou)
➵  maybe pirates aren’t so bad, after all. 
wc: 5.6k
warnings: f!reader, copious amounts of fluff, tomfoolery 
a/n: rachel darling i remember you were the one to request pirates, so here it is!  you’re an absolute sweetheart, and thank you for always popping into my inbox and being as lovely as you are! i hope you enjoy this! ren and remy, thank you so much for your help on this fic! 
Inheriting your aunt’s tavern wasn’t exactly a blessing.
If anything, you planned to sell it off after a year or two. You were only going to work it for a year out of respect – it was giving you the opportunity to secure some sense of financial freedom, after all.
Not that it was the act of running a tavern that you were uncomfortable with. Not at all – you’d never had access to this much money before, and it was less gruelling work than that of the farm.
And it helped you stave off getting married for a few years – thank the gods.
The issue was one of reputation. Your aunt’s – no, your tavern – was known for playing host to patrons with less than sterling character. It was known for servicing ‘unscrupulous fellows,’ as your father had grumbled. In that very same breath, he’d told you that you had to take it – the money was too good to pass up.
So, you’d moved to this bustling port city, intent on making at least something during your first few months. You’d hoped that the reputation of your patrons was all hearsay; rumours spread by competitors, or maybe gullible travellers.
Unfortunately, your father was right.
Pirates. Pirates, everywhere. How your aunt had built up a client base composed primarily of these seaborne rogues, you weren’t sure.
But you were wise enough to keep your opinions to yourself. These men would be lining your pockets for the foreseeable future, after all.
Had you been scared, at first? Yes! Absolutely terrified! But you had to accustom yourself to it – and fast.  
You even knew a few by name; regulars who always seemed to come in at least twice a month or so. Some came weekly, which always made you doubt just how much seafaring they actually did.
Some even brought you spoils from their ‘travels’. Goods like wheat and barley, mostly – stuff that you were wise enough to turn a blind eye to. Most of the time, you would just donate such things to the local orphanage. They had better use for such things, anyway.
You were sure that a few of them, blinded by their drunken haze, couldn’t actually tell the difference between you and your aunt. But it was no matter; whoever your aunt was, she was tough as nails. That wasn’t a surprise, though. She had left this place simply because she wanted to go travelling around the world. You wondered, more than once, if she’d actually run off with a pirate.
There was a certain group of regulars that confused you, though. Admittedly, you were quite fond of them, but you had no idea if they were pirates, or just some old chums. They always came in at least once a week, and they were never short on gold.
But they treated you well, and always made a habit of hanging around the bar.
Their leader was striking, a tall, muscular man with a pair of sparkling golden eyes and the world’s brightest smile. He certainly had the look of a pirate – that typical white shirt that revealed a little more of his chest than maybe it should, the sun-kissed skin, the sword slung around his waist.
But his personality only half fit the bill. Loud, gregarious, bold – but sensitive, childish, naïve.
And yet despite all that, you could tell that he was in charge. Things always seemed to come back to him, no matter what. Even if his stunning black-haired friend – likely the first mate, if they really were pirates – seemed to call most of the shots.
Not that it mattered, in the end. They paid up, and that was enough.
“So, what do you think of pirates?” This leader, who you’d surmised was called ‘Bokuto’, asked, tilting his head to the side. He looked a little like a bird.
A ripple of exasperation ran through his friends.  
You laughed. “Why do you ask?”
“Rumour is they’re your main clientele.” Another one of the men – possibly called Konoha, if you remembered correctly – smirked at you from over his flagon.
“Ah,” you smiled, propping your elbows on the bar and resting your chin on folded hands. “It’s hard to tell these days.” You’d play the game, if you must.
“Huh?” The lot of them frowned at you; were they offended, maybe?
“I like my pirates traditional, see,” you sighed, adding a touch more exasperation than necessary. “You know; eyepatches, big feathery hats, peg legs… but nobody who comes through those doors looks the part.”
Konoha and some of the other men snorted, but Bokuto perked up.
“Wouldn’t pirates be bad for business?” Konoha raised an eyebrow at you. “Driving off other clients, and all that?”
You shrugged, biting your cheek. “What use is respectable clientele if they’re not willing to pay for an entire barrel of ale?”
Some of them laughed at that. What a relief; it meant they weren’t paying attention to the discomfort behind those words.
“I just wish they looked like pirates.” You shook your head, standing up to full height again. “If you’re going to be a pirate, you may as well dress like they do in all those romantic tales.”
“So you’re upset that they’re not meeting your personal tastes?” Konoha chuckled. “Isn’t it bad to ogle your clientele?”
“Well, they see no problem with ogling me, so I think it’s only fair,” you shrugged, waving a hand at him. You barely felt the sentiment, but you weren’t about to be vulnerable in front of a pirate.
A small racket erupted from the lot of them, a cacophony of responses that ranged from concern to amusement. You took the opportunity to turn away from them, a serene smile masking your face.
You liked those boys. You really did.
But it certainly felt remiss to befriend a group of pirates. Even if they did pay your bills.
✧ ✧
“Is he okay?” You asked, handing Akaashi two flagons.
“Hm?” Akaashi blinked, a small frown touching at the corners of his mouth.
“Your captain.” You nodded in the direction of the man in question. He was sitting on the other side of the tavern, very conspicuously not looking at you. That in itself was abnormal. But what really made it weird was the eyepatch. And the pointed leather hat adorned with an obnoxiously big feather. Those were both new additions to his get up.
“Oh,” Akaashi sighed, placing the flagons on the bar. “He’s fine.”
“But… his eye…”
“He’s still got both of them, don’t worry,” Akaashi said, shaking his head. “He thought he needed to change up his image.”
“Change up… his image?”
“He wanted to look more fearsome,” Akaashi deadpanned, his eyes flicking down. “More like a true pirate.”
You giggled at the thought. “So, you’re really pirates, then?”
“You already knew that,” Akaashi smiled softly.
He was the cleverest one, that was for sure.
Your eyes found their way back to Bokuto. He seemed to be struggling with his new costume, constantly readjusting the eyepatch and pushing the tip of the hat back up so it wouldn’t obstruct his vision. Occasionally, he would screw up his nose a bit. Not really the look of a fearsome pirate captain.
“I see he hasn’t sawed his leg off, though.” You bit back a smile.
Akaashi chuckled at that. “No, he’s not unreasonable enough for that.” He raised an eyebrow at you before turning to look at his captain. “He did some asking around. Got a good scope of all those romantic pirate stories you were talking about.”
“Really?” You scoffed. If this was his attempt to woo you, it surely was the most creative yet.
“Well, tell him that I don’t like my pirates reticent,” you smiled, winking at Akaashi. “I much prefer it when they talk to me.”
Akaashi laughed quietly, shaking his head. “Will do.”   
Within five minutes, Bokuto was back at your bar, the eyepatch replaced by his typical brilliant smile. The hat remained a part of the ensemble, but you didn’t mind. You were quick to assure him that you preferred it that way.
✧ ✧
“This is a terrible idea.”
“It’ll be fine!” Bokuto beamed at his first mate, scratching the underbelly of the parrot sitting on his shoulder. “You’re a good boy, aren’t you Birdmeat?”
The name ‘Birdmeat’ had come from the suggestion that Bokuto should name his parrot after his favourite food. He was the only one who failed to see the issue with it. 
“I fail to see how a parrot is supposed to impress a woman,” Akaashi muttered.
“It’ll impress her because he can speak, duh,” Bokuto scoffed, as if he’d just said the most reasonable thing in the world. “Isn’t that right, boy?”
“Idiot!” The bird squawked, flapping its wings. “Idiot!”
Bokuto’s face fell. But for once, he let it slide. “Just you wait, Akaashi,” he beamed, pointing a finger at his first mate. “This will impress her.”
It did not, in fact, impress you.
“What if it shits?” You grimaced, gazing at the gaudily coloured bird with an expression that could only be described as thinly-veiled contempt.
“It… won’t.”
“It will.”
He just shot Bokuto a look that said, ‘I told you so.’ The fact that it was empty of any malice or self-righteousness just made it more infuriating.
“I’d be… willing to let it slide if it was… restrained, somehow,” you said carefully, your mind running through all the possible ways this could go wrong.
It was just a bird. It couldn’t cause too much mayhem.
But, it belonged to Bokuto. The human manifestation of havoc.
And that made you nervous.
Bokuto nodded vigorously, turning to Akaashi. “We can manage that, right?”  
“Uh.” Akaashi looked at you. There was something about his eyes that made it seem like he was apologising. “Do you have any rope?”
Five minutes and a lot of squawking later, and the parrot had a tenuous rope wrapped around it’s belly like a harness. You’d felt too bad about tying its wings or legs up, so you’d made Bokuto swear to not let go of the rope. He’d been resolute, promising that he’d be very mindful of his little companion.
Finally, it seemed, you could get back to business.
“One spiced mead, please!” Bokuto beamed, hands on his hips in some sort of pose.
You swallowed down a sigh. You’d be damned if this man wasn’t entertaining – perhaps even charming, in his own way – but by the gods did he give off the impression of a disaster waiting to happen.
Just go about your business, you thought to yourself. It’s fine, Bokuto’s got a grip on the rope. It’ll be fine.
“Here,” you sighed, placing the flagon on the bar in front of him.
In his enthusiasm, Bokuto used two hands to pick it up. 
Two. Meaning one wasn’t holding the rope.
And Birdmeat knew.
Even Akaashi wasn’t fast enough.
It sprung off Bokuto’s shoulder, landing in his flagon with an undignified splash.
Bokuto shrieked, swatting at the parrot with one hand. Akaashi had dove head-first at the ground, missing the rope by a mere margin.
“Bokuto!” He yelled.
Bokuto flinched, realising a moment too late that he’d let go of the damn bird.
Birdmeat shot straight up, its wings flapping at full speed.
You should’ve trusted your instincts.
Chaos erupted.
“Akaashi!” Bokuto shrieked, flailing his hat in the air.
The man in question looked like he had just left this mortal plane. You had half a mind to join him.
The bird was still flapping around the tavern, squawking at the top of its little lungs.
The rest of Bokuto’s crew was on their feet, staring at the bird with some sense of dumbfounded resignation. A normal day for them, you supposed.
“That fuckin’ bird just shat in my ale!”
Oh no. Oh no.
Laughter erupted from one end of the tavern – likely that poor sod’s friends. But you didn’t have time to worry about that. You’d just give him a free drink or two later. Your main concern was stopping that little fucker from doing anything worse.
The last thing you wanted to do was try and calm a pirate who had bird shit running down his forehead.
How were you even supposed to catch a bird? Did you have a net?
Your other patrons had noticed by now, their expressions ranging from amusement to annoyance to anger. Multiple voices were crying out, but you couldn’t quite tell what any of them were saying. All you could do was watch the parrot fly higher and higher, the short leash of rope rising well out of reach.
The bird clattered onto one of the rafters, its claws skittering across the wood. You’d never get those scratches out.
“Idiot!” It squawked. “Idiot!”
You could’ve sworn it was looking at Bokuto.
“Do you have a plan?” You hissed, head whipping round to him.
Bokuto glanced at you sheepishly, his cheeks red as anything. “Maybe?”
Why did that make you feel worse?
“Please don’t tell me…”
“It’s the only way…”
You looked between the two of them, frowning. “What? What are you planning?”
“Trust me,” Akaashi sighed. “You won’t like it.”
You didn’t.
Bokuto’s ‘plan’ was to prop Akaashi on his shoulders, hoping that would be high enough to reach that damn parrot’s leash. And admittedly, that wasn’t the worst plan. But this was Bokuto. Anything could go wrong.
Poor Akaashi looked like he knew that quite well. 
You watched in horror as he stood himself on one of your stools, giving you an apologetic nod in the process. You stared at him, dumbfounded. Bokuto dashed forward, turning around so his back was facing his precariously balanced friend. 
“Be careful,” Akaashi mumbled, swinging his legs over Bokuto’s awaiting shoulders. 
Bokuto nodded with a grunt, clamping his hands over Akaashi’s knees as if to stabilise him. It certainly didn’t make you feel any more at ease. 
This was a disaster waiting to happen. You just knew you were about to watch someone split their head open on the floor of your tavern. 
The lumbering form of Akaashi-plus-Bokuto ambled towards Birdmeat, each wobbly step taken with great purpose. 
You watched, rapt with horror as they inched closer to their target, one of Akaashi’s hands outstretched and the other planted on the top of Bokuto’s head. 
Birdmeat cocked his head.
Akaashi leant forward, swiping at the air. He grabbed the rope, giving it a careful tug. Birdmeat flapped its wings, scrambling as it fell backwards off the scaffolding. 
One more yank and it was against Akaashi’s chest, caged in by his arms. 
A confused cheer rippled through his crewmates as they crowded around him. 
You frowned as you watched them squabble amongst themselves for a bit, fingers pointing and voices raised as they disagreed over who should have to deal with the bird. 
A hush set upon the tavern, each and every pair of eyes turned to the small gaggle of men bickering amongst themselves. You were sure that your patrons were just as worried as you were that they’d accidentally let it go in the midst of their bickering. 
You weren’t about to let that happen.  
“Get that damn thing out of here,” you grumbled, pointing at the door. A few more moments of bickering, and the bird had safely traded hands. One of the men, a shorter fellow you’d come to know as ‘Komi’ nodded, scampering out the door with the parrot safely clasped between his hands.
“I’m so sorry,” Bokuto mumbled, drawing his knees up to his chest.
This was their captain? This big, muscular behemoth of a man who was sitting on your tavern floor, curled up in a ball?
What kind of pirate crew was this?
“It’s… okay,” you sighed, pressing two fingers to your eyes. “Nobody got hurt, so…”
Bokuto braved a look at you, his golden eyes round and pitiful. Hell, even his hair seemed like it had deflated. How was that even possible?
“We’ll help you clean up,” Akaashi said, giving you a quick bow. “I deeply apologise for the commotion.”
You waved your hands at him, overwhelmed by the sudden formality. “No, no, it’s fine!”
Maybe you should’ve been angrier. Maybe you should’ve been more upset. But something about this was just… delightfully absurd. Nobody but Bokuto would’ve thought that this was a good idea. And it was nice to have some excitement that didn’t involve cutlasses for once.
“Just… just help me clean up, okay?” You sighed, running a hand through your hair. “Then we’ll call it even.”
A week later, a poster took pride of place above the bar. It read, in big, bold lettering: “ABSOLUTELY NO PARROTS, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. EVER.”
Akaashi had made it himself.
✧ ✧
Bokuto liked to think of himself as a well-mannered man despite his disreputable occupation.
He’d even tried to get Akaashi to market them better; something along the lines of ‘debonair,’ the whole ‘criminals, but with a conscience’ shtick. Akaashi had refused, calling it a waste of time – they were pirates after all, and regardless of how moral their conduct was, they were going to have a bad reputation.
But that didn’t stop Bokuto from trying his very best to be a rogue with a heart of gold.
And he was currently debating whether or not punching an asshole in the face challenged or reinforced that identity.  
“Don’t do it.”
“I haven’t even said anything yet!” Bokuto whined, pouting at his second-in-command.
“She’ll be mad at you if you start a fight,” Akaashi murmured, taking a sip of his ale.
Bokuto huffed, head whipping around to look at you again.
To anyone else, you looked unbothered; smiling like you usually did, laughing at each poor joke directed your way. But Bokuto could tell that something was off. That you were uncomfortable. And he didn’t like that one bit.
He’d been watching long enough to identify the source of your discomfort.
Some dude that he’d only seen a handful of times, but had seen enough to know that he distinctly didn’t like his aura.
“Akaashi, I’m gonna do it.”
“Don’t do it.”
“But he’s making her uncomfortable,” Bokuto whined, looking between Akaashi and the bar with a certain hint of desperation.
“Maybe you should ask her about it before doing anything brash,” Akaashi sighed, rubbing one of his temples with two fingers. “Walking up to some dude and punching him in the face isn’t a good way of impressing your crush.”
“I don’t have a crush!”
“Sure you don’t, Bokuto,” Akaashi said, taking another sip from his mug.
You raised an eyebrow at him. Was he trying to be subtle? Because leaning the entire top half of his body over the bar wasn’t exactly understated. 
“If I started a fight with that dude, would you get mad at me?”
What? Your eyebrows shot up in shock, eyes growing wide. “Bokuto, what the fuck?”
“Not, like, a proper fight,” he mumbled, pouting. “Just, like… a warning.”
“A warning?” Why did he think that sounded any better?
“Like a territorial thing!”
You blinked. “Bokuto, what are you talking about?”
“Well, like… if he feels unwelcome here, he’s not gonna keep bothering you, right?” Bokuto asked, tilting his head at you. He always looked like a little owl when he did that, eyes big and round and far more innocent than they should be. Wasn’t he a pirate captain?
But there was something charming about his simple logic. And something touching about the fact he was this concerned.  
“Look,” you sighed, reaching over and taking his hand. You didn’t miss how his entire face bloomed red, right up to his ears. “I appreciate the thought, but I’ll be okay.”
A thought crossed your mind. A foolish thought, really. But one you didn’t abhor.
You leant forward and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
Bokuto looked like he’d ascended. His golden eyes were wider than you’d ever seen them, his mouth forming a tiny ‘o’ as he gaped at you.
You giggled, giving his hand a squeeze before letting it go. “I’ve got a sword out back anyway.”
Those words yanked Bokuto back down to earth. 
“Wait, really?” For some reason, he couldn’t quite comprehend it. But the thought of you wielding a sword made him… feel things he was rather ashamed of.
You giggled, picking up a flagon and turning to one of the barrels lined up against the wall.
“I know how to use it, too.” You shot him a wink. “My father thought that’d be a pertinent skill for me to learn, seeing as I was moving all the way out here.”
“Right.” Bokuto nodded, almost a little too vigorously. “Right.”
“Enjoy the rest of your night,” you smiled, handing him the flagon. Spiced mead. His favourite.
You had to take his hand and wrap it around the handle, shocked and flustered as he was.
“Off you go,” you tutted, waving him towards his friends.
Somehow, he managed to walk all that way without tripping.
“Oh come on,” Konaha groaned, rolling his eyes.
Bokuto wasn’t looking at them. He couldn’t, really. All he could think about was you – about how pretty you were, how soft your lips had felt against his cheek, how you smelt like whiskey and cinnamon and freshly baked bread.
Gods, having a crush was hard.
✧ ✧
“Do you… like it?” Bokuto stood on the other side of the bar, cheeks flushed and hair dishevelled with intoxication.
You’d faced many things in your time as a tavern wench. You’d believed that it meant you’d be ready to face any kind of situation, no matter how bizarre or off-beat or unsettling it might be.
That was naïve of you.
Because as you stood in front of Bokuto, very expensive-looking necklace in hand, you didn’t know what to say.
The necklace really was beautiful. It looked like a sapphire of some kind; a rich blue gem grafted into an oval. The faintest of glows emanated from it, adding an air of ethereal dignity that you didn’t quite know how to comprehend.
You were uncomfortably aware of your surroundings. Of the dingy walls, the rafters that definitely needed a touch-up or two, the general stink of sea and men and drink.
You were uncomfortably aware of yourself. Dressed in some prettied-up rags, your hair pulled out of your face with a strip of cloth, your entire body coated in a slick of sweat and dirt.
You shouldn’t be holding something this expensive. It was wrong.
Hell, you didn’t even know where this came from. You didn’t know how he’d gotten his hands on it.
“I can’t take it,” you said decisively, reaching for one of his hands.
He jumped, but the contact was enough to catch him off guard. You turned his palm upwards, placing the necklace in the centre and gently curling his fingers over it.
“It’s too… much,” you said, shaking your head. You tried to smile at him, but you knew there’d be a melancholic touch to it.
“I’m sorry,” he frowned, casting his eyes downwards. “I just… I wanted to say thank you. For putting up with u—with me.”
“If you want to say thank you,” you mused, crossing your arms over your chest. “How about you teach me to sword fight?”
He puffed out his cheeks as he pouted at you. You weren’t sure if he’d meant to do it or not. “I thought you said you knew how to use a sword.”
Those words had been seared into the back of his brain for the past two months.
“I mean—” You swallowed, straightening your shoulders. “I do, but not well…”
Bokuto blinked at you, completely unsure of what to say.
Did he want to spend more time with you? Absolutely.
The word left his mouth before he’d run through all the options. Did he trust himself not to make a complete and utter fool of himself, should the two of you be alone? Absolutely not.  
But when you smiled at him like that, maybe he didn’t mind the thought of humiliating himself.
✧ ✧
“It might be better if you held it with two hands,” Bokuto mused, his own cutlass falling to his side as he took a step closer to you.
You sighed, lowering your blade. “Right.”
Gods, you were tired.
Bokuto had made good on his agreement without complaint. If anything, he seemed a bit too enthusiastic about it. He’d shown up a good three hours before opening, and had launched into his lesson before you’d even had time to process what was going on. You hadn’t even had your sword at the ready.
But it had gone well, all things considered. So well that you’d insisted on doing it again.
This was now your fourth lesson. You had a lot to learn, and Bokuto certainly wasn’t a bad teacher; so long as you could wrap your head around what he was saying.
And usually, you’d be able to have a good time.
But today was different. Today, you couldn’t put up a veneer of joviality. There was too much to worry about.
“Hey, are you alright?” Bokuto pouted, tilting his head at you.
You flinched, drawn out of your own thoughts by his voice.
You hadn’t heard those words in a while. You hadn’t really had time to make friends in this port city, let alone find people who gave a damn about your well-being. You’d just been so busy, running the tavern. Its reputation hadn’t helped you in the social sphere, either. It was hard convincing people you were worth their time when you were known for supplying pirates with their ale. No, the only people who looked out for you were back home.  
Like your poor father.
No. No, don’t.
It set upon you before you could stop it. The lump in your throat. The tremble in your hands. The burning at the corner of your eyes.
It took only a second for you to come undone.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Bokuto started, his sword clattering on the ground as his hands came up to clutch your shoulders. That was enough to shock you back to the moment at hand.
“I’m sorry!” You gasped, covering your face with your hands. Gods, this was embarrassing. What sort of tavern owner cried in front of her own damn customers?
“Don’t apologise!” He cooed. “You don’t have anything to apologise for!”
Oh, but you certainly did. Before your days running the tavern you might’ve completely broken down in front of him, dignity be damned. But you were much better at holding your composure now. Several months of serving pirates would do that to you.
“I’m…” You took a deep breath, clenching your fists. “Can we finish early for today? I’ve just got… a lot of things I’m dealing with right now.”
Bokuto gazed at you sadly, running gentle hands up and down your arms. “Of course.”
“Sorry to bother you,” you said, keeping your voice as stable as possible.
“You can… talk to me,” he murmured, squeezing your arms gently.
You looked up at him. You knew you shouldn’t. You knew you might regret it later.
But fuck, you needed to talk to someone.
“It’s just…” You swallowed, trying to ignore the tightness in your chest. “My father’s ill.”
“Oh.” Bokuto’s whole demeanour deflated. You closed your eyes, trying to block out the look on his face.
“And… and all the money I’m earning out here is being sent home for treatment,” you sighed. “They’ve even called in some mages to have a look at him, but that gets… expensive.”
“I can imagine,” Bokuto frowned, unsure of whether or not he should wrap his arms around you. Would that make it worse? Make it better?
“That’s not even taking into account the cost of running this place.” You bit your lip, gesturing to the tavern in question. “Or how expensive it is to subsidise my family. Mother’s income alone isn’t near enough to help them get by…”
You didn’t know why you were telling him all this. He didn’t need to hear all this.
“I’m sorry,” you swallowed, crossing your arms over your chest. “I didn’t mean to—”
“Hey now.” Bokuto shook his head, wrapping his arms around you and drawing you into his chest.
You flinched in surprise, but you didn’t move away. He was warm – and muscular. And it had been a long, long time since anyone had held you like this.
“I told you not to apologise, didn’t I?” He hummed, resting his chin on the top of your head. “It sounds like you’ve got a lot on your shoulders.”
You nodded weakly. Your arms were trapped between your body and his, but you really, really wanted to wrap them around his waist.
“You can just relax for now, okay?” He said, giving you a little squeeze. “Take a breather.”
He loosened his grip a bit. Just enough for you to manoeuvre your arms around his waist, pulling yourself closer to him.
He’d intended to let you go, fearing that this was all too much for you. Apparently, that wasn’t the case.
But no matter how fast his heart was beating, or how embarrassingly red the entire top half of his body must be, he wouldn’t deny you this moment.
Not if it might just help you smile.
✧ ✧
“Hey, hey, hey!”
That bright smile really did nothing but bring you relief, didn’t it?
“Hello, Bokuto,” you smiled, fighting off your exhaustion. It was about an hour or so until your official opening time, but you certainly wouldn’t begrudge his company.
He half-ran up to the bar, smile in tow. It hadn’t faded even a little bit since he’d opened the door.
“What’s got you so happy?” You chuckled, looking him up and down.
“Well,” he grinned, voice a little more theatrical than usual. “I spoke to the fellas.”
“Hello,” Akaashi nodded.
You jumped. Where had he come from? Had he even walked through the front door? Or had you just been so distracted by Bokuto?
Oh, but you had something else to worry about.
A fat sack of coins, sitting on the table you’d just been cleaning.
“What’s this?” You frowned, looking between the two of them.
“I may have mentioned that you were… having a bit of financial trouble, and we decided that… we wanted to help in any way we could,” Bokuto mumbled, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “So we went around to the other guys who come here and we asked them to throw in a little cash.”
Your eyes focused on the bag again. How much was there? You pulled the string at its neck with a trembling hand, daring a look inside.
Shit, were these all gold?
“I can’t take this.” You shook your head, holding your hands up like a shield. “It’s too—"
“Aha!” Bokuto pointed a finger at you, a triumphant grin on his face. “I knew you’d say that!”
You blinked at him.
“You see, this isn’t a gift! This is a combined tip from all of your patrons! Money given willingly, as a thanks for your service! So, you have no reason to feel bad about accepting it!”
You stared at him. Of course he’d come up with something like that.
“You deserve to be happy,” Bokuto said, cheeks flushed as he struggled to meet your gaze. “And… you’re not going to be happy if you’ve got all this stuff to worry about. So… so hopefully this’ll help.”
Your body moved before your mind did.
You weren’t sure how you cleared the distance between the two of you, but your arms were around his neck, pressing your body against his. The poor boy froze, both heart and mind doing backflips.
“Thank you, Bokuto,” you smiled, loosening your hold around his neck and moving back just enough to get a proper look at his face.
He looked like he was about to burn up, but he was beaming. Strange and chaotic and silly as he could be, you really were fond of him. Fond of the amusement he brought to any and all who interacted with him. Fond of the weird way he looked at things, so optimistic and kind. Fond of how he seemed to bring light with him whether he went.
You noticed, not without some amusement, that Akaashi was no longer in the room.
You could certainly take the hint.
Your hands came up to cup his face, and you marvelled at the look of tentative excitement in his eyes.
“You’re a bit like a typhoon,” you chuckled, gaze flicking from his eyes to his lips.
You didn’t miss the way his Adam’s apple bobbed.
“Is that… a bad thing?” He mumbled, hands absentmindedly finding their way to your waist.
“Not at all,” you smiled. You stood on your tiptoes, pressing your lips to his with the most chaste of kisses. You lingered for just a moment longer than necessary, revelling in the sharp little breath he took.
When you met his eyes again, there was a new glint in them. One you rather liked.
“Can you… do that again?”
You laughed, rubbing one of your thumbs over his cheek. 
If you hadn’t inherited this den of rogues and rapscallions, this wonderful mess of a man wouldn’t have come crashing into your life. Life was a funny thing, wasn’t it? You’d been so ungrateful when you’d first arrived, and now look at you. Kissing a pirate. You could never have predicted it. 
But maybe pirates weren’t so bad, after all.
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quiteanabyss · 3 years
Hello! I hope you are well. Thank you for opening requests. May I ask for any HCs you may have on sharing first kisses with the boys? Could be first time for reader or with each other. Sending you much love & hugs & hope you are enjoying the holidays. 🤍
Hi love, thank you very much for sending me my first request, and what a lovely one to start with!  As this is my first attempt at HC’s, I ran a bit long with these, so I have three for you.  I hope that’s okay.
First Kisses With ... Clyde Logan, Modern!Kylo Ren, and Flip Zimmerman.
Clyde Logan
It happens after your third date.  
Just like the first two times, he drives you home and walks you to your front door, ever the perfect gentleman.
Then, just like the first two times, you murmur goodnight, he responds, and then ... there’s this awkward moment where he’s standing in front of you, shuffling his feet and staring at your mouth, an expression of absolute want written across his face, which turns to disappointment (In him?  In you?) as he turns to leave.
Oh hell no.
“Clyde?” you call after him, as sweetly as you can.
His shoulders stiffen, and he half-turns to look at you.  “Yes, darlin’?”
“Aren’t you gonna kiss me goodnight?”
You don’t think you’ve ever seen him look so eager, or move so quickly.
Clyde hasn’t done a whole lot of kissing.  Too shy as a teenager, and too socially awkward as an adult.
But it feels so easy and so natural, that by the time the two of you manage to tear yourselves apart, a whole hour has passed in the blink of an eye.
And Clyde smiles to himself the whole drive home.
It’s your first in-person date, though you’ve been talking for months.  First on the dating app, then on WhatsApp, and finally on Zoom.  
Thanks to this stupid pandemic, this is the first opportunity it’s been safe for you to meet.  You’ve literally been looking forward to it since almost the first messages you exchanged with him.
You honestly weren’t expecting it to be this awkward.
Considering that you’ve spent hours talking about everything under the sun
Considering that you’ve sent him multiple pictures of your tits, and he’s sent you photos of his reaction to said pictures (an outline through his jogging bottoms, but enough to have your mouth watering, and your hand fumbling for the drawer in your nightstand where you keep your toys.)
Considering you’ve told each other exactly what you want to do to each other when you meet
Why does it feel so weird?
He’s not attracted to you after all.  That must be it.  Have you catfished him, somehow?  You told him you were curvy - he’s seen your curves, for god’s sake - but maybe he hadn’t realized how much?  Or maybe - have you said something awkward?  It’s been so long since you’ve been out in public that it feels like you’ve forgotten how to People.
You’re so caught up in your own thoughts that you don’t observe Kylo having his own mini-breakdown next to you.  But you do notice when he downs the rest of his drink suddenly, mutters “Fuck it” under his breath, and looks you properly in the eye for the first time this evening.
You are not expecting him to suddenly lunge at you, but somehow you are ready for it anyway.  His lips crash into yours, your teeth click together, your noses get in the way ... on paper, it’s a terrible first kiss.  
But the intensity of the feeling behind it, the way his arms tighten around you, and the needy little sound he makes in the back of his throat when your tongues touch for the first time?
It’s absolutely fucking perfect.
Flip Zimmerman
“I don’t see what the problem is,” Flip says, arms folded across his chest.  He looks like a pouty schoolboy, but you honestly don’t care.  “Everybody does it.”
“If everybody jumped off a cliff, would you?” you retort.  It’s the kind of comment his mother would make, and you’ve selected it accordingly, just to wind him up.
“No woman has ever complained about it before,” he tells you.  He’s trying - and failing - to sound like his usual smug and confident self.
“I guarantee they were just being nice.  It’s like making out with an ashtray, Flip.”
He splutters and scowls, but for once can’t think of a clever comeback to that.
“Until you quit smoking, Detective, I won’t be kissing you.  And that’s that.”  You get out of his car, and stalk off up your driveway.  Flip watches you go, mournfully staring at your ass in those tight jeans.
That night, he savours his last cigarette out on his back porch, then throws the rest of the pack in the trash, carefully not thinking about the implications of why he’s doing what he’s doing.
The younger officers at the station are soon even more terrified of him.  If they thought he was moody and sarcastic before, he’s verging on evil now.  
Ron thinks it’s hilarious.
You’re away visiting your parents for the next two weeks.
His first Friday evening is spent pacing around his kitchen, fingers itching for something to do, and every part of soul screaming for a cigarette.
The second Friday is a bit easier, though his jaw now hurts, because he’s going through several packs of gum a day.
The following Friday, you’re back, and readily agree to go out with him again in spite of the sour way the last date ended.
You watch him carefully all evening.  He pretends not to notice.
It isn’t until he’s parked up at the end of your driveway once again that you bring it up.  “Have you actually quit?” you ask him, blunt as always.
“Yeah, I guess,” he says, like it’s no big deal.  Like he hasn’t spent most of the past three weeks tearing his hair out, and blowing up at everyone at work, and keeping Wrigley’s in business singlehandedly.
You stare at him like he’s grown several more heads than he had before.  “Why?”
He turns to look at you, incredulously.  “Because you asked me to.  And because I don’t want to taste like an ashtray when I kiss y-”
His answer is cut off when you slide across the bench seat of his truck until you’re pressed right against him, and grab him by the collar.  “Kiss me,” you say.  “Right now.”
Flip obliges.
Because you asked him to.
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solohux · 3 years
Thank you for these prompts, Lottie. “I don’t want to be claimed by anyone but you.” with omega Kylo and alpha Hux, please.
47-: “I don’t want to be claimed by anyone but you.”
In the middle of reviewing Captain Phasma’s newest squadron of elite stormtroopers, General Hux is summoned to the holochamber for a surprise meeting with the Supreme Leader. It isn’t out of the ordinary for Snoke to suddenly request the presence of his two co-commanders to, no doubt, bark commands at them to boost his own ego before ordering them on another menial mission to locate the map to Skywalker.
Hux rolls his eyes but makes his way to the holochamber anyway, meeting Kylo on the way there. As usual, the omega is dressed head-to-toe in his black robes, his young and handsome face hidden by that infernal mask, though Hux is partially grateful for it; without it, Kylo’s youthful looks and baby-face, as Hux calls it, precedes him and ruins his fierce reputation as the ‘Jedi Killer’. Plus, Hux takes great enjoyment from the fact that only he is permitted to look upon Kylo’s face and body; a privilege of being Kylo’s almost-mate.
“I don’t like this,” Kylo says, halting outside of the grand doors to the holochamber. “I sense something.”
“Maybe it’s your heat approaching,” Hux says, taking hold of Kylo’s hand and gently pulling his glove off a little to gain access to his wrist, feeling it for a fever. “We said we were going to go away when you next fell into heat, remember? To that spa on Lagoonia.”
“I remember,” Kylo says, and Hux can just tell that the omega is smiling.
“To make things official,” Hux glances down. “If that’s—”
Kylo pulls his hand free from the alpha’s hold and closes the gap between them until they’re chest-to-chest, “It’s all I want, Hux. To be claimed by you, to be yours.”
Hux smiles, reaching up to smooth his hand across the cheek of Kylo’s mask, moving to guide the omega into a kiss—though he just has to settle for pressing his lips to the cold forehead of Kylo’s mask; it’s enough for now.
“But that isn’t what I meant,” Kylo says, his voice laced with concern. “It’s the Force. It feels like it’s trying to warn me about something.”
“I’m sure it’s just some nervous jitters about this meeting. After what he did to you last time. Your bruises are still healing” Hux steps back and stands tall beside the omega, wanting to calm him with his presence and calm himself instead of thinking how Snoke brought physical punishment upon Kylo only a few days ago for an unsuccessful mission. “It’ll be over before you know it and we’ll be back in our chambers before dinner arrives.”
Kylo says nothing, just nods in silent agreement.
As soon as they step through the doors and enter the domineering gaze of their Supreme Leader, they hide their feelings for each other and become nothing more than bitter co-commanders. They both agreed that it’s safer this way, to keep their courtship and relationship from Snoke; the Leader would only disapprove and argue that their love is splitting their focus from their duties.
The alpha’s leering, blue hologram is already perched high on his massive throne when Hux and Kylo enter.
“Precisely on time,” Snoke chuckles. “Do you ever make mistakes, General Hux?”
“I like to think myself incapable of errors, Supreme Leader,” Hux announces proudly with his chin held high, fighting to keep his thoughts of Kylo from his mind. The pair stand on the raised platform at the end of the walkway, halting side-by-side—but not too close.
“Indeed,” Snoke turns his gaze upon Kylo. “I won’t ask my apprentice the same question. We know how much he seems to enjoy failing me.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Hux sees Kylo’s shoulders drop. The omega’s distressed scent is rolling off of him in waves, potent and worrying; as an alpha himself, Snoke must be able to smell it, to sense how afraid Kylo is of receiving more bruises and trauma.
“But that is beside the point,” Snoke says, sitting back in his throne. “I have called upon you both to share some…thrilling news.”
“We wait with held breath, Supreme Leader,” Hux says.
The old creature smiles a twisted grin, “I have been in touch with an old friend of mine, a true acolyte of the dark side. He is powerful, of royal Sith heritage, and a pure-blooded alpha.”
“Impressive,” Hux nods, feigning interest.
“That he is, General Hux. He is strong with the Force and a great leader. An alpha that many crave to destroy but he triumphs over enemies with ease. He shall be a tremendous asset to our cause. But, a man of such prowess and talent comes with a price.”
Hux is already coming up with his argument against this plan inside of his own mind, knowing that their budget will not be able to afford whatever this old disciple is asking for.
“And his price?” Snoke leans forward, and the horrific realisation hits Hux like a punch to the gut. “He wants you, Kylo. My young omega.”
“No.” Hux answered without thinking, without a moment’s thought about their secret relationship.
“No?” Snoke parrots. “How dare you question my authority, General.”
“This isn’t right,” Hux says, stepping forward in front of Kylo, holding an arm out as though shielding him from the prospect of being married off to another alpha but his logical mind quickly prevails with a more convincing argument from someone who is meant to dislike Kylo. “What you’re suggesting, it’s…it would be detrimental to the hierarchy of the First Order. Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren is an integral part of our plans for rule, as much as it pains me to admit. We need him as he is.”
“Kylo has failed me one too many times, General,” Snoke yells in his powerful alpha voice, making Kylo cower. “If he is enough of a whore that he will spread his legs for you—a bastard, runt of an alpha—then he shall do this.”
Hux’s blood runs cold. He steps back until he bumps into Kylo, feeling the omega’s heavy breaths from his heaving chest.
“Yes. I know of your intimacy outside of these doors,” the commanding alpha sneers. “You think you could hide it from me. I see everything in Kylo’s mind for he is my weapon, my property. If I command him to bow then he will do it.”
Hux’s stomach twists, begging, “No, Supreme Leader—”
“Bow, omega! Bow before your one, true master!”
“No, Kylo!” Hux turns just to see his almost-mate fall to his knees, catching himself on his hands and somehow looking like a lost kitten instead of a hulking knight as he surrenders to the power of Snoke’s alpha-voice. Hux stares at his omega with angered tears in his eyes, willing him to get up and fight back against this evil creature before them. But he doesn’t. Kylo doesn’t move.
Snoke laughs, the terrible sound echoing around the chamber, “See, General? Kylo is nothing more than a pup who needs to be given orders. And my alpha acolyte will keep him in his place with a claim mark upon his pretty neck. Perhaps a litter or two in his belly.”
Hux seethes with rage, wishing he had his blaster on him to take a well-aimed shot between Snoke’s eyes. He won’t allow this to happen, he can’t.
“And should you interfere in this arrangement,” Snoke says, standing up tall and towering over Hux. “Then I shall strip our young omega of everything he has—his power, his sanity—and then make him watch as I kill you, General Hux. I can give you a preview of his torture now if you so wish.”
Hux scrunches his nose up in pure rage but keeps a relatively calm tone, “That won’t be necessary.”
Snoke seems convinced, “Good. The acolyte will be aboard in three days to meet with his new mate and to claim him. I suspect he will like his prize to be in heat as he claims him so be a good soldier and arrange that, hm? An appointment with medbay for a heat-inducing injection will be sufficient.”
Snoke’s horrid, victorious laughter echoes as the hologram fizzes out and leaves the two co-commanders alone in the empty chamber. As soon as the Leader is gone, Hux drops to his knees beside Kylo and cups both sides of his helmeted face.
“Ren?” Hux says, terrified that the news of being forced to become mated to another alpha has broken his mind. “Ren? Kylo, please talk to me. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise. Just talk to me.”
Kylo says nothing but Hux can see the trembling of his shoulders, the quiet sounds of crying from behind the safety of his mask. With great care, Hux’s fingers find the parallel clasps of the helmet and he gently pushes them to lift it away from Kylo’s face, letting his dark hair fall into place before casting the mask aside. As expected, the omega is crying, tears coating his pale cheeks in rivets and his bottom lip trembling as he fails to hold in his sobs.
“Kylo,” Hux says softly, cupping his cheeks and pressing their foreheads together. “I won’t let anyone touch you.
“A-Armitage,” Kylo says in a shuddering breath, and Hux freezes: Kylo never calls him by his first name. Hux had even begun to doubt whether his almost-mate knows his name, but the omega has just uttered it in the most desperate, pleading tone that Hux has ever heard him speak in. “I don’t want to be claimed by anyone but you.”
“You won’t be,” Hux says, lifting Kylo’s head up so that they can meet each other’s gazes. The omega has never looked more lost than he does in this moment, not even when he stepped off of the Night Buzzard and into Hux’s life like a tornado, one that the alpha is glad to have been ruined by.
“But you heard him,” Kylo sniffles. “Three days.”
“That’s plenty of time,” Hux says, wiping away Kylo’s tears with his finger, kissing his cheeks where the droplets were. “Accidents can happen within seconds.”
“Indeed,” Hux shrugs, taking off his greatcoat and wrapping it around Kylo’s trembling shoulders, hoping that the omega will be comforted by his scent. “Slipping and falling onto a dagger multiple times, being electrocuted by a high-spec baton. The list could go on.”
Kylo laughs. It’s the most beautiful sight and sound that Hux could wish to witness right now in this seemingly dark moment. The alpha sighs, taking in the overwhelming sadness in the omega’s dark eyes, feeling a fire burning in his own; a hungry fire that will only be satiated by Snoke’s spilt blood.
“I love you, Armitage,” Kylo says softly, placing his hands on top of Hux’s where they still cup his cheeks. It’s the first time that he’s uttered those simple but tremendous, heartfelt words, and Hux doesn’t hesitate in saying them back.
“I love you, Kylo Ren.” Hux swears that he can already feel Kylo’s presence inside of his mind as though there’s a bond in place already, feeling the omega’s intense grief turn to happiness as they lean in to kiss, desperately clinging on to each other in the middle of the empty holochamber.
Both the Supreme Leader and the so-called alpha acolyte will not lay a finger upon Kylo, not as long as Hux still has breath. He swears to the stars that he’ll end them both for coming up with such a malicious plan for Kylo.
Three days to plan, three days to execute.
Hux has never failed yet, he isn’t going to taint his perfect record now.
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