#anyway yeahhh :)
tears-of-boredom · 4 months
My fellow followers,
in these, troublesome times, honesty and truth are more valuable than any jewels. that is why im standing here today, in front of you all, during this lovely evening.
i believe that a blog's values are upheld by its followers, first and foremost, though it is the leaders that create those values firsthand.
i, as the biggest figure head of this blog, am the first person people expect to uphold these values. This. is why I am here today.
Most of you have probably heard the, allegations, that have been thrown around recently. these were not taken lightly by my peers, though i expect nothing less of such an excellent leadership. in my, humble, opinion, every accusation and allegation should be treated with the appropriate gravitas it deserves.
for those of you who happen to not be aware of the situation, i will be sure to explain the events as we go through them.
My fellow followers, I would like to start by simply saying this: I am not stupid, never have been.. But alas, i am a mere human, and, like all humans im sure, i experience the occasional boust of overconfidence in my abilities. this is natural for us humans.
so, as i went to work today, it was not stupidity, that lead me to the events that happened, but it was my self-assuredness.
as i searched for the eggs, i was being most delicate with them, aware of the many practical jokes that are made about them.
i had picked up a plastic bowl as a container for the eggs. small enough to manage with my left hand alone, but big enough, for the eggs. this choice was the optimal way to do things, at least until I'd rinsed the eggs.
for the trip back, i had gathered my bucket to my right hand, and the egg bowl to my left. when i reached the front door, i started to doubt my choice of egg container.
see, i leave my boots outside, thus, it was the time to remove them. i manage to do this without my hands, sure, but like many times before, the sock on my left foot went with the boot. i now needed two free hands to put the sock back. all was still well, as i simply put both the bucket and the egg basket on the porch next to me.
when i had reunited my dear sock with my foot, i was faced with a problem.
two steps from me was the front door, closed. id need to open it. however, i had already started picking up my bucket, and at this point i already felt tired of picking things up, only to place them down 10 seconds later. so how could i avoid having to bend down to pick up my bucket and egg bowl, after id opened the door.
my hands worked before my brain got the chance, and the heavy egg bowl was place on top of the empty bucket's lid. i knew what was going to happen once i fully picked up the bucket. the egg bowl would weigh on one side of the bucket more, it would start to slip as the bucket turned, and finally the bowl of eggs would fall to the ground.
i, however, was confident in my abilities. i could balance the bucket as i opened the door, and would quickly retreat my hand to steady the bucket, before it has the chance to rotate around the handle.
i made sure the egg bowl was in the middle of the bucket lid, to keep the balance, and lifted the bucket with its handle.
the bowl weighed a side of the bucket, the bucket turned around the handle, the bowl slid, and the bowl hit the ground.
and thusly, as you can see, my fellow followers. even the smartest human is still just a human. and humans make misjudgements. thank you.
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pronouncingitwang · 2 years
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homolobotomized · 1 year
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hot dog or hamburger style, captain
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doctorsiren · 2 months
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I think he would play baseball in high school 😁
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tsukk1 · 15 days
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[senfrogs band au] boyfriend guitar lessons 💋🎶
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mettywiththenotes · 4 months
Love how the class are like "Shinsouuuu!" every time they see him. He is their little guy. They are obsessed with him and his progress
I'm glad it's not just a Shinsou fandom thing but an in-universe reaction from the kiddos too (who are also Shinsou fans lol)
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pup-pee · 14 days
bart having 2 learn how 2 run again would ruin me
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withacapitalp · 9 months
For the STWG prompt "Blue" it had to be exactly 403 words WHICH WAS A STRUGGLE LEMME TELL YA....((Yes I'm the one that makes the rules shush))
“Steve, it is not this fricken hard,” Lucas groaned, finally giving up and joining the rest of the party on the floor. They had come along because painting his room a new color sounded fun, a way to officially brand the house as his now that his parents had signed it over. 
But after 23 minutes of watching Steve stare at paint samples doing absolutely nothing, the novelty had vanished.
“Just go to the section with your favorite color and pick one,” Max suggested, flipping from her stomach to her back and looking up at Steve with an extremely bored expression, “Then you’ll know if you want to go lighter or darker.”
It was a good suggestion. It was smart. Steve should try that. 
There was just one problem…
“Dude, seriously?” Dustin grumbled when Steve didn’t move. 
Actually he was moving, his hands had begun to shake, and his heart was racing a mile a minute, but the kids were sitting too far away to tell. Robin and Eddie however were right next to him, so they could see just how much Steve was overreacting at this moment. 
“Guys, why don’t you take a lap? Find someone else to annoy for a while?” Eddie suggested. The kids whined and moaned but as they stood up, Lucas got the bright idea to smack a hand directly in the center of Mike’s chest. 
“Tag!” He shouted, all of the kids immediately scrambling to get as far from Mike as possible. 
“Are you serious?!” Mike yelled, already running as fast as he could after Lucas, all of them screaming their heads off. 
A ghost of a smile flitted across Steve’s face as he listened to them chasing each other around the store, but it quickly faded as he remembered what was wrong. 
“You know what happens if you don’t end up liking it?” Robin asked rhetorically, sliding her hand into his and locking their fingers together to stop the shaking, “We paint it again.”
She was right, but she was wrong about that being the reason he was upset. 
“I don’t know what it is,” Steve said, hating the way his eyes were starting to burn. It was just so stupid. 
“You don’t know what’s wrong?” Eddie asked. 
“…I don’t know what my favorite color is.”  Steve admitted in a whisper, staring with blurry eyes at the sea of blue paint swatches in front of him. 
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4525yaoi · 8 months
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lunian · 1 year
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i found my WIPs to this old idea from my brain which doesnt actually remember much from PJO (read books 9 years ago lol), but since im a nerd to greek gods i wanted to finish some sillies with a trio kids of Hermes, Ares and Dionysus hehe
dont touch me with "canon" explanations and details, i just had fun
bonus to some time before camp:
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braisedhoney · 1 year
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moonymelly · 3 months
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Don’t you breathe for me
Undeserving of your sympathy
Took another break from Biggerler last night and instead drew this scene from Truffula Flu because OUGH.
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jichanxo · 10 months
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the kids deserve some positive reinforcement, i think
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send-me-a-puffalope · 11 months
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What have you done to her?
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speedlimit15 · 4 months
today ive been liking posts from one mutual and reblogging the same post from another. im sorry okay? im sorry. just want to show love to everyone
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sherbetyy · 1 year
do you ever realize after masking intentionally and unintentionally so much in your life, you completely forget who you are.. and how it feels like every time you mimic someone you lose a part of yourself and personality. and fear you’ll never figure out who you are or who you were once.
anyway pictures of moth !!!
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