#anyway. got a little ranty
mvalentine · 1 year
my take on the entire ethan x tobias as a couple discourse that’s been going around the fandom even though literally no one asked :)
honestly, personally i always thought of ethan & tobias having more than just a friendship in the past. now i haven’t played book2 in a while but i do remember thinking —- okay so we can all agree that those two were more than just very good & platonic friends right? but even if you don’t agree, that’s fine. people are allowed to have their own hcs on ethan’s character and who his potential exes are. hell, i hc ethan’s family as being completely different from canon—- so who am i to speak on what headcanons people should or shouldn’t have.
that being said, it becomes a fucking issue when people try to push this narrative of ‘platonic love’ all of a sudden. suddenly all these people come out of the fucking woodworks saying shit like ‘well, what about platonic love? what about the importance of male friendships?’ and to that i just have to say…. do you truly believe that MALE FUCKING FRIENDSHIPS are more underrepresented in the media than queer relationships? really? also where’s this energy for male and female friendships? why don’t you make your mcs be solely platonic with ethan and have neither side have any sort of feelings? where’s the importance of platonic friendship then?
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theloveinc · 1 year
Ok at this point like . How are we feeling about other people adding shit onto your posts?
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jackpotsadmon · 2 years
shit like kizuna and distant blue sky are going to be the fucking death of me man
(long kizuna and pokemon rants in tags + a lot of emotional rambling and spoilers)
#digimon n pokemon were my first two animes and like. i hold those memories very dear to my heart#i loved both of these btw i am holding back tears i just saw distant blue sky i love ash man he’s just. like he’s just some guy i love him#he gives off this kind of childish joy that made me love pokémon in the first place when i was little . like baby etke would sit and watch#the gengar episode from the first season on repeat SOBBING#i don’t have to say why kizuna one hit KO’d me do i? /lh#mini rant actually because it’s been an . Hour#agumon and gabumon were so and are so important to me as characters . the point of digimon partners in season one is that they are there#to be a mirror to what their partner needs to accept and overcome. gabumon never gave up trying to make matt feel loved and helped him stop#repressing his feelings and agumon and tai gave eachother things to live and fight for!! that’s why agumon’s speech about life in 02 gets me#because he has had to fight a lot. but he did it all because he had tai and tai had him#and i think what kizuna missed the mark on was that it wasn’t that tai and matt didn’t need them or want them anymore.#it was that agumon and gabumon helped them get to a place where they don’t need that mirror anymore.#it sucks and i wish they hadn’t left but like. i think that’s the point#like we’ve all had shit that has helped us grow and cope and learn and when we leave it or when it leaves us it feels painful. it sucks#but you realize how much that thing really helped you become a better person#christ this got personal and ranty. anyways i’m still emotional about kizuna#kizuna’s ending wasn’t happy. but you could tell in the credits that even if they didn’t have their partners anymore#the lessons they learned from them is still there#digimon#gamma’s static#pokemon#digimon last evolution kizuna
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indigos-stardust · 3 days
Violet, Blue, And Bruised All Over: Long Talks
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5/ Part 6
Note: this has been in my draft for at least 2 weeks, hit a slump and then a hyperfixation couldn't write lol. so this is alot shorter and the drawings wont make as much sense without part like?? 6.5???... but I just wanted to post it cuz I felt bad
Reblogs and comments appreciated <3 I wanna hear y'all's thoughts >:3c
Red and Blue: a deep conversation filled with compassion and vulnerability:
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Meanwhile Vio and Green:
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(sorry I haven't updated this in a while, real life calls :')
The following days were hell. Red knew how much fights shredded his heart into a bajillion tiny pieces, but really the forced normalcy was so much worse!
The two had gotten an even bigger longer (and honestly ranty) lecture from Green the next day. Red didn't think it really helped much. Like sure they were cowed into NOT biting each other or whatever, but c'mon!
It felt like everyone was mad at everyone else! And even though technically no one was really mad at him, they were all mad at each other which- considering they were all sorta kinda not really the same person? It still felt that way!
Green had gotten really bossy and super serious, and Blue and Vio were just avoiding each other like the plague! Whenever they did come into "an unfortunate proximity" as Vio put it, there wasn't anything but a ton of silent hate! Red really just wanted to curl up into a little hole and die. Well not really! But like, emotionally! Just a bit!
Green kept pushing them to talk about the details, but neither one would talk. Red decided to try asking them one on one, you know, use his charm a bit and soften the edges- But even when he cried it didn't work! Him crying always worked! Especially when he said just the right words in just the right way to softly push them into making a realization.
Red wouldn't really call himself a manipulator in that sense, because hey! He was using his powers for good, right? At least most of the time, anyways. It was a useful way to get out of trouble and get things he wanted...
By why couldn't it work now when he needed it most!!
Vio just treated him like how a parent would to their kid when the kid just, well, asked about death or some hard grownup topic. Like Red just simply wouldn't understand and not to worry about it- But he was worrying! He knew Vio just didn't want him to be sad but still...
Then Blue- Well, Blue was just sad. And a little p*ssed. But it was clear he was just mostly sad. At least when he talked to Red anyways. At first he had been all huffy and insisted that it was all so stupid, so why even bring it up anyways? Because it was "over already!" Which, no that was super stupid of Blue to think, because obviously all their relationships were like super mega sad???
When Red expressed that sentiment though, it seemed to change something in Blue. Blue just closed up and got all quiet. He hated when Blue did that. But it also meant his plan was working. Blue may be a little, uhm, explosive to people and things when he got upset- But really if he was like actually really seriously upset? Then he got all quiet and intense all by himself. But Red knew how to pry all those layers off, even if it was just melting his way though each one of Blue's icy walls, one at a time.
Not even a day later of the guilt obviously devouring Blue inside out, and clearly losing against his ego. (Red knew that's what happened, he probably didn't want to be the "first one to show weakness" and just talk about how his feelings were hurt and acted like he was just all angry and didn't care, but Blue was a big softie and no amount of pouting was gonna change that in Red's eyes.)
They'd been walking to the training yards extremely early in the morning, the sun had barely peeked over the horizon really. In Red's opinion, going all the way to the castle to train in the big professional courtyard before the birds even woke up was probably some sort of crime against humanity. And him. But Red was so close to getting Blue to spill! SO he had to stick with Blue the whole time to make sure his plan would work. He just had to be consistent! Even if... it was at like... Red blearily squinted against the horizon. Five AM? Uegh.
Green was right about those too being similar. But it wasn't just cuz they were so stubborn. More like they were both weirdos that had a vendetta against sleep. Seriously, would it kill Blue to sleep in for five more minutes...
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nevermoreconfessions · 4 months
I'm...sorry for being back... PoeAnon.. But I got so damn curious about the staff that I went back to read Masque of Red Death and I have a few stretches I can make here to at least make a structure for theories. I think. THIS IS ALL WORD SPEWING DON'T TAKE ME SERIOUSLY <3 also feel free to ignore if it's too long, I know I get ranty on accident (⇀‸↼‶)
First, things to notice in the story that might be significant/prominent in Prospero:
- The guests in the story avoided the black and red room because of the ebony clock and it's ambience.
- There are seven colored rooms, but purple and violet can be considered the same color family if you don't think about it much. I'm thinking maybe the "wings" represent each room? It has six spikes but the hourglass in the middle could be the 'ebony clock' ????
- In the story, Red Death is depicted as a man that then stabs Prince Prospero dead and maybe where the blood spewing from that one panel came from?
- Prospero has an ability that's to paralyze people and it seems like his watch is what controls that, maybe the connection is that in the story, the chime of the clock is so loud and demanding, it causes everyone including the orchestra to stop what they're doing??
- Also, I don't know if this is as relevant as I think it is but the last room was black woth red windows, it's the only one where the windows don't match the inside and since he is fully black but his eyes (windows of a the soul????????) are red- well... I don't know..
I've seen people debate each room's significance and I've seen purple being 'childhood' while 'violet' is old age, and since Prospero in spectre form uses a purple-ish hue, not sure if purple or violet more.... That could be significant? Anyway, this got waaaaayyyyyy too long but yeah, I felt stupid in my previous Anon so I went to do a bit of research and thought of sharing what I got thus far. Please lmk what you think!!
- PoeAnon :>
So sorry for the late response, PoeAnon. I kept you waiting.
While most of my posts have extensive commentary, I'm going to let you keep the spotlight, here, since you have more Edgar Allan knowledge than me, but here's my tidbits of comments:
Oh, I didn't consider the wings before. That would be a very clever reference! And here I was thinking it was because of diseases...
As for the stabbing, you really spiked by intrigue. Prospero did seem to be stabbed in the neck, or slashed, so I'd make sense if his death reflected the story. The more I think about him, the more intrigued I am about his death. It's a complete mystery, to me.
You aren't stupid, PoeAnon. Our little communication has been my favorite moment on this blog. You're the only one who has a nickname, after all.
Wow, look at those windows to the soul. I'm enamored.
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duckprintspress · 8 months
Thanks so much to the people who've already helped spread the word, it's making a big difference already.
The exact amount of the junk pledge is $2,015.
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To overcome it's malicious impact, we need to hit an "actual" amount of $15,515 (instead of our real goal of $13,500) - as in, we need to raise enough over our actual goal to cover the money that'll disappear when this fake pledge is removed.
Someone also suggested in the tags that we report it - we absolutely did. :) Here's what I wrote to KS:
"My campaign has 50 hours left and I just got a huge spam pledge for $2,000. This is absolutely insane, and I'm furious. How can you guys let this happen? When this pledge becomes nothing but air, my campaign either won't fund at the last minute because people who WOULD have backed to help get us over the line will think we're already funded, or it won't get cancelled til after the end and then the money won't exist and we won't actually be able to afford to do our project. I'm absolutely livid. I knew y'all were having problems with spam pledges but jesus f-in christ KS you need to resolve this absolutely immediately or figure out a way to make it up to loyal users like us. It impacts KS too, since if we crash and burn at the last minute because of this spam pledge, y'all can't collect your fees. This pledge and it's timing entirely screws up my ability to get last-minute pledges, and even having it there for a few hours will have a substantial negative impact on my ability to run this campaign.
"If this can't be resolved immediately, please PLEASE extend our campaign a day, anything to make up for the damage that this will do to my ability to get my project funded.
"This is the kind of problem that, if KS can't get it under control, I don't know how I'll be able to continue using the platform. Another person I know has had over $10k of spam pledges on his campaign in the last few weeks, and was initially told one of the pledges WASN'T spam and it took over a day to actually resolve. Can you think what it taking over a day will do to my project?
"Sorry, I'm ranty, but I'm livid, and the useless chat bot, my inability to get a human in chat when I've got an urgent problem, the utter lack of FAQ support for what to do when I get a spam pledge like this, and the irrelevant categories on this form I'm filling out now, plus the dozens of uncontrolled spam messages I've gotten about my project across four different platforms, have all combined to make me feel like KS either doesn't care about the spam issue or has zero ability to control it, and honestly neither of these conclusions is heartening when they relate to a company that has taken thousands of dollars in fees from me over the last few years."
I. Might have been a little angry, lmao.
However, their support staff doesn't even get to the office until 9:00 AM Eastern time (one hour from when I'm posting this), and then they'll have however many other e-mails to get through before mine. Our 48-hour window starts at 9:37 am. The odds that the junk pledge will be gone by then are EXTREMELY low. The person I mentioned in that message, it took over a day to get rid of a junk pledge and KS initially told them it WASN'T a junk pledge, so ya know that was awesome for them. I'd been feeling pretty lucky that it hadn't happened to me yet - this happened to them about three weeks ago - but well. guess my luck had run out.
Anyway, if anyone has other questions or comments, I'll see them in tags or you can drop us an ask. The outpouring has already been incredible, folks have pledged (or increased their existing pledges) to a tune of $303 since I put up the post an hour and a half ago, which means we're only about a thousand shy. I was teary-eyed before because I was upset about the junk-pledge, and now I'm teary-eyed instead being grateful about how awesome people are.
Thanks, everyone.
We'll overcome this dipshit scammy bullcrap!
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lttleghostlemon · 1 year
Long ranty post about Thomas Thorne
I dont think anyone is actually saying this or whatnot its just for my sake BUT if there is someone going “Thomas Thorne doesnt actually love he just goes from woman to woman” which is a tiny bit true. I think hes just a hopeless romantic or thinks thats what people are meant to do— but when he died he believed Isabelle did not love him, and hes been dead for at least 200 years, hes had so much time to think about it so by the time Alison showed up, he’d moved on quite a bit. And yes theres the passing fancy with Lucy but i already mentioned “hes just a hopeless romantic or thinks thats what people are meant to do” and he “saw a bit of alison in lucy” so
I don’t think Thomas actually got to be with anyone in his life time- and when he did love it had to be kept quiet “so her father wouldn’t know”. He didnt know how to love and hes a poet- he goes all outrageous with his affection cause no one showed him how to love. Hes probably gone based off what he read in stories which then transferred to his own writing. Which maybe thats why he was never inspired by italy and all that, he didn’t know what he was meant to even be looking for. Probably believing it had to be big and extravagant. If he had known, i think he would’ve taken time to stop and look, and i think he would’ve found so much in those places. I think all he had been taught was “a man should fawn over a woman” and then with him being a poet he felt as though all his words needed to be “Fancy” and “Important” sounding so-
but there are the moments where he lets it all go for a moment. Like the time where after their little camping trip he spoke about the sun- it was short and simple yet beautiful..he never knew thats all it took. Cause i think thats one of the only moments Alison complements his work- In that moment he was simply genuine about it all. No fancyness or adding on unnecessary words…he just spoke what first came to mind. It wasn’t until Alison said something that he felt the need to make it something more- when it didn’t need to be..because he thought he needed to monologue or whatever to make people like it. To like him-
Theres always been so much going on in Button house- and Thomas never changes how he acts so they just form their opinion based off what he provides them, but i think if any of the ghosts sat with Thomas and talked to him, and let him break down some of those walls, i think he’d just…act “normal” for once and be a genuine sweet guy..(also i think it’d be humphrey who could actually get through to him)
Yes. Hes a bit an as asshole sometimes…but they all are. They’re ghosts whos only connection is eachother..with zero responsibilities. Give it 200 years stuck with the same people and having nothing to do…you’d be a bit assholey sometimes too.
anyways no matter what im a thomas thorne apologist
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am-i-interrupting · 4 months
Lil’ Late Night Life
So, just wanna explain some things as to why I haven’t been posting as much lately. I’ve got story recommendations queued but I haven’t written or posted any original content in a hot second. Here’s why:
I am currently a full time nail student which is taking up Monday-Thursday and working part job which takes up Friday-Sunday.
School doesn’t take up near as much energy as work does but I have a lot of things I need to do at home and I have to do them on those days or they simply won’t get done. Then on work days all my energy is gone.
Just to get a little ranty for a second. I work in a very Christian store. I never wanted to work here but they were the only place that responded to my application. I am looking for a new job right now because I get paid $8 an hour and total about $540 a month which is $100 short for my school payments so I’ve been stressed about that but also the place is very cliquey and because I don’t fit into any of those cliques, I am the one who gets ostracized more often than not so that sucks and the management is shit. Then there’s the costumers who are all older Christians who tell me to smile more and I’m just one fucking wrong look away from getting arrested.
Long story short, I’m stressed as fuck and feeling pretty lonely and unappreciated. Everyone there is really just not for me and they take up all my energy to the point where when I come home, I just go to bed. I don’t do anything else, just go to bed.
So, I hate asking for things but if anyone has any money to spare and would like to, I’d really appreciate it if you would tip me or buy something from my studio wish list I’d truly appreciate it. Or, hey, if you’re in the south and want your nails or toes done shoot me a message of what state your in and we can chat about it.
Anyway, sorry that I haven’t been posting much but life is a lot right now. It’s really mostly my job, honestly. I think once I get a new one I’ll be back to posting. Maybe you’ll get something before I graduate in September. Fingers crossed. I hope so. I miss writing, I just don’t have the energy to spare right now.
Love and kiss!
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hannigramislife · 3 months
Hey, I saw some of your posts on Beast, specifically the one about some people reading it and seeing it as more Dazai angst. I think you'd be happy to learn that it literally turned me against the original Dazai somehow.
The moment that I realized Dazai still had his original memories, I became a hater. Because, if that's the case, I can't just think 'oh, he's a person under bad/different circumstances' like I did for Dark Era.
Because Beast Dazai isn't a different person. He's still got all the experiences he had before. Given that Beast Dazai started with all the supposed character growth as the original, it means the original would do the same shit if given the option. Hence, the original is still as much as a bitch as Beast Dazai.
So yeah, Beast is actually what really kicked off my personal hatred of Dazai, even though I thought he had some morally questionable moments originally as well-
Sorry if this doesn't make sense or is a bit ranty, it's like the middle of the night as I write this😭
Omg I fucking love that. That's beautiful op.
It's insane to me that Dazai did all that while having his original memories. You mean to tell me his original memories affected him so much he's gonna give up his life and world for Oda, yet somehow he managed to abuse Atsushi to that extent?? Does he like, not care for Atsushi at all?? A SPIKED COLLAR MAN, HELLO!?!
Beast Dazai is a pathetic mess of a man tbh, and I hold little to no sympathy for him. Brother, it is not your duty, nor is it your right, to dictate people's lives the way you deem fit – literally the fuck is wrong with you??
I don't know if canon Dazai would do exactly as Beast Dazai had he had knowledge of what the future would bring, but I can't say he wouldn't either, and that says enough.
Can we talk about how in a perfect world, Akutagawa and Oda are by each other's side, not having Dazai in their lives, and that is the happiest they could ever be? Oda may be dead but it's not too late for canon Dazai to leave Akutagawa the fuck alone!! Just saying.
Anyways. Live laugh lay Dazai into the ground.
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jomiddlemarch · 8 months
A handshake is available upon request 
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“There used to be offices. Actual fucking offices, doors, windows, generic black and white landscape photography in a black frame because they wanted to be a little edgy, architect-school-wannabes,” Nina announced at the water cooler, which had been moved out of what was nominally the kitchen-slash-lounge, so that it was less appealing to stand around and chat. They weren’t allowed to bring in their own water bottles however, because their bathroom breaks were strictly regulated and a full Stanley on even 50% renal function equaled more time away from their screens than they were allocated. The water cooler had tiny paper cones to drink out of and if you didn’t swallow the whole thing right away, the paper would start to turn into mush in your hand. It wasn’t compostable though, because collecting compost would take time out of someone’s schedule that didn’t generate income.
“Really?” Alina said, keeping her voice lower than Nina’s. Nina was a veteran, relatively speaking, having survived the layoffs in ’18,’19, and ’22 and she wore Grimace purple Converse to the office on casual Fridays. Alina was approaching the end of her 90-day probation and needed to keep the job for the benefits more than anything else. The pay wasn’t great but there was vision and dental.
“Yeah, that was before all this cubicle shit,” Nina said. “If you don’t believe me, ask Gen. She remembers—”
“They said it would build morale. We’d all be interacting and sparking ideas or some nonsense like that. Like they want us to have ideas,” Gen offered. She was a bit more circumspect than Nina, which wasn’t saying all that much. She’d been assigned to show Alina the ropes the first week and fortunately, they were becoming friends. Well, work-friends. “They also took out all the vending machines except the one on the 24th floor.”
“The one with the ancient turkey sandwiches?” Alina said.
“Doesn’t ever need to be restocked, does it?” Nina said.
“We’re all just drones now,” Gen said. “Look what they did to David—”
“He was lucky he didn’t get fired for finding that loophole,” Nina said. Gen could get ranty about David, whom she’d had a crush on for like a year and who barely spoke to her, even though everyone could tell he was interested. “It’s worse what happened to Alex. That’s an absolute fucking nightmare.”
“What happened to him?” Alina asked. She’d seen Alex around, a tall, impassive dark-haired man with a close-cropped beard in the standard corporate uniform—charcoal or navy pants, button-down, no tie, cross-body nylon satchel—though she’d thought if he ever smiled, he’d probably be quite the looker. Not that he’d ever look at her, just one step up from a temp. 
“You know he basically built the place from the ground up, but I guess he was over-leveraged, there’s some rumor about his mother being in a crazy expensive assisted living with like a private nurse, but he doesn’t talk about her. After the takeover, he couldn’t afford to leave or he wouldn’t, there’s no real agreement on that part, and anyway, they took his top floor corner office and stuck him on 11. He’s got a door but no windows, can’t even keep a goddamn aspidistra alive in there,” Nina said. 
“Shit, there’s tattle-tail Tatiana and she’d coming over,” Gen muttered, then plastered a broad and clearly fake smile on her face, ducking her chin slightly to make her pony-tail bounce. “Hi, Tatiana!”
“Your reports ready to be filed?” Tatiana, the ostensible division supervisor, said. She looked lacquered, like she’d been manicured head-to-toe and left under the UV drying lamp a little too long. She didn’t smile but made some kind of smile-adjacent expression that showed her teeth. She must have the high dental plan because she clearly had caps.
“Just about,” Nina said. “Talk to you later, Alina—”
“After work,” Tatiana said. Nina nodded, then winked at Alina when Tatiana turned to squint across the floor at the cubicle Matt sat in, his blond head towering over the felted-composite wall.
“Yes, I was just going,” Alina said, though Tatiana had lost interest and had pivoted, obviously intending to walk over to Matt and find some reason to interrupt him. He’d play up his Norwegian, acting like he didn’t understand her, when Alina knew he was completely fluent in English, but he’d figured out it was the easiest way to get Tatiana to move along without getting saddled with additional work.
“Alina, maybe you can do me a solid? I left a folder on 11,” Nina said. “Can you run it down for me before you finish your break—”
“Break’s only 10 minutes. You better hurry,” Tatiana said.
“Of course, not a problem. Teamwork makes the dreamwork, right?” Alina replied as cheerful as a cartoon princess slogging it out in the forest with gnomes or dwarves or a nosey bunch of rodents, aware it was Day 84 and that she needed Tatiana to sign off on her or at least not have a reason to dump her. She was also aware that Nina had no folder, but that there was an office supply closet with the folders they used on their floor and that it was right next to the only office on 11. The office that evidently belonged to Alex, former CEO, now cooped up with a withering aspidistra. He could maybe use a cup of what passed for coffee in what passed for a general collegial friendliness, if you discounted that they worked in a cold steel skyscraper engaged in the soulless corporate grind.
For @iamstartraveller776 who suggested Evil Universe Trope "no coffee-shops, bakeries, florists...only cold steel skyscrapers in the soulless corporate grind" and with thanks to Severance for making it mainstream :)
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cloudycleric · 6 months
i think this is my first ask ever, and it’s a little random and quite a bit ranty but anyways!
i wanna thank u for ur blog and yt channel, and just overall presence in the byler community! your rambles, art, and just content in general provide a lot of comfort to me and i am so grateful for u! u are such a vibe. i chose to give u my first ask bc ur my fave blog here <3
now abt byler in general. it will always be my otp bc i’m really emotionally invested in those two lil boys and their beautiful story.
and personally, it also appeals to me bc i have a crush my best friend (she’s a girl and so am i), and was so afraid of hurting or losing them. anyways, yesterday i finally confessed to them through a letter, and when i gave it to them i told them to only read it when they got home.
and now i’m going thru a difficult time bc it’s the weekend, and they definitely have read it and haven’t responded. it’s not like me to be brave like this, and i’m so worried abt what they’ll say (100% sure they don’t like me back in that way). i’ll see them on monday at school and then go on school camp with them and then sleep in the same tent with them for three nights??? i hope i don’t die.
so seeing your newest yt upload made my day better! helped me take my mind off it for a bit, so thank u for being u!
much love <333
okay its been 4 months since this was in my ask box, but i really hope everything worked out okay in the end!! unrequited love is absolutely terrible & im 99% sure i'm going through the same thing right now but just keep your head up & things will be okay!!
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ehh-is-the-name · 7 months
iii 19 spoilers 'cause holy fuck man.
I have been making iii posts since 2021. You bet your fucking ass I'm making one with all my thoughts on the season finale.
And yes, it's Mephone-centric because I'm a meeple head. This time I'm not apologising for it.
This is more of theory and sobbing than the other ones but, let's be honest, we're all doing that anyway.
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Ballpoint has been a guiding light in all this shit. I hope we hear more from him later on. Like, thank you for giving this phone the reminders he needs- Either way, scene 1 that made me a little insane.
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Not gonna lie, I hated Springy before this ep. A character can't just look at Mephone when he's on the ground and say "The show's broken because he's broken" and not be public enemy #1 to me. Sorry, that's just the way things are. But, since they got a lot of development in this one, I can forgive (and also because Cabby kinda put them in their place but I digress). I kinda see what he said as like... projection for not being able to fulfil their purpose as a mascot advertiser. I'm probably preaching to the choir on this, but the whole "this IS my mask" and the "You thought I was helpful" were very much in tune with that projection thing. Hell, I might even like Springy now that I think about it...
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You know... It probably took me way too long to realise that Walkie Talkie was, well the actual walkie-talkie. But whatever- This whole thing being 2 androids created to fulfil a purpose (reminds me of a certain creator-) and the whole obsession with fulfilling that purpose makes me fucking insane.
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Scene #3 of insanity: This almost got me to shit my pants. I think we all are on the same page that it's Cobs who made Walkie Talkie and sent her here. I'd kinda be mad if it wasn't at this point (I blame that on me being a meeple head). Though, this got me thinking about what Walkie's purpose actually is. Was it to take over ii? Was it to watch mephone? Was it to watch mephone but she went rogue and tried to take over the show??? I wanna know her story so badly. If she was one of Cobs' creations, would that make her related to mephone-(more on that later). Anyway, I know mephone... and I know I'm not wording this right but I'm tired- I know he overcame his trauma associated with s2, but like every season someone has been built specifically to take him down and- there's no way he's fully alright after this finale. Even with knowing he has support... Maybe that's the point. Maybe the point isn't that everything's ok now, but he's getting better. God I love hate this phone. Show? Everything. It makes me ill.
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When I say this scene made me scream, it made me scream. I literally woke up my mom from seeing 4s on the scene. I know a lot of us feel this way, but like WE HAVEN'T SEEN HIM IN FUCKING YEARS I'M STILL INSANE ABOUT THIS MAN!! Him coming back from the dead just to be like the most supportive sibling ever is killing me and NOT softly. Mephone breaking this cycle of people dying for him is the extra kick in the balls, man. I AM BROKEN AND HOLLOW BUT FULL OF LOVE AND WHIMSY BECAUSE OF THIS SCENE. I almost took the day off after watching this ep, because of how much it changed my psyche.
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Also I've run out of images at this point so fucccckkin' hell part 2 is here like the finale was split into 2 parts.
And yes, the images are necessary to my ranty madness. nav: part 2 & part 3
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wcamino-confessions · 9 months
(special thanks to tumblr for deleting this the first time around 😍)
so i haven't seen any of the retirement posts that were controversial so like. idk what was said. but from what i read here this wasn't handled well at all. i know there's a lot of expectations from the lt (as there should be, since people are in a position of power) but it's pretty stressful being on the lt. ik i definitely got overwhelmed fast and there was a big jump from helper to curator imo. it was easy to lose track of everything and a lot of duties got neglected (even before ufc got revived, which btw i didn't even know about that before it got revived 💀). idk if things have changed since i retired, from the looks of things there's been a bit more engagement (?). cases came in fast and once there was a little stall in discussion it got hard to pick it back up again (another thing i noticed was it was awkward to join in a conversation of discussing cases if you weren't involved in the beginning). for the record, there is a lot of behind the scenes discussions so im sure this is probably being screenshotted and sent in one of the group chats, in which case i don't have anything against the lt or the people in it, im just disappointed in the way anger got misguided and publicized like that. oh and another thing is the burnout that comes from being promoted. for me, school started and when i was promoted i was already working hard to keep my grades up, that it was actually annoying to log on amino. so im just putting this out here that this is probably a big reason for inactivity. going back to the behind the scenes aspect of the team, i and others definitely shit talked. call it venting to make yourself feel better, but in hindsight it's not ok. it was a while ago though and i don't think it continued (at least not in any gc i that i was in) but yeahh. frustrations got severely out of hand and i think it was just hard for people to voice their true opinions publicly so it ended up being private. i realize the perspective is different, from a lt standpoint it feels like everyone and their mom is against you, but i can't really say i disagree with what most people are saying. all in all, bad situation that was handled even worse and it was definitely unexpected to me. as a side note i wish more people would join ufc because i see a lot of the same people in there and i always felt like it was hard to gage if the majority of the community really felt the same. 
yeah anyways.. this was kinda ranty and if you disagree whatever 💀 im not that active anymore so if i misjudged something lmk. this wasn't meant to attack anyone it's just my personal take on it all.
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damnitiloveyou · 10 months
If they cause more angst between Hawk and Tim I will not be happy :( but I feel well hope that what Hawk says to Tim in the trailer is out of context and it will make sense in the actual episode and may not be quite as bad or tense as we’re fearing. And also we don’t know during which part of that same conversation Tim says to Hawk he’s loved him his whole life.
It does seem like a LOT will go down at that fancy little gala. Listen, if they decide to keep the ending the same as the book, it will be what it is. I will be devastated and genuinely confused as to why they chose to add all these additional elements if they intended to end up in the same place at the end anyway. But it won't take away from how beautiful the show has been. It will be a confusing decision but it won't ruin anything. Tim is dead at the beginning of the book. Hawk is only left with the memories and regret of his choices. The creators of the show chose to change that for a reason. If the reason was not to allow Hawk the chance to grow and genuinely try to make some kind of amends while Tim is still alive, and give both characters the opportunity to actually tell each other all the things they've never allowed themselves to say, then what was the point of all the changes. They could have stuck solely to the source material and no one would argue with that. Furthermore, why change the illness to AIDS? Unless I'm completely blacking out parts of the book, Tim didn't have AIDS, he legitimately died of bone cancer. Yes, Hawk assumed it was AIDS, until he found out the truth, but they could have stuck to bone cancer. Why all the changes if they don't actually change anything??
The promo is misleading and I mostly think that's intentional but like I said we will see. I know this got a tad ranty but I do mean it when I say it won't take away from how extraordinary the show has been overall. t's a remarkable, important and beautiful series and none of that will change if they stick to the book ending.
****it will just be an odd choice*****
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bitchapalooza · 2 months
What do you mean by work? And what work position do you have? Just a lil curious lol
lol that’s fine
I work at an amusement park that’s very physical labor demanding like walking various miles a day up and down inclines and lifting. I just wipe tables and sweep mostly but sometimes I work bathrooms but that’s rare since I’m the unofficial lead table wiper and they need me at the tables. Part of my job is to also give guests directions, be second security pretty much, clean up biohazards, and among other things I’m not paid enough to care to do on a daily basis (I’m just being honest lmaooo). Every work day isn’t the same, sometimes I’m in my usual permanent area, which has roughly 14 or 15 picnic style tables, not super hard to do the dried frosting is the annoying part, but some days, like yesterday, I have to pull a double where I traverse between two areas which totals to 40-50 tables I think? It’s a lot of work for one person but eh I make it work with some management (aka I usually slack off for an extra hour when it slows down which is actually needed because I’d be overheated anyway and rn that’s the most common reason people, workers and guests alike, are leaving the park in an ambulance).
I used to looooove my job, a lot of times the kids were the reason I loved it because they’re silly! They often made my day with just their excitement, but sometimes they’d initiate conversation with me and either it would be the silliest thing or just a curious inquiry (like why I have a radio or do I really sweep all day lol). But then corporate ruined the fun for everyone in many ways and now it’s just miserable. I’m more annoyed by the kids but way more annoyed by the teens who get more and more daring each year in their antics. The park has high ratings in cleanliness (good! My team works hard and I’m proud of us for working so hard for so little!) and cheaper ticket prices and deals/discounts than Disney so more and more people come to us for their family vacations. A full day’s attendance (not all at once) is on average 15,000 but on the busier days it’s 20,000-32,000, which are the days where we’re literally stuck in bathrooms or can’t walk around without being trampled on or potentially run over with an ECV (which has happened before to a coworker, I have many ECV stories which are more pleasant to the stomach in comparison to the bathroom blow out stories). Sorry this got ranty, I’m so tired of this job now, I’m ready to move to Indiana bro 😭
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charliespringverse · 2 months
about 50% of my f1twt timeline is INSUFFERABLE today bc an unfortunate side effect of loving oscar is that so many of my mutuals love lando as well and i simply do not 🙏🏻
anyway racing ranty ramblespam under the cut bc i'm not about to force my Soft Gay YA Fiction mutuals to scroll past twelve paragraphs of bitter rage about motorsport lol
anyway FUCK lando throwins !!!!!!!!!
like i'm the first to admit that the primary fault lies with mclaren itself and not with either of the drivers bc once again the pit strategy was incomprehensible . fork found in kitchen .
but Way too many lando/481 stannies are just categorically refusing to admit that lando's absolutely stinking attitude didn't help anything . boohoo your team fucked up nobody's surprised Follow The Team Orders . oscar prioritises the team at every opportunity even when it doesn't suit him . he followed team orders at His Home Race despite the fact it would've made him the first ever aussie on the podium at australia . he abided by the orders for the overall benefit of the team because he's not a fucking arsehole
i keep seeing ppl post lando's radio messages acting like only one side of the conversation was at fault when?? every fucking one of those messages highlights him as a petulant fucking child who can't stand to not get his way . nobody has ever fucking told that man that he's anything but the best (he isn't) and it fuckin shows . ppl are straight up calling it manipulation/emotional abuse and i just???? yeah i can see why it's annoying that they were badgering him to resolve a problem They Caused but at the same time . if he'd just Done As Instructed when the first message came over it wouldn't have had to come down to them needling him and ascribing morality to his decision and referencing his role in the team?? it became "do the right thing, remember you need the team, remember you need oscar" because he was BEING SELF CENTRED
and i'm not being funny . if he'd given the place up As Planned with ~20 laps to go, and he genuinely was quicker/better than osc, they could've made that argument . if oscar went ahead and it led to lewis closing in on them both, they could've swapped back . if they'd extended the lead with no issues, maybe they could've raced ! had a fun little last lap battle ! which would've given either one of them the chance of the win in a way that ppl wouldn't have called unfair/gifted/whatever . the only person that Actually Benefitted from him extending that gap until two laps before the end was Himself
and idk . maybe i'm a conspiracy theorist . but his long-awaited first win was met with gifted win accusations (cough because it was a safety car win cough) and it's Certainly Interesting that he singlehandedly made sure that oscar's was as well lmao
anyway . it's not just the radio & on-track behaviour . it's chucking his P2 hat across the cooldown room floor . and making sly snappy retorts to lewis' compliment . and bringing back the champagne pop ppl have been missing before osc (his teammate, "friend", and FIRST TIME GP WINNER) got to pop his . and skipping over osc to go straight to spraying lewis Instead Of His First Time GP Winner Teammate And "Friend". and his body language in the press conference . making sure to point out in post-race press that it was Oh So Tough For Him To Give That Place (that wasn't his) Back, But He Just Had To Do The Right Thing, Just Had To Remember How Important The Team Is ❤️ after ignoring his engineer saying the exact same thing to him repeatedly . and the longstanding precedent for shit like this . egging on fans chanting his name during another driver's national anthem . the face like thunder after silverstone . his whining on the radio during qatar last year .
i just find him to be such an utterly insufferable human being whenever he's given even the slightest indication that he's not the centre of the universe for 5 minutes . he's perfectly charming when the sun's shining up his arse but he can't stand to be anything less than everybody's top priority
anyway . the points today put osc within 5 points of p4 and 13 points of p3 . they put lando within 76 points of p1 . with this specific 1-2, oscar could theoretically jump two places (or fairly easily jump one) in the standings before the summer break, meanwhile even if he'd won today lando would still need three wins & multiple max dnf's to even Try and take p1 any time soon . which, considering he's allergic to race wins (0.85% start -> win ratio vs osc's now 2.85%) seems fairly fuckin unlikely lol
like yeah today was a fuckin MESS from mclaren's side and i absolutely refuse to grant them any grace here bc any fucker with half a brain and a single speck of racing knowledge could've told them that pitting in that order was idiotic . but at the same time their god awful strategy could've and Should've been cushioned by their drivers' responses & attitudes . and One of the mctwinks is a reasonable, level headed team player who is capable of putting the team above himself without acting as a doormat . One of the mctwinks has a championship mentality beyond "wahhh i deserve it because i want it" .
and with that, i will be shutting the fuck up 🙏🏻 because it is nearly 6am and i have to be out of the house in less than 5 hours .
big up oscar jack piastri, first gp winner born in the 21st century, hungaroring T1 demon, polite cat, future wdc 🫶🏻🫶🏻 i can't wait to watch him win more races in future that WON'T be tainted by the actions of his inept team & shitheel teammate 😌
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