#anyway. there's some fun stuff. don't assume where this is going. i have a PLAN
juniperhillpatient · 10 months
new chapter of 'in search of glorious happenings of happenstance'
this time - Jet & Jin form a rivalry with a pair of bullies obsessed with foosball & discover something alarming about their shared past with the controversial game. Longshot leaves Ember Island to return to the Earth Kingdom. Yue accidentally breaks Suki's expensive limited edition DVD. Katara's popularity skyrockets after a public act of heroism.
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UPDATE What's up, it's the proposal guy. You said you wanted to know how this turned out, so I figured I'd tell you. First some context though, because I'm mean and I wanna keep you in suspense longer.
1- I don't wanna doxx us so I'm not telling you where we live, but suffice to say, neither of us are American, and gay marriage has been legal here for less than five years. For both of us, this is the first relationship we've had where marriage was even an OPTION, and I think that's where we've been getting some of that whole 'this has to be a REAL proposal with EVERYTHING' idea.
2- I gotta figure out how to explain this properly. So, I'm pretty used to being the GUY guy in relationships? I was always the one who did the nice gestures, not the one they got done for. Before I met my dream guy, I didn't really notice or care that it was such a thing, I just assumed that's how shit worked. Also, I promised I wouldn't talk a lot about his stuff here, but his last boyfriend before me SUCKED. Anyway point here is, it turns out we both REALLY like feeling swept off our feet sometimes, and a big part of finding each other has been getting to feel special for once? That's a stupid sappy way of putting it the point here is I think all that's what morphed into "I need to be the one getting proposed to, also it has to be completely perfect", and then our Petty & Extra genes got involved.
So I'm sitting in bed thinking about all that up there, and watching all the comments coming in basically being like "Dude, you are BLOWING this" on repeat, and telling me to compromise, and I look up and see him flossing in the bathroom and making all these doofy faces at the mirror, and it's like a switch just flips in my brain, and I'm like "Oh, I'd rather he gets to have his perfect proposal than we both have an okay one". I'm gonna do it.
Morning rolls around, and while I'm 'out for my jog like normal' I hit up a pawn shop for a temp ring (the ring pop thing is cute but NOT HIM). I found one I was at least confident wouldn't get ruined the first time he got his hands greasy (he fixes old machines as a hobby it's hot as hell), got back home, and hid the box in the toe of my nasty ass workout shoes in the bedroom closet, since I figured he'd check there last.
He was still asleep, because he stays up late no matter what and then is SHOCKED he's tired the next day, so I called and booked a table at our usual anniversary spot. (Side note about the 'he picks bad restaurants' thing. This isn't an 'I like Greek, you like Chinese' situation, dude's just BAD at finding places. He either assumes pricey is tasty and I get to eat some overrated gourmet bullshit, or he'll try and find something hip and underground and risk giving us food poisoning again, and he REFUSES to give up and pick somewhere we've been before when it's his turn to plan date night. I'm obsessed with him <3.) Date was set, I'd propose on the 21st.
Some of you might have noticed this, but fun fact! It's currently the 16th.
Last night I'm doing dishes and he's been sent to our room for mug collection duty, and he's taking FOREVER, so I go check just in case he found the ring, because the man's a gift tracking BLOODHOUND. Turns out he hasn't, he's found my Angry Box.
I assume other people have an Angry Box? Basically, we had this huge messy fight right when we first moved in together, and I never wanna let it get that bad again, so I have this shoebox where I keep a bunch of our stuff I can look at if we're fighting and hopefully cool off. There's one of those photo booth roll things, letters we wrote when he moved back with his parents for COVID, the wine cork from our first date, shit like that. Anyway, he's just sitting on the floor staring at it, and I explain about the Angry Box, and then he! Proposes!!! Kind of.
He definitely didn't have anything prepared, because by 'propose' I mean 'ugly cried & rambled at me for several minutes before I figured out it WAS a proposal', but once I got on the same page it was amazing. I said yes, and he had to admit he didn't have a ring for me because he was CONVINCED he'd win and I'd do it, so I grabbed mine because, yeah, he was right. He was like "this is the ugliest ring I've ever seen" and I was like yeah well the plan is to replace it later and he went "No. You can pry this off my cold dead fingers. After I'm buried with it." So I guess it's not a temporary ring anymore.
I'm just gonna go ahead and skip to this morning. I pointed out we still have the reservation, and he said I should propose there anyway because "We can get a free dessert. They have those creme brulee shot glasses you like. And for love, or something" and I said ok deal, but that means you gotta get me a ring to keep it fair, and his eyes LIT UP. When I swung by his work for lunch he was still on the phone with a jeweler and he had a whole page of notes on three other ones. Pray for me.
OH PS: I was RIGHT that he'd been the one behind the cat biting me, but it wasn't about the proposal stuff, it's because I paid my baby sister three dollars to shout 'fuck you' every single time he enters a room she's in for (if you ask me, he should be madder at my sister for charging so little), and he did it by giving her a bunch of treats for biting his hands too, so now neither of us can pet our baby girl without oven mitts on. HOLY SHIT I love this man.
Oh my goddddddd I love everything about this <333 I awwww'd out loud on a voice call, like, six times while reading. You two are friggin perfect for each other and so obviously smitten with each other and I wish y'all all the happiness in the world
PS Are y'all planning to have a big wedding? If so oh boy I can't WAIT to get that one in the inbox
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acorviart · 3 months
Europe VAT laws not changing any time soon, recent. If understand FAQ well, mean shipping to Europe impossible for several years minimum?
That's correct, I won't be shipping to the EU for the foreseeable future due to some import packaging regulations that either have already been implemented or are planning to be implemented in the future.
Note that this is for EU countries only—I can ship to all other non-EU countries like Switzerland, except for the UK due to the UK's own convoluted VAT system.
The only workaround I can offer for EU folks is that you can have a friend or family that lives in a non-EU country place an order to deliver to their address, and then they are able to ship that order to you marked as a gift. Not an option for everyone, I know.
Longer explanation under the readmore for those curious:
As it stands now, each EU country has its own system and fees that I can't keep up with (for example, France would cost me 80 euros per year), I'd need to individually register and report to each country, some require reporting and tracking of what sources of packaging I use, I believe? It's all very complicated, and it makes my head spin just trying to figure out what the requirements actually are, so that's why I stopped shipping to the EU entirely out of an abundance of caution. I also just don't get enough sales to the EU to justify the headache, I'd probably actually lose money paying all the fees. Actually, while I was looking up details while writing this post, apparently there's a new PPWR that's going to replace the old EU Packaging Directive? This is why I can't handle this (ಥ﹏ಥ)
As for why this doesn't seem to be affecting all companies—corporations can obviously afford their own professionals whose entire job is to handle this stuff, and the requirements are also different for large vs small volumes. Meanwhile, a lot of other small or 1-person businesses straight up don't know about these requirements, because it's not like there's a memo passed around about updates to international shipping law. It's also even more confusing because some packages are slipping by without any issue, probably in part due to how the regulations are still new and still being implemented, so I assume it's kind of a mess.
I know of a few people who are willingly taking the risk and shipping to the EU anyway and have had no consequences (for now at least), but I'm not risking the fines ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now for the UK, their VAT system doesn't have anything to do with packaging, but what it does require is similar registration with the government, and I'm required to collect and pay the VAT myself. No thanks!
TLDR; laws hard. laws also expensive. too stupid to figure out and too fearful of fines. no ship to countries
fun story: someone also once emailed me this long diatribe about how they think I'm shit at research and that I'm just making all this up (specifically just to screw with europeans or something, I guess?), so I sent them a few links to the literal official government websites where I got my info (like that UK one), and they never responded. lol
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tizeline · 7 months
When the brothers decided to go up against Draxum and accepting humans, does that mean leaving home and live in the sewers?
What do they think of splinter and dee's.... " home "?
this ask is like a month old, ignore that But I've wanted to talk about this, cuz I've gotten asks and comments and such where people assume that the Drax Bros are just gonna, like, abandon Draxum completely after realizing that they're in the wrong. I don't blame people for that assumption btw (considering it often happens in other separated aus), but while Draxum's relationship to his sons isn't necessarily perfect, they still very much love each other. They're family, the brothers wouldn't just up and leave, and Draxum would certainly not kick them out.
So like in canon, Draxum gets slurped like a capri-sun by the Dark Armour and then unceremoniously spit out. This leads to Donnie and the Drax Bros teaming up to deal with Shredder considering it's now a problem for all of them, but I'll get to figuring out the specifics of that later. After that whole thing is dealt with, the trio would run off to find their dad. He's pretty hurt after the whole Dark Armour fiasco, and then he becomes wanted by the law after the yokai authorities find out about everything. So his sons wouldn't wanna leave him in ✨his dire time of need✨or whatever. (also wait they'd probably also be put on a wanted list haha)
Leo and Draxum would have a pretty strained relationship during this time. I've made some mentions of it, but Leo figures out that The Foot is being sus and tries to convince Draxum that putting on the Armour is a Bad Idea. But when that fails, he actually goes to Donnie to team up with him so that the two of them together can try to stop Leo's dad and his brothers from completing the plan and inevitably getting fucked over. So after all of that, Draxum is salty that Leo went against his orders and teamed up with the enemy, putting their mission at risk, so he grounds Leo for like a month lol. Leo is salty because he was right and they never listen to him and then he gets grounded??
Anyway, considering Leo can just teleport and Draxum is too weak to stop him he just, like, comes and goes as he pleases haha. It's during this time that he and Donnie start hanging out for real, like, as actual friends. It's a bit awkward at first, being genuine towards each other, but it does eventually lead to Leo being invited to Donnie's home.
Also, lmao, yeah it's not exactly as big and fancy as Draxum's home, but it's still a good place to live. Donnie being a tech nerd would've figured out how to implement good airconditioning, heating and lights and stuff. It'd probably not be quite as cozy as in the show, I'm assuming Mikey was the one responsible for livening the place up with artworks and colours and stuff in canon, but it's still homey.
Over time the Hamatos and the Draxums would slowly become closer, and as Donnie and Splinter start to trust Raph, Mikey and Draxum more they would also be invited to their home. I don't think they would move in to the same place until MAYBE some time after the movie.
Actually no wait, it would be interesting if, like in the show, Shredder were to destroy Donnie's and Splinter's home in the sewer, which would lead to them moving into the same place and the Draxums, which would inevitably lead to conflict if they're still in the process of befriending each other.... >:] Oooo conflict is fun, maybe that'll effect how the movie plays out, but I'll have to figure that out later.
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roadkillremi · 1 year
Randy Meeks x Ghostface!Fem!Reader and TOXIC!Poly!Ghostface x Ghostface!Fem!Reader
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Part 1 Part 3 MasterList
Warnings : MINORS DNI Mentions Killing, Mentions plans on Killing, Language, Mentions Family Problems, Non consented kiss, Smut, Blow Job, Switch!Reader, Sub!Randy, fingering, Toxic Relationship. (If I missed any let me know please!)
I do NOT support toxic relationships like the one displayed or murdering. If this is happening to you or a loved one reach help ASAP!
Summary : Being childhood friends with Billy Loomis wasn't always easy. As you got older he demanded revenge and that you helped him. (He may have manipulated you along the way). After helping kill Sydney's mother you refused to help anymore. Billy and Stu forced you to stay due to blackmail causing you to be in a toxic secret relationship.
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You put your duffle bag in the corner of Tatum's room. Dewey had brought you a sleeping bag and pillow which was curled up near Sydney's temporary bed.
"Isn't this fun!" Tatum smiled.
"I mean under bad circumstances but super fun!" She sat on her bed watching you put your stuff aside. You smiled at her, "Yeah we should do this more often!". Sydney walked in holding a book bag one for school and one for clothes. She sat on the bed and smiled softly.
"We don't have to go to Stus dumb party, Tomorrow do we?" You asked looking at the two girls.
"Uh, of course we do! It'll be fun! Plus maybe you'll finally take Randy's virginity!" Tatum joked. You rolled your eyes and smiled, "there's nothing wrong with waiting, Tatum". Sydney looked over at you, "why are you waiting?". You sighed and sat on the floor between the girls.
"I never told him I'm not a virgin. I think that'll upset him..it's stupid." You lied.
You've gotten pretty good at that lately.
"Wait you'd you lose your virginity to?!" Tatum bounced on the mattress. You smirked, "Some guy. It's when I was visiting my dad. He was cool I guess.".
Another lie. It was Billy.
Dewey came into the room, "hey uh, we gotta go to the station." Tatum rolled her eyes before getting up.
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You sat on the cold metal chair next to Tatum.
"I was with Randy the night of Casey's death. He closed up around 9:30 he was my ride home." You stared into the sheriff's eyes. Your dad had a bad reputation in the past and it seemed the cops believe it carried down.
"We have to ask it's nothing personal." Dewey said with a small smile. You nodded, "is that all?!" Tatum said staring at the two officers. You both left to go sit by Sydney.
"I'm gonna call Randy real quick" you said as you got up. You asked to use a phone and they lead you to a desk where there wasn't much people. You dialed the video stores number hoping Randy would answer.
"Bradley Video, this is Randy speaking"
"Randy.." your voice came out tired and weak.
"Baby? What's up?" He sounded concerned.
"I'm at the police station and I got questioned. They mentioned my dad since y'know.."
"Those asshats.. Do I need to get you?"
"No, I'm staying at Tatum's. I just wanted to update you. How's work? Any new suspects?" You asked trying to lighten the mood.
"No, but don't you think it's weird it's near Sydney's Moms death anniversary..". Your stomach dropped, you noticed and it wasn't an accident.
"Yeah, you think it's like a Requal or Franchise?" You asked twirling the cord with your fingers.
"No, clue. Anyway I gotta get back to work before they try to fire me again. Bye, love youuu"
"Love you too, Geek." You hung up the phone and walked back to the girls. Tatum was explaining how the cops assumed the worse of you due to your father.
"The nerve. Her dad just had a habit of stealing and the town goes wild." Tatum complained. You smiled interrupting the conversation, "don't worry about it. I'm used to it." You sat by Sydney, "need anything?". She shook her head no, you looked at her.
"I really think we shouldn't go to that party."
"What?! Why?! You think Stu's the killer!!" Tatum practically yelled.
"No! I'm just saying a big group of teenagers its bound to draw attention." You said trying to ease Tatum. She bit her bottom lip, "Come on, it'll be fun".
"Tatum's right. It'll be fun." Sydney said softly. You sighed, Billy was escorted into the integration room.
"Sydney!" He yelled. You rolled your eyes and flipped him off as he walked by. Tatum sighed checking the clock on the wall.
"Can we go, Dewey!" She yelled. Dewey sighed looking around before nodding. You all squeezed past the mob of news reporters and cameras. Gale somehow pushed her way to Sydney and held a microphone to her mouth. It was too loud to catch what Gale was saying. You were busying panicking and looking for an escape. Then Gale was practically on the sidewalk, Sydney put her fist down. All four of you ran to Dewey's car before heading back to Tatum's house.
You laid in your sleeping bag worrying about Randy. All Stu had to do was get the idea and kill him. You sat up, "Can I use your phone?".
"Randy's fine, honey. I promise." Tatum smiled before tossing one of her stuffed bears in the air. You sighed before laying back down. He'd call you if anything went wrong. His sister would tell you if he got home late and would ask if he was with you, right? You tried to close your eyes ignore the girls conversation.
"Sydney there's someone on the phone for you." Tatum's mom stood in the doorway. You looked over and watched Sydney walk away moments before her scream. You stumbled out of the sleeping bag.
Sydney was in tears clinging to the phone, Tatum's mom was telling trying to get Dewey's attention. Once he came out from his room the caller hung up. You looked at Sydney before she went into the room hiding under her covers. You sighed looking at the ground. Tatum went to comfort Sydney, "may I use your phone?" You looked at Tatum's mom. She nodded following Dewey downstairs. You dialed Randy's house phone, it continued to ring.
"come on jackass." You whispered. His mom picked up in a bit of a tired tone.
"Mrs.Meeks hi! It's uh... It's Randy's Girlfriend. I need to speak to him it's important."
She mumbled an okay, moments later Randy was on the phone.
"What's up?" He grumbled softly.
"Sydney just got a call from the killer.." you kept your voice low. You heard shuffling, "Do I need to get you? Are you safe?". You bit your bottom lip, "I feel bad if I leave.".
"It doesn't matter. Are you safe or not?" You went silent again. Tears pooled in your eyes, not from fear from guilt.
"Can you get me?" You asked sheepishly.
"Yeah give me a minute." His cranky voice left the phone leaving you in the hall. You looked in Tatum's room, "Um, my Aunt's gonna get me, she's worried.". Another lie, your Aunt was probably hooking up with some guy. The girls nodded before continuing the conversation. You packed up your things and said goodbye and waiting by the front door looking out the window.
Once Randy's car appear you quickly walked outside. The cold breeze making your legs feel numb. You were in pajama shorts and a giant Carrie Tee Randy gifted you. You put your stuff in the back seat before hoping in the passenger seat.
"Thank you." You smiled softly. He smiled lazily, his eyes coated with sleep. He was in his pajamas too, his hands lazily grasping the wheel.
"Sorry I woke you and your mom up.." you whispered.
"It's fine. Shes too old to remember that it happened."
You gently placed your hand on his thigh. You observed him while he drove to his place.
"Darling, you gotta stop starin' " he joked in that damn British accent. You smiled, "but you're so pretty..". Randys face turned a soft pink, you smiled at him.
Pretty wasn't a normal word for men. But Randy loved it, he loved being called your pretty boy. You treasured him a bit too much Tatum would tell you. Now you're just afraid of losing him.
"Randy, I need to tell you something.."
"What is it?"
"You can't freak out.. or tell anyone."
"okay..." He parked into the driveway turning the car off.
"Sydney's mom slept with my dad. My parents spilt obviously. That's why I live with my aunt." Randy just stared at you.
"I'm not a suspect." You add in a harsh tone.
"Says any suspect." He smiled. He didn't look weirded out just confused.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Because Billy made you feel like a freak.
"I was ashamed."
"I mean, I wouldn't mention it to Sydney she might freak out. But I'm not gonna humiliate you and pour pigs blood all over you." He smiled referencing your T-shirt.
He gently kissed you before getting out the car. You grabbed your bags quietly walking into the house. You placed your stuff by the left side of his bed before climbing in. Randy flopped on the bed groaning.
This could be the last time you see him. You moved closer to him fiddling with the waist band of his pajama pants. He groaned looking over at you.
"Randy... can I?.." you bit your lip before finishing the sentence. You were scared it was your only chance before tomorrow. He just stared at you, drowsiness taking over, "I wanna.. blow you.." you whispered. Both of your faces covered in pinks and reds. He nodded watching you gently pull down his pants.
You knew you had to do this before he died. You needed to show him how much you love him. You cupped his member which was held back in his boxers. He whined softly fluttering his eyes closed. A gentle squeeze before pulling his boxers down. His member sprung up, precum already leaking from the tip.
"Baby.." you cooed at him. He just whined waiting for you to do what you asked. He was bigger than you expected, you spat in your hand before stroking him. He breathed heavily, his virgin body trying to take it all. He gripped the sheets fucking himself into your hand.
"Randy... You're so cute like this.. all pathetic and needy.." you whispered. He moaned in response, you licked a stripe up his needy cock before taking him in your mouth.
His moans grew a bit louder, his hand touched your hair before leaving it. He wasn't sure what to do but he liked it. Your head bobbing up and down on him. He knew this would be great but not heavenly. Your tongue did wonders around him while your hand caressed his balls. He bit his lip trying not to come undone so quickly.
"I'm... I'm.." he tried to speak but breathy moans would escape.
"I'm gonna cum.." he whined. You lifted your head up replacing your mouth with your hand.
"Do you wanna come in my mouth?" You asked softly. He nodded quickly trying to hold back. You out your mouth back to work downing him faster as he fucked into your mouth. Randy arched his back a bit before letting out a soft cry. His seed was inside your mouth, you swallowed taking rushed breaths.
"I'm gonna die now.." He whispersd with a goofy smile on his face. You smiled at him before crawling back up to him. You took his clammy hand and slid it up your shirt. Randy watched in disbelief, you lead his hand to your breast. He gently squeezed it smiling at you.
"Can I hold them when I try to sleep?"
You smiled nodding, his thumb went over your nipple releasing a breathy moan from you. You laid down beside him letting his spoon you so he had access. He held onto your chest gently squeezing them. Your core was uncomfortable due to the lack of attention. You softly humped the blanket searching for a release. Randy dug his face into your neck letting out a smirk.
"We're breaking the rules.." he whispered. You whined knowing he was watching you try to find a release. Your hand softly rubbing through your shorts.
"Randy..." You whined, his hand slide down in between your legs. He wasn't sure he was doing but he tried. He put his hand through your underwear softly touching your soaked folds. You softly moaned, "Randy please...". He prayed he was doing the correct thing puting his finger in your hole. You back softly arched, he smiled knowing he was right. He left sloppy kisses on your neck. His thumb gently rubbed your clit as he fingered you.
"H-how... Do.. you know.. how to.." you moaned and whined in between words. He continued gaining another boner which was pressed against your ass.
"Porn tapes" he whispered, you went silent with your moaning. He got scared you were mad, "I wanted to pleasure you correctly..". You smiled to yourself, "keep going, Randy..". He smiled and continued to finger you, he learned to use two fingers and curl them up. He listened to your moans, they got more frequent when you were close. You bit your lip, his fingers pumped in and out of you quickly. Randy softly moaned as you tightened around him. Your framed stiffened and body arched as you came. Randy watched in amazement of the scene. He slowly took his fingers out licking them off. He groaned at the taste, you smiled and curled up to him.
"Did you like it?" You asked. Randy nodded aggressively, "Yes!". He gave you a giant sloppy kiss before passing out on the bed.
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School was painful to get through knowing the party was soon. You tried to talk Randy out of going but he insisted on going also. Billy was back in class and eyed you every chance he got. When he got the chance he pulled you into a janitors closet pinning you against the wall.
"Thought your stunt was funny last night, huh?" He tilted his head.
"Billy grow up-" you glared trying to escape him. His grip was too strong and he didn't move a muscle.
"tonights the night." He whispered.
"you know the plan?" He added watching you avoid him. You nodded, he grabbed your chin making you look at him.
"What's the matter?"
"Scared about your little boy toy?" He smiled.
"He fucked me last night. And it felt great. Better than you actually." He chuckled in response.
"Randy? You've gotta be joking! Guy couldn't find the clit if he tried."
"Oh but he did." Your eyes narrowed. Billy's demeanor darken, he aggressively kissed you trying to reclaim you. You squirmed pushing him back, "You asshole." You whispered.
"Watch it. All I have to do is tell Randy how much of a bad girl you are and it's over." He said with a sly smile. Your eyes drooped before you nodded.
"Watch your damn tone too. Before I fuck it out of you." He left the closet slamming the door. You stood in the dark waiting to leave.
Once you felt confident enough to leave you walked into the hall. You went to your history class a couple minutes late.
"Glad you could join us." Your teacher sighed before continuing. You sat behind Randy, he turned around.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, Billy's being a dick so watch out."
He nodded turning his attention towards the board.you would sometimes mess with his hair or shirt. You tried to distract yourself from the growing guilt in your stomach.
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
25 askskssss
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I don't know anything about Geno so he's not currently in the AU. But if I gathered enough info maybe I could add him somehow. Like I did with Rosalina! :00
As for the Error Sans thing, I'm actually not personally a fan of all the crazy Sans AUs. Error Sans, Ink Sans, Dream Sans, Nightmare Sans, Fresh Sans, Geno Sans, Horror Sansss,,, uhg, I'm personally not a fan. So none of these world destroying Sans or other similar individuals exist in my Multiverse. So my squad doesn't have to worry about them <XD
My redesign plans for Kinger was just to give him a fluffier coat basically XD And I didn't have anything in mind for Jax..
Also thank you! :DD
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@deadspooderman (I blocked out the art, I don't wanna be a reposter!)
I think I've watched a few episodes before but I don't remember them..
Although I can see myself liking that Sensei character. XD What's his name.. Sensei Wu..?
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Thank you, I hope the same for you! :DD
As for Jevil, the poor guy's currently still awake at like 2 AM to keep the groups fire going.. :(
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Right now the main difference that I made up is that Undertale humans are significantly more powerful than Deltarune Humans.
DR Humans and Monsters are the same in terms of strength. For example, Kris and Susie's soul are of the same value and strength. Because they're both Lighteners. They're one in the same.
Meanwhile in Undertale, Humans and Monsters are very different creatures. Determined UT Humans, even determined children have the power to rewrite time. Meanwhile I headcannond that DR humans, even if they had determination.. cannot rewrite time like Frisk can.
All of this is completely made up and doesn't really align with the games, I'm aware- its just some fun XDD
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Becuase I haven't felt like it XD
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I feel like canon Seam definitely does. But my Seam and Jevil don't have stuffing. The two of them are very much organic creatures with flesh and blood.
Spamton is fleshy too kind'a.. Spamton is a living creature but maybe less fleshy and more... bone..y...?? They're all strange XDD
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Thank you! I don't intend on drawing anything new for my Kirby AU.. but who knows, maybe I will someday? Or heck maybe if I can remember to, I could dig around for some of the doodles I already made for it? :0
Also its not a FNAF comic that I'm working on.. but thank you anyway! <XD
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He's meant to sound like a pirate, soooo yesn't? <XD Also thank you!
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Ah, that's my bad. I've unblocked her. But take note! Part of the reason why I probably blocked that person was also due to a lack of posts. You're on Tumblr man, you gotta reblog stuff!
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Ah don't worry, I'm likely to get back around to Octonauts sometime soon :}}
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Upon Googling them I think I recognize them! I like the green one XDD
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oooo that's a good question.. uhhhhh.... currently? I'd say maybe its the FNAF AU I've got going on :000
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By father I assume you mean Natquik? If so, Barnacles was never angry or resentful towards him. My version of Barnacles thought Natquik was dead, because he disappeared many years ago and no one had any idea where he went..
Barnacles was rather grief stricken over Natquik. He wondered for years what happened to his old mentor and friend..
When it turned out he was alive, and had just been stranded in the Antarctic all these years? It was heartbreaking. Barnacles was so happy to see him alive but also so saddened by the situation he had been in for so long.. Barnacles immediately set to have the Gup-I repaired and a solid radio connection between it and the Octopod to be established.
Later on when he formed the Octo-agents. I headcannond that the very first person Barnacles went to recruit was Natquik. Telling him all the benefits of being an Octo-Agent. And he would say things like "If something ever happens to you out here, we have the funds and the means to be out here in less than an hour. If you're ever hurt o-or sick? We can be here. We can help you. You'd never be alone again.."
Natquik took the offer partially because Barnacles would clearly be more at ease if he did. But also to have a secure connection to the outside world? And if that connection is ever lost, a team of capable individuals will immediately go and search for him? It was just too good to pass up.
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When I get back around to the comics it will be just like it was before. A comic probably split into 2-4 parts and uploaded when ever I'm able to finish them. 🤷‍♂️
Also thank you! :DD
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What's Foxy's grief stereotype/virus method? I'm not quite sure I understand the question so forgive me if I give the wrong answer.. But I'm thinking that means "what is Foxy's mental situation in the swap AU?" If that's the case, his mental state can be described in 1 sentence. "He refuses to move on."
Partial Swap Foxy was deeply effected by the loss of Freddy and Chica. So much so that he kind'a acts like.. they're still around.?
The other animatronics have cut out anything Freddy/Chica related in their lives. But for Foxy, the act of removing/avoiding everything Freddy/Chica related just makes the grief more painful. To him it feels like he's discarding their memory. Like doing that is saying they didn't matter or shouldn't be remembered. It just makes them feel more dead..
Foxy is the only animatronic that will go back to that old show stage. Sometimes in his darkest times he will talk to the stage. As if Freddy and Chica are still standing on it and can hear him..
When talking to Gregory, he is similar to Freddy. Acting all chipper and like nothing is wrong. Though if Freddy and Chica are mentioned.. he wouldn't avoid the subject like Freddy would. He would talk about them, even if it rips him up from the inside. He would answer all of Gregory's questions about them and tell him stories. Even if it brought him to tears and their memory was almost too painful to bear. Foxy refuses to let go of the past. And despite how painful it is, he keeps dragging the past around with him like a dead weight. Freddy does the same thing but as he drags the past around he refuses to look at it. If.. If that makes sense--
Basically- Freddy and Foxy are both stuck in the past. But Freddy refuses to acknowledge that he is. And Foxy openly acknowledges it, even if it kills him inside..
(Also note: The main obstacle that Foxy would pose to little Vanessa is that Foxy is faster than Bonnie. And as a Glamrock, Foxy is pretty tough. So if he finds out that Bonnie is hiding a child in his stomach hatch? Well.. he might just have the means necessary to catch Bonnie and rip her out.. :x )
For the second question! Partial swap Freddy is more openly miserable than Classic Bonnie, yes.. But he doesn't miss the singing and the spot light. He misses his friends and making kids happy.
Seeing how sad all his friends are.. seeing how messed up Foxy is.. how defeated Bonnie is.. that's what depresses him. That's what makes him cry..
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Thank you! I'm so glad you like him! :DDD
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I imagined that Freddy just threw the old clothes away. They were really dirty and torn and Gregory didn't care about them.
He probably took some trash out of a bin, put the clothes in and then put the trash on top. Effectively burying the clothes so that no one would see it.
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1: ReBLOGS, are allowed. RePOSTS, are NOT allowed. 👌
2: My Glamrock Freddy is probably pretty depressed :( and his depression has had years to develop and get slowly worse. 7-10 on the depressing scale.
But partial swap Freddy? His life just came crashing down. So he may also be depressed now, but he hasn't had any time to really develop it. Probablyyyy a 4-10?
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I'm glad you like my AU! But sorry! I don't take requests and I don't personally support that ship.. <:/
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sturniolosass · 8 months
New Feelings
pt. I of III?
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-a chris sturniolo x POC!reader
angst, fluff
in which Chris finds himself falling for a girl, something he hadn’t seen coming anytime soon.
warnings: mentions of smoking, party/get together
Chris POV
It was going on 1 am and me, Matt, and Nick were still hanging out at Landon’s crib. It was Me, Matt, Nick, Waylon, Landon. and a couple of Landon's friends I just met today. Landon decided to invite a few friends over which I didn’t really mind but apparently it’s all girls which kinda kills the “bros” vibe because they kinda just all branch off to speak to them.. me, Matt, and Nick usually leave by then because there’s no fun anymore however Matt is knocked out on the couch this time so we’ll see where this goes..
Once we all decide on a movie to watch the girls show up which i receive an immediate headache from because a few of them are loud.. mainly the first two there’s three more that come in and they’re pretty chill.. they all start to roll up joints and stuff which also gives me a headache because of the smell and smoke but who am i to tell Landon not so smoke in his own home.
After about 30 minutes another girl walks in, she seems pretty cool, she was brown skinned, had blonde braids that were curled a little at the ends, wearing a cool looking nature kinda vibe fit... basically a lot of green and brown colors and a lot of jewelry on. I liked her vibe, she then came over to speak to me.
"Hey wassup, you seem a little quiet.." she bugged. "oh I'm just slightly out of my comfort zone.." I respond. "oh sorry, is it me? I can leave you be.." she worried but that wasn't it "oh nah, you're good.. it's just a lot more people here than I planned to see" I replied. "ohhhh, valid. what's your name then? maybe we can try and get your mind on something more substantial." she asked "Chris, what about you?" I reply.. "I'm Carter." she replies laying out he hand for a shake which I thought was kinda weird but I shake hers anyways.. "you friends with Landon?" she asks "oh yeah I met him around a year ago at a event" I reply. "Oh cool" she responds " what about you?" I ask. "I'm just here with Riley.. she left me in traffic though." she rolled her eyes. "damn so she just left you there in the street" I joke knowing that's not how she meant it. " hahaha no I was driving boy" she laughs.. Her friend then calls her over to talk I assume..
By that time Matt had also woken up so I head over to him. "Yo are you done caking with ole girl?" he jokes "Bro shut up we just met, I barely know her name.." I argue. "where is Nick" he asks. "I don't know last time I saw him, he was sitting here next to you." I respond agitated about the topic of Carter. "well.. help me find him..I'm ready to go" Matt responds giving me the same agitated energy. We both get up.
I walk around from the living room to look in the Kitchen whilst Matt checks the bathroom, and I run into Carter coming through the doorway. "ouch" she exclaims look down and grabbing the joint that fell from her hands. "oh sorry, have you seen my brother, I don't know if you know him but he looks just like me you couldn't miss him" . he speak "ohh yeah, he was on the couch last time I saw him" she replies "oh no not that one, there's three of us I should've been more clear" I laugh "ohhh is he like taller" she asks. "I mean no, but he does wear platforms so kinda" I say. "oh he's behind you walking up now" she jokes. I turn around and see Nick and Matt walking towards me as she walks past me "thanks" I shout over the loud music. she just keeps walking nodding me off in a "you're welcome" kind of way.
"Yo! I told you to find Nick not cake up with brown skinned baddie some more" Matt exclaims jokingly which did nothing but annoy me more. "Bro can you shut up with that I barely know her and you're making all of this weird like.. I wasn't "caking" anything" I arguing highly annoyed now.. "Can we just leave gosh" Nick sighs.. "Where were you even?" I ask Nick.. "I was talking with some of the girls in the other room" he responds. "yeah well we couldn't find you wasnt about to walk in the room with and bunch of girls to ask where my gay brother is.. seems a bit stereo typical" I argue annoyed for even having to wait.
Carter's POV
I see Chris and his brothers heading for the door which immediately chimes an alarm in my head reminding me to ask Chris for his info.. I don't know why, I just liked his aura, he seemed very genuine and funny.. my brain was just automatically drawn to him from the jump and all my friends were speaking on me and him talking separately from everyone else earlier when I first arrived. "Chris!" I shout. "why're you leaving? still having no fun" I stopping him. He looks back letting the door shut after his brothers.. "oh, yea I would've said earlier if my brother wasn't sleep.. I don't really drive so like, he has to drive and he won't if he's woken up involuntarily" he tells.. "oh, I get it.." I add looking around a bit.. "We should exchange numbers..I think you're pretty chill." I nervously spatter. "it's cool if you don't want to I know we just met" I add. "No for real, let's do it" he replies pulling his phone from his pockets of his sweats. "oh cool, ill give you my number then.." I reply. I grab his phone from him add a new contact labeled "Cartuh🐢" adding my number and handing him his phone back.. "cool" he takes his phone back pushing it in his pocket then looking up at me. "oh cool, I guess Ill see you around" I say awkwardly looking at his hat.. in to which he says "yeah for sho" grabbing the door nob and twisting it heading down the hall where I can see his brothers standing impatiently. I head back in the party over to Riley to let her know about my successes.
Chris' POV
It's around 8pm now, Im sitting at my desk playing Fortnite with Matt bored as life.. but I can't get my mind off Carter. Soon as we left the party all I could think of was Carter.. I don't know what it is either because I usually don't get this was over girls.. of course I'm straight but I don't get my feelings caught up like this.. I'm usually pretty against getting close to any girl because of my pass "talking" stages a lot of them usually just want money, or clout and ill be damed if I'm just a pawn for someone to climb the social latter. However for some reason if like nothing but purity with Carter.. and I say stuff like that and feel this way after meeting her and speaking to her only around 4 times.. which sickens me..
I decide to text her hoping she just doesn't respond tonight so I don't have to worry about thinking of a reply and getting sweaty hands, I swear I haven't felt this way since freshman year.
Yo, its Chris Oh hey Chris, I didn't expect you to actually text me.. you seem pretty timid about the while situation I thought you might've thought I was weird or something O I was just busy. busy doing what? playing Fortnite with your boys wow that's not all I do.. I had to film something I was joking I didn't even know you played fr.. what'd you film like a YouTube video? yea basically with my brothers.. ohhh we should play some Fortnite maybe? I got a full squad rn but maybe another time? Oh all maybe later.. you free to hang out sometime this week to hang out? not a date or nothing... just chill?
Oh how I wish she actually meant for it to be a date.. maybe I can invite her over to chill at my house in a day or two.. maybe this weekend.. I left her on delivered not sure how to respond..I shouldn't have lied about having a full squad.. then maybe Matt could feel the vibe out to help me decide but too late now.. ill just have to wait it out.. maybe well catch each other around one of these days or at another get together at Landon's crib.. For now ill just play it cool and try and act normal.. I hate feeling this way because as soon as I open up to her I feel I'll just have my feeling played with.... I guess that's just how it goes when you're dealing with New Feelings...
a/n: new feelings is a little short story it maybe have 2-3 part depending on how well it does and if I decide to keep writing.. THANKS FOR READING also thanks for all the love on my first story it means a lot :)
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melanieph321 · 9 months
Ruben Dias - Be Mine Part 3/3
This fic was short but very fun to write 🤭
Enjoy the last chapter!
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Anon asked: hey, have you ever written a story like ruben having an affair with his teammate's girlfriend?
No, but here is a try!
"Pass the ball Bernardo!"
It was a late practice. Every player was already tired from a full day's training.
"Go on then!" The City players shouted. "Pass Ruben the fucking ball!"
Bernardo didn't listen. He wasn't even doing the drills correctly. It was pass, pass, dribble, then shoot. Bernardo just went on dribbling by himself, refusing to pass Ruben, who ran beside him, the ball. He was meant to assist him but Bernardo ran up to the goal and took the shot anyway. His teammates sighed, including Ruben. Coach blew the whistle and ordered everyone to the dressing rooms, everyone except Bernardo.
"What's wrong with him?" His teammates questioned. "I always tell him he looks like a donkey, now he plays like one too."
Ruben walked in silence, not looking back to the pitch where coach stood yelling at Bernardo like the child he was.
"Have you talked to him lately, Ruben?" His teammate, John, asked. Like the others, he seemed concerned.
"You know Bernardo." Ruben shrugged. "It's just a slip on soap, he'll be alright."
"Yeah, but do you know if everything is alright with him, like at home? You know his family don't you? His wife?"
Ruben would rather not. He hadn't thought about Ines since their last encounter, when she decisively told him never to come near her again. Bernardo however, thought otherwise, leaving Ruben with a black eye that day. It wasn't visible for long though, since Bernardo didn't hit very hard.
"I don't know John. Ask her yourself if you're so concerned." Ruben left his friend clueless, heading for the showers. He couldn't careless if Bernardo was in a mood, all he cared about was Ines and the fact that she refused to return any of his text messages.
"This is all your fault!"
Chaos erupted in the dressing room. Ruben, wet hair and a towel wrapped around his waist, had just stepped out of the shower. Bernardo had joined his teammates in the dressing room and as they tried to adress what happened today during training, Bernardo spotted Ruben and all he saw was red.
"I'll kill you!"
Ruben barley flinched as his teammates rushed to prevent Bernardo from getting to him. He found the sight quite amusing.
Bernardo gritted his teeth. "I invite you to my home and you try to fuck my wife!'
"He what?"
The other players frowned, heads shifting amongst each other.
"Ruben, you didn't?"
He didn't not answer them, letting them assume the worst.
"Come on man." Jack said. "Not even I would do that, even if Bernardo's wife is a ten."
"Shut up Jack." The others hissed. They tried to hold Bernardo back, but clearly struggled to.
"I trusted you! Ines trusted you! And now she's...." Bernardo's voice broke. He stopped fighting, his knees folding beneath him. He crumbled to the floor, trembling with the low sniffles that escaped his mouth. Pathetic, Ruben thought. The other players went to comfort him, Ruben however, got dressed and left the training grounds. He was done for the day.
Ruben went home to prepare one of his favorite meals, a fine piece of steak which he planned to stuff in the oven with some baked potatoes. However, half way through his long but relaxing cooking session, the doorbell rang.
He opened the door to his apartment and to Ruben's suprise there she stood, dressed in a long coat.
"Can we talk?"
Ruben stepped aside, letting her into his apartment. A lovely suprise, he thought, since he hadn't expected her to show up at his doorstep unprovoked and without an invitation.
"You need to call Bernardo and tell him to come home." She said.
Ruben watched her remove her coat, her hair damped with water. It must be raining outside.
"Did you hear what I said?" She asked, her voice stern and determined.
Ruben smiled. "I heard you."
"Would you like somthing to drink?" Ruben slipped back into the kitchen. Glad to see that Ines was comfortable following him. A sign that what happened between them hadn't been that appalling to her, perhaps she even had trouble admitting how much she had actually enjoyed it, Ruben hands, roaming her body.
"Water will be fine, thanks."
Again, she was being stern with him. Ruben was hoping that it was only an act, because she wouldn't want to see him get stern with her.
"Water it is."
Ruben handed Ines her glass of water and did not let his eyes diverged from her lips as she emptied the glass in one go.
"So." Ruben smirked, elbows resting on top of the kitchen island.
"You said somthing about your husband, Bernardo?"
"Yes." Her face faltered, the glass still in her hand. "I need you to talk to him."
Ruben snorted.
"I'm serious Ruben, you owe me. Bernardo hasn't been home since...since..."
I tried to fuck you, Ruben thought.
"...you know." She said, ashamed to meet his eyes. "You need to find him and tell him to come home. I'm so worried Ruben, you have no idea."
"What makes you think that I want to chase after your husband who chose to leave you."
Ines shook her head, her voice barley above a whisper. "Please Ruben, you have to. We have a family."
Dammit, he thought. Her tears, Ruben couldn't resist her tears. She tilted her head, looking at him with sorrowful eyes.
"He doesn't deserve you." He muttered.
"Well, neither do you."
Silence fell.
Ruben rejected the feeling creeping in the pit of his stomach. Was it pain? Guilt? No, he thought. He turned around, the steak and potatoes were still cooking in the oven. He was hungry.
"Are you staying for dinner?" Ruben asked, turning back to Ines.
She frowned. "Are you serious."
He shrugged. "I'll give your husband a call once we're done eating."
She bit her lip, contemplating the deal. Ruben watched her carefully,  he watched her give into him again. "Fine. One plate but that's it."
They ate in silence. Ruben would've enjoyed a silent dinner with anyone else, but with Ines, he wanted to know what was on her mind. Like what did she think of his kitchen? It was newly renovated.
"I..." He cleared his throat. "I probably shouldn't have come onto you the way I did."
"You think." Ines muttered, head down as she cut into her steak.
"But please, feel free to tell me what you see in Bernardo? We both know I'm the better match for you."
She sighed. "I love him Ruben. Sometimes there is no explanation for why we feel the way we do. It's human, the rawest form of humanity. Love."
Ruben felt an urgent sense to vomit. He must have expressed it on his face because Ines shook her head in disbelief. "I know someone like you won't understand."
Ruben frowned. "Someone like me?"
"Yes, someone like you. Someone so...so..."
Her mouth didn't close.
"That's what I am to you right?" He said, his turn to be stern with her. "A broken man?"
"Oh Ruben. Your not broken more than me or Bernardo. But I am convinced that you've chose to be alone longer than what is good for you."
He snorted, but let his gaze fall onto his half eaten plate. "It's better this way."
There was movement. It shook the table. Ines had left her seat, now approaching Ruben. Somthing warm and gentle grasped his face, a hand. He tilted his head with her touch. Ines was looking down at him, smiling. "You deserve to find love Ruben. Just like everyone else."
"What if I've already found it?"
Her hand left the side of his face.
"No, Ruben, you haven't. Perhaps you've just realized what kind of love you want, like the love between me and Bernardo."
She went to garb her coat. Ruben was still glued to his seat, unable to move. She had paralyzed him, mostly with fear and her ability to read his mind, thoughts he believed he had hidden too far back in his head.
"Love forgives Ruben." She stood by the door, dressed to leave him. "Remember this when you give my husband a call." She reached for the doorhandle, the door coming ajar.
"Ines wait!"
Ruben stood, springing towards her. Her expression shifted when he came near, but she did not scream, nor push him away. Ruben's hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her body close. He tilted his head, meeting her lips in a gentle exchange as they shared a first kiss. She hesitated, pulling away, Ruben could feel it and promised himself to let her go if that was what she wished. However, she stopped fighting him, finally giving in. Her hand went to his face, resting upon his cheek again. Ruben leand against it, feeling the comfort spread throughout his body, throughout his entire soul and then...
"A first and last." She said, her lips parting form his. It was over before it had begun.
"Ines I...."
"Aha!" A voice exclaimed.
Both Ruben and Ines turned dramatically. The door to Ruben's apartment stood ajar and seen in the hall marching towards them, was Bernardo. "I knew it. I knew you two were doing things behind my back."
"Bernie." Ines sighed. Even Ruben understood that their kiss was one of goodbye.
"Don't Bernie me!" Bernardo said, marching up to Ruben. Their height difference was so significant that Ruben had to tilt his head down just to look at his friend.
"You and me, outside, let's go!"
"Bernie please, you're drunk."
Alcohol was on his breath and he had large bags underneath his eyes, as if he hadn't slept in days. No wonder he had tried to assassinate Ruben during training today.
"No, I'm fine, I'm perfectly fine. Come on Dias, you and me, man to man, downstairs."
Ruben stepped forward, to Ines concern. However he only stepped forward to put a hand on his friends shoulder. "I'm sorry." He said.
Bernardo had been jumping from side to side, knuckles held high, like a boxer preparing for a fight. That ended however, as Ruben put a hand on his shoulder.
"I said I'm sorry." He repeated.
"For what?" Bernardo spat, throwing Ruben's hand of his shoulder. "Sorry for trying to fuck my wife?"
"Yes, that and other things." Ruben thought of their kiss, his and Ines. He was pretty sure Bernardo had appeared just after it happened, not baring witness to it at all.
"What makes you think I'll ever forgive you for what you've done?"
Ruben looked to Ines, they shared a glance. Love forgives, he thought. "I don't." He said. "I don't expect you to forgive me Bernardo. I mean, I literally tried to fuck your wife. I don't thinks there is no coming back from this, I'm sure you can agree."
Bernardo snorted, but did not appear amused.
"But I do believe that we can at least go back to being teammates if you want? What do you say?" Ruben stretched out a hand. Bernardo regarded it with disgust. "Come on Ines,  let's go." He turned around and led the way back to the elevator. Ines followed but turned around, glancing at Ruben. "Thank you." She whispered.
Ruben took one last look at her as she swung her hips on the way to join her husband in the elevator. Then he shut the door and let silence capture the apartment, that and other things. He didn't feel lonely, no. Ruben remained resilient in his need for a pedantic lifestyle. However, he was open to the thought of true love. But only because he had witnessed it first hand. Love forgives, he thought. That he knew now.
The End
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bobbydagen24 · 5 months
what sorta story do you want to see in the next Christmas Special? assuming there is one.
so this is kinda a combo of both what you'd like to see but also what you think is a more likely option so no Kismet and Bro zone at war with each other stories as fun as those are cause we kinda know they won't be happening at least not in a Christmas Special. anyway I do think it is fairly likely and would make for a nice little story maybe just Branch over stressing himself trying to make sure his first Christmas with his Brothers back is "" Perfect "".
but of course despite his over planning family Drama strikes maybe JD and Bruce get a bit petty and competitive over the family board games.
Clay keeps rearranging things in certain ways that he's used to organising things and Poppy and Viva keep getting crazy ideas for other fun stuff they could all do that don't mesh with Branch's planned out day. anyway in the end things all end up a mess due to the family chaos and Branch maybe loses his Rag a little with everyone. stating that he used to dream when he was a kid about having these big family special occasions and he just wanted a normal family Christmas for once given how many he spent without any of his family in his life.
only for him to go off somewhat upset but I feel his Brothers would go after him and apologise for the day not panning out like he wanted but also kinda light-heartedly point out that this is how these things usually go. back when their family was together their special occasions were always crazy and disorganised as hell and also Bruce would probably point out its the same every year with his other family. to steal a quote from one of my favourite episodes of Brooklyn nine nine where Jake and Amy's parents meet and chaos ensues I like to imagine Bruce's pep talk to Branch being somewhat similar.
Bruce= "" Hey Branch you know how you said you always wanted to have a big family Christmas? well I have a wife 13 children two parent in laws 4 Brother in laws 3 sister in laws and overall 16 nieces and nephews by marriage who spend every Holiday together I had the kind of family that you always dreamt of "" awkward silence. Branch= "" oh are you done? that seems like a really mean place to stop talking but you seem to be taking quite a long pause "" Bruce= "" when we were all together it was a Huge mess I can't tell you how many special occasions I've spent in the Hospital but that's part of what it means to have a big family like this one ""
I could maybe imagine something along these lines for some good old emotional Trolls cheese.
also FR tho I Hope it gets acknowledged in the next Holiday special how big something like this would probably be for Branch.
given so far since the first film he's had one Christmas that he spent with Poppy that being Holiday in Harmony ( don't forgot the first Holiday special doesn't actually take place at Christmas )
but before that he presumably spent every special occasion doing his own thing in the Bunker alone which is sad AF when you think about it especially when he was a kid 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
so the next specials gotta acknowledge how different this would be for him finally spending Christmas with a family in his life again when it hasn't been that way for him since he was a friggin baby.
like Daaaam if that don't make his Bros feel bad about themselves then I don't know what will.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Antics w/ Jonathan and Reader!
I did a similar post yesterday!! (Linked at the end, hopefully, I'm mobile and sometimes tumblr can be weird)
I'm so so sorry it took my so long to get this request <\\3 I was trying to come up with new ideas so it could be different than the other ask <\3, which I highly recommend checking out! Imma be real I'm not totally confident in how this one turned out so that second post can be like an extra/make up <\3
I wasnt sure if you wanted this to be platonic or have them dating so!! It's mostly written as vague in that department!!
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Jonathan doesn't strike me as the person who goes out and does things a lot
Just. Wake up, work, home, sleep, repeat.. he'll sometimes send texts to friends and family to schedule a lunch here and there but
That's about it, hes not very social
So a lot of these antics are really going to be made through you making the plans; with the shenanigans really being unplanned byproducts
Honestly I can totally see Jonathan starting shit with someone, be it accident or on purpose, prompting both of yall having to hightail it out of the area
Reminds me of that part from one of the diary of a wimpy kid movies, where greg n rodrick do that fake puke prank on the guy and have to make a run for it
Actually I can totally see yall subtly being menaces and fucking with people
Maybe not a fake puke prank persay but
No crime stuff; I only really see that becoming a thing after he becomes Spot! Both from how he worded his whole "turning to a life of crime" thing and the fact he just
Lacks the experience and confidence
Moving on
Maybe it's just my "let's get silly with the writing" part of me, or it's my need for chaos (arguably the same thing), but
I feel like
Somehow, you guys would accidentally probably maybe kinda sorta
Wreak havoc in ways spot could only dream of (before doing the whole. Bouncing across the multiverse thing)
Yall could probably start the day wanting to go to some food truck and
End it by spending a night in jail
Neither of you are allowed anywhere near food trucks after that /j
No but serious note, Jonathan is basically a hermit, he doesnt like leaving his apartment unless he has to; people are just, so
So when you two hang out it's either his place or yours
But that's not to say it isnt fun!
Hes got normal stuff people have in their homes, like board games and consoles
And also science doohickies
Yeah people have that in their houses, that's a normal thing
Ngl if you give him any ideas for machines or whatnot hes totally going to give it a try
See previous post with a trans s/o, he would make the transgenderinator if you asked him to
Well now hes just turning into doof
I feel like he'd take you to alchemax to show off stuff but like
If you asked nicely
How can he say no to that face?
And also he has no backbone
That's not to say you would pressure him, though! Because that's not cool, dont pressure people. But like, he would cave in the way of "I know it's not that serious and I know they'll probably understand if I say no, but I don't want to ever risk disappointing them ever in my life, so I'm gonna say yes!" Kind of way
He just like me frfr
And this is assuming you even know about alchemax
Which personally, unless you're in some way associated with it, I'm p sure be would have a strong boundary to keep you out of it
This is really just turning into a general ramble <\3
I dont have many ideas since I struggle with general hcs like this but!! Yeah!! Definitely recommend the linked post for a better more cohesive (?) List of ideas and hcs!! This post kinda
Made me realize I dont have many hcs for Jonathan outside of making his personality a smart pathetic science man
Gotta fix that , give him some hobbies n stuff in the future
Link to a similar post!
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13eyond13 · 13 days
hi, not too long ago, i read death note one-shot 2020. i really enjoyed it, but i have a question. What would have happened if Minoru never died. Do you think Minoru and Near will have met each other. I hope you have a headcanons about them.
Hi! Thanks for the ask, it was fun to think about the 2020 one-shot again. I hadn't revisited it since it first came out, so I reread it again just now to have it fresh in my mind.
So I don't really think Minoru and Near likely would've met even if Minoru never died, because Minoru asked Ryuk to erase his memories and also made it really hard to trace everything back to him with how he planned the selling of the notebook. He didn't WANT to be tracked down by anybody, nor to remember what he had done, and Near said himself that it would be basically impossible for them to find him now after the transaction had taken place. The only clue L's team really had to go on after the auction finished was that A-Kira was probably one of the many hundreds of thousands of people under 60 years old who had a bank account with Yotsuba.
HOWEVER! I also do like the idea of Minoru and Near meeting each other, especially because Near expressed interest in meeting him due to his obvious intelligence and due to coming up with that kind of a plan with the notebook. And think it might have been fun to see how they got along.
("read more" cut because it's a bit long)
I also liked Minoru as a character quite a bit. He came off pretty chill and patient and peaceful and non-egotistical, but still pretty scheming and clever as a character as well. I also liked how he found a way to try to use it to benefit himself and his own country (I guess - it's up for interpretation, but that much money going to Japan would be "greasing the wheels" of the economy, as they said?). And to me he also seemed to be trying to entertain and placate Ryuk while also getting the notebook away from him and not actually using it himself to kill anybody. After all, Minoru really had no choice in the matter initially when Ryuk selected him for his next notebook owner, so he didn't ask to be put in that position, and he had all the history of what had happened before when Kira had the notebook to draw on. And Near points out that now that the world knows about Kira's power and its whereabouts that it will be a lot harder for it to be used sneakily by anybody, and perhaps that was something that Minoru had been anticipating too (I assume he had thought of many things like this before he chose this plan, seeing as he for some reason spends 2 entire years coming up with it).
Near in this one-shot is a bit of a question mark to me characterization-wise. He doesn't act a ton like Near did in the manga in my eyes, and comes off a bit more cynical and listless and self-centered than I thought he actually was back in the manga. He seems a bit less idealistic and less caring about the others around him to me in this one-shot, too; and I thought that the part where he says that he wants to meet A-Kira because he's smart sounds a lot more like something the original L would say than something Near would say. Much of the stuff that made his personality refreshing and unique to me in comparison to L just wasn't really that present in this one-shot for me. And I'm just not sure if that's because Ohba is intentionally writing him to have been changed by the Kira case and differently characterized now to how he wrote him in the manga, or what? Perhaps he is trying to show Near slowly becoming more like L over the years as he spends more time doing L's job? Or maybe I just interpreted Near's personality in the manga differently to how Ohba was actually conceptualizing him and writing him in the first place.
Anyway, whenever I imagine Near and Minoru meeting and interacting I tend to picture Minoru having a bit of a calming effect on Near for some reason, as Near comes off a bit depressed and cranky and lonely to me in the later one-shots. They're so far apart in age in canon and when Near first learns about A-Kira that I don't ship it, but I can imagine them getting along well as friends if they met (and if someone came up with an AU where they are closer together in age and/or both first met as adults that'd be fine for me shipping-wise as well). Maybe Near would do well to have a friend like Minoru who came off smart and relatable to him in an interesting way, and who also immediately understood that something like having the power of Kira handed to him wasn't automatic good news and didn't want to use it to kill anybody. Minoru could maybe be Near’s chill voice of reason when he gets a little too cynical and stubborn about things and get him out of the house a bit more, introduce him to some of the things the kids are into these days and see what he thinks about them. I feel like Near would maybe do well to not be so caught up in his role as L anymore as well, as it doesn't really seem to be agreeing with him that much later in life. I can picture them doing something fun and low stakes and nerdy together like hanging out at a board game cafe. Or maybe it'd even be nice to see them working together on L stuff, and maybe Near would be a happier person with an actual pal to hang out with.
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rainbow-lust · 1 year
Imagine if Wu never came to get kai and his sister and the skeletons never tried attacking. So kai is obviously working in the forage 24/7, so he never realizes that he's the element of fire. Cause he just assumes he's clumsy in the forge and that's how he gets his small burn marks everywhere. Well time skip to when they have enough money piled up that the siblings go to ninjago for a vacation. On that vacation they do a lot of site seeing and after a while find Chens noodle shop to eat lunch in. That's when kai gets the message about the tournament and thinks it's gonna be a good way to hopefully set them up so they don't struggle anymore, also it seems like a lot of fun. Cue to the entire boat ride that kai thinks everyone is taking the them literally, seriously speed is not an element, and dressed as "elemental masters". Then we jump right into the tournament itself and he just assumes that everyone is using killer chemicals and science stuff to make everything happen, thanks to nya teaching him everything. And then we get to where chen is trying to kidnap everyone and everyone is in the maze of tunnels. That's where kai gets a ruse wakeup call that it's not fake at all, just the tournament itself. So everyone is trying to convince kai rhat this is real and he's the element of fire. Cole is having his patience tested, jay is about to pull his hair out, and neuro os just watching them lose their minds just cause. But everytime someone gets close to explaining everything to kai, kai has a scientific answer and everyone is back to plan a again. For example, say they almost convinced kai that the elements are real. Cause how on the first realm do you move earth. Am I right? So anyways, kai gets emotional about it (angry) and then the torch nearby reacts. And everyone is excited. Cause how can you explain getting mad and a torch reacting with nothing happening to the torch. Bit then some of the tunnel rumble and the dirt falls near the torch as soon as kai turns around and looks at it. The excitement deflates, kai is using science to determine what made the torch flared up, and everyone is wondering if they are going to make it out alive and sane.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 10 months
Sooooo I am very curious about your Durge and how they are built. Do they link into the lore of the earlier games? Are they a resist or accept type? Tell us more! 👀
You mean built as in "how Bhaal made him", or as in character build, or as in characterisation? Well, I'll answer them all anyway. Here's more rambling information than anyone needed about my fucked up, socially-unacceptable mess who needs therapy!
[Be aware dead doves may be present, ymmv]
Resist, technically. He woke up with a tadpole in his head and no memories, he wasn't going to trust a presence in the back of his head that kept stealing his bodily autonomy until he understood what it was. As he grew fond of his party, he began to be pushed towards doing good things and helping people to please them (and because it honestly does feel good to see people happy, even as it makes the Urge hurt him).
Of course there were a few exceptions where nobody except Astarion was looking where he was a bit pragmatic or just plain mean, because it was funny.
Then he got his memories back in Act 3 and had a full blown nervous breakdown as he realised how badly he had failed Father and his sole reason for existence by allowing himself to fall for the delusion that he was a real person. He tried to go back to just being Bhaal's evil little puppet, but it was too late and his loyalties were torn between being what his friends wanted and being what Bhaal wanted. There was another panic attack when he couldn't bring himself to kill Minsc because it would upset Jaheria, Wyll and Karlach. Still murdered a few innocent people and a celestial being behind their backs. Also every Flaming Fist in the Lower City, but that was their own fucking fault for having stupid AI. Turns out you can't have everyone you love, but luckily he got to solve this issue by letting Father kill him as punishment for his failure! He repents for his failure and his friends get to believe that he died a heroic sacrifice and move on with their lives - win-win! Except that Jergal interfered and now he has to carry around this tainted, stolen flesh he doesn't want to claim - damn you, old man.
Post-game he's living with Astarion; both having their bad days where they have time to stop and process their trauma now, and also having good days where they adventure; grow into being fully free willed individuals; hunt and kill people for fun, blood and profit where socially acceptable; and get some research done on stuff like Bhaalspawn and vampires. He'll probably be ok in, like, a decade or twenty, once he's finished coming to terms with the idea that he was genuinely miserable and terrified living under Bhaal's control and has formed his own life and a stable identity. In the meantime - abandonment issues, identity crises, issues about autonomy, paranoia about retaliation and religious guilt!
If he had failed in his duel against Orin and been condemned to lose his autonomy (and seen his friends immediately give up on him), or had he not been given death as a choice, he probably would've forsaken the party and fulfilled his original purpose in the end game. But he would've quickly killed them in their sleep first as a mercy! He's not totally heartless! He's an absolute mess.
He doesn't have much in the way of connections to the original games.
I go back and forth on how old I want him to be and haven't settled yet. I don't think he's young. Originally I had him be born in the temples before the Time of Troubles, along with the other Bhaalspawn but then it turned out that Durge's backstory is weird.
Going off of what we're told about being carved from Bhaal's dead flesh, having no birthday and being conceived beyond mortality, I'm assuming he was created from a part of Bhaal's corpse on the Astral Plane, where there was no time. Probably shortly after the end of Throne of Bhaal, in 1369 DR - maybe Bhaal was paranoid about Amelyssan and Bhaal's failure to be resurrected triggered the failsafe and initiated plan B: the Dark Urge.
Or Vel was born after 1372 DR, when Bane was reborn and Bhaal maybe felt a little insecure.
I have contemplated having my Charname meddle with his "birth" to piss Bhaal off, adding part of her own essence into the mixture. Technically it's not incest, because it's purely by magic, but it's still enough to make her sort of his mother and make it weird. Just to make the family tree even more complicated. Also technically makes him a half-human, half-hin, sun elf, quasi-deity. Nothing in this guy's life makes sense.
He's a ranger, because hey, he's a hunter - he just hunts people. He's comfortable hunting and surviving in urban or natural environments; he learned to live off the streets while being homeless after his foster family's death (and the subsequent massacre at the Ilmatari shrine that sheltered him) and learned to live off the land after fleeing into the wilds to lie low. It's also how he's familiar with poisons and venoms. He has an interest in death as part of the natural cycle, so the nature class suits him. Also likes animals, who are significantly less judgemental and more pragmatic about killing. Scavengers tend to follow him around for the corpses he leaves, and he ended up with a few rat and corvid animal companions (though Bhaal often forced him to kill them if he got too attached). It also lets me play a divine spellcaster, although I assume in his case the power is coming from his own soul rather than a patron god.
He's a divine being and an excellent killer, he knows this and it gives him self-confidence in his actions that some have described as "insufferably arrogant" or "suicidal". His go-to tactics for dealing with a problem are: Step 1) Promise death if subject does not submit Step 2) If subject does not submit; kill them Skipping to step two is also always on the table. All problems can be solved with murder.
His dump stat is intelligence, because the poor kid who ended up alone and homeless didn't have much time or resources for education. In another life he would've been a bard, he has a knack for carrying a tune and writing prose. I like to think Orin would've enjoyed art and maybe the theatre in her own alternate Bhaal-free universe, so it's an interesting parallel for them.
He takes an approximation of elven form because Bhaal decided to reverse engineer the Blessing of Corellon, using the soul of one of his elven kids as a reference, to give Vel a physical fluidity/flexibility that would be useful to his plan to breed an army of Bhaalspawn using Durge. Also works as a threat; obey, or there are other uses I have for you, and some of them will see you locked up for nine months. (Vel goes by male pronouns and presents as a cis man, but is somewhat flexible and accepts they/them pronouns. Not she/her though.)
Vel also has a million and one hang-ups about sex because of stuff like this; namely that he won't have any kind of sex that might cause pregnancy, and he used to kill the partners he begrudgingly took so that they wouldn't be able to perceive him during the act or remember him sexually. He makes a special exception for people who he's assigned an "equal" or "higher rank" over himself - they can do what they like with him and it's their right. Those exceptions would be Bhaal (Vel's body is Bhaal's body, as far as he's concerned), sort-of Gortash (except Vel didn't fully trust him and their relationship makes Bhaal irritated, so every time they had sex Vel had to leave and have a panic attack afterwards) and Astarion (who has his own hang-ups). There might have been something kind of going on with Orin, partly due to pressure for them to have "sacrificial lambs" together, but neither want to talk about it. He considered Ketheric, but Ketheric can't die and that would ruin it because Vel would be too busy trying to kill him to actually have sex.
Originally he was going to be the son of a member of the Eldreth Veluuthra, who turned to Bhaal for divine aid because the Seldarine still won't aid the terrorist organisation in committing genocide against the human race, for some strange reason. She would've raised her little abomination into be a weapon to set on them, and enjoyed the irony of humans being slain by an abomination spawned by of one of their own gods.
Since "the Dark Urge" gets you some funny looks when you use it in public, mine concedes to being called "Vel" - a name that only gets you funny looks from the minority that speak elven, because you've just introduced yourself as "dagger/knife." It's a description of him as a tool, not a person. His foster family did give him a name, but he refuses to acknowledge it because it was intended for a person who only existed in their imagination and he'll stab you if you call him by that name. He technically got the name from Gortash, who once "jokingly" referred to him as his favourite weapon one evening, enjoying the success after one of their joint plots to exploit some noble or other and advance both their goals via assassination/politicking. Vel has identity issues and complicated relationship with real Tel'Quessir, so he chose the elven word for the irony (no real elf would accept association with a Bhaalspawn, least of all this one).
Mostly he goes by no name at all. He might pick a new one, in a few decades when he's grown, healed a bit and feels secure in having his own identity.
Vel is Lawful, and alternates between Evil and Neutral depending on his mood and situation. He will fall to pieces without a purpose to structure his life around. He doesn't care if people around him are more Chaotic though, it's purely a personal code. If he takes a mercenary or assassination contract or something, he will fulfil it to the letter and make no attempts to backstab his employer or get any more than the agreed upon payment. He makes zero promises about the actions of anyone working with him, they can do what they want and it's not his problem.
He has a hierarchy in his head: Bhaal > Himself, Gortash, Astarion > Orin, the party > everyone else
His moral compass is a twisted thing that he's cobbled together out of scraps over the course of under two months, it's not very complete or useful. On the good-evil axis, he doesn't usually have second thoughts about taking actions that are evil, and he's not keen on the concept of morality as a whole; there was never any point in developing a sense for it. He never had any real say in his actions and he kind of resents people who judge him for them.
He kind of misses Sceleritas, his "great purpose" and all the power he used to wield, and he would make a fantastic Sharran.
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dragonmarquise · 21 days
OK OK OK HEAR ME OUT!!! HEAR ME OUT!!! all the BRC crews, but like, they're slashers/murderers, and the BRC crew is basically the main cast y'know???? I feel like solace should be the final girl
This is gonna be a fun one! I like horror stuff, but admittedly with slashers I tend to just read about them, since seeing the gory stuff makes me ill. ^^;
Still! Even just reading about a lot of these kinds of movies gives a lot of ideas, so I'm working off of that!
Also sorry I’m posting this the next day! I finished this yesterday, but I wanted to proofread it first and got too sleepy to finish it last night. ^^;
So with BRC as the main cast (I’m assuming just the original 5? Tryce, Bel, Felix, Vinyl, and Solace), horror movie logic dictates that usually the comedy relief character dies first. Then again I have no idea if that’s still a thing in horror movies these days. :u
But anyways, I feel the character who probably fits that role is either Felix or Solace. Because, Felix gives me the impression of a chill guy who cracks jokes every now and then. And Solace is Solace, the comedy is mostly in his bad luck and/or his status as a Sad Wet Blorbo, lol
imo Solace’s bad luck could actually work in his favor, basically him bumbling/tripping/etc. while avoiding death in more and more ridiculous ways as the movie goes on. To the point where he just happens to be the Final Girl!
But if we go with “comedy relief character dies first” and Solace gets that role, then I nominate Vinyl as the Final Girl. I feel like she’d be great as the Final Girl and actually manage to finish off the villain!
I guess the rest of the non-rival BRC members (Rave, Mesh, Shine, Rise, and Coil) get to be the background characters that get killed off along the way. Or otherwise they manage to escape just in time, but don't play much of a role in stopping the villain in the end. Whoops, sorry guys. D:
So with the main cast established, let’s move on to the crews! I’m gonna be predictable and start off with Devil Theory, specifically with my OCs. *u*
Daishō is a lover of horror media, so he goes all in on being a slasher movie villain! Serial killer who recreates elaborate deaths from his favorite horror movies!! Also involves plenty of knives and butcher themes, maybe.
Sai and Nunchaku tag along as minions, also a bit of a “If we didn’t help him, he might end up worse” kind of way. Cool motive, still murder though. Going by a horror movie structure, they’d get killed off before the main cast (or what’s left of them at that point) can take down Daishō directly.
Bō stays out of this whole mess because he hates horror stuff, especially gory stuff. He might play the role of someone warning the main cast to leave before it’s too late… before getting killed off by Daishō as a “traitor”. Yikes. D:
Now for DOT EXE... probably stuff involving hijacking robots and machines? Like that big incident in the mall in the Child’s Play remake from 2019. All the electronics go haywire and kill people, oh no!!
For my versions of the crew, Twoson and Fourside in particular would go all in on being evil serial killers like this. Like with Daishō, they’re big horror media nerds. Also they both probably kill off the other DOT EXE members when/if they try to get in the duo’s way too. I just can’t imagine the other members being okay with this, like how Sai and Nunchaku are okay with going along with Daishō’s plan. :o
With the Franks, maybe something like the Prince tricking people into thinking they’re getting life-saving surgeries free-of-charge... but then just harvesting them for organs and spare body parts for some experiments the Prince is carrying out. Or otherwise just sending out the Franks to kidnap people for “surgery”. I guess something like the doctor from the Mad Father game, just without the “turn people into dolls” obsession… or maybe have something like that too?! Or otherwise it’s just experiments to improve his skills and eventually advance humanity overall.
He insists he’s doing it for the good of humanity, but, y’know, he’s still tricking and killing people in the process. The Franks here are his minions, made from the body parts of former victims, and like I said being sent out to find more "test subjects".
So then for Eclipse, uhhhh, make them witches I guess?? Has there ever been a slasher with a witch as the villain? Gory magic! Surely there’s been at least one movie with that kind of idea.
Or if not that, then serial killers who leave astrology-themed “clues” at their murders, but really the clues are just to lure in more victims. Heck, combine the two! Why the hell not. Either way, they mostly target men who are genuinely heinous people, especially those who managed to escape punishment/jail time/etc. Basically a “the villain has a point though” kind of thing.
Sometimes they mess up and target a man who turned out to be completely innocent, or even the wrong guy entirely, but they don’t see it as a big deal. You could take this as a “He probably would have done something bad sooner or later anyways” thing, or otherwise “Well, you can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs. Or heads in this case.”
And now finally, FUTURISM! I’m thinking psychological horror mixed with slasher stuff! DJ Cyber and his crew basically messing with people before killing them off, stalking them for weeks or even months to get a good idea of their personality, background, etc. and then use it against them.
Maybe even go Saw with it, elaborate traps where they have to earn their survival or literally die trying! If we go with Solace surviving just on his weird luck alone, I can imagine some genuinely hilarious ways he can narrowly avoid death in this situation, lol
I think that’s about it for my ideas on this topic! This was a fun one to think over, thank you for sending this in. :D
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kemihaydeestantonva · 5 months
I'm just going to word vomit my season 2B predictions for Helluva Boss here so I can come back later and see how close I was to anything!! I find this speculation game really fun.
Predictions! The full moon starts out with the duet, apparently, so my guess is - Blitzø has been doing a lot of opening up lately so I think he is actually going to try and make this full moon more intimate (with Fizz's help) meanwhile Stolas is freaking out and preparing to have a serious talk with him. Blitzø pulls out all the stops (omg that giant ass candle lmaooo) Stolas gives him the crystal and shatters Blitzø's plans. He takes it as a HUGE rejection, the talk escalates to a fight, they break up.
Apology tour is Stolas and Verosika somehow teaming up, she makes the tour all about shitting on Blitzø and maybe Stolas initially goes along with it or maybe he interrupts and finally publicly stands up for him. Blitzø makes amends with Verosika in some capacity, takes the first steps in being accountable for his past actions towards them both.
Ghostfuckers is the ghost busters one, and that creepy blonde guy is Leviathan - he lures them in as an unassuming bellhop with the ghost hunting thing, then traps him and Millie. I'm assuming he has some sort of possession powers, and being the embodiment of envy he forces them to face what they envy about each other, intense fight ensues. We get backstory on Millie, who she was before IMP, how she joined, ect.
Mastermind is the episode with the agents and the cherubs, I have no idea how that is going to play out but it does look like they figured out a way to open a portal to hell. From the picture we got of agents one and two dressed in IMP cosplay I'm still desperately hoping that a furry convention setting might happen because I think it'd be hilarious
Sinmas is the one with all the Goetia family gathered, along with the sins. Looks like some sort of big shindig. All the apple and snake architecture tells me it'll be in the pride ring but I doubt there will be any Lucifer cameo (I don't think they could legally even if they wanted to). I'm guessing that the scary Zestial looking guy is Satan, and I think he's going to be bad news (I think when Mammon told Oz he'd "regret" admitting his love for Fizz that he was going to go over his head and plot something nasty with Satan. Or maybe Mammon teams up with Leviathan and the sin stuff is tied to the ghostfucker episode not this one, but the episode title hints otherwise)
I think Stella is going to turn Via against Stolas over these episodes, he's going to spend this entire time grappling with his breakup and figuring out how to move on, it's a prime time for Via to feel neglected and for Stella to make a move - and the gathering is going to be like, a public reckoning scenario resulting in Andrealphus fighting Stolas, and Blitzø will swoop in and protect him! No idea where this will ultimately leave their relationship but one I hope it starts to mend by the last episode. (I also don't get major bad vibes from Vassago so maybe Stolas won't be entirely friendless at this gathering??)
Anyway that's what I got so far, see y'all at the full moon
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thornescratch · 1 month
this is a little out of nowhere but do you know if there are any primers for running a fic exchange? I saw you mentioned bring back a caps exchange like a month ago (which would be so cool). it kind of inspired me with another fandom, but I can't find any good guides and was hoping you might have some recs.
(Sorry for the long delay in reply. Clearly when I say I will get to something in a day or so, I-- uh, will not. Life's been a lot. Very sorry!)
With the proviso that @weaglerock did most of the actual hard work of the ALLCAPS Exchange and my role was mainly to make shitty promo manips (actually I still like this one) and nag people to turn stuff in and occasionally pinch hit--
Honestly, AO3 actually has some of the best resources for you, if you're planning to be like most exchanges and run your exchange through/post there. They've put together FAQs and tutorials and I think they're pretty straightforward and easy to understand.
Tutorial: Running a Gift Exchange on AO3
Archive FAQ: Gift Exchange
Challenges tutorial: creating and running a gift exchange
Signing up for a gift exchange
Reddit is also handy, and I've found a number of their posts with good advice: here, here (more from the user POV rather than the runner POV but good to think about, and this post were ones I referred to.
General advice:
I find if you have a random question and you can't figure out how to make shit work with AO3 or something, Fail Fandom Anon is a decent way to ask for help. Every post has a thread related to various Bangs/Exchanges going on, and you can post an anonymous request or question. Quality and quantity of response can vary based on when you post it (if the post is almost at comment limit and about to move to the next, you might not get much; just try again with a newly opened post), but usually someone will respond.
Most of the exchanges I've helped with were done before discord got huge, so I haven't utilized it as an organizer as much, but I've been in exchanges as an author where it originated from a fandom discord, and it did streamline communication to have a dedicated channel/discord for the participants. But mostly we used tumblr, gmail, and a googledoc for notifications and tracking.
Always assume some people are simply going to dip, for legitimate or other reasons. Shit will happen. It's super frustrating to delay opening an exchange because you're scrambling to make sure everyone gets something and that it's of decent quality so I'd advise definitely lining up multiple pinch hitters (and assume some of THEM will also bolt randomly) in advance, or be ready to do it yourself, or build in an extra time period of complete works being due before going live, or optimally, all of those things. Having more than one organizer/moderator is helpful!
Highly encourage people to include detailed author letters to accompany their requests. Have regular timeline check ins and reminders. Also, it's easiest to assume everyone's a newbie and err on the side of over-explaining. Have templates and formatted examples on hand for transparency; this includes examples of how you want people to make their requests and examples of an author letter.
Anyway, honestly my best piece of advice is to find a moderator who's already done this before and is good at all of it and will do most of it, and then just act like you've always been there and tag along for the glory. It worked marvelously for me. (But no, really, in the end I think the best bet for success is go back to an exchange from any fandom you enjoyed and felt was well run, look at their set-up/timelines/rules/verbiage, and then model after that accordingly. Obviously don't copy everything directly, or if you do, credit the those organizers.)
And, like, have fun.
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