#anyway. tma is on my mind ig
peachcitt · 2 years
me: listening to tma again will just make me sad and frustrated especially in s2 because jon makes every bad decision possible
s2 jon: (spies on his coworkers’ houses)
me: fucking freak. tell me more
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welcometogrouchland · 9 months
they shouldn't let me stay up past midnight bc then I start identifying every single problem I've ever had. No solutions found. Net zero personal progress and 0.5 hours of sleep are achieved
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the-lightless-flame · 5 months
thinking rn about how agnes fully had a dad. like who was he. iirc literally the only things we know ab him is that he had a child with eileen montague and that he had been 'dealt with' by the time eileen was five months pregnant
he seems like he wasn't a part of the cult. so who was he? was he her husband? boyfriend? some random guy? did he know beforehand that eileen was a part of the cult or did he not know what he was getting into?
either way this presumably regular ass man managed to get someone who burns to the touch pregnant which i mean. respect
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magpod-confessions · 1 month
Honestly i wanna hear opinions on season 4, cus im gonna confess i could NOT finish it (didnt move on to season 5 either lol). Got to like ep 135 & i just couldnt tell any of the episodes apart it felt like such a drag; just a slog of misery with some offhand Important 5 Minutes once in a blue moon. I hate repetition & i got the sparknotes from fandom/wiki stuff so yeahhh i just stopped listening; i still love TMA & it’s story & characters, it’s just the execution that got to me RIP
Everything felt kinda forced to me ig? Like there was some shoe-horned “humans are more monstrous than the actual monster” that snuffed S1 Jon’s fun cockiness/jackassery just to make him ? The best one in the archive ??? & all of his wrongdoings are either off-screen or justified by him being tricked into becoming a literal monster against his will (who would STARVE w/o his ‘evil-doings’, which didnt even kill ppl). Also felt like everyone got needlessly dumbed down except for Martin (the Love Interest ofc, who got 180’d from his pre-established incompetency to be some mastermind in a playing field he should have REALLY been inept in) just so they’d be blind to Jon’s situation & be mean to him LMAO
They started trying to make Jon accountable for “choosing this” & i couldnt handle it, held no fucking water to me—the guy being explicitly puppetted & manipulated as the entire plot? That guy is expected to take responsibility here? Felt like some after-thought theme they threw on top of it all. Anyways uhh feel free comment either on what i said and/or your personal thoughts on the season, or nothing if ya got nothing lol
Ehh disagree. S4 isnt my fav but I dont think its bad. S1 Jon to s4 jon feels like natural character progression to me. He starts as acting all high and mighty to try hide the fact he has no idea what hes doing and is terrified, and then experiences a lot of ppl dying that he feels is due to him and is his responsibility. At that point his thought pattern is 'I keep messing up and making mistakes and getting myself and everyone around me hurt, so other ppl surely know better'. Hes got a lot of black and white thinking around him, which has been consistent throughout his entire characterization
I dont think any characters were dumbed down either
Melanie was always angry, she only go worse bc she had smth making her think everything she did was justified and when that stopped she became avoidant and stopped lashing out. She was still angry, just managing it better
Basira has always been Daisys no1, the person to justify all of Daisys actions. She knows what daisy did and why its bad but she holds onto the idea that daisy is right in doing so. She blames jon for what he does bc logically she knows its wrong, hurting ppl who havent done anything is wrong, but still excuses daisy bc she needs to. Bc that was a fact of her life and it cannot be wrong. In the unknowning she focuses on facts to keep her grounded and to her 'Daisy is a good person' 'Hurting ppl is wrong' and 'If you hurt ppl you are a bad person' are all facts she needs in her life to stay grounded. How she justifies Daisys actions is by saying that the ppl who daisy hurt were worse and it ultimately helps more ppl to have them gone. Not only can she not do that with Jon, as she believes those he hurts are entirely innocent, she also doesnt care to. Shes not close with Jon and she doesnt have 'Jon is a good person' as a fact in her mind, so she doesnt need to work to excuse his actions. Its all or nothing with her, if you hurt and continue hurting ppl, no matter your reason, you need to stop and the only way you will stop is if you are gone. She also has a lot of black and white thinking, gotta love the autism podcast
Martin being a mastermind in s4 also makes sense bc him being stupid is an act. If ppl think your stupid theyll underestimate you and ultimately leave you alone. They wont scrutinize you, they wont attack every part of you, they will brush it off as just a typical normal thing. It will get you ignored and you cannot be hurt if nobody knows who you are or how to hurt you. Its a lonely miserable existence but its one martins used to. Martin rarely drops the mask of 'Sweet but stupid' bc he needs that to survive and tbh he probably learnt that from needing to survive his mom LOL. Martin just knows and picks the best method of getting ppl to like him, which for him is doing exactly what they want and keeping their expectations low so they wont hurt him as much when they mess up. Honestly in s5 I see him as hes finally got to a place where he doesnt care if everyone hates him, bc he has someone who does and thats all he needs. Hes survived the worst of it and he doesnt care anymore
Part of the reason everyone blames Jon is bc he is there and he is the one who is currently causing the most problems. Also they dont actually see the extent that Jon is manipulated. Elias talks and interacts with Jon differently to how he interacts with others. All of them met Jon when he was already at the institute, they meet him when it does actually look like he made his choice, entirely of his own free will. It doesnt help that daisy is there, someone who completed their transformation like Jon did and turned back on it, and she looks like shes managing well enough. She is surviving without feeding so why cant Jon do the same? Also basira does trust elias on some level. She trusts he knows more than she does and can be an asset if used correctly, which definitely doesnt help things. Also the idea of Elias is locked up, he cant affect Jon anymore so why is Jon still acting this way. Elias has very effectively vilified and isolated jon and jon doesnt fight back against it bc he believes it as well. Other ppl are normally right so why wouldnt everyone be right abt him?
Oh my god that was an essay and I absolutely missed sooo much stuff but idk take that - rosette
i literally have nothing to add . rosette sincerely you are insane and i love that . i honestly don't have a lot of s4 opinions that i could really put down , but i also disagree anon . s4 may not have been the best , but it certainly wasn't Bad or not enjoyable to listen to . coming from someone who has listened to the podcast twice now [ and who is planning on a third relisten ] , i really do enjoy s4 as a whole . martin's buildup and his manipulation of peter lukas is honestly one of my favourite parts , because it has been said that martin was originally going to be apart of the mother of puppets ! this shows that part of martin we didn't get to see but has been there . i got distracted and don't remember what else i was gonna type um . whoops - deceit
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littleliongirl16 · 8 months
Assigning Moths and Butterflies to the Magnus Archives Cast!
Cw: discussion and pictures of insects
So I drew Mothman Melanie a while back. Because Jon has massive Mothman energy and gets tons of cool Mothman fanart of him but I also stand by Moth Melanie because her dad cannonically used to call her Little Moth. And also idk, her constantly traveling different places at night for Ghost Hunt UK also gives me moth vibes.
Anyway all this to say I'm assigning moths and butterflies to TMA characters!
Squinting Bush Brown (Bicyclus Anynana)
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Okay technically this is a butterfly not a moth and it does feel a bit like a crime to make the most notoriously mothman headcannoned character not a moth. But I saw it and it just reminded me of him. It has so many eyespots! Eyes for days! Also it's very small and we all know Jon is like two feet tall.
Also most of the search results for it are of people running experiments on this type of butterfly by modifying their genes to learn things about how genes code for butterfly wing patterns? Jon is like 40% mad scientist, 60% mad scientist's experiment in terms of his energy so this feels right to me.
Peppered Moth (Biston Betularia)
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These moths are what every high school class or whatever uses as an example of natural selection. They used to mainly have the primarily white, speckled with black pattern on the bottom, because it allowed them to camoflauge with tree bark. A few of them had a mutation that made them black, and those moths weren't particularly successful until the industrial revolution literally stained a lot of surfaces they would perch on black with soot. Suddenly, the black moths blended in better than the speckled ones and became a lot more plentiful because more of the speckled ones and fewer of the black ones were getting eaten by predators.
That's the simplified version, I'm not a scientist and haven't done enough research to tell it totally accurately. The gist is I think a moth that's so extremely well known for a story about its camoflauge works really well for Martin, whose powerset makes him invisible and forgotten, who's scared of being invisible and never understood but finds safety in it. Also I'm definitely a Martin's hair turns white in the Lonely headcannoner, so I think his color palette matches the white speckled peppered moth at least a bit.
Viceroy Butterfly (Limenitus Archippus)
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Monarch Butterfly (Danaus Plexippus)
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So I wanted to assign Sasha and Not!Sasha an insect and one of its mimics. And the Monarch and the Viceroy are a pretty famous example of that.
What I initially thought was that the Monarch was poisonous, and the Viceroy wasn't poisonous but mimicked the Monarch so predators would think it was poisonous and wouldn't eat it. So I was like! Great! Sasha can be a Monarch and Notsasha can be a Viceroy, since Notsasha mimics her!
This isn't how Monarchs + Viceroys work, though, and apparently scientists have known that was wrong since the '90's but the general public understanding has lagged behind ig. The Monarch butterfly and the Viceroy are actually both poisonous, and evolved to look more and more like one another so that they could essentially both benefit off of eachothers' reputations. If a predator has eaten a poisonous monarch and gotten sick, then sees a viceroy later, it'll think they're the same butterfly and not want to eat it. If it eats a viceroy and gets sick, then sees a monarch, it'll think they're the same butterfly and again not want to eat it.
So in the world of butterflies, this is super beneficial and symbiotic for both species. But in terms of their reputations among humans (which butterflies don't really care about but shhh) the Monarch is just as much of a mimic as the Viceroy, but everyone thinks it's the original, nobody even knows that the Viceroy is the real deal and also poisonous.
Which in my mind is Very Not Them, so I think Sasha is actually the Viceroy, thanks for coming to my Tedtalk.
I'm going to do more of these, I'm gonna do more detail on Moth Melanie but need to do research and potentially fix some things first cause I think I mistook a butterfly for a moth... and also I will assign Tim a butterfly at some point.
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go-to-the-mirror · 2 years
Howdy, I'm Dolphin Landscaping-Your-Mind and I'm a fan of The Flesh tma.
(Ramble ahead)
GERTRUDE If that's your primary goal, my dear, I would suggest you speak to a qualified counsellor. We can suggest one if you like? That said, I do believe most people find the process of giving a statement to be rather... cathartic. And whatever nightmares your experience has left you with, I'm sure they won't be bothering you much longer.
(MAG 130 - Flesh)
ARCHIVIST Yes, Basira, he is. And I am sorry about that. But we needed it. Anyway, you're the one who wants to be like Gertrude. You think she'd give a damn about a few bad dreams?
(MAG 141 - Doomed Voyage)
*stares directly into the camera*
Still, Jon, not cool. Gertrude... you're not like Gertrude. And I don't think she was bad -- I don't think she was good either, I just think that she was doing what she thought would save the world.
Still, at the end of the day, I did it for me, not for her. She's gone. There isn't anything but us.
Isn't that a Flesh thing? That there isn't anything that separates us from other animals, that when we die there isn't any special afterlife to house us, that we just die with our bodies?
Chewed and crushed together, it was impossible to tell what had once been animal and what might have once been us. It was all just meat.
The fear of being meat, of seeing a corpse and knowing it will be you, it is you. The fear of death, of one day becoming a lifeless unmoving corpse. The disgust at flesh and meat, at rotting flesh and meat. Insignificance. Pointlessness.
The Flesh isn't just The Flesh. Like Gerry said, colours.
Also worth watching out for any additional esoteric fallout from the ritual attempt, like that Carlisle boy down in Wandsworth.
Like here! Toby Carlisle was scary to me because of the rotting part of it, less so because of the meat, though it was the thing that was spooky. Idk. Corruption, fear of rotting, that fit.
What was that she said, "The siren call of flesh?" Hm. It's possible, I suppose. It would hurt, but... Well, what's another scar?
I'm not ready for MAG 131.
ALSO i have thoughts about the flesh and christianity, so uh, stay tuned for that ig! uh yea, ramble over.
the flesh tma my absolute beloved im gonna be sooo normal tomorrow.
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felicityphoenix5 · 2 years
I have. No Goddamn Idea what the otterverse is so uhhhh,,,,,, infodump me? /nf
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you have given me the greatest gift ever i am vibrating rn sasdfghjhgfdsadfghj
i could take the easy way out and link you to some posts explaining this wacky gay story, but i have been rotating this in my mind constantly for the past three (THREE??? GOD .) months so i am not goign to do that (here and here they are if u want tho)
SO. The Otterverse is a semi-ongoing improv roleplay story that began as a funny little bit over on @lifesteal-headcanons and then somehow spiralled into....... all of this. ("all of this" including but not limited to; lesbians, hamilton quotes, tma references, more lesbians, ✨trauma✨, the apocalypse, even more gay people [everyone in this is queer in someway], tragic backstories and much, much more)
it is currently on its third and probably final (unless we do some spin-offs 👀) season. Season One (Aug 27ish to Sept 5ish) featured me as c!Felix, an immortal phoenix avian, Divorce Anon (aka Divorce and/or Divanon, played by @wallace-marte) a sort of human who kidnapped c!felix and was the antagonist of that season, and c!Paci (played by @pacificseaotter) an otter hybrid(?) and the resident cheater chaos creator. (there were other characters, but we were the main ones)
Season One was (IMO) the best one so far but I digress. It ended with death and grief and unhappy endings for the characters, as well as shock and general "wtf was that week of our lives man" from the actors.
Season Two came barely two days after the first one, and timeline-wise takes place about six months after the events of s1. I wasn't as involved with the beginning of s2, but the apocalypse Happened somehow. no idea How or Why but there's cosmic horrors goin to wendys and blood rain now. a day in the life ig .
I brought back c!felix for s2, and I think I was the only returning character? wisp (@wisp-exe) might've brought back theirs too idk. anyways, the cast basically tripled in size, mostly because of Captain "otterverse georg" @wlttebane playing a whopping 7 different characters. (shoutout to captain fr he slayed hard with that)
Wallace expanded its lore with three new characters, all connected back to Divanon. (Marri, Leon K [not shown] and Carmin). Mist (paci) created a new character, c!Otter.
Stickynote (played by @cats-thoughts) also joined, after making some absolutely banger fanart for s1 (also shoutout to cat its art is so sadfghjklkjh /vpos)
(and here is where you might want to read that first post i linked, as mist summed up this season more concisely than i ever could. zyr really amazing like that <3)
S2 ended in the same way as the first, with death, pain and destruction, a cruel imitation of the past. funny how that happens /silly.
and now season three....... ahhh......
s3, due to being in the unfortunate position of starting just when all the actors are Properly Starting School, has been ongoing for about two months now sdfghjklkjhgfds.
not much has happened yet, but I got to work on my flirting skills /silly (they still suck ass [hah.] but yknow) and tensions are on the rise.... so stay tuned for more (when will the "more" arrive? fuck if i know my best bet is christmas break)
if this seems vague on the actual details, thats cuz it is. i didnt really want to spoil it for you if you did somehow end up reading it in order (which reminds me i need to start archiving the otterverse again... anghd) so lemme know if you have any follow up questions :DD
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not-that-debonair · 3 years
Give me six characters to make fanart of?
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vamp-rabbit-moved · 4 years
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equalseleventhirds · 3 years
fdsjflsk hello i have had the magnus archives and the web specifically on my mind AGAIN and this is only tangentially related to the convo last night BUT
a lot of ppl have shown up on my & other ppl's posts abt 'wow manipulation and spiders? why??' going 'well but there are spider tricksters in mythology'
and like... yeah, ok, there are. but are there that many, compared to other animal tricksters, and spider not-tricksters? enough to justify the exclusivity of spiders to the one entity??
so i. made a list, as i do. (you can't judge me for this you should know by now i make lists at the SLIGHTEST provocation) actually i made TWO lists, one of spiders in mythology & how they line up with tma's entities, and one of tricksters in mythology. (i knew some of these already but i also got a lot of them off of wikipedia. also tried to avoid detailing the uh. worse aspects of mythologies. we all know abt it but that isn't the point here.)
(we are ignoring for now my theory that the web's actually shit at manipulation and mostly just does control, and considering any spider that does manipulation OR control to be web-aligned)
spiders in mythology (and how they align w/ tma's various entities, if they even do):
anansi: okay i'll give you this one! yeah he is the trickster spider! yeah he lies & manipulates! he's not really uhhhh evil in any way or would inspire ppl to generate fear for the entities to shape themselves to, but ok yeah i'll give you that one as web!
arachne: she literally just wove tapestries? got into a competition with athena and wove a tapestry detailing the infidelities of the gods. like, if anything she is eye, going around revealing truths and stuff.
uttu: mostly seems to be about creation? weaving & plants. hid herself in her web, which isn't manipulation at all, it's just hiding. not rly entity aligned at all, at worst she's probably a victim of like, the hunt? maybe?
iktomi: another trickster! p much the same boat as anansi, where he's not particularly evil, but we'll let him be web.
spider grandmother: she just is helpful!! she creates & guides & protects! no entities.
ai apaec: creator & leader god again. only sometimes a spider.
djieien: just a very strong spider who hid its heart so it couldn't be killed? like, if anything, end.
great goddess of teotihuacan: associated with spiders, maybe not a spider herself? doesn't seem to be much known abt her, but potentially underworld, darkness, earth, creation, lots of things. no mention of manipulation or control.
nareau: another creation god. i guess he does do some arguably flesh-aligned stuff in that creation, but like, so do a lot of other creation myths.
areop-enap: again creation! hmm what a pattern emerges. doesn't seem particularly aligned with any entities.
tsuchigumo: ok i can give you web here i guess? bcos it does trick ppl, even if that tricking also kind of slides into spiral/stranger territory. and hunt territory obvs it literally is there to consume prey. also can give you evil here.
jorogumo: can also be web! there is lying & shapeshifting here, like the tsuchigumo, but slightly less pure evil? there's like, a couple of neutral depictions, but also evil ones. anyway. web.
gamba: not on wikipedia but wikipedia only talks abt the filipino story of the spider who wanted to marry the fly, NOT gamba, and i LOVE gamba. anyway she just created things. got too into her work and turned into a spider. idk what entity is 'fear of being a workaholic' but it's not the web. maybe lonely, since she neglected her family relationships abt it?
conrad of constance: not a spider himself, but drank out of a cup with a spider in it, showing that the cup was not poisoned even tho ppl thought spiders were poisonous. i don't... i don't think this is an entity. hey jonny maybe take some hints here, spiders are not that bad--
robert of bruce: my dude saw a v persistent spider and was inspired! it's chill it's cool! spiders helped scotland gain independence one time! wow no wonder fucking smirke hated them--
pan twardowski: again not a spider himself, but he lives on the moon and a spider hangs out with him and brings him news. a friendly spider! pan twardowski himself can be lonely ig, maybe the spider is eye, but like, a friendly eye.
vedic philosophy: now this is not technically mythology but i thought it was interesting, in this one a spider's web hides the true reality from ppl. could be argued as web but seems pretty much spiral to me? but like, a not v evil spiral, just like. neutral? it's fine.
overall... majority creation gods, actually. very few even evil depictions? wow jonny, rude.
anyway, list of animals (besides spiders) shown as tricksters in mythology:
humans! majority humans!! also like. specifically clowns several times? like, specifically clowns.
just kinda non-animal spirits/beings/whatever? sometimes vaguely humanoid.
rabbits & hares
g...goats? sort of?? half a goat, anyway, thank you pan.
mouse-deer! look up mouse-deer you will LOVE them.
also raccoon dogs
praying mantises
also a bunch of tricksters who shapeshift into like, a multitude of animals, but given that those are not their primary or even main secondary forms i guess we will not go into those (mostly that would just. take so much time omg.)
i didn't do a full tally, but foxes especially show up a TON, and rabbits or hares quite a bit, so either of those could've been the fear-god of manipulation. if like, we're relying on the 'there are stories about spider tricksters' thing (which we are not, in fact, i think jonny just picked a Cool Literary Symbol and did not think abt the worldbuilding implications so much)
EDIT bcos ppl keep misunderstanding: i don't think tricksters are the main source of the fear of manipulation. i don't even think tricksters should be considered a reasonable source for the web's manifestations. BUT people kept bringing them up when i had issues with the web's spider exclusivity (when both spiders and manipulation SHOULD have multiple metaphors and not be exclusive to each other) and that is why i made this list, thank you.
(also i'm aware there are ways to justify spiders meaning control sometimes. given the worldbuilding of tma, i don't think there's a way to justify them meaning control always. but that's a different post.)
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socksemoji · 5 years
monster high characters as tma entities
because i want to corner the market on stupid tma content (shoutout to @novaslammer​ for helping me w some of the tougher ones)
scarah screams
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- she can read minds whether u like it or not - it’s implied she reads them whether SHE likes it or not too
more under the cut
amanita nightshade
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- she spends 1300 years basically incubating in a flower with no room to move, walks around for a day, then goes back to sleep in the flower for another 1300 years. she has no problem with this - she had a chance to free the de nile family from being trapped in their tomb and she decided to just leave em there - she’s one of the only characters to have herself listed as a friend and no one else
bonita femur
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- moth. bug - look at her. look at her hands. her shoes. trypo queen - she canonically eats holes through her clothes
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- daughter of the boogey man - “my friends tell me that i have a shadowy figure or maybe it’s that i am a shadowy figure...” - literally appears to be made of shadow and manifests from it in the movies + cartoons
heath burns
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- he’s the son of fire elementals and tends to burst into flames on impulse, yes this has consequences - not chaotic evil, but chaotic stupid is as close as we’re gonna get here
river styxx
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- literally the grim reaper’s daughter
neighthan rot
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- his outfit and the muscle detailing on his face + arm is about as Actually Gory as mh has ever and will ever get - he’s the son of a zombie and a unicorn. that alone brings to mind some. Imagery
toralei stripe
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- has canines, claws, athletic (on soccer team), so aesthetically she’s got it down - mh is not bold enough to confront hunting your peers for sport, so i’m going to consider toralei’s propensity for mischief as a toned down version of hunting - in light of this, the wiki saying she “[finds] no satisfaction in bringing down someone who already is down” sounds an awful lot like someone who enjoys a good chase
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- “If I concentrate hard enough, I can disappear on cue…at least some of the time. Even when I am invisible, though, my ghoulfriend Scarah Screams knows I’m there, because she can read my mind.” - billy. to quote @novaslammer​, “lonely but scarah is his anchor” - he’s a quiet guy ig - sorry to keep quoting him but “I had a dog once, but I had to give him away because every time I took him out for a walk, animal control would try and pick him up as a stray.” jkfgskjds when the lonely keeps pulling you in - he’s not shown being particularly upset or angsty about his condition btw
moanica d’kay
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- “Pet peeve: Monsters who think we can live peacefully with normies. First, peace is booring.” - she commands a small army of zombies and can forcefully convert humans into zombies. - her strong desire for a war between monsters and humans? slaughter aligned
treesa thornwillow
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- fucking, look at her
(credit to azzzaell for the art cuz she doesn’t have an official render)
hoodude voodoo
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- voodoo dolls are mannequin-adjacent, right - he’s so off-model both as a doll & in the webisodes it’s a little unsettling. i love him - his debut appearance was being frankie stein’s fake boyfriend and he acted like a lifeless ragdoll the whole time, only to come to life and be sad she threw him away. statement ends - he’s dramatic + a theater kid, i feel like that’s stranger criteria
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- she’s an alien - “the entire galaxy is my home.” - hundreds if not thousands of years old, is shown being friends with ever after high characters, and implies there are yet more lands + high schools she’s seen that we’ve never heard of - not the only mh character that flies, but she flies, adds to her case
wydowna spider
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- spider
thank you all for coming!
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welcometogrouchland · 3 years
draw Mike Crew my beloved ?
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[ID: a digital drawing of Mike Crew from the Magnus archives. He is a white man with pale skin with facial hair, a lightning strike scar and shoulder length brown hair. He's wearing an overcoat over an open button down shirt and trousers, with socks and loafers. He also wears a scarf around his neck. He's floating in the air, playing a saxophone, with a pleased expression. The image is coloured entirely in blue tones, and the background is blue and black with clouds and musical notation coming from the saxophone. End ID]
Anon what if I told you I redrew this man three separate times, and was only able to upon drawing him finishing off a sick sax solo??? What then???
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welcometogrouchland · 3 years
Incredible anticipation of watching several tma bloggers get into the tlt books. Yes it's partially because haha same, but also I'm like. Curious to see what, if any, crossovers/aus ppl will make w/ these pieces of media that are so similar in so many ways and yet very very distinct and different. I know that probably sounds like fandom brainrot but idk! I feel like there's something to the idea is all.
One flesh, one end. One way or another, together. You get it
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welcometogrouchland · 3 years
chapter three of the spiral!sasha au is up but you might wanna read the end notes. this is probably gonna be the last chapter
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