#anyways blows up pancakes with mind
shoot-me-with-a-crayon · 10 months
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I love having a sona :3
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cjskribblez · 2 years
*Remembers I am also a star wars account and explodes*
Here art take it I love Cassian Andor this is not new information I know good day
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no-more-dust-au · 3 months
Blows up pancakes with mind
I feel bad for cross. Anyway please enjoy.
Original post:
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pennylanefics · 12 days
Morning Light - Quinn Hughes
a/n: once again, not entirely happy with this, but i've been struggling lately so it's no surprise. but i hope you enjoy anyways :)
summary: you and quinn just moved into a house together and you are getting used to the new changes
word count: ~1k
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Sunlight filters in through the new, rather thin curtains covering the large window in your bedroom. You could hear birds chirping and flittering around in the trees, landing on the feeder you put up on the outside of the window to entertain your cat.
As your eyes slowly open, adjusting to the bright, natural morning light, you take a moment to look at the man sleeping beside you. Or, well, the man awake beside you.
Quinn stares up at the ceiling in thought, his eyes still full of sleep, but deep in his own mind, his arm remaining underneath your head, his fingers toying with the ends of your messy hair. His eyelashes flutter against his cheek as he blinks, not noticing that you are awake just yet.
You take a moment to admire his features, his pink cheeks appearing slightly flushed so early in the morning, soaked in the sunlight that he chooses to ignore. The way his green eyes are glimmering in the light as well, seeming unbothered by the fact that he was practically being blinded. His teeth were chewing on his bottom lip, a nervous habit of his.
The two of you had just moved into your first home together, a nice rental in Vancouver, just outside of the city, a beautiful view of the mountains in your backyard, a peaceful setting that the both of you very much needed.
It was very a stressful time, having to move things out of your apartment and then into the new home, which thankfully wasn’t too much since you were getting new furniture delivered that would better suit the larger space. But boxes of personal items, such as trinkets, clothes, decorations, and other utilities all remained to transport.
His parents were a huge help, as well as Jack and Luke, offering their abilities to help clean the place and do some work in the backyard. It had gotten to the point now where things were starting to settle in, but there was still a lot to be done.
Last night was the first night you slept in a real bed rather than just a mattress on the ground, and it couldn’t have felt nicer to be curled up under the new comforter, falling asleep to the gentle wind blowing in through the open window.
You get lost in your own thoughts gazing at Quinn that you barely even register that he turned his head to look at you, until he’s kissing the tip of your nose gently. Giggling softly, you hide your face in his shoulder, breathing his scent in.
“Morning,” he mumbles, his voice rough with exhaustion. He continues to play with your hair, beginning to kiss along all along your forehead.
“Morning,” you whisper back, raising your head back up to ask for a kiss from him. He gladly plants one on your lips, sighing softly into it.
“I think our couches are going to be delivered today, sometime between one and three. We can go out and get some lunch and then come back.”
“That sounds good. What time is it now?” Quinn grabs his phone on the bedside table, clicking it on.
“Almost nine.”
“Wanna make some breakfast?” You wonder, reaching up to play with his messy hair that had gotten so long. He was wanting to grow it out a bit, and you were loving it so much, his curls were appearing often and you loved being able to run your fingers through it when he rests his head in your lap.
A few more minutes of laying in each other’s arms, you eventually get up and head to the kitchen to get a start on breakfast. Quinn wanted pancakes and you wanted toast and eggs, so you made it all, as it was a day to celebrate, with your home almost being finished.
You started your favorite shared playlist on the bluetooth speaker in the kitchen and got to preparing everything, pausing here and there while the pancakes cooked on one side to dance with Quinn, your laughs filling the house, one moment of many to come in the years spent here together.
After breakfast, you get some small stuff done around the house, putting away extra clothes, decorating the bathrooms, and organizing the closet in your room.
By the time lunch rolls around, you get dressed in some casual clothes, the weather feeling lovely today, and head to your favorite restaurant in town, quickly being seated. The two of you chat over your plans for the rest of the day, what else needs to get done, and how you are going to decorate the living room.
Soon, you find yourselves greeting the movers who are dropping your couch off and helping move it into your living room. An hour later, once everything is moved in and settled in the place you chose for it, you and Quinn flopped down onto the soft, dark brown velvet couch, Quinn throwing his arm around you.
“We did it,” he whispers, kissing your forehead. Giggling quietly, you look up at him and nod.
“Everything is almost done, finally.” 
“We have to finish decorating in here and I think there’s a few more boxes for the basement to unpack. But we can do that another time, I want to have our first movie night in here,” he replies, nuzzling his nose in your hair.
“Sounds perfect to me,” you grin.
So that’s exactly what you did. Later that night, once you finish dinner and after showering, you get dressed in the cozy pajamas that Quinn’s mom gifted you two with for Christmas, you get all snuggled up on the corner of the sectional couch, a queue of your favorite movies up and ready to go.
As the movie plays on, halfway through, you get a sudden sense of love filling your chest as you take in your surroundings. You sit in your home, with the love of your life by your side, realizing that you’d get to do this for the rest of your life.
You gaze up at Quinn and smile widely. He was lost in the movie, not realizing you were staring, until he finally breaks out of his concentration and looks down at you, chuckling when he sees you are already looking at him.
“Something wrong?” He wonders with a slight smirk. You shake your head and kiss him sweetly.
“Nothing at all. Just happy.”
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taglist: @petite-potato4
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moonstruckme · 3 months
i sent the marauders question, tysm for answering :) could i request reader being embarrassed about her stutter and getting reassurance or maybe ordering at a restaurant? your writing always makes my day - thank you for doing it!
Thank you for requesting lovely!! I based the way I wrote this on a friend I had with a stutter, but that was some years ago so if it's inaccurate please let me know <3
cw: reader experiences anxiety/insecurity around stuttering
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 817 words
Remus can feel the tension radiating from you before the waitress even stops at your table. Your knee starts bouncing lightly. 
“Hi, are we ready to order?” She glances between you, and Remus lets you nod for the both of them. “Perfect!”
Her eyes go to you, but you turn to Remus, a desperate look in your eyes. He clears his throat. 
“Um, may I have the chocolate crepe?” he asks. The waitress blinks, refocusing on him. 
“Sure, with bacon or sausages?” 
“Sausages, please.” 
“Alright. And for you, love?” 
Your jaw is already tight, an anticipatory act Remus recognizes. He sets a hand on your knee under the table. You stop jiggling it, taking in a subtle breath. 
“May I please have the b…blueberry p…p…” Remus glances at the waitress. There’s new awareness in her expression, but otherwise it reads of nothing but patience. He rubs the side of your leg, and you try again. “Can I have the blueberry p…” 
Your hands have started to shake. Remus gives your knee an encouraging squeeze, but it’s no use. You look to him, a silent plea in your eyes. 
“The blueberry pancakes,” he says to your waitress. 
“Sounds good,” she says easily. “Short or tall stack?” 
Remus looks at you, but you’ve turned your head down towards your menu. 
“Tall,” he says. “Thanks.” 
“No problem.” She gathers up your menus. You don’t look up. “Let me know if you need anything else.” 
He waits until she’s well out of earshot to take your hand in his. It’s still trembling gently, like a butterfly flittering against his palm. 
“Sweetheart,” he says softly. “Hey, you’re okay.” 
You shake your head, angling your body towards his and away from the rest of the restaurant. He’s glad when you look at him, though the shame in your expression has spiderweb cracks spreading across his heart. 
“I’m s…so emb…b—” Your eyes pinch shut, and you blow out a harsh breath. 
Remus hates when you do this. When your tongue gets stuck and you let it lie. There’s so much defeat about you afterwards, it floats over your head like a gray cloud. But he knows this isn’t the time to push you. 
“You don’t need to be,” he tells you honestly. “You were doing great. Really, you know I don’t mind stepping in for you, but you could have handled it on your own.” 
You press your lips together and try to pull your hand from his, but Remus interlaces your fingers. He can feel your pulse pounding against the butt of his palm when he presses down. 
“Relax, dove.” 
You take a breath. Swallow. “She was annoyed with me,” you say.
He shakes his head. “She didn’t care.” 
“I was using up t…too much time.”
“How do you figure?” 
“She has other tables.” 
Remus smiles slightly, stroking his thumb up the length of yours. “Look around, sweetheart. This place isn’t packed. I don’t think she was in any rush.” 
A flicker of uncertainty crosses your expression. Your knee starts to bounce again, but this time Remus only setting his thigh against yours gets it to stop. 
“I think,” he says quietly, “that you have a tendency to assume you’re bothering people when you’re not.” Your gaze flits away from his eyes, then back, and Remus holds it there. He hopes you can see all the sincerity he feels in them. “She didn’t give a shit how you were speaking. She wasn’t annoyed with you, she was probably just thinking about the next question she’d have to ask. Anyway, everyone likes pretty girls. That’s just basic psychology.” 
You snort. “If you want me to really start stuttering, keep flirting with me in public,” you say. But something about you has loosened, and Remus feels himself relaxing in response. 
“If you want to keep me from it,” he replies, “you’re going to have to come up with a legitimately troublesome consequence.” 
You turn away from him, but not before he sees the edge of the smile you’re trying to hide. He gives your hand a little tug. 
“I have a question for you, darling.” 
“No, I think you’re d…done.” 
“Come on,” he urges, “it’s a serious question.” 
When you turn back around, you’ve stowed away your amusement but it’s poorly concealed, shining through your eyes. “Hm?” 
“Are you going to be able to enjoy your pancakes here,” he asks sincerely, “or would you rather I get us boxes so we can eat at home?” 
You think on it for a minute, your gaze wandering about the restaurant. Remus can speculate what you’re looking for: gawping tables, kids turned around in their booths to listen, your waitress whispering furtively by the host’s station. You don’t find any of it. 
“I think I’ll b…be okay eating here,” you tell him, turning your eyes up to his almost sheepishly, “thanks.” 
Remus gives your hand a squeeze. “Attagirl.” 
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jazzfordshire · 9 months
ABSOLUTELY, I have had this one in the dome for AGES but only now do I have the brain space for it. I only have one scene fully hammered out and it’s probably going to end up being a multichapter, but here’s a sneak peek:
"Why would I ever fall in love? I've never seen it do anything but make people miserable," Lena says. "It killed my mother. It's the reason my stepmother hates me."
"None of that was caused by love," Sam argues. “Your mother got sick, and your stepmother hates you because she hates herself and needs to take it out on someone.” She fusses with Lena's hair, starting to make an idle braid in it while Lena scoffs.
"I beg to differ."
"I don't think you'll be able to stop yourself when it happens," Sam says. She finishes the messy braid, combing her fingers through it until it's untangled again. "You're only 11. What happens when you grow up?"
"And you’re only 13. I have magic," Lena shrugs.
"I don't think even magic can do that. You can't just hit an off-switch."
Lena's eyes narrow. She twists around to look at Sam, the cogs in her mind already turning.
"Actually, I think I can."
It's true that no spell exists to take feelings away. Once it's taken root, her mother's book says, love is a stubborn weed. It grows in all the cracks of the heart until it's taken over every inch of fertile ground. But what do exist are spells to give love shape – to mould it, direct it, make it brighter. To call for it to find you. Such spells are complicated, but Lena has always had a natural aptitude.
"So to keep yourself from falling in love, you're…casting a spell to…find love?" Sam says, her face twisted up in confusion as Lena wanders the garden gathering the herbs she needs. It's dark outside, and they're darting between shadows – the garden is here for the kitchen staff to pick fresh ingredients from, and the last time Lillian found her snipping rosemary she was confined to her room for two months.
"I'm calling for a true love," Lena clarifies. "Amas Veritas. I'm binding myself to a person that doesn't exist."
"How do you know they don't exist?"
"They can't. No person can fit all my criteria. And if they don't exist, I can never fall in love with them," Lena says, sifting through her pencil box full of herbs and flora. "I think that's everything I need. Come on."
It's too late for Lillian to be awake, but they tiptoe through the halls anyways until they reach Lena's room. The spell needs open air to work properly, so Lena sets up a circle of lit candles on the balcony, sitting on one side of it while Sam sits on the other playing with one of the lit wicks.
"So who is this impossible love you're calling for?" Sam says, hissing when she doesn't move her finger fast enough to keep from getting singed. "What’s Lena Luthor's soulmate like?"
Lena takes a deep breath, trying to summon the peace and concentration needed for such a complex spell.
"They need to be kind," Lena starts, setting one ingredient after another in the circle. They rustle in the breeze, but don't blow away. Oregano, chamomile, violet. "Marvelously kind. Loyal. And they need to hear my call from a mile away."
"A mile?" Sam says, leaving the candle alone to watch Lena work the spell. Lena has done magic in front of her before, but never anything involving this kind of ritual. "That's pretty demanding,"
"They'll whistle my favourite song," Lena says. A snipping of chamomile. Comfort.
"Which is?"
Lena doesn't answer.
"They're strong. Strong enough to lift…" Lena trails off, thinking. A car? A house? Lena doesn't care necessarily about measurements like that so much as what that strength could do. She wants someone strong enough to keep Lillian away. Strong enough to take her away from here.
"Strong enough to keep me safe," Lena finally decides, adding a clipping of lovage. "They know ten languages. They can hold their breath for 10 minutes. And they can make pancakes in funny shapes. Flip them in the air."
"Okay, that's at least reasonable," Sam says, munching on a few leaves of mint that Lena isn't using.
"They love my favourite pizza toppings."
"And that's asking too much," Sam finishes, tossing the stem over the balcony. "Olives and mushrooms? It's like you're not even a kid."
"They wear glasses," Lena decides in the moment, "but not because they need them to see. And they have blue eyes. The brightest blue eyes in the world."
"I'm more of a brown eyes person," Sam muses. Rather than distracting her, Lena finds that Sam's presence is actually helping her concentrate – keeping her mind happy, rather than dwelling on the anxiety that the idea of such a love brings her.
"And they need a great family," Lena says, her voice cracking a little as she lines up the last few herbs. "A mother who loves them." No, she thinks selfishly as she snaps off an extra piece of lilac – two mothers. Enough to love both of them. "They need to be indestructible. So strong that even a curse can’t take them away."
And finally, the one request that Lena knows will clinch it. She gathers a handful of rose petals, cupping them in her palm.
"Anything else?" Sam drawls.
"Yes," Lena says quietly. She looks up at the sky, the great big empty expanse she's dreamed about escaping to ever since the doors of the Luthor manor first closed behind her. Freedom. "They can touch the stars."
The magic starts to gather as soon as the last requirement is spoken. It swirls around her, lifting the spell's ingredients and floating them around her in a gentle spiral, making the candle flame flicker, before floating skyward. And to her alarm, as she sends the spell into the heavens, Lena feels a slight tug. Like a string tied to her ribcage has been pulled towards the sky, urging her somewhere else.
But it passes quickly. The string dissipates, her call to the sky fading, and Lena knows the spell didn’t work. Couldn’t have.
Perfect people don’t exist.
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pochipop · 6 months
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#. synopsis! — mike is used to walking on eggshells, just waiting for another tragedy, and you really don’t want to be just another person who's let him down.
#. characters! — mike schmidt .
#. warnings! — vague references to past traumatic events (canon compliant) , references to a verbal argument .
#. word count! — 1.8k .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @hhoneypop (moodboards) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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Mike is used to people leaving. They come and they go like stray cats who've found someone better to nab food off of, —leaving him with more ghosts in his life than he'd care to admit. At least these ones are metaphorical and melodramatic, though. His saving grace has been the fact that he chooses wisely who to introduce Abby to, just in case. She's been through enough, and she's so young that the absence of anyone would be duly noted. Not that it isn't when it comes to himself, it's just. . . He's learned how to live with loss. Maybe not effectively, but he does it, and for right now, that's probably as good as it's getting.
He's got more pressing matters to attend to. He always does. That's what he argued about with you, —what he fought tooth and nail to defend, even when you backed off. At the end of it, he knew he'd gone too far for no real reason. He wasn't arguing with you at that point, he was arguing with all the people that have left him starved for their affections and their care. The words he said to you were so far beyond your scope that it was almost pathetic to think about all the bullshit he unloaded on you like it was somehow your job to fix it, even when he knew it wasn't. So really, it's no wonder he's adding you to that list of people who've walked away.
For once, he truly deserved it. 
And now he's got to explain this to Abby. Because she likes you almost as much as he does, —almost being the operative word there. Mike sucks at a lot of things, and showing you he cares tends to be one of them, but he loves in his own ways. . . And now, he fears he'll have to do it from afar.
He sort of wishes Abby was the kind of kid he could bribe with ice cream for breakfast to break bad news to. It'd be easier to scoop her some off-brand Neopolitan and tell her she'd never see you again if that would help soften the blow. But it won't, and he knows that. He knows her too well to even try.
Still, he finds himself putting chocolate chips in her pancakes that morning in spite of himself.
When he places the plate in front of her, she narrows her eyes, as if to ask him what he's done so wrong. . . Asking what he's offering silent apologies for in the form of sweet pockets stolen away inside her favorite breakfast food. He opens the fridge in search of orange juice just to avoid her gaze.
Before she can even take a bite, he opens his mouth.
"Listen, Abby—"
She looks up at him with those big, doe eyes, and he probably would have cut himself off anyway if not for the knock on the front door. Mike mumbles for her to hold that thought, then goes to check who's outside.
And there you stand a little awkwardly on his doorstep, a brand new bottle of orange juice in your hand. Once again, it's like you've read his mind, and he's as sick of it as he is thankful for it, especially right now. Still, he can't turn you away.
"Morning," you say, almost hesitantly. "I brought juice. . ."
He tries to think of something to say, but hears the quick pitter-patter of Abby's feet fastly approaching. She calls your name so happily, and you smile at her.
"Good morning to you too," you laugh, returning the hug she gives you with no hesitation.
Mike just stares, as if he can't believe you're even here right now. If you're just here to grab the items of yours strewn about his house, he feels like the least you could have done was wait until Abby was asleep or something.
"Can I have some?" Abby asks, pointing to the orange juice in your hand.
"Yeah, that's what it's for," you smile, handing the bottle to her.
She scurries off to the kitchen to pour herself a glass.
"Mike," you say softly now that she's out of earshot, "can we—"
"I'll get your stuff together," he cuts you off.
Your jaw slacks.
"What?" Is the only thing you can manage to muster up in response.
"You could've done this at a different time," he snaps, trying to keep quiet so Abby doesn't hear. "It's gonna be ten times harder on her now for me to explain why you're not coming back."
You stare at him, trying not to cry. Out of all the things you expected to happen this morning, such a drastic change of heart on his part wasn't one of them.
"You. . . You're breaking up with me?" You question.
He pauses, a lot of the frustration dissipating from his features, replaced by genuine confusion.
"Didn't you already break up with me?" He asks.
Your brows knit together quizzically. 
"No? What are you even talking about, I never said I wanted to break up with you," you point out.
Sure, you didn’t say it. But most of the others had never said it either. It was like flipping a lightswitch. One minute they were there, and the next they weren’t. That's why he'd gotten so good at keeping his relationships at a distance, and he'd taken the biggest leap of faith in introducing you to his sister.
"Yesterday evening?" He says, but it sounds more like a question.
"We had an argument," you acknowledge. "It was stupid, and you hurt my feelings. I'm sure I hurt yours too. That doesn't mean I want us to be over."
Mike stares at you like he's not sure what to say, because he isn't. He's not used to someone caring enough to fight for him, and for what festers between himself and someone else. He's learned to let go before the thread pulls too tight, —before it wraps around his throat and slices through every defense he's built up for the sake of protecting himself, his heart, and the little girl that depends on him.
"Mike," you say softly, almost cautiously. "I care about you. One bad night doesn't change that. . . Not for me."
God, it was stupid. It was so stupid. You weren't even mad at him specifically, and you're fairly certain he wasn't really angry with you in particular either. Long days on both your parts collided like a warm front to a cold one, and the things both of you said in the wake of it were uttered through venom and gritted teeth. Sweeping generalizations, a lot of rolling eyes, some tears that were more about frustration than they were anything else. . . But you still loved him at the end of it, even as you found yourself walking home alone.
In fact, that walk was particularly sobering. The crisp chill of the autumn evening was enough to convince you that you'd rather be back at his place where he keeps an extra toothbrush for you in the bathroom and emptied out a drawer just so you could have a place to store some clothes. The sleep you got in the night that followed was shallow at best, restless enough to leave faint bags beneath your eyes by morning, and you were determined to make up any excuse in the book just to swing by.
So you went out and got some orange juice, knowing there wasn't any left in the fridge, and you stood outside his door for a while, working yourself up just to knock. You thought about all the things you'd need to apologize for, and you were ready to push aside your ego if it meant Mike could understand just how much you care, even when you're upset.
He swallows, just to give himself something to do while he prolongs his own response, because he's just not sure what to say. Somehow, a part of him is whispering that this would be easier if you just didn't give a fuck. . . If last evening was the end, and he could go back to finding comfort in silence again.
That's how it's always been. Someone leaves, and he copes, and then he files them away with the rest. But here you are, and Mike knows he can't bring himself to put you in with the others.
"Mike, I'm—"
"No, I am," he breathes, reaching forward to pull you into his arms. "I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings, and I'm sorry that I suck at being a boyfriend, but I don't know what I'm doing and all I can tell you is that I'm trying."
He feels the tension meld away from you, and it's then, before you even open your mouth to reply, that he starts to think everything is how it should be.
"You don't suck at it," you answer lightly. "I know you're trying, and that's genuinely all I could ask for, and I'm sorry about yesterday evening. I was in a bad mood, and I took it out on you, and that wasn't right."
"We both took shit out on each other," he corrects, ready and willing to share the blame.
"True enough," you acknowledge with a weary smile, finally pulling away from his embrace.
"I'm sorry," he says again. "When things go wrong, I. . . I've just learned how to slam on the breaks. If I stop things before they feel like they'll suffocate me, I can avoid them. But I love you, and I know I don't want to avoid that."
"This isn't a one way street," you remind him. "Relationships are hard, and sometimes things happen in a way that they shouldn't, but I'm here for you, and I want to be here for you. . . It's not contractual. One bad night doesn't take away all the times you've made me feel like the happiest person on the face of the planet, Mike."
He sniffles a little, then lets out a relieved sigh.
"Are you hungry?" He asks. "I can make you some pancakes. Chocolate chip."
You raise an eyebrow.
"Chocolate chip? Are you apologizing to Abby for something?"
God, a part of him hates that he's so obvious, but another part loves that you know him so well. It makes him feel even stupider for just assuming that you'd be willing to throw in the towel after one rough night.
"No, not really," he shakes his head. (Not anymore, at least.)
Mike glances toward the kitchen, just to make sure Abby's still preoccupied with her breakfast, then steals a quick kiss from your lips.
"I'm sorry," he says again.
You smile.
"Me too."
"And I love you," he adds.
Your smile widens.
"I love you too. Promise."
With that, he pulls you to the kitchen, and you sit down beside Abby at the table. She tells you that when breakfast is done with, she'd like to show you some new drawings she's done, and you nod, telling her you're excited to see them. And you are.
Mike stands at the stovetop, his back to the both of you, not bothering to bite back his grin. 
He feels his foot ease off the break.
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sunny-mercya · 11 months
Felicem Natalem Diem
Fandom: Black Clover|
Nozel Silva x Male Reader
Birthday Request –> @reallyromealone
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Nozel sighed deeply through his nose, pinching the bridge. The paperwork keeps staging and staging, towering dangerously on the desk. Doesn't matter if he starts with it early in the mornings, without taking any (necessary) breaks, at the end of the day it still would be the endless amount of papers to sign.
It was tempting to continue but Nozel really shouldn't and couldn't. Not on this special day. Another sigh left his lips as he stood up, moving his shoulders a bit, to get some tension lose.
Nozel walked out, through the corridors and to the kitchen. Nodding at Servants and head-chief.
«My Lord, what pleasure can I do for you?»
«I know it's almost lunch, but I want you to make a small breakfast. Something simple would be enough. No lunch today, tea time is enough and dinner at around 9.»
«As you wish. Any other wishes, my lord?»
«Yes. Make tonights dinner as grand as possible! Every dish my prince has comment to like and love.
The first thing Nozel did, when entered the bedroom, was to place down the tray—with a simpleton breakfast, consisting of scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes and a glass of Tea—onto the nightstand and taking a seat next to his beloved. You.
Nozel admits the sight before him. How you laid in bed, curled into the heavy blankets—even when it was amidst summer and the heat almost unbearable on some days—still sleeping peacefully, snoring ever so slightly.
Nozel, mindful and gentle, leaned over you. One arm next to your head, supporting his weight, as the other drove through your hair. Prepping your face with kisses and lingers a moment longer on your lips.
«It's time to wake up, love.» a low whisper he did near your ear, blowing a hot breath around it. You stirred just a bit and Nozel gave you another prep of kisses. If no one was to come to wake you up, you would sleep till late noon and Nozel wasn't gonna have that. Not today, not on your special day. Your birthday.
Another raspberry of hot breath he blew towards your ear and this time you awoke fully. Blinking owlish at your husband. Smiling upon him as he gave you another peck on the side of your lips.
«You shouldn't be sleeping in, love. It is almost lunch time and there is a lot to do today.»
«Sleep is good, it's nice and comfy...» you mumbled out as a answer. Mind still in a slight haze of blissful sleep.
Rubbing your eyes and stretching your body, you sat up on the bed, against the headboard. Nozel craws over you, sitting next to you. Reaching over you, he took the tray off the nightstand and places it on your lap. Taking you into his arms.
«Didn't you said we had lunch already?» you asked confused, but begun to eat anyways.
«Indeed. But since it's your birthday, we will have a slight differ eating schedule.»
«Aah! Yes it is, it is, but you have to eat too! I Can't eat this big breakfast alone,»
A big breakfast? Huh, Nozel only saw 3 Pancakes and that bit of bacon and scrambled eggs, couldn't be called big. Though he did, to please you, took bites of it. Even let you feed him.
Tea time was normal held in the garden. Considering the heat though, this time it took place in the grand ballroom.
Nozel sat still, letting you braid flowers into his hair while you talked about how adorable your nieces and nephews were the other day and how the amounts of presents and flowers you had received today, glaring at his younger siblings—who aren't even hiding their amusement of how smitten and soft Nozel has become.
Perhaps, being promised one another since birth and actually together for whole 20 years, does that to everybody. Getting more softer within the ages.
«I think that's enough with flowers [Name.]»
You hummed at your Husband, sitting down next to him and taking some sips of your Tea. For a outsider, someone who wouldn't be close to the family, would thought Nozel was rude. His voice always so monotonous and server, but you—after all these years—knew how Nozel means it.
«When will I get your present?»
«Tonight. I feared after all these years, I wouldn't find anything for you anymore. But I did.»
The Wedding day, Eve's night, Nozel and yours birthdays were the only dates throughout the years which makes you regret eating instantly. It was always a grand feast, making you stuffed and full to the brim. Bloating you would feel and it took some hours till you felt like not throwing up.
You laid in bed, hands on your stomach. Tonights dinner was grandiose grand as always and now all you want is to sleep.
«Close your eyes.» you did as Nozel told you, pulling you up into a sitting. You felt his hands around your neck, something cold leaning against your skin. When Nozel told you to open them again, you looked down. Gasping in aww.
«Noz! It's so beautiful!»
Nozel had gifted you a necklace. A pure silver one with a single [F.Colour] Gem stone in it. A slight shimmer of silverness in it.
«I know you have enough jewellery already. Though when Noelle showed me the Gem, I knew of what it reminds me. You.»
The kiss you gave Nozel, took him by surprise. You could be bold, dominant even, if you wanted—if he feels like letting you—sure. This kiss though, feels so much of passion and underlying want of lust—not pure feral lust, but the one filled with love.
Nozel smirked against your lips, hands on your hips, pulling you against him. He returned the kiss, taking the lead.
«How about I show you, just how beautiful I find you.» a whisper against your lips and night filled with love.
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izvmimi · 2 months
All Roads Lead to Love? - Chapter IV
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cw: alcohol mention. melodramatic. Please see masterlist warnings. Masterlist
The highlight of your week is the fact that you get a single lead on your plan to manage little mister Minamoto based on a meta-analysis of management of children with time-bending quirks, and while it’s not exactly the same, it’s enough to give you hope that you won’t have to quell his uniqueness while keeping him safe. 
Pleased with yourself, you practically prance out of the door of your apartment, excited to meet your friends for Sunday brunch. You’ve agreed that this would be a boyfriend-free zone, which has relieved you of the concern of Camilla and Akira having to lock eyes again any longer than necessary, although perhaps it’s safer keeping you away from Katsuki than anything. There were a few things you weren’t particularly excited to forgive him for, particularly when it comes to how comfortable he was bullying Izuku in high school and being generally rude, but Runa swears he isn’t all that bad, and you reluctantly believe her. Watching him behave on television also supports the idea of maturity settling in and he was polite at your last reunion so you’re not unwilling to bury the hatchet after all. 
Your friends are chatting away, coffee and mimosas set at the table by the time you arrive. 
“Hey!” Runa beams as you slip into the seat just beside her. Camilla blows you a kiss, and you recognize a floral blouse from your last excursion already on her, as well as the earrings that look suspiciously like the ones promoted heavily by a jewelry shop Mirio did an ad for recently. 
“You started drinks without me,” you pout, but move on quickly, reaching for the menu before you. It’s an upscale place and quieter than you’re used to but are thankful for. 
“If you show up on time, there’ll be nothing to complain about!” Runa teases. You give her a sharp look, but she’s too busy deciding on something childish you’ll make fun of her for ordering. Camilla’s first question is how your dates went, and you grimace.
“Great,” you answer.
“Just great?” she repeats. You give her another look - you’re giving a lot of looks right now - and she raises her hands in defeat, then glances at Runa. Runa’s complexion is already deepening in color as she melts and you sigh. 
“Just say what you need to say,” you encourage her, and her eyes are practically watery.
“You mean it?” she asks.
“It’s not like if I say ‘don’t gush about Bakugou’ that’s gonna stop you in the next ten minutes so go ahead.” You say defeated. 
Camilla and Runa both laugh, and Runa tells you all about her date last night. You think again to the picture she sent and the bleached blonde haired girl with Izuku.
As if she can read your mind, Runa slips in that Izuku’s date and him didn’t hit it off at all, despite you not asking in the slightest.
“I mean not everyone has to fall in love with him,” you reply flippantly, and Camilla raises an eyebrow.
“That’s funny coming from Miss In-Every-Lifetime-But-This-One.”
Your eyes widen and you look to Runa who giggles.
“You told her.” Your voice is venomous, right hand tight around a butter knife. 
“You were going to tell her anyway, let’s be real.” Camilla replies. One part of you, deeply embarrassed and hot all over, wants to put her French toast up her nostril, the other, more sane part of you, realizes she’s right. Runa pats your shoulder. 
“I mean I understand. It’d be nice to see what that kid sees in other universes for me,” she jokes.
“I hope your destiny is Mineta,” you hiss. She looks shocked and you feel righteously satisfied. Popping a powdered pancake bite in your mouth, you ask, “how is he anyway?”
Brunch is shorter than usual, roughly about an hour of chatter about work, other friends, and love lives, but Camilla checks her clock and says she has to leave abruptly once the clock strikes 1 pm. Runa glances at her, and her excuse is made up just as fast.
“I forgot to feed my cat.”
You tilt your head at the both of them, but they’re hurrying up, and you’re kind enough to offer to foot the bill and get your money back from them later eventually. Camilla takes Runa’s hand quickly and ushers her out, and you give both of them a dumbfounded look but you receive a text message that distracts you while you wave them off, waiting for the waiter. 
Movie tonight?
Akira follows it up with a kissing dog emoji, and you snort through your nose. He hadn’t really apologized after your mini spat, and hadn’t replied to your good night text. This is presented as a peace offering, which makes you sigh. There’s no real reason to be mad at him however, so you choose to let it go, but you’re not ready to answer his text yet.
The waitress returns with another steaming cup of coffee instead of the check, which surprises you. 
“Oh, I actually didn’t order this drink-” you start but she looks confused, and you decide to laugh it off instead, nervous. You figure Camilla probably ordered something and accidentally forgot about it. Now forced to drink it as the waitress clears your other dishes, your mind drifts to your tenuous relationship and then, again your clones. 
Don’t let us convince you how to feel. 
Don’t let momentum steer you in the wrong direction.
You let out a sigh. 
When you look up, just like at the grocery store, just like at the open mic night, just like in your dreams a couple of nights ago, when the person chopping vegetables on your kitchen counter was not Akira, or another old fling, or even some random passerby in the street but Izuku, he is looking right at you again, surprised to meet eyes once again.
Your reaction is immediate and exaggerated.
The chair practically knocks over as you rise to your feet far too quickly, and Izuku is by your side too fast, unnaturally so, but you haven’t tipped over, and your coffee cup has rattled but hasn’t spilled.
“Hey, ___, are you okay-”
Your face turns to him and instead of shock, it’s anger. Your lower lip pulled between your teeth, eyebrows furrowed, annoyed, combative.
Izuku blinks. He didn't expect to see you here. All he had been told is that Runa wanted to meet him in person, for something, she didn’t specify what, but Katsuki had thought it wasn’t strange, and he was hoping just maybe that it was to help him out with you, and here you are, but here you’re clearly upset he’s around and…
“Why are you here?” you ask, the edge to your voice sharp as a knife. Your voice hasn’t raised, but it’s harsh; it’s not the you that politely avoids him, or nods disaffectedly to get him to stop talking to you. It’s direct, it’s mean.
He deflates.
“I… I was asked to come meet Runa here.”
You snort.
“Why won’t they fucking-”
You bite your lip again, and your nostrils flare, as you let your clenched fist drop by your side. Izuku doesn’t understand. What is it about him that you dislike so much that this scenario, him meeting you in a coffee shop after years of not speaking more than a few words, is simply unbearable to you?
“I, um… is she here?” Izuku asks. He’s taken a step back, and he’s looking around for his friend’s girlfriend and when you scoff, he turns back to look at you.
“Of course she isn’t here, did you really think-” you scoff again and cross your arms over your chest. Izuku’s eyes scan your closed posture, the fact that you’ve stopped looking at him, now looking away, barely noticing the glares and curious glances that you’re getting from other patrons now. You’re standing bone straight, planted and haven’t moved. He wants to ask you to sit, but it seems like that will only agitate you. You’re thinking about something, something distressing, he can tell, but he doesn’t know what.
“I-I’ll call her,” Izuku proposes. He pulls out his phone, but you’ve already grabbed your bag and are attempting to walk out the door. The waitress runs after you, yelling a “Miss, Miss, you forgot to pay,” which stops you in your tracks. He can see that you’re embarrassed now as you rummage through your purse, and Runa’s not picking up. He walks over, and offers.
“Hey, whatever the tab is, I can take care-”
Your voice is forceful and he naturally recoils. Again, that natural aversion to him that comes on so suddenly so naturally. He can’t remember the last time someone disliked him so much, not since he was in middle school and Katsuki wouldn’t let him breathe. He can feel his ears warm and his heart race as you pass a credit card to the waitress, who immediately leaves the scene sensing the tension.
Izuku tries again.
“Hey, I wasn’t trying to undermine you or anything but-”
Your eyes move to him again, and for the first time, you speak truthfully, the vitriol you’ve been holding in, festering for how many years, you can barely count, pouring out all at once.
“You need to get used to people not liking you.”
Izuku looks like he’s been hit, but the dam has broken, and you can’t hold it in anymore.
“I’ve been perfectly polite and cordial to you. I don’t know why you keep showing up. Stop being nice to me and leave me alone. I have a boyfriend and I’m not interested in making new friends. Please leave me be, no matter what my friends think.” Your words are whispered in semi-hushed tones and harsh, and the message harsher.
Izuku swallows hard, made pale, his heart pounding in his chest. Rejection hurts, but something about this feels different, as though he has been told no before knowing how to form the question correctly. He hasn’t asked you for anything all these years, not much more than acknowledgement, and it’s true -  you have given him that, you’ve been nothing but kind and cordial, just disinterested. The measure of a man is his ability to accept a no graciously. Izuku can do that. He can accept this shouted plea to disappear from your sight even if he doesn’t truly understand it. 
He has never understood you. He’s always wanted to, but perhaps the truth is that he can’t.
Izuku pulls at the collar of his shirt. He’s looking around, and you’ve had the kindness to not yell but eyes are on him again.
Izuku Midoriya, number one Pro Hero and Japan’s symbol of hope, being told to fuck off forever. He takes in a deep breath, fighting the urge to cry, unsure of why he’s so emotional these days, and why when he looks at your eyes specifically, he feels as though he’s being appraised for everything he’s worth. 
“Okay. I’m sorry.”
This breaks your heart. As Izuku turns to leave, you are already regretting your outburst, a lump now in your throat. You can remember every one of your love stories, seeing it written in the fabric hanging off his back for a moment and your head begins to spin.
You’re not following the script. There is no script. You have a boyfriend. You are happy. You don’t need him. You don’t even want him. 
Your clones are happy, but you are happy. The waitress returns and asks you to sign the check. Izuku sits at your table, and calls Runa again, and you depart.
Runa still doesn’t pick up.
Izuku’s so wired he’s practically sweating, and he can’t remember the last time he’s been set ablaze with embarrassment and even his last battle didn’t have his heart racing like this. 
She said no. She doesn’t want anything to do with you. People are allowed to dislike you, he repeats to himself over and over again, but it’s one thing to receive hate from anonymous commenters on online forums, or have an angry citizen spit in your face - it’s another entirely to have your longstanding high school crush reduce you to nothing in a room full of people.
People are staring at him, and it’s not unusual, but he has to leave. If someone were to ask him for an autograph right now, he just might implode into himself. 
Taking a deep breath in, he licks his wounds figuratively as he’s well-practiced over years. There will be other women, even if it won’t be you. After all, perhaps this is a rebound and splitting with Ochaco hurts him more than he thinks he does. How unfair of him to redirect unresolved feelings onto you, who are no longer much more than a stranger to him?
Izuku leaves the restaurant and can still see you, arms crossed as you wait for something, a taxi perhaps, and watches you for a moment. Your hands rub the side of your arms for comfort and while again, you’re mostly perfectly still, he can practically sense the unease wafting from your body. 
He’s the pushiest person he knows, but he knows better than to scare you. He should leave, and yet he remains transfixed in place, his heart pounding as he decides how to salvage the situation. 
It cannot be as simple as you having hated him all these years. He must have done something. He remembers a cheerful you, eager to hear whatever he had to say, excited to study his Quirk, playfully messing up his unruly hair, until suddenly you weren’t. After the meta war, you’d squeezed his hand and whispered a word of thanks when his body still hurt so much, days into recovery at the hospital, that he could barely feel or hear you, and then something changed.
You sigh and murmur something under your breath, and he tunes in, concentrating all his might to hear even the faintest of clues in your voice. 
“I’m going crazy. He didn’t deserve that.”
He didn’t deserve it, but Izuku is willing to bear it. For you.
Your heart skips a beat and half as you jump, then turn towards him. Stomach sinking deep, you remind yourself that you should have gotten further away, rather than hover right outside of the place you behaved poorly, but your mind was too full of thoughts that once the fresh air hit your face, you’d slowed down and let yourself recover.
“I’m sorry,” is the first thing that comes out of your mouth before he can say anything else, and then you look away, embarrassment overtaking your ability to look him in the eye. 
Izuku has his hands raised in peace as he approaches, and it’s practically ridiculous. There’s nothing you can do to hurt him, not in a million years, and you want to ask him to put his hands down, yet he has the right to protect himself the way he sees fit, you’ve only been hostile to him so far after all. 
“I feel like I’m overstepping here,” he starts, and you slowly shake your head, biting your lip, “but whatever… this is, it feels like more than indifference.”
Your eyes shift back to him, and he’s looking straight at you, and you finally register what he looks like in his entirety today. He’s dressed nicely but casually in a striped button-down and corduroy pants, as though he were joining you on brunch too, a welcome change from seeing him in his Hero suit or in a business suit for interviews. You can see a tiny bit of hair wax poorly distributed in a front lock you want so badly to fix and the deep concern for you drawn on his handsome features.
One of your greatest vices and virtues in life is your attention to detail.
You want to lie and say it’s nothing more than just a bad day, but your throat is suddenly dry. The sound of the cars passing and people bustling through the street going on with their lives continues to fill your ears, but seems to slow as you think.
There are five worlds where you’re far from indifferent to him. Where he is your everything. 
“How did I wrong you? I’ll apologize and make it right.”
And what would that lead to? You think of the ring on Red’s finger, the poorly-hidden baby bump Salty sported. You think of the affection with which your clones spoke of him, and then you think of Akira. 
You promised Akira he had nothing to worry about.
“You’ve done nothing, I just… My boyfriend gets uncomfortable when I talk to… Heroes.”
Izuku blinks for a moment, and you can see him exhale with his whole body, keeping his emotions in check. 
“... okay.”
He won’t argue with you about it, no matter how much it aggravates him. 
The lame excuse has an awful aftertaste, bitter on your tongue. The very implication that you’d stop talking to him because of a man is embarrassing enough, the fact that he won’t even bother arguing about it is somehow worse.
There is another pause where the two of you stand, and you make a terrible decision.
“There’s a good reason,” you add, finally. Izuku gives you a look and again your cheeks warm but you decide to push through. In a world of Quirks that literally bend the laws of physics, it’s not unreasonable for you to explain a disaster like this in the most clinical way possible.
“You have to keep an open mind.”
Izuku nods and for a moment, his soft demeanor disarms you. Your heart has stopped racing, and you look for the nearest coffee shop.
“Let’s sit down somewhere and I’ll explain. I have a lot to tell you.”
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Midnight Snuggles
Summary - You have a rough week and let down your hopeful boyfriend after he flew across the country to see you, but he surprises you with exactly what you need.
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x reader
Warnings - implied smut, fluff (is that a warning?)
Word Count: 704
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You had been missing your boyfriend terribly for the past few weeks while he has been stuck in Vancouver filming as your favourite Winchester, so generally, him slipping into your shared bed at midnight would be a dream come true. Except you had only just managed to fall asleep after a stressful week at work.
“Hey baby missed you so much,” he murmured into your neck as he slipped into bed behind you. You could feel his bare legs and back against your own as he snuggled up closer. You just sighed in response, slightly annoyed at being woken up so soon after dozing off. Obviously taking your sigh as one of pleasure rather than annoyance, your oblivious boyfriend continued leaving soft kisses over your neck and ear in search of your pressure point.
“Jens…I missed you too. But please not tonight,” you groaned as you reached around to push him off you. Clearly hurt and concerned by your reaction he spun you around to face him.
“What happened? Are you sick, hurt … did I do something wrong?” he asked concern filling his voice as his emerald eyes searched yours for any signs of pain. 
“I’m just tired … big week … work kicked my ass,” you mumbled pecking the corner of your boyfriend's frowning lips. 
“Sorry to hear that, beautiful. Com’ere,” he said as he laid back and opened his arms for you to snuggle into him. You didn’t have to be told twice. You snuggled into his warm embrace and rested your head on his bare pec, sighing contently. He ran his hand up your back comfortingly and kissed the top of your head. 
“I’m sorry, I know you wanted more than this. I mean you caught the red-eye for a reason…” you mumbled into his chest. You could feel him tense up under you.
“Hey, hey, hey…I didn’t come home just for sex, sweetheart. I came home to spend time with you." 
He softly tilted your chin to force your eyes to meet his. “Sweetheart, listen to me. I love you, and I love spending time with you in any way possible. Is sex with you beyond mind-blowing? Of course, but I can wait. I never want you to feel pressured into doing anything you don’t want to with me. As long as I can have you in my arms, I’ll be a very happy man. And besides, we’ll both have more energy in the morning anyway.” He smirked, “right now though, just let me hold you and let’s get some sleep. We’ve both had a big week.”
“I love you so much, Jensen. Thank you.”
“No need to thank me, sweetheart. I love you too, so much. Now get some sleep.” He kissed your head softly as you snuggled back into the warm body you’d missed so much. You kissed his chest as you closed your eyes. 
Jensen stayed awake a little longer, rubbing your back and admiring your sleepy figure until sleep finally took over.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Your eyes fluttered open as the golden rays streamed over you through the window, as you stretched your muscles you expected to feel your boyfriend’s body beneath you. Instead, all you found were cold sheets. You frowned to yourself figuring your sleep-deprived brain must’ve dreamt up the wonderful night until you heard a noisy clatter from downstairs. You sat up quickly at the reassurance that it was all real, a smile taking over your features.
Just as you were about to get out of bed the door swung open revealing your green-eyed lover carrying a tray complete with two coffee cups, a stack of pancakes, whipped cream and maple syrup. 
“Good morning beautiful,” he said as he approached your bed, setting the tray down in front of you before climbing in beside you. 
“I should be the one serving you breakfast in bed after last night,” you said. He wrapped his arm around you pulling you into him as he kissed your forehead. 
“How about you just let me have you for dessert?” he smirked. “I think that can be arranged, handsome,” you said reaching for your mug to get breakfast over and done with, more excited for the second course. 
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pigeonwit · 5 months
hello again mr pigeon 'pidge' wit i come to u with a writing req ....... no pressure to write obviously!!!!
but consider ur shitface drunk davey w jack (potentially friends too) at a restaurant ... javey aren't together at this point ... but davey is just a little too drunk and ends up pretty much lying with his head on jacks lap ... cue 'jack, I don't wanna go all the way home all by myself ....... can I come home with you?' and jack being the smitten pushover he is of course lets David 'Lightweight' Jacobs sleep in his bed with him ...
davey wakes up has no recollection of what happened and is SO concerned when he wakes up in jacks bed - jack is shirtless - and oh lord he's SO hungover .... anyway ...
consider also jack waking up and saying 'hey beautiful' and Davey short circuiting and jack shrugging and saying 'well u seemed to like it just fine last night'
sorry for the long af ask but this????? in your writing style!!!!! I would shit myself /pos
roman i have had this in my inbox for so long cause i want to write this so goddamn badly but alas uni is killing me, so that's probably not gonna happen for a while. BUT! i do have little snippets for your convenience, because again, this idea was so fun and i wanted to write it so so badly. hope these can tide you over:
“Davey,” Jack says, far more charmed than he should be, because he is pathetic, “maybe you oughta take a break for a bit, you’re-”
“Don’t worry yourself, handsome,” Davey winks, and Jack immediately feels his stomach drop. They have entered Flirty Drunk Davey, which means Jack is going to be of no help for the entire evening. “I’m a big boy, I can make my own decisions, and I’m deciding to get sloshed tonight.” He drums his hands on the table as he gets up and shoots Jack a finger-gun as he stumbles only slightly. “Livin’ la vida loca!”
Oh, Jack is a sad man. Jack is a weak, pathetic little man who is in love with someone that just said livin’ la vida loca unironically. Jack is a sad, sad man.
“And iguanodons,” Davey says quite seriously, with one finger raised like a very wobbly professor,“iguanodons, they walk like – like this…”
He shapes each of his hands into three-toed points and leans forward to plant them on the floor.
“Oh, no-” Jack says quickly, taking his wrists and gently pulling him upright. “No, Davey, that’s okay, don’t – don’t crawl on the floor, pal.”
Davey looks at him with the largest eyes Jack’s ever seen in his life.
“But that’s how iguanodons walk…” He says plaintively, like Jack is a monster who is stifling a very important display of science, and Jack is so pathetically gone for him that he’s almost tempted to say, ‘I’m sorry Davey, by all means crawl around on the floor like a dinosaur, I love you so much.’ Christ, he needs to skip town, go somewhere so repressed he’ll never even think about feelings again without curling up and dying of shame. Britain, maybe. Or wherever the Amish live.
“I know, bud,” Jack soothes, rubbing a hand down his back. “You, uh – you just show me later, okay? We’re going inside now.”
Right. Right. Breathe. Facts. That’s what Davey needs. Facts.
Fact one: he is currently in Jack’s bed, in Jack’s sweatpants.
Fact two: he cannot remember how he got into either Jack’s bed or Jack’s sweatpants.
Fact three: Jack is making pancakes. Shirtless. With a bit of batter stuck to his collarbone that Davey really wants to lick.
(Fact three, subheading: Davey might still be a little bit drunk)
Conclusion: Davey had literally mind-blowing sex last night while more drunk than a Baltic tide and has thus not only ruined the best friendship he’s ever had, but can’t even reminisce over the memory of it to soothe the wound. Fantastic.
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Male werewolf x female character (Gabe & Odessa) - Chapter Twenty Two (sfw)
Disclaimer which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
Well, folks, we finally did it! This is my longest-running story on here, and it’s finally come to an end. Kind of. This is the end of ‘Season One’ (for want of a better term), and I have a short interlude planned from Gabe’s POV, followed by a ‘Season Two’. I also asked you what other ‘non-humans’ you’d like to see for 2023, so I’m going to be working on some other stories too since my workshop is currently flooded and out of action for the forseeable future. Thanks for your input and ideas with that - I always welcome prompts and ideas, even if I don’t guarantee to write them!
Anyway, enough waffle. Here’s the wrap-up to G&O (if you have any ideas for actual titles for this story, please tell me - I did ask ages ago but my dumb brain cell forgot them!).
Content: After two blissful weeks, Odessa has to say farewell to Gabe and Pinewatch, and return to the city, but once she’s there, things turn out to be not quite so bleak... Wordcount: 4367
Catch up here:
Part One (sfw), Part Two (sfw), Part Three (sfw), Part Four (sfw), Part Five (sfw), Part Six (sfw) Part Seven (sfw), Part Eight (sfw), Part Nine (sfw), Part Ten (sfw), Part Eleven (nsfw), Part Twelve (sfw), Part Thirteen (sfw), Part Fourteen (nsfw), Part Fifteen (nsfw), Part Sixteen (nsfw), Part Seventeen (sfw), Part Eighteen (v. light nsfw), Part Nineteen (nsfw), Part Twenty (nsfw), Part Twenty-One (nsfw)
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Odessa woke the next morning and for three full minutes, she didn’t think about having to leave.
The moment she did, she began to cry.
Silent tears slid from the corners of her eyes to melt into her hair as she lay on her back and stared at the ceiling while Gabe slept on silently beside her, curled on his side and facing her. His chest rose and fell with the regular, quiet ease of someone deeply and contentedly asleep, and she tried to focus on that instead, letting her mind drift along with each steady inhale and exhale. Memories of her fortnight in the forest scudded across her mind’s eye like little boats in a flotilla of happy snapshots: walks to the lake, shy flirting, drinks at the pub, new friends, discovering fairytale creatures were real, more mind-blowing and affectionate sex than she’d ever had in her life, pancakes, blackberry cupcakes, waterfalls and werebears, adorable wolf-dogs, Gabe’s hazel eyes and dimpled smile…
Somehow, her last day in Pinewatch had dawned, and the idea of leaving all that behind just seemed more painful and unfair than anything she’d ever experienced, even if it wouldn’t be for long. For a long time, she couldn’t move so much as a muscle as the sudden, sharp grief crushed her and buried her beneath its weight.
Beside her, Gabe inhaled deeply through his nose. “Hey,” he mumbled, coming awake sharply and reaching for her with a frown. He blinked back the bleary remnants of sleep from his eyes and brushed the tears from her face with his knuckles. He kissed her temple, shuffling closer to her and tucking the duvet up around her. “Come here.”
With Gabe wrapped around her body from behind, holding her tightly enough that she felt a little more grounded, she began to feel marginally better, and with a deep sigh, she tried to let it all go. “I know it’s only temporary,” she said, kissing his hand before he moved it to continue stroking her hair. It was too wildly curled and tangled for him to comb his fingers through it, but the way his palm skated over the contours of her skull calmed something deep within her.
“Still sucks though,” he said and she hummed. “Could I come and visit you there?” he asked after a pause.
She frowned. She hadn’t even considered that as an option. “In the city? I thought you hated it? And what about your family? And the dogs?”
She felt him smile and he kissed her again. “I hated it there because I thought I had no choice about my future. The dogs will be fine on their own in the enclosure for a few days. I’ll take them for a long run when I get back, and Tala or Carys can feed them for me once a day.”
“And… your family?” she asked when she realised that was the only thing he hadn’t answered.
Gabe gave a big sigh and Odessa rolled onto her back to look up at him properly. He had a pillow crease on his cheek that she wanted to kiss, but she just smiled privately and let him talk. “When a wolf enters the territory of another pack, unless they’re literally just passing through that day, it’s custom for them to announce themselves to the pack leader and state their intentions. If I’m staying longer than a few hours, I’ll need to go to them for permission to stay.”
Her heart rate picked up and she bit her lip. “Is that something you’d be… comfortable doing? You said your mother literally exiled you… They won’t… I don’t know, turn on you?”
He shook his head. “It’ll be… strained, for sure. I can write to my brother about it. We’re still vaguely in touch at Christmas and sometimes in between. He knows where I live and what I do for work and stuff. I could ask him if I could come and present myself to the pack in order to visit my — to visit you,” he said, his gaze drifting towards the ceiling.  
“Would he advocate for you then?”
Gabe nodded. “Yeah, probably. I think he’d stand up for me. We used to be very close.”
Something sad stabbed just below her ribs at the way he said it. “Do you miss him?” she asked in a tentative whisper.
“Yeah,” he rasped, eyes closing for a second. “He’s two years younger than me, but we were inseparable from the moment he was born. Until… til I left…” He paused and let his thumb play distractedly over her shoulder joint. “He has cerebral palsy but it’s never really hindered him doing whatever he wanted to. We did everything together: went climbing at the sports centre, running in the park, kayaking and camping in the school holidays… he played soccer after school and I’d go to watch…”
The image of him as ‘devoted older brother’ only made it more painful that they were now so distant, and she didn’t miss the way his breath caught and his throat tightened as he listed everything they’d once shared. The loss of contact with Raph — the gulf which Gabe’s actions had opened up between them — was clearly as raw to him then as on the day he’d caught that bus out of the city.
Instead of offering him some empty platitude about how sorry she was that it had turned out that way, she squeezed his middle with all her strength, and he grinned through a wheeze and looked down at her with a grateful flash of his golden eyes. She was learning to speak werewolf pretty well, she thought.
“How did the pack react to him becoming your mother’s Second instead of you?”
He shrugged, jostling her slightly. “From the impression he’s given me from his emails, they just accepted it. Mother’s word is law, after all,” he added dryly. “Raph’s thriving on it, the pack is as strong as it’s ever been, and mother got a willing Second, so it all worked out in the end.”
“So what happens if… if you ask to stay and she says no?”
A beat of silence stretched until he exhaled heavily. “Then I’ll have to leave. By werewolf law, they could kill me if I stay without their permission, but I highly doubt it’ll come to that.”
She gasped, going cold all over. “They’re your family, Gabe!”
Again, he shrugged and reached over to lay his palm on her hip. The action calmed her a little, but her heartbeat still galloped wildly. “Pack law is pack law,” he said. “It’s archaic, and while they’re probably traditional enough to give the English aristocracy a run for its money, I don’t think they’d escalate things that far. Killing a family member as a punishment is a huge taboo; no one’s done it for centuries. They’d probably just run me out of town.”
“Would I have to meet them?” she asked with no small amount of trepidation. Honestly, his mother sounded terrifying, but Raph didn’t seem so bad if he was anything like Gabe.
Gabe’s eyes flashed and a short, instinctive growl escaped his throat. “No. I don’t want any of them anywhere near you,” he finally managed to spit out around the sound that took a while to stop and die away.
She half-suspected that the approaching full moon stoked a little of the protective fury in his tone, though probably not by much.
“You’re human, and I don’t want you mixed up in werewolf politics. It’s a minefield, and they already think the worst of me for turning my back on my own family. Settling down with a human is… well, to them it’d be another insult, put it that way.”
For a while, she just lay there in his arms until he kissed her. “Hey,” he murmured. “Don’t stress it.”
“I don’t want to put you in danger, or more at odds with your family,” she said. “It’s, what, a five hour drive from there to here on a good day? I can do that to come and see you. You don’t need to risk all of that for me.”
Another growl rumbled in his chest like a fading thunderstorm. “I don’t want it to be all on you,” he said. “Until we figure something out, I want you to know I’m there for you. That I’m… invested in this. In us.”
She swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded. “I know that.” Vague, half-formed plans for the future resurfaced, and she began to mull them over again as they lay there in affectionate silence.
“Hey,” he said, and she twitched back to the present moment. “You want to come over to mine for pancakes before you go?”
She nodded. “Yeah, and say goodbye to the dogs, if that’s ok?”
“Don’t blame me if they corner you and refuse to let you out. They’re very intuitive…”
“I won’t be complaining if they do,” she mumbled and hugged him for a while longer.
Their sombre mood didn’t match the morning’s weather at all. Sunlight finally decided to come pouring in through the curtains following days of grey skies and rain, and after lying there anxiously for another half an hour, Odessa huffed a sigh and got out of bed.
The moment she was upright, she felt every ache and stretch from the night before in every corner of her body, and she smiled. She could still feel the way his knot had filled her utterly too, and the way he had come — eyes rolling back, his body submitting completely with a great, heaving shudder as he gave himself to her — was something that would stay with her forever. She’d have to see if he was willing to have shifted sex with her again in the future too, she mused with a bashful smile, and caught herself blushing in the bathroom mirror.  
In the privacy of the bathroom, she popped a couple of ibuprofen to help her aches subside, and showered briefly. Gabe seemed in no hurry to get up, and he watched her dress from the warmth of the duvet before finally crawling out of bed and heading for the shower himself. He emerged ten minutes or so later to find her making a cup of tea in the kitchen of the cosy little holiday cabin.
“At least you’ll have good weather for driving,” he said as he came up behind her and put his arms around her middle. The gentle pressure eased the soft ache and she hummed in pleasure.
“I think I’ll pack up my stuff here and drive over to yours,” she said, dunking the teabag a few more times to get it to the right colour. “Then I’ll just go home from there.”
He nodded and said, “I’ll let you finish up in peace then. Just come over whenever you’re done.”
Odessa deliberately didn’t watch him walk out the door, and while she did feel the urge to cry when she heard his truck tyres roll out, she pulled herself together long enough to get her belongings in order. Packing up after a holiday was never going to be a long job, and she carelessly stuffed all her clothes into her rucksack and her hold-all, slung her hiking boots into the back of her little VW, and stumped back to the cabin to make a final check.
It still looked like a fairytale.
The newly planted flowers outside had had two weeks to settle in, and they sat in the beds at the base of the log walls waving merrily in the breezes that scudded around the clearing in the wake of the previous day’s rain. Little birds flitted and twittered in the branches around the cabin, and she could hear the stream trickling along the gully behind the house. Her breath billowed in the damp, cold air, and she shivered.
With the cabin left in order, and the bed linen already stripped and stuffed into the dedicated laundry bag in a corner of the bedroom by Gabe, Odessa locked up and drove the short journey up the road to Gabe’s house.
She found him sitting outside on the back step with Axel’s head in his lap. Mia yowled at her the moment she shut the car door and walked towards the gate in the enclosure fence, and Gabe looked up and smiled without disturbing Axel.
Thunder paced slowly towards her as she slid the latch back on the gate. “Alright to come in?” she asked and Gabe nodded.
She closed it behind her and turned to find Thunder standing immediately behind her. He looked like an emperor awaiting an audience, and she held her hand out shyly to him. He sniffed her knuckles and then licked her skin gently, exhaling with an audible rumble. “I’m gonna miss you too,” she said and glanced self-consciously over at Gabe.
He smiled and said, “He can smell that we’re both kind of stressed,” he said. “He doesn’t like it. Neither does Ax,” he added, stroking the white fluff between Axel’s tense ears.
“I’m sorry buddy,” she said, gently chucking Thunder under the chin while Mia finally gave in and harrumphed over to her. She jabbed Odessa in the thigh with her pointy husky nose, and yowled like a broken car alarm. “I’ll be back to steal all of Gabe’s attention before you know it,” she laughed. “I promise you’ll barely have time to relax before I’m back and you have to chase me off him again.”
Mia growled but it was all play, and Odessa sighed as she crossed to sit with Gabe and Axel for a minute or two before her butt got too cold on the damp step and she stood up again.
Gabe dusted her backside off affectionately and she chuckled. Then he stood up too with a little grunt and said, “Come on. Let’s make some pancakes. Tea or coffee?”
“Coffee, please.”
Having forced herself to be at peace with the knowledge she was leaving, she leaned her hips against the kitchen counter while Gabe cooked, and they ate together at the dining table with their feet intertwined underneath.
“What are your plans for Christmas?” Odessa asked apropos nothing.
Gabe gently speared a strawberry with his fork and pushed it through a small tidal wave of maple syrup. “Nothing adventurous. I usually spend Christmas Day on duty at the centre, just in case,” he said. “A few people like to go camping or hiking in the snow, and sometimes they get into trouble. If I’m not working, Carys has been known to ask me over to her place,” he added with a smile. “In that case, I’ll give the dogs a frozen hunk of venison to keep them busy and I’ll have lunch with her.”
“Is she with anyone?”
He shook his head. “No. Sometimes we go for a hike if the weather is nice, but mostly we just share a meal and swap a few presents. It’s all very low-key. What about you?” he asked. “What were you planning to do this year?”
She shrugged. “Hadn’t got that far ahead, to be perfectly honest. In the past Jake and I each went back to our parents’, but if you’re around, maybe I could come up here and spend it with you and the dogs instead?”
“Your family won’t mind not seeing you?”
“No, I don’t think so. We’re fairly close, but not so close that they’ll kick up a fuss if I don’t go this year.”
He tilted his head. “Would you rather go and see them though?”
After giving it a second’s thought, she shook her head. “No. I want to spend it with just you, if that’s ok?”
Gabe’s smile lit her up inside. “Alright. We’ll do something here. But can I still come and see you before then?” he asked, hope ringing quietly in his voice.
She nodded. “Yeah. I don’t think I can get through the whole of November and December without seeing you at all…”
With that decided, they moved on to other things, but after a while it became obvious that they were just prolonging the inevitable. She ducked outside to say goodbye to the dogs, and discovered Axel standing with his front paws already up on the back step and his big, blue eyes round with worry.
“Hey, buddy,” she smiled, dropping gently down into a crouch and letting him put his fluffy little face in her hands. “I’ll see you soon.”
He whined and licked her tears and wagged his tail, and after a moment or two she felt a second nose nudge up against her elbow, demanding to be let into the cuddles, and was surprised to find Mia’s icy eyes glaring at her. The half-husky snorted, sat down heavily, then threw back her head and howled like a fire alarm directly in her ear.
Odessa lurched back to spare her left ear drum, Axel complained, and Thunder trotted over to tell everyone off for behaving like hooligans. He snarled at Mia and bowled her over with his massive size, and the two began to play-fight in the dirt while Odessa and Axel just looked at them with a mix of bafflement and amusement.
Gabe’s hands squeezed her shoulders a minute or two later and he leaned down over her. Axel looked at him and gave a soft ‘woo’ as if to say ‘I didn’t start it’, and Gabe snorted, ruffling Axel’s soft fur. “You all set?” he asked Odessa, and her heart skipped a beat.
“Yeah,” she sighed, standing and dusting off her jeans.
After a final bathroom stop, during which she adjusted her hair and wiped beneath her eyes where her eyeliner had smudged a little, she stepped out into his living room and gave a tense exhale.
“I don’t want to go,” she whispered when Gabe joined her from the kitchen.
“I don’t want you to go,” he smiled. “But it’s not for long. I’ll be here.”
“I know. And I’ll come back,” she said, because it suddenly seemed very important to make him that promise.
Gabe inhaled, held the breath, and as he let it go, he stepped in close and hugged her. He held her until she felt the stress melt away a little, and she swallowed and stepped back. “If I don’t go now, I never will.”
“Mmm, don’t tempt me,” he whispered with a smile even as he let go of her and cuffed vaguely at his nose with the back of his wrist. His eyes were glassy and his expression open and vulnerable. “Safe drive.”
“I’ll call you when I get there,” she said.
She didn’t remember much of walking out of Gabe’s house for the last time that holiday, and for the first few miles of driving away from Pinewatch, all she could see was Gabe standing on his wooden veranda, his right arm raised in farewell, his left hand dug deep into his pocket, and the muted sound of howling coming from the wolf-dogs at the back of the house. She felt like her heart made the same desperate sound for miles, and she wondered if they’d kept it up as long as her chest had kept hurting.
The drive back was uneventful, and with a sugary breakfast and too much coffee in her veins, she made it easily without even having to stop to rest.
The volume of traffic slowly built as she hit the suburbs, and as she wove through the mounting afternoon traffic, she felt hemmed in and stressed in a way she never had before. The city had always felt lively to her — buzzing with vibrant activity and people — but now it just felt over-crowded and hectic. She drew up in the street outside her apartment block and as she cut the engine, the dull hum and roar of the city beyond immediately pressed in on her.
With a sigh, she got out, dragged and struggled her bags up the stairs and opened her apartment.
Everything was exactly as she’d left it, but her light, airy flat no longer felt all that comforting. It felt empty. She ached for the barely-there tread of Gabe’s feet as he moved over the hardwood floor in his adorable woolly socks, or the sounds of wolf-dogs scrapping and playing outside; for the hiss of wind through pine needles and the ceaseless trill of birdsong in the trees. All she had now were sirens and car horns and engines.
She texted Emma and Dandy first to let them know she was back, and as she hit ‘send’ on the latter of those, a message from Gabe popped up.
>>Missing you. Hope your drive back was ok. G xxx<<
Swallowing thickly, she smiled and texted back.
A week later, Carys sent her a text asking for her email address, and the next day Odessa opened up her inbox to find a message with the subject ‘—Forwarded message— RE: Legal Policy Officer/Legal Adviser - Part-Time Post @ Three Peaks National Park Service’, and her heart leapt. She had never opened an email quicker in her life, and she hardly took in anything the first time she read it. Forcing herself to calm down, she sank down into her office chair in the bright, sunny morning sunshine and bit her lip.
Dear Odessa,
Hope you’re well and that it’s not too much of a culture shock being away from the woods. This came through to me a few days ago and I thought I would forward it to you. I haven’t mentioned it to Gabe, as I thought you’d want to have a look at it first.
All the best,
P.S. It’s obvious to all of us just how much Gabe misses you, but he’s putting on a brave show for the rest of us. For what it’s worth, I thought you make a great fit and the two of you are clearly made for each other. I hope you find something that works out for you, even if it’s not this. X
— Forwarded message —
The Three Peaks National Park Service is currently recruiting for a Legal Policy Officer/Legal Adviser to form part of their legal team, focusing on how strategic, legally sound and ecologically significant measures for nature can be delivered. This ambitious and challenging work provides an opportunity to be at the forefront of environmental conservation and recovery. The legal team is part of the… (read more)
Hardly daring to hope, Odessa clicked the job description and read it through three times. The pay was significantly less than she’d been on before, but it being part-time certainly had its appeal, and she had more than enough saved up for the time being anyway. Having no social life to speak of and a high paying job in the city had been good for at least something.
Odessa spent the rest of the day ignoring her mounting pile of household chores, and sent in her application the very next day. She did not tell Gabe, deciding to wait and see if she was asked to interview first. She didn’t want to jinx anything, and she didn’t want to get his hopes up. Or hers.
That afternoon, her phone buzzed with a message from Gabe, and she nearly dropped it with a laugh of surprise when she found a photo attached to the message which read: >>Gabe and the dogs move into the 21st century… (we have wifi and a smartphone now. Expect daily photo updates)<<
Attached was a selfie Gabe had taken crouching outside in the wolf-dog enclosure, with Axel’s muzzle tucked under his raised arm, Mia, clearly mid-lunge into the frame and little more than a blue-eyed blur, and Thunder staring over Gabe’s shoulder with a look of cautious disdain on his noble face.
Odessa cackled another laugh and sent a selfie back of her sitting on her cream coloured sofa, bathed in soft, city winter sunlight, beaming.
>>God, you’re gorgeous<< Gabe messaged back instantly. >>I was not prepared for that<<
<<Just wait til you experience the wonders of the video call, Gabe. It’s like a picture, but it moves and talks…>>
>>ha ha very funny<<
<<You love me>>
>>Yes I do.<<
[Incoming video call: Gabe Kirkbride]
She and Gabe called morning and night for another week after that, but she still didn’t tell him she’d applied for the job with the park service, even after the interview, which had turned out to be the most relaxed and almost enjoyable job interview she’d ever experienced. Her hopes were high, but until she had a confirmation email, she was determined to keep silent about it. She also begged Carys not to say anything, to which the older woman agreed without argument, on the rather preemptive condition that when Odessa surprised Gabe with the news of her inevitable success, Carys could be there to witness it in person.
One Saturday morning in early November, Gabe called her while she was still in bed, and she could tell the moment she answered it that something was different. “What?” she asked blearily, blinking and searching his hazel eyes for any kind of clue, all the while trying not to fumble and drop her phone onto her own face. He looked a little apprehensive and a fair bit excited. “What is it?”
After a tight, shy smile, Gabe said, “I’ve been emailing my brother.”
He nodded. “Raph said he’ll advocate for me. I’d… I’d like to come and see you… if that’s still alright?”
“Alright?” Her heart leapt wildly and she laughed, scrambling to sit upright and letting the covers fall down a little way. Gabe’s eyes dipped briefly down to take in the sight of her bare collarbones as her pyjama top slipped down and he smiled. “Of course it’s alright! Yes! When? I was going to suggest making a trip to see you soon, but that works too, if you’re sure about it?”
“I’m sure,” he said. “How does next weekend sound?”
And there is where we leave Season One! A HUGE thank you to everyone who’s got involved in this, be it with asks and comments or reblogs (special shout out to anyone who screeched and flailed at me in the tags, you know who you are and I see you and I think you’re wonderful!). I know 3rd person werewolf romances aren’t every monster-lover’s cup of tea, but to those of you who’ve fallen in love with these goofballs along the way, thanks for sticking with it to the end!
In the ‘interlude’, we will see Gabe’s visit from his POV, and we are going to meet the pack... Who are you most excited to meet? Oh, and Odessa’s gonna find out exactly what Gabe’s been studiously avoiding saying in exact terms...
As always, take good care of yourselves please, and I hope you have a lovely day/night wherever you are, and whenever you read this. Thank you, and Happy New Year!
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pmak2002 · 3 months
Hey, I was curious if you could write a cold Sickfic for timothée chalamet ? I’ve been enjoying the ones you have been reposting
Of course!
When Timothee comes down for breakfast. He doesn’t look well. He’s sniffling and his nose is runny. He’s wrapped himself up in a blanket and looks like he hasn’t slept in days. His nose is red too.
“Oh darling boy. No wonder you couldn’t sleep last night.” You say worriedly. Timothee nods
He coughs harshly. The cough productive and wet.
“Go lay down on the couch. I’ll bring you breakfast.” You tell him.
He smiles and shuffles to the living room couch.
You bring him breakfast and sit with him while he eats.
In between bites of pancakes and bacon. There’s coughs and sneezes. You grab tissues each time he sneezes for him to blow his nose.
“Yuck.” He says after a particularly snotty sneeze.
“Good job though the more gunk out of your nose the better.” You say.
He nodded and went back to eating. Despite complaining he couldn’t taste anything. He still ate his breakfast. Which was a good thing. After you throw away the tissues and wash your hands. You join him on the couch again. Where he immediately lays his head in your lap. You massage his scalp and he sighs softly.
“That feels good.” He says voice sounding as bad as he looked.
“Good.” You say with a smile. You kiss his forehead and massage his scalp and play with his hair. Timothee is relaxed while you do this and soon he’s asleep.
You watch tv while he rests. He had been doing a ton of work for all his new movies and you knew it would caught up to him eventually despite him taking all precautions necessary to avoid getting sick.
The day before you had noticed him looking paler than usual and he had complained of a slight stuffy nose and sore throat. He had brushed it off. But you knew better besides once he realized he wasn’t feeling good. He would become a big cuddler and extra clingy too. You didn’t mind though.
Especially now as he slept on your lap. His heavy mouth breathing the only other noise in the room besides the low volume of the tv.
He manages sleep for a while until he’s awoken by a sudden sneeze fit, sneezing into his pj sleeve. You grab a tissue and hand it to him which he takes and blows his nose.
“Nugh I feel so bad.” He groans
“I know I’m sorry baby.” You say as you run a hand through his curls. Then you get up to grab the trash can so he can toss out the tissues. Which he does as soon as you set it down.
“Can I get you anything? Water, orange juice? More tissue boxes?” You ask
“Oj please.” He asks
You nod and fetch him a cold glass of orange juice which he quickly drinks.
“Do we have any chicken noodle soup?” He asks.
You nod
“I’ll get it for you. You just rest.” You kiss his head. He smiles and watches as you head to the kitchen to make him soup.
When you bring him a bowl of soup his nose is buried in another tissue. He’s sneezing again.
“oh Timothée, pauvre chose.” You say as you sit next to him.
He smiles weakly at your attempt at French.
He tosses the tissue into the trash before taking the warm bowl from you. He takes the spoon and slowly starts to eat it. You watch him smile and sigh with content.
“Good?” You ask.
“Oui merci.” He says with a smile.
“bien je t'en prie.” You reply. You start to play with his curls as he eats the soup.
You are grateful he’s up for eating. Normally with a cold or anytime he has a stuffy nose.
Timothee will refuse to eat anything as he says. “I can’t taste anything.”
Of course you make him eat something anyway. But he’ll complain. Thankfully he seems hungry and he’ll need the strength to help him recover.
He eats the whole bowl and licks his chops when he’s done.
“Good boy.” You kiss his red nose and take the bowl from him to put it in the sink to be dealt with later. Then rejoin Tim on the couch. He immediately curls up in your lap while you wrap blankets around him and then wrap one around you.
“Now what movie to watch?”
Timothee shrugs
“How about Wonka?”
“Babe we’ve watched it like a 100 times.” He whined.
“Hey you need rest so if you fall asleep that’s ok with me.”
He giggles and coughs harshly into his sleeve.
You play with his hair
“Look if you stay awake for the first twenty minutes I’ll turn it off but if you fall asleep you don’t have to watch it with me deal?”
He laughs at the strange arrangement but accepts. He’s yawning at the intro song almost immediately. The feeling of your hands massaging his curls slowly lulls him to sleep. He’s asleep by the time “You’ve never had chocolate like this.” plays
You giggle as you watch him sleep on your lap. You watch the rest of the movie while Tim snores.
After a few days he’s feeling much better.
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dilf-whore · 2 years
my kind of girl (part 4)
previous || next
pairing: billy hargrove x f!reader
genre: friends to lovers! , fluff, mentions of neil
summary: you grow closer and closer with the redhead you tutor… and maybe with her stepbrother too
A/N: here’s part 4! let me know if you want to be added to the taglist 💗 also send me your thoughts/comments and requests if you have.
requested: no
requests are OPEN
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You look at yourself in the mirror and make final adjustments to your outfit. You grab your bag on the chair and head downstairs. You felt odd today but in a good way, ‘refreshed’ is probably a good word to describe it. You go to the kitchen and make yourself some breakfast. 
You sit down on the dining chair and take a sip of your coffee, the scent giving you some comfort. A sudden wave of excitement flowed through your body as you slice your pancakes, is it because you were excited to see Billy again? It’s probably because of the caffeine, you deny to yourself.
You bring your dishes to the sink and give them a quick wash. Putting them back, you hear a faint knock on your door. “Y/N? It’s Max, we came to pick you up”. You sigh in relief, thinking it was some sort of stranger. You knew they were gonna pick you up, you just expected an unpleasant loud screeching noise of a car’s wheels upon their arrival.
You sling your bag on your shoulder and open the door. “Hi Max, didn’t hear your car come”
“Yeah well, apparently Billy drives normally now” She shrugs. A small smile creeps up on your lips, remembering your small piece of advice to him from last night. He’s finally trying to fix things. You lock your door and motion Max to go ahead.
You see Billy leaning on the car, waiting for the both of you when all of the sudden you feel the same wave of excitement as you follow Max to the car. “Good morning, Y/N” he greets you, throwing his cigarette on the concrete floor.
“Hi” you smile. Max opens the back seat and hops in, you go after her but as you were about to put your foot in, Billy grabs your wrist and gently pulls you out. “Come sit in the front”. Taken aback, he opens the passenger’s seat and do as you were told.
Once you three arrive at school, Billy immediately steps out of the car and opens the door for Max - then for you. Max takes her skateboard and unzipped backpack, Billy grabs the handle - stopping in her tracks and zips her bag. “uh thanks Billy”.
“Y/N and I will wait for you here after school okay?” She nods her head and rushes to the middle school campus.
You glance at Billy and anticipate him to go ahead and leave you behind, but to your surprise he asks you if you’re ready to go.
There was some awkward silence between you two, you decide to break it. “You’re doing well, Billy” you speak up as you both walk to the campus.
“With what?”
“You know with Max”
“Oh yeah, I- uhm, you think so?”
You face him and give him a little pat on his shoulder, “I know so” you reassure. You both arrive to your locker, you open it and place your bag inside - taking only the necessary stuff for your class. “What’s your first class?” Billy asks, leaning on the locker beside yours.
“I’ll go with you, gym’s the same way anyways” He stands back up. You both make your way to your classroom and you couldn’t help but feel people staring at the two of you. Who wouldn’t be? Billy fucking Hargrove’s walking you to class. You tightly hug your books from discomfort, Billy notices and rubs the small of your back.
You felt tingles on your skin from the sudden contact. Billy looks at you concerned, “You okay?”
“Yeah, just people staring”
“Don’t mind them, they don’t have anything else to do. If it really bothers you, I’ll tell them to fuck off yeah?”
Classes has ended and you all head back to Billy and Max’s place. You place your arm on the window and rest your chin, closing your eyes as you let the wind blow to your face - calming you down.
Arriving at the house, Billy once again, opens the doors for you and Max, you hop out of the car muttering a small “thank you” to him. Max rushes beside you and in a low voice she asks, “Billy’s been acting nice since last night, not that I don’t like it though. Did something happen? I mean he did stay at your place for a while last night.”
“Don’t worry Max, nothing’s wrong. Just had a little chat and I’d say he’s trying to make things better with you” you reassure.
Billy unlocks the front door and opens it for the both of you. “Ladies first” he playfully smiles.
You and Max go to her room and settle your things to prepare for your tutorial session. “Y/N, can I ask you for a favor?” she asks.
“Sure, what is it?”
“Can you help me prepare for the Snow Ball? It’s next week and I don’t really know how to like- dress up and do makeup and all those stuff”
“Of course I will! I’m so excited” you cheer.
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taglist: @slytherinintj13 @shatfairy @ribyourtoplip @1950schick @stephhevring @uglynuggy45 @sincerelii @jelly-donuts @eddiemunsonsbitch86 @mess-in-side @ineedtherapypleaseomg @koroktsuya @anitatvd @piizzaprincesss @cherriebat
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the-kr8tor · 21 days
Shortest satan's waterfall ever- it finished today Anyways- in celebration of Mother's day... Daily Hobie HC! Bringing out step-dad Hobie for this one hehe.. still Billie and Ramona though! They're a bit older here:) Imagine waking up and it's...oddly quiet. Your kids haven't woken you up, nor has Hobie. Concerned if they've possibly blown up your kitchen (again), you quickly get up, walking into the kitchen. You didn't care if you looked like an absolute mess, you needed to see if something hadn't exploded. You'd already learnt that, although a good cook, the babyproofing needed to be kept on for Hobie. The girls, however? They egged him on, as usual. As your eyes adjusted to the bright lighting of the kitchen, the sight tore practically ate your heart whole. Billie was sitting on Hobie's shoulders, and Ramona on the counter, both excitedly chittering as Hobie simply just smiled at the girls. You remember bringing Hobie to our home the first time, anxiety knotting your stomach as thoughts of how he would react to the kids swirled around in your mind. You remember Hobie first meeting the girls, how timid they were around him, swearing to themselves and each other that they'll never call Hobie their dad. The girls and Hobie have come so far ever since the first meeting. You remember the day one of them finally called him dad, with Hobie practically being so overjoyed that he had grabbed both of them and threw them up in the air, swiftly catching them both as they laughed loudly. And now, with this sight, it felt perfect. A full family. Billie and Ramona calling Hobie 'dad'. Him always making sure he's spending time with his daughters. Not wanting to ruin the moment, you sneak away. You're positive Hobie heard you, but he must've ignored it for the sake of having the girls be excited of surprising you. You wait in bed, covers thrown until your wide smile wasn't visible anymore. After around 20 minutes, you're sure you were at least half asleep before you hear the door creak open. Ramona blows air into your ear, a trick learned from Hobie to wake you up. You playfully bat her away, faking your tiredness with an overexaggerated yawn. As you're greeted with a plate full of pancakes and fruit, you couldn't help yourself from beckoning Billie to join up on the bed, wrapping your arms around your two daughters. Hobie carefully joins you on the bed as well, watching your plate so it didn't collapse. Your smile widens as he kisses your forehead, wishing you a Happy Mother's day. Tears brim at the edges of your eyes and he hugs you close, sandwiching Ramona and Billie as they loudly giggle, letting out synchronized 'ewwwww's as Hobie presses his lips against yours. I like how I don't have baby fever at all but I'm giving you guys baby fever PFFT Children don't like me very much- they pull on my hair:( -🐦‍⬛
Oof this just reminded me that it's mother's day 😬
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Hobie is the best step dad fr fr 😭
Billie and mona saying they'll never call him dad in their angry squeaky voice then a year later they're making breakfast with their Hobie aka their only dad 🥹🥹🥹 Imagine b and r slowly adopt Hobie's mannerisms and his style 😍😍😍 that's his babies now
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romantichomicide95 · 4 months
So since Valentine’s Day is coming up bee, 💘 with all three of your loves for the self ship questions.
💘- how do you celebrate valentine’s day?
levi: levi says we don’t really have time nor do we see the need to honestly. although, ironically there’s always a cup of tea waiting for me when i wake up and one of the chocolates i like from the little shop around the corner. he also conveniently decides to make dinner that night and the sex is always a bit less rough. he also seems to not complain that day about my affections.
megumi: a lowkey day. he knows breakfast is my favorite so he wakes up early to make me pancakes. he gets me the most thoughtful gift ever like he really takes his time thinking about it and than we make dinner together. there’s also always flowers and a really sweet card on the bedside table when i wake up. we cuddle and watch a movie after dinner, but the movie doesn’t get finished.
gojo: i tell him i don’t need a big thing but he does it anyway, he says i deserve nothing less than the best. literally comes to my apartment with a ton of gifts and flowers, takes me to the fanciest dinner, and than lets me cuddle all over him. always ends the night in mind blowing sex.
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