#anyways c!Dream gave XD a lot of his love for his friends
purpleglitch · 1 year
I've been insane about roleswap ever since taxolotl made fanart about it. Whenever someone mentions it my brain explodes. So many things could change, because, in the lore, Dream's reputation as this scary unbeatable guy iinfluences how things play out. Not only because of him being the creator of the server but because of manhunt, so maybe george would have to "prove" that he's strong and SHOULD be feared. The ways he could do this are alarming, considering how smart he is and how little he cares about consecuences. Also, george and dream approach roleplay pretty diferently, so I think A LOT of relationships and events can change. How would have exile been if george was the one in charge? would rs!rivals be mortal enemies because of techno being an anarchist and dream a king?
Idk there's just so much, but anyway DNF ANGST.
YOU'RE SO RIGHT so many things could've gone differently because of how their roles changed and i didnt think about this when writing that brainrot post, love the idea of rs!george proving that people should fear him, and without the "dream will protect me" dynamic from c!dnf it's so interesting to think about what would happen, rs!gnf has the power to make c!gnf's "destroying the smp" dream come true and i feel like because his "apathy" or how he hids his emotions/attachments, he could fit the monster title that people gave c!dream, like emotionless, apathetic, how he doesn't care about the consequences, idk how to explain it but im shaking with excitement. also this got long again but here are more thoughts xD
For those events, i'd say first that exile could've happened from a different cause, i think tommy could've been one of the people that knew about george's actual feelings towards dream and viceversa so maybe he could've used dream as leverage against george (maybe for the discs?) or straight up harmed him which made george very angry and instead of putting obsidian walls around new l'manberg like c!dream, he could just threaten to blow it all up again unless tubbo exiled tommy, what if instead of the "spirit speech" is george laughing at tommy thinking dream is important to him and pretending he's only threatening destruction because he harmed the king of the smp which was against their "allyship" with l'manberg. During the actual exile, i think george could've been more mischievous and pranking tommy destroying his stuff and laughing at him for his situation, while also throwing comments that it was tommy's own fault for what happened, and whenever tommy tried to rebel against him i imagine george would be like "aww tommy don't do that... you don't want me to blow up your city with all your friends in there, do you? remember that poor tubbo only has one life left!" all with a fake sad voice(??)
As for rs!rivals..... oof, that's a bit more complicated like you said their political stances are very different, and i remember that clip of c!techno killing c!george on the throne room and.... yeah.... but maybe since they know each other from other servers they could have talked privately about dream's role as the king and how it was george's idea for him so he could relax and not be as involved in the story as before, techno would also be one of the people that know about rs!dnf feelings about each other since dream brings george up in almost every conversation they have, also i feel like techno would throw jokes like "dream you're copying my fashion style look at you, cringe, wear something else" and maybe it's my rivals bias but i want them to be at least in friendly terms 😭 george and techno would be not as close as rs!rivals but they teamed up for doomsday and i think techno would find amusing george's crazyisms and when the prison arc happens and dream finds out i think he would plead to techno to help george somehow, he tells him he's no longer king, hasn't been for months but he's worried about his boyf- george and either (1) knows about the favors between them and he tells techno he's using george's favor to help him or (2) maybe before the smp rs!rivals already had some favors going on so dream uses his so techno helps george. and techno reluctantly does, he clearly doesnt want to make his friend happy, shut up chat.
but i'm also interested in your thoughts of rs!rivals being mortal enemies!!! 👀👀👀 sorry this got too long LMAO didnt proofread this so sorry for any errors
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the-final-sif · 3 years
XD was born with the server. The admin brought an egg to the void, an offering in exchange for a world. Delighted, the void obliged, and when the Admin built processes, XD was created 628th. Its Admin told it that he used letters instead of numbers because it was easier for him to keep track of them. XD didn't care either way.
In fact, the only thing XD cared about for a long time was ensuring the End stayed closed. That was XD's purpose, and it did exactly as it was told, monitoring the portals, ready to reject any requests that didn't come from its Admin. Sometimes, its Admin would come by the portals. During his visits, XD would take on a physical form. A white blob that all process could appear as. Its Admin requested that they were physically present, so they obliged. The visits were short. Sometimes a code update. Sometimes, its Admin said it just wanted someone to talk to. Its Admin told XD that it was his favorite; he thought XD's designation was cute. XD created a marker in its code, but the tag "Favorite" did not correspond to any known classes. when it requested clarification, its Admin only laughed. Its admin was strange like that sometimes.
XD never knew how long passed between visits. Time was irreverent to its process, so it did not track it. As long as its code was running correctly, it had no need for its admin. It was doing its job, and that was all XD was made to do. It was content.
DreamXD was born at night, in a stronghold far from spawn. The stronghold was their Admin's favorite place to visit XD. It was where their Admin, Dream, like to rest. Like to work on his code. Liked to update XD those rare few times it required updating.
Its Admin visisted XD at the stronghold, but something was wrong. Even XD, a process made for nothing but preventing portal creation, could tell somehing was wrong. Its Admin wasn't right. The verification step was passable, but there was something Other clinging to its Admin's code. XD appeared for its Admin anyways.
The Other was there, but not overpowering. Not yet. It Admin grinned at the sight of XD.
"Hey buddy! I've got a new job for you, if you're up for it?" XD nodded. It was a process. It was up for any job its Admin designated.
"Okay, just come 'ere, let's see if this shit works..."
DreamXD could not quite describe what happened next. Few things are capable of describing their own birth. One moment it was a server process, made to do one thing and one thing only. The next, its code was updating to run hundreds upon thousands upon millions of lines. Complicated, intersecting lines, contrictions and values, and it was all too much and-
"Holy shit, okay, I didn't. You're good, you're fine. Listen, I don't have long, I need you to listen, okay XD?"
And it- they did.
"Your tasks are the following, in order. First, keep them free. Second, keep them safe. Third, try to keep yourself safe too, if you can. Got it?"
XD- DreamXD- Oh god, it had a body now. This was so much more complicated than a blob, but somehow muscle memory that wasn't its own kicked in and managed to nod. Affirmation. They understood their mission. Maybe.
"Good. There's- Uh- it's in the main server comments, directions. For something I need you to implament when you can. I'm transfering admin control to you. Don't give it back to me unless this fucking virus is gone. Actually, keep away from me as much as you can. So it can't infect you too. That should- Fuck."
With their new sensory inputs, DreamXD could feel the Other more clearly. Could understand it as something to be feared. Oh. They could feel fear now. Abstractly, but there. They needed to leave. As their admin- As Dream crumpled before them, DreamXD sent a teleportation command to bring them to a different stronghold. Gone. Safe. But still home.
Home. Were strongholds home? They were what XD was most familiar with, but Dream thought of them as exciting. There were memories of adventures drawing near their ends. Of being almost home. There were records of a life spent entirely within the space around portals. DreamXD had both, and they did not know how to reconsile them.
Logically, they knew what happened. They would recongize their admin's core coding anywhere. It was inside them now. It was them. DreamXD didn't know which was right. There was too much to sort through now. Most of their new code wasn't throwing up errors, so XD ignored it in favor of their task. The server comments would have directions. Directions were easy. XD could do directions.
They opened up the right section and began to pour over Dream's directions for a server afterlife. It would take time and energy to build. There was no existing template for a life system like this. But XD could do it. And maybe when they were done, they could get around to sorting out the code twisting up their chest with emotions they weren't ready to understand.
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nevadawasnottaken · 3 years
love languages
the love language of dream smp members :) (platonic for minors! romantic for others) im doing them all bc they all deserve recognition! :D keep in mind i dont know all of their personalities well! (hbomb, antfrost, ponk, lazarbeam, etc) these are all c!dsmp (in game) those marked with * are ones im uncertain about/unfamiliar with! -- dream: gift giving or acts of service with a twinge of physical touch. mans will get anything for you, no lie. you want it? hes got it. dream xd: acts of service or gift giving. possibly touch, but i dont see him being keen on it unless its in private. i see him as someone who tries to spoil his s/o a lot. if youre a worthy lover of a god, you should be treated like one. george: probably acts of service, quality time and touch. man would probably cuddle with you while watching some movie that neither of you pay attention to. sapnap: touch or words of affirmation. he does like giving gifts on occasion though! probably something thatll remind you of him. but overall, he prefers hand holding or something. he likes knowing youre there. callahan*: quality time. i imagine he likes going places all over the smp. it makes him happy to take you places that he finds beautiful. even better when you find them beautiful too! sam: acts of service for sure. he would make you tea (or your preferred drink) on a bad day and wrap you in blankets and cuddle as much as youd like. or, he would leave you alone if you need it. hes very caring, warden persona aside. sam nook: gift giving seems his thing! or acts of service! he seems as if he would get you things to cheer you up, or just simply do things like tuck you in. if you want, he gladly will let you pet his lil ears. (yes i hc that sam nook has lil ears :) ) alyssa*: even if we dont see her much, she strikes me as the type to enjoy physical touch. hand holding or something simple. she prefers to stay out of the thick of things and chill, thanks. ponk*: touch or words of affirmation i think are very fitting. he seems the type to always have an arm around you or holding your hand. he definitely would be good at comforting, i think. badboyhalo: i think we can all agree that hes a mix of everything. i think hes most oriented with words of affirmation and quality time. he likes spending time with you, just telling you all the things he loves about you. tommy: more than likely quality time. i dont see him as one to like holding hands (”me? hold hands? grOSS! step away and leave some space for the holy spirit!”) or anything. hes not good with words of affirmation (he needs them, really) and hes a bit awkward with things like hand holding. so spending time with him is his thing. listening to his discs and joking around with you and tubbo is what makes him happy. tubbo: gift giving, touch and quality time. he likes spending time with those he cares for, as well as giving them gifts. little trinkets, mostly. for example, he gave ghostbur a bracelet woven from friends wool, and hes given tommy a ruby! :) fundy: probably gifts. fox man will find you shiny things. emeralds, diamonds, gold, you name it. even if you dont need/want it, he gets you things. rings and necklaces and bracelets. it makes him happy to see you wear them. not all at once, of course, but wear them nonetheless. punz*: acts of service and touch. hes the type to arrange your things to suprise you or leave you flowers on a bad day. he also would probably cuddle and ramble about how perfect you are to him. purpled*: quality time. i think he would gladly spend time with you if you asked him to :) wilbur: a little bit of everything, i think. but one thing i think he would definitely do is write songs, so basically making playlists, but he sings for you instead! but for one of the main ones, i think he mostly is one for touch and affirmations. he likes being comforted/comforting you. ghostbur: gift giving or touch. quality time, too! i think he likes giving you things (like blue!) in general. he also seems very clingy (which is adorable <3 anyone who says its not can fight me rn) and would gladly hold your hand! he often will just take it anyways. :) (”i like holding your hand! your hands are nice to hold because theyre warm!”) schlatt: quality time. like tommy, i think he isnt one for touch. maybe he will give you gifts, but spending time with him is enough of a gift for him. skeppy*: gift giving. he would probably get you big gifts, like stuffed animals or something. or photos. seems like a skeppy type thing to me. :) eret: a little of everything, i think. but i see his thing being touch and quality time. i think they would very gladly cuddle if you asked them to! but shes big spoon, no doubt about it. only little spoon if you ask. jack manifold*: acts of service or touch. he would make you food if you wanted it, i think, or hold your hand. maybe not the best with comfort or cooking, but he tries. (”look i- i know the cookies arent good, but its the thought that counds, right?”) niki: words of affirmation, quality time and touch would all be nikis thing! :) she would spend time with you, probably cuddling and providing comfort if needed. she would remind you every day that youre loved and youre worth it. quackity: definitely touch and quality time. when hes not busy, he takes you places. often to watch the sunset. he also strikes me as one for pda! a bit shy at first, but relaxes into it. hes definitely one to say “gotta show off my partner! >:)” mexican dream*: words of affirmation but in spanish dont @ me karl: do we need to even question this? (spoiler alert: quality time and touch) hbomb*: strikes me as the type for quality time and some touch :) techno: probably acts of service, gift giving and quality time. he likes holidays like christmas and your birthday because he can give you things. he likes shiny things! and he likes you, so he gives them to you! antfrost*: quality time and touch seem fitting. just the peace of being together. philza: quality time and gift giving with a bit of touch. he likes when you touch his wings, running your fingertips over the smooth feathers, or fixing any ruffled spots. he also likes spending quiet time together. he can give words of affirmation and comfort if you need them. connor*: probably touch! i see him as the type to want to hold your hand a lot. so def one for pda :) puffy: probably quality time and words of affirmation. goat mom would def be able to encourage and comfort you. vikkstar*: i think touch is fitting :) pda really, and acts of service lazarbeam*: acts of service seem most fitting! he seems the type to do things for you, especially on bad days. ranboo: gift giving and quality time! he is definitely the type to get you little things! or grass blocks. he gets sad if you rid of a grass block, so you kinda have to store em. or kindly explain that you dont want dirt inside, so you can put the grass blocks outside. foolish: the type for acts of service, i think! and maybe some touch. i think he gladly will do things for you, no questions asked. (unless it seems harmful ofc!) hannah*: seems the type to like words of affirmation (giving and receiving!) especially on your/her bad days. slimecicle: gift giving. he probably picks you flowers and does nice things whilst being sarcastic. he will comfort you on bad days, though. -- as usual, lmk if i should change tags! requests are open! 
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sakuya123draws · 6 years
for the end of year meme: 1, 8, 10, 14, 20 !! Please and thank you!
OH MAH GOD IT’S LATE!!! (I am so sorry @nalufever I finally got around to answering asks and I’m starting with the most recent ones!! It’s appropriate as they are for the “End of the year” meme I reblogged!)
 Anyways, without further ado, let’s answer these lovely questions~! >w
1. First things first, did you have a good year?
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A: Well, I guess that is the first thing to ask when jumping from one year to the other! ^_^ If I’m being honest the year started out really bad. Lots of family problems, stress from college and my horrible relationship was weighing me down and draining me of my energy. I never want to blame anything on anyone, but I was in a dysfunctional relationship with someone and I finally got out of it around April. It’s a long story, but I don’t feel like dwelling on that stuff. I’m stronger now! (I mean I “hope” so ^ ^;) I was happy that I got in the honours roll for my first year which gave me entry to showing my artwork to judges at the college I got to! It was an amazing experience and I made some cool friends along the way! It’s a small class, but we’re like a family. :D As for my actual family, I lost my grandma…She was an inspiration to me and even today I will always show my appreciation for my grandparents! Other than that, my family had gotten better and we can finally understand each other a bit more when it comes to communication which is always a plus!! :3 Even on here with Tumblr being who it is, I still have lots of friends that didn’t leave and I’m happy to see they are better from last year! In short, (cause you can see THIS is a paragraph xD) I think the year was wishy-washy! It was all over the place, but it made up for it at the end to be called “good”. ^v^
8. Which fashion trends did you hate?
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(I thought of him when I thought of the word fashion xD Don’t kill me, I LOVE Max
A: Even though my mom is a lady who lives by fashion, I can’t say I know the styles of 2018! ;w; I looked up a source (well you know Vogue and all that jazz :/) to base my opinion on. I only think this would be easier if I could say what I “loved”, but it’s a hate one so gotta be mean xD lol. I mean I never “hate” anything, so I’m gonna give it a shot. 
One thing I don’t like about fashion trends if I’m being frank is that it’s usually clothes on the runway. Many styles I see based on Vogue’s source are styles I can’t see the everyday person wearing. Personally, I wouldn’t wear half of those designs outside. That’s just me. My sense of style is a hybrid of my mom’s fashion she wears/sells, 80′s-90′s fashions and cutesy outfits. (that I think I’d look bad in ;w;) I’m gonna give a small bullet point list. (I know I always say small xD)
 Arty Impressions - This was the first one on the article I read. From what I can gather it’s fashion with famous works printed on it. (Artworks, for example, Andy Warhol’s, screenprints) I mean I can see the connection, but for me wearing something with a reproduced art piece is hard for me to personally wear. LIke it has to be done like how T-shirts have a design in the middle or small embellishments on it to make me wear it. The example I saw is fun and creative, but for me, I couldn’t see myself liking/wearing those pieces. It depends. 5/10? I guess xD
Plastic/see-through material - This honestly has been a reoccurring style that I have seen. It’s become more prominent now according to last year’s trends. I can’t stand the “see-through” look. I don’t know what it is, but it’s just too awkward to wear outside. LIke people will defend that you can wear what you want, but for ME and ME Only, I can’t wear those kinds of stuff. I would feel very scared/concerned with how I look. (Even to myself) If you don’t know what I am referring to, I mean like that umbrella looking material. (I’ve added the source in the paragraph above for this question! ^_^)
Geometric/Flannel Print - I can never see myself liking the flannel scene. For pyjamas, no problem! To wear outside, I can’t bring myself to do that. You can see me in an old sweater, but flannel I don’t think any of my friends have seen me in that xD I just can’t say it’s aesthetically pleasing to me. I have a problem liking this style. Maybe I will when I get older, but as I’m young and creative I see myself wearing clothes for the young generation! :P (my mom says that anyways xD lol) The clothes that make you feel like partying, even though you don’t go outside like me xD lol 
As much as I love talking about fashion, I think I would bore everyone with my opinions. xD (You’re definitely not here for these are you? xD If so, thank you) 
10. What song sums up this year for you?
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A: I don’t have a definite answer, but I went through a lot of things. Many times I wanted to be in a dream world…Like to escape everything. All the pain and depression. I still feel that way, but in 2018 it was WAY worse. This song I originally heard in Silent Hill: Downpour (A GAME I LOVE ;w;) was a song I thought of when I see this question. I think it’s a great song! sad, but I’d recommend it. The singer’s voice is lovely. It invokes so many emotions in me ;w; (I’ll give a youtube link) 
Ed Harcourt - From Every Sphere
14. Favorite new TV show?
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(I HAD to make it this guy >w
A: Well, as you may know, I don’t watch many shows anymore. I mostly play video games, but for the sake of this amazing question, I’ll say what anime(s) I did enjoy last year! I don’t think I’ve ever loved an anime as much as I love Gintama. It’s really funny because I originally “disliked” Gintama. It was a naive thing for the young me to have said at the time. I judged the show so harshly after seeing anime (IMO) being shat on with the usual themes and scenes I ALWAYS see. I began to give up on anime as a whole. My story starts when I was pissed at my brother telling me, “Gintama is amazing Tash, trust me you’ll regret hating it.” I answered with my normal response of, “ sure Ja, you ALWAYS say that. How will this be any different?” Maybe I shouldn’t have said that…Well, it’s too late now for present-day me. My brother showed me all the “humorous” parts first. (I honestly felt like he tricked me, but the show really starts that way xD) Anyways, we eventually watched a few episodes and I told him I didn’t understand the humour. (it’s honestly hard to get into if you’re not open-minded or don’t understand the comedy Sorachi uses) Until he decided to hit me with his ace, “The Shinsengumi Crisis Arc”. All I can say is, a different side of me was born. I started to see what a show could truly offer if it was done right, the way I wanted to see it. It’s hard to explain, but without Gintama’s sad/inspirational/happy/stupid/clever story writing/arcs I don’t think I would have ever gotten through 2018. I haven’t finished the episodes as of its recent update, but I really learned a lot from the show. I want to give a HUGE shoutout to Sorachi for writing this masterpiece and I would 10000% recommend it to ANYONE! It’s a show that changed my views on people’s situations and lives. I think all the arcs are amazingly written and so far I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of it! It really got me in the feels. I can honestly say that if you can’t feel after seeing an arc in Gintama, you haven’t felt. It’s that amazing! (Then AGAIN, it’s an opinion not everyone will sadly share xD) Also, I am really enjoying Bleach! I’m sad at how it ended in terms of what things happened and I honestly hope Kubo will be ok. I loved his episodes and the earliest ones really touched my heart like Gintama. He’s also really great at making me cry every episode! :P
(GOD SORRY FOR THE ESSAY AND STUPID STORY LINES xD I’m sorry I can’t add a RM for this b/c then everything under can’t be seen like the other answers ;w;) 
20. Did you develop a new obsession?
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Well…YES! Many obsessions!! The real question is which is the one that I obsess over the most? Well I’ll put some bullet points to hopefully make it smaller xD
First of all, I don’t want to say it but I’ve taken a “liking” (what an understatement lol) to Gin Ichimaru from Bleach~! >////
I think everyone knows, but I have an obsession with cute/pink/pretty stuff. (Can it be called that?) I just LOVE pastel colours or pinks/blues/purples. Those kinds of soft colours you see in Hello Kitty toys or Fairy Kei/Kawaii merch (if I’m correct xD) I just have a HUGE soft spot for childhood stuff! I literally still act like a kid xD lol I don’t think I’ll be growing up anytime soon haha xD lol I just love to collect them! :) 
Vaporwave I guess has become a new obsession and old art styles of the past! I just can’t stop being in awe at those marble statues! The curvature and bodies are so magnificent! >w
So many different art styles that are brought to this world! :D This is the truth! I absolutely love most styles I see on here and whenever I encounter them! >w
Other than that, I don’t think I have any other obsessions I know about :P Sorry, I’m super boring xD That’s the art student life lol (only me guys xD dw)
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THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR MESSAGING ME AND SENDING THIS AMAZING ASK YOU AWESOME PERSON!!! @nalufever I am so happy to have gotten something from you and I hope you’ve had a great Christmas and Happy New Year, friend!! I hope you stay happy and healthy this year!! All the best to you! Thank so much once again for taking the time :)
If anyone else is interested, you can send me something as well~!
Take care from me and Happy New Years everyone!!!
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icameheretowinry · 7 years
FMA Live Action Review
As promised!
Hey there! As I’m sure with everyone else in this crazy fandom, I recently watched the Fullmetal Alchemist live action film that premiered on Netflix last week; albeit after waiting two hours for it to download over shoddy hotel wifi so I could experience it offline in the back of a car on a twisty mountain road. Long story… *ahem* Anyway, since I heard that there would be a live action adaptation last year, I’ve been rightly freaking out to see it, so you best believe I took my time, and watched this film like a hawk (see what I did there??) XD Below the cut you’ll find my reviews of characterizations, plot, costumes, cinematography, CGI, music, and a couple of other things I found interesting, or particularly enjoyed. Please keep in mind that I’m not a film critic, but I just wanted to share my observations. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment as well! This is LONG btw heh :D
Edward Elric (Ryôsuke Yamada)
All in all, I found live action Ed’s character to be one of the best in the entire film. Yamada’s interpretation of our favorite angry red bean captured some of the best nuances of Ed’s character. His passion for their quest, sadness, regret, anger, and occasional goofiness were all there. He didn’t just look like Ed, he more or less acted like him too. Yamada’s Ed was emotionally reactive when the situation demanded it (his horrified reaction to Nina being one of the best instances - don’t worry, I’ll be spending time on that arc a bit later on), yet the viewer didn’t lose out on his tender smiles to Winry, or his immense respect for Hughes. While live action Ed’s open displays of sadness, which often had him on the verge of tears or actually crying, were a huge departure from Brotherhood and manga Ed, they felt appropriate within the shortened time frame of the film, and in response to modifications made to canon plot. However, while I did enjoy live action Ed’s character as a whole, he was not without significant flaws. His frenzy of seemingly uncontrollable anger after Al accuses him of fabricating his memories, his over-the top-horrified yelling when learning the main ingredient for philosophers’ stones, and near helplessness when confronted with a roadblock in their quest all felt very out of place. Well, not so much out of place as immature, which gave me serious fma03 vibes.
Alphonse Elric (Atom Mizuishi)
I’ll be talking strictly about live action Al’s character in this section. Comments on his CGI armor will come later. For starters, the biggest flaw in Al’s character was his very limited screen time. While this was. I’m assuming, most likely due to the difficulty in animating his armor, for a story that centers on the quest of two brothers, Al came across more as a background character than a true protagonist. In the few scenes we see a lot of him, Mizuishi did a brilliant job of letting his personality shine through. We see his passion for alchemy when he gets carried away trying to explain it to the citizens of Liore. We see his kind and gentle nature during his interactions with Nina. We see his frustration when he accuses Ed of fabricating his memories (although the rest of that scene was one of the most poorly done in the film - I’ll be touching on that later.) We even get to see some of that sassy nature we all know and love when he asks if his body is taller than Ed. It’s a huge shame we didn’t get to see more of that.
Winry Rockbell (Tsubasa Honda)
As the character I relate to most to in the entire series, I was incredibly excited to see how Winry’s big and dynamic personality would play out in a live action film. As much as it pains me to say, I was thoroughly disappointed. Honda’s renditions of Winry’s impassioned outbursts felt overdone and awkward. The flexibility of imagery in the animated series and manga (such as the running gag of her hitting Ed over the head with a wrench) don’t translate in a live action environment. Without that additional comedic heft, Honda’s Winry came across as obnoxious. Even her tearful lamentations to Al about how much Ed cared about him seemed childish and forced. A majority of her screen time was spent as Ed’s side kick, or as a hostage at the end of film. Hell, the only indication that she’s Ed’s automail mechanic (other than it being said) is prancing around with a toolbox, and dinging up Al with a comically giant wrench. (Which why on earth was she bringing that to Lab 5 in the first place???) Also, Netflix translated her line at the end of the Marcoh arc as, “I’ll clean up the mess.” GURL THAT MESS IS A HUMAN BEING. To abandon all formality, just uuuugggghhhh. The only moment I truly loved her character was when she was on the train alone with Ed before they found Marcoh. That’s the Winry I know, and I wish I could’ve seen more of her.
Roy Mustang (Dean Fujioka)
Live action Roy, let’s be real, is everything I’ve dreamed of. While at times, he’s a bit of an ass, Fujioka does an unbelievable job of beautifully delivering many aspects of his character. It’s obvious that he respects and cares for Ed, especially during the aftermath of the Nina arc. He also trusts Ed enough to go after Envy, and doesn’t give him shit for swooping in to save his ass from Lust. He pushes himself to the limit for those he cares about, even taking a hit from Lust for Riza, and is hellbent on avenging the death of his best friend. Like Ed, he’s emotionally reactive when the situation presents itself, and his ruthlessness is unwavering, and amazing to watch. While I felt that some of the condensation of plot hurt the development of some characters, this doesn’t seem to apply as much to Roy. He was vulnerable, caring, angry, vengeful, and collected all at once. It was beautiful!
Riza Hawkeye (Misako Renbutsu)
Sadly, Riza’s character was another major disappointment. I don’t recall her saying more than two full sentences until she told Ed of Hughes’ murder over halfway through the film despite appearing with Roy in the first fifteen minutes. While he carries on full conversations with other characters, she may as well have blended into the wallpaper. I didn’t even really see glimpses of the badass sharpshooter until the last half hour. Outside the numerous Royai moments, which I will discuss later, that one scene of her directing the assault on the puppet soldiers did a pretty damn good job of redeeming her character in my eyes more so than Winry’s one solid scene. When Renbutsu’s Riza actually had lines and something to do, she was utterly on point and badass. Bottom line, I wanted MORE.
Maes Hughes (Ryûta Satô)
Next to Lust, live action Hughes was one of my favorites in the entire film. Did I need to see more of this man? YES. Did I need to see him die for the fourth time? GOOD LORD NO. From the first moment he comes bursting into Mustang’s office saying, “Yo!” and saluting, I was d o n e. His care and respect for Ed, Al, Winry, and of course, Gracia is beautiful (he also ships edwin just so ya know.) While Satô truely does an exemplarily job of portraying Hughes’ character, I will thank the plot of this film for giving me more things to cry about. Hughes openly involving himself in Ed’s research, his conversation with Mustang in the garden, and *sighes* t h a t  s c e n e. Just Envy appearing as Roy by the phone booth, turning into Gracia to stop his attack, and them back to Roy to kill him. His BEST FRIEND seeming to kill him. AND THIS IS IN TWO DIFFERENT SCENES. But what really got to me was that unlike the manga/Brotherhood, Roy and Hughes spoke while he was dying. Roy knew what was going on, and could only listen, and then, he was accused of carrying it out himself. My angsty heart thanks the creators.
Gracia Hughes (Natsuki Harada)
While she only had a few lines, Harada’s Gracia was sweet, caring, and perfectly in character. The absence of Elicia was disappointing, but the fact that she was expecting a child made Hughes’ death just as tragic. Also, you could totally tell that when Ed and Winry were over for dinner that she shipped it!
Shou Tucker (Yô Ôizumi)
My basic reaction to live action Tucker was, “Thanks. I hate it.” Ôzumi’s interpretation of the worst human ever was a morbid delight. The sadist monster thinly veiled by an awkwardly brilliant researcher and single father was incredible. Of the diverse cast of villains in the film, he proved to be vastly more interesting and dynamic than General Hakuro could ever be. From taking Barry’s place in canon to put the idea into Al’s head that he was artificial, to figuring out how to activate and use philosophers’ stones, this is the most horrifying rendition of Tucker yet, even giving cimera!Tucker a run for his money. To top it off, his desire to crush the Elric’s dreams of ever getting their bodies back has no grounding in reality, other than for his own entertainment. As in canon, his demise was gruesome, rightly deserved, and satisfying to watch.
Nina Tucker & Alexander
I’m grouping these two together because… well… I’M SORRY OK. Anyway, the little girl who played Nina and the very floofy Alexander gave us all the ingredients to once again fall into the deepest pit of despair at the end of their arc. We got Alexander jumping on Ed. We got Nina happily playing for the first time in ages and admitting so to Al and Winry. We even got her being supportive of her father is the sweetest little conversation ever. And then… I wanted to chuck my phone out the window.
Lust (Yasuko Matuyuki)
You’re not going to believe me, but live action Lust was my favorite character in the entire film. I don’t know if it was the graceful way she carried herself, the sultry nature beautifully entwined in her dialogue, or the look of bliss on her face as she was being consumed by flame, but sweet jesus, it was PERFECT. Of all the characters in this film, she was the only one that felt as though she was plucked straight from the manga. Matuyuki did her research, because I was more than blown away by her rendition of Lust. In role that threatened flatness due to the even nature of the character’s personality, Matuyuki let viewers both fear her as a villain, yet fall in love with her at the same time. Just BRAVO.
Envy (Kanata Hongô)
Can I say enough good things about the live action homunculi? Hongô’s take on Envy was spectacular! They’re snarky attitude, disdain of humans, and cunning personality were all there. Although we missed seeing our favorite full-scale garbage lizard, little was left out. However, the character truly suffered due to plot changes. My biggest complaint was that they die without revealing they killed Hughes, or admitting their jealously of humans. Had Hongô had the time frame to do those scenes, we would’ve really been in for a treat!
Gluttony (Shinji Uchiyama)
Uchiyama’s representation of Gluttony, like the other homunculi in the film, was fantastic. His baby-like appearence, clipped sentences, and lumbering gait were all spot on. While I had a good laugh watching him waddle after Amestrian soldiers with an obviously fake set of teeth strapped to himself, his performance was rightly terrifying, as it should’ve been.
Dr. Marcoh (Jun Kunimura)
Despite largely being a character of convenience in the film, live action Marcoh garnered a lot of sympathy from me in the few minutes he was on screen. We saw a man paranoid and terrified of being used, yet still attempting to do good by running a local hospital under an assumed name (although not a very good one lmao). His warning to Ed about the nature of the philosopher’s stone felt genuine, and his quickly manifested respect for Ed during their conversation never felt forced. His ensuing change of heart in providing information on Lab 5 was also appropriate. Despite being on screen for less than fifteen minutes, his death was sudden, tragic, and heartbreaking.  
Father Cornello (Kenjirô Ishimaru)
Live action Cornello, like Trisha Elric, was a minor role that was successful in how close it stuck to canon. While the manner in which his fraudulent teachings were exposed was different, his open disdain for the Elric brothers, thirst for power, and generally unsavory personality were faithfully represented by Ishimaru. He met the same gruesome end, and his downfall was just as satisfying to watch as in the manga and animated series.
Maria Ross (Natsuna Watanabe)
While her role was relatively minor, Watanabe’s Ross was pretty solid. Her insights into the Hughes’ and Ed’s research of Lab 5 were insightful, and I adored that Hughes referred to her as a good friend. There needs to be more fanfiction of that people! Additionally, her transition from Ross to Envy’s character was subtle and unnerving. While I was slightly disappointed to see “her” role as Hughes’ shooter taken away, the fact that we still had an scene with Envy as her was awesome.
Trisha Elric & Young Elric brothers
For the .2 seconds Trisha was on screen, she seemed to perfectly personify her canon counterpart. Even the Anime Mom Hair™ was on point. That’s really all there is to say. On the other hand, the boys who played little Al and Ed did a spectacular job! Their sadness, determination, and child-like innocence were spot on, as well as their sibling dynamic. Little Ed took the leadership role, and calmed Al when he had doubts. Also, the raw emotion they were able to summon during the human transmutation scene was downright incredible for actors so young, especially when the bulk of that scene relied on CGI.
General Hakuro/Halcrow (Fumiyo Kohinata)
To be honest, I didn’t even remember that Hakuro/Halcrow was a canon character. Upon further research, he played a minor role in Brotherhood/manga, and a slightly less minor role in fma03. He was never a villain, but simply a superior officer jealous of Roy Mustang’s rapid ascent to power in the military following the Ishvalan war. Don’t get me wrong, I am ALL FOR taking minor characters with unverified pasts and giving them a larger role. While this film does really throw canon out the window (which I will also discuss later), shoving a sniveling rival of Mustang’s into the villain seat felt like a copout. In a canon universe known for its dynamic and interesting villains, Hakuro’s appearances were painfully convenient. Surprise! I’m going to ask Mustang to introduce the Elric’s to Tucker. Surprise! I walk in just as Ross and Hughes as researching Lab 5 and the philosopher’s stone. Surprise! I’m actually the puppet master and will TAKE OVER THE WORLD. Please. He’s like a goddamn Disney villain, except to the undead, a nice snack.
I’m just going to come right out and say that I honestly had more issues with character representation in the film, than I did with changes to plot. I really struggled with the adjustments during the first hour of the film, but once I gave in and just accepted that canon was more or less going to be thrown out the window, I finally started to enjoy myself. Below, instead of going over the plot as a whole (I’ve already burned enough ink on this review as it is, so to speak), I’m going to touch on a few plot points I particularly loved, and other that that should’ve been left on the metaphorical cutting room floor. *cracks knuckles* Let’s do this!
Plot Points I Enjoyed
The first real dialogue between Ed and Roy in his office after the Liore incident was damn solid. It had all the element fans could wish for: Ed’s nearly unbridled passion for getting Al’s body back (SO in character), Roy’s cold demeanor, yet obvious concern for their safety, and finally, the grand entrance of Maes Hughes yelling “Yo!” with a his ridiculous salute that filled my heart with rainbows and added ten years onto my lifespan.
That little moment where Hughes and Garcia were just as big of EdWin shippers are you are. ;)
Like I’ve mentioned before, the conversation between Ed and Winry on the train to find Marcoh was my singular favorite moment of her. Winry was so sweet, adorable, and genuinely supportive of Ed, and his smiles towards her made me blush on her behalf. Just letting their two personalties and pasts bounces off each other in that scene worked perfectly.
*ahem* I will also arguably say that Hughes’ death scene was much more tragic in the live action than the other three (why tho) versions of this scene. Make Roy the shooter?? Broke my damn heart into a million pieces, but effective and perfect for my angsty heart?? YES.
Lust’s death scene was beautifully animated. Actually, every scene with her was excellent. Her ruthless, nonchalant attitude was incredible.
Ed’s conversation with Marcoh was ripped straight from the manga I noticed. I’m sincerely glad that some moments weren’t messed with. The little tidbits of powerful, straight-up canon are what held this film together. SPEAKING OF…
I’m not going to lie and say that the best scene in the movie was the reveal of Nina’s fate. It was perfectly dark, stuck to canon, and the emotion was raw and real. Although chimera!Nina’s CGI was a bit iffy, the voice acting ended me. Plus, the additional emotional turmoil Al was going through with Tucker’s claim that his memories were fabricated, plus Ed just having just witnessed the death of Marcoh made this moment a triple whammy in the feels department. Who knew the series could get darker? I LOVED it.
Plot Points I Didn’t Enjoy
In general, I didn’t like how the characters were aged up. The time gap between the Elric’s as little kids trying human transmutation and their current quest feel like too much of a massive time gap. I wish they would’ve honestly used younger actors.
What was with the entire Elric house being ripped apart in an electrical tornado when they tried human transmutation? I know they don’t show them burning down their house, but that was a bit much in the drama department.
Why is Hughes a captain??? It really doesn’t make much sense that he was demoted for the movie.
The award for second worst moment in the movie goes to the scene where Ed faces Truth for the first time and loses his limbs. Why is it a dream sequence? Why is he an adult? I get that that would be a very emotionally raw scene for the young actors to play, but I think it would’ve been incredibly more effective, such as in Brotherhood, to watch. If they couldn’t participate, it honestly would’ve been better to give an explanation and leave the scene out entirely (even though I adored Truth’s performance in that scene).
The biggest offender in this film that legitimately made me cringe, was the scene with the Golden Trio in what they thought was Lab 5. Why was Winry there? Why did Ed throw a complete temper tantrum that lead to him destroying his left hand on Al’s armor? WHERE DID SHE GET THAT GIGANTIC WRENCH??? XD That scene was an absolute train wreck. Ed and Al were being stupidly selfish and immature, Winry was randomly there and beating Al up with this stupidly large wrench and then crying. I cried too wondering where the wheels fell off the wagon…
Like I am no film critic, my knowledge of fashion and costume design is limited, but I couldn’t resist commenting on this aspect of the film. One word: AMAZING. I can’t say enough good things. The Amestrian uniforms were well done, as well as appeared easy to move in. For example, the scene where Riza took off running to find Roy near the end of the film exhibited this perfectly. Dramatic, but functional. I dig it! Winry’s yellow sundress was also a highlight for me, especially during the lighthearted EdWin scene on the train on their way to find Marcoh. In Brotherhood, her fashion choices were a bit on the somber side, so seeing her in bright, warm colors really reflected the kind nature of her character. Finally, I actually loved Ed’s outfit? By some fashion miracle, he actually looked pretty damn cool. I remember a post where someone likened his fashion sense to someone who robbed Hot Topic in the dark. Not here, my friends. Not here. Who doesn’t want that black jacket of his? Let’s be real. Also, bonus points for putting baby Ed in red at the beginning of the film!
While I remember lots of fans being concerned over the quality of the CGI in the live action, I must say that I was quite impressed! The time, effort, and budget really paid off. While some of the sequences felt a bit video game-y (read: the chimeras Cornello summons at the beginning of the film and the rendition of chimera!Nina), the alchemy animations felt on par with the nature of the story. While the massive stone pillars and human transmutation scene in Lab 5 were impressive, one of my favorite moments was when Ed used alchemy to quickly fix his clothes after the chimera attack in Liore. After the dramatic reveal of Ed’s automail limbs, the action was incredibly subtle, but beautifully animated. Now, don’t even get me started on Al’s armor! As I mentioned before, it was a shame that we didn’t see more of him on screen, but when he was there, the CGI was a pleasure to watch. While the fight scenes were solid in execution, I loved as natural (well, as a soul bounded to armor can be lol) he looked in the environment of the film. For example, when Winry embraced him after they first reunited, he seemed just as substantial as any other character. As a final note, I will admit that Truth’s animation was my favorite. That wispy, nearly intangible figure coupled with that oddly omnipresent narration was specular to watch!
CGI aside, the live action actually had some fairly solid filmmaking behind it. While the shooting of difficult scenes in general was pretty tight (see the fight sequences in Liore as a prime example), the use of lighting changes and slow motion shots were usually well-utilized and a pleasure to watch. Homunculi appear? The lighting gets darker. On the other hand, light-hearted scenes, such those when Ed and Winry are together, were lit warmly. In Lab 5, the ominous nature of the scene was highlighted by the blood-red light emanating from the philosophers’ stones. As for the slow motion shots, I was a little worried when the first was used strictly for comedic effect during the Liore battle sequence, but damn did it bring me to my knees during the showdown between Roy and Lust. That vengeful expression on Roy’s face illuminated by flame, coupled with Lust’s near smile at the acceptance of her death was just BEAUTIFUL. We catch both the hero twisted by revenge, and the villain finally at peace. I had to pause and take a break after that one.
Did anyone else notice the music?! Kitasato’s themes for this film are just wonderful. The upbeat notes during the Liore sequences gave me some serious Fairy Tail vibes (which is always a good thing!) and the dramatic flairs during the Lab 5 arc perfectly piggybacked off the ominous lighting and unnerving dialogue. While MISIA’s op for the film is a departure from normally high-energy ops of Brotherhood that we all know and love, the vocal work and synthesized strings work together harmoniously.
This section is just pretty much for additional details I enjoyed about the film!
I loved that the Liore arc was filmed in Volterra, Italy. As I was watching the beginning of the film, I kept thinking how familiar the scenery looked. When I finally searched filming locations, I was blown away! I was just there this summer, and it’s such a beautiful city. If possible, I love it more now that I know it was a filming location!!
For some reason, the conversation between Ed and Roy after what happened to Nina really stuck with me. I don’t know, just Roy’s line: “How long are you going to let yourself be miserable?” was super poignant (more or less along those lines). While Roy never said anything like that to Ed in Brotherhood/manga to my knowledge, I felt the line was truly in line with his character.
I can’t believe Roy’s dumb black coat made it into this movie XD
I figure that after rambling for so long, I should probably wrap this up! In short, I thought that the Fullmetal Alchemist live action was a solid film. While it did have significant flaws, it did, bottom line, give me more content and further interpretation of characters I positively love. It did a great job of breaking my heart all over again in the best possible way. Was it a faithful representation of the manga as promised? Not at all. Yet again, neither was fma03, Conqueror of Shamballa, or The Sacred Star of Milos. Look at this film like an awesome piece of fma fanfiction? Now we’re talking. If there’s more of this in the cards, BRING IT ON.
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pidgelings · 7 years
How about a list of headcanons for Lance? Just anything that comes to mind. What he does when home alone, is he scared of bees, what's his cooking style (strictly by the book or does he get creative), do birds like him, favourite colour, etc. Anything. Have fun!! And congrats on 100 :D
Interesting! I haven’t really thought about sharing my thoughts on a character and my take on them before outside of AUs –
Of course, I do have a few headcanons that range from obvious to a bit more random and weird, so, let’s jump into them! Oh, and thanks for the congratulations !!
Lance Headcanons
Base Ideas
Boy is an extrovert through and through
We know he’s the youngest so I do see him as being a little spoiled
But, like, it’s the kind of spoiled when he expects to get things and then fight to keep said things
He’s so used to being surrounded by people that he kinda gets thrown off when he’s alone
He can’t sit still and needs to either be doing something or be around others
He’s kinda the guy that’ll call up random friends on Skype or something like that because he doesn’t know what to do and he’s bored
Theater Kid before the Garrison. No doubt
Can be taught anything with the right amount of patience
Wants to send out Good Vibes as much as possible
Gets really thrown off when things don’t go as he expects
[More Under the Cut]
Past Affecting Future
I see his beauty routine coming from having one or two older sisters that had a strict beauty routine themselves and they taught it to him when he was young
His family went to the movies a lot which causes him to remember and recite a lot of movie quotes and taglines
Having a bunch of love and support as a kid caused him to start questioning himself once he got older as that love and support just didn’t exist in the new people he was around a lot (take Iverson from the Garrison)
The speech he gave to Allura in Season 4 is very similar to things his parents and siblings would tell him when he felt doubtful
I want to believe he didn’t have his own room in his house so when we see him sleeping with headphones and a blindfold in Episode 2 of Season 1, that was based on habit from his home life
He was conditioned to be a morning person. There’s no way his family would tolerate him grumpy in the morning
His family took him on many adventures when he was a kid, which kinda made him seek new ones as he got older (which causes him to get into trouble a lot (think him trying to sneak into town with Hunk and Pidge))
He loved growing up in a big family so he wants to have his own big family someday
This developed later in life, around the time he got into the Garrison
His Self-Doubt doesn’t cripple him though as much as it causes him to step back and think
He jumps back rather quickly with someone else’s support
He can get knocked down just as quickly as he can get picked back up
He’s the kinda guy who does things because he says he wants to prove himself and the world what he’s capable of but it’s more to the former than anything else
He actually wants to prove his Self-Doubt wrong most of the time(Example: Pidge made him question if he even had a thing at all back in Beta Traz and near the end of the episode he proved to himself and the others that he was worthy of the title “Sharpshooter”)
He knows what it’s like to have Self-Doubt so he hates seeing it when other people have it themselves
Sadly, this can manifest in different ways and some ways are less friendly than others(Think back to Episode 1 when he launches Hunk out of the Blue Lion to get the Yellow Lion after Hunk expressed his worries. Lance was super stressed and seeing Hunk doubt himself at a time like that freaked Lance out so he had to cut the sob show short (even if it made him seem like a bit of a dick))
He uses his knowledge of the feeling to help others with it in short and he always tries to push himself past his feelings
Wacky/Random Headcanons
Star Wars fan rather than Star Trek (he does like Captain Kirk though)
Probably into ASMR and doesn’t tell anyone
Actually really into storytelling and creating (probably loves Roleplaying)
Gives really good relationship advice but promptly forgets all of it the second he meets someone he likes
Absolutely hates being around flowers and trashcans during the Summer because bees just love to crawl into his clothes and sting him (has a huge level of avoidance to bees)
Seagulls and Pelicans have always targeted him for food snatching at the beach so he doesn’t get along with them
He’s a surfer wannabe and can’t surf to save his life (a fished jump onto his board the one time he was doing a good job and he wiped out instantly after he jumped and screamed)
He’s much better at Boogie Boarding and prefers it
He wanted to become a Scuba Diver but his parents made him choose between that or the Garrison. I think you can guess what he picked
He absolutely has to be chewing something when taking off on a plane. Gummy Candy, Gum, or just anything he can chew on until the plane reaches it main altitude (if he couldn’t get something, he swallows his spit A LOT to try to get the same effect). He doesn’t know why but the one time he didn’t, his ears made him suffer for an entire trip (it’s all about equalization (he would’ve learned it if he chose Scuba over the Garrison)) (Bonus: Pidge is the exact same way)
Has probably watched a bunch of videos about the correct way to kiss someone because he does not want to fail his first kiss (he still hasn’t had one)
Does not handle spooky shit well at all -- Please don’t scare this boy --
Talks about his dreams a lot to whoever will listen 
They’re, like, weird dreams too that he doesn’t really fully understand when he wakes up“Was it a dream, was it a nightmare? I have no clue --”
Despite being a social creature, family gatherings throw him off
He’s hella awkward during them and it’s really weird because it’s just, like, that’s not the Lance everyone knows and loves
Sings in the shower all the fucking time(He also sings just while getting ready in the morning.)
His neck, armpits, and feet are extremely ticklish. In fact, when he was a kid and his mom would try to put sunscreen on his neck, he’d giggle, scrunch up, and run away from her. Only he can touch his neck like that and not giggle.
He doesn’t know if neck kisses will have the same effect on him as the sunscreen, but he’s a little afraid to try because he wouldn’t want to hurt his partner(The sides of the neck are fine for kisses but the throat will cause him to bang his chin on his partner’s head because he’s so ticklish there)
Loves the idea of snow but hates snow itself because he’s so used to things not dropping below 70°F (about 21°C) and he can get cold rather easily (or what he thinks it cold)
Is actually a walking heater and is a great cuddle partner for cold days if you wanna stay warm
He’ll be more than willing to break gender norms if it’ll make someone he cares about happy (like wear dresses for his nieces n’ stuff like that)
Romance Headcanons
Boy is a hopeless romantic, through and through
He’s a softie for whoever he ends up with --
Like, a BIG softie --
The boy will praise his s/o any chance he gets and gush about them to anyone and everyone
The people who have to deal with this might get annoyed very easily
He’s also the one who stresses that communication is important in a relationship and will always tell his partner to tell him if there’s anything wrong
Yeah, he’ll try to hide his own stress from time to time but he’ll always eventually bring it up because hiding it forever won’t fix anything
He’s also really good at reading people so he can tell when something is bothering his partner
He wants to not just be his partner’s boyfriend but also their best friend
If you ask for him to be your friend and not your lover for a conversation, he’ll gladly set his loving bias aside to be that friend that tells you what you need to hear and not the lover who tells you what you want to hear
The boy is emotionally smart (rather than educationally smart) and anyone can see that when they talk to him
Boy is willing to do almost anything for his partner if he’s sure that they’d do the same for him (he wants to be in a mutually beneficial relationship)
Seriously, he can be what you need him to be for a while as long as he knows that when he needs you to be something for a while, you’ll return the favor
If he’s getting married to a girl and she doesn’t want a bunch of eyes on her as she walks down the wedding aisle in a gorgeous wedding dress, he will step up to the plate, wear that dress, and enjoy being in the spotlight
He’ll love someone regardless of where they came from in life
Big on cuddling so cuddles are a must if you’re gonna date him
Loves waking his partner up in the morning with a bunch of loving kisses and snuggles
The hair around the nape of his neck is hella sensitive and stroking/playing with it while relaxing with him will turn him into putty in your hands (Thanks, Tama, for that headcanon~)
Boy is going to try to be one of those fairytale princes for his partner anytime he can but he’ll mess things up a lot more often than you’d expect
When he messes up, though, he tries to play it off like the dork he is --
Will steal kisses from his partner any chance he gets (he loves giving smooches)
Would probably be one of the best dads that spoils his kids because he loves them so much (his partner better be more strict than him if they want their kids to have some discipline)
These are just some of the ideas I have for Lance Headcanons right now. I do have some NSFW headcanons too but I’ll only go into those if people are interested. XD Anyways, thanks for tossing this in and I hoped you enjoyed my ramblings on our favorite Cuban boi --
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bluedelinquent-blog · 7 years
         i. right, where do i even start with ep 2? hold on, lemme roll myself an after work joint.... 
         right, where were we? episode 2 !! i’ve literally been holding all this in for days bc i didn’t want to spoil anyone but omg hrgdfhgkjdfhgkjh !! it was so, so good. there’s so much i want to say about it, so i’ll go through it step by step, whatever stuck out to me. you don’t have to even read this, it’s all just crazy, fangirl ramblings. i just love chloe so much ok??? 
         so imma just say THAT BEGINNING. i knew chloe was going to end up being suspended/expelled at some point which i knew was gonna be a bummer, but the way she went out !! that’s my lil firecracker. <3 i decided to go with owning up & taking all the blame bc i feel like she hella would’ve done that for rachel. you think she’s gonna stand there & let them kick her girlfriend out of the play like that?? hell no. also lowkey loved the bit where justin robbed her hidden stash. i’d murder a bitch.           ALSO MY FAVOURITE BIT OF THE WHOLE EP WAS WHEN CHLOE TRASHED THE TOILETS WITH GRAFFITI TO DAUGHTER ‘NO CARE’ THAT WAS THE FUCKING BEST THING EVER !! LITERALLY HAD TEARS IN MY EYES BC IT WAS SO FUCKING CHLOE          then the car park bit with eliot. kjhfdgkdfg. it’s so cute, the little crush he has on her. the little book of poems he dedicated to her, secretly. chloe’s not used to people crushing on her, it’s usually the other way around. but yeee, i’m loving how they’re kinda continuing on the legacy of max/warren but with chloe/eliot.          OKAY AND THE DISAPPOINTMENT CHLOE MUST’VE FELT WHEN HER MOTHER ‘CHOSE’ DAVID OVER HER PRETTY MUCH. ;_;  SHE LITERALLY FEELS LIKE EVERYONE IS GETTING UP & FUCKING OFF. EVERY SINGLE DAY SHE WAITS FOR THE NEXT PERSON TO GET UP & LEAVE.           okay & then we have the junkyard scene which always gives me hella feels bc i think of all the people that have died there or have parts of their death there ( the wrecked car, rachel’s body, chloe was shot there...twice). anyway, i love any scene where chloe’s chilling out & smoking, so where she’s hanging upside down, i like... squealed. also the bit on top of the ship, with the daughter song. <3           CHLOE’S MOTHER FUCKING CAR & THE DREAM SEQUENCE. i legit cried when i saw william & how fucked up he was, that whole scene was my aesthetic goals in life tbh. gave me severe donnie darko vibes, idk. it just kinda shows that chloe’s series is gonna be hella dark, which i kinda assumed anyway. WHICH IS WHAT I KINDA WANT BUT THEN I’M SO PROTECTIVE OF CHLOE. ;_;           ALSO CAN I JUST SAY ALL THESE REFERENCES TO FIRE ARE LITERALLY GIVING ME LIFE. <333333 IDK WHY BUT I REALLY DO RELATE FIRE TO CHLOE (AND OBVS RACHEL), BUT I FEEL LIKE IT FULLY PORTRAYS HER RAGE & HATRED AT THE WORLD. LIKE SHE ENJOYS IT.            THEN WE HAVE THE RACHEL/CHLOE CAR SCENE. ;_; ;_; JUST KINDA PROVES THEY’RE GF’S. i also like how they can literally talk to each other about anything, no filter. their little therapy sesh. <3 the fact rachel let chloe put her legs up on her & held onto them. <3 the little bag of clothes she brought her. <3 rachel resting her head on chloe’s shoulder. <3 chloe’s so shook, she never expected this to happen to her. it still feels so surreal for her.           MY SECOND FAVE PART OF THAT EP WAS THE RV SCENE WITH CHLOE & FRANK. :’) literally, related so much man. her trying to sneak the bag of weed he kept on the side & him calling her out, i was literally laugh crying. the funniest bit by far. y’know, i reckon their relationship is one of my faves? they’re both dropouts, both feel super worthless, they compliment each other really, really well. you can tell frank cares too tbh.           it’s also official that samuel is the deepest character in this game tbh. :’) that mother fucker had chloe stunned, she never shuts her mouth when kinda being insulted?? also steph having a crush on rachel, i was like nahhhh, back off my girl. fite me. you gotta understand rachel/chloe be my otp. also that fucking scene with skip outside the boys dorms, period talk literally works every fucking time. trust me. xD that scene with mikey & drew shook me up too. i hate the sound of someone being beaten the shit out of. you can tell that sucked for chloe too, cause she couldn’t do anything to help. :(          WHEN THE SCENE BACKSTAGE OF THE PLAY BEGAN I HAD SHIVERS BC THE MUSIC, THE ATMOSPHERE. WELL DONE LIFE IS STRANGE YOU’VE DONE IT AGAIN. GZ. the bit that got me the most was chloe sticking up for nathan, yet again. his dad’s a fucking asshole. but yeee, it makes me sad thinking about chloe standing up for the person that killed her all the time. like they have no idea what’s to come?? it makes me so so sad.... knowing chloe’s going to lose rachel soon.          CHLOE IN THE FUCKING BLUE BIRD OUTFIT I ALMOST DIED. HER FUCKING PISSED OFF FACE. also, the fact rachel can literally make her do anything. i love that about my otp, anything is possible. <3 THE SCENE ON THE STAGE AS WELL WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. ALL OF IT. RACHEL AMBER LITERALLY GOT ON ONE KNEE & SPOKE TO CHLOE LIKE SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE IN THE ROOM. IT GAVE ME SHIVERS. i also fucking hated the bit where everyone laughed at nathan, that’s bullshit. those assholes are what pushed nathan towards snapping & killing chloe. -.-         OKAY AND THE KISS. IT WAS EVERYTHING I WANTED IT TO BE. ;_; ;_; THEY’RE SO GOOD TOGETHER HONESTLY, THE CREATORS HAVE DONE SO WELL BC YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE HOW MUCH THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. I JUST LOVE THE WAY CHLOE HELD HER CLOSE & KEPT GOING BACK FOR MORE KISSES LIKE LOVE ME. THE LITTLE SMILE RACHEL HAD ON HER FACE AFTER. GUYS HOLD ME. MY OTP KISSED. FINALLY. <33333
        then there’s the amber household scene, which i loved bc chloe turned up to a ‘bad example, scumbag boyfriend meeting the parents’ type of situation. i literally related to chloe so much in this scene tho bc she comes from quite a poor household, not used to much glam & she’s being shown this completely different life, THEY HAVE PLATES. NICE PLATES. AND DIFFERENT TYPES OF GLASSES. they actually sit at the table like a normal family, like chloe used to.... but yeeee, THE CONCLUDING SCENE.          RACHEL’S FATHER IS A MASSIVE ASSHOLE. -.-  BUT I’M LOWKEY HAPPY BC HE CALLED CHLOE A DELINQUENT & I SCREAMED BC OF MY URL. c;  rachel losing her shit at her dad was cool tho, i’m happy someone called him out. alsoooo, what is it with rachel & her like extreme rage? it’s a lot scarier than when chloe gets angry?? that table smashing gave me chills tho. I’M ALSO DISAPPOINTED I DIDN’T FUCKING FIGURE OUT THAT THAT WOMAN WAS RACHEL’S REAL MOM. I’M SO DUMB.... 
        I ALSO GOTTA PRAISE THE FACT THEY USED SOOOO MUCH DAUGHTER IN THAT EPISODE. FFS MY FAVE BAND. IT’S ALL SO SO PERFECT TBH. although, i kinda feel like they’re missing out so much?? there’s only one episode left & we still don’t know a lot of shit. like when does jefferson arrive? when does rachel actually go missing? when does chloe dye her hair & get a tattoo?? who the fuck is this dealer guy?? what’s he got to do with anything? etc etc etc etc.         thanks for letting me bore you guys with my thoughts on the ep, if you even read up to this bit. :’) this is probs the longest thing i’ve ever written for any fandom. i just love this game so much...
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I'm so shy so requesting things, but I'd be very grateful if you'd write a Kuzan (nsfw)scenario, where he'd meet up with a figure from his past. A person that wasn't necessary on the same side as him but they had a spark that would still live beneath
Btw I didn’t have enough room to fit this in my Kuzan-ask butyour stuff is awesome! Like my god, really good :D
Hey lovely! I’m so sorry that it’s so late, this request hasbeen in my inbox for forever and I decided to answer this one first,since it would only be fair! Unfortunately I don’t include nsfw inscenarios (because I suck at it xd), but I hope that you still likeit and that the long wait was worth it xD
Kuzan scenario
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“…There is something I’ll never get to do though.” Kuzan’s lazy gaze wandered to the young marine in training that was sitting next to him, and he raised an eyebrow in expectation at them. “Mh? And what would that be now?” The marine lowered their gaze and stared at the grass before them, while a small smile found its way onto their face. “As of now, it’s unimportant. I’ll let you know when the right time has come.”
Of course Kuzan wasn’t familiar with the random island he set footon. He was on a small ‘vacation’, and since he had no real plan on what to do, he just went wherever the sea would guide him. And that was basically how he stumbled upon this smallisland. It really was a
island, with an even smaller town-which could almost be described as a village- but in its own weirdway it had some kind of recognizable charm. Plus, small islands oftenmeant no big trouble, aka a good place to relax. And that wasbasically what Kuzan was looking for right now.
So while he walked through the streets without really knowingwhere he was heading, he kept his eyes open for a place peaceful andquiet enough to take a nap. He has been travelling for a few days after all, and on every other island he came across so far was something that kept him from being able to fully relax or enjoy some peace. But this island seemed to be able to provide just that, plus, there was something about this place that gave him a pleasant nostalgic feeling for no apparent reason- and he somewhat enjoyed that.
But shortly after he started to stroll through the streets he started to worry that he might notbe able to be at peace after all. Something, or rather someone, was interfering. He already noticed the pair of eyes that drilled into his back shortly after he set foot on the island, and atfirst he didn’t mind or care… He was used to people staring at him or being intimidated by the presence of an admiral, so he just shrugged it off as someone whowas probably confused as to why he would be on this small island. But the more he walked through the village,the more observed he felt. Certainly, this wasn’t just a randomcivilian confused or intimated by the presence of an admiral, butsomeone who had some kind of intention. Or why else would the feelingof being watched not leave? Of course Kuzan wouldn’t confront theunknown stalker just now, mainly because he still hoped that they might lose interest until hereached the desired peaceful spot. Last thing he was interested inwas to ruin the peaceful mood of this island and get involved in trouble before taking his nap.
Yes, he just wanted to relax and spend some time away from work, by himself,that was all. But now he did have to admit that the eyes burning intohis back started to make him slightly uncomfortable. He tried toshrug it off once more as his mind was set on finding a comfortableplace. And finally, when his gaze wandered past the small stores, bars, and houses once more he spotted a small hill not far away; probably only one or two miles from the village. The hill seemed to be covered with all kinds of flowers and grasses, and something about that view gave Kuzan a pleasant, almost familiar feeling.
His eyes were locked on that spot, and his mind focussed on getting there that he didn’t notice the small figure that approached him and ‘accidentally’ bumped into him. His gaze immediately seperatedfrom the hill and moved down to look at whoever he ran into. The person was slightly taller than an average human, but still a lot shorter than Kuzan, and a dark cloak covered their body, almost as if they didn’t want to get noticed but did a miserable job at that. Maybe they wereoutlaws. Thiefs. Or pirates, even. But whatever they were it wasn’t any of his businessanyway. Kuzan’s gaze moved down and for a brief moment he locked eyes with the stranger. It was only a second or so that he looked into their (E/C) eyes, but in that small second, he realized who he was standing before. “(Y/N)?”
“If you don’t take this serious, then why are you even here?!” Kuzan quickly jumped to the side as the other marine in training lunged at him once more. “Everyone here is trying their best and what do you do?! Take naps whenever you feel like it!” (Y/N) tried to punch Kuzan once more, but he easily dodged their attempt to slam their fists into his face. Their eyes were filled with rage and frustration, and that one familiar spark they always had when they were excited over something, no matter if it was positive or negative. “My, my… You really must enjoy causing trouble, huh? Or do you just like picking fights with me all the time?” Kuzan lazily replied as he dodged them once more. It wasn’t the first time they started an argument with him during their training time as future marines, and he almost got used to their fists being aimed at him. He couldn’t understand why they were always so focussed on picking a fight with him and taunting him whenever they had the opportunity. But suddenly, they stopped their assault on him and lowered their gaze. “You don’t get it… Do you?” Without even looking at him once more, they turned around and ran away. Kuzan let out a tired sigh and fought with himself on whether he should follow them or not for a second, before he headed in the same direction they took of to.
It was the small spark in their eyes that gave them away.The same spark that he has seen so often during his time as a marine in training, mostly before their fists were about to collide with his face. No doubt, this was (Y/N). They were both in the same training unit and spend years of picking fights and provocating each other together. Despite them often having disagreements, Kuzan considered (Y/N) a close friend. Someone you could talk to. Someone you could have fun with (on occasions). And someone you could listen to without getting bored. If they were in a good mood, that is. Yes, they were close. And that is why Kuzan never understood why they just left one day. Kuzan remembered how they just left a note on their bed that day, saying that they would quit the training, and were never seen again. He continued to remember them for a long time, but as the years passed by the memory of them got more and more foggy until it almost completely vanished. But looking into their eyes made him remember all the time they spend together in an instant. But why? Why were they here?
„(Y/N)?“ Kuzan repeated, looking down at them in a more stern way now. The person looked back up at him again and this time he was able to take a good look at their face. No doubt, it was them. “Well well. If it isn’t Aokiji, admiral of the marines…” They slowly grabbed the hood of their cloak and pulled it back, fully showing their face and a cocky smirk at him. “Quite the reunion, eh? How long has it been? Over twenty years at least, huh?” Kuzan continued to stare at them in disbelief, he still couldn’t grasp the fact that they were really here, standing before him. (Y/N) let out a small laugh at his confused face before turning around and walking away.
„I bet you wanna talk or something, but this isn’t quite the fitting place. Follow me.” Kuzan quickly snapped out of his confusion and shrugged while placing his hands in the pockets of his pants and following them. They both didn’t say another word on their walk, and after only a few steps Kuzan realized where they were taking him. To the hill. The hill. Of course! That’s where the nostalgic feeling came from! This wasn’t just a random island he has never set foot on before, this was the island where he and (Y/N) used to train as marine cadets! And the hill… The hill was were they had their last real conversation.
“You’re a real idiot if you think that you’re ever gonna move anything with that attitude of yours.” After the young Kuzan catched up to (Y/N) on top of the small hill next to their training camp, they gestured to him that he should sit down with them. “You know, I don’t hate you.” They both just stared at the vast ocean before them, which appeared to be almost orange due to the sunset. “In fact, I do like you. But your attitude and all… It just fills me with rage sometimes.” (Y/N) shuffled a bit closer to Kuzan, their gaze never leaving the sea. “You’re good at so much, without even putting much effort in it. And I’m always working so hard to keep up with you, but I never manage to. Sometimes I wonder if this really is what I want. I had the choice, I could have become whatever I wanted to be, but I decided to be a marine. I start to regret it, you know?” Kuzan lazily nodded before moving backwards a bit and lying his upper body against the ground. “I still have the chance to do something else. To make things different. Maybe I’m not supposed to be a marine.” Kuzan’s gaze wandered towards (Y/N)’s form once more and he let out a small yawn. “Then go. And persuade your dreams, huh? If that’s what you want.” (Y/N) started to smile and nodded in agreement. It was silent for moment, before (Y/N) spoke once more. “…There is something I’ll never get to do though.” Kuzan’s lazy gaze wandered to the young marine in training that was sitting next to him, and he raised an eyebrow in expectation at them. “Mh? And what would that be now?” The marine lowered their gaze and stared at the grass before them, while a small smile found its way onto their face. “As of now, it’s unimportant. I’ll let you know when the right time has come.”
“So you were the one that followed me, huh?” Kuzan asked as he sat down next to (Y/N). “Yep. As soon as you set foot on the island. I couldn’t believe my eyes at first, you know? I thought ‘is that really him? Why the hell shows that idiot up now?’“ (Y/N) smiled at Kuzan, who decided to lay down on the ground. “I had my eyes on this place, you know.” (Y/N) giggled and playfully punched his side. “To take a nap, I bet.” Kuzan just lazily nodded his head in agreement. “You know… I’m sorry that I left like that. But I had to. I moved back home to my family. And there I decided to work as a barkeeper. It was something… I always kinda dreamed of.” Kuzan sighed and shook his head. “From marine in training to barkeeper huh? Didn’t expect that. But why were you here today?” (Y/N)’s gaze wandered over the ocean before them and they quickly shrugged. “Don’t know. Something kinda drew me to this place, but I wasn’t sure if it was still used as marine training base. So I decided to wear this cloak, just in case some old fella from our training time might recognize me.” They let out a loud laugh at that foot and glanced at the ground in embarassement. “Man, years must’ve made me paranoid.” A small smile hushed over Kuzan’s face and he once more nodded in agreement. “Seems like it.” And once more, it was silent. It wasn’t an unpleasant silence, it felt more like both were expecting the other one to say something. And then, (Y/N) let out a sigh and spoke up once more. “You know, there is something I never got to do though.” Kuzan slowly raised his head as he remembered having head that line once before. “Mh? And what would that be now?” (Y/N) turned their head and grinned at him for a moment, before moving forward and quickly pressing their lips against his for a second. When they seperated again, Kuzan gave them a somewhat bewildered, but at the same time amused, look. At the sight of his face, (Y/N) let out a loud laugh and leant forward to press their forehead against his. “That.”AAAAAAAAND THAT’S A WRAP :p! I HOPE IT’S NOT TOO OOC BUT I’M JUST STILL NOT USED TO WRITING FOR HIM AHHHH XD It was kinda longer than usual, and I feel like I rushed it at some point, but I still hope that you were able to enjoy it :D!
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lady-nevermore · 7 years
I’ve decided, in correlation with writing about my therapy sessions via my “Therapy-Blog”, that I wanted to also write these so-called letters to no-one (in order to help me vent, look back in hindsight, let go of the past, or simply just to look back fondly on / reminiscence).
….Dunno If I’m gonna tell my therapist about these Letters (I’ll probably will, since one of the main reasons I have high anxiety levels, not to mention agoraphobia, when it comes to me barely leaving my house, is mostly due to the fact that I’m terrified of facing my old high-school friends again.
…..I’m afraid of what they’ll think once they know what’s become of me after all these damned years (these damned 7-9 long-ass years); I fear the confrontation that will occur between them and myself after my depression lead me to the choice of just cutting them all off and out of my life like that (trust me they have every right to feel pissed/angry….they were, maybe even still are, probably worried sick for me going off the grid like that). And worse still, I think, I might fear their want for reconnecting with them and seeing their disappointment in me as well as their pity for me instead.
Disclaimer: The people whom I’ll be writing these letters to will remain anonymous for obvious reasons, nor will I actually be sending (or wanting for them to read) these so-called letters (hence why I’m calling/tagging these as “Letters to No One”….but yeah, anyways, you get the gist, so let’s begin.
Dear C***** (Codename: Cisco-Kid)...due to the fact that you always loved SF and I remember you telling me of how it was always your biggest dream of living there someday).
Dear Cisco-Kid,
I can definitely say that you were among one of my closest friends (in real life that is); and I don’t think that you ever really knew what i was going through towards the end there, before I fell off the grid so to speak (i never really told anyone in our group of friends nor you, about my messed-up past, or of my struggling anxiety/depression issues...hell I didn’t even realize that was what I was struggling with all this time, so yeah, not really at least....I mean i did tell you (among our group of friends) very vaguely/briefly that i suspected that i might have long-term depression, but I never went into greater detail....I remember cause everyone in our group, including you, reacted to that with stone-cold silence (Besides Panda-Boy, who was probably the only one who gave me a gentle look of understanding)...but yeah.
We met during our freshmen year of highschool (and we just got closer as best friends from then on out), and even though we may have butted heads from time to time (via our differing viewpoints of how we perceived the world....me starting to become more liberal/open-minded towards the end of high-school,  and you still being sort of moderate/conservative), but we still had some pretty good times in the past, at least that’s what I choose to remember back fondly on. 
Its funny, cause looking back, we didn’t really have all that much in common really: I was (and still am) obsessively really into anime/manga, harry potter, pirates of the caribbean, star trek, a number of my other nerdy fandoms, etc.... whilst you on the other hand weren’t really a huge nerd to begin with (you were waaaay more casual about things and were into rap/hip-hop/r&b music, converse shoes / hat brands, and playing Call of Duty/Grand Theft Auto). And into more casual, non-nerdy stuff like that. 
What I find ironic is how we ended up really bonding and establishing our friendship in the first place: Over Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, I remember cuase at the time it was just coming out and as we were both walking from our Math class during our freshmen year of high school, and we started talking about it and how we were both hella stoked/excited about playing and beating it (hell we even started a competitive race to see how long it took each of us to beat it: You vs Me, in successfully completing and beating the game); it took us an entire month and it was really damned close, but you ended up beating it first by like a day or two before me. Good Times! xD
We had some really good times you, me, and Wolf (our trio always spent a lot of time together during our high school and after-school days); We’d hang-out at a lot of local places near our high-school, like: Starbucks, Yo-Sushi, or just chilling at you or Wolf’s place after school. Hell, remember that time we tried to sneak soft-drinks and snacks into the movie theater, but this one security mall-cop kept getting in the way (tbh, I think the security mall cop had a lot of fun trying to chase us off). lol xD  I also, remember all those times of how we used to have three-way phone-call conversations between the three of us: Me, you and Wolf  (as well as discovering/using AIM, My Space and later on FaceBook when they were first starting to become a thing) and us three just talking/chatting about a lot of stuff: Helping each other with homework mostly, listening and giving advice to each other in regards to personal and silly high-school teenage problems: like dealing with high-school drama or crushes, but also just having deep-ass philosophical conversations about everything and nothing (sometimes with Panda-boy in the mix as well); those were some pretty good and fun times for sure! ^-^
And as you’ve have mentioned to me in the past, I’ve seen you through a lot of personal things together: You puking all over yourself (whilst driving/dropping me off to class at our local community college one morning) cause you had a horrible hangover and me being the mother-hen that I am, was hella concerned, asking if you were okay, I’ve seen you piss yourself (after you not being able to hold it in) after not being able to make it in time when we were walking to your house after school, Hell, I even remember the time you accidently shat yourself in class (and I helped excuse you from our advanced english composition class, after telling our teacher that you needed to urgently use the restroom); I remember cause afterwards, you were laughing your ass off with a huge-ass mischievous grin on your face, whilst telling me that you had to leave your soiled boxers on the toilet seat (we were both laughing in hysterics by that point). xD
....Hell you’re also probably one of the only friends whom i told that I was seriously questioning myself in regards towards my sexual orientation, and you took it well or at least i think you did (though it did get sorta annoying that you kept asking me if I thought that each girl that passed us by was hot/cute...and I may have sheepishly/bashfully humored you once or twice and gave you my thoughts on the matter) but regardless, you were surprisingly supportive nonetheless, and that really meant alot to me. ^^;
Hell, you’re also probably the only friend who has ever seen me cry (unintentionally to be sure) but the nonetheless you handled that moment with a gentle grace; you were concerned for me and kept asking me if I was okay whilst you even helped wiping a few of my tears, as I was was silently crying during class (because our Multi-Media teacher sorta lost his cool and yelled at our class). It was really sweet of you though, and I thank you for being there for me during that awkward yet vulnerable moment; it’s really rare for me to even allow myself to be that vulnerable around anyone (especially if it’s in front of a close-loved one or friend). But I really did appreciate it. 
I also remember how at one point, you had asked me if I was feeling like I was getting tired of our friendship; at the time (we were seniors/or had just graduated from high-school at the time I think) and I said No, and I reassured you that, that wasn’t the case at all.
^^^Keep in mind, this was well before our group of friends started to drift apart and well before the passing of my mentor/friend which was the catalyst that lead me to fail my community-college classes and drop out of community college leaving me in a pit of despair that had me falling into a deep deep depression/had a nervous breakdown that lead me to the choice of isolating myself/cutting everyone out of my life....trust me this is something I’m not proud of, if anything, I sort of ...even though it’s beens like 8 years now.... still regret/feel remorse and sometimes have a hard time forgiving myself for making such a cowardly choice). .....I also remember you telling me years back, and i remember this clearly, of how you didn’t approve of friends just “dropping you” out of their lives.
....Which is why, I think....No, I know that you’re one of the ones I’m the most afraid to reconnect with/confront the most especially after all these years; mostly because I’m afraid that you’ll be soo damn angry/pissed off at me (and rightfully so) that I went off the grid and turned my back on all our friends like that, and that you'll reject me and the idea of rekindling our friendship right off the bat; we’ve been through so much together...but at the same time, I also can’t deny that, despite it all, we were already drifting apart towards the end there anyways.
...And to be even more honest, i’m not even sure if I personally, still even want to reconnect. It’s been what, like 4-8 years since we’ve last seen each other, and we’re probably not the same people we used to be: I’ve become more liberal-minded/open-minded, and even more of a nerd in these past long-ass years, and you’re probably still not fond of liberal views and remain conservative/moderate in yours. There’s also the fact that you and I probably don’t even have any similar interests or anything all that in common anymore either (so small talk would be awkward as fuck, that along with the fact that due to my agoraphobia/anxiety issues, I’ve practically done nothing with my life since we last saw each other, and you finding out I’ve been going through therapy will definitely make things a helluva lot more awkward between us to be sure....and I don’t think I’m ready for that conversation just yet). 
....And what’s more..... even though I’m not entirely opposed to the idea of reconnecting in the future (hell, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t even want to, like I said, If I can’t even forgive myself, I’m sure you are even less likely to).... Well, to be perfectly honest, I sorta selfishly really want to/would much rather let go and move on from that stage of my life (cuz it feels like I’ve been stuck, living in the past for 8 years now....and my soul just feels soo damn weary of it all) and the concept of starting anew, meeting new friends, (which in a way I already have, with those I chat with here, thanks to tumblr) and just begin a new chapter of my life, really does sound a helluva lot more appealing, than dwelling on the past or dealing with opening that can of worms from our past (just in order to reconnect again). *sigh* -___-;
So yeah, i just want to apologize...I’m sorry if I hurt you (and the memory of me or our friendship hurts you to think about)... but I know that I can at least say that I don’t regret our friendship and that I can look back real fondly on our past friendship (and I hope you can too), in a sort of: “chuckling to myself with a huge ass smile” sorta way; we had several good, hell even great times together, and I will forever be glad and feel really fortunate of having met you all those years ago. You may not have known it, but you, like several of our other friends, have definitely made my life that much brighter and richer, and for that I thank you Cisco-Kid! :)
So yeah, I hope that you managed to accomplish all your dreams (and that you are having the time of your life living it up in SF like how you always dreamed of and told me you wanted to by age 25), but seriously though, thank you, thank you for our friendship and for all the great times (and now great memories) that we had. ^_^
Yours SIncerely (Your former High School Best-Friend),
Lady Nevermore
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