#anyways feel free to follow it i guess tho for now its empty
the-kipsabian · 2 years
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//lmao thanks tumblr you ruined my thing
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cottage-babe · 4 years
Bolin x pro-bender!Reader
here... take this bolin headcannon... just take it
i feel like there’s not nearly enough bolin stuff and since i’m almost finished w LOK, i guess ill aid this deficiency :)
also, i just started Book 3, so if theres some things that aren’t right or something, ignore it 
Bolin HC (during Book 1/Book 2)
so you guys met at (you guessed it) a pro-bending match
you were an Earthbender for the Ba Sing Se Badgermoles, a widely known team because you guys represented such a big city and you guys were actually kinda good
the Badgermoles were constantly interviewed, put on the covers of magazines, and bombarded by fans. The people loved you and your team
and so the day came where the Badgermoles were put up against the Fire Ferrets
you had heard about this team a lot; how they lost a member of the team, then the Avatar, actual master of the elements, filled in that empty space
it honestly took you so long to process
anyways, your team didn’t get the chance to meet the Fire Ferrets before the match; you just threw on all of your gear and made your way to the play area
you saw the Ferrets and instantly saw Avatar Korra, the only girl on the team
honestly, you couldnt see her well, but she was so pretty
the battle started and the Badgermoles got the advantage pretty quick
you took out their firebender and was working on the earthbender while the rest of team handled the Avatar
the earthbender put up a huge fight, it was so impressive
he even knocked you back a zone, but you recovered and, with a streak of luck, knocked him straight out of the field
you guys won that round
the next round didn’t go so well
the fire ferrets managed to knock all three of you guys off the platform, resulting in a win and a knock out
this meant that the entire match went to the Fire Ferrets
the other members on your team were annoyed and angry, but you weren’t phased too much
after all, Ba Sing Se treated you all extremely nicely, whether you win or not
so after the game, your team found themselves walking through the Fire Ferret’s locker room so you could leave
after your team mates walked past, you stayed behind and talked to one of the Ferrets, the Earthbender
“Hey, you were really good out there.”
you took off your helmet, just like in the movies, and he swore time slowed
he just stood there, completely frozen with his mouth agape
you raised an eyebrow at his antics and it wasn’t until Avatar Korra slapped him on the back that he came back to
“You- good- were good, uh im- im Bolin.”
you just laughed at Bolin and smiled 
“My names Y/n”
you walked up close to him, noses inches apart
“And next time, we won’t lose.”
he just gulped and nodded him head
you turned and walked out, laughing quietly to yourself
the interaction boosted your mood up exponentially
anyways timeskip to when their looking for the airbenders
you were just chilling in Ba Sing Se in the upper ring
you and your team were given super nice houses since you were the city’s pride and joys
then suddenly, you see Bolin and his brother walking around calling for someone
“Bolin? is that you?”
that boy turned around so fast
he blushed so brightly when he saw you and kinda looked at his brother for help
“well, well, what are the Fire Ferrets doing in my city? you know.. i’ve been dying for a rematch!”
you were only joking of course
you knew that their team had broken up after the year you met Bolin
not that you were keeping tabs on their team
of course
“yeah not right now, we’re looking for someone” his brother said
“oh? need some help?”
it took some time to convince Mako, the brother, but eventually you annoyed him enough to let you join
you were all walking through the upper ring looking for some kid named Kai, but you weren’t really paying attention
you maybe, kinda, might only be there so you could hang out with Bolin
from what you had heard (once again, you definitely weren’t searching for info), Bolin was an outgoing, loud guy
now he was quieter than a mouse
“So, i heard you were making movers now. What, getting tired of being a Pro-Bender?”
“Huh? No. I still play! I’m just doing this until the season starts...”
you were visibly happier after hearing that
you had thought that acting was going to be his permanent thing from now on
but still one thing plagued your mind
“And whats that princess girlfriend of yours gonna think about it? Ginger, I think her name was.”
Spirits you had done wayyyy too much research on this man
to be fair, you didn’t think you’d see him ever again
he blushed and stuttered out something about how they weren’t really dating, how it was a publicity stunt, blah blah
you weren’t really paying attention because after hearing his availability, you decided that today was the day you were gonna make a move on him
if it fails, then you don’t really have much to worry about; he lives in an entirely different city and you would only have to see him once a year
but if it succeeds; ohohohoh you’d finally get to live out your crush
the pros really outweighed the cons right now
so you guys searched for Kai for a while more
you decided that you were going to make some subtle hints toward Bolin
you let your hand brush against his a couple times, but never really looked up to see his reaction
then, you guys found Kai
he was stealing some old guy’s money by... airbending? why does this day just keep getting weirder?
so you guys chase him down an the streets and eventually follow him onto a train
unfortunately, he tricks you and sends you guys all the way to the lower ring 
you used to live here when you were younger, before you became a Pro-Bender, and it wasn’t a nice place
only now, it seemed to have gotten worse
all of you tried to find a way to get on a train back to the upper ring, but none of you had your passports or any money
if only you hadn’t left your house in such a hurry
you even tried to pull the “im a Pro-Bender!” card, but it didnt work
so you guys stayed on the streets for the day
Bolin was really trying to lighten the situation up, but it wasn’t really working 
“C’mon guys! Korra will realize that we’re gone and then come rescue us! I know it!”
she did not come
eventually, they had to find a place to sleep and no where was letting the stay for free
so they found a place in an alley and slept on the floor
yup, the dirty floor
you were not used to this
you almost wanted to stay up for the whole night to avoid sleeping on the ground, but Bolin assured her that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed
it was
“mmm here! you can use my jacket.”
he took off his jacket and laied it out on the floor neatly before gesturing for you to lay there
you hesitated for a second before sitting, not really putting up much of a fight because of how tired you were
Mako was already asleep somewhere across the alley and Bolin began gathering up some papers to use as blanket
then he found a spot somewhere away from you and started to settle down
“hey Bolin? do you maybe wanna share the jacket?”
he looked up so quickly and even the soft light from the lamp post caught his blush
“uhh sure”
and so he came over and laid halfway on the jacket so that you could take up most of it
he even offered you some of his picked up trash to use as a blanket, but you grimaced at the grossness and shook your head
you turned away from him, not wanting to be too overwhelmed by his proximity, so you didn’t notice that Bolin was staring at you
before you could completely fall asleep, a cool breeze burst threw the alley way and you began to shiver
maybe you should’ve accepted his paper
“hey Y/n you awake?”
since you were currently bouncing between consciousness, you decided not to answer
you feel him scoot closer
“okay please dont be mad at me when you wake up”
then you felt his arm cover your cold skin and warm you instantly
Spirits, he should be a firebender with how warm he was
you scooted back to meet his chest and let him envelope you
you fell asleep so quick
both of you woke up to Mako above you speaking loudly
“hey lovebirds, wake up”
since you already know of the position you were in, you didn’t really jump back with the surprise that Bolin had
“S-Sorry Y/n! You just looked so cold last night that I-” 
“its fine Bolin” you smiled at him “and thank you”
spirits he was so cute
and so you guys went on with the day, thinking about stealing food, then meeting their long lost family
it was such a nice reunion
they talked a bit about their family history, but since you felt out of place, you settled for playing with the babies on the floor
you bended little toys out of rocks and watched as some tried the same
it was so cute
meanwhile, Bolin was having a little dilemma
he and Mako had just finished having a heartfelt conversation with his Grandma and now he walks out here to see you playing with little babies and laughing with them
you were just so cute
“you know she likes you too right?”
“huh?! what- staring? im not staring.”
Mako just sighed because wow his baby brother is so dumb
“just talk to her before we leave Ba Sing Se”
and so they got their passports and left to the Upper Ring
you were so excited to go back home and sleep in a real bed
but you had one more thing to do before all of that
“So uh Bolin”
“So uh Y/n”
you guys spoke at the same time
“Oh! you can go first”
once again at the same time
“listen Y/n, I think you’re really pretty and super strong, like you could beat me up if you wanted to and i think thats really cool.” *cue your confused stare* “um anyways what I meant to say was, I think I’m about to fight the queen of Ba Sing Se and if I make it out alive, do you think we could hang out? like just us two?”
you decided to ignore some parts of what he said because umm you can only handle so many things at once
you settled for kissing his cheek and confessing too
you went back home so excited
even tho your crush was about to commit treason <3
aww the two of you are so cute I can’t
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zmayadw · 3 years
I totaly neglected my story posting :/ Shame on me!
So, here is next part, if anyone is still interested in reading :P
Have a nice evening! :)
Oh, and i guess i should mention, a slight warning - there is a little violence in this part, nothing serious, but still :P
Next morning it was actualy me that awoke first, Jake sleeping soundly. I snuck out fo the bed, tip toeing to the bathroom. I got dressed making as little noise as i could not to wake him. He could use some rest, finaly. I took the car keys sneaking out of the room. This time i will surprise him with coffee and breakfast. Driving to town, i tought of last night, smile coming to my face. Things wer going well, considering all. I parked the car, going for the coffe shop. I bough coffee and some croissants, and as i left the shop someone yelled my name. I turned and smiled „Hello, Phil.“ „Hey there gorgeous, you up early today.“ He said grining. It was early, just pass 7. I found it strange myself when i woke up, considering we came back at the motel late, and, well, all that followed after we did. I was sure i would sleep till late again. I smiled „Well, you know what they say about the early bird.“ „Indeed.“ He smiled back. „Well, good I ran into you, i need to talk to you anyway.“ „Oh, you do?“ i asked curiously. „But that can wait till later.“ He said, glancing at the coffees and croissants i was holding. „Dont want for loverboy to be waiting on you.“ I smiled akwardly. „Anyway, come to the Aurora later if you can, and i'll tell you all about it.“ „Alright, i will.“ I said. Phil chimed cheerfuly „Excellent! See you later then, gorgeous.“ I had no idea what Phil might need of me, but i was curious. Ugh, i groaned inside, Jake wont be too happy when i tell him about this. Hopefully, he figured out by now he has nothing to worry about considering Phil. All tho, i doubted the two of them will ever get allong well. Ah well, you cant have everything.
I parked back at the motel, taking the stuff out of the car and heading for the room. The moment i stepped inside, Jake was all over me. „What the hell, Maya!“ he almost yelled at me. „Well, good morning to you, too.“ I said, looking at him questioningly lovering the things i bought at the desk. „What wer you thinking?“ he asked me. „Uhm, well , coffee and breakfast mostly, but i somehow doubt that is the answer you want.“ „You are right about that.“ He said, frustration rising in his voice. „Was it so hard for you to take your phone with you?“ I winced at it a bit „Considering what almost happened last time i had my phone with me while driving, i would go with yes.“ He sighed „I get that, Maya, but what if something happend to you, how would i be able to find you?“ Crap, he had a point. „I'm sorry, Jake.“ I said. „I didnt think about that, dont be ma...“ I stopped abruptly. „Wait, wait,wait, what did you just say right now?“ „What?“ he asked. „You said 'find' “ I could literally hear the 'tick tick' of wheels in my brain as it hit me. „What did you do with my phone?!“ i asked. He was silent, and i knew i was right. „You are tracking my phone, arent you!?“ i said, squinting my eyes at him. „Fine! Yes, I am tracking your phone!“ he said, throwing his arms up with frustration. „You could have told me!“ He sighed desperatly „I know, but i didnt want to get you bothered with it. You had enough on your mind already.“ „Jake“ i said going to him, putting my hands arround his neck. „You need to tell me stuff like that. Im not mad you did it, its kinda cute.“ I smiled, making him smile back at me. „But“ i started serious „From now on, no more secrets. I want you to promise me you will tell me everything.“ „Alright, i promise.“ „Good.“ I said, giving him a kiss. „Now, can we eat, im actually pretty hungry.“ i chimed cheerfuly. He chuckled at me, taking the bag with croissants. He took one out, turning to me with a raised eyebrow „I can see that. There's this suspiciously looking croissant here thats missing a part.“ „Oops“ i said, taking it from his hand, grinning „Couldn't resist.“
I basicly devoured three croissants, sitting on the bed with my laptop. Jake was behind his laptop at the desk doing 'his stuff'. I took a sip of my coffe „I ran into Phil when in town, by the way.“ He straightend in the chair, turning to me „Oh, yeah?“ „Yes. He wants me to come to Aurora later, he said he wants to talk to me.“ „About what?“ he asked. „Thats what i will find out when i see him.“ „So, you decided already you will go.“ He said, squirming in his chair. „Ofcourse i will go, why wouldnt I?“ i asked. Jake was even more squirmy now, i chuckled inside. „I dont know.“ He siad. I grined „Are you getting jelous again?“ „No, i'm not!“ he replied, quickly turning back to his laptop. „Oh, you soooo are!“ i said laughing. I so liked teasing him. „Shut up.“ He said, throwing the empty croissant bag rolled in a ball at me. „Heeey, its not nice throwing stuff at others, mister.“ I said teasingly. „Stop distracting me then.“ „Fine, fine, be all serious.“ He looked sideways at me, and i stuck my toung to him. „You're impossible.“ He said. „I tought i was amazing.“ He chuckled „I might have gotten ahead of me with saying that.“ „Oy!“ i protested, throwing a pillow at him. He turned to me and crossed his arms at his chest „Mhm, its not fun, beaing teased at, right?“ He grinned. I squinted my eyes at him „Touché.“ He turned back to his laptop. „Ok, joking aside, you are welcome to come with me to Aurora later, if that would make you feel better.“ I told him. He turned back to me „You know what? I just might do that.“ I was surprised. I didnt mind him coming along, just didnt expect him to actualy say yes. „Alright then, its settled.“ Oh boy, this will be fun.
We parked at Aurora, and leaivng the car Jake said to me „I'll join you shortly, there's something i want to do.“ „Umm, alright.“ I said „Can i ask what it is?“ He just grined „You'll see later.“ He sat back in the car and drove off. I was left confused walking towards Aurora. Phil was sitting at the booth when i entered, turning towards me at the sound of doors opening. He smiled at me with his usual grin „Hello, gorgeous.“ „Hey Phil.“ I smiled back, joining him. There was a bunch of papers in front of him. „Hope i didnt catch you at a bad time.“ I asked, him smiling at me „Dont worry, gorgeous, i could use a break anyway, i cant add one plus one anymore staring at all this numbers.“ He got up, ushering me to sit „Want something to drink?“ he asked, adding with a wink „I have a fresh pot of coffee waiting.“ I grinned „You know me so well.“ „Hey, i'm just glad i'm not the only coffee addict around here.“ he said with a grin before leaving. His phone rang as he left, so it took him a while before he came back. „Sorry, gorgeous, business call.“ He said, putting a coffee cup infront of me and sitting down. He leaned in the booth „I was sure that 'loverboy' would come with you.“ „Huh, well you wer right, he will join us soon.“ He laughed „Does he feel that much threatened by me?“ I looked at him, groaning desperatly „Phil..“ „Dont worry, gorgeous, i'll behave.“ He grinned. „As much as possible.“ He added winking at me. „Oh, im sure you will.“ I said, shaking my head at him. I took a sip of coffee „So, what was it that you wanted to talk to me?“ „Ahh, straight to business, right?“ he said to me. „Well, i am curious about it, so, come on, out with it.“ I grinned at him. „Alright, alright“ he said. „I have a business proposition for you.“ „You do?“ i looked surprised at him. „Indeed.“ „Alright, and what is it about?“ i asked. „Well, you do draw and designe, right?“ he asked, and i nodded. „I would like you to do a new design for t-shirts and some other stuff for Aurora.“ I was surprised by it. „You do?“ „Ofcourse.“ He said. „Why look so surprised by it, gorgeous?“ he asked with a smile. „Umm, well, dont get me wrong, I am flattered by it, but i'm sure there is someone better then me for it.“ Phil shook his head at me „Let me tell you something, gorgeous.“ He started, looking serious at me. „When it comes to work, i dont choose lightly.“ I still wasnt convinced. „And, besides, you can thank the 'all mighty internet' here.“ He said grining at me. „ You think i didnt chek up your skills before offering this to you?“ He wasnt wrong, i was good at what i did. „Alright“ i started „I appreciate it, really, but i have to decline.“ Phil looked dissapointed „Why? And dont give me some crap answer, Maya.“ „Well, honestly, i cant accept because i couldnt charge you for it.“ „And why not? Because we're friends?“ he said, and i nodded. „Its business, gorgeous, of course it comes with payement.“ „True, but i just wouldnt feel right doing it, Phil.“ I said desperatly. I added after a moment of silence „I could do it as a favore, tho, that would sound better to me.“ Phil looked at me serious for a moment, before his eyes sparkled and he grinned „Alright, how about this: you do it anyway, but instead of me paying you, i make you a special deal.“ I raised my eyebrow at him „And what special deal that might be?“ He laughed „ Dont worry, gorgeous, its nothing dirty, as you might think.“ He winked, smiling devilishly. I rolled my eyes at him „I havent tought of something like that.“ I said sarcasticly, but it actually did cross my mind. „ Ofcourse you didnt.“ Phil said, rising his eyebrow. „Well, what that special 'deal' is then?“ i asked. He grinned „ You get to drink for free here from now on.“ I laughed „You really will try anything to get me to accept it, arent you?“ „Hey, its a good deal, gorgeous. You have no clue how manny people would gladly take that kind of the offer.“ He said to me winking. „Allright, Phil“ i said after a momet „You convinced me, I'll do it.“ „Excellent!“ he chimed cheerfully, rubbing his hands together. He got up „I
think we need to seal this with a drink!“ I laughed „Ofcourse you do.“ The door of the Aurora opened then, and we both turned to see Jake walking in. He came to the booth, not taking his eyes from Phil, and Phil doing exactly the same. „Perfect timing, loverboy.“ Phil said „We wer just about to celebrat.“ He winked at me, leaving the booth. Jake looked at me, and i saw annoyance in him from Phils behaviour. He growled sitting next to me „Do i still have to behave arround Phil? I havent punched anyone in a long time, but i'm sure i still remember how to do it.“ I shook my head at him „Yes, you still have to behave.“ I grined leaning for a kiss „And, if you ever want to see me naked again, no punching, either!“ He raised his eyebrow at me after we kissed „You are taking away all the fun from me.“
Phil came back settling three glasses and a bottle of whiskey at the table. „So, did she tell you the good news already?“ he asked Jake, filling the glasses up. „No, she didnt.“ Jake replied, turning to me now. I sighed „Phil offered me a job.“ „Did he, now.“ Jake said, turning to look back at Phil. „Ofcourse i did.“ He said and grinned. „Our girl here is quite talented at her work.“ He handed us the glasses, taking his and rising it towards me. „Here's to you, gorgeous.“ I glanced at Jake, him being suprisingly calm to Phils words. He took a sip from his glass, settling it down. Me? I finished mine in one gulp. This calmness of his got me worried. „Whoa, easy there gorgeous.“ Phil said to me chuckling. „Could you stop calling her that?“ Jake said to Phil, his eyes darkening. Phil leaned back in the booth „What? Gorgeous?“ he said, giving Jake a grin „But she is, so why not say it.“ „Oh, for the love of it.“ I said, taking the bottle and filling my glass again. They both continued staring at eachother, completly ignoring me. „Phil“ Jake started, sounding calm but his voice so sinister „I promised Maya i'll behave, and i really dont want to break that promise.“ „Oh, relax loverboy, i'm just messing with you.“ Phil told him back, grining. „But let me just say this to you“ he started, taking the bottle to refill all the glasses, looking smug at Jake. „I know your type, I've seen it manny times before. Eventualy, you will mess up with her. And when you do, i will be right here waiting.“ And that was it - Jakes fist flew to Phils face, sending him sprawling on the floor from the booth. I basicly jumped over the table, glasses spilling all over and on me, making myself stand in front of Jake, as he shot up from his seat to go for Phil again. „Stop it!“ i shouted at him, but he looked so furios at Phil. His eyes wer so dark, and he was breathing so fast. I wasnt sure he even aknowledged I was standing in front of him. He wanted to push through me for Phil, i had to use all my strenght to try and push him back . I never saw him like this before, it got me frighten. „Please, Jake!“ I yelled once more pleadingly. He looked at me. The shock that was shown on my face made him tense, his eyes opening wide. „Shit!“ he said, turning from me, and storming towards the doors. I just stood there, taking a deep breath to calm myself as Jake left Aurora. I turned to Phil „What the fuck, Phil! You just had to do it?“ i yelled at him furiously. Phil just grined at me „Sorry gorgeous, i was just being honest, as always.“ „You just wanted to provoke him!“ „Look, Maya“ Phil started, getting up from the floor. „I meant what i said. He will mess things up eventualy, i can bet you. He will end up hurting you.“ „No, he wont!“ i continued yelling at him „You know nothing about him! And if you hoped provoking him will make me care less for him, you wer wrong!“ I took a few more deep breaths calming myself down once more. „And 'friends' dont wish for other friends to end up miserable.“ I said my voice taking on a sad notch. Phil winced at my words. „Thanks, Phil, thanks a lot.“ I said, turning away from him heading for the doors.
Stepping outside i wanted to scream in frustration. Like i didnt have enough happening in my life already. Jake was nervously pacing back and forth next to the car, stopping as he saw me. He walked towards me. „I'm sorry, i'm so, so sorry!“ he said to me. „I shouldnt have let him provoke me.“ He started pacing nervously again in fron of me. „Jake, it's fine.“ I said, but he didnt hear me. „He's just so annoying, i just couldnt control myself anymore!“ „Jake, it's alright.“ I tried again, but he just continued. „And talking to you like that? He has no right! Who does he think he is?“ „Jake!“ i yelled at him, making him stop and look at me. „It's fine.“ I said again, finaly having his attention. „It is?“ he asked, looking surprised. „Yes. He did kinda deserve it.“ I told him. „I tought you would be furious.“ he said to me, still surprised. „Oh, i am.“ I started „I'm not a fan of this things happeneing, just to make it clear to you. And to be honest, i should have forseen something like this happening, i shouldnt have let you come with me, so im furios at myself, too“ i said. My face got all serious then „You got me worried there for a moment.“ He looked at me, worry creeping to his face. „You didnt get scared of me, Maya..did you?“ he asked, his voice insecure a bit. „No, Jake, i didnt.“ I said „But i was scared I wont be able to stop you.“ He took a deep breath. „Maya, because of you, is why i stopped.“ I smiled at him, embracing him in a hug, leaning my head on his chest „I told you i will be your 'helping hand'.„ „Yes, you did.“ He smiled. „And I am sorry I did this.“ „Dont worry about it.“ I said, looking back at him, grinning „ I would have punched him myself if he continued like that, either way.“ Jake laughed at it „I can totally picture you do it.“ „I know, right!?“ i exclimed cheerfully, and he leaned to me for a kiss. As the kiss ended i asked „Can we go now, please, i just want to leave here.“ He smiled at me, hugging me with one hand, and we started walking back to the car. „You and me, both.“ Jake unlocked the car, and i went to the other side to get in. I opened the doors, and tensed. I sat in, turning to Jake, fear creeping at me. „Jake, are you going somewhere?“ He turned to me, confused „What are you talking about?“ I glanced at the back seat, a black traveling bag there. He chuckled at me „Relax, Maya, its just some clean clothes i took.“ .“ I sighed relieved, for a moment there i thought the worst. He looked at me raising his eyebrow „I am mostly with you at the motel, and i doubt any of your shirts would fit me.“ „Oh i dont know, i think that pink lace tank top of mine would fit you perfectly.“ I said teasingly. He laughed, shaking his head at me „Pink is definitely NOT my color.“
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astralaffairs · 4 years
put a ring on it 03 | philip hamilton
title: put a ring on it
pairing: philip hamilton x reader
words: 11k 🤪
warnings: rlly none! hectic families, stupid pet names, uncomfy emotions, compromising positions. also dont any of u dare get as close to another human as is depicted here anytime soon. pls flatten the curve. social distancing is cool i swear.
a/n: lmao remember on part 2 when i said i wouldn’t take as long to update this time? here we are, almost exactly a year later, even tho i wrote 8k words of this in the past couple days. enjoy!!! better late than never ig.
desc: You’ve never liked Philip Hamilton, and have always assumed the feeling has been mutual. But when you’re roped into pretending to be his girlfriend for a family reunion, you feel all your truths beginning to melt away, and find them instead taking form in his smile.
tags: @stargazelaurens @ivory-haired-queens @exoticxchicken8 @assbuttstyles777 @superbarriobrothers @tf2germanvillain @ela-ena @abundant-stars @heytheredee-lilah @abovethyfold - lmk if you want to be added; sorry if i missed anyone!!
Philip had brought you coffee without you asking.
It was mid-morning after your shower; the carpet of Philip's room was soft under your feet as you grabbed your phone off the marble countertop of his sink, just enjoying the peaceful silence. You scrolled briefly through your texts, smiling as you declined an offer for a manufactured emergency from Patsy (not before you seriously considered it, though). You slid it into your back pocket before padding down the stairs to find wherever Philip had gotten off to.
And thus, you were met with the distinctly strong smell of coffee.
Your footsteps stalled only a moment. You furrowed your brow; the corners of your lips quirked as you continued into his kitchen. You found him sitting at the end of the table opposite where you stood, glasses pushed down the bridge of his nose, reading a newspaper and sipping coffee from a paper cup. Your smile grew as he didn't even realize you were there; you leaned forward, resting on the chair nearest you as you bit your lip.
"Hey." Your voice was soft as he looked up, giving you a soft smile as he met your eyes.
"Morning, princess," he hummed, taking another sip from his cup as he eyed you, his eyes crinkling at the corners with his smile. "How'd you sleep?"
"Pretty well." Your yawn came through in your voice despite your words, and he nodded, averting his eyes back to his paper. Neither of you dared mention how you'd woken up tangled in each other, your legs intertwined with his, hands in his hair and with his arms wrapped loosely around your waist, your head against his bare chest. Instead, you broke the silence with, "So, you gonna share any of that coffee with me, Hamilton? Or were you just gonna ignore these bags under my eyes?"
You pointed to yourself with mock annoyance, and he chuckled, putting down the newspaper. "What, you don't think I picked up anything for my girlfriend?" He raised an eyebrow, and you rolled your eyes, slumping into the seat opposite him.
"Oh yeah? What'd you get me?" Your tone was flat as you pinned him with a skeptical stare. He only grinned, leaning back and grabbing another paper cup from the counter behind him. You raised your eyebrows, eyes widening in the slightest. It probably shouldn't have come as a shock to you, but you couldn't help your surprise at the gesture.
He chuckled at your expression. "I can't believe you'd underestimate me like this." He put a hand on his heart with a mock pout as he passed the coffee across the table to you, and you took a seat, rolling your eyes.
"What's the catch?" you asked dryly.
"Does there have to be a catch?"
"Last time you brought me coffee I ended up here." You raised your eyebrows, looking at him knowingly, and he chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender.
"Alright, I get it. Point made." He grinned as he reached again behind him, grabbing a small brown bag and holding it out to you by its rolled opening. "But I brought you a croissant to make up for it."
Your eyebrows shot up when you saw the other bag, eyes widening in the least. "Coffee and food? Now there's definitely something up." You shot him a questioning look, and his obvious self-content didn't waver.
"Think of it as a "thank you'." Your skepticism far from dissipated, but something in the soft smile he wore made you take the bag from him with no further questions, a soft smile of your own gracing your lips.
You breathed in the warm, sweet air from the bag as you opened it, sighing at the smell of the croissant. As you broke a piece of it off, you looked up at him with an eyebrow raised. "So anyway, where's your family? House seems eerily empty."
He chuckled, raking a hand through his loose curls. "Yeah, it is. My siblings are all still at school for the next couple hours, and Mom and Pops are out getting breakfast with the Lafayettes. Said something about wanting to 'give the happy couple some time to themselves'."
You rolled your eyes. "So no one else is home?"
"So we're finally alone." He wiggled his eyebrows at you suggestively, and you scoffed.
"Just 'cause you brought me a croissant doesn't mean I'm about to jump your bones, Hamilton. Don't get your hopes up," you informed him dryly, but his amused grin didn't waver.
"Since we have the day free, though," he continued just as brightly, ignoring your unimpressed expression, "I figured I'd show you around the town a little, take you a few of the places I used to go."
You raised a brow. "Oh, yeah? I'm getting the grand tour?" A smile had at that point worked it's way back into your expression, sitting slightly lopsided as it played at your lips, though you tried to contain it. "Where are you gonna take me, Hamilton?"
His grin grew at your words, taking another sip of his coffee to hide his self-content. "You'll see."
"Where are we going?" you groaned as he tugged you around another corner in the quaint downtown of his small city. His grin never faltered; he seemed very much to have a set agenda. There were people and places he wanted to see. Seeing as this was his family reunion weekend, you couldn't have blamed him.
"C'mon, we're on the block now," he assured you, pulling you along in his haste to find the little storefront, wondering if it had yet changed the aging display in its frosted glass windows. You scoffed audibly, and he let out a little laugh. "What, don't believe me?"
"You'll forgive me for not trusting the eighth time you've told me we were almost there," you said dryly, letting him pull you along regardless. He shot you a look over his shoulder.
"No need to exaggerate, princess."
"Don't think I haven't been counting, Hamilton," you shot back, giving him a pointed look, and he rolled his eyes.
"Just come on."
You (grudgingly) allowed him to drag you along three more blocks, unsure what had overtaken you -- your feet were getting sore, your stomach was starting to cramp (you needed to work out more), and you really just wanted to sit down. Yet, something about how earnestly excited Philip was managed to keep you going, just a few more yards, just a few more yards. You tried to ignore the lopsided grin thrown over his shoulder and the teasing lilt to his voice that met your complaints.
"Here we are." He skidded to a halt in front of three stairs, a stone stoop, leading up to a glass door. You raised an eyebrow, turned your gaze to him.
"Where, exactly?"
His smile grew, and he nodded forward. "See for yourself."
You rolled your eyes as you followed him up, and he reached for the handle just before you, holding it open. You didn't acknowledge the action, just continued forward into the small shop.
It was an adorable space, dimly lit and colorful. Leafy plants spilled over from pots above the windows, contrasting with the bright red window frames on the sunny morning, interspersed with framed photos and paintings packed tightly together on the limited wall space. Soft guitar music drifted through under the buzz of chattering customers who'd arrived for their morning coffee. You could smell the coffee brewing behind the counter, the scent mixing with the sweeter one wafting from the ovens behind a swinging door.
"C'mon." You yelped in surprise as Philip's arm found its way around your waist, and he shot you an amused glance. You let him lead you forward, though, fighting the heat that began to rise in the back of your neck.
You neared the back of the store together, your gaze still wandering around the adorable coffee shop as you walked, and as the woman behind the counter caught sight of you, her eyes lit up in recognition.
"Philip!" She dropped the rag she'd been wiping her hands with onto the counter, rushing out from behind it to greet him as his arm came back around from your waist, instead pulling her into a tight embrace. You sighed internally as his warmth left your side.
"Hey, Aunt Maria," he said, grinning as he pulled back from the hug. "How've you been?"
"Worse without you," she scolded, whacking his chest lightly. "It's been what, four years since you've been home? Felt like an eternity."
He laughed, eyes still shining as he spoke to her. "Yeah, it's been too long. I've just been so busy."
Maria scoffed and promptly turned her attention to you, clearly not caring for any excuses for Philip's absence. "And who is this?"
“I’m Y/N,” you started, your smile unsure. At this, Philip also turned his gaze back to where you stood, grin growing on his face. “His girlfriend.”
Her face lit up again at this, immediately pulling you into a bone-crushing embrace. "Oh, you're the pretty thing I've been hearing about from Philip's parents for so long? It's so great to meet you."
You laughed as she finally pulled away, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. "I guess that must be me, unless there's another woman, hm?" You raised an eyebrow at Philip, grinning, and he just rolled his eyes. "It's good to meet you too, though."
Philip rested a hand on Maria's shoulder as she released your forearms, an affectionate look in his eyes as he glanced down at her. "Aunt Maria's an old family friend, Y/N. Pops helped her out of a tough spot when I was younger, and we’ve forced her to stick around with us ever since."
She smiled, putting a hand on his as she looked over at you. "I owe the Hamiltons big. They really changed my life a while back, helped me get away from my ex-husband, start a new life on my own. Can't thank them enough, honestly."
Philip rolled his eyes at that, giving a dramatic huff. "You owe us nothing. You’re all we need."
"Then stop spending so much time in the city!" she lectured him, giving a shell of a glare, and he laughed.
"I'll keep it in mind."
She glanced back at the counter over her shoulder, where her employees were still diligently taking orders, making coffee. "Anyway, I've gotta get back to work, but can I get you two a cup of coffee? Donuts? Crêpes?"
Philip looked at you as he came back around, pulled you softly to his side with an arm around your waist and a raised eyebrow. You gave Maria a warm smile.
"Just a coffee would be great."
"Same for me, then," Philip added, and Maria winked at the two of you as she made her way back to the counter.
"Two coffees coming right up for the happy couple. Feel free to have a seat anywhere," she called to you over her shoulder, and you grinned.
"Wanna sit down?" Philip asked, and you pursed your lips, pinching the hand that was squeezing your waist. He yelped, withdrew his arm from you with a wince, and you nodded and gave an easy smile.
"Let's go by the window."
He rolled his eyes as he followed you. You slid comfortably into one of the smooth wooden seats, glancing out at the sunny morning before you, and he sat across, an eyebrow raised.
"So, what do you think of my hometown so far?"
You looked back at him wearing a soft, mischievous smile and cocked an eyebrow at him. "You really wanna know?"
He fixed his stare on yours, and your grin grew (though you tried to suppress it). "Yeah."
"It'd be better without you here."
He scoffed loudly at that, turning his head from where he had sat facing you, his grin near indistinguishable in his indignant expression, and you couldn't suppress your full-bodied laugh at his reaction.
"C'mon, really?" While he tried to maintain his scowl, turning back to you had his smile widening at your repressed giggles. He fixed a glare over his gaze as you tried to swallow your grin. "God damn, I ask you a legitimate question, and you can't resist ripping on me?"
"It was just too easy!" you defended, brushing your hair away from your face as you looked sheepishly back at where he sat, shaking his head. "Honestly, though?"
"I dunno, am I gonna get an honest answer?"
You knew very well his skeptical expression was well-earned, and you grinned, rolling your eyes as you defended yourself. "Yes!"
He shrugged, motioning to the space between you, a silent go-ahead. You sighed.
"It's really nice." You glanced around the coffee shop as you spoke, your eyes ultimately finding his again, though now a dreamy look was painted across your features. "It's... homey."
"'Homey'?" he repeated your answer with a breathy laugh, and you rolled your eyes, playfully shoving the arm he had resting on the table.
"See, this is why I don't take your questions seriously, Hamilton," you scowled, feeling your face begin to grow hot at his reaction. "Give you an answer and you just make fun of me."
He chuckled as he reached for your hands, still resting on the table as the heat did not subside from the back of your neck. He took them in his, enveloping them as he gave you a simper. "Aw, c'mon, I'm not trying to tease you." His simper turned to a mocking pout, and you scoffed, rolled your eyes.
"Oh, whatever, Hamilton." You didn't pull your hands out of his grasp, though, refusing out of sheer spite to meet his eyes.
"I'm not kidding!" he defended himself, and you could see out of the corner of your eye the grin return to his face, seemingly entertained by your reaction. You were a bit preoccupied, though, with inhibiting the blush from your cheeks as you couldn't seem to focus on anything other than, God, how warm his hands were. You were painstakingly aware of every time they shifted against yours.
"'M glad you feel at home in my old town." Your annoyed gaze was still fixed on the table before you as you heard him let out a sigh, dropping his face to break your line of vision. "Princess?"
"Don't call me that, Hamilton."
He deadpanned. "Y/N."
You met his eyes with an expectant look, and for a moment, you just held his stare, almost didn't notice when your breath caught as the corners of his lips quirked upward. You frowned.
His grin only grew at your adverse reaction, breath coming out in a puff of laughter. He shook his head, tongue in cheek. "Loosen up."
The way he squeezed your hands reminded you how close the proximity between the two of you was. You could feel your heart jump in your chest. When his thumb smoothed over your knuckle, you felt suddenly very self-conscious about how sweaty your hands were.
You took a deep breath, feeling unable to hold his gaze any longer, looking out the window beside you. Thankfully, Maria chose that exact moment to arrive with your drinks.
"Two black coffees, right up!" You froze when you met her beaming expression, flinching as you almost tried to yank your hands from Philip's, feeling like a deer in headlights. He squeezed your hands softly, his expression concerned at how panicked you looked. You plastered on a smile, reminding yourself as your face heated up that you were there as his girlfriend, this was supposed to be normal, it was expected. What made you uncomfortable was exactly how normal it felt.
"Thanks, Maria." You withdrew your hands with a smile to take your coffee from her. You ignored her raised eyebrow, her pleased half-smile.
"You sure there's nothing else I can get you?" The maternal look in her eyes turned playful as she folded her arms. "Anything else to drink? Some lunch?" Her eyes narrowed a fraction of an inch. "Some privacy?"
You choked on the long sip of coffee you'd been taking, trying to catch your breath as Philip just laughed. You set the mug down as you coughed into the back of your hand, trying to stifle it.
"I think this'll be all for now," he said, "We probably aren't gonna loiter too much longer, don't worry."
Maria gave him a warm smile, a smile you only caught a glimpse of as you emerged from your coughing fit. (You also caught a glimpse of Philip suppressing a laugh at you, and made a mental note to chew him out for it later on.)
"You know you could spend forever here and I wouldn't mind."
"I know." You couldn't help but notice that his smile in return didn't quite meet his eyes; something melancholy lay behind them as well.
As she pursed her lips, you thought her expression looked quite a bit like your mother's when you left for college, almost tearing up, but holding it together for you. "Well, let me know before you all leave," she said softly, "You know I don't see enough of you around here as is."
"I know. We'll see you tomorrow, though? At the reunion?"
"Wouldn't miss it." The quiet sadness in her eyes disappeared as quickly as it came, and she reached down to squeeze your shoulder affectionately. "Looking forward to seeing the both of you there." Her wink before she turned away was blatant. You couldn't help your soft smile.
"So, when do I get to meet the rest of your family?" He'd taken you out through the middle of town, refusing to let on to your destination. It was a nice day out, luckily for you, but you still weren't fond of having to reach all your destinations on foot -- if you'd wanted a walking tour, you'd have asked.
He shrugged, hands in his pockets as he walked alongside you down the sidewalk, appreciating the lush greenery that lined the streets, and your gaze rested on his faraway expression as you raised an eyebrow.
"Dunno. Whenever my siblings get home. Angie'll be coming in before they all get outta school, so she might even be there when we get back, but the rest of them have classes for a few more hours."
"'The rest of them'? How many siblings do you have, Hamilton?"
"Just six."
"Six?!" you repeated, eyes wide, and he just nodded.
"Yeah. The youngest is four, that's Eliza, and I'm the oldest."
"How old are the others?"
He pursed his lips, as though deep in thought, and you really couldn't imagine having to strain to remember a sibling's age. "There's William, at seven, then John, who's eleven, James is fifteen and Alex is seventeen -- they're the ones in high school right now -- and then there's Angelica, who's nineteen."
You couldn't help but let out a low whistle at that. "Sounds exhausting for your parents."
"Really. I was the easy child, and it was all downhill from there." He grinned, and you rolled your eyes.
"You were the easy child? Tell me why I find that hard to believe." Your challenging tone just made him shrug.
"Dunno, princess. I've just always been so responsible that my parents had an easy time with me."
"And at what point did you lose the responsibility trait?"
"I mean, when I found out I could pawn off all my responsibilities onto you..." He trailed off with a grin, laughing when he saw your glare. "Aw, c'mon, I'm just kidding."
"What, about being responsible? Or about pawning your responsibilities off on me?" You raised a skeptical eyebrow as he shrugged. "Because we both know it's not the latter."
"Hey, let's not forget that you're here because you didn't wanna take on a responsibility."
"A responsibility you pawned off on me!" You scoffed, and his amused smile only grew, hands stuffed in his pockets as you walked alongside him.
"Why must you be so focused on pointing fingers, Y/N?"
"I'm not pointing fingers, you just--"
"We're here." You skidded to a halt as he cut off your rant at it's beginning, too absorbed in your argument (despite how obviously he was baiting you) to have realized he stopped walking. You raised an eyebrow, turning to face exactly what he was looking at, and while he began walking in without a second thought, you paused a moment, taking it in.
What stood before you was the oldest building you'd seen so far in town, its structure essentially in ruins, ivy crawling up the eroding brick, moss running down it. The only thing that tipped you off to the fact that you weren't being lead to a remote location where no one could hear your screams was a small metal sign above a descending staircase, a single light above the path. By the time the full sight had processed, Philip had since reached the staircase and was watching your reaction with an eyebrow raised, a soft smile gracing his lips.
"You coming?"
You exhaled. "See, I'm not trying to make any accusations, but all I'm saying is that if I were to murder someone in this town, this would be the place for it."
You followed him, though, as he grinned at your hesitance, and what you found at the bottom of the staircase was far from what you'd expected. You entered behind Philip into a sleek but old-fashioned bar, somehow teetering on the line between an antiquated tavern and a nightclub. Your eyes were wide as you scanned the place, empty at the moment, save one person standing behind the bar, wiping down glasses. The chairs were up on the tables, the televisions were shut down -- you assumed Philip hadn't brought you there for drinks, but instead for the handsome stranger who had just caught Philip's eye with a growing grin.
"Philip Hamilton?" he called out the moment the door shut behind us, his disbelieving smile echoed in Philip's reaction. "Never thought I'd see the day. Thought you'd abandoned us all for city living by now."
Philip let out a huff of laughter as he reached the counter, pulling the man in for a hug over the bar. "Whatever, man. I don't wanna hear it." He pulled back with a skeptical look in his eye, holding him by the forearms. "It's been two years since I've been home, but I've never gone three damn months without seeing you since college."
"Touché. It's good to have you back." With that, though, the man's gaze flickered over to you, eyeing your form with an eyebrow raised, a small but triumphant smile. "But you've still managed to keep your lady from me ever since you and her got together. Afraid I was gonna steal her?"
"More afraid she'd meet my friends and immediately run for the hills," Philip snorted, causing the other man to shove him lightly from across the counter.
"Anyway, I take it you're Y/N?" He seemed to be ignoring Philip's jab at him in favor of redirecting the conversation from him.
"That'd be me," you said as you went to join Philip, smile wary and your hands tucked in your pockets.
When you reached the bar, he narrowed his eyes, leaning down to eye you skeptically. "Tell me, how much is Philip paying you? Hm?" Your eyebrows shot up, and he continued, "I mean, we both know he has the money to be battin' above his league, but I didn't think he'd be willing to fork over that much just for a weekend."
While his manner had you hesitant at first, his words made you laugh. If this was what Philip's friends were like, the weekend might go by quicker than you'd expected.
"This is actually pro bono," you sighed, raising your eyebrows as though you were confiding in him. "I've always been a bit of a philanthropist, so I took pity and decided to help out the less fortunate--" You gave Philip a pointed look, though he just rolled his eyes. His entertained smile betrayed his feigned annoyance. "--for a few days."
"You really are a saint."
"I consider myself more of a martyr." While his friend laughed, Philip raised an eyebrow at you, expression toeing the line between amused and exasperated. You extended your hand. "It's great to meet you, though, um..."
"Georges Lafayette," he supplied, shaking your hand. "I'm an old friend."
"Ahh, so that's you," you folded your arms, smile growing. You stole a glance to your right, and Philip was busy feigning shock that you'd actually listened to his friends-and-family crash course. When he met your gaze, you rolled your eyes. "Philip speaks fondly of you, regardless of how he may speak to you." There was a teasing lilt to the tail end of your sentence, and while Philip scoffed, Georges cracked a grin.
"Hope he's been doing me justice." He sent you a wink as he went back to wiping down the rims of the glasses that sat before him, pulling them from the dishwasher and shelving them. "Knowing him, I'm betting it's nothing compared to how he talks about you, though. Ever since you joined his office, it's been nonstop."
"Oh, really?" You raised an eyebrow at Philip, but he didn't meet your eyes as he took a seat next to you at the bar.
"You'd better bet. You've become something of a household name these past few years."
"Should that worry me?" you teased, electing to sit as well. You hopped up onto the barstool.
"Not this time." He chuckled, nudging Philip where he sat, leaning forward on the bar. "Worried me at the start of the whole thing. I figured he'd immediately fucked this up." He motioned between the two of you. "By the time you got together, I'd already found him three eligible rebounds."
"Aww, babe." You plastered on a teasingly contrived pout, turning to rest a hand on Philip's knee, meeting his unimpressed gaze. "Maybe if you hadn't spent three years pawning your responsibilities off on me, I would've been more receptive to your total lack of tact."
Georges laughed, and you grinned unabashedly as Philip let out a huff devoid of annoyance. "Oh, c'mon; let's not pretend I was the tactless one." The corner of his lips twitched as you raised an eyebrow.
"Excuse me?"
"Really, now, be honest." You hadn't the slightest clue where this was going, and Philip looked increasingly satisfied with your expression. "You were the one always yelling at me for leaving early, chewing me out for showing up late, finding excuses to come talk to me--"
"We work together," you interjected, unimpressed. Your words didn't seem to hinder his monologue.
"Now that I think about it, is that why you always looked so agitated when Theo came around?" He raised an eyebrow, looking thoroughly pleased, and you ignored the heat creeping up the back of your neck. You chalked it up to annoyance. “I’ve gotta say, jealousy actually is a good look on you.”
"Whatever," you scoffed. "I had to come to talk to you about the projects I was working on because they were the ones you pawned off onto me. And you know Theo has been obnoxious since day one."
He laughed, disregarding your vexation. "I mean, yeah, but she brings me coffee."
You narrowed your eyes, genuinely in disbelief. "Is the fact that you're just using her for coffee supposed to make me feel better?"
"Of course." He shrugged, as though it was obvious, and you caught Georges's amused expression out of the corner of your eye. Philip winked. "You know I've only got eyes for you, princess." You groaned, turning away from him in your chair, not wanting to look at the satisfaction you caught dancing in his eyes. You didn't like how consoled you felt.
You turned to Georges, deadpan. "Has he always been this unbearable? Or did that develop after the manipulative streak kicked in?"
"In our Philip? What manipulative streak?" He furrowed his brow in contrived disbelief. The two men shared a look, their smiles mirroring one another. "But if you wanna know if he's always been this tactful, then for sure."
It appeared Georges had decided to take Philip's side on this one. You groaned internally. "Don't you start now!"
"Sorry, Y/N, Philip claimed my loyalty years ago. You're on your own."
You pinned the pair of them with an accusatory stare, a smile playing on your lips nonetheless. You didn't love that it was turned against you, but you couldn't help but find their rapport entertaining. "You two are insufferable, you know that?"
"We've heard." Georges shrugged.
"Usually from each other," Philip chimed in.
"Or your siblings." Georges glanced at Philip. Neither of them was addressing you anymore.
"Or your ladies," Philip shot back, "Usually your exes by the time we heard it."
"We were always a little hard of hearing, huh?"
"Always. Think we heard that one from Emilie, though." Philip raised his eyebrows, gaze playful. You could only assume that was one of Georges's exes. He huffed.
"You leave my wife outta this!" Indignant was the only word you could use to describe his expression, and Philip snickered as he ducked away from the rag Georges had tried to hit him with.
"You're still lucky she took you back after that."
"She loved me too much not to." He looked smug with that, but his voice had softened. "Anyway, it's your girl we're talking about this time, so you'd better tread carefully. Right, Y/N?" He looked over at you, an eyebrow raised, obviously expecting you to jump on the chance to tease Philip. You folded your arms.
"Oh, so now you're on my side?"
Philip grinned, obviously pleased with your response, whereas Georges groaned. "Hey, I'm tryna balance the scales back out, alright? Didn't wanna let Philip get too cocky, but it looks like you let that one happen anyway."
"Don't you blame me!" You jabbed your finger at him, eyes narrowed. "You took his side first; I didn't take his side at all!"
"Sure seems like you're on his side now." Georges raised his eyebrows at Philip, who looked positively smug.
"I'm against you now. This isn't about him."
He laughed. "Tough. Looks like your girl's already cutting you out, Pip."
Philip's face fell as he grumbled, "Don't call me--"
"You call him Pip?" You hoped your expression came off as endeared. Blatantly finding ways to antagonize him didn't seem like it would've fit your role. "That's adorable!"
"Y/N." His tone was warning. Your grin didn't falter.
"Oh, can I steal that?"
"All yours."
You let out a soft aww, a hand held to your heart, and put your other hand on Georges's forearm. "I can't thank you enough."
Philip stood with a huff, seemingly having had enough of you two. You raised an eyebrow -- were you leaving already? "I'm gonna run to the bathroom," he said, annoyed gaze never breaking from Georges's. "Don't cause too much trouble while I'm gone."
"I dunno, Pip; I was never the responsible one." Georges shrugged innocently, and Philip couldn't seem to help his amusement at his antics. "Do my best, though."
"Can't thank you enough," Philip mocked you to Georges as he turned, walking off toward the back.
Georges called after him, "You're welcome!"
Philip didn't respond, but Georges seemed more amused given that. He turned to you with a grin, leaning on the bar.
"So, Y/N." You raised an eyebrow. "I need to hear more about you; Philip's been holding out on us all these years. Took the entire family to even convince him to bring you home to meet us."
"Then I guess I shouldn't mention how long it took him to convince me to come here, huh?" The words were truer than he knew; however, he interpreted them very differently from the truth. You raised a playful eyebrow, and he laughed.
"That's tough."
"You asked."
"Sort of," he corrected you, brow furrowed, and you grinned.
"No, but really," you started, deciding to actually explain yourself. "We've just been busy, couldn't find a time to get down here together."
"Oh yeah? Been getting a little too busy down in NYC?" He raised his eyebrows suggestively, and you rolled your eyes with a huff.
"You know I didn't mean it like that!" You swatted at his arm, coaxing a laugh from him. "Our schedules just didn't line up. We never had the same weeks or weekends free to get out of the city."
"So this is your first time traveling together?"
"Guess so."
"Try not to kill him before the weekend's up." He winked. You kept quiet; Georges didn't need to know quite how high the odds of that happening really were. "But really, enough about him. Where are you from? Where'd you go to school? When are you and Philip getting married?"
You ignored the last question altogether, knowing that reacting to it one way or another would only encourage him. "I'm from the west coast. I was born just outside of LA, moved later on to Chicago, and then came to New York City for college."
"Yeah? What made you choose NYC?"
"My ex, actually."
"Oh, really?" He looked surprised at that tidbit of information, and you tried to just shrug it off. "Must've been pretty serious then, huh?"
"It was." He noticed how quiet you went at that, and he didn't press the point, deciding instead to change the subject.
"So Philip must've been a pretty good rebound?" He nudged you, wiggling his eyebrows, and you couldn't help but laugh.
"He..." You paused, considering how you were supposed to respond to that. "He's definitely exceeded expectations, to be perfectly honest."
"Hmm, I dunno how good that sounds, Y/N." He raised a skeptical eyebrow, small smile playing at his lips. "How low, exactly, were your expectations?"
You pursed your lips, but your amusement betrayed you. You hadn't expected to be called out on the truth behind your statement. Your gaze dropped to the bar before you, and you drummed your fingers on the varnished wood. You shrugged. "Not that low."
He let out a snort of laughter. "What an absolutely glowing review. I'll be sure to let him know."
"Hey, don't you betray me like this!"
"I've made it clear where my loyalties lie." He held up his hands in mock surrender. "In all seriousness, though, why were your expectations so low?"
Again, you were unsure of how much to reveal. "Let's just say that Philip isn't much for first impressions."
"Really?" His surprise appeared genuine, before he tilted his head to the side, considering it, and shrugged. "I guess, with you, that shouldn't surprise me."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You folded your arms, needing more information before you could decide whether you were offended. He saw your furrowed brow and grinned.
"I don't mean that as a bad thing. Honest." He paused, considering himself, and you raised an eyebrow, prompting him to continue. He leaned onto the bar, and he spoke matter-of-factly, beginning to explain. "So, Philip's always been good with people. And he's definitely never had any problems with girls. He was in and out of casual relationships all through high school and college just for the hell of it."
Your eyebrows shot up. "Really?" The disbelief in your voice was blatant, and he cracked a smile.
"Yeah, he actually did have some tact, once upon a time. Was a charming kid; I never could figure out how he did it." He shook his head, amusement in his eyes. "But... well, when something matters to him -- or someone -- he goes looking for advice, and everyone else's input just ends up shaking him up. Think I mighta given him advice about you once or twice, so I guess you have me to thank for that."
For a moment, you were stunned. You swallowed, trying not to get too caught up in your head with the information he’d shared, but given its nature, it was hard not to overthink. You tried to match his lighthearted expression. "And what advice would you have given him?"
"Well, five years ago..." He squinted ever-so-slightly as he considered your question. A silent laugh slowly etched itself into his features. "Y'know what, it doesn't matter. Just trust me when I tell you, it was bad advice."
"Seriously, you don't wanna know." You glared at him, leaning onto the bar where you sat. "I'm sorry to leave you hangin', but I promise, telling you helps no one."
You huffed as you slumped back in your seat. "Are you that bad at relationship advice?"
"Worse than what you're imagining," he assured you, and you shook your head, exasperated.
"How in the world are you married?" The question was a joke, but despite his chuckle, his answer wasn't.
"I think some things are just meant to happen." You raised an eyebrow. He shrugged, wearing a small smile. "Seriously, I was an absolute fool in college -- and I mean that -- but no matter how many times I fucked up with Emilie, she always ended up back in my life. It was usually just coincidence. We were taking the same classes; we had the same advisor; we were on the same subway through town; our dorm rooms were right across from each other.
"And honestly? She kinda hated me at some point, but we kept being thrown together, and we got to know each other pretty well. Call me crazy, but it felt like fate." The distant look in his eyes shifted to something akin to entertainment, after that. "Similar thing happened with Philip, actually."
"Really? When?" You were genuinely invested by that point.
"Junior year of high school." He nodded to himself, thinking back with a grin. "Yeah, that was a hell of a time. Like, one week in, Philip and I had this huge fight. Don't even remember what it was about, but it had us really heated."
"Honestly, I can't imagine you two fighting," you said, and he gave a shrug, his smile agreeable.
"Nah, not anymore, not like that, but we were teenagers," he said, as though that entirely explained it. "But I was only supposed to have one class with him that year, so he tried to switch out of it to get away from me. They ended up having to remake his schedule so he was in every other class with me. Poor kid couldn't escape it, but if it wasn't for some underpaid high-school administrator, we probably wouldn't be friends."
"Sounds like you have a lot of luck," you said, and he grinned.
"That's just it, though." He pinned you with a thoughtful look. "Was it luck, or was it just meant to turn out that way?"
You considered it for a moment. His stories did sound like the longest odds imaginable, but when you thought about your own life, you couldn't help but hope he was delusional. You'd had more than your fair share of bad luck in your life, and once upon a time, it had driven away almost everything you cared about. You didn't like to think that your misery could just have been some cruel twist of fate.
You opened your mouth to respond, uncertain, but Philip had apparently chosen that moment to re-emerge, inadvertently cutting you off.
"Speak of the devil!" Georges called out, his grin wide, and Philip eyed you both skeptically.
"You two are still talking about me?"
Georges glanced at you, and you told him, "I'm hearing all about your high school years."
Philip groaned. "Oh, c'mon man, what are you telling her?"
"We just covered your junior-year mullet and your fez-wearing phase," he informed him, meeting your eyes with a playful smile. "I was just about to fill her in on when you joined the bowling team in our senior year, but--"
"Alright, that's enough outta you." Georges shot you a conspiratory wink as Philip cut him off, though neither you nor Philip could hide your amusement. He, however, tried to play it off as annoyance. "Sounds like we're gonna need to get out of here before you get to the highlights of college."
"Aw, but Pip, I'm learning so much," you pouted, and he looked mildly exasperated as he met your eyes.
"That's what concerns me." Georges laughed while you groaned, and Philip's smile reappeared as he took a seat to your right.
"Then just wait'll I tell her about middle school."
The rest of your evening was a whirlwind. Having grown up with only an older brother, you hadn't realized quite how many six siblings were -- that changed quickly. You really couldn't believe Angelica had managed to grow up with five brothers without losing her mind. Family dinner stretched on into the night, chaotic to the brink of your comfort zone. You found yourself enjoying it much more than you'd expected to, however. The Hamiltons were as lively as they were numerous, and you couldn't help but laugh along.
"But you were the one who got the room alone!" It took an hour or two, but you'd gotten Philip's siblings' names down. That was James, the younger high-schooler, yelling across the table at Angelica, who made a face.
"I was a seventeen-year-old girl! I couldn't keep sharing a room with my younger brothers!" she shot back, "You scared away three of my boyfriends! Three!"
"You never had to bring them up to our room, but you wanted some alone time with them." It was John, the eleven-year-old, who chimed in this time, making kissy sounds at Angelica who just mocked him.
"I had a right to some privacy!" she shot back. You didn't remember how they'd wandered down this line of discussion, but it seemed to be an impassioned one. Alex Jr. scoffed loudly.
"Hey, I'm seventeen, and I don't have my own room," he interjected, glaring down the table at their dad. "This is a double standard!"
"We have a toddler in the house; grow up," Alex Sr. sighed, which only seemed to further upset Alex Jr.
"Hey, William was Eliza's age when Ang was my age! That's not fair!"
"It doesn't matter; you aren't getting any girls anyway." The sneer came from John.
"Hey, I'm getting plenty--"
"Oh, yeah? Where are they?"
"I haven't brought them home because you can't seem to--"
"Boys! Relax!" Eliza did her best to quell the growing argument, but it seemed to be to little avail. Alex put a hand on her shoulder with a suppressed laugh as she huffed, clearly exasperated.
"Don't make this about me! I'm an incredible roommate!"
"Have you seen our bathroom lately?"
"Come on," Angelica groaned, her annoyance getting lost in the growing cacophony. John was shouting now, leaning over the table at his brother, and you jumped in your seat when James yelled back, deciding it was now his place to join the conversation.
You didn't realize you had grabbed Philip's forearm in your startled fit until he broke your train of thought.
"Alright, princess?"
Your head whipped toward him, surprised to see him leaning in to talk to you, and he looked thoroughly amused by your reaction. You released his arm from your grasp, giving him a sheepish smile. "Your family really is something."
"Believe me now that I was the easy child?" he asked, and you let out a snort of laughter, gaze falling back to his family.
"There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you were like this ten years ago."
"Hurtful," he scoffed, mocking offense, and you just shrugged, smile growing.
"They had to learn it somewhere."
"It was all Angelica."
"I'm sure."
The woman in question broke the wall of noise at almost exactly that moment, raising her head from her hands. "This is exactly why I needed my own room!" That just turned the younger boys into a united front against her, and she looked to Philip with a sigh. "I'm starting to understand why you waited so long to bring Y/N home."
"No idea what you could be referring to. They're so charismatic!" Philip shrugged, plastering on over-exaggerated confusion, seemingly just to get a rise out of his sister. She rolled her eyes with a groan; it appeared to be working. She turned to you.
"Please don't run for the hills just because our younger brothers are absolute monsters," she said, gaze pleading as she reached for your hand. You smiled, amused despite yourself. "We really need some sanity in this family. I can't take family dinners being just me with six boys."
"Aw, Angie, are you saying I'm not one of the absolute monsters?" Philip interjected with a pout. "I'm touched, really."
You and Angelica both rolled your eyes at his antics. It was then that you decided you liked her.
You leaned over the table toward where her hand was desperately clutching yours. "You've got me for the rest of the weekend, but I'm not sure I can promise more."
She groaned exaggeratedly, and Philip nudged you lightly in the side, grinning mischievously. "What, don't you love my family so far?"
His words were teasing, but your soft smile as you looked back at the people surrounding him was anything but. "I do, actually."
When you met his eyes again, his gaze was softer, grin less pronounced. "Good."
The table had slowly grown quieter throughout your interaction, and it seemed you'd held Philip's gaze for just a moment too long, and you turned to see the entire family watching the two of you. You felt your face heat up, took a sip of your water. From then, there was silence, until a grinning William decided to break it.
He'd been quiet for the majority of the meal, so it surprised you when he turned to you, eyes shining. "So, Y/N," he addressed you, tone businesslike.
"I think we've spent enough time questioning Y/N already," Philip interjected before he could continue, resting a near-protective hand on your arm. You cast him a grateful look.
"C'mon, humor him," James said, his grin matching William's. "It's hardly eight; we have plenty of time."
"We started dinner at five." Philip sounded unamused.
"We haven't spent that whole time interrogating her," he defended, and Philip gave him a pointed look. James turned to you. "Right, Y/N?"
While you sighed playfully, playing up your exasperation, you really didn't mind it. You'd never had a family like this before. "I suppose not."
"Anyway," William interjected, looking as stern as a seven-year-old could. You pursed your lips, fighting back a laugh as you folded your hands and leaned toward him, mirroring his expression. "Y/N."
"William." You did your best to imitate his tone.
"When are you and Pip going to have a baby?"
Your eyes widened immediately, and your mouth fell open in shock, if only for a moment. Philip groaned beside you, leaning back in his chair, and you could hear his parents laughing at the end of the table. Some of his siblings looked exasperated; others waited eagerly for your answer.
"Well, um..." You trailed off as you glanced at Philip desperately, hoping he'd shut his family down so you didn't have to. He hadn't yet seemed to have recovered. Your face was burning as you tried to continue. "We aren't married, so not anytime soon, but--"
"When are you getting married?" William pressed, seemingly unaffected by everyone's reactions to his words. You leaned forward, had to take a sip of your drink to hide your surprised laugh.
"Sorry to say it, but right now, we don't know that we are getting married, so I'll have to get back to you on that question." You gave him an apologetic smile before you looked back at Philip, eyes wide. This was territory you didn't think you'd have to cover. He just shook his head and mouthed, 'I'm sorry.' He appeared wholly exhausted.
"Surely you've talked about it before, though, haven't you?" It was the older Alex who chimed in that time, hesitant. Eliza gave him a look. "I mean, getting married, having kids and all that. You've been together for two years; you must have considered it at some point."
"Pops," Philip said through gritted teeth, the word carrying an unsaid warning.
"What? I'm just curious," he defended, despite Eliza swatting his shoulder. He raised his hands in mock surrender as he glanced at her, eyes wide. "If you haven't, it's fine. I don't mean to rush you kids into anything, but I just wanted to know."
By then, though she sighed, you could see Eliza looking at the two of you hopefully. The whole table fell silent, expecting an answer you didn't have. "It's just... not something we've taken into consideration at this point. We aren't really set on making decisions about that anytime soon."
"Do you want kids, though?" Angelica asked you, and Philip sighed. Like you, he'd hoped the topic would fall away after your weak explanation. You hesitated, not sure whether giving them a legitimate answer would only egg them on. Ultimately, you shrugged.
"I mean, personally? Yeah, probably at some point," you offered, playing nervously with the edge of your napkin. You didn't want to look at Philip. "The whole 'settling down and starting a family' thing is something I've kind of always pictured"
"Is it more appealing now that you see how great having a big family is for us?" Alex Jr. asked, words saturated with sarcasm. You laughed as he grinned exaggeratedly, gesturing to everyone down the table.
"I know you're joking and all, but I really wouldn't mind this being my day-by-day."
"Really?" Philip chose that moment to finally interject, an eyebrow raised, and you nodded, feeling suddenly defensive.
"I mean, yeah." You shrugged, shoulders tense. "What, wouldn't you?"
"I would.” His lips quirked as he sat forward in his chair once again. “But, honestly, I didn’t think this was your style.”
"I'm not totally set on anything, but..." You didn't elaborate further. Confessing to him the future you wanted had you feeling uncomfortably vulnerable. His smile was soft as he faintly nodded, eyes crinkling at the corners.
There was a pregnant pause before Alex Sr. spoke.
"I guess now you've talked about it."
Dinner ended much later than it needed to, and afterward, they just herded you into their living room. It seemed that now since they all had you in front of them, they were going to take advantage of the opportunity to ask you anything and everything about yourself and your love life (with a focus on Philip, of course). You did your best to field the seemingly endless barrage of questions, and though it took you a while, you finally figured out how to deflect the more uncomfortable ones onto Philip. It wasn't until you yawned -- rather loudly, too -- that the conversation reached any sort of stopping point.
"Tired, princess?" Philip wrapped an arm around your waist, lightly squeezing your side, and you sighed, not having enough energy to push back on the pet name.
"Little bit," you mumbled, a weary smile still adorning your lips. He chuckled, and you couldn't help but lean into his embrace, feeling more drained than anything, and rested your head on his shoulder.
"You two should head up and get some sleep," Eliza said. The look in her eyes as you met her gaze was affectionate. You didn't notice your smile growing.
"I second that. You look exhausted, Y/N," Alex added, looking to you and Philip sympathetically.
You chuckled at that, and you couldn't help the lazy sarcasm that leaked into your voice as you responded, "Thanks, Mr. Hamilton; glad to hear it."
"Alex," he corrected you, his smile kind. He didn't seem to take any offense at your tone; instead, amusement danced in his eyes, and you nodded, matching his expression.
You couldn't decide whether the warm feeling in your chest as you bid everyone goodnight, letting Philip lead you to the stairs, was the result of your fatigue, the merlot Eliza had offered you around seven (and then three more times in the hours that followed), or if it just came from being around his family. It had to be some combination of the three, but you had a sneaking suspicion it leaned mainly toward the latter.
The two of you walked in easy silence, you still reminiscing on everything that had happened that day, everyone you'd met, and you didn't notice Philip watching you as you hung onto the railing to your left. You weren't in any sort of headspace for vigilant observation. Instead, you were fixated fondly on his family. It was never an environment you'd been in, so rowdy and energetic, but tender and caring all the while. You'd been dreading this weekend -- seriously, you spent about an hour on the drive down drowning out Philip's soliloquy, spaced out and wondering whether it was too late to just turn around and dump him off on the side of the road. (Patsy wouldn't have even questioned it when you arrived home.) The past however-many-hours, though, almost since you'd just woken up, had you questioning a number of assumptions you'd made, and not just about the family reunion.
You stumbled over one of the last stairs as you lost yourself in your train of thought. Your eyes snapped wide open; your grip on the railing tightened. Just as you felt yourself beginning to tip backward, you found yourself in Philip's arms, his grip on your waist steadying you as he looked down at you, amused.
"You alright?" The air hadn't yet returned to your lungs; your pseudo-crisis must have begun and ended in under a second, and you stared up at him blankly. You blinked, just beginning to process your surroundings.
Catching your breath was more of a struggle than it should've been, however. All you could discern was the feeling of his fingertips pressing into your skin, the feeling of his breath on your neck as he looked down at you. You weren't even that close together, but clinging to his arms for what seemed like dear life had you feeling mildly defenseless. You couldn't miss the growing concern in his eyes.
"Yeah," you breathed as you realized you'd let the silence stretch on too long, long enough for Philip to question it. Being tired (and gravitating toward wine-tipsy) must have just heightened the panic in your system, must have slowed your reaction time. Another beat passed, and you finally pulled yourself upright, taking a deep breath as you continued up the last couple of stairs and down the hallway. Philip's concern didn't dissipate as he came up after you, but your mind was elsewhere.
You had to promise yourself to keep from drinking the next day, feeling exasperated with yourself as you couldn't seem to collect your thoughts. He caught up to you as you entered his room, and pulled the door shut behind him with an eyebrow raised. You didn't see him watching you, a silent question in his gaze, as you dragged yourself over to your suitcase.
You turned around after pulling your pajamas out and froze when you met his eyes. "What?"
He pursed his lips. "You sure you're okay?"
"Of course," you reassured him, giving a weary smile. "I'm just tired; don't worry."
You didn't let yourself ponder any longer, and though you could see your answer hadn't quite appeased him, you ignored it. The room was quiet as you both picked through your suitcases, brushed past each other entering and exiting the bathroom. You were both more than ready to get some sleep.
Just before you were about to climb into bed, you paused, unable to help your drifting gaze. Philip was still in the adjacent bathroom, brushing his teeth, and you glanced back at him. Considering the circumstances, briefly vetting his room felt like fair game.
Your eyes scanned the walls, noting the different posters he still had hung up, appearing to all be from different times in his life -- some were much more worn than others, and you couldn't imagine he'd been anxiously awaiting the new Scooby-Doo movie anytime recently. You wandered over to the desk, the corners of your mouth twitching up into a small smile as you noticed the books and pictures stacked high on the surface. Your fingertips brushed against one photo, and your gaze fell to it, seeing Philip and three other people all in party hats, their celebration frozen in time.
You could hear his footsteps stall behind you as you poked into his belongings, but it didn't discourage you.
"When's this from?" you asked, turning to him with the polaroid you'd uncovered. He chuckled as he walked over, plucking the picture from your hand.
"Eighteenth birthday party," he said, eyes crinkling at the corners as he eyed the photograph. He turned his gaze back to you with a small smile. "You're actually gonna meet all the people in this photo this weekend, assuming they all show up."
You raised an eyebrow, stifling a yawn as you took a seat on the perfectly made bed a few feet in front of him. "What, couldn't get anyone but family to celebrate your eighteenth with you?"
"Hardly." He hummed, ignoring the aim behind the insult. "My dad lost most of his family when he was young, though, so while you'll meet all of Mom's family this weekend, Pop's is all just his friends who he's adopted into the family, and then their families. These three are his friends' kids who I grew up with," he said, motioning again to the photograph.
"That's sweet," you said softly, pushing yourself further up the bed, hugging your knees to your chest.
"That your dad chose this entirely new family, I mean." He shrugged, walking over to join you on the bed.
"Yeah, I guess so," he said, "Never really thought much of it, I guess." He paused, eyeing you with a raised eyebrow where you sat. "What's your family like? You don't talk about them much."
You pursed your lips. "Small."
"Yeah?" He took a seat next to you after pulling himself onto the bed. Your skin jumped as the outside of his thigh rested against yours, his hip less than an inch away, and you could feel his body heat radiating off of him. You nodded, swallowing hard as a soft smile grew on your lips.
"Just me, my parents and my brother."
"That's it?" He looked surprised at your explanation, and you just shrugged. "What about cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles?"
"Two aunts, no grandparents, no cousins."
"Really," he sighed, seemingly still in disbelief. A teasing grin worked its way onto his face as he elbowed you lightly. "So I won't be going to any family reunions in the L/N household anytime soon, then, huh?"
You laughed despite yourself. "Doesn't look like it. The closest we ever get is when my brother and I are together in NYC and Mom and Dad drive up to meet us for a couple days. Not much of a production."
"Sounds nice, though." His grin had grown by then as he looked over at you, leaning back to meet you where you sat. By then, he was sitting angled toward you with his legs crossed, reclining back on his hands. You shifted, and the hand behind you brushed against his. "Next time the L/Ns get together in New York, though, I'd better be invited. Quid pro quo, princess."
"Oh, of course," you replied jokingly, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Might be a little quieter than what you're used to, though."
He rolled his eyes. "At least you're letting me know ahead of time." You shifted to turn yourself toward him, again finding him only inches from you. He looked as surprised as you did, but neither of you moved, and he continued, tone light. "Speaking of, sorry for not warning you about how... chaotic my family gets. It's been a while since I've been with them all at once, and I forgot to consider that this isn't how everyone's families work."
You chuckled, your smile growing. "No, don't apologize. They're sweet."
"Not the word that comes to mind." He pursed his lips, looking down at you skeptically. You rolled your eyes, but he couldn't have missed the mirth in your expression. "Then again, considering that, it's no wonder you get along with them."
Your jaw dropped in mock outrage. "What's that supposed to mean?!"
He shrugged, feigning innocence despite his smirk. "Nothing much. Just that I'm glad you feel at home with my family."
You huffed out a laugh, pulling yourself up to jab a finger in his chest. "Now don't you dare even pretend that wasn't an insult!"
"I don't know what you're talking about." His grin didn't waver.
"Oh, don't play dumb," you scoffed. You both knew the fury in your voice was contrived, and his amusement seemed to grow. "We both know what you meant."
"Oh, yeah?" He pushed back on you, leaning in against your hand, an eyebrow raised. "What'd I mean, princess?"
"I said don't pretend," you warned him. He was looking increasingly smug the more indignant you became, and you narrowed your eyes.
"Who said I was?
"I'm not stupid." You raised your eyebrows.
"'Course not." He mocked your expression. "So you must already know I would never mean anything other than praise by that, huh?"
You rolled your eyes with a groan, having had about enough, despite the smile you were failing to stifle. He laughed, and you reached out to shove him away by the chest, but just as you did, he tried to grab your wrist, eyebrows raised.
He was too late.
As he grabbed your wrist, you couldn't pull back to where you were sitting, and your eyes widened as you lost your balance. Your momentum turned what would've hardly tipped him over into a much more forceful push, and you sent him falling backward, his legs unfolding as he tried to catch himself, with you, in turn, collapsing forward with a yelp. You ended up on top of him, one hand still held to his chest, the other beside his head, and you knelt straddling his waist. Both of you had wide eyes as you realized the position you were in, nose-to-nose, and your breath caught in the back of your throat.
He was the first to speak, eyes shining, his voice low. "Y'know, this wasn't quite what I had in mind when I asked you to come home with me for the weekend."
However, you were still stunned into silence, hyper-aware of any movement either of you made. You had to focus on your breathing in an effort to calm your pounding heart. (With your hand on his chest, you could tell you weren't the only one.)
You felt your hair brushing against your cheek as it fell forward, draped beside your head over Philip. It must have been subconscious when you found yourself leaning in further yet, must have been instinct based on the situation. Nonetheless, when you did, the side of your nose brushed against his, and you felt his heartbeat quicken, saw his eyes widen.
You paused when you must have been less than an inch above him.
"Y/N," he murmured, voice cautious as his free hand found its way up to your waist. You stalled, though, for another moment, shivering when you felt his breath fan across your lips. He was all but immobile beneath you, too apprehensive to make any move one way or another.
The anticipation in his eyes only heightened with each passing second.
It was then that you pushed yourself off of him, blinking hard, and you couldn't decide whether you had lost your nerve or regained your sense. You swallowed, took a deep breath. "Sorry, I... I didn't mean to, um--" You cut yourself off. What in the world were you thinking? The question arose in your mind desperately as you scrambled further back, further from him. Your face was burning. "I wasn't--"
"You're ok," he said softly, giving you a reassuring (yet, slightly worried) smile. You didn't meet his gaze. "It was a mistake." You were so lost in your own train of thought that you didn't notice when Philip finally stood, walked to the empty side of the bed to join you.
"We should get some sleep," he said, turning on the lamp beside him, and you nodded. The past few minutes had you spiraling. All his actions were hesitant; had you scared him? You didn't mean to end up in that position. He knew it was just a mishap, right? Did you know that it was?
He stood briefly to hit the light, and you crawled under one side of the covers. After a moment, he joined you. Neither of you knew quite what to say next.
"G'night, princess," he finally murmured, voice as wary as it was soft as you curled into the sheets, and he pulled them over himself alongside you. You closed your eyes in an effort to forget that you were still facing him, shifted over to give him space. Your calf brushed against his knee, but you didn't pull away.
When you heard the lamp turn off, you finally spoke again. "Night, Pip."
The room was completely silent after that, but neither of you was at rest. You lay with your eyes tightly shut, your thoughts running a mile a minute as you willed yourself to stop replaying one specific moment on a loop.
You didn't realize your brow was furrowed, but Philip did, watching you for just a moment longer with smiling eyes.
The bed was just a little bit warmer that night.
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Geralt x reader We're Married? Part 2
Ok here part 2! Its probably crap but anyway...
part 1
Pairing: Geralt x reader
Warnings: Blood, cursing, mentions of past sexual abuse, violence
The second you entered the hall was the second you forgot who you were supposed to be..
"HOLY SHI-" a rough hand quickly clasped your mouth shut. "If you wouldnt give us away in the first 5 seconds that would be terrific" Geralt muttered.
"Mmmph mmmph- alright alright sorry" he removed his hand. You sighed and looked around, more quietly this time. You'd been to a party like this before, well snuck into a party like this before.. but never this lavish.
The royal family spared no expense it seemed considering every inch of the great hall was exquisitely decorated. Long tables were lined with delectable looking dishes, which you would definitely visit later...
And there were many eating tables that had beautiful flower petals atop them. In between was a large area which was meant for socializing and dancing most likely. Boy did you feel out of place..
The man on your arm felt the same you guessed by the way his face contorted watching all the "fancy people" socialize. "I have a bad feeling.." he spoke quietly to himself.
Curious you turned to him "why do you say that?"
His eyes scanned the room suspiciously, "Because something's not adding up.."
"Y/n listen to me" he suddenly turned to you seriously.
"Hmm?" You eyes rose
"This thing..whatever it is..is different from what we've encountered before" he started
"Yeah I know that.." What was he getting at?
He grunted before continuing, "Promise me something" he said with earnest eyes which was incredibly rare for the witcher. It always made you soften tho.
"Sure anything.." you were worried now.
"When the monster shows up-whatever it is. You will leave with Jaskier"
"Except that" you deadpanned. "Are you crazy?? Why would I leave??" You unlinked your arms and faced him fully.
He pressed his lips tightly and led you to a corner away from people who began to notice the dispute.
Jaskier sensing the rising tension, stepped away.
"Y/n listen to me" he said firmly, "we don't know what we are dealing with, and for that reason it's not safe for you"
You threw up your arms in disbelief, "When has monster hunting ever been safe Geralt?!"
He huffed, clenching his jaw, "You will leave when it shows up and that's final" his tone leaving no room for argument.
You decided causing a scene would not be wise so you settled for giving geralt your best, "I'm angry and this isnt over face" before swiftly walking away.
"Y/n!" He caught up with you and just as he grabbed your arm an older couple blocked your path.
"Why I don't believe we've met before?" The older man dressed in blue said with bright eyes.
Geralt forced a smile and stood beside me, "I suppose we just havent had the pleasure yet"
"Well allow me to introduce myself and my dear wife count and countess Barano at your service" he bowed his head slightly and his wife followed suit.
"A pleasure" you chimed in moving slightly away from Geralt. "This is my husband, sir Bartholomew Tristan, and I'm lady Lina Tristan." You gestured lazily beside you.
The next half hour went similarly like this, a new couple introducing themselves every now and then, and talking about nonsense. You could hardly focus on anything they were saying. All you could think about was how Geralt was being an absolute arse wipe.
How dare he try to keep you away from all the action?! You're training had been relentless since the incident with the visser. And you were more than ready to fight anything that came your way. Geralt has been this way the last few missions. Although he never told you to completely leave before. Maybe a stay back or a few to many be carefuls. But run away?? What's the point of training if you couldn't even use it!
The dinging of a bell shook you from your thoughts. Dinner time..great more boring conversations with people you didnt like.
Playing the part of the ever so doting husband, Geralt pulled out a seat for you. You didnt even spare him a glance as you sat down. He sighed as he sat beside you. Throughout the evening he had tried to talk to you but it always ended badly. You were both pissed and stubborn..
"Y/n-" he began but was cutt of by lady borano.
"So tell us about yourselves, it's not often we meet new friends." She smiled sincerely.
Geralt turned with a hand in the air, "What would you like to know?"
"How long have the two of you been married?"
Geralt thought back to the extra information Yavert told him, "3 years"
" Ah still practically newlyweds" sir Borano joked.
"Any children?" A beautifully wicked idea formed in your mind,
"Unfortunately no, my dear husband here can't perform."
The sound of a feminine gasp and the whip of his head made you smirk as you took a sip of the wine before you. Its contents easing your mind, and your tongue for that matter. He forced a smile in an attempt to ease the awkwardness.
" ah I see..." she responded quietly." Well children aren't everything" she also made an effort to improve the mood.
"And thank god for that, because she'd make a terrible mother".
This time you were the one whipping your head around nearly choking on your drink. That little!! "I'm sure that's not true.."sir Barono offered with an uncomfortable smile.
"Well you can't raise children by lazing around all day and eating crumpets" he laughed while the others laughed along too, awkwardly that is..
"Well at least you know where I am, on the other hand I sit at home all day wondering what you and our servant boy could possibly be doing taking so long attending to "business". All eyes shifted to a fumbling Jaskier who stood behind us, "that's uh...not...she didn't..." he tried defending himself.
If looks could kill you would have been a goner. Geralt fists clenched beneath the table. Good, he deserves it for being a butthead.
In a few sentences you had emasculated him and implied he was having a passionate affair with the servant boy. Not bad y/n, not bad at all..
To the relief of the table, the royal family entered cutting off all conversation as everyone stood up. Curiously you peeked over the shoulders in front of you to get a closer look.
The king and queen of servia were announced along with their daughter the princess Annora. She held her head high and had an unreadable expression. She was very beautiful, long flowing hair, slim figure, beautiful blue dress. Total cliche if you ask me. But one thing stood out, the cute little fluffy puppy she held in her arms, he wore a little golden collar with a bell. Awwww litte baby pooooo.
The rest of the family was dressed obnoxiously with large puffy sleeves and glittering jewelry. No question who they were. They were led to a large table in the front center of the hall with 6 ornately decorated chairs. Makeshift thrones basically. They stood in front of them but didnt sit, which meant that you couldn't either.
A moment later another set of doors opened. In walked what you could only assume was the king, queen, and prince of Targeris. There was nothing special about them, without the fancy outfits they would've looked like any other couple. The sons attention was immediately on the princess. His eyes raked over her body without a hint of subtlety. Ew have some class dude. She on the other hand kept a straight face, not acknowledging him in the slightest.
Finally they sat down and dinner went by rather uneventfully. You and geralt hadn't said a word, although the tension was definitely still there.
Most couples had taken to dancing for the rest of the night, you however felt suffocated and decided to escape outside for a breathe of fresh air.
This was not how you wanted the night to go, you let out a sigh, watching the air turn slightly foggy. Why was Geralt acting like this? Why doesnt he trust you? What's it gonna take for him to see you as an ally instead of a weight he has to carry around?!?!
Ughhhhh you dragged your fingers across your face and through your hair. This was so frustrating! Leaning your head back you closed your eyes and let the cool air wash over your flushed face, relaxing you slightly.
When you opened your eyes again a flash of blue caught your attention. You peered downwards leaning over the balcony slightly to see. Oh it's just some couple from the party..
Wait a minute..
You leaned over more narrowing your eyes, Is that?...no way it can't be...but...you quickly walked back into the party, eyes aimed at the royal families. C'mon where are you??
You scanned every inch searching for the princess but she was no where to be found. The other members were deep in a political conversation and hardly noticed that their daughter had snuck away.
So that was her?? What was she doing? Feeling something amiss you made your way to the entrance and down the long staircase. Ugh stupid heels, you kicked them aside on the steps feeling much more free.
Oh I hope no one trips on them..oops...
You ran around to the side of the castle where the balcony was above you. Frowning when all you saw was an empty garden. Now where did she go?? You stepped further into the garden listening for any out of place sounds.
All that could be heard was the wind rustling some rose bushes and the chirping of crickets.
A girlish giggle made you spring into action. Following the sound you discreetly peeked around a column of the garden.
There stood the princess flirtatiously pressed up again one of the Servian ambassadors you were forced to socialize with earlier.
The man himself was wrinkly and balding, why was the princess interested in him when all night she seemed to detest everything?
Why did her laugh feel...wrong somehow? "Let's go somewhere more...private" she smirked pulling him by his wrist. The puppy you noticed was there as well following behind her. What a well trained dog...
Lifting up your dress again you followed the couple at a distance until you saw them stop at a hanging tapestry on the wall. What are they doing?
Annora smiled and lifted back the tapestry, it revealed a small opening only big enough for one person. She led the way and they soon dissapeared from sight.
After waiting a few moments to be safe, you stepped lightly after them. The opening they went through was pitch dark and every bone in your body was telling you to turn back.
Then you heard the giggles again, sucked it up and moved forward.
You kept walking until you ran into something soft.
What? Oh? Another tapestry? You shoved the material aside and it took your eyes a moment to adjust to the light.
You were in a candlelit hallway with several doors on either side. You heard a door click close and laughter coming from inside.
Hmm well you couldn't just barge in now.. I guess she does like him..wonder what her fiance would think of this. Well anyway it wasn't any of your business..
What a waste of time geez.. you spin around in the direction you came about to pull back the fabric.
"WAAHHHHH" you jerked around when a loud scream broke out. And not the fun kind either.
Without a second thought you kicked open the door with a bang.
"What the fu-" the princess snapped her head around with a growl. "Who the hell are you?!" She hissed.
"Better question, what the hell are you doing?!" You questioned eyes wide in disbelief at what you saw. Annora had bound and gagged the pitiful man. He was tied to the end bed post and sat whimpering on the floor. Why was he so afraid?
"Doesn't matter, you're going to die soon anyway" she smirked and her eyes flicked to something over your shoulder. It was then you realized there was another presence in the room.
Whipping your head around you came face to face with a four legged beast. Its ribs protruded crudely and its body was covered in a sickly black goo. Its eyes were red and fiery and the realization came crashing on to you when you saw the same golden collar around its neck. Fuck...
You blindly felt around for the short sword hidden under your dress. You just managed to grab it in time before the "puppy" lunged. Swinging the sword you caught its face. It hissed in pain and you took the chance to bolt through the door.
A loud growl erupted behind you. You sprinted further down the hallway and about had a heart attack when you saw Jaskier casually walking. His eyes lit up when he saw you but then widened in horror. You grabbed his arm probably giving him whiplash and the both of your were running for your lives. There was no way you could fight that beast in the tiny hallway.
"Jaskier what are you doing here?!?!" You shouted panicking.
"I-I was just following you!! I saw you leave all of the sudden and got worried!!" You both sharply turned into a corner. Thank god for these long ass hallways.
"So mind explaining WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!!" He screamed frantically.
"Princess bad, monster bad, I'll explain the rest later when we're not about to be dog food!!" Fuck you were approaching a dead end, think think think!
"GROWWWWWWWWL" the beast was gaining on you two. You did the only thing you could think of, which was shoving jaskier into an open room and spin around to face the beast head on,
"Barricade yourself in Jaskier!" You shouted.
"W-what no! I'm not leaving you" he yelled back.
Ugh idiot! Theres no point of us both getting chomped! "Then do something to help!" He looked around frantically. Something to help something to help.."GERALT!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.
Youd be lucky if he could hear that..
The beast was finally upon you, its row of razor teeth glinting in the candlelight. Fuck.. one bite and youd be literally chow.
You braced yourself as it charged forward, it leaped up and you waited until that moment to run and slide under it. You were successful but the damb beast was quick to turn around and catch your shoulder with a sharp claw.
"Aghh" you let out a welp of pain as it pinned you down.
"Y/N!" Jaskier shouted worriedly
You gripped your sword and thrust blindly upwards. It howled as the sword ripped through its flesh.
It reacted by throwing you across the hall. You rolled over in pain. Fuck, bad dog.. Its attention was on the frozen Jaskier who lamely held up a candle stick in defense.
"Jaskier run!" You winced getting up again and charging at the monster, you picked up your fallen sword and lunged onto it's back stabbing its head.
"GROOOOOOOOWL" it wildly whipped its head side to side trying to throw me off.
"JASKIER GO NOW!" he wasted no time and bolted around, "I'll go find Geralt!!" His voice faded away with his hurried footsteps.
You couldn't hold on much longer due to the stinging in your shoulder.
You fell off and rolled away nearly getting hit again by its claws.
"Y/N stay down!" A large whoosh of air shot over you as you pressed yourself flat on the ground.
"Geralt!" You exclaimed in relief. He ran over to you and helped you up. Before he could ask if you were alright the monster shrieked. God why wont it just die?!
Geralt grunted pulling out another sword and stepping in front of you.
Jaskier gently pulled you back, "Are you ok? Your shoulder-" he began but you gasped,
"Fuck!" You left him bewildered as you pushed him aside and ran back the way you came. The princess, the man, just what was going on?!?!
You flew into the room, eyes locked on the princess who stood over the unconscious man.
She tilted her head in your direction, and you narrowed your eyes noticing something that wasnt there before. Her eyes were an electric purple, and her hair was flowing around her slightly.
"You're....a mage?" You asked completely confused.
She chuckled sinisterly, "you managed to escape my dear pet, no one has been able before" she walked a couple steps in your direction.
"No matter, I'll finish you off myself" she raised a manicured hand up and the air around you seemed to get thinner.
You tried to step back but some invisible force was holding you in place. Fuck it was getting harder to breathe. Geralt I hate being the one needing to be saved but your appearance would be much appreciated.
"I-if I'm going to die anyway, tell me what's going on".you said in a hoarse whisper. The least you could do is have her distracted why you tried to find a way out of her spell.
"Hmm well I suppose it would be entertaining to watch the horrified look on your face". The side of her mouth flitted up.
"Lemme start by introducing myself, my name is Lisanna, and you're half right, I AM a mage, the princess I'm currently controlling however is nothing more that the poor dear that was too desperate to know better"
"W-what?!" You were on the floor now starting to feel lightheaded, you milked it a little so she wouldnt notice your hand creeping to the back of your head un clasping the long hair pin.
"Yes, it was some time ago I came to the princess in a dream. You see I was cursed along time ago, my soul was trapped outside my body, so I improvised. I summoned the power of the dark spirits and was able to enter whatever vessel I so choose. The only downside is they had to be dying or willing which was very annoying. If the vessel I'm in dies, I die along with it. And as you could imagine there weren't many willing people. But that's when I came across dear Annora here." She gestured to herself.
"T-the p-princess was willing??" you coughed out confused.
"Well, when I found her she was desperate you see. Her marriage had just been announced and she was willing to do anything to escape it. I very graciously, offered a solution. Let me temporarily control your body, and I'll make sure no one forces you to do anything you dont want to again."
You gripped the pin and brought it down by your side, "that still doesnt explain everything? The dissapeances the-" you coughed again.
She laughed to herself, "Oh that? That's just good old fashioned revenge, you see our poor princess has suffered at the hands of these perverted old men for years. No one cared enough to believe her, in fact they shamed her. Does that seem fair? No it doesn't" she kneeled before you and tilted your chin upwards.
"I rather enjoyed kidnapping them and torturing them till I put them out of their misery days later. It was the perfect plan, Runald, got a little excited though and killed the man right here on the floor. It was a truly gruesome sight, but dogs will be dogs" she shrugged as if it was the most casual thing in the world.
"W-why would y-you help?" You whispered shakily.
"Well you see it's all part of the bigger picture, the king is the one who needs to suffer" a look of disgust flashed across her face.
NOW! You jabbed the pin in her neck and the spell dissipated instantly. "YOU BITCH" she shrieked crawling back in pain clutching the bloody pin.
You gained your strength and stood back up running to her. "Why the king?! Answer me!" You tackled her binding her arms with the curtain tassels.
She struggled violently, her neck bleeding profusely. "If you keep moving you'll just bleed out faster.." you glared at her.
"Tell me everything and I might save you.." you stood back up allowing her some space.
"He deserves it! He fucking betrayed me!" She said angry tears beginning to fall down her flushed face. "He said he loved me! He said he'd leave her! And then she got pregnant and he threw me out like garbage! He let all those stupid men influence him! I begged him! And when I tried to kill his bitch which I had every right to do, he got a mage to put a curse on me! He has to suffer!! They all do!" She was shaking now.
You thought over her words for a moment, "So the men..the murders.." You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"Two birds with one fucking stone, the princess and me have similar interests, we deserve justice! It doesnt matter how it happens, one by one or an all out war! They all must suffer! We didnt deserve this!" You looked down quietly ,
"You're right... you both didnt deserve that, but this.." you gestured to the unconscious man, "is not justice, it makes you like them, criminals.."
"So what!? They can call us whatever we want, it doesnt mean anything! If they get what they deserve they can call us whatever the fuck they want!" The angry tears were streaming now.
"No" you shook your head softly. "It does matter, because it's not over for you yet. I won't let it be.." you crouched beside her, "I'm sorry for what they did to you... to the both of you... but there has to be a way..a way to move past the pain and move forward"
She scoffed, "What the hell would you know! You've never suffered like I have".
Memories of your master flashed through your mind and without a second thought you threw your arms around her shaking form.
"I do.." you whispered quietly.."pulling her tightly against you, "Someone came along...someone stronger, and prettier, and better than me...and he threw me aside...like everything we ever went through never happened...he was everything to me and I thought I was everything to him..I felt like the whole world was going to collapse onto me. For a long time I was lost..and so so angry. I too wanted revenge..more than anything..but then I realized I couldn't let him control me anymore..that the best revenge was to live a better life. A life where I didnt have to depend on some stupid guy to give it meaning. And I was ok thinking that I would be alone for the rest of my days. But then things changed because I made them.. I found people who are truly good. And now I thank god that I didnt let myself be consumed by my feelings of rage, because now I'm truly happy...and I promise you" you squeezed her tighter, "your story is not going to end this way.." .
Her soft sobs grew louder as she buried her head in your chest. You smiled gently and with one hand untied her bindings. She immediately wrapped her arms around you and let out all the pain and sorrow she had built up.
"Its going to be ok" you gently cupped her head, "I promise".
When she finally looked up, her tear filled eyes met yours, "It hurts so much" you gently stroked her tears away, "I know, but amazing girls like us cant spend the rest of their lives obsessing over some scumbags now can we?" You laugh softly.
She matches your smile and leans in close to you, "thank you..." she whispers kissing your cheek.
A visible purple aura formed around her before altogether gathering and leaving the princess. You smiled sadly and watched Lisannas soul dissapear through the window.
The princess's body went limp in your arms, a moment later she stirred, "where am I?" She whispered confused and exausted. "Don't worry..you're safe now, everythings going to be alright" you held her close and tied a piece of fabric from your dress on her neck wound. Luckily it wasnt too deep.
That same moment 2 very disgruntled men rushed in, "Y/n?!" Geralt came over and knelt beside the two of you.
"I'm alright..we both are.." you smiled at him. "I'm getting the feeling we missed something.." Jaskier raised his brows looking at the man rousing on the floor.
You couldn't help but let out a laugh as the both of them gave you a weird look.
After the events you had a long talk with the princess. You were proud as she stood in front of the room and told everyone of the scandalous crimes that the king didnt bat an eyelash towards. Anybody who looked as if they were going to protest were promptly shut up with one stern glare from the witcher.
Everyone agreed that a new era of peace could not begin with a foundation of crimes. The king and queen were arrested by Targeris guards and the princess was crowned queen right then and there.
There was actually alot of protest but a certain mage was able to convince everyone. Something about making the room dark and the floor quake made everyone agree that you couldn't argue with destiny. Thanks Lisanna, I hope to see you again some day. Well as long as your not possessing someone against their will...then again how will she really live without doing that? Eh whatever shes good now, its probably fine...probably..
The princess-well queen now decided that she would not marry the prince, however the peace had to continue. Everyone was too scared to "go against destiny" again so everything seemed to be ok for now.
As for the missing officials, we explained there was a monster but we swiftly took care of them. Actually, doggy poo was turned back to normal when the suffocating spell broke and he sat wagging happily by the queens side. Usually jobs didnt end this happy. Not bad y/n, not bad at all..
"Ouch.." you wince as rough hands rub a cool salve on your aching shoulder.
"Sorry.." Geralt apologized and tried his best to be gentle.
The mood was peaceful, the only thing illuminating the two of you was a few flickering candles. The two of you sat quietly on a bed in one of the guest rooms. You felt more vulnerable than usual as the dress you wore was pooled on the floor. A thin strapless slip was the only thing covering you. Geralt was gentle as he tended to your shoulder. You felt ashamed at the way you behaved earlier. He was being annoyingly protective yes but..you may have taken it too far.
"Geralt?" You said quietly turning to face him.
"Hmm?" His golden eyes like fire in the flickering light.
"I'm sorry for the things I said...and how I acted...but I'm not sorry for getting upset at you telling me to leave." I said truthfully.
He sighed and I expected a protest, "No I should be the one apologizing.." he finished wrapping your shoulder and gently stroked the bandage
"I know telling you to back off was unfair but.." he looked troubled.
"But?" You urged him on.
He looked down, "Everytime we encounter another monster, I cant help imagine that its going to end up with you almost dying" he looked back up and the look in his eyes was so raw you caught your breath. He was referring to the last time when the visser had almost killed you.
"Geralt..." you whispered leaning forward so his forehead was touching yours. "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere..." you placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned back smiling, "Besides who else are you going to engage in witty banter with? Jaskier?" You teased and a corner of his mouth lifted. "Dont think I've forgotten what you said.." he raised a brow.
"Hey it's not all my fault! Just dont leave me out of things again and we'll have no issues"
"Alright..I promise I won't do that again ok?" He offered.
You nodded your head happy now that you had finally come to an agreement.
He shook his head, "Well at least if you're by me, I can keep an eye on you......speaking of..."
Uh oh bad feeling. Geralt was shifting into scolding mode you could feel it..
You scooted off the bed slightly ready to escape if need be, "Why the hell did you go after the princess by yourself!?" He was more stern now.
"Jaskier? Is that you calling? I'm coming!" You dashed off the bed swinging open the door, "We can talk later Geralt! Jaskier needs me!"
You bolted down the hall ignoring his bark of protest behind you, "Y/N! Don't--ugh" he sighed shaking his head. That woman was gonna be the end of him...but he couldn't help the smile plastered on face. His fingers gently touched where her forehead was. She sure was a special one. He grunted and left the room, now where did she run off too...
Ok so there it is! I didn't feel very confident about this story but wanted to finish it anyway. Hope it was ok xoxo lemme know if I should write more stories, till next time!
@marvels-gurl @shane-isa-shame @waitingtobeimpressed @viking-raider @dream-alittlebiggerdarling
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kim-seungmine · 5 years
the time is now
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title: the time is now
characters: (fem) reader x kim seungmin of stray kids (feat. choi lia of itzy, lee felix + bang chan of stray kids)
genres: romance, rich kid au, friends to lovers au, (sort of!) mafia au, dedicating this to 191109 seungmin & levanter era!seungmin
word count: 7.9k 
warnings: alcohol consumption, violence (nothing too wild tho), i haven’t proofread, idk what im doing tbh (but seungmin drives an aston martin i hope that makes you feel better)
synopsis: you and seungmin spent years pushing each other away, only to be confronted by your biggest fears when you finally decided to stop running away.
a/n: i hope this doesn’t suck :(((
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Summer is for fun. Summer is for rest. Summer is for romance.
But summer is also for opportunities, and that’s the sole reason why you’re standing inside the Laura Ryu boutique—where you can’t even afford its cheapest pair of earrings. The luxury fashion brand is open for internships for the very first time and now it’s one of those “a million girls would kill for that job” positions in South Korea.
“Good morning, everyone.”
The sweet but regal voice belongs to Julia Choi, Laura Ryu’s daughter who’s specifically flew back from New York to Seoul for the summer to help her mother managing the internship. You know her better as Choi Jisu, your childhood friend who’s currently attending Parsons School of Design.
“I’m Choi Jisu, and I’m going to be your mentor throughout the internship. Well, technically I’m responsible for all of you here so please, stay in one piece until the end of summer although it’s going to be absolute hell, okay?”
Everyone laughs, and soon you’re ushered to one big studio inside. You see a placard with your name on one of the table and quickly head there, giving Jisu a little wave as she tells the other interns to find their stations.
After all the interns are seated, Jisu claps, effectively silencing everyone. “And now, something to motivate you,” she announces. “We’re going to monitor every single one of you and by the end of summer, we’re going to choose one intern to help with our next collection. How’s that sound?”
Excited whispers are heard all over the room, and you hope you’ll survive summer in one piece.
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“Y/N! Wait up!”
Jisu is running down the stairs, her heels making loud clacking sounds against the marble floor. She envelops you in a tight hug the moment you’re within an arm’s reach. You’ve missed Jisu, it feels like it’s been ages since you volunteered at the animal shelter together.
“I can’t believe you actually applied!” she chirps.
You chuckle. “Well, I can’t believe I actually got in.”
Jisu snorts. “Oh please. I don’t need to see your portfolio to know how amazing it is. You’re probably the only one who sent a proper portfolio.”
She greets the shopkeepers, leading you outside. “Are you free? Let’s catch up!” she offers. You nod, linking your arm with hers. “What do you want to do? Coffee?”
A white Aston Martin pulls over in front of you, causing Jisu to gasp and check her watch. The window rolls down, revealing an annoyed Kim Seungmin on the driver’s seat. “Yah Choi Jisu,” he snaps. “I know I’m just your insignificant cousin, but couldn’t you at least tell me that you were going to be at your Mom’s boutique the whole day?”
“Oh shoot, sorry Seungmin! I totally forgot,” Jisu panics, turning to you with apologetic eyes. “It’s okay,” you assure her. “Go. You’re stuck with me for the whole summer anyways.”
She shakes her head. “No, I’m not gonna leave you behind. Seungmin, you don’t mind if I bring Y/N along, do you?”
Yeah, Kim Seungmin. Someone from your “summer is for romance” phase two years ago. You’re well aware that you’re an intern at his aunt’s boutique, but you thought you wouldn’t meet him since he’s set to take over his father’s law firm instead of becoming the heir of Laura Ryu’s fashion empire.
“It’s fine,” you refuse. “We can hang out some other time, Jisu. You two have fun!”
“Come with us,” Seungmin interjects, calmly as usual. Two years of not seeing him in flesh has weakened your defense. Seungmin has always looked fine, but now he looks ten times hotter with his dirty blond hair and you’re cursing yourself for being so shallow. Jisu shrugs, opening the door and pulling you inside.
Seungmin glances at the empty passenger seat then at the rear-view mirror. “So where are we headed, Young Mistresses?” he asks, his tone both sarcastic and playful.
“We were going to grab some coffee. Just stop by at the first Starbucks you see,” Jisu answers before attacking you with questions. Seungmin mumbles an, “Okay Miss” before making a u-turn. You feel all eyes are on you when you enter the café, suddenly realizing that you just stepped out of Kim Seungmin’s Aston Martin with Choi Jisu attached to your side.
For a split second, you forgot that you’re hanging out with South Korea’s top socialites who are way too cool for Starbucks.
After getting your orders, the three of you are chatting about every little thing. “And how is our little Byul? Has she been adopted?”
You and Seungmin exchange awkward glances, causing Jisu to cock an eyebrow. “What happened?”
“I didn’t go to the shelter last year,” you confess.
“Me neither,” Seungmin mumbles, sipping his Americano in a haste.
“Okay, neither of you went to the shelter last year, so what? What are you guys being so weird about?”
“Nothing,” you and Seungmin answer in unison. Jisu examines your face and snaps her fingers, seeming to get the idea. “Well, if that’s the case… why don’t you two talk things out?”
“Wait what happened to catching up?” you panic, while Seungmin grabs his cup and stands up. “I should drive you home,” he says.
Jisu clicks her tongue. “Sit down, both of you.”
You and Seungmin do as told, begging her with your eyes to save yourselves from this situation. “As you said, Y/N, we’re stuck together for the whole summer so we still have a lot of time. And no thank you, dear cousin. I’ll just take the cab. See you!”
Your friend smiles at you one last time before walking out, stopping the first cab she can find. You turn to Seungmin, finally letting yourself indulge in his pretty eyes that only seem to warm up whenever you’re around. Contrary to popular belief, there’s nothing special about Kim Seungmin except for the fact that he’s a straight-As law student, looks both adorable and hot, and is actually a sweet, humble boy despite being filthy rich.
Okay, you’re definitely not over him.
Seungmin clears his throat. “So, how’s the internship so far?”
“It was only my first day,” you answer. “We didn’t do much yet. The real fight starts tomorrow, I guess.”
“You’re in good hands. Jisu handles everything well, and her Mom won’t even show up until the last day so you’re going to have fun.”
You laugh. “But one of the interns is going to be included in the team in charge of the next collection so I suppose your aunt will appear once in a while, right?”
“She’ll be in Paris the whole summer,” Seungmin explains. “Jisu begged her to let her handle the program because she misses home, and here we are now.”
“How about you? Been doing fine, I guess?”
The little spark in Seungmin’s eyes fades at your question. He stands up, returning your puzzled gaze with a cold one. “Let me take you home.”
“You don’t need to,” you retort, slightly offended. “Seungmin, did I say something wrong?”
“No, you didn’t,” he denies. “Please let me take you home. Jisu will kill me if I leave you alone here.”
You’re not satisfied with his answer, but decide to follow him. Seungmin enters the driver’s seat and starts the engine, heading to your neighbourhood without a word. “You still remember where I live?” you ask.
“I’m a law student Y/N. I can remember a lot of things.”
You let out an exasperated sigh. This is probably the only thing you hate about Seungmin: he shuts down everyone the moment he shows a hint of weakness. “Seungmin… are you okay?” you try again. “I’m not getting off until I get a proper answer.”
Jisu once told you that everyone in their big family sees a therapist every month; you know for sure that Seungmin must be their favorite patient because they get paid a fortune for counselling a very good boy who answers everything with positive words.
Seungmin is a strong, positive guy, but not all the time. People tend to forget that. He tends to forget that.
Looking at how tense he is, you decide to drop the subject. “How’s Chan and Felix?” you ask while scrolling through your Instagram feed, looking at a photo of the said boys posing in front of their luxury cars.
Seungmin’s eyes soften at the mention of his best friends. “Aren’t you the one who go to the same university?” he questions endearingly.
Christopher Bang and Felix Lee were your classmates in Fashion Journalism—a class which Felix signed up for by mistake. He tried to have it erased from his timetable, but changed his mind when he realized that everyone in that class was girls. Soon, his best bro Chris Bang joined him and when they found out you were friends with Seungmin and Jisu too, they wouldn’t leave you alone.
“Yeah, but everytime I want to say hi they’re always surrounded by their friends.”
“You mean Seo Changbin, Lee Minho and Yang Jeongin?”
You nod. Seungmin laughs, slowing down his pace as he reaches your neighbourhood. “Just say hi. Those guys are harmless.”
“Easy for you to say,” you scoff. “Seo Changbin radiates this ‘you can’t sit with us’ vibes stronger than those girls in Mean Girls.”
“I mean it,” he repeats. “Just say hi. Felix calls you all the time anyways. You’re a part of their so-called circle.”
“You mean your circle?” you correct him jokingly, unfastening your seatbelt as he smoothly hits the brake in front of your house. “Thank you for taking me home.”
Seungmin smiles your favorite smile, the one where his eyes disappear into crescent moons. The door is opened, yet you’re just sitting there, trying to look for answers inside Seungmin’s doe eyes.
“What is it?”
You chew your bottom lip, shaking your head. “Nothing.”
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Your Golden Retriever puppy named Sun died when you were in fifth grade. You couldn’t function for the rest of summer, so your Dad suggested that you volunteer at an animal shelter. You eventually registered for a 2-week volunteer program where you fell in love with a lively Pomeranian you ended up adopting and a lovely boy named Kim Seungmin.
You and Seungmin went to different schools (he attended an elite all-boys school), the volunteer program was the only time you could meet him. He brought his cousin Choi Jisu the next year, and it became a routine for the three of you from then on. Your beautiful friendship was perfect until your 18th birthday, when Seungmin gifted you a box full of photos of you he had taken as your birthday present.
After 8 years, you finally realized that Kim Seungmin wasn’t just a friend you volunteered with. He was the one you played hide and seek with, he was the one who taught you to use a camera, he was the one who sang to you when you cried after one of the dogs in the shelter got sick.
“Have I ever told you that I love your voice?” you asked him on one Sunday morning, right before you turned 20. “You could be a singer.”
“No, but thank you. You said it right when I started doubting myself.”
“This is not an empty compliment, Seungmin. I’m serious.”
Seungmin ruffled your hair, eyes lighting up at your seriousness. “You never say empty words, Y/N. I know that.”
After a few minutes of trying to find the right response and not finding any, you decided to let his compliment hang in the air. You laid beside him, keeping a safe distance because hearing him breathe so peacefully was enough to mess up your insides.
Seungmin turned to you, and for a while he just stayed like that, quietly examining your face while you were on the verge of freaking out.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
He didn’t change his position, eyes still locked on your face as he whispered, “I asked myself that too, but I honestly don’t know. I just hope I can see you like this forever. Seeing you makes me happy.”
Speechless, you didn’t dare to meet his eyes. How were you supposed to react? Was Seungmin drunk?
“Seriously,” you croaked to break the silence. “You should audition to become an idol or something.”
“Should I?”
“Well, depends whether you want it or not, but go ahead if you want! You have nothing to lose anyways!”
His lips curled into a sad smile. “Nothing to lose? Y/N, money isn’t the only thing I have.”
Whenever you started to feel that maybe you and Seungmin could become something more, the universe always made sure to remind you that he wasn’t just a boy you grew up with. He was the only son of a successful lawyer who rode limousine to school and owned a black credit card he used without thinking. He appeared on nation’s newspaper after attending exclusive parties you could only dream of going. He was someone who flew to London with private jet over the weekend because he wanted to take some photos.
You laughed, locking eyes with him without realizing. “But with your money you can have everything, Seungmin. You and Jisu are different from the rest of us.”
Ten years of friendship and you never once talked about this. You knew Seungmin wouldn’t mind; he wasn’t the type who liked to flaunt his wealth, but he wasn’t one of those people who didn’t like to be reminded of how loaded they were. He never cared. But you were afraid he would think that you did, so you always avoided making comparisons.
That day, you had to do it. Maybe you were too protective of yourself, but you couldn’t risk getting hurt. One little slash on your heart, and the wound would leave a permanent scar.
Seungmin hummed in agreement, breaking the eye contact to look at the clear sky.
He left the shelter the next day, and you never talked to him again.
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“Jisuuuu,” you whine as Jisu pulls you into Rose’s, a fancy bar that she frequents. “I thought we were just going to hang out!”
“We are!” Jisu exclaims, waving at the bartender before choosing a spot. She orders you a drink you’re not familiar with before pouting at you. “Okay, sorry for not telling you, but we’re not gonna hang out alone today.”
The door opens, revealing Chan and Felix. The latter immediately throws his arms around you, and you can’t help but break into an endearing laugh. “Y/N!!!! Why is it so hard to meet you? Don’t you miss your expensive friends?!”
You pull away from his grip. “Excuse me, but since when your socialite agenda includes your humble friend right here?”
Felix pouts, ordering a glass of Dry Martini while Chan and Jisu are whispering among themselves. You scoot closer to them. “What are you guys whispering about?”
The three of them snicker at the same time and you figure this isn’t just the usual “hanging out” session.
You turn to Chan. “Bang Chan, spill.”
“Wow, hearing someone that’s not my parents calling me Bang Chan is so refreshing,” Chan says. “It’s like having 2 personalities. Christopher is this hot, alluring, seductive man no one ever says no to, while Bang Chan is his inner child—soft, caring, funny… but still hot—”
Jisu shoots Chan a deathly glare before smiling at you. “You like Seungmin, don’t you?”
You take a sip of your drink and let her question sink in. Looking at your friends’ faces, you know that it wasn’t even a question. They feel it, and there’s no use of denying your feelings anymore.
“And that’s all we need to know!” Chan exclaims, standing up from his seat. He slips in a few dollars into the bartender’s pocket. “Seungmin doesn’t know we were here.”
Felix slaps his shoulder. “Bro you were literally the one who told him to come here. Stop trying to be cool.”
“Ah… you’re right,” Chan answers as Jisu rolls her eyes. “But anyways, Seungmin is will be here soon. Talk to him, okay?”
After waving them goodbye, you glance at your surroundings. Everyone is chatting with their friends while sipping their drinks happily; they’re in their natural habitat, while you’re just sitting there hoping Seungmin will come soon so you can get out of there as soon as possible. The bartender notices your uneasiness and offers you another drink to try.
Just as you start contemplating to leave, Seungmin enters the bar. He gives you a small wave when his eyes land on you, like it’s natural to see you there. The bartender serves 2 glasses of drinks before Seungmin even reaches you, “Gin and tonic, Mr. Kim’s favorite.”
Taking off his suit, Seungmin sits beside you and sips his drink. “When Chan kept terrorizing me to get here ASAP I know something’s up,” he says, examining your face. “… and you want to leave.”
Without waiting for your answer, Seungmin takes his coat. “Put it on my tab,” he tells the bartender, putting his hand on the small of your back and leads you out.
“Do you want to talk?” he asks after you’re sitting inside his car. “For real this time.”
He sounds apologetic, hurt and hopeful all at once and you recall everything you said to him two years ago. Those words left a deep scar in your heart, you can only imagine how broken Seungmin must have been.
“Yeah, we do need to talk.”
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You never want to allow yourself to feel insecure, but the voices in your head get wild sometimes. You hate to admit it, the same way Seungmin hates to admit that he’s not always the calm and strong heir everyone expects him to be.
The only way to tune out those voices is to visit the park near your house to play on the swings
Seungmin has rolled up his sleeves so he could help you push the swings. You try to look over your shoulder. “Kim Seungmin what are you doing? Push it harder!” you demand, to which he shakes his head.  
He continues to push the swings gently, still allowing you to feel the cold wind on your face. “No,” he answers firmly. “You’ll get sick.”
Knowing you can’t change his mind, you just let him set the pace, and soon your heart starts to feel lighter. The voices get muffled by Seungmin’s low humming. You have a lot of explaining to do, yet he hasn’t said anything, not even telling you to smile a little. This time you’re not sure if it’s because of the swings or Seungmin or both, but the voices are almost gone now and you decide that’s enough for tonight.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper quietly. Seungmin stops pushing, letting the swings moves by itself before coming to a halt. He kneels down in front of you, a frown on his face. “Why? What did you do?”
“Two years ago… I’m sorry I pushed you away,” you sigh. “I’m sorry I did it like that. And I’m sorry for pestering you the other day. I don’t have any right to force you to tell me things.”
Seungmin heaves a sigh, grabbing your hand to stop you from fiddling with your shirt. He slowly laces his fingers with yours, the warmth of his eyes reminding you of the old happy days when the two of you would sneak out from the shelter to have a picnic under the clear sky. “And I shouldn’t have left,” he reminds you. You only stare into each other’s eyes until he blurts out, “Can we start over?”
You almost cry at how easy and right it feels. You spent years of your adolescent life telling yourself that this wouldn’t work, the wall you built to protect your heart was destroyed by the very person you built it for. But you find it impossible to lie when he’s looking at you with so much hope and adoration. When you finally nod, Seungmin rewards you with his toothy grin that always makes your insides flip.
The voices in your head shout out warnings at you, but you quickly shut all of them down. You’re not going to let them win. You’re not going to let them stop you from loving the only boy you want to love.
“Let’s take things slow, yeah?”
Seungmin beams at your words, pulling you up to envelop you in his arms. He waits until you relax before tightening his hold. You rest your forehead on his shoulder, breathing him in as he mouths words you can’t decipher into your hair. “Remember when you managed to persuade that young couple to adopt Vivi?”
“My lucky day,” you murmur, unconsciously pulling him closer to you.
“It was my lucky day too.”
“Of course it was! The owner also bought you chicken when Jisu and I were the ones working hard! You just nodded along with us!”
Seungmin chuckles. “I got to hold you for the first time that day. You were so happy that Vivi got a new home that you just jumped into my arms. Then you started crying and ruined my Balenciaga shirt, but I was beyond happy. You stayed in my arms until you fell asleep, and I got to watch you sleep.”
You pinch his waist softly. “You’re such a creep.”
Seungmin’s laugh only makes you feel even giddier than you already are, so you just close your eyes and relish in the feeling of his arms wrapping around your waist securely. “Shall we go to Jeju tomorrow?” he suggests.
He pulls away, enough for him to see your face but still holding you close. “Yeah. I can book us tickets so we can fly tomorrow and spend the whole weekend there. You don’t have internships on weekends, right? We’ll go to pretty places and I’ll take hundreds of pretty photos of you. We can have dinner by the beach since our villa is facing the ocean. You love seafood, right? Our chefs—”
“Kim Seungmin, what happened to taking things slow?” you giggle, causing him to let out a cute frustrated groan. “I’m sorry. How about a road trip to Busan then?”
“You can drive to Busan?”
“You’re underestimating me, love.”
Seungmin’s phone rings when you’re about to utter a sassy remark. He glances at the caller and releases you, his eyes turn cold as he accepts the call. “Yes, father?”
You can’t hear what his father is saying, but whatever it is, Seungmin doesn’t look happy. You reach for his hand carefully, and he quickly squeezes yours while responding to his father in a polite, business-like manner. He walks you to your house, telling his father that he’ll be home soon.
Seungmin pulls you into his arms again as soon as he slides his phone into his pocket. “Duty calls?”
“Mhm,” he replies. “As you can see, I had a meeting today, and Father wants updates.”
“He already involves you in meetings? That’s cool!”
“Nah, I can’t voice out any opinion yet. I’m just there to listen.”
Seungmin detaches himself from you, pressing a chaste kiss on your cheek. “So, I’ll pick you up at 6?”
You nod, not even bothering to protest that it’s too early because you want to see him again soon. Seungmin enters his car and starts the engine. He rolls down the window, grinning when he sees you wave at him. The phone call must have bothered him, but you decided to let it slide. “Text me when you get home,” you tell him.
Take things slow. You have to take things slow.  
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Not only does Seungmin know how to drive to Busan (while looking extremely attractive behind the wheels), he also knows Busan like the back of his palm. He took you to all the pretty places and took pretty photos of you as promised. Now you’re at the balcony of the Kim family villa (you figure they have apartments and villas scattered in the whole country), nestled in Seungmin’s arms while waiting for the sun to set.
“Wait, sit over there!” Seungmin forces you to move from your spot to the end of the couch. “The angle is pretty!” He snaps a few photos with his newest Leica camera that’s worth a car. You give him your silliest poses before bursting into a fit of giggles. Seungmin puts the camera on the coffee table and pulls you back to him. “Enough photos for today,” he mutters, settling you on his lap. Seungmin never struck you as someone who loves skinship, but he never misses a chance to wrap you in his arms, and you’re not complaining. He probably feels the same blissful comfort you feel whenever the two of you touch.
The sun begins to set, and for a while you focus your gaze on the sky, admiring the way the sun paints it with shades of orange. Seungmin shifts underneath you, pressing a kiss on your exposed shoulder to earn your attention. You meet his eyes, and you see a tinge of worry in them. “What is it?”
Seungmin takes an awfully long time to answer your question, causing you to cup his face. “Tell me.”
“Do you trust me?”
The question has you frowning. “Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I?”
Seungmin smiles, but the tinge of worry is still reflected through his orbs. “Whatever happens, I’ll try my best to make this work, okay? I’ll do anything to make this work. I want you in my life, more than you can imagine.”
“There will be days when I’ll be away for meetings, there will be days when I’ll feel like absolute shit because of my Father and the business,” he reveals. “Sometimes it will feel like I’m keeping you in the dark and I know you won’t like that, but there are so many things I need to sort out now, and I can’t tell you anything yet. Is that okay?”
You can’t base your relationship on not-knowing! You can’t base your relationship on excuses and blind faith!
“Is it too much if I ask you not to let me wait for too long?”
Seungmin shakes his head so fast you wonder if it hurts his neck. “You know how smart I am,” he boasts. “Trust me, you’ll be amazed at how good I am in getting things done.”
“You better be, there are a lot of people waiting for your help, Lawyer Kim.”
Your boyfriend chuckles. “Speaking of getting things done, I have a request for you.”
“There’s this masked ball held by Chan’s Dad next month, and we’re all attending. I’ve been looking for a nice mask, but everything seems mediocre. Will you design one for me?”
You squeal, immediately attacking him in a tight hug. You’ve always wanted to design jewelries, including masks. The mere thought of buying the materials, matching the design according to Seungmin’s style and drawing all the pretty details launch you to cloud 9 in an instant.
“I guess you like it,” Seungmin singsongs. “I have one more request though.”
You tilt your head in excitement.
“I want you to be my date.”
Your smile falters, but Seungmin tug at your lips softly, gesturing at you to smile again. “Everyone will wear a mask and you’ll only take it off at midnight, so we can leave before midnight if you want. Besides, I’m just a guest. All eyes will be on Chan.”
“But what kind of dress am I supposed to wear? Everyone will—”
“Aren’t you a designer? You’ve sewed a lot of dresses, wear one of them.”
“But they’re not from designer brands, aren’t you ashamed?”
“I don’t care,” Seungmin tells you in the most caring tone. “You’re you, not Julia Choi. Not Felix Lee. Not Christopher Bang. And you’re not me.”
Flashbacks from your painful conversation two years ago come in a flash, but now both of you are looking at it from a whole different perspective. Your smile slowly returns, and Seungmin huffs a sigh of relief. “That’s my girl.”
“Can I tell you something too?”
He nods.
“There will be days when I’ll feel like I’ll never be good enough to succeed in anything,” you begin, biting your lip to prevent tears from falling. “I don’t let myself dwell on it most of the time, but sometimes I fail. Is that okay?”
Seungmin cradles your face, wiping your tears with his thumbs. “I’m here, aren’t I? I’ll knock some sense into you whenever you’re about to drown in self-pity!”
You pat his head in return, hoping that this Seungmin—the one whose eyes radiate sunshine and voice laced with honey, the one whose laugh sounds like a sweet melody—will be the Seungmin he shows to the rest of the world more.
Seungmin is still cradling your face, gaze flickering to your lips every now and then, triggering you to do glance at his lips in return. The pull is too tempting, you wonder if you should just crash your lips on his or let him decide for you.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?” he whispers, barely audible. Your eyes flutter close, and Seungmin doesn’t waste any time. His lips meet yours in a fleeting kiss, making your breath hitch at how soft and burning his lips feel. Seungmin kisses you deeply, taking his time to savor you and you’re going insane at the way he clutches your waist, the way he hums everytime you pull him closer. It’s almost too much, yet at the same you know he’s still holding back as if he’s afraid that this is all just a fever dream.
“Seungmin, please.”
“Mhmm?” he tries to speak against your lips, hazy eyes gazing into yours.
“More,” you breathe out, determined to make him let go and kiss you the way he wishes to although you’re blushing like mad. “I’m not going anywhere, so just kiss me.”
“You sure?” he mutters, eyes waiting for your approval.
You close your eyes again, and right that moment you feel Seungmin’s lips move against yours. This time, he lets go. Hovering over you, he pours all the feelings he had suppressed for years into the kiss. You’re soon lost in all the love and passion he has for you, his every touch eating your skin alive. You’re lost in Seungmin, Seungmin, Seungmin and you hope he knows you feel the same.
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“Stay still!” you yelp, fixing Seungmin’s mask as the limousine stops in front of the ballroom where the party is held. Mr. Song, Seungmin’s chauffeur, opens the door for both of you. You start to panic upon seeing reporters snapping photos of other guests entering the ballroom. Seungmin steps out, looking like His Royal Highness from a reputable kingdom.
He extends his hand to you. “Come on, love. Jisu and the others are already inside.”
The sound of shutters and the blinding flashes almost make you shut the door and tell Mr. Song to drive you home, but Seungmin reaches for your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours. “I’m here. You’ll be alright.”
Gathering some courage, you finally set your foot on the ground. Seungmin helps you with a gentle smile he knows will calm you down. He leads you inside, holding your hand a little tighter whenever someone seems to make you uncomfortable.
You spot Jisu from the gold feathery mask she showed you the night before and her signature high ponytail. A redheaded boy joined her with a drink in his hand, and you know for sure that it’s Felix. Everything at this party is grand, and by grand you mean people with diamond-studded dresses, a huge orchestra group, extravagant chandeliers, ice statues, and all kinds of foods and drinks you know absolutely nothing about.
“You okay?” Seungmin asks, releasing your hand to take a slice of chocolate cake that the waiter offers before handing it to you. Jisu squeals at the cake, taking the same cake from the waiter. You look at her in awe as she digs in right away. “How do you eat that at a place like this?” you hiss, earning a laugh from Felix.
“We’re here to enjoy ourselves, darling. Eat up!” he encourages you. You turn to Seungmin, who gives you a spoon. “Why? You love chocolate.”
You take a glance of everyone around you, nobody is eating. They’re either dancing or laughing or drinking. “Do you guys usually eat? Or are you doing this to make me comfortable?”
“We’re not some dukes and duchess Y/N. Wait, even dukes and duchess eat at parties. Shut up and enjoy your cake!” Jisu deadpans with a full mouth, causing you to laugh and do the same. Seungmin keeps his hand on the small of your back all the time, making sure you’re okay. After finishing your cake, he pulls you to the dance floor.
“No Seungmin, I’m not dancing with you,” you yell at him. Seungmin pretends not to hear you, his eyes glint with mischief. He puts your arms around his neck, then his own around your waist. You thank the heavens for the slow music because the last time you danced was in the second grade. Seungmin leads the dance, slowly backing you into a corner and pushes his mask up to plant a kiss on your lips.
“Been dying to do that.” He smirks at you as you glare at him, thankful that the mask is hiding your flushed cheeks. “Thank you for going with me. I know this isn’t your thing,” he adds, twirling you smoothly.
You scoff playfully, caressing his left cheek. “If you’re thankful, ride subway with me for the whole week.”
“Easy,” Seungmin, bringing your hand to his lips. “Your wish is my command, you know that, right?”
“All you need is tux and mask to become all flirty, huh? Did you dream to be a Disney prince?”
Seungmin shrugs, pulling you closer so you can rest your chin on his shoulder. The song comes to an end, switching to a more upbeat one when Seungmin’s phone vibrates. Though reluctantly, he takes the call and walks you to the water fountain near the salad bar.
“I’m at Mr. Bang’s party,” he says. “But Father—okay.”
The call ends just like that. Seungmin curses under his breath, wordlessly taking you back to where Jisu and Felix are standing. “I need to go now,” he breaks the news.
“Dude, you just arrived!” Felix protests.
“It’s my father,” Seungmin informs dryly. The redhead’s eyes become softer, and Jisu dismisses her cousin. “Don’t make him wait,” she urges him. “We’ll take care of Y/N. Who knows, she may find someone cooler than you.”
Seungmin looks at you with so much guilt, so you give him your most convincing smile. “Go. You can tell me about it later.”
After giving you one last “I’m sorry” look, he disappears into the crowd.
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Felix cheers when the orchestra plays a song he knows. “Ohhh I love this song! Come on Y/N, time to rock the dance floor!”
As you’re about to pull Jisu along with you, Mr. Song walks toward you. He stops, bowing at the three of you. “Miss Y/N, Young Master asked me to take you.”
“Why? I thought Seungmin is meeting his father?”
“He does have some things to take care of, and you’ve been requested to join him.”
You glance at Jisu and Felix who tense at Mr. Song’s news. “Is this bad? What happened?” you try to ask, but Mr. Song only waits for you.
“It’s okay.” Felix rubs your shoulders. “Go with him.”
You nod. “See you guys later.”
Mr. Song guides you out like he knows the building by heart. Once you’re back inside the limousine, he enters the driver’s seat. “Is everything alright, Mr. Song?”
The old man smiles. “Young Master Seungmin is a very nice boy. He has clear goals and works hard to achieve them. And he wants to make you, especially, happy.”
He stops in front of an abandoned warehouse. You open the door before he does, taking off your heels while he holds the door for you. “Just give him a chance,” he says.
You quicken your pace when you hear someone scream. Peeking inside, you spot at least 10 men dressed in all-black surrounding a man who’s sitting on a chair, his hands tied and eyes blindfolded. Blood oozing from several parts of his body, his face completely bruised.
You look back to where Mr. Song is, but he only gestures at you to come inside. You slide the door a bit more to squeeze yourself in, looking up when you hear a familiar voice.
It’s Seungmin, swinging a baseball bat in his hand, his dress shirt stained with blood. “This will be the last time I ask you,” he hisses, sounding nothing like the Seungmin you know. “Tell me where the Hwangs’ secret hideout is. If not, I’m afraid I’ll have to change my weapon with something more impactful.”
One of the men hands him a gun. Seungmin takes it to the hostage, loading it near his ear. “I-I’ll tell you! Please spare me!”
The hostage goes on to provide all information that Seungmin needs. He swings his bat once again, hitting the hostage’s waist before throwing it again. You’re frozen to your spot, the whole event unfolding right before you feels like a stab on your heart. Seungmin runs his hand through his disheveled hair, then notices you standing there.
“What the fuck Y/N what are you doing here?!” he yells, voice shaky and raspy. Seungmin quickly turns around to his people, pointing at the hostage who’s lost his consciousness. “Take him away,” he commands lowly. “You’re all dismissed.”
The men drag the hostage’s body and leave the place quietly. Now, it’s just you and him facing each other. Seungmin is about to take your hand in his, but decides to stop himself when he realizes that they’re covered in blood.
“Did Mr. Song drive you here?”
You don’t answer. You can’t answer. Your body shakes as you involuntary recall how Seungmin beat the hostage up. The look in his eyes, his emotionless voice, the way he swung his bat without hesitation.
“What are you, Kim Seungmin?” you quiver, taking a step further from him. You need to get out, you need to be anywhere but here. You need something, anything that can make you forget what you just witnessed.
“Please,” Seungmin pleads. “Please Y/N. I’ll tell you everything. Please listen to me.”
“This is what you’ve been trying to hide from me? The fact that you torture people to get what you want?!”
Seungmin eventually grabs your hands, begging you to look at him. “I’m looking for other ways, love,” he utters. “But for now I have to do whatever my father says. His words are law, but I’ve vowed to myself that it won’t be like this for too long. I’ll stop him.”
You swat his hands away. “For years you made me think that we couldn’t be together because I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, that no matter what I did I would never be good enough, that I would never be able to fit in. It turns out you’re just saving yourself, aren’t you Kim Seungmin? You only care about yourself!”
“How am I supposed to tell you that this is me, Y/N? How am I supposed to tell you that this is how my family lives? Would you—,” he pauses, wiping his tear-stained cheeks. “Would you even spare me a glance if you knew that I’m no better than a murderer?!”
“That’s up to me to decide!” you shout. “You don’t get to make decisions for me, Seungmin, but you didn’t even give me a choice in the first place!”
When he runs out of words to say, you force your body to turn around, exiting the warehouse with your last bit of strength left. Mr. Song is waiting for you, your heels ready for you to wear. You slip into them, refusing to look into his eyes when he offers you help.
You feel Seungmin’s eyes on you as you walk away. Even after what happened, you can’t help but return his gaze. He looks broken and lost—on other days, you would have run to him and took him into your arms.
But now is not the time, no matter how desperate you are for answers. You turn on your heels, your heart shattering into pieces as you remember the question Seungmin asked you in Busan.
“Do you trust me?”
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Jisu’s maid pushes a trolley full of snacks and drinks into her room. You politely refuse everything, but your friend pours herself a glass of champagne, chugging it down in one go. She lets out a dejected sigh once the maid leaves the room, glancing at you warily.
“I’m so, sorry Y/N,” she whispers. “I can’t believe his father did that to you.”
“Did he really send me there so I could see Seungmin like that? And you knew about this?”
“I didn’t!” Jisu exclaims. “I mean, I do get the gist what his father does, but I never knew it was that bad. And I didn’t know he asked Seungmin to do all the dirty deeds himself. That man and his greed.”
Jisu sits beside you. “The way Seungmin’s family runs the law firm changed since his father took over,” she explains. “I guess this is why he wins every single case now. He does literally everything to win, and he expects Seungmin to do things his way later.”
“Has Seungmin ever told you this?”
“No,” she mumbles. “I know Seungmin’s been stressed high school, but I never knew this was the reason. He’s seeing his therapist almost every day, Y/N. I thought you would help him and vice versa. I know the two of you have liked each other since forever. I’m sorry.”
You wrap your arms around her. “You’ve been nothing but sweet to us. You, Felix, Chan… you guys are my everything.”
“How about Seungmin?” Jisu starts sobbing. “I’ll respect your decision whatever it is, but what are you going to do now?”
You try to clear your mind, imagining how you and Seungmin will be if you live without each other. Will you be able to bear the unimaginable pain? Will he?
“Jisu, do you know if Seungmin’s parents are home?”
“No, they’re in Paris with my Mom.”
“Then can you drive me to his place?”
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The Kim family butler takes you to Seungmin’s bedroom. He knocks the door, waiting for a while before opening it when nobody answers. The big room is empty, but the attic ladder is pulled down. “Young Master likes to spend his time in the attic. He probably fell asleep there,” the butler says.
You nod, thanking him before climbing up. The attic is neat and warm, with Seungmin’s photos decorating the walls. Several dog plushies are placed on a small wooden rack, while some get special spots near his mattress.
You lie down beside him, taking a good look of his sleeping form. He’s no longer covered in blood (which definitely makes things easier for you), and his steady breathing calms you down within seconds. You wonder how it feels like having to sacrifice everything in order to have everything. You think about how Seungmin wakes up in fear everyday, waiting for his father’s cruel orders.
Seungmin blinks at you, squinting to make sure that it’s really you. “Hi. Your butler let me in.”
He scrambles to get up, but you stop him. “Lie down. You must be tired.”
You scoot closer to him, feeling his body tense up when you circle your arms around his torso. “You can tell me everything now.”
Seungmin begins his story, explaining how his father never says no to clients, no matter how impossible their cases are to win. He often works with his clients to eliminate everyone in their way, using any methods possible. When Seungmin started high school, his father told him to watch how the law firm worked, and eventually forced him to do things by himself so he would “toughen up” and “understand how business works.”
“Mr. Song has been helping me form plans to end this. He’s Father’s most trusted person, so he knows everything. I still do fact checks, of course. I’m trying to be as careful as possible. I’m trying to take down my own father, and if I take even a step wrong, it’ll be over for Mother and I.”
You sigh, burying your face in the crook of his neck as you pat his back softly. Seungmin keeps his hands to his side the whole time, afraid to cross the line although you’re glued to him.
“Father has ears everywhere Y/N. He probably knows how serious I am with you and wanted to test you. I’m sorry you had to see all of that.”
“Test me?”
“Yeah. Whoever decides to stay with me after knowing everything will earn his approval.”
“Has anybody else gone through that?”
“No,” he answers. “Believe it or not, you’re my first girlfriend.”
You raise your eyebrow. “Believe it or not? Of course I do, it’s obvious that you had no dating experience!”
“Y/N,” he calls out. “You’re here to say goodbye, right?”
Seungmin has pulled you away, sitting up and waiting for you to do the same. “It’s okay. If I were you, I’d be so disgusted at myself too. Don’t think about me, just think about what’s best for you.”
“You never… killed anyone, right?”
He shakes his head. “I’ll never do that. You have my words.”
“I trust you, Seungmin,” you state. “I asked myself again and again, but my answer remains the same. You’re not a bad person and I trust you. I know you by heart, and I’ll love you as long as I can.”
You wish you could promise only boy you’ve ever loved an eternal love—it sounds beautiful, something that lasts forever. But you know better than to give Seungmin empty promises. He’ll probably break your heart if life doesn’t allow him to change his world, but you’re willing to take the risk.
Seungmin releases the breath he seemed to be holding for the past few minutes. “That’s my girl,” he praises. “That’s all I could ask for.”
“Let’s only think about now, okay? You’re not alone anymore, you have me.”
You cup his cheeks and capture him in a loving kiss, basking in the warmth of his body when he scoops you into his arms. Seungmin’s gestures still feel hesitant, but you convince him with every kiss, with every sweet word you utter against his lips until he finally melts and kisses you harder, each kiss more ardent than before.
“You’re never lacking in my eyes, don’t forget that,” Seungmin tells you, enunciating each word clearly so you’ll let it sink in. “You’ve always been more than enough. Everything I could ask for.”
You only grin, pecking his swollen lips one more time before allowing yourself to fall asleep, listening to his heartbeat.
Both of you let your own images of the future loom over you for so long, feeding yourselves with doubt and fear.
Now it’s time to let go.  
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more a/n: i spent a long time writing this, i hope this is still good and not boring! i’m happy that my first story in 2020 is for seungmin. the ending is somewhat bittersweet, but it was the only option that felt right to me.  
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peaky-shelby · 5 years
Pairing: first pov!reader x Chris Evans
Request by @tfandtws : Heyo! I’d like to request number 21 with chris evans from the friends prompt list. A friends to lovers kinda thing., if that’s ok. Anyway, can’t wait to read more of your work and thank you for tagging me.
🤗❤️Request by @tits-out-for-cevans : Hewwo! Can I request no.8 from the friend’s prompt list? I know it’s cliche but I just looooove the best friends turn lovers genre 😅
warnings: too many feels, hits close at home
words: 1.601
author’s note: writing is my way of copying. This one comes from the heart and it means a lot to me. I hope you will read and relate to this. I didn’t use both prompts on this part but this will be a three part story so be patient please thank you♥️
21. “I turned to a friend for comfort, and instead I found everything that I’ve ever been looking for my whole life.„
8. “I’m not in the friend zone„ “you’re mayor of the zone!„
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 I knew i shouldn’t have come to this party, Hangovers are more expensive than the drinks and the drinks are not worth the hangovers but here I am on my third  glass of a fine Margarita and on my way to a very expensive hangover. The only thing that makes it worth is spending time with chris before he leaves again tomorrow but the irony is that having him around is the reason I have to drink so much. You’d think an entire year apart would kind of force me to move on from all the feelings but I guess we’d both be wrong. I mean all these years away from high school didn’t because How can you forget your first true love? The high school crush that you failed a couple exams for, the person you started wearing make-up for. hoping he’ll see you as something more than his best friend but god damn he never did. No matter where you go and what you do you will always imagine him as your Nicholas sparks Co-star, especially if he happens to be a hollywood actor you see almost everyday on your TV.
I did move on, I had closure with myself, I let go and was fine knowing that even tho He’d never be my boyfriend he was my friend and he was there for me no matter what.. but a burning tree will remain burned even if you turn off the fire, there will always be burn marks, and that’s ok, that’s what the Margarita’s are for. Of course margaritas can be dangerous too.. they can lighten the mood but they can also bring a shit storm of feelings, that’s why you should never have too many- trust me I know.
“Jeez- are you even listening to me from that Zone over there?” Seb’s voice brought all my thoughts into a halt. Truth be told, i hadn’t even realized he was next to me or even talking to me. I snapped out immediately, stopped staring at Chris and gave him my greatest ‘what-the-fuck-you’re-talking-about?’ look. “I mean the friend zone!” my look changed immediately to the angry version of the ‘what-the-fuck-you’re-talking-about?’ look. 
“I am not in the friend zone!” I complained with the squeaky voice I use when I’m trying to argue but I Know I am wrong.
“You are Mayor of the zone!” I punched him in the shoulder as a response, i knew it wouldn’t really affect him since he was like ten times bigger than me but I couldn’t help myself.
“Being in the friend zone would mean that I am still in love with him-”
“which of course you are not”
“Exactly! I've moved on, It’s been years and I’m finally happy you know? I am happy for him going around Europe making his dreams come true, meeting hot girls that he clearly he can’t stop talking about with beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair, while I am here in Boston.. Taking care of 7 year old kids in school that wear shirts with Captain America and his face on them... and carrying bags and pencils and fucking hats and textbooks-- where do they even find the those annoying spinners--” I took a deep breath, calming myself and looking at sebastian with a very fake smile “I am fine! Totally fine!”
“You need a therapist-” “I need a new job” I paused looking down at my almost empty glass “and another margarita!” With that I headed to the bar to fill my glass again, I knew I just had to be patient and tomorrow he’d leave again and I’d be free of this spell. Standing there I felt a very familiar touch on my back and oh god that smell-
“She just texted me!” He said, I looked at the bartender wondering where that margarita was. “she says she’s in Vienna and that we would have fun there together- God why is she playing with me like that?”
“do I have to wait too long for that margarita?” I asked, ignoring chris’ complains. “Ma’am you’ve already had three!” “Who are you? my mum?” ok maybe I snapped, poor man was not at fault here but I needed that alcohol. I turned to Chris who wouldn’t even look away from his phone, this girl had him wrapped around her little finger and he wasn’t letting go. “She’s playing with you because you are letting her!” as if on queue the bartender finally gave me that margarita, I moved away from the bar with it and tried to make my way out to the garden alone but chris was followed behind me mumbling all the time about that girl.
“Why can’t I just have her for myself? First she’s all romantic than she says she wants to keep it an open relationship, which would be cool but is driving me crazy because I am so in love with her but she’s just doesn’t care and I keep chasing it, because that’s what you are supposed to do when you are in love right? Chase it and I am and I will keep doing it--”
“You’re not in love with her Chris!” I shouted, finally turning around to look at him. We were now on the garden of the bar, there weren’t many people there and you could only hear a little from the music playing inside the bar. Chris had finally looked up from his phone, his eyes were giving away his confusion and I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop what I started “You’re addicted, there’s a difference!” I spotted a bench a little farther away and started walking towards it, chris always following behind me. After I sat down i took a long sip from my glass, making sure it’d hit me well. “You wouldn’t chase it like that if you were so in love with her, you’d just be patient!”
“That doesn’t make sense!” “It’s not supposed to make sense!” I sighed again, looking down at my glass. “and you shouldn’t break your heart over an addiction.. its not worth it.”
“Have you been listening to any of the things I’ve been telling you about her—”
“Yes i have! And All i hear is how much you love her body and her kisses and her blue eyes and how you wanna kiss her all the time and how you will blindly follow her- That’s addiction!” he really wasn’t getting it “oh god you want me to give you the obvious example? I didn’t fall in love with you because of your pretty eyes and your pretty face, I fell in love with you because you cared about me, because you were nice to me, because you were there for me! And when you made it clear that this would never happen, I backed away even if I still loved you and yes I hurt myself because of it but it was worth it because it was true love, it was pure and it taught me things... even when you found out you did everything you could to make sure you wouldn’t hurt me or make me feel awkward. You didn’t use me, you stayed my friend! That was... you... were worth breaking my heart over.” I gulped, we had promised that we would never talk about this and for the last years it actually worked but since he wouldn’t listen I had to make my point clear “and it’s not supposed to make sense, it’s not supposed to be about her body or her kisses or her sex, there’s not supposed to be one reason because if that reason is taken away than you are left with nothing. And love is supposed to be unconditional.” His eyes were piercing right through me, it was terrifying, I bit my lip as if it would give me strength to keep going “it’s supposed to be about looking at the stars and wondering if that person looks at them too, it’s reading Nicholas sparks books that don’t make sense and feeling like you just read the Bible. It’s looking in someone else’s eyes and seeing the entire universe before you, it’s butterflies in the stomach, it’s heartache but not a chase. You don’t chase who you love, you let him go.”
I hadn’t realized that I was crying until a tear fell on the margarita making it splash. “(Y/n)?” He whispered my name so softly, making me look up at him and his blue eyes.
“I’m just telling you it’s not worth it, ruining your life for her. Find something better.„ I got up and handed him my glass. Suddenly all I needed was my bed and my pillow, I just had to leave this place. “I’ll see you when you come back I guess... or you know on Monday when Harry walks in with his captain America shirt again.” He stood up, leaving the glass on the bench we were sitting.
“You’re leaving already?”
“It’s late and I’ve had to many margaritas so I’ll get an Uber and go home. Ok?”
He looked at me like he wanted to say more but like always he hid his words behind his lips and only gave me a hug. It felt safe to be in his arms, it always does. I stepped back slowly, raising my head a little to look at him one last time. The small gab between us made my heart beat like the drums but it wasn’t because I felt nervous. The way he was looking down at me was almost like he was putting a spell on me and all I could think about was stepping closer and kissing him, showing him how much I still love him but instead I just gave him one last smile before walking away. There was a time I really believed that it would work out between us like it does in all the movies but now I knew that I was only fooling myself, it’s what I do best.
Evans taglist:
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hwangskz · 5 years
winning loss | street racer! changbin
a big fat shoutout to my bby @chanhee-bby for helping me out on choosing a member for this oof,, also no the title isn't related to the story JSHSCSSV
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• seoul is a..... pretty wildt city
• and so is ur school .wildt
• and ur house is just?? nowhere to be found?? 
• like ur house is basically just hidden somewhere in the city, where even the Lord google maps himself can’t find it DJNDJNDJJDJJDDJJ
• “hey y/n is there possibly some kind of construction going on beside ur place?” - one of ur friends, once when they tried to come to ur house
• “no..??? send me a pic of where u r rn on kkt- BRO THAT PLACE IS HALF AN HOUR AWAY FROM MY HOUSE WHAT THE HECK???????”
• “yOU”
• “..............oh...........”
•  yeah the condition IS that bad
• anyways
• this also means that any dangers happening to u is more likely to happen than u urself can imagine
• “yo y/n did u watch the news? apparently that prisoner got away and is probably now hiding in ur area, bcs it is suspected to be the place where he will find his next victim”
• and now that ur walking to ur home with a bunch of ramen noodles and some strawberry milk in that grocery bag, u cant help but feel nervous
• wait
• what's that….. sound?
• u probably would’ve brushed it off if not for the fact that u had ur Precious food in ur hands
• not gonna let that one go, u fucking murderer (◣_◢)
• "um excuse me-"
• OH IT'S A BOY???????????
• y/n shut up it's not a murderer
• "ME TOO"
• "......... right"
• both of u sigh at the fact that the other wasn't a murderer and an actual sane human
• (well.... can't assure u abt the sane part tho..)
• u eye him from top to bottom ; he has a black leather jacket on (very sleek..hm), with brown boots, and his hair looks all gel-ed, and he owns some ?? bike ??
• cool bike tho (つ▀¯▀)つ
• "obviously, this bike is known for its-"
• "sounds like ur flexing bro"
• "im enlightening u"
• "PFT"
• u snort, followed by him laughing at u as u cough bcs damn u shouldn't have snorted, when after a while, the laughter seems to die down, resulting in silence
• "so, uh....are u going home alone? at this hour?"
• "yeah?"
• "u know there's a criminal on loose right.."
• "yeah"
• changbin sighs and then gets on his bike, followed by him patting the space behind him
• "get on. ill take u home."
• "u don't even know where i live"
• "but u know where u live"
• "...."
• changbin probably senses the tension in u, to which he gives u a smile
• "don't worry, ill drop u a few blocks away, if that makes u feel better"
• so here u are, sitting behind him, hands wrapped around his waist because ur scared u might fall off (but are u even complaining amirite)
• when he drops u off at the signboard, ur still gazing at the trees rhythmic movements to the wind
• "hey? we're here"
• "huh-"
• before u can comprehend, changbin takes u in his arms and keeps u down
• "t-thanks"
• "no problem, uh-"
• u look up too fast
• "y/n! y/n l/n!"
• and he grins
• "that's....a pretty cute name actually... fits for someone as cute as u.."
• u break into a grin too and then point at a building to ur right, not very far away
• "that's my place. feel free to come by whenever u want, yeah?"
• ":D!"
• and u run off into ur place, while changbin stands there, against his bike, thinking about how glad he was that he postponed the race to today
• the next day u were pretty sad :( bcs u rlly thought he'd come by yk? but he didn't the entire day :(
• but no worries anymore!! bcs at night
• "i- WHO'S THERE AT THIS HOU- oh????????? hELLO"
• changbin stood there, another empty milk carton in his hand that he was about throw when he saw u finally opened the window for him
• "h-hi y/n!!!!"
• "???? what r u doing here at this hour????"
• "come down first!!!!! ill tell u everything!!!"
• so u come down and he's just standing there, leaning against his bike as he pretends to look cool for u JSGSSVS
• "what's up?"
• "do u wanna!!! go to the convenience store!! together!! they recently stacked up on ur fav strawberry milk so"
• ":D OMG YES"
• so y'all go to the store to get the strawberry milk bcs strawberry milk? Superior
• "so..why were u throwing empty milk cartons at my window?- i mean,, don't people in movies and stuff throw rocks?"
• "well what if i had thrown one and it broke ur window? that's some stalker-ass shit. i don't do that. plus, it would've caused u some damage probably, physically and/or in terms of money. so why would i?"
• changbin stop being so caring for a second before y/n falls in love with u challenge ಥ_ಥ
• needless to say, this became a routine of the both of u; coming to the convenience store late at night and talking about ur lives
• yall felt so close (and so in love with each other) after every visit
• Insane.
• when one day
• "hey changbin, don't u have that race near my area tomorrow?? ill come around ok!!"
• and changbin almost SPITS out his milk because NO Y/N U CANT
• "why not (◕︵◕)"
• oh no
• not the puppy eye attack y/n pls
• "because-"
• "(◕︵◕) (◕︵◕) (◕︵◕) but changbin (◕︵◕) (◕︵◕) (◕︵◕) i have to support u (◕︵◕) (◕︵◕) (◕︵◕)"
• ".....fine"
• that night when changbin goes home to his other 8 best friends they Automatically sense Tension wow what a bond
• even minho who usually doesn't give a fuck at all was concerned JDJDJDBD
• "she's coming to the race tomorrow"
• "isn't that a good thing? i mean there'll be the love ur life giving u all that damn support u need" - hyunjin
• "did u have extra dumb bitch juice today or what,,,,,, it's the competition with jihyuk and and the others. the final race."
• "he's right. but do even have a choice anymore" - chan, as he sits down beside changbin and gives him an assuring nod
• fast forward to the race setup already there, with u and changbin (ft. his 8 best friends) standing there at the start line
• "changbin, remember. i'm here for u, okay?"
• "everyone! get ready!"
• u move away, giving him a nod, when the race starts, with changbin starting at a full speed
• u knew he could do it
• for the days u have known him, ur sure he will win
• "and changbin wins!"
• there are loud cheers coming from ur side, while the other is quiet
• changbin runs to u and hugs u so tightly
• "congratulations dumb bitch!!!!!"
• "thank u!!!!!!"
• the guy, who ur guessing to be jihyuk, comes around, with his helmet in one hand, and the other reaching out to handshake with changbin
• "well played"
• "you too."
• jihyuk glances at u for a second
• "tell me how it goes, yeah?"
• and then he leaves
• "so....y/n........are u free today...."
• ".............. yeah"
• "!!! to the convenience store we go!!!"
• yall did the same routine again, yk
• getting strawberry milk, talking abt life
• everything felt normal for u
• can't say the same abt changbin tho,,,,,, boy was LOSING HIS MIND HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO TELL U ABT HIS FEELS
• "god;;;;;; i should've just lost,,,,,"
• "??? did u say something ??"
• u didn't think much abt his behavior
• but when u reached home
• as u were abt to open the door to ur place
• "y/n! i- i like u!"
• u pause. all of a sudden????? a confession????
• u turn around to see him fidgeting with his fingers as he looks down
• "i-i'm sorry if this is so sudden..but i wanted to maybe take some time and then confess? but bcs i wanted to prove that i wasn't a coward abt my feelings i made a bet that if i won, i would confess.
• i thought that even if i won, i probably would delay it by taking my sweet time because GOD im a coward. but then u said that u would come and then OBVIOUSLY u had seen me looking like a coward even after i won and obviously my friends saw u too..so they probably would've told u anyways if i hadn't today. so i thought it was time that i stop being a cowa-"
• u cut him off by placing a quick kiss on his lips
• "shut up. u aren't a coward, dumbass. ur really one of the most confident people i've met..and that's a huge thing."
• changbin blushes and looks down, which makes u kiss him again when he looks up
• "i- did u just kiss me aga-"
• "seo changbin, i like u too."
• at first he just stands there, his mouth hung open at ur words, but then picks himself up and smiles before placing his lips on urs
• "perhaps im very glad i postponed the race that day"
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brooktm · 5 years
˙  ˖  ✧  ariana  grande  ,  24  ,  cisfemale  ,  she/her  //  was  that  BROOKLYN  ESPOSITO  stepping  aboard  the  GUCCI  JET  ?  oh  now  it’s  a  party  !  we  all  know  they  can  be  pretty  DETACHED  ,  but  also  pretty  SOPHISTICATED  on  a  good  day  ,  just  like  a  CAPRICORN  .  they’ll  be  blasting  HEARTLESS  BY  THE  WEEKND  for  most  of  the  plane  ride  ,  i  can  already  tell  .  i  think  they  added  FIJI  ISLANDS  to  the  list  of  places  to  visit  this  year  .  let’s  pop  the  champagne  and  get  going  ! 
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sup  friends  !!  i’m  jen  ,  also  formally  known  as  that  dumbass ,  u  might  feel  free  to  address  me  by  either  i  rly  dont  mind  .  ANYwho  this  is  brooklyn  !!  also  a  trash  bby  who  thinks  waaaay  too  highly  of  herself  n  rly  shouldnt  bc  she’s  dumb  .  SO  there is some  info  on  her  after  the  beep  n  also  some  connection  ideas  n  a  pinterest  board  bc this  bitch  is  artsy  .  also  like  ...  its  been  a  hot  min  since  roleplaying  was  a  thing  for  me  so  i’m  gonna  have  to  ask  for  a  lil  of  yalls  patience ... its  a  slow  process  getting  caught  up  on  these  aesthetics  fam .  
ok  so  meet  brooklyn  .  full  name  is  brooklyn  elisabetta  esposito  n as  yall  can  guess ...  shes  italian  .  brook  comes  from  a  family  of  old  money  n  its  so  old  no  one  rly  knows  how  they  even  became  rich  ?  they just  have  been for  as  long  as  they  remember  .  nowadays  ,  the  family  branches  into  a  bunch   of  different  business  ,  since  its  a  huge  family  filled  with  aunts  n  uncles  who  shes  met  maybe  once  of  twice  in  her  life  .  her  immediate  family  (  dad  )  ,  however  ,  has  branched  into  the  wine  business  ,  so  they  have  several  different  vineyards  both  in  the us  and  in europe  ,  and  subsequently  a  multimillion  dollar  wine  company  . 
brooklyn  was  born  to  henrico  esposito  (  one  of  six  children  .... like  ,  seriously )  n  his  first  wife  ,  adrienne  an  american  model  he  married  when  they  were in  their  early  20s  .  brooklyn  was  the  second  born  child  ,  and  in  five  years  they  were  divorced  after  a  cheating  scandal ,  n in  the  decade  n  half  that  followed  ,  her  dad  married  four  more  times  n  had  five  more  kids  ..  reaching  the  total  amount  of  seven  children  .  he  likes  kids  yall .  brooklyn  was  raised  by  her  mother  n  isnt  rly  close  to  her  dad  ,  she’s  just  constantly  eyerolling  at  him  tbh  .  she  is  however  rly  close  to  her  maternal  grandma  elisabetta  who  she  basically  adopted  her  entire  personality  from  .  which  reaches  the  point  of  her  personality
soooo  brooklyn  likes  to  think  of  herself  as  basically  a  master  of  emotions  .  cool as cucumber  n  the  ultimate  manipulator  .  n  she  kinda  is  in  some  aspects  ?  but definitely  not  to  the  extent  she  prides  herself  .  she  likes  to  keep  her cards  v  close  to  her  chest  ,  so  u  will  rarely  (  if  ever  )   find  her  in  the  middle  of  an  emotional  outburst  or  tantrum .  she  also  has  that  deadpan  thing  down  n  will  not  hesitate  to  stare  u  down  with  the  blankest  expression  just  to  make  you  uncomfortable  lol  n  she’s  also  rly  closed  off !!  its  rly  hard  to  get  her  to  emotionally  attach  to  u  BUT  if  she  does  ,  its  bc  she  definitely  doesnt  hate  you  as  much  as  she  wants  u  to  believe  .
also !!!  likes  to  be  the  classiest  bitch  in  whatever  room  she’s  in  n  she’s  SUPER  high  maintenance  dont  ever  call  her  for  anything  other  than  a  fancy  CLASSY  thing  n  expect  her  to  show  her  face  .  but  also  ….  put  some  alcohol  inside  this  girl  n  she  will  definitely  get  caught  giving  a  lap  dance  to  a  fuckin  empty  chair  n  like  …. ask  every  single  person  around  her  to  take  her  to  the  nearest  mcdonalds  so  she  can  eat  some  fucking  chicken  nuggets  .  HONESTLY  she  rly  is  a  high  maintenance  ho   but  no  one  can  be  that  classy  all  the  time  dont  judge  her  for  wanting  some  FUCKING  chicken  nuggets  !!  
that  being  said  she  is  also  SO  protective  of  those  around  her  .  even  tho  she  might  claim  to   hate  u  ,  she  will  go  to  war  w  that  bitch  that  said  ur  shirt  was  ugly  no  questions  asked  .  is  also  very  unimpressed  w/  things  in  general  so  it  takes a  Lot  to  get  her  approval  in  p  much  anything  ur  doing  .  that  being  said  i  did  say  she’s  a  dumbass  who  thinks  she’s  very  smart  n  like  ...  10/10  she  will end  up  being  that  one  friend  who  will  go  complain  abt  ur  stupid  plans  but  end  up  getting  arrested  w/  u  .  
in  regards  to  her  love  life  ,  brooklyn  is  p  open  as  a  bisexual  girl  .  she’s  not  a  v  romantic  girl  tho  ,  like  she  doesnt  rly  have  a  romanticized  idea  of  love  (  her  father  has  been  married  like ... 17  times  yall  )  n  her  relationships  so  far  were  usually  more  abt  convenience  &  ease  than  passion  /  love   at  all .  that  being  said  she  doesnt hate  love  or  run  from  it  she  just  doesnt  feel  it  frequently  n  doesnt  actively  pursue  it ??
ok  so  u  will   now  find  some  headcanons  abt  this  head  job:
u  will  never  ever  find  her  without  heels  on  bc  she’s  too  short  to  be  elegant  lmao  i  hate  her
loves  dogs  .  animals  in  general  but  most  of  all  dogs .  funds a  bunch  of  animal  rescues  n  will  pet  a  dog  no  matter  what  whenever  she  sees  one
will  cry  everytime  she  watches  tangled  no  questions  asked
lip  gloss  queen  will   be  wearing  lip  gloss  everytime  u  see  her
has  had  a  diary  her  entire  life  and  carries  one  w  herself  wherever  she  goes
is  the  least  crushy  person  ever  .  has  got  0  celeb  crushes  .  henry  cavill  who  ?  she  has  no  time  for  dudebros  in  her  life
took  ballet  lessons  up  until  she  was  nineteen  yrs  old  n  set  fire  to  all  her  pointé  shoes  when  she  gave  it  up
has  a  reaaaaally  loud  laugh  but  its  not  a  big  laugher  so  u  need  to  be  extra  funny  to  get  it  out  of  her
there  is  so  much  more   but  im  so  lazy  @god  why  u  do  me  like  that  ?  anyways  i  got  some connection  ideas  but  those  r  pretty  shallow  n  general  n  i  love  coming  up  w  things  from  scratch  ,  so  feel  free  to  hit  me  up  for  some  brainstorming  !!  but  yea  i  would  love  some  polar  opposites  best  friends  w  someone  who’s  rly  bubbly  n  adventurous  n  doesnt  suck  the  joy  out  of  all  ambients  like  brooklyn  tries  to  do  lmao  .  also  some  exes  maybe  someone  she’s  in  good  terms  w/  bc  it  wasnt  a  v  passionate  relationship  but  also  someone  she  rly  liked  but  when  things  ended  it  was  all  v  awkward  or  maybe  it  ended  on  bad  terms  bc  they  rly  liked  each  other  ?  some Family  connections  !!  she  has  a  huge  family  so  cousins  or  2nd  cousins  or  even  siblings  !!  sexual  relationships  that  r  either  v  shallow  or  v  messy  would  also  be  nice  bc  its  good  to  have  brooklyn  lose  her  temper  every  once  in  a  while  ?  someone  who’s  always  trying  to  get  her   to  freak  out  like  friends  who  annoy  each  other  ?
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kulaykape · 4 years
Chap. 1 of CONTRACT KILLER: Oc x Natasha Romanoff
I’m pretty sure this is gonna be the first fanfic I’ve ever posted, and I’m honestly wondering why it had to be one about everyone’s favorite insanely hot ginger (not complaining tho). 
This story isn’t meant to take itself too seriously. This first chap. is a bit of a slow start, but their relationship will get off the ground quickly from here, so don’t worry. Thank u, and enjoy! :P
Word Count: 2274
Summary: Jean Holiday is a paid mercenary known as Indigo. Or, in some other cases, ‘SHIELD’s Biggest Pain in the Ass’. And by extension of that, she’s Agent Natasha Romanoff’s biggest pain in the ass. 
Although she knows Romanoff is the last enemy she should be fraternizing with, Jean can’t help but to want to get to know her when she catches her at a bar. Romanoff, ignorant to the fact that this charming stranger is actually one of her most begrudged targets, slowly starts to let her into her life.
---Holiday Season---
Takes place a year before the events of 'The Avengers' in 2008.
"Agent Romanoff," Coulson greeted the assassin as the doors slid open, and in walked SHIELD's best. He'd called her early this morning, so there'd be less people to get in her way once she was released and sent off. After all, she'd need as much time for preparation as she could get for this next mission. 
"Coulson," Natasha replied with a nod, "So. Who is it today?" The assassin crossed her arms over her chest and flitted between Coulson and the hologram board. With an echoey click, an all too familiar masked face popped up on the screen. 
The Black Widow found herself staring down a black mask and golden-rimmed glasses that hid eyes that twinkled with amusement. It was a bit of a messy photo, since they'd only been able to capture it through Natasha's body cam on her last go-around with the target. 
Natasha let out a groan, and rolled her eyes. The source behind most of her headaches, and all three of her only failed missions' name was splayed offensively across the top of the board. 
Indigo. A mercenary for hire. There hadn't been a hit of her's anyone had managed to intervene. Due to such, she was officially one of SHIELD's most consistent and colossal pains in the ass. 
"How long have we been after her?" She asked. 
"Going on three years," Coulson replied, pursing his lips, "But our boys think they got an inkling on her. Her next target should be," the screen switched to a picture of a man, "James Wagner. The senator of Florida. You're familiar?" 
Natasha nodded. "Weren't there rape charges pressed against him just last year?" She recalled. 
"Correct. But they were dropped," Coulson replied, watching as the gears in Natasha's head turned. "Interesting, isn't it? None of Indigo's targets have hands bare of any blood. Allegedly, at least." Coulson took a file from the glass table and held it out to the assassin. 
"Allegedly," Natasha repeated as she started to skim through the folder. "Well, would you look at that," she drawled, "We know absolutely nothing more about her than we did three years ago." 
"Well, we did finally figure out she was female last year," Coulson said with a sardonic smile. 
Natasha snorted. "You finally figured out she was a female, Coulson," she said as she closed the folder. 
"Whatever," he quickly dismissed, "Anyways. Feel free to use whatever means that are necessary. Dead or alive, it doesn't matter." Coulson leaned forward and opened his mouth like he wanted to go on, but stopped himself short. 
Natasha raised a brow slowly. "And…?"
"I'd prefer her alive," Coulson said. 
"Of course you would."
"Look, it's your call. But you don't know. We might have another Black Widow on our hands," he said, smiling and giving her the 'huh, huh?' hand gesture like a car salesman. 
"In that case, guess I have to kill her," Natasha replied with a crooked smile, tucking the file away. No discount versions of herself would be crawling around SHIELD HQ. Not on her watch. "See you when I get back, Coulson."
"Be careful out there, Romanoff. And good luck."
The crowd was big enough that I was well-hidden, but not so large that I couldn't make my escape. Wagner was wrapping up his speech now, smiling and waving at his "fans" as he started down the steps. He'd just made another one of his empty promises to the state of Florida, calling for support and unity. Whether or not he intended to keep it this time around, nobody would ever know. 
Ten bodyguards surrounded him. My client had told me to use any means necessary to reach Wagner, but the bodyguards weren't the ones raping underage girls (hopefully). I'd already made a plan beforehand, and quickly went over it as Wagner and his guards neared the side of the parted crowd I was standing on. 
I suddenly became very aware of the knife in my jacket and the volatile smoke bombs tucked in my sleeve. They weighed heavily on my being, as if the objects of my assassination themselves were telling me to back off. Something was wrong. Someone who wasn't supposed to be here was here. 
It almost felt like I was the prey. 
But Wagner's eyes meeting mine snatched me from my doubts. I'd already pulled my mask and hood up, and assumed the identity of a killer. And he wasn't so stupid as to not recognize that. 
Wagner's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth to scream Bloody Mary at his bodyguards. I darted out from within the folds of the crowd, and threw the smoke bombs down. 
Enough smoke to obscure the entire block went up, and I flipped the fog vision of my glasses on. 
Screaming came from all directions, and the crowd turned near animalistic as it started to stampede away, all of them trying to escape the danger that the persona of Indigo could bring. 
The bodyguards yelled for Wagner and flailed around uselessly. I prowled up to one of them, and pulled him into a chokehold from behind. His body started to shake and jump, like his soul was trying to make its escape without the rest of him as he suffocated in silence. 
"Sorry, friend. Guess you're taking a pay cut," I whispered to him as I lowered his now-unconscious body to the ground. 
I made quick, methodical work of the rest of them in a similar fashion. The panic amongst them as their numbers dwindled steadily rose, and their yells for anyone who could hear them became more desperate as comrades were formulaically silenced. 
Now standing in the middle of the sea of burly bodies in fetal positions was Wagner himself. I didn't bother to quiet my footsteps now, and watched with a smile as he jumped away from the sound. 
"Thought you'd be running by now," I said, unsheathing my knife and letting that unmistakable sound of its reveal ring in the air. 
"Leave me alone!" Wagner screeched, "Leave me alone, you hear me?! You ruined my goddamn speech! You goddamn- ugh…!"
My curved blade had shot out from the smoke and found Wagner's chest. I put a hand on Wagner's shoulder like you would an old friend, and pulled him closer to me, and further up on the blade.
I clicked my tongue and shook my head. "Shouldn't have touched the girl, James," I whispered. I let the hilt of the blade go as Wagner's eyes went wide at the realization of why his fate had been sealed, and his body went limp with that final revelation. His body hit the ground with a 'thud', as heavy and unfeeling as he'd been in life. 
The assassination was complete. But the mission wouldn't be over until I'd completely evaded the law. 
I checked my watch. The smoke wouldn't completely lift for another minute or two. But there were advanced units around with fog vision goggles. I could make my way to the safe house without being followed, so long as I acted qui-
"There you are," a woman's gritty voice said behind me. Like a church hymn, I knew it immediately. 
I grinned underneath my mask. Of all the dogs SHIELD sent my way, she was always the best. No doubt, she'd force me to make a few changes to my escape plan. But if it meant a good spar, I was down. 
"It's been a minute, Romanoff," I said. Instead of a verbal reply, I got two gunshots sent my way. She could see me. 
I slipped my head to the side and watched the bullets whizz by, then turned to face Agent Romanoff. The smoke seemed to part for her as she launched herself at me, all red fury and SHIELD discipline. 
“I’m ready to finally settle the score if you are,” she said, a shadow of a smirk on her face, almost like she was having just as much fun as me. 
I made a face beneath my mask. “You’re down three, Agent,” I said in the tone you used with an idiotic little sibling. 
Her leg slammed into my arm as I blocked what could've been a rib-breaker. I shoved her back so the smoke enveloped her, but she bounced right back forward at me, not missing a beat. She whipped her leg out twice, beating down on my defense with full abandon. 
Every kick she sent my way was like a piston slamming into my body. Mechanical. Unfeeling. Sometimes it didn't matter if I blocked it, it still hurt like hell. 
“C’mon, you got anything new?” I asked as I ducked and weaved around her kicks and punches. 
Agent Romanoff took a break for herself after another kick only hit air, while I danced around like we were in a boxing match instead of a real-life fight. “You talk a lot,” she huffed in between ragged breaths. 
“Just trying to catch up with an old friend,” I said, raising my hands placatingly. 
I heard the tell-tale sign of a gun being cocked, and weaved around three bullets as they made their way towards me. Black Widow soon followed after the bullets, coming for my neck with all the means to kill. 
I grunted and then chuckled as she kicked me squarely in the stomach, making me stagger back a good several feet. My breakfast nearly came up right then. 
The onslaught paused. "Surrender now, and I won't kill you," she warned. A red light flashed before my eyes, and I found a laser dot resting on my chest. 
"You know, that’s more of a friendly greeting to me nowadays," I said. She pulled the trigger in reply. I darted out of the way. But instead of the explosive bullet I expected, the projectile expanded into an electrical net. I guess she figured out by now that bullets to me were a drunk man's swings to Muhammad Ali. 
"Shit," I growled as I watched it expand, and pulled the wakizashi off my back to cut through it just in time to save my ass. 
But I didn't get away from it completely unscathed, as one of the energized ends of the net still brushed against the exposed skin on my wrist. My heart seemed to launch itself around my chest cavity, beating sporadically as I cried out to maintain myself. 
I threw the net away with a sweep of my short sword, and tried to regulate my heartbeat again. But Agent Romanoff wasn't about to allow me that convenience. 
A flash of black and red flew through the air, coming for my neck. A pair of legs wrapped around me, and started to squeeze the ever-living fuck out of my throat. I grasped at them with a desperate gasp, and made the mistake of dropping my sword. A thin, but solid cord joined Romanoff's legs, which she wrapped around my neck and pulled. My vision went dark at the ends, and I could feel that real, raw fight or flight instinct starting to creep up. I grabbed and clawed at her legs uselessly, and muttered out several, “shit, shit, shit”s. 
“You gonna tap?” Agent Romanoff taunted, as if me tapping would bring mercy. I choked out a muffled “fuck you” against the kevlar and leather of her suit. 
Not gonna lie, suffocating between Black Widow's thighs wouldn't have been a terrible way to go out. But I was determined to get that paycheck I was promised. 
I felt Agent Romanoff yank me around as she tried to slam me into the ground, where I'd all but have my fate sealed if it were to happen. With a laboring burst of strength, I let out a growl and reared back, then slammed Romanoff into the ground. I heard her wheeze as the wind completely exited her body. 
In a moment of weakness not unlike my own, Romanoff was completely open to a killing strike as she struggled for air. I didn't give her any grace, instead closing my fingers around her throat. As her eyes widened and she grasped at my hand, I unsheathed the knife in my left hand, where it sat dangerously close to Romanoff's right side. 
"I really should kill you," I said in a tone that was more for asking what she wanted for dinner than threatening homicide.
Even as she stared one of death's finest agents in the face, her blood dribbling down her forehead and drops of mine landing on her brow, Agent Romanoff remained defiant. Emerald green eyes narrowed and glared harshly at me. 
"Then do it."
I shook my head, the decision made before I’d even said anything. 
In one swift movement, I flipped my knife around and jabbed her twice with the hilt, right in her liver. Even the world's best assassin couldn't go against her body. And the body wasn't going to get up after a liver shot. 
I stood up and watched as Agent Romanoff cried out, then folded in on herself from the pain. 
"Anticlimactic, huh?" I said as I twirled my knife twice before sheathing it, "That was fun, Agent Romanoff. I'll see you next time." She replied with a pained groan, and continued to writhe on the ground amongst the bodyguards I’d taken out before. 
And with that, I hastily made my escape. I could hear the law approaching now, but once they got here, all they'd find was a bruised and defeated Black Widow. 
The score was now Natasha Romanoff: 0, and Jean Holiday: 4.
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hauntedbubblewriter · 6 years
Just a second longer...
Tumblr media
Summary: “What If we would date for 24 hours? No awkwardness just a perfect day without any worries”
Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x Reader
Words: 1,950
Genre: Fluff
Chapter: 1/4
Next Chapter: Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Starting another Story with a shy and introverted Girl that gets her perfectly boring life ruined by a handsome boy, followed by waves of troubles would have been a better way of spending her afternoon. 
Instead she was sitting on a white generic chair in front of a basic ikea table, decorated by some expensive looking vase filled with a pair of roses and a small candle that enlights the table. In any other situation she would have admired the roses and probably took some aesthetic pictures with them, but all of this screamed cliché, generic, basic, boring. She hasn’t expect anything else when she left her college a few hours ago with a flyer full of red hearts and the promise of finding true love. There was no reason to go there, no one forced her to and still she was sitting here now. Judging the red roses in front of her that were supposed to bring the romance vibe. 
Looking back at it, this was just a really sad moment of her life. For the first time in ages she realized how lonely she actually had to be, to sit her unironically to meet some potential love interest. For a second she wanted to just run out get in a comfy corner of her apartment and rethink her life choices that brought her to this point. From another perspective the place didn’t seem too bad. The prices were decent and the people she talked to had been quiet nice, but all of them had this awkward aura. The “I’m not sure what to say” aura, “I don’t even think I want her” aura “I’d rather talk to the pretty guy on table 4” aura and even if they didn’t, all their conversation were fixed on getting to know each other but it didn’t feel like anyone actually care. 
“There had to be a reason they’re all single” she didn’t mean to think that badly from them but she was just frustrated by the whole situation. She soon question If she was jus as bad as them immediately wishing herself back into the safety of her corner. Then again the next person would come and start the conversation with “man I normally don’t do this but my friends forced me” excuse. No one wanted to go around and say “man I am so lonely so I just hope to find anyone” but at least be honest with yourself. It’s more fun to accept that both of you are just lonely. At least thats what she thought. 
Waiting for the next person was always the best part. She could take a break from all of this and just enjoy the music and hope it would all just end. Till a new voice brought her out of her relaxed state. His voice was a little higher than the one of most guys, his hair was dyed in a light purple, probably because the colour faded after time, it looked good tho. He had a warming smile and for a second there was a little hope in her while looking at him. 
“You don’t look really happy to be here” he said in his sweet voice, making her feel quiet bad to make it so obvious right from the start. “I guess this is all new to me, I guess I just don’t like it.” She laughed sheepishly. “Guess all the awkward conversations are getting to me” There was a frustrated groan on the other side of the table from the newest arrival of potential love interests. That brought her eyes to actually look at the boy a little bit more in detail. He wore some golden big round glasses that showcased his brown eyes. They sparkled with something magical she couldn’t quiet pin point what it was. 
“I can totally understand. It’s been really…. Let me say difficult” he grinned showing a pretty set of white teeth “I am Wooyoung by the way” The two locked their eyes what seemed like the first time for the day that they looked at someone actually with curiosity hidden in their eyes. She returned the smile and threw in her Introduction as well. “Y/n…. I have a pretty crazy idea… would you be interested?”  
Uncertain were this would go she mustered the young boy one more time while her head threw all the possibilities around. In the end curiosity got the best of her and she was willing to hear what he had to say. “What If we would date for 24 hours? No awkwardness just do what you always dreamt of in a relationship without any worries since it will end anyway right? and no worries to be stuck with someone you don’t like for longer than needed.” It sounded crazy, stupid, dangerous and so many more negative adjectives. On the other hand it was something new maybe there was a risk to it, but it was only 24 hours. What is the worst that could happen? “I don’t know if I lost all my brain cells sitting here but I agree, but no 18+ stuff” Wooyoung defensively threw his hands in the air a slight smirk on his lips “I would have never dreamt of that.” In the first few seconds of this so called relationship there was some intense judging on her side “Somehow I don’t believe you.” The disappointed was clear on his face “Hey you barley know me how could you already assume such things.”
“So your saying I should have realized that only later in those 24 hours.”
“Let me just ignore this for now so we can leave this place. Alright?”
There was an obvious pout on his lips and it would be a lie If she didn’t think it was adorable. He reached for her hand pulling her gently up to get out of the classy restaurant. Returning their number to the waiter that organized the event happily announcing their new started relationship. The waiter wasn’t able to hide his confusion by the sudden confession. Of course people started dating here… but not that fast. Before he could voice any of those thoughts the new loving couple already left through the wooden door of the restaurant, big smiles on their faces, giggling like children that said I like you for the first time.
“Okay the most important rule to be the happiest couple for a day, don’t overthink anything. Act like we are a couple for already millions of years” he pronounced the “millions” overly happy making the importance clear. “Of course baby how could I ever forget the millions of years we spend together” she replied sarcastically empathising on the “millions” part on a try to mock him a little. “Fine I think you get it. So I’ll choose what we do” You simply raised your eyebrows kinda forgetting that you’d been holding hands for the whole time “I’m scared you choose something weird tho” the purple haired boy glared at her playfully “Marshmallow how could you still think of me like this” 
Both of you broke into a big laughter at that. The nickname was unusually cheesy and at this point it was just a battle who could embarrass the other quicker and at this point Wooyoung was winning as she could feel her ears turning red. She was only lucky her hair hide the obvious point Wooyoung just won. 
“Let’s go to a fortune teller.” She stared at him with a look of confusion “Are you serious?” He just nodded and pulled his phone out probably using google to find the wanted fortune teller. “How does your mind even work?” Who would think of a fortune teller as the first thing to do on a date? He wasn’t paying attention to her just using his free hand to scroll through his phone. 
“Here found one” He showed her his screen filled with a little icon and the address of “the magical twilight fortune” It sounded so dumb it had to be fun. That’s what she thought at least, but never actually voiced not wanting to praise this ridiculous idea. “Let’s be real you would have chosen something boring like cinema or so” Now her face was a frown while she was dragged behind Wooyoung, not only hurt that he guessed her suggestion but also said its boring. “Cinema dates are fun” she mumbled glaring at the back of his purple hair. 
“Knew it” he chuckled ruffling through her hair “sure Marshmallow their suuuuuuuuper fun” she winced again at the officially obtained nickname “Why Marshmallow” she whined lazily trying to follow his steps “Because your cheeks are squishy and cute and I wanna eat them” she couldn’t help the laugh coming out of her once he finished that sentence. Deciding to really use this date she threw her hands around him “You’re really weird Chipmunk” a grin spread on her lips when the beautiful whine entered her ears “why Chipmunk that’s so lame” she couldn’t ignore the slight blush on his cheeks quickly counting it as her first point. Now they were even 
“You sound like on when you laugh” She shrugged letting go of his hand to go inside of the fortune teller. Wooyoung just followed like a small puppy running after its owner. The two were guided to a door covered in veil. The unusual pair sat down into the empty room now feeling a little unsure than they expected to feel. After a few minutes a middle aged women entered the room and sat in front of them. 
“So you two want to know your chemistry and future of your relationship.” Suddenly full of determination Wooyoung hold her hand with a complete serious face agreeing to the request making his adorable girlfriend laugh, probably more than she should. The fortune teller ignored the sudden laugh attack and prepared the fortune for the two lovebirds.
“I see you two got quiet lucky. Your chemistry is sizzling. Your sign lord is Venus & Saturn their the lords of lovers. There is a bright future ahead for the both of you.” She had a puzzled look of embarrassment and confusion because of the weird things the fortune teller just said what had Venus and Saturn to do with their relationship. The information took its time to procress but the blush of the sizzling was already there and didn’t go unnoticed. 
“Aww you’re cute, you’re ears turn read” he was squalling like an idiot, normally she would have been ready to fight him by now but she was to embarrass so a week push was all she could manage. It sadly had the opposite effect of what she wanted he just started to tease her more, loving the new power he obtained way to much. 
“Yah stop” she hide her face still trying to shove the way to energetic boy away from her. “It’s nice to see the chemistry myself like this. Please give the money to my assistant” The fortune teller left as quickly as she came and the person from before guided the “fighting” couple outside. “That would cost 30€” The bickering was quickly stopped by the sudden announcement “30?” Both of them exclaimed not believing their ears. 
Before Wooyoung could even try to get a better deal Y/n was already backstabbing him “It was your idea so you’re gonna pay” She huffed still mad about what happened inside the faint blush had moved its way to her cheeks now as well and Wooyoung just sighed accepting his fate.
Here the seriously meant first post. I feel like I haven’t wrote anything in ages. Sooooo I hope you still enjoyed it somehow.
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winryofresembool · 6 years
Love Can Melt the Ice, ch 21
Summary: the party goes on.
A/N: sorry guys, I’m too tired to think of anything to say. Just that I hope you guys enjoy, and note, that there’s a little bit of steaminess (not quite M-rated tho imo) towards the end of this chapter so keep that in mind when readng this. Reviews are loved!!! And thanks to every single person who has commented the previous chapters, you guys rule ♥
Previous chapters:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 pt 1, pt 2, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Next chapter: coming
Companion pieces (note: these are all post Olympics happenings so reading the main fic first is recommended): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Words: 3200+
Genre: cotton candy mostly
“There she finally comes!” Paninya exclaimed when she saw Winry approaching her figure skating team in the otherwise quiet restaurant. “What took you so long? Oh!” She finally noticed Ed hopping towards them behind Winry, and a giant grin spread on her lips. “I wasn’t expecting you to have company!”
“Smirk what you want, Pan. I don’t care anymore. As a matter of fact, we have some news for you…” Winry fumbled with her hair nervously, as she was trying to figure out how to tell Paninya about the changed relationship status.
“Are you pregnant too?” Paninya asked her, eyeing Ed suspiciously. “I knew I shouldn’t have left you guys alone after the birthday party…”
“What, NO!” Winry panicked, worried how Ed would react to such implications. Even though Pan’s comment was just a joke, Ed had barely started to open up to her… Winry didn’t even want to think how he would feel about having kids. “We haven’t even… I mean, that’s a 0 per cent possibility… And don’t you think it’s a bit too early for that kind of announcements anyway?”
“I just wanted to see your reaction,” Paninya laughed. “Don’t mind me, I was just messing with you.”
“Oh, OK. So, the news is that… we…” She linked her arm with Ed’s. “… Have decided to become… exclusive?”
“And that’s what you were so nervous to announce?” Paninya looked annoyed. “I would have expected you to at least have gotten married secretly based on your expressions.” Her frown changed into a smile soon. “But that’s awesome! I knew it would happen sooner rather than later! In fact, Rosé, I think I won our bet.” She winked at her girlfriend smugly.
“Bet, what bet? Rosé, don’t tell me Pan made you make a bet on my relationship progression.” Any of Winry’s nervousness flew away as (faked) anger took over. “I can expect that from you…” Winry glared at Paninya, “… But Rosé, you have always been the nice one.”
“I’m sorry, she made me!”
“Don’t worry. I just had to make you taste your own medicine,” Winry laughed. “Anyway, thanks for coming! It’s good to see you all here. I guess… let’s get this party started!
 “Hey Winry, why is your boyfriend moping at your party?” Paninya asked as Winry joined her at the bar to get a drink. She wasn’t wrong, he was scowling at his phone in an empty corner of the restaurant and mumbling something incoherent to himself.
“He just remembered that his team is playing right now.” Winry sighed. “They are probably angry at him for not showing up, but more importantly, the game is almost over now, and they are losing by several goals so… it’s not looking too good.”
“You gotta give him something else to think about.” Paninya winked and made kissy lips to give Winry a hint.
“I’m not gonna make out with him in front of all these people!” Winry growled. “Public display of affection isn’t our thing.”
“Whatever. Just do whatever you do to wrap him around your arm. Take him to dance or something.”
“He can’t dance! He has a broken leg in case you haven’t noticed.”
“Just sway in the same spot or something.” Paninya suggested.
“I’ll just go talk to him,” Winry decided when she saw he wasn’t far from throwing his phone out of the window.
“Damnit!” Ed cursed loudly when Winry arrived next to him. She didn’t even bother asking what had happened in the game; it was unnecessary.
“I’m sorry, Ed. I’m not gonna say ‘better luck next time’ because that won’t help anything, but maybe you’d like to do something to take your thoughts away from that game. It’s my party, after all.”
“What do you have in mind?” Ed eyed her suspiciously. “I’m not gonna sing karaoke if that’s what you want to do. I’m not drunk enough.”
Winry put her arm around his shoulder and said: “No, you don’t have to sing, but I do want to dance. And I want to dance with you.”
“You have gone nuts, woman. How do you think I’m gonna dance with this leg?” he pointed at his cast.
“Just follow me. Or do you want me to call Al to dance with me instead?” Winry asked slyly. “Or, I suppose, there are other options in this restaurant too…”
“Let’s just go then!” Ed said all too fast and started hopping towards the dance floor.
When the couple found their spot, a few other dancers were eyeing Ed’s crutches suspiciously, but he decided to ignore it. “So… how are we gonna do this?”
“I think… if you can stand with just one crutch, you could use your hand to twirl me, and I’ll do the rest,” Winry suggested.
“Sounds doable,” Ed noted and left his right crutch against the wall. Winry took his metal hand (that was covered with the usual white glove) into hers and started doing her dance moves. The song was fast, so she was able to show her jiving skills well.
“I knew you could skate but I didn’t know you can dance too!” Ed commented at some point.
“A lot of figure skaters take also dancing classes because it certainly helps with the balance and everything.” Winry reminded him.
“Right. That makes sense,” Ed admitted.
The longer the song continued, the more he lightened up too, finishing the dance by pulling Winry close to him and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“You were right, it was kinda fun! Maybe one day we can dance for real.”
“Is that a promise?” Winry asked. “Because if it is, I will remember it, I swear.”
“Maybe it is.” Ed grinned and turned to pick up his crutch.
A few hours later, Winry was looking for Ed who had disappeared while she had gone to the restroom, and finally found him on the balcony.
“There you are! I was a bit worried you might have left,” Winry said.
“Oh. I just needed a little break to hear my thoughts. It’s been quite a day, don’t you think?” Ed asked.
“It has… As amazing it has been, I am quite eager to get into my own bed soon.” Ed gave Winry a puppy dog expression. “We’ll see if someone gets to join me. Maybe if you are extra nice to me. Anyway, Gracia already left, Garfiel is hitting on someone, and Rosé and Paninya’s dancing is looking like they don’t really need our company… so I’d say we’re free to go.”
“Sounds good to me. By the way, Al sends his congrats,” Ed remembered. “He’s with Mei now but said he’d catch up with us tomorrow.”
“Oh! How is it going between those two?”
“The last time I saw them together, they were chatting pretty eagerly about who knows what, so I’d say it’s going pretty well. Too bad she lives in Xing, though. What if they get together, and he decides to move there?”
“I think you are getting a bit ahead of yourself again,” Winry noted. “They just met. But what about us? It’s like you said, we live pretty far from each other and travel a lot… Should we try to come up with a schedule for our meetings?”
“Until my leg is healed, you don’t have to worry about me traveling…” Ed sighed. “I will have plenty of free time. I think I might still spend a little while in Resembool because I’m not super eager to do household work with this leg.”
“I’ll visit you there when I have my next free weekend! Hey… does this situation remind you of your party?” Winry realized.
“I guess it does,” Ed agreed. “A lot has happened after that, though… Even though it has only been a few days.”
“Sometimes… things… happen fast. You don’t regret it, do you?” Winry asked, slight hint of worry in her voice.
“No.” Ed shook his head. “I thought this was going to be difficult, but now that it’s actually happening… I realized it’s really quite simple. I want to spend more time with you. I just… needed to deal with some things first.”
“I understand. And hey, I’ll be here the whole time if you still need help with that,” Winry promised, and it was her turn to kiss Ed on the cheek. “Hey, what’s that?”
Ed was holding a small box in his hand and Winry casted a curious look at it. If it had been anyone else giving her that box, she might have been more nervous about what was in it, but she knew Ed wouldn’t ask her so soon… Right?
“Um… this is just a championship gift for you…” Ed said, and Winry immediately relaxed. “I was going to give it to you no matter what result, but it turned out going pretty well, don’t you think?”
“Heh, I guess so.” Winry unwrapped the paper around the box carefully and admired its black surface for a moment before opening it. “Ed, these are so pretty!”
What she saw in the box were earrings, with tiny golden skates hanging from them. She took them in her hand to get a better look at them.
“I just… well, I asked Riza if she knew what would make you happy, and she said you like earrings. So. I went to the shop where they sell these and… thought the skates were pretty fitting… in many ways… since you know, skating was what united us in the first place… and… gold to match your medal…”
“Awww. That is so sweet.” She quickly wiped the corners of her eyes dry and turned Ed’s head to face her. “Seriously, I love them. Thank you.” Then she leaned in to press a light kiss on his mouth. They let the kiss linger for a few moments before Winry pulled away and run her hand on Ed’s automail arm briefly.
“Hey, guess what… I kinda have a gift for you too. It’s in my room, though, so should we take a cab and leave?”
“It’s like you said, I don’t think anyone would miss us… so sure!” Ed gave Winry his familiar shit eating grin, taking his crutches from the bench next to him and jumping up rather eagerly.
The couple waved their goodbyes to those of their friends who were still left at the club and took the first cab to the hotel (this time they were farther from the hotel than during Ed’s birthday so Winry didn’t want to make Ed walk all that way). For some reason, Ed hesitated a bit before stepping inside Winry’s room, though.
“What’s wrong?” Winry folded her arms over her chest and stared at Ed questioningly.
“It’s just… We are a… couple… now… so I hope you’re not expecting…”
“Expecting what?” Winry tilted her head slightly as she tried to understand what Ed was saying. “Oh!” she finally realized, her face turning red. “Nonono, I wasn’t thinking about that… Not that I wouldn’t like… eventually… but we can take our time… No, there’s something I want to show you…”
With Winry’s rambling, the nervousness that had taken over Ed’s body finally left him, and he started laughing so hard he doubled over.
“What’s so funny?” she asked, slightly hurt because she didn’t understand what was in Ed’s mind in that moment. Was he laughing at her?
“It’s just…” he guffawed, “… The tables have turned… Remember what happened the last time we spent a night together? You thought I was expecting us to…”
“Oh!” Winry finally understood. “Well, I wasn’t expecting anything, so you can stop laughing and come here.” Her voice had a bit of sharpness in it as she continued: “I have some drawings I want to show you.”
“Sorry.” Ed finally calmed down. “Show them.”
He hopped towards the table on which Winry had spread her papers and squinted as he was trying figure out what was in her drawings. “Wait a second… Is this an automail arm?”
“I noticed your arm was creaking a bit, so I designed this… What do you think? We would of course need to measure your arm before I can draw the final version, but… I’d love to do it if you let me?”
“Have you built automails before?” Ed asked, even though he believed he knew the answer. She had drawn that picture complete from the scratch, after all.
“I have, plenty! Although…” she blushed a bit as she continued: “this would be the first one that would be in use…”
“Well, it looks amazing, so… why the hell not? Truth to be told, I don’t really like my current mechanic so it would be a win-win situation in many ways.”
“It’s settled, then!” Winry clapped her hands excitedly. “You, me and an automail date once this season is over and I have more time to focus on mechanics. Although… I would like to get some measures sooner because that way I’ll have more time to prepare for it.” She pulled out the tape measure from her bag and looked at him expectantly. “Would you mind?”
“Of-of course not…” Ed said, although a bit hesitantly because Winry seemed to have turned her geek mode on. “What do you need me to do?”
“Uhh… You would probably need to take your shirt off because I need to be able to see where the shoulder piece starts and stuff…” She was blushing again. Ed threw his coat and suit on a nearby chair and sat down on the bed, unbuttoning his dress shirt slowly. He turned to look at Winry as he felt her gaze on him.
“Enjoying the view?” Ed cocked his eyebrow when their eyes met.
“You are suddenly awfully smug for someone who just freaked out about coming into my room.” Winry retorted, although her cheeks were still burning.
“I just like to make you as flustered as you make me…”
An awkward silence fell between them, but finally Ed added: “OK, here’s the thing: I do want to… do it with you… eventually, like you said… but with this cast… there’s a lot I won’t be able to do, and… I think you deserve better than that… so… I’d rather wait… until I feel 100 per cent fine…”
“I didn’t think you’d be worried about that… I’m sorry. That’s… that’s so nicely said, and I… shouldn’t have mocked you earlier.”
“It’s OK.” Ed shrugged. “So, should we measure this thing?”
“Of course!” Winry turned back into her usual mechanics loving self. “First I’m going to check the full length, and then…”
“You do realize that sounds a whole lot dirtier than it actually is?” Ed snorted, gaining a dirty look from Winry. “What? I’m just speaking the truth.”
“How about you just shut up for a moment and let me work.” Winry rolled her eyes and tried to focus on her tape measure, which was very hard, though, because she had her bare-chested boyfriend (she was still excited about being able to use that word) in front of her. And he wasn’t a bad sight at all. As expected, his upper body was built, his abs could have worked as a washboard and his only arm had probably been used to lift heavy weights a lot during Ed’s free time. Winry’s fingers traced the scar under the automail port, checking the skin for possible issues, and that made Ed inhale sharply.
“Sorry. Did that hurt?” Winry asked worriedly.
“No… It… felt good.” Ed stammered, trying to keep himself in line. ‘Hydrogen, helium, litium…’
“OK…” Winry said and bent down to write down some measures she had already gotten, her dress not leaving much for Ed’s imagination. He nearly bolted from the bed.
“Done.” She finally stopped her ‘torture’ and put the tape measure and the paper away. She hadn’t even realized she had been holding her breath while working. “Is something wrong?” she asked when she realized Ed was mumbling something incoherent and avoiding eye contact with her. “Ed, I’m your girlfriend. You can tell me.”
“Let’s just say that… I have never wished more that I didn’t have my leg broken,” he said quietly. Winry sat down on his lap and put one of her hands on his cheek, making him look at her.
“It’s OK. We can wait.” She kissed him tenderly, getting a response from him soon. Her fingers played on his bare skin while his metal arm went to cup her ass, the other one massaging her back. Soon Winry realized he wouldn’t open the zipper of her dress unless she gave him a permission, so she pulled away from the kiss and told him: “I’ve seen you shirtless, so it’s only fair you see me that way too… Equivalent exchange…”
“Have I ever told you you are freaking amazing?” Ed breathed before his hand went to unzip the dress while his lips worked on her neck.
“I think you might have mentioned that once or twice but it never hurts to hear it again.” Winry grinned and stood up to shake the dress off once Ed has unzipped it. “What? Have you never seen a half naked woman before?” she teased when Ed gaped at her like she was some kind of miracle.
“I-I have but never anyone who looks as… wow…” His eyes took all of her in, from the thin yet strong thighs to the skin colored strapless bra, before focusing on her face again. Even though she must have been dead tired already, and her make-up was slightly smudged, in Ed’s opinion she looked incredible.
“Thank you,” Winry gently pushed Ed to laying position and settled on his lap, minding his injured leg. “Wanna help me with this?” she turned her back to him, so Ed could unhook her bra.
“Sure, but… I’m gonna explode if we continue much further. And I just said… this is not how I want to do this.”
“I didn’t mean we have to do anything, silly,” she tried to comfort him. “I just want to get rid of this thing because trust me, it’s pretty uncomfortable to sleep with.”
“Oh. OK. I got it.”
After getting her bra unhooked and throwing it away, Winry got up again and made a bit of a show of stretching her arms in front of Ed (giving Ed a very good shot of some of her best features) before pulling her pajama top on her. Ed didn’t know how to react, causing him to just stare at her dumbfounded with his mouth open.
“What was that for?” he asked, sounding almost frustrated.
“Just something for you to look forward to while we are away from each other, I guess.” She winked.
“You dumb, I would… I would be looking forward to our next meeting either way.” Ed folded his arms, sounding almost offended that Winry thought there was any other possibility. “I mean, you look great and all, but I care about your personality more.”
“That means a lot to me, Ed. I… uh, never mind.” She laid down next to him and snuggled her head against his bare chest. “This has been… one of the best days of my life. And a lot of it is thanks to you. I just wanted you to know that.”
“You… you deserve it.” He kissed her on the forehead before closing his eyes and falling asleep.
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mvssmallow · 6 years
CWAC: Chapter 29 Part I (temporary re-upload)
Cloudy With A Chance
Chapter 29 Part I: …of airplanes.
Day 0
“You what?”
“I need to go to Japan.”
He stares at Hanbin’s back, waiting waiting waiting for the next reaction with a racing heartbeat in his throat.
“It’s three days till Christmas.”
“I know.” He says with a tired sigh. “They want to meet a producer over there. It’s the last time he’s free before he goes on hiatus with his family for a month. They want to get a lock on him before I start on the album.”
Hanbin stops cleaning his desk and turns around to face him. “When do you leave?”
“Now. Today.” He says, even more exhausted at the thought of having to pack for the airport. “Jin booked our flights already. The cars coming over in half an hour.”
Hanbin nods then and half shrugs. “Yeah okay.”
He’s a little taken aback, unsure what he was expecting but some part of him thought (hoped) that his absence would be more upsetting. He didn’t want to make them sad and miserable but there are times where he just craves some kind of evidence that he’s important in Hanbin’s life.
“So you’re okay with this right?”
“Yeah, of course. It’s your job now.” Hanbin moves past him to open their drawers and rummage for the passports kept there. “Which backpack do you want to take with you?”
He feels oddly blindsided by everything that’s happened this afternoon. The sudden phone call. The impromptu flight. Hanbin’s blasé response. His internal dissatisfaction.
“Jiwon? Which one?”
“Um, the blue one.”
A blue camo print backpack is thrown on the bed and his passport is tucked into the front pocket. He watches as their wardrobe doors slide open and Hanbin pauses to survey all the pre-ironed t-shirts just hanging there.
“Do you want me to help you pack?”
No, I want you to miss me when I leave.
He can’t say that out loud so instead, he settles for: “Yeah, if you’re not doing anything.”
Hanbin scoffs. “What else would I be doing right now?”
They pack with quiet efficiency. Well, he watches Hanbin pack with quiet efficiency, the tense stillness only punctuated by Hanbin’s short questions and his own single word answers. It makes him want to yell really loudly or say something stupid.
But the hour’s almost up. The car will be here soon.
“Wait a minute.” He’s checking the contents of the backpack with a frown, pushing phone chargers and socks out of the way but still not finding the thing he wants. “Where’s your Snoopy t-shirt?”
Hanbin looks at him with confusion. “Snoopy? That shirt is so old. Don’t you want one of your newer-”
“No.” He shakes his head, suddenly pissed off for some reason. “I need that one.”
It comes out harsher than he wanted it to but if picking a fight is the only way he’s going to get Hanbin to react then he’ll play dirty for once.
But Hanbin just goes and looks for the damm t-shirt without saying anything. It drives him insane and he can’t really remember a time he was this frustrated about Hanbin’s selective mutism.
“Here.” A soft and greying t-shirt is held out towards him. “Are you going to wear it out? It’s so old. It’s seriously getting holes in the sleeves.”
He takes it and tucks safely into his backpack. “No. I’m not going to wear it out. I just want to take it with me.”
“Okay.” Hanbin says slowly, eyes suddenly piercing into the side of his face like they always do when they’re trying to read his mind.
The phone in his his pocket starts buzzing and ringing then. Great timing as always. The car is downstairs to pick him up.
“I gotta go.”
Hanbin walks him to the front door and watches him put on his jacket and tie up his shoelaces.
“So umm, I guess I’ll see you when I get back?” He says, prepared and resigned to leave with just a brief kiss. Who knows how affectionate Hanbin is feeling right now.
“Message me when you land? And when you go to sleep.” Hanbin instructs, his voice shaky and watery for a split second. “And when you’re packing again too, so you don’t forget anything.”
He cracks the first smile of the day. “Yeah, I’ll just message you everything okay?”
“Yeah. Okay.”
Then he sees it; the slumped shoulders, the downcast eyes that never meet his and the subtle frown pulling at the corners of Hanbin’s mouth. He can feel fingers playing with the straps of his backpack, even though there’s nothing to fix or adjust.
Well, finally.
“Come here.” He says softly, pulling at Hanbin’s t-shirt and relieved when there’s no resistance at all. Just a sigh.
He’s going to write a song about this one day. He knows it. This exact feeling whenever he pulls Hanbin’s slightly smaller body into his, the initial thrill of butterflies followed by the deep warm ache that comes from something so good, so unbelievable, so comforting, so his.
“Gonna miss me?” He asks. Fuck subtlety, he needs to hear the words sometimes.
There’s a nod against his chest that makes him want to laugh. Typical Hanbin.
“Say it baby. I wanna hear it.”
“Jiwon….” Hanbin whines.
“Baby..” He echoes with another laugh. “You’re gonna make me late if you don’t say it. I’m not leaving till you do.”
There’s more protesting and he can feel the outlines of Hanbin’s face as it tries to bury itself further into his chest. “Illmissyou.”
“What was that?”
Hanbin looks up at him then, all big doe eyes, long eyeslashes and static in his hair. “I’ll miss you.”
“You better.” He says with a relieved grin.
They don’t kiss for half as long as he wanted them to but it’s long enough for the phone to buzz in his pocket again.
“Ahh shit. I really have to go.”
Hanbin’s clinging onto him now, he can feel the slight panic and desperation in the way those fingers dig into his arm. He wonders if it’s wrong to want Hanbin to be like this all the time. It probably makes him a sadist or something but truthfully, nobody has ever needed him before and it’d be nice if that happened at least once in his life.
“Okay, well. I’ll message you when-”
“-I love you.”
It is so quiet against his own voice but he still hears it loud and clear.
Does he stop breathing? For a second? Or a minute. One of those. He’s not sure which one. The backpack is dropped to the ground and he holds that beautifully nervous face in his hands for so long that his phone buzzes in his pocket for a third time and he has the fleeting though that his Beatbox team should just go to Japan without him.
“Fuck, Hanbin.” He says in hushed disbelief. “Why did you have to say it right now? Worst timing ever. Shit, how am I supposed to leave?”
There’s the most sheepish of shrugs that makes Hanbin look even smaller. Maybe small enough to fit into his backpack.
“I really need to go but fuck, I’m gonna miss you so much. You have no idea. I haven’t even left and I miss you already. Wanna come with me? Please come with me?”
Hanbin laughs at his dramatics before leaning up to kiss him in that infuriatingly slow and sweet way that satisfies every empty part of his soul.
“Mmmmlove you.” He murmurs against those soft lips.
“I know.” Hanbin says with a smile before pushing him away gently. “Go to work. I’ll be here when you get back.”
He doesn’t bother hiding his sigh as he picks up his backpack. Every step outside their apartment door is harder than the one before it. He looks at Hanbin leaning against the doorframe in that old disneyland t-shirt, his hair is a mess, cheek flushed and there’s some kind of wistful bittersweet look on his face.
He loves him more than he loves his entire life.
It’s a crazy thought that he’d only read about or seen in movies, believing for all these years that they were unrealistic, impossible and overdramatic….until now.
“Don’t do anything stupid!” He shouts from down the corridor.
“Can’t anyway. My stupid is going to Japan!” Hanbin shouts back.
It’s weird.
Too many years spent on a diet of Linklater movies, Murakami books and songs about longing has got him expecting something that never comes. He expected to feel some big gaping hole when Jiwon left for the airport but he doesn’t.
Of course he misses him. He misses him a lot.
But that hollow melancholy that he felt when they broke up isn’t there. Which is good he supposes, he doesn’t want that feeling back. Ever.
It doesn’t really feel like Jiwon went anywhere though. He’s been gone for barely 20 minutes before the first of the texts come. It makes him smile like an idiot.
[did we pack snoopy?xj]
[Yeah we did. He’s in there. Don’t worry. hx]
He thought it’d end there until Jiwon lands in Japan but there’s another buzz of his phone after a few minutes.
[did we pack my passport?]
[YES omg]
[did we pack the killr bees]
[Yes. We packed everything you wanted. Stop asking me. Lol.]
[im bored.]
[Its been like 20 minutes.]
[Yeah I kno. Then we have to wt at the airprt]
[Your life is so hard. Poor baby.]
[Haha am I your baby now?]
[Idk, I have to check with my boyfriend]
[Wts he like]
[Better than you]
[wll thats rude]
[Talk to me when you have a record deal]
[its ok, gt my own bf. hes not as good as u tho]
[You can’t even pretend in texts?]
[haha nope. Can’t pretend like ur not the best]
[You need to get out more]
[nah, got u now. im nevr leavng]
It’s just a few words, full of typos, but it still makes his stomach drop.
[But what should we do about my boyfriend?]
[idk get a biggr bed haha]
[im kiddin! you gotta be crazy if u think im gonna share you]
[hey we’re here, hve to go. talk later.]
[love you baby xj]
[Have a safe flight. Love you too.xhx]
The smile doesn’t leave his face. Not for the entire time he makes dinner for himself. It’s only when he sits down at their table that he feels it, the hollow emptiness of the chair next to him, the off-balanced quietness of the apartment, the way there’s only one plate on the table. He looks at his phone but the screen is still black. He can’t even send a message, Jiwon would be in the middle of his flight.
The rest of the night isn’t much better. Even when he knows Jiwon has landed, there’s no texts. Maybe he was just busy.
He cleans up alone. Showers alone. Gets into an empty bed alone. And there’s still no message.
[Hey I’m going to bed now. Hope you’re okay over there. xh]
He doesn’t really sleep though. He can hear the traffic outside his window and it was always weirdly comforting to him, something to do with the mundaness of life continuing on regardless of how bad his day is. But it’s not working tonight, maybe it was only comforting listening to that sound when he had Jiwon’s warm body next to him.  
It’s 1:30am when his dark room lights up from a text on his phone.
[are u still awake]
He expects another text marathon but Jiwon ends up calling.
“Hi baby.” Jiwon’s voice sounds rough, exhausted and muffled, like half of his face is against a pillow. “You okay to talk?”
“Yeah.” He’s not sure why it makes him sad that Jiwon has to even ask.
“Sorry I didn’t message or call. Jin got pissed that I was on the phone so much and just took it. He wanted to pack all this stuff into our schedule before Christmas. We just got back from this dinner with a bunch of Japanese rappers. I’m never drinking again.”
He laughs to cover up his paranoia. “Yeah? Did you have a good time?”
Jiwon groans in pain. “I think there should be an age limit on alcohol.”
“There is.”
“It should be like, 30.”
He laughs for real this time. “What happened? Did you do something stupid?”
“Didn’t dislocate any jaws today?”
“No, I did not.” Jiwon says bitterly. “We just did a few shots. I’m gonna be so hungover tomorrow and that’s when we’re meeting Doc.”
His ears perk up at that and a shiver runs down his spine. “Who?”
“Doc McKinney. That’s the producer they want to get for my album. Which isn’t even half written by the way, I don’t get why they’re-”
“Wait. Doc McKinney? The american producer?”
“Yeah? You know him?”
“Tablo met him at some company event last month. Thank god he can speak English. They think it’ll be good promo to have a big shot producer on my album but why the hell would he want to work with a no name?” Jiwon laughs then. “Imagine what’s going on in his head. From the Weeknd to me. What a joke.”
“It’s not a joke.” He says firmly. “You’re good on your own but if you got him on your debut Jiwon….that would be crazy.”
“Yeah I know. I’m not gonna put much into it though. We got Tablo, that’s enough.”
Out of the two of them, he doesn’t know how he ended up being the more ambitious one when all the talent was with Jiwon.
“Still try though, right? You never know where it’ll go. It’s always good to make some contacts in the music business. He might be handy when you get into the US market.”
Jiwon snorts down the phone line. “US market? Are you tripping? I’m not even in the Korean market.”
“You should aim high.” He says, smiling at the dark ceiling. “You have the talent and personality for it.”
“I love talking to you. My ego grows like three sizes bigger every time.”
“Hey you know what else grows three sizes bigger?”
He groans at Jiwon’s lame line. “Seriously? That’s how you’re going to change the topic?”
“Yep. That’s how I’m gonna do it.” Jiwon says, words getting more and more slurred. “What are you wearing?”
“Wait. Do you have your own room?”
There’s a bark of laughter down the line. “Yeah, I do. I’m not that much of freak Hanbin. I’m not you.”
He goes red, even though nobody can see him. “I have never done it in a room full of other people! What are you talking about?!”
“I mean, you like it when you think you might get caught.”
He stays silent, trying to think of an answer that doesn’t self-sabotage or reveal any of his other kinks.
“Am I right?” Jiwon asks with a chuckle. “I am, aren’t I? You are so loud. Remember that time in the carpark? I get so hard whenever I think about it.”
Of course he remembers that night. He remembers it so vividly that he can still smell the sweat on Jiwon’s skin, the hunger in his eyes and the way he always comes with that deep growl.
“Baby? You still there?”
His hand was already wandering down between his legs. “Yeah, I’m still here. I’m just….”
“…thinking about it?”
“Good. What are you wearing?”
“Puppy pyjamas?”
Jiwon groans. “Why do you have to be so fucking cute at a time like this?!”
“You asked! What are you wearing?”
He laughs. “Well, why do you have to be so fucking cute too?”
“Snoopy smells like you.”
His hand stops in its track. His stomach does that nervous flip again.
“Yeah yeah, I know. I’m supposed to be nasty and talk about how much I want to fuck you right now. But here I am telling you that I took your stupid t-shirt to Japan just so I can pretend I’m sleeping with you. Fuck!” Jiwon laughs at his own ridiculousness. “I can’t even do phone sex right.”
He waits until his breathing sounds normal again. “I….really want to fly over there. Like, right now.”
“Miss me?”
“Yeah, I really do. It sucks being in this bed without you.”
“Well, it sucks being in another country without you. God, how lame are we? It hasn’t even been 24 hours.” Jiwon says in exhaustion before yawning. “My body is so confused right now.”
“What do you mean?”
“It doesn’t know if it’s awake or asleep. I’m half hard but half not. I really need to come but I’m too tired. And I miss you, so I’m sad, but I’m talking to you right now, so I’m kinda not.”
“You’re a mess.” He says with a chuckle, wanting to reach through the phone line to pull Jiwon into their bed. “What you need is sleep. Big day tomorrow.”
“I can’t sleep though! My dick is waiting for me to do something.”
“Well, what do you want me to do about it?”
“I don’t know? Do it with me?”
He kicks his blankets off and throws the puppy pyjamas on the ground. He knew this was coming. “Take your pants off. And Snoopy too.”
He waits for the rustling on the other end to stop before talking again.
“I want to hear you touching yourself. Can you do that? I want to hear all those noises you make.”
“Fuck…..you sound so hot talking like this.” Jiwon says. “I’m so hard right now.”
“Good. What are you thinking about?”
“What your mouth feels like. I wish it was here with me.”
“Just my mouth?” He laughs. ‘What would you do with the rest of me?”
There’s a soft muffled sound, like Jiwon was rolling over in bed. “Mmm, no. I wanna hear what you wanna do.”
He’s stroking himself with a faster rhythm now and as much as the words always make him cringe, he’s so turned on and out of his mind that it’s like someone else just took over.
“I kind of…..want you to fuck me backstage after one of your shows.”
There’s a deep moan through the phone’s static. “Keep going, babe.”
“Sometimes I watch you on stage and you’re so sweaty and aggressive. I always wanted to pull you behind the curtains and lick all that sweat off you.”
“Mmmhmm. Then what?”
“Then you’d push me on the ground and I’d complain that my knees hurt. But you wouldn’t care. You’d hold my jaw and make me open my mouth just so you can fuck into it until I’m gagging and begging you to stop.”
“Keep going keep going….I’m so close…”
His hand is so wet now and he can hear Jiwon’s erratic breathing through the phone.
“I wouldn’t want you to stop though. I want it to hurt. I want to taste you when you cum in my mouth and when you’re done, I want you to fuck me and fill me up so much that it drips down my legs…”
There’s a strained ‘fuck!’ through the phone line followed by that familiar raspy growl and whispers of his name. His own head is full of flashbacks of that night in the carpark, he remembers Jiwon’s eyes as he pushed in, so deep and slow that the stretch made him want to scream. It was an overwhelming mix of desperation, aggression and possession. It’s that memory that makes him close his eyes now and cum all over his hand with a drawn out moan.
There’s a few seconds of silence where all he can hear is their breathing but suddenly Jiwon starts laughing.
“Nothing nothing. I was just thinking of how much trouble you’re gonna be in when I come home.”
He smiles in the darkness, sweaty and aching everywhere. How the hell are they going to handle three days apart?
Soundtrack: July - Kris
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bestestbird · 6 years
Type O - Part 19
2000 words in celebration of reaching 1000 followers :D Thank you everyone!
Part 1, Part 18  
It took a few minutes of no pain for him to feel brave enough to pull out. As removed his teeth more blood gushed out, running rivets down his arm to drop onto the tiled floor, luckily not hitting the shower mat. Keith hurried for the toilet roll, ripping a handful off and pressing it onto his arm. The wound didn't heal like Shiro's had, and blood quickly soaked into the tissue, forcing him to pressed harder.
 "Shit," he cursed as the paper became soaked through. Frantically, he grabbed more, and then more as that didn't work. He pressed hard enough to bruise, but still blood splattered into a mess on the floor. His body shook with nerves that masked the pain of his grip and arm. Eventually, when only a single unsullied square of toilet roll was left on the cardboard, the blood flow slowed, and stopped. 
 Heartbeat slowing, Keith finally relaxed, posture slumping, but hand still firmly gripped on his arm. He surveyed the bathroom in its bloody mess, and decided he could salvage it alone, but before that he needed something more permanent on his arm.
 Carefully, he peeled back the tissue. It didn't bleed again, but it looked like any jolt could get it started. Trying to avoid the blood, Keith worked his way out of the bathroom, leaving bloody hand prints on the door.
 In the next room he went for his bag. Rooting around was hard with only one hand, but he managed to find some plasters, which whilst clearly not enough, were better than nothing. He'd accidentally bought a plaster roll instead of the individual ones, which for once seemed like good luck.
 Forgoing scissors, he ripped open the packet, pulled off as much of the white non-sticky paper as he could and began to wrap the whole roll around his arm.  It got easier around halfway through, and once he was done he thought it didn't look that bad.
 Now no longer panicking, he went back to the bathroom. The shower head was detachable, so he could use that to wash the blood off. Luckily the drain was the same height as the floor, so he didn't need anything to soak up the bloody water.
 First, he washed his hands, then pulled on his clean underwear that was sitting next to the towel, flushed away the bloody toilet roll and set about drowning the bathroom. It seemed to take forever. Every time he thought he was done there was always another little patch he'd missed.
 When he was fairly sure there wasn’t anything left, soaked, and too fed up to keep looking, he grabbed the towel, dried off his legs, and went back out to get some clothes.
 On the night stand his phone had lit up. Keith paused, contemplating ignoring it, it was on silent for a reason. A few steps closer told him that his notifications had changed, he now had six missed calls from Lance. With a groan he turned it off and ignored it in favour of getting dressed.
 He needed something long sleeved to hide his arm. There was a black t-shirt, a red t-shirt, and white t-shirt, all short sleeves. It was winter. How could he have not packed anything warm?
 On his second look through, he pulled on a piece of dark purple, nearly black fabric, and a jumper came out. Finally.
 Shoving it on along with a pair of jeans he went back to look at his phone. Still six missed calls, and now ten missed text. It was also 20:30, which meant he was late for breakfast. Pulling it off the charger, he hoped that there was still plenty left to eat, and shoved it in his pocket, then paused.
 The door key. Where had he put it? With a groan that was almost a sob he turned back around and searched. First, his coat, not there, then his bag, not there, then yesterday’s clothes, not there. Another check of his phone told him 20:40.
 He was starving. How long did blood food last?
 With a noise of pure frustration, he went back into the backroom. Not there. 20:47.
 Forget it. He wouldn't lock the door, he could come back and look for the key later.
 Hand reaching for the door he looked down, and there sitting in the lock was the key. He almost screamed. Jaw clenched he pulled the key out and slammed the door behind him loud enough that any of his neighbours would hear, and he marched off to get something to eat.
 By the time he'd reached the top of the stairs he'd calmed down, and the smell of food that hit him when the door opened made him forget all about his morning fiasco. 
 Keith remembered the way from last night, down the corridor to the bar. Hunk was there again, a couple of empty plates in his hands.
 "Evening," the man said cheerily, "late start?"
 "Yeah," Keith mumbled, looking for a free table, and finding he had plenty of choice, "had some trouble with the shower."
 Hunk chuckled, and put one plate down, "I guessed," he said, and raised a finger to his head, "your hair's still wet."
 Absently, Keith pressed a hand against his neck, feeling the a few loose strands. It was damp.
 "So, what can I get you?" Hunk continued as Keith chose a chair near the fire. It had a good crackle going, warming his toes and fingers.
 "What do you have?" Keith asked stretching out, feeling his bones click.
 "Plenty left. You missed some of the regulars, and our other guest isn't much of a blood drinker.”
 "Oh." Keith wasn’t sure what that meant.
 "Human.” Hunk elaborated without prompting, “Cute tho'. Pretty blue eye, and he loved my cooking." There was some clattering that sounded like plates, but Keith couldn’t see what Hunk was doing.
 "That's great,” he said, lacking anything else to add.
 "And a flirt, he said-."
 "Hunk," a deep chiding voice said.  They both turned, and saw Shiro was walking towards them, a knowing smile on his face. He had a long grey coat on, which meant it must have been cold outside, and Keith’s long jumper didn’t look out of place.
 "Evening," Hunk replied, "I didn't hear you come in."
 "Too busy gossiping?" Shiro teased, eyes wrinkling with a smile as Hunk rolled his eyes.
 "Do you want breakfast?" It was part question part threat.
 Shiro held up his hands in defence, saying, "sorry, sorry," as he walked closer.
 Hunk snorted at him, and called out, “I’ll get you two a little of everything.”
 Shiro called back, “thanks,” as he reached the chair across from Keith, who was trying very hard to concentrate on anything other than him as every look bought back memories of blood and bathrooms.
 "Can I sit?" Shiro asked, already sitting, his coat folded over the back of the chair. Keith fiddled nervously with the sleeve of his injured arm.
 He didn’t seem put off by Keith’s lack of response as he continued, "I know I'm early. My apologies, I thought you'd be finished."
 "Shower," Keith muttered, looking into the fire, and Shiro nodded, sniffed, and shifted in his heat, looking suddenly perturbed.
 There was a moment of silence before he asked, "everything okay?"
 "Yes," Keith said far too quickly, then slower, "why do you ask?"
 The fire popped in a short silence, then Shiro said, "a lot of reason," he paused again, watching the fire. It danced in his eyes, a darker red due to the grey. It was surprisingly pretty. He caught Keith’s eye as he finished, "but mainly because you smell like blood. Your blood."
 Shit, right, Vampire, but how could he even tell it was Keith's? Never mind.
 "It's just a scratch." Keith lied, quickly turning his head away.
 "Okay...," Shiro said softly, leaving a longer pause, "can I have a look at it?"
 Keith sank into his chair, ready to say no, but he made the mistake of looking back at Shiro. He looked so... so worried, that Keith couldn't say no.
 "Fine." He wasn’t pouting.
 Pulling back his sleeve, he stuck his arm out, and Shiro's eyebrows rose to his hairline, as he gave him a clear 'that doesn't look like a scratch’ look. Keith ignored it and began to unravel his copious plastering. 
 When he finally got to the wound Shiro let out a small sad sounding sigh, and Keith stopped.
 "What?" He asked.
 "No, I'm sorry," Shiro said, waving his hand like he was trying to get rid of something.
 Keith was about to ask what for when he continued, "you were teething this morning, weren't you?" Keith nodded and Shiro used the same hand to scrub at his face, "I thought you'd be okay for one night. It-it gets worse the more you drink. Mine only ever came every few days."
 "It's fine," Keith said, meaning it, but Shiro didn’t look convinced. 
 Keith started to cover his arm back up when Shiro said, "wait." His fingers lightly brushed Keith's wrist as he spoke, "I can heal that for you."
 Keith looked at him suspiciously but didn’t pull away. It wasn't that he didn't believe Shiro could do it, it was that he didn't trust how it could be done.
 "How?" He asked word coming out slowly.
 Shiro gave him a bashful half smile, like he’d read his mind, "a bit of my blood, a bit of saliva, and it'll be gone."
 Keith didn't move, a sudden flush appearing on his cheeks at the thought of his last meal.
 Clearing his throat, a little awkwardly, Shiro added, "you could drink from my arm this time."
 He glanced down to Shiro's arm, then back up to his wide worried eyes.
 "Fine," he said again, unable to win.
 Shiro's smile lit up his face, and Keith was starting to hate it.
 He shifted forwards in his seat to bring his mouth to Shiro's arm, but Shiro quickly stopped him, one hand against his shoulder.
 "Wait," he looked around Keith's chair, towards where Hunk had disappeared to, "does Hunk know?"
 Keith glance back, and said, "no," unsure if that was good or bad.
 "Okay,” Shiro seemed pleased with that, “this is going to sound weird, and I'll explain, but you probably don't want him seeing that,” Keith was fine with that, he didn’t want Hunk seeing anyway, “so we should take this to the toilet." He hadn’t been expecting that.
 "Seriously?" He asked, mouth slightly open.
 "Yeah,” Shiro jerked in to the right, “it's just around the corner."
 Part of Keith felt like changing his mind, but another louder part said he'd already committed. So, when Shiro stood he stood too. They went around the corner, and Shiro pushed Keith into the tiny one-person toilet first. He had to squeeze back against the bowl to fit and Shiro came in after.
 The door clicked behind them, and Keith was suddenly aware of how very tall and broad Shiro was. Until he knelt down and began to roll up his sleeve.
 Feeling awkward standing there with Shiro suggestively in front of him, Keith flopped down onto the seat, and as he watched Shiro slowly reveal his white skin with a prominent blue vein that was begging to be bitten...what was he going to do again?
 This time was less embarrassing as Shiro moved to Keith's side, letting him keep his legs squeezed closed. He lifted his arm to Keith's mouth, and not needing any guidance Keith bit down. Sweet, warm copper filled his mouth, and he gulped it down. Just like last time, it filled him, warm and tingling, pooling in him and sating something, but unlike last time Shiro gently pulled his arms away after only a few gulps, and that sick feeling didn't hit him. Instead he was left wanting more.
"Now your arm," Shiro said, and dejectedly Keith raised his arm as he licked every last drop he could from his lips.  
I left it at the good bit because I am very cruel ;)
I also thought I’d get a lot more into 2000 words. I was hoping to at least start the dynamic explanation, but oh well, for another time.
Also, figured out it was actually the read more that was causing the problems. I’ve left it out, so sorry to everyone who has to scroll past this!
Part 20
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Mar 12 Dancitron Movie Night - Aliens
After having received threats of visits from his loyal cockroach subjects, Soundwave searched every arriving visitor for hiding roach hordes. Prowl (who honestly handled all this very well) asked Soundwave why he doesn’t just tell the cockroaches that consider him king that he doesn’t want them crawling inside his body. He didn’t really have a good answer.
Other than that, Prowl basically spent the whole movie hiding Tarantulas in his lap and trying to puzzle out how much of the movie is Soundwave’s kink.
Also, he’s now officially reduced his tolerance quota for morons in the stream.
One of Prowl’s alternates showed up at the stream; he’s disappointed he didn’t get a chance to talk to her. Perhaps next time.
Today ItsyBitsySpyers 7:55 pm *Ravage is standing at the door to Dancitron, ready to sniff everyone as they come through. If you have a single roach in you, prepare to be thrown out.*
*In the meantime, Soundwave is parked on his usual couch, quickly polishing off the last of his own snacks before anyone arrives. Don't worry; he'll be done in time. You won't get a chance to see his face.* Specs 7:57 pm *the only way roaches could be in the dragon is if she ate them, which she's happy to do. meanwhile, the cart is back, piled high with heartfelt but not particularly effective attempts at energon cookies and mercury cakes shaped like musical instruments. she tried, really!* Hello, Ravage! Sludge 7:58 pm *Sludge prooooobably does not contain cockroaches. but if he does, uh, good luck kicking him out?* Swoop 7:59 pm *slides to a stop and scampers to the door still in ptero-mode* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:59 pm ((one sec we got a technical problem to work out)) Sludge 7:59 pm *then again, he's not so big compared to some of the rest here. still bigger than Ravage, though.* Swoop 7:59 pm ((np the dinos can dino in the mean time)) VProwl 7:59 pm *Skips straight past the sniff-test so thoroughly he didn't even notice it was there. The benefits of an avatar.* Swoop 8:00 pm *skitters between Sludge's legs, cackling all the while* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:00 pm *Ravage sniffs the dragon from head to tail, all of the cart, and ... steals one of the instrument cakes before his Boss can lay silent claim to them.* =You may pass, eh?= Sludge 8:00 pm 😧 *and thud* Swoop 8:00 pm *VICTORY SHRIEKS and jumps on Sludge* Sludge 8:01 pm *Sludge's legs do not GO far enough apart to be skittered through. sorry about the shaking..... Cybertron?* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm =You. Large one. Come here.= Sludge 8:01 pm Ummmm.... Specs 8:01 pm Appreciated. *Ravage can have as many treats as he wants, for being a Good Ravage. she'll take care of putting the rest away.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:01 pm *Soundwave startles at Prowl and gets up to scold him for not going through the door to be sniffed before remembering that Prowl is an avatar. This is awkward. He'll just... slowly sit back down. And ping hello.* Swoop 8:01 pm *throws himself over Sludge's shoulders like the wiggliest shawl* Sludge 8:02 pm You Swoop heavy. Swoop 8:02 pm nuh UH Sludge 8:02 pm *it fine tho it fine he's gettin up he can handle* VProwl 8:03 pm *pings back* ... You don't need to stand on my account, you know. *he's very ???* Sludge 8:03 pm *just give him about 18 seconds to get his giant ass feet back under him* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:03 pm *Ravage growls. They're holding up the door. He heads toward Sludge and snaps.* =BE QUIET AND STAND STILL.= Sludge 8:04 pm Umm.... Swoop 8:04 pm *kicks his little birdy feet in the air* Sludge 8:04 pm *was he.... being loud? he didn't even notice* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:05 pm [[...He knows. He was going to scan you for - never mind. He forgot you were an avatar.]]
*He's gonna just try to get Swoop and Sludge sniffed together at the same time. It'll be easier than trying to wrangle the pterodactyl separately, anyway.* Swoop 8:05 pm Sludge at a MOVIE! Dinobot movie time! Sludge 8:06 pm Uhhh... it Dinobot movie? Swoop 8:06 pm DUNNO But now there LOT OF DINOBOTS aaaaaaaaaat movie : > ItsyBitsySpyers 8:06 pm =Hm. You two smell... disgusting. But no bugs. Inside.= Sludge 8:06 pm *counts* *one...... two............. yes, okay, that is a lot.* *clomps in* Tarantulas 8:07 pm *small spider is coming through the door... by way of the ceiling. sorry ravage, he's skipping the line* Swoop 8:07 pm *has no idea what this bug business is about but he has a TOL perch so he's happy* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:07 pm ((is the sound being laggy for anyone else? it was being fine when i tested it earlier 😐 )) VProwl 8:08 pm ((working fine here)) Bull 8:08 pm *Instead of Magnum Ace asking for permission in, it was Bull Armor today* Swoop 8:08 pm ((not terribly)) Specs 8:08 pm ((it seems to be working for me)) VProwl 8:08 pm *Well. Prowl can guess what they're watching tonight.* Bull 8:08 pm ((No problems here)) Swoop 8:09 pm *pat pat pat pats at Sludge with his wings* Look! It, uh, RIPLEY movie. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:09 pm *There's a bridge, but it'll be outside the door. Bull gets sniffed with everyone else. Twice. He's from Earth.*
*Tarantulas will get a light scolding as soon as he's not tiny.* Sludge 8:10 pm Ummmmkay. Like him believe or not? Specs 8:10 pm *it's probably a good thing that the dragon is just finishing up putting her treats in the designated area- if that minispide is tiny enough to eat, he'd be getting more of the predator routine than she'd feel okay about upon realizing it was him.* Bull 8:10 pm *Bull headed through, tired from a long day* Tarantulas 8:10 pm *eat the spide and get blasted from the inside* Rinky 8:10 pm -Bull may want to turn around- Specs 8:10 pm *she's only about the size of a fox, he's PROBABLY safe. probably.* Sludge 8:10 pm *Swoop's perch is going to go stand by the back wall* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm *Not until Bull got sniffed he didn't. Ravage will cuff him back into his place in line with a paw.* Tarantulas 8:11 pm *he's about a foot wide. ambitious prey* Rinky 8:11 pm -Because this one followed after him, and just...froze at the sight of the crowd- Sludge 8:11 pm *it's an okay wall. not orange or rocky.* VProwl 8:11 pm *... wouldn't be surprised if this is ALL they're watching tonight. xenomorph music videos.* Bull 8:11 pm *Bull didn't notice he had been followed until he was already through* Rinky?! *oh scrap* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm ((ten minute warning y'all)) Specs 8:11 pm *she's just draconic enough to try, but fortunately, preoccupied enough to not notice. the spide is safe.* Tarantulas 8:12 pm (( omg how did i not think that alien mmds would be a thing ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm ((and this one's just because MMDs are my sense of humor)) Rinky 8:12 pm Bull...what's going on? Specs 8:12 pm ((jasgdajsda)) Sludge 8:13 pm [[ where's drift when pyramidhead is dancing ]] Rinky 8:13 pm -referring to the line and those in it- ItsyBitsySpyers 8:13 pm *SNIFF. SNIFF. SNIFF.*
*Bull and Rinky smell badly of Earth, but not of roaches. Ravage lets them pass.* Rinky 8:14 pm -Don't mind him, he's stuck close to Bull now- VProwl 8:14 pm ((if drift was here he'd totally immediately decide to learn the dance.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm *Soundwave looks out through the doors to see who else is coming and - ah, scrap. She really meant that.*
@P: [[...You'll have a good night tonight. He might not. Sadly.]] Rinky 8:14 pm ((Ace isn't here, things went pear-shaped in his timeline ItsyBitsySpyers 8:14 pm @Tarantulas: [[You bypassed the roach test.]] Prowl 8:14 pm *is it fashionably late if you waited until the last minute to ask if you could go?* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm ((edited. idk why i thought i saw ace's name)) Bull 8:15 pm *Oh Magnum was gonna kill him later* Uh... Its, complicated. I'll explain after we get inside. *It was always safer once they could get on a table* Tarantulas 8:15 pm @SW: ::Roach test? Do explain.:: Rinky 8:15 pm ((cuz I play Ace too? Maybe? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:15 pm @T: [[...No. Go see Ravage.]] Bull 8:15 pm ((Only cause Bull knows Magnum is gonna kill him later for Rinky following him XD)) Specs 8:16 pm *the dragon loafs comfortably on a couch and nods at Other Prowl- then she does a double take, looking at Soundwave's Prowl and back to Other Prowl. it's hard to differentiate when you are small and fuzzy.* Rinky 8:16 pm B-but...safer? This doesn't look safer! -gestures to the larger mechs- VProwl 8:16 pm @Soundwave «No? Even with xenomorphs?» Prowl 8:16 pm *either way, she's here and she'll opt for an empty seat near the door* Rinky 8:17 pm ((enter button you pos Bull 8:17 pm They make sure to watch their steps; still better to get up. *He lead Rinky up one of the tables* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:17 pm *Ravage cuffs Prowl just as hard as Bull. Harder maybe. He doesn't like her. Obvious reasons.* =BACK IN LINE.= *Bob is... a bug, himself. Ravage isn't sure how to classify that. He doesn't look roach-shaped, though, so since he's clean internally, he's free to come in.* Rinky 8:18 pm Where are we? Do Owner and Coach know? They're already worried with what happened last week, this can't be good Prowl 8:18 pm *didn't even realize the feline was there, but that's a good reminder* Fine. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm *Soundwave looks at Prowl and just. Curls a feeler over in his alternate's direction. That should explain it.* Swoop 8:19 pm *pat pat pat pat pat pat pat at Sludge* VProwl 8:19 pm *looks over.* @S «... Aha. Too much of a good thing?» Swoop 8:19 pm Us go treats with BOB ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm @P: [[You could say that.]] Bob 8:19 pm *waves at Swoop* *Waves at the brother of Swoop* Swoop 8:19 pm *waves at Bob* ((are bob's wings still out? XD)) Bob 8:20 pm ((Yep)) Sludge 8:20 pm *gentle shove at too much patting. gentle-ish.* Swoop 8:20 pm ((adorable)) Bob 8:20 pm ((Never figured out how to put them back)) Swoop 8:20 pm *OOF and now he's on the floor* *but laughing all the way* Bull 8:20 pm *Immediately Bull Armor shhed Rinky.* No, they do not know and we don't tell them. It gets complicated. *He sighed before explaining* Magnum accidentally found this place and I ended up following one time. Sludge 8:20 pm *and Sludge's shoulders are freeeeeee* Bob 8:20 pm *Lopes over to Dino's* *Get's a terrible idea* Tarantulas 8:21 pm *descends on thread onto verdigrisprowl's shoulder - he's heavy enough to feel but only by a small amount* Swoop 8:21 pm *lets himself go all the way down so he can transform and handspring back up* Sludge 8:21 pm *not like he ever needs to worry about being top heavy but. BUT. Swoop heavy.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm *Ravage makes a big show of sneering and making the No Banana Cat faces at Prowl while he sniffs at her. He even goes so far as to affect a sneeze. But he can't decline when he knows she isn't contaminated.*
=Bah. In.= Bull 8:21 pm Basically all the mechs around; or pretty much all *he wasn't sure about everyone* are sentient mechs from other worlds. Swoop 8:21 pm *SLUDGE U TAKE THAT BACK SWOOP IS A FEATHER LIGHT ATHLETE* Sludge 8:21 pm *HEAVY* Rinky 8:21 pm -deathly silence from him- But why not? Shouldn't they know? And... Bob 8:21 pm *Bob concurs. Best projectile* Sludge 8:21 pm *FAT BIRD* Swoop 8:21 pm *how dare* Rinky 8:22 pm And you're joking. You have to be. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:22 pm ((we'll start in just a sec i ran out of music and forgot to grab snacks for my pills, gimme like 3 min)) Specs 8:22 pm *the dragon cranes her neck to peer at Bob* You look different. New molt? VProwl 8:22 pm *oh. hello there. tilts helm toward Tarantulas in greeting.* Bob 8:22 pm WHAT IS A MOLT Swoop 8:22 pm Bob Bob Bob! You show Sludge WINGS! Sludge 8:22 pm *what if Sludge climbed up on YOUR shoulders how would you like that, huh* Bull 8:22 pm They have enough problems as it is. How would explaining this place help them? *sighs* And no... it's not a joke. Bob 8:22 pm *Turns in place* Swoop 8:22 pm *he wouldn't like it, he wouldn't like anything, he would be dead* Sludge 8:22 pm *he won't because he cannot climb. BUT WHAT IF HE DID.* Bob 8:22 pm *Smacks Swoop with wings by accident* Swoop 8:22 pm >.O Bob 8:22 pm I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO UNDO THEM Swoop 8:22 pm *giggles* VProwl 8:23 pm @T «... If you're looking for somewhere to perch, my legs are more stable than my shoulder.» Swoop 8:23 pm No no! Don't UNDO wings! Wings are THE BEST!!!!!! Prowl 8:23 pm *it's a good thing she can't see the expression and the sneeze is dismissed as dust she may have missed, so she just nods and finally does take that seat, this is still better than trying to visit Maccadam's. Somehow* Sludge 8:23 pm Uhhh.. me Sludge think them pretty. Bob 8:23 pm BUT I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE THEM WORK =< Swoop 8:24 pm pretty AWESOME Rinky 8:24 pm -wild gestures to the large mechs around them- Bull Armor! This is insane! Bob 8:24 pm THEY DO NOT LOOK LIKE THE SWOOPING FRIEND'S WINGS AND THEY DO NOT LOOK LIKE THE JET FRIENDS' WINGS AND THEY DO NOT DO ANY OF THE THINGS. EXCEPT FOR KNOCKING OVER ALL OF THE THINGS Swoop 8:24 pm You BOB not look like Swoop or Aerialbots or Skyfire or anyone else SO them Bob wings : > Specs 8:24 pm A molt is when you shed your carapace, and get more carapace. *the dragon ducks her head in embarrassment* I guess you don't do that. Sludge 8:24 pm You Bob not Dinobot. *so why would he have wings like Swoop, obviously.* Bob 8:24 pm I YAWNED Specs 8:24 pm ((I am sorry for slowness a GOBLIN PRINCESS wants to send you messages)) Bob 8:24 pm AND THEN WINGS Tarantulas 8:25 pm @T: ::You'd be surprised how good a grip these tarsi have.::
*being smaller means no one notices him, cough cough* Rinky 8:25 pm What if we get stuck here? Or injured? What do we tell them then? Swoop 8:25 pm *mock yawns and flares his wings out to demonstrate Bob's story* Bob 8:25 pm BUT THANK YOU FOR TELLING ME WHAT A MOLT IS. THIS IS A NEW THING LEARNED Specs 8:25 pm That's... Fascinating. *the dragon looks unnerved by the idea of suddenly spouting wings, though* You're very welcome, Bob. Bob 8:25 pm YES *Bob is still very unnerved by it to be fair* Swoop 8:25 pm *pats the nearest wing* Sludge 8:25 pm Me Sludge not gonna yawn nothing. Bob 8:26 pm *Full body wiggles away from the touch* Sludge 8:26 pm *does not want wings to pop out from yawning* Bob 8:26 pm *Still so weird* Swoop 8:26 pm You Sludge need BIGGEST WINGS IN THE WOOOOOOOOOOORLD to pick up all you SLUDGE keheheheheheh VProwl 8:26 pm *... okay. no lap spider. sigh.* @T «I believe you.» Swoop 8:26 pm :V Bull 8:26 pm *Bull gently but firmly pulls Rinky's arms down* Rinky I need you to calm down; we can get back. This is a place to relax and watch movies. After the movies Magnum and I have always returned. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm ((OKAY sorry for the delay let's do this)) Swoop 8:26 pm *is so very VERY tempted to grab at Bob's wings now* Bob 8:27 pm *Oblivious* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [[Swoop. You. Before we start: Have you decided not to punch anyone, start fights, kick, slap, burn, or otherwise be terrible to other guests?]] Sludge 8:27 pm Me Sludge just need Skyfire wings. Swoop 8:27 pm *but the tiniest baby voice inside him holds him back because he has SHRIEKED at other (dino) people for being too rough on his wings* *the BABIEST of moral dilemmas* Bull 8:27 pm ((running to get some sweet revenge; need it after the day)) Bob 8:28 pm I HAVE BROUGHT THE BAND AIDS JUST IN CASE Swoop 8:28 pm You Bob show Sunstreaker wings? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm ((WARNINGS: Flashing lights and unfortunately I do not remember when, blood and violence and death, threats of physical punishment for kids, couple incidents of racist or sexist comments, language.)) Bob 8:28 pm THE CARETAKER SAW THEM Swoop 8:28 pm You show Ratchet wings? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm [[SWOOP.]] Bob 8:28 pm YES Swoop 8:28 pm HI It me Swoop Bob 8:28 pm HE'S SWOOP Swoop 8:28 pm Yah ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm [[Once more - before we start: Have you decided not to punch anyone, start fights, kick, slap, burn, or otherwise be terrible to other guests?]] Bull 8:28 pm ((ok back)) Swoop 8:28 pm Nahhhh ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm [[Then goodnight.]]
*And into a bridge you'll go.* Swoop 8:29 pm :V Bob 8:29 pm !!!! Sludge 8:29 pm Him Swoop do those always. Swoop 8:29 pm *is gone* Prowl 8:29 pm @Soundwave: What movie is this? *she's accesses a database of audio descriptions* Specs 8:29 pm *begone, Swoop* Bob 8:29 pm D= ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm @SC-Prowl: [[Aliens.]] Rinky 8:29 pm ((hoi ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm *Ravage will just walk up to Tarantulas and smell him there, since he never went to the door.* Bob 8:29 pm *Gonna hunker down by Sludge then* Prowl 8:30 pm *she pings a thank you and downloads the appropriate file* Sludge 8:30 pm 😄 Rinky 8:30 pm -is making a valiant attempt at calming down- Sludge 8:30 pm [[ rabbit wtf u doin i specifically wanted a c : smiley ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm [[...Bull Armor and friend, you may not enjoy this one. He apologizes. You may both use the screen upstairs to watch something else if it disturbs you. Remember not to attempt entering the other rooms.]] Rinky 8:31 pm Okay...okay.... Wait. What? Who? Bull 8:31 pm Thanks Soundwave *Though he really didn't need Rinky hearing that ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm ((DISREGARD THE NAME USE i'm tired and half-functioning)) Tarantulas 8:31 pm *is sniffed, was hoping to avoid being sniffed by just ignoring soundwave* Swoop 8:32 pm ((god this movie is awesome)) Rinky 8:32 pm Who was that? Sludge 8:32 pm *points at screen* It sparkle. Bull 8:32 pm That was Soundwave; he runs this place. *atleast from what he understood* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm *Ravage prods the spider gently with a clawtip before deciding that's just. Spider smell. He can stay.* VProwl 8:32 pm *stiffens, raising a hand to half shield Tarantulas.* Excuse me? Specs 8:32 pm *the dragon looks over to see what Ravage is doing. suddenly, she is statue-still, save for the thumping of the barest tip of her tail. she sees a spide.* Tarantulas 8:32 pm *almost prods ravage back but decides better of it* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:32 pm [[A threat was called in. Ravage is checking everyone.]] Prowl 8:33 pm What kind of threat? Sludge 8:33 pm [[ shit is that guy freehanding those hela straight lines ]] VProwl 8:33 pm ... Ah. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm [[An infestation of vermin.]] Rinky 8:33 pm -sort of shakes Bull- What was that? I don't have my comms on VProwl 8:33 pm *as long as Ravage isn't trying to eat Tarantulas or something.* Prowl 8:33 pm Vermin? Tarantulas 8:33 pm *it's not ravage we have to worry about, prowl* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:33 pm *And get all that hair stuck in his throat? Ugh.* Bull 8:34 pm He, umm, doesn't speak through comms but directly *he taps his helm as if to convey what he meant* Specs 8:34 pm *she is small, but she is deadly. the bane of arthropods.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm [[Vermin. Disgusting, infestation-loving, rapidly-breeding plagues upon existence.]] VProwl 8:34 pm What kind of vermin? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:34 pm [[You may know them as cockroaches.]] Rinky 8:34 pm -That's NOT helping!- Tarantulas 8:34 pm *tarantulas is currently a foot wide. can u eat a 12in spider, specs* Rinky 8:34 pm -shakes him a bit more- Prowl 8:34 pm What is a cockroach? Bob 8:35 pm IT IS A BUG FOUND ON THE EARTH HOME VProwl 8:35 pm *Prowl has a very vague conception of cockroaches. What he does know is "???????? Insects."* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm [[A nigh-unkillable Earth insect that enjoys taking up residence in electronic items and secreting vile substances capable of corroding and destroying them. As well as doing other... organic things, in them.]] Swoop 8:35 pm ((oh shit this is not a bob approved movie, is it? XD)) VProwl 8:35 pm *he immediately concludes that Soundwave is talking about some sort of Insecticon swarm and tenses.* What kind of threat? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm ((it absolutely is not)) Specs 8:35 pm *if she's careful about it, and if the spider wasn't made of metal. her usual modus operandi for the large ones is pulling the legs off, and then cracking the carapce open.* Bob 8:35 pm ((Not even a little)) Swoop 8:36 pm ((someone warn Sunstreaker that Bob has discovered xenomorphs XD)) Bull 8:36 pm *so much for a relaxing night* Rinky, shaking me is not gotta help anything. Prowl 8:36 pm Would anything from Earth really be able to survive here? Even... cockroaches? Bob 8:36 pm THE COCKROACH BUGGIES ARE VERY SMALL Tarantulas 8:36 pm @P: ::They're not a threat, they're simply a pest.:: Bob 8:36 pm THE CARLY FRIEND DOES NOT LIKE THEM VProwl 8:36 pm @T «He said he received a threat of vermin.» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm [[They have been introduced here and survived the visit before. It was horrible.]] Tarantulas 8:37 pm @P: ::He's exaggerating, though I'm not quite sure why.:: ItsyBitsySpyers 8:37 pm [[And your Carly friend is quite wise.]] Swoop 8:37 pm ((this is a bug hunt, man)) Bob 8:37 pm SHE DOES NOT LOOK WELL THE CARLY FRIEND IS VERY SMART. SHE WENT TO MIT VProwl 8:37 pm @T «How do you know? Were you listening in on whatever transmissions he received?» Rinky 8:37 pm -soft whine- I don't...!!!! Swoop 8:37 pm ((bob needs an appointed hand holder XD)) Bob 8:37 pm !!! *Slowly scooching closer to Sludge* Bull 8:38 pm *Thankfully Bull is too dealing with Rinky to notice what was on the screen* Sludge 8:38 pm Uhh. Tarantulas 8:38 pm @P: ::No, all I know is that cockroaches are completely harmless to mechanical life.:: Rinky 8:38 pm -trying to keep panic at being in a strange place down- VProwl 8:38 pm @T «That doesn't mean nobody threatened him with them. A threat to fill your home with harmless pests is still a threat.» Specs 8:39 pm *thump. thump. thump.* VProwl 8:39 pm @S «Who made the threat?» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:39 pm [[They can also cause dangerous overheating if they clog vents. Which was the threat. He was told over 38,000 would be put in his vents.]] @P: [[...That is irrelevant.]] *Because he's not about to tell Prowl it was the roaches themselves.* Bull 8:39 pm Magnum and I have always come back. It's safe here. *much safer than other places Silver Castle had been* Prowl 8:39 pm If you receive further threats, you can call for assistance, you know. VProwl 8:40 pm @S «That's not irrelevant in the slightest! Your life was threatened.» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:40 pm [[You just want an excuse to explore his building.]] @P: [[You would not believe him if he told you.]] Prowl 8:40 pm Hardly. Rinky 8:40 pm -He's never been to those other places- VProwl 8:40 pm @S «... Do you really think that low of me?» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:41 pm @P: [[No. He thinks the truth sounds that impossible to mechs who haven't seen what he's seen.]] Rinky 8:42 pm -just tightens his grip on Bull's arms- VProwl 8:42 pm @S «Impossible to someone who saw what I saw two weeks ago?» ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm @P: [[You - haven't blocked that out?]] Smokescreen 8:43 pm Whoa Primus how much did I miss ItsyBitsySpyers 8:43 pm [[And you send Mirage here all the time. You'll forgive him if he doesn't trust your word.]] Tarantulas 8:43 pm *tarantulas HEARS that tail thumping. there's no denying that's the sound of an eager predator. didn't the dragon say she ate insects and - did she say spiders? damnit* VProwl 8:43 pm @S «What do you mean, blocked that— Do I seem like the kind of mech who blocks things out?» Prowl 8:43 pm Not very much, Smokescreen. Smokescreen 8:43 pm wait what Sludge 8:43 pm Them got firepower. 😄 Specs 8:43 pm *the dragon is the puffiest dragon. her eyes are dilated to hell. but she's Very Restrained about not jumping on Prowl and attacking* VProwl 8:44 pm @S «I want to know who threatened my amica.» Specs 8:44 pm *...this may not last* Rinky 8:44 pm -and now something clicks- Smokescreen 8:44 pm ... You're a Prowl, right? Rinky 8:44 pm Bull... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm *Ravage has nothing to do now that he's sniffed everyo-- damn. Smokescreen. He'll -definitely- sniff that one. It'd be like them to use him as a vessel.*
*...No, clear. Good. He'll go curl up by the dragon now. Predator pile.* Bull 8:44 pm Yes? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm *Not touching, of course, because aloof. But near.* Rinky 8:44 pm You and Magnum come to these every Monday night? Sludge 8:44 pm *he's not catching much from all this but he DID hear state of the art firepower* Smokescreen 8:44 pm .... /Hey what? He's opening his mouth, trying to sniff Ravage!/ Prowl 8:44 pm I am no longer Mirage's superior. If he's still here, it's his choice. Bull 8:45 pm Almost, missed a few recently. But we have been, Smokescreen 8:45 pm KITTY ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm @P: [[..............The roaches.]] Rinky 8:45 pm .....is this why you two are always so tired Tuesday mornings? VProwl 8:45 pm @S «Yes. The person who sent the threat about the roaches.» Prowl 8:45 pm *not that it stops Mirage from telling her anything but she's not telling Soundwave that* Bob 8:45 pm SHE IS HAVING THE NIGHTMARES ItsyBitsySpyers 8:45 pm [[Arrest him, then. He's a trespasser. Maybe then he'll go to you when he needs assistance.]] Prowl 8:45 pm And yes, I am a Prowl. Bull 8:46 pm Sometimes. *Bull did admit. Some movie nights were more tiring than others. Depending on what happened* Tarantulas 8:46 pm *tarantulas rapidly crawls down off prowl's shoulder and into his lap, sizing up along the way. like hell is he getting eaten by an acquaintance and having to rip them from the inside out, he's done that already and as fun as it is, it definitely is a no-no* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:46 pm @P: [[No. You misunderstand. It was the roaches themselves. He - Primus. It is a long story.]] Smokescreen 8:46 pm /Smokescreen's looking around to see if he can see Tarantulas- he's been worried about him, and wants to make sure he's okay today!/ Prowl 8:47 pm *Prowl looks visibly conflicted about the idea of arresting Mirage* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm @T: (txt): Tarantulas: well? Specs 8:47 pm *that neatly and efficiently solves the problem of the dragon- even if she does nearly jump out of her skin. and promptly look EXTREMELY ABASHED. you can't see her, her tail is over her eyes.* VProwl 8:47 pm *Oh! He got his lap spider after all. He immediately wraps both hands around Tarantulas.* Rinky 8:47 pm .... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:47 pm *Soundwave's going to enjoy every moment of that visible conflict.* Tarantulas 8:48 pm *there. good. protected. he'll remain lap-spide as long as permitted* Smokescreen 8:48 pm /... He's not looking at Prowl long enough to notice Tarantulas there/ Hey Sounds, have you seen Messy recently? I've been a little worried about him. VProwl 8:48 pm *As if Prowl's letting him go. After the week they had?* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:48 pm [[He doesn't know any Messy.]] Rinky 8:48 pm ....so I'm not going to be telling Owner or Coach about this, am I? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:49 pm ((VASQUEEEEEZ)) Tarantulas 8:49 pm (( *SWEATS* Smokescreen 8:49 pm You know. Tarantulas? Bull 8:49 pm It's not recommended; can you imagine how they would react. Specs 8:49 pm ((vasquez is beautiful and I'm going to melt)) Bull 8:49 pm *Or how Magnum was gonna react knowing Rinky now knew about this place* VProwl 8:50 pm *No, his fingers are getting as deep into Tarantulas's fuzz as they can. It's proportionally shorter when Tarantulas is smaller. And denser. And finer. An entirely new texture. Amazing.* Rinky 8:50 pm But.... I don't... ItsyBitsySpyers 8:50 pm ((ugh i forgot this whole conversation, i woulda warned)) Smokescreen 8:50 pm .... OH I remember doing that kinda thing before Bob 8:51 pm !!! THAT WAS STRESSFUL Rinky 8:51 pm -he's not good at keeping secrets- Smokescreen 8:51 pm But Sounds- have you heard from Tarantulas at all? I'm kinda worried about him, he was really- anyway, have you heard anything? God or bad? good ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm [[You could ask him yourself.]] Smokescreen 8:52 pm But he's not here. Bull 8:52 pm Just, please, don't say anything to anyone else. Only me and Magnum know of this place. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:52 pm [[So comm him.]] Rinky 8:52 pm ...are you seriously asking me to keep a secret from Silkie? VProwl 8:53 pm *Tarantulas is getting a hell of a massage.* Bull 8:53 pm *The last thing he needed with Top Joy finding out* Smokescreen 8:53 pm ... I figured if he wasn't here, he wanted to be left alone. Tarantulas 8:53 pm *GOOD. best massage* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:53 pm *Is vaguely relieved Prowl hasn't questioned him beyond the long story comment. And not surprised that his own Prowl hasn't made up her mind about Mirage. Will mostly focus on the film.* VProwl 8:53 pm ((oh right i forgot to continue that conversation)) Prowl 8:53 pm ((lol ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm ((HECK)) VProwl 8:54 pm ((THAT WASN'T ON PURPOSE)) Bull 8:54 pm *Oh Silkie... he really didn't want him knowing* Yes... I know that's hard but Magnum doesn't want anyone else to know either. Bob 8:54 pm ((pfft)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm *Such an efficient organic. <3 The tiniest, softest, near inaudible puff of a sigh.* Rinky 8:55 pm /How!?/ Rinky 8:55 pm -hope Bulls still has hold of his arms, or there would be more wild flailing- VProwl 8:56 pm @S «... The roaches themselves threatened you.» Smokescreen 8:56 pm /In any case, he's gonna sit next to the Prowl that looks like he's from his kind of universe!/ ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm *Damn.*
@P: [[He did tell you it was almost impossible to believe.]] VProwl 8:57 pm @S «......... I wasn't aware any beings on Earth were capable of intelligent thought and speech besides humans and penguins.» Bull 8:57 pm Everyone else is busy, worried about Jurota and that mess. No one is gonna be asking about where we went and if they do I'll answer. Prowl 8:57 pm *nods to the new addition to her otherwise empty table* Rinky 8:59 pm Well, yeah, that mess...is a bit distracting, but you know Silkie has a long memory, and he's not gonna let it drop, and I'm terrible at lying ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm *And peng--? He's not going to ask. He'll ask that later.*
@P: [[He does not know what humans consider them to be, but he can understand them. A curse from some time ago, not so different from the - from the eldritch fruit. He was temporarily made their... er. Royalty.]] *Slight armor clamp.* [[And given the ability to understand them. They haven't forgotten.]]
[[They've found him and woken him up at night. They've brought him GIFTS, Prowl. A lava lamp, once.]] VProwl 9:01 pm @S «... They regard you as royalty? As /royalty/? They bring you /gifts/?» Bull 9:01 pm Hopefully he'll wait until Magnum's back... he's better at keeping things a secret than I am. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm @P: [[Do you want the footage? He can give it to you. He'll hand it to you right now.]] VProwl 9:02 pm @S «Later.» *right now there's a movie on.* «If they consider you royalty, why are they threatening to kill you?» Smokescreen 9:02 pm Hey- I don't think I've seen your face around here before, Prowl. What's your universe like? Am I there? What kinda stuff do you do? You want a snack? VProwl 9:02 pm *he keeps hearing Smokescreen say his name and he Hates it. His alternate has his sympathy/pity.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:02 pm @P: [[They want to nest in him. He doesn't - he doesn't know if they understand what that will do. Maybe they do. Earth insects are odd.]] Rinky 9:02 pm Hopefully...I really don't want to try lying to his face... Specs 9:03 pm *there are dragon-made snacks. they're very good. everyone should try some.* Bob 9:03 pm *perks* VProwl 9:03 pm @S «... Well you're their royalty, why don't you tell them nesting in you would be fatal and you won't allow it?» Specs 9:03 pm *or, they're her usual quality. your mileage may vary- she bakes to Soundwave and Crew's tastes* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:03 pm @P: [[Because then it would give them an idea if they want to depose him?]] *...He resists the urge to facepalm. He can't believe he said that.* Smokescreen 9:03 pm /He WAS thinking of asking boxier Prowl about Tarantulas- but he thought it'd be a bad idea and didn't want to make things more complicated!/ VProwl 9:04 pm @S «Then why don't you just tell them you'd hate it and you would rather they nest elsewhere?» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:04 pm *.......................................*
@P: [[..................Because he hadn't thought of it.]] VProwl 9:05 pm @S «... Well. There you go.» Bull 9:05 pm Yeah. I don't blame you on that. Specs 9:05 pm ((honestly, god bless Prowl and Soundwave's entire relationship and also selves. you two are gr8)) Prowl 9:05 pm *the corners of her mouth tighten* I am from this universe. Your alternate does exist here. I am the police commissioner for New Praxus. *she doesn't trust any food from anyone in this building* No. VProwl 9:05 pm ((aw thanks ;v;)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm (("I'm dating a spider and a member of roach royalty. ... Yeah, okay.")) VProwl 9:06 pm *hold up. HOLD UP. prowl has just realized he can lace his fingers between Tarantulas's legs and it's like holding hands with him. he's gonna try it. carefully. his legs are probably very delicate at this size.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm *Soundwave will try telling the roaches that AFTER the movie. They're into The Best Part now.* Smokescreen 9:07 pm Oh? Wait, from this one? Like, with Sounds over there? Cool! I was in this universe for a little while- it's not too bad. I'm from a similar universe, but we don't have a New Praxus yet- I'll probably have to talk to the bot that's in charge about that soon. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:07 pm *He slowly loosens up again and leans forward, lacing his fingers together and resting his chin on them.* Smokescreen 9:07 pm And fair enough! More for me. /Stuffing his face!/ Rinky 9:07 pm ...I'm just surprised he hasn't gone after you two yet. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm [[Oh, don't be paranoid. He serves hundreds of mechs every weekend and nearly a dozen every Monday and none of them have died from consuming fuel here.]] Bull 9:08 pm I think he tried to get Magnum but you know how he is. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:08 pm [[A few have perished from natural causes elsewhere, or the wars they're still in, or on one occasion, wandering into the canyon when he told them it was metallipede season, but none of those things are his fault.]] Rinky 9:09 pm Slippery as an eel when he wants to be? Bull 9:09 pm Heh, that's a good way to put it. Specs 9:09 pm *the dragon looks at Other Prowl, clearly (in dragon body language) hurt and offended* I wouldn't poison anything I gave to friends. That would be- that would be unthinkable. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:10 pm *Acid for blood. <3 Which reminds him of what Prowl said, about his acid defense systems and whatnot. What a good amica. <3 * Tarantulas 9:10 pm *legs n fingers are laced!!! at first tarantulas freaks out a little and tries to wiggle free since he's being immobilized, but he settles down soon enough. it's basically handholding rite* Rinky 9:10 pm That explains why Silky was so frustrated that day. VProwl 9:12 pm *if he tries to wiggle free, Prowl will let him go; but if he calms down before Prowl can separate them, Prowl's staying.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:12 pm [[They captured so many. Not bad, for colonists.]] Specs 9:13 pm And here we have a testament to bad ideas. *snarky dragon commentary is subdued- she's still SERIOUSLY hurt by Other Prowl's comment* Prowl 9:13 pm Praxus was only chosen for development because we already had a community there. Smokescreen 9:13 pm ... Hey, also, Sounds. Since I didn't get the chance to say this in-person, sorry for thinking you were the one that fragged with my helm last week. You're pretty good for a not-friend. SOUNDWAVE HAS FALLEN I ItsyBitsySpyers 9:14 pm [[You're forgiven. And... thank you.]] Smokescreen 9:14 pm Fair enough! I guess I haven't checked if Praxus has a community here at all- with everything else happening, I haven't had the chance to. Prowl 9:15 pm I am not worried about dying from consuming anything here. I'm worried about being served the same thing you gave to Elita. VProwl 9:15 pm *his thumbs are still free. ... rubs his thumbs on tarantula's back.* Smokescreen 9:15 pm .... Wait, to Elita? Tarantulas 9:15 pm *clicks and churrs* Specs 9:15 pm *pfff. human deserved that. has teeth, will bite* VProwl 9:15 pm *oh! does it more.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:16 pm [[A Gaugebuster? And have you invent a reason to arrest him?]] [[You can stick to the regular fuel like everyone else.]] Prowl 9:17 pm *scowls* I don't need to invent reasons. Rinky 9:17 pm ...... ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm *That poor youngling.*
[[Ravage has found a few living in the Underworld like this one has done. They do not all find their way out of the Well so easily.]] Smokescreen 9:17 pm ... Wait what did Sounds do this time ItsyBitsySpyers 9:17 pm [[He hasn't done ANYTHING.]] Prowl 9:17 pm Nothing. *yet* Rinky 9:17 pm ...um...Bull? Smokescreen 9:17 pm Oh... Dang, I was hoping for a story Bull 9:17 pm yeah? Specs 9:18 pm *the docents usually find it easier to manage children with snacks and music* VProwl 9:18 pm *no change on the outside. but on the inside, his hackles are slowly rising.* Smokescreen 9:18 pm You know- one time, he shocked me to recharge so much, my optics fragged up. Rinky 9:18 pm I think we missed most of the movie? VProwl 9:18 pm *threaten HIS amica why don't you.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:18 pm [[You asked him to do it. Don't invent troubles for him.]] Bull 9:19 pm At least a good bit; but we can see how the rest goes. Prowl 9:19 pm ... Tarantulas 9:19 pm *tarantulas is still making happy spide noises. just pay attention to that, vprowl* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm *Has been listing to Bull and the other one for a while now; decides to pipe up at them.*
[[He can provide you both a summary if you require one.]] Smokescreen 9:19 pm I asked you to do it again last night, but you already went to recharge. VProwl 9:19 pm *he'll try. he keeps petting.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm [[Then why are you presenting the matter like a complaint?]] Rinky 9:20 pm -nearly jumps out of his plating at that- Smokescreen 9:20 pm ... I was looking for some reason you might be in trouble? That's the only thing off the top of my head though Bull 9:20 pm Easy Rinky; that's just Soundwave again. Rinky 9:20 pm ....I don't know how you're used to that... Prowl 9:21 pm If you consented to it, there's nothing criminal about it. Bull 9:21 pm You get use to it, eventually. Tarantulas 9:21 pm *dissection!!! yaaay* Bob 9:21 pm *Dissection, noooooo* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm *Ha. For once, his own Prowl is on his side. It's. It's a weird feeling.* *He's not sure he likes it.* Specs 9:21 pm *the horrible paradox between "delicious bug" and "made of acid"* Bob 9:21 pm *Bob has been hunkered down, staring wide opticed at the screen this entire time* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm *...He's going to lean on the one he's dating to get rid of the feeling. And also because Soundwave likes him.* Smokescreen 9:21 pm Yeah! I figured! Still. What IS he in trouble for? Too noisy? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:21 pm ((i saw that lmao)) Specs 9:21 pm ((prowl?)) Bob 9:21 pm ((I'm tired and wires crossed XD)) Smokescreen 9:22 pm ... Is terrorizing a bot with feelers a crime? VProwl 9:22 pm *slightly leans back.* Prowl 9:22 pm Are you trying to get him arrested? Smokescreen 9:22 pm No? Just curious! Rinky 9:23 pm -skeptical look at Bull- Says you ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm *Where's Swoop when you need him to punch someone?* Specs 9:23 pm It's rude to be bigoted, but I've never really heard of it being called criminal. *she'll fight Other Prowl for you, Soundwave* Bob 9:23 pm *GOOD QUESTION* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm *Soundwave sits up and looks at the dragon.* [[Excuse you. Did you just insult him?]] Prowl 9:23 pm If you'd like a copy of the city's laws, I'm happy to forward them to you. Smokescreen 9:24 pm You know? Sure! Might be good for reference for what we've got for my Cybertron. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm [[Those laws do not apply to this part of Cybertron and you know it. You have no jurisdiction here and you never have.]] *That was why he built out here in the first place.* Specs 9:24 pm *the dragon blinks, confused* No? It's rude to be terrorizing people for having feelers. Why would that be an insult? ((OH SHIT. MISREAD.)) Smokescreen 9:24 pm I don't actually know what laws are in place by Megatron anyway. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:24 pm ((keep it, this is a funnier misunderstanding)) Prowl 9:24 pm *ping ping Smokescreen, hope you enjoy reading because Prowl helped write them* Specs 9:24 pm ((whoops. keeping that, yeah. it's hilarious.)) Smokescreen 9:25 pm /Oh Primus that's a lot/ VProwl 9:25 pm ((i read it as terrorizing a bot-with-feelers)) ((not using feelers to terrorize a bot)) Specs 9:25 pm ((yeah, prowl gets it)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm *Soundwave settles back into his intrigued watch of the movie, satisfied.* [[He sees. Carry on, dragon. Extra cushion next week.]] VProwl 9:25 pm ((it took me til now to realize that was what it was supposed to be)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm =Pulses.= *Ravage snort laughs.* Specs 9:25 pm *the dragon perks up, heart attack averted* O-oh! Thank you, Soundwave. *chirps happily. the happiest dragon is she* Smokescreen 9:26 pm But yeah- seriously, Sounds. For all your lying and slag, you're actually a pretty good not-friend, and I was gonna ask if you could help me with something for my Cybertron, but I know Megs would probably shoot down the idea. Prowl 9:26 pm And yes, I'm aware that Dancitron is not in my jurisdiction and New Praxus laws do not apply. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm *...Curious perk.* [[What is it?]] Smokescreen 9:27 pm I mean- it's not worth getting you more curious. Like I said- Megs would probably HATE everything about the idea if it got too far. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm [[That's why he's interested.]] Smokescreen 9:28 pm ... I'll ping you. But. Hypothetically, if you wanted to help search these coordinates for different relics- you know. That kinda thing. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm [[...Hypothetically, excellent. But he'll wait for that ping.]] Rinky 9:28 pm -curious stare at the screen-....ew Smokescreen 9:28 pm @Soundwave: ::Allspark.:: Prowl 9:28 pm *wait wait, she turns her helm in Smokescreen's direction* Megatron? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm *And there's his biolights pulsing once. That is some major approval.* Bull 9:29 pm *Bull has an idea what type of movie this is and braces for a jumpy lavender* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:29 pm @Smokescreen: [[You have his interest. Send him more details later.]] Smokescreen 9:29 pm ... Yeah. I know it sounds weird, Prowl. He took over my Cybertron and stuff. I'm making the best of it? And I can't like... Overthrow him on my own, so I'm sticking close to make sure he doesn't ruin everything. Rinky 9:29 pm -good thing, Rinky is up in Bull's personal space now- Bob 9:29 pm !!!!!!!!!! *hunkering down* *flattest bug* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm *...They pulse again. Nobody mind that, please.* Bob 9:30 pm *Becoming one with the floor* Specs 9:30 pm *and her tail's over her eyes. jump scares do not sit well with this dragon* Rinky 9:30 pm -nopenopenopenope- Smokescreen 9:30 pm @Soundwave: ::Awesome! But I'm really not sure if it'd pull through. I mean, Megatron would probably fight you before he'd let you help. But I think you'd be a great help for something like this.:: Bull 9:30 pm *thankfully Rinky his keeping him from jumping* VProwl 9:30 pm *minds it.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm *Damn it.* VProwl 9:30 pm ((did the sound just go really quiet?)) Bob 9:30 pm *Distreeeeessed* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:30 pm ((... it did. hold on)) VProwl 9:31 pm ((the sound effects are suddenly louder than the dialogue)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:31 pm ((i hate to pause but one sec)) ((fuck. right at a tense point. lemme try to fix this)) Rinky 9:32 pm -hope Bull doesn't mind him clinging to him- Specs 9:32 pm ((yeah, it did for me too)) Prowl 9:33 pm Megatron took over--then Optimus was killed in your universe as well. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:33 pm ((gdit. i'm sorry ya'll gimme a minute)) Smokescreen 9:34 pm Yeah... We had Cybertron for a while, but then Megatron somehow came back to life and offlined him. I was in Sound's universe for a while, but- but I don't want his mistakes to cost me my home, you know? VProwl 9:34 pm *unlaces fingers and settles hands lightly on top of Tarantulas* @T «Would it be inconvenient for you to, roughly, triple your current size?» ItsyBitsySpyers 9:35 pm [["His mistakes"?]] Smokescreen 9:35 pm Megatron's. Prowl 9:36 pm What happened to the rest of the Autobots besides you? Smokescreen 9:36 pm You know. Offlining Optimus- and I didn't want him to throw dark energon into the allspark again or anything. Tarantulas 9:36 pm *peers up at prowl with a few optics* @P: ::Nnnnno? It might reveal my presence, but if it's what you'd like - ?:: Prowl 9:36 pm *shudders at the thought* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm ((FRICK.)) Smokescreen 9:37 pm ... I'm not really sure. Some of them stayed here, I think, like Arcee? I know a few of them are still on Earth in my universe, though. Like the different Rescue Bots? I don't know what to tell them, though- they're happy now, and I don't want to take that away from them. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm ((i hate this but i'm going to have to ask everyone to leave and come back in five minutes so i can refresh the whole damn room)) Specs 9:37 pm ((understood <3 )) Prowl 9:37 pm ((np Rinky 9:37 pm ((kaaaay Bull 9:37 pm ((ok Smokescreen 9:37 pm ((Got it! ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm ((prowl mun can you grab the log real quick)) VProwl 9:37 pm ((i'm gonna stick til last so i can grab the log once everyone's gone, then i'll go)) Prowl 9:38 pm ((I'll copy Smokescreen's last reply so I can reply when we come back ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm ((yo wily can you pull off for a couple minutes so i can refresh)) ((eh just grab the log now i have to redo it))
ItsyBitsySpyers 9:46 pm ((i'm gonna reblog the thing to let people know it should be fine to come back)) Specs 9:46 pm ((kay)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm ((i don't have skype/discord open rn so if y'all know who all was here on there give 'em a holler too)) Smokescreen 9:49 pm ((asdvbnm i was just abouot to send to tara on discord and then ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm ((we're missing bob aaaaand i think sludge? is mun still awake?)) VProwl 9:50 pm @T «... Do you want to stay hidden?» *just gonna. subtly. cover tarantulas with his hands and forearms and slllide him closer to his abdomen. his boob will shield you.* «Who are you hiding from?» ((sludgemun went to bed)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:51 pm ((k lemme try to get bob back in)) ((and i think that'll be everyone)) Tarantulas 9:52 pm (( i'm alive!!! just. managing the new Council of Prowl-Admirers Prowl 9:52 pm ((shoot, my copy didn't work, what did Smokescreen say before we all left? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:52 pm ((i'll wait two more minutes and then start)) Prowl 9:52 pm ((omg how many more Prowl admirers are there? Tarantulas 9:53 pm (( we're six total atm VProwl 9:53 pm ((smokescreen: "... I'm not really sure. Some of them stayed here, I think, like Arcee? I know a few of them are still on Earth in my universe, though. Like the different Rescue Bots? I don't know what to tell them, though- they're happy now, and I don't want to take that away from them.")) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm ((okay they need to sleep so we're gonna get going)) Rinky 9:53 pm ....... Smokescreen 9:53 pm .......... Prowl 9:54 pm ((ty Puff ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm ((can i get a repeat on smokescreen's last one to soundwave?)) Smokescreen 9:54 pm ((asdvbnmvcx i completely forgot the stuff i wrote Tarantulas 9:54 pm @P: ::Everyone and no one in particular. I'm - exhausted, socially speaking.:: *cuddles in close, sizes up a bit to please prowl* VProwl 9:55 pm ((smokescreen: @Soundwave: ::Awesome! But I'm really not sure if it'd pull through. I mean, Megatron would probably fight you before he'd let you help. But I think you'd be a great help for something like this.::)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:55 pm ((thank you)) @Smokescreen: [[He will fight Megatron if that is what it takes.]] *So stealthy. Masters of their hive environment.* Rinky 9:55 pm -Don't mind Rinky, Bull. He's clinging now- Smokescreen 9:56 pm @Soundwave: ::I mean, I'd pay to see that, but- you really want to help that much?:: ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm @Smokescreen: [[It is the Allspark. It must be returned to Cybertron if the planet is to flourish - and not be corrupted on the way.]] VProwl 9:56 pm *... slowly leans forward, with his arms crossed and propped on his knees, as though fascinated by the movie.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm [[And this is why one does not put a rookie in charge of such a dangerous mission.]] Windchill 9:56 pm *Windchill wanders in late, for secret reasons.* VProwl 9:57 pm *actually shielding tarantulas better.* Bull 9:57 pm *Bull is also clinging to Rinky; not liking the monsters on screen* Smokescreen 9:57 pm @Soundwave: ::True! I didn't think you cared about my Cybertron that much. Thank you, Sounds- have you already found your allspark?:: Hey! Sounds, come on. Some rookies pull through. Prowl 9:57 pm At least they're alive, though I don't understand why none of them have tried to do anything. *she couldn't imagine the Autobots just letting Megatron take over* Tarantulas 9:57 pm *wiggles a little. spide is happ* Windchill 9:58 pm *There's more than one Prowl. His plating feels gross already.* Smokescreen 9:58 pm Megatron offlined Optimus in front of us, and we all went into hiding, or- the multiverse was there. We didn't have to stay. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm [[Rarely.]]
@Smokescreen: [[What you don't know about the things he cares about could fill the Iacon Hall of Records. And we restored ours years ago. That is why we have newbuilds.]] Windchill 9:58 pm *Still, that's not enough to deter him from sitting down, as he is stubborn.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm *Ravage grumpily uncurls from his spot by the dragon and goes over to sniff Windchill for roaches.* Windchill 9:58 pm *Raises a brow.* Rinky 9:58 pm Idon'tlikethismoviemuch Windchill 9:58 pm *He might smell kind of like roaches.* *For secret reasons.* Specs 9:58 pm *the dragon will peek out from under her tail to ensure that no one steals Ravage's spot while he's busy* Windchill 9:59 pm Am I smelly? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm *Ravage growls and bristles a little.*
=You. You harbor roaches?= Windchill 9:59 pm ...Roaches? Bull 9:59 pm I hate the scary ones... Smokescreen 9:59 pm @Soundwave: ::... The Hall of Records, huh? Well, what else do you care about that I ought to know? And that's good! I wasn't sure- but I'm glad to hear that. Have you seen those documentaries where Unicron kinda comes back while they're getting the allspark? You think we'll be okay if that happens, right?:: Windchill 9:59 pm *He's never even seen a roach in person.* Prowl 10:00 pm So many of them just left the universe entirely? Smokescreen 10:00 pm ... you know, those xenomorphs are kinda ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm =Small Earth pest. Infestation threat.= Rinky 10:00 pm -small whine- I'm going to have nightmares Windchill 10:00 pm I know what a roach is. I don't know why that's even a question. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm =You smell of them.= Smokescreen 10:01 pm I think- I think a bunch of them. Most of them. Ratchet might be on Earth? Same for Bee and Bulk, but everyone else? We pretty much ran as soon as we could to hide- since that's basically what happened last time. VProwl 10:01 pm *okay, there's a whining Earthling.* @S «Can you do something for the Earthlings? The new one sounds distressed. I'd go but I'm hiding Tarantulas.» Bull 10:01 pm Your not the only one *bull is noping* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm *Soundwave pings Bull a reminder of the offer to go upstairs.* Windchill 10:01 pm Do I? *he crooks a talon to tap his chin.* Specs 10:01 pm Smokescreen. If you finish that sentence about the xenomorphs in the way I am afraid you are going to, I will find a way to bite you and make it hurt. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm ((mun is eating to take pills and will be slow)) Windchill 10:01 pm Is it just my feet or all of me? VProwl 10:01 pm ((o7)) Smokescreen 10:02 pm I'm not finishing that sentence! Trust me. I don't need to be judged any more than I already am Bull 10:02 pm Soundwave just pinged me that we can go upstairs if you want. No scary movie up there Rinky 10:02 pm That...sounds like a better idea Can we go now? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:03 pm @Smokescreen: [[He's seen them. If it happens... we will just have to deal with it and try our best.]]
=What do you think.= Windchill 10:03 pm I don't know, I'm not interested in smelling my own feet to find out. Smokescreen 10:04 pm @Soundwave: ::But- that's not a guarantee! You know. Megatron'll be there. Are you sure you'd be able to hold him off if Unicron controlled him? What do you think would be the best thing to do if that happened?:: Prowl 10:04 pm Then it's good at least one Autobot remains on your planet. Windchill 10:04 pm Regardless, there's one of...twoooo explanations. Either I stepped on some roaches or it's a beetle smell. Take your pick. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm =...Beetle smell?= Smokescreen 10:05 pm ... One good Autobot? Bull 10:05 pm Yeah *Bull leads Rinky to the 'safer' room* Windchill 10:05 pm Beetle smell...for secret reasons. Smokescreen 10:05 pm There's a bot that came more recently- she almost assassinated Megatron, but we're friends! Specs 10:05 pm *looks over at Windchill* The worm's relatives? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:05 pm *Soundwave will seal the door behind them to everyone else; they will have no trouble leaving it themselves.* Windchill 10:06 pm *Sighs.* Rinky 10:06 pm -much better, they got out of this movie before this went down- Windchill 10:06 pm Her carrier. Specs 10:07 pm *she recalled Windchill saying the worm was an insecticon, so this does not surprise her* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:07 pm @Smokey: [[He isn't sure. In his own world, he was only the second best gladiator in the Pits. Megatron was the first. But Megatron is weaker now, and - and he has contingency plans. Unpleasant ones. But plans. He cannot share them with you at this time.]] Windchill 10:08 pm That's as much as you lot need or want to know. Prowl 10:08 pm Then I suppose that makes two. Good luck to you both. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm =Ah.= *Ravage nods. He'll go back to the dragon then. A single roach comes out of Windchill and he's going into a sun, though.* Windchill 10:08 pm *At least warn him first, murdering someone over a roach seems a bit excessive.* Specs 10:09 pm *the dragon would have put her tail back over her eyes, but there's more talking than intestines on screen, so she'll rest her chin on her tail instead* Smokescreen 10:10 pm @Soundwave: ::Wait, you can't share? Soundwave- if you share them, I can make sure we can prepare for them, just in case. I don't want you to have to risk your life for my universe if there's another way.:: ... You really think I'm a good Autobot? Thank you, Prowl. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm @Smokescreen: [[...He can't share.]] *It's not something he wants anyone else to know.* [[But if you want to prepare, yourself... know where all the other relics are, and how to quickly get hold of them. Especially the Matrix.]] Windchill 10:12 pm *Wrinkles his entire face like a wet paper bag at what's either a lab or a medical bay, maybe both.* *He does that every time he watches this movie.* Windchill 10:13 pm I hope to die. Prowl 10:13 pm You could have left your Cybertron permanently and you didn't. Smokescreen 10:14 pm @Soundwave: ::... If you say so. Wait, does this plan involve the matrix somehow? You aren't thinking about taking it or anything, right? Megatron has it right now, but- but I'm kinda reluctant to touch it, myself.:: Specs 10:14 pm *aw, docent-charge bonding. so cute.* Smokescreen 10:14 pm I mean, that's normal, right? You wouldn't leave yours, even if the worst happened, right? Tarantulas 10:14 pm *egg* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm @Smokey: [[He cannot take it himself. But if you have to touch it and transport it, you will. And you will not argue about it. We will not have time for that.]] *Pulse.* Windchill 10:15 pm *Snorts* VProwl 10:15 pm *that was definitely an egg pulse.* Tarantulas 10:15 pm *pings sw, clearly amused* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm *...Wellllllll...* @T: (txt): Silence, blackmailer. Prowl 10:16 pm I've fought for Cybertron my entire life. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm [[She's such a delightful human.]] VProwl 10:17 pm She should wait to threaten him until they're AWAY from the place where people can easily and quickly die and it can be blamed on aliens. Tarantulas 10:17 pm @SW: ::It's not blackmail if it's never used against you, don't you think?:: Specs 10:17 pm ((I have an exam tomorrow, so I've gotta pass out. thanks for everything!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm ((awwwwww)) Tarantulas 10:17 pm (( alas ;A; night! Specs 10:17 pm ((you guys are the best. <3 )) Prowl 10:17 pm ((sleep well, specs Smokescreen 10:18 pm @Soundwave: ::But if I touch it- Sounds. I don't need it to start glowing and stuff again. ... If we have to, I will do whatever I have to. But I hope it doesn't happen. I hpe everything will be okay. Do you think there's any way to make sure Megatron gets rid of the dark energon before we go? Or to just... Lock him somewhere that Unicron wouldn't be able to escape?:: ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm [[That is true. Still. Her anger is well-targeted.]]
@T: (txt): Technicality.
((sleep well specs!)) @Smokey: [[We could terminate him.]] Windchill 10:18 pm That man says man almost as much as I do, man. VProwl 10:18 pm Well-targeted but badly-timed. The fact that it's justified doesn't mean it's smart. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm *Huffs at Windchill.* [[No, of course not.]] Windchill 10:19 pm You're just jealous, man. Smokescreen 10:19 pm @Soundwave: ::I'm not offlining Megatron. We JUST got peace- doing that could cause so many other problems.:: Windchill 10:19 pm I hate this part, man. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm @Smokey: [[Then for now, attempt to convince him to seek to be cleared of his corruption, and if need be... peace or not, a threat like the one from the other timelines cannot be allowed to exist.]] [[What's wrong with this part?]] Windchill 10:21 pm Crawling through a tunnel like that, that's what. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:21 pm [[Claustrophobic, are we?]] Windchill 10:22 pm I've only said that I was more times than I can count. *Which isn't saying much, shhh.* My spark would forcibly leave my frame if that were me. I'd be so dead. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm [[Well. We know how to stop you if you're ever tainted with dark energon, then.]] Windchill 10:23 pm You don't even know. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm [[We'll simply bury you alive in a box.]] Smokescreen 10:23 pm @Soundwave: ::I'll keep trying. Trust me. I've been trying. But- maybe it'll be different? After all, it's not like Unicron revived him, like he did with the other Megatrons. His hold will probably be weaker, right? ... And do you remember that party you had a long time ago, where Unicron came and gave me dark energon? Megatron was able to beat Unicron's orders then.:: Windchill 10:23 pm I've never been stopped before. Please be gentle, it's my first time. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm [[Ugh.]] Windchill 10:23 pm That's what you get. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm @Smokey: [[Megatron's physical resistance is still lessened. He does not know what difference that will make, if any. And that was long ago. Megatron has been under its continued influence since then. He may no longer be able to resist.]] Windchill 10:24 pm *He's glad he already knows how this goes, else he'd have up and left already.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm *Nods to Prowl. You were right.* *He already knew that, of course, but it never hurts to acknowledge a smart comment.* VProwl 10:25 pm *small nod back.* Prowl 10:26 pm ((shockwave toy! VProwl 10:27 pm ... Clever. Smokescreen 10:27 pm @Soundwave: ::That's true. I hope nothing comes from it- that he'll be able to manage it, but if there's really nothing he can do- that we can do- we can definitely offline him. But I really hope it doesn't come to that:: Windchill 10:27 pm Nice. Man. VProwl 10:28 pm @T «... For the record, I don't consider that to be an appropriate seduction move.» *just in case he gets any ideas from looking at a spidery-looking thing jumping at someone's mouth.* Tarantulas 10:29 pm *freezes* @P: ::Wh-which? The face attack?:: VProwl 10:29 pm @T «The face attack.» *... belated humor ping?* Tarantulas 10:30 pm *is still a bit tense in general since events, don't mind him* Windchill 10:30 pm Gotta watch for those embryos, man. VProwl 10:30 pm *he can feel tarantulas tensing up under him. sorry. shifts one hand around to pet tarantulas?* Tarantulas 10:31 pm @P: ::I wouldn't use it as a starting move, no.:: *the humor's back now* VProwl 10:31 pm *... to anyone else it probably looks like prowl's hunched over to shield the fact that he's patting vaguely in the area of his own groin. he's ~blissfully unaware.~* @T «Oh, I see. So after you've warmed me up a bit.» Prowl 10:32 pm *it's probably good Prowl can't see the other Prowl* Smokescreen 10:32 pm ... /He does take a glance in Soundwave's direction while they're having their conversation, and thus in Prowl's direction as well. Is Prowl- he couldn't be doing that to THIS movie, right?/ Windchill 10:32 pm Why would you stick your head up there, man. VProwl 10:33 pm *on the other hand he's got an Absolutely Perfect Poker Face on, so* Windchill 10:33 pm Asshole. Man. Smokescreen 10:33 pm /He just assumes that's how Prowl is, even if he were doing such activities. He feels like he's learned more than he ever wanted to about the bot./ Windchill 10:33 pm *Almost forgot that time.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm *Soundwave has been so focused on his perfect organic murder machines that he has had NO idea what's been going on around him, implication wise.* ((aka mun was afk)) Tarantulas 10:34 pm *just snickering across the comms@prowl. he's pretty intent on watching the movie* Windchill 10:34 pm He's a goner, man. VProwl 10:34 pm *all right, tarantulas is probably sufficiently soothed. he re-shields him.* Prowl 10:34 pm *satisfied there won't be more questions from Smokescreen, Prowl puts her full attention on the movie* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm *Looks away during the welding in time to miss all of it.* VProwl 10:35 pm *~still blissfully unaware~* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm [[Ah, comeuppance.]] Windchill 10:35 pm Another tunnel, man. I hate it. *Makes some gross regurgitation sounds for effect.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:35 pm [[NOT ON HIS FLOOR.]] Rinky 10:36 pm ((all over the floor Windchill 10:36 pm What about your ceiling, man? *Gags violently.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm [[Nowhere in this building!]]
*WIndchill's about to find himself bridged just outside.* Windchill 10:37 pm If you say so, man. *Is suddenly and miraculously recovered from his vomiting fit. How mysterious.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:37 pm *Good.* Smokescreen 10:38 pm ... By the way, Sounds. If something WERE to happen to my Cybertron and it really did get destroyed or anything- would I be welcome to stay in your universe again? I mean, hopefully it won't come to that, but still. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm [[...If it came to that.]] [[He would prefer to hope it doesn't.]] Windchill 10:38 pm Useless children are my favourite, man. Smokescreen 10:39 pm ... Thanks, Sounds. But- but I'm sure everything'll be fine! I still have like, a million things I want to help make on our Cybertron again. We don't even have bath houses. Windchill 10:39 pm Ew, underground and underwater. *sticks out his tongue.* *points* Fingers. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:39 pm [[Congratulations. You have a grasp on basic anatomy.]] *Scoot. Scoot scoot.* Windchill 10:40 pm I know where all of the fun parts are. VProwl 10:40 pm *... Well, Prowl knows something interesting is about to show up. His shoulder rest just moved.* Smokescreen 10:40 pm OH NO /He's clinging to Prowl, even if he's seen this before./ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:41 pm *He really must make sure he can withstand being underwater for some time when he gets remodeled.* *Not to kidnap human spawn; he has no interest in that. Just for the element of surprise, when he needs it.* Prowl 10:41 pm Didn't one of them kill the pilot earlier? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm [[Not the android pilot. The human one.]] Windchill 10:42 pm *If anyone plans on kidnapping human spawn he will personally fight them just FYI.* Prowl 10:42 pm *shoves Smokescreen away as politely as she can* Please don't touch me. Smokescreen 10:42 pm Sorry- didn't mean to grab you like that. VProwl 10:42 pm ... Nice to finally see a mech in one of these films that /isn't/ portrayed as a treacherous backstabber. Smokescreen 10:43 pm /He's looking around for a pillow or something to grab onto- this is more intense a movie than he remembered!/ Prowl 10:43 pm Apology accepted. Windchill 10:43 pm *Wiggles excitedly in his seat as it gets closer and closer to the good parts.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:43 pm [[Bishop is a good mech. He would be honored to greet them.]] Windchill 10:43 pm That's a lot of lightning, man. Prowl 10:43 pm *moves a little bit further away just in case he forgets again* Smokescreen 10:43 pm To be fair, it's an organic human that is the backstabbing jerk. Bishop Bishop's great. /... Is Bishop who Prowl was doing that *thing* over? ... Smokescreen's judging him a little./ ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm [[Bishop is. Ash and David, less so.]] Prowl 10:44 pm Then Ripley's belief the Xenomorphs won't have killed Newt is false. Though there's enough of a chance I don't fault her for going after her. Omicron 10:45 pm *big Predacon comes in, in beast mode, with two little chirpers on her back* Windchill 10:45 pm She's gotta get dressed for battle, man. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm *David is a scientific genius the likes of which Soundwave admires, but he knows the general population's feelings about people like that.* VProwl 10:45 pm She's improperly armored for a gunfight showdown with creatures that spew acid when shot. Windchill 10:45 pm Nobody said she had to dress well. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm [[That is why she is using flames instead.]] Omicron 10:46 pm *looks around finding a place to lay down, blinks at two prowls?* Smokescreen 10:46 pm Wouldn't armor make her overheat with the flames? Humans overheat pretty easily. Prowl 10:46 pm How is she dressed? VProwl 10:46 pm She also brought grenades and bullets, but if her primary weapon is going to be the flamethrower, good. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:46 pm * Ravage stretches, pads over to Ice Queen, and begins sniffing her for roaches. He really doubts he'll find any at this point, but one must be sure.* Windchill 10:47 pm More likely she'd end up coated in acid that she couldn't remove in time anyway, just like the other guy. Makes no difference what level of armour you're wearing if the acid goes through everything. Agooddistraction 10:47 pm Who's beepin Smokescreen 10:47 pm !!!!! WHEEWHEE ItsyBitsySpyers 10:47 pm *Scoot. Scoot scoot scoot SCOOT. He is balanced on the very edge of his couch on the very edge of his aft. Only his elbows and feet are keeping him positioned where he is, honestly.* Agooddistraction 10:47 pm Hey Smokescreen 10:47 pm Wheewleeehe Windchill 10:47 pm Look at all of that goop, man. VProwl 10:47 pm *okay, something VERY exciting is about to happen.* Tarantulas 10:47 pm @SW: ::She's near, isn't she?:: Smokescreen 10:47 pm It's been way too long are you okay Windchill 10:47 pm *He knows a thing or several about goop.* VProwl 10:47 pm *... suddenly remembers the comment earlier about SOMETHING having laid all those eggs.* *has a theory.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm *Tarantulas just receives a clip of a cat purring.* Smokescreen 10:48 pm oh no oh no oh no Windchill 10:48 pm *Taps his talons together, eagerly.* Agooddistraction 10:48 pm I'm fraggin great Smokescreen 10:48 pm RIPLEY Agooddistraction 10:48 pm You? Prowl 10:48 pm *gets an idea of how Ripley may or may not be dressed by the conversation* Smokescreen 10:48 pm I've been better, but- I'm still here! Do you have silver again by any chance Newt......... Agooddistraction 10:48 pm You know it Windchill 10:48 pm That's a lot of spit, man. Omicron 10:48 pm *Ice Queen sniffs back at ravage, lets them inspect her, though two hatcklings squeak and chirp at ravage* Windchill 10:48 pm And I've seen some spit in my time. Agooddistraction 10:48 pm What the frag are we watchihng? Windchill 10:48 pm Man. Tarantulas 10:48 pm *internal snickering for eons @sw* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:48 pm *When she and her hatchlings don't seem to smell of them, Ravage will move on to Wheeljack. Who probably smells of roaches, but not the right kind.* VProwl 10:49 pm *... was expecting to hear someone else answer his alternate by now, but since he didn't—* Her current level of dress is very low for what humans consider "armored." Prowl 10:49 pm Thank you. Agooddistraction 10:49 pm Rude Omicron 10:49 pm ?? VProwl 10:49 pm Typically, their armor is several layers of armor, plastic, or related material. A single thin layer of... I think that's plant matter? Probably plant matter—is much thinner than their usual combat attire. Windchill 10:49 pm *Answered the question by saying it didn't matter, so far as he's concerned. Oh well.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:49 pm *As such, Ravage will sit down and watch the best section of this entire movie without budging. A good hunt, you know.* Smokescreen 10:50 pm egg Agooddistraction 10:50 pm Smokey Tarantulas 10:50 pm *alright, that internal snickering is now internal screaming* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:50 pm *Manages to smother every reaction except the plates of his backpack rippling. Only two mechs can see it anyway, though.* Agooddistraction 10:50 pm Whoa Omicron 10:50 pm That is a strange factory mode... Smokescreen 10:50 pm ... That reminds me, I gotta ping this one bot again- they're pretty eggcellent VProwl 10:50 pm *thinks his alternate is asking for context on what human armor is usually like, rather than on what, specifically, this one is wearing; but he manages to give a decent answer anyway.* Windchill 10:51 pm There she is. VProwl 10:51 pm *... pings soundwave. no content. just ping.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:51 pm [[The most intelligent of her hive. And telepathic. A marvel.]] Prowl 10:51 pm *distracted by the audio description of the Queen to reply immediately to her alternate* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:52 pm *Guilty but extremely brief glance at Prowl.* VProwl 10:52 pm Telepathic. Hm. *pokerfacing so hard.* Omicron 10:52 pm *crosses forelegs, watching as hatchlings hop down, but stay close with all the mecha* Windchill 10:52 pm *She reminds him of his queen, but smaller and toothier.* Agooddistraction 10:53 pm Soundwave that's you ItsyBitsySpyers 10:53 pm *Dies internally a lot.* Windchill 10:53 pm That's gotta hurt, man. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:53 pm [[Don't be ridiculous.]] Omicron 10:53 pm *winces, and makes a face, baring fangs at screen off in her spot* Windchill 10:53 pm Right in the ovipositor, man. Smokescreen 10:53 pm what a waste of ovipositor Agooddistraction 10:53 pm Eew Tarantulas 10:54 pm *is SO GLAD he's only there in spider mode tonight and no one really knows he's there* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:54 pm *Ravage's tail lashes. The hunt begins.* Windchill 10:54 pm *Points* Explosions. Man. Prowl 10:54 pm Impressive she was able to leave it behind without overly damaging herself. VProwl 10:54 pm *SPEAKING OF WHICH. pings Tarantulas, too.* *because eggs.* Omicron 10:54 pm *quiet hissings, mostly on principle of a nest being destroyed* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm [[She can eventually grow another.]] [[The safety of her hive is more important.]] Agooddistraction 10:55 pm You can grow another Windchill 10:55 pm *She even sounds eerily like his boyfriend, on some days.* Prowl 10:55 pm Fascinating. Tarantulas 10:55 pm @P: ::What?:: *pretending he doesn't know exactly what* Windchill 10:55 pm Some of us don't need to grow another. Man. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:55 pm [[You are as high as the Manganese Mountains, mech. You cannot grow what you do not have.]] Agooddistraction 10:56 pm You're right about that Smokescreen 10:56 pm ... Wheelie, what kinda stuff are you on and can I have some please VProwl 10:56 pm @T «Forgive me for briefly sounding like one of your more obnoxious comm calls.» Omicron 10:56 pm she's like the big insecticon queens back home...just...smaller and meaner VProwl 10:56 pm @T «But: eggs?» *is this it, tara. is this the thing that you are interested in.* Windchill 10:57 pm A lot smaller. Agooddistraction 10:57 pm Is it weird that Megatron was really into collecting eggs Smokescreen 10:57 pm ... Are insecticon queens really like that? I always thought that was just the really specific stories ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm [[HIGHLY intelligent.]] Prowl 10:57 pm And organic, yes? Smokescreen 10:57 pm YES Megatron's megaweird ItsyBitsySpyers 10:57 pm [[And organic, yes.]] Agooddistraction 10:58 pm I think some of my clones did that Tarantulas 10:58 pm @P: ::Snrk. Of a sort.:: *he doesn't have any like this, no* Omicron 10:58 pm Depends on the world *looks at smokescreen* my native one their....big, bigger then any predacon. but, mostly pretty calm and friendly Smokescreen 10:58 pm .... I mean. The stories I read were uh. Very, um. About what bots who became queens did. Windchill 10:59 pm Maybe we don't want to hear about it, man. Agooddistraction 10:59 pm ?? VProwl 10:59 pm @T «Does this fall under the umbrella of things you find appealing.» Agooddistraction 10:59 pm I think he was tryin to make Ratchet his queen Prowl 10:59 pm The Insecticons here breed via a form of cloning. Omicron 10:59 pm Racer: *under snack table again* Windchill 10:59 pm *He's married to an insecticon queen you shut your mouth.* Agooddistraction 10:59 pm You breed like that Windchill 11:00 pm I relate to Bishop there. Omicron 11:00 pm I breed alike, but not exactly XD Windchill 11:00 pm Man. Tarantulas 11:00 pm @P: ::What, the movie in general? Let's just say it's moderately racy.:: Windchill 11:00 pm Maybe not that part. VProwl 11:00 pm Really? Finally a good one and they mutilate him? Is he— Can he survive that? I'm not familiar enough with this model. Smokescreen 11:00 pm wait Ratchet his what Windchill 11:01 pm She's got some real spindly legs, man. VProwl 11:01 pm @T «Noted.» Agooddistraction 11:01 pm His queen you know Windchill 11:01 pm I like 'em chunky, man. Agooddistraction 11:01 pm Oh frag what happened to that one ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm [[He is not dead yet.]] Prowl 11:01 pm Good. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:01 pm *Spawn for spawn.* Agooddistraction 11:01 pm Did he drink a lotta milk?I know milk makes humans sick sometims VProwl 11:01 pm No, he's not. Good. Windchill 11:02 pm He drank a lot of cum. Agooddistraction 11:02 pm Oh Prowl 11:02 pm ((yesssss Smokescreen 11:02 pm ..... Windchill 11:02 pm Hence my earlier comment, duh. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:02 pm ((YES)) Omicron 11:02 pm pfffffffffftt Agooddistraction 11:02 pm Insecitcons tried to knifedick me ohhhhh Smokescreen 11:02 pm a lot of what Windchill 11:02 pm Shut up, Wheeljack. VProwl 11:02 pm ... NOW she's properly armored. Agooddistraction 11:02 pm bitch! Smokescreen 11:02 pm they WHAT Agooddistraction 11:02 pm You shut up Windchill 11:02 pm No, man. You're not the boss of me, man. *That's it that's his reasoning.* Agooddistraction 11:02 pm Hey, come to my fight club We'll settle this there Windchill 11:03 pm Where's your fight club, man. Agooddistraction 11:03 pm Secret place Windchill 11:03 pm For secret reasons, man. Okay man. Omicron 11:03 pm *keeping an optic on her hatchlings just in case something happens here...* Windchill 11:03 pm But only if we fight, man. Agooddistraction 11:03 pm Soundwave still hasn't come to root for me Windchill 11:03 pm You have to let me win or else I'll cry, man. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:03 pm [[He has no interest in watching bloodsport. He lived it.]] Agooddistraction 11:03 pm No way But you get to watch me get beat up Isn't that your favorite thing? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm [[He has plenty of memories.]] Smokescreen 11:04 pm wait wheels you have a fight club Agooddistraction 11:04 pm Oh boo hiss Smokescreen 11:04 pm can I join I wanna fight Windchill 11:04 pm Fine, I'll just win anyway, man. Agooddistraction 11:04 pm Yeah but don't go around telling bots VProwl 11:04 pm ((finally, some proper lighting)) Smokescreen 11:04 pm HEY EVERYONE Wheels has a fight club Agooddistraction 11:04 pm SMOKES shH Smokescreen 11:04 pm SORRY Agooddistraction 11:04 pm I'll let them know I invited you but shh Omicron 11:04 pm fiiight ItsyBitsySpyers 11:04 pm ((they had all kinds of lines and control rods to hide heh)) Smokescreen 11:05 pm ... I'll keep quiet if you uhhhh ItsyBitsySpyers 11:05 pm *Alas. The poor queen.* VProwl 11:05 pm .... Her elbow's broken. Smokescreen 11:05 pm share whatever you're on? Sure. Omicron 11:05 pm the human made drone is still alive O_o Agooddistraction 11:05 pm Yeah sure VProwl 11:05 pm He's not a drone, he's clearly sentient. Smokescreen 11:05 pm Wait, really? Agooddistraction 11:05 pm You're a drone Windchill 11:06 pm Sapient. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm [[Silence, Wheeljack.]] Smokescreen 11:06 pm Wheeljack. No Agooddistraction 11:06 pm No ItsyBitsySpyers 11:06 pm [[He will not allow insults to drones on the premises.]] Omicron 11:06 pm my mistake *inclines head to prowl* Agooddistraction 11:06 pm okay fine you're a yap Omicron 11:06 pm *eyes wheeljack* Agooddistraction 11:06 pm YAP YAP VProwl 11:06 pm *usually, he ignores wheeljack. right now, he is VERY STRONGLY, VERY POINTEDLY ignoring wheeljack.* Windchill 11:06 pm *Trying to keep his mouth shut.* *That milky mess gets him every time.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:07 pm *Is quietly hoping Chimera isn't monitoring the feeds right now. Sometimes they check in early when Zori gets tired...* Agooddistraction 11:07 pm I don't remember how I got here ?? Smokescreen 11:07 pm ... Wheeljack. Can you give me whatever you have right now Windchill 11:07 pm Maybe that's your sign, man. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm [[On a foreboding breeze.]] Smokescreen 11:08 pm /He's a bit worried!/ Agooddistraction 11:08 pm Can you handle it? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:08 pm *Soundwave stretches at last and pushes himself all the way back to the back of the couch before leaning against Prowl's shoulder again.* Smokescreen 11:08 pm Of cuorse I can! I'm really tough! Hit me with all of it! Agooddistraction 11:08 pm I don't want you to get knocked up or anything weird Smokescreen 11:08 pm I'll never get knocked up, I promise. Agooddistraction 11:09 pm Wtf Soundwave how would a breeze carry me Omicron 11:09 pm *glances over at Soundwave, knows racer will try to scoot to him to show off. If it isn't alright right now she'll call him back* VProwl 11:09 pm ... For reference, among mechanical species, "drone" is used to refer to machinery that may or may not be designed to look like a person, but has no intelligence of its own. Windchill 11:09 pm You were carried in by your own petard. Sucking, man. Smokescreen 11:09 pm from sucking the earth Agooddistraction 11:09 pm what Windchill 11:10 pm We Decepticons are...really good at sucking, man. Agooddistraction 11:10 pm I'm good at sucking too Smokescreen 11:10 pm Really? Can I see? Windchill 11:10 pm Not as good as I am, man. Agooddistraction 11:10 pm Kid VProwl 11:10 pm Calling an intelligent, feeling mech a "drone" is equivalent to calling an intelligent, feeling organic a... hm. What's lower than "animal"? Agooddistraction 11:10 pm Okay, let's have a suck off Smokescreen 11:10 pm ... That came out weird wait what Agooddistraction 11:10 pm Prowl don't take it so hard, it's not a spike Windchill 11:10 pm I'll suck off your whole head, man. Agooddistraction 11:11 pm Whoa whoa Windchill 11:11 pm I mean it. Man. Smokescreen 11:11 pm .... why would why would they make Optimus do this please come on this isn't optimus prime this is...... pooptimus prick Tarantulas 11:11 pm *is sizing down and hiding better under prowl's bumper, he's not keen on what's going on right now* VProwl 11:12 pm *tightens embrace.* Omicron 11:12 pm *looks over at Prowl,* If my words offended I apologize Prowl. Drone is a blanket term where I'm from, its rarely used as an insult. Bull 11:12 pm *Bull pinged Soundwave that he was gonna head out with Rinki* Windchill 11:13 pm I've decided... ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm *Soundwave opened a bridge for them upstairs and returned the majority of his attention to the conversation around him.* VProwl 11:13 pm Yes, I suspected as much. I'm not criticizing, just— educating. Agooddistraction 11:13 pm I sucked claws before I didn't really wanna Smokescreen 11:13 pm .................... but why did you suck them ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm [[He'd really rather not hear your exploits.]] Bull 11:13 pm ((night everyone)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:13 pm [[There is something of a serious subject at hand.]] Windchill 11:14 pm I did and I liked it. Man. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:14 pm ((goodnight)) Smokescreen 11:14 pm wheels can I sit on you Agooddistraction 11:14 pm Okay okay Windchill 11:14 pm Sorry your life sucks, man. Omicron 11:14 pm ((rest well)) Agooddistraction 11:14 pm I'll spare you Rinky 11:14 pm ((and I'm out too, g'night! Agooddistraction 11:14 pm Yeah sure sit on me Smokescreen 11:14 pm /He's going over to sit on Wheeljack! Hey, this way, he won't get into more trouble, right? He feels like he owes Soundwave. Also Wheeljack looks comfy/ Agooddistraction 11:14 pm *patpat* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm ((night!)) Agooddistraction 11:15 pm Sorry I pissed off your boyfriend, mom Smokescreen 11:15 pm /Doorwings wiggle! And he's patting Wheeljack back/ Smokescreen 11:15 pm ... Wait boyfriend? Omicron 11:15 pm Racer: *might be inching his way over to soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm *Not going to acknowledge this 'mom' comm-- damn it, Wheeljack. You couldn't have let Smokescreen be oblivious?*
*Soundwave reaches down and holds a hand out for Racer. Go on and climb up his arm if you like; it's a steady ramp.* Prowl 11:16 pm *ah good she's alone at the table* Windchill 11:16 pm I'm hungry. *Raises a hand.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:16 pm [[Yes?]] Windchill 11:16 pm How many people would complain if I ate Wheeljack's head? Put it in simple terms so that I can understand. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:17 pm [[Both officers, he expects. And Ravage. He doubts you'd share.]] VProwl 11:17 pm *doesn't care. wheeljack has as much empirical evidence that prowl is soundwave's boyfriend as he has empirical evidence that soundwave is wheeljack's mom. the fact that he's right by accident doesn't mean he isn't simply being idiotic.* Windchill 11:17 pm Man. Omicron 11:17 pm Racer: =D! *scrables up and plops into a lap, he's much better at climbing now, and heaver, Icy watching from her spot* Smokescreen 11:17 pm Don't eat him! Windchill 11:17 pm So, just Smokescreen. VProwl 11:17 pm @S «One and a half officers.» Smokescreen 11:17 pm I'll eat you up if you eat him. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:17 pm *Faint tremble.* Windchill 11:17 pm I'm too big for you, man. Smokescreen 11:17 pm You wanna bet? Agooddistraction 11:18 pm Don't eat anyone@ Windchill 11:18 pm You can't handle this, man. I'm too powerful. Man. Smokescreen 11:18 pm I don't know, I've heard I've got a pretty big mouth! Windchill 11:18 pm Mine is bigger, man. Omicron 11:18 pm If its really bad, I can lay on him and keep him from mecha? Smokescreen 11:18 pm How much do you bet? Windchill 11:18 pm I'm broke, man. You'd lose anyway, man. Smokescreen 11:19 pm Well- I bet half a shanix my mouth's way bigger! Windchill 11:19 pm I'm bigger and I have...experience. Smokescreen 11:19 pm ... Wait, what kind of experience? Agooddistraction 11:19 pm Soundwave Windchill 11:19 pm All of it. I have all of the experience. Smokescreen 11:19 pm 'Cause I've got my fair share of experience, too. Windchill 11:19 pm I've got a monopoly, man. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm [[What, Wheeljack.]] Agooddistraction 11:19 pm Thanks Smokescreen 11:19 pm I doubt it! Come over and prove it! ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm [[....Why.]] Agooddistraction 11:19 pm Just thanks Windchill 11:19 pm Okay, but we have to go outside. Man. Smokescreen 11:20 pm Fine, fine. Maybe after I'm ready to leave? I'm pretty comfy right now. Windchill 11:20 pm I doubt Soundwave would appreciate the evidence of my eating you on his floor. Tarantulas 11:20 pm @P: ::Things are a bit - hectic. I may take my leave shortly.:: ItsyBitsySpyers 11:20 pm [[Don't get too comfortable. He's closing the room to the public in roughly ten minutes.]] VProwl 11:20 pm @T «Please don't, the collective IQ in the room will plummet into the negatives.» Windchill 11:20 pm *Will take that as a victory.* Omicron 11:20 pm RAcer: *making himself at home in soundwave's lap* pffb? *at prowl* Prowl 11:20 pm *Prowl is going to leave since the film is over and she has no intention of overstaying what little welcome she has here* Smokescreen 11:20 pm Oh yeah, I bet he won't. We can take it outside. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:21 pm *Offers a hand to Racer to sniff. Would he like scritches?* Windchill 11:21 pm Too late, you missed your chance, man. Smokescreen 11:21 pm What? come on! You just scared to lose, man? Meet me outside if you're not a coward. Agooddistraction 11:21 pm *optics are barely online* Windchill 11:21 pm I'm going home. You're gonna die, kid. Smokescreen 11:21 pm I've survived worse. Omicron 11:21 pm Racer: *sniff! he'd love scrithces yesss* Windchill 11:21 pm And I have absolutely no qualms about it. VProwl 11:22 pm *Unfortunate. Prowl had been hoping to speak with his alternate. But he was pinned down by a spider and she was accosted by a pestilence.* Windchill 11:22 pm I mean. Smokescreen 11:22 pm /He's getting up, and is going outside!/ I'm sturdier than I look, you know. Windchill 11:22 pm So impressive, much wow. Tarantulas 11:22 pm @P: ::You're not required to remain here, you know.:: Windchill 11:22 pm Man. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:22 pm *Soundwave vents an itty bitty sigh of relief when his own Prowl leaves and slumps ever so slightly.* Windchill 11:23 pm I was joking but I can eat you if that's what's going to make you happy, man. VProwl 11:23 pm @T «I set aside this evening every week to spend with Soundwave and I don't want to be run off by blathering morons.» Smokescreen 11:23 pm I just wanna see you try. Windchill 11:23 pm No, you don't. Man. Agooddistraction 11:23 pm Just go eat each other outside ItsyBitsySpyers 11:23 pm *Thin fingertips ever so gently scratch the plates beneath Racer's jaw. He's been told that growing newbuilds in other timelines tend to itch where they have trouble rubbing the expanding metal plates.* Smokescreen 11:23 pm ... Wait, we're talking about the same eating, right? You gonna swallow me up? VProwl 11:24 pm *he's adjusted his posture to curl his fingers in Tarantulas's fuzz again. The fuzzybutt is keeping him sane now. It's a valuable, if draining, duty.* Omicron 11:24 pm *hums along with the music from her spot* Windchill 11:24 pm Not whole, sorry. I'm not that big. Man. Smokescreen 11:24 pm Aww man. What a disappointment. Windchill 11:24 pm I know. But vore isn't actually my thing. So. Smokescreen 11:25 pm ... I'm gonna head off and check on Tarantulas. He hasn't been feeling too well- and I wanna make sure he's eating and everything. Tarantulas 11:25 pm *just ask tara to move, he'll probably do it now. maybe. after he unfreezes. he doesn't even know what he should be paying attention to right now* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:25 pm *Not knowing how flexible Racer is or isn't, he assumes a spot he at least can't bite at is a good bet.* Windchill 11:25 pm *Stretches.* Smokescreen 11:25 pm Thank you for the movie, Sounds. Windchill 11:25 pm I'm going home for real. Smokescreen 11:25 pm And for everything else. See ya. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:25 pm [[You're welcome. Next week we return to the subject of Spock.]] Windchill 11:25 pm You people are waaaay too clever for me. VProwl 11:25 pm *wouldn't do that, he knows Tarantulas is hiding. Prowl is asking a lot of him just by asking him to stay.* Smokescreen 11:25 pm Oh! With the Alpha Trion sounding human, right? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:25 pm [[Goodnight to you too, Windchill.]] *Nods. With him.* Windchill 11:26 pm Yeah, you say it, but you don't really mean it. *Doesn't seem to care about that.* Smokescreen 11:26 pm /Now he's starting to ping Messy- first to see if he's up to talk at all!/ Omicron 11:26 pm Racer: *sighs and leans into the scriches, radiating happy-bliss, though tilts head to get the scritches on the side of his neck* Windchill 11:27 pm *Makes it to his feet with minimal grunting.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:27 pm *Obliges without a fuss. It's not unlike when Ravage feels like some quiet grooming attention.* Windchill 11:27 pm *Yes, he has noticed that he acts 100% worse when he doesn't bring his spawn along to keep him responsible.* *He's devolving.* Agooddistraction 11:28 pm Smokescreen, take the rest of this cyg. Try it out when you're somewhere else though ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm *Or is it a case of temporary evolution when she's there? A Cybertronian digimon.* Smokescreen 11:28 pm !! Really, Wheels? Thank you! Tarantulas 11:28 pm *the tiniest spider sigh. he pings smokey back* Agooddistraction 11:28 pm Yep Night fraggers Smokescreen 11:28 pm /He's holding onto it/ What is it? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm [[Goodnight.]] Smokescreen 11:28 pm !! /Pingping/ Agooddistraction 11:29 pm Love you, Mommy ItsyBitsySpyers 11:29 pm [[OUT.]] Windchill 11:29 pm *Or maybe he likes being a crass asshole and acting dumb, because it's fun.* Smokescreen 11:29 pm @Tarantulas: ::How are you feeling tonight? Missed seeing you at the movie- probably good you weren't there, though. You would've hated it.:: Agooddistraction 11:29 pm 😎 Windchill 11:29 pm *But he can't get away with starting fights with her around and is forced...to behave....tragic.* It's okay, Wheeljack. I'll be your mommy. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm [[That's it. Out. Everyone. Go.]] Windchill 11:30 pm *Shuffles sideways like a crab to escape before he's made to commit.* Smokescreen 11:30 pm .... But Sounds! /Fine. He's heading out, and taking the chance to try that cyg./ Tarantulas 11:30 pm @Smokey: ::I'll trust your opinion, then. I'm feeling... better.:: Windchill 11:30 pm *Shuffles faster.* Omicron 11:30 pm Racer: *tiny happy sound that might be a purr later on in life, wants alll the scritches, he's starting to grow again and there's some faintly viable marks as evidance* O_o; alright...? ItsyBitsySpyers 11:31 pm @P: [[Perhaps a pbbt for the young one?]] Smokescreen 11:31 pm @Tarantulas: ::Really? That's good! Have you been recharging and drinking? Can I visit you? Have you been bathing?:: ItsyBitsySpyers 11:31 pm *Don't ask how he managed to think the pbbt noise.* Tarantulas 11:31 pm @Smokey: ::No visiting at the moment - soon, maybe. I'll contact you.:: Windchill 11:32 pm *Now he shuffles in sloooow motion just to see if he's gonna get yelled at for blocking the exit with his giant ass.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:32 pm *No. But Ravage will make a small charge across the room and tackle him out of it.* Smokescreen 11:32 pm @Tarantulas: ::Oh. Okay- I get that. I know I can be just. Too much. I'll get to see you soon, right?:: VProwl 11:33 pm @S «... Does "everyone" include Tarantulas and/or me?» ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm @P: [[Does it ever?]] Windchill 11:33 pm *Doesn't seem to notice this.* VProwl 11:33 pm @S «Well. I wasn't sure about Tarantulas.» ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm *Ravage is tempted to bite the mech, but there's still an officer present. He'll just leap off again and swat at Windchill's ankles.* Omicron 11:33 pm *confused predacon, starting to get up and shake, was hoping to stay a bit, but she'll gather up her two hatchlings* Smokescreen 11:34 pm /Smokescreen's mostly out of the room- but he's got one audial phased in just to listen to the music./ Windchill 11:34 pm *Gasps. He's being swatted. To DEATH.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:34 pm ((there would've been more time tonight but the big interference in the middle of the night kinda ate up time)) Windchill 11:34 pm *It's a very sensual gasp.* VProwl 11:34 pm @S «... You do have a space bridge.» Windchill 11:34 pm Watch out, bucko. I can't tell if you're messing with me or trying to chase me out. Tarantulas 11:35 pm @Smokey: ::Hush, it's not you, it's me. I'm working, dear. But yes - soon.:: Windchill 11:35 pm You could just ask nicely if it's the latter. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:35 pm @P: [[He wanted to avoid using it.]]
=Go or claws. Please.= Windchill 11:35 pm Okay, since you asked nicely. Smokescreen 11:36 pm @Tarantulas: ::It's okay if you think I'm annoying or a nuisance or anything- I've heard it- I mean. I'll see you later, then? Keep taking care of yourself. I've got something for you when you're ready!:: Windchill 11:36 pm *It's like a torture session of old to get common decency out of anyone, sigh!* I'm going now. *Moves marginally faster.* *His butt has cleared the door.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:37 pm *Grumble grumble stalk pace growl snap growl grumble stalk flop loaf.* Windchill 11:37 pm *You are all free.* VProwl 11:37 pm @S «You also wanted all the visitors to be gone by now.» Tarantulas 11:37 pm @Smokey: ::Hyeh, very well. I'm looking forward to it, then.:: Omicron 11:38 pm *head under a table to get the other hatchling she had brought, is getting them* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:38 pm *Racer gets offered an itty-bitty treat sized for someone as tiny as Zori fished out of Soundwave's subspace. He's not going to put Racer on the ground while big feet are moving.* Windchill 11:40 pm *Sticks his head back in. You thought your suffering was over? THINK AGAIN.* Omicron 11:40 pm Racer: n.n .........! *forepaws grabs at hand and pulls to start chewing on the treat, is very good with being hand fed now* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:40 pm *OPENS A DAMN BRIDGE IN FRONT OF WINDCHILL'S FACE.* Windchill 11:40 pm GOOD NIGHT, FUCKOS! *Backs up and tears off out of there.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:40 pm *Closes it.* Windchill 11:40 pm *You can't catch him today, he already knows that trick.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:41 pm *It was a warning.* Tarantulas 11:41 pm *tarantulas was literally about to come climbing out from under prowl's bumper but no* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:41 pm *Smokescreen's going to be next if he doesn't book it.* Smokescreen 11:41 pm /He's mostly out! He just has one audial poking out because phase shifter./ Windchill 11:41 pm *Might wait outside to jump anyone unfortunate enough to come out in traditional fashion.* *Nah.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm *Stretches a feeler out and tries to PINCH the audial.* VProwl 11:42 pm ... For future reference, I'm going to start going straight upstairs as soon as the movies are over. Upstairs or home. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm [[That may be a good idea.]] Omicron 11:42 pm Racer: pbbt? VProwl 11:42 pm As m— pbbbt. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:42 pm [[...Preferably not home. Unless you need to. He does not wish to keep you from work or other tasks that do require your attention.]] Smokescreen 11:42 pm /LOUD BEEPING as the feeler pinches- and he's starting to pull away, possibly pulling the feeler through if Soundwave keeps holding on/ ItsyBitsySpyers 11:43 pm *No, he won't hold on. But please, Smokescreen, go.* ((like seriously i don't wanna be in here past midnight y'all)) VProwl 11:43 pm As much as I'd like to stand strong with you in solidarity against the idiots, I— *what the HELL is going on over there.* Windchill 11:43 pm *PHEW! Now that all of that bad behaviour is out of his system, he's gone.* Smokescreen 11:43 pm /He's finally leaving!/ VProwl 11:43 pm ... *for the third time.* As much as I'd like to stand in solidarity with you, I can't tolerate it anymore. Omicron 11:43 pm *walks over quietly-ish, and slowly to Soundwave and Prowl with the second hatchling in her mouth. waiting for them to finish talking, still looking rather confused* VProwl 11:44 pm ... And there's no reason you should have to tolerate it, either. In your own home, at private screenings. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:44 pm *Soundwave carefully hands Racer back to Ice Queen with a nod.* Tarantulas 11:45 pm *alright, coast's clear, time to come out* VProwl 11:45 pm *there's wiggling behind his shield. Sits up and loosens his arms.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:45 pm [[You realize it isn't often he's accused of being too forgiving a mech.]]
[[But he knows what you mean.]] Omicron 11:45 pm *Icy extends her head and neck over, letting Racer climb up onto her, and walk down to her back. The little kitten predacon blinks at the two* Tarantulas 11:45 pm *he's not going to hide the whole conversation under prowl's bumper, it's getting awkward. wiggling out, he goes* VProwl 11:46 pm Thanks for staying. *he needed the support.* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:46 pm [[There you are. Have a good night, if you are leaving.]] *He has no idea if that's what the spide is doing, but Tarantulas is moving after a whole movie night spent wrapped up, so it's a guess.* Omicron 11:46 pm *sets the hatchling down so she can talk better* you said everyone to leave? *hesitates* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:47 pm [[Unfortunately, yes. His time is very limited. It is nothing you have done.]] Omicron 11:47 pm If I have done anything to offend, I am sorry ItsyBitsySpyers 11:48 pm [[You are one of the least offensive guests. That does not, sadly, change his availability.]] VProwl 11:48 pm ... I hope you... didn't interpret my, er—attempt to elucidate, as a scolding. It wasn't. I just—thought you should know. Tarantulas 11:48 pm *pings his 'welcome' to prowl, grooms himself briefly before stretching his legs* VProwl 11:48 pm Since you're—er—not around Cybertronian-Cybertronians much. Omicron 11:51 pm scolding? maybe. It took me off guard. But as I said it's always been a general trerm. a rank for some higher insecticons. I can see how in some worlds it could come across as bad. *keeps the other hatchling close, ducking to pick it up and put on her back* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:51 pm @Prowl: [[...You do ask much of him. To have you upstairs alone with his private console and personal supply shelves, for however long he chooses to be down here.]]
[[He wonders if that isn't meant to encourage him to follow you up quickly.]] VProwl 11:52 pm I'm unfamiliar with Insecticon ranks and terminology. Among the mecha species I know, it's a lower rank, not higher. @S «I'm not flirting, I'm fed up. If you don't want me alone upstairs, then I'll go home and wait for you to comm.» ItsyBitsySpyers 11:53 pm @P: [[He didn't say it was flirting.]]
*He thought it was a choice. Stay and tolerate idiocy as he's been doing, or make sure his paranoia doesn't run off with his head.*
[[He will consider ending the nights sooner.]] *Soundwave stands and begins moving furniture. Time for all good bots to move on for the night.* VProwl 11:54 pm @S «Honestly, sometimes the only reason I don't leave mid-movie on nights like this one is because I know that if they notice it, they'll conclude they can make me go away by being sufficiently annoying and get worse on purpose.» ItsyBitsySpyers 11:55 pm @P: [[Then you know why he's often been forced to tolerate it himself. Seeing as he's no longer allowed to discourage them the ways he once would have.]] Tarantulas 11:56 pm *is silently pattering his way out, then, so long as the others are occupied* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm *Pings Tarantulas goodnight.* VProwl 11:56 pm @S «You have a bridge. You have the ability to ban visitors and block comms. This is your home. You don't have to let people in you don't want to.» Evening, Tarantulas. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:56 pm *And: (txt): Soundwave pleased Tarantulas' fears: not true.* Tarantulas 11:57 pm *freezes* ...I rather thought you mightn't notice me leaving. Ah well. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:57 pm [[This is HIS home. Of course he would.]] Tarantulas 11:57 pm *a recognition ping to sw - they'll talk later* VProwl 11:57 pm You were sitting on my lap. ItsyBitsySpyers 11:58 pm @P: [[He knows. Primus damn him for a fool, he knows. He will figure out what to do before next week. For now, he wants - something. Unless you would prefer to spend time with Tarantulas.]] *He knows what happened all week.* Tarantulas 11:59 pm Hff. Nevermind that. You seemed occupied. Yesterday Tarantulas 11:59 pm *not upset, ftr* VProwl 12:00 am @S «... Tarantulas is—stressed. If I offered company, I think he'd take it as a demand and try to accommodate me, no matter if he wants to or not. I don't want to make the first move.» ItsyBitsySpyers 12:00 am *In that case:*
@Tarantulas: (txt): Tarantulas's preference tonight: Prowl company, quiet time alone? VProwl 12:00 am *but now THINKS Tarantulas is upset, because he's complained about him being occupied with Soundwave while in Tarantulas's presence before, and What Is Tone How Do I Read It. wilts slightly.* ... I always remembered you were there. Tarantulas 12:01 am *don't put him on the spot, he's awful at these sorts of decisions* *that line, though, prowl. now he feels bad* Tarantulas 12:05 am ...I'll - I did say I ought to take my leave a while back. I think the time is overdue, hyeh. *too much going on, just going to retreat for the evening* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:06 am *Nods then.* VProwl 12:06 am ... Evening. *already said that. feels like he should say something else. doesn't know what.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:07 am @P: [[Perhaps tell him you look forward to next time?]] Tarantulas 12:07 am There aren't any days or nights in the Noisemaze, you know. *small laugh, and he's on his way* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:07 am *Ah, too late.* VProwl 12:08 am ... N— I'll see you next time. *HE FUCKED UP. HE FUCKED UP.* VProwl 12:10 am *he meant to say something nice......* Tarantulas 12:11 am *ping, he understands. but yes, he's gone now* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:13 am *Turns to Prowl.*
[[...Come. The night has been stressful, and for you, the rest of this last week as well.]]
*Spreads his arms a bit. Please, do join him upstairs. He's of a mind to be protective and soothing and helpful, in whatever form Prowl requires.* VProwl 12:14 am *a nod, and he stands. he doesn't feel like being carried tonight.* ItsyBitsySpyers 12:14 am *In that case, one arm will drop to his side while the other stays stuck out in an offer to be linked.* *However Prowl takes it, or doesn't, up they'll go.* VProwl 12:17 am *... he'll take it. and up they go.*
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wannaonescenarios · 7 years
this is going to get kind of long so i’ll try my best to shorten it. 
maybe you have an idea from the title and im pretty sure people have followed me for a while probably saw this coming, but i am most likely leaving this blog. 
i was initially going to compile a document full of my unfinished works and go but i feel like explaining myself because i couldn’t find it in me to leave without saying anything. honestly, i saw it coming and maybe you guys did too. the gaps between when i published my works and empty promises. not only that, but school has been kicking my ass and its probably not a valid excuse lol because other writers produced some vvvv great works while juggling with other activities and im amazed because they are constantly releasing stuff and here i am with constant writers block lol 
with that aside, i just don’t feel the same happiness liked i used too. in the summer, i was so excited with this blog, and every note or reblog i got made me extremely happy. of course, notes and reblogs don’t mean much to me but i can’t help but get happy when i see people like my work. but now, i guess, its not the same. 
now, i write whenever and i force myself too. i feel bad that i have all these requests in my inbox and i force myself to write because it’s just going to sit there and never be written lol. but posting something that i forced myself to write only makes me dislike writing even more if that makes sense haha.
and,,,another thing it has to do with this is mental health wise lol. this year started out great but it slowly went downhill and even now, i still find myself unhappy because of what is happening around me. i don’t know when ill get out of this, but i hope its soon. 
i don’t know if i’ll comeback, maybe in a few months ill come back and be like ‘’siKEEE you thought you’ve seen the last of me’’ but honestly,,i don’t see myself doing that. but if i do, i guess it won’t be on here.
anyways, ik i have lots of stuff unfinished so ill probably compile that in a doc and leave it up for view if anyone wants to see what i wrote and if it made it or not lol. but if you’re curious, send me an ask and ill answer anything really. ask me why im leaving. ask me why i lost inspiration idk. ill probably answer most things. 
moving on, feel free to ignore this but i want to address some people before i upload the doc and leave. also,,ill probably add more when my heads clear lol 
@wannaonestars my fave!! the og!!! queenie, i’ll miss you very much. you mean a lot to me and im very glad that i met you!! you make me very happy and even though we don’t talk as much anymore, im so glad to have these memories with you and talked as much as we could. i hope senior year is going okay for you!! you can survive college prep, i believe in you!! also, i love scrolling through our old messages because it brings back all these memories of summer and im just??? crying but it’s totally fine :))) i love you lots, and i hope to read more of your writing hopefully!! 
@singingmyreverie im sorry i never reply,,,you deserve way better than a shitty friend i am lol but im very thankful that i met you and im sosos thankful to have a caring friend like you. you make me happy and really happy!! i love looking back at our convos, and even though we suck at replying to each other lol, im glad that we even managed to talk despite the time gaps lol. thank you for being here. 
@wanna-one-scenarios !!! my fellow girl group stan,,im so sorry i never reply. i love talking to you about gfriend (aka my ult bias group) and im forever thankful that we managed to talk even though i suck at replying lol im so glad to find someone who loves girl groups as much as i do, and ill never forget your tinder profile ‘rowley’ smh !!!!!1!!1 i still have your wanna one album,, that i’ll one day send LOL
@jjeehoon my man,, i never reply to you and im so sorry. even tho you ‘stan’ seongwoo, we all know u stan jihoon smh!!! i love when you talk to me about hello counselor bc thats my fav show!! and i never watched that one w daniel im so sorry,,but maybe one day!!  also, im still looking forward with that witch au,,you better pull through LOL but thank you,,, an og!! im so glad to have talked to you and im so glad to see your account grow to what it is today. 
@imagineproduce101 carina,,,i’ll miss you lots. and ik we don’t really talk at all lol but im super glad to meet you through the gc!! i get so happy seeing your blog grow to what it is today. i remember reading your oneshots like that woojin one about prom and asking for help in the gc nffknk i also remember contacting you outside the gc because i was so shy jnfsdfjnf and im just super happy to see how far you’ve grown,,with tons of followers now?? like wtf u go carina,,,im sososo proud of you!! even though we don’t talk at all, i’ll be supporting you!! thank you for giving me help when i need it, and i hope you’re super successful from now on!!
@onlyjihoons !!! zelia!! a cutie!!! im so glad to have write you,, and i’ve always meant to reply but i feel like its too late,, i hope it is TT but thank for!! i’ll really miss reading your writings and im super glad to have met you!! i remember when you told me when you went to a w1 fanmeeting and im still smiling remembering that. thank you for bringing so much happiness and hopefully it isn’t too late to reply to your kk message,,im such a bad friend TTT thank you agian. 
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