#anyways good morning 👋
cellgatinbo · 7 months
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a series of events
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rainymoodlet · 8 months
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morris 0.0005 seconds after george was born: hey
 we should make another one 😏
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godnectar · 6 months
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zevrans · 3 months
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once-upon-an-imagine · 10 months
Teenage Dirtbag - Eddie Munson
A/N: well, this keeps on working so far 😂😂😂 here's Eddie's story! and then is full Marauders, James, then Remus, and then Sirius! I hope you guys like it!
Request - lunamadhatter99 asked: I do have a request, my friend! I'm so happy requests are open😍 Anyway: Henderson!Reader x either Steve or Eddie (whoever works better for you), where the reader is very quiet, not necessarily shy, but still. She's targeted by the jocks too because she's the "loser" sister, you know, and maybe one day, one of their pranks went too far and she's very upset about it (maybe is the process a special possession of hers). Every time she gets bullied, Steve/Eddie helps her comfort her, especially because she doesn't want to tell his little brother, who thinks she is friends with them... does it make sense? I don't know, I'm sorry 😂👋
Warnings: mentions of sex; Billy being an asshole (also, this is kinda between s3 and 4 and Billy didn't die so Jason and Andy are his dumb friends I hope this makes sense) reader is kind of mean to Dustin (not really, she's just grumpy and a loner instead of shy, kind of like Kat in 10TIHAY)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things :) gif isn’t mine :D  
Teenage Dirtbag
'Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby Yeah, I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby Listen to Iron Maiden, baby, with me, ooh
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“DUSTIN! Hurry up! Steve is gonna be here any second! We’re gonna be late!” you smashed your hand against the bathroom door, yelling for your brother to get ready. You had been feeling anxious all day. Something inside you told you that today might not be a good day and, as much as you tried not to, you took it out on Dustin.
“I’m coming! Geez, calm down!”
You rolled your eyes and walked over to the kitchen to finish your coffee and wash the dishes but you tripped over a bag full of garbage.
“Ugh! Dustin!” you yelled as he walked over to you.
“What? What did I do now?”
“The trash is your chore” you complained, grabbing the bag and handing it to him. “When I say take out the trash, I mean outside of the house. To the trashcan!”
“Maybe you can show me for next time” he laughed.
“Maybe I can give your Nintendo to goodwill” you smirked back, erasing the smirk off his face.
“Fine, sorry” he said, grabbing the bag and going outside.
“Let’s go!” you said as soon as you heard Steve’s car parking on your driveway.
“Wait, where’s lunch?”
“Oh, shit!” you said, grabbing some of the money you left near the door in case Dustin needed to order food. “Here” you said, grabbing $10 for yourself and giving Dustin $5.
“Why do you get $10 and I get $5?” Dustin complained.
“Take out the freaking trash!” you replied, mocking his exact same tone.
“Good morning, Hendersons!” Steve smiled as you got in the front and Dustin got in the back.
“Thanks for the ride, Steve” you said. “Robin still out of town?” you asked, confused to not see her there already.
“Yeah, she’s coming back next week-”
“Why are we even going this early? School doesn’t start for another hour!” Dustin asked on the ride to school. “And why do you always ride shotgun?”
“Because I’m Steve’s favorite Henderson” you smirked. “And Steve has an early shift, so I wasn’t going to make him wait for us” you explained. “Plus, I have to get together with Nancy for something about the school paper” you informed him.
“Well, I could have taken my bike-”
“Just say thank you, Dustin!”
“Thank you” he said, rolling his eyes a little.
“Hey, aren’t those your old friends?” Dustin asked as Steve drove into the parking lot. You looked to where he was pointing to see the basketball players hanging outside the school with some of the cheerleaders.
“No” both you and Steve replied at the same time.
“Are you sure?” Dustin asked, confused. He recognized some of them, although he had noticed you never talked to them anymore.
“I’m sure” you said, rolling your eyes. “Just
 stay away from them, okay?”
“Okay” he said, unconvinced. “Um, are we having movie night?” he asked Steve.
“Yeah, my house” he nodded.
“Cool. I think we’re going to Mike’s after school, so I’ll see you there” he told them.
“Okay” you nodded. Dustin started opening his door but you stopped him. “Dusty” you said, making him look confused at you. You rarely called him that anymore. “Nothing
 I’ll see you at Steve’s” you told him and he nodded before he got out.
You saw him make his way over to Mike, Will, Lucas, Max, and El and you heard him complain about you and all of them saying how you used to be fun and happy all the time. You let out a sigh of frustration, throwing your head back on the chair.
“You know, you could just
 tell him” Steve shrugged.
“I’m good” you told him.
“Dustin’s just worried about you” he insisted. “And to be honest, so am I-”
“Harrington, I know my brother’s your best friend now-”
“That’s not true” he glared at you.
“But you were my friend first and you promised we wouldn’t discuss this with Dustin” you told him.
“I’m just
 a little confused, okay? Why did you all of the sudden stop hanging out with them like, what, a year ago?”
“You did too!” you argued.
“Well, yeah, because they’re assholes-”
“Exactly” you told him.
“But, now you’re here alone, because I graduated, I just don’t want you to be alone-”
“I’m fine on my own” you shrugged. “Plus
 Eddie’s my friend-”
“Oh, right
 Munson. That’s another thing. I know something happened last Halloween, okay? You mysteriously stop hanging out with all of our friends, you started wearing darker clothes, darker makeup and you start hanging around with Eddie, the freak, Munson-”
“I told you to stop calling him that” you glared at him.
“Which you also hide from Dustin-”
“Well, I just don’t want him to think that the only reason he and his friends are in Hellfire is because I asked Eddie to look after them-”
“But you did-”
“Steve, it is too early in the morning to have this discussion” you said, rubbing your temple.
 I’ll drop it” he said. “For now” he added, making you glare at him a little. “You working today?”
“No, it’s my day off” you informed him.
“Cool, want me to pick you up after work?”
“You sure it’s not too much trouble?”
“Nah, you’re my favorite Henderson after all” he smirked.
“I knew it!” you said, kissing his cheek before you opened the door. “See you later, Stevie” you said.
“Have a good day, kid” he waved at you.
He noticed you walking close to the group of jocks and they yelled something at you but you simply flipped them off and kept walking. Steve felt a bit uneasy about it but decided he would ask you about it when he picked you up. Sooner or later, you had to talk to him.
“Hey, princess” you felt a small smile, trying to contain the butterflies you felt in your stomach when you heard that voice. You turned around to see Eddie smiling at you.
“Munson, I thought you were standing me up today” you said as he sat at your usual table in the woods, past the bleachers.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, love” he said, sitting in front of you. “What do you got for me today?”
“I forgot to make lunch, so I had to grab something from the vending machine” you said, putting your cigarette out. “So, pretzels, or Reeses Pieces?”
“You just
 happened to pick my two favorite things?” he smirked. “If I didn’t know any better, Henderson, I would think you like me” he mocked you.
“Uh-huh, is that a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? And two cokes?” your sked, looking at his bag.
“Grape jelly. Your favorite” he winked at you.
“Huh, if I didn’t know any better, Munson, I would think you like me” you returned the smirk.
“Wanna split it?” he asked and you nodded as you split the three things between the two of you. “So, what are you working on?” he asked, about to grab your sketchbook.
“Nothing!” you quickly said, putting it away before he could get it.
“Oh, that doesn’t sound suspicious at all” he mocked you. “Come on, show me!”
“It’s just
 a work in progress” you told him. “It’s not finished yet” you insisted.
“Fine, be all mysterious” he chuckled. “Hey, did you get new colored pencils?” he asked, grabbing one of them.
“Oh, um
 y-yeah” you said nervously. “There was a discount at the store where I work and-”
“Really?” he raised his eyebrow at you. “Or were your old ones
 there may have been an
“Who?” he asked, his tone turning angry.
“It doesn’t matter, Eddie-”
“Yes, it does! Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I don’t want you to get into a fight and not graduate with me this year” you told him, making him laugh just barely. “Look, it’s fine. I really did get a discount and
” you said, looking through your bag. “I got markers too” you smiled brightly at him. “Look!”
You stood from your place and sat down on the table with your feet on the bench next to Eddie. You grabbed his hand and placed it on your knee, which was not an uncommon thing for you to do whenever you drew something on him but he felt his cheeks blushing. You quickly drew a small doodle of the Hellfire symbol using different colors and you smiled when you were done, showing it to him. Eddie rarely get to see that smile on you and he loved it when it happened.
“Holy shit!” he smiled, looking down at his hand. It looked cooler than the one in his shirt.
“Do you like it?” you asked, bashfully.
“I love it, princess! This is amazing!” he said, looking back at you. “You’re amazing” he smiled.
“Um, thanks” you said, looking down at his hand and feeling your cheeks burn. You could not ignore the butterflies in your stomach any longer. You grabbed his hand and stroked your thumb against your new drawing. “Uh, a-actually, what I didn’t want to show you is um
 kind of
 a surprise
” you admitted, not facing him.
You saw Eddie’s hand untangle from yours and make its way up to your chin, lifting your head gently and making you look into his beautiful, chocolate-brown eyes.
“A surprise?” he asked, smiling brightly. You simply nodded, unable to form any words by the way he was looking at you. “What is it?”
“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise!” you chuckled. “I just want to finish it before I show it to you” you told him.
“Okay, fine” he said, as his hand suddenly found its way back to yours and you started playing with his rings. “But
 you promise you’ll show it to me when it’s done?”
“I promise. I mean, it’s kind of
 for you” you told him.
“Really?” he asked, and you nodded.
“Yeah, it’s kind of
 a thank you” you admitted. “For everything” you added. “Even for my brother and his friends. Thanks for letting them in Hellfire” you told him. “I know they're a bit weird but
 I love them and I'm happy they found someone like you” you said.
“My pleasure, princess” he told you. “They’re cool kids” he chuckled. “Especially Dustin” he added. “Although he keeps asking me why I always have different doodles all over me” he chuckled.
“Yeah, he’s pretty smart” you laughed too. “I don’t think it’ll be long before he realizes about us” you said, without really thinking. “I m-mean uh-”
“Us?” Eddie smirked. “And exactly what would he realize?” he asked, getting up and towering a little over you, placing his hands on both your sides. “That we’re friends?” he asked, with the same smirk still plastered on his face.
“Y-yeah, I guess” you said innocently.
“Would he mind?”
“Um- I don’t think so, I just
 don’t want him to think that you’re only his friend b-because of me” you explained.
“Oh, he wouldn’t think that” he assured you, as he gently brushed your hair away from your face. “And
 what if he thinks there’s something else between us?”
“Is there?” you asked, as you felt him getting closer. And then the bell rang. The stupid bell rang. “Fuck!”
“Ignore that” he pleaded.
“No! We have a Math test” you said, pushing him away and gathering all of your things. “I told you, Eddie, you’re graduating this year, with me. Let’s go!” you threatened him.
“You’re killing me, sweetheart” he said, as you pulled him with you but he was stronger and he pulled you back. “To be continued?” he smirked.
For the first time in what felt like a lifetime, you smiled. It was a different smile, one that you didn’t think you had in you anymore and you could see Eddie noticed it. You leaned in and kissed his cheek.
“To be continued, Munson” you said, before you started pulling him towards the school despite his protests.
You were waiting in the parking lot for Steve. As much as you wanted, you were not able to be with Eddie alone the rest of the day. You were hoping to catch him at the end but, as a surprise to no one, he got detention, so here you were.
“Well, if it isn’t my lucky day?”
You cursed under your breath, silently begging for Steve’s car to appear any moment now. But no such luck.
“Hargrove” you sighed. “Oh, if it isn’t Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum” you smirked at Jason and Andy, standing with Billy.
“Fancy meeting you here, babe” Billy smirked at you.
“Can’t say the same” you said, trying to walk away but he stepped in front of you. “What do you want, Hargrove?”
“See, I have a question for you” he said. “Andy here, says he saw you coming out of those woods with Eddie fucking Munson” he said, getting closer to you and making you take a step back. “Is that true?”
“I fail to see how that’s any of your business, really” you glared at him.
“Well, for starters, I think Munson can do better” he said, making Andy and Jason laugh.
“Lovely” you rolled your eyes, trying to walk away again but they blocked your way.
“Aw, did I strike a nerve there? Do you have a crush on Munson?” he mocked you.
“Just, leave me alone, Billy-” you said, trying to leave but, you felt your sketchbook being taken from you.
“Oh, what is this?” Jason asked, opening the sketchbook. “Do you write your love letters to that freak here?” he laughed.
“Give that back!” you said, trying to get it back from him.
“Oh, it’s even better than that!” he said, showing your sketches to Billy and Andy who started laughing.
“Give me that!” you said as he tossed it to Billy.
“Looks like you’re a bit obsessed with him, babe” he said, looking at your drawings. “I’m guessing you wouldn’t want anything to happen to this, would you?” he said, tearing a few pages apart.
“Billy, give it back!” you yelled, but he pushed you back, making you fall to the ground, your hands aching when they hit the pavement.
“Whoops, clumsy me” he said, tossing your sketchbook on a nearby water puddle.
“Stop it!” you said, getting up and trying to get to it but Andy pushed you away.
“You want something, freak?” Jason yelled, smirking.
“Oh, speak of the devil” Billy smirked as Eddie approached all of you.
“Get the fuck away from her” he said, making his way over to Billy.
“Why don’t you keep walking and mind your business, freak?”
“You know, I gotta say, even for you, it’s pretty low, three guys against one girl” he smirked, erasing Billy’s.
“You really think it’s worth it? Standing up for that slut-?”
Before Billy could go on, Eddie quickly punched him in the face.
“You’re dead, freak!” Jason said, punching Eddie back while Billy got up, laughing.
“Looks, like you got some fire in you, Munson!” he yelled before he punched him too.
“Eddie!” you yelled, trying to get to him but Andy stopped you. “Stop it!”
“You having fun, Munson?” Billy smirked as he landed punches on Eddie before he grabbed him by his jacket. “No one tells me what to do!” he said before he pushed him to the ground again. He then threw himself at Eddie and started landing punch after punch, like a madman. The last time you had seen Billy like this was when he fought Steve and it shook you to your core.
“You really think you traded up, babe?” he smirked, looking at you. “He’s even worse than Harrington!”
“STOP IT, PLEASE!” you said, as tears started welling up in your eyes.
“Aw, you gonna cry, princess?” he said, mocking Eddie’s voice with the last word.
As if your prayers were finally answered, a car reeled in front of you, almost hitting Jason.
“What the fuck, Harrington?” he asked as Steve got out of the car.
“What the fuck is going on here?”
“Come join the party, Harrington” Billy smirked at him, finally letting go of Eddie. “Ready for round two?”
“Yeah, let me just get my friend here” Steve smirked, grabbing his bat out.
“Dude, what the fuck?” Andy said, letting go of you, and slowly walking away with Jason. You quickly ran over to Eddie, pushing Billy aside.
“Ready to go, Hargrove?” Steve said, walking closer to him as he and the other two stepped away.
“You know what? She’s not even fucking worth it” Billy said, throwing one last glare at you. “Let’s just go” he told Jason and Andy as they walked away.
“Eddie! Oh my God, Eddie! Can you hear me?”
“Do I have a concussion or did King Steve Harrington just save my ass?”
“Sorry, I’m sorry” you apologized, taking the cotton ball away.
You were now in Steve’s kitchen, cleaning Eddie up. You carefully pulled his hair up in a messy bun with your scrunchie so you could see him better. You placed your hand softly on his cheek and your heart broke seeing a big purple bruise printed on his left eye. He looked at you with his huge, deep brown puppy eyes and you had to take a deep breath to not lose it right there because you knew he needed you.
“You okay?” Eddie asked, worriedly.
“M-me? You’re asking if I’m okay? Eddie, Billy and Jason just beat the shit out of you, and you’re asking if I’m okay?”
“First of all, I’d like to think that I handled that with dignity. Secondly, you fell to the ground and that idiot Andy was hurting you” he said, grabbing your hand and tracing his thumb gently on the bruises forming in your arms where Andy grabbed you.
“I’m really sorry, Eddie” you said, coming out in a whisper and tracing your thumb against the now fading drawing you made earlier on his hand. A small tear fell down your cheek and Eddie quickly wiped it away before he cupped your cheek.
“Princess, you have nothing to be sorry for” he assured you.
“Yes, I do! You wouldn’t have gotten hurt if it wasn’t for me” you insisted.
“Hey” he said, pulling you closer to him. “I would do it all over again, love” he smiled at you.
“Hey, man” Steve said, coming into the kitchen and making you and Eddie jump apart. “Uh, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I got some clean clothes for you” he said offering Eddie a shirt and some sweatpants.
“Thanks, man” Eddie smiled, grabbing the clothes from him. “I’m uh- gonna go change and I’ll get out of your way-”
“We’re having movie night” Steve blurted out of the sudden. “We’re ordering pizza and Dustin, Mike, and the rest are coming over. If you’d like to stay” he offered.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to intrude, man-”
“You’re not intruding. It’s the least I can do after you got hit for me” you told him.
“You keep bruising my ego, Henderson” he smirked at you. “What are we watching?” Eddie asked, interested.
“Gremlins” you told him.
“Seriously?” he asked, raising his eyebrow at Steve.
“Don’t look at me, man. It was her turn to choose the movie!” he said pointing at you.
“Shut up, you two. Gremlins is an awesome movie!”
“Isn’t that what you call your brother and his friends?” Eddie laughed. “I didn’t know that was your favorite movie, princess” he said. “Well, how can I say no to that masterpiece and pizza, I really can’t” he said, leaving the kitchen.
” Steve started.
“Are we going to talk about what happened today or are we just going to pretend nothing happened?”
“What do you want me to say?”
“Well, you can choose between telling me why your sketchbook has smudgy drawings of Eddie” he said, opening your wet, torn, destroyed sketchbook. “Or why Hargrove and his friends were beating the shit out of him in the parking lot” he added.
“Steve, I don’t want to talk about it-”
“Well, tough. Look, we’ve been friends for a very long time now. I told you why I stopped talking to Tommy and Carol and all of our friends but you never told me why you did and somehow Munson knows!” he argued. “I get that you don’t tell Dustin everything because you want to protect him but what is so horrible that you couldn’t tell me?”
“You don’t want to know-”
“Yes, I do! You’re my best friend! You can tell me anything!”
“You’re gonna hate me!”
“What? No! I swear, okay? Nothing you say will make me hate you! We’ve been through enough shit that you should know that already-”
“I slept with Billy!” you blurted out.
“W-what?” Steve asked, hoping he hadn’t heard you right.
“What?” another voice asked, from another side of the kitchen. Dustin.
“Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me!” you said, feeling like you were going to throw up. “What are you doing here?”
“We all just got here, I was looking for you” he said, walking closer to you and Steve. “You slept with Billy Hargrove, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Dustin!” Steve warned.
“You know what? I don’t want to deal with this right now” you said, grabbing your damped sketchbook and walking out of the house to Steve’s backyard. Dustin was about to follow you but Steve stopped him.
“Look, I get that you’re upset but you’re not going out there if you’re only going to upset your sister more. She had a hard day-”
“Well, how would I know that, Steve? She doesn’t talk to me!”
“What’s with all the yelling?” Eddie said, coming back into the kitchen.
“Eddie? What are you doing here?” Dustin asked confused. “What the fuck happened to you?”
“Uh- I am
” he looked at Steve, unsure as to what to say.
“Okay, what the fuck is going on? And what are you two and my sister hiding from me?”
“We’re not hiding anything from you. You need to calm down and we can go sort this out, okay?”
“Fine” Dustin said, unconvinced.
“You promise you won’t snap at her like you just did” Steve glared at him a little.
“Okay” he sighed, rolling his eyes. The three of them walked outside to find you sitting on one of Steve’s pool chairs. Steve and Eddie sat next to you and Dustin sat on the edge of the one you were sitting in. “Uh, hey” he said, nervously. “Um-” he continued when both Steve and Eddie glared at him. “I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier” he muttered.
“It’s fine, Dusty” you said, sitting up and hugging your legs to you.
“Look, Dustin and I are just worried about you” Steve continued. “We don’t want to push you or anything, we just
 want to know what’s going on with you” he added. You looked up at Eddie and he softly nodded at you. He really wanted to hold your hand but he figured Dustin might freak out about it too.
” you took a deep breath. “Look, I know that
 I’ve kind of been pulling away” you started. “And I’m sorry, it’s just
” you sighed. “It was a stupid mistake and I didn’t want either one of you to hate me” you admitted.
“What- uh, when?” Dustin stuttered. “Um, no, y-you go” he said.
“It just happened once” you informed them.
 last year’s Halloween party?” Steve guessed and you nodded.
“Look, I was
 really drunk and, dad had just left and
 mom was kind of a mess and
 I don’t know, I guess I was too” you said, sadly.
“Wait, I was there that night, why didn’t you tell me anything?” Steve asked, confused.
“You had your own shit going on” you reminded him. “With Nancy” you added. “So, after you left I got drunker and
 then I don’t know, Billy was just there and
 it happened” you sighed. “And after I felt so awful” you told them. “When I came down I ran into Eddie and he saw I was upset” you explained. “He drove me home and
 he stayed with me and he made sure I was okay” you smiled. “That’s how we became friends-”
“You two are friends?” Dustin asked. “I knew I recognized your doodles” he said, looking at the metalhead.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you” you told Dustin. “I just
 didn’t want to get into the whole thing and
 it’s not really the conversation you have with your little brother” you admitted.
“I get that but
 we used to talk about everything” Dustin said, sadly. “We were always kind of a team and for the past year it just felt like
 you hated me” he said.
“Dusty” you said, sitting closer to him and hugging him. “I could never hate you” you assured him. “I am so sorry I pushed you away, I was just
 so embarrassed about what happened and, I kind of wanted to forget the whole thing and I guess that in the midst of it all I just
 ended up pushing everyone away” you explained.
“So, what happened today?” Dustin asked, confused.
“Well, I was waiting for Steve to pick me up and Billy and his friends just started being idiots” you told him. “Eddie saw and tried to help me” you continued. “And then Steve got there with his bat and they went away” you told him.
“So, that’s why you tell me to stay away from them? I mean, I always knew Billy was a dick but
 all of your friends?”
“Well, yeah. I told Billy that if he ever said a word about what happened to anyone, I’d tell everyone he cried like a bitch and he had a small dick” you said, making the three of them laugh a little. “And then, either I just stopped talking to them or they would stop talking to me and
 it wasn’t just Billy, you know? You were right” you said, looking at Steve. “They were all just
 assholes” you admitted.
“I could have told you that a long time ago” Eddie chuckled.
“You okay?” Dustin asked you.
“Yeah” you smiled. “I’m sorry
 everything” you told him. “Both of you” you said, looking at Steve.
“Don’t worry” Dustin smiled at you. “I love you dumb-dumb” he said, putting his fist so you would bump it.
“Love you too, dumb-dumb” you smiled back and bumped his fist. “No more lies” you promised and he nodded, smiling.
“It’s fine” Steve said, getting up and kissing your head. “C’mon little Henderson, let’s go set everything up” Steve said, patting Dustin on his back.
“Wait, why do I have to go?” he complained, still getting up.
“Just be nice to your sister, man, she’s been through a lot” Steve complained.
“What about me? I have been through a lot too!” he said, dramatically as they went inside, leaving you and Eddie alone.
“Hey” you smiled back at Eddie.
“Hi, princess” he said, moving over to take Dustin’s place in front of you. “How are you feeling?”
“Not so bad” you sighed. “I still would have preferred not to discuss my sex life with my little brother but
 it is what it is” you chuckled.
“Sorry about your sketchbook, love” he said, looking at it on the floor.
“It’s okay” you sighed, going through the damped pages. “It just
 might take me a little longer to finish your surprise now” you said, sadly.
“Wait, is that
 is that me?” he asked, feeling his heart flutter.
 was supposed to be” you told him. “I mean, your D&D character” you muttered. “I
 wanted to um
 I was trying to get it right and I thought you m-might like it-”
“It’s perfect, princess” he smiled at you.
“It’s ruined, Eddie” you chuckled.
“Well, then I guess I need to get you another sketchbook, love” he said, grabbing it from you.
“You don’t have to get me one, Eddie” you smiled as he scootched closer to you.
“Jesus, Henderson would you just let me do something nice for you” he smiled, cupping your cheek with his hand.
“You do nothing but nice things for me, Munson” you smiled.
“What can I say? You bring out the best in me, sweetheart” he smiled back.
“Well, in that case, maybe you can do one more nice thing for me” you said, pulling him by his shirt, well, Steve’s shirt and he pulled you gently, brushing his thumb against your cheek.
“Gladly, princess” he said, smiling before he finally connected his lips with yours. He felt you smiling against his lips as you started deepening the kiss before you were rudely interrupted.
“Hey guys, pizza’s here- what the fuck?” you jumped apart when you heard Dustin’s voice again, with Lucas, Will, and Max standing next to him, trying not to laugh. “You two are together? I thought there were no more lies!”
“Would you believe me that this literally just happened, Henderson?” 
The End
A/N: hope you loves liked it! :D
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geonwooz · 10 months
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bf!gunwoo x reader | wc : 0.7k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, domestic fluff, established relationship, swearing | request — hello👋 if it's not a bother for you can i pls request dating and jealousy headcanons for geonwoo and woojin? it's alright if you don't. thank you anyways
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gunwoo is such a soft boy like he’s so taylor swift song coded
not even a specific song, like if all her pretty love songs were made into a person; it’d be kim gunwoo
even though gunwoo is literally an almost six-foot muscle man built like mike tyson, when you first met him, the urge to protect him was saur bad
like you two would be the epitome of that hyper gf x calm bf meme pic
even if you are the biggest introvert ever, being with gunwoo makes you tap into that 1% extrovert in you which makes him so happy because it means you comfortable with him and that makes him so đŸ„ș😭đŸ„ș😭
when you first starting dating, he was so pleasantly surprised by everything because this was a new territory for him
his lifestyle before you was just eat, train, sleep, and repeat — so this man had the shock of his life when dating you
the “good morning” and “good night” texts and the texts informing him what you were doing throughout the day + texts asking him what he was doing
he loved the way you’d always text him, even if it was like just a shower thought off the top of your head
literally everyone around him knew he was dating because bro kept using every free second of his to use his phone and the nonstop smiling at his phone like an idiot was a big giveaway
gunwoo is a selfless guy, meaning he’s always putting his loved ones before himself — and while you loved that for him, you always made sure to let him know when he needed to take care of himself
or you’d just take care of him yourself because you loved doing that
if he gave you flowers, you’d do the same after a couple of days, just wordlessly letting him know you loved him just as much as he loved you
even when you did something for him, he’d return the gesture, acknowledging your love for him and showing his love for you
as i said earlier, you are the hyper gf to his calm bf so one agenda i would like to touch on is how at one point you’d definitely be his curse dispenser of sorts
we know how gunwoo is a respectable gentleman who treats people with respect even in circumstances he doesn’t necessarily need to
so that’s where you come in, adding swear words between his sentences to make his words sound fiercer even tho manz probably has his polite smile on his face the entire time
“listen here-” “-you fucking asshole.” “just tell us what kim myeonggil is upto or-” “-we’ll shove your head so far up your ass, you’ll be able to eat your own shit.”
ok so maybe sometimes you have a little too much fun, which results in both your boyfriend and his woojin-hyung just staring at you, completely concerned
but they both love you, so a win is a win
honestly, gunwoo’s mama absolutely adores you and woojin feels the same, both of them just glad that gunwoo now has someone to take care of him and love him just like he takes care of others and loves them
you are always spending whatever free time you have with gunwoo’s mum and it warms his heart to see you two getting along together because honestly that’s all he needs in his life
if his loved ones adored you as much as you adored him, then that was it; he was indeed the happiest person in the world
it doesn’t take you long into the relationship for you to be comfortable with gunwoo, and he absolutely feels like he’s on cloud nine every time you mention how comfortable you are with him
like you can behave like an absolute madman, and he’d just love you harder — i don’t make the rules, it is what it is
so you best bet you sometimes leave your manz so bamboozlingly confuzzled by the most out of pocket questions you ask him because you have a curious mind
“why are buildings called buildings if they are already built?” “jagiya, please, it’s two in the morning.”
you two are a force to be reckoned with, i swear i feel bad for woojin already
sorrows sorrows prayers
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yawntutsyip · 1 year
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shenanigans with the avatar kids:
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warnings: cussing(?)
characters include: mostly Ao’nung and Lo’ak (mentions of Neteyam, Tsireya and Kiri)
this is my first time posting on here, ahaha đŸ§â€â™€ïžI hope you guys enjoy it. I just randomly came up with this in my head so it’s kinda random ig.
context: y’all are in high school, probably junior year.
Part two ‱ masterlist
Getting in trouble with Ao’nung and Lo’ak:
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Hey! Guys can you help me with the homework from Tuesday?” Lo’ak asked trying to get yours and Ao’nung who was sitting in front of you attention.
You both ignore him. You were busy texting Tsireya, Tsireya was ranting you about this girl in her class that she had to get partnered up with but she hates.
Ao’nung on the other hand was actually doing the work the teacher assigned because them basketball players gotta have good grades to play. (đŸ’Ș😹) plus his mom is scary asf.
“I know you two dumbasses can hear me, please helppppp. I’ll pay for lunch!” Lo’ak whines, again tries to get both y’all’s attention.
it’s the money he stole from Neteyam’s wallet this morning.
At this point you actually weren’t ignoring him but you were so invested in this gossip convo with Tsireya you had blocked out any surrounding sounds. (ppl with loud families would understand this lmao)
Lo’ak being fed up and tired he literally grabs his water bottle from his desk and chucks it at your head not giving a care if he hurt you or not.
With the gods on your side you lean over in time having to grab something out of your backpack and so the bottle ends up hitting Ao’nung in the back of his head.
Eyes widen you look at Lo’ak with a ‘WTF DID YOU JUST DO?!’ he’s like ‘BITCH WHAT DID I DO!?’
when you both look back at Ao’nung who looked mad asf. You immediately put your hands in surrender and point to Lo’ak
You ain’t about to feel that boy’s rath he’s evil, he got him mothers temper.
“Thanks a lot snitch- anyways this wouldn’t have happened it you guys would’ve payed attention when I was calling you. I need your guys help on Tuesday homework!”
“Lo’ak it’s literally Monday- that’s from last week
we’ll at least I’m still turning it in 😒”
“That’s your problem” Ao’nung says and grabs the water bottle and throws it back at Lo’ak which hit him in the face- like straight up smack in the forehead.
You cover your mouth as you were wheezing trying to hold back your laugh.
Lo’ak gets up and walks to Ao’nung grabbing his backpack, opening it going through every pocket and folder looking for the homework
“I know you have it in here”
Ao’nung is like “bro wtf give me my backpack do your own work”
Then now you have them playing tug-of-war with Ao’nung’s backpack.
They ended up pulling too hard and the bag rips open with everything flying out, papers, pencils, he’s probably got like 6 water bottles in his backpack. Idfk why, ask him not me-
The teacher gets mad- yells at them to clean everything up and go to the principals room.
At this point everyone’s eyes were on you three. How awkward đŸ§â€â™€ïž
You being the good friend you help clean up everything that fell putting it back in Ao’nungs backpack.
You smirk and wave bye 👋 😘 but then they both glare and then look at each other.
uh oh.
“Teacher, (Y/N) was on her phone this time. She wasn’t even doing the assignment.- Yeah she actually was the one who threw the water bottle” they both tattled on you.
You stand there mouth wide open, astonished. flabbergasted. shocked.
them bitches got you in trouble. The audacity.
Teacher is like “this so the 5th time that this has happened. go with them.”
So here you guys are now. In the principals office while the principal is not even surprised at this point, just deeply disappointed and tired.
Last week Lo’ak actually pulled the fire alarm so he could get out of a test. (Jake beat that boy’s ass ong)
Then there was the time (like just the other day tbh.) You were already having a bad day and that one bitch knew how to press your buttons and she finally set you off once she said something about Tsireya and Kiri.
You ain’t gonna let anyone talk bad about your girls. Ao’nung and Lo’ak + Neteyam all had to pull you off the girl.
Kiri and Tsireya were low key hyping you up to beat her ass
You did a pretty decent job on her, let’s just say she stopped bothering you, Tsireya and Kiri after that.
As for Ao’nung- well surprisingly he just gets in trouble because of you and Lo’ak making him mad or smth. Quote from him : I don’t start anything
For some reason if one of you get in trouble- it’s all your faults. “Well even if it wasn’t you who did it you should’ve been there to stop him” type stuff.
Principal is like “hey y’all who did it this time”
You and Ao’nung just sit and point at Lo’ak “it was him.”
This happened countless of times so Lo’ak already knows the drill
Lo’ak is pointing at himself as well
“Yeah yeah yeah It was me.”
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nescaveckwriter · 4 months
Hi there 👋 hope you're doing good? I've been feeling a little down lately. And I were wondering if you could write a one shot or something about Dean/Sam comforting reader, I'd appreciate it so much.💕 Also just want to say I love all your stories. Anyway thanks❀
💞... Awwww sweetheart, I hope this is what you had in mind, I hope this helps, and also thank you for the beautiful message, 🐞... Just also know, that you can always talk to me, and I sure do hope that this brings a little comfort. Thanks for requesting love...💞
A/N: Thank you all for the love, support and just overly all support 🐞 I love each and every comment and reblog... Also if you want, something written, you can send me requests it's open.
Warnings: None, just super comfort and Fluff 💞
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Comforting Arms💞
Trying to hum, to one of your favorite songs, doesn't seem to be working, everyday your the one, who is always positive, always cheerful, always looking forward to a new day, but every now and then, there's this sense of darkness creeping up in your soul, you just can't shake, but of course you always try your best to hide it.  But unfortunately today is one of those days, you just feel down, not really a reason too, but its just the way you feel, yeah of course you have a few problems here and there but who doesn't right?
Sam walks into the kitchen, interrupting your thoughts. ''Hey there, want to go for a jog?'' he smiles
Forcing a giggle, but he doesn't notice ''Uhmm no, not today thanks, its so cold'' you say, while rubbing across your arms.
He just laughs, as he runs out by the door. Since they saved you from Dick Roman, the three of you been friends, it's been five years now, and whenever your close by, you'll pay them a visit, making sure they take care of themselves. You and Sam become like besties, sharing the same interest's in reading and other stuff, as for you and Dean, well things, are good between you two, and your not going to lie, sometimes you can feel your heart flutter, while stealing glances at the older brother, but honestly, you know, he'd probably never feel the same, and even if he did, its a bad idea, too get romantically involved, there work is crazy.
Staring over the warm cup of coffee your holding, thinking about everything, trying to figure out why you feel so sad, but no luck, you can't seem too figure out why you feel this way.
His smoky voice, yanks you away from your deep thoughts, ''Morning Sweetheart'' something he called you from day one. 
''Good Morning Dean'' a half smile forming on your lips.
You catch the way he looks at you, but just acts, like you didn't notice.
''I need some coffee, want some more'' he gestures to your cup
''Oh no, I'm good thanks'' taking a sip, of the coffee, hoping the little doze of caffeine will give you the energy for today, if it were up to you, you'd stay in bed, covers snugly pulled over you, but no! you've got stuff to do, it's Dean's birthday in a few days and you want to make it special.
Dean smiles at you, taking a sip, of his hot coffee, he starts walking back to his room, but suddenly stops in his tracks, glancing over at you, his voice low ''you okay''
Cocking your head towards him, ''yes of course'' you sound extra chipper.
He just nods, as he strides further down the hallway.
Glad you dodged that awkward conversation, you get up, walking over to the kitchen sink, to do some of the dishes. Realizing you've left your empty cup, on the table you head on over to take it, dragging it closer with your fingertips, not feeling like, walking to the other side, wishing now, you did that extra little bit, as the cup falls to the floor, splatting ceramic pieces across the white tiles. 
Its not even that bad, but somehow, it was just enough to sent you over the exact same edge your trying to avoid, tears flooding now, plunging to the ground, cradling your knees, you just sit there, body trembling, the sadness washing over you. All of the sudden you feel muscular arms folding over you, glancing through your wet eyelashes, seeing those beautiful forest green eyes, ''Dean?''
Concern showing on his face ''Sweetheart are you hurt'' you just shake your head ''want to tell me why your crying'' shaking your head once again, a firm ''NO! ''
His voice filled with compassion, ''Everything will be okay, I promise'' he just holds you in his comforting arms.
Your voice brittle ''I'm so stupid..'' before you can let out any words, he gives you a scowled look, placing his finger on your lips, ''don't you ever say that, you hear me, you are perfectly imperfect'' him saying that, makes you cry even more. He thumbs away the tears, giving you a assuring smile ''what's wrong sweetheart?'' 
You sniffle ''I... I don't really know, I've been feeling a little down lately'' embarrassed you look down.
''Its okay, really, we all have days like those, sometimes we need to wash our eyes with tears in order to see, the beautiful things in front of us'' his voice is soft and low.
Surprised you look at him, your voice breaking now ''That's beautiful, but I'm always the strong one, comforting everyone else''
His hands gently resting on your shoulders now, ''I know and I love that about you, but sweetheart, let me be your strength for a while''
Smiling through the tears, you just nod, knowing that it be impossible to hear anything you say, through your shaky, trembling breaths, you just throw your arms around his torso, a sort of a little hug, to say thank you, knowing that maybe you just needed a little comfort after all, you can be strong tomorrow again.
He pulls you closer , to his chest, your head resting, hearing his steady heartbeat, stroking your hair, his smoky voice, filling your ears and heart, with more than just comfort, ''Sweetheart, I'll always be here for you, talk to me okay, I will never leave you, I care about you, deeply'' he stops speaking for a few seconds, his breath sending shivers down your spine, as he whispers ''I love you sweetheart'' and right there, on that cold winter's day, you found yourself in the loving embrace of Dean's comforting arms. The two of you stayed on the kitchen floor, sharing the moment that would change your lives forever.
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blehhhhhsthings · 1 month
Spathodea voice line notes
Morning vl: Alright... I tried many times to swallow three raw eggs in the morning, but all the attempts ended up failing. Maybe... maybe I should use some sugar. Will it make them taste better, like pancakes?
-spathodea dear why are you eating raw eggs😭?
Bond morning: Vertin, would you like to try a new hairstyle? Like boxer braids... Look, I 100% respect your choice, but are you sure you don't want to give it a go? I've been thinking how perfect it will look on you...
-that’s so cute also why is Vertin just the resident barbie of the suitcase? Or well ken of the suitcase for that matter she is always being dressed up by someone😭
 honestly can’t blame them she’s just so handsome
-imagine just a Vertin fashion show where multiple people dress them up to see who’s design looks the best(spoiler it all looks good on her)
Night: I know a professional boxer should say no to junk food, but... sometimes I just can't control myself at midnight and I have to get up for a scoop of ice cream. When I do so, it tastes even better than usual.
-I imagine this is vertin finding her in the middle of the night and she having to explain herself
-P.S. vertin let her go and she ate ice cream until she fell asleep in vertins office while they do their paperwork
Bond night: Hey, hey! Wake up, Vertin, wake up! I was sleeping in my room and started to sneeze like crazy, and then I saw something pop into the window... It's mushrooms! From Ezra's room! They have filled up his room already and are still multiplying! We gotta do something, or the suitcase will become a mushroom garden!
-the suitcase was almost turned into a mushroom garden
-where the hell was ezra during this was he just passed out in his room?
-spathodea’s room is near ezra’s room
-also spathodea dear let Vertin sleep their a chronic insomniac and they haven’t slept all week they really need to sleep please 😭🙏
Sleeves and hands: Cold compress, physical therapy, rehabilitation care... I've mastered all the skills I need as a junior nurse! It's quite something, I know! But you gotta understand anyone can master them, like breathing, as long as they suffer enough injuries.
-spathodea knows how to treat physical injuries caused by sports
Clothing and torso: Whoa... No, haha... It tickles... Hahaha! Oh my... I-I have a strange feeling of deja vu. Something like this happened before, but I don't remember what it really was...
-Vertin tickles spathodea
-also in ulus voice line vertin also tickles her but like why is Vertin tickling them in the first place
Hobby: On the day my coach told my mom "what Spathodea will be dealing with as a professional boxer" ...I-I dreamed of Ulu that night, and her heat woke me up with a dry throat. So I went to get water, and I saw Mom sitting in the dining room alone, looking at my collection of the Uluru photos... Anyway, the next morning, she told me she would be supportive no matter what my decision would be.
-so you have a mother, A supportive one at least 😃
Intimacy: Wow, I've never had any chocolate like this! Emm, I mean, it's not the best chocolate I've had, of course. The best one has something to do with a special moment that means a lot to me... While this one, I like it simply because it's appetizing... So, can I have one more?
-vertin and spathodea enjoying chocolate together😊
Chit chat 2: Wait... Wh-What is it that you're holding? A piece of paper from my... bag? Aaaaah! That's my report card! Stop reading!
-don’t worry I’m pretty sure vertins report card was the same so they can’t even talk.
That’s all I found interesting:D bye 👋
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sugar-omi · 11 months
Hi Naeomi 👋
Thank you for replying to my inquiry so diligently (omg, me trying to sound like Baxter XD dead)!
For my Baxter request, I want to understand his character more, so I wanna pick ur brain for some ideas 😄
He is a very considerate person as his approach to the MC's comfort level changes between nervous, relaxed, and direct (i think đŸ€”đŸ˜…). I just want to know how he reacts with an MC (on crush/love) who is only anxious around him but relaxed with everyone else. MC would be trying to fluster the crap out of Cove and talking excitedly about nerdy stuff (anime/manga, video games, books, random facts on their interests, a tv series, etc.), but when Baxter comes around they simmer down and smile all giddy his way and talk about stuff they he may like or be interested in.
Honestly, my MC would feel a bit unsure how to act around Baxter at first, but eventually, they become more comfortable over time as he is revealed to be easygoing and welcoming to MC's quirky side. Makes my heart flutter just thinking about it, so cute~ đŸ„°â˜ș
hii !!! omg your mc sounds so cute n honestly like me when I was younger lol, so sweet<33 excuse to the format I'm on mobile rn and I'll fix text color n format n stuff once I'm on my computer😎👍👍👍👍honestly i had fun writing this, two darlings taking their time to open up n love each other, embracing each others quirks... its so sweet, pls i feel like i could write another lil drabble abt how happy n cute baxter would be w a playful reader like this, mmm many thoughts
tags : fluff, nervous crush/love status w baxter, multiple choice text, headcanons/drabbles
*edited for format
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this man is too cocky for his own good, baxter can easily tell how someone feels about him.
but I think that excludes people he has a crush on, as you couldn't possibly like/love him back.
he has some shame! although it's only enough to not assume everyone is in love with him or likes him in any capacity...
anyway, we'll get to that later~
at first he thinks it's because you want to impress him or maybe you don't want to bore him with what you think is brain rot to someone so mature and elegant as him.
(+ a "small" but darker part of him thinks you might hate him, that you don't want to show a piece of yourself to this weird stranger on your block. he squishes the thought)
so he finds out your interest through terri/terry and by spying on snippets of your conversations with your family or with cove.
and even though he will only admit it if you threaten him with something terrifying, like angry dragons, early mornings, or worse- color. then and only then will he admit he wants you to tease him the same way you do with cove.
you're so close with him, snuggling up to cove's side, and you smirk so tantalizingly as you lean i. close to whisper it in his ear, and you say something dirty or perhaps its something cove finds especially scandalous but now cove is blushing and he's pushing you away with a chastising "y/n!"
and baxter wishes it was him...
he wants you to curl up behind him and blow on his ear the way you do cove. he wants you to pinch his butt as he walks by and he wants you to flirt with him.
and he wants you to show up on his temporary doorstep to show him your favorite volume of a manga that you finally got your hands on.
and when baxter is a hopeless romantic because he's so vulnerable under the blanket of night, he imagines you laying next to him in this big bed and he imagines the music is blending in with your voice as you babble on about something before it drifts off into your soft breath when you fall asleep due to the late hour.
but time goes on and his vacation nears the quarter mark and whenever you two talk he notices that you are getting into some of the things he likes, like rock music, and when you see him walking lazily back to his condo you come rushing off the steps of your porch, abandoning your snickering moms, and showing baxter the new song you found that he had not listened to before.
you light up at the praise in a way that makes him wish he could capture it forever...
finally baxter comes to the conclusion that he should speak to you about the things you like, and the first time he mentions something about your hobby you clam up a bit.
you don't want to bore him or scare him off with your excitement but in the end you're showing him your craft/collection and telling him every shiny detail and he's so happy to watch the light in your eyes as you speak.
eventually though you two get to the point where you try to fluster him.
it's not often, baxter makes you far too nervous and he can see anything coming from a mile away. he's so cool and you love him for it but God is his smirking face irritating when you just want him to blush, giggle and kick his feet like a love sicken school girl.
but you finally get him to flush. it takes more than half his vacation for it to happen but you're standing behind him as he works away at plating the dinner you two cooked up together.
it's simple, both of you combined have the cooking skills of a sea turtle but it's good enough for one night and it's edible.
it's good enough, you know your way around a stove well enough not to burn the house down and with baxter as your assistant you're more focused on how fun it was than anything.
it's perfect, you know how to whip up something delicious and baxter did more chopping and passing of the seasonings than anything.
he doesn't process it at first but then it hits him like a ton of bricks.
you just... said something flirty?
he's short circuting and his ears are red, and baxter pretends that his blush isn't spread down to his neck.
it's such a reward for you, you can't help but gape for a moment because baxter alexander ward is walking away from you with a blush from his ears to below the collar of his shirt and he definitely squealed a bit when he beckoned you to the living room.
it takes a whole summer of talking to you about things you like that he has little or no knowledge in, doing an activity that caters to/is apart of your interest, and soothing you when you cut yourself off when talking (it's okay, he does want to hear whatever you're looking to ramble about, be it something exciting, something that happened when practicing your hobby, or venting about something you thought was terrible or sad in a show/comic you saw earlier that week.)
and he finally gets to a point where you're teasing him a bit more often, even if you don't get the flustered reaction you want, and you're taking a page out of cove's book and the two of you spent a secret night in baxter's condo, talking about everything and nothing all at the same time.
but then he leaves, and he let's you down gently but his rejection stabs like a knife anyway.
so when you meet again, half a decade later, baxter feels his heart fall out his stomach so bad he sucks it in to try and make up for the way his heart clocks out and air leaves his lungs...
you look sad. this wasn't what you either of you were expecting to be faced with and having no time to prepare yourself to face the man who ended your relationship that summer has your eyes glassed over and your fingers dig into your skin to ground yourself.
you look indifferent. somehow that hurts more than if you were sad or angry at him, not that he'd prefer it but the smaller part of him thinks that your empty gaze shows he's lost any part in your life and you stare through him like you can see the rawness of his heart...
your face is schooled into a stony expression and you've folded your arms to match the rest of tour cold posture. he can't tell what you're thinking even though he's searching your eyes and this time baxter can't tell if you want to cry, scream at him, or if you're looking past him to the scenic view. but he sees your fingers twitch, like you want to either grab him by his tie or run.
you look angry. you try to mask it, not wanting to display the unadulterated rage you feel but your lip quirks up and your eyes are sharp and the words that escape your lips lick at baxter's ears like fire. if your thunderous glare could kill a man he'd be a goner..
he knows he's fucked up either way.
and the whole time you're working together, you're distant. although sometimes you snap back, you confront him and you joke with him sometimes.
you're both too nostalgic, you're both too in love.
somehow, you let him start over.
perhaps its the nostalgia and sentiment that came from making the groom cake together, or how beautiful scott and jude's wedding went, or perhaps its the way the other person laughs and smiles that has you drunk.
but now you two are sitting on baxter's couch and you're letting him start over.
he messed up, it's something hard to move past. something you did, for better or for worse but now it's for the better and you're moving on together.
and you're almost as nervous as you were when you first met but this time it's more that you're reserved than anything else.
sometimes he thinks he's fucked up too much, that when you cut yourself short while rambling and when you take more interest in his hobbies than your own, baxter puts a stop to it quickly.
it takes while. you both try too much to insert yourself into the other person's likes, as if that will make the comfortable relationship you had once come back quicker.
but finally, you and baxter are sharing a bed in the middle of your new apartment, and you're laughing about something funny Miranda sent you earlier that day and in the morning you two are spinning around your new kitchen in a guideless dance with your hands intertwined and you're laughing...
and baxter loves both versions of you.
the version of you that's so in love with him you quiet down, letting him take up all the space in the world and the other version of you that rants about something stupid in an anime and pinches his pale thigh when he's searching through his messy pile of clothes for that one specific shirt.
and he's so happy you opened up to him and you still open up to him everyday, loving him the same no matter how shy you are that day <333
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
hiii 👋 may i request #28 (wish) for lucifer? i'm not sure if anon can send a request, so if not, please feel free to ignore mine~ thank you so much and warmest congratulations on your milestone! 💙
Hi there! You're good, it's totally fine to send a request on anon!
I must admit that this one got a liiiittle suggestive at the end, but only a little! Anyway, I think it turned out okay, so I hope you like it!
Thank you for participating!
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GN!MC x Lucifer with prompt Wish
Warnings: slightly suggestive at the end, but it's so little that I don't really think it needs a warning lol putting it here just in case
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It was a nice cool evening in the Devildom and you were walking through the streets with Lucifer. The two of you had managed to leave the House of Lamentation without any of his brothers noticing and tagging along. You didn't necessarily mind when that happened, but it was nice to be alone with Lucifer.
He had simply come to your room and asked you to go shopping for a new fountain pen with him. You were certain that this was just an excuse, but you didn't question it.
Now you were walking along the streets, stopping here and there in random shops. Lucifer didn't seem especially interested in any pens you came across.
Eventually you came to a little plaza with a beautiful fountain at its center. The plaza was devoid of people, only filled with the light splash of the water. The fountain had a large basin and three smaller basins, all decorated in engravings of dark roses. The bottom of the main basin was a beautiful mosaic featuring more dark roses. You couldn't help but notice that it was completely clean - nothing littered the bottom of the fountain basin.
You turned to Lucifer who was standing by your side. "Don't demons make wishes in fountains?"
Lucifer looked at you quizzically. "Wishes? Why would they?"
You turned back to the fountain. "I guess it's just a human thing. We throw coins into fountains to make a wish, so human world fountains have a lot of different coins on the bottom of them. I didn't see any here, but that makes sense now."
Lucifer grimaced momentarily, no doubt thinking of the trouble Mammon would get into if he knew about this human tradition. Then he said, "Would you like to make a wish in this fountain, MC?"
You laughed. "It's a little silly," you said.
Lucifer placed a shiny Grimm coin in your hand. "I would like to see this human tradition."
You studied his face. He didn't seem to be making fun of you. In fact, his expression was quiet serious. So you closed your eyes, made a wish, and tossed the coin in. When you heard the soft ploosh of the water, you opened your eyes again.
You watched as Lucifer followed your example, throwing his own coin into the fountain. He turned to you, a gentle expression on his face as a soft breeze ruffled his black hair. "And so? What did you wish for?"
You smiled. "I can't tell you. It won't come true."
Lucifer laughed softly, putting his hands on your waist and pulling you to him. "Humans have such silly notions."
You let your hands rest on his arms and shrugged. "We wish on shooting stars and birthday candles, too."
"Ridiculous," Lucifer said, but his tone was light. He leaned in to kiss you, one of his hands reaching up to cradle the back of your head.
You couldn't resist opening your mouth for him as your hands gripped his arms hard, your bodies flush against each other.
Just when you thought things were getting a little too heavy for you to be in public, Lucifer pulled away to look at you. He kept his arms around you and said, "I see. Your coin in the fountain method is quite effective. My wish has just come true."
You almost laughed at how serious he was. You grinned at him. "I guess it isn't as silly as you thought."
"And your wish, MC?" he asked.
You shook your head. "I told you, I can't tell. But let's just say it won't come true here."
Lucifer smirked. "Then I must insist you come back to my room so I may fulfill your wish by morning."
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the original prompt list
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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angelbitezzz · 4 months
Don’t feel bad! You’re not obliged to have anon on! :0
Also, idk if it’ll let you answer this ask, but if so
 I’ll take one of each, if that’s ok!!
(If not then just whichever you’d like to share!)
Okay warning, this is way longer than I thought it would be! So I'm putting my answers under the cut here
For the 💕, I think this one [It Takes Two] works (ik in the source material its a song between sisters, but i read it differently for crossbones and starstruck. It's definitely a bit more high-energy and peppy than either of them actually are, but I see it more like the romantic dynamic between their heroic personas. It's all geared up to eleven--both of them have to act differently in costume.
For 👋, I like Hummingbird. The song is mostly just vibes but there's definitely lyrical significance for some aspects of their relationship, y'know? Plus, the whole scene that the song is from in Across the Spiderverse is two superheros taking time away just to spend it with eachother. Kinda perfect?
For ⚖, Sunlight by Hozier definitely feels right. It's a sweet song, and there's significance in someone who's never known the sun ascribing it to someone in their life. Just saying :3
It is. SO HARD to find a good song for ⭐. Maybe I should make a playlist...what do you guys think?
Anyways, Tarantula by Gorillaz. It's one of their sweeter songs, and it's about like...well, not settling for someone? More like choosing eachother even with the shit in either of their lives? Thats how i see it
Oof, I already posted a rather angsty one with another ask. For ⚫, I think This December by Ricky Montgomery is a good one--though I almost considered another song from the same album, Snow. There's conflict, y'know, if internal--how do you separate someone you care for from someone who's sacrifice would mean so much to everyone you know? Morally, Sans is an interesting character (I'm talking largely of his Undertale iteration, but since ts underswap tries to keep things relatively unchanged in regards to personality, he also counts) because while he is someone who I'd consider a good person, he's the same guy who more than likely would've attacked frisk on sight if he wasn't such a loyal character. There's love here. There's also the persistent, nagging knowledge of what needs to be done.
And finally, ❓. For the miscellanious song, we have Stars In the Sky by Kid Cudi for the second Sonic thr Hedgehog movie. I know it's a little silly, but lyrically I consider it a fantastic song for Crossbones and Starstruck! Angel is no stranger to the villain that is being mentally ill, and being separated from everyone she knew and essentially becoming the local semi-homeless human in a place that, while very silly and kind, is still hostile to her sucks. Doing the superhero gig--or rather, participating in the saturday morning cartoon gimmicks as either Starstruck or Koffin K's Spooky Servant is a good distraction. She likes it, and she likes getting to spend time with Sans like that. In a way the Starlight Isles are something of an escape for her, a dream-like forest suspended in eternal twilight where she gets to play the hero or the villain on a whim, with no real consequences. For now.
AAAAND that's it! I actually...did not expect to write so much. For your trouble, here is a drawing of the goobers.
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lipglossanon · 3 months
First of all, the latest real dad!Leon fic was so good!!! I loved it so much 😍 (especially since most of my asks have been about real dad or brother Leon lol)
Anyways, I’ve been thinking a LOT about subby stepbro (or maybe even subby real little brother 👀) Leon and
 hoo boy.
Cuddling with him in bed, he’s just so soft and sleepy, and he groggily asks if he can slip his head under your shirt and lay against your bare breasts. And you agree, watching him give you a sleepy smile and disappear under your shirt only to feel his face press contentedly against your chest. Maybe you stay like that for awhile, just stroking his back soothingly back and forth. And then he can’t help himself from pressing soft, sleepy kisses to your skin, asking so sweetly if he can suck on your tits. And you just can’t resist your pretty boy asking in his sleepy voice so politely, calling you mommy and everything. So you let him, taking off your shirt so you can see him as he suckles.
Initially, it’s a comfort thing, no sexual intent whatsoever. Leon just wants to suck on your nipples until he falls asleep, enjoying the feeling of you playing with his hair and gently scratching his scalp. But even though he’s half-asleep and so cozy, he can’t help but get hard. So of course, being the best mommy (and big sister), you ask him if he wants mommy’s help because of course, your pretty baby can’t sleep soundly if he’s all needy, dick throbbing in his sleep pants.
You coo soft praises at him as you slowly and gently stroke his cock, Leon still contentedly sucking one of your nipples, letting out little muffled whimpers and moans against your breast. And then he releases your nipple with a soft, wet pop, one of his hands hovering by his own nipple as he sleepily asks if he can touch himself, too. And of course you allow it, and Leon goes back to suckling on your tits as he plays with his own nipples, hips bucking slightly as you continue to lovingly jerk him off.
His noises are so so pretty, especially when you continue to praise him, telling him how good he is, how perfect he is for mommy, and he can’t help but cum soon after. You guide him through his orgasm, making his blissful peak last as long as possible, peppering his hair and face with soft kisses. And after a bit of cleanup, you both settle back under the covers, Leon mumbling his thank you’s and nuzzling against your still exposed tits as you both fall asleep cuddled up and content, even though you didn’t even cum because this was about taking care of your sweet little brother.
Of course, being the good boy (and good little brother) he is, he makes sure to make you cum multiple times the next morning on his tongue to truly show you how much last night meant to him, how much he appreciated you taking care of him.
Just soft, subby Leon man. Something about it just rots my silly brain. Sorry this is so long, I just had to get this out of my system because it’s been rattling around in my head for awhile 😭
- 🔇
🔇 anon, hi (again đŸ€­)!!! 👋
Thank you so much!! 💜 💜 I really need to get around to writing a real bro Leon for ya 😉
AHSKGL I love mommy kink with subby (step/real/whichever) bro Leon so much đŸ˜© and he would be so obsessed with your tits đŸ€€ đŸ€­
đŸ˜© I loved every bit of this!! đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« he’s just so soft and sleepy, maybe even sneaks into your room cause it helps him sleep better and then he’s pawing at your chest and asking you so sweetly if he can suck your nipples (“can’t sleep, need’em in m’mouth, mommy” đŸ„Ž) giving him the slowest handjob and he’s just nuzzling further into your breasts, sighing and moaning as you jerk him off đŸ„Ž
🔇 anon, I love your big beautiful brain. Please keep sending me asks đŸ€­ 💜
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howdoesagrapewrites · 1 year
Hey 👋
I was wondering if you would do a part 2 to 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 [𝙙𝙚𝙡đ™Șđ™šđ™žđ™€đ™Łđ™–đ™Ą đ™«đ™šđ™§] were maybe we fall into his universe and we meet or he falls into our universe 😊
Anyway have a good morning/afternoon/night
đ™‡đ™žđ™«đ™š đ˜Œđ™˜đ™©đ™žđ™€đ™Ł
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Cw: Miles Morales x gn!reader, injured reader, disruption of what the canon e-1218 is meant to be (I don't think anyone cares tho), also ignoring that you'd die if you were in the wrong dimension,
Notes: it was really hard to decide if Miles or the reader should be the one to switch universes, but it would probably be angsty if Miles were the one to do that. I published this on accident and I almost killed myself (also Tumblr ate half the post but anyways it looks better short) now it's ready to read!!!
It was a normal wednesday for spiderman, swinging around on patrol, saving some innocent citizen from getting robbed, it seemed like today was going to be a nice relaxed day,no epic fight, no batshit crazy villains with weird plans, oh wait, there's one, it's Doctor Octopus again.
You start swinging, you shot a web at one of the robotic tentacles, Doc Ock emerges from one a rooftop, controller in hand, for what you fear to be some kind of explosive, or worse.
"And I was out here thinking an apple a day would keep you away!" You playfully say as you try to use your webs to snatch the controller, your spidey senses start to tingle, and you swing to dodge a projectile from The Prowler, you keep swinging but you feel your web break, your vision becomes blurry, you try with all your strength to stay up, claw your way into a safe place, but all becomes numb, you feel like pressure being applied to each one of your cells, your body is disarming, rearranging itself, and you are left defenseless to this void.
You wake up next a pizza place, resting in the sidewalk like a homeless person, you fear for the worst and look for signs of doc ock's win, but you find nothing. You look around and recognize Brooklyn, but there's something off about it, not to brag, but you're pretty recognized as spiderman in your world, and now it seems like there's no trace of you, in shop windows where merch of you used to be, now there's nothing, and when you want to shoot your webs to swing and find more information, there's also nothing. You check the rest of your powers, superhuman hearing? Nope, superhuman smell? Nope, superhuman strength? Nope, webs? You already checked they weren't there, venom? Wait- your tongue starts exploring your mouth and feeling your teeth, where there was once sharp fangs, now there's normal teeth. They're still on the longer side, but it's so normal. You've been to the spider society, you know there's an infinite number or possibilities, but you've never heard of anything like this, losing not only your powers but also changing your anatomy. You tried to climb a building with your claws, but you cringed and hissed at the sharp pain of your fingernails being met with cement, this seems to finally help you sink that in. You're human, you, Y/N, are no longer spiderman.
You're still in your suit, now rendered useless, you have no clothes, so you're forced to walk through the streets like this, god, you never stopped to think that this suit looked great swinging, and simply ridiculous when you're waiting for the lighting to change to cross the street.
Your spidey sense hasn't left you, but you fear it will soon, so when it tells you to go to visions academy, you simply listen to it and follow blindly, ignoring that you don't even have a phone to check the time, this could be your only chance. You finally arrive and it tells to go a specific dorm room, number 16-10. When you finally get to the academy, it's closed (of course it is, it's the middle of the night). You wonder if there's any way to get to the dorms without getting in legal trouble, now that you don't have webs or powers. The only thing you manage to do, is to jump a fence and get on school grounds, you sit on the grass, and take off your mask. You breathe some fresh air, and as guilty as that makes you feel, you feel relaxed. Superhuman senses are great when you're a superhero, but you weren't a hero 24/7 and at times it felt simply, too much; it was overwhelming when you could sense everything but couldn't process it all, when you were burned out and exhausted, and you could only hear the noise of the city. And now, you didn't listen to anything but your own breathing and heartbeat, there was still some car sounds here and there, but nothing close to what you're used to. You cry, you don't know what Dr Octopus is doing in your dimension, what's happening to your loved ones, and you don't know if there's a way to go back or not, what if you're stuck? Unknown, unnamed, you don't even have a document to prove you exist, no family, no allies, no frien-
"Morales! It's always you trying to sneak out in that stupid costume! Go back to your dorm or I'm calling your parents" a guard yells, you put your mask back on at lighting speed so you can impersonate this Miles guy. You give a thumbs up to the guard and run to look for a door to the dorms, you get lost quite a few times, but you finally find the 16-10 room. You carefully open up, waiting for a friendly face to greet you at the door, you're so desperate that even Miguel O'Hara would count as a friendly face.
But you're met with only darkness (you forgot how normal people saw in the dark without night vision), and you trip over something, it's loud. You hear someone stir in bed and get a little scared, your spidey sense wouldn't lead you somewhere dangerous, right? You make another step, praying this one won't be a disaster. Which clearly didn't work, because the noise is metallic and strident, the two people obviously wake up, and turn on the light, you freeze, getting ready in case you need to fight (at least the muscle memory it's still there). The room lights up and you see a teenager around you age, black hair round face, and he reaches for his glasses in the night table. He opens his eyes wide and starts screaming.
"WHAT THE FUCK WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU DRESSED AS SPIDERMAN???!!!!" His screams wake up his roommate, who reacts just as dramatically, you cover your ears and wonder why your spidey sense would lead you to terrorize two high school boys instead of giving you a way home. You keep your hands where they can see them, and wait for them to calm down, you breathe and try to voice what's happening to you.
"I need help..." You take off your mask, maybe in an effort to look less intimidating, maybe to acknowledge that is useless in this situation.
They seem even more shaken.
Why do you look like that, is that you? Is this a cosplay, why? Why are you here? It can't be...
This is going to be the ride of your lives.
>Miles believes you when he hears your story, he figured no one would be insane enough to pull something like this, but also because he'd believe you if you said the earth was flat if you look at him with those eyes
>You liked Miles' friends, they were all very nice to you, and fun to be around
>My boy is RUNNING to hide the atrocious amount of merch he has of you, he wouldn't want you to think it's weird
>His roommate was named Ganke and he was a really cool guy, and he had no problem with the person from another universe living in his room, which says a lot. He also enjoyed flustering Miles with your presence
>You learned you had a lot of media portraying you, it honestly felt like a violation of privacy, but hey, it is what it is
>"Wait, why is there so many pages of MJ dumping me?, we get it, you don't have to humiliate me like this, Wonder comics"
>He brings you homework from his classes so you can feel like you're learning and not stalling around
>You are not confined to the dorm room, but you can't be seen on school, you're not a student.
>Miles borrowed you his clothes since you didn't have any, and omg he almost died of a heart attack seeing you in his clothes
>He's like his normal obvious self but even worse, there's no way to not realize he likes you
>You still don't, because you feel like Miles just admires you because of those comics
>And he's cute and attentive, you'd like for him to notice you as a person and not a work of fiction
>You slept with Miles one time, it was really cold and your air mattress and covers weren't doing it, so you asked if you could sleep with him
>He offered to give up his bed completely, but you said you wouldn't do that to him.
>Miles stared at you for almost the whole night
>You look so much better in his bed that in any art he's ever seen of you.
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gspot-rocks-the-gspot · 2 months
didn't they send you a Tophabe NSFW fanart out of nowhere? 😭😭😭
like, not a hello,,,, not even a "good morning, how are you 👋" NOTHING, just... minors p0rn (?
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its not like it affected me anyway, but i wanted to open the messages for art trade stuff and i see an account that sends me a message
"omg someone sent me a message i hope they asked for a art trad— WOW WOW WOOOOW 😟!! "
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hell-drabbles · 3 months
hi there!👋â˜ș,i round the idea of "God obsessed " with Eldritch!Reader,so here are dome suggestions for himtw:Bad english (The english Is not my first language so sorry for that 😅),Cosmic horror?,soft yandere,jealousy,angustGod was interested in them because they are a creature independent of him, something that exists before him. Invaded by curiosity, he decided to introduce himself to Eldritch! Reader for research purposes. At first, coexistence was strange for him, they did not have a body , they were just an incredibly cold black mass, they could not speak, only make strange sounds, but this did not stop God's fascination with his new friend!Then he proposed to spend time with them, God being someone solitary due to his rank. so it was no surprise that he became so attached to Eldritch!Reader, accompanying him to his meetings with the angels, helping him with ideas for new creations, you could say that God treated Eldritch! Reader like a pet that he carried with him everywhere,As the years passed, Eldritch!Reader he began to become interested in a human sorcerer, Solomon, a young human, causing him to spend less time with God. He was a little sad that his friend was no longer with him, but he didn't give it any importance. Eldritch!Reader was sharing his knowledge to help someone!, so he's not upset, they will come back to him, they always do,or that was what he repeated to himself to calm that sour feeling in his heart. God could not identify that feeling exactly, it was like a slight annoyance when hearing the name of Solomon from the lips of Eldritch!Reader, or he saw them together talking in a park, or doing normal things that humans do to relate, heck he even met Salomon in person!, and he could tell that he was a good man with a hunger for knowledge and his strange jokes,and following his logic, those feelings were unfair for Solomon, but unfortunately God could not handle well that feeling of frustration for not understanding what was happening to him, the angels quickly noticed God's horrible mood when Eldritch! Reader they returned speaking happily about the advances of that human, causing him to take it out on the poor angels unconsciously, causing unfounded resentment and jealousy on Eldritch ! reader the part of the angels.
And that's what I have for now, since I write this at 3 in the morning and my brain rotted to be able to think anything else
Oh dear, sorry for the brain rot, I know how that feels. Let's see let's seeeee...
Truly the irony of it all, for the Eldritch Reader and Solomon to eventually find one another, and grow closer than any other. Two individuals that the angels hate, being right next to each other. Good riddance, think the angels.
I'd like to think that God has complicated feelings about the Eldritch having a physical body at all, a physical body that was crafted entirely by Solomon, with none of his help. The body may be modeled after a human appearance, but obviously doesn't have any of the human innards or blood or any such things. But either way, it's a body the Eldritch Reader uses more often than not and it makes God jealous. Eldritch Reader didn't ask for anything like that, he easily could've provided a body without any delay. But, no.
After all, this body crafted for the Eldritch Reader was the culmination of all the knowledge they shared with Solomon. Instead of using this knowledge to, say, craft the perfect fantasy kingdom, or bring out all his dreams into reality, he used that knowledge to make this body for the Eldritch to inhabit.
Anyways, this comes right back around to my thought of making the Tree of Knowledge god made to be modeled after the Eldritch Reader. Since the Eldritch Reader gives their knowledge to those that seek it, and take up their time, good old jealous God over here crafted this tree of knowledge for others to consume the fruit from, to gain whatever knowledge they need or seek so that God can spend more time with the Eldritch Reader. Even puts it in a beautiful garden, so that this piece can forever be a part of the place he resides in. But, of course, before it could be put to use, God's jealousy took over and made this tree forbidden from all, putting the angels in charge of guarding it after Adam and Eve took a bite from it. Because of the Eldritch knowledge within, and how much God stuffed into it, those two were a little... not themselves from that first bite. In fact, they weren't functioning at all. That was simply too much knowledge for one human being to hold. That's not an effective way for knowledge to spread. And so God took it away, fixed those two up, and kicked them out of the Garden. Jealous jealous and oh gentle god. He still loves his creations, and is jealous of them in equal measure.
But, anyways, if the relationship was like that, with Eldritch Reader and God knowing each other for quite a bit longer, probably longer than the angels, it probably does end up being a taaaad more messy on the angels part. Who are they to question God's first companion? Who are they to be jealous of the Eldritch Reader being God's first comfort? I think that would be fun. No clue how to go further than that though, my brain is still recovering from that sudden fever I got for no reason.
Hmm random but considering that God apparently does have a body that he uses to snuggle up to Solomon, what do you think he looks like? At least, on the regular. Probably will get an eventual official appearance at some point, but eh, I'd like to know how you guys picture him in your head. From what I can tell, he seems to have a twink-like body, but then again so does almost everyone else. Honestly, I kinda want to make him a sad wet cat of a man, if that makes sense. Looks drenched and was probably put in a cardboard box in the rain, kind of man. Doesn't seem to be a man of flowery words. Tends to restrict his words to the bare minimum because the angels get too riled up when he speaks too much, so he holds back a lot. Long sentences are kept for those laws, those decrees and promises. You know the shits.
Can't really imagine him as a pretty twink anime boy, but if he does end up being one, I will be very sad. But oh well, I can work with it. He's god, he can look however he wants with a snap of his fingers.
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