#anyways i wanna write a fic about them someday. maybe. when i write again
Hey I haven’t been in the sp fandom as long as you have (so I know nothing of what happened in the past) but I have been really enjoying your sp content!
Angel Hair literally sent me into a spiral for weeks, you did such a good job of characterizing Stan and describing what it feels like to be an outcast. Someday I’m gonna write a huge ass review on AO3 cause that fic really deserves it.
I also really like “A rose that won’t bloom”. I admire the way you’re able to depict physiological horror and other dead dove content while also being able to write domestic cute style. The latter being so important too—most sp fanfic writers today are in high schooler/early college so they’re not really able to write mature relationships like you have! I personally think if you’re unhappy with how much fluff is in “A Rose”, maybe writing fluffy style one-shots would be a good way to get it out your system?
Anyway sorry for rambling, I just felt like I needed to send some engagement ur way
I've been writing on and off for this fandom for over twenty years, believe me, there aren't that many people who have been in it as long as I have. But thank you! I'm glad to be rewriting for it again for the first time in a few years. Considering eventually reposting one or two of my other deleted fics.
(That said, don't worry about leaving a review for Angel Hair, the reason it doesn't have any is because I have loaded and delete two other times, just reloading it recently with the ending finally completed. I was about 2000 words from the ending for like six years!) I hate to say it but that fic is probably gonna be my legacy. It has a…reputation.
I actually started A Rose like six months ago and then just kind of abandoned it but every time I reread Project Hail Mary (yes I reread it every couple months) it made me wanna continue. As far as domestic fluff goes, what can I say. I'm a product of my times. We were all raised on Hollycomb and Sekrit and Foodstamp and I'll always admire those authors and strive to live up to them (though I never could, of course.)
Don't be too harsh on the youngens. I was in high school when I first started writing SP fics too. They were…bad. Believe me. So, so bad.
Anyway, I love writing style fluff and I DO want their relationship to be wholesome in this fic because I believe that contrast is important. But I'm afraid maybe the readers are just like "Okay enough with the cuddling, where's the sexual abuse?"
No need to ever apologize, I love hearing from people in the fandom! You mentioned you never heard about the controversy about me since it's old but believe me, I am NOT liked in the fandom lol.
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sapphire-weapon · 7 months
A little outsider's rant to the EagleOne fandom... particularly you younger fans.
Y'all are really getting upset about your ship because Leon and Ashley possibly never being shown together again? After all that wonderful material you got in re4 remake? Guys, most ship survive on crumbs... and y'all had a pretty decent meal there!
Like!! At least she's fucking alive! Look at how strong Serrenedy is... and Luis is fucking dead! Doesn't stop them from writing a ton of fix it fics and AUs and what if scenarios.
You guys aren't Aeon! You don't need the fucking "kiss make canon and valid" mentality. YOUR SHIP IS FUCKING VALID AND GOOD!
"But... I wanna see them together..."
"Oh, but I'm not very creative."
Flood the world with it! Show everyone what the ship means to you! You'll get better at it the more you practice!
And you know what? Maybe Leon and Ashley don't ever see each other again in canon... but maybe some of you get real good at writing and maybe someday, more original stories starring characters with their archetypes start showing up... and being together. All because y'all knew a good thing when you saw it.
So don't roll over and die so damn soon. Yes it fucking sucks possibly not seeing Ashley in the games again.
So keep her alive and present outside of them.
you know @godtier and i were actually talking about this earlier today, and it's this whole thing that's like
kind of like what leon is going through in my fic, where he thinks that it's worse to have had it and lost it, because he now knows how good it was for him and how good it made him feel and that he can't have it anymore -- so now, he wishes he'd never had it at all, because then he wouldn't have to mourn it.
like, serennedy fandom operates under no illusions. they know exactly how that connection started, progressed, and ended. same thing with metaltango fandom. and, being slash ships, they never expect to become canon anyway, because that's unfortunately not the world that we currently live in.
and then you have something like jilleon fandom, who never anticipates their ship becoming canon, so there's no reason for them to get super invested in how the canon portrays them, because the heart of that fandom has always been fanfiction to begin with.
but with eagleone fandom, it's like...
people feel like something is being taken away from them. especially the eagleone people who came into RE through RE4make. because they did have it. for that one game, they had this ship that meant so much to them and was clearly written to be taken as romantic...
... and then to learn, no actually, you don't get to have that?
that sucks. it feels like a breakup.
like, there's a big difference between old guard like me, who looks at it as: "holy fuck i can't believe we actually got this, are you kidding me????" because i understand just how shocking and unexpected it is, considering how the rest of the series goes -- and new fans who are going "wait, what do you mean she gets written out of the series?"
i went into RE4make already knowing that leon's character progresses into the future without ashley. and so i'm just delighted that they got to have what they had for the time that they had it.
new fans are coming in and seeing a canon romance and not understanding why someone would say that it won't be followed through with, because that runs antithetical to their personal experiences with the game.
and that's why i don't fucking feud with aeon fandom, man. i mean, other than the fact that i'm a 34 year old adult who has better things to do with my time than argue with teenagers about fictional relationships.
they're dicks, but i feel bad for them, because they're going through a breakup, too. and theirs is way harder than eagleone's is because the relationship lasted a lot longer. they've had this for so long, but now it's like "fuck you, pack your shit, we're over."
now, with that all being said
there's no excuse for either side of this to be fucking toxic the way that they've been, either. i get that you're disappointed and you need some time to mourn and it feels even shittier to have someone from the other team go "YOU NEVER ACTUALLY HAD THAT THING YOU'RE MOURNING IN THE FIRST PLACE" but like
basically just this
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diejager · 8 months
This isn’t really a request but I’m rambling to you instead!!! Idk if requests are open or closed atm, but I really needed to let my thoughts out, so sorry if I’m bothering. So like, I was rereading the stepdad!König + dbf!Horangi thing, yeah? And I was just picturing a multitude of scenarios in my head, and most of them are suuper specific or weird. Let me elaborate on that. I was getting major TUNNEL VISION vibes from the pair. And if you’re not too aware, TV is a song made by Melanie Martinez and that instantly reminded me of reader’s current situation, especially this part in the lyrics, “Yeah, you hold me like you’re rushing to my thighs, too fast”.
(And also, the MV for it came out 4 days ago as I’m writing this, and that’s when my first intrusive scenario came to my head: What if you’re privately dancing in your bedroom to this song and both HorHor and KoKo just so happen to be watching or smth? Maybe they’d get a little aroused…)
The song is basically about self-worth and I also began to wonder if they both really like the reader because of the ‘fun’, or if they genuinely care about them in some way.
Anyway. I really like dancing, so that’s probably the reason as to why I imagined said scenario in the first place. Singing, too— and I was also wondering how’d they react to a reader who likes to sing in dance. In private, of course.
Before I conclude though, I just wanna say (again) sorry for dumping my ramblings to you!!! I actually adore your works and the way you write is just… *chefs kiss* I aspire to become a writer like you someday— your stories bring me serotonin literally.
Lots of love from the Land Of The Rising Sun <3
Please take these spaghetts as a reward for reading through this messy hodgepodge I wrote. 🍝🍝🍝
Tunnel Vision, right??? The whole album is perfect!! I think the Portal is about new beginnings and self-care and worth, no? Like leaving the past and moving forward. And don’t apologise for rambling, I enjoyed reading it!
But Horangi and König do genuinely care about you, despite how fun it is to mess and fuck you, they truly care about you!
Ps. If you want to start writing, I’d recommend writing shorter and simpler fics and gradually increase the length. And don’t stress about finding inspiration in other people’s writing style and ideas, just let the writer know if you want to use their AU or prompt in case it’s very similar.
PSs. Thank you for the spaghetti!! Lots of love from me🥰
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callipraxia · 1 year
calli what do you think of sherman pines. you have a lot of opinions about stuff so I would like to know. I think I might go around and ask everyone actually. actually yes I will… anyway. i really like him. he is very cool 2 me and I wanna know what you think of him. is he the baby? the older sibling? someone completely different? there is a correct answer /hj. i have him as the older brother—I have three fics with him as a titular character. you haven’t reached the chapter where shermie appears in The Search yet, but I think he is very delightful and that you would like him too. i have a lot of a headcanons and personality traits about him. like for one; he loves popcorn. he used to make it for his brothers back in new jersey. he loved them a lot and was always the normal brother, which was sometimes okay but left him out of the loop for many things like ford’s life and stan’s kick out. ksjjdhdidgrgr one post has triggered my love for shermie again and now I pester Everyone (this went on for a while. sorry!)
The fun things about my having lots of opinions on everyone is...I usually don’t even know what they are until I start typing. I usually make ‘em up, applying canon to justify or refute as needed, as I go along. So...this could get interesting!
As I begin typing, though, at least, I’m a true agnostic on the subject of Shermie. I’ve written him in as the older brother, the younger brother, and the Non-Specified. In the original very rough outlines for parts II and III of FWJB, it was a plot point that Shermie both did and didn’t exist at the same time without his age ever being specified.[1] I keep saying I’m going to do a proper time travel Shermie someday; time will tell if this is true. As for theories I might run with in a story, if I were writing one where I couldn’t leave him unspecified:
1) If I wrote Older Brother Shermie, he’d be, like, much older. Possibly actually only a half-brother, as Caryn (irrc) looks a fair bit younger than Filbrick (though even if I recall incorrectly, eh, I believe I read somewhere that it was Word of Hirsch that Stan made the infamous remark about how your life will fall apart if you get someone pregnant at the drive-in movie because he’d heard Filbrick complain along those lines in the past. Who knows – I’m making things up as I type here - maybe there was a first Mrs. Filbrick who got cheated on at the drive-in, resulting in Stan and Ford and the half-brother they are only vaguely familiar with the existence of. That’s the fun of Filbrick and Shermie, there’s very little you can’t do, except, like, make Filbrick a nice person outside of Anti-Mabel’s home dimension, I guess). In any case, this variant of Shermie had a motorbike as a teenager and had only the foggiest notion that he even had siblings, making it vaguely plausible, when they bonded after the parents’ deaths, for Stan to sell the idea that “nah, you got us mixed up, Stanley was the one with six fingers” in the unlikely event that this variant of Shermie even knew one of them had had six fingers.
2) Younger Brother Shermie works, in my opinion (or at least, my opinion as it stands right now), only in one of three ways. One: he’s a time traveler. Two: his life is an angstfest on par with Stan’s. Three, of course, is that both of the preceding are true, to one degree or another. But anyway. If he didn’t go time traveling, his life’s pretty definitely an angstfest, considering that it implies that at least one of Dipper and Mabel’s parents was the product of Adolescent Indiscretions (my second fic ran with that idea, actually – in that case, the “next thing you know, you gotta raise a kid, your life falls apart….” remark was Stan talking about his brother. Though that plotline could also work with an Older Brother Shermie as well, of course.[2])
But yes – even after writing all of this and its footnotes, I’m...still a Shermie agnostic, really. Heck, you could probably call him into existence with the Infinity Die and I’d just nod and proceed without hesitation, lol. I will say, though, that the only Shermies I have actually read and clearly remember are yours and another Old!Shermie, who was also relatively normal and was a functional enough brother to the Stan Twins back in the day. I quite liked both of them (I have got to see more of your Shermie attempting to converse with Fiddleford sometime...and just more of that guy in general) – I’m far too cruel to Stan to allow him a decent person in his young adulthood, but I apparently enjoy reading the results when other people show mercy. My apologies if this document is, due to all this failure to promote a single thesis and the way it was written, useless and/or incomprehensible; will attempt to clarify any incomprehensible bits when I get a chance tomorrow (I’m actually going to have to go to bed at a reasonable hour for once and...at least make a better-faith-than-usual effort not to give up on sleeping too soon and whip the phone out; I’m having brunch with some friends in 3D tomorrow morning, so gotta sleep tonight and then be occupied for a while tomorrow, but yeah, it’s inevitable I’ll be online at some point.)
(1) To vaguely explain that very long story, in the unlikely event anyone wants to know: the half-baked idea (I never put it through all the wringers that ideas which make it into print get, so it’s still quite rough) was that time broke due to Weirdmageddon, time travel antics, or both, and – to borrow a metaphor from Terry Pratchett – had to do the equivalent of being put back together with glue sticks; among other problems, this created Shroedinger’s Shermie. Therefore, Ford nearly caused the end of the world by being like “...who’s this guy?” when Shermie showed up to help save the day in the finale, which caused Stan to realize “...I don’t actually have a single childhood memory of this guy, but I keep thinking I do??” while meanwhile, Shermie is like, “can you guys debate my existential status later, this is giving me a literal headache.” In the end, though, FWJB Shermie ended up being a killed-off Not Specified.
(Though now that I think of it, if I combined the idea with the ideas that took its place...Dipper already had to deal with a fair bit of temporal displacement. Mix that with a grandfather who both does and doesn’t exist...existentially unstable Dipper leads to existentially unstable Mabel, Tracey, and Quattro (especially the latter two), which leads to issues with both halves of the split-by-the-town-limits timeline, which all defies the fact that yet: here all four of them are, just as prophecy demands...dang, I could have horrified y’all more, huh? Or at least confused and/or induced headaches more. Plus, the rest of the story got significantly darker and more serious than it originally was supposed to be between the first and second outlines, only to get darker and more serious still between the second outline and the final product because of reasons, so the scene as originally pictured would have likely gotten much too slapstick to fit where it would have gone. Eh, probably for the best, it really did get trippy enough as it was. )
(2) No matter which Shermie I use, I seem to saddle the Child of Shermie with a pretty dysfunctional family, too, now that I think of it – the most detailed one I’ve come up with involved his mom running off with some guy in the Navy when he was two, leaving him to be partially brought up by the dysfunctional trio of Filbrick, Caryn, and Shermie and later be brought up by a stepmother who was loving on one hand, but had a personality of cast iron on the other. She and Shermie had an only half-joking agreement that she would not try to murder Stan during Shermie’s lifetime. She was Not Amused to get back from a cruise and find that Mr. Pines had sent the twins to Gravity Falls while she was away; she was Even Less Amused by the explanations Mr. Pines and Stan attempted to give her for why there were suddenly two Stans around after she discovered Ford’s existence. I haven't developed the other potential backstories for other versions of Shermie I've touched on much, but ten to one they're equally fun. Why stop at Dysfunction Junction when you can take the whole family right on to Soap Opera Station, am I right? (jk; I haven't seen them done in much detail anywhere, including my own work, but I have no objection to the idea of Dipper and Mabel's parents being semi-normal humans. They're another set who are fun because there's very little that you can't do with them, if so inclined).
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🎢 ❌️ 🤲 pretty please <333
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
If I need to settle on a published work, I think Love, Your Sailor feels sort of like roller coaster in a way. I mean, Teddy and Mort meet over one week and feel this connection and now they have to figure out to navigate their feelings while Teddy is on active duty. I mean it feels very up in the air, a very unsure time for both of them as they’re trying to figure out if they’re meant to be. Just as a side note, this still is one of my favorites and I do hope to go back to it someday and write more.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I’m a sucker for tropes, they’re like my favorite thing and there are few that I wont write but one thing I don’t read and will never write is A/B/O. It’s just…really confusing and I never really understand how it works? Not to say I don’t enjoy dominate/submissive behaviors in my writing but the whole werewolf/shapeshifting pack dynamic whatever you wanna call it is just really not for me. I don’t enjoy it, it makes me personally uncomfortable, so I mostly just avoid it. Of course no disrespect to anybody else who writes or enjoys this; it is just not for me.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Since you love Abbey so much, here’s a portion of a scene I’ve been sitting on for a long time waiting until I can incorporate it into my main divorced dad AU, Dance One More With Me. (Soon, I promise! It will be posted this year!)
Maybe I’m feeling a little too generous or I just really want to show off this scene so I don’t know where to cut it off, but here you go!
“Don’t even think about it, missy. I can come home at any time,” Teddy threatened, looking at her sternly. He didn’t want boys in the house when he wasn’t home; Mort agreed with him. Surely she understood they trusted Abbey but not Bryce.
“Yeah, because you’re never working,” she sneered at him, crossing her arms. The argument had been going on for a while, tempers gradually climbing. Not even a few months prior she had been complaining that Teddy seemed to always be at work, now she acted like she couldn’t get rid of him.
Teddy’s skin prickled with embarrassment and anger, “You little—“
“A-alright, that’s enough,” Mort stepped between them, putting an arm around Abbey and giving Teddy a look he knew well enough to know he should shut up and fast. “Abbey, all we’re trying to say is we trust you until you give us a reason not to.”
“But Teddy already doesn’t trust me!” She protested, huffing out an angry breath through her nose.
“Damn right! I don’t trust this Bryce character,” Teddy cut his hand through the air, a finality to his words. He didn’t like this kid, not even a little bit. Though, nobody would be good enough for Abbey, not now anyway. “I don’t like him.”
“You don’t even know him!” She stomped her foot and Teddy saw Mort pressed his lips together to keep himself calm. He was better at that than Teddy, who was struggling to keep himself together. Not for the first time, Teddy wished he could figure out how to meditate like Mort did; he just could never quite figure out how to keep his focus.
“Abigail, that’s enough—“
Teddy hadn’t meant to interrupt Mort, but the words just seemed to burst out of him, the volume of his voice raising as if he couldn’t control it, “I know he’s a teenage boy and you know what those are like. Of course you don’t, not yet!”
Teddy was so frustrated and he just wanted his little girl to stay just that: little. Thirteen? God, this was awful and it would only get worse. First it would be little punks like Bryce and then it’d be alcohol and sneaking out; worse arguments than this one.
Abbey stomped her foot again, wrenching out of Mort’s grasp, stalking across the room, “Why do you have to be such a-a boob punch! You never let me do anything; god, it’s like you think you’re my dad or something!”
Teddy’s heart felt like it dropped into his stomach.
“Do not talk to Teddy that way, Abigail. That is enough. Out of both of you,” Mort’s voice was dangerously low and threatening something Teddy hardly ever heard out of him. Feeling attacked, and slightly more confident with Mort defending him, Teddy argued back.
“We aren’t done with this conversation! I’m not a—Where’d you even learn a word like that?” Teddy demanded, hands on his hips. “Whether you like it or not, I’m still—you’re my daughter! My house, my rules!”
“Teddy!” Mort looked between them, clearly distressed. He gave Teddy a sharp glare, which went ignored.
Abbey, who crossed her arms over her chest, ignored her dad and fixed Teddy with a hard glare. “None of your beeswax, Theodore!” She cried from across the room.
“Don’t you talk to me that way!” Teddy pressed his lips together, trying to hold on his anger, but ultimately, he couldn’t. “You don’t get to talk to me that way! If this is how you’re gonna act, you can’t come with me anymore on jobs! In fact, I don’t want to hang out with you anymore at all! Is that what you want?”
“Teddy,” Mort said sharply, reaching over to grab his wrist. “Stop.” He did stop, but he wasn’t happy about it. Teddy seethed, biting his lip so hard it drew blood and stared hard at the little girl across the room. He hated the yelling, he hated feeling this way. Mort’s grip tightened, thumb stroking over his inner wrist. He focused on his breathing and Mort’s soothing touch, trying his best to calm down.
“I hate you!” Abbey screamed, stomping out of the room and up the stairs.
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foolish one
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Summary: I know how to act like I'm fine.
Characters: Ken R. & Mitsuya T.
(A/N: I just came back to this fandom and Doramitsu is the first ship that came to my mind to write a one-shot fic about when I heard this song. As a celebration of my birthday, here’s some daily dose of Doramitsu angst to feed the fandom. Also, I can’t wait to see the next season this coming 3rd of October next month as I’m gonna see my favorite white haired boy Izana in the screen. Lastly, I don’t own anything from this franchise except for this fic of mine. Respective ownership belongs to Ken Wakui for this wonderful manga and Taylor Swift for this bittersweet yet catchy song.)
My cards are on the table, yours are in your hand Chances are, tonight, you've already got plans And chances are I will talk myself to sleep again You give me just enough attention to keep my hopes too high Wishful thoughts forget to mention when something's really not right And I will block out these voices of reason in my head
And the voices say, "You are not the exception You will never learn your lesson"
“You’re still good at this Mitsuya!” Remi groaned out in defeat as she placed her cards down on the table, glaring at the set of full house from the boy himself.
Mitsuya chuckled lightly. “I guess I’m a natural at this. Well, Draken you wanna lay down your cards here or you too scared to admit defeat?” He asked the blond who was still holding his cards silently in his hands.
“Now, now don’t get too cocky there Mitsuya or you’ll probably regret it.” Draken smirked at him as he finally placed his cards on the table which made Remi whistle and wiped off the smug expression on Mitsuya’s face.
A straight flush.
“Damn. You got me there.”
“Not always. But when I do, it’s damn satisfying.”
Draken grinned at him and Mitsuya willed out the unnecessary thoughts inside his head and the way his heart somersaulted like crazy inside his chest.
He really needed to learn his lesson to not repeat his mistakes again.
Foolish one Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love That ain't never gonna come You will take the long way, you will take the long way down
You know how to keep me waitin' I know how to act like I'm fine Don't know what to call this situation But I know I can't call you mine And it's delicate, but I will do my best to seem bulletproof 'Cause when my head is on your shoulder It starts thinkin' you'll come around And maybe, someday, when we're older This is something we'll laugh about Over coffee every mornin' while you're watching the news
But then the voices say, "You are not the exception You will never learn your lesson"
The sun was already setting.
But Mitsuya continued to stay behind the EC homeroom as he waited for someone.
They always wait for each other to go home after school anyway.
It’s a routine between the two of them ever since they became closer and became one of the co-founders of Toman.
Regardless, if one of them is late for a few minutes they would patiently wait for one another before leaving the building.
A chiming ring from his phone jolted out of Mitsuya’s thoughts and fished for the device inside his pockets.
Upon seeing Draken’s name on the screen, a smile immediately lit up his face.
However, it was gone in a flash as soon as he opened his message and read the contents:
‘Sorry. Couldn’t make it today as Emma is requesting me to help her with something around the house. You can go home without me. I’ll make it up to you the next day.’
Foolish one Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love That ain't never gonna come You will take the long way, you will take the long way down Foolish one Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love That ain't never gonna come You will learn the hard way instead of just walkin' out
Now I'm slidin' down the wall with my head in my hands Sayin', "How could I not see the signs?" Oh, you haven't written me or called But goodbye screamin' in the silence And the voices in my head are tellin' me why
Several days had passed but Draken didn’t keep his promise.
For one straight week, he went home alone after school.
Which should’ve been okay since he was doing it in the past right?
But ever since he met Draken and the blond had entered his life seamlessly, their routinary activities together made him used to it that when it doesn’t go as planned in each day, it left him bereft, and a strange pang would strike upon his chest.
Every other day he would glance at his phone.
Waiting for his call or message.
But the blank screen on his phone would greet him as always.
And that was a glaring answer enough that he should face into even if it made his heart ache at the harsh realization of their situation.
The realization that they would just remain as friends and that line will never be crossed forever.
'Cause you got her on your arm and me in the wings I'll get your longing glances, but she'll get your ring And you will say you had the best of intentions And maybe I will finally learn my lesson
Foolish one Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love That ain't never gonna come You will take the long way, you will take the long way down Foolish one Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love That ain't never gonna come You will learn the hard way instead of just walkin' out, oh-oh, oh, oh
“Sorry. I’ve been busy these past few days and I couldn’t walk with you the other day after school...” Draken smiled at him sheepishly as they trudged along the pavement one afternoon.
Mitsuya should resent him... be angry with him for disappearing on him for a week and just appeared out of nowhere with that damn sincere, apologetic look on his face as if he just made a minor hiccup on their friendship.
But who was Mitsuya kidding?
He knew within himself that he had a soft spot for his other Twin Dragon and he’d forgive him immediately regardless of mistake he made upon him.
“Wow. You must be popular these days to have that kind of hectic schedule.” Mitsuya joked and tried to mask his innermost thoughts and feelings away.
“Oi. Between the two of us you’re more popular at school.” Draken replied with a disgruntled sigh, leaving his lips. “Besides I’m helping out Emma with some of her schoolworks and errands at their house.” He finished quietly and looked away.
This made Mitsuya pause in his tracks and blinked at him a few times.
He didn’t miss that look.
“You’re spending a lot of time with her these past few days.” Mitsuya remarked in a carefully crafted casual voice.
“Course I am... She needs my help... and I also enjoy spending my time with her.” Draken answered in a gruff voice. His back was turned to him as he kept walking ahead.
But Mitsuya could imagine his reaction vividly.
Flush cheeks and obsidian eyes glancing away as his veiled emotions were shimmering around his pupils.
He swallowed thickly and smiled ruefully before walking ahead.
Perhaps he should’ve walked out from this chaotic mess inside his heart when he had a chance.
But when it came to Draken, he was really a foolish one.
La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la, oh La-la-la-la-la Ain't never gonna come Ooh, you will learn the hard way now Foolish one Sittin' 'round waiting for confessions of love They ain't never gonna come And thinkin' he's the one, you should've been walkin' out Foolish one The day is gonna come for your confessions of love When all is said and done, he just wasn't the one No, he just wasn't the one
(A/N: Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you.)
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perexcri · 2 years
Chester!! I love him!!! And it’s funny that he’s so ornery since the dog who was Chester was apparently a bratty dog. Also the fact that the donkey doesn’t seem to like being called a donkey, maybe it was cursed into one lmaodjdjfiejd
I’m so happy that they’re finally on their way! I love that Will’s clients adore him so much that they’re willing to help him, and I Love that the guard and the physician (reminds me of Gaius a lil bit ejdjdjxj) were basically like, if u wanna overthrow the king maybe Please??
The whole gathering supplies part reminds me of playing the Oregon Trail, just that sort of calm puzzling out what you need vibe. Ejfjffj maybe I’m just weird tho lmao.
“I have nothing to offer them. I can’t give anything of myself if I’m empty, and this place has done nothing but hollow me out.” Oh man Mike is too too real. Ofc this sort of Does open up the opportunity if, after they’ve gone away and healed for like five ten however many years, they could Then return and rescue the kingdom from the King’s tyranny, but even if they don’t they’re so valid and real and that’s why there’s a million older brothers anyway
Also! “You’re forsaking your entire kingdom and its people because of love?”
“Can you think of a better reason?” Screaming crying passed out on the floor.
I want to staple this fic to the inside of my brain and have it on a replay loop forever😌
Me anytime I see that you’ve posted:
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I hope you had a lovely day!!
HAHAHAH no Vee i'm accepting your headcanon that Chester was the dog from the show magically turned into a donkey. that is law as far as this fic is concerned now *slams gavel on desk*
everybody just loves our Will 🥺 (except the king ofc, but does he really count?). and the physician was absolutely serving Gaius vibes. i feel like if you've watched Merlin (like you, because you have taste), it's really easy to see where i'm drawing inspiration from it heheheh
the physician and guard both calmly being like "Mike would you please just overthrow the king for us 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 pretty please?" only for Mike to say "I Am Too Busy With My Boyfriend, And We Are Moving To A Timeshare On The New England Coast To Grow Old Together" asljlkjf cherryisgone was right: he really did become a cottagecore male wife ajkldsjalad
you are not weird!! i am probably the weird one for having never played Oregon Trail before 🙃 (does watching the starkid musical count lol). the closest thing i can think of from what i've dealt with before is stardew valley. have you ever played it?? tbh merlin was a big inspiration for this fic, but stardew lowkey was too 😩 (if you've played it, then some of the plants i mention probably sound. um. familiar. i couldn't think of any on my own so just used stardew valley seasonal plants to put in this story hjkkljkjl)
you are mighty perceptive Vee - a million glowing flowers to you 💐i lowkey put that in there on the off-chance i Someday want to write about them returning, but tbh, i'm liking the vibes of it right now. i just want them to get away and heal, so, you are also right: that's why Mike has all those older brothers. they can deal with this right lol
again: Mike saying "thoughts and prayers, citadel. i've got things to do and a boyfriend to kiss, but i hope you get better soon 😔🙏🏻" he finally has a chance to run away (smalltown boy i am looking at you) and he is going to take it for all it's worth
Vee i say this literally every time we talk on here but i am. so glad you like this story alkjfdsklajl like it means the world to me. seriously. just be warned because i will keep saying this in these little messages of ours (though there are only two chapters left, so!!)
I SCREAMED WHEN I SAW THE ICONIC ELMO PIC T_T time for me to retaliate
i hope your day was lovely as well, and i am wishing you an even lovlier day for today!! :] 💜💜💜
me anytime i see you've sent me an ask:
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OUGHORTHUIFGUH HIIIII!!!! :3 ok splitting this evenly between u and mac bc u both sent me MULTIPLE EYE EMOJIS!!! wonderful :3 thank u for giving me the opportunity 2 talk about my abandoned fics maybe it will give me inspiration 2 keep writing them??? perhaps??? unsure ANYWAY
OUGHHHHH ok ok gonna scroll thru my folders real quick. lets see hmmmm HOLY SHIT I FORGOT ABOUT MY MIDVALLEY THE HORNFREAK ORIGIN STORY FIC. forgot about that one. idk if i'll ever finish it because tb-fucking-h i fell out of trigun like super fast (the fandom's treatment of vash and ww has. really put me off. stop infantilizing vash and turning ww into a hot dangerous daddy dom i'm soooo fucking serious rn) my midvalley backstory it is still. sitting there. in my drafts. even if i never finish it perhaps i can put it in a google doc and send it 2 u and mac and the other hornfreakers!! but for now. here it sits. in the fic graveyard
in the same vein as that: trigun modern au roadtrip fic. i was so fucking excited about it i had a fucking blast writing the first few chapters, but again, Fandom Issues put me off (I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS URGHSGHHG I WANNA ENJOY MEDIA BUT SOME PEOPLE JUST MAKE ME AUTOMATICALLY ASSOCIATE THE MEDIA WITH THEIR SHIT TAKES AND PERCEPTIONS I'M GOING TO EAT A BRICK WALL) but also maybe i can throw it in a google doc and write out the plot points that were going to happen and toss it to the masses at some point??? it's just sitting there. looking at me. MENACINGLY
hmmmmm oh i had another trigun one i wanted 2 write. where after the events of trimax vash ends up going back to lena and staying with her and eventually meets livio again and then knives is still alive and then milly and meryl show up and they all get to live happily and everything. wonderful times <3 there was also ANOTHER one that was meant to be post canon trigun 98 where knives is being forcibly rehabilitated into society by vash and he is being such a little shit about it but he slowly but surely learns to love and be happy, and one day he's smiling and laughing with meryl as the two of them make soup in the kitchen while vash and milly play cards and eat donuts at the dinner table and he realizes huh. maybe it's a good thing i didn't destroy all of this. and i will never finish writing it but man it is always going to be a concept that i will hold dear to my heart
man this entire thing ended up being trigun huh. did not intend that but i got rambling <3 let's finish with a homestuck one!! i was going to write a post meat epilogue fic with ult!rose as the narrator bc we all know ult!dirk is a lying little bitch and does not talk about his feelings ever but ROSE sure as hell will talk about his feelings. not her own not EVER but she will put her father on blast at any opportunity she gets. i wanted to like. explore ult!dirk more thru her eyes bc he's so interesting to me but i never finished it. maybe i'll get back 2 it someday but for now it sits in the notes of my phone. half a chapter done. probably all it will ever be </3
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pomegranatecookiez · 2 years
thinking about how both wildberry cookie and crunchy chip cookie are in some ways the antithesis of how people from their kingdoms tend to be.......... wildberry cookie is a stoic warrior guy from a kingdom full of carefree party people. crunchy chip cookie is a headstrong and high energy guy who likes sweets from a kingdom of reserved and quiet people with an aversion to sweets. and despite everything they love their homelands and will do anything to protect them. theyre literally mirrors of each other and THATS why they got along so well they took one look at each other and were like "bro hes just like me fr" despite being total opposites in terms of personality
and theyre in LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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asocialangel · 3 years
you might not like me, but you definitely want me.
Location: Dance Practice Room
When Lee Know helps you practice for your upcoming comeback.
You had been sweating your body off, training so hard to perfect the choreography. It was draining. Especially with your… private tutor. Lee Know’s expectations were probably even higher than that of your dance coaches. The comeback wasn’t even that soon, but Lee Know wanted to make sure you excelled.
“You’re getting it wrong. You’re not sharp enough. I thought I had told you already, didn’t I ?”
This rhetorical question was essentially a way to pressure you not to repeat the mistake yet again. “Sorry, I tried to focus but I got lost along the way…” At this point you were making up excuses. You were just too tired to go on. But Lee Know wouldn’t have it that way. Since the beginning the atmosphere was rather tense, because you weren’t in the mood to train today, but here you were. And since you weren’t giving it your best, it annoyed Minho too.
“Look.” Minho spoke firmly as he stopped the music. “Since you can’t seem to do it right, I’ll show you. But it’d help if you even tried to make an effort.” He progressively raised his voice. He rewinded the track a bit and put it back on. The bass filled up the room again. Nobody talked, only his sneakers squealed on the wooden floor. Your chest was still moving up and down, the exhaustion prompting this constancy. As he walked closer stolidly, fear started obstructing your already difficult breathing. He had lost his patience and his dark stare only made you apprehend what he was about to do. 
He continued walking towards you. You got into position as the chorus was about to start, ready to dance this damned part you couldn't apparently get right. But as you faced the mirror, you saw Lee Know going further than his usual spot next to you. He got closer to you and the reflection you saw of him was now accompanied by his breath, that you now felt on your neck. His presence was heavy, scary. He was right behind you, his hips embracing yours. He placed his head on your neck and took both your hands. Even his feet were aligned with yours. He looked at you through the mirror. “Here doll, I’ll show you.” You gulped. The tension was too much to handle. Was he actually mad or was he trying to seduce you ? Both maybe… Your worry apparently showed on your expressions.
 “Look, you might not like me, but you definitely want me.” Minho spat out, assertive yet softly. You swore you could see a slight smirk on his angry rested face. His stupid face. Why’d he make you feel like this ?! Playing with your feelings too. But the worst part was…
“Who said I didn’t like you ?”
A/N: This is so short yet it took me some time to get finished... Seriously I’m so bad at this. But that’s why I want to continue to write tho, I wanna improve ! So anyways we did notice that my “February” thing did NOT last, what a shame lol. But now I’ll be in an exam period until June lol. So I’ll write but very casually. I missed writing tho, it’s actually such a pleasure, I hope I’ll do it more than once a month ! I found some old fics (haikyuu fics, to be precise) I had written back in 2020. They’re actually good, I’m low-key proud even tho I have a lot to improve on. I’ll post them someday, and finish the ones that need to be finished. Anyways, again, this fic ends openly, like it’s unfinished. But I think I like it like that. I like when the reader can imagine the ending themselves. So enjoy !!
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It’s a Good Day to Have a Bad Date
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 2,383
Warnings: Slight mentions of an OC with criminal priors, violent tendencies, and a juvenile record. A teeny-tiny bit of angst.
Summary: The reader meets Jay as she's trying to find out stuff about the guy she's about to go out with and ends up switching dates.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Just to make one thing clear: I did some research on Illinois's laws  (not sure I got it right tho) and, apparently, this fic is very inaccurate. But I really wanted to pursue the idea, so just humor me, please 🙏🏻. Anyways, I had a lot of fun while writing this and thought about making a part two... But I'm not sure. Tell me what you think! 💗
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You inhaled deeply one more time before you walked into the police district. There wasn’t even a real reason for you to be so nervous about it. You weren’t a victim and you weren’t a criminal. So, what’s the worst that could happen? 
The worst that could happen was, of course, you getting a bunch of cops mad at you because you went to waste their time with some pathetic whining. It was decided, you were gonna turn back around right now, while you still had time, and just go home.
On second thought, though, it was a matter of public safety. Your safety. Which was just as valid because you were just as much of a U.S. citizen as anyone else. So you went in. 
Shit. The place was almost empty, which meant everyone would notice if you left. And they’d ask questions, so you figured you’d, at least, get ahead of them, as you walked shyly towards the front desk. There, you were met by an older woman who looked bored, and still, terrifying.
“Can I help you with something?” She asked you, while cautiously checking you out. Oh my God, she thought you could be a victim! You were such an idiot.
“Um, it’s, um, it’s actually nothing, really. I shouldn’t even have come here in the first place.” You told her while smiling a little. What you didn’t know was that what you said had only raised more flags in the sergeant’s mind, even catching the attention of a tall man writing some things down on a paper at the corner of the counter. The young detective stayed back because he knew that Platt would know how to manage the situation, but continued listening to every word of the conversation.
The sergeant, then, took her glasses off, setting them on the counter. “Listen, miss, my name is Trudy Platt and the reason why I became a cop was that I wanted to help people, in every way that I possibly could. So, if you need my help with anything, just tell me what it is. And, I promise, I’ll do everything in my power to give it to you.” She assured you and, as much as you felt this huge sympathy for the woman, you also felt even worse about making her waste her time. So you tried to fix things.
“Oh, my God! I’m so, so, so sorry! I’m not a victim in any way, thank God. I said that I shouldn’t have come here because I’m not even sure if what I wanted to ask is legal…” You told her with a nervous laugh. Hearing that, the Sergeant’s eyes sparked with curiosity.
“Well, then I probably won’t be able to help you.” She told you, stressing the ‘probably’ and making the man at the end of the counter shamelessly turn his face in your direction in order to better hear your conversation. “But… Since you’re already here, and it’s been such a slow day for the District, maybe you should just ask me whatever you want to and I’ll be the judge of whether that’s legal or not. After all, unless you’re some sort of lawyer, I should know more about the law than the average civilian.” The Sergeant skilfully baited you.
“Um, no, I’m not a lawyer.” You confirmed with a small laugh while tugging some of your hair behind your ear. “Actually, since I’ve just recently moved here to Chicago ⎼ to Illinois, really ⎼, I’m probably a lot below your average civilian.” You stated with a giggle. At that, the guy that had lost his discretion about eavesdropping started chuckling a little himself, to which the older woman responded with a look you’d absolutely hate having directed to you.
“So, Chuckles, you have nothing better to do than to stay here listening to other people’s conversations?”
“First of all, it’s detective,” he started in a mocked smug tone, “and, second: no, uh, I actually don’t. I came to fill this paperwork down here exactly because we were about to kill each other upstairs, just to get out of the boredom.” He added, raising some paper files he had in-hand. “Besides, you know how much I, too, love to help people.” He said while shooting you a charming smile. Okay, that guy was pretty handsome. “Jay Halstead, nice to meet you.” The detective informed you, holding out his hand.
“Right, um, nice to meet you too, sir.” You replied, shaking his hand. “I didn’t even say my name, what a clums!” You joked while patting yourself on the forehead. “I’m (y/n) (y/l/n).”
“Okay, just, please, lose the ‘sir’ with that one, otherwise, he’ll never let it go.” Trudy chipped back in the conversation.
“So, what was it that you wanted to ask the sarge? I can assure you that we’ll let you know if it’s illegal. After all, two judges are better than one.” He suggested, all smiles.
“Since when?” The sergeant practically barked at the younger man, just to add: “You know what? You wanna be here at my front desk, Halstead? Then be here, but be quiet and let the lady talk.” She bluntly ordered him, who decided to do as he was told.
“Alright, um, it’s just that this guy who I don’t really know anything about asked me out and I said yes, even though I got a bad vibe from him?” They just stared at you with their jaws dropped, so you added: “Pathetic, I know. But I didn’t really wanna judge him without any proof, or anything like that, so I figured that, maybe, I could try and check if he has any criminal priors or something.” You finished with a tiny embarrassed smile.
“And why on Earth would you think that we could give you this type of information?” The sergeant asked you, her expression being one of pure shock.
“I, uh…” You didn’t really want to embarrass yourself even more but felt the urge to explain anyways. “It’s just that I’m a small-town girl, okay? And, over there, everybody knew my family, so, whenever I wanted to go out with someone, my dad would just ask his buddies at the Sheriff’s office to look the guy over. And he always told me that that was really important, so, when I moved to the state’s capital, I just wouldn’t go out with anyone unless a close friend vouched for him. Because I was terrified of what I’d see and hear on the news. But here… I don’t really know anyone yet.” You blurted it all out, to two strangers! To two cops who probably had something, or somethings, better to do than to listen to your whining. “Anyhow, I’m really sorry that I wasted your time, guys. Won’t happen again.” At that, they exchanged a look, and the sergeant said:
“You know what? You’re right, kid. The world is a dangerous place. And, unfortunately, it is even more dangerous for us women. So I’m gonna look the guy up. But I’m not gonna tell you exactly what it says if something comes up.” She told you, much for your surprise, and, then, turned to the detective, saying: “If you say a single word about this to anyone, and I mean anyone, Chuckles, I swear to God that I’ll cut your tongue out myself.”
“Geez, sarge. How can you swear such an ugly thing like that to God?” He asked her, in a mockery tone, while making a hilarious expression.
“Ha! Keep that up and your tongue won’t be the only thing I’m gonna cut.” She threatened him again and you couldn’t help but burst into laughter when he made a shocked expression and put his hands protectively over his crotch.
“For your information, I wanna help the girl just as much as you, so I wouldn’t say anything. You didn’t have to threaten me.” He tried to recover, as you handed her a small piece of paper with your possible date’s name.
“Oh, I know. But I wasn’t about to miss out on the opportunity.” She shot back at him while typing the name on the District’s computer. “Okay, here it is... Wow."
"What? What is it?" You asked her, as you watched the detective perk himself over the counter to look at the screen.
"Jesus. This guy's got himself quite a rap sheet." He commented, making you shiver, thinking of what could happen to you, if you went on with the date.
"What exactly do you mean by that, detective?" You asked the man who probably noticed your discomfort, because he spoke again, in a tranquilizing tone:
"No, relax. It's nothing too bad, like violent or anything. But there's some pretty nasty stuff here." He told you, not really making you relax.
"There's something here, though." That caught the detective's eye again. "His juvenile record is sealed, the only thing I can see without a warrant is an observation from his caseworker. She says something about him having violent tendencies." She told you with a sigh, taking her glasses off again. "Look, I know that I can't tell what to do and what to not do, (y/n), but, as a suggestion? Stay the hell away from this piece of work. You seem like a nice enough girl, I'd hate to see you come in here as a victim someday."
“Oh, God, no! I heard you loud and clear, sergeant! Don’t worry about it, I’m canceling that date ASAP!” You exclaimed, agreeing with her.
“That’s great!” The detective spoke this time, sounding a little too happy about the fact that you were about to cancel a date with a man who had criminal priors and violent tendencies. So both you and the other woman stared at him. “Err, I mean because you’re not gonna go out with him.” You just giggled a little at the way he was digging an even deeper hole for himself. “Because he’s a bad guy.” He added, once again getting a glare from Trudy. “You know what I mean.” He finished, defeated, not looking in your eyes.
“Well, uh,” you started, trying to keep yourself from laughing too hard, “anyways, I can only thank you both. You guys got me out of something that could be really unpleasant, to say the least.” You told them, a bit more serious this time.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. Just glad we could help.” Detective Halstead said, smiling kindly at you.
“Yeah. This time, I actually agree with you, Halstead.” The sergeant half-joked.
“Aw, that’s very kind, but, really, thank you!” You restated your gratitude, then asking: “I should probably get going now, right? Stop wasting your time?”
“It’s not like we were doing much before you got here-” Trudy began saying, but was interrupted by the detective, who quickly told you:
“Yeah, you should go. You know, cause a police District…” You knew he was right, but those two seemed like really nice people, especially after having helped you dodge a bullet, so to speak, and you’d hoped that you were finally making some friends in the Windy-City. “Anyways, um, lemme walk you out.” He offered you while motioning to the door. At that, you and the sergeant shared a look that told you she also found it weird that the detective would wanna walk with you through such a minimal distance.
“Uh, um, o- okay.” As you and Halstead walked towards the exit, you couldn’t help but notice what nice features he had. Like, your mind just kept going back to what a good-looking man he was.
“So…” He trailed off.
“So…” You answered, not really sure about what to say.
“You know, um, it’s gotta be a hell of a bummer for you. Being here in Chicago without knowing many people. This city… It’s all about finding your community.” He told you in a sympathetic tone.
“Hum…” You breathed out as you thought about it for a moment. “Yeah, well, I guess that I can only hope I’ll have better luck at making acquaintances the next time I go out to explore it.”
“Right.” The detective agreed. “Uh, listen, I know that this may sound a little too forward, but, maybe, I could show you some of my favorite places, someday? I mean, only if you’re interested! Because I don’t want you to feel like-”
“Actually, I’d very much like that! If it isn’t going to be any trouble for you…” You cut him off excitedly.
“No! No trouble at all!” He quickly assured you. “Um, thi- this is my card.” He said, lifting up a small business card for you to see. “I’m gonna write my personal number on the back of it. Call, or text me when you have some time to go out. Or if you just want someone to talk…” The handsome man added with a smile. God, what a smile.
“Okay, um, thanks, dete-”
“No, please! Call me Jay.”
“Alright,” you acknowledged, a little nervous this time, “then, thank you, Jay. Just, be advised, I can be very talkative sometimes, which means you might regret giving me this.” You warned him with a sly smile while waving the card in front of his face.
“Huh.” Jay pretended to consider it for a moment. “Is it too weird if I say I have a feeling that I won’t regret it?” He then asked you with a cute shy smile.
“Well, it sure isn’t weirder than me saying that I really hope you don’t regret it.” You confessed to him with a wink.
“Hey, are you two gonna take that flirting elsewhere on your own, or do you need me to get you a room?” You heard Sergeant Platt call out, blushing immediately.
“I’m so sorry about that!” Jay told you, looking a little flushed himself. “You should probably go now.” He added with an apologetic smile.
“Yeah, I think you’re right..” You agreed, but, as you were turning around to leave, he grabbed your wrist lightly, saying:
“Just… Don’t forget to call.” Hearing that, you snickered a little.
“I have a feeling that I won’t.” You told him, almost repeating his previous words, which got some chuckles out of him.
Now you understood the nickname.
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sanzu-sanzu-sanzu · 3 years
to celebrate this post, i’ll post about a fic instead of actually write it:
you are sanzu’s trusted dealer and his #1 source of high-quality dope. he barely knows you, apart from that you’re a junior in college and your contacts are far-reaching; not even your real name, though it’s not like he has any use for it when all he really needs for your transactions is your alias. (let’s say it’s “santa claus” idk i’m just making shit up on the fly). for your part, you’re aware he’s some big-timer in a bike gang, that he’s not from your uni, and that ‘sanzu’ may or may not even be his real name.
one night, he calls you up, says he wants to buy (cue your code words idk let’s say please commit a crime) and to meet him in 3 days. the next day, you stumble into him in his part of town, looking spooked. he raises an eyebrow, asks, “thought we’re meeting in 3 days?” you try to act coolly, but he thinks your smile looks weird. “i can give you the package now,” you say. “i can even get you 10% if you walk home with me.” he steals a glance at the direction you just came from and he spots 2 men looking your way. he shrugs. two men he can easily take care of himself. “fine,” he says.
on the way to your house, you’ve become a little chattier than the usual, not a lot, but just enough for him to notice. and it’s not like he minds, and he realizes he’s never even heard you laugh, not that it’s the sort of thing he ought to be noticing, anyway, and maybe it’s the anxiety but you sure do talk about the most random things, huh?
“i knew i spotted them from the window in class this morning, for a sec i thought i was seeing ghosts.” you say.
“why would you even think that?” he deadpans, and you laugh.
“i don’t know. when i did see them again, i kinda wished they were, though.”
somewhere, along the way, you offer him a 30% discount on all his substance purchases from hereon if he agrees to be your bodyguard, only after school, some nights after play rehearsals, and such. and somehow, he agrees. because if anything happens to his dealer, it’s enough hassle for him and his own sanity, too. and you’re not such terrible company yourself, he’ll manage.
at your place, he stops briefly for a glass of cold water (because you apparently live on top of a hill) and you tell him you have brownies in the fridge and he can get some himself. he turns to you, grins. “are you serious now? a freebie, too?” you blink, and then realize. “OH, no. they’re literal brownies, dummy.” another laugh.
yeah, he can get used to your company.
to be cont’d. someday.
ps. 🤦‍♀️ yes i am reposting i didn’t wanna rb the og post HAHA
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thequeenindisguise · 3 years
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Here it is! My first and probably last entry for Ichiruki Month 2021... to be more specific, it’s for Day 11 with the prompt “What do you dream of?”  
I think the last time I participated was like, what? Five years ago? Yikes. I didn’t even improve haha and okay, I know somewhere, sometime ago, someone has already done this AU though. And this was based off the amazing work of jon-lock from deviant art so this would look like crap next to his work. I mean I suck at coloring and at a bunch of other things, I know! But I just really felt like doing this. 
I was actually thinking of writing a fic about it, but if I’m the one doing it, it’s probably going to be multi-chaptered and I just can’t commit to that. So if you know of any fics or fanart with the same theme, hope you can link them to me 😊 I’d really love to dive myself in them.
But despite saying that, it didn’t stop me from writing this silly one-shot called Somewhere In Neverland feel free to read and review there, if you have the time.
And now, if you read through all that, thank you so much for your time! Be safe, hope you enjoy the rest of your day and the rest of Ichiruki Month :D
And now for some more story time, you don’t need to read through this. It will be just me sharing some personal stuff… So feel free to move on with your life without this. Seriously. You can stop here if you just accidentally pressed the keep reading button, you are forgiven 😊
Oh… you’re still reading? Okay, then. So I’ve been really depressed lately, more on because my current job sucks, I just lost the opportunity to get my dream job, the pandemic’s still on-going and I just feel like nothing’s really going on with my life (T.T) I’m broke AF, it’s hard to fall asleep, my face is all pimply, I’ve gained a lot of weight and basically, this is just a low point for me. 
Okay, I know that there are other people with much bigger problems than what I’m going through right now so I just try to deal with it on my own. I made a fanart, just to feel like I’m focusing on something and I actually finished the thing just to ease my mind of my worries. It was kinda therapeutic and I kind of like the feeling of actually accomplishing something. And I even mustered up the courage to join the discord server for IR. My anti-social ass was proud of that. I was even thinking of posting this fanart there just to show everyone that I really appreciate them for welcoming me but at the last minute I chickened out but ended up posting it here? I don’t know either. I’m weird like that. Even though everyone there seemed really fun and supportive, I just… didn’t want to ruin the vibe with my negative aura (the latest chapter was enough to trigger everyone. Didn’t wanna add to that).
Anyway, thinking about these past horrible days and listening to some really sad songs, because why not add to the drama? I was listening to one song about running away to “Neverland” and it got me thinking wouldn’t it be great if I were to just stay a kid forever? That way I wouldn’t have to deal with the pressures of adulthood. Then I thought about Wendy from Neverland and somehow I remembered that on that 2nd Disney movie, she grew up. And to confirm it, I just had to search for that clip on youtube. And yes, it was the part where Peter saw her as an adult and oh god, I kid you not, I started bawling. One, because I didn’t realize that I ship them… oops… and I wondered if Wendy, even as an adult, ever thought of what it’d be like if she had stayed in Neverland. Then I also found this deleted scene from the live action movie which showed Peter reuniting with her, hoping to take her back but he couldn’t anymore because she’s all grown up, and he was so heartbroken by it but then she introduces him to her daughter, with who he takes with him (weird? Maybe that was why it was deleted haha).
And so, I’ve been thinking about it a lot and as always I ended up thinking about Bleach and IR because of the new chapter and all (which wasn’t released yet back then). And I wondered what would it be like if they were in Peter pan and Wendy’s shoes—but first off, I didn’t think Ichigo would fit the role of not growing up because I don’t know, despite being a teen, he looked matured and kinda scary? Kids would never go with him. He’ll be better as the Grinch of Christmas because kids would probably feel like they’ll be bullied even though he’s a nice guy. And so I realize, oh it’s better if we switch them up and make Rukia Peter Pan because she’d be looking young forever while Ichigo grows old (which was what I was expecting from Bleach but somehow they all seem to be aging at the same time now, with all the marriages and the making babies or whatever) And to parallel the manga I realized that maybe having Ichigo live his life (in the world of the living) and have a family would probably be something that Rukia would be really proud of and would be happy to see (Okay, hold up. Just to be clear, I still don’t like the ending for so many other reasons but if it had to go down with Ichigo making a family WITHOUT Rukia then this better be the damn reason for it and that’s to protect him by making him live a normal and safe life before they reunite again in SS. I rest my case.).
And so I connect all this to Day 11 – What do you dream of? Because, well, since the prompt really is up to interpretation… it can be like a “dream” in life? Or just maybe a dream at night? Anyway, this is what I dreamt of literally. Again, I’ve been thinking about it all the time lately  so I had to let it out. And of course, in relation to IR and in this AU setting, they probably dream of being together too (both in life and at night haha) <3
And that’s about it. I just want to leave this long message here so that when the time comes that I feel so much better, I’ll know what I was going through behind this not-so-good-but-a-little-better-than-my-other-works-so-far fanart and that one-shot that I tried my best to write despite my writing skills being very rusty, and know that it will be alright someday and that I’ll probably get through it whatever it was that I’m going through at this moment.
If you’ve reached until the end then wow. Bless your kind soul really and hope you have a great dinner and of course, thank you for lending me your ears or eyes (since you had to read). I may not know you but I really, really appreciate your time 😊
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neverknewgrey2016 · 3 years
Okay, so I know this is bad. I wrote it while at work, and it is rushed and I suck. But @gamerwoo​ has been encouraging me to write again, so here is something I threw together. It is based off of a song, but I’ll put it at the bottom of the fic.
Warnings: fluff, angst, if you squint a bit of crack, I don’t wanna give away too much, but if there is something you think needs to be on here, let me know and I will add it.  
Characters: WonwooxReader, MingyuxReader
Words: 1278
Summary: It’s your wedding day and Wonwoo can’t help but think back on certain memories between you guys. 
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Wonwoo stood at the altar awaiting your arrival just like everyone else. To say he was anxious was an understatement. It was your wedding day, and he could barely contain his emotions. Any moment now and you would walk through those doors, and walk to the altar where he already stood.
His eyes scanned the hall that was filled with your friends and family. a small smile tugging on his lips as he thought about when you had first met.
"Guys, this is y/n, they are an exchange student, and my new lab partner.” One of Wonwoo’s friends introduced you. Now, Wonwoo didn't believe in love at first sight, but when he saw you, he knew you would be significant to him.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you," He gave a polite bow, only a little shy ... yeah, only a little.
With a wide smile gracing your face and you bowed back with a similar greeting. And that was the end of it for Wonwoo. Two minutes into meeting you, and he was smitten, barely even paying attention to the conversation that continued.
“What happened to your last lab partner?” Another friend asked.
“We had, uh, some differences. He liked his eyebrows, and maybe I mixed the wrong solutions and he now no longer has any.”
Wonwoo snapped back to reality when the doors opened, and you made your entrance. All eyes went to you, but your eyes were only on one. Love and adoration was written all over your face. It was clear this was the happiest moment of your life thus far. Wonwoo smiled brightly as you walked towards him. His heart raced seeing you looking ethereal. You really did have that wedding glow about you.
He thought about how these were the last few moments before you were no longer considered single, despite being in a relationship for years. He wasn’t sure if he should savor them or not. Your eyes locked with his, and another memory popped in his head.
He was sitting on the roof of a random apartment during a party when you came and joined him.
You sat next to him where he had been stargazing.
“Whatcha doing?” You asked, handing him a drink. He smiled at you, accepting the offer.
“Just needed to catch my breath. Parties aren’t really my thing.” You giggled and nodded.
“Yeah, mine either.” You replied. You both sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments.
“How are you feeling?” He asked you, turning his head to look at you. You turned yours at the same time, faces inches apart. Your eyes locking with each other. Maybe it was because it was only the two of you there, the feeling of being in a completely different world with a party raging in the background, or if it was the twinkling stars surrounding you both, but the atmosphere was that of a perfect movie scene.
“I-” You take a deep breath, so much had happened in just a few months, and you hadn’t had time to talk much to Wonwoo. “I’m so happy.” When you said this, Wonwoo couldn’t help but compare your smile to the brightness of the stars. Of course your smile beat the stars without any competition. The feeling Wonwoo had at your words was something he couldn’t express. But he smiled at your words. You being happy made him happy.
“I’m glad.”
Wonwoo’s heart started racing even faster, if it were possible, the closer you got to the front of the room. It was so close. You were about to be married.
He felt a hand on his back, a pat from a friend. Soonyoung, a groomsman. Soonyoung gave him an all too well knowing look.
“I am screwed.” Wonwoo said as he walked into his friend's dorm.
“Hey Hosh, how are you? I’m good, and you?” Soonyoung sassed before turning to face Wonwoo. He paused as he took in his friend. “What happened?”
“I’m in love.” Wonwoo said, rubbing his face with his hands.
“Isn’t that supposed to be a good thing?” Sonnyoung laughed at the expression he received from the taller boy.
“Yeah, it is.” He replied shaking his head.
Wonwoo forced his smile to stay on his face as you stepped up in front of his best friend, Mingyu. An all to familiar pang in his chest returning as you smiled brightly at your soon-to-be husband. For years he knew this would happen. He remembered that the same day you met, after you left, Mingyu turned to him and said ‘I’m gonna marry them someday.’. And as Wonwoo stood behind Mingyu as his best man, it would be impossible to say he was wrong all those years ago.
He had been there throughout your entire relationship. At first, he thought you were just another one of Mingyu’s crushes, until he realized you weren’t.
“You know, Hyung, I really like Y/n.” Mingyu rambled on, not even paying attention to the homework in front of them. Wonwoo just nodded along, nothing he hasn’t heard before from his younger friend. Mingyu always ‘really liked’ someone. Always fell hard and fast, but the flame would burn bright and die out just as quickly. Wonwoo thought this time was no different, except so many things about this time were different. Never had Mingyu and himself liked the same person before.
“I- I really think I may be in love with Y/n…” Wonwoo’s eyes shot up. Mingyu was never a player, but he never used the L word. Let alone the ‘in L” word.
“What makes them different from everyone else?” He asked.
“What doesn’t?” Answered the other boy. And as much as Wonwoo hated to admit it, Mingyu wasn’t wrong.
Of course Wonwoo never said anything. He never would. This was his best friend, he would never cross that line… outside of his head anyway. But he would never act on anything or try to sabotage your relationship with Mingyu. So, whatever those moments may have been, or those fleeting glances may have meant, they were nothing now. He was never going to ask you, not that he ever wanted to know the answer anyway. Because deep down he knew the answer. You were just as sickeningly in love with Mingyu as he was with you.
“Hyung, I have a question for you.” Mingyu said, sipping his drink. He had asked to meet up. It had been hard to do since they were no longer roommates and no longer young college kids.
“What’s up?” Wonwoo asked, taking a sip of his own drink.
“Would you be my best man?” Wonwoo froze, “I’ve asked Y/n to marry me, and I can’t imagine anyone standing behind me as my best man besides you.” And despite his heart shattering into millions of pieces, he couldn't say no.
Though as you and Mingyu both said your “I do’s”, Wonwoo couldn’t help but think about how maybe in a different life, you and him would have worked, but in this life, the life you were in, he would never try.
He watched as you and your now husband shared your first kiss as a married couple before walking out of the hall, hand in hand with matching smiles, part of him was so happy for his best friend. But the other part was jealous.
Through his forced smile and the real happiness he felt for his best friend and person he was in love with being together and happy, he couldn’t stop part of him from thinking about the worst part of it all.
You would have loved him, if you met him first.
(The song this is based off of If You Met Me First)
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
Yes, Sir // Ashton Irwin
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This is definitely the fastest turnaround I’ve ever had for a piece of writing 🤡. Yesterday @spicycal​ sent me a TikTok of Ashton reacting to being called “sir” and as you can imagine, the inspo machine started turning for a lot of us. Pretty quickly, I jokingly pitched a premise to @pxrxmoore @cashtonasfuck and @feliznavidaddycal that served as a sequel to the fic I had just posted, You Were Digging Plants, I Dug You. The more I thought about it though, the more I liked the idea so I ran with it and here we are. Thank you to @cal-puddies for as always, reassuring me I was on the right track and to the anons who excitedly messaged me in anticipation for it. (And to @rebelwith0utacause for implying my writing was worth losing sleep over.)
Warnings: Boyfriend!Ash, Gardening!Ash, Home Repair!Ash, Dom!Ash (we love a multi-faceted man), references to bondage and cumplay, brief degrading language, sex in a public place, unprotected sex in an established relationship
Word Count: 3750
Masterlist // Taglist // Ko-Fi
Let  me  know  what  you  think!
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were proud of what you’ve done,” Ashton accuses you with a smirk.
You drop your jaw in mock offense. “What I’ve done?! Ohhhhh, that’s right, that was my other boyfriend’s dick I was bouncing on that day. I’m sorry, baby, you’re correct. This was entirely my fault,” you offer with pouted lips, opening your arms for a cuddle.
“You were a woman possessed and your frenzied demon sex destroyed my relaxation zone,” he teases, pulling you in to first bite and then kiss your pout.
It had been a week since your spontaneous romp had ended in the untimely demise of Ash’s beloved hammock. He hadn’t let you hear the end of it since it happened and now the two of you were finally back outside, assessing the damage.
“I think I have a fabric patch kit in the garage but the framing is definitely fucked,” he mutters, picking over the pieces. “Gonna need new hooks… new spreader bar…”
“Been talking about getting one of those anyways,” you joke with a twinkle in your eye.
He gives you a look and shakes his head. “Jesus, already with you?”
You giggle and raise your arms in surrender. “I’m sorry, Ash, I honestly hate that I’m that girl but the manly man ‘lemme get my tools out and work with my hands’ act just does things for me.”
“Are you sure you want to go with me to get the supplies or are you gonna spontaneously combust right when we walk in the hardware store?” He teases, standing behind you and snaking his arms around your waist. “And you’re not that girl, you’re my girl.”
“Nice save,” you comment dryly and wiggle away from him; he chuckles warmly and you both walk back to the house.
While you’re getting ready to go, Ashton gets caught up taking notes on the hammock repair videos he’s found on YouTube so you end up heading out later than either of you intended. The home improvement store isn’t far but it’s LA so there’s still traffic and the car ride has a slightly tense air because of it.
You can tell how irritated he is by the way he’s relentlessly drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as you sit in the standstill traffic. You reach out and take his hand, both to calm him and to stop the noise. He looks at you appreciatively and gestures at the line of cars in front of him with his other hand. “40 minutes to go five fuckin’ miles,” he grumbles. “There’s no way this is getting done today, the sun’s gonna be goin’ down before we even leave the goddamn store.”
You kiss the back of his hand that’s tightly squeezing yours. “I told you, I’ll help you with everything tomorrow,” you remind him reassuringly. “It’s not a big deal, just relax, baby.”
“You know what would help me relax?” He turns to you with a smirk. “If I could go home and lay in a fuckin’ hammock.”
You finally arrive at your destination and enter the store. After his YouTube deep dive, Ash decided he should install wooden posts to hang the hammock on since your sexcapade uprooted the metal stand’s legs straight out of the ground. He heads over to visit the lumber department and you decide to browse through the garden center, thinking that if you pick out some new seeds for him, it might put a smile on his face.
Ash returns to you less than 10 minutes later, looking more agitated than ever. You raise your eyebrows to him as a silent question and he huffs, “They just happened to have sold out of what I need. Gotta order it, won’t be here until next week.”
You give him a sympathetic frown and rub his back. “I’m sorry I broke your oasis center or whatever you called it earlier,” you say, trying to lighten the mood.
He cracks a smile and starts browsing the seed packs in front of you. “I called it my relaxation zone and I’m sure I’ll forgive you someday.”
You two linger in the garden section, pointing out vegetables that could be helpful to have on hand and having a mild disagreement over which flowers would look best growing next to his sunflowers. 
“My phone is dying and I need it for my shopping list, baby, can you Google and see if we can plant marigolds right now?” He asks, turning a packet of seeds over in his hands.
You pull your phone out of your back pocket, happy to see that he’s calmed down and is interested in making the most of this trip. You chirp emphatically, “Yes, sir.”
Ashton hears your response and lets out a sharp, raspy exhale that you’ve never quite heard before and he immediately tries to disguise it as a cough. You glance over at him curiously but he appears to be intensely examining the package he’s holding so you move on.
“Depends on what type but these ones you can plant through the summer, so we’re good,” you inform him, pointing to the seeds he’s holding.
“Cool,” he breezes and tosses them into your shopping cart. “What about... basil?”
“Yes, sir,” you say again, fingers adeptly typing. You hear a similar noise come from him, though he deals with it much better this second time. You’re sure this wasn’t coincidental this time and you peer at him over your phone to see his jaw clenching in a way you’re very familiar with. Interesting.
“I’m just seeing ‘warm weather’... maybe just get one pack to try?” You suggest, eyeing him, trying to figure out if what you suspect is going on is really going on.
He shrugs, “Couldn’t hurt.” He flings the packet into the cart and moves down the aisle.
Ashton tosses out a few more things for you to look up and while you’re happy to help, you’re also glad for the opportunity to test the theory you now have. You vary your affirmations to him and as you suspect, “Yes, sir” is the only one that seems to get a reaction out of him.
The garden center is located outside and the afternoon sun is just starting to hit the area you’re shopping in. You notice Ash has begun to sweat and if you weren’t in a mood before, you absolutely are now, so you decide to rile him a bit more.  
“That sun is brutal!” You start, dramatically fanning yourself. “You’re lookin’ a little warm too, handsome… unless there’s another reason why you’d be sweating.”
He looks at you incredulously and you stare back innocently, eyes wide and shining; he stares you down as he briskly takes off his black button down shirt, leaving him in a white tank. 
“Are you good or does the sight of any bare flesh in the presence of gardening paraphernalia have you needing to excuse yourself?” He fires back, whipping his shirt into the basket pointedly, glare challenging you to push your luck.
You smile sweetly and answer, “Oh, I’m feeling just fine. But thank you… sir.”
Mischievous grin on your face, you start to make your way to the end of the aisle, scooting your body between him and the shopping cart. Sure, you could’ve gone around the other side but that wouldn’t have given you the opportunity to graze your ass against his crotch to confirm - yep - he’s losing the battle he’s fighting with his cock and he is definitely harder than he wants to be right now.
As you pass by, his large hand grabs your wrist and wraps around it tightly. “Watch it,” is all he says but the low tone he uses mixed with the feeling of his hot breath on your neck has your head spinning.
You lay off your teasing for a while but if you’re being honest, you both seem to enjoy the charged air lingering between the two of you now. Ashton grabs your waist to move you out of his way so that he can look at a display and his fingers dig into your skin just a little too hard, causing you to gasp sharply. You stop to read a tag on the bottom shelf and just happen to catch his gaze as you lick your lips, on your knees in front of him; you hear him curse under his breath as he turns away, adjusting himself.
The cat and mouse game continues and judging by the hiss you get out of him the third time you “accidentally” bump his crotch, you’ve pushed it as far as you can; you know you’re probably in for a long night when you get home but maybe that’s what he needs to take his mind off of how frustrated he is with this project. Or at least that’s what you tell yourself. It’s also quite fun.
You leave the garden section, cart full of various treasures, and start to head for the checkout. “Wait, baby,” Ashton calls out and you stop. “I wanna get a couple of the things I need for the hammock so when I come back for the wood I can just pop in and out of here.” 
He directs you to an area towards the back of the store; you follow him and wheel the cart down an aisle that’s filled with boxes of metal hooks and chains. He sees your eyes taking in the aisle and he makes a face at you. “Whatever obnoxiously horny crack you’re about to make, just do it now so you can help me look for what I need,” he says in faux exasperation, making a “come on” gesture with his hand.
You laugh genuinely, “I don’t have anything to say!” You walk down the aisle and peer into a few of the boxes on the shelves. “I do wonder if we might get a better price on some of these things at one of the other types of stores we frequent,” you say under your breath.
He ignores your remark and starts consulting the notes on his phone. He scans the selection of items and finds the types of hooks he needs, throwing them into your basket. He furrows his brow, unable to find the next thing on his list. 
“What are you looking for, babe? Let me help,” you ask, eager to speed things up.
“We need this,” He states, standing next to you to show you a picture of chains on his phone. 
You examine the photo and quip suggestively, “Yeah we do.”
He lands a light swat on your ass and you squeak. “Your jokes are gonna seem a lot less funny if you keep it up,” he warns quietly in your ear.
You look around and see that this section of the store is more or less deserted. Feeling emboldened by this discovery, you reach to palm him over his jeans. “Yes, sir,” you nonchalantly reply.
The words have barely left your mouth and his hand is already back around your wrist and dragging you to follow him down the aisle. Your logical mind says you should protest that his shirt, your sweater and all your intended purchases are being left in the cart unattended but the decidedly less rational section of your brain, the part that just told you to grab your boyfriend’s dick in the middle of a home improvement store, kind of wants to see where this goes.
You get your answer seconds later when he pulls you into a bathroom tucked away next to the employee break room; it’s small, only a couple of sinks and stalls, and looks infrequently used. Which is probably for the best because Ash does not appear to have any interest in taking you into a stall, at least not just yet.
He presses you up against the door, kissing you deeply with a bruising intensity. He pulls away and you gasp. “You’ve been acting up all day, sweetheart, you can’t be surprised we’ve ended up here.” His hand, large enough to reach across your entire face, grips your chin and turns you to look at him. “Is this what you’ve been aiming for, is this what you hoped would happen?”
His tone is harsh and his words threatening but his eyes glimmer with mischief, desire and excitement. You’re sure the look in your eyes matches his when you unflinchingly answer with a confident, “Yes. Sir.”
He smiles widely and leans in, kissing, nipping and sucking harshly at your neck. You groan against him, involuntarily, and then quickly wonder how thin this bathroom’s walls are and you start trying to recall if you saw anybody in the break room next door.
Ashton pulls back to admire his work on your neck and sees your concerned expression. His face softens for a minute and he asks you, “You remember your word, baby?”
You flash him a brief tender smile, appreciating how attentive he is, that he would pick up on even your briefest moment of apprehension. You nod enthusiastically and then your smile turns devilish as you think to once again answer, “Yes, sir.”
He hooks his fingers in your waistband and yanks you from the door, spinning you around and then pressing your chest into it. You hold your breath and brace yourself for the spank you’re certain is coming but it never does. You’re not sure if you’re disappointed but the way your core is throbbing hints that you probably are.
Instead of smacking your ass, Ash is rutting up against it, breath heavy against your neck, giving you goosebumps. “Feel this, baby? You knew what you were doing out there, you just couldn’t help yourself, could you? Gave you my cock this morning and you’re still begging for it, aren’t you?”
You bite your lip and wiggle against him, enjoying the feeling of his hard bulge pressing into you. “Yes, sir.”
Before you even realize he’s pulled away, that hard smack you’d been waiting for comes down on your ass and you cry out in surprise.
"That’s for being smart.” He presses his body roughly up against yours again and shoves his hand down your shorts, dragging his fingers through your folds, humming at the wetness he discovers there. “We’re on a fuckin’ shopping trip and you’re this wet for me? Even more desperate than I thought… and believe me, you were already very desperate in my mind.”
Ashton yanks his hand out of your shorts and pulls you away from the door, unceremoniously pushing you towards the sink counter. “Off,” he commands, gesturing to your bottoms. There’s not a lock on the bathroom door so he drags the metal trash can in front of the door, wedging it somewhat under the handle. “We already know you clearly can’t keep quiet, can’t have anyone barging in here to see who’s demeaning themself in the bathroom,” he taunts. “That’s only for me to see.”
You and Ash used to play like this all the time when you first got together but lately you’d gotten so caught up in your bubble of domestic bliss, it had fallen by the wayside. Things weren’t boring or unadventurous by any means but it’d been a minute since your last risky public romp or use of any degradation. Combining the two, plus the thrill of jumping back in after so long? Heavenly.
You hop up on the counter in your panties, shedding your tank top and spreading your legs, inviting him closer. “Yes, sir,” you tease with a sultry smile. “I’m your slut, no one else’s.”
He walks over and settles between your legs, kissing you hungrily as he unzips his pants and takes his cock out. “That’s right,” he growls. “Love hearing you say that… In fact, think I want you to see that too.” 
He grabs you down off your perch and spins you to face the mirror lining the sink, your hands fly out to brace yourself as he presses you up against the counter, kicking your legs apart. He makes quick work of tugging your panties down your legs and then reaching over to jerk the cups of your bra down. You watch your reflection as he exposes more of your body to himself and now to you; you don’t even process your nakedness, your only thought is of how blown your pupils look.
Ashton lines himself up and pushes his cock inside you and begins thrusting roughly. You were undoubtedly turned on but the stretch is still a lot and you find yourself gasping and white-knuckling the counter at the sensation. 
He sees your eyes start to close and he yanks your hair to get your attention. “I said I want you to see what a slut you are,” he breathes, already struggling to control himself. “Want you to see what I see, want you to see what everyone is gonna see if that door stop doesn’t hold up and someone comes in here and finds me giving you what you’ve been needing so badly.”
You whimper quietly at his words, at the thought of being caught. “Yes, sir… I love seeing how I look with your cock inside me…” You pant, “I already look so fucked out and we’ve barely started… I just wanted it so much.”
He slaps your ass again and the already loud smack sounds even louder given your setting. “We’re only at this fucking store today because we had to solve a problem created by your greedy little pussy and now that we’re here? You can’t even act right for a couple hours, got me hard looking at fucking flowers, now I’m having to bend you over in a fucking bathroom? How embarrassing,” he rasps at you through gritted teeth.
You love when he’s like this, you feel like you could almost cum from his words alone; you know it’s risking setting him off but you reach down and start rubbing your clit, you can’t help it. Ash immediately notices and laughs darkly. “Aww, baby, that time already? Go ahead and make yourself cum, sugar, the faster that needy pussy gets satisfied, the faster I can get on with my fucking day… until you’re back to begging me for it when we get home, of course.”
You’re aggressively meeting his thrusts now, throwing yourself back on him with pleasure being your only concern. You’d love to respond to his teasing with some sass of your own, rile him up some more but he’s hitting inside you just right and the only thing you can think to do is moan.
Seconds after you let out a particularly long moan, you notice voices can faintly be heard on the other side of the door, a pair of employees walking through the hallway. You catch Ashton’s gaze in the mirror and you can see the question in his eyes, letting you decide if you want to stop; you surprise yourself with how little you care and you stare at his reflection as you bounce yourself against him and rub your clit faster.
An amused smile paints his face and he whispers, “Starting to think you might want everyone to know what a slut you are for me. Is that what you want, baby?” His fingers dig into your skin as he drives his hips relentlessly into yours.
To keep from crying out, you bite your lip hard enough you’re almost sure you’re breaking the skin. You manage to gasp out, “Yes, sir,” before your orgasm completely takes your breath away.
The combination of you cumming around him and your breathless use of that phrase finally does Ash in and he thrusts into you only a few more times before his cock starts pumping you full of cum. Those voices outside the door are still somewhat present and you watch his reflection as he tries not to make a sound, fascinated by the way his jaw almost seems to be clenching in time with the pulsing of your pussy.
You both stand at the sink, catching your breath for a good minute, reality slowly starting to fade back in. You close your eyes and open them again, giggling once your mind finally starts to process the sight of yourself tits out, bottomless and bent over a bathroom sink in a hardware store.
Ashton smiles at the sound of your laughter and pulls out of you, hurriedly reaching for a handful of paper towels to help you clean up before things get too messy.
You accept his help and wryly ask, “You’re not gonna do the whole ‘no, put your panties back on, want you to feel my cum dripping out of you until we get home’ thing?”
He looks at you with amusement in his eyes and replies, “Gross, babe, we still have to go through checkout and everything. Jesus.”
You snort and pull him into you, kissing him sweetly before you both start the process of making yourselves and the bathroom look like nothing happened. 
You manage to exit both the bathroom and the store without anyone catching on; you notice he’s in a much lighter mood and much more affectionate and touchy than he was earlier. You like it.
There’s traffic on the drive home but it doesn’t seem to bother either one of you; you’re excitedly chatting about the purchases you made and trying to decide what to order for dinner.
There’s a lull in the conversation and you can’t fight the urge to comment, “So… you definitely can’t tease me anymore for getting turned on by home improvement because I’m pretty sure you’re not gonna be able to visit that store without getting just a little bit hard now.”
The giggle Ash lets out fills the car and it’s the best sound you’ve heard all day. “I think whatever sex demon possessed you last week got to me,” he shakes his head in disbelief. “I literally had to stop myself from eating my cum out of you. That’s how far gone I was.”
You playfully jab his side. “I can’t even get you to do that at home and you’re trying to do it in a public bathroom? And we call me the slut in this relationship.”
He laughs again and squeezes your thigh affectionately. “Well… we have fun, don’t we?”
You place your hand on top of his, turn to him and grin. “Yes, sir.”
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idabbleincrazy · 3 years
I’ve Been Thinkin’
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Fandom: Angel (Buffyverse)
Rating: E
Pairing: Splindsey, implied Spangel, hints of future Splingel
Word Count: 651
Warnings: language, grinding, teasing, Spike being the sexy asshole we know and love, subby Lindsey, Lindsey’s epic vampire kink
Summary: Spike has a revelation about Lindsey’s motives 
A/N: i was trying to write something a world away from this, but Soul Purpose started and the strip club scene gave me some naughty ideas. hope you like. and maybe someday i’ll write a Splingel fic so the Tiny Texan can have his dreams come true...
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“Thought I wasn’t your type?” Lindsey grunted out as Spike pushed him against the wall, memories of their first meeting flashing through his mind at the familiarity of the action. “Isn’t that what you told me when I tried to buy you a drink?”
“That was when I thought you were lookin' to pick up some easy slag who'd bend over for ya out in the alley." 
Spike leaned into the curve of Lindsey's neck and inhaled, smirking at the heady scent of the human’s arousal. Lindsey shuddered as Spike's lips ghosted over his skin, his voice shaky when he finally spoke again. 
"A-and now?"
"Now I see I got it all wrong, Doyle."
Lindsey swallowed hard at the use of his false name, fear flavoring his scent as the image of a pair of fangs piercing his exposed throat flashed through his mind. 
"Shit, look if this is about-"
"Oh, save it." Spike pushed closer against Lindsey and licked a long stripe up the side of his neck, nipping lightly at the skin with blunt teeth and chuckling darkly at the shiver that ran through him. “‘M not here to discuss your subterfuge, not as such, anyway. Not here to kick the living shite out of you; though I probably should."
Lindsey gasped and squirmed under Spike’s ministrations, his hardening cock twitching within the confines of his jeans. 
“Then what, man? What did you come here for, if not for revenge?”
“Oh, I’ll get my revenge on you ‘fore the night’s out, believe me; just of a differently physical sort than you might have figured on.” Spike thrust his hips forward, his growing erection brushing over Lindsey’s and pulling a groan from the Texan’s lips. “Turned you away before ‘cause I thought you wanted to fuck me. Only ever been one bloke that gets that privilege, and you certainly ain’t him. But I was wrong, weren’t I? Checkin’ in on me, even when you didn’t have some heroics to send me out on. Always turning that same bloody song on every time you came over, hell, makin’ sure to leave the album at the apartment in the first place, I really shoulda seen it sooner. You don’t want to fuck me...oh, no, hard as you are right now, me pinning you to the wall like this; all along, you just wanted me to fuck you. Ain’t that right, Lindsey?”
Lindsey screwed his eyes shut, wanting desperately to be able to deny it, to deny all of it. But with Spike grinding tortuously slowly against him, that thick cock clearly defined within his too-tight jeans, pressing into him and rubbing against his own aching length...he couldn’t help but nod pathetically, couldn’t not admit how badly he’d wanted exactly that since the moment he saw Spike’s picture in Wolfram & Harts files on Angel’s family. He had dreamt of the blonde currently pressing against him almost as often as he’d dreamt of Angel; hell, he’d even dreamt of them taking him together on more than one occasion, waking up to sheets soaked with sweat and cum as he cried out their names. 
“Tell me, Lindsey. Tell me what you really want.”
“Want…I want you to fuck me, Spike.” Lindsey’s candor was rewarded with the feeling of Spike’s teeth tugging at his earlobe, and the zing of pleasure that coursed down his spine at the touch cleared away any final shred of reluctance to admit the thoughts he had way too often to consider just a passing curiosity. “Wanna feel your cock, in me, splitting me open. Shit, Spike, I want you to make me feel you for days. Fuck me, just fuck me.” 
“Hmm.” Spike turned Lindsey around to face the wall, leaning in and trailing his nose along the curve of his jaw, inhaling deeply. “Fuck, Angel was right about you, Linds. You are gonna make such a pretty pet.”
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