#anyways if youre gay and worried no one will love you with your so called flaws
coffeeandcalligraphy · 10 months
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You knew my mother was here | Moth Work
Lonan has stopped paddling. The canoe sits in the middle of the lake, lifeless like a bone in the water. He’s turned so Harrison sees him in profile and can’t tell if it’s relieving or worrying to see his face. Lonan’s jaw is taut, like there are words he wants to say but can’t. Filling up the hollow bone. He blinks slowly, like he’s trying to re-centre himself, his chest quivering with breaths meant to steady him. The water laps at the base of the canoe, whirling like his head. Dark hair tangles down his cheeks like the fingers of a poltergeist.
“You knew my mother was here,” Lonan says.
Excerpt circa 2019.
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tafadhali · 1 year
I actually didn’t mind the humor/glibness much but how did Aaron Sorkin fuck up the love stories in his Camelot rewrite that bad
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succubus-nblm · 1 year
I found out that apparently my bf has been rejected for his crooked/chipped teeth multiple times and when he was telling me this I was legit like getting Mad. Like idk, he's literally so hot and the nicest fucking person I've ever met in my life and the fact that he had been rejected so many times that he was terrified to show me a pic of him smiling with his mouth open when we met (on a dating app) makes my blood boil. I will tell him at LEAST 10x a day that I love his smile and it's the cutest fucking smile I've ever seen for the rest of our lives. He now sends me pics of him smiling and I max out the reactions on discord from sending every single heart reaction. Fuck people who judge people based on TEETH like that's the dumbest shit. Grrrrr grrrr bite kill grrrr
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snowshinobi · 2 years
still not over the time i told a recent friend (now recent bf) i liked his shirt (pale blue-grey polo w narrow white horizontal stripes, compliments his fluffy light brown hair + hazel eyes) and several lunch walks later he said he can’t remember the last time someone complimented him on his outfit. i think my heart audibly cracked
#where to even start with this like.#HE LOOKS GOOD. FREQUENTLY.#he matches the accent colors of his band tees to his pants and/or shoes. my fave combo rn is#the black The Who tee (white and red lettering on both sides) + cream shorts + black sneakers w red accents#he does the accent matching thing subconsciously btw. i pointed out ''your sneaks match the shirt that's cool'' he was like ''oh they do''#no one ever said anything huh#my understanding is dudes are hesitant to compliment other dudes bc they fear being called gay for it. classic homophobia making life worse#first and foremost for gay ppl but also for the straights#and women are hesitant to compliment dudes bc they worry he'll take it as flirting. classic heteronormative#''women and men can't be just friends'' + ''she asked for it'' garbage making life worse first and foremost for women but also for men#and yeah also all genders of trans and/or enby folks may be hesitant to compliment guys bc they fear being hatecrimed. can ya blame em??#look at the fucking statistics#on the one hand not being constantly judged for their presentation is a win for men. i love the compliments but it's also unnerving how#ready ppl are to appraise my appearance#that said it sucks that men getting pos attention for looking nice on the daily is so rare#all that suit hype yet no love for subtle accent matching. sweet kicks. a good sturdy jacket. FLANNELS#also would it kill us to tell guys their facial hair looks good? multiple guys ive dated have asked my opinion on their facial hair choices#before stating what their preference is. i'd get asking out of curiosity or wanting to know how it affects the kissing texture#but dude. man. my guy. people who love you will kiss you anyway even if it's a lil fuzzier than they prefer.#what's important is you like it#idk how to condense all this into occasional normal compliments anymore i just tell#bunny boy#his hair is pretty and his taste in band Ts fucks and spend 30 seconds curling and uncurling his fingers bc his hands are nice#sigh#snowswords
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petew21-blog · 1 month
Bodysitting gone wrong
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I thought that the site had only verified sitters. Imagine my surprise when I found out my body had disappeared. He didn't answer any of my calls and even blocked me ony the Bodysitting site. I contacted the support, but they said they need some proof of violation of the contract.
Let me just make it clear to you. I am a manager for a big company. My work life is stressful as it is. Me and my wife just had our first baby and I swear I love them both, but I just can't stand it. I needed to get some rest for a while. Until my colleague suggested a Bodysitting site. Where verified strangers can agree to swap life with you for some financial ammount and pretend to be you. You either continue their life or if you pay up you can do whatever you want. Which was exactly what I wanted.
I set up a profile a submitted my photo. Because of my muscular torso and probably even the dick size and wife I mentioned, the request kept flowing in.
I eventually choose Rick here. He was young, handsome and even here in the same city, so if anything happened I could always come by. We had a whole conversation where he would ask me details about my life, work, wife everything. He really wanted to be good as me.
The swap was instant. I was suddenly in a small apartement on the edge of the city.
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I think I chose perfectly. I can even get a date in this body.
As I said before, I really love my life. But we haven't had sex for such a long time. You have to understand.
Back to present
I got a call of thepossible whereabouts of the location of my body. Yeah, I have to be honest. I was horrified when I arrived there. The place was a gay club. But not one of those "sweet" bars. But a pub for those leather fuckers.
I entered and all eyes were on me. Fuck, I didn't realise that this kid is exactly who they want.
But they I saw my body coming out of the bathroom. I wouldn't almost recognise it if it weren't for the beard.
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"What the hell have you done?!?"
"Oh hey, that's a face I didn't expect to see so soon. Want something to drink?"
"No, I want you to explain to my why you did everythig we agreed not to do. You got me tatooed, got my nipples pierced and please tell me that's not a mohawk under that hat?"
"You know what, you don't have to worry about that anymore. I know how you were unhappy with your life, so I decied to give you a present. You can keep the body. Great right?"
"What do you mean keep the body? What have you done with my life?"
"Well. Your wife kind of figured out I'm not you the second night after she caught me in the shower fingering your butt. I explained to her and I think you shouldn't get near her any time soon. Anyway none of this matters. I deleted the profile, so there is no going back if there aren't both of the original profiles that made the deal."
"I'm gonna kill you!" I jumped at him, but in a second I was pressed against the wall with a hand on my neck.
"Look, either you leave and nothing happens to you. Or me and the boys here can show why not to threaten any of us. So, what you wanna do?"
I obviously left. What was I suppose to do? He would beat me up, rape me or even kill me. I contacted the support and even their number was blocked now. Amazing. I hope my wife is into twinks
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willamaybeck · 17 days
pjo/hoo @/amusement park headcanons
idk i thought of this forever ago and it's been sitting in my notes forever, so here
piper throws up on a rollercoaster
percy cannot, for the LIFE of him, win annabeth a prize.
"let me show you how it's done, seaweed brain." she calculates how to throw and wins him a tiny stuffed trident.
rachel has to quickly pull grover away from his feast in the trash cans before someone sees
leo & calypso fix a broken-down ride
jason tries to convince thalia to do the bungee jump dive w him--she offers up piper instead but ends up doing it anyway
(she may or may not nearly strike percy w a lighting bolt)
hazel helps a little girl find her lost earrings and frank is basically in love
everyone realizes they "lost" percy & annabeth at the water park ;)
jason was sent to find them and boy--HE DEFINITELY FOUND THEM
frank accidently gives archery lessons
jokes about grover becoming the amusement park janitor
hazel kinda wishes nico were there but she knows he wouldn't have had fun
rachel & calypso befriend each other
piper gets a piggyback ride from leo & vice versa, as well
frank & grover are "guests" in a hypnosis performance
thalia finds this too amusing and takes pictures for the hunters to enjoy
percy & annabeth stroll around themselves for a while just being cute <33
jason mentions smth about nico being gay to piper (an aside, just a short snippet):
annabeth was trying to sneak up on piper w her yankees cap but now she stumbles back to percy by the restrooms and almost cries laughing.
"all this time we thought he had a crush on me, but it was you!"
percy is so mortified
calypso slaps percy when she first sees him (they were all kinda nervous about them meeting again, esp annabeth even tho she knew not to worry; if your bf can turn down a roman praetor for you w/o even fully remembering you, then you should be fine) but then she thanks him for leaving. he's not her happy ending, and she isn't his.
honestly, he was most shocked to see her wearing jeans
leo somehow catches a water ride on fire??
jason & percy volunteer to be in a sword fighting demonstration--somehow none of the mortal audience notices they discarded the prop swords they were given
piper & annabeth are slightly worried they're going to kill each other
calypso guarantees them this a "rather healthy" confrontation
"of course, verbal communication is the best way, but guys think differently."
grover has a picture of juniper in his wallet. rachel finds this incredibly sweet
leo jokingly volunteers to give grover's goatee a trim
no one appreciates the pun.
grover declines.
hazel almost uses golden drachmas as payment for her lunch and frank just can't help but laugh at her
jason & piper fly around the park
the aerial tramway is for chumps
piper fangirls very much upon seeing percy & annabeth's seat--midair snuggling and forehead kisses
jason calls down to thalia to be calm
she's gripping the ride so tightly
she wasn't even supposed to be IN the cart bc it's only fit for two people but rachel & grover pulled her into it
leo's super fuckn fascinated when learning to braid calypso's hair
he tries to copy piper's braids, but she has to inform him it's complicated due to her uneven hairstyle
thalia, rachel, grover, percy, & annabeth all eat lunch together and it's so comfortable.
thalia had never fully met rachel but now she's just crying from how rachel blatantly broke up w percy w/o even dating him
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undying-love · 3 months
Paul being very secure about his sexuality: A compilation
"The reason why we didn’t do Up Against It wasn’t because it was too far out or anything. We didn’t do it because it was gay. We weren’t gay and really that was all there was to it. It was quite simple, really. Brian was gay…and so he and the gay crowd could appreciate it. Now, it wasn’t that we were anti-gay – just that we, The Beatles, weren’t gay."
“It was always obvious Brian was gay and we could talk to him about gay things, but he would never come out with, ‘Hello, Paul, you’re looking nice today.’ I was quite obviously un-gay, due to my hunting of the female hordes. I think we all gave that impression."
Q:  You must be very secure with yourself.
Paul: I think it is that. I'm OK with gay people, too, because I'm essentially comfortable with my sexuality. I can goof around with gay people. I sort of know who I am by now.  And it's about time.
"I imagine he heard it [Dear Friend]. I think he listened to my records, but he never responded directly. That wasn't his way. We were guys; it wasn't like a boy and a girl. In those days you didn't release much emotion with each other."
"One thing he told us was that one in every four men is homosexual. So we looked at the group! One in every four! It literally meant one of us is gay. Oh, fucking hell, it’s not me, is it? We had a lot of soul-searching to do over that little one."
"There's a song I do called Here Today which is specifically written for John. That sometimes catches me out. I realise I'm telling this man that I love him and it's like I'm publicly declaring this in front of all these people I don't know. I sometimes wonder what I'm doing.
Q: In “Here Today”, you talk about your love for John. Did you ever say that to him, in those days?" Paul: No. I'm sure we both felt it. But that is not something two boys use to say to each other. If they were gay, maybe. Otherwise it is rare that that happens."
"My view is that these things are there whether you want them or not, in your interior. You don't call up dreams, they happen, often the exact opposite of what you want. You can be heterosexual and be having a homosexual dream and wake up, and think, 'Shit, am I gay?' I like that you don't have control over it. But there is some control -- it is you dreaming, it is your mind it's all happening in."
"We were in New York before he [George] went to Los Angeles to die, and they were silly but important to me. And, I think, important to him. We were sitting there, and I was holding his hand, and it occurred to me — I’ve never told this — I don’t want to hold George’s hand. You don’t hold your mate’s hands. I mean, we didn’t anyway. "
"Yeah, I think he [John] did [love me], yeah. It wasn’t actually a spiky relationship at all. It was, uh, very warm, very close and very loving, I think. All The Beatles. We used to say, I think we were amongst the first sort of men to come out openly – and you remember, it was quite sort of strange in those days, we’re talking about a long time ago now when homosexuality was still sort of largely illegal."
"Because he [Robert Faser] was gay, it raised a few small-minded eyebrows, and funnily enough, one or two of them were from within the Beatles: ‘Hey, man, he’s gay, what you going off to Paris with him for? They’re gonna talk, you know. Tongues are going to wag.’ I said, ‘I know tongues are going to wag, but tough shit.’ I was secure about my sexuality. I always felt this is is fine. I can hang with whoever I want and it didn’t worry me. I mean, we didn’t share a room or anything."
"With Robert’s thing of course there would be gayness. But there was no open gayness. If there was to be gayness it would be a quiet phone call that Robert would go and take in the bedroom or something. That was one of the good things, actually, because I knew he was gay and he knew I wasn’t gay so we were quite safe in our own | sexuality. We could talk to each other. "
Lastly, there is this odd anecdote that may or may not mean anything, but here it is:
One of the strangest of these incidents came at the end of 1992 when Mark Featherstone-Witty attended the MPL Christmas lunch. Mark took an accountant friend to the meal, a McCartney fan he'd known for years, which led to a strange and unpleasant row. By Mark's recollection, Paul's manager Richard Ogden summoned him into the MPL office the next day where he read him the riot act for bringing an unwelcome guest to Paul's party. 'What do you mean by bringing someone who was so obviously gay to Paul's Christmas party? Have you any idea about the responsibility you carry in this project?' he allegedly asked. 'What are you talking about?' replied Featherstone-Witty, explaining who his friend was. 'But he was gay, you stupid fucker!' 'No, he isn't.' 'You've got to be careful. You can't do anything that would embarrass Paul...'"
Fab : An intimate Life of Paul McCartney by Howard Sounes
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its-your-mind · 11 months
This is a call to action for all the PJO girlies (gender neutral) that I know are sleeper agents on this webbed site
Go read Trials of Apollo. Go do it. Do it right now.
I know what you’re thinking. “Tbh I didn’t love Rick’s writing towards the end of Heroes of Olympus” “There’s no Percy so why bother” “All of the Argo II crew are kinda OOC” and listen my friends. You are so valid to have those opinions. I felt the same way after Blood of Olympus. But listen to me. Look at me.
Now that you have had some time away, you must give these books another try. For me. For Uncle Rick. For the demon baby grain spirit who is only able to say his own name (Peaches).
Do not worry friends, I do not expect you to read just based on my say-so - I also provide:
A list of reasons why you (yes you) should go read the Trials of Apollo series right now gogogo:
(Spoiler warning - all broad plot things that you learn early on, but I know some people (including me) avoid that shit at all costs)
All the chapters are titled in bad haiku. Ya know that one scene in Titan’s Curse where Apollo just starts reciting apropos of nothing? That’s every chapter title. They’re all so bad it’s amazing.
Apollo is so up his own ass about everything, and it’s so cool to experience the same world through the eyes of someone who is not used to being in amongst the chaos
Oh yeah the plot. That’s a reason to read it.
Okay so
Basically Zeus continues his streak of being a shitty shit parent and decides to blame like… every bad thing that has happened on Apollo, and punish him by turning him mortal and enslaving him to a demigod girl named Meg who is a garbage gremlin with a little demon baby guard named Peaches (see above)
And like the A plot is they gotta save the oracles from shitty old Romans who wanna take over the world (stop me if you’ve heard this one before)
But like the B plot is about what it means to discover that you’ve fucked up, you’ve made mistakes, you’ve hurt people, and you gotta fucking own up to that shit
But also
You do not deserve to be punished for every horrible thing that has ever happened because of you, or even around you, and when a parental or authority figure in your life tells you that, they are an abuser and they are wrong
And yet
It can be so hard to fully separate yourself from them. Because for so long, they were all you had.
But that’s okay, because when you start to learn that the people who were supposed to care for you and love you were not actually doing that, there are people around you who will love you, who will support you, who will pick you up and hold you close and make sure you know that you are okay
And they can’t fix you
But they can give you the safe space to fix yourself
hmm that was an essay about themes and metaphors BUT THATS WHY YOU SHOULD READ IT
also there’s a wikipedia arrow who only speaks in Elizabethan prose (in all caps)
OH ALSO ALSO you get to see Will and Nico being a CUTE AS FUCK couple in the first book. Nico smiles. Also makes skeletons grow out of the ground when people annoy him. Fuck I love this little gay death boy so much.
AND. You get to see so MANY of your old friends. And they still! Get! Plot! And! Character! Development!! Even though they are only there for a little bit
OH OH OH there are two old lesbians who run a halfway house for people who are tangled up in magic shit with nowhere else to go
Did I mention Peaches? I did. He’s my favorite.
OH ALSO. This is “unreliable narrator” executed SO FUCKING WELL. Like, all narrators are unreliable. But Apollo used to be a FUCKING GOD. He has not had to deal with the reality of death all that much. He’s used to people praising his name and bowing down at his feet. But that ain’t happening!! And he is Unhappy about that!! But it also lets there be such a clear juxtaposition between what Apollo believes about himself and about the world and what is really true, which is such a wonderful way to write about recovery from trauma.
Anyway it’s just real good Uncle Rick continues to knock it out of the park but he just did something different and we (at least I) needed some space from OG PJO fan brain before I could appreciate how fucking awesome this series is.
OH OH OH and if you like audiobooks Robbie Daymond (hello CR mutuals - yes, this is the one who is our beloved Blue Boi who we (Orym) so desperately need returned) is the audiobook narrator and he is. So fucking good. Absolutely NAILS the dramatic-ass-inner-monologue of this dramatic ass ex-deity. Also nails all the other voices as well. 15/10 audiobook narration I’m lichrally gonna go listen to other books JUST cuz he reads them.
okay why the fuck are you still here. GO. GET THESE BOOKS. If your public library does Libby you can absolutely get them on there. GO FORTH.
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whatwouldsylwrite · 1 year
At least I got you in my head (prologue)
Summary: Abby is straight. And then you move in with her.
Tags: modern au, fem!reader, straight!abby (she is doing some comphet bullshit), pining, idiot in love and it's abby, reader is gay and tired.
A/N: The title is from Sleepover by Hayley Kiyoko, because my motto is if I had to suffer Abby has to suffer too. I also have literally no idea where this is going, but the idea got stuck and I needed to write something. 🙃
Jessica here is Jessica from Jessica Jones. (actually all characters here are fictional women I have a crush on, no name is random)
"Listen, I have a friend, she is looking for a roommate right now." Nora said as she drank her sweet coffee you really wanted to steal after she listened to your complaining. "It's super close to the campus."
"I've seen a porn starting exactly like this."
"I wouldn't call Sherlock Holmes porn." Nora shot back and you rolled your eyes. "Do you want her number or not?"
"Is she, you know?.."
"Painfully straight. Don't worry, you won't end up looking for a place because you decided to date your roommate."
"Okay, yeah, give me her number." 
Okay, Jessica wasn't.. that bad. It was cute in the beginning, you two hit it off immediately, her sarcasm bounced off your wittiness perfectly. You liked how cool and un-fucking-bothered she was, she liked you because you were a little shit. You two had so much tension it was bound to explode one day, and it did: you got drunk at home, played some have i never and then fucked for two days straight. Jess was cool, and Jess really didn't like to give any kind of clarity on where you stood even when you asked her to her face. She'd just say she liked you and that was it, and even though it really pissed you off, you didn't press further - Jess was cool, but she wasn't sweet enough to fall in love with. It was getting annoying as she grew more territorial about you, always putting her arms around you in public, which was cute until she started asking about Nora and getting angry when you were with her. 
That was when you decided to tap out and move out - the red flag was fucking screaming in your face. You quickly informed Jessica about it, to which she just flipped you, and you left, not dealing with her shit. And now you were homeless, and the term was starting and you really didn't want any drama. 
So a painfully straight girl would be fucking perfect for a roommate.
to: potential roommate
Hi! I'm (y/n), Nora gave me your number
She said you're looking for a roommate?
from: potential roommate
Hi! I am
Do you smoke?
to: potential roommate
from: potential roommate
That's the address
If you can, come tomorrow after six
to: potential roommate
The place was actually close to the campus and not "beautiful place to have peaceful study sessions. 20 minutes by public transport". You weren't sure if you'd be able to afford it, but it was worth a try anyway, you were tired of sleeping on your friends' couches. The apartment building was on a quiet street, but you knew that this street had a bunch of bars where students spent their time.
It was another win, and it made you want to afford this place even more. You reread the message and got up to apartment 42. 
You rang the bell and waited for the girl to open the door. 
And then she did.
And then you died. 
Tall, muscular, shoulders and arms so defined you felt your mouth going slack. She had freckles on her face, pretty blue eyes with long lashes, stubborn mouth and a long braid. 
Oh no fucking way this absolute lesbian wet dream was straight. Nora set you the fuck up here, you were sure of it. 
"Hi, I'm Abby. You're (y/n)?" She said in a nice melodic voice that had just an edge of something dark and warm, and you woke up.
"Yeah." You squealed, still so shocked and so attracted to her it was getting painful. 
She was painfully straight? Well, you were painfully gay for her right now. 
"Cool, come in."
Oh god. 
Oh god.
She had the ass. Oh what a good day to be a lesbian, you thought, but you politely looked away, feeling like a creep for staring at her. 
It gave you time to look around: the place wasn't too big, but it was cosy and clean, clearly looked after. That was a good sign - Jess was tidy, but she smoked and the whole place just stank of it, her cigarette buds were everywhere. Abby seemed sporty, probably obsessed with her food, but you didn't mind. 
"Do you play sports?"
Oh for fuck's sake, you groaned inside. How could she be so stereotypically gay and be straight? Well, of course she could, looks and hobbies weren't indicators of someone's sexuality, but it was pretty fucking ironic to you. 
The kitchen was small and tidy, everything in its place and a cute towel hanging from the oven handle. It gave you a 1950s housewife vibe, but it was cute. The living room was more chaotic, pillows and blankets everywhere: on the couch, on the floor, behind the couch (???), big tv and playstation next to the wall with a bunch of games next to them. Likes games, you noted, really feeling like a Sherlock Holmes and laughing at yourself for comparing your basic observation to the fictional genius. 
"Sorry, I didn't have time to figure out this mess." Abby said and rubbed her neck and you had to clench your fists to stop feeling so attracted to her. 
"It's cosy, not a mess." You chuckled. "My previous roommate left bottles instead of pillows."
"God." Abby scrunched her nose in disgust. "Okay, so there's two bedrooms, one is mine and the other one can be yours and if you promise to pay rent on time and not leave your laundry in the washing machine."
"Yeah, that won't be a problem.” You hesitated before speaking up, but you needed her to know you weren’t straight. “I'm a lesbian, by the way. Just in case you have a problem with it."  
"Oh, I don't, it's totally cool." Abby smiled and you smiled back, relieved. Sometimes straight girls got wrong ideas and you wanted to get it out of the way now. You could deal with how attractive Abby was, but could she deal with you finding her attractive - that was a different question. 
You talked about the price for the place, which wasn't too high, but you might want to find more students to tutor if you wanted to not worry about splitting your budget too much. 
You left Abby’s place feeling relieved - you got a place to live in a good location and a roommate who, yeah, was super attractive, but she was straight, and that meant no relationship drama. 
Fuck you, Jess - you thought as you made your way to Cait’s place - I won’t fall for the girl this time.
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the-muppet-joker · 2 months
A rough draft of what I will send Ethan:
Hello... this is [Legal Name Redacted]. I am messaging you to apologize for how I acted when we worked together. You may recall that I cut off a piece of your beautiful green hair. I bet you are wondering why I did that. In retrospect, that was fairly strange of me. You see, I am Catholic. I had built an altar dedicated to praying to the LORD for us to one day be together (yes, a gay Catholic. We exist. God told me He had no issue with our love). I overheard you saying that you were going to dye your hair a new color and I panicked because I took the fact that we both had dyed green hair as a sign that we were meant to be. So I simply took action to preserve your hair for my altar. I had no intentions of doing anything weird or sexual with the hair as you seemed to think given your reaction. I now understand that what I did may have felt violating to you. I discovered this when I left home to live in the forest, which I did becauae my parents are getting divorced. It is very traumatic for me and honestly I would appreciate it if you would make an effort to reach out to me during this time. In any case, as I tried to sleep under a tree, I was suddenly remimded of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden. That's odd, I thought to myself. I should not have such a vivid memory of that. Unless, perhaps, I was there when it happened in a past life. You see, I am an Adam Kin as it turns out. Yes, Adam, as in the first man. I suppose this technically makes me your father, but do not worry about that, we will figure it out. Perhaps you can call me "Daddy?" That was a joke. Do not call the police. Anyways, I unlocked kin memories of my past life, I remembered how it felt when God took my rib to crrate Eve. He did this without my consent. It felt so violating. But then I realized that my rib was just like your hair: a piece of myself taken without my consent. I am so sorry I did this to you Ethan. I am sick at myself for letting my love for you get the best of me. I will not take any more pieces of you, I promise. And maybe, if you accept my apology, we can be friends? Or more than friends if you wish, but I was quite hurt by your rejection and may need some time. Do not worry about me, though, I have a "special someone" keeping me company in the mean time... he's very sweet and, heh. Let's just say he's a muppet.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Do You Know What Shovels Dig? Graves Part 2
My version of the shovel talk trope.
Part Two to This!
Eddie knocked on Steve’s door bouncing on his toes.
Steve opened the door and then just led Eddie into the front room without a word. Eddie’s heart let out a small mewl of distress. Either Jonathan had been underselling it or Steve was worse than when he left. Eddie had a sinking feeling it was the latter.
“I’m guessing Jonathan called you,” Steve said, sitting down hard on the sofa.
“Came over and plied me with weed, actually,” Eddie said, settling next to him. “I get why you didn’t tell me. I can’t fault you for being hurt by people who you thought cared. But I can fault me for not noticing you were hurting. Because yeah, maybe you couldn’t say why, but I could have been there for you anyway.”
Steve’s shoulders sagged. “I should have at least told you that I was feeling upset.”
“I think the part that upsets me more than anything, love,” Eddie murmured, pulling Steve close to his chest, “is that I’m the newbie in all this, shouldn’t they be more worried that I’ll hurt you? I’m the wild card here, not you.”
Steve wrapped his arms around Eddie’s waist. “And it’s not as though I ended my last major relationship, either. That was all Nancy. I was trying my best, I really was. And I’ve tried with every other girl I’ve dated seriously, too. I’m always being broken up with, not the one doing the breaking.”
Eddie laid down and pulled Steve flush along the length of his body. “I’m the love and leave ‘em type, not you, sweetheart. The reason you are my first real relationship is because I liked not having to worry about get my heart stomped on by straight boys experimenting with gay sex and then fucking off back to their girlfriends.”
“So why are they coming after me?” Steve asked piteously, snuggling into Eddie’s neck.
“Because I keep myself to myself,” Eddie explained. “Even though I’m out and loud, I keep it tucked in my chest. But you sweetheart, wear your heart on your sleeve.”
Eddie kissed him and slowly began to rub circles up and down his back. He deepened the kiss. Yes, this was supposed to be a distraction, but he really wanted to make his boyfriend forget about his troubles for awhile. They were lost to time for awhile.
They didn’t get to sex, not really. Their clothes were still on, but Steve was sleepy and relaxed, so Eddie counted that as a win. He slipped out from under his boyfriend.
“Stay,” Steve mumbled into the sofa
“I’ll right back, darlin’,” Eddie assured him. “You need some sleep and I have to run a quick errand. You nap for a bit and I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay?”
“’Kay,” he replied, mostly asleep. “I love you.”
“Love you too, sweetheart,” Eddie said kissing his temple.
Eddie managed to arrived at the Byers house before everyone else. Will let him in.
Will led him to the front room where Joyce and Jonathan were waiting. Jonathan was on the sofa and Joyce was standing up chewing on her thumb.
“I talked to Jim and really chewed him out for scaring Steve like that,” she said the second she saw Eddie. “That wasn’t fair. Jim is supposed to be like a father to Steve, not be another bully.”
Eddie hugged her. “Thanks. I’ll talk to Wayne later, too. I didn’t even know he owned a shotgun.”
El scoffed. “He borrowed Dad’s.”
Eddie threw his head back and rolled his eyes. “Yup. That makes more sense actually and Steve would be too terrified to realize it was the same gun. He is in so much trouble for that.”
Soon everyone had arrived and piled into the small front room.
“What’s this about?” Dustin asked. “Jonathan said it was serious on the walkie. Not like Code Red, but bad.”
“I think it almost was,” Jonathan bit out.
Eddie winced, because he couldn’t be one hundred percent that if Jonathan hadn’t shown up that Steve wouldn’t have done what he threw at the older teen.
The room was silent. Eddie could hear his own ragged breaths and rapidly beating heart.
“Someone say something,” Robin pleaded. “What’s going on?”
“You are all assholes,” Will bit out. “Steve wouldn’t break Eddie’s heart if it was in his power and you all know it. So why the hell would you tell him if he did you would kill him? Not just cause him bodily harm, but actual death. Haven’t we seen enough of death to last our life time?!” He had been sitting on the sofa next to Jonathan when the meeting started but had risen to his feet.
Mike scoffed. “It not serious.”
“It sure the hell wasn’t the first time. But what about the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth or even the ninth time?” El asked, her eyes blazing.
“Ninth?” Robin asked.
Jonathan nodded. “If my math’s right. It could be more or less, but yeah. There were only a small dedicated handful that didn’t tell Steve some variation of ‘hurt Eddie and I’ll hurt you’, myself included.”
“That can’t be right,” Dustin said with a frown.
“Oh no, Dusty,” Eddie said, tilting his head side to side. “That’s absolutely correct. And worse is that none of you shit heads even said boo my direction. Not that I want to be threatened. I get enough of that, which now that I think about it...that’s why, isn’t it?”
The silence in the room was deafening.
“Oh, that is it!” Eddie crowed. “Can’t go after me because I get literal death threats so lets all dogpile on Steve instead!”
“Steve was in a really bad place when I went over there this morning,” Jonathan said into the bitter hush.
Joyce stepped forward. “I realize most of you are children and don’t quite understand what you did. But actual adults got involved in this mess. Adults that should have known better. So let me put this to you in a way you can understand so this never happens again. You’re getting to age were you’re dating yourselves, so think about how you would feel if someone came to your partner and threatened them with violence.”
“I’d be pissed,” Max said from the corner. “It’s no one’s business but ours.”
Joyce held out her hand to emphasize her point.
“Oh,” Nancy said from the corner of the room. She looked over at Jonathan and then ducked her head, crossing her arms over her stomach.
“Steve is so far from the boy that was a dick in his junior year,” Jonathan said. “Like that was four years ago. Almost five. And yet you still treat him like he hasn’t grown. Are you even his friends at this point or are you just so used to having him around that he’s just a tool to you to be used.”
“We don’t use him, do we?” Lucas asked, his voice cracking with emotion.
“You tell me,” Eddie huffed. “Do you ask anyone else to take you places? Do you have parties anywhere other than his place? Do expect him to be there for you when this shit gets to you, but don’t check in on him?”
The room was filled once again with the awkward silence.
“We didn’t mean to,” Dustin said, near tears.
“I want all of you to apologize to Steve,” Joyce in her best mom voice. “Work on being better friends. Because if you don’t, some day you might wake up and wonder how he just slipped away.”
They all nodded.
Erica tilted her head to side. “Wait a minute. Why didn’t you give Eddie or Steve the shovel talks? Any of you?”
Jonathan shrugged. “Just didn’t care enough. Plus I always thought they were bullshit, anyway. Shit happens. Any of you want Nancy dead because she broke Steve’s heart?”
Nancy’s head shot up and her jaw dropped.
“I love you,” Jonathan said. “But you can’t deny that’s what happened.”
She snapped her jaw shut.
The whole room was shaking their heads. Of course they didn’t want to hurt Nancy.
“Friends don’t hurt their friends,” El said. “And if you’ve been hurting Steve, maybe he needs to be taken away until you learn to play nicely.”
Joyce hid her smile under her hand. That was one way to look at it.
They looked at Will.
He rolled his eyes. “I think made myself pretty clear when we started this, so yeah. Fuck off.”
“William!” Joyce hissed. “Language!”
Will looked up at her completely unrepentant. She sighed. “I’m with my boys, I’m afraid. Shovel talks are bullshit and Steve is a good boy who has continued to go to bat, sometimes quite literally, for all of us. He could have walked away from the Upside Down fuckery at any time, but he came. He stayed. He took hits meant for someone else. Someone weaker. That’s a good friend. Maybe you should start treating him like one, too.”
Eddie looked around at everyone. “Has everyone learned their lesson?”
Everyone nodded.
“Good,” he said. “Now I’m going to back to Steve because he’s waiting for me. But I want those apologies. I don’t care if you call, write, or visit. But you will apologize. And no more shovel talks.”
And now with part three! Part four ! Part Five Part Six
Tags because they asked:  @justforthedead89 @zerokrox-blog @ihavekidneys
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
one piece smau: married to doflamingo edition
- it's all just male reader humbling doffy sorry guys (the man needs to b humbled anyway so i dont rlly see a problem)
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liked by micorazon, trembletrebol, and 10k others
puppeteerdoffy: he doesn't like when i manspread for some reason i thought people thought it was hot 😕
tagged: notapuppet.[name]
notapuppet.[name]: there's nothing hot about being an inconvenience grow up
-> puppeteerdoffy: but i thought you loved everything i did :3
-> notapuppet.[name]: pls don't ever use that emoticon again. that doesn't suit you at all
[liked by baby555, tremboltrebl, and 90 others]
micorazon: it's a shame no one taught u manners in knowing that this is just flat out gross
-> notapuppet.[name]: i obviously chose to marry the wrong donquixote, i have many regrets in my life
-> micorazon: it's alright, affairs are always possible
-> puppeteerdoffy: rosinate, i'm gonna skewer you alive.
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liked by notapuppet.[name], dancingviolet, pikapica, and 11k others
baby555: calling all sigma males !!! the key to being a business tycoon, according to donquixote doflamingo himself, is being a gay man completely in love with your husband
tagged: notapuppet.[name] and puppeteerdoffy
puppeteerdoffy: he could walk me like a dog and i'd thank him
-> baby555: he already does.
pikapica: this post could singlehandedly stop the sigma male epidemic from spreading further
-> vergolikessteak: that...or make it worse
-> diadiamonte: it's definietly gonna make it worse
notapuppet[name]: the so called business tycoon's actual secret to being successful is that i'm the one managing all the business guys pls don't b fooled
-> baby555: this is also true. thank u for keeping our business afloat and away from the hands of the creep doffy <3
[liked by notapuppet.[name], pikapica, and 100 others]
-> puppeteerdoffy: now there's no need to lie and take all of the credit that isn't even yours
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liked by notapuppet.[name], vergolikesteak, and 13k others
puppeteerdoffy: appreciation post for him - even though he's a fucking liar <3
tagged: notapuppet.[name]
baby555: lover's quarrel for all the public to see
notapuppet.[name]: idk what that caption even means, but edit it before i die your hair black in your sleep babe
-> puppeteerdoffy: no.
-> vergolikessteak: i know his ass was shaking in fear when he typed that reply
[liked by notapuppet.[name], pikapica, and 100 others]
-> notapuppet.[name]: hold on no fucking way ur talking abt my comment on that post from yesterday??? ur done mf.
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liked by micorazon, puppeteerdoffy, diadiadiamonte, and 15k others
notapuppet.[name]: the back of your head is at the front of my mind, maybe i'll crack it open just to see what's inside
tagged: puppeteerdoffy
diadiadiamonte: doffy is so fucked LMFAOOAO
trembletrebol: this sounds exactly like doffy is abt to say goodbye to his blonde hair tn
-> notapuppet.[name]: he most definitely is <3 appreciating his blonde hair one last time for u all to see
-> pikapica: it's okay he needed a change of appearane anyway
senorpinkloveshiswife: such romance!! praying for u tn doffy <3
puppeteerdoffy: thanks for the worry guys, but nothing is gonna happen to me tn.
-> notapuppet.[name]: the world will be watching my next post tmrw morning
-> puppeteerdoffy: i love you, too, my entire world. so lucky to have such a loving husband as you to keep me in check and hold me accountable
-> baby555: LMFAOOAOAO
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liked by pupeteer doffy, dr.law, and 20k others
notapuppet.[name]: guys what do u thinkkkkk he loves itttt
tagged: puppeteerdoffy
pikapica: he looks quite pissed
dr.law: LMFAOAOAOOA BOZO GOT OWNED IN HIS FUCKING SLEEP, WHAT A FUCKING LOSERRRRRRRR!!!! thank u [name], from the bottom of my heart for humiliating this fool
-> notapuppet.[name]: no problem law <3
baby555: at least he looks less like a creep w black hair
-> notapuppet.[name]: that's what i told him, but he refused to listen to reason
puppeteerdoffy: i will repent for my sins for the rest of my life, my love
-> trembletrebol: this is definitely a dynamic you two have.
notapuppet.[name]: he looks sexier with black hair anyway idk
-> puppeteerdoffy: suddenly, i love my black hair, i should have been born with black hair, i wish i could have black hair forever.
[liked by notapuppet.[name], micorazon, and 90 others]
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liked by puppeteerdoffy, baby555, and 19k others
notapuppet.[name]: i love doffy so much guys pls don't get it twisted he just needs a humbling every now and then
tagged: puppeteerdoffy
puppeteerdoffy: you're gonna make it up to me later.
pikapica: thank u for being the one to humble him, but either way, i hope u two have fun on ur resort trip!
baby555: lord knows how badly [name] needed this trip after how much doflamingo torments him. every. single. day.
-> notapuppet[name]: you always understand my struggles, i appreciate this
micorazon: have fun don't have too much sex
-> puppeteerdoffy: who do you think you're talking to ???
diadiadiamonte: enjoy your getaway trip bosses!
[liked by notapuppet[name], puppeteerdoffy, and 70 others]
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liked by notapuppet.[name], micorazon, and 14k others
puppeteerdoffy: can't wait to make him a dad
tagged: notapuppet[name]
notapuppet.[name]: aww this is so cute ( i don't trust your ability to take care of children yet, but we can start with getting a dog or something babe)
-> puppeteerdoffy: u say this as if me babysitting law for a majority of my life didn't make him turn out fine
-> dr.law: i literally hate u and wish we never met???
[liked by notapuppet.[name], micorazon, and 100 others]
micorazon: awww these are such cute photos
-> puppeteerdoffy: fuck off my instagram u freak
baby555: a shame that a man as attractive as [name] is stuck with u for life
-> dancingviolet: a man that's good with kids>>>
-> puppeteerdoffy: do i have to block everyone off of my page what is up with you guys
notapuppet.[name]'s story:
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smacked his ass after taking this photo
puppeteerdoffy replied to your story: i have a reputation to uphold yk?? ur so lucky i love u more than anything.
355 notes · View notes
whatheoncedid · 1 year
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“Hey can you smell this? Do I absolutely NEED to take a shower? You know I fucking hate showers. Water blasting you in the morning. Soap making you all fuckin itchy after… sniff it let me know.” I turned from the sink to see him standing their holding one foot up. “Pete. You’re disgusting. I can smell you from here you animal. You smell salty as fuck, how can you not know?” I said. I was fixing my hair trying to get it to cooperate. “Well that’s just like my regular smell! C’mon! Is it bad enough that I need to shower, because basically no one would even know once my shoes and clothes are on right?” He asked. He was still perched awkwardly. Since I had realized I was obsessed with him I had tried my best not to look at him. I moved in with a straight guy to avoid catching feelings. Now I was head over heels. Desperate for the feeling to pass. Now with him there in a towel, scent filling the room. I was about to scream or blast a load in my work pants. “Pete fuck OFF. You reek everyone talks shit about it, just not to your face— because well, most of you is muscle. Anyway, take a shower, don’t take a shower. It will surprise no one when you smell like a locker room full of cum socks. We ALL expect it, ok it’s a thing. Hear it from your gay friend cause no one else is telling you. Now get out! I gotta get ready for work and I don’t want your…musk, settling on me. OUT.” I said sharply. He slowly put his foot down. He stared at me. He lunged at me and pinned me into the wall. “What the FUCK is your problem?!” He growled. “Pete— I gotta go to work, and it’s early” I was in shock and fumbling for words. “Talk your shit but don’t you EVER be cold with me. ME. Dismissing me like I’m fucking nobody?! Lately you won’t even look me in my fucking eyes dude. Avoiding me. Treating me like a rando. So again what is your fucking problem?!” He was speaking in a voice I didn’t recognize. His expression was one I hadn’t seen. I was at a loss. “Peter—I’m, it’s just” my brain decided to quit. “You know what I think the problem is?” With a quick twist of his hand his towel dropped to the ground. “You fucking want me bro. You crushin on the man of the house? Tryna save face bruh?” His face slowly changed back to the handsome jokester I knew…and loved. “Jesus Christ. I hope you’re not playing a prank on me.” I whispered. He grabbed my hand and wrapped it around his hard on. “Does that feel like a prank to you?” He asked. He was warm, hard, and sticky from sweat. I felt my knees buckle. “Now… I seem to remember asking you to sniff some things? You ready? We’re gonna have some fuuuun bro!” He said lifting his arm. “Uhm—don’t call me bro. Gross.” I said snickering. “Ho-Ho-hooo really? You know you’re gonna pay for that right?” He mashed his sweaty pit in my face. My body went limp as I kept on jacking him. “Thaaaaaat’s it, let it get all over your face…and don’t worry, from now on I’ll call you bitch.”
534 notes · View notes
catboybiologist · 3 months
I don’t know if I believe in god, but I believe god would celebrate trans people. I think human diversity is beautiful, natural, and unique to all of us. I’ve also seen that the vatican released articles protecting transgender people under similar logic(please correct me if you see otherwise). Anyway, just wanted to counterbalance that anon semen hate thing.. lol
I know this is from a good place, and I'm gonna be the asshole here, but its difficult for me to accept the kindness you're trying to extend.
I think that seeking validation and a moral code from anything other than "live your life in a way that's going to make the most people the most real and happy, including yourself", including seeking that from some kind of being of external influence, makes you susceptible to guilt and manipulation by people who use the ever-changing "interpretation" of that will to get people to live to their interests as opposed to yours, and that this philosophy isn't limited to situations where the will of that being is interpreted as something that benefits me specifically because that feels like a shortsighted mental trap of constantly validating my own life decisions to myself in a nonstop cycle of searching for approval from an influence that, by definition, doesn't communicate with me.
And funnily enough, the Vatican is the perfect example. The statements you're talking about basically amount to the same "love the sinner, hate the sin" shit we've all heard for pretty much our entire lives, and was basically only written with the intent of inviting lgbt people in to try and save their poor little misguided souls:
But thanks, I guess. Sorry to be a dick, I know this came from a good place, but its hard for me to mask my opinion on this kind of thing. I'll fully admit there's a personal sting here. I was the most patient, good little, explaining and validating tranny with a couple Christian "friends" earlier this year, only to find that they were stringing me along so they could try to "save" me. Trying to find validation in organized religion will always be a losing battle. These are organizations built upon decades of power structures that require specific family dynamics for population growth and control. I don't know if there's a god or not, by definition its really impossible to say one way or the other. But the Christian God is so transparently a tool for political manipulation in a way that should be obvious to queer people, and efforts to make the church seem "okay" for queer people more often than not have that same, thinly-veiled disgust associated with them. "oh, don't worry, we all have our little sins! Jeff gambles, Tom is gay, John smokes..." that kind of shit. That's not acceptance. It's thinly veiled disgust that will drop the moment there's an excuse.
Are there truly accepting Christians? Yeah, of course. But if you hand me a gun and claim its not loaded, I'm not testing it by pulling the trigger in my mouth.
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homeofatlas · 5 months
You Called
Authors note: I was truly inspired and had to write this. Also all the physical touch in my fics can you tell what my primary love language is? Also if i wasn't writing fanfic for a female athlete you'd be able to tell i'm gay from all the "I like you" "like platonically?" in all my fics. Anyways enjoy and have a good week!
Word Count: 1.2k
It’s 10:30 pm when Elisa texts you. You’re used to receiving messages that say “this reminded me of you” or the occasional meme but this was out of the ordinary. You’d been close friends for a year and while you knew how close you two were, you honestly thought she would have gone to someone else if she needed them. When you needed someone to calm you down she was the person who stayed with you but that was because she was the one who brought you the most comfort. Typically when Elisa got riled up the team was always there to help her. So when you got a text late at night from her asking if you could come over, you were worried. 
You swear you’d never gotten ready so fast in your life. Throwing on the closest pair of acceptable but comfortable pants you found and a sweater you walk so fast to the car you’re basically sprinting. Through this process she texts you asking when you’ll get there, as soon as humanly possible if you can do anything about it. If you could go any faster without breaking laws you would, you’re debating even breaking those laws. She needs you right now and there’s nothing that will keep you from her. Pulling up in front of her apartment you park and get out of the car. Texting her that you’re there the closer you walk to the door way you can see she’s already in the lobby waiting for you. Head hung low and hands stuffed deep in pockets. It's so far from her usual demeanour, you know something is very wrong. 
Walking up to the door as you begin to pull she’s pushing it open and helping you in from the cold. The first look into her eyes tells you how bad it is. She greets you with a hey but it’s different from her usual ones and you can see how stressed out she is. Before you can say anything you hug her and pull her into you. Sometimes there aren’t any words that are more comforting than being held. As you pull away she begins to speak. 
“Sorry I called so late I needed someone and I got into a fight and I should have left it alone but I didn’t and I need a distraction-”
“Elisa, even if you just wanted to hang out I would have come. I’m here when you need it. That’s what friends are for.” It breaks your heart a little to say those words but it’s true. Even if your feelings aren’t purely platonic it is what good friends do for each other.
Her shoulders sag with relief as you two wait for the elevator. She asks you how your day was despite having been together only 5 hours ago. You link your arm through hers to continue offering her comfort while you chatter away so she has something else to focus on. Coming into the apartment you take off your coat and sit on the couch ready to talk with her about what happened or happy to speak about anything else. She joins you on the other side of the couch. 
“Why don’t we put on a movie? That’s always a good distraction.” You say. 
She nods silently. You pick one of your favourite comfort movies and beckon her to come closer to you. She lays her head down on your shoulder and you wrap an arm around her so you can draw soothing shapes on her shoulder. You know she’ll want to talk about it and right now you can’t push her. The best thing to do right now is be there for her and let her know she has someone. 
You feel her intake of breath to speak before you hear her. 
“I can’t believe you actually came.” She says sitting up and looking at you. 
You shrug and struggle to keep looking at her, if you don’t get a grip she’ll know you love her. 
“You called.” 
She continues to look at you with an unreadable expression. Sometimes you feel like you know her better than yourself and other times you feel like you don’t understand her at all. 
“Sometimes,” She starts and licks her lips as if trying to convince herself to say what’s coming next. “I wish I had a coping mechanism I knew would soothe me like drugs or a cigarette. But sitting here talking to you I realized I do have a coping mechanism to soothe me when I'm distressed. It’s talking to you, it’s looking into your understanding eyes, it’s the way you know without me saying anything,” She pauses, hanging on the last word. “It’s you. I need you.”
She’s looking at you with the most vulnerable expression you’ve ever seen on her.  Elisas energy often feels raw and powerful, like she’s made of passion, the storm clouds, and metal. You can feel the truth spilling out of her. She’s so good in her soul, she’s the realest person you’ve ever met. 
Her hand reaches out to grasp yours on the couch and swipes her thumb back and forth on it. Her other hand hooks around the bend of your knee dragging you closer to her until your legs are practically across her lap. She bumps her forehead into yours gently, nuzzling the side of your head. Coming back to your face she nudges your noses together so the bridges slide across each other. A shiver goes down your spine. You can feel the burning heat of her palm on your thigh. Damn her, she knows how you love it’s one of your favourite things about her but right now it’s really biting you in the ass. You can’t do this if she doesn’t like you too. You can’t know what this feels like if you can’t have her, it’ll ruin you. It’ll make you sick to know what you might’ve had. You put your hand on her chest keeping her where she is. 
“Don’t kiss me if it’s because of the heat of the vulnerable moment Elisa because I won't come back from this. I’ll fall in love with you.” Oh it’s all falling out now. “If I know what you feel like- what you taste like i’ll dream of you. No worse I’ll think of you. I’ll never escape you so please don’t if you don’t mean it like I do.” You finish pleading. You never thought you'd be begging her not to kiss you. But everything you’ve said is true. Except you’re already in love with her. You’d do anything for her. Your breath has stalled in your lungs. Breathing feels like your lungs are coated in molasses. It’s so much work to get your chest to breathe up and down. 
Elisas paused. Oh god oh no, you’ve gone and ruined everything all of it you shouldn’t have said anything-
“What part of I need you didn’t you get?” she murmurs, lips ghosting above your own. 
“Oh.” Your breath punches out of you. You hadn’t realized that was Elisas idea of a confession. You’d think back on it but you’ve got the rest of your life to do that and right now there is a hot french football player who wants to kiss you so it’ll have to wait.  You push your lips together and it’s better than anything you imagined. Because she’s actually here warm and solid beside you, hands coming up to your waist. Your hands on her neck bringing her closer to you. Everything falls out of your head except one thought, I love you.
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borntoocry · 1 year
jealous freaks at the bar
I was thinking about jealous Ellie today while I was in the car daydreaming so here is this. nothing special or long or anything, just a blurb.
800 words. 
reader envisioned is thick... I know Ellie loves her thick women. THIS IS NOT BIASED.  
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Ellie hates people like this: The guys chuckling from across the room as they ogle your body, and the masculine lesbian doing the exact same –except she isn’t chuckling nor beside the men, she’s at the nearest table to your right. It doesn’t really make a difference where the girl is located, but at least she isn’t beside the cackling men.
Ellie does nothing about it, but you know she’s fuming on the inside. She can be a tad jealous, especially if there is a woman staring you down. With men she doesn’t have to tell them off, she just slides her hand down to your ass and firmly grasps it, following it with a kiss on your cheek. This drives them all away. However, Ellie can get a tad more territorial when it comes to gay women. It’s as if she actually has to compete with them (even though she doesn’t).
You sip on your drink as you watch them. None of them are appealing, especially the men because first of all, you’re gay as hell, and two, they have the skinniest of jeans on and you can almost make out the shape of their– You almost choke on your drink. Thirdly, the woman doesn’t appeal to you either because she’s dressed like Ellen DeGeneres.
You hear Ellie sigh and you turn to look at her, eyes softening as you drink her in instead. Her sigh wasn’t much of a tired one, it was more so an aggravated, burning string of air leaving her nostrils. She begins drinking her beer with such force that the glass almost shatters in her hands.
You lean down to reach her at eye level and ask, “What’s the matter?”
She places her beer down and looks over at you–elbows digging into the bar counter and her hands damn near shaking. How she’s become so angry is beyond you. You should probably take her anger a bit more seriously but you can’t. She looks fucking sexy.
“You know what’s wrong,” she whispers loud enough for you to hear.
You hum and look out at the people still staring at you. You lean into her ear, replying to her desperate need of reassurance. “Well they’re not the ones being fucked by me tonight, are they?”
Ellie scoffs. “How am I so sure?” she asks, although you know it isn’t out of distrust. She trusts you more than anyone she knows, but she wants you to fall into her trap. And albeit knowing about it, you do it anyway.
You push yourself off the bar counter and swivel around, grabbing her flannel and pulling her towards you. She rolls her eyes as you drag her deeper into the bar dance floor. You turn her around and place your hands on her shoulders. Then you sweep them over the curve of her neck and up to her face. Your thumbs glide over her lips and you almost want to shove them inside, letting her suck on them to cure her fucking horniness. However, you let her kiss the pads of your thumbs instead.
“You have nothing to worry about, baby,” you tell her.
Ellie rolls her eyes.
You pull her in and kiss her lips. It’s a peck at first, harmless to you but painful to the burning eyes. You continue pecking until Ellie grabs your ass as if it’s floating right off. You gasp and she kisses you harder. You squeeze her biceps and open your eyes in the direction of the gawkers.
The woman acts disgusted–as if she’s never openly kissed a woman in public before, and the men walk off with disappointment. It’s as if they thought Ellie was only your friend. Your best friend, as most oblivious folk call lesbian couples.
You hum into her mouth and quickly pull off. You look at her mouth for a moment–coated in your plum lipstick combination–and chuckle. Then you say, “They’re gone.”
She pulls away with a smile. “I knew the second you kissed me first,” she says seductively, like she might eat your face off (if she hasn’t already).
You hum and laugh as she shrugs her shoulders in a nonchalant manner. “So then why did you keep kissing me? I thought you were doing it to get rid of them?”
She wraps her hands around your waist then smooths them over your back. “I can’t just make out with my girlfriend?”
You chuckle. “You can! I just know you want something else.”
She shrugs and pulls you closer in. Her hand now wanders higher up your back to your tendrils of hair. She slightly tugs and kisses on your exposed neck. “I wouldn’t mind that fucking you were talking about.”
You try to act like you aren’t soaking your panties right now, but it’s hard when your sexy ass girlfriend is openly treating you like this.
“I wouldn’t mind either.”
“Here, or home?”
You smack her arm and she pulls away. “What?” she exclaims.
“Here?” you repeat, almost stunned. Almost.
“What about it?”
“You’re down?” you ask with a smirk.
She nods violently. “If you’ll be quiet?”
You hum. “Okay.”
“Okay,” you assure Ellie.
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