#anyways im curious if anyone found an actual use for it
starryjellyfishies · 1 year
Has anyone actually found a good use for feign death in bg3? It's one of my favorite situational spells and yet I cannot think of a single good time it can actually be used
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waklman · 1 year
the way bobby is so hot and doesn’t know it,,, the “oh yeah” and teasing him back making him stutter IM KICKING MY FEET!!!!! he’d be such a blushy mess whenever you call him pretty baby 🥺
im telling u…it’s something about shy men who don’t know they’re hot that just 😁 anyways here’s olympic swimmer bob getting shy for you
“This isn’t fair,” you draft a sigh, holding onto each end of the towel hanging around Bob’s neck.
Sitting on the plastic bench, the athlete only gives you a curious smile and gently curls his large hands around the back of your thighs, inviting you to stand in the space he’s made between his legs.
“What’s not fair?” He hums lowly, running his palms up and down the skin of your legs soothingly.
Another dramatic sigh slips when you notice that the blue hue in his eyes sparkles even brighter than the reflective surface of the pool behind him.
While your giant puppy of a boyfriend couldn’t fully understand why girls would yank at each other's hair to catch his attention—you understood them more than anyone.
Once, you even found yourself wanting to join in on the skirmish when they screamt because he was looking in your direction when you used to sit amongst them in the stands.
You two haven’t even been dating at that point, which only made you want him more back then. It’s a good thing that you have your own reserved spot on the bleachers now.
“Champ,” he laughs at the wistful look on your face, slightly tempted to kiss away your pout. “What’s not fair?” He sweetly prompts you again, pinching the flesh of your thigh instead.
Unintentionally, you start a study of his face, heart dully throbbing in your chest whenever your eyes land on another feature that makes him look so effortless.
There’s no way you weren’t dating a Greek God pretending to be an olympic swimmer to live out normalcy. The crows feet resting by the soft curl of his lashes can’t belong to a human. He’s not real. He can’t be.
“S’not fair that someone could look this good soaking wet.” Too caught in a trance by the delicate chisel of his jaw, the words tumble out your mouth without shame.
“Actually, I know someone who,” he starts, tongue lined with a dirty joke.
Bob barely gets the chance to throw it out, because you’re cutting him off through your haze.
“You’re so pretty, baby,” you finally confess, the iris of your eyes contorted into the shape of a heart.
After getting no answer from him, you snap out of it, hands dropping from his towel and the imaginary cupid’s arrow disappearing from your butt.
“Bobby? Are you oka—,” you stop to guffaw at how pink his entire body went. “You look like—like a tomato!” You say through a sputter of laughter, anchoring your hands onto his bare shoulders for support.
In front of you, Bob can't even bring himself to say a word while you catch your breath.
It’s nearly impossible to hide what your compliment does to him. Because it does a lot. Probably more than his body can physically take. With the amount of adrenaline rushing through his veins, he can probably dive back in and do another 200m swim.
In a desperate attempt to hide himself, Bob grabs your waist, stuffing his flushed face into your stomach. “Stop, please,” he whines into you.
Looking down at the top of his head, you massage his red shoulders.
“You’re pretty,” you repeat, wide grin stretched onto your face.
“Champ seriously, I—I can’t. stop.”
It’s reassuring to say the least, that you’re the only girl who could have the famous swimmer blushing like this.
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ardentpoop · 2 months
Im curious so I got to ask you what do you think about the whole sam not looking for Kevin thing? Is it in character or out? Is it just poor writing? Do you hold Sam accountable for that to an extent? I personally found the writing to be contrived and that it was just put there for conflict. But I do think Sam did make mistake, and I think Sam knows it to. But it is understandable to some extent because Sam literally had no one to help take on the literal ruler of hell and it’s not like he intentionally ignored Kevin’s calls. My personal gripes with the whole not looking for Kevin is that the fandom blows it out of proportion and it’s just always endlessly brought up. But in the show it’s really no big deal. Kevin forgives Sam very easily and doesn’t seem that bothered by it. He understands and they move on quickly.
doesn’t do much for me one way or another lol. the fandom is, as usual, thoughtless, and buying dean’s biased perspective on everything uncritically. dean used sam forgetting abt kevin as one reason to berate him bc what he was actually angry at sam for was him Selfishly Running Away from hunting (read: leaving the murder cult when he thought dean was dead after he DID try looking for him but had no reason to suspect he was stuck in purgatory.)
like you’re telling me dean suddenly genuinely cares abt kevin’s well-being at the precise moment he’s furious w/ sam for returning to a version of his pre-series mindset where walking away from hunting(/dean) is a viable option that he’s actually motivated to take? DEAN???? dean “when’s that little idiot gonna stop running from us” winchester, who responded to sam’s “well you did try to kill his mother” with “she was possessed! it’s different.” and who encouraged and enabled kevin to burn himself out translating the tablets because “play through the pain”? ok fandom. whatever.
anyway I have no interest in defending sam for not helping kevin while dean was gone because it is 1) not compelling to me outside of it being used by dean - and by extension the fandom - to punish sam, and 2) it is kind of the point that anyone who gets close to these two by “joining the hunt” gets royally fucked over. like it’s an intentional part of the story. it is even outright stated through dialogue numerous times. AND 3) to be clear kevin shouldn’t have forgiven sam OR dean he would’ve been right to hate them viciously for what they did to him together. I personally am more disapproving of dean’s role than sam’s bc as usual for mid-to-late-seasons supernatural sam’s role was passive and dean’s was active. but it was all bad - this is key.
ultimately though I fucking loathed this discourse when it was popping up everywhere after the season originally aired and I fucking loathe it today given ppl are still regurgitating the same empty talking points to bash sam while praising dean. my bigger concern is with understanding sam’s mindset shift over the course of s8 because it is fascinating and heartbreaking and one of the most thoroughly misinterpreted arcs in the show.
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sprite-writes · 2 years
Yours (and Ours)
Leonard “Bones” McCoy/Reader (Original Female Character)
Summary: McCoy hated surprises, and being interrupted. Though for the right person, he supposed he could make an exception.
Word Count: 2,214
A/N: Guys im so sorry this chapter took so long LOL sometimes writing is hard but worlds biggest shout out to my beta @lightninginmyeyes who I could not have finished this without <333 also masterlist is coming soon !! anyways enjoy <3 
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Breaks were hard to come by in the medical field. Being a doctor was all gas, no breaks. Patients' demands were high, and staff demands were even higher. Most of those in Science Blue spent most of, if not their entire day, on their feet. 
Leonard McCoy, most of all.
Chief Medical Officer was no small feat. Most days he wasn't, just a doctor– he was a nurse, a therapist, a leader, and whatever the hell else was demanded of him. 
Without a doubt, breaks were hard to come by. 
So, on the rare occasion when the medbay breathed for a moment, and he could slip out for an indulgent walk and a much needed cup of coffee, he thanked god for the opportunity. With a loop around the mess hall and a replicated coffee, he felt like a new man. Far too soon, he was back in front of the medbay, strolling in, greeting Chapel with a nod and as much of a smile as he could muster. His head nurse returned the smile…a bit too cheerfully for the day they were having. Leonard elected not to think about it too much. God knows he had enough on his plate. He punched in the keycode to his office, ready to tackle this new bout of paperwork. 
The thing is, McCoy was used to his office being a particular way. He kept his lamp on the left side, his family photo on the right, with a box of tissues and a cup of pens. Everything had its place and was accounted for.
So the box of colored pencils and stack of paper laying atop his things was a fair shock to him. So was the woman sitting at his desk, in his chair, looking very much like she belonged there. 
He faltered for a moment as he took in the sight and gained his bearings. 
“Uh, Sunshine?” he said with bewilderment. He glanced at his watch to double-check that his coffee run hadn’t stretched to the end of his shift (which was impossible anyways) and confirmed she should have been on the bridge by now and certainly not sitting in his office, in his space, amongst his things. 
At the sound of his voice, the woman's head shot up, her focus broken from the papers laid in front of her. 
“Oh hi, Len! I was wondering when you’d be back,” she said casually, like it was routine for her to be there. With no explanation, she returned to the task of, well, whatever she was doing. 
Leonard stood, thoroughly perplexed. It was midday, and he knew for a fact an operations manager would not have nothing to do around this time. From her silence, it would seem that he would be getting no answers unless he asked for them. 
“Not that I’m not happy to see you Sunshine but, uh, aren’t you on shift right now? And how exactly did you get into my office?” he inquired with more patience than he would have offered anyone else. 
She lifted a red colored pencil from the paper and thoughtfully tapped it to her temple 
“Technically, yes, I am on shift, but I decided this is part of my job, and Kirk hurt my feelings earlier this week so he owes me a moment away.” He finally approached the desk and peeked at her handiwork. “And Chapel let me in, by the way – said you wouldn't mind.” 
Her movements slowed to a stop, and she looked up at the doctor with the biggest, prettiest eyes he’d ever seen.
“You don't mind, do you?” she asked. Usually, he would have, but he decided right then, that he did not actually mind at all. 
“I’m more curious as to what this,” he gestured to his now messy desk, “is all about?” 
She beckoned him to come closer, and he found himself sitting in the obligatory guest seat…at his own desk. Sunshine held up a glossy piece of paper, folded in half with blue and pink bubble font across the front reading, ‘Get well soon!’
He stared for a moment, his eyebrows drawing together.
“You’re…writing cards?” 
“Yeah!” she nodded. “For the engineers who got affected by that gas leak. That rash looked… not fun. Thought it might cheer them up, maybe.” 
He would never say it out loud, for fear of losing her friendship forever, but at times like this, Kirk may have had a point about her being a bit…kindergarten teacher. 
She laughed at his sort of scrunched-up expression. “Listen, I know what you’re thinking and you’re right! It's a little silly, but the engineers that were on that dock were all Ensigns! Like, fresh out of Starfleet! They probably miss their families, and now they have a nasty purple rash to worry about. I just thought they might like a card.” 
McCoy could say for certain that he had never met anyone quite like Lieutenant Sunshine - and realized he never would again. This was incredibly kind, and wholly unnecessary… and a very Sunshine thing to do. Though one important question still lingered. 
“And you’re doing this in my office because…?”
She shrugged. 
“Well I could do it in my quarters, but I figured you could use the company.” She paused. Before adding sheepishly, “And I wanted the company.”
McCoy coughed to cover up his surprise. Though, he wasn’t sure what else he was expecting. Sunshine was known for being candid with her feelings. Most of them anyway. His cheeks dusted pink. 
Sunshine, oblivious to her friend's blushing, tossed a colored pencil and a card his way.
 “You should sign this one, by the way. A little birdie told me you yelled at Ensign Barlowe while taking her vitals, and I’m sure she’d appreciate a card from you.” 
He internally damned Scotty, who was not only probably the ‘little birdie’ but also definitely put her up to this. 
He stared down at the card, forcing his head to stop running a mile a minute, and finally mustered a scoff. 
“I’m not signing an apology card because an Ensign couldn’t sit still on the Biobed.” 
Sunshine shook her head and giggled. God, what a sound, he thought. 
“It’s a get well soon card, not an apology card. And I’m not scolding you, Len. That day must have been stressful. I mean, fourteen engineers all turning purple? Crazy. I could never do your job.” 
He shook his head. He was pretty sure Sunshine could do anything she put her mind to. His mind wandered briefly to what it would be like, with her by his side, decked in Science Blue. His heart stuttered at the image. 
He wasn’t sure why, but he found himself scribbling ‘feel better’ onto the bottom of the paper, and tossing it back to her. The smile that bloomed on her face told him it was the right decision. 
He leaned back in the chair and watched her thoughtfully. The sound of her voice played on repeat like a record in his head. He found himself ruminating on every pretty syllable she spoke. 
“Kirk hurt your feelings?” he blurted, remembering how she got here. Sunshine paused, surprised by his suddenness. An unreadable look passed over her frowning face.
“He just said a dumb joke, it’s nothing to worry about. Promise.” Her smile returned, just as quickly as it left. Leonard tilted his head. He was expecting her to launch into a story of which he would hang on every word and that would give him fuel to berate Kirk with later. Just how badly did Kirk fuck up?
“I can practically hear you thinking, you know. You’re such a worrywart.” Her eyes playfully flicked from her cards to him. “Like I said, it’s fine.” 
“You sure? If you’re mad enough, I could schedule him for a measles vaccine. Maybe a booster shot too.” 
Her laugh echoed around his office and illuminated it like a fire. He smiled, finding hers to be contagious. 
“That’s gotta be malpractice, Len. Hard no from me.” She shook her head. 
“Malpractice? I’d be doing him a favor. That man avoids healthcare like it’s the plague.” 
Sunshine rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say, Doctor.” 
She looked like she belonged, he thought. Sitting in his office, in his chair. He allowed himself a brief moment of peace, as he sipped his coffee and watched her switch colored pencils. He was content to just watch her like this, without conversation or reason. Unfortunately, nothing can last forever. His eyes drifted toward the ticking clock. 
“You know I have to get back to work eventually, right?” Not that he wanted to leave, at all. In fact, if time allowed, and if he didn't know Chapel would be beating down his door soon, he would stay cooped up in his office with her for hours. 
She laughed. “Yeah, I know, CMO. I’m starting my rounds soon too. All I could squeeze from Kirk was 15 minutes down here.” 
Leonard blew a raspberry. 
“I wish I could get 15 minutes away.”
Her head quirked. 
“Don't you have some time? Chapel told me you weren't busy, or else I wouldn't have bothered you.” She paused and received the pointed look from her friend. “Okay, I probably still would have, but with more poise and apologeticness - but that's beside the point!” Sunshine began stacking up her cards and putting away her colored pencils. “Chapel specifically said you weren’t busy when she let me in!” 
The gears in Leonard’s head turned. He was very, very far from not being busy. The Medbay had been as bustling as ever this shift, and the only reason he left in the first place was by Chapel's suggestion, who swore she could handle things for a few minutes. 
Damn it, Chapel. 
“Len? Everything alright?” 
When his eyes pulled from the ground, Sunshine was right in front of him, with a questioning smile. Leonard felt blood rush to his face at their proximity. She smelled like… well, sunshine. And flowers. And just… good.
“Yeah, fine,” he said gruffly. 
“Walk me out?” 
“Of course.” 
He dared to place his hand on the small of her back as he led her out, and if he paid just a little more attention, he would have seen her cheeks redden at the contact. 
They exited in tandem, with Sunshine rambling about wishing rounds were any other day, and how the last thing she wanted to do was run around the ship checking up on complaints that ‘could easily be solved in an email.’ 
“Well,” she said as they reached the entrance. “Thanks for letting me hide in your office for a few.” 
He waved his hand. “Anytime,” he said with lighthearted sarcasm. 
She placed the cards on the reception desk and snorted, “You’ll regret saying that, McCoy.”
He replied, with all sincerity, “I doubt that.” 
They were both quiet for a moment, looking at one another, eyes glossing over with adoration. 
Sunshine had always admired the doctor's strength, and his drive to help others in all circumstances. 
Leonard would forever be in awe of her kindness and her unwavering spirit.
A cleared throat broke both of their gazes. Sunshine flinched, nearly dropping her papers. 
“Chapel! Hi! Thanks for letting me use Len’s office.” She laughed nervously, awkwardly dropping the stack of cards on the desk. “You’ll make sure the engineers get these?”
Chapel glanced between the two knowingly. Both of which now refused to make eye contact. Leonard was suddenly very interested in the linoleum floors and Sunshine in the plain white ceiling. 
“Of course, Lieutenant,” the head nurse said politely. Sunshine thanked her again before acknowledging Leonard. 
“Have a good shift, and, um, see you later!” she blurted before hightailing out of the medbay like it was suffocating her.
The Doctor watched her go with the sudden sinking feeling that he’d done something wrong. And as usual, when these feelings began to well within him, he took them out on whoever was closest, or, in this case, responsible. 
“Really, Chapel?” 
He leaned over the reception desk. 
The woman in question stared at her manicured nails without a care in the world. 
“Really, what, Doctor?” 
Leonard gritted his teeth impossibly hard and blew a long breath out of his nostrils. 
“You didn’t think to, oh I dunno, warn me before letting someone in my office in the middle of the work day?” 
He wasn’t angry at her, not really. He was more frustrated with the feelings that clawed up his chest whenever he heard Sunshine’s laugh or the constant feeling to reach out for her -
No, he wasn’t really mad at Chapel. 
But that wasn’t going to stop him from acting like he was. 
“It’s just Sunshine,” the woman shrugged. “Would you have preferred I turned her away?” She finally met Leonards's eyes with just as much ferocity as he was giving her. 
“No,” he gritted out, “but a warning would be preferable.” 
She rolled her eyes and returned to her work. 
“Just trying to move things along, Doctor.” 
He stomped away before his head nurse could add anything else. 
He returned to his office, palms sweating, and tried not to focus on the smell of her warm, floral perfume now hanging in the air.
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bezzygom · 1 year
DUDE im so curious about your white day au, could you tell us more about it ? :D
some contex for anyone reading:
part 1
part 2
tbh there's not much to my white day au it was mainly supposed to be funny over anything else
the main plot is essentially rui being one of the mages at a castle but getting threatened with being fired which causes him to panic and claim that he has found a way to find the lost prince of the kingdom. he kinda comes up with semi working spell for that in a rush but the spell essentially leads him to a lost prince in general not specifically of their kingdom. after that rui with mizuki and akito in tow (as knights protecting/accompaning him) gets to toya who got adopted by tenmas as a kid and is running a family inn together with tsukasa and saki. theyre kinda hesitant to belive rui at first cause he seems like a scammer but in the end rui promises that he will help find out whats toyas past in exchange and they agree and go with them. but since like ive said all they know is that toya is "a lost prince" theyre not 100% sure its of their kingdom so while theyre on their way back they do like a cheklist of going to diffrent kingdoms for a quick stop and proving that yep toya is not that kingdoms prince
some other stuff that are not the main plot but might be entertaining:
- mizuki knows rui made everything up and is trying to cover for him and akito is the only one in the castle thats like "this guys bullshitting" and volunteered to join him to prove that the guy he found is not the prince. cut to a looney toons like compilation of rui and mizuki covering the truth in front of akito
- theres a slight tenma family side plot with saki wanting to leave to travel the world with l/n but not knowing how to tell tsukasa. In my head she claims that its because she doesnt want him to be alone and its harder now that she knows toya will probalby leave too but its also in a bigger part her being scared of leaving not in a "world is a scary and dangerous place" sense but in a "moving away can be a stressful experience" way and her feeling like telling tsukasa would make it final. toya learns by accident before the story starts and Ive imagined toya and saki bonding in scenes where they talk about how theyre actually kinda anxious to leave their home especially since its always been just the 3 of them. anyways it ends with a happy ending lol
- mafuyu is following them for plot relevent reasons i wont reveal in case i ever want to make more of it
- toya saki and tsukasa would get their white day outfits eventually but its not serious and in my head its them trying to disguise themselves to get into a royal event or something
- I wanted to make it a mizuruikasa au in a sense that mizuki and rui are already acting like a couple and then both of them are looking at this pathetic guy who tries to infodump akito whos a knight about knighthood and they think "I want him"
- theres some akitoya but its also mostly comical with akito having an internal conflict between "damn im falling for this guy" vs "I feel like liking the guy who im trying to prove is not a prince and rui is just making shit up is kinda like admitting defeat and I cant give rui the satisfaction"
- theres a song "learn to do it" in anastasia and this au exists 100% because ive imagined a scene where rui mizuki and akito desperately try to teach toya how to be a prince to it
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mihai-florescu · 3 months
Do you agree with me that we should get rid of "death of the author" and that we should introduce "death of the audience" instead?
"Oooh but how will other people interpret this-" I don't know! I don't care! I wanna know what goes on inside the brain of the person who actually put their time and effort and soul into this. Not five million other people who Did Not Create the Thing.
(Sorry if this is weird but you feel like the most qualified person i know to have an opinion on this)
Disclaimer, im big on believing 2 things coexist at the same time about everything. My mood swings put me in black and white thinking often, but when i can think clearly from both perspectives im still a contrarian and have counter points for my counter points. Im gonna word vomit an answer, im not good at ordering my thoughts but i hope its fine still.
Oh brother i used to go on rants about this (authorial intent, media consumption, fandom culture etc) all of last semester and it's what ultimately led to me giving up on my degree and serious art altogether... i'll attach a few i found in my archive i think are relevant if youre curious beep meep meow. I was writing these posts at the same time as my thesis paper which was more hopeful and aiming to reframe what we consider escapism, but in the end by the finale (last assessment) the hatred won in my heart and i couldnt make a visual project with an audience in mind. I made something, but it was more like a rant with visuals and absolutely failed the "whats the future of this project?" question. Must it have a future for an audience? Its job was to be a confession and a respite, for my own expression. I dont want an audience, im too much of a misanthropic hater and possessive mother to let others see or interpret my ideas. I know it's selfish and counterproductive but i cant help it. You sending this ask made me laugh since it was so relevant to my struggles this year. Id love to break out of this cycle and mindset but i always go back here to these beliefs.
Anyway... i do think the sensible truth is somewhere in the middle. Reader's interpretation is essential for works to gain life in the world and to outlive their authors, and i revere stories for the ability to touch people's hearts and make them learn things about themselves as well as other's way of thinking (reading is a process of interpretation and contemplation afterall isnt it? Well, active reading at least. Citation to my written thesis). But im not a fan of fandom lens interpretations that so often flatten stories.
I think for our shared stories of interest authorial intent is particularly fun to think about. Commercial works made to sell gacha games but which do have heart and profound messages theyre trying to convey. But also made with an audience in mind. I havent been able to formulate any particularly riveting conclusions, but i would love to know if anyone has focused on such topics. Everything deserves analysis and attempts at understanding... and i find authorial intent an invaluable insight that can never be cast aside. Works gain lives of their own after theyre set free into the world, but they dont spawn fully formed from thin air ready for "consumption"...
Uuu im trying to decide if i should link to you a story about storytelling i wrote and illustrated in a day, and a video about humanity and the power of imagination as salvation and damnation... if i say "i'll share them, but only if you erase from your mind that i wrote them" it'd be hypocritical after everything i just spilled out. But too much knowledge about the author is scary too... not for the audience as much as the author himself. It's the audience who has the final laugh of judgement and interpretation... but it's scary to let others into your mind, to see things you spent time and energy on? I wish i could channel my death of the audience defiance into proudly sharing works without caring who sees them rather than deciding nothing is worth making anymore since im so mistrustful. Alas! Maybe one day i'll stop being a self absorbed, self sabotaging prey animal
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beesmygod · 1 year
from all my bloodborne lore diving i got the impression that dreams themselves are the surrogate children of the great ones but as i am bad at video games and do not own a ps4 this is all idle conjecture based off of reading the lore on the internet. does the game actually imply that or am i just insane. what even ARE dreams
dude i love hearing from people who are curious and dig into the lore but are in that demographic of people who won't/can't play it. if anyone has these qs feel free to ask lol i can do my best to explain as i understand it.
"the dream is the surrogate" is sort of the base assumption at first glance but it starts to fall apart under scrutiny. or, at least it becomes less defined. the umbilical cord used to summon the moon presence creates the hunter's dream, but arianna gives birth to a literal alien baby and drops an umbilical cord that states that the father (for lack of a better term) is the great one oedon. but no dream is created, as far as we know. the mensis ritual used a pre-existing umbilical cord to summon mergo but the "nightmare of mensis" seems like it was pinched off from the larger nightmare frontier (which in turn has overlap with loran, not yharnam) rather than crafted with unique features the way the hunter's dream was.
it also doesnt help that there's intentional ambiguity all around. or unintentional. dude this part is so fucked up lol. i had a huge insane part here i cut that ranted in depth about the translation but instead ill let the re-translation team demonstrate:
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re-translation notes:
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a second translator offers a less literal translation that maintains the information in the first while reading more naturally. they also concur with the prior translator's notes.
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it might not be a literal umbilical cord
"umbilical cord" very likely could have been a nickname given as an approximation to its human equivalent, based on its appearance/the fact that its found only in infants
it could be trying to convey that it is a "third eye" cord and not a third "eye cord".
that was literally only the first two sentences.
the re-translations make it clear that the great ones are seeking surrogate children, though in the NA translation it reads as ambiguous about WHICH surrogate. honestly, i thought it was a surrogate mother and it was playing on our expectations lol. hell i still think this even though im wrong.
i dont really know what this information means for the hunters dream lol. but it does put the purpose of the ominously named orphanage into sharper focus.
anyway: babie
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im-bored-so-i-draw · 9 months
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a lazy comic about my dinoverse oc? uhh idk
oc info below (if you are intrested ofc)
oh god its very long
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jameson heelshire (obv ref)
this is a dinoverse oc (because lately a certain friend of mine has been drawing me into this neat game and honestly i love it), based from brahms heelshire (duh). instead of him being a rat wall (which my oc actually also has a room in the walls but just simply doesnt live there), its his 'wife' that lives there. or so he thought. or so i thought. idk man she maybe lives in the walls or just straight up dead it'd be a mystery instead ig. im more leaning to shes living in the walls, but she is scared of jameson. more to that yes.
i was intending to make him killed his wife but im still contemplating to make the continuation of it. is she dead? is she alive? if so is she in the walls? if she is what is the solemn reason she stays there? fear? or did jameson trapped him? i have more question of him its actually scary.
i know you guys would probably not read those sentences i made in like half to 4 am so i give you
bullets headcanons or just the timeline of his:
his parents is a really strict parents with high standards.
he is very pressured which shapes the personality of him that is perfectionist and doesnt really care for others. also he is very bad at delivering his actual emotion so he looks like a resting bitch face most of the time.
this causes many of his playmates just like naw mommy i dont want to play with this boy, hes real annoying.
and also he doesnt even have that many time to think about friendship anyways.
until this one playmate, a blond girl stayed long enough that when she stop showing up, jameson starts asking about her.
his parents is very thrilled about this that they literally begged the girl to comeback to the mansion.
actually the girl was just really curious about violins and other music instrument, and jameson is basically a walking band (actually its basically just piano, violin and flute mainly).
and jameson didnt expect that his parents would bring her back because he just asking where she went and was about to just continue on with his life.
well now they just like. hating each other. theyre like i didnt want this- AND SO AM I LEAVE ME BE!!!
they have 3 years age gap fyi idk
more and more years passed and jameson doesnt really have a friend other that this girl and they know each other too well now.
they memorized each other habit on the back of their head and often use each other (?)
that girl has a lot of problem with her friends since she become jameson playmate so she often use his name to slip away from her friend group. which they idk kinda judgemental to everyone.
and jameson uses her name as an excuse from his BUSY schedule. also she knows a lot about him WHICH his parents dont.
yeahh and so he come to success by being a professional violinist and that girl is like, prepared to be his bride??????
i mean she doesnt mind anymore but like
well jameson did something about it and her parents let her do her own things BUT YOU ARE STILL MARRYING JAMESON
she like yeah yeah and go venture on her own idk making a shop or working in the government.
this sounds like a kingdom lovestory BUT IT IS NOT o have found the answer
she is working as *drumroll queue* administration for the voorhees company. (is that right i feel like voorhees is a company there)
nothing bad happened dont worry
instead of being invested in music, she instead pursue the career of science because she sees the struggle jameson went through.
and shes not having any of that
jameson in the other hand is oh wow you learn this kind of things??
ok then after she went, this girl barely contacted anyone from his family
even jameson. oh EVEN JAMESON. she didnt even bother to send him regards or something. jameson too dont give a shit.
they occasionally meet each other at parties but like simple his and leaves
until jameson parent died. both of them. in the same time. in a weird but also not really.
then the girl hears about this and attends the funeral.
in which she meets jameson again, and he is not crying. at all.
he did cried on her so
long story short they bond with each other again and get married.
and this is where shits got fucked up (eventually) .
yeah so their interest is not really.. compatible for each other.
and both of them changed through out the years they have been seperated
and jameson is real different. especially after his parents death.
he become more secretive than ever. more aware of anything.
on one side its a good thing that he almost never let any inconvenience go unnoticed but there are a lot of things that goes noticed that shouldnt??
but its still the same jameson. the one boy who was so in love with music that its the sole reason he keeps up with the strict schedule of him.
even the girl is sorta changed?
they often broke into an argument over basically anything. misplaced stuff? jameson angry. opening some specific windows in the girl's room? shes pissed as hell. fortunately the mansion is big enough to contain their yelling.
whats unfortunate though is that of the same reason. nobody can hear the screaming.
years passed and theres about no news from these two since the beginning of chaos.
jameson keeps gatting more fame and his 'wife' is now forgotten.
everytime they asked about her he just simply say that shes fine and other sorts. it almost sounded like she is living a happy life as a wife.
oh and also
jameson is VERY manipulative. he can talk himself out of a situation. he can (practically) rizz someone up for his own.
this is caused by his parents. he lies a lot without ever getting caught. his technically mastered the art of bullshit his way through since his parents dislikes a slacking son.
anyways if this were a game, jameson would be those of 'and then there were none' kind of shit.
the back of his mansion is a river near a forest that many people use to slip away from G4
its not that he kidnap them or whatever but he VERY mind the noises.
he prefers people to stay away from his place. the noises makes his 'wife' disturbed. or so he said.
some survived.
has a friend that is a con artist who works in either voorhees company or myers company. probably a friend of his wife.
poor guy doesnt have anyone. oh sorry. his wife.
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lil-cherubb · 1 year
hello my dear crochet mutual! i am curious now. what are you crocheting for the holidays??
i myself have a few family/friends' birthdays coming up in november so i have a few crochet/knit projects on the go for that. im in my 1st of 6 weeks of midterm hell, so i've started extra early in hopes of having a surplus of time to finish them all!
for my sibling's birthday i am fucking around and finding out in an attempt at knitting a tank top in colours she likes.
for my friend's birthday, im crocheting her a bag that looks like a boob!! i've been powering through it lately and im very proud of it. also i think it's fucking hilarious :^) (not to like honk my own horn or anything) as a boob enjoyer tho, i figure my friend will love it.
and then i am additionally fucking around and finding out in attempting to knit a scarf for one of the indigenous elders in residence at my university. she also knits and she's just so lovely and kind and so i really wanted to make something for her. plus, from what i've heard it seems to be a local indigenous custom to give something away when you make it for the first time to invite abundance back in to yourself and your family. the two knit projects i have going on are my first knitting projects ever, hence the amount of fucking around and finding out lol! also i am allergic to not throwing myself into hobbies and going big or going home, which is how i've ended up with two knitting projects at once. if i had more needles i would probably do more lmao.
so far i've found i really prefer knitting in the round and using circular needles in general. also knitting hurts my hands less (but differently) than crochet! so that's a win ig lol
excited to hear what you're making 👀 !!
i would say sorry for going off but i am not i love opportunities to talk about fiber arts <333
Hello crochet mutual!!!!
I completely get starting early bc of school lol, that's exactly what I'm doing. Normally you start early anyways (you always underestimate how much time a project will take you, trust me) but with school you REALLY need extra time. I'm only in high school still but its hell for me as well lol.
I do find it quite worrying though that for your first two knitting projects you are really just jumping in the deep end lmao, I can't believe you're trying to knit a tank top first go. I've been knitting since I was 5 and I still don't even feel like I'm skilled enough lol! But that's just me. I'd love to see any pictures of your projects so far if you're comfortable sharing!! A boob bag is hilarious and I bet your friend will love it :)
A scarf however is not that bad, unless you're really trying to go fancy with stitches or with color changes (or both 💀). I'd love to see a picture of this especially, I don't really have a reason lol I just rlly want to see it
Personally, I prefer knitting with regular needles (see: me knitting a blanket on regular needles rather than circular ones...). Its just what I've known for longer so I guess I'm more comfortable like that. Circular needles are great thought don't get me wrong
Knitting and crocheting do hurt your hands very differently! It depends on the techniques you use and the way you hold things but they do. I do old English knitting, which hurts my wrists very badly after a long time of working. I hold my crochet hook like a knife (in my hand/hand wrapped around the handle) which also hurts my wrists but it does hurt my fingers more bc I'm using them more.
Never apologize for going off!! especially when talking to me I'm literally desperate to talk to anyone other than my mom and grandma about fiber arts so talk away friend!
(now for the part you probably actually wanted to hear about lol....)
I'm only going to share the one project I've already made, as I have a lot to say about him.
this little guy!! (Free pattern)
This is an adorable pattern! the bottom was a challenge, she decreases so quickly there were massive holes in the bottom which I did not enjoy. Instead of following the rounds for the bottom I did the following (starting directly after round 26 with no alterations made to that round):
Rnd 27: SC evenly around (48 sts total)
Rnd 28: [SC 6, decrease] 6 times (42 sts total)
Rnd 29: SC evenly around (42 sts total)
Rnd 30: [SC 5, decrease] 6 times (36 sts total)
Rnd 31: [SC 4, decrease] 6 times (30 sts total)
Rnd 32: [SC 3, decrease] 6 times (24 sts total)
Rnd 33: [SC 2, decrease] 6 times (18 sts total)
Rnd 34: [SC 1, decrease] 6 times (12 sts total)
Break yarn and weave in end. Yes there is still a massive hole.
Make a magic ring with 6 SC inside. Increase in every stitch until 12. Then 1sc, increase. Repeat until 18. Then 2sc, inscrease. repeat until 24 sts. End.
I then sewed this into the remaining massive hole in the bottom to finish off.
This was much more complicated than it had to be, and I kinda regret doing it. When I make this pattern again (I know I will lol, I just love it too much) I will just do rnd 26, then SC evenly around, and then make another magic ring and increase that until size matches the leftover hole and sew that on.
Honestly, I love the little guy I made, but I am a bit disappointed? The snout is off center and so is one of his legs. The bobble stitches on the back are not evenly spaced (which nags the hell out of me!!) and the bottom, as I already said, was just Not It. The whole point of decreasing so quickly in the original pattern is so that it'll sit flat. Mine is left with a big bump that just looks a little odd.
And just to be clear, I'm pretty sure all of these things are my fault (bottom is definitely my fault!) other than the uneven spacing of the bobble stitches. Its not the amount of stiches between but the number of rounds. The first bobble stitch round (rnd 16) is worked and then there is a round of SC (rnd 17) between it and the middle bobble stitches. The middle ones and the bottom ones however don't have a round between them (Rnds 18 & 19).
Anyways, here's pictures:
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I love him sm but I think I'm gonna frog him and redo it all up to his eyes (and add some stuff, like another round between those damned bobble stitches). Also ignore how he's propped up against a bunch of stuffing 💀
Anyways! That's my own fucking around and finding out adventure! I will make sure to tell you all about the other things I'm making (expect an ask me from soon lol) and how this little guy turns out (if/when I redo him) :D this reply is too long lmao
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ot3 · 2 years
so i see you tweet sometimes about gw2 and im just curious about your thoughts on it like, plot wise.
i think the story of early guild wars is pretty par for the course mmo storytelling where im paying mostly superficial attention to the plot and mainly enjoying how fun the game is. but around the time you get to heart of thorns they start introducing enough interesting concepts that you decide its worth paying slightly more attention to.
there was a huge problem in the way guild wars 2's narrative flowed because of the way they handled the living world stuff. i love the living world in concept when it was unreplayable because its just neat to me to be able to take such large story beats in an mmo. where you literally nuke your entire main city and change its appearance. but i appreciate the fact they decided to retroactively let you play that stuff in the end! however making it, in the case of living world season 2, optional to buy, but then not also doing lws1 in the same way? it just meant that you got the story non completely and non sequentially. if you just go straight to core from HoT you have to do soooo much Inferring Shit About This Plot from it. It's like your character blacked out and lost several years of their life. 'hello? commander? its us. the guys who are totally already your best friends'
anyway once i got through HoT then i found myself going back to lws2 specifically to unlock the luminescent armor and the respective ascended trinkets since back pre-lws3 the only stat selectable ascended trinkets were from raids, i believe. and then once again it was really interesting to get the map meta-events recontexualized to me from going through the story. and then after that i was invested enough in these characters to go watch the howeverlong supercut lws1 movie someone had on youtube for anyone who hadnt been there to play through it.
all this to say i think there was a lot of interesting story stuff here that would have helped hook more people earlier on if it had been freely available to play in its intended order. anyway
hot: i feel like it benefitted a TON from playing through this on a sylvari pc the first time because the custom dialogue they give that taints it like all of the npcs are suspicious you are going to fucking turn evil. like the sort of 'youre the coolest strongest character in the world!' stuff never really does it for me. i'm way more into 'youre a very powerful person in an extremely fraught and complex political situation' and HoT really felt a lot more like that, with i think it doing a good job of setting the mood for being In An Active Warzone. i like dragons stand meta a lot in terms of things where gameplay really makes the story hit in a certain way. the challenging, large-scale metas make a better multiplayer use of a high fantasy war shining than a lot of them do. getting events that genuinely do take several dozen real human beings coordinating in real time to accomplish makes there be a sense of difficulty and scale that would be rather punishing and frustrating as instanced single player combat.
i know i kind of talked more a bout the combat than the story. oops. but to me the sort of positive feedback loop between getting more invested in playing the actual game and then getting more invested in learning about the characters to continue to future expansions.
I wish I could speak more about lws3 and PoF but i will be real with you right now. those years of my life are kind of a blur and i do not remember a lot of the story beats right now. lws4 felt pretty weak to me in a lot of ways, pretty disparate from itself. PoF though i had a hell of a fun time with. joko was a fun villain he was serving necromantic cunt.
lws4 was ok. definitely more cohesive overall and had some cool stuff. lws5 i think on the other hand really suffered from a bit of covid slump in its content which i will absolutely not blame them for. I would much rather they put out slightly subpar content during a massive health crisis than they overwork people.
CANTHA, ON THE OTHER HAND. WAS EXCELLENT. DEFINITELY THEIR BEST STORY WRITING YET. i had a blast of a time with it and i was specifically fond of what they did with mai trin, a character i was well acquainted with via getting my ass kicked in her fractal back when she was scale 100. they gave her some INSANE dyke drama. it was catnip to me. she fucked that asura they had toxic yuri i knowww they did. kelly hu did her voice for EoD, who i immediately clocked as stacy from phineas and ferb and was as such predisposed to be endeared to her. also who doesnt love an ex supervillain pirate captain. mai trin you will always be famous.
anyway. that is my extnesive opinion on the plot of guild wars 2. great game everyone play it i have over 3000 hours in guild wars 2.
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snarlesofthesewers · 1 year
how'd snarles and snatcher get feels for eachother? Curious.
excuse my bad writing and wall of text (also things in this are definitely subject to change as im still working things out) first i wanna say this all takes place after hat kid enters the sewers, escapes, completes the rest of snatchers contracts, defeats him again as I've mentioned before snarles absolutely despised snatcher but also found amusement and pleasure out of annoying him snarles would go out of their way just to get snatchers attention by triggering his traps and picking fights with him whenever possible but as snarles continued to do this they started to become rather attached to his company at some point snarles would instead start leaving "gifts" like dead animals and flowers at his doorstep snatcher thought it was strange but accepted it anyways because the things snarles kept bringing were ingredients commonly used in his potions i should also mention that the only reason he knew snarles was the one leaving all these things at his house because once while snatcher was brewing potions he ended up seeing snarles spying on him from atop a tree branch. anyways yea occurrences like this became a lot more common until they isolated themselves for about a week and snatcher who had just been getting used to snarles's routine gifts and random pestering started to miss him i mean its not like he had anyone other then his minions to keep him company in that old forest right? and sure the minions were nice and all but he had a harder time really connecting with them since they only really ever followed his orders and did his chores so snatcher ended up wandering around the forest hoping he would catch snarles but of course nobody was there just the dwellers and subconites and the occasional crow but not so much as a sign of snarles they seemed to have just poofed out of existence but as much as snatcher wanted to go on looking for them he had to get back to work its not like those souls are gonna steal themselves right? but then snarles just kind of showed up again like nothing had happened except they began acting very differently instead of the usual insults and trying to claw snatcher to double death they began complimenting his looks and attempting to get uncomfortably close whenever he spoke eyes always locked staring hungrily whenever he was visible snatcher obviously weirded out by the sudden behavioral change in snarles started to actually try and talk to them after basically just trying to ignore him pretending he wasnt there snatcher started by asking questions usually relating to where the hell snarles even came from those were always met with silence and a smug grin then snatcher tried to ask about what snarles was even doing this time he was met with a response with snarles saying something along the lines of "isn't it obvious? I'm toying with you.. messing with you... you intrigue me... you're quite cute when you're angry I cannot resist" "oh and before you even ask me why how about you tell me something. do you ever feel lonely living alone in these woods? do you ever just feel starved? I want you eviscerated and yet here I find myself coming back to you because of that soul crushing emptiness"
i forgot the other half of what i was gonna write but at some point snarles just kind of started showing up at snatchers house and would be asleep in his chair when snatcher returns from whaever the heck he was doing and he tried to get rid of snarles at first but then just kind of accepted that he would keep coming back and that he kind of enjoyed having company and yea then they started bonding and snarles's crush worsened and was no longer easily hidden but yea I still need to figure out a whole lot of shit as you can probably tell
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what-the-hayl · 2 years
Weight Loss Journey #2
I don’t think I’ve talked about my weight loss much yet, but don’t worry I’ll be getting into a lot as I go on with it AGAIN.
Back in high school I was definitely the fat kid, once I stopped playing sports I was putting on 30lbs a year. 🤦🏽‍♀️ obviously that wasn’t good. I had gone to the doctor to be like what the actual hell is going on here. Long story short they diagnosed me with PCOS ( Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome ) which means it’s 10X harder for women to lose weight with it, since it’s working against you. ( I’m still learning all about this cause I’ve been ignoring it for years now ) I used that as a excuse way too much back then.
I ended up moving out of my parents house, moved in with my aunt and started shedding pounds, I changed my diet and was in the gym damn near everyday by 5:30am. Luckily at the time I had a co worker who was all about getting into the healthy lifestyle & he zoomed right past me with his weight loss! That was so motivating! At this point I was in a body that I was finally comfortable in, not where I wanted to be but I was definitely happier than I was ever before. I ended up dropping 110lbs total the first go around.
With accomplishing that came confidence, cockyness, happiness, ALOT of bad choices, fucked around and literally found out. Got myself pregnant 15 months after I lost my virginity.
Anyways, I was partying a shit ton, if alcohol was involved COUNT ME IN…no questions asked. Turns out alcohol isn’t just bad for you mentally but for your gut health & other things. I basically put all my weight back on at one point.
As of today, I’m down 26 lbs since September, and YAY! Most people think weight loss is just shedding pounds on the scale, but what it really is; is so much more. You grow so so much mentally it’s neat. Everyone’s journey is different of course but for me I’m excited, eager, obsessed & always curious what more I get to learn and find out about myself. I be getting so obsessed with myself that I don’t want anyone disturbing it, so being single is easy for me! It’s just an amazing feeling!
I got on the scale today & seen I was down another 3 lbs. I made a little high pitch squeal to myself of excitement cause like 3 lbs is huge with a weight loss journey, a small sign you’re making progress! I’m at the point again where I can look at myself in the mirror and be like “damn you looking good again sis”! I see change, and that’s a huge “stay focused” motivator.
I feel myself changing and getting back into who I really am, and want to be. I’m finding that lost 14 year old again, and it feels sooo good! I’m finding my voice again, the beat of my drum & im staying positive.
This month couldn’t had started out any better, and I’m ready for the year!
Until next time,
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that-bl-bitch · 2 years
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I posted 17,159 times in 2022
That's 6,398 more posts than 2021!
72 posts created (0%)
17,087 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 423 of my posts in 2022
#kinnporsche - 84 posts
#kinnporsche the series - 40 posts
#bad buddy - 36 posts
#thai bl - 35 posts
#love in the air - 23 posts
#bad buddy the series - 23 posts
#the eclipse - 22 posts
#not me - 21 posts
#not me the series - 21 posts
#vegaspete - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#yeah listen im no macau stan but when thier dad was like 'yoh and macau' i was taken aback and was like vegas ok but what did macau do sir??
My Top Posts in 2022:
The fact that all the fluffy scenes we saw in the beginning were of the future and not the past is still blowing my mind, that was so smart! like we thought we watching all the good times before it all came to a end when Jiwoo left but we were really seeing what they going to be when they finally got back together. Insane
57 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Even know they’ve both had like the same amount of episodes or whatever, for some reason it just feels like We’ve gotten less of prapai and sky compared to payu and rain and it also feels more rushed, idk maybe I’m just being dumb and I’m the only one feeling like this plus I mean their not done yet but I just feel like when I was watching payu and rain at this point I feel like it felt better paced, I mean it could also be that their stories are both very very different even down to how it flows and develops which now that I’m writing this out this actually makes a lot of sense and I was being dumb cause sky and prapai are dealing with traumas and obstacles that payu and rain just didn’t have, ok so fuck everything I said before I had my revelation it doesn’t feel rushed and payu and rains was not “better paced” it’s just a completely different story and I shouldn’t even be comparing them
60 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
Also did anyone else get mad suspicious vibes from Teacher Sani, she was weird when she walking around the school and when she ran into Teacher Chadok but she was ESPECIALLY weird when she was talking to Wat asking him about Akk and the prefect group and like I feel like she is using the fact that nobody really takes interest in Wats passion of film cause shes the first person he has found that has taken a real interest and she using that to hide the fact that she's looking for some sort of information, I don't know if she suspicious because she working against or for the school but sus acting nonetheless this episode
71 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
One thing I would like to put out just because I thought it was curious detail was that Kim cleaned up before he left like Chay was kidnapped but he made sure the house was cleaned cause in the morning we see the couch bed pulled out blankets on it and stuff from them sleeping the coffee table moved if I'm not mistaken but then when Vegas and Porsche go to get Chay it's all nice and neat and I just found that interesting just imagining Kim being all scared for Chay not knowing exactly what's all happening making the call to Kinn and just going back into the house to tidy up before he goes to kill some bitches
77 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ok so I decided to do a favorite bl dramas of 2021 even though no ones asked lol, although looking back at everything I watched this year I really didn’t watch that many at least compared to 2020, like I really slacked on my bl watching this year like at one point I was watching 12 or 14 at one time (this included like older completed ones too as well as airing shows) now if I’m watching 5 or 6 I feel overwhelmed which is so frustrating so if I was setting a bl related resolution it would be to get back to that 12-14 territory, anyways I've watched around 20 something dramas give or take some short films and movies but just to focus on the dramas of it all for this list, although I didn’t watch that many this year I still feel like I watched some very good ones and I very very happy with every single show on this list that being said let’s get into it.
**DISCLAIMER** these are not in any specific order like best to least or anything like that cause it would absolutely break my brain and my heart to rank them
**P.S** spoilers for some of the shows I’m gonna talk about if you haven’t got to them yet
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Ok not much to say about this one just really solid and I really enjoyed it and the fact that it’s only 6 episodes but felt like a full long series is really something, great story, great acting, great chemistry a full chefs kiss
See the full post
153 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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(Do yall know how many asks I get requesting details and preferences on the intricacies of anal sex prep? Yall. Suspension of disbelief. There's so many advice and sexual health articles out there to read up on if you're so curious, it's... implied. No offense to the curious mind, I appreciate the genuine approach, but I ain't including all that in a fic hahaha. ANYWAY
you thought you could hide this in the strikeout but vinny dahling, i can read Strike (TM) AAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA CRUELLA DE VIL LAUGH
anyway. so i have never asked for this in an anon lol but i have to empathise with the dear and curious readers (most likely girls but maybe baby gays or straight guys who are curious???? shoutout to all the lurking straight dudes here on vinny's blog lol). i think sexfic can be hot and heightened reality, but its also nice to add some realism and it can be aspirational too. youre kind of a king of realistic sex in hcs and fics in the spicy byler fandom tbh. youre invested in realism and emotion in a way many other writers arent. and ofc, you have life experience.
so i think its just a case of - well, for me, i think its just interest to see how the practicalities could be worked into fic. because yes there is info available, but those articles dont tell you how to incorporate the necessities into an actual scenario or story thats still sexy. i just think it would be incredible and so sexy to read a fic (or see a film!) where the nuts and bolts of everything were included. messy, maybe it fails, but yeah. it makes younger people especially hopeful, because it validates the frequent fails of early sex experiences. and thats byler! i know youre working on a fic of their early relationship so I'm sure you'll grace us with some Very Realistic details about anal sex prep and make it poetic in its realism, too. if anyone can, its you! whenever youre ready, im sure lots of us will be happy to read that.
love you vinny.
HAHAHA well 😉
And it's no shade to those lovely, curious, inquiring minds. It's realistic!! It's obviously going to cross the mind, I get it! Maybe, just getting too nitty gritty and acknowledging all the hyper-real aspects of stuff has a twinge of embarrassment, a sort of mindset where it's like, oh I'm enjoying writing about fictional sex and sharing little hints at personal sexcapades, but there are times where I don't want to be seen as a beacon of real advice and especially not become a go-to sexual health educator hahaha. I'm just being silly or creative most of the time.
But... yeah. I can't deny the fact that I do enjoy having my niche being a little bit of a realistic approach to my fanworks. It's pretty fun, because I've mostly dabbled in the ridiculous or lofty before now - but I switched up styles and approach and what I always wanted was an honest sort of insight and writing style. Found it in this fandom of all places, wild. So, yeah. Authenticity. Love that, strive for that. I appreciate the kind words and faith in me!!
Very true though that more very realistic media in general would be super interesting, and I think more things these days are surprising me in positive ways. We do need more realism for many aspects and depictions of the intricacies of intimacy and relationships. For sure. I will say... I do think you and others will find a lot of this in that fic I'm slowly working on. That's why it's gonna take awhile! I think something like that is gonna be more long form if I want to say what I want to say. Of course here's stuff in the fic meant to be hot, but most of it is just... exploratory and trying stuff through storytelling. Depicting how two young men entering a sexual relationship together with very little reference points might deal. Ohhh, it's got awkward moments, it's got not-so refined sex, it's got realism in what is actually happening - I think you'll find what you and others are looking for there. It's my realism fic while a lot of my other stuff does have that typical fanfic mystical world where things just somewhat... gloss over reality to an extent haha.
Love you too anon ❤️❤️
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marchsfreakshow · 3 months
kyle had always been such a curious boy, ever since be was alive. sure; he had sexual experience but he couldn't quite remember certain things... like how it felt, or looked, or sounded, or... really any of it for that fact. he felt really curious one day when he was looking through your clothing drawers and found a dildo hidden in the very bottom and back of the underwear clothing drawer. he took it and looked at it, confused and slightly scared as to why there was a cock with no body in your dresser.
he quickly got up from the bed and went to open the bedroom door before you walked in. he was still holding it out on display for all to see and was about too
you quickly cover the dildo with one hand and close and lock the door with the other. you sat on the bed, flustered, embarrassed, and confused as to how he found it but he just seemed a little scared. you were about to ask question when he spoke
"w-why.. penis?"
you laugh softly and pull the dildo away, before softly explaining
"its a sex toy, kyle. people use it for self pleasure; mostly girls but guys can too for anal."
he still seemed confused, curious, yet no longer scared.
he asked
you immediately started blushing. 'he wants me to SHOW him!?'
"uhh.. sure.. just- dont mention this to anyone."
he eagerly nods and sits, watching. you slide your pants down to you ankles and off, and you discard your pink panties. you take a deepbreath before sinking the dildo into your sopping cunt, moaning as you thrust it in and out over and over.
he looks down and then back at his own tent in his pants before pulling his pants and underwear down, looking at his.
"works s-same? me help?
he struggled to get the words out, but managed.
you seemed a little startled but nodded none the less.
ALSO CAN I BE 🕷 anon?
2! I actually love your inspiration I loved reading it over and over.
3! I'm a little insecure about this but here it is! I really hope you like it no matter what 😭
Fic here!
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shina-moon-art · 8 months
People talk about Ann and Kuzan on this blog a lot could we have some headcanons of Ann and Mihawk I'm curious what you think of their dynamic/past...
Hello Anon you are now my favorite, I love Ann, I really do. She’s in my top three favorite characters I’ve ever designed but lord am I not a Kuzan enjoyer. I appreciate his character, and before getting involved in this fic I was just kinda meh about him, I still am but now it’s like your daughter dating some boy you don’t have any strong feelings towards but you want her to be happy so you don’t really say anything.
hmm, Mihawk is a very interesting character to me and I’m gonna be taking a crack at writing him soon but for Ann? She was a challenge, just another swordsman to overcome. Honestly when they first met he was probably already stronger and better at the blade than her. As we’ve seen in the story already, Ann uses her blade both as an extension of herself and as a tool, but not the same way Mihawk does. Mihawk almost seems to treat himself as an extension of the blade rather than the opposite, most swordsman operate similarly even if they often say when teaching that the blade should feel like an extension of you. To be fair the line is a little blurry, when you get good enough the line where the weapon ends and you begin matters less and less. But anyway Ann was well… amateur at best, but she had two things going for her, she had amazing reflexes and brute strength.
So while she didn’t battle with the usual grace of a swordsman she was strong, strong enough that if he hadn’t been using Yoru (or any other graded blade) the blade probably would have snapped. Mihawk, confronted by a challenge not dictated by skill decided to quite simply beat sword knowledge into her. Ann learned most, if not all of her swordplay knowledge from Mihawk which, whenever the fact is brought up he will always say it was just a whim ( true, but he praised his own foresight to forge a worth opponent himself after Shanks lost his arm) and despite his lamentations of loosing such a rival, Ann’s desertion of the navy and subsequent joining of the red hairs means he still has an excuse to visit. (Both events he’s learn about long after they happened, as isolated as he is. The navy thought it better to not notify him of Ann’s status due to their knowledge of his opinion of her [a surface level opinion, a strong opponent yes, but that is not all he thinks of her].
It was only after he’d sailed into marineford demanding a duel that he found out what happened (dead they say, lost to the flaming shores of Ohara) what a joke he thinks, someone like her would not die from a dive into the sea. He was right of course, not that he’d tell the navy that, nor would he tell them of where he knew she would be. Garp was the one to tell him and if it weren’t for Mihawk’s natural disposition he may have actually laughed, he promptly called Garp a fool and left without another word.
Marine ships and bases were not so lucky however, it was obvious to anyone who knew him that he was going out of his way to destroy them, well, barely out of his way. To the marines it just seemed like he was more irate than usual (Sengoku assumes it’s at the loss of his marine sparring partner, Garp knows otherwise). Mihawk is not the kind of man to get upset over someone else’s honor, but Ann was one of the few who could actually contend with him and they had the gall to not only say she was dead but to brand her a traitor (not to mention that now he has to go searching for wherever Shanks had run off too EVERY time rather than just some of the time.
It’s late so im gonna stop here but I hope you enjoy!! Mihawk was another character where I was like yep he exists but I’ve read a couple really good fics that he’s in and well, he’s one of the favs now
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