#anyways thanks for coming to my spotify ted talk
hamtaro-y0 · 2 years
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It's spotify wrapped time!! Ngl this one kinda surprised me. I definitely find new songs and only listen to them on repeat for weeks but I did not think I listened to those that much lol. I guess some of my later obsessions didn't have enough time to compete
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xiakeik · 6 months
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this was supposed to be a 5 min doodle.......
Anyways Will Wood x Spamton everybody!! Hooray!!
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not to be dramatic or anything but this is david's theme song
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dwellermasked87 · 2 years
So I had the random though of what song would fit with Strange Supreme from What If? and decided the best fit (in my opinion at least) is An Ending from Undertale.
That may sound like a weird choice, and it probably is but hear me out. To me An Ending has a very somber feeling to it. Which I think it is trying to convey as it usually plays in the neutral ending, a kind of middle ground ending with a good chunk of gloomy outcomes depending on what you do. I think the point of the song is to say that you could have prevented this outcome if you said or did something different. Chosen a better path or have done something right. Which would fit pretty well with Strange’s character in the show. He tried to bring back Christine to the point of oppression. Doing everything in his power to bring her back even when he’s told that he can’t, that it’s just not possible and that it would led to dire consequences. He is eventually able to do bring her back but at the cost of his entire universe being destroyed and Christine dying in his arms again for the last time. Trying to bring back the love of his life has left him all alone with a broken world and only himself to blame. I like to interpret the song being Strange realizing what he has done and sinking into grief over his actions.
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riverfortune · 3 months
Look. Look. Tumblr. I am not good at convincing people to do things, but I desperately need to peer pressure some of you into reading this book series.
It's called Stealing From Wizards by R.A. Consell and it's delightful, well-written, engaging, and criminally unknown. I've had such a fun time reading the series. I don't know why it isn't doing numbers of Tumblr.
If you were a Harry Potter Kid who grew up and became, shall we say, disenchanted with that series but you still have a soft spot for wizard boarding school stories, you should read Stealing From Wizards.
If you like children's books but you'd like to see actual competent and empathetic adults in the children's lives (without taking the narrative drive away from the young protagonist!), you should read Stealing From Wizards.
If you want a story with a plucky young protagonist who's learning how to be a person for the first time after leaving an abusive home life, you should read Stealing From Wizards.
If you only have $8 to your name you can probably still buy all three ebooks on Amazon so you should read Stealing From Wizards.
If you're completely broke you can listen to the audiobook. for free. on the AUTHOR'S WEBSITE. (Or Spotify, Audible, Apple Podcasts or whatever your podcast player or choice is.) Go download Stealing From Wizards.
If you are a child 8-14 years old, or you make reading choices for a child of 8-14 years old, or you're a grown-up who likes children's stories when they're well-written and engaging because gosh dang it you just want to see some joy in the world and you want a story that will engage you but leave you with hope at the end and why is that so hard to find in adult fiction these days anyway? you should read Stealing From Wizards.
Did you like The Owl House? You should read Stealing From Wizards.
Percy Jackson fan? Try Stealing From Wizards.
Murderbot Diaries fan? Ok, that one's a bit more of a stretch but the possible autism-coding and the how do I be a person when I was built different? thing is the same. Try Stealing From Wizards.
Avatar: The Last Airbender fan? You might like Stealing From Wizards.
Found family fan? Stealing From Wizards.
You want a book that multiple reviewers couldn't put down? Stealing From Wizards.
You want brown characters, gay characters, disabled characters? Stealing From Wizards.
You want a fantasy story set in Canada/Fey Canada? Stealing From Wizards.
There are three books out so far: Stealing From Wizards Volume 1: Pickpocketing, Stealing From Wizards Volume 2: Burglary, and Stealing From Wizards Volume 3: Kidnapping are out so far, and it seem like there will be more.
I hope there will be more.
I am writing this so more of you will buy the books to make sure the author writes more.
The cover art is trash. The marketing seems to be nonexistent. I'm not even sure you can buy physical copies in stores or if they're printed to order. But this series just makes me really happy and I want someone else to read it.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk listening to me ramble.
(Go read Stealing From Wizards.)
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darkniters · 1 month
i wrote this in 2022, please enjoy
sitting by your pc, you're not really paying much attention to the monitors, but more blindly scrolling on your phone. seeing your creator friends making tweets come up on the timeline, and even getting some interactions yourself.
you've got one ear under your headphones, the other laying limp behind your ears, when suddenly a familiar notification chimes from your pc, the same on your phone.
you've received a discord message! but sitting in a ball on a chair seems much more appealing right now, maybe the notification can sit for a bit?
the thought wasn't properly considered, as you were already leaning forward to move your mouse, clicking on the messaging application.
it's a dm from ted!
the single way conversation read as such:
you better answer you stupid son of a bitch or i will rain hellfire upon you
they were all sent within the same minute.
pls be nice to me ted nippleson
what do you want, i have no more corpses in supply, you're gonna need to wait another week for that.
are you INSANE
i do not CARE for your pitiful corpses, fool
however i have made you something (oooh ted i wonder what it is)
you couldn't deny you were weary of what ted prepared for you, but curiosity consumed you as you continued to type on your keyboard with satisfying clicks.
i am very frightened ted
have i ever told you that you are a very scary man
nope, but its good to know that i have that sort of power against you.
anyways, i hope you like this, took me a bit to put together
[ link ]
looking over the link, it sent you to spotify, and you clicked into it. a gasp escaped your throat.
ted made you a playlist! and it had some of your favorite songs and some of his own. this was the first time anyone ever made you a playlist, and you were deeply touched by it. another discord message was sent.
it was very difficult to put together, please oh please im begging on my knees make more playlists public i can't keep guessing the songs you like from twitch con 2 years ago.
ted you actually got it super on point, very impressive top man!
yea cause im never wrong (y/n)
you switch the playlist on, it didnt seem to be in a liminal order. scanning through the songs, he was REALLY on point. you read the description of the playlist.
whats up pussy supreme (you are scared of me, admit it)
you've been on the ted nivison brain waves recently, and yea we talk and game a lot but i feel like a thank you is in order, so check it out! a playlist of the shit you listen to (and some of what i listen to too)
thank you for taking quality time out of your life to talk with my stupid ass
reading this, a smile never left your face. the fact that he even did this in the first place was just so nice!
DUDE you killed that shit
i gotta like make something in return
you silly goose
the reason i made the playlist to arch over both of our music tastes is so you dont need to do anything!
naaaah i'll make you something for sure dude
spending my time is bare minimum, you do the same with me!
new songs keep playing during the conversation, but when 4:00 comes around, teds gotta head out
alright wise guy
you're lucky i have a video to record right now
or else this would continue
enjoy recording dude, im gonna keep listening to this playlist that you've created for my fine ass
i hope your video corrupts
and you
shit yourself during recording
and you lose power
I DO????
conversation then fizzled out.
you took one more glance over the playlist and noticed something.
some of these songs were made for confession.
you didnt question it, maybe it was done because he likes them, but also some of them were completely out of the ordinary im the playlist, and stuck out like a sore thumb.
little did you know, ted put those in deliberately, seeing if you'd notice and ask about it. maybe not now, but at some point. and maybe, just maybe, he'd have the balls in telling you how he actually feels.
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august-sysex · 8 months
ok real talk, I am so bored of “cool” music taste … we need to be listening to truly freak niche nerdy shit or like the dave matthew’s band or other music just totally not existing within the zeitgeist (i’ve never listened to dave matthews band i just know most ppl think they’re lame & everyone makes fun of them). for example: i think it’s so crazy how few people i know listen to the blues considering how fundamental it is to ALL contemporary music, & i think that’s because it’s largely considered not-cool, or irrelevant or something (tbh i think this is from white people making lots of really bad blues music lol but that’s a whole other convo). it’s certainly not playlist friendly. our shift to playlist listening & algorithmic music discovery has led to this palatalization of music consumption that’s just lifeless … & really reflecting more of some spotify A.I. trained to know what’s “in” than individual taste and personality. not everything we listen to has to be “cool” !!! something i appreciate so much about dance music is how much of it exists outside of the streaming & algo ecosystem, and the process of digging inherently leads you to follow your own nose and instinct. nohup, one of my favorite seattle DJs, said recently “that’s the thing about digging: one of the things i say about digging is that i’ve listened to hours of terrible music to give you this DJ set. i’ve listened to a hilarious amount of terrible music”. it’s work to find cool, special stuff - there’s truly no shortcut. obvi this is coming from a DJ perspective but i think the same applies to personal music listening. anyways: as the kids say “thanks for coming to my ted talk” & please link your least cool music in the comments so i can listen 😌
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love-little-lotte · 18 days
I have 8,488 Liked Songs on Spotify (don't ask why there are so many), so when I shuffle this playlist, I don't get to hear everything. Plus, Spotify's flawed algorithm tends to replay the same songs repeatedly, causing me to forget about other tracks I've liked but haven't listened to in a while.
This afternoon, while working, I had my Liked Songs on shuffle, and Wandering Child from The Phantom of the Opera (2004) came on. Now, I often listen to other recordings of POTO on Spotify, like the Original London Cast recording or the live 25th Anniversary one. I even have the Overture as my alarm clock (so, yes, I quite literally listen to POTO every day!) However, I tend to brush off the movie soundtrack. And yet hearing the 2004 movie version of Wandering Child made me pause.
It's just that... I forgot how beautiful that song was.
Before I knew it, I was already on YouTube watching random POTO clips. And tonight, I've decided to re-watch the movie (which I haven't done for years!)
Funny how one little song made me reminisce about my love for this movie musical. I feel like Raoul in the Prologue just right before the overture, the movie changing from black-and-white to color in a flashback. "Will you still play, when all the rest of us are dead?"
Suddenly, I was 10 years old, watching this movie for the first time on the family computer, falling in love with the gorgeous music, the pretty dresses, the amazing production design, and of course, the timeless story of the opera singer Christine Daaé, her handsome childhood sweetheart, and the Phantom that lives underneath an opera house.
I wish there was a way to relive this first-time experience. Yes, I've come to realize that this movie musical was not the perfect adaptation of the stage play, but like many of you, the 2004 movie made me the Phan that I am today. No matter what people say, this film will always have a special place in my heart.
Anyway! I'm going to stop ranting and start watching the movie haha. Thanks for listening to my (nostalgic) TED talk.
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flashlight-smallknife · 9 months
Not finishing the last two things on tonight’s to-do list and also going to bed satisfied with the day’s accomplishments because I’m tired and also leaving overworking myself for the sake of marveling at my own productivity in 2023 where it belongs.
Fuck it. After spending all day dealing with car maintenance I did a load of laundry, cleaned and organized the bathroom, organized the dresser, unpacked like 70% of the way from Christmas, made a Spotify playlist, and emailed the dean of the graduate school about re-enrolling. Also my Prius has a new battery and wipers. This is plenty for today and the rest can wait until tomorrow after work.
I’m a little nervous bc I’m changing my work schedule starting tomorrow to be 8:30-5 instead of 9-5:30. Getting there at 9 is always hard as is but it’s definitely for the best bc it gives me an extra half hour in the evenings to do grad school things and also means I don’t have to leave early to get to 8 PM shows in Charlotte/Greensboro/Winston.
Also!! Speaking of!! My first show of 2024 will be this upcoming Friday!! I’m headed back down to Charlotte to this incredible divey DIY venue that’s supposedly been around since the late 60s to see a local emo band called blankstate again!! They were the headliner there when I went in November to see a shoegazey indie band called blood root that I absolutely adore and started listening to when they opened for heart attack man in early 2022. It was a tiny lil show with maybe like 30 ppl but blankstate was coming at us with sold-out crowd energy and I had a great time so I figured it was worth coming back. Also I ordered loop earplugs finally and they will be here tomorrow bc we are also leaving gradual hearing loss in 2023.
Anyway this has been a tru diary post thank u for coming to my Ted talk
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swiftly-skywalker · 1 year
10 songs, 10 people (part 2!!)
okay when i did this a while ago I said i wanted to do it again so now i am :P this round's way more chaotic so buckle in bitches my caps lock was working hard tonight
lets get started
@justadmiringanakin (i know i already tagged you in the last one but you have top tier music taste so im bringing u back) @emilysmidnights (come back...be here) @karmaismyb0yfriend um idk anyone else to tag so open tag?
You're Losing Me | Taylor Swift - bro this song. so devastating but also such a period slay??? miss blondie i just love you so so much you will always be awesome
firearm | Lizzy McAlpine - "what a joke?!?!" "WHAT A FUCKED UP REALITY SHOW?!?!?!?" "YOU HAD ME CONVINCED THAT YOU LOOOOOOVEDDDD MEEEEE???????????????????" i have no other words. lizzy i love you so so much as well you're so cool
in my head | Ariana Grande - this one's partly for ch 18 of ffm. I- rfobsVKfobalAbalbgrushf I love this song so much. The lyrics? the production?? the high notes??? perfection. ALSO GO READ FALL FOR ME PLEASE BY @justadmiringanakin DO IT
The Alcott | The National and Taylor Swift - the parts where they sing like at each other??? AMAZING. i never fail to scream out tay tay's parts-- DID MY LOVE AID AND ABET YOU SHRED MY EVENING GOWNNNNNNN
Easier to Cry | TV Girl - and she just wanted to die but it was easier, it was easier to ADFFJSKBF:IURCSVG CRYYYYYYYY
What You Wish For | Guster - okay where my hayden girlies at cus theres a story to this one. I've always loved Guster since I was a baby, theyre my mom's fave. The movie Life As A House (EMO HAYDEN) came out about 4, 4.5 months after I was born. The directer of LaaH is a HUGE Guster fan. Their songs are in all of his movie soundtracks. This, along with the song Rainy Day of the same album (Lost and Gone Forever 1999), were featured in Life as a House. My mom met the director of this movie at a Guster concert when I was unfortunately only like 2 and too young to go. She also loved Hayden-i guess the obsession is a gene lol. thank u for coming to my ted talk
Thinkin Bout Me | Morgan Wallen - before I begin, if you're thinking of hating on country music, do not interact please. it's unnecessary. I'm unashamed for my interests. anyways this song is so GOOD morgy is absolutely SAVAGE songwriter and i loveeee him for it.
NYMPHOLOGY | Melanie Martinez - this song is also so amazingly savage. I love both Melanies, old and new. Angry songs are my PASSION and this song hits so hard for me
Someday You Will Be Loved | Death Cab for Cutie - "DO IT FOR BEN GIBBARD"-my friend i was talking to making this as i told her idk if i should put death cab on here -> this is my fave song by death cab (postal service and solo gibbard not included) for inexplicable reasons
and finally....
WILD UNCHARTED WATERS BY JONAH HAUER-KING yes i felt the need to yell that one at you guys this barbie just saw the little mermaid and is officially obsessed. IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!! the music? the storytelling?? the casting???? PERFECT. Everyone was soooo good in it and i encourage you ALL to go see it or watch somewhere. i condone illegals to see this movie. anyway Jonah Hauer-King was GORGEOUS and sang SO WELL and I LOVE HIM and OMG. ive listened to this song on heavy repeat in the last few days. like my spotify is having a stroke actually
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gh0str3c0rd3r · 1 year
i think your url is a good one i like it a lot tbh. anyways. i will enable you. what is this podcast and what’s it about.
why thank you very much my friend and OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOO thou has made a grave mistake (i am autistic about horror podcasts)
okay SO it is called Camp Here And There and as of right now there is 1 season out with around 30-ish episodes (i cant rember the exact number but its around that point) and each episode is maybe 30 mins long each and OH MY GOD you can listen to it on Youtube or Spotify and there are also transcripts im pretty sure they used a very nice font for them if i rember right anywas gona try not to spoil anything majorly but basicaly it takes place in (who wouldve guessed) Camp Here And There and we get the POV either the anouncements made to the campers mainly by our very own protagonist Sydney Sargent who is one of the two camp nurses at Camp Here And There i might talk about him a bit later but anyways the other perspective we get is a tape recorder that Sydney refers to as Ghost Recorder (hence my hard to read url) we do sometimes get a slightly diferent POV but i think it only happens about 3-4 times but it is also very very intresting when it happens anyways in most episodes we get to see the Morning, Afternoon and Evening announcements with a section after the Evening announcements where we are now the tape recorder Sydney talks to (it is called the ghost recorder because he jokes about it being possesed in i think the first episode) and AUUUUGH anyways if you couldnt guess by the fact that this is a Horror podcast Camp Here And There is not a normal summer camp by our standards at least 1) it is in Ohio 2) there are several mysterious entities that can and will show up 3) all of these kids are weird as shit and so are the majority of the councilors (woag) anyways wacky and extremely depressing hijinks ensue and also if you are ever building a lego set this is the podcast to listen to in my humblest of opinions
anyways yeah thank you for coming to my TED talk go listen to Camp Here And There pretty pleasies
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tennant-the-tigger · 2 years
Hi, I'm back ish again, and I feel like I gotta explain my absence. 😅
Shit went down over the last few months and actually, it's still going down, but I need a distraction that's not working my day job and after the news, I found out yesterday my brain is in overdrive and I just need an extra outlet.
I kinda wanna focus on something else and hide the news in the back of my brain for a little bit, I guess it's my coping mechanism?
Currently, softy blasting Spotify in the background, having a fic on read-aloud on top, and drawing fanart.
Anyway, more art coming, it just might not be tip-top A+ grade, just some doodles and ideas. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.
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pampamtiger · 2 years
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I posted 3,096 times in 2022
1,094 posts created (35%)
2,002 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,054 of my posts in 2022
#spotify - 147 posts
#bts - 67 posts
#youtube - 62 posts
#jungkook - 37 posts
#lmao - 28 posts
#xd - 28 posts
#drawing - 25 posts
#namjoon - 22 posts
#yes - 20 posts
#pjo - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#one thing that i'm proud of is that even when i take a nap during commute my body still knows when to wake up as my stop is near hah
My Top Posts in 2022:
I just finished watching Belle. I have so many things that I like to say about this movie, but I can't put it coherently as of the moment, so bare with me.
Right from the trailer, we got to see that this film had a Beauty and the Beast theme to it. You may think that Belle was just your usual fairytale retelling, wherein the whole plot is mostly followed, but its whole essence was more than that.
Yes, some parts were vague, especially the thing with the ending, but the storyline was really interesting and some twists and turns in the movie made me appreciate it more.
I won't tell any spoiler this time, since this is a bit new and of course, my brain is not functioning well tonight.
Anyway, adios.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. :D
37 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
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Mikorin 🌹
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Noragami Trio as Howl's Moving Castle (book version) Trio
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Howl and Sophie when Howl catches a cold:
See the full post
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🌸 Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura) 🌸
(spare me for i don't have the energy to shade it with pencils ToT)
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My #1 post of 2022
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it's time to bring this cat back
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Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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selenealwayscries · 2 years
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@digdeepergravedigger09 's art knocked me out cold and when I woke up a pencil was in my hand and this was sitting on my desk
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bornsexyesterday · 2 years
Hi I'm here to announce that "Anxiety" by blackbear radiates darkwolf energy
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hearts-hunger · 5 years
i want my life to feel like a john denver song sounds
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