#i literally only listen to like three of his songs consistently
hamtaro-y0 · 2 years
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It's spotify wrapped time!! Ngl this one kinda surprised me. I definitely find new songs and only listen to them on repeat for weeks but I did not think I listened to those that much lol. I guess some of my later obsessions didn't have enough time to compete
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wolfish-trickster · 6 months
Choso headcanons
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(I'm sorry i just love this gif so much 😩)
He likes to listen to indie bands
There's just something about having a band "all to himself" and being the sole fan where ever he goes
But after a while starts to feel a little lonely not having any fellow fans for friends
Doesn't really see the point in people taking care of plants in their home, especially those that only bloom once and then they die
Isn't a dog or a cat person, he likes both
Would want to learn at least the basics of every skill he can find
His favourite day of the week is friday
Stays up super late even thoigh he promises himself to fix his sleep schedual
Spoiler: he never does
Keeps fit and builts muscle to protect his family
If he meets people who are pretty agressive about their opinions and unable to listen to a different point of view he just up and leaves, doesn't want to waste the energy
Doesn't look like it but he's quite artistic, he especially enjoys making his nose mark into different shapes and ornaments to make himself look cool
His favourite part of working out is laying down and letting his body cool
Learned how to cook so he could take care of his brothers
At the begining he would be just observing you
Not even trying to befriend you or your friends, nah
Just quietly watching from afar
His brothers would call him creepy for that
But he just wants to be sure you'll be worth the try
Eventually he's betrayed by Yuji who straight up tells you he has been looking at you when you do your thing
He tries to explain that he isn't shy or anything, but yeah, he was pretty closed off from you after you guys started talking
But since he spoke less he heard more and learned all your little quirks
Where others would buy you generic things for your birthday like a book or a mug he would buy you three new headphones becuase he remembered how you complained to him how often they break for you
Or he would give you something you genuenly need in your life and what would be useful
Also he would want to show you his creative side
Sketch you, write poems and haikus for you
He even tried to crochet you a flower but that failed quickly
He made you an origami instead 🥹
As he started to have feelings for you he needed advice from his brothers on what to do
They all just told him to ask you out
He didn't like that idea
What he did instead was collect his favourite hard rock and metal songs about love and give you that playlist on a CD on your birthday
He hoped you would get the hint
Your oblivious ass didn't 😭
He literally had to spell it out for you the next time you guys met
You gladly accepted his feelings (who wouldn't)
He asked you out on a date the very next day
Homeboy had no idea what to do on the first date tho...
So he improvised and went to ask the almighty google
He made a list on his phone consisting of advices he took from google and rom coms: first he had to take you see a movie, then go to a theme park, then restaurant and then either take you home or to a hotel
Not his ideal plans for the first date but it's how humans do it apparently
Long story short, it was a catastrophy
As he went to your house to pick you up it started to rain real bad
You guys decided to wait it out in your home
Rain turned to storm
Choso then admited he had a plan written on the phone Yuji gave him
You told him ypu guys cane have home date instead
You and him watched a movie
You guys spent a long time deciding what to cook together but eventually agreed on pasta with some exotic sauce
You had lots of fun
You guys ended the date curled up under your sheet cuddling the night away as the storm raged on outside
Choso found out he loves home dates
He only ever does that from then on
One night him and you decided to take quizes to learn more about eachother
His love language is physical touch
Which makes sense since from his first night of cuddling he has had his hand on any part of your body anytime you guys met
It's like his hand and your body were two magnets
He loves hugging you from behind, shows how much smaller you are than him
Sometimes he likes to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat (is what he would tell you but really he just likes to listen to your blood moving in extreme speeds through your body, but he wants to be romantic for you)
Not the one for PDA, will jold your hand at max when outside but inside the house he goes all out
All cuddling positions, all surfaces, all times of the day
Your first kiss happened a week after you had the furst date
He honestly had no idea what kissing was
You introduced him and gave him few lectures 😉
It's safe to say the student surpassed the master
His lips are surprisingly soft and warm
The first time you kissed him he was a little stunned and his nose mark swerved a little
But then he got addicted
Giving you kisses all over your face
He likes the neck the most
Especially the parts where he can feel the blood in your veins
And when he found out tongues can get involved?
He almost didn't let you breathe
The feeling of your soft and wet muscle against his was heavenly to him
At first a little weird but he quickly got used to it
Would chuckle everytime your teeth clinked together
You also thought of introducing him to the concept of hickies but he already figured it out on his own
Doesn't like giving them too often tho, to let your veins regenarate properly, otherwise he would be painting your neck purple every day
He had his time when he read a post on social media about a guy literally dying after his girlfriend gave him a hickie and oit of fear and anxiety refused to give you any hickies for a month
After about half a year of dating he decided to introduce you to his brothers
They already knew all about you
Choso doesn't talk often but when he's in the mood he won't shut up
And lately he has been talking mostly about you
All of them were nice to you and all of you got along super well
Choso fell for you even more
One date night you picked a movie that was a little less innocent than all the ones you watched before
Thankfully you didn't have to explain the birds and bees to choso when a particularly heated scene came on
But you needed to explain to him how to get rid of his very first boner in his life 💀
Your first time happened a year after your first date
He wanted it to be special since it's both of your first time
He studied
Aka he watched porn
Didn't get hard from watching it tho, only after he started playing out the scenes in his head with you and him in the actors' places
His first ever jirkoff happened because of this
He made a playlist to get both you and him in the mood
Wasn't needed in the end
After the very awkward first round you went into it like rabbits
Remember what i said about Choso and cuddling? Same goes for positions
All positions, all surfaces, all times of the day
Tho he had his favourites
Among his favourite positions were those he could have you in his lap
He loved it when you could drap yourself all over him
He also like the access to the skin he got
His least favourite ones are where he can't see your face
The different facial expressions he gives with different thrust angles are what keeps him going
His favourite places are the bed or the couch
And he doesn't really care about the time of the day as long as both of you are willing and not busy
The first one to propose oral was him
He was curious about how it tasted down there
He didn't find the taste anything spectacular but could see the appeal
He liked the texture on his tongue more
He also found out your juices taste different during different parts of your month cycle
That way he could keep track of your period better than you
Sometimes after he was done eating you out he mentioned how your time of the month is coming so you should be prepared
Made you chuckle every time with how bluntly he says that
You also offered to give him head
Likes it when you gently drag your teeth along his shaft
Like the feeling when you have an itchy spot and you give it a good scratch, that's the same for him and your teeth
Isn't really sure if he prefers to give or recieve yet
But doesn't mind either way
Period sex is a whole different stuff to him
As soon as he found out coming can help period cramps he was all in
At one point he was curious about what would happen if he pulled out the entire inner lining with his cursed technique
Ended your period bleeding that very day
You loved him even more
Does that for you every single month
But he's not gonna lie, he has a little sadist hidden inside of him
Likes to see blood on his dick
But only period one, as soon as it's real blood from harming you he's out
Doesn't really have any other kinks than that but he's open to explore with you
Would quickly find out he has his horny days too
On those days he would ask you all shy if you two could fuck
You never told him no how could you with those eyes
Long story short he got to try a lot of exciting things with you, for which he's grateful
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thephantomthiefneito · 2 months
My Neito Monoma Headcanons..
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His body is literally covered in beautify marks. he has one on his cheek, they're all over his back, there's a few on his chest and neck, he has some on his arms, legs and even between his fingers. Literally everywhere
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Absolutely insane social anxiety. Especially online. But he powers through it like the sigma he is, putting on a brave face for the world. He thinks he's beat his anxiety because he just ignores it but he still feels a pool of dread and terror in his stomach whenever he unlocks his phone
Neito loves anime. He's not afraid to admit it and he shames those who hate on the media. He especially watches cheesy romance ones but he enjoys Haikyu and Mob Psycho 100. He started JJK but dropped it because he hated it
His fashion sense consists of a lot of vests and cardigans. He wears button ups with sleeves that go just a little over his arms but he usually rolls them up. But he also wears more dramatic clothing. Ouji fashion is something he's inspired by a lot. Either he wears something very comfortable or something very.. not comfortable and there's no in between. sweatshirt or complex layered suit..
He used to wear braces but had them removed before he went to UA. He hated them. He absolutely hated them and was so embarrassed but everyone told him they made him look cute so now he has mixed feelings on them. Talking about it would totally make him freak out though. It's like a little secret he likes to hide
He doesn't know what his music taste is. He listens to both VKEI, Vocaloid and also enjoys classical music. He wants to label himself as an enjoyer of One specific genre but there's so many that he listens to
his playlist
(I don't listen to vkei, my friend helped me with this. I chose the songs but I don't know a thing about vkei)
He really loves Malice Mizer trust me and his favorite vocaloid is Rin
He's on the aromantic spectrum. He doesn't know WHERE he lies on there and he doesn't even realize he's there
He's never been to a waterpark. He barely knows how to swim and is terrified of water because of it. you will NOT catch him at a pool
Neito's real into writing. It's a need since he goes on never ending dramatic ass monologues. You have to have some interest in literature with the way he talks
He loves cats. He has three back at his house and didn't bring them to the dorms only because Mr. Kan told him he couldn't. But he's a huge cat person. More than you'd think. He talks about his cats like they're equal to him (because they are.) When he refers to his cats, he always makes his words so ominous. They're great powerful beings that are deserving of a royal castle. He's the phantom thief that serves their every desire. Talk shit about his cats and he'll hate you for the rest of your life
He's terrified of dogs. He actually freaks out when he sees one. He was bit on the ear by a dog when he was younger. He was just chillin and then BAM! big ass chomp. Now he doesn't fw dogs. Big dogs, small dogs, it doesn't matter if they're cute. He'll be absolutely petrified. Especially when they bark. and JUMP. Oh my god he'll scream and run away
Neito has sibling banter with the rest of his class. All.The.Time.
He talks very high of himself but he talks even higher about his class. He puts them on a higher pedestal than himself (which is really high since he's incredibly insecure.) Class A compliments a classmate, he'll compliment his classmates even HIGHER
This is canon but I'm amplifying it. Very sarcastic. And he says everything with his big, crazy smile, wide eyed. He even smiles widely when he's typing a sarcastic remark. He might even say it out loud AS he types.
He loves tea. one of his favorite drinks. Especially sweet tea. He LOVES sweets. Cakes, candies, ice cream. All sweets
He has no spice tolerance… but he eats spicy foods anyways and pretends like it's no problem for him. His eyes will be streaming tears and he's like "Nooo reaction.." like the tiktok spice kings. He also eats it A LOT. So you'd think he'd build up his tolerance but it just never happens. And his signature wide grin remains. He's crying, trembling, steam rushing out of his mouth as he turns to kendo "This is a breeze. I'm just fine! This is perfect!" and he like passes out a second later, face first into his plate of unfinished buldak ramen. Hopeless
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Neito finds dad jokes absolutely hilarious and laughs big and loud at them. He's just a silly guy
Terrible at dancing. So terrible. One time he twisted his ankle while doing a move that doesn't even involve his feet. To make it worse, Mina was watching as he did it and she couldn't help but laugh but he had no visible embarrassment at all. He was just like "YOU WON'T TAKE THE SPOTLIGHT FOR LONG, CLASS 1-A!" or some bullshit.
He loves tomato sandwiches…. They're so good he loves them BELIEVE ME. He actually just loves sandwiches and tomato's and he thinks combining it was the best achievement the human race has ever made
Bipolar disorder. Sorry I don't make the rules. As someone who suffers from bipolar disorder, he has it trust me. Rapid cycling bipolar. His classmates were absolutely freaked out when he went into a depressive episode for the first time after they moved into the dorms and he had to explain to them he's just like that
He wears girls perfume. He's not afraid to embrace femininity at all. He thinks perfume just smells way better than cologne too
He knows how to play the piano and violin. He's better at the violin because he's played it for years but he's just a beginner on the piano
Perfect nail care. He doesn't paint colors on his nails but he gives himself manicures and is great at it too. But if you ask him to paint your nails, he'll be the messiest at it ever. He can't paint others nails for the life of him
Favorite fruit and way to eat it is strawberries in sugar. He doesn't like strawberries on their own because sometimes they're a bit tart and the overwhelming tartness makes him BUG OUT
In middle school he really wanted to dye his hair a crazy color but his mom never let him
Absolutely a middle child. Kinda adds into his whole want for attention (it's not JUST because of class 1-A)
Perfect skin routine. He takes hours in the bathroom before bed and in the morning. When he gets a pimple, he's literally attached to Rin's leg, crying, sobbing about how his life is over
He hates soda and prefers juice but still drinks Ramune
Can't cook eggs right no matter what. He's great in the kitchen but whenever it comes to eggs, it's like the whole world is working against him
In an alternate universe, he's a pro hero that kills giant alien flies and his hero name is fly swatter and he has support weapons that are large fly swatters with an electric current and he has support wigs that are also giant fly swatters. In universe he doesn't have a quirk but still managed to become a pro. He's ranked the lowest
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ugly doodle
I've seen a few rp blogs share their headcanons so I thought I'd do the same because I love them so much
i wanted to make him such a loser i hope it worked
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jazzysnazzys · 1 year
☆ Dating Joel would include…☆
sfw + nsfw headcannons!
having major writers block on love at first fight so takes these, my bees ♡. (literally just Joel brain rot and not proof read 😓) take care my bees! i love you all so much!
Soft mornings consisting of quiet mumbles and lazy kisses. Joel would have his arm wrapped around your frame tightly along with your head pressed against his chest. You both would sleep in. Usually, you’d both be awake very early, but none of you would dare to move. You and Joel would just enjoy the comforting presence of one another, listening to the other person breath and shift slightly to get impossibly closer to the other.
On mornings that Joel was on duty for patrol, he’d have to force himself out of under the warm covers. You’d been awake ever since you heard the sounds of his big dumb boots walking around. When Joel came over to your ‘sleeping’ body to give your forehead a goodbye peck, you urged him to stay in bed and tell Tommy to find another guy. With a chuckle, he gives you a soft kiss on your forehead, telling you to stay safe out of habit.
If you were paired with Joel on morning patrols, he’d be the one begging you both to stay in bed.
“Darlin’, Tommy can find a replacement. Don’t feel like worryin myself over your pretty little head today.” Joel grumbled into your neck, as he pulled himself closer to you, a silent plea to stay.
“I can take care of myself, Joel.” You snicker at his clingy attitude and try to peel yourself off out of his strong arms.
You both would stand in the mirror together, getting ready. Comfortable silence only broken by the sound of the faucet running, fell between you two as you both freshened up. As you slipped on your boots, he’d wrap his arms around your midriff. He would whisper sweet nothings into your ear about how beautiful you look that morning until you had to force him off of you with a laugh.
On quiet evenings with Joel, you both would almost always resort to a movie night. Joel liked to be handsy with you, claiming that your body was practically molded for him. You’d pop a bowl of popcorn on the stove before returning to him, plopping down on the couch. Joel threw his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close to him. As the movie progressed, Joel would rub comforting shapes onto your shoulder. You eventually fall into his lap, soft snores escaping filling the room. You woke up the next morning, puzzled on how you ended up in bed.
On evenings with Ellie, the three of you would play board games. Ellie’s favorite was UNO. Probably because she was a master, no matter who shuffled the cards.
Ellie would pridefully set down a +2 card and with a smug face, turn to Joel. “Go ooon.”
Joel would grumble something inappropriate and snatch two cards from the deck as you and Ellie snickered at the disapproving man.
“Uno!” You’d shout with a giggle as Ellie pouted. Joel would bite his cheek to prevent a grin of amusement as his turn came back around after Ellie’s. Joel made eye contact with you as he nonchalantly placed a +4 card.
You slammed your card down on the table and threw your head back in frustration. Joel covered his mouth with his hand to stifle a laugh as you muttered multiple curses, picking up four cards.
Ellie would eventually win the game, leaving you and Joel to grovel together as the teen added another tally mark to the chalkboard, keeping score of your game nights.
Joel would enjoy rambling to you about music. You’d sit and listen, occasionally nodding your head to a point he’d make. You’d find yourself invested in whatever was spewing from his mouth. His silky, deep voice almost had you falling asleep as he talked about his guitar.
Joel loved to play his guitar for you, humming the lyrics to the song he played as you practically beamed.
Praise, Praise, Praise. He’d be underneath you, chest heaving as you’d bounce on his length. He would grumble words of praise as your moans filled the room.
“That’s it baby, just like that—fuck. Doin’ so well f’me, sweetheart.”
When your thighs eventually gave out on you, he’d pull your body down towards his, wrapping his arms around you. He’d begin slipping himself in and out of you at an unrelenting pace. Your screams would be muffled in the crook of his neck as he whispered into your ear.
“Such a good girl, takin’ all of me so well. It’s okay baby, let go, I gotcha. God, you’re so fuckin’ tight baby—fuck.”
You’d let your release consume you first, thighs shaking as you moaned his name like it was the only word you had ever known.
You’d eventually feel the familiar warmth of him filling you up not long after, the two of you catching your breaths.
Joel didn’t exactly like to degrade you as often, he was too afraid of hurting you.
Of course he wouldn’t deny you if you ever ask for anything more aggressive, smirking and dragging you to the bed.
“Such a slut huh? Wantin’ me to punish you? Hm? You need me to ruin you, baby?”
You’d nod dumbly as he ripped your clothes to shreds.
Joel liked taking you in any place he could. The kitchen counter, the bathroom, the couch, anywhere where he could get a comfortable position with you.
Hell, you couldn’t name a place you hadn’t fucked in off the top of your head.
Joel is an ass man. Fight me.
The two of you would often go to Tommy’s weekly dinner get togethers. Joel would have to hold back a groan as you went to serve yourself food, your plump ass begging to be bent over and ruined.
His eyes would be on you all dinner, his appetite for actual food ruined. He’d blink dumbly as he didn’t realize you’d ask him a question.
“Huh? Yeah, sure darlin’.”
The entire table snickered and Tommy gave him a knowing wink.
When you both arrived home he dragged you to the bedroom, pushing you onto the bed, with a look of hunger in his eyes that you knew all too well.
“The hell you doin’ to me out there darlin’? Wearin’ these slutty, tight pants? Thinkin’ I wouldn’t notice?” Joel pats your rear with a little force behind it, tilting your head up with his other hand.
You’d bite down on your lip, holding back a smirk.
“Oh you think this is funny?” Joel spoke in a firm tone. He then aggressively pulled down your pants to your ankles, pushing your panties to the side and sinking a finger into your wet heat.
Your whimpers filled the room as he slipped another finger in. Your heat warmly accepted every finger that he slipped in.
“P-Please Joel. Need you to fill me up.” You begged.
Joel smiled as he slipped his fingers out of you and unbuckled his belt. His angry cock immediately springing up as he pulled the waistband of his boxers down under his balls.
He teased your hole with the tip of his cock before sinking in. You’d cry out, every inch stretching you out perfectly.
He’d immediately set a rough pace, making you cry out in both pain and pleasure. He’d sink his teeth into your shoulder to muffle his groans.
The sounds of skin slapping and your moans were almost pornographic as it filled your ears.
“Let go baby, let go, I got you. C’mon—oh fuck.” Joel began rubbing your clit. That’s what sent you over, your moans growing louder as Joel fucked you through your orgasm, your quivering thighs held tightly by him.
He quickly came after you, a loud groan escaping his mouth.
Joel loved to take care of you after relentlessly ruining your hole. He’d press a soft kiss to your forehead, whispering how great you were.
He’d return with a towel, cleaning up the mess you had made. You whimpered every time the rough material came in contact with your bundle of nerves.
He’d slip his shirt on your naked form, opening his arms for you as you snuggled against his chest.
He’d sigh, petting your head as you both succumbed to your sleepiness.
Before you both fell asleep, he whispered.
“I love you.”
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omiiomiaaus · 1 year
Toji’s music taste
Headcanons on what songs or music i think toji would like but it’s really just what i like bc i’m lazy and don’t wanna look up new songs.
warnings: none??? some mentions of sex but no details, not proofread, literally none??
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☆ Just gotta say one thing… this man was in his prime life in the 2000s…. He was listening to songs that are older than me 🥸
☆ okay Megumi canonically listens to weezer so i think he got some of his music taste from Toji. (i think almost everyone that develops a liking for rock gets it from childhood roadtrips with their dad)
☆ Toji only plays his music in the car.. he can’t stand the radio. …100% played buddy holly and meg picked up on it
☆ it’s mostly alternative and rock with the occasional hip/hop songs but he doesn’t really like new music, he’s an oldie after all
☆ he definitely listens to Coldplay oh my god i think that would probably be one of his favorite bands bc their songs are soft and helps him fall asleep (literally me)
☆ his favorite coldplay song is clocks bc he’s a little basic but it’s the most classic song like??
☆ he taps to the beat of any song on the steering wheel and only mouths the lyrics bc he doesn’t like his singing voice.
☆Toji and deftones >>>>>>> he definitely went to their concerts (his favorite songs are birthmark and rosemary)
☆ Is the type to act surprised when a good song comes on and put the volume on blast while saying “Oh shit” even though it’s his own playlists
☆ his gym playlist consists of heavy metal or rock songs that get him in the mood to use all his strength. (and some phonk songs bc he likes to pretend he’s in a movie but he’d never admit that.) so a lot of Metallica, Type O negative, Pantera, and Slipknot
☆ as for hip/hop he likes in da club by 50 cent and and without me by Eminem. those real 2000s vibe songs. none of the new stuff. He actually really does like Eminem.
☆ like??? 3am by Eminem just sounds like him… real villain shit
☆ he also really likes outcast. so fresh so clean is his songgggg. He holds his fist up like a fake mic and says “don’t you think i’m so sexy i’m just so fresh so clean” then holds it up to your lips for you to say “so fresh and so clean clean” and he won’t move his hand until you say it. also quotes “the coolest motherfuckers on the planet” randomly.
☆ he prefers r&b songs for his sex playlist. slow and sensual songs. and one joke song that he plays Russian roulette with when he presses shuffle. It absolutely kills your mood but he laughs his ass off when you’re in the middle of fucking and all of a sudden the speakers are blaring “you get the limo out front… hottest styles, every shoe, every color.”
☆ This mf got a Hanna Montana song from your nostalgia playlist and thought it would be funny to include in the sex playlist…
☆ Okay Toji is the type of guy to not play music in the shower bc he’s a psycho and just takes 3 minute showers (we all know he doesn’t wanna rack up that water bill) BUT when he does.. it’s a quick playlist filled with songs he doesn’t really like so he can hurry up and get out.
☆ Okay the songs I feel like he’d actually listen to are way different than songs for the vibes he gives off…
☆ He gives off major ‘she knows’ vibes by Ne-Yo, and it’s because of that one edit on tiktok… lord bless those editors for taking two second clips of Toji and making it something so scrumptious
☆ ‘monster’ by lady Gaga is another vibe bc “he ate my heart” that part reminds me of him for some reason… he can eat more than just my heart :)))))))
☆ also ‘lights down low’ by maejor and ‘no hands’ by waka flocka.. literally frat boy vibes but its so fanon him right???
☆ any phonk song reminds me of him because tell me he wouldn’t listen to that shit just to get in the zone????
☆ the lost soul down (specifically the sped up version) is just so himmmmmm <33… again it’s probably because of all the edits but still!!
☆ shine dreams (also the sped up version) idk who it’s by there’s so many versions lol but just any song like that >>>
☆ I also think of him when I listen to ‘level7’ by OSAKA… idk something about it…
That’s all I have for now :)
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Inspiration Saturday 🎙️🎸
For me it's saturday and I need to share what I did for inspiration for enemies to lovers cause I can't wait (I'm actually so so excited about this fic)
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+ snippet (Look they can talk like normal people)
it goes after that snippet
At some moment Eddie is so lost in his own bubble consisting of him and the music he plays that when a mug with something that clearly smells like coffee is lowered near him, he just blinks for a few seconds trying to figure out what happened.
While he comes out of a working trance, followed by shock, Buckley just comes back to his notes with another cup, sipping his coffee.
Looking at the cup and then sniffing coffee, Eddie speculates if Buckley could have mixed something to poison him.
“It’s just black coffee. Chim once said you prefer just black. And I’m not an idiot to kill you when there are so many witnesses around,” blonde looks at him while he sips coffee sitting on his chair with his mile-long legs tucked under him, grinning.
“I know Bobby longer than you, and I know we actually would end this song. So like it or not, we need to have a truce at least till the song is released. Consider this coffee my step towards a truce, yours is on you. But it will be easier for both of us if we at least try not to bicker,” on that Buckley turns away from him.
For a second Eddie wants to say that they would need to be here at all if Buckley doesn't get on his nerves and doesn't start fights all the time, but Eddie shuts up, bitterly admitting that Buckley is right, Bobby won't back off until the song is ready and quarrels will only complicate their situation.
He grabs the cup and takes a sip, noting that Buck somehow managed to program that monster Hildy so that even his black coffee is incredible. Taking a few more sips, Eddie ponders his move, watching as Buckley crosses out the more lines that he wrote just five minutes ago.
“Do you eat chocolate with coffee?”
Buckley turns back to him with a raised eyebrow and nods.
Eddie reaches into his bag and takes two chocolate bars he bought when took Chris to school cause he didn’t have time to have breakfast when he overslept his alarm.
“Catch,” Eddie says and throws one bar to blue-eyed who catches it easily.
“Was in some sports team?”
“Football. High school,” Buckley says, opening his bar. “Thanks, this one is my fav.”
“I would suspect you played basketball, but football makes sense too. Why did you stop?”
“Serious leg injury. Three operations,” blonde shrugs like three operations at a young age means nothing, Eddie in his example knows that this is not easy. “My parents didn't let me play anymore, and I didn't want to. Music has always been closer to me. So I just accepted the sign of the universe and devoted myself completely to music.”
Eddie grins.
“Universe seriously? You believe in this bullshit?”
“It’s not bullshit, Diaz. Universe can literally scream at you. And I prefer to listen to it until it is not using big guns like lightning or bullets,” Buckley shows him his tongue at his exasperated head shaking. “What about you? Any sports team?”
“Baseball. Was on the way to becoming a professional actually,” Eddie admits as they apparently share their high school experiences before becoming superstars.
Tagging if they want to share : @honestlydarkprincess @911onabc @ebdaydreamer @alyxmastershipper @transbuck @cowboy-buddie @lover-of-mine @heartshapedvows @bekkachaos @panbuckley @rogerzsteven @the-likesofus @elvensorceress @shortsighted-owl @barbiediaz @buddierights @housewifebuck @thewolvesof1998 @wildlife4life @wikiangela @hippolotamus @transboybuckley @devirnis @heartbeatdiaz @buck-coded @spotsandsocks @monsterrae1 @spaceprincessem @userdisaster @caroandcats @mandzuking17 @useramor @loveyourownsmiilee @translasso and anyone who wants to share
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oceanviewsong · 1 year
All of Me, I'm Offering
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Pretty JK
Soft Jimin
Strangers to Lovers
A tiny Whisper of Angst
Jimin taught himself a long time ago to not want, to not anticipate, to not need.
It was easier that way, to lower his expectations down to nearly nothing, to not expect new friends to stay, for lovers to stick around, or even his family to be consistent with keeping in touch. With his expectations low, he was less likely to be disappointed, less likely to be hurt when eventually the phone calls stopped happening, the texts stopped coming, the dates were ignored or missed or forgotten.
He was used to it now, asking for less, but that didn’t always stop him from wanting more.
He knew he wasn’t the most interesting person to be around. He preferred quiet things, nights in to nights out, books and parks over drinks and bars, the soft sound of music playing from his stereo over the bass of a club dance floor. He didn’t think liking those things was wrong, but he got it, he knew he wasn’t the best company because of his preferences.
He’d been told often enough anyway.
“You’re too quiet.”
“You never want to do anything fun.”
“You should try being spontaneous more often.”
But Jimin liked his routine, liked his silent mornings and his soft afternoons and his still nights.
Until one day his routine was gently interrupted by someone.
It’s a rare night out for Jimin, coerced and coaxed by his best friend, Namjoon, into coming out for a night of coffee and thoughtful conversation. The cafe they're sitting in is open until three am, and it’s almost two when Jeongguk walks in, hand raising in a sheepish greeting when the others in their friend group wave him over. Jimin is not expecting a seventh tonight, no one told him to prepare for this, and he definitely could have used some time to prepare, because…
Jeongguk is beautiful.
That is the first thing he thinks when he sees him, he’s never met him, only heard about him, but none of the stories have done him justice. He is beautiful in a way poets write about, beautiful in a way that songs should be written of. With his wide dark eyes framed by long dark lashes, with his hair curled and framing his face like a portrait, with his pretty smile and his sweet voice.
Because Jeongguk is lovely, his midriff exposed and a long, black ribbon tied around his neck and his silver jewelry winking like little stars that fell just to adorn him.
“I forgot to mention Jeongguk was coming,” Namjoon says softly, “I should have, sorry.”
Jimin can’t find it in himself to respond, staring (and he knows he’s staring) as Jeongguk walks across the room and every single pair of eyes in the little space falls on him. He moves like music, and maybe Jimin should stop with the metaphors, but nothing literal could ever come close to explaining what Jeongguk must be made off. Moonglow and mithril, sunsets and starlight.
“Is this seat taken?” He asks, and it takes Jimin a few seconds to realize that he’s being spoken to, he’s being asked, Jeongguk could have said the same thing to anyone else at their table, but he asked him, Jimin, no one else.
“No.” Jimin whispers, hating how faint his voice sounds, like he’s going to be blown away on gusts of wind and he’ll never be seen again.
Jeongguk smiles, he smiles and the world fades away to nothing but shadows, because Jimin didn’t know true light until that very moment.
Jeongguk sinks down next to him and offers a hand to shake, a large hand, all veined and just as beautiful as the rest of him, “I’m Jeongguk.”
“Jimin,” he replies, because other words beyond that are beyond him.
The night unfolds like this-
Jeongguk listens, he is quiet and he is sweet and he speaks when spoken to yes, but he listens, he really listens, eyes wide and attentive, and Jimin notices right away that he doesn’t ask for more than what is offered, he never demands answers, never implies he needs more. He takes what is given and looks happy just to have that.
Are you like me? Jimin wants to ask it, Have you stopped asking for more because you’re scared too?
The night ends like this-
Everyone outside, breath escaping like ghosts in the cold night air, and Jimin stands by, waiting for Namjoon to say his goodbyes to everyone and suddenly Jeongguk is there, close close close, hands in pockets, shoulders hunched, pretty pretty pretty.
The night air is frigid around them, their breath escapes their lungs and forms into little phantoms that fade into the darkness. Jeongguk looks cold, huddled in on himself and shivering.
Jimin wants to give him his jacket.
Jeongguk doesn’t ask but Jimin thinks that maybe he can give it anyway.
Jimin shrugs out of his coat and holds it out, Jeongguk looks at him with questions and wonder in his eyes.
“It’s cold,” Jimin says by way of explanation.
Overhead the sky is dark and empty, all the stars have fallen and landed in Jeongguk’s eyes.
He holds his jacket out and feels like a fool until those long fingers reach out and take it, shy and slow, eyes blinking big and smile so soft, “Thanks,” Jeongguk whispers.
“Yeah,” Jimin says.
“It was nice getting to meet you.” Jeongguk says, staring down at the cracks in the pavement.
“Yeah,” Jimin says, and then shakes his head because he should say something other than that, “It was nice meeting you too.”
“Will you be here… next week?” Jeongguk asks.
The Jimin at the start of the night would have said no, but the Jimin right here, right now, bathed in starlight that shines from a pretty boy's eyes says, “Yeah, I will be.”
He catches his other friends staring, they know him, know he wouldn't typically agree to going out again so soon, but Jeongguk is smiling and beautiful and his long fingers curl around the edges of Jimin’s jacket and hold it a little closer and though they don’t really know each other, Jimin thinks it might be nice to try, just this once.
Next week it's raining. He wears a different jacket because he let Jeongguk take his the last time and he takes the subway because Namjoon is out of town. The rain doesn’t fall hard, just enough to make the sidewalks shine and the street lights look fuzzy. The neon lights reflect in the water, bright like spilled paint, he wants to dip his fingers in the puddles and bathe the shadows with colors. He wants to reach out and craft stars from the streetlights. Instead he bows his head against the rain and walks, hopes for his night to be colored by Jeongguk instead. He gets to the cafe and sees a figure standing outside, alone, and Jimin hesitates when he realizes who it is.
“Been waiting for you,” Jeongguk says, holding out a jacket, Jimin’s jacket, and he didn’t have to wait outside, it’s cold, even with him wearing his own coat, but he did and it’s weird, Jimin isn’t used to someone giving… someone giving back. He takes the jacket, their fingers brush, and the neon is lighting Jeongguk’s face in soft pink and dark blue and he is pretty pretty pretty.
Jeongguk sits next to him again, whines and complains and urges YG to shift aside until there is space next to Jimin and he doesn’t get it, doesn’t understand why Jeongguk wants to be beside him. He’s quiet and shy and Jeongguk shines bright, Jeongguk is the city at night, he is sweet and lovely and charming, and Jimin is just Jimin.
He says something like that to Namjoon, when the two of them are alone for a brief moment, and Namjoon looks at him and shakes his head and smiles, “Maybe he feels safe next to you, maybe he feels at ease.”
Jimin doesn’t know what to say to that, but he likes the idea, that Jeongguk feels secure at his side, like he’s a lighthouse, a harbor, a landing pad that can offer rest. He hopes Namjoon is right, he hopes he offers Jeongguk comfort.
Jimin doesn’t know how it happens, how they exchange numbers, how Jeongguk texts first and Jimin texts back, how he responds to every message, asks questions, gives and takes and takes and gives and Jimin is dizzy with it, so unused to having things returned, having effort match effort. He’s scared, feels like he’s teetering on the edge of an abyss and eventually he’ll fall and no one will be there to catch him in the end. The fear grows and grows, a monster under the bed reaching up in the small hours of the night, telling him he’s already let too much go, that he’s going to regret giving away so much of himself to this star-filled stranger who someone else might call a friend.
But Jimin is too scared to make that jump, even though everything about Jeongguk says he will reach out to catch him, that he won’t let him fall.
The fear spirals, a galaxy of doubt that spins at dizzy speeds in his head, and the monster now at his throat, clawed hands on his skin, making it hard to breathe, telling him he’s not worth the effort Jeongguk is showing, telling him he’ll get bored, he’ll disappear, that all of this is too good to be true.
So Jimin disappears first.
It’s the coward's way out, he knows that, but it’ll hurt a lot less if he gives up first, years of experience have taught him that. He finds little distractions, creates problems that need fixing, finds ways to not show up to the cafe or respond to texts or answer calls. Jeongguk is patient though, always forgiving, always willing to take what is given, even if it’s not much, but Jimin knows it’s only a matter of time before Jeongguk gives up on him just like everyone else has.
Except… he doesn’t.
After missing three weeks in a row of meet ups, Jimin is sitting at home in his pajamas, working on a project that doesn’t really need his attention, coffee table littered with papers and his laptop and his lower lip chewed raw because he’s so anxious about his own self sabotage he can barely think. He hears his phone ding a couple times, but ignores it in favor of staring at the mess in front of him and thinking about the mess inside of him.
The gentle sound of someone knocking on his front door half an hour later is harder to ignore.
He frowns as he pushes himself up off the couch, can’t begin to guess who it could be out there because what friends he does have are all at their usual hang out and it’s inching towards 8 pm, a little late for people to be going from door to door.
He cracks the door open just enough to see who is outside and is met with wide, luminous eyes, eyes he’s come to be very familiar with despite his better judgment. He immediately panics and almost closes the door, but catches it half a moment later, stammering out a greeting, well aware that he looks like a deer caught in the headlights.
"Jeongguk?" His voice sounds distressingly high in his ears, and he's certain he is blushing, "What are you doing here?"
"Hi," Jeongguk says, as if that’s any sort of response to someone whose sanity is crumbling before their eyes, “I brought dinner.”
Jimin lets his gaze fall to the white plastic bag clutched in one of Jeongguk’s hands, “Umm.”
“It’s okay if you don’t want it,” Jeongguk says in a rush, “I can just eat it or… I mean…” he trails off, gaze stuck in a spot on the still barely open door and cheeks tinted pink, “I can just- I can go, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have shown up unannounced, that was dumb of me, I just, I heard from Joon that you’d been working a lot lately and I thought maybe it would be nice if you didn’t have to worry about food because I remember you said you’re bad about feeding yourself when you’re really busy and I didn’t like thinking that you maybe hadn’t eaten and I’m rambling I’m so sorry-“ Jeongguk cuts himself off and turns, and Jimin feels a fresh surge of panic because now that he’s here, he can’t just leave.
“Wait!” Jimin as he throws the door open, wincing as it slams into the wall but leaning forward to grab Jeongguk’s arm before the man can truly disappear, “I’m sorry, you just caught me off guard… you can… you can come in,” the last words are said in a whisper, “You’re right, I haven’t had dinner yet and uh…” he throws a glance back at the cluttered table and the empty apartment, “it would be really nice to take a break… with you.”
He risks a glance up in time to watch Jeongguk’s expression turn from embarrassment to happiness, “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Jimin nods firmly, “really.”
So that’s how he finds himself sitting next to Jeongguk, eating chicken and experiencing various levels of confusion because no one has ever done anything like this for him before. Whenever he makes excuses to not show up people take it at face value and… that’s it. He doesn’t show, they don’t offer to do anything, and that’s how things are, how they’ve always been.
Except now.
He thinks Jeongguk might be an exception to every rule Jimin has made for himself over the years.
The night unfolds like this-
Jimin reaches for the same piece of chicken as Jeongguk at the exact same time and it shouldn't be awkward. It shouldn't make him blush and pull his hand back as if burned. It shouldn't make the eye contact afterward so intense.
But it does.
Jimin forces his shoulders to drop, forces himself to smile, forces himself to say, "Sorry," in the most neutral way he can manage considering his heart is a thunderstorm in his chest.
Maybe this is why people don't spend time with him too often. Because aside from being boring, he's awkward too. But Jeongguk just flashes him a bright and blinding smile and chases his hand with his own, tangling their fingers together and giving it a little shake, "Don't worry about it."
"Don't worry about it."
The words echo around in Jimin's head for far too long, because how is he NOT supposed to worry about it, about how his heart felt battered and how his cheeks are warm and how Jeongguk is the prettiest person he's ever seen. There's a moment that lasts forever but really only lasts as long as it takes Jimin to draw half a breath before Jeongguk is disentangling their hands and waving away his discomfort away like it's a bothersome fly and not a weight that's been dragging Jimin down into a mire of his own creation.
They spend the rest of the evening talking, the show on the television forgotten in favor of little questions, little jokes. Jimin revels in the way Jeongguk watches and listens and takes but also gives pieces of himself away, beautiful pieces, all precious as jewels, little things for Jimin to covet and hold close.
Now Jimin knows his favorite color, his favorite band, his parents names, his birthday. Now Jimin knows that Jeongguk doesn’t like coffee but he does like mint chocolate ice cream. He knows that Jeongguk can sing but is shy, can paint but doesn’t do it often, knows and knows and everything he learns becomes treasure that Jimin wants to hoard because everything about Jeongguk feels precious and worthy.
It's late when Jeongguk leaves, nearly one in the morning, and Jimin might not have gotten any work done after Jeongguk appeared, like an angel from heaven bearing chicken wings instead of feathered ones, but he's so happy he can’t stop smiling, and that work didn't really matter, anyway. Not in the same way that Jeongguk's laughter matters, or his thoughts, his opinions, his delight in all the things that Jimin said or did as the night unraveled around them far more rapidly than Jimin is used to.
He leaves, lingering by the door, and Jimin doesn't want him to go, but he's not sure he has the language to ask for him to stay.
"This was nice," he offers instead of asking, asking feels a lot when Jeongguk has already given so much, "thank you."
"It was nice," Jeongguk nods, and there's something sparkling a little extra bright in his eyes when he asks, "do you know what else is nice?"
Jimin shakes his head, not certain how to reply, not certain that the night could get any nicer, but then Jeongguk swoops down and plants a satin-soft kiss on Jimin's cheeks, his own red red red, and while he's still there, still close, he whispers, "You are… Good night, Jimin hyung. I can't wait to see you again."
Then he's gone, leaving nothing behind but the lingering scent of his detergent and the feeling of his soft lips pressed to Jimin's skin, and Jimin, who reaches up to touch his cheek, eyes wide and lips parted, astounded by the turn of events.
He sinks into bed that night and he swears he can still feel Jeongguks kiss, like little petals pressed to his skin, and that night when he dreams he dreams that he looked into the mirror and saw his cheek shining bright like the touch of Jeongguks lips had left starlight in their wake.
Maybe, he thinks when he rises the next morning, it was all a dream- not just the starlight on his skin, but the whole night, from Jeongguk showing up at his door to their conversation to the goodbye at his door. Except that he walks into the kitchen and sees two glasses in the sink, waiting to be washed, and empty take out containers in the trash, he knows it was real.
It was real.
Jimin spends the rest of the day feeling a little lost and a lot overwhelmed. His phone takes his attention away from his job more often than not because Jeongguk is still there, still giving. He didn’t run away. He sends pictures of little things, the flower stall he walks passed on the way to his own job, a dog he met, his lunch- small, inconsequential things that feel so big because it’s Jeongguk who is sharing them.
Jimin starts to wonder if he isn’t boring after all, that maybe he just stopped thinking the little things mattered, so he stopped paying attention, stopped sharing them, shut himself away and ended up hurting himself more than he should have. But today he decides to try, today he sends Jeongguk a picture of the sunset from the street outside his work, he shares a selfie of himself eating his lunch, a picture of some street art he passes on the way to the metro. Jeongguk has things to say about all of them, their chat full of emojis and exclamation marks and laughter and Jimin falls asleep that night with a smile on his face.
It is still real.
It’s a gradual shift after that, a little tilt to his world that feels more like slipping down a children's slide then it does the axis of his existence flipping like it would have in the past. Jeongguk seeks him out, Jeongguk fills the hollow spaces in between- his lungs and his heart and his scurrying thoughts, and Jimin does his best to meet him there, to give back instead of pull away.
His fear is still there, he’s been left behind so many times that it is hard to disregard all those old wounds, but it is muted, dimmed by starshine and moonglow and Jeongguk’s big, bright, forever smile.
It’s Friday, and Jimin is at the cafe again and Jeongguk is curled up against him, pretty pretty in his oversized shirt that shows off his delicate collarbones and his soft skin. He’s showing Jimin his fingernails, which his niece painted with shimmering pale pink polish and he smells like strawberry lemonade. He wiggles a little in his seat, puppy-like squirming and a little pout on his lips until Jimin is forced to raise his arm and then Jeongguk is falling against his side with a happy sigh, bringing his legs up and tucking himself all small into Jimin.
He looks down and Jeongguk is looking right at him, face so close, eyes so big and shining with delight, “You’re warm,” Jeongguk says, snuggling a little closer, and Jimin smiles easy and pulls him a little nearer and gives and takes and takes and gives and the scales tilt and shift until a perfect balance is found, hung from chains of gold and heat.
He looks up and the others are sneaking surreptitious glances at them and Jimin sees no hint of judgment, no looks of disbelief. It’s like they seem them together it is right, it’s good, even though Jimin still has trouble letting go of his insecurities and he doesn’t understand what Jeongguk sees in him. Even though he is certain that Jeongguk could find someone more interesting, more brilliant and star born than Jimin is.
Jeongguk has kissed him a few more times since that night he’d come over. Little kisses, swift and certain, cupid darts to his jaw, his temple, his shoulder and neck. He’s always giggling and sweet when he does it, leans in, presses close, big hands wrapped around Jimin’s wrist, his waist, pink lips and watermelon gloss and shimmering delight, laughter and curls brushing soft against Jimin’s skin.
The night wanes like the moon, the others drift away to their own homes, Jeongguk and Jimin walk to the metro together, not wanting the night to end. Jeongguk’s hand is near his, Jimin can feel it, the way their knuckles brush against each other. He takes a silent breath, holds it for a heartbeat, and hooks their pinkies together, careful, gentle, loose in case Jeongguk doesn’t want it. He can feel Jeongguk look at him, he glances over, sees the smile, and gives in to the urge to tangle their fingers together completely, just like he wants their lives to be.
Their first real kiss goes like this-
They're standing at an empty station, waiting, still pressed together, no one else there to break the spell, and Jeongguk is standing with his back to a concrete pillar, coat hanging off his shoulder. His chin is tilted down as he smiles and he’s looking up through his lashes and playing with his lip ring and Jimin wants.
He wants to be brave, to continue this game of give and take, to move forward and to be met in the middle. So he leans in, close, close, and Jeongguk leans forward, close, close, and then they are kissing.
They are kissing and it’s just as sweet as Jeongguk, star light and star bright and the first stars they’ll see tonight. It’s roses in May and late August berries and the first snowfall of winter and warm sunlight in fall.
“More,” Jimin whispers when the first kiss stops.
And Jeongguk gives it to him
“More,” Jimin says again after the second.
And Jeongguk does, laughter and joy, giving and taking.
“More,” he pleads.
And Jeongguk listens.
Jimin taught himself a long time ago to not want, to not expect, to not need.
But Jeongguk has taught him that it is okay to do those things, it is okay to lean into the fear and the worry because he was there to catch him every time. Jimin doesn’t think he is broken or boring anymore.
He thinks he is loved.
And he is.
Hello! I haven't been too active on here, but I'd like to better, because twitter keeps getting worse and worse every day. I hope you enjoyed this little story, and if you've never read anything by me, then hi! I'm Spirit🌙 and I write things and make boards. I have a AO3 account you can find below, as well- so if you like jikook fics, please feel free to check it out! 💜
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caluski · 5 months
@moldavite tagged me to post my current music faves (thank u kalli a big fucking MWAH goes out to u in this gloomy april evening) so yay!!! i love posting spotify links of course... more belowww. trying so hard for everyone to only post things i havent shared before... trying!!
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obviously justice is on repeat - both incognito and saturnine, but im putting here incognito bc it does have the coolest intro and outro everrr like ouuughhhh like justice goes so fucking hard when they choose to have some retro synths................ actually have you listened to planisphere today? you should (talking to everyone)
i havent actually talked about my thoughts on khruangbins new album... which is obviously good but i simply didnt have the time to get into it :/ ive been hoping to give it a good listen, no skips no nothing, on a day off but work has been kicking my ass a bittt... anyway! Pon pón is fun. it came out as a single few weeks back and ive gotten really into it.... sooooo groovy
vampire by sholto is what some of you might recognize from love and food playlist? but ohhhhhh fuckkkkkkk its so good. i dont even know this guy and i didnt think much of it other than "yeah its cool" when i added it to my library. such a great and sinister feeling jazzy number.... AND WHEN THE SAX HITS!!!!!!!!! thats so good. please listen to vampire.
more radio pop!!!!! MORE MAINSTREAM KEVIN PARKER!!!!!!!! i do love tame impala's older/more niche sound just as much as i love him "selling out" (whatever, i will defend his minions and elvis tracks until i die and i will MEAN it) so i am STILL excited for this album even though the roll-out of singles has been consistently awful. but i guess dua lipa is a slow riser always (however long did it take her to peak on charts with 'dont start now'???). plus obviously DANNY!!!!!! YAY FOR DANNY!!!!!
its been a really good spring so far, with so many of my faves releasing music, and obviously that includes sebastian. i remember watching the runway show this was made for, but for some reason i didnt hear the whole track - maybe it was just highlights or something? i really love the synths in this one. its unusual for him to bring the choral singing in the start instead of the climax of the track, but its really well done (as always)! i wish, i wiiiiiiiiish there was something happening about the new album, too.
charli's really being weird recently about everything but goddddddd this slaps so good. im usually not that big on gesaffelstein but i do love ag cook so much. its going to be such a good clubbing record like literally.... its crazy she STILL gets labeled hyperpop. i also like club classics, but b2b is TRULY superior out of this double drop....
the beat of this one is just stuck in my head at all times. its cute! fun! perfect for spring. theyre soon to release their debut album, i need to remember to check it out. while its not SOTY material so far, its just cool and pleasant.
more dance sounds - i like this one a lot! really catchy. ive never really been into 1tbsp but yeahhhhh with this one, i get it.
ok i for sure posted this one before, but its ok bc it got like 0 or 1 likes or something. starwolf is a band im really hopeful for!!!! their 2020 album was pretty interesting, but its their three last singles that got my ears all perked up. some daytime disco vibes in them, and its really cool considering i was somewhat.... underwhelmed by poolside's last album. so, i feel good about starwolf now! fingers crossed for summer, as it would be a perrrrrrrfect record to replay over and over during hot sunny days.
and SUUUUUUUUUUUCHHHHHHHHH a spring favorite for the end. kind of getting lost in this one.... number one song i keep thinking of during sweet sunny walks recently. unbelievably cute. 10000% recommend.
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cadmusfly · 10 months
Tagged by @gniew777 for a “9 people you’d like to get to know better” thingo~
three ships: (boat answer) my original boat the ghost ship HMS Asterion, HMS Victory, shipshape HMS Pickle (actual answer) bessimu, lannes/napoleon, foe yay soult/ney
first ship: uh I’m not going to answer this partially because i don’t actually remember being a decade or two ago and partially because likely candidates for the answer either involve a disgraced fandom or minecraft YouTubers
last song: a really rocking english cover of an anime opening, this chainsaw man op cover
last film: I genuinely don’t remember. I only watch two hour long minecraft videos and napoleonic documentaries. Next week I’ll be watching Napoleon The Movie though
currently reading: trying to pick back up Joachim Murat: A Portrait in Letters but i reached a part where my heart hurts and that’s why I’m procrastinating on finishing it because ;_;
currently consuming: In a literal food sense I am eating breakfast oats. In a metaphorical media sense I’m spending my free time listening to two hour hardcore minecraft videos while painting tiny Frenchmen and removing Soult’s face for the second time (his face is finally somewhat acceptable!)
currently craving: I’d like to not be hungry
Tagging a mix of people I have tagged in the past and people I haven’t tagged before I don’t think: @apurpledust @clove-pinks @angelofgrace96 @aranov @lunarsands @screechfoxes @josefavomjaaga @rosellemoon @superat626
I get a little anxious about tagging so if we’re friendly and/or mutuals and you want me to consistently tag you in these things, let me know! Otherwise I think from now on I might try out a “scroll down my activity feed and pick based off that” or something else for tag games
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marciabrady · 1 year
How would you rank ‘One Song’, ‘Once Upon a Dream’, and ‘So This Is Love’ aka the most top tier romantic duets Disney had ever produced?
This is such a great question and I really don't want to cop out but I'll never be able to choose between the original four princesses ever so it really just depends on my mood/what I need to listen to! All three are some of my favorite songs ever, so I'll just list what I get from them/why I listen to them at different times and for what reason:
I'm Wishing/One Song: I'm Wishing is the first song I ever remember hearing. I was obsessed with the echoes and it's the only song in English my grandparents know- it was Adriana's favorite, too! There's such a magical quality to it and I love, for as mythical a Princess as Snow White is, her very human lyric of "I'm dreaming of the nice things he'll say." It really does remind you that, at the heart of it all, Snow White is someone who's been abused and neglected but still has a tender heart, in spite of her circumstances, just wants someone who will treat her with affection for a change. Her wish is very human and, beyond imagining what he should look like or about the riches he possesses, she just wants to be loved and feel safe around someone. It's such a vulnerable, soft moment, and to be countered with One Song! One Song is so steadfast in its dedication and what everyone wishing for love could ever hope for- someone you're in love with, being respectful but still consistent and unwavering in declaring their love for you. The lyrics have such a hold on me- "one song, my heart keeps singing, of one love, only for you." It isn't beauty or innocence that draws the Prince to the Princess- but, in this fairytale universe, they truly are meant and made for each other. She isn't just going to be tossed aside for another pretty face or Princess, this is truly the only love of the Prince's life, which is why he continues to venture through all the seasons while riding in the forest, searching for his lost love when Snow White is thought to be dead. I listen to this when I need to feel more solid in the belief that my soulmate is out there and that I'll know it when I see them, but also that it'll be easy- I won't be riddled with thinking of how to maintain their interest or reach out to them or how to overcome my anxiety. If they're as interested as I am, things will naturally progress and the strength of that unity and bond will overcome any other temporary hardship that might fall in our path during the courting period that would dissuade any other lesser relationship. True love isn't fragile- it isn't something that'll go away if you say the wrong thing, or don't happen to be somewhere one day. True love is strong and withstanding and everlasting.
So This is Love: THIS SONG. Not to sound like a 2010 gif but all the feels. Cinderella just got to the dance by the skin of her teeth after having to fight for her right to go all day and after being assaulted and ripped to literal shreds by her abusers. She's a spirited and lively girl, but the harsh encounters she's made contact with that day are understandably giving her slight social anxiety. She's the only young maiden to go to the ball without a chaperon, as we see, and she's late to the proceedings. She doesn't stand in line, but plans on spending the night by herself, surrounded in the marvels of the building- when he approaches her. To this point, every physical encounter we've seen with Cinderella is other blatantly violent or borders on being violent. The stepsisters pushing their fingers in her face, her dress being ripped off her body, being on the receiving end of sneers and mockery and insults. When the Prince first reaches for her hand, she's startled and it's almost as if she thinks she's going to be hit...because that's what all of her interactions have played out as, thus far. She's never been on the receiving end of a warm touch or a loving motion or an act of tenderness. She's been ridiculed and humiliated and demeaned...she probably never thought she'd ever experience love and, when she does- the floating notes of Ilene's voice rising higher and higher and higher are ethereal and so elating and gratifying. For the first time in her life, she's made the discovery of what love truly could be, and the Prince, too, is transformed by it- this rich boy who was bored by all the luxuries surrounding him realizes that it's love that's more important than all the treasure in the world and the only thing that can make him feel alive. The spurts of energy and silent affection they carry for one another is so beautifully compelling and to think Cinderella got to experience this after so many years of pain is so emotional for me. I listen to this when I'm at my lowest and am convinced I'll never again feel those butterflies in my stomach that bring you to the sky when you're in love, or that happiness that makes your smile spread so wide on your face before you even show any teeth- the type that makes your cheeks warm and pink and tuck your chin into your chest- and it works, like a charm, every time in showing me what could be just around the corner and how much that would change my entire life, even if nothing else in my life actually changes.
Once Upon a Dream: Where to even begin lol you all know that Aurora is the Princess I identify with the most and this song is the prime example of why. She's an innately romantic princess and is filled with so much love for her elders and the animals and the world around her, but she still wants to experience romantic love. Forced into total social isolation, she's devoid of any human contact and has to resort to her very vivid imagination to generate any stimulus or feelings of sensation...and I think all of us online folk know that outlet a little too well, whether it's fanfic we're indulging in or reader insert writing or roleplay or fan videos or anything. She sings by herself, with a mockup dream Prince, and connects her desires with those of her subconscious- which elevates it all to me. She sings of her dreams and what happens at night and how there's a nagging knowledge that all of her illusions will disappear once she awakens, but the emotional perplexity and depth to her dreams and the desires of her heart tell her that it can't just be an illusion though she logically knows it is. It's really fascinating in a way where most people you meet will never be able to even understand this depth to Aurora, but then again they probably wouldn't have spent enough time with her to deconstruct it to this extent...but I digress. So, for her song- which is so unreal and otherworldly but also anchored by the support of the world in the knowledge of the distinction between the dream world and the waking one- to actually be interjected by that very figment of her imagination coming to life and sprouting her own words back to her is soooo unimaginable and entrancing and exciting, especially considering Phillip doesn't just sing her own words back to her- it really does feel as though she, too, is the person he sees in his dreams every night and it fills you with all these new colors and images and feelings that Aurora's verse does, despite the fact that they're identical lyrics. I listen to this one so often, because it represents so much of the intimacy and sensuality and how realistic us dreamers are forced to be while still maintaining our soaring spirits and so many other qualities that would take me forever to list out. But I mainly listen to this one when I feel like I need the wants and cries of my heart to feel heard and to embrace that intimacy I mentioned earlier
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tortoisebore · 1 year
i love ur little rambles so what do u think the losers coffee orders and music taste is (in hey sharpshooter or otherwise) 🤲
ooooo oooo ooo yes yes yes
((TORTOISE LORE on the days i have to work onsite at my job i almost exclusively set up shop at the coffee place across from the office & listen to my little music & drink my little beverages all day so this particular set of questions resonates with me so bad))
for consistency's sake coffee-wise let's say we're talking starbucks. i think most days sirius would go for something high in caffeine but with a little sweetness to it. a venti iced shaken espresso with oat milk and three pumps of classic sweetener, perhaps. maybe switch that classic out for chestnut praline at the holidays bc he's feeling festive. other days i think he'd want an absolute sugar bomb as a reward for getting through a rough week or bc he was really mature today and refrained from screeching at people in the street when they didn't walk fast enough & blocked the sidewalk when he was in a hurry. on those days he requires a big ole mocha cookie crumble frap or an iced cinnamon dolce latte with an extra shot for fun.
on his walk home he's listening to one of three playlists depending on the day. the first one is a fourteen hour pop girlie playlist that starts with style by taylor swift and ends with kiss me more by doja cat, with some ariana, gaga, spice girls, charli, no doubt, & even some abba thrown in the middle for spice. the second playlist is for mocha cookie crumble days and starts with your best american girl by mitski and features lots of phoebe, lots of taylor, lots of lana, some ethel cain for sure, some select fleetwood mac, maybe some stuff from the 1975's a brief inquiry album. it's all stuff he can dig into & be angsty with & have strong feelings to.
the third is a more generic thought-dump kind of playlist where he just throws in songs he likes. buttercup by hippo campus. the view from the afternoon by arctic monkeys. concussion by girlhouse. ilysb by lany. like....,.,moonage daydream. 6 inch. pink pony club. bring it on home. just a mix of vibes and genres & things he gets stuck in his head.
contrary to popular belief i do think remus is a coffee girlie and would pick a mug of good dark roast drip over tea any day. i think he's simple for the most part & would go after a good tall americano on days he needs the kickstart but a grande drip with light cream would be his everyday go-to. during the summers he switches to a cold brew or plain iced coffee with cold foam if he's feeling fancy. he likes to pretend he doesn't like the frilly expensive drinks but every time he & sirius get coffee together, sirius orders him a grande mocha with two extra pumps of mocha and whipped cream on top & he downs it in about eight seconds.
remus is a hozier stan confirmed. remus is a boygenius stan confirmed. he likes poetic lyrics more than anything so sirius puts him on mitski and taylor. i like the idea that his music taste was a little outdated most of his life bc his parents had a huge record collection that they inherited from his grandparents so he just....played music all the time as a lonely little kid looking for things to do. when he was nine the only album he listened to all christmas break was otis redding's the dock of the bay & that made him gravitate toward stuff like leon bridges & amy winehouse as he got older. he learned about spotify four years after everyone else did & still only has two playlists. his parents loved the 90s rock girlies and they listened to a lot of the cranberries and fiona apple CDs around the house, so all those albums are really nostalgic for him now. he puts sirius on jeff buckley & regrets it instantly bc literally all he does now is play remus' grace vinyl full-volume and remus is afraid they're going to get a noise complaint. you can hear it in the stairwell sirius the neighbors are going to get mad please
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hairklipz · 7 months
Review 01: LTJ Bukem - Producer 01
Released: 0?/01/00AV
Genre: Electronic / Subgenre: Jungle DnB a/o Intelligent DnB & Downtempo
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Watford native LTJ Bukem had heavy influence on what would become known as "Intelligent DnB". Intel. DnB is characterized by clear jazz influence alongside the break beats that make Jungle so addictive. Bukem navigates the sound with expertise, flaunting complex but catchy jazz loops into the mix from his classically trained background as well as hard hitting basslines that rock your ears. As the record runs, you lose track of time as the songs are paced very well despite being on the longer side by today's standards. If someone is looking for an introduction to the UK Jungle scene, Producer 01 is a gentle yet proper means to do so. It starts you off by getting you used to the sounds you will hear through the project and then eases you into the heavier aspects later on. Let's listen.
Track One is a seven minute interlude titled appropriately 'Cosmic Interlude'. As the song begins I can already feel myself enjoying it from the bass loop alone. This loop is reminiscent of the "Meep City Night Theme" from Roblox (obscure reference but that song is a 10/10 for me). The tone of this interlude is also set quickly with the accents heard echoing over the bass until the drums come knocking in. The structure of this song seems to focus it's attention on the tone switches. Moments of minor tension broken up with soft electric keys and more accenting. Just as the song is starting to become repetitive, Bukem (as if he is mixing this with you in mind) switches direction, giving us a break from the loop before heading into the final minute of the track. Although the loop has only been gone for less than a minute, when it makes it's return with new partners, you cease to remember the repetitive feeling from minutes before. An amazing start to the album.
Track Two instantly takes a dip in tone. Titled Constellation, this track is the sole song on the record that features vocals. The lyrics of this song seem to focus on music transporting you elsewhere. The style of the rap is consistent with the English Scene with flow influence from New York contemporaries of the same time and genre. I think this track is a great listen especially if you are listening intently. Noticing details like the whispers that DSR layers over his verse pulls the listener away from where they are grounded much like the song intended. As far as the production, a favorite for me is the strings within in the loops. I am an absolute sucker for strings especially the strings consistent with the late 90's and early 2000's. When the beat rides for the keys solo before the last verse, you get a chance to really hear those strings before the song fades off. I really enjoyed this song despite it being almost an outlier from the rest of the album.
Track Three is where we start to inch closer to the traditional jungle sound although I use 'inch' very literally. Unlike later tracks, this one remains subtle in its label. My first thought is downtempo but maybe not a specific sub-genre within it. The BPM sits at around 104 or 105 as opposed to the average BPM of 158 over the six songs that follow it. The chords feel very house-y which I love and I think suits the track immensely. While listening to the first two minutes of this song, the sub-bass will creep in for just moments at time preparing you for second-quarter of the track. The sub-bass hits hard and rounded, you can almost see the shape of it while listening. The echoing horns throughout the song are trance-like, it feels like I'm being hypnotized, snapped awake and instantly re-instated as the horns return. This cycle continues until you fully awaken only due to the volume lowering as the song fades out.
Track Four begins with what I can only describe as someone taking the term jungle literally. Partnered in the background with percussion are various chirps but closer to the foreground is what seems to be (in my opinion) a bit-crushed roar of some kind that starts anew every eight measures. I really love the idea of Bukem sitting down and deciding to center a jungle song around jungle sounds (even if I am not 100% on his intention or even that these sounds came from the jungle in the first place). The drums in this song are one of my favorite from the entire record despite this not being a favorite song as a whole. I think this song serves well as a transitionary track into the higher tempo theme of the rest of the album and prepares you for track five which I consider to be the second strongest, second most interesting and my overall second favorite on the album.
Track Five is titled 'Demon Theme'. As the track sets the tone for you, chirps are carried on from the previous track until the break begins. The drums are instantly weaker than the last song but this is not where 'Demon Theme' shines. Two minutes into the track, an echoing lead catches an unbelievable groove that immediately takes over. This section of the song is interrupted by a sampled singing voice that eases us into a new section of chaos. Many freshly introduced sounds start to swirl around your head at 145 BPM causing a hurricane circling your brain. Soon after, the 'calm' within this 'storm' appears in the form of flutes that end up blending the rest of the sounds into one. Once again, this off-key vocal sample serves as the start of the next section where we are met with warm synths and those familiar chirps from earlier. It feels like an off-color sun is breaking through the clouds of earlier. As the song enters it's final stretch, the chaos is gone and that catchy lead comes back to wrap everything up into a neat package. This new tone becomes the standard for the song, wiping your memory of the chaos the ensued minutes before. Switching between minute three and minute six feel like distant sonic cousins rather than two parts of the same track and I think this is absolutely a positive but also a theme of this album. It is dynamic and it shows track-to-track.
Track Six is our longest track on the records at just under nine minutes. The loop here has some sort of a filter which almost detunes it at times and I love that effect. The synths that work with this loop are slow and drone-like which leaves you wondering where this song will end up knowing that Bukem is both unpredictable and extremely talented at it too. 'Music' sits at the higher side with 155 BPM but somehow the song feels slow and paced. It is an amazing feeling. By minute four, I had found myself feeling like the song just began but we were already half way finished. The track is quick yet slow. It is heavy yet soft. It is both liquid and solid. Throughout this one, a sampled voice comes echoing both in and out like something out of Silent Hill until thick undistinguishable chords creep in to set the tone completely. 'Music' isn't one of my favorites as a song but the experience itself makes it. I think it is rare to find a track paced so perfectly.
Track Seven (my overall favorite) continues the long run time with the the last two songs totaling over seventeen minutes all by themselves. This song has a slow build but already starts to set the groove. The echo and melody used for this flute sample is one of the catchiest on the entire record. The bass on this track is definitely more subtle than the former songs but it is still rounded and impactful. As you hit the halfway point of 'Twilight Voyage' you get a closer listen to the sounds present in the song and this is one of my favorite sections. I don't have the proper words to describe the feeling they give me but it is like every sound is picked perfectly. Every soundwave is the exact one that I would specifically want. I find myself getting lost in this section just appreciating said sounds until the DnB returns for the final two minutes of the track. This song is one of the least dynamic of the record but somehow it doesn't feel repetitive, every second of those eight minutes is paced just as well as the previous track and that blows me away.
Track Eight begins unlike any of the other songs. 'Orchestral Jam' has an strong start as opposed to the soft build-ups we've been used to for the past seven tracks. The drums are glitchy and fast which the track gives us plenty of time in the first minute to appreciate until the melodies begin to slip in. Of course, this song is focused on strings but these strings aren't my favorite. I mentioned earlier in the review that the strings of this era are one of my biggest weaknesses but the ones present in this track just don't do it for me. Even when the bass is introduced about halfway through the song, I do not find myself getting the same feeling the record has produced so far. My favorite thing about this song are definitely the accenting done here and there. That being said, this song is on the weaker side for me and would be at best an 'okay' track. I do believe that this song is greater than 'okay' but might have the unfortunate task of following the almost perfect first seven tracks.
Track Nine is the where this amazing record comes to an end and from what I understand is Bukem's most popular track. Off-the-bat, this song has a chopped vocal sample (from which part of the title is taken) that is absolutely lovely. I think that the beginning of this song sets an amazing tone that gets me excited for the ending of this album. The keys, which are almost clav-like, are catchy and funky until they are cut-off. I think that I would've liked those keys to continue and carry the rest of the track with them in a different direction. They make their return alongside that vocal sample in the final minute of the record but without enough time to bring the song to a place I'd like to hear. I think this song reveals one of my worst habits which is gaining expectations in a track to only feel disappointed if it doesn't go where my head was thinking or somewhere better. This song set a tone that I got attached to and changed it. I believe that the song is still great but I am just a picky and pretentious brat who acts like he could've even made something this good.
Producer 01 is labeled by some as a compilation record rather than an actual album. I believe that without lyrics it can sometimes be difficult to keep an album coherent but Bukem did it masterfully. This project feel cohesive and paced beautifully. Sitting at 1hour and 13 minutes, each song works its runtime properly and keeps you engaged both mentally and physically. This record has plenty of moments where you cannot help but have a physical reaction to what is occurring even if you are not listening with full intent. This record is not abrasive but does have moments that wake you up and cause those reactions. With a slower, seemingly unsure start, the first three songs carry layers of influence that leave you guessing on the exact genre is would be considered. As you hit the middle four tracks, you feel entranced in the project unable to step out of it without effort. as you ease into the last two tracks which are the weakest in my opinion, you find yourself wondering what direction he will go and I love that feeling. Consistency is not bad but an artist who can leave you guessing is even better. As one of the first albums released in the new millennium I would say this record perfectly encapsulates the era and sets a great standard for the years to come.
-Hairklipz 28/02/24AV
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alantea87 · 6 months
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First newspaper purchase in over 10 years...
Wowsa, I didn't expect that using a Nokia flip phone would lead me to newspapers, lol. As I giggled at myself in M&S today buying this, I asked myself why tf am I even laughing? It's super normal to buy and read newspapers - like we did in pre-smartphone days. Normalising digital touchscreens have obviously made newspaper sales plummet over the past decade, which I think is quite sad. And the only people I see reading newspapers are those over the age of 30. These days, I think, being seen with a purchased newsaper (not the free ones given out at tube stations) is like an act of rebelion or protest against our obsessions with screens - you included iPad! I can't help but smile at those who clutch a newspaper while drinking a coffee on a London street (not literally, as I would have had the police called on me). All I think is: "Gosh darn it, go you! Defy those big tech companies! No cap!)
Gen Z's obsession with screens have enabled their unbiquitous use; they blend seemlessly throughout the fabric of modern life. Which in turn has created a deep-set reliance (both emotional and phsical). Though smartphones truly do have their place in society (rapid comms, mapping, safety, for certain types of employment etc), but I do forget that once you're neck-deep as a consumer in the attention-economy... the ones who truly benefit are tech companies making money from your micro-transactions or by exposing you to endless ads. This isn't new, but I always forget this and it makes me feel icky.
I miss... 1. The tangible nature of print media that you can read without fear of anyone grabbing it and running away (London smartphone mentality). 2. Being able to read a newspaper in sunlight without the need to turn up your screen brightness, or turn it down to save battery. 3. Reading detailed, well-researched stories/reports (as opposed to breaking-news with minimal facts). 4. Being able to stuff a newspaper in your tote bag and feel a bit old-fashioned sometimes. 5. Feeling offline.
This week's updates:
I've been using my Nokia 2660 Flip for three weeks, now
I can text much faster (with the aide of predictive text, which isn't perfect but always a nice compromise with not using my iPhone)
General anxiety continues to drop (I thought social media didn't really affect me negatively, but evidentally I am wrong)
I prefer writing (with bad grammer, sorry) over posting stories on Instagram - most people know that I am quite expressive/animated in person (and I enjoy face-to-face conversations much more)
I am reading more (Kindle) and listening to music most evenings to wind down (as opposed to doom-scrolling, as I literally can't)
Sleep is deeper and more consistent, less physical tension
My mind now wonders more, especially during times where I used to use an iPhone to entertain me/stop boredom. I have in fact embraced more moments of boredom and has allowed me to absorb my environment more and what is happening around me
YouTube is still social media (my brain has decided so), thus still overstimulating and kinda exhausting to use (choice paradox all over again) - avoding it most days
General focus has improved week-on-week. I am more deliberate with my entertainment options and I am fully engrossed without the sudden urge to check my phone (because my Nokia can only call and text, lol)
Planning on getting a Zach Bryan related tattoo, cos I am crazy and a fangirl. Maybe just the title of my favourite EP of his: 'Quiet, Heavy Dreams' on my inner left forearm. Some deep meaning for me there, too. But will discuss another time
Invisalign treatment will be complete by first week of July (just a few months to go!) After which I will recieve my retainers and will be sent away with full mouth-freedom. Queue the song: WAP by Cardi and Meghan #sideeye
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Speak soon.
Love, Alan. x
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Jane/Amelia: Ok my love for this ship started a million years ago with this video:
But seriously they are so much fun. Amelia is one of the few people smart enough to keep up with Jane and challenge her, and Jane is one of the few people so consistently principled that Amelia would actually be able to trust her and let her guard down. Amelia is the Captain who can take Jane wherever she wants to go to perform her research, and they get to open doors for each other. Plus let's be real, Jane hooking up with an alien sounds 100% right that girl is not capable of having a vanilla relationship.
Hope Diyoza/Echo: Listen barely anyone even watched the last season of that show, most of us sapphics lost interest post Lexa but it's such a tragedy. My girl Hope is only in that season and so many people dislike her 8( anyway the fandom immediately agreed that Hope was a lesbian and then Echo entered her storyline and fam. How the writers didn't see it is beyond me. It's been almost three years and it's looking like I'm never gonna get over them. "You must think I'm so weak..." - 'No. The opposite." Hhhh and Hope killing for Echo when she wasn't even able to do that for her father figure. Oh god and "How could you let her do this!?" - "Because I want her to." My little babies off to (attempt to) commit genocide :') other highlights include some cowards not wanting to ship Hope with her aunt's brother's ex-girlfriend (there was time fuckery involved, they're close in age when they meet, also who cares?? the CHEMISTRY), Echo Spy Shenanigans TM and the fact that I still want to write that Mamma Mia AU every time I hear an abba song. Lord help me now I want to rewatch s7 for them again
(second submission from the same person)
Hi hello sorry if this is a double submission I don't remember if i submitted them or dreamt it shout out to my adhd. ANYWAY Hope and Echo ruined my life back in 2020 literally thought about them 24/7 from june until October. Picture this: feral girl child of two terrorists who was isolated her whole life, literally nearly alone on a planet for 20yrs and has only truly known exactly 3 people ever and then matured through trauma trauma ptsd trauma and is now determined as All Fuck to go rescue her mother and aunt figure meets ex child soldier master spy redeemed antagonist who only learned what feelings are and how to deal with them a few years ago who is determined to go save her lame ass bf who is bein held in the same place as the other girl's mum and aunt. They join forces and train together and teach each other everything they know and get matching haircuts (this is canon look it up I'm obsessed). The first time Hope kills somebody is to save Echo's life; the first unfamiliar person Echo hugs and comforts is Hope. They invade a planet with their science nerd friend and enable each others genocidal tendencies so bad I love them ♡ after that whole ordeal goes wrong which includes Echo's shitty bf dumping her so she can't keep him from torturing their friend (notably not because of the attempted genocide lol) they are like each other's go to human at all times... until the 100 writers once again show their incapability of writing sapphic stories by forcing Hope to kiss a man who she met literally like a week ago (her and Echo have known each other for 5yrs at that point, there is time fuckery involved) and who would have been a great bestie for her. Boo! Hope is a lesbian! Every queer person who watched s7 agrees! Anyway after she show ends Hope and her boo realise that this is absolutely not what they want and Hope and Echo get to slow burn their way into what they were always meant to be and would have been if the writers had gone with actor chemistry over what they wanted to write from the start. I'm kidding Echo needed time to grieve her shit bf first but like I said. Eventually they got together and they lived happily ever after. Check the Echope tag on tumblr if you wanna see them, a fic rec for their dynamic could be "otherwise sensible women" by penguinofprose ao3. Sorry if I ranted too much thenksies if you read this far mwah :*
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pileofpawns · 1 year
Intro post!!! Wauuugh! Finally!
I have been meaning to make one these for ages but I've never gotten around to it lmao
Hi there, I'm Plum! I'm 17 years old and my pronouns are she/her (though idc if you use they/them on me either). I'm a disabled aroace cis girl. Nice to meet ya! This is where I tip my brain contents into - Consistency does not exist here! I mostly post about my interests (which can change very rapidly), but also make generally nonsensical shitposts and rarely post art I make.
Misc info about me:
I'm okay with any and all gendered language being used on me. I'm not a guy but you can call me one if it's funny (or even if it’s not funny)
Common speech quirks and things I say and type a lot include "wowzers", "eep", abbreviating "-ing" to "-in", and capitalizing words for emphasis
I LOVE turtles. Can't get enough of em. My favorite species is the three-toed box turtle!
You are always free to mention me on posts or send me asks for literally anything! People nudging me to show me something they think I'd like brings me SO much joy.
Fruity fella who loves (literal) fruit
🐢💕 <- favorite emojis
I am disabled!! (I know I said it at the top) My disabilities include ADHD, dermatillomania, misophonia, mitral valve prolapse, and major depressive disorder. I’m only sharing these because I’m comfortable doing so and I want to talk about them!
I have a habit of calling anyone who I am even slightly acquainted with "bestie". If this makes you uncomfortable please let me know and I will stop!
I make visual art, write, and craft things sometimes! You can check out my stuff under the tags #plums art and #plum writes . I've also been playin the violin for uhhh... 7 years now?
I HATE discourse and I'm a strict inclusionist. This blog is safe for endogenic and mixed origin systems, self-diagnosed folx, folx who use microlabels, and pretty much anyone not trying to cause harm to others. Please keep discourse out of here.
I'm a scalie and also alterhuman in some kinda way!! I don't really label it lol but I am a three-toed box turtle in some capacity.
You can find me on ao3 here
You can find me on YouTube here
And you can find me on Discord under the user pickledplums ! If you shoot me a friend request or DM please let me know who you are first or I will likely not respond.
My blog name is a lyric from the song “Ghostdubster” from the “Super Ghostbusters Deluxe Edition” album by Vargskelethor. Give it a listen, funniest shit I’ve ever heard.
Spam likes/reblogs are okay!! They make me rlly happy :))
Non-definitive list of fandoms I'm in/media I enjoy:
Sonic the Hedgehog
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (mostly 2003 and rise but I love all iterations)
Tales from the Stinky Dragon
Usagi Yojimbo
PaRappa the Rapper/UmJammer Lammy
Rhythm Heaven
Samba de Amigo
Magic the Gathering (not really versed in the lore but I do play the game!)
Dungeons & Dragons
Spongebob Squarepants (the main cartoon and the musical)
Kid Cosmic
South Park (I am not very active in the fandom anymore and have not watched the actual show in ages, but I will occasionally like/reblog fanart. I recognize the problems it and it’s creators have.)
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userbox credits: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (bottom two are by me)
Welcome to my silly little blog! I hope you enjoy your stay :}
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half assed don't forget analysis because im evil
keep in mind that i don't think im right about everything and that we can't make a 100% Correct assumption because we're on chapter 2/7 and this is all speculation and i have a favorite character and am therefore biased
"when the light is running low and the shadows start to grow and the places that you know seem like fantasy"
this is referencing the dark worlds, and talking about "the places that you know" means that the listener is a lightner. i think it's unlikely that the singer is talking to us, the player, because we're not the one going to the dark world in real life. geddit
"there's a light inside your soul that's still shining in the cold"
snowgrave reference 😨 since the soul was mentioned we can Assume that the singer is talking to kris, cause their soul is pretty important lol. the light could be referring to the player, or just to the fact that souls naturally glow!!! but yeah their soul is shining in the cold. probably telling deers to kill people or whatever lights inside souls do
"with the truth, the promise in our hearts"
vague things we don't know about.. unless i tell you who i think is singing this then an explanation won't make sense. let's move on for a second
"don't forget, i'm with you in the dark"
now let's bring out the theory glasses. we have three characters that have been consistently with kris in the dark, and they're susie, ralsei and Us The Player. we can probably rule susie out because her voice is too deep to sing like that. u know.
the player COULD make sense but what have we promised in our hearts. to take care of kris? we were literally thrown into their body without our consent SMH MY HEAD!!
and so we're left with. ralsie ralsy ralsigh rals-hi ralsay ralsei
he is with kris in the dark, almost acting as a sort of guide to them. they could have made a promise in their hearts (so that's why, ok, kris?) while we weren't looking. and about the "truth", HE definitely knows something we don't, and could have probably told kris. the promise might also just be referring to the legend slash prophecy slash lullaby. that's all
side note i've seen some theories about dess singing this to noelle but it sounds too. high and mighty??? to be a sister singing something to you type of song. idk how to explain it?? the promise in our hearts especially is like. entrusting you with this great power!!!! also, the light in your soul shining in the cold, how would she know about snowgrave... also also while noelle is a main character. kris is the protagonist. and she wasn't fully important until chapter 2. the song's leitmotif was EVERYWHERE in chapter one, if it was related to noelle we'd hear it next to her more often you know...
this is just a theory, i don't think i'm the only one who gets it or whatever, if you have any counter evidence for this feel free to prove me wrong!! maybe dess singing it makes more sense and i'm just stupid lol. tell me your thoughts...
oh and i think the easiest way to find out for sure who's singing this might be by looking up the japanese translation and seeing who uses what pronouns for who etc but i don't know anything about japanese so this is all i can do.
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