#anyways that's enough rocky rambling in the tags
rockybloo · 1 year
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The hardest part about dating a zombie mutant is making them behave so you both don't get killed by other humans that are unaware some zombies are actually friendly.
Destiny tries hard but Zeke tries harder and refuses to behave without some compensation in return.
For some short story context, Zeke is a mutant zombie who isn't quite alive but isn't quite dead either and Destiny is a human.
They are trying to survive in a post apocalypse world. It's kinda like an alternate timeline to my normal universe…but zombies happened at some point.
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pluppsauthor · 5 months
OC Interview
Thank you to @kaylinalexanderbooks and @tildeathiwillwrite for the tags! I'm a bit behind on some of times, but that's alright :)
Rules: answer the following questions in the perspective of one of your OCs!
Last time I did Dusk, this time I'm going to go with my main man Jesse Graves from my (still unnamed) western WIP, as well as a randomly decided character... the wheel says... Reven from Frequency: Forsaken! (Jesse's answers are in orange, and Reven's are in blue)
Are you named after anyone?
"Hmm... Well, I named myself, but 'Jesse' is a common name. Especially in the east. It wasn't after any one person, just the first name I thought of." "No. It's not even a name. Short for 'Revenant', should say all it needs to."
When was the last time you cried?
"Men don't cry. That's what I like to tell myself, anyway. In truth... every time I'm reminded of the people who died by my hands, I cry. May their souls rest in peace." "I've lost my limbs, been burned, and had my head cut off once. I don't cry any more, I can't."
Do you have kids?
"No. And I'm not looking to start a family right now either." "No."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"I don't really like to joke around. If I say something, I mean it. Simple as that." "HAHAHahaha, only when I'm cocky. What's the point in being serious? Takes all the fun out of it."
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
"How they carry themselves. If they walk with the confidence of a killin' man, or the regret of one, then I know to keep an eye out. Beyond that... I see if I recognise them." "I don't really pay attention to other people that much. I guess I notice if they might want to kill me, but they can't anyway, so what's the point."
What’s your eye colour?
"Brown, like the colour of my hair." "Blue? Why are you asking?"
Scary movies or happy endings?
"I've heard of the theatres in some of the big cities out far to the west. But I haven't seen a movie myself. But between scary stories and happy endings? ...There's no harm in a happy ending I suppose." "Nothing scarier than what I've been through, and there's no happy ending waiting for me... But a scary movie is more fun."
Any special talents?
"I'm a quick shot. My soul's a little unique too. But if you're looking for tricks, go see a priest or a witch. I'm not one for magic, so I don't have many special talents." "Yeah, I can't die. Anything more special than that?"
Where were you born?
"Don't ask me that. It's not important, and I don't want to tell you." "What does it matter? North City, the one near that rocky coast? I couldn't bother to remember."
Do you have any pets?
"No. I have my horse, Biscuit, but I wouldn't consider her a pet." "No."
What sort of sports do you play?
"I don't play any sports. Some people to the north consider marksmanship a sport. But I don't." "What are these questions? None, I don't have the time or interest for that."
How tall are you?
"I don't know, 165 maybe?" "Seriously, I don't care. 170, 173 maybe?" (Both in cm)
What was your favourite subject in school?
"School?" "Okay, one more of these questions and I'm done. Who do you take me for, some rich kid who grew with real grass on his lawn?"
What is your dream job?
"Dream job? I don't got one. All I want is to be at peace. Forgiven and without anything I need to do." "Alright, I'm done. I don't know why you wanted to ask me these so bad, but I've had enough. I'm done." *sound of door slamming* (Real answer would be to kill Dusk, nothing else)
Great round of questions this time. (Shame Reven left) But now onto the tags! Gently tagging... @kbwritesstuff, @illarian-rambling, @xenascribbles, and @leahnardo-da-veggie. Open tag as always to anyone who wants to hop in! ❤
Here are the questions!
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
[I'm stealing the easy copy/paste format >:)]
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sasdavvero · 3 months
hi hi okay so
rambles about them under the cut
very small thing: Zero is the most canon Isagi (i try, it's already not canon the fact that he slept with two of the versions. anyway.); Sette is a specific version of Zero that. uh. is more outgoing and. uh. i have no idea how to explain actually. (because all of these pieces of shit are barely version and very OCs so. very unfortunate)
anyway. so. okay. They are supposed to fuck, for the bit (?). Zero would and Sette apparently would too and I wanted to leave the only not-sexual relationship in the whole thingie that between Sette and Hachi? It feels more significant if only they don't fuck.
When I say the bit I mean that it's very funny how Zero would fuck all of them, in a way.
I am also very unsure of the contrary, actually: Sette is a person who relies on sex to feel as a human being, in a way (to be seen, to feel himself, to see a meaning in his existence), main reason why Hachi and he don't fuck: it serves as a way to make him understand that he can be a person without being seen as a sexual object first, so that's what I mean when I say that the relationship between him and Hachi has a very specific and important meaning.
So, if he and Zero fuck, it would confirm his specific idea that he's not a person, in a way. it would be just another relationship he has that's purely based on sex where the other person does not care about other parts of him.
(for context: things are rocky in his universe. exactly because he went overboard with that in bllk. sad!)
I care about Sette a lot and I want him to have friendships and relationships that are not as the ones he has with any other person he knows, and that would mean not making him and Zero fuck, I think?
On another note though, this could be the news in his life: ever since he started having sex with people, he has come to realize that none of the people actually see him as a person (it's mentioned in a story how "people see him" but. they don't. not completely at least. it's a realization he probably had while in bllk (so off screen)) because he is only that, something to be used. But, with Zero, I think I could make him see the other side: if there's a type of relationship where he's simply sexualized and not cared about, and another type where he is not sexualized and is cared about, there can be a new one (for him) where sure, yeah, they fucked, but the person [Zero] does actually see him and cares for him.
does this make sense? no idea
I feel like this is contradicting in some parts: does Sette mind being simply an object or is he human if he is an object? I have not a single clue! I think that's something that's evolving in him: he was a human as an object because that was all he was and that was all he knew. After meeting Hachi, does he feel like being an object is not enough anymore? Does he want not to be one? Maybe! I dont know! That's why I have no idea what to do!!
(btw this does not take into consideration the relationship he has with Seika, as he considers her as some kind of sister he never had, so we'll leave her out of the debate)
(I will think about his relationship with Yon in a moment that's not now. What's yet to be written does not matter)
(we will not even take into consideration Kyuu as they would not even talk with Sette. (too busy making Hachi's life hell. For more info, see last sentence above))
this is more complicated than this and I barely have half of it in my mind, so I'm even more shit at explaining, sorry :(
in case anyone is interested, I'll link here the ao3 series about them! and yeah, I will see what to do I guess?
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oblivions-dawn · 1 year
Has it been that long already?? Man. Akatosh is such a sly little worm. THANK YOU @thelavenderelf for tagging me!! Your work is wonderful as always ❤❤ I now bestow @thequeenofthewinter @yewphoric @spinchboli @crysdrawsthings and @tamrielwanderer for WIPs if they so choose to share!! No pressure of course! :3c I'm still typing away at Chapter Two, which has taken some fascinating turns if I do say so myself >:3c In this little snippet, Vigdis and Serana interact with @thequeenofthewinter's very own Dahlia Wintersnow!! She is the first of many of my friend's cameos in Breathless and I'm so excited!!!! 'Tis not the whole scene but a good chunk of it, teehee. You know how I like to keep some secrets uwu ANYWAY enough of my rambling--I hope you enjoy!! ❤
The sudden sunlight briefly blinded Vigdis once she stepped outside; it pooled over fallen leaves and filled the crevices of the rocky path. After several blinks as she descended the steps, her hard squint softened into a neutral glare. The hunter hung back while Serana walked beside the woman, close enough to hear their conversation but far away enough to keep an eye on everyone that passed them by or looked at them in curiosity. Her freckled hand never left the hilt of her sword.
“You mentioned that you’re not from here. Did you grow up somewhere else?” Serana inquired of the stranger casually.
The woman nodded. “I did. I was born and raised in Windhelm.”
“The City of Kings?”
“The very same.” The stranger then shook her head as embarrassment rippled across her face. “Oh, how silly of me—I should introduce myself! I’m Dahlia. Dahlia Wintersnow.”
“Serana.” The vampire glanced back at the hunter, an indecipherable emotion in her persimmon eyes as a slight frown tugged at her pale lips, her voice quiet. “And she’s Vigdis.”
“A pleasure to meet you,” Dahlia responded cordially with a smile.
They lapsed into silence, but not for long. They reached a bridge and began to cross, only for Dahlia to stop at its centre and point to the mountain before them.
“To reach High Hrothgar, you have to ascend the 7,000 Steps,” she informed them. “You’ll find it halfway up the mountain; it looks like a castle. There are stone emblems along the way that will help guide the way as well.” She then turned to them with a frown as concern furrowed her dark brows. “But are you sure you want to go now? It’s already midday, so it’s going to get dark and—”
“That’s not any of your fucking business, is it?” Vigdis snapped, her patience wearing agonisingly thin.
Dahlia winced at her words, both hurt and confused. “I was only trying to—”
“We’ll handle it from here, Dahlia,” Serana cut in, her voice gentle. “Thank you for showing us the way.”
Hazel eyes of smoky quartz and evergreen flitted from the hunter to the vampire, her mouth parted as if to protest. Then, she seemed to think better of it, and pressed her lips into a thin line. Dahlia spared the slightest smile to the brunette before she departed tentatively. Vigdis flared her freckled nostrils once the woman disappeared back into the tavern. Good riddance.
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gordonliker · 4 years
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drawin for my funky little au ill def be postin more of (buncha shit in the tags for it)
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adonis-koo · 3 years
Star Struck
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↳ Summary: You’re a creature of habit, you plan everything from each hour to each day, so you can imagine the chaos which ensues after you discover a random guy leaking black goo in a ditch- who just so happens to be an alien.
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/Reader
↳ Genre: lowkey strangers to lovers, alien!jungkook, fluff, smut, 
Word Count: 13k
Tags: tentacle sex im sorry, foreplay, oral (f) but not?? jungkook is technically a virgin by human standards ayyy, penetration, nipple play, over stimulation, double penetration, squirting, sub!jungkook, breath play, spit kink, jungkook can make his own lube??, anal im so sorry, praise kink, they become soul mates on accident oops,
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You didn’t see nor understand what JK was talking about at first, he just fumbled along between alleyways and roads and nobody, or what little people were on the streets didn’t look at you twice given your friend was as tall and broad as he was. Perks of being with a man you guessed. You still didn’t know what he was actually talking about except for the assumption that he had found his...friends…?
Eventually JK had dragged you through a lot of fields which had made you increasingly anxious, what if a kidnapper was out here? True you wouldn’t mind him using his talon like tentacles then but still...You also didn’t want to go to jail for assisting a homicide...Standing in an empty field, at the dead of night, was not what you intended on doing on a friday night.
JK seemed excited though as he bounced, grabbing a hold of you, he pressed his thumb to your forehead, your eyes fluttering shut on instinct from being so close to him suddenly but your brows pinched and an uncomfortable ache throbbed in your head before he released you. Rubbing your head you whined before you looked up again, only jumping with a screech at the...ship...in front of you...which was NOT there a moment ago. 
“Home!” JK announced proudly as he grabbed your hand, tugging you along against your will, was this really...his ship? Oh god what if he was abducting you...You didn’t have time to think as he ushered you inside. It looked small on the outside admittedly but on the inside it was all glossy and clean, a sleek futuristic look dawning the interior.
Futuristic, he was an alien, you weren’t shocked at the assessment but still. This must’ve been the hanger or...living area… or...hell if you knew ship terms, it looked like the dining room but you didn’t expect two others to appear. All of them speaking in that same throaty tongue as he ran to them, embracing them with pure excitement on his face before he pointed to you, a look of pride on his face as he cleared his voice, “Y/n.” He spoke clearly as if introducing you.
 You gave an awkward stiff wave before immediately dropping your arm, you were going to be extremely pissed if this was the LSD trip you thought you were having yesterday. You watched them all speak to one another before the one on the right nodded, saying something before gesturing JK off, who hurriedly ran off leaving you alone....with two aliens…
They both looked at you expectantly as you looked around, “Hi…” You offered an awkward smile, “You guys are terrifying…” Watching the one on the right grab a watering can to pour over a small...purple colored...tree? “You less so…” You turned to the other one, his eyes dark and piercing and wow…if you thought JK was hot you hadn’t even thought about what it would look like to seem someone attractive from his species, “You the most…” You wrapped your arms around yourself uncomfortably. 
“He’s just assessing you, Taehyung’s like that with anyone associated with our Jungkookie.” You nearly wheezed at the sound of the one on the right speaking full...English…he offered a dimpled smile as if anticipating that reaction, “Apologies. I’m Namjoon, I’m sure you’re extremely confused and scared with everything going on.” 
“...You could say that…” Your twisted somewhat painfully as you nodded rapidly, it was midnight and you were in a fucking spaceship, “Ummm, where did JK go…?” 
Namjoon as he called himself suddenly snorted, shaking his head as he sighed, “Told him he should’ve paid more attention in the academy,” He rolled his eyes, “Jungkook,” He emphasised the name, “That’s his full Earth name. He just forgot it because he never pays attention,” He offered a weak smile, “And he’s in the memoir chamber rememorizing English so he can actually speak to you. It’s handy for us Orionian’s in case a situation like this happens and we don’t know archaic languages like English.”
You didn’t understand a word of what he just said, “I’m sorry...I think I’m too dumb to talk to you, honestly…” You felt extremely stupid but much to your surprise Namjoon laughed in delight, as if endured by your words. 
“You humans are pretty humble huh,” He hummed as he continued watering the rest of his  plants, “Anyways, our ship crashed here on Earth on our way to the andromeda galaxy and Jungkook ended up falling out, it was an...extremely rocky crash…” His smile still weak as if a vague memory entered his mind, “You have our utmost thanks for taking him in when he was injured and housing him.” 
“It’s no problem, I would’ve done it for anyone.” You shifted a little, smiling a tiny bit despite still not feeling as comfortable as you wish you could be, it was just difficult to take in everything that was rapidly changing but your words still stood, you would have. Especially for...Jungkook...you lingered on the same, it sounded more fitting for the tall puppy like boy. 
“So what are your intentions with Jungkook?” You jumped at how deep the second voice was...Taehyung if you remembered correctly and he only looked about as hot as he was intimidating, “Why did you take him in if you knew his identity.” 
You flailed a little, intending to speak yet no words came out...you...you hadn’t really thought about it...at all honestly…”I...I ummm...well…” 
“Are you working for them?” Taehyung stepped towards you, his expression becoming cold as you feebly took a step back looking towards the ground and unsure of how to answer or if you’d even given him a satisfying answer. 
“Stop.” The new voice was raspy and low, not too terribly deep, but just enough to sound charming and rather rugged, Jungkook had appeared again only this time, immediately standing defensively in front of you, “She found me and even after finding out about me being an Orionian she didn’t report me to any Earth officials. I trust her, and you should too.” 
He...he could speak...perfect English now...What!? 
Taehyung’s eyes narrowed onto you, still distrustful but he laid off, “Right...and what is this about you bonding with her? I don’t think she’d be a good vessel.” 
Jungkook’s jaw twitched and you could see the glow of the crescents on his hand burning in red, “Well I’m not asking for your permission to bond with her.” He spat back, his brows furrowed and his lip twitching in anger, suddenly he didn’t look so cute and puppy like anymore, “And it’s not like we’re getting off Earth anytime soon with the ship in this state, so it’s best if we just resume the plan as originally intended.” 
“You think I’d choose a vessel as inferior as humans to have my offspring?” Taehyung’s face curled as if that was the biggest insult he had ever heard and yet you nearly choked at his words, vessel? Offspring? Uh what? 
“Stop fighting,” Namjoon sighed and much to your surprise both of the two boys quieted down, Jungkook still stood in front of you, shuffling a little closer as Namjoon sighed, “Jungkook is right…” He made a noise of victory as Taehyung’s mouth twitched in anger, the marks along his body burning a deep red that was just a little scary to watch from afar, “With the technology at hand here on Earth and with Arbitrators searching for us, it’s in our best interest to make the most of what we have here. Besides, Earth is unsuspecting and was one of our forerunner’s best creations. It’s not too far off irony to let them be the vessel of our offspring.” 
You stared up at Jungkook’s broad back in disbelief...this man was trying to impregnate you after a half a day of knowing you!? You weren’t sure plan B was prepared for this shit. Jungkook looked deeply satisfied at Taehyung’s reaction though before he turned to you, his expression soft and puppy-like as he smiled somewhat timidly before speaking as if he was a little giddy, “Hi…” 
You could’ve said anything in this moment, in which Jungkook looked like he had been excitedly waiting for, and yet your choice of words had been admittedly poor.
“You’re gonna have to bag another bitch, I don’t do kids! I...I did NOT sign up for this!” You immediately backed away from him like he was poison and you didn’t know how these fuckers procreated and at this point you weren’t sure you wanted to learn!
Jungkook’s lips parted and he looked a little hurt before he quickly approached you again, “I don’t expect you to want to carry my children yet….” 
“Yet!?” You shouted out making all three of them flinch a little, “I...I just let you stay at my place because you looked like you were dying in a ditch, and now! I’m in a spaceship, I can’t find the exit and you can suddenly speak English and you’re talking about kids!? This...nu-uh this is going way too fast. I...I really need to get home.” 
Jungkook’s lips trembled a little as he reached out for you, “I’ll take you back! Or-! Or you could stay here until the morning, you shouldn’t be out alone, Earth has proved to be unsafe at night.” He tenderly held your forearms as your expression awkwardly twisted. 
“Nothing worse could happen to me than what happened earlier tonight,” You shook your head rapidly as you sighed, “Just show me the exit, I’ll be fine, really. I’m happy for you! Seriously! I mean it looks like you’re reunited with your kin so there’s no reason for us to stay in contact and it’s been fun and out of this world- literally.” You laughed a little as you rambled, all three staring at you wide eyed, “But like, seriously I’ll keep this to myself and just hope it’s a really shitty drug trip like I originally thought it was…”
Jungkook sighed, lowering his head in defeat and his lips trembled a little in that sulky way it had been this morning as he went to the hatch where you both had come in, dialing a few buttons he waited a moment as he mumbled, “I just want to explain everything to you, I owe you that, at least…” 
You said nothing waiting for the door to open as he dialed a few other buttons, and a few more, and again...and again…”Um,” He cleared his throat a little, “Namjoon…? The door?” He asked, his eyes doe like as he stared at his companion who sighed, squeezing between you both as he also dialed a few numbers into the glowing pad. 
They both waited before Namjoon’s lips twisted into a sigh as if somehow expecting this to happen before he spoke, “Doors’ jammed...again…”
“This is fucking perfect.” Taehyung swore with a sigh, gritting his teeth as his eyes glared into you briefly, causing you to sheepishly back a little towards Jungkook, “I’m going back to my pod, I can’t deal with this.” He brooded before leaving as you looked between both aliens. 
“...Jammed? The door? As in…?” 
Jungkook’s lips twisted into a nervous smile, his marks glowing a light purple as he coughed, “Looks like we’ll have plenty of time to talk now…” Fuck! Why did things have to be this complicated, it could have been worse, but it was the same annoyance you had when Youtube played an unskippable ad, or when the lead in your pencil broke, a cookie falling onto the floor, that type of inconvenience.
Unshockingly Jungkook didn’t hold the same feeling as he spoke gently, “I can show you to my pod, it’ll be awhile before the door gets fixed…” He gave you an endearing apologetic smile. 
“...As long as you aren’t gonna try to knock me up then sure.” You stared at him in disdain, making him weakly smile as he stepped back up the metal stairs and if you didn’t know any better you would’ve assumed he was actually happy you were stuck with no other choice but to stay. 
“Once you see her to your pod, a word please Jungkook...” Namjoon’s gaze was fixed on the door quizzically as if already trying to deduce what had made it jammed, he made no effort to look back at you both but you could tell it was probably important. 
Jungkook only nodded eagerly and kept your hand in his as he lead you down the small the hallway, lights flickering and while you were anything but an engineer or mechanic, it wasn’t hard to tell they had crash landed, Jungkook ignored the mess against the walls as he typed in something before a door slid open revealing what you assumed was his room, the door slid shut behind you making you jump a little as you investigated the space. It was a minimalistic room, a few trinkets laid around and a messy bed was against the wall.
“You can sleep if you want...I know you were tired when I woke you up…” Jungkook’s marks glowed a soft pink as he bashfully looked at the ground, scratching his cheek as if he didn’t know what to say, “I um...I should go speak to my brother.” 
Before you could even say anything Jungkook had already left looking somewhat sheepish, leaving you to curiously look around the room, it was spacious and in tones of deep brown and black, a few gadgets laying around on his nightstand as you tilted your head. 
His pod...so basically...a bedroom. You assumed as much as you couldn’t really make a distinct difference between the two. True you could’ve slept like he had suggested, you were exhausted but too wired to even think about sleeping at the moment due to how bizarre of circumstances you were in. You were in an alien’s bedroom, on a space ship...
You had took your time browsing around the room, curiously holding a few trinkets in an attempt to figure out what they were, time passed slowly and for a while, you began to wonder if this was just a set up for them to butt probe you like Jimin had original thought they would. Not that you would mind as much as him but- besides the point, the longer you were left with your thoughts, the more that piled up.
When the door abruptly opened you nearly jumped out of your skin, hurriedly setting down what looked like a portable flame thrower before whirling around, Jungkook looked a little timid as he smiled, “I’m sorry that took so long...Um...” He closed the door gently before he gestured, “Please, go ahead and rest, from my understanding...um...humans have a standard sleep cycle yes?” 
You didn’t fully understand what he was asking besides if you slept at night, rubbing your neck you did as he gestured, taking a seat on the bed before you jumped a little as it did not feel like a normal bed, “Uh I guess...? Why...why didn’t you just leave? You...didn’t have to wake me.” You mumbled, scooping your feet up as you laid down, shifting a little as you tried to get comfortable.
The bed felt almost like a marshmallow, something in between water and memory foam as the bed moved in slow, lapping waves as you attempted to get comfortable again with a pout tugging on your lips. 
Jungkook watched you with endearment before he laid on the bed next to you, “You have to stop moving, coranium matches the pattern of your body to keep everything aligned and slowly adjusts to the movement of your body throughout your sleep duration.” 
You rolled onto your side to look at him as you curled up a little, his marks still a light pink and his smile a little shy as he spoke, “To answer your question I mean...I feel like it should be obvious, I want to make my bond with you so it was natural I wanted to take you with me. I don’t know Earth well enough to confidently navigate it on my own without getting lost. I couldn’t risk leaving you and then being unable to find my way back. As well as I knew I’d be able to learn English fast in the memoir chamber, so then we’d be able to talk…” he smiled a bit timidly, his eyes fondly washing over your face as you awkwardly scooted a little away from him. 
His eyes downcasting a little at the gesture as he frowned, and once again, even despite speaking english now it didn’t help his case in looking like a kicked puppy, “Well...am I supposed to know what a memoir chamber is? And….bonding and...literally everything you guys have said thus far?” 
Jungkook rested his chin on his hands as he hummed, thinking about your words carefully before he spoke, “The memoir chamber is in most Orionian ships, it helps us adapt to the planet around us and depending on what region we’re in, the language. Our kind carry human DNA- or...moreso the other way around, so inherently we know all Earth languages as they descended from Orionian dialect, but…” He scratched his cheek, marks glowing pink once more, “I had a difficult time studying earth languages in the academy. It’s unrealistic for us to know them all, so the Memoir serves as a rebrief to put in the language back into our minds.” 
God what were you in now? A shitty sy-fy film? You rolled onto your back as you said no more, thinking about his answer for a good long minute before you parted your lips only to shut them...Hold on one damn minute- did he just insinuate his kind created humans? Knowing all languages? What!? “I don’t even know how to unpack that sentence…” You muttered, staring up at the ceiling which twinkled in a galaxy of constellations and if you didn’t know any better you would’ve assumed it was an open glass ceiling to outer space.
It aligned with nebula’s and stars, planets for what looked like miles and miles. You could stare at it for hours in awe, how did you not notice that until now.
“I could only imagine being human, it’s a lot to take in,” Jungkook offered a gentle smile, “As for bonding…” He was pink all over as he scratched his cheek again, eyes fluttering away from yours almost shyly, “It’s what it sounds like, when we Orionian’s find a person who we like and want to share our life with, we begin a bond, and it takes awhile for the bond to grow but once it’s finished, we’d complete it with a mating cycle, and then...We’re celestially bond together.” He mumbled a little shyly, his eyes looked like stars twinkling as he talked about it, almost in a dreamy fashion. 
“....” You couldn’t even find the words to say anything before you muttered, “You’ve known me for a day…” True Jungkook was cute, but all of this stuff about bonding and space really made it difficult to grasp the concept in a way which wasn’t him basically proposing to you.
Jungkook looked as if he had been abruptly pulled from his little fantasy world as he frowned, propping himself on his forearm as he spoke, “Time is only a concept for Orionian’s, when we know who our bond is meant for, we just know. It doesn’t matter if I’ve known you a day or your whole life, my feelings won’t change. I want us to bond.” His voice lowered a little, his eyes doe-like and filled with a sugary sweetness as he closed the gap between you both. 
You were speechless. Many times in your life you had felt this way, but genuinely, you had no words. An alien just professed his love to you within twenty four hours of knowing him all because...what…? You fed him twice? Let him sleep in your bed once? What had you possibly done for him to think you could be his...his wife!? 
“I’m not getting married, I- I mean I’m flattered! I am.” You sat up, once again, pulling away from him as he mirrored you, his lips jutting into an almost frustrated pout, “But like...I just turned twenty one this year....I’m hardly a person let alone wife material.”
“Bonding is hardly even close to the equivalent of human marriage,” Jungkook wrinkled his nose, almost a little endeared, he knew little of human marriage from the media he had watched when you weren’t present, and while humans had similar ideas of romance, it was hardly comparable, he spoke gently, “It’s far more special and permanent. Being bonded is…” He closed his eyes, a half dimpled smile on his lips as he hummed, “It’s like feeling like the universe has completely aligned on your behalf, and that the planets and stardust gifted you a celestial mate who would never turn their back on you, who would always dry your tears and heal you when you’re hurt. The bond extends past this lifetime and into the next and so forth.” 
“...You lost me at ‘more’ permanent…” For a woman with a whole baggage load of commitment issues Jungkook was really not selling this idea to you well, “Sorry but I think you got the wrong girl.” You could appreciate the bizarreness of this situation and admittedly you felt like you’d always have a superior ‘main character’ moment story to one up somebody with but this whole business about being stuck with someone for multiple lifetimes and having alien babies was really not something you could follow up with.
Jungkook looked severely hurt which made you do a double take, not quite anticipating such a pitiful reaction as his lips quivering and his eyes even looking somewhat glassy as he spoke, “O-oh...I see…” 
wow way to make you feel like an asshole. He had shuffled a little curling up against himself as if trying to make himself appear small as he looked away from you. Sighing you ran a hand through your hair, well fuck, what did you have to lose at this point in your life?
“...Jesus christ, okay...what...what does...you know…” you coughed a little, rubbing your neck as Jungkook’s doe eyes looked at you timidly before darting away when you met his gaze, “What does this bonding shit entail anyway?” 
Jungkook was incredibly attractive, there was no denying it and the worst that could happen would be things didn’t work and you just went back to normal non-tentacle men. Jungkook perked a little at your question, still seeming a bit reserved as he mumbled, “Well...bonding is a long process...it’s not something out of human fiction that just immediately happens. When a bond is first created it’s incredibly delicate, you have to be careful and make sure both partners dedicate time to strengthening the bond.”
Laying your head against your arms that were folded in front of you while listening intently you hummed, “And let’s say hypothetically, could the bond be broken?” 
Jungkook’s expression crumpled a little as he mumbled, “It can be severed, but the more strengthened the bond is, the more painful it’ll be for both partners. But yes, it is possible. I should also mention a bond is only possible unless both partners are in agreement and want it just as much as the other.” 
You hummed, thinking about his words, so technically it wasn’t really possible given both of you had different alignments right now, “Alright well, here on Earth we call it dating, which is a lot less intensive than that, so if you want me to do that then you’re gonna have to go by human standards first.” It was reasonable enough and a happy compromise.
You wouldn’t deny you felt a pull towards Jungkook, ever since he had arrived yesterday morning your life had been anything but normal and yet you embraced every twist and turn so far and...there was admittedly a secret giddy part of you that revelled in old childhood nostalgia that someone had actually fallen from the sky and would now show you a world of many possibilities outside of earth. 
The only thing holding you back was the logic and reason that your family held and pushed onto you at a young age, long gone were the days of staring up at the stars in hopes of seeing something supernatural and daydreaming during recess about being whisked off earth. You didn’t know how to connect with that childlike side of yourself anymore, it had been so long since you bothered with those thoughts that now that the opportunity was presented to you, you genuinely didn’t know how to react.
Jungkook had immediately perked up his brows raised and immediate interest in his expression, “I’ll do it! If it means winning your affection,” his smile was a little toothy and innocent as he spoke, “How do humans date? What do they do?” He tilted his head in curiosity while waiting excitedly for your reply.
You couldn’t help but smile a little at how enthusiastic he was, “Well…” you drew a breath in thought, “It’s not too different then it is from now, we’ll go out to eat together, get to know each other, stuff like that.” 
Jungkook deflated a little, confusion in his eyes as he frowned, “But that’s stuff we do now...as...friends…” his frown furthered on his lips, “What sets friends and dating apart if we do the same thing…?” 
You rubbed your neck, beginning to get a little flustered at his question as you shifted a little, mumbling, “Well the difference is friends are strictly platonic, dating someone means you’re interested in them romantically and...you know...we hold hands...or cuddle or...I don’t know romantic shit…Stuff friends don’t do.” 
When did Jungkook get closer to you? His head tilted in curiosity as he spoke, “...And? Is that it? I’m sorry,” he apologized a bit bashfully, looking rather pink, “I’m trying to discern possible differences in boundaries set between a regular human relationship compared to Orionian’s…I don’t want to do anything that might make you...uncomfortable…” 
You stared at him for a good moment, as if trying to discern whatever he was trying to say without actually saying it, “Well...I’m not sure how different it can be…” Jungkook said nothing, fidgeting a little as you looked at him for a long moment, “...I’d tell you if you made me uncomfortable.” Was this...going where you thought it was going? 
Jungkook shuffled a little closer, his nose nearly brushing yours and his lips that looked so soft jutted into a slight pout, his eyes could hardly meet yours as he timidly asked, “...How...intimate are humans in their relationships?” 
Your face felt like it was on fire though as you muttered with raised brows, “Uh pretty hands on...if you wanna fuck me you can just ask.” You looked up at him, feeling a bit bold given he was a little more on the shy side, you could tell just him asking that had obviously taken a lot of courage on his part.
Jungkook’s marks had suddenly filtered from baby pink to a deep maroon, his face looked nothing except shy and a bit hazy as he mumbled, “Would you let me…? I don’t...exactly share the same anatomy as your male counterpart...Orionian’s...intimacy looks a bit different.” 
You felt intrigued and horny at the same time, it was tentacles wasn’t it? Please god let it be the tentacles, “You can’t threaten me with a good time,” you laughed a little, trying to take a little bit of the nervous edge off Jungkook as you offered a small smile, “Just show me, I’m...what other humans would consider pretty kinky. Doubt it’ll scare me off.” You couldn’t admit that his tentacles were immediately making your panties soaked because god did you want to be filled up like a scared hentai girl right now.
You squeaked at Jungkook suddenly climbing on top of you, his eyes hazy and he pulled the sweatshirt over his head, revealing the strip of glowing maroon that led up the center of his arms and wrapped over his shoulders, his tentacles suddenly emerging from his back much to your horny excitement, “Our tendons are both are strongest and weakest point of our body.” Jungkook mumbled against your neck, the feeling of something extremely foreign wrapping around your thigh, almost something between like a soft silicon and jello substance. 
Not sticky like you had anticipated, but soft enough that it could be almost considered wet, “They protect us but they’re also what we use to procreate with, if they’re cut off or majorly damaged, we become sterilized. My eggs…” He suddenly became a bit timid as he mumbled, “They aren’t fertile yet...But regardless I wouldn’t fill you unless we were bonded, so you won’t have to worry about impregnation. Intimacy is still an act of strengthening a bond though, so it’s utilized a lot at the beginning of an Orionian relationship.”
You weren’t fully paying attention at this point, too busy nearly drooling at the feeling of his tendon slithering along your clothes, “I can understand if you’d prefer to not do this though.” Jungkook seemed somewhat embarrassed and timid, his tendons slithering around your pajama band but doing nothing further.
“No!” He nearly jumped  at how you almost yelled it, your eyes frantic and you were nearly dripping at how horny you were, your voice needy as you whined, “I’m literally a slut Jungkook, I’m more than happy to experiment.” 
Jungkook didn’t need anymore confirmation then just that, his tentacle that had been playing with the band of your pajamas immediately pushing underneath it as you whined, your legs immediately parting for it as it ran up your panties, the soft wetness that ebbed from it soaking whatever was dry of your panties, was this arousal of his own? He moaned softly as he pressed his face into your neck, “I know you feel this is fast, but Orionian’s tend to not like to waste time.” His tentacles slid along your panties before pushing inside the band.
Your lips parted at the soft wet sensation of it gently prodding along your clit in exploration making a yelp escape you.
Jungkook jolted a little in concern as he looked down at you, somewhat shyly and his cheeks were a deep maroon much like his marks, “Keep…! Fuck!” You whined at the way his tentacles as if testingly flicked along your clit, another tentacle which had been floating behind him absently had suddenly emerged forward, making quick work of your pajamas and panties as the other continued working along your clit making you whimper as your back arched a little. 
The second tendon slowly brushed along your soaked cunt, embarrassingly wet sounds could be heard throughout the room as Jungkook moaned in contentment, “This feels so nice,” he mumbled with a whine, the second tentacle which had been stroking you slowly wiggled against your entrance making you squeak. Your horniness couldn’t be put into words at how bad you wanted this man to shove all tentacles inside you.
Your lips immediately parting at the tip of the tentacle pushing inside you, it was too soft to be considered that of a toy or dildo but too firm to be anything foreign, you couldn’t resist propping yourself up onto your elbows, your legs spread as you looked down, your face twisting and cheeks throbbing at the lewd sight of two tentacles hard at work on your cunt, one continuously flicking your clit and rubbing along it while the other began to testingly thrust inside you. 
Your lips dropped open as you moaned feeling Jungkook push it further and further inside you before giving it a testing wiggle, a scream nearly ripped from your throat at how it hit all the right spots.
Unable to even support yourself as you dropped back down with a whine as Jungkook quickly began to pick up the pace even more, “Fuck,” he moaned softly, the tentacle pulsed and throbbed as it squished and wiggled while being thrusted back and forth in short motions, your cunt was so tight and your walls kept trapping him further and further inside you as you whined, “Mm, females of my kind don’t have anything like this,” he moaned two more tentacles had suddenly appeared from his back, one pinning your wrists above your head and the other wandering to your flimsy shirt before pushing underneath it, and much to his delight Jungkook found nothing underneath except your soft breasts, “Nothing this- mmm, fuck,” it came out more of a whine this time as you felt his tentacles wiggling in delight at the way your cunt clenched around him, “small, and warm...Fuck,” Jungkook dipped his head, running a hand through his hair, the third tendon wrapped around your nipple making you whimper, jolting as your cunt squeezed around the tentacle that was beginning to roughly split apart your walls as it discovered your g-spot, your mouth parting as whined spilled from your lips at the insane feeling of the tip of his tentacles flicking up against it rapidly.
“Ah! Fuck fuck fuck, Jungkook!” You whined as your back arched, your eyes nearly rolling to the back of your head at how many sensations were going on, between him finding the sweet spot of your clit, the tip of his tentacle flicking up into your g-spot the other one squeezing with just the right amount of pressure on your nipple. 
Jungkook’s lips parted and his eyes were hazy but in awe at the way your body contorted, your small little walls nearly entrapping his tentacle as you came harshly, whined and whimpers escaping you as he forcefully kept flicking up into your g-spot, his other rubbing gently against your clit as your body frantically moved, yet your hips kept thrusting up to try and take more of his tendon as you whined, “Fuck…! Jungkook! Ah..!” Jungkook moaned softly as he gave you just what you wanted, pushing himself further inside you until he was dangerously close to your cervix.
His tentacle was soft enough that no pain was even involved as he kept wiggling it into you, soundless moans escaped you as your cunt began wrapping convulsing around him, your clit burning in pleasure due to sensitivity as he kept letting the soft tendon rub against the tender bud.
“Fuck!” You whined, liquid suddenly spewing from your cunt much to Jungkook’s surprise, his tentacle had immediately restricted at the feeling leaving your cunt feeling empty and tears nearly escaping yours eyes in frustration due to it despite his second tendon continually abusing your clits sweet spot, within the second the first tentacle entered your once more pushing with no hesitation right back to its original position as Jungkook began wiggling once again with short thrusts. 
Your walls kept squeezing around him causing him to moan as he whined, “You- you need to stop doing that...feels too good.” He mumbled shyly against your skin as you nearly convulsed in pleasure at the way his third tendon was wrapped around your nipple, giving the bit of pressure that had your cunt squeezing around his tentacle, too busy in your own pleasure to care about what he wanted, your hand wrapped around his throat making his eyes widen and his lips part submissively, “I’m gonna keep doing what I want baby- fuck...I think you like it when my little cunt squeezes around it.” You purposely clenched around his tentacle and you could physically feel it throb inside you.
Jungkook’s lips trembled a little a moan escaped him at your hand squeezing lightly around his throat his tentacle immediately fucking you even faster in comply as your lips parted in glee, your hips rolling a little to slide along the slick thick tendon, “Thats right baby boy, I bet you’ve never felt a cunt like this before huh?” You let out a shaky cackle as your hand sadistically squeezed harder around his neck. 
His gaze dropped and he only whined, quickly crumbling to your dominant hands that only excited you further, it was one thing to cross off your bucket list getting fucked by an alien, it was two being able to dom one, “Oh am I suddenly in control now?” You mockingly pouted before a twisted smirk curled on your face at how Jungkook wouldn’t meet your eyes any longer.
Power was practically leaking in your veins, you were getting fucked by a tentacle alien and he was a shy little sub? Your squeezed harsher around his neck, a whiney moan suddenly escaping him as his tentacle harshly pulsed inside you before it frozen, his face buried into your neck, impatient and now knowing you could boss him around freely your hips lifted, squelching and slipping around the tendon with ease as his lips trembled against your neck, “Mmm! P-please! You have to slow down…” he whimpered a little at how cruel you were being with him. 
You could care less in this moment though, too busy living out your dream fantasy bucking your hips against the soft subtle material, your cunt squeezing around him as you moaned softly.
Your moan twisted to a growl at the feeling of his tentacle pausing in your clit, your hand finding his hair as you harshly balled it into your hand, “I didn’t give you permission to stop.” Jungkook’s gaze lowered and his eyes a little watery despite the angry pout on his face.
“You aren’t listening to me.” He mumbled stubbornly and your lips twitched, outwardly showing displeasure but inwardly seeking the chase he was trying to give. Jungkook fumbled with you had pushed away, briefly his tendons pulled away in semi surprise, at first assuming you had taken his shy words the wrong way but he was quickly mistaken when he was shoved onto the bed, a whine escaping him as the tentacles quickly adjusted to be semi flattened. His lips were quivering at the sight of your naked body straddling him and your hand on his jaw, “Truthfully, I don’t think you want me to listen baby.” You pouted mockingly, the feeling of his stretched tentacles seekingly wrapping around your thighs, “Open.” 
Jungkook’s lips parted a little, his eyes watering and looking a little confused at your words, but you had took advantage of the opportunity, spitting into his mouth as he suddenly whined, his ears bright red following along with the magenta color coursing through his body as your hand wrapped around his throat in a firm grip, “Good boy.” You smiled loosely, wiping a stray bit of saliva from his lip as he whined, a tentacle beginning to stroke against your soaked cunt once more but this time he did nothing except in hopes of an invitation.
“Such a good boy, go on, I know you want to.” You cooed out, your head hanging a little and your lips parting at the feeling of the tentacle plunging back inside your warm walls with a loud squelch, “Stay still.” You commanded sharply and with a noisy whine from Jungkook as he obediently listened, you could feel the foreign tendon inside you pulsing still as if it nearly killed him to do so. Your hips steadily began to move along the tentacle, your cunt clenching around it as you took more of him it only got fatter and thicker the more you took. 
“Ahh, fuck. That’s it baby, c’mon keep filling me up. I know you want to. I can see it in your face.” You taunted, feeling his tentacle doing a test wiggle inside you as you slid along it, arousal coating him as he whined, you had a great view of his other tentacles sliding from under his back and extending upward, the second quickly made way for your clit much to your excitement, your lips parted and a whine escaping you as it kept rubbing into your sweet spot it had previously discovered. 
You were too busy trembling and moaning, attempting to fight off another orgasm at the feeling of your clit almost feeling like it was being ate out at how soft the tip of his tentacle was gently lapping against it and a soft wet arousal of his own leaking from the tip, you had bounced against his tendon in short motions, craving all of him inside you as your body began to convulse, your hands balling against his chest with a whine at how difficult it was to stop yourself from cumming immediately.
Jungkook wasn’t letting go without a fight though, a third tentacle had surprised you, pushing between the cheeks of your ass making you nearly gasp a whine, “Fuck! Fuck, please.” You mumbled in a moment of weakness, giving your consent that you’d like to trust he’d be able to make this feel good. Jungkook didn’t hesitate for a second, the tentacle oozed a slippery liquid, his own arousal along your puckered rim. You were almost too fucked out to even pay attention, your body busy still riding him and trying to focus on anything but the feeling of the slippery tentacle flicking at your clit and finding nearly every pleasurable nerve physically possible. 
It was difficult to miss the third one pushing slowly into your ass as your lips jumbled something nearly incomprehensible, your body collapsing semi against him, only being held up by your weak forearms, “Mmph! Fuck baby keep going, just like that. Such a good boy for me.” 
Jungkook squeaked out what sounded like a pleasant noise at the praise, perhaps sensing your body beginning to crumble as his tentacles took back over, quickly thrusting inside you once more and wiggling to his heart's pleasure as drool nearly dropped from your lips. Unable to even do anything or say anything with two tentacles plunged inside you. 
The tip of the tentacle was just narrow enough to slip inside your ass with a gentle sting but pleasurable enough to make your toes curl and whines escape you at the feeling of the force of his thrusts on either side of your body. His second was still lapping up around your clit, finding that perfect spot that nearly made your vision go white and you weren’t sure what escaped your throat other than possibly the best orgasm you would ever experience in your life. 
And it didn’t stop after a second, it just kept going with his tentacles drilling inside you and lapping around your delicate hyper sensitive clit as you whined and cried against him. Jungkook moaned softly as you felt what potentially might have been a second tentacle greedily pushing inside your cunt, whimpers escaping you at how harshly he was thrusting up inside you and how stretched your body was. 
Your mouth parting at the feeling of the forth tentacle pushing its way to meet the first as you squeaked and whined against him, a tentacle wrapping around your waist to hold up your lower body that nearly collapsed as your vision blurred with tears at how hard you were being fucked. Jungkook’s eyes were shut tightly and his hands had finally grabbed your waist as extra support as his third tentacle wiggled its way further into your ass. The pleasurable sting becoming more and more noticeable as you cried out at the feeling of one tentacle flicking up against your g-spot and the other harshly thrusting into you while your clit was hypersensitive at the feeling of being rubbed and flicked. 
Your last orgasm couldn’t even compete with this one as you cried out, body convulsing and cunt tightening as you nearly scrambled almost looking possessed to the unknown eye, your body had clenched up so hard at being so filled you hadn’t even heard the sharp whine from Jungkook. Hot liquid suddenly spurted everywhere the majority of it inside you but some getting on you, over the bed, everywhere. 
Jungkook whimpered and whined, digging his face into your neck and his tentacles were pulsing sharply as if literally pumping out every drop of liquid they could inside you. You were so fucked out you could hardly even ask what in the actual hell he just injected inside you. You had already been tired before but your body was burning and aching, feeling as if you had literally been ripped to pieces. 
At least you finally got a piece of that tentacle action.
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You were not someone that fucked and then immediately slept afterwards, typically after a one night stand, depending on your relation with the person you would either ghost them by pretending to go to the bathroom, talk and hang out afterwards, or go get something to eat together, or by yourself, you weren’t picky.
Rubbing your blurry eyes you yawned, your body aching with even the slightest movement, Jungkook was the first man who had ever fucked you so hard, you had little to no choice but to fall asleep afterwards, you probably couldn’t even stand if you wanted too. He was curled up against your chest at the moment, his head pressed into your breasts looking way too content at the moment. 
Your eyes trailed down at his fluffy raven hair before down the warm tawny skin of his back, something in your chest stirring, it felt like it was almost physically tugging you closer to his body, your hand finding its way to his hair making him stir a little. Jungkook’s arms wiggled against your waist to make himself comfortable once more before relaxed with a content sigh. 
The marks on his back glowed a sentient purple, you had never gotten a good look at his back before. 
And while this wasn’t that great of a position to view, you were still curious with what you could see, they formed two long strips down his back widening a fair bit and they stopped just at the smallest part of his waist. If you didn’t know any better you would’ve remarked that it looked like he had wings ripped from his back.
As morbid as it sounded, and that is of course if they glowed like this. Jungkook really was the prettiest thing you had ever seen, your hand hadn’t even meant to pull from his hair down his neck, you couldn’t help the tug in your chest wanting to touch.
However the moment your fingers grazed over the mark that covered his left shoulder blade Jungkook nearly flew out of your arms making you jolt in just as much surprise as him, his lips parted and he had sat up, gaze sharp as he looked around as if for any possible intruders. Slowly as he woke up though he came to the realization it was just you and him, your smile becoming somewhat sheepish as you mumbled, “Um, sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” You cleared your throat feeling bad now, was it just that sensitive? You might not know much about Orionian’s but you could take a guess and assume that was the opening to where his tentacles laid dormant, and given they were also how they procreated...It was natural Jungkook was probably a little defensive about them being touched. 
Jungkook said nothing though, only staring at you for a long moment before he whined a little, suddenly crawling back up to you before collapsing on top of you as you huffed, “You can’t startle me like that, my scaling is sensitive.” He mumbled a little shy, grabbing your hand as he placed it back on top of his head obviously wanting affection. 
Your fingers dug back into his scalp making a pleasant noise escape him as his body relaxed once more, “...Scaling?” Your brows furrowed at his words, complying with his silent demand to have his hair played with as he curled up against you, his lips tugged into a smile as he rested his face between your breast. 
“Yeah, my scales.” Jungkook nodded as he held up his arm, pointing at the glowing marks making you frown, that...looked nothing like scales....Jungkook smiled a little as he rested back down while explaining, “There filled with hyper plasma so depending on the hormonal chemistry of my body will change colors.” You got that part, even before he could speak English, but still...when you thought of scales, you thought of stuff like fish and...scaly things. Not aliens. 
Jungkook only smiled happily as he looked up at you, it looked like thousands of stars twinkling in his eyes and the dim lights reflected off his iridescent skin, little tones of purple and blue could be spotted as he lifted his hand up to cup your cheek, his fingers carefully trailing down your jawline. There was a wave in your chest, something strong like...the only thing you could describe was pure happiness, “Hey what did you blow inside?” You hadn’t even meant to ask that question but it had abruptly crossed your mind. 
Jungkook’s gaze faltered a little, his scales suddenly turning bright pink and his bashfully lowered his gaze, pressing his cheek on your chest as he mumbled, “It was just plasma, it’s what helps carry eggs when they’re released but...I already told you...my eggs aren’t ready yet. You have no possible chance of getting pregnant without my prior knowledge.” 
His fingers tethered against your stomach as if saddened at the idea that his future kin weren’t in your stomach, a wave of sadness fleeting inside your chest briefly as you frowned, why did you feel so odd? You weren’t even the least bit sad about not being pregnant. 
“Okay...good I was just..wondering since…” You coughed a little, not finishing your sentence which you were originally going to say because he used you like an actual cum dump- not that you minded. But still. It was good to know. Jungkook said no more, only burying into your chest with a pouty whine. 
Yawning you stretched out looking around before grabbing your phone which had somehow made it alive on your night stand, your notifications flooded with Jimin’s drunk texting on where you went last night and why you weren’t home...Wait, your eyes darted to the time, it was noon?! You had a lecture in half an hour! 
“Fuck! I have to get to class!” You immediately jolted up making Jungkook whine as he was jostled onto the bed as you limped along in search of your clothes, your body aching and resisting with each fumble before you nearly collapsed out of fatigue while grabbing your panties. 
“Can’t you just stay? Just for a little longer?” Jungkook mumbled, his lips in a large puppy like pout as he held out his hand to you, something stirring in your chest that wanted to just curl back up against him, his eyes doe like and soft, almost pleading for you to cuddle back up against him. 
“I have midterms coming up Jungkook, I really can’t afford to skip class.” You offered an apologetic smile, “Besides it’s not like we can’t go get something to eat later or anything.” Pulling your pants up you wobbled to the door, frowning as you pulled your sweatshirt back over your head, where was the door handle…?
“..B-but!” Jungkook fumbled as he pulled his shirt over his head before hurrying over to you, “Just five more minutes? Or two? Please…!” There was something urgent in his voice as his lips trembled as if he would be devastated if you left. 
Examining the door your lips parted as you pushed the button on the wall, jolting a little as the door slid open, “Jungkook,” You paused briefly, feeling a dull ache in your chest, a brief desire to do as pleaded as you looked up at him, “I really have to go to class okay? I’ll drop by later when I’m finished for the day I’m sure you...have stuff you need to talk about with your...um...kin…” You raised your brow a little awkwardly before you back walking down the hallway, something inside the back of your head almost tempted to stay with him. 
He looked so panicked and whiny, it made you feel bad for having to go, and furthermore you secretly wished you could stay longer but you couldn’t afford to miss class with midterms so close. 
If your memory was correct this should lead to…! Aha, you felt victorious at the sight of the main, living area?  The circular table was towards the smaller three step ledge that went up into the control room and the purple bonsai-like plant which had just been freshly pruned sat delicately on the other side of the room. 
“No! I....Can I come with you then? And then we can come back here together later?” Jungkook pleaded, his lips trembling and his eyes almost watery as you paused with a sigh, he was really tugging on your heart strings huh...It was almost easier to deny him back when he was unable to actually speak his wants to you. 
“Jungkook I- I mean I guess you could…? But like, it’s just lecture, it’s boring, I have to be focused the whole time and no offense but...I feel like if you came I wouldn’t focus.” You pulled a little away from him with an awkward smile while silently hoping the door had been fixed. 
“Morning you two,” You turned around at the sight of Namjoon appearing from the large opening of the control room Taehyung who still looked sour following after him only to lean against the wall with crossed arms, Namjoon stepped down the three steps as he offered a polite smile, “I hope you slept well, I’m sure it’s a lot different compared to human dorms.” 
You looked away from Namjoon unable to speak at the question of having slept well, you hardly slept half the night after getting your back blown out, but he was right, it was nothing like human- in any aspect whatsoever, whether it was the bed or who you got fucked by last night. 
“It was fine...um the door....Is it fixed?” You pointed your thumb behind your shoulder as you offered a weak smile. 
Namjoon nodded stepping closer before he abruptly paused, his brows furrowing before he looked between you and Jungkook without so much as a word, it made you somewhat self conscious as you shuffled in your spot at nobody volunteering to get the door open, “Yeah, it’s fixed, umm…” His smile was a little tense before he looked between you and Jungkook, “Are you both going out? Already?” 
Jungkook refused to look his elder in the eyes, his lips plush and pouty, hair dusting over his eyes as he shuffled in his spot refusing to answer whatever unasked question his elder had, “Uh yeah, I’m going to class, Jungkook can stay here though, I’ll be back later.” You shrugged, not understanding what their problem was. 
Taehyung had not interjected into the conversation yet, his dark hair brushing over his eyes only in the opposite effect of Jungkook, making him look as if he had a death warrant with your name on it, “And leave Jungkook alone?” He gritted his teeth looking like he was ready to snarl at you, your lips quirked a little and your brow lifted in confusion, wasn’t that typically what people meant when they said they had to leave…? 
“Uh yeah, and I’ll come back…?” You trailed off, making it sound more like a question then a statement before Taehyung suddenly pushed off the wall, his walk was by no means in any hurry, but his shoulders were squared and his steps were paced with determination that had you taking a step back at the sight of him not stopping until he was right in front of you. 
The energy of the room had gone tense before Taehyung snarled, “You bonded with my little brother and now you’re going to leave him!?” 
You shrieked at suddenly being shoved against the wall, your ribs throbbing in pain as Taehyung’s hand wrapped around your throat, crushing your windpipe as you gagged, “Humans really are pathetic selfish people.” Tentacles suddenly wrapped around Taehyung’s hand before he was ripped away from you, hot red scales were a blur as Jungkook stood in front of you protectively. 
Your hands rubbing your sore throat as you leaned against the wall gasping for air, “Stay out of this!” Jungkook growled, his lips twitching and his eyes burning into his brothers, “This doesn’t involve you, let me sort it out and if you ever fucking touch my mate like that again I won’t hesitate to rip your eggs straight out of your utaria.” 
You jolted at the sight of Taehyung lashing out at Jungkook, both of them slamming into the wall near the hallway as they grappled and yet you could only stare in shock at what had just happened and what you had just heard. Namjoon was immediately between them both separating the two as he growled, “Taehyung that wasn’t necessary! I doubt she even realizes what happened!” Namjoon immediately twisted towards Jungkook with a scowl, “And you! What did I tell you last night?” 
Jungkook’s jaw was clenched, his scales a hot burning red that matched Taehyung’s and yet his eyes couldn’t meet Namjoon’s, his lips twitching a little as he glared into the wall, his expression slowly melting as Namjoon snapped, “What did I tell you!? Why can’t you two ever listen for once? If you had we probably wouldn’t even be stuck on Earth right now! This is your mess Jungkook, I told you it wasn’t a good idea to bond this early on in our stay on Earth.” 
Jungkook’s expression had turned neutral but something in his eyes still seemed bitter as he stared at the ground now, perhaps too scared to look up at you, who had backed away from all the men in shock. You...but...Jungkook said…The silence set in and slowly each brother turned their gaze towards you before Jungkook was the last, his face filled with remorse at your expression as your lips parted, “You…! You told me-” Your lips parted variously before you finally forced out a sentence, “You lied to me!” 
“I didn’t!” Jungkook immediately hurried over to you, his expression filled with guilt and desperation, “I- Y/n I wasn’t even aware we had bonded until Taehyung pointed it out! I’m sorry I had no idea I…!” All you heard was excuse after excuse though, something indescribable filled your chest and your vision blurred in anger. 
“I’m going! I can’t…! I can’t even look at you right now Jungkook!” Upset felt like it had magnified tenfold in your chest as you rushed down the metal stairs, punching against the button before the door opened, your throat felt squeezed and like you were suffocating as you ran as far and fast as your legs could take you. What was happening to you? 
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“I’m fine…” 
Jimin and Seokjin exchanged glances, light poured in from the opened door behind them of your bedroom, the blanket wrapped around your body has you held it up above your nose, “Uh don’t lie bitch,” Jimin quirked a brow, his lips twitching in anger at just the sight of you trying to tell such an obvious lie, “It’s been three days since...whatever happened with JK- “Jungkook,” “I don’t give a fuck what his name is, you’ve been a recluse ever since, what happened?” 
Just the mention of Jungkook’s name made your chest physically ache as you curled further into yourself, you weren’t in physical pain, you couldn’t even fully describe it. 
All of your feelings just felt so amplified, like they swirled at just the surface of your chest and ready to burst out at any given moment. It felt like a physical string around your heart that squeezed and tugged harder and harder that left you in a depressed state with no energy left to do anything except what you had been doing.
Weakly sleeping half the time or scrolling on your phone in a useless attempt to think about anything other than Jungkook. You couldn’t even understand how you felt so attached to him and how much your body ached to just be wrapped up in his arms, but you were still so upset at what had happened. 
Questions swirled in your mind and to which you didn’t have the answer too and it made you even more upset that you wouldn’t get answers unless you went back, “Y/n, we’re just worried.” Seokjin raised his brows, his expression apprehensive but softened at the weak state you were in, “You haven’t been out of your room ever since the morning after the party. Midterms are just around the corner, I doubt you slack off for a shit reason.” 
You only curled up further before you sighed, closing your eyes as you finally caved in and mumbled an explanation as to what had happened and what you were now suffering under. Seokjin seemed more calm but Jimin’s lips were twitching in anger as he scowled, “You’re joking! Well let’s just go and demand he cut whatever alien ties he has on you.” 
You knew he was just trying to help but you only shook your head, “...Taehyung said I was the one that had apparently formed the bond, I didn’t even know that was possible.” You mumbled, you buried into your pillow, a feeling of guilt building into your chest as you tried to forget the ghost image of Jungkook’s hurt eyes in your mind. 
“Well it’s obviously affecting you mentally and physically, I mean seriously, you haven’t showered in days, you aren’t eating, Y/n…” Seokjin kneeled down, a frown on his face, “You need to swallow your pride, as stubborn as you are, and go talk to Jungkook about this. We’ll come with you, you probably won’t even have the energy to get there, but he’s the only one who can help.”
You managed to roll over to your side, your back facing them both now as you pulled the blanket over your head, you didn’t want to face Jungkook again, you weren’t sure you were ready to. You had so many mixed feelings and you weren’t even sure what to begin on asking questions. 
Neither said anymore before you heard Seokjin reluctantly sigh, “I’ll leave it for tonight, but tomorrow morning you’re giving us directions and we’re going to get this sorted.” They both left shortly after and closed the door sinking the room back into a depth of darkness. A heavy weight back on your chest and sudden ache filling you as you curled up, a dull sense of urgency inside you but you couldn’t distinguish what for. It felt like you needed to cry even despite not feeling sad, but maybe as a way to just release this energy.
But you didn’t do anything besides lay on your back, staring up at the ceiling as you sighed, trying to ignore the dull ache of your head, what a shit show. If you had known what your life would come to by just trying to be a good person, you would’ve left him in that ditch. ----
It felt like your body was being dragged through the mud, through the fire and hell maybe even gitting shit on at this point, “This is so stupid.” You mumbled, curled up in your hoodie as you hugged your knees into your chest in the back of Seokjin’s car. 
“You’re the one that fucked an alien,” Jimin snorted, twisting in his seat as he cocked a brow, “Which, what possessed you to do that seriously? Your stupid little hentai fantasies?” He stared at you with a bizarre expression as you snorted weakly. 
“Yeah pretty much.” 
“Fucking knew it,” Jimin collapsed back in his seat, “We could get our assholes probed by aliens now because she couldn’t keep her panties on at the sight of a slimy tentacle.” He raised his hands dramatically and you could’ve sworn you heard Seokjin try to keep from laughing at you both. 
“They’ll probe you with their tentacles too, apparently they make their own lube home made so they’ll slide it right in no problem.” If you had the energy you would’ve died laughing at the way Jimin whipped around in his seat in horror. 
“No fucking way. You WILLINGLY let him do that to you?” 
You couldn’t stop the weak laugh escaping you as you leaned your head against the window, “I’m a slut.” You shrugged before you lifted your head a little, “Right there! It should be in the field. I think it has some sort of cloaking shield or something.” Seokjin pulled off on the old winding back road which looked familiar enough.
He hadn’t been going fast to begin with and you had already stopped twice and the two other fields had been empty so this one had to be it, and if it wasn’t then it was safe to say you broken Jungkook’s heart right in two and he and his other space fuckboy brothers left Earth for good. Which you hoped not because you felt like you were in a weird limbo between life and death at the moment. 
Stepping out of the car you paused as you heaved a breath, leaning against the car as you sighed, the energy feeling like it had been sucked straight out of your soul every passing minute. Jimin looked at you mildly concerned as you waved him off, slowly pushing yourself straight up as you wrapped your arms around yourself. 
The comforts of your hoodie keep you warm as you ignore the dull ache in your chest, Seokjin and Jimin both kept close as you all looked like idiots wandering around in an empty field. The empty field however, upon stepping forward had suddenly blurred before the familiar sight of the ship came into view. Seokjin and Jimin were dumbfounded at the sight as they both stared. 
You only trudged forward towards the door before you slammed your hand against the metal door, “Well? What are you both doing just standing there?” You asked with a furrowed brow.
“Well sorry I didn’t fuck an alien the first chance I got.” Jimin fumbled out with a huff as he hurried over along with Seokjin. 
The door had immediately been opened to a relieved looking Namjoon, his eyes briefly landing on Jimin and Seokjin warily as he spoke, “I’m glad you came back! Come on, hurry in.” He ushered you in, “...I’m assuming these are your...friends…?” 
“Best friends, roommates, the same guys that also allowed your little space fuckboy to stay with us.” Jimin growled out as he crossed his arms, standing as a big brother you never asked for as Seokjin snorted. 
“Chill,” He shoved Jimin a little who only grumbled under his breath before he spoke, “I’m Seokjin and that’s Jimin, we’re Y/n’s roommates we’re already uh...aware of what you guys are we just...we don’t know what’s going on, we just want Y/n to be okay.” 
Namjoon nodded slowly, still a little wary but it was to be expected, he said no more as he widened the latch for the three of you, “Y/n left right at the beginning stage of their bond when it’s imperative that the newly bonded couple stay together and establish a stable connection. If not, it becomes unstable and drains the life force out of both individuals causing a wide variety of ailments and illnesses to take over. It’s good you guys came back when you did, Jungkook is doing even worse sense he was the Si in the bond.” 
“What is she doing back here?” Your lips twitched a little at the snarl from Taehyung who had shot up from his seat at the table, his eyes glaring holes into you and honestly, if he could vaperize you into dust at the moment you were sure he probably would. 
“Here to break the little probe ass connection your fuckboy put on her,” Jimin snapped back unappreciative at someone talking this way to you especially in the condition you were in right now.
Taehyung’s lip twitched as he shot out of his seat, “My little brother may be naive but he had good intentions and she took advantage of his fragile state! He wasn’t in any sort of headspace to do anything!” You only curled away from Taehyung with mixed feelings, you wouldn’t necessarily describe Jungkook’s state of mind at the time, fragile as it was just horny. 
Namjoon sighed as he looked at Seokjin before at you and then the two feuding men who were practically glaring into one another, “Taehyung, don’t do anything irrational, I’m going to get Jungkook.” Namjoon disappeared and it was quiet inside the ship as a tension took over the room. 
You tried your best to ignore it as you slumped against the wall, listening to the whirling on the interior running. Not a minute later you heard a loud flutter of steps as you looked up, Jungkook’s hair had been ruffled and he had looked extraordinarily tired, his scales however were lit up a sky blue, his lips parted as if trying to figure out if you were real or not before he hurried to you. 
His arms wrapping around you and a small whimper escaping him as his nose rubbed into your neck, your face pressed into his chest with a sigh of relief, the dull ache in your chest fading quickly as you basked in the warmth of Jungkook’s arms. You had hugged many people in your life before and sure it was nice, but you couldn’t even describe the wash of comfort and love that radiated through your entire being at being curled up in this man’s arms. 
Jungkook’s nose nudged at your neck a little and buried himself into your embrace as his fingers fiddled with the thick material of your hoodie, “Jungkook,” Jungkook shuffled a little, his body practically wrapped around you as his eyes slowly looked up from his content figure to meet Namjoon’s gaze, “You both should go lay down and begin to properly set your bond together, I’m sure you’re both exhausted.” 
Jungkook nodded wordlessly, perhaps not trusting himself to speak as he began to lead you towards his pod, “Woah, wait hold on.” Jimin cut in only for a snarl like growl to escape Jungkook, tentacles suddenly shooting from his back protectively pulling towards the front of his body to create a barrier between you and any threat that might take you away from him. 
“Woah holy fuck!” Jimin nearly screeched, holding his hands up and freaking out a little at seeing a killer glare on such an innocent face, “We didn’t come here for this…! What, what do you mean, set a bond? I don’t want Y/n out of our sight…!” 
Jungkook’s lip twitched in annoyance as he set his chin on your shoulder, his arms tightening around your waist and you could see the red glow of his scales slowly deepening further into a dark maroon, he did not look happy. 
Namjoon put up a hand, offering a tense smile, “All that entails is them being together and being close, they need to stabilize their bond. Once it’s set they can figure out whether they want to...bond further or…” Namjoon didn’t finish his sentence, is eyes warily lingering on the younger’s expression which was sharp and annoyed, “...You get the idea, I would advise against stopping him, trying to separate them now when he just got her back….I can’t guarantee I’ll keep you both alive.” 
Jimin and Seokjin shared a wary glance before stepping aside, Jungkook’s gaze broody as he watched them sharply as he trudged you both forward, his tentacles still out and floating behind him now as if ready to strike on contact. The tension didn’t leave until you were back into his pod once more, the room having not been changed except for a lot more clutter accumulation- much like your own room. 
You hadn’t even had the chance to open your mouth before you were suddenly picking up, your legs wrapping around Jungkook as you squirmed, “Jungkook!” You squeaked out, his hands gripping your ass tightly but his face kept nudging into your neck as he whined,  the killer aura he had not seconds ago immediately disappearing, “Don’t ever do that again,” You were nearly crushed when you were dropped onto the bed before Jungkook collapsed on top of you, “Please.” Guilt nearly devoured your heart at the way Jungkook held back a sob, his voice pleading and cracked, “It’s not fair! You-! You can’t just do this to me then leave. Never again.” You felt warm substance dripping onto your skin and your heart was pounding in your chest. 
An innate need coursing through your veins to dry his tears as you did so, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry okay?” You whispered out, your hands cupping his cheeks, that iridescent glow on his skin and his eyes watery and big, “I’m just…! I was just scared, I didn’t know what was going on and I just thought I needed time to think. I had no idea what the effects were and what would happen if I left. I’m not going to leave okay? I won’t leave.” 
Jungkook only closed his eyes, tears falling down his cheeks and you couldn’t help but watch in a melancholy awe at an almost glittery substance filling his tears, making the stains on his skin glisten and glitter under the dark lights of his room, Jungkook said no more, perhaps not trusting himself too and only curled himself further against your as your hands soothingly ran through his hair as his body melted into yours. No words were further spoken between you both as you curled against him once more, your nose burying in his hair with the innate need to comfort him. 
Feelings were too intense and magnified, as if you could feel every speck of hurt and misery Jungkook had suffered without you and despite being cognitively aware you in any other case wouldn’t be like this, you still were. You didn’t understand what happened, or how it happened, but what you did know was that despite all of the uncertainty, Jungkook needed you. 
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You weren’t sure how much time had passed, neither of you had talked for what seemed like hours, only staying close in one another's arms, and slow but surely, that unstable feeling in your chest was beginning to fade and was replaced by what you could only describe as a warm, bright thrum.
Both of you were awake, but Jungkook’s eyes looked far away, his face still laid against your chest as you tenderly stroked through his hair, “Jungkook,” He didn’t respond right away, shifting a little before those doe eyes looked up at you, his lips jutted into a soft pout that nearly broke your heart out of guilt, “What....what’s going on? I don’t understand anything.” Your fingers delicately traced his prominent cheekbones, his face immediately nuzzling into your hand as his eyes closed. 
Jungkook’s lips trembled only a little as he mumbled, “...I...I’m not sure...I told you before that in order for a bond to be created it has to be wanted between both parties involved,” His nose nudged your hand as you tenderly thumbed his cheek, “Wh-which means...even if it wasn’t a surface thought you still energetically reached out and initiated the bond making you the Fi and me the Si since I accepted without realizing.” 
His lips went pouty before he pressed his head back against your chest as you stared down at him mildly confused, perhaps realizing this he spoke further, “Fi and Si are considered sacred opposites, in a bond both people take on one or the other, the initiator the Fi and the receiver the Si, it makes sense you didn’t feel as much as I did, the Fi in the bond isn’t affected nearly as heavily as the Si is because you were the one who created the bond.”
You still didn’t quite understand other than this being a Yin and Yang equivalent with a dash of omegaverse on the side, but then again, if humans had descended from Orionian’s then the apple truly didn’t fall too far from the tree. 
“And...the Fi is what…? The more dominant one?” You quirked a brow, a smile threatening to tug on your lips as Jungkook looked up at you, an unfair pout of his face as he set his chin on your chest, leading you to believe there was some merit to your words. 
“Not exactly, it just means you were the one who established the bond, making you the one who, in more primal words, the caretaker. With newly bonded couples, it’s imperative that you be together for the first few days to stabilize the bond. Si tends to be more....” He shifted a little, his scales becoming pink as he buried into your chest, “...Clingy...and Fi tends to facilitate and care for Si while the bond stabilizes.”
Your hand made its way back to his hair as you tenderly combed through the soft silky locks as Jungkook’s relaxed back against you, practically melting into your touch as you hummed, “And...if it isn’t stabilized?” 
Jungkook shifted a little against you as he mumbled, “...Well, both people become....I don’t know how to truly describe, if a bond isn’t stabilized...it becomes difficult to distinguish your own feelings from your partners, and with the bond unstable it causes an emptiness to fill both which causes sadness and pain, but because feelings can be mutually felt, it magnifies those feelings tenfold...Until eventually….” Jungkook frowned as he shrugged a little timidly, “Both go insane, or end up commiting suicide out of despair. Si feels it a lot more intensely then Fi though because of being the one who was tethered into the bond rather than creating it.”
You said nothing, feeling even worse now knowing what had happened and what you could have possibly caused, not only this but for Jungkook to suffer through so much all because you couldn’t just hear him out for less than five minutes, “Don’t blame yourself,” Jungkook sat up a little to look at you earnestly, as if knowing exactly what you felt despite not saying anything, “You don’t know anything about Orionian’s, I...I should’ve handled everything better then I did…” His gaze lowered looking a little glassy as he sighed, “Just...please never do that again.” He collapsed back against you with a quiet mumble, “I was miserable.” 
“I won’t baby.” You ushered softly, pressing your lips into his hair as he basked in your love, the silence taking over once more as you relaxed back down against him, intending on letting yourself fall asleep again before you felt a low rumble in your stomach, before you sighed...Well he did say since you were….Fi...that you were supposed to be a caretaker....?
“Hey, I’m starving...you want me to get us something to eat?” You sat up a little as Jungkook shifted beneath you with a whine, his cheeks puffing a little as he huffed, saying nothing but you had a suspicion that he was definitely hungry, “I’m getting us something to eat, what do you want babe?” You got out of bed making Jungkook scramble with another whine. 
He immediately latched himself to you as you sighed, “Then we’re going together. Do you guys even have human food here?” 
“We have plamatic barrettes.” Jungkook perked a little in excitement as you frowned. 
“Can...Are...are they edible for humans?” You raised a brow as you opened the door, doing an awkward waddle as Jungkook back hugged you, happily nuzzling into your neck before he frowned.
“Well...um…” He rubbed his head as you tutted, it wasn’t that you weren’t willing to try it but you were really craving some fries right now and whatever it was they ate, didn’t sound even close to a potato. 
“We can try it later babe, I brought my wallet so we can go get something to eat, if Jimin and Seokjin haven’t left it’ll be like a two minute drive.” You shrugged as you both entered the common space. 
“You both aren’t going anywhere.” Namjoon had been running around with Taehyung while Jimin and Seokjin were working frantically on...what looked like an engine box as the man turned around with a serious expression making you and Jungkook twist into concern, “The Arbitrators are here on Earth, which means we’re leaving.” 
You didn’t quite understand the gravity of the situation but...you had a feeling this wasn’t an ideal situation.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
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Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rough Sex (Vaginal), biting, scratching, breeding, oviposition, dub/noncon, kidnapping, cursing, blood, use of aphrodisiac, interspecies sex (merman and human), mentions of drowning Words:   5579 Pairing: Mer!Bakugou Katsuki x Human Fem!Reader
a/n: I’ve been getting quite a few requests for mermaid breeding. This... is probably not what you were wanting or expecting, so I won’t include anyone’s request here lol. I may write something a little... gentler later on.
BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Tags: @lady-bakuhoe​​, @hoefortodo​​, @sunkissedneptune​​, @softkatsuki​​, @marilla-eldriana​​, @sanurrwrites​​, @hopeismyhope101
There was something different in that familiar crimson gaze today. You hadn’t thought much about it at first, but now, it stuck out to you as something that should have been a huge red flag. The instant you had seen him glaring at you over the water's surface, you should have run away. You should have called to him from the safety of land, to tell him you really weren’t feeling well and decided to go home. Or that you had some type of rash or injury and didn’t want to get too close to the water? Would he have believed you? Probably not. You weren’t sure of what type of fit he would have thrown if he would have tried to persuade you to come to him or just dragged himself up into the sand to chase you down. 
He was strong enough to do that. His upper body strength matched the incredible power of his tail, his arms, and core easily able to lift himself up or drag himself around. If you ran at full speed, he couldn’t get you. Maybe. You couldn’t really think about something like that though right now. The fact of the matter was you hadn’t taken his glare as something menacing. You had ignored the rolling sickness in your stomach, the little voice in your head that told you to flee. Now, it was too late for you to do anything. 
You were as happy to see him as you had always been, greeting the merman with a cheery wave and a smile as you stepped into the rolling ocean waters. You hadn’t even made it a few steps into the cool water before he was suddenly at your feet, snatching you by the ankles and dragging you deeper into the water. The impact of falling on your back onto the hard, wet sand knocked the air out of your lungs, and before you could even breathe again, you were struggling to keep your head above water. 
He hadn’t dragged you out too far, but right now, the distance wasn’t really what mattered. You were completely pinned down to the sand, his heavy red and orange freckled tail resting over your chest to keep you down. Your legs were in his tight grip, held under the knees, and spread open so his head had easy access between your legs. The rolling waves didn’t affect him at all, but as they came washing over your face, you felt as if you might just drown. It was difficult and painful to find the opportunity to inhale as much air as you could when the tide pulled out, gasping and coughing to try and purge the burning saltwater from your lungs before you were overwhelmed again. 
It wasn’t just the water that gave you the feeling of drowning. His tongue, slick and hot against the cold ocean water, was lapping at your cunt eagerly. When he had torn your swimsuit, you weren’t sure. But again, you weren’t sure of anything that was happening to you right now. Why was he eating you out like this? He had never shown any sexual interest in you for the months you had known him. In fact, he hadn’t shown any romantic interest at all. At least, not any that you had been able to notice. Bakugou Katsuki, this fierce and aggressive merman, had originally saved you from drowning while out on a tour boat during vacation. You had been so grateful to him, so you made it a point to come visit him as often as you possibly could. You liked him. But this? This isn’t how you wanted things to happen. 
You had fallen for him. You loved him. But, how could you? You were from two completely different worlds. There was no possible way that you could be together outside of close friends, and that was even a conversation you already had. 
“There’s no way I’d ever fall for a stupid human like you! You can’t even swim!” 
So why was he doing this? Why was he holding you down just for the chance to eat you out so vigorously? If he would have just hit on you a little sweeter, maybe you would have given in to him and you could both enjoy the experience to the fullest. But all of this was for his own gratification, for whatever he felt like or wanted to do with you. It was hard for you to think with the weight on your chest, the water crashing down on your face, and the burning heat between your legs. 
God, it was hot. His tongue and his mouth were like fire, sucking and lapping at your clit with such fierce intensity. You knew that you shouldn’t be feeling good, that you should be screaming for help and struggling against him. No one would hear you this far down the coastline, anyway, but the point still stands. You should have been trying. Instead, all you could do was lay there, your nails digging into the slippery scales of his tail, fighting between coughing, moaning, and yelling out in pain. 
The longer his tongue ravaged you, the hotter you began to feel. It was so odd, how every nerve in your body was so sensitive. You had sex before, but your arousal never peaked to this level so early on. Why? Why was it happening? Why was he doing this? You didn’t want this. Did you? Of course, you didn’t. You wanted him to stop. 
“B-Bak-ack!” You hacked and coughed as water rushed into your mouth the instant you tried to speak, using what little strength you could to push yourself up on your elbows. “Bakugou, please-- please, stop-!” A yelp ripped from your throat as his hot tongue left your burning pussy, his teeth and fangs sinking into the plush meat of your inner thigh. Piercing the skin, the saltwater immediately began to burn the wound, but you still found yourself unable to pull away because of his hold on you. Even the slightest twitch had his nails digging into your skin, and by the reaction he gave from your attempt at begging, he didn’t want you to make a single move. 
His tongue ran over the now bleeding bite mark, a low groan rumbling from deep within his chest. He had found something new to taste, and he did so eagerly. “Fuck, you’re so delicious. So sweet and healthy… You’re perfect. I’ve always known you’d be perfect.” His words were almost slurred as if he were a drunken man on a ramble. That was the only way you could describe his actions as if he were intoxicated. But by what?
“I… Bakugou, what-” With a swift change of positions, you were suddenly beneath him, his hand on your throat and entire body weight on you. Before you could even scream or attempt to struggle, his mouth crashed down on yours, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth. The metallic taste of your blood would have immediately made you gag if not for the tight grip he had on your throat, which was only further making you light-headed. You tried to push up against his chest, scratch at his arms, and push his hips off you with your legs, but you couldn’t. There was no energy or strength behind your struggles. 
In an instant, everything stopped. Bakugou removed his tongue from your throat, snapping his head up to look towards the beach. Before you noticed what he may have been looking at, you could hear him beginning to growl, a deep and threatening sound that made your stomach twist nervously. What was he looking at? 
With his grip still on your neck, you didn’t have much movement, but you didn’t need it. You could hear the voices of a group of people. How far away or what they had seen so far, you couldn’t tell, as the sound was muffled by the water around your ears. The need to protect yourself suddenly burst forth and you screamed out as loudly as your burning lungs would let you, forcing your body to thrash and struggle even as your limbs burned with searing pain. Had you said anything comprehensible? Had they heard you? 
They wouldn’t have been able to save you, anyway. You already knew that your fate was in Bakugou’s hands. 
In a rush of crushing water, churning foam, and stinging sand, you felt Bakugou snatch you by the right ankle and drag you out further into the sea, not even giving you a moment to take a breath or prepare yourself. You couldn’t open your eyes or struggle, not even as your body was suddenly wrapped tightly in a strong grip. Was he holding you now? Where was he taking you? You could tell that he was moving swiftly, and the incredible pressure building in your ears and your chest told you that he must have been traveling deeper. 
I’m going to drown…! My breath… I can’t hold it!
As the burning and painful strain on your body grew more severe, you couldn’t control your involuntary thrashing, pushing against his presence and kicking where you could. It hurt so bad, worse than anything you had ever felt, and you wished that you would just drift off into unconsciousness. That’s what you had heard happened to people when they drown sometimes. Why couldn’t that happen to you? Why were you being put through this? 
You felt like you had been underwater for hours, but when you finally breached the surface, your body immediately inhaled a massive amount of air, so quick and urgent that you began to cough violently. You didn’t know where you were, and you didn’t care. All you wanted was to find that sweet relief of air in your lungs and something to secure you to reality. When a rocky surface scraped against your flailing and searching hands, you clutched onto it for dear life, somehow pulling yourself out of the strong embrace of your kidnapper to try and claw your way up the ledge. 
Before you could get far, Bakugou’s strong presence pressed up against your back, one hand holding your hip while the other took hold of your neck, constricting and preventing your body from pulling in the air it needed. 
Too weak to resist, you finally forced your eyes open, tears spilling down your cheeks and further blurring your vision. As his lips came to press against your cheek, you whimpered and tried to gasp in the air to your aching lungs. “Ba… Bakugou, please, stop! Take me back to shore!” 
“I found this cave for us last night,” Bakugou ignored your plea, inhaling your scent as if your fear was addicting. “It’s perfect. No one can interrupt us… You’re safe.” 
“I’m not!” You glanced around, trying to take in your surroundings the best you could in the dim light. From what you could tell, you were in a cave, the only source of light being a hole above you where you could clearly see the beautiful blue sky. It was out of your reach, and with no other visible exits, you knew that this was going to be your tomb. “I’m not safe with you!” 
“You’ve always been safe with me,” Growling in your ear, Bakugou dug his nails into the skin of your neck, piercing the delicate flesh and making you whine. “Now more than ever. I’ll protect you with my life. You and our spawn. Our children…” 
What? That’s… he can’t! All of this was because he wanted to mate with you, to impregnate you and force you to have his children. Was that even possible? 
“But… I’m human! You can’t!” 
“I want you, damn it! No other female is worthy of me.” Moving his hand to instead tangle into your hair, he pulled your head back roughly, leaning in to run his tongue over the new bleeding scratches along your neck. Instantly, that same heat that you could still feel throbbing in your pussy spread like fire from the wounds, making you tremble from the stark difference of cold water against your burning skin. 
What is that…? I… It’s so hot! It feels so good. Is it some type of venom? Or… I can’t think…
Your mind was beginning to grow hazy from the heat, his teeth lightly scraping across the skin of your neck and shoulder the only thing you could feel outside of the fire. 
Bite me… Oh god… Bite me! No, no- what am I thinking? I don’t want it! 
A trembling gasp escaped your lips as his teeth clamped down on your skin, easily sinking into your flesh. The fire returned with another stroke of his tongue along the wound, but this time, it was so intense that your body began to quiver, panting into the stale cave air. You felt like you were boiling, half expecting the water around you to begin bubbling and churning with your flame. Your sex was incredibly hot and aching, and you squeezed your thighs together just so you could feel something. 
You needed relief. Whatever he was doing to you with each bite and lick of his tongue against your skin was driving you completely mad. “What… What are you doing to me? Why am I so hot?” 
A low, satisfied purr left Bakugou’s lips as he smirked against your cheek, releasing your hair to run his hands down along your sides. His nails caught and ripped holes into your swimsuit, which had already been ripped apart at the crotch, so it grew looser against your searing skin. “My mate… you’re almost ready for me.” With a light nudge of his nose against your cheek, you weakly turned your head in response, immediately giving into him the instant his lips pressed against yours. You didn’t care about the blood on his lips nor the strange sweet taste that rolled down your throat, making your belly flutter and burn. 
This wasn’t right. This wasn’t safe. What would happen to you if things went wrong? What was he going to be putting inside of you? He had said children… What did that mean? 
You wanted to contemplate these things, to try and focus on the questions bouncing about in your mind, but they slipped from your fingers the instant you tried to hold onto them. Your mind was clouded by nothing but heat, pain, longing, throbbing, and aching. All the fear you had been feeling was only a vague prickle along your spine, but it was nothing compared to the new overwhelming desire. 
Both of his hands gripping on tightly to your hips, Bakugou pressed you up tighter against the rocky ledge, the roughness of the jagged surface against your breasts and hard nipples forcing a soft moan from your lips. With the sound, Bakugou released your lips, pressing his own against your ear as he growled deep and low. 
“You’re going to be my mate forever. You hear me? You’re mine. You’re my little horny bitch to breed.” As he spoke to you, so dominating and controlling in a way that made your heart flutter, you felt a new presence between your legs you hadn’t noticed before. It was slick with a slimy consistency, with a curved, ridged head and bumps along the long sides that led back to Bakugou’s hips. It was pulsing and twitching up against your sex, every soft nudge to your clit nearly enough to make you come undone that instant. 
That’s his cock… It’s so big… How will it fit inside me? It’ll rip me open…! 
“Don’t-” You choked out weakly, trying to shift your hips away from him to no avail. “You can’t! That’ll rip me apart-!” Another harsh bite to your neck made you squeal, unconsciously arching back against him and stroking your cunt along the dick still between your thighs. The pain had you squeezing them together around his girth, bringing a deep groan from his chest, teeth still planted in your skin. The longer he stayed there, the hotter the wound became, spreading through your body like the many times before. “Ow, a-ah, that’s hot! It burns, Bakugou, please!” 
Instead of responding with words, Bakugou gave a thrust of his hips, stroking his cock along your sex. The instant he ran across your clit, all your restraint snapped like a twig, waves of pleasure rolling over you as you came. Trembling and moaning, you dug your nails into the rocks you were holding on to, spouting whatever words first came to your mind in a jumbled mess. 
“F-fuck, fuck! I’m so hot; It’s so hot! I can’t take it! Please, please no more!” 
“There’s only one way to make it go away,” Bakugou lapped up the blood on your neck, shifting his hips so that the tip of his cock rested at your still twitching hole. “I have to fill you up, until you’re nice and full of my spawn. Or else you’ll burn until you die.” 
“I-I don’t want them-!” 
“You do. Don’t you want to feel better?” 
“You’ll love having me inside you.” 
“It’ll… feel good…” 
“So fucking good…-” Without waiting for your response, Bakugou began to press himself into you, the head of his thick cock slipping in. The stretch as he vanished inch by inch into your clenching pussy was unlike anything you had ever felt, his girth making you breathless. But it was unlike what you had expected. There was no pain, only an intense pressure and feeling as if you were full all the way up to your throat. By the time he had bottomed out inside you, you had cum again, just the feeling of him pressing against every inch of you enough to push you over the edge. With a low groan, Bakugou dug his nails into your hips, pressing his forehead against your shoulder. “Yes, you’re nice and ready for me. My little mate… so obedient.” 
Your mind was blank to everything but the heat and his overwhelming presence inside you. The sensitivity of your body was heightened to the point that you could feel every ridge, every bump and groove of his cock. As he gave his first slow roll of his hips, pulling all the way out to the tip before plunging in again, you immediately lost all control, craving nothing but the pleasure. 
“Fuck, fuck, I can’t take it! Fuck me, please! Use me! I’m your mate, I want your spawn, please-” Your encouragement immediately set him off to fuck you at a faster pace, slamming into your cunt. Your voice was something that you couldn’t restrain, screaming, moaning, and begging for him to use you. 
“Yeah, that’s it! My filthy little breeding bitch. Tell me who you belong to!” 
“Y-you! I belong to you! I’ll be yours forever- you can use me whenever you want!” 
“You’ll never resist me again?” 
“No, no! Never!” 
As the pleasure began to build rapidly, you rested your forehead against your arm, your eyes rolling back  and unable to stop the drool that dripped down your chin, your mouth permanently open with the most lewd sounds you had ever made. He was using you like a sex toy, fucking you at his own pace and indulging completely in his own pleasures. You didn’t care what he did to you at this point, how many scratches marked your back or how much blood you had lost to his bites. All you could think about was him and his cock inside you. 
You were unsure how long he fucked you like this, but after your third time cumming, he gripped you by the neck and pulled your upper body back. His presence inside you had your hips arched up in perfect position for him, and he didn’t stop, not even as he growled into your ear. 
“Take them all into your hot and precious womb… With this, your body will never be the same for any other man or creature. You are mine. You will be mine forever.” With a few final thrusts, Bakugou came to a stop, buried so deep inside of you that you could feel your cervix stretching uncomfortably. At first, all you could feel was a growing heat, coating your walls and making your core tingle relentlessly. Your clenching and tense core began to pulse with your rapid heartbeat in a way that was new to you, allowing you to relax in his grip. Although your mind was still aching to rid yourself of the fire, whatever was happening to you now loosened your anxious, aching muscles. 
Then came the first egg. About the size of a tennis ball, it passed through Bakugou’s cock slowly, only taking a moment to squeeze into your cunt. Gasping fearfully as it continued to slowly move closer, you gripped onto Bakugou’s hand that was around your throat, finding that you were unable to feel your legs enough to try and kick him off. “N-no, no! It won’t fit- a-ah!” Leaning your head back with your mouth and eyes wide open in a silent scream, you were unable to stop him as he lightly bucked his hips into you, urging the egg further down his shaft. With each light thrust, it moved deeper and deeper, stretching you open. When it finally reached his tip, Bakugou gave a grunt as he snapped his hips roughly into yours, bringing forth a scream from your throat as you came hard from the pressure of the egg breaching your cervix into your womb. 
The waves of your orgasm helped to pass it through, your eyes rolled back as it passed. There was no pain, but you could feel the new presence in your lower belly, tucked safely inside of you. 
Releasing his arm, your hands slid down to caress your own belly, pressing into your lower abdomen lightly. You could feel the tip of Bakugou’s cock inside you, and your light pressure made him growl in your ear. 
“Watch it, my pet.” 
“I… I want to feel it.” 
The next egg coming through was just as blissful as the first, bringing you to orgasm as you kept your fingers pressed into your body. You could feel it this time against your fingertips, bringing a smile to your lips as you bit down eagerly onto your bottom lip. Never in your life had you imagined such pleasure would be yours, to be used and adored by a creature in such an intimate way. 
It was heaven. 
Eight more followed, bloating your belly. Whatever numbing he had done to you had spread to your stomach, so your muscles were relaxed enough to take on the new presence inside you. You felt full, as if you had eaten an incredibly large meal, but there was no pain. Still, that burning need of satisfaction was ravaging your body. It hadn’t gone away like he had promised it would. Was he not done with you? 
Removing his cock from your ravaged body, Bakugou flipped you over to face him, resting you back against the side of the ledge. With a weak grip, you kept yourself up with your legs around his waist, your arms resting limply by your sides. For a moment, you just stared at each other, giving you time to observe his brilliant and handsomely fine features. He was perfection, from the blonde fluff of spiked hair atop his head, to flawless skin, to muscular frame that had you swooning the first time you had met him. He was so gorgeous, and all the sudden so… gentle. 
With your new position, he found the opportunity to caress your swollen belly, running his hands along your skin as he gazed down at your form through the clear, rippling water. It was such an odd look to you. Was it longing? Love? Or was it just pride in the work that he had done here, filling you up with his eggs and making you submit to him. 
Did he even care about you at all? Or did he just care about keeping your body to use as he pleased? 
You were pulled from your stupor of staring at him as his hands traveled up to your breasts, taking hold of the remnants of your swimsuit and ripping it apart. The fabric discarded off to the side, Bakugou leaned in to kiss you again as he squeezed and massaged your breasts, pinching your sensitive nipples between his fingers. Your mouth opened for him with a moan, allowing him to kiss you as he pleased. 
That sweet taste filled your mouth again, making you writhe and wrap your arms around his neck in discomfort of the spreading fire. Your body began to ache again, digging your nails into his skin as you moaned and panted against his lips, which refused to let yours go. Then, without a word, you felt the familiar blunt presence of his cock at your twitching hole, slipping into place like he was simply putting on a glove. You trembled against him as you tried to moan, begging against the kiss for him to let you breathe with any little moment that came your way. He didn’t. He continued to kiss you, to bite and nibble at your lip and your tongue, his sharp fangs piercing the delicate flesh when he was a bit too rough. 
“You’re so delicious,” Bakugou groaned against your lips, glaring into your gaze as your fierce need for pleasure grew more severe. “I never want to stop tasting you.” 
“I-I want to be done… Bakugou, I want to stop-” A squeak escaped your lips as he dug his cock deeper into your cunt, a new presence making itself known as it slithered up along your clit and against your pelvis. It was just as slimy and wet as the cock inside you, but it was smooth, pointed, and not quite as thick. You wanted to look down between your bodies to see, but you were too distracted by his smirk, his tongue dancing across his blood-stained lips. 
“I’m not done with you yet.” 
In that same moment, the new appendage that you couldn’t identify began to press against your cunt, beginning to enter you along with his cock. As you were stretched open, you clutched onto his shoulders, gasping and choking on your attempts to breathe. “N-no, wait-!” Clenching your eyes shut, you pushed back on his chest, but your weak body was no match against his overwhelming presence. “Don’t- not both! I can’t!” 
Sighing in satisfaction as his hand slid up your body to grip the hair at the back of your head, Bakugou pressed his lips against your cheek, his smirk only growing wider. “You can! I would have only done one at a time, but you’ve just been so naughty fighting against me like this. I have to teach you a fucking lesson, that your body belongs to me.” 
“I-I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I won’t fight anymore! I won’t!” Tears began to stream down your face as he forced both of his dicks into your cunt. If not for the fire within you that begged for pleasure and the still relaxed muscles from the eggs, you knew that you would be in severe pain. There was none. No, the pleasure is what was driving you mad. You couldn’t take it. It was going to make you go crazy if he kept this up, and you couldn’t bear the thought of him moving. 
When he finally began to thrust into you, it rocked your body so hard with pleasure that you couldn’t even find the air to scream or moan. All you could do was lean back against the rocks, not even able to feel the scratching against your back as he pounded into you, hard and deep. Head leaning back, you were sure that you must have had an insane look on your face, with your eyes rolled back and a wide, pleasured smile on your lips. But you couldn’t help it. 
It was amazing. You wanted nothing more in that moment than to feel his cocks inside you forever, to be fucked and bred at every chance you possibly had. Nothing could ever compare to this bliss, not even achieving your wildest dreams. Your body was going to belong to him. Your soul was going to belong to him. 
This wasn’t right. 
How could you give in like this? How could he break you so easily? 
It didn’t matter. 
“You like my dicks inside you, huh, my pretty mate?” Bakugou hissed in your ear, pulling your consciousness to the front just for a moment. 
“I-I love… I love them. So good! Bakugou-” 
“-No. Katsuki.” He purred against your lips, watching as your face contorted with your oncoming orgasm. 
“Yes… Yes, Katsuki!” 
“You’re mine, aren’t you?” 
“I’m yours, Katsuki! Fuck, I’m going to cum, fuck, I can’t- I can’t hold it! I can’t!” Your entire body seized up with your release, clutching onto him tightly. With his final few erratic thrusts, Bakugou let out a heavy groan, digging his cocks as deep into you as he could. You could feel his hot release into you, the second dick pulsing and coating your walls. What was more, you could feel the very tip of it dug into your womb, filling you up directly with his cum to join the eggs. You couldn’t believe that you could feel it all so clearly, your body so sensitive and yet so in tune with his that it had seemed you were familiar with this. 
You weren’t, of course. As he removed himself from you, leaving you feeling incredibly empty, all your energy felt like it left with him and you collapsed forward, head against his chest. You couldn’t feel him caressing you. You couldn’t feel his fingers tenderly stroking your hair. All you could feel, as the fire within your core began to vanish, was an overwhelming sense of shame. What had you just done? What had you just been forced to do? None of this was right. You shouldn’t be here. 
Those things you had said to him… you didn’t mean it. Did you? Did you really want to belong to him? Were you really going to just lay down and accept that this was it? 
Jumping at the sound of his voice, you timidly sat up, looking up at him in fear as a new wave of tears rolled down your cheeks. Too scared to talk, you waited for him to continue, not even wanting to blink in fear that he would react badly. Though, his expression was quite soft, his crimson eyes glancing over your face with worry. 
“Are you okay?” 
“I… yes.”  You could barely find it in you to speak, the words coming out as a choked whisper. Why did you say that? Of course you weren’t okay. You were scratched up, bitten, bruised, and filled with eggs, for fucks sake! Why weren’t you yelling and screaming at him?
“Here.” Caressing you carefully, Bakugou moved you both over to a different ledge, carefully lifting you up to sit on it. “There’s a blanket and other things there for you.” 
Sitting there with your legs dangling in the water, you slowly wrapped your arms around your swollen belly, beginning to tremble from the cold. “O… okay.” 
With a frustrated grunt at the fact that you neglected to move, Bakugou hoisted himself up onto the ledge, sitting beside you and reaching back to snatch the blanket he had mentioned. “Damn stupid woman, you need to stay warm!” As he draped it around your shoulders, you couldn’t stop but flinch away from him a bit, tears still streaming down your face in fear. “Why are you scared of me?” 
“I don’t… want you to hurt me anymore.” 
Bakugou gave the back of your head a gentle stroke, letting his arm rest around your back. “You got it all wrong, moron. I don’t want to hurt you. Your wounds will heal quickly because of my venom… And being sore won’t last, you’ll be numb for a while.” 
“You act like you’ve done this before.” 
“... We don’t need to talk about that. It doesn’t fucking matter. You’re all I care about, now. I’m going to protect you.” Bakugou caressed your cheek, turning your head to look up at him. “I don’t just go for random women. I picked you for more than just your body. You should rest…” 
His final words were more of a command than a suggestion, and with that gruff growl in his voice, you listened. Scooting back towards the pad of blankets he had set up on the ground, you used the one around your shoulders to first dry off the best you could, before shuffling under the others. It was warm and oddly comfortable, but you expected that you’d find even a bed full of needles comfortable with how exhausted you were. As you settled down on your side, you watched Bakugou as he slipped back into the water, vanishing beneath the surface and leaving you alone in the cave. 
With the silence, more tears began to flow down your cheeks, running your hands up and down along your swollen belly as you craved the warmth of the sun and the cheeky grinning merman you had loved just yesterday. 
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youn9racha · 2 years
helo my sweet! how are you lately :3 (i can't emoji because i'm on laptop but anyways) I FORGOT TO TELL YOU DJGNSKDNFS finals ended and i'm free at last (but for like a few weeks only because enrollment for the next semester is starting TT-TT)
but yeah! i got a new phone btw! i'm still using my tablet, but since i finally got a new phone, i'm planning on doing an smau sooooo 0-0
also hhhhhh since i'm free now, i might finally finish that fic i've been working on as a surprise (not a surprise anymore lmao TT-TT) for you! YEY!!! \(>w<)/
but also, the engagement on this platform really is hard ;-; i've published fics and yet i only been getting like and not much comments or tagged reblogs ;-; it's kind of discouraging to look at honestly ;-; i mean i'm thankful for the likes and all, but most of all i want to know the thoughts of the readers about the fics ;-; though i might not reply to some of them (especially since i don't know how to really form a reply sometimes ;-;) i'd actually appreciate how they'd still let me know their thoughts :( i actually thought of giving up tumblr after maybe finishing the series i'm currently working on
but hhhh yeah that's how i feel atm ;w; a bit dizzy/nauseous if we're talking health or physical-wise! since i'm going through my period ;w; but yeah, i've also been going out a bit more than before, trying to get used to travelling since i have really bad motion sickness and i heard we might have a face to face class at the start of the semester (omg i'm sorry i'm rambling again to you ;-;)
ik that feeling about the whole engagement thing, especially since i also had a rocky start from when i came back from my hiatus, where i had little to no engagement even after posting like three fics since my return.
it was only my recent felix fic where i started to get more engagement and traction. lino’s was a close second because i had engagement at first but then crashed literally the next day lmfao. but even so, for some reason there has been a rise of blank accounts and just liking posts without givibg their feedbacks 💔 it’s disheartening really, and it really demotivates us.
i have been thinking of leaving as well but idk i kinda like being here despite everything y’know ? but thats just me. although it’d suck to see you leave, but i won’t entirely blame you, all i can say is just think about it before you decide to leave or not.
anyway, while im hyped that you have the free time to write that “surprise” fic, please put your health first and rest when you can. you’ve been through enough health wise its only fair you rest rn. the fic can wait and im not going anywhere anytime soon, so don’t feel rushed and always take care of yourself 🫶🫶
also ramble all you want thats okay !!! im always here to listen (or in this case read lmfao)
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
“My Fairy Abogado” *Part 10*
Dammit I usually like to keep my stories around 10 chapters, but the whole ice cream banter was too good and the crescendo I want is way too long to not have it’s own chapter. Also, some Barisi thrown in there for ya. LoL. 
I suppose it’ll be one more chapter and an epilogue? Maybe? 
Tag List:
Master List
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
After stitching you up, and after a long conversation convincing the nurse that Rafael had not done the number on your body, you two were finally leaving the ER.
“Alright buddy, you promised me ice cream,” You hung on Rafael’s arm as you walked out to the awaiting SUV.
“You really wanna get ice cream without the kids?” Rafael asked as he helped you into the backseat once again.
“Uh are you kidding? I don’t have to fight with them over what flavors they want, or if it’s too expensive and they have to share, and not worrying about Chloe getting it all over herself, doing ANYTHING in public without the kids is a luxury I miss the most,” You felt guilty about rambling about your siblings, but it was awesome being able to just vent.
“Alright Alright, I get it-- having kids sucks,” Rafael laughed.
“I mean don’t get me wrong; I love my brother and sisters. I’m just not...cut out to be a mother. Not right now, anyway,” You looked around the car awkwardly, kicking yourself for bringing up kids so soon.
“Yeah, I never really saw the point in kids,” Rafael chuckled. 
“So you don’t want them, ever?” You were a bit taken aback. It shouldn’t be shocking to you really; Rafael was getting up there, and he seemed to like his things nice and tidy. He must’ve seen the look on your face because he quickly added--
“I mean….” He gulped. “I guess, with the right person…” 
“You know for a lawyer, lying is not your strong suit,” You snickered.
You finally arrived at a nearby ice cream place; Rafael helped you out and you both walked inside while your copper stood outside.
“Doesn’t he want anything?” You nodded to the man.
“He’s fine,” Rafael replied, not even looking back at him. 
“Hey guy, what’s your name?” You turned to talk to him. 
“Carisi ma’am, Sonny Carisi,” He nodded at you. 
“Sonny do you really not want any ice cream, or is Big Bad Barba being a tyrant?” 
“I could go for a scoop,” 
“See?” You smiled triumphantly. 
“He’s like a puppy baby, you feed him once he’ll just keep coming around,” He nodded at Sonny. “Trust me, I know,” He rolled his eyes. 
“You can get ice cream but you wait in the car Carisi,” He looked at him sternly.
“Copy that, counselor,” Sonny replied very seriously.
“Jesus Rafael, what is this guy your bitch or what?” You hit him softly. 
“Oh no ma’am, I wanna be a lawyer just like Mr. Barba so I spend as much time with him as I can,” He looked at Barba with puppy dog eyes. “As a mentor,” He quickly added, looking at the ground. 
“Oh um-- yeah okay, cool?” You smiled awkwardly at him, then noticed Rafael was getting very uncomfortable the more he talked.
“....Wait… feed him once...Rafael!” You whispered so Sonny wouldn’t hear you.
“ONE night, ONE time,” He rubbed the back of his neck looking around the place awkwardly.
“Mmmm...both sides, noted,” You winked. 
“Sonny go ahead,” Barba nodded to the woman at the counter.
“What can I get you?” She smiled at the three of you. 
“Two scoops of Rocky Road, please,” Sonny beamed. 
“Um I’ll have a scoop of chocolate mint,” You decided.
“A scoop of vanilla for me,” Rafael added.
“Why is that not surprising to me?” You rolled your eyes.
“What? I have simple tastes,”
“Uh huh,”  
Rafael paid and the three of you waited for your ice cream at the other end of the counter. Soon enough the woman handed out your ice creams and bid you a good day.
“Thanks Mr. Barba, I’m gonna go call Amanda and see what’s up at the station,” Sonny smiled and headed back outside with his ice cream.
“See? Now he has a new master,” Rafael chuckled. 
“Yeah I doubt that-- you’re kind of hard to top, counselor,” You nudged him.
“He didn’t have any problem,” He smirked. 
“OKAY, I think we’re good in the ghosts of sexual past portion of the evening,” You declared rather loudly as you sat in a booth near the door.
“Sorry Y/N, I didn’t know you were such a prude,” He smirked.
“I’m sorry if I don’t want to picture mi novio  being topped by a dude,” You rolled your eyes.
“Your boyfriend?” He asked in amusement.
“I mean...I did save your life, twice,” You pointed out.
“Mmmm true-- I suppose that’s girlfriend material,” Rafael nodded with a smile.
“Damn straight,” You nodded back, as you both continued to eat your ice cream in snarky matrimony. 
“So, no kids, no pets?” 
“I don’t have any currently, but I could see maybe getting a cat, or a small dog,” 
“Oh my god could you be any more of an old lady?” You giggled.
“Hey! I live in an apartment in New York City, I don’t want some huge dog cooped up in it all day!” He defended. “That’s just cruel,” 
“Fair point,” You licked your ice cream. “No kids I can live with, no pets is a deal breaker though,” 
“Really now?” He raised his eyebrow as he ate his own ice cream. “Noted,”
“So do you have any?” You nibbled on your cone.
“Deal breakers,” You replied in a “duh” tone.
“Just one,” He replied nonchalantly.
“What’s that?” 
“If they’re not you,” He grinned.
“Oh gaaaaaaggggg,” You made gagging noises with a giggle. “Be more cheesy, please,” 
“Okay okay, one deal breaker--”
“Go on,” You were on the edge of your seat.
“Wearing socks during sex,” 
“Are you serious?” You cackled as you swallowed the rest of your cone.
“Yes! I am very serious,” Rafael nodded as he finished his cone. “Ask Carisi,” 
“Oh God,” You shook your head with a laugh as you both walked back out to the car.
“Hey uh, Mr. Barba Amanda says they might need you down at the station,” 
“Really? Now?” Rafael ask, annoyed.
“It’s what she said…” Sonny replied with a shrug.
“It’s fine, baby I need to go check on the kids anyway, they’re probably freaking out by now,” 
“Yeah alright,” He sighed sadly.
Soon enough you were pulling back up behind your back door. Rafael helped you out of the car and just held you in his arms for a moment.
“You sure you’re ok?”
“Are you kidding? The Diablo’s are gone for good, I got a boyfriend AND ice cream!” you giggled, pulling him into a kiss. 
“Boyfriend?” Beto’s voice bellowed.
“Ice cream?!” Chloe’s high voice chimed in.
You both turned suddenly to see all three kids standing at the back door slack jawed.
“Are the Diablo’s really gone?” Yaz asked, being the only one who hadn’t joined in yet.
“Yes, they are gone-- THANKS to Rafael,” You eyed Beto while Chloe took off for Rafael’s arms.
“¡Gracias, Rafael!!!” She squealed.
“De nada, princesa,” He kissed her cheek.
“...Did you really get ice cream without us?” Chloe looked at him with the saddest eyes.
“Blame your sister,” Rafael nodded at you.
“Y/N!!!!!” She yelled angrily.
“Gee thanks,” 
“You insisted!” 
“I got sh---a boo boo!!” You covered your tracks, causing your siblings to finally notice the shape you were in.
“Oh my God what happened to you?!”
“Diablo’s” You said softly.
“Because of HIM?” Beto clenched his fists.
“NO, Rafael saved me Beto,” 
“Actually, to be honest Beto” He put a shoulder on Beto’s shoulder “She saved me.” 
“We saved each other,” You laid your head on his shoulder.
“Gag,” Yaz made gagging noises behind you.
“Anyway, Rafael is leaving now BUT-- maybe if you guys do all your homework and eat all your dinner AND go to bed early, we’ll see if you can convince him to take you to get some tomorrow,”
“Really?!” Chloe exclaimed excitedly. “I’m gonna go do all of it RIGHT NOW,” She gave Rafael one more hug and ran inside.
“Chloe’s easy to buy off vato-- me, not so much,” Beto approached Rafael.
“I’d be careful Beto, he used to be a Chico Grande,” You warned with a sly smile.
“Wha-- seriously?” Beto’s eyes widened. “No way….tu suaves,” 
“Oh really, too soft? You wanna go, ese?” Rafael licked his lips, playing into Beto’s game.
“BOYS,” You stepped in between them.
“You, go do your homework,” You looked at Beto, then turned to Rafael, “And you-- stop picking on my little brother,” 
“He started it!” 
“esto no ha terminado, vato,” Beto warned, making the “I’m watching you” sign as he walked back inside with Yaz who just rolled her eyes. As soon as they were gone you turned and slapped Rafael across the chest.
“What?! What did I do?” He threw his hands up innocently. 
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” You wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“And you love it,” He smirked.
“God help me, I do,” You shook your head as he pulled you into a deep kiss. 
“Te amo, mi angel,” He whispered as he stroked your hair. 
“Yo también te quiero, Rafa,” You stared lovingly into his beautiful green eyes. He gave you one last kiss and hopped in the front of the SUV. Sonny waved goodbye to you as they drove off and you headed inside.
The next few weeks went by pretty uneventful. You decided to rip out the booths that had the bullet holes behind them and put in a stage, starting Karaoke Nights every Friday night. It was a great money maker to your surprise, since it had been Ash’s idea. She was a pretty good business woman, you wondered how much Rafael had rubbed off on her over the years. 
One Friday night, Ash was getting ready to host the usual Karaoke Party, when Rafael came through the front door. He was casually dressed, in his jeans and t-shirt with the leather jacket. He had learned very quickly that you much preferred him in paisano, plus he didn’t look like he had taken a wrong turn at 5th avenue. This was the first Friday he was able to make, and when he had come and seen you over the past few weeks Ash had found ways to avoid him. Tonight though, she was right up front when he walked in. 
“Ash...can we talk?” He gestured to the side.
“Go ahead, start talking,” She gestured, indicating she wasn’t going anywhere.
“Ash I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the whole story behind the money I gave you,” He put his hand out. “I should have been honest with you right up front but, you were SO young,” 
“Yeah….I get it,” She reluctantly took his hand in return. “You did get rid of the Diablo’s, I guess that gets you some points,” 
“Well I brought you something,” He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Ashtawnja. She took it and unfolded the paper, her eyes grew wide. 
“Really? You still want me to have this? Even after I yelled at you?” 
“Yeah, but it’s not guilt money anymore,” He nodded at the check. “Look at the ‘reason’ line,” 
“Creo en ti” She read with tears in her eyes. “Do you really? Believe in me?” 
“Si, Claro,” He smiled, pulling her into a hug. “Of course I do,”. Pulling back from the hug, Rafael felt his phone going off in his pocket. 
“Barba,” He answered, listening to the other person. He nodded as they went on, then his eyes began to brighten. “Really?! Are you sure? What time?” He looked over at Ash who just looked at him in confusion, the more excited he became the more she was confused. 
“Right right, yeah I’m on my way!” He hung up the phone and hugged Ash. 
“Whoa whoa whoa there abogado, you know I hate mushy gushy,” She pushed him off with a laugh.
“Right,” He smiled.
“So who was that?”
“Oh right--- tell Y/N I had to go, I’ll call her later I swear!!” He told her as he ran out the door, just as you were walking up. 
“Was that Rafael?” You asked.
“Yeah, he got a phone call and ran out of here, said he’d call you later,” 
“Wha--Why?” You looked out the window but Rafael was long gone. 
“I don’t know, but he was pretty happy,” She shrugged, putting her check into her pocket. 
Who had called him and why was he so happy about it??5
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
Dear Fran, I have come with my option a request. I hope you will accept with an open heart 😃 hear me out ok #4 ♥️ scenario with Atsumu + Osamu, I'm their lil sister rooming with them (IS THIS ALLOWED, IF NOT IT'S OK, I just want to be called Wan-chan and call them Tsumu and Samu nii-chan 🥺) anyway it's a weekend night so,, COCKTAIL PARTY IN THE LIVING ROOM!! So as we're chilling and getting drunker by the minute on drinks mixed by ourselves for each other, I started rambling about [1/2]
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prompt: ♥︎ #4 -> make your own fluffy friendship scenario
roomies: the miya twins + ushijima wakatoshi as the non-roomie love interest
genre: fluff, specific reader insert
warning(s): swearing, alcohol usage
my note to you: dear wan, of course I will hear you out forever and always 😂 a cocktail party with the siblings sounds so fun lol I'm over here an only child 😭 this whole thing sounds so funny to me 😂 y-you think I have a big brain?? ty bb but it’s only bc u lend me your big brain energy ❤️
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getting drunk with the miya twins and venting about your bf ushijima [scenario]
y’all do these roomie/sibling cocktail parties at least once a week just to let off some steam. you n samu have learned thru experience not to let tsumu play bartender tho bc the man’s tolerance is thru the roof and his drinks are STRONG
like he’s got that heavy “two shots of vodka” *cookie monster falling in the background* pour
anyway, this evening ends up taking a more serious turn bc you start crying to them about how your relationship with ushijima has been a lil rocky lately
your big bros are your ride or dies and of course they wanna comfort you, but in their drunken state, their problem solving skills are a bit... less reasonable than usual (and that’s scary bc when are they're already shaky to begin with???)
seeing you cry over ushijima is making them kinda heated low key so next thing you know, they’re calling an uber and grabbing silly string that you didn’t even know you owned
“Can ya take us here?” Atsumu asks as he slides into the passenger seat of your chariot for the night in the form of a blue sedan and holds your phone towards the driver. The man nods and puts the address into his own phone before pulling away from the curb.
In the backseat, you let your head flop against the headrest while Osamu holds the cans of silly string securely. “’Tsumu nii-chan...” you groan with indignation when he plops your phone back into your palm, “This is such a stupid--” you interrupt yourself with a hiccup--“idea.”
“Ah, chill out, Wan-chan!” Atsumu complains, crossing his arms in front of his chest, “Quit bein’ such a party pooper.”
“’Sides,” Osamu pipes up from where he’s sitting beside you, “ya don’t even hafta do shit. Jus’ sit tight ‘nd let yer better thirds take care of it.”
You reach for his arm in the back of the dark car so you can smack him before doing the same to the back of Atsumu’s head when he laughs at his brother’s smart comment. “’Samu nii-chan! Usually you’re the voice of reason.”
With a small chuckle, he reaches into the pocket of his sweater and retrieves a small flask that you don’t even remember seeing him fill up. “Nah, that responsibility’s all yours, right now, Wan-chan.” You grumble with defeat as he takes a long swig of its contents before handing it over to you. In spite of being less than enthusiastic about the whole situation, you take a long drink and pass the container back, intentionally skipping over Atsumu’s outstretched hand since you both know he’ll finish it in one go.
When the apartment complex where your boyfriend resides appears in your view, you bargain, “At least lemme talk to ‘im first.”
“If you must,” Atsumu sighs.
Osamu requests that the driver waits for you all to return--which he agrees to after he shows him Atsumu’s card and offers double the fare for his troubles--before the three of you pile out of the car. Your brothers follow you as you take the familiar path to Ushijima’s front door, but hide behind a bush when you shoo them away and give it a knock.
The door slowly opening a few moments later brings you face to face with your boyfriend and makes your head spin from more than just the alcohol. “Wakatoshi...” you utter softly, (e/c) eyes finding his slightly shocked, olive gaze.
“Wan?” he murmurs, “What are you doing here?” His nose twitches at the smell of alcohol lingering on you from the drink Atsumu spilled on the sleeve of your sweater earlier. “Are you drunk?”
You wave away all of his questions and respond with an increasingly noticeable slur, “I’m here to stop my brothers from covering... yer apartment in shilly shtring.”
His eyebrows furrow in confusion, but his face quickly drains of all emotion when you see his eyes shift to something behind you. Sure enough, your troublesome siblings have emerged from their hiding place and are now standing a few feet away, silly string cans raised in a way that you can only assume is meant to be threatening.
“Wan-chan’s real broken up over these arguments ya’ve been havin’,” Atsumu pipes up. You heave a long sigh and put your hand over your face out of the embarrassment you feel towards the whole situation. As if just showing up unaccounted for hadn’t been bad enough, you were drunk, and so were your two older brothers about to turn vandals that had accompanied you.
Ushijima clicks his tongue before speaking again in that usual, authoritative tone of his. “I understand. You can go. I’ll take care of Wan and make sure they get back home safely tomorrow.” With that said, he wraps an arm around your shoulders, bringing you close to him as he allows you inside his apartment so you can sober up and talk. He sends a nod in Atsumu and Osamu’s direction before closing the door.
There’s a long moment of silence as your siblings come to terms with what’s just happened. In an instant, Atsumu lunges towards the door, finger pressed against the nozzle of the silly string can, and Osamu wraps his arms around his torso to restrain him. “Fuckin’ quit!” he grunts, trying to reach for the can, “’S gonna be fine!”
“Jus’ lemme tag the motherfucker so he knows not to mess with us.” Osamu grumbles but relinquishes his grip around Atsumu so he can go to the doorstep and paint what he knows is meant to resemble a dick on the wall in silly string. Once he’s satisfied with his work, he says, “Aight, let’s dip.”
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hotchley · 4 years
“i think, deep down, we’re all capable of unspeakable things”
morehotchcontent day six: rocky relationship (kinda forgotten anniversary/a big fight)
tagged: @ablogofthecriminalmindsvariety
she knew just what marriage meant to aaron. he’d grown up in south virginia, where tradition was everything. where marriage was everything one could ever hope for. she had grown up in brighton, where people really did not give a flying fuck about any of that. it had never meant much to her, but to aaron it meant everything.
his proposal was so much more than a proposal. it was the final sign that he’d moved on from haley. that he truly loved her. and a part of him would always love haley, there was no point in saying he wouldn’t, but this- this was him saying thank you, i love you, i won’t leave, i trust you, i want to see you in the morning and make you my own all at once.
“i can’t marry you,” she whispered.
keep your tissues handy. that’s all i’m saying.
warnings: implied/referenced child abuse, references to george foyet, mentions of minor character death, cheating
read on ao3!
Everyone viewed Aaron Hotchner as cold and emotionless. Someone who was constantly stoic and unattached, who saw the horrors that came with the BAU and didn’t even flinch. But what most of them didn’t realise was that the man they saw at work and in the field wasn’t Aaron. That man was Hotch. He knew how to compartmentalise, how to pretend that he wasn’t falling apart, how to keep the tremble out of his voice when all he wanted to do was fall apart.
Aaron was a different man. Aaron would play pretend with his son for hours on end, just to keep him happy and make him smile. He woke up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat and breathing heavily as his body shook and tears streamed down his face as the monsters of his day haunted his night. He would dance with Penelope because he could never say to her.
He was a helpless romantic.
Eleanor- Ellie to her friends, and SSA Birch to local police departments- knew this first-hand.
She had first met Aaron Hotchner during the liaison programme with Kate Joyner. Kate had been unimpressed by everyone there, because the last time she’d done it, they’d all acted like they knew so much better than her. Eleanor had met Aaron first, and immediately wondered where everyone like him had been when Kate first did it.
Because Aaron was lovely. He held doors open, he listened, he smiled at everyone, and he phoned his girlfriend- not his wife, even though they’d been dating since high school and he was now twenty-eight- during every single break they had, regardless of the time difference.
Then she’d fucked up and kissed him. They had both been drunk. A case had gone shit, and she needed something good. But then he called her Haley. And she’d immediately sobered up. He had looked at her with such shame that she almost cried. For some reason, she knew his passcode. The moment he ran to the bathroom to throw up the alcohol, she unlocked it. Phoned Haley. Said that her boyfriend was going to blame himself for what had happened but it wasn’t him it was her.
And Haley… had been lovely. She’d said that she knew Aaron loved her. And that Eleanor seemed like a lovely person but she understood that need for comfort. Eleanor had wondered how people were still so good. She didn’t tell Aaron about the phone call. He left the next day. The programme was finished. She thought that would be the end of it.
Then she transferred over to the BAU. She hadn’t known he was Unit Chief. David Rossi did her interview. It was incredibly awkward at first. She wasn’t used to hiding from her teammates but Aaron had panicked when he first saw her and started pretending he’d never seen her. Her only option was to play along. Haley had just left him at this point.
Kate Joyner obviously recognised her. That was a conversation she never wanted to have again. She thought she’d jeopardised both her place on the team and her dynamic. Then Kate died, Hotch lost his hearing temporarily and she was the only person that Reid would let touch him after the fiasco with Benjamin Cyrus.
She liked Spencer. He was almost like the son she never had.
It was Eleanor that had stayed behind with Aaron after Haley’s funeral and dealt with the phone calls. She told herself it was because she was trying to be a good person and repent for what she had done. Truthfully it was because she knew he was going to fall. And she didn’t want the burden of catching him to fall to the others who had already supported him through so much- Adrian Bale, Vincent Perrotta, Haley leaving.
They’d been getting to a good place. Not quite dating, but not quite friends. She knew he was watching her; there was a reason she was a profiler. He knew she still loved him, but he was grieving Haley. It wouldn’t be fair to her if he suddenly changed their whole dynamic.
But then he faked Emily’s death and it was like they were right back at square one: she would undermine everything he said because she was angry, and he was there, and it was easy to blame him. Her emotions had always been her greatest strength and her fatal flaw.
And then he’d turned up at her apartment, soaked through from the rain, eyes wide and glistening with unshed tears. She’d been too shocked to close the door on him. He’d immediately started rambling about how he couldn’t live the way he was, and how he just needed to know that she trusted him because everything was falling apart and he just needed her.
Not knowing what else to do, she’d kissed him. It had been messy, and wet, and nowhere near as romantic as either of them liked to pretend it had been. But it had been their first actually sober kiss, so it held a special place in her heart. And after that, it was like everything just fell into place.
Which led to the present moment. She knew what day it was. She knew her present to him was still safely tucked away in the bathroom behind her pads and his spare shower gel which he wouldn’t need for another twenty days. She knew he was excited, because for once, he could guarantee that he would be home.
After his surgery, he realised that he couldn’t keep doing what he was doing because sooner or later it was going to kill him. He hadn’t wanted to place the burden of keeping everyone together on Morgan though. So Emily came back. Her and Dave split the paperwork for lead profiler, and Morgan took over as unit chief. It had been difficult for him, those first few months.
But he’d pulled through, and was now living a much more stress free life as a law professor at the local college. It meant he could go to Jack’s school events and be there for him. It let Jessica have more time to herself.
It also meant he planned nice things for days like these. And Ella knew it was unfair to keep him waiting, but she just couldn’t bring herself to get up and go home, choosing instead to focus on the casefile in front of her. The bullpen was quiet: JJ had her own office and had gone home anyways, Reid had gone to see a piano concert thing- she’d tried her best to follow but had just gotten lost- and Anderson was out of town.
So instead of it being lively and loud, it was just her. And her casefile. Which she’d been looking at for the past ten minutes without any of the information going into her head.
With a groan, she slammed it shut and pushed it away.
“Shouldn’t you have gone home by now?” Dave asked, appearing at either the best or worst possible moment depending on your view, just like he always did.
“Probably. But I just- I can’t bring myself to do it,” she confessed.
Dave sighed. “You need to. Aaron will start to worry if you don’t. And we all already told him that there are no cases, so don’t even think of using the paperwork from that as an excuse.”
She sighed. “You’re insufferable.”
“And you still sound like you grew up in Buckingham Palace.” He picked up the case file. “Nothing’s happened here for six months. I’m sure one night won’t hurt. Now go.”
Eleanor packed her stuff up, giving him a small smile as she closed the door behind her. It immediately faded as soon as she’d turned away from him and her stomach started to twist into knots. She didn’t know if the team knew and weren’t saying anything, or if they were actually following the no profiling rule. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know either.
When she unlocked the front door, there was a distinct lack of noise. It made her feel even worse. Hotch had obviously organised for Jack to go and stay with his grandparents because she remembered that Jessica had a date, which would’ve been awkward enough for him, and here she was, two hours late, not because she’d forgotten, but because she hadn’t wanted to go.
“Hi El,” Aaron said as she entered the living room. He was sat on the couch, reading glasses sliding down his nose as he graded papers. “Just let me write this final comment and then I’m yours.”
“Hi,” she replied, feeling uneasy.
Aaron looked up. “You’re supposed to say: I can’t wait that long and then come over and give me a kiss.”
She rolled her eyes but obeyed nonetheless, legs feeling wobbly as she sat on him, smiling when he let out a soft sound of surprise. She tilted his face so she could kiss him and for the moment where their lips met, everything was fine. Then he pulled away, and she just wanted to get away. But his hand was stroking her hip in a comforting gesture and she wasn’t ready to give that up, so instead she ran her hand through his hair.
“What’s this one about?” she asked.
“They’re supposed to be critiquing and suggesting reforms for the law surrounding murder. I gave them a tonne of advice and access to all the relevant articles but some of them still didn’t even try and word it in a way that sounds like their own essay style,” he said, sighing.
Eleanor smiled slightly and set the paper down on the table. “I’m sorry for being late. But I’m here now. So why don’t you show me how all out you went this year?”
Aaron looked into her eyes and she was once again taken aback by how soft and gentle they were. Sometimes it was difficult to remember that he had once beaten a man to death. She tried to remove that thought from her head. It just was not the time.
“You never have to apologise for being late. I used to do your job, remember?”
She nodded. “How could I forget?”
“Do you want to change whilst I reheat dinner?” he asked.
Their conversations hadn’t sounded that forced since she had first joined the BAU and had been adding sir onto almost all of her statements in an attempt to rile him up.
As she went upstairs to change into something more casual, she also took the time to wipe off her make-up and splash some water on her face. She only intended to take five minutes. But then she started staring at her reflection, trying to see whether or not her actions were as obvious as she thought they were. But then she became aware of the clock ticking- Aaron hated digital clocks because of the flashing numbers- and realised how long she’d been stood there for.
“I was beginning to worry,” Aaron said. A normal comment. But an invitation to tell him what was wrong.
She shrugged. “It’s our anniversary. And although I technically didn’t forget, I was late and I wanted to make that up to you, which meant going through the wardrobe and finding this dress.”
“The fact that you still say wardrobe will never fail to make me laugh,” Aaron said.
He’d made chicken and mushroom pie. Her favourite. She wanted to be sick. It was just a few hours. She could get through a few hours. Aaron was a half-decent person. He listened when people said no. Then she could go to sleep, and everything would go back to normal. Nobody would know but it wouldn’t hang over her head the same way it was when he was sat opposite her, staring with such adoration.
They ate in relative silence. She didn’t want to explain why she was late. She wanted to let him believe that it was purely because time had gotten away from her and that the meeting she’d had with Cruz about the last case had run over. She didn’t want to explain that she’d deliberately walked slowly so she would miss the train. She couldn’t.
“Your present is something old this year. I hope that’s okay,” Aaron said when they had both finished eating. There was a glint in his eye. One he only got when he was about to do something very romantic.
Eleanor frowned. Something old. Where had she heard that?
He got down on one knee.
She gasped.
“My Ella. You continue to love me day after day and for what reason, I don’t know. We didn’t pass on the best terms. But then you came back into my life when I didn’t even realise I needed you, in this massive explosion of passion and love and hope. You were there for me when I didn’t think I’d be able to survive. And you never once doubted me. I know that I’m far from perfect, and there are times where I get angry instead of being understand. And I know that I’ve upset you, but you helped me realise that as a couple, we don’t have to be perfect. We just have to try. I love you. I love you so much that I can’t even begin to put it into words. So I’ll put it into a question. Eleanor Birch, will you marry me?”
She knew just what marriage meant to Aaron. He’d grown up in South Virginia, where tradition was everything. Where marriage was everything one could ever hope for. She had grown up in Brighton, where people really did not give a flying fuck about any of that. It had never meant much to her, but to Aaron it meant everything.
His proposal was so much more than a proposal. It was the final sign that he’d moved on from Haley. That he truly loved her. And a part of him would always love Haley, there was no point in saying he wouldn’t, but this- this was him saying thank you, I love you, I won’t leave, I trust you, I want to see you in the morning and make you my own all at once.
“I can’t marry you,” she whispered.
The box fell from his hands. He moved back into his chair, hands folded neatly in his lap.
“Okay,” he said.
That shocked her back into awareness. “I- what? You just proposed, I said no and all you have to say is okay?”
“I don’t know what you want me to say. I don’t know what I want to say. I want to say that Jack won’t have a problem- in fact, he has and always will be my first priority so I wouldn’t have done this without his permission- but you already know that don’t you?”
She nodded. “I do.”
They both cringed at her choice of words.
“If it’s about changing your surname, I may have grown up with traditional views, but you don’t have to do that. Not if you don’t want to. We can combine them. We could be the Hotchner-Birch’s. Or you could just keep your own. I don’t really mind.”
“It’s not that either.”
“Jack isn’t expecting you to be his mother either. He’ll probably still call you El, just like I do.”
“It isn’t Jack.”
“That was my mother’s engagement ring. She gave it to me when I told her I wanted to propose to Haley. She said that hopefully it would bring me better luck than it had bought her. At the time, I hated the damn thing because it had come from my father. So I didn’t give it to Haley. Now I’m older I understand why she gave it to me. So the girl I married would always be able to have a piece of the woman that made me who I am. But if that weirds you out, we can go look for another one.”
“Would you stop being so good and kind for one fucking minute?” Ella snapped, unable to take anymore.
Aaron flinched, even after all the years that had passed. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
Ella ran a hand through her hair. “God, no. Please don’t be sorry. This isn’t your fault. None of this is your fault. It’s just- I can’t. I can’t marry you and it’s nothing you have done. It’s got nothing to do with Jack either. I love that kid. And I’m so proud of how far he’s come. But I just- I can’t.”
“You’ve told me that. Multiple times now. Just tell me why. Tell me what happened and we can work through it. Because I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And if anything happens to me, I want custody of Jack to go to you. Not the state.”
Aaron had never told her that before. They’d spoken at great lengths about children and both agreed that they didn’t want anymore. Jack was enough for both of them. And they’d talked about what would happen if for some reason, Ella had to care for Jack for extended amounts of time. But never like this.
He dropped his gaze when he saw the look on her face. “I’m sorry. You just said you don’t want to marry me, and here I am, dropping bombshells like that on you because that awful part of me wants you to feel guilty. Look, whatever you did, what happened, tell me. We can get through it.”
She hoped that he could abandon his morals long enough for her to not have to say the words. “Aaron, look at me. Please. Please, I need you to look at me.”
Tears were already forming in her eyes when he finally managed to meet her gaze.
“No,” he whispered.
He had seen that look twice in his life. Once when his mother turned to his father and asked why a young lady had phoned asking to speak to her husband. Once when Haley’s mobile had rung and she hadn’t been able to provide the reason behind the call. He knew what that look meant. He knew, and he wished he didn’t because he wasn’t sure he could handle it all over again.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I am so, so sorry and if I could take it back, I would but I can’t and all I can do is apologise and say that I regret it and I had never felt worse than in that moment.”
“Who was it? Was it someone I know?”
“God no. They would never.”
“Did they look like me?”
“Why are you asking me that?”
“Because I need to know. I need to know who this man was. I need to know why you were so willing to throw our entire relationship away for one night of pleasure. Or was it more? Has this been going on for a while? Am I just a joke to you? Is that what it is?”
“No! And it was a one-time thing, I swear. It only happened once. And if you really must know, yes. He looked like you. Are you happy now? I don’t want to have to relive that night because it was one of the worst nights of my life.”
“Of your life? I was going to marry you Eleanor. When- when even was this? And why?”
Eleanor’s emotions always got the better of her. “You want to know when? It was that case. That case where all the boys turning up dead and mutilated looked exactly like Jack. Like our son. And then the unsub got away. And I phoned you. I phoned you at least five times that night, but not once did you pick up, because you were at a faculty dinner, even though you promised me that you would always be there, no matter where you were. I needed to hear your voice telling me everything would be all right. I needed you, and you weren’t there.”
Aaron gripped the table tightly, all the colour in his face immediately vanishing. He remembered that night. He too regretted it. When he saw Eleanor’s first phone call, he’d started to excuse himself to answer it, knowing there could only be a few reasons for it. But then one of his colleagues had made a snide comment- one he couldn’t even remember now- and he’d put his phone on silent before tucking it away.
When Dave told him about the case because Eleanor couldn’t, he’d felt like the biggest piece of shit to ever exist. He still did. How had he fucked up so badly that Eleanor had slept with someone else?
No. That wasn’t on him. He’d screwed up, but she, and she alone, was responsible for her actions. It had been her decision to sleep with someone, not his.
“So you slept with someone else? Why not go to one of the team and tell them instead? Why did you have to sleep with someone?”
“I don’t know! I can’t explain what I did and I can’t justify it but I- you were the one that said we could move past this. You were the one that said, whatever I had done, we could work out together because you loved me. I still love you. I never stopped, not even when you went back to Haley all those years ago. We could make it work.”
Aaron laughed, but there was no humour. “No. No we can’t. Because that case was a month ago. You had a month to tell me, and you’re only telling me now because I asked you to marry me. What was your plan? Just not say anything till either I worked it out myself or you stopped feeling guilty?”
Eleanor didn’t have a response.
Aaron ran his hands through his hair, tugging it. Ella wanted to pry his hands away from it so he didn’t pull it out but that wasn’t her job anymore. It never would be again.
“I feel like such an idiot. You know, when you first kissed me, my first thought was: don’t do this. Because the first time you kissed me, you knew I had a girlfriend. And I was just as responsible because I didn’t pull away immediately, I know. But you kissed me. And in the back of my mind, I knew that there was every chance you would do the same again. I just never thought you actually would because I thought you’d grown up. I guess you haven’t.”
That was the problem with profilers, Eleanor thought to herself. They always knew exactly where to strike in order to cause the most pain. She just never thought Aaron would be the one doing it to her.
“I’m sorry,” she said, because what else could she say?
Aaron shook his head. “I don’t want to hear you say that anymore. You can- I’ll sleep in the guest bedroom until you find an apartment. But once you have, I never want to see you again. I’ll spare Jack the finer details of what happened, but it’ll be his choice whether or not he carries on talking to you. But never refer to him as your son ever again. He isn’t. Not anymore.”
Eleanor did not want his kindness. She wanted Aaron to make her pay. She wanted him to be angry, to hurl insults at her and tell her to get out, that he never wanted to see her again and that she would never be allowed within six feet of his son again.
But Aaron wouldn’t. He was too scared of what would happen if he lost control. He had been since Foyet. And she could mention that. She could mention every fear, every secret, every dream he’d ever shared with her.
She didn’t. She had already hurt him enough.
“I have friends not too far from here. I’ll pack enough for a week and that should be enough time to sort out something more permanent.”
If Aaron heard her, he didn’t say anything.
It only took her ten minutes to pack, which was one of the advantages of living with him. Everything had to be perfectly organised, which meant it was very easy to find things. When she entered the living room, he hadn’t moved. He was still staring at the ground. The ring was on the floor by the dining table, shining despite the darkness of the room.
It was rather ironic, this thing that had led to so much destruction being so beautiful.
“Goodbye Aaron,” Eleanor said, placing her keys on the coffee table.
Only when the door closed behind her for what would probably be the last time did Aaron Hotchner fall to his knees and sob, for the second woman he had loved and lost and for the mother Jack would never get to have.
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fanfalc-616 · 4 years
(Master of Emotion) Can you write a day off for ninjas and Nya (add both Pixal and Skylor) after hard work and it can help the ninja get to know each other better,especially Kai ( maybe spa day)?
Sorry this took so long, I wrote much more than I expected.
((I’m gonna place this after s7, bc I haven’t seen the end of the whole Oni thing. So I can’t put Pixal here like requested, sorry about that))
(((Watch me spend thirty minutes doing research so I can put in a minor character that’s technically canon.)))
Kai rolls his eyes as Jay starts complaining again. “I really don’t wanna go to the spa, I’m so close to finishing this invention-“
Cole shoves him playfully. “We’re already here, Sparky. I’m not exactly fond of the idea either, but I’m sure it won’t be that bad.”
“Skylor should be meeting us here...” Nya mutters, looking at her phone, starting to type something- likely a text message.
The six of them stand outside the Ninjago City Spa, and Kai feels himself internally dreading seeing Skylor. He had flirted with her in the past, but they never really went official- how could they have? Kai had realized he was in love with someone else, and now they haven’t really found closure from their kinda-relationship.
“Is everything alright?” Zane prompts, speaking in a low tone to avoid drawing more attention to them.
Kai internally groans as he realizes his clothes turned purple. Great.
“Everything’s fine.” He bites out. His clothes have started to shift more towards magenta, which is only a slight relief- it’s still obvious he’s worked up over something.
“Skylor!” Lloyd greets. He waves as the crimson-haired girl walks up. “Glad you could make it.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you all!” Kai doesn’t miss how she’s looking at him when she speaks, and he internally complains about everything as he realizes his clothes are turning a darker shade of purple.
The others have started to notice the color change, and he can tell that Lloyd’s about to ask, so he speaks up first. “Let’s do this! Spa day!” He flashes a smile that probably would’ve been convincing if his actual emotions weren’t plastered all over him.
… sometimes Kai hates his powers. 
Without waiting for someone to call him out on his bullshit, he heads into the spa, walking up to the reception desk. 
The woman behind it stares, wide-eyed as she recognizes him. Which Kai probably should’ve been expecting, they all are pretty famous.
He flashes a charming grin. “Hi, I’ve got a reservation for…” He trails off, frowning. Glancing back at the others, who have now stepped inside, he gives a nervous laugh. “Who was the reservation under again?”
Zane walks up to the counter, and Kai internally curses, backing away. Of course it’s Zane. Of course it is.
He doesn’t have the mental energy to deal with his stupid emotions. Warily, he looks down at his outfit to make sure it’s not pink.
Oh, thank the First Spinjitzu Master. He knows that he’ll have to tell him eventually, but today is not that day.
“The reservation should be under Lloyd Garmadon.” The nindroid explains to the receptionist. 
Still clearly in shock, the woman- er, Cathy, as her name tag says- types something into the computer. 
“Uh, yes, you seven can sit down in the waiting room, you’ll be taken back shortly.” Cathy informs them.
“Thank you.” Zane smiles. 
So they all go back to the waiting room, and Kai makes sure to sit as far away from Skylor as possible.
And since he was so focused on being away from Skylor, he completely missed who he was actually sitting next to: Zane.
Look, it’s not that he’s avoiding him or anything, he’s just… uh… 
Yeah, okay, he’s avoiding him.
Quiet conversations start, the ninja all chatting with each other, and much to Kai’s chagrin, Zane tries to speak with him again.
“Are you sure everything is alright? You seem very tens-“
“I said I’m fine, okay?!” 
As soon as the words leave his mouth, he wishes he could take them back. He shouldn’t have snapped at Zane, he didn’t mean it!
He barely notices when his clothes start to turn shiny- but really, he should’ve paid more attention, because that’s the first sign of his embarrassment, and- 
And now he’s invisible. There’s surprise on everyone’s faces as he suddenly vanishes from sight, and he quietly groans.
Today’s spa day is off to a great start.
They all realize it as soon as they’re about to be led back into the actual spa.
Zane smiles. “It’s quite alright, I don’t mind. I can just wait out here-“
Nya shakes her head. “No! Zane, you need to come with us-“
“A spa day would not be as beneficial for me; I am not an organic life form. I can wait outside for your return.” 
What annoys Kai the most is how little Zane seems to be bothered by it. He just doesn’t seem to care that he can’t enjoy things like they can.
Kai narrows his eyes, cutting off Cole mid-sentence by stepping into Zane’s personal space and grabbing his arm.
“You can still feel things, right?”
Zane frowns. “Yes, but I don’t have skin or nails that would be affected the same way a human’s would-“
“Not what I’m asking.” Kai interjects. “You can feel things. Would the spa treatments feel nice?”
Zane seems uneasy. “I- I suppose, they most likely would be at least somewhat enjoyable to my sensors-“
“Good. You’re coming in with us.”
“But there is no purpose-“
“Yes there is! You’re always concerned about other people, take a damn break and let other people take care of you for once! You’re just as much a member of the team as the rest of us, and I shouldn’t have to tell you that!”
The room goes silent. Zane stares at him with wide eyes, and while Kai is aware that everyone else probably is too, he doesn’t care about them at the moment. 
Kai let’s go of Zane’s arm and takes a step back, closer to the actual entrance of the spa. “Well?” He demands.
The nindroid gives a small smile and nods.
Kai smiles back. 
And then he’s drawn back to reality by the woman taking them back to the spa. They all start chatting again, although a bit softer this time.
Jay tugs on his sleeve. “Hey, uh, Kai?” He speaks in a low tone. 
“What.” He really doesn’t want to listen to whatever rambles Jay has at the moment.
“You’re pink.”
Kai blinks and looks down at his outfit. Pink?! He’s fucking pink?!
Okay, okay, hopefully they’ll think it’s platonic, it can just be platonic, it’s fine-
He turns invisible again. 
God damn it.
Kai has to admit, maybe the spa thing wasn’t such a bad idea. 
The aloe vera face mask is pretty nice, and when it’s taken off, he thinks he looks pretty good. 
He also gets a sugar scrub, and then heads into the sauna. Luckily, it’s the seven of them- and just them, so there’s not any strangers.
“So Zane, how have you been doing?” Cole prompts.
Zane hesitates a moment, and then sighs. “They attempted to give me a deep tissue massage.” 
There’s a beat of silence. 
Then everyone starts laughing. 
“But you’re a nindroid! You don’t have muscles to be massaged!” Jay giggles.
“FSM, how long before they figured it out?” Lloyd snorts. 
Zane shifts some, and Kai glares at the others. How are they not realizing that it’s making him uncomfortable?!
“It took a few minutes.” The nindroid admits. “It was frustrating for the both of us.” His smile is strained, and it’s obvious that he’s covering up his emotions.
Obvious to Kai anyway.
Thankfully, the topic changes soon enough.
“Jay, what’s up with your nails?” Nya frowns.
The lightning master gives a nervous chuckle. “I liked the shade of blue.”
“They’re sparkly.” Cole adds with a mischievous grin.
Lloyd shakes his head with a smile. “I got mine done too.” He holds out his hands to show off the dark green with a swirly gold pattern. 
“Ooh, those are pretty.” Jay nods. “I thought about getting a lighter blue design on top.”
“To look like lightning? That would’ve been pretty cool. Why’d you decide against it?” Cole frowns.
So caught up in everything, Kai doesn’t notice Skylor coming over to sit next to him.
“Kai, we need to talk.” Her voice is soft, clearly trying to avoid drawing attention to them.
“I’d rather not.” Kai chuckles nervously, the robe he’s wearing flickering over to a dark purple.
She shakes her head with a sad smile. “It’s Zane, isn’t it?”
Kai freezes, his eyes wide. Then he sighs, running a hand down his face. “That obvious, huh?”
Skylor laughs. “To everyone except for him.” She confirms.
A quiet groan escapes him. “I hate everything.”
She pauses a moment, and then sighs. “I wish you would’ve told me.”
“At that point, I was still figuring it out myself.” Kai admits sheepishly. 
“Even if our relationship was kind of complicated, I think we could still be friends.” Skylor smiles.
Kai smiles back. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
Much to his surprise, his outfit is now a light yellow. Happy. Huh.
While it started a little rocky, this spa day seems to have gone pretty well.
Kai looks back over to the others, and finds Zane watching him with a pained expression. But as soon as he turns around, the nindroid looks away and rejoins the others’ conversation.
Though he’s confused at that, Kai decides to join the chatter, and Skylor does too. 
By the time they leave the spa, Kai’s clothes are bright yellow. 
Today went well… 
But who knows what tomorrow will bring?
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dzamie-oc · 4 years
Smaugust 20 - Death
Toothless takes Hiccup to visit his parents. It's not what Hiccup expected. (1915 words)
cw: spoilers for HTTYD 2
Toothless perched on the edge of a cliff, overseeing a long fall towards the wide, open ocean. Hiccup laid on the night fury's back, staring up at the night sky. The dragon's tail swished back and forth, quietly playing a game with the viking's prosthetic leg, each catching and releasing the other in a tiny game of tag. It was a time of quiet thought. Toothless was thinking mostly about fish. Big ones, little ones, raw and cooked, wriggling in his mouth and dangling lifelessly from a human's hook. He silently wondered if whales were fish, or if they were too big. Perhaps all that differentiates a dragon from a large fish is a breath weapon. Toothless imagined fish flying through the sky, where he would dart down and snap them up.
Hiccup, on the other hand, was not thinking about fish. He was thinking about Toothless, and Stoick the Vast, and Valka. "Hey, Toothless, I just realized: you've met both of my parents now." The thin viking chuckled. "I can't say I ever expected that to happen... any time before it actually did. Do dragons keep track of their parents?"
The night fury made an inquisitive sound, then quickly bobbed his head, nodding a confirmation. He wondered if fish had parents, and if it was better to eat a parent fish or a child fish. Maybe a distraught child fish would make itself easier to catch after Toothless ate its parents. Maybe the reverse was true. Or, the night fury considered, a fish might grow angry and flop ferociously at him in the wake of his piscematricide. An imaginary fish slapped him in the face; an imaginary version of Toothless ate it for its insolence, and also because it was tasty.
Toothless realized Hiccup was talking again, and decided to stop thinking about fish. For now. Probably.
"...so, it would be cool to meet your parents. I mean, if they're not dead. That would be, uh, awkward." Toothless's rider lost confidence and spoke more quietly as he kept speaking. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen any other night furies, actually. I hope you're not the last of..."
Toothless snorted and rose to his feet, jostling his human off. He flicked his tailfin open and wiggled his body, inviting Hiccup to mount up and fly. He had something to show the human. He trusted him more than enough.
The human in question, however, kept talking, mostly stammering as he continue to try to apologize for what might have been a slight but almost certainly wasn't, and several other silly human things. Toothless rolled his eyes, growled for attention, and wiggled again. It was time for Hiccup to be quiet and get on his dragon. And fortunately, Hiccup did just that. Toothless crouched as soon as he felt Hiccup's foot and fake foot slide into place at the controls of his tailfin, then leapt into the air and plummeted off the cliff.
Hiccup couldn't see so well in the dark, so Toothless pulled up early; as he not only expected, but knew in his heart would happen, Hiccup snapped open the fake fin as soon as the black-scaled dragon began to pull up, leaving them shooting off over the water, between a sea of stars and a sea of fish.
They approached the forest of rocky pillars, and Toothless built up the fire and magic within him. The dragon pulled his teeth in to avoid them getting hit, and a ball of superheated gas shot from between his lips, a shock of lightning on its tail. It zoomed into the cluster of stone, burst in a purple, white, and blue explosion, and sent several small sparks of lightning crackling and crawling around and through the pillars. Toothless watched as the lights all but disippated, then approached and vocalized a few noises, their signal for "let me fly." The dragon felt his human's feet disengage from the tailfin mechanism, and he flew silently into the darkened maze of stone. It was a familiar, yet unused pattern. With just the moon and the stars shedding light, the night fury was nearly invisible as he banked left around a few rocks, circled one, dove and rose through an invisible pattern of flight. The dragon landed on a pillar of stone and leapt off it, then ran down another before flaring his wings and zooming through a shallow slalom.
At last, Toothless soared back up, spiraling up around a towering spire of rock to shed speed. He burbled another signal to his rider, and felt the comfort of his partner ready for backup, to once more fly WITH him rather than merely ON him. And, all set, Toothless flapped leisurely out of the maze of stone, directly towards an island that he was certain Hiccup had never seen before.
The island was lit with torches that did not burn, and the weather was pleasant, even in the cool night. Toothless landed in a run, slowing to a trot as he neared the familiar - to him, at least - stone and wood buildings. Hiccup shifted to untether himself and dismount, but Toothless raised his wings up to either side. It wouldn't physically stop Hiccup, but he hoped it would let him know to stay on the night fury. As the brown-haired viking settled back into position on his back, Toothless relaxed and gave a low, approving warble as he walked along the island, headed towards a large house partway up. As he neared it, the night fury opened his mouth and shrieked a greeting. He stopped in front of the large front doors and patiently waited until they opened. Once inside, he let his wings droop, and Hiccup slid off his back, walking side-by-side with Toothless.
From a doorway ahead, a woman peered into the hallway, then smiled warmly when she saw Toothless. "Oh, hello dear," she said, stepping out and opening her arms for a hug, "it's been so long. You should visit more often!" She wore what Toothless remembered her often wearing - a loose, elegant, black shirt with a ribcage done in faint, light blue, and a pair of pants in the same style, long enough to cover even her feet, but never seeming to trip her up. Toothless leaned his head and neck into her as they embraced, the woman's bracelets of bone a stark contrast against both her clothing and his scales. "Your father is off brewing a storm for some big contract he has, otherwise he'd be here to see you too. Oh, and who's this?"
Hiccup was still busy staring, utterly bewildered, between Toothless and this strange woman, when she turned towards him. "You didn't tell me you got a boyfriend!" she said; Toothless hissed and grumbled, and she laughed. "I'm only playing, dear. I suppose I should be thankful one of my children thinks to introduce me to his friends outside of professional matters."
Hiccup awkwardly waved his hand, then offered it out to shake. "Uh, hi. I'm Hiccup. So, you're Toothless's... mother?"
"Oh, is that what he's going by now?" She looked over at her son, who moaned and brought his wings tightly against himself, trying to shrink away from sight. "And yes, though you can just call me Death." Hiccup jolted back, though he immediately looked more sheepish over his reaction than scared of the woman. Toothless rolled his eyes, knowing exactly what joke his mom was about to make. "Oh, don't you worry, Hiccup, I'm off the clock. The only thing I'm interested in killing right now is the stew I've been heating up." Yep, there it was. "Anyway, come in, come in. I'll get some bowls out for you both; I'm sure there's nothing like some fresh mutton stew after a flight, and I always make far too much for just me."
As they made their way into the dining room and to the table, Toothless watched as his viking's gaze went from him, to his mom, then back to him, doing that little thing with his mouth whenever he thought really hard. After a few seconds, he saw him mouth a few words, then his face went slack with shock. "The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself..." he mumbled.
Death returned with three bowls of stew - Toothless's being the widest and shallowest, with a nice, big piece of meat in the middle - and quirked an eybrow at Hiccup. "What's this about my boy being unholy?" she asked.
The viking blanched. "No, not that - he's amazing, trust me, saved my life more times than I can count - it's just, there's this book of dragons we had- have, I guess, but that was only in the old version-" he rambled. Toothless watched calmly after bolting down his meat, keeping his eyes on his rider while he lapped at his stew. "-and most dragons, they had these ratings and descriptions, like 'speed four, strength two, breath seven, extremely dangerous, kill on sight.' But for night furies-" Toothless flicked his focus to his mom, catching a glimmer of satisfaction at the phrase "kill on sight."
"-almost never seen, and certainly never captured - until me - so it was just 'speed unknown, size unknown, never engage; hide and pray it doesn't find you.' And the description it gave was 'the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself,' that was all I knew on it - on him - before I started learning about him from, well, him." Hiccup finally took a break to breathe and try some stew, then finished his thought, "anyway, so that's why I said that. I certainly don't think there's anything unholy about him. In fact, he's sort of the reason Snotlout isn't chief, and I-"
Toothless and Hiccup froze as the night fury and his rider considered the unsaid word, "chief," and the weight behind how Toothless granted Hiccup that title. They and their friends - the riders, for Hiccup, and the Berkian dragons, for Toothless - had spent such a long time trying to help them work through their guilt and sorrow of that event. And, luckily, their efforts had borne fruit. They soon calmed back down, although Toothless found himself much more interested in his lamb stew.
If there could be one saving grace of that moment, it was that both boys figured that they wouldn't have to explain their silence. Death, of all people, would know. "Well," she said, to break the silence and change the topic, "I'm glad my son has found such a 'very good friend.' One he felt was important enough to convince him to visit his mother after so many years."
It worked; Toothless moaned a complaint while Hiccup chuckled awkwardly. "Ah, that's partly my fault. He hasn't exactly had a natural tailfin for a while now, it was lost when he crashed in my net." Toothless helpfully raised the tip of his tail to show off the mismatched fins.
"Ah. Well." Death took a sip from her cup. "All's well that ends well, I suppose. Perhaps it's a good thing your father isn't home; he can be very protective of our scaly son."
Hiccup took another spoonful of stew, then looked back at Death. "Wait, if you're Death, and Toothless is of... does that mean that his dad, who'd be upset at me, is-"
Death smiled. "Lightning, yes. I believe you might know him as... what's that moniker, Thor?"
The viking's eyes unfocused. "Good to know. Now, if you'll please excuse me."
Hiccup fainted.
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Royal Growing Pains - Chapter Twenty Three
Warnings: Homophobia, transphobia, misgendering, sympathetic Deceit
Royal Growing Pains Tag
After catching Remus up on what happened after dinner, Roman sat on his bed, staring at a blank paper, pen in hand. He sighed, typing on his phone. honestly re, i don’t know if i can do this. writing vows seems like an impossible task
Roman’s phone pinged almost immediately. you’ve got this down, roman, i know you do. have you tried being HONEST for once?
ew. no. not an option Roman said with certainty.
why not?
Roman turned red and was thankful Remus wasn’t in the room. He would instantly know that Roman was crushing. Instead, he took advantage of only being able to text. because saying that someone is “just okay” or “better than my parents” generally doesn’t come across as good vows
okay, okay, you got me there Remus allowed. what DO you like about him? what would you want to say to him were you actually in love with him?
thank you? i guess?
because...he’s an escape. he’s sweet, and he cares about what i think. he makes sure that i matter
you better be writing those things down, ro, because that’s prime vows material Remus replied.
Roman scribbled it down dutifully and sighed. it still doesn’t feel like enough
it never does, from what i understand. you’ll figure it out. i know you will. you always were the smart one
still am, you idiot Roman replied with a smile and a winking emoji.
that’s the spirit! Remus took his time typing out his next text. do you want to string together some sentences for me? allow me to nitpick and beta-read your vows?
do i have much of a choice? you’ll nitpick them after the wedding given half the chance if i don’t let you do it now Roman sighed, rubbing his forehead. i’ll give it a shot, gimme a few
A quick confirmation from Remus and Roman was left staring at the paper on the bed, and the phone in his hands. With fingers trembling, he double-checked he and Remus weren’t in the group chat, and started to type.
Damien, I would be lying if I claimed to know exactly what to say to you. Despite all the words I have learned throughout my life, none of them seem to describe just how much I love you. You’re my escape from unpleasantries, with your ability to make me laugh. You ask my opinions, and my state of mind, and you listen attentively when I answer. You don’t care about all the things I hate about myself, dare I say you think they make me all the better, and I cannot fathom how that’s possible. Damien, you truly give me a chance to see myself in a new light, in YOUR light, and allow me to feel confident, if only for a moment. You never fail to make me smile, and see the silver lining in the clouds. I don’t believe in other halves, but I do believe in matching pairs, and honestly, Damien...you’re my match. It was hard to see at first—I know we got off to a rocky start—but I truly believe we’ll be in this together for the long haul. We’ll make it work. I love you, Damien, and I hope that we can be together ‘til death do us part, and beyond.
Roman got no response for a solid two minutes after he sent that experimental text. Just as Roman was about to poke Remus, he got a one-word response: wow
good wow? Roman asked, nibbling his lip.
roman, if you use that in the actual wedding, there won’t be a dry eye in the house. i guarantee it. and i’m sure fh will love it Remus replied. and when i say there won’t be a dry eye, i mean it. I’M tearing up at that. i wish someone would love ME that much. maybe more platonic-leaning, but...
Roman laughed. you’ll find someone, re. in fact, there’s a guy here named logan who is VERY interested in meeting you. damien and i agreed that the two of you would hit it off
he know I’m demiro? Remus asked.
not yet, that’s your story to tell. but he speaks out for the benefits of polyamory, and he doesn’t take crap from me OR damien. you’d def like him, even if you don’t LIKE him like him
Remus responded with a simple interesting and Roman rolled his eyes.
i told him not to tell you gorey facts so you don’t think he’s flirting, you’re safe
how very dare you! i’m in desperate need of gorey facts for a new fic i’m writing!
you’re terrible Roman scoffed. i’ll let him know, if you want me to
no, no, this could prove to be a fun challenge. see how long it takes for him to break >:) Remus’ evil laugh was almost audible.
don’t break him, he grades damien’s papers Roman paused, considered, and added, scratch that. damien might thank you for breaking him. that could get you in his good graces. do it
do i NEED to be in good graces with fh? Remus asked.
for my peace of mind, yes Roman replied.
but that’s no FUN! Remus shot back.
Roman snorted. tough. suck it up anyway
Remus’ grumbling was obvious by the way he didn’t reply. Roman laid back on his bed and sighed. He was tired, true, but he wasn’t sure he should be going to sleep quite this early, because he’d probably wake up in the middle of the night were that the case.
His mind kept on whirring with thoughts of the vows and the wedding, but when he opened his eyes next and checked the clock, six hours had gone by and it was past two in the morning. “Oh, damn it,” Roman muttered.
He checked his phone and saw that Remus hadn’t texted him in that time. Roman stood and changed into pyjamas, before padding outside his room. He had no idea where he was going, but he needed to move around. He needed to do something besides stare at the ceiling as he tried to fall back asleep. He knew that sooner or later he would have to return to bed, but right now, he felt awake enough that one little walk would hardly wipe him out.
The castle was different at night. The hallway lights were already out, the only light coming in through the windows from the stars and the moon. Roman could vaguely hear talking coming from somewhere, no doubt the guards doing their rounds.
He walked to the library, not knowing where else to go, and as he walked in, he saw a stray light on, a sleeping figure against the table, back rising and falling slowly, soft curls falling around the figure’s face, and Roman swallowed. Damien. Damien always had his hair slicked back somehow, Roman didn’t realize that it might be that curly when left alone. And it was decidedly adorable. Roman took a breath and moved forward. No matter what he thought, Damien would probably appreciate falling asleep in an actual bed rather than in the library. “Damien?” Roman asked in a hushed whisper. He took another step and reached out. “Damien.”
Damien bolted upright as Roman’s fingers brushed against his shoulder. He blinked owlishly up at Roman. “Oh. Hello my dear. What are you doing up?”
“I accidentally fell asleep too early,” Roman said. “How late did you stay up?”
Damien checked his phone. “I was only asleep for an hour,” he said, scrubbing his face. “I came in here to work on the vows, because I always focus better in the library. But the words...refused to fall into place. I texted your brother, and he said that he had seen your vows and that I would enjoy them, but...aside from him talking about little things about you I didn’t know before, I didn’t get much done.”
“Are you sure?” Roman asked, eyeing the papers that Damien had been sleeping on. “You have quite a bit written.”
“Nothing concrete that I really like,” Damien grumbled. He took a breath, and looked away. “I’m sorry, my dear. I wanted to at least give you a good wedding, if we had to be married to each other by force for the rest of our lives, but I can’t even get the vows right.”
“Hey, Damien,” Roman said softly, tilting Damien’s head over so they were looking at each other. “I don’t care about the vows. I don’t care about the music, or the dancing, or the guests, or anything else about the wedding. As long as I’m with you, this whole thing will be bearable. I promise. Just...be yourself. I promise, that’s the best thing you can be.”
“You...promise?” Damien asked, and his voice sounded so broken and small, Roman didn’t know how to respond for a minute.
“I promise, Damien,” Roman said with a smile. “We don’t have to be in love with each other to enjoy the wedding. We can have fun talking about our relatives, and dance to our hearts’ content, and you get to meet my brother. It’ll be fun, no matter what you do or don’t say for the vows, all right?”
“But...but you deserve more,” Damien said. “God, you deserve more than me, Roman. You deserve someone who knows what to say for a stupid wedding. You deserve someone who you truly love. I’m sorry that you’re stuck with me.”
“I’m not,” Roman whispered, smiling sadly. “I’m very happy I’m stuck with you.”
Damien blinked, and tears fell down his cheeks. “You’re too kind,” he breathed. “You get carted off, forced to be married to a man you’ve barely met, and you could have done anything else. You could have fought, you could have wanted nothing to do with me and told me as much, you could have run away in the middle of the night or you could have made plans to leave me at the altar. And yet...you treated me with kindness, and you still do. You’re so, so impossibly kind, and I love that about you and I can’t—” Damien took a breath. “I can’t even admit to myself how important you are to me.”
“Damien, it’s okay,” Roman said, sitting down on the table. “Something tells me you’re just very tired. If you sleep now you can probably think better in the morning, you can come up with the vows then.”
“I have—I have vows. Now. I wrote from my heart like Mother suggested and I came up with something. I just...I don’t want you to see, I don’t like them,” Damien rambled. “I don’t want you to see how desperate I am for positive attention, how much I can act like a lovesick puppy. I...” Damien swallowed. “I’m dreaming, aren’t I? You’re just a hallucination. I don’t even know why I’m telling you this. I should...go to bed. Because I don’t remember walking there. I couldn’t have gone to bed, I must have actually fallen asleep in the library.”
“Damien, this isn’t a dream,” Roman said. “You’re tired, sure, but I’m awake and so are you.”
“Oh,” Damien said softly. He cleared his throat, sat up straight, and gathered up his papers. “Either way, I should go to bed and so should you, my dear.”
Roman blinked at the sudden change in Damien’s demeanor. “Damien,” Roman said, putting his hand over one of Damien’s. “What’s wrong?”
Damien stood sharply, retrieving his hand. “It doesn’t matter, I’m just tired,” he said with an unconvincing smile. “I just need to go to bed, I think.”
“Okay,” Roman said reluctantly. “But if you need to talk, you know where to find me, all right?”
“All right. Good night, my love,” Damien said, kissing Roman’s forehead and leaving the room in one swift moment.
Roman watched him go in shock. Had he just said...? He had. He had called Roman “my love” instead of his usual “my dear.” He must be sleep deprived, Roman thought. That was the only explanation that made sense. Damien had been convinced he was dreaming. There was no way that he actually meant that.
Just like there’s no way you’re in love with him? a niggling voice in the back of his head nagged at him. Face it, honey, you’re smitten, and he likes you too.
“That can’t be true,” Roman muttered to himself. “What could a guy like Damien possibly see in me?”
He hated to say that, because everyone around him would respond with something along the lines of, “Where do I begin?” but when he was all alone, he felt safe enough to release the question into the air.
But driving himself mad over this would get him nowhere. Without thinking, his legs moved forward through the library, back out into the hallway, where Damien’s figure was retreating. “Damien,” Roman called softly.
Damien paused and halfway turned, and Roman jogged up to him. A thousand questions were bubbling up in his throat, but he couldn’t get any of them out. Instead, he said, “I don’t really want to be alone right now.”
“Oh,” Damien said simply. “If you let me return the vows to my room we can find somewhere to sit and talk until you feel better?”
Roman smiled and nodded. “That would be nice,” he simply said.
“Follow me,” Damien said.
They walked together to Damien’s room, but Roman didn’t enter after Damien went in, sensing that he might not be that welcome in Damien’s space yet. Damien yawned as he exited the room and Roman felt a little bad. “If you want to sleep, you can. I’m sure I can find someone else to keep me company,” Roman said.
“Nonsense, my love, I can stay with you for at least another hour before I become too tired to function tomorrow morning,” Damien waved off.
“Why do you do that?” Roman asked as Damien started walking.
“Do what?” Damien asked.
“You called me ‘my love’ twice in the span of ten minutes,” Roman said.
Damien frowned. “I did?”
“You did,” Roman confirmed. “Usually you call me ‘my dear’ rather than ‘my love.’ I’m just a little confused.”
“Oh,” Damien said softly. “I just...I mean, I assumed we were close enough, I guess...my mind skipped to ‘my love’ because I’m tired and I consider us good friends.”
Roman’s heart sank without warning. “You call your friends ‘my love’?” he asked skeptically.
“I call my friends pet names, yes,” Damien said. “Admittedly, ‘my love’ is a new one, but I’m very tired. If you don’t like it, I can stop...”
“No!” Roman said, just a hair too quickly. “No, I like it. I was just confused.”
Damien nodded and sat down on a flight of steps, and Roman joined him. “I am sorry if I’ve caused you any discomfort while you were here,” Damien said. “I want only the best for you, Roman.That includes me being the best man I can be.”
Roman stroked Damien’s cheek. “You’re perfect just the way you are,” he said to Damien with a soft smile.
“You’re too kind, my dear,” Damien said, leaning into the touch just enough for Roman to feel it.
“I would argue that would be you, but okay,” Roman said with a small laugh.
Damien smiled, leaning against the wall. “God, I’m exhausted,” he breathed.
“Same,” Roman yawned. “Do you want to go to bed?”
“Not just yet,” Damien said. “Right now, I just want to spend some time with you.”
“All right,” Roman said.
They lapsed into silence. Roman rested his head on Damien’s shoulder, enjoying the sensation of another warm body against his own. Damien’s breathing was steady, syncing up to Roman’s. Roman took a deep breath and sighed, and subtly nuzzled into Damien’s side. Damien didn’t say anything, just wrapped an arm around Roman’s shoulders. The sound of guards walking through the castle below them lulled Roman into a light sleep, eyes slipping closed without him telling them to do so.
When he woke up next, it was to the sound of snickering above him. “Oh, this is priceless,” a familiar voice murmured.
Roman stirred and blinked awake. “Mm. Virgil?”
“Good morning, Your Highness. Came up here for my morning rounds only to find out that you and Damien have been secretly cuddling for hours.”
Roman sat up, noticing he had somehow moved from Damien’s shoulder to his chest while he was asleep. Damien’s eyes fluttered beneath his eyelids and he groaned. “Wha’s happened?” he slurred.
“How long have you two been here?” Virgil asked.
“What time is it?” Roman asked.
“Four forty five, just about,” Virgil said.
“Then about two and a half to three hours,” Roman replied, standing up. “Oh, my back is gonna kill me.”
Damien swayed to his feet. “I’m going to bed for a few more hours,” he said definitively. “Good night, my love.”
“Night, Damien,” Roman said, allowing Damien to kiss his temple before he left.
Virgil was smirking at Roman, and Roman rolled his eyes. “No, you did not miss a love confession, Virgil. I just got upgraded to ‘close friend’ in Damien’s books, apparently.”
“Very close friend, if he kisses your temple and calls you his love,” Virgil snickered.
“Shut up and leave me alone if you’re just going to tease me,” Roman said. “Unless there’s some pressing matter or another, I’m going back to bed too.”
“Oh, yeah, go get your sleep,” Virgil said. “You’re gonna have to talk to the justice of the peace this morning.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Roman groaned, waving to Virgil as he walked down the hall.
Roman stumbled to his room and face planted into the bed, falling asleep quickly, thoughts of cuddling Damien swirling in his head and putting a sleepy smile on his face.
Tag List:  @lunareclipse-13@sanders-sides-crofters@blushy-gigglee-mess@wannacrymetoo@kaytikitty@magicalspacepanunicorn@bootsinthesun@pricklyfish777@flowersanddinosaurs@leiasolo77@birdybabybird@enby-phoenix@luna–28@justagaygoose@the-prince-and-the-emo@fandomsandanythingelse@randommuffinyt@snekky-boi@thesoftestlittlepuffballwegot@twilight-trix@abby5577@escalatingtoofast@friendlyfacestabbing@remus-is-stinky@foggybanditdreampeanut@ghostskull300@sprinklestheditty@canvas-the-florist@askthesnake@samuel-the-gay@determination-saved@juicy-cashew@demidork84@why-should-i-tell-youu2@nerd-in-space@aphriteblack@loganpatton@lilbeanblr@kittyboof8@irish-newzealand-idian-dutch@sanders-trash-4ever@hamilspntrash@swords-and-kittens@phantomfander@narniasfinestavengingsociopath@rjmeta@ambersky0319@anni-cat-flower@idosanderssidespromptssometimes@nafsbluebery@redisawerewolf23@voidvirgil@msu82@angstyfanfiction
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elcorhamletlive · 5 years
I can finally post this!
fandom: MCU (Post- Avengers 2012) tags: Fluff and Humour, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Idiots in Love, POV Tony Stark, Stony Loves Steve 2019
summary: Tony is thrilled about his new relationship with Steve. He's on cloud nine, in fact. It's so amazing he can believe it's real.
He just wishes they could... Uh. Touch a little. Just a little.
Ok, so, here’s the thing: Tony never, in a million years, thought Steve would say “yes”.
Not because of some exacerbated insecurity or anything. As anyone who knows him can attest, Tony is far from oblivious to his appeal. He knows he’s an attractive man, and that he could charm his way out of nearly anything, if he wanted to.
He also knows he’s good at flirting. He knows how to be seductive without being inconvenient, how to be flattering without exaggerating, how to be suggestive without pushing any boundaries. He has mastered his technique over years, practicing with many different people. He never had any trouble getting a date, and, to be completely honest, he doesn’t think he ever will.
There is a huge difference between dating, in its usual simple, casual meaning, and the utterly other-worldly, mind blowing, frankly almost terrifying concept of dating Steve Rogers. Dating is easy, but dating Steve – going out for a movie with Steve, holding his hand, kissing him after the night is over, asking if he wants to come up to the penthouse… If you ask Tony, there’s an entire universe of distance between these two ideas. They’re barely in the same astral plane.
And Tony—Tony doesn’t even know what possessed him to ask. It had been an insane impulse to rival every single one of his most self-destructive habits. There he was, in the kitchen, filling himself with coffee, when Steve walked in with a book in his hand, sitting on a stool. He was wearing his grandpa clothes, his brow was furrowed and his blond bangs were falling a little on his forehead.
Tony watched him, and at one point he closed his book and fished out the tiniest notepad from his pocket. He wrote something down, tongue sticking out from the corner of his mouth, deep concentration as his fingers brushed his bangs to the side, and Tony had thought: Oh. Oh, I wish I could have him.
That hadn’t been a new thought – actually, it bordered on repetitive at that point, echoing in his head anytime he watched Steve do basically anything - but it apparently resonated with something in Tony’s sleep-deprived brain, because the next thing he knew, he was rambling about reservations that he had made for him and Pepper, and how Pepper had cancelled, and how he missed eating steak, and if Steve wanted to have dinner with him.
And Steve said yes.
And that—well, to say it caught Tony off guard would be an understatement. He had just stared at Steve for a moment in silence when FRIDAY helpfully jumped in to inform him of the reservation's time. Steve had smiled, and Tony had gaped at him like a fish, and, just like that, he had a date with Steve Rogers.
The hours that followed were some of the slowest of Tony’s life. He had been a pile of nerves in a way he didn’t remember ever being before a date. He found himself trying on the suit he used to meet the president and finding it incredibly ill-fitting.
Then, at 6:38, he was ready, exactly twenty-two minutes too early. Fortunately, Steve, being who he was, had also shown up to meet him in the living room early, so Tony didn’t have to wait for long.
Dinner was… surprisingly great. Granted, Tony was almost vibrating off his chair, but Steve didn’t seem to mind. He had been outraged by the prices, which Tony found both exasperating and adorable, and after a moment of initial awkwardness, they fell into an easy, natural banter. Steve was a great listener, Tony found. He heard everything Tony said with the utmost attention, but he wasn’t always quiet either – he’d interject with a blunt wit that made Tony grin a little ridiculously at times, and he’d nod at Tony’s rambling as if it were worth listening to.
The restaurant worked, too. It was a discreet bistro not too far away from the Tower. The food tasted delicious, and Steve cleaned up his plate with such voracity that Tony simply had to convince him to order dessert. Steve complained a little, saying it wasn’t fair to let Tony pay for everything, but Tony won the argument, promising he’d let Steve pay next time (Steve didn’t even blink at the suggestion that there would be a next time, which, really, made Tony feel like floating off his seat).
All in all, it was a great choice, even though it was far from the place Tony would have picked to take Steve on a first date – though, to be fair, Tony wouldn’t have been able to rent out the Louvre on such little notice anyway.
By the time they got home, though, Tony’s anxiety had resurfaced again. Even as he grinned at Steve and continued to talk normally, his hands twitched hopelessly in the pockets of his jacket. He wondered if Steve’s occasional lingering gaze was enough of a hint of what his reaction would be if Tony tried to close the evening with a goodnight kiss.
When they got to Steve’s floor, Steve turned towards him and smiled – a large, sincere smile that knocked Tony’s breath right out of his lungs.
“Thank you, Tony. I… To be honest, I don’t remember the last time I had that much fun, in this time.” And he looked a little embarrassed, a little awkward, but still… almost giddy with happiness, as if he had truly forgotten how it felt to be this way. “Thank you.”
And then the elevator doors opened, and Steve got out, and there was no kiss but really, that had been even better. The doors closed, and Tony rested his head on the wall and smiled like an idiot at the ceiling.
That had been date number one. Date number two happened almost a week later, after Rhodey managed to convince Tony Steve wouldn’t want to drop everything and go to Paris with him just because Tony thought anything New York had to offer simply wasn’t good enough. Tony then finally caved and, rambling about how Pepper had talked up the MET’s latest exhibit at the office, asked if Steve would like to go see it on Friday. The way Steve’s face lit up at the suggestion made Tony mentally promise Rhodey a dozen new upgrades for his suit.
“Dude,” Rhodey had laughed when Tony informed him of it that night, “You are so screwed.”
Tony had rolled his eyes and ignored him.
By the time Friday arrived, he was already regretting following Rhodey’s suggestion – what was so great about the MET, anyway? And even if Steve liked it, Tony couldn’t stand art museums, not even the Louvre, so wasn’t this proof of the unavoidable truth that they were ultimately incompatible? It had to be, right? Really, he should just cancel the whole thing and spare them the inevitable misery.
Except then Steve showed up, with a button up shirt and a leather jacket and a bright smile, and Tony’s brain promptly melted and leaked right out of his ears, so. They ended up going.
As the hours went by, walking with Steve through the MET’s hallways, watching the way he frowned thoughtfully at a few pieces and stopped to analyze every detail, Tony’s thoughts changed. Museums could be fun, he realized. Museums could be… witty, and smart, and sweet. Really, museums were so, so…
Rhodey is right, Tony thought, watching Steve struggle with his phone settings to attempt to take a selfie with a painting and having to fight back an honest to god sigh. I’m completely screwed.
The following dates only consolidated that reality. He and Steve went to the Natural History Museum, to Coney Island, to the Brooklyn Bridge. The city Tony knew since his childhood seemed to gain new life when he was exploring it through Steve’s eyes. Steve had so many stories, and so many interesting insights about how things had or hadn’t changed, that it made Tony feel that New York was, suddenly, the most interesting place in the world. He started to spend most of his time at the Tower, only going to Malibu when Pepper really, really demanded his presence.
And Steve. Through these adventures, Tony found out so much about him – little things like his favorite ice cream flavor (rocky road), the kind of movies he liked (mostly sci-fi and fantasy, but he was also fond of animations), the fact that he liked buying the newspaper to do the crosswords. He learned things about Steve that Steve himself couldn’t tell, like the way he walked, the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed, the way he brushed his bangs off his forehead when he was nervous or embarrassed. Things a person could only learn by spending time with him, which Tony was doing in ever-growing levels – and yet, worryingly, it never seemed to be enough.
And, yeah, it was a little… weird, at times. Tony had never dated – or hell, even been attracted to someone for so long without moving things to the physical side of the equation. With Steve, though, that side didn’t seem to exist at all. Two months after their first date, they were going out at least once a week, and they still hadn’t kissed, or, shit, even held hands.
Tony had thought about it (by God, had he thought about it) but anytime he thought he could take the initiative, something on Steve’s demeanor would seem to stiff, too skittish, and then it wouldn’t seem like a very good idea.
read the rest on ao3!
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xxbyimm · 5 years
Perfect - Fíli x (human)reader
My fourth Fíli fic is here!!!! This idea was the first thing that came to mind when I chose the themes.... I hope you all can enjoy this interpretation. Poor young Fíli over here seems to be a bit surprised that this version of him in my story has this adorable and awfully cute side... It happens to the best of us. Fluff coming up! xoxo 
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Summary: Fíli can’t take his eyes off a special someone.
Tags: @theincaprincess @fizzyxcustard @soradragon @deepestfirefun and @legolaslovely @yes-captainstark @burningcoffeetimetravel Let me know if you want to be added to or removed from my taglist!
Warnings: Fluff? 
Fíli could not take his eyes off her. She was lying in his arms, a woolen blanket keeping her safe from the chilly temperature that dominated the room after the fire had finally gone out. The prince had watched her as she slept most of the night. First he had admired her features in the gentle yellow light from the hearth, but even now as the first rays of the sun crept through the window, he could not find a single flaw on her.
Pure perfection.
Others had warned him before about the effect someone as special as her would have on him. They claimed he never would be the same dwarf. But young and foolish as he then was, he merely raised a brow and went on with his life. Fíli, the prince of Durin’s folk, would not be charmed this easily.
Now he knew the truth: all the clichés were real. He, a clearheaded dwarf who trusted his knives above anything, was in love. He had not seen it coming, but he fell in head over heels for her anyway. There were no other words for it, none. She was perfection and no one could tell him otherwise.
He shifted in his chair to relieve his back. Apart from the few times the wet-nurse had collected his little princess to nurture her, he had been sitting in the exact same position and holding her in his arms. Fíli held his breath as his daughter made a disgruntled sound, the movements of her daddy making her stir in her sleep.  
The prince stroked her cheek gently, easing her back into slumber. Her skin was so soft and so pure, he feared that his own thick, calloused fingers would hurt her.
This baby had no idea how much her parent’s had longed for her and how lucky she was for even being here. The prince and you, her mother, have had a rocky start as a quest to slay a dragon didn’t provide agreeable circumstances for a blooming romance. Nevertheless  the two of you hit it off, and he managed to win your heart eventually. But after the both of you miraculously survived the battle of the five armies, the real challenges revealed themselves.
You were human, a fierce ranger from the north. While during the quest those assets had turned out to be life-saving, in these new conditions it made you stand out for all the wrong reasons. Uncle Thorin had risked everything for his nephew when he forced the nobles to approve the marriage and once the two of you finally did tie the knot,  the silent disapproval of the court  still was hanging like a dark cloud above your newlyweds bliss.
But Fíli wasn’t going to be discouraged by that, and neither were you. You worked effortlessly, day in day out, to make sure no one could find any flaws other than your race. You learned to walk and talk like a true dwarrowdam, and you took up as many tasks as you could manage. Slowly, you learned the unwritten rules of the court and after years, you and your alliance to the prince of Durin were more or less accepted.  
 There had been one setback though.
For a long time, you refused to even discuss the topic of children, telling your husband that you could not bear to raise a half breed. Fíli had tried to convince you that such a judgement was too harsh, that a child would win over the court just like you had done before it, but you would not hear of it.  So the prince had stopped trying, respecting your wishes on the matter. He loved you so much, and that was enough.��
He remembered the day you came up to him, in total panic, vividly. Your eyes were wide, and you couldn’t stop rambling about your cycle and how your bleeding had stopped and how that simply was not possible. Fíli had grabbed your hand, asking you the one question that burned on his lips.
‘Love, could it be…’  he had suggested. ‘Could it be possible you’re with child?’ ‘That’s impossible!’ you had objected. ‘I made sure I…’ 
It turned out not to be so impossible. Fíli heaved a sigh and pulled his daughter a bit closer. She was here, totally unexpected, but most welcome. He would make sure, against all odds, that this little princess would grow up to be the happiest girl in the realm.
‘Daddy will protect you against every foul thing in this world.’ He whispered softly against her skin. ‘I promise.’
His daughter yawned and the prince beamed.
 ‘Fíli?’ He looked up. You were trying to sit up in the bed, supporting yourself under your arms. ‘Amrâlimê.’ He replied softly while standing up. ‘You have to rest.’ ‘Yes.’ You murmured groggily, while easing yourself back into the pillows. ‘Though it feels like I have slept for an eternity.’ ‘Just a night.’ The prince said as he made his way towards the bed. ‘Oín has been in and out to check in on you.’ ‘And the baby?!’ Your eyes flung wide open and you shot up. Then your face twisted in pain. ‘It feels like I was torn into pieces.’ 
Fíli grimaced.
Just twenty four hours ago, you had been in labor. It had been wonderful and terrifying at the same time. He had always believed that seeing you grieve was hard, but seeing you in pain and not being able to make it better, was the worst.  Although his love and respect for you had risen only more, he was not sure if he ever wanted to endure it again.
‘You need to recover, love.’ he whispered. ‘You had a rough day.’ ‘How is she doing?’ you asked, ignoring him. The prince glanced at the little bundle in his arms and grinned.  ‘She’s… perfect.’ ‘Fíli, love…’ you breathed. ‘Have you been up all night?’ The prince shrugged while settling on the bed next to you. ‘You’d think I could sleep? I had to watch over my two ladies.’ You smiled softly and stroked your husband’s jaw. ‘That’s sweet, thank you. 
You both watched your daughter in silence as she slowly started to wake up. She stirred in her father’s arms, stretching her little fingers and then balling her hands into tiny fists.
‘She’s…’ Fíli began, his voice laced with emotion. ‘I think she wants her mother.’
You nodded. He watched you as you slowly moved to sit against the cushions. He then carefully lowered the little princess into your arms and wrapped his around yours.
‘Had enough of your father already?’ you cooed. ‘I’m afraid he won’t leave you alone for quite a while, so you’ll have to get used to him stomping around the place and his mustache braids tickling your face…’ ‘I do not stomp!’ the prince objected with a laugh. You chuckled. ‘Lesson one, my husband. As a guy, you’re the minority here now.’ He moved forward and kissed your lips gently. ‘I wouldn’t have it any other way.’ 
You eased against his chest and heaved a sigh. ‘We still need a name.’ ‘We’ll have a while to decide.’ ‘I know, but…’ 
The baby gurgled. Her thick eyelashes fanned her cheeks, quivering lightly as she opened her eyes for the first time.
‘Oh!’ you cried out, your voice trembling. ‘Fíli….’ 
The lump in the prince’s throat made it impossible to speak. Tears welled up in his eyes. His heart nearly burst from all the gratefulness and love that radiated through him. You, the love of his life, had given him what he had longed for. And in that moment, he knew the perfect name for this perfect little baby. The name of your late mother.
‘Welcome to the word, little Avelina…’
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