#anyways they weren’t at this Olympics for. reasons
sexynetra · 5 months
hi i’m back also 6, 17, 23, and 24 for beloved sitcty xoxoxoxo
Time to remember writing sitcty!!! Wish me luck <33333
6-- What's the mood or emotion you most like to evoke with your fic or AU? How do you try to evoke it?
I think… longing? And in love? I really wanted to show how much it was affecting Gigi having Crystal not be there for something so important and how hard the distance was, but also just… the kind of carefree all-encompassing love that works so well for crygi stories :)
17-- Does your fic/AU have a music playlist you associate with it?
I actually don’t have a playlist for this one??? Which is crazy I love making playlists :( but I listened to a lot of assorted playlists of songs that figure skaters have performed to at the past few Olympics, as well as an assortment of ABBA, with a particular focus on the Spanish language albums 😉 (iykyk)
23-- Give us one weird fact about your fic/AU.
The purple dress Gigi wears in competition is based on one of my favorite Olympic skating dresses ever, the butterfly dress Karen Chen wore for her free skate at the 2022 Olympics <3 it was designed and made by her mom and it is just. So breathtaking to me I love that dress so much <3
24-- What's a random piece of information about your fic/AU you want to share?
So someday there might be a spin-off about this if you play your cards right (if I stop being a big coward baby) but for now I will just say. Both Jaida and Nicky are competitive figure skaters in this universe. 😉 😘
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fuwushiguro · 11 months
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CHAPTER SUMMARY : after a year out of the spotlight following a traumatic event, you’re about to take your first step back into it on a popular talk show. your whole team is counting on you to be perfect; but nobody is seeking perfection more than you.
WARNINGS : 18+ only, past trauma, mental health struggles, alcohol.
WORDS : 2.3k.
notes: loosely based off ‘The Idol’ which we all know is trash but I wanted to make my own (and hopefully more entertaining) version!
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“Are you sure about this? I know you feel like you’re gonna let everyone down if you don’t start putting yourself out there again, but—”
“Yuuji.” you interrupt him, grabbing his hand and smiling at him. There’s not a single ounce of sincerity in it. And if there’s anyone who’s going to notice, it’s Yuuji. He knows you better than you know yourself. “It’s fine, really.” you do your best to assure him.
The crushing weight of disappointing your entire team is heavy on your shoulders. As much as you’d like to run away, to hide, to cry… you stand firm.
“Alright…” he sighs, returning your insincere smile right back to you. He’s worried, of course he’s worried. But Lord knows you don’t need him putting any doubts in your mind, not now. You’re doing that enough for yourself. What you need now is positivity. Faith and belief that despite what you’ve been through, you can do this.
“Okay, two minutes to go, are you ready?” your manager, Taylor, asks you quickly. Before you can answer, there are more words spilling from her lips like it’s out of her control. “We love you, but please do not fuck this up.” she reminds you before walking away to tend to something else.
Your eyes turn glossy as your cheeks fill with air. You quickly exhale as you fan yourself, doing all you can to make sure the sudden appearance of some tears won’t roll over your lashline and ruin your makeup.
Just then, Yuuji grabs you by the shoulders, forcing you to face him.
“Listen to me.” he starts. “You’ve got this.”
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You’ve been locked in your bedroom with a bottle of champagne since the interview. It went well, apparently, according to your team. And yet… for some reason, you feel dead inside. The sounds of cheers and celebrations can be heard throughout the house, and all you can do is drink your champagne directly from the bottle.
“Hey… can I come in?” you hear Yuuji ask sweetly from the other side of the door. You get up, walking to unlock the door and let him in. Your smile finally finds its way back to your face when you see him holding a pizza box. “Getting a pizza through here in one piece with a house full of drunk people shoulder be a new Olympic sport.” he grins and laughs a little.
“Very impressive, Yuuji.” you agree with him, you wait for him to enter and then quickly lock the door behind him. “I don’t actually remember agreeing to a party?” you confess.
“Taylor mentioned it. And… well, you know Taylor.” he reminds you. “Everyone thought it would look good for some reason… not sure if I agree with that but they never listen to me anyway.”
“Or me.” you chuckle, taking a slice as you sit beside him on top of the bed. “I’ve been watching the interview on repeat…” you go to grab the remote, but he takes it first.
He presses play, settling comfortably against the headboard as he pulls a slice for himself. You get close to him, he’s always so warm. And when you’re always so cold, it’s nice to be with him, despite the fact it always ends up in sibling-like fights when you press your freezing feet against him to make him jump. Though it isn’t on your mind right now. You’re worn out, defeated, and you can’t believe he actually wants to watch this.
You weren’t embarrassed to watch yourself when you were alone. It was more like analysis. Seeing what you did right and what you could improve on. The pressure of being perfect is enough to drive anyone insane. But after this, after everything, you know you have no choice but to be perfect.
The sound of your voice carries through the room as you laugh with the host as you talk. Yuuji is smiling softly as he observes, like he’s proud of you.
“You’ve got a new movie coming up, right?”
“Uh… yeah! Kinda, we’re starting filming in two weeks.” you smiled, and it was genuine. You were lapping up the way that the audience cheered at each and every word you said. Whether it be sincere or out of pity, it didn’t matter. You felt truly adored after worrying no one would remember you.
“You’re working alongside some big names, I’m sure you’re excited! Tell me a little about the movie.”
“Yeah, right! I’m the lead but I’m working with Megumi Fushiguro…” you pause perfectly to allow the audience to cheer at the name drop. There are a few wolf whistles too. “We’ve worked together before; I love working with him because he’s so talented and nice. He’s always super serious on set but between takes he’s a total sweetheart.” you giggled as you reminisce on the last film you worked on together.
“I love Megumi too we’ve had him on the show a few times.” the host smiled, agreeing. “Now I do recall dating rumours for you two…” they announced and looked to the audience, earning a slew of ‘oooh’s’ and laughter. You rolled your eyes and shook your head.
“No comment.” you wink, “No, but seriously, I’m focused on my career right now and I know Megumi is too. We’re professionals!” you laughed.
“Alright, alright.” The host laughed too. “The movie’s called ‘Assemble’, leaves a lot to the imagination, wanna tell me more about it?”
“Sure! It’s a horror, which is new for me. I know a lot of people don’t take horrors seriously, but I’ve always wanted to be a scream queen and I’m really excited to sink my teeth into a role like this. I don’t wanna say too much; I don’t think I’m allowed.” you laughed a little more awkwardly to try and placate the host and the audience.
“A horror, wow! I wouldn’t have expected that after what you went through last year.” the host spoke so casually. And at that moment, you think everyone watching could feel the way the air knocked out of your lungs. You began to fiddle with your fingers and look down at your lap as you considered what you should say.
You had never felt so small.
Not since it happened.
“Um… y-yeah. I mean… Like I said I’ve— I’ve wanted to do a horror for a long time. And things lined up well.” you nodded. “We have a great director and script. An amazing cast who I can’t wait to work with… It’s gonna be something special. I can feel it.” you told them, and the silence lasted a beat longer than you wanted it to, you couldn’t help but continue to speak. “I don’t want what happened to define me… It’s hard to talk about even though it was a year ago. But I’m more than what happened to me. I’m not the same person anymore, but I’m looking forward to learning who the new me is.”
You sniffle, hearing yourself say that. Really hearing it. You’ve played the clip so many times but that is the first time you’ve really heard yourself. It sounds so much more gallant than it really is. Because in truth, you’d go back to the old you in a heartbeat. You’d love the option to rewind to last year and change everything that happened.
Of course Yuuji noticed you starting to cry instantly, pausing the TV and putting an arm around you.
“I know you’re still struggling… maybe you should try therapy again.” he suggests.
“Maybe,” you sniff. “I just think it’s like… survivors’ guilt?” you tell him. “And I miss my dad so much. If I could trade places—”
“Don’t do that.” he chastises you. “I wish none of it happened, b-but… it did. And you’re doing great and I’m proud of you. And I know you don’t think so, but you crushed that interview.” he assures you. You smile at him, melting into his arms.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, Yuuji.”
“Yeah, you’d never find another assistant as hard-working and good looking as me. You’d be doomed.” he grins, laughing a little as he speaks. You join in, finally deciding to wipe your tears and pull yourself together. “Let’s watch something else. Something… fun.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
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You wake up the next morning, alone in the bed. Yuuji has tidied the room already and he’s opening your curtains for you. He laughs as you groan, the light burning your retinas. You sit up as you rub the sleep out of your eyes.
“Morning…” you grumble.
“Hey, I slept in my room by the way, don’t worry.” he tells you. “Everyone’s downstairs.”
“I’ve been off for a year and it wasn’t enough rest to prepare me for these hectic days again.” you sigh. “I didn’t know I had stuff to do today…”
“Uh… yeah, we’re doing a photoshoot here this afternoon. Makeup is coming in… an hour. Same with wardrobe, I think.” he tries to remember. “I left my phone in my room but I’ll go get it, Taylor wants you downstairs, like, now.” he reminds you.
You manage to pull yourself out of bed and put on a robe over the mismatched bra and panties you fell asleep wearing. The sight of you hungover and imperfect makes Taylor sigh as you come down the stairs. “You look gorgeous. Come sit.” she speaks, though you know she thinks otherwise. You slowly approach and she guides you outside to sit on the patio with her and the rest of your team.
“We want you to know how happy we are with your interview yesterday. It was perfect, really perfect.” your publicist tells you, making sure to butter you up as much as he can before moving on. “This is just the start though so we need to make sure it’s full steam ahead from now on.”
“You’re doing a shoot for Elle here this afternoon. You’ll get to show off the new place, talk a little about your recovery blah blah you know the deal.” Taylor speaks rapidly. “We just want you to know we’re all here for you for whatever you need to get through this transition back into the spotlight. It’s gonna be tough but we know you can do it.” she assures you.
“We all know perfection isn’t real, but, as close as you can get to it would be… well, perfect.” she adds. “So we’ll go over what you can and can’t discuss before the interview and—”
“Anyone order a big ass bouquet of flowers?” Yuuji shouts from inside, his voice booming through the house and out to the patio. Everyone stares as he signs for them and brings them from the front door all the way to you. He puts them down in front of you so that you can read the card.
Welcome back — love M x
You smirk as you keep the card close to your chest. Everyone is waiting with bated breath to hear who they’re from so the conversation can be over and they can get back to preparing you for this afternoon.
“I need to use the bathroom… don’t stop on my account.” you smile as you stand up. You pick up the flowers and hurry inside before anyone can object.
“Who were they from, Yuuji?” Taylor asks, which only earns him a shrug in return.
The house is full of liars on days like this. Taylor lied about you looking gorgeous just as easily as you lied about needing the bathroom. But neither of you are as good at lying as Yuuji. He knew damn well the flowers were from Megumi.
He just thinks you deserve a little time for yourself.
You don’t care that everyone can see you inside leaning against the bar in your lounge as the FaceTime dial rings and rings. There’s a real smile on your face that you cannot seem to wipe off your face as you gush over the fact he sent you flowers. The biggest bunch of flowers you’ve ever seen.
“Hey you.” he smiles, shirtless in his bed as he answers. The sharpness of his jaw and his pronounced collarbones remind you just how handsome he really is. “It’s been a little while, you okay?”
“I just got your flowers…” you tell him as you show him. “They’re stunning, thank you.”
“No problem, I saw your interview. How are you feeling?” he asks.
“I’m good, yeah. Getting lots of praise so I can’t complain.” you nod, leaning on the bar again. “I didn’t get you in any trouble for what I said, did I?” you wonder, he shakes his head which is a huge relief.
“It was just a joke so, no, no trouble at all. I was in London for a week, but I’m back now. I’m in a hotel.”
“Oh, really? Why aren’t you at your place?” you ask, curiously.
“I was gonna go home but I got warned there was paparazzi waiting for me, so I came here.” he explains. “I was thinking you could come over and run lines with me later.” he smirks as he gets out of bed. He’s walking, and you realise when he switches on a light he’s in the bathroom.
You can’t help but smirk, too, knowing what running lines will likely lead to.
“Um… I’m pretty busy today.”
“That’s a shame. I’m sure you can make the time since we’re both professionals.” he tells you as he turns on the shower. He always finds a way to make you smile. And knowing he really watched your interview is making you grin from ear to ear.
“Well, I guess I can make some time tonight.” you reply, giggling as you see his cheeks flush a little red at your answer.
“Good. Good girl, then I’ll see you tonight.”
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© 2023 fuwushiguro  
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mae-gi-writes · 8 months
It’s (just so) awkward | jungkook - part three
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No way. We’re too different and he’s so—so black and white. A straight-up yes-or-no kind of guy. And I’m not.”
You had been momentarily blinded. A bit distracted.
That was the only reasonable explanation for you feeling as though you had a middle school crush on your high school friend. It should be the only reasonable explanation. There was nothing else that could explain it and you were glad to leave it at that.
That didn’t mean that his words went by unnoticed. That night after your small ice cream escapade had you turning and tossing in bed as you replayed Jungkook’s over and over again in your head like a broken cassette tape. He had every right to be mad at you, after all, for dissing his other good friend. Sara hadn’t done anything but be kind to you. You were the mean one, the asshole.
You couldn’t help it.
Which was why you made it a must to stay away as much as normally possible. And of course, Jungkook noticed. What did he not? It was as clear as day that you were preoccupying yourself on purpose just so that you wouldn’t have to accidentally bump into him or her on campus, ensuring that you knew his timetable by heart so that you could take another transportation slot.
You managed to keep up that small charade, until the Inter-College Sports Olympics came along.
Every university had to take part in the Sports Olympics without fail and since Jungkook had been a naturally good basketball player, had been recruited in playing for the team, along with Changbin and a few other boys from your cohort. You’d had no choice but to accompany a whiny Yoona and an excited Jimin to the games, and maneuvered through the horde of people to get to your assigned seats.
You were busy rustling through your bag for a tissue — your nose was running, no thanks to that stupidly cold weather — when you accidentally bumped into an elbow.
Turning, you started to apologize when the stranger just smiled at you and said, “don’t worry about it. Happens all the time.”
“Yeah sorry,” you felt bad for him, he seemed crammed in this tiny seat, “it’s always like this. I don’t understand what’s the big deal with these games.”
“To be honest, neither do I,” the stranger shook his head and grinned. He was gorgeous, you noticed, with a beautifully sculpted nose and dark lashes that framed his brown eyes, full lips that would make any girl jealous, “my name’s Taehyung. I’m majoring in engineering.”
Taehyung, you found, had come all the way from his tiny countryside town in hopes of making it big for the sake of his dying mother who had been attained by cancer last summer. When you’d tried to stumble through a series of condolences, he’d merely shook his head and brushed it off, saying that it was now part of his life and that there was nothing to feel sorry for.
“It’s something that just comes and goes, right?” He shrugged and you wondered whether he was just trying to pretend he was fine, wondered whether he locked himself behind closed doors to cry his heart out, “anyway, is there anyone you’re here for?”
To be honest, you weren’t focusing on the game at all. Rather, what the mysterious young man had to say seemed to be much more interesting, which was how you found yourself deep in discussion until Yoona’s firm grip on your arm brought you back to reality.
“He’s got it! He’s got the ball!”
Indeed, as you squinted to find Jungkook, you spotted the said dark-haired man practically flying through the court, the ball as if made to fit in his palm, before he twisted and soared, tossing it perfectly so that it gently slid into the net. Perfect.
The crowds broke into applause and cheers. You cried out his name and next to you, Taehyung chuckled as he clapped, “you know this guy?”
“We’re close friends since high school.”
The first opening match of the Sports Olympics came to an end with your university winning by twenty points. The crowd erupted with yells and cheers as they swarmed onto the court, players getting bombarded with attention and amidst it all, Sara going over to Jungkook with a grin so wide that you had to look away, for fear of your heart suddenly breaking in two.
“I’m going to wait outside by the car,” you mumble out to Yoona and slipped through the throng of people before she could even call out your name.
The air was crisp and cold outside, a good contrast to the heat permeating your skin. You breathed in, chest aching with some kind of unknown emotion as your palms fisted at your sides.
It was a weird feeling, the one that seemed to spread through your chest like a flame that wouldn’t die down no matter how much logic you poured over it in hopes of getting it to die down.
It licked and burned and hurt. And as you pressed your back against the cool surface of Jimin’s car, you wondered whether there was something that was seriously wrong with you.
This was Jungkook, and Sara was good for him. He deserved that much happiness.
So why couldn’t you just be happy for him?
”Y/N, there you are.”
Freezing, your eyes flew up to see none other than a dishevelled Jungkook still in his basketball jersey, sweat dotting his forehead and lips parted in a soft pucker, flushed with heat.
For a minute, you could only stare at him.
“What—“ the words blocked in your throat, “what are you doing here?”
He did that little nose scrunch that made his face turn decades younger, “I’m allergic to crowded places.”
“right.” You chuckled, “How could I forget?”
He stepped closer to you before leaning against the same vehicle, a soft sigh falling from his lips at the action.
“You played well,” you said in the comfortable silence, “thought you hated contact sports.”
“I do hate contact sports. There are so many germs on that basketball court,” he shuddered with a grimace, “but I had no choice. They didn’t have any players.”
“What a nice sense of duty you have.”
He pulled out his tongue at you in retaliation and you laughed, head thrown back as your eyes scrunched up at the night sky. Jungkook laughed along with you, his gaze holding an expression you couldn’t quite place which made you ask, “What?”
“I haven’t seen you laugh like this in a while,” he said bluntly, “it’s nice.”
“Ah,” that was true. It had been a rough few weeks of trying to come to terms with this newfound feeling about your best friend hat wouldn’t leave you alone. Jungkook had absolutely no idea how wrecked you were for him.
“About our conversation,” Jungkook suddenly spoke up, “you remember, when we spoke about Sara?”
You looked up at him, “yes.”
“Did I hurt your feelings?”
It was no use to lie. “Yes.”
“I’m sorry.” A pause. Then, “what did I say that hurt your feelings?”
“It was more how you said it. And to be honest, it was partly my fault, I was being mean—“
It was then that you noticed how close he was, so close you felt the warmth of his breath hit your skin and saw the small cracks in his lips. Your eyes flitted up to his, only to see him already gazing back at you with some sort of tenderness that made your insides quiver. Why was he looking at you like that?
“Jungkook?” You murmured out in the silence that fell, admiring the way his moles scattered across his face like stars, “what—“
“There you are!”
Both of you sprung apart like guilty teenagers, not quick enough to have escaped Jimin’s eyes as he stood before the car, “we were looking all over for you!” He didn’t hesitate to throw himself at the taller man, “congrats, bro! You rocked that court!”
“Thanks—“ Jungkook struggled and looked like he was about to be sick, patting Jimin’s back awkwardly as the rest of the group found their way to the cars. You turned away with hot cheeks, glad that it was only Jimin that caught you. You weren’t sure what exactly you’d be doing if Sara had been the one.
The rest of the evening was spent in Yoona’s single condo — paid by her father who was rich enough that he owned all the petrol companies in the country — with drinks and an assortment of snacks at the ready as more and more people piled in. It almost felt like she’d invited the whole cohort, which made you feel slightly uneasy knowing there were people around that you weren’t familiar with.
So you hid out on the terrace, gazing out at the city lights beyond while sipping your drink. It was where Changbin found you a few minutes later.
“Not your style?” He asked as he leaned against the railing.
You pulled a grimace, “yeah I don’t enjoy loud music much,” it was then that you realized he was actually here, “what are you doing here on a Saturday? Aren’t you supposed to be out partying your heart out? Why come to a stupid school party?”
“Believe it or not, your friend Yoona actually invited me,” he cocked his head at you with a small smile, “and to be honest, you and Jungkook have been a very interesting watch these days.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Whatever you want it to mean,” he shrugged before directing his gaze back towards the beautiful city lights in the distance, “so tell me, he’s still very much infatuated with miss ol’ goodie two shoes?”
“I don’t know and it’s none of my business.”
“Uh I disagree,” Changbin brushed his bangs out of his face, “it is very much your business whether you like it or not.”
“Changbin, I’m not here to talk about my love life,” you looked down at the pavement below as you felt your hair cascade across your shoulders, “so please don’t bring it up again, it’s hard enough trying to forget him.”
“Alright, fair enough.” He then reached down before producing two bottles of soju, “want to drink your sorrows away instead?”
That sounded strangely more appealing than anything else. So you agreed and decided to hell with everything.
“Jungkook, c’mon. Let’s go.”
The latter groaned, eyes still shut as he leaned against one of Yoona’s million-dollar leather couches. Your friend could say bye bye to her lovely flat value if Jungkook decided to empty the insides of his stomach all over this place.
So you tugged at his arm again, and again, and again, until his eyes managed to peel open.
“Y/N?” His voice was slurred and there was no doubt that he’d been drinking a little too much. Especially for Jungkook.
It was almost adorable. Almost being the key word.
“Come on,” you reached down, tugging at his arm to pull him up as Sara came over with a glass of water.
“Here,” she gave it to Jungkook, who merely shook his head and pushed it away, “don’t wanna,” he grumbled, stumbling towards you in the process.
He was a tall man, and not a lean one at that. It was a challenge to balance him as he threw his entire bodyweight onto you like you were his only source of strength. You noticed, in the corner of your eye, the rest of the party being ushered out by Yoona.
You looked back at Jungkook struggling to stay on his feet, nudged at him to take the drink, “drink it,” you said it like an order, to which he shook his head.
“Drink. It.” You repeated firmly.
“No,” he moaned and did the most surprising thing; buried his face into the crook of your neck. He murmured out like a child, “don’t want to.”
Your body was frozen, unsure what to do with this now clingy man-child hanging off you in front of both his supposed crush (and hopeful girlfriend) and the rest of your friend group.
“Uhm,” you tried to shove him off awkwardly.
No response.
He merely tightened his hold and mumbled some more incoherent things under his breath, “Jungkook, come on. Stop being a baby—“
“You smell good,” his mumble, a brush of his lips against your skin, threw you off guard, caused your heart to go into a mini panic attack.
“Right, uhm— I think we should bring him home. Y/N?” Jimin looked at you pleadingly and you nodded, glad when Changbin took the initiative to call an uber. You didn’t even have time to check whether Sara had been offended by your beat friend’s behaviour since you were all too busy trying to drag the latter’s weight down the stairs.
Thank god for Changbin and Jimin’s help, who even paid the driver in advance as you climbed in and muttered out Jungkook’s flat address. The said young man, currently sprawled across the backseat, seemed to have fallen into a fitful sleep which you hoped wouldn’t last. You needed to get him to his bed, after all. Or at least beyond his front door.
You’d never actually gone into Jungkook’s flat before, so this was a first. He was thankfully awake enough to allow himself to be dragged up the stairs upon arrival, encouraged by your hand wrapped around his waist while his was draped over your neck.
“Jungkook,” you called out to him upon reaching his front door, breathless and sweaty, with your hair sticking to the sides of your face, “key.”
He mumbled, head lolling into the curve of your neck once more. You nudged him, so that he could repeat, “back pocket.”
You fished it out none too gently, careful not to touch anything else and glad he wasn’t sober to see the blush on your face as you managed to unlock his front door.
His flat, you found, was bare without anything too personal. You struggled to turn on the lights in the corner wall, only to be met with white washed walls and white furniture to match, a few black details highlighting the space. A couch sat in the left corner, its cream overlay torn at the edges, and on the right was a tiny kitchenette with an assortment of sauces lined up so neatly you wouldn’t be surprised if Jungkook had measured it out with a ruler.
But this was not the time to think of that. You had a drunk man on your hands, one that seemed overly fond to cuddle you to death.
You managed to find his bedroom — not a hard feat, considering that it was the only door available at the end of the room — and pulled Jungkook along until you practically hauled his body onto his bed.
He curled into his blanket, as though he knew he was now surrounded by comfort, and the sight was surprisingly so tender that it made your heart skip a beat.
You managed to get him some water and was glad when he moved closer to you as you called out his name. Using one hand to tilt his head back, you held the cup to his lips and watches as he took in a few sips.
“Good,” you noted, taking the cup away when he turned his head. You set the cup aside and took a seat at the end of his mattress, “how are you feeling?”
“Like…” he drawled out the words, still influenced by the alcohol, clearly, “—shit.”
“Yeah,” you grimaced, placing two tylenols that you had found digging into his shelves a few moments ago onto his nightstand, “take two of these when you wake up tomorrow.”
“Mm, yeah.”
“Since when do you drink so much?”
Jungkook’s eyes fluttered open then, only to meet yours, “I think I went overboard.”
“No shit sherlock.”
A guttural groan fell from his mouth. He turned, fingers clasping your wrist before tugging you to the bed. You stumbled and almost fell smack onto Jungkook’s chest, eyes widening at the reduced proximity as his other arm wrapped around your waist to pull you even closer.
Your skin lit on fire, “J—Jungkook,” you breathed, unsure of how you got into this position, “what—what are you doing?”
But Jungkook seemed to be lost in his own world. He didn’t answer you in favour of nuzzling into the crook of your neck and throwing a leg over your frame like you were his favourite teddy bear. Your heart almost gave out at the lack of proximity, wishing that you could just roll away without him noticing, but his grip was hard as iron and even as you tried to push his chest away, there was a soft murmur of protest brushing againt your cheek.
And then, as though he needed to insist upon this point, he added, “please.”
That was when you felt it. The softest pressure of lips. Against your nape.
You stifled a gasp. Your body tensed beneath his.
You wished your body wasn’t as receptive, wished that you didn’t melt so easily in his hold as euphoria exploded behind your lids.
“Jungkook,” you were breathless as you felt another kiss, “Jungkook, And another. One on your collarbone. One under your jaw, every dot of warmth from his mouth causing fireworks to explode and your skin to warm like you were suddenly thrust right into a campfire.
This was too much. He was too much.
Your hands tightened into fists on instinct, heart leaping to your throat.
He kept on kissing you. Over and over again. All over your skin, as if all the limits suddenly didn’t exist in the cracks of your friendship. His mouth was everywhere; your jaw, your cheek, and now landing right at the corner of your mouth.
That was the moment his eyes fluttered open, meeting your wide ones. His gaze was drugged and hazy, but there was something else swirling there, something you couldn’t place your finger on. And the more you gazed at him, the closer he seemed to get to you until his nose brushed yours tenderly.
Were you going to allow yourself this little bite of heaven? Were you really going to break all the rules just for a few seconds of ecstasy to know how it felt like to kiss Jungkook?
Your sweet, sweet friend that seemed to have stolen your heart and kept it for himself. Your sweet, sweet friend Jungkook, who was looking at you like you were the only star in his sky.
You swallowed thickly, heart clenching at the thought that this would change things forever. You would not be able to get out of this room unscathed and you had to admit the thought scared you. And what about Jungkook? Was he sober enough to understand what he was doing?
Your eyes snapped up to his, heart skipping a beat at the dark intensity of his jet black eyes.
You felt a hand trickle along your hip. He squeezed softly, tugged you closer, before his other hand trailed up to grasp the side of your face.
“Jungkook, how drunk on you? On a scale of one to ten,” the words rushed out of you in hopes of breaking the sudden tension that had taken over the room.
He took a ragged breath, “a five.”
“Right. So—uhm, I’ll just go find a water bottle to place by your bed—“
He didn’t give you time. His arm pulled you at the same time that he dove forward before he pressed his lips to yours.
Jungkook kissed you. And you knew that everything was going to change.
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yellobb · 5 months
Y’all I just found out about the 1904 Olympics marathon and I am losing my mind over how batshit insane it was. Buckle up y’all because this is one hell of a story
For some historical context, the 1904 Olympics were held in St. Louis and it was the first Olympics hosted in the U.S. It was paired up with the 1904 World’s Fair, so there was a hell of a lot going on in the city at the time
First, let’s meet some of our contestants:
American Thomas Hicks and four other Americans were all experienced marathoners
American Fred Lorz, who was able to compete after placing in a “special five mile race” sponsored by the Amateur Athletic Association. He did all his training at night
Ten Greeks who had never run a marathon before
Two South African men from the Tsuana tribe who were in St. Louis as part of the World’s Fair. They were apparently the first black Africans to compete in the Olympics, which is super cool. Less cool was the fact that they weren’t wearing any shoes
Cuban Félix Carbajal, a 5ft (1.5m) tall man who had fundraised his journey to the Olympics. This man got to New Orleans, lost all his money on a dice game, then had to walk and hitchhike his way to St. Louis. Mind you, that is almost 700 miles. He shows up to the race, having not eaten in 40 hours, dressed like THIS:
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This man gets another bullet point because apparently his trousers were all the way down to his boots when he got there. Another Olympian took pity on him and cut them with scissors
Now for the race itself. It is in the 90s (32 degrees Celsius) and humid. For some god awful reason, they decided to start the race at 3pm, so it’s the hottest part of the day. The course is only 24.85 miles (40km) long instead of a standard 26.2, but that doesn’t mean this was an easier race. On the fucking contrary, it was hellish. I’ll let the Smithsonian article about this explain it because they do it much better than I ever could:
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Now, I’ve never ran a marathon before, but I looked it up and the current recommendation is that water stations are placed every two miles.
The race is a go and things are off to a nasty start. American William Garcia almost becomes the first fatality of an Olympic event because he inhaled so much dust that his stomach was hemorrhaging. He was found unconscious by the side of the road by a local couple and had to be hospitalized. Apparently he would have bled to death if he’d been left for an hour longer.
But the dust isn’t the only issue. Apparently, Len Taunyane, one of our South African participants, gets chased a mile off course by wild dogs. He still placed 9th.
Probably my favorite participant is our boy Félix. Félix was stopping to chat with spectators in the middle of an Olympic race. At one point he stopped a car because he saw that the riders were eating peaches and asked if he could have some. They refused, but he snatched two anyway and ate them while he ran. He later came across an orchard and stopped to eat some apples, but apparently the apples were rotten, so he got stomach cramps and took a nap. HE STILL GOT FOURTH PLACE. That’s how much of a shitshow this race was, and we’re not even done.
Fred Lorz starts getting cramps around the 9-mile mark and decides to hitch a ride with one of the cars that is guiding them. He’d been leading the charge for a while and was a crowd favorite to win.
The other leader of the pack and favorite to win, Thomas Hicks, started having to use a support crew at the 10-mile mark. He was begging them for water, but they refused. He somehow managed to keep trucking along, though.
Seven miles from the finish line, Hicks’ handlers started feeding him egg whites mixed with strychnine, which is literally rat poison. There were literally no rules against performance-enhancing drugs yet, so this was apparently above-board.
Lorz gets out of the car he was riding in after 11 miles and just,,,, kept running????? He finished the race and was declared the winner. He was about to be given a gold medal when “someone called an indignant halt to the proceedings with the charge that Lorz was an imposter.” Lorz claimed it was all a joke and that he wouldn’t have actually accepted the award, but was still banned from competing in future marathons. That is, of course, until this decision was overturned in time for him to run in and win the Boston Marathon the next year.
Now Hicks had seen Lorz pass by. He was not doing too hot at all, but finding out that Lorz had been disqualified and he was still in the lead helped his motivation. He was given another dose of egg whites and strychnine with some brandy to wash it down, which, sure. Why the fuck not at this point?
At this point, he began to hallucinate. He started to believe that he had 20 more miles left to go instead of just two. He kept begging for food and rest, but his handlers just gave him more brandy and two more egg whites because of course he was. By the time he made it to the finish line, he was literally being carried by his handlers while his feet shuffled, but that was apparently good enough and he was declared the winner.
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It took four doctors and a full hour for Hicks to recover enough to even leave the area after the race. He apparently lost eight fucking pounds during the course of the race. Hicks pretty much retired from racing after that (I wonder why) and became a professional clown, which really is just the cherry on top
Of the 32 people who competed in the race, only 14 finished. After everything, they literally almost removed the marathon as an Olympic event because it was deemed “indefensible on any ground but historic,” and honestly? After reading all that fuckery, I can’t even blame them.
Another note about Félix, because this man baffles me: apparently he was sponsored by the Greek government to compete in a 1906 marathon in Athens, but he never turned up. Newspapers in Cuba claimed he died, but he just??? Showed up a year later in Havana perfectly fine. Turns out he managed to get the date of the marathon wrong.
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lostinwildflowers · 1 year
Porco Galliard x Reader
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Summary: Before the life of marriage, you and Porco were friends who had full-time classes to juggle between the two of you. And- a ballroom dance class.
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: pining, idiot friends to lovers, Porco being a flirty lil shit, otherwise just more fluff :3
A/N: Hello my dears! This is yet another fic in the world of hubbyish Porco! This is based on the dance class I took this past spring, I hope y'all enjoy some flirty and blushy Pock :3 -Birch<3
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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The wind was brisk as you walked to your second class of the day. The white glow of snow on the ground twinkled, making you squint your (colored) eyes against its brightness. A shiver passes over you, a reminder of how brutal the spring semester could be.
You see, you were walking to your ballroom dance class, your second class of the day, and one that you have with your best friend, Porco Galliard. You usually meet him at the gym after your first class, biology with Dr. Dan, but the lovely winter weather made you cringe.
The dance class was Porco’s first class of the day, so he would drive from your shared apartment to campus before meeting you there.
The spring semester was just barely getting started, as it was only the second week of classes. You made it through the drones of syllabus week, and now things were starting to settle in… except for this class.
The whole notion of ballroom dance was… well, terrifying. Partnering up with random people and then letting them guide you around the dance floor? Absolutely not. The only reason both you and Porco decided to take the class was that it was the only available gym credit, plus you would have each other.
Throughout the first week, everyone in the class was too terrified to even look at another student, let alone think of dancing alone or dancing with a partner in close proximity.
There was one major issue with you, and it wasn’t even the aspect of dancing with a stranger. It was the fact that your best friend was your long-time crush and was hot.
That first week of class, you could see the other girls eyeing up the eye candy that is your best friend. Porco, of course, was oblivious and only wanted to talk to you about his rugby practices. Yet you wouldn’t be surprised when all of the girls suddenly wanted to dance with him as their partner. 
Generally, you just ignored them the first week, as it was all singles work anyway. You just tried to focus on learning the steps and staying on time. You weren’t the most graceful person, but you were a fast learner which made things easier.
At that, you finally made it into the gym, where you started to unzip your coat and dry off your sneakers so that they didn’t squeak for the whole hour. Porco walked in just a minute after you, shooting you his signature wink, to which you just roll your eyes.
He sets his bag down next to yours before following you over to the lines for warm-ups. Porco smiles at you and mumbles, “Do you think we’ll be doing partners today?” A wave of nervousness hits you as you think about partners… dancing with Porco.
Instead, you just shrug and say, “Maybe, but it is only week two of-” “Alright everyone let’s start some stretches,” the deep voice comes of your instructor, Erwin Smith.
The tall blonde was one of the best dancers in the world, an Olympic gold medalist. So, your class does as he says and starts to stretch while listening to him talk you through the steps of the Quickstep again.
“Alright everyone, let’s put leads on the blue and green lines, and follows on the red and orange lines,” Erwin stated, gesturing to each respective group. The thing about the ballroom dance class that was hard that there were always more follows than leads.
Thus, even when Porco positioned himself in front of you, he got shifted down to another girl who needed a lead. He frowns and mouths a silent “sorry” to you, and you can feel disappointment bloom in your belly.
That feeling is quickly replaced by nerves again when another lead takes his place, a tall brunette who had a crooked smile and unkempt hair.
Oh great, you think to yourself, shuffling on your feet. This guy looks like a nerd, or he’s going to eat me alive. Fuck, I wish I was with Porco.
“Okay, now let’s practice getting into our standard frame,” Erwin continued, “Leads, offer the invitation to your follow with you left hand extended, not a creepy Darth Vader chokehold, but not a limp noodle. Very good.”
You crack a smile at the joke, and turn to look back at your very stiff lead. You begrudgingly take his hand, and follow the instructions of Erwin to finish setting up your frame for the Quickstep.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look your lead in the eyes, so you try to look over his shoulder, but end up looking off to the left, just where Porco and his follow happened to be.
Porco was giving the short redhead he was with a warm and comforting smile, one that said, I got you, I know this is kind of weird.
An unknown fire started burning in your belly, and you quickly recognized it to be jealousy. You couldn’t help it, the way he was looking at her was the way you wanted him to look at you. 
A heavy sigh leaves your lips as you see Porco make his terrified partner shakily laugh through her nerves, and you flick your eyes back over the shoulder of your own partner.
You knew Porco was a gentleman, his momma raised him to be one. Yet it still stung to see the way his right hand rested firmly on her rib cage, and his eyes staying soft and inviting to her.
A few moments after adjusting each set of lead’s and follows frame, it was time to practice the steps. Everyone had been practicing the steps individually for the last week, but now it was time to put leads and follows together at Erwin’s count.
“Everyone ready? Alright, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and slow, slow, quick-quick, slow, slow, quick-quick…” Erwin started counting.
You did your best to feel where you feet were and to trust your judgement. Instead of looking where your feet were, you tried to focus on staring at a point over your partner’s shoulder, counting the steps in your head.
But what you didn’t know is that Porco was watching you instead of his partner. He could see the effort and try in your eyes, the focus you had in your count, and the way your lips were parted ever so slightly, mirroring the counts Erwin was saying out loud.
And man did he think you looked beautiful.
One half second later, he stepped on his partner’s foot unknowingly. “I’m so sorry!” he rushes out, looking down to move his feet out of the way of her own.
Then suddenly, as if a train wreck happened, all of the other groups started to experience the same thing. Leads and follows were stepping on each other, getting behind the beat, and turning the wrong way.
“Alright, alright, alright,” Erwin said above the chatter of your class. “Let’s reset with new partners, leads thank your follow and shift one to your left.”
Your lead quietly thanks you and moves down the line, and you turn to see who you would be matched up with. That’s when you catch sight of Porco.
Porco could feel his cheeks burning as he apologized to the follow he had just stepped on, but she just brushed it off and lined up again. He shyly scratched his head before moving to his left, where you seem to pop up right in front of him, a wide grin on your face.
"Ready to dance?" you quip, but Porco just laughs and snaps back, "Aren't I the one who's supposed to ask you that?"
A laugh falls from your lips at that, your giggles music to Porco’s ears. He swears he almost chokes at the sight of you in front of him, laughing at him.
A moment later, Erwin’s voice chimes in again, saying to reset into your standard frame with the new partner. Porco smirks at you in his typical fashion, offering you his left hand, the invitation to dance, which you softly accept.
As you close your hand around his own, the proximity between you two to closes. Suddenly your breath is catching in your throat and your (colored) eyes are locked on his own green ones.
But somehow, it’s not as scary as it had been just a few minutes ago. It’s comforting, but it’s… intense in a way you’ve never experienced. Porco’s eyes had never looked so vividly green as they did at that moment, and you swear you were about to get lost in the forest that they were. 
You then raise your left hand to rest on the junction of his shoulder and the top of his bicep, where your fingers naturally curl into the tight muscles. Then, just a second later, as if it were perfectly rehearsed, Porco brings his right hand to rest on your mid back and just barely the side of your waist.
At his touch on your side, you can’t help but shiver. You try to blink a few times to calm the quickening pace in your chest, praying that he can’t tell you’re flustered. He’s your best friends, get it together, you tell yourself.
Porco looks down at you, his brows softening at the slightly terrified look on your face and he quietly whispers, "Are you alright? It's just me."
You shake your head once to try to clear your thoughts and then you nod once, regaining eye contact before you whisper back, "I'm okay, this partner thing is all just a bit new."
Porco didn’t really buy it, but he could tell that from the look in your eyes, you were okay. Yet he knew something was bugging you and was festering in your mind.
"You know, I always imagined I'd be dancing with a pretty girl at my wedding, but I didn't think I'd be practicing with her in a college class," he murmurs cheekily, a sly smirk stretching out across his lips.
An intense heat immediately starts to burn on your cheeks, and you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach out of nowhere. You part your lips to reply to him, your (colored) eyes flicking back and forth between his green ones to find the lie in his words.
You had just about found your voice to respond to him when you hear Erwin’s voice next to you, “Wow your frame looks great. The natural chemistry between two lovers cannot be beaten!" At that, he then shifted down to the next partner set, leaving you and Porco a bit speechless.
If you were ready to sink into a hole at Porco's cheeky comment, that was the dirt to fill in your grave. When you return your gaze to Porco's, he has his own flush covering his cheeks and a look of uncertainty in his gaze.
There is no time to discuss it because the return of the counts comes back in out of nowhere, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and slow, slow, quick-quick, slow, slow, quick-quick..." and then the voice drones out in the back of your head as your body starts to move on its own.
Porco's natural ability to lead lets you relax in his embrace, his footwork naturally stepping into you and away like the push and pull of a wave.
You don't look at your feet once as you hold his emerald gaze, and he does the same as he leads you down the line of dance. Everyone around you slowly begins to lose their cadence to the counts, but the two of you continue, feet perfectly in time to the rhythm of the Quickstep.
That is when you hear Erwin call for a spin, and you and Porco release each other in time before you feel his hand push you into the spin. He catches you with what seems like a practiced ease, right back into the frame before returning to the repetitive steps.
“And halt,” Erwin says. 
The two of you stop, slightly puffing and still holding onto one another. It takes a moment for you to pull away, but Porco's touch lingers as you slowly lower your feet flat to the ground and take a step back.
You aren't really sure what overcame you during that dance, but all you know is that Porco has never looked at you like that before, and the feelings you've suppressed over the years were resurfacing.
Then seemingly with perfect timing, the bell rings in the gym, signaling that class was over. You start towards your things, your mind racing with thoughts of your blonde best friend.
But a warm hand grasping your own makes you turn around, spinning right back into Porco's broad chest.
“We've got some things to talk about, Y/n.”
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Tag list: @bluebellhairpin @xxdragonwriterxx @tejxswini @mysterystarz @mortedeveles @vs-redemption @kal0psi-a @gin-no-g @starstruckkittensweets @kitacharm @sukosie @shirari @animated-moon @mitzwinchester @elitparadox @yumeyooa @angels-main
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virgo-dream · 1 year
Re: Virgo Rises Once More
just listened to the entirety of Blue Monday by New Order for the first time in my life and man, this is brain chemistry altering shit. I’ve been trying to listen to all the amazing recommendations you guys were so nice to send me. The one overarching feeling of this experience so far is this: wistfulness.
I’ve mentioned it here a few times, but I feel like this is important context to this post. I have C-PTSD, and most of my childhood and teen years are just a void filled with very specific (and hurtful memories). Listening to all this music these past couple of days has made me access the feeling of good memories, if that makes any sense. Like riding the bus back home from school on an late autumn afternoon. I can see the streets my school bus used to go by, and I can remember the look and feel of the books I used to read on my way home. My trusty discman on my lap, no-skip technology not letting me miss a single second of any track on my burned CD.
It also lights up very specific imagery in my brain; of brick walls and graffiti, of a newly renovated sidewalk and concrete bleachers by the semi Olympic swimming pool on an overcast day, where I pretended to forget my swimsuit at home to get out of class. Of wanting to grow up, wanting to be free, wanting to escape a life that was hurtful. Of having hope, despite feeling buried in fear and having panic attacks nearly daily. It makes the memory of the graveyard next to my school less terrifying, even knowing I’ve got a loved one resting there. Makes me feel like I found the missing piece of the puzzle, somehow.
Reminds me that I dyed my hair pink at 16, and that I decided I would give bullies reason to think I was weird if they weren’t going to stop harassing me anyway. Reminds me of watching The Princess Diaries for the first time and happening upon the books in my school’s library. Of taking them home even though I was too young for the themes. Of finding my favourite book in “We Need To Talk About Kevin”. About sleeping in protest to not being able to listen to music on my iPod because I was grounded for my bad grades.
It reminds me I had a childhood after all. That I was defiant, maybe I was a rebel. And that child wanted so many things that I’m so close to achieving now.
It reminded me I’m alive after all.
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blorbocedes · 2 years
Hi blorbie!! The new Taylor Swift songs that screams brocedes is here:
1. Anti Hero- Nico's Song
"I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser
Midnights become my afternoons
When my depression works the graveyard shift
All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room
I should not be left to my own devices
They come with prices and vices, I end up in crisis"
This part speaks about Nico's mental health especially in 2016 and how he ended up getting hyper focused on winning and putting everything else on the back burner.
"I wake up screaming from dreaming
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
'Cause you got tired of my scheming"
This is about Lewis and Nico and how their mind games Olympics eventually led to the break down of their friendship.
"It's me
I'm the problem, it's me
At teatime
Everybody agrees"
This bit speaks about how the f1 fandom vilified Nico and places all the blame on him instead of admitting both him and Lewis are equally to blame
"It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero"
Just generally fits Nico because he is THE anti Hero ❤️‍🔥
2. You're on your own kid- Lewis's song
"Summer went away, still the yearning stays"
Refers to the iconic Greek summer vacation
"It’s okay, we’re the best of friends
I hear it in your voice, you’re smokin’ with your boys
I touch my phone as it fits your face
I didn’t choose this town, I dream of getting out
There’s just one who could make me stay
All my days"
Lewis moved to Nico his best friend's hometown and I honestly believe if they were still on good terms he'd spend a lot more time in Monaco than he does now
"I gave my blood, spending tears more or less
I hosted parties and starved my body
Like I’d be saved by a perfect kiss
The jokes weren’t funny, I took the money
My friends brung home, don’t know what to say
I looked around in a blood-soaked gown
And I saw something they can’t take away
‘Cause there were pages turned
With the bridges burned
Everything you lose is a step you take
So make the friendship bracelets
Take the moment and taste it
You got no reason to be afraid"
This describes the lifestyle Lewis has been leading post break up and also the image he's been projecting to everyone around. He says he doesn't care but he cares so much.
"You’re on your own, kid
Yeah, you can face this
You’re on your own, kid
You always have been"
If there was a phrase to describe what Lewis has probably been repeating to himself since the brocedes break up then this is it.
3. Mastermind- the brocedes reconciliation song
"Once upon a time, the planets and the fates
And all the stars aligned
You and I ended up in the same room
At the same time
And the touch of a hand lit the fuse
Of a chain reaction of countermoves
To assess the equation of you
Checkmate, I couldn't lose
What if I told you none of it was accidental?
And the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me
I laid the groundwork and then, just like clockwork
The dominoes cascading in the line
What if I told you I'm the mastermind?
And now you're mine
It was all by design"
This is the only way brocedes will reunite. This monologue could be from either of their POV because both of them are capable of pulling off something like this.
"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail
Strategy sets the scene for the tale
I'm the wind and I'm free, flowing sails
In the liquor of our cocktails"
They are both mind games experts and plan EVERYTHING out. Also I know these two must love to drink supper fancy and expensive cocktails
"No one wanted to play with me as a little kid
So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since
To make them love me and make it seem effortless
Is this the first time I feel the need to confess?
And I swear, I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care"
Talks about their generally friendless childhood except for each other and how they used the media in the war against each other. Also refers to how things only got so toxic because of how much they cared about each other.
"So I told you none of it was accidental
And the first night that you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me
I laid the groundwork and then, saw a wild smirk
On your face, you knew the entire time
You knew that I'm a mastermind
And now you're mine
Yeah, all you did was smile
'Cause I'm a mastermind"
They know each other too well ti not have already known that the other was trying to "manipulate" them into falling back in love all along. They knew and they were turned on by it.
oh hello! thank you thank you I'm actually gonna finish my work and listen to the album so thank you for this important scholarship I will keep in mind as I listen!!!!!! anti hero is totally Nico ❤️
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nickypoppieandel · 8 months
Day “something!” I am unsure exactly how long we’ve been away!
We had a quick changeover at the BEAUTIFUL Helsinki airport this morning after a 14 hour flight from Tokyo. BUT!!! after getting into the booze and some little snacks on our 5 hour stopover, we jumped into the plane, made our chairs into beds and SLEPT!! I actually slept for 7 hours, which is a first for years. Lucky for us, Poppie is pushed everywhere and we follow along like loyal subjects and go to the top of every queue like film stars! Because all the previous flights were late, we would have missed this last flight if it weren’t for Poppie!
Norwegians are the friendliest people. We took a taxi ride from the airport to our hotel, in an electric powered Mercedes van. Our rooms weren’t going to be ready until at least 3 pm so we set off on a walking tour of places the really nice girl at the front door suggested. We had a staggered start because after 300m, we had to turn back because Poppie was wheezing gasping for breath as she’s forgotten to puff her puffer! (she wanted me to say that). Anyway, we set out again, this time taking an Uber to a central spot from where we wondered past a group of very old houses (pics included) that were the only houses that survived the Oslo fire in the 1600s. We then found a food market full of fish shops, butchers (selling absolutely every every part of an animal), deli type shops and cafes. On our way back to,catch the tram, we walked through beautiful parks and trees and passed a RAGING river (movie included). Found our way to the tram thanks to several extremely helpful Norwegians AND … a young girl from Serbia, who played (???) Tai Kwon Do for Serbia at the 2012 Olympics in London (pic coming!!). Norwegians are taught English at school, so everyone is very happy to help. Also the fact that Norway is close to the top both in quality of life and happiness, might have something to do with that! Our little tram trip was uneventful… with me, being a Virgo, double checking the map on my lap to make sure we were going passed all the right stations!! Poppie and Nicky very relaxed as they were “sure” we were on the right team!! The river that runs through Oslo is called the Akerselva River and starts right up North and goes all the way to the Oslo Fjord. Look it up! pour rooms were still not ready when we returned to the hotel so Nicky did some more exploration to discover where the pool is ($50 for a single visit!! Did I also say Norway was the most expensive city in the world, together with Tokyo and has now “dropped” to 4th place, together with Melbourne??!!) and Poppie and I sat back and had a glass of bubbles and solved the problems of the world.
We are now in our rooms, getting ready to meet the others in the group and have dinner together. One of the reasons the hotels are so busy is there is some famous American country and western singer in town! We don’t know who.
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anastasiaskarsgard · 2 years
So this is part 2 of happy destruction except it’s from the girls point of view. I’m trying to explore a story from different points of view. See if I can weave all these people together and see how different personalities interpret the same event.
Happy destruction - part 2
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“Oh my god bitch. You. Look. Amazing.” My roommate/bodyguard Ann deadpanned. “Smoking hot bitch. He’s going to want to kill himself.”
“Don’t say that. Even if I hate his lying cheating guts, I don’t want him to die!” I smiled as I shook my head at her. She was so severe sometimes.
“Girl! You are kinder than I am! I wouldn’t be satisfied with suicide. Homicide is the least I could do. I’d want to verify he suffered.”
Her mind seemed to go somewhere else as she stared off into the distance, and it wouldn’t be the first time Ann scared me a bit. I knew she had a past by the fighting skills I’d seen her use, and the scars littered across her perfect body. She looked like she was an Olympic athlete, if it weren’t for the scars. She’d be amazing dressed as a fairy.
“Are you seriously not going to dress up with me? You’re going to look like an assassin or something.” I pouted.
“An outfit like this has no place to conceal any weapons. I don’t feel comfortable removing reasonable doubt in case of coming into contact with any hostiles.” She said as she held up the other bikini top and boy shorts I’d been considering wearing tonight.
“ I am not even sure what you just said to me, but I’m never giving up on you playing dress up with me. You are so gorgeous and you put my figure to shame!”
Ann cocked an eyebrow at me, looking at me like I’m crazy.
“What?” I whined. “If I’m so gorgeous, why did my fiancé cheat on me with some cougar?”
“Because men are morons and cougars often don’t want anything more than some dick. Just consider yourself lucky you didn’t have a couple kids with him when you found out.”
Ann seriously was good at putting things into perspective. If we’d been married and starting a family, i don’t know what i’d have done. Still, my self esteem had never been hit so hard. I’ve always been sure of myself, and I thought I was enough. Obviously I wasn’t, but I’m not letting my thoughts go down that road.
“Well let’s get a move on. I’m not going to drink tonight so I’m taking my car. I feel like driving myself tonight.” I tell her as I make my way out of my penthouse apartment.
“I’ll follow you and give you your space since this is happening at your dads place. I need to talk to him anyway, and I know all eyes will be on you anyways.”
I rolled my eyes, but it was true. Eventhough they let me dance and mingle, there was always eyes watching. It used to bug me, but I hardly even notice anymore.
When we arrived, I was shocked at the amount of cars there. Parking had been quite a ways away, but I knew Ann was never too far away, so I made my way towards the pulsing bass, through the poorly lit area.
Coming around the corner, I slammed on my brakes, and stared ahead of me at a breathtaking sight.
The most gorgeous man, I’d ever seen in my life, stepped out of his vehicle and lit a cigarette. He was seriously overdressed for a rave in a tailored looking suit. He looked like a pretty boy gangster, or wealthy bad boy model or heir. He was tall, and had a slim athletic build and the most gorgeous face, I’d ever seen on a man. I couldn’t decide what his best feature was, so I just decided he’s perfect.
He was looking up into the sky, seemingly enjoying his cigarette. He was so gorgeous, I couldn’t look away.
I had been worried about going out tonight and being photographed with some guys if I danced with them or said hello. The media can take something and spin it however they please, but I wouldn’t care what they said if I were in a picture with this beautiful man.
Talk about giving my ex a taste of his own medicine. But he wasn’t the reason I was drawn to this man.
My breakup with my ex had been very public and messy, and he started taking beautiful women out only a short couple days after.
For the past week, our break up has been national news. Just this morning, the front page had a picture of us at a charity dinner smiling happily, with the headline: ‘handsome athlete cheats on heiress fiancé, with wife of the head coach of his own team, that fiancé’s father owns.”
It was all so humiliating. I was at his game, and they’d won, so I went to find him. I had looked everywhere for him, and nearly gave up until I opened the coach’s office door. There I found the wife of our head coach, butt ass naked on her knees servicing my fiancé. They were so into it, it took them what seemed an eternity, to even notice me frozen in horror, in the doorway.
When my fiancé started sputtering and putting his clothes back on, I’d tried to run but he wasn’t one of the best athletes in the country for nothing. He quickly caught me, and we quickly got into a shouting match, not caring about the numerous fans surrounding us. I didn’t hold back, and laid out all our dirty laundry, not even considering that almost all the people around us were recording it all.
The argument got millions of hits the first day and it hasn’t shown any sign of stopping in over a week. It’s a nightmare. My ex has been going out with a different girl each night, but this is the first thing I’ve gone out.
My friends tell me he’s trying to get my attention and make me jealous but if that’s the case he is making it worse.
I had to admit though, if I’m gonna be undoubtedly photographed with someone tonight, it may as well be him.
“What look are you going for? A fucking mobster?” I asked with a playful smile.
He still appeared to find me very amusing and laughed as he named various fairies I could possibly be. I crossed my arms and glared, thinking he’d stop teasing me and possibly flirt instead.
Boy was I wrong. He just turned around and walked away! Panicking I spit out the first thing I could think of, that he looked like cop so nobody will like him or something. I’m not sure, I panicked.
To my relief, he turned around and walked right up to me, more or less requesting my assistance with his look. What woman would tell this guy no for anything?
Thank god I didn’t take all my purchases out of the car. I was so excited when the promoter said it was going to be like an old school rave, I went out and went a bit overboard with my spending. It was also a way to distract myself from my Whole love life situation.
Praying that Ann didn’t come over and embarrass me, I opened my car and told him to take his shirt off. He had a dark tank top undershirt that hugged His lean muscular torso nicely so I decided to paint him. Luckily I had bought black light paints, so whatever I painted on him would be all you could see inside since they were being used inside. Being a pretty good artist, I set to work.
He was surprisingly very amiable about the whole thing and let me do as I pleased. He even allowed me to give him eyeliner and paint on his face without so much as a peep or side eye. he had such an amazing face structure, I knew he was going to look incredible. He didn’t even need help to look gorgeous, but the final result had me jumping up and down and clapping.
Yes I looked like an idiot. No I did not care! I was stoked. I’d never fucked anyone I’d just met before, but how this guy was looking, I wasn’t against the idea. I was strongly considering dragging him in my backseat, but that would mess up his pretty paint job, and he really did look great.
Taking his hand and leading him to the VIP door, I prayed that it was one of the nice bouncers that answered. Then I was damn near struck dumb by the man next to me.
He kissed me. I mean he REALLY kissed me. I wasn’t even worried about the door anymore, or even if my father answered the damn thing, I just kissed him back.
When he finally pulled away, I looked over to find an extremely stunned, wide-eyed Bruno. Thank god it was him. He was a sweetheart. Smiling at him with my most megawatt smile I introduced Bruce ( that’s his name) as my serious boyfriend. Whether Bruno caught the joke, was beyond my comprehension or caring.,
The club looked great, the place was packed, and I planned on making this night one of the best in my life. Consequences be damned.
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percontaion-points · 4 months
Clawless chapters 11 & 12
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Click here for the rest of the series!
Chapter 11
“Cheer class?” I stared at Nadia in horror. It was bad enough the gym was the setting of my downfall on Hunter Moon, but now they expected me to leap around with pom-poms? “Have you any idea the damage I could do to a pyramid of omegas? Did you not hear me this morning? I wasn’t kidding when I said I had two left feet!” 
“You’re overreacting,” Nadia told me as she slipped into her cheer outfit with the grace of an Olympic gymnast. “You’re obviously athletic. You’ll do fine.” 
I pumped my bicep and pushed it in her face. “These are wrestling muscles. Not toss-me-in-the-air-so-I-can-flash-my-panties muscles.”
Hey, I don’t know who needs to hear this. But um… trashing other girls, including the activities and sports that are typically female dominated, isn’t it. This isn’t the feminist flex the author thinks it is. 
Go be a “I’m not like other girls” pick-me bitch somewhere else. 
And the girls were good. In fact, they were sensational. Maybe it was their shifter blood. Or maybe they just practiced really hard.
It honestly seems kind of shitty to put Vail into this dance/cheer class in the middle of the year. It’s obvious that they’re working on a routine. Adding her now is only going to drag down the rest of the class, since they have to teach her the basics on top of her learning the routines. 
 But I had already lost Ms. Costa’s respect once before, and didn’t want to screw up again.
I am once again asking why Vail cares so much. She’s still here against her will, being forced to do things that she finds unpleasant. 
“I’m not questioning it. Ranks come in all shapes and temperaments. It’s just that the Costas are distantly related to the Wests, and there have never been a lot of omegas in our family.” 
I blinked at her. “We’re related?”
 “Shifters are an in-bred bunch,” she smirked, “so we’re all related in some way.”
“We keep marrying our sisters” isn’t the flex anybody thinks it is.
Because she’d written Warning: Wolf Fire Whore across my forehead in bold black strokes.
Chapter 11 summary: The next morning, the omegas are bustling with news about the latest upcoming dance. The only reason why they weren’t before is simply that the readers didn’t know about it yet. Vail obviously doesn’t want to go, but her friends insist that they can find her something to wear. 
Vail is then forced to go to class, which is cheerleading. Yes, the author does take a moment to hammer in the anti-feminist “not like other girls” malarky; I’m really fucking over it. Anyway, the other girls in the class are really good at the routines, which again, it’s fucking shitty of them to shove Vail in halfway through the year. 
After class is over, the teacher Ms. Costa makes Vail hang back a moment. She tells Vail that the other girls work hard to get to where they are. That omegas don’t have a lot of strengths, so they work hard at what they can do. Which is a message that I like, but I wish that it wasn’t wrapped in “we don’t like this because we’re Not Like Other Girls™”. Ms. C goes on to say that she thinks she and Vail are like 3rd cousins, and she’ll call up her granny to get some info about Vail’s bio-dad. 
By the time this is finished, the locker room is empty. Vail’s things are tossed all over the room, much to her dismay. Even worse is that Pearl and her goonies were lying in wait for her. They basically jump her, and Pearl writes “wolf fire whore” on Vail’s forehead. Classy and mature… SAID NOBODY EVER. 
Chapter 12
Which goes to show how omegas and alphas looked at things differently. It would never occur to Penny that Vail might be shacked up with her dud friends – or have left the campus entirely – because that went against her own notions of responsible behavior. But Vail Marrow had proven on numerous occasions she wasn’t a big fan of the rules.
Again, they slam Vail for “not knowing the rules”, but not once since Vail’s been at the school has anybody bothered to sit her down and say “Here’s what is and isn’t acceptable.” 
“I’ve been trying to get this shit off all afternoon.” She proceeded to scrub her forehead with the same energy I’d use to strip paint. “Who knew permanent marker was actually permanent?” 
Nail polish remover. Literally anybody could have told you that… had you bothered to ask. It has the same ingredients as paint remover, but is more for skin.
“Are you going to lick me now?”
 I must have betrayed my surprise, because she suddenly blushed so hard, her whole face took on the same raw hue. “Sorry,” she muttered, dropping her eyes. “It’s just when I was injured before, Jasper said it was the fastest way to heal.” 
Well, wasn’t Jay the sly fucker. I knew the guy had been in pretty deep with her, but this was a whole other level. The healing properties of shifter saliva was almost always reserved as a treatment between mates. It was an intimate thing and only really worked if the wolves were deeply connected. Vail was so clueless she wouldn’t have known that asking a strange male to lick her was the equivalent of slipping between his sheets before the entrée. And asking your alphason… Well, that was the same as dropping to your knees in the dining room.
 I tried to feel annoyed with her. This was exactly the sort of shit that proved she didn’t belong. It blurred lines and made people act out of character. Jasper Arras was a case in point. He’d always been an impulsive asshole, but only in a harmless, cocky way. Laid back, coasting on his charm and looks and always surrounded by panting females, he’d never needed to break the rules. But a month with this girl, and he’d not only been mate-intimate, he’d challenged his prick of a father to a blood claw challenge and won.
Why is all of his anger over this directed at Vail, rather than Jasper, who used and abused Vail’s naivety? 
Because Vail and my wolf in anything other than a crowded, big-ass coach was not going to end well.
Chapter 12 summary: Back over to Reed, he’s frustrated when Penny tells him that the only one not on the bus to take them to the dance is Vail. He tells her to go ahead, and he’ll follow behind with Vail. 
He then goes to her room, hoping that she’s actually there and that she hadn’t snuck out somehow. She doesn’t want to let him in, but he’s obviously beyond upset when he sees the remains of Pearl’s message on her forehead. 
She also has cuts and bruises all over herself, and she innocently asks if he’s going to lick her all better. Reed gets angry at her… for having let Jasper take advantage of her. But to make matters worse, he smells Vail’s arousal, and he himself gets all horny. The entire thing is gross. He tells her to put on her dress, because they are going to the dance. 
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lornahansonforbes · 2 years
This is for one of my favorite TikTok folks.
The other day you talked about being weak and backsliding and the smell of whiskey on his breath (referencing Piper Laurie).
In 1986/87, after my foster son was born and when my foster children came into my life, I was in the middle of a blizzard (referencing Columbian/Bolivian product) I stopped cold turkey. I vowed not to have my foster children see that side of me and I didn’t want to remind myself or them the reason because they came in my world was due to those things. I’ve fallen off the wagon and I got back on that horse just so I could pull that wagon of emotional luggage with no handles forward. Years have passed and I didn’t drink. Yes sir I’ve had a few drink since then. I usually have a few sips and I’ll let it sit there and ignore it. It may be glaring me in the face but 9 out 10 times, it’ll go to waste. The perfunctory sips, yeppers, they’ll let me know why I don’t drink like I used to back when. One story out of many. I went to the bar where my now Ex worked. I got there at about 9pm and drank all night long. I clearly remember the lights came on in the club and I heard the words, “It’s time to go home, gentlemen.” I’d never seen the harsh lights and the messiness/aftermath of an empty gay nightclub. Fucking scary. Anyway, my Ex’s apartment was a 15 minute walk. That night, it took me an hour to get there because I was that drunk. Fast forward to today, I fight. Whether it’s my food addiction or if I’m in my head, or something else that’s a puzzle piece of my various addiction issues, I feel like I’ve won a gold medal in this Olympics of Sobriety because I was able to get out of bed without any assistance and even more impressive, I woke up. I’m okay. I’m not having the double ickies. It’s a brand new day. Whew! I’m ready to begin again. When I do have those few sips, I will beat myself up but I’m also thinking about those who are less fortunate. Back in the day, there weren’t any resources available like we have today. Then there’s the other one, after having surgery. I had OxyContin & Vicodin & something else. I had a full on breakdown. I lost my shit. I had a fight with my husband and my sister in law. Even though I was in excruciating pain, I called my sponsor and he helped me figure it out. I gave the pills to my sister in law and told her to hide them or get rid of them. This only 48 hours after my surgery. I still find myself getting into my head and I’m on the verge of a breakdown in order to take an Advil. Now I snort, chuckle and guffaw as I hear Lisa Mineola telling me about how her girlfriend rented rooms by the hour. Rowan, brother. I’m sorry about this mess but I can compare and relate. Take a moment. Lastly, like Regina Belle once said, “If I could…” You may be in a circle of one, but it’s the journey and I’m cheering you on as you take steps towards the marathon in this thing we call life. A post script: I remember a Bible verse, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” Yeah, fuck you, Peggy Lee and your is that all there is bullshit. Motherfucker, bring it. I’m still here. Sending you hugs, Rowan.
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babyloposts · 3 years
New BakuBaby
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(Ughhh I love this anime. Any excuse to use my baby Kotaro I’m gonna take)
Dilf!Bakugou x poc!fem!reader
You and Katsuki knew better than to let lil mama get comfortable, but that’s exactly what you did. 5 years of blissful marriage with your little girl (that wasn’t so little anymore) and you felt that now was a good time to start over and have another. Katsuki wasn’t opposed to the idea he was more worried about how your daughter would react. She had already gone 13 years being an only child and she was spoiled rotten. Neither of you had any idea how she would react.
But one late night, coming home 2 bottles of wine deep after a date, the protests of your teenager were the last of yours and Katsuki’s worries. Plus you just so conveniently stopped taking your birth control about a month ago, so the timing was perfect.
Katsuki must have had some Olympic swimmers even after all these years because it only took one try before you were missing your period and waking up with morning sickness. Your husband was surprised, nervous, excited, and ecstatic all rolled into one. He forgot what it was like to have a new born and he was so happy that he would be experiencing all the highs and lows of pregnancy with the love of his life.
You waited well after your first trimester to announce your pregnancy to people and the first on the list was the most nerve-wracking, your daughter. You and Katsuki sat her down on the couch together and presented her with a small Polaroid. It took her all of a second to realize what was going on.
“We’ll it took you long enough.” She chuckled. Katsuki’s nose and brows scrunched at his baby girl’s reaction. He was expecting a full blown meltdown but it seemed she was being mature? “It would have been nice for us to not have such a big age gap, I mean 13 years? I’m practically gonna raise the baby myself.” Well nice to know one thing hasn’t changed. She still had no type of filter.
“You’re happy, then?” You asked hope practically radiating from your skin.
“Yeah, of course I am! I pretty much figured it out a month ago, though.”
“Wha- you did?” Katsuki questioned.
“Duh. All the signs were there. Morning sickness, the glow, plus Mom’s boobs have gotten bigger.”
Yep, no filter.
All your friends and family were super excited and supportive about you being pregnant and your pregnancy wasn’t that bad. At least, your first trimester wasn’t that bad. You didn’t start getting big until you were six months in and that’s when pregnancy, with all of its cravings, aches and mood swings, hit you with full force.
Katsuki, of course was super protective over you. Basically waiting on you hand and foot throughout your third trimester. He’d give you massages on your back and swollen feet, hold your baby bump up for you, run your baths, make late night trips to the store and whatever fast food you were craving (even if he would act like it was a burden to him, he wanted to go out for you). He was perfect, albeit a little over protective, especially when his friends came to visit you.
“Stop crowding her, and leave my kid alone! They’re kicking cuz they want your hands off of his home.”
“Y/N, is he always like this?” Mina giggled.
“Yeah even with his mother. He’s such a helicopter parent, and husband.” You laughed rubbing your bump with care.
“No I am not!”
Katsuki was so cute. He was just happy to be experiencing everything with you since he wasn’t around the first time. Even with Hero work you and his family came first, always.
The day finally came to push that big headed baby out of your cooch and you don’t know who was more annoying in the delivery room. Katsuki who was freaking the fuck out the entire time, his mother who was yelling at him to calm down because he was getting you worked up, or your daughter who was giving you a full play by play of what the doctor was seeing down there as you pushed. If it weren’t for your own mother being there, holding your hand, to keep you sane you might have kicked them all out and birthed the baby alone.
Once your daughter announced that the head was coming out Katsuki went into dutiful husband mode holding your other hand and telling you to keep breathing. A few insults were hurled at Katsuki for putting you in this pain, but he knew you didn’t mean it and it would all be worth it in the end.
And finally your son was in your arms and the mixture of your cries with his were filling the room.
Soon you settled into your new life of sleepless nights and living only to serve your little parasite precious baby. Katsuki somewhat knew what he was doing. He got full custody of your daughter when she was four months so he knew the basic needs that was required for a new born. He just couldn’t comprehend how cute and tiny he was.
No amount of cuteness can make up for all the screaming this baby did, however. Katsuki wasn’t used to fussy babies. When your daughter was small she would have her tantrums and meltdowns, but it seemed your son just cried for no reason. He wouldn’t want to feed, he had a clean diaper, and if Katsuki rocked him he wouldn’t go to sleep. The only thing that would calm him down was his mommy. And his sister surprisingly.
“How come he shuts up when you hold him.” Katsuki would pout after handing the baby off to you to cuddle in bed.
“Because he’s a mommy’s boy. Plus I’m prettier than you.”
“This is my woman son. You can’t have her.” Katsuki would pinch the little chub on your son’s cheek, causing him to stop feeding to look up at him with the stankest face he could muster.
“Aww look Katsu~ Baby’s first mean mug.”
A/N: I am so in love with this blended family head cannon. I think I’ll make another part showing the dynamic between the kids because something about older girls having younger sibling that they treat like their own baby. Ughhh it’s too cute I can’t 😩 anyways I hope you enjoyed this continuation (also I should probably name the kids… I’ll think abt it. Suggestions welcome :))
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 2
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: The aftermath of matching with your boss on Tinder.
Word Count: 3,344
Warnings: FILTHY SMUT, boss x employee affair, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected office sex 🤷🏻‍♀️
A/N: Hmmm yes, part 2 of The Match is finally out and I hope this did not disappoint 😂
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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“Am I really doing this?”
You asked yourself in the mirror before making a face, “Of course I am.” You huffed out and adjusted your breasts inside your bra.
After your brief yet tension-filled encounter with James, you sprinted to the bathroom as soon as you reached your floor. And mind you, you did that while wearing a tight pencil skirt and a pair of heels. It really surprised you how your thirst made you do that with ease.
If there was an olympics dedicated for thirsty bitches trying to get some, you’d probably bring home the gold with how fast you moved.
You checked your watch for the time, you still had ten minutes left so you made sure to fix yourself up. Of course, the logical part of your brain was screaming for you to get a grip because really? You were going to let your boss fuck you? In his office? During work hours? You were at a damn risk here; you could get caught or even worse, lose your job. But was that going to stop you?
Hell fucking no.
Checking yourself out in the mirror one last time, you let out a deep breath and walked out. Maybe you were just being hyper aware given that you were headed to your boss’ office to get fucked, but you felt uncomfortable as you passed by your colleagues. You offered them polite smiles and tried to act normal. Thank god the elevator was just a few steps away.
“Oh thank goodness, there you are.” Your manager immediately blocked your way and handed you a couple of folders.
“I need you to make a report out of these. I have a presentation before lunch.” She explained.
You frowned, “I’m sorry but aren’t you supposed to do these, not me? Besides, Ja— Mister Barnes called requested me to see him in his office.”
Your manager used to be on the same level as you were but was promoted a couple of months ago. Why? You absolutely have no idea. She wasn’t the best at her job, in fact, you felt like the promotion should’ve been yours. Since she became your manager, she had been passing some of her tasks to you and snatching away the credit like a fucking bitch.
Your managed narrowed her eyes at you, “The James Barnes requested for you? Why?” She asked suspiciously, hands on her hips.
Of course she would be suspicious, you never worked with James before. But the fact that you were going there for a completely different reason made you sweat.
You breathed out through your nose, shaking your head and avoiding your manager’s gaze. “I...who knows? I mean, I have no idea why. He just told me to see him in his office and that’s about it. I really don’t know the reason, why would he even ask for me? Probably not a big deal, it’s very normal to ask a subordinate into your office, right? Do you know why he asked for me?” You were a blabbering mess at this point.
Your manager scoffed, “If I did, I wouldn’t ask you.” She responded before waving a hand. “Anyway, I’ll take care of him. Go and work on the reports now. Before lunch, remember.” She commanded, pointing a finger at you before walking away.
“Wait! But I...” you trailed, looking at the folders in your hand before checking your watch. Five minutes left. “...I was gonna get fucked...” you whispered in disappointment before stomping your way back to your cubicle.
The tantrums you made when you reached your desk didn’t go unnoticed. Who wouldn’t be grumpy anyway? Your manager just cockblocked you on your way to get some D, and it’s not even some regular D. James would probably be balls-deep in you now but instead, you were getting fucked by a report that wasn’t even supposed to be your responsibility.
You were typing away on your computer when you noticed the office chatter start to die down, the loud conversations transforming into hushed whispers. The HR probably paid your floor a visit, you thought and continued to work on the report.
“Any reason why you’re here and not in my office?”
Your whole body froze at the sound of James’ voice. No wonder the entire floor grew silent, he was always in his office or out for a meeting. He wasn’t one to visit his subordinates but here he was, standing by your cubicle and looking down at you with dark eyes.
You stood up and noticed that your colleagues were watching, whispering to each other and most definitely wondering why James paid you a little visit.
“I’m sorry, I uhh there was a—“
“Mister Barnes!” Your manager greeted, a little too chirpy, when she saw James. “I was just about to head to your office to tell you that she’s working on an important report. She’ll come to your office when she’s done. I’ll make sure of it.” She said, offering James a huge smile that made you want to gag.
James kept his eyes on you, completely ignoring your manager. You licked your lips and tried your best not to break eye contact.
“And when was it okay to bypass your boss’ orders?” James asked your manager, his eyes still trained on yours.
You bit back a smirk when your manager ended up sputtering out an apology while you and James continued eye fucking each other. While being surrounded by your colleagues. This should worry you actually, the attention you were getting from everyone else seeing that the James Barnes went out of his way to see you. You couldn’t care less at the moment though, not when James was undressing you with his gaze.
“She’s not doing any report this morning. I need her in my office.” James said and tipping his head, asking you to follow him.
You were out of your cubicle in a second and quietly trailed behind James on his way to the elevator, ignoring the curious looks from every colleague you passed by. As soon as the both of you stepped inside the elevator, the torture began yet again.
Standing beside James, a little bit closer now than before, you could feel your skin prickle with goosebumps. The thought of him being all over you in a few minutes was driving you insane. Shit, you were really down to fuck him.
“You know, I don’t like waiting.” He said, turning to you.
“I’m sorry, James. I really—“
“Ah ah ah.” James tutted, backing you up against the corner of the lift— a blind spot, to keep the both you away from the CCTV inside. “That’s not how you called me earlier. Why stop now?” He asked, resting an elbow against the wall caging you with his body.
You let out a tiny whimper, your eyes landing on James’ lips as he bit them. “I’m sorry, sir.” You whispered.
He hummed, leaning forward until his nose touched your cheekbone. “Good girl.” He whispered roughly into your ear.
Your hands found their way onto James’ necktie, tugging him down when you were unable to hold back your desire. But then the elevator dinged and the both of you scrambled away from each other when the doors slid open, revealing a few employees coming from a different floor.
A chorus of greetings for James echoed as they slowly filed into the elevator, pushing you and your boss into the very back. You let out a soft gasp when you felt James’ hands on your waist as he moved behind you, feeling his erection press against your back.
“Can’t wait to have you to myself.” He whispered, sliding a hand down to you ass, giving it a firm squeeze that almost had you keening if not for the company.
Just a few hours earlier you were worrying about crossing paths with your boss whom you matched with on Tinder. Now, you were still worried but only about whether you and James would get caught while his face was in between your legs as you sat on his desk.
“Oh my god, right there...fuck...” you breathed out, head thrown back when James’ tongue circled your sensitive clit.
The moment you James’ office door slammed shut, he was immediately all over you. Pinning you to the wall as he hungrily kissed you, hands wandering all over your body, gripping whatever he could.
James was desperate to have a taste of you, his eyes showed it all. But surprisingly, he managed to make you even more desperate for him than he was for you. He pulled away from the bruising kiss, made you stand still as he walked over to his desk, plopping down on his seat.
His eyes scanned you hungrily as he removed his coat, followed by his tie and then unbuttoning the cuffs of his sleeves before rolling it up to his elbows.
“Take your panties off.” James had ordered.
Your breath hitched at the roughness of his voice. Following his orders, you reached beneath your pencil skirt and slipped off your underwear and letting it fall to your ankles before stepping out of them.
“C’mere.” James said and his voice was so tender it made you feel soft.
It’s amazing how James could go from sounding soft to almost feral, now that he was lapping up your cunt like a starved man while his subordinates went on about their work just outside.
“Let me see those tits. Been wanting to see them since I saw that bikini photo you had on your profile.” James growled, reaching up to pull down the cups of your bra, setting your breasts free.
Okay, maybe you sort of overdid your Tinder profile for someone who wasn’t really interested to hook-up. It was only one beach photo though, but now you weren’t regretting uploading it, not even a bit.
You keened when James pinched a nipple at the same time he started tongue-fucking your cunt. The entire scene was straight out of a porno, like one of those Naughty America skits minus the bad acting and terrible monologue between a CEO and his secretary.
“Keep it down, will ya? Gotta stay quiet, else we might get caught.” James warned, pulling back to watch your wetness drip down from your cunt to your asshole.
You blinked your eyes as you panted, watching James as he inserted two fingers into your sopping pussy. “Fuuuuck, James...” you whimpered.
“That’s not my name, baby.” James said, stilling his fingers and chuckling when you began wiggling your hips to get some friction.
“Sir, please...” you pleaded.
“You’ve always been an obedient one, aren’t you?” James cooed, bending down to lick a stripe against your folds while pumping his fingers in and out.
“Even doing a report that isn’t even yours, so fucking obedient.” He grunted.
Your moan was cut short when James’ phone began to ring, your eyes widening in panic when he answered it with nonchalance as if his fingers weren’t knuckle deep in your pussy.
“Hi, about time you called. You have any updates about the deal? He asked casually as he stood up from his seat.
James went on to discuss business with whoever it was on the other line. And this was all the while you sat on his desk with your skirt bunched up to your waist and legs wide open. You were about to close your legs, thinking that this rendezvous needed to be put on hold, but James was quick to grab your thigh to stop you from doing so.
You made a face at him, incredulous that he didn’t seem to have any plans of stopping. In fact, he started unbuckling his belt while keeping his eyes on you.
“Excuse me, can you hold for a sec?” James spoke into the phone before putting his mic on mute.
“Not a damn sound.” He told you and raised an eyebrow, waiting for a response.
Your mouth parted and you weren’t sure anymore whether you were nervous or aroused that your boss was about to fuck you while having a conversation over the phone. James pinched the inside of your thigh when you failed to respond.
“Yes, sir.” You quickly breathed out with a nod.
“Hi, sorry about that. Where were we?” James asked as he unzipped his pants.
Tinder never really piqued your interest that much. It was truly boredom that made you download it. There have been times when you felt like the app had its favorites; hearing your friends gush about this amazing guy they met through the app and all that shit. You almost gave up on the app that Friday night but thank goodness James appeared right before you called it quits.
If your friends were lucky for bagging an amazing guy on Tinder, it was safe to say that you hit the fucking jackpot because not only was James an amazing guy in general, but he had a very, very impressive cock as well.
You felt your pussy throb at the sight of his cock, springing free from the confines of his Calvin Kleins. It was thick and the vein on the underside of his shaft was so prominent you might as well give it a standing ovation.
James ran a tongue over his bottom lip, taking it in between his teeth when he stepped in between your legs to slide his cock along your folds. That gesture alone made your eyes roll to the back of your skull as you threw your head back from the pleasure.
James casually talked on the phone as he lined the tip of his cock to your entrance. Placing a finger on his lips to remind you to stay quiet, he watched your face as he slowly slid inside. You choked on your moan when you felt a slight sting from how his cock was stretching you out. Inch by inch, James pushed himself inside of you until he was fully sheathed.
He stretched you out so fucking good that you suddenly clenched around him, making James cough into the phone to mask the grunt that escaped his lips.
“Fuck.” He breathed out. “That sounds like a tight plan, Sam.” James said through gritted teeth, looking at you pointedly as if warning you to stay put.
James started off with slow, languid thrusts, gauging for your reaction to ensure that you wouldn’t make any noise. Unfortunately for you though, James was hitting all the right spots and it would only be a matter of time that you’d end up whimpering as he fucked you onto his desk.
He sped up his thrusts, pushing into you with more force making you slide up onto his desk every time he slammed back in. Your elbows were aching from how you were leaning your entire weight against them but fuck, you wanted to remain in that position to watch James’ cock disappear into your cunt.
James appeared to be struggling from holding back as well, seeing how his face was turning red and how the veins on his neck were starting to show up. His free hand gripped your thigh tightly, keeping your legs open as he began to speed up his pace.
One particular thrust made you see stars and unconsciously, you let out a moan that immediately turned into a gasp when James wrapped his free hand around your throat.
“That sounds great, Sam. When are you free to meet to further discuss the details?” James asked, his eyes glued onto yours as he pounded into you mercilessly.
His grip around your throat tightened each time you squeaked out the tiniest noise. You were so out of it now; James was fucking you so good that it slipped your mind that you were at work and that James was, well, your boss— the CEO of the company actually.
James could feel your pussy flutter around his cock and quickly put his phone on mute before grunting, “C’mon, baby. Cum for me, make a mess on my cock.”
His command spurred you on and your climax hit you with no warning at all. The coil in your abdomen simply snapped, reducing you into a trembling mess as you came around James’ cock the same time he let go of your throat, only to cover your mouth with his hand as you let out a long, muffled whimper.
“Great, I’ll have my secretary schedule the meeting then. It was great talking to you, Sam.” James literally let his phone slip from his hand as soon as the call ended.
He held your waist with both hands as he chased his own orgasm, fucking you harder until he slipped out and came on your mound.
“Fuck...” he panted as he jerked off his cock, milking it until your folds were covered in his release.
Holy fucking shit, your boss was truly down to fuck. And it was one hell of a fuck too.
You had just finished cleaning up yourself when you somewhat regained your consciousness. Now what? This was what you were worried about, the aftermath of fucking the CEO.
“You good?” James asked as he sat down on his chair.
You nodded and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, “Yes, sir.”
“Bucky.” James corrected.
“I’m sorry?” Wait, what?
James shrugged, “If we’re going to start working closely, I prefer if you called me by my nickname.” He explained.
You frowned, “I don’t understand?”
What the hell was going on? James sorted through the stack of his papers on his desk (most of which were crumpled when you ended up grabbing them as he fucked you) and handed one over to you.
“You’re promoted as the head of your department.” He announced with a small smile.
Now you were offended. Did he promote you for letting him fuck you? Was this his plan all along? You couldn’t understand a single thing that was going on and James was attentive enough to figure out what you were thinking. You stared at the formal letter discussing your promotion and then back up at James.
“The promotion has nothing to do with us fucking.” He reassured. “Do you think I don’t pay attention to my employees? I know each and everyone in this company, their performance and how they do their jobs. And you...” James said, standing up and walking around his desk until he stood in front of you.
“I’ve been watching you for quite a while now. You have impressive skills. Your reports are exquisite, you know how to manage a team, you’re very smart. Quite the entire package.” He explained with a shrug.
“I’m not sure how my manager will take this given that—“
“That promotion was supposed to be yours but I asked the HR to give it to her instead. You deserve being more than just becoming a manager so now you’re a department head. You’re required to directly report to me moving forward.” James bit his lip as he tipped your chin.
You were at a loss for words. All this time, you thought that your hardwork and efforts haven’t been paying off.
“What do you say?” He asked, tilting his head. “And just so we’re clear, the promotion has been decided before I even stumbled upon your Tinder profile.” He explained.
You let out a chuckle, still unable to believe what had just happened. Your boss fucked you, gave you one of the best orgasms in your entire life and also gave you a promotion. Talk about good fucking luck, all thanks to Tinder.
“Uh I...yes...I’m accepting the promotion.” You said excitedly.
“Good.” James said, taking a step back from you giving you your space back.
“The announcement of the promotion will be e-mailed in a few. Congratulations and I’ll see you tonight.” James said with a smirk.
You narrowed your eyes at him, “Tonight?”
“Yeah, we’ll celebrate your promotion. You’re not just the head of your department, baby. You’re mine now.”
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar  @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @i’m-squished @tcc-gizmachine @sipsteacasually @prettyintopeerpressure @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit @bloodhon3yx @dressed-in-prada @lizette50 @thatfangirl42 @sunflowerbunny2​ @unmagically​ @okiegirl24 @sugarpunch-princess @enlyume @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp @lyoongx @just-deka @nobody-will @jaziona92 @elisebuitron @dpaccione @suvikamahes98blr @buckybarneshairpullingkink @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​ @iloveangstposts @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​ @whoth3hellisbucky​​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03 @its-yasbxtch @twinerd14 @bluehour-553​
The Match Special Tags:
@marvelslag​ @weird-mumbling​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @mostly-marvel-musings​ @squishybabies​ @megzdoodle​ @little-baby-vixen​ @annathesillyfriend​ @xhollycowx​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​ @gogolucky13​ @countonthesun​ 
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watevermelon · 3 years
✧ MSBY Soulmate!Atsumu x Reader
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➳ Summary: You knew all about his personality, whether through the rumor vine or the numerous warnings your friends gave you. But there was no avoiding it - he was your soulmate after all.
➳ fluff; mutual pining; small jealousy; slight angst with a happy ending ➳ Navigation
When he first met you, Atsumu hadn’t wanted to hear it.
This was in the prime of his life, being scouted for a Division 1 volleyball team was his life-goal and the only thing standing in his way was the upcoming Olympics. Which, of course, he was rumored to be included on as well.
Even back in high school, there were tons of fans and girls alike who would willingly fall to his feet. Regardless of his reputation, they were eager to share a single night despite knowing it would probably be their last. And Atsumu reveled in the excitement of the attention, feeding off the cheers and shallow admiration many threw at him both on the court and in the bedroom.
Atsumu didn’t want a soulmate, someone whom he was shackled to for the rest of his life.
No, initially he didn’t want you.
As for you, the feeling was mutual to a degree. Soulmates were a touchy topic for many, conversations about colors and contrast was something you could not personally relate to. The moment you met your soulmate, it was described to you as suddenly bathing your entire life in color.
A part of you was curious about your soulmate, where he was in the world, what was he doing and who he was with. But never had you centered your life around it, more like a passive curiosity that you hoped would one day be satiated.
You were a student of Inarizaki during its prime, the members of the volleyball team very popular among the student body. You had made acquaintances with Osamu and Suna through one or two classes, but never were you particularly close to them.
Your close friends often warned you about the leader of their trio anyway - Atsumu Miya and his drove of fuckboy energy. 
There was no doubt that the twin had multiple fan-clubs and obsessive flings surrounding him. You remembered once feeling sympathetic for his soulmate - thinking about how hard it would be to get him to saddle down to a single person. Especially, with the way he lived his life, it seemed the setter could care less about the concept of soulmates to begin with.
No, Atsumu would be a terrible soulmate for whoever was unfortunately linked to him by the red string of fate.
And while he was admittedly very handsome, you did not particularly care about the setter to actively reach out to him.
Besides, it was not like he even knew who you were to begin with.
The years went by and any thoughts you had about the setter were filed away in the quiet recesses of your mind, only appearing once in a while when Miya  Atsumu showed up on some article or newspaper cover for something regarding volleyball. You were silently proud of his accomplishments and representing your school and perfecture, achieving his dream and all, but hadn’t particularly cared about him in the first place.
That was all until one day, you walked into Onigiri Miya years later.
Even though Osamu was the quieter twin, he either had a good memory or was oddly sentimental, since he remembered your name immediately when you took a seat at the bar.
“I see the years have treated ya well.” Osamu started casually, almost making you blush at how the twin could say something like that as if totally normal between old friends. “How’ve ya been doin’?”
“I’ve been working in the city, just something temporary while I finish grad school.”
“Ah, you’ve always been smart.” He complimented.
“Nothing compared to you though.” You countered, “You look really happy doing this. And you have a few branches opening, I heard.”
“Keepin’ tabs on me?” He baited.
“Just like hearing about the success of our classmates.” You shrugged.
You were sure Osamu had something sassy to say back to you before he got called away by another customer. He motioned for you to stay as he walked to the other side. 
Your eyes followed him for a few seconds, watching how despite working around food constantly, he still had an athletic build after all these years. 
(Really, the dude was built like a dorito chip.)
And while you would have liked to stay and flirt with the pretty onigiri twin, a similar voice started from the door. A light chime signaling the front door opening, you heard a greeting toward Osamu, making you turn in your seat in interest.
Only to double-over in surprise as your world was suddenly too bright.
You had no time, not even seconds to get your bearings. Your life of white and black tones was suddenly full - the table covers were black and red, the plants at the windowsill were green with different arrangements of orange. You took in your surroundings quickly, soaking up colors for the first time in your life.
It seemed the other man was just as surprised, cursing as he went before you lifted your eyes simultaneously to look each other in the eyes once more.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Atsumu asked under his breath, but you heard it all the same.
What on earth could you possibly say to that?
Within seconds, the situation was whirling around in your brain that this was possibly the worst possible moment of your life.
You were soulmates that didn’t want each other - for opposite reasons, surely. You did not want to be with Atsumu since he was too much of a player to take the concept seriously and attempting anything with him would only result in heartache. And Atsumu didn’t want you because he surely had an endless amount of women he would rather be with.
“That’s what a girl wants to hear.” You countered as you crossed your arms.
You hadn't expected your first meeting with your soulmate to be met with expletives and it seemed Atsumu finally remembered a semblance of his manners.
“Sorry, ya caught me off-guard.” He started, “Now ain’t the greatest time for me.”
“Oh boy.” You murmured as you turned back in your seat at the bar, Atsumu taking the open one next to you.
“Wait, (L/N)? From Inarizaki?” Atsumu asked after he motioned toward Osamu in greeting.
“That’s me.” You formally introduced yourself, extending a hand out to him. He regarded you quietly before taking his phone out for you to take and put your number in.
“I knew it, I don’t forget a pretty face like yers after all.” Atsumu smoothly said. This was your soulmate and all you felt in response was resentment, thinking about all the women he probably used that line with. You handed him back his phone as he continued, “Wow, look at ya all grown up.”
“And look at you, a professional volleyball player.”
Atsumu looked at you with a critical eye, not one that you could really decipher, but it was clear he was looking at you very thoroughly. “Been to one’ve my games before?”
“Only a few times in high school.” You replied, facing his stare head-on as his smirk only widened. You weren’t sure what this was, but with a player like Atsumu, you were sure he was already sizing you up in a way you didn’t want.
Something told you that if you looked away, you would lose.
And so you held your ground, matching his intense stare as your onigiri meal waited for you at the bar-side.
Thankfully, his name was called out by his twin and Atsumu’s attention was grabbed away before you could break. 
“I didn’t know ya knew each other?” Osamu started as he returned, a glass in hand as he wiped it dry with a towel.
“We don’t.” You said instead.
Atsumu’s smirk tightened as he answered, “Just found out we’re soulmates, actually.”
Osamu put the glass down and turned to you, “'Tsumu fucking with me?”
“Unfortunately, no.” You answered.
“Unfortunately?” Atsumu emphasized as he turned to you more fully, the infuriating smirk still on his face for some reason, “I’ll have ya know that Imma great catch.”
“Debatable.” Osamu countered.
You laughed at his quip before looking at Atsumu, “Yeah, but I’m sure you don’t even want to be ‘caught,’ right?” You shot-back at the setter, “Unless you’re going to try to convince me that you still don’t want to entertain the droves of women at your feet?”
“Think ya have me all figured out?” Atsumu asked as he leaned closer to you, a quirked brow on his face. You looked toward Osamu who looked strangely amused, eyes going between you and Atsumu.
“I think I know enough to know why ‘now ain’t the greatest time’ for you.” You replied sassily as you shot back his first words to you, pushing at his chest to give back your personal space.
Atsumu just took your hand and put it in his own, calling your bluff. “Oh? Like how my time and attention are on Olympics while I’d rather treat my baby properly?”
“Oh god.” You said as you laughed.
You laughed.
To his face?
All the setter could think about was how interesting you were.
He had expected his soulmate to ‘fall at his feet’ as many had in the past. To cling to him for attention and to demand an exclusive shackle to them. But here you were: beautiful and independent and even physically pushing him away.
You grabbed your hand out of his light embrace and turned back to your food, smiling at what you thought was just another line he would feed to his other one-night stands. Atsumu bit his lip in frustration and looked briefly at Osamu, who was watching the two of you like his own personal source of humor.
If you were any other girl, Atsumu would wave you off. Say that he didn’t have time for one girl who didn’t care, he had dozens who would willingly take the spot instead. 
But you weren’t just any other girl, you were his soulmate.
And he could already feel the strange draw towards you.
Not even a few months ago he would scoff at the supposed soulmate bond. All the other members of the Black Jackals had found their other half and what they ranted on and on about made him sick. Bokuto somehow found a way to insert something about Akaashi at almost every conversation and Atsumu would constantly catch Hinata, even during midgame, staring at Kageyama.
They sickened him.
And yet somehow he now understood.
Seeing his soulmate before him, you were one of the first few people in a while that he felt like he had to prove himself to. There was probably an endless amount of expectation against him, he was sure. Being old classmates and seeing his name on a tabloid almost every other month would definitely do that.
And somehow only minutes into speaking to his soulmate, Atsumu wanted something different.
“I could always prove it to ya.” He shot toward you, making you laugh again. 
Alright, this shit ain’t gonna cut it.
Atsumu licked at his bottom lip before pulling your bar stool closer to his, relishing in the way your eyes widened in surprise as he did so. “Come on, ya lookin’ at yer soulmate. Just say what we both want and we can leave here together right now.”
You shot him back an incredulous expression, a challenging look in your eye as he put the ball in your court. It was strange to feed off the provocation of someone else; a new type of adrenaline in him as he wanted to get to know you.
“Sorry, but I’d rather not leave with a man who has hickies down his neck from some other woman.”
Atsumu almost felt himself click his tongue in frustration, but you were not exactly wrong. Just a few hours ago he was inside someone he couldn’t even name with a gun to his head, but that was a world before you.
A world before color and the sassy soulmate who seemed to want nothing to do with him. 
And while Atsumu wanted to prod a bit more, or at least get you to concede that he was the greatest option in the world, his phone rang out with Sakusa’s icon flashing on the screen.
Your eyes were drawn to the noise and you commented, “I’m sure you already have plans today anyway.”
Dashing that thought away, he lifted his phone to your eyes and showcased the proof to you. “Think again, my teammate is on the other line ready to chew my ass out.”
“Oh.” That shut you up, before shrugging and turning back to your food, “Well, I’ll see you around Atsumu.”
He leaned toward you, lips dropping beside your ear and lightly stating, “Keep ya schedule open this week.”
You hesitated for a second before saying, “Maybe.”
Atsumu answered the call and started gathering his things, his thoughts only half on Sakusa as the spiker complained about his cleaning habits in the locker room.
“We should probably exchange numbers again.” Osamu took out his phone, motioning it in your direction. 
You took it with a smile, to which Atsumu scowled and made a point of reminding his twin. “Yer better know she’s my soulmate.”
Osamu sighed outwardly and you just laughed adding, “And he’s the better twin afterall.”
Atsumu’s eyes darkened, phone completely forgotten as he took a step toward you, “I’ll remind you later who really is the better twin.”
He made it so easy to tease him, to challenge the world Atsumu built-up around him. You wanted to break it for some reason, to knock him down a peg for being stuck with a player as a soulmate.
And so you shot back, “I’d like to see you try.”
Atsumu smirked as his hand casually grazed up your thigh and squeezed at the skin there. “That’s a promise.”
He shot both of you goodbye’s before returning to his phone call and walking out the door. Atsumu had the last word for now, but you weren’t going to fall to his feet so easily. Turning back to Osamu was no help either, his expression amused as he watched the entire moment play-out.
“An here I was wantin’ to ask ya out.” Osamu stated plainly before shrugging as you sat still in your chair at the irony.
You expected that to be the last you’d see of Atsumu for a while - weeks or months or maybe even years as he entertained the long list of women that would be much easier to maintain than a soulmate.
He called you the next day, inviting you over for dinner and a movie before the weekend started.
You steeled your spine, telling yourself that the gorgeous setter was not going to get to you in a single night. He lived on the better side of Tokyo, just his zip-code alone was a flex of his wallet. And so when you reached his penthouse floor, you took a deep breath in the elevator before you entered his domain.
Again, you expected him to make good on his promise before, to make a move and prove to you that he was a playboy, asshole that you knew from high-school, but instead you had a pleasant first night.
Atsumu Miya entertained you with a home-cooked meal of all things, the two of you sat across from each other at his mahogany dining table.
“Who would’ve thought you would know how to cook well?”
“Ya know who my brother is?” Atsumu joked, “As if 'Samu will me live if I was an ass in the kitchen.”
“Of course, you’re just an ass in other places then.” You shot back, receiving a playful look of offense from the setter, before continuing. “But this tasted amazing, so thank you.”
Atsumu had that smirking expression on his face, like he was carefully watching you, picking you apart in his mind as he thought about the next ten moves in this strange game.
The setter put a hand on your knee under the table and you expected that to be the move, for it to slide up the rest of the way. But instead he tapped the area twice before he stood, grabbing your empty plates and motioning for you to go to the living room. 
“Why dont’cha get comfortable for the movie while I wash these?”
You weren’t disappointed, per se. 
Just surprised, if anything.
And the night continued on just as tamely, playful and even flirty banter between the two of you over the action movie that played out. At one point he draped a casual arm across the back of the couch, resting his hand on your shoulder and pulling you to lean against him.
You had witty banter back and forth and when the movie finally ended, Atsumu commented how it was getting late. Surprised again, you took the out and allowed him to call a car for you. Atsumu walked you down to the street and only when he was opening the door for you, did he lightly pull you at the waist to chastely move your lips together.
Lasting only seconds, he pulled away just as quickly and ushered you into the car and whispered in your ear, “See you soon, (F/N).
Everything you had expected of the playboy you thought you knew was shattered, no sudden move to get you on your back on his bedsheets. Yes, he still said plenty of flirty things to you, but he had yet to actually act on it. Was that simply a bluff before? Or was he playing a longer game to get you off the defensive?
“Yer so cute, (F/N).” Atsumu complimented you once as you lounged on his couch another day, “There are days I can barely keep my hands off ya.”
And before you could recognize how quickly your life was changing, that first initial date snowballed into more dates and somehow you had gotten to the point where you would visit his place fairly often. Whether for dinner or a simple hangout, it seemed Atsumu was keen on inserting himself into your life little by little.
And somewhere along the way, you started to doubt your earlier musings of a fuck boy with no regard for a soulmate. Maybe he had changed from high school? Or maybe, he had changed when he met you?
Or at least, that’s what you wanted to believe.
He had convinced you one night, when you came over for dinner or whatever it must have been, when it started to absolutely downpour outside. He insisted that he did not feel safe sending you home in this weather, to which you countered that you had travelled in worse.
That did little to subdue his worries and instead you found yourself in an oversized jersey getting tucked into his bed that night.
“What’s that face about?” He asked as you laid there together, bed sheets up to your shoulders as he placed an arm beneath your head.
“Nothing, just thinking.”
You thought the first time you’d ever see his bedsheets would be when he was inside of you, not tamely laying beside you and kissing your forehead goodnight. And when he pulled you closer to him, cuddling you to sleep that night, that was one of the safest times you had ever felt.
If this was just a game, if you were just another one of his girls, he would have made a move that night, right?
And so you believed that Atsumu was honestly as earnest in his actions as he said, trying to get to know you for you. Not because you were just another woman to put as a notch on his bedpost, but because he was genuinely interested in you.
That was until you saw the first dating scandal since you had met the setter.
He had plenty of other scandals before this, many women had been attached to his name before, but never had you cared in the past because that was simply his reputation and you barely knew him. But now you had an active role in his life, how could you not know about some woman he was apparently also spending time with?
You did not want to believe some random tabloids over the trust of your soulmate. At least, that was until one day you overheard Atsumu on the phone with his twin.
“Listen, I took out (F/N) that first time cause ya told me to.”
That shit hurted.
The entire foundation of your relationship was based on the fact that his twin pressured him into getting to know you? Did Atsumu even want to get to know you in the first place? Was he really playing with your feelings this whole time?
You turned and went back to his living room, filing this away in your mind as you took a seat. If Atsumu didn’t actually want you in his life, then you would surely give him the space he wanted to begin with.
But you had missed the rest of that phone conversation.
“But I feel like I’ve already fallen for her. I don’t know, she’s different. Ya, ya. I know, I won’t fuck it up this time.”
And so you resolved to put between each other the space he wanted initially.
When you first met, he was pretty vocal about not wanting a soulmate at the time. But he had convinced you along the way, that maybe this was something the both of you wanted.
You were wrong.
Phone calls went ignored and you stopped replying to texts after a few curt replies. You needed distance if you were going to get over Miya Atsumu and his inevitable line of one-night stands.
Your soulmate was supposed to be the one person in the world who completed you, who understood you whole and made you feel loved. And while you were on the precipice of those feelings, it all quickly came crashing down with reality.
Atsumu Miya did not want you.
One night, as you were studying for grad-school, you were working on your part of the group project and were expecting a call any moment now from your other partners. 
When the phone rang out, you picked it up without regard to the name on the screen until it was too late.
“Hey, (F/N)? Haven’t heard from you in a while.” Atsumu’s voice started immediately and it was not like you could hang-up on him now.
“Sorry, I’ve been busy trying to make rent, y’know. Not everyone can be a world-renowned professional athlete.”
There was a small pause on his end before, “... you could always stay with me if you have financial problems.”
Why would he offer that? Just to make you suffer when he brought other women home?
“Don’t say things you’ll regret, haha.” You try to put back that earlier distance, “I’m sure you have a laundry list of girls who are eager to hear back from you after all.”
“What? (F/N), that’s not--”
You cut him off there, “Listen, I’m waiting on a couple people for a school thing. I’ll see you around, Miya-san.”
Where had he fucked up?
In the weeks Atsumu had gotten to know you, it was a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach that he hadn’t felt for anyone. It was like the unspoken bond crap that Kita had explained to him in high school or that Suna, who recently found his own soulmate, raved about was actually real.
For the first time in his life he wanted to spend time with a woman for longer than a single night. He wanted to bring you home, kiss you good morning, and possibly have a home with both your names on the mailbox.
And while not even a few months ago he would have scoffed at shit like that, Atsumu wanted it and felt that for the first time it was in his grasp.
So where did he go wrong?
The last thing he ever wanted to do was actually make you feel unwanted and he feared that his initial words might have sparked something within you.
It was no surprise when Atsumu showed up at your apartment unannounced the next day.
Not expecting any company, you waltzed over to the door, thinking it might be a package delivery, and opened it in your pajamas.
Atsumu walked right past you and into the living room, words striking with the specificity of a cobra. “Are you just fucking with me?”
You sputtered before closing the door, “What? 
He ran a stressed hand through his hair, but maintained eye-contact with you. “Yer my soulmate and I wanna get to know you. Am I alone in wantin’ this?”
“Shouldn’t I ask that of you?” You shot back, “You made it clear as day that you didn't want me as your soulmate to begin with!”
Atsumu sighed and took a step closer to you, closing the distance to lightly grab at your elbows. “For fucks sake, that was months ago. Don’t tell me that all that time together meant nothin’ to you?”
“Of course it meant something to me!” You exclaimed back, before pushing at his chest while he did not budge a single inch away. “Don’t act like I’m the one half-assed in this.”
He scowled back, “What is that suppos’ed to mean?”
You did not hesitate, "I know you only spent time with me because Osamu told you to.”
Atsumu recoiled in surprise and you took that as your escape, pushing his lingering hands away as you made for the kitchen. But the setter was out of his stupor quickly, trailing behind you.
“Fuck, what did ‘Samu tell you?”
“He didn’t have to tell me anything, I found out the truth myself.”
You could tell Atsumu’s stress level was skyrocketing, from the way his hair was mused without care and angled strangely in certain ways.
“Ya got it all wrong, it was just that first time!” Atsumu replied right behind you.
“What do you mean?”
“‘Samu was the one who told me to call ya the next day, but I was going to eventually ‘cause I wanted to get to know ya myself.”
You slowly took in his words, but it was hard to make any sort of decision with the setter right in front of you. A part of you, one that attributed it to the soulmate bond, was basically begging you to forgive him and wrap yourself in his embrace. That part wanted to feel those muscular arms around you once again, to feel safe in the arms of the one person in the universe meant for you.
But, afraid of getting hurt and without much argue left within you, you tossed back. “Yeah, eventually.”
Atsumu put a strong grip on your waist, holding you there in place before you could run away again.“‘Samu told me to, but I could’ave easily not done nothin’ that first night or any time after.”
You bit your lip at his words, Atsumu was laying all his cards on the table and he wanted a response from you. 
And he wanted it now.
“Please, ya know me better by now.” Atsumu turned you in place to face him, leaning down to whisper his words against your forehead. “I know Imma bad deal - I can’t imagine what ya thought of me back in high school and even earlier this year. I have a bad history and an even worse reputation.”
“But after just a few weeks, I don’t want ya out of my life ever again. Just hearin’ ya call me by my last name yesterday nearly killed me.” Atsumu continued, trailing his lips further down until your foreheads were touching, “Lets give this a try - a real one. Give me the chance to make you happy for the rest of our lives.”
You closed your eyes, trying to ignore the insistent inner tug on your heart and how the setter was encompassing all your thoughts. “Atsumu… I--”
“Stop overthinkin’.” He interrupted, “I don’t want to bombard you. But I promise I won’t ever purposely hurt you.”
You took in a harsh breath, wondering how on earth this could be the same Miya Atsumu who plagued your high school. He had changed, not just from then but from the short amount of time you had already shared together. Opening your eyes slowly, Atsumu was still clutching you around the waist, but his eyes were carefully scanning your expression.
You replied, leaning into his touch more as the smile on the setter’s face widened.
He did not waste a single moment, leaning down to capture your lips with his. You stood surprised for a second, before pushing up to meet his gentle touches. There was no sudden epiphany, no instant speech of undying love after. But there was no denying the harsh flutter intensifying after every inflamed touch. 
Your heart pounded hard in your chest as you leaned more into the setter, knees going weak as his tongue roamed your open mouth. Your only focus was on how soft he felt against your mouth, how addictive it was to have Atsumu invaded all your senses. From the intense smell of his cologne to the light tickle of his blond hair against your head, Atsumu was dominating your every feeling.
And so it was quite a surprise when Atsumu gave you one final peck, before moving to your forehead and placing a light butterfly kiss there and backing off entirely.
“Fuck, just look at you.” He commented as he leaned back, looking at you up and down. There was no doubt the sight that greeted him, you messy with drool, tousled hair, and rumpled clothing. “Even in your sheep pajamas, it’s hard for me to keep my hands off ya.”
Your blush intensified at his words, putting a playful hand on his chest and muttering a small, “Shut up.”
“Never.” He quipped back, putting another kiss on your forehead before pulling away, only your hands still joined. “Now let’s get your apartment packed.”
“What?” You asked, confused. Your mind was still nothing more than a cup of spilled milk after Atsumu had all but ravaged your senses.
He smiled before pulling you back to your living room. You followed wordlessly, his previous statements slowly pouring into your brain after the intense liplock. It was hard to focus on anything when the attractive setter was making a point to kiss you at an open chance.
“As in packed to move in with me.”
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minahoeshi · 3 years
you were loved the most the most of all.
Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader | breakup angst
Summary: You should've known that when Ushijima Wakatoshi found it easy to fall in love with you, it might be even easier for him to fall out of it. But who expects the worst when it comes to loving someone as seemingly perfect as him, anyway?
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Chapter 1 of 2
Chapter 2 of 2
Middle schooler Ushijima Wakatoshi was already more special than the kids around him. This, he was made to believe. It’s not exactly like it was wrong either. When a child is raised the way he was, with so much support that it’s suffocating, one can only grow to be good at what they were told they were meant to be doing. Volleyball as a toddler was meant for the happier times, a memory locked away as nothing but a feeling of nostalgia, never to be completely remembered again. Volleyball as a middle school player was an endless beginning, the very first point of a journey with no real possible end. Volleyball as one of the best among kids of his age, proven by the strength his high school team was known for and the fact that he was already on the world stage as well, could only ever spur him on to keep the momentum. Keep climbing, he would be reminded. Never stop. That’s how you reach the peak. Whether he would break after all that or rise to the very top was never even a matter of discussion. The way to the top was the only one there was. Looking back down and allowing himself to just freefall until the top becomes a distance almost crossed but never reached wasn’t ever an option. Wakatoshi could only ever aim for the very peak.
So, Wakatoshi, how’s volleyball as a pro?
The feeling of a dream-come-true that never was a dream, he might say. But him and sentimental descriptions simply didn’t really mix much. You were the one filled to the brim with those kinds of words. Maybe flowers laced the walls of your chest, maybe when God kicked Adam and Eve out of Eden, he left the garden to grow and flourish within your lungs, maybe you unknowingly raised every single Godly creation and so you were blessed with the power to create as well. You were full of flowery words, that’s what he knows. He would listen to every single one of them, count every petal, water every plant, kiss every one of them in their full bloom, and watch as sunlight filtered orange sets on all that you are. He’s always liked plants. But yours were his favourite.
So he wonders why the point where he could no longer listen to your words had to come. Why he looked at you and only felt the kind of fondness that comes with familiarity but not exactly love. Why the way your hands entwined with his no longer fills his chest with warmth. Why the abyss he spent trying to fill before you arrived (and made him realise maybe empty spaces were never meant to be filled to feel full but instead filled to feel warm) now feels extremely cold again. So maybe things like love do end. And maybe he made promises too soon.
So maybe when you told him about your mother and father and about how they made promises too but couldn’t come through, and when Wakatoshi thought you won’t ever be the same, he was wrong. Maybe one of them realised letting go when love no longer feels the same is better than letting their hands stay entwined when there’s only numbing coldness left to be felt. So maybe it’d do you better for him to let things end. From this point onwards, whatever he does will only ever hurt you. Because you crave the kind of affection that won’t ever end, and how he wish he could keep giving that to you, but he just no longer can. And staying with him who, for whatever fucked up reason the cosmos came up with, can no longer find the love he spent years sharing with you, is something he would never wish upon you.
This fucking hurts. How he fucking wants to keep loving you. What the hell happened?
After you left, Wakatoshi skipped training. He felt bad for eating the omelette when you cooked it to wish him luck. But he ate it anyway, wondering if he will ever see you again. And if so, will he feel find himself feeling the way he used to? And if yes, would you want that?
How do feelings work anyway?
You get to work right away. Still feeling heavy and hurt, sobbing at times, you keep collecting Wakatoshi’s things from your apartment. There were a lot. You were both comfortable with sharing your spaces with each other anytime you both wanted. Sometimes leaving things behind caused problems like that time Wakatoshi left his jersey in your apartment and only realized on the day of a game. You had to head to the gym earlier than you usually do, thankfully having washed the clothing a few days before. It’s actually there again, you find. His Schweiden Adler jersey in your closet among the pile of his other shirts and pyjamas. You put all that and other things into a box and close it up. For now, you’ll clean your place and get some sleep. You slept late last night and you woke up too early. Dealing with lack of sleep and the taxing feelings of ache after a breakup was too much. You were exhausted.
The moment you lie on your bed, you feel yourself falling asleep. And then you do. World gone.
You wake up at around lunch and take a short shower. You dress up, carry the box of Wakatoshi’s stuff, head out, lock your door, and go on your away to Tendou’s chocolate shop. You weren’t friends with him before you met Wakatoshi. So, you guess, maybe this will be the last you see him too. When people lose others, they either prefer to keep remembering or completely forget. For your sake, you’d rather be the latter.
Tendou’s shop isn’t close enough to the train station. You have to walk a few more minutes before you reach it. The box you’re carrying isn’t exactly heavy but you still feel sluggish even after that nap. You stop by a café to gather your wits and rest a bit. When you meet Tendou, you know he’ll greet you brightly. Toshi wouldn’t have told him that you broke up just yet. You realised long ago that unless asked by people, Toshi would rather not say anything most of the time. His silence was one you grew used to. Now you have to get used to not being around it anymore.
When you enter the chocolate shop, you see his red hair behind the counter right away. Quite the opposite of Wakatoshi, he’s lively and loud when he wants to be. Like right now, as he’s talking to a costumer, excitedly helping them choose one of the products they’re looking for. You wait until he’s done, just sending him a wave when he sees you, smiling. When the costumer leaves, you head for the counter and place the box you’ve been holding on top pf it.
Loudly, as you expected, he says, “hello! What brings you here? Haven’t seen you in like, three days, I think? You need anything? Where’s Wakatoshi-san? He’s not with you? Why?”
His barrage of questions won’t be left unanswered. But first, you nudge the box toward him. “Uhm, yeah, haven’t seen you in days. I… uhm, I’m here to ask you to do something. Related to Toshi-kun, of course, and well, why he’s… not, uhm, here…? With me?”
You stutter a lot mainly because you don’t exactly feel like announcing that Wakatoshi broke up with you. Tendou simply seems extremely excited to see you and even hopeful to see his best friend too but right now, you just feel like crying all over again It’s like you just can’t run out of tears. You just know that after this, you’ll go home and sob the rest of the day away. Breaking up with Wakatoshi hurt you a lot.
The redhead urges you on, concern beginning to appear on his face. What with the way you’re stuttering and fidgeting when you’re usually so comfortable around him and other people, it’s easy to tell that you’re not feeling too well. Clearly, something must have happened between you and Wakatoshi.
“So… we… kind of broke up…?” the lack of certainty in your voice makes it seem as though you’re still unsure if things really did end between you and the pro-athlete you’ve spent years with. But with the way Wakatoshi told you his reasons for breaking up last night, and how he didn’t want to keep hurting you because you’ve already talked to him about two other people who met and fell in love and did many things and yet still fell out of it but tried to hold on for too long that they ended up tearing each other down until even their daughter started to break with them until it’s just one tiny family with sharp shards for hearts, only capable of hurting each other and nothing more (some daughters grow up wanting to be anything but their mothers and fathers). Of course, Wakatoshi never mentioned that story, but you both knew that when he said he knows he can only really hurt you even more if he lets things run as they always did, he meant, we’re not your parents. We won’t tear each other down. If you go now, you’ll be okay enough to not be the person you’ll come to hate.
The only thing you allow Tendou to know is that you and Wakatoshi are no longer dating and that you’re both okay with it. You leave it at that, and when Tendou gives you a hug, the pain in your chest runs up your throat and you start crying again but that’s alright because Tendou reminds you that you’re sad and hurt and crying makes sense and crying helps and crying is fine and maybe crying makes it hurt a little bit less. He pats your back and says nothing after that, simply letting you calm down.
Before you leave, you purchase a few sweets because Tendou told u it’ll help. Chocolates and sadness work too well with each other.
The last time Wakatoshi remembers talking to you was around a year after your breakup. He and his team known to be one of the bests of Japan lost against the bests of Argentina in the Olympics. The world stage wasn't a strange new world to him and neither was loss, but for the first time in many years, the man found himself burdened by the weight of too many regrets.
He knew then that maybe it wasn't exactly losing against Argentina that made him feel this way. Maybe the emptiness he so desperately filled by pouring too much of his days into training and playing was finally there to break him. Maybe the whole time he was thinking he was getting there, not knowing where, only hoping to keep going because he just doesn't know where he can stop to lay his pieces down, he was only distracted enough to not miss the warmth you brought with you which you took with you when he broke your heart. And so when he lost that game, he questioned what could possibly keep him going. When does this journey end? Until when must he keep going? His parents never told him when he was younger. All this time, he only knew to keep forward. Now that he has won one too many games and finally lost one of the most important games he could play, he finds himself wondering if he should stop here now.
And because you knew him too much, you just had to, you know, be that rock that kept him steady even after he hurt you. He went and broke your heart for reasons he himself still cannot really explain, like how the fuck he knew he was no longer in love with you, and why the fuck is he still missing you, and is God playing with him right fucking now? So you just had to call him when he was all alone in his hotel room, mind messed up in so many ways. Your voice just to had to be there. To tell him, you did so well today. To be honest, I haven't watched much of your games recently but I felt like I just had to watch this one. And it was so awesome. It makes me wanna start watching you play again. You're amazing, Wakatoshi-kun. I'm so proud of you.
And then a year later, Wakatoshi finds out that you finally published the novel you’ve been working on since way before he met you. In the first message you sent him, you attached a picture of your book, saying, look at the name on the cover. are you proud of me yet? I am too<3. Better grab yourself a copy before there's none left, right? He couldn't say for sure why you decided to message him about it. It wasn't like you stayed in contact, both of you aware of how much you preferred not facing the past if you had the choice. That time after he lost against Tooru Oikawa's team in the Olympics and you gave him a call was because you're just that kind. You're just that amazing.
But like many things he'll never understand, he just lets this one be. So what if you told him about your book? He should be thankful enough that you even decided to tell him about it. So he goes and buys a copy and reads it as soon as he gets home. It's not like he's big on reading. But he just really likes your words.
...and if someday we find ourselves in a universe where soulmates are filled to the brim with not only stardust but also pure serendipity, I wonder what kind of mark we would have. I kinda wish it'd be that one where ink on my skin gets inked on yours too. Then maybe it'd be so much easier to tell you all the secrets I've been trying to keep. Like how I spent too many years regretting not succumbing in that green lake back home or how sometimes I bleed all over in red angry lines running down like red angry tears, and how much you made me just want to live because you just made me feel loved the most of all. Because maybe you were my finallyfinallyfinallyfinally before you were my whywhywhywhywhywhy.
The End
Hello. I deeply feel how flawed this fic is but that's fine. I'm still learning how to write stories because I've been writing prose more than anything else. So stories like this do kinda scare me. But I still hope you liked it and thank you so much for reading it!!!!
also, not proofread. it's p hard for me to reread my own works so im v sorry for any mistakes and stuff. if u find any mistakes and whatnot pls pls pls tell me. thats all i hope u enjoyed this v much shouldve stayed in the drafts fic. mwa!
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Olympian and Her Surprise (Natasha x Olympian Reader)
confusinggemini612 asked:
Hey, I saw your post about your requests being open & figured I'd send one in. Could you please write a Natasha x Reader fic where the Reader who's been busy training for the Olympics shows up at the Compound to surprise Nat? Nat is ecstatic & the team's like wtf, not knowing Natasha was dating anyone. Thanks
procrastinatingsapphictrash asked:
Okay request thing really quickly since I'm kinda in the middle of class right now. Anyways could you write something about r being natasha's secret girlfriend (who is just a normal person, not an avenger) and natasha brings her to meet the team who are all very shocked. Thank you if you write this!
So, both of these lovelies sent me requests, so I sort of combined them to create this!!
Hope you guys enjoy!!
Practice had been going pretty well, and (Y/n) and her team had beaten their time by five seconds in their 400 x 4 relay.
On the car ride home, (Y/n) fiddles with the engagement ring on the chain around her neck.
(Y/n) smiles at the thought of surprising her fiance - who she hadn't seen for a month due to training for the Olympics.
(Y/n) is well built - both arm and leg muscles - and rather tall for a sprinter - about six foot three inches - making (Y/n) taller than her fiancee by about nine inches.
When (Y/n) finally pulls into the driveway of her and her fiancee's house in upstate New York, she's slightly disappointed to find that her fiance's black Corvette Stingray isn't there.
There is no reason for (Y/n) to be disappointed though because her fiancee hadn't known (Y/n) was coming home.
(Y/n) face lights up with a smile when she realizes what she could do - surprise Natasha at work.
(Y/n) backs out of the driveway and heads off to the Avengers Compound to surprise her Natasha.
"Hey, JARVIS?" (Y/n) asks as she walks into the Compound.
"Yes, Ms. (L/n)?" JARVIS asks - Natasha having added (Y/n) into JARVIS's programming. "Looking for Ms. Romanoff?"
"Yes," (Y/n) replies.
"She's in the training room just down the hall. Would you like me to warn her of your arrival?"
"No thanks, JARVIS," (Y/n) replies. "I'd like to surprise her."
(Y/n) heads down to the training room, and pauses in the doorway, watching her Avenger with a soft smile.
(Y/n) waves to Clint, and the archer grins.
(Y/n) notices the earbuds in her fiancee's ears.
After a minute or so, Natasha pulls out her earbuds, puts them in their case, and (Y/n) quietly walks over to Natasha, ignoring the other Avengers' curiosity.
"Tasha," (Y/n) coos, wrapping her muscled arms around the redheaded Avenger.
Natasha lets out a squeal of delight, turning in (Y/n)'s arms to hug her tightly.
"What are you doing here?" Natasha asks, ignoring her teammates watching the two women with confusion.
"I'm off for the next week," (Y/n) says with a smile. "I went home to surprise you, but you weren't there," she adds with a pout.
"Who is this?" A young green-eyed brunette that must've been Wanda asks.
"I'm (Y/n) (L/n)," (Y/n) says, and Natasha pulls out of the hug to address her teammates.
"This is my fiancee," Natasha says, her eyes sparkling happily.
There's a shocked silence that makes (Y/n) grin.
. . .
The Avengers move into the living room and in a better light, Tony Stark finally realizes that he knows (Y/n) from somewhere, but isn't quite sure where, and the billionaire says so, (Y/n) laughs simply.
(Y/n)'s piercing (E/c) eyes fix on the billionaire, her lean but muscular figure leaning back into the couch, an arm wrapping around Natasha's waist.
"She's an Olympic athlete," Natasha says proudly.
Steve looks more interested now, "What event do you participate in?"
"I'm a sprinter, but I've really gotten into hurdles recently, but never really run a race for hurdles," (Y/n) answers. "I run the 400x4 relay."
"Must take a lot of practice," Sam guesses.
(Y/n) nods. "I actually just got the week off after a month of training. Before that, it was three months of training and two weeks off."
"How'd you two meet?" Wanda asks her eyes bright with the question.
"I was working a part-time job at a coffee shop before my training started three years ago, and I saw her sitting at a table alone, so I went ahead and took my break to sit with the gorgeous redhead."
"That's so sweet," Wanda coos.
"Why didn't you tell anybody about (Y/n)?" Clint asks.
"I don't know why you're asking Bird Brain, you already knew," (Y/n) says with a grin in the archer's direction.
"Well, it was great to meet you, (Y/n)," Steve says, standing up. "I'm sure the two of you'd like to get home, though."
Natasha flushes as (Y/n) murmurs something in her ear that the others can't hear. "Come on, hun," (Y/n) says, getting to her feet, and holding out her hand for the redhead to take.
"Oh, and (Y/n)," Tony says and both women turn to look at the billionaire. "Welcome to the family."
(Y/n) and Natasha smile, a grateful smile on Natasha's face as she looks at her old friend, and with that, the two leave - Natasha driving her car, (Y/n) driving her own - meeting back up at home.
. . .
"So, hun?" (Y/n) asks. "What do you want for dinner?" she questions when the two had flopped down onto the couch, Natasha happy to be in (Y/n)'s arms again.
"What about that diner that delivers that we only get the night you come home?" Natasha asks.
"Oh, the, '(Y/n)'s Home Tradition Diner'?" (Y/n) asks, her eyes twinkling happily.
"Yeah," Natasha says with a grin. "Gotta build you up while you're here," Natasha says, patting (Y/n)'s stomach affectionately.
(Y/n) laughs, pulls out her phone, ordering their food, before snuggling together on the couch, Supergirl playing in the background, the two watching Alex's coming out scene.
"I loved your surprise," Natasha murmurs, her head resting on (Y/n)'s chest.
"And I loved meeting your friends," (Y/n) replies, her voice soft as to not blow Natasha's eardrums.
"Family," Natasha corrects.
"What?" (Y/n) questions, though she has a suspicion of the meaning behind Natasha's question. She just wanted to hear Natasha say it for herself.
"They're my family. Our family," Natasha says and (Y/n) grins, pressing a soft kiss to Natasha's forehead.
Word Count: 935 words
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