#anyways yea good pose practice
time-woods · 11 months
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you cant just show me david tennant posing like this and expect me not to draw the pose with another character
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scriv3lloirl · 3 months
mr scriv3lloirl do you have any tips on drawing chubby orin 🙏🙏🙏
"Mr Scriv3lloirl"? Heh. Y'ur funny. But y'all can jus call me Orin (or Sen, I s'pose. But Orin is really preferred.)
I'll be yappin a whole ton, so check under the cut fer' the lengthy response I'm boutta givin ya.
I ain't the best at givin art advice or tips, so bear wit me if I end up talkin bout random shit.
I have Aphantasia, look it up if ya don't know what it is, so references are my one true love. My phone gallery is constantly full of art pose, tips n things I find online cus the way an artist drew or explained somethin was/is super helpful.
The biggest tip I can give is references.
I also tend t' use m'self as reference for how I draw Orin too! Cus the way I draw Orin is near identical t' my own endomorph/pear body type so it's real easy t' throw on a tight shirt n snap a picture or two of the pose I wanna draw Orin in, instead of scourin the damn interweb for a pose that's somewhat similar instead of exact.
Lookin at fanart helps too! Ya might have t' go diggin round for some fat Orin art, but I've found plenty here on Tumblr so it isn't impossible.
Usin only circles, I find, gives the body a bloated appearance instead of jus fat. Fat sags! so give it that gravity.
Ovals are better than circles anyway, but that doesnt mean they aren't useful. Jus don't use circles ev'rywhere on a body when shapin it out cus usin jus plain circles can seem inappropriate n fatphobic in a way or make the character look off. There are plen'y of other shapes t' use when drawin fat, plus size, or chubby characters.
You don't jus have t' use round shapes, but the reason why they are used so often is t' give a softer appearance.
Fat can be distributed in bodies differently everywhere, so again, references help tons!
My Orin has wide hips, big thighs n arms, smaller shoulders, fat tits. He's not meant t' be perceived as thin in any way, shape, or form. He's not meant t'be perceived as young either.
Eve'ytime I draw Orin, he's always intended t' be older as when Steve Martin played Orin in the movie, he was in his 40s, so now my version is middle-aged (38-42.) His age also plays a big part in his body type n how I draw it. He has wrinkles near his eyes n deep eyebags plus a few other things that give him a more longer face. All these older features can also play a part in his larger build. Which they do.
The little details are important. Don't flake out on drawin the lil squishes n rolls when skin touches. But don't over do it with the folds, it'll look.. well. Not good.
But you also don't wanna add too much detail at the same time, y'know?
I have more difficulty drawin fat in the face than in the rest of the body as I'm still learnin n practicin, so apologies for not bein able t' give as good advice there for ev'rythin else. One thing I can say, however, is when you draw the neck? Draw it thicker than you normally would.
Yea, so. I think that's it? This is all the advice n such I could think of, hopefully I didn't jus go in circles. Hope this helped a lil, Anon!!
TL;DR - Use a lot of references for fat bodies, n practice makes perfect.
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revehae · 25 days
I'm really grateful that you're one of the level-headed author here. I'm in law practice and I urge everyone to forget everything they read from twt and only trust news outlet with credible sources and the name of the journalist written clearly in the article. Trust me engaging in any information that you can't take responsibility for will NOT help the case and will make you regret it in the future.
My advice is wait for updates about the actual case, whether it has been moved from the police to prosecutor office because this is where shit is GETTING REAL, trial is happening, meaning the crime is proven since there's enough evidence to prosecute, meaning the possibility of prison is real. Right now the police seems to still be investigating it's probably weeks at best that the case would get prosecuted.
Instead of focusing on who, how, when (the crime is committed, since you prob wouldn't know that anyway) focus on what stage the case is in right now. Following the case to a T is the best you can do. No one wants to see a sexual predator's face in a year when they pose in front of camera after getting released.
Nothing makes my blood boil the most than women who scream SA just for their own selfish gain, that actually hurt victims who can't come forward and paint women in the same bad light as men who SA. So if you're engaging with something that turns out to be that...yea idk I hope your conscience is doing good. Support the real victim.
this is really good advice!!!!!!! i hate how willing people are to run with speculation instead of being patient. i don’t think they realize how much it hurts the victim and a lot of them don’t care; they just want numbers on their tweets. we’re adults, guys. you should have some idea how to check how credible a source is, and at the very least, we should know that something isn’t necessarily true just because it has 20k likes or it’s in a twitter thread that a random user made.
i said this before and i am going to try to follow the case to the best of my ability, as well as keeping up with other topics being addressed in korean feminist spaces, but i encourage everyone to do their own part in researching information for themselves.
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(gonna try a thing) "Help Wanted" Intro
(I have a lil thought for a story sort of thing maybe. I want to test this out. It's been a minute so it may take a lot of time, trial, and error to "get good" here)
You were walking down the block, small coffee in hand (a little treat of the week) lost in thought. Things as of late had been a struggle, work was stressful and did not pay enough, bills and rent to pay, loans coming up. There is a lot your plate, the thought of moving out of your tiny apartment for the past year dismissed because frankly you can't afford to do that either.
As your pondering walk continues you kept enough awareness to side step cyclists, swinging tails, and groups of folk who think walking as a wall is a good idea. Life bustled around you as people of all sorts went on with their day. Lizardfolk tending window boxes, and elf on the phone chatting about roommates, people laughing in outdoor seating, the most beautiful orc jogging by you nearly tripped.
You crossed the street safely and began to pay attention more to your surroundings. As you begin to walk past one storefront you spy a "Help Wanted" sign. People still use help wanted signs?? You examine the place further, the window full of elegantly posed mannequins in chic clothes. The building itself seemed to of a semi-renovated historic sort, keeping the older facade on the upper floors. A sign above the door read "Araneidae Atelier" and according to the hours posted it should be open.
(anyway yea. that's how I'm gonna start. Spoiler ish I guess? But the set up here is for a hot drider, she's mean and fashionable. I want to write a drider fashion designer! But like if people aren't into that I'll make up some other stuff! hopefully...I want to play with like "choose your own adventure"/IFs a little bit....but I don't want to sit and code and do all that at this time...but I think this could be an interesting experiment/test run! And like get me back into practice and actually writing stuff again. No Beta, we die like men
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minquiec · 1 year
min WHEN I CATCH YOU MIN‼️ MIN WHEN I CATCH U.gun pointed in your head until I see how u draw anatomy and how u color
Your lovely jia lover 😉
HI I hope ur the anon that asked it earlier cause I was dumb and deleted it by accident 😞 I literally had the whole thing written out to
But anyways
Disclaimer this isn't rlly a tutorial cause half the time idk what I'm actually doing so this is more what my art process is
1. Basic shapes (❓)
I legit dunno how to put it into words so have a visual interpretation
So like most of the body is broken down into shapes especially for the torso
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Because I have crippling anime style syndrome the leg proportion are often longer than the torso
Also for the torsos, when I draw more feminine bodies the hips are usually as wide as the shoulders and for masculine torso the shoulders are wider that the hips
But in the end it really depends on the art style and the body type cause like I said I have anime style syndrome so I don't include variations in my art alot (even though I rlly should)
2. Poses n stuff
For poses I usually start with lines that vaguely look like the pose I want like it literally looks like this
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I don't put a lot of thought into the anatomy at this stage because if I worry too much about the anatomy here, I end up spending too much time trying to fix it and never actually getting the pose out of my mind
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The examples here are rlly shiet cause I literally sketched it under a minute but I then try the properly solidfy the shapes and only after that I start agonizing over the anatomy and correcting it
But I won't show it here for the sake of my sanity and hand
3. Refs + practice
I feel like a hypocrite saying this bc I don't use alot of refs but refs are rlly helpful
Like seriously
The only reason I don't use refs that much is cause half the time I can't find the one I want but when I do photo studies vs pieces that I don't use refs in, the art that uses refs definitely look more natural
And ik literally every artist says this but practice is such a big part like I literally drew everyday for 3 months after watching atsv and my anatomy was just so much better
Bc I drew so much
But yea idk if this is actually helpful cause I'm so sheit at explaining cause even now I still don't know wtf I'm doing so I just wing it and pretend the art looks good (ie. delusion)
I might make a separate post for colouring but idk how that will go cause once again, idk what I'm doing hehhehwhhahah 🤡🔨
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mrsaguapapi · 2 years
Ch 1  Ch 2  Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7
Chapter 8
The Vibe:
Dusty Springfield - Son of a Preacher Man (Official Audio)
Oh god, why am I so hot right now? and why can't I move?
I rub and slowly open my eyes, trying to adjust to the sunlight piercing through my windows. I look around to see why I can't move. Namor was lying face down on top of me, still very much asleep. He was hugged up on me and using me as a pillow; if you listen closely you can hear him softly breathing. My heart actually flutters
He's secretly a soft boy, who would've thought...
I rub his hair and back trying to coax him awake, "Namor" I whisper, "Namor wake up."
"hmm" he grunts
I quietly chuckle, "I have to get up"
He tightly holds on to me and rolls us over onto his back. "I don't want to get up," he says
Raising myself up to look at him, "You don't have to; I need to get up and stretch. Someone broke my back last night and then slept on top of me afterward."
Namor laughs, "Fine," He lets go of me, "Don't be long." I kiss his forehead and get up grabbing an oversized t-shirt of mine to throw on. Grabbing my phone o realize it's almost 11; while checking my notifications I head to the sitting room. Eventually putting some music on I begin to stretch out.
I am so sore, my legs and hips are extremely tight.
He really delivered on making me sore...
After 45 min or so of stretching and some light yoga, I end on my favorite full-body stretch. Sitting on my knees I bend backward and lay on my forearms grabbing my feet; I close my eyes and breathe letting my body relax into this pose.
"This is quite the sight." Namor steps in
"You like what you see?" I ask
"Very much." He steps forward standing right in front of me "You were supposed to come back to bed, I grew impatient"
Seeing him in the light of day fully naked, gave me butterflies. I sit up and look at him.
"I'm sorry, I lost track of time. How can I get you to forgive me?" I say batting my eyelashes and letting my shirt slightly fall off my shoulder exposing the top of my breasts.
Namor holds his hand out helping me up and turns me around to rub my shoulders. "You can start by showering with me," he whispers in my ear
"Gladly" I reply
Before we can head to the bathroom I hear a knock on the door. "how about you start without me, I'll be right there."
"He roughly grabs my ass and pulls me dangerously close to him, "Be quick Ki'ichpan," He says before heading to the bathroom and closing the door behind him.
Headed to the door I speak up, "Who is it?"
"It's Peter!"
I crack open the door trying to give myself a little humility. "Good morning lightweight"
"Hey not fair, that was my first time ever drinking."
I point at him "And last time until you're 21."
"Yea, yea, yea. Anyways wanna chill before brunch?" He begins to walk in.
I quickly put my hand in front of him, "Can I just meet you there; What time is Brunch?" I suspiciously ask
"12:30 pm. What's going on?"
"No-nothings wrong" I stutter and laugh
"Oh no. Is Bucky in there?" He whispers, "Millie nooooo"
"Ew oh my god. Bucky is not the one in here." I say offended, "Remind me to fill you in on that whole situation."
"Okay so then who is in there?" he questions
"That information is on a need-to-know basis and right now you don't need to know." I quip
His face lights with realization, "you didn't!"
I forcefully cover his mouth, "Hey don't judge me. A girl has needs and he's actually quite nice."
He tries to speak under my hand, I roll my eyes and remove it from his face, "What about your London friend? I was starting to think you liked him/them."
"It's complicated; plus we had no intentions of starting anything, no strings attached you know."
"Hmmm okay. Well have fun with your new beau, imma go check out Shuri's lab. See you at brunch and practice safe sex." He says as he walks away
The Vibe:
SZA - Love Galore (Alt Version) (Audio)
"Never!" I say closing the door. I head to the bathroom and find Namor in the shower.
"You're lucky," he says
"And why's that?" I say taking off my shirt
"You had one more minute before I came and got you"
Stepping behind him in the shower I begin to lather some soap in my hand and begin to wash his back, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you didn't miss me too much" I begin to kiss his neck and shoulders
Namor rests his head on my chest as I begin to wash his front, "I did miss your touch"
I whisper in his ear, "Well forgive me for denying you of your needs your Royal Highness."
"I prefer God but I'll settle for King."
"Forgive me, King Namor," I say extra soft in his ear. Namor then turns around and pins me to the wall, kissing me with vigorous passion.
I guess he liked the sound of that
Namor dips down and begins to suck on my nipples causing sensations to go straight to my pussy, "Fuck" I moan
"You drive me insane. Every time I'm this close to you I forget about everything else." He lightly strokes my scar causing me to look away in shame. He continues, "I think everything about you is beautiful" he grabs my chin and makes me look at him, "Everything. Your body, your power, your brain; everything."
I didn't know we were freestyling love letters
"I don't know what to say" I honestly reply
"Say nothing. I say these things without the intention of wanting anything in return. Just know this, I have lived for almost half a century, and never have I been so pulled in by someone's aura. You disarm me. If and when you decide you are ready I'd make you my queen in a heartbeat."
"You don't mean that. That's the sex brain talking"
"I'm as sure as I am standing here. My mother was the voice that brought you to me. She'd always told me to settle for an equal and nothing less. You are my equal, hell more than my equal. I don't expect you to make any decisions any time soon."
"Namor we met 3 days ago, how could you so quickly be sure about me?"
"I just do. I understand you'll need time, I can wait. Besides I'd like to properly court you and get to know your world and you get to know mine. Give us a chance Ki'ichpan."
I look at him for a while, "You know I'm broken right? I don't mean that to sound dramatic but I am. I don't even know who I am. I've got some serious baggage"
"I don't care," he says sincerely
This is wild, what do I do? This man is pouring his heart out right and I'm frozen Aunt May's voice pops into my head, "True love finds you when you are least looking for it."
"Okay," I say
"Really?" He asks
"Mhmm low stakes, most that can happen is you break my heart which is not fun, really so not fun, but temporary."
He laughs, "And what if you break mine?"
"Impossible. I don't break hearts, I just collect them." I tease
The mood in the air was light; he was hopeful and I was hesitant but curious to see where this goes. He kisses me, once again with passion. I pull him to me wanting to be as close as possible; Namor sneaks his hand down my pussy and begins to stimulate my clit, driving me wild. Our passionate kiss turned into a hot and heavy makeout. Namor takes my legs and wraps them around him, so he could firmly pin me to the shower wall; He then takes his dick and slowly pushes himself inside me. He took his sweet time causing me to moan into his mouth.
"Hold on tight" The only warning he gave me before he starts to roughly fuck me against the wall; I grab his hair and scratch his back trying to hold on. Namor rests his head on my shoulder as he fucks me going in deeper and deeper with each thrust of his hips. I sing a melody of moans in his ear, begging him not to stop.
Namor sits his head up and rests his forehead on mine, "Say you're mine."
I try to answer but can't get any real words out.
Namor firmly grabs my hips and begins to pound into me even harder than before, "Say your mine." he growls out between gritted teeth. "Say it!" he demands.
"I'm yours!" I yell "Oh fuck I'm yours. Namor please.." I can't even finish my sentence I'm so close. He's hitting me so deep and I can't do anything but take it.
"I know baby, me too," he responds.
While kissing him I roughly pull the back of his hair, not on purpose, but just to hold on; he must have liked it because it made him moan into my mouth this time. I can feel him losing control, he's so close, and so am I. Namor begins to speak something in my ear in his native tongue, "Yaan u mierda in reina, kutaj Jach ma'alob. In yaakunech ka ma' je'el in pa'atik u meentikba utia'al Mantats' mía.In ki'ichpam, ki'ichpam reina. 'Fuck my queen, you feel so good. I love you, and cannot wait for you to be forever mine. My beautiful, beautiful queen'"
I wasn't sure what he said, as I could barely hear him outside of my own moans but it was just enough to bring me to climax. I hit my head on the back of the wall so hard I swear I saw stars, I couldn't control my movements anymore; it was like my orgasm took control.
After a few more thrusts, he pumps into me one last time holding himself there as he releases in me, making sure I take every last drop of him. Something about him holding me like this feels so intimate I swear I could have came all over again.
He smiles at me, "I could stay like this for eternity"
"If only" I laugh
He slowly pulls out of me and I wince, "I'm sorry Ki'ichpan, I should not have been as rough"
"Don't apologize, I like that you make me sore. Now every time I feel that pain, I'll think of you."
"Keep talking like that and I may have to take you again"
"Love that energy" I laugh and kiss him, "but If I don't get any food in me I might die."
"As you wish" he laughs
We finish up in the shower and get dressed. I'm wearing a teal off-the-shoulder bodysuit and a high-waisted mustard-yellow skirt. I wrap my hair back in a white head scarf to keep my braids out of my face. Namor opted to put on some of the white linen pants and top that were in my room's closet; we can't find the shorts that he tossed. He looks good though, like really good. Like good enough for me to forget about food good.
He sees me staring with lust in my eyes, "Behave yourself"
"How am supposed to when you look like that?" I laugh "ready?"
Yes, but I will meet you there. I need to check in with Namor and Attuma first.
"Okay," I say smiling "See you soon" He kisses me and we part ways
I enter the dining area and see a large spread of breakfast food and an assortment of fruits and vegetables on the giant table. Shuri, Romanda, Okoye, Ayo, M'baku, Riri, Peter, and Bucky were all sitting around the table eating and talking.
"I hope I'm not too late," I say as I enter
"Of course not," Shuri says "Help yourself and have a seat"
I grab a plate and fill it with fruits and veggies and have a seat next to Peter.
He does nothing but looks at me funny
"Peter you wipe that smirk off your face before I kick your ass" I whisper to him
"Alright, Alright." He pauses, "Did you have fun?" he jokes
Ignoring him, I look away and pay my attention to Okoye, "We missed you last night. How was sparring with Attuma?"
She begins to shuffle in her seat a bit, "It was fine." she says, "How was everyone's night?" she asks successfully changing the subject
We all talk and laugh about last night's antics. It's been a while since Peter and I hung out with friends like this; actually, I suppose they're family now.
M'Baku speaks up, "Where's Nakia, Ross, and the Talokans?"
"Nakia and Ross left this morning," Shuri says, "I'm not sure about the others"
"Namor, Attuma, & Namora should be here soon; Namor just wanted to check in with them first."
"You saw Namor ?" Shuri asks
"Yea we ran into each other in the hallway on the way here." I try to convincingly say
"Hmm okay." Shuri
Oh god is she on to me?
I continue to eat my food and see bucky fuming in his seat.
Fuck he knows
Just when I thought the situation couldn't get worse, Namor walks in, "Hello everyone, may I join?"
"Of course. Come sit fish man." M'baku says
Namor nods and makes his way to the chair next to me and smiles making me blush a little.
"Where's my New bestie Namora?" Shuri asks
"And Attuma?" Okoye says, all of us looking at her with curiosity, "what? I'm just curious"
Oh my god they boned. NO WAY
"I sent them home to check on my people, I shall be joining soon."
My heart drops, just now realizing he has to go back home, this man has a whole kingdom to take care of. Seeing the sadness on my face Namor lays his hand on my leg and continues to speak, "Surely I shall be back soon"
"Good" Romanda speaks up, "I know our people started off on the wrong foot, and you did try to kill me.."
"And me" Riri interrupts
Romanda continues, "but we are now united, you are always welcome."
Namor bows his head, "thank you."
"Millaenyia I did the liberty of bringing you those books from our Library that we were talking about. They're there at the end of the table. The elders and I agree that you should keep them."
"Thank you, Queen Mother," I get up and make my way to the books. Some of them look like old spells books, the others diaries. When I pick one up I feel an intense energy hit me; I feel pain everywhere. My eyes roll back and I drop the book. My vision begins to disappear as I hear my friends scream for me rushing to my aid. Before I'm fully out I hear Peter calling my name on the verge of tears.
What's happening to me?
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jrueships · 2 years
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he will never escape the zootopia fox shaped allegations
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scribe-of-monsters · 2 years
I figured I'd make a tutorial while I'm working on some comic pages, I've been wanting to do it for a while but I haven't had time so!
Step 1: thumbnails
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I like to do a tiny practice sketch of the page before I draw it, to get the dialogue and the posing down. These don't need to be detailed at all, just basic poses and expressions. I usually do them on notecards.
Step 2: sketch
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Next I get my actual paper and do rough pencils, it's basically just the thumbnails again but bigger. Usually I adjust any posing or formatting issues from the thumbnails (for example, I changed the positioning of the speech bubble in panel 4 and repositioned Pisces's arm in panel 3) , but it's mostly just the guidelines for the full page.
Step 3: pencil cleanups
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This is basically just erasing sketch lines and drawing in smaller details, I usually combine this step with #2 or just skip it all together, but I figured I'd mention it anyway.
Step 4: inking
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I usually ink the margins and words/speech bubbles at the same time, before inking anything else, because they go on top of all the other stuff. Then I go through and ink the characters and backgrounds. Inking is where I add in the last details (I added the webbing between Pisces's claws and the scales on Wilbur's shoulders here). When I'm finished with the inking I go through and correct any mistakes with a white pen (a gellyroll size 10 is what I use, although my markers do turn out a bit faded when layered on top of it).
Step 5: character flats
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Flat colors usually take me the longest amount of time to get done. I break it up into two steps: character flats and background flats. I also go through and color in everything that is the same color in each panel all at once, mostly so that I don't end up using the wrong marker on something. The character flats are pretty straightforward; it's just coloring in your characters. I do this step before backgrounds because I know what colors to use for it & I usually pick background colors depending on what I think will clash the least with the characters.
Step 6: background flats
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This step is where things get complicated, at least for me. As someone who doesn't draw backgrounds very often and colors them even less, I usually have no idea what colors to choose. I know some people design their settings separately before making the comic at all, and I think that's a good method, especially for important or recurring settings that need a more fleshed out design, but it was more work than I wanted to put into this comic so I opted to just wing it.
I ended up going with some paler tones that wouldn't distract from the characters. The purple in panel 5 is an effect I sometimes use to add contrast, to make the page look a bit more interesting (and also my yellow marker was running out of ink). It's a trick I usually use to show emotion or highlight an important panel, but this time I did it in order to spice up the composition because I felt like I was using the same color too much.
Step 7: background shading
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I do this step just to get it out of the way, probably hands down my least favorite of the bunch. I'm not an expert at shading backgrounds by any means, especially undetailed ones. I usually just splotch color on there until it looks okay, which isn't professional at all but it goes fast.
Step 8: character shading
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For shading on the characters, I use a slightly darker shade of each color around the edges. I also add in highlights in the shinier bits with a white pen. This step goes by pretty fast. I save it for last because I find it relaxing, it's a nice way to wind down after the whole thing.
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After that I go through and add in anything I missed, and then it's done (finally-). I think this page took me around two days, cutting out all the week-long breaks I took between steps.
But yea that's my comic making process! And I kinda enjoyed making this tutorial, I might do more of these in the future :D
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peachyysugaa · 3 years
enhypen members on a café date ☕️♡ requested by anon
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– heeseung
what kind of café he takes you to: his local favorite, it's on the cozier or quieter size, which gives him the privacy to spend quality time with you~
the menu: now serving your favorite coffees, teas, and sandwiches! from iced americanos to milk teas (bubbles/boba if you want) to paninis, this café has got all the regulars. what would you like to order? ♥
activities you do: while the two of you should probably go to a gaming café for this, you and heeseung always sit in a more private booth/area side-by-side and play multiplayer games on his switch. if you're not gaming, the two of you casually talk about your days while sipping your drinks, resting your head on his shoulder or working on your respective things, schoolwork maybe for you or producing for heeseung.
short blurb: "heeseung, you let me win." "no, you're just really good at this game, love." (˶◡‿◡) you just laugh and roll your eyes, pinching his cheeks before resting your head on his shoulder in the middle of your favorite booth, in your favorite café that was filled with precious memories.
rest of the members under the cut! <3
what kind of café he takes you to: either the most expensive café ever or the most aesthetic (which tends to be pretty expensive anyway), you already saw this coming because we all on that rich boy!jay agenda.
what kind of café he takes you to: either the most expensive café ever or the most aesthetic (which tends to be pretty expensive anyway), you already saw this coming because we all on that rich boy!jay agenda.
what kind of café he takes you to: either the most expensive café ever or the most aesthetic (which tends to be pretty expensive anyway), you already saw this coming because we all on that rich boy!jay agenda.
the menu: how do you even pronounce most of these drinks? ಠωಥ is that a caviar-flavored drink LOL say sike 🅱ls ‼ ahem, so order something familiar to you or let jay pick something for you (it might be expensive, but that's okay let him spoil you 🥺 you deserve it, king/queen/royalty)
activities you do: jay loves listening to your day, and you love listening to his. he often likes to tell you about new things he's learned, and you watch as his eyes brighten over these, loving every sparkle. with jay, i don't see him going to the same cafés all the time: he likes to explore, so the only thing that's consistent is the amount of quality time you two spend together.
short blurb: "jay..!" "hm? what's up? is something wrong with your drink?" "no, it's just...?" you take a second to think about your phrasing before you answer. "is there supposed to be gold foiling on this?" "oh yeah, it's on trend now, babe. i heard it tastes as expensive as it looks." "and as it costs?" 🤨 "don't worry about it, y/n. this is my treat for you since you've been working harder than usual these days." (۶ •̀ᴗ•́)۶
– jake
what kind of café he takes you to: a dog café, let's be honest he really wants to pet dogs and he would get along so well with them. it's the golden retriever energy 🤩
the menu: aside from dog treats to feed the puppers (not jake), re-energize with refreshing drinks from lemonade to peach tea! the dessert menu also looks enticing, honey brick toast and pancake art shaped like the many dogs that prance around the vicinity.
activities you do: pet and feed the dogs, of course, duh you're at a dog café 🐕 for some reason, they take after jake very well, so well that one is practically attached to the hip with him as he pets it, an australian shepherd. he asks you nicely to take pictures of him with it and you tell on him to layla.
short blurb: "y/n, y/n, look! this one loves me!" "i can see that, jake." "y/n, it's an austalian shepherd, do you think he knows i'm aussie too?" "maybe he does." "take my picture with it?" "oh, so proof for layla that you're cheating on her?" "NOOO LAYLA ㅠㅠ"
– sunghoon
what kind of café he takes you to: a modern chic café. it's got the industrial feel to it and perfectly matches his sophisticated vibes.
the menu: only coffees and plain teas! specializes more in hand brewing coffee and the like. also has some sandwiches or pastries for you to taste.
activities you do: with sunghoon, it's mostly talking. the way you two can talk about anything and everything really makes your relationship so comfortable. you two also watch videos and make side comments here and there together. don't forget to take each other's pictures and selfies together, there is no visual hole here and the setting is perfect, what are you waiting for? 📸
short blurb: "are you getting my good side?" "huh, but every side is your good side." "oh yea, you're right." you shake your head at his way of getting a backhanded compliment and simply snap the picture of him and his coffee. looking at it makes you smile, but he quickly pulls you into his side and holds up his phone. "now time to show off my beautiful s/o."
– sunoo
what kind of café he takes you to: a character café! whether it's kakao or line friends, you two are both there to enjoy the too-cute-to-eat types of food, taking many pictures before savoring it.
the menu: character-themed food and drinks! they're carefully planned out from the ingredients to the witty names, all to match the theme of the café. you order a full course meal with sunoo, sharing your entrees with each other and drinks, so you both have the chance to taste what you can!
activities you do: did you hear me? a full course meal 🗣‼️ you two are eating your weight's worth of food because (1) it's cute and (2) it's expensive! sunoo is a chatterbox, and i just know he scored you two a picture with either one of your favorite characters at a lower price. both of you also take part in any chants cheerfully~
short blurb: "you're as cute as all the characters here, y/nie!" "yah, we're both cuter than all of them, don't lie." "yes, you're right, we would be doing them a favor by taking a picture with one of them." "cheers to us then?" you ask holding your glass already. "cheers~" he replies and clinks yours with his. all of a sudden, your favorite character comes by with your plates of food. enamored, you ask if you and sunoo can take a picture with them, to which the servers agree happily as long as you pay accordingly. the two of you pose to your hearts' content with the cute character. after which, you think sunoo unintentionally charmed the servers to give him a lower price for the photo by signing it and letting them post it somewhere, which you can't help but think is so befitting of him.
– jungwon
what kind of café he takes you to: a cottage-style café or specifically, the sheep café in korea. the latter is actually located in hongdae and literally 2 sheep roam around! (search up thanks nature café) he would just want to touch their fluffy fur 🐑
the menu: very green, as in matcha and mint and pandan and the like. also has some cute garden-themed pastries/drinks like the good ol' throwback, dirt in a cup, (basically some crushed oreos with gummy worms), which jungwon is all over.
activities you do: when one goes to animal cafés, you pet the animals! so pet the sheep you two do, but very cautiously, of course. jungwon tries to ba with them, maybe even asks if they make clothing out of their wool.
short blurb: "do you make anything with their wool?" jungwon suddenly asks the worker nearby. "huh? oh yes, we actually do have some sweaters in store if you would like to see them." "yes please." "alright, one moment please." "wonie, will you actually buy one?" "i mean, yea, who else is able to say that they met the sheep their clothing came from?" it's overly priced, but he buys a scarf anyway and wraps it around the two of you despite it being summertime. "jungwon, it's hot in this!" (/Д`)
– niki
what kind of café he takes you to: manga café or a café with really cool latte art. riki would have fun either way, reading manga together or trying out latte art himself!
the menu: the manga café has all your regulars and even offer comfy snack foods like bungeoppang and ddeokboki! on the other hand, the latte art café really focuses on their art, thanks to the machine that prints out any design you want on top of it (which riki is amazed by).
activities you do: in a manga café, you would have a private room together and just chill and roll around in it. at the latte art café, he's having so much fun seeing all the characters and drawings are put on top, even when they're not his (he orders shin-chan or doraemon). they offer 3d latte art classes and the two of you take one!
short blurb: "y/n, your cat looks funny." "riki, it's deflating :(" "draw the face anyway." "how come yours is so nice?" "oh, i just frothed the milk myself." "what? riki, you are so cool~" he becomes bashful and makes use of his classes by buying the necessary materials to make you different 3d latte arts every day.
a/n: YAYY this was so cute thank you for your request again, anon! <3 i hope you liked it, especially the format hehe
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vazaez · 2 years
(sort of¿) ANATOMY TUTORIAL!!!
More like how *i* do amatomy for my drawings because it's mostly not very relistic tbh
(this is mainly for @deadcolor but i'll post it anyways in case anyone else is interested)
Also i'm inconsistent af and i don't really pay a lot of atention to follow my own anatomy in most of my art because it's usually not worth it the effort for stuff that isnt even that important but when it's needed i actually have my own advice in mind lmao
Typical case of giving other people advice you don't actually follow but yeah lets get to it
1- i start with the good ol circle with a cross to do the head, usually i put the eyes over the red line and it's also where the cheek™ starts
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2- body structure. Mostly shapes to know how i want the pose to look, the chest part is sort of a hexagon? With a line that will be the reference for the angle of the chest, this time it's from a bit low angle fue to the posture of our silly model guy so the line is curved up
Then a cilinder for the stomach and a triangle from where the legs will come out
All of these can be changed depending on how you wanna do your character, here it's some kinf of a beefy guy. But you can make the shapes a bit less wide for skinnier people or make them wider and less sharp for chub, etc... It's fun to play around with the shapes till you like the way it looks!
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3- then i add the shoulders, just two circles at both sides of the chest, i usually tend to go in this order: shoulder-hand-elbow because from the distance between the shoulder and the hand i can find the middle part and put the elbow cirle there idk if i explained that well 💀💀
I also use the same lenght for both arms if the angle doesnt change them much, and since here it's in a 3/4 angle but sticking their hand up and slightly to the front it rlly doesnt change much
One more thing, for me it's easier to use rectangles and Squares as the hand shapes but that depends on how each artist finds it easier
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4- the same goes for the legs just that i use some sort of triangles for the feet with semi circles at the front for the toes
5-now this is how the whole structure ends up looking
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6- now this part is completely free, you can make the limbs thin or thick, with muscles or more smooth,
I usually do kinda muscular or sharp(?) arms in most characters, probably influenced by the rise style lol but if a character needs me to get out of my comfort zone then i adapt it
So yeah this is 100% personal choice of how you want ur characters to look
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7- here it's once again up to personal choice whether you wanna make the body more smooth or just cleaning up the base shapes but leaving the body just as it is, i don't smooth it out because i like how it looks kinda sharp but yea this is all free choice
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8- now the base shapes of the hands and feet, for the fingers i like to use rectangles or sausage-like fingers as reference to the positions i want them to be in, and for the feet i honestly have no idea??? Just kinda round shapes at the end of each foot 😭😭 im improvising w this one i never draw feet i'm sorry 🚶🚶
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9- so i clean up the hands n stuff and it's done! I then just add the clothes on top and thats usually it
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Idk i should practice feet and more anatomically correct bodies instead of just the bases to put the clothes on top but ion have enough time so rn it won't happen 🏃🏃
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tsunonotarou · 4 years
— finding out their S/O’s lockscreen/background is them
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Part one | Part two | Part four
This part will contain Pomefiore and Ignihyde
notes: Ortho's part is going to be platonic!
: gender-neutral reader!
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Vil Schoenheit
Says you have good taste
You know that smirk he has on whenever he's pleased? Yea that. He'll do that when he saw your lockscreen/background
Doesn't mind if it's a public picture of him (from magazines, shows, movies etc where everyone gets access to) or a picture of him sleeping, he doesn't mind
But! he does prefer you putting a picture where not everyone gets access to, a picture only a select few friends know or a picture only the two of you know because he likes the intimacy
Why should you use pictures his fans would use when you have so many other private ones, accessible to only you?
Of course, it has to be beautiful and approved by him
After a while if he sees the same picture on your lockscreen/background he'd advice you to change another one. Surely no one would get bored of the Vil Schoenheit but isn't it nice to start fresh sometimes?
When you innocently say you could stare at the same picture all day everyday, always finding new discovers in that picture or simply got lost in his cute smile, he swore an arrow shot through his heart, in a good way. Rook get out of here
"Do what you want." He replied nonchalantly, turning away to hide his blush from you
You asked him if he could put your picture on his lockscreen and he said no
After your pleadings and whines, telling him to put it on for just a moment, just for you to see how it'd look like, he finally did
And honestly, Vil does not want to change it
He'd quickly click his phone off and brush you away, telling you he has business to do all because he wanted to admire it in private
Even though he said he put it on because you asked him to and that he'll change it immediately after, a few days later, you still see yourself appearing on his screen whenever he clicks open his phone
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Rook Hunt
Rook's heart would react in a way where it would be seen as keyboard smashing.
Of course! He doesn't react in such an unsightly way but his heart flipped so many fucking times and he swear he couldn't take this immense happiness he feels right now
It might not seem much but the act is so sweet! Setting him as your lockscreen and background? To see him everytime you click open your phone? Reminding yourself that he is yours? Absolutely romantic.
Rook loves taking pictures. He loves taking pictures of you. He has thousands and thousands of your photo both in his phone and in his journal. Oh there are some hanging in his room, too! Oh, he has a photo album consisting of only you, too! Oh, there are a few framed ones sitting on his bedside tables too! And-
But to think that you secretly take pictures of him, too?
Rook has really good eyesight, he's also very sharp so he knows whenever you want to take a picture of him. What he does not know that you didn't want him to notice you taking a pictures of him
You thought he looked peaceful reading a book and wanted to secretly take a picture of him like that? He immediately noticed and flashed you a smile. He's so charming! Holding the bow and arrow in the most professional way and his eyes stay focused on the front. You wanted to freeze that moment with your camera? He immediately lowered down the weapon and waved
Well, you took those pictures anyway. But still, you wanted one where he isn't looking at the camera and minding his own business but you never got one
Desperate, you went for Azul's help
The deal was only to work in Mostro Lounge for a month...easy, right?
Well then, you'd do anything for a picture of Rook being unaware of the photographer's presence
It was hard for Jade and Azul to find excuses and cover up when Rook spotted them trying to take a picture of him, and also muffling Floyd when the eel almost blew the plan up, complaining something along the line of "Shrimpy wanted to—"
And also staying hidden because once Rook finds them, he will not stop following and asking questions regarding their real form
(If you think about it the scene would be funny I wish I could draw 🙂)
ANYWAYS so one time Jade finally, finally snapped a photo of Rook
Because the blond was too busy admiring you
Rook's cheeks were slightly pink, eyes in beautiful cresent shapes with a hand supporting his chin, the hunter was lovestruck
Now that you explained how you got this precious photo, his heart bursted even more in happiness
You went through so much just for a picture of him? Technically the octatrio suffered most but we don't talk about that
"I am not embarrassed being caught red-handed staring at my love. Why would I?"
This man never fails to make you fall in love with him all over again
After that he'll (have a hard time) choose one photo of you to set on his lockscreen, having another internal crisis when choosing another photo for his background, because he loves each and every one of the pictures of you!
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Epel Felmier
Cries so hard this boy is so embarrassed
It was a picture of him struggling during the daily dance practice with Vil
Composure: gone
You took it when Vil surprisingly lets you stay in Pomefiore's ballroom and stay until Epel's practice is over since apparently the boy does better when you're there
Prefers you taking a "manlier" photo of him as your lockscreen but when you told him he looks cute like this and you like it, a small pink tinted his cheeks
Whatever makes you happy
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Idia Shroud
W-What's this? He's seen a lot of shows that couples put their partner's photo as their lockscreen, but people in real life actually do that?
Before he met you, he definitely thought it was a little cringe at first, because why would you want to show the whole world who you're with!? Don't they know that some people don't have a significant other and are lonely!?
But it's just so cute when you does it
Someone is actually willing to see his face whenever? Even putting it as your lockscreen!
He's a blushing mess, it's not even exaggerated to say he fainted after stuttering nonsense
Oh...it's a picture of him sleeping while he was cuddled into you
Idia.exe stopped working
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Ortho Shroud
(Platonic! Ortho's reaction to his best friend having their picture together as their lockscreen 🥰)
Is so surprised! It was a picture the two of you took on Halloween Week in NRC, doing the 'gao' pose
Does Ortho has a phone? He could do every research he needs on himself so...
But if he does, he'll definitely whip it out and show you that he has your photo together as his lockscreen too!
After that the two of you will definitely take more pictures together
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sgwrscrsh · 4 years
winter days: underneath the tree
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☁️a/n☁️ this made my heart very warm to write even though i pulled an all-nighter to get it done because my time-management has gone to shit after finals. requested by @sachirou-senpai​. thank you, ellie, for giving me a reason to bring back my boys. i’ve missed ‘summer on you’ so much. this can be read as a stand-alone or as a spin off of ending b, my fave. either way, merry christmas to my babes who celebrate! i have one more christmas fic for tmr and then i’m hiding away to plan + write an smau.
includes: female!reader, poly!seijoh four, post-timeskip (very minor manga spoilers), lots of domesticity, a little suggestive bit, a lot of eating and sleeping now that i realize, a christmas tree, matching pajamas, a very special christmas gift, makki slapping your ass once, a lil teary moment w tooru, homemade curry + pancakes (but not together), lots of cuddling, lots of love, happy holidays, 4.35k words
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shivering slightly, you unlock the door to the rather spacious apartment you shared with your four boyfriends later into the evening than you would’ve liked. 
yes, four boyfriends. whom you love very much and are loved by in return.
living with four towering hunks has it’s ups and downs, but you wouldn’t trade tooru’s extensive skin care regiment sprawled across the bathroom counter; hajime’s bag of protein powder that he always forgets to put away; issei’s boots that you always tripped over when you came through the front door; or takahiro’s costco-sized box of cream puffs in the freezer that he insisted he would finish by the end of the month, almost half a year ago, for the world.
you made sure to stomp off the snow stuck on your boots before entering the building, but you couldn’t help but sigh at the warmth that greets you once you toe them off.
“ahhh,” you think. “thank goodness tooru convinced us to invest in heated floors.” another perk of having four boyfriends was that two of them brought in enough bank for you to seriously consider becoming their cute little housewife. snorting, you shake your head, though the idea of prancing around in a maid outfit to tease them seemed very appealing. “maybe we should make hiro dress up and clean the house since he still hasn’t found a new job yet.” 
“what’s so funny, sweets?” speak of the devil. makki’s head pops out from the bathroom nearest to the front door, steam rolling out and droplets falling from his hair, signifying that he had just taken a hot shower. wordlessly, you stare at him, lost in thought imagining the water caressing his toned body, but a second later, he gets a better look at you and laughs. “you look like a wet dog!” your glare loses some of its edge when he takes in your own damp strands. 
“did someone say something about a dog?” tooru comes bounding round the corner, and you could’ve sworn he drooped a little when he realized it was just you in the hallway sans dog. turning your icy glance on the setter, you open your mouth to complain about how mean the two of them were being to you when your prince charming comes in to save the day.
“you two, stop bullying the poor girl and let her take a warm bath before she gets sick!” iwa chides as he helps you unbundle the layers that protected you from the snow and sharp winds of the winter. pressing a sweet kiss to your forehead and promising to pick out comfy clothes for you, he ushers you into your spacious en suite where a steaming tub full of rose petals awaits you. hajime chuckles at the starry eyes you give him, heart warming at the love and appreciation shining clear as day on your face, before he leaves to grab a clean pair of underwear, one of issei’s t-shirts, and a pair of his own sweats, knowing you much prefer to wear their clothes at home.
submerged in the bath, you exhale contentedly, eyelids fluttering shut as you enjoy the product of iwa’s consideration and foresight. letting the stress of work and the chill of the outdoors melt from you, you stay in the water until it cools and your fingers prune. a lone thought of how much more you would’ve enjoyed the bath if the boys had joined you flits through your mind, but you jolt when you open your eyes and find issei sitting on the counter with a towel and your robe in his lap, some of the water sloshing over the side of the tub. 
“oh thank god, i was scared you fell asleep and would drown or choke on a rose petal.” you giggle while he wraps you up in your robe before gently toweling your hair dry. “you can’t leave me to deal with the three of them alone.” 
rolling your eyes, you retort easily, “if anything, i’d feel bad about leaving hajime to deal with the three of you alone. the poor man puts up with enough from his team, he doesn’t need you guys ganging up on him, too.”
“well i’ll have you know, sometimes he really enjoys us ganging up on him.” his cheeky quip paired with his wiggling eyebrows earns him a smack on the chest but regardless, you let him sweep you up into his arms and drop you on the massive bed the five of you shared. “get dressed, babygirl. as much as i’d love to spend more time with you naked, i gotta help haji finish dinner.” with a quick peck on your lips, issei leaves you to do just as he said. 
emerging revitalized and relaxed, your mouth waters at the smell of homemade curry, distracted enough to not notice tooru’s arms wrapping around your shoulders and waist. 
“hey, cutie, i’ve missed you,” he sings, face snuggled into the junction of your shoulder and neck. you spin around in his hold to slip your arms around his slim torso, relishing his firm lines against your soft curves. 
“‘ve missed you too, tooru.” and you really did, grateful that all of you were able to take time off work and he was able to come home a week before the holidays, giving the five of you a whole month to spend together before he had to jet back to argentina for his next bout of training and practice games.
“hell yea! group hug!” makki comes running towards you guys, only for you to twist out of his reach at the last second, sending him straight into the sofa behind you. “oof, that was cold, y/n.”
you stick your tongue out at the strawberry boy. “yea, well that’s what you get for laughing at me when i got home. sucker.” still entangled in tooru’s embrace, you feel his body shake with mirth and bite the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from dissolving into giggles when you see a pout take over hiro’s pretty face.
“dinner’s ready,” comes iwa’s call, beckoning the three of you into the kitchen before you could antagonize each other some more. once you all got your servings of curry, you settle into your proclaimed seats on the large sofa, your body comically small compared to their tall frames dwarfing the cushions. noting the way tooru threw his long legs over iwa’s and how mattsun and makki leaned against each other as they ate, you fold your legs to tuck your feet under takahiro’s thigh and dig in to your meal with some trashy reality show lighting up the tv screen, completely certain that the warmth in your chest was from the company of your loved ones more so than the piping hot potatoes in your stomach.
during breakfast the next day, you blearily rub the sleep out of your eyes before taking a sip of your coffee, a satisfied “ahhh” escaping your parted lips as you lean against the kitchen counter. slowly peeling your eyelids open, you notice all of their gazes were focused on you. “yes? can i help you?” you ask amusedly, awake now that caffeine had be introduced to your tired body.
“how are you still so gorgeous in the morning?” you blink at the dreamy look on iwa’s face propped up in his hands with his elbows on the surface of the island. looking around, you see the other three matching the athletic trainer’s pose and expression next to him. thinking over your messy bedhead, mysteriously stained pajamas, and almost impressively dark eyebags, you want to scoff, but the unfairly handsome men giving you their undivided attention despite all of that (“because of all of that, y/n-chan,” tooru would argue) make you blush instead.
“you’re one to talk, haji,” you opt to remark, hoping to divert their focus from you and your rosy cheeks. “and don’t look at me like that,” your pointed finger swinging wildly between the four of them like the needle of a compass. “you already know you guys are way outta my league, you don’t need me to tell you that.” with one last flourish, you wave your hand dismissively before grabbing your mug with both hands, palms warming against the ceramic.
“as wrong as you are, you can’t blame us for wanting to hear the love of our lives compliment us first thing in the morning as we admire her natural beauty,” mattsun grins once he sees the success his words have at deepening the flush on your face. tooru nods gravely in agreement, but it’s makki’s one-two combo of a wink and an air kiss that breaks you. you roll your bottom lip between your teeth to stifle a laugh but release it immediately when the playful atmosphere takes a heady turn. clearing your throat, you pay no heed to their hungry expressions, knowing full well that they all noticed your little action and how they would react to it.
“a-anyways,” you stutter, “i’m gonna go get ready ‘cause i have things to do today so-” you try to slip by, leaving your empty cup in the sink, only to get caught in your tracks by hiro’s long arms. 
“ah, ah, ah, princess. and where do you think you’re going?” soon enough, you find yourself surrounded by your smoking hot boyfriends and heat up in anticipation of their next moves. 
“this so isn’t fair,” you complain aloud, though you were just as eager as they were to get you out of your worn sleep clothes. 
“tough shit, babygirl. guess you’re just gonna have to add four more things to your to-do list, huh?” 
naturally, you leave your errands for some day later in the week when you’re able to walk properly again.
the opportunity comes when you rise earlier than the rest of them, a rare occasion where you found yourself graced with the freedom of sleeping on the outside instead of being sandwiched in the middle of the bed. tiptoeing about, you brush your teeth and get dressed, somehow managing to not wake any of the sleeping beauties. you scribble little love-filled messages on post-it notes and stick them around your apartment on your way out, but not without one last soft smile in the direction of the bedroom, the sight of the four of them cuddled together through the door left ajar renewing your motivation to accomplish your tasks and come home sooner. 
with your laptop bag in tow, you set out for your first destination, settling into a corner booth at the coffee shop with a full cup and a pastry. once you finish your breakfast, you pull out your laptop and get to work, scouring the internet for the perfect gifts for your lovably imperfect partners. you rack your brain for any recollection of any moment where they would’ve let a potential present slip into conversation and light up when you come across volleyball print pajama pants. you check the availability of the sizes you needed and upon realizing that they were all in stock and would be delivered before christmas, you place your order without a moment’s hesitation. satisfied with your progress, you pull up the animal shelter’s hours before heading out of the cafe, the barista’s greetings and the jingling bells echoing behind you. 
by the time you return home, it’s late in the afternoon and you’re greeted by a wall of warm bodies as soon as you step through the front door. 
“where’ve you been, babe?” once again, takahiro is the first to meet your return, but this time he plants a sweet kiss on your lips with his long fingers encircling your waist after his inquiry. 
“oh, you know,” you sigh, dazed from the saccharine embrace. “out and about.”
“busy day? hope it was productive.” you nuzzle into tooru’s chest, feeling the timbre of his voice through your skin, and nod.
“as a matter of fact, it was.” their eyes soften at the proud grin stretched across your face. but your grumbling stomach just had to ruin the moment, making the three of you stare at each other before bursting out in chuckles.
“you skipped lunch?” oiks asks, wrapping each arm around yours and hiro’s waists and guiding you into the kitchen. you rub the back of your neck sheepishly.
“i guess so? i didn’t really notice i was hungry until now.”
“good thing we saved your favorite from that chinese place down the street for you,” mattsun comes up behind you and lands a kiss on the crown of your head. you beam gratefully up at him and skip over to the fridge to retrieve the takeout.
“welcome home, love,” iwaizumi emerges from the bathroom to complete the set and gives you a once over. “you look tired.”
“gee thanks, hajime.” he rolls his eyes playfully at you while you wait for your food to heat up in the microwave.
“what time did you get up this morning?” 
“uhhh,” you start, mouth full. at iwa’s stern glare, you swallow before answering, “seven-ish? earlier than i would’ve like for a vacation day but it was worth it.”
“hm, well i’m glad you had a good day at least.” you shuffle over to kiss his cheek before dropping yourself on top of where tooru and hiro were cuddling on the sofa, eyes drifting around the room to take in the holiday decorations adorning the space.
“thanks, haji. but you’re right, i am sleepy.” suppressing a yawn, you lean back against the broad chests behind you and tuck back into the paper container. “can we take a nap once i’m done?”
“sure thing, babygirl.” the innocent smile mattsun sends your way turns mischievous with his added comment. “we really tuckered ourselves out while you were gone.” you nearly choke but makki’s hand thumping your back helps you dislodge whatever food got caught in your throat. iwa shakes his head and looks to the side in an attempt to hide his face, but the reddening tips of his ears give him away. meanwhile, oikawa catches your eye and winks.
“how else did you suppose we keep ourselves occupied when our baby wasn’t home?” you get up to toss your now empty container, shaking your head as you go. 
“i’m glad to see you at least got the christmas tree up before going at it. god, you’re all insatiable.”
“i mean, it’s hard not to be in this relationship,” hajime grumbles.
“aww, iwa,” makki pushes his lips into an overexaggerated pout. “you make me hard, too.” full-bellied chortles escape the four of you, ignoring iwaizumi’s indignant huffs.
“whatever,” comes his miffed reply, but you know he takes all your antics in stride. soon enough, he returns to the living room with a stack of blankets and finds you and issei added to the pile of limbs tooru and hiro founded. somehow, hajime situates himself to fit perfectly in your cuddle fest, blankets sprawled about to keep you warm.
one last yawn leaves your mouth before you mutter a sleepy, “night, guys. love you,” barely registering the quiet “love you”s you get in return as you drift off, the lights adorning your christmas tree twinkling above you.
christmas day, you wake up before the others again, this time more than willing to feign sleep and revel in the warmth of your shared bed. luckily, you don’t have to wait long for your boys to stir. sitting up, you stretch your arms above you head and begin to climb out of bed only to be caught by the wrist and dragged back down.
“haji, please,” you draw out. “we can finally open the presents under the tree!”
“i don’t care, it’s too early for you to leave me, princess.” you hum as he pulls you closer to him, revisiting your mental note that iwa is much more openly (and selfishly) affectionate in the mornings. 
“oi, the rest of us are still here you know.” face buried against tooru’s back, mattsun’s muffled complaint gets hajime to loosen his hold on you. 
“yea, yea,” he props himself up on his elbow to lean over you and kisses the former middle blocker’s temple. “unfortunately.”
“so mean, iwa-chan,” oikawa pipes up, stretching his arm across you to caress your boyfriend’s toned arm before lacing his fingers with makki’s. the pink haired man himself, still half-asleep, squeezes tooru’s hand before sitting up.
“hey, wait. it’s christmas, isn’t it?” takahiro’s question reminds you of the package you received a couple days prior, prompting you to spring out of bed before one of them could reel you back in. the four watch you rifle through the closet and resurface with the pajama pants you ordered.
“merry christmas!” you cry excitedly, tossing each boy their respective pair and eagerly awaiting their reactions. “they’re matching pj’s! look, i got one for myself, too.” thankful that you chose to go to bed in just one of iwa’s godzilla t-shirts and underwear last night, you rush to slip on your volleyball print pants. the boys take in your childlike joy, chests tightening at how precious you are. “hurry up, i want you to try them on so we can match!” at your insistence, they roll out of bed and dutifully don your gifts. 
“oh these are actually really soft,” tooru murmurs thoughtfully, fingering the fabric on his thigh.
“right?” you pipe up, nearly bouncing off the walls. “i wanted to do something to commemorate our first christmas together in this apartment and i thought these were really cute since volleyball is what brought us together in the first place.” eyes meet each other as you all reminisce that special summer, grateful that you stayed close despite your individual journeys after graduation.
suddenly, the doorbell ringing catches your attention. a brief glance at the clock on the bedside table tells you it’s much later in the morning than you though, but you’re quick to answer the door.
“who could that be?” the boys are left wondering, wandering out into the living room in time to see you wave goodbye to whoever it was with a large gift-wrapped box sitting on the floor next to you. 
“babe? who was it?” tooru is the first to ask the question on all of their minds. 
“oh, just my best friend. they wanted to drop this off on their way to their parents’ house.” you gingerly pick up the box and bring it to where your boys were waiting for you. “go ahead!”
“go ahead?” hajime parrots. 
“yea! open it!”
“it’s not for you?” takahiro ponders.
“well yes and no. c’mon just open it already!” you’re bouncing on the balls of your feet at this point. tooru finally takes the initiative to remove the lid of the box, eyes widening when he sees what it hid.
“oh my gosh,” he breathes. the other three nearly knock heads with how quickly they lean over the opening.
“is that-?” a furry little head pops up over the edge of the box, round eyes peering up at the four of them.
“a dog! yes!” you squeal. “he’s a shelter dog!”
“he is?” hiro is in awe, slowly reaching out to cradle the little guy in his arms.
“i met him the other day when i woke up early and ran errands without you guys. isn’t he just the cutest?” big hands dwarf the small pooch as they gently pet his head and stroke his fur.
“does he have a name?” tooru has the good sense to ask. 
“mhm, the lady at the shelter said his previous owner named him ponyo.”
“ponyo…” issei whispered, eyes shining. 
“i know we’re nowhere near ready to start thinking about kids,” you start, the topic of the conversation instantly drawing their attention. tooru even ignored ponyo’s little tongue lapping at his fingers. “but i thought we could use an addition to our family.” 
“y/n, princess, we obviously all love him already, but we’re busy with work- well, most of us are. who’s gonna take care of him?” hajime questions, almost reluctantly.
“i mean, hiro is home all the time since he’s still unemployed (“i said i was looking, damn!”), but i actually got promoted so my schedule is way more flexible and i can work from home most of the time.” your voice trails off bashfully, but they give you no time to be embarrassed, swallowing you up in a huge hug. 
“why didn’t you say anything sooner, baby? we’re so proud of you!” now you know how the dog felt being smothered by their affection, not that it was anything new for you.
“uhh, surprise?”
“fuck yea, surprise! god, you’re incredible. lemme make a list of things we’ll need to get for ponyo once the stores reopen tomorrow.”
“you didn’t.”
“i did, with help from my best friend.” going into the lowest cupboards in the kitchen, you show off the bag of dog food and water and food bowls you bought soon after visiting the shelter. “his bed and crate are in the other closet by the washroom.”
“how did we get so lucky?” takahiro asks aloud, making you blush as the others nod in sync, all of them blown away by your thoughtfulness.
“this is nothing. i just wanted to show you guys how much i love you.” you play with your fingers, a little overwhelmed now that the initial excitement has worn off. “oh wait!”
“there’s more?” tooru asks, shocked.
“but wait, there’s more!” mattsun and makki chime in simultaneously, making you laugh as you retrieve the last present. you hop over to where tooru was sitting on the sofa with ponyo on his lap, scooping the dog up and locking the two of you in the bathroom. a couple minutes later, you open the door to let ponyo scurry over to his dads, who coo softly once they see him come around the sofa.
“when did you have time to do this?”
“my pants were a little long, so i hemmed them one night after you guys passed out on the sofa watching your old volleyball matches. i kinda guessed ponyo’s measurements based on standard info i found on the internet, but it fits perfectly so i’m glad!” looking at the little sweater you made for your new family member out of the extra fabric from your pj pants, you couldn’t stop the pleased grin that broke out on your face. “now even ponyo matches with us!”
while your gaze was trained on the tiny dog that was exploring his new home, theirs were stuck on you, your resemblance with a proud mother struck something in them, giving them thoughts of you with their children. yes, children. but for now they shoved those images to the backs of their minds, meeting each other’s stares to confirm they were all in silent agreement.
“we’re gonna make breakfast, you just sit there ‘n look pretty while you watch ponyo, yea?” issei announces before pulling you into a searing kiss as he walks by. 
“not that that’s hard for you,” iwa tags on, kissing your cheek and ruffling your hair following mattsun into the kitchen.
“but i’m always hard for you.” you yelp when hiro playfully slaps your ass, flipping him off as he trails after the other two with a loud hoot. tooru comes up behind you and rubs your sore cheek, spinning you around so that you were face to face.
“why’d you do this to me, y/n-chan?” you meet his frown with a confused look of your own. “now it’s gonna be even harder for me to go back to argentina.”
“oh, tooru,” you wrap your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes to bring him close. “you have the next few weeks to spend with us and our new baby.” as if he knew you were talking about him, ponyo pads over to sit by your feet, tail wagging. oikawa sighs melodramatically.
“a few weeks is nothing compared to the months i’ll be gone!” 
“oi, shittykawa, you better not be complaining after everything this morning,” hajime hollers from the kitchen.
“love you, too, iwa-chan!” tooru calls back instinctively then he looks back down at you, his eyes giving away how much leaving will hurt him and it nearly makes you tear up with him.
“tooru, baby, it sucks every time you leave us, but you’re following your dreams and doing what you love. and we want to support you all the way, even if it means doing so from across the world. but with my new work schedule, i’ll be able to call or text you pretty much whenever. and just think how much sweeter it’ll be the next time you do come home to us. so don’t be too sad, okay, my love? we’ll all be here waiting for you.” 
as the last words leave your lips, tooru has you pulled flush against him, arms wrapped tight around your body. his face was hidden, but you could feel the sobs in hot breaths against your shoulder. you guided him over to the sofa and let him cry, petting his hair and peppering kisses on his tear-streaked face until he tired himself out. 
issei, hajime, and takahiro come out of the kitchen with stacks of pancakes and all the fixings, setting them down on the coffee table in front of you once they see tooru snoozing in your lap. iwa picks ponyo up before he could get a bite of your breakfast while you gently shake your boyfriend awake. mattsun and makki set up ponyo’s crate and bedding, leaving him with a toy to keep him occupied while the five of you filled up your plates.
sitting in the living room of the apartment you shared with your four boyfriends on christmas day, stuffing your face with fruit and whipped cream topped pancakes that they made, in matching pajamas with your new rescue dog scampering about, you couldn’t ask for a better gift underneath the tree.
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taglist: @lovemeafterhrs​ @sachirou-senpai​ @honey-makki​ @kenmaki​
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
The brothers with an MC that's obsessed with their hips HCs please! Like constantly touching their waist and cant help but looking if they're wearing a tight shirt
sheeeesh, id be too :).
this post is just “the brothers getting the appreciation they deserve and forgetting about their self hatred for a sec”
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Unsurprisingly, he catches on pretty quickly.
At first, it kind of catches him off guard. His waist/hips aren’t normally the thing people tend to flatter him for. But it’s not like he hates it. He actually loves it.
He’s literally a goth mom that stays wearin his corset vests. MC deffo has a field day when he wears his fancy getup.
If MC is too scared to put their hands on him but wants to, he’ll most definitely notice, and encourage it when they’re alone.
He’s not one to dress FOR someone else, but it’s worth wearing a tight-fitted shirt if that means he gets a reaction out of MC.
Every time he catches their stare, he smirks and pushes his massive coat aside oh-so-casually. Just enough to give them what they want.
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He notices the staring, but thinks nothing of it. After all, he’s not a model for nothing, right?
One day, MC lets a comment about it slip, intentionally or not.
Mammon is reduced to ash. That is the end of him. RIP.
He’s never the same.
Before, the attention from modeling was just a side effect of being naturally handsome. A downside of it, even.
But now, his favorite human EVER has a FAVORITE part of him that they love? Because they pay attention to him that much?
And to him, that’s the best feeling in the world. If they like that part of him, he feels proud of having it. And proud that he wears a thin shirt and cropped jacket everyday.
One time, he brought them to one of his shirtless photoshoots.
Bad idea. The entire time, he was slightly flushed and shaky from their adorable reaction to seeing him.
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It all started with that damned photo of him in a towel. We know the one.
Levi is very aware of everyone’s eyes on him.
So he gets super flustered when MC watches him for a prolonged amount of time.
But because of that big jacket of his, they have to eventually ask, “Have you ever considered just wearing a t-shirt? Maybe a long sleeved shirt?”
He’s confused, but changes into a slim fit long sleeve.
When MC continues to stare at him intently, he can feel himself shrink a little in embarrassment.
“Y-You’re silently judging me, aren’t you? Ahhh, forget it! This is exactly why Iive in the comfort of my jacket...”
It takes lots of encouragement, but he finally understands that MC does NOT feel revolted just by looking at him.
While he won’t give up wearing his jacket, he takes it off when the two are alone and playing video games.
His favorite thing in the world is allowing them to wrap their arms around his waist while he plays his video games.
Just like Mammon, it gives him butterflies thinking that someone loves his body when he can’t do it himself.
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Satan also notices the stares, but writes it off as nothing important similarly to Mammon.
He’s a bookworm. He could care less about his appearance when he’s immersed in the tragic downfall of history’s greatest knights.
But he finds it a bit... Cute? Endearing? Just the thought that something so irrelevant to himself is so captivating to this human nowhere near his power level.
In his mind chock-full of thousands of years of book reading, he envisions it as a rabbit falling in love with a wolf for its triangular ears.
He’s a little off put by the idea of them touching them in such a place, but in the moment, he understands it completely.
MC’s touch is gentle but firm— loving, is what it is.
Being the avatar of wrath has many downsides. Including being avoided at all costs by so many people, even by his own brothers at some points.
So it feels great to just feel absolutely adored by someone.
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We been knew.
He’s the embodiment of want. So he knows all about it. ‘It’ being the way MC discreetly sneaks glances at him from across the room.
And he goes wild for it.
He brings it up casually. Almost too casually.
“Look at how close we’re sitting MC~ I’m practically on top of you. But be careful, who knows what I’d do if you kept staring like that...”
Asmo is just waiting for the moment MC makes a move. He wants to see what it looks like for them to finally stop holding back. The mere thought of it gets his adrenaline pumping.
And as the two are posing for a selfie together, their hands instinctively go to his sides.
MC doesn’t even realize that they haven’t moved their hands even after the photo. They only realize when Asmo puts his hands over their own, smiling innocently.
“You’re too cute, MC...”
One thing that Asmo starts suggesting is slow dancing. Just the two of them, in his room swaying to the sound of his slow song playlist.
Simply enjoying each other to the tune of vintage ballroom rythms never seemed so beautiful.
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Beel has a body that many would go great lengths for. It doesn’t quite resonate with him, because eating well and exercising is just his thing. They’re hobbies.
While he gets lots of compliments about it (particularly from Asmo), he doesn’t think about the curves and edges of his frame very much. He only thinks about what muscles require what stretches and workouts.
And unfortunately, he doesn’t notice any of MC’s affection for his hips.
The prolonged hugs, the staring and flushed complexion. To him, it’s all part of their friendship.
Even if they outright say, “Beel. Ur thiccness is very good.”
It doesn’t hit him very hard. He’s like yea? And? 😌🤚
However, he does have a bit of internalized insecurities about his looks. It’s not necessarily his body, but how others react to... Him.
How many times has he met someone and they didn’t look the slightest bit intimidated? Exactly. He has a resting bitch face on an athlete’s body when he’s one of the sweetest demons alive.
So yes. He is insecure. But when MC finds even the most insignificant things about him to be endearing, it reminds him that, even for a second, he can be loved in his own skin.
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Just like his twin, he doesn’t particularly care for the way his body looks. Especially to others.
He couldn’t care less of what negative things anyone had to say about him, anyways. Been there, done that.
But he can’t help but notice the electricity buzzing through his tired limbs when MC keeps a lingering hand around his sides.
It’s a little odd, he notes. That such a small gesture causes his body to react like that. But it’s pleasant, he’ll admit.
And then he notices just how often it happens. Even when they’re not cuddling. MC will have a hand on his waist, for even a moment.
“MC, do you like touching me there? You don’t do it to anyone else, I’ve noticed.”
They are embarrassed— mostly because they never really realized they were doing it. As soon as they go to apologize, Belphie lets out his sweet giggle.
“It’s okay. I actually like it... It’s cute that you do it so absentmindedly.”
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 7
a/n: im sorry but takeru could take my uwus like hes so adorable yall 🥺😭
-LETS BE HONESTTT WITH OURSELVES. oikawa bringing takeru to practice cuz he forgot he promised to watch him n so he asks you to watch him while he rushes off to change— and then takeru goes OFF after he hears that YOURE the person uncle tooru keeps talking about. he basically just exposes oikawa, gets on your good side w all the embarrassing blackmail material he can provide, and oikawa comes back to you grinning like a madwoman HAHAHAHAHA c,:
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-‘ Omg Takeru spills to his mom and grandmother how Oikawa had a crush and how awkward he is around this girl. Which leads to them inviting her over without Oikawa knowing. He comes home one day, a lil upset because yn wasn't at practice only to hear her giggling with his mother and sister while having tea ‘
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uwu yes i love this req so lets start
so basically
two words:
uncle oikawa
bahahaha no not really but yes really tho
this is going to basically be the scenario where takeru has accepted you as his auntie
so sit down my little grasshoppers because this is finna be a long one
it all started when oikawa forgot his promise
oikawa prides himself in being a know-it-all and being ‘responsible’ or shit like that but hes,,,,, far from that
like how he was currently running towards the gym where takeru’s volleyball class was at because he forgot that his sister made him promise to pick his nephew up since she was working overtime today
oikawa tooru didnt care about his appearance and the way he huffed as he sonic nyoomed his way there since he was more scared of what his sister would do to him if she finds out he was late
the sight of the gym door has never felt so good
he yelled and a head peaked out that belonged to the one and only boy
‘uncle, youre so loud’
he chided and tooru rolled his eyes before grabbing his hand
‘hey, go get your stuff. im late and y/n is going go kill me if im not there’
takeru rolled his own eyes and went at a snail’s pace as he packed up his knee pads and his water bottles
‘hmm,, dont lie uncle. you just want to see the pretty goddess nee-chan’
so basically,,
its been mentioned that you call the boys a lot or its them calling you and oikawa happens to be the one who calls you constantly
and takeru lives with them and he’s usually up quite late so he hears tooru downstairs while talking to you
like one time, he couldnt sleep and his mom told him to drink warm milk to help him so he was just going down the stairs when he heard tooru laugh
now, dont get him wrong
hes heard his uncle laugh before so hes seen how he laughs around girls and it was like nails on a chalkboard
but this time, it sounded very genuine and his chuckles were almost,,, shy
and he figured that tooru was talking to a girl since he kept saying a girl’s name
‘y/n-chan~ youre so cute~ dont make me come over there and kiss you~’
oikawa cooed and takeru cringed 
so he was talking to you
he was no stranger to your name as he once teased his uncle for being whipped and got an hour long rant about how beautiful you were and nice and angelic and how you were just an angel on earth
so yea he knew you
tooru’s voice became clearer as he stepped foot into the kitchen
even a child like him could tell his uncle was basically in love with you
and he doesnt even really know what love is!!
the child said and tooru, who believes in ghosts and is the biggest scaredy cat, shrieked at the sudden voice 
‘oikawa-san? what’s wrong?’
your voice could be heard through his phone but tooru quickly told you good night and ended the call before he got off the chair and crossed his arms to stand in front of takeru
‘what did you say?’
he asked and takeru looked up at him, mimicking his pose
‘i said, its disgusting, uncle’
oikawa looked offended
‘what?! how could you say that?!’
takeru shrugged then he walked over to the fridge
‘yozora-kun told me that girls have cooties and we would die if we get it’
god it was such a childish thing to say but to an actual child like takeru, it sounded perfectly valid
‘its gross and nasty and he said you get all sweaty and you get a fever and ew’
tooru shook his head in disbelief before going over to help the boy get a glass
‘its not nasty or gross or disgusting, takeru. its actually,,, really nice. you dont die from it and you get sweaty when you get nervous and you dont get a fever, you just get flustered, thats all’
takeru still didnt believe him
‘well, he also said girls become monsters and they would eat your face’
oikawa chortled 
‘you heard me. all girls are monsters and you should protect yourself, uncle’
but when he met you, my oh my, you were no monster
you were,,,,,, really really really pretty
poor takeru doesnt really know the real meaning of beautiful so he settled on you being really really really really pretty
like when oikawa dragged him in the gym, takeru stared at you 
his mind couldnt process on the fact that someone as pretty as you even existed 
but that doesnt really say much since hes only like 8
oikawa was hurriedly shoving them both in the gym and he was annoyed that takeru was just standing there but he was really just watching you as you scurried around to give the team their towels
‘takeru! come on!’
tooru’s voice snapped him out of it so he finally walked forward
oikawa called out and iwaizumi was about to yell at him for being late but you already had your bad bitch face on and you were strutting over
‘oikawa tooru, do you know how late you are?!’
you scolded and pulled his ear down to your height
‘eeeehhhh~~??? y/n-chan dont be so rough! it hurts! dont hurt oikawa-san!’
he teased to ease your anger but you sucked in a sharp breath
‘ill make sure it hurts more’
oikawa turned pale and started pleading and stuttering
‘please pleaseplease y/n-chan, i had to pick up takeru and it was a total mess and-’
at the mention of takeru, you let go of him and you finally caught sight of the little boy
ohmygee he was so adorable and youre just a sucker for adorable kids so you kinda squatted to his height since the height difference wasnt that big
you gave him a big smile and waved a hand
‘hey, you must be takeru. im y/n’
the poor kid’s face turned red unknowingly and he stiffened before nodding aggressively
‘my name is oikawa takeru and i am 6 years old’
he hand out his hands to prove his age and you giggled before nodding
‘my name is l/n y/n and i am 16 years old’
you held out 10 fingers then switched to having 6 up like he did
‘waaaa youre,,,’
the boy paused to subtract with his fingers before looking up at you with wide eyes
‘youre 10 years older than me!’
you sweatdropped at the sudden thought of being old 
‘hmm i guess i am’
you tilted your head to the side and continued to talk to the boy, completely oblivious to the stares from the others
they all sported a bright red blush and red ears at the thought of you being so good with kids and what if it was their own?
kindaichi gasped and held his hands to his face to cover the burst of all shades of red that decorated his entire face
‘ne, nee-chan, i know you’
takeru spoke as you led him to sit down on the bleacher, away from the practicing team and from any rogue balls
‘oh? you do?’
‘eung! uncle talks about you all the time! and he calls you too! i live with him, see, and nana yells at him for being on his phone during dinner because hes talking to you’
takeru admitted and you turned red, suddenly flustered
‘he talks about me? what does he say about me, take-chan?’
the little boy paused, holding his chin to think, then he lit up
‘he calls you beautiful goddess y/n-chan!’
‘he does?’
you asked, wholeheartedly surprised
takeru violently nods his head
‘yes! uncle talks about you all the time! my friend yozora wants to meet you too!’
‘hah? who is that?’
takeru sheepishly scratches his cheek
‘yozora-kun told uncle that girls are gross but uncle got mad and told him you were different because you were pretty and nice and yozora wants to see if you really were’
you laughed at the childish claims of this yozora boy
‘well,,, take-chan, do you think im gross?’
you asked, making the boy flustered again
‘no,,,, nee-chan is really pretty’
he mumbled while twiddling his fingers and you squealed before hugging him
‘oh, take-chan! you should visit more often!’
takeru nodded, smiling at how warm you were
‘eung! i love nee-chan! see? i can say i love nee-chan because im not a coward like uncle!’
you pulled away just slightly with a raised eyebrow
‘what are you talking about, takeru?’
the child puffed out his chest and his lip took on a smug angle
‘uncle talks to the mirror every morning! he says hes practicing! he takes forever just saying he loves you in the mirror and he doesnt let me pee! but its okay! because uncle can keep being coward but i get the pretty nee-chan!’
a disbelieving smile settled itself on your face and you absentmindedly caressed his smaller hand
‘what else does uncle do, take-chan? you see, nee-chan wants to tease him!’
takeru paused then lit up
‘oh! before i was born, mama told me uncle ate flowers because he thought his fart would smell like roses!’
your cries of shock made the boy laugh and you joined in with him
‘also! iwa-nii made me a tree house, right?! and uncle wanted to go in but he was too big so he got stuck at the front door! iwa-nii had to take the front part out and used soap to get him out!’
your cackles attracted the now ready captain and oikawa had an uneasy look
that little brat mustve told you some embarrassing stories based on how you laughed
‘oi! takeru! you shut your mouth right now, young man!’
he shouted and quickly stomped over to you at the bleachers
but you held the boy close, protecting him from the angry brunette
‘no! you stay away, oikawa-san! nee-chan will protect you, take-chan!’
you proclaimed and takeru was more than happy to snuggle closer and stick his tongue out at his uncle
you had a similar mischevious look and a wide but scary grin on your face that spelled nothing but trouble
was he,,,, being blackmailed right now?
tooru was scandalised at the thought and the act causign him to lunge over to you, tickling your sides so you could loosen your grip on the child
but you held on, giggling loudly causing takeru to also laugh when tooru’s fingers would touch his side too
‘no! stop-! ack-! tooru!’
you shouted but tooru was able to find an opening to grab takeru by under his arms and you reached over to grab him back but he was already lifted high
‘now what did you tell her, you brat?’
takeru shrieked but tooru hummed, not quite believing him
‘i dont think so’
tooru sat down on the floor and placed takeru on his lap with his fingers quickly hitting his ticklish spots
‘NOOO!!!! UNCLE!!!!’
you giggled and joined over, completely forgetting where you were and what your responsibilities are
okay can we take a second on how cute this moment is?
like despite the team practically being in love with you, they couldnt help but think of how much you guys looked like a family
iwa herded everyone to stop staring and keep practicing bc he knew that this was the first time tooru has been truly happy in a very long time
by the end of practice, you and takeru were practically best friends already
you were very sad to have to let him go home but he promised to come back soon
tooru gave him over to iwa so he could talk to you while you were packing up
you were putting on your jacket when you felt him tap your shoulder
with a smile, you turned around and he mirrored your grin
well,,, it was more like a shy and bashful grin
from behind him, you could see takeru being lifted by mattsun and his laughter echoed in the wind
tooru noticed your gaze then chuckled softly
‘thank you for,,, yanno,, keeping him busy’
you waved your hands around with a laugh
‘nonono! its okay! really! hes so adorable that i look forward to seeing him again!’
he let out a relieved sigh then placed his hands in his pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet
‘y/n,, youre really good with kids’
that comment made you flustered but you waved it off
‘nah, i just connect with them more. theyre so easily entertained and the innocence is nice’
‘well,, youll be a great mother in the future’
you chuckled then ruffled his soft hair
‘youll be a great father in the future then oikawa-san’
at first, he was just going to laugh it off but then the image of you playing with a child who possessed chocolate brown locks and beautiful e/c eyes appeared
he turned red and he fumbled for a response, completely speaking gibberish with no idea of what to even say
unfortunately for him, the team was not in a far distance and they could hear oikawa sputtering nonsense so to ‘help’ him, they started shouting for you guys to hurry up
‘come on! lets go, you guys! the bakery closes in a 10 minutes!’
makki yelled and you perked up and waved to signal you were going
‘come on, oikawa-san!’
you grabbed his hand and pulled him along
takeru noticed his uncle’s red face and a cute sly smile creeped up on his face
then he started a plan
and wow god must’ve wanted him to succeed because its like the fates and the stars and the universe just aligned
takeru was walking with his mom around a supermarket when he noticed your familiar h/c hair
‘y/n nee-chan!’
he shrieked before he could even stop himself and you were startled, wildly looking around for the person who said your name
takeru shouted again, running away from his mom towards you
yall what is oikawa’s sister’s name? lets name her ‘tara’
tara shouted for her son and ofc ran after him when he didnt listen
you greeted back and winced a little when the force fo the little boy crashed into your legs
‘nee-chan! momma, look its nee-chan!’
takeru said when his mother caught up to him
‘oikawa takeru! you never run in the store like that again, you hear me?’
she scolded but then smiled up at you
‘oh hello darling, you must be y/n. im tara, tooru’s older sister and takeru’s mom’
she outstretched her hand for you to shake so you awkwardly shook it
‘uh-im l/n y/n’
‘momma! shes the pretty nee-chan i told you about! and shes the one uncle talks to every night!’
you cringed a little when takeru was excitedly talking as he was attracting other people with his loud voice
tara bless her heart noticed your discomfort and told you to go and follow her to the checkout if you were done
she ended up paying for your stuff despite your protests but she excused it as ‘consider this as payment for putting up that idiot brother of mine’
takeru wanted to show off so he held your bags but you still held on to their own to help tara out
‘ne, nee-chan! why are you not with uncle? its practice today, right?’
takeru asked as you three walked down the street
‘natsu’s sick so i was picking up some porridge for him to eat. i excused today because i wanted to take care of him’
takeru lit up
‘nee-chan! you should come over! nana wants to meet you too!’
tara rolled her eyes at her son with a smile
‘no, take-kun. nee-chan needs to go home to look after-’
‘ah, its okay, oikawa-san! natsu wont be awake for a while so i can spare an hour or two’
tara made small talk with you while takeru hummed in front of you
‘thank you so much for putting up with my two boys, y/n. i heard from hajime that you kept takeru company while tooru practiced’
you nodded
‘it wasnt a big deal though. i love takeru, hes a sweetheart. and oikawa-san takes good care of him’
tara chuckled
‘as much as takeru loves to poke fun at tooru, he really does appreciate him you know? without a father, i worried on who would be his male figure. but tooru lived up to his title and takeru wants to do everything he does. like say, volleyball’
you followed along and you could see the little bits of tooru even by the way takeru walked
the little skip that his uncle had seemed to copy itself on to the nephew with even the happy humming
‘oikawa-san is,,, a really great person’
you off-handedly mentioned and tara looked at you from the corner of her eye 
warmth blossomed in her chest because although she knew how much of an insecure and rash person her brother was, he deserves someone who talks about him with such love in their voice
even the look in your eyes was enough to make her think,
yep, you are the one
omg nana oikawa is ltr head-over-heels for you already
the love for y/n is an oikawa thing
when takeru opened the door, nana oikawa rushed to greet her grandson when she saw another person
a girl
‘nana! nana! this is y/n nee-chan! uncle’s pretty goddess!’
uwu nana knows who exactly you are
lets just say shes exactly like takeru and has witnessed her son lovingly talk to some y/n girl at 3 in the morning
and her son has expressed his love and admiration towards you every chance he can
so yes lets just say she knows who you are
thats why nana brightly smiled and quickly ushered you into the house
‘oh come in! come in! takeru-kun, go lead y/n-chan to the couch and make her comfortable! ill get tea!’
takeru nodded and he grabbed your hand with his small one to go to the living room
you awkwardly sat stiffly, not exactly knowing what to do as this entire family seemed to know who you are
takeru settled himself beside you and was actively talking about what they did at volleyball practice today
you were enamored in his story that you didnt notice nana walk in with a try of tea with tara trailing behind her with cookies
you moved to help her but nana shook her head with a gentle smile before sitting down at the chair beside the couch
‘here you go, dear’
you bowed slightly and held the cup of green tea
everyone was now settled and you were nervously tapping your finger against the cup
you dont even know why youre nervous
its like youre suddenly meeting your boyfriend’s family without your boyfriend actually there
you jumped a little at the voice of nana and she smiled at you
‘oh dear dont be so nervous! we’re not that bad! we dont bite’
‘unless you want us to’
takeru whispered and you giggled, ruffling his hair with your free hand
‘so youre the famous y/n-chan then?’
you nodded again
‘takeru told us all about his adventures at seijoh the other day and, well,, he likes to tease his uncle but,, we believe him’
tara smiled, remembering her son’s words
‘nee-chan, i told them that uncle was very weird and shy and awkward and it was so weird’
he whispered, yet still able to be heard by everyone in the room
‘oh my, when we heard that we couldnt believe a person, much less a female, could even do that to him! i worried that my son would never develop interest in any girl but it seems i was worrying for nothing!’
nana giggled and you couldnt help but smile, realizing her laugh sounded exactly like tooru’s
‘you know, y/n, tooru’s never really had a crush before. and believe me, id know but even with his last girlfriend, which was also his first, he didnt seem interested at her in that way-well, maybe he was but he wasnt exactly enamored with her like he is with you’
you knew little about tooru’s first and last girlfriend
it was the butt of mattsuhana’s jokes all the time but you never partook bc you could see how,,, sad,,, tooru looks whenever its brought up
but you turned red,hand waving at her last comment
‘oh nonono, youre wrong. uhh, how do i say this,, oikawa-san,,, he just appreciates me bc,, i,,, reject his advances,, and,,, bring him milk bread,,, and banana milk,,,, and such,,,’
you trailed off and the two older women shared a look behind their cups
heh, it was refreshing to have tooru do the chasing this time
‘you must be wondering how, we, you know, know you, right?’
you nodded at nana’s question
she chuckled then placed her tea down
‘you see, we are aware of tooru’s,,,, expiditions. and by that, we mean the interest of others in him and his returned interest. but hes our family so we know that his interest is,, actually fake’
you looked down, knowing exactly what shes talking about
‘especially with girls, we see his annoyance, his ignorance, and we’re not proud of it. but with you, when he talks about you, its as if he was talking about the,,, the love of his life!’
you were startled, not sure if you should be proud of that or confused about that
‘mom! dont say that!’
tara nagged but nana shrugged her off
‘no, i want to express my gratitude for this girl. y/n, i want you to know now that,,, my son is damaged’
‘takeru cover your ears’
tara hurried and the boy shot his mother a confused look but still did it anyways
‘tooru,,, feels that he shouldnt burden us as he’s now the man of the house after his father and i’s separation. and,,, perhaps its the past of his father’s but,,, he doesnt let anyone in, except for us and hajime’
nana oikawa’s eyes held sadness
a raw emotion that shouldnt be shown to a stranger but by how much and how often tooru talks about you, she practically knew you already
‘and he refuses to do anything that isn’t necessary. he hates doing pointless things unless they will serve him purpose in the future thats why he focuses on that damn sport so much, even giving himself injuries! i worried and worried for him but then,, you came along. all the sudden, i see the life in his eyes that was wrongly taken from him, be replaced and its all because of a girl. ive never heard tooru talk about someone else other than his team or hajime so it was quite a surprise for us that he found someone who was, what he considers, worth his time. and the way,, the way he looks when he talks,,, y/n, i believe you are what he says, an angel’
a sudden wave of tears appeared as nana oikawa looked up to meet your eyes and you let out a stiff laugh but you tightened your grip on your cup
‘you are,,, my son’s angel’
the conversation was quickly shifted by tara as she could see the conflict in the way your eyebrows furrowed and the rapid movement of your pupils
she knew that you were probably still at a stage that you didnt realize your captain’s real and authentic feelings for you and she didnt want you to find out this way 
tara knows how emotional her mother can get regarding her son so she switched to another topic to not get too in deep with the whole situation
next thing you knew, you were giggling and laughing at nana oikawa’s merciless onslaught of her son’s childhood events
you attempted to hide your laugh by sipping your drink but it still came out wholeheartedly
‘yes! i wondered for a whole week as to why my roses were disappearing and i never would’ve thought id find my son eating them at 6 in the morning!’
nana cackled while takeru was so laugh-tired that he slumped over to your side, completely breathless
‘oh! dont forget the mickey mouse one! you see, y/n, we spent about a week at my aunts house and tooru saw a mouse! the poor child woke everyone up at midnight, screaming about a mouse sleeping next to him! and just to top it off, we visited disneyland and, whew, we just know now to avoid mickey mouse. to this day, that child is still traumatized by that cartoon’
meanwhile at seijoh,
oikawa was sneezing nonstop and iwaizumi has bonked him many many times now
tooru irritably snapped and iwa was even surprised at how snippy he was
‘oi, what crawled up your ass and died today’
oikawa pouted then stomped his foot like a child
‘y/n isnt here today’
‘oikawa shes taking care of her cousin! she has a life outside of us you know?’
makki teased but flinched when tooru stomped his foot harder
‘but im her life! im all she needs!’
the entire team sweatdropped at the sight of makki and mattsun holding back their bara arms vice captain from beating up their captain 
‘ill be sure to give him mickey mouse stickers next time!’
you teased and they laughed
there was still remaining giggles left when the door handle twisted and the front door opened, revealing the man of the hour himself
takeru perked up and ran to the door to greet his uncle
‘uncle! uncle!’
he exclaimed and tooru sighed before grinning at him
his ears twitched at a familiar muffled giggle but he thought nothing of it by excusing it as him missing you so much that hes now hearing you
the thought of you dampened his mood again
‘uncle is too sad to play with you, takeru’
takeru’s head tilted to the side and one eyebrow was raised
‘heh? why? iwa-nii bonk you too hard?’
tooru shook his head solemnly
‘no. my darling wasnt there today and-’
‘oikawa-san, welcome home’
you emerged into the small hallway and tooru’s jaw dropped
then he snapped out of the surprise and ran straight towards you, picking you up and twirling you around
he cheered and you giggled, trying to hold on to his shoulders to stabilize yourself
‘dont be so loud, oikawa-san’
you chided but with a smile
tooru calmed down however he still held you in his arms and was looking up at you with a grin, completely missing the fact that youre even at his house
‘its so nice to have y/n-chan greet me at the door. its like i have a wife! you wanna be my wife, y/n?’
you blushed a deep red and flicked his forehead
‘oikawa-san, your mother and sister is-’
you whispered harshly but a sudden shout made you both turn
you and oikawa looked at each other exasperatedly but with a fond look in your eyes
you whispered
‘avenge me, oikawa-san’
that was enough for him to drop you gently and run to tackle takeru, who was giggling and kicking the air
you returned to your spot on the couch but shrunk back at the smirks the two oikawa women were directing to you
nana oikawa wanted you to have dinner with them so you stayed and oikawa held your hand under the table
even though they could obviously see it but yanno just stay quiet
‘y/n-chan, as much as i love you being here and meeting my family, how did you get here?’
takeru proudly raised his hand and swallowed his food
tooru nodded and reached over to ruffle his head
‘thank you, takeru! you turned uncle’s bad day to a good one!’
you turned to him with a worried look
‘huh? did something happen while i was away?’
tooru shook his head and pouted at you with his puppy eyes
‘y/n-chan wasnt there at practice today and oikawa-san missed her very much and-’
‘oikawa-san, please refrain from speaking in third person’
again, the two oikawa women shared a look
yep, you are the one
oikawa naturally took it upon himself to walk you home by saying ‘y/n-chan shouldnt walk home by herself!’
but in reality, he just wanted to spend more time with you because he didnt get to do that today
he just wanted his daily fill of you
you both were walking down the street, hand-in-hand
‘i love your family, oikawa-san’
you said and he giggled
‘well, just wait a few years and youll be a part of it too’
you blushed and smacked him on the chest making him wince and exagerrate an ‘ow!’
‘your mom,,, really loves you. and your sister, and takeru! theyre really nice and im happy your family loves you so much’
‘what about you? do you love me?’
you hummed
‘eung! i love oikawa-san! and the boys! i love all of you!’
oikawa had a sad smile on but he didnt push any further
‘well! you met my family already so now its my turn to meet yours!’
you turned to give him a deadpan expression
‘oikawa-san, my father chased you with a broom. i dont think its safe for you to even step foot at my front porch’
oikawa scoffed and puffed out his chest smugly
‘hah! your oikawa-san is a strong man! he doesnt get scared over some broom!’
‘oh! oikawa-san! i need to get your opinion on this! i want to give iwa-san this mickey poster but-’
noticing that oikawa was no longer walking beside you, you turned around to see him staring at the spot you were previously at 
he didnt answer and you giggled
‘oh? is it mickey mouse? you scared?’
you neared the phone to his face and then his eyes settled on the terrifying face of the disney character
oikawa screamed
anyways, how yall been? i know ive been gone for a hot sec but uwu hey!!! 
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hello ! if ur requests are currently open, can i get headcanons / scenario of inarizakis manager having a celeb crush (like finn wolfhard, louis partridge ALSO if u can, can u please make the celeb crush louis patridge ? im kinda desperate for sum louis x reader scenarios lawl) and they let them simp for him cuz it's just a crush right ? right, what they don't know is that manager-chan has made some attempts for him (their celeb crush) to notice them and they have successfully made him notice them bc manager chan is such a charm, so what will be their reactions if they see manager chan holding hands with the celeb crush that they didn't worry ab ? thank u in advance if u do it ! but it's fine if ur requests aren't open,, i just didn't see any posts ab ur requests being closed hehe also sorry if i did this wrong 😭 this is my first time requesting sumthn 😭😭
Louis Patridge x Inarizaki manager
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Oh my goshhh hi bb. I'm so glad I was your first :D (yes, initially, requests were closed, unfortunately) but this was literally such a good one, I couldn't resist writing it. (I'm in love with Louis Patridge too, bubs)
Also, just a tip (if you're gonna request on anon, make sure you follow me, or have my profile saved because tumblr doesn't give you a notification when I've answered you 🥺🥺)
🦋; Inarizaki manager (reader) x Louis Patridge (celeb crush) x Inarizaki vbc ,, triggers: none!!
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“Guys. DID YOU WATCH ENOLA HOLMES?” your breathless face was red due to fact that you've ran a long way, obviously to tell them this.
Atsumu and Osamu nodded in unison, “Yea, that Millie Bobbi Brown chick acted prett' well”
Suna rolled his eyes. “Hated it. Only watched it for Superman, though.”
Kita shrugged, walked up to you, and shook his head as he smoothed your hair down (the stray curls obviously came undone as you were running). “I don't watch fictious movies, y/n-san. Was it good?”
Eyes sparkling, you nodded. “It was more than good. Besides, that actor, Louis Patridge? The guy who plays Lord Tewkesbury? I think I'm in love with him.” a dream-like look glazed over your eyes as you stared at your phone wallpaper wistfully.
Suddenly, the bell rang, jolting you back to reality. “Oh that's right, I need to go to class now.”, and with that, you left six very stunned boys in the gym.
“I wonder what'll be of her crush on that' actor?” asked Atsumu with a smirk. Don't be fooled though, behind the easygoing exterior, he was the most concerned of the lot (and the most jealous).
“Yer' overthinking it. They live oceans apart, and he plays movies on the big screen.” drawled Osamu.
“Yeah, I'm sure one of us still has more chance with her than him, she's actually met us, after all.” chirped Akagi, with a positive note. He was determined to win you over, and a celeb crush didn't deter him in any way.
Suna nodded, whilst Kita and Aran exchanged looks. “It's important to be supportive of her though. Albeit it being merely a schoolgirl crush, this could mean a lot to her.” said Kita, and his tone invited no further disagreement.
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Back at home that evening, thoughts of the handsome brown haired boy could not leave your mind, and you logged onto Instagram, hoping to see if he had posted any updates.
He had, and it was a selfie of himself, with his tousled hair in all its "I-just-got-out-of-bed" glory. Damn, this man was sexy.
Smiling, you typed out a comment. “No offense, but if being adorable was a crime, you'd have fine written all over you ˃ᴗ˂ ”. Yes, it was dorky, and cheesy all in one. But why not? He might not ever read it anyways, as your comment got swept underneath the hundreds of others that came after it.
Sighing, you settled down to study, with thoughts about the comment and Louis pushed out of your mind.
Meanwhile, as Louis scrolled through his comments, a single one caught his eye. She used a pickup line (how adorable) which caused his cheeks to redden. Tentatively, he surveyed her profile, before feeling the familiar sensation of having a crush, wash over him.
She was gorgeous, and although he knew he shouldn't stalk random pretty girls over the internet, he couldn't help himself. Her pictures showed her to be the manager of a club of some sort, and she was almost always posing with a teammate. A male, teammate.
But damn, that smile. Even if he felt a small pit of unfounded jealousy at the guys, her smile was enough to distract him from anything.
His fingers hovered over the "follow back" button, before he finally gave in to temptation by following her, commenting, and putting his phone away quickly, suddenly feeling like a schoolboy all over again.
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That morning, before school, you could barely believe the notifications waiting for you on your phone.
"louispatridge_ is following you"
"louispatridge_ commented: nah, if anyone's fine, it's gotta be you ˃ᴗ˂ "
Of course, after having seven mini panic attacks, and fawning over him, you set out to tell your boys at the volleyball club the good news.
And all you could think about on the way there was how Louis Patridge somehow noticed you. It was unbelievable, and somehow turned your insides to jelly.
As soon as you reached the gym, you flung yourself on Atsumu, engulfing him in a hug. “Guys I'm so happy” you managed to choke out.
Atsumu obviously enjoyed holding you, and he gently wrapped his arms around you to feel your heart beating quickly
“To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you this early, y/n?” joked Aran.
Wordlessly, you dug into your pocket and pulled out your phone. “He thinks I'm fine. Fine means hot right? I mean, I used it meaning hot. Because he is hot. And he thinks the same of me, that's gotta be good? And the emoticon. He used the same one, he's so cu—”
But you were interrupted out of your whisper-babble by the boys' shocked faces. He noticed her? This fast? “I'm so happy for you, y/n” said Akagi cheerfully, but internally he was demotivated and sad at the prospect of you dating the young star.
Suna looked at you thoughtfully and ruffled your hair. “That's my girl. She's just as amazing and capable as those girls on the silver screen.” and although it pained him to say this, he just wanted to share your happiness.
The twins were withdrawn, and Kita congratulated you, whilst obviously feeling a bit regretful for dismissing it as a "schoolgirl crush".
In general, the boys were upset, but not surprised. If you had them all collectively whipped for you, why not a movie star?
After kissing Suna's cheek and waving the rest of the boys off, you skipped all the way to homeroom, excited to share the news with your friends.
Silence followed your absence as Aran shrugged. “So are we gonna acknowledge the elephant in the room?”
Atsumu pouted and glared at them all. “Why did he have to notice her? Was it her profile picture? I've always asked her to change it, she looks way too attractive.”
Osamu nodded and jutted his bottom lip. “I mean, we think she's the most beautiful girl in the world, and apparently other guys do too.”
“Oh God make it stop” whispered Suna. “I wish she'd just stay ours. I don't mind competing with you guys, I'm obviously better, but that actor dude? No chance.”
“We'll be supportive” reaffirmed Kita. “Above all, she's out friend and we do not own her. If this makes her happy, we won't ruin it.”. Akagi and Aran were quiet.
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Ever since that day, you and Louis have been slowly but steadily growing closer and falling harder for each other.
He tried his luck by texting you, and although you were shy and tentative at first, getting to know the real him was refreshing.
And you really did like him. He was intelligent, adorable, and realistic. The two of you spent your time from dusk till' dawn talking, whether on call or on text.
And no one could deny the blossoming chemistry between yourself and Louis. He was a gentleman in every way, and his honeyed words stuck in your heart, finding its way to be replayed every time you felt down.
The boys slowly saw you drifting away. And when you weren't, it was always "Louis this—" or “Louis said—” and frankly their hearts couldn't take it anymore. It was time to give up, and love you as a friend instead.
But immersed in his attention you barely even noticed.
One day, Louis called you as you were heading home after practice. “y/n! Love, guess what?”
“aw bubs, just tell me. I hate guessing. Mostly because I suck at it.”
You could hear him chuckle on the other side of the line as he softly whispered “I'm coming to Japan on the ninth!”
“Wait, Louis. Today's the ninth.”
“I know. So are you gonna come to that bubble tea place you won't shut up about, or must I come get you?”
“You're joking”
“I'm not. I've wanted to surprise you, and I swear it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Which includes getting kicked by a horse on set, but nevermind about that, y/n, I want to see you, so get your arse here.”
“Coming, Lord Tewkesbury”
“I might have a kink.”
You blushed bright red at his words. “shut up oh my gosh, I'll be there.”
Louis ended the call with a small smile on his face. He knew how easily flustered you were with him and he loved it. It was just another thing on the list of all the reasons why Louis Patridge adored you to hell and back.
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The whole way to the shop, your heart was pounding. So you'd finally get to meet the guy you've been dreaming about ever since you laid eyes on him in a movie.
Ever since those late night phone calls and early morning texts made your heart race and eyes sparkle with wonder.
You were finally meeting him.
The familiar sweet smell of the tea washed over you, and a familiar face waited for you at the entrance. His brown eyes looked gorgeous in the sun and his hair was tousled exactly the way you once saw in a selfie.
Wasting no time, you ran to him, pulling him to a hug. He laughed and caught you in his arms, holding you closer as your legs wrapped around his waist. No words were exchanged, just touches. There were too many words said already.
After pulling away, he gently stroked his thumb through your features. Tucking a strand aside, ruffling your hair. His hands ached to touch you, and now, finally, he could.
“You're such a dork.” was all you could whisper, afraid speaking loudly would break the spell.
“Your dork. All yours.”
“Louis!” your voice went an octave higher as the familiar warm sensation came over your cheeks, painting them a delicate pink.
“Oh God, I've always wanted to see you blush. How can you be so adorable?? Oh God.”
You whined in protest, but frankly, you were too happy to be around him to care much at all.
Tipping your chin to face him, Louis Patridge did the one thing he dreamt of doing, ever since he stalked through your Instagram profile one fateful morning.
He kissed you.
And wouldn't you know it? You kissed him back. It was warm, comforting, and everything you thought it'd be.
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Meanwhile, the boys had finished cleaning up the gym, and started heading home.
“Hey guys, do you wanna go grab some bubble tea?” asked Aran. The prospect of food, or sweet things always cheered up the boys, and after a day of particularly grueling practice, it was no surprise they agreed at once.
You however, were comfortably nestled next to Louis as you swapped stories. Your hands never left each other, though. He kept stroking your palm, just to remind himself you were here, right next to him.
“So how's the volleyball club, Mrs. manager?”
“Mrs? Do I look like I'm married?” to which Louis responded with a shrug and wink.
Coincidentally, the Inarizaki boys entered the shop at that very moment, freezing in their tracks after seeing you in a booth with Louis.
“Psst. Guys. Loverboy's here.”
“Should we say hello?”
“I might cry if they kiss” whimpered Akagi.
“We need to say hello, it's the right thing to do.” said Kita sensibly, as he walked up to the two of you. “Hello y/n-san, Louis-san.” said Kita with a slight nod.
Happily, you rose from your seat and hugged the captain, thanking him for saying hi, as you introduced him to Louis.
Soon, the other boys came around and one by one, introduced themselves as well. Honestly speaking, they were jealous. How could they possibly get over someone like you? Someone as spectacular and beautiful as you? But when they saw you face shining with radiance as you smiled at Louis, and the way his hands never left yours, they understood.
And they wanted you to be happy. That was the most important thing, above all else for the both of them.
“I love you, manager-chan.”
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White Tulips - Cut Chapter
Hey Everyone. I hope who ever reads this is happy and healthy. So I wrote this idea for my Han Seojun x Kang Sujin fanfic but it didn’t really fit the story at the time, even though I had set it up in the published story twice, so I cut it. But I still loved this idea so I wanted to share it here. 
I would have shared it earlier but I was trying to get the Joseon Era AU started before that but man, have I been struggling with that story. Writing historic fanfic is HARD! Anyway I still wanted to leave this here. Hope you all like it. 
Pairing: Kang Sujin x Han Seojun
Word Count: 1.7k 
Rating: Slightly Mature... or maybe PG 15? I dunno. I am bad with ratings
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For all of his flaws, Han Seojun had one thing going for him. He was unashamed. Unashamed of his slight lack of academic intelligence, unashamed of his troublemaker persona, and definitely unashamed of losing to Kang Sujin at everything imaginable.
“Ah-nee, how could you get so good at basketball?” He panted, pulling up his shirt to wipe his brow, not because he was sweaty, but because he wanted Sujin to stare at his abs.
“I was always good, Han Seojun.” Sujin said proudly, holding the basketball by her waist as she unabashedly eyed his abs. “I told you, I was just off my game that day.”
“You were distracted by my face.” Seojun smirked.
“Of course, I was. I had a massive crush on you.” She grinned, kissing him.
“Ooooh, chagi, you had a crush on meee.” Seojun teased like a school boy who had discovered her most embarrassing secret.
“We’re practically married.” Sujin pointed out dryly, the fact that they had been together for over a year now.
“Still.” Seojun grinned.
“Doesn’t change the fact that I finally did beat you.” Sujin countered.
Seojun didn’t tell her that he had let her win today. Her loved her competitiveness and the giddy way she grinned when she won. If Seojun could, he would let her win everything her heart desired. But this he would never tell her, mostly because she would kill him. And Seojun really wanted to live, especially now that he had someone else to live with.
“Technically, we’re at a draw. You only cancelled out your win from back then.” He stated. The two had started packing their things. Sujin dumped her water bottle in their gym bag.
“Oh yeah? Well, I’m about to win this argument.” Sujin grinned an evil grin, leaning closer. She spoke in a sing-song voice, “I know your big secret.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Seojun smirked. He was an open book, there was nothing he ever hid from anyone. And even if he did, there was nothing he was ashamed of.
Sujin took out her phone and pressed play.
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo,
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo
Really? Yes! Okey dokey yo
Say la la la la la la la la la la la
“Told you I would find out.” Sujin’s evil grin spread wide as Seojun’s smug smile wavered.
Oh no.
It turned out that here indeed was one thing that Han Seojun was ashamed of.
“Ya, Kang Sujin!” Seojun went for her phone but she bounced out of his way, skipping backward.
“What’s wrong, Seojun-ah? Don’t like this song?” She asked in mock innocence.
Oh God, the horror. The pain, the anguish! The embarrassment!
“Ya! Come here!” Seojun ran after her and she sprinted away from him, running around the court. “Stop playing that!”
“No way. This is my new favorite song.” Sujin shouted back breathlessly as she ran full speed. Seojun caught up with her and she squealed and laughed as he held her by the waist.
“Are you not going to stop?” He didn’t lunge for her phone. Instead opted to tickle her, making her squeal some more, laughing uncontrollably.
“I cave! I cave!” She said, her eyes tearing up from the laughing.
Seojun took her phone and turned off the song. Sujin was red from laughter and Seojun felt an ache to kiss her then and there. But he didn’t want to encourage her triggering the PTSD he had from that embarrassing incident in high school.
“Lim Jukyung is such a traitor. I can’t believe she told you.”
“I’m your girlfriend. Of course, she told me. Shouldn’t I know you were dancing around half naked in front of another woman?” Sujin wiped the tears from her eyes, still shaking from the aftershocks of laughing.
“Aish! That was so embarrassing. I never want to remember that happened.” Seojun admitted, going red as he thought back to when he had been dancing around in his house, wearing nothing but his underwear and had failed to notice that Lim Jukyung had been there with his sister the entire time.
“Waeeee? I find it funny.” And then she burst out laughing again. Han Seojun walked away in a huff. He couldn’t face the embarrassment any longer, especially not in front of Sujin.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Sujin chased after him.
Han Seojun would have buried the incident again, along with his memory of that song but then there it was again.
That dreaded song.
They were having lunch with everyone; Jukyung, Suho, Taehoon, Suah and his squad with Chorong, when suddenly, he heard the tune faintly.
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo,
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo
Seojun thought he was imagining it. But then Sujin took out her phone and the song played clearer. That damn woman had set it as her ring tone.
That dreaded song.
“Oops, getting a call. Be right back.” Sujin said with just enough pretend innocence that it passed off as sincere to others, but he knew. He knew.
Han Seojun glared at Jukyung accusingly and she made an apologetic face. Luckily, no one else seemed to pick up on Seojun’s discomfort. Suho did give him a pointed look but Suho knew that he did not have the privilege of making fun of Seojun the way Sujin did. And that wasn’t a matter of Seojun getting mad at him. It was a matter of Kang Sujin destroying anyone who would say one syllable against her boyfriend.
“Sujinnie,” Seojun pouted like a child that night as they made dinner, “I don’t like your ringtone.”
Her phone had been ringing all day. A little too frequently, Seojun had noticed. It was almost as if Sujin had scheduled all of her calls to today just to mess with him.
“Oh, should I change it?” She asked causally, “Okay, you pick something you like.”
Seojun grinned and padded over to the counter, setting her ringtone to one of his songs.
That night Seojun had gone to sleep thinking that chapter of his embarrassing event was over. He dreamed peacefully of being on stage and serenading Sujin with the songs he had written for her. But then his dream was interrupted with that jingle again.
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo,
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo
Seojun woke up with a gasp. No, it wasn’t just his dream. The song was actually playing. Sujin stirred and shut off her alarm.
Her alarm that was set to play Okey Dokey.
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Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! Seojun screamed in his head, cursing the storm he imagined himself drowning in. He loved Kang Sujin. He could never deny her anything, even if it led to his own torment.
But why, why out of everything she had to choose this.
Sujin got up, and didn’t even notice Seojun stuff his head in his pillow as she went to the bathroom.
“Hyung, are you okay?” One of his bandmates asked upon seeing Seojun’s dark circles and dead expression.
“Huh? I’m okey, dokey.” He responded dreamily. The band member backed away in concern.
Ever since they had gotten close, Seojun had stopped challenging her. True, they would still tease and play the push-pull game but it wasn’t like it had been before. Before they had felt like equals. Now it felt like Sujin had all the power and oddly enough, she didn’t like that. She worried it might get too boring for Han Seojun. She worried it wasn’t good for him to coddle her so much. He needed to have just as much of a say in things as she did.
She had meant the song to just stir some new challenge between them. He would respond with embarrassment and demand that she gets rid of the song. He would finally set a line for her; a restriction and she would comply to and balance would be restored. No longer would she be the one dictating everything.
But it had the opposite effect. Sujin hadn’t realized how it was torturing him till she saw him jump when they passed by a store that had been coincidentally playing the song.
“It’s following me.” Seojun had hissed. Sujin became worried she had gone too far. She hadn’t realized how much the incident had affected him.
Fortunately, Sujin knew what to do.
Come home early tonight. Sujin’s text came.
“Is everything okay?” He asked the second he entered. Sujin never asked him to be home early, knowing his busy schedule. He was lucky that his other band mate had gotten ill, and practice had been cancelled.
“Yeah, gimme a minute!” Sujin called from their bedroom.
Seojun threw his jacket on the sofa and unbuttoned his sleeves, getting ready to make dinner. But then he froze.
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo,
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo
He groaned, “Aaaaah, chagiiii! Geuman-hae already.” He turned and then froze again, dropping his phone on the floor.
In the door frame of their bedroom stood Kang Sujin wearing leopard print camisole and a blue bathrobe, striking an exaggerated dancing pose. The camisole reached just below her thighs. The rest of her long, long, long legs were available for him to gawk at.
Seojun gulped. Good God.
You ready?
I'm ready
Yea, okey dokey yo
Sujin began dancing to the song just like he had, singing along as she moved through the hallway with the graceful movements of a more practiced dancer. It was funny but all too captivating at the same time.
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo,
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo
She came in and danced her way to the fridge, taking out a water bottle, and pouring it over her head.
Really? Yes! Okey dokey yo
Say la la la la la la la la la la la
She didn’t have the chance to continue as Seojun picked her up in his arms. She squealed in joy as he kissed her.
“Ah, Kang Sujin that’s the sexiest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” He said, leaning her over as she laughed.
Seojun forgot all about the song as he bridal carried a squealing Sujin to their room. They both fell down on the bed, laughing. Sujin ran a hand through his hair.
“Hey, Sujinnie. Guess what underwear I’m wearing today.” Seojun grinned.
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