#anyways. gene is like this about vylad
t4tdanvis · 7 months
guy in one of my classes got me thinking about vylene. i am kicking my feet and twirling my hair currently i love when my brain is just like "them ❤"
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sammygems · 6 months
Things I Have Noticed/Remembered from my MCDiaries rewatch
I will be updating this as I continue my rewatch, currently everything listed is out of order, cause I've started writing this as I am on episode 64 of season 1 and I don't feel like fixing it to be in order, so sorry!
What the fuck was Garroth's "plan" he mentions to Zenix in the first episode 😭
Zenix seems to be younger then Garroth in Diaries, considering the way that Garroth talks about him, but I think in MyStreet, Zenix is either the same age or slightly older then Garroth, so far this is like, the only obvious age difference between the series (besides Travis and everyone else of course)
I forgot how entertaining Brendan's character is, he's far less annoying then I remembered
I love Vylad, but I legit forgot how much he was in Diaries season 1, I thought he was in it far less
Currently at the stage of Diaries where there is no lgbt+ people, i'm very disappointed by this (we haven't even reached the queerbaiting)
KC's character is....not as bad (racist) as I was expecting, still not great though. I'm choosing to believe that KC is from Tu'lu and Maid Cafes are a thing there, and "Kawaii~Chan" is just a stage name for her work.
Y'all know how Cadenza went missing and she was actually turned into a chicken? Yeah, the way Hayden, Castor, & Laurance talk about her to Aphmau makes it sound like Cadenza is a small child. But then it turns out she's the same age, if not older, then Laurance and Aphmau.
Aphmau should've just made Joh and Hayden lovers, I'm so serious, it would make the whole Cadenza and Laurance being "close like siblings" in season 1 to I think actually being called as siblings in season 2 and in MyStreet a lot easier to understand and make a lot more sense.
Why does Kenmur have like, some sort of romance with all the girls from Meteli??? He was engaged to Sasha and is stated to have feelings for Cadenza.
I love when the episodes open from Sasha's POV, and she goes and talks to Gene and there's just no voices. I love having to pause to read what they're saying. (this point is sarcasm)
The way literally everyone reacted to learning Laurance was blind was....icky. Like, I understand Cadenza and Aphmau reacting as like "we need to find a way to bring his sight back", but the fact that it was literally EVERYONE who decided he needed to get his sight back was so weird.
I don't mind Laurance ACTUALLY getting his sight back, but I wish it was done differently. Like, personally, I'd have him like, have to wash his face with the water of the fountain of Lady Irene.
Emma & Corey, Dale & Molly, and Logan & Donna are very sweet couples.
After Zoey and KC were able to turn Cadenza back to her human form, Zoey mentions that she "recognizes Cadenza from somewhere", but I don't think this goes anywhere???? I'm assuming it was supposed to hint at like, Cadenza's backstory.
ngl, I kinda wish we got more of Zane and Kiki's relationship, I really wanna know what side of Zane Kiki actually saw.
Anyway, Kiki is currently expecting.
Nicole (my beloved) has showed up. I've decided I won't question the logic behind her iron fists being able to break bedrock, and instead say that her referencing her iron fists just made me think of Ace from One Piece and Natsu & Gajeel from Fairy Tail.
I need to mention that in one episode (before Aphmau went to Scaleswind and learned about Lady Irene), Garroth says to Aphmau "by the seven", which I think she was hurt, but the use of "by the seven" is similar to how the same phase would be used in Game of Thrones or to how irl lots of people say "oh my god", so I'm really wondering if there were originally supposed to be 7 Divine Warriors instead of 6.
The way when Aphmau found Levin and decided to keep him and Garroth IMMEDIATLY decided he would be Levin's father figure.
The way when Laurance found out that Aphmau had a kid, his response was to play with Levin and say to Aphmau "you didn't tell me you had this little buddle of joy/energy".
That's all for now, I'll like, update when I have more to add.
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stellisketches · 3 months
why? please explain the soldier, port, king in excruciating detail PLEASE
EDIT: ITS FINALLY DONE i'm so sorry this took me like six months I got really busy with school work and I wanted to make sure I wasn't half-assing this anyway thank you for asking please enjoy
For reference I will be quoting the “Poet Soldier King” test on uQuiz as I feel they summarize each role most succinctly.
"You wonder, sometimes, if anger is the only thing you can feel. Remember: love is passion too. You made your own rules and will follow them to death. You try and forget that there is only one rule, and that it is "FIGHT". You are tired of fighting. You try to forget that, too, and keep going. You dream of quiet. Your love is where you heal." -Soldier
It's a subtle element but Vylad’s entire character/existence is about enduring conflict. It's an easy thing to forget due to his calm demeanor, but Vylad has been fighting since the moment he was born (hell, even before). Fighting the ill-contrived gossip of being a bastard son, fighting to prove himself a genuine Ro’Meave, and fighting against Garte and Zane’s abuse over his childhood. It’s a subtler form of conflict, but it’s very interesting to imagine how he was able to put up with all of it (I’ve planned so many prequel fics about the Ro’Meaves you guys). Then there’s the whole shadowknight topic that really is indicative of itself. Vylad's whole arc was based upon leaving behind the violence of his past as a literal soldier within the Shadow Lord's army. Again it’s really easy to forget but this is someone who was revived to burn the world to the ground and slaughter any and every man, woman, and child that got in the way of it. He told Aphmau himself in season 2: “One good deed does not fix a thousand wrongs done. I'm not a good person, let's just leave it at that. Please.” We may not have seen it on screen, but who knows how long Vylad was traveling with Sasha and Gene. I doubt Phoenix Drop was the first village they targeted, and I doubt Gene or Sasha or even Zenix were ever like “oh yeah you can wait outside while we commit atrocities on this Lord and his family and burn the whole village to the ground.” Vylad has a very practical mindset (another trait indicative of a good soldier), and it wouldn’t surprise me if he was purposefully good at his job so it would land him more opportunities to get out of the nether now and again. He enacted violence well enough that he was trusted to be sent outside the nether to go fuck up the overworld. Vylad is a man thoroughly haunted by war and the violence he’s committed against others in a way his brothers just… aren't. Sure, Garroth knows fighting and violence as a means of protection and ensuring the safety of others, but he doesn’t know war. He’s never had someone he cared about die in his arms. He’s never seen a whole village burn to the ground and see innocent people slaughtered left and right. He’s never seen a child screaming at their dead mother to get up. He may use violence, but he was never a violent person. Zane, on the other hand, most definitely was, however, but he hardly ever enacted any of the violence himself. 90% of the time it was jurors or guards he’d given orders to. And while he was more than happy to get his hands dirty every once in a while, he never felt genuine consequence from it. 
Continuing on Vylad’s inner psyche, we see after he still keeps a very practical, soldier-like mindset out of the nether in company with Aph and Co: He gets annoyed at Aphmau when she puts off telling everyone about the Tuu’la invasion. He surveys Laurance from a distance and does not interfere even in danger because he’s aware of the long term effect of distrust it would cause him. Upon the chaos in Narhaka, he immediately goes to burn books that have important locations the enemy could use against them. This is actually one of my favorite scenes because of how subtly status-quo breaking it is. Tell me right now of any scene involving book burnings done by a guy the audience is supposed to root for. Vylad’s view of the world makes him incredibly pragmatic and able to calculate the win-loss ratio of his actions and let that decide whether or not he will go through with it.
Vylad may not have the typical surface-level look of the characters often put into the category, but if you really dive into his past, his mindset, and the way he views the world, he easily fits into the role of soldier; with the final line “Your love is where you heal” setting him on the path of redemption we see throughout the whole series.
"Loneliness. Strength. Joy. You are powerful, but struggle believing it. You think you're not enough. Here's the truth : you are. You sing songs and hope they carry faith, because you have run out of it, and yet you still throw your heart out to the world and hope it makes it through. You convince yourself that pain is art because at least then, you will always have something to create. You are tired of stumbling through life. You dream of a ground you can stand on. One day, you will dance. Your love is where you feel - without fear." -Poet
Now I admit for Zane it does require a more particular perspective to place him as poet, but I’ll start simple and slowly transition to red string and corkboard. Firstly, from the original song lyrics, “He will slay you with his tongue” applies in at least two different ways. The first being obvious: Zane is incredibly charismatic- you don’t just make it to High Priest without a certain degree of people skills included but not limited to negotiating, preaching, and being able to reason your way through any theological question a questioning sinner could ask you. It’s a shame we don’t see it put into use very often throughout the series, but I think his position gives enough testament to his people skills. The second way this line applied is a bit more literal and a bit more dark, which would be the sheer amount of people who were murdered not by his hands directly, but on mere orders. He can quite literally have people slain in just a few words to the right people. Moving to the more esoteric; the line “You are powerful, but struggle believing it. You think you're not enough.” seems like it be a hitch to his characterization, as it first invokes the idea of someone who lacks self-confidence, which is FAR from what we see Zane characterized as in the story. However I see this from the lense of artists becoming blind to the depth of their own skill. Zane is powerful, but it’s not enough for him. He’s become so accustomed to the level of influence he holds he’s become desensitized to it, like how you stop feeling the cold of the water once you stay in it long enough.The power he’s been swimming in his entire life no longer brings that vitalic shudder of control he craves. Thus he seeks power that goes beyond mortal influence to raw, unchanneled divinity, as that’s the only thing that he has ever been told is above him. He hungers the same as any artist— to be something greater than they already are.
“You convince yourself that pain is art because at least then, you will always have something to create.” The idea of creation draws back to Zane’s relationship with control and divinity. I think it's highly debatable as to whether or not Zane has actual “faith” in the divine (i.e, seeing them as gods he wishes to emulate or simply as extremely powerful beings minus the religious element), but in either case it again leads back to desire for more. (sidenote: Zane’s fatal flaw being lust is such a delicious piece of irony and I could make an essay of its own on it). Anyway, back to the point I was originally trying to make: Zane sows pain and destruction as a means of asserting his power/importance both to others and himself. The “pain” spoken of would normally belong to the poet themself— but this is no ordinary poet, and there is no specific indication where said pain emerges from. 
"Duty. Strength. Resignation. You were told to do things and you did them. The world is something that was put into your hands and that you must deal with - so you will. You have a rigid back and steady hands, either metaphorically or physically. Is it nature or nurture ? You don't know. You are tired of being steady. You dream of feeling alive. Not that you aren't, but, sometimes, it's hard to remember that there is a heart between your ribs. Your love is where you breathe." -King
God where do I start. “Duty. Strength. Resignation” It’s like someone just said ‘describe Garroth in three words’. Duty has been his entire life, wanted or not, which leads directly into resignation. “You were told to do things and you did them.The world is something that was put into your hands and that you must deal with - so you will.” He learned his history. He learned the politics. He followed the dogma. He believed in Irene and his father and the glory of O’Khasis and his divine duty to lord over its people. His people. He said it himself in episode 68 he wanted to be exactly like his father, and that he thought to be lord was an honor and a privilege. To him, the weight of the world has rested upon his shoulders for so long that he becomes accustomed to each additional hardship quickly and quietly, never kicking up a fuss about his growing stress and dissatisfaction, like a frog in a pool of water that is steadily increasing in temperature. He locks his festering disdain for glorification of leadership away from his father, his family, and the rest of the world because he cannot show that he is anything but the Atlas of duty he was born to be. 
Until, one day, he has enough. He saw what happens to his dear little brother, likely the only person he felt he could truly bond with, and despite everything he still dealt with it, for the sake of the people around him, but when his father commands him to marry a girl he has never met (likely while he is still processing his grief) in the name of ‘duty’, it is the straw that breaks the camel's back. He sees that everything he has worked towards is meaningless as he will never reach a point where his father will be satisfied with him. That his father will continue to take and take from him until there is nothing left but a soulless puppet that will continue to speak his words even after his reign has ended. Every burden he has carried, every grievance he has hidden, every struggle he’s overcome and the hard work he’s put into building himself a true heir of O’Khasis— it all amounts to nothing.
So he leaves. 
Now, let me ask you: what would you do if you were a runaway prince escaping the crushing weight of expectation? Take a bunch of money from your no-good dad? Buy a boat ticket and live a new life in luxury on the other side of the world? Never work a day again and dive head first into careless relaxation? Surely, you wouldn’t look twice at a dilapidated little village on the coast. Wouldn’t bother to stop by and lift a finger to help it. You're free, you have a whole life of sweet exemption to look forward to. You wouldn’t give it the time of day.
“You have a rigid back and steady hands, either metaphorically or physically. Is it nature or nurture?”
Garroth finds himself in Phoenix Drop— a rickety dead-end little town as far away from home as possible. He stays, and he helps. He keeps the village running, he helps the Lord wherever he can. He takes in the broken, starved boy he finds in the woods. He does whatever he can to improve the lives of the people around him. Why? He owes them nothing, he’s spent a lifetime crushed under the weight of people's expectations and he turns around just to find himself carrying the weight of more lives on his shoulders. He is doing everything he was taught and everything he ran away from. 
But this time it’s different. This time, he sees how he’s helping. There’s no more grating voice telling him none of the effort matters. He has a rigid back and steady hands, metaphorically and physically. For the first time in his life, he can see with his own two eyes that his effort is worth it. There isn’t doubt and lies and corruption floating in and out of his mind. Just the warm, honest smiles of the people he helps. He feels it and it is real. The question “Is it nature or nurture?” is genuine: Is Garroth helping these people out of the kindness of his heart or because it was what he was always told to do, and now that he is without the purpose he was assigned he’s leaning on something familiar? Personally, I think that’s for the audience to decide. I myself would say a mixture of both, leaning more so towards nature. But I digress. 
It’s better then, when he helps and can see that he is doing good, but of course, that peace is not to last him. With the Lord’s death and impending turmoil of Phoenix Drop, Garroth’s role in the village shifts drastically to closer resembling the role he ran away from. People are treating him with near as much kindness anymore, no. The most forgiving are losing faith and the least are blaming him. Blaming him for failing to meet their expectations. Now, as things are deteriorating, he has more than enough reason to leave. He gave it the good ol’ college try, and he failed. With the sentiments of the village becoming scarily familiar to that of his father, he should just say “fuck it” and head on off to that faraway land where no one will know his name.
But still, he doesn’t. We see him in Rebirth and how desperate he is to fix the village, to make it work. Even when everyone else is telling him to give up, he refuses. Even sinking, a captain stays on his ship. (Side note: it’s scenes like this that cause me to start tearing up people’s lawns whenever I see takes that label Garroth as having a “fear of responsibility”). And he is completely ready to either make things work or die trying, regardless of what stands in his way. 
‘You are tired of being steady. You dream of feeling alive. Not that you aren't, but, sometimes, it's hard to remember that there is a heart between your ribs.’
Aphmau wasn’t the first person he saved. Zenix had likely been around for at least a year beforehand. However Zenix was a hothead teenager in need of guidance, which simply made him become another responsibility Garroth set upon himself. Don’t get me wrong, he definitely cares for him, but their relationship is far different than the one he has with Aphmau. 
With Aphmau, he finally has someone who shares the burden. Not only that, but sharing it willingly and with a smile on her face. He’s not used to having a person who presents themselves as an equal sharer of responsibility. Much less, someone who is willing and wanting for him to put his burdens on her (At least, that’s how he sees it). He can’t remember the last time he truly allowed himself to be vulnerable with someone. All the desires he’s pushed down start to bubble back up again, and he starts to imagine things he’d long tried to do away with. He sees Aphmau as a strong leader, one whose idealism is a strength and not a weakness, and how she accomplishes things he never quite got around to doing. An admiration grows for her, yes, but that’s not what makes her different. The difference, he sees, is her vulnerability. How she allows herself to be vulnerable around him. How despite the brave face she puts on, she has just as much fear that she isn’t enough. And she tells him this, directly, because she trusts him. And all of a sudden he realizes that if she can be strong to the rest of the world, and yet still let him see her weakness, her softness, then maybe, just maybe
“Your love is where you breathe.”
He can take his armor off, too.
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Good Morning council it’s been a while
@xerith-42 @gonedreaminggg @cinnamontoastcroonch
I wanted to talk more specifically about what happens to certain SK characters after Shad’s eventual death, as well as the difference between premature and full shadow knights. i never really got around to this so i figured now is as good a time as any.
Ok first and foremost, full SKs:
I know some of you had liked the idea of full SKs dropping dead once and for all after Shad’s death, and at first I did too. But then I got to thinking. Technically speaking, they’d already earned their immortality. Yes the rest of their SK abilities were lost, but I like to think they remain immortal, a final gift of sorts from Shad due to their loyalty. Only issues? Well first off, they’re immortal, not invisible. They can still die, they just don’t age. Second, unlike PMSKs, they don’t have half a soul. They have no soul. They’re essentially walking husks of their former selves. They’re basically zombies, wandering the earth aimlessly, with one goal. Finishing their task. For most, like Gene, their task is fulfilling Shad’s wishes. Ie, killing Aphmau and her gang. So, if you were to approach them they’d be extremely aggressive, even if you had nothing to do with Aphmau. These guys would eventually need to be rounded up, they’re too dangerous to be left alone.
As for the few full SKs that weren’t loyal to Shad, (Vincent, Zenix, and Sasha) they’d also be husks, but they’d be non violent (Zenix… for the most part). I’m sure the Phoenix Alliance would probably try to find a cure for them, though I’m sure that’s unlikely.
Then we have the 2 PMSKs that actually died and were resurrected, Vylad and my oc Eseryt (i’m counting her bc she’s canon is my rewrite). Now the only reason they aren’t walking husks is because they never gained their immortality and thus still have the other half of their souls. Only thing is, half a soul has a tough time piloting a body alone. And so, they remain motionless and cold. Not dead, but comatose. Though they’re minds are very aware, moving a million miles a minute, panicking probably. They can very faintly hear and feel the things around them, but it’s muffled and far away. Eventually Eseryt is awoken by being given Kul’Zak’s relic (i’m sorry it’s not vylad 😬), the reason this works is because A) Eseryt is Kul’Zak’s incarnation and B) that relic contained a fragment of Zak’s soul, which was then bestowed upon Es. She’s awake, but less of herself, though not much less of a person, she now has more soul than most SKs.
Now Vylad is different. In order to wake him they needed to travel to the Yggdrasil Forest and convince the elder and council to left them have a sapling. This was very hard to do. The only real reason they eventually gave in was because these people had just vanquished the one thing that was a threat to all of them. Anyway, a ritual is preformed and Vylad awakens, also less of himself. He goes on to live a semi normal life, but one night while in a bout of sleeplessness, he unknowingly admits to Garroth that he wishes they wouldn’t have wasted the sapling on him and that he wished they would’ve just killed him. This absolutely shatters Garroth.
And on that cheery note! Laurance!
Now Laury is different. Not only was he premature, but he also never actually died. He was just transformed. Meaning, his body never needed to be resurrected. In the beginning he falls unconscious just like the others, but eventually he wakes up on his own. Though it is a slow process, taking weeks maybe even months for him to get back on his feet. When he first wakes he doesn’t know what’s happening. He’s feverish and scared and barely conscious. Eventually the fever leaves him and he’s left feeling like less of himself. More numb than usual. And he has to come to terms with the fact that he can hardly see or walk, that he’ll never guard again, and that his closest friends the past couple of years are both on their deathbeds and no one knows how to save them (he wakes up quite a bit before vylad and es). His only solis is that he’s finally with Aph and Garroth again, and he can finally meet his daughter.
I’m sorry that was a lot but I had to finally get it all out
thoughts? prayers perhaps?
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This was supposed to be a timeline for all the mys ships that did/might happen in my rewrite(which isn't even started but shh). It ended up being just me ranting about mys!Garrance.
At first, it follows smh. But then. It's just me rambling. Well. It's me rambling in general.
tw for mentions of homophobia and smoking.
Now, now, i think i've been neglecting these two recently. Honestly I don't even remember how I started shipping them but I did, and years later here I am, still drawing and writing about gay block men.They're literally engaged in mys and no one is convincing me otherwise(<- this whole thing will get its own post eventually). Uhm, okay, now that I got that out of my system, maybe I should give some actual hcs.
◇ Garroth is a year older than Laurance.
◇ They used to be close friends when they were little(most of the mys cast knew eachother in childhood at some extent), but once they entered their teenage years they grew apart,and the fact that Garroth and his family moved away when Garroth started high-school not helping their situation.
◇ Garroth did his freshman year and a bit of his sophomore year in O'Kasis Academy, but due to not being able to fit in ended up moving to Phoenix Drops High(after a lot of complains and pleases from him and Zianna towards Garte).
◇ Well, when he got in PDH, Laurance has been there already for like half a year(he was a freshman), and was already hanging around the Shadow Knights, so as you may imagine Garroth and Laurance didn't really got to interact a lot.
◇ In that summer, Laurance and Gene broke up for unknown reasons. The entire school, of course, found out about that.
◇ Garroth did try to get closer to Laurance that year. It did not work.
◇ Laurance spent that year mostly alone, with the daily interruptions of some people who were trying to try their chances with him.
◇ They started finally getting closer again when the 'canon' started(Laurance's junior year, Garroth's senior year)
◇ Aph basically made them interact by befriending them both and making them sit together every single day.
◇ Regardless, Laurance and Garroth started hanging out together on their own not long after.
◇ Laurance fell first. Garroth fell harder.
◇ They never got together in high school, actually, though it was pretty obvious they liked each other.
◇ Originally, Garroth didn't even realise he caught feelings. Man was busy, ok? He was thinking about college, and besides, his father would NEVER accept one of his sons being queer-
◇ The realisation that he is, in fact gay hit him like a brick.
◇ Regardless, that's a subject for another time.
◇ Aph and Travis, the best wingmen EVER.
◇ They were hyping up Garroth's every move. It was very obvious what was happening, for everyone but Laurance, that is.
◇ Laurance had long rants about his 'secret crush'.
◇ it was not a secret.
◇ They were very in love. But a bit too stupid.
◇ Anyway. Garroth leaves for college next year(thankfully for him missing most of the Ein situation)
◇ Laurance weeps the entire year.
◇ He still finds ways to make Garroth visit though
◇ Be it complaining about forgetting his lunch and being too busy to go and get something for himself or being about cigarettes.
◇ Garroth, of course, 'falls for it' every time.
◇ Laurance finds out Garroth was planning on cutting off his family entirely(temporarily, he regains contact with Zianna and Vylad a bit later on. He litteraly wakes up with Zane going to a college close to his)
◇ Basically, he takes Laurance with him.
◇ But first, Garroth goes to his last family dinner for a while, Laurance there's to. Garte isn't pleased.
◇ Well, they clearly make an exit.
◇ They're dating at that point, sharing their first kiss in the car. Very romantic.
◇ While college they share an apartment somewhere close by.
◇ When they meet the rest of the cast ABSOLUTELY NO ONE is surprised that they're dating.
◇ Of course, after college, they move in together, somehow being persuaded by Dante to let him move in with them.
◇ They get engaged in Emerald Secret, I'll expand on that eventually.
◇ Pet names. A lot of them. From both sides.
◇ They don't do pda a lot because Garroth doesn't feel comfortable doing so, but behind close doors, Garroth IS the clingy one
◇ They're still holding hands almost 98% of the time,though
◇ It doesn't bother Garroth that much that Laurance smokes, but he still tries convincing Laurance to do it less and less.
◇ Which actually works because Laurance does smoke much less than he used to! He is trying to give up on it completely, not only for Garroth but himself. But of course, as any addiction, it's hard.
◇ Anyway. They aren't very jealous. Of course, there is some type of jealousy there, but it's rare, and they usually talk it out privately.
◇ Kisses.
◇ They are hyping up each other constantly.
◇ I just like them being happy, ok?
◇ As I said before, mys!Garroth is a dog person, mys!Laurance is a cat person.
◇ Yeah, so...Ungrth and Raven. Not so much of mystical creatures in this one, are they?
◇ Those two are their kids. They don't actually really want actual human kids. Not now, at least. Maybe later.
◇ Their idea of the best date is lying on the couch together with some snacks while watching crappy movies
◇ It's a bit hard when a certain someone is blasting music from the basement(cough Travis cough)
◇ They love him tho
◇ They also miss Dante sometimes(<- moved out eventually)
◇ Laurance knows how to play the guitar. I think you know what he has done with this ability.
◇ It was in private, though. Garroth might have sobbed a bit(/pos).
◇ Laurance also blasts music while he does his part of the chores. It's country music. It's the only time when he actively listens to it.
◇ Something about his fiancé and country music combined is very attractive to Garroth.
◇ mys!Garroth doesn't know how to cook(does not stop his from complaining about Laurance's way to do things tho, in a light-hearted manner, obvs). mys!Laurance is a very good cook.
◇ Garroth likes reading a lot. He sometimes reads to Laurance before sleep.
◇ They're eachothers comfort.
◇ Cadenza made it clear that if they ever have a wedding, SHE'LL design the suits. Of course, no one complained.
◇ Speaking of, the Zvhals adore Garroth.
◇ The Ro'Meaves. Uhm. Well. Garte dislikes Laurance. A lot. Zianna adores him, though! Vylad and Laurance are friends(I have yet to work on their dynamic in mys, so that's all I have for now). And then there's Zane. Mys!Zane and mys!Laurance are the best yet worst frenemies you'll ever meet.
◇ Speaking of, Garte hates more the fact that Garroth is dating Laurance than the fact that Garroth is gay.
◇ He got used to Garroth's 'queerness'. But not with Laurance.
◇ Laurance doesn't stand Garte either for obvious reasons.
◇ They went over for a family dinner once. Yeah. It was even worse this time.
◇When they first started dating, journalists were all over them. Garroth hated it, Laurance wouldn't have cared too much if it didn't bother Garroth.
◇They are being left relatively alone nowadays
Yeah, that's all I have for now. Thank you for actually reading all this, and pls ask me stuff about the cast or other ships. I'm always happy to rant about them or hear others do it
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im very curious about ranth vylad pls ramble about him
I love talking about LR!Vylad :3
i think the prologue is the best intro for him, just because... he's given up a lot in the name of just... pressing on. He just travels around, kills the occasional SK, and goes on his way. he doesn't intervene when he doesn't need to, he doesnt deal in monsters or humans..
but he is human, and thus flawed with biases. When he overhears Gene plotting against the lord of Phoenix Drop, he got a weird feeling about it. And when he saw the Lord's son, he knew why. And he intervened this one time to save his nephew. Never again.... he couldn't do anything like that again, couldn't get involved in dramas from his old life. And when he encounters a monster, well... he may not be in the business of hunting them, but he was rather curious.
He is someone who puts a lot of emphasis on his personal values, but who will go against them when he feels like he needs to. And he's usually right in these judgements, a little bit of magical intuition helping him out. Doesn't help that him and Avra kinda get a blood link and he ends up having prophetic dreams, but shhh.
He is plagued by persistent Impending Feelings of Doom.
He is 1/4 werewolf, so he didn't get a lot of traits, but he is quite a bit faster and more durable. Meant he did a lot of parkour as a kid. It also lead to a lot of disdain between him and Zane. no one knew he was a werewolf, just percieved him as very healthy, meanwhilst Zane grew up very sickly and in chronic pain, and they were both born in very close proximity... so it was kinda thought that Zane was deprived of the strength he needed because Zianna's body was holding onto it for Vylad. And that made Zane very spiteful.
Vylad is a little bard man. little ocarina player. He can also sing very well.
him and John (Visher's son) look... suspiciously similar.
In true Ro'Meave fashion, he has a lot of religious trauma
His SK snack of choice is cat, which is... well, the Ro'Meave family animal. There's no reason for that AT ALL.... totally.
he can vanish into shadows. his shadow will be obvious if he steps into a light area, but in shadows he can be entirely invisible. Power courtesy of turning into an SK, of course. totally not a manifestation of his childhood trauma AT ALL.
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mye-chi · 10 months
1 or 22 for the ask game-?
aaa sorry for how long this took! the worst thing about maladaptive daydreaming is that i'll daydream about doing something and then... not do it...
here is the ask game!
1. the character everyone gets wrong
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oo this one is a bit tricky since i think aphverse has the greatest potential for completely different interpretations of characters. for instance, i really enjoy dante as a quiet blank-faced character while others characterized him as a earnest, youthful teen—and both are amazing! there's lots of content to pull from and rarely will i go "this is wrong."
but to answer the question, i feel like laurance or vylad might be a good contender but i'm not as familiar with their character so my vote is prettiest girl ever aphmau!
sometimes when i read rewrite proposals for aphmau's character there's always a need to reject the fact she's a self insert. like, some people will groan endlessly about how aphmau is a mary-sue and then project themselves on aphmau anyway? but it's okay when they do it because it's for stuff like acne or other unconventional standards.
like i once read someone claiming their aphmau is "feminist" because she can fight for herself... which is... so frustrating. not only does aphmau maintain a high-ranking position as lord, not only is she seen defending herself multiple times, but the guards are there to protect her and the village. and even then your character can be feminist without wielding a sword at all! she's not anti-feminist for having her literal guards protect her!
the more people look down on aphmau for being a "mary sue" the more i want to embrace those characteristics. she is the most gorgeous woman alive, everyone does love her, and she used to be literally god. she's also a silly anime protaginist who wants to take care of the people she loves. what about it!
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
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with one mistake dante lost his entire family. not only was the catalyst for his brother's dead but everyone in the village had forgotten about him. he wants revenge on his older brother but still keeps the broken amulet gene gifted him for comfort. the idea anyone would ever want to stay with him is unfathomable.
then aphmau comes along and she offers him to become her guard. it takes time but he slowly warms up to phoenix drop. then aphmau leaves one day and he waits by the gate. he waits and he waits and he waits. for fifteen years he waits for aphmau to return home because she's become his family.
it is my cosmic need for rebirth to continue because there jess was totally setting up that aphmau would learn gene was a bad person through dante and auuuuugh. can you imagine the drama? i love them so much you don't even understand.
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znenix · 1 year
This doesn’t make much sense but it makes a lot of sense to me so umm)
Ok so obviously I MUST combined my interests, so here is my ideas and art of the fnaf animatronics and their respective character of which possessed them matched with the shadow knights in mcd. So I think the general principle is the similar, the children in fnaf are killed and ‘reborn’ to possess the animatronics where they attempted to kill the night guard. (The reasons for this are because they think he’s William afton in the first games, it gets more complicated in the further games like baby trying to escape), as in mcd the sks are killed and then are reborn more literally to serve a purpose to the shadow lord and his power. Both William and the shadow lord do this for power;the shadow lord to expand his army and such and William also for power/ramnant/immortality (for the most part). They both do it sorta to make their creations of the sks and the animatronics.
Anyways that probably didn’t make sense so now I am going to make even less sense.
I matched each of the sks to the fnaf animatronics and who possessed them based on story but also like vibes lmao
so this is less about Jeremy and more bonnie the character animatronic himself. Springbonnie was an early iteration of bonnie, who was then used in fnaf 3 as springtrap from William afton. I think of this is that bonnie as a character as been used by William to kill Micheal, is like gene being a helper to the shadow lord for his overall aim. (This probably sounds like a massive reach but it makes sense to me)
FRED BEAR- Laurence
Ok I half chose this because I think it’s a little funny lol but also because again as a character of Freddy fazbear (not Gabriel) , he has evolved to become glam rock Freddy who helps Gregory compared to the others animatronics do not obviously, the other animatronics are not presumably not possessed or anything so they are programmed to attack Gregory, this is to me similar to how the zombie sks are like.
He goes against Vanessa and what not like Laurence rebelling against the shadow lord. To get into it further, to go with the theory that glam rock Fred is possessed by crying child , it’s similar to me how Laurence doesn’t want people to suffer the way he did, he says himself that he ‘doesn’t like seeing people being forced to do things’, he wants to protect like CC does for Gregory if we’re going based on that theory.
CIRCUS BABY (Elizabeth Afton)- sasha
I can get more into circus baby’s personality since she speaks a lot lol. She is cold and unnerving similar to Sasha but Elizabethan and Sasha pre skification were both presumably kind and caring. Both circus baby and Sasha are slightly grey, circus baby helps Mike through the whole thing until she attacks him at the end, Sasha is similar in her actions, she is somewhat against aphmau as she ‘is close but not too close’ with gene (obviously changed by him alternating her memories) but is also ok with her (and Laurence) she doesn’t really try and do anything against her later on tbh. This isn’t the strongest comparison since the two scenarios are much different but they give me the same vibe lol
FOXY- Zenix
Literally I have no explanation for this other than it just fits to me, if you go with the foxy as the bite of 87’ culprit, it could link to how infamous the zenix absorbing sks is like the bite of 87 is. Foxy is somewhat different to the other animatronic as he isn’t backed off by the mask, it makes him seem a little more powerful and versatile, like how zenix is very powerful in the nether and has alternate means of getting what he wants, he isn’t swayed by the shadow lord you know.
(Will try to post Sasha and laur art soon)
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PUPPET (Charlotte)- vylad
This one makes the most sense to me so buckle in >:)
Ok for Charlotte doesn’t Henry speech to her sound like something garroth would say about vylad ? Or at least I section of it. All of the animatronics here have passed children possessed in them, but I think Charlotte died relates most of vylad she is ‘shut out and left to die’, the details around vylad’s death is vague but it’s implied that it’s similar to that, he was betrayed and died and then left to be tortured in the nether. (Also Charlie’s death is in the cake mini game lol)
The puppet although seen to be sadistic, Charlie is described as having a nature to ‘protect the innocent’ (shown in the way she as puppet set the souls free) vylad is shown to do this with levin and overall has a thoughtful and caring ideas (burning the books to protect the villages, helping Laurence etc). Although, he is not completely innocent, it is similar to me that vylad is good in his true self like Charlie is, although does bad things from becoming a sk like Charlie becoming the puppet. Like foxy, the puppet is not changed by the Freddy mask, she has retained her own thoughts and is seemingly more sentient like how vylad is unchanged by the shadow lord. If we’re going with the charlotte is the Freddy plush in fnaf 4 and that she is trying to help CC after her experiences with the animatronics and what not its similar to how vylad helps Laurence after his experiences as a sk (hahaha linking together Freddy as laur).
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ilueuri · 2 years
Where Souls Combine.  Chapter One
Summary: Evelyn Decker has been surviving for centuries as a Shadow Knight. She made a respectful ranking in the Neather. It all came crashing down when a fledgling Shadow Knight goes asking question on how to get back to the overworld. 
Warning: NSFW scenes, mental illnesses, alcohol, and other mature topics.
Chapter One Summary: While talking with Vylad, Evelyn meets the new fledging Shadow Knight. 
My Minecraft Diaries Rewrite because why not. 
Evelyn learned at a young age when to be silent and unseen. She learned when she should have a voice and when she shouldn’t. She learned when to act and when to lie in wait. She learned to how to listen to everything and anything. Evelyn learned how to survive and only survive. She damned many people to keep her legs moving.
Still, she found herself, in a sense, caring about the boy in front of her, with what little emotions she still had left. Vylad observed her from the bars as she fiddled with a knife. Evelyn wished she could see his face, to see what he was thinking. His eyes only gave her so much.
The silence they found themselves in was broken by the sound of footsteps. It wasn’t Gene, Evelyn decided. His steps were filled with the clanging of armor. These were light, so not Zenix. He would make his presence known miles before he even stepped into the room. It could be Sasha, but the girl relied on the fact that you couldn’t hear her.
Evelyn glanced briefly at Vylad before treading back into the shadows. It was the fledgling Shadow Knight. The one that Evelyn oversaw the ritual of. The fledgling looked nervous, not at all comfortable in his armor. Vylad rose from the ground and titled his head.
The fledgling shifted on his feet. “I need to know how to get out of here. There has to be another portal,” he said. “I just need to know where.”
Vylad snorted. He shook his head. “The only ones that I know of and everybody knows of are destroyed. I don’t know any other. Only rumors.”
“There has to be someone who knows.”
“There is.”
“Where can I find her?”
“Right behind you.” Vylad gestured to where Evelyn was leaning against the wall.
The fledgling hastily turned around, hand going to the side on where his sword would be. Evelyn smirked, giving the fledgling a two-finger salute. The fledging stared at her. He stepped forward. “Where’s the portal?” He demanded. “Is that anyway to talk to a lady?” Evelyn replied. The fledgling didn’t stop. He walked closer to her. Evelyn titled her head up. “Where is it?” He asked again. Evelyn put her hand on his chest and pushed him back. He came back at her, standing close in her space, so close that Evelyn could feel his breath fan her face.
“Laurence,” Vylad warned, “stop.”
The fledgling, Laurence, glanced back at Vylad before looking down at the wisp of shadows curling around his feet. When he looked back up, Evelyn was gone. The shadow formed into a thin vine like shape that began to wrap around his leg. Laurence could feel it tighten around the limb and before he knew it, he was flat on his back with Evelyn standing over him.
Evelyn leaned down and patted his cheek. “You’ll find one in a Bastion guarded by Piglins, and let me tell you, love, it’s a very far distance and those Pigs would tear your pretty little face apart. But please go North, and good luck. You’ll need it.”
Evelyn stood back up and walked out of the room. Laurence sat up. He looked back to watch Vylad settle down on the floor. “Evelyn’s wonderful, if you’re good to her. Try being nice. Might get another location from her,” Vylad said.
“How does she know?” Laurence asked.
“She’s been here the longest.”
“In the Neather?”
“How long?”
“A long time. A very long time.”
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garrothromeave · 3 years
let’s talk about minecraft diaries rebirth.
and why it’s literally amazing. (warning: this will contain spoilers. lots of them. also, long post ahead.)
i think a lot of people hate mcdr because they were expecting a remake; but the point of rebirth is for jess to rewrite it. it wasn't supposed to be exactly the same.
honestly i went into mcdr with a closed mind. as an og mcd fan, i thought that this was going to suck ass and that i'd rant about how bad it was to my friends later. but actually watching it, i just... couldn't help but immediately fall in love with it.
ik im probably the only motherfucker that likes mcdr, but honestly how could i not? for one, garroth and zenix actually have personalities at the beginning. AND; the villagers? actually amazing. donna made me smile, visher made me laugh and cry, brendan was just bein as good as ever. like... i even didn't despise emmalyn with every ounce of my soul like i usually do?? the characterizations of them were GOOD, man.
and honestly, aphmau like--the way she spoke, her whole thing. it was reallyyy well done in my opinion. she was oblivious to things, but it wasn't overdone and wasn't done in a way to make her annoying. she's a very appealing character in mcdr, a main protagonist i do not mind following along with. her dynamics to the characters are really cool and all very unique.  gonna cut it here so i don’t clog y’all’s feed cuz i got a lot to say :)
the early use of aphmau’s powers was actually pretty cool as well, it also really showed how clueless aphmau really was to everything going on around her. AND UH, THE FACT THAT SHE THOUGHT THAT GARROTH FELT FAMILIAR? GOLDEN. absolutely golden.
AND GENE OH BOY, the early introduction of gene? ik a lot of people are upset about it, but god DAMN i love it so much. his role in the story is very important in original, and i cannot express how much joy this brought me learning that he was actually getting the proper attention for it. and the fact that gene and aphmau were working together?? i mean ik gene was just trying to use her to get back to the "shadow abyss" (pretty pog replacement for the nether, gg) but god DAMN i loved every moment of it. i found their dynamic to be pretty fuckin funny to be honest, would absolutely love to see more of it.
i might be biased considering gene is one of my absolute favorite characters, but i honestly think that introducing gene this early on in the story was a good move. again, he's literally the right-hand man to the shadow lord. it makes you really wonder why he didn't have as much of an important role in season 1 or even 2 of the original mcd plotline. also, we get some of that good-ol-fashioned exposition with seeing early on how vylad and gene interact. vylad’s at a very strange point in the story right now; his motives are unclear, even to the side he’s ‘supposed’ to be taking (aka, a shadow knight.)  another early introduction to a character is zane! this, my friends, is good. really good. i’d say that zane is the main antagonist of season 1 in the original series--and he wasn’t even introduced until like, episode 50. it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but him being introduced this early on really gives the audience a better understanding of what threats are out there and what our protagonist will have to encounter in the future. in the original series, there’s not much explanation as to why lords are disappearing/dying left and right--and while yes, that was supposed to be the mystery of it, having some of that early information is a better move in terms of writing. 
AND IVAN?? BEING A PART OF THE JURY OF NINE?? I COULD NOT HAVE ASKED FOR ANYTHING MORE LIKE GOD DAMN that was a very pleasant surprise i'll just say that, thank you jess :)
and no i did not loop the 4 minutes of screentime laurance got in that one episode haha who would do that i would never do that anyways
SPEAKING of laurance, im so glad jess actually wrote him in this early :) she totally could have just waited for the first time aphmau visits meteli and meets him there, but no! she put him in an early episode. i dont even care if she did it just to shut up the fans about laurance but man that made me so happy seeing him, even if it was only for a bit.
okay i kinda wanna go over the guards real fast firstly; garroth. ignoring how weird the helmet showing emotions is, i really like how garroth is portrayed. he's under a lot of pressure because the village is putting a lot of the blame on him for malik's death, and he's trying his hardest to keep things running. the fact that garroth utterly refused the to take up the position of lord and even got a little snappy about it was actually really cool to see as well. and while he doesn’t have that same “reserved, quiet, observant” feel as the original mcd version of him had, this version of garroth is absolutely awesome. he’s more direct and blunt, is significantly more sarcastic, and isn’t as stiff or as much as a pushover as he is in the original. he even has a sense of humour. also, no homo, but he’s kinda adorable.  plus, the desperation that he goes through during the whole thing is just--it’s really cool to see how hard he’s trying to prove himself and help the village. my rating for mcdr garroth? 9/10. the helmet... the helmet is the main thing throwin me off, i can’t lie. next, zenix. oh BOY do i have a lot to say about this man. first of all, his and garroth’s dynamic is incredible. when i saw how the interacted with each other, my first thought was: father and son. zenix has this immaturity to him that is so fucking fun and interesting to watch, and seeing how garroth scolds him is so fuckin good man. and! seeing how he interacts with the rest of the village... honestly, if jess ever picks this story up again, i would probably cry when zenix (literally) backstabs garroth. HELL, i hope that’s something that still happens, it’d be heartbreaking to witness this character that we’ve come to love hurting his mentor, the man who took him in. he’s just a really good character all in all, and much more appealing than the original mcd zenix. ...except season 3 zenix. no zenix can be better than that one.  either way, zenix is amazing written to be the comic relief and he’s just an all-out lovable character in this series.  finally, dale and brian. yes i’m going to group them up because there’s not much to say regarding them, but i do want to address them. for starters, we have brian; who’s already 16 when the story starts. good on jess for doing that, because in the original aphmau watched brian be born and age INCREDIBLY quick, haha. THOUGH i do feel like there’s a slight connection lost there--one of the hardest things about brian’s betrayal in the original series in the fact that we watched him grow up in phoenix drop. we were there from the moment he was born, to the second he betrayed phoenix drop. BUT OF COURSE, this version is a lot more realistic, so it’s understandable. i just think that if it’s brian who’ll be betraying phoenix drop again (if it even goes down that same route), it won’t hit as hard unless jess really takes the time to grow the connection between brian and aphmau.  as for dale; gotta admit, love it. and like, i think one of the main things about how good of a call it was to make him a drunkard from the beginning is considering how much the village is struggling. the fact that the second-in-command is literally drunk all of the time really conveys the message of, “yeah. this village needs help.” plus, he’s another good comic relief character. i loved seeing molly and dale’s relationship too, it was very funny.  PLUS. we were blessed with a well scene, in which aphmau had to help villagers out of the well. i don’t know about you guys, but that was one of my favorite nods to the original series. i cannot thank jess enough for that, there was a smile on my face the entire time. another amazing thing--visher’s character. instead of just being introduced to this quirky lil merchant who only had one or two interactions with aphmau like in the first one, we got to sit there and really get a feel for someone worth remembering and worth mourning over. we had a reason to be sad over his death, it wasn’t just some npc getting blown up suddenly. this was different, and this hurt.  one of the major things that i hope is to come out of this is for jess to fix the major mistakes she had when writing the first series. she’d expressed how unhappy she was with some of the decisions she made, and i’m glad that she’s getting that second chance to undo the things she didn’t like. this series also gives her a second chance to really, really dig into characters and their motives. like, gimme laurance backstory in better detail. or like, garroth and zane’s relationship from back when they were kids? or how vylad died and who killed him? etc etc. she’s already done an excellent job so far, and i can’t wait to see where this goes. that is, if she ever continues it. god, i wish there were more episodes so that i could seriously let you guys know how beautiful of a series this is. there’s so much i want to say about rebirth, but i think i’ll stop here. i might say some more shit about it later, but if there’s anything i’d want you to take away from this, it’s: give minecraft diaries rebirth a chance. there’s a lot of potential, and this is a chance for jess to really change things for the better! ... but again, that is if this ever is continued. 
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t4tdanvis · 7 months
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so ur telling me a gay coded this guy?
#❄.txt#on the topic of mcd vylad#i like to this that he talks like how danny gonzalez does sometimes#he'll out of nowhere say some shit like 'some fair-weather citizens you have'#why does he talk like this? who knows#no one else talks like this. why is he Like That (its because hes gay /j)#anyways. im really thinking super hard about this one fanfic idea i have :)#gene is in the dungeon getting tortured every day and vylad keeps sneaking in through a window to talk to him#he refuses to set gene free. he just talks to him#'i could tell the guards youre here and theyd kill you right now' 'do you think theyd believe you?' '...' 'thats what i thought'#i say 'talk' but really they just kind of say a couple words and then stare at each other for like an hour and then vylad leaves#gene finds vylads daily visits comforting#i mean when ur getting tortured every day u have to have something (or someone) to cling onto like ur an orphaned duckling#for the first week or two gene barely talks. vylad talks to him a bit while gene just glares at him#gene is more focused on being pissy about vylad not freeing him. which there is no way in hell (haha) vylad would do that#vylad just kinda talks to him about random stuff. what its like in the overworld. about things that are going on in his life#gene listens to him since. well. its not like he has anything else to do. hes chained to a wall and cant even walk around#what is vylads plan here u may be wondering. well. he is 100% convinced that he can fix gene#he doesnt tell gene that at all. he makes it very very clear that he has no intention of freeing gene and no amount of persuasion will#change that and if gene tries ANYTHING then vylad will leave and never return#however. gene doesnt know that vylad is intent on making him into a better person#i have so many ideas for this AUGH i love this idea so so much#vylad comforting gene just by being a familiar presence when gene is exhausted and is just so fucking done with everything#gene starts responding eventually. it just takes him a while to stop being petty about vylad not letting him go#eventually hes like. ok fine. ig thats understandable. i HAVE killed many many people. ig it makes sense why u dont wanna let me go#i have more but. im going to stop now and let the 2 people that will read this process it all
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the-queers-agenda · 3 years
Aphmau Ships and my thoughts
nnnLet us begin my lovely flames, all of this is my own personal thoughts on this you are free to disagree. I will be starting with whatever ship comes to me first. There will also be strong language.
1. Zane x Janus: honestly, 10/10 it holds a special place in my heart as one of the few ships I hyperfixated on. Very good rare pair. I am of course biased toward the forbidden love trope but I also like the pairing.
2.  Ein x Aphmau: give me a moment while I throw-up.....okay, I’m back, -999999999999999999/10, I dislike everything about this ship nothing else needs to be said. THEY ARE SIBLINGS.
4. Aphmau x Aaron: In Mystreet I guess it isn’t that bad. I don’t like how Aaron’s a senior dating a freshman in Pheonix Drop High, it feels wrong, for lack of better words. His attitude towards Aph is horrible as well, kinda reinforces the if he treats you bad he likes you, stereotype which is very bad. In Minecraft Diaries I have to say I’m definitely not a fan, I really don’t like the thought of this nobody that Aph has practically no connection to kinda sweeping her away. It feels.....rushed, and out of canon for them both. Besides that, I guess it’s subpar 3-4/10
5. Laurance x Aphmau: I really can’t see them dating in PDH or MyStreet, in Diaries it’s more believable, but not quite something I can see ending well. It would probably end the same way Shad and Irene’s relationship ended, so not very well. It will get brownie points for being one of the first ships I shipped. 5/10
6. Zoey x Aphmau: THEY ARE WIVES YOUR HONOR, 1000000000000000/10 nothing else.
7. Garroth x Aphmau: Not bad, I mean I still can’t see Garroth being straight in Mystreet or PDH, but that’s just his vibe~. In Diaries it might work, they had a connection, it wouldn’t have felt to terribly rushed, and it’d be believable. 6/10
8. Vylad x Dante: Meh, I can’t really see it happening. It’s an interesting concept, but it would never happen in canon. Which is what au’s are for 5/10
9. Vylad x Travis: Once again meh, it isn’t likely, and I personally don’t ship it. 4/10 
10. Zane x Aphmau: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that’s it.
11. Aphmau x Katelyn: It’s cute, like very cute. like 100000000/10 but not in MyStreet because their parents are getting married or whatever then it’s a 0/10
12: Vylad x Laurance: One of my first OTP’s honestly adorable, because of both Vylad and Laurance have disappeared it’s a funny concept to think they like eloped and are now traveling the world together. And that’s why they aren’t to be seen. In Diaries the thought of them bonding in the Nether, and them having a relationship on the down low. Which only get’s more complicated the longer that it goes on. Anyway I like the opportunities this ship has (and the angst) so 2083731346/10
13. Vylad x Zenix: It’s a ship, I guess. It wouldn’t really work. But the thought of them as ex’s is really cool. 3/10
14. Zenix x Gene: hemhem NO that is all
15. Garroth x Laurance: Another one of of my first OTP’s  I love this ship in both MyStreet and Diaries. Also there is SO MUCH ANGST you could do. Although that counts for any ship Laurance is in.
16. Zoey x Aphmau x Katelyn: YESSSSSSSS PLEASE GIVE ME POLY LESBIAN CONTENT PLEASSEE 129456202344576/10
17. Zane x Travis: It kinda feels like all the content for this ship is fetishizing gay couples and I really don’t like that. It makes me ~Uncomfy~
         If anyone has anymore ships for me to judge I will gladly judge them
                      ( @shadowknightvylad the first of todays mistakes)
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mcd-ms-rants · 3 years
sorry this was delayed!! something happened irl
i actually had to rewatch certain scenes of s3 bcuz my brain blocked them due to trauma
anyways enjoy
• ok first why does half the cast mentally regress into children?? This is extremely evident with Aphmau and Zane. Aphmau turns into a LITERAL CHILD and Zane becomes some angsty emo bratty teen. the only people who are not children are laurance lucinda katelyn and to some extent garroth
• oh wow zianna carrying the whole season on her back offering THE ENTIRE DAMN STREET. wow the Ro’meaves really care about their friends. If the Ro’meaves have so much money why do they even send their kids to pdh why can’t they go to O’Khasis prep they’re literally drowning in cash I was just ranting about this on another blog :)
• i get it this is a slice of life kinda season and it’s mainly centered around comedy but can we still see a bit of character building here like people like Dante and kc and Zane and like three fourth of the cast are severely lacking
• where do Dante and Travis even work?? I know that huge two story house isn’t cheap how do they make all that cash. Can we know what their jobs are since they don’t work at the maid cafe
• I REALLY don’t like that Zane is pretty much only shown with ponies here throughout this season. I’ve said this so many times now. HE HAS MORE CHARACTER THAN THAT. You CANNOT seriously tell me that the defining point of his character is ponies and mlh
• in the series before s3 (I think it was called the bigger move??) we get to see zianna talk about the Ro’meave family business and how Zane has always been more inclined towards it. It would’ve been nice to see it expanded on a bit more in this season considering it’s a huge company and garroth is (probably) set to inherit it and probably needs to like attend meetings or something as practice. and cue the brother angst
• is it really ok for Lucinda to constantly teleport inside people’s houses isn’t that kinda trespassing (I’ll make a post on the magic system here later!!)
• The sk’s are the ONLY people who have their shit together they have like the only decent character development arc. Gene shouldn’t have had a crush on Aphmau after all this time tho. That kinda ruins it
• no seriously why
• WHERE IS VYLAD where did he go
• so many characters like Nicole, kenmur and Emmalyn are never seen again this is sad
• I don’t like how Aaron and Aphmau pretty much stop developing as individual characters and start developing as aarmau from this season. am I the only one who feels this way??
• not that important but
• some of the proportions for the items were WAY off. those cheeseburgers are literally the size of Aphmau‘s head and some objects are bigger (idk if this was intentional)
• why will Zane literally obey Aphmau like she’s god (which she technically is but he doesn’t know that yet) I get it their friends but let him have a bit of a backbone
• ok NO HATE TO THE VA but what is Ivan’s voice. once again no hate. but seriously
• why is every side character so generic looking?? the main cast have so many mods and add ons but they need it more DESPERATELY
• I mean just LOOK at the two dudes next to Ivan
• would it really have taken that long to at least make them not so generic
• also why do those two dudes next to Ivan like never speak why’s he got two mute dudes following him like he’s the boss
• show the sk’s more you cowards
• yay Gene :) Gene hugging Dante is one of the best moments in this season HANDS DOWN
• once again kc’s character gets tossed aside. we don’t really learn anything new about her this season aside from the fact that she cannot be serious but we already knew that. it’s been three seasons and we pretty much know the same things we did in s1
• also can we know a bit more about some of these characters in general? Like Dante, Travis, kc and Zane. hobbies and interests?? Things unique to them?? some of these characters still don’t have many unique traits and they need them
• aarmau breakup was literally because ivan splashed a cat potion in the maid cafe and Aphmau (somehow) asks Aaron if he did it. and bcuz Aaron saw a pic of Zane hugging Aph beforehand (which even friends can do) he got mad at the whole thing and just left. I’m sorry what was going on here. Did this really warrant going back to your parents house?? Reason seems stupid to me. also I don’t like how LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE helps aph with her breakup since she’s in denial but what does she do?? Like nothing. girl pls. After the moms get involved it gets pretty straightforward. I mean they basically fetch him from his parents and bring him back. also wow Aaron’s parents SUCK. Cmon even ZANE got some development there you mean to tell me that the protag didn’t even DO ANYTHING. The person who was supposed to get the most development out of this breakup didn’t get any at all. then what was the point of a breakup if Aphmau didn’t learn anything from it??
ya so this is it that’s all that’s coming to me rn
once again sorry it’s kinda late stuffs been going on irl and I’m trying to deal with it
thanks for reading!! <3 <3
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vyladromeave · 3 years
Doesn't Gene becoming a Shadow Knight after Vylad mess with the timeline? We can assume that Dante is around Garroth and Laurance's age or a few years younger so when Gene to became a Shadow Knight while Dante was a kid, Vylad would've been very young. I believe Zenix could be one before Gene as we don't know his age and their whole rivalry would make sense as Zenix was respected in the Nether and then Gene comes in and becomes their "leader". Maybe Zenix just got to Vylad before Gene?
Not entirely sure where the confusion lies here. I headcanon that Vylad died when he was very young (16 if you want an exact age), but since time flows faster in the Nether he ends up being much older than most of the rest of the cast by the time S2 comes around. 
Dante is definitely younger than Garroth and Laurance, he’s just gotten out of Guard Academy or whatever when we meet him for the first time, while Laurance and Garroth have already been there and have been functioning on their own as guards for some time. (I could be remembering wrong, but I don’t think Garroth or Laurance recognize Dante when they first meet him, which means that Dante wasn’t even at the academy the same time Garroth and Laurance were, and is definitely far behind the two of them in terms of age. In my brain Guard Academy is a multi-year long thing, and you probably have to be like, at least 16-18 to join, somewhere around there. So Garroth is able to start training long before Dante can even enroll.)
Gene is Dante’s older brother, but I doubt he was an Adult adult when he died, judging by the fact that the actions that lead to his death were pretty immature. He was definitely older than Vylad when he died, but not by much. I think of him as being about 18.
By the time Gene is a Shadowknight, it doesn’t matter when you “get to” a Shadowknight or not, messing with a Shadowknight’s memories upon them being reborn is the new policy. It happens basically as soon as they become a Shadowknight, and going against the policy would be treason for going against the Shadow Lord’s will.
Zenix and Vylad are explicitly mentioned as being some of the last Shadowknights to still have their memories intact, so Zenix, Vylad, and Gene’s deaths would all be relatively close together anyways. 
So here’s a vague timeline:
Zenix dies at 18.
A couple months pass. (I wanna say more than 1 but like. at the same time not TOO many. About 2-4?)
Vylad dies at 16. Garroth is around 20 at the time.
A couple months pass. (Same deal as the amount above.)
Gene dies at 18. Dante is around 12-14 at the time.
A couple years pass. In this time Zenix slowly loses his prestige. Gene takes his place as the Shadow Lord’s right hand man, since the Shadow Lord highly values his ability to twist the memories of new Shadowknights.
Garroth is finishing up his guard training when he gets betrothed to Nicole. Oops! Time to fake your own death go into hiding at Phoenix Drop!
Dante would be enrolling to the Guard Academy only little while after this.
A couple more years pass, this is when S1 Ep 1 occurs.
Dante finishes guard training and finds Aphmau mid S1.
Take this with a grain of salt because I do not remember if any of this is contradicted by actual ages/dates in MCD... But as far as I know MCD is terrible with ages and dates and didn’t set anything in stone for ANY of these, so this is my real estate now. Thank you.
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Ok. Ok, so. Originally, I wanted to talk about my rewrite SKs, but this morning, I woke up with my mind at Gene. And not mys Gene. Mcd Gene. So ehm. I have a dilemma about smh that idk if I should add to my rewrite.
(If you don't want to read basically the recap scroll until you see pink)
Basically, my rewrite for mcd will be mcd intertwined with rebirth.
Sooo ye, Aph and Gene meet in Bright Port as she looks for that herb (moon flower???? I'm so sorry but the name escaped my mind at the moment.) for Brendan and Gene is trying to get to the werewolf tribe for the nether portal, I believe. And they meet. Aphmau goes face first into his chest(which tbh ouch, bcs. armour.) and he, very kindly, shoos her away because he doesn't have time for her bs.
She follows him around for a bit, yelling about needing help for her friend and how she needs that herb. He finally turns to face her, and oh. She's the same girl from Phoenix Drop. The one that Vylad was watching. The one with the weird markings. Now, that's interesting. Enough to make him go off the tracks with his mission. As they get into that little argument about her wanting to take the herb to Brendan but Gene not really wanting to give it to her, as its the only one that he has left. She offers to help him, blah blah then Aph promises him that she'll bring him to the werewolf tribe for this. But again, she wants to get the herb first and give it to Brendan but Gene doesn't trust her--- and Paul appears.
Tbh things go like in rebirth for most of the part, with some small changes that I won't mention in this post.
Now, things go off the rails after Aphmau goes to save the werewolf pup and the Lord of Bright Port. Because Gene follows along with. Not good intentions. Aphmau gets ambushed by Shadow Knights, at some point one of them coming forward to attack her(it was Gene) and she kind of hits him hard enough to let him a bit bruised. Which surprises him, as he, in the time he was with her, she seemed helpless, falling in holes. Tripping because of her own legs. And now she hits him so hard that he fell.
Whatever, she ends up fainting exactly when they get to the portal, and before Burt could do anything about it, Gene comes forward and gets her, all four of them leaving the nether. Now, Gene's alibi is that he """"went in after her"""""", which was also proved by the werewolves as they did see him go in later, after she went. So. Lovely.
Aphmau wakes up, the tribe is....low-key destroyed. And now she makes it her mission to find the ones who did this. Because she has a hero complex apparently.
Anyway, before she can do that she stays a bit there as she is kind of hurt. Because. Well. Ye. And Gene remains there. Because well. He kind of failed his mission, I mean, he did open the portal and all...but. eh. Idk, honestly this part is a bit blurry in my head too so like, I'll come back with a more clear reason, but he remained for some reason. With his mood more down than usual as he is going to die twice. They bring Burt to Bright Port and now there comes my dilemma.
I have a very rough idea in my head. These two going to an adventure of sorts for a few days, so they'll actually be low-key friends, so when Aph slowly starts relaizing that Dante's brother and 'her' Gene are the same, that the man who tortured Laurance is the same as the man who she befriended and who helped her. And it hurts. When they eventually meet in s3 it hurts. Ye. So originally it starts as a Aphmau trying to find the ones who destroyed the werewolf tribe and Gene follows along as a 'trying to stop her from doing that' and because he lowkey looked at it as a holiday of sorts before going back to O'Kasis to report. But it turns into a 'Aph exploring the world as she was technically born like 2 months ago'. And Gene being like 'girlie wdym you don't know what a bear is??? wdym you never saw a crow before??? WDYM YOU DONT KNOW WHAT *INSERT TYPE OF FOOD* IS?!?! aren't you like what- 19?-20???'
At some point Gene gets like scratched or smh and Aphmau decides to like. Help him and by exercising her magic by healing him. And he freaks out because why tf is trying to touch his face randomly. He doesn't like it. And than she of course, gets her way and does manage to heal him and he freaks out even more because she starts shining for fucks sake.
They don't talk about how he freaked out.
At some point they spare together and she wins. Not all rounds, but she does. And that also freaks him out.
The ending of this adventure is either like. Gene stealing finding a boat and bringing her to Phoenix Drop himself.
Or perhaps ending up in Meteli and having even more ginger haired Laurance content....? And Eventually they bid their goodbyes there, and Laurance brings her to Phoenix Drop.
Btw everyone in Phoenix Drop freaked out this whole time. Especially Garroth as he also knew that Paul left her with random man. Ik, Lovely. Why didn't he do smh about it? Paul tries his best to keep him calm because Aphmau can handle herself.
Feel free to ask questions ^^
(I'll come back to edit my mistakes later btw)
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Did Shad like Vylad? Did Vlyad keep his memories? Why/why not? At what age did Vylad die? Was he young enough to be one of Shad’s kids? Do any of Shad’s kids Question who Chadlene is? Do they know about her? Has Shad told them? Do Shad’s kids like to play with the pets Shad has? Polar bears. Up to what extent would Shad go to get his kiddos something they want? Are the Shadowkids cute? When Shad can’t watch them, who does? Why was Zenix one of Shad’s favorites? Why did Zenix betray Garroth? They seem like they’ve been together for at least a couple of years, so why did Zenix decide to attack when he did? I like how Shad is the SHADow Lord, I find funny. I think it was mentioned that Vylad was a late bloomer as a child, does this still hold true in ur rewrite? Travis. Emmalyn and Kenmur were such a good couple, do you have any HCs on them? Does the main gang do stupid/outrageous things sometimes solely for entertainment purposes? Did Vylad miss his family while he was in the nether?
I tried to answer this before but my phone deleted it
Shad doesn’t like Vylad at first because Vylad is a traitor and Shad doesn’t appreciate disloyalty. But Vylad betrayed him to bring back and serve his wife who he loves and adores despite his desire to murder her. So he’s pretty 50/50 about him.
Vylad did keep his memories because he was turned before Gene came about, thus his memories couldn’t be snatched, and only started to show that he was willing to be a nuisance when he started helping Aphmau out. By that point Gene was banned from using their magicks in the abyss so Vylad got to keep them.
Vylad was about 15/16 when he died but was immortalised at about 21 and therefore he looks 21.
He was young enough to be one of Shad’s kids but due to him being a member of the Ro’Meave family (even though it was not technically by blood) Shad didn’t want to be associated with him.
The kids know about Chadlene, and are usually told stories about her when Shad is reminiscing. They aren’t fond of stories of her because of how highly he speaks of Irene in most stories, but they listen anyway because they want to know more about their sister. A few ask about her at first, especially when they first find where Shad keeps her, but eventually learn that it’s a bit of a sore subject for Shad so they leave him to tell them about her in his own time.
The kids love playing with Shad’s pets. He’s got quite a few (it’s not just humans that can be turned into shadow knights after all) and if his kids ask he gets them their own. His favourite pets are his hounds, however, which he has even before his judgement days.
Shad would topple empires if it meant pleasing his kids. He loves making them happy and anything he can do to make them smile, he will do
Most of the shadow kids are cute. Some can be pretty terrifying. But they’re mostly adorable.
Sasha’s the usual shadow kid babysitter because she’s got a very soothing voice and they find her eyes very comforting. Plus she’s part demon, so when she’s rubbed her smell off on one of the shadow kids, the wall demons don’t try to eat them. Shads very pleased about that perk.
Shad would say Zenix was his favourite because he was helpful, and sweet, and he showed a lot of dedication, which Shad admired. But it’s just because Zenix reminds him of Chad. And he’s, evidently, never really gotten over her death.
Zenix betrayed Garroth because he wanted the security of knowing that he had a father who’s love for him was unconditional. Genuinely. Garroth wouldn’t love him anymore if he found out what he was, or what he had done. But Shad? Shad already knew and loved him anyway. And Zenix only attacked when he did because he was… a kid. And not only was he too young to be smart/strong enough to kill the lord and attack Phoenix drop later on, he didn’t have anywhere else to go. He only attacked when he found out there was another Shadow Knight in the area that he could run to after everything was all over.
Shads name is ridiculous and I might change it in my rewrite. Or just explain it as ‘that’s what the divine called him because his only name when he met them was the King of Shadows but that’s a bit lengthy so they cut it down’
I do have Kenmalyn HCs but they deserve their own post. Oh, but also, they’re both trans lesbians. Because I said so.
The gang are stupid. So sometimes they tell Travis some huge burly rando at a tavern called him (or Katelyn) a name so Travis tries to fight him and ultimately only gets out alive because he makes up some dumb lie that he has to run along with for like a week until the rando realised he lied and Travis has to leg it out of town before he’s stabbed. They find it very funny. Especially Katelyn.
Vylad always misses his family. But he understands why he can’t see them. Hyria was actually his family replacement for a while. She found him in her forest, carried him home by the scruff of his neck like he was a kitten, and just became like an aunt to him. She’s there to fill a void. They both understand that. And when he decided to leave she gave him the opportunity to help his family out one last time by blessing them with Irene, though he showed favouritism and just blessed Garroth.
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