#anywhoo I would never say anything like that to someone
morganbritton132 · 1 year
Hi :)) you have no idea how much I enjoy your EMTTS it's literally my only motivation to get anything done when I see an update haha and your writing is so good?! And it's so wholesome?! How dare you make me feel happy things :((
Anywhoo, I was wondering if there'd ever be a moment where Eddie does an interview about fan conspiracy theories or read thirst tweets and what that would look like (I'm kind of getting hard core dylan o'brien vibes here where he's like "these are tame") maybe he's filming a tiktok in a break and he slowly pans around to Steve where he just looks so uncomfortable because !?? That's his husband?! People want him to step on them!?
Concerned and unaware Steve is all I'm saying
But literally you are insane I love what you've created it's so adorable!!
Thirst tweets are such an obvious next step for him. Of course, someone would ask him to do it and obviously, he’d agree. I do think that Steve would be less uncomfortable with the concept but maybe a little jealous, a little possessive of his husband. Maybe keep your thoughts and your tweets off his hot ass husband, okay?
Eddie is taken.
The video actually starts with a little behind the scenes when Eddie is being mic’ed up. He’s talking to someone off camera but you can only hear his side of the conversation. He asks who he’s talking to if they know what thirst tweets are and then after they respond says, “They’re tweets about how people are desperate for me. For a drink of me, if you know what I mean… Not piss! Actually. Maybe piss. I’ve got some kinky fans.”
There’s a transition with a clapperboard and then Eddie is starting the video proper like, “Hi, I’m Eddie Munson. I play guitar in the heavy metal band, Corroded Coffin, and I’m on Tiktok. I’m gonna be reading some of your thirst tweets today.”
There are some tweets about wanting Eddie to step on them or blow their back out, or spit in their mouth. Someone tweets that they want Eddie to blow them like JFK’s head on a sunny afternoon drive which, “Admittedly, that one is really funny. These are a lot tamer than I was expecting.”
It’s not actually Eddie that posts the Tiktok that reveals that Steve is there too. It’s someone who works on the set and they’re technically just posting a video about the problem with the camera that halted production and how to fix it.
Eddie and Steve are just on the monitor so you can see them and you can kinda hear them. Eddie is teasing Steve about being jealous over some tweets from people they’ll never meet and Steve is pointing out that Eddie could actually meet them at one of his concerts.
Eddie is sitting on top of the table and Steve had been a few steps away from him until Eddie reached out and yanked him over to him by the waistband of his jeans. He smiles up at Steve and says, “Babygirl, you know you’re the only one for me.”
“Don’t call me that,” Steve said weakly, “In public.”
“Tell me you don’t believe me.”
“…I believe you,” Steve tells him, tilting Eddie’s head back further and leaning down to kiss him. “I believe you always.”
Eddie kisses him back and then asks, “Wanna go find somewhere and make out like teenagers?”
When they get the camera operating again, the first tweet Eddie reads is about someone wanting to be the middle of a Steddie sandwich, “Hot damn.”
Side Note: Eddie also does the one interview where you show them what’s in your bag. He has notebooks, pens, dice, his ADHD medication, Steve’s medications since they’re traveling together, a comb, a book, a toothbrush, and a charger. What he doesn’t have is his inhaler which - “Nope, not in my pocket either. Steve?”
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starryletters · 1 year
gojo; friends to lovers headcanons!
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notes : set in 2006, reader being silly and a bit dense, gojo falls first and you fall just as hard , fluff! suguru and shoko mentioned bc i love their friendgroup🫶
a/n : eep my first (published) piece of writing! im so excited, and i hope people like it!!! this isn't the most polished, but i wanted to start off with something a little more simple ( ◡‿◡ *) anywhoo satoru is the boyfriend ever!
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you met him when you joined the jujutsu high second years aka geto shoko and gojo!
and gojo IMMEDIATELY decided to annoy the shit out of you
but like in an endearing way (that's what he thought, at least)
surprisingly, you actually found him funny, and bantering with him back and forth quickly became your favorite part of every day.
he really liked how you were able to keep up with him and how easy it was to talk to you about anything and everything. no matter what he had to say, you had a reply (or an insult) ready to go.
satoru's a really physically affectionate person in general and he was over the moon when you didnt seem to mind how he randomly slung his arm around your shoulder or how he liked to fall asleep with his head in your lap. (i could tie to this whole thing to his infinity and talk about how sad it is for someone that shows love through physival affection to experience smth so traumatic that they put a LITERAL barrier between them and others preventing all forms of touch but..i wont!)
it wasn't anything romantic at first! (i love platonic physical affection, okay?)
but there were small moments where you felt his touch and felt such a warmth in your heart. you had pure adoration for him [and if you ever caught his stare, you would know he adored you the same.]
anywhoo! you always thought he was attractive because i mean, look at him
but you never really saw him as a romantic prospect. at least not until you talked to him and got to know him. which you told shoko later on, and she called you a freak of nature for it because "usually he has the opposite effect on people"
there wasn't really a distinct moment you can remember where you developed feelings for him. the realization totally caught you by surprise!
you were hanging out with your fellow second years after school, and gojo made some dumb dad joke, at which only he laughed (of course), but you glanced at him from the side and his laugh!!! it was so beautiful!!! like, why are you enchanted by this LOSER right now???
either way, that's when you noticed that maybe that feeling you got in your stomach whenever gojo touched you may not have been entirely platonic. horrified and also a teensy bit excited at your discovery you look away and try to make your blushing face cool down. cool, this was definitely gonna ruin one of the best relationships and friendships you've ever had! gojo knew geto and shoko before you, so if you ever confessed, it would probably ruin your friendship with them too! cool, cool, very cool.
of course, that was total bs, but whatever you were anxious at, your newfound feelings and relationships are confusing, and you maybe (definitely) had a bit of tunnel vision in that moment.
after that (like the smart person you are), you convinced yourself that "well. if i just avoid gojo..the feelings will probably go away, right?"
oh, you poor naive FOOL
first of all, avoiding gojo was no easy feat (just ask nanami)
second of all... by the point you realized your feelings, he was already completely WHIPPED for you
"suguru! did you see? she totally looked at me for two seconds longer than usual today!"
"she definitely loves me back, dont you think so too?"
"you're delusional."
"you're my best friend! you're supposed to indulge me in my delusions!"
definitely the type to lay on his stomach and kick his feet in the air while thinking about you
and he NEVER shuts up about you
shoko and geto seriously deserve financial compensation for this and are BAFFLED by the fact that you dont notice how lovestruck he is by you?
so as soon as he realized you stopped replying to his texts like you usually did and you didn't sit next to him anymore so he could lean his head on your shoulder, he was devastated
like what did he do????? why does the universe hate him??? ( like he isnt the strongest sorcerer ever?)
you thought you were clever for coming up with your "get rid of feelings for satoru" plan
but no. for days now everywhere you were, suddenly there he was.
you didn't give him the silent treatment or anything you just... kept your distance.
well, you tried anyway
man has no sense of personal space.
"i missed you." he pouts, leaning down and placing his head on your shoulder from behind. "we see each other everyday, thats not enough for you?" you replied, trying to remain calm while he was so SO close to you. "we barely saw each other at all yesterday!" he whines. "i was busy -" "no, you weren't." "yes, i was?" "nuh-uh, " your face contorts into a grimace. "seriously, how old are you?" "sev-" "it was a rhetorical question." he moves from his postion behind you and stands right in front of you. if he wasn't so silly looking, you would probably be intimidated by his towering height.
his face turns serious. "you've been avoiding me." he states, a small pout on his lips. shit, dont look at his lips! "eh..uh..what? no, i'm not! that's crazy talk..." you sputter nervously. he sighs, and puts his hands on your shoulders "are you okay?" he's genuinely concerned for you now. damnit why couldn't he be less likeable?! this was really throwing a wrench in your plan.
"i am..i'm just..uh..argh." you lower your head and massage your temple out of frustration. your heartbeat was going a mile a minute. "i didn't mean to avoid you, satoru." you say in a soft tone. a lie, but you couldn't handle telling him the truth. his face brightens instantly. "i'll forgive you if you pinky promise to never avoid me ever again." he reaches out his pinky. "wow, future me is gonna regret that when you get inevitably annoying.." you chuckle reaching out your hand to interlink your finger with his. this was good, this was normal. you felt normal, platonic, and normal feelings. yep. a bright grin spreads across his pretty face. "although.. you might still have to buy me something sweet to really convince me!" of course. "you're the worst." "you love it!" yeah, you do.
okay, plan b. push it all down and focus on your friendship!
you did really enjoy just being his friend after all..otherwise you wouldn't care so much about ruining your friendship!
so things went back to normal sort of...except for the fact that over the next few months, the romantic tension got worse and worse.
you thought it was just you being delusional when he started holding your hand more and more frequently, freuqently bought you small trimkets and gifts( his reason being " i thought of you!") told you how pretty and cool you looked after missions, even with your hair all messed up and uniform askew. you tried so hard not to read into it even though these things were obviously pretty romantic.
satoru thought he was going insane
"i mean??? am i not being clear enough, suguru? am i being too subtle?"
"i dont think the word subtle really suits you, in any situation ever."
at this point, he was close to giving up. maybe you just didn't like him as much as he liked you?
but then! one late summer night!
the first kiss!
which was sort of out of the blue but also not really, since you'd been pining for each other for a while.
he was invading spending time in your dorm room late at night again like he frequently did. he got real chatty at night. you were both sitting on your bed, and his head was leaning against your shoulder, the soft ends of his hair tickling your neck.
it was around mignight, his voice was low and he spoke in a hushed tone.
"..you know? and then he had the audacity to insult nintendo? like sorry you hate fun, loser? anyways my original point was..." he trails off his voice, getting lower and lower by the end. you turn your head in his direction, expecting to find him asleep. instead, your nose almost bumps against his.
his eyes are..so breathtaking this close, with the moonlight reflecting in his sapphire irises. his snow-white lashes flutter as he glances down at your lips. a silent request.
this moment was so full of tender love while still so quiet. you had never felt anything quite like it before. you nod ever so slightly and softly your lips meet eachother. slotting together like two puzzle pieces, it made something click in your brain. suddenly everything made sense.
after a few moments you pulled back. your face felt hot. it was still quiet. gojos thumb rubs over the back of your hand.
he leans his head back onto your shoulder, positively beaming, he giggled "like i was saying.." he starts again the smile still evident in his voice.
an equally bright grin breaks out on your face. he was not even acknowledging the kiss you two shared. but it felt right that he didn't. this moment felt so warm and so much like satoru. there was no more confusion and no words that needed to be said. you both understood what it meant. you both finally understood what you were.
what you failed to consider was telling your best friends. geto and shoko. the four of you were hanging out and gojo had to leave early for another mission, before he leaves he quickly pecks you on the lips (which to be fair surprised you too) before waving and running off. shoko's eyes were practically bulging out of her head, and getos face couldn't decide between a surprised expression and one of disgust. "what. was that." shoko furtows her brows. "uhh..oh! oh." you couldn't exactly pinpoint what you were supposed to say now. how did you forget to tell them? how did GOJO forget to tell them? granted, it only happened last night, but still... you had assumed he spent the rest of the night lying on his stomach, feet kicking, telling geto every detail. "we're dating?" you reply awkwardly. "damn it!" shoko exclaims, and suguru smiles smugly. odd reactions... that's what you thought until you saw shoko pull out her wallet and hand suguru a big wad of cash. "see? i told you they would figure it out before they turned 25." he chides.
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thank you for reading!!! and i hope you liked it! im not sure about this formatting (w/ the tumblr bulleted list. it's like not spaced apart enough, yk?) anyway! im open to constructive criticism, but please be nice im sensitive LOL (ノω・、)
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androgynousblackbox · 7 months
Welcome to Hazbin Vale. 4 [Appleradio, Radioapple]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZEURntrQOg "Happy Together - The Turtles (1967)" is the song that play on the background while Alastor is talking.]
"Good morning and good day to all our dear listeners. Alastor speaking here to you all from your favorite radio station on Hazbin Vale. How are you all doing? Ha ha, I am kidding of course! I don't care! I just feel like playing like one of those youngester that pretend to have a relationship with their audiences in order to emotionally manipulate them into giving them more money and attention.
But you and I, dear listemer, we know each other better than that, don't we? You know you will only get the most sincere forms of expression from me, because I know you would never, ever, ever, dare to lie to me. You may be just severely mistaken even if you think you are being honest.
First things first. I am doing great, thanks for asking.
I also imagine you can hear that annoying song on the background. I did not put it there. I don't know why it's doing that, but it hasn't stopped since I came in the building. It doesn't seem to come from any of my speakers either, I checked already. At least it's a nice enough song and it's not too loud. I guess I will let it slide this one time.
Anywhoo, do you want to know why I am in such good mood? No thank to any of you listening, that is for sure! Yesterday at Rosie's party to celebrate the death of Clarence I had the chance to talk with some of you and, oh boy, none of you do actually listen to a word I say it turns out!
Why do I bother to speak at all then? Should I just do incoherent wordless noises with my mouth for two hours? It would cause the exact same effect as to what people think are hearing here. Just put whatever meaning you want into it, you're used to that.
Some of you, not all, I have to admit, had the impression that I had a certain inclination for the toy maker that came to town recently and that is why I ran a background check on him. An inclination of a more… selfish nature.
I have no idea how could you ever come to that conclusion. I have done nothing else but to put in front of everyone my rationale as to why that man can't be trusted, I have done my due deligence to verify it and leave it all once it turned out to be a bust!
Let me dispell the rumours right now. I have never had a "crush" on anyone or anything. I don't even have the first idea of what going through that would be like. It sounds boring and stupid, so no, thank you. I will be glad to be spared such nonsense. The rest of you can have all the fun with that.
In your imaginations that is. Because clearly someone so delusional is never going to inspire good feelings from anyone else.
But how rude of me! I was talking about why I was in a good mood and I went on a bit of a rant there. For you, the listener who won't fell to such delirious thoughts, I will be speaking now. The rest can rot in hell for all I care. No, no, that is not a threat. It's a warning. There's a difference.
The party of Rosie was a success. Again, discouting unnecesary words that were said. It seemed that everyone in town decided to congregate there at once and Rosie told me that she was out of strawberry macaroon in less than one hour, per my recommendation. I do thank you all for that.
Between the talking and laughing, Rosie took me by the arm to direct me to Lucifer. I haven't noticed him at all until then. Not him or the fact that a group of people were around him, bunch of vipers all demanding his attention. I could just smell the gold digger stank from the door.
But what I really didn't see is the little girl hanging from his hand that smiled so easily to everyone in front of her. Two puppies were right next to her, as if to protect her.
The presence of Rosie was enough to disperse everyone so soon I was once again in front of the tiny man. His hair looked stupid as always, this time with a butterfly hairpin that, I imagine, his daughter must have put on him that morning and he forgot to take it out. Or he wanted to make a fashion statement, who knows.
Rosie was the one to speak first. She started by apologizing on my behalf for reading about his life here on the last broadcast. I wouldn't have gone so far to say that to his face but I… wasn't proud of that either. However rational and objective my worries were. So I am thankful that Rosie could say the words so much better than I could.
She told him to please not take it personally. It's only natural to be curious about new people when we all live on such a small town where everyone knows everyone. I did side eyed her a little when she downplayed all of my comments about him being a criminal and hiding something as me "just kidding around and playing it up for the show." Rosie, my dear, I am literally never more sincere than when I am in front of this mic.
Excuse me for having the best interest of this community at heart.
But I didn't feel like having an argument right there and then, so I let her continue. I should really get her sometime on here because that woman truly has a way with words. She could convince a flame to buy a gallon of water to drink.
The tiny toy maker smiled, with that stupid indulgent smile he has, and said that it was okay. I haven't said anything that anyone couldn't google by themselves and he was used to media outlets talking, he said. Whatever the hell that google thing was.
As if sparring me some grace, the little judge and jury. I wasn't that sorry anyway.
The more this man spoke to me, the more I had to wonder who did he thought he was. Looking up from his tiny height with those big doe eyes from hell that could swallow up entire cities. It was cutting out my breath as if his hand was a claw around my neck. I could barely hold it together to not make an excuse and ran away from him. You all can blame Rosie firm grasp for that, I know I do.
To make matters worse, that was her party, so she couldn't stay to talk with just one person and had to move around, leaving me alone with that man.
I never had anything but care and respect for Rosie, but I almost despise her a little bit at that moment. Then, suddenly, something brushed my hand and my soul could have jumped out of my mouth before looking down to see Charlie trying to grab my sleeve for attention.
I kneeled down to hear what she had to say. My mom raised a man with manners so I wasn't about to let a lady hanging. Her father could be a untrustworthy monster, but that wasn't her fault.
When I heard the words she whispered into my ear, I laughed. I couldn't contain myself. Lucifer asked what was so funny, so I was glad to tell him. She wanted me to hold her up so she could see the chocolate on the top shelfs.
You know, because her dad was so tiny that he didn't reach it himself, ha!
Children can truly be ruthless sometimes. I forget that is one of their virtues.
Oh, the red that tinted his cheeks wasn't disgusting at all. I wouldn't mind seeing something like that again. Now it was his turn to struggle to find something to say before giving me permission to do just that. I just love the smell of justice, dear listener, don't you?
Charlie, despite her unfortunate genetics, was a good kid that didn't move that much when I lift her up, telling her about the expensive chocolate exactly as how I remembered Rosie explaining them to me. On the lower shelf was the candy destined for children, full of fun colors and more simple designs, but up there was the fancy selection.
That kind of chocolate that comes from other countries, has weird ingredients on it or is just filled with some kind of alcohol. In my personal opinion, the ones with brandy were the best.
But somehow I imagined that Lucifer wasn't the kind of "cool dad" that would let his toddler get drunk on chocolate, so I kept my recommendation on the non alcoholic options. At last, Charlie choose a box with simple truffles covered in chocolate, but painted to look like jewells. She looked more happy with how pretty they were than with the idea of eating them.
One of Rosie's employees finalized the purchase, that Lucifer of course had to do without blinking an eye for the price and I had to my roll my eyes at the display.
We get it, you have money. You have a fortune out of your own work, you are the one true American dream. There is no need to brag about it. Arrogant much?
Ah, but my sense of friendship force me to tell you all that the prices of Rosie's Chocolate Botique are 100% fair and just, not inflated at all in the slightest. I am just a poor and bitter soul who only enjoys those brandy candy when my good friend brings them to me for her visits. The ones with the red wrapping for the next time, Rosie, dear, yes?
But coming back to my tale, I have to say that, despite everything I have seen, I can still very much be surprised. When Charlie opened up her new box, I thought she was just going to eat her chocolate right there, as she had every right to do. Instead she took out a piece that was coloured like a ruby and put it on my hand.
She said that one was for me. Then she gave another one in blue to her father. And she ran around the place to find Rosie, her puppies following behind, just to give her another one that I couldn't get to see. Rosie was so moved by this small gesture that she made a high pitch noise as she hugged the kid, assuring Lucifer that she was so cute that she would never eat her up.
Don't you mean that you could, asked Lucifer.
Rosie laughed and kissed both cheeks of Charlie before putting her on the floor. She also tried to feed the chocolate to her puppies later on, but Lucifer caught her on time.
They weren't even real puppies for what he told me so it's not like they were going to get sick. But it was so annoying cleaning up their insides if food got stuck on them so it was better to not give them any. They were prototypes for eternal puppies he wanted to make. Robots covered in fur called Dazzle and Razzle, just for Charlie. I did not say it, and I am still not going to say it, but it could have almost fooled me. Almost.
The rest of the party was splendid. You wouldn't even remember that this was all thanks because a woman died in a terribly gruesome and painful way. Not that I would know anything about it.
There was still plenty of buzz around when I decided it was enough for me. Charlie was completely out against the chest of her father and Lucifer kept his coat on top of her to protect her from the cold. I was saying that I always enjoyed Rosie's parties, but I needed to go back home to sleep early because, well, you are listening the reason right now.
Lucifer was bitting his lip and looking at everywhere while I was saying my goodbyes. He looked so miserably lost that I finally asked if something was wrong.
That is when he invited me to take a coffee if I wanted to.
Now, listener, don't get the wrong impression. I mean it and no, ignore the static, we are all ignoring it right now.
Listen to what I am actually saying instead of coming out with your own wild interpretations. I know you can do it. You are smart. That is why you are hearing the radio instead of googling.
I said yes. Only because this man looked so pitiful and pathetic that saying no would be like kicking a puppy after killing it's mom in front of him. Too damn easy. His stupid big eyes were too big that night, blame them. Like I have said many times and demostrated countless others, I am no monster.
So I said yes out of pity and absolutely nothing else. A mercy date. I should be louded for it if nothing else.
Besides, it's just a cup of coffee. No need to make a bigger deal of it than it is. Even thought it's still a huge inconvenience for me. I have a very busy schedule, listener, you see, so it's really hard to make an space for such act of charity. Damned my blasted sense of common decency.
Oh, but that is not the reason why I am in a good mood! Not at all! In fact, I barely even thought about it the rest of the night on the way home. I almost completely forgot about it until right now that I told you!
No, the reason I am happy is because I got to taste that ruby chocolate with my coffe this morning. The chocolate was great. Amazing value for it's price, clearly worth every penny.
What, did you thought it was anything else?
Does a man really need a reason to smile, dear listener? Isn't enough that he does? We all should probably smile more often. Maybe then we won't let our imagination bring out the worst of us.
I should really know where that music is coming from.
Now, the weather…"
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viilpstick · 9 months
RAHHHH U UNLEASHED A BEASTTTT (transforms Jack Howl style)
Ok anyway-- ahem
After they both started having crushes on each other most of the advances came from Ruggie, bc I saw somewhere that spotted make hyenas are very submissive and usually try to like win the females affection being this way (DON'T QUOTE BE ON THAT THO), so I thought Rugs would be the type to not say what he feels, especially because he's self conscious about his background and stuff, so he would do stuff like seeking Daisy's presence, carrying stuff for her, sharing his food ESPECIALLY if it was a day where they were having pumpkin desserts in the cafeteria, he always gave them to Daisy because he wanted to win her affections without needing to say anything
But Daisy was going crazy bc she didn't know if Rugs was actually interested in her or if she was overthinking it bc they did become really good friends, so she retributed his kindness by making "way too much food for her and Grim to eat" and "I happen to be here right now so I might as well help you with Leona's laundry", stuff like that!!
Eventually we all know what happens Daisy asks Ruggie on a date bc if she didn't she would go insane overthinking stuff
you will never understand the bright smile that came to my face the moment i saw more than one paragraph-
I will forever and always love the concept of Ruggie not being self aware and unintentionally acting like that with Daisy, but POOR GIRL :,)) LIKE I CAN IMAGINE HER DESPAIR- I WENT THROUGH THAT😰
WHEN MY BF CAME TALK FOR THE FIRST TIME AFTER SO LONG IT WAS WITH SHITPOST AND ADTER THAT HE WOULDNT STOP TEXTING ME— But girl I am someone who is very dumb as to try to take a hint, so if he didn’t asked me out, i would forever think he was just being friendly 💀💀
PUT IT IN ON MY VEINS (okay maybe not)
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itchybutts22 · 2 years
Just when I had thought of a title, I forgot it. Then remembered but didn’t change it anyway.
Nothing new there. Same thing happened with the title of this blog. I had a great idea for a name and then just couldn't remember it. I didn't want to put off starting this until I remembered the name because who knows if I ever would. Anyway, back to sulking about how my life will never be amazing and I will never be anything amazing. It's such a dumb thing to be upset about. I mean yeah, it's because the things you want aren't reality, duh. Everyone else seems to get that and not be upset by it. I just wish I didn't always want more than what I have. Why isn't what I have enough? I seem to always frame it as "If I just had x,y,z, I would feel better. I would be a little better. If I had better clothes, I would feel better about myself." but I mean, honestly, none of that stuff matters. I mean, who cares what someone is wearing? (unless it's something like pasties and an ill-fitting thong or perhaps a birthday suit - just keep those inside pls). I just don't know a way to feel better about myself. I'll never have a beautiful face, or skin for that matter (I mean, I do have skin, it's just not nice) - it just isn't in the cards for me. That was out of my hands before I was ever made. Actually, that reminds me - my sister and I will be getting shirts for christmas that say "I exist without my consent" (oh, also, shit, that was the title I was forgetting!) and when I first saw that shirt I just thought damn literally no one ever has given consent to being born. Every single thing that's ever walked this Earth was just sloppily squished out into the world probably covered in poop and blood with a "yo try not to die" and that's that. I mean, I feel like that's kind of shitty. I should damn well hope that after all this is over, there's some kind of "yay, you made it "x" minutes/hours/days!" party but, probs not, with my luck. I'm still just struggling with how hard it is for me to start anything. Like, just Nike it up and go! But, I'm still afraid of failure or wasting time and resources... even though logically, I know the only way to get better or get anything done is to JUST DO IT, YA DINGUS. I had to add that last bit in so it didn't sound like a product endorsement. Anyway, I'm still trying. It's a weird process for me to start new things or change habits, it's so damn slow. Infuriatingly so. First, I won't think about it often at all. Then I start to remember once in a while. Then maybe every other day. Then every day. and then finally I might start it. But the whole process takes basically weeks to months, which I mean, just isn't helpful. I guess better late than never but jeeze, self. Come on. Anywhoo, I have some terrible studying to do for an exam tomorrow so I better get to it. I absolutely can't wait to be done with my degree because honestly, fuuuuuuck our current education system. Fuck it with a cactus covered in honey and fire ants, each ant also carrying tiny swords and maybe having chlamydia. It is all kinds of messed up and way, way too expensive. Plus it takes absolutely forever to finish (for me) because I can't handle as much as a "normie" lmao. I guess my brain is just over learning new things and I gotta whip it to try and get anything done. Until next time
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writeformesinpie · 2 years
Being attacked on main for saying it’s rude to tell fans to bathe lol
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mindninjax · 3 years
Bakugo x Reader
A/n: Not sure what this is but I believe a fic could absolutely come out of it so into the wips tag it goes bahaha. Anywhoo enjoy what my brain just came up with out of nowhere.
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I would think if you’re dating or married to a pro hero you’d have some precautions set in place, yeah?
Imagine being married to Katsu. He’s a pro hero so like villains know him and of course they know about his wife and his family. He’s been kidnapped before, yeah? So he always has this lingering fear in the back of his mind that someone he loves could be kidnapped and held hostage or worse.
So when you two start dating he sets up a secret code between the two of you. He also has one for his parents, just in case.
“I do a buncha dangerous shit every day and I’ll be damned if I bring that danger home to you,” he says one day while yall are lounging on the couch.
You give him a look.You know what you signed up for when you started dating him. You’re not an idiot. You know the risks and still, you decided to stick with him.
“I know the risks, Katsu. I’m not afraid.”
He turns to you suddenly, grasping your chin and staring deep into your eyes. You can see the fire burning behind his crimson irises. Your lips part and you gasp lightly. You’ve seen him be serious but never this serious.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” you ask and he chuckles only a bit at the way you’re able to tell that he’s not joking around. He’ll always be grateful for that, in fact, he’ll depend on it.
“You know I’d never let anybody put their fucking hands on you, right?” he asks, still holding your chin.
You nod, eyes wide as you wait for him to continue. When he doesn’t you say “Course.”
He takes a deep breath, his eyes quickly flit away from you and then in seconds he’s staring at you again with that tense expression. He watches one of your eyebrows raise in curiosity yet you still remain calm and focused.
“I told ya about those shitty fuckin villains that took me when I was a kid, yeah?” he starts and you can tell he still feels shame over it. Again you nod quietly, your eyes encouraging him to continue.
“Who’s to say that shit doesn’t happen to you, or to our kids when we start a family. What if a shitty villain tries to kidnap you or our kids and use you as leverage against me?” he asks in a gruff voice.
“Then you’d come save us,” you reply simply.
He huffs out a frustrated breath. “I’d lose my fucking mind if anyone took you. They’d know that. And if they did anything worse I’d…” He doesn’t finish the sentence but you see his eyes darken and his lip tremble.
You bring your hand up to hold his cheek and he immediately calms down at the warmth of your palm on his tight jaw.
He sighs and then the serious expression is back. “I want ya to remember this sentence. And when I say it to you it means something’s wrong and I need you to be prepared to do whatever I say.“
“Ok,” you whisper, because he’s really starting to scare you now.
“The sentence will be something I would never say in regular conversation. Remember it the exact way I say it. ‘I have a sweet tooth. Can you go to the store?’” he speaks slowly and clearly and when you nod to let him know you understand he doesn’t move until you verbally confirm.
“Ok I remember it,” you say in a small voice.
“Say it back to me.”
“‘I have a sweet tooth. Can you go to the store?’ No contractions. No informal speech. I got it.” you say with a bit more confidence.
He smirks, and gives you a quick peck on the forehead. “Atta girl. After I say that I’ll list out some items. Some of the items will be code words and others won’t to make it sound more casual. But listen out for the code words in the sentence and they’ll tell you what I need you to do next.”
You spend the next 30 minutes listening to all of the different code words he gives you. You commit them to memory, repeating every single one of them back to him perfectly. When he’s done and satisfied that you’ve learned them all he reaches a hand behind your neck and pulls you into a deep kiss. He mutters “I love you” against your lips.
Your phone rings at work. It’s a slow day, you hate answering the phones. The chipper voice you have to put on to attend to customers is annoying to say the least, but you’re good at it. You rub your belly, there’ve been a few aches from the baby growing inside you. You should bring that up at your doctor’s appointment later today. You wonder if Katsuki will be able to make it, you know he’s been deep in hero duties the past few days.
You reach for the phone as it rings for a third time, answering it with a peppy tone and reciting the name of your company and your name. When you hear the voice on the other line, your blood runs cold in your veins. You think it was only a matter of time before it happened.
The call every spouse of a pro hero dreads. An announcement of your husband’s death on the job. The voice confirms your identity, tying your first name with his and your voice quivers when you affirm. And then you take a deep breath as another voice comes on the other line.
“I have a sweet tooth. Can you go to the store?”
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tuckersdeslauriers · 3 years
Hello, I wondered if you wouldn’t mind sharing your thought on Chris/Ashley and where you think they might be going with these storylines? I always thought they existed simply to progress chenford but I’m not really sure now. And how do you feel about Chris himself? I’ve seen people say they think he’s got Lucy questioning herself and tbh I can see that.
i'll just start here by saying point blank: i don't really like to speculate publicly because as much as we'd all like to think we know what's going on...we don't, and it's a lot more enjoyable (to me, at least) to watch a show that i haven't totally figured out.
that being said, i really do not feel that chris or ashley are anything to worry about whatsoever, so i can speak on that.
also this isn't massively long, i just wanted to keep it shorter in the tag to give people the option not to have to scroll past a bunch of text!
yes, they both exist as love interests to further progress chenford, but moreover: they exist to further progress tim and lucy individually, and i think that's the piece a lot of people are missing. they've given us approximately 3 pieces of individual information about both of these characters...which is a good thing, we don't want them to be highly developed, interesting people. they've introduced their relationships in ways that serve the chenford story, they've been involved in plots that allow/incite chenford interaction, and they're non-existent (for the most part) outside the scope of their relationships. that's what you want in a mid-game love interest...blah-ness.
i will say, because i'm sure someone will point this out: yes, chris had a scene last ep wherein he was not with lucy, but with del monte...but that was specifically to serve the plot, and that makes sense to me – the way the last episode was crafted (beautifully, might i add) wove like six different small plots into one large plot, so seeing those two stand alone was just reinforcing things rather than fleshing out chris. if anything, it gave us more insight into del monte (who, truly, it is paining me not to be calling hot uncle cooper) than anybody else.
anyway: chris and ashley exist to serve the lucy and tim stories, respectively, so yeah – maybe you'll see chris pushing lucy one way or a story that is less about chenford and more about lucy, but at the end of the day, all of that is, imo, leading us towards the chenford we want. lucy's allowed to have a relationship that isn't with tim the same way tim is allowed to have a relationship that isn't with lucy! i would like them together just as much as the rest of you, but truly – trust me when i say we don't want it rushed. what we're asking for in looking for them to get together right now is...the wopez treatment. the john/bailey treatment. a check in at the beginning and a check in at the end, maybe a little interaction in the middle. i don't know about you, but i'd much rather see them in scenes together and working than have them sidelined.
i digress, tho, bc that was not your question.
i do think chris has lucy questioning herself a bit, and honestly? i think that's a good thing. chris is clearly not firm ground for her – and he shouldn't be, he's brand new. they're still learning each other, and i think knowing lucy (that she can be non-committal, that she's never been in a very serious relationship, etc.) and knowing that she is the type of person that questions herself easily...it doesn't seem all that long-haul. plus, the fact that she went to tim to see about chris' thoughts was truly cake...like, tell me you know that someone knows you well when you literally value their opinion over your significant other/potentially, in that moment, your own.
anywhoo, chris is fine in the same way ashley is fine. i don't care about them, i don't hate them, i'm just indifferent. they're literally just pitstops so i'm just like...alright! i'm happy to see lucy happy. i'm happy to see tim happy. it's just a part of the long game, you know?
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Since I'm awake pondering it, what kind of Youtube channels do you think the hosts would run? I have some funny ideas but I'd like to hear yours.
aw that's very sweet. meanwhile, while this ask was being typed up last night, I had a dream you sent me an anon, but you signed it with your url so it was very obviously you. that's not really relevant, but I thought it was funny
Nate: your answer for Nate is absolutely spot-on, Nate has the great ability to say anything with the confidence that will not let on that he either doesn't know what he's doing or is lying to your face. tricking people with a straight face is the best revenge. oh also Nate ASMR. he can combine it with the makeup content like "doing asmr makeup on my friend/partner/you/etc" or just soft-spoken (possibly misleading) tutorials. one time he did makeup on one of the other hosts and they kept fighting it or going off script which in turn lead to Nate slapping him and the two fighting while the camera was still rolling. Nate repurposed it into an April Fool's Day video
Guy: I actually used to follow a Youtube podcast where my friend and his bros would talk about sports predictions. Sadly I think it went under. Anywhoo. Guy would definitely have a level of sports on his channel, whether demonstrating plays, compiling his fav clips, or drunk history about really weird shit in the history of sports (like the 1904 marathon) Monthly segment where people ask him what he thinks of various books (that he's obviously never read) and it's an improv session of Guy pretending he knows anything about the book. Although sometimes someone will be dumb enough to pick a Shakespeare play and he'll know everything. Ironically sponsored by Audible.
Buzz: Gamer. Probably hacks games to see how quickly he can ruin the experience. His highest rated video is "Playing The Video Game I Was In" where he just plays the CD of Vol. 2 (which canonically exist within the game canon I guess) and reacts to his old jokes. 50% of the video is Buzz not knowing the answers and getting insulted by himself ~20 years ago. I mean shit, I'd watch one of the voice actors react to their own old games. Get Tom on the line.
Cookie: Yours is also probably better than I could rationalize. But also very much profits off calling himself a "cat daddy" (which he would call it. verbatim. hell) Probably sells stickers of cartoon versions of Poopsie and Mayo, as well as they are the custom emojis when he streams. Someone suggested he add a emoji of him angry. They were immediately banned (and later unbanned) from the stream. There's also demand for a Schmitty emoji to spam when Schmitty is in frame/joins.
Schmitty: Doesn't have his own channel (old man alert) but is a guest on other people's (mostly Cookie, or Bob for soon obvious reasons) vids. Whenever he's on Cookie's vid all the comments are either "nice of Schmitty to make a video with his boyfriend" or "really kind of Schmitty to help out small Youtube creators like Cookie" and Cookie HATES it but never comments or denies the bf thing, assuming by not saying anything it'll get dropped. It Doesn't.
Bob: Bob is the type to make those 30-70 minute videos on cheap or weird shows/movies/PSAs from the 60s-mid 2000s. The ones that make you CERTAIN you dreamed it up. They're not exceptionally deep or anything they're just LONG. Schmitty, expert on weird TV shows, will sometimes join him via split screen. Which usually leads to them arguing. Almost all the comments are dedicated to people saying which one of the two was more coherent during the video. Edits everything himself. Will continue keeping up with celebs he hated from the 90s and post vids of him rambling about how much they suck whenever one of them does something dumb or actively malicious. Or dies. He's not gonna wait.
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frogtanii · 3 years
Hey hey hey J!!! Hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself. Water, food, and sleep are the fundamentals for a good day so please make sure you’re getting everything you need. Sorry I didn’t get to say anything yesterday, I was really busy :(. Since this is gonna be a 2 in 1 I’ll try my best to not go overboard.
Ok so yesterday’s chapter was great! I love that they’re starting the interviews and I’m expecting that this is gonna make Daichi and Osamu really look at their behavior towards YN. Btw, I’m writing this before reading the next chapter (it was 9am EST when I wrote this and you don’t post till 1pm EST). Anywhoo, I’m also really loving that they’re learning to communicate effectively from Oiks. His little “I‘m just /communicating/” was a mood. I’m glad they’re ready to face the consequences of their actions, no matter what happens. Like don’t get me wrong, I love them and I understand Meiko had them on sum different but it was still wrong on so many levels. Also thank you for the bonus endings!! Like thank you for writing this as a whole but thank you for going above and beyond for us!
Moving on to today’s chapter! Daichi really sat there and tried to justify his wack *ss behavior. No way, the audacity. My thing is like I understand if someone hurt someone you care about so you avoid interacting with them but actively making their life hell??? Like that’s just childish and it’s frfr none of your business. Like what good does it do you to bother them when they’ve done nothing to you specifically?? Have your loyalties or whatever but don’t you dare hurt someone for something you never witnessed. It just makes an asshole out of you. But getting off my little ethics rant, I’m glad that Daichi is reflecting on his relationship with Suga. Its gonna lead him to reevaluate Meiko (hopefully, especially now that he knows what she did to Suga) and his treatment of YN. It’s kinda concerning that he just let him go so easily at first. I feel like I say something is concerning in every reaction lol. I’m not sure if they’ve really spoken to one another since Suga stopped interacting with Meiko, but if Daichi really believed he was as close to Suga as he says why would he let his friend get so distant with so little protest? Like fight for him if he’s really your main homie. Also poor YN and Atsumu. Like as besties I feel like they’re really struggling since YN experienced it and Atsumu watched how much it hurt her. Like the rest of the cum squad™️ doesn’t exactly see the full scope since they were the abusers (and yes I’m gonna use such a strong word since that’s what they were) for a long while and she never really let them see how it hurt, maybe that it made her a bit angry but never that it hurt her deep (not until much later anyways). I feel like it was a bit traumatic for Atsumu too bc imagine not being able to help your friend too much other than arguing with people who never actually change their behaviors. He probably felt a bit helpless and useless since all he could really do is let her cry and try to get people to leave her alone. But yeah so all of that to say, it was probably really hard for both of them and I feel bad for them since they have to relive that trauma. Fantastic writing, as usual :), and I look forward to how this will all play out!
hola love!!! omg i <3 long messages skdjdk && i rlly like what u noticed abt tsumu??? mans is struggling ;-; kajsk neways, i hope u have a good day / night!!! <3333
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danddymaro · 4 years
Follow me| Higgs Monaghan x Reader
Damn that Troy Baker and his little voice of his, as well as Higgs for being so captivating. This game is lit.
Also, could this be romance? I’m really just writing concepts I come up with. Sometimes bullshit stories come to mind. 
FUUUUUCCKKK, I already had this thought out and halfway through I realized he wears that fucking pod (ꐦ ಠ皿ಠ )
How could it slip my mind?
Everything is pretty understandable, but just a warning, 
‘ example’ = Italics in quotations are thoughts
example = Italics W/out are flashbacks
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He watched her, downright dumbfounded, eyes trained on the woman like she was a strange phenomenon. 
And perhaps she was…
She was out In the middle of nothing, miles way from a single living being , excluding himself of course.
‘ So where did she come from? ‘ He wondered, truly perplexed, because it couldn’t be as though she magically appeared out of thin air.
‘Not a shelter in sight either…’ He observed.
He took a quiet step forward, being cautious in doing so, keeping his eyes fully trained on the bizarre woman the entire time. Though, it seemed as though his alertness was unneeded, because she seemed none the wiser, not knowing he was there to begin with. 
Instead, her sights were placed on the little creature crawling along her (s/c) skin. Keenly staring on, she had no mind for anything but  the little orange butterfly walking along her index. Meanwhile, the creature itself seemed just as oblivious as she was about any possible existing danger, happily moving it’s thin, little legs over the flesh.
‘ Like only you exist in this world,’ He thought with disbelief.
A small smile began to surface over her features, one that was undoubtedly pretty, stopping his musing, and every question he had in regards to the strange woman’s unexpected appearance.
It was then that the sound of the crackling sky erupted, echoing throughout the field, and as it did, he noticed she came out of her perfect little world.
The young woman gave a small jump and though he didn't hear it, he knew a small sound left her. The abrupt widening of her eyes, along with the parting of her pretty lips, topped with the sudden growing of her chest indicated it.
 The little happy butterfly which was on her index finger fluttered away in fleet, leaving her behind to stare at it, not being able to do much but follow it with her (e/c) eyes.
.And then she was truly left alone, with nothing but blue eyes to observe her, marveling at her from a distance.  
Standing up from the floor, she began to look up at the grayed sky with her eyebrows creased up, light worry lines on her forehead becoming visible. Inside her mind she began to fret, and finally he got a gimps of what concern seemed like once settled onto her face.
With steady steps she took as she finally rose, walking further from him in a direction that lead to more nothingness, all with notable uncertainty.
‘Are you hoping to find anything?’ He wondered, continuing to watch her, interested in everything she did, wanting to know just where she’d lead him to.
It all felt like a strange dream,a vivid one where he wasn’t tormented, where he didn’t see death , but instead a strange sort of angel, lost in an apocalypse.
In search of something...
 She then reached up, her body lightly shaking as another roar erupted from the somber sky.
 Afraid, she reached up, challenging extinction she stood her ground,
 “Any second now,” he said to himself, knowing that there was only a few more moments left before the Timefall came. Absentmindedly he took a step forward, “If you don’t get out of here...” he trailed off, knowing there wasn’t anywhere she could go.
Knowing just what would happen... 
Her palm faced up to the murky sky for a moment, longing in her heart as she reached out to where the glowing sun had become a stranger. And she wondered when she’d see the glowing star, not having seen it during the many hours she’d spent outside already.
The rain then fell, ready to claim anything that it touched. Merciless as always, it lay waste to anything that dared challenge it with existence with absolutely no exception.
A twitch to his heart made his current step falter, and abruptly he stopped, everything else in the world moving in slow motion as he found his eyes locked with the (h/c) young woman. 
For just a brief moment she stared at him, having found him in her line of sight as she took a gaze at the world around her.
A cloaked figure stood in her vision, and swallowing down largely she took a daring step toward’s it.
If anyone were to ask him why he did it, he wouldn't have a single, sensible answer as to why he took action, but all the same his deed remained. 
He moved faster then he could blink, traveling through the space and reaching her within a second’s time. He encased  her within his cloak, huddled over her as he pressed her close towards his chest, pinning the (h/c) woman to him.
It was then that the downpour began, but of course, she was safe, protected within his safe cocoon, her body stiff with the strong press.
It took her a moment to move, being utterly surprised at first before she seemed to settle, her head inclining back as she brought her eyes up to him, once again connecting.
She stared up at him with wonder, her eyes looking large and beautiful, absolutely breathtaking to him as she stood before him. And to his surprise, she didn't squirm, but instead reached her hand up, cupping the side of his mask's cheek before trailing along the sharp edges with the tips of her fingers.
Cold metal connected with warmed flesh, but it wasn’t something that made her draw away either.  He could see that dancing within her wide open (e/c) eyes was pure hearted  astonishment as she continued to caress the golden piece.
She didn't look afraid, startled perhaps, but not afraid, and it stunned him, shaking him to the core.
“What are you doing here?” he asked her, his voice sounding breathy, but he wasn’t tired.
 If anything, he’d never felt more alive.
He could feel it in his chest, a strange feeling invading him and taking over, 
‘I can’t stop it,’ he thought to himself helplessly.
Blinking a couple times in silence and confusion she shook her head slowly, answering him with uncertainty, “ I don't know,”  she replied, a very soft voice being what graced him. “I'm not sure what I'm doing here,” She added, a gleam to her eyes shining with sadness, replacing the awe that was meant for him. 
“ I was here alone,” she admitted. “And I’ve been her waiting,” she added, a fore lone smile coming into sight.  
“ I wouldn't be able to tell you with certainty how long I was by myself...simply waiting,”  she went on, her hands descending, trailing over part of his chest before coming to the cool glass of his pod.
  “...I don’t even know how to determine how long I had been alone.” she said with the same melancholy.
She'd woken up to the barren land, frightened and cold, left at the mercy of the new dark world she’d been dragged into. There was no sign of life, as even her own heart stilled, quieted as it waited in frightened suspense.
“...How long I had waited,” she added lowly, “ I just sat here waiting to die... waiting for either starvation or something to come and sweep me away,” she admitted with dejection and shame. 
Initially, she’d screamed out for someone, anyone to save her, but no one called back.
No one went in search of the stranded woman, and so having no choice, she went on her own search.
She walked aimlessly, desperate for a ray of hope to shine upon her, but not even the sun graced her. Instead, it stayed hidden behind dark clouds, the murky sky and it's muted colors being all that lay in her sights.
Finally giving in , she fell onto her knees, surrendering at the game of life.
And then the single butterfly landed on her, it’s little legs tickling her nose as it walked along the bridge.
She didn't know how it ended up there either, and she thought that perhaps  it came with her, traveling through the same strange route. It was the only thing that comforted her.
Narrowing her eyes at it she began to smile, abiet somberly, 
“could it be that we are alone?” she asked it, not expecting an answer. “Could it be that no one will come?”
“But you're holding me... someone else is holding me...”she said with a tremor touched voice.
And then she questioned him, 
"Are you some sort of God? ” she said with partial amusement, “ Or death itself?” She questioned him, seeming mystified by the possibility. 
Was such an assumption strange?
Within the barren land someone came to her, appeared before her to hold her. And as though by strange magic he reached her, embracing her.
 He was flattered to say the least, an amused chuckle leaving him, “A god?” he asked himself,  liking the idea as she spoke, 
‘No darling... but I am a partical of God,' he thought to himself with seething pride.
“ What if I tell you that you're right? " he asked her, watching those beautiful eyes sparkle at his response. 
While she waited with diminished hope, and as she screamed and as she pleaded, she’d cried.
She cried her heart’s lament, knowing she’d lay to waste.
His hand's gloved fingers fell down her face, the thick, black material grazing her gently, falling down what had been dried tear trails. 
‘ She’s been crying...
" What would you do then?"  he asked her his eyes never leaving hers as he found himself unable to draw them away.
He watched as she seemed to contemplate the question,
‘Will you try and run from me? 
Push me away...
I want to know...’
She had to know that whatever savior she hoped for wasn’t there. The idea of a knight in shining armor wasn’t befitting for him.
" I'd be afraid," she admitted." I am afraid," she added, not holding back, " But you're the only one here…"  she told him, " You were the only one that came," she reasoned.  
 He could be death itself, and even then she wouldn’t run, she wouldn’t draw back, so, happily, smiling softly with joyous relief she spoke, 
"You found me.”
He could feel his heart once again bouncing, like a sort of detector setting off in her presence, “ I guess I've been waiting too,” he said lowly, his voice just a short whisper. And during then, his mask dispersed, leaving her to gaze at his true face and nothing more. 
He spoke the truth, despite not realizing before how tangled with her he’d been. But there was no question in his mind that what had magnetized him to the same patch of nothingness she was at was a powerful pull sure to be fate itself.
The trailing fingers stopped, his palms cupping her cheeks instead, holding them dearly. Meanwhile, she reached up again, her fingers touching the dark tears that trailed down his cheeks.
He felt her fingers leave a warm trail where she touched him, effortlessly exiting him as she unexpectedly brushed the digits by the outline of his lips.
Would it be so bad to take her with him?
Would it be so bad to find out more about her? 
Discover how she came to be...
Find out just how she came to him...
“Will you come with me?” he asked her, leaning down to her, his lips so close to her flesh as he spoke, “Will you follow me?” he asked, a curl to his lips as he felt her shiver. 
Over the flesh of her arms little bumps had risen as she was both startled and exited. Nodding silently, she agreed, planning to follow him till the ends of the world, 
which was coincidentally just where he planned to travel with her, 
Right to it’s destruction...
‘Looks like I’ve got my plus one,’ he thought to himself, unable to deny the lovely feeling he felt in his chest.
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theultimatesandwich · 4 years
Sanders Sides/Witcher AU
Thank you @jgvfhl for this amazing prompt that I might have spent too much time on, but WHATEVER!!! I don’t need sleep.....but seriously this is an incredible idea I never would’ve thought of, and my god this was so fun to write. Sorry this took so long. Actually, sorry this took so long that in my putting this off we all learned Deceit’s real name....yikes...anywhoo, enjoy!
Background: Janus is part of a mutant human race of monster hunters known as “Witcher’s”, which doesn’t always give him the best reputation. Roman is a somewhat-failure of a bard who only finds success once he follows Janus on a mission and creates a song out of their experience, giving both him and Jan a reputation-booster. Virgil is an ageless, powerful witch, but he still has high aspirations, which may land him in a bit of trouble.
Tw: sympathetic deceit/Janus, swearing, mentions of violence and death and Remus, adult-ish things(think PG-13 ish)
Janus sat by the banks of the river, yet again drawing in his fishing net. Checking it, he sighed and threw it back into the water. He still hadn’t found what he was looking for. Maybe...no, he was sure that it was this river.  While he waited, he walked over towards his horse. 
“What do you think, Roach? Are we in the right spot?” Janus stroked his horse’s mane. “It’s gotta be here...it has to be...”
A sound in the trees behind him caused Janus to stop and draw his sword. He stood, ready for any threat. Unfortunately, he couldn’t anticipate the horror that was approaching.
“Jan? Is that you?”
Janus sighed, for it was none other than that bard, Roman. How he was able to keep finding the Witcher, Janus had no idea, yet here he was. And as usual, he wasn’t going to shut up anytime soon.
“Gods, how long has it been?” Roman asked. “Months? Years? Ah, it doesn’t really matter. I was just nearby, and I heard you were in town, and I thought to myself, ‘Hey, it’s been a while since I’ve seen my friend.’ We are friends, Jan, as much as you might deny it.”
Janus rolled his eyes and went back to his net, trying hard to find what he was looking for, and trying even harder to ignore the endless dribble coming from Roman’s mouth.
“I’m just saying, a letter every once and a while wouldn’t kill you, Janus. Maybe “toss a coin” to the person who helped with your reputation? Would that be so hard?” Roman fell dramatically on the ground beside the Witcher. “I’m serious, you would not believe the past few days I’ve had.”
“Hmm,” said Jan, walking away from Roman to try his hand looking upstream.
“Well, if you must know,” Roman said, following Janus, “the remarkable Count de Stael has rejected my affections. One moment, there we were, having the most magical of times together. The next moment, he leaves me in the dust. I’ve been on my own ever since.”
“I’ve been on the road, with barely any food. If only there was a good friend nearby willing to share his fish?” Roman batted his eyes towards Jan, then glanced around. “Or, someone who would share his fish if he were able to catch any. Do you seriously need fishing tips, because that’s what this looks like.”
“I’m not looking for fish.” Janus muttered.
“Oh.” Roman glanced around, surprised. “Well, what are you looking for, with a fishing net, in a river, where fish usually swim.”
Jan scowled. “A djinn.”
“Like a genie? What would you want a genie for? I mean it would be pretty cool to have some wishes, not going to lie, but I don’t see why you of all people would need —“
Roman gaped at his friend as Janus’s eyes suddenly glowed bright yellow.
“Ah, I see,” Roman thought aloud. “Understandable...but! Did you happen to think that maybe this insomnia you’ve been having is not the root of the problem? Would it be better to instead attack whatever’s causing...this?” Roman gestured at Janus, who had turned back towards the river. “I’m just saying, you need to calm down a little, take a load off, stop and smell the roses, et cetera. You know, the Count de Stael once said to me—“
“Did you sing to him before he left you?”
“Dodging the topic a bit, but yes, as a matter of fact...” Roman paused, glaring at Janus. “What are you implying?”
Janus didn’t answer, and tried again to use his net.
“No, no, no, no genie searching right now.” Roman got close to Janus, leaning towards him. “Tell me honestly, Jan: how’s my singing?”
Without looking up, Janus replied, “It’s like ordering a pie and finding it has no filling.”
Roman gave a large gasp, sounding offended. He paced for a second, sputtering, trying to speak but couldn’t find the words he was looking for. 
“You!” He angrily pointed at Janus. “Need a nap!”
Roman went on lecturing about trivial things such as “manners” and “friendship”, but Jan wasn’t paying attention. His net had finally caught something. 
“And another thing! Wait, what’s that?” Roman looked over Jan’s shoulder.
Janus held up the small clay pot, taking notice of the magical seal on the lid. 
“It’s the Djinn,” Janus said. Before he could do anything, however, Roman tried to grab the pot away from him. 
“Roman,” Janus warned. “Let go.”
“Not until you take back what you said about my singing!”
“Roman, don’t be an idiot!”
“Says the one with no musical taste!”
The pair bickered, fighting over the pot. They both pulled and tugged, until the lid popped off, falling into Janus’s hand. 
Jan glanced down at the seal in his hand. “Roman...”
“See, Janus! This is Destiny’s work, I tell you.” Roman looked triumphantly towards the sky. “Dear Djinn, I have freed you, and am now your master!”
Janus glanced around, on edge. The wind was starting to pick up as the sky clouded over, growing dark and ominous. 
“For my first wish,” Roman continued, obliviously, “may my brother, Duke Remus, be struck down with a case of the plague and die a horrible death. Secondly, I wish that the Count de Stael welcome me back with open arms, and preferably very little clothing. And for my third wish--”
“Will you shut up?!” Janus barked. “Roman, you don’t know what you’re doing!”
“Of course I know what I’m doing.” Roman said. “I’m...I’m...” Roman paused, grabbing at his throat. “Jan...can’t...breathe...”
Roman fell to his knees, his throat beginning to swell up. The winds continued to blow heavily as Janus grabbed Roman, got on his horse, and rode off to find help.
After some travel to the local healers, Janus learned of a nearby witch who could help cure Roman’s stupidity. Well, at the very least cure the swelling. He was pretty sure there was no cure for Roman’s lack of common sense. Following the given directions, eventually the pair arrived at a stone tower. Janus helped Roman off of the horse. The local healers had stopped the spread of the swelling for the time being, but Roman was still very sick. 
The pair made their way inside. 
“Janus,” Roman whispered. “Am I...gonna die?”
“Uh..no.” He gave a small pat on Roman’s shoulder. “You’ve, um, got this.”
Making their way through the hall, Janus called out for help. 
“Is there a witch here? We need her help!” 
“What gave you the impression that all witches were female?” A voice behind them perked up. 
Janus dropped Roman, gently, of course, and spun to face his new opponent. In front of him was a handsome young man, no more than 25, with dark brown hair, a fit body, and perfect, clear skin. But it was the eyes that caught Jan’s attention. Bright purple, almost glowing, they appeared to stare straight through Janus, taking in everything about him. 
“My apologies,” Janus said. “We were desperate; we didn’t know.” He gestured towards Roman. “He messed with something more powerful than he should’ve. We were told you were the only one who could help, but nothing else.”
“Well,” the man said, leaning down to inspect Roman. “I can definitely help, but you’ll need to tell me what it was that he was messing with. That and the matter of payment, but we can talk about that later.” He smirked towards Janus. “Isn’t that right, Witcher?”
Janus stared coldly towards the man. “A djinn,” he said. 
The purple eyed man paused, clearly taken aback. “A djinn, you say?” Jan nodded. 
The man stood up, brushing his clothes off, and extended a hand towards Janus. “Virgil of Vengerberg, at your service.”
Janus shook Virgil’s hand. “Janus of Rivia. But you already knew that, didn’t you?”
Virgil smirked. “Very perceptive, Witcher. Well, I’ll take care of your friend, then you and I can talk for a bit. Consider it payment for helping your friend.”
“He’s not my...” Janus stared at Roman, who was glaring at him. “I mean, thank you.”
Virgil took Roman and, with Janus’s help, carried him upstairs into a spare bedroom. Janus left the room and headed to a table downstairs. After some time, Virgil came down to join him. 
“Your friend will live,” Virgil said, seeing Janus’s expression. “He just needs to rest. He must have a knack for annoying monsters.”
Janus rolled his eyes. “Tell me about it,” he muttered.
“So, Witcher,” Virgil said, sitting down near Janus. “How did someone like you find someone like that?”
“It wasn’t by choice. He has a habit of following me into dangerous situations, regardless of being told to stay back.”
“Interesting. And how did he happen to piss off a djinn, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“How did you get to be a powerful witch, if you don’t mind me asking?”
Virgil held up his hands. “Fair enough,” he said. After a moment, he spoke up. “I came from a place of very little influence. But through some training...” Virgil grabbed a flower from a vase on the table and concentrated. The flower began to wilt, and then the vase lifted gently from the table. “...I came into my power.”
“That’s an interesting parlor trick.”
“Well, I’m glad you approve. Now,” Virgil leaned in towards Janus. “I answered one of your questions, you answer one of mine. How did the idiot find a djinn?”
Jan sighed. It was only fair. “By the river. He stole it from me.” 
“Interesting.” Virgil stared at Janus, his purple eyes meeting yellow. “Well, I should check up on him.” Virgil stood up and began to leave the table, but glanced back towards Janus one last time. “Be careful not to stray too far,” he said, a smirk playing on his face. 
“What’s that supposed to mea--”
Janus’s words were cut short as he felt his body being pulled from it’s spot. His mind clouded. He couldn’t focus. When he finally came to, he was locked in an unfamiliar jail cell. 
“Bailiff!” He called once he got his senses back. “Why am I here? What happened?”
The officer scoffed. “Really, Witcher? You go on a killing spree for that witch up the hill and you ask why you’re sitting here?” 
Deceit slid down the wall. “Fuck.” 
“It’d take a miracle to get out of here,” he thought. “Gods, I wish I wasn’t stuck in this cell.”
Suddenly Janus felt a pain in his arm as his handcuffs came undone, the cell door opening in front of him. The confusion didn’t last long, as Janus quickly wished that he was back at the witch’s tower. He felt another pain in his arm, and he felt the same body pulling sensation, only this time his mind felt clear. The next thing he knew, there he was in front of Virgil’s tower, with two tally marks on his arm. 
“The djinn,” Jan thought. “It didn’t bind itself to Roman, it bound itself to...” He thought about Virgil’s reaction to hearing about the djinn, about how Virgil was so adamant at keeping Janus away once he knew about his involvement.
“He wants the wishes for himself, but Roman doesn’t have them.”
Roman came to in a beautiful bedroom, very healthy and very alive. He could almost pretend that everything that had happened was some kind of twisted nightmare. Almost. Hunched at the foot of the bed was a cloaked figure, their back to Roman. Across the floor were spell-books, jars, and components that Roman would rather not think about. 
“Um, excuse me, very creepy witch?”
The cloaked figure stood up and faced Roman, his purple eyes glowing fiercely. 
“Ok, extremely creepy, very attractive witch, who looks like he’s about to commit a crime that I don’t want to bear witness to.” Roman stumbled out of the bed, wanting to put some distance between himself and the stranger.
“What’s the rush for?” Virgil asked. 
“Oh, yes, well.” Roman fumbled for words, trying to make his way towards the door. “I believe I left my...cat on the...stove. Yes. That’s right. So you see, I really must be going.”
As he tried to leave, Virgil grabbed Roman’s arm, forcing him against a wall. 
“Look,” Roman smiled nervously. “You seem like a very charming, reasonable, not-at-all insane person, so how about we talk this through like sensible people, ok? Or a song? I’m a great singer, you known, even Janus says so. JANUS?!?!”
“He’s not here, idiot.”
“Hey, only he can call me an idiot! And what do you mean he’s not here?”
“You’re missing the point!” Virgil’s eyes flashed purple, more intensely than last time. “I need it!” 
“Honey, you need a lot of things, therapy being one of them.”
“The djinn! Make your last wish; give me control of the djinn!”
“You know you could’ve led with that!” Roman yelped. “Almighty djinn, I forgo my last wish and give up all of my power over you to this witch right here.”
As informal as it was, Virgil felt that it was good enough, and began the preparations to harness the djinn’s energy.
“Okayyy...” Roman glanced around. “I’m just going to, you know, leave and never come back. Goodbye forever!” And with that, Roman sprinted out of the tower as fast as he could.
As he finally made his way outside, Roman ran into none other than the Witcher, himself.
“Roman.” Janus couldn’t help but crack a small, relieved smile. “You’re all right.”
“Indeed I am! Now, I would love to catch up with you and all of your escapades, but we need to go. Far away. From here. Right now.”
No sooner had Roman spoken than the wind began to whip around faster. The skies clouded over in a familiar darkening manner, and a nearby rumble of thunder could be heard.
“He doesn’t know what he’s messing with. I have to help him,” Janus said.
Roman stared, dumbfounded. “Um, no. No you don’t. You could just walk away and pretend you were never here.”
“He saved your life, Roman. I can’t let him die.”
“You could die, too! Leave the very attractive, incredibly scary witch, to his inevitable demise! I don’t care if he saved me; cut your losses now before it’s too late!”
“You know I can’t do that.”
Roman tried to form an objection, but defeatedly closed his mouth instead. “I know. That’s why you’re Janus of Rivia. Go on, go be a hero.”
Janus drew his sword and entered the tower, making his way upstairs to the bedroom. The storm outside shook the windows, and the force of the wind could now be felt through the hallways. 
As he forced open the bedroom door, Janus was met with a disaster. The wind whipped through the room, scattering broken jars and dust across overturned furniture. Lying in the middle of the wreckage, his face in a state of concentration and pain, was Virgil. 
“Virgil!” Janus shouted. “Stop!”
Hearing Janus’s shouts, Virgil looked up towards the Witcher. Now anger joined the mixture of emotions on his face. “What are you doing here?! You’re going to ruin everything!”
“Roman didn’t have the wishes!” As Janus showed the tally marks on his arm a flicker of worry passed across Virgil’s face, but in the next instant it was gone. 
“It doesn’t matter anymore!” Virgil screamed over the brewing storm outside. “You’ve brought it here with you, right? Give me its power!” 
“Just tell me what you want; I can help you!” 
“Fuck off! I don’t need your help!” 
A bolt of lightning struck the ground outside, and the resounding thunder shook the walls of the tower. Cracks began to form in the ceiling, and the wind finally blew out the windows of the room. 
“You’re going to die!” Janus shouted. “Tell me what you want!”
“I want everything!” Virgil’s eyes glowed bright purple, his face a mask of anger and bitterness. “I need to be stronger! I need the djinn’s power!” 
Another bolt of lightning struck outside, and the tower shook once more. Janus felt the building shake and groan, and the ceiling began to cave in around them. 
In that moment, time seemed to slow down. Janus closed his eyes, and gave a faint whisper. As he spoke, he felt a third familiar pain in his arm, and the storm outside began to lessen. 
The tower collapsed around the pair, but remarkably Janus and Virgil remained unharmed. As the dust settled, Janus extended a hand towards the witch. Virgil glanced up at Janus, a questioning look on his face, but refused the aid. 
“I don’t need your help,” Virgil began, standing up. “But I appreciate what you just did.”
“I don’t know if I should consider you strong or incredibly foolish,” Janus said. 
“The same could be said of you, Witcher.” 
The pair held each other’s gaze for a moment, a mutual respect forming between them. 
“I have to go,” Janus said at last, breaking the silence. “The bard’s probably worried.”
“I’m sure he is,” Virgil responded, still staring at the Witcher. 
As Janus turned to leave, Virgil called out to him. 
“I wouldn’t be too upset. I’m sure our paths will cross again soon...Janus.”
And with that, the two of them finally separated. 
Once Janus had found a way out of the ruins of the tower, he was surprised to see Roman crying with Roach. 
“I told him, didn’t I?” Roman wailed. “I told him, I said if you go in there, you’re going to...and now he’s...what are we going to do now, Roach? Without him, I mean you could probably have a good life, you’re a horse! But me? Gods, they could cut out my tongue, or destroy my lute, or worse! Oh, what I wouldn’t give to hear his voice again?”
“Roman,” Janus finally spoke up as he approached. 
“Yeah, like that! Exactly like that.”
“Roman,” Janus said, a little more exasperated.
“Wow, Roach, you do a really good Janus impression.”
Janus sighed, tapping Roman on the shoulder, causing him to yelp and jump five feet in the air. 
“Holy mother of-- you aren’t dead!”
“No, I’m not dead.”
“Is the, um, you know...”
“He’s not dead either, Roman.”
“Nice.” Roman nodded his head. “Very nice.”
“So!” Roman clapped his hands together. “Where are we off to now? What spirit of adventure is calling us towards the horizon?”
“I was thinking we get a drink.” 
“Now, that I can get behind.”
And with that, Janus and Roman made their way off from the ruins of Virgil’s tower, not knowing where destiny would guide them, nor when all of their paths would cross again. 
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kryptsune · 6 years
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🌼Howdy :D so I have been working on Seraph’s design. I know I have redone him again and again but I won’t actually finish him until I am satisfied. It is my perfectionism talking. Anywhoo, tell me what you think. I attached the possible outcome that would cause Red to become this way just for some added background! Hope you enjoy! 
💙 Remembrance 💙
Frisk slowly turned as her body began to float off the ground. She was just about to use her own soul to break the barrier but she didn’t expect this outcome. It was all of them. All the monsters she had met and befriended. Their eyes were filled with concern. They didn’t want her to die or to leave. She was so confused, wasn’t this what they wanted? To be free? She did not understand. Surely they were just here to see their suffering come to an end. To celebrate the end of their imprisonment. Her eyes lifted to the barrier now just inches from her fingers. If she did this they would be free and that was what she wanted for them even if it meant she would cease to exist. She couldn’t come this far to let them all down. This was what she needed to do. Her eyes couldn’t rest on them anymore otherwise the tears would begin to flow. It would make it harder even more than it already was.
The air was fresh and cool like something you would witness as the first frost of winter thaws bringing forth life-giving water. The scent of a sweet flower filled her senses. All of these scents were something that she thought had once been lost to her. It was all a dream, right? The very concept of having completed her mission was one too fantastical to fathom. The human mind can only comprehend that which it witnesses not what small miracles sometimes shine through the cracks of an austere reality. A light that could penetrate the darkness of a world filled with malice and suffering. A rather negative outlook on life but one with such a past must look beyond and overcome the obstacles that lay ahead. That was exactly what she had done. That was exactly what she had accomplished. It was not that she had been their savior or some kind of magical fairy. No, she was the one that gave them what they had needed. The thing that had set them free was not power, or revenge, or even determination. It was hope. A hope that resonated with their dimly lit grey souls that now glowed with the pigments they were meant to. A bond between those of the physical and those of the magical. Her bond. She was the thing that united them all pouring her kaleidoscope of color into them until they no longer were the monsters she had met before.  
Their appearance had not changed and yet their hearts and souls had. They were no longer incomplete beings with a lust for revenge. They had been given a second chance and… so had she. It would be false to say that this was indeed her second as she had been reset over and over again in accordance with her own will but it was a chance that meant something. In those final moments. The moment she left Sans behind to face their king she felt her hope dwindle. Each step felt heavier than the last as if her very being was telling her to retreat back to her skeletal judge. Every word that she had thought to utter had been painfully gutted from her ever-spinning mind. It was not a pleasant feeling. The emotions had run so high back there. Her head turned to see the lit corridor as her palms curled in on themselves. Her trust, her heart, and even her soul had nearly been obliterated by the information she had heard. All she could do was stand there with her mind ready to come to terms with this great judge. The one that countless inhabitants of the Underworld had been terrified of. A monster so powerful that the king himself knew not the name of. A name that no one wanted to know. Only this monsters power was to be spoke of and nothing more.
Her mind wandered back to that very moment. The moment the bell had tolled.
The entire hall, as pristine as if it was just constructed, was bathed within the sunrays of some unknown light. There was no one there...at first. It was an eerie chill that took a hold of her small frame causing it to shiver without volition. Each image that her imagination dug from her mind was worse than the last. A monster of unspeakable horror. A TRUE monster. It was the only thing that would make any semblance of sense but no. 
A shadow lurked just beyond a pillar beyond obstructing the golden rays from spilling onto the warm tile floor in an array of colors and specks. A silhouette that leaned against one of the marble columns in a stance not too unlike someone stricken with the plague of defeat. It’s footsteps illuminated the subject when it was in the perfect space between light and dark. The silhouette...of an old friend.
….It was like her life was slowly flashing before her eyes….
Her mind returned to the barrier as she slowly raised her hand watching that bright blue glow appear from her chest only to be grabbed by a hand. At that moment she turned to let her hand fall to see the one who had done the action. It was not who she was expecting. She half expected it to be Grillby but no it was Papyrus, Sans’ older brother. Her eyes were wide unable to believe what was happening. He was pulling her away from the barrier. They all had the same expression, relief, “W...why?” It was all she could think to say.
Red stepped closer. The hall had not been the best of points for him, but he was ever the silent judge. To not have the judge be known meant that the judge could not be swayed, not by King, threat, or greed. Of any job and duty Red had ever had, as Sans and Red... It was this that he took most seriously. The thought itself kept building in his mind. He could keep her here with them or... he could let her go. 
She could just barely make out their words as it felt much too surreal. That’s when her eyes fell on Sans who seemed to be looking away like he just couldn’t bear to watch. The hall aside she had grown to care for him maybe even something more. Out of all of them, he had changed the most. She could feel herself slowly floating closer to the ground as she was pulled away from the energy of the barrier. That soft hum droned in her ear just watching as if this very moment was caught in time.
but only for a moment
That pretty blue heart appeared held together with a bright red glow. The magical attack went straight through her causing that red heart to separate from its blue host. Her body fell along with her soul leaving only a fit of laughter that could be heard as the monsters she had befriended watched the body fall, lifeless. In the end, Chara had won. They had all lost...
Red.. saw red...
Seeing her heart floating there and hearing Chara's voice laughing in mockery, broke him,"fuckin’ brat!" Red growled and didn't even think as he launched forward, calling for her soul to come to his hands, However he didn't specifically call to just Frisk's soul.. But called to them all. A skeletal hand reached for the soul and grabbed it, a bright light filling the room as the rest of the souls broke through their containers. A monster had absorbed all seven. That monster was Sans.
He didn’t want to lose her... Not again.
Frisk's body fell only slowly drifting presumably caught by Sans as he changed. Chara nearly screamed at what the skeleton had just done, "YOU BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU! YOU OF ALL OF THEM! YOU THE ONE THAT KILLED AND MURDERED WITH THAT STUPID GOLDEN TOOTHED GRIN OF YOURS!" Chara raised her hands' dark energy crackling between her fingers, "You will pay bonehead!" Chara pulled up the check only seeing that everything was glitching with his name in different colors now. His stats were breaking the display, "It doesn't matter! Why would those souls help someone like you! I was the one that watched them die! I was the one who wanted to protect them! YOU ARE ALL DISGUSTING MONSTERS! Look at you! Did you even once stop your killing ways? NO! You hurt Frisk over and over but you never cared! Especially you FONTAINE!"
Red held Frisk's body close to himself. "Because dey know my intent Chara. Dey know yers too." Red said, standing taller now with many wings folding behind him. He had changed into this curious formation, an amalgamation of all 7 souls. "Yea ah did some dumb shit. Shit I ain't proud of. But Sans Fontaine died long ago, thanks to mah kitten.." He said, gently holding her. “The likes a you ain’t gonna ever touch dis pure soul again. Never. Ya still outmatched ya fuckin brat but it was ya always planting doubt in her mind, wasn’t it?”
They both fought nearly tearing the entire castle apart only until Chara ended up with her neck in Sans grasp, "You don't deserve a happy ending. You could have stopped her from coming here! You selfish bastard!" Chara just smirked, " I didn't have to do anything to place doubt in her mind, Sans, you did that just fine on your own. All the horrible things you have done treating her like a toy and some kind of pastime! You hurt her Sans! More than she could bear and all your sins paved the way for me to gain more and more control. This is all your fault.~ Kill me if you want. I am just going to be sad that I won't get to see the guilt eat you alive!" Her smirk widened ruby eyes flaring, "I will never stop until I am dead!" All he heard was a soft sweet whisper that wrapped around him. The blue soul at his collarbone shimmered a little glowing all the brighter.  *Don't listen to her Sans
"I don't deserve forgiveness. I know dat but tha one that pays for dem mistakes is me and me alone. Ah ain’t havin’ an innocent girly pay for tha shit I did.” Seraph said as he gripped her neck tight. “I can see ya sins crawlin all ova ya Chara. I can feel my own on me. So fuck off ya little brat.” He said as he crushed her neck in his grip.
*Why do you say that? I forgave you a long time ago. 
*ah don’t deserve ya forgiveness kitten... Frisk... but I was too weak n selfish ta letcha go. If we’re going free ya can’t die on us. We need ya ta guide us.” He said to her, holding her body tight. Red felt very alone suddenly and looked down at his hands. He tried to will the souls to let go of their hold but they only wrapped tighter around him which brought him to his knees. “S-Sweetheart?”
*Yes, Sans?
“Frisk? Is that really...did I save ya?” He had thought he imagined her soft voice near him. It was all in his mind. Her body lay there on the ground. No, he did not save her. She just watched him silently curious as to how this all worked. 
*Sans I...I am not there anymore. I am... a part of you. My soul is a part of yours but... I am right here... with you. He felt hands on his own holding them gently even though no one seemed to be there. She could see the tears that were beginning to form in his eye sockets.  *I'm sorry Sans. I.....I should have listened to you. I am not gone I am here...with you forever. I'm sorry. I... I wish I could hold you. I wish it was just us. It is a little crowded with everyone else. Sans you know I care about you... so... so much...
He wiped an eye with one of his now massive claws, “How can ya forgive me darlin? I’ve done so much shit I’d have ended myself a long ass time ago if ah wasn’t such a coward.” He let her body rest on the ground, “I can feel ya inside my soul darlin, you n all tha others... I... guide me kitten. So I don’t mess all ah this up and make sure we’re neva sealed like that again.”
He could picture her slowly shaking her head. *Sure… the things that… happened were horrible but… that doesn’t mean you are beyond forgiveness. You changed. Out of everyone here you have changed the most. I used to be scared and have panic attacks around you. I don’t feel that way anymore. I guess our little talk made me realize. I’m not justifying what happened but… I understand. I forgave you for that. I would be sad if you did that. I….I guess now you can break the barrier. That is what I was going to do all you have to do is use us. He could hear the pause in her voice. *But after… I don’t know what is going to happen. I might...disappear.
“I ain’t letting you go so easily dahlin,” he said firmly, striding up to the barrier, and ripped it apart. It would weaken the souls, but not by much, it having used most of his power. He was a god, what more need be said?
The other souls seemed to fade as if they were still present maintaining his form but didn’t have a voice like she did. He could see her smiling sweetly when he said he didn’t plan on letting her go though he would lose touch with her for a brief moment. Her soul was still cracked into pieces only being held together by his own at this point. Determination had saved her once it could save her again.
Her silence had him panicking a few moments, but he added what determination he had now to keep her alive, “Don’t leave me kitten... don’t...” He did not know what to expect from the world above but as he and the rest of the monsters trapped made their way to the surface words could not describe, “It’s beautiful out here.” 
They looked and felt conflicted especially with their new god-like monster with them. This was not how it was supposed to happen. It was silent as the sun began to paint the sky with oranges and pinks. It was almost sunset. No one knew what to make of Sans now. They didn’t know what to make of any of this. Boss was usually good at hiding his emotions but he looked just as conflicted as the rest. It was like they knew the human would not see the sky with them all and they were happy to be freed but it felt… like something was missing. Asgore didn’t seem to want to speak to anyone and Grillby, well, he was staring off into space.
Red sat on the cliff’s edge, he certainly didn’t seem happy either. Yea he had a thought of taking and bonding with Frisk, but he hadn’t expected to call the other souls, hadn’t expected to become what he was now, “Funny.. I actually wish I could reset...” He said, before giving a broken, forced, chuckle which turned a touch manic for a few moments, as tears streamed from his eye sockets.
He could just barely feel a faint hint of her presence as he spoke. She could feel everything he felt and saw. It was so strange. Never once had she seen him so broken. He had all the power in the world but it wasn’t like he wanted it. No one really wanted it. Not even Asgore. It was just a way to be free but that power in of itself was its own prison.
*It's alright. I am here for you, forever and all- She had never seen him cry before.
*R...Red don't cry... please... It hurts to see you cry She wished she could return to her body but his soul was holding on so tightly to her. *Maybe we can figure something out? Maybe.... in time... I can come back. Maybe this is just temporary. It will be ok.
He remained on that cliff face, his eyes closed as he internally just held her, “Maybe kitten. This is all so new… so... different...”
*Red your soul is holding onto mine so tightly. I am as close to you as I could ever be...actually... oh stars He could just picture her flushing in embarrassment but still enjoying the warmth she could feel from being held. It was a more intense version of the physical and it felt just as comforting. She could see what he saw, the sunset. She never thought she would ever see the sky again so she tried to change the subject though trying to keep her feelings from him would be near impossible.
She knew his damn near obsession with her. How much she had actually affected him without him having to say a word. The thoughts. The fantasies. All of it was there and laid bare, “Ah...don’t think I could let go even if I wanted to darlin...”
*Nothing is wrong I am not saying to let me go.... I am just a little flustered. I...it's nothing. We are just... Really close so I'm a little flushy and very warm. y....yeah... I mean souls are an intimate thing... and it's uh... I mean y...you and I. Oh stars why can't I just talk normally. It's... it's like the others are in a space to give you their power but... you and I... we are... it's... just...just us. I can feel your soul beating so close to mine. It's just making me a little... flustered is all. I...I can practically see all of your thoughts.
That made him blush so deeply, “Fuuuuck I didn’t think you could see that kitten I can explain.” He was now hiding in the floof of his jacket within their shared mindscape.
She thought it was cute the way he acted like a huge flirt but when it came down to it he was just as flustered as her. She was going to tease him a little bit. She a long time maybe even forever.   *I am listening. I have allll the time in the world… maybe even the universe. I don’t think I have ever seen you so flustered before. It’s cute. I know you do. I can feel it. It is almost overwhelming. I… I have feelings for you too...I just did not know how you felt. You are not the best with outward emotion you know
She was just curled up in his arms with her eyes closed peacefully. It was strange as there were two visions. One was the outside world and the other the safe space where they were together.
*I will still love you no matter what. I’m sorry… I never said it before. I was afraid to. It’s selfish but I have been through so much… I don’t think I would have been able to handle the rejection or teasing. I feel horrible that I would even think that…
*“Guess we both were kinda silly huh?” He laughed then, holding her. “But it don’t matter. Ya here with me now maybe we can figure out a way fer yas ta communicate with Boss an the others.”
*I guess so.
She was smiling and chuckled along with him. 
*Well hopefully we don’t have a fight then cause I can’t really go anywhere. You are stuck with me for life Sans Fontaine. Humm? Wouldn’t be a little much right now? Everyone is free… I don’t think he really knows what to think of his little brother becoming some kind of all-powerful god. Everyone… they seem so… sad… I thought they would be happy.
*“Yea.. tibia-nest kitten.. No one.. Really wanted this power, least of all me.. Ah just took it because I didn’t want to lose you..”
*I know you didn’t. I…. I can’t help but feel this is my fault. If I just… stayed away like you told me to… I… and the Hall… I… I said some things. I… I’m sorry.
*“Shh... I know. Truth be told. I didn’t wantcha ta know I was the judge because they neva knew it was me. That I was so powerful. Not even Asgore knew exactly who it was.”
*I know. I know it was not something you wanted me to see. Truth be told… I always had this feeling you were. The way you kept bringing it up as if to scare me away. The fact that you disappeared right beforehand. I already knew your power way before that but… I didn’t want to believe it. It’s alright now. I just… what I said to you. I was...hurt and I lashed out. I felt so betrayed and Chara used that against me. If I had known I wouldn’t have… said those things… It still hurts to think about.
*“Nothing that coulda been helped. I was trying to keep ya from me actually doing the one job I had no choice but ta do.”
*I know it couldn’t be helped and I know you can feel how much pain I am feeling because of it but it’s all forgiven. I am here now and so are you and that is all that matters right? What do you think everyone is thinking? Do you think they are happy just a little? I hope so. Can you tell them I'm happy for them all?
*“Perhaps darlin. I can’t read minds as it is.” He said as he looked out over toward the spires of the human city in the distance, “Doesn’t matter ta me. Chara can shove her disapproval up her ass. I saved ya and tha barrier is broken.”
*I know you can’t read minds that would be terrifying though I know you can read mine. I am glad it’s all over now. I guess I can rest in peace right?
He would hear her chuckling a little nervously at the dark humor before she was silent for a little while staring out over the cliff with him. 
*Oh look the stars are coming out!
Seraph smiled softly, as he looked up at the stars, “It’s beautiful darlin. They shine just like yer eyes did.” He thought in his mind to her, a smile on his inner self’s face.
Frisk was smiling as the stars started to twinkle it actually brought tears to her eyes. She had this little dream about laying under the stars with him pointing them out and knowing their names one by one. 
*R...Really? My eyes shine?
“Yea.. every time ya got really determined an hopeful. Ya eyes shone like tiny stars from books,” He admitted, laying on the ground to stare easier up at the stars.
She wished she had known what they had all wanted. If she had been less Determined or if she had stayed away, taken Boss and Red’s offer to stay with them. None of this would have happened. It was a bittersweet ending. One that brought tears to her eyes in both joy and sorrow. Now only the passing of time would tell if she would be able to physically join them all again. It wasn’t so bad though. She was now even closer to the one she cared so deeply for and realized, in the end, the person, well monster, that completed her. 
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jennifersylvesters · 6 years
not so subtle - part seven
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x reader Word Count: 3.7k~ Warning: swearing; sexual references ( no smut ); angst A/N: remember when “not so subtle” was just this fun, light fic and now it’s gotten a bit more serious? ain’t that a nice metaphor for life. anywhoo enjoy. hopefully. i’m not sure. as always, feedback is always appreciated/loved aka pretty please with a cherry on top
“Haz!” you called out in a singsong voice. You wandered around the park near your apartment in search of him. When you got home that day, Kimberly informed you that he was waiting for you but decided to go for a walk until you finished classes. Hearing that news you flung your backpack to the side and hurried out.
Calling out his name again, you grinned seeing a figure turn on the bench nearby and smile at you.
“Finally finished with classes, love?” he asked as he stood up. You rushed over to him, jumping and throwing your arms around his neck. He held on to your waist tightly as he swung you around. Letting out a laugh, you kissed him and melted as he kissed you back. When he finally stopped twirling you, he pulled away beaming at your greeting. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
You giggled, never wanting to separate from him. “So smart of you, babe.”
“God, I lo-”
Thud thud thud!
What the hell was that? You looked around puzzled before turning back to Harrison, unsure of what was happening. How did he not seem to even flinch at the noise?
“Sorry, can you repeat that?” you asked, wanting to hear what he said.
“I just said that I-”
Thud thud thud!
Your eyes slightly cracked open to realize that it was just a dream. Well...Fuck.
Rolling over, you propped your head up slightly. For a second you assumed it must’ve been a strange dream effect. You were about to slump back into the pillows when the sound boomed once more.
Thud thud thud!
Still drowsy from lack of sleep, it took you a moment to realize someone was at your door. “M’not here” you grumbled under your breath, hoping that the noise would stop. No such luck.
Thud thud thud!
Obviously the world wanted you to wake up and greet the new day. How inconsiderate seeing as you were enjoying your time in bed. You let out a groan, slinking your body out of the bed till your feet touched the carpet. It took all of your strength to get up properly. You shuffled to the door, wincing as the thudding occurred once more.
“I’m gonna murder y-Oh!” Your disposition changed slightly upon swinging open the door and seeing your visitor.
There was Emma smiling cheerfully at you. Somehow you doubted she turned in early after the party so it was surprising to see her polished and well rested.
“Morning!” she chirped, entering into your hotel room. “Up and at ‘em, Y/N! I did text you, by the way. Figured the only way to get you up was by knocking.” You loved her, but you couldn’t understand how she had so much energy while you struggled to keep your eyes open.
Shutting the door, you trudged back to the bed where Emma made herself comfortable. She sat with her back against the headboard, legs out and ankles crossed. You, on the other hand, sprawled onto the bed, throwing the covers on you once more and shutting your eyes. You could afford a couple more minutes of sleep. If anything, you deserved it.
“So” she started, dragging out the word. “Tom saw you and Harrison last night.” You didn’t have to look to know an excited smile had crept onto her face. So you grunted, keeping your eyes shut.
“Fuckin’ creep” you mumbled into the pillows.
“Don’t call my boyfriend a creep” she scolded you, taking one of the pillows and smacking your head with it lightly.
“Fine. He’s a fuckin’ stalker” you decided. Emma went quiet, knowing you’d just come up with some other term she’d hate if this continued.
Instead she decided to ask you what happened, wanting to hear the news from you personally. You loved Emma, you really did. But you didn’t want to tell her. Even though you wanted to treat last night as no big deal the way you assumed Harrison would, it wasn’t something the world needed to know. Couldn’t it just remain between the two of you?
You shrugged your shoulders against the mattress. “Nothing happened” you lied, still refusing to open your eyes.
Emma wasn’t stupid. She shook your shoulders, exclaiming that something must’ve happened. After all, Tom wouldn’t have been as hyped if he hadn’t suspected that something went down.
So you were faced with the decision of whether you wanted to tell her or keep it to yourself. You wanted to do the latter but decided on the former. After all, she’d find out eventually. Raising your head, your friend waited for a response with an expectant look.
“I mean-You know-” you paused, trying to figure out how to tell her. “Harrison and I had sex and it’s totally not a big deal” you quickly mentioned, hoping that if you spoke fast enough she wouldn’t understand.
Unfortunately for you, she heard and understood every single word. She shrieked, smacking you as she jumped on the bed. While it would’ve been funny in any other situation, it just made you embarrassed. You face heated up as she screeched about her excitement.
“My baby girl got laid!” she squealed, bouncing on the bed as she shook you excitedly.
“Stop screaming” you hissed, hoping that the neighboring rooms couldn’t hear.
“But you and Harrison! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Finally!” she stopped hopping, finally falling back onto her back next to you.
“I told you it’s not a big deal” you attempted to wave off.
“Of course it is! You and Harrison-You-Him-You really-Double dates-I’m just so happy!” she burst out, hands clutching her chest.
“It’s not a big deal, Ems.” This time you were more insistent and firm on your words. She glanced over at you unsure of your tone.
“Why do you keep saying that?”
“Because it’s not a big deal. It was obviously a one time thing.”
Emma stopped smiling. This was not the news she wanted to hear. The idea of Harrison simply relegating her best friend to a one night stand was unacceptable. She sat up, turning towards you. “Is that what he told you?”
“He didn’t have to tell me that, Ems. It’s just obvious.”
“How is it obvious, Y/N?”
“It’s Harrison. Have you ever seen him commit?” Emma opened her mouth to respond, but closed it a minute later. You got her there.
“Well, what did he actually say after, um, that?” she asked.
You shrugged your shoulders. “Dunno.”
“What? How do you not know?” she asked tilting her head in confusion..
“I left.”
Those two words ignited something in Emma you never saw before. “What do you mean you left?” she shouted, brows furrowing.
“Emma, please!” you groaned, burying your head further into the mattress. Apparently she didn’t care about your exhaustion. All she wanted to know was what happened.
“Y/N, you better explain yourself right now or...Or...Well I’m not sure what I’ll do, but I’ll do something!” she insisted. It was hard to take her threat seriously when not even she knew what she planned on doing. You grunted in response, prompting her to frown and cross her arms.
“I’m not leaving this alone until you tell me!” A sudden weight dropped on you, and you realized that your best friend was sitting on you. Emma wasn’t a particularly heavy girl, but you could feel her pushing force into her weight.
“Emma! G’off!” you wailed, squirming as she pressed her weight further onto you.
“Then tell me what happened!”
Eventually you gave in, promising to tell her. When she finally got off, you grumbled and sat up. “That was kind of a dick move” you pointed out. She rolled her eyes, waiting for you to divulge what occurred the night before. 
That’s when you told her everything. Well, you told her most things. The details of what happened in the bedroom were secrets you planned on keeping to yourself. Not like she needed to know how good Harrison was in bed.
But you spoke of how after it happened, you realized this wouldn’t work out. You could see Emma wanting to insist it would, but you reminded her how Harrison wasn’t the commitment type like Tom. She frowned, wishing you hadn’t been right.
“He looks at you differently though.” Her words made you wince. You wanted to believe her, that Harrison might actually view you as special. It sounded so great, so fantastic. But all that glitters isn’t gold. 
“No, he doesn’t.” If you said this enough - reminded yourself that you weren’t the exception in a world full of rules for love - that you wouldn’t get played.
Emma went quiet, staring at you concernedly. She took your hand in hers, rubbing it gently. “You know I only want what’s best for you.”
“I know.” And you did. The two of you always looked out for one another, never letting others even put a damper in your bond. There was a trust that no one truly understand how she was more than just a friend.
But you saw the way guys looked at her. You would never admit it, but you envied her charm. Things like falling in love weren't just a simple leap of faith for you. You needed that net, that security that you would be alright if the worst happened.
“What if he told you he liked you?” she asked after a beat, hoping you might change your mind.
“Emma” you called out her name, voice strained.
“No, really! What if he-”
“It wouldn’t matter.”
“But what if-”
“Emma! Drop it! Please!” you pleaded, wishing she’d talk about anything else but him. You yanked your hands from hers. She never dealt with rejection the way you did. While you struggled to get boys’ attention, Emma always had amazing relationships. And now she had Tom, someone who cherished her with every fiber of his being. He reminded her daily how special she was.
That was what you wanted. And it sounded so tempting to wish that Harrison would be the one to provide it. But fooling yourself wasn’t going to make the new year any better.
Both of you went quiet, an uncomfortable silence filling the room. The two of you never argued about a boy before, at least not when it came to you. She was always on your side to cheer you on or comfort you when things collapsed. But Harrison complicated everything with her encouraging the romance while you found yourself grounded in this level headed realism.
“We should probably head to brunch soon” she eventually said, standing up. “I’m gonna just let Tom know that you’re up. I’ll be back in thirty. That cool?”
You nodded in response.
You could’ve sworn that before she left you heard her say under her breath how oblivious you were.
True to her word, Emma knocked on the door half an hour later. By then you managed to get presentable. If Emma had been upset about the previous conversation, it didn’t seem to show. Instead she kept a smile on her face as she asked you about how you were liking the hotel.
The two of you headed down to the buffet hall pretending everything was fine. It was just a normal day. Except you were in an expensive hotel in Vegas about to get an free all-you-can-eat meal. And you had sex with a guy that you thought you supposedly hated the night before. Yup, super normal.
Then there he was: Harrison in all his glory. Why was your heart beating so quickly? Knock that shit off. After all, he was only wearing a simple shirt and jeans. But then why did he make it look so damn good?
When he looked your way, he was practically glowing. He straightened up upon seeing you, smiling wider and face completely lighting up. You weren’t sure why, but you found yourself blushing like crazy.
Oh, and there was Tom standing right next to him. To be honest you’d been so transfixed by Harrison you hadn’t even noticed the other guy.
As Emma took Tom’s hand in hers and headed to check in, you and Harrison stood next to one another. There was a nervous energy despite the polite smiles the two of you wore. It was as if there was an invisible line that the two of you tiptoed, unsure if the other was allowed to cross. Would the other welcome you in? Or would you be forced back if you overstepped?
“I, um…” Harrison struggled with his words, trying to figure out how to start a proper conversation. His eyes flicked up towards the other couple, realizing that they had been fixated on you two. When Harrison made eye contact with them, they immediately diverted their attention and pretended like they hadn’t been blatantly watching. He rolled his eyes before looking back at you.
“You...You didn’t have to leave last night.” There it was again. Harrison extending out that hope that you desperately wanted but was afraid would be retracted the moment he got bored of you.
“It was probably for the best.”
“But you could’ve stayed” Harrison insisted, leaning in towards you. “I wanted-”
“Our table’s ready!” Tom announced, patting you on the back as he interrupted the conversation. Harrison frowned as the group was escorted to the designated table.
The waitress took your drink orders, instructing everyone that they could head to the main buffet with the drinks set to arrive in a few minutes.
While normally you would load your plate up with everything in sight, you found yourself just grabbing one to two of your favorites. You just didn't have the usual appetite, finding yourself on edge for reasons you couldn’t explain.
“No toast with strawberry jelly?” You turned and almost smacked into Harrison who stood only a couple inches from you.
“Thought you'd get your usual” he commented as he made his way back to the table.
Why did he always do that? Emma's words echoed in your mind: “he looks at you differently”. You mentally slapped yourself, remembering how things ended with Steven. No, he doesn’t. This wouldn't end pretty if you pretended otherwise.
You watched Harrison’s back, almost wishing you could get a read on him. No such luck. Taking in a deep breath, you headed back to eat.
“So, did you guys have a good New Year’s Eve?” Tom asked casually as he took a seat across from Emma. You slid into the seat next to Emma while Harrison sat across from you next to Tom's side. Harrison smirked at the question, waiting for you to answer.
At this point your drink orders had been delivered to your table. You took a long sip of your coffee letting it burn your mouth, eyes flicking from Harrison to Emma. Had she told? Or had Harrison told? Looking over at Tom, he just smiled politely at you. Either he was a better actor than you gave him credit for or no one told him what really transpired last night.
“It...was okay” you finally answered, still nervous that perhaps Tom knew but just wanted to hear the words from you.
“I thought it was pretty hot” Harrison announced, causing you to sweat. God, why didn’t he just tell everyone that he ate you out? It'd be simpler than the implication he made that something went down (besides him).
“No, it was okay. It was fine. It could’ve been better.” You probably didn't need to add the last part, but the words flowed out freely without thought.
“I don’t think so.” While your best friend and her boyfriend began eating, you and Harrison just looked at one another. He was studying you; was it concern or irritation? Your face heated up knowing you were starting an unnecessary argument.
“I think it could’ve been improved” you continued as you prodded the eggs on your plate.
“Oh really?”
“Yeah. It could’ve been better.”
“Really now?” Harrison was getting irritated, and you could hear it. Still your mouth refused to shut up.
“Yeah, it wasn’t a big deal.” You were playing a dangerous game with Harrison, toying with both of your emotions. Yet your brain wasn’t connecting with your mouth in the slightest.
“What part?” His voice was on edge, and you knew you were teetering on a thin line.
“Oh, you know…” You paused, trying to decide on the right words. “Just...All of it.” Shots fired.
“I went down on you, and I know you came for me at least twice last night.” Tom’s mouth dropped open, dribbling out the coffee he drank. Emma’s eyes widened, accidentally flinging her spoon upon hearing Harrison’s announcement. You slunk in your seat, face heating up as you stared down at your plate. He wasn’t wrong, but you hadn’t expected him to admit it in front of those two.
Tom pushed out of his chair, stumbling away from the table. “Oh. Wow. I forgot bread! I should get bread!” he nervously rambled as he refused to look you or Harrison in the eye.
Emma followed suit quickly getting out of her seat. “Oh! Wow! Yeah! I forgot salad! I love salad!” An absolute lie. The only salad she tolerated was fruit salad, though you both knew that didn’t count. But you understood why she fibbed.
The couple rushed back to the buffet, not wanting to deal with the current mess at hand. It was just you and Harrison now. Even with the bustle of others around you, the tension didn’t fade. You didn’t know what to say or do so you picked at the food on your plate, refusing to look at him.
You wondered if you could just sink into the floor or potentially just run away. No, Harrison had longer legs than you; he’d catch up immediately. It was obvious that he wanted to talk about this even if you didn’t. You could feel his gaze boring into you so you cracked first.
“Why would you say that?” you asked, finally looking at him.
“Why are you acting like it wasn’t a good time?”
God, you wished he hadn’t asked that. What were you supposed to even say? What could you say?
“I don’t wanna talk about it” you murmured, glancing back down at the plate.
“Well then when would be a convenient time for you?” he snapped, sarcasm and annoyance visible in his voice.
“Preferably never.”
“What’d you mean ‘never’?”
“As in I don’t really wanna remember it.” He went silent for a minute. Only the sound of people rustling around could be heard before he finally spoke again.
“Why not?” It was a simple question yet one you didn’t have an answer to. You knew you needed to say something, anything, to get him off your back.
“Why?” he repeated himself, pressing the issue.
“Because, Osterfield.”
“But, why?”
“Cause it’s not like it really mattered to either of us anyways.”
You heard the silverware clang against the table and looked up to see Harrison looking...Strange. He wasn’t necessarily hurt, but there was an unsureness in his display.
“What’s going on then, Y/N?” he asked, voice quiet.
“Why are you doing this?” You avoided his question presenting your own instead.
“Doing what?” He was confused by your words. Normally he knew when he was in trouble, often instigating on purpose. Yet now he couldn’t figure out what he had done. “Y/N, I’m just-”
“Why are you pretending like this matters?”
“You never really cared before so why does this matter now?”
“Good toast, yeah?” Tom slid his newly filled plate onto the table, clearly oblivious to the tension between you and his best friend.
“Is that a fuckin’ joke?” Harrison fumed, hands balling up. This anger was new to you. Sure, the two of you got on one another’s nerves, but he never got as upset as he was now. He never raised his tone, at least not with you. Yet here he was, voice raised and temper high. He didn’t care that others around tried to sneak glances without getting caught.
“N-No? It is good toast?” Tom stammered, unsure of the hostile tone. Not even he was used to his best friend’s fury.
“Shut the fuck up about the toast, mate” he gritted through his teeth.
Harrison kept his eyes on you, waiting for you to say something - anything. But you were faced with the same question that pestered you: what were you supposed to say? What did he want you to say?
You kept reminding yourself that last night didn’t mean anything. Harrison didn’t do relationships. This would only end badly if you gave into the hope of wanting more. Yet why did it look like he was in such pain?
A part of you wanted to take his hand in yours. Don’t do it. You wanted to apologize for everything you said. Don’t do it. You wanted to ask him if he was serious about you or if Emma was imagining things? Were you imagining things?
But the words and actions never came out. Instead, you just turned away and stared at your now cold food.
“You know what? Fine. Fuck it. Forget the whole fucking thing ever happened” he scowled. Harrison stood up, his chair screeching as it scraped against the floor. He angrily tossed his napkin in the table and huffed off, muttering how unbelievable you were.
Tom stood up, chasing after his best friend. You looked to see Tom catching up with Harrison. Tom put his hand on Harrison’s shoulder hoping to calm him down. Harrison, still furious, yanked away as he angrily said something to his best friend.
You saw Tom glance back at you, as Harrison stomped off. Tom worried about both of you, but he wasn’t sure what could be done. So he let Harrison leave as he walked back.
“What happened?” Wasn’t that the million dollar question.
You turned away from Tom, unable to tell him anything. There was nothing you could say that would make things alright. Instead you just watched the back of Harrison’s frame as he left, wondering how this mess escalated so far.
tags list: @sleepybesson, @tomhaz | @almostrosadiazz, @bbk8lin, @blackstarryroses, @butithasntkilledyouyet, @chims-kookies, @choke-me-sweet-pea, @highladyjel, @hollandhearts, @jessiq31, @kateelyse96, @mylifesucksbuthereiam, @otheenglishsetters, @sadnoelle, @sarcasticvodka, @sherlocksangelinwonderland, @sleepwalkingdragon, @soccerstud004, @spider-mendes, @thefallenbibliophilequote
part eight
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mindninjax · 3 years
Heat of the Moment
Pairing: Tobio Kageyama x Reader (College AU)
Rating: Explicit (18+ minors do not interact)
Warnings: virgin!Kageyama, sex, virgin sex, nipple play, condom sex, Y'all it's pretty tame ok. It's wholesome sex
Word Count: 2.6K
a/n: HERE IT IS CEE! @spacelabrathor I PROMISED YOU A KAGS FIC AND IT'S HERE. Here he is in all his cute, dumb, awkward, blunt (but still a fucking prodigy at everything he does) glory! ALSO FOR YOU some Atsumu slander bahahah. (No one come for me I love Atsumu but like... come on, mans is a little asshole) ANYWHOO This is supposed to serve as a little continuation to my first Kags fic So I hope you enjoy! Also s/o to my love @dymphnasprose for always dropping sweet yummy Tobio thirsts in my DMs and making me absolutely feral for this man. I love you forever baybeeee
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“I want to have sex.”
He’s decided, made up his mind, the decision is final, no more going back and forth. Steely blue eyes gauge your very surprised expression as you lay on your belly on his bed, feet kicking the air as you read a book. Your eyes widen in surprise as you take in your boyfriend’s expression.
“What?” you ask, chuckling and pulling yourself up to sit and give him your full attention.
“I want to have sex with you.” He repeats it, confident and reassured that it is exactly what he wants as he looks into your eyes. When you raise a questioning brow, he stomps over to the bed to sit beside you and place a hand on the small of your back.
“Tobio, is this about what Atsumu said last week?”
You know how much Atsumu is able to get under his skin. He teases him constantly about being a virgin after Tobio accidently and drunkenly let it slip that he hadn’t done anything with you other than heavy petting and heated make out sessions. Atsumu has teased him since then, making jokes about one day stealing you from him so you could be with someone with experience. As if you’d leave Tobio for Atsumu. Yeah right.
“You know I’d never leave you for him, right?” you say looking into his eyes with a worried expression. His cobalt eyes gleam back at you, getting momentarily lost in your beauty before he scowls again.
“It has nothing to do with that piss-haired loser!” he says defensively. He knows you wouldn’t leave him, especially not for Atsumu, but he can admit—only to himself—something else Atsumu said is what helped him make his decision.
There’s nothing better than seeing a woman come undone around you. You look at her face and see her pleasure and know it’s all because of you and you feel invincible.
Tobio swallows hard when he pictures for the fifth time tonight your face twisted in pleasure. You gasping and moaning his name like the woman in the porn he watched for reference last night. His hand moves to rub your back seductively and his expression softens.
He really does love you, you’ve put up with so many of his mood swings, supported him at every game, even helped him with homework is some of his toughest classes.
“I just want to be able to make you feel good. I know you’ve had sex with other guys before me, but I wanna be the one who made you feel the best.”
You crawl into his lap, straddling his muscular thighs and draping your arms around his neck to plop a kiss onto his surprised lips. The tiny lounge shorts dig into your thigh as you look at him through your lashes and he digs his fingers into your plump ass. He intakes a breath when you grind on the bulge in his pants and his eyes grow wide.
“You don’t have to prove anything to me,” you say, a sultry smile working it’s way onto your face. “But I won't say no to you trying.”
You kiss him, grasping his silky jet black locks and plunging your tongue into his mouth. Both his large hands grasp your ass as you grind down harder on the growing bulge in his pants.
Tobio always gets a boner when the two of you make out, but to feel how warm you are and how close your pussy is to his dick, it makes him grunt into your mouth. He leans back on the bed, flopping onto his back as he holds your waist and balances you atop of him.
You continue kissing him, purring and humming against his lips, and when you pull back to look him in the eye, a string of spit keeps the two of you connected. He looks at you in earnest, biting his lip and trying to focus on your pretty face instead of the ache in his shorts.
“Ok so should I fuck you now? Why are our clothes still on?” He asks with complete seriousness and you snort. Your world shines brighter due to his absolute lack of tact, and he frowns when he thinks you’re making fun of him.
“What?” he grumbles.
“That’s something Atsumu won’t tell you, probably because he sucks at it. There’s a beautiful thing called foreplay and you’re going to learn it,” you say as you smile against his lips and run your hand down his chest.
“From a woman no less, which means…you’ll already be ahead of the game.” You grind your hips down upon him again and he’s too late to stop the groan that tumbles from his pink lips.
You smirk then roll to the side to move off of him and he rises up in shock, eyes wide and worried. But he holds his breath when he sees you standing and removing your shirt and shorts before you look over your shoulder at him.
“Well, I can’t be the only one undressed.”
Tobio quickly sheds his shirt and shorts, sitting clad only in his tight compression underwear on the bed. He stares at your bra and underwear, eyes drinking in every deep curve, the swell of your breast, and how the thin twine of the straps of your thong sit on your hips.
His fingers fist into the sheets of the bed and his cock twitches at the mere sight of you. He can’t remember how he got so lucky but he smiles smugly to himself when he pictures the surprised look on Atsumu’s face when he finds out.
You tiptoe over to him sitting on the edge of the bed and push his thighs apart to stand between them. He wraps an arm around your waist and cranes his neck to look up at you. You run a hand through his hair, pushing it from his forehead. His long fingers trace down the curve of your back and you sigh at his touch. He places his forehead against your stomach and closes his eyes.
“Your skin is so soft. I want to kiss it,” he mumbles. You chuckle as you continue rubbing his hair.
“So why don’t you?” He opens his eyes and obliges, placing his lips against your stomach. You sigh again as he kisses down your stomach and stops at the hem of your underwear. His hands are on your hips now, digging into your skin and fiddling with the straps of your panties. He’s so eager, the excitement he usually saves for the volleyball court oozing out of him as his piercing gaze asks you for permission.
You give a curt nod and he loops his long fingers through the skimpy string of your panties and slowly pulls them down your legs. When you’ve stepped out of them and he’s face to face with your pussy, he gasps in amazement. He takes a few moments to look over you, his hands running up your thigh before he continues his path of kisses from your stomach down to your clit. He stops suddenly when you whimper and his eyes are wide with panic.
“Sorry, is that bad?” he asks in a small voice. You don’t realize your eyes are closed until you open them to see his eyes panic stricken expression. You rub his hair gently and give him a reassuring smile.
“Nope, it’s actually really really good. Aren’t I the lucky one to get a guy who doesn’t have to be told to kiss my pussy,” you say laughing. Tobio smiles up at you as well, now more calm by your relaxing tone.
“Can’t help it when it’s that pretty.”
He pulls you down on top of him and you squeal as you straddle his waist. He lays on his back, massaging your hips as you mount him. You reach behind your back to unhook your bra and his eyes grow even wider as your tits fall. You always knew Tobio was a boob guy, but the way he’s looking at you now, mouth slightly agape as he licks his lips, definitely cements that fact.
His cock twitches in his underwear and you give him a quick kiss before shimmying down his body to free him from his cotton prison. You’ve never seen Tobio naked before. You’ve felt his impressive length through his pants when you two have fooled around and fantasized about how pretty it would be when you finally witnessed it but like always with Tobio, it's better than you expected.
He’s not too long but he’s quite thick. He's already dripping precum and it leaks onto his belly when it pops free; the tip is a beautiful plush pink that matches the flush of his skin when he sees you staring hungirly at it.
When you bring it to your lips and lick the tip, he groans loudly and clutches the sheets on the bed tightly. “Wait…I almost…” he grunts through his teeth. You look up at him apologetically. A blowjob probably isn’t the best idea for his first time, but you definitely make a mental note to suck him off some time soon. The man’s cock is way too pretty not to be in your mouth.
“Sorry,” you say before moving back up his body to kiss him passionately. He grunts into your mouth as you bite his lips. His hands tangle in your hair and he ruts against your ass in anticipation. When he moves to bite your neck you moan and whisper his name.
“S’okay. I wanna...suck…” he grunts, pawing at your breast as he nibbles and licks your neck. He sounds like he’s asking permission and you breathe out a quick, “yes” before rising up to sit on his lap.
You can feel his heart speed up, thrumming underneath you as he raises and pulls your body flush to his. You feel his long lashes flutter against your chest before he latches to your nipple and groans deeply. You’re not sure how he knows exactly what to do but your pussy grows wetter with every flick of his tongue on your skin.
“Mmm Tobio, you’re so good at that,” you moan and you can tell he likes the praise. He flexes his hips up into you, grinding against your ass and you moan again desperately as blood pumps straight to your cunt.
Tobio continues licking and sucking your nipples, moving from each one to give them equal amounts of attention, but when he bites down and sucks like he’s pulling something from you, you throw your head back in bliss, a loud shrill whimper bursting from you.
You’re ready now, your body vibrating with anticipation. You push him to flop on his back again, lean over to open the desk drawer, and grab a condom. You quickly rip it open with your teeth, pull it out in one quick motion and roll it slowly down his length.
He watches in amazement, you’re a pro at this. How on earth were you able to make opening a condom that sexy? You lock eyes with him now as you hover above his dick and his chest heaves up and down. He thinks once again about how lucky he is, how gorgeous you are, and how much he can’t wait to see your face when you’re coming on top of him.
“Don’t be nervous baby,” you purr as you line the tip up with your pussy. Even through the condom he can feel how warm you are, and he has to take deep breaths and focus on not finishing too early.
“Don’t you wanna make me feel good?”
He grits his teeth as you sink slowly down onto him. You spread around his length and he watches in awe as you take him. You both cry out when you’ve sunk all the way down on top of him and your walls are fluttering as you become accustomed to him.
Tobio’s eyes are squeezed shut, he’s panting trying desperately not to think about how fucking warm and tight you are. He can feel you clenching, feel you caress his cock and he can’t imagine how good it would feel if the condom weren’t between you two. His hands are digging into your hips, leaving marks as he concentrates on holding in the cum he wants to shoot into you.
“Shit…is it always like this?” He grunts as he looks up at the ceiling.
You chuckle as you run your hands up your body, massaging your own tits and pinching your nipples. You lean down to whisper in his ear.
“No, it’s even better without a condom,” you smirk and he gasps at the thought. You lift your hips then, placing your palms on his broad chest and balancing yourself to hover over the tip before plunging down onto him again.
You continue rocking your hips and bouncing on him and he swears he can see stars. He grunts and moans, gasping as you draw circles with your hips on his cock. He remembers how good you are at dancing and isn’t surprised at how well you ride him.
“Fuck...shit this feels so good,” he groans and momentarily open his eyes to watch your lovely face. Your eyes are lidded and you’re biting your lips in concentration, a seductive smile playing on the edge of your lips.
“You’re doing so well baby,” you coo. You’re impressed, he’s lasted far longer than you thought he would, but then again Tobio’s always had great stamina.
Your ass slaps against him, bobbing like the first time he saw you twerking and it only makes him buck up into you more. Your tits are bouncing as the room fills with the sultry sound of slapping skin. He bites his lip as he feels his insides tighten, a pressure building in him as your pace quickens.
Your moans are loud, eyebrows furrowed in pleasure and when you whimper his name, it feels like he’s on the court. His instincts kick in and he flips you on your back. He pulls your body close to his and looks into your eyes before he plunges into you.
The new position allows him to hit an angle no guy you’ve been with has ever been able to hit and you cry out in ecstasy. He pumps into you desperately, kissing you and watching as your eyes start to roll to the back of your head. He feels so good inside you and he’s so close his arms and legs are starting to shake.
He watches as you bite your lip, scream his name and clench so hard around him he doesn’t have to be a pro to know you’ve just come. He smiles a cocky smile to himself before a guttural growl breaks from him and he spills a thick load of cum into the condom. So Atsumu was right about that. There’s nothing better than seeing you scream his name and watch you come undone because of him.
He stays embedded in you for a few minutes as both of you twitch and come down from your high. His head rests in your neck and when he’s finally caught his breath he flashes you a cocky smirk. You giggle and roll your eyes, not needing to hear him say anything.
“How the fuck did you do that?” you ask as he pulls out of you and removes the condom.
“I don’t know, my body moved on it’s own I guess,” he shrugs as you take the condom from him, tie the end and dispose of it. You kiss him on the lips and shake your head with a smile.
“Should’ve known you’d be a goddamn prodigy at it.”
Tobio pulls you back into his arms to hold you and bask in the after sex glow. He’d finally done it and he’d managed to get you to come too. A prodigy you’d called him. This was definitely something he’d “accidentally” share with Atsumu next time.
Thanks for reading!
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komakitigerdrop · 6 years
ok but what do we think will happen when Asami finds out Akihito sucked off Sakazaki??? cause he has to find out right!? they had a conversation just a while before that about how Akihito should never betray Asami... how’d Asami react? He’d kill S obv but what will he do with Akihito? some creative punishment maybe, or severe disappointment and anger?
Ah, the Sakazaki incident………
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See, as you might have noticed, I’m still bitter about that. It’s the one part of the story (other than how it all began, lol) that I hope sensei regrets writing. I can’t seem to find the purpose in it. Why did Sakazaki go from “yo! Asami’s boy, gtho I don’t want to get into trouble” to “here, let me molest you and make a video out of it so that one day I might use it against you and against me by default, which will likely result in me having a most painful death.”
Why did Akihito agree to do it? It is sad to think that he needed Asami’s validation that bad, he himself feels bad about it afterwards.
I just don’t like that part of the story and maybe that is the main reason why I still detest Sakazaki even though sensei is clearly painting him as a character with more complex motivations than we originally thought. 
To answer your question, I will say what @storyofauke already pointed out a while ago: the Sakazakigate is/was a bomb that sensei set up, and also a bomb that she diffused by making the story progress and giving both Akihito and Asami bigger fish to fry.
That was, however, before she brought Sakazaki back into the picture, and in a much more prominent position than before. And as I see it, the possibility of that video getting to Asami’s hands increases with each frame Sakazaki shows up in, and then decreases every time he goes MIA. It’s as if YA keeps setting up the bomb and diffusing it chapter after chapter…….
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But then, why would she even bother to have Sakazaki make a video if she had no intentions to show it ever being used? Maybe she had a lot of drama planned and then changed her mind? Maybe she still has a lot of drama planned?!?
Let’s go with that scenario, then, and let’s assume Asami will turn on his 60 inch QLED TV to watch the new season of Stranger Things on Netflix but for some mysterious reason the video with Sakazaki pops up instead. Bonus points if that happens when Akihito walks back into the room with a bowl of popcorn: the telenovela is ON!
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Seriously now… that thought has haunted me for years. 
Will Asami feel he has been cheated on? I have a hard time envisioning that, especially because Akihito is a very expressive man and he even bites Sakazaki in the middle of it, so unless the thing is edited to look sexier than it actually was, all I can imagine is Aki looking as pleased as someone who is forced to suck off a dirty mop.
Asami will obviously notice he has been coerced, and given how things normally work in his line of business, I don’t see him being disgusted/enraged at Akihito for agreeing to that kind of transaction. Upset, yes. But on a normal day he tends to be reasonable and wouldn’t throw that big of a temper tantrum or anything like that.
Problem is that with Akihito his emotions tend to run wild. I can see how he could easily be manipulated into believing Akihito did all that of his own volition and as a part of a bigger plot to destroy him, or maybe I am still under the devastating influence of @eprime masterpiece ‘In the Devil’s Teeth’, which I read a bazillion years ago and still terrifies me every single time lol.
If Asami and Akihito break up because of that, though, I demand that Akihito gets a new boyfriend and that Asami begs for forgiveness, on his knees, preferably in front of the El Quijote across from Sion, so that half of Shinjuku gets to see it.
But seriously, how telenovela would that be? =D
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