#ao3 author wrapped
I'm 100% stealing this from @pagegirlintraining
AO3 wrapped (writer’s edition)
I had a long year, so I didn't get to write as much as I would have liked to, but we still got a ton done.
1. How many words have you written this year? 180,453 words.
2. How many works did you publish this year? Somehow the answer is eleven.
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? Reckless Abandon. Hands down. It took so much time to plan and so much energy to write and I am so proud of it. I'm writing the ending of the first draft right now and I'm sad to leave it behind.
HOWEVER I also very much enjoyed The Last Time, which is my Nilcent fic. I think just in terms of quality, this is one of my most beautifully written fics.
4. What work of yours has the most hits? The fics I have with the most hits is Reckless Abandon, but I think that's because it's the only one from this year that had more than one chapter.
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? Dress Up As ! I wrote that in like 30 minutes while half asleep and then didn't edit it, so I didn't think anyone would read it at all lol. It's not my most popular fic by any means, but more people read it than I thought would.
6. Favorite title you used? Wilhelm's Frog Addiction because it's so ridiculous. It implies that Wilhelm needs a rehab for frogs, and I think that's great.
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? I used the title of The Last Time from a Taylor Swift song, but I think that was the only one.
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year? Wilhelm/Simon Eriksson with 9 out of 11 fics being about them or containing them in some way. (damn thats an unfortunate statistic)
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? Obviously Wilmon. I feel like that's a given at this point.
10. What work was the quickest to write? Dress Up As... again, I wrote it in 30 minutes while half asleep💀
11. What work took you the longest to write? If we rule out the one that's multi-chapter for fairness sake, then the fic that took me the longest to write was probably Not Entirely Screwed (But Almost). But take that with a grain of salt.
12. How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year? Two or three that I actually plan on finishing. I have others that are started, but I don't know if I have enough plot to actually get through them.
13. What’s your longest work of the year? Reckless Abandon, containing 123k of my 180k words this year 💀
14. What’s your shortest work of the year? A Fool Proof Guide - 507 words.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you? Finishing Reckless Abandon! One chapter to edit and an epilogue to finish writing, and then it's done. I just can't finish it in the two days I have left of the year 😭
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? Simon Eriksson Loves Wilhelm, followed by Wilhelm Loves Simon Eriksson
17. Your favorite character to write this year? I simply cannot answer this. My mind has been so consumed with Reckless Abandon and the switching POVs that I literally cannot choose one.
18. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? I think I might like to write more of Felice's platonic pairings next year. I feel like I neglect her because I don't really ship her with anyone.
19. Which work of yours have you reread the most? The Thing In The Mirror. It's kind of a love letter to my grief, so sometimes I go back and read it when I'm feeling down.
20. How many kudos in total did you get this year? 2,754
21. Which work has the most comments? Reckless Abandon, but again, it's the only one with more than one chapter so that makes sense.
22. Did you do any collaborative works this year? Not this year! Maybe next year. Dani and I don't write "together" per se, but we do bounce a lot of ideas off each other, so if that counts then yes, but nothing plotted and written and posted together.
23. Did you write any gifts this year? I did! I wrote for YR Week, which wasn't a gift, but an event. And I wrote a Christmas gift for Nic!
24. Did you receive any gifts this year? Yes yes yes! A beautiful, perfect Christmas gift from @pagegirlintraining I enjoyed every word of it.
25. What’s your most common category? M/M
26. What do you listen to while writing? Not much, actually. I have the Reckless Abandon Playlist, but I only really used that when outlining.
27. Favorite work you wrote this year? For the sake of not repeating myself, out off the ones I haven't mentioned yet, Isn't That Your Thing? and Patience Is A Virtue are my favorite little crack fics.
28. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? Oh jesus, that's impossible. I don't think I can choose just one. I can give you one that makes me think "holy shit I can write" though:
This piece of work — the one staring Stella in the face — was a revolution made of oil paint. 
29. Biggest surprise while writing this year? I can write smut. And people don't hate it somehow.
Thank y'all for a fun year. Can't wait to see what my brain does to torture us all in the next one.
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unendingwanderlust · 9 months
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Saw a few of those AO3 Wrapped for authors templates and they looked fun! Questions from here (I love how writing-focused it is! Way too many of these templates focus on stats, which can't be the best for one's mental health).
Answers and director's commentary below the cut:
Words written this year: 116,462
Most written rating: Explicit (is anyone surprised?)
Most written category (gen, m/m, m/f, f/f, other): M/M, followed by F/F.
Most written fandom: The Hobbit
Most written relationships: Here's the top 5:
Gimli/Legolas Greenleaf
Bard the Bowman/Thranduil
Thorin Oakenshield/Thranduil
Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield
Bard the Bowman/Thorin Oakenshield/Thranduil
3 of the above made it to the top 5 because of the Summitry series, I'm sure.
Favourite characters to write: I interpret this as "most written" because I couldn't pick a favorite to save my life. My top 5 is as follows:
Thorin Oakenshield
Bard the Bowman
I feel like I must blame the Summitry series again for these results.
Honorary mentions: Gimli (always a pleasure to write!) and my OC for Thranduil's Wife, Laergliriel (I just know I'm going to have the time of my life when she shows up on the page).
Favourite additional tags (eg. hurt/comfort):
Established Relationship
Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Kinktober/Kinktober 2023
Anal Sex
I expected so, so much worse. There's always next year, right?
Favourite fic you wrote (+why if u want): That's such a hard question to answer because I enjoyed the process of all 50 fics that I wrote this year. If I absolutely had to pick one, I'd go with Of Spider Silk And Escaping Prisoners, my beloved! It was so much fun to work on from beginning to end.
Honorary mentions:
The King's Most Precious Jewel. Bagginshield with Thorin at the height of his dragon sickness? How could I not love writing this?
To Covet And Treasure. I'm SO NORMAL about this fic, I promise. It's also attached to the crown jewel of the World Of Our Own series, my biggest writing project to-date that I have no idea when I'm even going to finish/post. Hopefully soon.
On The Edge Of A Knife. There's just something so fun about Thranduil's mutually awkward crush on his wife-to-be. I also love writing him in his War of the Last Alliance era. So much angst, so much opportunity for character development.
Favourite paragraph(s) you wrote: That's a tough one. I'm going to go for a couple of paragraphs from This Time, Next Year because I love the Gothic romance ambiance of it:
That night, she dreamed strange dreams. She was in her body, and yet it belonged to another: male, with unfamiliar scars and different tattoos. Another body draped over hers, its weight a comfort for her weary heart. A sense of impending, inescapable doom hung between every kiss they shared, only momentarily chased away by whispered words of undying love and devotion.
Legolas told her a tale of deep friendship that had blossomed in the ashes of ancient hatred; grudging respect between warriors that had grown into mutual affection, and eventually blazed into fires of passion. He told her of their first and last night as lovers, when they had joined their bodies and hearts before the final battle against evil. Legolas’s tale was long enough that, when he concluded, the sun sank into the horizon, only to be replaced by the waxing moon.
Favourite dialogue snippet you wrote: Another hard choice to make, but this takes the cake (from here):
Thranduil caught a whiff of pipeweed. Not even a heartbeat later, Laergliriel parted the foliage and came into view. She smiled and tucked her hair behind one ear, exposing the thin red line that ran from her temple to the corner of her mouth; a new acquisition.
“What is wrong with your face?!” Thranduil exclaimed.
Off to a splendid start. Those had to be his first words to her tonight!
Laergliriel sank to the ground beside him with a barely audible oof. She preserved the smile. “Of all the ways to call me ugly, Thranduil. Unfortunately, not all of us have been blessed with stunning good looks.”
WIP ideas for next year: A lot! But let's just do a top 5:
An untitled for now Gimli/Legolas fic set during the Quest of the Ring, during which Gimli recognizes that Legolas is his One and goes through every single stage of grief under the sun. It's about 60% finished, which means it might be the first multi-chapter fic I'll post in 2024. I estimate it's either going to be this or our next candidate:
Nocturne, a snippet of which lives here. Essentially, an AU where Maglor is the one who raises Legolas. A lot of fluff and a lot of angst with seriously complicated family dynamics (because, y'know, Second Kinslaying and Thranduil being from Doriath. Among other stuff).
The events of the War of the Last Alliance from Thranduil's point of view. A couple of scenes already written, lots of it outlined.
This is only an idea with no execution so far, but I'm itching to add a ghost hunting story to the There Goes The Neighborhood series. Especially since neither Legolas nor Tauriel believe in ghosts, but their half-sister surely does!
My AO3 profile will be 10 years old sometime in 2024, and what better way to celebrate than with a filthy little oneshot? It'll be Tolkien femslash, but that's all I'm going to reveal on the matter.
What you learned from writing this year: JUST POST THE DAMN THING! I have a chronic over-editing problem, which can be an issue if you're crazy enough to participate in Kinktober, Flufftober, and Whumptober in the same year. I re-wrote entire 2K+ word fics from scratch even though there was nothing wrong with them... never again.
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violetsdaisy · 10 months
Wrapped AO3 Edition 2023
Inspired by Spotify’s Wrapped that launched today, this is my AO3 version, wrapping up this year and looking at all my accomplishments/and how unhinged I was for all of 2023.
I tag all fanfiction writers!!
How Many Fics You Wrote
21 (so many)
How Many Words You Wrote
Longest Fic You Wrote
Plus One - 49,382 words
Total Kudos You Recieved
Most Used Rating
Most Popular Genre
Fandom You Read the Most From
Yu-Gi-Oh (puzzleshipping)
Fandom You Wrote the Most For
Yu-Gi-Oh (puzzleshipping)
Most Popular Fic
Plus One (with 150 kudos 🫠)
Your Favorite Fic of the Year
As The Sun Rises by @cloudsmachinations
(Also I give credit to @hikariandyamiblog because it was her idea, I just executed it ❤️ also she writes the best puzzleshipping fanfiction, please go read her stuff if you haven’t)
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beatleshalloween · 3 months
Just a reminder if AO3 has not come up on your computer or other device please clean out your catch and try again.
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the-amber-fox · 9 months
AO3 Wrapped
How many words have you written this year? 143.349 published on AO3. Quite a lot unpublished. Quite a lot for other things.
How many works did you publish this year? 10
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)? I think it’s One, two, three, four, five, sex on my mind aka sex shop au. This was such a ridiculous idea and we executed it with a passion and fun level that just made it irresistibly fun.
What work of yours has the most hits?
As this was the year of the red white and royal blue movie astoundingly the one fic I wrote for the fandom, Midnight Icecream, won by nearly double the hits than my others.
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected? Sex shop au. Normally people comment less on E-rated fics.
Favorite title you used? Nothing here to fear.
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most? Nothing here to fear is from a Tori Amos song called Wednesday Also Take Me on is naturally from A-Has Take on Me. The Prince and the Popstar had a lot of lyrics and artists too. Check out the playlist for this one.
Pairing you wrote the most for this year?/ Favorite pairing you wrote for this year? Wilmon
What work was the quickest to write? I think You’re the cutest Jailbird I have ever seen was extremely fast.
What work took you the longest to write? The Prince and the Popstar, because me and the lovely @pagegirlintraining were just insanely busy.
How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year? Wednesday AU and half an idea about Burlesque style barkeeper Wille.
What’s your longest work of the year? The Prince and the Popstar
What’s your shortest work of the year? Take me on
What WIP are you taking into next year with you? Wednesday AU. I promise I am going to finish it one day.
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag? Alternative Universe
Your favorite character to write this year? Simon as Wednesday probably.
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year? Wilmon all the way to the end baby. Let’s see if we need fix-it’s after season 3.
Which work of yours have you reread the most? I do not reread my own work in general. But I reread comfort pics like Oh Christmas Tree by @ishotforthestars.
How many kudos in total did you get this year? 2.983
Which work has the most comments? This year The Prince and the Popstar.
Did you do any collaborative works this year? I wrote four amazing fics with @pagegirlintraining and one lovely fever dream of a collab with @ishotforthestars.
Did you write any gifts this year? Yes, I wrote five: One, two, three, four, five, sex on my mind for @ishotforthestars Love is everything, stupid for @girls-are-weird Midnight icecream (Red, white and royal blue) for @rmd-writes Take me on for @pagegirlintraining Slipping’ into Christmas for @piebingo
Did you receive any gifts this year? Yes three lovely ones: Christmas Basket by @tuiiii En-Garde by @girls-are-weird Killing me softly (WIP) by @pagegirlintraining and @ishotforthestars
What’s your most common category? m/m
What do you listen to while writing? This might sound weird but it totally depends on my mood and what I am writing: sometimes I do listen to music, sometimes I even have dedicated playlists. But sometimes I listen to a movie from the genre I am writing or to old John Oliver episodes…
Favourite work you wrote this year? I have to name two, I can’t chose. It’s either The Prince and the Popstar or Sex Shop AU.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
“Simon, we are an inclusive group. It’s an adult queer romance book club, I doubt that anything you are wearing could–” Wille trails off with a splutter and stares at him as Simon opens his coat and shrugs out of it. Simon doesn’t know if he should feel self-conscious or proud that he made an obvious man of words lose them with cutout tights and a glittery mesh top under his big, violet fleece scarf. It really does leave very little to the imagination, he thinks to himself as he unwraps the fleece. Wille clears his throat, squeezes out “I’ll get you a hoodie,” and turns on his heel to speed walk to the other direction of the shop. 
29. Biggest surprise while writing this year? How well all four coops with @pagegirlinwriting went and how much better of a writer it made me. It challenges you if you have to keep up to another excellent writer.
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fandomblogs-posts · 5 months
The weather is perfect for writing but I have to be at work 🥲🥲
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To add to the previous anon
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#everytime she comes back to the base.
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I think people who headcanon that c!Quackity is c!Tubbo's parent and people who headcanon that c!Quackity is c!Tubbo's brother should fight it out cage match style, for enrichment.
My enrichment, not theirs.
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sees-writes · 9 months
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Thank you all for such an amazing year! Cheers to 2024 🍾🍾
Template is by @spicedrobot <- 💙
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kerosenecrushh · 9 months
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What a year!
Blank after the cut
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imjustwritingg · 9 months
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my ao3 wrapped author’s edition has made me realize just how crazy and fun 2023 really was for me. I can’t wait to see what 2024 brings! 😈
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wordsofwilderness · 10 months
AO3 wrapped, writer's edition
Words written: 120,191
Words actually posted: 40,208
Chapters/one-shots written: 22
Chapters/one-shots actually posted: 9
Long-fics started: 5
Long-fics finished: 1
Fic ideas that i haven't even started on: 9
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lilac-hecox · 2 months
AO3 Half-Year Wrapped
In December I did a end of the year wrapped for AO3!
I thought it would be fun to do a half-year stats of my AO3 and compare it to the December stats! (+ is up, - is down, = is same, bold is new)
Top 5 by hits
Crash Course =
Dog Whistle +1
Pierced Through the Heart
Win or Lose -2
About to Bloom
Top 5 by Kudos
Timeless =
Pierced Through the Heart
Everywhere I Go
Alls Well That Ends Well
Crash Course =
Top 5 by Comments
Everywhere I Go
The Bluffs =
Timeless -2
Pierced Through the Heart
Return the Favor
Top 5 by Bookmarks
Timeless =
Alls Well That Ends Well
Everywhere I Go
Pierced Through the Heart
Crash Course -3
Top 5 by Subscriptions
Dog Whistle +2
Pierced Through the Heart
The Bluffs -2
Inhale, Exhale, Repeat
Top 5 by Word Count
Everywhere I Go
Summer Sun
Alls Well That Ends Well
Timeless -3
Pierced Through the Heart -3
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1-8oo-wtfbro · 2 years
me: no, don’t kill urself! life is so good and so are u!! don’t do it, love exists and it will find you soon!!! please!!!!
also me, while reading ab my favorite character going through the most traumatizing shit known to man: do it. come on, jump bitch. they’ll cry so bad afterwards. they’ll feel SO sick babe. SO sick. do it for urself babe, treat urself dude. NO NO COME ON- DAMMIT i can’t believe they stopped them. kick them in the balls and jump now.
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espithewarlock · 9 months
Some end-of-2023 asks that didn't get asked but I'm answering them anyways! Some are from AO3 Wrapped and some are from the more general 2023 reblog.
How many works did you publish this year?
20! It's so much more than I thought I would post, let alone write!
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Bittersweet, That Glitter (aka, Dragon!Pierre) by a long shot. I love the fantasy & worldbuilding and it's some of my best stuff. (I also loved dropping it on Sol unexpectedly and having her start shouting at me within a minute of posting it. Seriously, AO3, you chose then to be speedy with email notifications??)
What work of yours has the most hits?
My Pierre/Charles/Max Soulmark AU. Probably because it's one of the few chaptered fics that I have and probably because it's lestappen tagged. Of my oneshots, Omega!Pierre just beats OnlyFans!Charles by a few hits.
What work was the quickest to write?
I started Take, Take Me Over at 6:30am, wrote 1.9k words, edited, and posted it by 8:30am. (Then I went to the gym and found the perfect song inspiration. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
What work took you the longest to write?
Another Deep Dive All The Way Down (aka, the Carlando Coffeeshop AU that's a companion to Mermaid!Charles) probably had the longest time start to finish because I kept procrastinating writing the ending.
What’s your shortest work of the year?
I wrote exactly 1,016 words for the short-fic prompt challenge, Trading Controllers, and I'm impressed at how much story I squeezed into just over a thousand words.
How many kudos in total did you get this year?
I'm sitting at 2,307 while I'm writing this and that is simply insane! I'm done posting Coffeeshop and I'm hoping to get a few more on that one since it's now 100% complete. Honestly, the fact that over two thousand people have liked my stuff enough to say they like my stuff is incredible!
Which work has the most comments?
By sheer number? Soulmark AU at 66 comment threads, but that averages to 3.9 per chapter. Mermaid!Charles has 4.1 per chapter, for comparison. Of my oneshots, Nymph!Pierre has 8 (including an ESSAY that makes me 🥰), Baker!Pierre has 7, and OnlyFans!Charles has 7.
What do you listen to while writing?
I actually usually listen to Twitch streams. The video game music + the commentary/content gives me something to flip back to while I'm thinking over story ideas and doesn't pull me out of the writing flow like listening to distinct songs.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
It's so hard to pick just one! Here's some of my favorites: 1. The 'little squid' bit from Nymph!Pierre 2. The whole meet-cute scene from Baker!Pierre (+ Kimi's "But that did not go well") 3. The line from Dragon!Pierre after he leaves ("Now that he knew the warmth of Charles' hands, of his mouth, on his body, there was no way the sun could compare.") 4. The absolute heartbreak of Pierre saying goodbye to Mermaid!Charles 5. OnlyFans!Charles pointing to himself ("what a coincidence! I also like your shirt.")
Talk about a new friend you made this year
Literally everyone in the Calamar's Club, but especially Logan & Sol. Sol for being the sweetest person ever, letting me be insane about dragons, and inviting me to the server after seeing me shout into the void for friends. Logan for dragging me into the chaos, the constant encouragement of everyone, and for making me melt every time they react to anything I post.
How was your birthday this year?
Excellent! I visited my sister, went to her wedding dress fitting, and we saw the musical Six! It was my first time seeing it and it was AMAZING.
Favorite book(s) you read this year?
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune & The Near Witch by VE Schwab
What are you excited about for next year?
Posting my PWFE fic, meeting up with a local-ish fandom friend, and hopefully planning my first overseas trip!
If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
Read your fucking comments, Espi! You could have been making new friends and having fun conversations all year and you were too much of a coward to try that until ~September~. Most of them are lovely and you should ignore the ones that aren't!
Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
Yep! I resolved to start lifting at the gym (instead of just doing cardio) and I've made pretty good progress! Going to continue into next year for sure!
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trshtffc · 10 months
My Spotify wrapped displaying a textbook case of horny ass bitch 🤝 me posting it anyway
Bonus points: half that was playlists for my E rated fanfics
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