#aoa cyclops
steelajeeg · 2 years
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Age of Apocalypse Cyclops
- from Marvel Legends
- by Hasbro
One Day One Shot
After a quick day off, we're back. And One Day One Shot December continues.
Today's figure was a clearance find from a few months back - Marvel Legends Cyclops, from the Age of Apocalypse line.
A cyclops from an alternate reality that dares to ask "what if cyclops drank redbulls and punched holes in his walls"
I'm not a huge Marvel Legends collector, but I couldn't pass this one up. The price was a huge factor, but also love this one-off story redesigns. And I have a huge soft spot for Age of Apocalypse.
Great sculpt, especially on the hair and the asymmetrical armor. Incredible colors on this (mostly unpainted) plastic. I love the scuffing and bronze tarnish effect they got on the gold armor.
[Instagram link for this post]
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mutandandproud · 2 years
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Joely Furtado imagines how the AoA characters would look in a tv animated series
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positivelybeastly · 7 days
From the Ashes Infinity Comics #15: Pygmalion, Part 1
So, for those who are not aware - Infinity Comics are online-only comics distributed through Marvel Unlimited, their subscription based app and browser collection of comics. Regarded as 'inessential,' but still very much canon, the raft of Infinity Comics coming out of From the Ashes have been quite good, but I haven't seen fit to comment on them for a bit, until now, because . . .
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Let's go.
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For those not aware, Pygmalion is a famous novel by George Bernard Shaw, detailing the attempt by a phonetics professor called Henry Higgins to 'elevate' a Cockney flower-girl named Eliza Doolittle.
Intrigued by a bet that he could pass her off as a duchess through careful schooling, he decides to take her on, and though he succeeds, she ends up feeling marginalised and overlooked, treated as an object of gambling and curiosity rather than an individual in her own right, and though the play is best known for the 'culturing' of Eliza Doolittle, it is as much about the arrogance of Higgins, who is a thoroughly unpleasant and rude individual, in thinking that he has any ownership over Eliza for his education of her. He may have 'created' her, but he does not control her.
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The Factory that the X-Men are living in at present must have really good central heating for Cyclops to be wearing basketball shorts and a crop top that short.
Beast is currently investigating some kind of issue with Magneto's chromosomes - to put it succinctly, he appears to be ageing rapidly, and does not have access to his X-gene at present. This is a continuation of the storyline in the previous Infinity arc, which focused on Magneto.
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Something worth noting - this is the first acknowledgement of the fact that though Hank's body may be of roughly the same physical age as his original, his mind is considerably younger, situated at some point in his mid 20s. For someone who was always the oldest of the original X-Men, this is fairly significant.
Also worth noting - Hank joins the ranks of superheroes who are actively seeking therapy for their problems! Good on you, Hank! And good on you, too, Scott, for suggesting it. Though, perhaps, given recent developments in the mainline X-Men comics, you should take your own advice . . .
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The fact that Hank refers to himself as the only one left seemingly confirms that X-Force took care of the Beast clones who Beast Prime planted around various landmarks as part of the Ghost Calendars arc. Though they were defeated in their respective future timelines, I wasn't quite sure if they had been taken care of in the present as well. This seemingly confirms that they were.
Hank's therapist is Dr. Andrea Sterman, a supporting character from Jed MacKay's Moon Knight run, and a member of the Midnight Mission. Given that the writer, Alex Paknadel, confirmed on Twitter that he talked with Jed MacKay about making sure all the details for Hank's storyline would line up with the mainline X-Men book, I can only imagine this was done as a rather fun continuity nod.
Hank also refers to a Shi'ar warship, an avian alien race that the X-Men deal with on a regular basis. This makes sense, given that Hank was beamed aboard the Shi'ar imperial flagship during the events of Dark Phoenix Saga in 1981 - ancient history for us, but relatively fresh in Hank's mind, given his memories come from 1985.
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Hank, naturally, does himself a disservice here. Dark Beast was, assumedly, abducted at a relatively young age from his human parents, and indoctrinated by Mister Sinister as something of a protege - a protege living in perpetual fear of his mentor. He probably didn't have a chance to develop any kind of moral code divorced from the social Darwinist hellhole that is the Age of Apocalypse.
That being said, Hank probably lacks that context, and Dark Beast is unique among Age of Apocalypse denizens, not just for his unerringly cruel nature, having never shown any altruistic tendencies (unlike, say, AoA Cyclops or Nightcrawler), but also for his resilience. He persists, even now - though last seen in Immortal X-Men #9 as a head in a jar, he has come back from the dead at least twice before, and it is unlikely he is gone for good.
Fun fact - his appearance here is based on the costume he wore during his scrap with Emma Frost's X-Men team in a confrontation with Spider-Man and the Lizard. Though the X-Men naturally encountered him after this point, it's fun that this appearance by Dark Beast is considered iconic enough to be the 'definitive' look for him by this comic.
Hank's final remark, about 'Henry McCoy plus time equals atrocity,' is a sentiment often repeated on social media boards, and it's interesting to see it being internalised by Hank himself, given his unique perspective on the events that created his future self and the other potential timelines the X-Men files likely refer to.
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Mm. A lot to unpack here.
Hank's relationship with his X-gene has always been complicated, and the way he views it here, as essentially morphing him into a shape that he finds abhorrent, predatory, and beyond his control, is consistent with how Hank seemed to see himself during his feline mutation, which lasted from 2000 to 2013.
Though his feline phase is not referenced in this comic, beyond the 'over time, and with a little help, these became more pronounced,' (probably a reference to Sage's jumpstarting his secondary mutation) it assumedly would be in the files Hank has been using to catch up, and one has to wonder if he's been repeating some of the thought processes that made feline Hank such a uniquely neurotic version of the character.
It's also nice to see a canonisation of my long held fanon that Hank's X-gene is actively attempting to craft a form for him that is best suited for survival, a belief that Hank only hinted at back in Morrison's New X-Men, but which made sense, given the circumstances of his mutation in X-Treme X-Men.
That being said, Hank's own mind seemingly strays back to the night his furry mutation first manifested at the Brand Corporation in Amazing Adventures, where he flew into a berserker rage and nearly killed Carl Maddicks, which always seemed a little incongruous with how Hank was written in subsequent appearances in Avengers and Defenders, but which now seems to be retroactively made an expression of the brutality he was capable of during his feline phase.
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The 'violent upheavals' Hank refers to here are likely his initial secondary mutation, and then his near-death experience when said mutation randomly destabilised in All-New X-Men. It could also be a reference to his numerous genetic troubles during X-Factor volume 1.
His opining that he found refuge in the life of the mind is very reminiscent of Hank's desire to find meaning in poetry, literature, art, humanity, in the wake of the changes in his body in both X-Factor and New X-Men. X-Factor #33 and New X-Men #117 both specifically reference his delight in the freedom to think, in opposition to the clouding of the mind that came with his Pestilence inflicted dumbing down, or his newly awakened predatory impulses.
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Ironically enough, Magneto is, aside from Simon Williams, the character with whom this version of Hank has shared the most panel time and dialogue, between his conversations in X-Men and previous From the Ashes Infinity Comics. It would appear that Max's need for a cure for his condition are fostering a necessarily stronger bond than Hank and Max have ever shared before in canon.
Precisely where the rest of the team is during the course of these events is unknown. If I had to guess, it's possible this might be set during the events of X-Men #2, where the rest of the team was attending to a mutant rescue in San Francisco, accounting for the lack of availability of the Marauder and a reliance on an old Quinjet.
Quite how Hank got his hands on said Quinjet is unknown, though it's possible it might be a holdover from Hank's Defender days, where he would regularly borrow a Quinjet from the Avengers, for purposes ranging from actual superhero missions to attending Patsy Walker's wedding.
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Though this Hank's memories originate in closest proximity to the Defenders, and though that team did enjoy some degree of notoriety under Hank and Candy Southern's stewardship, the Avengers have always been where Hank was most popular in-universe, and he has had a habit of using that association to smooth things over in mutant related books, such as in X-Factor volume 1 and the 90s X-Men run.
Unfortunately, mutant rights are in a more dire state than ever before, with things having seemingly gotten only worse for them since the 1980s, and it's likely Hank didn't expect this level of hatred from normal civilians.
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I have, unfortunately, run out of images, so I'll be posting the last of this issue and my final thoughts and predictions in another post.
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marvelstars · 4 months
Loved this episode, as Beau said this felt healing and it didn´t dissapoint. That said I agree the series peaked on Ep 5 but for me this doesnt mean this was a bad episode at all.
Highlights for me:
Rogue beating Bastion into a pulp over Remy´s memory "remember it"
Scott and Morph being there for Logan.
Nightcrawler praying with Charles and Magneto.
Cable oppening to Jean and Scott about his childhood and their farewell.
Storm simply laughing at Phoenix appareance, just like her sister to save them all at the nick of time from the prime sentinels.
Morph making fun of Sinister
Charles remembering he is supposed to have a degree on psycology and having a therapy session with Magnus instead of leaving him in a coma, not gonna lie, this always pissed me off in the original FA, him having regrets post fact and remembering Magneto only made me feel more mad at him, so seeing him this way helped me remember why I liked his character, especially considering what has been done to him in current comics.
The first people Magneto remembers are Rogue, who is right there on Asteroid M and his children Lorna, Pietro and Wanda as well as his parents.They help him center himself in his humanity, just wish this series tackled Magda and Anya as well. Talking openly about his sense of isolation over not having an actual family and fully feeling himself part of the X-men now was great, I don´t think even in comics this has been tackled with quite the same intensity.
I personally don´t think Magneto at this point or Rogue see each other in a romantic sense, Rogue more than Magneto´s lover this season, has been more like an honest friend who could understand where he was coming from but also tell him when he was being a jerk so even if they tackle AoA, I don´t see them being end game, their relationship is more like an AU but this doesn´t mean they don´t trust or appreciate the other pov.
Just "Magneto is alive" moment.
Cyclops bad ass leadership moment in which he hoped to understand and help Bastion, supported by Storm and X-men, following the logic of the dream. Bastion reaching out to them.
Just all the cameos. Captain America, Iron Man, Peter, MJ, Cloak, Dagger, Psylocke, Omega Red to name a few, I just missed another cameo by Doctor Doom
This Ep effectively closed up previous plot points and showed what to expect of season two
Gambit will come back as death but I am almost sure this won´t last long. My guess is that Storm, Logan and Morph were selected by Apocalypse to be his current horsemen.
This kind of fun and expectative is something that has been missing for a long time in comics and I am very happy to see XM 97 feels like a fresh take of old stories.
This looks as well as if S2 is tackling different X-men teams, one in the future, another in the present and another in the past. My guess is that it was Apocalypse the one who used time manipulation to take them to different spaces in time.
That comment by Apocalypse "My children, so much death" made me remember current comics Apocalypse, so I expect him to gain new nuances in the series, just like Bastion did.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
Time Master Sword
So sense it’s Fathers Day when I’m sending this I’d like to Yap abt Nate 😍😍😍
Ok so first things first I’d like to announce that Nate’s stupid teddy bear is no longer in the comic and I’d like to mourn the lost of it
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Ok anyways
Little bit of bg but in Age of Apocalypse (shortened to AoA id I have to talk abt it again) basically in earth 295 Legion (Charles Xavier’s son) goes back in time to kill magneto to make papa proud but ends up killing Charls Xavier. Which I mean how tf does that happen anyways this leads to Apocalypse taking over and basically humans are put in cages and idk what happened to mutants o read but like the words weren’t prossesing in my brain I’ll go back and reread it ig tho I think the mutants are put up to fight each other?? Idk
So where we left off Nate was put on his stupid bath tub and basically this bath tub quickly aged him up to the point of 17 😍😍 anyways bro is mistaken for a human and is like hanged???? To something (like hands are cuffed on walls) and during one of their raids the Cyclops of this universe saves him but they don’t know that their related to each other and Nate just makes a fucking run for it.
Later on he meets a guy called Forge and joins his “theatre troupe” which is a cover up for when they rescue human hostages from Apocalypse. Also Forge is literally Nate’s father figure/srs but I can’t show photos rn for spoilers 💔💔💔
Anyways later on Mr Silly sees Nate and is like “🤯🤯🤯 MY SON” and basically creates ten out of ten disguise and calls himself his real name but I’m still going to call him Mr Silly ❤️ anyways Forge being 10/10 father is like “🤓no Nate you cannot help us you can’t even control ur goddamn powers” he joins the mission anyways bc Nate’s in his rebellious teen era even tho he’s like a year old which bc of his powers basically sends a HEY IM RIGHT HERE ULTRA POWERFUL MUTANT 😍😍😍 but Blabla some of Apocalypses forces attack and result in a few guys dying or injured and anyways forge goes to a shack where he presumed Mr silly was dead but then Mr Silly kills him and is all like Ha I’m not This guy you thought I was I’m actually one of Apocalypse horse men Mr Silly 😈😈😈
and guess what happened to forge 🤩🤩🤩
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HE DIES 😍😍😍🤭🤭🤭
also ignore how spider man is there that’s for a later issue
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Anyways Nathan Bisexual confirmed 🤯🤯🤯/j
Anyways Nathan Kills Mr Silly and then is like y’know I should go fuck up Apocalypse and goes fucks up his son instead which in the battle somehow lands them on earth 616
sorry for any weird grammar/spelling auto correct is my number one hater/gen
And sorry for the lack of photos I didn’t have as much from this part of the comic/gen
anyways happy fucking Father’s Day to forge of earth 295 who still dads in Nate’s mind
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dude this was such a wild ride, spiderman being in there really just added to it
this plot is so insane alskskkss, you’re getting me curious about xmen
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itzybitzyritzzy · 1 year
I have a bigger than planned dental bill due soon, so Im trying to sell my figures, will list more as time goes on, They are $10 per plus shipping, except for Swindle, Carnage, and Revoltech Gwen, Swindle is sold and please make an offer on Carnage and Gwen above $35, That being said for $200 i'll sell the whole spread plus shipping, list below, DM here or Discord ritzzybitzyspider for info and serious buying
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Order from top right to bottom left is, Revoltech Carnage, Marvel Legends AOA Wolverine,ML black and blue Suit The Thing, MCU Taskmaster, ML Villains Doctor Doom, DC Multiverse Mr Freeze, GI Joe Classified Movie Storm Shadow, Revoltech Spidergwen, MCU Death Dealer, ML Ultimate Taskmaster, ML What If? Zombie Hunter Spiderman, ML Peter B Parker (Spiderman), ML Modern Morbius, Mattel Halo 5 Buck and Master chief, MCU Wen Wu and Shang Chi, MCU Killmonger, DC Multiverse Shriek, MCU Red Guardian, ML Venomized Spidergwen, VHS ML Cyclops (broken foot, everything else is fine), ML modern Xmens Cable, Transformers Combiner wars Megatron, ML AOA Sunfire, Transformers Combiner Wars Swindle and Combiner Wars Smokescreen , Mcfarlane Avatar Aang (avatar state)
*ML means Marvel Legends, MCU means Marvel movie legends
Please spread this around if ya'll can, Id love to sell them all by the end of the month
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scottsummersevents · 1 year
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For the Sexy Days of Summers Event happening right now we've invited Scott Summers (Cyclops) fans to take part in spreading more love for him out there on the internet by creating fanfiction, fanart, fan works, etc. to celebrate our favorite X-Men leader and the possibility of what if. For the duration of this challenge so far we've received some really incredible submissions with super rare pairings that are new to us. For the month of September we'd like to share some of those and also share some various fandom creations along the way in terms of content. Some might be an old favorite pairing while others might be something in terms of shipping you've never considered before.
Below under the cut you can take a look at this forbidden pairing and see the possibility of what if!
Also if you have a favorite Scott pairing and a fanfic that you've written or that you love, then feel free to drop us a note and let us know so we can showcase it in the future!
Stay tuned for more duo spotlights coming soon!
Forbidden Fruit by I_Am_Hexed (Rated T) Betsy shouldn't have been in love with Scott. He'd always been closed off, and not just because of his duties as Jean's fiance and a member of the X-Men. But she loved him all the same. They were each other's...forbidden fruit.
When Heroes Fall by Nadja_Lee (Rated M) Scott rescues a young woman from the slave pens…. and her name is Betsy. AoA story.
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wwprice1 · 4 years
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AoA Cyclops by Marcio Abreu!
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sketchesmick · 4 years
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144 - cyclops (aoa) of the elite mutant force
mini dove comics
retail comics
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wolverineholic · 7 years
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Age of Apocalypse in Marvel Future Fight
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mutandandproud · 6 years
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The Age of Apocalypse in Wolverine And The X-Men (2009)
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marvellfashion · 3 years
1. Storm original recipe costume
2. Goblin Queen
3. Dazzler—blue leotard from the Outback
4. Mr. Sinister
5. Exodus
6. Banshee—green, yellow, black
7. Rachel Summers—hound costume
8. Havok—original helmet
9. Sunfire—AoA version
10. Cyclops—X-factor blue, white, skull cap
Thank you
Nominate the Best Costumes in Marvel History
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mandarinsan · 3 years
List of interracial/interspecies Marvel comics pairings:
Luke x Jessica
Danny x Misty
Carol x Rhodey
Cloak x Dagger
Miles x Gwen
Matt x Kirsten
Gamora x Nova
Scarlet Witch x Vision
Quicksilver x Crystal
Johnny x Daken
Tony x Rumiko
Matt x Maya
Spidey x Silk
Miles x Katie
Namor x Sue
Angela x Sera
Sam x Jane
Medusa x Johnny
Crystal x Ronan
Hercules x Noh-Varr
Amazing Man x Maxima
Moondragon x Phyla-Vell
Wanda x Jericho
Star-Lord x Gamora
Silver Surfer x Dawn
Silk x Spectro
Sersi x Dane
Thor x Zephyr
Tara x Bethany
Tony x Anna Wei
Miles x Lana
Mettle x Hazmat
Black Knight x Faiza
Black Knight x Crystal
Deadpool x Shiklah
Hulk x Caiera
Tony x Doctor Su Yin
MJ x Mariko (Exiles)
Nova x Namorita
Vision x Mantis
Thanos x Death
Gamora x Adam Warlock
Amadeus Cho x Delphyne Gorgon
She-Hulk x Wyatt Wingfoot
Janice x Randy
Johnny x Namorita
Ant-Man x Beetle
Deadpool x Death
Blade x Spitfire
Tigra x Criti Noll
Amadeus Cho x Viv
Silver Surfer x Mantis
Hawkeye x H'rpra
Deadpool x Orksa
Deadpool x Satana
Peter x Aradia x Mors
Mantis x Swordsman
Peter x Lian Tang
Gwen Stacy x Darius
She-Hulk x Luke Cage
Wolverine x Storm
Angel x Psylocke
Storm x Forge
Emma x Namor
Northstar x Kyle
Rictor x Shatterstar
Beast x Cecilia Reyes
Psylocke x Fantomex
Psylocke x Sabretooth (Exiles)
Psylocke x Thunderbird (Shaara)
Wolverine x Silver Fox
Wolverine x Mariko
Wolverine x Melita
Wolverine x Itsu
Wolverine x Yukio
Wolverine x Atsuko
Wolverine x Tyger Tiger
Wolverine x Gahck
Wolverine x Amir
Sabertooth x Monet
Sunspot x Magma
Bishop x Deathbird
Daken x Miss Sinister
Daken x Johnny
Daken x Marcus
Daken x Aurora
Storm x Yukio
Iceman x Opal
Laura x Synch
Storm x Beast (Ultimate)
Storm x Quicksilver (AoA)
Storm x Doctor Doom (infatuation)
Storm x Slipstream
Storm x Cyclops (Earth-12245)
Dani Moonstar x Sam Guthrie
Nocturne x Thunderbird
Jubilee x Chamber
Iceman x Daken
Hank x Trish
Beak x Angel
Mimic x Blink
Pietro x Monet
Colossus x Neerel
Corsair x Hepzibah
Professor X and Lilandra
Bishop x Jean Grey
Jubilee x Tim Drake (crossover)
Young Justice & Runaways
Hulkling x Wiccan
Speed x Prodigy
Hawkeye x Patriot
America x Lisa
Surge x Prodigy
Hawkeye x Noh-Varr
Alex x Nico
Karolina x Nico
Karolina x Xavin
Victor x Gertrude
I also saw panels of Nico kissing Victor / Chase but I don't read Runaways comics so idk how serious it was.
note: Psylocke's relationships are kind of tricky since Psylocke herself wasn't actually an Asian woman but a white woman occupying the body of an Asian woman.
(DC version)
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Remember Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men?
Even though I like almost all of whedons work that’s not Dollhouse, and Cyclops has always been my favorite mutant, it just never clicked for me. Read it a couple times - first when I was just getting into comics as a regular hobby and the only other X-men stuff I’d read was AoA, second after finishing everything during Claremont’s years. My opinion didn’t really change.
I hated what he did with the danger room by making professor x essentially a willfully ignorant slaveowner. It really bothers me when they portray him as some detached monster, or emotionally abusive or excessively controlling (beyond the norm of a principal/authority figure.) The version of him in the Jean Grey X-men origins issue is my Professor X.
And while there’s no denying THAT Kitty sequence is terrific and tugs at your heart, her and Colossus’ original relationship was pretty adolescent rather than one of the great loves in comics. They’re definitely the deep in love HS couple that breaks up during the first year of college.
I did like his Emma
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silveragelovechild · 3 years
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Upcoming X-Men Action Figures. Is that Winter Cyclops or X-Men Soldier? Is that a thing now?!? Marvel seems to swipe from itself at every turn.
Explained the costume: “These are the AoA figures. He looked like that before Bucky thawed.”
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fuckyeahdeadxmen · 4 years
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Marvel Puzzle Quest X-Men Characters
Cyclops (anxm, aoa, classic)
Daken (dark avengers, dark reign, samurai wolverine)
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