#aot x self insert
rissouu · 8 months
EARS PIERCED, connie springer.
he can’t handle it when his daughter gets her ears pierced.
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“i’m not turning the car around, connie..” you let out a sigh of relief when you finally reached the claire’s. connie had been begging you the whole drive to just go back home and forget this ear piercing shit.
but you couldn’t just let it go, every girl needed their ears pierced at some point. your mom got yours done when you were little so you wanted to stick with the tradition and do the same for your little baby… connie wasn’t going for it though.
“man what do she need her ears pierced for? she just turned one!” he decided to sit in the back with his daughter like he always did. the man took one glance at her in the car seat with sad eyes.. his poor baby had no idea what was coming.
“cause she’s a girl connie. and ear piercings barely hurt i promise, i got mine at this age too!” you tried reassuring him but he still wasn’t going for it. you knew he’d probably be salty for a while but oh well, he’ll get over it soon.
once you parked the car connie mentally prepared himself for disaster, if anything he acted like he was the one getting his ears pierced. he couldn’t stop the anxiety he felt when you opened the door to get the baby out.. he had half a mind to slam the door shut and lock it so you wouldn’t get in, but he knew better.
“baby come on or we’re gonna be late to the appointment,” you gently pulled him out of the car by his sleeve and he was damn near ready to throw a tantrum. your daughter didn’t need her ear pierced but you’d rather have it done now than when she’s older.
it just made more sense, plus you’ve had your ears pierced since you were 2— and never in all your years have you had to get another one.
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originally, you were supposed to be the one in the chair holding your daughter. but connie again, wasn’t going for it. he at least wanted to hold his daughter just in case anything went wrong, which is what he was expecting.
you watched the piercer mark your daughters ears, and you couldn’t help the worry sinking in— honestly you were scared too. looking at your daughter smile and giggle in her fathers arms without a care in the world.. it made you feel horrible.
she had no idea what was coming and you just hoped she wouldn’t be too mad at you afterwards.
“okay dad im gonna have you hold her tightly okay? she can’t move or else the piercings won’t be accurate to each other!” connie followed ever procedure possible because he’d do anything to just hurry and get this over with. his heart was already pounding in his chest during the whole car ride, and now it was even worse.
without warning, the worker aligned the piercing gun to your daughters ear and shoved the needle in. (she actually went as gently as she could, but to you and connie it still wasn’t gentle enough.)
the young girl’s face immediately fell into a frown, her previous mood of happiness quickly faded into sorrow. she let out a heart wrenching cry— so intense that her little body started shaking, and that was the last straw for connie.
you couldn’t lie, your heart ached hearing her scream like this. out of all the times she’s cried, it’s never been this intense nor has she ever started shaking because of it.
“no, she’s done. you see she’s over here hollering right?” connie mugged the piercer when she tried to do the other ear, he couldn’t hold his tongue anymore.
“constance stop it! let her do the other ear really quick, it’s her job.” soon enough your husband was mugging you as well, which you quickly returned. you didn’t know why he was acting like you were some evil witch just for wanting your daughters ears pierced?
you waved at the piercer— letting her know it was okay to continue, which she did. the second one didn’t hurt your daughter as bad since she was still stuck on the last one’s pain.
her cries only got louder but now it was more of forced out whines than actual tears. you rolled your eyes at that since it was a habit of hers, forcing herself to continue crying. deep down you knew she got that trait from you but you’d never admit it.
“anddd we’re all done! you did so good hun here, have a sticker.” she placed a yellow smiley face right on your daughters hand, and that was enough to make the young girl feel better.
connie though, he was still salty as hell. he hadn’t said a word to you yet, he just kept staring at the new earrings in his daughter’s ears. yeah, they were cute but fucking useless. like he said before, she could’ve gone without them.
“let me see her pa,” you held your arms out expecting him to give her to you, but instead he did the opposite.
“nah we’re mad at you right now. you on punishment, bye.” he gave you a blank stare and to your surprise your daughter did the same thing. she may not have been that old but she was old enough to know you put her through all that pain.
the tiny girl looked you up and down before rolling her eyes and turning her back on you to lean on her father’s chest. your jaw dropped as you watched connie let out a little chuckle and high five his daughter.
“tuh, okay then little girl ima remember that when you want some milk. i don’t like y’all!”
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©rissouu 2024 (it’s been a while yall im sorry, i just had no ideas.. but i hope you enjoyed! more dad!connie to come probably.)
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jazzmasternot · 6 months
I love this character so much, I wanna get him pregnant….
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imagineurwrld · 4 months
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in which you are reunited with your boyfriend after months of being parted
You hold your breath as your house grows visible past the hill you run up, and then you stop once you reach the top. The vision before you is enough to make you freeze completely, blood pumping viciously and breath catching in your throat. The wind stills before brushing through your hair and clothes again.
His figure sits on your doorstep, a heavy-looking bag tossed to the side and his arms draped over his bent knees. His head is turned to the side, deep in thought as he seemingly waits for your arrival. You can tell he is tired from his travels just by glancing at his posture, the way he is slumped over, but his mannerisms shift completely when his head turns and his eyes land on you.
The moment your eyes meet, you know. You know that this nightmare is over, that you no longer have to dream of a love that felt so out of reach, that you no longer have to cry, that you no longer have to clean to distract yourself from the emptiness of your house, that you no longer have to force yourself out of bed and despise the image that stares back at you in the bathroom mirror because it is void of the image of him, arms wrapped around your waist and lips pressed to your ear.
You no longer have to wait, to fear, to miss. It is over. His eyes are as bright as the sun upon seeing you, and they shatter the glass wall that you had forced up. Those eyes that sparkle like a thousand rays of light, the eyes that reawaken you after having died along with his absence, those eyes that are home.
Admiration, fondness, desperation, exhaustion, warmth, and home. Those are his eyes, your home’s eyes.
You can not move until suddenly, you are. You race across the path, stumbling over your rapidly moving feet as he lifts himself from the staircase to hold out his arms and brace himself for impact. Your body collides with his, chest shoving into chest, and everything snaps into place like a missing piece fitting perfectly into a puzzle. 
You grip the rough fabric of his shirt, clinging onto any piece of his clothing you can touch, switching your arms from his upper back to his lower back to up again. One arm secures around your waist, while the other cradles your head to him.
For a moment, it does not feel real. You don't know how to begin to fathom the foreign yet achingly familiar feeling. His hands are calloused, hard, and coarse from work. His hold is strong and secure, and he feels slightly bulkier but he is the same. It is him, and you are crying before you can even comprehend it.
He lifts you up from the ground, screwing his eyes shut and tightening his lips to prevent the emotions that he had built up from spilling free, messily, simply from seeing your beautiful face after so, so long.
You are soft in his arms, pliant, gentle, just as you were when he left you six months ago. Your scent fills his nostrils, intoxicating him more than any perfume he’d bought for you in the past ever could. Your graceful arms clinging ungracefully to his back, sobs racking your chest as he holds you impossibly closer.
It is you. He is home. 
He sets you back down on your feet, pulling away just enough to take in your features. He soaks in the vision of you: your glossy eyes and trembling lips; the curve of your clenching jaw and the complexion of your skin flushed; your nose flaring as tears stick to your lashes, trickling down your cheeks and dribbling past your chin.
You are a lovely sight, an angel. You are his home, and he loves you so. His brows curl as he gazes at you afraid to blink and watch his dream disappear. 
Your head is swiftly pushed into his and lips smash together. You savor the taste that you have been deprived of for months. He is exhausted, he’d been traveling for hours, and he is dirty, but he doesn’t care. You don’t care. He is home, and home is the way your lips chase his each time they break apart to push back in.
He kisses you hard, he kisses you passionately, then slowly and tenderly. His brows knit together as your delicate hands ruffle through his hair. Tears mix into the taste of each other’s lips, but neither of you cares. How could you care? It doesn't matter. All that matters is this moment, this feeling, this cease of departure.
You pull away with a soft smack, pressing your foreheads together and staring into each other’s teary eyes. Your hands move to his face, tracing his skin and caressing the scars indented above his brow and on his chin.
He lets you, lashes fluttering against his cheek as he breathes you in and relishes this moment for all it is worth, his thumbs tracing the curve of your spine beneath the thin silk of your shirt.
A wobbly smile touches your lips as your eyes dart across his face, unsure of where to focus. A laugh, or a scoff maybe, falls past your lips, one of sheer passion and relief, before your teeth come down to bite the bottom one.
He smiles, tiredly. His heart pangs against his chest as your grin appears, the very grin he’d engraved into his brain to keep him going this past half a year. 
“Welcome home.”
Your phrase is a whisper, gone with the breeze that blows past. His smile widens somehow, and his eyes brighten as the reality sinks in. He breathes air through his nose in amused shock, shaking his head in disbelief at the fact that his wait is finally over. 
He is home, home with the heart he’d left behind, and he could have collapsed as reality sank in. 
He kisses you again and again, and lifts you up and kisses you even more until he cannot breathe.
written by Jaylin Smith
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snk-warriors · 1 month
Can't Stay Away
Levi Ackerman x F! Reader
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Summary: After the war ended, Levi finds himself at a familiar doorstep.
Warnings: Bittersweet angst, smut, not proofread
A/N: This blog is still officially inactive, but this story is a little gift for my dear friend @antivan-dragon. It was a joy to write it for you! <3
This is wrong.
He shouldn't be here - not after everything that had happened.
How long has it been, ten years? More?
It's hard to tell when you're used to live from moment to moment. Never knowing whether the current day might be your last really messes up one's perception of time.
All Levi's sure of is that the brief time he had allowed himself with you was the happiest he's ever been - than he ever thought to be capable of.
And yet, from his very first breath, his fate was clear: To him, living had always been a fight. Whether it was in the underground for food and safety, or against titans and humans alike under the clear sky mattered very little in the great concept of things.
The only home he's ever known was on the battlefield - until he met you, at least.
And still, Levi went back to the frontlines again and again and again because it's all he's ever known, the power he's born with a burdening duty upon the weak...
...but what place does a soldier have now, in a society without war?
This is what he fought for, right? To achieve peaceful times. Avenge his fallen comrades, honor his commander and protect as many people as possible from the unnecessary suffering this cruel world eventually provided.
Protecting you, first and foremost.
Your wellbeing has always been his greatest priority, and yet at the same time Levi was the one responsible for so much misery. Back then he convinced himself it was for the better, that he was doing you a favor by removing himself from your life.
In the end, all that's left for him now is the bitter feeling of regret.
Levi was aware that you would've waited for him, no matter how long it'd take until his return...
...but he was certain that his death was inevitable - a sacrifice he'd gladly take if it'd meant ensuring you a long and fulfilled life. And even if the impossible case of his survival would occur, he'd be a different man by then.
Ultimatively, he has become exactly this: Unlike you remember him, and definetly nothing close to what you deserved.
Maybe even in different circumstances he could never live up to the expectations he had set in himself - at least when it came to you.
But he felt as if you were like pure sunlight and he was a moth, drawn to it. No, he was the moon - selfishly absorbing and covering your brightness.
So, in order to make things easier for you, he pushed you away despite his soul screaming for him to stay at your side until humanity would reduce itself to ashes.
When no words would dring through to your devoted self, he announced an engagement to Petra, efficiently shattering your heart in the process.
Nothing Levi had ever done was as hard a task.
Given time however you'd find someone worthy to give you the life he longed for so deeply but never could, at least that's what he thought...
...yet when he heard that you never married even after all this time, his rationality stands no chance against the aching of his own loneliness.
Just to look how you've been he told himself on the way, and for an overdue apology.
Your little cottage on the outskirts of Wall Rose still looks as if he never left. It always smelled of lavender and honey, and whatever you were baking at the time.
Levi switched from the wheelchair to his cane, still able to walk by himself at least for a short distance. Only a few stairs separated the two of you, and it was the longest he's ever took - not because of his disability, but rather to gather all of his courage.
Facing his enemies was a piece of cake compared to this right now.
Though it felt wrong to do so he peeked through the window, his face twitching into an almost-smile as he finally laid eyes upon you again. The inside was cleaned spotless as always, neatly yet minimalistic decorated. You on the other hand were currently preparing some pastries, contently humming to yourself.
It felt like he never left.
What about you, he wondered. Had there been others after him? What was your life like these days? He wants to know everything.
That goddamn cat was still alive as it seems, curiously pricking up it's ears as it recognized the familiar - altough mangled - face. You and him had argued a lot about letting feral animals into your home, due to Levi's concern for hygiene and especially that damn fur everywhere in the house.
One glare from the man and it hissed, jumping down from the front porch and bolting into the forrest. Shit.
Living alone and isolated from civilization was dangerous, especially for a single woman. So it was no wonder how hyper-aware you still are, immediately swinging the door open with a clocked rifle.
Oh, how much he missed that side of you. The perfect combination of cute but deadly.
"Levi..." His features immediately softened at the sound of your voice. To him that name had been reduced to a battle cry, something for his enemies to curse and his superiors yelled to wield their human weapon around.
But coming out of your mouth, he could listen to it all day even if it was just to hurl insults at him.
Instead you put your welcoming arms around him before the weapon even dropped to the ground, heartwrenching sobs echoing against the pinewoods. "God, Levi, you-you're back. You're finally back...I-I knew you'd come!"
The former Captain should be relieved, and frankly, he is - nevertheless, things shouldn't be this way.
He had left so you could live...and you simply didn't.
This wasn't fair. And it drove him insane. There was an immense fury at the pit of his stomach at the realization that his withhold was for nothing, that you had wasted both of your lifetimes through your stubbornness.
You should have found yourself a man that could give you a family, a stable life, goddamn it the whole fucking world shall you ask!
However the sheer fact that he was finally able to breathe the same air as you again overshadowed any grudge with pure gratitude.
His whole life Levi had been was a dedicated, dutiful combatant, unquestioning to his orders. Now that the war was over, there was nothing left for him to do, nowhere left to go.
This one time, he'll allow himself to be selfish.
A hand on the back of your neck pulled you to close the remaining distance between the two of you, sealing his mute promises with a longdue kiss.
Levi had kissed you before - always rough and demanding. That's how things were between you, after all: He came to your home solely to get a taste of what normalcry, being human, was like, just to disappear after having realized his mistake.
If it meant he'd stay in your life, if only feebly, that was more than enough for you.
But this kiss...it was different. Tender, savouring, unwilling to pull away even tor so much as breathing air.
When your lips finally parted, you placed another, small peck to the corner of his lips. Your hands reached for his face, cupping it on both sides as if to make sure he's really there.
For a moment he pulls back, doubting his decision.
After all, the man in front of you was a shell of his former self, old and disfigured and broken. Petra was long since dead, you'd heard about the tragic circumstance.
He never wanted to give you the impression that you were just a last resort for when everyone else had forsaken him.
Noticing his internal struggle - an amazing talent only you possessed, since his expression was as still as a statue - you clutch the fabric of his shirt, gently tugging him inside. He has to lean onto you for support, stumbling into the all-too-familiar room.
You feel calloused hands on your body, caressing every inch of your exposed skin and sliding under your clothes. "Tell me to stop" he speaks breathlessly, sternly, "And I will."
Instead you frantically shake your head as you moan into his ear, one leg wrapping around his waist as he pushed you against the wall, busying yourself with rising blood on the skin of your neck. Fuck, he's missed your scent.
"B-Bed" you manage to wring out as his hand slips under your skirt, fingertips tracing the wet spot between your legs. He was eager, intoxicated one might say, but you could clearly feel how his own legs were close to giving in.
The thrill of the moment was briefly overshadowed by the humiliation of his new reality. In the past he would've taken you anywhere in the house, would've been able to lift you up and throw you onto the mattress if you so desired.
Another jab at his conscience that he'll never be good enough for you. If only he knew this was the way you'd always wanted him: Slow, passionate, caring...
"Don't worry about me" he speaks nonchalantly, yet the determination in his glare makes you shiver. Levi dropped to his knees just like that, his hands wandering upwards each of your legs. "Let me worship you."
You half-laugh, half-whine when he sunk his teeth into the flesh of your upper thigh, remembering how much he loved leaving little marks like love-letters on your skin. Old habits die hard, even when trying to be gentle.
Without hesitating, Levi twirls his fingers around the hem of your already dripping panty, pulling it down just enough to put his mouth to work. His teasing made you a whimmering mess, taking his time tracing kisses around the area close enough to feel his breath on your clit.
"Shi-it, Levi!" you let out a scream as his tongue slid along your folds, muffling your own noises by a hand on your mouth until Levi tugs at your arms. "I need to hear you, love. It's been too long."
And so you did, begging and moaning shamelessly as Levi ate you out like a man starving, palming himself through his trousers with eyes never leaving yours.
Hearing you like this made something in him snap, and yet you tugged on his hair, tugging him away just before you'd fall apart in front of him. "Not like this" you pant heavily, head spinning from lust, "I need you. Completely."
He simply nods at the request, unable to keep his hands from you even the short way to your bedroom. Your gown fell to the floor as he watched, a low groan escaping his closed mouth at the sight.
Time sure had taken a toll on both of you, he thinks as his knuckles brushed along your cheek, diving in your features that had slowly faded in his memory over the years...
...but your eyes, those damn beautiful orbs that showcased the love you held for him, they didn't change a bit.
And their effect on him was also still the same.
Before you first met he was sure that all those hardships had turned his heart into stone, but now this yearning had become a dagger he desperately wanted to pull out, make his heart bleed in reverence.
Levi was a man that spoke through actions, however.
Your fingers intertwined when he aligned himself with your entrance, searching your face to which you gave a permissing nod. He entered you carefully, adoring every microexpression, every reaction of yours when he started at a slow pace.
Even in his current state, his skill lacked nothing from his former peak: It was as if you could feel his hands and lips were everywhere at once, hitting all of your weak spots as if your body was a map he had learned by heart.
"I love you."
Your pupils were blown wide at his declaration, those words you had already long since made peace with to never hear coming out of his mouth.
A look that could only be described as pure affection plastered on his face, kissing along your collarbone up to your ear. "I love you, Y/N" he speaks again, more firmly now and smiling sincere as never before now that this self-inflicted weight had finally been lifted from his shoulders. "Always did."
Tears dwelled in your eyes, vocal cords lost their ability to form anything else than sobs and moans as your lips found his again, smiling against his mouth.
Words were never needed when it came to the bond of you and Levi, after all.
As his thrusts became more clumsy, ragged breaths whispering sweet affirmations barely audible to your ear, burying his hips against your pelvis as he rode you through your high. He followed closely after you came undone, stiling above you without any intend to leave this sweet escape he found in your arms.
Your hands rested on his shoulder blades when he felt safe enough to collapse in front of you, his head lying on your chest as your heartbeat soothed him just like back then.
He was alive. And you were his.
"Please" you sniveled, anxiety preventing you to endulge in the afterwaves of your ebbing high, "Never leave again."
You clung to him for dear life, limbs entangled as if he was just a pleasant dream that would disappear as soon as you dared letting go.
That moment Levi made an oath to himself: No matter his insecurities, for the rest of his life he'd dedicate to become the man you see in him.
There was a lot to make up for.
"If you'll have me."
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hangesluvvr · 2 months
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self insert realness but also my fave hange ship..
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levisrations · 6 months
I just know after your first night with Levi you’re both addicted and can’t stop. Going at it for weeks, maybe months before you settle down and are comfortable just being in each others presence (if that ever happens its too damn good!) shit after that first night you stay over and once it’s morning and time to go because you have to work he pulls you back in for a quick one! And you’re a little late but blame unexpected traffic 🤭. You’re like teenagers who can’t keep their hands off each other but also the intimacy and the connection you feel with one another is something youve never experienced with any previous partner and thats what makes it so addicting. You’re both also more comfortable trying new things 🤭. It feels so good to finally be truly intimate and trust your partner 100%.
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iwriteloveletters · 14 days
every time i see someone say that (anime character) would only like white women an angel loses its wings why are we limiting drawings to eurocentric beauty standards let the drawing like latinas yall 💔 and poc in general lmfao stop limiting them !!! ur fucking weird !!!
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ridingtorohan · 11 months
Mikasa Ackerman dating a short(er) S/O
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Mikasa is tall by most country's standards. She knows this and towers most of her fellow female cadets. Frankly, she isn't phased at all by the height of her partner. It's just a thing she makes a mental note of and stashes it away for later.
Instinctively reaches for the items from the top shelf if you're reaching for it. She'll pause if you already have a stool out and ask if you need help but any other time, she'll do it herself.
It's not a big deal to her so if you protest she'll just nod and stop doing it. (She knows Captain Levi personally. She knows you can handle yourself.)
Are you missing your stool, want her help but don't want her to grab it for you? She'll scoop you up in her arms and give you a boost.
Definitely lingers for a few seconds too long, eyes heavily lidded with her hands wrapped around your waist. It's long enough to notice but not long enough to hinder the task at hand.
Absolutely adores picking you up by your hips (for a hug or smooch) or giving you a piggyback ride.
Are you receptive to being carried? Mikasa can and will carry you to each room as you complete your everyday chores.
Will lug you under her arm like a teddy bear as she prepares for bed.
Often reaches down to brush the hair from your forehead. It's a tender, loving gesture from her. Sometimes she'll leave a little kiss.
Absolutely mesmerized by the size difference between you two, especially with a live comparison. Hand to hand Tarzan style? Beautiful. You cuddled to her chest? Amazing. She'll worship all these features, taking her time adoring them in small ways (and in the bedroom).
Listen…… if she finds out you like her towering over you, getting in close, it's game over. She'll smirk and rain kisses from above, showing you that this can work out. Likewise, giving her bedroom eyes from below.
(Definitely makes excuses so that she's below your eye level. Thinks it's cute. Thinks you're cute.)
Speaking of cuddling, really enjoys having you pressed to her chest, your arms wrapped around her. She's a big spoon and you can't change my mind but you can change hers. She just adores having you in her arms, even if that has you holding her instead.
Has you on her lap a lot.
If short jokes get on your nerves, Mikasa will doom glare the offender into next year. An angry Mikasa is a scary Mikasa.
Will help you beat the shit out of them unprompted.
Doesn't make short jokes but will tease you about your height (more in the vein of "how am I supposed to kiss you from all the way up here/down there?") if you're comfortable with it.
Will smile or huff a small life if you make a joke about your own/her height.
Lets you wear her clothes.
Gets especially tender and sweet if she sees you swamped in them. Will actually reach don and adjust the cuffs of you (her) pants if they're dragging on the ground.
Casually wears a few of yours around the house, but only if you insist/don't mind the stretch.
(Secretly feels all mushy and squishy when she sees your clothes not even making it to her ankles/wrists.)
You can't see at a concert? She'll break their kneecaps- I mean find a compromise. Listen, Mikasa is toned. She can balance you on her shoulders/piggyback you no problem.
Either smirks teasingly if you get on your tiptoes to kiss her or gives you a very tender look. (Or both. Both is good.)
Will bend down if you ask/tug. Or if you're receptive, she'll pick you up and kiss you in her arms or place you on the nearest counter/table.
Gets sappy if you don't even try to kiss her mouth but instead kiss whatever part of her you can reach, arm, hand, etc.
If she's going in for a kiss, she'll bend her back and press a light one to your temple. If it's your lips she's after, her fingers will ghost lightly over your chin and jaw, eyes half-lidded. "Can I?"
Literally unphased if you're the "short angry chihuahua" stereotype who "bites ankles".
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retrograde-tonic · 5 months
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I drew myself with Levi
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asideofweird33 · 5 months
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Doses anyone know any good fics with Levi and with his scars
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rissouu · 9 months
YOU TOOK OFF HIS CHAIN, plug!onyankopon
you’re not wearing the chain he bought you.
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“where you about to go baby?” ony asked, leaning back into a manspread. he didn’t know exactly what time it was but he knew it was late, and you knew he was getting ready to have a fit.
“i’m going to that pool party i told you about earlier hun. with ymir, remember?” you hoped he wouldn’t make a big deal out of this like all the other times. but then again, you knew your boyfriend better than anyone.
and you didn’t miss the way his face scrunched up when you brought up a pool party.
“pool party.. so you got on a bikini under that big ass coat?” ony let out a low chuckle before getting off the bed and inching closer to you. “nah.. take that shit off. lemme see what you tryna leave out the house in,”
when his eyes glanced at your neck for a little too long, that’s when you knew it was over. you’d have to text ymir and cancel, because now he didn’t even care about what you had on. now it was about what you didn’t have on.
“y/n, why you playing with your life mama?” his head was tilted and his eyes never left your shaking frame. you knew he wasn’t playing and honestly you were too scared to even give him an answer. “so now you not gonna talk to me? hmm?”
ony’s patience was getting lower and lower and you knew this, but you still wouldn’t crack. in your eyes he was making a big deal out of nothing and it pissed you off.
before you could even process the situation, his hand gripped your jaw so tight you felt like he was trying to break it. when you looked up you were met with his intimidating glare staring right back at you— letting you know he wasn’t playing.
“talk to me pretty baby.. why you playing in daddy face?” his face was buried into your neck, softly sucking on your beautiful skin.
“o..ony i just- it’s a pool party and i was gonna swim so i took off the chain cause i didn’t want it to get lost..” you were telling the truth, there’s been so many times where you lost necklaces in the pool. and you didn’t want ony’s to add to your collection.
“i understand that baby but you know how i feel about that. i gave you a chain with my name on it, so when muh’ fucka’s try you, they know who girl they fuckin’ with. my girl.”
you couldn’t hide the smile forming across your face, and you had no shame. ony’s protective side was always something that you loved, even if it did irritate you sometimes.
“‘m sorry love, it won’t happen again.” you assured him while running your hands down his back. everyone thought he was so big and tough but really, he was just a big baby.
“mm it better not, now go put my shit back on.”
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©rissouu 2023 (i was gonna make this smut.. but ya girl needs more practice cause it’s been a while. sorry not sorry!)
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jazzmasternot · 6 months
Born to read smut forced to wait tables 😭😭
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ambassadorarlert · 1 month
12 Days of Kelsmin 🎂
ambassadorarlert’s birthday event
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8 — #4 holding hands in a happy moment
warning: domestic bliss, fluff, established relationship (husband/wife), dad!min, children + their given name (Dahlia)
They were biased, and they didn’t care. Their daughter was the most perfect, the most beautiful little thing they had ever seen. She laid on her back in the crib her father built just for her, staring up at the mobile her mother crafted from shells, beads, sea glass, and small pieces of driftwood. It clicked and dinged together whenever someone stroked the strings. Eyes as clear and blue as the sky watched the mobile dance above her head.
Dahlia was an equal split of both her parents. Her genes had helped themselves to taking her mothers hair color and texture. Fine, dark hair swirled around her head. As for Armin’s genetics, Dahlia had copied his finer facial details such as his lips, ears, and chin. No one could question or mistake where she could have gotten her sapphire peepers from.
Armin couldn’t believe it when he saw her for the first time immediately he was in love. There was a moment where time stood still. In those split milliseconds between her drawing her first breath Armin noticed every finger and toe, ten of each. When she cried, he swore her wailing could be heard from every which way now that the world was wide enough. She was just a baby bird without feathers.
Here she was, about to do so much more than eating and sleeping. Dahlia realized not only could she oohh and aahh, she could babble and screech as much as she wanted for as long as it pleased her. She was capable of flashing her pink gums with a happy smile whenever she was greeted with a familiar face, and made cooing noises when spoken to. She could do it all even with her toes in her mouth.
Armin stood over his wife while she was leaning over the side of the crib. He watched them both play, talk, and laugh with one another. Her hand rested on the smooth finishing of the wood for support. Armin hand, warm and larger than hers, gently covered over hers.
She didn’t break her eyes away from their baby, not wanting to miss a single second of being so cute. She automatically turned her hand over, letting Armin’s fingers interlock with hers. They stood against each other, rejoicing in the precious moment, admiring their one true love they shared. Little by little with each darling giggle, all of their sins washed away.
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© ambassadorarlert 2024 all rights reserved. do not reupload or translate any content that is labeled to be written by ‘ambassadorarlert’ on any other platform.
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yunjitsu · 2 months
✨️ self ship because I'm sad and I deserve it ✨️
it takes place after the Female Titan fight in Stohess; his ankle is finally getting better and I get to annoy him again!!
Levi would be totally driven crazy by my reckless shit attidute 7 times a week, poor man T_T 🤍
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denjjisgf · 9 months
college student armin thoughts:
armin lives in the last room on the right at the end of your floor. although meeting a fair share of your floormates, he’s the last to introduce himself.
one wednesday, you round the corner for the elevator and collide into his backpack. he has a navy jansport, the kind with the tan suede padding on the bottom. he smiles an apologetic grin and steps into the now arrived elevator. divine timing, right?
it was silent on the way down. the normal scent of last friday’s activities and mud from the melting snow was replaced by pine and laundry softener lingered in the tight space. armin shuffles in place, swinging his arms low at his side and kicking at pieces of road salt with his camel birkenstock clogs. *ping* the metal doors slide inside the wall and you step out first. as you’re walking out, thinking of conversation starters and hoping fate might bring you back to this moment in another life, you give up on this chance to say hello to the nice smelling, pretty eyed boy on your floor. disappointed you make your way to your room for the night. a flash of blond flies past your peripheral. armin leaned into the door in your path with a shove, popping it open to both of your surprise. the owner of the room sat at their desk, shocked at the two strangers standing in the frame of the once closed door, “can i help you?”  
“sorry! just looking for the bathroom!” he sputtered out, face red like a tomato. he smiled and you found it contagious.
“we haven’t met yet,” in his head, he counted to ten to regulate his heart rate. “i’m armin.” his voice had the cutest inflections, perfect little cracks of nervousness caught in his throat.
his eyes followed you, taking you in up close. it wasn’t until that last second, really, that he decided to spark this interaction. it had been a long semester, one where his best days were in passing with yours. he dreamed of softly knocking on your door to wake you in the morning and carrying your laundry down to the laundry room, a pocket of change jingling, ready to pay for your loads. in the library, he yearned for you, seated in the chair next to his, where you both study and mostly distract the other. he searched for your face in every crowd and always walked a little faster to the one class you both had three semesters ago when he first saw you. he watched the weeks turn into months, waiting for the perfect moment, but it was never the right time. that was until now.
“hello armin, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“come sit with mee,” he pouts with a pushed out lip. he starfishes his legs out in the center of the bed, swishing them open and closed. his cropped shag sticks up in all the right places as it rests on the headboard. god is he lucky for being so cute; a short sigh slips out of your playful smile while you circle the room, ditching your socks and slipping into a tshirt.
“can you wait a second? i just got back,” you shimmy off your jeans, “and last i checked this was my room.” you finger through a drawer and take out some sweatpants.
“i actually cannot wait. it’s been hours. i thought you only had the one class today. where have you been? you have responsibilities here: me!” he’s gleaming, patting the bed with both hands and urging you closer. “i’ve been waiting to watch our show all day. can we pleasee?”
he’s so damn needy. but he’s so damn needy for you, so who are you to deny. you plop down in the space between his legs where the blanket is warm from his presence and you settle in, palms pressed flat over his thighs and his arms linked with yours in a hug. he kisses along your temple and takes a deep breath, “i needed this.”
he continues to play with you, adjusting the shoulders of your sleeve and pulling at lint on your pants, tugging on your hair and swishing his feet at the foot of the bed. you reach for the remote and a small projector screen illuminates the low lit room, “armin, do you remember what episode we left off on?”
“ i have it all set up and ready. all you gotta do is press play,” he’s so smug, a mix of nerdy matter of factness and what you know as puppy love. you play your show and smile at the familiar theme song— it reminds you of moments like this with your boyfriend. your eyes drift to scan the room; your mugs neatly stacked on the drying rack, makeup brushes resting back in their jar, and a freshly folded pile of laundry sat on the corner of your desk. had he done all this while you were gone? you swell with adoration, a cold tingle racing through your body as you paw for his hands with a squeeze.
“truly, love, what would i do without you?”
“i think you mean what would i do without you?” he smiles and kisses you, soft and sweet, light like breathing for the first time and overwhelming in every sense of the word. “now pay attention, you fell asleep again last night and i don’t think i can bear to watch this episode for the fourth time.”
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hangesluvvr · 3 months
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selfship.. what the sigma ☝🏼😅🤓 (i love you hange🐺)
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