rissouu · 8 months
EARS PIERCED, connie springer.
he can’t handle it when his daughter gets her ears pierced.
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“i’m not turning the car around, connie..” you let out a sigh of relief when you finally reached the claire’s. connie had been begging you the whole drive to just go back home and forget this ear piercing shit.
but you couldn’t just let it go, every girl needed their ears pierced at some point. your mom got yours done when you were little so you wanted to stick with the tradition and do the same for your little baby… connie wasn’t going for it though.
“man what do she need her ears pierced for? she just turned one!” he decided to sit in the back with his daughter like he always did. the man took one glance at her in the car seat with sad eyes.. his poor baby had no idea what was coming.
“cause she’s a girl connie. and ear piercings barely hurt i promise, i got mine at this age too!” you tried reassuring him but he still wasn’t going for it. you knew he’d probably be salty for a while but oh well, he’ll get over it soon.
once you parked the car connie mentally prepared himself for disaster, if anything he acted like he was the one getting his ears pierced. he couldn’t stop the anxiety he felt when you opened the door to get the baby out.. he had half a mind to slam the door shut and lock it so you wouldn’t get in, but he knew better.
“baby come on or we’re gonna be late to the appointment,” you gently pulled him out of the car by his sleeve and he was damn near ready to throw a tantrum. your daughter didn’t need her ear pierced but you’d rather have it done now than when she’s older.
it just made more sense, plus you’ve had your ears pierced since you were 2— and never in all your years have you had to get another one.
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originally, you were supposed to be the one in the chair holding your daughter. but connie again, wasn’t going for it. he at least wanted to hold his daughter just in case anything went wrong, which is what he was expecting.
you watched the piercer mark your daughters ears, and you couldn’t help the worry sinking in— honestly you were scared too. looking at your daughter smile and giggle in her fathers arms without a care in the world.. it made you feel horrible.
she had no idea what was coming and you just hoped she wouldn’t be too mad at you afterwards.
“okay dad im gonna have you hold her tightly okay? she can’t move or else the piercings won’t be accurate to each other!” connie followed ever procedure possible because he’d do anything to just hurry and get this over with. his heart was already pounding in his chest during the whole car ride, and now it was even worse.
without warning, the worker aligned the piercing gun to your daughters ear and shoved the needle in. (she actually went as gently as she could, but to you and connie it still wasn’t gentle enough.)
the young girl’s face immediately fell into a frown, her previous mood of happiness quickly faded into sorrow. she let out a heart wrenching cry— so intense that her little body started shaking, and that was the last straw for connie.
you couldn’t lie, your heart ached hearing her scream like this. out of all the times she’s cried, it’s never been this intense nor has she ever started shaking because of it.
“no, she’s done. you see she’s over here hollering right?” connie mugged the piercer when she tried to do the other ear, he couldn’t hold his tongue anymore.
“constance stop it! let her do the other ear really quick, it’s her job.” soon enough your husband was mugging you as well, which you quickly returned. you didn’t know why he was acting like you were some evil witch just for wanting your daughters ears pierced?
you waved at the piercer— letting her know it was okay to continue, which she did. the second one didn’t hurt your daughter as bad since she was still stuck on the last one’s pain.
her cries only got louder but now it was more of forced out whines than actual tears. you rolled your eyes at that since it was a habit of hers, forcing herself to continue crying. deep down you knew she got that trait from you but you’d never admit it.
“anddd we’re all done! you did so good hun here, have a sticker.” she placed a yellow smiley face right on your daughters hand, and that was enough to make the young girl feel better.
connie though, he was still salty as hell. he hadn’t said a word to you yet, he just kept staring at the new earrings in his daughter’s ears. yeah, they were cute but fucking useless. like he said before, she could’ve gone without them.
“let me see her pa,” you held your arms out expecting him to give her to you, but instead he did the opposite.
“nah we’re mad at you right now. you on punishment, bye.” he gave you a blank stare and to your surprise your daughter did the same thing. she may not have been that old but she was old enough to know you put her through all that pain.
the tiny girl looked you up and down before rolling her eyes and turning her back on you to lean on her father’s chest. your jaw dropped as you watched connie let out a little chuckle and high five his daughter.
“tuh, okay then little girl ima remember that when you want some milk. i don’t like y’all!”
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©rissouu 2024 (it’s been a while yall im sorry, i just had no ideas.. but i hope you enjoyed! more dad!connie to come probably.)
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screwpinecaprice · 23 days
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*dusting off another drawing found in my old folders* Oh waw early 2020 connverse. And I drew in 97 dpi RIP
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thena0315 · 9 months
Someone Has To Watch The Kids
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witchcraftandgeeknes · 11 months
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I know I did this kind of post with Giles from Buffy already but it's the only thing I could think of after I saw this episode
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brave-and-gentle · 6 months
Girl Dad! Jean Kirstein
He's thrilled when your daughter chooses both dance and soccer - two very different aesthetics.
He watches a million YouTube videos on different intricate hairstyles for you daughter's dance recital.
She performs her dance routine for you and him in the living room. She's only six so she's falling all over the place, but that doesn't stop Jean from clapping at everything she does.
By the time the recital comes around, this man has memorized every part of her routine and knows what each move is called.
He and Connie go feral trying to get a front row seat and make sure the place has accommodations for Levi's wheelchair.
Jean, Connie and Levi are all looking quite dapper with bow ties for the recital and they're all holding flowers for her.
For soccer practice and games, he's the ultimate snack dad. Dude's got every possible snack in a giant reusable bag and a cooler full of water and Gatorade.
You and Levi frequently have to hit Jean in the head when he gets too amped up for her soccer games ("she's six for god's sake, chill out!!").
When she falls and gets hurt, he's the first one to run on the field and make sure she's okay. You both take her out for ice cream after.
That moment when your daughter's face gleams with determination on the soccer field? Jean's obsessed with it because that's when she reminds him of you.
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dharr5 · 4 months
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aller-geez · 2 months
Did Meeko try to stifled or holdback her sneezes while her partner is sleeping next to her?
Hey there Nonny! Thanks so much for your request!
Im so sorry this took a little longer to finish, but I swear I’ve been working on it!
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But to answer your question,
When Meeko first started dating @thekinkyleopard ‘s Connie, she was mortified of her startlingly loud dad sneezes. if faced with a sneezing fit, she would do anything possible to hold them back 24/7 (not stifling, since she’s even worse than Remi at stifling when her sneezes are so big) afraid that her new silent girlfriend would be extremely put off by her….
However, when they both began to date Biziil around a year or so later, including him into their polycule, she didn’t have the same problem with him, instead bonding with him over both of their dad sneezes…
If her partners are sleeping, of course Meeks will try to hold them back if possible to avoid waking them up….. she’s not usually successful though, but both Biz and Connie are always right there to help her through each jarring sneeze~
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aurorangen · 7 months
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That morning's conversation replayed in Vincent's head. All 3 people sitting in front of him work at the police station, the very same station that led the disappearance case 20 years ago. Even though he felt guilty concealing information, he'll wait a bit longer and forget about it for the time being. But he kept on wondering - why was Isaac so tentative about detectives anyway?
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turtleducks-08 · 11 days
Was just talking to my friend and I came up with this Aruani kid headcannon!
So basically inspired by @moonspirit post from a while back, I believe that their daughter has hair that is very hard to deal with. It’s extremely thick like Armins but on top of that is just genuinely unmanageable. It’s practically sticks out of her head like a lion’s mane.
To add to this, she also has a little lion onesie that Connie brought her and she never takes off. And I mean never, as soon as it’s out of the wash it is back on her. (Connie also brought her multiple sizes as he thought it was so cute)
To add to this, when Connie brought it he didn’t even realize it was a lion, as he didn’t know what they were as he grew up in paradis. So he brought it thinking it was a weirdly shaped house or bear.
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imthepointe · 4 months
personal headcanon that armin can’t hear for 6~ ish hours after coming out of his titan since his colossal doesn’t have ears
and the 104th all learn sign language together to communicate w him (and after the battle of heaven and earth will still sometimes speak in sign language to piss reiner off. annie learns it to support her bf and to communicate nonverbally and pieck simply does not gaf)
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postwarlevi · 9 months
Happy Christmas/Merry Birthday III
Content: 2.3k words. A second sequel (part I, part II) of dad Levi's birthday and Christmas in one.
A/n: Why do I rush each of these out?! I hope you love it and the idea for Levi's present!
It's warm and cozy in the house. Outside there are piles of newly fallen snow overnight.
You yawn as you wake up and stretch, opening your eyes with a smile. It's the best sleep you've gotten in nights.
"Morning." You hear the mumble of your husband who has been awake waiting for you. He reaches over to hold you in his arm.
"Morning Levi. Merry Birthday." You snuggle into his chest for a few minutes.
In your mind you know you should be up and out of bed already. It's daylight and your little ones must be ready for you.
"Eveything is fine." Levi tells you, knowing your thoughts.
Your ten year old daughter is up, it is Christmas morning after all. She's watching her six month old baby brother in his swingset while having some oatmeal, after helping her father feed the baby.
"Did you sleep okay?" You ask, kissing Levi's cheek and stroking his arm, taking his word for it that all is well.
"I did, love." He leans in to kiss your forehead. He came back to bed just a few minutes before.
Yesterday, an old injury of Levi's acted up quite a bit. He limped around some before you got him into a warm bath.
He felt bad about not being able to help around the house much, and on Christmas eve, but you told him not to worry. He always takes good care of you and your children, you are happy to be there when he needs you.
Plus your daughter is a big help. She adores her baby brother as much as you do and would do anything to assist, especially when she knows her father isn't feeling well.
It put a big smile on her face earlier in the day when she saw he was feeling better today.
"Come on, let's go see our babies." You finally say after a bit of cuddling time.
You and Levi get up and put on our robes and go out to the living room.
Your daughter who just finished her oatmeal comes over to hug you. "Happy Christmas mama."
"Happy Christmas my sweet girl." You kiss her head and hug her.
"Merry birthday daddy." She goes over to hug Levi again and they sit on the couch together as you go see your bright eyed baby boy.
"Hello my little prince!" You light up at seeing him and he makes happy babbling noises at you.
Picking him up you join your family on the couch.
You bounce the baby on your knee while your daughter plays peek-a-boo with him. Levi smiles at the sight and reaches out to stroke your hair.
"I'm so happy you're feeling better." You tell him.
"Thanks to you I am. Thank you." He gives you an adoring look reserved just for you.
You've gotten used to what to do to help him through when his leg pains start in again. Of course you all wish it wouldn't happen, but it's more bearable for him with you there.
After some sweet silent looks pass between you, you turn to your daughter.
"Sorry I'm a bit late today. What do you want to do this morning?"
"Uncle Jean and Connie are coming over to take me sledding later! Can we bake some cookies for them?" She asks, looking between you and Levi.
"Well of course! Come on!" You grin and stand up with the baby.
Levi pulls his swing into the kitchen, a safe distance from any appliances, and you put him back in so you can keep an eye on him while you bake.
Last night the boys called to see if it would be okay to come over. A few hours in the early afternoon wouldn't interrupt family time, and they themselves are considered your extended family.
You'd already started exchanging a few presents Christmas eve, and would finish the rest in the evening, while also dedicating some of the day to Levi for his birthday.
You put on your "world's best cook" apron you unwrapped last night while Levi puts on a chefs hat, both presents from your daughter. She giggles and claps at seeing you wear the things.
"Daddy, it's your birthday, what type of cookies should we make?" She asks him, pulling out pans and spatulas.
"Hmm, those almond cookies we made recently were pretty good." He knows everyone likes those.
"Yes! And we have all the ingredients." You smile and together begin baking.
Soon you're all humming along to holiday music on the radio and laughing. Somehow the baby sleeps through most of it, once in a while giggling along with you.
With everyone helping you're able to make a second type of cookie, and you insist on an apple pie recipe that you found in an old magazine you got at a thrift store.
You see Levi's eyes light up. Apples are his favorite fruit.
"It is your birthday after all." You give him a kiss as you pass by to get more ingredients.
Levi stands back a moment, taking in the scene of his wife and little girl dancing around the kitchen, with his sleeping baby boy being rocked by the swing set in the corner. Somehow he's still the luckiest man alive.
"Daddy! We need another bowl!" Your daughter calls to him, snapping him back with a blind.
"Yes my little reindeer, coming right up." He is glad the pains of yesterday are gone and he is able to participate in the fun.
Just as the new cookies are coming out of the oven there's a knock on the door.
"Yay!" Your daughter tears off the oven mitts and heads to the door.
"Ouch!" Levi grabs a hot apple cookie for himself before anyone else can get to it, burning his fingers slightly, tossing it back and fourth from hand to hand.
"See who it is first!" You yell out to your daughter. "Levi!" You turn to him next, getting a plate for him.
"Sorry. Thanks." He says a little sheepishly.
Your baby boy is up now making a fuss from the commotion.
Levi washes his hands and picks him up while you finish laying out the goodies on the counter, smirking at your husband as he uses his free hand to pop the apple cookie into his mouth.
You go into the living room to find three new faces.
Jean and Connie are laying out presents they brought for everyone as Sasha is hugging your daughter.
"You've grown!" She says to her.
The trio then turn to greet you.
"Hey all." You smile at them, thanking them for the gifts, and let them know before they head out there's cookies in the kitchen.
"Awesome!" Connie cheers and goes over to greet Levi and the baby before going to get some goods.
Jean does the same, but Sasha comes over to tickle the baby a little bit, making him giggle. She has been a great babysitter since your daughter was little.
"Go get some before those bums eat them all" Levi tells her, knowing she really wants some sweets.
She doesn't need to be asked twice and now you're all back in the kitchen eating cookies.
"These are delicious!"
"Thanks for sharing!"
The younger trio may cause a ruckus at times, but really are a big help when you need a bit.
"Come on princess, ready to go sledding?" Jean asks your daughter who lights up.
"Go on, we'll put your brother to bed first then be out." Levi tells her, and she and the guys head out.
"Can I help?" Sasha asks you. She has lots of little siblings and will babysit for you again soon.
"Sure." You thank her and head up to put your little boy down for a nap. Making sure he's comfy you take the baby monitor and go out into the front yard.
You find the instant camera that you got for Christmas last year and take photos of all the fun.
There's sledding and snowman building and a small snowball fight leaving everyone laughing.
"Thanks for coming over guys. What else do you have planned?" You ask as you head back inside after a while.
"We have a few other places to go. But of course we had to stop here!" Sasha says happily.
Before they go everyone asks to see the baby again and you wake him from his nap. He's slept enough that he's not too fussy and is content being passed around for a few minutes.
You open up the gifts from them, both your children getting more spoiled, and a couple things included for you and Levi.
"Here, for you." You give each of them a little something too, and a couple cookies for the road.
You say your goodbyes soon after and are back down to just the members of the household and make something for lunch and put on a movie while eating. You let Levi pick.
"How about we watch a home movie?" He suggests, and you and your daughter think that's a very good idea.
You spend the rest of the afternoon cuddled on the couch, watching scenes of your and Levi's wedding, some of your daughters birthdays, and a trip to a national park.
In between you put your son back down for another quick nap to stay on schedule and finish the rest of the gift giving before dinner.
"Oh! The slippers I wanted!" You laugh at the furry cushioned slippers in bright yellow.
"It was the only color in your size." Levi says, kissing your cheek.
"I love them." You hug him as your daughter opens up a new puzzle.
A few more rounds reveal books for everyone and some homemade accessories your daughter made at school.
One last present has Levi's name on it.
"For your birthday." As is custom, he gets the last gift of the night.
"I don't know what else I could need or that you could give me." He says, taking the thin box.
You turn to him and your daughter sits at his feet.
"It couldn't possibly be…" He trails off, and you laugh and shake your head.
"No, no more upcoming children. That was last years present." Not to say there wouldn't be another one in the future.
Levi unwraps it and looks at it a moment.
"It's not quite as personal as a few others, but it's… well, I hope you like it." You look at your daughter who is grinning. She knows her daddy will love it.
"It's a… comic book." He realizes this but can't seem to grasp it.
The hero, is him. Somehow you have put an animated Levi on the cover of a comic book.
He flips through the pages, that have him having his own superhero identity, fighting crime, saving the day, and coming home to his family. You. You're all in this book. Even your son. Every detail down to Levi's missing fingers from his accident years earlier.
"It's our way of saying, you're our hero. Everyday, sweetheart." You say, brushing his hair back as he quietly flips through it all.
"You're a superhero dad!" You daughter says, laying her head on his knee.
"I'm… I'm your…" He's speechless. It almost would seem like a silly gift, that you would give a teenage boy, not a husband and father of two with an injury that acts up sometimes.
"Thank you." He says quietly, sounding a little emotional.
Levi loves it. He loves that you're all in it. That he can save the day, come to the rescue, and live out his days with his family.
"The suit's a little corny." He jokes, making you and your daughter laugh and hug him.
He puts the book down and hugs you back.
"I'll, I'll need an updated one in a few years." He tells you, voice a little shaky. One for when the kids are a little older.
This is how you really view him. Even though you tell him, for some reason, this finally makes it sink in. He's your hero.
You settle back in and look over the book together. It warms all your hearts. Especially the parts that you're all together.
You don't realize the time until you hear your son babbling on the baby monitor.
You put all the gifts aside and stand up. Hugging Levi you kiss his cheek. "Merry birthday, my love." You head up to get your son.
Your daughter leans on her fathers arm as they walk into the kitchen.
"You really like it, daddy?" She asks him.
"I do. I really do." He kisses her head.
"Daddy, I was thinking. I know right now isn't a good time, cause a baby is a lot of work…" She trails off with her thought.
"They are. What are you thinking of?" Levi asks her.
"Next year, maybe if we both ask, mama will let us have a dog." She looks up at him.
He chuckles and looks down at her.
Yes, babies are a lot of work, so now isn't the right time. His daughter is a smart one. She also has very good ideas.
"That could be something I could get behind." They share a knowing smile, just as you come into the kitchen.
"Ready to eat, my loves?" You ask with your son on your hip, feeling like maybe you missed something, but adoring the moments Levi gets to share with your daughter.
"Yes, let's eat!" They both exclaim, helping around the kitchen.
The plan for next year is put out of their minds. There is a lot of time for that. Tonight, you are all a happy family, another successful Christmas day and birthday. With many more to come.
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crushedsweets · 1 year
When do u guys headcanon Toby got the mouth scar … do we know canonically?? Like during the accident , after the accident when he was biting his hands and stuff, or just some random ass thing post-proxy-ness ?
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seconds-2-midnight · 11 months
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(Ghoul's handsome Toad design, my OC Lo/Geiger, and their wee lil rainbow baby Connie in all her four-eyed, four-fingered, irradiated glory. She's cute now but once she learns to speak, she's gonna be a MENACE. She only has four fingers because her mom stole the other two. RIP - rest in pinkies)
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sorry but gabi and falafel don't get custody rights over levi
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brave-and-gentle · 6 months
Girl dad!Jean Kirstein - Happy Birthday Edition
In celebration of our man's birthday!
Pairings: Jean x afab! reader
Summary: Modern AU - You find out that you and Jean are unexpectedly going to be parents, and the baby is due on Jean's birthday.
Warnings: None, this is a continuation of super wholesome girl dad Jean
EB's Notes: I wish I could've fully fleshed this out, but alas, I'm working on two fics so a bulleted list is the best I can give rn <3 also I don't know what it's like to be pregnant or give birth so?? I did my best?? Plz enjoy and celebrate our Jean boy!
It's September when you find out that you're pregnant. One missed period isn't a big deal, but two? That plus how your stomach swirls every morning. You can't keep anything down until mid-afternoon. You silently blame the Fourth of July rager Eren threw every year. You and Jean had never been the patriotic type, but you two enjoyed the party (maybe a little too much thanks to Connie handing you drinks all night) and got a little careless after the night's festivities.
One night when Jean comes home from work, you decide to tell him. “Um, Jean?” Lacking words, you hold out the pregnancy test. Your hands shake. You had talked about having kids together, but it was always some distant future, certainly not now. He takes the stick and stares at it for what seems like forever. You wonder if you have to explain to him that it's a pregnancy test – is he really that dense? But then he looks up, hazel eyes glowing in the sunset streaking through the windows, and wraps you in his arms. “It's going to be okay, no matter what we do,” he whispers and kisses the top of your head. “I know it's not great timing and I'm not sure I'll ever really feel ready,” you begin, voice trembling, “but I think I want this. A baby. With you.” Jean leans down to press his forehead to yours. “Then I think we're going to have an adventure,” he grins.
Jean is overjoyed when you two find out that the baby is due in early April. “Do you think they'll be born on my birthday?” He asks, excitement rippling through his six-foot-two frame as he stares at the sonogram. You roll your eyes. “I didn't realize you could tolerate sharing a birthday with anyone.” Jean made a big deal about his birthday every year – mostly because he wanted to see what you would come up with for him. “Anything for our little one,” he affirms and caresses your slight bump.
Jean is the perfect partner to have a baby with – almost too perfect. It's almost irritating how much he dotes on you, but you remind yourself that he's doting on the baby too - “Baby K” or “little one,” he calls them interchangeably. He supplies you with all kinds of ginger snacks for morning sickness, researches all the baby stuff you'll need, asks a million questions at every appointment, gives you a massage every night, and takes over the majority of the household chores. Connie and Sasha tease that they never see him anymore because he's “whipped for two.”
You start to feel contractions on the evening of April 6th. Frantic, Jean calls the doctor, who says to wait until they're closer together. Neither of you fall asleep that night – you simply lie in bed, counting the minutes between contractions together. In the wee hours of April 7th, you decide it's time. Jean carries you to the car, packs the hospital bag, and hyperventilates all the way there. “For god's sake Jean, we're not even there yet!”
For all his hyperventilating in the car, Jean manages to calm down once your contractions and labor pains ramp up. It's pain unlike anything you've ever experienced – like someone is twisting all your organs together and rearranging them. All modesty is out the window. With so much sweat sliding down your body, you throw off the hospital gown and are stark naked in front of Jean and the nurses. Jean holds you hand the entire time and rubs your sweat-slicked back as you contort yourself into any position that will get the baby out as fast as possible. “C'mon baby, you're doing great! Almost there, almost there!” He encourages with confidence, but his face is as pale as the hospital bed sheets. You know Jean well enough to know that on the inside, he's border line having a panic attack.
You let out one final scream, one final push, and ear-piercing cries fill the room. “You have a baby girl!” The nurse announces and places your daughter on your chest. She's covered in all kinds of fluid and is screaming so loud your ears ache, but you don't care. You cradle her in awe that she's this little combination of you and Jean that will someday grow into her own. Jean pulls closer and wraps his arm around you and places his hand on your daughter's back. His entire hand is almost bigger than her. “She's so small,” he whispers. His earthy hazel eyes begin misting.
When Jean holds his daughter for the first time, his misty eyes give way to a rainstorm. “I can't believe we have a daughter – we made an entire human,” he blubbers and snuggles her close. “Don't forget who did most of the work,” you groan and roll over on your side to watch the two loves of your life. Jean lowers your daughter from his chest to gaze down at her. His eyes light up. “Hey babe, look, I think she's got my face!” You laugh because sure enough, she does have a longer face than most babies you've seen.
When the nurse takes your daughter to get cleaned up, Jean nibbles your ear. Heat flushes your face. “So when do you think we can -” You bat him away. “Don't even think about, Kirstein.” “C'mon babe, I'm starved!” He pleads. “NO. You don't even want to see my pussy right now, it's wrecked.” Jean crosses his arms. “I'll have you know that I saw everything, probably more than you did, and I still want your pussy. But alright alright, maybe in a month or so. Maybe we could make another one. . .” He trails off and grins. You widen your eyes. “If she's got your attitude? We stop with her,” you counter. “But,” Jean says, “if she's like you? We should have three more.” You groan and throw a pillow at him.
A few hours later, Connie, Sasha, and Marco come parading in with chocolate cupcakes. “When I asked Nicolo to make cupcakes for your birthday, I didn't realize there would be two birthdays,” Sasha laughs and hands a cupcake to Jean, who wolfs it down in one hand while cradling your daughter in the other. “More importantly,” Marco says and hands you a cupcake, “congratulations. I'm glad everything went well.” You grin and take the cupcake. “Thanks Marco.” Jean grabs another cupcake and holds it in the air. “To you,” he says your name, “for giving me the best birthday present I could've ever asked for.” Tears shimmer in his eyes again. Your heart blossoms at the sight of your best friends all here for you. “Who knew Jean boy was such a cry baby,” Connie mutters and munches on his cupcake. “Ouch!” He cries as Sasha hits him on the head. “Happy birthday Jean,” you laugh and roll your eyes because you know for the rest of your life, he's going to be insufferable about how great it is to share a birthday with his daughter. “You're never getting one like this again.”
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ask-the-cyclone · 3 months
Ocean, i hate you but i love you, but i hate you but i love you. (i have no idea what i think of her)
Anyways, did i hear a movie night? What are yall watching?🍿
Hmm. I don’t know how to feel about that… thank you, I guess?!
WE ARE WATCHING THE BEST MOVIE!! Of course after Saw 5
I beg to differ
[Robots are awesome, but the only one I like is Bumblebee]
Hey, I’ve seen that guy from somewhere… what movie was he in?
Oh, I think he was that kid with the shoes in Holes? Maybe?
ITS AWESOME?!? I’ve never seen it before I think it’s great
Of course you think that. You better pick a better movie next week, Noel
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