#ap text
ventresses · 9 months
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Star Wars: Rebels (1/?)
Star Wars + Text Posts & Headlines
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isogenderskitty · 3 months
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more of these because they're really fun to make
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canadachildvol2 · 2 months
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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes + text post memes pt.4
We're mere weeks away from the movie's release! Much excitement!
Part 1 (plus links to my other POTA text post memes) | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
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sbnkalny · 28 days
The Ape grins.
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blueautumngrave · 2 months
My favorite hobby is slowly bringing people in the fob fandom, so slow that in fact they don’t know it’s happening until it’s too late. One minute, all they know is fob is a band and few of their popular songs, the next minute, they’re neck deep into Pete’s live journals wondering how the fuck they got there
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solarpunkjesusfan · 1 year
Thinking about that time in APUSH when the teacher was trying to teach us a lesson about how bad the past was and instead taught himself about how much pressure is put on US high schoolers.
He gave us an account of a typical weekday of a 16 year old girl working in a textile factory in Lowell Massachusetts. We were then to write down our schedule on a typical weekday and compare.
My comparison concluded that she had more of a social life, more free time, actually had a boyfriend, worked fewer hours, slept less, and could get around more independently than I could.
Most other students reached similar conclusions but many of them also slept less than her. (I slept 8 hours, she slept 7, and many of my classmates slept 6 or less) I simply slept more because there was never any caffeine at my house and I couldn’t physically push myself to power through. I paid for this by working 10+ hours on homework every weekend.
After grading our homework he came back the next day with such a look of pity and said something along the lines of
“I had no idea it was this bad. It wasn’t like this when I was 16. I’m so sorry.”
This was over 10 years ago. If that teacher is still teaching APUSH he probably doesn’t do that assignment anymore.
I don’t regularly talk to any high schoolers, but I do keep up with current events. I don’t have a perfect idea but from what I can tell all the problems that were there when I was 16 are now way worse plus a whole pile of new horrific problems, some of which probably cross the line into being straight up human rights violations.
It wasn’t like this when I was 16. I’m so sorry.
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ppaleoartistgallery · 1 month
Paleostream 11/05/2024
here are today's #Paleostream sketches!!!
today we drew Maiasaura, Sigilmassasaurus, Boreaspis, and Gigantopithecus
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crown-eats-rocks · 16 days
ok guys . which one of you took my love and filled it up with novocaine . because now i'm just numb guys this isn't funny
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bignosebaby · 5 months
You know her
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This little ape is pretty iconic on tumblr, having a niche popularity as a meme from the "and me" post that is around ten years old! That's a long time for this mysterious (and cute) face to circulate.
I get a decent amount of people both in real life and online asking me about her, which makes sense because as a big advocate for primate welfare I can tell you the golden rule is primates are not pets and should not be kept in domestic human contexts. People attuned to the inherent cruelty of keeping primates as pets and raising apes like human children are wary of images like this, because that is exactly what it looks like.
Good news! This baby (as with all babies with Silver Tree Nursery watermarks) is completely fine. Because she's a doll.
Many people know about reborn dolls-- The hyper-realistic baby dolls that look and feel like the real thing-- but not everyone knows that there are also ape reborn dolls. Silver Tree Nursery is a (now defunct) Facebook page for an artist named Gemma who painted and customized reborn dolls and specialized in apes. The artist behind this doll has done several orangutans as well as some gorillas and chimps. While the iconic "and me" model above is a little too cutesy to be perfectly realistic, some of her work is so realistic that it would fool me (if not for the handy watermark). Here are some more shots of this doll:
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And some of the other apes she has done:
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I'm not the first person to post this-- while searching for more pictures I found this tumblr post which seems to have been the big reveal for most people that these are dolls. However, I thought I would tackle 2 follow up questions:
Are these dolls ethical?
Well, yeah. Some might ask if these dolls encourage the idea that this is an acceptable way to treat primates, but personally I think that the very small community of primate doll enthusiasts is a non-issue especially when you consider the impact of social media accounts that promote actual primates being kept as pets and treated like babies. Frankly if you want to snuggle a baby ape this would be the only way to do it (short of working as a surrogate caretaker for orphaned wildlife) without seriously contravening the endangered species act. Still, being vigilant against primate exploitation content is important, so:
How can you tell the difference between super realistic dolls and real primates?
In this case it was as easy as following the watermark. Googling Silver Tree Nursery brings up the Facebook page of the artist who makes the dolls. In general, sourcing is everything. If you know where an image comes from you can determine what the larger context is and whether what is happening is good. Here's an example:
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Is this a reborn doll or a real baby? The framing makes it look very similar to the Silver Tree dolls with the stuffed animal and baby blanket, but if you were to reverse Google image search the picture you would find out that this is Yakini, a gorilla from the Werribee Zoo when he was a baby in 1999. Reverse searching is your friend, and it only takes a minute.
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sweetsoona · 1 month
Eagle Clan world building 🦅
Some things I gathered from the movie.
Day to Day
Besides the standard nuts and fruits, Eagle Clan's primary source of meat is fish. That's why there were racks and a drying hut. It's likely they do hunt the fish themselves, but they for sure use the eagles to hunt for them too, as shown by Eagle Sun gifting one to Dar during her class.
Ape children attend lessons. Dar was seen teaching a group of children early in the movie. It's unknown if there are several classes at a time or just hers, but the babies do attend "school" where they're seemingly taught survival basics and cultural knowledge.
Most essential locations are in the towers they built. The Eagle rookery is on one of the topmost floors. There are two towers, it's possible one tower is used as the "business" area where Elders discuss strategies and laws, where most apes congregate when going about their duties, and so on. The other tower is likely the "home" area where they rest. As Noa, Soona, and Anaya are seen on one of the floors after Noa gets his egg broken in the middle of the night and they discuss what he should do. This is just a theory though. All that's confirmed is that they upkeep two towers.
Because of the height of the towers, they use a transport system that acts similarly to a dumbwaiter. As Noa scales the tower, an ape on one of the top floors can be seen pulling up a rope that holds a basket of fruits. This seems to be how they transport cargo throughout the tower.
They do utilize the space outside of the towers. This is where Dar teaches her classes. They have storage huts, this is where they keep their horses, and more.
They use silk to protect delicate items, typically during travel. It is unclear how they obtain it though, whether from the wild or if they shelter silk worms.
Overall, they have strategic ways to store and carry things. Such as the pouches Noa, Soona, and Anaya wore that was meant to carry their chosen eggs. In the scene where Mae reveals her name, the water canister Noa has is much larger than the flask-sized one Caesar carried in War.
Eagle Clan is bilingual and communicates in both sign language & English.
Despite having several methods of communication (sign, speak, and song), Eagle Clan does not possess written record. None of them can write or ever even thought of it as a possibility (that's likely to change now after Noa's discoveries.)
Customs & Traditions
Separated by generation, once an ape/apes come of age, they embark on a journey to retrieve an egg from a wild eagle's nest. It's both a physically challenging journey and a spiritual one, as it's recommended the apes choose an egg that "sings" to them.
They embark on this when the ape comes of age, but also when something is "in season". It's unclear if it's during "egg laying" season or "egg hatching" season.
It is law that the apes must leave at least 1 egg behind and only take 1 per ape. If there is exactly enough eggs for all apes involved, then there is not enough for them to take. There needs to be extra. This is so their clan doesn't render wild eagles extinct.
After making this journey, once the apes return there is a Bonding Ceremony at the very next sunrise. It's unclear exactly what happens during the ceremony, but I suspect 1 of two options occurs:
Option #1 - The bonding takes place between the ape and the egg. It is now the apes turn to sing to the egg and begin to build their relationship while waiting for the chick to hatch.
Option #2 - Or an exchange happens. The apes gift their eggs to the Master of Birds who will raise them until they hatch. And in return, the Master of Birds will hand over an already hatched eagle chick to the apes, that they will then raise and bond with. Got this idea from this user who gave the explanation that this exchange process would help keep the bonding ceremony in circulation.
It all depends on whether the "season" this journey takes place is during egg "laying" vs "hatching" season.
EDIT: Watching this interview with Owen & Wes basically confirms Option #1. That the apes bond with the same eggs they retrieve. They sing to them and take on the role of its caretaker until it hatches, supposedly carrying the egg in their chest harness the entire time until then. Once it hatches, they continue to raise, train, and bond with the chick.
So I do think the initial journey occurs during "egg laying" season. (There is just no way those eggs were going to hatch during the Bonding Ceremony. Noa's egg was nothing but yolk when it broke lol.) It's highly likely there's an event or celebration during "egg hatching" season, since eagle eggs hatch very close together in time.
Regardless of the specifics, the ceremony happens. From then on the apes use song to communicate and bond with their eagle.
Songs are very sacred for Eagle Clan. They sing to bond with eagles and they sing to bond with each other (as shown in their unity in the finale.) It is unknown how in-depth their usage of songs go, if they have different kinds of songs with different melodies, etc. Regardless, songs hold a lot of importance to their clan.
Face painting is also part of their way of life, but a lot is still unknown. Oda wore face paint in the village and when the Elders sent him off on his task. It's possible his face paint symbolized his role as a "hunter" or "defender" of the clan, but that is just a theory. No other ape, from what I remember, is seen wearing face paint in Eagle Clan.
Jewelry/accessories though seem to hold vast meaning.
All of the Elders wore intricate necklaces to represent their authority in the clan. (This is why it's so impactful when Sylva rips it off after the raid.)
Oda wore a necklace as well. We don't fully know what it could represent. It'd be easy to say it once again symbolized a "hunter" or "defender" role, but anything's possible. Other apes also wear jewelry, such as Dar, Soona, Anaya, and more in the background.
Noa wears a woven band on his right arm. At first it consists of minimal materials. After the finale, there are three bright blue feathers attached onto it. It's possible the feathers represent either his official coming of age, a sort've "champion" adornment to appreciate him for rescuing the clan, or any kind of elevated status.
Speaking of, nearly all of Eagle Clan's adornments involve feathers in some way. Cloth made of fiber or hide does not, but nearly all accessories do. It is a representation of their close relationship and respect for eagles and birds.
Politics & History
During his time, Caesar was the "alpha male" or king who’s word was everything. 1 ruler 1 truth. In Eagle Clan, their politics are more complex, with there being a council of Elders who all strategize and work together to lead the clan.
If Noa’s dad was an Elder, then that means each Elder represents an aspect of their way of life. Noa’s dad was “Master of Birds”, it’s possible the other Elders were “Masters of” other things.
They made joint decisions together. No one ape has total control and authority over the clan. (So it's unlikely Noa became "their leader" in the same sense that Caesar became leader.)
They have a detailed list of laws that go further than the original three (apes together strong, etc.)
One law I've already talked about, that 1 eagle egg must be left behind when a teenage ape goes on their coming of age journey.
Another was that no one in their clan should venture beyond into the "Forbidden Valley".
Another, which seems to be the most important (until Noa realizes it's not) is that Eagle Clan must follow the Elders in their decisions at all times. Disobedience or disapprovals are a big no. When Noa links back up with Eagle Clan after getting kidnapped, and Noa questions and says the Elders did not know everything, Soona looks at him like he just grew a second head. It's unthinkable.
There are probably more laws, but these are the ones we know about.
Eagle Clan referred to humans as "Echoes". Possibly because frightened (wild) humans tend to hide and scurry away, so that the only thing that is heard is the "echo" of their footsteps as they trample through the forests. Or it's possible they're referred to as "echoes" because of the tunnel that separates Eagle Clan from the Forbidden Valley. That the most prominent noise the apes hear from them are their echoes from the tunnel.
Eagle Clan is 100% in the dark about the old world, about the history of humans, and the history of apes. It is unknown when this massive disconnect from history occurred, but it did and any knowledge about the old war was either repressed or lost to time. For now...
The world building behind Eagle Clan is so incredibly interesting. They felt like a genuine culture with their own customs and traditions, and I'm really curious to dive deeper into their lifestyle.
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monttagues · 2 months
do y'all think brennan expected this last stand outcome? like he must expected some of these kids to go down at least once right? but none of them did. none of them dropped to 0 and neither did the proctor. like some of them didn't even get hurt at ALL, only fabian and the proctor took some major hits i think, the others had only mild damage. like i don't think brennan intended for all of them to be revivified but i also don't think he expected them to be THIS good lmao
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Christian Ziegler's incredible photo which has been selected as the Highly Commended image in the Natural History Museum's Wildlife Photographer of the Year 58th competition.
Christian had been tracking the group of bonobos "chest-deep through flooded forest" in the Salonga National Park for days when he spotted the young male holding a juvenile mongoose in his hand.
"I was so surprised to see how he carried the mongoose with such care. I immediately started to follow him and document it," he told BBC News. The ape held and stroked the small mongoose for over an hour, he said.
It is not uncommon for bonobos to capture small animals to keep as pets for short periods of time before either eating or releasing them, and it may even be a status symbol among bonobos to hold onto another animal for a while to show off.
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canadachildvol2 · 4 months
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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes + text post memes pt.3
New trailer, new memes!
Part 1 (plus links to my other POTA text post memes) | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
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unlimited-puppies · 9 months
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I don't think I have anything to add here. Read paranatural, it's good
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lordoflightning · 3 months
concerned ape not having a set time to release the update and just kinda waiting till he’s awake is a bit evil 😭
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silusvesuius · 2 months
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only a month left till this demented ape with brain damage will be all i see when i close my eyes
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