#aphrodite trine asc
yet-another-leo ยท 2 years
Hello, can you give me a description about my Aphrodite placement, I love your posts about her โ˜บ๏ธ
It's in Sagittarius in the 9h, conjunct the 9h, square mars and trine the ascendant.
Thank you ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“
๐™Ž๐™–๐™œ๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ง๐™ž๐™ช๐™จ ๐˜ผ๐™ฅ๐™๐™ง๐™ค๐™™๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™ž๐™ฃ 9๐™ƒ (๐™๐™ง๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™š ๐˜ผ๐™จ๐™˜, ๐™Ž๐™ฆ๐™ช๐™–๐™ง๐™š ๐™ˆ๐™–๐™ง๐™จ)
๐Ÿ’› masculine beauty ๐Ÿ’› quite independent energy ๐Ÿ’› blessed with intelligence and spiritual knowledge ๐Ÿ’› relaxed vibe when you're first meeting them ๐Ÿ’› might like wearing clothes that show off their hips or thighs ๐Ÿ’› might like wearing clothes that seem foreign or from another culture (not in a mocking way of course) ๐Ÿ’› strong sex appeal (square mars) ๐Ÿ’› confident flirt ๐Ÿ’› very passionate and determined ๐Ÿ’› ambitious and very focused on their goals ๐Ÿ’› could hurt themselves while doing something beauty related (taken from @venusfun) ๐Ÿ’› very competitive; being desperate to win ๐Ÿ’› could be selfish and vengeful ๐Ÿ’› could be blinded by rage and spite ๐Ÿ’› if you are attracted to women, you might like women who are optimistic, intelligent, funny, dominant and impulsive. You might also be attracted to foreigners.
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scorpihoe1111 ยท 3 months
Astrology Observations: Part 3๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿฉท
Mars aspecting the ASC can give the individual a dominating demeanor, but also mainly depends on which aspect. Ex: Harmonius Aspects (trine/sextile)=Straightforward, honest, stand their ground, strong boundaries, not one to be pushed around. Harsh Aspects (square/opp)= Aggressive, domineering, rude, blunt, obnoxious.
(TW: Death) Your 8H sign and planet may tell you how you pass away. Ex: Gemini moon in the 8H= Lungs, breathing problems, asthma. Moon= emotional turmoil, stress, heart break etc
Asteroids like Medusa (149) or Aphrodite (1388) can show you what people envy about you, what they admire, where they may attempt to bring you shame etc. Ex: Medusa in the 1H can attract envy over their appearance, their aura and demeanor. People could attempt to โ€œhumbleโ€ these individuals often. Aphrodite in the 2H can make others admire your money, your possessions, may wanna know how you have what you have so they can have it too.
Aphrodite (1388) can result in people not just admiring wherever the house itโ€™s in, but also being malicious and petty over it since they feel they deserve it more.
Lilith in the houses is similar to this, and can result in those around you being annoyed when you do things in regards to the house and sign it is in. Ex: Sagittarius Lilith in the 2H= people could be upset when you relax, when you have fun, when you donโ€™t play by made up rules and standards, when youโ€™re genuinely happy, when you have nice things, when you take a break, when you indulge etc, because they have this mindset of โ€œI never got to do that/have that, why should youโ€. Lilith in the 1H= people getting annoyed that you may be beautiful and theyโ€™re not, painting you as a villain because youโ€™re pretty.
Cancer moons are surprisingly really good with holding boundaries with people in their lives. These people can be lover girls/boys, for sure; but they refuse to let people take advantage of them. Their love, effort and care is reserved for those who will appreciate them in return.
(TW: Mental Health) Take this with a grain of salt since itโ€™s just an observation and not a fact, but those Iโ€™ve met with a combo of Scorpio/Gemini in personal planets in a chart are usually diagnosed with BPD, while those Iโ€™ve met with either Virgo/Aries/Gemini in a chart combined have usually been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder/OCD. 12H and 8H stelliums Iโ€™ve also met have had some sort of mental illness such as BPD or Schizophrenia.
Jupiter in the 1H, Sag/Pisces risings and/or Jupiter aspecting ASC/personal planets usually manage to get out of difficult situations easily. These people easily attract the help they need, the resources to do what they need, the money to get them where they want to be; very easily. Even when people with these placements/aspects get in trouble they usually manage to make it out very easily as well. Jupiter blesses and makes lucky anything it touches.
People think that Mercury in the 1H might usually talk alot about themselves, and while that may be true; itโ€™s also true that they simply attract people who love to know about them and ask questions in regards to them. Mercury 1H individuals seem to be interesting to others and peak others curiosity about them. Others find them fascinating, thus constantly asking questions about them.
On the other hand, Mercury 3H individuals may be very close with their siblings, or their siblings can be popular/known/famous which could make the 3H person known for their siblings. This results in the 3H person consistently hearing about their siblings, getting asked questions or discussing topics in regards to their siblings. Same thing with school, this person may have either really good or really bad grades in regards to school so their main conversations with others could be in regards to school topics.
A Virgo rising individual at their worst can be obsessed with popularity/attention/validation (Leo 12H) amongst their peers. They may not come off that way, and they themselves may not even know that they secretly love being in the center. Without realizing, they subconsciously try their hardest to be the best at everything, the smartest, the prettiest/handsomest, and when at their lowest they have no issue with taking down others who they deem threatening to their spotlight. They can also be secretly judgmental of those who they deem to be lesser, or not as attractive than they are.
Similarly, Iโ€™ve noticed Scorpio Risings at their worse can be very jealous and insecure individuals as well when it comes to appearances/validation. Iโ€™ve noticed this in women with this placement mostly, but when theyโ€™re at their lowest/undeveloped, theyโ€™re the type to only be friends with or surround themselves around people they think are worse than they are whether appearance, status, popularity wise etc. Undeveloped Scorpio rising females can be very competitive and refuse to have someone whoโ€™s possibly better than they are around them, since they donโ€™t want to be compared to the other person or not chosen/not the favorite.
Libra moonโ€™s are the people that start the drama and then say โ€œI donโ€™t like dramaโ€ lol. What they really mean is they love it, as long as theyโ€™re not involved
If you find that you always have bad experiences with those whose signs fall in your 11H, check your sidereal chart. Odds are your 11H sign in your western chart is the 12H sign in your sidereal, which would explain the bad experiences.
Aquarius women are always so successful in everything they do, Iโ€™ve rarely met an Aquarius woman that doesnโ€™t have their shit together in every category. Theyโ€™re giving face, body, money, career, healthy love life and social life etc. The men on the other handโ€ฆ
Yes, those with Saturn in the 7H have a hard time finding the one. They go through years of cycles and repetitive situations in love but those who find their person find their FOREVER person. People with this placement may be the last to be in a relationship/get married amongst their peers, however theyโ€™re usually the happiest and most successful once they do compared to friends or family who just hurried up and settled and usually separate/divorce. Saturn 7Hโ€™s standards and boundaries may also seem to high or unrealistic to those around them, but theyโ€™re just asking for bare minimum. It only seems that way to others around them because they were raised in a group or environment that had no standards low key.
The good thing about 2H stelliums is that you attract money, possessions and success super easily. The bad thing is that those around you could ONLY see you as your success/money, and may try to bleed you dry of what you have and take advantage. Strong boundaries and not being overly giving is recommended with these placements.
Mars in the 12H can attract people who are secretly aggressive or hostile towards them. They may never know someone is holding a grudge on them and they may attract secret animosity or competition as a result. May have issues with male figures in their life and wonโ€™t even know it.
Jupiter in the 6H, especially with Cancer or Libra there; get along with animals sooo well. These are literal pet whisperers and itโ€™s rare for them to not have at least 3 cats/dogs. They love animals more than people sometimes.
Part 4 will be out soon. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
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harmoonix ยท 9 months
๐ŸŒบ Fruity Astrology Observations ๐ŸŒบ
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๐ŸŒบ - Having Jupiter/Mars/Venus/Moon in the 8th/9th houses makes you so HOT no matter what others say these placements are hot placement to have
๐ŸŒบ - Having the ascendant in an air sign shows the native has great skills at communication/flirting/chatting. Air Risings are ruled by Mercury, Venus and Uranus so these natives are pretty charming and adorable
๐ŸŒบ - Fire in big 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising) - You are so confident and so fierce, having fire in big 3 is so HOT always so passionate and full of energy
๐ŸŒบ - Having Water in Sun/Venus/Moon/ signs makes you so powerful and nurturing. You are so in touch with everything around you and so spiritual.. Is honestly such an amazing placements to have especially in Water Element
๐ŸŒบ - Lilith in the 2nd/6th/10th houses gives an intimidating body, your body can be pretty admired and looking good. Lilith sometimes symbolize the intimidation ๐Ÿ‘€
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๐ŸŒบ - Lilith in Water Signs can give the vibe of an real siren (siren and mermaid are not the same thing) they are good at manipulating and seducing people and these people can often give an air of submission
๐ŸŒบ - Lilith in Earth Signs give the vibe of Maleficent sooo much, charming, seductive, magnificent and badass, they can act act all Innocent and still manage to be bold
๐ŸŒบ - Sun in the 1st/8th/12th houses are magnetic people they are literally like a magnet always attracting people, attracting can have many meanings.., if people don't come to you they can just stare at you and be attracted
๐ŸŒบ - Sagittarius in Big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mars, Mercury) can be good comedians because of their humour, they are so funny to be around and their vibe is just so pure and you don't wanna be away from them. Keep your Sagittarius friends close they are like a treasure
๐ŸŒบ - Leo in big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mars, Mercury) natives are so supportive and always trying to give their best, they should be appreciated more for their strength
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๐ŸŒบ - Asc aspecting Mars (all aspects) are so intense and HOT, literally they symbolize being hot and so so so sensual, intense, seductive and powerful
๐ŸŒบ - Aphrodite (1388) opposite Venus can feel like a blessing or a curse type of thing, because it can either feel like a chaos, either like something beautiful based on how you feel. It can be destructive and can get jealous easy tho
๐ŸŒบ - Aphrodite (1388) trine/sextile/conjunct Neptune can have a really good personality and a good looking body, they can feel so sensibilie and gracious (Omg why I think of swans when I describe this aspect)
๐ŸŒบ - Mars - Pluto aspects can be chaotic sometimes, because if their intense emotions, they can get pretty angry at some points and you will seen then explode
๐ŸŒบ - Capricorn and Aquarius in big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mars, Mercury) are so HOT. They are literally so much of hotness inside of them, pretty face, pretty body.. pretty everything...Being Saturn ruled can be good sometimes
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๐ŸŒบ - Libra Moons/Libra Venuses can have so many things in common, (Maybe because Moon likes it when she is in Libra I guess). They both are surrounded by beauty and love, so romantic and charming (Reminds me so much of Aurora from the sleeping beauty these placements)
๐ŸŒบ - Aries sun/rising/mars are so dominant and strong with everything in their lives, they like to take the control and to lead the situation in almost everything. They are so fierce ๐Ÿ˜
๐ŸŒบ - Neptune in Aries Degrees (1ยฐ, 13ยฐ, 25ยฐ) gives the native an very fierce energy over their personality and their appearance. They can look so pretty ๐Ÿ˜
๐ŸŒบ - Neptune in Libra Degrees (7ยฐ, 19ยฐ) are born charmers and with very beautiful face features mostly hair and eyebrows. They can have those things prominent and to be special for them
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๐ŸŒบ - The Moon in your Venus Persona Chart shows how you feel when you are in a relationship
Moon in fire signs experience much Intensity and very much thinking of their partners like constantly thinking what are they doing
Moon in water signs can experience a deep connection and bounding to their partners, they can feel them at every touch
Moon in earth signs can experience this fulfilment of pleasure in life when they enter in a relationship.. feeling like they have everything they ever wish for
Moon in air signs can experience an good communication and feeling of excitement something like laughing at their texts and messages, feeling more love everyday
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๐ŸŒบ - Rising sextile/trine/conjunct Sun natives are so charming, they have a good personality, attract people so easily with this charm
๐ŸŒบ - Air Moons (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra Moons) can end up being addicted to music, you can literally see them 24/7 with their headphones on
๐ŸŒบ - Juno (3) aspecting Mars indicates a lot of intensity in someone's relationship ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ”ฅ a lot of passion, possessive behaviors and can end up clingy
๐ŸŒบ - Juno (3) in Libra/Pisces/Aquarius and Leo indicates a spouse full of new surprises and energy, an harmonious relationship and enjoyments together with your partner
๐ŸŒบ - Juno in Aries/Taurus/Scorpio might be the type of posesive dominant partner who can end up being attached/clingy to you when you don't even expect it
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๐ŸŒบ - Juno - MC (Midhaven) aspects are one of my fav Juno placements everrrr, like this is so luckyyy and good to have, usually means that your relationship is liked by people and is helping you 2 a lot
๐ŸŒบ - Vertex aspecting Lilith (h12) indicates an extremely magnetic person to the other sex, you can attract people from the same or from the opposite sex quite often to you. This aspect is like a magnet for attracting people into you
๐ŸŒบ - Vertex aspecting the Sun can almost this energy, BUT with this energy people want to know more about you and to get to know you, to help you, to be around you etc.. also with this placement you can seem attractive to people
๐ŸŒบ - Vertex in Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) need to know their worth for their work. Because usually the natives are extremely hardworking but they are rarely seen for their efforts...
๐ŸŒบ - Vertex in the 5th/8th houses creates an magnetic field to the natives sexuality, they can be so interested in this specific topic of their lives because it will work strongly for them basically the life purpose is to feel pleasure ๐Ÿ’‹
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๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ’‹ A good day for fruity news dear darlings ๐Ÿ’‹
โœจ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ Manifesting good energy for everyone who is reading my notes ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ๐ŸŒด
"Love yourself the most in order to share love to the next person. So you can feel the actual love"
With love, Harmoonix โœจ
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starsworldd ยท 3 months
Solar Return Observations pt. 9: Long Edition
readings are open
take with a grain of salt
made using whole signs + 3 degree orbs or less
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๐Ÿ’œ you could feel sleepier during years you have pisces rising in the solar chart
๐Ÿ’œ having mars in the 12th can also indicate taking way more naps that year too
๐Ÿ’œ years which you have mars retrograde could be years where you tackle past/buried issues
๐Ÿ’œ mars conjunct another planet shows having to fight for your place/goals related to the house that the other planet rules (ex: leo in 11th house -> mars conjunct sun (the ruler of 11th house in this case) could mean that you have to put more effort to be included in group activities)
๐Ÿ’œ also mars conjunct sun is a BUSY year
๐Ÿ’œ where the asteroids forte (8780) and fama (408) land in your sr chart show the most prominent themes in your year ahead as well as the houses where leo and cancer fall
๐Ÿ’œ conversely, the houses that capricorn and aquarius occupy are themes that youโ€™re hung up on throughout the year, itโ€™s hard to bring these themes to your satisfaction
๐Ÿ’œ having the chart ruler of your juno persona chart for that year in the 12th house can indicate a loss of friends or a partner that year
๐Ÿ’œ having pallas conjunct your 12th house ruler can show that you are constructive and productive even in times of distress or isolation throughout the year
๐Ÿ’œ having venus trine uranus can indicate a lot of fun in the year ahead, especially with online friends, games, social media, etcโ€ฆ
๐Ÿ’œ planets that trine neptune create ease/relaxation (ex: mercury trine neptune could mean less school or social stress in the year ahead)
๐Ÿ’œ pay attention to when saturn is on the angles (asc, dsc, ic, mc), those are most likely going to be especially important years where you reach the pinnacle of some sphere in your life (the house tells you which theme/sphere)
๐Ÿ’œ juno in the 12th house can indicate having secret admirers that year
๐Ÿ’œ wherever aries chiron lands in your sr chart shows where youโ€™re forced to endure and overcome wounds, thereโ€™s no escape (especially if itโ€™s retrograde)
๐Ÿ’œ having aries or scorpio in the 10th or mc shows breaking barriers/records that year (whether thatโ€™s on a personal or community level)
๐Ÿ’œ similarly, having capricorn/aquarius in the mc/10th can also mean breaking records/barriers but the recognition and/or fulfillment you should receive will most likely have to wait
๐Ÿ’œ aphrodite (1388) indicates where thereโ€™s the most drama in the year ahead
๐Ÿ’œ having any of the work housesโ€™ (2, 6, 10) rulers on the angles represents a culmination/fruition of a project or goal
๐Ÿ’œ having a capricorn stellium indicates success and a likelihood of recognition having to do with the housesโ€™ themes
๐Ÿ’œ having gemini, libra, or taurus as your solar rising or as your rising in your ascendant pc chart for that year indicates popularity
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๐Ÿ’œ moon in venusian signs also indicate popularity and possibility of attracting more lovers as well
๐Ÿ’œ having a succedent houseโ€™s (2, 5, 8, 11) ruler in another succedent house OR having a planet in domicile/exaltation in one of these houses can indicate wealth
๐Ÿ’œ having any wealth-related asteroids (mony, banks, gold, etcโ€ฆ) in sagittarius can mean a growth in finances that year
๐Ÿ’œ having asteroid valentine (447) in the 4th house indicates a supportive home life
๐Ÿ’œ asteroid valentine conjunct natal neptune means having really really good experiences with a lover or a good friend
๐Ÿ’œ juno in the 8th house can indicate a secure and in-depth partnership coming your way that year
๐Ÿ’œ jupiter conjunct pallas (solar or solar x natal) indicates a strategic plan that pays off
๐Ÿ’œ having mercury aspect venus can mean getting more compliments that year
๐Ÿ’œ having uranus conjunct part of fortune (solar or solar x natal) indicates an unexpected good surprise. the solar and natal house that it falls in specifies where the surprise may come in
๐Ÿ’œ having part of fortune in your natal 9th house shows an abundance of opportunities and possible recognition (sun has joy in the 9th house)
๐Ÿ’œ having pluto in the first house of your mc persona chart could mean a significant change in your goals/career/ambitions
๐Ÿ’œ i recommend looking at your solar return chart rulerโ€™s persona chart for more details about what could happen in the year ahead
๐Ÿ’œ pluto aspecting the mc in your solar chart shows a step up in power/reputation by doing something significant
๐Ÿ’œ having the sun placed in the 8th house in your talent asteroid (33154) pc shows doing something ground-breaking and amazing with your talents
๐Ÿ’œ having the 7th house ruler in the 5th house means that your relationships with others bring lots of good opportunities to you (fun, travel, doing games, etcโ€ฆ)
๐Ÿ’œ having aries or scorpio as the rising sign of your mc pc for that year indicates a lot of activity in your work and/or public life
๐Ÿ’œ having a 1st house stellium can show a fresh start in the sign the stellium is in (ex: libra stellium in the 1st house can show a new beauty regiment that you take on in the year ahead)
๐Ÿ’œ 8 degrees on the ascendant can mean that youโ€™re wayyy more determined and require more alone time as well that year
๐Ÿ’œ having mercury in the 1st house of your dsc pc shows talking to a variety of people (the sign of mercury can show why)
๐Ÿ’œ having the chart ruler in domicile in your dsc pc means being more popular that year
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hope you enjoyed!
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lunaapudleonem ยท 16 days
What are some uncommon "Love at first sight" synastry placements and overlays(asteroid placements and overlays too)?Those placements and overlays which are not discussed enough?
Thank you for this ask!!
Love at first sight synastry placements and overlays ๐Ÿ’–
Venus in the 1st house
One person's 1st house in another person's 7th house
Aphrodite in the 1st house
Aphrodite conjunct ASC
Cupid conjunct/trine/sextile Moon
Valentine conjunct/trine/sextile Moon
Lilith conjunct/trine/sextile Venus
Pluto - Venus aspects
South Node in the 1st house
sometimes 8th house placements (Moon, Venus and Mars) can make the individuals instantly drawn to each other
Venus conjunct Mars
Jupiter conjunct ASC
Amor in the first house
Amor conjunct Venus
Cupid in the first house
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evangelinesbible ยท 1 year
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Vinnie Hacker is basically TikToks modern day Heartthrob. And his Astrological beauty doesnโ€™t disappoint. Aries risings tend to have very prominent foreheads and pointy chins. Their faces are typically very angular in shape. The Aries symbol is the ram and itโ€™s symbol looks like what an Aries rising head tends to look like. Specifically for men having an Aries rising can makes your face look very sculpted, especially in the jaw and cheekbone area. They might also have a very warm/ red complexion to them. Aries rules over skin so people with these placement might be more prone to acne, moles, freckles, and beauty marks.
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These people tend to have a very sexual presence to them which sadly means that they are sexualized a lot. Lilith 1H or Lilith - ASC might have this bad boy/ girl vibe to them even if they themselves arenโ€™t like that at all.
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Having a Virgo Venus can mean that your stomach/ waist line is very attractive. And having it in the 6H further accentuates that. When someone with this placement works on their body daily or working out is apart of their daily routine their attractiveness grows more and more. (Of course that can work for anyone not just this specific placement, but the difference between a Virgo Venus before and after working on themselves is astonishing) Virgo Venusโ€™s tend to have a very clean put together look to them as well. Venus conj. Moons shows that this person will have an attractive chest
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Like Iโ€™ve said before in previous posts when the Ascendant touches mercury these people tend to look very youthful. Iโ€™ve also seen that Mercury risings or Mercury - ASC people have big eyes reminiscent of owls.
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These people might tend to have a very seductive stare or just a very intimating stare sometimes. These people tend to appear naturally sexy or seductive. Most of the time their seduction lies all in their eyes.
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Having Bella in the 1H can make someone very beautiful. Bella being in a Venus sign can further emphasize that people with this placement are seen as natural beauties
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Adonis being conj. his Saturn can show that as he matures and grows older heโ€™s only gonna get more attractive. Silver fox type of thing. And it being in Gemini might also mean that heโ€™ll be the type of man who seemingly doesnโ€™t age. Beauty aside this placement clearly explains why he gained fame on social media for his attractiveness.
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Nymphe also rules youth and having it conjunct his moon means that heโ€™s always gonna look a little younger than he actually is, at least in just the face. And if he continues to take good care of his body, and put a lot self care and work into himself heโ€™ll be able to keep up that youthful appearance.
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Aphrodite is usually used in womenโ€™s charts but it can still apply to men. Aphrodite touching Pluto can indicate someone who is known for being incredibly sexy and sexually attractive. Their beauty is probably sexualized a lot. Aphrodite in the 8H can bring this sexualization too. Heโ€™s probably seen a very attractive and sexy when he taps into his feminine side more. Heโ€™s not afraid to wear fashions or colors that might be considered โ€œfeminineโ€ or not conveniently โ€œmasculineโ€. But it works really well for him.
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And that was the astrological beauty of Vinnie Hacker
- โšœ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ซโšœ๏ธ
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cinnamonnangel ยท 2 years
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ASC - MC, sun, moon, venus, mars or jupiter conjunction, trine and sextile (0-1orb)
Aglaja (47) โ€” Splendor
Alkmene (82) โ€” Faithfulness, Intelligence
Aphrodite (1388) โ€” Sexual Attractiveness
Bella (695) โ€” Beautiful Woman
Candy (3015) โ€” Candy Girl
Casanova (7328) โ€” Charm
Chariklo (10199) โ€” Sensitive
Charis (627) โ€” Charisma
Eva (164) โ€” Femininity
Fay (4820) โ€” Ethereal Beauty
Flora (8) โ€” Ethereal, Fairy Beauty
Freia (76) โ€” Beauty, Fertility
Glo (3267) โ€” Shine and Glow
Hera (103) โ€” Sexual Attractiveness
Kallisto (204) โ€” The Most Beautiful
Kleopatra (216) โ€” Strength, Authority
Lilith (1181) โ€” The Dark Side of Sexuality
Lotis (429) โ€” Pure Beauty
Medusa (149) โ€” Enviable Beauty
Nadherna (5089) โ€” Gorgeous
Nefertiti (3199) โ€” Graceful
Narcissus (37117) โ€” Vanity and Attractivenes
Nymphe (875) โ€” Ageless, Natural Beauty
Peitho (118) โ€” The Goddess of Persuasion
Persephone (399) โ€” Queen of the Underworld
Psyche (16) โ€” Enviable Beauty
Ptah (5011) โ€” Magical Beauty
Queen (5457) โ€” Elegant, Strength, Powerful
Salome (562) โ€” Seductive, Fatal Beauty
Sappho (80) โ€” Bisexual Energy
Sassi (7500) โ€” Sassy Girl
Sirene (1009) โ€” Dangerous, Femme Fatale
Shigemi (7597) โ€” Luxuriant Beauty
Zerlina (531) โ€” Leading Energy
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How to find the asteroids in your birth chart:
visit Astro.com >> Extended Chart Selection >> Additional Objects >> Manuel Entry >> type the asteroid number
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cursedbyastro ยท 1 year
from (post here!) โœฟ
ASC - MC, sun, moon, venus, mars or jupiter conjunction, trine and sextile (0-2 orb)
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*added by me* Adonis (2101) โ€” magnetic, charismatic beauty (sextile moon 1ยบ)
Aglaja (47) โ€” Splendor
Alkmene (82) โ€” Faithfulness, Intelligence
*added by me* Apollo (1862) โ€” attraction, beauty (sextile mars 2ยบ, trine MC 2ยบ)
Aphrodite (1388) โ€” Sexual Attractiveness (honorable mention conjunct mercury 3ยฐ)
*added by me* Bathseba (592) โ€” lusted after beauty (honorable mention conjunct merucry 3ยฐ)
Bella (695) โ€” Beautiful Woman
Candy (3015) โ€” Candy Girl (sextile Sun at 1ยบ)
Casanova (7328) โ€” Charm
Chariklo (10199) โ€” Sensitive
Charis (627) โ€” Charisma
*added by me* Erato (62) โ€” sensual, lovely beauty (trine MC 0ยบ)
Eva (164) โ€” Femininity
Fay (4820) โ€” Ethereal Beauty (trine ASC 0ยบ)
Flora (8) โ€” Ethereal, Fairy Beauty
Freia (76) โ€” Beauty, Fertility (sextile moon 0ยบ)
Glo (3267) โ€” Shine and Glow (sextile moon 0ยบ)
*added by me* Godiva (3018) โ€” untainted, pure beauty (conjunct moon 1ยบ)
*added by me* Helena (101) โ€” The Most Beautiful (conjunct ASC 1ยฐ)
Hera (103) โ€” Sexual Attractiveness (sextile Jupiter 2ยฐ)
Kallisto (204) โ€” The Most Beautiful (sextile Moon 0ยบ, honorable mention conjunct Saturn at 0ยบ)
Kleopatra (216) โ€” Strength, Authority (trine Moon at 0ยบ)
Lilith (1181) โ€” The Dark Side of Sexuality (trine Moon at 0ยบ)
Lotis (429) โ€” Pure Beauty (trine ASC 2ยฐ)
Medusa (149) โ€” Enviable Beauty (trine ASC at 2ยฐ)
Nadherna (5089) โ€” Gorgeous (sextile Sun at 2ยฐ)
Nefertiti (3199) โ€” Graceful
Narcissus (37117) โ€” Vanity and Attractiveness
Nymphe (875) โ€” Ageless, Natural Beauty
Peitho (118) โ€” The Goddess of Persuasion (trine MC at 1ยบ)
Persephone (399) โ€” Queen of the Underworld (trine ASC ยฐ2)
Psyche (16) โ€” Enviable Beauty (conjunct Mars 2ยบ)
Ptah (5011) โ€” Magical Beauty (conjunct Mars 0ยบ, conjunct Venus at 2ยบ)
Queen (5457) โ€” Elegant, Strength, Powerful
Salome (562) โ€” Seductive, Fatal Beauty (sextile Moon at 0ยบ)
Sappho (80) โ€” Bisexual Energy (sextile Sun 2ยฐ)
Sassi (7500) โ€” Sassy Girl (sextile Venus 1ยบ, sextile Mars ยบ0)
Sirene (1009) โ€” Dangerous, Femme Fatale (trine ASC 2ยฐ)
Shigemi (7597) โ€” Luxuriant Beauty (sextile Jupiter 1ยบ)
Zerlina (531) โ€” Leading Energy
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opia-tarot ยท 2 years
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๐Ÿ”žasteroid placements i find hot๐Ÿ”ž
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โ˜„๏ธcirce-ascendant (especially difficult aspects)
You already know how much i love these aspects. I don't need to elaborate, but i will until u all get sick of it. I'll gladly do anything for these people, or be anything. They have a dark energy about them, idk it makes me OBSESSED.
asteroid aphrodite-venus
These people are the definition of charmers. They make people swoon and stumble over their words.
medusa conjunct ascendant
Umm excuse me? Who gave u the right to be so intimidating? I can spot these people so easily, their eyes are like daggers probing everyone and cutting so deep i feel way too exposed around these people. I love it ahaha
sirene 1h
These people are so yummy. They know they have people wrapped around their finger and it's so attractive.
sirene 8h
Oof. I can't. These people are beyond mysterious. I just wanna figure them out. So so so seductive and sultry. They have the art of push and pull so easily used in their favour. And what's even crazier?! These people usually don't realise how seductive they are.
aphrodite 1h
They're so bloody attractive!! Like without fail. Yes obviously it depends on other placements, but like wow. Seriously like art on legs. mona lisa who? picasso where?
sirene square ascendant
These are the people who literally strike and seduce. You won't even realise how deep you're in it until you're trapped ahaha. They are so strikingly attractive. Their appearance literally makes people do crazy things. Megan knees at the ready.
sirene 3h
Why is your voice so attractive?!!!! Seriously when these people speak i'm enticed, i can't process anything. Without fail these people have either a sexy singing voice or they speak and pants are dropping.
sado trine mc
especially if it's in scorpio oof. Anyway. These people will literally grab everyone's attention. They make people painfully OBSESSED. It's something they can do so easily, no effort needed.
asteroid fox in fire signs (aries๐Ÿฅต)
HOT. So hot. Ruin me.
lisitsa in the 5h
These people are so seductive and they can have anyone they want, including me๐Ÿ˜Š
Sado in scorpio
They seem like they can take you to the dark side and make u theirs. They almost seem dangerous. I like it. Their sex appeal is so dangerous because it's a weapon. Weaponize it and use it on me?๐Ÿฅบ ahahaha
eros conjunct mars
They have this sex appeal that's so potent, almost suffocating. I love it
gaussia in scorpio
These people are shamelessly magnetic, they can literally attract anyone ahaha. I've seen it first hand. Honestly ughhhh so addictive
it enhances their magnetism, it's self explanatory but i had to include it
sirene 2h
They always seem like they're hiding something ahaha. I love their mystery and how they seem so complex. They're literally an unsolvable puzzle. I love it. Their layers make me wanna dig.
fox-asc/ 1h
I'm aware these people tend to get sexualised often, so i don't wanna be too extra, but like oh my gosh. Every time i see someone attractive theyโ€™ve usually got prominent fox somewhere, it's ridiculous
asteroid fox in capricorn
honestly can't express how sexy this placement is. The definition of cold seduction, Like yes baby ignore me ahaha. They seduce by being cold or blunt idk but it works. People will take the bare minimum from them ahaha. Like they look in my direction? Life mission accomplished ahaha
lisitsa- asc
every attractive person has this aspect. I'm aware it's usually used to analyse female attractiveness, idc about that. I don't include gender in my posts so idc. Every and i mean every attractive person i've seen or met has this aspect. They are HOT and stupidly seductive. They could breathe and suddenly everyone is asthmatic. idc bitch i'm gasping for their attention ahaha.
These people are seen as attractive by everyone. It doesn't matter if they're not conventionally attractive, they are attractive simple.
eros conjunct/square ascendant
I won't stop talking about these placements ahaha. The sex appeal?! Oh my.
So usually these people are seen as players or heartbreakers. But like you can break my heart baby. Shatter it. bob the builder, i can fix it.
aphrodite conjunct mars
stunning, show stopping. spectacular. They have a delicate sex appeal.
They have a satisfying appearance. Their appearance is used to charm. They usually have really nice smiles too. A lot of hot people have this aspect
medusa in leo, virgo, cap, aries
HOT. The person no one can seduce because their self worth is so high and they never lower their standards. I love it sm.
sirene in fire signs, libra and capricorn
The are so good at the art of seduction, it's just so easy to them ahaha. The bad bitch placements.
charis 5h
They usually have a very playful charisma about them. They have no issues attracting partners and general admirers. Pick me.
charis in scorpio/ 8h
They have a seductive charm and it's not try hard or in your face. They have an it factor.
These people age so well, dilfs and milfs honestly. They always have nice skin and a bright smile.
nymphe in virgo
same reason as juno-asc. These people usually have really unique facial features too.
I like every placement iโ€™ve mentioned so far in capricorn and scorpio btw but u should know that by now ahaha. Also aries and leo.
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a-d-nox ยท 1 year
hey do you happen 2 know anything ab asteroid bella square ascendant and trine sun ? ive been searching evrywhr n ppl r mostly only talking ab bella conjuct asc etc. does it being square ascendant mean the beauty is downgraded; ugly ? ๐Ÿ’€ since yk bella conjuct enhances the beauty and in my mind square just immediately equals 2 "ugly"/ downgrade lol
bella-asc: negative aspects: these people can be very uncomfortable in their own skin for a majority of their life, relying on the validation of others but not turning to themselves for validation that they feel beautiful (advice: you must do what makes you feel comfortable and confident in your skin, not what others tell you to, in order to master the stunning, shell-shocking confidence of this hard aspect). they can feel as though everyone is looking at them with judgment/scorn, but, in reality, it their own internal philosophies that is projected onto others - advice: be careful with how you analyze others, it breeds your own insecurities oftentimes. it's likely that these people have unconventional beauty that is not "mainstream."
bella-sun: positive aspects: chances are their ambition, caring nature, positive outlook despite the cruel reality of the world, and/or ability to express themselves so freely makes them a very beautiful person to be around. not all beauty is external often it comes from the inside out (i'm saying this as an aphrodite square chiron person)! these people appear to be positive and to nearly glow. everything about them is radiant and youthful from skin and hair to their internal state of mind.
my unpopular opinion: WHOEVER is out here saying that bella conjunct asc is the prime beauty aspect needs to knock it off. i don't like seeing asks like this where people believe they are a "downgrade" or "ugly" because y'all obsessed with conjuncts. reminder: a conjunct is the long sword of the astrological verse - it is both the positive and negative. the peaceful and the abrasive. branch outside of just the conjunct world; believe it or not there are a lot of aspects that are quite lovely.
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ยฉ a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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yet-another-leo ยท 2 years
Thoughts on Aquarius aphrodite in 10h trine Saturn, conjunct Uranus, and square asc? Love ur blog btw !!!
Aquarius Aphrodite in 10H (Conjunct Uranus, Trine Saturn, Square Asc)
โ–ฎ unique beauty โ–ฎ mature vibe to beauty โ–ฎ independent energy โ–ฎ loves their freedom; hard to pin down โ–ฎ their detachment makes them look more attractive โ–ฎ unique style and aesthetic; aesthetic could also change very frequently โ–ฎ has a chaotic or eccentric fashion sense (ex: wears distressed clothing etc) โ–ฎ might get judged for their eccentric tastes โ–ฎ likes to rebel against fashion trends โ–ฎ known for their beauty/fashion โ–ฎ trendsetter โ–ฎ might like to dress in violet and blue tones โ–ฎ might have a holographic aesthetic โ–ฎ might want/have dyed hair, tattoos and piercings โ–ฎ might get called shallow and superficial (sq. asc) โ–ฎ self-image issues (sq. asc) โ–ฎ if you're attracted to women, there's no specific type but you could want someone who's mature and can potentially elevate your status.
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gracefully33 ยท 6 months
Beauty Indicators In My Chart
*Iโ€™ll only talk about the main aspects that stand out to me
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Asteroid Bella 1H(Libra)
- At 15 degrees
- Conjuncts the ASC(Libra)
- Bella trines Neptune
- The 1H can represent our appearance
Sun 1H(Libra) at 5 Degrees
- According to numerology, the 5th degree represents beauty
- Sun conjuncts Mercury, mars, and Jupiter
- Sun trines Neptune & asteroid Nymphe
- Sun squares asteroids Lilith, Aphrodite, and sirene
- 1H can represent our appearance
Asteroid Nymphe 9H(Gemini)
- at 10 degrees
- Asteroid nymphe trines Neptune and the sun
- The 9H can represent an abundance of something
The 10H(Cancer)
- Asteroid Lilith(6 degrees), sirene(2 degrees), and Aphrodite(4 degrees)
- Asteroid Lilith trines Uranus
- Asteroid sirene trines Uranus
- Asteroid Aphrodite trines Uranus
- The 10H can represent our public image and strangers first impression of us before they get to know us
Venus 11H(Leo) at 23 Degrees
- The 11H can represent influence and more
- In numerology, 5 (23โ€“>2+3=5) degrees represents beauty
- Venus trines Pluto
Aspects to the ASC
(Positive aspects)
- Neptune trine Asc
- Pluto sextiles Asc
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reinen5astro ยท 6 months
Hello, I was wondering what is is your take on these Aphrodite placements? 26ยฐ Libra Aphrodite in the 1st house
Aphrodite Conjunct Ascendant
Aphrodite Trine Venus
Aphrodite Opposition Moon
Hiii The asteroid Aphrodite signifies your beauty, fertility, love and passion, similar to the Goddess Aphrodite.
Asteroid Aphrodite in Libra [26*]: Your beauty shines with your glamour and harmony. You look balanced and clean, and have a very harmonious energy about you. You have an abundance of masculine but feminine energy, and you may love a more glamorous, sunshiny style, with yellow and coffee tones. Your lower back and stomach may be the most prominent features about you [libra rules kidneys, bladder, and lower back]. When it comes to love, or your "type" you have incredibly high standards. You enjoy the beautiful things in life and love creating beautiful relationships with those you love. You have a very friendly and flirty way of falling in love, however HOWEVER, you must be treated like a princess, otherwise won't entertain them [as you should]. Harmony in a relationship is your utmost priority. The 26 degrees indicate that you have the qualities of a Taurus as well. Your ear, nose, and throat may also be prominent. You prioritize comfortability, sensuality, and care in a relationship. Your aura is very Venusy.
Asteroid Aphrodite in 1st house: You naturally radiate beauty and magnetism, attracting positive attention and opportunities. But be mindful of maintaining healthy boundaries and avoiding manipulation or relying solely on external validation.
Aspects: [these are all very harsh aspects to each planet]
Aphrodite opp Moon: Your sensuality, love, passion, and beauty are at opposition with your feminine energy, psyche, emotions, and regeneration. At certain times in your life, one of these two poles may feel dominant. At times you may feel exponentially beautiful, but at other times it's hard for you to feel pretty, which has a huge impact on your psyche, feminine energy, beauty, and body regeneration.
Aphrodite conjunct Asc: A conjunction is the harshest or most influential aspect in astrology; you may have a beauty, fertility, and passion [Aphrodite] that radiates off of your body, physicality, and outer appearance [asc]. You are often seen as beautiful from a very young age. You have an air of beauty, passion, and love around you. The beauty also reflects in your mindset towards life [asc], you may go through life with rose-colored glasses.
Aphrodite trine Venus: There is an inherent synchronicity between your Aphrodite and your Venus, and how they go about their values. Your relationships are filled with beauty, love, passion, and fertility. You may have a lot of daughters. You value simplicity, beauty, and romance. Your artistic expression is at its height when you feel passionate.
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cosmoss-express ยท 3 years
Astro observations (part 2)
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๐Ÿฅ€ People with Leo Mercury (especially retrograde) folks are the type to have stage fright before any big performance/presentation/exam to the point where they're feeling sick and trembling like a leaf in the autumn wind, then still manage to nail it yet have no idea how it happened
kinda like they just black out and get possessed by a demon or smth, like, they don't even know how they nailed themselves
๐Ÿฅ€ Lilith on the 4th house can make you rebel and negate your own roots (could be a good or a bad thing based on how you grew up) OR your childhood was centered around chaotic Lilith-type-individuals who didn't really understood how badly their actions affected you (since the 4th house also represents early home life) and "healthy family dynamics" is a very distant concept to you
๐Ÿฅ€ Sun conjunct Saturn in synastry can make friendships/relationships last a long time but the Saturn person can have a hard time getting out their routine and be too rigid with the Sun, in turn the Sun person can grow feelings of envy and resentment over Saturn's social status and possessions. They could stick together for the good moments they shared together even if the connection doesn't bring them joy anymore
Even if they separate, the two still feel connected to each other somehow
๐Ÿฅ€ With harmonious Moon/Aphrodite (1388) aspects the native's mom could've focused heavily on her looks; the native could be hyperfeminine and find comfort and peace in being surrounded by beauty
๐Ÿฅ€ Istg every Libra I've met gets excited around fire signs. Every time I see interactions between them, the world around them just disappears lol
๐Ÿฅ€ Moon dominant women, how painful are your periods? I'm trying to see whether the moon hates us or not
๐Ÿฅ€ Venus-Neptune/Pluto aspects in the natal can make people feel drawn towards you unconsciously, bringing in a lot of (often) secret admirers since Pluto's influence pulls people in but also scares them to death lol
I have Venus trine Pluto and every time I talk to people, especially men, I literally cross my fingers and pray they're not a psycho rip ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
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๐Ÿฅ€ Aries/Mars in the 8th natives are BIG into horror, thrillers, anything that involves blood and gore scenes. The downside is that these individuals could face a violent death and could have faced actual real life violence
๐Ÿฅ€ Uranus in the 8th could experience chaotic high highs and low lows when it comes to money. During transits, the native could receive money unexpectedly, win the lottery or go bankrupt. Uranus is literally the Russian Roulette of the Solar system
๐Ÿฅ€ People with prominent Leo placements or Sun conjunct ASC, will be put into situations where they WILL STAND OUT one way or another. Leos do get attention and can be attention seeking. But most of the attention they get just gravitates towards them naturally (I hope that makes sense)
Story time: When I was in 1st grade, my parents couldn't afford a school uniform by the time school started (here it's mandatory to wear one) and I went on the first day in a DARK RED pullover and BLACK pants. Guess who stood out the most in the class picture full of little girls dressed in WHITE-BLUE uniforms? My teeny tiny Leo stelluim self โœจโœจโœจ
๐Ÿฅ€ Gemini and Libra men are more self-centered than Leo men.......I said what I said
๐Ÿฅ€ Aquarius culture is being friends with a lot of people, yet only ONE person knows all your tea, or NONE at all
๐Ÿฅ€ Mars + Moon in the 1st folks CAN'T ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป STAY ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป F*CKING ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป STILL. They always need to do something to let that energy out otherwise they start bottling that in and it turns into frustration.
๐Ÿฅ€ Mars+ Moon in synastry = biting your s/o because they're so cute โคโคโค
๐Ÿฅ€ Cancer+Virgo+Libra placements in the natal can make someone a control freak since Cancers are all about (especially emotional) security, wanting all the signs, all the warnings before they proceed with projects and relationships while Virgos and Libras tend to try to control their surroundings and habits as much as possible, very often fearing their own judgement.
On one hand , these people are considerate, on the other they can get stuck in their minds, fully drowning in their fears. Because of this, the native might think they're lazy. Like, seriously, I want to give these people a hug ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ
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Happy Spooky Month and Scorpio season ya'll, love youuu ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
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moonianbbyg ยท 3 years
random placements
eros square sun
kitty trine mars
kitty square ascendant
juno conj. ascendant
venus conj. aphrodite in 5H
fama (408) asteroid rx in natal chart
12H chiron conj. ascendant
pluto square sun in synastry
euterpe in 11H
NN in 11H
sun square uranus/ascendant
lilith conj. sun
venus sextile saturn
venus quintile neptune
mars opp. pluto
mercury square MC
venus in 7H
jupiter in 1H
jupiter in 5H
jupiter in 11H
saturn in 1H
sagittarius ascendant
leo rising at 20ยฐ
pluto conj. moon in 4H
venus/ascendant sextile pluto
libra jupiter rx in 8H
antares conj. sun in 8H
aries nemesis in 7H opp. asc
uranus in 11H
indicators of a music career or talent
odin conj. lilith
mercury square chiron
fama sextile pluto
sun in 10H
venus in scorpio mars in aquarius
nessus conj. chiron
mercury opp. MC
nessus in 3H
libra mars at 2ยฐ in the 2H
aries, taurus, gemini aura in juno pc
capricorn aura (1488) asteroid in juno (3) pc
synastry overlays
uranus close degrees in synastry
mars square moon in synastry
moon in 7H conj. descendant in synastry
uranus conj. neptune in synastry
moon conj. venus in synastry
vertex conj. lilith in synastry
venus opp. neptune in synastry
sun semi-square moon in synastry
chart ruler in 8H synastry
chart ruler in 12H synastry
sun in 4H synastry
sun in 5h synastry
sun in 8H synastry
moon in 8H synastry
moon in 9H synastry
moon in 12H synastry
mercury in 4H synastry
mercury in 5H synastry
venus in 2H synastry
venus in 4H synastry
venus in 5H synastry
venus in 9H synastry
venus in 12H synastry
mars in 4H synastry
mars in 7H synastry
mars in 8H synastry
uranus in 7H synastry
neptune in 7H synastry
pluto in 1H synastry
south node in 6/7H in synastry
lilith in 1H synastry
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evangelinesbible ยท 2 years
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*NOTE* thereโ€™s obviously WAYYY more beauty asteriods and indications, these specifically speak out to me personally
An obvious one, but your rising sign is the basis of your physical appearance (specifically your face) aspects to your rising can give more insight into your appearance
Ex. Iโ€™m a Virgo rising with the moon and mars squared. So sometimes I can give more of a lunar appearance and sometimes a Martian appearance. I have softer aspects that are more tight then my squares that appear more. (Venus and Pluto trine my ASC)
The chart ruler can also give you insight into your looks as well. Itโ€™ll be more like your aura but the houses rule body parts just like the sign
Ex. My chart ruler is the 8H so when matched with my Virgo rising I canโ€™t tend to give off an intimating stoic vibe with my looks and to some I might appear naturally sexy or alluring
Can be more accurate than your natal chart rising sign, can show the inner lying beauty you have
Ex. My ACS in this chart is Pisces conj. Vesta which can give me a youthful look and some mystical sex appeal (think like a mermaid)
Another obvious one. Venus deals with beauty and attraction so the sign itโ€™s in and aspects to it can show what type of beauty you have and what people find attractive about you
Ex. My Venus is in Taurus conj. NN/Pallas, sextile Saturn/Uranus, trine Jupiter/ASC, and sqaure Neptune ๐Ÿ˜… thatโ€™s a lot but the most prominent is the Pallas conjunction and sextile Saturn. So beauty that gets better with time/age and a beauty and brains type of attractiveness
Quite literally means beautiful so where this is in your chart can expose what is most beautiful about you
Ex. I have Bella conj. ASC so that can just plainly state that Iโ€™m conventionally beautiful or seen as a beautiful person. But I have this in retrograde so my perception of my beauty is warped and I have a hard time believing that I am
Like an extension of your Venus when it comes to your beauty, attraction, and physical body. Can indicate sex appeal as well
Ex. I have Aries Aphrodite trine ASC so soft charm and seduction. Looking good in reds and showing off my body (not a lot just enough to tease
Nymphe can represent universal and natural beauty/sexual attraction flirtatiousness and libido
Ex. My Nymphe is Pisces conj. Sun in 7H so my flirtatiousness is very playful and very much like the innocent act. My balanced beauty, confidence and sunny disposition can cause others to be sexually attracted to me
How your beauty lures and intrigues others. Can indicate how siren like you are.
Ex. My Sirene squares my mars. So I might lure in people because of my basic sexual nature/vibe and people might find my face/gaze to be very sexual, fierce and Martian like (Aries)
Can indicate what glows or shine about you not just internally but physically
Ex. My Glo trines my NN, Jupiter, and Venus. Focusing more on the Venus aspect; this can indicate being seen as an ideal beauty or the main thing that glows about me is my beauty
Ethereal, Magical, outer worldly, fairytale like beauty
Ex. My Fay conjuncts Neptune and Vesta in the 6H. So I may appear dreamy and young and outer worldly. I have an earthy sensual beauty.
Powerful, striking, intimidating beauty (lots of supermodels have this prominent in their charts)
Ex. My Ptah square MC and Mars so people may perceive beauty as intimidating. I might be known to have a dominant and seductive/sexy stare.
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Based off these asteroids what type of beauty do you think you have? Overall I think Iโ€™m a mix of ethereal hotness and basic attractiveness. ๐Ÿ’‹
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