#apologies for the rant. just had to get this out
winstonsns · 2 days
Could you do the gangs types? 🙏
(Love your writing btw!!)
the gang and their types (request)
authors note: thank youu, i’m happy you like my writing! sorry it’s short, ill try and make the next request longer 💗
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includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 1.1k
warnings: cussing
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pony likes someone who can both yap and listen, he enjoys hearing you talk about things and how you get excited and smile, but he also loves talking to you and ranting, he appreciates someone who can listen to when he gets really excited over small things or in general
one of the first things he looks for in a person is their intelligence, if one is smarter than the other then he wouldn’t want to feel stupid or you to feel bad that you’re not as smart as him
he prefers studying together if the both of you are at the same level and classes in school
that way the two of you can have in depth conversations that he can’t have with others because they don’t know as much as he does
he always felt like he needed emotional support so if you can provide that for him, he’s all over you
along with someone who shows affection in public and isn’t ashamed, whether it’s complimenting him, hugging him or giving him gifts
johnny extremely values people who are loyal to him, someone who won’t leave at the first sense of danger or sadness, instead tries to work out the problem and continue communicating
he gets nervous when confrontation is involved, but communicating lets him know you care and love him, because if you didn’t care, you wouldn’t talk to him about whatever’s bothering you
johnny loves someone who is respectful of boundaries, he never really knew how to make his own because he never had them in the first place, his parents didn’t care enough to restrict him from doing anything
so if you notice he’s uncomfortable with something you’re or someone else is doing, you’ll stop or tell them to stop and he’ll love you even more
soda likes people who are good listeners and pick up on little details, like an observer
he just wants people to realize that he has problems too and wants to be listened to, someone who will check up on him randomly or if he looks sad
if you’re a naturally encouraging and grateful person, basically a bubbly happy person, then you have a huge chance that he’ll like you
he tries to be around people who make life a lot easier and happier, someone who gives him something to look forward to the next day and a reason to keep living
soda isn’t that picky about his type and values personality way more than looks
he loves someone who is upbeat, he doesn’t care if someone gets annoyed because he loves being around you
darry loves someone who is very patient, he can get very occupied sometimes because of work and basically raising his brothers, so it’s very time consuming and he’d love it if his partner is patient
also if you help him out with pony and soda, like buying groceries or making them food or simply taking them places, although he’ll feel bad that he’s not doing the work, he’ll appreciate whatever you do for him or his siblings
he likes it if you cherish the time you and him have together because it’s so little, so quality time is very important to him
whenever the two of you have time, the both of you will try to work something out that the both of you like, so if you’re good at compromising then he likes that
that way the two of you can do what you want but together
he really appreciates someone who can stand up for themselves, basically an assertive person who isn’t afraid to express what they want and stuff
dally makes a lot of mistakes so he wants someone who is forgiving, he can get frustrated though if you don’t forgive him immediately
but he hates apologizing first and sees it as a weakness, he learns his lesson after you don’t talk to him for a few days, he struggles to say sorry but he gets it across
if you’re brutally honest like him, he will fucking love you, the two of you might disagree on things but you hardly ever lie to each other
if you say something like, “that was a bit rude, dal, not his fault that you didn’t like the milkshake.” so he’ll sigh and roll his eyes, apologizing to you and saying he’ll try not to do it again
he obviously does it again but tries not to do that type of stuff around you, he doesn’t want you to be upset at him or with yourself for not doing anything
keith loves someone who has the same sense of humor as him, if he tells a joke or insults someone and you come up with something funnier or more insulting, he’s head over heels
another thing he really loves is someone who’s good with kids, like they get along and can take care of kids
especially if the kids go out of their way to see you and they can tell you have a good heart, he loves that
same goes with animals, like they have a sense of intuition whether or not some is a safe person to be around, so if animals go to you then they feel safe
he likes someone who is respectful of others, specifically boundaries and is very careful not to cross them
also someone who sees the good and bad side of everything, if you try to see others perspectives then he’ll really appreciate it
that way he knows you’re caring of not only yourself and your friends, but people you don’t know either
he loves it if someone is protective of him but not to the point where he can’t do anything on his own, he can handle himself very well and you both know that, but if you’re protective then he knows you’d do a lot to keep him safe
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authors note: pretty sure i have three full days left of school. i’m excited to write more yayyy!! sorry if you requested something and i haven’t answered it yet, i answer in order of who requested first. sorry this took a while!!
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that-gay-gal · 7 hours
I need to rant about a problem I have with Rise! Raph
… ok, that’s a bit misleading. I have no problems with him, but I absolutely do with how this fandom can treat him.
Namely, the flanderization of his character. Specifically the part about him being the nicest iteration of Raph, because I see SO MANY people make him out to be the nicest softest most UwU-est boy when ITS ONLY PARTIALLY TRUE GODAMMIT AND IM TIRED OF IT.
Please. I’m so tired of people acting like he never gets upset or angry and is the nicest person to ever exist in this godamn franchise.
Because yes, he is nice! And I love that about him, but some people are so extreme about his softness I’m going to blow a fuse if I see more of it.
Stop contributing to the flanderization of characters, guys. I love his kindness as much as anyone else but it’s NOT HIS ONLY TRAIT.
This won’t be getting a lick of attention but I just had to say it.
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.
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I’m not trying to be mean by the way this is just all my opinion and it sorta just boiled over after I saw this happen again on some random post!
I don’t claim to know Raph better than anyone else, of course. But some people for sure don’t know him! And I won’t apologize for saying that because I’ve noticed mischaracterization is a huge problem for this fan base, and I think everyone should take a moment and reflect on how they portray these characters.
Ok bye guys have a good day/night/whenever!! Again, just my opinions :) I was bored idk (I could go on for hours about him tbh)
I’m probably deleting this later but whateverrr
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fanfic-inator795 · 4 months
**Random fandom related rant incoming regarding ROT//TM//NT, don't like don't read**
Okay so, if any of you have followed me for a while, you know that I was in the Rot//TM//NT fandom for like three years before eventually leaving for the most part, save for occasionally peeking in on things (and taking part in the second Fashion zine, which is still in-progress if anyone's wondering).
When I left the fandom, my major point for WHY I left was that I felt like the fandom was becoming way too angst and gore heavy, being way too obsessed with post-movie stuff regarding the Kraang, the apocalyptic future, characters getting brainwashed/mutilated/going through ptsd/disturbing scenarios in general, etc.
This is still my main reason for why I'm still (and probably will always, regardless of how often I end up revisiting the show in the future) keeping my distance from the fandom. However, my other main reason is just the sheer fact that the fandom has a favoritism problem when it comes to the turtles - specifically the fact that Raph is essentially pushed to the sidelines in fandom works I'd say 85-90% of the time.
Just a reminder that I do not - and have not - check the tag every day so maybe my view on things is skewed, but of the ROT//TM//NT stuff that still makes its way into my Tumblr view space or YouTube algorithm, this is definitely how things seem to be.
In general, when it comes to art and fics and edits and all that, pretty much 8 times out of 10 it's going to be focused on either Leonardo, Donatello or both. Without a doubt, when it comes to fan creations involving the turtles, these two get the most solo-pieces. Like- at this point it's not even close. It cannot be denied that they are the fan favorites.
Mikey is next in line, because he's the funny and cute and chaotic youngest sibling, and then Raph is dead-last, getting the least amount of solo-pieces. Hell, half the time when I see Raph included in an art piece/fic/edit, it's only because it's centered around ALL the turtles, making him seem like an after thought. (and even then I've seen plenty of stuff where the artists/writers/editors focus solely on 'the twins' and Mikey, and then either don't include Raph at all or give him very little focus)
What's more, adding onto my frustration at just how angst-focused the fandom was when I left (and, from what I can tell based on my brief pop-ins, still seems to be) is that whenever you DO manage to find a Raph-focused fandom thing, it's him in these angsty or depressing scenarios/AUs, or he's crying over one of his brothers, or he's being the one giving comfort to his brothers.
Because that seems to be all the fandom sees him as! He's the protector, the Big Bro/Mom of the group, the one who dies first in the bad future, the one who we can project bad childhoods onto - though that's not to say that the others don't get projected onto either, they all absolutely do.
As such, you could argue 'oh well, this is just a part of the fandom, it's not a slight against Raph specifically' except it IS because while yes, all the other Turtles get plenty of angst art/fics/edits too, they also get plenty of fun stuff - memes and silly lighthearted scenarios and works where they get to be cool and badass. And as far as I can tell, Raph - for the most part - doesn't get that. At best, he'll get the fandom making jokes about how he's the dumb one or the emotional one. I remember coming across this one Hippoworm fic where all the other turtles got to participate in their wedding and form bonds with Warren and Hypno, meanwhile Raph was the one who ended up being the 'bad guy' of sorts, crashing the wedding because he was too oblivious to catch onto what was happening. This is what I mean when Raph just gets either horribly sidelined or shoved into the roll of support whenever he's not the one getting tortured or brainwashed.
Outside of specific 'Raph is best Turtle' fans/creators (who were already pretty rare back when I was still in the fandom...), you don't see the art of Raph being cool or wearing cool outfits like you do with Leo/Don/Mikey. You don't get fics where he's the full focus and gets to go on this big adventure or have this big interesting arc (AND IT'S NOT CENTERED AROUND TRAUMA, I feel like I have to emphasize this because again this fandom is just so angst heavy). What's more, you go to AO3 to find ANY non-angst/lighthearted Raph-centered fics and it's nearly impossible because, to fans, it seems like he's always got to be attached to one or all of his brothers. It can't just be him or, hey, I'll even take him and a side character/one of the villains (excluding the Mud Dogs because come on now those are literally just his brothers again). Just SOMETHING that lets him be an individual outside of his family - something that, again, literally every other character seems to get!
Even when it comes to something as simple as headcanons - I'd say 95 percent of people view the 'Donnie is autistic' headcanon as canon. But you could argue that Raph has just as many moments that come off as him having autistic traits, but most fans seem to either ignore these bits or see them as jokes, once again seeing Raph as the dumb one whenever he's not the group's shield or responsible one.
On the one hand, I can't fully blame the fandom for this as the show itself often shoehorned Raph into constantly being in a support role for his family. Going by the number of spotlight episodes he gets, it's really just "Mrs. Cuddles", "Sparring Partner" and "Raph's Ride Along", maaaybe "Mystic Library" (even though most fans only remember that ep for the Donnie Rap, let's be real here) and "Man VS Sewer", though the latter still has quite a bit of focus on the other turtles - otherwise he's strictly used as co-protagonist at best and sidekick to one of his other brothers at worst. He does get to land the final blow in "Evil League of Mutants", and gets a bit of extra spotlight in both season finales... buuut then gets kidnapped by the Kraang in the movie (which, regardless of how much it makes sense for the story, it still sucks to see Raph get tortured and put out of commission for more than half the film, essentially being used as a catalyst for Leo's development).
So yeah, hard to build off canon when the canon gives you so little. On the other hand, I still can't help but side-eye the fandom every time Raph - a large/plus-sized and not conventionally attractive character - is either pushed aside completely or strictly used to uplift or prop up the other three skinny 'pretty boy' turtles. Slotting him in strictly as the 'parent' of the group and essentially adultifying him or, even worse, putting him through tons of pain or killing him off so that the others can go through a guilt arc isn't that much better.
Now, could a lot of my feelings towards... all this be personal biases and my own bitterness at my fave being seemingly slighted by the fandom? Sure, you could argue that if you really want to. But from what I've seen, experienced and recalled from my days within the fandom, I feel confident that the points I've ranted about are founded in evidence. The fandom has a huge favoritism problem in my opinion, and it's this plus a distain towards all the angst and torture/gore-fics that have really soured my feelings towards Rise as a whole - and that feeling hasn't gone away.
That's the main reason why I wanted to just get all my feelings out (hence why I'm not tagging this rant), not to attack anyone in particular but just for my own personal benefit. I do hope that eventually I'll be able to rewatch the show (though probably not the movie) and fully enjoy myself without being reminded of all the fandom hang ups and other small annoyances I have with Rise. But for now, gonna be honest, I don't really regret leaving the fandom.
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thottybrucewayne · 24 days
I think what I want to get into with the "Anyone can do harm." thing that I keep beating yall over the head with is that literally anyone, anyone at all can do harm it's not "in your DNA" to be an abuser or written in the stars that you'll be a predator. Whatever image you have of an abuser in your head, drop it and replace it with your favorite person in the world and you'll probably be closer to the truth than you realize. It's easy to address harm when it's coming from someone you already hate. I see it happen all the time. Someone you couldn't stand for no real reason does something heinous then all of a sudden here comes the avalanche of "I always knew they were a fucked up individual." No, you didn't. There is no possible way you could have known, you just already didn't fuck with them before they started doing something you could use to justify your hatred of them. I'm guilty of it too! I'm petty, mean, vindictive, and yes! I'm way quicker to believe something bad about someone I hate versus someone I love because I'm human. Still, y all gotta learn to move past that initial "Well, they were always nice to me!" gut feeling and understand that nobody truly knows anyone and anyone can be capable of anything. Even victims. Even you.
#thotty speaks#thotty rants#I was thinking about that Christine chan post and its like yeah yall really don't know how bad it got for her before she did what she did#It reminded me of that thing on tiktok where people take 'cringy' cosplayers videos (most of whom are literal children) and put racist or#bigoted text over it then reupload it to call them out then the og creator gets a flood of harassment mostly from people who hated them for#the crime of being weird on the internet but now they can use 'oh but they're a bigot!' as an excuse to tear them down until they come out#and say 'hey i didn't say this someone stole my shit' and nobody takes their vids down nor apologizes because they didn't fuck with them#anyway so wash rinse repeat#idk I just wish that people had the same smoke for people they actually like#mostly cause I'm tired of being accused of 'switching up' every time I cut people off or stop fuckin with an artist#like this is what we should be doing!!!! ACG ANYBODY CAN GET IT!#It should be smoke for ANYONE who does harm every your fave people!#otherwise you create this world where taking people to task for the harm they've done is less about the harm#and more about justifying our own actions#anyway keep that same energy across the board that's all I'm saying#cause if it comes out tomorrow that somebody close to me did some fucked up shit I'm out of there period#aint no talkin bout shit and that's on me growing up as a child told that certain grown folks can't be alone with me#but they allowed in my house...#Idk about yall but i'm ending that generational curse with me
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theharlotofferelden · 1 month
Love it when my partner decides to talk to his friends when I’m not in the room bc I left earlier bc I was extremely pissed off about where the conversation was going so now I get to listen to bits and pieces of the conversation while I’m trying to take a piss 😐
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whydoifeelthisquiet · 3 months
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0809sysblings · 4 months
idk why I'm posting this here but it's fine because I can do whatever I want. sorry I think I'm having an enneagram type 1 moment. it's not mental illness, it's because of my enneagram type! can't help being a Gemini Enneagram Type 1
also I keep using the amulet's powers so I've been being hit with the after effects. such power deranges a man /ref
#milgran't#type 1 momence#btw as a prefacw this is not directed at anyone here. this is just. a thing. that is everywhere.#ok. anyway.#the....... Exotification of DID/OSDD-1... is always so annoying.#and like. i get it. i understand. its probably a difficult thing for many ppl to actually comprehend as a real human experience#which brings me to the main point of this Pussy-Rant (ranting in tags bc im a pussy)#i think. the main reasom its So Exotified. is. '''''''MPD''''''''#serioisky that name has done. so much fucking damage its insane. absolute wack shit#anyway yeah. like. the concept of it being Multiple People In One Body/Brain... when like... that's.. not really whats going on..#like if youre a system and that's how you understand your system to be. then power to you. i dont care do literally whatever#its just. i think CDDs would be a LOT easier for people to understand if--#--it was not looked at as the Multiple People Disorder. but instead as the Fucking Extreme Compartmentalization Disorder#idk its just annoying seein ppl (who are probably very well meaning!) talk about the disorder i experience as if its bizarre and fantastical#~look wooooowwww this is something that can happen to the brain due to The Most Unreal And Most Traumatic Events!! crazy right?~#i am going to get the Evil Alter out here so he can beat you to death.#like yeah its fucking. sad and fucked up what has to happen to develop a CDD. and that should be acknowledged.#and many systems Have had to go through experiences that a lot of ppl can only fathom as being able to happen in fiction.#but.... its just so isolating and makes me feel Capital C Crazy 🥴#dear lord ive just been so irritable and frustrated lately... obligatory apologies.#ah. i think i suddenly figured out why this in particular triggers me so much.#god damn it it's always the fucking trauma huh!#<- spent basically all of elementary school and middle school feeling like there was a giant sign over my head that said--#--''this poor soul went through something so tragic! how awful to think that something that serious could happen to just a little kid!''#its the ''hey can you stop treating me as something helpless that needs to be fixed and just treat me like A Fucking Person'' feelings#but see this disorder is just so beautiful because in a week i may be wanting ppl to see me as a suffering freak who needs to be fixed#or hell even fucking tomorrow. who knows not me#.. ok im actually genuinely afraid talkimg about this is going to lead to her gettinf triggered out KDJSNKDJSNJD so im gonna. stop.
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cosmicdenro · 1 year
hope u guys don't mind me being a little queer sometimes and talking to myself in the tags, it helps clear my head since people can filter out rant posts easily
#bc i had not used this place in a while until late 2022 ive absolutely forgotten if i used to talk to myself in tags here before or not#i say this bc i now have people who actively see my art here n just throwing random rants here would be very rude so i prefer tags help#feels safer here too LOL#also feels a little scary but im sure that's normal for many that there are ppl who read all tags mein gott#NOT A BAD THING THAT PPL READ TAGS i wouldn't be writing anything if i wanted to kill people for reading tags lol#just stating observations aheem aheem#its like writing on a public bathroom's walls and people passing by to be like “damn bitch ok” /funny#also do not worry at all about how i express myself i do apologize if my words sometimes sound like im on the brink but like#violence is the only way i love to be expressive HELP#watch me be on the government watchlist for the shit ive said gootbyeeeeeeee#but do not feel worried i will be ok eventually every time. sometimes i just gotta explode oh so violently to deflate and feel normal again#WISH I COULD USE EMOJIS ON THIS DAMN PC#anyway the person im trying my damned to avoid is Sure Making It Difficult#at least the people i wanted to know why i was autotune crying baby for a while heard me out n im alive in that regard finally smile emoji#how long can you keep gently hinting you want to distance yourself from somebody until you lose your goddam mind and feel sweet relief when#they actually leave said group themselves after getting my blunt hints help help#oh i sound so fucking rude with just my side but mein gott i don't care bc it was never a serious thing to begin with#just shot my anger thru the roof for good reason and finalliegh im getting mutual distance from that person lol#never get close with ur fave artists worst mistake of my life /hj for real#u start off loving seeing them every time and then boom youre sad how things turned out every time you see them my god#also make sure ur minor friends dont feel like they need to mend things for the adults i feel so fucking sad for someone bc of this rn but#i talked to them n hopefully they understand aouhg.#anyway back to queer posting thats enough soup for today good god#ranting
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maximus-gluteus · 10 months
nothing to see here
#ok plz i wanna rant about how the new season of good omens is making me lose faith in humanity#girl tell me how ive trudged through 4 episodes of this season and i still dont know what the damn hell is going onnnnnn#every time i think we're getting somewhere with the 'story' the show slams the brakes to let me know that there're gay people on screen#does the coffee shop chick ever apologize to the record store chick bc i cant staaaand their romance.#like record store lady. girl. this isnt banter shes just straight up dissing your passion and life's work.#im scared to finish the season bc i just KNOW theyre gonna pull the whole 'i made u leave ur toxic partner now date me immediately' trope#ok so story beats aside my other gripe is how contrived the queer representation is in this show#i am a bi woman! my reaction to seeing wlw on screen should be 'yay! im happy theyre together' and not 'ugh this shit again?'#and also with az and crowley! what happened to their chemistry from the first season???#like on the one hand the whole 'bickering like an old married couple' schtick is lovely. but. theyre just faffing about most of the time!#remember the first season? when these characters had agency? and a semblance of intuition?#i am convinced that the majority of the characters in this season couldnt find their way out of a paper bag#i get theres a whole memory loss plot device thing happening. but it feels like Gabriel's cluelessness is like fucking infectious or smthn#i feel like an idiot for assuming that the characters i knew from the first season will be just as competent in this season. they arent!#i hated the whole 'continued' story in the wwii era. i feel like it was a pathetic ploy at giving mark gatiss more needless screentime#did they think people would find the nazi zombies amusing or something? why are we playing this off as a joke?#just admit you dont know what to do with the story and move onnnnnnnn#im gonna finish the season bc i feel like im owed the scene of david tennant sucking face with michael sheen.#itll be like reparations for having to slough through the rest of this nothing burger of a story jesuuuuuussss#ok rant over#good omens critical
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acoldfrenchfry · 9 months
Something great about adulthood is that you literally never have to be around people who don't respect you ever again. If you're unhappy with your friend circle/family? you can just leave and you'll be that much better and healthier. Don't like yourself? you can make a new self. Google is free and your life is customizable. Don't like who you are? then don't be that person lmao. You can just change. Make those choices, decisions, and meds to get you there. no one's gonna do it for you n you can't help people who don't want to be helped, which includes yourself.
n I know a lot of this takes time and money, but you gotta start somewhere. even just having a plan of action helps. Knowing what you wanna work on and who you wana be/people you want to hang out with. That's where it's at. Literally just do it. "idk if i'm ready" then do it unready. I didn't know how to move out transition pay bills dye my hair register my car move in with my partner get a better job change my name literally anything to do with a courthouse change my credit shave my face until i just. Free balled it by my damn self. No family support no pity party. I'm not waiting around for people who say sorry 10 billion times but continue to not be better anymore. Don't make yourself palatable for other people, be free bitches ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
#xcuse the rant. just been thinking about how much better i feel without the people in my life who were bad for me#thinking about the time i got in a fight w/ my (now) ex over thanksgiving#how i was expected to out myself to my ex's homophic transohobic bigoted family. and just be fine with it#“you have to be the bigger person“ ”It's lying to them to not tell them you were deadname and now you're Oli"#n i thought actually? i literally dont have to be around anyone who makes me unsafe bc thats the exact thing i escaped from my own family#dont like feeling like a showcase animal 'look at my trans boyfriend' so someone else can be visibly queer around me#dont like feeling like a problem that every1 else has to deal w/so poor old bigoted family wont die of heart attack bracing for my presence#made me feel like shit n i had to basically beg for an apology for over an hour bc i felt unheard hurt and unsupported.#n you know what i got told? “Thats not how it is youre wrong” after saying i feel unheard 7 times in a row. dont tell me how i feel#wanted to break up right then and there n my only regret is wanting to wait till the holidays were over#there is only so many “sorry i forgot” that i can forgive and i forgave way too many times. very convenient that things forgotten was never#once my exs identity feelings or safety#but when MY feelings MY identity MY safety and my CONSENT get forgotten about? nah man. im out of i forgive yous. it happened soo many time#i rlly dont have to be around people who dont treat me right. i dont exist to make other people better that is on YOU to be better#olive speaks
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tricksheart · 9 months
Louder to the people in the back:
Joker had no choice but to team up with Goro in the beginning of the 3rd semester to stop Maruki / the palace ruler. The game doesn't allow any more options until you progress a little further. Even in this new reality, Joker only has the illusion of free choice. It's still stripped away from him, just like with Yaldabaoth / False Igor. Goro even admits to be using Joker for his own gain right to the other's faces, as the saying goes, 'The enemy ( Akira for interfering with the new reality ) of my enemy ( Maruki ) is my friend / ally'. They put up their differences to tackle a greater threat. That's why Maruki tells Joker and Goro that they aren't quite hated by each other. It's because they have a truce at the moment.
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little-green-lies · 1 year
I can't believe you think they're treating Choni badly this season or that they have bad storylines and especially that they painted Toni as a villain in 708 when she was simply finally granted some perspective and they tackled an issue with their own writing that always plagued Choni back in the high school days, to show how much they've matured. Their content this season is nothing short of excellent.
Okay this is the second time I'm typing this because Tumblr glitched and wouldn't post the first one. I probably typed too much but I really wanted to give you a solid answer. I will try to keep this more succint but I have a lot of thoughts on this so hopefully it posts this time.
I apparently also deleted my first paragraph so I've typed this section out three times now. I do not think they are treating Choni bad this season. My issue is and will continue to be the setting for this season. After two seasons of them not being together they've now thrown them into a situation in which they "can't" be together and that irks me. I thought when we got confirmation that they were soulmates, that maybe just maybe they'd let them be fully happy in the final season. And that is the full crux of the issue, it's the LAST season. I discuss Riverdale a lot more on my main page (which I encourage you to check out because I do speak about this a lot more in the tags of a lot of my Riverdale reblogs) but i actually just made a post stating that I think this may be Riverdale's best season. They opened this season with one of the strongest episodes I've seen in television thus far. Especially coming from a CW show. I do think this season is also shaping up to be Choni's second best season. They've had a lot of solid scenes and Vanessa and Madelaine are giving it their ALL. That being said, forgive me for hoping the last season would be spent wrapping up happy endings mixed with the usual Riverdale drama. I did not go into this season expecting SO MUCH new plot. And if it wasn't the last season, I wouldn't complain as much. That's always been my biggest gripe, it's the last season. That's all. If this was season 5 or 6 and I knew we had 7 seasons, then I would have nothing to say. Because yes, it's given us some really good content. I just don't want it for the finale. They could've tackled homophobia back when Kevin came out to his dad or when Cheryl came out to Toni. I don't want to see my favorite character forced back into the closet because they decided to set us in one of the worst eras in American history.
Now for my villain comment. I stand by that. I do think that scene framed Toni in a really bad light and here's why: Everything she said was valid and yes, it's an issue I've been wanting them to tackle for YEARS. What she said is not what made her the villain. It was the way they framed the scene that I knew would be misconstrued by the people that watch this show and always have a bone to pick about whatever she says or does. Up until that scene, we were led to believe that Toni's biggest issue with Choni is that she lost herself. But all they show that as, is she's given up writing for cheer. Okay fine, drop cheer and go back to writing. Cheryl wants to see her gf but she's not gonna stop her from doing what she loves. However, Toni breaking up with her felt out of left field to me because she's allowed to be her own person AND still date Cheryl. So I figured maybe they were setting it up for the fact that she doesn't like commitment and the other greaser got in her head about Cheryl being a rich girl too scared to come out of the closet. Also a valid reason. But that's not the scene they gave us. What they gave us was Cheryl asking if the issue was because she was white and Toni saying yes. Nothing up until that point had given us any indication THAT was the issue. What frustrated me even further was that they don't even give them room to have a discussion about it. Toni says her peace and leaves and all we get is a shot of Cheryl crying. She clearly cares about Cheryl enough to have pursued her for that long and then she drops her without even having a discussion?? And so soon after they got together? If we had gotten a scene where the difference of their skin was brought up before that (and that could've have been anything from an offhanded comment to Cheryl laughing about something someone says in their presence she didn't know was meant to be a dig) and we see that register with Toni, it wouldn't have felt off balance. Especially since her and Betty get along and she's white. Her and KEVIN get along and he's white. Kevin and Clay are dating and there seems to be no problem THERE. So they can be okay but she can't date Cheryl because of it? It just felt like after they gave us such a strong opening ep regarding race, to then have her drop that with no nuance didn't sit right with me. All of the digs against Toni that we had seen had been because she was bi or at least "queer adjacent" as far as Evelyn was concerned. The only time we see anyone being racist, is when she's dealing with the adults, never the teens. And I knew someone was gonna watch that and say "oh of course the black girl has an issue with her white gf blah blah blah". That's why I said they set her up to be the villain. Not that she was one. Purely based on how that scene was framed. It just felt like it was missing context. And who knows, maybe they filmed a scene and then cut it but either way, it felt off to me and having it not get brought up again until the Black Athena ep just left me feeling unmoored.
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trash-bin-ary · 1 year
I’m fine I’m normal totally not crying over fictional people from centuries ago nah
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waterrtribe · 2 years
i keep trying to imagine what the smallville writers room was like and what they were thinking when it came to certain decisions, particularly lana's character arc.
(this is long im so sorry i dont know where it all came from)
so okay. they're writing this show about superman's origins, and they're plotting out where the characters will end up, and since it's technically a prequel, they already know how each main character's story is going to end: clark will become superman, lex will become his nemesis, and lana is going to be his ex-girlfriend.
they clearly wrote clark and lex's relationship with the intention of reaching those endings. they knew and we knew that clark and lex would eventually fall out and lex would become a villain. they foreshadowed it constantly, even as early as season 1. and with each new season they showed clark and lex's relationship deteriorate and lex's character regress just a little bit more. sure, there was a little back and forth here and there where they tried to repair their friendship but overall, it was a pretty steady decline. there was never truly a question of whether lex could turn himself around, even if we wanted him to. especially after first two or three seasons, that became pretty clear. it seemed like the writers knew that they were writing a tragedy when it came to clark and lex (there were so many references to julius caesar and hamlet and other classic tragedies lmao).
i think that's why i liked it so much - the tragedy of it all, where you find yourself hoping for a different ending despite knowing that ultimately it will end badly, is what makes it so compelling to watch. it's effective because they make you hope for a happy ending before taking it away.
so what i don't get is, why did they drag out clark and lana's relationship and frame them with the Will They, Won't They trope, when they know and we know that They Won't? why didn't they instead let their relationship reach its natural conclusion and let lana's character grow and progress past their terrible relationship? why didn't they approach this story as a tragedy in the same way they approached clark's other major relationship on the show (outside of the one with his parents) -- his relationship with lex?
like their constant back and forth was already annoying to watch, but even more so when you know that they're ultimately going to break up and none of it will really matter. they Could have made it matter to us emotionally by writing an actual compelling romance that we would be sad to see end like they did with clark and lex's friendship, but they didn't. when they finally end things eight (!!! kill me!!!) whole seasons in, i didn't feel any sadness or loss, i just felt so relieved (especially because those episodes in season 8 were just so bad overall lmao). i just thought, oh finally. thank god.
it's just that part of the reason the writing of lana's character is so frustrating to me is because there were so many places to take it, since they basically put No effort into developing her as an individual, (and i personally believed she was headed to a darker place character-wise and i have a whole story idea for how it could've happened but i'm already rambling too much), but i could never see what little potential she had actually lead Anywhere because they kept dragging her back to the same terrible relationship repeatedly and there was never any satisfying conclusion for her and i just find that so Aggravating
anyway, considering that she's like the third main character on the show, i just think they did her a huge disservice
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ignitetheheavens · 2 years
"it's a totally harmless joke, i'm not actually hurting anyone!" no, you are. you just don't care about the group of people you're affecting
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thelightintheattic · 2 years
shedding tears over a webtoon at 1:30am
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