#apologies for the wall of text I tried to break it up the best i could
wasp-coffee · 2 years
for the emoji ask:
🍦🎬 📚 🌸 💁
When I was, like, 12? My school went on a trip to this outdoors center in the middle of nowhere for a week and it was pretty cool. I mean the weather was terrible, the wetsuits stank, and kayaking sucked but the food was amazing and it was sort of the shared misery of being forced to participate in team-building exercises with the guys that made fun of you for X, Y, Z. It was great, I'll always remember it, especially with the coma-inducing amount of sweets everyone managed to cram into their suitcases.
Top Gun (1986) (shocker!), The Mummy (1999), Whip It (2009), Anastasia (1997):
I really don't need to say anything about Top Gun... I'm sure EVERYONE is well aware of how I feel about Top Gun.
The Mummy is both iconic and hilarious, I must've seen it upwards of 100 times when I was younger and it still holds up (yes the CGI sucks but IDGAF). Starring Racheal Weiss and Brendon Fraser it truly is bisexual culture. Its a great film and a fun watch.
Whip It is THEE rollerskating movie, directed by Drew Barrymore (icon) and Eliot Page (Icon) it has a brilliant cast of mainly women and is just a fucking masterpiece tbh the soundtrack is great. Everyone should go watch Whip It (not sponsored).
Anastasia is an absolutely amazing musical with the wackest animation that the late 90s could offer, with MEG RYAN as Anya and Angela Landsbury as The Dowager Empress. All the songs are fucking bangers, it's a beautiful film with a hilarious antagonist AND a broadway musical based on it (slime tutorials readily available on youtube, but you didn't hear that from me).
JUST THREE??? Hm okay... (please don't @ me) -I'm going off the books I think I reread the most (I haven't sat down to read properly in ages so bear with)
The Infernal Devices its a series but it counts as (1)I've read it upwards of ten times after I found it at the library five? (jeez) years ago. I now have my own copies and the spines make a beautiful picture. Here's some quotes:
" And you are still with me. When I breath, I will think of you, for without you I would have been dead years ago. When I wake up and when I sleep, when I lift up my hands to defend myself or when I lie down to die, you will be with me. You say we are born again. I say there is a river that divides the dead and the living. What I do know is that if we are born again, I will meet you in another life, if there is a river, you will wait on the shores for me to come to you, so we can cross together." 
“I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.”
“Patriotic?” Will looked smug. “I’ll tell you what’s patriotic,” he said. “In honor of my birthplace, I’ve the dragon of Wales tattooed on my—”
The Hunger Games - I must have read it on repeat the summer I bought it (thank you duty free!) The poor book is fraying at the corners and the spine is in smithereens but here's a quote:
“Yes. I killed him. And buried her in flowers," I say. "And I sang her to sleep.”
The City of Heavenly Fire (another Cassandra Clare book ik ik and its YA I can hear the chorus of groans already) Its the last Mortal Instruments book and its fucking good okay.
“His eyes were green.”
“We are all the pieces of what we remember. We hold in ourselves the hopes and fears of those who love us. As long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss.”
I want to note here that I do have a lot of other books on my shelves but these are the ones I've read more than most. I have a whole shelf of classics and another for non fiction but these are just the books that I feel made an impact (or a crater) on me the first time I read them.
An ambivert I think? It depends on where I am and what's going on.
Uh I don't know, It's dependant on the situation really. How rude? I mean is it like someone shoving past or cutting a line or verbally? If it was, like, someone saying something rude I'd usually just let it slide - put it down to ignorance - but if someone's rude to me and then someone I'm with I'd probably say something. I have a no tolerance policy for people treating my friends like shit.
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stargirllanaa · 8 months
୨⎯ "Cruel World” - Rafe Cameron
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❥ Masterlist
Warnings: Dark!Rafe, Noncon smut, toxic relationship, Abusive relationship, Domestic violence, Gun violence, Drinking, ex!rafe, Rafe is actually terrible, psycho ex bf Rafe
Summary: loosely, based on ‘Cruel World’ by Lana Del Rey, everything goes wrong when you spot your psycho ex bf at a New Year’s Eve party.
A/n ✎: Thank you so much for 100 followers! Ahhhh!!!! I’m so glad you guys are enjoying my work, I recommend listening to the song ofc but you don’t have too. Bold and italics are flashback. Enjoy <333
Wc: just under 3k
“Does anyone know where I put my eyeliner?” Your friend Nora asked you, as well as your other friend Violet.
You were all getting ready for some New Year's Eve party at Nora's boyfriend's house; everyone would be home from college for winter break, so you were excited to see all the people you went to high school with.
“No, but I know where the vodka is!” Violet chuckled,
“Come on, let's all take a shot!” Violet continued as she made her way over to you.
“Come on, y/n, are you going to pout all night? He might not even be there.” the brunette expressed as she sat beside you, bottle in hand.
She was referring to your ex, Rafe Cameron, and you knew for almost a fact that he would be there. Nora's boyfriend happened to be his best friend, Topper, and you and Rafe hadn't exactly ended on the best terms. The two of you had been broken up for about a month and a half; for the first two weeks, he would not stop texting and calling you, profusely apologizing, saying things like, ‘I'll go to therapy.’ ‘give me another chance.’ ‘I'll be better.’
It got so annoying that you had to block him; obviously, that wouldn't stop him. The thing was, Rafe was fucking crazy; he would always find a way to get to you, and if he didn't, he simply didn't want to.
“He's going to be there.” You said with a sign, “I'm just going to get fucked up, ignore him, and hopefully get some dick tonight.”
“That's the spirit!” Violet said as you tilted your head back, and she poured the vodka down your throat.
“Are you kidding me?” Your boyfriend asked you in a harsh tone as he stalked toward you.
“What?” you respond as you tried to take a wobbly few steps back.
His eyes narrowed at you, and his eyebrows furrowed.
“Well, aside from the clown makeup,” Rafe said, referring to your red lipstick.
“How many times do I have to tell you I don't like that dress?” Rafe interrogated as he roughly grabbed your waist.
“How many fucking times, y/n?” the blonde shook your body roughly. “For you to get it through your thick fucking skull?”
You were silent, frozen almost; whenever Rafe got violent, you didn't know how to react. You didn't fight; you didn't try to run; you stood wide-eyed in shock because if you did respond the wrong way, you knew it would make things 10x worse than they already were.
“Huh?” He asked you, shaking your body roughly again, waiting for you to respond.
“I- I don't know.” You mumbled weakly.
“You don't know,” he mocked with a dry humorless laugh.
“Go and change. Red looks trashy on you.” He stated before letting go of you with a harsh push into the wall.
All your friends knew that Rafe was bad, but they certainly didn't know how bad he was. You were so good at hiding it, concealer, color corrector, foundation, you name it; if it could cover a bruise, you had it. Every story you told them about your fights with Rafe were very watered down, and because of that, no one knew how truly scared you were to run into Rafe at this party. Not in an ‘Oh, no, my ex!’ way more in a ‘he might kill me way.’ But with every shot you took, you felt your fear start to fade slowly, and when you arrived at the party five shots in, in your little red party dress, you felt way more confident than you should have.
Your arm linked with Violet’s as your friend Nora lost the two of you to find her boyfriend. You and Violet stumbled through the house, passing through groups of people, trying your best to find the drink table.
“By the way, I love your dress,” Violet approved, looking you up and down. “Red is your color.”
“Thank you!” you smiled, taking the compliment to heart; she didn't know just how much that meant to you; you hadn't worn red since Rafe had told you it was ‘trashy’ on you.
“Fuck, is the Britney Smith?” Violet giggled, pointing at the short blonde girl.
“Isnt she pregnant?” you wondered as your eyes fell on the drink table.
“Oh my god, look who's right next to the drinks,” Violet says before covering her mouth with her hand.
“Is that Alex?” you replied, squinting your eyes to get a better look.
Violet nodded in response, eyes wide with excitement.
“Go talk to him!” you smiled at her. “I'll sit right over there,” you said, pointing at the elegant velvet couch.
As you sat on the couch, you couldn't stop thinking about Rafe. Your anxiety slowly started to rise, and you regretted every choice you made up to this point. First of all, you and Rafe had ended on horrible terms; second of all, you came to a party that you knew he would most likely be at, and now you are all alone and a little more drunk than you'd like to be.
You couldn't stop thinking back to that day, your breaking point, the last fight you had with Rafe before you ended things for good.
“Why are you following John B on Instagram?” Your boyfriend asked you as he looked up from his phone.
The question confused you a bit; you honestly didn't even know you were following him in the first place.
“I don't know?” you replied with a shrug. “Probably was an accident; maybe Sarah tagged him in something or-”
“Was it an accident when you smiled at him the other day at the wreck?” he cut you off.
Was he serious right now? John B had waved at you, and you simply smiled in return. You were just being nice; it was nothing more than that.
“Rafe, I-” You were going into very dangerous territory, and you knew that, even though Rafe was physically attractive, he was very insecure, which showed a lot in your relationship.
“If it's another bullshit excuse, I don't want to hear it,” he scolded as he stalked towards you.
He wasn't even giving you the chance to defend yourself, and frankly, it was pissing you off even more than his stupid questions.
“Rafe, I don't even know what you're talking about; I literally-” you plead with your boyfriend, taking a step back for every step he took forward.
“Of course you ‘Dont know,’ you never do.” Rafe hissed at you, moving closer and closer.
“That's what you do; you act all fucking innocent and then sneak around behind my back.” the blonde accused.
“Do you think I'm stupid?” He sneered, backing you against the wall.
That was the final straw; now he was accusing you of cheating from a simple smile and an Instagram follow. I mean, how delusional could he be?
“Are you fucking crazy?” you asked him, eyebrows furrowed.
You could tell he was shocked at your response by the way his eyebrows arched upwards slightly, but you could also tell you pissed him off by the way his jaw ticked.
“What did you say to me?” He asked; he heard you loud and clear the first time; he just wanted to see if you had the guts to repeat it.
“Are you fucking crazy? I follow him on Instagram. So what? I can unfollow him if it's a problem.” you argued, shocked that this was even an issue.
Rafe's hand shot forward without warning, delivering a sharp slap to your face. Time momentarily slowed as the impact echoed through the room. As the sting of the slap registered, a deep sadness clouded your features. You hated to say it, but you were used to rafe hurting you.
“Who do you think you're talking to?” Rafe asked you. Blue eyes are darker than their everyday shade.
“Huh?” He scoffed, laughing slightly.
“Calling me crazy…talking to me like I'm the one in the wrong?” your boyfriend shouted as he snatched a big chuck of your hair, gripping it tight enough to bring tears to your eyes.
“Rafe, I-” you tried to defend yourself as tears clouded your vision.
“No, I'm talking now.” His voice boomed as he screamed in your ear.
Rafe slammed your head against the wall behind you, using your hair as leverage; at this point, your ears were ringing, your head was banging, and you couldn't speak from the pain alone. And Rafe just kept going on and on about how important trust is in a relationship, but how could you even listen when he was gripping your hair so tight? But obviously, Rafe didn't see this as punishment enough because he dragged you by the hair to his closet, and even as he rustled through his sock drawer, clearly looking for something, he didn't once let go of your hair.
“Rafe! Stop-” You were cut off by the feeling of ice gold metal pressed against your temple; you were completely frozen, not knowing what to do; there was no way your boyfriend was pressing a gun against your head over an Instagram follow.
“If you even look at john b again, your fucking dead.” Rafe threatened coldly.
Your heart was racing; Rafe was impulsive knowing him; you could breathe the wrong way, and he would pull the trigger. That didn't stop your breath from fasting and your tears from falling, though.
“You hear me?” he asked, pulling your hair back just enough to make eye contact.
You didn't say anything; you had been sobbing ever since you felt the metal against your head in the first place.
“Do you hear me?” He shook you, demanding an answer, “I will fucking kill you.”
“Yes!” you cried out, hoping and praying for him to put the gun down and let go of you.
And when you left his house that night, you had never returned. Rafe did have his good moments, but was he worth your life? You broke up with him over text the following day, and you hadn't seen him since.
Since today, as soon as you looked up from your lap, lost in thought, you made eye contact with Rafe. You felt sick when you saw him; you knew he would be here, but you weren't expecting to see him this soon.
You stood up, making your way through the separate groups of people; you needed to find somewhere you could be by yourself because right now, you felt like you might have a panic attack.
“Excuse me,” you repeated over and over as you drunkenly stumbled to the stairs. No one was upstairs, other than maybe a few people hooking up, but other than that, it was pretty empty. You looked for a room, apologizing when you opened the door to see Nora and Topper making out. You stumbled through the halls until you found an empty room, sighing in relief as you closed the door behind you.
Your relief was short-lived because you didn't realize that Rafe was following behind you the entire time, and when he entered the room, you instantly regretted isolating yourself from the rest of the party and your friends.
“No.” you panicked, anxiety rising deep within your stomach.
He was intentionally standing in front of the door. There was no way out.
“Hey, Listen, y/n-,” Rafe said calmly, trying to calm you down.
“No! Get away from me!” you interrupted words slurring, not wanting to hear a thing from him.
You had no desire to speak to Rafe, not after all he had put you through in your relationship, not after you had been in therapy for the past month to heal the pain he had caused you. He wasn't just a regular ex, Rafe was fucking crazy, and you both knew it; you knew he was waiting to see you in person again, probably planning it, planning out exactly how he was going to get you back and what he was going to do if you declined his offer.
“Can you just listen to me!?” he snapped at you, slightly losing his calm demeanor. “I just want to talk-” He said through his teeth, walking over to you and away from the door.
“Well, I don't want to talk!” you barely even knew what you were saying; your head was spinning, and you regretted every shot you had taken earlier.
“So that's how it's gonna be, huh?” Rafe mumbled to himself more than you, fist clenching as he spoke.
As he got closer and closer, the room seemed easier and easier to escape; you knew you couldn't scream for help because of the loud music banging throughout the house; no one would hear you, and you knew you couldn't put up the best fight because you were drunk and Rafe’s also way stronger than you, he had proved this time and time again.
So you took the opportunity to run for the door while you still could. But two steps in, Rafe had already caught you and wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly against his stiff chest.
“I didn't want to make this complicated.” he hissed into your ear. “But come on, y/n, it's almost like you want me to hurt you.”
You thrashed your body, wiggling side to side, trying to escape his grip.
“You’re fucking crazy!” You shouted as you continued to attempt to free yourself.
“Yes! I'm crazy,” Your ex admitted as his grip around you tightened, and his nostrils flared. “I'm crazy for you.” he dug his nails into your side.
“Get off of me!” you cried out, voice raw with emotion.
“You come to my best friend's party wearing the fucking dress I hate! Knowing I'm going to be here!” he criticized, pushing your body towards the bed. “It's almost like you want me to take it off.”
“Rafe, stop, I-” you were cut off by Rafe throwing you on the bed and wrapping his hands around your throat as he hovered over you.
“Shut the fuck up!” He sneered, looking down at you with dark eyes.
“You fucking left me!” His grip got tighter the more he spoke. “Not even a call, but a fucking text.” he scolded. “Do I really mean that little to you?”
You didn't end things the way you did because you didn't care about Rafe; you cared about Rafe so much, more than you ever wanted to, and that hurt; throughout everything he's done to you, all the pain he's caused you, you still cared. You broke up with Rafe over text because you were terrified; he had threatened to kill you over an Instagram follow; you couldn't imagine what he would have done if you dared to break up with him in person.
But you couldn't say any of that because he was choking you so hard that you couldn't breathe, let alone speak; all you could do was hit his hands repeatedly, hoping he would let go.
“You didn't care about my feelings. Why should I care about yours?” He asked you, looking deeply into your bloodshot, teary eyes with his blue angry ones.
Your mind was racing; Rafe was actually going to kill you. You saw this day coming many times throughout your relationship, but you didn't expect it to happen when you guys were finished. You had shared your body, your mind, everything with him, and you had been happy it was over; you finally were starting to feel like yourself again. But now he was going to take that all away from you.
Rafe finally let go when he started to see your eyes roll back as you started to lose consciousness.
You gasped for air in between coughs as you held your throat, desperate to soothe it from the pain he caused with his harsh grip. You had accepted death. You knew exactly who you were dealing with, and the thought of him killing you over a breakup wasn't too far-fetched.
“You have a lot of making-up to do after the stunt you pulled last month,” Rafe sighed as if he was inconvenienced by what he was doing to you.
The stunt you pulled? Your break up was serious, and for a good reason; he was lucky you hadn't called the police; if anyone had pulled a ‘stunt,’ it was him. He had pulled a series of stunts throughout your whole relationship. He was pulling one now.
Before you knew it, Rafe was tugging at your dress, attempting to pull it off you. If there was one thing you weren't doing, it was going down without a fight. You tried your best to kick him and scratch him, everything, but you were drunk, had just been choked, and Rafe was much stronger than you, so he pinned your wrist above your head with one hand and pulled the bottom of your dress up with the other.
“Remember this, y/n,” He said as he positioned himself up against your cunt. “Remember this feeling the next time you think about trying to leave.” He taunted before pushing into you roughly.
As he thrusted into you repeatedly at a rough and harsh pace, you sobbed. You thought Rafe was behind you; you told yourself you would never let a man hurt you the way he did again. You were so happy when he was gone.
“Fuck, take this off,” Rafe moaned as he pulled your dress over your head.
With every hash thrust, your cries got louder. Rafe didn't care about your pleasure or even his; he wanted to hurt you; he wanted to see your tear-stained face. This was your punishment, and he was succeeding. The only thing you felt between your legs was severe pain.
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!” you heard everyone downstairs scream in unison.
“Happy New Year,” Rafe smirked as he pulled you in for a rough, sloppy kiss.
Rafe was fucking crazy.
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24-2-25 · 7 months
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synopsis | you’re notorious for you’re bad luck in dodgeball. seems like the cute boy from your math class also has bad luck, considering he’s always there to keep you company on the ‘out’ wall.
wc | 1.1k
pairings | jake x fem!reader
genre | one shot, fluff
tw | dodgeball??
note | i wrote this in like 2022… it’s finally out 😼
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you were notorious for your bad luck in the horrid hell game, also known as dodgeball.  Everyone in you class knew it, your sigh can be heard through crowd when the game is announced. 
As a person who isn’t a widely known dodgeball champ, you decide to a stick near the back where it seems the safest. 
lo and behold, as you stood near the back corner of the gym hiding from the treacherous foam balls, a purple ball comes flying and hits you hard on the shoulder. 
“ow fuck!” you hissed holding your shoulder. your classmate on the other side cheers and high fives one of his friends. 
ew teenage boys are all the same, prepubescent, smelly and far from mature. 
you sat on the edge of the wall where all of hit students stayed. 
you sat your back against the wall and as you got comfortable, a soft “hi” came from above you. 
“oh jake hey.” you respond, still holding your shoulder from the impact. 
“ah sorry about that! beomgyu gets a little competitive when it comes to pe class.” a sheepish smile appeared on his face as he apologized. 
“nah it’s all good, it’s not like this was the first time.” you laughed it off. 
his face brightened at your laugh, a pointy smile forming on his face. 
“yeah you always seem to be on this wall. it’s almost as if there’s a reserved spot for you!” his cute giggles fill your ears. 
okay you take it back, not all teenage boys were smelly and immature. especially not jake. he was the sweetest, kindest, most athletic and academic boy in your class. not to mention his insanely good looks and cute australian accent.
with that he was the most sought out boy of your grade, and you were glad that you could call him one of your friends. at least you hope he considered you a friend. after all he always talked and texted you. 
“i’m surprised you’re here. you’re like so athletic.” you smiled at him. 
“oh you know.. we all have our weaknesses.”
for example you, and he thinks that’s his biggest one. 
jake couldn’t remember when he started to like you. your magnetic and captivating personality seemed to catch his eye the first time he saw you interact with your friends. 
he couldn’t forget your pretty face and cute smile. and the sound of your laugh? best sound to ever bless his ears. 
maybe it was when you offered to show him around without being told to when he first moved from australia. maybe it was your alluring kindness and generosity. he couldn’t tell for sure, but he did know that he wanted to be yours.
“that’s funny, who knew the most athletic kid would be bad at dodge ball.” you stated and he laughed and shrugged.  
“you always seem to get hit around the same time as me though. it’s like fate.” you added, laughing. 
he flushes a bit and laughs. 
“i’d hope it is.” he whispers. 
your teacher announced a jail break and you sigh, getting up from the wall and walking towards the back of the gym. 
you had a good 5 minutes of peace before a dodge ball comes rushing and hit you square in the face.
“OW!” you screech. it was foam but damn the shit hurt. the person who threw that put his blood, sweat and tears in that. 
“SORRY!” a your friend jisung screamed and ran up to you. 
“han jisung you did not just hit me in the face.” you sighed annoyed holding your nose.
“my bad y/n. I’m sorry!” he tried comforting you. 
you let go of your nose, then a red streak of blood came rushing out of your nostril. 
“it’s fine-”
“shit y/n! your nose is bleeding!” he cut you off and screamed. 
you wiped your nose with you finger and saw blood, cursing under your breath. 
“i’ll help you and bring you to the offi-” he offered. 
“hey jisung i can take her i’m out anyways!”. jake came running toward you guys. you didn’t care who came with you, you just needed to get there. 
“okay thanks jake!” jisung smiled, getting back into the game. 
“let’s go quick y/n.” he ushered you out of the gym. by then, your nose was bleeding on to your sleeves. 
once you got into the office and sat with a tissue in your nose, you suddenly felt a rush of embarrassment. 
“oh god that was so embarrassing!” you cried. 
jake who was sitting next to you with a tissue box in hand giggled a bit. “no! it wasn’t.”
“you’re laughing!” you sighed, pouting at him. 
“thanks for taking me here by the way. if jisung came with me he’d probably cause chaos in here.” 
“nah it’s nothing.” he stated calmly, passing you another tissue. 
“no you really didn’t need to do that.” you smiled while taking the tissue and changing it out with you old one. 
“it’s funny that you got out at the same time though. again on accident i can’t believe it!” 
“yeah on accident.” he sounded guilty?
“wait you did it on purpose?” you rose a brow.
“yes you did. why?” you questioned. 
“because i wanted to be close to you.” 
your mind was buzzing with questions and confusion. why would he want to be close to you? why would he lose on purpose? he loves sports. 
“you see, i’ve kinda liked you since last year and i never really get the time to see you unless it’s gym or math class.” he suddenly got shy and avoided you gaze. 
“huh? me? why?” you asked, confused. why would he like you? you didn’t consider yourself as pretty nor did he ever show interest in you before. where did this come from. 
“it’s okay if you don’t like me bac-”
“i like you too.” you blushed. 
“wait really?” his eyes widened. 
“why wouldn’t i? you so sweet and smart and like amazing. why do you like me?”
“your just-“ he sighs almost lovingly and you immediately knew. 
you laugh. “you’re silly! why would you lose purposely at a game to sit with me by the wall?”
“because i can’t talk to you otherwise, only on texts.”
“whatever goof, let’s go back to class.” you laughed again, getting up. 
“fine, but only if you agree to a date with me?” he asked, extending his hand. 
“sure, jake.” you smile, taking his hand and exiting the office. 
maybe your bad luck in dodgeball wasn’t so bad. 
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© @24-2-25 est. 2024
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AITA for not supporting my best friend? (tw: suicide mention, sexual stuff)
so I(24 F2M) and my best friend Kat(28 F, not real name) used to date for 12 years, so a pretty long relationship and pretty much all of our teenhood and adulthood so far. We've lived together since I turned 18. About six months ago Kat left me for someone else she'd met, Carla(26 F). It was a nasty breakup but we made up and decided to remain best friends afterwards. I'm still very heartbroken over this, but I've tried to sit it aside for Kat's sake. Kat has since moved out to live with Carla but we still live close to each other and spend a lot of time together.
Our entire relationship, physical affection was a low. We tried having sex, but it ended up not working out and we refrained from doing anything else. A few years into living together we started sleeping in separate beds, and there was no kissing or cuddling. That was fine, I didn't want to pressure her into doing anything. The instant Kat and Carla started dating, she would not stop talking about how much she wanted to fuck her, hold her, and kiss her. Now that they're living together, it's all I hear. All of our conversations tend to be about Carla one way or the other. And that's fine, everyone needs a friend to chat to about their life, it was just hard for me to balance all this while still nursing a broken heart and feeling inadequate for being inexperienced.
I tried to tell Kat that these conversations were making me uncomfortable, but it made her angry. She was upset that our relationship had degraded to the point where we couldn't speak frankly about what was on our minds, and that I understand. I let her resume in earnest. I admit fault in this - after we broke up, I basically became a shut in. I have severe depression and I've attempted multiple times before, so I stopped communicating altogether for a while out of grief. I wasn't there for Kat when I should have been.
I ended up having a psychotic break that long story short ended in an attempt, and landed me in the hospital. Kat and Carla came to see me and sat with me for a while, and the conversation turned to their plans for marriage and children. Carla left for work and Kat continued on without her. I wasn't in the best state of mind, and I snapped at her that I don't want to hear this right now and that Kat constantly talking about her relationship with Carla with me wasn't helping me out. I didn't explicitly say it played a part in my attempt because I didn't want to send the message that I would have killed myself if Kat left me(it was multiple compounding reasons that resulted in the break that led to the attempt), but I may have sent that implication regardless. Kat seemed hurt, and I apologized and asked to be alone.
She then blew up at me, cursing me out, saying I was a horrible friend for not supporting her in her life and plans, that I was the one I she could trust and now she can't tell me anything because I'd react this way. It devolved into an argument where I admitted to her that I can't stand her talking about Carla so much and that while I understand if she chose her over me, I was still mourning the future I had with Kat and needed time to grieve. Things calmed down, Kat said she understood, and we had a few talks in-between nurse visits that eventually turned back into her talking about Carla in sexual detail. I just accepted at the time, but once I was discharged and tried to go back to living my life, I stopped talking to Kat more and more. She still leaves walls of text messages about her and Carla that I now ignore.
Where I might be the asshole: Ignoring Kat and getting upset about her trying to share her life with me post breakup. I don't like how I behaved and I should have supported her more than I did. She was in a period of her life where she needed me and wanted someone to share her joy with and I tried to take that away from her. I also might have implied that I attempted due to her leaving me for Carla.
Where I might not be the asshole: I wasn't in my right mind for a great deal of this, and Kat could have been more gentle with me when I was recovering from the attempt. I wouldn't outright call her an asshole for her behavior, I don't honestly think she did anything wrong - I agreed to talking with her about her life and supporting her, she was only utilizing that. Carla has absolutely nothing to do with this otherwise, and she's actually quite nice herself.
So, am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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mrs-lockley · 4 months
Reach for the Moon | II. The Falling
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PAIRINGS: (Slow Burn, Romantic) Jake Lockley x Southeast Asian Fem!Reader, (Platonic) Steven Grant x Southeast Asian!Fem Reader, (Unrequited) Marc Spector x Southeast Asian Fem!Reader, no use of Y/N, no physical description of the reader but coded to be very feminine
WARNINGS: Unrequited love (Reader is in love with Marc, Marc is oblivious but means well), mentions and discussions of food (cooking and baking), italics in dialogue indicates Reader and her parents speaking a foreign language (unspecified), brief mention of middle school and high school, so much yearning and fluff that you might get a toothache
Inspired by the 1954 film & 1995 remake of Sabrina, No Moon Knight AU. 
CHAPTER SUMMARY: The wall begins to crumble, revealing the White Knight waiting on the other side. You soon learn there is more to the man beneath the armor, and see the heart that lies within. 
TAGLIST: @soft-girl-musings, @venting402, @musing-magpie, @writefightandflightclub, @kezibear, @silverklaus, @badbishsblog, @marc-spectorr, @myhohastuff, @grumpyahjumma, @h4untedsp3ctor, @harv3sting
See end for author's notes
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The next couple of weeks were quiet, but eventful as the days grew shorter into the start of autumn. As the leaves changed from green to red and the air grew colder, you found solace in the change of seasons. A new season brought new beginnings, and life had a way of bringing you into unexpected places. 
Since the success of your cousin’s bakery (the Mochi Flower Bakery and Café, as you and your cousin affectionately named it) in Singapore, your family considered expanding the business to New York. You exchanged ideas and recipes over video calls with your cousin, aunt, and uncle as your parents researched possible places to open up shop. It was all new and exciting, and in hindsight, distracted you from the heartache of being left at the market that summer night. There was no better distraction than trying to perfect the recipe for the most delicious lemon ricotta cake. 
Marc texted you a few days later with an apology. He left you a voicemail as well (you were running errands when he called), and as you listened to his apology, you still could not find it in yourself to be upset with him for leaving you. How could you be angry with him when you still harbored an unrequited crush on him almost three years later? 
When he offered to meet with you to make amends, you politely declined with an excuse that you were visiting an old college friend from out of town, but in reality, you did not know if you could face him again. 
After that night, you carefully discarded the daffodils he had given you when he picked you up from the airport. Your heart was numb as you stared at the dried petals in the wastebasket, your eyes puffy and swollen for the next few nights. Could you truly mourn a loss if he was never yours?
You never told your parents or Steven the truth of the date, and you wondered if they knew. If they did, your parents never said anything, but your best friend —ever the perceptive man— seemed to know the truth, even when you tried to hide it from him. 
It was a Sunday night when Steven was with you in the kitchen. While your parents were watching a drama in the living room, you and Steven wore matching aprons as he helped you bake a vegan blueberry cake.
“In the middle of my tour, I was talking about the Egyptian mummification process when one of the girls interrupted me and asked if I knew what it was like to be rejected from the Field of Reeds,” Steven told you as you frosted the cake. “Honestly, middle school girls can be vicious, especially when some of her friends laughed with her.”
You looked over at him, your eyes soft as you placed a gentle hand over his. “Kids can be brutal, but they’re just kids. I was a middle school girl once, and we aren’t all bad. People change.”
Steven smiled softly with a sigh as you finished frosting the cake. You wanted to replicate a vintage cake with different shades of blue and ivory cream, and you hoped that you were not putting too much buttercream. As pretty as vintage cakes looked, you did not like wasting the cream when you knew most people do not eat all of it. You were more accustomed to your desserts being on the lighter side of the sweetness scale, and ever since your return from Singapore, you had a hard time stomaching American pastries.
“You’re right about that love,” Steven agreed. Once you set the piping bag aside, he moved to start decorating the top with blueberries. “They’re just kids, but they’ll change and grow. But I admit, I was feeling a little sassy too.”
You lowered your hands and looked at him, an eyebrow raised. “What did you do?”
“Nothing!” You narrowed your eyes at him, lightly swatting his hand as he sneakily tried to eat a few blueberries. “I just told her that the souls in the duat would try to claim anyone who fell in the sand, and that she better hope that if I was rejected, I wouldn’t be the first one to eat her.”
“Steven Grant!”
Your best friend chuckled as you scolded him, narrowly dodging your wooden spoon. “She was being rather nasty throughout the tour, so I had to give her a reality check.”
You let out a dejected sigh as he grabbed another handful of blueberries from the basket. You did not have the heart to tell him to stop since you already finished decorating the cake.
For as long as you have known Steven, he was quite a character. Smart and quick-witted, he always fired back in the most eloquent manner.
“Okay, maybe she deserved it,” you told him, trying not to roll your eyes as he grinned mischievously beside you. “But I’m not condoning it.”
You moved over to the stove to pour yourself, Steven, and your parents a cup of tea. Throughout your life, your parents always liked a cup of tea with their dessert, and through the years, you got Steven into that habit as well. 
Your best friend hummed quietly as he helped set the cups on the counter, his fingers lightly tracing the small teacup. It was one of your favorite sets, white with a dark blue floral design painted across the ceramic with a matching saucer and golden teaspoon. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen this set before,” Steven mused as you placed the kettle back onto the stove. “When did you get this?”
Heat licked at your cheeks, your heart pounding as you looked down at the cup. The warmth of the tea burned your fingers slightly as you held the teacup in your hands, and if you pulled away, you wondered if the flowers burned onto your skin like a brand that would never heal.
“Marc got it for me for my birthday before I went to Singapore,” you answered quietly, your voice low. “I don’t remember where he got it, but he said he knew someone who knew where to find tea sets.”
A dull ache grew in the depths of your chest as you remembered your last birthday before you left for Singapore. Your parents took you out of town to celebrate the Friday before your birthday, and that weekend, your mother cooked your favorite noodles (“for long life,” she would always say) and your father commissioned one of his coworkers to bake a special cake for you. You celebrated one day with your family, and another with your old childhood and college friends. It was a wonderful sendoff before your departure, but you could not help but feel nostalgic at the memory. 
One day, you lamented to Marc how much you wanted a matching tea set. A few times you traveled with your parents as a teenager to the Lion City where you admired your aunt’s tea sets that she displayed in their china cabinet. You remembered how much your mother pestered your father to buy any matching dinnerware whenever there was a sale at her favorite department store, especially when there were tea sets. While your family did not have much when they immigrated to the United States, your mother would tell you that her parents collected china and other sets as family heirlooms. She wished she could have taken it with her to New York, and you wanted to help her create a collection here. 
A few days before your birthday, Marc dropped by your place with a gift box wrapped beautifully with a navy blue bow on top. Your parents were in the kitchen eavesdropping as you opened the gift on the living room floor with Marc at your side. 
“Marc, it’s beautiful,” you told him. You held the ceramic delicately in your hands, sighing in awe as you turned it over. The dark blue floral design was nostalgic and intricate. “They look just like the ones that my aunt and uncle have back home.”
He smiled gently at you, his arms warm as you hugged him. “I’m glad you liked it. Happy birthday, kid.”
You placed your teacup down on the saucer and sighed. Out of all the tea sets you owned, you rarely used the blue one that Marc had given you. It was your favorite, and as much as your mother wanted to take it down from the china cabinet to use, you always told her that you wanted to save it for special occasions. 
But since that night, you brought it down from the cabinet. Your mother didn’t say anything when she watched you wash the set in the sink, and you wondered if she knew the real reason you brought it down.
He was quiet as he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. “Did Marc hurt you?”
You felt his eyes on you as you rolled the golden teaspoon between your fingers. You did not know if you had the courage to look at him.
Instead of answering, you shook your head. Steven sighed beside you, and you knew he did not believe you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
Tears pricked your eyes, and you quickly brushed them away with the back of your hand. 
“There’s nothing to talk about. He still loves her, and I have to move on,” you answered as you turned to him with a weak smile. “I have to grow up and be a big girl now.”
His brown eyes softened, but full of worry as he looked at you. 
“Don’t blame yourself, love,” he comforted you. “He still cares about you.”
You knew that Marc still cared for you as a friend, but deep down, you knew he would never love you the way you loved him. 
“I know,” you whispered. You wiped at your eyes again and sighed, trying to get your mind off it. “Let’s cut the cake and bring the tea in the living room for my parents. They’re too engrossed in their drama to get off the couch.”
He chuckled softly, and you were grateful he did not bring it up again for the rest of the night. For the rest of the evening, you and Steven sat with your parents in the living room drinking tea and eating cake as they explained the romantic drama they were watching. It was a show that you remembered watching with your cousin in Singapore, and you could not help but smile as you saw how engrossed Steve became with the plot and characters. 
At the end of the night, you packed a few slices of the cake (with extra blueberries, per Steven’s request) for Steven to take home for Marc and Jake. As you walked him to the bus stop at the end of your street, he turned to you and pulled you into his arms, his voice soft and gentle. 
“I am always here for you, love,” he whispered, “whenever you need me.”
Your heart ached as he comforted you, and you pulled him tighter into your embrace. 
“Thank you.”
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You sit in the kitchen with ink stained on your fingers as you look over the drawings of cakes, cupcakes, and different pastries in your sketchbook. Jake texted you earlier that afternoon if you wanted to join him in surprising his neighbor for her birthday. Taweret lived alone with the rest of her family back in Cairo, and she only had a couple friends with her in New York. There were a few times you encountered her whenever you visited his apartment (mainly to cook and exchange recipes with Steven), you became acquainted with the elderly lady. Whenever she saw you, she always requested to try whatever baked goods that you brought with you. Because of her, you always packed extra sweets, knowing how much she adored you and you, her.
Your parents were not too familiar with Jake, but they knew enough that he was quite old-fashioned and polite (and “reminiscent of the gentlemen of my youth,” your mother remarked to your father’s chagrin). You wondered if they were relieved that it was not Marc at the door when Jake dropped you off after your “date.” 
True to his word, he was around much more than before and met with you often. In the times that you two met, they were casual outings where you would grab a bite to eat or a drink at the local coffee shop. Other times, you asked him to tag along with you as you ran a few errands around town. It was during those times he offered to drive you, especially when you were grocery shopping for ingredients to try new recipes to add to a possible menu. He never accepted gas money from you (despite all the sneaky ways you tried to bribe him), but you compromised and treated him —and Steven and Marc— to any baked goods you created. 
Once you are satisfied with your revisions, you tuck your journal into your bag and take a seat at the kitchen island, your eyes locked on the oven window. While you are in charge of the cake, Jake is in charge of dinner, explaining he was going to try to make a traditional Egyptian dish. As he was already at the supermarket to pick up some groceries, he told you that he would pick you up since he would pass by your place on the way back. 
Different ingredients scatter the counter between the two of you as you organize your supplies. While you have your powdered sugar and tray on one side, Jake has his supplies and containers on the other, including a tupperware of cooked elbow macaroni, tomato sauce, and a bag of store-bought fried onions.
Jake stands at the stove with his back turned to you. Even on a casual Thursday night, he is dressed in his usual white button-down dress shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, revealing his warm tan skin. The only difference between his house clothes and outside clothes was the lack of his flat cap and tie, and his dress pants swapped with jeans and a plain apron to cover himself. 
Curiously, you stand beside him and watch as he stirs the lentils and rice together in a pot. The smell of coriander and pepper welcomes you, and your tummy grumbles at the smell and sight.
“What are you making?” 
“Koshari, I remember Taweret mentioning how much she misses eating it from back home. I watched a few tutorials and researched the recipe, and I hope I got it down,” he answers with a small smile. 
Then, he leans over to the side and pulls out a spoon from the drawer to hand to you. 
“Give it a try and let me know how it is, or if I’m missing anything. Once this is done, I just need to combine everything together.”
You grin as you dip the spoon into the pot. The tangy and spicy flavor fills your mouth in heat, but not too much that it would burn your tongue. It was enough spice to give the kick it needed. 
“It’s a little spicy, but not too spicy. It’s delicious,” you tell him with an encouraging smile. “I’ve always been curious to try your cooking. Steven says you’re the best cook between the three of you.”
He pauses slightly as he turns to you. His face is slightly flushed, his brown eyes wide in surprise at your words. “He said that?”
You smile with a nod of your head. “He did. When I visited him at the Smithsonian last week for lunch, he told me you made vegan shakshuka for him and he loved it. He said it was better than the shakshuka he normally makes.”
You remember sitting on the steps outside of the museum last week when you stopped by to see him during his lunch break. It was a beautiful autumn day where the museum was not too busy on a Tuesday afternoon, and his boss was kind enough to give him an extended break after doing several grade school tours that week. 
“I experimented and made some bagels last night, and I made a couple vegan ones for you,” you told him as you unwrapped the bagels on your lap. Your best friend smiled and thanked you as you handed it over to him. “I hope you like it, it’s my first time making bagels.”
“I know it’ll be great. Jake made a batch of vegan shakshuka for me and I think this would be a good match.” Steven opened his lunch and dipped the bread in his tupperware, even offering you a piece as you followed his instructions to dip your piece into the stew. “I don’t know how he did it, but he mastered it. I’ve been trying to make a decent version for months, and his version tastes better than all of my previous attempts. He’s the best cook out of all of us.”
As you look over at Jake, you are stunned to see his surprise. While you met Steven first and became friends with Marc second, it seemed that there were more layers to Jake than you realize. You knew that he was a private person who kept to himself, and you once believed he was an aloof individual who often kept people at arm’s length in the backseat of his car to keep his privacy. In the past, you only conversed with him from time to time, but over the past few months, you see that he is more sentimental than he appears to be. 
A knowing smile kisses your lips as he tries to hide his smile from you. You give him the privacy to cherish the moment as you turn back to the oven to watch the cake slowly rise.
“Can I say something?” You ask.
He hums slightly and nods as he turns off the stove. 
Wanting to help him, you reach for the bowl of chickpeas and heat them in the microwave. “You remind me of a tiramisu.”
He pauses for a moment with a soft chuckle, amused. “A tiramisu?”
You nod with a small smile. “Yes, a tiramisu. Before I got to know you, I used to think you were a bit detached with how private you are. I didn’t know much about you except from what Steven and Marc told me, and we only met a few times before I left for Singapore.”
At the beep of the microwave, Jake hands you the oven mitts to take the chickpeas out. You move closer to him as the two of you prepare to mix the lentils, rice, tomato sauce, pasta, and chickpeas together. 
“What changed your mind?” He asks quietly.
You think about his words as you plate the rice and lentils. “Spending time with you,” you answer. “The more time I spend with you, whether it’s you taking me to the bodega or the Asian supermarket, or even moments like these, you’ve shown me there’s more to you than people think. You’re private, but you’re also very kind.”
Jake steps closer to you to place the pasta and chickpeas on top. You could not read his expression. Did he find you weird and strange? Was he upset or offended?
As you move to hand him the tomato sauce, his hands reach for yours, helping you and quietly telling you to be careful since the bowl was still warm from when he cooked it earlier. 
His brown eyes flicker with amusement and curiosity as he glances up at you. 
“I still do not see how this pertains to me reminding you of tiramisu, conejita.”
You laugh softly as you look down at the koshari on the plate. 
“Tiramisu is like this dish,” you explain as he mixes everything together. “You may look a bit off-putting at first with how reserved and quiet you are, but that’s not a bad thing. The closer you look, there are different layers. They seem strange when they are all separated, but once you dig through the layers, you are very sweet like a tiramisu.”
Your eyes glance over at him, and you notice how his movements seem to slow as he waits for your next words.
“You made Steven shakshuka and you cooked Taweret’s favorite dish to surprise her for her birthday so she won’t be alone. You take care of people in a quiet way,” your voice grows softer as you speak, your heart aching slightly at the memories. “Twice, you found me crying and alone, and you were the one to bring me back home.”
His gaze softens as he looks at you, and for a moment, you are brought back to that summer evening when Marc left you at the night market. You still remembered the heartbroken look on his face, the pain in his eyes, and the fear in his voice when he left. He was in so much pain, and even with your heart breaking in front of him, you wished you could take his pain away from him. 
Since that night, Marc left you a voicemail with his apology and wished to meet with you again, and as much as it hurt you, you kept your distance. It pained you how quick you were able to think of another reason why you could not see him. Perhaps with each text, you could finally cut those heartstrings, be a big girl, and move on.
Yet, the ache remained. It splintered deep inside of you like a tree taking deep roots in your chest, leaving a scar that you feared would never heal. 
“How is he doing, by the way?” You ask quietly as your lips begin to quiver. “Is he alright?”
He does not say anything for a moment as his gaze washes over you, and you wonder if he knew about your feelings for Marc. If he did, he never showed it.
His voice is gentle as he speaks, his eyes soft. 
“Marc is doing just fine,” he answers. “Steven and I are looking after him.”
You want to believe him, but a part of you hesitates. While you did not know the relationship between the three men, you did know one thing. Marc was perceptive, and he would worry. The last thing you wanted him to think was that he hurt you— you knew he would never forgive himself if he believed it. 
To your surprise, Jake leans forward and moves closer to you, his breath tickling the shell of your ear. You blink in surprise and take a step back at his sudden movement.
“You have flour on your face,” he whispers. “Hold on.”
Suddenly, you feel the world stop around you as his hand softly caresses your face. You hold still, your heart beating rapidly in your chest as his thumb brushes the flour off your cheek. His touch is gentle and light, and he holds you as if you are a delicate thing. This was the first time Jake touched you like this and for a reason you could not explain, it was electrifying. It is as if he lit a flame and you are melting like candle wax under his touch.
Your head is still spinning when he pulls away. Your throat constricts as he looks at you, and for a moment, you forget how to breathe. 
You do not know what has come over you. As his gaze meets yours, the two of you are quiet with the only sound of your flustered breath filling the silence. While he shared the same face as Marc and Steven, it is the first time you see him up close. 
His eyes are just as brown, but there is a different softness to them in the kitchen light. A certain warmth fills his gaze—although intense—there is a sense of safety and familiarity as the corners of his eyes crinkle into a whisper of a comforting smile. A dark stray curl rests on his forehead, and if you look close enough, you catch slivers of starlight dusting at his temples. 
You always believed Jake to be a handsome man, and in the past couple of months that you have gotten to know him, you see him differently. He is the kind of handsome that you read in your romance novels, the quiet gentleman who was always by the heroine’s side, and in that moment, you understand why people have always gravitated towards him.
You have looked at him many times before, but your heart begins to ache in your chest. He wiped away your tears before and has comforted you in your most heartbroken and vulnerable moments, so why would brushing flour away cause you to feel like you are sixteen again?
The sound of the timer interrupts your thoughts. You gasp softly and quickly turn away to grab the oven mitts, welcoming the distraction from your heated cheeks and your beating heart. 
As you pull the cake out of the oven, you hear Jake pull away from you and the sound of a utensil scraping against the bottom of the pan. You set the cake onto the counter and are grateful for this moment—you are not sure if you had the courage to look at him yet.
With a deep breath, you glance down at the cake. The cake baked into a beautiful summer yellow with the edges a golden brown. It was perfect and exactly how you envisioned it. 
His voice breaks your thoughts, and it takes everything in you to not look at him. 
“What kind of cake did you make?”
“Lemon ricotta,” you answer softly. Your hands tremble slightly as you reach for the strainer and powdered sugar from across the counter. You feel his eyes on you, and as much as you try to hide it, you still feel nervous in front of him. “I made a lemon ricotta cake once a few months ago and Taweret said she loved it, so I wanted to make it for her again.”
Taking a deep breath, you ignore the way your hands tremble and begin to sift the flour and powder the cake with a light dusting of sugar for decoration. The two of you quietly work on completing your dishes with only the sound of a soft ballad playing from his vinyl record player in the living room. 
Once you are finished, you set your tools aside and look down at the cake. Lemon ricotta was not your specialty as you only baked it a couple times, and you worried about how it looked. Would she even like the cake with how simple and plain it looked?
“I want it to be perfect for her,” you whisper softly. “Do you think she’ll like it?”
His footsteps echo behind you. As he stands beside you, your head begins to spin. The warmth of his body radiates off him, and even as he stands a few inches beside you, the heat of his touch lingers on your skin. 
“That woman loves everything about you and adores you,” Jake assures you. “She’ll love it. I know she will.”
Warmth kisses your cheeks at his encouraging words. You never doubted your skills as a pastry chef, but hearing such praise from Jake strikes a chord in you. There were no words to describe your feelings at the moment. A foreign feeling tugged at your heart, reminiscent of butterflies that once fluttered in your tummy. 
“Go ahead and set the table,” he instructs as he gathers your supplies. “I’ll clean up. I already texted Taweret and she’ll be here in a few minutes.”
He smiles encouragingly at you, and you move to set the table. As you arrange the plates and utensils, you spare another look at Jake and watch him set the pots and pans in the dishwasher. You have spent countless days and afternoons in the kitchen with Steven and Marc in the past, but this is your first time to be in the kitchen with Jake. 
A few months ago when you returned from Singapore, you never would have thought that you would be baking by his side in the kitchen where you shared so many memories with his brothers. It was strange since you were not used to seeing Jake in such a domestic way, but it brings an odd comfort and warmth to you as he whistles in the kitchen. 
You smile to yourself as you look down at the golden cake sitting at the edge of the table. In the past, you baked mochi for your family, lemon ricotta cake for Taweret, blueberry cake for Steven, and rocky road for Marc. There were so many layers to who he is, and you hope one day, you could bake Jake a sweet tiramisu.
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The moon was high in the sky by the time Jake opened the passenger door for you to take you home. Not a single cloud was in sight, and the stars twinkled like pearls of light above you. 
It truly was a beautiful evening. When Taweret arrived, her face lit up like the rising dawn. Without a second thought, she pulled you and Jake into her embrace. Your eyes began to mist when you felt a few drops of her tears fall onto your blouse, but you smiled warmly at her as Jake kissed her forehead and told her how much he loved her. You have only known Taweret for a short amount of time, but you were already fond of her and looked up to her as a mother figure.
Smiles, laughter, and memories were shared over dinner. As the three of you finished his koshari, Taweret spoke about her favorite childhood memories. You listened intently as she recalled not only her childhood, but her “wild youth” from running around with her girlfriends in Cairo and arguing with the university boys and rival sorority sisters. The three of you laughed until your ribs ached, your cheeks sore from smiling, and your tummy full from the warmth and love poured into the food that was shared. 
And to your surprise, Taweret loved the lemon ricotta birthday cake. She patted your cheek affectionately as you served her the first slice with a gentle and warm smile on her face. 
“Thank you, darling,” she beamed, “you always make the sweetest cakes.”
As you are about to thank her, Jake leaned in beside her, a knowing smile and wink as he sung the highest praises for you. 
“She baked everything with love,” he told her, and your cheeks instantly heated at his kind words. “That’s her secret ingredient.”
Jake only smiled at you as you looked down at the yellow cake on your plate, hoping to find some solace on the finely dusted sugar sitting on top of your masterpiece. You barely heard them speak over the sound of your heartbeat ringing in your ears and the warmth kissing at your soft cheeks. This was not the first time Jake complimented your strengths, so why are you suddenly shy and bashful like a schoolgirl?
You vaguely recalled the last time you felt like this. Before you left for Singapore, you remembered sitting at a picnic bench with Marc as his way of bidding you bon voyage. He carried the picnic basket over to the bench and helped you arrange the pieces on the table. 
“Since I’m also helping out with their social media and marketing, I might as well start practicing how to take the best pictures and videos for advertising,” you remarked as you finished taking pictures of the set-up. You had a blanket draped over the table with minimal cutlery and accessories. “Don’t you think?”
Marc chuckled beside you as you put your phone in your bag. You would edit the photos when you get home and send them to your cousin later for her to critique. “I thought your generation was tech savvy and grew up on the internet?”
“I’m on the cusp and was fortunate that the internet was still starting out. It wasn’t as crazy as it is now. Besides, I don’t have many social media handles for a reason,” you answered, “I don’t want people from high school finding me.” 
“Oh?” He raised an eyebrow at you. “Why not?”
“I closed that chapter in my life. When I go to my high school reunion years from now, I want everyone to be surprised to see how much I’ve matured and grown up,” you sighed wistfully, imagining a romantic moment in your future reunion. “If they have any difficulty in recognizing their classmate, then I shall be the most sophisticated woman in the high school gymnasium.”
Your high school days were not the worst, but they were not the greatest, either. Your teenage days were not that far behind you, but you still had so much to look forward to in the years to come. 
An amused smile shined on your friend’s face as he leaned forward and patted a piece of your hair. 
“You are already a beautiful, intelligent, and sophisticated young woman,” he complimented you with a playful tap on your nose. “You will be the belle of the ball.”
But the days and nights you spent with Marc were long gone. Deep down, you grieved the chapter of your life where you were by his side. You convinced yourself into thinking the two of you were fated to be together for the rest of your lives, but life had its own way of cutting that invisible string you deluded yourself was tied between your fingers. The dried daffodils in your wastebasket was the evidence to the end of your fantasies.
Yet, the universe had a strange way of bringing things full circle. As you bury the thoughts of Marc aside, a sense of déjà vu washes over you with your heart feeling as hopeful as that night when Jake first found you on the steps outside of his apartment. It was odd to think that in the two years you spent away from home, Jake rarely passed your mind. 
Now, your thoughts gravitated towards him. The ghost of his touch lingered from when he brushed away the flour on your cheek, and his praise echoed in your ears like a distant lullaby. It was as if your heart would burst from your chest with each moment you replayed in your mind and you wondered if you could trust yourself to open up again. 
Before you could entertain that thought, the sound of his voice breaks the silence. 
“Thank you for coming tonight,” Jake glances over at you with a small smile, one gloved hand on the steering wheel, the other adjusting the rear view mirror. “I know it was a short notice.”
You smile reassuringly at him from the passenger side. “It was no problem, thank you for inviting me. I’m happy that we were able to celebrate her special day.”
You do not see Taweret often, but after tonight, you promise yourself that you would reach out to her more. She was such a character, and you make a note to give her extra delicacies you create in the future, especially if it involves lemon ricotta.
Jake grins at you as he stops at the stoplight, his voice light and airy. 
“She adores you and talks about you like you hung the moon.” He spares you a glance with a gentle smile. “And she loved every bit of your cake.”
“Oh—” your cheeks grow warm at his words. The thought of Taweret talking about you so sweetly made your heart swell, especially when you were so worried that her birthday cake was plain. 
He chuckles softly. “If it’s okay to ask, when did you start baking?”
You think for a moment as the two of you watch a few college students cross the street. “I’ve always had a sweet tooth, but growing up, I did not like American candy as much. It was always too sweet, and sometimes I felt like throwing up when I had cake. Nothing tasted like the snacks and sweets I would get from the Asian supermarket.”
You smile fondly as you remember your childhood. Growing up, there was not an Asian supermarket near your neighborhood. Most weekends, you dragged behind your parents as they bought their groceries at big retailers, and the only times you grew excited were when they either brought you to the local bodegas so you could pet the owner’s guard dogs (who were surprisingly gentle with children), or the Asian markets that were out of town. It was only until high school when they established one a few blocks away and within walking distance, and you were finally able to grab your favorite Meiji snacks. 
“I often had too much time on my hands during the summer breaks, so I experimented in the kitchen. My mom never liked baking, but I saved up to buy some supplies, watched tutorials on YouTube, and even chatted with my cousin for ideas,” you laugh lightly. “It started when I was in middle school when we had a bake sale for fundraising, and I fell in love with it since.”
The light turns green, and Jake nods as he follows along.
“What would you say is your favorite to bake? Or, what would you say is your specialty?”
Your heart flutters in your chest at his question. It is not often someone asks about your favorites, let alone your specialty. You are so used to taking requests and baking for others based on their favorites, but rarely did someone ask about yours. 
“Strawberry cake,” you answer, thinking about the colorful pink hue of the cakes you made in the past. “Especially with buttercream.”
“Like strawberry shortcake?”
“No,” you shake your head. “It’s easy to confuse the two based on their names, but strawberry shortcake is different since that’s shortbread with strawberries on top. Strawberry cake—”
“I know,” he laughs with a slight shake of his head. “I meant the character.”
Oh. Oh!
Heat envelopes your face at the thought. You adored Strawberry Shortcake as a little girl and collected the books, plushies, stickers, almost anything with your favorite freckled heroine. Even though she is in the arms of another child, you remember your Strawberry Shortcake doll  that you used to carry with you everywhere with her apron smelling just like freshly cut strawberries. 
When you did not respond, Jake immediately tried to correct himself. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you—”
“No, not at all,” you laugh. “She was one of my favorites as a child. Being compared to her makes me happy, so thank you.”
From the corner of your eye, you notice him smile in relief. You look down at the plastic bag full of tupperwares on your lap. As you cleaned the dinner table, you did not realize that Jake prepared extra koshari for you to take home to your family in extra tupperwares. 
“And thank you for the food, too. I’ll have this for lunch tomorrow.”
He smiles at you, his voice soft. “You’re welcome.”
Life had a strange way of bringing things full circle. Filled with warmth, a sense of déjà vu washes over you with your heart feeling as light as that night when he first found you on the steps outside of his apartment. Not once, but twice he found you heartbroken, but since you returned to New York, your nights were spent with him where you would watch him from the passenger side. The wall that separated you two had begun to crumble, revealing the man dressed in white knight armor. 
The fluttering of your heart confuses you when he parks in the driveway. Your pulse echoes in your ears as he opens your door with a gloved hand outstretched towards you, and your legs begin to shake with each step you take towards your front door. Why does the warmth of his glove burn your skin? Why does he suddenly make you skittish like a frightened deer?
It must be because he touched my face, you reason with yourself when you step inside. Your parents greet him with friendly smiles, and for unknown reasons, you feel a tug on your heartstrings when he lifts his hat at you. 
As he walks away, you are left standing in the kitchen with a cold tupperware of koshari in your hands. Your parents kiss your cheek before walking up the stairs, and with each kiss, you imagine what it would feel like if Jake’s lips kissed your cheeks goodnight.
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The early afternoon sunlight streams through your curtains when you wake that morning. Downstairs, you hear your father playing his favorite old songs on his speaker, the foreign language bringing you comfort and a sense of nostalgia. It was finally the weekend.
With a yawn, you force yourself out of bed and walk down the stairs. The love ballads grow louder, and you find your mother seated at the kitchen table with breakfast leftovers covered with a napkin. 
“Good morning, baby,” she greets you as you smile sleepily at her. “Did you sleep well?”
You nod and rub your eyes while taking a seat in front of her. Last night, you spent a few hours on Messenger talking to your cousin about the newest addition they added to the Mochi Flower Bakery and Cafe. While the Mochi Flower was best known for matcha mochi cake, your cousin wanted to expand the menu to keep up with their local competitors. She shared with you the different designs that were shared with the class that included floral prints and a few beloved childhood characters like Hello Kitty. A couple months ago, she took a class from a masterclass baker on how to add such delicate designs to a sponge cake, and she’s been in love with it ever since. 
Before you realized it, you were on Messenger for almost three hours. It was nearly three in the morning when you ended the call, your mind reeling from the designs she showed you. Both of your families considered opening a sister bakery in New York, and with each call you had with her over the spotty internet, the idea no longer felt like a dream, but a possibility. 
“I did,” you answer, looking at the clock hanging on the kitchen wall. You did not realize it was past noon. “I haven’t slept in like this since my last semester of college.”
Your mother laughs, and you laugh along with her. The twelve hour time difference was tough, and you were honestly surprised her internet lasted that long with minimal interruptions. 
At that moment, your father walks in and greets you good morning with a soft kiss to the top of your head as he places a bowl of cut strawberries in front of you. 
Your eyes widen slightly at the vibrant hue. “Papa, did you go to the grocery store this morning? When did we have strawberries?”
Your father shakes his head. “I didn’t buy them. Your driver friend dropped them off this morning.”
Driver friend? You wonder, knowing your father often forgets the names of your friends. Did he mean Jake? You have not talked to him in a couple weeks, not since Taweret’s birthday.
“The gentleman with the hat,” your mother clarifies. “He came by this morning and dropped off a box of strawberries that he got at the farmer’s market. He said it was for you.” 
Your heart skips a beat as she hands you a yellow post-it note. Across the page, you memorize the straight lines of Jake’s handwriting, softly tilted in black ink.
For your strawberry cake - J
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AUTHOR'S NOTES: Thank you so much for your support! The idea of Conejita and White Knight!Jake has been floating around in my head for about a year, and with time, they finally came to fruition. Special thanks to @soft-girl-musings for listening to my ideas and late night texts on Discord. My laptop has been out of commission as of late, so I was unfortunately unable to post this sooner, but it's finally here!
To be honest, this series started when I was quarantined with COVID (part 1 was written when I had it the first time, part 2 the second time I had COVID, go figure lol). It makes me so happy to see that you have grown fond of conejita as well. I am a slow writer, and I want to thank everyone of you for your patience and support.
Originally it was going to be a trilogy, but since I am notorious for writing long fics, this series will most likely be four parts instead! I have a couple more characters I want to introduce. If you want to continue being on the taglist, please let me know. Stay tuned for updates and any future fics! I have a few more I want to put out this summer 🤍
Love, Celeste
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Drowning My Sorrows (ONE-SHOT)
I felt like making a vent-y hurt/comfort one shot where after Charlie, Alan and Glep get into a fight, Pim fails to resolve it and sends strange texts over the group chat that have the gang scrambling to get there. Ends with an happy ending, I promise.
TW: PTSD, P*nic Att**k, Mentions of Ab*se + Victim Bl*m*ng, The Ab*se of Alcohol as an Unhealthy Coping Mechanism and an all-to relatable nightmare sequence. Read at your own risk.
The sun began to set for the day as Pim came inside his house after work as he usually did, turning on the lights and evoking a warm, cozy vibe for he was trying to feel for a sense of comfort, but he felt so drained after that bungled attempt to peacefully resolve that nasty argument between his co-workers ended on a sour, defeated note. He tried to take his mind off of it with a curling up on the couch with a blanket, a cup of warm tea and turning on one of his favorite shows with the little boy and his pastel-colored alien family…but on nights like this, it failed to break him of his shaking palms and his beating heart which was getting worse and worse as he ignored it.
“What do you know about it, squirt?! Keep your goddamn nose-er, whatever you have between your eyes out of it!”
The memory of the irritated Charlie telling Pim to back off reminded him of another memory that plagued him for years, when he finally forgot about it and began to heal it seemed to finally come back to haunt him after all this time. Whenever his mom would hear he got into yet another “fight” with another family member, he would be punished even if he did nothing of note to make them angry in the first place. Whether it be a long lecture that could be boiled down to “It’s your fault for being unhappy.” or among those lines, she would cherry pick anything to somehow make the connection that it was Pim’s fault and he deserved it all while hammering it over his head that it was immature to not be positive over even the worst things that happened to him. Did he really deserve all of that to happen to him merely for telling any of them to leave him alone when they started it? Pim tried to think of happy memories he had with his friends, taking yet another note from his mom…but always came back to what happened before he left work…..
Pim couldn’t take it anymore, he needed something to soothe the pain by making him forget. Pim promised himself he wouldn’t do it again, over and over, but the feeling of spacing out with alcohol was (even if temporary) a wash over of relief, simply forgetting about everything bothering him even if it would leave him throwing up with a hangover the next day. No wonder his mom loved her wine so much.
Charlie was playing Rust on his PC, accompanied by a bag of chips and his second ice-cold can of Monster, tuning reality out best he could in his crappy studio apartment…his flow got disrupted after he started hearing his phone blow up he tried to ignore it, but knowing the exact extent of his friends’ irreverence it had to be the funniest obscure meme from 2005 or something. He picked up the phone and opened up the group chat to be greeted to a wall of texts, where he started reading the first two initially figuring it was just going to be Pim apologizing for butting in him that verbal smackdown he and his other two coworkers had….the rest of the text, on the other hand, started to startle the yellow critter as it progressively got more personal. The last text was sent as he was reading the rest, and when Charlie read the last one, it sent him in a panic. He started spamming the chat begging Pim to respond, apologizing for his behavior earlier but despite Pim being marked as active, none of the texts that Charlie had been desperately beaming out from his fingertips were marked as read…after waiting five minutes or so, Charlie who was anxious with sweat finally received a message, but it wasn’t the one he was expecting.
Alan: The hell are y’all in the chat doing waking me up at this hour for? >:(
Charlie’s hopes of reaching out to his best friend were dramatically dashed, as tears pricked in his eyes. Charlie wasn’t the touchy-feely-type of guy, as he hid his emotions like a “true” alpha male but in this particular case, how could he not? He really screwed up this time, leaving Alan and Glep furious at him and Pim….he really shouldn’t have lashed out at the sensitive little guy. Sure he butt-in while he was trying to make a point but at least he was trying to peacefully bring him back to earth. Charlie felt the tense vibration of anxiety in his palm when texting Alan, typos and all.
Charlie: Sc r ol hp noq scroll yup noq shit scroll up now Alan: FUCK Glep: (=3=) zzzz (>0<) !! ???? Alan: EVERYONE MEET ME AT PIM’S HOUSE ON THE DOUBLE.
Charlie shoved his phone in his pocket, trying to hold back tears as he ran out of his apartment and zoomed out the door as he almost felt as if his world was crashing down right in front of him. Pim was the first true friend he ever had, if it weren’t for him he wouldn’t have gotten out of unemployment and while he never showed it all that much, he was deeply touched by all the thoughtful little messages Pim would leave for Charlie on a daily basis letting him know he was loved. He could have spent all that time an energy keeping up his stoic image to return the favor, then again he always had trouble communicating with meaningful words to those he cared about.
Sometime after his erratic breakdown, Pim blacked out. Everything prior was a blur to him, not that his memory was all that clear to begin with. His eyes were shut, but he could visualize how he felt: tied up in vines of roses and dangling upside down as the thorns pierced his skin and the blooms snickered, laughing and repeating in echoey siren calls reciting all the worst memories he had and the more he struggled while swinging to-and-fro, the thorns dug deeper and the siren calls spewing from the blooms got more colorful. Pim was in absolute agony, but as he would come to think of it, it’s always been this way. Even when he left that wretched household, he still couldn’t escape. The siren calls turned into his mother’s voice, chiding him for being so “immature” as to let all the negativity get to him, and why Amy or his brother Damien where far more grown up for repressing all their issues and not pushing them on anyone else and that Pim was just the spoiled baby of the family who had it easier than everyone else and was the last to be upset about anything. Pim felt his shattered heart pierce through his chest like broken glass and dripping all over the place. No matter how hard he tried with every trick in the book he could think of, he couldn’t stop feeling this way…his family was right, he wasn’t a normal functioning person, therefor he was a problem for everyone else. Who would want a mistake like him around anyway? If his own family saw him as lesser why would anybody give him the time of day?
Pim was in that weird stage between being awake and asleep, his eyes were closed while vaguely hearing all-too familiar voices whispering. For some reason he felt cold and damp, shivering on the floor…just what on earth did he get himself into this time? Once he opened his eyes he found himself wrapped up in a familiar red hoodie like a blanket, he found himself surrounded by unexpected company. Not only were two of his co-workers and a Mr. Boss where there and displaying worried looks, Pim looked up and witnessed the most emotional guest of all…he never saw Charlie this devastated before, tears flooded his eyes like a faucet as his stoic “alpha male” facade crumbled before his very eyes. Then Pim suddenly remembered everything that lead to this and once again Guilt, being the legendarily confrontational bitch it’s been long-fabled as, struck him in the heart with her shiny golden dagger. He was scared to say a word, knowing from experience he would be harshly scolded for acting out like that, but considering the people here where showing more genuine care for him, he knew they’d at least understand.
“…I’m incredibly sorry, I was being very selfish upsetting you all like that, you all deserve better and I won’t ever scare you like that again.” Pim sheepishly spat out while starting to cry…. just then all four of the guests immediately burst into tears with Charlie’s being the loudest and most pained in the room as the other four all rushed towards him in support for a rare group hug. Pim and Charlie cried themselves to sleep as the other three stayed at the formers’ place all night to comfort him. ….
That morning while Charlie and Pim where still asleep on the couch, the bigger critter still cradling the smaller, Alan whipped up a hearty breakfast variant of his iconic grilled cheese sandwiches as Mr. Boss was making cowboy coffee all while Glep was helping in-between. The two were awaken by the delicious aroma permeating the house. Everyone sat down in the living room to enjoy breakfast as more cheerful conversations recalling humorous past events lit up the room like a candle to a lamp, Pim wriggled out of Charlie’s hoodie feeling like a butterfly releasing from it’s isolating chrysalis to feast upon the meal of which was lovingly cooked up and served. “Feeling better?” asked Mr. Boss in a warm, Grandfatherly tone. It wasn’t like how his mother used to ask that same question, since it was less-so making Pim “back to normal” so that her mood wouldn’t be soured but rather out of genuine care and concern. For once Pim was aware how loved he was, and while it was normal for people to fight and have misunderstandings, unlike certain people Pim was aware he and his merry group where actually committed to listening to each other.
“I never felt better.”
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jazminrhode1 · 1 year
A Tour Surprise Sturniolo Triplets x Reader One Shot
Summary: You're best friends with the triplets and you've flown across the country to surprise them on tour.
Notes: N/a
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You and MaryLou had been texting to make sure that you can sneak into the venue without them or any of the fans noticing. As you pull up to the venue you can see a line of their biggest supporters circling around the block.
A guy dressed in black with a 'SECURITY' badge meets you at the back door and lets you in through the back entrance. "I'm in," you text MaryLou as you follow the security through a sketchy hallway.
You could hear music in the distance and the sound of excited chattering through the walls and your stomach turned as you held onto the hope that your visit would remain a surprise.
As the security guard opened a door near the end of the hallway, you saw MaryLou appear seemingly out of nowhere and pull you into a hug.
"They have no idea," she said, excitedly, "I can't wait another second".
She placed a lanyard around your neck with a card that said "TALENT- Backstage Access", took you by the hand, and led you toward the curtains on the other side of the room. You heard the chatter get louder and louder and as she pulled back the curtains you saw a long line of fans circling the room behind metal barricades that were keeping everyone safe.
You scanned the room and there they were. Chris was in the far corner with his back toward you, talking to a girl with a grin from ear to ear. Nick was at a table in the center of the room taking selfies with two friends that were wearing your favorite Fresh Love hoodie. Matt was talking to a girl and her Dad less than 10 feet away from you and you felt your heart begin to race.
MaryLou pulled you behind a bollard in the venue and signaled to the security on the other side of the room. He stood up on a chair and took a microphone in his hand, "Alright everyone we're going to take a 10-minute break if everyone could please remain exactly where you are, we have a surprise for the guys."
You could only imagine the confusion on their faces as MaryLou giggled in excitement and gestured for you to walk out.
When you did the fans standing in line saw you before the boys did. Some shrieked, others pointed, and a few slapped their hands over their mouths in disbelief.
"Y/n!" Matt screamed as he collided with you and pulled you into a hug.
Nick apologized to the girls he was standing with as he rushed over and swung his arms around you both. "What the fuck? How are you here?", he asked.
You peered over their shoulders and saw Chris across the room, his mouth hanging open in disbelief. He made his way toward you, his eyes fixed on you, slowly shaking his head.
"Get off. Get off!" he demanded and Matt and Nick pulled away. He grabbed your hand and pulled you into a hug. It felt like his whole body wrapped around you.
You could hear MaryLou giggling behind you. "I told you I had a surprise", she said.
"How were we ever supposed to guess this?" Nick demanded.
"I hope it's OK I'm here", you say. Only just now did you realize that they might not have wanted you here? They may have just wanted to focus on the work.
Chris squeezed you tighter, there was no sign that he would be letting go anytime soon. "We wish you were here all the time", he said reassuringly.
You all share in the excitement until the 10 minutes were up and the boys finally went back.
MaryLou pulled up two chairs for you both to sit at and wait until they were finished. She rubbed your back and whispered, "They needed this".
You couldn't hide your smile no matter how hard you tried. You were thankful to hear that they were happy to have you here because you felt the exact same way. You needed this too.
As proud as you were that they were following their dreams, you missed them so much when they were away and FaceTime just didn't cut it.
As you watched them meet fans and put smiles on so many faces, you couldn't help but think that if anything was going to take them away from home, from you, you were glad that it was this.
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toppersjeep · 11 months
[Chapter 2] Pieces- George Russell X Charles Leclerc 
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Livs POV
“Where’s George” Dad asked. “He must be late” I said. “He didn’t show up with you” Dad asked. “No he was mad after the race” I said. “I just wanted him here you know” Dad said. “I called him he didn’t answer” I said. “Well he and I can discuss the contract” Dad said. I then got a text from Charles.
Charles: I saw George with some woman Olivia. He left with her at the paddock Liv…
Me: I’m not surprised anymore but he knew about this dinner and how important it is.
Charles: I don’t know why you keep putting up with this. And don’t say because he deserves his seat. He doesn’t
Me: Char…
Charles: don’t pretend that this isn’t hurting you I can tell it is. I know you forget that I do. I’m not gonna let him do this.
“Was it George” Lewis said. “Uhh no just Charles apologizing” I said. “Well that’s good on him” Dad said. “I think I’m gonna head out” I said. “Alright see you tomorrow” Lewis said. I left and went back to the hotel. I was about to walk to my room when someone grabbed me.
“Jesus Charles” I said. “Do you not listen he’s there with her” Charles said. “You saw them” I said. “Yes I did” Charles said. “What am I gonna do” I said. I then heard the door open. I saw her walk out. “So I’ll see you again tomorrow” George said.
“That’s it” Charles said. I tried to grab his hand. But he was already by George. “Charles” George said. “Are you fucking stupid mate” George said. “Stop” I said. “No Olivia he’s cheating on you and he’s not getting away with it” Charles said.
“Oh so that’s where you slept the other night” George said. “This isn’t about that” I said. “You know I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt” Charles said. “Because she’s my best friend and she loves you but not anymore” Charles said.
“Oh I think I see what this is the sneaky conversations” George said. “The staying at his place and defending him today” George said. “You see what” I said. “Your sleeping with Charles it makes so much sense” George said.
“Oh go fuck yourself” I said shoving George. “Please you wonder why I still do it” George said. “Your a prick” Charles said. “Please all you want is to get in her pants.. she doesn’t want you Charles” George said. I smacked George. “Okay.. enough” Carmen said shoving me.
“Don’t even start with me you little bitch” I said Charles pulled me away from her. George then threw my suitcase and bag out of the room. “Since you want him so much go” George said. “Fucking dickhead” I said pushing George. “Get away from me” George said pushing me but I tripped on something and fell.
“Are you mad or something” Charles said shoving George into a wall. Then doors opened. “Is everything okay” Lando said. “Yeah it’s fine” George said Charles let go of his shirt. “It’s fine” Charles said. George went back into his room.
“Are you okay” Charles said. “Fuck off” I said pushing his hand away. “Stop” Charles said bending down. “I.. hate him I just” I said breaking down crying. He then hugged me. “Olivia I’ll help you” Lando said grabbing my bag.
“She can stay in my room” Adelia said walking by. “Yeah that’s fine” I said. “But I thought we were cuddling” Daniel said walking out of adelias room. “It’s fine I can just get my own room” I said. “No no stay with me” Charles said.
I just agreed and stayed in Charles room with him. It was silent for a while.
“I’m sorry” I said. “This isn’t your fault” Charles said. “I think I’m gonna shower so” I said grabbing my clothes. “Yeah go ahead” Charles said. I went in the bathroom. I then got in the shower and sat on the floor of the tub.
Maybe Charles had a point. I didn’t deserve this. Finally all those months of lying hit me. And I just started crying. But I didn’t want Charles to hear me.
But he must’ve. I heard a soft knock on the door.
“I know you don’t wanna hear it from me but.. I’m really sorry” Charles said. “You didn’t deserve to be treated the way that he treated you” Charles said. “And I know that one day you’ll get the love you deserve” Charles said. After the shower I got out. I then laid in bed. Charles had put up some sort of wall between us. With pillows. He was already in bed. I shut the lights off and laid in bed. I then covered myself up.
But nobody was expecting what would happen in the morning.
Twitter had blown up overnight. With an anonymous dm to a drama account. And now everyone was wondering what was going on.
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And I woke up to a million calls. But I didn’t wanna deal with it. So I just kept my head down and went to the race with Charles. Doing my best to avoid the media.
“Liv is it true George cheated” some guy asked. “Will you leave her alone” Charles said. He then walked me to the Mercedes paddock. I went up to my dads office. Since he texted me to meet him there.
He then came in and shut the door.
“Olivia please tell me that it’s not true” Toto said. “Do you want the truth or do you want me to lie” I said. “I want you to tell me the truth” Toto said. “He’s been cheating on me for a long time” I said he sighed and sat next to me.
“Why didn’t you tell someone” Toto said. “Charles knows” I said. “Is that why he defended you” Toto said. “Yes and I know it was stupid” I said. “Well then I’m done with this kid” Toto said. “Dad I can’t let you do that” I said. “It’s already done he signed it” he said.
“What” I said. “He came in this morning and said that he was done” Toto said. “But he won’t have a seat” I said. “Willams took him back” Toto said. “But I feel like this is my fault” I said.
“No he had this coming don’t blame yourself” Toto said. “But” I said. “No buts he’s done okay” Toto said. “Thank you” I said he hugged me. “Now I need to find a driver for next year” Toto said. “Dad..” I said. “Yes” Toto said.
“I have a person in mind” I said. “I’m listening” Toto said.
I went back into the Mercedes garage. Lewis was there with Roscoe.
“I heard you were down so I brought Ros” Lewis said u smiled. “Oh my little Roscoe” I said petting him. “He missed you” Lewis said. “Oh look how handsome” I said as he sat in my lap. “So I heard and ummm he’s a jerk” Lewis said.
“Yeah he’s something but I don’t wanna get into it” I said. “I understand but I’m here if you need someone or wanna get drunk” Lewis said I laughed. “I’ll take you up on the second one” I said.
“We can do that” Lewis said. “Olivia can I” George said. “No you can’t we are done” I said. “But I just” George said. “She said no” Lewis said. “What’s everyone here in love with you” George said. “Are you drunk” Lewis said.
“So what if I am.. mate she got what she wanted” George said. “Get him out of here” Lewis said. “I hope you are happy Liv I really do” George said. Someone the took him out of the paddock. “He’s gonna ruin his whole career” Lewis said.
“That’s his own problem” I said. “Liv can I speak to you” Charles said. “I’ll let you guys talk” Lewis said walking away. Roscoe then followed him. “Bye Ros” I said. Charles then sat down next to me.
“What’s up” I said. “How are you”Charles said. “Wishing people would stop asking me how I am” I said. “So.. I was thinking you can come watch the race at Ferrari” Charles said. “Of course I’d support my best friend” I said.
“Good umm… here” Charles said handing me a Ferrari cap. “But what if Carlos is my favorite driver” I said. “Doubtful” Charles said. “You aren’t giving your girlfriend your pass” I said. “I don’t have a girlfriend.. and the only girl I want there is you” Charles said.
“Oh well then I feel special” I said. “You are” Charles said I put the hat on. “How does it look” I said. “Like it suits you” Charles said I smiled.
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pinkrifle · 1 year
Hello!! It's me again, I love thinking about what it's like to be a big sibling to the boys, so.. What do you think it would be like to be Stan and Shelly's big sibling? Like being a comfort person to both of them, being able to calm Shelly down when she needs it.. I love thinking about that...🫠
- 🩷🩷
— being stan/shelly’s big sibling!!
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cws/tw’s: none?
a/n: I LOVE STAN AND SHELLY THIS ASK IS SO REAL THANK UU !! i feel like i’m the ceo of big sibling hc’s for south park 😙🔥.. (which i have no problem being 🤞) and i do have a little bit of writers block so excuse the duration of time i’m posting these at :( thanks for your patience!
misc. notes: reader is g/n, writing is in hc’s since non specified,,, kevlly will be in purple text, and uhh thassit:3
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your probably randy and sharon’s last fave, hence being the oldest. which kinda drives you crazy but it makes shelly feel a little bit better about herself!!
if wendy ever breaks up with stan (for the 500th time) you always welcome him into ur room to sob and have multiple amounts of ice cream 🤭 if shelly makes fun of him for crying you give her that 😐 look and she backs off.
when stan get’s the spooky fish and dead ppl start appearing in his room you are the first to help him and hug/cuddle him when needed 💔 your also the first to dig into aunt flo’s purse and find the adress of the pet store.
you love when kyle and kenny come over!!! not much cartman,,, you make all sorts of activities to do when kyle and kenny come over and you make it a little less fun when eric comes 😙… stan does get embarrassed your hanging out with his friends and he tells you to shoo
you do worry for stan when he hangs out with cartman incase cartman gets him or manipulates him into something terrible.
during shelly’s outbursts you always take her in maybe like the bathroom or her room just to calm her down and let her cry on your shoulder or yell at you, just wanting the best for your little sister &lt;3
you do also treat her to ice cream since her braces do tend to hurt when she yells alot and you clean the spit off of her chest/shirt
when u and shelly were kids you wanted a pet pony so bad….. and when stan was born you guys tricked him into begging randy and sharon for a pony, your parents didn’t think it was that funny as you guys did 🤭
definitely give stan a bunch of advice on girls, boys, etc, if randy ever starts genuinely being a bad parent to you guys you’ll always spend as much time as you can with your little siblings.
if you guys ever were to get allowance you would divide yours amongst all 3 of you just to give them some extra, they are forever grateful (stan is jumping all over the place)
whenever shelly or stan get in trouble you always sneak up to them and try to talk to them if their upset, and you try to distract sharon/trick her into getting them out of trouble. you always keep them out of trouble anyways
when you babysit them it’s A RIOT, shelly screaming at stan, stan screaming at shelly, you end up just yelling at the both of them to stfu and sit down 😕 and that one time where shelly throws cartman against the wall while she’s babysitting him, you help him up (and slightly giggle,,,)
helping at tegridy farms when your siblings don’t wanna/can’t do it anymore, your still the least favorite child but with some dignity lol. (u definitely have tried some weed before and shelly n stan have smelled it on u, giving you a wtf look 😭)
always teasing them because your in higher grades than them, but u always help with their homework since you should already know it !!
if you and stan get into a fight he’s always the one apologizing (still upset but like, how upset could this guy be if u bring him dr pepper) and embarrassed the next morning. you forget about the fight and he takes a sigh of relief.
if you and shelly get into a fight, your always the first apologizing because she’s so damn stubborn. she tells you “whatever, it’s fine” and sends you out of her room, definitely acts like you didn’t even talk the next morning and gets all buddy buddy with you
whenever they wanna hang out with their friends, sharon tells you to walk/drive/watch them, it irritates all 3 of you because you just wanna relax, stan wants some alone time with his buddies (and not to get ripped on) and shelly thinks that she’s 13 so she’s old enough to be out by herself >:(
for my kevlly ppl (cuz i know i am <3) , when shelly brings kevin over your on cloud 9!! how could your sister, a meanie poo bag such an amazing guy? regardless, your happy for her and always bug the two of them, much to their dismay.
always “accidentally” walking into their room before a private moment and getting so happy when shelly tells everyone she and kevin had their first kiss 😙
you make them matching bracelets and they “hate it” (THEY DONT. ABSOLUTELY KEEP MAKING MATCHING STUFF FOR THEM 🤭🤭🤭)
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a/n: I HAD SM FUN WRITING THIS WOOHOO!!! i thought i would be slacking off but no i think this is a pretty decent length!! :) i hope you enjoyed this and if you want something more complex then don’t be afraid to ask! keep requesting yo i love it
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Holy shit!!! Holy shit holy shit holy shit!!!
Holy fuck!!! Your Kieran Don't Let Me Love You fic!!! Aaaaaaaaah!!! It's so good!!! It so so intoxicatingly delicious!! I'm apologizing in advance for what a wall of text this probably will be and purely consist of me yapping
I spent like easily 2??? 3??? 2 and a half??? Hours just to read the whole thing. It's just so incredibly overwhelming in the best way possible! The way you describe the actions. The descriptions. The emotions. The thoughts!!! I actually took multiple a few minutes break during the time reading it, because it felt like my soul was enveloped in the narrative and I needed to breathe for a second!!
I've been thirsting over the twins this whole day, and Luke is actually the more favorable one for me but gosh your fic turned me into a new woman, NOW I TRULY LOVE THEM BOTH EQUALLY. KIERAN!!! Can't possibly agree more that the premise was fitting to Kieran like it was meant to be. You did an incredible job.
Being the quiet of the two, I really felt the amount of conversations were minimal- but meaningful, every single one of them. It fits him so much, I love the flow of conversations you wrote between the two. You have such a refined way of writing!! It's the ultimate mix of both poetic but easy to swallow for the common folk, it's wonderful harmony.
The pet names were everything. Every single one of them!! But personally, there's just something about being called angel by this guy who wears devil horns as his daily outfit that stirs me up so much. S i g h. I'm whipped.
The sexual tension on the flashback of the first time???? HOOOOO BOY LORD HAVE MERCY. I WOULD NEVER NOT SUCCUMB TO THAT. Such a tease. Delicious tease. I'm in tears. Good tears. I just love how all the boys here definitely can effortlessly carry us around and definitely always make us look up with their tall height. I love how the mention of Sylus visibly stirs some kind of reaction to him and how quick but desperate the whole thing was. That commending voice??? Sign me the fuck up. Please. Pretty please. I'm a putty at this point
Rules are the best. Because rules are meant to be broken. That delicious conflicting feeling of doing something should not be done!! You describe it perfectly and beautifully.
I really love how you imagine him being the closer of the two to Sylus, and it just makes sense so much in my brain?? Like, that's why he's so unaware of most outside things, since he was satisfied to just dedicate and stayed loyal to the boss.
Okay now this part is completely my delusion from your fic, and you might skip this if you don't like the thoughts of someone expanding the premise by themselves which I'll completely respect, but I imagined that- at least Luke had noticed before that fated day. Being twins and seemingly inseparable since little, I don't think there's any way either of them could keep a complete secret to each other. The other will notice. So! My personal delusion for this bit is, that Luke had noticed for a while. How Kieran gazes at her was always a second too long, the little things and gestures he believes his brother usually doesn't do for a single girl, and how sometimes his brother was just a little too immersed with whatever he was thinking, and how it felt different than any time before. But he kept quiet about it, obviously. Since Kieran wants to hide it, and Kieran might've got the feeling his brother had already realized from who knows when as well. But out of respect for each other, neither of them ever brought that up. Buuuuuut, Luke noticed the feelings and affection has grown, unbearably big. So he decided to finally confront Kieran about it, maybe saying a piece or two of his thoughts about it. Warning him, or something. And that's what spurs Kieran desperation and conflict that day. He had been mulling it over ever since his brother actually says something verbally to him about it, and at that point he must've tried to deny how fucked he is by then.
Aaaaaaand I also imagined depending whether both Sylus or only Luke have known, Luke would back them up about that day. Coming up with excuses and such, naturally. Either that, or both Sylus and Luke agrees that 'it took them long enough' (s i g h this'll be delicious angst as well depending if Sylus and Luke actually also have feelings for her) with or without this part of my delusion though, I loved the fic as a whole so so so much!
Okay, back to the actual fic. Let me just say i have a thing about good girl and it ascended me to heavens. Your Kieran has driven me crazy-- The depictions of how different he was acting that day was so good!!! And I really loved the repeating narratives, like Quiet, obedient, dutiful Kieran or Don't let me love you or There's no going back. Each one of them are so lovingly beautiful!!
His pleas! The urgency in his voice!! In his action!! The desperation!! Aaah you wrote all of them so well, I actually kept scrolling back up and rereading the lines and description while still reading it because it's just so so so good. And let's not forget the domineering overpowering attitude.... I'm melting...
I really love the switch between the frantic desperation of the first part to the soft loving gentle need after we finally saw Kieran's face. And may I mention I think the fact you're able to describe him and all his emotions and expression so well while deliberately opting out any actual description of his visual is???? Such?? A genius?? Move?? His action, his touch, his face, his expression, I can imagine it all clearly thanks to your amazing writing, and yet I can freely imagine the actual face according to my own imagination! I think that was such a skillful bit.
I really love the moment of vulnerability between the two, how both of them had each of their own time where they finally broke down in tears. Aaaaah such a good narrative.
AND THE PART WHERE HE CALLED OUR NAME???? AAAAAAAAH DELICIOUS!! BEAUTIFUL!!! BRAVO!!!! I love it so much!! I always favor 2nd person pov fics where there never was actual dialogue calling out the name with Y/N- not that there's anything wrong with it other than my preference, but description of it always appeal me more. So thank you for feeding me in that aspect! Aaah! I'm in love!
The bits of how slow the walls slowly crumble, how even after meeting eye to eye he tried so hard to restrain himself, I love it so much. It felt necessary and shows just how much thin the ice they were threading were. I'm s o l d.
The cockiness of his tease on the Miss Hunter shenanigans??? And yet followed suit with his genuine apology afterward??? Have I said I'm melting?? Because ugh it's such a good pacing.
When all restraints finally let loose and the fervent intense adoration came back into action!! It's so beautiful!! And gosh the confession. The confession. Couldn't have worded it any better... I like that he was the one to confess first and how we broke down from him, as it was always ambiguous more on our side than him- because he had always been able to see us through, but he always put on a mask- literally and figuratively. And I think it's just so so so beautiful.
I loved the ending line!!! As well as the little ramble you wrote afterward <3 can't agree more!! I'm definitely interested to read luke x kieran recommendation you linked at the end... But for now I've got things to do so I'll keep it for now!
Phew, it's really a lot of text. TLDR, I'm in love with your Kieran fic thank you so much I love your writing style so much. Thank you!
AHHH ANONIE 😭😭😭😭😭 i have reread this so many times bc this is so so so so incredibly sweet i'm so floored 🥺 and so honired 🥺 that you could have this much thoughts on something ive written... aaahh my heart's fluttering fr, anonie you've made me so happy 😭 esp knowing that you were able to picture kieran's face without the descriptors? that was super challenging to me but i'm sososososososo happy it came across well 😭🤍
FUN FACT i actually had part of this draft cut out! an entire scene where reader runs into luke while looking for kieran, and then subsequently realizes that luke knows ... so he's like, the push that gets both of them to realize they're not just fuck buddies (a la "we're just friends..." "sure, and friends do that" vibes) HAJDKAKFJA IT WAS A WHOLE THING. THE FIC REALLY COULD'VE BEEN LONGER. but i decided 7k words was enough 😭🤲
but overall i agree with you!!!! i was def biased towards luke at first, but writing this totally had me leaning more towards kieran <3 desperation and conflic with internal emotions or othereise co flict between duty and emotions is my FAVORITE to write, and kieran's character is SO fun to play with, esp with him being the younger of the two! he's surprisingly complex and i loved getting into the intricacies, i'm so glad that was conveyed hehe 🥰 you might be interested in the little analysis i had on kieran's character here !!! <3
THANK YOU again anonie 🥺 i wish i had the words to actually say how grateful i am for this because it's just so incredibly sweet 😭 know that i'm cradling you in my arms!!!
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extratmnt · 1 year
Title: Donnie hates feeling guilty
Universe: Rise of the TMNT
Pairings: Donnie and Leo, Donnie and his brothers
Word count: Finally a decent amount
Donnie was having a bad day. Nothing in particular made it that way, except for the fact that he was way too sensative right now. AKA snappy. AKA if-he-were-to-touch-something-with-a-weird-texture-he-would-scream. AKA overstimulated.
The worst part about being overstimulated is that you could be having a completely normal day, then out-of-the-blue here comes your nervous system attacking you.
Being overstimulated was kind of hard to describe, but if Donnie were to, he would say that the sound is eating your teeth, that your clothes are made of needles, and that every little light looks like the sun.
Maybe Donnie should have said something sooner, but he didn't. And now they were in a fight with the Purple Dragons.
Donnie did his best, he really did. But your best isn't really that great when you're in his condition.
He finally hit his limit when the movement of fighting caused his sweatshirt to move against his scales, and if you've ever been overstimulated you would know how horrible it feels.
Donnie gasped and deployed his jetpack. He had to get out of there now!
Kendra didn't hesitate to mock him. "Running away from the fight?! What, too cowardly?! Maybe you've just accepted that we're better than you!"
Sure, that hurt his feelings a little bit, but Donnie didn't really care at the moment.
Before he knew it, he was a quarter mile away from the fight.
Donnie found an unoccupied alley and sat down, leaning against the brick wall. He closed his eyes and covered his ears.
Finally, he could relax a little.
After a couple minutes, or a couple of hours, Donnie was calmed down enough to open his eyes. Oh, thank goodness it didn't hurt.
He then uncovered his ears and was immediately bombarded with the sound of his phones notifications. He looked down at it to find over thirty unread texts and fifteen missed calls.
Donnie sighed. He couldn't deal with this now. He stood up and proceeded to use his jetpack to get home.
As soon as Donnie got home, he heard yelling.
"We need to go find him!" Leo.
"I know!" Raph.
"Guys, arguing about it isn't going to help." Mikey.
Donnie tried sneaking over to his room to try and find a figit toy.
Or not.
He waved to them.
Raph rushed over to him. "Donnie, are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you-"
Mikey ran in between them and put his hands up. "Woah, Raph, give him a second to actually explain."
"Oh, right. Sorry," Raph apologized.
Mikey turned around to face Donnie. "Donnie, do you mind explaining what happened?"
Donnie opened his mouth and then closed it. What was he supposed to say? He was having sensory issues so he ditched them in the heat of the battle? Nope, not happening. He really was a jerk, wasn't he? So instead, he just settled for shrugging.
Mikey gave him a sympathetic smile. "That's okay. You can tell us later."
Raph looked scandalized. "No, we need to talk about it now."
"No we don't, Raph. Donnie obviously needs a break right now." Leo had made an appearance. He handed Donnie his figit cube. "Here. I think you might want this."
Donnie was amazed that Leo had figured out what he wanted so fast. Even he couldn't most times.
Donnie looked at him in confusion and started playing with the cube.
Leo chuckled. "Well, all the signs were there: non-verbal, excessive stimming, flinching at every loud noise. It just took someone to actually pay attention to see it."
Mikey hummed in understanding. "So, this is why you left? Because you were... having a moment?"
"It's not called having a moment, it's called overstimulation," Leo answered.
Donnie felt tears prickle into his eyes and he looked away. He felt so guilty for ditching them. How could he have been so selfish? They could have gotten hurt without him, and he was just sitting in an alley. He sniffed.
Raph gained a worried look after hearing that. "What's wrong, buddy? You still not feeling good?"
Donnie felt the tears make their way down his face. He whispered his response. "I feel guilty."
They didn't need to ask Donnie what he meant. They knew.
Leo hummed. "Well, you shouldn't. You have no reason to be. Your body and brain just work a little differently from everyone elses. You can't help it. Plus, you guys never hold it against me when I need a break, so why would we do that to you?"
Donnie smiled. Leo always knew that the best way to get through to him was through facts and data. "Thank you." After a pause, he added in a whisper, "I love you guys."
"We love you too, Dee."
Send me an ask for any requests you might have for me to write!
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
Singled Out
Premise: Max and Sienna are in a predicament when their son is excluded from a birthday party.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Sienna Trinh x Max Valentine (M!OC); feat. Noah Valentine (OC) Rating/Category: Teen. Angsty Fluff Words: 1,575 TW: Bullying, use of an ethnic slur
A/N: This fic was requested by @jerzwriter. Submission for @choicesjunechallenge prompt "children"
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Noah Valentine was excited to start first grade and wear the navy blazer that was part of his uniform. It was like the ones his father wore to work, and it made Noah feel like a big boy. It was just too bad he didn’t have to wear a tie. Then he would really be like his dad.
On his first day at Briarwood Academy, he waved a hurried goodbye to his parents. He rushed into the classroom, sure that it would be the best day of his life. It was, and it wasn’t.
He supposed the teacher was nice but not as friendly as the ones in his Kindergarten with the colorful walls and ice cream on Fridays. He liked the kids in his class and was happy no one had stolen his crayons.
Aunt Cassie had warned him to be on the lookout for crayon thieves. His dad just rolled his eyes and told her to let it go already.
But there was one boy, Samuel, who kept staring at him. He was bigger than the rest, and the mean look in his beady eyes made Noah feel funny in his tummy.
When the bell rang, the teacher, Miss Penny, led them outside and told them it was time to play. Noah waited in line to go on the slide when Samuel pushed past, shoving him to the ground.
“Excuse me?” Noah said, expecting an apology the way his parents had taught him to do if he bumped into someone.
Samuel didn’t even look at him, just muttered something Noah didn’t understand. He puzzled over what ‘half-and-half’ meant but forgot all about it later when his parents asked him about his first day at school.
But from that day on, Samuel made it a point to pick on him, and Noah tried to ignore the bully. School tried his patience, he thought, remembering the word his mom often used after a long day at work.
A few weeks later, all the kids were bubbling in excitement as Samuel handed out invitations to his birthday party during the break. When Noah stepped up to receive his, the other boy stared at him with a nasty look.
“You aren’t invited to my party,” he sneered. “My parents say mixed blood is worse than being a Chink.”
Noah didn’t know what the words meant, but it sounded bad. He walked away, holding back tears until he was out of sight.
As soon as the school bell rang, he quickly left the classroom, ignoring Miss Penny’s voice behind him, telling everyone to have a good weekend. Tears slowly rolled down his cheeks, but he didn’t care who saw.
Mrs. Banks was waiting outside, chatting with their driver, Danny. She glanced over when he ran out the doors and down the steps, her face falling as it had when he’d skinned his knee in the park during summer break.
“Noah!” she exclaimed in shock and rushed toward him. “What’s wrong, honey?”
Noah threw himself into her arms, big, heaving sobs escaping. He shook his head when she questioned him again, and he heard her sigh. He felt Danny pick him up and carry him to the car while Mrs. B patted his back.
As they drove away, Noah decided then he was never going back to school.
Later that day, Sienna anxiously paced the floor before the elevator waiting for Max. He’d texted to say he was leaving the office. Sienna calculated the drive time, factored in traffic at this time of day and figured he should be arriving any minute now.
When the doors slid open, she breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn’t stopped along the way.
“Hey, you.” He flashed her a smile as he stepped off the elevator. “I wasn’t expecting a welcome party, but I’ll take it.”
Max leaned down to kiss her lips but stopped halfway, concern furrowing his brows. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s Noah,” she replied.
Needing comfort, Sienna slid her arms around his waist, rested her head on his chest and proceeded to tell him everything she’d managed to extract from their son.
Noah had been inconsolable since coming home from school. Worried he’d been hurt physically or worse, Sienna held him in her arms, gently coaxing him until the full tale of Samuel’s bullying and the birthday party snub had come tumbling out.
The latter didn’t bother her as much as the unkind words. She had hoped the world would’ve changed since she’d faced her share of name-calling, casually racist comments and discrimination. Perhaps she’d been naïve in thinking her children would be spared.
“…this has been going on for weeks. He didn’t say anything to me or Mrs. Banks,” she said, and her expression became crestfallen. “You had Man Day last week. Did Noah—”
“I would’ve told you, Sienna,” Max said, tilting her face up so she could see he was deadly serious. “He was quieter than usual but in good spirits.”
Sienna sighed, tears pooling in her eyes. “I knew our children would be biracial, but I really thought society had evolved enough for it to not matter anymore. What kind of parents tell their child it’s okay to say such horrible things?”
“I can’t pretend to understand what it’s like for you,” Max said, brushing his thumbs along her cheeks. “But our kids will always be part of two worlds, and we’ll have to teach them to navigate both.”
She burrowed into his embrace, seeking his strength, her voice muffled against the fabric of his jacket. “I’m a bad mom. I’ve been so busy with work lately that I didn’t notice our son was being bullied.”
“You don’t get to take this on yourself,” Max snapped, letting frustration leak before he controlled himself.
“Sorry. I’m just…” He inhaled and exhaled deeply. “Let’s go inside. We need to talk to Noah together and figure out the next steps. Informing the school and his teacher is step one, and then….”
Sienna leaned back in his arms, her eyes narrowing at the shrewd expression on his face.
“Why do I think you’re already planning retribution?” she said warily.
“The kid is six, Sienna,” Max said, rolling his eyes, amused. “His parents, however, are another matter.”
He unlocked the front door, and they walked inside. “It’s never a good idea to piss off a shark.”
That night Max tucked Noah into bed, handing him the stuffed dolphin plushie—a gift from Cassie—he refused to sleep without and switched on the night light.
“Hey, Dad,” Noah called out just as he started to close the bedroom door. “Were you ever bullied?”
Max turned back and sat down on the side of the bed. He reflected on the difficult conversation he and Sienna had with Noah earlier and thought being a parent was harder than anything else he’d done in his life.
“Yes,” he said. “Remember how Aunt Cassie and I lived in different places growing up?”
Noah nodded. “When you were little like me.”
“Yes. We were often the new kids in class, and sometimes that meant other kids would pick on us,” he said, keeping his tone deliberately neutral. “I remember there was this one kid who said we were lying about being twins because twins are always identical, and we were not.”
“Did you beat him up?” Noah asked with a frown.
Max grinned. “No. My dad taught me there’s only one way to handle people like that.”
“Grandfather Robbie?” he said in awe, eyes widening. His grandfather was one of his favorite people in the world.
At that moment, he looked and sounded so much like Sienna that Max felt his heart lighten. They had agreed before not to overwhelm Noah, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt for him to learn how to deal with bullies now.
“Do you want to know what your grandfather told me?” he said, smiling inwardly at Noah’s vigorous nod.
“Well, bullies like to see you react. It makes them feel powerful,” Max explained. “So, you ignore them. Turn your back and walk away, pretend you can’t hear them. They'll lose interest in you when they see their words can’t hurt you.”
Noah seemed to be thinking over the advice but didn’t say anything. Max lovingly stroked the side of his son’s face, adjusted the bedcovers and started to stand.
“I don’t want to go to Samuel’s birthday party because he’s mean,” Noah said, yawning loudly. “But all my friends at school are going, and I feel left out.”
“I know, and I’m sorry about that, Noah,” Max said gently. “Maybe we can do something special that weekend. You can invite your other friends, your cousins. Have your own party. Or we can go somewhere, maybe a weekend on the beach at St. T?”
“Can we go to St. T and Disneyworld?” Noah said excitedly. “It’s on the way, wouldn’t take long.”
“Both in one weekend? You’ve definitely inherited the Valentine overachiever gene, not to mention our art of negotiation,” Max chuckled. “But let’s pick one thing, buddy. Save the rest for another time.”
“Okay…” Noah yawned again and closed his eyes. “I’d rather have a party. And it’ll be even bigger and better than Samuel’s.”
Max coughed, swallowing back laughter at the stubborn determination in his son’s sleepy voice.
An overachiever and competitive to boot, he thought as he closed the door behind him. The kid was a Valentine through and through.
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Max & Sienna only: @aallotarenunelma @storyofmychoices @kyra75
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i-write-some-stuff · 2 years
Roommate - csc
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Pairing: Seungcheol x reader
Warnings: Swearing, weed use, slight mention of emotional abuse from an ex? Kinda angsty too?
Word count: 1k
A/N: I wrote this short drabble yesterday at work then typed it directly on here, so it hasn't really been edited, I apologize for any typos or mistakes. Also this is very self indulgent I'm having major Cheol feels these days please bear with me lmao
*This is purely a work of fiction. It is in no way meant to represent any idol in any way, shape or form.
Seungcheol knew exactly where to find you.
You had been living together for over two years now, so when he walked in to see the playlist on the TV, the window to the balcony slightly opened, and the light smoke coming from outside, he knew what was going on. He kept his shoes and jacket on, crossing the living room to reach you.
It was crazy how quickly you guys went from complete strangers to the best of friends. You were a friend of a friend; his roommate had left, and you had fought with yours, which led to them kicking you out. You needed a place to stay, he needed a roommate, and so your common friend introduced the two of you, and you moved in with him within the week. You got along well, having similar habits and routines. If something bothered him, he would tell you, and so did you - most of the time anyway. So you had both agreed that you'd remain roommates for as long as this was working.
In those two years, Seungcheol had also gotten used to your coping mechanisms. He could always tell when something was wrong, because you would gradually close yourself up, and started smoking a little more often, until you broke down completely, and then you'd slowly get back up. He had tried to help you countless times before, but quickly realized that you didn't need him to save you. You just needed him to be there, to listen to you vent until you were ready to move on.
And so that's what he was prepared to do when he stepped outside. He sat down next to you in silence, doing his absolute best to not stare at you, since you knew you didn't like it in those moments. Instead, he focused on the peaceful evening, the sun slowly setting, the noisy city street below, the music softly coming from the opened window. Without a word, you handed him your lit joint, and he took it. When he exhaled the smoke, he felt you take a deep breath.
"[Your ex's name] broke up with me today," you said, and this time he looked at you. Even if you weren't facing him, he could see how puffy and red your eyes were, the somewhat fresh tears on your cheeks, your wet sweater sleeves where your arms rested on your knees. You had been crying for a while, he could tell. "Over text," you added, and all the restraint Seungcheol was trying to show was gone in an instant.
He had never like the guy. He always had a weird energy to him, always giving Seungcheol the impression that he couldn't care less about you or your friends, or about anything regarding your life. You had fought with him more than once, and Seungcheol had tried to keep you away from him, but you'd always go back. Now that the ties were broken, Seungcheol would finally be able to speak his mind to the asshole.
"What kind of fucking baby breaks up over text? I'll have a little chat with him later, believe me," he said, and you let out the tiniest chuckle. Seungcheol glanced at you, confused.
"I knew you'd choose violence."
"He deserves it, after everything he put you through," Seungcheol said, but you didn't reply, instead reaching for the joint. He gave it back to you, leaning his head on the wall behind him as you took a drag, trying to calm his anger.
"Do you wanna know why I was crying?" you asked, and he frowned.
"Because he broke your heart?"
"Maybe a bit. But I also realized that I'm an absolute idiot-"
"You're not an idiot," Seungcheol immediately argued, but you stopped him before he could add anything.
"Let me finish. I'm an absolute idiot, because I kept going back to the one who hurt me when when the one who loved me was right in front of me."
Seungcheol stopped breathing for a second. He never admitted it to himself, but he did love you. And not just as a good friend. He had feelings for you, but he'd never admit it, because that way, it hurt less to see you go out with other people. He had pushed his feelings away, especially in the last few months, convinced that he wasn't the only one in your friend group to like you. He wasn't one for drama, usually putting other people's feelings before his own. And now he feared he was right, and you would tell him you liked someone else. He wasn't sure his heart would take it.
"I guess they're right when they say love makes you blind," is what he replied to your statement, taking a longer drag of the blunt that had found its way between his fingers again.
"Seungcheol," you said, and he turned to you. You never used his full name. "I mean you. You've been there all along and I've been too stupid to see how good we are together."
Seungcheol's brain stopped working. He stared at you with wide eyes, his lips parted in a shocked expression. The feelings were scrambling in his heart, words tumbling as he struggled to find his voice.
"How'd you know?" he asked quietly.
"I didn't. Everyone kept telling me you liked me, and I kept saying you didn't, probably because I didn't want to admit that I liked you too. So I guess now we both know," you explained.
Seungcheol blinked, staring at you in disbelief. Your words suddenly clicked in his brain, and he leaned towards you. His hand found the back of your head, his lips gently finding yours. They were puffy and salty from all the tears you had shed, and Seungcheol promised himself he would never let anyone hurt you again.
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i-luv-carl-grimes · 2 years
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☾꙳all the things I hate about you☀︎꙳ pt.5
Chandler Riggs x Fem! reader
Warning: swearing
Hi everyone! sorry it’s been so long, ill try my best to post every time I can but I do have a really big school trip coming up (it’s out of state) so I’m getting a lot more work than usual so my apologies if updates are slow
we made it, I was now only a few days away from being a part of something incredible and most importantly I, me, Y/n L/n was going to see Chandler fucking Riggs in person! how amazing right?  At least that’s what I would say if I hadn't already promised I wouldn’t bother or talk to him unless needed to 
I and my mom decided to take a small break and go get some food at the airport, I thought that now would be a good time to call F/n, I clicked her contact and listened to it ring, and ring, and ring some more “Hi this is F/n sorry I couldn’t pick up the phone im probably busy” before the voicemail sound started playing I hung up, F/n always responded always, no matter what she was doing, but I just brushed it off and decided to text her 
‘hii I just got to Atlanta call me when you’re free!’
I then took my last bite of food and me and my mom left 
after what felt like hours, we got to our new house, my god it was huge! “go ahead and find a room N/n (nickname)” my mom said and I nodded putting in my headphones and played f/b (fav band) before grabbing 2 boxes one filled with clothes the other filled with hygiene products,
I opened the door with a bit of struggle and almost dropped my boxes looking at the entire, I was a HUGE fan of big houses and the way they look so this was amazing, I ran up the stairs forgetting I had 2 boxes in my hand, let’s just say the moment I had reached the top of the stairs my arms were sore
after passing 2 other rooms I opened a door to see a room with 3 windows one leading toward the roof, I sat the boxes down and lead up against the wall, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket only to feel disappointment fill me as there was no response from f/n, 
“Y/n come here!” my mom said and I slowly made my way downstairs taking out the headphones as my mom talked to a woman there was a boy standing next to her he was looking down but when he lifted his head up and we locked eyes I imminently ran back upstairs and behind a wall covering my mouth with my hands, 
I had just locked eyes with Chandler Riggs, CHANDLER RIGGS IS AT MY DOOR,  
“Please come in, I’ll go get my daughter” I heard my mom say as footsteps filled my ears, my heart was racing my breaths were heavy sweat dripping down my head,  “hun?” my mom said, and turned her head to see me sitting on the ground looking like a nervous wreck.  “are you okay Hun?” she asked and violently shock my head before standing up and pointed to her ear she rolled her eyes at my childishness and leaned down,  “Chandler Riggs is literally in our house mom, no I am NOT okay,” I said and she laughed.  “come on Y/n you 14 you need to stop being so shy” my mom then pushed me forward so I was standing at the top of the stairs, I could feel Chandler and his mom stair at me, I dug my nails into my hand as I felt my mom erg me to go down the stairs so I did I walked down slowly till we were both standing Infront of them, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't lift my head up not for a second when my moms hand went to my shoulders forcing me to once again lock eyes with Chandler, HOW CAN SOMEINE BE EVEN CUTER IN PERSON OMGGGGGGG
I was internally screaming when I saw Chandler’s face turn into something that looked, disappointed?  “this is my Daughter Y/n” my mom said and I looked back down and gave a small wave.  “like Y/n L/n? well isn’t this a surprise you going to be working with my son right?” she asked and I nodded,  “I’m Gina it’s lovely to meet you” she said and I opened my mouth,  “its nice to meet you too” I said quietly shaming myself for not looking at her while she talked.  “y/n has always been so bashful my apologies” my mom said and once again I shoved my nails into my hand.  “oh that’s Fine, Chandler why don't you introduce yourself?” Gina said and my heart began to race more just by hearing his name,  “oh there’s no need, Y/n has told me so much about you” I looked up at my mom with a ‘why would you say that look’ and she chuckled.  “she has always loved, what was his name? Carl? since she was little” my mom said and the more she did the more I wanted to jump off a bridge.  “Hi I’m Chandler” GOD HIS VOICE WAS NECTOR FROM THE HEAVENS OMGGGGGG AHHHHHHH’
“it was lovely to meet you too but y’all are probably busy with unpacking so we’ll be off, heres my number if you need anything,” Gina said and handed my mom a piece of paper.  “Thank you for coming over I’ll see you soon,” my mom said and they left
I just made eye contact with Chandler Fucking Riggs, not once BUT TWICE, wait...why did he look at me like that? was there something On my face? maybe my clothes? did I look at him weirdly? did he think I'm weird? 
did I seriously just ruin my first impression with the person I have admired my whole life
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shunchitaro · 2 years
Karube x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst (TW: no comfort/fluff, reader's possible death) Romantic [In which Karube makes a mistake with a horrid consequence]
["Would we be better off by now If I'd have let my walls come down?"]
You know how people say that most high school sweethearts don't last, and will never work out?
Karube and Y/N were a different story. They'd been together since their third year of high school (grade 9 in my country) and have remained strong ever since. If there was a misunderstanding they talked it out rather than start a nonsense fight against each other. They graduated together and lived together in an apartment. Y/N became a journalist for the news and Karube was a bartender.
The both had barely enough to get by but they did just fine, supporting each other in any way they could. Because of that, Y/N worked over time and sometimes didn't even come home. She couldn't always have time for Karube but she tried her best to squeeze him into her schedules.
Then Emi.
Ever since Karube's boss brought his girlfriend along, things..changed. The both would sneak glances at each other during their shifts and would flirt time to time. At first Karube's guilty conscience told him to stop, but due to giving into Emi over and over again he couldn't stop himself. Casual dates after their shift at a nearby coffee shop turned into him going to her place, turned into them kissing, and now the two had a secret relationship.
Ever since he had gotten with Emi, Y/N noticed how he didn't have time for their dates, or how he mostly just stood her up and didn't text her to tell her that he wasn't coming for their date at all. She figured it was her fault for not spending time with him, so she decided to apologize. Y/N had cooked him his favorite dish and put it in a bento, visiting him at his workplace.
Only to be hit with a first class view of him and Emi kissing by the bar counter.
No, it wouldn't have hurt Y/N, but the way he kissed Emi was different. When Karube kissed Y/N, it was always just a quick peck and a murmured 'i love you'; yet here he was holding Emi's waist firmly pulling her into his chest as he murmured praises into her lips. "Dai" Y/N called out, and he pulled away from Emi.
"Oh, you're here" he said nonchalantly pointing at the bento "Is that for me-"
"Seriously? I catch you cheating on me and all you can say is 'oh, you're here'? What the heck Dai!" Y/N interrupted, snapping at him.
"So it's my fault? Really now?! If you failed to notice, my dear Y/N, you're always at work! We barely have time for each other, it's not my fault that I found someone that will actually be here for me no matter what!" He yelled back, pissed.
"I do everything in my ability to spend time with you. I take effort into leaving between my shifts just to be with you Dai! Last time I checked you didn't even have the initiative to visit me at work! You just work at this damn bar, surely you could've come to see me right?" Y/N countered as her hands were displayed in fists, then Karube dropped the final blow.
"You know, our old classmates were right. We'd never work out. I tried my best to love you after we graduated you know? I discovered how different we are from each other. We weren't meant to last, Y/N. Let's break up, you can pack your things and move out tomorrow."
And he let her go, just like that. 10 years of their relationship gone in a flash.
Y/N moved out the same day because she couldn't bare the sight of him and his new trophy, Emi. To cope, she drowned herself in her job, barely resting. She needed to get her mind off Karube, he wasn't worth her energy.
"I'm sorry Miss L/N, but based on my observation you have Stage 3 lung cancer. I'm afraid there is no cure, and the life expectancy is maybe 4-5 years more."
Y/N clearly blamed herself for this, it was her fault for overworking. She thanked the doctor as she headed out. She wanted to enjoy the life she had left, so she unburdened herself from her work. She resigned the very next day, and with the money she saved she decided to travel the world. Now was her time to empty her bucket list.
It had been a few years and Y/N was down to her last few months left. The last country she wanted to visit was France, she had tons of sketches of the places she'd been to, and now she was sketching Paris into her memory.
She glanced away from sketching the Eiffel Tower to see Karube staring at her in shock. "It's really you? Wow..you look different. I didn't expect to meet you here, small world huh?" He smiled at her softly, but Y/N didn't return it. "I didn't think I'd see you here either. Why isn't Emi with you?" She tried to ake clear with the tone of her voice that she didn't want to have this conversation with him, but he hadn't caught on. "Ah, we broke up. Turns out she was dating the owner of the club and I was just her affair. She broke it off around 3 months after you left." He explained, sitting on the bench beside her. "About well you know, I'm sorry I kicked you out. Turns out I was just infatuated-"
"Infatuated? Getting caught kissing a different girl by your own girlfriend and not even apologizing for it isn't infatuation, Karube. It's betrayal and a ton of trust lost." She replied coldly. Karube was taken aback at how she spoke his name with venom laced in her words, how she looked at him with hatred in her eyes.
"Look I know i destroyed that trust but please, at least let's not have a grudge on one another."
"I don't want to talk to you Karube-" she got up to leave only to double over in pain, coughing. Karube got up confused but went pale to see blood in her palm.
"Y/- Y/N!" he caught her as her knees buckled below herself, rushing her to the hospital.
"I'm sorry sir, but she didn't make it. It was her time to be taken by her sickness."
"You didn't know sir? She had lung cancer."
Karube froze on the spot unmoving even after the doctor left him. He burst into her room hoping it was a foolish prank to get him back, only to see her laying still and peaceful, the life drained off her face. Tears slowly slid off Karube's cheeks as he cupped her face, his thumb caressing her cheek as he pulled her into a heart wrenching hug, apologizing to her over and over again.
Because of him and his stupid infatuation, rather than him spending time with her he was out with another girl. He realized Y/N's efforts of visiting him even during her shifts, and how he didn't visit her even once. He realized that she was supportive to him and how she was always there when he needed comfort, unlike Emi who never listened to him or comforted him. Emi only went to him when she had problems, while Y/N always made sure to check up on him.
If it wasn't for him getting attached to Emi, he would still be with Y/N. Because of his selfishness, rather than being in bed cuddling her, here he was holding her fragile lifeless figure in his arms.
So now, whenever he spots young high school couples holding hands or being affectionate in public, Karube Daikichi is now among the people that say high school sweethearts never last.
Note from Author: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating. I've been so stressed with school :') We have a musical performance my class is rehearsing for in May, then we have our sportsfest and prom soon as well. This month i've been busy with projects and reviewing since our exams came, I even have a Science and English exam today so I'm sorry if this oneshot is rushed. I also sprained my foot a week back and hopefully I can take the cast off today. That's all! Thank you <33
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synthshenanigans · 1 year
Synopsis of the few episodes that i have planned its a lot of text i apologize + i wrote all this very late yesterday so it might be a lil rough lol.
Also I am very very tempted to write chapters on ao3 about this AU, so if you dont want spoilers on it you prolly dont wanna read the rest. Tho I gonna leave some things out just to save that for the fic. (i cant promise that theyll all be written and posted soon but i will try my best)
tw for depression and suicide (I mean have you seen the album)
Episode 7- For Whom The Bell Tolls
Instead of Laura and Aunite Whispers being there, the house is empty and wanting the get away from the cold, they decide to stay for the night. Soul goes out for firewood and leaves the other 2 to clean up and make a place to sleep in for all of them. They've all been getting along from that point so Soul isnt worrided about anything. Things are fine for awhile, but after searcing around, they find the bell from the original episode. But instead whoever holds the bell, can command another to do whatever the holder wants (kinda like the og bell but slight different). It at first goes fine, Hearts mainly just goofing off and messing around with it for a bit. Though, the concept of one controlling the other starts an arguement (like in the album) and without Soul to calm things down, it eventually breaks into a full fight. When Soul finaly gets back, one of them is just about to kill the other (again like the album). Which leads to a similer fight like TSE and The Bidding but now with Soul going with the fact that since they cant get along, they should just go their separate ways and find their own ways out. In the end none of them stay in the house and all go split up into the woods (which is definitely the best idea to do in the dark winter woods)
Episode 8- Cacophony
Instead of the drug trip dream that Greg has, itd just be the 3 of them trying and failing to go through the woods on their own. Each of them eventually having their breakdowns like in THA, TME and TSE. Leaving them all doing horribly mentally and attempting to sleep in the snow. (Like how Wirt and Greg do). Before Soul can (attempt) to rest, The Beast finds him, wanting to do a trade with him. If Soul were to go steal the lanturn from the Woodsman and become the new lanturn bearer, The Beast would let Heart and Mind go free out of the Unknown. And as long as he keeps the lanturn lit, theyd live happily and finally get along. Saying that as soon as hes even being near the Woodsman, they would already be free. The Beast of course is lying, and plans to kill off Heart and Mind and turn them into edelwood trees. Still, Soul has nothing else to go for, and so begins to search for the Woodsman.
Episode 9 - Into the Unknown
Flashback episode bby. I thought about making HMS go relatively through the same thing Wirt and Greg did (minus the whole Sara and school bit since none of the go to high school being like 20ish years old). Then I instead thought of Whole. (ps gonna try and write Whole as a separate person from CJ, since it feels weird to me to write about him so Wholes kinda his own character in this)
On Halloween, Whole would go through a rough day (one that would likely cause him to split into 3). Being frustrated with a lot of things he decides to take a walk to clear his head. Tho the rainy moody weather of *whatever this takes place* doesn't help his mood at all. Hell it makes it worse if anything. Its now night time and he eventually ends at a cemetary (like in the show).
Suprisingly no one is there, so he takes a break from walking by sitting up top a certain garden wall. At this point, this thoughts are getting worse and more depressing (his thoughts are also now spliting into 2 and then 3 voices). He gets knocked outta his thoughts when the rain really starts to pick up. Tries to get down but falls off on the other side onto train tracks. And like in the show, a train starts to head straight down them. Whole (still not in a good state of mind) stays there and waits for it. Its not till he suddenly feels him throwing himself out of the way almost involuntary. (The "Wait, no please wait!" sorta moment by Heart and Mind). And like Wirt and Greg, he falls into the pond/lake and passes out.
Episode 10 - The Unknown
(im using the stuff i typed last night so if it's incomprehensible and stupid, thats why)
Heart and Mind wake up similer to Wirt (in the snow with the edelwood branches on them). Now with clearer head, the both immediately panic worrying where the other 2 have gone and go looking for them. Heart gets disoriented with the harsh snow and winds, since hes ya know, blind, and ends up on the frozen lake in the show. And just as Mind finds him there, like Wirt, Heart falls into the frozen lake. Mind barely saves him and has another mental breakdown. Heart wakes back up in the middle of it and they have a lil bonding moment (they siblings your honor). They eventually get up and search for Soul. When they finally find him, hes like ONE second away from just fuckin murdering the woodsman for the lanturn. (hes given up at living at this point and just wants the best for Heart and Mind so hes like...less sane than usual) The Beast told Soul they should've already been out by now so Soul is now pissed he was lied to. The Beast gives up and decides to kill all three of them and have the (knocked out) woodsman stay at the bearer. Soul tries to fight it with the woodsmans axe but is too weak to do anything. The Beast and grabs the hatchet and throws Soul against the trees, leaving Heart and Mind to fight it themselves. Mind (and Darrell) can barley fight it off while Heart tries to find the not knowing its near Soul. Beast swats Darrell away and slams Mind into the tree, holding him there. Just as its about to wrap him in edelwood, Heart suddenly is like "haha bitch fear me" thinking he has the hatchet then realizing its actually the lanturn. Mind just slays there for a sec just like "god damnit juno you had ONE fucking job" Tho obviously, The Beast gets immediately pissed, not wanting the fire to burn out. Heart goes through the same realization that Wirt went through of "Why do you even care about the lanturn anyway? Its almost like your spirit is...wait" Beast moves, droppig Mind and threatens Heart. Although scared, Heart finally stands up for himself, tired of being ordered around at what to do. After freeing Soul, Mind then steps in front of Heart now protecting them while Soul uses the hatchet to stand back up in front of both of them. Willing to fight for his life again while also being pissed at the Beast for lying to him (also that it thought it could give him a purpose and tell him what hes supposed to be and do. Basically Soul has the realization he has in Two Wuv) Beast panics and tries threatening them/negotiate with all of them to let it live. Of course it doesnt work and they blow out the lanturn. Soul holds Darrell as Heart and Mind work together to hold Soul up as they finally walk out of the unknown.
Whole wakes up in the hospital in a similar fashion that Greg and Wirt do, reassuring close people that hes alright and just accidentally fell. He wants a bit of time to himself tho to comprehend him almost dying and the weird dream he had. Tho just as hes about to be like "twas all a dream" he finds that Darrell is laying next to him in the bed. The nurse saying that the chicken wouldnt leave him no matter what they tried to do. Darrell luckily didnt get too in the way and they figured it was his so just left him there. Whole then is like "yea...i guess he is" while mentally being like "WAIT WHAT THE FUCK HOW IS HE REAL??" The nurse leaves him be and he sits there thinking over everything and decides that he is a lot better mentally since that adventure and is happy his selves have gotten better and in turn he himself has gotten better.
Maybe he can talk to the three of them eventually or he gets inspired and starts making a certain album idk. As a wise man once said
Also had the ideas of 1.Heart and Mind being lost in the unknown with Soul as the woodsman trying to help them get back while also trying to save "Whole's" spirit in the lantern and 2.Heart and Mind are lost in the unknown with Soul being the Beast
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