#mutual asks <3
wasp-coffee · 2 years
samhain, full moon and nighttime 🫶
(How do you celebrate) Usually just with my friends, watching a lot of movies and playing Monopoly.
I did dress up this year I was Maverick from, well, Top Gun XD
Ooooh difficult difficult! I don't know specifically if any of these are halloweeney but I always watch Corpse Bride at Halloween, Jennifer's Body is of course a fucking banger of a movie. Rocky Horror is simply everything. None of these are specifically halloweeny sorry XD
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katinkulta · 11 months
This is the Tumblr hug💝💝💝💝💝Please pass it on to 5 mutuals to brighten someone's day!
Thank you for hugging me back <3
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caruliaa · 1 year
staff still hasn't given me polls, what should i do?
🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪 their moms 69%
🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪 their dads 31%
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grace image os i get to look at her
#edit: edited the og post to what i want but to set the record straight i edited to the post to be mathematically correct right after the#first person pointed it out which was like ten mins after i posted the og post. now fuck offf !!!!! the rest of the tags r from the og post#for some reason i feel very immature making your mom jokes about tumblr staff. which i shldnt !!#bc they suck nd they still havent given me polls. but i ig i feel imature bc it a your mom joke 😭 but still i tihnk its kinda funny#EDIT: edited the post to what i want bc yall were getting annoying . but to set the record straight i edited to post to be mathematically#also its *mum* not mom okay i am NOT !! an american . but if i say mum everyone will j be like 'omg british' like i dont know i am#anyway. i want polls please. give me the rigght to force my mutuals chose between the most inane things#also i tihnk it wld b cool for the cs weekly blog. like w each episode#i cld do a poll of like. out of five stars what do u think of this ep#and it wld b a cool thing of which eps r ppls faves#also i cld have like. whose ur fave in team red whos ur fave in acme etc#id prob just have to go with vile faculty bc theres more than 10 ppl in vile. and ppl wld kill me if i didnt include nel the ell or whoever#it wld b fun !!!#oh btw csweekly thats i thing i want to start. prob on uhhh the 11th of feb ill post abt it more but its basically#a tag/blog for watching cs one ep a time watching one ep every saturday#ya !! :3#flappy rambles#inaccessible#ask to tag#(<- idk. just in case)
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lokorum · 9 months
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shepscapades · 18 days
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7. Lincolnshire Posy: II. — Composed by Percy Grainger, Performed by the Dallas Wind Symphony
It’s been on my mind lately that I had a lot of these Spotify song requests that I finished and never got around to posting, so I’m gonna try to chip away at posting these over the next few weeks! BUT Hi Ghost :] It’s so funny this was the song you ended up getting the number for; I had actually listened to it on loop during the deepest trenches of ranchers brainrot however many months ago, so I’m really happy I ended up being able to draw something for them!! <3 This is also the part where I expose myself for being an unashamed band kid =w= Grainger’s one of my favorite composers, so I listen to his works a lot and couldn’t help associating the really soft hopeful horns with this kind of healing period for the ranchers ;w;
I probably won’t ever really go into the details of the m-1 server’s overall plot, but I think the general vibe for m-1 ranchers is that these little moments of soft sunlight and healing bones were some of the most needed for them, so that’s why scenes like this always stand out in my mind <3 Context aside though, I think m-1 ranchers are just super sweet so!! figured I’d Full-Send share this soft doodle of them :]
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heraldofcrow · 3 months
Honest “Favorite Character” Asks 🌿
I can’t find character asks that suit my type of discussion, so I made some. These are meant to be somewhat personal, therapeutic, and pensive.
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Send someone one of their favorite characters along with any of the following questions.
1. Do you project onto this character?
2. Did you always like this character?
3. What first drew you to this character?
4. Did you initially dislike/hate this character?
5. If this character were a woman, would you honestly still like them? Or in reverse, what if they were a man?
6. Do you have any nicknames or pet names you use for this character?
7. Does the character’s age matter to you?
8. Does the character’s looks/design matter to you?
9. Does this character remind you of anyone you know? Does that affect how you see them?
10. Do you see yourself in this character even without projecting?
11. How did you “fall in love” with this character?
12. If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character?
13. If you could draw effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what scene (s) would you draw for this character?
14. Are you physically attracted to this character?
15. Are your thoughts surrounding this character usually sexual, non-sexual, or a mix of both?
16. Have you ever cried when thinking about this character? Genuinely?
17. Have you ever felt physical pain over this character? (ex: physical heartache).
18. Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both?
19. Does this character serve as a stress ball/ security blanket for you? Something you run to after a bad day to feel safe or happier?
20. Do you feel affectionate towards this character?
21. Are your feelings about this character platonic, romantic, or familial? All of these feelings at once maybe?
22. Do you think you will always love this character?
23. Has this character permanently altered or impacted your psyche in a way you won’t forget?
24. Do you ever dream about this character? If so, describe a dream you once had about them.
25. What kind of fan-fiction do you read about this character? If you don’t read fan-fics about them, why not?
26. If you look for this character’s name on AO3, what tags are you including or excluding?
27. Do you like to ship this character with other characters or do you prefer not to?
28. Do you get defensive about this character? If yes, then why?
29. Do you affectionately bully this character?
30. Are you especially sensitive about this character?
31. Are you ashamed of liking this character?
32. If you could make this character a meal, what would you make them?
33. Are you “blinded by love” for this character or do you accept any flaws they may have?
34. Does this character inspire you with little things in your daily life?
35. Has this character ever prevented you from sleeping because you can’t stop thinking about them?
36. Do you feel a spiritual/soulmate connection with this character?
37. Is your love for this character a secret from people you know in real life?
38. Do you tend to joke more about dying or killing for this character? Both? What causes the distinction?
39. Do you feel lovesick over this character?
40. Are you very empathetic towards this character? When they feel a certain way in the story, do you feel those emotions too?
41. Do you prefer to interact with this character directly via self-insert/reader type content? Or do you enjoy seeing them mostly with other characters in the story and/or your OCs?
42. If you could, would you write this character a song or poem?
43. What type of weather makes you think of this character?
44. Which season makes you think of this character?
45. Do you feel as if you are intimately familiar with this character?
46. How much do bad interpretations of this character upset you?
47. Does this character ever make you laugh sincerely?
48. What’s your favorite physical/design feature for this character?
49. What’s your favorite personality trait in this character?
50. Link your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character. Whichever one (s) you are most comfortable with!
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tddyhyck · 2 months
opinions on who in nct would allow another member to watch them fuck you
oh bestie OH BESTIE u know i love voyeurism/exhibitionism
i think mark would almost be too nervous like not about his member seeing you but about them judging his technique you know ,,, he would have to be drunk/high to let that happen,, but if it did happen he would be less nervous about it happening again he would be very “oh well they’ve already seen it once” he would be more of the toe to either let you fuck another member and he watches or to secretly fuck you and someone sees before he realizes they do
renjun would be hella confident in his stroke game ,, maybe he and hyuck are bickering about it and renjun is like babe i gotta show him something,,, and he just fucks you and he’s probably talking to hyuck more than you since they’re arguing ,, but to me that would be so hot 😵‍💫😵‍💫
jeno *shakes 8 ball* “highly unlikely” BUT BUT BUT,, i could see him doing this to prove a point like maybe someone was flirting with you or even called you hot to jeno’s face and he’s like wtf,,, so he has to show them you’re his very “see only i can make them feel like this so don’t ever flirt with them again” and he makes you tell his member you belong to him and not them 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
my little pervert hyuck very much so yes,, he’d cum so fast ,,, it doesn’t matter who it is if someone is watching him it’s 10x hotter,, i think he would suggest it for sure he’s probably make a list and try to get every single member to watch at least once,,, gosh he’s so nasty i love him
mr. certified gentleman jaemin i’m so confused about him,, very 50/50 (miss those gorls) i don’t think he would be nervous but i can see him wanting to be private about what he does with you like that’s so special to him and he doesn’t want anyone to ever think of you in a sexual way like that’s his business // at the same time i can see him being into someone watching maybe he’d be more of like let’s film it and i’ll show them later,,, like in the moment he wants to focus on you but after he can show someone only if you want him to
oh oh chenle similar to jeno in the sense that he would do it to prove a point but not in a possessive way but in the renjun way of see i’m so good at fucking ,,, also can see him doing it out of dominance idk if this makes sense but he would get off on someone seeing how submissive you are for him,,, how he can get you to do anything and how humiliating it would be for you
jisung another nervous boy but he is a closeted certified freak,, so he would be down but try to play it cool,, maybe chenle is in the room egging him on like “that’s all you got” “how embarrassing” “i would have made them cum three time by now” and jisung would be red faced but also as hard as he has ever been
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canon i was the wall
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emmcfrxst · 3 months
Ack, probably missed you being drunk and horny 😜 but a mutual masturbation ficlet with f!reader and Arthur?
Arthur doesn’t think he’s gonna last.
Screw that, Arthur knows he’s not gonna last.
You look like you came right out of a painting; pretty lips parted in a series of moans, back arching off the plush hotel mattress, skin shimmering under the moonlight with a mix of sweat and arousal. Your thighs are spread obscenely wide, leaving room for Arthur to curl his fingers inside you, thumb drawing tight little circles over your clit. He can feel your body trembling from the pleasure his touch brings you, his own hips bucking into your hand, breath leaving already empty lungs when your thumb slides over his tip on the way up. He chooses to retaliate, free hand sliding up your body to gently pinch one of your nipples, making you cry out in a way that has him ache with desire. Your thighs shake as your orgasm washes over you, soaking Arthur’s fingers.
No, Arthur might not last.
But he’ll be damned if you don’t come at least twice before he does.
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httyd-art-requests · 18 days
May I request a nonbinary colored Terrible Terror? Love those little guys!
I love that the first pride request is also one of my own flags <3 Shaking your hand
Dragon #87 - Non-Binary Terrible Terror
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cyberroses · 2 months
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wasp-coffee · 2 years
wolfman and hollywood 😎✨
thank you so much for the ask!
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jeeaark · 1 month
And now my brain goes mad.
Greygold X Lae’zel X Emps?
Does Icarus fly too close to the sun? Do mortals not wish to wield the power of gods without consequence??
Can dreams really come true???
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No one in this universe wants LaexGreygxEmps to happen more than Greygold. But Baby Steps. Right now, they'd be ecstatic if all three of them were in the same room without any blood spilling. Oh, the 19th century Victorian blush they'd have if they ever got to the point of hand-holding.
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rudeboimonster · 10 months
~help your local rat get stable housing~
dramatically sprawled out on the floor
so i gotta move for the third time in that many years. unfortunately between health problems and the General State of The Economy, I have been unable to find work to be able to save any money. i have no choice but to leave the entire state. i thankfully have somewhere to go, however I need help getting there. i've been trying to do the math to get what I need to its lowest amount possible, but even that is still at least $2.5k.
after this move, i should be able to get things more stable and I might even have a couple job prospects lined up in that area, but right now I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel funds wise and desperately need help.
if you're able to spare anything, i've set up a goal through kofi so i can track it publicly. i have trouble asking for help but i really need what help i can get. thank you, so so so much.
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
is it the blanket or is it you?
for @steddielovemonth prompt 'love is asking "do you want a blanket?"'
rated t | 2,107 words | no cw | tags: getting together, first kiss, mutual pining, fluff
Steve hadn't left the hospital. He slept in Eddie's room when Wayne had to work and in Max's room when he did.
Tonight he was in Eddie's room, curled up in the chair because the nurses didn't know he snuck in after visiting hours. Wayne got a cot and tried to convince them to leave it in the room even when he wasn't here, but they were so desperate for beds, they took it out between his stays.
Eddie'd woken up a few times for a couple minutes here and there. Steve wasn't ever around when he did, but apparently one of the times, he'd asked for Steve.
Wayne didn't say anything else except he seemed pretty high on the pain meds and at least wasn't in any pain.
Steve was exhausted, but his back was killing him after nearly a week of sleeping upright in uncomfortable chairs.
He watched Eddie for a few minutes, his slow breathing proof that he was too out of it to wake up.
Steve quietly moved his chair so it was flush with the side of the bed, leaving him in a position to rest his arms and head on the bed without risking touching Eddie.
It was cold in the hospital, and Wayne usually left him a spare blanket, but it wasn't in its usual place tonight. He was too tired to get up and try to find one.
He fell asleep almost as soon as he closed his eyes.
When he woke up, Wayne was standing by his side with a confused look on his face.
"Did Ed wake up last night?"
Steve shook his head. "Why?" He looked down and saw the blanket wrapped around him and the hand next to his arm.
"He moved is all. Maybe the pain meds wore off a bit," Wayne shrugged.
Steve was too busy thinking about Eddie using all of his strength to cover him up with one of the three blankets he usually had on him.
He thought about how close Eddie’s hand was to his, wondered if maybe he’d held it at some point while Steve slept.
Hoped that maybe he would hold it again.
As Eddie got used to being at Steve’s house, he also had to get used to Steve falling asleep on the couch.
They’d watch a movie together, Steve would help Eddie to the guest room, and then apparently decide to crash on the couch.
He said it was because he was tired and didn’t wanna go up the stairs, but Eddie saw through it.
He stayed there so he’d be close in case Eddie needed him, even after his bites had mostly scarred over and his ribs had fixed themselves. Eddie didn’t push though; He liked having Steve nearby.
The first few times it happened, Steve was awake the moment he heard Eddie’s door open.
But then he started being quieter, sneaking out to the living room to see Steve face down on the couch, arm hanging off the side and drool hanging off his lip.
Eddie shouldn’t do it, he shouldn’t reach out. He shouldn’t touch him.
But he saw goosebumps on Steve’s arm and he had to check if he was cold. It was mandatory.
He gently brushed his fingers against Steve’s forearm, frowning at how cold his skin was.
He pulled the blanket from the back of the couch off and settled it over Steve’s body the best he could. His arm was still hanging out, but hopefully the heat surrounding him everywhere else would warm that up too.
He walked to the kitchen to make them both some coffee.
When Steve woke up 20 minutes later to the smell of bacon and coffee, he curled up under the blanket he hadn’t put over himself before he fell asleep.
They took this road trip because they all needed it, but Steve more than anyone.
His parents had just left town for good, but not without forcing Steve to either go to college or never step foot in their house again. He’d thought, and they all thought, that maybe they wouldn’t bother pressuring him since the town was in shambles and he’d been a hero. They all thought wrong.
So for the last four days, he’d been staying with Eddie and Wayne in their new house, insisting on sleeping on the couch even though Eddie has a king bed now that’s definitely big enough for both of them.
Whatever they were, they apparently were not ready for sharing a bed.
Wayne kept giving him these looks.
But he hadn't pushed Steve, especially not after the thing with his parents. He offered comfort in the way he knew would be accepted and then packed everyone up in a rented RV and told Steve to drive wherever he wanted to go.
They ended up at Lake Erie, some campground that was pretty empty due to the fall chill in the air. The kids had run outside the moment they parked, sick of being stuck in the RV for the last seven hours. Robin had nudged Steve's shoulder and joined the kids, silently agreeing to keep an eye on them while he took a moment.
Eddie sat in the passenger seat next to him, waiting for him to speak.
It took a few minutes, but Eddie was always patient when it came to Steve.
"You didn't have to do all this," he finally said.
"I didn't. But I did."
Steve nodded, searching for more words.
"I'm tired," he finally said, sounding every bit as tired as he said he felt.
"You should go to sleep, Stevie," Eddie set his hand on his knee. "The kids will be busy for a while. Robin and I can watch 'em."
"You did all this for me and I'm just gonna sleep?" Steve asked in disbelief. "Isn't that a waste?"
"Not if it's what you need. If you need to sleep for the next two days, then sleep. I'll be right here. We all will."
Steve didn't argue, even though Eddie could tell he wanted to.
He got up and made his way to the couch.
Eddie nudged him further. "The bed. You and Robin can share. I'll take the couch and the kids can take the bunk beds. You don't have to sacrifice everything all the time."
Steve didn't argue. Again. He must be exhausted.
He walked to the bed, fell on top of the blankets Eddie had slipped on before leaving home, and closed his eyes.
"Wake me up in a few hours. Wanna see the stars," Steve mumbled against the pillow.
Eddie watched fondly from the doorway. "Sure thing."
Steve was asleep in less than a minute and Eddie walked over to pull the blanket at the end of the bed over him so he wouldn't get cold.
Robin woke him up a few hours later with a soda and a sandwich, soft smile on her face.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. Warm. Did you tuck me in?" Steve yawned.
"Nope, this is the first time I've been back in here since I left," Robin smirked. "You gonna do something about the Eddie thing?"
Steve nodded. "Yeah, I think it's time to.
+ one
After dropping everyone off at their homes, and leaving the RV at the rental place, Steve rode home with Eddie.
Well, he rode to Eddie's home, which was temporarily his home.
Even sleeping on the couch there felt better than he'd ever felt in his own home, but he didn't really want to admit it. At least not out loud.
But he'd talked to Robin a lot over the last few days, and he'd watched Eddie prioritize Steve over and over again, in ways that were different from how he prioritized the kids and Robin.
He wanted to tell him how he felt, how he'd been feeling for a while.
"Would it be okay if I sleep in your bed tonight?" Steve asked suddenly, interrupting Eddie's steering wheel drumming.
Eddie glanced over at him. "Of course. You okay?"
"Think I just could use your company."
Eddie's half-smile was enough for Steve to know he was on the right track.
"You always make me feel warm," Steve admitted.
He watched as Eddie took a breath, steeling himself for something.
Eddie's hand reached over and grabbed Steve's, laced their fingers together. His hand was sweaty, and Steve should be grossed out, but he's only endeared.
"How long you been wanting to do that?" Steve asked.
"Hm. I think when I first saw you when you walked into the cafeteria your freshman year with a fuckin' lunchbox. Something about the way you unapologetically carried a lunchbox not filled with drugs into high school made me fall hard and fast," Eddie smirked around the confession. "It was an unfortunate crush for most of high school that I tried very, very hard to ignore. And then you had to go and save my life and the world and be this really great guy and you got me good, I'll admit."
"I'm sorry, were you seriously judging me for not having drugs in my lunchbox? You do know that's just a you thing, right? Most people carrying lunchboxes actually have their lunch in them," Steve squeezed his hand to let him know he was joking. "You probably could've convinced me to join your table that first day. Tommy had a different lunch block and I was a lost sheep."
"Maybe. But I don't think you would've stayed. I think things happened like this so I could appreciate what you are to me now."
"Are you a secret romantic?" Steve asked.
"It's not really a secret, sweetheart."
"It was to me."
They parked in the driveway of the trailer and Eddie turned to Steve. "You can sleep in my bed every night if you want. Just keep in mind Wayne is the next bedroom over and he can hear everything."
Steve let out a loud laugh. "A bit presumable, aren't you?"
Eddie's face softened into something fond. "Yeah, guess so. But I figured a reminder would be good for both of us."
"Am I that irresistible?" Steve grinned at him, leaning closer.
"You have no idea." Eddie leaned closer, his lips parted, and then he moved up to kiss Steve's forehead instead of his lips. "Inside first."
"You're a tease too? Not even one kiss?" Steve grumbled as Eddie pulled away and got out of the van. "Ridiculous."
Wayne was already asleep when they got inside, so they tip-toed down the hall to Eddie's room.
Eddie immediately started stripping off his layers, pulling on sweatpants and a hoodie. Steve couldn't help but watch now that he was allowed.
"You can borrow some sweatpants if you want. I only have one other pair clean though," Eddie said, finally turning to Steve, who blushed and looked away. "Aw, Stevie! Were you tryin' to take a look? You could've just asked."
"Someone's feeling bold all of a sudden," Steve said as he pulled his sweater off followed by his shirt.
Suddenly, Eddie was right in front of him, in his space, breathing out against his lips.
"I've been wishing for your eyes to be on me for years, angel. Stare all you want."
Steve nodded. "You said something about sweatpants?"
"Yep!" Eddie pulled away and grabbed sweatpants from his drawer. "Here they are."
"Eds, these are not pants." Steve giggled. "These are barely shorts. What exactly are these?"
"Comfy pants! Or shorts! Or boxers that are just too big for me?"
Steve shook his head, but took off his jeans and pulled the sort-of shorts on over his underwear.
"I'm exhausted," Steve said as Eddie pulled the blankets back on his bed. Honestly, Steve had expected his bed to be unmade and his room to be cluttered. Other than some dirty clothes on the floor by the dresser, it was a pretty organized room.
"Get in bed. You want this blanket?" Eddie held out the blanket that Steve usually used on the couch.
"Maybe I could share yours?" Steve asked hesitantly.
"I was hoping you'd say that." Eddie sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him. "I'll keep you warm."
Steve felt like he was melting into a puddle. He got in the bed and curled on his side, facing away from Eddie in hopes that Eddie would...
"Like this, angel?" Eddie asked as he settled in behind him, pulling the blanket over both of them.
"This is perfect."
Eddie kissed the back of his head and started humming. Steve couldn't resist the pull of sleep after that.
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Why didnt this happen in ep 8 the fucking pole
realll this is what shoulda happened actually
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