#apparently at walmart but I guess not online
texaschainsawmascara · 4 months
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by Freakie Meals
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disorganizedkitten · 2 months
Bursting Bubbles of Bad Luck Chapter 7
Miraculous Ladybug | 2020 | 1,331 | Ao3 | Prev | Masterlist | Next
July 3rd-Boredom
So the whole discord chat idea? Magic was the less fun part. Felix should have let Allegra add him ages ago.
The Dead Fandoms Discord - Channel #Go-Go-Gadget-Chatroom
Snow Cone King: I’m just saying, Ics, that if we have to petition Walmart, we should at least do it with a lot of people.
Flutetastic: ...Almost everyone on this server and probably half of tumblr and a corner of twitter and a few people from school and my entire family
Considering my family includes you and all the cousins on your half too, that’s a lot of people.
Snow Cone King: Amb. Ics, ics you know what this means?
Speedster: Y’all, I think we should just use the online petition thingy. Get millions of email subscribers from all over the world.
Snow Cone King: My dad probably would totally sign a petition to get Inspector Gadget merch back in stores and then actually make it happen
Flutetastic: It’s sm fun to see you have one of those My Dad Is A Millionaire epiphanies.
Flutetastic: Als, why do you save your logic for the middle of our discussions?
Speedster: Gotta take the time to come up with my genius.
Snow Cone King: Show off.
Penny Could Kick Me: I find it very amusing to watch you guys casually say things like ‘one of those My Dad Is A Millionaire epiphanies’.
Snow Cone King: :Squinty eyes: i can’t tell if that’s an insult
Penny Could Kick Me: Is me laughing out loud at you insulting?
Flutetastic: Say no
Snow Cone King: I haven’t decided.
Snow Cone King: I think so?
Penny Could Kick Me: I love you guys.
Snow Cone King: That’s def. A compliment. Thank you.
The Dead Fandoms Discord - Channel #By-The-Power-Of-Greyskull
The Orange Death: Y’all I just found an article saying Damian Wayne and Adam are friends and someone needs to explain to me how that happened and if that means I missed a He-Man reboot
If so, Imma cri
Snow Cone King: Wait who has the rights to He-Man?
The Orange Death: Honestly I figured it was netflix ‘cause they just did that she-ra reboot but like
Apparently not?
Snow Cone King: I’m looking this up amb
Useless Ace: I thought the last reboot was in 2010?
Snow Cone King: I am apparently a very uninformed fan
There was a life action movie in 1987
The Orange Death: What
Snow Cone King: My to watch list is much bigger
I thought there were only the two versions? I don’t even know which versions they were now?
Useless Ace: Welcome to the world of fandom my friend. Experts are few, far-inbetween, and deserve mad respect bc I could care less to follow every bit of canon ever
Snow Cone King: Mood
Snow Cone King: As of dec 18, 2019, Netflix wants to do a CGI reboot
Useless Ace: Oh thank goodness. My biggest beef with the She-ra reboot was the lost potential for Adam/Adora shenanigans.
Snow Cone King: Have you watched it?
 Useless Ace: See above
Snow Cone King: :facepalm:
Actually I can’t judge, it’s still collecting dust on my to-watch list
Snow Cone King: Reading more and Mark Hamill? Will be Skeletor?? That sounds like it'll go really well
The Orange Death: Y’all I have no idea but now I’m excited
About time He-Man came back
Snow Cone King: Fr tho, I can’t find anything about ties to dc or where he’d have met Damian
Flutetastic: Whack
The Orange Death: You’re telling me
Snow Cone King: You’re telling me.
Snow Cone King: I’m giving up. Some fandom guru who actually knows stuff can figure this out
The Orange Death: Valid
Snow Cone King: I lied and looked further and apparently not only are there multiple comicverse crossovers (Injustice vs the masters of the universe)(DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe)(he Man and the Masters of the Multiverse(I’m guessing is a crossover too)), but there’s a THUNDERCATS one too!
 My childhood will be complete as soon as I read that
Useless Ace: Dude that’s amazing
That’s going top of my to-read list
Snow Cone King: Mood
Gerald: Mood
The Orange Death: King, you really are a king, thank you so much!!!
Useless Ace: I rlly hope they give Adam a better costume like they did w/ Adora in the new reboot
The Orange Death: It’s a bit overdue
The Dead Fandoms Discord - Channel #Magic-Troubles
Snow Cone King: amb there’s a illusion lady in my lit class and normally Idc but she’s being so annoying and she keeps illustrating the whack tales she’s telling and the teach could care less but she’s directly in my line of sight and I wanna learn
Is there a nice way to ask her to stop?
Goldie Queen Of France: Tell her she’s making it hard to see. Rlly, just bc we’re magic doesn’t mean we have the right to be a jerk
Snow Cone King: I’m a jerk by nature
Just wanted to make sure
Flutetastic: King, you’re not magic
The Dead Fandoms Discord chat - Channel #Less-than-dead-corner
Killjoy: I’m just saying! Thanos’ plan was dumb!
Jackie of Jackaland: You didn’t even watch the movie
Killjoy: I don’t have to watch a movie to know that it’s dumb to kill people for resource management when another option is literally just to make more resources
Jackie of Jackaland: Valid point op but pls start watching movies and reading comics before you rant about them based off of someone else’s tumblr rant
Killjoy: That’s less fun
Jackie of Jackaland: You mean less headache inducing
Goldie Queen of France: @Killjoy @Jackie of Jackaland polite, remember? If you’re gonna throw hands, do it in the dms.
Killjoy: Right, sorry
Jackie of Jackaland: Sry
The Dead Fandoms Discord chat - Channel #Magic-troubles
Snow Cone King: Wait are trails colored different by sect or by person?
Coracle-Miracle: Supposed to be by person, but mine turned a purple/black after whatever happened with the heart
Snow Cone King: Ouch
Coracle-Miracle: It hurts less to use magic the more I use it, although Idk what that means. We’re just powering through
The Dead Fandoms Discord Chat - Channel #MURDOCH
Snow Cone King: If I ever leave Paris, I want to go to Canada
Mapleblood: Dude that is my entire life motto
‘Cept I’m Brazilian
Point stands
Speedster: Valid x100
The Dead Fandoms Discord Chat - Channel #Less-than-dead-corner
Flutetastic: Salut, t’all, should I watch Gravity Falls?
Pigtails ftw: I say yeah
It gets weird later on, so I never finished, but I liked what I saw in the beginning
Flutetastic: Awesome. I wanna see if it beats Paris rn
Pigtails ftw: What even is Paris rn?
Flutetastic: Mood
Pigtails ftw: No but like, legit. What’s going on over there?
Flutetastic: #That-Real-Life
The Dead Fandoms Discord Chat - Channel #That-Real-Life
Flutetastic: @Pigtails ftw so yaknow about the magic hearts thing?
Pigtails ftw: didn’t know they were real
Flutetastic: Common response
@Snow Cone King @Coracle Miracle @Rough-Glamor @Goldie Queen Of France come help me out
So the heart/miraculous of Modification got corrupted by somebody, so far no one knows if they’re a strong sorcerer or a lucky human, but it happened and is messing with all change mages.
Snow Cone King: And he uses the extra power to possess civilians and turn them into rampaging monsters who are supposed to hold the city hostage for the hearts of Destruction and Restoration
Coracle-Miracle: which are, btw, also the hearts of purity and chaos
Snow Cone King: How does that work?
Coracle-Miracle: Those two hearts are the strongest and have multiple tie-in clauses, like luck, but that translates to really dangerous and often selfish sorcerers so instead they split into sections within theirs. It’s really interesting actually! Jaclynn O’Conner wrote a really cool book on it, I suggest you read that.
Pigtails ftw: That sounds demonic
Flutetastic: It nearly is
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thmgau · 1 year
Juniper awoke to the sound of eir alarm beeping. Despite it being a Saturday, ae still wanted to be up early so ae didn’t mess up aer sleep schedule. She yawned, sitting up in bed & rubbing her eyes.
Upon his desk, he spotted a paper that wasn’t there before. Curious, they turned on their light & got out of bed to look at it.
It was a lavender color, with a green border. There was text on the poster that read: “The Very Extraordinary Scavenger Hunt! When you’re ready to start, head on down to the Red Lobster!”
“Huh. Interesting.” zae hummed. “Well, not like I have anything better to do today. Let’s hit it.”
Kalani was in his living room, watching TV. She had already been up for a little while, but was starting to get hungry.
“Alright,” he said, getting up & stretching his arms. “Let’s see what I’ve got to eat.”
She entered the kitchen & opened the fridge, only to be met with a paper she had never seen before.
Kalani grabbed the paper to read what it had said. It was lavender, with a dark blue border.
“The Very Extraordinary Scavenger Hunt! When you’re ready to start, head on down to the Walmart with the ballpit!” the paper had read.
“Hmm.. well, it might be fun.” he said. “I haven’t been on a scavenger hunt since 5th grade.”
Forgetting about her hunger, Kalani quickly slipped some shoes on & headed on out.
Leslie woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside their window. It sat up, rubbing its eyes. “Mm.. good morning, birds..” they mumbled, getting out of bed. “It’s Saturday.. no classes today, which means I can- ..huh?”
Entering their living room, Leslie spotted a paper on their coffee table. Leslie walked up to it to get a closer look. The paper was lavender, with a gray border. There was text on the paper, which read “The Very Extraordinary Scavenger Hunt! When you’re ready to start, head on down to the bakery!”
“A scavenger hunt?” it questioned. “Eh, might as well. It is the weekend, after all.”
“Nora. Nora, wake up.”
Nora awoke to the feeling of being shook by Sorrel.
“What do you want?” she yawned, sitting up. “I found this paper in the living room,” they said, handing a lavender paper with a yellow border to her. “I think it’s for you.” “Huh? Ok..”
She took a look at the paper to see what it said.
“The Very Extraordinary Scavenger Hunt! When you’re ready to start, head on down to the abandoned Pizza Hut!”
“A scavenger hunt?” “Yea. Looks kinda interesting, yea?” “I guess so.”
Sorrel stretched their arms. “Well, you have fun on that scavenger hunt. I’ve gotta prepare for that auction!” “Oh, yeah, you are going to the auction, huh? Have fun.” “You too!”
Cherry groaned, rolling out of bed. She had spent all day looking online for dumbbells to buy. If they were gonna take this hero thing seriously, they had to get stronger, so they could wield their sword without dropping it.
She got out of bed & entered the living room, only to discover a paper hanging on her wall.
“The fuck?”
They walked up & took the paper off of the wall to get a closer look. It was lavender, with a red border. The text on it read: “The Very Extraordinary Scavenger Hunt! When you’re ready to start, head on down to Target!”
Cherry stared at the paper for a few seconds.
“Oh, what the hell? I was the best at these things in elementary. Let’s see if I’ve still got what it takes!”
“Alright! Here we are!”
Juniper pulled up into the Red Lobster parking lot & hopped out of xyr car. Ve took out the paper ve had found in ver house, only to see that the text on it had changed. Now, the paper read: “First things first, you must search for a purple pencil hidden somewhere outside of the Red Lobster premises, for this will be important later on in the scavenger hunt!”
“Huh, the text changed. Neat.” fae nodded, looking around. “Now where could that pencil be?”
You’d think a purple pencil would be easy to spot outside a Red Lobster, but apparently it was not! It took Juniper 15 minutes to find it hidden under a rock.
“Aha! There it is! What’s next?”
Juniper went to look at the paper to see what was next, but a sudden, sharp prick in pheir arm. Viv looked to see what it was.
“A tranquilizer dart? Where did-”
& with that, Juniper was passed out on the ground.
Kalani hopped off of her bike & entered the not-abandoned Pizza Hut. His first quest was to go to Walmart & get some Sharpies. Now, she had to go to a Pizza Hut (a real one, not the abandoned one) to get a pizza.
He walked up to the counter.
“Welcome to Pizza Hut, how may I help you?” “Yes, uh... can I get a pizza please?” “Of course, what size?” “Uh..”
Kalani looked to the paper to see if it had changed. The paper now read, “Get the large pizza, with pepperonis.”
“Yea, I’ll get a large pizza.” Kalani looked back at the cashier. “With, uh, pepperonis.” “Alright, one large pepperoni coming right up.” the cashier nodded, heading to the back of the restaurant.
She decided it would be a good idea to sit down while waiting for her pizza, so she sat at a seat near the counter.
After a couple minutes, the pizza was done. Kalani walked back up to the counter & paid for the pizza.
“Have a nice day.” “You too!”
Kalani took the pizza & left the Pizza Hut, excited to find out what his next mission was. However, a prick in her arm distracted her.
“Huh? What-”
Before he knew it, Kalani was passed out on the ground.
Leslie left the bus as they approached the Dollar General. Its first mission was to stop by the bakery & get some cupcakes with purple frosting. After that, they had to go by the library & steal a few rocks from outside. Leslie thought that was a bit strange & peculiar, but it was a scavenger hunt, so they didn’t question it.
Now, it was tasked with going to Dollar General & purchasing 3 cartons of eggs.
Entering the Dollar General, Leslie was greeted by none other than..
“Natalie?” “Leslie?!”
Natalie, who was running the cash register, was shocked by Leslie’s entrance to the store.
“What are you, uh, doing here?” “I work here! This is my job!” “You work at a Dollar General?” “I gotta pay rent somehow. What about you? What are you doing here?” “I’m doing a scavenger hunt. It told me to come here & buy 3 cartons of eggs.” “What kind of scavenger hunt makes you come to a Dollar General & buy eggs?” “This one, apparently!”
Natalie sighed. “Well, the eggs are down in Aisle 8, if you were wondering.” “Thanks, Nat!”
Leslie walked on down to Aisle 8, where the eggs were. It took out 3 cartons of eggs & walked straight back to the cash register. Natalie took the eggs & started scanning them.
“So what are you doing later?” “Why do you wanna know?” “Just curious.” “Well..” Natalie hummed. “There’s this auction I’m going to later, after my shift is over.” “An... auction?” “Yea, I saw a poster advertising it outside the university theater. I’ll be there.. y’know, not stealing stuff.”
Leslie highly doubted that.
“Anyways, your eggs cost $18.”
They paid for their eggs & gave Natalie a friendly grin.
“Have a nice day!” “Uh.. you too.”
Leslie left the Dollar General, eggs in hand. Today was really shaping up to be a good day, with this scavenger hunt & all. As it checked the paper to see what was next, a sharp prick in its back alerted its attention.
“Ow! What was-”
Leslie fell onto the ground, completely knocked out.
Nora got out of her car & entered the Arby’s. Her first stop for this scavenger hunt was the abandoned Pizza Hut, where she had to dig out $20 from the cash register (why that was still there, Nora had no clue). Next, she had to head on down to the local Whole Foods to get some solo cups. Then, she was tasked with going to Claire’s (a store in the mall) to get some purple backpacks.
Now, Nora was at Arby’s. She looked down at the paper to see what it read.
“Your next task is to get 5 packages of chicken tenders! Trust me, we’re gonna need it.”
Walking up to the counter, Nora was greeted by the Arby’s employee.
“Hi! Welcome to Arby’s, how may I help you today?” “Hi, uh, could I order 5 of the chicken tenders? Like, not only 5 chicken tenders but like, 5 container thingies with the chicken tenders in them.” “...sure?” “It’s for a scavenger hunt, I’m not planning on eating any of these.” “What kind of scavenger hunt are you on?” “One that’s described as ‘very extraordinary,’ apparently.” “I feel sorry for you.”
The cashier headed to the back & got the chicken tenders.
“Alright, 5 chicken tenders.. that will be $20.”
20 dollars exactly.
Nora pulled out the $20 she took from the abandoned Pizza Hut & gave it to the cashier, taking the tenders from them.
“Have a nice day. &, uh, good luck with that scavenger hunt.” “Thanks! Have a nice day as well!”
Nora left the Arby’s, satisfied with the purchase. As she made her way back to the car, she felt a sharp prick in her shoulder.
“Ow! What even-”
Before she could utter another word, Nora was knocked out in the middle of the Arby’s parking lot.
Cherry parked her car outside of the Auction House & hopped out. Their first task was to go to Target, where they had to get 2 stacks of the lined paper you’d find at schools. Next, she had to go to Walmart (not the one with the ballpit) & pick up a vase. After that, they had to go to the park & get some balloons. Luckily, it was free balloon day, so Cherry had gotten the balloons for free!
Then, she had to stop by the florist to grab some purple flowers (presumably for the vase). Now, Cherry found herself outside of the Auction House. They didn’t necessarily want to be at the Auction House, but the scavenger hunt commanded them to be there, & what were they to do?
She looked at the paper for her final instructions.
“Congratulations! You’ve completed The Very Extraordinary Scavenger Hunt! Turn around to receive your prize!”
“Huh.” Cherry said. “This seems.. kind of suspicious, doesn’t it?”
Nevertheless, she turned around. Nothing happened for a moment.
Then they felt a sharp prick right in the back of their neck.
“Ow! What the hell-”
& then she collapsed, passing out.
“Ugh... my head..” Cherry groaned.
The group awoke in a dimly-lit room. The only source of light was from a small window up at the top that none of them could reach. Not to mention, it was absolutely freezing in there.
“Jesus, it’s cold as fuck in here..” “Oh, hey!” Leslie grinned. “Funny seeing you 4 here.” “Nice to see you too, Les. But.. where is here, anyhow?” “I dunno, but from the looks of it, I don’t think there’s any way out.”
“Ohohoho! You’d be correct, my friend! There’s no way out!” a sinister voice laughed from outside the door.
They all gasped. They knew that voice well. Too well.
It was none other than The Auctioneer.
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ideal type of unplanned adventure?
I like getting in the car and going to random shops on random nights :) Target, Barnes and Noble, even Walmart—they are soooooo much fun at night. I really enjoy those odd little adventures :)
what’s something people would never guess about you?
That I’m an oldest child, apparently XD At least online, everyone seems to think I’m either a youngest or an only child :0 Which I most certainly am not! I think it’s because I really let my excitable side show on tumblr, and that’s not a typical… oldest child trait, I suppose?
I also really like certain rock musics :)
what advice or wisdom would you bestow on your younger self?
Ehm… let’s see here. Let me think.
Care about your friends more. Treat them with all the love in the world. And try to spend time with them, too.
describe your ideal spring afternoon.
Sitting on the soft grass and just enjoying things :) With some delicious snacks. Good music playing in my ears. Perhaps a Book.
what life advice would you give to someone younger?
Treat bugs with kindness!! Be gentle with the little creatures! It is okay! You don’t have to be cruel to bugs, they cannot help it!! Be nice to bugs!
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melye1981 · 1 year
TRESemme Horrible For Your Hair... Here’s Why...
Hello, ladies (I don’t know if men use this hair product, but I doubt it, but just in case, please read, no matter your gender)
TRESemme has long been a shampoo that USED TO BE recommended by hairstylists/cosmetologists, and it was a once popular brand in salons. After what I read about it online just recently, I can understand why it is no longer in salons (unless you’re at a cheapy salon in the mall or Walmart, they must not have gotten the memo...).
I have been using only TRESemme for my hair, for many years, unbeknownst to the harmful chemicals within the shampoo line. I have the shampoo for anti-breakage, the shampoo for color-treated hair, the keratin oil for smooth and frizz-free hair, since my hair is long, and naturally wavy, and very prone to tangling from time to time, the leave-in conditioner, the conditioner for flawless curls... These products apparently are no good.
TRESemme contains a preservative called DMDM hydantoin, which creates toxic formaldehyde when it comes into contact with water. This chemical is believed to be responsible for hair loss and dryness, itching, and redness of the scalp in people who use TRESemme regularly. 
If you don’t know what FORMALDEHYDE is, it is used for embalming dead bodies to keep them from rotting during an open-casket funeral service, but it is also found in nail polish, obviously shampoo, and is a flammable gas. Who wants flammable gas in their hair?? I sure as fuck don’t!
TRESemme also contains phthalates, which are used in the making of PVC pipe, and is also one of the ingredients in Kraft Macaroni and Cheese packets of cheese powder, mmmm yummy, right? (Hence, the reason you may have heard that Kraft Foods use plastic in their food and here you are, feeding it to your kids... Yuck.) So I’m going to assume that TRESemme puts plastic in your hair as well. Yeah, real healthy.
So, knowing all of this makes me sad, because I know now, I have to part ways with TRESemme hair products. I do have to say that my scalp does itch a lot after a good shampoo and conditioning of my hair, and my hair falls out a LOT in the shower, so not only is TRESemme bad for your hair, but if you don’t wanna go bald before it’s your time, then I guess all of us dedicated and loyal TRESemme consumers should stop buying it. Myself included.
According to what I’ve read online, TRESemme also has sulfates in it which are bad for your hair, as well. So, this is what hair professionals and dermatologists recommend for healthy hair and prevention of hair loss: I’m gonna try it, it’s called Hair Food. It is sold at Walmart, so you don’t have to go to some expensive place to purchase it. It was recommended to me after I took a hair quiz on a website called HairCode. If you are curious about the test, go to their website and take the test.
Moral of the story: If you love your long hair, and don’t want a balding head, STOP using TRESemme. Because, yeah... It’s bad for our hair. No more TRESemme for me, how about you??
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unsaidholland · 4 years
🦦 could you write something about harry and reader having their first big fight, you can do it about whatever you decide I just want a happy ending, thank you 😊
hi anon i hope you enjoy this!! i decided to put a little bit of a twist on it :)
p.s sorry this was so late ://
🦦- blurb request!
if you didn’t know before, then now you know | h. holland
you and harry weren’t officially together, but everyone acted like you were. it was unsaid that the two of you were together despite lacking the labels. this had been going on for as long as the two of you could remember, seemingly getting serious enough for the two of you to practically live together. you would spend weeks at a time at his house with the boys, and he would spend weeks at a time at your place.
oftentimes, he would take you out when he was working abroad, and the only way it worked was that you did online school. you needed to have flexibility and to take classes on your own. granted it didn’t give you the typical uni experience, you were grateful it gave you the chance to travel with harry.
you and harry were going on a last-minute run to walmart to pick up things for travelling. you had run out of shampoo to refill your little travel bottles, and the both of you had some things to buy before you had left for the states.
harry was driving as you went through instagram stories. earlier that day harry was hanging out with a mutual friend of yours, and though all the boys knew you were unofficially together, many people didn’t see eye to eye with the truth. a video of a girl named haley had been leaning up against him and was getting quite cozy with him in the restaurant booth. he was out with his friends, and you had no problem with that, but seeing that video on your feed immediately infuriated you.
“harold are you fucking kidding me?” his face screwed up in confusion.
“what did i do this time?” the tension in the car went from zero to 100 in the matter of seconds.
“why the fuck was haley leaning up on you as if she’s your girlfriend? do i just not exist anymore?” when he pulled up to a red light, you showed him the video, his face immediately showing that he was tired of you already.
“she’s just a friend.” he paused for a moment, “why does it matter anyways, we’re not officially together anyways.” your heart broke at his statement. it was true, but you thought that your relationship was well endowed enough for you to accept that the two of you were just together, but apparently he didn’t think that way.
unbeknownst to you, harry did think that the two of you were together, but at the same time neither of you made it official so there was no proof that you wanted it to be official.
“i just don’t understand how you can go from cuddling with her to being domestic with me. do you not like me?” your brain immediately feared for the worst. you were scared that he was just using you for emotional validation, but deep down you knew that wasn’t true.
“if i didn’t like you then why the fuck would you constantly fly out with me? why the fuck would we practically live together?” he pulled into a parking spot, putting the car in park but keeping it running to hopefully hide the two of you screaming at each other.
“well if you liked me then why aren’t we fucking together? is it not obvious that i like you?” you fought back tears, not wanting them to well up, but they did. you immediately felt bad, wanting to just take everything back and go home so you could lay in bed away from everyone. “i’m being ridiculous, i’m sorry.” harry sighed, only spurring you back on.
“what’d you sigh for?” you asked, your tone condescending.
“if you wanted to be official so badly then why the fuck didn’t you ask?” harry had a point and you knew it, but how were you supposed to know what he wanted if you never picked up on signs from him?
“how am i supposed to ask when you never gave me a sign?” harry rubbed his face with his hands, clearly stressed, as you wiped away the tears that welled up in the corners of your eyes. your voice went quiet. the two of you were in a place in which the fighting was really bad, but neither of you were yelling. this had never happened to the two of you, so you were figuring out what to do as it was happening. neither of you knew how much time had passed as the two of you sat silently in the car. the only noise filling the space was the sound of the engine and the quiet music playing. the sun shone through the windows as you tried to focus on something other than harry.
“do you want to be official now?” he asked. all you could do was nod. “i really do love you y/n. i know i’ve said it before, but i want it to mean something more now. i love you.” his hand reached over to rest on your knee. his touch was enough to help calm you down and reassure you that he was telling the truth.
“i love you too h.” he leaned over to bring you into a hug, which you quickly reciprocated. “i guess we’re officially together now, huh?” you felt him nod.
harry quickly pulled away to post a picture of you onto his instagram, captioning it if you didn’t know before then now you know🤍
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by chasingghosts
What is the age gap between you and your parents? 27 for both. Technically, 26 years with my mom since she had yet to celebrate her birthday when she had me, but she was going to turn 27 all the same. Guh. I can’t believe I’m just five years away from that and I’m still nowhere near building my own family.
How many bathrooms does your house have? Is this enough? Two. I’d say it’s enough. Two people in the family rarely have to go to the bathroom at the same time so it works out for us.
Have you sent a letter to anyone in the past year? Yeah. I used to give Gabie a handwritten letter every Christmas along with her gifts. I still plan on writing her one, but obviously the content will be vastly different now.
Have you ever video chatted with someone you met online? I did this with Carley a handful of times; we’d video chat when I came home from school which was around the time she would get ready for school. She was such an extrovert who was so lovely and bubbly around me, and I’ve always felt bad that she had to contend with my shy ass with my mic always muted lol.
Are you hungry or thirsty right now? I’m neither but I can go for a light meal right now, which is great because I got myself a chicken barbecue sandwich and a caramel macchiato from Starbucks as a treat for myself tonight :) I went through five video call meetings just for today alone, went through several breakdowns while at work, and am also on my period, so I thought I deserved a break.
When was the last time you ate something, and what did you eat? Literally just had a bite from my sandwich.
Have you ever seen the film Boondock Saints? Nope. Sounds nothing like my type of film.
Do you own a pair of gumboots? Nah. I don’t like walking in floods anyway, so I don’t plan on getting a pair.
What colour is your favourite mug? Copper.
How far away from your town/city is your state's capital city? I already live in my province’s capital.
Have you ever worked somewhere where you had to clean the toilets? I haven’t.
Do you know anyone named Doug? No, not really a common name here.
What cut of jeans is your favourite and why? Do mom jeans count as a cut? I’ve been all over those throughout 2020. They’re stylish and yet so comfy, which are two words that seldom go together.
Do you rate people's attractiveness on a scale of 1-10? Uhhhhhhhh unless a friend asked me to rate someone they know, I don’t really think in these terms.
Name a few of your favourite actors. Kate freaking Winslet. Also Kristen Stewart, Emma Stone, Audrey Hepburn, Brie Larson, Florence Pugh, and Eddie Redmayne. I’d name Timothée Chalamet but I have yet to see a work of his.
Do you collect anything, or have you ever? The first item I ever collected was notebooks. In my past relationship (is it obvious I’m not over it yet and probably never will be? Ha) I initially liked to collect receipts from places we went to and ate at. I’d also like to be able to grow a collection of wrestling memorabilia, particularly action figures and belts. It’s not really a life goal of mine but it’d still be a cool thing to achieve.
So, how has your week been so far? I mean it’s only Monday, so nothing much. I cried and broke down a lot today which wasn’t a good start, but tomorrow’s a holiday so no work; and for Thursday I was invited to the Christmas party of the department I initially interned at and apparently they’ll be sending over a Christmas kit over to my place so I’m looking forward to these! It’s super touching they remembered and still invited me even though I’m not a part of the team anymore, so I wouldn’t have missed the party for the world.
Is there anything that you could cry about right now? Definitely, and being on my period at the moment makes it so much easier to cry. But I already cried too much and too hard earlier today and it felt exhausting, so I’m trying to avoid it tonight.
How old were you when you learned how to tie your shoelaces? I was five. I probably would’ve made myself learn later but one of our ‘exams’ in kindergarten was to show that you know how to tie your shoelaces, so I had to ask my grandma to give me a crash course.
Have you ever slept in a car overnight? Why did you have to? Yeah. I had to pull several all-nighters in college and work at 24/7 coffee shops, but I usually gave up by around 2-3 AM and would sleep in the car by then.
When was the last time you used Facebook? Earlier this evening, but I couldn’t scroll too much because spoilers for Start Up are everyyyyyyfuckingwhere and I’m still several episodes away from the finale, which aired last night.
Do you have a PO Box or does your mail get sent straight to your house? Our mails and parcels get sent straight to our door.
Are you interested in entomology? Do you know what that is? Never been. I think it’s great that insects have a lot of capabilities and contributions that we often take for granted; but I personally find a great deal of them icky as well lol so I wouldn’t say I’m interested in this branch.
Have you ever had to claim insurance? What for? Hmm I don’t think so. Not my own nor my parents’. Do you like to listen to albums start-finish without skipping or shuffling? I’ll do this sometimes with my favorite albums, yes. Fuck knows how many times I listened to After Laughter from start to finish with no skips; it was my favorite for a while.
Do you have any unspoken enemies, or maybe frenemies? I’m not the biggest fan of Patrice, but it’s not something I broadcast to people because why would I? I’m sure she slightly does not like me too, so we’re even.
What was the last thing you broke? That would be my last phone charger cord. I’ve since had it replaced though.
Do you have a favourite state/province/territory in your country? Not necessarily an overall favorite but I do have a favorite place I’ve traveled to, which is Sagada. I need a second vacation to see if it still lives up to my expectations and if it would still be able to give me an experience as cathartic and therapeutic as my first trip there, but for the last five years it has sat on the throne.
How many vowels are in your street name? Is this question too mundane? Three. I mean I’ve never been asked this on a survey before, so I wouldn’t call it that.
What are your three top favourite flavours of ice cream? Cookies and cream, chocolate chip cookie dough, coffee.
How far away is the nearest Target? At least a couple thousand miles away.
Do you prefer Target, Kmart or Walmart? Idk and idc.
Have you ever farted in class or somewhere else you shouldn't have? No. I suppress my farts, even when I’m alone haha it’s just my least favorite bodily function.
What's your middle name? Would you change it? I’m not giving it away. I wouldn’t change it and I’m definitely not giving it up even if I get married. I’m keeping my middle name then just hyphenate my surname so that I get to keep all three names.
When was the last tie you wore heels? What was the occasion? September. Job interview for a position I didn’t really want but still chose to undergo because it was still an interview.
Do you find yourself lost for words often? I guess yeah, depression does tend to do that to me.
Did you share baths with your siblings/cousins when you were a child? Yep, I remember sharing the shower with my sister as late as when I was 10. Then puberty happened to me and I did not want to continue the practice anymore, haha.
Have you ever been a member of an online dating site? How did it go? I joined Tinder while I was in a relationship (she made an account as well at the time so it was fair game) literally just to people-watch. I wasn’t interested in cheating; I was just genuinely curious to see how the app worked. I put on a fake name, age, location and my profile photo was of a cat I saw in school so it was impossible to tell it was me.
Do you know what your neighbours even look like? I would not be able to recognize them if you lined them up with a bunch of other strangers, to tell you the truth. I’d probably be able to recognize the carpenters working on the house currently being constructed in front of ours though; they’re super nice and they’re crazy over Cooper haha.
How many siblings does your best friend have? Angela is an only child.
Do you put ketchup on your fries? No. Ketchup does not go anywhere near my fries.
Have you been lucky enough to make out with anyone in the past week? LOL lucky enough...but no, I haven’t done that in a while.
Have your parents ever worked in the agriculture business etc. on a farm? Neither have.
Do you have an ex that makes you angry with literally everything they do? No.
Are you easily susceptible to brain freeze? No but tooth sensitivity, yes. I have a certain tooth that acts up whenever I eat ice cream, and it can get soooo inconvenient and uncomfortable for a few seconds.
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an-aura-about-you · 4 years
So who wants to hear about the comedy of errors that is my trip to the liquor store today?
-First off, we live in a dry county. That means that while restaurants and other establishments with a club license can sell alcoholic beverages in the county, we aren’t able to have liquor stores in the county. So if we want to have our own drinks at our house, we have to go to the nearest wet county where an abundance of liquor stores can be found at the county line.
-Our preferred liquor store DOES curbside pickup, but only on Monday through Thursday, which both kind of does and kind of doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. On the one hand, Friday and Saturday are typically the busiest days for a liquor store, which might mean you’d want to have curbside pickup to reduce foot traffic in the store. On the other hand, Friday and Saturday are typically the busiest days for a liquor store, which might mean if you DID have curbside pickup then all of your employees will be tied up with THAT and not able to serve customers inside. In any case, it was a moot point because even if they DID have curbside pickup today, they apparently only do it until 1pm? I know places are running shorter hours due to Covid-19, but I’m a little surprised that curbside pickup doesn’t last at least until sunset? But whatever, there’s a liquor store that’s just as close by with a drive-thru window, so we opt to go there instead.
-The actual drive to the liquor store was pretty uneventful, and luckily the liquor store has exactly what we’re looking for! That doesn’t always happen with my weird tastes in drinks, so I’m grateful for that. What’s not as good is apparently both my debit card AND my credit card are worn to the point that their machine isn’t able to read the chip OR the magnetic stripe AND they’re unable to manually enter in my card information. This hasn’t been a problem until now because I’ve just been using my cards online, so even though I knew they were worn I wasn’t worried about getting them reissued. So okay, I guess we’re going to the ATM.
-I have shot myself in the foot for my own safety with regards to my PIN. See, I have the PIN for my debit card separate from the PIN that I use to access my banking app on my phone so that if somebody figures out one, they can’t use it to access the other. But it’s been so long since I’ve used my debit card PIN that I’VE forgotten it! I exceeded my maximum PIN attempts, pull into a parking spot and tried to call the bank.
-Emphasis on “tried” there. I don’t know if it’s where we were, but my phone service was basically nonexistent. I have no idea why because it’s not like we were out in the country or anything. We were like two blocks away from the North Little Rock city limits and sandwiched between a Walmart and a strip mall full of shops. I ended up using Raz’s phone.
-The first time I called customer service, I just had the PIN attempts reset because I THOUGHT I remembered what it was. But I ended up locking it again. After that, I was like, “Screw it! I’ll transfer the money to Raz and we’ll withdraw it from their account!” The bank app has the option to transfer money from one account to another if they’re both accounts with that bank, but sometimes the app just straight up fails the transfer for no apparent reason. Well, the reason they give is that the account type doesn’t qualify, but that’s clearly not true because I’ve made that transfer before on the app to that same account. I attempted transferring through the app twice before calling customer service again to send me a PIN mailer and have the representative transfer the money to Raz instead.
-Okay, we’ve finally got the money and we go and get our booze! But now Raz is feeling unwell. They don’t always do good staying in the car too long. The good news is there’s a Sonic Burger just next to the liquor store, so we go there to get Raz a drink.
-Fortunately, between the air conditioner getting turned up to nearly full blast and a nice refreshing Ocean Water with Mango, Raz is up for us making our trip back home. So we’ve safely arrived, we have our quarry, and all’s excellent that ends excellent!
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༄ How To Save A Life… » original
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Genre: Slice of Life, Angst
Word Count: 2,003
Pairing: None
World: Original
WARNING: This fic mentions anxiety, social anxiety, loneliness, self-harm and depression.
It’s amazing, how such a simple gesture can mean so much to a person. They may not even realize the impact that they made, despite how big it may be. Human beings have the power to connect in a way that goes beyond any other species, but they don’t always choose to do so. With a simple act, a person can change another’s life, whether for good or bad. That kind of power is dangerous, so I suppose it’s a good thing that most human beings don’t realize they actually possess such a thing.
The more I think about it, the more it scares me. But I guess that doesn’t mean much, seeing how afraid I am of other humans in general. I really didn’t like other people, and I absolutely hate the way they make me feel when I’m around them. I go out of my way to avoid other people, and I make sure that I don’t get into any type of fights or altercations with others. I seem to have a skill, though, that makes people hate me with every fiber of their being. It’s been that way since I was a child.
Back then, I strived to get close to other people; all I wanted was a single person I could call a friend. It didn’t work out like I had hoped or like it always does on television. I didn’t fit in with any of the groups around me, even though I went out of my way to change myself to fit them. I did many things I shouldn’t have, that I still regret to this day, just to get them to like me, but they wouldn’t, they refused to accept me. They used me for what they could get, got a good laugh, and then dumped me to the side like roadkill.
It was frustrating, sure, but more than anything else, it just plain hurt. It wasn’t physical, so there was no amount of medicine that I could take that would cure the pain. I refused to do drugs and I refused to go out and get drunk just to forget. I suppose what I did choose to do was just as bad, though. Instead of drugs or alcohol, I turned to cutting. It terrified me every time I placed the smooth blade to my pale skin. Even though I was in so much pain, I didn’t want to die.
I was afraid to die.
I loved the world, I just hated the people in it.
Still, I slid the blade across my skin despite my fear. It was never deep enough to put me in harm’s way, which proves how much of a coward I really am – it’s pretty sad. It was no deeper than a cat scratch, but it still stung and throbbed, and little diamonds of blood covered it like a blanket. It was enough to make me feel better, for a few minutes, before I started to feel stupid for what I was doing to myself. That just made the situation worse.
I already hated myself for various reasons – fat, ugly, and above all else, unable to do anything right, just to name the main ones – and now I had cutting to add to my list. I was a despicable human being, I still am, but at least I can handle it a bit better now. I don’t cut anymore, though it does cross my mind occasionally.
Perhaps that’s a side effect of the crazy pills that I’m on now.
Though the pills do ease the fear of human beings, it can’t take it away. It’s still there, lingering just beneath the surface, waiting for me to feel safe and secure before it winds its black arms around me like death coming from the shadows. It grips my throat until I can’t breathe, and chains my heart so tight that it hurts every time it beats.
Sometimes I would envision myself in a barren wasteland, filled with nothing but rock formations that towered over me like skyscrapers. I could see chains binding my wrists to a metal plate in the ground, one that refused to budge so much as half an inch. The ground would crack beneath me, and lava would begin to seep through, but I couldn’t run away.
I could never run away.
I often wondered if someone could come to my rescue, to take me away, but I hated how that sounded. One thing I didn’t like – besides people -, was being a damsel in distress that needed a knight in shining armor to come to rescue her. Really, I’d be fine with just having someone that was a true friend, but after a while, I started to doubt the meaning of that word. I actually looked it up, and the definition only filled me with misery, knowing that I’d never have such a relationship.
Sure, there were people that tolerated me and my smart ass quips, like my co-workers, but something deep down told me they didn’t actually like me. I’m positive they only act nice because we have to see each other every week, and often are put together on projects. The day goes by in a painfully slow manner when you’re working with someone and there’s nothing but lightning between you – sadly, I know this because I just recently learned the true nature of my friend, who believes she’s done nothing wrong.
But I’m probably mostly to blame, anyway.
I guess I got a little off point, here, and for that, I apologize. I’m sure my ramblings mean nothing to you. So, let me spare you further hell, and begin telling you my boring, bang-your-head-against-a-brick-wall story.
Everything began when I was twenty-years-old, working at the local J.C. Penneys in the mall. It was my second job, and although my bosses were lenient and pleasant to be around – most of the time -, I still hated it. Not only because I was lazy, but because I hated having to deal with customers. Dealing with the people I worked with was one thing, but having the thought of being thrown onto the register with a customer was like staring my own death in the face.
Wait, I take that back. I’d rather stare death in the face than be on the register with customers.
Thankfully, this rat has learned to hide and run from customers – which would probably get me fired if anyone knew I did that since the company was one of those customer first types. That’s also why I do my very best to keep these thoughts tucked away from prying eyes. I mean, I hated being out there with people, but I needed the money. And in what other job would you be able to cower in an air-conditioned stock room by yourself, with no one to deal with but the massive racks of clothes that needed to be priced? It was heaven, really, but it didn’t happen very often.
I guess in a way I rely on my co-workers more than I should. With them around, I can roll the customer off onto them and get away scot-free. They don’t mind since they can actually handle having a simple conversation with other people.
It was the beginning of Spring, the beginning of April, and although it had been slightly chilly as of late, Florida was beginning to warm up. I didn’t mind the rare thirty-degree weather, it was the eighty-degree humidity covered weather that sent me to the floor panting and begging my family to move to Antarctica. I was very sensitive to heat, of any kind, which is another thing I can add to my pathetic list.
Nothing really special was happening in my life at the time, not like it ever did at any other time. I woke up last minute, rushed off to work, grit my teeth and tried not to harm myself just to be sent home, and when I finally would make it home, I’d flop in front of the computer where I stayed until it was time to go to bed.
See, rather than being one of those kids that goes out and parties the night away, having sex with every guy that smiles at her, I’ve always been the nerdy kid that sat at home, with no friends, playing video games and screwing around online. If anything, that’s the only thing I can say I like about myself. Of course, I probably would have done those things if I had actually had friends to coax me into them – I cave easily, remember?
That Monday, I expected the same routine.
I was only working six hours, so I just bit the inside of my cheek and decided to bare it, just like I did every other day that I worked at this godforsaken clothing store – I didn’t even like fashion, for fuck’s sake. That should be pretty obvious since I only ever come to work in t-shirts, jeans, and dirty sneakers that were falling apart – thank you, Walmart, for your wonderful quality in shoes.
I said goodbye to my mother, and promised to call her which I had no intention of doing – I mean, come on, I only get fifteen minutes, and I fully intend on spending those minutes trying to stay alive!
Since it was seven in the morning, and the store did not open until ten, I was forced to stand there looking like an idiot, pushing the little white button until my supervisor came power walking to the door with the keys. The older woman would smile and greet me with the typical good morning routine before telling me what I would be doing that day.
After her explanation, I’d take the elevator to the second floor – and god was it slow – before heading to the pricing office. Just like always, my team was already back there, scrambling around getting pricing books and sheets, picking out the cart they wanted, and trying to find a scanner that actually worked – those were few and far between, believe me.
The women would greet me, but it was nothing beyond a simple ‘good morning‘. Though I wanted to say something else, I never did, because I never knew what to say, and I knew I could never hold a conversation without doing something I’d regret. It was easier just to keep it short and simple. Seeing these women did make me feel a bit happy, even though we weren’t friends. I liked their presence, and they could be rather funny when they worked together.
Today we were looking for clearance in the Men’s department. Apparently, we had about fifty sheets of stuff to find, though I was sure we’d only be successful in about half the list, if that.
When nine-forty rolled around, I attended the meeting just so I could sit down for a few minutes, though nothing they discussed had anything to do with my team and, to be completely honest, I could care less about who got the most ICAPS, and who got the best reviews on the survey.
Good for them.
Give ’em a damn cookie and move on.
I took my time after the meeting ended because I decided to take my break now, so I could have fifteen more minutes without the threat of customers. I always did this when I worked six-hour days; it was starting to become a routine.
With those fifteen minutes, I spent them in the air-conditioned break room, in the back corner – or emo corner, as I’ve officially dubbed it -, trying to collect my thoughts and prepare myself for the horrible experience I was going to be throwing myself into it. It took a lot to calm myself down, but I managed it, just like always.
If only I had known how different that day was going to be.
If only I had known what was really going to happen to me that day.
I really should have stayed home.
📜 Read more by checking out my masterlist 📜
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mcbitchtits · 4 years
thisisevenharderthannamingablog replied to your post “god DAMNIT i went to register a book tracking...
”Ugh, really? *sigh* Guess I'll go back to...
Yeah, somewhere like 40% through AbeBooks which they apparently own, whereas they outright bought Goodreads I think. So it’s... marginally better? There has to be *something* out there. (Relatedly, I’m also annoyed by how many online shops have been bought out by WalMart.)
It won’t be hooked up to any database, but if you’re looking for an app or web-accessible thing, I use Evernote for just about anything. You could easily set up a template note for book info and then add notes/review/etc. Kind of a closed database, but the tag/search feature makes stuff insanely findable. And notes are shareable if you have a reading group or someone who needs to access it. (You can also attach pdfs, word docs, etc., although I think not ebooks as an accessible file type)
Ratehouse might be another option? I haven’t checked it out.
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spikeisawesome456 · 4 years
1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Uh… None, actually. I use YouTube and iTunes mostly. I have YouTube premium family (means that for $15, I get six accounts that can have YouTube Premium) so I don’t have to worry about ads and all that. 
2. is your room messy or clean? Both? I only have a thin area of my room that can have movement, since it’s so small. The majority is taken up either of my bed or my dresser/end table/storage. So the room is full of stuff, but the main area is kept clean so I can move through it, ya know? 
3. what color are your eyes? Green/blue, but mostly green. I also have brown in the center of my eyes. I guess you could call it hazel? I don’t really know what hazel eyes mean, honestly. 
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Here’s a close up I took a while ago. I’m looking at you!! Ha!
... I just realized I’ve not changed at all since I was a child. :-(
4. do you like your name? why? Yep! I like it. I have a long, more formal name (Katherine) but also a shorter, more informal nickname (Katie). I like this dynamic of my name. I also like how it sounds. Both of them. <3 
5. what is your relationship status? Single, but okay with that. I’m starting to think I’m aro, as I don’t… ahh, like people? Much? It’ complicated. 
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less Very, very, annoying. 
7. what color hair do you have? I think you could call it golden?? I usually call it dirty strawberry blonde. It’s a coppery color, but also blonde. Not quite strawberry, not quite dirty. A mix? 
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This is a somewhat good example, but it is a bit more copper-toned than usual, due to the light next to my computer. The kids at work ask me sometimes if I dyed my hair, since it is almost completely orange on the badge my work printed for me, aha. But this shows the range of colors my hair goes through. 
8. what kind of car do you drive? color? Ha! What, you think I’m a functioning adult? I don’t know how to drive. 
9. where do you shop? Literally anywhere? I don’t care. I get my pants from Walmart, my shirts from wherever sells cute fandom shirts. 
10. how would you describe your style? Ha!!! I answered this one in an ask, but I determined I have no style. I just prefer comfort to fashion. 
11. favorite social media account Hm… I don’t tend to care much for social media accounts, personally at least. I just follow whatever is neat. I guess I like Game Grumps social media?? Eh. 
12. what size bed do you have? Twin. It’s pressed up against the wall and I just sleep pressed into the corner like I’m trying to merge and become one with the wall. One day, sweet wall……..
13. any siblings? Sadly, yes. _._ An older brother. He’s actually fine, but still siblings...
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Probably…. Hm. I liked New Zealand when I visited, but I don’t know if it would be the best place for me to live, since it’s just so different to how I live now. Same with Ireland, though both would be amazing for me. I think… honestly, where I currently live, since it has good weather and is familiar to me. 
15. favorite snapchat filter? Don’t use snapchat! :-D 
16. favorite makeup brand(s) Hm… I used to only use Bare Minerals, but they don’t have great coverage, I’ve found. I’ve been using Clinique now, but I think they make me break out, which is bad. I don’t like makeup and I always feel it on my skin, or else it makes me break out after usage. I have very sensitive skin, ya feel me?
17. how many times a week do you shower? Never! I hate showers. I don’t like the feel of being blind when the water gets into my eyes.
I take a bath twice a day, though. Once in the morning and once at night, where I wash my hair. I know I’m not supposed to wash my hair so often, but it’s a habit at this point and it helps me sleep now.
18. favorite tv show? Buffy the Vampire Slayer, mostly since it was so important to me growing up. I still love it, though! I just don’t tend to have favorites, ya know? But Buffy will always mean the most to me. 
19. shoe size? I don’t… I don’t really know? Heels I’m a size 8, I think? But I wear size 9.5 for sneakers, since I like my shoes a bit big. I think??? I don’t really know. 
20. how tall are you? Ehhhhhhhh I say I’m 5’4, but who knows. I think I’m 5’3 and a half. I just round up. According to my doctor’s records I shrank and am 5’2, so who even knows anymore. Height is a made-up concept to control the short. ;-)
21. sandals or sneakers? Sneakers, god. I wore sandals once for a fancy event and I got sand and dirt on my feet immediately. It was sad. :-(
22. do you go to the gym? HA!
23. describe your dream date I don’t really know. As I said, possibly aro. Maybe…… Uh…. Somewhere quiet. Private. I’m not good in groups or crowds. OR! Maybe a theme park, the absolute opposite of what I said. OR a fair. I love fairs! Anything, really. I’m not picky. 
24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? Oh! This one is a shock, because my dad just gave me a lot of money since I paid for dinner with my mom, since he was being an overly dramatic baby over me calling out his awful behavior and left us alone for dinner at Red Lobster, and he stubbornly paid me back. So I’ve got… let’s see… about $135, if you count the $30 I had in before. 
25. what color socks are you wearing? Ha! Jokes on you! I’m not WEARING ANY SOCKS!!!! AHA!!!!!!!
26. how many pillows do you sleep with? One. Too many makes me feel weird. 
27. do you have a job? what do you do? Well… I HAD  job, because Covid. I was an after-school teacher, where I looked after kids, kind of daycare style, ya know? I loved it, and I love kids. Currently I’m “teaching” some of the kids I used to look after STEAM over Zoom. Apparently, the girls- sisters- missed doing my STEAM experiments each week and asked their mom to contact me to do the experiments with them over Zoom. I use “teaching” in quotes, since I mostly just do science activities with them, step by step, without much teaching involved. I used to explain why what we did was science, but I don’t want to make the kids do more work when they have so much with Covid going on. Also, I’m lazy, ha. 
28. how many friends do you have? None! Seriously, but it’s okay. As I said earlier, I’m not the biggest fan of people so it’s kind of reliving to be on my own for the most part. I had been making a new friend before Covid, but we’ve not spoken much since. I did text her once and she seemed friendly still. Maybe we can meet up after this all is done with.
  29. whats the worst thing you have ever done? Uh… I don’t really know? I used to get into fights online, mostly just fighting for what I believed in, but I never really attacked anyone, or I didn’t mean to. I’ve not done many bad things?? Not to make myself out to be a goodie-two shoes, but I don’t like hurting people or being “bad,” so I tend to avoid things like that. I’ve probably done things others consider “bad,” but that don’t register to me, so I don’t really know. 
30. whats your favorite candle scent? Oh my god. I’m currently OBSESSED with this new candle from Bath and Body Works. It’s called Strawberry Pound Cake, but it smells like strawberry vanilla, and it’s AMAZING. I love it. I also have it in hand cream and hand sanitizer form and it’s THE BEST. It reminds me of those strawberry vanilla candy things from when I was a kid. 
31. 3 favorite boy names Daniel, William, and… uh… I’m not sure. Alex, maybe? I know I like Daniel and William though. 
32. 3 favorite girl names Emmaline, Clara, and… hmmm… Not sure, again. 
33. favorite actor? Hm. Not sure. I don’t do favorites much. I guess Misha Collins? If this were about YouTube people, I’d say Dan Avidan in a heartbeat. Though… technically he is an actor… he did an actual YouTube show, with a plot and acting, so he’s technically an actor. So, then, him. 
34. favorite actress? I’m even less sure about this one, honestly. I don’t pay attention to actors or actresses much, really. I know Misha since he does GISH, but otherwise I’m unsure about actors much. 
35. who is your celebrity crush? Oh, Dan Avidan, clearly. He’s amazing. My profile pic on Tumblr has been the same for 4 years because I can’t get over the fact I met him. I used to change my profile pic every so often, with my artwork, but now I’m never changing my profile pic. Ever. 
36. favorite movie?  Uh…. Probably Phantom of the Opera, 2004. I love that film. Again, not super into favorite things, but if I had to pick one it would be PotO. 
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Well, I DO read a lot. Mostly it’s fanfiction though, aha. And again, favorites aren’t really my thing. I used to say Island of the Blue Dolphins, but I reread that book a few years ago and didn’t like it as much. Still liked it but was more eh about it and never finished my read through. Maybe Stargirl, by Jerry Spinelli. I’ve not read it since I was a child, but I recall it being really good. My favorite book I’ve read recently would probably have to be Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier. I had a lot of problems with it, but ultimately, I loved that book. 
38. money or brains? Brains, obviously. They taste better. :-)
Though to be honest, I do say brains. Money is good, don’t get me wrong, but with brains the person can actually think about doing what is right or wrong. Money corrupts and without thought, there’s so way around it. 
39. do you have a nickname? what is it? Yep! Technically I only go by my nickname, since I go by Katie, but my full name is Katherine. 
40. how many times have you been to the hospital? Ooooh, personally? Once, when I broke my arm when I was 4, almost 5. Well, many times for that, but one time overall. I’ve been in the hospital often for my mom and dad, though. My mom is disabled and is a bit of a hypochondriac, so we sometimes have to take her to the hospital whenever she has pain, just to be safe. She did once have kidney stones, though, so it was needed. My dad had a panic attack once and thought it was a heart attack, so we were there for that. I also went to the hospital once when my grandma was dying, to say goodbye with my dad. It wasn’t sad, which says a lot about my and my dad’s relationship with my grandma. 
41. top 10 favorite songs HA! Can’t. Seriously, can’t. I love too many songs equally for this one.
  42. do you take any medications daily? Yeah. I used to take Seroquel nightly, but that just made me gain 40 pounds and didn’t help with mood much. It only helped me sleep and that was replaced by over the counter melatonin and Benadryl. So I gained 40 pounds for nothing and I’m struggling getting the weight off. Yay!!!!!!
43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Both, I think? 
44. what is your biggest fear? Death. 
45. how many kids do you want? I don’t know, one or two? I don’t know if I want to get married though, so… Single mom for the win? I also might want to adopt older kids, or foster them at least, give them a place to live. When I’m on my own and have a stable, good paying job of course. 
46. whats your go to hair style? Whatever my hair naturally does, honestly. I just brush it out and it does its own thing. I have thin, wavy hair, though, so it’s mostly fine. It parts in the middle, and I don’t have bangs. It refuses to grow passed my boob level, no matter how long it goes between haircuts, so it hangs there. It always grows back to boob level, but never passed. No idea why. 
47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) Very presumptuous, question thing, to assume I live in a house. I live in an apartment, with my mom, dad, and older brother. It’s fairly big, with two bedrooms and a converted den for my bedroom, but it’s small for 4 of us. Less then 1500 square feet. I think 1200? 
48. who is your role model? Hm. This is gonna sound conceited, but myself. Or, the person I want to be. I have an idea of what I’d like to be in life, and that is what guides me. It’s not based off anyone I’ve met, but based on my own personal desires, a mis-mesh of ideals. The only person you can be is yourself. Trying to be like someone else will only hurt you. Even wanting to be like someone else can be hurtful. Not that I’m putting down anyone who has role models! But it just… never worked for me. Putting people on pedestals hurt me, so I just look forward to being the best version of me that I can be. 
49. what was the last compliment you received? Hm… I get a lot of compliments on my Facebook page, people saying I’m doing a good job with that. So that, probably. 50. what was the last text you sent? It was too my dad, who, as previously mentioned, was being a bit of a butt and was mad at me for calling him on his rude behavior to me and my mom. I texted “alright,” to him telling me to not buy him a takeout dinner. I didn’t listen though, and he ate it when we got home after sulking a bit. He’s better now, but he’s yet to apologize. He never does. -.- 51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Uh… Wait, Santa isn’t… real…?!?!?!
Aha. JK. I don’t know. Maybe 8?? I don’t remember. I just know I believed when I was 6-ish, when Polar Express came out, since I asked for Santa bells for Christmas. I think I also believed the next year, but I don’t remember much. I learned the difference between Judaism and Catholicism around then, and eventually decided to be Jewish when I was 12-ish, but who knows, man. Who knows? 
52. what is your dream car? One that self-drives and doesn’t ever crash, so I don’t have to drive myself. 
53. opinion on smoking?
Bad! Bad, bad, bad!!! No smoking!
Truthfully, honestly. My mom gets really sick around smokers, especially around pot and vape smokers. It makes her have an allergic reaction. 54. do you go to college? Yeah baby! I just finished and will be getting my (probably useless) degree in the mail soon! Summa Cum Laude, baby! (Highest honors, if you don’t know what that means). Now I just got to get into grad school so I can do something with my Psych BA! Aha. Haha. Ahahaha. Ha… 55. what is your dream job? School psychologist! I want to help children, but don’t have the temperament to be a teacher. I’m too lenient and would let them walk all over me. I kind of do as an after-school teacher. The kids respect me, though, and like me well enough. I don’t think I could be the only person responsible for them, though. I get frazzled, which I learned while doing my STEAM activities and the kids would NOT listen, sometimes. I could do it, though, if the whole school psych thing doesn’t pan out. Or school counselor, would be my second choice. Something to do with kids, though. 56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Hm. I like city life, though I think I’d prefer suburbs. I live in a kind of suburb, though I live in a major city… We just don’t have skyscrapers near where I live, only downtown. We have over a million people in my city, and 3 million in the county. So, big. 57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Uhm yeah??? Why wouldn’t you? They’re free souvenirs! I went to a kid-themed hotel once, near Disneyland, for my parent’s anniversary, which had this neat bubblegum shampoo from their kid spa. I loved it so much I asked my dad to buy me a whole bottle of it as a body wash. It was… expensive, but I still have some left over, which I’ve kept for some reason. 58. do you have freckles? Some, yeah. Not many on my face, just some around my arms, scattered. I have a big one on my left palm, at the base of the meat of my thumb, if that makes sense. Otherwise they’re just scattered all around. 59. do you smile for pictures? Yep! Well… my version of smiling. I don’t ever smile with my teeth, since they’re small and my lips are so long, so it looks awkward when I smile with teeth. Instead I just smile with my lips. 60. how many pictures do you have on your phone? HA! I had to get myself a 164 GB phone to deal with the fact that I take lots of photos. Over 2,000, now. 61. have you ever peed in the woods? Ew? No? I hate the woods. Or, going into the woods. I like the idea of woods and I like being in them, guided, but staying in them? No. Scary. 62. do you still watch cartoons? Yep! I’m currently watching She-Ra! I like it! 63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Oh, no contest. Wendy’s. I do like McDonalds’ chicken nuggets, but Wendy’s are just *chef kiss* mwah! 64. Favorite dipping sauce? Ranch, but I especially like Wendy’s ranch. It’s creamy and nice. 65. what do you wear to bed? Pretty much what I wear during the day. I used to literally just go to bed in my day clothes, before I started taking a bath each night, about 6 years ago. Now I wear yoga pants (ones without pockets, since I finally found ones with pockets for day use!!) and an old faded T-shirt. 66. have you ever won a spelling bee? HA! HAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I can’t spell. I’ve liteally been spelling half my words wrong this entire time. Spell check is my best friend. Though! I did get to the finals of a class spelling bee once, since they gave me easy words (to me, at least) and my classmates harder ones. It was almost funny. 67. what are your hobbies? I like to draw, paint, write, do other crafty stuff… Things like that. I also read, fanfiction mostly. :-) 68. can you draw? Yep!! 
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Behold! My digital drawings!
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This was my most recent traditional drawing, using charcoal for the first time. It was for GISH. 
69. do you play an instrument? Nope! Ha, but I do wish I could, ya know? But I’m bad at doing different things with one hand vs. the other, which is why I can’t clap my hands and stomp my feet with alternating rhythm. I can only do one thing at once, ya know? 
70. what was the last concert you saw? Ohh, hm. This is a good question… Hm… I think… It was at my county fair last year? A country dude with my parents. Trace Atkins, my dad said. I’ve not had the chance to see many concerts recently, sadly. :-(
71. tea or coffee? I like coffee better on the whole, but I’ve begun to like fruit teas, like raspberry or strawberry. I also like this nice orange/cinnamon tea. 
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Dunkin Donuts, is this supposed to be hard? We don’t have many where I live, though. I like their iced coffee from stores, though.  
73. do you want to get married? Ehhhh…… I’ve talked about this before. I’m not sure, really. If I find someone I like who likes me, maybe. But I have a hard enough time making friends, so I doubt it. 
74. what is your crush’s first and last initial? N.O.
(Stands for no one. :-) ) 
75. are you going to change your last name when you get married? IF I get married, probably not. I like my last name. It’s unique. 
76. what color looks best on you? Hm. I don’t really know. Maybe red? I don’t have style so I don’t know. I like blue and purples, but who knows. 
77. do you miss anyone right now? Eh, not really. 
78. do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed, but my “door” is a curtain, since I sleep in a converted den which has two open windows into the living room that are covered by curtains, and no door, which I also cover with a curtain on a shower rod. It was good when I was a sleepless teen, but now that I’m an adult trying to fix my sleep habits, it’s not so good, ya know. 
79. do you believe in ghosts? Not… really. Not much more to say about this. 
80. what is your biggest pet peeve? People being rude. Like… stop it. 
81. last person you called` Hm. Prolly my dad? Or my brother. I don’t like calling people. Phone anxiety, ya feel me? 
82. favorite ice cream flavor? Rainbow sherbet! Fun fact, when I was younger at camp, maybe 16 or 17, our camp counselor asked us this question and I replied with rainbow sherbet, saying it properly (sher-bet, not sher-bert) and my camp counselor went OFF, saying “Thank you!” for saying it properly. He was… something else. 
83. regular oreos or golden oreos? Oooh, I like those cinnamon bun Oreos. You know the kind? They’re the BEST. I can’t buy them often or else… well. I’ve already gained 40 pounds the last couple years. No need for more, aha.
84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Rainbow. Pretty!! 
85. what shirt are you wearing? My “Scare to Care” shirt that I bought for charity a few years ago. It’s a charity that raises money for Camp Kesem, which helps children who have a relative undergoing cancer treatment have a nice, normal camp experience for free, I think. 
86. what is your phone background? My lock screen is the picture of me and Dan, the background is the drawing I did of the Guardians of the Galaxy years ago. 
87. are you outgoing or shy? Both! Aha. I’m friendly when talking to people, seemingly outgoing, but I don’t go up and talk to people. I fear I’m annoying them, ya know? And I’m awful in groups. I never know when to talk and when I do talk, I fear I’m annoying people. Actually… I always feel I’m annoying people. Aha. Ha… 
88. do you like it when people play with your hair? Yep! People don’t do it often, though. Kids will, but you have to be careful when they do that. Sticky hands are not the best to be in your hair…. 
89. do you like your neighbors? I guess? I’ve not spoken to my neighbors since my next-door neighbors of 5 years moved out 5 years ago. They had kids my age, but we never really spoke. They were… not the brightest, or kindest. They once took in a stray puppy and locked it in their hot garage. My older brother and I freed it and kept it in our hallway outside our apartment, since we have emergency doors that we could close to keep him in, while we played with him. I’m allergic to dogs, though, and we have guinea pigs, so we couldn’t bring him inside our apartment. Luckily their parents got home after an hour or so and brought the dog to the shelter. They also had a different dog who kept escaping and my brother and I had to keep an eye on it often. It once got into our apartment and it was, ah. Fun. She didn’t hurt our pigs, though, so it was a plus!
90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? YES. Both morning and night. It has not helped my acne. 
91. have you ever been high? Nope! Not even when I got my wisdom teeth out. I was fine the minute I woke. I felt ripped off. I was a bit over tired, but no more than if I’d not slept the whole night. Maybe I’m just always in a perpetual “high” state??? 
92. have you ever been drunk? Nope! I have a high tolerance, so one or two drinks does absolutely nothing for me. And I’ve never tried more than a coupe drinks. I’m almost afraid to see myself drunk, ya know? I’m so energetic usually, but keep a lot of thoughts inside, so who knows what I’d be like. I don’t like being out of control and I honestly think I’d hate it.  
93. last thing you ate? Shrimp Scampi. From Red Lobster. ^-^
94. favorite lyrics right now Uh… Again, no real idea. I’m not good with favorite things. 
95. summer or winter? Hm. Summer, I guess? It’s not much different where I live, though we get more rain during winter. I prefer heat to cold generally, though. So summer in general. I also like summer aesthetics, you know?
96. day or night? Hm. Day, though I do love night time. I just usually am inside during the night. 
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk! I hate all other kinds of chocolate. 
98. favorite month? Do people have favorite months?? February, I guess? Since I was born in February! And it’s a rebel. Only 28 days compared to the usual 30 or 31. And sometimes it has 29. Take that, months! 
99. what is your zodiac sign Aquarius. :-D 
100. who was the last person you cried in front of? Hm… that’s a… good question… I don’t like crying in front of people. Probably my mom or dad. I tend to head off on my own when I cry, though. I don’t like people seeing me sad, ya know?
Yay!! I’m done!! This took waaaayyyy too long. I’ve been doing this for probably over 2 hours. Hope y’all learned something. Prolly that I’m uninteresting, aha. ^-^ If you made it this far without skipping, I love you. <3 If you skipped… YOU’RE DEAD TO ME! 
Ha, just kidding. ^-^
OR AM I?!?! 
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this-lioness · 4 years
Quaranmemes for Quarantines
Tagged by @reallyginnyf​ <3  Putting this under a cut since it’s pretty much doubling as my weekend wrap-up as well.
when was the last time you left your home? On Thursday I had to run a few quick no-contact errands -- dropped a bulk mailing off on the rear platform at the post office, deposited a Fedex envelope into one of their pickup boxes, and then ran some miscellaneous groceries over to my Mom’s house.  Today I went for a run, but only around the neighborhood, so that doesn’t feel like it counts. 
what was the last thing you bought? I’ve actually been doing a bit of online shopping lately -- bought a sewing machine (still need to sit down and set it up), a gas-powered pressure washer (arrived today), a new bathroom scale and a vacuum sealer.  Last thing we bought in-store were some small necessities from Walmart.
is quarantine driving you insane or are you finally relaxed? This is tough to answer, because I’m never actually relaxed.
I worry about someone in my immediate family getting sick, but beyond that the quarantine doesn’t really trouble me.  I’m largely a homebody, and honestly this has kept us from a lot of unnecessary spending, so all the places I’d probably be going would just be buying shit that we really don’t need. I think my anxiety only ramps up when we have to go somewhere, like when my parents need groceries, and we have to go through the whole process of masks and gloves and fully decontaminating everything once we get home.  We have it down to a science, but it’s still a whole process.
But I’m frankly enjoying the time at home.  I’m a very “routine” person -- I’m comforted by having lists of things I need to do, and places to put things, and then doing it all by rote.  We worked very hard to make our house be a place where we enjoy being, creating, relaxing and working, and now we’re reaping the benefit of all those things.
who are you spending quarantine with? My husband Marc and all the cats.  I only see my parents long enough to drop things off at their house.
do you have pets to keep you company? We have three of our own -- Bones, Spencer and Rosie -- plus two fosters, Baby and Blue.  There is also a semi-feral cat, Fidget, that we feed and care for, and he occasionally spends a night inside if it’s particularly cold or wet out.
what are your current responsibilities? We’re both very fortunate in that we are fully capable of working from home, and both our employers are in full gear.  Mine is actually busy enough to need to hire new people for the sudden influx of work, apparently. So I work my “day job” during the day, and when I’m not working I’m cleaning and doing laundry, trying to keep our chest freezer topped up with ready-to-prepare meals, a lot of organizing and a bit of gardening.  I really need to sit down and do something creative, although my muse has been completely dead for... longer than I’d care to admit.  I’m going to give it a bit of a try tonight, though, so we’ll see.
Just lately I’ve been on a purging spree.  Thursday, Friday and yesterday I cleaned out every corner of the art room / office and made three piles of craft supplies to give away.  I also gathered together two enormous bags of various clothes and gave that away as well.  My next step is probably to switch out my winter wardrobe for the summer stuff, although we’re expecting a good week of cold, rainy weather so... maybe not quite yet.
do you have a room to yourself? Well, if I ever needed time to myself I could certainly find it.  The art room / office is unoccupied when we’re not working, and when we are I can always come down to the living room or go into the bedroom with my laptop, or I’ve got a little “writing chair” in the dining room, by the back patio, that’s nice to sit in.  I can be content anywhere in the house, basically.
are you exercising? I wasn’t, but a few days ago I decided to change that.  I need to get better control over my physical well-being (and self-image), so I made myself a little weight / diet log, included columns for water intake and exercise, and signed up for a “virtual 5k”.  Today it was just warm enough to get outside, so I went for a run.  Technically we went for a run, but Marc got winded not too far into it and had to head home again.  I grabbed my earbuds and went back out.
Got in 2.27 miles before deciding to head back home.  Because the weather is going to be shitty I plan to kick the fosters out of their room for at least 45 minutes every day so that I can get some treadmill time in.  With any luck we’ll shortly have space cleared in the attic so that we can do yoga and maybe barre as well.  
town, country, city? We’re in a semi-rural suburb in Bucks County, PA.  It’s... suburban, but very very blue collar, and there’s plenty of farms around, large and small.
how’s your toilet paper supply? We seem to be OK.  I am a prepper by nature, and I made sure to stock up before things started to get bad.  I’m also being very mindful of how much I use, which helps.  I’m more worried about my folks, who blow through resources like crazy, but I don’t think it’s terribly hard to come by as long as you can get to a store.
what’s the worst thing that you had to cancel? I was a bit bummed about the Colin Firth concert being cancelled in the early part of this month.  That was going to be a nice night out.
To be very honest, my biggest regret is that we took on the fosters when we did.  No one in this area is in a position to adopt two cats, and to be honest... they’re not very good fosters.  Blue is friendly and outgoing, she likes to play, but she’s not cuddly -- she’s not really interested in being petted or held and doesn’t seem to want to sit in your lap for very long.
Baby likes Marc well enough, but she continues to run from me whenever she sees me, and forget about coming up for a cuddle.  She’s just... fucking miserable.
We’re also giving up on trying to integrate them with our cats.  They don’t have very good “cat manners” (they have no sense of personal space and will get right up in the other cats’ business), and the two of them have twice now gone after Rosie in what was a semi-playful, semi-aggressive manner that she definitely did not appreciate, so that’s the end of that.
It would be different if they got along with our cats, or if they were cuddly, but Blue is the only one that I’d consider truly adoptable.  Baby is fucking miserable and I have no idea how the fuck we’re going to adopt them out.  I’m desperately trying to find someone that can take them, but I don’t have a good feeling, and I honestly don’t know what we’re going to do long term.  It was a mistake taking them in, and I regret it, but I’ve got to find a way to deal with it now.
what’s the best thing you’ve had to cancel? This is going to sound terrible but... we were planning on going to a “Return of the Living Dead” convention in June.  Had tickets, a hotel, everything.  Technically it’s still on -- they haven’t cancelled the event yet -- but we’ve agreed we won’t be going, even if it’s still on in June.  Too much of a risk.
In theory this was going to be super fun, and I actually was excited about it, but... honestly, going to so many comic cons has really burned me out on other people who attend conventions, and the idea of being around mobs of people acting like smelly, poorly socialized assholes about something that I genuinely love was kind of stressing me out.
I didn’t want to see something that I love gatekept, I didn’t want to be “fake geek girled” about it by somebody with B.O. and no social awareness.  It was starting to stress me out. So I’m sad that we won’t be going, but glad that I don’t have to stress out about it.
who do you miss the most? My boss, I guess?  He was fun to hang out with and bullshit with, and we can’t really do that the same way that we did when we were in the office together.  I’m pretty lukewarm on everybody else I used to see in person day to day.
do you have any new hobbies? Ugh, please, I already have so many fucking hobbies.   Uh. Well, I did buy the sewing machine, so... :/  Let me get it set up and actually sew something before I start calling it a hobby, though.
what are you watching the most? Marc and I have been binge-watching Ozark and a show called Futureman, which are both compelling and extremely difficult to watch in different ways.  I’m still waiting on new content from the lady that lives in Japan, haha... this is probably a good opportunity to go back and watch whatever videos I haven’t seen yet.
are you still going to work? Remotely, yes, every day.  I’m actually using the time to try and get myself better organized and establish good work habits and routines that I can carry through to when things start to normalize.
what are you out of? Mmm... nothing, I don’t think?  I’m getting low-ish on yeast, since I’ve been baking so much, but I’m not even really low on that yet.  I’ve tried to do a “dried cranberry yeast starter” but I’m not convinced it took... I need to drain off the yeast liquid and add some flour tonight, see if it grows or if it’s a dud.  
have you made any changes to your hair during quarantine? I trimmed my bangs about a week ago, I think, because they were getting frustratingly long.  Fortunately I didn’t butcher them too badly.  Today I helped Marc give himself a trim, and he’s looking quite dapper again, so I guess we’re not in too bad of a shape.  I chopped my hair to the shoulders back before the quarantine so it would have to get much, much longer before it became problematic for me, and even then.  I’m still debating if I even want to color my grays at all, so I’m not concerned about “touching up roots” or anything like that.  I am what I am. 
Not tagging anyone because A) I’m terrible at tagging, B) Most of the people I follow that are “real people” and not just content-posting accounts are mutuals of one another.  If you want to participate, please consider yourself tagged.
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readyourimgaines · 5 years
Chapter Five: All is Fair in Love and War
I didn’t mean for this chapter to take so long. I’ve been having some trouble with depression and didn’t want to mess up the plot so this is just sort of a filler chapter. I hope those of you still following this story enjoy it nonetheless. Mess me if you want to be added to the tag list. Constant thank you to @thatbarricade for everything you do and helping me through this last week! -Freddie 
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“How can something be brighter than the sun?” Enjolras squinted as he walked into Walmart behind Grantaire, Joly, and Bossuet. He had been against the idea but Grantaire has told him it could be a ‘learning experience'. Never having been in a Walmart before, he decided now was as good a time as any to see if it looked anything like the pictures online. He was disgusted, and not surprised, to find that they were.
“It’s not that bad, Enj.” R threw his arm around Enjolras’s shoulder. “You get used to the LEDs burning your retinas.”
“We need water balloons and squirt guns,” Bossuet reminded, walking past them to pull out a cart. “See? It shouldn’t take too long; you don’t even need to adjust to the lighting.”
“I’m not spending money here,” Enjolras said off the bat. “This place is horrible-”
“I know, Apollo, I know. You don’t need to spend any, so don’t worry.”
Joly carried an empty basket on the crook of his elbow as they walked. “I might get some food for the apartment while we’re here, though.”
“Please tell me you rinse everything you buy,” Enjolras commented, his nose scrunching as he walked past a particularly pity-inducing display.
“Oh, he does,” Bossuet jumped in again. “Our room is spotless because he rotates the bed depending on the phases of the moon.”
Enjolras couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not and decided not to question it, should he insult the curly-haired man.
“We can split up and make things go faster,” Grantaire suggested suddenly. “You two— go get the food you need. Enj an’ I’ll get the water balloons and squirt guns. We can meet at the car and drop the food at your apartment before going to Courferras’ house?”
“Sounds good. We shouldn’t be too long anyway.” Joly took Bossuet’s hand and the four split ways.
“Courferras?” Enjolras repeated, puzzled.
“Well, we used to call them Courferre, collectively, because they’re always together. You live with them now so tack on a ‘ras’ and you’ve got all three,” Grantaire explained.
Enjolras’s phone dinged with a text and he slid it from his pocket. Once he saw who sent it he flinched with a scowl as though it burned him. Quickly, he shoved it back into his jeans without even a glance at the message.
“Everything okay?” Grantaire asked, his brow furrowed.
“Got a text from my mother. I wasn’t expecting it and I don’t care what it says.” Enjolras corrected his near-perfect posture.
“Not worthing skimming it?”
“Not if I wasn’t worth her standing up to my father.” Enjolras shook his head with a pleading look in his eye. “Let’s not talk about this here, please.”
Grantaire and Enjolras beat Joly and Bossuet to the car only to find it locked. Grantaire stepped onto the back bumper, scrambling onto the roof of the car while Enjolras settled for laying across the hood, an arm resting over his eyes to protect them from the harsh glare of the sun.
“What are your thoughts on dating someone who’s not the same age as you?” Grantaire proposed the question as casually as he could, scooting over so he was looking down at the younger teen. The blond was unaware of the artist’s loving eyes studying his features.
“It depends, I guess. It changes now that I’m turning 18 soon. If I was already in a relationship, I wouldn’t break up with the person if they were younger than me. I’m not going to start a relationship with anyone younger than 17 or who’s just turned 17.
“As for dating someone older than me… I don’t see why not. I don’t want to date anyone who’s old enough to drink, though. That’d just be weird. 18, 19, and 20 are fine, though, I guess.”
Grantaire felt a wave of relief wash over him. He was waiting until Enjolras turned 18 before he said anything so Courf couldn’t lynch him. It was a couple more weeks. For Enjolras, he would wait longer than that if he had to.
“What about you? What’s your rule on age?” Enjolras tilted his arm slightly and squinted up at R.
“I don’t have a rule, I guess. More of a guideline, really. Two years younger or older as of right now. Two younger is as low as it’s going. I’m starting college so no chance in hell am I going to date a sophomore in high school. I’d have to meet someone special to date someone older than me by more than two years, though.”
“How come?”
“There’s a certain age gap that works in a relationship. Beyond that, they’re too far apart and they’ve lost it. Like uh, my parents are ten years apart and it’s a total nightmare. I still don’t know why they got married. I have an idea, actually. I was conceived out of wedlock, so they probably tied the knot before my mom started showing and said I was born a month early.”
“My parents are eight years apart and my father terrifies my mother, so that’s too far. Ferre’s parents are five years apart and I’m pretty sure they were made to be together. That means it’s between five and seven years.”
“Six with the limit to be sure?” Grantaire smirked.
“Why not,” Enjolras chuckled.
“We good to go?” Joly called from across the parking lot as he and Bossuet walked over, carrying the groceries. Or rather, Joly skipped out holding a single box of cereal while Bossuet stumbled behind him, juggling two full bags.
“Yeah.” Enjolras slid off the hood and Grantaire found his way down off the roof, slipping into the back seat.
Bosset and Joly got in the front seats while Enjolras sat next to Grantaire. Their hands rested on the centre console, touching, and neither of them moved.
“How was Walmart?” Combeferre asked as the group marched into the house. He was sitting on the couch, Courfeyrac wrapped around him in a way that reminded Enjolras of a koala; he suppressed a smile at the thought.
“The lights are brighter than the sun, and most of the people there had the same hygiene level as a sloth,” Enjolras summed up.
“He had a fun time.” Grantaire translated, slinging his arm around the blond’s shoulder. “We got the balloons and some squirt guns; Joly and Bossuet restocked their food stores. Are the others coming?” He looked around the room for confirmation.
“Uh...yeah. Feuilly is bringing Gav, too.” Courf grinned. “Eponine’s waiting to hear back from her boss to see if she can close early; apparently it was pretty empty today.”
“So for a headcount that’s me, Courf, Enj, R, Joly, Bossuet, Feuilly, Gav, and Jehan.”
“Is Jehan here?” Enjolras asked.
“They went into the bathroom just before you opened the door.” Courf repositioned. “Why is it so hot?” He moaned dramatically. “I just wanna cuddle.”
“We can cuddle tonight with the ceiling fan going. Promise.” Ferre kissed his pouting boyfriend.
Grantaire glanced at Enj, who hadn’t moved away from him since he’d slung his arm over his shoulder. The blond seemed absorbed in listening to his friends’ conversation.
“Should I message Cosette?” Jehan asked as they joined the group.
“Is Pontmercy still stalking her?” Enjolras drawled with a scowl.
“Maybe. I’m not totally sure. He’s made progress. She thinks he’s sweet.” Jehan shook their head. “You know I’m romantic, but nothing says love like stalking.”
“That’s how John Lennon and Yoko Ono fell in love,” Grantaire laughed.
“And look what she did to The Beatles,” Enjolras scoffed. “I don’t like Marius. I haven’t talked to him much. He just creeps me out. If you have a crush, you talk to the person.”
“Do you, Enjy?” Jehan teased.
“I never said I had a crush on anyone,” he denied, taking a step away from Grantaire. Ferre and Courf smirked at each other when they caught the confused look R was trying and failing, to mask.
“You can text and invite her,” Ferre redirected the conversation. “She can bring this Marius guy for all I care. I just wanna play with water.”
It was through Jehan that they found out Marius and Cosette were being dropped off by Cosette’s father. Cosette had told Jehan they would be a while because God knows it would be a hell of a time trying to convince her father to let her go a house full of high school and college boys. Apparently, telling him the only straight one there was Marius and that Jehan and Enjolras were there was what finally convinced him.
Ferre was courteous and polite in introducing himself, his boyfriend, and his friends before inviting Mr. Valjan in for an iced drink. Mr. Valjean kindly declined and gave Ferre his number should they need him. Cosette, Marius, Jehan, and Enjolras all had his number as well. Jean Valjean was a secretive man but he would give someone his social security number if it meant someone could tell him Cosette needed him.
While filling water balloons, Enjolras found that his hair kept falling in his eyes. Having gotten tired of constantly brushing the strands aside, he took a hair tie from his wrist and secured his hair into a bun at the back of his head. Pleased that his hair was now out of the way, he resumed filling water balloons.
“Enj, done with your fourth of the balloons-?” Grantaire’s words faltered as he noticed the shirtless blond donning swim trunks. The younger turned around and R swore his heart stopped for a second.
“What’s up, R?”
“H-How are-” he shook his head. “How are your balloons coming? The water guns are set.
“I’ve got maybe...five more? I won’t be long. You’re working faster than Bossuet. He kept popping his, so Feuilly took over the fifteen or so that were left.”
“How many were popped?” Enjolras laughed.
“Not sure. I just cleaned ‘em outta the sink.” He pointed in the direction of the kitchen with his thumb.
“You two done flirting out there?” Jehan called. “Come on!”
“Guess the other balloons are all set after all,” R chuckled as Enjolras tied off the last one.
“Then let’s go.” He moved to pick up the repurposed laundry basket but Grantire beat him to it. The two joined their friends outside; The others had also changed into swimsuits, with the exception of Jehan, who was wearing a t-shirt with their swim trunks.
“Oh!” Courf grinned and scooped a young boy, about 10 or 11, into his arms, walking over to Enjolras. “This is Gavroche. Gav, this is our friend, Enjolras.”
“Hi.” Enjolras held his hand out, but the boy gave the blond a blank stare.
“Can we play now?” Gavroche rotated himself in Courfeyrac’s arms so he was facing the curly-haired man.
“Absolutely.” Courf took a moment to reposition Gav so the messy-haired boy was sitting on his shoulders.
“Did I do something to upset him?” Enjolras gave R a confused look.
“Nah. Gav’s just a weird little kid. He takes a bit to warm up to people,” R explained.
“What do we do when we run out of balloons?” Feuilly suddenly asked.
“Uh…” Ferre thought for a couple of moments. “Clean up and split into cars and head to the beach. Thoughts?”
“I’m in.” R grinned.
“Same here.” Enj nodded.
The rest of the group gave similar enthusiastic answers.
“Shouldn’t you text your dad, Cosette?” Marius looked to the blonde when she said she wanted to go, too.
“It’ll be fine; he likes Ferre and Enj. I’ll just say I went in their car.”
“Alright. So I’ve got Ferre, Enj, Courf, and Cosette in my truck,” Grantaire listed off. “That’s all I can bring.”
“Then I’ve got Pontmercy, Jehan, Feuilly, and Bossuet with me,” Joly spoke up.
“Gav can ride on my lap,” Courf suggested.
“I’ve done more illegal things than that in my truck,” Grantaire approved, nodding without further explanation.
When the balloon fight started, it didn’t last more than a couple minutes. 10 people all chucking balloons at each other quickly depleted half the stash. It didn’t help that the other half was popped by Bossuet. The unfortunate young man was carrying the other laundry basket and somehow slipped on a wet patch of grass. The slip resulted in him sitting on the ground, soaked, with the laundry basket on his head.
Any other group would’ve been annoyed, but everyone was too busy laughing, Joly asking if Bossuet was alright and checking all over for injuries. Everyone piled into the car and truck and headed off.
“Why does Enjolras get to sit in the front?” Gav asked as Courf wrapped his arms around the boy to hold him in place better.
“So Ferre and Courf can sit by each other,” Cosette answered.
“It’s really because R has a crush on Enj,” Courf whispered. Enjolras and Grantaire didn’t hear them whispering over the radio. Cosette giggled.
“Really? That’s gross,” Gav said at a normal volume.
“Why is it gross for two boyfriends to sit next to each other?” R asked, glancing at the four in the rearview mirror.
Cosette giggled harder, while Combeferre failed miserably to conceal a chuckle.
When the group got to the beach, everyone piled out of the vehicles and made straight for the water. Most of them walked except Bossuet, who ran and slipped, which resulted in a belly flop into the water. Courf tossed Gav in, the boy quickly resurfacing before bursting into laughter.
“Joly, you aren’t going to get cancer from swimming,” Ferre called, his sandy hair dripping on his shoulders and face. Ferre was one of the first to dunk and swim around a little.
The group of ten broke into smaller groups and it didn’t take long for a splashing war to start up. At first, it had been Gav, Feuilly, Bossuet, Joly, and Marius against Courf, Ferre, Enjolras, Grantaire, and Cosette, although Cosette ended up joining the other team.
After a while of splashing around Gavroche ended up tiring quickly; R dutifully took him to shore to get him wrapped up in a towel and dried off. While R was gone, Ferre and Courf had changed sides as well.
“Surrender, Enjolras!” Bossuet ordered.
“Never! Long live freedom!” He was grinning, his back to the horizon.
After making sure Gavroche was comfortable on the shore, R waded back into the water, squeezing his way through his friends to get to Enjolras.
“There you are!” Enjolras’ smile widened, “Two for the shot of one.” R stood next to Enjolras, turning to face their formidable opponents. “Do you permit it?”
“Get on with it!” Courf bellowed, grinning from ear to ear.
Enjolras grabbed Grantaire’s hand as their friends finally let loose with a wild frenzy of splashing. Enjolras had slipped during the attack, Grantaire grabbing onto his arm in an attempt to stop him from falling, but ended up going under himself. When the two resurfaced, their friends cheered at their ‘victory'. Enjolras laughed brightly next to him, his features practically glowing in the setting sun. Grantaire sighed happily, thinking to himself that everyone should be able to feel this right at least once in their life. He felt a warm breeze blow through his hair, felt the sun’s last rays warm his face, and he watched his friends with a content smile, still holding on tightly to the hand he never wanted to let go.
@mayonnaiseismycomfortfood @board-certifiedbastard @iamnotbrianmay
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so my dad told me that a very large package had arrived and was addressed to me
I thought “I don’t remember ordering anything but hey sometimes I forget shit so maybe I did order something and I’ll start to remember as I open it up”
I looked at the label for some sort of clue as to where it came from. totally unknown seller from like south carolina or something. and it’s in a walmart box. so now I’m thinking “I definitely didn’t order this, it’s probably a gift from someone” because I have friends who will sometimes order things online and send them to my address as a gift. 
I start opening it. the first thing I pull out is what I thought was a backpack, but it also had pieces that looked like part of a folding chair?? I don’t know how to describe it. some sort of homestuck alchemy combination of a backpack and a folding chair.
Set that aside until I could examine it further. the next thing I took out of the box was a regular pure-bred backpack. 
there were metal rods of unknown purpose inside a pouch of some sort. at first I thought maybe they were chopsticks, based on the size and shape of the pouch. they were not chopsticks. my 2nd guess was tent poles, but it didn’t appear that there was a tent in the box so that didn’t make sense either.
next thing was a baseball-cap style hat with a logo that had a deer on it or something. I’m suspecting that the common theme here is hunting and/or fishing gear. or hiking or other outdoorsy stuff at the very least. I still have no idea why any of this was sent to me or by whom. I’m thinking to myself “I’ve never chosen the ‘send as gift’ option when shopping online so I don’t know exactly how that feature works but I hope it means that the package comes with a note inside or something that tells you who the gift was from” and desperately hoping that if such a note exists I will find it soon
at the bottom I find... a certificate-type thing??? it looks like a color photocopy of like a high school diploma or something. anyway the certificate had my brother’s name on it. suddenly things started to make more sense. a mix-up had happened.
but then I thought, “how did they get his name right on the certificate but mistakenly put my name on the shipping label?”
I checked the shipping label again. it was in fact his first name. apparently after taking my dad’s word for it that the package was for me I did not look super-closely and therefore did not notice that it was addressed to my brother (and I mean we have the same last name and we both have first names that start with A and we both have 6-letter first names so yeah easy thing to miss I guess). I accidentally committed a federal offense by opening my brother’s mail and my punishment was complete bewilderment for a hot 5 minutes
laughing, I hand the package to my brother, telling him about this funny little mix-up like “haha mystery solved, that makes a lot more sense!”
my dad happened to come through the living room at around this time and I told him about the mix-up, still with a smile on my face. he just semi-sheepishly semi-defensively says “oh I just assumed it was yours cuz you’re usually the one who orders stuff...” I don’t pick up the tone of his reply right away and try to tell him some of the funny details of my total confusion. he keeps responding like “ok, it’s over, my mistake” like he wants me to drop the subject and like he’s offended that I called him out on his assumption and that this is the start of another almost-fight between us. and yes our relationship can be very Cold War-esque but for once I don’t have any beef with him and I’m just trying to tell a funny story and usually I’m the one who takes things too seriously while he’s able to just laugh stuff off and have fun so I dunno what his damage is.
I go upstairs and start typing this post. In the time it takes me to type it, I hear my brother talking to my dad, saying he ordered t-shirts. I saw no t-shirts in that box. so I guess my brother was also not satisfied with the contents of the package.
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1dandjbnews · 5 years
Beyond Belieb-f: Fact or Fiction
“You are about to enter the world of strange truth, a world where the line between fact and fiction is almost imperceptible...” - James Brolin (Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction), May 25, 1997.
Throughout Justin Bieber’s career, spanning ten years, he has gotten himself into many controversies and was the victim of many rumors and lies which a lot of people still believe, due to the Justin Bieber hate bandwagon. In this post, I’m going to separate truth from fantasy and open the minds of the people who believe things that Justin Bieber never did.
I hope this thread will help people with how they view Justin and hopefully be able to generally separate what is true from what is false when it comes to everyday life too.
1. “Justin Bieber said rape happens for a reason”.
FALSE: This one was a misquote by Rolling Stone Magazine, in Justin’s interview with them in January 2011, when asked about politics. Bieber’s original quote is “Well, I think that's really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I don't know how that would be a reason. I guess I haven't been in that position, so I wouldn't be able to judge that.”. This interview was when Justin was still 16 and back then, he barely had any real knowledge of politics or serious matters such as listed above.
2. “Justin Bieber wrote in the guest book at the Anne Frank house that he hoped she would have been a Belieber”.
TRUE: While this event took place and Justin did write “Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.”, the media and his haters over exaggerated his comment. The Anne Frank museum staff did defend Justin by saying “His comments were quite innocent, he was here for more than hour and interested in Anne Frank's life, and that for us is the most important thing.”. Unfortunately, Justin’s comments in the guest book can still be twisted or taken the wrong way by small-minded people who want a reason to hate him.
3. “ When asked to try being a vegan, he gagged and spat out a vegan steak that had been specially ordered for him“.
FALSE: This one only has two sources and was most likely invented by a writer to victimize vegans and slander Justin.
4. “He makes fans pay tons of money, even though he can afford all the tickets be 50 bucks instead of 100+ for mezzanine seats”.
For the Believe tour, ticket prices were:
Lower Level Seating $36.00 - $86.00 $47.25 - $101.45 w/ Ticketmaster fees
Upper Level Seating $36.00 - $76.00
Also, Justin isn’t in charge of how much his tickets cost, it’s management who’s in charge.
5. “He went to a children’s hospital in England and was talking to the nurse who was working there when Justin Bieber visited the hospital. He made them clear an area for him so he didn’t have to wait around near the sick children, he then spent about 5 minutes with them while the cameras were on and left without so much as a thank you”.
FALSE: This tale NEVER took place. There is no photos or evidence of him going to that hospital in England and he never attacked any photographers (at said hospital). Usually, Justin will spend quite a lot of time with sick kids
6. “He attacked a photographer at said hospital”.
FALSE: The only paparazzi scuffle that happened in England was the one video where a paparazzi pushed Justin’s bodyguard and Justin confronted the paparazzi, however, Justin was quickly restrained and went back into the van.
6. “He peed in a restaurant kitchen”.
TRUE: But, he actually urinated in a mop bucket, also, he was drunk at the time and many celebrities have urinated in places they shouldn’t, such as Hayley from Paramore (sink).
7. “Someone's coworker did security for him once. He faked a really bad asthma attack and made them call the paramedics and then laughed his ass off when they came through the door. His people talked the paramedics into not saying anything bc you can go to jail for that apparently”.
FALSE: This one was invented by a writer. If anything is partially related to this claim, then it’s an incident in November 2011, where Justin was rumored to have an asthma attack during an interview and was taken to hospital for it.
8. “He also called for a car to take him to the mall and didn't like the color so he sent it back. And then he went to the mall and stayed 5 minutes before saying it was the shittiest mall he'd ever been in“.
FALSE: Pure fiction! There are no reports of him ever doing this. This claim stinks of the “Justin Bieber is a brat” mentality.
9. “He's banned from walt disney world for punching out Goofy“.
FALSE: It’s a total fabrication. There have been zero reports of this ever taking place, also Justin has been to Disney World many times since this claim came out.
10. “Not only does he me make his fans pay tons of money for a concert, but on a school night, he didn't even show up until half way through the scheduled time“.
FALSE: It’s true that he was late, however, it was only by 35 minutes and not half of the concert duration.
11. “He's quoted as screaming 'Fuck Bill Clinton!' to cameras and attacked a paparazzo, who is suing. his mother is quoted as saying she's 'hoping he'll soon mature'.“
TRUE and FALSE: While Justin did scream “Fuck Bill Clinton” and spayed a cleaner on the picture (probably the cleanest Clinton’s ever been), many people disliked Clinton and him screaming “Fuck Bill Clinton” isn’t too different from how many people react to the current President of the United States (as of this post), Donald Trump (who, I, in no way support and dislike as much as the next guy). He never attacked a paparazzi during this incident.
12. “He spat in an old man's face“.
FALSE: Not an old man, but a Club DJ, but, this is alleged.
13. “When he went to Vermont, he was kicked out of every single business he went in. IHOP, Walmart, Hannafords, everywhere. He went to the movie theater and threw a temper tantrum when told he couldn't bring his subway sandwich into the theater, as it was against the rules. He then made a HUGE mess of the theater and had to be carried out by his bodyguard kicking and screaming about how they were all worthless monkeys”.
FALSE: This one NEVER happened. There is no proof or reports of this ever happening and the only thing that shows up when “Justin Bieber banned from Walmart” is searched online, is a meme picture. There was talk of Justin possibly facing banning from the U.S due to alleged involvement in a brawl outside a Hampton’s nightclub, but, as of 2019, Justin is still in the U.S.
14. “He randomly showed up to Disney unannounced and demanded that the entire Yachtsman Steakhouse be cleared- reservations cancelled and all- so that he could eat there. The staff had to call every single one of the guests to tell them that their reservations they had been planning for months were cancelled and wasn't allowed to give them an explanation. Disney also decided that it wasn't fair to their guests and gave them free dinner at another restaurant, which obviously lost them a lot of money and business for that night. So after personally shutting down the restaurant, Beiber comes down in nothing but a bath robe. Like I'm so sorry Biebs was it just too hard to put on pants and act like a respectable human being?“.
FALSE: Not a scrap of evidence to this claim exists.
15. “I don't hate him because he has a 'girly' voice or because he's gay. he can be gay if he wants (even though he's not)“.
FALSE: Not a real argument.
16. “I hate him because he's not a good person and he's basically the leader of a teenage girl army (with a couple of older women, teenage boys and older men, but mainly consisted of teenage girls). He can make them do whatever he wants“.
FALSE: This makes little to no sense. Justin Bieber is a musician, not a political leader. Not ONCE has he ever forced his fans to do something he wants. Also, there are many people who have done MUCH worse than Justin has, yet have gotten away with it, managed to slip under the radar and still have huge amounts of support.
17. “He made some of his more 'devoted' fans cut their hair off because some internet trolls 'leaked' that he had cancer, and asked his fans to shave their heads to show their support. A lot of them did“.
FALSE: This was a 4Chan prank and Justin is not responsible for it.
18. “More internet trolls leaked that he had been smoking weed which made a lot of his fans CUT THEMSELVES (which is a serious problem) to stop him from smoking weed under the hashtag '#cutforbieber?' or '#cuttingforbieber?' Those weren't his decision, but he didn't make an attempt to stop them, he didn't deny the rumors, he just let them carry on cutting and turning it into a joke, thinking it was funny that people did these things because of him”.
FALSE: Another 4Chan prank! Once again, Justin is not responsible for this. Also, the best thing he did was stay silent about it, because if he had responded, more of these pranks would have happened and would have gotten to Justin one day.
17. “Justin Bieber spat on fans”.
FALSE: It’s an urban legend, that never happened! The Internet and TMZ went bananas over a picture of Justin spitting off of a balcony into a bush and with Justin often stating how he loves his fans, a claim about him spitting on them would make headlines and it did. The picture of the fans crying is from 2011, which was superimposed into a picture of Justin spitting off of a balcony.
18. “Justin Bieber was a huge brat on TV shows“.
FALSE: These are claims. In 2011, Marg Helenberger claims Justin punched a cake and locked a producer in a closet, but, unfortunately, nothing about this has come up since. In 2010, David Koch of Sunrise (Australian morning news show) also accused Justin for swearing at a floor manager for touching him (to direct him to where he had to go), but if this did happen, then Justin isn’t wrong for calling out a grown man touching him (what 16-year old would want a grown man touching them?).
19. “Justin Bieber  said that he doesn’t believe in abortions“.
TRUE: This took place in 2011, during an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. In Justin’s defense, this was 2011 and back then, a lot of people were still pro-life and Justin had grown up in a Christian household. Since times have changed and we are more progressed, many people’s views have changed.
20. “Justin Bieber has made racist jokes and said the N-word multiple times”.
TRUE: There are thousands of reports of these events happening. While his racist jokes and comments were wrong (and still are), he was 15/16 and uneducated at the time, apologized and has since acknowledged his mistakes and educated himself on how horrible racism is, and now shows support to the Black Lives Matter movement.
21. “Justin Bieber punched a fan in the face, made that fan BLEED“.
FALSE: This was not a fan, but a stalker. Justin did punch him, but, only as a means of self defense. How else are you going to react if someone is invading your personal space? Also, Justin most likely felt threatened by the guy putting his hand through the window.
22. “Justin Bieber has been done for drunk driving“.
FALSE: The drunk driving charges against him were over exaggerated and he was below the legal limit.
23. “Justin Bieber eggs his neighbors“.
TRUE: He egged his neighbors ONCE, but, that was due to possible harassment prior to the incident. The thing is, the victims seem to still be whining about the incident (”GIVE ME MONEY! I’M A VICTIM!”), long after it took place and Justin had served his punishment for the incident.
24. “Justin Bieber made jokes about Prince’s death with petty Instagram comments“.
FALSE: Justin simply commented “Well not the last greatest living performer”, responding to a Instagram post that said Prince was the “last greatest living performer”, unfortunately, people took it the wrong way, twisted Justin’s words and accused him of being egotistical. However, Justin was most likely saying that other artists such as Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, Beyoncé, Madonna and Barry Manilow were still alive and not every legend was gone.
25. “Justin Bieber throws tantrums on stage with him just ending up leaving the concert“.
TRUE: However, not as bad as you may think. A lot of these incidents were due to disrespectful fans not listening to him when he told them not to scream, clap off beat or throw water on stage. These can all distract him from playing, singing and can even put his life in danger (if he slips on water he doesn’t know is on stage).
26. “Justin Bieber threatens his neighbors“.
FALSE: There is no solid proof to support these claims. It’s a well known fact to demonize someone when someone else is doing it.
27. “Justin Bieber abandoned his pets”.
FALSE: He never “abandoned” any pets. If you’re talking about the monkey, he simply didn’t have the correct papers nor was he given them, also at the time, he was busy touring. The hamster was given to a fan.
28. “Justin has cheating scandals, he was horrible to Selena Gomez”.
FALSE: These claims are as old as the hills. At first, Justin and Selena’s “relationship” was PR, also prior to the November 2012 accusation of Justin “cheating on Selena”. Selena had been on the beach with Justin’s ex-friend Alfredo Flores, in various pictures where the both of them seemed very in love, this took place in July 2012. Also, there is video proof of Justin being physically assaulted by Selena in 2011.
29. “Justin Bieber hates Asians“.
FALSE: This is a total fabrication. Since when did he ever hate Asians, where’s the proof. He’s been to Japan multiple times and has been very welcome in Asian countries. There is one incident where Justin has mistakenly offended South Korean and Chinese fans by visiting the Yasukuni Shrine, which he thought was a place of prayer. He apologized for this incident.
30. “Justin Bieber groped a underage fan breast at a meet and greet“.
FALSE: The fan was like two years younger than him and didn’t seem to mind. As of 2019, she has often spoken about it and still has no problem with it.
31. "Talks down to alternative/rock bands such as Linkin Park and The Beatles and said screaming isn’t music”.
FALSE: More like fans of alternative rock bands have been talking down to Justin, sending him death threats and sexualising him.
32: “Justin Bieber disrespected the Argentinian flag”.
TRUE: This took place, however, it isn’t as bad as you think. A fan threw it up on stage and Justin thought it was simply a shirt, he didn’t know it was the Argentinian flag.
33. “Justin Bieber is rude to fans”.
FALSE: He’s only “rude” to disrespectful fans who stalk him and get in his personal space, K-Pop fans would know them as “sasaengs”. He’s only called disrespectful fans out, that’s all.
34. “Justin Bieber is very violent to photographers/paparazzi”
FALSE: Not a chance! He’s lashed out at photographers and paparazzi in the past, but, it’s only because they’ve provoked him. Of course he could have acted a bit better, but other celebs have done much worse than Justin.
35. “Justin Bieber ignored a disabled fan”.
FALSE: The video is staged and was a smear campaign to get Justin hated (and it worked). The person who played “Justin” was YouTuber, known as Brad Souza, the disabled “fan” was a hired actor.
36. “Justin Bieber bullied Shawn Mendes”.
FALSE: Justin and Shawn are longtime friends and they were simply joking around. If Shawn truly had a problem with Justin’s lighthearted jokes, Shawn would have said something.
37. “Justin Bieber hates Anime”.
FALSE: The tweet was fake.
In conclusion, only seven and a half of these claims are true, the rest are all fabricated stories made up by people looking for sympathy (fake hate crimes) or created just to slander Justin and get him hated and unfortunately, it worked.
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kimnamjooonz · 5 years
Blank Space - Episode 10
Tumblr media
Songs used in this chapter: 
Style - Taylor Swift 
IDGAF - Dua Lipa
Delicate - Taylor Swift
'You've got that James Dean, daydream look in your eyes and I've got that red lip classic thing that you like, and when we go crashing down we come back every time, we never go out of style.''
Some weeks after that bizarre cast party, Morgan was in her apartment, dipping cookies in her coffee and playing chess with Lucas. Taylor was walking around, arranging something about an event that Morgan had no idea about. The things with Sebastian in the last two weeks were full of ups and downs, mostly downs. There were moments when they didn't speak to each other and others in which they were quite friendly. But those moments were pretty fleeting. But Morgan was in peace with herself and playing chess relaxed her as much as practicing kickboxing. ''I have news'' Taylor informed them. ''Morgan, you're going to the Toronto Film Festival.'' Morgan was a bit intrigued about that and she sensed that Taylor had more information related to that and she was not telling her. ''That's great but... I haven't worked in anything that's going to be released there as you well know.'' By Taylor's uncomfortable face, Morgan guessed that she was not going to like what was coming next. ''First of all, this wasn't my idea. It was Damien's'' now Morgan was sure that she was not going to like what was coming. ''You're going but with Sebastian.'' Morgan didn't even looked outraged. She simply rolled her eyes. ''But why?'' she looked in pain. ''I don't really want to go.'' ''C'mon, you've always wanted to go to the Toronto Film Festival.'' Taylor was trying to convince Morgan that this was a good idea. ''Yeah, but not with him.'' she was in silence for a little while. ''However, I don't have to see him, do I? We'll just have to greet each other on the Red carpet. We'll stay at different hotels, I imagine.'' Taylor had a painful expression that Morgan didn't like. ''Well... no. You're going as his date.'' Morgan looked so scandalised that it was almost funny. ''No way. No. No. No. I'm an accomplished actress myself. Look, I'm almost more famous than him. I'm not just his date!'' Taylor and Lucas were close to laughing. ''But, as you said, you don't have any movie being released there, and he does.'' Morgan was red. ''Why doesn't he take his girlfriend? Why does it have to be me?'' ''Because, in the exact words of Damien Chazelle, no one cares about her. Everyone cares about you and him. The press love you two together. And Damien does too. He says that you spend more time with him that she does.'' ''Because I get paid for that'' she blatantly said. ''She does it for free. Wow, I love charity work.'' Lucas couldn't keep it together any longer. ''But Morgan, in your exact words, you wanted to be 'his whore for free'. It was in your old Twitter fan account, I saw it myself.'' Morgan was so used to the teasing that she didn't even mind. She had wrote that stuff after all. ''You can say whatever you want. I'm not going. Let Sebastian go in peace, I don't care.'' It looked like a sincere statement but it was Morgan so no one was really convinced. ''A pity.'' Taylor looked resigned. ''Nicole Kidman is going to be there. She's Sebastian's co-star. You could have met her.'' Morgan expression changed. ''Okay, when do I leave?'' Taylor had a triumphal smile. ''In two days. I'm sending Lucas and your stylists tomorrow.'' ''One thing'' Morgan said with a severe voice. ''Book me a room as far away from Sebastian as possible. I don't want to find surprises when I get there and get the classic fanfiction moment of 'And there was only one bed!' because I swear that I'd rather sleep on the hall.'' Taylor rolled her eyes and got back to business. Morgan was back into the chess game. ''You know, Lucas that no matter the next move you make, I'm going to win.'' Lucas glanced desperately at the board. ''How are you so good at this.'' ''I'm a good strategist, I guess.'' She saw Lucas making a move and immediately smiled. ''Look and learn: I'm going to kill your Queen with mine'' with her Queen she pushed Lucas' out of the board. ''And check-mate. I got your king.''
''You really have to go with her?'' Sebastian was being interrogated by Florence. After the shitstorm of the cast party she had been angry at him for days. Only three days ago she had forgiven him only to learn that he had to take Morgan Llewellyn to Toronto as a date. Every time Sebastian went back to his senses and the life he had before Morgan, something happened that made it impossible to live in peace. ''Yes, I don't have much of a choice just please don't complicate things more.'' Sebastian wasn't going thru his best time. Apparently not only Florence was a bit resented at him but his fans too. He had been out of the Interned for the past weeks and his fans were saying that it was Florence's fault as before she got in the picture Sebastian was pretty much in contact with his fanbase everyday. And they had adopted Morgan as the Knight in Shining Armor that came to rescue Sebastian from the evil influence of his girlfriend. Nothing was farther from the truth. He just couldn't keep seeing the 'Chanel vs Walmart' memes comparing Morgan with his girlfriend (and ironically Morgan was the face of Chanel Cosmetics, so she was really Chanel after all), the 'Seb deserves better' and the usual 'Sebastian should stop with this Florence insanity and date Morgan once and for all.' It was absolutely maddening. And Morgan's behaviour with her fans (and Sebastian's) was outstanding. She always stopped for pictures, she was active on social media and she was continually feeding her fanbase with funny Instagram stories. She had a loyal fanbase that was slowly making themselves heard around the Internet. They had campaigned to get her to do the Hugo Boss catalogue alongside Sebastian and they had succeeded. He hadn't told Florence that yet. Their latest campaign was to get Morgan to walk in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. Yeah, Morgan looked like a model but she had never stepped on the runway in her life. However, even Sebastian had got an online petition to get Morgan there and he, believing that it was anonymous, signed it. It wasn't. And now everyone knew that he had signed a petition to see Morgan walking around in lingerie. The Internet and the media had had a field day and Sebastian was just too embarrassed to say anything. Morgan herself hadn't said anything but she obviously knew and every time she looked at him she had a smirk on her face. Pleasant. And Chace had shown him an article that stated that Victoria's Secret was seriously considering Morgan as a model. It was absolutely insane but he didn't believe it was true. And he seriously doubted that Morgan would accept to be in the fashion show, mainly because she'd have to share the spotlight with professional models when she wasn't one. ''Sebastian, am I not complicating anything. It wasn't me the one who signed an online petition to see Morgan half naked.'' ''It was a joke between me and rest of the cast'' he lied. ''And why is she even going to Toronto?'' ''Publicity'' he simply answered. ''Not actually for herself but for our next movie. And she wants to meet Nicole Kidman.'' ''Just... be careful'' she was feeling more pity for him than jealousy towards Morgan. ''Don't let her get into your head.'' Little did she know that Morgan almost never left his head. ''She's not that bad. She's being quite pleasant lately. She can be infuriating but in general... she can be nice when she wants.'' ''The thing is that... she never wants.''
Two days later Sebastian was at JFK waiting for Morgan to arrive. He had got there five minutes earlier and he knew that Morgan was not going to be late. And she didn't disappoint. Exactly at nine she got out of a black car with a horde of paparazzi following her. She walked towards the place Sebastian was, with the paparazzi still taking pictures. She was wearing a tailored trench coat with a high ponytail that looked awesome in her. And of course that she was wearing high heels. ''Hey, Sebastian'' she greeted him with an smile. ''Morgan'' he was also smiling, they were in public after all. But he could find no reason not to be nice to her. ''Let's get going. The sooner we've gone through customs, the better.'' He was right. The airport was usually packed but the paparazzi that were behind them were bothering the rest of the people. And they didn't want that. Sebastian tried to glance at Morgan's passport when she presented it in customs. More than anything he wanted to see if he could catch her real name. But he hadn't been lucky and Morgan had noticed. Thankfully they didn't have to wait much for their plane to leave. And Morgan wasn't amused to find out that her seat was next to Sebastian's. Damn it, Taylor. ''It seems that you can't get rid of me.'' he took of his leather jacket and set next to Morgan who was inhaling his fragance. Damn it, he had good. taste. His smell was absolutely irresistible. ''And you were glancing at my passport.' ''I wanted to know your real name.'' he said without shame. ''That's not happening anytime soon.'' She had also taken off the trench coat only to reveal the neat button up white shirt she was wearing underneath that she had matched with an elegant short skirt. Sebastian didn't know who was Morgan's stylist but damn that they were doing a good job. Before he could notice, she was taking off her iPad from her bag. He could see a picture of her cat as a lockscreen. ''By the way, how is Thirteen?'' Morgan's expression softened and she smiled. ''Thriving. He's getting big and his fur is shining. He's a really loving cat.'' ''I should drop by and see him someday'' he said. ''I found him, after all. I deserve half of the custody. I can see him at the weekends if you like.'' Morgan looked at him, about to burst out laughing. ''You may have found him but I paid the vet and I'm raising him up. And you don't even like cats.'' ''Who told you this? I may be more of a dog person but I like cats.'' Morgan didn't say anything. Of course that she knew about that. She knew that she'd take a Scottish Fold to space. ''Conform yourself with the pictures for now'' she handed him her phone where she had opened a folder titled 'Thirteen'. It seemed like Morgan was as attached to her cat as Chris Evans was to his dog Dodger. She had taken a lot of pictures of the cat sleeping in different positions, eating or just comfortably lying on Morgan's arms. ''Just... beautiful'' he didn't know if he was referring to Thirteen or to Morgan. She took the phone from his hands and stuck it in her pocket, then she started playing an old Doctor Who episode that she had loaded. Without any words she had got into it. Sebastian didn't know what to do so he got really close to her to watch the damned episode. ''What?'' she suddenly asked. after violently pausing the episode. ''I just wanted to watch'' he said with a little voice. Morgan felt some sort of pity for him and let him get closer to her placing the iPad in the middle of them both. And he was getting closer by the second. Morgan closed the little space that was separating them and they were literally touching. He wrapped his arm around her and placed his head on her shoulder. Morgan felt weirdly at ease. His body was warm and Morgan was loving the feeling of having his head on her shoulder. ''This is an old episode. Peter Capaldi was still the Doctor. In my opinion, he's underrated. And Clara was great too.'' ''That's Jenna!'' Sebastian pointed at Clara. ''I acted with her for like five seconds. She was Bucky's date in The First Avenger. I wasn't expecting to find her here.'' Of course that Morgan knew about that. She had seen The First Avenger more times that she could count. ''I love her. She's so good... you just have to see her as Queen Victoria. Just amazing.'' They went back to see the episode and Sebastian was so comfortable, being close to Morgan that he was slowly falling asleep. It was unbelievable that he was so in peace next to that chaotic woman. He fell asleep and his head fell on Morgan's chest. She wanted to pat his head and caress his neck but she was never going to do that. Touching him while he was asleep was non consensual and it was also creepy, so she just let him sleep. Luckily for her, getting hooked with old episodes of Doctor Who was her special ability. She had been doing exactly that for more than ten years. From time to time she felt Sebastian move but he never lifted his head from her chest. He even murmured some stuff that she couldn't understand. She didn't know if it was Romanian or simple gibberish. When they were about to land in Toronto she had no other option than to wake him up. She wanted to elbow him in the ribs but she found out that she didn't have the heart to do it. So she just shook him up. ''Stan... Sebastian!'' He slowly opened his beautiful steel blue eyes of his and when he saw Morgan he smiled. ''Am I in heaven?'' he mumbled, still with his head on her chest. That question didn't impress Morgan one bit. ''No. But if this plane crashes, you'll be. We're about to land, so, wake the hell up.'' ''Always so sweet, Llewellyn.'' he ran a hand through his hair, messing it up even more than it was. ''Do I look so bad?'' Of course he didn't, Morgan thought. He was gorgeous and he knew it. ''Your hair is messy'' she was checking her make up that was very decent after flying for only a few hours. When she looked at Sebastian again, his hair was sticking everywhere. ''Do you need a mirror?'' ''No, but... could you tidy it up a bit?'' The cheeky bastard. She reached for his hair and tidied it up. It wasn't a sensational job but at least he didn't look like was just waking up. She also tidied his shirt and leather jacket. ''Now you look decent.'' ''Thank you.'' he was smiling like a little kid. ''And Morgan... the back of your coat is a bit wrinkled. Let me help you...'' She was pretty sure that there was nothing wrong with her coat but Sebastian ran his hand on her back for a little while. ''Perfect. You look beautiful, as always'' Morgan was a bit confused. What was happening to him that was being so nice? Maybe he was just tired of the hostility. ''Okay, whatever. Now put the seatbelt on while this thing lands.'' Thankfully the ordeal was pretty quickly and in less than twenty minutes they were exiting the airport, with many paparazzi following them on the little walk they were making towards the car that was already waiting for them. Bless Lucas for the great organization. They were staying in the same hotel and for once Morgan didn't mind, mainly because he was staying in the fourteenth floor while Lucas had booked a suit for Morgan in the seventh floor. So, they were not sleeping in rooms next to each other and the 'there was only one bed' problem was out of the picture. She knew that she could trust her personal assistant. When they reached the hotel, they immediately made their way to their rooms. ''So, where are you staying?'' he cheekily asked. ''Just in case I need to ask you something, I'd know where you are.'' As if he couldn't text or call, Morgan thought. But she gave him the information he wanted. ''Seventh floor. Room 1921.'' They were in silence when they got into the elevator but Sebastian broke it before it was too late and Morgan reached her destination. ''Aren't you going to ask me the same question?'' ''No. Why would I want to know that?'' ''I don't know...'' he was being flirty again. ''Maybe you'd like to... visit me... I wouldn't mind... even if it's in the middle of the night.'' Morgan looked at him with her eyebrows raised and an unimpressed expression. ''No, thanks. If want to talk to someone in the middle of the night I'd just call Lucas. Or anyone else. See you tomorrow.'' she bluntly said, getting off the elevator. Her statement was pretty clear. She didn't even plan to see him for the rest of the day. She was going to turn up with him to the red carpet and that was all. But Sebastian didn't share those plans at all.
That night, Morgan and her team were in her room playing poker and listening to Dua Lipa, having the time of her life. Lucas had just ordered pizza so the night was getting better. Her team were a bunch of young, enthusiastic, talented, nice and diverse people. Apart from Lucas, she had Amal, her make up artist, a beautiful girl that looked like a younger Priyanka Chopra. She was from Brooklyn but all her family were from New Dheli. Morgan had found her in YouTube and she absolutely adored her. Then she had Shontelle, a lovely young woman that had been friends with Lucas at high school. Now she was an up and coming hair dresser that had got to work in the New York Fashion Week. Lucas had contacted her again and offered her to work for Morgan, which she happily accepted. And finally she had Luke, her stylist. Morgan had also found him through YouTube and had instantly contacted him. After working on Morgan's street style for only two weeks, many celebrities were trying to get their hands on him but he always refused them. The fashion magazines couldn't wait to see his work on Morgan on the red carpet. The most important thing was that apart from working together, they were great friends. ''Let me tell you girl, that you look so hot together that my insides are still burning'' said Shontelle, looking at her cards and, of course, talking about Morgan and Sebastian. ''He's hot.'' added Luke. ''I can't wait to see you two together at the red carpet. You'll set the Internet on fire, more than it is already. I know he's gonna look good because his stylist is good, no better than me, of course, but good.'' Their conversation ended when someone knocked at the door. ''Who opens?'' asked Lucas. ''The one who's losing and that's you'' answered Morgan, laughing. Rolling his eyes he opened the door only to reveal Sebastian at the other side, looking as if he was ready to go out. ''What are you doing here?'' asked Morgan. ''Do you want to join us? We're playing poker and eating pizza!'' ''Sounds tempting but I can't. I have to go to a pre-festival party''. Morgan didn't know why he was telling her this. ''You don't need to inform me of whatever you want to do, okay? You don't have to ask me for permission'' she stood up, placing her hands on her hips. ''Have a good time.'' ''I thought you were coming with me. Weren't you my date?'' ''Yeah, but to the screening of your movie tomorrow. No one told me anything about being your partner for some pre-festival party. That wasn't in the deal.'' Morgan kept looking at him with sort of a hard expression and the hands on her hips. For once he was seeing her with only jeans and a hoodie and without make up or high heels. She was still gorgeous but she looked younger, almost childish. ''I know but...'' he looked at her with his most persuasive expression. ''Maybe I'm asking for a favour.'' So, Sebastian was asking her for a favour. Interesting. It was hard to resist his offer when he looked so handsome, dressed in a black shirt (with the first two buttons opened) and black jacket. What a man. ''You can ask anyone else. I'm pretty sure that there's a horde of fans of yours that'd sell their souls to go with you.'' And she was right. He could do that or he could go alone. But, somehow, the perspective of showing up with Morgan Llewellyn was too tempting. ''Please, Morgan. I'm begging you'' he was looking at her with puppy dog eyes that apparently weren't working. ''Do you want me to kneel in front of you? Because I'd kneel.'' ''That won't be necessary'' she stopped him. ''Luke, can you do something fast?'' ''I'm ready for everything.'' Luke pushed Morgan to the huge bathroom and then ran to his own room to get his things. Shontelle and Amal followed Morgan. The only one who didn't move a finger was Lucas. He just grabbed a slice of pizza and sat in front of Sebastian. Of course he didn't say anything but Sebastian had the impression that Lucas knew something that he didn't. And Sebastian was really tempted to ask, even if he knew that Lucas was not going to say anything. So, he spent the next ten minutes making crazy guesses about what the hell Morgan and Lucas knew. Maybe it was something that involved him. He would have liked that she kept him in her head as much as he kept her in his. When Morgan got out of the bathroom, Sebastian was absolutely speechless. It was incredible how someone could look that good. Morgan was a work of art by herself but her team deserved some credit because in ten minutes they transformed her and made her look even more gorgeous if that was possible. She was wearing a shot long sleeved red dress that showed a good amount of cleavage. Her hair was in an elegant updo and her make up included her signature red lips. ''I can't believe I'm missing the end of the game. And I was winning! Can we finish after I come back?'' ''Forget it.'' answered Lucas. ''I'm not losing money against you, Llewellyn.'' ''At least leave me some pizza. I could just eat a quarter of a slice! That's not fair.'' ''Also, forget it.'' between Lucas and Luke grabbed all the pizza boxes. ''We're continuing the party in Luke's room. It's not appropriate for us to stay at the star's suite when she's out. See you later''. One by one they started to make an exit. ''Have a great night'' said Amal, with a little smirk, glancing at Morgan and Sebastian. ''Enjoy'' Shontelle winked at them and left. It was hard for her not roll her eyes. ''Let's go before I start to regret it'' she opened the door for Sebastian. It was hard for him to form words at that moment but he knew that if he didn't say anything, and quickly, Morgan was going to start teasing him. ''Are you really walking at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show?'' he asked. Morgan laughed. Apparently she found the question very amusing. ''Did you even believed that was serious? It was just a joke that my fans created. Then you signed the petition and the issue blew up a little. But what would I do there? I'm not a model. I'd made a fool out of myself.'' ''I heard that you were seriously being considered. Even if you're not a model, you're a popular actress that'd get a lot of viewers to the show and that's all they care about. There's no model as popular as you right now and you know it.'' Maybe Sebastian was right but that wasn't making Morgan change her mind. ''The only angel I'd dress up as is a Weeping Angel for Halloween'' she saw Sebastian's confused face. Of course he had no idea what she was talking about. ''Just a Doctor Who monster, don't worry.'' Typical of Morgan, mixing Doctor Who with everything. he was getting used to that. ''If they asked you, would you consider it?'' In Morgan's opinion Sebastian was way too interested in that particular topic. ''Sorry but, no. I'd never take someone else's job, you know? Models work hard to be there and it's not fair that a privileged actress gets her place only because she's popular.'' Sebastian was astounded. Morgan Llewellyn being ethical? The simulation was definitely glitching. ''It's as unfair as when some mainstream pop star gets a role in a movie, and I'm not talking about Lady GaGa who can actually act and she's fantastic but... some clueless pop singer that believes that the Meisner technique has something to do with manicure.'' Sebastian mumbled a 'wow' after she stopped talking. He was used to Morgan expressing her strong opinions in front of him and he had the wild guess that he was the only person that made Morgan feel free enough to speak her own mind with no regrets. ''Maybe Victoria's Secret is not for you but you should do that TED talk. Or an stand up comedy show. You're so acid and sarcastic that you could be funny. It's amazing to listen to you.'' ''You always give the best compliments.'' He offered her his arm and she took it but he didn't dare to look at her for long periods of time. He was scared of getting lost in her eyes, that under the city lights, looked really purple. The place wasn't far away from the hotel. The party was in an ultra elegant restaurant. In the past Morgan would had been impressed but she was getting used to those kind of places. She kept holding Sebastian's arm. After all, she was his plus one, something that still had her a little salty. They were literally surrounded by famous people. She could see Chris Pine, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen and more. She wanted to talk to everybody but she was stuck to Sebastian, for now. ''We look absolutely amazing, Llewellyn. Just look at us, we're just... gorgeous.'' ''Check your ego, Stan.'' ''I'm just stating the facts, there's no need to lie to ourselves...'' ''Hey Sebastian!'' If Morgan wanted to meet Chris Pine, her wishes were a reality. ''Pine'' Morgan almost laughed. Apparently Sebastian refused to name any Chris by his name if it wasn't Chris Evans. ''And you must be Morgan Llewellyn.'' his eyes were glued to her. ''Let me tell you that you are more beautiful than I had imagined.'' She wanted to thank him for the compliment but at that moment Sebastian moved his arm only to place it around Morgan's waist. She wanted to laugh. Men were pathetic sometimes and Sebastian was the best example, being territorial over a woman that was nothing more than his co-star. And it wasn't the first time that this happened. She still remembered that whole episode with Chris Evans back in New York. She was tempted to snatch his arm away from her body only to annoy him but she didn't. ''Thank you'' she finally answered to Chris. ''I loved your role in Wonder Woman. Steve Trevor was quite the charmer, wasn't he?'' ''Yes, he was. It's a pity he's dead. Let's see if he's somehow brought back. Or maybe they bring him back just for a flashback...'' ''He'll be back.'' Sebastian said out of nowhere. ''It's DC. I mean, they revived Superman in a way that I still don't understand. Don't worry, they'll bring you back somehow. Just make sure you're not contracted to wear a moustache. We don't want another Henry Cavill CGI upper lip disaster.'' Morgan was basically cracking her ribs of the effort she was making at trying not to laugh. Sebastian was speaking in such a passive aggressive way that it reminded her of herself. It was awesome. Apparently that was what happened when you put Sebastian Stan and a DC actor (that wasn't Margot Robbie, of course) in the same room. ''Yeah... that was quite bad...'' Chris Pine looked really uncomfortable. He was sensing Sebastian's animosity. ''I think I... need to go... it was nice to see you Sebastian and it was a pleasure to meet you Morgan''. ''Yeah, same Chris'' Morgan was the only one who answered as Sebastian was pretty busy biting his lip in such an annoying way that even Morgan wanted to punch him. ''Wow'' she mumbled after Chris left. ''Wasn't expecting that from you. Snake Sebastian? Interesting.'' He didn't have a decent explanation. He was just jealous. She snatched his arm away from her and started walking away from him. ''Where are you going?'' he asked, a bit desperate. ''I may be your plus one but that doesn't mean that I have to be glued to you the whole night. I just saw Kit Harington and Rose Leslie and I want to meet them.'' Without any other word she left. Sebastian was going to go after her but he was stopped by Taika Waititi. After twenty minutes of talking to Taika (and losing complete sight of Morgan) he was finally left alone. He was looking around for his co-star but he couldn't see her anywhere. After ten minutes of looking basically everywhere he was getting desperate. He was even asking people if they had seen her. ''Looking for me?'' said a familiar voice behind him. There she was, with an innocent expression on her electrifying blue eyes. ''Actually yes'' he was so relieved that he even wanted to hug her. ''I'm not going to get lost, you know? I'm not a helpless little girl. You're getting superhero complex, Sebastian. I was just looking for decent food but I could only find shrimp and canapes. Shrimp! Who even eats that? Just get me some pizza and a beer.'' Morgan, once again, was right. He was suddenly starving and craving pizza and a beer. ''Most people here cannot appreciate the wonders of pizza and believe that shrimp is way better. People like Chris Pine, for example. He looks like a shrimp lover.'' ''I'm with you in this because I saw him like two minutes ago and he was eating it.'' ''Told you!'' they were laughing like idiots and he didn't care. He may be surrounded by celebrities but Morgan was still the most interesting one. ''We're surrounded by old shrimp eating idiots, Morgan.'' ''Old?'' Morgan was wearing her mocking smile again. ''You're 36! Half of the people here are younger than you.'' ''Age is just a number and my spirit is way younger than 36.'' Morgan looked at him from head to toe, as if she was evaluating him. ''That was a good answer'' she admitted. ''Ian McKellen would agree with you'' Sebastian was a bit thrilled. That was the first time that Morgan mentioned Ian in front of him. And Sebastian had always admired Ian, lucky Morgan that had got to act with him. ''The Macbeth cast threw a Queen themed party and Ian was dressed as Freddie Mercury with King Duncan's prop crown and sceptre. The man is 79 and knows how to party.'' Sebastian was so caught up that he had forgotten that he was in the middle of a celebrity party. ''But the best part was when Marcus, the actor who played Macbeth, showed up fully dressed as Darth Vader with the only purpose of recreating that legendary picture of Freddie sitting on his shoulders. And they did it.'' she looked for something in her phone. ''Here's the picture. Not many people had seen it, believe me.'' Sebastian was amazed for many reasons. First of all, there was Ian McKellen dressed as Freddie Mercury. Then, this picture belonged in a period of time when Morgan wasn't famous yet. And Sebastian knew very little of those times and he wanted to find out more. ''This is brilliant. I can't believe you witnessed this. And who were you at this party?'' Morgan scrolled to the next picture. There was Morgan, dressed in some 70's rock attire and with a blonde wig. ''Roger Taylor. Queen's drummer.'' ''This is epic''. This picture proved that two years ago Morgan was as beautiful as she was now. Even with a deep blonde wig and those weird clothes. ''Yeah, I kind of enjoy those fancy dress parties. I'm planning to throw one for Halloween but I don't have a theme yet.'' ''Am I invited to that one? I don't want to miss it.'' ''As long as you show up dressed according to the theme you'll be admitted.'' Sebastian looked around, looking at the people that were surrounding them, deciding that they won't be missed if they disappeared. ''Let's get out of here'' he grabbed her hand and walked towards the door. ''Why? Where?'' she was a bit confused by his sudden change of plans. ''To get some decent food. I'm not going to sign up to the shrimp loving club. Not today Satan.'' ''Sebastian, darling... most of your ideas are quite a disaster but this one... is spot on.''
P.S. Finally Morgan andd Sebastian are getting on well on well. Just a little. 
And sorry for the Doctor Who references.
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