#apparently it had been 10 days since my last drawing
pocket-notebook · 1 year
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He can't be tied down ... just yet
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 months
Fandom is so nice to Jiang Cheng's inferiority complex because in reality every single thing he gets accused of is something Wei Wuxian is better at than him.
Jiang Cheng killed Wei Wuxian? Nope. Didn't even get close. Wei Wuxian's own spirits tore him apart before jc could even get there. wwx:1 jc:0
Jiang Cheng tortures people? We get two and a half rumours and a mention from jin ling that jc has 'captured' demonic cultivators before, but who is also apparently confident that just letting wwx run off will kill the issue even though those earlier rumours said ~no one who sandu shengshou captured was ever seen again~
The word jiang cheng uses when he tries to talk big game about 'beating the truth' out of Wei Wuxian's is a word that carries the context of pestering someone to do their homework. Doesn't exactly strike fear into my heart.
Wei Wuxian? Excellent at torture. A prodigy. Did you fucking see what he did to Wen Chao? Dude didn't have fingers anymore because wei wuxian made him eat them. He ripped out his hair, burned his skin off, and then stalked him for several days just to prolong the pain. He forced Wang Lingjiao to bite Wen Chao's dick off and then made her shove a stool leg down her own throat! 10/10, no notes. Absolutely horrifying.
Meanwhile Jiang Cheng's idea of torture is getting a dog to bark at Wei Wuxian for a few seconds. Weak, unoriginal, I bet fairy was literally wagging her tail the whole time. 2-0
Jiang Cheng made the entire cultivation world believe Wei Wuxian was up to no good on the burial mounds and ultimately orchestrated his downfall? lol. lmao, even
It's a big thing in certain corners of the fandom to really zoom in one one particular phrase at the end of chapter 73, where after wwx and jc have their staged duel to make the world believe they hate each other jiang cheng tells everyone wwx has defected and become "a public enemy'' or "an enemy to the cultivation world" or whatever the translation you're familiar with decided upon.
(As an aside, something I really like about this line is that the last half of it is almost exactly the same, like verbatim, as what wwx told him to say. like, the chapter is really hammering home just how much jc is speaking from a script here. wwx tells jc to say "今后魏无羡无论做出什么事,都与云梦江氏无关." and jc says "今后无论此人有何动作,一概与云梦江氏无关" the only meaningful difference is that he says 'this person' instead of wwx's name)
I've seen it said that this bit, the use of 'enemy' was said without wei wuxian's approval, that jc deviated from the script just to hurt his ex-shixiong for leaving him. And that this is what caused all the other clans to turn against wei wuxian. Regardless of if this is what jc and wwx discussed, or if jc had malicious motivations for it (considering my conclusions above, you can guess where i fall) it doesn't really matter, because the novel tells us when the clans completely freak out and become convinced wei wuxian is out to get them (though of course they've been wringing their hands about it since the literal day wwx ran off with the wen, months before jiang cheng visited) very neatly in chapter 75!
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It's when they find out about Wen Ning.
And how do they find out about Wen Ning?
Because Wei Wuxian took him on nighthunts! And they kicked ass!
...Wei Wuxian, my man, why are you on nighthunts??? Why are you showing off your incredibly cool sentient fierce corpse buddy, who is way better and stronger than all the other fierce corpses, in front of the whole cultivation world??
Whatever his motivations (extra money, maybe?? they were strapped for crash) I can only draw the conclusion wwx had already given up on appearing calm or non-threatening and didn't care if the clans thought he was a threat, because they'd believe whatever they wanted anyway. Which he seems to clearly be aware of the whole time.
Regardless, we know that this is what created the myth of the Yiling patriarch. It's literally when the title first shows up!
Even if you really believe jc was secretly plotting against wwx in chapter 73, he's clearly doing a shit job of it because nothing he said made anywhere near as big an impact as this. Flopped!
The other point people use to argue Jiang Cheng caused wei wuxian's downfall is Jin Guangyao's speech in Guanyin temple about how jiang cheng could have saved wei wuxian if only he stood by him. Setting aside that jin guangyao is trying to get into jiang cheng's head here, and isn't necessarily saying what he really believes (though it very well might be! who knows with a character like jgy. assuming he's always lying is just as misleading as assuming he's always saying the truth) the fact is, if you read the speech closely, what he's talking about is not the 'public enemy' line, he's talking about the bond between them. The fact that people wanted wei wuxian out of yunmeng jiang, because the two were too powerful together.
He's talking about that one time Jiang Cheng very publically kicked wei wuxian out of the sect!
Which, unbeknownst to Jin Guangyao, was in fact Wei Wuxian's idea the whole time.
final score: 3 for you wei wuxian, you go wei wuxian! And nothing for Jiang Cheng bye.
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
Home Run (NSFW) Ft. Sohee
The winner of poll for Wednesday’s fic. Hope y'all enjoy.
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Sohee had always loved baseball for the entirety of your relationship. It was so all-consuming that you often wondered if she loved the "sport" more than you. You couldn't stand the sport however mostly because of its glacial pace, and lack of stacks in moment-to-moment play. Rugby was more your speed, but you learned the tells and watched 4 full seasons of Eagles games. at this point, you knew the sport almost inside and out begrudgingly, but you loved Sohee and she did make it worth your while. when watching the last game of the season you partially zoned out as a new game on the switch came out. so you were enjoying that Muted so Sohee could get the full experience of watching her team. As the game winded down you looked towards the stat sheet to catch up on what was going on.
"Ugh well, there goes our chance at playoffs." Sohee groaned indicating that both the game and her team's season were over.
Absent you say, "Their playoff hopes were dashed ages ago and until they do something about their offensive play then they will continue to fall behind the pack."
Sohee turns to you surprised, "How do you know this she challenged
"Well, defensively they are great 12 strikeouts to 8 is insane, they also had a similar number of at-bats, hits, and batting averages. the disparity comes in runs batted in and bases on ball which contributed to an early lead for the Giants that was just too much to overcome. You explained without looking up from your switch.
"but other games have been closer!" Sohee asserted confidently.
at this point, you look up from your switch to smile at your lovely girlfriend and say, "Baby I love you but your team finished 9 out of 10 in the rankings this year. I know you say it's not a "numbers" game and there is more to it than stats but in this specific case the numbers don't lie." To soften the sting you kiss her cheek.
Sohee smiles and says, "Since when did you become an expert on my team."
"Babe," you groan, "We have watched this entire season. Now I know they are not the same team as last year but at least for this season, they had offensive issues. That much is apparent with how many games ended in one-sided games of 7-2 or 8-0, or..." Sohee seeing your point kisses you before you start running more numbers off. Quiet as it's kept she would always get so turned on when you talked baseball. She was dripping wet when she straddled you as the kiss languished into a full make-out.
"Someone's feeling frisky." you tease.
"I just can't help it. When my boyfriend knows his stuff it makes me all excited." Sohee replies demurely, she would never admit it to you but whenever you started getting super into the stats and numbers her head would begin to spin with arousal and she always had to resist the urge to just drain you then and there. Today though you were both off for the next couple of days so she could fuck you as long as she wanted. She began the horizontal tango by pushing down on the couch as she began to kiss you more fervently.
"Um, babe I hate to kill the mood but can I ask that you give me one second to let go of the switch." You asked as she broke the kiss to breathe.
"hm," Sohee huffed.
"Hey I can't massage your ass the way you like if I don't have both my hands." you tease. Sohee smiled gleefully and let you go. you run to the dock to place your switch before going back to her, and she wastes no time returning to her attack on your body, but you are not merely prey. you counterattack her kisses of your neck and collarbone by massaging her bountiful rump. She mewls in pleasure eager to egg you on. As the two of you kiss her tongue is the first to explore your mouth. She draws you in and refuses to relinquish control as she has her tongue dance along the whole of your mouth. when she breaks the kiss to breathe a trail of saliva links the two of you together still Sohee licks her lips and purrs before unfastening your belt. You groan in pleasure as she fishes out your cock and begins to suck on it. you try not to push her down as her cheeks hollow and she takes you further than ever, but the comfort and warmth of her throat cause you to buck your hips which leads to a further loss of control as you begin to relentlessly fuck her throat. You watch as your girlfriend's eyes roll back as you continue to use her throat to pleasure you. the sounds of gags break the silence of your shared apartment, as she submits to you wholly and completely. You continue to use her throat with reckless abandon
You don't stop until you feel your release and cum down her throat. As you sense, you see Sohee stare at you with a look she has never displayed before. She gets up and smiles at you lustfully. "You like using me like a little fuckdoll?" she says with angered lust.
"You like just using my throat like it's your toy?" she pressures. She begins to corner you and of course, this leads to the bedroom. she pushes you down and begins to suck your cock again. you groan as she takes you down her throat, but this time it's different as she begins to manipulate her throat muscles in a way that's foreign but insane to you.
"Oh God," you scream as Sohee works over your cock. Sohee smiles and eggs you on
"You gonna cum for mommy. Come on cum down Mommy's throat like the good boy you are and I just might let you fuck my pussy." You can't hold out much longer as Sohee continues to relentlessly suck and gorge herself on your rod before you cum again, but she's not done with you yet. she begins to rub your cock to get it hard again
Your overwhelmed body barely can stop the moan of pleasure and discomfort as Sohee takes you inside. She smiles at Sickly while watching you squirm under her.
“Babe please stop,” you beg but Sohee begins to ride you oblivious to your discomfort she chases her high.
“Oh I just love how you fill me up,” she says as she begins her deadly body roll her tight tummy hypnotizes you as she continues grinding on your cock. She continues to chase her release despite your protests. You groan and wince as she pushes you further and further past your
limits, while she loses herself more and more to pleasure. Eventually, you pass out.
When you wake up your head is pounding as you feel something wet and tight on your crotch it's Sohee. She's passed out while you're still inside her. You chuckle and adjust so the two of you can cuddle together. When you get into a comfortable position Sohee nestles closer.
“I may not know baseball but you are my favorite home run,” you say as you fall asleep again
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cheoliehansolie · 2 months
Green Mangoes
Summary: When Chan catches you eating green mangoes, he can't help but spiral.
Word Count: ~ 2.3k
Pairing: Lee Chan x fem reader
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy
an: This was something that I mainly wrote for myself because I found it funny in my head so if it's not funny or entertaining, that's why. As always, if you liked reading this, please reblog or leave a comment. If you have any suggestions or you just want to talk, send me an ask and we can be friends 💕
To read more, check out my masterlist.
You had been up for a few hours enjoying the little alone time you get since you moved in with your boyfriend. You and Chan recently moved in together and while you love spending time with him, sometimes you miss living on your own which is why you find comfort in the silent mornings.
Chan got home pretty late last night from practice which is why he was in bed at 10:30 in the morning. It was a win-win situation, you got your morning alone and Chan got to make up for the sleep he missed out on.
You had spent your morning making breakfast and reading once you finished eating, and now you were sitting on your couch nursing a cup of tea and watching an Indian comedy show. Normally when you and Chan watch TV together, you steer clear of those types of shows since Chan won’t be able to understand them. 
But now with Chan sound asleep in your bedroom, you’re giggling quietly to yourself as you watch the different skits unfold on screen. To your surprise, less than five minutes later, you hear the door of your shared bedroom open and out walks your sleepy boyfriend, hair adorably messy.
“Good morning, babe.” you say from your seat on the couch.
“Morning.” he says tiredly as he makes his way to the couch to join you.
“I didn’t wake you, right?” you ask, concern lacing your voice as you card your fingers through his disheveled hair. 
Chan melts into your touch and responds, “No, I didn’t feel like staying in bed any longer. I also wanted to cuddle with you but you weren’t there any more.” he whines.
“Aww, well I’m here now so we can cuddle. Let me just get situated” you say.
You put your empty tea mug on the coffee table in front of you and lift the blanket on your lap gesturing for him to join you. Chan wastes no time getting comfy under the blanket and wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Do you want me to change the channel?” you ask, drawing attention to the comedy show playing on the TV.
“No, it’s fine. I’m not really paying attention to it anyways.” he says and you feel him drawing small shapes on your body.
“Suit yourself.” you say as you bring your attention back to the show.
A few minutes later, you’re still snuggled into Chan’s arms and you find yourself letting out a soft scandalized gasp at the conversation unfolding on screen.
“What happened?” Chan asks, instantly curious as he peers up at your face through his lashes.
“Basically, those two people on stage are husband and wife and they’re talking about an argument they had. See that guy standing to the side?” you ask, pointing to the screen.
“Yeah, what about him?”
“He said something along the lines of ‘stop giving her reasons to argue with you and instead give her a reason to eat green mangoes’ to the husband.”
“What does that mean?” Chan asks, enjoying listening to you explain things to him.
“Apparently women crave sour foods when they’re pregnant so the other guy is basically telling the husband to get his wife pregnant.”
Your boyfriend chuckles slightly and he doesn’t think much of the conversation as he continues snuggling into your side. But a few days later, he’s instantly reminded of that moment as he stands in the entryway of your shared living room.
Chan had spent the entire day in the studio working with Sonnyoung and the other Performance Team members to think of choreography for their upcoming comeback, but they had hit a wall. Soonyoung decided to let the guys go sooner than expected because everyone was getting frustrated.
Chan was excited that he’s able to leave earlier so he can spend more time with you. He didn’t tell you he was coming home sooner so he could surprise you but when he comes in, he sees you scrolling on your phone, mid snack.
Normally he would be happy that you were remembering to take breaks to rest and eat, but standing there in the door frame of your living room, he feels like he can’t breathe. There you are sitting peacefully on the couch with a small glass bowl next to you, phone in one hand, fork in the other. Skewered on the fork is none other than a piece of green mango.
As you bring the fork to your mouth, you realize that your boyfriend is silently standing a few feet away from you.
“Oh my god, babe! Why are you just standing there? You scared me!” you complain.
Shocked by your sudden outburst, Chan’s broken out of his spiraling thoughts and brought back to the present moment.
“Sorry, I was zoning out.” Chan feebly explains as he makes his way to the couch.
“Why’re you home so early? I thought practice wasn’t supposed to end until later?”
“It was supposed to end later, but we hit a wall and nothing was getting done so Hoshi hyung let us leave early.” 
“Ahh, I see. I still have a little work left to do, so I’m gonna go finish that. I should be done soon and we can spend time together after.”
“Okay, I’ll be here. Don’t overwork yourself, it’s not good for you.” Chan says with a small smile on his face as you get up and make your way to your desk.
Once you leave, Chan can’t help but wonder why you didn’t say anything about being pregnant. Were you not planning on telling him yet? He did come home earlier than anticipated today. Maybe you were eating the mango because you thought he wouldn’t be here to see you.
Chan spends the next two hours obsessively googling about how to support your partner through pregnancy. After reading a bunch of different articles, Chan decides that he won’t bring up the pregnancy unless you do. You have the right to tell him whenever you feel comfortable, and he figures that maybe you’re still trying to come to terms with it yourself and he doesn’t want to add more pressure to that. 
A few minutes later, you return to the living room ready to spend time with your boyfriend after a long day.
“Hey babe.” Chan says when he sees you. “Do you need anything?”
“No, I’m fine. I just finished work so now we can make dinner together.”
“You want to make dinner? Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Chan asks, immediately worried that you could be overworking yourself.
“Okay I know I’m not as good at cooking as Mingyu, but my food isn’t that bad!” you whine, softly hitting Chan’s shoulder.
“Babe, that’s not what I meant.” Chan whines. “I just thought you’ve been working a lot lately and you should take a break. I’ll make dinner for us tonight, you should rest.”
“Ooookay.” you say, feeling suspicious as to what Chan’s doing.
“What do you want for dinner? Are you craving anything?” Chan asks.
“Hmm, not really. Why don’t you surprise me?”
“Okay, one surprise coming right up!” Chan exclaims dramatically as he saunters off into the kitchen, enticing a few giggles from you.
You couldn’t help but feel a little weird that Chan was being a bit too nice, but you decide to overlook it and enjoy your time alone on the couch. A little less than an hour later, your boyfriend returns to the living room announcing that dinner is ready.
Before you can get up to go to the kitchen to grab your plate, Chan places a plate of hot food in front of you.
“You made my favorite!” you exclaim as you toss your phone to the side to take the plate from Chan’s hands.
“I tried my best, but I don’t know if it tastes as good as when you make it.” he says sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck.
“Well, it smells great and even if it does taste bad – which I doubt it does – I’ll still eat it since you made it for me.” you say with a reassuring smile on your face.
Taking a bite of the food in front of you, you can’t help it when your eyes widen at the taste.
“What? Does it not taste good?” Chan asks.
“Babe, it tastes really good. I love it.” you say with a bright smile as you continue eating.
“I’m glad.” Chan says softly. He couldn’t help but feel proud of himself.
The rest of the meal is filled with the two of you laughing at each other’s jokes and talking about your respective days. Before you know it, the plates in front of you are empty.
When you’re about to get up to do the dishes and clean the kitchen, Chan stops you.
“What’re you doing?” Chan asks you.
“I’m going to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen?” you say, confused as to why he finds this strange.
Normally when one of you cooks, the other person cleans. Since Chan cooked for the both of you today, it seemed obvious to you that you would be on clean up duty today.
“Let me clean, you sit and rest.” Chan says as he tries to take the plate from your hand.
“Rest from what, Chan? I’ve been sitting on this couch for the past 2 hours doing nothing but resting. What’s gotten into you today?” you ask as you firmly hold the plate in your hand, refusing to let him take it from you.
“I just thought you could use the extra rest, given your condition and all.” Chan says.
“‘Given my condition’? What’s that supposed to mean? I’m totally fine.” you say, slightly agitated.
Chan mentally facepalms himself. He told himself that he wouldn’t bring up the pregnancy unless you did and now here he was, bringing up the pregnancy.
“You know what, never mind.” Chan says, trying to brush it off.
You weren’t gonna let him off that easily.
“What do you mean never mind? You just insinuated that there’s something wrong with me and I need to rest, but now when I ask you about it you won’t say anything? What’s up with that?” you ask him.
“Well, I just didn’t want to pressure you into talking about it if you weren’t ready. I didn’t know if you wanted to share it with me or not.” Chan says.
“Pressure me into talking about what? Chan, you’re going to have to explain yourself a little more clearly because I’m completely lost.” you say, becoming less angry and more confused.
“The pregnancy!” Chan exclaims. “I know that you’re pregnant but I didn’t want to bring it up in case you didn’t want to talk about it yet. A bunch of articles online said not to bring it up unless you brought up the topic yourself and I didn’t want to pressure you into telling me you’re pregnant.”
There’s a few beats of silence as you try to process the words that just came out of your boyfriend’s mouth.
“Pregnant? Babe, I’m not pregnant. Who told you I’m pregnant?”
“Wait, you’re not pregnant?” Chan asks. Now it was his turn to be confused.
“No, and if I was pregnant, you would be the first person I would tell. I wouldn’t keep that from you. But why’d you think I’m pregnant?”
“I don’t wanna tell you, you’re gonna laugh at me.” Chan whines, hiding his face in his hands.
“Babe, I promise I won’t laugh at you. Can you please, please, please tell me why you thought I was pregnant? If you don't, I'm just gonna assume that you think I’ve gained weight.”
“No, it’s not that. It’s just,” Chan pauses and takes a deep breath, “you were eating a green mango when I got home earlier and I remember you telling me a few days ago that women crave sour foods when they’re pregnant so I just kinda assumed. Ugh, it sounds so stupid when I say it out loud.”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of your chest. You were trying so hard not to laugh at your boyfriend, but you couldn’t help it. You just found it so funny that he would jump to conclusions like that.
“Hey, you said you wouldn’t laugh at me.” Chan whines as he lifts his face from his hands.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t help it. It’s a little funny, you have to admit.” you say as you lean closer to give him a comforting hug.
“Okay, maybe it is a little funny.” Chan says as he lets out a small giggle.
“See! You can’t blame me!” you say as you burst into another fit of giggles.
Once the two of you have finally calmed down, you’re both reminded of the small mess in front of you and the bigger mess in the kitchen.
“So, since I know you’re not pregnant, do you wanna clean the kitchen for me?” Chan asks.
“What happened to ‘I’ll clean, you should rest on the couch’?” you ask, teasing him.
“Fine, I guess since I offered, I’ll follow through. I am a man of my word.” Chan says, determination heavy in his voice.
“I’m just kidding, of course I’ll clean up.” you say.
“Fine, but at least let me help.” Chan says.
“If you want to help, I’m not gonna stop you.” you say as the two of you make your way into the kitchen.
When you get to the entryway of the kitchen, you can’t help but just stand there with your eyes wide.
“Lee Jung Chan! Look at the mess you made! I can’t believe you! You dirtied every dish in this house!” you exclaim as you scold him.
Chan silently wishes that he didn’t take up the offer to help you clean. The entire time the two of you spent cleaning the kitchen was filled with you nagging him about the mess he made. But he knows he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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dinodanicus · 5 months
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you can skip this wall of text its just about the scam this illustration was involved in.
This fairly ordinary illustration of two hands holding was involved in a very weird and convoluted scam. Last month I was commission to illustrate this image for invitations meant to go out for a supposed wedding anniversary coming up in March. The whole commission seemed odd to me I mainly draw dinosaurs and aliens. Not many people know I also draw people but the buyer who called himself Petterson Reid was offering to pay 300 up front and 200 after the work was finished. A nice offer for what was a very simple illustration. I took the job and sent him a very rough sketch of the hands to show him what the final image might look like. He liked the sketch and told me to finish the image after he sent the first payment I went ahead and finished the image that night. I held onto the picture to see if he would really send the 300 dollars first. The buyer wanted to send a check by mail which is weird but I thought he might have been a boomer who didn't understand how to use PayPal. His emails and text seemed like something my grandmother would write very proper and overly polite. I was fairly suspicious of him and waited to see if a check would actually be delivered. To my surprise a check did arrive a week later from Petterson Reid except it was for 2,790 dollars. knowing this was far too much money I asked him if it was a mistake. He said the extra money was for a PayPal invoice to the printers involved in the invitations. He wanted me to use the extra money on the check to pay the printers on his behalf. Again very weird but I chalked it up to an old person who didn't know how to pay online. I cashed the check the next day, since it was from an out of state bank they were putting it on hold for 3 days to see if the funds would clear. I told the buyer about the three day waiting period and asked for the invoice I was suppose to be paying and he went absolutely ape shit. He claimed I was trying to steal his money and was threatening to pursue legal action I was completely shocked by the change in attitude. I had to mute my phone because he kept sending wave after wave of threatening texts. At this point I was 90% sure this was some sort of scam but when I called the bank they said there was nothing to do until the hold expired. I was confident it wouldn't then to my surprise the check cleared and the money was in my account. At this point I had the finished artwork and the money so I wanted to get this crazy asshole on his way so I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. I told him to send the invoice for the printer and I would pay it with the money on the check then I would send the picture and our business would be done. This prick sends some half assed looking invoice with a payable link on PayPal. When I try to pay, it says payment will be held till Feb 7th. Apparently this date is too late for the printers so now that processing payment has been canceled by the printer in favor of a new payment process through Zelle. I was trying to figure out what was going on, if its a scam what is the take the entirety of the check was still in my account it didn't even say it was pending. I go to pay on Zelle and discover the 2,790 dollars has been rescinded by the bank. I call and learn this ass hair had sent a forged check to the bank in an effort to have me pay these fake invoices with my own money. He guessed the bank would deposit the check without fully vetting it for the standard 10 days since I'm a long time member. He knew he had until about five a clock that day before the bank would catch the discrepancy. He was posing as the printer in order to scam 4,740 dollars from me through both attempted payment methods. luckily for me I'm broke as hell right now and didn't have the money in my own account to cover either payment with out the check. everything has been taken care of now I just thought I better share this story since I've never seen a scam like this before. It took an entire month for him to essentially get nothing I really don't know what to think of any of this its such a weird scheme.
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anonymousreader4d7 · 24 days
Hermit-a-day (May 2024) Full Hermits (+Jimmy) Lineup
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Here's my single sheet of all the Hermits (+Jimmy!) I've drawn so far! Hopefully the resolution is good enough you can see them all... I'm really pleased with how they all turned out - especially since there's 31 of them here (33 counting the hidden second Impulse skin and Bdubs without his moss coat...) And this doesn't include my Group Hermits drawings... Lots of Hermits! Granted, I didn't do all of them during the month, I had, like, the first 10+ done beforehand but still... That's a lot of Hermits drawn during this month!!!
One last time, thanks @hermitadaymay for running this whole thing for us - it's been amazing getting your encouraging feedback/comments, seeing everyone else's drawings, and seeing your comments on theirs as well! I've had a great time, and I'm already looking forward to both catch-up in June, and next year!!! (But take your time and don't overwork yourself!!!)
I would've put all the individual designs below a cut, but apparently that's too many images, XD. So, have a few of the designs that are hidden/not shown in the image above, including Evil X...
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...I only just noticed Cyber Impulse doesn't have his S earrings... oh well, I'm not fixing it right now -> just imagine he has them still, XD.
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punkshort · 11 months
Chapter warnings: smut (m masturbation), language
Chapter Three
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Pairing: Joel x F!Reader, pre-outbreak and post outbreak
AU (the only thing I kept was the outbreak, Joel, and Tommy's characters. Joel's backstory is different, and the way he finds Jackson is different. I may include Ellie one day, I just haven't planned that far)
Fic Summary: You worked for Joel and Tommy a few months before the outbreak. The outbreak happens, and you and Joel get stuck traveling the country and keeping each other safe. Neither of you spoke about the feelings you had for one another pre-outbreak, and in a post-apocalyptic world, it seems like survival should be your only focus. But feelings can't be ignored forever.
Fic tags: Explicit Smut (18+ MDNI), Smut, Language, Canon-Typical Violence, Alcohol Use, Age Difference (Reader is 10 years younger than Joel), slow burn, mutual pining, angst, trauma, SA referencing later but I will put a big warning on those chapters
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You were nervous about the office dynamic once you broke up with Justin. That following Monday, you walked into the department and risked a glance over to his desk. He was hunched over his keyboard, burying himself in some report, looking mildly panicked. You frowned as you made your way to your chair and slunk down, punching in your password while you waited for your computer to boot up.
Colleen popped up quietly behind you.
"Sooooo? How was camping?” she whispered with a huge grin on her face. "Tell me all the details!”
She propped herself against the edge of your desk, trying not to draw Justin’s attention.
“I broke up with him,” you whispered back, eyes wide. You needed to tell someone, your nerves were on fire. You knew you shouldn’t have told the queen of gossip, but people would have figured it out soon enough. Colleen’s jaw dropped.
"What?! Why?” she whispered back, but louder than the first time. You put a finger up to your lips, indicating she was being too loud.
"I don’t know, I just don’t feel the same way he does. He’s a sweet guy, but there’s no spark. I didn’t want to lead him on,” you told her, and turned back to your computer, opening your email program.
“Well, your timing couldn’t have been more perfect. I don’t think he’s got the time to be upset over it. He came in this morning to an email from Joel, with Heather cc’d, wanting a full breakdown on the 401K contributions for the past 6 months. Apparently, he caught some discrepancy, and he wants answers first thing this morning,” she said, raising her head a few inches to glance over the top of your cubical wall in his direction. “He must be shitting his pants; Joel never contacts any of us directly. I don’t think he even knows most of our names.”
You felt guilty as relief flooded through you. At least there was a distraction from the elephant in the room.
About an hour later, Heather came to collect Justin. He followed her out of the room with a folder tucked under his arm and nervously running a hand through his hair. As he walked by your desk, he gave you a tight-lipped smile, which you returned. At least he wasn’t the type of guy to be an asshole about being dumped.
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It had been three hours since Justin and Heather left for their meeting. At this point, his absence was painfully obvious to the whole room, and everybody had given up on trying to be discreet.
The whole department had rolled their desk chairs out to the openings of their respective cubes so they could all see one another as they gossiped and speculated wildly. All except for you. You tried your best to stay out of it, but you kept overhearing everyone’s chatter, and it was incredibly distracting.
“They couldn’t possibly still be talking about a minor discrepancy, could they?” one person asked.
“No way, something happened by now. Oh my God, what if he was stealing from our 401Ks? I read a newspaper article about someone doing that last week!”
“Oh come on, Justin wouldn’t do that,” Colleen chimed in. “I bet they finished up their meeting a long time ago, and he and Heather are in her office doing a deeper dive into the numbers together.”
Everyone went quiet for half a second when the electronic beeping of the door keypad caught the attention of the room. Chairs were hurriedly being pushed back up against desks, and fingers furiously typed, trying to log back into computers that had been long asleep during the gossip.
Heather walked into the hushed room with an empty banker’s box in her hands and headed straight for Justin’s desk. She set it down on his chair and turned to address the room openly.
"Hey guys, I’m sorry I didn’t have the time to call a formal meeting, but I wanted to tell you all personally before the email from HR comes out... Justin quit this morning.” She paused when a couple of people quietly gasped and exchanged looks. “Now I know we are going to have some big shoes to fill, I may call upon some of you to help and do some overtime until we can find a suitable candidate to take his position. As always, if any of you want to recommend anyone you know, my door is always open. But for now, we will just have to make do. Does anyone have any questions? You know I like to be transparent with you.”
Heather glanced around the room of stunned faces. Everyone was wondering the same question, but nobody had the nerve to ask it, until Debbie spoke up from behind you.
"Why did he quit? Was it Joel?” She was standing outside her cube, frowning with her arms crossed, no doubt feeling some residual anger from when Cheryl quit just a few short months ago. Your boss sighed, and slowly nodded.
"Yes. Well, yes and no. Joel really grilled him in that meeting this morning, it went a full hour. I did everything I could to take some of the heat, but Joel was just dialed in on Justin today, I don’t know what got into him. He had a million questions, one after another, and it eventually got to a point where he was outright questioning Justin’s job performance and skillset. It finally got to be too much for him, and Justin announced he was quitting.” Heather paused for a moment and looked around the room at the team. She turned and pulled Justin’s chair from his desk, moving the empty box to the floor. She sat down, looking as if she was exhausted from just recounting the events from the meeting. She rubbed her pointer and middle fingers against her temples for a moment, and then continued.
“Joel didn’t say anything wrong; this is his company, and he has every right to ask those questions… he just has such a harsh way of addressing things. It is a lot to handle. I managed to grab Justin at the elevators and took him back to my office for a while. I tried to convince him to stay but he just wouldn’t hear it, he had his mind made up. I’m sorry guys, I really tried. I know this will put a burden on some of you, I will do my best to fill the position as soon as I can.”
The keypad that operated the door started chiming, and in walked Mike from the mailroom. He had his head down, looking at the pile of mail in his cart, bopping along to the music feeding through his CD player and into his headphones, oblivious to the awkwardness in the room. He stopped at your desk like usual and dropped a big stack of envelopes in your inbox, gave you a quick smile, and turned to leave.
Heather quietly began filling the box with Justin’s personal effects, looking like she desperately needed a cigarette or a coffee break. Or both.
You exchanged a quick glance with Colleen, one that said ‘we are definitely going to talk more about this when she leaves’. Then you noticed the envelope at the very top of your mail pile: Sullivan Agency, LLC.
Your heart thudded in your chest. It was a strange feeling – your body was waging a war within you: relief vs fear. Relief that you didn’t have to pay Mr. Sullivan’s balance out of your paycheck, but fear that you would now have to go to Joel’s office as he requested and tell him about the check.
You shakily opened the envelope and sure enough, as promised, was a check for the full balance due on his account.
You stood up, feeling slightly lightheaded as you made your way over to Heather. She jumped slightly when you quietly said her name.
"I just got the check from Mr. Sullivan. What should I do? Should I just email Joel and tell him it came, or do we really have to go to his office?”
You prayed she would tell you to just email him, but unfortunately, she said “We should tell him in person, I don’t want to make him even more mad.” She stopped organizing Justin’s picture frames and buried her face in her hands for a moment, trying to collect herself. She raised her head up, clasped her hands in front of her mouth in thought, then turned in the chair towards you.
“I really hate to ask you this… do you mind going up to his office by yourself? He’s had enough of me today, and quite frankly I’ve had enough of him, too. He seemed to take a liking to you, it won’t be that bad, it'll be quick.”
She looked at you hopefully, desperately, eyes begging, but followed up with “If you are really uncomfortable, I can go with you, it’s just...” her gaze drifted back to Justin’s desk, and the enormity of just how much work this put on her plate was likely hitting home. Updating a job description, meeting with HR, creating the job posting, screening applicants… the list went on.
You shook your head, always the people pleaser you said, “I got it, don’t worry, I will go up there right now and just get it over with."
You gave her a small smile as relief flooded her face. Heather asked if you were sure, and you promised her you were. Before your resolve broke, you turned on your heel and left, heading towards the elevator. 
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The moment the elevator opened and you stepped out onto the 10th floor, your heart lept into your throat. The nerves were finally catching up with you. You looked up and saw a small desk situated between two closed doors. Behind the desk sat a kindly looking older woman. She had hair so grey that it looked almost blue, and it was woven on top of her head into a conical shape. She looked up at you through her plastic pink framed glasses, which were adorned with a chain that wrapped around the back of her neck so she wouldn’t lose them. She smiled at you warmly, her bright pink lipstick somewhat smudged on her front tooth and beckoned you over. Your eyes flicked to her name plate - Ruby Potter - as you returned her smile and walked over.
“Hi there, dear, who are you here to see?”
“I’m here to see Mr. Miller," you said without thinking. Ruby chuckled.
"Dear, they are both ‘Mr. Miller’. Which one?”
"J-Joel, I’m here to see Joel. I have a check for him," you stuttered, your cheeks warming from embarrassment.
She picked up her phone and punched one of the buttons on her speed dial, lazily lifting the headset to her ear.
"You have an accountant here to see you,” she said. She had forgotten to ask your name. You tried to mouth it to her, but she waved you away, as if she did this all the time. You couldn’t hear the words on the other end of the phone, but you could hear the tone – it was sharp and aggravated. Ruby seemed unphased. Once the other end of the line went silent, Ruby said “So do you want me to send her in, or not?” She nodded with whatever Joel said in response and hung up the phone.
“Go right on in, dear. His office is that one.” She languidly pointed to her right, your left, and then turned her attention back to her computer. You took a moment to appreciate the elderly woman’s ease. She clearly dealt with Joel’s wrath countless times, yet she was completely collected. In fact, she sat before you, well past her retirement years, working directly for the man himself without a care in the world.
That gave you a small confidence boost. If Ruby could handle Joel, so could you. Afterall, it’s just words. You had a job to do, you did nothing wrong, you are here because he requested it. 
You approached Joel’s office door and gently gave it three quiet knocks. You waited until you heard his acknowledgement to enter. You twisted the doorknob, opened the door just enough so you could squeeze through, and shut it behind you.
Shit, maybe you should have left it cracked. Too late now.
Your eyes locked onto the back of his tall, broad frame as he stood facing away from you, one of his arms resting above his head against the window. He was overlooking the city through the floor length windows as he finished up a call on his cell phone.
You had no idea what he said on the phone, you were far more distracted with how large and strong his shoulders looked in his white button-down shirt. Your gaze slowly traveled down, taking in his dark grey dress pants and noticing how generously they hugged his backside. You only wished he had rolled his sleeves up to his elbows like before - you wanted to see his muscles twitching under that tanned skin again. You watched in a daze as he lifted his arm from the window and ran his long fingers through his dark curls, wrapping up the phone call.
Get it together, what is wrong with you??
He pushed a button on his cell and began speaking without even turning around.
"What do you need now? I already told you-“ Joel swiveled around to see you standing before him, eyes wide, nervously clutching the envelope in your hands from Mr. Sullivan. He stopped short when he realized you weren’t Heather, and his expression softened a fraction. You must have surprised him, because before he could catch himself, he was raking his eyes up and down your entire frame, sending a shiver up the back of your spine. You were grateful you happened to wear your most flattering light blue sundress today. You thought this morning when you put it on that it would give you the confidence to get through seeing Justin at work for the first time since your break up. You never thought you would need that confidence for this moment.
You meekly cleared your throat.
"I’m sorry, Mr. Miller. You wanted me to tell you when Mr. Sullivan’s check came…” you trailed off, your cheeks feeling warm under his intense gaze. You needed to look somewhere else. You glanced down at the now crumpled envelope in your hand and stretched out your arm to eagerly show him your prize. You were at least 10 feet away from him, barely inside his office at all. It looked ridiculous; he obviously couldn’t take it from you at this range.
He nodded, pursing his lips, and then showed mercy on you when he finally looked away to take the few short strides back to his desk chair. He sat down, glancing back up at you expectantly from across the room.
"Sit.” he ordered, motioning towards one of the two chairs placed in front of his desk.
You responded to his command quickly, and you thought you saw a twitch at the corner of his mouth, but it disappeared too fast for you to be sure.  You sat down in one of the chairs, shifting uncomfortably in your seat as you waited while he scrolled through his emails, looking bored. Looking down at the envelope in your hands, you gently fingered the edges in order to focus your energy somewhere. Why did he want you to sit? This should have been a quick conversation.
Joel cleared his throat, and keeping his eyes on the computer monitor, he began to unbutton the cuffs of his dress shirt. First the left sleeve, then the right, taking his time. He began to methodically roll his left sleeve up, up, up all the way to his elbow, before he leisurely did the same to the right sleeve. You didn’t realize your eyes had snapped up when you saw him begin to uncuff his sleeves, so by the time he finished, you had barely blinked and your lips were slightly parted, breath ever so slightly quickening as he finished his task. You didn’t notice your reaction, but out of the corner of his eye, Joel certainly did. He fought to contain the confident smirk that threatened to spill across his face.
He was right, you had been checking him out in that meeting.
“Give it to me,” he said, turning his probing gaze towards you once again. You looked into his dark, beautiful eyes for a moment, not sure what he meant. Then it came to you. The check.
Wordlessly, you outstretched your hand once again to hand him the envelope. Without breaking eye contact, Joel reached out and took the envelope from your grasp, but in the process grazed two long fingers gently against the back of your hand, sending sparks through your entire body at the contact.  You gasped softly, and clamped your mouth shut. You dropped your gaze, embarrassed, while you waited for him to open the envelope and hopefully dismiss you. The tension was too intense, you needed this to end.
Joel didn’t seem to mind the tension in the room, or even notice it for that matter. He slowly opened the envelope and pulled out the check within. He took note of the amount as a small yellow post-it fell out. You hadn’t seen that before in your rush to get up to his office, you had no idea what it said.
Joel picked it up and read it thoughtfully to himself. When he didn’t say anything after a minute, you finally spoke.
"What does it say?” you asked, your voice almost a whisper.
He swallowed before bringing his heated gaze back up to you.
"It says: Thank you for showing me such kindness during my time of need. I’m sorry for the late payment. It won’t happen again.”
You glanced down at your hands in your lap, a small smile threatening to tug at your lips.
“You were right this time, but don’t be naïve. Not everyone is always tellin’ you the truth,” he warned, sliding the check and post-it note back into the envelope. You nodded in agreement, still sheepishly looking down at your hands.
Joel gazed at the top of your head as you stared at your lap. He didn't want the conversation to end.
"You’re doin’ a good job," he told you, pausing to reflect for a moment. "Thank you for making that connection with my client. I’m not good at all that. Talkin’ about their personal stuff. That’s more Tommy’s side of things.” He reached across his desk and held out the envelope for you to take back.
You looked up at his outstretched hand, and careful to avoid touching him again, took it. 
"Thank you, Mr. Miller,” you replied softly, and stood up from your seat.
You gave Joel a quick smile and turned to head towards the door. Halfway to the exit, you stopped and turned back around, finding Joel’s eyes had yet to leave your body.
“I bet you would be good at it," you said, then your eyes widened as you realized how that sounded. “I-I mean, talking to the clients, learning about them, their personal lives…” you rambled as heat spread across your cheeks.
He stared at you for an awkward moment, considering your words.
“Well, I should be getting back to work,” you said, hitching your thumb to the door behind you, but before you could turn away, Joel stopped you.
"Thanks, sweetheart, maybe I’ll try it sometime,” he said, his expression softer.
You nodded and forced yourself to look away from the uncharacteristically relaxed features on his face. You turned to leave the room, but the door suddenly swung open. You nearly lost your balance, but a strong arm shot out to catch you.
“Jesus, Tommy, would ya watch it?” Joel growled from behind his desk, his expression leaving no traces of the softness you had just witnessed.
“Sorry darlin’, didn’t know my brother had anyone in here.” Tommy eyed you up appreciatively and grinned. “I don’t believe we formally met, I’m Tommy,” he stuck out his hand, which you quickly shook and gave him a polite smile, telling him your name.
You hastily made your exit, squeaking out an excuse about work, and shut the door.
“Do ya ever knock?” Joel seethed, but Tommy was too busy staring at the closed door, still thinking about the way your ass looked in your blue dress.
“I’m happy for you, Joel,” Tommy said, ignoring his question, and strolled over to a small cluster of framed pictures on the wall that haven’t been updated since they started the business. He leaned in to examine them more closely. “You need to be gettin’ back out there. I won't even give you any shit for dippin’ your pen in the company ink, like you did to me.”
“The hell you on about?” Joel replied, taking the opportunity to adjust himself under his desk while Tommy’s back was still turned. The way you were blushing and squirming in his office had a bigger effect on him than he thought. And you hadn’t even been trying. Not like him, rolling up his sleeves on purpose to see your reaction. He shuddered to think what it would be like if you actually tried to seduce him. He would be a puddle on the floor.
“Nothin’ was goin’ on, she just brought me a check.” Joel stood and walked around the front of his desk, leaning up against the edge of it, arms crossed and surveying the back of Tommy’s head.
Tommy chuckled, still examining the photos.
“Yeah, right. She was blushin’ like a whore in church when she left. Ya know, you should really get some new pictures in here. Did ya know you still got this old picture of the bunch of us at that rodeo? It’s got Amy in it.”
Joel sucked in air through his clenched teeth, the rest of his hard on instantly disappearing at the mention of her name.
“Sorry, Joel. It’s been so long, we still ain’t allowed to talk about it?” Tommy walked over behind Joel’s desk and flopped down in his chair, which made Joel have to turn around and sit in the same chair you had just occupied moments before.
“What’s there left to talk about?” Joel sighed, rubbing his face with his hands.
“Do you still talk to her? Keep in touch?” Tommy asked, fiddling with a pen on the desk.
“No.” Joel responded harshly. “Why would I? Last I heard, she’s been shacked up with that prick somewhere in the Midwest.”
“It’s been five years, and I still haven’t seen ya go out on a date, coffee, nothin’. Why are you doin’ this to yourself?”
Joel shook his head and stood up, already missing the warmth your body left in the chair.
“I’m just busy, Tommy. Haven’t met anyone worth chasin’," he replied, grabbing a pen and pad of paper from his desk.
“Well, that little lady that just left is well worth chasin’, if you ask me.” Tommy stood up too, and joined Joel as they headed out of the office to the conference room for their next meeting.
“Nobody was askin’, just drop it.” Joel couldn’t have Tommy egging him on, it was already difficult enough to keep his mind off you.
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Joel hardly heard a word all throughout their meeting with the Marketing department. He vaguely remembered the head of the department nervously working through a technical error on his presentation, which made IT have to get involved. But Joel barely noticed. All he could think about was you.
You: in that thin, blue dress. He remembered how your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and how you bit down on your lower lip when you tried to hold back a smile. He thought about how soft your skin felt when he gently grazed it with his fingers. How your knees pressed together as you squirmed in your seat, waiting for him to turn his attention to you. But you had no idea that his attention was always on you, even when you weren’t around. It was all consuming, at times overwhelming, the way he constantly recalled images of you in his mind. 
Joel was relieved when the IT department could not fix the technical error, and the meeting had to be rescheduled. Everyone in the room held their breath, Tommy included, for Joel’s inevitable outburst, but surprisingly none came.
“Check with Ruby and put it on my schedule,” Joel said, collecting his things and leaving the room.
Tommy stayed behind to chat with the head of Marketing while Joel made a beeline for his office. He shut the door quickly behind him. Squeezing his eyes shut, he leaned his head back on the door.
What was going on with him? Why couldn’t he get you out of his head?
This was Tommy’s fault, had to be. He kept bringing you up and forcing these thoughts into his head.
But it wasn’t Tommy’s fault when his cock jumped after he touched your hand and heard you gasp.
Fuck. This had to stop. He rubbed his hands over his face roughly, then something Tommy said came back to him. It had been a long time since he was with Amy. Tommy was right, he hadn’t been on any dates, he was just sexually frustrated. It was building up, and he needed a release. That would clear his head.
Joel turned and headed towards his private bathroom, which was just a small pocket door in the wall, hardly visible when you first walked in. He went in and locked the door behind him. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, already throbbing from the past hour of torture his thoughts have led him on.
Joel gripped the base firmly in his fist, and he squeezed his eyes shut, dreaming of you wearing that dress in his office. This time, when you squeezed your knees together, he imagined you were trying to create some friction to relieve the wet heat between your legs. You were just as turned on as he was in his fantasy. Joel lazily ran his hand up and down his cock, as his imagination kept carrying him away.
He wondered what kind of panties you were wearing under that dress. Maybe they were lace, or a thong. Maybe you weren’t wearing any at all. There we go.
He started running his hand up and down his shaft faster, his breath quickening as his fantasy took hold.
Now he was bunching your dress up around your hips, hitching your leg around his waist as he grabbed onto the back of your neck, bringing you closer so he could suck on the pulse point in your throat, making you moan his name. He pushed you on top of his desk, and you let yourself fall backwards, recklessly shoving papers and files off his desk.
He could feel his release bubbling to the surface now, as his movements became more frantic, and his other hand grasped the towel bar next to the sink for leverage.
Now Joel saw you bouncing on his cock, still wearing that pretty little dress, but your tits were spilled over the top. He pulled one nipple into his mouth, making you cry out and bounce faster, while his fingers brushed gently against the other one. You grabbed the sides of his face and dragged his mouth up to yours, hovering over each other’s mouths, gasping, but still not touching, as you bounced faster, faster, faster… 
Joel groaned and desperately reached out to grab a tissue from the box next to the sink, right in time to catch his thick ropes of come. His hips gently thrusted forward as he came down from his high, breathing heavily, eyes squeezed shut.
He opened his eyes as his breathing returned to normal, glancing around the room to steady himself.  He looked down, grateful he didn’t make a mess on his dress pants. He cleaned himself up, flushed the tissue down the toilet, tucked himself back into his pants and went to wash his hands.
He cupped some water from the sink and rinsed his face. Drying himself with the towel, he looked up at the mirror and saw a dirty, old man, who had just jerked off to the thoughts of a much younger employee. The shame was setting in now.
I hope you enjoyed it, you dirty fuck. She would never give you the real thing.
Joel dried his hands, and left the bathroom, feeling guilty, but couldn’t deny he had a much clearer head.
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He didn’t see you for at least a full week. That whole week, he felt like himself again. He could see clearly; his thoughts weren’t all jumbled up and he was back to barking orders to his teams on jobsites.
He just needed to jerk off. That’s all it was. No big deal.
Early one morning before most of the employees started their work day, he made his way down to Heather’s office on the 6th floor. She had left him a voicemail saying that the company was being audited, and she needed to speak with him right away. This would require a lot of work from her department, and she needed him to approve the overtime, especially since he scared off your pretty little boyfriend, the department remained shorthanded. He walked off the elevator with his hands shoved in his pockets, sleeves pushed up to his elbows. It was quickly becoming his new look, just in case he ran into you.
He turned the corner towards Heather’s office but stopped short when he heard you laughing. He peered around a corner and saw you with some co-workers in the break room.
He was frozen to the ground, taking in your beautiful smile and laugh as you tried not to spill the coffee in your hand. You were wearing a knee-length flowy black skirt, with a V-neck light purple blouse. When you bent over to laugh again, he saw a glimpse of your tits bouncing under your shirt. He held his breath for a moment, trying to will himself forward, when you suddenly looked over and met his gaze. 
Your friends didn’t notice him standing there, and you didn’t say anything. You just ran your eyes up and down his body, pausing on his exposed forearms. You gave him a shy smile and a little wave. Before he realized it, he was slowly lifting his hand up in return.
He was fucked.
Chapter Four
282 notes · View notes
lestappenforever · 1 year
For the print: 41. “Is that my shirt?” “Is… is that okay?”
Lestappen sharing clothes is one of my favourite things 😍
I was hoping for this one! Thank you. 🥰
Also, throwing in a bonus 50. "Kiss me like you mean it." "With pleasure." for you.
41. “Is that my shirt?” “Is… is that okay?” and 50. "Kiss me like you mean it." "With pleasure."
Look, it wasn't as if Max had planned this, okay? Any of it. It just happened.
He'd been on one of his typical late night grocery shopping runs, because he could not for the life of him plan to do it at a more reasonable time of day, or when the store wasn't 10 minutes from closing.
He'd also decided to walk to the store because he'd had a couple of beers and he wasn't about to risk his livelihood for a five minute drive.
The cashier — a woman in her fifties named Stella, who has checked Max out numerous times in the past and has long since stopped caring about him being a Formula 1 World Champion and his attempts at being charming — rolls her eyes dramatically at him as he apologizes for once again being there last minute.
"Every time you say this, and every time you come in at this time, Max," she tells him, not at all amused.
(If he's being perfectly honest, Max doesn't think she's been amused once in her life.)
The disappointment in her eyes could rival that of his mother whenever Max had done something she didn't like growing up, which is unsettling. It makes Max feel like a little kid waiting for a scolding.
Completing his purchase, Max apologizes profusely once more to Stella on his way out.
As he exits the store, somebody practically barrels into him from the side.
"Shit," Max mutters, regaining his footing and turning to face the stranger who apparently has no disregard for anyone's safety or well-being, anger already building in his chest.
But the stranger turns out to be none other than Charles Leclerc, apparently out on a late-night run if his sweaty forehead and running attire is anything to go by.
And, well, Max's anger drains from him as quickly as it had appeared, because there is no way in hell he can stay angry at Charles.
Especially not a sweaty Charles, which is a sight that's doing all sorts of things to Max's mind and body.
"Merde, désolé," Charles tells him, taking a step back and finally looking up at Max's face. "Max?"
Max doesn't really think that question warrants an answer, given how Charles is clearly not blind.
"I'm sorry," he repeats in English, and his cheeks redden even further, which Max assumes isn't from the physical exertion of running.
"It's fine," Max says, waving the hand that isn't holding the grocery bag dismissively.
Charles glances at the bag in his hand, at the watch on his wrist, then at the large sign on the store front behind Max announcing their opening hours, raising an eyebrow.
"The employees must love you," he says teasingly, a small smirk on his face.
Max rolls his eyes at him.
"Yeah, they all light up with glee when I come in," Max replies, voice dripping with sarcasm.
It draws a laugh from Charles, which is a beautiful sound. Max kind of wishes he could bottle it.
Suddenly, there's a flash in the sky followed by a loud crack of thunder, making Charles jump and Max look up to see ominously dark clouds having gathered in the sky.
And then the clouds unleash hell — or ridiculously heavy rain — on Monaco.
"Fuck!" Charles hisses, and Max doesn't need to ask why because he knows Charles lives on the other side of town and that he was nowhere near being done with his run.
Before he can think better of it, Max grabs Charles' hand.
"Come on," he says, not giving Charles the chance to argue or question as he tugs the Monégasque right along with him as he sets off running in the direction of his own home.
Charles goes willingly.
By the time they make it into Max's apartment, they're both soaked to the core, and Charles' grey t-shirt is clinging to his body like a second layer of skin.
It's making Max want to do all sorts of unseemly things to him, so he promptly looks away.
"You can use the shower in the master bathroom. There's a pretty efficient drying rack in there," Max tells him, gesturing vaguely in the direction of his bedroom.
Charles has been to his place before and even if he doesn't remember the entire layout of the apartment, Max has a feeling he'll figure it out.
"Thanks," Charles tells him, apparently not needing to be told twice as he disappears down the hall.
Max, for his part, goes to the guest bathroom where he strips out of his wet clothes and takes a quick shower, just to keep his core temperature from dropping too low. Once he's clean and dry, he grabs a clean pair of soft sweats and a Red Bull t-shirt from the dryer in the bathroom, and tosses his soaked clothes into the washing machine. He was going to put on a load tomorrow morning anyway, so might as well do it now.
He's in the kitchen, finishing up on unloading the groceries, when Charles comes padding into the kitchen behind him.
"Do you want tea?" Max asks without turning to look at him.
"Yes please," Charles answers without hesitation.
Max puts the water on, and when he finally does turn to face the other man, he sees that Charles has hoisted himself up to sit on the kitchen island instead of sitting in an actual chair, like a normal person.
His hair is still damp and Charles is wearing his running shorts that now appear to be fully dry, thanks to the heated drying rack and the quick-drying fabric of the shorts. He's also wearing an awfully familiar-looking black hoodie that doesn't fit him properly over the shoulders.
Max has to blink a couple of times to make sure he's not seeing things.
"Is that my shirt?"
Charles glances down at himself. When he looks back up to meet Max's gaze, his cheeks are flushed.
"Is... Is that okay?" He asks, voice soft and uncertain and small.
He sounds and looks so fucking cute that Max might actually implode on the spot.
"My t-shirt doesn't dry as quickly as my shorts and I was cold, and I had a feeling you didn't need me walking around shirtles and —,"
Max doesn't let him finish, because before he even realizes he's moving, he's crossed the kitchen and situated himself right between Charles' legs, hands curled in the fabric of the hoodie, lips pressed against the Monégasque's.
Charles flails a little and makes a surprised noise in the back of his throat, but when he recovers, he returns the kiss. It's a closed-mouthed kiss — nothing but a firm press of lips, really — but it's still the best kiss either man has ever had.
When he pulls back a small eternity later, Charles' lips are a little puffy and red and his eyes are unfocused.
Max finds himself thinking that he's never seen anyone or anything as beautiful.
"Yes, Charles. That's okay," the Red Bull driver says with a smile, finally answering Charles' question.
Charles smiles back, all dimples and bright eyes and sunshine.
It makes Max's heart leap.
"Good," Charles tells him, hands coming up to tangle in Max's hair, tugging ever so slightly. "Now kiss me like you mean it."
It's not a question, it's a command.
"With pleasure," Max says, and that's exactly what he does.
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wooahaes · 2 years
to care for
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pairing: non-idol!bang chan x gn!reader [reader has a uterus]
word count: ~0.8k
warnings: menstruation warning (talks of cramps/flow)!! also literally no proofreading i can’t be bothered rn. mentions of bathing + reader having their hair washed (no sexual nudity at all, just chris caring for reader).
daisy’s notes: i want to go back to bed so bad but its been taken over by my cats for rn and also i have something in the oven :/ smh!!
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Chris was probably one of the sweetest boyfriends in the world. This, of course, was true for various reasons... but always seemed to be most apparent when you were dealing with your cycle.
You’d texted him before you left work that you felt like garbage after everything you’d gone through. You swore that your pain medicine never kicked in when your cramps were at their worst, you were having a heavier day than usual, and all you wanted was to go home and crash and maybe curl up in your boyfriend’s arms for a few hours. The normal “my period sucks today” routine, in your opinion.
Your text to him had been short and simple: ouchie :(
Chris knew your code well. How bad?
So you busted out the number scale: 8-9, might be a 10 by the time i get home.
From the moment you walked in, Chris was at full attention for you. “There’s a bath drawn for you,” he said, “I’ll come wash your hair in a second, yeah? I ordered your favorite tonight--and I ran out to get more ice cream for you,” he planted a kiss against your forehead, taking full advantage of the little step upward at the entrance of your apartment.
(Translation: Chris was busting out all the stops to comfort you since you needed it. He wouldn’t do it at every 10 until he saw you, but when you busted out a 10 while on your period... The guy knew.)
So you undressed as you entered the bathroom, spotting where Chris had brought in your cozier pajamas and one of his hoodies before neatly setting it aside. You pressed your head back against the tile as you listened to the sound of Chris getting your takeout before you listened to each quiet step as he made his way into the bathroom. Most days, you’d tease him about drawing a bath just to see you naked. Something about the draining parts of today seemed to start hitting you all at once, and you merely mumbled your thanks to him when he pressed a gentle kiss against your forehead.
“Today’s a bad one, huh?” He said, getting the shower head and your shampoo bottle. “It’s okay,” he pressed another kiss into your temple. “I’ve got you.”
You let him instruct you through each motion--sitting forward, leaning your head back, and everything else. This wasn’t the first time he’d washed your hair for you in general, and you could easily recount times where you’d taken care of him in the same way. Sometimes in the shower together, other times where you pulled a chair in and let him recline back while your fingers worked their magic. Chris carefully massaged your scalp, washing your hair the way you’d taught him to, never pulling too hard since he knew how sensitive you could be.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked, the fruity scent of your shampoo filling the air for the second time. “Work, I mean.”
You let out a tiny groan, and his chuckle managed to tug a smile onto your face. Even after all the stress, just hearing his laughter in any form was enough to brighten your day a little.
“Alright,” he said. “I get it.” He kissed your cheek again, turning the shower head back on to rinse your hair again. “I’m gonna go get the water bottle for you and I promise I won’t burn my hand this time.”
(You snorted a little at the reminder of the last time Chris tried to fill it. There was a reason you used the countertop boiler for it instead of the pan he tried using.)
He planted one last kiss against your lips, telling you to take your time as he left you there. Yet soon enough, you were dry and dressed in comfy clothing and making your way out to crash on the couch next to Chris--who’d already pulled up a streaming service so that the two of you could watch movies together. Despite the takeout sitting on the table in front of you, you opted to curl up in his arms first, burying your face into his neck. He curled an arm around you, setting aside the remote a moment later in favor of holding you.
You nodded. “A little.”
“I’ve got you,” he promised, pulling you in a little closer. He kissed your cheek again, tracing circles onto your arm with his thumb.
“I know,” you mumbled, arms wrapping a little tighter around him. “I love you.”
You could hear his smile in his voice, “I love you, too,” he said, and then drew back. “Let’s eat before it gets cold, yeah? You can pick whatever movie you want.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​
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mattyknees · 9 months
here is a a bullet point explainer of my top surgery day (like when i was actually in the hospital) because i feel like if i had something like that i would have been less horrifically life-endingly anxious
day before:
we drove to the city it was in because we were staying with family and wanted to get settled. we left around 10 ish? in the morning and it took us 3 or so hours to get there with all the bathroom stops we made
i received a call from my surgeon's office at 10:30 in the morning giving me the time i needed to show up at the hospital. i was to show up two hours before my surgery time (5:45 am ; 7:45 am), and i was first on the schedule
we showed up at my cousin's house and got settled, i was fasting as required and took my special soap shower at around 9pm. i needed to show up at the hospital at 5:45am but my cousin lives less than 5 minutes away from the hospital so i could afford to go to bed late.
day of:
i woke up at around 2 and went back to bed at around 3:30, woke up at 4:30 and took my second hibiclens shower. i got dressed in clean clothes and we drove to the hospital at 5:30 am
we had never been to the hospital before so we fucked around and found a place to park. we walked in and were confused until we looked around and found check-in. they didn't ask for ID or insurance, just my name. they scanned my advanced directive and medical power of attorney, told me to wait in the surgery waiting area, and told me that someone wld come find me! i was also given a hospital bracelet with my real name on it not my government name which is cool.
we waited for a little bit. there were two other people there. we were all in pajamas. it was great. the waiting area was full of local indigenous art. i wish i would have taken pictures now.
a nurse called my name and verified my date of birth and that i was there for gender affirming double mastectomy. she took me and my mom back to the preop area and took me to a preop room with a bed.
i was weighed and given a urine sample cup for pregnancy testing. this sucked bc i was NPO for like 12 hours and dehydrated as fuck but if you still have a uterus and ovaries you will have to do this.
she gave me a six pack of hibiclens wipes and instructions on how to do the surgery wipe down. neck to toes. one for neck and shoulders, one for chest and torso, one for back, one for arms, one for legs, one for groin and glutes. there r details on the paper. this is recommended but not required depending on ur surgeon. u do it urself. ur nurse does not touch u.
u put on ur gown and then ur given an IV with saline. i was given an oral anti inflammatory and 1000mg tylenol with a teeny bit of water. this is when they blew the valve in my hand. i COVERED my preop nurse with blood and almost threw up. it was great.
she went over some mental health questions and some physical health questions - are u depressed when did u last eat and drink etc. they were concerned because i hadn't eaten solids since the ninth and my surgery was on the twelfth but it was okay.
they asked me who my favorite music artist was because apparently listening to your favorite music while in surgery improves recovery outcomes. i blanked and then told them my chemical romance and the 1975. i hope they enjoyed that whiplash of a mix.
i was taken down and my mom was kicked to the waiting area. the elevator broke and we had to wait. awkward.
i sat in the real preop bay and started crying. got rly nauseous. a preop nurse gave me a puke bag and opened my fluids completely. i think this is where the additional damage to my arm happened but we're not sure. she was really nice but REALLY busy. she needed help lol it was just her for four people :(
she came and verified my name and date of birth. she gave me these sleeves that squeezed my calves to prevent blood clots. she put a warming blanket on me. she gave me consent forms to sign. she moved me to a private corner so my surgeon could draw guidelines on my chest. she put a scopolamine patch behind my ear and then dipped to do more work. love her
my anesthesiologist came by. she asked me my pronouns - the only person to do so (they're charted but still)! she checked my heart and lung sounds and complimented my lung capacity. she asked me what my fears were regarding anesthesia and told me that i was safe with her. she read over my consent and my preop EKG i got in weeks prior. she said that she considers me zero risk and that she is unconcerned which was a big calm down moment. she went to go do pre surgery things.
my surgeon came by. he unhooked my warm blanket and had me stand up so he could draw lines on my chest. he double checked my consent papers and then put me back under my warming blanket and gave me my puke bag back and then went to go do pre surgery things.
about 10 minutes later i was being wheeled into the surgery room. this is around 7:45am. it was actually REALLY close to preop. and it was very cold.
they had me put myself on the table. i was introduced to the rest of the surgery staff. they were literally all women. so cool. my head was going to be sitting on this jello bundt cake looking thing. i laughed and pointed that out. then i got hooked up to an oxygen mask by the anesthesiologist and it smelled like playdough. i commented on that and she laughed and that's the last thing i remember before
i woke up! i was groggy as fuck. first words out of my mouth in recovery were "oh that's exciting, i woke up" and the recovery nurse looked Very Concerned. she was nice to me. she also sprinted when i asked for a puke bag.
i was there for about two hours. one asleep, one awake. they needed to watch me eat and not throw up and i Succeeded and i also needed a bed to return to, which they didn't have.
my surgeon came by to check on me, said i did great! i don't remember much of this.
i went back to the same preop wing at, like, noon-thirty ish. i got to see my mom at one. my postop nurse was a SAINT. he monitored my immediate pain levels and the instant it got above a four he tried to get me pain medication, but was stonewalled by my surgeon.
he got me more food. i had like 12 ounces of apple juice and some cheese and crackers. he let me look at his tattoos and he told me stories while we waited for my mom and for discharge papers.
we got discharge papers, i got dressed mostly by myself. mom gave me my phone back so i could text my friends that i was alive. mom was also handed a 10 pack of gauze with nipple cut outs and we were told to open my swelling reduction binder and change them out once a day.
i was also instructed to empty my JP drains once or twice a day depending on fluid level and given urinalysis cups to empty them into. i never got more than 12mls out of them so this wasn't an issue
you just kind of pop them open and let the oily blood drain out and shake them a little and then squeeze and close them again. yes u can feel it sucking when u close it. it's not painful just weird.
then we went back to my cousin's house! and i devoured a burger and slept kinda shitty
i was up and walking normal same day. i got up slow and did circles around her living room. it was helpful.
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amethystina · 8 months
I was tagged by @a-very-fond-farewell! Thank you so much darling 💜
1. Last song: Shishen Take On the Challenge from The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity soundtrack (which I paid a small fortune to get my hands on so you bet I've been listening to it almost non-stop ever since. The music is SO FUCKING GOOD OKAY)
2. Favorite color: Purple — which I feel should come as a surprise to no one xD
3. Currently watching: The Killing Vote, because I apparently need more dramas where the Korean public is allowed to vote on whether or not to execute people. Quite enjoying it so far! The characters are a hoot xD And I'm curious to see what they do with the Kwon Seok Joo dude.
I also just started The Guest because I want to watch it before they remove it from Netflix but BOI. That's not one I'll be able to binge, that's for sure. Horror is great but also, well, terrifying x'D
Though, I must say, I might have to take a detour and rewatch the Along With the Gods movies. I've been meaning to do so for ages and seeing Kim Dong Wook in The Guest makes the urge even stronger. Because, let me tell you, I'm SO EAGER to rewatch the movies and observe the characters now that I've seen the twist at the end of the second movie. A twist I figured out before I actually reached the reveal, sure, but I don't think that's a bad thing? Like, for real, guys. The AUDIBLE GASP I let out when I realised what the twist was going to be and then got to sit there and see it slowly dawn on the other characters? BEAUTIFUL. And it CHANGES SO MUCH. Like, I need to rewatch them because so much of what I thought I knew is now a lie! Circumstances have changed! My initial analysis might be wrong! Characters I thought I knew are now completely different! I need to do more research! I NEED TO KNOW.
(This is what happens when your brain works like mine. And one day I might tell you all about why Kang Yo Han is such a fascinating character to me, because, let me tell you, I've rarely seen a character remain so solid in his characterisation even through the kind of reveals we're given in the drama. It's fucking SPECTACULAR)
4. Currently reading: Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (I do it in bursts because it's not the kind of book I can just binge, okay? x'D), We Have Always Lived In the Castle by Shirley Jackson (I would have finished this LONG ago if it didn't give me so much anxiety (but in a good way?)) and Eld by Mats Strandberg and Sara Bergman Elfgren (though I should probably start over on this one since I was very distracted when I read the first chapter)
5. Last movie: No Regret, because why not dabble in older Korean LGBTQ+ content? It was a ride, that's for sure xD And the next movie will be The World to Come (also one I want to watch before it's removed from Netflix)
6. Sweet/spicy/savory: Either sweet or savoury — it depends on my mood, really.
7. Relationship status: Married! :D
8. Current obsession: I'm not sure if I have one right now? Though I am hoping to get back on track with that diorama thing soon. I've almost collected all the materials I need! I just need fake foliage (preferably red) and I'm going to try and buy that either tomorrow or on Saturday.
9. Last thing you googled? Why my phone kept taking only green photos. And everyone kept telling me I shouldn't have unlocked the bootloader (which I don't think can be done by accident and I sure as hell haven't done it intentionally) so in the end I just restarted it and now it works just fine xD
10. Selfie: I don't really take selfies but here's a cropped version of a drawing WIP of mine.
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If you know, you know ;)
(... LOOK, the suspender-pulling had to happen eventually, okay?)
11. Currently working on: Chapter 5 of A New Dawn (Begins With Us) and, after that, it'll be either chapter 37 of Who Holds the Devil or maybe the sequel to Gravitational Pull which I'm STILL struggling to find the time to work on. I'm also working on, like, six different drawings simultaneously. Because why make things easy for myself?
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it! Tell me about yourself! :D
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xumoonhao · 4 months
i was tagged by @onedirecton to tag 10 ppl i want to get to know better and make a few questions :3 hehe, thank you sm alice :3
favourite colour: purple, hehe :3 alice i love that we have the same fav colour 💜💜💜 favourite food: ahhhh, i love most things!!! i do have a soft spot for soups and stews tho like they are so so wonderful……… mutuals pls gather round im giving you all a bowl of w/e soup or stew you like rn 🍲 song stuck in my head: babaero by randy santiago!!! its been stuck in my head since i first listened to it like it really is just so good, god… funky city pop music is really everything to me!!!!!!!! absolute best genre of music ever <<<333 i give it one thousand million hearts <- this was my last obsession bc i wrote all these answers down like. a week ago and forgot to post it so now the song stuck in my head is dagundong by alamat :3 its so good btw~! last long i listened to: hala by alamat!!! spotify did the only good thing its ever done by reintroducing me to alamat again like they are So Good oh my god...highly recommend their music!!! the way they work Filipino history into their videos and songs is soooooooo beautiful omg..... dream trip: hhhhhh i want to go to SO many places but my absolute DREAM is japan!!! id love to check out tokyo bc its so not like where i grew up - a bustling metropolis is what i want to live in like literally get me outta my small town this is not the place for meeeeee 😭 - but nara….the deer there……….god i need to go so BAD and i also just want to go to a cherry blossom festival once like pls…pls :( other than tho id LOVE to visit the great bear rainforest!!! like it just looks so so beautiful and its really not too far from me omg……. last tv show/movie: im currently watching the cherry magic anime (it is so good and so cute omg i forgot how much i enjoy the story….) and rewatching kyou kara maoh which is really and truly such a beloved anime To Me like its absolutely ridiculous god i love it sm!!! and i dont remember the last movie i watched?? i Think it was skinamarink but i could be wrong bc i watched that early last year and surely ive seen a movie since then…? but also maybe not bc i truly do only watch like 1 movie a year 😭 <- also update to this bc i watched sweet home a couple days ago!!! it was quite good and i really enjoyed the practical effects in it :3 older horror movies really have such a beloved place in my heart ahhh...also in writing this i remember i watched The Thing after skinamarink...i. only watched horror movies apparently spicy/sweet/savory: SPICY 🌶️🌶️🌶️ i do like all these things but if i had to choose id def go spicy over either of these!!! i do like spicy + sweet tho like omg one time i had spicy chocolate frozen yogurt and it was sooooooo good !!! idk what was used to make it spicy but i Adored it wahhhh~
also!!! in your lil tag game it said to make a few cool questions so i will make some <<<333
If you could be any animal, would you choose to be a domesticated animal or a wild one? Domesticated can extend to a wild animal that has been individually raised in a home, i.e., someone raising a raccoon a pet.
What is your favourite medium of creation? If you don't really engage in making things, pick whatever you're most interested in trying :3 And by medium I mean everything from drawing or making music or writing…anything creative!
What is/are your favourite(s) combination of colours?
Imagine your perfect summer day; what does it look like? Give as much description as you want :3
What is your favourite celestial object?
now, ill tag @grlfriends, @kwonhochi, @vampirebiter, @wonhosgrl, @librapropaganda, @honeydewtual, @heartual, @10281, @taengoo, @morgoth, @bixiaoshi, @ghostfeather, @ashmp3, @lovenee, @earlymay, @anglerfishare1inchto3feetlong, and @huiven!!! only if you want, ofc :3 and i know it said only 10 ppl but you see. i lost count while tagging ......... but thats fine <3
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jadenoryuu · 1 year
Day 23 (+5+29): Rogue Gallery (+Bonus)
I couldn't decide on who to focus for this DannyMay prompt, so I did a bunch of the Rogues!
(And that's the reason for the delay in posting this prompt... (^~^ ;)ゞ)
Since this is part of the Ghost Animal Noodles AU (which @tourettesdog's Little Baby Man is to blame), I'm going to post both the art and the respective animal I took inspiration from (under the cut because it's a loooong post):
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Skulker the Felis nigripes! The fierciest kitten, they apparently have the 60% success rate everytime they hunt!
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DAY 29: Ghost Speech AU Kitty as a Wirehaired Hungarian Vizla and Johnny (and Shadow) as Cheetahs! Since every Rogue is cat (or cat-adjacent) themed, I thought that it would have been hilarious if someone called "Kitty" was a canine. (≧∇≦) (The other two's need for speed prevailing over anything else is obvious.) Of course they cannot abstain from quarreling, so Ghost Speech for everyone!
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Princess Dorathea as a Norwegian Forest Cat and Desiree as an Egyptian Mau! The latter has been chosen because of Desiree's canon origins, while Dora's cat breed is said to have been used on Viking ships as mousers, so I thought it was the closest thing to dragon-lore... HttyD (≧∇≦) I wanted to give them something nice, so I let them chill with a cup of tea.
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Ember as a Lynx lynx and Technus as a Catopuma badia! Here we have the not-canonical sight of a singer and her boyfriend's boyfriend bonding over an electrical guitar project!
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DAY 5: 10 min VS 1 hour Nocturn as a Nue (a Japanese Yōkai, part Tiger, Monkey, Tanuki and Snake) and Undergrowth as a Gryphon! I tried to stuff as many other prompts as I could in the Rogue Gallery Day, so here I attempted this challenge. On the left, the 10 minutes drawing with more Undergrowth than Nocturn because when I noticed that the time was almost up I rushed and did a base sketch of the latter. On the right, the 1 hour drawing where I focused on Nocturn because I had in mind what I wanted them to look like so there was no time left for the other Ancient... (^~^ ;)ゞ
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The Box Ghost, Luch Box and Luch Lady as Spotted Hyenas (Crocuta crocuta)! The hyenas are wonderful animals and Feliformes, so technically still cat-adjacent! Plus they have a matrialcal gerarchy that I feel fitting in BG and LL dynamic, so I loved doing this!
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Youngblood as a Pallas Cat (Otocolobus manul) and Sidney Poindexter as a Sphynx Cat! Pallas Cats are so cute but also look like gremlins, so they fit very well with a ghost kid (who's in his Tarzan Phase). As for the Sphynxes, I love those beasts, but they have that kind of "loser nerd" vibes that is so Sidney that I couldn't pass the chance! ꒰(@`꒳´)꒱
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Prince Aragon as a Norwegian Forest Cat (like his sister), Walker as a Binturong/Bearcat (Arctictis binturong) and Penelope Spectra as a Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox)! Both the last two are cat-adjacent, plus fossa look as creepy as Spectra, so they fit very well. As for the pose, since he has lost the Dragon Amulet, Aragon is kind of a twink, so just a paw to stop him would suffice, but Spectra is a slippery eel, so Walker had to bind her with his tail as well, just to be sure... (≧∇≦) (My lovely assistant @teacupsandstarlight posed irl for the captives' pose, so please thank her! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠~❤)
And here's all for the Rogue Gallery!
Now, for the Free Day.... All I can say is: Spider-man meme.
=(ˆ●ω●ˆ=) و
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quinloki · 4 months
Oh man I just got pencils weee
For now just some basic ones, I tend to go crazy buying hobby supplies and then just drop the hobby so this will do for now <<
But also I thought of something funny that I thought you would appreciate since you said you used to Gaia too
But like my sophomore year of HS the local paper was accepting drawing submissions to feature in the art section and my mom submitted one of mine as a surprise
But she like, submitted art of my Gaia avatar bc it was something I had scanned into our family computer
So all my extended family clipped this thing from the paper and proudly displayed it on the fridge like it was on my grandparents fridge for like years until I removed it
I was torn between omg cool and omg I’m EMBARRASSED bc I was like 15 and that seemed so very uncool
It’s been over 15 years and I still remember this so vividly lmao
The drawing:
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OMG in the news paper and everything - my family would've been the same way. And I am the SAME WAY about hobby stuff. It's one of the reasons I was glad to go digital - the tablet is an investment, but I only need one and it lasts a really long time. (I can also fiddle with and redo lines until I'm good with it >.> )
Speaking of Gaiaonline - I hung out there for a while. This is apparently the last outfit I saved before effectively walking away from my account
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So there you go, fwiw xD
I was fairly active there for a good while, ran a Charity thread, met quite a few friends (and one fleeting love interest >.> ) and I'm still friends with one of them. Since you put your art on the public fridge I'll do the same - here's a picture I drew traditionally at the request of a friend.
It makes me smile because it reminds me of the days of Glomping - flying or otherwise.
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From the way long ago year of 2005. (the character in pigtails is the one who requested said image, and the one I'm still friends with even after 10+ years ^_^ )
Man, how far I've come XD I may struggle with liking my art today, but I can't argue I've improved.
I have to admit though, I'm loving the similarities in style \o/ I can't wait to see what you can do today - though take it from me sometimes it can take a few drawings to knock the cobwebs off, especially if it's been so long.
Your muscles have to remember what your mind still knows 🥰❤️
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havendance · 6 months
Indie Comic Reading Roundup
I've gotten through just about all the trades I checked out at this point (ignoring all the dark knight metal stuff), so here's my thoughts:
Once and Future vol. 1 by Kieron Gillen, art by Dan Mora, colors by Tamara Bonvillain (collected Issues #1-6)
I am not super into arthuriana but I think it's fun to dip my toe into every once in a while. The basic plot here involved the mythic cycle being re-enacted in the modern day, which I am always a sucker for so I thought it was quite fun. The pacing felt a little rough at first--moving very quickly when I would've appreciated a little more time spent to stop and get explanations--but I really felt like it got into the swing of things for the last 2 issues which really took advantage of everything that had been building.
Art was good (though since I've gotten used to seeing Mora draw superheroes, it did take a moment for my brain to switch gears here). The grandmother is very fun. I probably check out more of this series.
The Invisible Kingdom vol.1 by G. Willow Wilson, art by Christian Ward (collected issues #1-5)
This one didn't click for me. With one of the two basic ideas being 'space monastery', I wanted to like it, but I felt like the execution didn't quite do it for me. I think I would've like more time to sit and build out the world more; there were several aspects that I would've liked to see expanded on. There were aspects of the plot that didn't really work for me and I found myself wanting more clarity on what sort of timeline these events were happening on.
Ward's art was also very hit or miss for me: it really thrived when depicting space. It had gorgeous colors and dynamism then. Other times, it felt rough and kind of unfinished in a way that didn't work for me. I don't think I'll be reading this one further.
Dark Spaces: Wildfire by Scott Snyder, art by Hayden Sherman, colors by Ronda Pattison
I really loved this one. This collected a stand-alone 5 issue story that was very well executed. It tells the story of a squad of women convict firefighters in California who embark on a heist which (in true heist form) proceeds to go wrong. It was well plotted--all the characters felt distinct, though with only 5 issues and 5 women on our squad, it felt like we only really got to know a couple really well.
The art was gorgeous. Pattison's colors especially were a pleasure to look at. I definitely recommend checking this one out.
Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan, art by Pia Geurra, and colors by Pamela Rambo (collected issues #1-10)
This one's a bit of a stretch for the indie comics category since, upon checking, it's Vertigo. Not sure where that falls as a DC imprint. Regardless, it gets included on here as it doesn't take place in any larger universe and I might as well.
Brian Vaughan can tell a good story. This is no exception. I sat down on the floor and read all 10 issues in this in one fell swoop. So yeah, gripping story, very engaging. All the characters and world-building feels very thought out. The main road trip plot going on so far gives a very good excuse to see the different ways the world has been effected/people have responded to plague which wipes all men(except for our titular last one) that is the inciting incident.
I like the art style and flatter colors that this has. I definitely want to read more. Apparently I can access this on dcui which I didn't realize previously. We shall see in which format I end up reading this.
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pawfulofwaffles · 7 months
What do you think your first ever special interest was? And if you can and want to, please info dump about it.
Infodumping you say? Oh, I’ll give you info dumping(this wasn’t supposed to be long HELP-)
(this is just a lot of artwork and text of me talking about Five Nights at Freddy’s. Don’t follow me for Five Nights at Freddy’s content, I don’t draw FNAF content anymore, maybe one day but not now, sorry)
So a lot of my hyperfixations double as special interests, the first one being no different. I’ve had fixations before, but none of them hit me quite like the horror game Five Nights at Freddy’s.
I know it goes back to 1st grade because I recall working on a project in 1st grade with this other kid who liked FNAF, and I remember very well that he told me that Golden Freddy couldn’t speak because he ate a guy and… the guy got wedged in his throat apparently??
Despite the obsession starting in 1st grade, I didn’t start drawing FNAF until 2nd grade. I have art from 2nd grade but I don’t know where it is, so the best thing I can give you is this one piece of art from 3rd grade,
And this art from 4th and 5th.
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I also started a comic series in 4th grade called Foxy Fox.
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I went under the pen name “Foxy Fox”, and Foxy was altered in the story to not be a pirate and to be female. Basically, I unknowingly made a Foxy kinsona. They started as QnAs, but then got an actual story of their own after book 6. There are 12 books in the main series, and around 10 side stories. I stopped writing them sometime last year because nobody was reading them anymore. I mean, nobody had been reading them ever since 6th grade, but for some reason I didn’t stop until 8th. To be fair, I was heavily obsessed, but I eventually ran out of motivation when nobody was there to read them.
I think what intrigued me so much was the whole deal with them wanting revenge on William. I have this thing where I love “character does something wrong, regrets it, victims get revenge” and also I loved woobifying villains… uhhh William was very woobified, it was really bad lol
To give you a rundown of the main idea of Foxy Fox, in the 4th book they find an unconscious yellow rabbit animatronic and they’re like “oh neat new friend” and then later he wakes up and kind of freaks out for a second but then he’s like “oh you guys are chill I’m Springtrap btw lol” and then Goldie sees him and is like “I LEFT YOU FOR DEAD WHAT-“ (except super quietly under his breath so only the audience can hear… I wanted to make it subtle that Springtrap was William, but I did not make it subtle) so basically, the whole thing was it was Springtrap becoming part of the gang with only Goldie knowing, and Goldie wasn’t telling because he knew it would hurt Springtrap more if he grew attached to everyone as friends only for Goldie to tell everyone.
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And apparently this stupid plot gave me 6 years of obsession… damn.
I may be good at writing a lot, but I am not good at making a closing sentence, so… I’ll just dump a bit more art down here lol
(all of this is from the two newest books, and like a part of the plot was that there was RWQFSFASXC and Shadow Freddy, but there was also Shadow Foxy and Shadow Chica(both female) and the Shadows were like the bad guys, and the two most recent books have just been the Shadows fighting with the main gang, consisting of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Goldie, Mangle, Marionette, and their newest addition— Springtrap. There’s a reason why they’re fighting but all you have to know is that they’re fighting in order to understand the art I’m going to dump.)
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Ok bye bye now @:3
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