Whump Prompt #1152
Submitted by Anon - thanks!
What if character A got appendicitis and character B/A’s parent didn’t notice until the appendix burst.
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pteropods · 5 months
Every time someone gets appedicitis its actually just me using my super speed to rip out their appendinx with laser precision and then I put it in myself to have a superappendix. Yeah they dont just randomly do that its all me. What else would I use that power for
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@john-mulaney-left-nostril and i chatting about my mishappenings 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
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mantis-selfships · 3 years
life is going down hill agian Time to watch comfort shows!!!
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ashe-hallow · 3 years
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WIP Intro
Focuris followed Sacchagirus into the cabin. Sitting on the table was her famous Inavita Pie. It wasn’t famous because the flavors were complex, the taste delectable. It was famous because it was the only thing she ever cooked. Each House had their recipe; it was easy on the gatherers that way.
In the early days of the Garden, the gatherers enjoyed the extended exploration. But everything came crashing down when Appedes got lost in the northern forest. Houses Perseus, Aries, Lupus, and Sirius went without dinner that night. Since the ordeal, the gatherers have insisted on one recipe per House. If a House wanted to change up their dinner plans, they had to fetch the ingredients themselves.
“Have you ever thought of foraging yourself?” Focuris asked his wife. He bit into the Pie, tasteless and bland and dry. He tried to hide the expression of disgust, but it was becoming harder each day. Focuris had once loved his wife dearly. But like the Pie, Sacchagirus had also become tasteless and bland and dry.
“I’m content with the lives we lead,” Sacchagirus mumbled. But her face, like Focuris’, showed great despair when she chewed on the Inavita Pie.
Focuris took the cloth from his lap and dabbed his clean lips. He pushed his plate back, though his Pie was almost completely intact. Sacchagirus ignored his silent plea, and continued to eat from her own serving. The Pie would go to waste, as it had the trillion nights before.
Focuris dismissed himself from the table. Sacchagirus turned her cold silver eyes onto his towering figure. Her expression was long and cold. Judging. As she had so many nights before.
Focuris grasped the wooden rail that led to the second story. He looked over his shoulder, at the wife who was trying hard to stomach her own creation. He lowered his head and dropped his voice. “Do you ever wonder if there might be something else? Something beyond Minitas’ Garden?”
Sacchagirus stood from the table. She scraped off the remains of the Inavita Pie. It fell into the wastebin, where it would decompose in the soil and feed the agriculture. Her face was cold and stiff, but her eyes darted back and forth in a panicked frenzy. She dropped the dishes in the wooden washing bin, then turned her back to Focuris. In the window reflection, Focuris watched her close her eyes and lower her head. Then, with a deep breath, she raised her face and opened her eyes.
“What do you hope to accomplish with your blasphemy? It’s important to be thankful for the ways that Minitas has provided. Every day is a gift, and fruitless questions will get us thrown from paradise.”
Focuris turned his face from his wife. He hurried up the wooden steps, then climbed out of the skylight in the roof. He spent the night up there, his face turned towards the black abyss overhead. Wondering if there was something else out there. Praying that there was life beyond paradise.
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binesetakeout · 7 years
mm i had a really sharp pain in m right side yesterday that went away w ibuprofen but then it turned into a dull ache that went away on its own
and now the dull ache is back w bits of the sharp pain??
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shamelesscoimbatore · 3 years
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[story by Noorie. A cropped image of the painting Crying Girl (Roy Lichtenstein, 1964). A blonde girl wipes away a tear and the art style is like that of a comic book. Above the painting, the caption says:
"the peace-loving-fireworks-hating-environmentally-conscious-vegan neighbours won't stop playing bhajans??? Sir it's 12:00 AM. Nyangale torture cheeyan tante appede building aano??" (all caps)
"To torture us it's your dad's building or what??" (Last line, translated from Malayalam)
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Did you know there’s a thing called chronic appedicitis? And that only 1-2% of appendix trouble is due to that sort of thing? It can last for weeks, months or even years until diagnosed. And I’m a lucky winner... I see an appendectomy on the horizon.
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mosaic-lights · 6 years
Peak shitty american culture is going into debt because of appedicitis which went untreated for days because of doctors not taking your seriously only to have an emergency surgery ans remove it. Shortly followed by the hospital ignoring your requests for notes because the scars on your body arent enough for your professors or work who cant seem to comprehend why you would need any recoup time after getting an organ removed.
People are telling me to take it slow but how do I make rent if I can’t work? How do I pay the hospital bill. How can I do anything if professors act like I just took a vacation and don’t deserve time to catch up. When just about everything relies on my gpa which relies on my attendance and projects i couldnt finish because of this.
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infolutim · 7 years
Pelaksanaan Musrenbang Desa Teromu
Pelaksanaan Musrenbang Desa Teromu
Pelaksanaan Musrenbang Desa Teromu.
Jumat, (3/11/2017). Bertempat di Aula kantor Desa Teromu Kecamatan Mangkutana Kabupaten Luwu Timur telah diselenggarakan Musrenbang Desa rencana kerja Pemerintah Desa(Rkp Desa) tahun 2018 dan penetapan Appedes perubahan anggaran tahun 2017. Yang dihadiri oleh berbagai macam elemen dan unsur masyarakat baik dari wakil-wakil kelompok, Dusun, BPD,…
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