#apple mint is my least favourite so far
hazzavazza · 24 days
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forgot to take a good photo before opening it ... was very good though. thought it tasted like watermelon gummies, dont know if i like apple cherry more or not
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
The Threads of Fate
Lizzie Jameson x Orion Amari
A/N: Seeing how much I'm obsessed with @whatwouldvalerydo Carnage Circus // Circus AU (if you like your horror mystery stories, do yourself a favour and 👏 check 👏 it 👏 out 👏), and she included my favourite boy in it, it was only a matter of time before I caved and jumped on the bandwagon. Enjoy 💛
As always, Katriona Cassiopeia (not by name, but we all know it's her) belongs to @kc-and-co
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Warning: I do not know the unrevealed plot of the original Carnage Cirus story. I tried to keep everything as vague as possible to make it fit with what I knew but if it turns out not to fit... that's why.
The circus had been in town for a few days now, and slowly but surely, the novelty of it had worn off. The shows, outlandish attractions and the sinister reputation preceding the Carnage Circus drew the crowd, but before long, the stream of people visiting the haunted grounds would always lessen. And when it did, it was time to move on.
Judging by the slow day he’d had so far, Orion suspected it wouldn’t be long before the director would call them to pack up their things and move away in the dead of night. He was a difficult man to predict, but no one questioned him, not ever. 
It wouldn’t be much longer. Change was in the air.
Orion leaned against one of the stakes holding the tent where he did his fortune-telling and watched the idle crowds go by. The day was warm and sunny, yet he felt a perpetual chill running down his spine. 
His eyes fell on a group of three people making their way from one of the side stalls past his tent. It consisted of a young man in a wheelchair and a woman about the same age with a mane of flaming red hair. The third member of their group was trailing behind; her light brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she carried a giant stuffed cat, one of the main prizes from the fairground games. Orion watched them curiously. He had seen the three of them every day since the circus had arrived in town, but they’d never found their way towards his tent. He couldn’t help but listen as the young man’s voice carried over to him.
“We have seen 87 % of everything this place has to offer at least twice. According to my stats, it is more than high time for us to leave and find a place to eat that doesn’t serve fried food. And maybe a coffee,” he added and took the hand of the red-haired woman, who nodded in agreement.
“If I have to watch Lizzie throw another ball after a moving target, I will drown myself in one of those apple bobbing buckets.”
“You get nasty when you’re low in caffeine,” the girl with the stuffed cat laughed. She made to follow her two friends towards the exit when her eyes fell on the sign above Orion’s tent. She stopped. “I don’t think we’ve been in there yet.”
The blond man in the wheelchair followed her gaze with a sceptical sound. “You know that that’s only a scam, right? There is no scientific proof that something like fortune-telling is real.”
“You need to learn how to have some fun, Murphy,” the girl with the cat laughed. 
“Fun is subjective,” the red-head said but nudged her friends into the direction of the tent. “In any case, I think Lizzie should go and get her fortune read, don’t you, Murphy?” 
She gave her boyfriend a look when he wanted to object. Catching on, he sighed, and the three of them made their way over to Orion. When they reached him, he inclined his head, raising his arm towards the entrance of his tent in an inviting gesture. After handing over her stuffed cat to her friends, the girl with the ponytail was the first to go inside. As she passed him, Orion could smell a trace of mint and jasmine. It made him think of summer mornings spent by the sea a whole lifetime ago.
When the other two made to follow, Orion smiled apologetically and raised a hand. “I’m afraid our fate is something we need to face on our own,” he said. “Unravelling too many threads of the web comprising our future at once can prove to be confusing.”
The girl with the ponytail paused and looked back at her friends. “I don't mind them coming.”
“It’s alright, Liz,” the red-haired girl smirked, “enjoy your fortune reading. Murphy and I are going to get coffee.” 
Before she could object, the red-haired girl, the boy in the wheelchair and the giant stuffed cat had turned around and left their friend to herself. 
“Well, thanks for that,” Orion heard her mutter under her breath, and he had to suppress a chuckle. A smile spread on his face nonetheless.
“Shall we then?” 
He led her into the tent and sat at the round table in the middle of the room. “There are many ways to gain insight into our future,” he explained. “There is the art of palmistry, the consultation of dice, and of course, the cards. There’s also tasseomancy - the reading of tea leaves - if you envy your friends for their refreshments.”
The girl raised her eyebrows, but the corners of her mouth twitched into a smile as she contemplated her options. “I want the cards,” she decided. 
She paid the price Orion asked of her, and he picked up his worse-for-wear-looking tarot deck from the table behind him. He held it out to her, and she looked at him blankly.
“The one inquiring about their future has to determine the succession of the cards,” Orion explained. “I am merely here to explain their meaning to you. Shuffle and let us see what your future holds.”
The girl did as she was told, shuffling the deck with nimble fingers. Orion collected them together and asked her to take a stash off the top, which she did. He laid his hand on the topmost card and looked her in the eye. “Are you ready for your fate?”
An amused look appeared on the girl’s face. “What are we waiting for?”
“As you wish. The first card represents events of your past.”
“Why would I need a fortune teller to tell me about my past?”
“How can we look into the future without understanding what lies behind us?” 
The first card Orion drew from the deck showed a dark, hooded figure holding a scythe with skeletal hands in front of his body.
“Death upright.”
“That doesn’t sound too nice.”
“The card of Death is nothing bad,” Orion explained patiently; he didn’t know how often he’d had to do that. “The scythe is a symbol for the harvest of the crops. It stands for endings and a change of seasons. It is associated with freeing ourselves and moving on.”
A frown had appeared on the girl’s face, and she looked pensive. Orion never asked the people what they were thinking - it was neither part of his trade nor was it his business - yet he couldn’t help but wonder what was going on inside her head. Instead of asking, however, he proceeded to draw her second card. It showed a woman in flowing white gowns, cradling a red lion's head.
“The next card stands for events in your current life. Strength upright,” he said, puzzled by the odd combination. “Your mind is fighting your heart. You will need to find yourself first to find the balance you are striving for.”
“How ominous,” the girl said flatly.
“The ways of the future seldomly run straight. Speaking of which, the third card.”
“My future?”
“Precisely.” He showed her the picture of a king in a carriage, drawn by a black and a white sphinx. “The chariot reversed. The chariot stands for empowerment, achievement, and the overcoming of obstacles. It’s a card of triumph.”
“Why is it on its head?”
Orion hesitated. “A reversed card has no clear meaning. It depends on the context. Seeing as the cards tell me of a struggle you are dealing with, I’d say that your destiny might have trouble finding you.”
She frowned again. “What do you mean?”
“Our fate is set from the moment that we are born. Some can go and see the signs the universe is sending us to catch a glimpse of what is to come. While we may stray from the paths leading us to our destiny, there is no changing its outcome. You can’t run from fate.” Noticing that the smile had vanished from her face, Orion inclined his head. “Don’t you believe in fate?”
When he received no answer, Orion began to detach himself from the conversation. He was no stranger to people seeking his advice not being happy with what he had to tell them. Somehow, the girl’s prolonged silence unsettled him, however. He expected her to get up and leave, but instead, she reached over the table and picked up his card deck. Orion watched in astonishment as she looked at him expectantly.
“It’s your turn,” she said. 
“For what?”
“If we can’t run from it, don’t we at least all deserve to know our fate?”
Orion chuckled quietly. “That’s usually not how it’s done.”
“So?” She pushed the cards towards him with a challenging look. “What are you scared of?”
Oddly intrigued by her boldness, Orion shuffled his cards and split the deck before handing it back to her. She drew the first card and held it out to Orion.
“The moon upright,” he told her. “It speaks of illusion and impressionability. A symbol of deception, confusion and strife.”
She looked at him curiously. “Does it fit?”
Orion smiled sadly. “They always do.”
“And what were you? The deceiver, or the deceived?” 
“Don’t ask questions you might not want the answer to.”
The girl looked as if she wanted to ask further, but to Orion’s relief, she let it rest and drew his second card. 
“An angel pouring water from one cup into another,” she said and sounded puzzled. “Upright,” she added with a furtive glance at Orion.
“Temperance,” he explained. “She speaks of moderation and balance. People ruled by temperance have found a tranquil place within themselves that keeps them away from the extreme.”
“Sounds pretty boring.”
Once again, Orion couldn’t help the smile spreading on his face as he answered. “What one considers boring, another might find peaceful.” Suddenly uneasy, he asked, “What’s my third card?”
A sinking feeling took hold of him as he was presented with the picture of a lone tower before a darkened sky. A lightning bolt had set it on fire, and flames and smoke rose from its windows. 
“The tower upright,” he said very quietly, a sinking feeling in his stomach. “There’s danger lying ahead, upheaval and unexpected change.”
A worried look crossed the girl's face as she turned the card to look at it. “That sounds dire.”
Orion’s eyes followed the card as she laid it face down on the table. 
“Not everyone’s fate is as bright as we would like,” he said, softly and sadly.
The girl opened her mouth to say something but then didn’t. She got up and gave Orion a friendly smile. “To answer your question from before - no, I don’t believe our paths are set in stone. It’s up to us to decide what life has in store.”
Orion stood up as well and inclined his head. “Then I hope your faith will never be shaken.” Following a sudden premonition, he turned to one of his shelves and picked up a polished, yellow crystal he held out to her. “The yellow topaz is a bearer of inner peace and provides those who carry it close to their hearts with protection and calm. I want you to have it.”
Looking surprised, she let him close her hand around it. “What are you giving me this for?”
“Something is telling me I should. Consider it a gift. May it give you comfort while you're chasing after fate.”
Before she had a chance to answer him, the voices of her friends could be heard from outside the tent. “Are you still not done, Lizzie?” 
As if broken from a spell, the girl - Lizzie - shook her head. With a quick mumble of thanks, she pocketed the topaz Orion had given her before hurrying out to meet her friends. At the exit, she paused and turned around.
“You decide your fate, not the other way round,” she told him with a smile, and then she was gone. Orion watched her go, the sunlight catching in her hair as she bounded toward her two friends. They exchanged some words Orion couldn’t hear anymore, and after they’d walked away, he returned to his card table.
He laid his hand on the deck and let it linger there for a moment. Feeling the same sense of intuition as before, he pulled a fourth card from the stack. He blinked in surprise as he looked at the picture of a sun standing on its head. The sun stood for joy and good fortune, one of the only cards that did not hold a double meaning. Orion had never before drawn it reversed, however. He turned the card around in his hands, pondering what the universe was trying to tell him. 
The threads of his own fate weren’t his to unravel, Orion decided and put the card back into his deck. As unlikely as it sounded, if the sun was set to be his destiny, he would need to have trust.
After all, the cards had never failed him before. 
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Yoonmin fic rec 29
Memento Mori by PikaChiminie
Demon hunter Yoongi Min isn't the type to dwell on his mistakes. Sure, he underestimated a fire demon and got his beloved gun destroyed. Sure, he worked with a necromancer and managed to get himself killed. Sure, the necromancer reanimated Yoongi, effectively taking ownership of his soul. And yeah, sure, Yoongi may have slept with said necromancer's boyfriend before turning tail and running. But all of that was supposed to be dust in the wind, at least until the Raven of the South, necromancer Jimin Park, comes after Yoongi, demanding the demon hunter pay his dues. Now Yoongi is reunited with his bitter rival, and Jimin is none too happy to be working with him either. Jimin's heart has been stolen, though, and he needs Yoongi's help to get it back. When the quest is a literal matter of life and death, Yoongi can't afford to run again.
"you want a mint?" by blanket_kkik
Yoongi's the guitarist of Jimin's favourite band on campus. Which also means Jimin has an enormous crush on him and wants to suck his dick, maybe.
Supernova by PikaChiminie
As a son of Aphrodite, Jimin is allowed many luxuries in his life on Olympus. Despite being surrounded by the finest clothes, trinkets, and foods the gods can provide, he is also limited by the watchful eyes of his mother and brother. To Aphrodite, Jimin is vibrant, but vulnerable. To Seokjin, Jimin is curious and naive. They choose where Jimin travels, who he associates with, how his judgements should be made. Love is no exception to Jimin's forced limitations.
The son of Athena was never supposed to hold a place in Jimin's heart. Olympus runs thick with blood feuds, and bias is all the young demigods have known. Yet, Yoongi always seems to prove an exception.
wanna hold your hand (니 손 잡고) by blanket_kkik
“N-no, Jimin, I… I like you.” Yoongi looks him dead in the eyes. “And no, this isn’t a prank,” he says slowly, making sure Jimin doesn’t misconstrue his words again.
Shit goes down when Jimin and Yoongi room together.
(You're My) Water, Earth, Fire, Air by a_lonely_whale666666
Based on the pro-bending sport introduced in The Legend of Korra
When Kim Seokjin, the heir to Republic City's wealthiest business enterprise, first approached Jimin to sponsor and create a new probending team, Jimin had never expected for him and his friends, Jungkook and Taehyung, to be so successful and so formidable as only rookies in a league full of experienced players.
Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook finally meet their match when they face off with Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok, who together are known as arguably one of the best probending teams of all time. Several missteps and unfortunate encounters later, and Yoongi and Jimin learn that they really can't stand each other.
But sworn mutual hatred doesn't mean there can't be other benefits, right?
(Or: that one bending!AU I really felt like writing but with Yoonmin as enemies who are insanely attracted to each other)
Bad Apples Can Fall Pretty Far by SugaTheTurtle
Personally, Yoongi doesn't mind the bad boy title. He'd the poster boy for the magazine if there were one: with his motorcycle, and leather jacket, and smoking in the boys' bathroom, and frankly, blatant disregard for student conduct. Jimin, being the school's poster child student council president didn't mind the label either, until he comes into direct contact with Min Yoongi and realizes that maybe Yoongi isn't as bad as he seems.
FIC REC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
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fifteensjukebox · 1 year
5, 7, 18!
5. favorite form of potato?
cool cool starting off with the impossible question... i think either garlic matchstick fries or pierogi (pan fried bc deep fried is too greasy and just boiled ones are sad)
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
this is such a fun q but i haven't been to an aquarium since i was a kid and i really hadn't thought about it! so probably just a general curiosity about everything
18. your boba/tea order?
i used to get green apple but this is another thing i haven't done in at least 10 years... as far as tea in general my favourites are chai and matcha lattes, but the caffeine puts me to sleep for some reason? so i have mint tea the most often
tysm for asking, bethany!
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georgiaswarr · 3 years
georgia warr
never been in love - gatlin
a song about wanting to be in love but not being able to be in love, which is very fitting for georgia’s initial situation. i’ve put this at the beginning of this playlist because - spoiler alert - the last song on here is also called never been in love and i think these two songs symbolise georgia’s journey in a very mint way. also, the first line of this song is “that boy from georgia was so sweet” which i think is pretty funny
somebody to love - queen
the title says it all. georgia wants to find somebody to love. i mean, she’s already found them, but we’ll get to that later.
paradise - coldplay
georgia is a big dreamer and yearner and i think this song really encapsulates that on so many levels. i mean “when she was just a girl / she expected the world / but it flew away from her reach / so she ran away in her sleep” that’s georgia !
tous les garçons et les filles - françoise hardy
french song because i’m ~quirky~ but this song is basically about seeing everyone else be in relationships and feeling lonely/wanting one for yourself
waiting for love - avicii
georgia is a hopeless romantic, but she’s still waiting for her own grand romance (she still hasn’t realised that the “love” she’s “waiting for” has already “come around”)
dear no one - tori kelly
georgia “i want someone to be in love with but there is no one” warr, at least at the beginning of the book
chaos - miki fiki
this song can be interpreted with various themes of the book in mind such as yearning for something you don’t have, feeling lonely, emotional turmoil, etc, it’s a banger
i walk a little faster - fiona apple
highjacked from @kindaorangey’s loveless playlist (they’ve done a great rundown here). this song has similar themes to dear no one, anticipating that romance will come to you, but it hasn’t, despite how hard you chase it, how fast you walk
when - dodie
shoutout to @drarrystar for recommending this song to me because so many of the lines reflect georgia to the core. just look up the lyrics and you’ll agree
deeper - ella eyre
“cause i’m scared, i can’t lie / i don’t feel the same inside / i can’t decide if i have the heart to confess” georgia thinks she can learn to love jason romantically if she just digs a little deeper
loneliness for love - lovelytheband
“anything at all not to feel alone / anything at all just to feel whole / ‘cause i keep mistaking loneliness for love”
a little more - alessia cara
“there you are with your college friends / you played in a marching band / i can't help but wish i knew you then / but i guess i know you now // it looks as if i've stumbled right into the palm of your hand // hey, you / hey, mr. knock on my door / i'm sorry that I've been emotions galore / am i crazy for wanting a little bit more? / a little more of you” georgia about sunil. she needs their guidance and wishes he’d been there for her earlier.
stuck in california - rightfield
a song about feeling alone and alienated by everyone and everything around you, and waiting for your “stars to align”, which fits georgia if you ask me
seven - taylor swift
georgiapip song !!!!!! it’s also about how alienating it can be to grow up and lose your childhood innocence, and i have a lot of thoughts about a very specific brand of growing pains that come with being aspec, but that’s a topic for another day
te amo - rihanna
this is a song about having someone be romantically in love with you and the heartbreak that comes from not being able to reciprocate those feelings --> georgia about jason
love love love - of monsters and men
same as te amo. it hits especially hard when you do love the other person so fucking much
ceiling won’t break - finish ticket
this song gives me georgia’s emotional turmoil vibes, also the line “i see no lights ‘cause the lights weren’t aimed at me” can be interpreted in a “cupid’s arrows didn’t hit georgia” way if you get what i mean
lack of emotion - skott
once again we are dealing with themes of not being able to feel the emotions that you “““““should”““““ feel for someone
let me go - hailee steinfeld
another song about georgia and jason’s (romantic) relationship and how it was doomed to fail from the beginning so she hopes he can let her go
i’m so tired - lauv, troye sivan
i’m just thinking about that line in loveless where georgia resentfully realises how many songs are about romantic love. she’s just so tired
crush culture - conan gray
and another song about being resentful of our romance-obsessed society, which georgia certainly is plenty of times throughout the book
home - ella eyre
christmas break time babey !!!! georgia has reached her low point and she’s going home
i love my car - belle & sebastain
“I pressed a cold hand against my car, which was as far up the drive of our house as it could get. I’d missed my car.” - loveless by alice oseman, celebrating all kinds of love since 2020
i’ve never written a song about a boy - eva westphal
this was actually recommended to me by @michaelholdenn for this playlist ! a song about the liberation that comes with not having to force attraction anymore
this is home - cavetown
i think months ago some ask told alice that this is a loveless song and i agree
why can’t we be friends - jordy searcy
this is about georgia’s strained relationship with pip and jason after the bailey ball and how she wishes they could just be friends again, the way they were all throughout their childhood
chiquitita - abba
okay fuckers THIS is literally the LOVELIEST song about friendship and wanting to be there for your loved ones and i’m sure georgia relates
open up - matt simons
“you’re hard to talk to with that wall around you” vs. “rooney had a solid brick wall round some part of her that nobody was allowed to know.” basically, georgia wants rooney to open up to her
just fucking let me love you - lowen
okay, yes, this song is very gay, but i think it can be applied to georgiarooney too ! the frustration this song expresses of wanting to shake someone and scream at them to just fucking let you love them is definitely shown in loveless when it comes to those two
less than i do - the band camino
georgia about pip. she hopes that pip will forgive her eventually. i mean look at the line “i still have your denim jacket” in the song - georgia still has pip’s jacket too, it’s perfect !!!
friends will be friends - queen
if loveless taught us anything it’s that friends sure fuckin will be friends
stick with me - olly murs
“we all get lonely / trying to find a place where we should be / trying to find someone to set us free / there are times a friend is all you need” you know when alice said that every character in the book feels “loveless” in some way at one point or another, but they all learn the value and importance of platonic love? yeah.
your song - moulin rouge
“and then, with three accompanists, i stood on a boat on the river wear and sang ‘your song’ - the version specifically from moulin rouge - to pip quintana, who didn’t yet know me as well as i wished she did, but despite that, was one of my favourite people i had ever met.”
wherever i live - alessia cara
you know the scene after georgia leaves pip and rooney to their first kiss? yeah, this song really reflects that mindset of half loneliness, half acceptance to me. listen to it.
take time - honest men
accepting your identity takes time ! even by the end of loveless there’s still days when georgia wishes she wasn’t aroace and the book presents this in an amazing and properly nuanced way !
die alone - finneas
"you asked me, ‘do you wanna die alone / or watch it all burn down together?’ / i said i’d rather try to hold on to you forever” this song is very much georgiarooney - finding each other in their darkest of days and watching everything they thought they knew (amatonormativity) burn down. together.
no lover - jetty bones
the next few songs are basically just one aro anthem after the next. this is another recommendation from @michaelholdenn - “maybe i don’t need a lover, i just need the friend”
solo - carly rae jepsen
highjacked from @kindaorangey’s loveless playlist. amazing anthem about how it’s okay to be single and how romantic love isn’t as fulfilling as society makes it out to be anyway
trust my lonely - alessia cara
i think in georgia’s case this song can be interpreted as her learning to finally let go of her pre-conceived notions of what love is and what she should want, her learning to “trust her lonely”, though lonely here just means romance-less
love is a town - josh gilligan
“if [romantic] love is a town then i’m passing through" yeah, romance is not for georgia and she’s starting to accept that.
new romantics - taylor swift
the loveless gang is the new romantics !!! they’re redefining love and romance !!!
team - lorde
“and everyone's competing for a love they won't receive / 'cause what this palace wants is release” anyway, let’s go found family song
wild things - alessia cara
now, i don’t know if alessia cara is queer but I DARE YOU to look at the lyrics of wild things and not tell me that this is the ULTIMATE queer anthem about found family and saying fuck you to respectability politics. i DARE you. anyway, loveless is also about found family and saying fuck you to respectability politics so it’s very fitting
never been in love - will jay
full circle babey !!!!! this is THE aro anthem so obviously i had to add it and comparing the “never been in love / and it’s all good” to the “never been in love / and i fucking hate that i couldn’t make it past a crush” message from the first song we can really reflect georgia’s journey of self-acceptance in loveless which i love a lot
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catthecoder · 4 years
tag game - get to know me
tagged by the awesome @orangenfrottee - thank you, i haven’t done one of these in ages and these questions sound like so much fun! 💕
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? it’s grey on the back with black handle
2. name a food you never eat - hmm, i used to be such a picky eater but i recently slowly started eating a lot of food i used to despise... if you asked me a few months ago, i could write up a rather long list, but right now? the only thing that comes to mind are picked cucumbers 😬
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold, 100%. somehow, my body stays cold even when it is like 30 degrees, which is hella weird.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? eating lunch! i made bagels with ricotta, ham, cheese, egg and avocado and i had a couple of baby cucumbers along with it (mind you, not pickled ones) and it was super delicious.
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? i think twix is my favourite? or perhaps this slovak bar called ‘horalky’, which is basically wafers with peanut filling and sides dipped in chocolate... god, now i want one so desperately.
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? i used to watch hockey a lot and i’ve been to a couple of games.
7. what is the last thing you said out loud?  huh, i think it was my order when i went for coffee a couple of hours ago? (i got a latte and a piece of apple crumble cake, in case anybody’s wondering)
8. what is your favorite ice cream? i could eat ben&jerry every day, so it’s probably their ‘half baked’ or ‘phish food’. also, i’d die for a good mango sorbet.
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? plain old water
10. do you like your wallet? i like how small and practical it is..... i’m trying to recall the last time i actually took it out of my backpack and i’m coming very short.
11. what is the last thing you ate? the bagels from question 4!
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? i bought a pair of new masks last thursday and they arrived on monday - does that count?
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? haha, does the bake off count as a sporting event? if not, i think it would be some skiing competitions (slalom) last winter - my parents follow them rather closely and it kind of rubs off on me when i’m home with them.
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? salty mixed with sweet!
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? my boyfriend.
16. ever been camping? does setting up a tent in friend’s backyard and sleeping there count? if so, then yes.
17. do you take vitamins? not really... i sometimes take c during autumn for immunity, but i haven’t bought any this year so far... oh, i am taking probiotics right now, though i’m not sure whether that counts as vitamins.
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? no.
19. do you have a tan? no, if i try to tan, i just turn pink (or red). though i’m pretty sure my skin is marginally lighter underneath where i wear my watch.
20. do you prefer Chinese or pizza?  if going out, pizza; if i’m cooking, chinese.
21. do you drink your soda through a straw? if there’s ice in it, then yes; otherwise, i tend to skip the straw. 
22. what color socks do you usually wear? black or white.
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? gonna be honest and say yes. not by crazy amounts or anything like that, but if i know the road and i can see quite far around and ahead, i will go 10ish% above the limit easily. not gonna lie, it’s especially easy on highways (though i nearly got fined last time i drove, so who knows how i’ll feel about it the next i’ll sit behind the wheel) 
24. what terrifies you? haha, like i’m going to share that.
25. look to your left, what do you see?  a shelf with alcohol bottles, glasses that don’t fit into our kitchen cabinet, an assortment of cameras and other photography equipment and a scanner. oh, and a window.
26. what chore do you hate most? taking out our organic waste bin - it starts smelling very bad very quickly plus the bin for it downstairs hadn’t been taken out in a very long time and it’s always covered by fruit flies and smells veeeery bad and i’m feeling yucky just thinking about it.
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? i think - hah, that person is australian, how cool.
28. what’s your favorite soda? i love san pellegrino. limonata is my go to, but i recently had lemon & mint and my god, that one is amazing.
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? i go in, even if i drove there - i don’t like eating in my car.
30. what’s your favorite number? i’ve always had a special connection to number three, so let’s go with that.
31. who’s the last person you talked to? depends on what you mean by talked to - actually spoke to, with my voice? the bartender at my favourite coffee shop. had a meaningful conversation? probably with a customer service employee who’s helping me resolve an issue. just chatted to, without much of a point? my boyfriend.
32. favorite meat? hmm, probably ham?
33. last song you listened to? i’m currently listening to ‘cigarette daydreams’ by ‘cage the elephant’, though that’s going to change in a minute and half.
34. last book you read? ‘renegades’ by marissa meyer! it was so. good! i started the second book, ‘archnemesis’ yesterday and i’m even more in love. 100% recommend if you’re into superhero stories with secret identities and enemies-to-friends(-to-lovers). such an amazing series.
35. favorite day of the week? what even are days?
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? only crazy people can.
37. how do you like your coffee? oat latte with a bit of honey.
38. favorite pair of shoes? i own way too many shoes to be able to pick a single favourite pair.
39. time you normally get up? between 8:30 and 9:00.
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets.
41. how many blankets are on your bed? none. there is one on the couch though.
42. describe your kitchen plates? we found this kitchen set in tesco after eating from paper plates for at least a week after moving in - there are four bowls, four small plates and four big plates (a year layer, we found two extra big bowls matching our set) - the bowls are grey from outside and white on the inside; the small plates are grey on the top and white on the bottom and the big plates are white on top and grey on bottom.
43. describe your kitchen at the moment: very small - a third of it is a stove (with two heating pads? circles? whatever), another third is a sink and the last third is workspace with a small shelf for spices, cutlery etc, and a cutting board and knives stand. most of the workspace is taken up by a cutting board i used to cut avocado and cucumbers for lunch and there is a tiny pan (and i mean really tiny, like one egg sized) leftover on the stove. i’m probably going to do the dishes after i finish answering these.
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? i’m not that picky, i’ll drink almost anything. i think i prefer fruity drinks though - i really like french martini or sex on the beach.
45. do you play cards? we used to play cards a lot with my parents and sister (and grandparents as well) - i love playing canasta, but you need four people for that, so i haven’t actually played in months... we also played a lot of joker and i taught my boyfriend to play this summer (not that he didn’t know how to play, he just wasn’t particularly good)... and we also play poker with a couple of our friends here from time to time
46. what color is your car? this is going to sound so bad, but i am actual not sure? we ended up finding quite a good deal on a car we wanted to get after uni, so we bought it - however, it is back in slovakia and both me and my boyfriend are stuck in uk right now. it’s either black or very dark blue, but for the love of my life, i can’t remember and the photos i found weren’t helpful at. all. (if it weren’t for covid, i’d be able to answer this question a lot better). oh, and the car i had before (my mom’s old car) is red.
47. can you change a tire? i like to think i’d be able to (after enough googling and youtube videos), but if there was somebody else with me, i’d gladly let them do it.
48. your favorite state or province? like in usa or what? i guess new york.
49. favorite job you’ve had? i don’t think i’ve particularly enjoyed any of the jobs i had so far - if i had to pick, i’d say working in an ice-cream shop, because if there is one thing that could make work during a very hot summer even slightly bearable, it’s the fact that every so often, you can nibble on a bit of an ice-cream.
i’m tagging @stonerbughead @strangenightsofdaydreams and @i-know-you-can - i know there is like 50 questions and that’s a lot, but they were actually a lot of fun? 
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sweetc2020 · 4 years
weird asks that say a lot from @julietgiulia​
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Coffee mugs
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? Chocolate 
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Neither
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? Shy, conscientious, perfectionist
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Glasses
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? All contributors
7. earbuds or headphones? Earbuddies :)
8. movies or tv shows? Movies
9. favourite smell in the summer? Hot soil, flowering plants, fruit and needle trees, post rain, towel after ocean swim, wind through car window driving through forest(ed highway)
10. game you were best at in p.e.? Hockey, soccer, california kickball, high jump and arm hang? 
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Usually oatmeal or millet with omegas, fruit and oat milk or avocado bagel with black pepper and nutritional yeast
12. name of your favourite playlist? A nice mix for ness
13. lanyard or key ring? Key ring
14. favourite non-chocolate candy? Licorice, candied fennel or anise seeds
15. favourite book you read as a school assignment? Les miserables, The thief lord, The cellist of Sarajevo - off the top
16. most comfortable position to sit in? Slumpy posture, one leg over or under the other, knee tuck or apple sauce
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? Hiking boots or black sambas
18. ideal weather? Sunny after rain a little windy
19. sleeping position? No pillow usually on my left or on my back or front with one leg bent 
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Notebook or notes app
21. obsession from childhood? Fairies and making homes
22. role model? Opa
23. strange habits? Not sure what qualifies as strange
24. favourite crystal? Not really into them but maybe jade or quartz 
25. first song you remember hearing? I turned out a punk or something by Joe Strummer
26. favourite activity to do in warm weather? Backpacking
27. favourite activity to do in cold weather? Cuddling, snowy adventuring, dancing
28. five songs to describe you? Hazel (bob dylan), Planted a thought (arthur russell), Junie (solange), Corridor of dreams (the cleaners from venus), Even cowgirls get the blues (emmylou harris)
29. best way to bond with you? Quality time, presence, care, spontaneity / silly curiousity
30. places that you find sacred? Oma and Opa’s yard and greenhouse, forest, Veluwe, ocean
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? Floral dress, nice earrings with sambas and sweatshirt or hiking boots, wool socks and over shirt, with shorts and tank top
32. top five favourite vines? Fresh avocado is the only one that comes to mind
33. most used phrase in your phone? Yay sweet and or That’s funny
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? Can’t think of any
35. average time you fall asleep? 2am
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? Probably one of those justgirlythings ones here or Fb I have no idea
37. suitcase or duffel bag? Suitcase
38. lemonade or tea? Tea
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? Lemon tart
40. weirdest thing to ever happen to you at your school? High school - Maybe bear spray yoe evac? authority figure telling me what I was wearing was inappropriate? psych teacher crying in class? Post sec - Tiktok famous boy makes a tiktok of me knitting in psych class? boy crushing steals my textbook just to get me to go to his car so he can return it to me? 
41. last person you texted? Daisy 🌼
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? BOTH
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Hoodie
44. favourite scent for soap? Rose, patchouli, rosemary, lavendar, mint, etc.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Naked 
47. favourite type of cheese? Cashew cheese or if I could brie
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? White nectarine but there are so many to try!
49. what saying or quote do you live by? “She walked with her entire body as if to gain momentum for an event in which her entire body would participate.” - Anaïs Nin (A spy in the house of love)
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? Probably my kid best friend
51. current stresses? Health issues, unstable income
52. favorite font? Freight rn
53. what is the current state of your hands? Coffee shakes
54. what did you learn from your first job? Hundreds of PLU’s, how to pack groceries, how messy and wasteful people are, that everyone should have to do a customer service job in their lifetime, how really great and awful people are, that I shouldn’t let other people’s stresses make me feel like I should be stressed, that quitting is good sometimes
55. favourite fairy tale? The six swans, Vasalisa the wise, Baba yaga, Bluebeard, Rumpelstiltskin, The red shoes, The velvet ribbon, Goldilocks and the three bears, and many many more
56. favourite tradition? Writing letters and cards, dressing up for halloween, celebrating birthdays
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? Eating disorder, depression and heartbreak (although these are things I still need to keep being overcome)
58. four talents you’re proud of having? Writing, taking notes, learning about my body, feeling for what resonates
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Heyo, how bout that!
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Nausicaä of the valley of the wind (hayao miyazaki)
61. favourite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? Recently found on my Tumblr feed from a book waiting on my shelf: “I want to believe, walking those aimless nights, that I was praying. For what I’m still not sure. But I always felt it was just ahead of me. That if I walked far enough, long enough, I would find it–perhaps even hold it up, like a tongue at the end of its word.” - Ocean Vuong (On earth we’re briefly gorgeous)
62. seven characters you relate to? In no particular order, not long thought out: 1) Sabina (A spy in the house of love), 2) Elio (Call me by your name), 3) Patti (Just kids), 4) Sally (The ruby in the smoke), 5) Camille (Un amour de jeunesse), 6) Dani (Midsommar), 7) Orla (Derry Girls)
63. five songs that would play in your club? I follow rivers - the magician remix (lykke li), JA! (bizzey), Gasolina (daddy yankee), Nice for what (drake), This must be the place - naive melody (talking heads) / love my way (psychedelic furs)
64. favourite website from your childhood? Myscene, Club penguin - those free gaming websites 
65. any permanent scars? A few on my face from tables and my dog, one on my knee from flip flops on a boat launch, a few burns here and there that probably aren’t permanent
66. favourite flower(s)? Always changing, echinacea and yellow roses rn
67. good luck charms? Change on the ground, nice earrings, well worn shoes, spotting flowers or animals
68. worst flavour of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? Cream of mushroom
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? Popped in my head, maybe not the most fun - the flower bud in the centres of apple tree fruiting spurs make the king fruit (the biggest and best apple from each spur) and if you pick the king blossom then all the surrounding blossoms will be bigger and better 
70. left or right handed? Right
71. least favourite pattern? Galaxy?
72. worst subject? Economics
73. favourite weird flavour combo? Miso and apple, blueberries and coconut curry, orange juice and beer (I don't know if its really possible to find a “weird” combo maybe it’s more like “not found in my culture”)
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 5 if 0 is no pain (I don't think I’ve been above 8.5)
75. when did you lose your first tooth? No idea
76. what’s your favourite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? Gnocchi or boerenkool
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? Flowering plants
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Station coffee
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? School id
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Earth
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? I don't think I have much experience with either
82. pc or console? I cannot either way
83. writing or drawing? This is my kryptonite question
84. podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts if I had to choose
84. barbie or polly pocket? Polly pocket
85. fairy tales or mythology? Mythology (stories are linked more)
86. cookies or cupcakes? Cookies
87. your greatest fear? My health issues keep accumulating and getting worse forever
88. your greatest wish? My health issues resolve
89. who would you put before everyone else? Myself, Suzmom or Marleymoon
90. luckiest mistake? Choosing mini school, don't regret it but maybe not the best decision
91. boxes or bags? Bags
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Sunlight and rocksalt lamps
93. nicknames? Ness, nessie, nessa, bean, bear, benjamin, kindje, sweet pea
94. favourite season? Late spring or late summer
95. favourite app on your phone? Flo, Spotify, Google maps, notes, weather, find my
96. desktop background? Santa Catalina Island off the coast of Southern California
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? 7+
98. favourite historical era? I love revolutions and renaissances but all of em have hard times and good times
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pyrimid1ne · 4 years
50 questions
I was tagged by @hayley-the-comet thanks heaps!! This looks fun
What is the colour of your hairbrush? Umm, yes... my hairbrush
Name a food you never eat: Besides all animal products... mushroom. Can’t stand em. Wish I liked them, they’re a pretty versatile food.
Are you typically too warm or too cold? Too warm. It’s changing a bit now because the weather’s so cold but compared to other people too warm definitely.
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Chilling on the couch with family, pretty sure that was 45 mins ago as of writing this
What’s your favourite candy bar? Vego bar
Have you ever been to a professional sports game? yeah
What is the last thing you said out loud? I think I said “see you tomorrow” to a family member, unless you count just laughing at a YouTube video which was more recent
What is your favourite ice cream? Probably chocolate or mint. I like the vegan cornettos too
What was the last thing you had to drink? Water
Do you like your wallet? Yep it’s a batman wallet
What is the last thing you ate? A complete cookie
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Can’t remember if it was on the weekend but I’m waiting on a tee shirt and bomber jacket to be delivered
What’s the last sporting event you watched? Couldn’t say, I don’t watch sports
What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? Probs just salted or buttered/salted (vegan butter obvs)
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? A work colleague
Ever go camping? Very occasionally 
Do you take vitamins? Usually but I’m being slack rn, I’m waiting on some of those to be delivered too. Normally I take B-12, omega-3 algae oil, D-3, iron, zinc, and magnesium
Do you go to church every Sunday? Never been
Do you have a tan? Not in this weather
Do you prefer Chinese or pizza? Pizza
Do you drink your soda through a straw? I’m sensing these questions were written by an American... nope I don’t drink that stuff
What colour socks do you usually wear? Black
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? See, here’s the thing. I use cruise control fanatically to avoid getting a speeding fine. So far so good. But a month or two ago I got done by the cops for speeding, but it’s because they got me just as I’d finished overtaking someone. That’s literally the only time I’ll drive faster than the limit. To overtake someone. Not because of the law or anything, I couldn’t give two shits what the law says (I mean look at my Tumblr name lol), I just don’t want them taking my money. Lucky for me when I got done the cop was one of the few reasonable ones and let me off with a caution because he knew I’d just overtaken someone and saw that I’d had a flawless record prior.
What terrifies you? Not having properly lived before I die. The animal holocaust going on every minute of every day. The fact that the environment is getting fucked and all people seem to care about is the economy. We’re one species of ten million. Sometimes I just wish the events of the day the earth stood still would happen. Probably not quite what the question was asking but that is honestly what terrifies me. Anthropocentrism.
Look to your left, what do you see? My bedside table with various items on it (lamp, Apple Watch, cologne, deodorant, drink bottle, tissues, etc.)
What chore do you hate most? Probably vacuuming
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Yep, definitely written by an American hahaha, I think “oh someone’s saying something in a normal sounding voice” lol... wait no I wanna change my answer to Chase from House
What’s your favourite soda? N/A mate
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive through? Usually drive through but depends
What’s your favourite number? Don’t have one
Who’s the last person you talked to? Think my dad
Favourite cut of beef? No cutting, just a live, happy cow allowed to live its life is my favourite :)
Last song you listened to? I’m good? by Hilltop Hoods
Last book you read? I think 12 rules for life? I have very mixed opinions on it but at the very least Jordan Peterson has some motivating things to say
Favourite day of the week? Friday or Saturday for obvious reasons
Can you say the alphabet backwards? Probs very slowly haha
How do you like your coffee? Strong French press with 1 sugar and a lil soy milk 👌
Favourite pair of shoes? I have like 1 pair of shoes I wear 95% of the time they’re just black nikes with the white sole and nike tick
Time you normally get up? If I’m working then like 90 mins or so before I start work, if I’m not working then more like 11am, love my sleep ins :)
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets
How many blankets on your bed? 1 quilt
Describe your kitchen plates. Um mostly just white but a few with a blue ring halfway to the edge, like if you drew a radius line the blue bit would be in the middle of the line
Describe your kitchen at the moment. Messy
Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? I usually have like a vodka/soda/raspberry thing or vodka dry or if its beer then corona
Do you play cards? Badly
What colour is your car? Red
Can you change a tyre? Haven’t before but how hard can it be
Your favourite state? If you mean Aus then I very much like my state South Australia but if you mean in the US I have no idea
Favourite job you’ve had? They’ve all sucked equally haha
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whitewolfbumble · 5 years
Of Gods & Goddesses - Chapter Two
A Modern Greek Mythology AU with Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: The connection was immediate and the mystery behind Bucky Barnes ran deeper and deadlier than you thought. Falling in love has never been this complicated, for a goddess or otherwise. A modern reimagining of Hades and Persephone, with Bucky the God of Spring and you the Goddess of the Underworld.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader (aka God!Bucky x Goddess!Reader, Persephone!Bucky x Hades!Reader)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.5k
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The din of chatter and laughter and music was silenced as the door closed. The thick glass door was the only separation from him and as you crossed the threshold to the balcony, suddenly there was nothing.  There was nothing out here but you, him, and the cold night air.
Bucky stood, subtly eyeing you a moment, perhaps wondering if you were there to catch a breath of fresh air and a moment of quiet. Maybe he assumed you'd keep to one side and him the other, silent and separate.
But you didn’t hide your gaze or movement- how could you out here in with no crowd to mask you?- and headed directly for him. Bucky straightened instantly as your feet carried you closer, eyes and body shifting and Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
He knew who you were by looking at you. Everyone did. The Goddess of the Underworld and Riches? At the very least it was clear to see the jewels around your neck were real, brighter than the stars and their colour deeper than the night sky. Certainly no introduction needed.
“Good evening, I’m Y/N,” you said all the same, trying your best for a kind smile to the shifting man in front of you. “It’s a pleasure to meet you...?”
“Bucky,” he supplied with a nod, still awkwardly standing there.
You smiled, stepping up and offering him the whiskey from your hand, eyeing him as he reached for the glass slowly and with what looked to be a bit more suspicion than gratitude.
“It’s whiskey, not poison,” you said. “I may be the Goddess of the Underworld, but I’m not in the habit of filling vacancies myself.”
He nodded a thank you, words caught in his throat, perhaps not trusting the joke coming from a goddess like you. Though admittedly the joke was just trying to elicit a response; anything to get him to speak again with that deep, velvet voice of his. It was a low sound, vibrating and humming in your ears, such unlike the light sounds of the party happening distantly behind you. It was gorgeous.
After a moment the whiskey glass rattled in his hand as he took it, making a hard clinking sound quite unlike skin.
“Metal?” you asked, a bit surprised as you saw the moonlight glint off the amber liquid and the silver hand wrapped around the crystal cup. Being the Goddess of Riches and knowing the sound and sight of precious metals, you were rather intrigued.
He nodded again at the assumption, face paling a bit in the moonlight.
“A cruel joke, giving a metal arm to a God of Spring,” he grimaced. “If it uh makes you uncomfortable, I can-”
“Please, I see people in far worse shape than you and quite regularly,” you shrugged easily. “Goddess of the Underworld, remember? I’m a hard one to scare.”
“Sorry,” he said, but you saw a slight upward pull at the corner of his mouth. Even the tiniest presence of a grin made your breath catch in your throat. It was like a flame, bright and brilliant. “Patchy memory, and all.”
You sipped your champagne as an excuse to swallow down your reaction to a bare hint of a smile from him. Even now he exuded that calm, breath of life. It was like an evening wind, smooth and soft, bringing in the sweet summer air.
Gods help you if he actually did smile in truth.
“So, we hate metal, what else?” You leaned back on the railing, sipping your champagne again as you casually tried to pass off the absurd question.
Small talk was never your forte or favourite thing (as clearly displayed by that question) but damn if you weren’t trying now. The drive to understand him, to figure out that intense pull you felt towards him was bubbling just below your surface. But for the love of everything, you spent most of your time talking to dead people after all. How were you supposed to talk to a man with a light and life like his?
He pulled a face at the strange inquiry but you braced your soul as another slow smile crept up, growing with his words as he played along.
“The cold, I suppose,” he started, the toothy grin he sported for some reason making your heart beat in your chest like a drum. “Mint toothpaste too. And sugar packets. Waste of packaging and all that.”
As he spoke the words you felt that life and energy that was hidden away from the surface. It wasn’t frantic or crazed, but a slow, beautiful hum. It was like a flower unfurling for the first time, emerging from the frost.
“I suppose that’s why you're the God of Spring,” you mused, your eyes dancing in the moonlight with amusement as much as his. “Your abilities lie with ending winter so you probably wouldn’t like the cold much. And why have mint toothpaste when you must enjoy it in its leafy form far better?”
You pondered a moment looking to be deep in thought before turning back.
“Yeah, the sugar packet thing is just weird though.”
He turned away, hiding his smile with a sip of whiskey. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”
“So tell me, why is the prodigal God of Spring outside in the cold than?”
“I could ask you that too?” he deflected, a sideways glance thrown your way as though he was testing the waters of questioning a high goddess. You welcomed it though. Anything to keep listening to him speak.
“Please, I’m hardly the life of a party, if you’ll excuse the pun,” He didn’t though, relaxing back into the railing with a shadow of a crooked grin. “My invite here is out of courtesy and I accept it out of courtesy too.”
“You’re friends with Natasha though?” he ventured. “And I doubt you’re here out of mere politeness.”
“Oh, so you’re out here to spy on me, hmm?” you asked, teasing. “Should I be blushing or upset?”
He was the one to blush though, a heated and flustered look on his face as he fought to play it cool. Conversely you broke out into the biggest smile of the night, watching Bucky stumble through trying to backtrack.
“No no,” he quickly filled in, voice the slightest bit higher than his usual deep and gravelly tone. “I wasn’t staring, just observing. And not just you, I just- well, I’m trying to remember everyone.”
“Not to spoil the fun of deciphering everyone here,” you said jokingly, looking back into the gold room and gesturing with your champagne glass. You felt more than saw the embarrassed look fade into somewhat of a smile as the threat of an upset reaction that of mere teasing. “But we’re a dramatic, selfish bunch. Not worth memorizing if I do say.”
“Those I know, I don’t believe that of,” he contradicted. A far cry from the awkwardly shifting Bucky when you first encountered him, he leaned into you pointing into the crowd to one blonde haired god. It was as though the two of you were conspiring together, huddled in together and looking through the glass. “I wouldn’t be here without Steve or back in my own mind, however blank.”
“Terrible at poker though,” you whispered back with a smile. “Absolutely no poker face.”
“Abysmal,” he agreed before his eyes narrowed and he looked for the host of the party, Tony, wearing a velvet suit and looking completely hammered. Typical. “And Tony, the God of Metalworking and Fire? Well, I wouldn’t have a new, upgraded arm without him. Just showed up one day and gave it to me, completely out of the blue.”
“Yes, but now you’ve unknowingly agreed to these parties forevermore as payment,” you said, another little nip at your champagne. “Need I say more.”
“And Thor,” he pointed, knuckles brushing your fingers clasps around your glass as he pointed. It was like a jolt of life to your system and you were lucky for the railing supporting you. “He still welcomed me back into the fold after everything I’ve done.”
A beat passed before you shrugged.
“Okay, Thor’s alright,” you agreed, chuckling with Bucky as the intimate little bubble you shared together mixed in with that hazy, free feeling of slight intoxication. “He’s the fearless leader of this realm so I doubt I could say otherwise.”
You looked heaven-ward, the inky black sky clear of clouds and proudly displaying the full might of gleaming, distant stars.
“I’d fear a lightning bolt would strike me where I stand if I did,” you said, voice hushed and sporting an expression of mock seriousness.
He laughed; it was a low and honest and content kind of sound. “Well, I’d probably get hit too, so let’s just keep the trash-talking to a minimum, at least for tonight. I’m having far too good a time now to ruin it.”
“Well, me too,” you agreed, a warm smile on your face matching a warm feeling in your chest.
A calm settled into the cozy little space between the two of you, a little hum of contentment rolling through you and (by the soft, gentle expression on his face) Bucky. He was still watching the gods and goddesses inside, the faintest of golden light just touching his skin, giving him the softest ethereal glow. Slow blinks and slow sips and eased muscles; you could all but hold back from running your hands across his cheek, wanting to feel that life he personified under your fingertips.
In the next moment, you stopped, seeing movement you certainly hadn’t expected to see. You saw it before he realized what he was doing, the tendrils weaving through his hair, delicate and green. It was small little crown like a halo, wrapping around his head, the smallest white flowers blooming and little green leaves unfurling before your eyes.
It was mesmerizing.
You leaned into him, closing the distance between you and reached up, fingers delicately tracing those little white flowers, silky and delicate. Bucky stilled beside you, eyes locked onto yours as he realized, waiting with his breath held. He looked almost fearful behind those suddenly stony eyes.
“The God of Spring, hmm?” you whispered quietly.
“So they say,” he responded quietly, swallowing. “It’s coming back to me, slowly. I’m sorry I can’t control it.”
The fear was there but embarrassment took the reigns. It was rather unheard of for a god, even a lesser one, to not have a firm handle on their abilities. Dangerous even. But him like this, with a flower crown white and glowing like the moon, you could hardly count him as a danger at all.
“I don’t mind,” you said kindly, looking from those beautiful little creations back to the man himself. “It’s not as though you’re the keeper of dead and are not in full control. At least you wouldn’t have an army of deceased souls roaming the streets.”
He looked down, hiding a smile but you heard a breathy chuckle escape his lips. You bit your lip, smiling more so at his reaction than your little joke. You felt that ease seep back into him and it lifted your heart more than you thought possible or certainly reasonable for an action so small.
He held out his flesh hand in the small space between you, a bright green stem and white flower growing and emerging as though from nowhere. It was just like that of his crown, a beautiful little thing, subtly glimmering white. As his fingers closed around the little stem, he passed it to you.
“Oh, I shouldn’t-” you started, but a tentative and gentle hand reached and took your own, placing the delicate flower in your palm.
“I haven’t received much kindness after everything I… well, let’s just say I don’t deserve it,” he said with a morose smile. “It’s the least I can give you in return.”
“Thank you,” you said quietly, a loss for words otherwise.
You knew what would happen as you looked down to that little flower, willing yourself to be anyone but who you were, if just for a moment.
But your wishes weren’t fulfilled. You watched as the thin little petals withered away to a dusty brown, crinkling and splitting.
They fell off silently, one by one in your palm, dead.
“I don’t mean to do that,” you said, voice barely heard. “Death is… well, let’s just say I don’t deserve a gift of life, I suppose.”
You had been so caught up in him that the reality of your own life was one you had however briefly forgotten. Because what were you doing with a god of life and renewal? It didn’t change you being the Goddess of the Underworld. It didn’t change that too close to someone like you and someone like him would wither.
You were the keeper of the dead and decay, worse than those still dancing and laughing just inside. Because there was no hiding you. No bright and glittery mask to keep hidden what was underneath.
What you were was a fool for thinking you could be otherwise. Could chat and laugh with a stranger you found drawn too. As though he would be drawn to you in the same way. He wouldn’t. No one would.
You put on a tight smile, waiting for Bucky to agree with your words and your unsaid thoughts and emotions, running rampant inside you. To regret giving you something so beautiful and full of life.
“No,” Bucky said, voice lower and eyes flitting in between yours. “I rather don’t think that at all, actually.”
Those blue eyes held a sea of emotion, the antithesis of your own, answering and admonishing what you were feeling. He wasn’t hurt or upset or felt as though his suspicions were confirmed. He looked… well, happy. The calmness and contentment mixed with a thousand others. But none were accusatory. None were harming. None were bored or put-off or wanting distance. Quite the opposite, it looked like.
Call it the intoxication of too much champagne, the thrill of instant connection with a stranger, the laughter and intimate moments shared with a soul you felt fit your own… Whatever it was though, for the briefest of moments, you drowned in it.
You reached for his hand without thinking but stopped just before you skin connected with his. You remembered yourself in that moment, snapping back from the waves of emotions and straightened up, stepping back from him towards the door.
“I should let you be, you probably came out here for a reason. I shouldn’t have interrupted,” you said quickly, clearing your throat. The moment was over and the confidence his look gave you was dashed. He wouldn’t want to hold your hand or touch you, not after seeing what you just did. “Thank you for the flower, truly.”
“Uh you’re welcome,” he said, stepping after you. “But you can repay me for it.”
That stopped you in your tracks.
“Oh,” you said confused. “Yeah, you’re- well, I mean, of course-”
“The next party we have,” he started, expression soft enough to just about melt you. “Meet me out here? I’ll have a glass of champagne ready for you next time, I promise.”
You stopped, expression softening under his gaze.
He wanted you to come back. You. Not out of “mere politeness” or fear or for any other reasonable reason. But because he wanted to see you again. You could see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice. It was simple. And it was extraordinary.
“Easiest promise I may ever make,” you responded slowly and with a smile. “I’ll be here, Bucky. ‘Til next time”
A/N: Thanks for reading darlings! If you want to join my tag list just send through an ask. I’d love some feedback on this, please let me know what you thought!
Permanent Tag List: @dontpanc, @smodvocate, @bunsterjonez, @buckybonky, @captainrogerrsbeard, @friendly-neighborhood-lich-queen, @thisgirllikeme, @jjsoccer11, @innerpandablizzard-blog, @fanatic-fanfic, @mdgrdians, @christinky, @universal-death-of-a-fangirl, @cauraphernelia, @ailynalonso15, @cassiopeia-barrow, @1elboomdemsechevarria, @cameronskywalker, @rogrsnbarnes, @verygraphicink, @onlyanothersocialcasualty, @lisalisa007, @james-bucks, @zannemes, @msruchita
Bucky Barnes Tag List: @bexboo616, @kaaatniss, @lost-in-translating, @emabookcookie, @crazybutconfidentaf, @jitterbuck, @jewelofwinter
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financiallymint · 6 years
The key to becoming more intelligent
I picture myself at 12 years old.
I’m defending one of my classmates from the crazy History teacher. ‘You’re useless, you’re stupid and you won’t get anywhere in life. You were born stupid and you will always be stupid.’ He says.
I’m looking at this little bearded joke of man insulting my friend. I’m angry, but I don’t want to get into trouble. I raise my hand, and put on a very confused face: ‘Sir, I’m a little confused. Can’t you learn to be intelligent? Isn’t that the point of school?’
There’s an awkward silence, and the teacher kind of mumbles about. He’s insecure and probably feels like an idiot debating with a 12 year old, so he just says ‘Why yes, you’re right, you can all learn to be intelligent.’ Next day he’s attacking some other ‘stupid student’, trying to inflate his own ego.
Not a great teacher no, and not great for students morale. But it was a French public school and teachers were paid very little – all sort of things came through the door.
However, that event as a 12 year old was marked in my memory; yes, you can become intelligent.
But then I kept asking myself: how?
Well, not long ago, I discovered the answer while listening to Barney from The Escape Artist on the ChooseFI podcast. And it suddenly all made sense.
By reading books
Seriously? You say.
Yes, but there’s a bit more to it.
Hear me out first.
Why books?
I started this website after reading Rich Dad Poor Dad. Chip Bergh, CEO of Levi Strauss became vegan after reading Eat to Live. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft completely changed her attitude and mindset after reading Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, reorganized the company’s operations after reading Competing Against Time by George Jr. Stalk.
What I’m saying: books change lives.
And it’s very easy to understand why. As Barney puts it: a person take years and years of wisdom, experience and knowledge and condenses it into one little block of paper for anyone to absorb. When you read a book, you’re gathering all the wisdom from this one person – but it takes you 5 hours instead of an entire lifetime. Pure gold.
Every book you read the more wisdom you gain, the more experiences you read about, the more ideas you get into contact with. This author has decided to spend months, years, decades condensing their knowledge and wisdom into a book, because they believe they have something worth sharing. And you get to read that.
It’s incredible, the power of books.
But how exactly do they make you more intelligent?
It’s hard to define what intelligence really means. Einstein says it’s imagination, Socrates says it’s ‘knowing that you know nothing’, Stephen Hawking says it’s the ability to adapt to change.
No matter what it really means, it’s not difficult to see how books make you more intelligent: reading books written by intelligent people with intelligent ideas will teach you how to think intelligently.
It’s that simple. Learn from others, be their student, and you will go on to think like them, analyse like them and produce like them.
The real question then is, how do I find these intelligent books written by intelligent people? This is where it gets exciting:
Which books do I read?
There are millions of books in the world. How do you know which to read? How do you know which has most wisdom? How do you know which one will change your life and which one won’t?
I say books are a bit like networking. You might go to an event, meet an amazing person and start a business together. You might also go, and leave 10x more inspired. And sometimes you leave exhausted from meeting so many people and feel like it’s a waste of time.
But when you meet that person that changes your life and offers you the opportunity of your dreams, you think: ‘Wow, I’m so lucky, look at this amazing opportunity’. Yes, you’re lucky, but you created that luck. You went out there to all these events and looked for the opportunity. You didn’t wait for it to come to you; you went to the awkward networking event, ate some strange looking bagels and forced yourself to talk to strangers. And that effort allowed the opportunity to come.
It’s exactly the same with books. You may finish a book and feel a bit ‘meh’. You may finish a book and feel inspired to improve your life. You may also finish a book, and it changes your entire life. But you may not find that book unless you go through others first. It’s all about creating that opportunity, giving it the chance to find you, to change your life.
So I have to read every single book on the planet to find the right ones?
No! Thanks to the internet we can now recommend, review and talk about the books that have changed our lives.
I’ve done a lot of research, gone through quite a few books and met a lot of people who read. I call them ‘productive books’. They could be fiction or nonfiction, they could be about business, self-improvement or money, they could be 50 years old or published that same year. There is a huge variety, and I understand that it’s not easy to pick and choose. So look at what other people have read and what other people recommend.
Check out my own Resources page where I share my top books. I’ve also added links to other people’s books lists at the bottom.
the perfect read
How do I read?
So we can all agree that books are an amazing tool for building intelligence and wisdom. But the hard part is getting started.
We all know the biggest excuse for not reading: I don’t have time.
We have other commitments and books don’t sound like a priority. Plus they require concentration and a quiet environment – I get it, too much of a bother sometimes.
Well, as a reader with many commitments as well, I have indeed managed to go through one productive book a month. Here are some snazzy steps to get started:
1. Schedule time to read.
Not ‘I’ll read when I have time’ or ‘I’ll read before going to bed’, not even ‘I’ll read on the bus’. Schedule at least 1 hour a week (I try and do 2) purely for reading.
2. Find the right spot
Books are great because they force you to concentrate and focus. You won’t be able to absorb any of the golden nuggets in the book if you don’t concentrate. That means no phones, no unexpected alarms and noises. Find a library, a coffee shop, a park, a quiet place at home for your reading. For this 1 hour, it’s just you and the author, don’t let anyone distract you from that sacred moment.
3. Take notes
Do this for productive books. There is so much important info, life-changing ideas and knowledge in those books that you need to take note of what you’re reading – or you’ll forget! Take a simple notepad, and just write down the interesting stuff and stuff you might want to check out later. You’ll assimilate what you’re learning much better, and learn to apply it to real life. I kept applying all the marketing strategies I was learning in The E-Myth to Financially Mint, all along the book.
4. Practice
As with many other things, reading takes practice. It’s hard at first ‘1 hour without my phone?!’ ‘I actually have to focus on one thing for more than 10 minutes?!’. But the more you do it, the better you get at it and the more you enjoy it. In the end, that 1 hour is sacred for you: away from distractions, just you, your thoughts, and the author’s great ideas.
I look forward to every Sunday morning; I leave my phone at home, walk to the library with my book and notepad and spend 2 hours reading. No one can take this time away from me. It’s time dedicated to my personal education, to working on my wisdom and on my intelligence.
Not only books
Books are the key to becoming more intelligent.
But we don’t only acquire information by reading words on paper. We also have: movies, podcasts, magazines, blogs, anything that shares knowledge.
Books are for the grand ideas, the knowledge that takes time to process and that requires deep thinking. But diversifying is another great way of comparing different information and learning more effectively.
Sometimes things are better explained in a debate on a podcast, or through a documentary or simply by having a conversation with someone. These other forms of acquiring knowledge allow you to exercise the mind, to think about what you’ve learnt from the books, to compare and contrast.
Some of my favourite podcasts to work on my intelligence:
Intelligence squared
The School of Greatness
Listen Money Matters
Favourite documentaries/movies:
The entire ‘Dirty Money’ series
Minimalism: A documentary about the important things
Some you will like, some you won’t. But remember the networking comparison – keep going, keep trying and you’ll find something life-changing.
And once again, the more you take in all these ideas and knowledge the better you get at learning. You start having opinions of your own with some good arguments and facts to back them up, you start asking more interesting questions and applying what you learn to your daily life. In other words, you become more intelligent.
you may even be able to solve this
What struck me the most about reading, listening and watching all this ‘productive’ information was how aware I suddenly became. I noticed how some people use certain words, I started analysing and trying to understand why I feel a certain way in certain situations, I began to push myself even harder to learn more, to understand more, to ask more. Every productive book changes my life in a different way – which I find both astonishing as well as terrifying. Who am I really, if I keep changing?
Well every book is a new discovery of one’s self. Which is why; read a bloody book. And don’t be one of those people who proudly announces ‘I haven’t read a book since high school’. You’re missing out on a LOT.
As you can imagine, I have a very long list of books I want to read. But here are my favourite ones so far:
(check the Resources page for a description too)
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Deep Work by Cal Newport
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson
The Magic of Thinking Big
The E-Myth
Good to Great by Jim Collins
1984 by George Orwell
Here are some other good book lists:
Barney’s Life Changing books
College info geek’s Essential Books
What are some books that have changed your life? Or podcasts? Or movies?
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angrybatart · 4 years
Normally I post art on this blog, but it got tagged. So here we go!
Tagged by @goddammit-bio​
Nickname: None as of right now. Used to be Red, because I tried to color my hair once and it came out a bright, fiery red color. Lol Though my friends and family tend to call me Kate.
Real Name: Katie (Not sharing full name to avoid people who I know will try and cyber-stalk me. Mostly family members we don’t talk to anymore for personal reasons.)
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: I forget. Lol Pretty sure I’m at least 5′
What time is it: 11:22 AM
Favourite Musicians: Pink Floyd, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Rammstein, Flogging Molly, Jesper Kyd, Skrillex, Dethklok (Metalocalypse), B-52′s, Beatles, and a bunch of others I’m too lazy to type out
Favourite Sports Team: Whoever my parents root for. I’m not really into sports, except ice skating and anything with horses.
Other Blogs: @angryoldbat (My main blog where I share random stuff I like or find interesting.)
How many blogs do I follow: 67
Any Tumblr crushes: None
Lucky Number: I’m going to say 3, because “three time’s the charm” seems to work for me in games.
What I’m wearing right now: Black long sleeve Fortnite Loot Llama shirt (yes, I play Fortnite; fight me) and Attack on Titan pajama bottoms.
Drink of choice: Right now, I’m drinking Diet Pepsi, but I’d rather be drinking Pink Moscato or a honey apple hard cider.
Dream Car: You ever play LA Noire? Those cars.
Dream Vacation: Germany, Canada, Ireland, and Scotland.
Favourite Foods: Sushi (I constantly crave it), ham, corned beef, mint chocolate chip ice cream, cookie dough ice cream, white chocolate, udon, ramen, smoked salmon, scallops, crab, crawdads, eggs benedict, scrambled eggs with salsa
Languages: Mainly English, but I’ve picked up on random words from other languages from either my parents/grandparents, movies, tv shows, and games. Mostly German, some French and Italian, a few Japanese words (because of anime and horror films) as well as Thai and Korean (from horror movies), and I know a few Latin words. I need to retake Latin class.
Instruments: I played flute in high school, but I’m garbage at it.
Celebrity Crushes: Tom Hiddleston, Mads Mikkelsen
Random Fact: I can taste food/drinks, smell things, and feel pain in my dreams. I had a dream once about Dark Souls, and I got to drink from the Estus flask. It tasted like honey apple hard cider.
As far as tagging people, I’m really just going to leave it to you all to decide if you want to do it or not. But if I must tag someone, then I tag @trixelpixel and @rinrini
0 notes
floweryfandomnerd · 7 years
Invisible Wings - 5
Near where I live there's a wide river with an old stone bridge rising high over it. Running my hands along its sides results in moss and dirt covering my hands. At the top of the arch, above the keystone, I stop to stare down at the thrashing waters. They're a murky green colour with a swirling current that quickly moves bobbing driftwood down it. Fish, minnows I believe, swim just beneath its surface, heads occasionally breaking through before they duck underneath again. I climb atop the side of the shallow walls, holding tightly with both hands as I sit on it. I've often wondered what it would be like to sit in a little boat and float down it; where the current would take me if I let it. What kind of power is the water? Kicking my legs in the air, I imagine myself simply letting go and falling - then I push it away; that's not how I wanted to disappear. If I were to disappear it would be on the wings of a dove, I could fly far away from here to anywhere I wanted. Letting go would make my disappearance a matter of moments; my freedom, if I ever gain it, would be born of wings not water.
Pulling myself away from that whirlpool of thought, I climb back down onto the bridge. Feet once again steady, I resume my wandering. At the other side some ways down the road is the outdoor market, it stays open no matter the weather but today at least the shopkeepers won't be so grumpy. They enjoy the soft sunshine as much as I do - sun-showers are my favourite though; I love the rainbows that form overhead when rays of light shine through little raindrops.
I love the market's pretty little stalls too, even if some only sell strange second-hand items that they claim are antique - although normally they're not exactly in mint condition. Where they get said "antiques" is somewhat of a mystery to me. It's bustling there today, full of background noise and half-familiar faces doing their shopping. The first stall I pass sells flowers, I never buy any - I don't even have a vase to put them in - but I can never seem to help myself from stopping to stare at them.
The florist who sells them is an adept hand at arranging pretty bouquets. The old man must have been making them for a very long time. I wonder if he ever makes them based on the meanings of the flowers or whether he just makes them to look wonderful. I wouldn't know, I don't know their meaning myself. I tug my bag back up onto my shoulder, smiling up at him as I leave. He smiles back at me.
Among the hubbub of the market I'm a little lost, unsure of what I came for now that I'm here. There's a list in my pocket, groceries written on scrumpled up paper. I do my best to smooth out all the crinkles, the inky pen I wrote it in is smudged but still legible:
Five apples,
Five oranges,
Five bananas,
An ounce of grapes,
An ounce of strawberries,
Ten carrots,
Three peppers.
It's a longer list than that but that's as far as I skim at first, it takes me a moment to find where I should buy them from.  When I locate it, one of my classmates is at the register, a customer passes a bunch of coins into his hand, he counts it carefully then places it in the machine. They also give him a flower, a red orchid bought from the other stall. He beams up at the customer as they walk away with their brown paper bag of fruit and veg. I'd forgotten that his dad ran the grocery stall. When they're gone, he stares at the flower - puzzled until I distract him. 
Waving at him, I walk up to him, "Hi Michael."
"Hey Kallima, what do you need?" His curly brown hair hides his eyes as he smiles, I half want to push it out of his face but he beats me to it.
I quietly hand him the list, he reads it and starts grabbing what's stated, shoving it carefully into a paper bag for me. When he's done he gives me back the list so that I can continue with my shopping after I pay. I carefully fit them into my shoulder bag.
"Thanks. See you then," I'm about to go buy sugar and flour, along with anything else still on the list when I hear him.
I stop in my tracks, twisting around to look at him. He looks ready to say something before glancing away from me for a second. Whatever it is, he doesn't say it.
After a pause he finally makes up his mind, "Did we have homework for chemistry?"
I shake my head, "No," then turn back to shopping. I'd rather be home before the threatening grey clouds looming overhead become a steady downpour. It doesn't take particularly long for me to finish gathering what's on my list. Almost done, all I have left is my winter tradition of buying a handmade hat. Charlotte's grandmother makes them; her grandmother is a lovely old woman - she used to babysit me when I was particularly small. That was how I became friends with Charlotte, really.
She's working there today, boredom sitting quietly on her face. There's a million places she'd rather be, I'm sure. Instead of being there she's just daydreaming about them, letting her silky auburn hair blow into her eyes. Charlotte doesn't even notice me browsing the hats. I rifle through the piles, slightly unsatisfied. They're nice hats but so far none of them are that special one I find every year.
Re-folding the pile I messed up, I move onto the next one. A few hats down sits a light purple hat with a little white bird skillfully embroidered on the brim. It stands out to me so much that I choose it without a second glance at the rest. Charlotte jumps when I stand in front of her, dangling the hat in her face.
"Hey! You scared me!" She reaches over the counter to jab my sides, I dodge away but she still manages to poke her finger into my ribs. I squirm uncomfortably and she laughs. She knows poking makes my body do something weird - it's exactly why she does it.
I bat her fingers away, giggling as I do, "Stop that!"
She keeps trying though. I do my best to put on a stern face, "Come on Charl, that tickles!"
Sighing, she slides back over and stands behind the register again, nodding at the hat, "That's the one you're choosing?" She eyes it for a moment, thinking pout on her face. "It's pretty. The colours are very you - purple with white embroidery."
"It almost feels like Grandma had me in mind when she made this one..."
Charlotte chuckles, whipping the hat out of my hand and placing it on my head, "I wouldn't put it past Grandma. Hey! Have you seen the new jewellery stand?"
"I can't see anything, you pulled the hat over my eyes," I readjust it on my head and follow the direction she points in. I'm slightly surprised that I didn't notice it earlier, but it's not exactly flashy. Can't exactly blame me for being unobservant...
"Think you could check it out for me? I'm on shift all day and I want to know if they have any good or really unique pieces," she asks with her sweet as syrup voice. She always uses it whenever she wants anything, I really have to stop falling for it.
I groan in response; I'd rather go home than spend anymore time out here in the cold. Even with my coat the biting wind is starting to feel chilly. 
"You won't have to pay for the hat if you do."
And just like that, my mind is changed, "Deal. Now let's shake hands to show no going back on your word. This hat is free."
Charlotte laughs, firmly taking my hand in hers and wiggling it up and down. It's only to show how ridiculous I'm being but hey, I'm not the one paying for an expensive handmade hat. Jokingly saluting, I head off towards the new stand.
"Bye then!" she shouts behind me. 
Inside a glass viewing case there are lots of necklaces, rings, bracelets, tiaras and anklets - any accessory I could name and they'd have it, looking at the display I'm fairly certain of it. Some are silver and some are gold. They sparkle prettily, the dimming  light reflecting off of coloured jewels. Not every design is as simple as that, a few twist intricately around the stones encased in them. I wonder whether they're real or fake...
As if reading my mind, the stall owner's attention snaps to me, "They're real if you're wondering, real diamonds, and real gold. Handmade too."
I glance up at them, their piercing green eyes are just slightly unsettling. Somehow they almost look familiar. She seems candid enough, enough that I believe her anyway. Her pieces of jewellery are easily some of the highest quality I've seen. Then again, it's not like I'm a jewellery connoisseur. I can't help staring at them though, they're completely captivating... They're captivating but not unique and they're way out of Charlotte's price range anyhow.
Still, I can't quite tear my eyes away. I don't even realise that my face is practically touching the glass until my breath mists it over and I have to wipe away the fog. A single wooden ring, carved wood twining around a small emerald, is what truly catches my eye. A hand reaches inside the display case, taking out the exact ring I was staring at. I can't afford it, even so, a pang of disappointment runs through me at the thought of someone else having that ring.
Deciding it's about time I started on my way home, I stand up and pull my face away. I'm a few steps away, making a face and gestures at Charlotte to signal how expensive everything is, when I realise there'd been no one but me around.
"Don't you want it?" She holds the ring between two fingers.
"Yes, but I doubt I could afford it..." Without even knowing I'd moved, I'm back at the stall.
She reaches over and pulls my hand toward her, "That's alright, you can take it," she drops the ring into my palm and closes my fingers around it.
Stunned, I'm about to protest until I feel a drop of rain hit my head. I dart straight back to Charlotte, taking shelter under the waterproof fabric roof. "So, how long until you finish? This coat has no hood and I know you aren't gonna lend me your umbrella so I'll just wait and run to your place under it with you."
She glances at her watch, "I'm here another hour even though there's no one around. And Kallima, you're wearing a hat, you don't need a hood or an umbrella..."
"You know you make a very good point. Enjoy the rest of your shift then!" I sprint home as quickly as my slow legs will take me. I don't particularly want wet groceries.
Somehow they're dry when I dump them on the table and begin organising. It's a shame the cupboards are such a mess, it means I have to organise them too. I have no idea what my Dad does but he always seems to leave everything in disarray. I find myself stacking tons of peas and beans for the good part of an hour before I'm all done.
Satisfied, I shove my hands in my pockets, scrutinising everything one last time. One of my hands brushes the ring, I'd almost forgotten about it. I turn it over and over in my hand. Up close, I can see even better how well carved it is. It looks like the roots of a tree twining over a mossy green rock. I slip it on my ring finger and go to check my planner. If I do all my homework on a Saturday night it leaves Sunday free.
There's not much written down, much to my joy. There is, however, chemistry homework...
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mightyjemma · 7 years
tagged by the ever lovely @nightlocktime, thank you
• Are you named after anyone? nope
• When was the last time you cried? last saturday. i drank too much and had a self-pity party.
• Do you like your handwriting? eh. depends on the pen, usually no.
•  What’s your favorite lunchmeat? i had to google the definition, so i hope i’m right with this lmao. the answer is none, because i don’t eat cold meat.
•  Do you have kids? no. but i do love kids and i hope i’ll have them in the future. (also murphy, the cats, who needs just as much attention.)
• If you were a different person, would you be friends with you? i don’t know? i hope so. 
• Do you use sarcasm? yes
• Do you still have your tonsils? yes
• Would you bungee jump? never
• What’s your favorite cereal? haven’t eaten them in a while, but i love cinniminis. 
• Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? lol no
• Do you think you are a strong person? i think i’m physically stronger than people perceive me, since i’m a stick figure come to life. but i don’t think i am. resilient, maybe.
• What’s your favorite ice cream? coconut. caramel. cookie dough. pistachio green apple. mint chocolate chip. I LOVE ICE CREAM !!! 
• What’s the first thing you notice about other people? their eyes, i think? eyes are fascinating. 
• What’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself? my nose. 
•  What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? penguin pyjama pants and no shoes or socks.
.• What are you listening to right now? rachel platten’s new single “collide”. it has a great vibe to it.
• If you were a crayon, what color would you be? sunglow.
• Favorite smell? that wave of smell that comes out of your oven when you first check on the cake you’re baking
• Who was the last person you talked on the phone with? lady from the doctor’s office.
.• Favorite sport to watch? skiing. 
• Hair color? wheat gold blonde
• Eye color? blue
• Do you wear contacts? i have been blessed with good eyesight (thanks genetics, it’s been a 50/50 toss)
• Favorite food? pizza and pasta, always
•  Scary movie or comedy? comedy, i frighten easily.
• Last movie you watched? thor, just earlier. still my favourite. in cinemas it was spiderman :homecoming.
• What color shirt are you wearing? pink
.• Summer or winter? summer 
• Hugs or kisses? both
• Book you’re currently reading? i finished gemina (the illuminae files #2) yesterday and i’m still yelling internally and externally. i started magic bites (kate daniels seris #1) today, but didn’t get very far.
• Who do you miss right now? nobody.
• What’s on your mouse pad? don’t have one.
• What’s the last tv program you watched? re-run of the nanny.
.• What’s the best sound? ocean waves 
• Rolling Stones or the Beatles? neither. 
• What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled? i’ve only ever been to europe, so from the distance it’s probably greece.
• Do you have a special talent? i’ll pick my go to talent - i can like my own elbow. 
tagging @morganalefays @buckysbears @imperfectlychaotic @lirazofthechaosbenders  @fitzsimmonsy @johnbcyega @jeemmasimmons and anybody else who wants to do this 
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nostalgiaispeace · 7 years
Bold Survey
I like where I’m at right now. My feet are freezing. I hate feeling awkward. I love driving on country roads. I love driving fast, too. I currently have a cold. I have a crush. No, it’s more than a crush. I always wondered what it’d be like to start over, where no one knew me. I go on Yahoo Answers. I get nostalgic every once in awhile. I really don’t like my father. My mother is one of my best friends though. I don’t mind when people stare at me. No, it’s annoying as fuck.
I can’t stand people who are extremely selfish. A Change Of Pace is a good band. I have gotten a new phone within the past month. I want to go to Florida soon. Peach Snapple iced tea is the best. I wrote books when I was younger. I’m really creative, especially when I apply myself. I use Facebook a lot more now than I used to. I’m constantly told I’m beautiful, but I still sometimes don’t believe it. One of my friends came out as gay this year. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have someone. I’m way too quiet, and I wish I could change. I need to party. Music and books are my favorite. I love everything about the fall. I always smell really good. My hair looks nice today. I have long fingernails. I’ve kissed a Ryan, Mike, or Justin. I’ve been in love with a Josh, Christian, or Scott. I envy no one. I’m going to an amusement park soon. For a halloween-related thing. I don’t like beer. I don’t like soda. I’ve worn a turtle neck in the past year. I wear them often. Outspoken is something I’m not. I express myself through quotes and lyrics. Photography is beautiful. There’s beauty in everything, you just gotta find it. I ordered a pizza recently. Tonight, actually. I wish I could have a whole new batch of friends. Even though I do love the ones I have now. My nose is stuffy. I like orange juice. And sandwich wraps. I love cozy nights at home. I like playing Hebi. Apples to Apples is fun. I have to start applying for jobs. I really need one. Ahhh life is changing fast. I tend to drive a little bit over the speed limit. My razor only has two blades. My keyboard is black. I use my friends as arm rests and pillows. My favorite number is odd. My favorite number is a single digit. I love having butterflies in my stomach. The last makeup I wore was eyeliner. I’d love to have a winter wedding. I’m really ticklish. I have a facial piercing. I’d only get a tattoo that has significant meaning to me. My boyfriend husband is taller than I am. My school has a shitty football team. I play Pet Society on Facebook. All politicians are the same, in my opinion. I can’t eat sushi with a fork or else it feels awkward. I’ve never been to New Mexico. I’d definitely consider adoption if I couldn’t have my own children. I like plain-colored t-shirts. Horror movies don’t really scare me. I have a decent vocabulary. Lord of the Rings doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t play any sports. I prefer orange juice to apple juice. I like my toast with butter and jelly. I love cream cheese. I have a celebrity crush. I get frequent headaches. I can play a little piano. My boyfriend drives an Asian car. And so do I. I WANT MORE PIERCINGS. My favorite fruit is a type of berry. I miss somebody right now. Some of my friends live far away. I can burp out the alphabet. I love breadsticks. I can count to ten in at least two languages. I’d love to have a pet owl. I prefer dogs to cats. I only wear actual perfume on special occasions. But I wear body spray on a daily basis. I have pictures of my sibling/s on my phone.
My brother’s name starts with a D. Neither of my grandfathers are alive. I look more like my mother than my father. Both my parents are in a serious relationship. I am the youngest of three children. I am the only girl. My mom’s mom is NOT your typical grandmother. I don’t really like my cousins. I have less than five cousins. I’ve shown up at a family party while under the influence.
[Religion & Politics]
I was raised Christian. But I’m no longer a Christian. I believe in God. But I think the Bible is bullshit. My beliefs aren’t influenced by people around me. My dad is religious. My mom tries to be, but who is she trying to fool? I hate church. I wouldn’t have voted in the last election even if I was old enough. I hate politics more than anything.
I honestly never stop eating. Chocolate + peanut butter = orgasmic. I only eat Cains mayonnaise. I’ve never eaten a fruit I didn’t like. I love cooked broccoli but not raw broccoli. I love raw peppers but not cooked peppers. I’ve gone a day or more without eating. I crave chocolate on my period. Pizza Hut has the best pizza around. Cookies & Cream ice cream is one of my favorites.
[Sex, Love & Relationships]
I’ve been told that I was a nine out of ten at giving head. A guy has cheated on his girlfriend with me. I’ve never been cheated on. I had my first kiss when I was fifteen. I lost my virginity in the woods. My best friend lost her virginity a week after me. In the same place I did. I’ve been in the same room as someone having sex. I would rather be on the bottom.
I download my music from LimeWire. I love country. I love old school rap. I love alternative. I have All Time Low’s new CD Nothing Personal. And I love it. I love to sing, but I suck horribly at it. I cannot play a musical instrument. I want to learn to play the drums. I used to take piano lessons.
My GPA is between 2.0 and 3.0. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, and again in 9th. I’ve passed a class with a D-. I don’t do my homework at home. I prefer mechanical pencils. I always do projects the night before they’re due. I’m really smart but don’t always apply myself. I text in school. I’ve gotten my phone taken away in school.
[Beauty & Hygiene]
I straighten my hair often. On lazy days, I scrunch my hair to go out. My only make-up necessity is mascara. I like to wing my eyeliner. I’d rather take a shower than a bath. I’d rather use body wash than a bar of soap. I’d rather use a bath scrunchie than a washcloth. My solution for make-up on lazy days: sunglasses. I use the same routine every day in the shower.
[Smoking, Drinking & Drugs]
I smoke cigarettes. I’ve gotten drunk within the past month. I’ve smoked weed when by myself. The first time I got high was on a holiday. Marijuana should be legalized. I have never and would never drink and drive. I hate light beer. My lighter is purple. My favorite cigarettes are Turkish Silver or Camel Crush. I’ve quit smoking but started again.
My nails are pink right now. Going to bed at midnight is very early for me. I could never date a guy that didn’t make me laugh. I have a jar of peanut butter in my room right now. I wear sunglasses a lot. Gogurt is really good in the freezer. I’ve been in Hollister, but I don’t own anything from there. Purple is my favorite color. There is no such thing as an ugly color. I need more pens. day or night bed or couch or floor boots or converse or flip flops UK or US paper book or e-book facebook or twitter or tumblr TV or music sunrise or sunset groups or one/two people or alone concerts or watching on TV or CD sci-fi or horror or rom com computer or pen and paper fiction or non sun or rain or wind big spoon or little spoon or both gold or silver or bronze heavy metal or country coffee or tea or hot chocolate hug or kiss car or motorbike or bicycle liquor or wine cop or robber fly or swim or run disney or marvel burial or cremation or viking cold or warm new or old long hair or short hair or no hair You don’t eat dairy. You work best at night time. You take a selfie almost every day. You laugh at the end of your sentences. You wink at people. You hate being tickled. You want to travel the world in a boat. You want to travel the world in a hippie wagon. Your hair is fluffy sometimes. Your hair is sleek. Your hair is an artificial colour. You get takeout at least once per week. You dislike the general public. You have been caught sleepwalking. You sleep with a plushie. You have eaten an entire block of cheese in one sitting. You have eaten a red hot chilli pepper. You draw hearts on top of your i’s. You have watched an episode of My Little Pony. You have a crush on someone who knows you. You keep plants in your room. You collect music CDs. You take vitamin supplements. You read mostly non-fiction. You go on Tumblr every day without fail. You have published a YouTube video. You have a fandom blog. You have eaten Pocky. You can play the cello. You can play the harp. You prefer vampires to zombies. You prefer zombies to vampires. You have been described as naive. You have been described as suspicious. You have had a stalker. You like going to school. You have a pear-shaped body. You have an apple-shaped body. You have sensitive teeth. You like your job. You have a slow internet connection. Your phone is not a touch phone. You are the dominant one in the relationship. You like watercolour painting. You like playing the drums. You are scared of loud noises. You eat food in your bed. You are shy but not quiet. You are quiet but not shy. You plan a lot of parties. You have an alter ego. You are good with money. You are afraid of intimacy. You normally have dinner after 8pm. You normally wear high heels. You have been grounded more than once. You have never seen Shrek. You have won a trophy. Your favourite ice cream flavour is mint. Your favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla. Your favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry. You are good at sports. You have a skin care routine. You are a D-cup or larger. You have long legs and arms. You add ketchup to everything. You have an anime figurine. You have danced and not cared who saw it. You want to go into outer space. You want to rule the world. You constantly hurt somewhere. You are scared of mice. You are scared of horses. You are scared of butterflies. You have one or more moles on your face. You are good with children. You drink at least 7 pints of water per day. You want to be a singer in a band. You have bought a frame for a special picture. Your favourite Disney Princess isn’t Belle, Ariel or Rapunzel. You prefer to watch than participate. You have dark skin. You have dated 5 or more people. You have been told you are a cool person. You have been told you are a scary person. You are doing this post because you are bored.
Emotional bolding. Anger/Irritability/Frustration :
You get irritable quite often. When you get frustrated, you’d rather be alone. You’ve been so angry you’ve blacked out. You break things when you’re angry. You’ve hit someone when you were angry. You’ve actually punched someone before. People in general make you angry. It takes a lot to calm you down when you’re mad. You get irritable when you PMS. You get irritable when you’re tired or over tired. You wake up grumpy all the time. You bottle your anger up inside. If someone pisses you off, you don’t care who they are, you’ll let them know, in some way, that they made you angry.
Happiness/Excitement :
Sometimes you’re happy for no reason at all. You are generally a happy, optimistic person. The small things in life make you happy. There are many people in your life that make you happy. You know exactly how to make yourself happy. You can turn (almost) any negative situation into a positive one. You get complimented on your smile a lot. You laugh very, very often. When you’re happy, it doesn’t take a lot to make you mad/upset/sad again. Sometimes you get so happy that that you actually feel lighter (physically.) You try your hardest to be happy, no matter what life throws at you. Out of every bad thing in life comes something good. You cry “tears of joy” fairly often. It doesn’t take a lot to get you excited. People have told you your entire face lightens up when you smile.
Sadness/Depression/Loneliness :
You’ve been diagnosed with depression (this includes in the past). When you get depressed, you often feel drained and exhausted. You like to be alone when you’re sad. You cry a lot when you’re sad. When you are down, you like others to cheer you up. Thinking of the future gives you a sort of depressing feeling at times. When you’re sad, you like to cheer yourself up. You want to help other people going through depression, because you know how it feels. When you’re depressed, you have trouble looking forward to/enjoying anything. You went through depression in the past, but you still have those days. You know how to control your depression now. You hate when others act like they’re depressed and hurting just for the attention. You know someone who intentionally hurt themselves just for attention. You have anxiety. You don’t have anxiety, but you know what it is. You have more than one legitimate phobia. You’ve had more than one severe panic attack before. You are sort of afraid to develop an anxiety disorder. You have actually physically hurt yourself (by accident) somehow, while you were having a panic attack. Anxiety sometimes disrupts your sleeping habits. You have social anxiety. You have generalized anxiety disorder. You sometimes enjoy the thrill of adrenaline. People don’t always understand your disorder. Not a lot of people know you have anxiety. You know more than five people (personally) that have anxiety. Someone you know has tried to say they have anxiety when you knew for a fact they didn’t. Even though you don’t have panic attacks, you feel the beginning effects of them daily, or almost daily. Sometimes your anxiety makes you feel like you’re slightly “crazy”, so you have trouble talking about it/explaining it to people.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
I like where I’m at right now. My feet are freezing. I hate feeling awkward. I love driving on country roads. I love driving fast, too. I currently have a cold. I have a crush. No, it’s more than a crush. I always wondered what it’d be like to start over, where no one knew me. I go on Yahoo Answers. I get nostalgic every once in awhile. I really don’t like my father. My mother is one of my best friends though. I don’t mind when people stare at me. No, it’s annoying as fuck.
I can’t stand people who are extremely selfish. A Change Of Pace is a good band. I have gotten a new phone within the past month. I want to go to Florida soon. Peach Snapple iced tea is the best. I wrote books when I was younger. I’m really creative, especially when I apply myself. I use Facebook a lot more now than I used to. I’m constantly told I’m beautiful, but I still sometimes don’t believe it. One of my friends came out as gay this year. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have someone. I’m way too quiet, and I wish I could change. I need to party. Music and books are my favorite. I love everything about the fall. I always smell really good. My hair looks nice today. I have long fingernails. I’ve kissed a Ryan, Mike, or Justin. I’ve been in love with a Josh, Christian, or Scott. I envy no one. I’m going to an amusement park soon. For a halloween-related thing. I don’t like beer. I don’t like soda. I’ve worn a turtle neck in the past year. I wear them often. Outspoken is something I’m not. I express myself through quotes and lyrics. Photography is beautiful. There’s beauty in everything, you just gotta find it. I ordered a pizza recently. Tonight, actually. I wish I could have a whole new batch of friends. Even though I do love the ones I have now. My nose is stuffy. I like orange juice. And sandwich wraps. I love cozy nights at home. I like playing Hebi. Apples to Apples is fun. I have to start applying for jobs. I really need one. Ahhh life is changing fast. I tend to drive a little bit over the speed limit. My razor only has two blades. My keyboard is black. I use my friends as arm rests and pillows. My favorite number is odd. My favorite number is a single digit. I love having butterflies in my stomach. The last makeup I wore was eyeliner. I’d love to have a winter wedding. I’m really ticklish. I have a facial piercing. I’d only get a tattoo that has significant meaning to me. My boyfriend is taller than I am. My school has a shitty football team. I play Pet Society on Facebook. All politicians are the same, in my opinion. I can’t eat sushi with a fork or else it feels awkward. I’ve never been to New Mexico. I’d definitely consider adoption if I couldn’t have my own children. I like plain-colored t-shirts. Horror movies don’t really scare me. I have a decent vocabulary. Lord of the Rings doesn’t appeal to me. I don’t play any sports. I prefer orange juice to apple juice. I like my toast with butter and jelly. I love cream cheese. I have a celebrity crush. I get frequent headaches. I can play a little piano. My boyfriend drives an Asian car. And so do I. I WANT MORE PIERCINGS. My favorite fruit is a type of berry. I miss somebody right now. Some of my friends live far away. I can burp out the alphabet. I love breadsticks. I can count to ten in at least two languages. I’d love to have a pet owl. I prefer dogs to cats. I only wear actual perfume on special occasions. But I wear body spray on a daily basis. I have pictures of my sibling/s on my phone.
My brother’s name starts with a D. Neither of my grandfathers are alive. I look more like my mother than my father. Both my parents are in a serious relationship. I am the youngest of three children. I am the only girl. My mom’s mom is NOT your typical grandmother. I don’t really like my cousins. I have less than five cousins. I’ve shown up at a family party while under the influence.
[Religion & Politics]
I was raised Christian. But I’m no longer a Christian. I believe in God. But I think the Bible is bullshit. My beliefs aren’t influenced by people around me. My dad is religious. My mom tries to be, but who is she trying to fool? I hate church. I wouldn’t have voted in the last election even if I was old enough. I hate politics more than anything.
I honestly never stop eating. Chocolate + peanut butter = orgasmic. I only eat Cains mayonnaise. I’ve never eaten a fruit I didn’t like. I love cooked broccoli but not raw broccoli. I love raw peppers but not cooked peppers. I’ve gone a day or more without eating. I crave chocolate on my period. Pizza Hut has the best pizza around. Cookies & Cream ice cream is one of my favorites.
[Sex, Love & Relationships]
I’ve been told that I was a nine out of ten at giving head. A guy has cheated on his girlfriend with me. I’ve never been cheated on. I had my first kiss when I was fifteen. I lost my virginity in the woods. My best friend lost her virginity a week after me. In the same place I did. I’ve been in the same room as someone having sex. I would rather be on the bottom.
I download my music from LimeWire. I love country. I love old school rap. I love alternative. I have All Time Low’s new CD Nothing Personal. And I love it. I love to sing, but I suck horribly at it. I cannot play a musical instrument. I want to learn to play the drums. I used to take piano lessons.
My GPA is between 2.0 and 3.0. I took Algebra 1 in 8th grade, and again in 9th. I’ve passed a class with a D-. I don’t do my homework at home. I prefer mechanical pencils. I always do projects the night before they’re due. I’m really smart but don’t always apply myself. I text in school. I’ve gotten my phone taken away in school.
[Beauty & Hygiene]
I straighten my hair often. On lazy days, I scrunch my hair to go out. My only make-up necessity is mascara. I like to wing my eyeliner. I’d rather take a shower than a bath. I’d rather use body wash than a bar of soap. I’d rather use a bath scrunchie than a washcloth. My solution for make-up on lazy days: sunglasses. I use the same routine every day in the shower.
[Smoking, Drinking & Drugs]
I smoke cigarettes. I’ve gotten drunk within the past month. I’ve smoked weed when by myself. The first time I got high was on a holiday. Marijuana should be legalized. I have never and would never drink and drive. I hate light beer. My lighter is purple. My favorite cigarettes are Turkish Silver or Camel Crush. I’ve quit smoking but started again.
My nails are pink right now. Going to bed at midnight is very early for me. I could never date a guy that didn’t make me laugh. I have a jar of peanut butter in my room right now. I wear sunglasses a lot. Gogurt is really good in the freezer. I’ve been in Hollister, but I don’t own anything from there. Purple is my favorite color. There is no such thing as an ugly color. I need more pens. day or night bed or couch or floor boots or converse or flip flops UK or US paper book or e-book facebook or twitter or tumblr TV or music sunrise or sunset groups or one/two people or alone concerts or watching on TV or CD sci-fi or horror or rom com computer or pen and paper fiction or non sun or rain or wind big spoon or little spoon or both gold or silver or bronze heavy metal or country coffee or tea or hot chocolate hug or kiss car or motorbike or bicycle liquor or wine cop or robber fly or swim or run ant or dec disney or marvel burial or cremation or viking chess or draughts cold or warm new or old long hair or short hair or no hair You don’t eat dairy. You work best at night time. You take a selfie almost every day. You laugh at the end of your sentences. You wink at people. You hate being tickled. You want to travel the world in a boat. You want to travel the world in a hippie wagon. Your hair is fluffy sometimes. Your hair is sleek. Your hair is an artificial colour. You get takeout at least once per week. You dislike the general public. You have been caught sleepwalking. You sleep with a plushie. You have eaten an entire block of cheese in one sitting. You have eaten a red hot chilli pepper. You draw hearts on top of your i’s. You have watched an episode of My Little Pony. You have a crush on someone who knows you. You keep plants in your room. You collect music CDs. You take vitamin supplements. You read mostly non-fiction. You go on Tumblr every day without fail. You have published a YouTube video. You have a fandom blog. You have eaten Pocky. You can play the cello. You can play the harp. You prefer vampires to zombies. You prefer zombies to vampires. You have been described as naive. You have been described as suspicious. You have had a stalker. You like going to school. You have a pear-shaped body. You have an apple-shaped body. You have sensitive teeth. You like your job. You have a slow internet connection. Your phone is not a touch phone. You are the dominant one in the relationship. You like watercolour painting. You like playing the drums. You are scared of loud noises. You eat food in your bed. You are shy but not quiet. You are quiet but not shy. You plan a lot of parties. You have an alter ego. You are good with money. You are afraid of intimacy. You normally have dinner after 8pm. You normally wear high heels. You have been grounded more than once. You have never seen Shrek. You have won a trophy. Your favourite ice cream flavour is mint. Your favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla. Your favourite ice cream flavour is strawberry. You are good at sports. You have a skin care routine. You are a D-cup or larger. You have long legs and arms. You add ketchup to everything. You have an anime figurine. You have danced and not cared who saw it. You want to go into outer space. You want to rule the world. You constantly hurt somewhere. You are scared of mice. You are scared of horses. You are scared of butterflies. You have one or more moles on your face. You are good with children. You drink at least 7 pints of water per day. You want to be a singer in a band. You have bought a frame for a special picture. Your favourite Disney Princess isn’t Belle, Ariel or Rapunzel.  You prefer to watch than participate. You have dark skin. You have dated 5 or more people. You have been told you are a cool person. You have been told you are a scary person.  You are doing this post because you are bored.
Emotional bolding. Anger/Irritability/Frustration :
You get irritable quite often. When you get frustrated, you’d rather be alone. You’ve been so angry you’ve blacked out. You break things when you’re angry. You’ve hit someone when you were angry. You’ve actually punched someone before. People in general make you angry. It takes a lot to calm you down when you’re mad. You get irritable when you PMS. You get irritable when you’re tired or over tired. You wake up grumpy all the time. You bottle your anger up inside. If someone pisses you off, you don’t care who they are, you’ll let them know, in some way, that they made you angry.
Happiness/Excitement :
Sometimes you’re happy for no reason at all. You are generally a happy, optimistic person. The small things in life make you happy. There are many people in your life that make you happy. You know exactly how to make yourself happy. You can turn (almost) any negative situation into a positive one. You get complimented on your smile a lot. You laugh very, very often. When you’re happy, it doesn’t take a lot to make you mad/upset/sad again. Sometimes you get so happy that that you actually feel lighter (physically.) You try your hardest to be happy, no matter what life throws at you. Out of every bad thing in life comes something good. You cry “tears of joy” fairly often. It doesn’t take a lot to get you excited. People have told you your entire face lightens up when you smile.
Sadness/Depression/Loneliness :
You’ve been diagnosed with depression (this includes in the past). When you get depressed, you often feel drained and exhausted. You like to be alone when you’re sad. You cry a lot when you’re sad. When you are down, you like others to cheer you up. Thinking of the future gives you a sort of depressing feeling at times. When you’re sad, you like to cheer yourself up. You want to help other people going through depression, because you know how it feels. When you’re depressed, you have trouble looking forward to/enjoying anything. You went through depression in the past, but you still have those days. You know how to control your depression now. You hate when others act like they’re depressed and hurting just for the attention. You know someone who intentionally hurt themselves just for attention. You have anxiety. You don’t have anxiety, but you know what it is. You have more than one legitimate phobia. You’ve had more than one severe panic attack before. You are sort of afraid to develop an anxiety disorder. You have actually physically hurt yourself (by accident) somehow, while you were having a panic attack. Anxiety sometimes disrupts your sleeping habits. You have social anxiety. You have generalized anxiety disorder. You sometimes enjoy the thrill of adrenaline. People don’t always understand your disorder. Not a lot of people know you have anxiety. You know more than five people (personally) that have anxiety. Someone you know has tried to say they have anxiety when you knew for a fact they didn’t. Even though you don’t have panic attacks, you feel the beginning effects of them daily, or almost daily. Sometimes your anxiety makes you feel like you’re slightly “crazy”, so you have trouble talking about it/explaining it to people.
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Overnight cherry oats to rock your morning
Now some facts about the whole process. Finding a van is not a piece of cake, I could even write that it’s a bi….. At least one that I like, want to buy, have a special feeling when I enter it plus one that I can afford is not so easy to find. We saw many and many of them were a few hours drive away from Berlin. At some point I wanted to give up and rent a van, but it is way too pricy since the idea is to travel for 4 months. There were ups and downs and then one day Tomasz wrote me that he actually found an interesting one and we’re going there on Monday. That was it. I entered this old, not cool at all camper van and I felt big love straight away. We got it and in my heart, I was ready to hit the road within the next 3 days. But there are things you need to take care of like insurance, registration (which takes about 2 weeks during a season) and of course preparation of the car. I was supposed to leave last Friday, but I need to wait a bit longer.
Meantime, I spent a lovely day with the best friend ever who came over just to help me clean the car. It took hours, we washed even walls, but thanks to this, Mia will be able to eat from a floor, which unfortunately happens from time to time. There are other things that turned out that will take time - solar battery that will let Tomasz work from a van. yes, this is another change, Tomasz will join us at the beginning! We need to change tires as apparently you shouldn’t go for a 15000 km drive on 11 years old ones. I’ve also decided to change pillow cover, as a crazy mix of pink and violet is not my favourite one. And then all the others obligatory things we need to do like getting ukulele and learning how to play and deciding where to go. The first plan was Scandinavia, but meantime I decided that I really need sun, sand and water. So we’re going to Portugal first!!! And then to Scandinavia. Now I am thinking about learning how to surf…
You will need for 2:
1 cup of cherries, without seeds
1/2 apple
1 cup oats
1 cup almond milk
1 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp honey
juice and skin from 1/2 lemon
Place cherries without seeds, apple and milk to blender and blend well.
In a medium bowl place oats, add blended fruits and mix well. Add chia seeds, honey, lemon juice and skin and mix again.
Place it in a fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight.
Serve with fruits, mint, nuts and yogurt.
Enjoy, Marta
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