#applies to all of my mutuals
candycatstuffs · 1 year
Hello mutuals!! If any of ya r interested in me drawin ya a little christmas gift shoot me an ask with wut ya want! It'll probably just be messy sketches and they might not get done til next month, but still!!
[Mutuals only]
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10piecechickenmcnugget · 10 months
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I’m taking her away until you guys get your act together
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outlying-hyppocrate · 23 days
why are all of the transfems i know some of the coolest people in existence actually. what the fuck.
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gncrezan · 3 months
IFs (especially IFs on tumblr!) are very fun because there's a lot of creator-fan interaction possible because of tumblr's ask function. you get to ask questions about your favorites, suggest ideas and sometimes those ideas are even taken on board. fans get much more content because the writers and creators are so accessible. and i feel like asking questions and leaving comments in this way has become so common and standard with IFs that people are forgetting that's a real person writing these stories. just because you can send the ask doesn't mean you should. DON'T BE RUDE ON ANONYMOUS!!!!! DON'T BE WEIRD ON ANONYMOUS!!!!! my jaw drops reading some of these asks so i can't imagine how it's like for the authors
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glittergroovy · 3 months
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hi I need groceries! can't find work, broke, disabled, trans & hungry
if you can throw a few bucks my way it's super appreciated!
k0fi (goes thru p@ypal)
v3nmo: @Grubcore
throne will ship things on my wishlist directly to me; I really need a new Brita filter in particular
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bloodheartz · 5 months
Just gonna say that mocking people for voicing their disappointment over the stream (spongebobscreamingwithflyingicecreamtruck.png “IN A CIVIL AND POLITE MANNER”) just makes you like. An asshole lmao. People are gonna be disappointed when they’re told they’re getting one thing and getting another no matter what, even if what they get instead is really good/funny.
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randamir · 8 months
seeing a lot of like, i wanna talk to people but im shy/don't want to bother anyone/etc. type posts lately and like. you could pretty much start a conversation with me about anything, but if ya really don't know how, it's totally fine to start with anything i've posted/reblogged. sometimes the hashtags are too small for my thoughts...
[ you can reblog if it's cool for people to start talking to you about the things you post! ]
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gayassdog · 1 year
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resposting this from my instagram bc its so true + fucked up toilet jumpscare
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non-un-topo · 10 months
Genderqueer/trans/nb/butch/otherwise gender-fuckery friends, what’s a moment of gender euphoria you’ve experienced that you’re willing to share? I feel like I need to share in some queer happiness today <3
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rosaadiazs · 3 months
i really think that some of the younger taylor fans here in their teens and early 20s are much more mature than the older ones in their late 20s/30s
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spidrboots · 6 months
you are valued. you are an important part of the rpc. you bring a unique & special perspective to the character(s) you play. people are ur mutuals for a reason. i like seeing you on my dash <3
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glittergroovy · 4 months
was gonna make a little "if you enjoy my glitter & blinkies, send me a tip for my bday" post ...
but also the relative who'd agreed to help me with rent & college costs backed out because she doesn't want me to transition. AND my delivery of groceries & cleaning supplies was just stolen 😮‍💨 so help is super extra appreciated rn. I'm having dismally bad luck job hunting.
kofi or throne (you can send stuff directly to me through this + it has a wishlist. Brita filter & food are most important!)
venmo is Grubcore
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
I just wanna talk about this quick and then I’ll shut up forever.
I HATE byler kiss manips (not talking about fan-art, I’m talking about photoshopped byler edits using milkvan scenes). I hate them with a burning passion. The only exception to this would be when bylers use them as a response to homophobic anon asks... now that’s funny. But that’s it 🤣
Like I get it. It’s mostly all a big joke, but it’s just cringy to me..? And weird?? Why can’t we wait for the real thing???
AND YET! AND YET!… Even though I’m kind of contradicting myself by making this post in the first place, I honestly don’t see much value in confronting fans who do this or staging a whole call out about how it makes me personally feel uncomfortable for reasons x y z.
Because that’s just me. I’m sure there are some fans who agree with me and I’m sure there are plenty who don’t. But still, I don’t see the point in policing anyone that disagrees with me on this, to make them feel bad for engaging in fandom differently than me, to make a big spectacle about how it upsets me, bc the reality is, nuance exists!!!
While there are some people out there with horrible, even offensive or concerning takes, not every single disagreement of opinion needs to be put on blast as if that person is bad for whatever point they’re trying to make. Because now suddenly everyone is giving their two cents, clogging the tag to the point where no one can escape it. Now we’re all uncomfortable. Who is that helping?? No one!
So if you’re like me and there’s certain things that make you uncomfortable, no matter how small or even major, BLOCK.
Maybe you are just like me and you give someone a few chances, only to finally block them after one too many posts that are just 😬
Or maybe you block right away the moment you see something you didn’t want to and don’t want to risk seeing again.
I just hate this tendency fandoms (it’s all fandoms, not just st or byler) have to attribute one or even a couple hundreds of fans opinions, to the entire fandom… and then project that onto the rest of us like “IF YOU THINK THIS! YOU ARE BAD!” Like be real, there are hundreds of thousands of us, exponentially chances are there are gonna be a great deal of people you won’t agree with. That doesn’t mean we have to ruin this space for everyone.
I really don’t want to do this again, bc like I said, im basically contributing to the very thing I hate. I hate that I feel this need to voice my feelings on something everyone is already talking about, and now i’m also taking away from the aspects of fandom that can be fun and welcoming and worthwhile.
It’s just unfortunate how all fandoms put themselves in this situation. We allow one or a few to control the vibe of the tag and suddenly you can’t find theories or headcanons or just fun banter between fans. All you see is virtue signaling and people trying to find someone to blame. And then we wonder why fandoms fizzle out with resentment. Because we ruin it for ourselves. We turn on each other for the sake of being right. And it just sucks.
At the end of the day, everyone has the right to say how they feel. By all means, that is your choice and you can do whatever feels right to you. But just know that not everyone is going to agree. And that’s not always a bad thing. And even if and when it is, we don’t have to make it EVERYONES business.
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I love how studious you are about wrestling. 🩶 proud of you 👏 I was the same when I was younger
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this message made me so happy man!!! im so new to all this stuff so this was so surprising to hear. i always worry im not ‘getting’ certain things or coming across like a moron to seasoned veteran fans
also very glad to be your pinkman here. wipes tear. i saw this message earlier but wanted my response to be righteous and gracious so i made you some special adam cole edits and a fancam hehe
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emberglowfox · 8 months
i love seeing tumblr mutuals in random places outside of tumblr. its like seeing your classmate at 7/11
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So I’ve finally put my finger on what my biggest issue has been with people posting about the war, even those who haven’t at any point posted outright hate or harmful information. My issue is with the people, who sadly are the VAST majority, who didn’t post anything when so many Israeli lives were lost and brutalised and are now posting in support of Palestinians. My issue is with the people who are now posting their concern and sympathy for the Palestinian civilians. The issue is not that they are concerned about the lives of the innocent Palestinian civilians. The issue is that they weren’t concerned about the innocent Israelis. They never posted anything about the unimaginable number of Israelis kidnapped and murdered and raped and mutilated and burned. If you are posting #freepalestine why aren’t you posting #freeisraelichildren or #bringthemhome? THAT is the problem and why we don’t believe you when you say you care about human rights because you clearly don’t care about ALL human rights.
I encourage and urge everyone who stayed silent on the attacks on Saturday and that now feel that they ‘simply can’t stay silent on issues of human rights’ to do some serious self reflection on why it is that only now that Israel is responding they feel this way.
Why do you only feel that way for the Palestinians?
Why didn’t/don’t you feel that way for the Israelis?
Where was that urge to advocate for human rights when atrocities were being committed right in front of your eyes last week?
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