#april fools book swap
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Sew Long, Fair Well - 01 SANSA (pages 01)
Sansa makes a final sacrifice for her people, and wakes to discover she's made a deal with a god.
The years of war, and the sheer number of their combined forces, the sheer appetite of the dragons, everything had put too large an impact in their reserves. Her people were going to starve before the new crops could be grown to harvest, before the animals could breed and mature enough for culling, the glass gardens were still in ruins, and winter still upon them. Spring hadn't magically come sweeping in when Arya had slain the Night King, the Long Night hadn't mystically given way to the spring dawn.
That's actually something I'll be interested to see when we reach it in the books, how the resource situation is, because with the wars, and The War, resources are going to be so low, I have concerns about the post Long Night survival rates.
“Please,” she asked, “if you know of any way to save my people, please tell me how, please help me save my people.” “What are you willing to give up for them?” It was a test, Sansa knew, and thought of rough hands on her skin, thought of all she has lost, and all she had fought for with whatever she could. With words and looks, and favours and lies, with the blood of others and with her own. “The last thing I have left to barter with,” Sansa told him, hoping it was enough, “the last thing I have which is rightly mine to give away.”
“That's-Not-Bran” Theory at play here. I do kinda like that one, just for the fridge horror aspect of it. I also like the “rightly mine to give” mentality when characters deal with eldritch/ancient beings, cause you could give them anything, including the life of another, a thousand other lives, but where's the personal sacrifice in that. (Also it makes you look like an asshole.) This one showing us just where Sansa's priorities lie, it's not just about the building, it's about the people in it
“Down through the crypts, until the tunnel turns into a cave. Down through the cave to the heart of the hot springs, where the waters of Winterfell are born. Until there's nothing left to give.”
You know, I have now read two fics with Sansa Time Travel that feature the hot springs in the tunnels under Winterfell as the medium for said time travel. Two different types of time travel, mind you, but I see any more and it will officially be a pattern.
In her mind, she could see a golden light flowing through Winterfell, spilling out into the surrounding lands. It was like watching a flower slowly blooming. Sansa vaguely felt herself slip completely below the surface of the hot spring, but she didn't care, didn't fight it. She wasn't sure if she was dreaming, or if she was truly witnessing a miracle, but these were her last moments, and Sansa chose hope.
This would have been such a tough ask though, after everything Sansa survived, after everything that didn't kill her, after everything lost and regained, for her to have this presented as the saving move, when she can't even trust the source it came from, like, not really. For all she knows, That's-not-Bran just wants her out of the way so he can take over.
Anyway, the world is much nicer when people choose hope. (Nicer still when hope pays off.)
Yes, that was right, she was Sansa Stark of Winterfell And she was dead. Were the dead allowed to play games?
“I won't tell if you don't.”
ngl, that made me laugh.
Fun? That sounded nice. Sansa missed nice things, like lemon cakes, and her family, and practising her sewing. It had been so long since she'd last embroidered anything... No, that wasn't right, there had been a wolf... for Jon .
She was a child. She was a woman grown. She'd never left Winterfell. She'd been to King's Landing and the Eyrie, she'd even visited The Wall. She was in love with the idea of love, and couldn't wait to be a wife and mother. She was jaded, married twice, and revolted by the idea of sharing any man's bed. She was Sansa Stark of Winterfell. She was Sansa Stark of Winterfell. A summer child. She'd seen the Long Night. She'd died for her people and now she was either in heaven, or she'd had a second wish granted. She was home, and safe, and she had a chance to fix everything.
I feel like I don't see it enough in fanfics, but I do enjoy the use of formatting as a storytelling aid. Like this section, how the two versions of Sansa are put on opposite sides, and then the center alignment to show that the two versions were separate have melded into one being. (tumblr doesn't like left center right alignments, so I've indented the right aligns.)
People format their fics in different ways and some of them are good, and some of them are one paragraph of 8,000 words. This fic has a lot of 1-2 sentence paragraphs. I know one author, different fandom, and I love their premises, but my gosh, there's an epidemic of people who have never heard of “new speaker, new line,” and they are one of them.
GRRM doesn't always start a new paragraph whenever someone new starts talking, and sometimes he'll let someone start talking at the end of a paragraph, but he never really has two or more people speaking in the same paragraph, where readers get confused because you start reading the second voice assuming it's the first. Sometimes he has the speech tag before the spoken line, instead of after, he actually does a really good job of keeping an easy to read flow with conversations and he has a good balance with the speech tags themselves.
...Sansa just accidentally Blood Magicked the mystery Embroidery Hoop. In her defense, as someone who has dabbled with embroidery, can confirm: those needles are freaking sharp. Fiber arts are hardcore, I have such mad respect for anyone who can do them.
The Hoop was on the ground before her. Sansa looked back at her table, where the hoop was not. She picked it up again, and put it back on the table. She turned to dress, and the hoop was back on the ground before her. Huffing, Sansa picked it up again. This time when she put it on her table she said, partly pleading, “at least let me get dressed before I deal with you.” She stepped back, eyes on the hoop. It stayed where it was. … In all honesty, if Sansa hadn't been through what she'd just been through, she would have been freaking out over the hoop far more.
Good of her to acknowledge that she's either having a mild disassociation, or has been struck by the blasé attitude stick a few too many times. Look, don't get me wrong, “nothing can phase me” is a fine personality type for a girl to have, but when all the only -female-characters have it, it starts to grate. Like how “snarky, sarcastic, he'd be an asshole if he weren't so cute, clever, and charismatic” became default male protagonist personality for a while th- … actually I think they're still doing that one.
...../              HELP               \ .../   I've made a deal with   \ /an Ancient God, and now I \ |     don't know what to do!     | .\  (Slide finger from right to / ...\       left to turn to next    / .....\              page)              /
'Oh,' Sansa thought, feeling a little faint, 'so that was real.'
Apparently. Don't worry, I hate when that happens to me too. (Also I shudder to think how long it took to do the console format every time.)
So I actually had the message box open and was going to fire off a message to see if @redwolf17 would be cool if I did The Weirwood Queen for this, but then I thought “if my review curse* triggers, I will be devastated, everyone will be devastated!” So I picked one that's been on permanent hiatus for... three and half years? Oh wow, I didn't think it had been that long. Time is an illusion.
Anyway, I have author permission, and I'm even allowed to be as mean as I want. Oh, the evil that could unleash >:3c (I've fiddled with the formatting slightly, just because the layout in the og is very... laid out.) This fic is also more GoT than ASoIaF, sorry, but I poorly worded the fic option in the poll and no one gave me recs.
*I have this unfortunate curse where if I review a fic that's still in progress, something happens and the author drops the fic like 86% of the time. It's not because I'm mean or anything, I don't go for the writing jugular, it just. happens.
Happy April Everyone!!!
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probablybadrpgideas · 6 months
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iridaceaeart · 6 months
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the april fools flip book has so many things that i’m So Fucking Normal about so i colored two of my favorite pages
i also drew a baiken anji outfit swap in the style
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bonus jellyfish pirate flats under the cut:
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w1f1n1ghtm4r3 · 2 months
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so...... april fools shuffle unit vs anyone?
welcome to the usual keep reading lore yapping section. will try to keep this fairly concise but i make no promises it did not stay concise. im sorry in advance
aoharu - park sekai vs theme: high school students in a band, but unlike leoni vs, their afterschool practices are outside of the school
miku - the "cool senpai", except shes not actually older than aoharu... in fact, shes younger than all of aoharu (if only barely younger than ichika)! shes a 1st year high schooler like ichisaki! but she is the mentor figure to them in her experience with music. - shes also not actually that "cool" once you get to know her, although shes pretty chill shes also got some rather silly interests. including collecting stickers to stick on her guitar case. - the main vocalist of the band, but shes got a bit of experience with most of the instruments that the others play. shes no expert but she knows how to play any of them. currently trying to improve her guitar skills! she brings it around with her a lot of the time for the impression it gives to others
len - alongside rin, they main guitar and keyboard. most of the time its len on guitar and rin on keyboard, but theyre both capable of filling both roles and swap occasionally. hes the one usually helping miku improve her guitar skills! unlike miku though, he doesnt carry his guitar around everywhere he goes. - playful but laidback. hell mess with his friends but hes not going around getting into trouble besides that, really - also a 1st year! in fact, the kagamines and miku are childhood friends :) theyve managed to stick together for a long time
yyj - backstage sekai vs theme: idols who have been kind of... abandoned by their management and have to take up those roles themselves
miku - cheerful, bubbly, what you'd typically expect from an idol... except shes also stressed out of her mind because yeah, the sekai isnt exactly... hospitable, to say the least. it doesnt always show and she can cool down from it, but when you live in a world of sprawling hallways and rooms that should have people in them but dont, it definitely has some Effects. - when shes not worrying about that shes quite dedicated to her practice, after all, an idol never stops! - her energy transfers into a bit of everything she does, really. fast talker, fast walker, she can be hard to keep up with if you arent ready for it.
luka - a more mature, gentle idol. she can put on plenty of energy when performing, but she takes things at an easier pace outside of practice. she enjoys her quiet free time. - a lot less tense than miku is about the whole sekai situation, not to say she doesnt feel the effects of it either. shes just better at hiding her feelings about it.
fts - alleyway sekai vs theme: street musicians, but in a darker, rougher direction than vbs
miku - is this a miku or a mikuo? no one really knows and theyre not telling. theyll answer to miku regardless. - very much a troublemaker, gets into fights a lot. can be tough to get along with because theyre pretty abrasive, but they also know their purpose as a sekai miku. getting help from them can just be frustrating sometimes - kaito has been trying to get them to cool down a bit, to mixed success
kaito - livehouse owner (i havent named his livehouse yet...), kind of a stern dad guy. cool, tough, serious, you get the idea. not a bad guy, but he will be hard on fts and the other vs when they need to be straightened out. - despite that, his livehouse is open to performers of all experience levels. just prove youre willing to give it your best shot and hell let you perform. this is a problem for fts, when theyre struggling to get things together as a unit.
hapisen - headquarters sekai vs theme: comic book/cartoon superheroes! they even live in a superhero tower!
miku - shes kinda your straightforward superhero prodigy type, extremely talented as a hero despite her young age. loud, energetic, but very kind and happy to help anyone in need. - by extension shes also got your very typical superhero powers. flight, super strength, etc. she doesnt use them that often around the base though, in fact, most of the vs dont use their powers in the base that often. better off saving them for when theyre out doing hero things!
rin - one half of a superhero pair, obviously. her powers do function on their own and shes capable of doing things without help, but shes a bit weak on her own. but when together with len, their powers amplify to something stronger than either of them separately. i think they probably have electricity powers. - shes a bit reckless in the field, but shes very enthusiastic about being a superhero! super high energy girl, always bouncing around the base getting ready for whenever shes needed next
kyushumi - woodland sekai vs theme: fae royalty, specifically with a butterfly style focus
miku - very quiet and reserved, shes a bit awkward during interactions with most people, but shes well meaning. no ones sure where she came from, even the other vs, and that might have something to do with how she acts - she will stare at you from the bushes and youll just have to get used to it. shes just curious about things, and she wants to observe kyushumi to figure out the best ways she can try to help them.
meiko - technically the fae queen? but she doesnt often act like it, she tries to be more approachable. shes still got a bit of an imposing aura, but shell act more warm and kind to those around her. she is secretive though, and despite her kindness, theres a bit of detachment from everyone. - mikus guardian, since no one really knows how miku got here, so someone has to keep an eye on her. she also considers herself kyushmis guardian, but since theyre not always within reach due to the disconnect between sekais and the real world, theres only so much she can do. she tries her best with what she can
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duckprintspress · 5 months
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Did you know? So far this April, Duck Prints Press has put out 10, yes t.e.n., new short stories? Two to our website, and eight to our Patreon! Learn all about them now...
Website Releases
Title: Foundations Author: Johnathan Stern
F/F, Science Fiction, Meet Cute on Mars
Addison is browsing the stacks of the Valles Marineris Coprates Chasma University Memorial Library when she's shocked to find someone looking for the same obscure book about the history of space travel that is.
Title: Worlds Apart (but Still Close) Author: Sanne Burg
F/M and M/M to F/M/M, Urban Paranormal, Confessions of Mutual Attraction, When in Doubt Fuck it Out
Flo is consistently frustrated with how her boyfriend Arthur's bodyguard Kacen is always watching her suspiciously. But when she discovers Arthur and Kacen in bed together, it casts a whole new light on the relationships between the three of them, and Flo finds herself considering possibilities that had never dawned on her before.
Patreon Releases
Title: Coffee For My Valentine? Author: Cedar McCafferty-Svec
F/F, Contemporary Romance with a Splash of Magic, Bookshop-slash-Coffee-Shop Meet-Cute, Heat Resistance for the Win
Valentine's day is invariably a disaster for Nissa. And when she starts this Valentine's work day by spilling coffee all over a new customer?
Maybe she should have just stayed in bed this morning.
Title: Glass Slipper: A Dance Author: Cedar McCafferty-Svec
F/NB, Fantasy, Dating Royalty is Hard Even if Your Stepmother Isn't Evil, Attraction at First Sight, Getting to Know One Another
Going to the ball was Marienne's dream, but it still never occurred to her that she'd catch the eye of the Royal Heir Apparent. Their dance is a dream come true, and their walk around the gardens together helps demonstrate they could have a future together even putting perfect first-dances aside, but that doesn't mean things will be easy.
Title: Into the Wyvern's Lair Author: Mikki Madison
F/F (Pre-Relationship), Fantasy, the Inherent Eroticism of Being Competing Mercenaries After the Same Mark (and the Same Pay Day)
Usually, Kella wouldn't take a job from a tiny podunk town in exchange for the risks of facing wyvern, but they're offering 25 gold pieces, and that's too much to resist. She doesn't expect the job to be that hard - it's not her first time facing a wyvern - but she also doesn't expect competition, in the form of a stubborn mage who has been hired by the same town at the same rate. But what she really doesn't expect is the wyvern...
Title: Washer Wars: A Laundromat Feud Author: Samantha M. Piper
F/F, Contemporary Romance, Meet-Awkward, Sometimes the Only Difference Between Fighting and Flirting is Point of View
Every Saturday morning, before the crack of dawn, Dee goes to the laundromat to do her laundry alone and in the quiet, with her pick of the available machines.
Until the morning she's not alone anymore.
Truly, she doesn't know what's worse: the loss of her solitude, or that this intruder has taken the biggest washer.
Title: Fool's Gold Author: Eliot Lovell
M/M (Pre-Relationship), Fantasy, Dragon Hordes and Lifelong Dreams, Hurt/Comfort
When Tomas sets off to defeat a dragon, he does so despite the aches and pains of growing older and a bum hip. Little does he expect that his attempt to be a valiant hero will be derailed prematurely when he's set upon by wolves. After they leave him unconscious in the woods, the last thing he expects is to be rescued and nursed to help. But he has one burning question: who found him, and why?
Title: Escape Author: Sanne Burg
F/M + F/M Established Relationship with Partner Swapping, Contemporary Romance, Middle-Aged Characters, Friends with Benefits to Lovers
Anxiety means that it doesn't take much to push Liam into needing some quiet time to himself, and he's so appreciative of his wife Alice taking the initiative to get him that quiet time.
He's slightly less appreciative when their friends-with-benefits partner-swap married friends Dan and Lola show up, especially considering that it was finding RPF fanart of him and Dan having sex that triggered Liam's anxiety in the first place...
Title: Old Kings and New Author: Lyonel Loy
M/M, Fantasy, Omega/Omega, Middle-Aged Characters, Bonding Over Shared Favorite (Rape Fantasy) Books
No one in their right mind would name Isemund king, but he's the only heir left, and so the council names him and then flees before the conqueror Caith can seize the castle.
Isemund is prepared to die at the hands of the invader.
Caith has other plans in mind.
Title: Georgia Rain Author: R. L. Houck This is a sequel to the Patreon-exclusive story "Pretty 7 Days a Week"
F/NB, Contemporary Suspense, Reunion after a Long Separation, They Work Hard for the Money, You'll Never Guess How This Sex Romp Gets Interrupted...
Four years after the events of Pretty 7 Days a Week, Tomas, who has changed their name to Aster, has built themself a new, better life no longer working on the streets.
The last thing they expect is for Lydia to come sweeping back into their life. It's also the last thing they want...or so they keep trying to tell themself...
So, Looking for New Queer Short Stories to Read? Visit Our Webstore and Become a Patreon Backer Now!
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suddenlymicah · 1 year
tdlosk fic idea incoming its uhhh long
fic where kaidou really focuses on that time in s1 where saiki apported his textbook and, thinking its dark reunion, questions his other friends from that time about that day. he realizes that nendo had something happen, and he was the one with the food that got swapped with his textbook, but nendo didn't end up with a textbook at all, he ended up with a leather belt. when he questions toritsuka, tori's hiding the truth because it was definitely saiki that did it but since tori is awful at lying eventually kaidou prys hard enough and he realizes thats where his textbook went, but neither he nor nendo ended up with tori's porno mag, so that leaves someone with a porno mag that ge hasn't questioned. he questions saiki and the others and finds out nothing.
that is until he somehow ends up talking to someone from shuensha(kuniharu's work) and figured out that kuniharu ended up with a porno mag instead of his business card and a book rolled up instead of his belt, and he ended up getting thrown out of the building. kaidou realizes that that was the belt that got sent to nendo, but theres an unknown book and business card getting thrown into the mix. detective kaidou eventually learns of a guy in a mysterious zebra-patterned cardigan with strange accessories at a coffee & dessert shop that had a business card that said "saiki kuniharu" on it. he also realizes that all of these people have a connection to his main friend group at pk, so by logical connection, kusuo probably has something to do with it, even if he didn't say so and didn't show any signs he was lying. since kusuo is one of the only people he knows that has strange accessories, he decides to visit kusuo and sees the zebra-patterned cardigan in his closet (great taste in clothes, btw) and realizes that the one with kuniharu's business card was kusuo. this makes his suspicious of why kusuo said nothing happened, and he also realizes that since toritsuka was lying as well, clearly he was in on it in some way. so the two main suspects are kusuo and reita, and after studying kusuo for a while (and, if it's a saikai fic, maybe falling for him a bit), he realizes that saiki tends to talk without his mouth moving, and nendo witnessed him set a thermometer on fire on the first day, and after more interviews, tori has been discovered to be able to see ghosts for real, but that seems to be all he can do. with the discovery of real espers, and healing from his chuunibyou in the meantime, he realizes that there have been many supernatural sightings where saiki was somehow involved. and he realizes that in volume 0 when he saw "someone with horns" teleport, it was really kusuo. after interviewing kurumi and realizing her obvious lying, he discovers that kusuo has, on multiple occasions, been kidnapped, assaulted, shaken down, and more, only for no signs of trauma to be present in saiki that he can see. he also interviews nendo, teruhashi, and hairo about new years, and they all have completely different memories of what kurumi said that embarrassed saiki and made it super awkward. and after connecting it all to april fool's day, when there was a beam from the tokyo sky tree, and a book floating midair, and a camera moving and floating midair, it all clicks into place for him.
saiki is, obviously, an ultra-powerful psychic, who can manipulate memories, read thoughts, telaport, apport objects, shoot lasers(?), control matter, summon fire, among other things. he could also be a god. probably a god.
meanwhile, since this took place over the course of 1-2 weeks, kusuo is stalking kaidou to make sure he doesn't get too close to the truth, and he knows he's getting close to it. (if its a saikai fic, they are in love your honor.)
obviously, kaidou found out the truth after saiki figures out there isn't much he can do, and he doesn't want to hurt kaidou. kaidou, now horrified of what saiki is capable of, temporarily attempts to distance himself from saiki, but realizing that saiki can definitely read minds, he knows that he's been snooping around, and he definitely knows that kaidou knows he has powers. saiki is also kind of distancing himself, knowing that kaidou "cant be friends with a person that keeps secrets"
eventually they make up and kaidou semi-joins the psikickers. the end eveeyone hugs and kisses and whatnot.
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spiderforestcomics · 3 months
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Do you make a webcomic? Are you looking for an active webcomic community with chill people who make cool comics? SpiderForest hosts a variety of activities and projects which members and even non-members can jump into freely.
If you love collaborative projects with like-minded webcomic creators, send in an application here by June 30, or read on to see a highlight reel of some of our favorites over the years:
🎨Art collaborations
In addition to our fantastic group art collaborations featured in our newsletter most months, our members volunteer to plan special events all throughout the year, including a Tarot Gallery, April Fool's genre swap, and guest page exchanges!
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👩‍🎨 Writing and Art Roundtables and Workshops
From our podcast series to our monthly book clubs to our streamed anatomy drawing sessions on Discord, we've always loved talking about the craft of making comics and improving together!
Our project list rotates on volunteer availability and interest, but you can count on all kinds of exciting opportunities to talk shop, practice, and learn in a fun, supportive environment of people doing the same thing as you.
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📚 Anthology Books
We have successfully funded six comic anthologies, and they've been a great way for our members to get their work to print, learn more about the printing and crowdfunding process, and showcase their work to new audiences!
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Whether we're sharing our favorite tunes for comic-drawing on our collaborative Spotify lists or sharing an artist's alley table at a local convention, combining forces makes the whole process of making webcomics lots of fun!
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Want to become a member? Head on over to our Application Page!
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shoto-chann · 6 months
Hi there! I've been reading your stories for a while, and they're absolutely adorable 😍 if you're taking requests, and since you're writing for HoO, I wanted to request a lee! Leo and ler! Piper or Jason or any of the Seven tickling the shit out of him for pulling nonstop pranks on April Fool's. Thank you so much hehe
This idea sounds absolutely beautiful! I finally get to write for my favorite book series! My Percy Jackson Era has started! There seriously needs to be more PJO/HoO tickle fics out there with characters like Leo, Frank, Hazel, or any other characters, but I'm fine with any cause they're all so wonderful. Here ya go, friend 😁😁
There's Always A Limit
Heroes of Olympus
Lee! Leo
Ler! Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel
Description: Leo keeps pulling April Fool's pranks on everyone, and after daring to get Annabeth, she and the rest of the Seven teach him why he shouldn't test people's patience
*Warning: Contains tickling
Leo silently giggled to himself as he finished setting up his next prank. "This is gonna be so good," He said quietly as he tiptoed out of the room he was in. Turning to the semi opened door, he waited for that person to wake up. He didn't have to wait long cause that person woke up five seconds later, rubbed the sleep out of their eyes, and screamed bloody murder. Leo laughed out loud and entered the room, witnessing Annabeth screaming and crawling away from what appeared to be the scariest thing in the world: spiders. Annabeth's eyes turned to Leo as she trembled in the corner. "LEO! KILL THEM! KILL THEM!" She screamed. "PERCY! PERCY!" "April Fools!" Leo said as he fell to the floor, cackling. He picked up one of the spiders and showed it to Annabeth, who only screamed louder. "Calm down, they're not real spiders" Leo said as he revealed what it actually was. "It's just paper, Annie. Oh, I can't believe I got you. Everyone said it was impossible, but I just proved them wrong. Coach Hedge, better pay up!" Leo said as he bolted out of the room with a chuckle and an evil smirk.
Later, everyone except Leo met up around the dining hall. Unfortunately, everyone had fallen victim to Leo's pranks. Percy's food was dyed red, which made Percy cry. Jason, who hardly got any sleep, was holding a now destroyed alarm clock that went off and played Jason's least favorite song at random times. Piper's wardrobe was swapped out with fancy and elegant clothing, something she hated with a passion. Frank's face was written in marker with the message saying "Leo Da Best," and Hazel had fake minerals laying around her room and around other people's rooms, scaring her almost to death. But the only one who was the most angry was Annabeth. To say she was pissed would be an understatement. One look at her made the Underworld feel like a tropical vacation. "I'm going to kill Valdez," Annabeth said through gritted teeth. "I'm not sure we should go that far," Jason said. "Don't get me wrong, I feel like flinging him off the ship and blasting him with lightning, but we should-" "I want to hurl hurricanes at him" Percy said angrily. "Maybe I can charmspeak him into jumping off the ship as it flies." "Maybe I should throw a gold bar in his face." "I can shoot him in his legs." Everyone started naming things they could (and wanted to) do to Leo for his pranks, and it was starting to get out of control. "EVERYBODY, SHUT UP!" Annabeth shouted. Everyone immediately stopped talking with fear that Annabeth might hurt them instead. "Look, we all want to hurt Leo, but there's a better way to deal with him besides breaking his bones and killing him" Annabeth said. "What do you have in mind, Wise Girl?" Percy asked. "Glad you asked, Seaweed Brain. I'll demonstrate. Get up here." Percy hesitated to move, but he did as he was told and walked up to Annabeth, who immediately judo flipped him onto his back and tickled his belly button without mercy. "GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHANABEHEHEHETH! WHYHYHY!?" "This is for not coming to help me when Leo put fake spiders in my room." Annabeth said as she continued her assault for another twenty seconds before letting Percy go. "And just because I needed to let off a little steam," She said as she kissed Percy on the cheek. Annabeth stood up and sighed. "Everyone get what I mean now?" Everyone nodded at the idea of teaching Leo a thing or two.
Later that day, Leo was rummaging around for more materials he could use to get another couple of pranks in. He had the brilliant idea that involved fake snakes and a voice changer. He had almost finished creating his voice changer when all of a sudden Piper came in. "Leo, that big angry bird is back." Leo looked up at Piper. "Really?! Finally, I get to pay that stupid bird back for taking my food!" Leo got down and rushed out to the main hall to ready the weapons, only to find the bird inside and resting on a table. Leo locked eyes with the bird and smirked. "Ready to get turned into dinner, you stupid bird?" He stepped closer to the bird, but before he could make a move, the bird flew at Leo full speed. Leo was about to catch the bird, but was surprised when the bird grew arms and legs and was reaching out to-
"What the-" Leo was tackled down by what was now an angry looking Frank. Frank pinned him to the ground with one hand, his eyes looming over Leo with hatred and a small hint of a smirk. "What was that for, dude?! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Leo exclaimed. "Oh no, the horror," said Annabeth with an annoyed yet satisfied sarcastic tone. She and the other demigods walked in behind her and approached Leo. "Guys, w-what's with the sudden-" "So you think it's funny to prank everyone here?" Annabeth asked in a demanding tone. "Well...yeah. It's April Fools Day. How can I just pass this opportunity up?" Annabeth glared at him, but it wasn't her usual annoyed or angry glare. She had a smirk on her face. Leo was even more afraid of this Annabeth than angry mom Annabeth. "Well, Valdez, you have to be punished for what toy did to everyone." Everyone had already positioned themselves next to Leo, which made him a little nervous. "L-Look, we can talk about this like civil people hehehere" Leo giggled nervously. "It's a little too late for talking" Annabeth said. "I wonder how quickly you can hit your limit."
"Please, Annie-" "Only I get to call her that!" Percy said as he started tickling Leo's hips. Leo bucked his hips as he giggled loudly. Soon, Jason joined in and tickled his sides, Piper went for his ribs, Annabeth and Hazel targeted his feet, and Frank just held him down with his arms above his head. Leo was cackling right off the bat with 10 hands tickling almost every spot. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HEHEHEHE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! GUHUHUHUYS, STAHAHAHAP! THIHIHIS IHIS TOO MUHUHUCH!" Leo begged. The others just ignored him and continued to tickle him. "Hey, Frank. His armpits are extra sensitive, especially if you're a little rough with it" Jason commented. "JAHAHASON, YOU TRAHAHAHAHAITOR! NAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FRAHAHANK! NOHOT THEHEHEHERE!" Leo's laugh increased once Frank started tickling his armpits. This shocked everyone for little bit. Frank was one to never tickle anyone without their permission and was too nice to tickle anyone for long. Apparently that didn't apply to Leo cause he was tickling him like crazy, even going as far as to tickle the spot between his ribs and armpits. Leo started screaming at the top of his lungs, but no words could come out. It only made it worse when Frank used his free hand to tickle Leo's belly. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" "Okay guys! Rotate!" Annabeth said. Momentarily, everyone let him go so he could breathe while they rotated positions. Leo was trying to steady his breathing so he could actually get some air. "Plehehease. Noho mohohore," He begged. "Oh, Leo, Leo, Leo, you poor dumb boy. You're not even a quarter of the way done with your punishment" Annabeth said with a chuckle. Then she and the others started tickling Leo again.
For nearly an hour, everyone had taken turns rotating and tickling every tickle spot Leo had. Halfway through his tickle punishment, Leo stopped squirming and just accepted his fate. He still squirmed every now and then, but he knew he couldn't escape and he couldn't change their minds. Tears trickled down his red cheeks as he laughed harder than he ever did in his life.
Eventually, Annabeth had decided that Leo had had enough and told everyone to stop. So everyone let up and gave him space. Leo could hardly breathe while he curled up into a ball to get rid of the tickly feeling all over his body. Within seven minutes, he could form words again. "I hahate you ahahall" He said with a grin wider than the grand canyon. "Now, what did you learn from today, Valdez?" Annabeth asked. "Dohohon't mess with yohou" "Good. Now do you promise to never pull stunts like this again?" "Noho" Annabeth glared at him again. "Excuse me?" Leo sat up and looked at Annabeth. "Thahat's impossible. I can't just give up pranks." "You have one chance, Valdez." " I. Said. No." Leo crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out at Amnabeth. Percy stepped up to him like he wanted to throw him, but Annabeth held him back. "It's your funeral." "Why say it like tha-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT!" Leo jumped a foot into the air and wiggled around as if there were something in his shirt. "GEHEHET OHOUT OF MYHY SHIHIHIRT, FRAHAHANK!" Leo demanded as he fell back laughing and holding his torso. Frank, who had shapeshifted into a mouse, responded by going to his weakest spot. Leo shrieked and rolled on the floor like a toddler throwing a tantrum as he tried to grab Frank. "PLEHEHEHEHEASE! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!" "Only if you promise to-" "OKAHAHAHAHAY! I PROHOHOHOMISE! I SWEHEHEHEAR! JUHUST STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP! I'M GOHOHONNA PEHEHEHEHEE!" "Frank, you can stop now" Hazel said. Frank immediately crawled out of Leo's shirt and scampered next to Hazel before shapeshifting back into Frank. Jason and Piper helped him up off the floor while he was recovering from hyena-itis. "You better hold up to your promise, Leo. No more going overboard with your stupid pranks, or else your punishments will be worse than what you got today" Annabeth threatened. "I promise" Leo nodded as he freed himself from Jason's and Piper's grasp and immediately bolted to the bathroom. Everyone laughed and continued talking about everything that happened.
Leo never ended up keeping that promise. He only lessened the frequency of his pranks, but they never truly went away. But he always made sure to never prank Annabeth again. He did not want to suffer under her devil fingers ever again.
The End
I hope you enjoyed my very first Heroes of Olympus tickle fic. I will write a lot more for this series because it's my absolute favorite, and the characters are so interesting and cool and everything. And of course, I have an O/C for this as well, but I'm not quite ready to reveal him yet. If you loved reading this and want more, requests and dms are always open.
That's all for now. Until next time,
❄️🔥shoto-chann🔥❄️ out
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aserene · 9 months
Aserene's Master Fic List
Last updated 1 September 2024; the newest works are in red. Anything posted on AO3 or FF can be found in this list, fragments and WIPs will be listed at the bottom of each section. My AO3 works are largely locked to registered users only due to AI scraping. If you need an account, please feel free to hit me up for an invite code while I have them to spare.
Fate: the Winx Saga
Why "Did it break your skin" or "Hello Bloom" has such an impact is a question I can't answer. Sorry, Not Sorry.
Regin of Dragon Series
The Smoking Incident (Silrah, pre-canon, Keggar Explanation) 
Are you my fairy Godmother? (Silrah, Ficlets, Bloom & Farah Prequel to main story) 
The Heir of Dragons (WIP, Silrah, HOTD cross over, Farah meets Rhaenys, Bloom & Farah found family) 
Sparrow, Spider this is how it had to be
Sparrow, Sparrow on the hill (Silrah, Farah-centric time travel fix it) 
Spider, spider in the tree - Tell me how it ends (Silrah, Saul-Centric time travel fix it) 
Echantix and More 
Snow (Silrah, Bloom & Farah bonding) 
Across the Sea, Soar Above (Silrah, Make Mermaids cross over) 
Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust (Silrah, Winx power swap) 
Downpour (Silrah, Power Reveal, Bloom & Farah Bonding) 
Lighting (Silrah, Skloom, Protective Farah & Saul) 
Farah and the Caturday 
Tell Tail Heart (Silrah, transformation accidents) 
Let me tell you a tail (Silrah, Bloom & Farah, transformation accidents, Bloom’s in trouble) 
Other Works 
State of Mind (Farah has trouble with her powers)
Down an unknown road to embrace my fate (Meet the family, Silrah, lost child, Selkie)
Made You Look (Silrah, fluffy)
All the Stars in Your Hair (Silrah hair braiding, slight Star Wars cross)
A Solo Guardian (Silrah, Farah & Bloom bonding, Direwolf)
A road so rough, this I know (Road trips, Silrah, Episode tag)
Prompt Fills:
HEX Gifts 
tis the damn season (meet the family/kind of, snowball fights)
And the sky is a hazy shade of winter  (Winter whump, snowball fights)
soft snow falling in a winter serenade (winter party disaster)
Reverse Big Bang 
Ferns are what it must mean to love without yearning (Farah the Fern) 
The Geas of It (Silrah, Skloom, accidents, Like father–like son)
The Best Days (AU Fix it, Rosalind picked the wrong parents, Silrah & Bloom)
Exile (High Court Fae take an interest in Bloom)
The Heiress (Winx reflections on how they got their magic)
Farah the Cat (WIP for Farah and the Caturday) 
Pawlp Fiction (WIP for Farah and the Caturday)
Car Crash (Silrah, baby bloom)
Saul asks Luna for a favor (silrah, Luna, protective Saul)
Let me save you the trouble. They’re all jibbs. 
Long Live the Queen. 
Ex Files Take Two (episode re write)
A Christmas Fairy-Tale (Episode tag, team as family)
I’ve Read all the books beside your bed (domestic fluff, secret relationship)
Bella Noche (vampires)  
One in a Billion (Halloween) 
I talked to your dad, It’s a love story, just say “yes” (meet the family, Judgement Day fix it) 
Coffeeshop Chatter (Batman won’t like this prompt, Jenny overhears the wrong thing) 
In absentia lucis, Tenebrae vincunt, Coram amore lux valet (accidental love confessions)
The Director’s Fool (April fool’s prank) 
The Cure for Hangovers and Other Aliments (Gibbs to the rescue) 
Noli timere malum, sed time heroa (Jibbslet, Kidnapping, Angst with happy ending) 
Truth in the Lies (fake marriage) 
Ask Her (tag to Knockout) 
Say Goodbye 007 (Mentions of JAG, fluff)
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Christmas fluff)
Twist of the Mind (WIP, Secret Relationship, memory alteration) 
Off the Clock (Girl talk) 
He Knocked (Episode tag) 
Haunting (Halloween Fluff)
Muscle Spasm (Gibbs whump, Jenny gives TLC)
Paris Rose (fluff & crack, lipstick) 
Only With You (undercover as married)
The Missing High Heels (Slight sequel to Only with you)
Jen, Jenny, and the Director (fuff & angst, crack treated seriously) 
The Manual (Gibbs’ Rules, Fluff, Team Dynamics) 
History Lessons (Fluffy collection of ficlets) 
Carols in the Night Series
Carols in the Night (Holiday Found Family)
February Ills (Fluffbruary Sequel to Carols in the Night)
The Easter Bunny (Easter theme)
Mother's First (Mother's day)
He didn't have to (Father's day)
Judgement Day Rewritten Series
Second Chances (Gibbs wakes up in a world where Jenny isn’t dead, yet)
From Now On (Jenny gets a second chance and learns what honesty can change) 
The Reality of Acceptance  (Gibbs follows Jenny to LA)
Expressing the Inexpressible Series 
That’s not her style (Tabloids report on Jenny) 
Goodbye Earl (Gibbs finds an interesting person in the middle of an investigation) 
Home (letters, fluff and angst)
Our Song (tooth-rotting fluff) 
Do you Remember? (orchids, hidden relationship) 
24 (WIP) 
It’s beginning to get to me (WIP) 
Anything you can do (WIP)
A little fall of rain (WIP)
Something in Red (WIP)
So Close (WIP)
Ever, Ever, After (WIP)
She’s in Love (WIP)
That’s How You Know (WIP)
One Step Closer (WIP)
Watering Your Plants (Post Hiatus) 
The Deal (deal to have a baby) 
Now I lay me down to sleep (secret relationship) 
Xena: Warrior Princess 
So you’re saying there is a chance… 
All Fics are Xena/Ares 
Eventually, these will be rewritten and posted on AO3 
As Long as You’re Mine (post Looking Death in the Eyes) 
Reckoning the Thoughts (takes place during “The Reckoning) 
The Pendant (Aphrodite fixes Looking Death in the Eye) 
Wrapped Around Your Finger (Post Xena coming back from Callisto) 
Black Roses Red (Hercules bashing) 
An Affair to Remember (Looking Death in the Eyes Fix It) 
House of the Dragon
Rhaenys Intervenes (Time Travel Fix-it)
Daemon and Rhaenys work together to save the House of the Dragon (Time Travel Fix-it)
Go All the Way Back (Rhaenyra and Rhaenys Time Travel)
Rhaenys Overhears (Rhaenys will make sure she is the only one with the title of the Queen Who Never Was) 
Cross Overs 
Call my name and save me from the dark (Fate, Wednesday, NCIS, I have issues okay?)
 Wishes come True, Not Free (Fate/Labyrinth) 
A Demon and A Fairy Sat Drinking (Fate/Chilling Adventures of Sabrina)
Grave Digger Redux (Bones/NCIS)
My Perfect Romance (NCIS/My Perfect Romance) 
Captain Bennett’s Christmas Catch (Christmas Catch/NCIS)
The Man with the Blue Eyes (NCIS/ CSI Miami) 
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dungeonmalcontent · 1 year
Ya'll. It has taken far longer than anticipated, and it is quite nearly 30 pages longer than planned, but I have another book that will be put on DMsGuild soon. It is finally a complete document. Just needs to be read through a bunch (forward and backwards, tip for anyone editing their own stuff) to make sure I'm not making an absolute fool of myself with horrible spelling, punctuation, etc. (lets be real, it's gonna happen anyway).
But, yes. New book.
Psionics: Spellcasting & Specialties
The book re-imagines psionic abilities... kind of. tl;dr, I did my best to make psionics part of 5e in a way that works and doesn't suck the fun out of having it.
(The exasperated tale of a writer overwhelmed by their creation below the cut)
I've talked about this a little, but now that the book it more complete I can say more.
The way WotC tried to put psionics in 5e with the mystic class was a massive failure. It was like this vestigial tenth limb on a bird—a creature which has ostensibly already shed limbs five through nine. It was this whole other resource that only this one class could use and didn't really have much synergy and it was complicated and you had to track all these new passives that you could shift around (it was like having to worry about infusions that could be swapped out with greater ease and significance). It was a mess. I stand by that. I've tried to tackle the problem by drafting a revised mystic class before (not even going to go over how that went, you can read it for yourself for free).
But psionics are so cool. They're still in 5e, just really subtly and honestly mostly in the presence of the mind flayer stat blocks. They work very much like spellcasting, but really only in a way that can be used with "innate spellcasting" which isn't exactly a player attainable feature (yes, I know it's comperable to a spellcasting feat, that's a whole other problem). So, I thought to myself: "What if psionics replaced spellcasting? What if you took a wizard, or a sorcerer, or a bard, or a druid, or any spellcasting class and decided 'this is not spellcasting anymore, this is psionics' and you just changed the way the spellcasting feature worked for that class?" And then I answered that question.
The follow up question was, of course "What about the other classes that don't use magic?" Well. They get specialized archetypes with psionic features that reflect what someone of that background would do with psychic powers.
And then that led to "Well some of these already have something like that from tasha's, and what if a spellcaster wanted a dedicated psionic kit beyond spellcasting modifcations? Do they get subclasses too?" To which I had to exasperated say "Yes! Fine!" (out loud, startling my spouse at 3am).
And then "what if psionics had adept feats? What if we just had more spells that acted like psionics? What if psionics was it's own school of spellcraft? We don't want to turn psionics purely into spells, but what if there was a whole school of spells that was just the kind of spells you could only do if you had psychic powers?"
I was crying at this point. This was supposed to be a short booklet, like I mentioned earlier. I was supposed to be done with it in... April? I was supposed to be done in April. That did not happen.
Psionics has five different spellcasting replacement features (four more than originally intended) along with a range of three ways to customize and further strengthen your psionic spellcasting abilities based on your spellcasting ability. Revised rules for multiclasing with split spellcasting levels (the amount of technical this got was... WotC should hire me, at this point I am as embedded in their rubbish game system as any of their writers (I would turn down the job offer out of principle, but still)). There are six new feats which adapt any (potentially) character to be some degree of psionic spellcaster. The book includes 13 new subclass options, all psionically themed—13? you ask, yes, one for every class including artificer. 35 (freaking why did I do this to myself? 35?! are you kidding me?!) new spells are included in the book, they encompass the new psionic school of spellcasting which GMs can add previously written spells to if they so choose (with some guidelines on what would make good spell candidates for this). And, because there was so much content and this was unavoidable, there are 3 new creature stat blocks which correspond to either summons or created entities that players can interact with.
Will there be art? NO. I looked at the unformatted draft and decided then and there that this would not be a full art book. Or an any art book. There is a cover. I designed a new document style template. That is it. You want more than that? Crowdfund me so I can pay some blasted artists a fair rate to commission fantasy illustrations of characters squinting into the distance and looking like they have a headache. Book isn't even out yet, so technically there's still time for that.
But yes.
This is it. Psionics book.
(I need to sleep for a month.)
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, April 2
Dreg: It's strange. A body might ask what exactly it is you think you're doing. He might ask what all this was meant to accomplish. Because to a humble postulant, it looks like chaos. Like unnecessary attention drawn where it ought not to be. Ben: (angrily) Get out! Dreg: Sir. Sir, forgive me. I just want to understand. Why summon the Queller? Ben: What do you think? Because I'm cleaning up Glory's mess. Just like I've done my whole damn life.
~~Buffy Season 5 Episode #87: "Listening To Fear"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Pipes and Debts (Buffy/Spike, T) by veronyxk84
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Watching of Watchers Ch. 1 (Spike/Drusilla, T) by Scar_Eve
Bad Blood |BTVS| Book Two Ch. 18 (OC, Ensemble, unrated) by BrunetteMarionette
Weight of the World Ch. 3 (Buffy/Spike, unrated) by Enigmatist
Love Lives Here Ch. 43/100 (Buffy/Summers, E) by Passion4Spike
No Going Back Ch. 18 (Willow/Tara, M) by Tru2urheart
Goodbye to Everything That I Knew Ch. 27/30 (Buffy/Spike, M) by My_Barbaric_Yawp
lost behaviours of a self-destructive mind Ch. 6 (Buffy/Xander, Buffy/Spike, M) by EmilytheSlayer
Staying Afloat Ch. 2 (Willow/Oz, T) by dwinchester
In Case You Haven't Noticed... CH. 8 (Buffy/Giles, E) by Sdhuskerfan
… A Stranger I Go Hence Ch. 11 (Faith/OC, M) by MalkMcJorma
Recommencer Ch. 10 (Buffy/Faith, M) by FridayQueen
If We Could Freeze Time Ch. E (Buffy/Spike, E) by cosplayermadness
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Do as Romans do Ch. 23 (Dawn/Spike, T, French language) by OldGirl-NoraArlani
One Girl in All the World Ch. 43 (Buffy/Faith, T) by Brenna's Urbangirl Projects
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The Neighbor's Point of View, Chapter 96 (Buffy/Spike, G) by the_big_bad
Early One Morning , Chapter 29 (Buffy/Spike, E) by all choseny
Dusk Rising, Chapter 38 (Buffy/Spike, E) by HappyWhenItRains
Key Moment, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, T) by mcgnagallsarmy
The Boyfriend Swap, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Maxine Eden
Hello Cutie, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by CheekyKitten
Forever and Always?, Chapter 21-25 (Buffy/Spike, M) by scratchmeout
Bang, Chapter 16-20 (Buffy/Spike, E) by scratchmeout
Bad Idea, Right?, Chapter 16-20 (Buffy/Spike, M) by scratchmeout
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Sculpture of Dance , Chapter 7-10 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Desicat
Family Business, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, T) by ClowniestLivEver
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:ats themed doodles () by genericaces
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Video: BUFFY & ANGEL X MIDNIGHTS (11 Bangel vids) by bangelism
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Artwork:Willow Rosenberg vs Danzu from Naruto () by MattanzaMFedora
Artwork:Leather for Leisure (Buffy/Spike) by satinsafe
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: Episode 117: Flooded by Mythtaken
[Community Announcements]
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It’s event time at Elysian Fields! by elysianfieldsarchive
[Fandom Discussions]
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god, wesley and cordelia’s friendship really gets me. by summerroomspring
do the scoobies ever find out about the wishverse? by summerroomspring
Honestly when you really think about it the whole Acathla thing is really kind of silly. by bloomfish
It’s so obvious to me by danceandsing
The thing about Spike and Angel by spangelmybeloved
I forgot that they introduced Xander by having him zooming along on his skateboard. by nicnacsnonsense
I’m actually so upset we never saw Buffy celebrate Easter by fictiongods
Spike from Buffy isn’t actually a bad poet; he was just born in the wrong generation. by penny-anna
Top 10 Spuffy fics I’ve read (March 2024) by mcgnagallsarmy
when Buffy called frappuccinos “trendy, but tasty!” I thought it was funny the first time. by zorilleerrant
btvs season 1 episode 10 “nightmares” is a story about abuse by fallingtowers
Faith and Angel was such a good relationship by bloomfish
The scene in season seven where Buffy is expressing to Spike that she’s happy he hit Faith is actually so painful to me. by fictiongods
if Buffy did an April Fools Day episode by angelthemanspanker
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This will never not make me laugh lol by AxelNoir
Favorite Riley Scene by Berry-Pie216
Season 5x18 Intervention Kiss by Kindofaddictedtotv
Wild at Heart - What If edition by dragonsrawesomesauce
As much as we all love and appreciate her, were there any times you felt Buffy was the one who was actually in the wrong? by InfiniteMehdiLove
The difference in which charmed and buffy depict the goddess of witchcraft Hecate by Busy_Supermarket9006
Angel Season 4 by la_noix
I can’t stop thinking about this y’all by MCGameTime
Desires for Reboot by roverandrover6
One Buffy episode that “saved” your life. by redditwatcher11
What’s your favorite joke or one-liner of Xander’s? by funishin
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PODCAST: Still the Queen: Looking Back on Buffy 25 Years Later by Nerdcrash
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
Regarding the Our Skyy2 theories today was Aprils Fool and a lot of account faked things like translations and turned themselves to look like actors twitter account, there were also a fake Our Skyy2 account! so maybe some of the stuff circulating since yesterday is fake?🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 either way I have to say that if MSP has a swapped lifes as their main plot... I am not amused😒 tho this is the only one that seems to have a somewhat of a supernatural theme even tho they had VV tho maybe the supernatural theme is gonna come back in VV? we shall see tho I am now kinda scared...
The Twitter theories on Our Skyy2 are getting out of hand lol!
I get that everybody is excited about it but I really don't want any crossover! I am sorry but keep each episode dedicated to each show I just want to see my silly little couples be cute and sweet and NO BODYSWAPS I am OVER them 2 last year was already too many!
I saw some people say that based on how the couple where positioned in the poster the one diagona to them is the one they have a crossover with? and they where probably joking I hope cuz NO!
Other theories or more like hopes are that they will not do certain things because they want to wait for season2 like: The Eclipse not using the second novel and going for original content(the author said he was non involved in the script and production of Our Skyy2 and that it does not involve any storyline from the new book), or the MSP boys still being highschoolers because they will be uni students in s2 tho I think this is just them coping with the end of a show they like(me with Eclipse lol)
The only theory I like are the ones over who proposes to whom lol
Either way the episodes are pretty much done so we can only wait and at this point it could pretty much come a lot sooner! I just hope they air it 2 eps per week like MLC or Midnight Museum cuz 16 weeks of this is too much! we already had SIMM and SIYH that lasted 18 WEEKS! between the main series and thw special episodes and that is too much especially for a compilation of special episodes.
IF that life swap thing is true, I have to ask... WHY?? Why would you do that? Msp is literally one of the easiest shows to do an Our Skyy episode on because they finished high school at the end of the series, meaning all they had to do was show them in college (like maybe the Chinzhilla guys all come back home for the break between semesters and they all meet up again) and them being cute and thriving. Why is this life swap thing necessary? Frankly, I don’t want shit like that in msp so these spoilers are doing the opposite of getting me excited. 😑
well I sure hope these theories are an April fool's joke because I'm done with all of them lmao.
I don't really feel like talking about this anymore lol so all I'm gonna say is that I still hate body swaps so please spare us @ gmm 😩 and even if it's just a life swap, I don't want that either.
The only episode where I could tolerate something supernatural is Vice Versa because that would fit the show's original genre so if puen & talay end up swapping something - whatever it is - then so be it. I would be somewhat fine with that I guess lol. But the rest? nah.
All I want for this show is 8 cute little episodes full of fluff and carelessness because god knows all of these couples went through enough in their respective shows lmao. all of them have the foundation to give us something cute so,,,, is that too much to ask.
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One Hell of a Year: April
Summary:  When Molly Henderson makes the move from Chicago to Lockhart, Texas, she doesn’t expect much. A new teaching job, a new community, and maybe a few new friends, but what she didn’t expect was to meet Michael Perry, a man with a heart of gold, October eyes, and a smile that made her tummy do a strange little flip-flop. With Michael by her side, Molly finds that she may just be able to not only find a life in Lockhart, but thrive there as well.
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, swearing, drinking, lemons, MDNI
Disclaimers: Nothing recognizable belongs to me.
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The rest of March dragged on like a baseball game where the home team is getting trounced. The home team fans walk into the game with such excitement, all wide eyed and innocent, championing their heroes…until they give up six runs in the first inning alone. Then the fear sets in. By the seventh inning stretch, the fans are either giving up and walking out of the stadium, or they’re sitting in their seats miserably, praying for a miracle, holding onto hope. Whatever fan you are, the fatalist who gives up by the time the score hits double digits, or the fan who prays to the baseball gods that their team will somehow, someway, turn things around, the dragging along of time is painful.
That was how the rest of March went for Molly Henderson and Michael Perry. The day after their fight, they briefly met eyes in the hallway as they brought their students inside for the first day back. That brief, seconds long interaction had Molly hiding her tears behind her book as she had her class silent read for the first half hour of the day, while Michael, for the first time in his career, demanded total silence while his class wrote in their journals.
Molly spent all her breaks in her classroom under the guise of catching up with her students after their weeklong break. Michael huddled in the corner of the staff room, the grey cloud surrounding him warning his colleagues away from any potential approach.
The last two weeks of March passed painfully slowly in that same way, with small, momentary glances sending both teachers into emotional head spins. They even went so far as to cancel all play rehearsals for the first week back, and Molly faked having after school appointments for the last week of March so that Michael would have to handle the rehearsals on his own.
It hurt. Though they knew it was temporary, both the growing pains and the separation, it didn’t stop the pain from searing their hearts like deep cuts from hot knives. Molly found herself almost crumbling every night as she poured herself into her car and wept.
In short, the rest of March dragged on to the tune of a lonely funeral dirge. But as always, the turn of the month brought a new beginning and a chance for change.
On the first of April, one of the most dreaded teaching days of the year, Molly found herself brandishing a stapler at Alex before the start of day bell had even rung. Of course, she had found it suspicious that he had been hanging around the staff room over 40 minutes before the staff had to officially be on the property, but she hadn’t questioned her friend for a change in his schedule…until she had added sugar to her coffee, tasted it, and promptly spat it out into the sink to the sound of peals of laughter.
“Oh my god, Molly, I can’t believe you fell for it!” Alex howled, clutching at his stomach. “Swapping the sugar for salt is a classic April Fool’s Day prank!”
With her frustration being elevated due to her lack of sleep (Michael hadn’t been kidding, it was really hard to sleep in an empty bed now) and now a lack of coffee, she had whipped her stapler out of her bag and held it threateningly in front of her.
“Alex, I swear to god, I could kill you right now!” she growled, storming towards him as he made a beeline for the door, almost knocking Michael over as he ran by.
“Jesus, Molly, can’t you take a joke!” Alex shrieked as he ran down the hall.
“Next time, don’t mess with a teacher’s coffee, Alexander Drake!”
Michael chuckled awkwardly. “I, uh, I hoped to warn you before you could make your coffee,” he murmured, holding out a cup of take away coffee from the little place down the street from his place. “Alex likes to switch the salt and sugar every year. Most of us avoid the staff room coffee maker today, but I guess Lauren forgot to tell you.”
Molly hesitantly took the cup from him and breathed in the scent, nearly moaning at the wafting cinnamon steaming through the hole in the lid. “Umm, thank you. For the coffee. And for warning me. I…appreciate it.”
He nodded softly. “You’re welcome. I’m sorry I got here too late.”
She shrugged as they slowly started drifting down the hall towards their classrooms. “It’s not your fault. I…I couldn’t sleep. So, I decided to just come in early and plan for the next couple of weeks. I haven’t really gotten to plan much lately.”
Michael nodded. “I get it,” he murmured. “I haven’t gotten much done lately either. Every time I set my mind to do something, I end up getting distracted. Plus,” he smiled softly at her. “I’ve missed my planning time buddy.”
Molly felt herself grow hot under his gaze. “I’ve missed you too,” she whispered into the lid of her cup before taking a large gulp.
“Molly…” he stepped closer, not quite breaching her personal boundary but close enough for the hair on her arms to tingle. “We promised we’d be friendly at work until we figured this out, right? So why can’t we start that today? New month, new Michael and Molly? Would that be okay?”
She thought for a moment, sipping absentmindedly at her coffee. She had missed him. His laugh, the way he could so easily plan lessons that were fun and engaging and covered all the content, his smile, the way he would share his grapes with her. The way he held her while they slept, the warmth that he brought to her home. Of course, she had missed him. But she was so afraid of just falling into him and not facing the untruths in their relationship that she felt like she couldn’t let him back in.
And yet, she knew in her heart that this was only temporary. She loved him too much to let their relationship just fizzle out, and she knew that he was willing to put the work in. So, perhaps, letting him be her friend again would help heal those cracks in her heart so that she could let him back in.
She found herself nodding before her mind had even committed to the idea. “Of course, we can.”
The smile on his face became blinding. “Awesome,” he whispered, juggling things around in his arms until he could reach out and shake her hand. “Hi, welcome to Jefferson. I’m Michael Perry and I would love to get to know you a little bit better on our prep this afternoon.”
The grin tugging on the edges of her mouth was hard to deny as she returned his handshake. “Hi Michael Perry, I’m Molly Henderson. And I would love to get to know you better too.”
“Perfect,” he squeezed her hand tight. “I’ll see you then, Molly.”
He nearly skipped into his own classroom, giggles bubbling up in Molly’s throat at his enthusiasm.
As she retreated to her own room and started flipping lights on, she felt lighter than she had in weeks.
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Despite their agreement to be friends, the atmosphere in the staff room was…awkward, to say the very least.
They sat at the same table, across from each other instead of beside each other as they would have a mere month ago. But there was no easy, peaceful silence. There were no playful touches or giggles. The sound of scratching pens and flipping pages was all that filled the room until Michael looked up and sighed.
“This isn’t working, is it?”
Molly bit her lip. “No. It’s really not. I’m sorry. I know that I said we could, but…”
“But I fucked up and you can’t let it go,” he sighed, throwing his pen onto his book and leaning back in his chair. “Not that I blame you. But I don’t…I don’t know how to fix this, Molly. And I want to. I really want to. I don’t…I can’t lose you, honey.”
Molly rubbed her eyes, feeling the tears beginning to pool. “I can’t lose you either. You’re the most important person in my life, but…but I can’t help the way that I feel.”
“And I’m not asking you to change the way that you feel. I’d never do that,” he reached out and took her hand. “I’m just asking for some guidance here. I’ve apologized, and I’m probably going to apologize every day for the rest of my life. I’ve told you the truth. I just don’t know what else to do.”
Molly leaned back, folding her arms protectively over her chest. “Well, we said we were going to be friends, right?”
“I don’t know how to be just friends with the woman I’m in love with, Molly!” Michael rubbed his forehead. “You’re my best friend, yes, but there’s so much more that you are to me. And yeah, maybe that sounds like a bullshit line, but I love you so much. I feel like I’m going out of my mind without you.”
Molly sniffled. “If you think this doesn’t make me feel like shit, then you’re wrong. You think I don’t miss you too? But I have the protect myself, Michael! If you hadn’t kept secrets from me, then we wouldn’t be here!”
A loud screech cut through the growing tension as Michael stood up. “I’m not going to fight with you, Molly,” he quickly gathered his belongings, “Maybe we can try this again on Monday.”
Molly watched him through glassy eyes as he left the staff room before she buried her head in her folded arms and fell apart. Her heavy sobs shook her shoulders and she found herself grateful that Michael had the forethought to at least close the door before he left.
Molly knew she wasn’t being fair to Michael. He had lied and kept things from her, but he had been willing to try to sit and be her friend, to put in the work to make things between them better. All he had asked for was a bit of guidance, and she had shut him down. It wasn’t like she didn’t want things between them to get better. She desperately wanted to let him back in, but she wasn’t sure how.
“Uh-oh. What happened, Henderson?”
Molly quickly wiped her eyes and looked up to find Lauren standing in the doorway, a stack of artwork in her arms.
“Oh. H-hey. What’re you doing here?”
“I got an extra prep today, so I was gonna do some laminating. I thought I’d find you and Perry in here, canoodling, and was preparing all my best disgusted facial expressions. But it looks like I don’t need them.” Lauren sat down in the chair next to her and placed her stack of art on the table. “What do you need? Should I go beat him up? Get Ken to poison his drink the next time he goes to the bar?”
Molly sniffled out a small giggle. “N-no. It’s fine. We just…we’re taking a little break.”
“And you don’t want to?”
Molly shrugged. “I don’t think either of us want to, but…it’s necessary.”
“And that is unnecessarily vague. Tell you what. My monster-in-law insisted on taking the kids tonight for a Grandma Sleepover. Ken’s gotta do inventory at the bar, which will take all night. So, you and me. Margaritas and take out from that Mexican place Alex has been raving about, and you’re gonna spill the beans. Yeah?”
Molly cracked a smile and nodded. “Yeah. That sounds good. Thanks Lauren.”
The other teacher nodded and stood, picking up her stack of work. “Don’t thank me yet. You’re bringing the tequila.”
Molly giggled. “Yes ma’am. I’ll see you tonight.”
(page break)
“Hold on a sec…” Lauren swallowed down her bite of fish taco and washed it down with her lime margarita. “He didn’t tell you about whatsherface from Pittsburgh? I swear to god, I thought you knew.”
Molly shrugged and bit into her crispy chicken taco. “Nope. I had no clue. I mean, he’s mentioned exes to me before, but never this ex. I just feel like, if she wasn’t a big deal, he would’ve told me, right?”
Lauren hiccupped before taking a nacho from the tray they were splitting between them. “But she was a big deal, wasn’t she? He was gonna marry this girl.”
Molly nodded sadly. “Why wouldn’t he tell me about a past relationship that he wanted to go the distance?”
Lauren scoffed. “Why do men do anything? He probably didn’t want to shatter his ego by saying that he got turned down and dumped.”
Molly was quick to shake her head. “But he dumped her. And he never even asked her. They fell apart before he could.”
Lauren took another swig. “Then maybe she really doesn’t matter to him anymore. Or maybe it just sucks to have to bring her up. I mean, the only reason I knew about her was because he forgot to log out of the school computer and I saw some chick named Malia emailing him, so of course it was my duty to give him shit about it. That’s when he told me she was the kid of some ex in Pittsburgh. He kept in touch because he still cared about the kid.”
Molly nodded. “I know. She seems like a sweet kid. Michael really helped her out. But why not just freaking tell me that, y’know?” Molly bit into her second taco angrily.
Lauren shrugged. “I don’t know. But I can tell you one thing. He definitely didn’t do it maliciously. I have never seen that man as happy as he is when he’s with you.”
Molly pouted into her margarita. “I know. He makes me really happy too. I just don’t know how to get past this. I’ve been hurt in the past and—”
“Hold up,” Lauren leaned forward, an intense look in her eyes. “You can’t be about to say that you’re afraid of Michael hurting you. Look Molly, I don’t know what happened to you in your past, and, frankly, it’s none of my business. But Michael Perry would rather cut off his left arm and feed it to a rabid crocodile than lay a finger on you.”
“I know. I know, Lauren. But…I dunno, I guess I just have a blindspot when it comes to red flags with guys.”
“The only red flag Michael is waving is one shaped like a heart with your initials in the middle,” Lauren scoffed. “Look, I’m not about to get into the middle of this. But he loves you, and he’s looked miserable ever since y’all got home. You need to either reel that boy back in or cut him loose.”
Molly flushed. “I want him back. I just…don’t know how to let him back in. I told him we could be friends until I feel like I can trust him, but even that’s really hard.”
Lauren shrugged, reaching over for the blender and refilling both their glasses. “So, don’t be friends. Let him woo you back. Flirt with him. Do all the same shit y’all were doing back in September, except this time you know where it’s leading and preferably you’ll be flirting and shit anywhere I’m not, because I don’t think I can take the lovesick puppy dog routines again.”
Molly moaned pitifully. “I just don’t know, Lauren! I don’t know how to flirt with him. We’ve never purposefully flirted with each other, you know?”
“Okay! Then do whatever whacky mating ritual you did to land him in the first place, but make sure he knows that he only gets one more shot. No more secrets, not this time.”
Molly picked up her glass and clinked it against Lauren’s. “No more secrets.”
(page break)
Michael jumped as Molly plopped into the seat next to him at the planning time table and shoved her hand at him.
“Hi,” she gasped out, slightly out of breath. “I’m Molly Henderson. I moved here to Lockhart after my grandfather died and it helped me escape an emotionally abusive boyfriend. It was really traumatic for me, both dealing with that boyfriend and losing my grandfather. My grandfather and grandmother raised me because my mom was in no way, shape, or form prepared to be a mother, and…and she was never sure who my father is.” Molly blinked, her hand trembling in between them as Michael gazed at her with wide eyes. “N-Needless to say, I have a lot of baggage when it comes to growing up and relationships. But…but I really like you, Michael. And…I don’t want to lose you. But I can’t deal with secrets, even if you think they’re not important.”
Michael blinked at her before slowly taking her hand, cradling it between his two hands. “Okay, Molly Henderson. No secrets.” He smiled softly. “What do you want to know?”
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They shifted over to the comfy loveseat in the planning room, their bodies turned towards each other intimately.
“Why did you want to become a teacher?”
Michael’s fingers drummed on the back of her hand. “I had this drama and music teacher in high school, Mr. Cooper. He was…he actually saw me, you know? I was a terrible student, I’m not gonna lie. I talked back, I didn’t do homework, basically just every teacher’s worst nightmare. But Mr. Cooper got me. He taught us real life stuff. You could tell he actually cared about us, not just our marks. He made me want to make that kind of difference.”
Molly smiled, squeezing his hand. “So, what happened?”
Michael shrugged. “I got my license at NYU, did a little bit of teaching in New York, then got myself a position with Teach for America, so I ended up teaching in quite a few low-income areas. I loved it. I actually could see the difference I was making. I happened to be in Pittsburgh when my contract ended, and I just searched for the lowest ranked schools in town, which led me to Adams. And…Jaime.”
Molly nodded. “How did you two meet?”
Michael shrugged with a chuckle. “She kept trying to recruit me to help take over the school. Malia was really struggling with her dyslexia, and her teacher was…well, she was a bitch. Everyone hated her, but she was tenured, so there was nothing we could do. Until Jaime decided that a take over was the best thing to do to save our school. She teamed up with Nona Alberts, and she kept trying to recruit me, but I wasn’t interested in the take over, only in her. I liked that she said what she meant and didn’t play mind games…basically, some of the same reasons that I like you.”
“Why weren’t you interested in taking over the school? That seems right up your alley.”
Michael chuckled. “I didn’t want to lose the protection of the union. I’d seen it help a lot of teachers, including Mr. Cooper. Taking over meant no protection, and I couldn’t see myself being okay with that. I wanted to protect the kids, but I also wanted to protect the good teachers that were working hard to make a difference.”
“What changed your mind?”
“I saw how badly those good teachers wanted it, and how much the bad teachers were reticent to the idea because they would probably be fired.” Michael shook his head. “They were all in it for the money, and I couldn’t even inadvertently support the teachers who were in it for a paycheque instead of for the kids. So, when I realized that I had to choose a side, I did. And it was great. Getting to teach the way I always wanted to, the way Renata lets us teach, was incredible. I honestly don’t know if I ever would have left if not for…”
“Your mom,” Molly supplied in a quiet voice, squeezing his hand comfortingly.
He nodded sadly. “When I got the call that she was sick, I knew that I had to come home. My siblings were spread out all over the place, my dad was working double shifts to pay for her chemo, and…and I felt like I owed her. She’d always been there for me, encouraging me to follow my dreams, and I…I couldn’t let her down. I knew I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t do everything I could to take care of her.”
Molly slid closer to him on the couch and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m sure you did everything you could.”
He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “I tried. I took the prep teacher position here so I could have mornings off to take her to her appointments. Plus, I was only in three days a week, so that was a benefit too. I helped pay for stuff around the house, which eased my dad’s burden a bit. I took care of her for as long as I could, until the cancer got to be too much for her. When she passed, I…”
Molly kissed his shoulder gently. “It’s okay. You don’t have to explain.”
“I thought about returning to Pittsburgh,” he whispered after a long moment. “But Jaime was so far off my radar by that point, and I had genuinely fallen in love with Jefferson and the kids. I felt like there was no going back. I was content with my life…and then you walked in that August morning and turned it all upside down. Because of you, I wasn’t just content. I was…I am happy.”
They sat in silence for a long moment, the sound of the school bustling just outside of the locked door as they took in what had been said. Michael felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, but his heart felt heavy, knowing that they could have avoided all this pain if he had just talked about it earlier. Molly felt relief, knowing that she now had the whole truth, that there were no more secrets between them.
Michael glanced over at the sound of her sniffle.
“Hey…” he wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. “I’m so sorry, Molly. I’ve said it a million times before, but this time…this time it means so much more. I am so sorry.”
She nodded into his shoulder, swiping at her falling tears. “I know and thank you for telling me the whole truth. I guess I just…I expected to feel…different. Not so…”
She nodded with a hiccup. “Y-yeah…I don’t want to be angry anymore, but it’s not a choice, you know?”
Michael patted her shoulder and pulled away slightly. “I get it. Believe me, I didn’t expect that just telling you the truth would magically fix everything. But hopefully getting it all out there helps a bit? Now, maybe we can get back on track and work on getting back together?”
Molly nodded with a small smile and kissed his cheek. “I’d really like that.”
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Over the next few weeks, there was a marked change between Michael and Molly. Michael once again would greet Molly every morning at her car, a steaming cup of coffee in hand for her. They’d pass by their colleagues, who greeted them with knowing smiles, as they made their way to their classrooms. They’d giggle and flirt with each other while their classes put their belongings in their lockers and make their ways inside, all while Gillian watched them with a smirk. Lauren and Alex would roll their eyes at them as they sat together at lunch, lost in their own little world. They’d sit all cozied up together during play rehearsals and, at the end of the day, they’d stand beside Molly’s car, neither one wanting to go home. And yet, they kept their friendship to school hours, with a few fun texts sent throughout the night.
Until, one day…
“Hey, Molly?”
She smiled up at Michael as he stood in the doorway, looking more like a nervous student than her confident and cool boyfriend.
“Hey, Michael, what’s up?” Glancing up to check the time, Molly began packing up her belongings to head home.
“Umm…do you have plans tonight?” he blurted.
Molly froze. Things had been going so well between them, and she had been desperately waiting for him to ask her out. She knew that probably wasn’t fair, considering she’d requested for the dating ball to be left in her court, and she knew that he liked it when she took charge and said what was on her mind, but here he was, beating her to it.
“N-no…why do you ask?”
Michael bit his lip. “I called my dad and got my mom’s pepian recipe. I thought maybe you could come over tonight and I could make you dinner?” he gazed up at her from beneath his lashes. “You know, Johnny, Cash, and Spike really miss you.”
Molly giggled and nodded, butterflies flittering in her stomach. “Yeah, I…I’ve missed them too. I’d love to come over. I’ll bring the wine.”
“Sounds good, sweetheart,” Michael smiled. “See you at seven.”
Molly felt the blood rushing to her cheeks as she smiled widely. “See you then.”
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“It shouldn’t be this hard, it shouldn’t be this hard…” Molly mumbled to herself as she stared at her closet.
It wasn’t their first date. It wasn’t even their tenth date. They had been on (an albeit disastrous) vacation together. He’d already seen her naked. But Molly could feel the pressure building around her. She wanted to look perfect, she wanted to be perfect for him. To make this thing work. To be with him for the rest of her life, if she was being perfectly honest with herself.
Scrambling, she dove to pick up her phone, searching through her contacts until she found the one she wanted, and dialing.  
“I don’t know what to wear,” she nearly moaned, collapsing back onto her bed.
“Something sexy so he takes you to his bed and ravishes you,” Alex replied dryly. “That should help keep the awkwardness at bay.”
Molly groaned. “Lauren, do you have me on speaker?”
“Duh, I figured this would require two friends instead of one, so I called Alex.”
“You knew I would need help?”
“Honey, you’re going on a date that will make or break your relationship. Of course, you’re going to need help.”
“Dude, right now you are doing the opposite of helping. Shut up and drink your beer while I talk. Molly, you’re gonna be fine. He’s already seen you naked, he already loves you, so don’t put so much pressure on it.”
“Easier said than done,” she mumbled. “What if I–”
“Molly, chill,” Alex called out. “Wear that cute little white dress with the blue flowers, some sandals, and he’ll be eating out of the palm of your hand.”
Molly sat up in her bed and chewed on her bottom lip, staring at said dress in her closet. It wasn’t a bad idea. The simple white sundress was cute and sweet, the blue flowers that decorated the thin material added a spring-y touch, and the thin straps and flirty neckline made it just playful enough to be considered appropriate date wear. Throw in her strappy white sandals, and it was a decent enough outfit for a home dinner date.
“Y-yeah…okay. That could work.”
“Go knock his pants off, babe,” Lauren chuckled.
Molly smiled in spite of herself. Her friends were overbearing, overly aggressive, and overinvested in her love life, but she honestly couldn’t imagine her life without them.
“Thanks guys. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Go get him, girl!”
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Molly hesitated for a second at Michael’s front door. A month ago, she wouldn’t have hesitated to use her key and strolled in, maybe trying to surprise him by coming up behind him and hugging him. But this was a fresh start and using her key just didn’t feel right. So, she did the next best thing, and knocked rapidly, her feet shuffling nervously.
“Come on in!” she heard a faint voice call. Biting her lip, Molly dug in her purse and pulled out her key, unlocking the door and stepping into the warm house that had been like a second home to her.
“In the kitchen, sweetheart.”
Molly wandered through the living room, stopping to peek into the fish tank to greet Johnny and Cash, before stepping into the kitchen.
“Oh my god, that smells incredible.”
Michael turned to face her, tossing the dishtowel over his shoulder with a smile. “Mama’s cooking has never steered me wrong before. Hi…” He stepped closer and pressed a small kiss to her cheek. “You look amazing.”
Molly smiled brightly. “Thank you. So do you.” What else could she say? The man looked good in black. “I brought wine. The guy at the store said that white wine would go best? I hope he’s right.”
“White wine sounds perfect. I put the wine glasses over there…” Michael jerked his head in the direction of the counter, where two long stemmed glasses stood glistening in the setting sunlight.
Seamlessly, Molly glided over to the counter, stepping around Michael as he turned on the blender, and pouring two tall glasses of the pale liquid. Moving back to his side, he turned and let his fingers gently glide over hers before relieving her of the glass.
“Thank you,” he mumbled, staring deep into her eyes.
Molly smiled softly at him. “You’re welcome.” Stepping closer, she rested her chin on his forearm and stared down at the stove. “What are you doing?” she whispered quietly. “Or is this a secret family recipe?”
“Well…it kind of is. But Mama would’ve liked you, so I think she’d be okay with me letting you in on it.” Michael grinned, tilting his head down to nuzzle his nose against her forehead before kissing it gently and turning back to the hot pan on the stove. “I just finished blending the tomatillos, poblanos, jalapenos, toasted sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, cilantro, and chicken stock with the spices and the salt. Now, I’m just making sure that my chicken is cooked so I can pour the sauce on top. Can you check the rice in the rice cooker, please?”
Molly peeked over at the little machine. “Oh, the light just went off.”
“Perfect…” Michael reached for the blender and stuck his pinky in. “Want to test for poison?” he grinned, extending his pinky towards her.
“I’m sorry…what?” she laughed, stepping closer.
“It’s what we all used to say when Mama would tell us dinner was almost ready. Somebody had to check for poison, or make sure that the food was ‘good’. Usually, it was just a way to get a sneak peek at dinner.”
Molly giggled. “You guys were so cute. I’d be honoured to be your taste tester.”
Molly locked eyes with him as she lowered her head and sucked the red sauce from his pinky, unable to look away. She felt like she was breaking every rule in the book. They were supposed to be starting new, starting fresh, but they had always had that magnetic attraction, pulling them together even when they tried to force themselves apart.
Based on the rise and fall of Michael’s Adam’s apple, he felt the same way. “F-fuck…” he murmured; his eyes trained on her lips as she released his pinky.
Molly felt her cheeks burn under the weight of his gaze. “S-sorry…”
“Don’t be,” Michael cleared his throat. “H-how did it taste?”
Molly grinned. “It tastes amazing. I can’t wait to eat it all together.”
Michael smiled that proud smile of his, the one that stretched his cheeks and lit up his autumn eyes. “Perfect. Give me five minutes to mix it all up, and then dinner will be served.”
“I can’t wait. I’m starving.” Molly giggled as she skirted around him and pulled two plates out of his cabinet.
Michael smiled at her back, so happy to have her there. So happy to be feeling normal again.
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Dinner was, surprisingly, a quiet affair. They made small talk, chatting about their days and the crazy things their students had said and done. Michael bemoaned having to send one of his kids to the office for almost getting into a fist fight, while Molly talked about the crazy conversation she had with a parent when one of her more difficult kids had told her to go fuck herself. But mostly, they reveled in the quiet peace that surrounded them. Michael had lit a few candles, the wine flowed easily, dulling the sharp edge of awkwardness they both felt at times, wishing things were as they had been. The homemade food was so tasty that Molly moaned in pleasure, and if she noticed Michael shifting in his chair at the sound, she didn’t say anything.
Of course, Molly insisted on helping him clean up the kitchen afterwards. Though there was no water fight as there had been on Valentine’s Day, the soft bumping of their hips against each other as Michael washed and Molly dried side by side at his small kitchen sink was just as delightfully intimate.
Unfortunately, Molly could not come up with any more excuses to stay, so eventually she donned her jacket, slid on her sandals, and moved towards his front door, Michael standing behind her, wringing his hands.
“I had a great time, Michael,” she murmured, smiling at him.
“Me too, sweetheart. M-maybe we could do it again next weekend?”
Her smile grew as she nodded. “That would be amazing. But it’s my turn to cook, okay?”
He nodded, stepping closer as she drifted towards the door. “I still have dreams about that jerk chicken chili you made,” he admitted in a quiet voice.
Molly bit her lip to hide her proud grin. “I’ll have to come up with something to give you more good dreams then.”
Michael smirked. “You’ve never had to try at that.”
Molly felt the blood rush towards her cheeks as she cast her eyes down. “I…I should go.”
Michael nodded, his face the picture of understanding with a hint of something more. “Can…would it be okay if I gave you a goodnight kiss?”
Molly felt her heart start to pound in her chest as she found herself nodding. “I’d hoped you would,” she confessed, tilting her head up at him.
Michael moved even closer, so close that their chests were almost touching. “I’ve been restraining myself all night. I…I know we’re supposed to be starting fresh, but…”
“But it’s hard because it’s us?” she finished, tilting her head to nuzzle her nose against his.
“Exactly,” he breathed, raising his hand to cup her cheek. “It’s us and I’ve missed us.”
“I’ve missed us too…”
Molly nearly whimpered as Michael wound his free hand around her waist and tugged her closer, dipping his head and pressing a small, sweet kiss on her lips.
They hung suspended in that moment, the kiss so seemingly innocent but under the surface, Molly could feel every feeling, every urge she had had since March Break roiling in her veins. Every time she had seen him, her heart yearned for him. Every time she thought of him, her body responded with a smile, a pang, a deep desire to be with him, all wrapped up into one.
Tentatively, Molly pressed her tongue to his bottom lip, and the moment shattered. With a moan, Michael tugged her infinitesimally closer, their bodies pressed firmly together as they shared a breath between them. Urgently, Molly stripped her jacket off and tossed it to the ground so she could press even closer, her hands running through Michael’s luscious hair as he tugged her backwards until they fell against the sofa.
“Fuck…what’re we doing?” Michael groaned, his lips chasing hers as she broke the kiss to take a breath.
“I-I don’t know,” Molly panted. “But…I don’t want to stop.” She whimpered as he rolled her underneath him on the couch, attacking her neck with kisses.
“Are you sure?” he panted, skimming his nose along her pulse point. “Because if we start this…I can’t just go back to going slow.”
Molly bit her lip. When she had arrived in Texas, she had sworn to herself ‘no more new’. A new state, a new city, a new job at a new school was enough for her. But Michael had wormed his way into her life, not a parasite (like her ex) but like a warm hug, reassuring her and warming her from the outside in. Having Michael be the new new in her life was exactly what she had needed, and exactly what she continued to need.
She nuzzled her nose against his, pressing a soft, smiling kiss to his lips. “I don’t want to go slow anymore,” she whispered, and the look of pure, unadulterated joy on his face made her feel like she was orbiting the Sun, warm but knowing he would never hurt her. “I love you, Michael.”
He moaned, kissing her soundly. “I love you so much, Molly.”
In the blink of an eye, their clothing was tossed around the room. Molly would have to buy Spike a new pot, since her bra had lassoed the cactus’s current home and dragged it to the floor. Michael’s pants landed on top of his fish tank, a fact that he would later complain about when he found himself smelling like fish food. But at that moment, Michael was too busy to complain. His lips found her nipple and sucked with a grin, his fingers skimming down her trembling sides. Molly left scratches down his back as he pulled her apart again and again with his fingers.
When he finally pressed inside of her, Michael would deny that there were tears in his eyes, but Molly wouldn’t. She wouldn’t be able to convince him anyway, what with the way he kissed her tear tracks as he rocked his hips against her, feeling fulfilled for the first time in a month.
Molly gasped as Michael pressed against that spot deep inside of her that made her see stars.
“Is that the spot?” he murmured in her ear. “Is that the spot that makes my girl feel so good?” He ducked his head and sucked a mark onto the swell of her breast.
“Please, Michael…” she moaned, bucking her hips up against him.
“What do you need, baby?” he whispered, his hips working over her a little faster. “I’ll give you anything.”
She gasped, tears welling and falling from her eyes as she felt the pleasure build in her stomach. “You…I need you, Michael…”
He buried his head in her hair as his fingers found her clit. “You’ve got me, Molly,” he grunted, picking up his pace again. “You’ve always got me.”
With a cry, Molly’s walls squeezed around him, sending him into the white void of his mind, pleasure wracking his every nerve.
When they came down from their highs—whether it was five minutes or five hours later, neither were sure—Michael would tug down his throw blanket from the back of the couch and wrap it around Molly’s shoulders, careful not to wake her from where she was dozing against his chest, his cock still buried within her. He knew he should wake her. Take her upstairs, cuddle up in bed so neither of their necks hurt the next day, but he couldn’t be bothered. He’d put up with the neck pain and the back pain and the ‘good God you’re getting too old to sleep on the couch’ pain for the rest of his life if it meant he could always have her cuddled against his chest like that.
“I love you so much, Molly,” he whispered before stretching out and turning off the lamp.
They both slept better than they had in a month, couch be damned.
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Tags:  @budcooper @mattmurdocksscars @aellynera @beenthroughalot @itspdameronthings
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[1] [2] [3]
“You know, as a mage, I don’t really find that necessary.” The boy shrugs nonetheless. “Anyways, catch up when you feel like it, I guess? I’m gonna go talk to him.”
His instinct to lag behind is replaced by Colm’s innate speed, and even as his classmate ran off into the sunset, Linhardt was actually keeping a pretty decent pace (even more so when Colm suddenly stops). Lin gets the impression that the other realized something.
Ah, of course. The sunset. Linhardt had read enough books to surmise what that meant.
He slows to a stop, and Colm turns around:
“Hey, Linhardt, how goes it?”
“Not bad,” Lin muses. “Although I would’ve much preferred to not have just chased you down.” It felt like more hassle than it was worth... “Care to explain yourself?”
“It couldn’t have been that bad,” — the thief holds the back of his neck, — “After all, I do a lot of running! Unless you were running around non-stop all day, I can’t see why you’d be tired already.”
“Right,” Linhardt acknowledges. I’m honestly not surprised. “Explains all the stolen stuff you have.” (Colm notably does not comment on that.)
“Anyways, where’s the other you? He get lost or something?” (Sure is a funny way to phrase it.)
“Maybe.” Linhardt personally wouldn’t. “Wouldn’t be surprised if he gave up and took a nap or something–”
“ I’m here. ”
He stops short when he hears the knight approach, catching wind of it before Colm gets the chance to. Honestly, Linhardt was a bit impressed the knight managed to catch up when Linhardt definitely would’ve been too tired to. Perhaps the man had a vengeance.
Colm opens his mouth to say something, but he doesn’t get the chance.
(The sun sets at last, and as it vanishes over the horizon, it takes away your unease and you find you are exactly where you belong.)
Being repositioned so suddenly and raised off the ground within the blink of an eye– Whatever magic this was must’ve been the same stuff to swap them in the first place. Linhardt’s fatigue returns full force.
Colm runs off almost immediately, and the knight, back in his own form, immediately makes chase.
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Not my problem. (It’s not like Colm was going to die or anything.)
Happy April Fools! Hope you all had a good one o/
For the rest of the day, all April Fools content on this blog will be Linhardt dealing with the consequences of Valter’s actions (this one goes out to you snake Grima beloved :sparkles:). Feel free to send an ask, but no pressure, really.
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luvdsc · 2 years
renegade or whatever.
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dancing is not on your list of interests, but park jisung definitely is.
pairing :: park jisung x reader genre :: fluff / best friend + social influencer au word count :: 5,001 words warnings :: none playlist :: bright (echosmith) ⋆ it’s yours (nct dream) ⋆ message in a bottle (taylor swift) ⋆ cutie (coin) ⋆ peachy (bad suns) author’s note :: the series has finally been revived, let’s goo !! jisung bestest boy ever so of course, I had to write his next ♡ ↳ part of the not clickbait series.
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There are three things in life Park Jisung is absolutely terrified of.
Okay, that’s a big fat lie, and even he knows it. There are actually many things he’s scared of, but that would take forever to list, so here are the top three, starting from the bottom:
#3. His mom when she’s mad at him (deserved).
She found out he bet Chenle all his meal points that Jaemin would confess to his best friend before she would (Spoiler: he ate ramen everyday for a whole semester. Luckily, Mark sucks at buying groceries online and ordered too many bulk boxes of that instant MSG filled goodness).
#2. Bugs and ghosts.
Both float or fly around and always come out of nowhere. So yeah, he’s putting them together. Also, he’s never going to forgive Donghyuck for convincing him to swap cameraman duties because he ended up filming the Mothman episode for Dream Unsolved while Donghyuck got to enjoy three lobster rolls at three drastically different price points.
Combining his two second tier fears? That’s a recipe for the: Worst. Night. Ever. It was so bad, he wanted to give it a zero (out of five stars), but Renjun said that’s not possible. So he gave it a one. But it’s still a zero in his books.
#1. Confessing to his best friend.
One new notification: luvdsc uploaded a new video!
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[PINNED] luvdsc commented:
jk this is totally clickbait 🤪 april fools, honey bees !!! 🥳
goofys.chuckle commented:
crop pls
jenojam replied: ????
jisungpwark commented:
uh where’s my video ????
honeyfairy replied: we were robbed 💔
morklyrawr commented:
wait i don’t see anything
moonminjun replied: it’s a joke mark.....
suhprisemf commented:
what the flute
nanaislove commented:
unfriended blocked reported where’s my jisung content 🥺😭🤬🤬
peachyangel replied: heart❤️ been broke💔🤕 so many times⏰ i don’t know❌🤷‍♀️ what to believe 🍃🙏 yeah👍 mama🤰say it’s my👧😣fault🥺😢 my fault😭😞 i wear my heart💝 on my sleeve👕
bigheadking commented:
aww that sucks! anyway here’s the recipe for brownies: 1/2 cup powdered sugar 2 eggs 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 1/2 cups sugar 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips 3/4 teaspoons sea salt 2/3 cup cocoa powder 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 3/4 cup flour 2 tablespoons water
notanimpasta replied: link in my bio for the recipe !
sheepsh commented:
emotional damage 😟
luvdsc commented:
come back soon, honey bees !!  🐝🤍✨
apado_god commented:
not nice 😎👎🏻
CLICK TO SUBSCRIBE ( real not clickbait !!! )
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everywishway · 3 years
M9 Kids/Next Gen AU Headcanons
I made the weirdest, most chaotic version of Mighty Nein kids with all the canon couples (plus ShadoWidoMauk because Molly's alive in this) at midnight last night.
35+ chaotic notes I love & I want others to see:
(more under the cut)
Fjord and Jester were told she was pregnant by Artagan one morning, laying in bed between them going, "Congrats on the triplets you two"
While Jester was pregnant, her and Artagan babyproofed the house by putting bubblewrap on the knife handles and flipped the doors upside-down (but they are rounded at the top and have glass windows so Fjord has on more than one occasion kicked it and broke glass)
They're born on April Fools day (or the Wildemount version of it)
All three of them are warlocks for Artagan with official Fey Wild court titles
For their third birthday he let them choose plushies (the same way parents have their kids pick their HP house) and they later become their Familiars
Each of them multiclass to a different charisma based class though (One is a Glamour Bard, another is a Wild Magic Sorcerer (flavored to be Fey Wild based bc Artagan), and the last one is Oath of the Open Sea Paladin (for the Moonweaver))
They have, like, a twelve year younger brother who's like 6 yrs old, a protégé in sculpting and just a green clone of Jester
He has one level as a Forge Cleric. His Plushie Familiar is a sea turtle to mess with Fjord
This kid actually gets dreams of the Wild Mother and when he first sees the statue in Nicodranas, he goes 'Daddy, that's the woman in my dreams!'
Fjord immediately calls Cad and goes "WE HAVE A WILD MOTHER WORSHIPER!" He is so proud
This kid also has super strength for a six year old and a higher strength stat than Fjord, Veth takes every opportunity to make fun of him
ShadoWidoMauk has two kids
Essek is trans in this AU so him and Caleb have a kid (who becomes a Divination Wizard (with a minor obsession in chronomancy) who uses tarot cards as her spell book)
Has a Bat Familiar who has the full title of Lord Spinkle of Den Nein, named after Jester's Weasel Sprinkle (yes, purposefully spelt like that, Spinkle)
This kid also has a bag full of cards (a playing card set, a marked card set for cheating, tarot cards, Moon Weaver oracle cards, spell cards, a Deck of Illusions and a Deck of Many Things)
We were thinking maybe a couple levels in bard but IDK
Then Molly randomly adopts an Aasimar kid that reminds him of Yasha
Aasimar kid is agender but is also an Eldritch Knight flavored for Dunamancy and uses dual swords like Mollymauk
Used to hide in their parents and older sister's coats, really shy baby
BeauYasha has two kids, TJ and another they adopt
TJ takes a few levels in Artificer but runs the BeaureBar and does side stuff for the Cobalt Soul
In the same vain as #16, Beau finds a Tiefling on a Cobalt Soul Mission and Yasha is like 'Molly and I swapped kids'
This kid is a problem child and Yasha and Beau teach them how to work through their anger (Astral Self Monk who works for the Cobalt Soul the same way kids volunteer at the Library)
Beau and Veth have a competition on who has the most kids so they will fight each other. Veth Wins
Artagan is 100% making sure Veth wins, idk how but he does
Veth has two more kids besides Luc (A Gloomstalker Ranger/Spore Druid and a Barbarian, Path of the Fundamental Chaos (What Ashton is))
Luc, obviously, becomes a Arcane Trickster Rogue like his momma and goes out on his own adventures with Toya, Clarabelle, and Kiri
The Ranger/Druid is born one day after ShadoWidoMauk's wizard kid and will never hear the end of it (does that thing where she go "When I was your age" then proceeds to tell them what she did yesterday)
BeauYasha's Tiefling kid is dating the Barbarian kid and they are both just figuring out their anger problems together
So there will be no war between the Brenattos and the Lionetts
ALL OF THE BRENATTO KIDS ARE OBSESSED WITH UNCLE CADUCEUS. They just are. Mandatory, they all say he's their favorite.
Last one is Cad, he felt like he was missing out on something the others had by being AroAce
Then Clarabelle knocks on the door with an Air Genasi baby in her arms going 'Yeah, parents are dead' and Cad sees this as a sign to adopt her
The only kid in this AU we have a name for, Cirrus Clay after the clouds
She is a Twilight Domain Cleric who worships every god? Polytheistic, mainly works with WildMom but has worked with all the different gods at least three times
Meditates in water because the feel like they're floating, has nearly drowned before
Honestly, this is Melora's way of making Cad face his fear of water by giving him a beach obsessed kid
IF YOU WANT MORE OF THIS AU PUT IT IN MY ASK BOX, I HAVE SO MANY MORE NOTES BUT NO MORE SPACE. A single ask is enough for me to rant more about this AU
I have notes on M9 as parents, life after (mostly) settling down, and these kids starting their own party & interpersonal relationships, I'm down for anything
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