#arc: fun & sun
itty-bitty-sunshine · 3 months
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You can't tell me this man wouldn't treat hairstyling like a fine art
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beaulesbian · 2 months
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Lucci Vs. Luffy || One Piece ep. 1100 "I see. This is gonna be fun."
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recalled11 · 4 hours
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Directionless Pt. 6
Pt 1/ Pt 2/ Pt 3/ Pt 4/ Pt 5/ Pt 6
End of Arc
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Can someone make a mock harem anime poster where Abe is the protagonist and everyone else are the love interest's? I might.
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I might draw more of this Abe harem idea it's so funny
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socksandbuttons · 6 days
there was so much drama
i love it
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starheirxero · 4 months
I've been thinking a lot about Lunar's different designs, and would love to ramble about them a bit, if you don't mind!
All of this is, of course, completely self-indulgent, and my own interpretation!
Now, Lunar has three official VR models. There's the most iconic one, with the crescent moon, the cuter version of moon, and of course his current one! For simplicity, I will refer to them as "Crescent", "CutieMoony", and will call his current one "Pastel".
There was one other design, his very first, which was shown in the thumbnail, though in the actual show was just a very pale recoloring of moon, and only shown in reaction videos. Though it was never canon, I do still have my own interpretation to that as well! This one, I will refer to as "Pale".
"Crescent" is most important design, as it brings meaning to the rest. It lays the foundation for everything else, as it is his real design. It's what he automatically glitches into when he's under high stress. Most importantly, it's what he's been shown to look like in every other universe. Lord Lunar, Lunara, swap Lunar, all of them are the same. Crescent is universally shown to be his real self.
"Pale", on the other hand is, simply put, what Eclipse wanted him to be. Something easily pushed into the background, something mild. Something to sit by quietly, to take what is thrown at him. Pale is the opposite of who Lunar actually is. Interestingly enough, his design in the thumbnail changed the day Moon returned, the day Lunar finally decided to cut off his puppet strings and reject Eclipse. That day, he rejected the image Eclipse had crafted for him, and his design, pale and barely there at all, bloomed into something bright, something noticeable. Lunar finally became themself, no longer bound to their purpose.
"CutieMoony", is the opposite of Pale, as it's what he chose to be. This design, to me, truly underlines Lunar's relationship and appreciation for old moon. He already has an actual design, one designed by his brothers, one that's truly him, in this universe and every other, and he can change into everything he wishes to be, yet he chooses to look like old Moon. Old Moon, who knew him best, right after Monty. They have shared the same body, and old Moon has seen the dents and hurt left in Eclipse's wake. He is the one Lunar ran to, when they couldn't bear the abuse anymore, the one they cried their heart out to. And despite what Lunar did, even under the influence of someone else, he met them with nothing but care and concern. He listened to them, and visibly tried to reach out, only to hesitate and hover instead, for his hands were only ever used to hurt before, something Lunar knew. He didn't force them to stay outside, and took their place, didn't even hesitate when Lunar asked him to be his brother. He is the first one who tried so hard to be a loving brother, arguably trying to be what he couldn't be for Sun, at least not in the beginning. He actively supported their interests, remembered what they liked. When Sun scared Lunar in a horror game and made them cry, Sun panicked because Moon would hear, showing just how much of a protective barrier old Moon was for Lunar. By taking his appearance, Lunar truly showed how much they looked up to him, and how safe he made them feel, considering they took this appearance while they were trapped by KC. Another thing to note is the red and yellow accents, very reminiscent of Sun, showing how much their bond has grown since the rocky start.
Last but not least, there is "Pastel". This design definitly has a lot of interpretation to give, but my favorite to focus on is the raw wrongness of it. Because we know what Lunar looks like. He's supposed to be vibrant and blue, yet this body is purple and mellow. Ironically enough, it's very similar to "Pale", the very personification of what Eclipse wanted him to be, showing the permanent mark he has left on them, as well as their mental state. Their energy isn't genuine anymore, it's a distraction and exaggeration to run from the mess left in their head. There is also the divinity inside of them, reflected in their eyes, showing them that now, they are more than just Lunar. They are part of something much bigger than themself. This body, in every sense of the word, is not their own. It's something they might never see as a home either. Another irony is how it once again links them to Eclipse, who himself is in a body not his own.
His body is a literal copy after all, not to forget that his "real self" was universally shown to look like Solar, minus God Eclipse.
This was a rather long ramble, but I really needed to get it out of my system! The brainrot's been growing steadily-
Thank you for reading!
I don't even know what to say other than these are all a fantastic observations and that I am wholeheartedly accepting these into my soul forever I think
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lipeg · 6 months
Wrong place? Oh no PERFECT PLACE!!!
Jaune and Juniper were the first to leave this hell.
Jaune and Juniper didn't go in Vacuo.
The two left at the beacon tower.
Juniper changed of from, she became a child again.
Jaune had returned to the age when he was 25 years old.
Before them stood one of the most powerful Grimms, Wyvern.
The same one that turned Ruby to stone.
Here he was.
A stone figure in a crumbling tower.
Jaune: This is the first time we have met in person
Jaune started walking towards the stone statue.
Jaune: You were responsible for the death of the woman who loved me
His expression was pure anger.
Jaune: You are a creature of pure evil, without any emotions, without any thoughts of your own, without a soul! A mere puppet to be used by this woman
Jaune now stood before the mighty Wyvern.
Jaune cracked a smile.
Jaune: Now you only serve me
Jaune's aura only manifested in his right hand.
Jaune raised his arm, reaching for the wyvern's nose, placing his hand on the beast's nose.
Jaune: Came back to life as my Wyvern Hollow
Jaune's aura began to spread throughout the dead Wyvern's body, the statue began to crack, and a strong white light began to emanate from the cracks.
The statue began to shake. Cracks began to appear and pieces of stone began to fall.
Until the Wyvern statue exploded.
The Wyvern came back to life.
Black gave way to white.
White gives way to blue.
Red gave way to gold.
This Wyvern was completely different, now this beast was more beautiful, more elegant .
The Wyvern lowered its head and closed its eyes.
The Wyvern knelt before Jaune.
Jaune's petting the Wyvern.
The beast was happy.
Jaune placed his hands on either side of the Wyvern's nose.
The beast opened its eyes.
Jaune: Go to Vacuo and recover my family relic
Jaune turned away from the Wyvern.
The Wyvern spread its wings and let out a mighty roar.
The Wyvern took flight and headed for Vacuo.
Jaune soon saw his first child fly away.
Jaune looked down at Juniper, who was standing near the edge.
Jaune: Juniper
The Jackalope turned and looked at his master.
Jaune: Go have some fun girl, I'm looking for a deal
Juniper jumped down from the tower.
Beacon's old academy was a new home for Grimms.
This fiery hurricane came out of nowhere.
A fiery beast emerged from the hurricane of fire.
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Juniper in its true form.
The Grimms began to back away from what was in front of him.
It was his natural predator.
Jaune opened the elevator door with pure brute force.
Looking down, he saw only a seemingly endless fall.
He pulled out his broken sword and uttered words in a strange and probably dead language.
The sword and scabbard are back to normal.
Blade repaired and scabbard cleaned.
He drove the blade into the wall and held on to the hilt, the weight of his body doing the rest.
The descent was very fast, but faster than taking the elevator.
Until he suddenly stopped, without understanding anything.
He looked at the wall and saw nothing different.
But we are talking about Ozpin.
Concentrating the aura in his eyes, he managed to make the wall magical.
Jaune: Well done, Ozpin, for sealing the relic room with magic
With his other free hand, he placed it on the wall and felt the magic.
He gathered his aura in his fist.
He broke the seal Ozpin had put on the wall with all his strength.
The hole in the wall opened, and with the aura concentrated in his hand, he held it against the wall.
He drew his sword and stepped into the hole he had made for himself.
Sheathed your sword. His aura was concentrated in his leg.
He took off running like a bullet, running in a hall that was a line without any light.
In just a few seconds, he had reached his destination.
A large golden door with the symbol of the Kingdom of Vale.
Jaune: Behind this door is the main relic
Jaune stood up straight and walked calmly to the door.
Jaune: The relic of knowledge, allows you to ask 3 questions, but you have to wait 100 years before you can ask the next question. After the 3 questions have been asked, the relic becomes useless.
Jaune: The Relic of Creation, who can create anything the user desires. However, the user must be thoroughly detailed, but she forbidden from resurrecting the dead and cannot destroy. Also, she can only be used for one task at a time, as the previous creation will be destroyed the moment a new one is created.
Jaune: The relic of destruction, a sword that destroys everything, even a person's soul, preventing them from entering the realm of the dead, and the only one who can destroy destiny.
Jaune faced the door.
His two fists were clenched, his aura manifested in his arms, his aura turned into something resembling metal.
Jaune destroyed this door with his fists, which were covered by his aura.
The big door was now in pieces.
Jaune: Relic of Choice, which allows you to see several different futures depending on the user's choices
On a stone pedestal, a golden crown floated in the air.
Jaune: It's really a shame that he can't be here
Jaune took the crown.
Jaune: To see everything he did was useless
Jaune put the crown on his head.
Jaune: I won, Ozma
Ruby was not happy at all.
She and her team chose the worst possible time to return.
Vacuo was being attacked by an army of Grimms.
To make matters worse for Team RWBY, they had no ammunition.
Ruby It didn't have its special cartridges.
Weiss there was no fragment of dust.
Blake and Yang were out of ammo for his weapons! Yang needed ammunition for her gloves.
Even with the help of the soldiers left over from Atlas and the hunters from Vacuo, the battle was complicated.
Still, it wasn't enough.
Ruby stopped to rest, it was Grimms that never stopped
Everyone looked up and saw Wyvern Hollow coming.
The Wyvern Hollow began spitting blue fire at everyone on the battlefield.
The Wyvern Hollow passed through the city walls, heading for the Academy of Vacuo, which was located in the center of the city.
Ruby looked at everything with fear, that Wyvern was at the top of the academy, it was a pyramid, Wyvern raised his head, you could see he had gathered a huge amount of heat.
In a moment of despair.
The silver eyes have been activated.
A gigantic light covered the battlefield, blinding everyone on the battlefield.
All the Grimms turned to stone, surprising everyone.
Sun: She could do this all the time!
Ruby fell to the ground, tired from the overuse of her silver eyes.
Weiss: Ruby didn't work!
Ruby was confused, she looked at Weiss and then turned her attention to where Weiss was pointing.
The Wyvern Hollow did not turn to stone.
And he had a blue fireball in his mouth.
The Wyvern Hollow lowered its head and fire came out of its mouth, the blue flames destroyed everything in its path.
Ruby couldn't believe what was in front of her.
The Wyvern Hollow entered Vacuo's academy. It spat out its blue fire, melting everything in its path.
Ruby felt useless now, tired, weak, his magic eyes didn't help in the end, because one survived and now Vacuo's academy was destroyed.
Ruby fainted from exhaustion, but she could only see one thing before she passed out.
She saw that the Wyvern was catching something with its mouth, for it was holding something that glowed very brightly and was black in color.
One thing came into his mind.
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citymiddled · 8 months
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did you guys know that, well, the cruelty is the point
#i love this entire scene sooooo bad it's so delicious#flaunting the tadpole abilities and what he's capable of -- he's broken free of cazador somehow AND he can withstand the sun#and THEN once they leave. he attempts to manipulate tav in suuuuch a genuinely horrible way like#oh well of course i feel bad for them. i mean they're FORCED to do cazador's bidding. but no matter!#i'm fine sacrificing them for my own gain :) or rather... for OUR gain :)#this will keep both of us safe :) and... well... you want me to be safe right? :) you want me to be happy right? :)#this isnt him at his worst by any means but god it's soooo so good after how his act 2 arc is if youre romancing him#he's open and vulnerable and tells tav all about his plans and how he's been manipulating them this whole time#only to do it in a fun and new and interesting way all over again. but this time youre already 100% on his team#ANYWAY. i like when he's a bit fucking terrible#bg3#playing bg3#astarion#act 3 is really just a whole new beast to me at this point. how fun. i only got here once before and it was buggy and barely worked#sorry. i will be soooo deeply annoying as i rotate everyone in my head like little rotisserie chickens for the next few days#really thinking about how elluin is dealing with seeing this - she understands feeling like power will fix everything and keep her safe#but unlike astarion is capable of thinking long-term and about consequences#so this has her shaking in her fucking boots. and really has her grappling with the reality of their relationship#so until they actually get to the szarr palace and deal with the ritual... she's super withdrawn with astarion and even with the others#she wants him to be safe bc it means that she can realistically be safe since they're weird little mirrors for each other#but also. does safety exist without it becoming warped and horrifying#sorry. i will be normal again eventually
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ssreeder · 8 days
Sorry if you’ve answered this before but do you have any idea of how many chapters into the fire will end up being or how the ending will pan out? (Also I love you and the world you’ve created thanks for being awesome <333)
I have answered this before, but I feel it changes day to day lol… ITF is about ummm halfway? It will absolutely be the largest fic of the three, but it has to be in order to bring this thing to a proper close. I could realistically do a fourth book but fuck it I am sticking to the original plan of three. I have the ending completely planned and most of the epilogue figured out as well… I will admit the only thing I don’t have completely planned out is the nitty-gritty details that tend to unfold as the story happens? So as the battle begins who knows how characters will react or what emotions will come up so I like to keep things loose with that to give the characters room to breathe.
But yeah! I do have an ending and I have all the MAJOR events planned, so any twists & turns along the way are already set in motion :)
(I love you thank you for sending me this ask you’re amazing)
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smilingperformer · 2 months
Ok I have to say I am not that excited for current arc because it feels like it's somewhat a return to pre-Sun & Moon and that has me so darn worried lol. Hopefully just this arc, then back to the content that was first year shssjsk
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kyeterna · 3 months
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and nightmares alike
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of things that never happened :)
hey besties it's me ya boi Kyeterna, back at it with more docas stuff. This time something i had written a year ago but never finished it until now-
The jist is that as soon as Mordei meets Constellation in the Gold timeline- alongside their pact with Eia, they started having dreams as a side effect of having partial access to Wisdom. That includes- a glimpse into the truth of the world they live in- a simuation, a fake- and a glimpse into a past they never had- regrets lingering from the copper timeline. Regrets of Cosmos's demise pretty much. They feel Renacinis's guilt of not realising their son was willing to do anything to cure their father, not realising Gale was using them, not realising they unwittingly led their son to their death, not protecting them.
I am so normal about them guys trust me~
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beaulesbian · 3 months
with this being the preview for the next ep, and the beginning of gear 5 luffy-vs-lucci fight,
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I went to reread one piece chapter 1070, and can't wait even more to see this fight animated in the next few eps! so much loony tunes and goofs ahead!
endlessly spinning luffy:
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giant luffy trying to eat-attack lucci:
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and of course, creating those funny glasses out of his fluffy hair while he makes a slingshot out of himself:
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I can't wait to see this all in color!
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lotusmonkey · 2 years
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quinn-of-aebradore · 10 months
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Shadowheart, cleric of light and vengeance paladin, blessed by Selûne
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raptorrobot · 3 months
throws this to the floor like birdseed
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talentforlying · 8 months
one of these days i'm going to try and make newspaper clippings for constantine's initial murder trial after newcastle and i Will be hurting my own feelings when i do.
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