#arcane earth
thetempestechoes · 2 months
No none/I don't play option, so that results aren't skewed. Please only vote for the flight that you are currently in!
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purpleshimmer · 2 months
opened twitter. saw immense amounts of jayce hate. closed twitter
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dreamcrow · 3 months
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whoaaa, the hades x toa crossover dlc is looking fresh :0 i can't believe it took me THIS LONG to figure out how to fully upgrade their keepsake—but it turns out unlocking the aspect of arthur was, in fact, worth it!!
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oonyula · 4 months
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inbarfink · 1 year
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lepusrufus · 3 months
I'm sorry to be the party popper on main but the badge Vi has is absolutely not the Sheriff badge
It's the same kind of badge Caitlyn herself had in season 1, as an officer
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As opposed to the ones Grayson and Marcus had when they were Sheriffs, which is round and attached directly to the uniform on the chest
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Though interestingly enough Cait doesn't have any badge visible so maybe we're gonna get to see how exactly she becomes Sheriff
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lovebytesss · 3 months
arcane x spiderverse😩
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xxdemonicheartxx · 3 months
Most common funerary burials by flight:
Putting this one below the cut due to death mentions and burial descriptions I understand this can be a topic of discomfort no matter how vague one is when speaking on it <3
Arcane: opalization, the body is taken and layed in the shallows of intensely magic rich pools in a resting position, where it will rapidly opalize in a matter of weeks or months due to the volitile arcane energy of the land, sometimes individual scales are opalized instead and the rest of the body is cremated to be scattered amid their favorite place of study
Earth: mummification, the body is taken and embalmed, richly doused in spices, oils, and linen wraps, the organs removed are in canopic jars that resemble the dragon's own visage. Some earth mages practice petrification of the body as well upon request. Another practice is glass blowing cremated remains into colorful works of art, often colorful globes of glittering glass or glass sculptures of the deceased's visage
Shadow: the body is often cremated and the ashes greatly compressed into logs or bricks, before being soaked in spores and water to allow the mushrooms the the tangled wood to reclaim them and take them home. Other practices include burials or creating wrought iron burial markers. Celebrations of life are held around these burial sites
Light: due to the.... emperor problem.... graveyards have rapidly been destroyed and the fear of merging with Luminax sits like a stone in the heart of every imperial. Cremation is the most common practice as of now but celestial burials used to be common practice where the sun would always be able to touch you even in death (also known as sky burials) a new practice adopted from the earth flight includes taking these cremated remains and turning them into glass suncatchers
Plague: plague dragons believe that returning to the land you've survived is a must, dying of old age is a great achievement!! Often the body is returned to the land, buried or laid to be reclaimed by the ecosystem. Some more sentimental dragons or close loved ones will save scales or tan parts of wing membrane to carry close to their heart
Nature: burials are the most common practice, continuing to feed the shrieking wilds, some pathways have small markers or idols where loved ones frequent so that they can continue to pay homage in the labyrinthian jungle
Ice: ice dragons actually do not freeze their deceased, instead they take parts of membranes and tan them before tattooing a depiction of their loved one into their own hide, complete with a name, date of birth and date of death, its too cold to dig in this land so they cremate the remains and scatter them amid the tundra so in spring they can help the flowers return. The tanned memento is kept with a clan's priest, shaman, or spiritual leader with the rest of them, under expert care
Fire: forge pyres, often when fire dragons die their own heat resistance can make cremation a difficult process. So their remains are given to forge masters who are capable of reaching intense heat, working bellows and feeding the flames until the body is reclaimed by the flames. Other practices include caldera funerals, where the body is taken to be sunk in the lava of volcanoes or lava floes. Sometimes blackened skeletons can be reclaimed by loved ones in doing this
Wind: sky burials. The body is taken high up and laid under open sky for the sun and the wind to reclaim, it is believed that in doing this their spirit may continue to soar. Also refered to as celestial burials
Water: sinking of the body in designated graveyards is a common practice, often referred to as a burial at sea. Tiny tiny fragments of the dragon are often kept to be artificially put into oysters so that a pearl can be formed from their loved one's remains. Another practice is water cremation or Alkaline hydrolysis is another practice that is starting to gain traction
Lightning: the desert sand is not suitable for proper burials and grave markers aren't reliable in the shifting expanse, often the body is dehydrated first before undergoing electrical cremation, with no fluid the body will burn rapidly, the ashes then mixed with sand are placed amid one of hundreds of electrical storms with a tall metal rod in the center of the remains. To be struck by lightning turning them into "fulgurites" or "fossilized lightning" these unique and intimate structures are then returned to loved ones to be kept similarly to an urn
There are always exceptions to funeral practices. Dragons like obelisks and imperials often require additional care in the event the obelisk returns to stone or cremation is not an option for the imperial but these are the common or most popular practices in each region (non cannon)
As always I'd love to hear your own headcannons and takes too!!
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st-just · 7 months
Okay there's many popular fandom tropes that I Do Not Vibe With,but one of the ones that just most makes me go 'what a fucking waste' is the tendency for people to look at a dynamic, like, centered and based around a betrayal or hatred born of curdled love or frayed ties or being tragically at odds because of their most strongly held principles and then go 'yeah but what if every single fanwork you ever see in your life were vaguely sketched AUs where nothing ever went wrong and we replaced the central dramatic motor of the entire thing with quirky cafe dates or having fun at a waterpark or something?'
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junkokiu · 2 years
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Cheekbones King ~
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~ Please, do not edit or repost my art ~
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0xy--m0r0n · 3 months
trans jinx. send tweet
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purpleshimmer · 2 months
we must take all jayce hate and direct it towards marcus instead
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Honestly jayvik gets 10 times more depressive to me when i read it as queerplatonic rather than straight up romantic.
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Honestly i know dom organisers like to do indivual pushes or 1 v 1s because it has the highest chance of profit, and they specifically organise them for weeks when no other flight is doing it.
But I think it’d be really fun (and funny) for all 11 flights to dominance push the exact same week. It’d be an absolute competative disaster
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Okay but there is something seriously wrong with the character designers of ToA
They come up with designs that fuck and then downgrade them to the shittiest thing possible
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Photos from these posts!
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moralesmilesanhour · 9 months
Not me talking about this damn show again but I think Ekko from Arcane and how his character develops is probably the closest thing I can think of to how I feel like Miles G is going to be characterized in BTSV when that comes out. Like you can tell why so many people like both of them
When we first meet him all grown up, he's still young but incredibly skilled and charismatic when his mask is on. He plays 'tough guy' when he's trying to intimidate someone, but the minute someone he knows shows up? You can still see that little boy in his eyes and suddenly the tough guy act starts to feel a bit silly, like a kid playing pretend. Cuz that's pretty much exactly what he is 😭
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