#archangel Raphael Pendulum
enchantresscraftshop · 6 months
Handcrafted Pendulums made with crystals and Stainless steel ✨
Inspired by Deities with the intention to invoke.
The Crystals used to make these Pendulums are associated with the deity listed.
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tipsycad147 · 1 year
5 Tips to Find Your Pagan Deity
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If you’re considering working with Deities in your practice, it’s important to take steps to identify a Deity that’s interested in working with you as well. It’s likely that a Pagan Deity has already been watching you and has shown some interest in you. Below are five tips to help identify your Pagan Deity so you can begin working with them. 
1. Look at what your ancestors are from
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In order to get started, ask your relatives about your family tree. If you’re unsure where your ancestors are from, taking a DNA test could be a good idea. If you’re adopted, consider the ancestry of both your biological and adoptive family. When your adoptive parents formally made you their child, their Pantheon listened and adopted you as their own. If you aren’t formally adopted, don’t fret. It’s possible that the Pantheon of someone you’re close to and consider to be family may have welcomed you in as well. 
2. Do some research on your First and Middle Name
It’s also recommended to do some research about your given name as there are certain names that have significance. For example, if your first or Middle name is Michaela, Morgan, Diana, Bridget or some variation of it, there is likely a connection to your Pagan Deity. 
Michaela could indicate Archangel Michael wants to work with you
Morgan should look at Morrigan 
Dianas should pay attention to the Roman Goddess of the hunt
Bridget (and all variations) can be connected to Brigid
Even Lucy could have a small connection to Lucifer
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You should also consider that a lot of Deities have a counterpart. For example, my name is Virginia María (Yes, I was literally named after the Virgin Mary). Even though I was never especially drawn to the Virgin, I have a long-lasting relationship with her Divine counterpart, Archangel Raphael.   
3. Ask your Deity for a sign
Another method to help identify your Pagan Deity is to ask them for a sign about who they are and you will likely receive a response. The signs can manifest themselves in different ways. Some examples of signs may be:
Repeated sightings of certain animals. It’s normal to see dogs and cats if you live in a city, but if you repeatedly see large, black dogs, that may be Hekate trying to clue you in for example. 
Repeated numbers. Pay close attention to clocks, bus tickets, and phone numbers. If you see numbers that repeat themselves again and again, that may be a sign. For instance, if you see a lot of the number 6, that may be Demeter trying to reach out.
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Your Pagan Deity may also choose to send you signs in the form of music, dreams, snippets of conversations you overhear from strangers, or even through words from a loved one that resonate in a new way. It is important to be wary of virtual signs however. If you see repeated posts about Hades on social media, for example, it’s likely that your social media algorithm has identified your interest and it’s not your Pagan Deity reaching out to you. 
We have recently covered signs commonly associated with Hades and Persephone (The two usually come as a bit of a combo, even if you don’t actually work with both of them). If Hades is reaching out to you, you may find a lot of coins on the ground. Number 3 is significant, especially if you see a lot of large dogs in sets of three. With Persephone, you may be drawn to certain flowers like lavender or daisies. You may also see a lot of bees.   
4. Keep a journal
When you ask your Pagan Deity for signs, it’s a great idea to keep a dream journal and document to keep track of the signs. If you have a Book of Shadows, you’re welcome to use it to track as well. Over time, you’ll start to see patterns and have a clearer picture of who your Pagan Deity may be. If you identify any repeated signs, do some research on which Pagan Deity they may be connected to. It may be a Pagan Deity you haven’t heard of before. If you perpetually see golden apples and the number 7, you may eventually learn about Sekhmet, for example.
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5. Do Pendulum Divination
Pendulum divination can also be used to identify your Pagan Deity. This exercise is best done in pairs, so, if you have a witchy friend willing to do this exercise with you, all the better. We recently posted an article on Tips for Pendulum Divination that may be helpful. To get started, write down a list of open Pantheons on a piece of paper. Next, write down your witchy friend’s full name and date of birth on the same piece of paper. Ask the Pendulum to connect with your friend’s energy and hold it above the list of Pantheons. Once the Pendulum has connected to your friend’s energy, let it swing until it points to one Pantheon. Then, do the same for the Deities within that Pantheon. Once your friend’s Pagan Deity has been identified, switch roles and have them help identify yours. You may also do this exercise alone however it tends to be more accurate in pairs.
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Grow Your Connection
Once you’ve identified your Deity, it’s important to nurture your relationship with them. Check out our blog post on 9 Tips for Working with Deities to learn more about how you can strengthen your relation with your Deity.
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ladyg3m1n1 · 5 years
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I finally, finally found space for my altar.
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Helluva Boss Theory: Asmodeus/Ozzie Is A Erodere
first before I get into the whole Ozzie talk....
I want to say that I’m pretty sure Soursweet from EQG is a Dorodere....if you think the Equestria Girls Movie and the Episode she appears in, she is sweet one minute but sour the next, so it might be possible she is a Dorodere.
not sure if it would be true, but some info says that Octavia from Helluva Boss, is a Kuudere. well her and Gaz Membrane from Invader Zim.
they might be right about Frisk from Undertale being a Kuudere.
and it would seem that Kris from Deltarune is a Kuudere as well.
I wonder if I might be slightly Kuudere as well, then again maybe not... it would seem that Loona from Helluva Boss is a Darudere and also a Tsundere, and well so is Sans from Undertale.
oh and Susie from Deltarune...and Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel, she is listed as a Tsundere.
Sugarcoat from EQG is listed as a Tsundere, and so are Ember, Smolder and Gallus from MLPFIM.
and we know that Tsunderplane is a Tsundere from Undertale, and I guess they would be right to have Undyne as a Tsundere as well...
there is also something called a Yottadere, and Verosika Mayday from Helluva Boss is listed as one of them....
which given the info about a Yottadere, it would make sense. O_O
anyway now for the talk about Asmodeus from Helluva Boss,
it would make sense if Ozzie from Helluva Boss, was a Erodere....
and with how he is with Fizzy, he is SO a Erodere.
even if I did see his name listed as a Erodere, it would make sense to add him into that list....because he just seems like a Erodere to me.
also if some info about Asmodeus is true (not talking about the Helluva Boss version) that he fell in love with Sarah, and killed any man who married her....
wouldn’t that make him like a Erodere and Yandere all in one...?
would the same thing be with most Ficto Versions of Asmodeus,
where they could end up being a Erodere and Yandere.
would the Casino Cups version of him being a Erodere and a Yandere....?
 anyway I think it would make sense that Ozzie from Helluva Boss, is a Erodere.
even if he might try to hide his love for Fizzy, the fans could pretty much see him being all worried for him when he got hurt.
who you think your fooling, Ozzie can’t fool those who have seen that episode.
and now, I’m pretty sure he is a Erodere.
it be the best day ever if they called him that in the canon.
the song that would fit any Fico-Version of Ozzie, including both the Helluva Boss and Casino Cups versions (I love the Cuphead AU) 
would be 10 Things I Hate About you (by Leah Kate)
and yeah, I’m listening to that song right now.
plus it does remind me of Ozzie, both from Helluva Boss and Cuphead AU.
guess it is weird for me to think that song just fits somehow....
I think the song Stronger/What Doesn't Kill You (by Kelly Clarkson), would fit my feelings about Archangel Raphael.
and it be a while, probably a VERY long while before I decide to remove that restraining order, like even if he can be in the same house as me, like if he were in the living room and I am in the room that I am in right now.
he isn’t allowed to come too close to me, I have a reason why I prayed for that restraining order before.
I don’t mind his ficto-counterparts.
if it is true that he pulls pranks at times, he needs to learn there is a time and place for them, and NOT to cross certain lines where it can cause someone to be heartbroken and go into tears.
I would still rather go live with The Goddess, and well if some info is true that she is like technically the Grandmother of The Nephilim, that could be the case of her being the Grandmother of Earth Angels, who have a Half-Angel Soul.
once again, I don’t work the same way as some Earth Angels.
and I know I’m a Defective Earth Angel, for all I know it could be have to do with my soul being born on Earth instead, if some info I asked about my soul’s birth is true.....yeah I had asked my pendulum about it before.
also you know how Asmodeus has that nickname Ozzie, and well I still think he is a Erodere.....which is kind of really REALLY adorable.
if well the Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel version of Satan ever appears in either of the two shows in the future.
is it weird for the nickname “Stan” to be used, just like how the name Sans is hidden in Steven Quartz Universe.
the same can be for Stan in Satan.
I’m weird and I couldn’t help but notice that while thinking about well, that weird thought.....I mean Asmodeus from Helluva Boss has the nickname Ozzie.
also I couldn’t help but have the weird thought, that Discord could be like Mother Nature’s Son, there was a episode on some hours or so ago that had to do with the Smurfs, and it is like a old episode.
before Discord from MLPFIM was even born.
the clouds were pink, and there was chaos when the Smurflings tried to use Mother Nature’s Magic.
so what if it turned out that Discord’s Mommy was Mother Nature, maybe not the one from The Smurfs, but some version of her that is from the My Little Pony Universe.
and when she accidentally did some chaos magic, which is part of her Mother Nature Magic, Discord ended up being born.
that would mean that the Spirit of Harmony, would be Mother Nature’s child as well....but not all fans have to agree with that theory.
one of the weirdest thoughts I had is that if the Moon Goddess, was someone’s Grandmother....that she would be like a Moonmaw.
you know like combining Moon and Mamaw together into one....
I called one of my Grandmother’s by “Mamaw” and well there is “Papaw” for Grandfather.....and if I knew or met any of their siblings...
like I think one of them had a brother, I could of called them Grunkle.
but anyway the whole Moon and Mamaw put together, is like Moonmaw.
yes I know it is a very weird thought, like if  a Moon Goddess turned out to be one of your Grandmothers, like from Soul Genetics.
and she be like your Moonmaw.
I am the living embodiment of weird....and some might be that way as well.
then again the whole “Moonmaw” could be used on someone like Moon Butterfly, if Star and Marco have kids together, then their kids could call her Moonmaw, which would confuse her until it is explained to her.
Moondrop from FNAF-SB wouldn’t be a Moonmaw, he would be like a Moonmy
like pronounced like Moon-Mommy put together.
so you don’t pronounce the “my” part like words “my or myself.”
anyway some fans of Helluva Boss, who might of looked up Erodere and what it means, might start to view Ozzie as a Erodere.
cause I can’t be the only fan who started to see him as a Erodere.
he just seems like one from the way he acted when Fizzy got hurt.
wouldn’t be surprised if some fans would end up teasing him in some fan art about him being a Erodere.
but it’s possible that not all fans would do that, just some percent of them.
plus it is possible that I’m not the first to notice that Ozzie is a Erodere.
some fans before me, might of notice he is one.
Ozzie should be added to the list of those who are Erodere on that one wikia that has different characters and what type of dere they are.
my fan headcanon is that Ozzie from Helluva Boss, is a Erodere and became that way when he met Fizzy.
even if those two are jerks, it might be hard to hate them, when they act too cute and adorable with each other....
seriously, the cuteness of Ozzie x Fizzy would be too much and I wouldn’t be surprised if some Imps have wrote fan fics or drew fan art about those two within the Helluva Boss Universe.
like it could be a counterpart from Real Life Fans making fan art, fan comics and fan fics of them being all cute together.
well Fizzy might dislike obsessive fans, but wonder how he would feel about it being about him being with Ozzie in a romantic way.
and if that one guy who had too many Robotic Fizzarolli, tries anything like trying to woo the real Fizzy while he is next to Ozzie.
in theory, some of the Imps who are Hardcore Ozzie x Fizzy shippers,
might get really mad at that guy and lunge at him and scream at him and tell him to stay away from their OTP.
to Fizzy, one thing coming out of that, would be he wouldn’t have to worry about that guy for a very long while.
and don’t know when that episode in Season 2 is going to be, you know like the one with the news paper that was shown in one of the sneak peak trailers...
that had to do with Ozzie and Fizzy....
but it will be worth the wait, just like how it was worth the wait to see the episode where Blitz, Stolas and Fizzarolli were Small Bean Cinnamon Rolls.
Stella was most likely a Sour Lemon Cupcake when she was a child....
if it were possible, I would punch Stolas’s Dad and protect Small Bean Stolas.
and yeah it would seem that the whole Stolas and Stella being in a arranged marriage, is canon.
so fans guessed right about that.
the one good thing that came out of that union, was Octavia.
who might of really been in the dark about the fact that her parents NEVER really loved each other, and it’s possible that Stolas and Stella had to hide it from her, and that moment with Octavia and Stolas in one episode, did hint about Stolas and Stella never really loving each other.
and if it was one sided, it would of been on Stella’s side.
I mean it’s not like she is secretly a Tsundere and Yandere.
 like she bad mouths him, and possibly has been known to beat him or slap him around a lot.
so her having a side to her where she does actually loves him, and is a Tsundere about it, well that might not be possibly true in the canon.
and if she was a Tsundere, she would be so in the Fanon.
 it’s not like Stella is going to have a episode where there is a flash back where shows her childhood and shows that she started to be a Tsundere the moment she met her betrothed Stolas.
 I mean she could of let the divorce happen, and not try to have Striker go after his life....which if she was hurt by it, and not just for image sake.
wouldn’t that mean that she truly did love Stolas, even if he didn’t love her in the same way back, and when she isn’t bad mouthing him or mistreating him.
she is secretly being a Tsundere...?
well I guess we will see if it is true, if Stella did have feelings for Stolas but it might be possible she NEVER did and only cared about power and her image.
 even if cheating isn’t okay, but Stolas was unhappy and I guess he could of had the divorce happen before the affair.
I wonder if Stella’s brother Andy would end up taking her side about it....
it be interesting if it turned out that Stella’s brother was Moxxie’s Ex-Boyfriend.
I know that “Andy” isn’t Stella’s brother’s name, but calling him “Andy” is more of a nickname for him....you know by fans, even if I might be the only one who is calling him that right now....it’s a nickname that fits.
anyway with every show or cartoon or movie, you will find out that even some of the characters in them will be a different type of dere.
Millie from Helluva Boss would be a Yandere of course.
and I’m still going to view Ozzie being a Erodere, because of his cute side that he shows when he got worried for Fizzy who got hurt in the episode that they appeared in.
 not everyone has to agree about that, not even about the whole Soursweet from Equestria Girls being a Dorodere.
but it would make sense if she was a Dorodere.
anyway I’m going to post that FNAF Theory next....it’s in drawing form, and it’s okay that not all fans agree that it could possible be true.
also for those who ship Ozzie x Fizzy together, after seeing that episode that they appear in...it’s okay that not all of you agree that Ozzie is a Erodere, it’s okay that it’s only me and a few others who view Ozzie being a Erodere.                                                        
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adonis-koo · 4 years
hey missy! i love reading about your witchy adventures (even though i’m not a witch myself i’m still pretty interested in that kinda stuff) and i was wondering if you could explain michael and raphael and their roles(?) or what/who they are? i’m not very well-versed in witchcraft so idk who they are :/ could you explain how they interact/appear if you can? it seems that you interact with michael a lot so i would love to learn more about them! <3
Hahaha it’s okay! They’re actually fairly well known as they’re related to Christianity! Both Michael and Raphael are Archangels!! I’ve been interested in deity work but coming from a Christian background has made me wary. So when Michael reached out to me, I felt confident in working with him as a guide. There are, I believe five other well known angels as well many work with? I’m actually only familiar with Michael haha, but I do ‘threaten’ occasionally to work with Raphael when I get frustrated (I don’t anymore bc Michael can be intense when I talk about working with other angels 😃) Michael’s role is considered the warrior of God, in other words he is considered a leader and warrior and, truthfully?
It’s only been a month since I’ve started working with him so I’m not really sure what his purpose is when it comes to working with me. It’s been a slow progression and Michael isn’t in too big of a hurry for us to really get to work. It was through a friend of a friend who is both a medium and psychic, I basically learned in the beginning that it was Michael and we’ve worked together in several life times and he is now here to work with me once more. So the bond is deep rooted, I can feel that much, but I’m getting reacquainted with him once more in this life time.
Michael and I are currently having dialogue with me doing meditation based on past life regression in order for me to understand his purpose here, as it’s been like this in my past lives of working with him, or something like that??? 😃 our communication is lacking HAHAHA which to answer your question on it, we commune through a few different ways, the first is reading his candle flame I have dedicated to him, the second is using my tarot deck as a medium, and the newest form of communication is a pendulum (the rosary which is supposed to be for prayer 😃) and a shitty homemade pendulum board I made!
Michael doesn’t stay with me through out the day and he’s pretty picky about popping in so I typically have to call upon him for him to be with me, that being said he interacts with me through the tarot cards and such in those moments. Signs of Michael when he isn’t with me though, are in the color blue (his color). For instance I asked Michael a question and told him to send me the color blue for confirmation on it. He did send me blue in the dollhouse at the daycare I worked for, but I was like,,,nah that’s probably just me, he needs to be waaay more specific (it’s a constant roulette between us it just me assuming or is it Michael 😖).
After I got off work today I went to the bookstore, and I’m chilling in the metaphysic’s section and when I open the book, a fuckinf blue sequin falls out of my jacket into the book and the first word I thought of when I saw was Michael Thats typically when I know it’s him. The most MINUET THING just like I offhandedly thought. The only way to physically see angels and deity’s alike would be in the astral realm, which I’m not experienced enough to try 😖 so I typically just vibe with Michael when I meditate (he enjoys being with me when I do), I do have a sort of vision of him and I see lots of blue when my eyes are closed that lets me know of his presence. It’s also?? Hard to miss at this point?? I mean he’s a powerful celestial being 😭 I was doing yoga the other night and of a sudden I felt this heavy, like mass shift in the room and I just immediately lit his candle. Turns out he just really wants me to do more medative activities 😭
lmaooo I hope this helps!! Feel free to ask more if you have any questions ☺️🖤
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skye-yoga-blog · 3 years
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This Video is just one part of the videos on this subject. The next video will incorporate yoga for scoliosis followed by and Energy Healing Session with a combination of Modalities like this one. The Intentions set for this video is to relief all physical pain, discomfort and realignment on the Spinal Column For The Collective. I used A pendulum and quantum touch for the alignment segment. Calling archangel Raphael to request his utmost healing love and light. I used Selenite Crystal to Grid the various curvatures. Selenite is a gypsom mineral which is beneficial to the spinal column, And any spinal disorders. Lemurian Quartz Crystal seeds as part of the Crystal Grid. Four Tektites to Ameliorate the pain, and assist in the re-alignment. Coral Mineral which is used to strengthen both the circulatory system and bones. it can be used to stimulate tissue regeneration and to nourish the blood cells. Used in the treatment of the spinal canal. Www.Skye-Yoga.Com #Ms.Adelaide #HouseOfSkye-Yoga #Bywater #NewOrleans #EnergyHealing #jewelrywithintentionline #MasterCrystalHealerCourse #Workshopsavailable #AerialYogaTeacherTrainingCourse #YogaTeacherTrainingCourseAvailable #ReikiWorkshop #KarunaReikiWorkshopAvailble #Hypnosis #BreathingExercises #MeditationExploration My email 📧 [email protected] https://youtu.be/W3XWYOlDGqQ (at House of Skye-Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSDdTjwrB-k/?utm_medium=tumblr
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knifenymph · 7 years
How do I know I'm talking to God/Jesus/archangels for sure? What's their energy like??
i find that they all manifest differently for different people! like how you probably act different towards your bffs than towards your teachers. 
for me, their energy is like this:
God: still, kind and gentle yet strong guiding hand
Jesus: kinda playful, but not goofy. brotherly in a way, but emanates wisdom 
AA Michael: Stoic but as if i could make him crack with a joke
AA Raphael: GOOFY 
AA Gabriel (who manifests as a girl for me): very kind, very motherly. comforting
AA Uriel: kind of a know it all (naturally), but at the same time, pretends like he doesnt know anything. like if i ask him a question he’d be like “Hhmmmm….I don’t know, what do you think?” with just an air of false wisdom LOL. like i know he knows but he wants me to figure it out myself
AA Chamuel: is convinced that i’m going to bite him
those are all of the ppls i’ve talked to!
u can also use a pendulum to check your work for discernment
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thedragonscholar · 7 years
The most ANGELIC post ever! (part 2/2)
First part: http://thedragonscholar.tumblr.com/post/162456434771/the-most-angelic-post-ever-part-12
Disclaimer: lots of UPG in here. If you read something you don’t agree with, you’re welcome to reply with ‘I don’t agree with that’ but please don’t bash me for it. Also, keep in mind I’m not an angelology expert.
Angels’ relationship with humans
Apparently the word ‘angel’ means Messenger. Angels are messengers between God and humanity. I don’t think they’re literal mail men, carrying prayers to God so God does stuff. I think it’s more of a metaphor. I believe angels are the ones carrying out many of the tasks people tend to thank God for, saying it’s a miracle or that God has favoured a person. Maybe God gives the order to an angel and the angel does the job, and that is considered carrying the message: carrying God’s energy to fulfill the task.
The angel closest to myself is an abrahamic angel. He’s completely DEVOTED, he WORSHIPS Yahveh with all his heart and might. He’s like that bothersome Christian lady that will invite you to her church everytime you tell her of a problema you have, but won’t actually force religon down your throat. Sadly I haven’t taken the job of asking other people’s guardian angels if they’re so devoted to God. Hm. *adds that to To-Do list*
But what is known to be a common trait among angels is they don’t want your worship. Any of your worshipping should be directed at God, in their opinion. They’re messengers, not deities.
 Human incarnations of angels
I personally don’t think this is possible. Now, Otherkin are a topic I don’t like to discuss because it’s quick to burst into flames. But I also don’t like shutting down anyone, and my belief constantly evolves to embrace everyone else’s. So how do angelkin fit into all of this? What about angel shards, or whatever term the new age community has come up with?
I believe this is, at some level, a communication problem. I can imagine how, for example, feeling an archangel’s energy very deeply and resonating with it, could make one believe the visions they’re getting are their one memories, so they reach the conclusion of being said archangel. And then the archangel goes ‘meh, whatever, as long as they hear me out somehow and go to the right path’.
Personally, I spoke once with a person who suspected they were a shard of Archangel Mikhael. A tarot reading and a pendulum reading later, signs seemed to point at them being a shard of Archangel Mikhael indeed. They told me that, if I had a chance, I should tell Mikhael there was a shard of him getting ready to get to know more this side of themselves or something like that. (If you’re reading this I’m so sorry my memory is terrible). I astrally projected towards Mikhael’s astral temple to do some other stuff, but passed on the message.
Curiously enough, Mikhael seemed to recognise this person and approved on him, but when I used the words ‘your shard’ he calmly said ‘I am not fragmented’. This makes me believe that either my theory about sensing angelic energy and messing it up is right, or we simply use very different languages, and our concept of angelic shard isn’t compatible with his literal version of a shard.
 Guardian angels
*Heavy UPG alert* Guardian angels are attached to your soul. You’ve had one since your soul started to exist, at least in this Earth of ours. They present themselves to you in the manner they deem most convenient. Sometimes, if you’re a spirit worker like me, they’ll show up in person, or pretend to be some other kind of guide. Sometimes, they’re the very slime chance of you coming out unscathed from an accident, and doing it. Sometimes they’re the stranger that comes and tells you something to brighten up your day. Or the advice from someone in your life, that happened to be right on point.
I include guardian angels in the last category of ‘angels’, since they’re the closest ones to humans.
 How to get in contact and work with angels
I’m gonna cite myself~ (Thanks @dabuisnessofawesomeness for asking)
“-Just stop for a moment, and think inwardly ‘Hey, *nudges*, I’m letting you, my guardian angel, know I’m interested in communicating with you and I’m willing to listen.’ This is a good step for letting them know about your intentions.
-Meditation. Either meditating by yourself, by your own means, if you’re confident you’ll call your angel, and they’ll reply and you’ll be able to hear them. This wasn’t my case, but I don’t see why an experienced spirit worker wouldn’t be able to do it. What I did, was follow a guided meditation. There are lots of ‘meet your guardian angel’ meditations in youtube. The first two times I met my guardian angel were guided meditations.
-A letter. The same as in the first item, write down you want to open up communication with them. And then just… Write whatever you want. Tell them about your life. Your troubles. Your worries. Your questions. Maybe even try and write whatever you come to mind. Maybe your guardian angel has a thing for being channeled into writing.
-An altar. Mind you, abrahamic angels don’t want worship. They’re just messengers and servants. The one being worshiped should be TEH GOD^tm, because he’s the shit. (Mind you, I work with abrahamic angels all the time, but I don’t worship God. I kinda work with him tho. I guess we have a complicated relationship. But, just know you don’t have to be a christian devotee to work with angels, given God has just pushed those beings onto us.<—UPG) But making an altar with angel and/or christian imagery, sets out the intention that you want to communicate, and kinda forms a link to the angelic realm, which makes communication with angels easier. “
Also, if an angel’s trying to get in contact with you, it’s pretty stereotypical because it’s awfully common, to look for these synchronicities (I sound so new agey omg):
-Feathers popping up in your life, specially if it’s a literal feather in an unlikely place, or feather imagery.
-Angel imagery. (The day I asked my guardian angel to help me be completely sure, he made an angel pop up in my life EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. Angel picture here, a person called Angela there, the word angel popping up unexpectedly… The best was going to the cinema to see Zoolander 2. Remember when Benedict Cumberbatch came in as a sadistic angel? *snickers*)
-“Angel numbers” is the term you want to look for if you keep seeing numbers like 11:11, 3:33 or 4:44 everywhere. Series of numbers could have different meanings for different people. Some people might get the very popular 11:11, or oddly see 711 wherever they go. Sometimes it could be another entity, but if you’ve just asked your guardian angel to show up and you start seeing these, I’d say they’re connected.
-Coins, and lucky finds like that.
-Sparkles of light, floating calmly. Or rainbows. Or bright, almost painful flashes of light that blind you for an instant. Or orbs of light. They play a lot with light.
 Angels correspondences
Interesting for you if you’re a witch and wish to involve angels in your practice. This too varies depending on who you ask. According to one book, Raphael’s days are Tuesdays, but Thursday’s according to another book. Different  books have different angel names for different hours of the day, or day of the month, or month of the year… Go with your gut, establish a good communication with your angels, and like with everything in witchcraft, sooner or later you’ll craft your own correspondences.
 There. I didn’t want to get too in depth, and now seeing how long this came out, I’m still wondering if it’s too in depth, or if on the contrary, this is too superficial to actually be useful. I hope this was an interesting read, and you could find something helpful in this.
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angelartist135 · 5 years
For just $1.99 How to Create a Sacred Space Grimoire Pages Instant Download + Free Ebook! Pages BOS Altar Tools, wiccan spells, wiccan books, Set up a complete BOS, Book of Shadows or Grimoire with our digitally designed Grimoire pages! With our instant download feature, you can have your pages immediately after purchase in the Back Office of your Etsy Shop! Print them out... Collect all of them and Follow our Shop so you receive alerts for all of our new (BOS) Book of Shadow Pages! Always have a reference in your Book of Shadows on how to set up your altar, what to use and the elemental symbols. Included with this purchase is a FREE and COMPLIMENTARY Invocation of the 4 Archangels to receive divine messages from Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Raphael. Feel Stuck? Call the Archangels into your Sacred Space with Divine Invocation and Grimoire Pages by Sweet Peace :) After Purchase, You will receive the same page as pictured WITHOUT the watermark :) MORE BOOK OF SHADOWS PAGES COMING SOON! Thanks and Blessed Be! Don't forget to Follow our Shop and see all of the other #wiccansupplies and #Wiccanherbs that we have! We upload New Products Every Week! So keep checking back! Have a request? We are happy to customize any Grimoire Page, BOS, Crystal Jewelry, Wiccan Herb Kit, Altar Kit etc.. FOR YOU! View All Products in My Etsy Shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/sweetpeacejewelry Herbal Pet Care https://www.etsy.com/shop/sweetpeacejewelry?section_id=20525871 Jewelry Making Supplies https://www.etsy.com/shop/sweetpeacejewelry?section_id=19958022 Gifts for $5 or less https://www.etsy.com/shop/sweetpeacejewelry?section_id=19864276 Best Christmas Gifts for Anyone https://www.etsy.com/shop/sweetpeacejewelry?section_id=20239516 Herb Shop https://www.etsy.com/shop/sweetpeacejewelry?section_id=20471628 Crystal Wands and Pendulums https://www.etsy.com/shop/sweetpeacejewelry?section_id=18306498 Wiccan Herbs/Witch Herb...
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pheonix-tears · 7 years
Hi! I wanted to request a pendulum reading. I recently did a tarot spread to find out if I have any angel guides so I wanted to confirm if my reading was accurate. Is archangel Gabriel one of my angel guides? What about Archangel Raphael? Thank you 💜
Yes yes
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flameontheotherside · 7 years
How To Use A Pendulum/Trance-Channeling 101
You are developing a psychic connection with your Twin Flame in spirit. The way I go about this is sort of like using a Oujia Board. I know what you must be thinking. Calm your tits!
First off if you want to use this method to talk to your guides/twin flame, you need protection! It doesn't have to be elaborate or require bells and whistles. I laugh at some of the "rituals" *smh* all kinds of crazy shit... So not necessary but power to the people. 😆
You can protect yourself by smudging sage in every corner or wave that shit around (don't cause a fire though. I almost did! Lol) in every room of the house or space. Say silently or aloud a prayer for protection. You can burn some hundu kush too (Seriously. Smoke some weed. Mother earth produced it! ). I suggest calling upon Archangels Michael and Raphael to ensure only communication with your TF/Guides. Set the intention. The stuff here in bullets is extra. If it makes you feel better you can add this shit too:
- After that it's also important to imagine a white light surrounding you or even green and blue for Archangels Michael and Raphael. You can also wear white.
- What I like to do is play music off our playlist or anything positive. There's a lot of meditation music on YouTube.
- Take a few moments to calm and collect yourself. Make sure you are comfortable and for certain you will have no interruptions.
(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ A Crystal clear suggestion
Before you decide to communicate I suggest a crystal (because they come directly from the earth) pendulum that is charged and cleared of negative energy. Doesn't have to be elaborate but some crystals might not do well in sea salt water. Make sure its okay. Mine are amythest, rose quartz and clear quarts. I let them sit in natural sea salt water. Himalayan salt might work too, not sure about commercial table salt. Just by letting it sit for a few minutes (5), I really notice a change in clarity of the crystal. You can also collect some used or crushed up smudging sage and toss your crystal in a bowl allowing to sit overnight over night or whatever. You can also burn sage in a safe bowl and allow the crystal to bathe in the smoke a bit. Another way is by digging a hole and let it sit in the earth for about a day. Maybe close to a flower garden!
Making your "board"
You also need to make a Oujia Board! It doesn't have to elaborate either. I use sketch paper (if you don't laminate, it will eventually look raggy and you need to shred it, burn it and set the intention that the portal is permanently destroyed). I like to pour positive energy on to it, use Chakra colors, and as an "artist" I like to draw the flower of life and color it all pretty and stuff. It's not a bad idea to write a few prayers on it too. I suggest laminating it so it stays pretty. I'll attach an example.
( - _ - )ノ彡☆ EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: As a word of caution, after all you are opening a portal to the spirit world; Your board needs to be cleared too! At the end of every session say good-byes, your thanks and your prayers for continued protection with the intent of closing the portal.
( ^O ^ )ノ彡☆ The more you know!
Getting shit started yall
At first, it might be a little slow or not move at all. Don't give up. Just keep trying a little bit everyday. Try not to force a response or you might just pick up wishful thinking answers. Be present! Don't let your mind wander. Focus on just looking at the crystal. Eventually you will go into trance. Trance is nothing to be afraid of. It's no different than automatic writing or watching T.V. It's actually very similar. You have complete awareness and control of yourself. Keep a pen and paper close to you. When the crystal moves to the letter or you feel a slight pull (really cool actually), hover over that letter and if a letter is correct it will circle. Incorrect, it's will cross through. For yes and no questions, YES is up and down the middle as if he's nodding and circles around the entire thing when a NO. It may differ from person to person. When Erik gets excited the letter just pop, when he's sad or sappy, it's very slow. Hopefully you won't have a TF/Guide with the tendency to get all "ADD". I have to ask him the slow down all the time.
At first you might not know right away if the messages are coming from your own expectations or honest guidance from your guides. Eventually if you practice long enough (Takes time and dedication, but if you really want to talk to your guides you will do it. Trust me.) you can tell by word choice or the energy you feel. Whats cool is sometimes I think I know what Erik is going to say but he tugs to the right word or letter. I've played tug of War with him too. It was hilarious!
Document, document, document!
You are going to be tempted to ask a shit load of questions. Just write them down and ask one a day. You might also be surprised they might just flat out answer them right away.
Keep a log or journal of your conversation. You will wish you did! You will see a progress and it's nice to take a look back ever so often. Especially if you are talking to your TF/Guides you will start to realise you are developing psychic skills. It's baby steps. It didn't happen over night for me. It's at a point now I can finish sentences and he let's me know if I'm correct or he will simply set me straight.
I hope in some ways this is helpful. It really doesn't need to take a "gifted psychic" to talk to your TF/Guides. After all... WE ALL ARE CAPABLE! It's a matter of intention and will.
If you have anything you want to add or whatever comment or inbox me!
( ◡‿◡ ♡) Thanks for reading!
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Up there is just an example. As you can see it doesn't have to be perfect!
📩Email [email protected] 📲Facebook Messenger: MoniqueNonGrata 💻Skype: Moniku88Starr (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Request a tarot 🔮 reading! 😉 First consultation is 💯 free. 5$ after that.
Don’t forget to take a look at Erik’s blog ran by his amazing mom Dr Elise Medhus. Lots of stuff about his afterlife and shit.
(◕‿◕)♡channelingerik.com … And http://youtube.com/user/drmedhus
(ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧ 😉💕 As always, we thank you for stopping by!
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oracleishdiviner · 3 years
Hi! My name is Anoushka.
Sun- Leo
Rising- Aries
My question is that will I be able to succeed in life and make my own decisions. I'm still in uni pursuing law. I just want to start a yt channal, earn some money to kickstart my business and after that when I'm financially stable open NGO's for animals. Will I be able to succeed?
Thank you.
Hello anon, I'm very honored to do your reading today!
By asking to my pendulum, I've got the strangest reaction ever, it wasn't a no, but either a clear yes. it seems that there is a quite confusing energy around you and the answer is: yes you will but first you have to focus! A lot is going on right now in your life, I'm guided to tell you to take the biggest chunk of all those happenings and break it into smaller pieces, to analyze it and see where is taking you. Everything else will surely fall into place after you assess this big event!
Your tarot deck is the Shadowscape tarot, it literally called me to be picked up. The cards were quite jumping everywhere, again, I'm sensing quite scattered energy and thoughts, the more you think, the more you got yourself overwhelmed.
The three of pentacles and seven of swords came out, calling in a very wealth-oriented mind but also one who wants to spread itself too thin for their own good. Delegating is a word that I'm hearing clearly and if there is the seven of swords here, it's best to follow this advice! You can't accomplish your dream by flying solo is the three of pentacles advice. A team might be appearing or you have your eyes set on someone who you can trust. Good, I'm being told, go on and propose to them to be in a partnership and see how things will expand from it! protect well your ideas, check that no theft of your projects and material will be going on, you have a keen sense for liars, rely on it since it will guide you well. I keep on watching this three of pentacles and I'm feeling so much at peace, there is so much joy and support, friendships, and laughter in this team that will assemble under your direction that success will show up by itself attracted by your energy. Your path is the correct one, do the right adjustments to make your dreams come true!
Your oracle deck is the Energy oracle one:
number 30, The garden and the gate, and number 38, Fourth Chakra, Archangel Raphael, are your cards.
Step out of your comfort zone is the main message of The garden and the gate, this beautiful garden is very comfortable but the gate that will let you out of it is closed and the maiden in the card is wearing the key to the garden, telling us that she's trapping herself here, it's safer after all even if the outside world is green and luscious as her garden. Have the courage to make the first step towards your dreams, be more assertive too. Green is a very predominant color and it was quite present even in the tarot cards, so it might be significant to you or call you to go out and experience nature if it's in your possibility. I'm hearing healing a loss, if this is the case, please do take time to heal your heart and find again balance and support in yourself first. This might be also one of the blockages that are making your head buzz like crazy, with too many thoughts fueled by pain. Call in your group, the one able to support and shower you love and appreciation, breathe and let their feelings soothe you.
Your goals and projects are beautiful and you have what it takes to tackle them and make them work beautifully, but my dear, take care of yourself first, calm your mind first, everything else is meant to happen!
Stay strong and keep on going!
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goldenascension · 7 years
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. 🎉The Angel Giveaway Winners🎉 😇Are you ready?!😇 . . There were so many great entries, we really enjoyed reading the answers to our questions!! But! Our BIG winners are.......!!! . 😇@soraya_munnigh won The Main Prize!!! A signed copy of Juliette’s Angel, Angel wing  jade necklace from #juliettepowercollection and a moonstone pendulum from @katherinelocjewelry  😇@juliettepowerauthor won a beautiful dream catcher from @rosemilecharms 😇@kathybarrettmay won a blue, sparkly, Juliette Power Collection bracelet from @katherinelocjewelry 😇@jillbeestuff won an Archangel Michael necklace from @pixiestixart 😇@orchids134rob won ArchAngel Raphael necklace from @graciousmusejewelry 😇@angliz_gypsysoul won “Juliette’s Angel” necklace from @entwinedwhimsy 😇@feral.healing won Romance Angel Oracle cards and Angel Pendulum from @thegypsymoonboutique  😇 @hydesundaisy won a laboradite vintage style neclace from @luna_bendita_jewelry_ 😇@sunkissedvixen won an angel necklace from @butterflygrrrl 😇@tnmkov won a angel shaped salt lamp from @thecrystalreiki 😇@thefaeriegodmother won an angel subset from @bkindapothecary 😇@jem.inlustrem.healing won a pendant from @goldenascension 😇@sarapoo won an angel necklace from @leladymoonjewelry 😇@gygr_ won a foot spa set from @findinglynda 😇@rosie_the_rescue_pup won a pendant from @labrujabella  . . Woooohooo! Congratulations!!! 🍾🎉🎈🎊 . . We will contact you for shipping info! Thank you to everyone who entered, this was truly an amazing event!! . Please don’t unfollow us because we have other giveaways and shoutouts coming soons. You won’t want to miss it !!!! 💜💚💜💚💜💚
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knifenymph · 7 years
Does Lucifer & God/AA Michael not work well together? I used my pendulum & asked about other deities/entities I can work with & not work with & also what names I can call them & not call them. I asked if I can call God by the name (YWHW/YHVH) it said 'no' instead I got a 'yes' for Adonai, God/Goddess Elohim, & 'yes' for Jesus & Mary & To work with the Archangels. I also asked about specific goddesses some 'yes' some 'no' & Lucifer got a 'yes.' Hope I didn't confuse you. :p
u sure succeeded in confusing me lol!
i don’t work with lucifer, adonai, mary, or elohim. never even spoken to them i don’t think. @hereticalapothecary, on the other hand, works with lucifer so u can probably ask them! 
ppl i work with, religion-wise:- michael- raphael- gabriel- sometimes uriel but not really- jesus- Godand thats abt it lol
i mayyyyyyyyy look into those other ppls in the future but i haven’t even heard of adonai nor elohim so i have no idea if i should or shouldn’t
sorry I’m like no help LOL
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enchantresscraftshop · 6 months
Handcrafted Pendulums made with crystals and Stainless steel ✨
Inspired by Deities with the intention to invoke.
The Crystals used to make these Pendulums are associated with the deity listed.
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skye-yoga-blog · 3 years
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In This video I will be working on The Nervous System Energy Healing for the collective. Wishing you ease and comfort, during your times of discomfort. Invoking Archangel Michael for protection during this session on all levels for the Collective. Invoking Archangel Raphael The master of all healers to step in and provide his strongest healing frequencies on every level for the Collective. I will be combining Reiki Energies, specifically using the Distant Reiki symbol to reach the collective, Angel Light Healing, Quantum Touch, and of Course specific Crystals for the Healing in combination with the Nerve Tuning Fork and Dna 🧬 tuning fork. For this session I will be using Selenite Wands in a grid as they allow one to access the interior of the physical body in order to understand existing disorders providing information with respect to “fix it “. It also has been used to facilitate regeneration of the cellular structure of the protective membrane lining which surrounds the cell providing a tool to prevent or overcome damage caused by the free radicals. Also using Lemurian Crystal Seeds as a grid and The POINTS ARE POINTED inward to direct all energy healing love and light towards the body. Pendulum Dowsing for clearing all pain and discomfort from “ITS ORIGIN” and sending up to the cosmos for healing, WHILE USING A SELENITE TOUCHSTONE TO CLEAR PENDULUM AS INWORK WITH IT -Just a single quartz crystal if carried are placed in one’s environment it will assist in maintaining balance energy and protection. Most diseases which occur in the physical body or a reflection of disruption this harmony of the energies in the affair of bodies any type of healing Below are links for the rings in my jewelry with intention line. #BywaterHealer #ByWater #Nola #HouseOfSkyeYoga #KarunaReiki #JewelryWithIntentionLine #HOUSEOFSKYEYOGA #ReikiHealer #ReikiWorkshop #ReikiHealingSessions #CrystalHealing #MasterCrystalHealerCertificationCourse #ReikiHealingCircle #ReikiGathering #HealingCircle #MsAdelaide #orboflifeattunement #DeekshaGiver #QuantumTouch #ChakraWorkshop #ChakraOnLineCourse #AngelLightWorker #PendulumDowsingSessions #ArchangelHealing (at House of Skye-Yoga) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO-aIBaFBqa/?igshid=wdclurlfhn57
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