#are crystal infused water bottles safe
tears-of-amber · 7 months
Having Pets And Witchcraft
(Some compromises and adjustments I’ve made to my practice as a witch to accommodate my cat Muffin now living in my bedroom).
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🔮I don’t burn candles in my room anymore. (Idc that I crack the windows, candles are not good to burn in tight spaces with the company of cats and most pets. Unless your pet is a fish or in a tank of some sort that doesn’t get exposed to the candle smoke or scents). If you see a candle, it’s literally just there for a representation of fire. I never burn it anymore.
🔮I made space on my altar for my pet. Especially with cats, they ARE going to jump on your altar whether you like it or not. Might as well give them some space to sit so it’s less likely they’ll knock things down. (I happen to be devoted to the cat-loving goddess Freyja. So I’m not worried about disrespecting her by making kitty space).
🔮NO essential oil sprays. Nada. Not even a little bit. Instead, use plain moon or sun water sprays with no oils or added infusions. I used to use essential oil sprays before any animals could come into my bedroom. They were a quick and easy way to cleanse my space, but for the health of your pet (dog, cat, or otherwise) do NOT go spraying these around a room they live in. You can charge moon-water or sun-water with intent or draw a sigil on the spray bottle you are using, and it works just as well. Plain drinkable water mist isn’t gonna harm your babies.
🔮Be fine with your witchy stuff falling, getting knocked down, and potentially damaged. This applies to crystals, trinkets, wands, etc. I highly recommend you replace glass spell bottles with plastic tightly sealable spell bottles if you’re going to leave them in reach of your pet. IT IS NEVER THE PETS FAULT IF THEY DAMAGE A CRYSTAL. You’re the adult human, so take responsibility and decide what sort of stuff you’re leaving out in a pets reach.
🔮Meditation is hard (for me) with my babygirl Muffin doing everything she can to distract me. Its ok. I literally go outside in the backyard to meditate if she’s being crazy and playful so I don’t get disturbed. It’s better to relocate than get angry at an animal that just wants playtime or attention.
🔮Most pets are great psychic protectors (each in different ways), so treat them with respect. They are guarding you in your sleep and even on occasion bringing your attention to when the energy is off or something negative is afoot. However, don’t rely only on them for psychic protection, as that’s A LOT for one animal.
🔮Plant allies are fine if you choose a nontoxic one for your specific pet. I’ll give you some generally good examples for cat safe ones, since that is what I know best as a cat mom. African violets, Sunflowers, Roses (de-thorned), and Orchids, and most succulents, are safe bets.
That’s all for now, folks!
Tysm for reading!
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mahiiimahiiii · 7 months
the less we know the better - wip
“Gale- stop for a second.” You noted a flash of concern in his eye, he knelt back down again, tilting his head in a silent question. Tears budded again, as you held your head in your hands. “I am ashamed. I can’t… I’m terrified of my own thoughts. Flashes I see the lord, in the way I see you now. He will not leave, be gentler- and diligent” you paused trying to think how to phrase it. “To possibly… take my mind off things.”
He hummed in acknowledgement, “perhaps we should establish something, and you’re sweet for saying that. I’m glad you felt safe enough to tell me.” He sat back on his haunches. “Perhaps… the shower will help? Ill leave you to finish undressing if you feel uncomfortable.” He squeezed your shoulders, kissing your forehead. “Ill depart for now then. Come join me when you feel ready.” His movements were fluid, hands drawing a sharp sigh from your lips. He left through the open doorway into the showers. His nails scratched against the doorway; your core ached immaculately. You finished off his work, the dark plum verses bright magenta robes draped against each other on the chair.
You felt oddly exposed without your enchanted spells guarding you, waddling into the cedar and teakwood showers you felt more at peace. Gale was nowhere to be seen, but a satisfied groan emanated from the bright hallway ahead. You settled down on the stool testing the water on your hand before handling the wand. The water smooth and warm against your skin. The soaps and skin serums to remove dirt and dead skin smelt herbal. Tonics infused with healing potions, an intriguing way to go about things. You scrubbed your skin until it was red and raw, you felt clean but not clean enough. You sat in the steam of the water for a moment, debating on continuing forward. You decided too, the warmth of the light and the pools beyond beckoning you forward.
The light was blinding once stepping out the hallway, plants and fauna lined the tiles surrounding the baths, a plush bed with towels and robes on top of it. a table next to it and a patterned robe with tassels. Candles, sherry and crystal goblets, candies and small sandwiches, a platter with fresh fruits and perfumes, and bottles that shone like gems. Gortash really pulled the full 9 yards. Towered over the bath, curiously was a statue of Mystra, her gaze focused on the bath itself, arms outstretched in a surrounding gesture, the sun perfectly framed around her head. It was almost reminiscent of a greenhouse. Gales head peaks between the waves of foam. He floated upwards, paddling to the side of the bath to grip the edge and prop his head in his arms.
“Feeling better?” he beamed, rose petals and violets clung to his hair, they floated on the surface of the foam. You walked towards the steps, dipping your toe in carefully. It was a wonderful temperature.
“a little.” You hum, lowering your weary limbs in the water. “it’s a little unnerving to have a statue of my partners ex staring at my naked form. I feel judged.”
“Often statues of Mystra are depicted with her eyes closed…” he swam closer to you, “I am... uncertain why this one is open, perhaps its just another god that looks similar.”
“Let us hope it’s just that.” You settled on a side edge seat, the sun a warm lazy glow on your skin, a warm and floral breeze churned the air. He almost seated himself in your lap, his head tucked into the alcove of your neck, his face a mottled pink from the hot water. His eyes laid shut; his breath warm against your chin. You leaned your head against the tile, allowing him the access to fully intwine with your limbs. You began to become drowsy, tapping his shoulder you escorted him to the bed, comfortably placed within a warm sunbeam.
You both curled up again like lizards on a hot rock. An overwhelming sense of contented sleepiness taking hold of you.
(wip from the most recent poll, im getting close to the smut itself, i cant decide between the actual bath or like a cozy napping bed on the side, as i know like... that concept sounds cozy. a bath then a nap in the same place? luxurious....)
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Moon Water
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What is Moon water?
Moon Water is water that has absorbed the light of the moon.
 It can be made at any moon phase, so you may have full moon water, new moon, waning, waxing etc. All this means is that the water absorbed the light of the moon during that moon phase.
What is Moon Water used for?
Moon Water is used for many things. It is often added to or called for in Spells. Depending on the moon phase it was created in it can be used in place of or in addition to the moon phases energy.
Full moon: Water can be used for lunar blessings, charging items and powering spells
New moon: OR dark moon, water can be used for cleansing, new beginnings and resetting something
Waning moon water can be used for releasing reflecting and removing things
Waxing moon water can be used to create, grow and plan things.
On a clear night of your desired moon phase, fill a clear, clean jar with filtered purified or spring water. You may state your intentions for the water, infuse it with energy or enchant the water.
Put the Jars lid on tightly, place the jar where it has direct moonlight. This should be done after moonrise when the moon is clear in the night sky.
Leave the jaw to absorb the moonlight as long as possible, remove the jar before sunrise and label it.
Place the jar in a dark cupboard or closet and use as desired.
Bless your space. Cleanse Crystals. Water Plants, Cleansing Sprays, Add to bath rituals. Put Coffee & Tea.
-Water (It can be tap or rain water if its safe to drink) 
-1 Bowl or a glass container of any size.
Pour water in the bowl. Use 3 cups of water or experiment with the amounts.
Put the bowl in a place where it will be lit by moonlight, preferably outside, but it could be near a window inside your home.
It doesn’t after if it’s cloudy outside, since moonlight, just like sunlight, can pierce through the clouds easily.
As you place the water in the moonlight, consecrate it by saying out loud.
“Dear moon, thanks for this sacred water, which is already helping me with (Say your intention here)
You don’t need to leave the water outside all night, collect it before the sunlight touches it.
Filter out any insects that might have landed on the water and put it in a bottle, store it in a dark place such as a kitchen cabinet or a closet until you use it.
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Mugwort. Cardamom. Rosemary. Ginger. Basil. Bay Leaf. Ginger. Yarrow.
 Rose, Cedar wood, Sandalwood.
Lavender. Marigold, Rose Petals.
Salts: Sea, Himapagan, Epsom.
Crystals: Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline. Clear Quartz, Fluorite.
Clean your bathtub mindfully. E.g: Vinegar + Essential oils.
Get your favourite items.
*Favourite stones/good read/ good drink to hydrate/ Candles
The lights *Maybe some music?
Give yourself time
*Relax, Meditate
*Visualise cleansing.
*Drain the water
*Clean the tub
You can cleanse the air with incense or palossand, and use flowers/bath salts/herbs in the bath. [Make sure your not allergic or have any reaction to said herbs Q^Q]
Cleanse yourself inside and out, remove all negative energies and prepare physically, mentally and spiritually for the cycle that begins tonight.
Before you begin, set an intention for this ritual.
½ cult of Sea salt.
⅓ Cup Epsom salt
10 drops of Lavender essential oil.
Four cups [one litre] of boiling water.
1 white candle
1 candle of a colour matching your intention.
Incense [optional]
Music [optional]
Turn the lights off. Light the candles and incense in the bathroom, you may take a quick show before starting.
Start the music, fill the tub with warm water and add the bath salt mixture.
Get into the water and visualise it cleansing you of all negativity. Know that these energies are flowing from your physical, mental and spirtual self into the water. Relax and enjoy the scents in the air and let yourself drift.
Chant a prayer or invoke Hecate as follows.
“Great Hecate, Queen of the Underworld, Protectors of all Witches.
 It is my will on this night of the New Moon.
   To overcome my shadows and bring about change, I invite you to assist and protect me in my nite.”
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ok-rookie · 6 months
Motivation struck me in the moments I least expect it
Here's art I made during the exams
Two for Genshin OCs and one half of the page dedicated to Teyvat Undead.
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Teyvat Undead
Pyro Infected / Burners
Causes (may change, still deciding)
• Growing crystals on the body.
• The infected body has adjusted to the fire.
• Infected bodies can still function despite the burning.
• Partially burning or fully enveloped in flames.
• A health and environmental hazard when left alive.
• Douse with cold water to weaken. The amount varies depending on the size of the fire.
Do NOT bring near:
- Floaters
- Electro Infected (Name pending)
- Flammable objects
Alchemists encourage dousing Burners with magic infused water via splash bottles or hoses to keep a safe distance.
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anthologiemystika · 2 years
Potions: Their Uses, Forms, and Misconceptions
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Potions. We have all heard of them, from “Double Trouble Boil and Bubble” to the “PolyJuice Potion” and everything in between. Indeed, one of the first things that comes to mind in regards to witchcraft is the image of a crone, stopped over a cauldron, stirring up a potion. While this might not be the image of a modern witch, potions are still considered to be a staple and basic foundation for many forms of magic. In this lesson we will be covering their uses, forms, and misconceptions.
***It is VERY important that for any potion you make that you intend to ingest, that all ingredients are SAFE for consumption or contact with skin. Many crystals, mushrooms, and even herbs can be very DANGEROUS when ingested or touched to the skin. Please always do your research for your own safety***
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Webster’s Dictionary defines a potion as a mixture of liquids and that the first usage of the word appears in the 14th century. While in practice a potion is a liquid, it might also contain herbs, stones, spices, etc. Contrary to popular belief, potions have a wide variety of uses. They can almost be considered spells in a bottle, or a “break glass in case of emergency” type of spell, one where the magic is bottled up and contained, only activating on who, or what, the intended target it.
Most people use potions for various reasons, including glamours, protection spells, safety during travel, and love spells. I mean, lets face it, what better way to feel confident than to literally toss confidence down the hatch. Who hasn’t thought of giving the one they love a brew infused with apples, cinnamon, and intention for the one they love to want them back. While protection potions are not as widely talked about, having a potion of protection in your handbag or backpack will always help to make sure you are safe, no matter where your travels take you. 
That being said, the single most common form of a potion is actually used in healing spells. Think about it, all the times you were sick as a child and a family member whipped up their “home made remedy”. Something that was always made in a pot, smelled of death, tasted worse, but brewed by a loving hand, and always making you feel better. This form of magic, simply stirring love into a recipe, is indeed one of the oldest types of magic and potion making. So next time your loved ones don’t feel well, remember that the simplest health potion is one made with a slice of lemon, a bit of honey, and a stirring of love. 
Quick and Easy Wake Up Potion
Heat a cup of water and add your favorite tea to your cup
While you wait for the tea to steep, light an orange candle on your altar or table
Say: “I am healthy and grateful for this day.”
Meditate as you drink your tea
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Contrary to popular belief, potions come in many forms. Indeed, some of the most powerful forms of potions are not even ones you drink. Did you know the Moon Water is a potion? It is a liquid, cleansed and charged with intent. That 4 Theives Oil you made? Also a potion. From hand creams, to tinctures, teas, and oils, potions have evolved much as humans have. Coming in a wide variety of forms, and even uses, potions in magic have evolved from “double double toil and trouble” variety, to any liquid item imbued with intention and magic.
In their oil form, most people use it to consecrate their altar items, or help open the third eye or chakra work. As tinctures they can be used for healing, cleansing, and charging. I mean, teas, do I even need to say more? There is a tea type or tea leaf for just about anything magical you could ever need, especially when trying to bring something into your life, letting others see a certain aspect of yourself, or increasing something you have. Teas are one of the most powerful potions that exist in the magical world, and also one of the easiest forms of potion magic there is. As for waters, magical water such as Florida Water, Moon Water, Sun Water, etc is even a form of potion making. Remember, potions just take a liquid and an intention.
Waterfall Ward Protection Potion
For use to protect yourself and your home from unwanted energy
Ingredients: Vinegar, Water, Salt, Protection Herbs and Essential Oils
Actions: Mix it all together and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Then take a rag or cloth and let the water drip from the top of your windows and doors. Then wipe down the edges of the windows and the thresholds.
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Over the years there have been many misconceptions regarding potions, most notably that they must be drunk in order to work. This is not the case, indeed many potions are not safe to be ingested or exposed to your skin. A lot of the potions you will find in older grimoires are made from ingredients that are not safe, and were created long before modern medicine was even a spark or thought. Remember that they used to think that demons in your brain caused headaches? Probably not the people you want telling you what to put in your body.
Another common misconception is that something will “happen” when the potion is ready. I mean as cool as it would be, when a potion is complete at the end of the day it is still made of normal ingredients. There is no sparks, no fireworks, no smoke, no *boom* (and if there is, you have MUCH bigger issues, namely to call the fire department and hope they don’t ask why you were using explosive ingredients over a hot stove). When a potion is ready, much like anything else you do in the kitchen, you should know. Whether that is by instinct, smell and touch, or simply using an egg timer for 20 minutes on simmer. While not as satisfying, it is still magical and remember, that is all that is needed.
Finally, remember to simply DO YOUR RESEARCH! Items used in potions can be very dangerous, and sometimes don’t play well together.  Just think about what happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar. Potion making is as much witchcraft as it is chemistry so if you start looking for those random or rare ingredients, just make sure you research them first to prevent any “happy little accidents” (as Bob Ross would say). 
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*All images were taken from Pinterest*
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femme-witching · 2 years
Moon Water Uses
I constantly forget what to use moon water for, so a compiled list! 
I didn’t include food or drink uses on here, because when I cleanse the bottle I use to make the moon water, the water tastes like smoke. If you want to drink your moon water, don’t cleanse your container with smoke, use another method and, ensure your water is purified. Be safe!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
watering plants
adding to laundry detergent
charging crystals (if they’re water safe!)
washing your face
spellwork/ potion ingredient
clay or watercolor water
adding to cleaning products
making flower or herb-infused water
offering to a deity 
diffusing with essential oils
adding to bath water
hand washing
use in glamour magic
flower vase water
add to a humidifier
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tipsycad147 · 2 months
How To Make Crystal Infused Water
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“Crystals have been used for centuries to promote serenity and as a tool for meditation. They can be helpful allies in our quest for calm.”― Amy Leigh Mercree
This week I’ve been talking about crystals, like these posts on how to cleanse your crystals, which crystals are good for anxiety and a post all about healing crystals. Today I thought we’d continue on this path and explore how to make crystal infused water.
We must share the standard disclaimer that we are not a doctors and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals for healing should be used only as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care and or medication. Please always consult a medical professional.
What Is A Crystal Infused Water?
Crystal infused water, also called gem water is simply water that has been infused with the vibrational frequency of a specific crystal. The water is often charged with moon or sunlight and is thought to promote certain health benefits. I’ve also found crystal infused water to be a great way of connecting directly with the vibration of the crystal.
Making crystal infused waters is a fun, witchy weekend activity and a bonus, you’ll eventually have a pretty line up of hand labelled bottles to decorate your altar or bathroom cabinet with.
How To Use Crystal Infused Water
Crystal infused water can be used in a number of different ways. You can place a few drops onto your wrists or pulse points, place a couple of drops undiluted under the tongue, add a few drops to your bathwater or lace your drinking water with a few drops. I love to have spray bottles with different crystal infused waters in my bag which I use to mist my face with. For example, I have one bottle with contains a crystal infused water I made with amethyst.
When I’m feeling like I want to connect with my heart chakra, I spray a little of the water directly onto my skin and visualise it surrounding me in a mist of loving energy. I do the same with a bottle of jasper crystal infused water which I use when I feel like I need an extra layer of protection.
Because facial sprays and mists are so common now, no one bats an eyelid when I do this. In fact, friends and colleagues often ask for a spritz too lol.
How To Make Crystal Infused Water
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Crystal infused water can be made with all of your favourite (non-water soluble) crystals
You will need: 
A small bowl
A desired cleansed crystal (make sure that the crystal you use can be placed in water! Some crystals will disintegrate if they come into contact with water)
Water (I prefer mineral water which I bless and thank before using)
A dark glass or spray bottle
Labels for your bottles
1 – Pick a light source with which you will charge your infusion. Remedies made using sunlight will need a minimum of 3 hours to infuse. Remedies made with moonlight should be done on a new or full moon. (please note that some crystals do not tolerate direct sunlight if you are unsure work with moonlight which is safe for all crystals)
2 – Charge the crystal – Position it within the bowl and cover it with the mineral or spring water. Place the bowl so that it catches the sun or moons light. Leave until sunrise if using moonlight or for 3 hours if using sunlight.
3 – Bottle the water – decant into your glass bottle of choice. You can place the actual crystal used into the jar to make it more potent if you like.
4 – Label your infusion – Label your water noting the intention you used, when it was made, the crystal used and whether you worked with moon or sunlight. Note also what the remedy is for. You can store the crystal-infused water in a dark place for a number of years if you made sure that the equipment used was sterile.
Note: If you are unsure about whether your crystal can be placed in water, I also have another recipe for crystal-infused water which doesn’t require the crystal to be in contact with water at all.
Note also: for emotional, spiritual and psychic remedies it is more beneficial to charge with moonlight, for physical remedies sunlight charging is best.
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It’s beneficial to charge crystal infused water relating to emotional and spiritual matters with moonlight. Crystal infused water relating to physical remedies are better charged with sunlight.
Crystal Infused Water Remedies
Agate – Useful for insomnia. General all-round health and vitality enhancer.
Amber – Good for muscular aches and to boost memory
Amethyst – Use to boost the immune system. All-round healing crystal
Adventurine – Good for skin conditions. Counteracts negative emotions
Beryl – Use it to build up confidence. Perfect for those suffering from low self-esteem
Bloodstone – Helpful for circulatory problems. Beneficial for feelings of insecurity
Malachite – Good for menstrual issues
Onyx – Helpful for strengthening the body overall
Quartz – Use when you feel in need of protection from negative influences. Overall energy amplifier
Tigers eye – For eye problems. Excellent for combating an unspoken fear of success
Agate – Great for divination
Carnelian – Useful for astral travel. Banishes fear and promotes joy and a feeling of peace
Citrine Quartz – Good all-round stone for increasing your psychic abilities. Can help to eliminate harmful toxins from the body
Diamonds – Protects from negative energy. 
Jasper – Protects from misfortune. Connects us with the energy of the earth. Useful for grounding.
Moonstone – Lovers reconciliation. Protection.
Obsidian – Anti pollutant and useful for protection.
Black onyx – Great for grounding. Useful as a protective charm and for promoting peaceful sleep
Rose quartz – The ‘stone of love’. Wonderful all-round healing stone. Useful for connecting with the heart chakra
Ruby – For bringing good fortune and abundance into your life. 
Sapphire – Useful for calming and soothing
Turquoise – Good for fertility and to help improve your luck
So, my loves, I hope this gives you all the inspiration you need so that next time you need it, you know exactly how to make crystal infused water.
Blessed Be,
Amythest xoxo
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figandthewasp · 3 months
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Moon water is water that has been exposed to the light of the moon, absorbing its energy and vibrations. This practice has roots in ancient traditions and is a cornerstone of modern witchcraft and spiritual practices. The type of energy the water absorbs can vary depending on the phase of the moon, making each batch of moon water unique 🌙⁠ ⁠ Moon water is believed to hold various benefits and can be used in multiple ways to enhance your spiritual and daily life. By incorporating it into your spiritual practices, you are inviting the mystical power of the moon into your life. Whether you’re cleansing your space, enhancing your beauty routine, or nurturing your garden, moon water is a versatile and magical tool that can elevate your daily rituals ✨⁠ ⁠ Creating moon water is a simple process that requires minimal supplies but offers profound benefits. Follow these steps to make your own moon water:⁠ ⁠ 1️⃣ Choose a moon phase: Different phases of the moon offer different energies. For instance, the full moon is perfect for charging your water with maximum energy and intention, while the new moon is ideal for setting new beginnings and fresh starts.⁠ ⁠ 2️⃣ Select a container: Use a clear glass jar or bottle to hold your water. Glass is preferred because it’s natural and helps to amplify the moon’s energy. Ensure your container is clean and free of any impurities.⁠ ⁠ 3️⃣ Fill with water: Fill your container with fresh, clean water. Spring water or filtered water is ideal, but tap water can also be used.⁠ ⁠ 4️⃣ Add intentions: Before placing your water under the moonlight, take a moment to set your intentions. Hold the container and visualize the moon’s energy infusing the water with your desired qualities—whether it’s love, healing, protection, or clarity. At this stage, you can choose to add water-safe crystals to enhance your intentions.⁠
5️⃣ Charge under moonlight: Place your container of water outside where it can absorb the moonlight. If you don’t have outdoor space, a windowsill with direct moonlight will work. Leave it out overnight to soak up the lunar energy. 6️⃣ Collect and store: In the morning, retrieve your moon water. Store it in a cool, dark place, and use it within one month to ensure its potency.
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healthiswealths-posts · 10 months
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Transform Your Life with SlimCrystal
Embark on a transformative journey with SlimCrystal, a revolutionary hydration vessel that leverages the energy of quartz crystals for weight management and enhanced well-being. Beyond mere weight loss, SlimCrystal revitalised water,
offering accelerated metabolism, improved digestion, and optimal hydration. Infused with distinct quartz crystals like Green Aventurine, Clear Quartz, and Amethyst, SlimCrystal promotes mental clarity, reduces stress, and boosts the immune system. The holistic benefits extend to youthful skin, increased energy levels, and overall improved well-being. The simple yet effective usage involves filling the bottle, allowing the water to settle, and consuming at least three litres a day for optimal results.
In tandem with SlimCrystal's holistic approach, explore SLIMCRYSTAL's innovative nanotechnology. This skin-applied spray blocks fat absorption, aiding weight loss. With all-natural ingredients, SLIMCRYSTAL is safe for adults and has shown visible results within weeks. The FAQs provide insights into its safety, efficacy, and purchasing options. Experience the transformative power of revitalised water and innovative nanotechnology by embracing SlimCrystal and SLIMCRYSTAL, unlocking a healthier, more vibrant life.``
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miniaturemoonheart · 2 years
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How To Make Full Moon Water
Find a clear glass bottle or jar and cleanse it before use. Any type of cleansing incense would work fine for this.
After filling your jar with water, place it under the moon. You can do this by a window or leave it outside over night. Make sure to put your intentions into the water. This is where the magick happens.
You can enhance your moon water by adding in clear quartz. This is called a “direct” elixir. Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, and Rose Quartz are all safe for this process. If you wish to use other crystals for this, make sure to check to see if your crystals are safe in water. Some crystals, like for example Malachite, are toxic in water. Others will simply dissolve, such as selenite. So please be careful and do your research before hand.
You can also add fine silver into your water to infuse it with silver’s energy of protection and purification. It can also help to awaken your psychic abilities.
If you are not sure if it’s safe to make an elixir with a certain type of stone you can make an “indirect” elixir, where the crystals are touching the outside of the glass. The water is still getting their energy, and this makes it safe to drink or use.
How You Use Full Moon Water
There are so many fun ways you can utilize your moon water. You can make a psychic tea before doing a reading or performing divination use, water your plants, use it in specific rituals, bless your stones, add it to any sprays to help cleanse your home, and add it to a ritual bath.
Full Moon water has endless possibilities when using it. The most important thing to remember is that you made it with YOUR intent. So have fun, and get creative with its’ uses.
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mega-hustler-blog · 2 years
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monatomicgoldpowder · 2 years
How to Supercharge your ORMUS Monatomic Gold
At Sphinx Ormus, we like to supercharge our Ormus. There are many ways to charge you're Ormus in this article we will run through methods to raise the vibration of your Ormus gold.
Ormus is a very sensitive substance to frequency and vibration, it will pick up on sounds altering it molecular structure. We like to infuse the frequency 528Hz into our Monatomic Gold liquid. This is known to be the love frequency or miracle tone, also claims have been made that it repairs the DNA. When this noise is played to water the molecular structure is changed into a beautiful snow shape. This was studied by Dr Emoto. You can play other music to your Ormus or many frequencies, The Buddhists Ohm is known to be powerful. Just make sure that you don’t do it with your phone on Utube as the electromagnetic Frequencies will be a detriment to the Ormus by diluting its superconductivity.
Sacred Geometry is also known to supercharge your Monatomic gold Liquid. We place Sri Yantra symbols on our water bottles during the process of Vortexing the water. Other symbols can be used such as the flower of life or Mandalas.
Dr Emoto discovered that writing on water containers also has an effect on the molecular structure of food lasting for longer periods and water shape. You can see a link video on our home page https://monatomicgold.co.nz
Crystals have been a powerful way to supercharge your Ormus, we place crystals around our Ormus after putting them out on the full Moon to charge with the moon's energy. All crystals vibrate at different frequencies and can encode your Ormus. Reports have shown that Glass Ormus containers have blown apart from this energy. Some crystals to research are Shungite, or Orgon, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Amethyst, Aquamarine, and Quartz,
At Sphinx Ormus, we distribute our Ormus only in Cobalt Blue glass Bottles. The reason for this is because we believe that Plastic leeches despite the claims of it being safe. Cobalt Blue raises the vibration of water from the violet colour spectrum. This can only be good for your Atomic Ormus.
Your intention is a powerful supercharger for your Monatomic gold liquid. When near or making Ormus direct your energy to positive feelings and intentions such as love compassion, kindness, caring, etc. This is also proven to change the molecular structure.
Copper Torsion rings are a great supercharger to boost your monatomic gold liquid. This eliminates
Electromagnetic frequencies. These can be placed around the base or the neck of the bottles.
Pyramidal Energy. At Sphinx Ormus, we store our Ormus in a Pyramid shape structure.
The pyramid energy is known to be powerful. My research has shown that water stored in a pyramid has made seedlings grow faster than non-Pyramidal water. Milk was tested and left inside the Pyramid and the milk inside the pyramid was not smelly like the non-pyramid stored after two weeks.
Research has also shown that gold coins that were hung in the pyramid excreted an oily substance on the coin which later dried into a White powder Gold.
It seems that the most energy is at 1/3 up from the bottom in the centre of the Pyramid.
These Pyramid structures have been claimed to work in either wood plastic or metal.
It is no wonder that the great Pyramid structures of Giza king's chamber were near this location where stone tablets stated that this was where Thoth injected his consciousness into new bodies and lived long in his Reign. Monoatomic Gold powder was also found in this Tomb.
For original post visit: https://monatomicgold.co.nz/supercharge-ormus-monatomic-gold/
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manifestingsage · 2 years
  “Crystals have been used for centuries to promote serenity and as a tool for meditation. They can be helpful allies in our quest for calm.” ― Amy Leigh Mercree Hi and welcome to Wicca Now! This week I’ve been talking about crystals, like these posts on how to cleanse your crystals, which crystals are good for anxiety and a post all about healing crystals. Today I thought we’d continue on this path and explore how to make crystal infused water. We must share the standard disclaimer that we are not a doctors and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals for healing should be used only as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care and or medication. Please always consult a medical professional. What Is A Crystal Infused Water? Crystal infused water, also called gem water is simply water that has been infused with the vibrational frequency of a specific crystal. The water is often charged with moon or sunlight and is thought to promote certain health benefits. I’ve also found crystal infused water to be a great way of connecting directly with the vibration of the crystal. Making crystal infused waters is a fun, witchy weekend activity and a bonus, you’ll eventually have a pretty line up of hand labelled bottles to decorate your altar or bathroom cabinet with. How To Use Crystal Infused Water Crystal infused water can be used in a number of different ways. You can place a few drops onto your wrists or pulse points, place a couple of drops undiluted under the tongue, add a few drops to your bathwater or lace your drinking water with a few drops. I love to have spray bottles with different crystal infused waters in my bag which I use to mist my face with. For example, I have one bottle with contains a crystal infused water I made with amethyst. When I’m feeling like I want to connect with my heart chakra, I spray a little of the water directly onto my skin and visualise it surrounding me in a mist of loving energy. I do the same with a bottle of jasper crystal infused water which I use when I feel like I need an extra layer of protection. Because facial sprays and mists are so common now, no one bats an eyelid when I do this. In fact, friends and colleagues often ask for a spritz too lol. How To Make Crystal Infused Water Crystal infused water can be made with all of your favourite (non-water soluble) crystals You will need: A small bowl A desired cleansed crystal (make sure that the crystal you use can be placed in water! Some crystals will disintegrate if they come into contact with water) Water (I prefer mineral water which I bless and thank before using) A dark glass or spray bottle Labels for your bottles 1 – Pick a light source with which you will charge your infusion. Remedies made using sunlight will need a minimum of 3 hours to infuse. Remedies made with moonlight should be done on a new or full moon. (please note that some crystals do not tolerate direct sunlight if you are unsure work with moonlight which is safe for all crystals) 2 – Charge the crystal – Position it within the bowl and cover it with the mineral or spring water. Place the bowl so that it catches the sun or moons light. Leave until sunrise if using moonlight or for 3 hours if using sunlight. 3 – Bottle the water – decant into your glass bottle of choice. You can place the actual crystal used into the jar to make it more potent if you like. 4 – Label your infusion – Label your water noting the intention you used, when it was made, the crystal used and whether you worked with moon or sunlight. Note also what the remedy is for. You can store the crystal-infused water in a dark place for a number of years if you made sure that the equipment used was sterile. Note: If you are unsure about whether your crystal can be placed in water, I also have another recipe for crystal-infused water which doesn’t require the crystal to be in contact with water at all. Note also
: for emotional, spiritual and psychic remedies it is more beneficial to charge with moonlight, for physical remedies sunlight charging is best. It’s beneficial to charge crystal infused water relating to emotional and spiritual matters with moonlight. Crystal infused water relating to physical remedies are better charged with sunlight. Crystal Infused Water Remedies Agate – Useful for insomnia. General all-round health and vitality enhancer. Amber – Good for muscular aches and to boost memory Amethyst – Use to boost the immune system. All-round healing crystal Adventurine – Good for skin conditions. Counteracts negative emotions Beryl – Use it to build up confidence. Perfect for those suffering from low self-esteem Bloodstone – Helpful for circulatory problems. Beneficial for feelings of insecurity Malachite – Good for menstrual issues Onyx – Helpful for strengthening the body overall Quartz –...   Click here to read this complete article. Disclaimer : This article is originally published in WiccaNow.com. All the rights of content are owned by WiccaNow.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
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lilyandbone · 3 years
Over the past two days, I have seen a, frankly, alarming number of posts telling witches that they can put crystals in their water/tea/etc. to infuse it quickly and directly with said crystal's energy. So, today, we're going to learn you a thing.
I don't care if you've been practicing witchcraft for an hour or a decade. Science always comes first. ALWAYS.
Here, have some:
Under no circumstances should you put your crystals in your drinking water or anything else you intend to consume. Do not put them in your mouth. Do not put them in any other bodily orifice. Do not put them in your bath water. Do not put them in your perfume bottles.
"But the one I'm using says it's safe!"
First, "none known" does not mean the same thing as safe. Second, do you actually know what you have in you hands? Do you understand its chemical composition and how those particular substances interact with your system? Can you say beyond a shadow of a doubt that the stone you are holding is pure anything?
In fact, that's a good rule: before using whatever crystal you've bought in your drinking water because it is supposedly safe, ask yourself if whoever sold it to you cares more about purity than the money they make from selling their stock. Also ask yourself if the people who sold it to you knows what they have in their hands. Do they understand chemistry and biology? Or did they also go, "that's a pretty rock, let's put it in a water bottle."?
This is not some cute little "look how witchy/spiritual I am" thing. This is basic chemistry and biology.
Water and bodily fluids (particularly those of the acidic variety) can dissolve things and/or wash off all of the bits of stone dust left on the crystal you have. ONCE THOSE CRYSTALS BEGIN TO DISSOLVE, THEY CAN DO IRREPARABLE DAMAGE TO YOU.
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bigspoonstyles · 4 years
lesson learned
pairing: Harry x OC (unnamed)  challenge: @meetmeinfleetwood‘s to lovers fic challenge -> exes to lovers
warnings: the beginnings of maybe smut? 
In his near thirty years of life, Harry has admittedly fallen victim to many a fleeting lifestyle phase, and he’s decided the club scene is one he’s tired of. The music is loud, the drinks are weak, and even for a post pandemic world there are far too many people for his liking.
He’s sitting in what once was his usual booth in the corner of The Nice Guy and the ice in his tequila is melting quickly, the crystal tumbler too warm in his hands. Harry’s eyes fall to the far side of the makeshift dance floor once again and he willingly accepts that he could never tire of her.
He’s caught her eye only once but is more than happy to just watch, their last run-in awkward and stale and over a year ago. She’s been quiet the past year, having gone off the grid for most of quarantine citing in one of the few interviews she’d given, her choice to ‘live in the moment’.
And god, he’s missed her.
She, like Harry, would prefer to live without constant public scrutiny, but while they’ve both gone through great lengths to protect their privacy and relationships, he knows being sequestered has been hard on her. He recalls the last time she’d locked away with Harry in his LA home, accessible to only each other and the select few who were allowed through their phones’ Do Not Disturb feature, and his lips tip into a small smile. Their dishes littered his sink for days, her toothbrush leaned against his on his bathroom counter. There was a wet spot that adorned his right shoulder nearly every night after she’d fallen asleep mid-movie, freshly showered. But he knows the sore difference between waking up each morning wrapped around her with his face buried in her hair, and a yearlong forced isolation, very much alone.
He watches as she closes her eyes, arms above her head and face to the ceiling, laughing, dancing around the elite group with which she’d arrived. Judging by the way she moves carelessly through the crowds of people, he knows she’s feeling confident. She feels beautiful. She’s not worried that she’s laughing too loudly or taking up too much space, and he suddenly finds himself grateful for the few people who’ve kept her trust and privacy despite her climb to fame; even if they were the same friends he found quite insufferable to be around.
He downs the last of his drink before Jeff joins the table, phone in hand, answering his final email of the evening. “Ready to head out, man?” he calls out over the music. “Glenne’s home and I’m not inclined to keep her waiting too long.”
Harry grins knowing if he were in Jeff’s shoes, new bride waiting up into the early morning hours, he’d have already called the evening. But there’s no one waiting. So he shakes his head no and returns his gaze to the center floor; to his dismay, she’s gone.
Jeff follows his eye line and hides a smile. “She’s by the bar,” he points to the L shaped marbled counter top to their left.
Harry spots her right away, back to him, pulling her wavy locks into a mock ponytail and away from the back of her neck. Her friends lean in for hugs goodbye and she’s left alone waiting for the bartender to return with a drink – a fruit infused vodka soda no doubt. “I think I’m saying fo’ a bit,” he answers without breaking gaze. “Can call a car.”
Jeff returns attention to his phone, forwarding Harry the number of a newly contracted car service. “Ted’s on call tonight. Just call when you’re ready. They’re all vetted and they’ve signed the privacy agreements.”
Harry throws a quick final glance to the table and booth and makes his way to the bar with his empty glass.
He arrives just as the bartender slides her drink across the counter, adorned with a skewer of colorful fruit and a fuchsia blossom garnish. She accepts with a smile and her eyes close in appreciation as she sips from the side of the glass. Harry bites the inside of his cheek to stop from remarking when the bartender lingers longer than he deems acceptable. With a palm to the warm, exposed skin of her lower back, he gets his point across and the man disappears to the back with an armful of nearly empty liquor bottles.
She turns slowly and tilts her head as she faces him, clearly unsurprised by the hand lingering at her side or the man attached to it. “Hey,” she offers quietly with a half-smile. “Wondered how long it’d take you.”
Her cheeks are tinged pink and expression glassy, and he pulls out a chair gesturing for her to sit. She has rarely over-indulged in alcohol publicly for obvious reasons, but he’s always found it endearing when she’s had just one too many. He liked her happy and carefree. And honest.
“Left alone, eh?” his head bobs toward the front entrance.
“Yeah,” she sighs, sagging slightly into the seat. “They’re headed downtown,” her thumb juts toward the Fairfax District, “and I’m staying down by the Marina.” She pulls the dark petals from her garnish distractedly. “Headed back to New York tomorrow. It’s just easier.”
“’t’s a good half hour ride,” Harry glances at his watch. “Leaving soon? Someone comin’ for yeh?”  
She smiles into her drink at his concern. He’s genuine, and she gazes up fondly, finding his brows knit together awaiting an answer. “I’ll call a car in a few. Don’t worry about me, H.” She straightens and smooths out the creases in her cotton dress. “I’m sure I can get myself back to the apartment just fine.”
“But can you get up the stairs?” he asks, only half-jokingly. His arms reach easily out to steady her as she loses footing, his left hand returning to the small of her back, his right gently cupped under her elbow. He clears his throat to conceal his smile when she gazes up at him sheepishly. “What time is your flight?”
“Two, I think.” Her answer lacks conviction, eyes narrow in concentration. “Either two or two-thirty.”
“Could come home with me,” he shrugs. “Only a few minutes from here, ‘nd could get yeh back with plenty of time to catch your flight.” He ushers her closer as patrons abandon their stools and head for the exit. When he gazes down at her, she’s worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. “Come on,” he urges, hands coming up quickly to her eye level, fingers outstretched to show a hands-off approach. “Can take the couch if you want.”
She laughs airily, smacking his chest with the back of her hand. “An empty offer from a man with two guest suites.” She finds it harder to keep balance in her heeled shoes and uses Harry’s left arm to steady herself. “If you could just get me into a car, I’ll be ok.”
Harry’s lips turn into a thin line, and he shakes his head in refusal. “Not shovin’ yeh in a car alone. ‘t’s up to you – my place or yours?”
She looks up at him through heavy lids and a slightly fuzzier mind than when she had embarked on this conversation. A part of her is instantly relieved by his straightened back and hardened features. He’s always been on the right side of overprotective and she knows she’s nothing but safe with him.
But there’s an innate fear that causes her chest to tighten and her eyes dart towards the door. “They can’t see, H,” she whispers, unease seeping through her tone.
He knows that the idea of walking with him through the throng of paparazzi just outside the entrance is enough to cause a breakdown and, even without seeing the panic set in her eyes, he’s already fishing his phone out of the inner pocket of his suit jacket. “’ll take care of it, pet,” he says slowly.
And she believes him.
Harry slips her through a rarely used back door, his jacket stripped from his back and used to shield her from prying eyes, just in case. He holds the back door of the black SUV open and guides her into the plush seat, relaxing only once fully shielded by the black tinted windows.
She tucks herself into his side, head lolled against his shoulder; his right arm stretches out behind her, hand gripping her would-he head rest. She accepts the water bottle he pushes on her but forgoes drinking from it, afraid the inevitable spill would give away how dizzy she truly feels.
Harry helps their driver navigate the back streets to ensure the fastest way to his place, silently checking on the girl curled into him, knees knocking with each pothole and turn.
“Look pretty tonight,” he murmurs in her direction. “Always liked this dress.” He musses the soft fabric of her skirt between his fingers. His right arm abandons the back seat to fall against her shoulders, pulling her in just close enough that he can smell her. He welcomes the scent, inhaling deeply, but it’s an unsolicited reminder that it’s been long washed from his sheets, and his life, for well over a year.
“I know,” she smiles, eyes still closed. “Took a shot.”
His chest vibrates with deep laughter, “Minx,” he accuses playfully. “Not quite playing fair, eh?”
She can feel his eyes on her, but she’s far too tired to even think about moving. “I’m sorry, H,” she whispers. “I’m sorry I didn’t call. Said we’d call.”
“Both did,” he answers gruffly. “Phone works both ways.”
She smiles dreamily. “I never said congratulations. The Grammys?” She wraps her arm around his waist and nuzzles in a bit closer. “I’m sorry I didn’t call. I’m so proud of you.”
His cheek rest atop her head, “I know.”
“If I’d called,” she asks into his chest, “would you have answered?”
His mouth falls open in shock. “Hey,” he tilts her head up to meet his gaze. “Of course I’d answer.”
He’s staring down at her in disbelief, and she feels so small, nerves getting the best of her; she’s afraid she’s started a conversation she’s not ready to have. At least - not in the backseat of a foreign SUV, plastered against him, her palms burning to feel his skin through his thin button down.
His lips are slightly parted into a pout and he looks determined to get something out of her, but she chooses instead to let her eyes fall to the two black swallows that peek out from behind his collar. “You can’t kiss me,” she says tiredly. Her head lolls back against him silently cursing herself.
She’s a coward.  
“Never said I wanted to, love.” His attention turns to the streetlights through the light-blocked window. His grip on her however, doesn’t falter.
“I wanted you to,” she sighs softly, her face burying back into his side.
But it’s just loud enough to make him feel like a proper dick.
She wakes up warm, the sun seeping through the thick open slats of the faux wood blinds, and in soft sheets that glide across her bare skin like silk. Her head doesn’t throb as she’d expected, but she imagines it’s because of the aspirin and nearly empty bottle of water she finds on the bedside table. No doubt Harry had coaxed her to take pre-emptive measures before putting her to bed. She can almost hear him softly begging, “For me?”
She takes in the room, her dress neatly hung on the back of the bedroom door, and takes stock of her current state. She’s dressed in a pair of her old boxer shorts, and a long-sleeved henley, both of which she recognizes as garb she’s long ago stolen from Harry. She smiles to herself as she picks at the small wear holes scattered around the checkered flannel fabric; she’d worn these boxers almost nightly for months.
After a full body stretch and check of the time, she begrudgingly abandons the sheets in search of her phone and hopefully a much-needed shower. She finds her phone charging on Harry’s bureau propped up against the small crystal dish that holds his most commonly worn rings. There are too many notifications on her lock screen to worry about, but the most recent one is a text from Harry.
Don’t leave. Getting coffee. Be back soon.
-          H
She rolls her eyes at his automatic signature, as if anyone he’s texting doesn’t have him programmed in their phone; she leaves the myriad of other messages unread. Her flight doesn’t board for hours, so she justifies taking advantage of Harry’s water pressure would be time well spent.
There’s a small pile of folded clothes on the bathroom sink counter, the shirt Harry’s, but the shorts hers. Clean towels are hung by the shower head.
His shower is as amazing as she remembers, the hot water beating out kinks in her neck that she swears have been there for months. His facewash and hair products are readily available for use at the corner of the tub basin and she revels in the smell. Everything he owns is luxurious, down to the lather of his shampoo. She had always been grateful that when her time was split between the east and west coasts she’d never worried about traveling with self-care products.
In truth, she’d never felt more cared for than when she was with Harry.
She hears the front door close and the faint beep of the perimeter alarm arm from the en suite, so she dries off and dresses quickly, joining him in the kitchen still squeezing her hair dry with a fluffy white towel. When she sees him dressed casually, bustling barefoot around the kitchen island with iced coffee and a to-go bag with what she assumes carries breakfast options, her breath hitches. His hair is still damp from a shower and a stubborn curl is threatening to spill into his face.
“Thank you,” she says reading the printed tag on her cup; the milk and sweetener options are right down to a t. She tosses her wet towel on the back of a tall kitchen chair, opting to hoist herself onto the bare counter space to the right of the sink, blessed coffee in hand.  
“Sleep ok?”, he asks, moving to wash his hands.
“Very,” she sighs, arching her back in search of that desired pop to relieve her lower back tension. “Miss that bed.” Her eyes widen the second the words leave her mouth, and she nearly chokes. “Sorry,” she mumbles, completely flush with embarrassment.
Harry shrugs it off with a chuckle, “It’s a good bed. Cost a small fortune.”
“Is that breakfast?” she asks, desperate for a subject change. “I’m starving. I completely skipped dinner,” she admits.
“It is,” he confirms. “Guess that explains a bit about last night then?”
“Too much pregaming and not enough carbs,” she groans. Her eyes follow his hands as he dries them on a white dish towel, paying close attention to the rings adorning his fingers. “Will I ever learn?” she feigns exasperation.
“And who’s gonna drag you home from your late nights back in New York, hmm?”
She breaks her gaze to roll her eyes, “I’ll be fine, H.” She takes to absently chewing her straw as he rests a hip against the counter to her left. “Been on my own for bit.”
He sees her face fall at the mention of her sole failed relationship since Harry. “I heard,” he discloses. “’M sorry. What happened?”
Her eyes narrow and she tries scrutinizing his motives, but she knows he’s never been insincere. “Didn’t want the same things, I guess,” she shrugs. “You know, marriage, kids. Important things.”
Harry’s jaw clenches, bitter, knowing he’d quite literally run to the altar if she’d let him. “He’s an idiot. He’ll figure it out soon enough.”
Her eyes fly up to his, mouth slightly open. “Wait no,” she denies. “Not him. Me – I didn’t want,” she pauses in search for the right words, but fails on an awkward huff. “I didn’t want those things.”
“Since when?” he challenges. “I distinctly remember agreeing to a ‘no bolo tie’ rule not that long ago.” He’s teasing, but she’s white knuckling the counter’s edge and completely ready to run. He moves to block her exit, unwilling to let her take an easy out, stance wide and demanding.
His head dips low enough to catch her eye and she looks defeated. “With him, I guess,” she whispers. “Didn’t want those things with him.”
Harry exhales loudly, but when she peers up at him his face is soft and searching. “What’s the plan in New York? Back to work?”
“No plans,” she concedes. Her legs uncross, a once silent invitation for Harry to join her, and she adjusts herself to sit straighter. Taller. “I’ve got a dinner planned next Wednesday with management. Just in time to get reamed for whatever pictures surface from last night, I’m sure.”
“No paps,” Harry shakes his head with confidence. “Called Jeff. Made sure there’s nothing comin’ down the line. ‘S all good.”
She stares at him with admiration, overwhelmed by the gesture. She slowly extends her hands, palms up, in a token of appreciation. He eagerly accepts, taking a single stride into her cautious embrace; she’d always fallen short with verbal expression, but Harry had never been one to deny her physical touch. “Thank you,” she smiles softly, her hands slowly inching up the tanned skin of his forearms, her glossy, pale nails stopping just short of his tattoos. “I think I should get going, though,” she stammers. “Still have to pack up my stuff, and my stuff is everywhere.” She nervously runs her fingers through her damp locks and clicks her tongue as she works out a knot. “I’ll take a bagel for the road though,” she winks.
“Could stay,” he offers lowly. Harry watches as her breathing goes shallow and he tenses. If she denies him now, it just might kill him. “Said you hadn’t any real plans, so, could stay…if you wanted.”
She’s acutely aware that his face is inching closer to hers, and she blinks slowly as his hands grip the counter on either side of her, taking the final step between her parted knees. “You want me to stay?” she asks quietly.
“Not really a fair question,” he counters. “Didn’t exactly want you to leave in the first place, now did I?”
She lets her gaze follow her hands to his chest with a sigh. “That’s not fair, H,” she argues gently. “It wasn’t working. It was too much.”
“Could be different now. Could be better.”
“You think?” she questions, her bottom lip tucked behind her front teeth. “How?”
“Been talking to Cass, have loads of ideas,” he beams proudly. His therapist had been his saving grace during the pandemic; he’d mostly done phone meetings with her, but they’d had a limited number of in person meets.
“You still talk to Cassie?”
“Not as much since things have gone back to normal, but I make time to call her a few times a month.” Harry had always been open about his self-help regimens, therapy included. “Like that wet towel on my chair,” he shrugs his shoulders coolly, “no big deal. Leave it there. See if I care.”
“Oh yeah? You like that?” she laughs as he nods excitedly. “If you like that, you should go look at the bed I didn’t make.” She throws her head back in laughter, wincing only slightly when it collides with the wooden cabinet door behind her.
Harry’s hand flies up to soothe the sting at her crown, callused fingers massaging away any hurt. “Could stay,” he repeats, fingers slowing. His other hand tucks the stray hair behind her ear and his fingers linger on the delicate skin above her collarbone. “Could stay with me.”
Every part of her is waiting to be kissed, her eyes closing slowly, and Harry drops his mouth to hers with the lightest of kisses. She accepts with a smile, making no moves to deepen it, but her hands reach up to clasp together at the nape of his neck, fingers playing with the baby curls he’s been growing out for months. He drops a final light peck to the corner of her mouth before slowly moving downwards, her head falling back further into his hand allowing him ample access to kiss the soft skin on the column of her throat.
She mewls and it encourages him further, and he finds the soft spot below her ear where he can feel her pulse quicken against his lips. “Shut up,” she gasps when he smiles against her, his day old stubble the dead giveaway.
When he kisses her again, she lets him into her mouth on a hum, but Harry pulls away suddenly with a quirked brow and a cheeky grin. “Did you use my toothbrush?”
She opens her mouth to counter, but just buries her face in her hands in embarrassment. “My teeth were filmy!” she whines.
He’s laughing wholeheartedly at her, utterly happy at her perceived level of comfort in his home. “What��s mine is yours, love,” he pulls at her hands to expose her and reattach his lips to her. He moves to pull her closer to the counter’s edge and bring her body flush with his before his hands travel to the exposed skin of her thighs.
“Keep going,” she pleads breathily.
Harry groans as he pushes the loose fabric of her shorts aside and finds the warmth awaiting his fingers. “Always good for me,” he breathes out, head falling to her shoulder. “Too good for me.”
“Please.” She bucks closer to him, her body aching for release.
“So you’ll stay,” he decides. He’s leaving open mouthed, wet kisses down her throat in between words, his fingers slick with her, curling easily into her core in the way he knows drives her crazy. “You’ll stay. Can take your drawer back if you like,” he bargains. “If you’re nice t’ me, might even get you your own toothbrush.”
Her hands tighten and grab at his curls as he continues his assault on her surely bruising skin. “If you didn’t have two fingers inside of me right now,” she stutters, “I’d kick you in the shins.” Her words are void of any real threat and he can feel her fighting for control, her legs tightening around his hips, breath ragged in his ear.
Harry withdraws his touch, smiling when she complains at the loss of contact. He straightens her shorts and extends a hand to help her off down from her perch. “Time to learn how to make a proper bed, pet.”
She jumps down on a huff and walks straight by him down the hall leaving Harry’s mouth agape. “I think,” she muses playfully, “we should start right at the very beginning, right? Gotta strip the sheets off and start from scratch?”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” he follows like a puppy at her heels. “Whatever you say.”
A/N: welcome to my initial venture in writing for this fandom. I haven’t written fiction in literal years, so this one was a feat. But I had fun, so thank you Sadie for the challenge! I made the deadline with literal seconds to spare. :)
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tipsycad147 · 2 years
Full Moon Water: How Witches Make Holy Water
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Pale light shines down around me beneath the full moon as I place a bowl of water in its light. I look up at the moon in all her beauty, visualizing her light infusing the water before me. This is how I make full moon water.
The magick of the moon is incredibly important in witchcraft; magickal energies are deeply affected by the cycle of the moon. Full Moon water is a staple item in a witch’s cupboard. It’s easy to make and can be used in almost any spell or ritual.
What is Full Moon Water?
Full moon water is water that has been consecrated, or charged, under the light of a full moon. While this is rather self-explanatory, plenty of witches forget just how wonderful full moon water is. You see, it can be used to make potions, brews, and other tonics along with being used to make tea. You could even just drink it on its own to recharge your energies.
But this should only be done with safe drinking water – such as water from a bottle.
Additionally, full moon water is used to cleanse tools and spaces, charge crystals (make sure that they are water safe) to scry and even watering your plants.
What is Holy Water or Blessed Water?
Beyond full moon water, there are several types of sacred water used in the craft.
Any water that has been blessed or consecrated can be referred to as holy water or blessed water. After all, water can be charged by numerous different sources of energy.
For example, Solar Water can be made by charging water in the sun rather than the moon. All of this is made possible by water’s elemental nature. It’s receptive and willingly conforms to the energies we charge it with.
Personally, I have holy water that is separate from my full moon water. I use holy water specifically to cleanse my tools or workspace as well as anointing myself. This is because my holy water is made with salt.
Obviously, it’s not a good idea to drink saltwater nor would I water my plants with it. As a result, I separate these two charged waters, even though I often charge my holy water under the full moon!
The reason why I use holy water with salt is because of salt’s ability to cleanse and purify. Which works perfectly with the water!
Properties of Full Moon Water
Undoubtedly, the full moon is a powerful amplifier of energy. When we charge our water in the full moon’s light, we set the intention to infuse it with the moon’s power. As a result, the water is able to contain this energy for later use.
Additionally, full moon water contains the various properties of lunar energy.
The Powers of the Full Moon
How does the moon amplify energy you might ask? Well, one reason is that lunar energy reacts with our own energies.
The moon is receptive in nature, it’s the feminine energy opposite to the sun’s masculine energy.
Likewise, lunar energy is deeply associated with our unconscious and our receptive intuitive abilities; which is where our ability to feel and direct magickal energy comes from.
Simply put, just as the moon is responsible for the tides, the lunar cycle is responsible for the ebb and flow of our intuitive energy.
During the full moon, lunar energies, as well as our own energies, are at their strongest. The full moon is a time to work any spells dealing with major issues or goals.
Full moon water gives us a chance to capture a bit of that energy and allows us to amplify spells cast at a later date.
Lastly, the moon is closely associated with the element of water, which is part of what makes full moon water so powerful and practical.
The Element of Water
The element of water is the energy of fluidity. Much like its opposing force, the element of fire, water’s energy is that of change. This is illustrated by water’s ability to conform to its container as well as being able to flow around obstacles.
Beyond this, water is connected to the powers of cleansing, healing, intuition, the unconscious, psychic abilities, and our emotions.
Many of these attributes are shared by those of lunar energy. Consequently, the two energies compound one another’s strengths. Ultimately, this makes full moon water an incredibly versatile tool with a great deal of power.
Types of Water and their Properties
When making full moon water or any type of charged water it’s important to consider its source. Certain types of water express particular types of energies.
I’ve listed a few types of water below but these certainly aren’t all of them. Nor are these properties absolute, they’re my associations. I encourage you to meditate and think about the types of water you use in your magick. See what other associations/correspondences you discover!
Dew: Health, Beauty, Fairies, Stillness. (Dew water is collected at dawn during Beltane as an activity for the Sabbat)
Lake Water: Peace, Reflection, mysteries, and relaxation
Rain Water: Cleansing, health, growth, nourishment, energy
River/Running bodies of Water: Cleansing, purification, adaptability, peace, strength
Seawater: Magickal power, strength, mystery, manifestation
Snow: Reflection, stillness, silence, transformation, hibernation, peace
Storm water: Power energy that can be very potent!
Notably, while there are many other types of water that you can use I want to mention bottled water and tap water. I’ve heard of other witches claiming that bottled water or tap water aren’t acceptable for creating any type of sacred water. I completely disagree with this.
In fact, depending on your water’s purpose, I absolutely recommend that you use drinkable tap or bottled water.
While it may not seem all that magickal to turn on your faucet and fill a jar with water, it’s a lot better than making a potion of lake water and finding out you’ve given yourself E. Coli!
Of course, if you aren’t planning on drinking the water, use whatever type of water you have access to and would like to use. But if you’re watering plants don’t use salt water and if you’re going to consume the water you need to be safe.
My Full Moon Water Ritual
When I’m preparing my full moon water, it’s a rather simple process. This is the way that works for me, feel free to use the incantation I do or completely disregard it if it doesn’t work for you!
Firstly, I fill an open container with the water I intend on charging. This way it can easily soak up the full moon’s light.
Before I place my bowl of water out to charge I like to dip my finger or athame in it. I visualize light being directed out from my hand and into the water, filling it with the glowing energy. As I do this I say:
“I cleanse and bless thee, O’ spirit of water, May any impurities and negativity be cast out and purified. I bless thee as a vessel of full moonlight, I empower thee with lunar might,   I declare thee sacred, so mote it be.”
Additionally, there are tons of things you can add to your ritual. For example, you can place crystals in your water for added intentions and energy.
But please be sure to check that your crystals are water safe! Some crystals are water-soluble or can release harmful toxins into the water.
Charging Your Full Moon Water
When I place my water under the light of the full moon I like to set my intention by simply saying:
“Moon above, Earth below, Let your light fill this bowl, ebb and flow, may moon and water meet, Full moon water I declare complete!”
You can leave your water out to charge overnight and collect it in the morning if  you’d like. However, I recommend doing so before the sun gets too high in the sky.
Alternatively, you can leave it out for a few hours and bring it in to put it away before going to bed.
If you cannot place the water outside for whatever reason, leaving it on a windowsill works just as well. All that matters is your intent.
A Note About Storage
Lastly, I recommend that you cleanse the container you plan to store the full moon water in. That way there aren’t any negative energies present in the water later on.
Ideally, we would all store our water in aesthetically pleasing containers. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t use a plastic or Tupperware container if necessary. It doesn’t make your water anymore or less sacred.
It’s best to store the full moon water in a dark space such as in a cabinet so that the sunlight doesn’t strike it.
Full moon water can be stored for a really long time unless its water from a source that may contain harmful bacteria or other microorganisms. In that case, you’ll need to be careful as the water may stagnate or go bad.
Full moon water has so many potential uses and with how simple it is to make there’s no reason not to try making your own. Why not try it out with the upcoming full moon!
You can experiment with it in almost any spell. I’d love to hear how your process goes and what uses you’ve found for your water, be sure to let me know in the comments below or share with me on social media!
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