#are not the creations that are the most important to me
slavonicrhapsody · 2 days
when do you think rykard became praetor of volcano manor? was it during radagon’s marriage to marika, or while he and rennala were still together? the abductor virgins in the fort of reprimand are making me Think.
the Fort of Reprimand abductor virgins are also making me Think… I think Rykard must have been responsible for them, which has some major timeline implications?
I did float the idea that the abductor virgins were actually creations of Messmer’s army that Rykard simply adopted later, but if this were the case, then I think we’d expect to see more of them scattered through the shadow lands. But we only see the two at the Fort of Reprimand, which is a place of torture and punishment — which is what Rykard is in charge of. Also, they have the Ghiza’s Wheel attachment, which was created by Inquisitor Ghiza, who specifically worked for Rykard. So it seems like the abductors were torture devices primarily used at Volcano Manor, and these two were given to the Fort of Reprimand because they had need of torture devices (which I explained in detail here).
So how does this affect our timeline? I think the crusade had to have begun while Radagon and Rennala were still together because 1. Rellana leaving to help Messmer implies that Caria and the Erdtree were already allies at this time, and 2. Rennala cut her hair and gave it to her sister to remember her by, which implies she wasn’t post-Radagon egg-crazy. For Rykard to have provided abductor virgins to the crusade, he would need to have already been established as praetor… so either he already was praetor by the time the crusade started, OR he became praetor while the crusade was going on, and the Fort of Reprimand was established well into the crusade (but this depends on if it was possible to get into the shadow lands at this time).
Before the DLC, I thought it would make the most sense if Rykard nepo-babied himself to praetorship because his father was Elden Lord, but now I’m leaning towards him seeking out the position while his parents were still together in Liurnia? I think it’s still totally in character for him to do this for a few reasons related to his upbringing: Rykard seemingly does not stand to inherit any power from his mother; Ranni is referred to as his younger sister in the Japanese dialogue, and yet she is her mother’s heir and not Rykard or Radahn… I think only women inherit power in the Carian royal family, because we only ever see princesses and queens mentioned? Rykard I think was always ambitious and sought to distinguish himself, so in order to achieve this, his best bet would be striking out on his own in Altus rather than staying at home in Liurnia… and though Rykard’s mother is the queen of Liurnia and his father is a mere champion of the Erdtree, I think Radagon’s reputation would still be enough to gain him influence in Altus (Radagon was important enough that his marriage to Rennala brought the two nations together after all!).
So even though it seems like Rykard probably became praetor before Radagon was Elden Lord he’s still basically a nepo baby
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literatureloverx · 3 days
One of the things I find curious about Fyodor is that in the latest bsd guidebook, he describes himself as the color white like his hometown's snow. Fyodor still remembers his hometown, after all he's gone through and after all this time. And he describes himself as the color white like its snow. That with his character's disconnect from people, makes me very excited for when Asagiri decides to reveal his character's backstory. Of course he probably means snow in a more way of "purity" than sentimentalism for his hometown itself but omg he mentions his hometown which is something enough. Not "like snow" which would convey purity enough but "like the snow from my hometown". Maybe it's because he found his faith there? Maybe he just wants to pay respect to where he was birthed? Idk but there's much to theorize. What are your thoughts?
-🎪 anon
I agree, 🎪-anon!♥️
I don’t know if it’s because he found his faith there, but I think that is very likely and seems reasonable.
However, I also believe he was born into a religious family to begin with. I’ve thought through other aspects as well. Let me break it down for you:
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Purity and Fyodor’s inner moral code:
Fyodor describing himself as the color white, especially like the snow from his hometown, speaks volumes. It hints at his complex inner moral code—he engages in dark actions under the belief that they serve a greater good.
This idea of “purity” contrasts sharply with his behavior. But does it?
In my humble opinion, he is well aware that what he does is evil, but his inner moral depiction is influenced by Machiavellian tendencies.
He does whatever he needs to do to cleanse humanity of their sins. Therefore, his actions reflect Machiavellian principles.
In short: the ends justify the means (The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli).
I’m imagining it like this: God has given him the enormous power of being immortal—never truly able to die.
God also gifted him with an intelligence that is above any other human being.
This means he must be someone important.
This means he is meant to be the rightful hand of God, tasked with creating a world that is worthy of God’s beauty.
Therefore, he wishes to help God’s creations, cleansing them and this sinful world of all their sins.
This is one reason why he says that he likes all humanity equally. Because he really does.
They are all the same to him—fools who could do better. Fools that could be worthy of God’s perfect world.
What fascinates me the most about him is that, even though he is doing all of this out of pure self-assurance and his own complex inner moral compass, he still claims that he is doing it for the whole world. And I believe he does.
I can totally see this being his ultimate end in the future.
His Hometown and it’s significance for him:
By referencing his hometown, he reveals a more humane side to himself.
If you haven't already, l'd recommend you read THIS and THIS posts of mine, where I explained very clearly how I perceive Fyodor's humane side.
It shows that he yearns for connection and perhaps misses the simplicity and innocence of his past.
This duality makes him such a fascinating character, caught between his dark pursuits and the remnants of his humanity.
Imagine feeling like, or even knowing that you're "the chosen one," only to end up isolated, dehumanized, and lonely, with nothing to hold onto but your belief in your God.
You can't die, because the only way for you to do so is by your own hands, which is considered the greatest sin.
You can't die. Not until you take your own life.
How deep must his religious beliefs run for him to be this dedicated to his goal, mentally able to endure and live for hundreds, maybe thousands of years?
This made me so emotional. I want to give him a hug. My precious love.♥️
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unityrain24 · 6 months
i have so much creativity in me and i cannot express it all and it's so frustrating
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queenlucythevaliant · 1 month
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Teams are vibes-based. Please tell me who you chose and how you think it will go in the tags!
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lil-vibes · 1 year
big fan of chuuya just not being phased by dazai anymore. the ada judge just how Off The Hinges a plan is by chuuya's reaction, if hes unbothered then so are they. pm members shake in their boots just by hearing dazai's name and chuuya "i shared an apartment with him, hes so embarrassing behind closed doors" nakahara is like " ??? yall fr 🤨?"
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adastra121 · 3 months
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Beautiful and mysterious, the blue water lily lines the rivers that flow through the land like fate through life.
In temples close to the water, the aquatic blooms are often used to brew calming remedies for sleep and dreaming. Some believe that this flower may even bring dreams of your destiny.
Template is from @redspringstudio.
Other OC Flower Bios:
Alon the Stray Hound (Spotted Touch-Me-Not)
Jin the Abandoned Alchemist (Plum Blossom)
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Doctor Who is a story where humans make themselves gods, become myths staining the tapestries of the universe, and the last member of a race of gods is made human, cowardly and vulnerable and kind in a way no other god would dare make themselves and this is the very thing that allows the god-made-human to survive and even win at the end of the day (and the very thing that often dooms the humans-made-gods)
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lovecoredeity · 3 months
my favourite part of character creation is making an oc that is my friends’ type. I love to open my hands and present them with a new character that I know they’re going to be obsessed with, it’s like catnip for the both of us. they get a character that is their type and I get to watch with an evil gleam in my eye as they fall prey to my new oc catered specifically to them <3
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krystaljungs · 2 years
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What I’m saying is don’t worry to much about me...and do things in secret, and live your life in hiding just for me. I’m not hiding anything from you. You don’t need to lie. I know that out of your concern for me you’ve been keeping things hidden and have been pretending to be my son for my sake.
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squantumcreap · 9 months
decided to rewatch 'the name of the doctor' mainly for the river clara interactions bc it's been so long but holy shit. steven moffat you are so fucking pretentious and annoying. every other line is "there is a secret so old and secretive it would kill a million worlds just to hear it.... the doctor is a man so important that shadows and whispers and moonbeams know to fear him... his grave is the most dangerous location in existence...." like what the absolute fuck are you talking about. why does every line of dialogue have to be SO fucking obnoxious.
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The Great Notes App Exodus: Half-Dead and Still Kicking
The thing is, Jason’s been a ghost for a while, okay? Six whole months, and it’s been a goddamn adjustment, being capable of floating through walls and falling through furniture if he’s not careful, if he’s not concentrating. He goes unseen and unheard in a manor too full of grieving to only be residence of two people - Alfred keeps his room tidy and untouched, as if it’s a shrine to keep care of, and Bruce is…
Jason is, was, Robin, so he can’t quite help himself from following in Batman’s shadow as the man patrols, more vicious, more brutal than Jason has ever seen him. He takes more risks, gets injured more often - and it’s terrifying, the way Batman grieves, as if trying to follow him into the grave. So Jason follows, unbeating heart in his throat, and only relaxes again when Bruce is safe in the manor, sleeping off whatever injuries he got during the night.
He can’t interact with the world, but he can watch the shades of past residents going about their lives, and he learns things from doing this even as he fears becoming them one day, mindlessly replaying a life long passed. He can snoop and explore without worry for being caught, and if he ever gets bored he can practice flying (so much harder than it seems - he’s careful never to go too high, too worried that he won’t be able to come back down again, even with the ceaseless curiosity in the back of his mind wondering - just how far can I go? Beyond the sky? Could he touch the stars, if he wanted?) and when everything is terrible, when the memories of his death, his last few hours of life, haunt him, when he is drowning in his own head, he finds distractions; the way the air currents sometimes seem to react to him, trying to move things like ghosts do in those terrible movies, chattering to whoever is around and pretending they can hear him, finding mysteries to solve (what’s up with that camera kid, anyway? He’d never noticed him before…) and trying to read books in the library through sheer force of will, usually ending up just reciting the parts he knows.
(Two months and a bit in to this whole “ghost” thing, he finds out the deal with the camera kid. Jason can only be relieved because, kid’s got a point - and Bruce seems to do better with someone to protect, to teach, to watch over.
He’s not practically tearing people apart with his bare hands anymore. He’s not taking hits he should have been able to avoid anymore. He’s not lurking at the edge of rooftops anymore, staring at the ground as if contemplating how far away it is.)
And Tim… he’s weird, but brilliant, and Jason feels a little protective of him. Follows him whenever he goes out, sharp eyes watching his back regardless of whether he can protect it or not (and maybe it’s his imagination, but the world seems more real when he’s watching over Tim, closer and present in a way he can almost feel, as if he could actually affect the world, if he just tried hard enough - if he just needed to desperately enough).
And then, six months after his-… after this ghost thing started, something… changes.
Something Happens, and he can almost taste the strange Knowing - something, somewhere, has gone wrong, or perhaps right, and the ripples extend beyond the event, slipping into each corner of the universe with the subtlety of a truck, and yet somehow unnoticed.
The ghosts notice. Pale shades lift their heads, existing outside of their own memories for the first time in an age - and Jason, who is new, who is Robin, who lived in Gotham where all things become possible, is hit by the wave of Something Happening Elsewhere Rippling Out and wakes up in a box.
In a coffin.
(But Jason has been a ghost for six months, and the pain of living again is enough to reach for the existence of being a ghost, and by the time he has sorted himself out and half-clawed, half-floated his way out of his grave (again), he doesn’t expect himself to be anything but what he has been for the past six months.)
(And then, of course, he discovers he can interact with the world if he concentrates, if he wants it enough, and he assumes that Whatever That Was made him a stronger ghost.
It’s not an unfair assessment. Incorrect, but not beyond reason.
Why would he think he came back to life, anyway? That’s a bit far-fetched, really.)
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Man, Dragon Ball is such an important part of my life to this day. It gave me the strength to make the best out of my childhood, to survive some of my worst teenage years and even now every time I feel down I go to put some Dragon Ball episode to cheer me up.
It gave me a closer relationship to my dad, 'cause we would spend entire summers marathoning it. My grandparents used to go on vacations and brought me pirated CDs and some cheap figures collections, keychains. My aunts and uncles still send me Dragon Ball memes. It's so weird and so funny, but I can't complain because it's harmless.
I sing Dragon Ball openings and endings when I need some distraction, while I do my chores, while I'm studying. I go into my sister's room to remind her of that time Picollo and Goku tried to learn to drive and it was a disaster. I was laughing so hard just by the memory.
Like me, I'm sure there are many other people in the world. Dragon Ball means a lot to many many generations. It influences so much not only anime and manga culture, but every corner of the world.
Akira Toriyama really gifted humanity with one of the most beloved hero stories out there. The silly type, yet emotional, full of action and friendship.
For that many will always be thankful.
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glacierruler · 9 months
Okay, I'm putting this here, because it doesn't quite feel like I should put it on the last post I rbed.
I've known for a while that I'd been upset about SaSi videos not being posted when promised, but I also always knew that that was a me thing.
Like, I have trust issues, and so when someone promises something, if they don't follow through with it, it gets harder for me to trust them on actually doing what they said they'd do. And, that's fine when dealing with friends or family you know irl. But not when it comes to someone making something to share with other people. And I know that, but my brain does it anyway.
So I understand aome of the people who are upset at SaSi episodes being promised and then falling through. But it never has been and never will be something to harass Thomas and the team about. Idk, put your personal opinions on your blog, but don't fucking go to the creators and demand more from them.
Like, I get being upset, but that is something that YOU have to deal with.
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
I'd love to know how you honour the Sabbath and keep it holy if you do observe it, if you have certain family/community practices or traditions, what denomination you're a part of and how that affects/forms your Sabbath-keeping, how and when you started observing the Sabbath, and what hopes/goals/thoughts you might have, if you don't observe and want to/don't observe regularly/don't observe in a way that is restful!
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iridikron · 2 months
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Art fight attack I did for @remornia! Full pics below
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antonymeanonyme · 12 days
is anyone already brokenhearted heaving aching over the new book maggie announced? no? just me? nice
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