#are overreacting when we say you need to stop doing this type of shit
robotpussy · 2 years
like no shit im not going to happy that people are writing fanfiction and are praising some gay slash fanfic tv show that involves people that treated my ancestors like cattle
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alltheyearsblog · 4 months
What’s your opinion on 07 Raph?
Buckle up for a long one, my dudes, I have FEELINGS about 2007.
07 Raph irritates me as much as 07 Leo does. Again, I feel like they nuke parts of his characters and just make him “the angry one”.
And look, the writers were obviously trying to highlight that Leo is feeling massive shame for not meeting whatever goal Splinter had set for him (put a pin in that thought, we’ll come right back to it), and Raph is feeling HUGE angry because he feels abandoned by his big brother. The family is feeling lost because it’s been out of balance for two years. And people who watch it and are big fans of the series can come to it and write fix it fics that fill in the gaps (taizi just wrote this beautiful piece for the @turtlestogetherzine that was recently release on their ao3 that makes me cry). But if you have never ever seen anything turtles before and this is your intro? I feel like people walk away thinking they’re total assholes. I dragged my now husband out on a date to go see it when it came out and he had to listen to me angry whisper “OH YOU HUGE ASSHOLE” when Leo tells Raph “Because I’m better than you.”
But, again, fan fiction writers have saved them and remind me that these are boys who have some significant trauma that is manifesting in ways that make them bearish and prickly and they still have cool ass things going on like I love Raph as the Nightwatcher and Leo saving innocences in South America? Swoon. I do want to point out some positives.
But let’s get back to that pin, shall we? Because I actually think most of this irritation can be traced back to Splinter. It’s wild to send Leo away, but hey, sure, training exercises can be good, but for a whole YEAR? With little direction? A teenage child who has spent his entire life together with his three brothers, his father, and later his human sister and brother off to solitude for a year? In a whole other country when he hasn’t even left New York for longer than a freaky space and time excursion and even then he was with his family? Then your son stops writing and your sad about it but that’s cool, he’s ok and just needs time? Nary a concern? Because I would be freaking out that my son why dead, but maybe that’s me overreacting.
Then he doesn’t do anything back at home with Raph, Don, and Mikey. He leaves them to their own devices, doesn’t seem to continue training, doesn’t intervene when there are obvious tensions and hurts building between his children. Then when Leo does come back he just shoves them together and says “you can’t go back to fighting until you figure out how to work as a team” but then doesn’t do anything to help that process either? Maybe I’m being unfair, but also we have 03 Splinter who would have had NONE of this shit and while he did send Leo away it was a last resort type thing and he sent him to therapy with his great grandfather. And he frigging hike from New York to Japan when his sons did go missing. And 07 had that material to refer to.
Again, I think the writers were trying to simplify a lot of things for a 90 minute movie and that is hard to do and I haven’t had to write and produce a major film but dammit, guys, why you gotta do my boys dirty like that?
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stardust-sunset · 7 months
how south park characters comfort someone? i’ve got you. please add your own thoughts!
stan: gonna be honest here, i don’t think he’d be all that receptive. i love stan, i actually think im most similar to him than any other character. that said, i think he would be pretty awkward when trying to comfort someone. especially if they’re crying. probably a tentative pat on the back, some generic advice like “it’s gonna be okay dude…just like…don’t think about it?” he means well, he really does. but bro gets extremely confused over his own emotions (and he has a lot of them) so don’t count on him to understand yours. hes even worse over text, “👍”
kyle: similar to stan in some ways, but more of a problem solver. kyle is my fav character but this guy. is not very good at listening and just wants to fix the problem. honestly depending on the situation he’d probably think you’re overreacting. but if he realizes it’s cereal then he must fix it with facts and logic. my partner does this and it’s like okay i love that you wanna fix it but can you just let me complain for a second…anyways. again very well meaning, he’d actually be very good at reassurance.
kenny: king of listening. he doesn’t talk much anyways, he’s more of an observer. so he probably already KNOWS if a friend is in distress. number one guy if you need someone to wrap an arm around you and listen to your problems and be like “that sucks dude” and when he does drop some advice, it’s like the most philosophical life changing advice you’ll ever receive. he also has experience being a source for comfort for his sister, he has a good energy. stan may be the most sensitive, but i think kenny is most in touch and understanding of emotions.
cartman: i’m sorry cartman fans. he just wouldn’t. this bitch would either try to one-up you with his own problems or just flat out laugh at you. other people’s problems are simply just not worth his time. he only cares if it can benefit him in some way. listen i love eric cartman, he IS south park. but he’s a little shit with nearly no sense of empathy and that is why we love him. unless you’re his mom or very close friend, and even then…ehh.
Oh absolutely, 100%.
Stan is probably a pretty decent listener. When it comes to advice though you’re on your own. Like you said, he’ll probably try. He means well. But he’s REALLY fucking awkward. He hesitantly pats their shoulder and says something like ‘don’t worry about it. It’ll get better.” and over text he 100% offers no advice. He’s a face to face kind of guy. Over text he kinda just shuts down.
Kyle absolutely means well. But god almighty he’s an awful listener. If you just wanna complain to him you’re gonna have to deal with a ‘yeah but…’ every five seconds. Or just flat out tell him you wanna just complain and you’ll get a listening ear, but he still tries to do something. Be it talk to someone for you, helping you out, whatever. Kyle is a fixer. And he won’t stop until the problem is fixed. He thinks he’s doing what is best but he’s not sometimes. He gets that from his ma. He has no problem dropping the harshness of reality in someone though. He drops it hard like ‘well if you’re gonna complain about abc you need to do xyz. You need to do something about said problem’ if it’s aonething only you can fix (like an insecurity or smth)
Kenny is an incredible listener and drops pearls of wisdom sometimes. He’s the quieter and more ‘mysterious’ type anyway so hearing so thing that isn’t ’haha tits’ come from him is kinda mind blowing. But when you need a friend, he’s the go to guy of the main four. He is a god at listening. He offers physical support if needed. He offers advice (even if it isn’t always good) but he will sometimes drop some poetic, metamorphic bombshell that people actually take from him. Hes the main guy to go for for consolation.
Cartman just sucks. Hell laugh. Or exploit you. Or threaten you. Unless it benefits him, oh well. Your problem.
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weabooweedwitch · 1 year
I say this as someone who's followed you for years and with as much kindness as possible:
Get the fuck away from your mother. Ditch her fuckin ass. She's repeatedly making things worse and refuses to learn. You need to get away from her, for your own good.
I know I might be repeating what other people have said, or even what you have thought of doing, but holy shit this bitch is actively ruining your life through sheer stupidity.
I hope things get better
I feel bad that people have to keep giving me this kind of advice because I realize it's the most obvious answer, and there are multiple reasons separating from my mother would be good for us both. I feel bad that i keep sharing all these worrying stories and worrying people and then at the end of the day, I'm way too scared to actually try and fix things. I just worry so much about not being able to take care of myself, not being able to drive, what if I go somewhere and it's harder if not impossible for me to get to work, just. I worry about everything. Honestly the thing that worries me the most is keeping my job or not being able to transfer if I went somewhere else. My wage is currently $19 an hour, my 58 yo mom was making $22, so like, I'm helping hold it all together with rent BECAUSE of that income. I'm so scared of losing that.
I've had people ask if there's any family I can go to and the only possible option would be maybe my father who is in another state, I cannot remember if it is in Illinois or Missouri (ugh, they may have passed recreational weed but thats the only good thing thats came outta thar state in like the last 2 decades). And I don't know if that would be good either. But it's an option I'm beginning to consider. But I am sort of still in the reconnecting process with my dad and we've butted heads a few times and he also has his own physical and emotional issues. Actually I think he is where I inherited a lot of mental illness from because he also has an anxiety disorder and we are almost positive he has equinus like me. He also has developed type 2 diabetes and I am really bad with sugar impulse control, what if I hurt my dad because I can't stop bringing sweets into the house and he eats them too 🥺
It just. Personally makes me hate myself to even think of "hiya pops, we've barely spoken in the last 10 years, I've been really ahitty about talking to you consistently since we've said hi again and lost my temper with you a few times, hey I know you're on a fixed income and out of a job right now (or was, maybe he has one now, we've spoken so little idk) but is it OK if I come live in your house as a whiny codependent barely functioning weed addict of an adult?" 😅
But yeah I just. This is really. It just never ends. I keep fighting myself and beating myself up on "who's right, am I right, am I wrong, am I overreacting, whats going on, what do I do, someone tell me what to do because I'm too stupid to do things right" and it's just. I also still love my mother even if that love is being increasingly mixed with resentment. I worry about her ability to take care of herself because her health is getting worse and, like, I worry about her mentally a lot. Like this tooth infection she has, is because she doesn't have the best dental hygiene, and had fillings and such, and even after needing fillings still takes shit care of her teeth, and was putting off getting like broken teeth and such taken care of, and, they're now having to pull SEVEN of her back teeth. She'll need dentures to eat certain foods now. And I'm not better, I basically stopped brushing my teeth for many years because I literally expected to be dead before they rotted out of my mouth and now I'm scrambling to adopt that routine again, and also like.
Sorry but my mom and a dentist literally lied to me when i was a little girl and said i had several cavities because they thought i would be scared into brushing my teeth and all that did was convince me everything was pointless and needed to give up since it was already damaged, and she refuses to apologize or even acknowledge how that literally helped me develop a complex and felt helpless when SHE LIED TO ME, A CHILD, HER CHILD (and also i think my difficulty keeping routines is a combination just needing to apply myself and having adhd issue because like, I've been pretty good with my skincare at least)
I just. I love her but I hate her. If I'm not careful to keep myself calm I'm going to escalate to the physical level. And to be honest I've had the opinion for many years that, all those times my mom told extremely age inappropriate stories to little tiny baby Miranda about her experiences with assault and domestic violence, even as a kid I would think, "well you like don't listen, you shut people down, you insist youre always right, I want to hit you all the time too, maybe it wasn't them but maybe you got yourself hit by constantly pushing everyone around you to their breaking point" like clearly that's not a healthy thought to have and I. I am kind of convinced at this point that almost every single bad thing that had ever happened to this woman was her own fault in some way shape or form. But you could also say that about me
What's scary is that I can't even think of going anywhere without having savings first and I'm constantly being pushed to my limits to the point I don't HAVE any savings, it's all getting sucked up. I dunno how else I can get out of this pit and I'm just, mentally worn down from any entire life of this. I feel useless and exploited at home and then I go to work and feel useless and exploited at work and by society. Like. Life feels so bleak. My Canadian friend is getting in worse health. I still have a lot of affection for him but he's also uh done and said a few things I really disagree with on personal levels and it, gives me some pause, like. I genuinely am so sad all the time. I need to go back to the psychiatrist to get some medicines again but, I am working and making enough money that after my state insurance expires in October, I'll have to go through my work, and that doesn't 100% cover everything so, j wouldn't be able to afford anything at that point
Just. Ugh. I try to write down my thoughts and listen to music and try to write on my other blog to cheer myself up but I just. What can you do right. What am I good for. What is anyone good for. What is this world itself good for. Our entire species is gonna go extinct with climate change anyways. Why should I keep struggling and suffering like this when it's. Idk. Arguably all for nothing. We'll all be nothing more than just dogs following commands and paying bills until we die
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wickedwaterwyvern · 1 year
I really wish that my friend was still single tbh which feels really shitty to say because she's like head over heals for this guy but I really just miss her being my friend. We used to hang out 4-5 times a week and text constantly about stupid mundane shit and now I just hate being around her because all she does is talk about her new man and describes, in detail, everything about their sex life. We no longer text, unless she's asking me to re-shave her under cut or watch her super hyperactive dog for the weekend. Which really really bothers me since she knows how bad my physical health is and I can barely get up the stairs to her apartment on a really good day. The last time we hung out was over a week ago because she needed to go grocery shopping, she proceeded to buy plan b and lingerie then complain that she had to walk around with it while I did actual grocery shopping, because ya know that's what I thought we were supposed to be doing?! But I'm the ass for making her walk around the store with 'private' items. Then she fucking answers a video chat from him in the middle of the store??? Full volume and not a care in the world that I was 2 steps away from a panick attack when everyone started staring because she was being rude on the phone when she knows i have mild agoraphobia and major social/public anxiety. When we finally got home she bugs me to do her hair, but won't come downstairs to MY place even though I can barely stand up much less make it up the stairs after walking around all day and then she just leaves for the weekend and expects me to watch her dog even though I told her I had to work all weekend. I don't want a dog, I don't like dogs. They're gross and slobbery and hers is so completely untrained it isn't even funny, like jumping, biting, running away from you type of little(70 pounds!!!) asshole dog and I've told her more than one I don't want to watch her dog over the weekends but it's the only time she even talks to me anymore, that or asking me to do her hair.
I just really miss my friend but I think I'm done caring. Like if she doesn't give a shit about me anymore she isn't going to be a part of my life. She may be my only friend but I think I'd rather be alone than have a friend that obviously cares so little about me. My physical health has been rapidly declining and all she care about is when she gets to be fucked next. She used to ask for daily updates on how I was doing and get so excited with me when I was feeling okay and was able to do things with her, now we don't talk and the only time we see eachother is in passing. I literally was in the ER for 2 days last week and even though a few of my other sorta friend/aquatiences checked up on me, she just messaged me once, reminding me to let her dog out because she was taking the day off work to go hang out with her new BF. Idk what to do and I'm not sure if I'm overreacting but I think I need to stop considering her a friend...
Anyways, sorry and thank you to anyone who actually read this. I just really needed to vent I guess
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Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks:
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I think I was always surprised that Never Piss Off a Telepath; Or How Logan Opened His Mouth and Said a Stupid Thing didn't get more comments with people laughing at the whole situation of Logan thinking he was pregnant (because of Emma's tinkering with his mind - he deserved it, trust me) and agreeing that he'd been a dick, rather than more people thinking Emma had overreacted to what he'd said.
🍭why did you start writing?
I was 12, I think, when I really started to write. My kidhood BFF and I kind of started writing together at the same time (not *together* - we weren't writing the same story). I think we just started writing down the story ideas we used to tell each other that sort of developed out of playing with Barbies and went to the page because we'd stopped playing with them. We'd sit in her room, watch movies (generally horror movies) or listen to music, and just write. I don't think there was ever a 'why' to it. We just did, we liked writing down our ideas, which were relatively fanfic adjacent usually. A lot of original characters mingling with either canon characters or original characters that were based on canon characters. My first fanfic was a Children of the Corn with a very Me character in it. Second set of fanfic stories were Fright Night with OCs involved. Eventually, we both sort of evolved toward original stories.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Keeping in mind that I love ALL the comments I get on my fics - save the hate ones from that serial hate-commenter stuckygirl, who seems to be out for everyone's blood, and I really don't like the ones telling me that the way I punctuate fics is the way OLD PEOPLE do it (I'm an old people, fuck off child) and that I need to punctuate differently - first off, don't leave that shit in comments, figure out how to privately message me, and second, don't tell people how to punctuate their fics, you're not the writing police. Also I really don't dig the comments saying my fic's been abandoned because I'm not snapping out a chapter every week on a schedule that suits Your Highness. ANYWAY. Loving all my comments pretty equally, I will say I have two favorite types: the passionate keysmash that includes a string of emojis indicating that they loved my fic so much they've been rendered speechless. Also the long comment that pulls out several details that really got to the commenter. Whether it's the Easter Eggs that made them laugh or just whatever details that made them feel throughout the story. I get comments like those two, and I'm over the fucking moon.
Thanks for the asks!
Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
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girlfrandletters · 2 years
Relaxing After An Exhausting Two Week Vacation and You Are Sleeping and I Have Too Many Thoughts, As Usual
We made it home after two whole weeks of non-stop adventure. From the high peaks in Iceland overlooking a lava field, to the terrifyingly non-structured traffic patterns of Paris, we have been moving, moving, moving. Taking pictures, videos, unceasingly laughing about silly things, horrible things, fun things. I've had such an incredible time with you over this vacation and have been using it as a time to get even closer to you.
I feel more connected to you after this trip, more in tuned with your body, your mind. (The fact that I sensed that all was not well when we were at this Parisian cafe and you were antsy... because of the dairy). I know these are things that you've always been able to sense of me, but the fact that I can now do the same for you means a lot. It means that these last two weeks of constant interaction and intimacy has made us fall even more in love with each other, not turned us a way from each other, as it does for some people. I'm not tired of you, I'm not sick of your voice, I don't feel the need to be in a separate room away from your laughter or smile. It has made me appreciate our relationship dynamic even more. The fact that we can have a day of hiking to to the point of exhaustion (or not breathing, in your case), go to the hotel room, and each do our own thing on our own phones - you with your emails, me with... whatever I was doing (I honestly don't even remember). Being in the same bed, but doing separate things.
I've always desired to be with someone who understands that while I do not want to always be interacting every. damn. second. I also want to be present with each other. Being able to be in the same room, on the same bed, lightly touching, but not talking, reading our individual things on our phones, decompressing alone, but together... that has been something that I always thought I was weird for wanting. If I don't want to interact with you, shouldn't I not want to be in the same room? Should I NOT want to talk talk talk every time I see you? (Which is now every day?) But I like that I - that WE - can decompress together and then be ready for the next adventure. I like that you can be napping and I can be sitting next to you, typing away at this note, while having my foot pressed against your back. I don't feel like I need your arms around me, that you need to be holding me. I like this spot that I am in right now.
I always used to be afraid of annoying you for wanting to always be in the same room, especially if I didn't want to actually talk. I thought you might think I don't want to be with you if I was in the room and not talking. But I see now that it is, in fact, the healthiest thing I could do. Be in the room. Love you. Appreciate you. But also focusing very hard on finishing the game I'm playing, the DAHTZ I'm doing, the book I'm reading. I see now that it's healthier to be so concentrated on my own thing, and get a thrill of excitement and love when you turn around briefly to say you love me, then go back.
I love that we are two different people, yet very similar in the way we handle this relationship. We are different enough that we don't get sick of each other (because let's face it, I'm sick of my own shit, and you'd be sick of yours. Imagine trying to talk to someone who also couldn't decide on what road to take with their life. Imagine me talking to someone who gets as flared up about people as I do). Our differences balance us out, but our similarities in what we want from this relationship binds us like glue. Superglue. GorillaGlue. You want someone who loves you and appreciates you, who shows you that you mean something, who sees your efforts to be a good partner and returns it in full (I think). I want someone who cares for me and is understanding of me.
You are an unending fountain of patience and understanding. You see my rages and you temper them. But you try to understand those rages and hear what I am saying. You don't just write them off as "overreactions during my time of the month" (which is apparently a situation that women use to verbally abuse the fuck out of their partners). You know that when I get angry, it's because I care. And you're able to bring me down from a Mount Vesuvius (volcano that utterly DESTROYED Pompeii) level of anger to a little spurt of boiling water from Geysir (the OG Geysir that we saw in Iceland that wasn't actually as impressive as expected. Similar to those tectonic plates).
I love you for your love of me. I love your for our easy chemistry. I love you for our adventures, and our happiness, and our life together. I hope that when you wake up, you'll have a little more patience left for my bullshit because I'm making the impulsive decision to cut my hair and I'm pulling the trigger this time).
I am happy for what we have, and I know we will continue to balance each other out and keep building on the chemistry of this relationship.
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white-poppie · 2 years
Culture is not a reason for trauma
Teenage is considered to be the age of hormonal imbalances, it is normal to have desires.
Don't go on lecturing kids about how We shouldn't have said "XXX is so attractive!" because it is an 'unwomanly' thing to do. Oh so now am a woman? I am not a woman when you go telling me how I don't know shit about the world because I am still a 'child.'
We question, and we are 'arrogant, too modernized, leaving Indian cultures, chamcha of white people.' Why is questioning your parents while being a girl considered an ultimate sin? Why is talking about sexuality and sex considered vulgar?
You will never admit but how being 'fair' is just a thing you are obsessed with will never count as 'chamcha of white people' now will it?
We are kids, we will be curious, stop the propaganda of culture here. Indian culture never said teaching girls to live in fear would help reduce the crime rate. Considering sex as a taboo and never talking about it sure does.
Don't go on talking about how the LGBTQ+ community is just people trying to gain attention and that if we hang out with them we will turn into one of them and how there used to be so less people in your times that were the part of the community.
I wonder why? Oh! it's probably because you guys close your ears when we want to talk about something that doesn't interest you. How you tell us to stand up for ourselves but shush us when your ideas don't match with ours. It is because people now are more educated about how love is love no matter the type and you are who you are.
Oh, so you go on talking about how God made people straight? HAHAHA.
In earlier India, this was never a thing, it was when homosexuality was made illegal until a brief period beginning in 1860, due to colonial British laws.
Need pieces of evidence? You do? Thought so:
Ayappa was born when Shiva and Vishnu had sex (it's not a local myth, it's even in the Puranas.)
Shikhandi was trans (no darling they were not a 'masculine woman')
Kama-Sutra acknowledges all types of sexual identities and attractions.
Ardhanarisvara a god made out of Shiva and Parvati is both male and female, and so is Lakshmi-Narayana.
Bhagiratha (an Indian king born of two female parents)
Mitra and Varuna, are associated with two lunar phases and same-sex relations.
Agni, the god of fire is married both to the goddess Svaha and the male Moon-god Soma. (We say "Swaha" during rituals, but never Soma, in earlier texts there used to be the Soma as well, but no one includes him now.)
Aravan, a minor character of Mahabharata is actually the god of the trans community.
Vishnu in his incarnation as Krishna in the Mahabharata becomes Mohini to marry Aravan/Iravan, son of Arjun and the Naga princess Uloopi.
India has a very high suicide rate among youngsters. The main reasons: are parent pressure to score good marks, and denial of their identities. Stop invalidating our feelings. Stop making this about yourself. Your childhood was terrible, we know, you will never accept it, but intergenerational trauma shows it.
Stop saying, 'don't overreact.'
Stop saying, 'it's your kind of kids who leave their parents in old age homes.'
Stop saying, 'you are so ungrateful.'
We are grateful for every single thing you have ever done for me. Stop putting it in my face every single day. We never asked to be born, you made us.
We are never saying that you guys are bad, We love you, you are our everything and we can't imagine being without you, but please.
An Indian kid (14)
Ps: Guys I love my parents, they mean the world to me, it's just a general Indian kid thing. Don't go on thinking I have trauma lmao (i probably do, but not the point.)
Remember, you matter and are important. need to vent? my chats are always open
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nymphbnny · 3 years
my slut
Tumblr media
genre: NSFW
pairing: jean kirschtein x female reader
tags/warnings: degradation, slapping, spit kink, breeding kink, solo masturbation (female), dom jean, oral receiving (female), penetrative sex, saliva, slight size kink, explicit language, finger sucking, fingering, spanking.
word count: 2.2k
synopsis: jean gets jealous about an old ex you bump into on your date together. after multiple attempts to get his attention, you decide to show him that you only belong to him by being his submissive slut.
“Oh, fucking Christ Jean what’s the matter with you! You’ve been giving me the silent treatment since we left that goddam restaurant, not to mention the multiple times I reached out to grab your hand like I always do and you’d swat it away.” I yelled irritated by his childlike behavior as I stepped into the apartment we’ve been sharing together.
We never really found a hard time communicating whatever was bothering us, this was the way our relationship worked. Transparency and loyalty. But tonight Jean decided to frustrate me by simply disregarding my every move and word. Instead, he tugged at his tie, loosening it up, and undid the buttons of his dress shirt.
“Jean!” I shouted, smacking my hand on the marble counter beside me, almost kicking off the keys that were sitting on it. He briefly looked at me and hummed, a sign to cue me that he was listening to me.
“Why are you acting this way, stop behaving like that you don’t—“
“Oh but I fucking do y/n” he interrupted with a wryly chuckled. He slid his dress shirt off his chest and placed it over his shoulder. “I saw you back at the restaurant. When you went to the restroom and took too long to come back to our table, I went to check up on you and saw you chatting with your so-called ex-boyfriend and another guy.” He hissed, pointing his finger at my chest. His tall figure was now towering over me, his eyes looking down at me with anger.
I scoffed, pushing his finger away, and held the bridge of my nose. “Jean, I just bumped into him and he asked me how I was doing. He was being polite. Were you expecting me to just walk away?!” I waved my hand around and picked my heels from the floor.
“I didn’t say that. What I'm trying to say here is that you were enjoying yourself too much y/n. Is he that fucking funny? Eh? Look at me.” He groaned holding my chin with his fingers making me look up at him again.
“Jean, you're overreacting. I’m dating you, not him. You are the one who is balls deep in my pussy, not him.” I furrowed my eyebrows together, my tone getting louder. A spark of lust brushed through his eyes before he let go of me and walked to our bedroom. “Oh great!” I exclaimed, smacking my hands against my sides, my heels following my movements.
I followed him upstairs, and before I could say anything, he went into our bathroom and locked the door. Soon after, the sound of the water-filled the empty room, hinting that he was showering, without me.
I knew Jean was the jealous type. Although it makes him hotter sometimes, this time he was overdoing it. I decided to wait for him to get out so I can reason with him again. Jean was taking longer than normal to get out, which I concluded as payback for making him wait back at the restaurant. I huffed and threw my heels across the room, dropping my weight on our bed.
A sigh escaped my lips when I realized that I might also be in the wrong. After all, I did make him wait for almost twenty minutes.
The bathroom door opened, the mirror now foggy. Jean stepped with only a towel around his waist and another around his neck. His body was still wet, tiny droplets cascading from his torso down his legs. He looked good.
He grabbed his hairbrush from the dresser and combed his long hair. Everything he did was effortlessly hot and pesky. He was walking around the room as if I wasn’t there and it was testing my patience. “Jean,” I called out but I received no answer. “Come on Jean please I just want to talk to you.” I pleaded. He turned around, now set down the hairbrush on the dresser, and took a step forward.
“I’m listening.” He simply said and walked to his closet to grab a pair of shorts.
“Jean I know you’re mad at me but you seriously have no reason to be, he doesn’t mean anything to me and you shouldn’t be worrying--” I was cut off when he dropped his towel down and reached out for a piece of clothing. I must have been silent for a while because he turned around and teasingly slid on his black shorts, giving me all the time I needed to stare at his cock. I knew he was doing it deliberately and I still fell for it. I couldn’t help it.
“Why’d you stop? Is anything distracting you?” he inquired with a cocky expression, his basketball shorts already on. He climbed on the bed next to me and lied down, his head resting against his forearm as he used his other hand to scroll down his phone. I rolled my eyes. “You know what, fuck you and your childish behaviors. I’m going to take a shower.” I stood up and made my way to the bathroom until he spoke up.
“Come here.” His tone was serious and low. I turned around and crossed my hands against my chest. “Oh so now you want to listen?” I scoffed and waited for his answer. “I said come here y/n, now.” he put his phone away and adjusted his posture so now he was sitting against the headboard. He tapped his hand on the mattress, mentioning me to sit next to him. Doing as I’m told, I climbed back on the bed and sat on my heels.
“That’s my slut,” he grabbed my jaw in his hand and pulled my face closer to him. “You’ve been a very naughty girl tonight. I was about to give you something,” he paused, taking my hand and dragging it across his growing erection making me bite my lip, then proceeded “But I don’t think you deserve it anymore. Maybe he can fuck you better than I do.” he taunted and let go of me before sitting back again.
I knew he was trying to guilt-trip me, but I was too horny to hold a grudge. Instead, I took off my shirt, leaving my braless in front of him, and sat back on my back, holding myself up with my elbow. He seemed not to care as he kept reading whatever was on his phone but I had other plans.
I raised my skirt and pushed my thong aside. “Jean,” I called him out and sucked on my fingers. He glanced at me then at my pussy, slowly locking his phone. I dragged my middle and ring finger from my mouth to my clit, briefly stopping at my nipples to coat them with my saliva.
“You’re the only one who gets to see me like this.” I whimpered, the pads of my fingers rubbing against my bud, sending chills down my spine. I threw my head back, letting out a moan before looking back at him and adding, this time slipping one finger in. “You only get to feel this tight pussy.” He shifted in his seat, his erection becoming more visible. His eyes were now locked on my glistening cunt as it began making noises from how wet I was.
“Look how wet you make me.” I stretched myself adding another finger, gently moving them in and out of my opening. My moans grew a bit louder, his hand now pressed against his boner. He gave it a few rubs before he moved towards me and pulled my hand away from myself. He dragged me closer to him and turned my body around, pulling my hips up.
Soon after, I felt a stinging pain against the flesh of my butt. I yelped and tried to look around to see what he was using this time. But then I remembered the wet towel that was resting around his neck. This fucker. Another sharp sting quickly followed, making me jerk my body forward.
“Still want to act like a brat?” he asked, this time spreading my legs to have access to my throbbing cunt. He chuckled and dragged the towel between my cheeks, sending another electrifying spank. “You’re enjoying this, aren't you? You brainless slut.” I nodded, receiving a few more spanks before I felt him move behind me.
Straight away, I felt his tongue give a long slow lick to my slit, his hand giving my ass another spank. His fingers began alternating between gripping my flesh and teasingly fingering my opening. My moans and whimpers were muffled by my pillow, but his moaning and slurping were very audible. His tongue was making obscene sounds and he didn’t mind it. He flipped me over again, making me hold my thighs up for him before he gave my cunt some spanks, making me clench under his touch.
He spat on it and dived in again, his tongue and fingers working simultaneously to bring me closer to my orgasm. I squirmed trying to bring myself closer to come, but he kept me steady. The knot in my stomach tightened, my legs wrapping around his head, suffocating him with my thighs. “Jean, oh shit, Jean, I’m gonna come…” I whined, throwing my head back, his arms gripping onto my thighs sending me to my orgasm. I panted, his tall frame now standing as he took off his shorts, giving his erection a few strokes, his precum visible on his slit.
“You wanna suck my dick don’t you?” I nodded, sitting up and crawling to him. “Tsk tsk, tsk, such a whore for my cock.” He pushed me back down and spoke up again. “Too bad you won’t get to feel it down your throat tonight.” he chuckled darkly and spat in his hand, rubbing his saliva over his veiny dick, letting out a groan.
“Please, Jean…” I slid off my thong and spread my legs for him. “Please fuck me…” I spread my lips showing him my slit covered in my cum, begging him to fill it up with his. He positioned himself over me and teased my entrance by smacking his tip and rubbing it over it. I whined and reached out to grab his cock but he stopped me. He grabbed my chin and forced my mouth open before spitting. “Swallow,” he ordered rubbing his thumb across my bottom lips. “Look who’s being a good girl now, you like making daddy happy don't you?”
I nodded, taking his thumb into my mouth and gently sucking on it. He smirked at how obedient I was being and pulled his finger out, adjusting his position. He grabbed my jaw one last time and slapped my cheek, the bearable pain sending shivers to my core. Jean pulled my legs up, positioning them on his shoulders, and teased my clit one more time before ramming himself into me. I wailed at the sudden intrusion. “Fuck you’re choking my fat cock so good,” he grunted pulling himself back before thrusting again not giving me any time to adjust to his size.
He quickened his pace, biting the side of my leg. I tugged on my nipple and rolled my hips, meeting his thrusts. He bent down, squeezing me tighter, only to place a kiss on my forehead indicating that he wasn’t mad at me anymore. However, his thrusts said otherwise as he kept on pounding himself in me relentlessly.
Jean pulled away and switched us over so I was on top. Wasting no time, I pushed him back in and moved my hips. “That’s right, oh fuck just like that.” I rolled my hips and sped up my pace. My legs almost gave out from how tired I was getting, so he dug his fingers in my hips and fucked himself in me.
My body fell forward as I gripped onto his broad shoulders, feeling him grab and squeeze my ass cheeks and he pushed himself deeper in me.
“You want to have daddy’s babies? Huh?” he grunted, his thrusts getting sloppier. I nodded my head but it wasn't sufficient. “Use your words.”
“Yes daddy, cum inside me please.” I moaned out, my second orgasm almost making me blackout.
“I’m gonna fill you up so good baby.” he panted as his cock twitched in me and I felt his hot cum paint my insides. He whimpered in my ear as he moved me up, our cum leaking down my sore cunt to his lower stomach.
Jean pulled my head down as he captured my lips in his, kissing me passionately. He carefully pulled me off him and got some tissues from the nightstand to clean me up. “Did I hurt you?” he asked checking to see if he was being too rough on me. I shook my head and caressed his cheek with my hand.
“Come on baby, let's go take a shower.” he stood off our bed and picked me up in bridal style. “You know Jean, the guy that was standing with my ex was actually his boyfriend,” I said with a cocky grin as he put me down to get in the shower.
He turned on the water and followed right after me, pulling me against his chest. “I know, I just wanted to make sure that you know that you and this sweet thing,” he paused to cup my pussy, “belong to me.” I bit my lip and got on my tiptoes to plant a kiss on his lips.
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24hlevi · 2 years
— Say My Name
Zen'in Maki (Jujutsu Kaisen) X Male!Reader
Genre: Smut
Summary: Scenarios #4 (Soft!Dom) + #15 (Mommy kink) + #17 (Dirty Talking) + #20 (Overstimulation) & Dialogue prompt #15 “louder, i want them to hear you.” from 1,000 follower event
Warnings: NSFW, Dom!Maki, Sub!Reader, Pegging, Sex toy usage (Strap), Dirty Talking, Mommy kink, Overstimulation, Not proofread
Word Count: 2.3k
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maki was the type of girl to never get jealous, not seeing the point in overreacting when she knows you wouldn't leave her.
but when her sister won't stop obviously flirting with you in front of her, she makes everyone remember just who you belong to.
“so, y/n. why are you even with maki, hmm? she can't even see curses or use cursed energy, so why?” mai asked you, her hand reaching forward and gently grabbing onto the sleeve of your shirt.
you visibly tensed up at the action and could be seen clearly getting more uncomfortable the more the girl spoke to you and you could practically feel the burning glare at the back of your head from who you assumed was maki. “because she proves you don't need to see curses or use cursed energy to become a grade one sorcerer, and because i love her,” you replied, avoiding eye contact with mai as much as possible.
“but don't you think you'd be better with-”
“mai, don't you have something better to do than flirt with my boyfriend?” maki showed up suddenly beside you, making you jump and quickly pull your arm out of mai’s grasp as the sisters glared at each other.
mai let out a scoff, “i was just telling him how he'd be far better with me.”
you looked between the two girls back and forth, only sensing an argument about to happen as you sighed, “you guys please don't-”
“shut up!”
both sisters yelled at you, causing you to jump again at them both speaking in unison. you decided to keep quiet after that, not even listening to the siblings bicker at each other before hearing maki scoff and feel her grab your arm rather harshly, making you come back to reality and look at her. “are we-”
“shut up, we're leaving.” maki cut you off before turning around and starting to storm back to the dorms.
your eyes went wide at how angry your girlfriend’s tone was in her voice and let her drag you away from mai and back to her dorm. “maki, you know i wouldn't do anything with your sister,” you said, trying your best to make the situation better even though you knew your words were falling deaf on maki’s ears.
maki didn't reply to you, instead opening the door to her dorm and pulling you inside before closing the door behind her, immediately pinning you against the door with such speed you knew only happened when she was truly angry. just as you opened your mouth to say something, the girl kissed you surprisingly slow and passionately, shutting you up quickly.
the kiss was sadly short-lived, and as maki pulled away, one of her hands trailed down your torso and down to where the evident bulge in your pants was, slowly rubbing her hand over it, “you’re lucky i know you wouldn’t do shit with my sister, and that i’m in a rather good mood because of that. that means you’ll be a good boy for me, right?” she whispered to you, a small smirk forming on her face upon you nodding, “that’s what i thought.”
it wasn’t hard for her to turn the tables on you and be the one in charge, easy even, but she only grew to love it more and more each time it happened. as for you, you could only take whatever she would give you, not complaining once which only made her happier. yet again, that was the case most of the time.
“maki,” you said in a quiet voice before she held your face with her hand that had stopped pinning you against the wall and forced you to look her in the eye.
“you know that's not my name right now, be good or else i won't help you,” maki spoke in a teasing voice almost, knowing how easy it would be.
“mommy, please,” you practically whimpered out.
a smile grew on maki’s face at your words, “good boy.” she then pulled you back closer to her and connected both of your lips together. the girl then grabbed the belt loops of your pants and started to walk backwards towards the bed. when the two of you reached the bed, maki pulled out of the kiss and turned you both around and then pushed you onto the bed. you looked up at her and watched as she unhooked the belt from her pants and tossed it aside, making you quickly yank your shirt off and begin to fumble with your own pants as a result. by the time you unhooked the belt finally, maki’s hands pulled yours away as she swiftly undid them and pulled them off. it was only then that you looked back at her and your eyes grew wide at what you saw. now, you weren't surprised to see a strap come out, but the thing that shocked you was how much bigger it was compared to the others.
“why the wide eyes? i know you can take it,” maki said to you, a smirk growing on her face, “or am i wrong?”
you quickly shook your head, “no, i can take it.”
“i knew you could,” she replied, climbing onto the bed and hovering above you, “you're always my good boy,” she added, pecking your lips before lowering herself down to your lower half.
just as you were about to respond, you felt maki’s tongue lick the tip of your cock, making you release a hiss instead. your eyes were screwed shut as she soon took your length into her mouth and start to bob her head up and down which caused a low groan to fall from your lips. you threw your head back when you felt your tip hit the back of her throat as a moan escaped your mouth. as she went on, your moans only proceeded to get louder, and soon enough you felt yourself nearing the edge.
“mommy, please let me cum,” you whimpered out as your hips bucked upward.
maki’s hands held your thighs to keep you from moving anymore, small crescents digging into your skin and she pulled her mouth away, “already? i've barely done anything,” she said with a teasing voice. “but you'll be good and let me do whatever i want, right?”
your eyes opened as you looked down at her to see the most cocky look on her face possible, “yes, mommy. i’ll be good, i swear,” you answered with a nod.
“good,” she said before situating herself so she was hovering above you with one of her hands beside your head as she stared you in the eye. “i’ll go slow for you, okay?” she whispered to you before pressing a kiss against your lips.
as you kissed her, you could feel the tip of the strap prodding at your entrance, and you moaned into maki’s mouth when the strap slipped inside of you. maki pulled away from the kiss and smiled at the blush on your cheeks as she slowly pushed in more, relishing in the beautiful sounds you were making while she did so. she began to leave small kisses down your neck, occasionally leaving a few dark marks until she was fully sheathed inside of you. she remained still for a few minutes to let you adjust to the new size before slowly pulling out which made you whine and then slamming back into you, causing a loud moan to escape from your lips. you clasped your hand over your mouth upon realizing how loud you just sounded and maki raised an eyebrow at you.
“oh, why are you holding back so much?” maki started as she started to thrust in and out of you, “if i can't hear you how will i know i'm making you feel good, hm? how will i know if you want more?” she grabbed your hand which was covering your mouth and moved it to the side, interlocking her fingers with yours while she continued thrusting. “i thought you said you were going to be good for me.”
more moans spilled past your mouth the more maki talked and you quickly shook your head, “no, i’ll be good. i promise i’ll be good for you, mommy, please.”
a smirk found it's way on her face while she pecked your lips, “then be a good boy for me. i want them to hear you,” she said to you, speeding up her movements.
as she started to go faster, your back arched while quiet moans and groans left your lips. your free hand was tangled in her hair, tugging on it the more pleasure you felt. your whole body felt like it was on fire and every touch you felt only made you hotter, a layer of sweat already on your body.
but maki didn't seem impressed by your now quiet noises, and with her own free hand, she forced you to look at her again, “louder, i want them to hear you.” she started to thrust into you harder, hitting your prostate which caused you to moan loudly.
“mommy, please don't stop, please!” you cried out, tugging on her hair harder as you bucked your hips in an attempt to get more of the amazing feeling.
a low chuckle left maki’s lips while she continued the assault on your prostate, “that's my good boy, always so good for me, aren't you? you love my big cock fucking you like this, don't you?”
“yes, mommy, i love it! love it so much, please don't stop! feels so good, yes!” you couldn't even think about what you were saying before they came out of your mouth, too overwhelmed by the current pleasure you were feeling to even care.
“look at you talking in those broken up sentences,” maki teased, “you're my good boy, y/n. always so good for me no matter what i give you, you always take it with no complaints. i love you so much,” she finished and then kissed you while carrying on with her fast and deep thrusts inside of you.
you moaned into the kiss as you felt your climax approaching and more whines started to spill past into the kiss. maki noticed and moved her free hand down to your cock and started to jerk you off at the same pace she was thrusting. she pulled out of the kiss to look at you and watch as you come undone with her usual smirk on her face, “are you going to cum for me, baby? you look so cute when i'm fucking you like this,” she said while speeding up her movements.
you were somehow able to nod past your moans as you barely responded, “please let me cum, mommy! i’m a good boy for you, i swear, please!” your hips bucking uncontrollably upward.
maki leaned down so her mouth was right in front of your ear and she whispered to you, “go on then, cum for mommy like a good boy.” she then thrusted into you harder and faster before looking back at your face.
after a few more harsh thrusts, a loud moan fell from your mouth as your eyes rolled into the back of your head and spurts of cum came from your cock. your back arched upward into maki who let out a quiet hiss when you pulled on her hair roughly before landing back on the bed, heavy pants leaving your mouth now.
“that's my good boy,” maki smiled down at you, slowly continuing to thrust into you.
the feeling of her continuing made you whine as you squirmed around, resulting in maki using both of her hands now to keep you in place. her movements only sped up and soon enough moans were spilling past your lips again. “mommy, please. can't. no more,” you said as you shook your head.
“yes you can, i know you can,” maki replied to you as she pecked your lips and started to go back to her fast and hard pace she had just a few seconds ago. “just one more, okay? you can do that, can't you? just one more for mommy.”
“mhm,” you hummed with a nod, not being able to say anything else now as you felt the knot in the pit of your stomach again combined with overstimulation.
your hands wrapped around maki’s waist and started to scratch and claw at her back the longer she continued to thrust into you. but she didn't seem too fazed by it, instead proceeding to go harder. your groans started to get louder again as you felt yourself nearing the edge, “gonna cum, please mommy. please let me cum,” you whined out.
“go ahead, cum for me,” maki told you before pulling you into a kiss with one last thrust inside of you.
you moaned into the kiss as your nails dug into her back which resulted in her letting out a hiss when she pulled away. maki slowly pulled out of you and took off the strap and tossed it to the side before laying down on her side beside you. upon seeing your tired and fucked out face, one of her hands made it's way towards your cheek and gently caressed it, “i love you, y/n,” she quietly said to you.
“i love you too, maki,” you said with a smile.
a blush quickly spread across your face while maki let out a chuckle, “i’ll be back. kugisaki needs me i suppose,”
“it's okay,” you replied.
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waiting4inspiration · 3 years
*1 new message* (Peter Parker x Reader)
Summary: After multiple people tell you that they saw Peter with someone else, you confront him about it, only to end with things ending between you. Over text.
Warnings: high school drama crap, breaking up over text messages, angst, strong language, anxiety-inducing stuff, mentions of cheating, peter is a bit ooc but let's just say that he's a dark!peter, italics are text messages
Word Count: 1,351
Requested by @threeowlsinaraincoat15
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Fuck Valentine's Day Masterlist II Marvel Masterlist
*1 new message*
Mj: u and peter are still a thing, right?
You: yeah. why?
Mj: 'cus I saw him talking to some girl now
Mj: and he looked a bit too friendly if you catch my drift
You stare at the message for a while, blinking fast, not believing what you're reading. If you had super strength like the Hulk or any other of Peter's Avenger friends, you'd probably crush your phone in your hands at how hard you start to grip it.
MJ wouldn't lie to you or make shit up to make you jealous. She's been supportive of your relationship with Peter since the very first day. So, she has to be telling the truth about seeing Peter being too friendly with some other girl.
But Peter wouldn't do something like that. Right?
You: you know who he was talking to?
Your hands are almost shaking as you send the message to MJ and you throw your phone beside you to stare up at the ceiling as you wait for MJ's response.
You try to tell yourself that it's nothing. Maybe MJ is just overreacting. Maybe Peter was being friendly and MJ saw too much into it.
Maybe Peter's getting bored with you now that he's basically a Superhero.
No. No, it's fine. Everything is fine. Peter loves you. You would know if he doesn't want to be with you anymore.
You've never jumped so quickly to answer your phone when it pings with a new message. It's MJ.
Staring at the name she sent you, you memorize it before switching over to Instagram to see if you can find a matching profile. You've never been one to stalk someone on social media, but you need to make sure that you have nothing to worry about.
You find her profile in seconds. And she barely has anything on there. Just one or two selfies - she's not ugly and kind of pretty - and a couple of landscape photos. But nothing personal, not even in her bio.
Your thumb hovers over her followers, and you bite your lip before clicking on it. And you quickly search for Peter's profile.
*1 new message*
Seeing Natasha's name across the top of your screen makes you stop and your heart drops when you read her message after tapping on her name.
Nat: Everything alright with you and Parker?
You: yeah? why? did he say something?
You watch those three dots appear and disappear as she types, your heart beating in your ears and it starts to feel difficult to breathe.
*1 new message*
It's Peter.
Spidey: hey, can we cancel our plans for the weekend? Got an Avengers thing
You swallow roughly, pushing yourself up to sit on your bed and you start biting your nails as you switch back to Natasha's messages to ask her something else.
You: please tell me there's an Avengers thing this weekend...
Nat: Everyone's got the weekend off.
Nat: Does he have a new friend we don't know about? Because we all saw her outside the compound this afternoon.
"What?" you whisper, moving to the edge of the bed when it feels like your heart's about to leap right out of your chest. You hope this is a joke. But this is not funny.
*1 new message*
Spidey: (y/n)?
You need to be calm. But you literally want to lose your shit with Peter because you know he's lying to you. It's not like him which makes it worse.
And then you slowly start to type your message.
You: I thought you guys had the weekend off...
You: and we've had these plans for weeks...
Spidey: yeah i know...
Spidey: but you know how the team is
You shake your head.
You: you sure you're not lying to me to see your new friend?
Spidey: what new friend??
You've never typed a name out in such anger before that your phone almost falls out of your hands. You see that he's read your message. And you wait for him to start typing again. It only makes you more anxious the longer he takes to start typing.
You: MJ told me she saw you with her and you were wayyyy too comfortable with her
You: and I know you're lying to me about this weekend because Nat told me that everyone's got the weekend off
You: what's really going on Peter?
It probably wasn't a good idea to send those messages to him but you couldn't sit and wait anxiously while he came online and went offline constantly without responding to you.
He starts to type, pretty quickly after reading your messages.
Spidey: you're asking around now about whether or not I'm telling you the truth
You: but you're not that's the point
Spidey: so you don't trust me anymore
You: i would if you just told me the truth, Peter.
You: Nat told me she went to the compound. You only took me there after months of dating.
Spidey: what are you implying, (y/n)?
Spidey: that I'm cheating on you with her?
You: Are you?
Nothing. It's quiet from him and you watch him go offline again.
Fighting back your tears, you lock your phone and place it beside you again as you slowly push yourself to your feet. You run your fingers through your hair, breathing out a shaky sigh as you walk towards the photos you have of you and Peter stuck to your wall.
You both look so happy together. Both of you are smiling like you don't have a care in the world. You remember when you took those photos that you thought you would spend the rest of your life with Peter. But now, you're not so sure. Now, you don't even know if it will last through the night.
Your phone vibrates and you look back at the screen as it lights up.
*2 new messages*
You're scared to look. Maybe if you don't, things will be fine. Maybe if you don't look, things will go back to the way they were yesterday.
Still, you slowly walk back to your phone and pick it up with shaking hands and a hard lump in your throat, waiting for your permission to release tears.
One message is from Wanda. But when you unlock your phone, it opens to your chat with Peter and you know that you won't answer Wanda tonight.
Spidey: if you think I'm cheating on you because of what other people say, then you don't trust me. and what's the point of a relationship if you don't trust me?
He would have quickly told you that he's not cheating on you. He would have reassured you that he loves you and only you and that he would never even think about doing something like that to you. He would have done all that and more if he wasn't seeing someone else behind your back.
But he's not doing that, making you realize that your fear is real.
You: this isn't like you. you used to be so sweet. then you became an avenger and now you're just an asshole
Spidey: if you feel that way, then we're done
Spidey: we didn't have to do this if you trust me
Spidey: but I'm not going to be with someone who doesn't trust me
Spidey: I'm sorry
You have no control over the tears that now roll down your cheeks as you fall back onto your bed, staring at the screen, at the terrible message that's not ended your relationship.
You can't even type a response mostly because you can't see the keyboard clearly with the tears clouding your vision. All you can do is tap on his name and stare at the option to delete him from your contacts. But you can't.
Wiping the tears from your face, you lock your phone and place it face down on the bedside table before rolling over to face away from it, curling into a ball as more tears roll down your face.
What a great way to spend Valentine's Day, right?
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
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Jealous AOT men (Levi, Porco, Zeke, Eren, Erwin)
A/N: Shout out to the bestie in my inbox that requested this and I’m sorry for taking forever to finally do it, but I hope you enjoy !
Synopsis: Do y’all fr need one? Basically just AOT men getting jealous in situations and how they handle it
TW: none really apply, GN!reader, fighting (kinda) for Porco cause he’s about that life like that, violence for Levi because he’s an angry short man, and mean douchebag rich boy Eren content
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If there’s one thing Levi doesn’t tolerate when it comes to his partner it’s disrespect. He holds you on such a high pedestal and at a status that no one else can touch for loving him the way that you do, so for someone to disrespect the relationship you two have or you in general with some catcalling remark is like the greatest offense to him.
It doesn’t even have to be anything too serious. It can be something stupid like “I bet you’re hitting that fine piece of meat every night” and he’d have them on the ground in seconds with a knife pressed against their throat demanding that they apologize to you immediately.
“I recommend you apologize to them right now formally and watch what you say around me from now on or I’ll cut your tongue from your mouth with this very blade.”
Yeah, he doesn’t play when it comes to you at all. He has to set an example to let everybody know what to expect if they try either of you again because you would do the same too if the situation was reserved.
He lets the perpetrator go with no bruises besides the ones he got from Levi’s manhandling, probably per your request, and what do the two of you do afterwards? You just go on about your day like nothing even happened, like Levi wasn’t ready to cut someone’s tongue out over you in road daylight. It’s a norm for your relationship honestly because the two of you are both crazy.
Aggressive! Aggressive! Aggressive! Porco is not afraid to get aggressive when it comes to other people trying to flirt with you and risk that possibility of fighting with them.
Especially when it comes to the creepy kind that don’t know how to respect your boundaries or get the hint that you don’t want to be messed with after turning them down numerous times. He was already on edge just seeing them come up to you and flash you that smile like they were genuinely charming or something, but once he saw them place their hands on your forearm and you brush it away with a scowl, he was lit up with anger!
There was no warning given to them to hurry up and go away before he gets mad or him coming up to you and wrapping a protective arm around your waist; he came running over and before you even knew he was making his way to where you were, he was throwing a punch dead smack in the middle of the perpetrator’s face.
“Don’t you know no means fucking no!?” “How dare you put your hands on my boyfriend/girlfriend!?” Told y’all he was really with the shits like that.
But because he doesn’t want to cause too much of a scene or get arrested or banned from wherever the two of you were at, that one punch (which is a really fucking hard punch that definitely going to have some impact on them whether it’s a bruise or some wooziness) is all he does before he’s yanking them by their collar and removing them out of the place his damn self. Did he overreact just a little? No! Because they touched you without your consent even after you expressed you didn’t want them to.
He’s a gentleman immediately after dealing with them and is by your side in an instant giving you a quick checkup with his eyes genuinely concerned for your well-being.
“Are you all right, babe?” “I hope your iight isn’t ruined but if you don’t want to be out anymore we can totally go home.” “They didn’t hurt you did they? Because I don’t mind going back out there to find them if they did.” So attentive and gentle with you. The complete opposite of what he was only minutes ago.
It takes a lot to make Zeke jealous in a relationship because just the fact that he’s in a relationship with you is enough to make him feel secure in his place as your significant other. People can flirt with you and steal glances all they want because he honestly doesn’t care that much. It actually makes him feel smug and proud knowing that others are thirsting over HIS significant other like that, but can’t act on any of their thoughts because you’re his.
But....let the two of you be freshly broken up, or on a “break”, and he catches you out and about in public with some other jawn then it’s a whole other story. Now he’s feeling some type of way since he no longer has that guaranteed security from your relationship anymore. He’s hurt, but he’s not going to show that too much. Instead, he’s going to be smug and cocky with the way he approaches you two.
“So this is my replacement? He’s not even the great value version of me. You could do a hell of a lot better than someone like him and you know it, y/n.” God, he’s such a menace to society that deserves to be locked up. He wouldn’t stop at after the insults you send his way calling him pathetic and embarrassing nor at your request for him to leave. Matter of fact, he’s going to pull up a chair at your table just to sit there and mess with your poor date and eventually after backhanded compliment after not so backhanded insults, they get up a storm away.
“Are you really going to date someone who can’t take a little bit of heat from someone like me out of all people? Didn’t even have any worry remarks to come back at me with like I did for him. How sad.” He still just keeps going on and on even after the poor guy leaves, comparing himself to him and talking about how he’s so much better in not so subtle ways.
So much for getting hoes when you have an ex like Zeke, but you do like the fact that he’s trying so hard to get you back even if he won’t explicitly say it out loud; his actions speak everything
Eren is such a douche bag he really is. Especially modern day rich boy Eren.
Let him catch someone trying to flirt with you while he’s in close proximity of you and watch him cause a whole scene at the country club or whatever rich place the two of you are at.
“Who the hell do you think you are flirting with my boyfriend/girlfriend? You can’t even compare to me so I don’t know what thought in your head made you think you can enough for you to try and get at what’s mine, but you better get rid of it right now. I can buy like three of you if I wanted to right now and it wouldn’t even put a dent in my bank account. You really think they’d go for somebody like you?” He’s such a meanie when it comes to you, he really is.
The poor perpetrator doesn’t even bother to fight for his name or pursue an argument with Eren because he knows it’ll get him nowhere but embarrassed even further, so he goes running off with blush on his cheeks from embarrassment because everyone within like 50 feet surely heard the scene that Eren just put on.
You’re just as embarrassed as the poor boy who was flirting with you, nagging at Eren about how he did entirely too much and how he should go apologize to him, but he just looks over at you with a smug smile and replies, “I gotta set an example for other people babe so they know not to mess with what’s mine.”
Best believe he’s going to be showing an overwhelming amount of PDA the rest of your outing and even go the extra mile to do something like rest his hand on your bottom or make out with you without warning.
This man is so powerful and holds so much authority in other people, even those who hardly even know him, that he doesn’t even have to do much when he catches someone trying to flirt with you while he’s on the other side of the room at some company event.
Like Zeke, it’s extremely difficult to make Erwin jealous because he knows you like the back of his hand and knows if a flirty interaction is happening with someone who isn’t him then it’s completely one sided and you’re just keeping yourself in the conversation because you’re a nice person like that. So, he’ll continue on with his conversation while you continue on with yours, but every now and then he’ll peak out of the corner of his eyes in your direction to make sure you’re okay.
It’s when he notices you getting uncomfortable and the other person getting a little too comfortable that he decides to step in; excusing himself from his conversation like the gentleman he is and coming over to you. You wouldn’t even know that he was there until you felt a broad hand on your waist pulling you into a chiseled chest that you’re aware of his presence.
“Can I help you with something?”
When I tell you his voice goes deeper than normal when he switches to an authoritative mode and it’s the most attractive thing ever that has you feeling butterflies in your stomach and the person who was trying to flirt with you shook to their core.
They don’t even answer his question or even look him directly in the eyes because the energy he excludes is just such big dick energy and from the way he came up and pressed you against him with no hesitation already let them know that you were his without either of you having to say it.
You stayed glued to his side for the rest of the night, one of his arms always wither wrapped around your waist or dangling over your torso holding you close.
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childe-dni · 3 years
Cool Cat
kaeya x reader
word count: 689
warnings: not proof read
a/n; kaeya cope. I was listening to a song called cool cat and was like hmmmm. the writing isn't incredible but I think this is cute :>
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“So you’re just... stuck like this?” you asked as you curiously examined the man before you.
“It’s nothing permanent”, Kaeya waved you off, far too insouciant for your liking.
“The effects only last for around a week or so”, Albedo added from across the room, to which you responded by glaring daggers into him, causing him to raise his hands in surrender.
With a deep sigh, you shook your head and pinched the bridge of your nose. Everybody in the room was way too nonchalant about the current circumstances - either that or you were overreacting.
“If it makes you feel any better, this poses no threats to Captain Kaeya’s health at all. He’s just...”
“Grown a whole new set of organs?” you retorted.
“When you put it like that it sounds worse than it really is.” Your deathly gaze swiftly turned from the alchemist to your boyfriend. “They're just some funky new cat ears. Why, they're quite cute if you ask me”, Kaeya smirked at you, knowing he was winding you up like a jack-in-the-box.
After a deep breath in and out, you drooped your shoulders in defeat. You trusted that Albedo wouldn’t lie to you about any health risks. He’s the type to tell the truth or say nothing at all but he wouldn't lie, which was comforting enough. You just couldn’t believe that Kaeya was careless enough to go along with such an experiment without having a clue what the outcome would look like. The knights really do have some higher level of trust in each other.
“Alright, whatever. As long as Kaeya’s okay I guess it’s fine”, you grumbled in reluctant surrender. Your face was turned away from the two men but Kaeya’s hand found yours and began lightly tugging at it as a way of gently teasing you. ��But you’re sure this is it? He’s not going to grow a tail or whiskers, is he?”
“The reaction was an immediate one, the effects we’re seeing right now should be the only ones there are”, Albedo muttered coolly as he scribbled into some kind of notepad.
As much as you wanted to trust his words, you couldn’t help the unsettled feeling within your stomach, and Kaeya purposely drawing your hand across his face as he hummed in satirical satisfaction didn't help. You honestly didn't know what you would do if you went to bed that night and woke up besides a blue eyepatch wearing feline. Your eyes shifted from the pair of furry ears wriggling atop his head to the mischievous glint in his eyes and they finally stopped at the wide grin he wore on his lips. Archons, he’s already starting to smile like a Cheshire cat, you thought to yourself.
“They should be the only effects, but what if they aren't-” Kaeya began but you cut him off before he had the chance to mess with you any further.
“Alright, Captain Kitty, let’s get you out of here”, you spoke as you dragged him out by his arm while he chuckled in amusement. You were about to say your goodbyes to Albedo but noticed his attention had already been captured by something else.
“Captain Kitty...” Kaeya hummed to himself. “I’m sure we can do better than that.”
After a moment of silence, he chirped again, “Ah, I know. What do you call a kitty with a cryo vision?”
You sighed already knowing a cheesy pun was to follow. With a shrug and a shake of your head, you shut your eyes in anticipation.
“A cool cat.” You didn't even need to open your eyes to see the shit-eating grin on your partner's face at his word play. His tone gave away that he was happy with himself at the pun and you couldn't restrain the smile breaking out on your lips no matter how hard you tried.
“See, that was a good one, right?” he poked your side repeatedly.
“Whatever, cool cat,” you rolled your eyes. “Just watch where you're going, especially in a lab like this. We wouldn't want you losing one of your nine lives, would we?”
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Lucky [Stefan Salvatore]
pairing - stefan salvatore x fem, human!reader
type - fluff, light smut
note / request “okay i have one, how about stefan gets super drink and is making super suggestive jokes on the reader and is flirting w her and she has to take care of him?” since stefan is a vampire i figured the side affects of being drunk would be different for him. he’s not so much like tired and can’t-walk-straight drunk, he’s more i’m-very-horny-and-annoying type of drunk lol. also i apologise if this isn’t very good. i was really excited to write this but it didn’t come together like i hoped. anyways, enjoy!
 summary - you take care of your boyfriend, stefan, when he gets drunk at a party
warnings / includes - language, mention of alcohol and anxiety, vomiting, very suggestive and flirty content, lots of kissing and making out, stefan being a cranky and cheeky little shit lol. this takes place after klaus has stefan become the rippahhh 
*gif isn’t mine*
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When Caroline called you, you didn’t think anything of it. You just thought that she was calling to try and convince you to come to the party at The Grill for the fifth time. When she started shouting at you about Stefan was when you started to get worried. 
“What did you say, Care?” You asked. It was hard to hear her over the music in the background. 
“One second!” Caroline exclaimed. 
You waited a few moments before Caroline spoke again. There was no sound in the background this time. 
“Sorry, I had to go outside,” she apologised. “It’s alright. Um, what’d you say about Stefan?” You asked. 
“He’s drunk and he needs you to come and pick him up,” she explained. 
“Oh,” you frowned. “Well, why can’t you drive him home?” “Trust me, we’ve tried, but…. but he only wants you.”
You couldn’t stop the smile that was spreading across your face. “Oh, really?”
“Well, duh. You’re his girlfriend,” Caroline chuckled. 
“Right, right,” you nodded. You got up from your kitchen table, shutting your textbooks and putting them away. “Well, I’ll be over soon.” “Okay, thank you. Also, brace yourself for when you see him. Drunk Stefan is fun, crazy Stefan,” Caroline warned. 
You chuckled and went to put your shoes on. “I bet he’s not that bad.”
“Oh, you’ll be surprised. Anyways, I’ll see you soon,” Caroline said. 
“See ya,” you hung up the call. You set your phone dying, tying your sneakers. You grabbed your jacket and car keys, about to make your way to your car, but your mom stopped you. 
“You going to the party?” She asked. “Um, not exactly,” you started. “Stefan needs to be picked up.”
“Oh, why? Is he okay?” Your mom crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Yeah, he’s just had a little too much to drink,” you explained. 
“Hm, alright. Well, if you need any help, call me. I know how drunk, horny teenage boys can be,” she chuckled. 
“He’s not like that, Mom,” you shook your head. “I know, I know, but you never know,” she tsked. 
You gave her a small smile, “I’ll see you later.”
“Text me if you’re staying over at his place!” She reminded. 
You nodded in reply and opened the garage door, stepping out and heading to your car. You drove to The Grill, your anxiety spiking as you thought of what Caroline meant. You had known Stefan for almost three years and had been dating him for five months, but you had never seen him drunk. Sure, you’ve seen him tipsy because all Damon and he did for fun was drink, but he always kept his ground. You hoped Caroline was just overreacting. 
You parked in the parking lot of The Grill, hopping out of your car and entering the restaurant. You were met with eardrum-rupturing music and the scent of sweat and alcohol. You smiled and greeted a few friendly faces before looking for Stefan. As you walked through the ground, a hand grabbed your forearm. This caused you to jump and spin around your heel, holding up your fist in defense. 
“Whoa, calm down. It’s just me,” Jeremy chuckled. 
“Oh,” you chuckled and put your fist down, relaxing your body. “Sorry, you just never know.”
“No worries. I take it you’re here for Stefan?” Jeremy asked. “You are correct, Jer,” you nodded. 
“He’s playing pool,” he said, leading you over to the back of the room where the rest of your friends were. 
You furrowed your brows as Stefan looked pretty normal and relaxed. He actually looked like he was having fun for once. Just as you began to think Caroline was exaggerating, Stefan then drank three shots at once and jumped on top of the pool table. 
“O-Oh,” you gasped, your eyes widening in surprise. 
“Yep,” Jeremy sighed. He then went in front of you, giving you an encouraging, sarcastic smile. “Have fun!” Jeremy then fled the scene, walking over to a table of girls. 
You rolled your eyes and looked back at Stefan, sucking in a breath as you saw Damon and Caroline struggling to get him off the table. You decided that you should go up and help them. 
“Oh, thank God!” Caroline exclaimed as you walked over. 
“Hey,” you smiled at them. You looked up at Stefan, giving him a soft, caring smile. “Hey, you.”
Stefan looked down, grinning from ear-to-ear once he saw you. “Y/n! You’re here!” He jumped down from the pool table, engulfing you in a tight hug. 
You let out an ‘oof’ as you were pulled flush against him. You wrapped your arms round him nonetheless and hugged him back, burying your face into his neck. Your eyes fluttered close as you breathed in his scent. It masked the smell of the sweaty, intoxicated teens that surrounded you two. Stefan pulled away after a few moments, his eyes meeting yours.
“You look so pretty,” he muttered, his hands coming up to cup each sides of your face. 
You smiled, “Thank you. Now, c’mon, I’m here to take you home.”
His head started to shake furiously. “No, no. Let’s stay. Let’s party. Let’s have fun.” As he said the last few words, one of his hands went from your face to your waist. He gripped your side, pulling you impossibly closer. As his hand stayed cupping your cheek, his head dove down to your neck where he started to kiss the area under your ear. 
You gasped softly, your eyes fluttering close as him kissing your neck made your skin tingle. You put your hands on his chest, though, pushing him back slightly. You looked him straight in the eyes, letting him know that you didn’t come to play. 
“We can have fun at home.”
“No, we’re just gonna go to bed,” he whined. “And would that be so bad?” You chuckled. 
“Yes because you look so fuckable right now,” he growled. He hooked his fingers in your belt loops, pulling you close to him once again. Your hips met and you gasped as you felt his hard on through his jeans press just next to your core. 
“Stefan,” you protested. He looked up at you with big, green, innocent eyes. “Something wrong, sweetheart?”
Heat rose up your neck and you felt like the whole room was watching you. You definitely knew all your friends were. 
“We’re in public. We can’t do this,” you shook your head. 
“Let’s go somewhere more private then,” he muttered. 
Before you could speak, he took you in his arms and sped you out of the restaurant. Your back hit your car once you stopped.
“Sorry, did hurt you?” Stefan asked, concerned eyes looking over you. 
“Not, but-” you started, but Stefan cut you ooff by kissing you. 
You melted into him, kissing him back with the same amount of need and passion. Your hands went up to his hair, entangling your fingers in his soft locks. Meanwhile, Stefan’s hands roamed your body. His left hand went down to your ass as his right slid under your top, running the pads of his fingers across your skin. He gripped your ass as his fingers went up higher to your bra.
“U-Oh, Stefan,” you gasped in-between kisses. 
“I missed you tonight,” he mumbled against your lips. 
“I missed you, too, but you’re drunk. We can’t do this. Especially not against my car,” you sighed, pulling back from him once again. 
He frowned, “But you’re so pretty. I just want to kiss all over your beautiful body.”
You let out a breathy laugh, trying to slow your racing heart. All the sweet talk and kissing made you very flustered. “Thank you, Stefan. I appreciate it, I really do, but you’re drunk.”
“I can smell your arousal though,” he stated, his fingers coming down your bra to your legs. He ran his fingers over the front of your jeans, pressing down just ever-so-slightly. 
“A-Ah!” You squealed. Stefan gave you a satisfied smirk as he pressed down further. More wetness pooled between your legs as he was pressing down on your clit. 
“See? Now, tell me you don’t want to do anything.”
You looked him in the eyes, your pupils dilated and full of lust. It took everything in you to shake your head. Because as good as it felt to have his hands on you, you knew that having drunk sex with him was not the best idea. 
“I do, but,” you said sternly, “Not right now.”
Stefan hands fell to his side immediately. He stepped away from you, “Then what do you want to do right now?” 
“Get you home and in bed,” you stated, reaching for your keys that was in your pocket. 
“But that’s so boring! Can we at least, like, make out?” “Nope,” you shook your head. 
“When did you ever get so mean,” he pouted. You rolled your eyes with a smile, “I am not mean. I’m being responsible.” “Being responsible is boring!” He objected. “That’s not what sober Stefan would say,” you remarked, turning to open the door. 
“Yeah, sober me is boring.”
“And it’s my favourite you,” you smiled, opening the car door. Before Stefan would say anything, you shoved him inside. 
“Rough, huh?” Stefan gave you a cheeky smile. 
You gave him a long eye roll, shutting the door and walking over to the driver’s side. You stepped in and started your car, ignoring Stefan’s burning stare. 
“Why are you ignoring me?” “Because I know you’re gonna try to butter me up and convince me to have sex in this car,” you explained. 
Stefan scoffed, “Pfft, what! I would never ever do that.”
“Sure you wouldn’t, lover boy,” you retorted as you started up the car. 
Stefan set his hand on your thigh as you started driving. You didn’t move it as this was something he did every car ride whether you were driving or he was, but once he started to inch his fingers up your leg was when you knew you had to say something.  
“Stefan,” you wanted. “Yes, honey?” Stefan asked innocently, stopping his hand immediately. 
You rolled your eyes with a small smile. You could not believe the games he was playing. 
“Nothing,” you muttered, paying attention to the road as you turned into the gates of Stefan’s house.  
Stefan grinned as he knew that you would let him get away with anything. As long as it wasn’t actual sex, of course. You both knew a little teasing never hurt anybody, and you both definitely knew you liked it, too. You parked at the entrance, getting out and walking to Stefan’s side. You opened the door, holding your arm out like chivalrous men did on dates. 
“Here you are, m’lady,” you grinned. Stefan’s rolled his eyes, “Ha. Ha. Very funny.” 
“Oh, I know.” 
You held his hand as you walked to his door, unlocking it and stepping inside. 
“I’m going to get some water for you and me, go upstairs and get changed,” you directed.  “Yes, ma’am,” he smirked, slapping your ass as you walked by him. 
You turned to him, scoffing and giving him a glare. He winked at you and made his way to the stairs. You shook your head with a flustered smile, going to the kitchen and getting a few water bottles. You got out your phone and texted your mom that you were staying the night. You then climbed up the stairs, entering his room and getting even more flustered once you saw him in his bed, the only clothing on him was grey sweats. 
“Like what you see?” Stefan teased, putting his hands under his head so his biceps were flexed.  
“Very much,” you nodded, walking over to him and setting the water bottles down on the nightstand that was next to his bed. 
Stefan put his hand on your waist, pulling you to sit on the bed. You complied and sat down next to his legs, putting your hands on his chest and tracing patterns over his abs. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Stefan marvelled at you. His hands went up to your cheek, his thumb running over your cheekbone. You smiled and nuzzled into his hand, looking at him through your lashes.  
“And you seem to be a lot more sober now,” you commented.
“Yeah, well, vampires sober up fast,” he shrugged. “Oh, is that so?” You asked 
“Yep,” he grinned proudly. “So you don’t have a headache or anything?” You wondered. 
His smile faltered and he averted his gaze from you. You chuckled, “Thought so.” You grabbed a water bottle, opening it and putting it up to his lips. 
“Here, drink this. I’ll get you some Tylenol,” you said, beginning to sit up. 
“I’ll be fine,” he waved his headache off. “Stefan,” you frowned, “I know you’re immune to sickness and death and whatnot, but that doesn’t mean you’re immune to headaches.”
“I’m serious, I’ll be fine. Stop worrying so-” He stopped speaking, closing his mouth immediately. He made a sour face, his eyes widening. 
“About to throw up?” You guessed. He nodded his head furiously, putting his hand up to cover his mouth. 
“Let’s get you to the bathroom,” you pulled him up, walking him across the hall to the bathroom. You both dropped to your knees and Stefan immediately started to vomit. 
You cringed, but rubbed his back nonetheless. “There you go. Get it all out.” Your hand went up to his hair and you twirled his hero hair in-between your fingers. You put your forehead against his temple, kissing his cheek to comfort him. 
After a few minutes of him throwing his guts up, he threw his head back and groaned. “I’m so sorry you had to see that.”
“Don’t apologise. It’s all part of being drunk,” you kissed him on the cheek again. You then got up, pulling him up with you. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” You hummed, walking him to the sink. 
“Yeah, okay,” he nodded. 
You looked up at him, running your fingers through his hair. Throwing up had taken a lot of his energy, and now he was all worn-out. He went to grab his toothbrush, but missed by a few millimeters. 
“Why don’t I do it for you,” you stated more than suggested. 
“No, no. You’ve done enough tonight, take a break,” he shook his head. 
You smiled, “It’s okay. I like taking care of you. It’s kind of my job as your girlfriend, after all.”
He smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, I guess.”
You nodded and hummed in reply, turning him around so his back was against the sink. You took his toothbrush and and squirted toothpaste on it, stepping in front of Stefan and holding it up. 
“Open wide,” you sang. Stefan followed your orders and your stuck the toothbrush in his mouth, beginning to circle over the left side of his mouth. 
Stefan’s arm went around your waist, pulling you closer to him lazily. You smiled as your hips met his. You leaned into him, switching the sides of his mouth that you were brushing after a minute. 
“Alright, time to spit,” you ordered. 
Stefan turned around, spitting the out the foamy toothpaste. He hung his head low to get some water to swish in his mouth to get the remaining toothpaste out. He sat back up and you put his toothbrush back on the sink. You grabbed a towel and wet it to wipe off the excess toothpaste that was on the corners of Stefan’s mouth. 
You straightened back up and went in front of Stefan, running the towel over his lips. You moved slowly, your eyes roaming his face. He looked so handsome, even when he was sweaty and slightly disoriented from just throwing up. Your eyes wandered up to his, his green eyes stared at yours back. The deep, unwavering eye contact both made you two flustered and nervous. Butterflies swarmed in your stomach while the tips of Stefan’s ears turned pink. 
You lowered the towel, placing it back onto the sink counter. Your eyes never left Stefan’s as you did so. Shivers ran up your spine as Stefan’s hand snaked up to the small of your back. He pulled your chest closer to his, leaving little to no room between your lips and his. 
“I thought you were all tired and tame,” you muttered, your eyes flickering down to his lips and back up to his eyes. 
“I’m never tired and definitely never tame when I’m around you,” he whispered, leaning in. 
You hummed in reply, fluttering your eyes close as you leaned up to kiss him. You wrapped your hands around his neck, taking a fist full of his hair and twirling it. You kissed him slowly and gently, each of you taking your time to savour the feeling and taste of the kiss. 
You pulled away after a few moments, setting your forehead against his. You licked your lips, staring into Stefan’s green eyes. 
“Let’s get you into bed,” you whispered. 
Stefan shook his head, a coy smile playing on his lips. Before you could scold and protest, he lifted you up from your waist and ran over to the bed. He threw you down, climbing on top of you. 
“Stefan!” You giggled. “What?” He asked. 
“We have to go to bed,” you said. “We are in bed,” he gestured to the pillows. 
You rolled your eyes, “Stop being a wise ass. You’re still drunk, whether you want to admit it or not.”
“I’m half-drunk,” he shrugged. “Really? That’s the best you could do?” You snorted. 
“You know me, anything to be able to have sex with you,” he grinned. 
“Mhm, well, nothing can sway me and you know it.” Stefan looked into your eyes, studying you for a little. He knew that no matter how much kissing, touching, sweet-talking he did, you wouldn’t give in. He decided to give up and cuddle, which was honestly what he needed after a long, tiring night. He got off of you, laying on his back. 
“Seems like you’re learning,” you remarked. 
“Well, I know that if I’m good, I’ll get a reward later,” he quipped. 
You chuckled, turning around so now your face was met with his. You propped yourself on your elbow, putting a hand on his chest. 
“You’re lucky, you know?” You said. 
“Yeah,” he sighed with a smile, “I know.” “Yeah, well, so am I,” you smiled, moving closer to him. You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and laid back down on your back. 
Stefan rolled over and he laid his head on your chest, wrapping his arms around your middle. You smiled contently and ran your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. 
“Thanks for taking care of me,” Stefan mumbled. 
“No problem. I love you,” you said. 
“I love you, too,” he sighed, closing his eyes and falling asleep. 
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mercy-burning · 3 years
Fake Fiancée - Part 3
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Reader and Spencer write letters back and forth, both of them slowly starting to fall in deeper. Category: Smut (18+) Content Warnings: Strong language, sexual themes, masturbation (male and female), sexting, face sitting Word Count: 6.3k
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4
NOTE: Hello!! Sorry this has been so long in the making, but for a while my inspiration for this story absolutely disappeared, and then I tried to think of how to bridge the previous chapters to the final one with absolutely no luck. And then I re-read Part 2 and got stuck on the letter, thus this chapter was born! I didn’t want to drag this miniseries out any longer than 4 parts, and the letter format combined with other inner monologuing and description really allowed me to do that in an interesting way that hopefully doesn’t feel rushed! 
It was so much fun and very refreshing to write. I hope you like how it turned out!
Thank you all for being so patient while I get my shit together 😅 Love you guys! Enjoy 🥰
We've been sending letters back and forth for about a month now.
If I'm being honest, it took me about two weeks to decide whether or not I actually wanted to send one back, but could you blame me?
Here was this guy I couldn't stop thinking about after a one-night stand, only for him to catch me—months later at the same exact bar we'd met in—flirting with his friend. And then after our sexual encounter that night, all the things we said, the connection I thought we had, all of it...
He left it all behind the next morning, only to send me a letter in the mail.
I was pissed.
Sure, it was a nice letter, but the fact that he'd reduced what we had down to a piece of paper and scribbled ink had made me angrier than I cared to admit.
In retrospect, I may have overreacted.
Over time I started re-reading his words, and the more I thought about it all, the more I started to regret my anger. And more than anything, I just wanted to see him again. I couldn't stay mad at him, not when all I could picture was his pouty face and nervous hands. His sunbeam of a smile peeked through the clouds of my anger here and there, and the longer it settled, the more it bathed me in a warm light that should have made me happy. But all it did was make me long for him.
Once I'd actually started writing that first letter back, I wondered why I hadn't jumped on the opportunity in the first place. I mean, after all the cliché shit we'd experienced in our short relationship thus far, adding love letters to the mix was just as perfect as you could get, right?
I'm sorry it's taken me this long to finally write you back. Truthfully I wasn't sure I wanted to write you at all, but your letter kept drawing me back in. I couldn't stop re-reading it, imagining you sitting down somewhere and contemplating every word as you wrote them down. I wondered if you'd thrown out hundreds of pieces of paper after messing up when you could have just as well typed out a letter without wasting them.
And then by that point, all I could think about was just you.
I always pictured what your living room looks like, or your kitchen table, or your office, or wherever you sit down to write. I wondered if you looked like one of those hopeless writers in the movies that have a scruffy face, coffee stains on their white tee shirts, and messy hair that hasn't been washed in days due to lack of inspiration.
But in the end, the image that won out over all the others was just you as I remember.
I'm not going to lie, that image most of the time was your body above mine while I held my hand to your throat, but for the sake of romance I guess I should probably tell you what it was every other time— the outfit you were wearing the first time we met.
When I think of you, I think of your hand nervously clutching that beer bottle for dear life and the other one occasionally pushing your glasses up your nose. I think of your eyes every time they'd look away from me, probably to keep yourself from staring too long.
But the thing that always gets me the most is your smile— even when it comes in little flashes, after you've said something you probably thought was lame. You covered it up with that perfect smile.
I've dreamt of that smile nearly every night since I met you, and I wouldn't be opposed to seeing it in person again.
I'd love to meet you for dinner some time.
But since you did manage to "more or less abandon me twice now", I think it's only fair that you make it up to me first.
Make the next letter a good one, and we'll see what happens.
Yours, Y/N
P.S. I hope my handwriting is as pretty as you hoped. I'd hate to disappoint.
I'm incredibly grateful that you've given me a chance to redeem myself. Every night since I last saw you has also been spent wondering what your house looks like on the inside... What you looked like reading my letter (perhaps at your kitchen table?)
And this might sound silly, but I've also wondered what your bedroom looks like. You may be laughing at me, because I've been in your bedroom, but in my defense I was a bit preoccupied to really take notice of my surroundings— I was simply surrounded by you.
But since I've been to your home, I figured it was only fair that I invite you to mine, possibly for dinner. I don't know how to cook much— in fact I'm pretty awful at making anything that's not a can of Spaghetti-Os... But one of my co-workers is an excellent chef, and with a recipe from him and some practice under my belt, I'm sure I can pull it off.
But by "some" practice, I mean probably weeks or months of practice. So hopefully that gives you ample time to mull it over.
Perhaps in the meantime we can get to know each other through our letters. And who's to say, it might spare us the awkward "getting to know each other" stage of a first date. Though, pretty much every stage of every date is awkward for me, so it might not help at all.
Regardless, I'm very much looking forward to hearing from you again.
I do get called away for work quite often, however. So I apologize in advance if I can't get back to you as soon as I'd like.
But in any instance, you're still welcome to text message or call me. I know it isn't as romantic or personal as handwritten letters, but it's certainly practical.
Yours, Spencer.
P.S. Your handwriting is just as beautiful as I'd imagined it would be. And you could never disappoint me.
That being said, if you somehow decide that this letter wasn't up to your standards and reject my offer, I may just find myself in the deepest despair imaginable.
I was definitely way too in my head about this.
It was just a text. Sure, it was a risky text to send, but I had no doubt in my mind that it would be fine in the end.
So why was my stomach churning just thinking about sending it?
Some might have chalked it up to my fat ol' crush on Spencer, but I knew it ran deeper. It had to do at least a little with my history with Patrick... The man stood me up and sent divorce papers to my place of work rather than to my face... And as much as I liked to think I was completely over it, we'd been together for years, and it really did a number on me.
I didn't want to ruin this new thing with Spencer so badly that I was overthinking everything.
So even though I could see his face opening the text, my heart doing jumps at the mere thought of it, a bigger part of me worried that it would be a step too far in the wrong direction. I didn't want him to think I was only in this for... sexual reasons. Which, don't get me wrong, have been pretty damn great so far, but I really did want to get to know him and see where this went.
In the end I decided to hold off. I settled for something a little lighter.
Don't feel too bad about your cooking skills. I've been through my fair share of burnt frozen pizzas to know how you're feeling. So the fact that you've given yourself the opportunity to practice and learn a recipe just for me is extremely romantic, and I appreciate the thought.
I won't stop you from following through, though I'm telling you now that no amount of slaving away in the kitchen will make me change my mind about you. We could probably eat stale crackers on the floor and I'd still find you utterly fascinating.
Maybe that's a bit too extreme, but I hope you get my point.
Anyway, I'd love to come over for dinner some time. Whenever you think you're ready to show me those improved cooking skills, you just let me know and I'll happily make my way over.
In the meantime, I'm thinking of sending more with my letters. I don't want to give away too much, but I will say that I'm very crafty. And don't feel like you need to send anything in return, though I'll let you know if I ever change my mind.
In the bottom right corner of the letter, right next to her signature, was a red lipstick stain in the shape of... well, her lips. It was common sense to know that they were hers and no one else's, not just a stamp or a drawing, and rather her actual lip stain... But even without it, I would have been able to tell by their shape.
Was that pathetic?
I could hear her, picture her in front of me, hovering above me with red-painted lips in the shape of a smirk, visibly cooing as she called me names... I could feel the ghost of her fingertips trailing up my throat and tilting my chin up to look at her as she rocked her hips teasingly into mine...
The whine I let out truly was pathetic.
You pathetic, needy little thing, I could hear her say...
My hands clutched the paper so tightly I thought I'd tear it, but it didn't matter when all I could see while staring at it was her luscious, red lips... Her voice was right there in my ear, like she was really beside me, watching me...
Oh, God, what would she do if she saw me right now? Staring at her lipstick stained paper and subconsciously grinding down into my chair...
You pathetic, needy little thing...
My hips jolted with a small, broken shout of her name, and in no time the front of my pants were flooded with warmth. I felt her eyes burning into me from the void, sparking to life with amusement as her voice crept into the deep corners of my brain and whispered praises to me.
Ohh, what a good little whore... Getting off to the thought of me... That's it, sweet boy... Come for me...
By now my eyes had squeezed shut and the letter was crumpled in my hand, the other reaching down to add much-appreciated burning friction to my crotch as I rode out my orgasm. My whole body tensed and shuddered at every sensation, from Y/N's image behind my eyes to the sweet warmth that pooled in my underwear and soaked through onto my hand.
Holy mother of—
The next time I saw her, I was screwed. I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face. I'd surely go red the second I laid eyes on her, and she'd know right away what I was thinking and feeling.
Simply put, it scared and excited me at the same time.
She'd utterly and thoroughly wrecked me, and if she didn't already know it, she certainly would soon.
I'm not sure what you intend to send in addition to your letters, but if it's anything near the sentiment of your lip stain, then you might have to refrain in favor of my poor, fragile heart.
See, it aches for you. It's bad enough I think of you always, but the moment I saw the shape of your lips on that letter, my heart almost shot straight out of my chest. Maybe it was the familiar shape of your lips or the implications of its place next to your name, signed after the word 'yours', that sent me into a tailspin, but whatever the case...
I'm pretty sure I've completely fallen under your spell.
I suppose I should also tell you that my heart wasn't the only part of my body that came to life at your added signature. I assure you, it took no time at all for me to come undone at the thought of your lips pressing gently against the paper, imagining that they were instead pressing to my skin... I didn't even have to touch myself, really. It just happened. Because of you and you alone.
I hope that wasn't too forward, but I felt it necessary that you know just how much of an effect you have on me.
If I could see you again in a millisecond, it wouldn't be soon enough.
That being said, I am determined to spend as much time as possible to perfect this dish for our dinner. Because you deserve nothing but the best, even if you insist that you could settle for less.
It's the least I can do.
Yours, Spencer.
And a week and a half later, when I didn't get a letter back on time, I was sure I'd messed up for good.
My mind was racing a mile a minute, yelling at myself for even thinking for a second of being that detailed in a letter without any consent. Sure, she'd taken it a step up by signing off her letter with a kiss, but I'd been absolutely idiotic in telling her that I got off to it.
I was honestly well and truly prepared to show up at her house with a big bouquet of flowers and an apology so wordy and probably too long for anyone's liking, in hopes that she'd forgive me for making this huge mistake.
Thankfully, though, it wasn't needed.
My phone chimed as I was pacing, my lip near bloody with how hard I'd been chewing at it, and I saw an unknown number attached to a text message and photo attachment.
The photo wouldn't load (I would have to plug it into my laptop and transfer the image there to see it— a fact which always irked Penelope to the core), but with the sentences I saw above the file, I almost knew exactly what I'd find when I had the means to see it.
There. Now we're even... Who says text messages can't be romantic and personal? XXX, Y/N
I felt like Bambi as I scrambled to my laptop three rooms over, stumbling over weak legs with my phone clutched tightly in my hand. My heart raced faster than it ever had as I started everything up and retrieved the right cord for my phone. With a few shakes and stumbles here and there, I briefly entertained the idea of upgrading my phone.
I probably would have left the apartment to do it immediately after seeing her photo attachment, but the moment it loaded up on my screen, my brain and body lost all ability to function properly.
A familiar burn coursed through the lower half of my body and tightened my chest at the sight of her, open and exposed and... wet.
My laptop screen was completely taken over by the image of Y/N's pussy, visibly glistening and aroused. A manicured hand—her hand— was in frame as well, middle finger resting snugly between the supple skin of her wet lips.
The fact that I only tasted her once felt downright cruel.
I tried to imagine it again— my face buried between the softness of her thighs. As much as I wanted to lay her down and indulge myself as long as possible, taking all the time in the world to slowly devour her and truly explore her for myself, what ran through my mind then was something more in the vein of our dynamic thus far.
My mind wandered, specifically to a place where I was the one laying down as she sat down directly onto my face and gave me what she thought I deserved. My hands were tied to the bed, maybe handcuffed. All I knew was that I couldn't touch her, and it bothered me. So I whined, and every time the sound left my mouth, she would let up, lifting further out of reach and causing me to instinctively reach my head up to chase her.
You greedy little slut... Take what I give you...
Desperately seeking her approval, I told her I'd be good and rejoiced when she lowered herself down to me again, allowing me to me completely wrapped up in her once more. My tongue lapped and lapped, gathering as much of her as I could before she'd inevitably leave again.
But she never did.
Somehow I kept my quiet, even though it was extremely difficult, and ate her out like my life depended on it. She glided smoothly over my face, coating more than just my lips in her arousal, and it thrilled me to my very core.
Every time I breathed in I could smell her, every time she groaned out my name my stomach fluttered, and it wasn't long before she was clutching my hair, shaking above me while I drank her in and repressed my whines.
My hips were uncontrollable though, bucking up into nothing and begging for any type of stimulation.
But then suddenly it was there— Her hand, firmly wrapping around my dick and gliding over it beautifully with a slickness that she must have transferred from her pussy. I could still taste her as I cried out her name, her movements quickening with every second until—
I didn't even realize I was actually alone until my eyes opened, cum coating my hand, my heartbeat heavy and loud, and the laptop screen in front of me a shade darker signaling a long period of inactivity.
I'd done it again...
And now we most certainly were not even.
I glanced over at my phone—plugged into the laptop—and then down at my lap, and my stomach knotted as my next move rang clear as day.
I woke up the next morning to texts from Spencer, and my heart picked up speed, a gentle warmth blooming through my chest at the sight.
I thought maybe he'd thank me for the photo I'd sent. Maybe he'd return it with an influx of messages along the lines of Oh my god, Holy fuck I miss you, and the like.
But what I wasn't expecting was to see a photo in return, of his hand that I'd dreamt of nearly nightly, wrapped firmly around his cock and all of it completely covered in cum.
Below the photo were three messages in a row, and each one gave me more butterflies than the last.
Sorry for low quality. No smartphone.
Also sorry we're not even anymore.
But I'm not sorry I did it- you're too perfect to resist.
Dearest Y/N,
I'm sorry you haven't gotten a letter from me in a while. And I know we've kept in touch through texting and calling while I was swamped at work, though now that I have some time off, I'd love to write you again. As much as I enjoy our virtual conversations, I still find sending letters to be my preferred method of communication (only second to speaking with you in person, that is).
Which brings me to the main point I'm trying to make.
I want to see you again. In person. I'm not completely confident in my cooking ability yet, but if you wouldn't mind the potential of it tasting awful, I'd love to have you over. I promise you nothing but the best, and I know that's a high promise, especially considering I probably haven't sold you on the meal, but it's true.
I'd do anything to please you.
And I really do mean 'anything', I hope you understand that.
Yours, Spencer.
The thought of seeing him in person again after so long made my hands way shakier than I would have liked. It made no sense the longer I thought about it, because it was obvious that we liked each other, and seeing each other in person wouldn't be a problem. Because it'd never been a problem before.
It irked me.
Still, I knocked on his door and physically shook out my hands, praying I could keep my cool when he finally opened the door.
But I should have known better.
One second I was staring at a large plank of wood, and the next I was staring into frantic eyes, golden and sparkling just as I remembered, but with an added glimmer of fear that matched the shakiness of my hands.
I don't know how long we stood there, just staring at each other, but the longer we did, the more we relaxed. His fear was gone, and the shaking in my hands turned into a dull hum that longed to reach out for him.
Still, I refrained, settling on a simple, "Hey, pen pal..."
By the way he looked at me, silent as ever, I started to wonder if that was a stupid thing to lead with. So I opened my mouth to apologize, to say anything else, but he beat me to it.
"Y/N... I... H—Hi, you look... incredible."
"O—Oh, thanks... Thank you, yeah, I um... figured I should... dress up a little. I know we're not going out anywhere, but I thought it might be nice."
He doesn't need to know that, Y/N, stop talking!
I gave him a small smile and a nervous laugh in an attempt to stop myself, hating how I was so nervous around him.
Spencer didn't seem to mind, though. He let me in and closed the door behind me as I quickly glanced around his apartment. It was littered with greens and browns, books everywhere, and I'd never felt more at home.
"Is it, uh... What you expected?"
"Hmm?" I turned to meet him, his soft voice pulling me from my wandering eyes.
"My apartment."
"Oh! Yeah, it's very you... I love it."
The compliment had his cheeks turning pink, and there was nothing I wanted to do more than kiss them over and over again.
And just like that, once again we were caught just staring at each other. I didn't know what he was thinking, and honestly, I didn't know what I was thinking either. All I knew in that moment was that Spencer Reid was standing right in front of me, close enough to touch, and I wanted to give in.
I was so wrapped up in the idea of feeling him that I almost didn't hear him speak. I wouldn't have heard him at all had it not been for his lips moving.
"I'm sorry, I haven't started dinner yet..."
"That's okay," I reassured. Or, at least I tried to. Really, though, I think it sounded more like I was uninterested in what he was saying, my voice flat and lifeless as I continued to stare at him.
Suddenly we were closer, and I had to look up higher to see his face, butterflies swarming in my stomach at the way he looked down at me.
"You're sure?"
"I can start it now if you're getting hungry."
Food isn't what I'm hungry for, is what I thought. I almost said it, too, because he was even closer now, his hands coming out to touch mine. If they were humming before, they were certainly blaring with life now, growing hot under his light touch. And it took everything I had not to look down, because it had been too damn long since I'd seen his hands in person, and I wanted them on me immediately.
He could tell, too. He could sense my urgency, feel the longing radiating off my presence, and I knew this because I could feel his, too. His eyes practically dared me to say what I was thinking, and so I did.
"Don't you dare."
It was hard to tell who moved in first, but it really didn't matter.
I was here, in his apartment, feeling his lips glide over mine with reckless abandon, and that's all that mattered.
His hands gripped my waist so tightly I would have thought he was trying to hold me in place, to make sure I wasn't ever going to leave his sight again. And if that was the case, I would have let him hold me there forever.
My hands, meanwhile, clutched at his hair, forcing myself closer and closer to him with every sharp tug. I reveled in the way he whined into my mouth with every little thing I did, whether it was a tug of the hair or a roll forward of the hips, or even a swipe of my tongue over his.
He was putty in my hands yet again, and just like every time before, it turned me into a fucking goner.
Being with Spencer wasn't like anything I'd ever known. And the only other thing I'd known was Patrick. He didn't want me, not really, and even though he was good to me in the beginning, it was never like this.
I didn't come over to his apartment with shaking hands. I didn't send him fucking love letters almost weekly, and I certainly didn't get kissed like this...
Spencer was drunk on me, and I wasn't any sober myself.
"That picture you sent me..." I mumbled over his lips, still keeping myself as close as I could while I got out what I needed to say. "Where did you take that?"
We kissed for a few more seconds, unable to stay apart, before he answered, his voice just as breathy and brimming with desperation as mine. "My office. Just down the hall."
I kissed him again, hard, and then pulled back to look him in the eyes. They widened when I said, "Show me."
He dragged me through the apartment on rushed legs, and I almost laughed at the urgency, only stopped by the realization that I was just as urgent. It occurred to me that perhaps my laughing at his urgency might just be a slight turn on for him, given our history with my playful degradation, but still I pulled back— Tonight felt... different.
It didn't feel like we were headed in the direction of me calling him my dirty little whore throughout the night, and it was something I was more than okay with. In fact, I welcomed it, excited to see where this new night would take us.
We ended up in his office, which remained more or less the same aesthetic as the rest of his place. In the middle sat a small desk with a laptop and some papers scattered about on it, accompanied by a tall floor lamp and a rolling desk chair.
"Where were you exactly?" I mused, gripping his hand tightly and buzzing at the way his fingers flexed against my own.
"In the chair... I pulled the photo up on my laptop."
"Right. No smartphone."
Spencer hummed in confirmation before dragging me along to the chair, and I fucking giggled as he plopped down and practically pulled me right on top of him, the chair rolling back a foot or two. I went down for a bright, messy kiss that ended with his hands clutching my ass over my skirt and my own cradling his face.
His growing bulge nudged right up into my inner thigh, and I groaned lightly in his mouth, my fingers dragging softly down his jaw and neck until I reached his shoulders.
"What were you thinking about?"
He raised his eyebrow, and I rocked my hips forward with a sly grin, hoping to get my point across. "When you were looking at my picture, in this very chair, what were you thinking about?"
Seeing his eyelids stutter and his tongue dart out at my movements sent a rush through me, and I moved my hips once more to emphasize my urgency.
"I... I thought about you... riding my face. You tied my hands..."
"Oh?" I sighed, rocking forward again and humming into his neck. "Well, that can definitely be arranged if you want it bad enough..."
"Please, Y/N, yes... Please..."
The need dripping from every syllable made it near impossible to breathe, and I was suddenly very inclined to give him everything he wanted. With or without the begging.
So I reluctantly peeled away from him and stood up on weak legs. Staring at Spencer as he sat there, leaning back in the chair with disheveled hair and obvious desire in his eyes, made it all the better when I took my panties off from under my skirt and motioned for him to come forward. "On your knees?"
I would have demanded it in any other situation, but I was feeling a bit more sweet this time around.
And he seemed grateful for it, sliding the chair back further and getting down in front of me. I reached out and played with his hair, trying my hardest to commit his beautiful face to memory. I wanted it burned there for the rest of time.
Spencer offered his hands to me, and I hummed happily, doing my best to tie his hands together with a makeshift knot from my panties. It wasn't really tight or secure, but it was enough for him to whine as he set them in his lap.
He watched intently as I dropped my skirt—a bit redundant now, but I thought it'd be a nice way to get him more excited. Plus I wanted to see his face (or at lease what I could see of it while it was buried between my legs).
I stepped forward then, looking down at him with a smile while my hands reached out to comb through his hair. "You ready?"
"Uh huh."
The look in his eyes right before I came forward and hovered over his face almost made my come on the spot.
But as fun as that would have been, I was glad for the way my body held off and settled for a beautiful, burning increase of pleasure that dragged out the longer he swiped his tongue through my folds. Actually, I forgot for a moment that I was supposed to be moving, riding his face like he'd thought about.
I willed my eyes open and clutched Spencer's soft locks of hair beneath me, gently rolling my hips and grinding down further on his face.  The groan he let out not only felt good against my skin, but it sounded like pure bliss, eliciting a small whimper of my own as I tightened my grip in his hair and rocked faster.
"God, I missed having your mouth on me, baby... You're... so good..."
The longer I spoke the more breathless I became, not because the words didn't come easily, but because I truly believed them to be true.
Spencer really was so fucking good, his tongue the most delicate, divine object of the universe as it drew out every ounce of delight from my body. I may have been the one above him, calling the shots and directing him where and how to please me, but he was the one who clung to my soul like static and politely guided me towards damnation.
I wasn't even sure of my surroundings to tell you the truth. As my body tensed and took me through one of the most blinding pleasures I'd experienced in weeks, My eyes were squeezed so tightly it's like I saw the universe. All I knew was Spencer's lips sucking my clit and my hands deeply rooted in his hair as I shouted incoherently, stars swirling around behind my eyelids.
Truly, for all I knew, we could have been in space. It wouldn't have made any difference.
But eventually it came to be too much. I was reaching a limit I didn't want to get to so quickly, and so I flashed my eyes open and tried to adjust to this brand new atmosphere, unweaving my fingers through pretty brown waves of hair and stepping back to assess the situation.
What I found was the most beautiful man I'd ever known, panting like he'd just ran a marathon and yet harboring the most intense joy and desire a person could hold. He was on his knees, bound hands writhing in his lap as he awaited further instruction and licked up as much of myself on his face as he could before I stopped him.
Under normal circumstances, I would have wanted to absolutely ruin him. That adoring, desperate look in his eye would have spurred me to more devious endeavors, but all I wanted in this moment was to make sure he was satisfied. I wanted to take care of him, to let him know that I longed to make him feel as worshipped and adored as he'd made me feel.
I got down to Spencer's level, quickly removing the fabric from his wrists and hauling him to his feet, where he now towered over me, still waiting for words to address and instruct him.
Instead, I leaned up with soft hands upon his cheeks and pulled him down to meet my lips in a kiss that changed the tone entirely. It was erotic still, of course, what with my arousal infiltrating my taste buds and eliciting a soft sigh from the both of us, but our urgency manifested in sweeter ways... Softer lips, gentle touches of the face, and an exchanging of breath that was so smooth and seamless it felt like we were floating on air.
I was finding it hard to breathe again, but it wasn't an issue in the slightest. In fact, there was nowhere else I'd rather have been than right there, kissing Spencer Reid like we had all the time in the world.
When the breathlessness was a little too much to bear, we pulled away, though only leaving just enough space to breathe. Our lips stayed briefly connected while we caught up, and his hands found their way to the sides of my face. The way they practically engulfed my whole head brought a brief smile to my lips as I finally gave him the words he was looking for.
"I'm so glad I met you," I whispered.
"Funny, I was just thinking the same thing."
We kissed each other again, naturally and with so much ease that I wondered how I had ever lived without him.
And then, as my hands slid gently down his chest, I felt it.
Something that felt very much like a ring attached to a necklace sat right where his heartbeat resided, and I knew exactly which ring it was.
"W—" I pulled back and circled the shape of it with my finger through the shirt, then looked up at him. "Is that what I think it is?"
Spencer looked briefly panicked, pulling away a little and fishing down the front of his shirt for the chain. "Oh... Um, yeah. I, um... I forgot to take it off, I'm sorry. I..."
"You... kept it?"
I observed the diamond as it laid flat on my palm, still attached to the chain and around his neck. Honestly, after all this time I figured he'd never found it or gotten rid of it, seeing as he never brought it up. And yet there it was, glittering in the palm of my hand as my other one presses firmly against Spencer's rapidly beating heart.
"Y—Yeah... It um... It was really the only physical thing I had to remember you—Well, at least until we started sending letters... And I guess I just... W—Wearing it has become such a habit that I forgot to take it off."
"You never take it off?"
I could tell he was nervous, and rightfully so given I wasn't really letting on how I was feeling about the whole thing.
Still, he answered my short question in such a small whisper I'd have thought he was trying not to get in trouble.
My words certainly weren't helping ease his anxieties, so I remained close, dropping the ring and focusing rather on his eyes. I softened the look in my own and glided my hands down to hold his. His fingers flexed against mine, squeezing them for dear life as he sighed out in relief and flashed me a soft smile.
"Because... I wanted you close to my heart."
With a smile that mirrored his eyes, full of enchantment and pure adoration for the person in front of me, I didn't use my brain and instead focused on what my heart was telling me, consequences be damned.
"I think I might love you..."
Spencer squeezed my hands tighter, that relief spreading out to all his features and brightening that beautiful smile.
"Funny... I was just thinking the same thing."
Our lips met once more, and I swear it was like nothing bad was ever going to happen for the rest of time.
I'd never felt that way. Not once with Patrick did my heart feel settled into place, even during the great parts of our relationship.
And now here I was, with a man who sent me love letters and kept every physical reminder of my existence, who kissed me like I was the most precious thing in the world and slowly mended my wounded heart.
He held me close the whole way to his bedroom and never let me go until the morning. Though, even then his arms outstretched towards me and his fingers flexed, needing to grab onto any part of me that he could find.
And as I was sure I always would, I welcomed him with open arms.
PERMANENT TAGLIST:  @elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes @rainsong01 @yourmisosoup @liveloudwriteloud @reidsconverse @la-vie-en-amour1 @edgycowboy666 @averyhotchner @centiaaa @lizziechaseee @coffeeandendlesswords @usuck @spenxerslut @ssacalumsg0lden @emilyprentisslittlewhore @takeyourleap-of-faith @reidyoulikeabook @spencerreid9 @b-a-utiful @jareauswifey @flipperpenguins @pansexualthing @donald4spiderman @awesomebooklover17 @shemarmooresfedora @izraahh1 @bakugouswh0r3 @singularityjc @xoxospencerreid @thatsonezesty13
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artificialqueens · 2 years
Don't Make What You Can't Hold Up (Daya x Jasmine) - Puppy 
Summary: Jasmine and Daya are roommates who haven't really talked in a bit... and it might end up staying that way.
A/N: Here's some season 14 reunion inspired angstTitle comes from "Skype Tomorrow" from the musical "We Are the Tigers"
ao3 link
Jasmine Kennedie knew one thing about friendship: it wasn’t long-lasting.
Well, at least not to her. Everyone left eventually, so she should have known not to get attached too much. She was self-aware enough to know that she was part of the problem. She talked too much, yet barely listened. With all of that talking, she’d bore those friends to death. It was reasonable for them to end things.
The first time Daya left the apartment for a weekend wasn’t too bad. “Thank God for FaceTime, am I right?” She said with her suitcase in hand, “We’ll talk all the time, almost like I didn’t even go.”
Last winter break, they had plans to go on a road trip together. No Crystal, no Bosco, other family or friends or even other acquaintances: just the two of them in a beat-up Sedan going down the interstate. The wind would have gone through their hair and it would have been the best feeling in the world.
It would have been great if Daya hadn’t told her just a day prior about a music festival she bought tickets for. Jasmine had just finished packing her bags.
“Do you want to move out?” Jasmine asked one day almost out of the blue while she was sitting in her friend’s room.
Daya finished tuning her guitar as she looked up at her roommate. “What makes you think that?”
“It’s just that… I never get to see you anymore. To me, at least, it makes me feel like you don’t want to be around me. We make plans, you cancel them…”
“Look, things just… come up, that’s all. It’s piss poor timing. The next time --”
“The next time,” Jasmine bitterly laughed, “When will that even be? Our lease ends in four months. You’re heading back to Missouri.”
“You’re overreacting. We still have time, don’t worry about it. I promise.”
She promised… Jasmine laughed quietly to herself. She knew how those types of promises went. Those people talked like they were written in blood, it was just done in chalk and broke as easily as glass. It felt like she was still pulling out splinters that were lodged inside from years ago. But there was something about Daya that made it hurt even more. She just sounded so confident, but for someone she’s known for that long, Jasmine just couldn’t believe her.
It wasn’t out of character for Daya either. She was known for talking a lot of shit, but not acting on anything. There were sometimes she’d just… say things without any repercussion.  That was a thing Jasmine felt like she knew too well, and there were time she wish she’d just stop talking. Someone once told her this feeling was just projection, and Jasmine could only deny that claim because she knew it was true.
Both of their mouths have gotten them in a fuckton of trouble.
“Sounds good,” She nodded her head. “Next time you go out just… call me or something? That would be nice.”
“I can go out without you having a leash on me.” The punk rocker scrolled through her phone, not making eye contact.
That conversation sounded a lot better in her head. “At least tell me you’re okay. That you’re not, like, dying or something! You haven’t gone home with someone who’s gonna murder you or worse!”
“God, who are you, my mother?”
“No…” The blonde tilted her head a bit. “Just a concerned friend..”
“I can handle myself, thanks Jas. We’re gonna be fine.”
Knowing Jasmine’s track record, this wasn’t going to be the case. She could just imagine the rest of the time they’d have together. Come to think of it, Daya almost seemed happier when not directly around her. They’d host house parties, and as soon as Jasmine entered her little friend group, she just seemed… indifferent, and that stung worse than anything negative.”
“Daya… I’m not stupid.” Before Daya could respond – I could be the judge of that –, her roommate just kept going. She always needed to have the last word; how else could anyone pay attention to her? “I know how this goes. Communication slows down and then you’ll barely call and ten you’ll eventually forget I exist, only remembering when… when Facebook reminds you it’s my birthday, and even then I only get those well-wishes from aunts I haven’t spoken to since I came out!”
“You’re right…” Daya set down her guitar and stormed out of the room with Jasmine following close behind. “I’m sorry.” She apologized in the most insincere sounding way that she could. “I’m the worst for not calling or responding. You always answer calls and texts. You’re so good, and I’m the worst person in the world. You’re just so fucking perfect and amazing at making conversation.”
“I never said that you were perfect, I was saying that—"
“If you let people finish their fucking sentences, then they might still want to talk to you!”
That was just too far.
“Jaz, you might have been onto something. Maybe I will move out.
“You can’t!” She blurted out, immediately wishing she hadn’t said anything. “You can’t go...”
Daya almost laughed – out of shock, more than anything. “Why not? You clearly hate me.”
“No! Just… stay… please.”
“I - Out of everyone in our friend groups, why do you want ME to stay? Are you just saying Bosco can just go fuck off right now?” She knew she was just waving a red cape in front of Jasmine, waiting for her to just snap again. “Or… how about DeJa? Or Jorgie? Bye, Orion; you can’t be here any because Jasmine said so—"
Jasmine just slammed the door to her room with enough force for the paintings in the hall to shake.
If Daya paid enough attention, she could have heard some faint tears dripping from her leaky eyes. And this time, she did. She sat outside the door with her head in her hands, knowing she fucked up too late.
For the first time in Jasmine’s recent memory, Daya stayed.
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